#why!!!!!!!!! can't i just have parents i can talk to and feel better afterwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bairdthereader · 9 hours
Julio Spring, let's have a chat.
I find this man hard to write about because sometimes he makes himself exactly what his son needs, and other times he's almost damagingly quiet. Without knowing too much about Julio's past (I think I've read everything Alice has written about him, but for the purposes of this post I'm going to focus mainly on what we know from the show), it can be hard to parse his motivations and actions. But one thing we know for sure is that Julio is deeply concerned for Charlie.
The most poignant scene between them is obviously when Julio hugs Charlie after Harry's party. He can sense immediately that something is wrong, very wrong, but has the intuition and sensitivity to push aside the intense curiosity he must be feeling about why, or the details of what happened, and addresses the most pressing issue--Charlie's need for comfort and support.
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Though we never see it on screen, or even much in the books aside from some narrative flashbacks, this must be a tragically familiar scenario for Julio; after all, he's been through at least a year or more of dealing with the aftermath of the bullying Charlie experiences. How achingly difficult must it be for Julio to repeat "it's going to be okay" to his son when he knows there's a good chance it might not ever be truly okay. The trust that Charlie must have in Julio to allow himself to fall apart in front of him indicates that Julio must have handled those past crises with enough care to make Charlie see him as a safe space. [And we can't assume that Julio is safe for Charlie just because he's his father--Alice makes it clear in other storylines that safety with family is far, far from a given.]
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Julio has gone through this enough times that, when it's time to drop Charlie off at the cinema, he's clearly torn between allowing Charlie the freedom he needs, and the space to make his own judgments about what he can handle, versus his parental desire to protect Charlie from harm. The fact that he gives Charlie that space earns him a lot of respect in my eyes.
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Afterward, he can tell that the conversation between Charlie and Ben was an antagonistic one, and that his concerns were valid. There's nothing worse as a parent than anticipating hurt for your child and then having that fear come true. But Julio doesn't push, or dig for more. Maybe he should have, but those calls are always hard to make, and even harder to judge from the outside.
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A lot of Julio's tender and caring moments happen in the first season, so it's hard to watch in season two when there are many scenes where Julio is so obviously upset, worried, or angry, and yet does nothing. Sometimes, admittedly, it's hard to know what to do, and that's valid, but we need him to try.
We need Julio, who understands Jane and where she's coming from at least a little better than Charlie does, to step in and mediate when she's clearly letting her own past and her parents' critical behavior impact how she's interacting with her son.
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We need Julio to follow up on his concern, that niggling worry and doubt that he has, about Charlie not eating and isolating himself.
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We need Julio to object when he witnesses Charlie engaging in negative self-talk, to bolster his son with words of support.
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Julio Spring is a good dad who cares incredibly deeply for a son he can't always completely understand, but there's room for growth here too. I really hope we get to see that in season 3.
*And fear not, the infamous hanky panky conversation will get its own post.
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ranger-kellyn · 2 months
this whole "getting better" thing fucking BLOWS. what do you MEAN i have to stick to this whole thing of exercising basically daily, spending at least an hour across the day doing stretches and yoga, eating at minimum three meals, stay away from social media, and dedicating at minimum 20 minutes to journaling every single fucking day. what do you MEAN if i start slacking on EVEN ONE of them, it dominoes until i'm right back in "i'd rather be dead" headspace.............................
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melminli · 6 months
A Pretty Boy Is Still A Boy II
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - it was time for coriolanus to admit to himself that he wanted you for himself, because he too was a slave to his own needs.
word count: 2k+
contains: slight misogyny/slutshaming, mention of masturbation, suggestive themes, simp/sassy coriolanus who is down bad, enemies to lovers vibes, jealousy, toxic masculinity
inspo for this
part I
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Coriolanus never thought of himself as someone pathetic. Of course, he had enough situations he found himself in that made him seem like he was, such as his slightly insane grandma, the rats that were lurking inside their apartment, or the times when his stomach growled too loudly at the wrong moments and his own body decided to betray him.
It was things that were out of his control that made him miserable and he was fully aware of that, which is why he did everything in his power to get the control he lost with the death of his parents back into his own hands, where it belonged. It was his right as a member of the Snow family.
However, his body betrayed him in more than one way, and this time, it took more than just a dainty dish to satisfy his hunger. He hasn't been able to admit it to himself yet, but he's getting to the point where he can no longer deny it. Whose fault was it this time that made him seem so pathetic for being horny almost every day? That he couldn't stop thinking about dirty things while doing dirty things - so much so that he was even more sensitive than usual because he couldn't stop jerking off for god's sake.
This is so embarrassing, I want to die. He thought to himself every time after he finished, leaning back on his bed with his free arm covering his vision. Maybe this was his karma for all the times he judged random guys for being stupid horny teenage boys, because as it turned out, he wasn't one bit better than them. Eating cabbage every day didn't kill me, but this certainly will. I can live with a rotten stomach but not without my pride, that's for sure.
Maybe Coriolanus can still fall back on not being pathetic if he would simply make you his scapegoat. Of course, it was your fault. You were the one who started this all in the first place. You with your funny sparkling eyes, your stupid seductive grin, and...
He rolled over onto his stomach and screamed into his pillow in frustration. This can't be happening to me, I can't just be like those fucking pigs! Why are you doing this to me!
He didn't know whether he meant you or himself by the latter. He only knew one thing, and that was that he couldn't take this anymore. It had to stop. He straightened up and took a deep breath to collect himself before looking down at his pants. He was still hard, and he didn't have the privilege of simply taking a cold shower in situations like this if he didn't want to pay the water bill at the end of the month.
"Just one last time..." He whispered to himself and reached into his pants, since he always seemed to forget how long he would hate himself afterward when he thought of the pleasure waiting for him, as short-lived as it may be in comparison.
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"I mean, I just can't believe he said that. To be honest, I just want him to leave me alone, you know what I mean?" Sejanus said, having barely touched his food since he was too busy telling his best friend about his worries.
Coriolanus just hummed as he ate his food in silence, listening with only half an ear. He would have preferred to not listen at all, but he didn't want Sejanus to start telling the story all over again by misinterpreting his lack of interest as him not understanding what he was talking about. You're living the life, man. I really don't understand what you're complaining about. And what if your father wished you were a little less whiny? It would do you more good than harm, to be honest. "He should be more considerate of your feelings." said Coriolanus monotonously, taking another bite out of his potatoes, only for it to stick in his throat when he saw your figure approach their table as he happened to look around the area.
You sat down across from the two of them and placed your tray on the table while your signature grin adorned your face. "Hello, boys. I hope you don't mind if I join you today."
Actually, I do. I do mind. but you didn't really seem to be asking for an answer since you'd already made yourself comfortable anyway. Why do you even ask if you're going to do what you want anyway. Coriolanus just kept looking at his food as he listened to the conversation between you and Sejanus. At least I get something out of it.
"Of course not. You're always welcome here." Sejanus assured you with a nice smile. "Still, I hope you're not here because you fell out with the other girls or something?"
You shook your head. "No, everything is the same as always. Besides, I spend so little time with you guys. I thought I'd change that." You said and picked up your cutlery. "And well, Claudia's getting on my nerves a bit. Did you know that she has a crush on Mr. Augustus? He's such an ugly old man, I really don't know how it could have come to this." You said a little disturbed and didn't mention that she had severe father problems.
Both boys grimaced at what you said, one more than the other. Augustus was known for smelling like bacon, and he also had more than one gray hair on his head. On top of that, he always wore funny shoes that made his feet look weirdly long. "I really don't want to judge anyone, but that's really kind of weird. like Mrs. Nerva is right there. Why are you looking at old Augustus?" He asked, mentioning the pretty physics teacher.
You nodded vigorously. "That's exactly what I said too, but yeah, I don't want to elaborate on that." You tried to change the subject. "You've let your hair grow out quite a bit, haven't you, Sejanus? I didn't know you had such cute curls. They totally suit you. I love it." You gave him the compliment.
Coriolanus looked up for the first time, to the right, where he saw Sejanus smiling a little shyly from ear to ear. He couldn't help but bite the inside of his cheek in annoyance. I have curls, too. He thought somewhat bitterly but was too self-confident in his appearance to think that you preferred Sejanus over him. And they suit me way better than him.
"No, they make you look cute. Don't worry about it." You assured the Sejanus after he said that he was worried that his slightly longer hair might make him look a little unkempt. "More than usual, actually."
He couldn't believe it. Were you just flirting with that stupid district boy while he was sitting right in front of you? You've got to be joking. And what was even worse than that was that Sejanus was eating your words out of your hand like a tranated dog. Calm down. She's just calling you cute. Girls pay the same compliment to a handbag. If anything, she doesn't see you as a man. I mean, cute? Come on.
You never called him any endearing names other than that stupid Snowy and it wasn't like he minded or anything - he didn't care - but you always seemed to do it to everyone else and never him, which is just unfair. Doesn't matter. Didn't want some whore flirting with me anyway.
"Is something wrong, Snowy? You're so quiet." He finally heard your voice say and only now realized that Sejanus had left. You noticed his slight confusion. "Oh, he had to leave already. He said he didn't want to be late for his literature class. You don't have any classes now, do you?"
He couldn't look you in the eye. "No, I don't."
You smiled. "Me too. If you don't mind, maybe we could - "
" - do you not find me attractive?" Coriolanus interrupted you, finding his own statement very uncharacteristic of him. He shouldn't care, but he just had to know. He wanted an answer so he would stop thinking about a reason - thinking about you.
His sudden statement had thrown you off a bit. It took you a second, but the look in his eyes told you that he was completely serious. That's a bit unexpected, but I'm not complaining. "Well, of course I find you attractive. Isn't that obvious? Kids are annoying, Festus is into Aurora and has no chance, trust me I know and Coriolanus is..." You searched for the right words. "...a pretty boy."
He raised an eyebrow. He didn't have the information he wanted yet. "So?" He asked, trying not to think about how you said his name. Now, he felt like it was rather counterproductive to even bring this whole thing up in the first place.
Your eyes looked a little confused around the area. "So what?" You asked him and saw in his face an answer like, don't make me say it out loud, which led you to only be able to speculate about it. He seems a little insecure, and it seems like it has something to do with me, so.... "Why am I not trying to get into your pants?" You tried to read his mind.
He abruptly leaned in front of you. That wouldn't exactly have been his choice of words. "Don't say it so loudly." He whispered somewhat aggressively. There weren't that many people in the canteen anymore, but better safe than sorry. "...but I mean, yeah."
You just laughed, very amused. "Well, I'm not going to confirm or deny that I usually do this sort of thing, even if you think you've totally figured me out." You started and grinned. "And what? Do you want me to do it?"
Well, now he felt kinda very exposed, and you even teased him a little further when he didn't answer you directly. "I mean, to get into your - "
He interrupted you before you could repeat it again. "I know what you meant! And no of course I don't!" He exclaimed in a loud whisper, aware of how emotional he sounded. "What I'm saying is, no. I was just curious since you seem to be flirting with everything that breathes." He accused you. Just not with me.
Your mouth formed an O when you finally understood what he was getting at. He felt excluded. "So that's what this is about. Well, I don't know, I suppose you're just too pretty for me to just hit on you like everyone else." You said very obviously flirting with him right now. "Aren't you too good for that? The way I would flirt with you would be to take you out to dinner and then run my fingers through your pretty hair. Something more special."
So, she does like my curls. Knew it. The way you put it sounded just right, but he couldn't help but feel that it sounded a bit like... "I'm not a petite girl." He said offended. Somehow, your answer confused him even more than before, as he assumed it was just lust that attracted him to you. Stop thinking about going on a date with her. Are you out of your mind?
"So you wouldn't like it? That's too bad." You said, a little disappointed. You were really glad that Claudia was getting on your nerves today. Otherwise, you would never have found out how much fun it is to talk to Snowy. You had a little inkling that he wasn't quite as stoic as he always presented himself, but you didn't suspect that your behavior would be his downfall. You shouldn't have neglected him like that, but you were happy that you did.
Coriolanus wanted to deny it. He didn't want to admit it under any circumstances, but that would mean that he had to carry on as before. You seem to be attracted to him, too, and the fact that he knew that made it clear that he would not stop imagining what could be. Unless he confessed, of course. "I never said that." He replied.
"I'm happy to hear that." You said grinning brightly. "I take it you're free this weekend?" You asked him, aware that he would cancel everything else for you. You could see it in his eyes - he was yearning.
"I am." He replied, ready to plunge into new waters. Maybe that could satisfy his longing and everything could go back to normal like it was before. Where no single person had this much influence over him as you did now.
He tried telling himself that he wasn't like other men who wanted the whole cake, after one bite. Though, deep inside he knew that he was indeed just that. You already proved that to him.
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bedtimegiraffe · 3 months
I finally figured out why all the party members in Book 2 come out as so frustratingly self-focused to me.
It's not because they're all struggling with their own stuff. It's all about shelving your agenda- that thing in a relationship where you go, 'You need my support right now, so we're going to worry about my thing later.'
And MC does this constantly.
I just barely escaped death and found out a year passed, but is Kade recovered from the Shadow Court?
I just almost drowned, but it's time to comfort this owlbear cub and unpack Valax's trauma!
I just almost died twice to the Ash Empress, but is Nia coping with being corrupted okay?
Which can be okay. Shelving your agenda is part of a healthy relationship of any kind.
The problem is that no one does it back. I think Tyril and Nia kind of sum up the whole group's attitude:
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But I don't think MC was ever going to be 'ready.' Someone else was always going to have to 'unshelve' it for them and make an effort to put the focus on MC.
Now, adventurers don't tend to be particularly well adjusted people. The full party has got maybe 1.5 healthy childhoods and 4 living parents between them (judged pretty generously). But it still feels like the others can't get it together enough to ask if MC is okay. Not that MC really makes it easy! I see MC as someone who is so used to pushing their feelings down to focus on whatever work is in front of them, they almost can't access their own emotions.
Which is why we had the brief glimpses of panic and the breakdown moment in Chapter 17. I think the breakdown makes sense mechanically. Kade is the one character your MC is guaranteed to have a strong connection to and this way it's not gated behind any diamond choices (like some really crucial character moments with Aerin and Valax, no I'm not bitter about it). But that makes it feel like the whole party has been neglecting MC while Kade immediately sees MC and goes, "Dude, you are not okay. Talk to me.'
And MC tries to turn it into comforting Kade! Kade has to actively argue with MC to make them actually acknowledge that they're having a hard time.
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MC for some reason can't or won't talk about their own trauma and Kade (who's only been around for 5 minutes) is the one who has to actively force the issue for MC's own good. Which is not a great look for the rest of the found family.
Afterward, Mal and Nia both seem to address it without really getting the point. Mal says, "We know things didn't go the way any of us wanted." (Which could mean... anything. But I'm feeling generous.)
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Protecting MC from death is not an equivalent exchange to talking about feelings! It is in fact dodging the feelings by focusing on practicalities again! Y'all better get it together in Book 3, I swear.
Overall, MC constantly delays addressing their own vulnerability and issues to focus on everyone else. And the others don't know how to do the same thing for MC, so the pattern just gets more engrained and damaging.
Except for Kade, my perfect boy.
Sources (they're fun, I promise!):
Screenshots from Neckrone Shen's playthroughs of Blades on YouTube, my go-to for whenever I can't remember something or don't have the screenshots myself.
I think @oh-so-youre-a-nerd's incredible piece 'Take Take Take' kept rattling around in my head until I figured out how to articulate why it felt this way: https://www.tumblr.com/oh-so-youre-a-nerd/736449955360899072/take-take-take?source=share
The language of 'shelving your agenda' came from the very good Cinema Therapy video about Kristoff from Frozen:
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hollandsfavbabe · 6 months
Where Do We Go Now
pairing: peter parker x stark!reader
synopsis: in which the death of y/n's father leaves her determined to bring him back and her boyfriend peter determined to save her
warnings: endgame aftermath, death, parental loss, isolation, suicide attempt (but magical?), it gets better - I promise
word count: 7.1k
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a/n: Hey guys. This is going to be a bit longer than my usual notes, but I feel like I should explain why I've been gone for so long and why this story is a lot sadder than my usual ones. My community has been riddled with tragedy recently as we've lost a lot of people to suicide this past year, some of which have been as young as middle school age. One of my friends died by suicide a couple months ago. I can't express to you guys how hard it's been trying to deal with the pain and the guilt his death has caused me and my loved ones. So many days have passed where I wish I could've been a better friend for him while he was here. It hurts more knowing that other people are hurting too. Writing this was the best way for me to cope for many reasons. I wanted to write about how I'm feeling and honor my friend in some way even if it's through a silly little fanfiction. I know I'm late, but I also wanted to honor one of my favorite characters, Tony Stark as he canonically died this past October. That being said, if you are struggling please, I implore you, talk to someone. There are so many people on this planet who would be so torn without you. My dms are always a safe space if you need anything at all <3
Also I'd like to thank Gracie Abrams for her music that I had on repeat the entire time I was writing this. I hope you like it!
“I am Iron Man.”
The words replayed in your head, over and over like a broken record with no one to turn it to a new tune. That’s exactly how you felt. So alone in your grief that even if miraculously every wish you'd ever made in the whole of your existence had been granted, it still wouldn’t be enough to make you happy again. To make you feel anything besides the constant regret and incessant grief that anchored you down as you wasted away in your bed.
It had been exactly a week since the passing of the great Tony Stark. Everyone else in the compound had mourned their coworker, riddled by a somewhat lesser version of your sadness for only a few days after his death. It’s not as if their grief had been washed away as if it never stained their cheeks with tears or weighed down their hearts with sorrow, but it eased much quicker than yours and before long they could continue their duties. Everything was so much harder for you because Tony hadn’t just been a coworker. He was your father.
You relieved every memory you had of him like bittersweet torture. You remembered when he held you as a little girl, wiping up a bloodied knee. When he discovered you had powers and helped you control them. Later on when he banned you from joining in on the Avenger’s Civil War and afterwards when he thanked you for sneaking in to help anyway. You could almost feel his comforting embrace as if it was only yesterday that he was assuring you before a failed battle against the mad Titan Thanos, the same one that left you dusted and missing your father’s last five years on Earth. And finally, of course, you remember his last moments all too well. It played out before you like the tragic ending of a stage play. 
“Let me do it,” you shouted over the sound of war cries and carnage that surrounded you on the packed battlefield. “I can take it!”
You were almost certain that your power, your immeasurable magic, could handle the debilitating strength of the Infinity Stones making you the most reasonable choice for snapping Thanos and his army out of existence, but your father refused to risk losing his eldest.
“No,” he breathed, the metal plate shielding his chest rising and falling from the heat of the action. There was only one way to succeed, only one way to put a stop to the destruction of the universe. It had to be him. “I won’t risk losing you, not while you’re still so young. You have so much life ahead of you.”
“Not without you!” you cried, a tear streaming from your eye.
There wasn’t much time for your conversation as the world was moments away from being wiped of its human history, but despite the odds your father pulled you into a tight hug, as if he knew it would be the last. You both did.
“You are the strongest person I’ve ever known and I’m so proud of what you’ve become already.” he smiled when you finally pulled apart.
“I need you dad,” you sobbed, still reluctant to let him leave you. With the threat of his death, suddenly Thanos’ defeat didn’t matter anymore. Not nearly as much as having your father by your side. “I’m not ready.”
Your dad looked down on you with the saddest of smiles, but if any part of him was upset about his decision, he made no other hint toward it. He just held you close for as long as possible and comforted you in the way that you could always count on him for. In the way, it hit you, that you could never count on him for again. But yet, in the face of death, he cradled you close and spoke in his signature fatherly tone: assertive yet on the edge of softness.
“No one’s ever ready -,” he answered truthfully. “- but I know you can handle it. You always do.”
You looked up at him as he finally pulled away and headed towards the purple giant, but not before turning to you for one final declaration.
“I love you, junior, to the edge and back again.”
And then he was gone. You never got the chance to say it back.
Yours was the last name he uttered before his heart stopped beating and the light on his suit went out. By then Pepper had already said her goodbyes and you both were huddled close to his body, weeping as the other Avengers knelt around you in honor of your father. Peter was hunched behind you, one hand on your shoulder while the other worked to wipe away his own tears. Oh Peter, you had your father to thank for him.
It was Tony who was credited with setting you up with your long term boyfriend, Peter Parker, even if it was a complete accident. You two had gotten acquainted on a fateful plane ride to Germany and eventually ended up together after many failed attempts at confessing your feelings. There was something about him that had you smitten with him from your first encounter, your liking only strengthened when you learned that your father approved. He’d been with you through thick and thin and even now, Peter was the only person who could even remotely share your pain besides Pepper. Tony was like his father too.
He’d taken care of you ever since the incident. Brought you food and water, helped you dress in your black attire for the funeral, laid with you in your bed each night to calm you whenever you awoke in a nightmarish terror. He showed his love for you prevailing over his grief in the most selfless of ways and yet all you had managed to do since you father’s funeral was stand to use the restroom every once in a while. It piled on more weight that your poor soul could already take. You were nothing, but a miserable burden now.
The door to your room opened with squealing hinges as Peter stepped in, returning from school where he had spent the morning reuniting with your shared friends and finding out when the official return date was. You were supposed to join him, but instead you hadn’t moved an inch since he left. It wasn’t as if you wanted to waste the entire day in your lonely sheets again. You yearned for everything to go back to how it was; when Peter was happy and you could share it with him. When your father used to smile upon the two teens he didn’t mean to bring together. When your father was alive.
“Hey,” he said, softly as if not to startle you from your endless torturous pondering. He set something down on your dresser, a small stack of papers he must have gathered from the school, and removed his fall coat before sauntering over to you. The bed creaked and shifted under his weight as he took a seat next to you. “Good news, we don’t have to go back until the next semester so we get a break until January. Ned was asking about you. He wants to know how you’re doing.”
You turned your head to look at him, your eyes red-rimmed from all of your crying and your lips cracked and dry.
“What did you tell him?” you croaked, your voice hoarse from under use. There was little to talk about and no one else to talk to whenever Peter wasn’t around. Pepper had visited you once, but with Morgan to look after, she couldn’t spare much time for her late husband’s grieving daughter. You’d seen Happy a couple times as well, but he needed his own time to recover and reflect on his past time with his best friend.
Peter was gentle as he tucked some of the hair strands snot cemented to your jaw behind your ear and cupped your cheek in his palm. He was cold from the autumn chill outside, but his hand ignited the same soothing heat that his touch always brought forth.
“I said you were recovering,” he answered truthfully. “And that it’s different for everyone. And no matter how long it takes, I’m here for you every step of the way.”
The ghost of a smile graced your lips and had it not felt like it stopped beating after losing your father, your heart may have fluttered in its cavity in your chest.
“Thanks Peter,” you curled closer to him in the most sincere of ways. “But I’m afraid it’s going to be a while before I can get up to see Ned again. Give him my best.”
“Take your time. I’m sure he understands.” Peter assured before pulling off his flannel and laying down beside you to wrap you in his arms, allowing you to tuck your face in his chest. As unhappy as you were, all the swirling emotions of suffering were always suppressed by the sound of Peter’s heart and the feel of his body around yours. You stayed like that for a while, holding each other before Peter broke the silence as it neared time for your midday meal.
“I think you should come with me today,” Peter suggested, rising to run his daily lunch retrieval before running a loving hand through your hair. You couldn’t understand how he hadn’t gotten sick of you yet. You hadn’t been able to wash in over a week. “It’s not good for you to stay here all day long. You need to start moving.”
His voice was full of worry, though he wasn’t overbearing. He wanted the best for you, it’s all he ever wanted really.
“I don’t know Peter, I don’t think I can.” you sighed as tears started to fill your eyes again. How could anyone stand to be around you when you were being so pathetic. You wished there was a way to erase your pain, anything to bring you to your normal self again.
“It's okay baby,” Peter hugged you into a tight embrace, kissing your tears as they fell in slow salty streams. “I know it hurts, I feel it too. But I read somewhere that the best thing to do is keep a consistent routine. Maybe you should start today. Come get lunch with me.”
You wanted to agree, but there was no part of you that could move from the weight of your grief. It pressed you down, gravity multiplied by the mass of your sadness as it consumed you. It felt as if only a miracle could save you now.
“I’m so sorry.” you stated with remorse, but Peter made no move to share his disappointment if he had any at all. Instead he leaned down from his seated position and placed his lips on your forehead, a gesture as if to say that all was alright.
“Please don’t cry, y/n. It’s okay.” he assured you before standing to leave and get you something that you figured you probably wouldn’t even eat very much of.
“I’ll be right back,” he promised, turning the handle of your door to leave before looking back at you sprawled on your bed. Suddenly, as if he had recalled the cure to the rainiest of days, he expression shifted to one of great excitement as he stopped back into your room.
“I almost forgot,” he began. “Doctor Strange was here earlier. He wanted me to tell you he’s offering some meditation sessions for you if you’re interested. He said they’d be good for your powers and that they might help you feel better if you want to think about it. He’s free at 8 tomorrow.”
You nearly perked up at the sound of the man’s name, picking up your head to cast a last longing glance at Peter as he waited for a parting word.
“Thanks,” you managed. “I’ll let you know.”
And off Peter went to get you both something to eat.
You weren’t sure if he knew how dangerous it was for you to be left with your thoughts, how the mention of the magic doctor sprouted a myriad of mystical ideas all aimed at the same goal that would erase your eternal lonesome aching. How to bring your father back. By the time Peter returned with his hands full of two homemade sandwiches and more sweets than the two of you could ever finish in one sitting, your mind had been made up and you were ready to set the plan in motion.
The following evening was your first time out of the confines of your rooms for days. Peter had helped you greatly with all the tasks you did not have the mental power to do all on your own. He had brushed your hair and made your bed and before you left in one of the less expensive cars held on Avenger’s campus, he sent you off adorned with one of his favorite sweatshirts, a peck on the forehead and enough I love you’s to last more than a lifetime.
You pulled the sleeve of Peter’s sweatshirt over your palm as you drove off, using the cloth to wipe away fresh tears that had fallen after you left your boyfriend’s loving gaze. You’d always been an overthinker, but your bad habits crept up on you worse in your unbreakable stage of sadness. Especially in your father’s favorite car.
You didn’t understand why he hadn’t left you already. Maybe he would. Peter had offered to join you at Strange’s, but after you insisted you had to go alone, he made plans to go help his Aunt May figure out their apartment situation as the pair had been inadvertently kicked out after being gone for so many years. You’d almost forgotten he used to split his nights between the compound and his own bedroom. Recently he’d only stay with you.
He promised to be back before dinner so that the two of you could keep up your progress, but an unsolicited voice within you convinced you that he wouldn’t want to return. You weren’t good enough for him anymore, not like you used to be. Your plan was better for the both of you and as you pulled up to the familiar building on Bleecker Street, all the pieces started to fall into place.
You stepped up to the door, raising your fist to knock only for the door to crack open by itself as if to invite you in. You waited for the familiar sternness of Doctor Strange’s voice to greet you once you were past the stone floored foyer, but only wisps of the autumn breeze caught your ear. 
“Strange?” you called, your voice still not stable enough to be louder than a whispery dialogue. You were met with no response. It was just like you had planned. The wizard wasn’t home.
You felt a strong tug towards the room of your desires, the forbidden library. It was as if fate was leading you or some other force from above, another sign that you were meant to do it.
Your steps were more sure than they had been in days as you made your way to the self, passing any magical fire walls with the sheer unfiltered strength of your powers. Strange once told you that they were guided by your emotion, the quintessential essence of every magic holder even to people like you and Wanda Maximoff who were outside of his world protecting wizard cult. It was easier than it should have been, like slicing paper with a katana, you broke each enchantment until all that was left was the cool leather cover of the book you were looking for. The book with every answer you needed inside its ancient yellowing pages, but you only needed the spell that would revive your father. Locating it near the middle of the book, your tore out the page and turned back to your car, leaving the Sanctum with the same unhurried pace you had entered it with. There was no stopping you now.
Peter was only an half an hour late for your agreed meet up time when he arrived at the campus. He expected you’d be in your room as per usual and as he made his way to your door, the excitement of getting to hold you and talk about your first day out of the campus since the funeral built up in his chest. He wasn’t sure if any accomplishment in the world could make him as proud as he was of you. With two brown paper bags of groceries in his hand, he couldn’t wait to shower you in the affection that you deserved with all of your favorite snacks, enough to share of course.
“Y/n,” he smiled, using his webbing to open your door handle only to find, much to his disappointment, that you were nowhere to be found.
He checked all over campus, leaving the bags by your bed. No one had seen you since you’d left and the spot where the car you’d taken was still empty, the normally pristine concrete covered in fallen crisp maroon leaves. It didn’t make any sense. Where could you possibly have gone?
“Y/n!” he called, circling the perimeter of the campus looking for you. There was still no sign of your reappearance. “Y/n- oh. Hi Ms. Maximoff.” Peter forced a strained smile as he nearly bumped into the woman.
“Peter, we’ve been over this,” Wanda answered, her voice calm. “You can call me Wanda.”
Like you, the witch hadn’t been doing the best in recent days as she had lost something just as valuable as a father: her partner. While she occasionally had days where the ground would’ve been lucky to feel the grace of her step, her superhero duties had kept her from spending each day hidden from society. She had a different way of coping, but like others, she seemed to start getting back into routine again.
“Right, sorry Wanda.” Peter apologized.
“What are you doing out here?” inquired the witch in her native Sokovian accent, always intuitive. “Is something wrong?”
“It’s y/n. I can’t find her anywhere and we agreed to meet back here nearly - an hour ago!” Peter pulled up his coat sleeve to check the time on his watch, the face of which bore a picture of him and your father from only a few months before the snap. It had been a birthday gift, one of his favorites in fact, though it couldn't top what you had given him the same year: a lego set and your first kiss.
“I didn’t know that she got out of bed. That’s a big step!” 
“Yes it is and we were going to celebrate tonight, but she hasn’t come back yet which is really not like her.” worried Peter.
“Where did she go?”
“Strange’s. He was going to give her a meditation lesson for her powers.”
Confused, Wanda's eyebrow furrowed and she crossed her arms over her chest. “Doesn’t she know how to use them already?”
“Yes, but he thought it would help her manage her grief. Working out is a pretty common method, but she hates going to the gym so he figured some meditation would be better for her and -“
“Wait, hold on. Did she go to him this morning?”
“Yes and she was supposed to be back around noon, but it’s nearly six and she’s still gone.” Peter explained.
“Peter!” Wanda chided. She couldn't believe he could make such a grave mistake.
“Strange hasn’t been at the Sanctum all day!”
“What?! Where is he?”
“Do I look like a wizard to you?" the witch gestured to her casual leggings and cardigan pairing that drastically differed from Strange's usual eccentric costumes. "How should I know?”
As if summoned by the topic of conversation, a figure appeared in the distant grass, hovering over the blades until he was close enough to be able to walk. His cape that flowed in the breeze like a blood red stream with a mind of its own was a dead give away. Doctor Strange had indeed arrived in the flesh.
“Parker,” he greeted, though he did not smile. “Is Ms. Stark ready for our lesson?”
Peter’s eyes went wide as he realized his mistake.
“Oh no.” he muttered, shaking his head in defeat. He was met with confusion from the wizard.
“No?” Strange repeated. “We agreed upon 8 didn't we? I know I'm a little early, but I assumed she wouldn't be busy. Didn’t you let her know I was coming?”
“Yes,” Peter confirmed. “I told her to be ready and then I sent her off to your place at 8… am.”
“What?!” Strange exclaimed as he summoned a portal to appear leading directly to his found home on Bleecker Street. He stepped through the fiery ring, a silent invitation for the others to follow as he hurried passed your car, up the steps, and into the door which did not part of him the same way it had earlier. Inside he was met with the most frightful of discovers accompanied by the looming feeling of doom as the situation became clear.
The Sanctum, unguarded with his absence, lay littered with books that had fallen from their homes on his shelf’s yet one stood out from all the others. It laid on the floor open with its pages to the ground while every other book was shut. Levitating it with the simple flick of his wrist, a horrifying sight awaited Strange as he turned it over. One of the pages in the sacred book was missing.
“Do you know how serious this is?!” Strange exclaimed and although Peter at first took it as a barbed criticism aimed directly at him, he was able to distinguish Strange’s tone from when he was reprimanding. This was a separate kind of worry, the sort of tone that he had used heavily on the fated spaceship you three had been stuck in until you landed on Titan, Thanos’ home world, nearly five years ago. Treachery was afoot and if your powers were involved, the whole fabric of your current reality could change.
“Which one did she take?” Wanda pointed to the book, clearly noticing the giant tear in its center.
Strange’s voice answered, heavy with concern. “The revival spell.”
“You don’t think she knows, do you? She can’t possibly know how to conjure it.” asked Wanda, the same concern for their future written all over her face.
“That’s exactly what I think.” Strange confirmed.
“What?” Peter asked. “What are you guys talking about?”
“There are many types of magic, Parker, and the Sanctum, the building where you sent your girlfriend, is full of all of them, good and bad alike. Every spell comes with a price, the bigger the spell, the bigger the price and the spell she took comes with one of the biggest prices there is to pay.”
“Think about it, Peter,” Wanda paled. “What does y/n want most in the world right now?”
It hit Peter harder than fresh fallen hail. You were going to try to bring your father back.
“We have to find her. Now.”
Strange tried to use his sling ring to appear wherever you were, but in your grief, the extent of your powers had grown massively. Intentionally or not, you managed to prevent even the most powerful of wizards from using his Sling Ring to access your location.
“She's blocked me out.” Strange frowned. “We’re going to have to track her on foot.”
“She can’t be far,” Peter agreed. “She always takes the shortest path whenever she wants something.” It was one of the many things he loved about you: your ability to turn any taxing task into something much simpler. You were one of the cleverest people he knew. He just hoped it didn’t work in your favor this time.
It was Wanda who had the idea of tracking your magic. She led them to the nearest withering woodland area, where trees with bare branches and dying leaves sprawled endlessly. It was the perfect place to perform dark magic, away from the unyielding eyes of society. The trio didn’t hesitate to run in.
The further they got, the closer you felt especially to Peter despite the fact that he was the only one without his own source of magic. If he lost you tonight, he feared he’d never feel any sort of magic ever again.
They were only half an acre in when Wanda and Strange called out in anguish, the witch falling to her knees while Strange stayed standing, pounding the air with his fist as his trying to break through an invisible barrier though it was to no avail. Whatever was holding him back, it wasn’t fading anytime soon.
“Keep going, Parker!” he shouted, urging Peter forward. “You’re the only one who can stop her. The spell will only allow that which she loves.”
“How do I do it?” Peter shouted. “How do I stop the spell?”
“The page,” Wanda replied, quicker than Strange could as his reply was easy for her to access. “You have to tear it apart.”
Without wasting a second more, Peter sprung back towards where he could feel you, running without fatigue as his superhuman endurance supplied him with plenty of energy.
It was only a minute later that he caught his first sign of you. There was a break in the tree line out of which a bright amber glow poured like an incandescent warning. It was a dramatic contrast from the normal comforting emerald greens of your magic, but it was you nonetheless and Peter didn’t stop until he was so close he had to shade his eyes from the light.
If it weren’t for the dark nature of what you were doing, Peter would’ve considered it one of the most beautiful events he’d ever seen take place. He wasn’t sure if the circle of trees that surrounded you had been a natural formation or one you made for the sake of the spell, but he was sure the way they seemed to bend to your will, despite the hard wood of their birch trunks, had to be because of your power. In the center of it all was you and the page you had stolen atop a pile of purple and golden leaves. You stood before it, eyes closed as you whispered some sort of incantation. Your powers spread above you in orange flickering flames as you outstretched your arms and summoned what looked like the beginnings of a portal, though it was hard to peer through like a bride covered in a veil of night black.
Peter shouted your name, screaming for you to stop, but you didn’t so much as flinch as the portal grew. You couldn’t hear him over the force of your will. He could start to feel what Wanda and Strange were trapped behind. There was some sort of invisible wall that threatened to push him back from you, but he couldn’t be defeated. He had to stop you. Step by step, he got closer and closer to you, watching in horror as your body was lifted from the ground and floated in midair. A new energy started weeping through the fabric that covered your chest, soft and white like a sheer glittering fabric. It drifted towards the portal and as Peter neared you he could make out the outline of a face forming from it in the black center of it. It started to take shape, growing a neck and a body and becoming more concrete than a fragmented part of your energy. He became more unmistakable as the color grew back into his face. Tony Stark, in the flesh. Peter hurried towards the page.
You opened your eyes to gaze into the face of your father, tears flowing down your face partially from the exhaustion of bringing him back and from being able to see him again.
You tried to say something, tell him how much you had missed him, but you were left rendered without a voice. Your words came out as mouthed nonsense, though it seemed he had regained his voice.
“Y/n,” he uttered, though it seemed more like a warning than a greeting after being torn from you for so long.
You mouthed something you knew he’d understand. I love you too, dad.
Some other force called your name, but you ignored it. You couldn’t focus on anything else, but the father you had lost regaining life right in front of you. With every part that he gained, you felt a part of your fade. It wasn’t painful, more numbing than anything like the final dose to end all your sadness. You couldn’t help but relish in it. You were bringing back one of the greatest men to ever live.
You were so distracted, you missed the web that landed on the page below you and pulled it away.
“Y/n,” your dad said again, nearly having enough of one of his legs to step out of the portal when suddenly, the inky blackness swallowed him whole again and dissolved in the forest light, taking back the only thing you ever wanted.
“NO!” you cried as your voice returned to you and you fell back down to the dry grass and dead leaves, crumpled on the forest floor as all of the magic you had summoned faded away save for the glittering cloud that returned to your chest with such force it made you cough. You had failed.
“Y/n!” someone called and you shuddered away from their hand on your shoulder as loud sobs erupted from you. 
“Leave me!” you begged. “Just leave!” Peter refused to leave your side, tossing behind him the page he had shredded into tiny scraps of paper as he knelt beside you, careful not to touch you again. “Why did you have to do that? Why did you take him from me?”
“You were going to die! I couldn’t let you di-“
Peter froze as you whimpered, the truth spreading above the both of you in the cold air like storm clouds as you cried to him.
“I want him back. Everyone wants him back. No one cares about his depressed daughter and I don’t want to hurt anymore, Peter.” you paused to take a deep breath. “It- it hurts so much.” you could barely get the words out as you were choked by your sobs. “It hurts knowing I could’ve saved him. It hurts knowing it should’ve been me that snapped those stupid stones. And I don’t want to live with that anymore. I had to try to bring him back for the world. It needs him more than it needs me.”
You brought a hand to your face, wiping away some of your tears, though it was no use as more came pouring out.
“I need you.” uttered Peter, looking into your glossy eyes. The sight of your tears and the echo of your screams couldn’t deter him from you. You can’t be repelled from the ones that you love.
“But you miss him, don’t you,” you argued as hot tears coated your face. “You want him back too.”
Peter nodded in agreement.
“I think about him everyday. Our moments together. Like this one time he saved me from drowning in a lake. Or-“ Peter grinned. “- remember when he caught us making out that one time before we told him we were together. He was so mad.” Peter smiled to himself, looking fondly on the memory until he began again.
“I miss him so much and it makes me so sad that I'll never see him again. But I wouldn’t trade you for him. I wouldn't trade you for anyone. You’re worth more to me than anyone else in the universe.”
Your sobs slowed yet the tears did not cease as they still cascaded down your face.
“It hurts me so much.” you restated.
Peter opened his arms. “May I?” he asked. You nodded and before you knew it, you were engulfed by a warmth unlike any other as Peter hugged you tight enough to make sure you wouldn’t try to leave him again.
“I know you do,” he related. "And I wish I could take it away. I wish I could just bag all your pain and throw it all away. But it doesn't work like that. It's going to hurt. It's going to be painful, so much so that you won't move from bed for days and days. You haven't." 
"But I feel like everyone else has already moved on. Why can't I?" you shivered.
"No one else was as close to him as you. Everyone else lost a friend. You lost a father. There's a big difference. You can't expect yourself to move on from it. That's not healthy. It's just like I said, I'm here for you no matter how long it takes. You have to take your time with it, don’t rush the process." Peter pressed the lightest of kisses to one of your dampened cheeks.
"I just don't know what to do."
As silly as it sounded in its simplicity you did as he instructed and inhaled deeply, allowing the air to coat your lungs that hadn’t been exposed to so much fresh air in a week. As you exhaled, you let out another sob in his arms, but somehow it felt better than all the others. You were not rid of your pain by any means and sadness still corroded your core, but for the first time in so long, you didn’t feel so hopeless. Peter placed another gentle kiss on your cheek, encouraging you as you took several more slow breaths and quiet cries until you found the strength to speak again.
“Was it like this for you when your parents died?” you wondered aloud as you pulled away from Peter to look into his chocolate brown eyes that you almost forgot you loved so much, yet not so far that he couldn't keep his arms around your frame that was still bearing his sweatshirt. You hadn’t spoken much about them before and while you weren’t sure where the question had arisen from, it felt like the right thing to ask.
“I was so young when they passed, sometimes I feel like they were never mine to begin with,” he admitted. “I took a couple days off school when it happened, but I don’t remember crying all that much. It’s tragic and sometimes it makes me sad that they’re gone, but I’m glad that it does. It’s a reminder that they were there for me in the first place, that I knew them enough to miss them. The grief is proof that I loved them while they were here.”
You were both silent for a moment as you thought about his words in relation to your situation. All your pain was put into perspective. Everything you had been through since he died, all the days you wasted away in bed, it was all the proof that you had loved him so much when he was alive and that you were still carrying the love you had left for him. You missed your father so much you were willing to die to get him back and for a moment, you almost did.
You parted from Peter’s arms to stand though you still grasped onto his hands as you weren’t strong enough to be upright on your own. You closed your eyes again and listened to the sound of the forest, the swaying of the leaves that still clung to their branches, the faint twittering of birds, and the calm of the sky that was oddly cloudless for autumn. The sound of your name falling from your father’s reformed lips was still faint in the air and for a moment you felt as though you were with him again.
You remembered when he taught you how to ride a bike one evening when you were only four. You remembered the day he pulled you from public school and started teaching you at home. You remembered the look of shock on his face when you showed him your powers for the first time and even more, you remember his pride when you completed your first mission with the Avengers (that he'd approved ahead of time to avoid any more Germany -like surprises). He wasn’t there, but at the same time he was everywhere. And you missed him, but at the same time the absence he left in your life felt less empty.
The tears came out in slow smooth streams, flowing down in slow trickles as you finally sat back down. You didn’t say anything and neither did Peter, but you knew he could feel what you felt. He could feel your father too and minutes slipped by as you sat and cried together.
There was a sudden rustling in the distance and soon enough, Doctor Strange and Wanda had arrived at the scene, no longer held back by invisible barriers. They rushed to you bringing flooding guilt through your system as you began to apologize.
“I’m sorry,” you cried. “I’m so sorry.”
Strange opened his mouth to speak, but he had nothing to say. You could tell by his expression that he was disappointed, but there was more to it. He had empathy.
It was Wanda that leaned down to place a friendly hand on your shoulder.
“Let’s get you home.”
The months following were some of the hardest of your life. Every battle you faced was uphill, but you no longer felt like you were fighting alone. You started going out again, first to visit Pepper and your half sister Morgan who lived in their cabin home. Peter joined you of course, but he played with Morgan for the most part while you and Pepper talked. You cried with her, but you laughed a lot too. She shared with you so many of her own memories, times when your father didn't know what to get you for your birthday, when he had managed to mess up cooking dinner in the strangest of ways, and when he’d accidentally burned your favorite stuffed animal in the drying machine all of which Pepper had to remedy. Though she hadn’t raised you, she was the mother you never had and through her stories you learned that your father had been just as good raising Morgan with her as he had been with you.
You hung out with Ned and MJ again shortly after that. While Peter had suggested a brief check-in at a cafe so you could go home quickly to rest, you surprised him with a much more time consuming idea: laser tag. The four of you had the best time targeting each other, you winning more rounds than any of the others. You ended the day with smoothies, talking as you drank and making plans for the next time you would all see each other. MJ made you promise you would text her if you ever needed anything and Ned gave you a whole plate of his Lola’s ensaymadas, your favorite dish of hers.
Finally, though he was locked up in his house and avoiding humanity, you visited Happy. Peter offered to join you like all the other times, but you assured him it would be best if he stayed home, promising you would return later. Happy was in a similar state of dismay to you when you saw him and while he was able to care for himself and continue with his personal routine, you could tell he was hurting.
You didn't say much when you first entered his apartment, but there was comfort within the silence. You sat with him on his sofa and watched whatever mind numbing program he had turned on to distract his thoughts until you had both worked up an appetite for lunch. It was there, in the middle of a random Burger King in Queens over a plate of cheeseburgers that you both broke down. You told him what you had nearly done, trusting him with the sensitive information as he was almost a second father to you. You took your time telling him the story of how you had nearly died to bring back your father.
Happy cried as you did and when you were finished, he told you how much you meant to him. He traded your story for one from your father after he returned from Afghanistan where he had famously been kidnapped.
"You could tell he was shaken," Happy began. "He told me he wasn't scared to die, but he was scared of losing time with you and leaving you alone. Pepper and I had been so busy trying to get him back, he was worried you had been neglected while he was gone. But when he came home and he saw your room clean, your toys put away, and a fridge full of leftovers from meals you prepared yourself, he was so proud. You inspired him to turn his life around. It was after that he told me that he knew you'd be okay if he was taken from us one day."
You both cried after that.
Long after you had finished your food, Happy drove you to the Parker's new apartment with the promise that he would be okay too, eventually. He also admitted that he was starting to develop quite the liking for your faithful boyfriend after hearing all that he had done for you, though he’d skin you alive if you ever told Peter.
It was that night in Peter's new bedroom that you knew you’d be okay. It still hurt to think of your father and you knew you’d never entirely recover and that the pain would never fully leave you, but there was a certain comfort in it now. You knew Peter felt it too as he snuggled half asleep into your side, his arm slung around your body in a protective manner, but also to keep from falling of the twin bed you shared as he let you sleep on the side with the wall. There were still days when you didn’t want to leave your bed, but there were also days when you felt more elated than ever. You could feel your father in those moments the most, like the shine of his smile took form in the light from the sun. You couldn’t see him nor could you speak with him, but you knew he wasn’t really gone. It was love that kept him around. And it was the love you carried for him that would suspend you for lifetimes, through light and dark until the end of time.
“I hope this grief stays with me because its all the unexpressed love” - Andrew Garfield 💙
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sawyerconfort · 8 months
dancing with the devil | verna x reader
I'm back!!!
this one is just a spooky season special, as I've been away for all these days and haven't done one yet, I thought it would be cool to do it now!
this oneshot comes a lot from my obsession with Mike Flanagan's work, which even led me to watch The Fall of the House of Usher recently.
and, of course, it also comes from my obsession with Carla Gugino.
so, I hope you like it!
late requests coming out soon, so stay tuned!
requests open, but please be patient with me.
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PROMPT: It's New Year's Eve, and you find yourself in a bar, completely alone, with no one to give you the good luck's kiss. But a mysterious new barista catches your eye, and she could be your salvation, if only she didn't hide so many secrets.
You weren't one to complain, but it had been a pretty horrible year.
People generally await the New Year with a lot of ambition, full of resolutions, glamorous plans and self-centered achievements. But you do not.
You just wanted the next one to be better.
As if the miserable conditions you were experiencing at Fortunato were not enough, not being paid enough for the effort you made, sitting at the reception desk at the behest of the great Rufus Griswold - who did nothing except try to harass you in every way -, in a routine exhausting where you could never sleep properly, you still had your parents, and the terrible relationship you had with them.
So, when you sat at that bar, at the lonely counter, all you thought about was stuffing yourself until you pass out, hoping for a counting miracle. Some people were getting along well when you arrived, and others were giving you side-eye, but with the thought that you were less attractive to them, you decided that the counter would be the best option.
Suddenly, those eyes that looked yellow from afar fell on you, and the figure that carried them turned around, with a subtle smile.
"I see someone needs a drink, hm?"
You looked at her, and shrugged, before answering. "Just today. I can't drink, I still have work tomorrow."
She continued to smile, and you had the slight impression that her eyes had returned to their normal color. Clear, deep and very eye-catching. But it could just be the impression, because you were too exhausted to make sense.
"Ah, I understand. Just a minute, I'll prepare something relaxing for you, miss…"
She nodded, turning away and concentrating on preparing whatever the drink was. Like I said before, you were too tired to care about what drink you were going to drink. If you could just get to New Year with something in your throat, that would be a good idea.
After minutes that felt like seconds of waiting, the barista turned to you, two shiny glass cups in her hands. She was still smiling subtly as she slid your glass and turned hers in her other hand.
She served you with the same smile, and then looked at you. "It's funny, I can see there's something wrong with you... Something that's stopping you from celebrating tonight."
You looked back at her, frowning, and sighing afterwards.
"It's true, it was... It wasn't a very good year", you commented, feeling terrible for venting to a stranger. "But the year ahead will be better, I know that."
"And why is that? Why was it so bad?"
"My boss, my work... everything makes me exhausted... and not having anyone to talk to is really bad at these moments...", You took a sip. "Um, that's great, is it Merlot?"
"It's Merlot, but it's not one of the best...", the barista said, tapping her glass still. "I've seen and experienced better, around the world."
"Have you been around the world?", you asked, unable to resist your curiosity. She smiled and nodded. "Where did you go? On that expedition?"
"I've been there too, but not just on this occasion", she said, and suddenly stopped, as if she were saying too much. "You know, it's interesting, being on the other side. Sometimes it's tiring, it breaks my heart, but... It's good, there are things there that are worth the effort."
You were more intrigued. She didn't look like the type of person who would travel around the world, wearing black clothes and a gothic look, as if she wanted to hide on purpose. Generally, these trips are made for people who want to be seen, above all else in the world.
"What are you talking about, exactly?"
"Have you ever had a dream... a desire... a deep, hidden desire that no one has ever fulfilled, and that you yourself didn't imagine you could achieve?", she looked at you with the same curiosity as you. "I'm like... A dream maker. I go on these trips just for that..."
You frowned, still not understanding, but took another sip to hide it, nodding.
"Are you the personification of the genie in the lamp?"
She laughed. "Ah, I would like to, but no. It would be a lot of ego on my part, but I would say that I'm better than him", she laughed. "Verna is my name, but the name never makes that much of a difference to me."
“Different name, never heard it before,” you said, drinking again. "Are you from here?"
"I'm from nowhere. I'm everywhere, at all times... it's strange, I know, but it makes sense to me."
You nodded, finding it strange. And then, he found it even stranger when she helped herself to the Merlot on the counter and drank some. She smiled at you, still tapping the glass.
"But what about you, (Y/N)? Do you have any desires that you thought would be unrealizable, unattainable? Please be honest with me."
You opened your mouth, and then thought a little. "No. I think I'm happy this way. Except for a few little things that I would change here and there..."
She softened her gaze and took a sip, her clear eyes suddenly yellowed again and wide, fixed on you. "What kind?"
“Like, my boss giving me the justice I deserve, and stop hitting on me,” you laughed, drinking the last sip and pouring yourself again. "Not much."
"Your boss is too terrible for you, (Y/N)," Verna replied, smiling. "Don't ask me how I know this, but I do. One day someone will show him what's really good, don't worry."
You frowned. "You seem so sure, are you some kind of psychic?"
She laughed. "No. I would like to be, but no. I... I see people's possibilities. And that's it. I help them based on the possibilities."
She stared at you again, and looked away at the TV, where the ball was falling on the screen in Times Square.
"Oh, it looks like it's almost time," she whispered, laughing. "Your year is going to be great, (Y/N), I'll make sure of that."
“You…” you started, but she shushed you, smiling.
"You just have to make a deal with me."
"What kind of deal?"
Verna thought for a while, and then smiled. "Wow, you seem so sure..."
She was mocking you, of course, you realized right away, and with a muffled laugh, you glanced back at the TV, hearing people echoing a countdown. The ball finally reached its destination, and you turned around, seeing Verna's yellow eyes glued to yours again. She suddenly leaned over and stole a peck from you, taking a little too long to pull away.
“Was that your deal?”, you whispered, smiling mischievously. Verna took a moment to open her eyes and then tilted her head, as if agreeing.
She thought for a while and then finally said, her voice low, slowly close to your ear, as if she wanted to seduce or bewitch you. She had one of the softest voices you'd ever heard, and apparently she knew how to use it.
"Actually, it was a plan to find out if you were trustworthy, if you were innocent enough to accept my deal…", she whispered. "And because I know, deep down, that what you wanted most was to be kissed on New Year's Eve, my sweet client."
You trailed off, looking at her, getting lost in the soft expression on her pale face. Suddenly, an impulsive idea occurred to you, and you leaned in again, kissing her, this time with more intensity. When you touched her hair, behind the back of her head, you had the impression that it melted at the touch, as if Verna were just an illusion, as if she were the literal cosmic dust from which human beings possibly emerged.
However, the kiss didn't last long. She pushed you away with her feather-light hands, and to the naked eye, it looked like it was just a breeze of wind stopping you both. She touched your face, running her fingers lightly across your cheek as she whispered:
"We can't do that right now, (Y\N). I'm afraid you're not sober enough, and it wouldn't be wise for me to take advantage of this."
You looked at it for a moment and realized it made sense. But she had kissed you first, so it was clearly just an excuse, as always happened. You started to wonder if your kiss was that bad.
"But, Verna…"
"Please, darling. I'm trying to be reasonable. Like I said, I work with possibilities, and the possibility of us working out is less than zero. Don't get me wrong, it's just in case…", she hesitated. "Condemning pure-souled humans to my cruel and inevitable fate wouldn't be extremely political of me."
You sighed, and gave her the space she needed, even though you couldn't take your eyes off her. Verna was the same, and you could feel that, despite what it seemed like, that moment you shared wasn't just fun, much less just a New Year's kiss.
Verna poured you the rest of the Merlot and, with the same soft expression, touched your face again. This time, her voice was clear, and in a moment of vulnerability, she made it more than explicit that she wasn't lying when she said:
"But we'll still meet, (Y\N)," she whispered, her fingers again like soft feathers touching his skin. "Our deal may not have been sealed, but you've proven enough innocence and courage to convince me that you're capable of this. You'll have a great new job, I promise, and your boss will never bother you again."
She nodded, and you allowed yourself to nod too, so confused that you definitely didn't know what to believe anymore. There was a little devil on your shoulder urging you to try again, and there was another devil, right in front of you, who would be harder to convince than you expected.
"And of course, you will have my full protection," Verna whispered, smiling. "I'm not going to promise you eternal life, because that would be impossible even for someone like me. But I promise, and I need you to believe me on this one, I promise that I will move mountains so no one will hurt you again."
You smiled, and drank the last sip. Suddenly, another impulse. This time, a question, instead of an action.
"What are you? An angel? A genie without a lamp? A tempting devil who seeks souls and deals?"
Verna smiled, and simply looked away at her glass again, magically empty. "I already told you. I'm nothing, I don't have a life. I'm just what your mind wants me to be."
You were confused, but suddenly, a memory hit you hard. When you looked at Verna, it was as if she already knew.
"I really need to go. My mom will be furious if I get home late, even on New Year's..."
She nodded. "Please don't take any chances. This part, I won't be able to protect you."
You laughed, stood up and slid out the only dollar bill you had. Verna looked at the ballot, he turned it around and handed it back to you, denying it.
"No need. The bill is already paid."
"Please don't insist. I insist."
You looked at her, shrugged, and frowned, suddenly realizing that maybe it was for the best. She kept watching you, until you left, and as soon as you turned outside, on the street, you noticed who had just walked through a solid wall.
The bar was gone.
And she was gone too.
Even more confused - and blaming the drink -, you put your hands in your pockets to protect yourself, and walked back home, into the daylight. As soon as you crossed the street, however, another very curious thing caught your attention.
There was a raven, standing still, resting on a post. It was just any raven, but it was a raven, and it looked down at you. Suddenly, you had the impression that he had winked at you.
"What nonsense. Ravens don't blink," you whispered to yourself, looking at the raven again. He remained there, standing still, as if he hadn't even noticed you. Deciding to ignore that crazy night, you turned around.
As you disappeared down the street, you whispered to yourself once again.
"Ravens don't blink."
Oh, but if you only knew that they do more than blink... If you only knew...
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frozenmoonshine · 4 months
How would TR boys react to you opening up to them about your abusive family
Characters: Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Kazutora, Mitsuya, Sanzu
Mentions of traumatic experiences and abuse (nothing too explicit, but if the topic is upsetting for you, please skip this one!)
Insinuated hetero relationship in Baji's case. In other ones, no reader gender is mentioned.
He doesn't understand and can't quite relate, but he's supportive. He hears you out, listening actively, he's soft and loving, and offers moral and emotional support to the best of his ability. He keeps that confident, protective front, assuring you that he's not gonna let anything bad happen to you ever again, and that no one will ever hurt you in any way, as long as he's alive, but deep down he's now petrified with fear of him hurting you himself accidentally, or when he goes into the 'dark impulse' mode. He might get a bit distant for a while afterwards, or treat you like fine porcelain, until Kenchin and Takemicchi set his mind straight.
It's really hard for him to relate, as he never had any family to begin with, but having heard your story makes him think that he was actually way better off that way, and should have never felt jealous of the kids who had parents! He'll try his best to understand what it must have been like for you, and he'll of course be considerate and empathetic.
"Sorry if my reactions are not appropriate or I don't know what to say, I just can't even imagine what that must be like! I don't want you to carry that burden alone, so please tell me what I can do for you!"
Ohhh, he's having a rage fest on your behalf! Your own mother said that to you?! Did that to you?! Naaahh, he's not having any of that! Ryōko has always been strict and stern with him growing up, but no matter how bad he screwed up, she would never ever hit him, or call him names, or threaten to disown him, or anything of that kind. He'd be sooo pissed at your parents for treating you like that, you'd have to physically stop him from calling them from your phone and giving them a piece of his mind! When he's calmed down a bit he takes out his own phone and rings his mom.
"Hey mom, listen! You always wanted a daughter as well, right? How about I bring you one right away?"
"Uhm... Kei, are you aware of the implications of your words just now...?!"
"What. *shrugs* I would've proposed to you anyway."
He would just stare in shock, wide-eyed and completely perplexed. Is punching someone's parents ok, even if you've never met them before?! He's devastated and heartbroken by the thought of you going through such horrible experiences, and he's enraged that your own family did that to you. He's also afraid because he doesn't know how to react and how to comfort you in the best way, so in order not to risk hurting your feelings accidentally or triggering you, he just stays silent and pulls you into a loving, comforting embrace. He doesn't know how at this moment, but he will figure it out and make sure that no one ever gives you shit in any way ever again!
KAZUTORA (why is there no yellow highlight option?!)
Fully understands and empathizes 100%! Emotional, verbal, physical, financial... you name the type, he's seen and experienced them all! He'd be like your own personal therapist and support system, all in one! He'd listen carefully to you telling him what you went through and how you feel, and never push you to talk about stuff you are not ready to tell him yet. But he'd always make sure you know he'll always be there to offer comfort and support whenever you need it!
"You never deserved any of that, it was never your fault! You are worthy, you are good enough, there is nothing, and I mean, NOTHING wrong with you, you hear me?! You deserve every bit of love this world has to offer you, and I'll do my part as best as I can!"
*gives the warmest, softest, most protective hugs*
He'd be a bit of a devil's advocate, telling you that you shouldn't harbor hate for your family, that you should try to look at things from a neutral perspective, to realize that they most likely didn't know any better, and that they had unresolved mental issues of their own, and that's why things happened. But his slightly unorthodox reaction actually helps you heal. He'd also be supportive of your decision to cut the contact with your blood family, as he'd more than gladly welcome you into his! Mana & Luna already count you as family anyway!
Another one who would totally understand, and maybe even get lowkey triggered for your sake! If you still haven't gone no contact with your abuser(s), he'll push you to do it.
"Found family is way more important that the blood relations anyway, you cannot choose those. But you have me as family now! And Taichou, he's your family too! (in the good timeline, he instead says Senju is your family, too) And even Mikey and the rest of the gang, they all see you as family. You don't need those scraps back at your childhood home, stop letting them control you, they don't deserve a place in your life!"
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minevn · 5 months
(sorry for mistakes) You wrote about how the LI would react to a meeting with the MC parents, but how would the LI’s parents react to the MC?
Minato: Well, since Minato doesn't have parents, we'll settle for grandparents, this will be in game! Anyways, they absolutely adore the MC, as long as you treat Minato right. They love teasing Minato about his feelings towards you, it reminds them of their youth when they had fallen in love with each other. Very supportive and easy to talk to, after the first meeting they love inviting you over any chance they get!
Haruto: Depending on your MC's story you could meet Haruto's and Kage's mom when you were younger or not at all(grade 12 is when their mom died) Canonically though! She met the MC through your parents in grade 1, so there wasn't a super big need to make yourself formal, you were just being introduced by your parent/s and were going to play with Haruto and Kage. Mrs. Kobayashi didn't really have much of an opinion, you were her new friends child and you were the same age as her oldest. She still doted on you of course, but you two didn't interact that much at first, you were there for Haruto and Kage, not her. As you started coming over more and growing up, you two would gradually get close and she ended up being like a second mother to you.
Jun: You met Mrs. Imai after she accepted a play date with you and Aki. Mrs. Imai didn't particularly care for you, she still doesn't. She's a woman with high standards and she doesn't like you if you don't meet those standards. Just play with Aki and Jun, don't talk to her, and she doesn't mind. She still took care of you though when you'd come over, of course she'd always push Aki and Jun over to your place afterwards to make up for having to take care of you. As you've gotten older, she still doesn't care for you but that's better then if you met her when you were an teen or adult. Chances are you would not meet her standards and therefore she doesn't like you. She'd even consider you a negative influence on Jun and Aki for their "behavior" and why her kids aren't perfect like how she wats them to be. Long story short, she tolerates you if you met her when you were younger and she hates you if you met her when she was older. Their father just goes along with whatever his wife wants.
Hoshi: I'm gonna talk about their dad with Hoshi. You met their dad when you applied to the restaurant. He seemed like a really nice guy until he defended his sons behavior's. There was definitely a rough patch between you two when it came to the twins. Depending on your ending though you can build a close relationship with Mr. Kikuchi. He can become close to a second father to you. I've seen people make their Mc's not work at the restaurant though so I wanna write about that too! I think things between you and Mr. Kikuchi would actually be easier if he wasn't your boss. Mr. Kikuchi would just no bring his sons to where you work often, he KNOWS that his sons behavior is an issue but he can't bring himself to scold them, so he just wouldn't bring them near you after he witnesses them being rude to you.
Habiki: I'm gonna talk about their Mom with Habiki. You will meet Mrs. Kikuchi as well in game! Realistically, I think you'd only meet her on holidays or family events that you've been invited too, but some stuff happens canonically that she's just too excited to wait until Christmas to meet you. She's already heard so much about you and she's not really one to like formality either so she's a very easy person to be around. You two get along quickly. Whenever her children are rude to you she scolds them and then gets on Mr. Kikuchi's case about letting them talk to you like that. She kind of feels like another friend. Whenever her and Habiki have duets she likes to invite you to join. She's also like a wing woman for you and her sons, she just wants everything to go well for you, she doesn't want your relationship to end up like how hers did.
Kage: Depending on your MC's story you could meet Kage's and Haruto's mom when you were younger or not at all(grade 12 is when their mom died) Canonically though! She met the MC through your parents in grade 1, so there wasn't a super big need to make yourself formal, you were just being introduced by your parent/s and were going to play with Kage and Haruto. Mrs. Kobayashi didn't really have much of an opinion, you were her new friends child and you were the same age as her oldest. She still doted on you of course, but you two didn't interact that much at first, you were there for Kage and Haruto, not her. As you started coming over more and growing up, you two would gradually get close and she ended up being like a second mother to you.
Kei: No, he does NOT want you meeting his parents and therefore you wont. They KNOW you're the reason he abandoned his original career, they saw the pictures, they saw the camera, they saw the footage, they HATE you without even meeting you. No matter when your mc meets Kei, they hate you for ruining his career path that they had set out for him.
Yani: 0̸1̶0̵1̷0̸1̶0̸0̸ ̵0̸1̶1̶0̶1̵0̸0̴0̴ ̵0̴1̷1̵0̵0̴1̴0̶1̴ ̵0̷1̷1̷1̸1̶0̸0̴1̴ ̸0̸0̵1̷0̶0̸0̴0̷0̷ ̶0̵1̶1̵0̸0̷1̶0̵0̵ ̵0̸1̴1̸0̸1̴1̸1̷1̴ ̸0̶1̶1̶0̸1̶1̵1̴0̵ ̴0̶0̶1̴0̸0̶1̵1̵1̷ ̷0̷1̷1̶1̵0̴1̴0̵0̶ ̸0̷0̵1̵0̴0̸0̷0̷0̶ ̴0̷1̴1̴0̴0̷1̶0̵1̷ ̴0̵1̴1̸1̷1̸0̷0̴0̴ ̵0̴1̶1̴0̷1̶0̷0̵1̸ ̴0̴1̸1̶1̶0̷0̵1̷1̵ ̷0̸1̴1̸1̴0̶1̴0̶0̷ ̴0̶0̴0̵0̷1̷0̶1̸0̸ ̴0̶1̶0̶1̷1̶0̴0̸1̶ ̵0̵1̵1̷0̷0̵0̷0̵1̷ ̴0̵1̵1̷0̶1̷1̷1̴0̴ ̸0̷1̵1̴0̷1̶0̷0̷1̸ ̵0̸0̶1̶0̶0̴0̵0̴0̸ ̴0̸1̷1̶0̶0̴1̴0̴0̴ ̵0̷1̸1̸0̵1̸1̸1̷1̶ ̶0̸1̷1̸0̸0̸1̸0̷1̷ ̵0̴1̵1̶1̷0̸0̴1̷1̸ ̷0̷1̵1̴0̷1̷1̷1̶0̸ ̶0̷0̸1̶0̵0̶1̸1̶1̷ ̷0̶1̸1̴1̵0̶1̷0̵0̵ ̸0̷0̸1̶0̸0̷0̴0̶0̷ ̵0̶1̶1̷0̵0̶1̶0̶1̵ ̴0̵1̵1̸1̸1̴0̷0̶0̷ ̷0̷1̴1̶0̸1̷0̵0̵1̸ ̶0̵1̶1̶1̵0̶0̸1̴1̶ ̶0̶1̴1̷1̵0̷1̵0̶0̵ ̸0̴0̷0̴0̴1̶0̷1̴0̴ ̸0̶1̸1̴1̵0̴1̴0̷0̵ ̵0̶1̶1̶0̴1̶0̶0̸0̸ ̷0̴1̸1̵0̵1̶0̴0̷1̷ ̶0̵1̷1̴1̸0̶0̷1̸1̸ ̷0̵0̶1̸0̷0̸0̶0̵0̴ ̴0̷1̵1̶1̶0̷1̵1̵1̴ ̵0̵1̵1̴0̸1̶1̷1̵1̵ ̴0̴1̶1̷1̴0̶0̴1̸0̶ ̴0̵1̸1̸0̶1̶1̶0̶0̸ ̸0̶1̶1̷0̶0̴1̸0̷0̵ ̸0̵0̸1̶0̶0̸0̸0̴0̵ ̶0̶1̵1̸0̵0̶1̴0̵0̶ ̷0̴1̷1̶0̶1̵1̶1̴1̶ ̴0̴1̵1̶0̵0̴1̶0̴1̸ ̵0̵1̷1̷1̷0̷0̸1̴1̴ ̵0̶1̴1̵0̸1̷1̵1̸0̶ ̷0̵0̵1̸0̸0̷1̷1̶1̶ ̷0̴1̴1̶1̴0̶1̸0̵0̶ ̶0̶0̵1̵0̵0̵0̴0̸0̵ ̴0̸1̷1̷0̵0̷1̷0̵1̷ ̴0̸1̷1̵1̴1̴0̵0̴0̶ ̵0̵1̴1̷0̴1̵0̶0̷1̴ ̵0̵1̶1̶1̸0̸0̶1̶1̷ ̸0̶1̷1̸1̴0̷1̸0̶0̷ ̶0̸0̷0̴0̷1̸0̶1̷0̸ ̸0̵1̸0̵0̷1̶1̷1̷0̴ ̸0̴1̷1̶0̴1̴1̸1̴1̵ ̶0̷1̷1̷0̵1̴1̸1̶0̷ ̴0̴1̷1̷0̷0̶1̵0̸1̶ ̵0̴0̶1̴0̸0̴0̶0̷0̴ ̸0̵1̶1̸0̸1̸1̶1̶1̶ ̵0̷1̷1̶0̸0̵1̵1̴0̴ ̵0̶0̴1̷0̵0̶0̵0̸0̵ ̵0̵1̶1̶1̵0̴1̵0̴0̵ ̵0̷1̴1̷0̵1̸0̷0̷0̵ ̷0̵1̸1̶0̶1̴0̵0̵1̸ ̴0̶1̴1̷1̴0̵0̶1̸1̷ ̷0̸0̷1̷0̷0̴0̷0̴0̶ ̴0̷1̴1̸0̸1̴0̷0̸1̵ ̵0̶1̸1̶1̸0̴0̸1̷1̴ ̸0̸0̴1̸0̶0̶0̶0̵0̷ ̸0̷1̵1̶1̵0̴0̷1̸0̸ ̶0̵1̴1̵0̴0̶1̷0̴1̴ ̴0̶1̵1̴0̶0̵0̴0̵1̴ ̷0̷1̸1̴0̸1̵1̵0̴0̸ ̵0̴0̶0̶0̵1̶0̷1̵0̵ ̷0̸1̶1̴0̶1̶1̶0̶0̶ ̶0̴1̴1̸0̵1̴1̶1̴1̶ ̴0̶1̴1̸0̶0̵1̵1̶1̵ ̶0̷0̷1̷0̵0̵0̴0̷0̸ ̴0̶1̶1̵0̴1̸1̶1̶1̵ ̶0̵1̴1̴0̷0̴1̸1̴0̴ ̷0̷1̸1̸0̷0̷1̸1̶0̸ ̴0̸0̸0̴0̶1̴0̸1̴0̵ ̷0̴1̴1̷0̴0̵0̸0̴1̷ ̶0̶1̴1̷0̷1̸1̴1̵0̶ ̴0̸1̵1̶0̷0̶1̷0̷0̷ ̴0̴0̶1̵0̷0̸0̶0̷0̴ ̷0̸1̷1̴0̶0̸0̶1̵1̸ ̵0̸1̵1̸0̸1̴1̶1̶1̴ ̷0̴1̵1̶0̸1̵1̷1̵0̶ ̵0̴1̷1̵1̷0̸1̵0̷0̵ ̴0̷1̵1̴0̶1̴0̷0̵1̶ ̸0̶1̷1̸0̵1̵1̶1̸0̸ ̷0̶1̸1̸1̴0̶1̷0̶1̴ ̵0̴1̷1̴0̷0̴1̵0̷1̶ ̴0̴0̴1̵0̷0̵0̵0̴0̴ ̸0̴1̴1̵1̸0̴1̵1̷1̶ ̴0̴1̵1̸0̷1̵0̴0̵1̷ ̶0̶1̵1̵1̸0̷1̸0̵0̶ ̶0̶1̸1̵0̶1̸0̸0̶0̷ ̸0̸0̷1̴0̴0̵0̷0̵0̸ ̴0̴1̷1̷1̵1̴0̴0̴1̸ ̶0̴1̸1̴0̶1̴1̶1̷1̸ ̵0̶1̷1̸1̸0̸1̸0̶1̷ ̶0̸1̶1̶1̵0̸0̴1̵0̴ ̶0̴0̶1̷0̵0̸0̴0̴0̶ ̴0̸1̵1̷1̶0̶0̴1̸0̸ ̸0̴1̷1̴0̶0̵1̶0̵1̷ ̷0̸1̸1̷0̴0̸0̷0̴1̵ ̷0̵1̵1̶0̷1̴1̵0̴0̸ ̵0̶0̸1̶0̶0̷0̶0̴0̶ ̸0̵1̵1̷0̸1̴1̴0̴0̸ ̷0̶1̶1̸0̸1̸0̶0̴1̸ ̶0̶1̵1̸0̶0̸1̴1̸0̶ ̴0̴1̴1̷0̴0̴1̶0̷1̷ ̴0̴0̵0̴0̴1̶0̷1̶0̵ ̶0̶1̸1̷0̷1̸1̵0̷0̴ ̴0̴1̴1̵0̸0̶1̸0̴1̷ ̵0̷1̶1̶0̷0̷0̷0̷1̴ ̴0̵1̵1̵1̷0̵1̴1̴0̶ ̸0̵1̷1̶0̵0̵1̴0̷1̸ ̷0̶0̷1̶0̵0̶0̴0̴0̷ ̴0̴1̴1̸0̵0̵0̴1̴0̷ ̵0̴1̷1̴0̸0̴1̵0̷1̴ ̵0̷1̵1̵0̸1̵0̸0̸0̷ ̵0̶1̶1̴0̴1̷0̷0̶1̸ ̸0̸1̷1̵0̶1̸1̷1̷0̵ ̴0̷1̶1̸0̵0̷1̸0̵0̸ ̶0̷0̴1̵0̵0̸0̶0̶0̶ ̶0̷1̵0̷1̶1̶0̵0̵1̸ ̴0̵1̴1̸0̵0̸0̷0̵1̸ ̶0̷1̸1̷0̵1̶1̴1̸0̴ ̵0̶1̷1̵0̸1̴0̶0̴1̵ ̴0̸0̴0̴0̸1̶0̵1̸0̵ ̸0̵1̷0̷0̴1̶1̴0̶0̶ ̵0̵1̵1̶0̸0̷1̶0̸1̷ ̷0̶1̸1̴0̴0̷0̸0̵1̶ ̵0̸1̷1̶1̵0̷1̴1̶0̴ ̴0̶1̶1̵0̸0̷1̶0̶1̶ ̴0̵0̶1̶0̶0̷0̶0̵0̵ ̷0̸1̵1̷0̵0̵0̴1̶0̴ ̶0̴1̸1̵0̷0̸1̸0̶1̴ ̴0̴1̷1̶0̸1̸0̴0̴0̷ ̶0̵1̴1̷0̸1̶0̶0̶1̷ ̵0̴1̵1̷0̴1̵1̵1̵0̴ ̴0̵1̴1̷0̴0̸1̷0̵0̶ ̶0̶0̴1̵0̶0̸0̴0̴0̵ ̴0̶1̴0̴0̷1̸0̸1̷1̵ ̷0̶1̷1̴0̴0̴1̷0̵1̷ ̴0̸1̷1̸0̴1̴0̸0̸1̶ ̵0̶1̷1̵0̵0̷1̶1̸0̴ ̷0̶1̴1̵0̸1̴1̷1̴1̶ ̴0̶1̶1̷1̴0̵0̵1̴0̷ ̵0̷0̷1̴0̸0̴0̵0̴0̸ ̵0̵1̸1̵1̶1̸0̸0̸1̶ ̶0̵1̴1̶0̴1̸1̶1̷1̴ ̸0̵1̴1̶1̴0̵1̷0̴1̷ ̷0̴1̸1̶1̷0̶0̸1̷0̵ ̵0̴0̵1̸0̴0̴0̵0̵0̸ ̴0̵1̶1̸1̸0̷0̴1̷1̷ ̵0̷1̷1̶0̴0̸0̶0̷1̴ ̸0̷1̷1̶0̴0̶1̴1̷0̴ ̶0̷1̴1̸0̶0̷1̷0̸1̴ ̶0̸1̶1̷1̸0̷1̸0̷0̷ ̶0̵1̷1̷1̶1̷0̶0̸1̵
Aki: You met Mrs. Imai after she accepted a play date with you and Aki. Mrs. Imai didn't particularly care for you, she still doesn't. She's a woman with high standards and she doesn't like you if you don't meet those standards. Just play with Aki and Jun, don't talk to her, and she doesn't mind. She still took care of you though when you'd come over, of course she'd always push Aki and Jun over to your place afterwards to make up for having to take care of you. As you've gotten older, she still doesn't care for you but that's better then if you met her when you were an teen or adult. Chances are you would not meet her standards and therefore she doesn't like you. She'd even consider you a negative influence on Jun and Aki for their "behavior" and why her kids aren't perfect like how she wats them to be. Long story short, she tolerates you if you met her when you were younger and she hates you if you met her when she was older. Their father just goes along with whatever his wife wants.
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paper-gold-theories · 13 hours
What if Goldheart broke into flugs lab and ended up finding 5.0.5's drawings reffering to flug as 'Dad' and begins to think flug might have a child
Villainous Fanfic: Jumping to Conclusions
One day GoldHeart was able to infiltrate Black Hat Manor while the Villainous gang including Black Hat was out at a villain party.
Searching in Flug's lab and he stumbled upon 5.0.5's drawings refering to Flug as 'Dad', and another with referring to Black Hat as 'Dad' as well and finally one with Flug, Black Hat with the caption "My Parents"
GoldHeart was absolutely jealo s and livid, coming to a conclusion that BlackHat and Flug must have slept together and conceived a child.
Just then, Flug entered the room. He came back early because he needed to check on some experiments only to find his Arch-Nemesis there in his lab to his shock.
"GOLDHEART!! HOW DID YOU GET -" Flug was about to rush to his desk drawer to get the gun to neutralise GoldHeart's powers, only to be interrupted by the hero.
"Flug! You slept with Black Hat and conceived a child?!" GoldHeart yells in outrage, eyes glowing gold.
"W-What?! No I didn't! What are you talking about?!" Flug stopped in his tracks, stunt locked by GoldHeart question and absolutely livid expression
"THIS!" GoldHeart shoves the drawings made by 5.0.5. to Flug.
"Look its not-Wait why am I even explaining this to you?! You're broke into my lab!" Flug says suddenly remembering the situation they are in.
"I can't believe this! Did he force you?! Did you give yourself in willingly?! Are you his mate-" GoldHeart rants, unloading all the million things he had on his mind onto Flug.
"No!!" Flug yells out in frustration tearing the paper bag off his head. "I have a lot of respect for Black Hat being the most evil being in existing. But I never ever thought of him that way!"
"Then what about the drawings!" GoldHeart demands.
Flug sighs, massaging his temples. Despite his better judgement he decides to tell GoldHeart about 5.0.5's origin to stop him from drawing up any more crazy accusations and conclusions, "I made 5.0.5. using Black Hat's DNA. I was supposed to make a ferocious monster for Black Hat using his DNA and grizzly bear DNA but as you can see, he turn out to be the opposite of what Black Hat wanted. And afterwards I decided to raise him as a son. 5.0.5 sees me as a father and I see him as a son. He also sees BlackHat as a father but the feeling is not mutual."
"So you didn't sleep with BlackH-"
"NO! I've only ever slept with yo-" Flug stopped face turned red, realising what he just confessed to GoldHeart.
"Thank you for quelling my worries, Flug. It's good to know that you're still mine after all these years," GoldHeart said calmly, the exact opposite of his earlier tone.
Flug turned look at GoldHeart but immediately regretted as GoldHeart was staring at him with a possessive predatory gleam in his eyes.
Flug gulps, he knows that look that could only means GoldHeart was about to pounce.
Flug rushed to his desk and opens the drawer to get his laser gun only to find it empty, much to his horror. Panicked he fanatically flipped the papers and books only to find nothing.
"Looking for this?" GoldHeart smirks, tossing the useless broken the gun infront of Flug.
Flug backs away slowly as GoldHeart starts to approach him.
"You should really know better to lock away your valuables, Flug," GoldHeart tsked.
Suddenly with a rushed swoop he grabbed Flug, making the villain yelp as he was hoisted over his shoulder, "I mean c'mon that's obviously the first thing I would go after," GoldHeart chuckled.
"Let me go, Doradito!" Flug yells but it fell on deaf ears. He ordered the HatBots to attack GoldHeart but he was able to easily able to defeat them in seconds.
With a burst of gold while carrying Flug, GoldHeart crashed through the building, creating another hole in the manor before flying both of them back to his city.
GoldHeart came here to gather information, but he got something even more valuable...
Flug was kidnapped by GoldHeart and wasn't seen for a few weeks...again.
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quranwithsehar · 5 months
You were applying for a job, but it didn't work out. You were really hoping it would work out, or you were really hoping to get accepted into the university. Unfortunately, you didn't get accepted at the university. Those are the kinds of tests where you could feel depressed or sad, but you can't live in that sadness. Feeling those emotions at first doesn't mean you don't have Sabr. You can have those feelings and experience those emotions, then pick yourself up and try again.
So, you can have a dip, a low, and a high – that's being human. Allah didn't create us as angels. Sometimes we may face other trials, for example, an engagement that broke off, a marriage that ended miserably, or not wanting parents to get divorced, and they did. These situations involve people, people doing things that hurt us or things we wish they didn't do.
I think the solace, at least for me, comes from the stories in the Quran where people much better than us, like Yunus, had no control over his family. He didn't have any control; Ibrahim, an incredible human being, had no say in his father's choices. We cannot control other people's choices, and sometimes those choices deeply hurt us. People much better than us were hurt deeply. Ibrahim AS being kicked out of his house was not easy; being married to Firaun was not easy. For Musa AS, running away from home was not easy. These people were traumatized by many terrible experiences. Allah taught us through them that we can only control what is within our grasp, and we have to learn to let go of what isn't.
In the end, we say, "To Allah, we belong, and to Him, we are going to return." Any problem I'm having, how long is it going to last? Well, as long as I last. I'm not here for that long. When I think about the grand scheme of things, this problem isn't as big as I think it is. And of course, Allah has given us hope too. After every difficulty, there is great ease. Now, put yourself in their shoes; how much did the companions love the Prophet? When he died, how devastated were they? In that moment, for them to believe the Quran is still there, saying, "With difficulty comes twice the ease." They were devastated, in tears, broken, but their faith allowed them to heal and move forward. Allah created so much ease for the ummah afterwards.
That's just this life; it's going to come with trials and difficulties. Allah has made us mentally prepared that life isn't going to be easy; He said it many times. We all have trials; don't believe someone else has an easy life because they appear to on social media. Everyone has things causing them hurt; the person next to you has things causing them hurt. These influencers may talk about the blessings of Allah, but that doesn't mean they're showered with blessings every morning and have no issues.
Sometimes we run after things that are not real, believing them to be real because someone else has them. We may think others don't have any challenges, but everyone deals with their own pain. Allah tests people differently, but we don't see the other person's trial or know that their trial is the same as ours. We might wonder why Allah is not testing someone else or why we couldn't have it easy like they do. We don't know their reality, so these thoughts should give us some comfort. Whatever trial Allah has picked for me, whatever loss, whatever experience, is something I'm supposed to learn from, learn and grow from. Keep moving forward.
-Ustad Nouman Ali Khan
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owmylasagna-blog · 5 months
So, what's the real appeal in Ed/May? I see that this popular, but over all the show I see aproximately zero positive moments/development between them, including in the finale. Nothing positive, I can't think of anything that wasn't one-sided or outright negative. And I think Ed deserves faaar better than her; I don't see him just forgeting all she made and sudenly falling in love with her (fanfics where they're just dating out of nowhere specially irks me) without any explanation or development.
The appeal seems just ''pair the dumb/goofy ones'' (why not Ed/Nazz? Or Ed/Rolf? Or even Ed/Jonny?)
Honestly, I'm under the impression people only ship it as a Beta Couple for Edd/Eddy, and nothing else more. Your reasoning?
Wow I’m actually pretty glad I got this question because I’ve had a half baked post on this very subject that’s been sitting in my drafts for weeks. Now I have a reason to actually share it.
And from the jump, no I don’t ship Ed and May solely because I’m an eddeddy shipper. I actually see some interesting potential here! I also ship Ed wildly because he’s just a lover boi in my mind. Perhaps even most wildly out of the entire cast of the show: I have the receipts for dabbling in edrolf and ednazz but I can really only imagine those pairings as little flings.
So what is it about edmay that works?
Of the three Kanker sisters, May actually seems to be the only one to genuinely have a crush on her preferred Ed. It goes beyond the typical taunting and harassing her sisters subject the other Eds to. The intro to Hanky Panky Hullabaloo is a prime example of this: May makes a mushy valentine and Marie and Lee make fun of her for it. Afterwards the two talk about May behind her back: “Now we know who got mom’s genes.” “Hormones”. I think it's an interesting summary of how the sisters have differing perspectives on relationships and how they think about boys/men. While Marie and Lee are more disenchanted by romance, they see May as more naive and prone to getting emotionally attached in the same way their mom probably falls for one disappointing man after another. Anyway, the point is that I think May cares whether Ed reciprocates those feelings while Marie and Lee don’t with Eddy or Edd.
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Now we have Ed’s reactions to May. In the earlier seasons, he doesn’t seem as averse to the Kanker harassment. Honestly sometimes he’s sort of enjoying it or just not bothered at all. I don’t think Ed generally would show his interests or feelings in a very typical way. Actually the most damning evidence that he might actually be attracted at all to May or just girls period are the moments where he is acting the most repulsed by them. We are talking about a 12 year old after all, probably a bit panicked by some new hormones and feelings about “icky girls”: to me, it reads as the early stages of immature boyish attraction.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t include at least one reference to the Ed-cyclopedia that is Kevin Lordi (as per usual), who got the scoop that the writers toyed with the idea of making Ed and May canon in the earlier seasons, even scraped S2 episode where they are caught kissing in the bushes being the basis for HPH (Lordi 2017, 2018).
So what is in this ship for them? I really like exploring this ship because of many of the parallels I see in their characters. I think it’s safe to say that Ed and May are respective outliers in their trios: May being the younger punching bag to her older sisters, Ed sort of being off on his own planet or plane of existence from Edd and Eddy most of the time. I could see both naturally branching out on their own while the remaining two are prone to buddying up. Other similarities, as you mention, also make them a cute pair: they are goofy, a bit ditzy, naturally kind hearted, a bit off beat, a tad (or a lot) gross. Nothing wrong with that!
Both come from pretty bleak home lives, lacking in support or parental nurturing. For this reason, you see them often compensating by being the nurturing types themselves: Ed being the protective big brother to Sarah and his two best pals, May often playing out a maternal fantasy (more than once she plays mommy and baby in the show; coddling Jimmy in BPS). Now just think of a relationship where these two get together!!! Having an outlet for compassion AND on the receiving end of it. I think they have the potential to have a very sweet relationship ripe for healing and personal growth.
I see them coming to appreciate each other with a bit of time and maturity, maybe striking up a friendship first before actually dating later in their teens or early adulthood. Oddly enough I make lots of parallels between Edd and May as well and could easily imagine some aspects of Edd and Ed’s friendship manifesting in edmay. The biggest factor being what I said about May having this maternal care-taker drive. Seeing as the Kanker sisters just about raised themselves and had to grow up really fast, you end up with a very “parentified” child. And if Edd isn’t the poster child for being a parentified kid I don’t know what… Anyway, in the same way that Edd acts as a stand-in parental figure to Ed I think May would quickly take on a similar role. I’m NOT endorsing this dynamic as 100% positive!!! I think it would be complicated! But it’s an interesting ship dynamic nonetheless and I’m trying to explore that in my aged up AU now.
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fantasygerard2000 · 1 month
Reworking Wish
I know this was already said, but the main gripe people have towards Wish is that the potential was there, it just didn't put on the right amount of effort. A criticism that took me long to agree with after sifting through Starboy simping, Magnifico sandals smooching and parasocial hatred towards the house of mouse.
So, after rewatching Wish for like the tenth time or something, I dunno I lost count, I decided to write down some things in the film that needed improvement. This is going to be taking the film as it is and giving it that little push it needed, more time in the oven to bake.
Also, a side tangent I wanna bring up before we move on. I don't like to use the word "fix" especially since it's associated with some people taking a work and reworking it to suit THEIR tastes and preferences, often without permission and out of spite.
Okay, let's proceed.
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The film starts with the shot of the book opening and a narrator explaining the story. A classic Disney staple. The narrator "reads" us the creation of Rosas by Magnifico. However, the opening narration emphasizes too much on Magnifico. I get the intent that this is a form of propaganda he made to get parents to tell stories to their kids about him, but this comes with a caveat regarding his backstory that I will explain later.
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So, either you have a different person narrating the opening scene like how in the classic Disney movies do instead of Asha. Or have Asha narrating to Sabino told through hand drawn illustrations she drew about how he and his family came to the kingdom of Rosas, visually through hand drawn animation.
Have the rest of the scene play out but major difference here. Instead of Asha applying to become Magnifico's apprentice, she was recommended the job by Amaya. An issue of show-don't-tell is present as Amaya explains how kind and generous Asha is, but is never shown. Have Asha welcome the tourists but the child is too scared to leave the boat, so Asha sing to them about how wonderful the kingdom is to make the child feel better while also helping the townsfolk on the way in her unique way, reminiscent of Mulan during Honor to Us All. Have Amaya watch Asha guide the tourists on a balcony through a window like the Evil Queen if you like to add a nod to Snow White as well subverting the trope to show that she's a good queen.
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A detail I like in the film is that instead of having a servant inform Asha that she's ready for the interview, Amaya herself came to the kitchen to inform her herself.
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As for the apprenticeship thing, I like to spice things up by having Tomas, Asha's father once worked for Magnifico who he considers a close friend before retiring once Sakina was pregnant with Asha. Amaya, being more close to her people than Magnifico, knew that Asha is Tomas' daughter and seeing how she's takes after him, recommended her husband to have Asha work as an apprentice.
So, Asha, nervous about becoming an apprentice to her father's former boss/friend/like-a-brother cuz why not make an evil uncle figure. The scene plays the same but little emphasis on Tomas. As well as a "he betrayed me" rant from Magnifico later on.
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The At All Costs sequence remains the same and the argument afterwards also kept intact. Additional dialogue has Asha mentioning how her father would have told Magnifico the same but he quickly dismisses her.
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The argument scene be tweaked with Sabino still hopeful about his wish being granted next year, making the news that Magnifico will never grant his more hurtful for Asha.
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The filmmakers' intent for the animals is that they know much about the universe than humans but considering they can't talk, humans just think they're dumb. I'm a Star plays out the same but additional dialogue is given before the song plays, with the animals explaining to Asha that Star can't speak to answer her questions but they can in song form.
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The scenes afterwards remains up to This is the Thanks I Get!? I like to add in minor details earlier like Magnifico checking his reflection during the interview as he "listens" to Asha, subtly showing his narcissism and his ties to mirrors.
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Also in the interview scene, he mentions about his old home being destroyed by greedy thieves. This was the caveat I mentioned earlier and how his backstory despite being offhandedly mentioned a few times made him too sympathetic for the simps to defend his nonexistent lack of honor. Either we cut out the "tragic" his backstory and simply have him studying magic and the masses praise him so much that he has enough influence to make his own kingdom.
Once Asha returns Sabino's wish to him, have the unused scene above be kept. An issue with the film is that despite Sabino being the main drive for the plot, he barely appears in it enough for viewers to care. So the scene where he can finally be able to play his lute serves as this.
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Magnifico arriving at the cottage to arrest Asha plays the same. Additional dialogue has Magnifico informing Asha and the viewer someone close to her who knows of Star ratted her out. After escaping Magnifico, have him burn the cottage if you like more villainy.
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The scene after play out the same with some minor tweaks. The teens have a secret hideout, a cave with the entrance be under a tree, a nod the dwarfs and the lost boys. Asha doesn't know the hideout initially but Dahlia has left a clue for her in a form of a hardened cookie, a nod to Esmerelda leaving Quasimodo a clue to find where the Romani are hiding from Frollo. Amaya discovers the hideout by following Asha.
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Instead of just books, Star uses the furniture the lift the teens up to the pulleys. Another scene has Amaya and Dahlia destroy the book in hopes of no one using it again. A major change is to have the book inform the reader that the more the person uses dark magic, the corrupt they become instead of committing once they commit to eternity, which I understand sounds like a lazy excuse to not redeem Magnifico.
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Have most of the guards go after Asha who thought they were being led by Magnifico but was actually Simon. Have the animals attack the guards and Simon like in Tarzan and Beauty and the Beast.
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When Magnifico blasts Amaya, she gets knocked out and drops her crown. To show his people he was the real traitor and make the crowd and remaining guards turn on him before he quickly overpowers them.
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Have the climax be given additional dialogue and show Magnifico treating the wishes badly once he had Star.
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Give a few moments to the scene where Asha remembers the "we are stars" message. Have her look at the her and her father's wishing tree and a moment of reflection before she starts singing.
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After Magnifico's defeat, have the scene play out the same but with additional dialogue from Amaya towards Magnifico. Additional dialogue from Sakina reveal Asha her wish.
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Once she takes after Magnifico's place as ruler, Amaya wears a more colorful dress, particularly a red colored tone down version of her original dress, showing she's a more competent ruler than Magnifico as well being tied to the rose, the symbol of Rosas.
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After the brief timeskip, Asha wears a different dress than her previous one that gets sparkly once Star made her a fairy godmother, justifying the Cinderella reference without too being on the nose.
As for other stuff like the songs, they're fine. Just need a few lines change to sound less awkward.
The animation is fine too, though a lower frame rate like in the clip below would've suffice. And yeah, people will accused Disney for copying Spider-verse, but honestly I don't care since they'll accuse Disney of anything bad, even if they included the stuff they wanted.
And that's all what I can think of to "improve" Wish.
As much as I like this movie, I do understand why most people don't to the point of "fixing" it. However, fixing it isn't to add a love interest or a villain couple, it's to figure out what works and doesn't. Which is why as much as I have my own version of Star that is very loosely based after the Starboy concept, I didn't added them in it because it'd be unnecessary and distracting.
Wish's flaws are the intentions that were there and obvious, but the way they were executed was lacking. Hence why some of the "improvements" are what the filmmakers intended but given a tweak. Even stuff I added like Tomas being Magnifico's former best friend and apprentice are things the can be better if executed properly or not.
My general thoughts on the rewrite fandom is that some do have the right idea but just have the wrong priorities.
And as much as I wrote down changes to Wish that could may have and have not improved it, I don't want to be praised for it because they general attitude of "this is better than X" has left a sour mark on my thoughts towards the vocal minority in animation fandom or any fandoms.
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notmorbid · 8 months
mister magic.
dialogue prompts from mister magic: a novel by kiersten white.
it's okay to ask questions. questions are how we get to know the world.
you don't recognize me, do you?
there's a difference between being bossy and being in charge.
one: how do you know me. two: why are you here?
i don't want to be here anymore.
how about a dramatic reading?
i don't have any memories of my own.
remember what we talked about?
if you don't like it, you don't have to stay.
i looked for you, after. i never stopped.
is it crazy that i feel closer to you than anyone else in my life?
maybe forgetting was your way of letting yourself move on.
i was always going to find you, for better or for worse.
the least you could do is make an appearance. let people know you're okay.
i can't remember the last time someone made breakfast for me. this was really nice of you.
i don't want you to go through this alone.
i'll stick with you, if you'll have me.
let's go for a walk.
i don't know what was real and what was nightmares afterward.
you look familiar. have we met.
why poke a sleeping bear when you can kick it in the balls, instead?
the desert has a way of wriggling into your soul.
you're small, and you're alone, and you don't matter. and that's okay.
i need to do this alone.
if the cops come, we can thelma and louise it out of here.
you didn't do anything bad. you were just a kid.
did any of us actually make it out?
you're such a good helper.
everything about you feels like a lie.
i didn't think you were cruel.
it's weight, and it never lets up, and no one else ever holds it.
most days i think i'm not even a person.
do you have any questions for me?
i didn't say i didn't remember. i said it didn't make sense.
why are you sleeping, lazybones?
you have a lot of nightmares.
that's the way to live: in the world, not of the world.
please take this as kindly as possible, but what the hell does that mean?
i forgot what a dork you can be.
you're as pushy as ever.
even the watchers get watched.
i'm sorry i swore. i don't use language like that.
paternal and patronizing are such close relatives.
angels are everywhere, if you know how to recognize them.
i've never not been a mom.
don't be a little shit.
we'll protect our kids the way our parents didn't protect us.
can you get back? or i can meet you. anywhere.
i'm sorry i looked away. i'm not looking away now.
please come with me. nothing here is good for you.
why do i feel like i fell asleep in one reality and woke up in another?
you got old.
you were always good at words, weren't you?
at least i’ll go out doing what i love: being an absolute fuckwit making the worst possible choice.
i wish i had more to offer you than i do.
you've always been enough by yourself.
i love being wrong. i'm really good at it.
i would have loved you so well.
you're not broken, you're just changed. and that's okay.
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imahyperfixatedbitch · 6 months
@lookimtryingmybest HI!!! This is my present for you this Christmas!! I hope you enjoy it! You'll get some good old nonsense in the end. I was planning to draw you something but I couldn't so I wrote my first fanfic ever for you! I hope you enjoy it!
You could call Josh the revengeful type. He was like, planning a super elaborate “prank” in order to finally avenge his sisters’ disappearance after the very infamous joke they pulled on Hannah. However, Josh had been doubting the usefulness of such a plan. It had started not long ago, after a call with Chris and Ashley, he started feeling bad about it. First he thought about Chris and Ashley:he had very mixed feelings about them. One part of him was jealous of Ashley, as he loved Chris, his childhood bff, but the other part kind of wanted her as well? Weird. Then he started thinking about his friend Sam, she didn't even participate in the prank, and lately they had been supporting one another. Then the final factor appeared: Christmas was near and his parents wouldn't even be here to celebrate it with him, and if his sisters weren't here either, what was the point? So he had an idea to solve both problems: what if he invited all his “friends” (he's not even sure they still are his friends) for Christmas? Then he could decide if he forgave them AND he wouldn't be all alone. Josh hated loneliness. So he called them all. And these kids apparently didn't want to attend the family dinner because everyone accepted.
Everyone was back at the lodge, the first people to arrive were Ashley and Chris. They came together and Josh could feel his “mixed feelings” about them rise the second he saw them.
“Hey bro! Hey Ashley!” He greeted them
“Hi!” he hugged both of them. Quickly afterwards an awkward silence settled in.
“Anyone wanna play dnd?” Chris spoke in an attempt to stop the awkwardness, and, I mean, it worked because now Josh and Ashley just felt despair.
“Dude please tell me you didn't bring all of your dnd stuff…”
“I asked you if you had it before we headed out and you swore you only brought presents!!” Ashley joined in the complaints.
“Well, I mean, playing dnd IS a present!”
“So will you guys play or-”
“NO.” Their little banter was quickly interrupted by noises they heard in front of the living room.
“This bitch better get lost on her way. I can't stand her ugly ass.”
“Calm down Emily…remember we're all here for Josh today” Oh, another couple with issues. Hopefully they can fix them for Christmas, that would be like a hallmark movie. Matt and Emily entered the place, and immediately noticed how their three friends were looking at them.
“Oh, did you guys like, hear us?”
“Yeah.” Josh decided to be honest, but before any of them could really address it. A braided blondie came in with her boyfriend.
“Hiiiii” she cheerfully greeted and hugged everyone, well except Emily of course.
“This bitch-” Emily quickly interrupted herself when she saw the pleading look Matt gave her.
“Almost everyone is here, where's Sam?” Josh asked.
“Right here.” Sam was right behind him and just gave him the fright of his life.
“Ha, I'm getting back at you for all the times you scared me” she playfully elbowed him.
After a while, the atmosphere was still pretty tense, no one was really doing anything. Sam took a look at Josh and noticed how he wasn't looking really comfortable. She decided to talk to him.
“Hey, Josh”
“Sup Sam.”
“Are you planning to do anything? Like, watching a Christmas movie, do you have a Christmas playlist? Maybe board games?”
“Uh, I mean I bought beers”
“Let me take charge for a while.”
Sam stood up and started assigning tasks to her friends, dividing them in groups (that she chose carefully).
“Okay so, Ash,Chris and Josh, go turn the electricity generator on in the basement, then we can get more light, no offense Josh, but these candles are not enough. Matt and Emily could start getting the table ready for dinner. Jess could change the decorations a bit, Josh, I know you love your favorite indie horror movie's Christmas merch but I think Jess could make everything a bit, uh, prettier. Mike and I could go searching for board games or anything that could entertain us tonight, okay?” Everyone nodded and started working on their assigned tasks.
“Why does no one want to play dnd!? It's so interesting!”
“I'm shivering!” Ashley chimed in.
“Oh, do you want one of my flannels?”
“How many flannels do you have!?”
Josh clicked on a secret button on the wall,it revealed a closet full of flannels, there was like every flannel you could imagine. Red one, purple,pink, barbie flannel, horror flannel, flannels with fur on the sleeves, etc…
Ashley gasped “What the hell!? I'm actually impressed.”
“And I'm the weirdo because I like dnd. You're obsessed with flannels!” Chris shook his head.
“Flannels are useful okay!?” Josh defensively responded.
“Oh I like this one!” Ashley tried a green one on.
“Oh my god it was made for you! That's some high quality flannel dude.” Josh admired as Ashley spun around in her new flannel.
As they descended in the basement, Chris started working on the electricity generator while Ashley and Josh remained on one side, a bit away from him (they just finished bantering because Josh complained about Chris’ phone addiction).
“So…how have you been since-”
“Don't worry about it Ashley. I've been doing well, tonight I just want to have a good time with you guys okay? You and Chris mean a lot to me and well… I don't mean to get between you two because I see how you look at eachother you know? But I like being with you”
“Josh…we also enjoy every minute we spend with you”
“What are you guys talking about?” Chris joined the conversation back.
“What are you talking about Matt?” Emily and Matt were only supposed to get the table ready for the dinner but surprisingly the conversation turned into Matt opening up about his insecurities on his relationship with Emily.
“Matt, you are everything I could ask for. And I've never been happier since we've been together and you better understand that! You're beautiful and you're just a great guy, so don't you dare deny it! And Emily's always right, thank you very much.” Matt didn't expect such direct praises from Emily, he just jumped to hug her as she hugged him back with a surprised look. Jessica passed by the kitchen and threw a disgusted stare at Emily and Matt.
“Emily don't do that-” Emily didn't listen to Matt as she kept walking towards Jessica at a fast pace. When she got near enough, she opened her arms and gave Jessica the warmest hug she ever received.
“Emily? What-"Jessica mumbled.
“I already lost a friend last year and I won't lose another one. I won't let that happen, got it? Especially not over a stupid guy named Mike. You may be a bitch, a huge bitch…”
“But you're still my best friend.”
“Oh Emily” Jessica broke the hug to get a better look at her “I'm so sorry for what I did, I want to go back to how we were…”
“Jessica, I know you're sorry and that you're happy with him and I'm happy with Matt, so let's forget about this stupid feud over some stupid guy, and let's be besties again, I won't take no for an answer by the way.”
“YES” The girls started happily cheering for their friendship as Matt watched, proud of his girlfriend.
“Jesus, these board games are old.” Mike coughed because of the dust.
“Yep, they haven't used them since…”
Mike sighed “I think about that everyday”
“I know Mike, we've talked about it. And you know what I said, you're sorry, everyone is, but now it's time to move on, look at how happy Josh was when he saw us. This is how we can honor them: by celebrating the best Christmas for them.”
“You're right…”
“How are things with your father going by the way?”
“Oh you know, the same stuff as always, he acts like a douche and has those dumb expectations”
“Mh I see…”
“Let's stop talking about me. Let's talk about you, Sam. How are you doing?”
“Oh! Uh well you know, the same stuff as always. I have to take care of everyone again.”
“Yeah, you probably made me accompany you so I could talk about my problems,heh.”
“You got me there. I mean sometimes being the mom friend is tiring you know? You guys give me a lot of work. Helping Chris, Ash and Josh figure out they all have feelings for eachother is hard!”
“Oh yeah! Everyone knows it! Well, except for them. But you're right Sam, we should make an effort to get along better and you know, listen to your problems too.”
“Aw thank you. Nice talk bro!” Sam lightly punched his shoulder.
Everything was now ready for the perfect Christmas. The dishes were on the table. The Christmas tree was beautiful and the living room was shining with all the decorations. The lights were on and the lodge was warm. Sam and Mike had some movies and boardgames prepared for the night, and Josh's (odd) Christmas playlist was playing in the background. Matt, Mike and Sam were playing a board game, Jess and Emily were catching up and Josh,Chris and Ash were cuddling together on the couch while chatting about geeky stuff. Suddenly, the lights started flickering and finally turned off. Screams were heard (mostly from Mike). The lights turned back on, revealing a tall and pale creature standing in the living room. Our friends didn't know it, but it was a wendigo. The time stopped, it was like everyone was too stunned to speak, petrified. The wendigo opened its mouth.
“I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need…”
Josh immediately recognised the beautiful singing voice.
“Hannah!?” The wendigo put a christmas hat on its head. “Yeah!”
“Where have you been!?”
“Long story short, I fell from a mountain into some mines and I ate a dead body to survive and now I look like that!” Hannah cheerfully explained.
“Hey you look just like the monster from my favorite horror movie! Cool!” The two siblings hugged.
“Wait a minute, Hannah. Where's Beth?”
Everyone ran to the tree. Each person got wonderful gifts from their loved ones. Emily got a new bag and jewelry, Jess got new clothes and makeup, Mike got an ugly Christmas sweater and he didn't know it yet but the next day Jessica would take him out to adopt a puppy together, Matt got some more material to practice sports, Chris got a new videogame, Ashley got a new book collection and Sam got some sweaters.
Josh decided that he would give up on his plan. He had the time of his life with his friends and he got his sister back. The rest of the night went wonderfully well. They danced, had a delicious dinner and played board games. Emily and Jess apologized and catched up with Hannah. They even sang together when they organized a Christmas karaoke. In the end, it was the best Christmas everyone could wish for. “Hey Hannah, have you ever played dnd?”
“Chris…” Josh sighed.
“Show me!” Hannah responded, surprising everyone.
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paty0831 · 2 months
Hongice week 2024 || Day 7
Chapter 7: Final
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Human AU
Warning: Mention of NSFW
It was Saturday morning, the Asian family was having breakfast. They were all talking, but Li wasn't paying attention.
“What are your plans for today?” asked their mother.
“I wanted to take my brothers to karaoke, to cheer Li up. He's been very depressed," said Yao.
“It's OK, Li's situation is worrying," their mother replied.
“Did you hear that Li?” Yong Soo said, touching Li with his elbow, "We're going to karaoke”
“Wait, what?” Li reacted, realising what was going on.
“We're going to karaoke, pay attention," replied Yong Soo.
“Well, have fun”
“You too” said Mei.
“Why? I don't want to go”
“To make you feel better. You've been depressed lately,” added Mei.
“I don't want to sing”
“Come on Li,” Yao interjected, “Food's on me”.
“...well," said Li unconvinced.
When Li and his siblings arrived at the karaoke, Li was surprised to see Emil there, accompanied by Mathias and Lukas.
“Li?” Emil was equally surprised.
“What a coincidence," said Li rather cheerfully.
“Not exactly," said Yong Soo.
“I knew how much you missed Li," said Lukas turning to Emil, "so I called Mathias”
“And I texted Yao to meet again," added Mathias.
“So we agreed to meet here and decided to surprise you," said Yao.
“Thank you very much," said Emil smiling.
“Thank you," said Li gratefully.
Emil and Li hugged each other tightly and kissed for a minute.
“I'm glad to know that you still love me," said Emil.
“Of course I love you. I will always love you”
“Me too”
“How about singing a duet for us?” said Mei.
“Yes! To share an experience together,” added Mathias.
“I don't know, I have stage fright,” said Emil.
“Come on Emil,” said Li to encourage Emil, “Besides we probably won't do something together again for a long time”
“OK, but I'm only doing it for you,” he said referring to Li, “and I don't want anyone to laugh at me. It's my first time”
They all nodded, although Emil knew Mathias and Lukas wouldn't laugh at him anyway.
“What do you want to sing?” asked Li.
“...do you know the song "I don't want to miss a thing" by Aerosmith?”
“Yeah, I know it. It's a good one”
That said, Li and Emil went on stage and sang the song as a duet. Li sang the first verse, Emil joined him during the chorus. During the second verse Li fell silent, allowing Emil to sing it alone; Emil noticed this, but did not want to make a fool of himself by remaining silent, so he continued. Afterwards, the two sang the rest of the song together. At the end of the song, they both received applause from the rest.
“Well, I enjoyed it," said Emil smiling, which surprised Lukas and Mathias, as he doesn't smile often.
“Yeah, me too”
“Hey,” said Mathias, “We have a lot of time, we can sing more songs and then we can go to other places”
That said, the whole group stayed for an hour at the karaoke and then went to an amusement park, where they split into groups. Yao, Yong Soo and Mei went their way, Mathias, Lukas went their way, and Li and Emil went their way. This allowed Li and Emil to spend time together as a couple: they went to attractions such as the Ferris wheel and the tunnel of love. Afterwards they both went for candyfloss and sat down together to chat; first they caught up with each other, then they decided to change the subject.
“Do you think we can have a long-distance relationship?” said Emil.
“We could try, I don't think it will turn out bad if we try hard... I just hope it doesn't turn out bad like in Romeo and Juliet”
“Maybe it shouldn't end like that... you know, I had a dream that we were figure skaters, our families were at odds, but we defied your parents and ended up together, but when we wanted to talk to our parents I woke up. We were together anyway despite your parents' complaints”
“Your dream was better than mine. I dreamt a sort of Romeo and Juliet in the middle ages, which ended tragically... I can't believe that in your dream we defied my parents”
“Yes, we did, and when I woke up I wondered if it might be possible for us to be together again”
“Maybe so," said Li.
The next morning, the table was ready for breakfast. The whole family was there, or almost the whole family, only Emil was missing. His mother went upstairs to wake him up, but she got a shock...
“Emil is not here!”
Emil's dad got scared and ran upstairs, Lukas came up after him.
When they saw this, both parents decided to get ready to go out and look for him. Lukas stayed behind in case Emil came back. As soon as they left, Lukas called Emil to ask where he was.
“Emil, where are you? Mom and dad are worried, they're out looking for you”
“I'm sorry Lukas, but I can't reveal my location. I'll just tell you that this is the only way that Li and I can be together”
“Of course not, there must be another way. You just have to think for a while”
“Don't you think we have already looked for another way to be together? This is the only solution we could find”
“Please Emil, come home. Here we will help you to think of something”
“...I'll think about it,” saying this, Emil hung up.
Lukas was worried about his brother; he hoped that he would consider it and come home.
At Li's house, his family was also worried, as Li was missing. His parents went out to look for him anyway, while Yao, Yong Soo and Mei stayed behind.
“I think Li ran away with Emil to start a new life somewhere else," said Mei.
“I'd say you got that from one of your romantic movies, but I think you're right, why else would he run away?” added Yong Soo.
“We have to find out where he is," said Yao, upset, "He could be somewhere dangerous”
“So that mom and dad can catch him? Better not," said Yong Soo.
“I didn't say anything about ratting him out; I just want to know where he is so I can help him”
Then Yao took out his phone and called Li.
“Calm down Yao, I'm fine”
“Yes, but where are you?”
“I'm not in a dangerous place; do you think I'm an idiot?”
“I know you're not, but I won't calm down if you don't tell me”
“Well, I'll just tell you that we're safe. Bye, I have to go”
“Don't hang... - Li hung up before Yao finished the sentence.
“Li, I'm not entirely sure this is a good idea," said Emil uncertainly.
“You'll see that it is”
“I have a feeling they're going to find us quickly”
“I don't think so. Everything is going according to plan; we just don't have to tell anyone where we are”
“The plan isn't even well thought out, you improvised it yesterday and I don't know how you convinced me”
“It's just that you love me and you didn't want us to stay apart”
“Well, yes, and now what's next?”
Their parents searched all day, their siblings tried to call them again, but they did not answer. Both families were worried. Emil's parents went to the police headquarters to speak to the chief:
“I'm sorry, but a person cannot be considered missing until 24 hours have passed,” the chief told them.
“We're talking about a minor! What if something bad happens to him in the course of the night?” Emil's father replied, upset.
“It's the law”
“Please help us, officer," pleaded Emil's mother.
“I can't…” she heard a knock on the door, “Come in”.
“Excuse me, officer," said the receptionist opening the door, "but there's a couple who insist on talking to you”
 “Yes, send them in. We're done here”
The receptionist let the couple in, who were Li's parents.
“Officer, we are desperate, our son Li is missing," said Li's mother in despair. Emil's parents heard that as they walked out, which got them thinking.
Li's parents were leaving the headquarters in annoyance and Emil's parents intercepted them:
“Is your son missing too?” asked Emil's mother.
“Yes," said Li's father in surprise, "Yours too?”
“Yes, and we think the boys might be together," replied Emil's father. Li's parents realised that it was true.
“I know we have our differences, but we should work together to find the boys, since the police won’t help us”
Li's parents hesitated for a moment, but in the end, they agreed.
Li and Emil's parents spread out in different parts of the city to search for their sons, and asked their closest friends to help them cover more ground, including Mathias' parents. Hours passed and there was no sign until Mathias' father arrived at a gas station on the outskirts of town, where one of the employees told him he had seen Li and Emil:
“Yes, I remember them. They came here; they asked me to look after their bikes while they went into the store for food”
“And did you see where they went when they left?”
“That way," he said pointing to the road, implying that they were fleeing the city.
“Thank you very much”
Afterwards, Mathias' father told the others.
Li and Emil are on the road walking, as they got tired of cycling. They found a sign that said the nearest town was 20 km away.
“Li, I still don't think it's a good idea”
“Of course it is. We're pretty far away”
“Yeah, but at this rate we'll get to the next town by night”
“Well, all right. It wasn't a good idea, but what do we do about our parents? They'll surely separate us forever”
Emil was sad to remember that.
“I'm sorry Emil, I just wanted to be with you, even if it meant running away from home, moving to another town and starting a new life”
“Do you know why I followed you even though your plan is absurd? Because I love you and I would do anything to be with you”
They hugged each other and decided to go ahead with their plan. They kept walking until a car approached that Li recognised immediately, it was his father's car.
“Emil, I think they found us. Let's go"
As the two were about to get on their bikes to go, the car parked in front of them. Afterwards, Li and Emil's moms came out, who were upset and ordered them to get in the car. They, knowing that they already were in too much trouble, decided to get in without arguing. In the car, their parents scolded them:
“What were you thinking boys, we were very worried!” said Emil's mother.
“I'm sorry mom,” said Emil apologetically.
“That's not enough! They deserve to be grounded,” said Li's mom, “Li, you are forbidden to talk to that boy again. We'll make sure you’ll lose all contact with him”
“That's enough, Mom!” said Li on the verge of tears, “It's been enough punishment being away from him for a year! That's why we ran away! Because we don't want to be separated for another minute!”
“That boy is a bad influence on you!”
“Wait a minute! My son is not a bad influence!” said Emil's mother.
“Yes, mom! Emil is not bad! Besides...! I was the one who incited him to run away,” Li said that last part in embarrassment.
“Yes, this was all my idea. Emil is not to blame, just for loving me too much to follow me... But mom, I don't want to be separated from Emil again”
“I love Li too," said Emil, "I love him very much, it was his idea to escape, but I followed him because I don't want to be separated from him again either”
“...if we let them get back together, they would do bad things at night again," said Li's mother.
“We didn't do anything wrong that night. I just went to sleep at his house”
“Yeah, plus we promised Lukas we wouldn't do that”
“What? Lukas already knew?” said Emil's mother in surprise.
Both families arrived at Emil's house, consulted with Lukas about what had happened and he told them what had happened, and Li and Emil confessed that they had already had sex before what had happened with Lukas. Li's parents realised that Li and Emil were willing to give up these practices in order not to be separated. After hours of discussion, Li and Emil's parents decided that they would no longer separate them, but that they would be punished for running away. Li and Emil had their phones taken away for a month; however, Li returned to the same school as Emil so they could see each other more often. They did not resume sexual activity until after school.
Their relationship lasted for a long time. They both entered the same university and after graduating they got married. Today, they live in a house in the suburbs, where they live a quiet life with their children.
The end
@hongiceweek Sorry, I'm late
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pocketramblr · 11 months
Ask Game: Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shouto are the children of the stable happy marriage of Rei and Masaru Bakugo. Touya and Katsuki are the children of Enji and Mitsuki Todoroki.
Well this just feels targeted...
1- the night before his meeting with the Himura family, Enji has a hero event with a few support designers. One of them spends fifteen minutes telling him why his is stupid. (And honestly, Mitsuki could have gone on longer about why he shouldn't be wasting energy on his quirk to set himself on fire decoratively - I mean sure if he wants do that with his face it's his right and his face, whatever, but the flaming shoulder pads? When his biggest problem is overheating? Why add to the problem when a good costume is supposed to help, not hinder him. And don't give her the excuse about being strong or whatever, she won't have her work insulted just because it keeps pros at top shape instead of making their quirk the focal point when it should be how they use it: and he needs to use his more intelligently.) He talks with her for hours afterwards, and tells the Himuras he won't be there to meet with them tomorrow.
2- when Rei suddenly isn't needed and she has a free day, she tends the gardens and listens to her parents and aunts discuss why their big hero offer wasn't interested anymore- it can't have been the girl's fault when he didn't even give her a chance, and her quirk is as strong as ever. Maybe they need to find another match, but they're desperate, and the other options are... worse, not with the reward this catch was supposed to have. Rei is sent to a cousin's place for a week while they search for another match. She doesn't arrive, taking the sudden cancellation for a sign and going to her old teenage sweetheart instead.
3- when Mitsuki gets pregnant with Touya, she informs Enji they're getting married. He had plans for a whole big thing and she said "yeah in a year so we can actually plan it and design a dress I won't look like I shoved a watermelon in, in the meantime we're changing our family registration today let's go." Rei and Masaru didn't get married quite as quickly, but they also played a more medium wedding. Rei didn't invite anyone from her family, so Masaru invited a lot of his. They reunite with Inko, who was in Masaru's highschool class at the wedding.
4- Fuyumi got her mother's ice, Natsuo his father's oxidizing sweat, and Shoto got a perfect mix- where Fuyumi can generate ice from anywhere on her body, he can only do so from his hands. However, his ice is more... Explosive, especially when cracked. The only safe way to really remove it is to very slowly melt it, or to let him do so. Meanwhile Touya's sweat makes him fireproof, and Katsuki's body in general is fireproof where his sweat is extremely flammable.
5- Mitsuki's reaction to Enji's whole mini eugenics experiment was "well that's stupid and not how kids work. They're only going to be strong if THEY want to be, not if it's about YOU. Just because you've got a weird thing for All Might doesn't mean they will, I mean statistically he'll have retired by the time the graduate." Which is like. Definitely better than being on board with it, but also missing large parts of why it's really bad, and she got her own brand of not great parenting that is going to clash with Enji's and make some kids who are messed up in new and exciting ways from canon. Like yeah inferiority/superiority complexes in colors shrimp can see, but also like. I don't know if Katsuki will have ever heard the words "I'm" and "sorry" in that order before the age of 11.
Meanwhile Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shoto will grow up in a home that's so conflict avoidant that "I'm sorry" will be in the top twenty most frequently spoken phrases each week.
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