#why tsams writers
helinedmightbehere · 1 year
headcanon that during the eals arc, along with getting O- blood, lunar would also give bloodmoon small red and pink star stickers when they were good, like how he did with the kids.
bloodmoon had no idea what it meant but they liked it anyway. they nicknamed lunar the star-giving one :]
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themoonstarwarrior · 3 months
Here's what's confusing me about the narrative direction the TSAMS shows have taken:
What could happen possibly led them to this decision?
Like, I dont think Davis or Reed or Kat are stupid. They SURELY have to know that the characters they're playing are acting WAY out of character, right? They HAVE to realize how much character/narrative assassination and shark jumping this whole arc has become, right?
Like what is the purpose? We HAD plotlines. The whole point of Moons grief and identity crisis versus Eclipses growth in getting Solar back was doing just fine. But instead, the WHOLE thing got absolutely sideswiped. This thing that Moon turned into DOESNT MAKE SENSE. Earth crossing the line from setting a boundary to hating a family member DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. The collective deciding that the solution is to bring Old Moon back DOESNT. MAKE. SENSE. So why did the narrative go like this?
And dont get me wrong, I have had issues with the shows narrative directions before. But even if I thought they weren't the best ways to go, I could at least see an understanding in how it worked with characters and plot direction. But nothing about this is satisfying or makes sense with what we've gotten from the show before.
It could be this was all a point to get Old Moon back by making the audience hate New Moon. But that doesnt make sense either. First of all, while I know there are people who DESPERATELY want the Old Moon back, a LOT of people (myself included) have been swayed by how much New Moon has grown and improved, and generally think this turned out better. Secondly, you arent going to get the audience to hate New Moon by forcing him into this abrupt personality shift that leads him in the EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION of his character. That's not good writing, that's not good plot. ESPECIALLY if you hafta force the characters to act differently than they should to move it in the direction you want.
I really believe that these show creators know this. Even with the (imho) shakier narrative choices, they've STILL managed to pull out some really good narratives and development. If the character of Miku is any indication, they DO know how awful that sort of writing is. And while apparently the Discord is on fire with fighting, I really see more of a collective arc negativity from the fandom, so I doubt they're unaware of how unhappy their audience is.
So what could they possibly be working towards that would have them make these decisions? What were they trying to do that either messed up so badly or was worth the risk of viewer dissatisfaction to achieve? What could possibly be the end goal of this arc that would make any of this REMOTELY satisfying?
They've asked us to "trust the process" before. At this point, the way this arc has gone, I dont know how they could resolve this arc that would make the fandom feel like it was WORTH trusting.
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*coughs to cover up maniacal laughter*
okay so basically you know how Eclipse dies the second time in cannon when Sun blasts him to another dimension and he gets disintegrated at Solar's place? Yeah, well that doesn't happen here. Sun happens to take pity on him and lets him go. And remember how Solar Flare was a prominent figure in Eclipse's head while he was going a bit stir-crazy up in space with the star? Well, prominent exposure to the star leads to some fun issues with Solar Flare's AI that Eclipse doesn't have time to look into until he's out on the streets looking for somewhere to crash for the night after being kicked out of the plex. He hides behind some dumpster and does a quick check in his mental space because he can't hear Solar Flare...only to discover that the AI is dormant.
Essentially, the star's energy, as we know in cannon, was corroding Eclipse's body and mental state from the inside out. Lucky for Eclipse, because Solar Flare was considered an outsider to the body (as a result of Eclipse inhabiting it for a longer period of time than Solar Flare himself), Solar Flare was the one who bore the brunt of the damage, keeping Eclipse's AI mostly unharmed. Unluckily for Solar Flare, his AI faced irreparable damage, and, as a result, went into a sort of comatose-like state to prevent further damage. Though Eclipse tried, he was unable to coax Solar Flare out, which essentially meant he had a not-quite-dead roommate dorming with him in their head. And, because Solar Flare's AI was newly-developed and considered secondary to both Fazbear Entertainment and KillCode, no copies of the code or schematics were made, making it nearly impossible to repair or recode.
This revelation is absolutely earth-shattering to Eclipse. He shouldn't really care, he tries to tell himself-it's not like he had enjoyed Solar Flare's company: the AI had made it much more difficult to carry out any of his work and planning. Still, Solar Flare had stuck by him (even though it wasn't really out of his own volition), attempted to comfort him within his last moments, and took most of the hits for him. He'd seen parts of Eclipse that nobody else had, and now he was gone because of Eclipse's foolishness and poor planning.
So, Eclipse opens up his dentistry to make enough money to buy resources to build Solar Flare from scratch. It's the least he can do, he reasons, and it's not like he has any other life purpose anymore. He works long hours during the day and then hunches over his desk creating new schematics at night. His low battery level and poor mental state sometimes impact him severely, to a point where he experiences hallucinations of the character sharing his mind and soul...
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killcodesashes · 3 months
[As a genderfluid aroace person myself.]
Uh. I don't like it. Aroace Moon? Cool. Absolutely valid, we love him for that. Wasn't adressed much except in a few episodes which are pretty good, I liked the one where he rejects Foxy a lot!
But recently- g e e z. I understand wanting to bait people in with ships people want! Specifically KidsCove. Same in tmgafs! But the problem is that they do it not just to tease/mess around with the viewers in good fun, they genuinely seem to hate the shippers and actually want to make fun of them? Not just with kidscove but with any other ship that isn't canon. They don't even want to confirm Sun's sexuality, just constantly making it a gag that he has a bisexual flag in his room. Which as a queer person? It's just annoying. Just really annoying ? Please all we want is a confirmation or something? We want queer characters we can actually relate to. And we don't really get that :( Then New Moon came along and said it was possible he wasn't aroace. . . And then they never mentioned it again. So why mention it in the first place ? I don't think I would've minded it if he had just changed how much attraction he felt but was STILL aroace/on the aroace spectrum. As long as it was actually clarified. But they seemed eager to rush to his evil era so they didn't bother to close to any lose ends before hand, though I guess being aroace might've just not been as relevant.
On a bit of a side note- Ruin feels very gay coded. Very gay. There is no way he's straight T.T he's a villain but he's a zesty man and we absolutely adore him for that!!
That was probably an accident, though. Every theatre kid seems gay! /lhj
Just overall upsets me that the VAs seem to act offended by the mere idea of shipping characters? As if that's not a common/vital part of every fandom.
Upsets me that they can't clarify Puppets identity or pronouns? [Or maybe they have recently but I genuinely doubt it]
Because who are they meant to actually represent ?? It's probably just me but I wish it was more clear or something. I appreciate the VA for trying I do though, absolutely love that guy[Foxy’s VA, genuinely seems to just be a chill guy. And I think it's really cool that he actually does roles that could come off very cringe, voicing most of the cringe dimension characters +struggling with Puppets voice for the longest time.] I just wanna know if Puppet is a trans fem queen or trans masc slay or just trans ? But nothing seems to be clarified.
Again with KidsCove? Genuinely just annoying how they blatantly just do it to make fun of the people who ship them and get views from them.
Foxy seemed to have been gay before his memory loss. Or was at the very least interested in men to an extent. But since he began to be the main character of a show he suddenly only likes women?? S u s. They really keep insisting he's extremely straight and genuinely just annoys me that they erased him being interested in men [Proved he liked men in the episode he asked Moon out.]
. . .now. . . M o n t y. As a genderfluid person? I hate them and literally feel more represented and seen by cis characters from other shows. For the longest time Monty being genderfluid wasn't even adressed and was usually just brought up for plot reasons or something? And it pissed me of that every time they correct a character on Monty's pronouns.. they immediately go back to using he/him pronouns. I think the new fem body is pretty neat! Though I think it would've been more interesting for Monty to stay masc but ACTUALLY get their right pronouns used and their identity getting genuinely respected DESPITE of their appearance. But the body? It's genuinely completely fine! /gen I used to hate my body too and understand that the writers might've thought it might be easier for people if they just used a different body completely! But it annoys me that my gender representation comes in the form of M o n t y. The annoying character known for constantly hating on others and partially destroying their lives. Anyone can be genderfluid, yes. But when the representation is so little? I just wish it was at least a bit better or with a less hateable character.
Lunar! Uh. Again can we just get clarification on his sexuality? Is he polyamorous? Bisexual? Omnisexual? Just any clarification please?
Gemini! I wish they were canon nonbinary. They're literally stars. Why did they have to be gendereddd. Also curious about their 'sexuality'? Will also likely never get clarification on it :/
Roxanne is canon lesbian and so is Glamrock Chica! I'm so sorry but I forgot his name T~T I think it was Tiger Rock[??] Is also canonically gay! Glam Chica has a girlfriend! And I do think their relationship is pretty cute [from what I've seen] and overall wish I would finally get to watching the show a bit more! Funtime Foxy feels very queer to me? Not just because his design is pink but his overall characterization! He does have a girlfriend! But he seems to be comfortable in his own identity and presentation from what I've seen? At least, it seems to be more comfortable than some o t h e r characters. I feel more represented by Funtime Foxy and Lolbit than I ever felt represented by Monty. But that is a personal opinion!
I overall have just lost interest in all of the shows. I'm tired of being constantly disappointed and lead on. But I do wish I could watch more of the other shows since they seem to show more love and care towards their characters :)
It's just shows. Does any of this really matter? I think it matters when the shows are claiming to have good representation when they really don't. And they're allowing people who aren't queer/a part of the LGBTQIA+ community to feel like they have the right to shut real queer people down. I've seen so much acephobia and overall homophobia even in this community. A l o t in this community. I wish the writers would listen to ACTUAL QUEER PEOPLE!! I wish the VIEWERS listened to ACTUAL QUEER PEOPLE.
That's what I really want. I just want to be heard and represented.
I don't claim this community. I CAN'T claim a community who is constantly against us.
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Do people realise that the Sun and Moon Show is a passion project?
Because I've seen people act like Reed and Davis are proffessional story writers, and getting way too angry over TSAMS, instead of enjoying it for what it is:
silly, goofy Celestial shenanigans. On YouTube.
Like this show has brought me so much joy, and I've been enjoying the ride, even if it's not something all that serious. It's goofy, that's kinda the point! :D
And all the serious lore on this channel is just the spice to the silly roleplay happening. I don't think TSAMS would be as fun as it is, if it was 100% serious, and not originated as a gameplay/reaction channel. Like the first VRChat "lore" stuff was haha funny Monty scams Sun :), but then the "actual" lore came from the side, and seized us like a bear trap.
Like suddenly, Evil Dorito Man, and I've fallen in love, because the silliness was broken up a bit, but never forgotten. Like it was so fun, when Eclipse, an actual threat, appeared, and then it was more shenanigans! But those shenanigans included Mr. Big Evil Nacho Chip! And the overdramatic silliness continued! :D
The villains have always been overdramatic little (well, "little" in KC's case, lol) bitches! Remember in the first October Takeover, when Eclipse didn't allow Lunar to curse, but he also cursed? Or when KC did all his dramatic entrances, he was so dramatic even Monty had to tell him to stop being dramatic! Or Bloodmoon's dramatic pose on top of the tower before fighting Eclipse (did anyone actually animate the whole fight?), or any of his little baby tantrums? Or the entirety of Ruin (that one is a certified theatre kid, says so himself in the podcast)
TSAMS is such a fun thing, and it's so nice that they post so often (cuz I would be dying if they only posted once a week... imagine the cliffhangers), and we are lucky that they share their roleplay, cuz a lot of people don't, and there are probably other talents hiding in private roleplays, which never see the light of day. So many things we could be missing!
TSAMS is fun. It's goofy fanfic basically, with a serious side that came out of left field. And there are so many angry people on here, like what happened? Did I miss something?
(I'm so confused, why are people so angry? D:)
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brightstar2000 · 2 months
What are your favourite TSAMS fanfictions to read?
There are multiple i do like to read, but some of them are honestly rare to come across. I like to read different takes on Eclipse redemptions and some ship ones with Eclipse/Sun or fics that just have them as tolerant of eachother or friends, but the issue i have is it's rare to find ship ones without smut somewhere in it. Won't go into detail but i have ptsd from a long time of sexual abuse. That's why i avoid the ones with smut because i'm worried about it possibly triggering something and it makes me uncomfortable in general. But it also upsets me because my options are very limited. (Won't tell writers what they can or can't write though. It's their stories, not mine)
I also like a good bit of the family oriented ones. Some of the ones i like to read are "Lightning Scars" by Morriganfey, and i also like the Karma's Bitter series by SinisterShepherd. Other fics i like include TheDemonSurfer's fics, especially the ones they have with Eclipse and Sun. I also like the series of tiny Eclipse and Sun by Bloo (22FluffyTheSpider123 on Ao3)
Some other ones that interested me that were not typically what I would have looked into were The Obiedience Protocol by CosmicKinglet (VioletVince on Ao3), and The Monster I've Become by TheAlphaVoid, but i enjoyed these. (be careful with TOP cuz it has hypnosis in it and i did have to stop reading a few times during hypnosis scenes to not fall into a trance myself. Yes, it works, so be careful with that one at those parts.)
There are several others as well that I like, but i won't name off all of them. These are some good reads if you want to find them in my opinion.
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im ngl. nexus deserves such a redemption arc and i want to yoink him away from the ppl who are writing tsams ;v; watching the most recent villains podcast made me a liiiittle bit angry ^^;;
just.... i'm REALLY not a fan of how they handled his descent into villainy. having a mental breakdown (which is what the focus was fr him) lead to being super evil and power hungry really... feels both a lil bit ableist and also like a cop out in terms of "how did i turn into a villain" lore. not to mention the like... obsessed with bringing solar back -> apparently not caring about solar dying????? which i Really dont feel like they explained properly??? like . and then they make fun of the fans for wanting a redemption arc for him :(
feels really similar to how bloodmoon had a rlly good amount of sympathy built up fr him (the whole "only exists as a tool" thing) and then they relegate him to just. Simple One Dimensional Villain With No Chance For Redemption and don't understand why fans want him to have a redemption arc
and i do love this show!!!! i'm gonna continue to watch it and keep up with it. but MAN there are def some things to critique writing-wise, esp as an author myself :|
I was watching the villain podcast episode cause my friend told me to watch it because Nexus was in it, and I have to stop watching it caus ei got so frustrated with the whole "im a one dimensuonal power-hungry villain" thing
I love the show too, and I have to remind myself that this is a roleplay, its a fanfiction of the dca. Its not its own work, its not super super professional. As a writer it pisses me off too, but I have to remind myself its not that deep lmao
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theinfamousdoctorf · 4 months
I have to write (many, I'm suffering) poems for a university assignment and I've been using fics and ships from TSAMS and DCA as inspo to get me through this (I very much don't like poetry nor am I great at it lol) and this was the sonnet I attempted to write based on your fic EMHM and Sun/Eclipse. Figured I might as well show you, I hope you don't mind sorry lol. Feel free to ignore this haha, and I'm sorry it's not good lmao. Anyway, adore your fic loads! Makes my day any time I see an update! I'll definitely be rereading once I'm done with assignment hell
Persisting Bond
Despite all I have done to find pleasure in your torment, You still offered your hand as I lay defeated, broken. Undaunted and stubborn as a deeply rooted tree in the face of my malcontent, Your optimism in my recovery seemed so naïve, pointless, but something in me was awoken.
You held me close, spitting and snarling without any true fight left for rebuttal, You took my missing pieces and tied them together like a delicate tapestry. Your love was never something quite so subtle, Determined and kind, nothing in you allowed for pointless stagnancy.
Cut from the same cloth the two of us are, entwined like a red silk ribbon, Flowing and sliding against the other, two halves of the same coin, melted and reforged. Is it any wonder that your smile, your guile, left me so smitten? Our lives brought us together and apart, but now that you have held me with such care I can’t help but to feel engorged.
Our experiences and hardships are nothing quite so binary, So long as I am who you love, you are the one I pledge to marry.
;_; See this is why comments and feedback on fanwork is so important. You think this is not a good poem? ... I dated a guy for six years who was both a writer of stories and had written three entire books of poetry. I painted his portrait at least a dozen times. Not once did he ever write a poem for me. It's beautiful and I love it. Thank you.
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stellarluck · 7 months
And yet again I have a «What the fuck» moment but this time I'll share it with internet.
Warning: Probably a lot of grammar mistakes, confusion or messing up of the lore(smth not mentioned/got understood wrong) on accident. I didn't watch TSAMS since Bloodmoon's comeback so probably everything I say is mostly wrong
Are you being serious? Eclipse is dead again?
I know I didn't watch episodes since like Bloodmoon's comeback and I have no clue on what's going but what the fuck??
Judging by things I've seen on the internet the V3 has like vibes of a feral alley cat or smth.
He went to his enemies for help. He doesn't know who he is, what's his purpose and what the fuck is going on. He's lost mentally and emotionally and yet, he gets punished for og and backup Eclipse's actions.
And no I'm not trying to protect V3 or tell that he is innocent. No, no, I know he did a lot of shit.
But still this frustrates me a lot. Why does the directors/writers make him(and others) die so easily?
Ughhhhh. I fucking hate thisss. Why can't that burnt candycorn get a redemption arc and get help he, backup and og need??
We all know that if there's going to be yet another version of that dorito, he's also going to get punished for the actions previous Eclipses did
Alright I'm finished. You can hate me amd yell at me that I'm nti right or smth but that's mt thoughts
I'll appreciate if I'll get corrected where I made mistakes(I'll fall in love with you/platonically if you'll explain the whole/just the V3 Eclipse lore)
Thanks for reading this confusion
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
I just got here (/hj), why are you aus and there tags so I can binge read them :3
For my "Main AUs" (the one's with a label - including non TSAMS)
Highly Unconventional: Also known as I distract from the horrifying angst with fluffy ships - #The Deal TSAMS - #The Deal AU - #Highly Unconventional
Sinker AU: Mermaid AU because I fucking can - #Sinker AU - #TSAMS Mer AU - #Hook Line And Sinker
Twisted Celestials: Sun grab star, star go boom, oh no our universe it's broken - #Twisted Celestials - #TCAU - #TSAMS TCAU
Cage AU: Fucked up beyond repair AU about Eclipse torturing the bm twins whoo gotta love it - #A Gilded Cage - #TSAMS Cage AU
R E S E T: Monty ruins everything and it has consequences (tm) - #Reset AU - #R E S E T AU - #Lulu and Chips
TSBS Hunger Games: exactly what it sounds like - #Hunger Games AU - #TSBS Hunger Games
Human/Family AU: Idk how to explain it, they're family bro - #TSAMS Family AU
Drowning: Modern AU about Lunar anddd trauma
Friends AU: I went "What if none of them were ever related" - Doesn't have a tag yet, don't know what to put tbh - #Friends AU - ???? I guess that works????
Supernova: Silly OC DCA AU - #Supernova
Errors In Resentment: QPR Eclipse/Ruin AU - #Errors In Resentment - #EiR TSAMS
Codependency: I'm going to fucking tear into Lunar and Eclipse's relationship and ponder about how codependent they were and that's it that's the entire AU it's me going "wow they were so toxic" - I don't have a tag yet but let's make one up now - #Codependency (AU)
BearCode: Exactly what it sounds like - #BearCode - #Killcode x Glamrock Freddy
Together AU: Silly DCA about Sun/Moon/Eclipse/Jack - #Together AU
COTL AU: Also exactly what it sounds like - #FNAF COTL - #COTL AU
I have a few AUs that don't have a label and probably haven't really been talked about that much but also they're just like silly ship AUs and such. My friends and I are just insane. A lot of my AUs are on my server (locked behind the adult channels because we're a bunch of degenerates). Currently the only one with works published is Highly Unconventional. I'm working on Cage, Reset, and Obsession in the background with co-writers. And currently on my own with codependency, bearcode, and TCAU which have their own fics in the works.
Also I'm so bad at tagging shit for my AUs consistently or I always use multiple tags so just have mercy on me. A good one is just "tsams/fnaf/dca au" for a catch all in my blog or "tsams/fnaf/dca ship" also works most of the time. Since a lot of these don't have fics yet it'll probably lead you to rambles about them or artworks I've done
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Multiverse Headcanons!
Since I have this HUUUGE multiverse headcanon kinda thing in my head featuring all the things I like, I decided to make some example charts. I actually came up with some new Headcanons today!
All universes exist within the multiverse. Like, ALL of them. Fictional universes, our world, fanfictions ect. So basically infinite.
These universes can be placed in groups or subgroups. Universes in subgroups are VERY connected, universes in groups are connected, and groups in and of themselves are LOOSELY connected.
Universes can also have even smaller sections (such as Ninjago's 16 realms) that are the same universe.
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Fanfictions also count as their own universes within the larger groups.
Some large groups can be a part of an even larger one. (For example, the Ninjago category would be a part of a larger group for the "Lego Verse"; although, worlds like Dreamzzz and Chima would be a part of the 16 realms in the Ninjago category rather than the broad category. Although, it should be noted that the 16 realms are no longer separate in the Canon Ninjago universe due to Dragon's Rising.)
Some groups have connected travel between universes in that group, such as Dr. Strange in Marvel, the Spider Society's tech in Spiderverse, and the Portal Network built by the old builders in Minecraft Story Mode.
Travel between larger broad groups is possible, however due to the looser connections, things like technology won't work, and magic/supernatural abilities come into play (such as in Galaxy's (and I think tsam's Sun and Moon's) case). This is why many characters have no awareness of a larger multiverse outside of their respective groups. (Totally not an excuse for me to explain how shows usually don't have cameos from completely different properties/franchises 👀)
Groups, subgroups, and individual universes and realms can have differing rules from another. Rules can include, but isn't limited to: Anti gravity, incursions, anomalys, anti magic, different magic rules, and different physics all together.
As mentioned in the second page, alt timelines work a little differently (Especially in Starlight's case in MLP G4).
Other seemingly unrelated universes can also exist in groups, as they are media shown in canon (in-show tv shows, comics, books, ect.). Some examples would be 2012 Leo's "Space Heroes", 2018 Leo's "Jupiter Jim", or Ninjago's "Spacefarer". (Why are all these space themed? 😭)
And I was also informed that Multiverse were originally created to explain away continuity errors, so screw that! Continuity errors are continuity errors, and each show only gets AUs as a whole, rather than branching off of errors. Behold, the duck tape behind these show's writer's poor choices!
Idk I think that's all I've got at the moment. I'll probably add more later (like I might reblog or something), but yeah this is how I imagine the multiverse in media to work akjfhfjfjjfnf.
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
LAES,TSAMS,MGAFS Weekly*/Daily* review 👏 👏 👏
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Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳
Earth and Lunar did it! 100k subscribers! 👏 👏 well done, you both! And well done, Kat and Reed. They all have worked so hard... it's not even funny how hard they've worked. I like how we got a trip down memory lane in this episode, just them talking about how their lives have been and all they've gone through. Lunar and Earth DESERVE that party!
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Drop was just an absolute menace in this episode! I loved every minute of it, especially when he melted all the rubber balls together and Sun was like "I just want to talk to him. I just want to talk to him. I just want to talk to him. I just want to kill him. I just want to kill him." I loved the reference.🤣 all that was missing was the shotgun and it would have been even better.
I thought that Drop would stick around a bit, I was thinking, 🤔"Hmm, him and Jack would make great friends." KA-BOOM!
"Never mind." 😃 probably for the best they killed Drop. This episode also made me realize, I feel so bad for both Sun and Moon. Moon was back for what? Three days? A week? And now people are starting to drop all their problems on him. Not like Sun and or the rest of the family but like Puppet and Monty and look I get it, they are in way over their heads here but still he's back for a week and now he's gotta...
* checks list *
Help Sun with the daycare, help build an anti-puppter device, destroy Ruin's negative star power generator, make Dazzle a new body, maybe make Molten a new body, stop Nexus and Dark Sun, stop Creator, help Lunar with the Astrals, and possibly defend himself in court against the Astrals. So, ya, I'd say he's got a full plate!
And I feel bad for Sun cause now Drop wrecked the daycare. What a surprise another one of Moon's inventions hurt Sun in some way. Just someone help these two also LUNAR WHY DID YOU DRINK BLEACH?! YOU KNEW IT WAS IN THE SODA MACHINE?!?!?!!?!?!?
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Aww, F.C.'s jealous, that's actually kinda cute, he really loves his new Puppet mom. Speaking of Puppet mom, Puppet, didn't you just disown Jack? Make up your mind! I love Jack and F.c.'s interactions. Jack's just being his spinny self and F.C.'s is plotting his murder also...
I am now just learning this! I was talking to someone the other day, and they said Foxy and Puppet were a couple, and I believed them, but I wanted to be a 100% sure... welp needless to say, I am 110% sure. Add this to the list of ships.
F.c and Jack actually make great friends l, you did good with those two Puppet.... and now Jack,F.C. and Vageta are now friends... evacuate the city.
12/10 <- Cause it's a special day for Lunar and Earth! Congratulations to everyone involved with the making of the show!
We really do appreciate all the hard work you guys put into it. The writers,the actors, the thumbnail artist, the editors, you all are amazing! Thank you for the wonderful show you have given us. I don't think any of them will see this, but if they do, I hope you know we appreciate you.
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I have a little bit of a tsams hot take that probably won't go into the main tags.
Monty's character has really gone downhill since he got his own show and left Tsams.
And I know Davis voices the character, but since Monty has left Tsams, and been split between writers between LAES, TSAMS and MGAFS...
He is so mixed.
LAES: Sweet, if a little brash. Cute, the supportive boyfriend. A bit of an asshole to Lunar, but they get along alright.
TSAMS: Don't acknowledge his existence unless they need something or he's paired with Earth. He's just... there. For all intents and purposes. Does not have the same relationship he had with Moon or the other Celestial Siblings before. And the void of where he left is filled by Solar. And I love Solar, but they seem to forget (in Moon's case) or refuse to acknowledge all the help he did for them up till the point Lunar exploded.
MAFS: Honestly. The worst version of himself. This Monty... Abuses his friends for no good reason, lies to his girlfriend for no good reason, hurts children for no good reason.
And yes, this can all be faucets that make up a character if that's what they're trying to do by showing different sides of him... but like... It's so absolutely disjointed, I do not know how his character will be in every given episode.
Monty recently was given a Female Body (this Monty is gender Fluid) that was commissioned by his Deceased Father (go with it) that Foxy found out, and gave to him as a gift. Foxy is the one who got it all set up when the package arrived for him.
(honestly the way they did those episodes is masterfully well done. Super respectful and relatable)
They loved it and were overwhelmed with emotion, spent a few days in his new body...
First by spending the day with their son Vegeta animatronic (go with it) although reluctantly,
and then another emotional episode in LAES where he comes out to Earth, and Earth accepts them in their new body...
So... What does Monty do to Foxy for helping him set up this body? You think he would thank Foxy for bringing this to his attention.
He turns him into a Fox plushie, and punts him around the pizzaplex, physically abusing him for laughs.
He legit physically abused him and I know why he did this. Monty was turned into a real life gator awhile back, but that was not Foxy's fault and it was an accident made by Puppet.
Monty only tortured Foxy so they could be "brothers but closer" I get Monty got lonely after Lunar blew up, but he does not fuckin need to abuse people to be his friends. He always feels like he does.
......You see the dichotomy here.
It's hard to get a grasp on Monty's character between episodes and shows.
In LAES, he's a misguided sweetheart. In Tsams, he exists when he needs to. In MAFS... He's a lying sack of shit who abuses and lies to his friends and girlfriend in order to not feel so insecure.
I do like Monty as a character across all three shows, but because his motivation and who he is tends to change so much between episodes.
To the point I remember that Monty lied to his girlfriend about being sick so he could spend time with her in MAFS.... and then either the same day or a few days after, in his next appearance in LAES... Earth and Monty have their first kiss and it's super romantic and sweet....
(by the way, neither here nor there... The "fake sick" episode LEGIT triggered me because I got horrid flashbacks to my Exes and I could barely stomach the episode and I will never watch it again)
It's like they want to have their cake and eat it to, with Monty being a kinda "Always Sunny in Philadelphia" character in one show.... and then... Just the perfect Hallmark Boyfriend in another show.
Just my opinion. I like Monty and everything. I just kinda wish his motivations and behavior was consistent so I would get a good grasp on what he's doing... Other then just "he's an abusive asshole for the lols don't take it seriously" and then turn around and have characters like Earth or Foxy in other shows or even the very next episode excuse that horrid behavior.
I don't remember this being a problem when he was Old Moon's "Go-to" guy in Tsams. It was usually just a money problem and Monty trying to impress Moon.
Just my opinion tho.
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*me watching the latest tsams video while crying* it's fine because we still have aus. it's fine because he still exists in aus so we don't need to worry about it it's fine because he still exists in non-cannon-
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sams-venting · 15 days
Okay not sure why I decided to talk here. But this is the place I feel alright talking in. Yes. I’m the Writer of Glass Heart. I’m just here venting because I’m very aware of drama. But Ngl. Writing was my escape in this fandom. But I just wanna vent because I’m worried about people who ignore tags and read it. On the main Tsams confession page I noticed an ask from a reader I had that got completely scared of me but liked my writing. I just wanted to apologize to whoever it was. The story is supposed to be a horror story and Not a proshipping story. Proship is a completely different meaning and it means ship and let ship. There was no idealistic intentions writing it. I just wanted to write the things I’ve experienced in my life to let it out. I see Sun as a Self insert and it’s comforting a lot. I’m not meaning to scare anyone. This is reason Tags exist and why I give out warnings in the notes. I apologize to the Anon who has read it. I really enjoy making stories like this but I get very worried if I draw the wrong crowd. I would put this on my main but I wanna keep myself hidden from public eyes to avoid harassment since the last time I shipped a character they told me to end my life. But in the end I’m happy I wrote a horror story. I had so much Fun with writing Ruin being on Sun’s Side and wants to help him. I think it’s amazing to go to that horror tropes and write about the unknown.
But please read tags! It’s a big responsibility of mine to warn my readers. There wasn’t any harm written to this. I really felt Close to Sun in this book a lot and didn’t mean to scare people…
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pixelchills · 1 year
I just wanted to say two things:
1: I’m glad I’m not the only one who wanted more fluff than what tsams is offering (gosh, stop breaking them, give us joy gdi). I stopped for a similar reason. I want happy lord not all this depressing angst.
2: I’m so sorry people kept comparing your work to tsams, it’s not alike at all! I’m also sad we won’t get to see your lunar eclipse character. I would’ve been very interested to know how he turned out. People don’t realize how hurtful comparisons can be. (I almost killed Roth because someone called him a magical girl because of how he shapeshifts.) Is there any chance you could give a summary of what the Lunar Eclipse would’ve been like? Or is he just gone for good and you don’t want to mention him?
Sorry if this is annoying. Just wanted to say, I’m with you on fluff (which is why I love your work. Perfect balance of angst and fluff! We learn about something painful, and then there are hugs. Something scary happens, and then there are plushies. Well balanced), and I’m sorry you felt you had to remove your lunar eclipse.
Thank you for the nice message!
I know I'm an angst writer myself but depression with no fluff to make up for any of it is not enjoyable. I just think they should've continued with mostly gaming stuff and funnier lore videos after Eclipse was defeated.
But that's just my opinion and I am allowed to stop watching/enjoying content when it doesn't tickle my fancy anymore. If they ever happen to start doing happier and fluffier videos again I might start watching them again, but as of now I feel like the story has gone a bit downhill from what it used to be; too many universes, too many characters, it gets confusing and I don't particularly like how some of the characters are written, like Moon being the OP emo genius, but again, that's just my opinion 😂
What comes to the Lunar Eclipse character I was going to have, here's the deal;
The Lunar Eclipse character is still technically there, but the desing and name have been changed from what I originally had in mind. Lunar would have been a girl.
A big spoiler for "Lunar" to the far future of ANSSW:
"Lunar" was going to be Sun and Moon's adopted daughter. A baby stage Animutant who had to be taken out of the incubator tank too early because of the Apocalypse.
She is still sleeping because she hasn't developed fully. There's a 10% chance that she'll wake up before she is fully grown, but the 90% chance is that it will now take about 200 years since she is no longer in the incubator liquid.
Her new name is Dawn.
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