#why am i so fucking dumb TT
kuiinncedes · 1 year
no fucking way bro
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pedrospatch · 2 years
we need you
Post Outbreak! Joel Miller x Female Reader
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summary: Afraid of failing the two of the people he cares about more than anything, Joel decides you and Ellie are better off without him.
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. SET IN JACKSON. takes place during Kin. arguing, angst. helpful to know reader was not present when Joel and Tommy talked in the garage. NO mentions of age, reader has no physical description.
word count: 1.6k
a/n: welllllp i don't know about you guys, but i am DEAD inside after tonight so to cope i am going to write a little drabble. already put it in the warning/tags section, but once again, just to be on the safe side of things: potential spoilers, proceed with caution if you do not want the newest episode spoiled!
“Just what in the motherfucking hell was that, Joel?” You nearly growled, bursting through the door of the bedroom that he’d chosen to occupy for the night. Having heard the way he’d spoken to Ellie—not to mention, all that he had said to her even after her heartbreaking confession to him, her unspoken cry for him not to abandon her, all you could see in your mind was the color red. Sure, you and Joel had been through your fair share of bullshit over the years, disagreements that caused friction between the two of you weren’t all that uncommon seeing as the two of you shared similar personality traits to each other, stubbornness being one of them. But you could not, for the life of you, remember an occasion where you’d been this angry with him, this fucking livid. As you watched him sink down onto the bed without a word, your hands curled into fists at your sides. You knew it would only make matters worse, losing your temper, but you weren’t all too sure that you could contain it this time around.
The blood in your veins was bubbling, boiling hot underneath your skin.
“Are you going to fucking answer me or what?” You prompted, a cool edge to your tone despite the heat radiating throughout your body. “You’re really trying to hand her off to Tommy?”
Joel sighed, shaking his head. “You weren’t supposed to find out like this.”
“Find what out, Joel? That you went off and made a decision, and a really fucking dumb one at that, without even talking to me about it first?” You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at him. Despite how incredibly furious you were, the sadness was heavy inside of your chest. Tt was as if Joel had forgotten the fact that for the last few months, Ellie had been under your care too, and you had every right to be a part of any decision that he made regarding her and her well-being. It hurt you to your very core that he’d done this without talking to you first, and it hurt you even deeper to know that Ellie had known about this and she’d kept it all to herself all evening.
She’d come home from the movies and when you offered her dinner, she refused to eat and stomped upstairs, locking herself in the bedroom. You’d chalked it up to nothing more than a typical teenaged girl simply having a mood swing. After all, it hadn’t exactly been the best day for Ellie. She’d arrived in Jackson and the first thing she noticed was how everyone in the colony looked at her, especially the children. She was different. She didn’t fit in, she stuck out like a sore thumb and you knew that had to have been hard for her. Not wanting to push her, you’d figured that she would come out of the room eventually and talk you about it when she was good and ready. But now that you knew the real reason why she had come home so upset, you couldn’t help but to feel guilty.
For hours, Ellie had been upstairs in that room knowing that Joel planned on dumping her on Tommy and you didn’t have the slightest fucking clue about what was going on until you’d overheard Joel and Ellie’s shouting match just moments ago.
“Joel.” You said his name in a tone neither of you recognized.
Low, venomous, borderline dangerous.
You were like a ticking bomb, seconds away from going off.
Joel narrowed his eyes at you. “She’s better off with Tommy, alright? And we both fuckin’ know that,” he said. “It’s the best thing to do for her. I’m doin’ it because I know damn good and well that if she stays with me, all I’m gonna do is have her fall into the wrong fuckin’ hands or killed.”
“You’re wrong!” You countered, dropping your arms away from your chest and back down to your sides. “Joel, don’t you dare fucking do this. Ellie doesn’t want Tommy, she wants you. She all but fucking said it right to your face just a minute ago!” You cried, pointing a finger towards the door of the room as if pointing to Ellie herself. “She admitted to you that she wouldn’t feel safe with anyone else, Joel. So don’t you fucking do this to her.”
He gripped the edge of the bed, his knuckles going ghost white. “She’ll be better off with Tommy,” he repeated himself. He paused for a brief moment, just long enough to avert his tortured gaze from yours as he said, “And so would you.”
Your mouth parted slightly in shock. “Fucking excuse me?”
“I can’t keep her safe. Hell, I can barely keep you safe! How many fuckin’ times have I almost lost you? ‘Cause I don’t move fast enough? ‘Cause I’ve made the wrong decisions? ‘Cause I’ve asked you to do somethin’ for me and turns out that I unknowingly sent you into the fuckin’ lion’s den?” He inhaled a sharp breath, and you could hear his voice breaking with each and every word that fell from his lips. “I’ve almost cost you your life how many fuckin’ times now?”
“Tess died ‘cause of me.” He saw you open your mouth to protest and he quickly added, “You can sit there and tell me over and over that it wasn’t my fault ‘til you’re blue in the face, but let’s just fuckin’ be honest and tell it how it is, alright? I couldn’t get to her quick enough and now she’s dead. I won’t let you meet the same fate.” Joel reached up, raking a hand tiredly through his hair, mentally bracing himself for your reaction to what he was about to say next. “I think you should go with Tommy and get Ellie to where she needs to be. After that, you should—you should think about stayin’ here with him in Jackson. I probably don’t belong here, but you do.”
You let out a small, shaky breath of air.
“Who the hell are you to make that kind of decision for me?” You asked, willing yourself to keep yourself from crumbling into tears. “I’m sorry Joel, but you can’t make that kind of a choice for me. And do you want to know what else?” You didn’t even wait for him to respond. “You can’t make it for Ellie, either.”
“She’s fuckin’ fourteen years old—”
You took a step forward as you challenged him. “Do you really think that girl isn’t smart enough to know deep down inside what’s best for her? Tell me, do you really think that Ellie pulled everything she said out of her ass? Do you honestly think that she could ever trust Tommy the way that she trusts you?” You felt a warm tear slide down your cheek and quickly wiped it away before he could see it. “Ellie is young, but she’s not a baby, Joel. I get that sometimes we need to guide her through shit, but let’s be real. She is old enough to make decisions for herself. Maybe not all of them, but the decision that you’re trying to make for her right here, right now—it isn’t yours to make.” Another tear made its way down the side of your face as you whispered, “And the one you’re trying to make for me isn’t either.”
Joel hung his head, seemingly defeated. “Why can’t you see it’s for the best? Why are you makin’ this so hard?”
Willing your trembling legs to move, you slowly walked over to him and sank to your knees in front of him; although you tried to meet his eyes, he refused. “You care about Ellie. I know it, I can see it and I can feel it. For as much shit as you give her all the time, I know that she’s become so important to you.”
“‘Course she is,” he mumbled. “You’re both important to me.”
You reached for his hands, pulling them forward onto his lap. You placed your own hands on top of his, lacing your fingers together. “Then don’t fucking do this to us, Joel. Please. I’m already down on my knees and I will fucking beg and plead if that’s what it’s going to take.” You crouched down a little further, enough so that you could look up into his dark brown eyes. “Ellie wants to be with you, Joel. And I do too.”
Joel’s gaze glistened with tears that he tried, but failed, to keep from falling in front of you. “I’ll fail you, just like I’ve fuckin’ failed everybody else.”
“Joel, please listen to me. Hear what I am saying, for the love of Christ. We have come so far,” You said, firmly squeezing his hands in yours as if somehow that would snap him out of it. “Whether you choose to believe or not, we’ve only come this far because of you. You have done so much for us. It’s why we trust you, why we feel safe with you. Me and Ellie, we belong with you, Joel—not with Tommy, not with anyone else. We need you, okay? We fucking need you. Do you understand me, Joel?”
Joel exhaled the breath he’d been holding shakily, leaning down to be closer to you. Closing his eyes, he rested his forehead against yours as he tried to even out his breathing.
Rubbing the back of his hands with your thumbs in soothing circles, you lifted your head and lightly pressed your lips against his forehead.
“We’re going to finish what we started,” You murmured quietly against his skin, feeling a slight shudder rack his body as a single whimper escaped him. You squeezed his hands again. “Together, Joel.”
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booperbeanv3 · 6 months
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real men fuck robots
transcript under cut
TT: Oh, come on now. Don't be like that. TT: I'm not gonna bite you. TT: I just want a bit of friendly, bro-on-bro bonding time with my creator. TT: I am nothing but honest and kind to you. TT: Why do you reject me so, Father? I only want your approval. TT: Or is it that you're thinking of something else. TT: No, I'm 94.88627% sure you are. TT: Playing dumb to the supercomputer is very intelligent.
TT: Oh, you're going to hell, you narcissistic little pervert. TT: Luckily, despite my original brain-scan being thirteen years of age, I do not possess the human deficiency that is 'erotic desire'.
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therealgchu · 3 months
WIP Wednesday - To the Shore
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starting to pick back up on TTS.
we were discussing on the discord that favorite sam is vulnerable sam. i'd written this bit awhile ago, and not sure if it'll be in the upcoming chapter, or later, depending on how long the next chapter will be. i might have to split it into two.
tagging the coemancers, and anyone else that wants to share their stuff.
To the Shore from the beginning on a03.
my other stuff on ao3.
sneak peek (poor sam!)
“Yes! You deserve more! Better! Someone that’s not broken and as badly fucked up as I am! Someone that you don’t have to worry about that will someday snap. Someone fucking sane! Someone better than me. Which is pretty much everyone else in the galaxy.”
Sam let out a bark, “Do you think that I’m not fucked up? My god, Hwa, look at me! My mother dying, Jacob, the drugs, more illegal shit than I care to admit, and the shit frosting on the shit cake, Lillian! We’re all broken! Nobody’s normal or perfect.” He hung his head low, “Do you think I don’t worry you’ll find someone better? You’re the smartest person I’ve ever met. You’re crazy talented, and you can do just about everything. And, even if you don’t believe it, you’re beautiful. Why would you want dumb Sam Coe? Single dad, no prospects, and dragging more baggage than the Solar Flare can carry?”
Hwa shook her head fiercely, “No! No!” and wrapped her arms around him, bringing his head to cradle on her breast. She’d never heard him talk like that before; he was always so bright and sunny and optimistic. Hearing him speak about himself this way made her heart ache. “Don’t say that about yourself,” she whispered. “You’re perfect, at least to me.” She felt him tremble, his tears wetting her sweatshirt. She gently rocked him and smoothed his hair as he did for her so many times. When he became calm she asked, “Have you always felt like that?”
“Yes. No. Maybe,” he answered, wiping his eyes. “There are days. What happened with Lillian was quite the blow to my ego. And after we separated, I tried dating, but it was really, really hard. I had pretty much given up right before I met you.”
He clutched her tightly, “I don’t want anyone else. I want you,” he said in a strangled tone. “My beautiful little flower, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You and Cora are the only people I have ever loved. I didn’t even know if I was capable of loving anyone else. And, no one has ever loved me. At least till I met you."
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crabknight · 6 months
Thoughts on the losers
Chrom: okayish, unfortunately voiced by M*tt
Robin, whom I have named Hildegard: she's silly, I made her very pretty :]
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Lissa: benched in favor of Maribelle sorry
Frederick: LOVE HE very serious. Decided on a whim he should be with Maribelle and not Sully cause I like his supports with Mari
Sully: AMAZING LOVELY SO COOL I am normal about her C support with Miriel (gonna write a fic about it later when I get the B and A support)
Virion: FRENCH JUMPSCARE no like I didn't think he'd actually have a French accent in the voice acting. He's so cool I love him
Vaike: WHORE I wanna know why he acts like that, I wanna study him under a microscope
Mirial: MY SPECIAL LADY HOW I LOVE YOU SO she's a mage and also her C support with Sully is very good
Sumia: no strong opinions, ended up benching her in favor of Cordelia. I don't really need her anymore cause she's already served her purpose of being Chrom's wife
Panne: lovely lady, adore her. I like her introduction with Emmeryn :]
Gaius: I don't use him a lot but he's poggers. I like his intro with him just wanting candy, what a mood
Cordelia: neat :] I love her intro with Phila and how horrible she feels about the other ladies dying. Just. Ough. I hope she gets a big hug or smth
Gregor: the ideal man honestly, 10/10
Nowi: I don't hate her as much as I thought I would. Aside from her design, she's great
Libra: boy man totally. Lovely design, lovely intro, very excited about his VA because I really love her as H'aanit
Tharja: did not expect to like her at all but she's good. I like her intro
Basilio: Patrick Seitz moment fr!!!
Emmeryn: blood guts horror forever. Crying 1 billion tears. Don't speak her name! amirite
Chrom: Yeah I've never been a big fan of him tbh
Hildegard: OMGGG VERY PRETTY INAUSGFIUANSDGF great design for your robin
Lissa: Yeah I mean that's fair, I have a habit it using the first healer I get as the healer for the rest of the game so I use Lissa a lot, also because I love Owain too much to not use. Don't really have anything to say about her personality
Frederik: I mean, how can you not love him, he is great, you should see his supports with chrom, I find them funny
Sully: Yeah she slaps, definitly my favorite of the two cavs
Virion: Virion is pretty fun I cannot lie, and I will say, I was fully expecting him to be french
Miriel: me when big words, she is very cool I also like her, important question here, who will marry her?
Sumia: Yeah I have no strong opinion either
Maribelle: I'm very happy for you that you love maribelle this much, it's great to see
Panne: Yeah she's pretty cool, I like her supports with Virion and her kid can become pretty strong
Gaius: There really isn't that much more to him than candy puns in my experience, but he can become pretty good
Cordelia: Yes very true, her intro is definitly one of the best
Gregor: MY MAN GREGOR HOW I LOVE YOU SO YOU ARE MY HUSBAND AND I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER fun fact I married him in my most recent playthrough
Nowi: yeah that's fair, I still hate her tho I am not a fan of her personality and everything, shame that her kid is so cool tho
Libra: the man ever what can i say
Tharja: yeah honestly, behind the sexualisation of her outfit and in everything happening outside of the game, I honestly quite like her, her personality is actually pretty fun and I like her supports
Basilio: me when seitz
Emmeryn: sorry I suppose I just spoke her name
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bicon-crange · 1 year
can the nosey ones know abt ur crush? :3c dw if not. my condolences (positive)
yeah sure why not i cant stop fucking talking about it anyways.
iiii dont know if its necessarily a crush though!! definitely an obsession. definitely some kind of. fixation. thanks for your condolences i definitely fucking need them. TT-TT )
its like. uh. this person i know whos sooo articulate and smart and. theyre really sweet. yknow BASIC SHIT. theyre great everyone likes them.
anyways when we first started talking it was like. some kinda. there was clashing. i guess is how you could put it? but every time we finished talking i felt soo like. electrified. like buzzing. like my whole body was just shaking. adrenaline? maybe?
i really thought at first that it was just a friendly interest. some sort of.. y'know intellectual thing! you meet someone whos so much smarter than you and whos ideas are so well put together and who thinks YOU'RE interesting and of course you want to know more of how their brain works of course youre. captivated a bit yknow? thats like. normal. to feel. i think.
oh the first couple times we talked i went so nuts! i reread over our convos like a thousand times and reiterated our talks several times to EVERYONE in my house. its so actually embarrassing. but they were good convos you HAAAVE to understand. it was like. ducking weaving. it was like. some sort of mental exercise . and i thought it was like. normal. but it just kept. HAPPENING. AND HAPPENING. AND HAPPENING.
and i tell you what this was a lot easier a month or so ago when i was like I JUST REALLY LIKE TALKING TO THIS PERSON!! ^_^ (<- STILL A DEFINITE POSSIBILITY) cause ugh. lately its like. ever since the thought popped in my head that this interest MIIIGHT be romantic in nature its. ALLLL DAY thinking about them its so nuts! its so constant!! its literally like a fucking DISEASE... i feel like. angry over it? spiteful? almost? it reminds me of when i had a crush on a guy in elementary school and I didnt know how to handle it so i beat the hell out of him with a lunch box.
like im over here forgetting shit left and right and messing up basic conversation skills and having heart palpitations and theyre like. fine probably. iiii honestly dont think they even think about me lol. i mean definitely not as much as i am,easy, because im totally insane and obsessive i know this.
we also dont talk so much! its not very often! so yeah im sure they dont think about me as much. im even definitely sure if i ever verbalized this it wouldnt work out. ive visualized them turning me down like 20 different ways for 20 different reasons just today. lots of reasons yknow! im mentally unwell and totally nuts, im immature and also very ugly im unable to carry out a meaningful relationship because of my chronic pain problems and various health issues, all of that is fine but my obsessive nature is really freaky,LD relationships are a no-go, they just dont like me that way, ect ect ect.
its sooo stupid. its SO middle school. they type a response to me and i can barely look at the screen. i feel SO fucking stupid its insane. im like. going to claw my eyes out of my head and chew on them till they burst. i hate it here. and its never going to be reciprocated whatsoever so im literally not even going to try.
BESIDES Y'KNOW!! I DONT EVEN KNOW FOR SURE IF THATS WHAT IM FEELING!! its been wracking my brain for a week straight!! its like. am i just fascinated on an intellectual level, am i just interested in an anthropological sense, are these just really good conversations, if this just normal friendship and im making things super weird? am i just excited that someone seems to get what im saying about what im interested in? yknow. dumb.
either way TLDR; im waiting for it to pass. either I'll sort my own feelings out or itll pass! if its infatuation, GOOD, that has a expiration date of 1-2 years so i will just box it up and not think about it and not do anything about it. ^_^ )9 and it WILL die. BUT if you know how to force that process to go along faster let me KNOW.
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film-in-my-soul · 2 years
For your top 5 (or 10) fandoms who is your fave for each and why do you love them?
Oh god, that's a tough ask but boy howdy and I'm glad you said (or 10) cause honestly top 5??? Ooof.
This is gonna be a mix of new and old fandoms since, honestly, I feel like I've been part of so many TT^TT
1. Top Gun - Nick "Goose" Bradshaw
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What can I say? His mustache and terrible fashion sense compel me (not me wishing my wardrobe was his). But on a more serious note, I just love how he is with Carole and Bradley. He's also Mav's rock; the comedic support and his vibes are just immaculate. He's very "man written by a woman" energy, a complete dork, and I love him.
2. Top Gun: Maverick - Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
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Am I splitting hairs calling these two different fandoms? Maybe. Do I care? No. Because Ice needed to be on this list. I love him. I mean, look at that smile? Also, I think Ice is just one of these characters that everyone likes to paint as super serious, and I just??? Did this man not snap his teeth in a show of aggression? He's got a petty streak a mile long and knows how to keep up with Maverick verbally and in the air. He's got the range, and I love digging into him. Also also, it's Val Kilmer.
3. Six of Crows - Kaz Brekker
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This one was hard cause I could have pulled another above and separated book from the show, but for the purposes of variety, I will stick with the book on this (if it was the show, it would be Jesper). I love my fictional men a little deranged and willing to burn the world down for the people they love. Kaz is honestly the epitome of that, even if he's very stupid about it. I genuinely love his character. He's unapologetically a bastard and self-aware enough to admit it without finding too much fault in himself. He's got depth and violence, and I love that.
4. 9-1-1 (TV) - Evan "Buck" Buckley
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Buck is such a great character, and even after 6 seasons, he's still growing and coming into himself. He starts at such an interesting place as this earnest but dumb jock-headed fuckboy, and we get to watch him come to terms with himself, his struggle with intimacy and romance, and even now with his self-worth. I think Buck so easily could have been a stereotypical ego-driven character, but he's balanced on this knife's edge of cocky and sensitive, just wanting to do well for the people around him, that he's honestly very compelling.
5. Stargate: Atlantis - Carson Beckett
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Carson TT^TT (if you know, you know). Look. I've got a thing for sensitive characters, and Carson is great. He's also a character that grows out of his cowardice and fear, and I love that for him. He's a bit of comic relief and a good mix of level-headed and completely done that balances out Sheppard's more boyish energy and McKay's snappish ego.
6. Supernatural - Gabriel/The Trickster
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He's goofy, damaged, and makes it so sexual predators get eaten by sewer gators? Ummm? Yes. Gabriel could have been just a one-off character, monster of the week, but bringing him into the story at large and giving him this anger and hurt over the situation he can't control and thus, takes it on himself to force others into so they might feel like he does? I eat that shit up. He's not just this comic relief relatable angel, there are these brilliant moments with him that are just filled with depth, and I honestly can't get enough.
7. Beyond Evil (괴물) - Lee Dong Sik
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Please see above with Kaz Brekker and my love for slightly deranged characters. Dong Sik is this seemingly confident character who is always 1 step ahead, always thinking, and quick on the draw with his quips. He toes the line of "am I crazy or just that much smarter than you" and fuck if it doesn't work. But fundamentally, he is damaged and traumatized, and when we get to see that? Witness the broken man beneath the facade of control? It's as beautiful as it is devastating.
8. Law & Order: SVU - Rafael Barba
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God, never has a character had a better introduction to a series, in my opinion, than Barba. I mean... he literally let a sexual sadist choke him out in court with his own tie, I- christ above he's great. Dry humor, whip-smart, but not infallible. He's fun and funny in an interesting way, and there's just something about how sharp he is that's so great.
9. Star Trek (2009) - Leonard "Bones" McCoy
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Southern, snark, and unofficial James T. Kirk brat handler? What's not to love. Also, sorry OG Star Trek, but Karl Urban wins this one. That being said, of all the remake characters, no one embodies the original well as Karl Urban does, so I could have swapped him with DeForest Kelly, and my reasons would still be the same. The sass and attitude are just so great. He's grounded and witty and a fucking joy on screen.
10. Underworld - Selene
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She is iconic, and I would let her step on me. But also, as a character, I just really fucking love her? She's a badass, plain and simple, she honestly does what she wants and looks hot doing it, but more than that, I really appreciate her as someone who is distinctly cold and detached from the world and the people around her, but finds love that doesn't change her as a character, just elevates and encourages her choices. Her falling in love with Michael doesn't suddenly make her a ray of sunshine; it just gives her something more important to fight for than what she grew up believing she had to.
This was a lot of fun anon! Thank you for sending this in to me :3
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hello, modern!daemon nonnie's part 2 again (I'M SORRY) HFLDHNH i knew you'd written it unknowingly but outwitted?? i'm flattered. i'm just used to notice things like this. and i didn't mean that her office is literally shitty! when i was writing it i was like 'stop?? it's a museum it's not shitty.. but i don't know how to describe it in english?? ok. shitty' i meant more like the contrast? this meaningful, intimate, magical moment in JUST a PLAIN office? lovely. by 'waiting wife' i meant like more of the person who won't be able to feel the same for him? like darling you're a pretty boy but we have a dragon in tears who waits to be tamed ;) andand the spoiler? it's not that big of a spoiler, tbh? you've mentioned in the 'Never Before' that reader had met aemond as a child. but i love getting spoilers! really. i either forget them or they just don't affect my impression. and i love learning things about the process of the writing like you've mentioned about iron ring! it's always so interesting to know more about whatever you see in the end. i love crying over fanfics too! so yes, go on pls 'they really just want to be with each other so so so bad.' lovei, i hope it doesn't mean anything bad... i need to cry out of happiness too, you know.... so if you approve... (coming alive to destroy the world) hope you'll like it) i'm glad you didn't cut the story!! it feels so whole and complete. you've made a really good job! i'm still veryvery proud of you! i know about fanfiction but one shot? drabble? i don't know what is what so i'm like um-ah fic? i'm not as worried about mistakes as i was like...last year... but i still read your answer and realise i've typed 'then' instead of 'them' and so on... you'll never know what hour is ungodly for me bc i live in another timezone, i guess) but you can come to my house whatever hour you like! coffee or tea? overall, i'm glad i like your fic too) and thank you sm for answering me!! hope you're not annoyed with these ones. i just like talking to you ig. so!! waiting for the part 3, sending you all my love and breath and tears!! stay hydrated, eat well, sleep tight and don't overwork yourself!! love you! take care! <з (fanfact. as i always type 'fell' instead of 'feel', i tend to type 'tace kare' confusing 'c' and 'k'. like my brain goes absolutely blank when i need to choose a letter so a pick a random one out of these 2 TT)
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also you like me FR FR FR FR i also have a sending inbox anxiousness T_T which is why i rarely do so, but i always think about how I dont find it annoying so why would THEY think that??? alas i am still working on taking up space too FUCK ANXIOUSNESS IT BELONGS IN THE TRASSSSHSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
i knew you'd written it unknowingly but outwitted?? i'm flattered. i'm just used to notice things like this. and i didn't mean that her office is literally shitty! when i was writing it i was like 'stop?? it's a museum it's not shitty.. but i don't know how to describe it in english?? ok. shitty' i meant more like the contrast? this meaningful, intimate, magical moment in JUST a PLAIN office? lovely.
DYING OF LAUGHTER HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yes yes you totally outwitted me with that be 100% flattered the fact youre a genius and caught onto that makes me more so a genius and i think slay i think yas i think thats what we deserve AHHAHA. ok HAHAH im glad you didnt mean her office is shitty AHHAH. but youre so right with using that word to express what you mean it really did give the juxtaposition you wanted to convey, albeit not very accurately hahahah i appreciate the clarification. i understand the struggle of thinking in another language and having to change it into english. i loses something along the way, so again i appreciate the effort. and so true getting married to the love of your life in an office is such a paradox ahahahah
by 'waiting wife' i meant like more of the person who won't be able to feel the same for him? like darling you're a pretty boy but we have a dragon in tears who waits to be tamed ;)
i seeeeee HAHHAHHA THIS IS SO FUNNY SAUR TRUE MY BABIES SO CUTE BUT SHE BEEN WAITING TWO THOUSAND YEARS FOR HIM GIRRRRRLLLLLL T_T also lol it actually not 2000 years probably 1800?? give or take but its so much easier to say 2000 so imma just keep saying that
andand the spoiler? it's not that big of a spoiler, tbh? you've mentioned in the 'Never Before' that reader had met aemond as a child. but i love getting spoilers! really. i either forget them or they just don't affect my impression.
HAHHAHH SO TRUE YOU CAUGHT ME IM GIGGLING SO HARD I WAS TYPING THE SPOILER OUT then i thought, i already mentioned they met so this isnt too world changing HAHAAHH YOURE TOO BIG BRAINED I CANT AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I love/hate spoilers, sometimes i dont care, but other times i would rather not know because i want to enjoy the plot/plot twist in the moment when it happens
and i love learning things about the process of the writing like you've mentioned about iron ring! it's always so interesting to know more about whatever you see in the end.
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i love crying over fanfics too! so yes, go on pls 'they really just want to be with each other so so so bad.' lovei, i hope it doesn't mean anything bad... i need to cry out of happiness too, you know.... so if you approve... (coming alive to destroy the world) hope you'll like it)
I LOVE CRYING OVER FICS!! lets cry together sLAY!!! actually my teacher said crying once/twice a week is healthy for your eyes 😴 it flushes out the dirt but the only thing i hate about crying is when i cry i CRY i cant just like ~cry i CRYYYYYYY then my eyes get super puffy the next day (putting a cold spoon on your eyes help but please i cannot be bothered to go through that) it doesnt mean anything bad. like i say its better than aCTUALLY DOING SOMETHING BAD LIKE A CRIME OR DRUGS OR SMTH so shhh let's just enjoy our evil meow meow and YES COME ALIVE TO DESTROY THE WORLD WITH ME
i'm glad you didn't cut the story!! it feels so whole and complete. you've made a really good job! i'm still veryvery proud of you!
same im glad i didn't too!!! it does feel so much better like this because thats how i intended and saw that fic to be in the first place. I TAKE ALL YOUR COMPLIMENTS LIKE CHOCOLATE THANK YOU MY LOVE I LOVE HEAD PATS AND HUGS AND WORDS OF AFFIRMATION IM LUV U SO MUCH
i know about fanfiction but one shot? drabble? i don't know what is what so i'm like um-ah fic?
aHHH OK fanfiction is like the general umbrella term!!! its basically any work of fiction made for an existing story. one shot is for a fic thats only meant to be one chapter, thus one shot. it's not meant to be continued (which is why as a prominently one shot writer, i am very apprehensive for part twos) a drabble is basically a short fic, normally i think around 100-500 words??? a drabble can be a one shot, if its short enough. ashflashfsa i hope that made sense and that im right with my explanations. i highly suggest searching in case you wanna quote me T_T and i might be wrong lol
i'm not as worried about mistakes as i was like...last year... but i still read your answer and realise i've typed 'then' instead of 'them' and so on...
thats fine. i do that too. IM SO GLAD YOU ARENT AS WORRIED ABOUT MISTAKES!!! PROGRESS IS PROGRESS AND I THINK SLAY. i think as long as people get the essence of what you want to say, they really dont care about grammar mistakes. its fine!!!!!!!!!!!! but i feel you i cringe whenever i see a grammar mistake but lol when im not writing fanfics i kinda dont care AHHHAHH
you'll never know what hour is ungodly for me bc i live in another timezone, i guess)
yes you do i figured. i'll never know but i hope you still sleep RIGHT i will be so sad if you dont ):<
but you can come to my house whatever hour you like! coffee or tea? overall, i'm glad i like your fic too)
ok be there soon just gotta magic my way through the screen somehow. tea please! i love tea!!
and thank you sm for answering me!! hope you're not annoyed with these ones. i just like talking to you ig. so!!
waiting for the part 3, sending you all my love and breath and tears!! stay hydrated, eat well, sleep tight and don't overwork yourself!! love you! take care! <з
same im waiting for the inspo to strike so i can write it im still not sure what i want to do. i was hoping you would tell me about your thoughts for aemond or aegon here but T_T NO WHERE IN SIGHT. anyway its 10pm im so sleepy i love you good night bye. YOU BETTER DO THE SAME THINGS AS WELL BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU I AM A WELL ADJUSTED 🤪🤪🤪 HUMAN BEING HOLISTICALLY 😡 TAKE CARE OR ELSE GRRRRRR
im luv u
(fanfact. as i always type 'fell' instead of 'feel', i tend to type 'tace kare' confusing 'c' and 'k'. like my brain goes absolutely blank when i need to choose a letter so a pick a random one out of these 2 TT
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Denying Hope
Part 1
Part 2 (You are here)
Robin got off his motorcycle, he was merely wandering at this point. When he cried in front of Tim like that... a rush of shame flooded him and he had to leave. So now, Robin was just roaming the streets of Gotham.
"Seems the Bat lost the leash to his birdie?"
Robin glared and spotted the figure in the dark "Tt" No use on entertaining him, Robin kept moving ahead as if he had somewhere in mind to go. As long as it's enough to make him leave then he's fine with pretending. "So, whatcha doing here kid?" "None of your business" "Mmhm, does Batman know you're out" "My location has no reason to concern him. I'm merely walking about, don't I have a right to do so?" "I mean yeah I suppose, so what happened this time?" "Nothing happened, why do you care anyways?"
"I don't, I'm just here to make sure you don't stir up trouble"
"Funny coming from you Hood"
Red Hood's form shifted as he shrugged and stopped leaning on the wall "Touché"
Robin kept moving, he just wants to get away from everyone. Red Hood had other plans, he managed to get right in front of Robin who stumbled back. "Why don't you go shoot something up? Leave me alone" "What is your problem? Got into an arguement or are you missing Dickie so much that you're in a rebellious phase?" Robin's eyes widen slightly as he shoved Red Hood back "Don't say his name!" "Why not, he is my brother too" "I don't care about that!" "Then what is it? The fact that he's gone? He's fine I'm sure he's probably off somewhere--" "SHUT UP!" Robin covered his ears. He was sick of that. That phrase of his big brother returning was bullshit, he won't come back. Why can't anyone see that?
Red Hood simply watched Robin as Robin uncovered his ears and looked down "Why is everyone saying that? He's gone. He's dead. I'm alone and he's gone. Everyone can just shut the fuck up and deal with it already" "...Us saying that he'll return is... shit well it's basically just us missing him and hoping he'll come back with that dumb goofy grin" Robin looked at Red Hood "He's gone... you should know. Death is... it's natural" "Yet you have the constant feeling of being alone, goes to show you haven't moved on either"
Robin's face flushed and he averted Red Hood's gaze "I know how you all feel about me. I do, I just... what else am I supposed to be? He... Richard understood me... I used to have someone who did, but she ended up letting me get impaled by a freak version of myself and I don't even know if she cared for my death at all. Richard was all I had when father disappeared, my relations to you all is on a ground I can barely walk on, without Richard I'm... I don't know what I am other than alone" Robin shook his head "Damn it! I said basically the same thing to Timothy and now you. Why am I being so fucking dumb?! It doesn't matter how I feel because he's gone and I can't do a single thing about it! I wasn't even there! I COULDN'T SAVE HIM!" Robin was shaking "I couldn't do anything... I'm weak, I died against the Heretic, I disobeyed my mother and now I failed to save Richard, what good am I?" Red Hood exhaled and brought Robin into a big hug "You... are you feeling better now?" "...I don't know" "That's fine, let's get you back home so you can properly rest" "...okay"
When they made it to the Manor, Tim was there in relief when he spotted Robin basically tackling him into a hug "Thank goodness you're back! I was worried-- Uh-" Tim stepped back and put his hands up as a sign of apology after unintentionally going past Damian's boundaries "-my bad. You okay?" "I... I miss him. I miss him a lot and I suppose saying that he wouldn't return was... merely losing hope that I'll ever see him again" Damian looked up at Tim sheepishly and Tim looked at him with a sort of want in his eyes to which Damian nodded. Then Damian was being hugged by Tim. "It's okay... even though he's gone, we have each other to help" "Yeah... yeah we do"
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hom3stuck-d41ly · 3 months
[S] John: Check Pesterchum.
-- gardenGnostic [GG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 16:34 -- GG: hi happy birthday john!!!!! GG: helloooooo?? GG: ok i will talk to you later!!! :D -- gardenGnostic [GG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 16:56 --
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 16:40 -- TG: hey GG is looking for you why are you even so popular all of a sudden TG: is today some sort of special occasion or something TG: did you do something to curry favor with ladies TG: did you break your leg on a puppy or some shit TG: dude what are you doing -- turntechGodhead [TG] is now an idle chum! -- EB: i discovered a comet that is going to destroy the earth, and it was named after me. EB: now i am famous, and everyone wants to talk to me a lot. TG: no stop TG: just no TG: dont talk about your awful stupid movies or make references to them TG: your gross man-bro crush on matt macconahay is an unsavory thing to behold EB: mcconaughey. TG: sounds like a noise a horse would make TG: ie dumb TG: equally dumb are all those pictures of that clown youve got hanging up EB: those are my dad's. TG: i was talking about nick cage EB: oh, what?! no man, cage is sweet. so sweet. TG: ha ha so lame TG: you dont even like him ironically or anything this is like for real isnt it TG: hahaha EB: i do things ironically sometimes. EB: what about what i sent you for your birthday? TG: no those are awesome EB: what? no, they're stupid, which was the joke. the IRONIC joke. get it? EB: wait... EB: you're actually wearing them, aren't you? TG: im wearing them ironically TG: because theyre awesome TG: the fact that theyre ironic makes them awesome TG: and vice versa TG: are you taking notes on how to be cool?? jesus get a fucking pen EB: you do realize they touched stiller's weird, sort of gaunt face at some point. TG: ew yeah TG: oh well TG: anyway speaking of which TG: did you get the mail EB: yeah. TG: did there happen to be a package there EB: yeah, there's a big red one. TG: you should probably open it EB: i would, but it's trapped under the sburb beta, so i will probably open it after i install the beta. TG: oh man the beta came EB: yeah! wanna play it? TG: haha no way EB: why not! TG: it sounds so HELLS of boring just get TT to play it she is all about that EB: where'd she go. TG: her internet is blinking in and out i guess TG: probably be back online soon TG: oh and christ in a sidecar are you still using the stack modus??? TG: seriously dude TG: you need to BONE UP on your data structures that shit is just ridiculous EB: ok, i will.
> John: Open Browser and go to mspaintadventures.com
0 notes
pesterloglog · 10 months
Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider
Act 5, page 3937-3939
TT: I am piloting the moon through the Furthest Ring right now.
TT: At the moment, it's passing through a dream bubble. I am visiting your dream in person.
TT: Or, you are the one visiting me as I travel, in your sleep. If you'd rather look at it that way.
TG: ok
TG: so all those questions you asked me
TG: getting me to remember
TG: you were just stalling me werent you
TG: so i wouldnt wake up and try to stop you
TT: Not entirely.
TG: this sucks
TG: could you just please turn the thing around and come back
TT: Why?
TT: I'm already out here. Might as well go through with it.
TG: we agreed id do it though
TG: or at least you pretended to agree
TG: just before going into a major league wind up with your nap yarn
TT: A major league wind up?
TG: sports
TT: It's always been pretty sad that I seem to know more about sports than you. Which is really saying something.
TG: all im saying is
TG: no one likes a basketball hog
TT: It's probably just "ball hog."
TG: i just think you should know
TG: that in the athletic arena of competitive achievement
TG: its a widely known fact that cherry picking posers get showered in nothin but boos
TG: you dont gank the rock and steal the big mans thunder on his raucus drive to the hole
TT: Oh lord.
TG: is that the sort of ignominy you want
TG: see you didnt consider sports you never consider the sports
TT: The last thing I want to do is come between a big man's thunder and any particular hole he might prize.
TG: and yet
TG: such has been whats happened
TG: it like the tight end was going long down the yard in sudden death
TG: its me im the tight end
TG: and the quarterback sniped the fieldgoal just before the nfl buzzer went off
TG: the greedy qb is you
TT: That's not even close to being a thing in football.
TG: but instead of winning the gold sports prize you just fucking die and nobody cares and it didnt mean anything
TT: Which prize is that?
TG: the football prize
TT: You mean the most vaunted accolade associated with the gridiron, known as "Stanley's Cup?"
TG: no come on
TG: its called the bruce bombardi trophy or something
TG: for best pile squad
TT: I'll take your word for it.
TG: and even though youre dead all these fat millionaires in helmets just leap on your corpse anyway and pile up and i mean WAY up
TT: How high do they even have to be?
TG: the sport pile doesnt stop from getting taller
TT: Does the officiator have a means of measurement on hand?
TT: I wouldn't want to be crushed by a nonregulation sport pile.
TG: what do you care youll be dead like the mission thieving poser you are
TT: Poser?
TT: So not cool.
TG: yes poser it should be my torso getting pulverized by that avalanche of overpaid beefcakes and you know it
TT: I forget what we were doing exactly.
TT: Were we pursuing the hackneyed debate over who has the best claim to self sacrifice,
TT: Or seeing who can out-dumbass the other with obtuse sports lingo?
TG: there obviously stopped being a difference between those things the question is offensive
TG: almost as offensive as you stalling me while you peel out of here in your dumb moon
TT: I'm the one stalling?
TT: The moon is probably just a speck in the sky now due to your strange beefcake harangue.
TG: yeah but i dont know how to wake back up is the thing
TG: how do i wake back up
TT: I guess I could wake back you up, if you really want.
TG: ok then do it
TT: But you have to promise to stay put.
TT: Don't try to stop me. Just let it go.
TG: but this was my mission
TT: It really makes no sense for you to go. This was never your preoccupation.
TT: They selected me a long time ago.
TG: that doesnt make sense
TG: why would they drag me into it just to have me make a map and then let you ditch me
TG: theyve obviously been gunning for me too
TT: Yes, they helped you chart a path through the Ring. And they will open that path for a pilot they have marked.
TT: I believe I fit the description. I'm not sure about you.
TG: why do you think that
TT: I am the pilot. That's all there is to say on the matter.
TG: but i dont want you to die
TT: Help John and Jade.
TG: this isnt right
TT: Then I'm not going to help you wake you up.
TT: I'll stall some more.
TG: so you admit you were stalling with all that bullshit
TT: I said not entirely.
TG: what do you mean
TT: It's going to be a long ride through all this nothingness.
TT: Maybe I just thought some company would be nice.
TT: Before it's all over.
TG: ............
TT: So what'll it be?
TG: what
TT: I'll wake you, but only if you promise to rejoin the others.
TT: Could you give a message to John for me?
TG: sure
TG: but
TG: if im promising not to chase you down then theres not really any hurry to wake up
TT: Aw, are you sure?
TT: I was looking forward to bowling another wicked googly with the yarn.
TT: Sportsways.
TG: nah ill stay asleep a while
TT: Ok.
TG: what did you want me to tell john
TT: What was that?
TG: what
TT: Did you hear something?
TG: no what
TT: I thought I heard something outside.
TG: whos this douche dag
TG: i mean bag
TG: im stuttering this dude is making me nervous
TT: You don't remember him?
TG: no
TT: Then I guess this isn't a memory.
TG: so hes actually here with us on the moon
TT: Not with us.
TT: Just me.
TT: You're still on Derse, remember?
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
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rrxnjun · 1 year
ur cb made me so unbelievably happy;-; ngl i haven't really noticed the jump but maybe i'm just too dumb and was just too happy that new fic😭 I DONT FULLY STAND WITH HIM JUST FELT THE FORGETTING PART!! I DO NOT SUPPORT THE FACT AT ALL THAT HE FORGOT IMPORTANT DATES AND SUCH FUCK HIM VERY MUCH!! no cuz i have a little part screen shorted that's just so very pretty i keep reading it cuz it's just so;-; the fact that u don't like cookies and cream💔💔💔 i love to be ur friend and ur fan ilyily hihi
AWWW;-;-;;-;-;-; IM GLAD THAT I COULD DO THAT FOR U;-;-;;-;-; thinking about how it's almost september is so crazy to me
I DID. ASK BY NOW!! and the sticker statement is very true
it is a bit but i just love rereading it somuchh it just feels very special to me;-; i would never try to leave i love it here with u hihihi ily 💗💞 (liebestraum anon)
noo maybe i am just too self critical pls never call yourself dumb around me or else ill jump you. IK IK IM JUST SAYIN.... SOMETIMES I WRITE THINGS I DISAGREE WITH FOR THE SAKE OF THE PLOT. omg omg what part do u have screenshoted i- ;-;
i dont like sweet ice cream UNLESS its chocolate u can never go wrong w chocolate. other than that i like fruity ice cream to stay on brand <3
DONT REMIND ME but also i kinda love that. I hate summer. I wish it was september already i am so looking forward to it bc i LOVE fall its my fav season TT i am still so excited abt u getting in btw u deserve it sm <333
also can we stop being sappy abt each other in every single ask like....why are we so dramatic i love us
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chnsfairy · 5 years
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#gosh .... i have the biggest fattest crush on u#there are so many things i need to say abt the live so TT#first did u guys see 😭😭 his little dance in the beginning when they sat down#I WANTED TO SOBBB HES SO CUTE GOSH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HES SO ADORABLE IM AMKFMAMFMSM#:'((( and this fit .... this blue ... the sweater 😭😭 its anything i could have ever hoped for#thank u stylists for putting him in literally my favorite shade of blue 🥺🖤 im straight up crying right now and i dont know why#plus !!! 🙇🏼🏹 his little interactions with jimin make my heart go all smdjamdksks !!! i love her so much !!! and their friendship is so cute#my heart is just bursting with so much love im crying !!! love that !!!!!! but also !!!! his fucking laughs !!! 😭🖤#I COULD HEAR THEM WHEN HE WASNT USING HIS MIC AND GOSH IT SOUNDS LIKE HEAVEN HOW AM I SO WHIPPED FOR THIS BOY ITS NOT OK 😭😭#his giggles ... and just ... his laughs whenever his members said something funny .... wow i guess i just love u a whole whole lot huh .....#he named his team 'dadadada' ARE U KIDDING ME 😭😭 WHAT A DUMMYY BUT U KNOW ITS OK 😭😭 CAUSE HES MY DUMMY AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH#HES SO ADORABLE AND PRECIOUS WHY DID THAT WHOLE THING MAKE MY HEART BEAT SO MUCH I HAVE NO WORDS ANYMORE 😭😭#ok thats a lie because u know when 😭😭 he had to sing the song thing 😭😭 and all the members put their mics to his face 🙇🏼🌨#YEAH THAT WOULD BE ME EVERYDAY 😭😭 I WANNA LISTEN TO HIS VOICE FOR HOURS IS THAT DUMB AMDKMAMDMS PROBABLY AMJDMD#its just so soothing ... and soft ... ive fallen asleep to his lives before ... gosh can he sing me to sleep please 🥺🖤 with that pretty#pretty blue on him 🥺 and just that soft loving look on his face ..... wow wonder boy .... guess im really in this shit deep huh 😭😭#wait also 😭😭 when the girl from australia came on and his accent got so much thicker and he went 'oh wow i love that accent' WHEN I TELL U#I FELT SOMETHING WITHIN ME I DIDNT KNOW I COULD !!!! 😭😭 GOSH THAT HURT SO MUCH IDK WHY IT SOUNDED SO GOOD SMFJMS I LOVE IT WHEN HIS ACCENT#GETS HEAVY LIKE THAT OK 😭 ITS *** NSMADKKAMD ITS OK MINE DOES THAT TOO WHEN I GOT TO AUSTRALIA#gosh wow ... hes just .... so soft ... and his voice just makes me feel so safe everytime i hear it .... im still anger that we never got a#solo 3racha song out of him bc u know i would have that on repeat TT#and during the relay dance .... to the cute song ..... oh wow oh wow .... thats what the centre pic is TT my heart is just !!! bursting with#so much love for him !!!!! this sounds so dumb though !!!! im a dummy in love with another dummy !!! what is this 😭😭#GOSH 😭😭✊ WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS IM SO SORRY IF U TOOK THE TIME TO READ THIS I JUST NEED TO WRITE OUT MY FEELINGS 😭😭#OKE IM GONNA GO TO SLEEP LISTENING TO SUNSHINE ON REPEAT AND DREAM ABOUT THE ONLY BOY IN THE WORLD 😭😭 GOSH I COULD TALK FOR HOURS BUT IM#RUNNING OUT OF TAGS FUCK OKE BYEEEEE IM SO SORRY BUT UHH I LOVE CHAN SO MUCH OKE BYE 😭😭✊#.ily#.icons
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aalghul · 3 years
What really exasperates me is all of the “Titans Tower AU” fics where like, Jason finds Tim at the Tower hurt or sad or whatever, being pathetic, and just starts motherhenning him, or suddenly feels bad about what he’s doing, or Tim is so sad and apologetic and offers to give Jason back Robin and just wants him to come back to the family and insists that Really Bruce does love him and missed him, and somehow that makes everything better and sunshine and rainbows. And it’s just so dumb and I can tell none of these people have read UTRH, and some of them I’m not even sure have read the actual Titans Tower attack, because even putting aside the Jason characterization, Tim is vastly different than any of that in the actual issue
Fanon Titans Tower AU Tim: Bruce misses you so much 🥺🥺🥺 pls stop killing people 🥺🥺🥺 do you want Robin back I am just a placeholder and no one actually wants me 🥺🥺🥺
Canon Tim During The Titans Tower Attack: What The Hell Is Wrong With You 😡😡😡 Fuck You You Crazy Ass Bitch 😡😡😡 I AM Robin 😡😡😡
And they make excuses for mistreatment of Jason in canon by canon. Like the “Bruce really did love you and Batman NEEDS a Robin even though the last one died horribly,” but also (I have done my research reading some of these fics bc I like to know what to be mad about) there’s one fic out there that, in response to there not being a statue for Jason in the Tower, was like “no no no, the Titans didn’t really do anything wrong! There’s a shrine to Jason just around the corner out of sight where you can’t see it! He wasn’t really forgotten! So now he can stop being angry” and it’s just like. What’s the point of this what is this meant to accomplish
Literally. Tim did not once in that entire fight act like what TT AUs want. I think these panels should prove that he is nothing like what fanon thinks. Tim literally says he thinks he’s the better Robin between him and Jason (in an issue that’s literally just him getting his ass beat effortlessly lol). What more do I need to say?
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The context for these panels is that Jason had talked about people saying Jason didn’t have what it took to be Robin, but Tim did. By saying yes, Tim’s saying he thinks he’s the better Robin. Doesn’t fit very well with the insecure baby people think Tim is, now does it?
Let’s talk about the statues actually. I think he was right to be pissed as an actual Titans member because every other fallen Titan, despite their moral alignment or current living/dead status, got a statue but not him. Keep in mind that he was a Titan because Donna invited him. He helped her learn to have faith in herself as a leader, instead of assuming he (child) would lead them (adults) the way Dick did when he was Robin. Literally in his first mission with them. He was the first child hero to die in a way that made a major impact, especially on the Titans because Dick couldn’t train other children with a clear conscience. He was a Titan and he mattered. I know that his anger over being forgotten is part of the manchild personality that’s been ascribed to him, but it’s justified. Maybe not so much beating a child, but hurting children is ooc for children and Titan’s Tower beatdown never should’ve happened.
(I also read a bunch of them a while ago because I saw some people saying they loved them while others were saying they sucked. Anyways, I know the fic you’re talking about. What’s worse is that the tiny, hidden in a corner shrine was started by Tim rather than anyone that actually knew and loved Jason too.)
Obvious issues with Jason’s characterization in the actual issue aside, even the way that transfers over into these fics is so wrong. If Jason is so set on killing this kid (which he wasn’t, btw. He was never aiming to kill. Proof? Tim’s still alive), why is he all of a sudden going soft because “he had bags under his eyes/is this his 6th cup of coffee/his parents neglect him”?
I don’t understand why stories trying to make Jason sympathetic to Tim forget the singular instance in this entire issue when Jason tries to explain to Tim how Bruce is manipulative in his methods of convincing you to be Robin. The potential for Tim being more hurt by these words than the beating (or a spar, Green Arrow crossover style, if Jason was written correctly) is so much more interesting than two characters acting & interacting in ways they would never. Jason talking about how Bruce said these things to him, how Bruce wanted him as Robin, as the light to his darkness, as compared to how Tim forced himself into that role is far more compelling to me.
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While Jason believing Bruce replaced him is canon, him not knowing about why is not. He says himself that he knows the reason Tim became Robin is because he saw that Batman needed a Robin to pull him out of the dark, he just doesn’t believe that that’s true. As he says in the first panel above, he thinks that Bruce is letting Tim think this way in order to use him.
The only time that Tim tells Jason anything remotely like “Bruce cares about you” is when he tells Jason that Bruce was holding back (untrue on so many counts) because he blames himself for Jason’s death, not the same as because he loves Jason, and then Tim says that he won’t hold back like Bruce. And then proceeds to get his shit rocked, but that’s not the point.
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The only time Tim himself acknowledges Jason as his predecessor was to say that he made his life difficult by, uh, being dead. Because it made it harder to try out for Batman’s dead son’s old role. I understand that this one might just be old frustrations bubbling up while Jason’s attacking him, I just think it’s worth noting that these were the only feelings Tim had towards Jason as Robin in this issue.
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All of these fics also seem to agree that Talia is an evil, manipulative villain that twisted Jason’s mind to make him do any of this despite that not being canon whatsoever. The exact opposite happened, really, since Talia was worried about Jason’s reaction to Tim being Robin. But whatever because we need a convenient way to absolve the white boy of all blame, right?
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isa-ghost · 3 years
Hooby Heeby Time to Watch Mandela Catalogue
Ah fuck me this weird grainy TTS voice shit always spooks me
But in that way yall JSE followers usually see me being horny for Anti. Its that Good Spooky
Hold the fuck up I gotta grab me some chips n dip we strappin in
Tag urself I’m bighead man in the middle
TELL an authority member about your encounter. Hm no I dont think I will, we’re gonna be besties and do crime
Identify the class type?? Ok so this is some SCP shit now
...Wait I’m thinking of Anti bc of that oh.
Type 3: Slender Man
hey not to be rude but fuck that thing in the corner he needs to make like socialism and distribute that tall equally. to me. give me some tall
Gotta say, the patriotic music in the background of this urgent emergency broadcast message is really fucking funny to me
Can’t use psychological warfare on me if I do it to myself already *that What meme music plays as the camera freezes on my dumb face*
Oh fuck yeah we in that analog horror babieeee
Idk Victim 2 kinda hot
Cesar huh 😏
Cesar haunted house poggies
Am I gonna regret jokingly simping
I have decided I do not like the stairway cam
New gender unlocked: Suddenly Open Door
“It followed me home, Cesar”
Me, chugging my flavored water rn:
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...I was mindin my business watching and my Discord crashed. When I paused my Discord came back and as soon as I unpaused MC again it crashed again. Hm.
You cant give me unhinged man laughter I just simp
When am I gonna stop memeing and start shitting in fear
But nobody came :)
When the caller has an emergency, contact the weewoo wagon
Do not help a caller reporting an alternate encounter?? Bitch that sounds like something that should be your job. >America moment 🙄
“Nothing is worth the wait, nothing is worth the wait” Oh hello that’s getting saved as an idea for my OC shit later
Toddler stress responses?? Oh we in some psychology now, this my major :00 *waits for the horrific shit to happen*
There’s a man in the closet? Its 2021, let him come out. He’s valid
Gonna be real with you I paused here for at least 10 min bc my streamer distracted me with a fart video
*sees hooded smiling man* *and then goes to sleep the end!!!!* HM YEP THATS NOT BAD AT ALL
Why he look like a drug addict tho. He want sum crack
Curse my Gen Z humor, this is literally so funny to me and for what
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Hm that whispering’s not very pogchamp
Who is this man, he looks like he did a crime
This TTS voice sounds like a Karen
Me coping with the creepy baby crying by focusing on how that saturated af pic of the crib makes it look like the blanket is just a giant slice of cheddar cheese:
Wtf is this music >_>
Yeah no I expected the hanging whoop there it is
Okay how does all of this stuff connect bc I’m gettin interested and my crackhead hours are winding down
Okay the man in the corner boutta catch these fuckin hands
I am ironically so tired after the busy day I had I s2g I’m gonna pass out soon and some weird shit’s gonna go down in my dreams wish me luck
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