#wiggles about this i am very excited and it's Fun
Little idea wiggling about in my brain...
So like *holds Danny and Billy up by the scruff of their shirts* these two bastards won't leave my brain, and for punishment I will make them kiss...
Just, the Rock of eternity technically is Shazam's (the wizards) haunt? He has been dead for a long time, living only though his champion, what if Ghost King Danny gets slapped with a post it note that reads like
"Daniel, you're required to assist the Champion of Magic as the High King of the Realms, even Pariah helped the previous Champion Black Adam."
And Danny is like, "Sure, why not, Magic is real and so are ghosts."
And like....
Sparky Danny meeting Literal Sun Beam Billy, they are both 14, it's puppy love at its finest. Danny doesn't know what to do with gay panic and Billy is just straight up "This man is my soul mate, he shall be mine." (Call iy Zeus bestowing more than just lightning)
The leauge is very concerned why Captain Marvel seems to have a seeming underage partner.
Superman squinting very hard and trying to figure this out: So...just how old is Phantom?
Billy, unaware how bad this looks: Oh I don't know honestly, it's kinda hard to tell with beings from the Realms! Though he died when he was 14!
Superman, gripping the table (which cracks a little) :And how exactly long has he been 14?
Billy, taking out his phone and flipping out pictures: Like I said, I don't really know how old he is, but there is Egyptain hieroglyphics of him! Look!
Superman, blinking at the very real looking pictures: Ahh. Fun cool cool cool...a-and how are you again Cap?
Billy mindlessly swiping the photos, excited to show off his boyfriend:Never said it, but he is definitely older than I am.
(Danny is older by a month, Billy calls him an old man for it.)
Billy gets to live full time in Danny's haunt in the Zone, Danny built him like the best house, Tucker and Sam get to meet Billy and they just are flabbergasted that Danny "I can't get a girl to date me or else she ends up wanting to kill me" Fenton has a boyfriend that has been going steady for a few months.
My brain sees like, Maddie and Jack are 100% backing Danny, they are fully supportive of their bi/gay/pan son, but in no way would they support him if he was a ghost, like they are organizing Amitys first ever Pride parade, but there is a shoot ghosts on sight order.
And just the reveal is like...
Danny gets finally tells them he is a ghost: if you start shooting me, your shooting the only Gay person you know, not very ally of you mom and Dad.
Maddie mouth open in horror: Oh no...Jack are...are we homophobic?
Jack sharing her look of fear: Great Scott...Dann-o a-are you sure...its...it's a life style right? Y-you chose this?
Danny, trying very, very hard not to laugh: It's not a life style dad! I didn't choose to Die!
Anyway, thank you for coming to my brain word vomit, I haven't slept in 20 hours.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 9 months
OKAY. I finally managed to carve down an actually simplified version of the offline pocket edition I made for the excellent RPGSolo system. I definitely have more things in mind to expand on as options for players who want them, and this draft is Rough and near entirely unedited because I pounded it out in like half an hour during a migraine, oops, BUT! It should be fully functional as it is currently, and I hope people enjoy it as much as I have been.
(Also, if you like it I encourage you to go give the creator of the original site some support! This wouldn't exist without his work, and there's all kinds of neat extra tools and in-depth explanations to be found there and on the forums. Go check it out!)
To play, you will need a d100 (percentile dice), a d10, and a Likelihood table. One is provided below, but you may substitute your own percentages if you want to tweak your chances.
• A way to record the events of your game and/or to keep track of bonuses and penalties is recommended, but not required.
RPGSolo runs on the Yes, And/No, But system.
• Yes, and...: Not only is the outcome successful, but it's better than you expected; you are even better off than you would have been from achieving what you meant to do. Situations you are observing turn out to have some extra good news involved, or you gain even more thorough insight than you were looking for at first.
• Yes: You achieve your goal.
• Yes, but...: You achieve your goal, but there's a hitch or it comes at a cost.
• No, but: You fail your goal, but not completely. If you are making an observation, the situation isn't great, but there's a silver lining.
• No: You fail your goal.
• No, and...: Not only is the outcome a failure, but it's even worse than you thought, and/or you're worse off than if you had left it alone.
The Likelihood of a given roll dictates how likely you are to receive one of the above six outcomes. Each Likelihood lists the corresponding results on a scale from 1 to 100.
• No matter the Likelihood you are rolling from, there will always be a chance no matter how small to roll each outcome. Almost Impossible has a tiny chance to roll 'Yes, and...' and Sure Thing has a tiny chance to roll 'No, and...'
Optionally: you may add modifiers to increase or decrease your chances in a given scenario. Your character might be a trained fighter; they might have a sprained ankle; they might have found a flashlight; they may have a bad reputation in town which makes interactions with the townsfolk more hostile.
• Each point on a modifier counts for +1 or -1 Likelihood. A +1 turns a 50/50 into a Somewhat Likely, a -3 turns a Likely into a Somewhat Unlikely, and so on.
• Some modifiers make a bigger difference than others. A friendly demeanor might add a +1 bonus to checks involving interactions with the surly townsfolk, where that sprained ankle might be a -3 penalty to attempts to move quickly.
• Optionally: you may also add modifiers to change the outcome of a roll, not the Likelihood; a 'No, but...' becomes a 'Yes, but...' for example. These have a much stronger influence on your game, and you may want to use them sparingly.
• You may assign modifiers to your player characters--or other characters, or locations, or anything else--ahead of time, or you may add or remove modifiers during play as you feel they are appropriate.
At the beginning of each turn, decide what action you want to take, what observations you want to make, or what happens in the world around you.
Roll 1d10 to determine the difficulty of an action.
• 1: Almost Impossible
• 2: Very Unlikely
• 3: Unlikely
• 4: Somewhat Unlikely
• 5: 50/50
• 6: Somewhat Likely
• 7: Likely
• 8: Very Likely
• 9: Sure Thing
• 10: Reroll with +1 bonus (or just reroll, if you'd rather)
Add any appropriate modifiers to determine the Likelihood of the roll.
If you check the Likelihood of a roll and don't like your chances, you can choose not to pursue it.
• If there are any rolls you might want to come back to and try again later, you may want to make a note of it on the side. You might decide to leave a door with an alarm alone until you can find some tools to disarm it with, for example.
If you decide to proceed, roll 1d100 and consult the appropriate Likelihood table.
Add any appropriate outcome modifiers to determine the result.
Decide how to interpret the result.
• In case of wording you're not sure of ('do the guards notice me?' for example), a lower outcome is generally negative. You may want to write out the translated result next to the 'yes, and/no, but' result, for the sake of clarity.
• If you're rolling to decide between multiple options instead of for negative/positive outcomes, you may use your d10 as a yes/no oracle, or use 'yes, and/no, but' to roll for the degree to which the result falls between the presented options.
• Oracle between 2 options:
• 1-5: No/First option
• 6-10: Yes/Second option
• Oracle between 3 options:
• 1-3: No/First Option
• 4-6: Neither/Both/In-Between/Second option
• 7-9: Yes/Third option
• 10: Reroll, or secret fourth option
If you want to make more than one roll to determine what's going on before you continue the narrative, feel free to make as many in a row as you want before you describe what happens.
Optionally: you can use a Do-Over to redo a roll, or directly choose your outcome, if you really don't want to continue with what you got.
• It's recommended that you limit the number of these you have access to, if you want to keep some challenge in your game (5 Do-Overs per scene, for example), but you don't have to. You can do it as many times as you want; it comes down to what's most fun for you.
Write out what happens as a result of the outcome you rolled, until you reach the next point where you want the dice to show you the way.
Happy roleplaying!
Likelihood Table
Almost Impossible/Sure Thing:
-No, and...: 30% (1-30) [...] 1% (1)
-No: 50% (31-80) [...] 3% (2-4)
-No, but...: 11% (81-91) [...] 5% (5-9)
-Yes, but...: 5% (92-96) [...] 11% (11-19)
-Yes: 3% (97-99) [...] 50% (20-69)
-Yes, and: 1% (100) [...] 30% (70-100)
Very Unlikely/Very Likely:
-No, and...: 20% (1-20) [...] 3% (1-3)
-No: 40% (21-60) [...] 5% (4-8)
-No, but...: 20% (61-80) [...] 12% (9-20)
-Yes, but...: 12% (81-92) [...] 20% (21-40)
-Yes: 5% (93-97) [...] 40% (41-80)
-Yes, and...: 3% (98-100) [...] 20% (81-100)
-No, and...: 15% (1-10) [...] 5% (1-5)
-No: 30% (11-50) [...] 10% (6-15)
-No, but...: 20% (51-70) [...] 20% (16-35)
-Yes, but...: 20% (71-85 [...] 20% (36-55)
-Yes: 10% (85-95) [...] 30% (56-85)
-Yes, and...: 5% (96-100) [...] 15% (86-100)
Somewhat Unlikely/Somewhat Likely:
-No, and...: 10% (1-10) [...] 10% (1-10)
-No: 30% (11-40) [...] 20% (11-30)
-No, but...: 20% (41-60) [...] 10% (31-40)
-Yes, but...: 10% (61-70) [...] 20% (41-60)
-Yes: 20% (71-90) [...] 30% (61-90)
-Yes, and...: 10% (91-100) [...] 10% (91-100)
No, and...: 10% (1-10)
No: 20% (11-30)
No, but...: 20% (31-50)
Yes, but...: 20% (51-70)
Yes: 20% (71-90)
Yes, and...: 10% (91-100)
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quirkle2 · 2 years
this post will be completely pointless but guys i fucki gng . i fuckin loveart ok
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serendipitous-girl · 17 days
𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆
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⊱✿⊰ summary: rumors spread fast at Hogwarts, Harry should know this by now.
. ⊱✿⊰ warnings: very suggestive, you sit on Harry's lap and he gets a boner, kissing, uhh everybody thinks you guys had aex but you didn't, typical teenage hormones, you guys are friends who have crushes on each other, post-confessions??, mcgonny might be ooc sryyy bad jokes
⊱✿⊰ notes: this is way more suggestive than i usually write but yeah. don't ask why i came up with this..i just did and i am kinda embarrassed but im already here
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harry was sure he was going to explode. he had you, his very best friend, sitting on his lap and kissing his neck. he had not been prepared to know what to do when the prettiest girl he had ever seen was also into him.
he didn't know how to respond or how to reciprocate that he really, really, wanted what was happening. the best he could do was hold your hips, squeezing them as you sucked on a particularly senstive spot. he couldn't help the way heat started to pool in his stomach, blood rushing down to his-
"harry," you giggled, snapping him out of his embarrassing train of thoughts, "didn't know you were that excited."
"shut up, [name]," he grumbled, feeling his face warm exponentially. he pulled your closer, pressing his lips to yours, smirking into the kiss when the sweet little gasp you made reached his ears. harry was sure he would never get enough of the taste of your lips, sweet and soft like the chapstick you always loved to wear.
if he was anywhere near his right mind he might consider the fact, you and him were making out in the middle of the common room. but it was late at night, everybody was surely snoozing and harry couldn't control himself. he wanted-no he needed to feel more of you.
a groan got strangled in his throat as you wiggled your body, rubbing your body against his and sending electronic volts all throughout him. he should really tell you to stop...but fuck if it didn't feel good. (hey, the chosen one needs some fun in his life too!)
he leaned in to kiss you again, only to be met by your loud screech and you flinging yourself off of his lap like he had suddenly caught a highly contagious disease. a quick look at his pants would expose his highly embarrassing situation so he quickly grabbed a throw pillow and shoved it on his lap.
"professor!" you said, and he quickly snapped his head towards where professor mcgonagall was staring horrifed at you both.
"both of you! bed! now! acting so indecently in such a public place? i expected better than you, potter." she chided, pointing a finger towards the stairs. obediently you and harry hurried up there, harry being quick to hopefully hide his.. condition.
"practically have sexual intercourse!" she muttered, shaking her head. you and harry practically ran up the suddenly very long staira, hurrying to your respective dorms in hopes you could hide from the embarrassment. turning you gave harry a quick wave before shutting the girls dorm door. at the very least everybody should be asleep so nobody would be aware of this incident.
❀ ❀ ❀
the whispers started almost immediately after you stepped into the great hall. young and old students bored their eyes into you as you marched to your usual seat with harry, hermione, ron and the rest of your makeshift friend group.
ron immediately snickers, and hermione swats him with an eyeroll. your face was already warm with embarrassment, even more so now that your friends were aware of the whole...thing.
"i cannot believe you had sex with harry and didn't tell me!" hermione hissed, looking at you with a slightly betrayed look. she was your best friend, well beside harry (and harry was...more now.) but she was your girl best friend. which made it easier to talk to her about certain things.
"we didn't?" you said, clearly confused...you thought the rumors would at least be accurate if they were to be spread. but that was too much to ask for a bunch of teenagers hungry for drama. you turned to harry and added, "why do they think we had sex?"
harry blushed, probably remembering what happened the night before. then he said, "i'm pretty sure someone was awake last night and heard professor mention that we were 'practically having sex'"
he mumbled the last bit and you giggled, amused at his shyness about this whole topic. although you weren't faring much better, the thought of doing that with harry was enough to make your body implode.
"but are you guys like dating now..?" ron asked, paying half attention to you guys and half to the food in front of him. it was delicious so you couldn't really blame him.
you glanced at harry and he glanced at you, a small smile peeking out as you nodded slightly. his goregous green eyes lit up with excitement, the silent confirmation all he needed to know the truth. harry fucking potter was your boyfriend now.
"yeah, she's my girlfriend now." he said, before he turned around. you followed his gaze and saw draco malfoy staring daggers at him, his pale face red with utter fury. he looked like a swollen tomato.
you smirked, gaining some confidence and leaning towards harry. you pressed your lips to his, hands pressed into his chest. you only felt egged on by the hoots and hollers of the other students.
"well that certainly didn't help the rumors." harry said, fixing his glasses with a flustered look on his face. you giggled and hugged him.
"we'll let them believe what they want to believe. who knows, maybe they'll learn about the other times i've seen you naked." you giggled, laughing even more at harry's horrifed gasp.
"hey! you said you wouldn't bring that up!" harry whined, blushing even more as ron and hermione laughed along with you.
rumors were bad, but with your family and your friends..and your new boyfriend. it wasn't so bad.
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lori © 2024. please don't copy, modify, or do anything weird with my writing! i like reblogs and comments but please be kind as this was my writing.
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Characters: Aether, Albedo, Al Haitham, Amber, Ayaka, Ayato, Beidou, Candace, Cyno, Dainsleif, Diluc, Dehya, Gorou, Heizou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Lisa, Lumine, Layla, Nahida, Ningguang, Raiden Shogun, Scaramouche, Shenhe, Tartaglia, Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Xiao, Yae Miko, Yelan, Zhongli
A/N: I've been working on this for a while and it got backed up thanks to finals but I hope you all like it!!
Aether (golden retriever)
It’s quite a fun morning when you wake up to a flurry of cries and laughter along with a big furry retriever pouncing on you as you just woke up.
You happily cried out for help and Paimon came to your rescue asking where Aether is, still cuddling and petting the cream colored fur as the dog's head rested on your lap.
On the dog's ear was aethers earring and you took a guess, asking the dog if he was your lover to which you got a pretty excited bark and more “kisses”.
The day is pretty much one of the best days ever as Aether gets to fawn over with cuddles and free food while you get to skip your responsibilities, running through the lands and laughing at the playful games you all played.
It’s decided that it was the result of a side effect of a domain your boyfriend recently cleared and it wore off after 24 hours but to say you were glad that it was over would be a lie.
Albedo (snow leopard)
He is a menace especially since snow leopards thrive in colder climates and naturally blend in with snow means a full day of hide and seek on Dragonspine, chasing him around and watching him observe the dancing hillichurls.
‘Bedo is of course going to let Klee pet him and cuddle near a fire if it’s cold (you get priority too), pawing at the knee for attention or to continue combing through his soft thick fur and wiggling around to show his stomach for pets.
You’re going to have to keep an eye on him as the now cat alchemist is going to try to perform experiments on himself to figure how he got in this position and with his large paws he’ll give you his best cute eyes for your help, please say no his fur almost got dyed neon pink.
Kaeya is no doubt going to catch wind of the situation and tease him about gaining a new fur coat to replace his usual white one, casually speaking about how you’re suddenly available since your boyfriend is an oversized house cat.
The cavalry captain gets a snarl and small but fierce roar as he sees Albedo get in front of you and slowly move towards him, both of you don’t see kaeya for the rest of the day and your furry alchemist lover demands rubs.
By the end of the day there will be two sheets of papers with a charcoal paw print on it and a messily done heart, paper slightly shredded but you and Klee love his gift anyway.
Alhaitham (Madagascar day gecko)
Like Albedo is a menace and uses his new form to hide from you and play games but most importantly get info that he normally wouldn’t be able to get as he’s now an ordinary seeming gecko.
Most likely he’ll find you before you find him, climbing up your back with his padded toes and smirking (you think) at your confused scattered self.
Alhaitham can’t just go about his day as normal so he does have to rely on your help much to his disagreement, wandering through the stalls and purchasing fruits for you both.
All in all a very relaxing day for the scholar compared to what he’s used to and did have fun being able to be pretty much inconspicuous, playing “catch me if you can” with his significant other.
Amber (french lop bunny)
Probably has to do with Albedo or something she ran into while being an outrider but nonetheless loves it, finally she’s like her baron bunny and adorably fluffy.
Jean gives her the day off because there really isn’t anything Amber can do in her current state and she could get hurt, you end up having a fun day to yourselves and walking through Mondstadt in with bunny amber cuddled in your arms.
You can’t help but prepare a satisfying salad for her and you, sitting just outside the city and enjoying the wind brushing through Amber’s whiskers.
The way her cotton tail twitches when she’s excited or her high hops in tall grass chasing after you, every soft small part of her is too cute.
Ayaka (persian teacup kitty)
Thoma’s going to come up to you with a mixed expression of worry and awkwardness, his hands hiding a furry pale blue moving ball that unfurled to be a kitten and according to Thoma…your girlfriend.
You’re too busy cooing over her cute cat form to listen to what Thoma was saying besides her not being able to take care of her duties, entrusting you to take care of her and watch over Miss Kamisato.
Most of the day is in her room watching her struggle to walk and fall whenever she tries to stand on two legs, not only not being able to reach items because she’s a cat but she’s a teacup cat.
She does have to admit that you’re adorable from her point of view and you give the best scratches behind her ear while she’s laying on soft blankets and weaving between your legs.
Ayato (peacock)
This is one of the best and worst days for him because he gets a day off of work for a valid reason and he gets to show off how pretty is to you. Thoma and his sister cannot stop doubling over with laughter.
The lord is almost always puffed up and displaying his feathers for you to enjoy, following you around like it’s the only possible option and occasionally cawing to get your attention.
Several times Inazumans came up to you while you were running errands and warned you that there was a very large color bird “stalking” you, turning around to see your lover trying to impress you
It was very clear that this magnificent bird was Ayato Kamisato based on its attitude and coloring but how it happened….. who knows?
Beidou (Treeing walker Coonhound)
It’s quite a shock to see the captain of the Crux fleet basking and swimming in liyue harbor under the hot sun, perking up when her nose caught your scent and shook the water off her much to the crews displeasure.
There are a couple pros when you inevitably go to Ningguang to inform her of the situation and Beidou goes right to tackling the leader with tons of wet kisses and barks, looking back at you with what you swear is a smirk or cocky expression.
As a hound she gets so many snuggles from the children and elders but her enhanced hearing and smell allow her to find more illegal deals or goods being stolen and smuggled by treasurer hoarders (they can’t hardly believe that this dogs is somehow on Captain Beidou’s size till they see you and they bolt without the goods).
At the end of the day you and her are at the front of the ship, overlooking the lanterns decorating Liyue Harbor and having your girlfriend on your lap cuddled up close to you with her head nuzzled into your stomach.
Baizhu (ball python snake)
Since he’s already used to Changsheng being on him 24/7 Baizhu going to know what to do in order to keep himself alive until whatever this is wears off but until then you and Qiqi will have to help run Bubu Pharmacy, your lover coiled around your neck to help you like his own snake as Chengsheng is around Qiqi’s hat.
It isn’t a surprise that Baizhu is playful in his serpent form, racking his brain for when or how this could have happened when he’s normally so aware of his situations but chose to ignore the reason and press light kisses again.
You take breaks for both yourself and your new snake partner who Zhongli immediately recognises but chooses not to comment on while you order food from Wanmin restaurant, going just out of the city to find some some rodents for Baizhu to snack on and holding back a gag reflex when you saw the bulge in his coils.
Whenever it’s hot out his cold bloodedness comes in handy for both of you and trailing down your body to get herbs when you cannot find them, coming back to your arms before coiling around your wrist and dropping the herbs on the counter but not without giving you a nuzzle which gets a funny comment from the customer.
Candace (coyote)
It's unusual to wake up to a coyote instead of your girlfriend but weirder things have happened before strangely enough and both of you have work to do so you couldn’t just laze about and cuddle your new canine companions.
Although now being a coyote, she can cover the area surrounding Aaru village better and fast with four legs, using her intimidation as a fierce wild dog to scare away potential threats with her bared fangs and chasing them off.
You went to work and notified people that yes Candace is okay but she was called away by the Akademiya on a mission in the desert and to come to you with concerns until she was back.
Tiredly smiling when the sun hit the horizon and you saw her slip into the village, playing around with some children before heading to you and encouraging you to brush the grit out of her fur while sunbathing.
Neither of you knew what caused this but it ended the next morning and you both chalked it up to some strange harmless magic, laughing about the fun memories while you woke up and went about your day.
Cyno (death stalker scorpion)
He’s not going to even try come up with a logical reason for how this happened but does find it ironic and is happy that he’s now the most venomous scorpion in all of Teyvat but is now terrified that he’ll accidently sting you hence why when you wake up he’s on the opposite side of the room with a book on your desk open to his species.
Immediately going to find Alhaitham with your help and bug him, pure amusement filling his heart when his colleague glared at him and skittering closer with his tail threatening to sting him. An unspoken threat hangs in the air, the Mahamatra daring the Scribe to mock his jokes without consequence.
Cyno grows to enjoy his new form as he’s just as threatening as he was when he was human and even gets more confessions as he points his stinger at the criminals neck with another Matra coldly asking him to just confess already (you’d informed the Akademiya that Cyno had been turned into a scorpion which Nahida got a kick out of but did confirm the truth).
Late in the afternoon both of you were laying on a rock in Gandharva Ville with the sun warming up your boyfriend, Tighnari had just finished examining your lover and gaining some venom from the scorpion in order to work out an anti-venom just in case but left to two of you sleeping.
Dainsleif (fruit bat)
You rarely see Dainseif because of his constant traveling but he always seems to be there when you need him and stays for as long as he can before he slips away to take care of his personal issues.
Although through everything you’ve seen with Dainsleif this has to take cake, opening your window around midnight when you heard some taps and yelping when a bat flew into your bedroom.
Clinging to your shirt and looking up at you, key details being a half mask-like mark across his face and your boyfriend's signature star eyes stopping all words coming out of your mouth. Was this your lover? It couldn’t be- but who else looked like that. It couldn’t be a coincidence.
Welp now that all your plans were cancelled since your lover unexpectedly is here and now turned into a bat for some reason but nonetheless you sat with Dain hanging from your shoulder eating a juicy fruit you’d given him and looking at you with love filled eyes.
Dehya (Bengal Tiger)
Personally thinks this is an upgrade and takes advantage of it for as long as it lasts, giving you “puppy dog eyes” to explain to Rahman what’s happened but to let her continue her jobs with you as her translator (no way she’d allow any harm to come to you) and begrudgingly agreeing to let her go.
You make sure to pack up some water and snacks (having to go out and buy some food for your tiger girlfriend) so you are nourished during the journey, setting out with a happy oversized cat purring and rubbing against you with no care of the onlookers concerned or confused faces.
All of her work goes smoothly with you having to occasionally step in to explain what’s happened and her enemies not willing to fight an overgrown pyro infused tiger with only a simple weapon.
Evening is one of the best, both of you laying down in front of the fire and stroking the big cat that’s smothering you with wet kisses, chuffing while nudging her head against your hand as you take another piece of fruit for yourself and some grilled meat for her.
Diluc (red tailed hawk)
Usually you woke up to your fire haired lover’s tight grip on your waist before he’d kiss your head and sneak off to get ready for his busy day but today you awoke to a soft chirp and light nips to your cheek by a red tailed hawk. Strangely it wasn’t freaking out externally but tried to get more comfortable next to you as you just froze in shock and looked around the room for your lover or some explanation of what’s going on.
Your feathery friend flew over to a pile of Diluc’s uniform and dropped his glove and vision in your lap, picking up the edge of the glove with its beak and trying to slip the glove over its talon. Its scarlet eyes desperately looking at you with some sort of desire only known to it and causing your thoughts to wander to how similar the bird and him were.
Eventually accepting that your boyfriend was now a bird for an unspecified period of time and calling in Adelinde to explain the situation in order to cancel or reschedule any business meetings. You carded your fingers through Diluc’s red feathers who was now on your shoulder observing the view from outside the Winery and flew out to one of the rows of grapes, picking off one with his talons and eating it with a content coo.
Both of you did have to go into Mondstat to take care of Angel’s Share where Venti cackled upon seeing the famous intimidating bartender and Kaeya was a bit more snarky fully aware of the damage the hawk could inflict. But the aerial view of the city when he would fly around the cathedral was breathtaking to say the least and he wished more than anything to share this view with you, swooping down to you as you came to the base of Barbatos’s statue with to chicken skewers smiling up at him and offering him some dinner from Good Hunter.
Il Dottore (blue ringed octopus)
As far as you know this was probably his doing because frankly it seems like it was something he’d do just for kicks and it was another new accomplishment he could brag about but apparently something went awry when the fatui agent directly under his command came running to get you.
You were about to be handed an octopus but ripped your hands away when you realized the species of cephalopod to be the highly venomous blue ringed octopus which your lover often raved about and nearly yelled at the agent for attempting to kill you before the tiny sea creature pointed an arm towards a note on the doctor’s table.
After reading the note that basically said Dottore maybe fucked up by adding a chemical he wasn’t supposed to into his recent already unstable concoction and that you had to take care of him until the effects wore off in about 24 hours.
The rest of the day was pretty relaxing given you had to carry around a full container of water that your lover resided in. It was eventful with you occasionally slipping him bits of fish and having him climb up your arm to your shoulder to watch the world from your view compared to his small one.
Gorou (Shiba)
General Gorou personally doesn’t like this new development because some people (Yae Miko) already saw him as part dog despite various attempts of him doing everything he could to just get others to ignore his canine features.
So when he woke up one morning feeling a bit smaller than usual and went to rub his face but saw paws instead of his hand, freaking out and immediately turning over to wake you up but only getting out scared barks or whines.
After almost an hour of calming Gorou down with the help of Kokomi who agreed that until your boyfriend was back to normal he wouldn't be allowed to do any work as general.
Well Gorou wasn’t happy with the situation but he came around to liking it when he realized that he get’s to spend all of his time with you it clicked and eagerly asked for more cuddles now that you could both sleep in until lunch.
Heizou (ferret)
Chaos. I don’t feel like I need to say anything else if you know what ferrets are generally like and if you don’t then please look it up it’s hilarious (also fits Heizou’s personality to a T), but better pray for the Tenryou Commission when he wakes up and get ASAP before Sara breaks her “No killing Heizou under any circumstances” rule.
This boy is so slippery even when he’s human but loves to run around you while climbing you up and down as he gives playful kisses on your face, not to mention his coat is gorgeous with bits of tanish brown mixed with stripes of vibrant red and gold along his fur.
It’s going to take more than one person if they want to get him off of you, trying not to touch you in the wrong places as the guard attempts to get Heizou out from your clothes and even if they’re successful the detective is going to nip at them so he can further secure himself around your neck.
You do love it when he’s peaceful, eating bits of fruits or grilled meat from your hand and nuzzling her soft cute face into your cheek (Heizou is going to make it up to you for all the trouble he caused later with cuddles).
Itto (bull)
Please help this man or bull who woke up so frightened that he wasn’t an Oni anymore that he crashed through a wall of your house and it took the entire gang, including both shinobu and you with the threat of Kujou Sara to get him to stop rampaging.
Also in this I imagine that he’s not Ushi sized but full on bull sized but with his signature red horns and red marking colored in his black/grey fur.
It’s going to take more than a couple minutes to tell him what’s going on (Sara already has Heizou trying to figure out what happened) but afterwards finds it pretty cool and naturally offers local Inazuman kids a ride.
You ensure them it’s safe with you going on him as well and the entire day is filled with the laughs of kids thanking their favorite Oni for bull rides, whispering comments to you about your lover’s protectiveness whenever another person gets a bit too close for comfort (like anyone would want to face off against an angry bull).
Kaeya (peacock)
This man is already cocky but now as he’s a bird know for being gorgeous and pretty, will not stop preening himself or looking for some way to impress you.
Each of his feathers has his signature star eye instead of it’s normal colors on his plumage which doesn’t take long to put two and two together, calming yourself down and laughing at your lover’s attempt to console you by perching himself on your lap (encouraging you to use his soft feather to distract yourself).
Both of you silently agree that it’d cause way more of an issue if you went out with an unusually colored peacock of all things (something not native to Mondstadt) and stayed home, sneaking out to walk among the gardens at twilight and admire the luminescent moon lighting up the path.
Kazuha (yellow ragdoll cat)
Such a good kitty he is, doesn’t panic upon realizing his new form but does have some concerns and atm he can’t do anything so he might as well relax with you until you start your day which doesn’t take long.
He’s so adorably cute and you cannot help yourself when you sweep him up in your arms, your lover is happily purring and swiping his paw over the signature red streak to hopefully clue you in. Luckily you took it well with minor panic but ultimately hoped it’d wear off after a day or so and scratched his head as you strolled through Inazuma City.
Many people flock to you and ask to pet your “cat”, commenting on his red streak and cooing at him whenever he walks around on your shoulders purring.
The samurai naturally attracts cats, so expect to be followed by a herd of cats which isn’t bad because they’re all so fluffy and Kazuha would rather nap on you when you’re basking in the sun which leads to a cuddle pile.
Kokomi (full moon betta fish)
Honestly how either of you got into this scenario is a mystery but needless to say it involved a very worried and concerned general Gorou cradling a small glass bowl with a beautiful pink and purple white full moon betta fish.
Most of the day was spent carefully resting in Kokomi’s room in order to avoid any soldiers in case they came looking when Gorou informed the resistance that her excellency wasn’t feeling well which wasn’t technically a lie although your girlfriend tried to convey that she wanted to go outside and swim in some shallow pools.
The happiness you could feel coming off her in waves as she excitedly swam among the shores of Watatsumi Island and fluttered about in between your legs when you walked in the water beside her.
Soon or later you ran with her in her bowl trying to escape Gorou for yelling at you for “endangering” Kokomi and understanding you’re her significant other but that doesn’t mean you get to steal her away (your girlfriend begged to differ).
Layla (sloth)
It fits her very well mostly due to how cute she is and her clinginess whenever she’s asleep, waking up one morning to feel a tight grasp on your waist and being a bit frightened to see a small icy blue sloth peacefully sleeping on your stomach.
You looked around to see your girlfriend’s signature star head accessory sitting atop their head, having heard to the Akademiya’s recent mess you’d believe pretty much anything and your Layla being an adorable sloth was not your life until the foreseeable future.
After locking the door so she couldn’t do any of her work (not like she could anyway), you went out to the nearby markets to get some breakfast and kept her close to you, her arms now wrapped around your neck and happily stared at your focused expressions.
Upon her request (really just her pointing at the House of Daena repeatedly) you went into the library and checked out some books in a small corner to her joy, cooing at her cute form and running your hands through her fur which she seemed to like).
Lisa (fine haired Persian cat)
You were in the library petting a gorgeous Persian lavender cat when the Acting Grandmaster bust into the room frantically asking if you knew where Lisa was and yelling that someone went wrong when the librarian as helping Albedo out with a recent experiment only to see you with the cat happily purring on your lap. “Oh good you found her.”
Obviously after the explanation that your lover had been accidently turned into a cat you couldn’t help but coo at her more than you did before you knew and cozy up in a faraway section of the library with some pillows and take a nap among the many books lining the shelves.
Napping away when the sun warmed both of you up and groaning when she pawed your face with her little fuzzy mittens, yawning as you got up to get food for both of you at good hunter and brought her back to your little pillow nest.
Lumine (cream tabby cat)
Just like Aether you woke up to a sound you hadn’t heard in a while which was a very friendly pale yellow tabby cat sleeping on your chest whose eyes fluttered as you began to fully wake up and nudged your cheek affectionately.
It didn’t take a genius to realize somehow that the traveler had somehow turned into a cat and until further knowledge so you had no choice but to care for your girlfriend, who was happily getting a lot of attention from you.
Your companions found this very amusing and Paimon did occasionally laugh at the way the traveler plays with the leaf being tossed about in the wind but quickly shuts up when she tries to take a swipe at Paimon.
There isn’t an hour where you and her aren’t connected in some way and Lumine often naps on top of your shoulders as you go about your day doing your chores, chuckling to yourself at the content purring kitty sleeping on around your neck.
Nahida (butterfly)
A/N: this can be read as either platonic or familial love
It’s not going to be easy to find her but she’ll let you know very easily via a dream and she archon magic, flapping her gorgeous green and white wings all around you while dropping small flowers on you.
Nahida is definitely going to need some help when it comes to eating and you can definitely hear phantom giggles as you cut into a slide of zaytun peach, biting into one yourself and lifting it to your shoulder where the dendro archon is perched.
There is no doubt that she’s going to lead to to the Aranara Village, introducing you to all her friends who without a doubt both know it’s her and adore you (many flower crowns were made for you that day and you brought all of them home).
You can tell just by how Nahida acts (even if it’s just flying about) that she’s happy to have another form of freedom where she doesn’t have to be Sumeru’s archon and just have fun, gliding from flower to flower that just seem to reach towards her every time she passes them.
Pantalone (arabian horse)
All you woke up to really loud noises and a bunch of whining which scared you awake and nearly screamed when you saw a fully grown black stallion worriedly pacing around the room, quickly backing yourself against the headboard and rapidly looking around for your lover but calling out his name.
To your surprise the horse looks your way and something in his eyes softens before stopping to a halt, nudging something towards you that was knocked onto the floor and picking it up to see it was Pantalone’s slightly cracked glasses.
No explanation could be given but you did have a very amusing time trying to get him out of the house without damaging or breaking anything, but the harbinger got back at you by sweeping you up on his back and galloping across the snowy fields.
You could vaguely hear happy winnies whenever you yelped or shrieked from the fast pace he was setting and would use his head to nudge you back onto his back. Anyone could tell that this horse was very prideful about its handsome appearance and you couldn’t deny it.
Raiden Shogun (Jaguar)
Needless to say walking back into your shared room only to see a violet patterned jaguar was enough to get you to call out to nearby guards and your breath fell short when you got the big cats attention, freezing in place as you slowly backed up and dropped the desserts had bought for you both.
You didn’t even have to run because it easily smelled the sweets and laid down to munch of them, nudging one toward you and watching you keenly with her tail swishing idly behind her; of course that’s when the guards came in and pushed you behind them in order to stop you from being harmed.
After a long accident involving the cat hissing at the guards and keeping you behind her, lifting her chest to show an exact copy of the symbol the archon had and sparks of lightning emanating from her paws marking up the matted floors. The message was clear that this was somehow their archon and didn't touch what’s important to her, without hesitation Yae Miko was called.
Ei was so much more calm when they left, you could feel that she was overall done with everyone and just wanted to relax with you (which you both did), escaping away to the secret garden where you hid among some flowers and napped with your lover now a jaguar purring quite happily.
Kunikuzushi/Wanderer (black ragdoll cat)
Nahida called urgently called you to the Sanctuary of Surasthana because something worrisome had happened involving the wanderer and to not panic because it wasn’t too bad, the situation you got only increased your anxiety when you ran in through the doors only to hear the archon’s voice yelling to “Close the door before he gets out!” and briefly seeing a black puff ball scurrying towards you while hissing.
The obsidian ragdoll cat uses you as a shield as he angrily hisses and takes swipes at Kusanali who is clearly having a lot of fun although it seems very stressful, thanking you and scolding the cat who she calls “Wanderer” for trying to escape when someone was trying to help him (you do a double take at that).
She explains that she doesn’t have an explanation but roughly knows what happened and most likely angered some Aranara who specialized in illusion magic to which you try and pay attention to her however your eyes haven’t left your lover’s pale indigo ones.
You go to pick him up (he strangely gave you a onceover before jumping onto your chest without warning) and nearly fell while glaring at him annoyed with his actions, the anemo user only squirmed in your arms to get more comfortable and blinked up at you once settled with false innocent eyes that you were all too familiar with.
Thankfully it was raining so even if he did get out he wouldn’t get far, so begrudgingly agreed to stay at the Sanctuary until he changed back and (much to his embarrassment) started purring when you pet him right behind the ears, looking around to double check if the damned archon was around before allowing himself to relax and wind his tail around your hand lovingly.
Shenhe (red crowned crane)
For sure is going to wake up confused and curious, pecking you awake as softly as she can and nudging you with her head to try to get you up.
At first you thought that she was Cloud Retainer and freaked out, scrambling out of bed and brushing the invisible dirt off your clothes to greet her correctly.
Upon noticing that it was your girlfriend, you chose to ask Cloud Retainer herself who also didn’t know what was going on but assured you it was temporary.
Shenhe flew across the lakes, freezing the water in spiral patterns and landing gracefully on the ice to invite you over to skate.
Tartaglia (red fox)
Him and Heizou have something in common and it’s still being able to cause mass amounts of chaos despite being non human, the entire day will be spent chasing him around while you try to clean up the messes he “accidently” causes.
No doubt one of his antics is going to be finding Zhongli and being playful but just tolerable enough to not be thrown into Liyue harbor, squealing and gekkering when Hu Tao came up to ruffle his tangled fur.
By mid afternoon you’d given up searching for your boyfriend and gone to sit by the harbor, swinging your legs off the dock and feeling a certain soft fox cuddle his way under your arms as an apology.
Thoma (Shiba)
You’re called over by the Kamisato siblings who were trying their best to keep it together and hold in their laughter while they led you to a room containing a dog that looked suspiciously like Taroumaru, noticing that he wore your lover's black metal headband and similar happy go lucky smile.
The two explained that somehow Thoma had been transformed into a shiba when they came to check in on him when he hadn’t said good morning and the only idea they had was to get you so no one else found out, asking you to watch over him until either of them found out a way to turn him back.
Thoma who’d been contently laying in your lap and snuggling against the hand petting him perked up at that sentences, barely able to contain his barks of excitement and running circles around you.
It was rare that the housekeeper got a day off and this was a strange incident but he’d take it, leaving you to chase after him through the city and coming back with some food a chef had given him because of his cuteness.
Tighnari (fennec fox)
There’s really nothing different except for the lack of control, short height, people cooing over him- yeah he officially hates it and scampers off into the Avidya forest to continue his duties. Even if he’s now an actual fennec fox instead of just being a hybrid like he was previously, a small hiccup isn’t going to stop him no matter how much Collei pleaded.
He is shocked that you instantly know who he is based on his various shades of green and blue coat coloring (not missing the hint of pink on his ears and nose) and hazel curious eyes, looking around before jumping into your arms and silently pleading for you to hide him.
You do manage to convince him to take a walk through the forest towards a small river runs and sweet Zaytun Peaches, mint, and Harra fruit grow; biting into one of them and savoring its sweet flavor before offering the other to Tighnari who happily took it.
He gives you the best privilege you could ever have and it’s cuddling him as a fox, it isn’t surprising you fall asleep with your boyfriend in your arms who is slowly falling victim to fatigue as well (he didn’t notice Collei peaked through the door and took a picture for later).
Venti (Mocking Bird)
Like Tighnari, the archon is already like a bird so it doesn’t affect him so much until you and Diluc tell him that he can’t drink any alcohol cause it might kill him in this form and he’s not going to chance leaving you behind in this world (although the face the red head made after you were finally able to convince him the bird was Venti was pure gold).
Your boyfriend never leaves your side and is able to hear all the songs that he can make as a mocking bird, including anything he overhears from anyone else and being able to mimic it completely.
He spends most of his time nested in your hair and showing off his beautiful feather pattern to his beloved, green and blue swirls painted on his brown and white wings (a small Anemo symbol placed on his chest).
Windrise’s massive oak tree provides lots of shade and roots for sitting on as you sit against the bark as Venti flutters about in the air joyously, occasionally stopping and giving you a love peck while he picks up some diced apple with his beak to nice.
Xiao (Blue-backed Manakin)
Takes the whole “fierce harsh warrior” and turns it on its head as he tries to figure out if this new form is because of his karma or just the world laughing at him, overall is very grumpy and does his best to avoid you knowing you’ll coo over his new bird form.
Light but harsh repeated pecking against glass gets your attention and you see a small bluish black manakin bird perched on the window sill trying to get out but freezing when they lock eyes with you.
You recognise the purple triangle that your lover has tattooed on his forehead and remember something he had mentioned about his previous form being a bird, putting the two together and scooping him into your hands; five minutes later both you are on the same page and will later see Zhongli for help but for now you’re okay with some snuggles after some puppy eyes (which Xiao knows he can’t stand strong against).
When the time finally arrives to find the ex-geo archon, Xiao finds a comfy stop nestled on top of your head (bonus point that he can also keep in contact with you and lookout) and does unconsciously let out small chirps when you nuzzle his chest or mention how beautiful his feathers are (which you wish could keep one and luckily enough are gifted one by him as your arrive in Liyue).
Yae Miko (arctic fox)
The Guiji does change into her fox form on occasion and when you’re at your lowest in need of comfort but never out in public where others can see her but something must have gone wrong because now she can’t transform back into her human form which alarms both her and you.
Doesn’t let anyone see her and curls up in her room as she tries to figure out what happened however you manage to sneak into her room, using your puppy dog eyes to your advantage.
Yelan (Black widow spider)
Something was scattering across your face and opening your eyes to see a larger than normal black widow spider to which your reaction was to scream in fear, throwing the spider to the other side of your room and desperately checking your face for bites while grabbing a big book on the shelf next to you.
When you turned back the arachnid was busy using it’s webbing to write something on the floor, quirking your head so didn’t have to move but you could see and becoming genuinely shocked at the sight of your lovers name being written in blue glowing silk (it’s artist looking up at you with all 8 eyes).
It took a lot of patience but you came to accept the fact that your fiersome girlfriend was now one of the most venomous spiders in all of Teyvat until you could change Yelan back but you’d make the most of it and she’d weave complex designs out of her webbing for you.
Another perk was that the hydro user could now gather intel more easily because of her new form and much to your dismay she crept out of the house to continue on her recent mission but just before midnight you felt a soft cloth brush against your face (Yelan had made herself a little bed on the headboard).
Zhongli (standard bearded dragon)
Generally alright with his new form but isn’t happy that he can’t drink tea anymore whenever he tries which only ends in your holding all of his tea hostage for fear of what it’d do based to his reptile body and Zhongli with his now obsidian black beard rather than the normal beige.
He does enjoy basking in the Liyue sun that beats down on a roof he’s taken a liking to after giving you a slip and flattens himself out into (as you like to call it) “pancake mode” to best enjoy the sun’s heat.
Hu Tao upon hearing why he can’t come to work cannot stop laughing and taking photos via her Kamera but lets you both off until a solution appears.
The day consists of you with your lover on your shoulder and walking around the plains of Liyue, more than once does he speed off to investigate a commotion and finds out he is very fast on all fours.
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moominsuki · 1 year
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THE DRIEST SPELL OF THEM ALL (7.1k) — bakugou katsuki x f!reader
✎ᝰ you've only been in a relationship with bakugou for a short while, but you can't help but think it's strange that you haven't had sex. guess it's time to change that.
࿄ ! warnings — nsfw, straight up penetrative sex, established relationship, oral sex (f!receiving), unprotected sex, lots of praise and feelings, bakugou is a sweetie pie, not a safe space for minors, reader is a college student and bkg is a pro hero.
/ note. this is my first, long fic and i'm so excited to share it with you guys. honestly was so fun to write and it has a lot of plot but who is uma if she doesn't have loads of self-indulgent dialogue?? anyways minors please do not interact with this and to the rest of you, please enjoy my very smutty fanfic.
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to bakugou, the first time you and him have sex happens out of the blue. the relationship is relatively new and fresh - only around three-four months in. you do think it is kind of weird that you guys haven’t crossed the line of actually doing the deed.
you both have tiptoed the threshold of making out and soft touches. like when he came over to your place and you both made out after dinner together. you offered to put on a movie - just a random romance flick that you don’t seem to remember now; considering the tension in the room could’ve been cut with a meat cleaver.
just three months ago, it had been your third date and you’d only passed a few light touches and long hugs at this juncture so when he put his hand on your bare knee, it was game over. you pounced on the blond and kissed him for as long as your breath willed you to. it just probably was not the best idea for you to try to undress on your couch.
“is it alright if i take this off?” you say, going to grab the hems of your light pink shirt that wasn’t doing enough to cover the hardness of your nipples. bakugou nosed at your jaw and kissed at your neck before he bit back a groan at this and rested his hands at hem of your skirt before nodding.
“fuck, you don’t gotta ask me, princess. just do it.” your hands slipped under your shirt and revealed underside of your boobs - which bakugou was ready to smooth his hands over until the footsteps of someone approached your living room.
“hey y/n- oh my GOD. i am so sorry oh-” and the footsteps are heard running to another room before a SLAM! echoes in the distance. you had not anticipated that your roommate would be arriving home so early but then again, common sense would have told you to go to your bedroom.
alas, it was too late. the mood had dampened significantly and bakugou awkwardly made his way out of your apartment - failing to look at you or your red faced roommate. he did, however, send a text apologising to the both of you and by the next day, everything had seemingly been forgotten.
the sexual tension had not been forgotten.
there would be many more days where you and bakugou would get hot and steamy before being interrupted by his friends, or a phone call coaxing him back to work, or the fact that the both you were super busy. he was an up and coming hero and while your career wasn’t as demanding as your better half, you were a busy college student: with assignments piling by the day, leaving you with little time to do anything with your boyfriend… which left you both sexually frustrated and unsatisfied… until now.
“there’s so many hot guys here. i should really pick you up more often,” sighs mina happily as she waves at a guy on your campus.
“mina, you are literally a pro hero. you could find a guy way hotter than… the guy who literally sits behind me in my pharmacy class. and he’s a stupid fuckboy, by the way.”
“good thing is i have a thing for stupid fuckboys,” she smiles and you roll your eyes. “but enough about meeee,” she drawls and you groan out loud, “what’s up with you and mr dynamight?” you both reach a red light and she turns to wiggle her eyebrows at you.
“nothing. well, not nothing - we’re fine. just fine.”
“you guys haven’t had sex yet?”
you splutter indignantly and mina taps onto the steering wheel and nods empathetically.
“what- when did i even imply that-”
“a girl always knows when her friend hasn’t done the do with her boyfriend yet. always. you’d be glowing and bubbly and happy but here you are… low-key awkward, not glowing. you don’t have that post-sex first time glow-”
you yell over her ramblings, “okay, OKAY, i get it. fine, we haven’t had sex. but it’s not like we - i don’t want to. it’s just time and finding the privacy to… fuck. and you literally work with katsuki. you know how pedantic he is about his work and his free time.”
“so you’re saying he doesn’t want to fuck? or that he’s avoiding you?” quizzes mina and it’s your turn to sigh, albeit a little sadly.
“i don’t think he’s avoiding me but whenever we get to the point of just doing… it, something happens and now he just doesn’t really initiate it? i don’t know if it’s because he just knows we’ll be interrupted or he just doesn’t want to anymore… am i overthinking it?”
mina parks her car and stares straight on to fully digest what you say before nodding.
“no you’re not - but this is BAKUGOU we’re talking about. he’s not your average guy. have you seen the way he looks at you? it’s like he wants to eat you every time you enter a room. like genuinely i have never seen a more feral man so this is very surprising news to me,” ponders mina and you laugh a little at her admission, kind of grateful for it. before you can say anything, she turns to you and grabs your shoulders.
“i have the perfect idea! we’re having a party at the agency tomorrow night and you should “go.”,” she gestures with finger quotes. you look at her strangely and raise a brow.
“I should “go?”” you copy her gestures and she nods vehemently.
“are you catching my drift?…” you shake your head in confusion and she rolls her eyes, “jeez, okay, look, i’ll remind bakugou about the get together and i’ll tell him that i told you about it. he’ll invite you and when the day comes, you guys just don’t go.”
“we don’t show up? but why-” the cogs in your mind turn inquisitively before you put two and two together at mina’s wiggling brows and you “ohhhhh” in mutual understanding.
“you know, that’s not a half bad idea. as long as you can everyone to not question our absence…”
mina laughs, offended a little at your quip, “y/n, baby, lovely. when i make a proposition, i tie up all the loose ends. it’s just up to you to find the right time and place. you get one evening to sort your sexual tension out. after that, it’s smooth sailing. and i prayyy that you do. have you noticed that he’s been really pent up? bakugou’s angry but he’s like, exceptionally angry, these days-”
“if you’re trying to insinuate he’s mad because he’s sexually frustrated, i have no answer to that. and we’ve been sitting in your car for almost 20 minutes now. we probably look crazy,” you note and mina sighs and nods before grabbing her things.
“you can avoid this conversation but when he taps that, you will tell me all about it and i will not accept no for an answer.” you hum indifferently and make a mental reminder to make up a story if the night that entails will be as raunchy as you hope it will be.
when mina drops you home, bakugou sends a text.
katsuki: y/n, did mina tell you about some dumb thing we’re doing at the agency?”
you smile at that.
you: yeah, she mentioned it. why, are you thinking of going?”
you tap your toes expectantly as you see the bubbles disappear and reappear.
katsuki: don’t really want to but they’re gonna force me to, so fuck it. you doing anything tomorrow night?”
you: nope, don’t have any plans. why?”
katsuki: you wanna come with as a date? you’ll brighten up the shitty place.”
you squeal at your phone and collect yourself to reply.
“sure, kats, I’d love to go with you. you can come over to my parents place so we can get ready together if you’d like.”
“you busy right now? wanna call you.”
he doesn’t wait for you to answer and it rings. you often think you got lucky for having such an easygoing and pliant man and today cements your beliefs as you go to pick up his call.
the day of the party seems like a long one. you made sure that your parents would not be home for the weekend - while it’s terribly unsexy to fuck in your parents home, the chance of your roommate bombarding your sexy time with your boyfriend is too high of a chance to risk and you’ve spent more time than necessary thinking about what the day would entail.
now that you’ve shed your pyjamas, you look at yourself in your bathroom mirror. your orange panties are doing nothing to hide the outline of your kitty and you’re definitely certain that the bra’s purpose was purely just encase your boobs in a rune of bright orange and white.
“i’m never letting mina pick out lingerie for me again,” you sigh as you poke and prod at the pieces. of course mina had to pick out the most raunchy, provocative and immodest pieces known to man. you’re pretty sure you could see the colour of your nipples sticking out of the material. you were somewhat questioning whether this was a good idea. what if bakugou thought this was too much? would he even like this? you definitely should’ve asked him first-
katsuki: on my way. will be there in five.
of course he texts you right at this moment, breaking you out of your horny driven and frantic stupor.
now that you really think about it, when you recall all the time you’ve almost been with bakugou, it makes you close your legs together to calm down any heartbeats ruminating between your legs. it makes the situation of not actually having sex with him yet even more heartbreaking - you want the feeling of his hands running down your body, his lips nipping at your lower belly, down to where you really want him. it makes you wonder what position he’d fold you into, if he’d press you into the mattress and make you cum till you were shaking and crying…
you inhale deeply and run around your home to do a few, final touches. you felt like you were a teenage girl all over again - faffing all about the house and praying that your parents wouldn’t come home and notice that your boyfriend fucked you into your flowery sheets. and you hoped bakugou wouldn’t just yet notice the strong smell of his your favourite perfume and the orange lace clinging onto your ass and boobs underneath meticulous layers of less attractive pyjamas. is this what they call reverse psychology? it’s no time to ponder when your boyfriend knocks on the door and you practically launch yourself downstairs to greet him.
you have to bite back a moan when you see him. seeing as this was a relatively fresh relationship, you both agreed that you wouldn’t always obsess over seeing each other. the last time you saw bakugou was two or so days ago and you make a mental note to throw away that line of thinking when you see your boyfriend in all his glory.
he’s wearing his typical grey joggers and hoodie combo (the one who looks the most biteable in) and he pushes down his hood to reveal his wheat-haired mullet and downright gorgeous face. he enters your home and you stand by patiently waiting for him to drop his bag and take off his shoes before touching all on him.
“you not gonna say hello?” bakugou says gruffly and you roll your eyes (in your head, of course) before walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.
“hey, baby. missed you,” you kiss into his face and bakugou wraps an arm round your waist and raises his arms to grabs at your cheeks to properly look at your face before kissing you once. and twice. thrice. even four times before you’re laughing and begging him to stop. with a stretched hand, you lead your boyfriend upstairs to your childhood bedroom.
“any reason ya wanted to stop off at your parents instead of my place?” bakugou asked, raising a brow in suspicion. you fight back the urge to overtly shudder at the thought of his friends ruining what will be a long night - especially if you had anything to do with it.
“i was just thinking that we don’t really get much time to ourselves. just us two. i think we’ve only had a proper date to ourselves maybe three times. and i am saying that loosely,” you admit. bakugou scoffs and sits on the edge of your bed.
“‘s not my fault people are always botherin’ us,” he mumbles and then he looks up at you and gestures for you to stand between his legs. you do so quite obediently.
“never said it was, baby,” you say, just above a whisper, as you brush the back of his hair and into his scalp. his hands rest at your knees and rub softly against your thighs and you really have to fight back the urge to jump his bones. but, alas, you had to make him want this just as much as you.
your boyfriend hums and leans into your touch and bakugou looks up at you and smiles, a little mischievous, “so we have your ‘rents house all to ourselves and ya wanna waste it on going to a lame ass company party?”
your eyes widen at that, not really expecting him to almost put two and two together so early on. you grossly underestimated the intelligence of your boyfriend so you had to dispel any ideas of sexual activity before he spearheaded into your plan.
“first of all, you invited me. and second of all, it’d be nice to go and come back to a place all to ourselves for once. we don’t really get to go to parties with your friends often,” you muse and bakugou groans and wraps his arms around your thighs.
“they wouldn’t even know we were missing…” he grumbles and you smile down at him and give him a kiss to his forehead, your thumb passing his brow piercing and booping his nose and lips.
“we don’t even have to go for that long if you don’t want to-”
“i don’t wanna go at all.” bakugou states adamantly and you tap his face and bask in his hold and affection.
“we only have to just show up, so you’re not gonna get out of this one easily. then you have me all to yourself. sounds good, kats?”
bakugou throws his arms off you and himself into your pillows and pulls his phone out - akin to a petulant child and you have to laugh. if only he knew what was actually going to happen.
“yeah, yeah, just - let’s just chill for a bit.. we can at least cuddle before we have to fucking spend time with those idiots,” katsuki grunts and you hum at his reply before clambering on top of your hulk of a boyfriend. you stare down at him in all his glory. now that you were right above him, you notice he looked more tan than usual. and did his lips always look so kissable?
“y/n? you all good up there?” kstsuki asks as he taps softly onto the planes of your temple. you look down at his nose and then his lips and it’s settled.
fuck it. there was no going back now. this was happening today.
“yeah, kats, ‘m good. just missed you, is all,” you breathe out and your boyfriend hums in reply and you thank your lucky stars that he’s sometimes a little naive when it came to you- lest he speedrun his own surprise.
bakugou looks at you, all soft and loving even though all you can see and feel are his red eyes piercing into you. he stuffs his phone into his pocket and pulls you into his wide chest, arms imprisoning you.
“shitty hair just texted me asking where we are. ‘m gonna tell him to fuck off.”
“don’t be mean to your friends,” you scold and bakugou rolls his eyes but he’s barely paying attention to what you’re saying. you try to ignore the fact he’s looking at you properly - drinking you in all angles.
“you gonna let me kiss you or just keep staring?” katsuki asks, eyes all half lidded and brooding. you shy away a little at his upfront neediness for you but you entertain him regardless. you bend down to plant a soft kiss on his mouth but that does little to satiate him.
“the fuck was that? you love torturing me, huh, princess,” katsuki groans and you smile at his expression: all frowny and so, so pretty.
“sorry, sorry, you’re right. just love teasing you,” you say, barely above a whisper and you give katsuki his first proper kiss since seeing him today. the kiss is heavy: all tongue and wet and warm and you grab onto his arms to ground yourself. meanwhile bakugou pulls you down so you’re right on top of him, so he can get a better grip on your ass and easier access to your mouth. you’ve got a leg over his hips and an arm hanging off his shoulder, completely attached. he’s got a large palm on your lower back, slowly drifting further and further to squish your ass.
it’s like this for a couple of minutes; your arms wrapped around his head and neck, his large palms groping at your ass and hips and bakugou’s mouth kissing on your tongue and lips. your leg rests on his waist and you swear you can feel the heat of his dick right then and there. it’s not like you can miss it, all heavy and imposing.
“fucking needed this, baby,” your boyfriend practically moans and a hand sneaks in your pyjama top and shorts and you moan loudly as he squeezes and grabs at you, your leg around his waist pulling him even closer. katsuki pulls back at the feeling of soft lace running across his fingertips and only then does it resonate that he can feel what you’re wearing. he looks at your face with a quizzical look and you want to hide from the sharpness of his eyes.
“what’s this ‘m feeling?” katsuki asks and you stuff your face in his neck as he smoothed his hands on your lace clad hips.
“just a little something i was gonna surprise you with…” you trail off and he sits up at this declaration.
“yeah? something f’me? you not gonna lemme see it?” he muses and your eyes widen. your boyfriend has always been pretty bold so you don’t know why you’re being so shy right now but you comply with his demands and sit up on his lap to pull off your shirt to reveal the brightly coloured brassiere.
bakugou’s breath hitches and his chest rises a little slowly when he sees the bra in it’s entirety. you look gorgeous, he thinks. all innocent and sexy at the same time. he doesn’t know whether he wants your legs on his shoulders so he can taste you until you’re begging him to stop… or whether he should just fold you in half and fuck you until pearly tears are falling down your cheeks.
he decides on complimenting you for the time being:“you look gorgeous, princess. fucking sexy… all f’me, yeah?”
“who else would it be for, dummy?” you say in a low, humorous tone and your hand travels up his chest to rest at his jaw, so you can give him a kiss to his ‘o’ shaped mouth. you slot yourself entirely at the weight of his bottoms and only then do you really feel what you’ve done to him. it’s your turn to make an ‘o’ shaped expression.
you lean down to kiss his lips again, sucking on his bottom lip before letting go with a pop, before smiling at him. katsuki grins back at you, leaning up on his elbows and nudging his nose against yours and you can smell his minty breath. you rest your hand over his stubbled cheek, brushing a hand over it as he slots his lips with yours. he takes his time with you, so much tongue as drinks everything you give him. katsuki lays back down to watch you and runs his hands over your hips, squeezing at your ass and all the parts he can get his hands on.
he decides he’s had enough of the petting and the touches because he groans and grabs at your waist so he can you flip you over.
bakugou presses hot and wet kisses and nips at your jaw and your neck - till he’s laying on his stomach to kiss at the top of your breasts. he’s fiddling with the underwire of the bra before he looks up at you with blown out pupils and a smirk to match.
“we were never going to that party, we’re we, baby?” he hums as he noisily kisses and sucks your collarbones and the fat of your breasts. you know he’s caught you out and trying to elicit a reaction but with the way he’s biting and kissing on you, you can’t find it in yourself to care.
“n-no…” you say, with a hint of a whine, “just wanted you to myself for once.” bakugou can feel himself throb at how much you want him and he climbs up to situate himself exactly above you, his arms caging around your head.
“such a fucking minx, you know that? who knew you had it in you, princess?” he says, looking directly into your eyes. you feel small under his gaze and try to cower away but his hand grabs at the chub of your cheeks.
“don’t get all shy on me now, baby. you knew exactly what you were doing,” katsuki trails off, now littering your neck with gentle bites and hot, wet breath that made your spine shudder and toes writhe.
“you’re not gonna embarrass me. it's gotten me this far, so not a bad deal,” you gasp, just shy of a whimper at your boyfriend’s ministrations. katsuki chuckles at this and sits on his haunches to have a good look at you.
“at least you did your research… y’know orange’s my favourite colour too. can i take this off, princess?” katsuki asks, his hands brushing over the thin straps of your bra. you sit up slightly and nod at him. however, he doesn’t seem content with that answer as he thumbs over your nipple through the bra and you gasp again.
“use your words, pretty girl. that don’t mean shit to me,” he breathes out and you want to fight him for forcing you to beg so explicitly.
“yes, yes please,” you practically cry out and bakugou fixes his hands to undo the clasp of your bra and your breasts spill out of the material. katsuki bites back a moan, his eyes half lidded at the sight of you. he feels like a teenage boy all over again - wanting to grope and bite and kiss at you. so he does exactly that.
discarding your bra, he leans down onto his stomach and goes to playfully bite down at your left nipple and you whine at him, placing a hand in his unruly hair. just as you’re about to scold him, he smoothes over his bites and sucks with wet and soft kisses over the skin. with his free hand, he travels down to your barely there shorts and slips into them, his fingers leaving a ghost of a touch against your pussy.
“can feel how wet you are and i’ve barely even touched you,” whispers bakugou and he kisses at your tits while watching your expression. to say you felt shy under his watchful eyes was understatement. but you still wanted so much more.
“katsuki… please,” you breathe out and he presses his fingers harder into your barely covered clit and you bite your lower lip to stop a squeak from leaving your throat.
“please, what, pretty? you look like you knew what you wanted when you dressed up all sexy f’me,” katsuki says mischievously and you want to slap and ride his face at the same time. you’ll save that for another day.
“please make me… cum,” you finally get out and bakugou kisses at your breasts one last time before descending into the lower half of your body.
“since you used your manners,” katsuki muses but you both knew he wouldn’t pass at the chance to get his mouth on you anyway, recalling back to your moments of interrupted intimacy (or cockblocking as katsuki would call it).
katsuki pulls down your fluffy pyjama shorts to reveal the orange panty ensemble and he bites his lip to hold back a whimper at the noticeable damp spot just at your cunt hole. he looks up at you, who’s clearly embarrassed by all the attention because you’re covering your face with your hands. he playfully bites down on your thigh and you yelp, looking right at his lust filled eyes.
“wan’ you looking at me when ‘m bout to eat you out,” murmurs your boyfriend and you force the heels of your feet dig into the plush of your bed so you don’t clench your thighs at his words.
bakugou continues with looking at your pussy and he can practically see your walls clenching from how turned you are and he feels impossibly harder at the thought of tasting you. he places a small, wet kiss on panty-covered clit and you tuck your bottom lip under your teeth.
katsuki continues to lave and give attention to your pussy by soft and wet kisses through the material and your whimpers were about to turn into complaints until he pulls the dampened material down your legs and stuffs it in his trouser pocket.
in any other given situation, you would have brought that up but katsuki launches himself between your legs and starts suckling at your clit and suddenly, whatever happened before has been forgotten. you cry out at the sudden attack on your pussy and the noises that come out of you are borderline pornographic.
“k-katsuki, fuck, that feels so g-good,” you stutter, whole body practically trembling.
“yeah?” your boyfriend chuckles, “you taste good, princess. can’t believe i went this long without having you on my face,” he grunts, alternating between kissing and sucking at your clit and your lips. when you thought it couldn’t get any better, he slowly presses two fingers into your hole and your head falls back into the pillows.
katsuki’s watching your reaction and he’s humping the bed for even a lick of friction; the way you taste and sound is too much for his senses. he can feel the tip of his dick leaking when you cry out his name and his eyes roll back when he feels you clench around him.
“o-oh, ‘m gonna come, kats, fuck, ‘s too much-”
“that’s it, baby. doing so well f’me, fuck. wan’ you to come all over my face. can you do that f’me?” asks bakugou while he alternates between stroking your inner walls and tongue-fucking you.
you nod, unable to answer and practically scream before your eyes begin to roll back, your toes begin to curl and the effects of your orgasm hit you like a truck. all you can see is white and you can’t even comprehend the noises coming out of you.
katsuki decides he is in love with the way you look when you come undone. he fucks you through your orgasm, lapping up everything that you give him and he only stops when your thighs begin to close up around his head and you make feeble attempts to push him away. not wanting to overwhelm you, he kisses your clit before sitting up and notes that he would stay between your legs some other day.
meanwhile, you’re catching your breath and your eyes are brim with a few unshed tears and katsuki chuckles breathily at you. you pout, “don’t laugh at me,” and he smiles in awe at your naked beauty. it’s only then when his eyes rake up and down your body that you realise he’s still completely clothed.
“starting to think you’re allergic to getting naked.. i’m feeling all exposed and left out,” your pout deepens and he stretches a hand to pinch at your nipple and you yelp and swat him away.
“relax, pretty girl, all you had to do was ask. ‘sides, not like i can fuck you in my clothes,” katsuki smirks and you roll your eyes and nibble your lips, impatiently awaiting to see your boyfriend in all his true glory.
bakugou pulls off his jumper and shirt in one go to reveal his tan chest and various miscellaneous tattoos, including one of your favourite flower right under his right pec. he then goes onto to pull down his joggers to reveal tight, grey briefs - and you hold your breath at the sight.
your mouth waters when you can see the length of his meat alongside his thigh and you can even see the damp patch on where the head of his mushroom-shaped tip is supposed to be. katsuki can see you checking him out and his chest puffs up a little at this.
“you look like you’re about to eat me, princess,” he jokes and you raise a brow.
when you’re about to bite back at him, you realise that you’re way too horny to waste anymore time and instead, you just nod seductively and open your arms so he can rest on top of you.
katsuki accepts and his arms rest by your head. he’s directly above you and only now does the sheer size of your boyfriend dawn on you. his whole body hulks over you and you’re unable to hold back a whimper that escapes when you realise just how hot this situation is.
“you still turned on? anythin’ i can do to help you?” katsuki snickers and you know he gets off on teasing you: he’s enjoying your helplessness and the fact that you’re so horny you’ve been rendered slightly brainless.
“stop teasing me,” you pout and katsuki leans down to kiss your pouty lips and he smiles, all warm at you even though he’s one clothing item away from rearranging your insides.
“sorry, princess. ‘s just fun to tease ya, is all. believe me when i say i wan’ this just as much as you do,” he grunts out and he sits up to finally rid of his briefs.
the wait is agonisingly long but when bakugou finally strips himself naked, your whole world stops.
your boyfriend is a hefty, adonis of a man so the size of his cock should’ve never surprised but no amount of mental physical preparation could have prepared you for the actual thing. it’s beautiful, veiny and thick - the length being tan with a vein that climbs all the way to the head of his cock: which sits at a dark pink, almost red colour, dribbling with precum. at the base of his cock sits a tuft of blond hair and your mouth basically waters.
katsuki’s dick twitches a little at your unwavering gaze and it’s his turn to feel a little embarrassed. you sit up and reach a hand out to thumb at his most prominent vein and a mixture of a groan and a whimper catches at the back of his throat. he feels like - he knows he could come just from looking at you as you brush against his cock.
it’s why he jumps to crowd over you on the bed and grabs your right thigh to sit at his waist.
“you think you’re ready? ‘m gonna ease into you slowly, ‘kay? promise you’ll tell me if it hurts,” he insists and you make sure to verbally reply, lest he waste time trying to get you to speak up.
“fuck, yes, ‘m ready, please put it in already,” you beg and katsuki wants to call you needy but the mushroom head of his cock brushes against your slick pussy lips and any smart reply he has locked and loaded in his head goes out his ear.
katsuki grabs his cock and brushes it on your clit, your lips and then circles your cunt hole and you’re clenching just at the feeling of him pressing down onto your most sensitive parts. you were half sure he was going to make you beg for it but before you could blink, he presses into you and your head would’ve hit the headboard had katsuki not place his hand behind you knowingly.
the feeling of him inside you is too much but not enough simultaneously and your hands grip at his forearms and you’re not sure on whether you want to push him away or bring him closer.
meanwhile, katsuki’s fighting his own mental battle: he curses himself for putting this off for too long and also prays that he doesn’t come before he at least gets yku off. you’re tighter, warmer, wetter than he anticipated and he can’t get enough of you. he’s not even watching himself feed his cock into your gooey hole, deathly afraid that if he looks down for at least one measly second, he would bust so deep into you, you’d be pregnant with triplets.
katsuki’s eyebrows are furrowed as he finally sheathes all the way into you and you rest a hand on his lower abdomen at a feeble attempt to push him away.
“i don’ think is’ gonna f-fit,” you slur, “‘m so full.” katsuki grabs your hand and lifts it above your head in a small, handholding embrace.
“don’t push me away,” he practically growls and he situates himself so he’s resting on top of you again, “you’re a big girl. if you wan’ me off of ya, you know to use ya words.”
you furrow your brows and look away from his dark eyed gaze and he chuckles, “that’s what i thought.”
katsuki pulls himself slightly out of your warmth, only to grind himself back in at an antagonising pace. he sets a speed and he lets go of your hand to properly rest on his forearms above you. you use this as an opportunity to wrap your arms around his back; your face scrunched and bottom lip tucked under your teeth.
you can feel katsuki’s pants above you and you finally open your eyes to see him and he’s probably never looked more sexy and eatable. his hair is sticking to his forehead and his eyebrows are furrowed so deeply that frown will probably be stuck for a while. katsuki angles himself just ever so slightly and you throw your head back in unabashed pleasure as he hits that sweet spot inside you.
“you like that, sweet girl? look at you.. fuck, all fucked out. wan’ you to tell me how good ‘m fucking you,” katsuki breathes out and you swear you’re not ignoring him on purpose because with the way his cock presses inside you and with the way his pubes brush against your clit, all you can muster is a broken moan (one that katsuki will definitely tease you about later).
“that’s how good ‘m fucking ya? can’t even - fuck, ha - can’t even speak, can ya?,” he says out loud and his words are coming in waves. katsuki reaches down to flick at your pearl and your legs seize up around him as you babble mindlessly to appease him.
“yess, feels so good, so deep, ‘can feel you so deep inside, kats - ohh, right there, pleaseee,” you warble and katsuki lifts your right leg to his shoulder to get impossibly deeper inside you.
“fuck, can’t believe i went so long without this sweet pussy,” he grunts out and the feeling of you cunt spasming around him hits at 100mph. you become sloppier, wetter and katsuki finds himself being able to fuck you right to the base of his cock. then it hits him: you just came.
“did y’ just fucking come already? jesus, fuck, haven’- haven’t even properly fucked you yet. so dirty, baby,” katsuki moans out and you can’t hear a word he’s saying. your nails dig in deeper to his shoulder blades and the soles of your feet press into his back as you’re still coming down from your high.
“d’ya think you can go again f’me, princess?” your boyfriend asks politely but the way he asks is anything but polite as he’s already folding both your legs to place them on his shoulder as you’re pushed and manhandled into a mating press.
katsuki still hasn’t pulled out and his cock is throbbing inside you and he wants to cum so fucking badly. but the unshed tears in your eyes made his heart beat a little faster than usual and he would never want to push you past your limits.
“you alright to continue, y/n?” he asks sternly, his expression slightly worried and you amass all the strength your body will allow to pull him down and you link your arms around his neck.
“so serious, katsuki,” you joke, still a little out of breath and he rolls his eyes and stares down at you lovingly while your thumb brushes against his cheek.
“make me cum so hard ‘m seeing stars,” you whisper and katsuki growls as he pulls out and sheathes himself deep into you while you cry out.
“you get what you wish for, princess.”
katsuki places his hands on the back of your thighs and goes crazy at you; desperate for both your releases. the sound of skin and the wetness of your pussy echos in your bedroom and accompanied with the your gasps and cries, the sounds of the room were past the point of being just pornographic.
you swore you’d have his hands imprinted on the back of your thighs with the way he was groping them and with this position, you could feel everything so much more. he was so deep inside you and you swore you could feel him in your stomach as you writhed under him as your third climax of the night crept on you. you were already so sensitive from the last two and you knew this was the one that was going to wreck you.
“‘m so-o close, fuck, it feels like ‘m gonna make a mess,” you gasp, moving to wrap your arms around katsuki’s neck. you could tell from his tightly wound facial expressions that he was not too far off.
“y-yeah? make a fucking mess on me princess, f-fuck, cum all over me an’ i’ll give you everything i’ve got, baby,” he grunts and he slides an arm down between you both to thumb at your swollen clit and you seize at the feeling.
“‘s too much, katsuki, too - oh-oh, ‘m gonna,” you cry o out and you grab your boyfriend’s face, “pl-please kiss me, please,” you beg, pearly tears streaming down your face and katsuki moans out.
“anything for you, pretty,” he rumbles and he slots his mouth over yours as your orgasm hits at you in waves. katsuki can feel sprays of your release hit on his pelvis and his eyes roll back.
“that’s it, pretty girl, make a fuckin’ - make a fuckin’ mess on me,” katsuki kisses into your tongue before coming deep inside you and moaning out loudly as you kiss him back to goad him through his orgasm.
you both ride out your climaxes and your boyfriend watches where you’re both connected and he pulls out, hissing while you whimper and he eventually collapses on top of you. you hold him close to your chest as you match his breathing pattern. the silence is comforting and you scratch at the nape of his head and he opens an eye while his face is pressed into your tummy.
“you okay?” you ask katsuki and he wraps his arms tighter around your body as response but you’re not satisfied with that.
“use your words, baby,” you tease and katsuki playfully digs his teeth into your belly and you make a feeble attempt to push him away.
“should be asking you that instead. fucking squirted all over me,” katsuki chuckles and you gasp, lifting up your hands to hide behind them in embarrassment.
“god, that’s so embarrassing, i can’t believe i did that,” you say, all muffled but katsuki pulls your hands from your face and kisses at your palm.
“was sexy, baby. want you to do that every time we fuck,” he mumbles, nosing little kisses onto your chest and tummy. your boyfriend looks adorable like this: all fucked out, exhausted and glowy and you’re holding back the urge to ‘awwh’ at him while you pet and rub his face with your thumb.
“and i want you to get off me so i can shower. ‘m all gross and sweaty and sticky,” you complain, albeit lightheartedly and when you make the attempt to get up, the blond jumps up like he was never tired.
“sit your ass down and let me run us a bath. and i’ll know if you moved,” katsuki warns, walking to your bathroom in his naked glory and you laugh and before he exits the room, he turns to pass you a quizzical glance.
“nothing, it’s just, your butt is so cute. i can’t believe i never noticed it before!”
“y/n, so help me god, i’ll throw your dumbass into the bathtub,” yells your hot headed man and you giggle at his ‘threat’, watching him try to hide his butt from you as you go to follow him to the bathroom, disobeying his every rule.
so when mina and the bakusquad anyone asks you about your first time, you tell them it was something you waited dearly for and you wouldn’t change for the world.
“uh, kats? why did kiri just text asking if we finally ‘fucked and got it over with?’”
so maybe it wasn’t spontaneous for your boyfriend either. but it’s like you said-
“i will kill that red headed bastard,” yells out katsuki, grabbing his phone and throwing you over his shoulder as you squeal.
you wouldn’t really change a thing.
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © moominsuki. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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pathetichimbos · 1 year
I wanna eat Thomas up like he my LAST MEAL 😫😫
Shawtyyy like I’m beating up his guts like I die TOMORROW!! 💖💖
Honestly if I saw him with my (dumbass) group of friends I would turn to them and be like “hol’ on i’ma try to wife up this super model ova here, go on without me cuz this town is my new home as long as he here.” While LOUDLY pointing to Thomas and trying to be suave AF but lookin dumb in the process. Lowkey though I feel like realistically he would think I’m making fun of him and kill me first 😭😭.
What’s your take on it?? How would our (hot-sexy-mouthwatering) Thomas Hewitt take a very bold flirtatious reader?? Thanks and bye!! ✌️💖💖
I am having thoughts and feelings about this thank you very much
So, we all know Thomas is a very shy and reserved man. He isn't bold or confident by any means. He does as he's told, and sticks to himself, pretty much never leaving his comfort zone.
But, Luda Mae's getting older, and despite her head-strong and strong-willed demeanor, Thomas worries about her.
So, he starts spending more time at the old country store, if for no reason other than to serve as a deterrent for the off-handed biker or degenerate looking for an excuse to try and rob a poor old station clerk.
It works, and Luda Mae enjoys spending more time with her son.
There's not much to do out at the shop, and so more often than not Thomas finds himself resting out in the old rocker to escape the hot smoky air wafting from the patron's and his mother's cigarettes.
It's a cool October afternoon, a nice breeze keeping the hot sun at bay as he gently pushes himself back and forth with his foot, eyes closed as he rests.
He hears you before he sees you, the loud, excited yells of a group of young women fading in from the distance as a jeep kicks up dirt, pulling up to one of the old, rusty pumps.
He squints his eyes open, watching as the four of you sing along to the radio, no one concerned with how off-key y'all may be.
He sighs, closing his eyes again, not moving from his seat in the old rocker as your group continues having the time of your lives.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," A clear voice suddenly emerges from the chaos, the music lowering to a quiet hum, "Who is that?"
He opens his eyes again, seeing that you have set your eyes on him from your place in the backseat, sunglasses lowered to take in a better look.
He frowns behind his mask, face scrunching in expectancy, waiting to hear the barrage of rude comments and hideous bullying.
The rest of your friends glance over his way as he shuffles in his seat, shoulders tensing as he looks away, uncomfortable with the attention.
"Goddamn." You start again, letting out a low whistle, "If this is what this town has to offer y'all can just leave me here."
A large eruption of playful teasing, groans, and eye rolls come from your friend group as you wiggle your eyebrows at him with a large, flirtatious grin.
He looks back, caught off guard by the terrible pick up line, frozen in place as you blow him a kiss.
"Are you for sale, pumpkin, 'cause I could just eat you up!"
"Oh, my god, leave the poor man alone." One of your friends tease you, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you further into the car.
He can't help but stare, left in shock by the sudden and unexpected flirting.
You couldn't be serious, right...?
There's no way you could actually be flirting with him right now... Right?
His thought process is broken as you ungracefully climb out of the truck, pulling yourself over the door and almost busting your face in the process.
Brown eyes stay glued to you as you walk over to him, hips swaying in what he was sure to be a much more suave and appealing way than the dorky saunter you were pulling now.
...This was definitely a joke.
"Hey." You barely stifle through your amused giggling to speak, "Do you have a name or can I just call you mine?"
"Y/N!" Your friends groan loudly from the car, watching you attempt to work your magic.
He looks you up and down, trying to figure out if this was some strange attempt to mock him or if you were actually coming onto him, the latter making his face flush pink at the idea.
"Thomas!" His mother steps out of the shop, poking her head out to look at the two of you, "Come help me put this stuff up."
He isn't sure if she really needs help or if it's a feeble attempt to get him out of the situation, and to be completely honest, he's not really sure he wants to leave.
But his mother says she needs help, so he stands from his chair, rising to his full height, something that would cause most people to take at least a small step back, but your smile only seems to grow as you stand in place, clearly checking him out as you look him up and down.
He starts to ignore you, heading back inside, only to hear the wooden floorboards creak behind him as he reaches the counter.
He looks back, a confused look on his face as he sees you following behind like a lost duckling.
"Don't mind me," You wink, "My mama just always told me to follow my dreams."
He huffs in amusement at that, shaking his head.
Maybe your pickup lines weren't all that bad.
As time goes on, and the more he gets to know you, the more he's going to find your flirtatious advances amusing and endearing, but if you don't make it very clear from the beginning that there's actual feelings behind your remarks, he's going to assume that they're just jokes and you're not actually into him.
He's a big romantic, he'll catch feelings rather easily the more you flirt and tease him, and if he isn't 100% sure that they're more than just jokes, he'll eventually grow to resent them because he feels like he's being teased, even if you have no idea he has feelings for you at all, so communication (while a big deal in every relationship) will be especially important if you're a flirtatious person.
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haikyu-mp4 · 1 month
Hiya! Can i pls request Right Now with Ushijima? Thank you ❤❤
Now playing... Right Now
word count; 866 – gn!reader, for my 1D x Haikyu event
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Ushijima wasn’t sure what made him so restless. Maybe it was because every task he did after coming back from work was halved. He made dinner for one, evening tea for one, and watched whatever he wanted on TV without any input from you. Everything he should be doing with you, he did by himself.
Playing in the Polish league was amazing volleyball-wise. The players were good and generally taller, presenting him and his team with new challenges and advantages. Training and playing was fun. He was also able to catch a few trips to visit Tendo, which he hadn’t been able to do as often before. Now he wasn’t that far away! But nothing could make up for the fact that you were now as far away from him as Tendo used to be. Unfortunately, your job requires you to stay in Japan.
Every night he felt it. Longed for the light snore he had come to associate with home. He felt it every time he was at his new apartment, and even more whenever something particularly new happened, something he would have to get used to or figure out. That’s when he needed his other half.
And right now, as he lay in bed after a long day of struggling with the language barrier and trying a new dish that didn’t quite work out, he wished you were there with him.
Rolling over and accepting that sleep wouldn’t greet him yet, he picked up his phone. He blinked a couple of times to get used to the brightness from the screen, switching the setting so it was more bearable before finally looking at the latest message notification. If he felt any drowsiness before, it was whisked away when he saw it was a message from you.
Call me when you wake up, my love. I have exciting news!
Wakatoshi checked the time back home in Japan before calling you immediately. It rang four times before he finally heard your voice. “Toshi! I didn’t think you’d be awake.”
“I couldn’t sleep. What is the exciting news, dearest?”
You giggled on the other end of the line, and the sound quality switched, so he assumed you had put him on speaker while multitasking. He smiled at the ceiling as he listened, closing his eyes and imagining himself there with you. “You know that company I sent you an article about? The one that’s completely home-office based,” you asked him, and he could sense an impatient excitement in your voice.
He hummed in confirmation. “I do. They seem to manage it very well so far, from what I read. It’s interesting, but I’m wondering how much they save on an office if they’re paying for part of the home-office expenses like they said they do.”
“I agree, but that does mean they get to pick and choose the best workers from all over the world!” you said, wiggling your eyebrows as if hinting at something, only to realise he couldn’t even see you.
“There must be a very large number of applications, I’m sure. I can not understand how they have the capacity to go through all of them,” he answered, seeming to get engaged in the topic, which was one of the traits you loved most about Wakatoshi. He always paid attention to the things you brought up.
“I suppose, but there might not be that many if you consider that people are not sure if it’s a reliable workplace yet,” you suggested. The discussion almost made you forget what you needed to tell him, but luckily he was there to get you back on track.
“You are very right. But are the exciting news related to this company? I did not know you were so invested in their growth.”
“Well, I certainly am now. They want me to work for them!” you squealed, and he could just imagine how you would dance around the kitchen.
His lips parted, and he stared into the nothingness of the dark roof as he registered what you said, and then slowly also realised what it might mean. “Congratulations. I did not know you applied.”
“I know, it felt like such a hopeless attempt that I didn’t want to talk about it. But I got through to the last interview and they really liked me,” you told him. Your happiness practically radiated through the phone.
“Of course they did, and they’re lucky to have you,” he said, and you were thrilled on the other end of the line when you heard his soft chuckle, undeniable proof of his joy. “Does this mean…” He dipped his tongue between his lips to wet them as a smile stretched out. “You could move here with me?”
Your steps echoed in the kitchen as you stomped your feet in excitement. “Yes! We can look at that tomorrow if you’d like. I miss you so much, Toshi.”
And Ushijima squeezed the duvet in the hand that wasn’t holding his phone as this immense relief overtook him.
Right now, he wishes you were there with him.
And soon, you will be.
“I miss you too, so much. I can’t wait to have you with me again.”
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midnightlitterateur · 6 months
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Pairing - Tig Trager/Reader
Warnings - Underage, recreational drugs, cunnilingus, smut, 18+
Summary - You fidget. Unable to relax. This was new. Very new. Barely even been kissed and here you are being eaten out by the next door neighbour.
Part 2 Here
A summer afternoon spent with Tig was always something to look forward to. You had made friends talking over the fence and smoking together. Gradually it had moved from talking in the yard to watching movies on his couch and getting high when your Mom was at work. He had never once made you feel unsafe or uncomfortable and for you, the friendly relationship had blossomed into a crush.
This particular afternoon the both of you were watching a horror movie and passing a j between each other. A slasher movie full of blood soaked tits. When the ubiquitous sex scene came on the screen you both went kinda quiet and the air seemed to change. As the scene unfolded before you the air seemed to become charged with anticipation. The naked blonde on the t.v was bouncing on the guy's lap, as the killer advanced from behind axe in hand. You couldn’t help but feel a thrill of excitement and a little tingle between your legs.
“You a virgin?” Tig asked, like it was nothing. He was looking at you intently, waiting for you to answer.
“Um…wow, where did that come from?” you tried to laugh off the question but he of course persisted.
“Yes or no,” he smiled, loving the sight of you squirming beneath his gaze.
You stare at him for a moment wondering if you should just leave… but you don’t want to. No, you want to see where this goes.
“Ok, yeah I am. Why?” He seemed mildly shocked and the awkward silence that was growing between you needed to be filled, “I’m an awkward teenager that smokes weed with the creepy biker guy next door. Is it really a surprise?”
“Woah, woah! Creepy?” He laughed, seeing the funny side immediately, “Wow! and I thought we were friends!
“Well there are people that may consider this grooming. I’m sure we had a talk about shit like this at school. In fact they showed us a picture that looked just like…” you looked at him with mock surprise.
“Yeah, yeah…deflecting with humour, I gotcha. I do it too,” he smiled, that little twinkle in his eyes that drew you in. Like an angler fish. “So you really never been touched?”
You shook your head and took a sip of your soda. “Never been kissed, actually,” you savoured his reaction, “I don’t really attract that kind of attention.”
“Nah,” he smiled and shook his head in disbelief, “how old are you again?” He asked, turning his body towards you.
“Ugh, why? You gonna make fun of me? You had never told anyone what you just told Tig. There was no one to tell really. You relented, realising that you were being silly, “I’m seventeen.” You say finally, waiting for the inevitable questions.
But there were no questions Tig grabbed you by the chin and kissed you full on the lips. Taking your breath away. It was no peck either. His lips overlapped with yours and he gently teased open your mouth with them, slowly introducing his warm tongue to yours. It was a masterclass in how to kiss from an experienced older man. His hand moved to cup the back of your head when he thought that you were ready to deepen the kiss. He tilted his head and opened his mouth, guiding you with his skilled tongue. You hummed and grasped his wrist, meeting his movements. Your heart felt like it would burst out of your chest and your pussy ached painfully. Then just as you found your rhythm he pulled away with a grin.
“There ya go, now you’ve been kissed,” he wiggled his eyebrows and looked extremely pleased with himself. Returning his attention to the movie and drinking his beer.
Your face was flushed as you sat stock still, contemplating what the hell had just happened. Your body's reaction throbbing in your panties. “You kissed me…” you managed to say as you tried to process it.
“Yeah? You said you’d never been kissed. So I fixed it,” he said with a smirk.
“…Why’d you stop?” I asked quietly,
Tig stopped mid drink and gave you an amused side eye. “Ooh she liked it,” he teased.
You rolled your eyes and smiled feeling more than a little embarrassed for asking him that. Of course he stopped, he was just teasing you. Like he always does. You are intelligent enough to realise that you are too young for this - for him and you stand awkwardly.
“Hey, hey…you don’t have to go,”
“I should though, shouldn’t I?”
Tig stood a little too close, it was electrifying. “Yeah I guess…” he answered, though he didn’t sound very convinced. He gazed down upon you with his ridiculously blue eyes and searched your face for permission.
You bit your lip as you gazed back not knowing what to say to make this happen. ‘Make what happen?’ You thought, ‘your way out of your depth here, kid.’
“You want me to kiss you again?” He asked, placing his hand on the back of my neck.
“Yeah,” you breathed, uneasily. You didn’t want him to laugh at you again.
He licked his dry lips and pulled you close with his other hand, kissing you softly. He was so much more careful and considerate this time. He wasn’t trying to claim anything, he just wanted to make you feel good and oh god it did. The butterflies were escaping from your tummy and into your chest making your heart flutter but you lean into it. Kiss him back just how he showed you. You could hear the wet noises your mouths were making, it made you hungry for more and now that you knew what you were doing you chased his heat, matching his passion.
His hands slid down to your ass and pulled your hips against his body. It made your summer dress ride up your thighs, exposing your panties. His hot lips moved away from yours and down to your neck, kissing and gently biting the delicate skin. You let out a little gasp and arched your neck, it felt divine. Sending lightning to your pussy. Tigs fingers gathered up the hem of your cotton dress, sliding his hands beneath the cloth of your underwear and putting his bare hands on your skin. It happened fast and you didn’t quite know how to react to the sexual touching other than to pull away.
“I…” you began breathlessly, missing his arms immediately. Tig was equally breathless and flushed but his features were filled with regret.
“I’m sorry, that was too fast,” he said, passing his hand through his hair.
All at once you seemed to decide a lot of things. Just looking at him was driving you crazy. Like you didn’t know what to do with yourself other than run back into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him, trying to communicate everything you didn’t know how to say into it.
Your feet left the floor and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. Tig spun you around and took you back to the couch, laying you down and covering you with his body. Feeling his weight between your legs as he kissed you made you ache and squirm around, needing the friction from his jeans more than your next breath. He knew it. Grinding into you and groaning into your mouth. You realise that you can feel his dick beneath the denim and it sends an aching thrill through your body and a feeling of deep trepidation.
Tig picks up on the change in your body language and pulls back, “you ok darlin?”
You decide to just be honest, “I can feel your dick. I don’t think I’m ready.”
“Hot as that is baby…so fuckin’ hot, we don’t have to do that if your not ready, I mean I am, obviously. Honey, I wanna fuck the shit outta you! But there's other stuff we can do…”
“Like what?” You asked innocently, relieved that he wasn’t going to push it.
“Take off your panties for me baby,” he said with a shark-like grin.
“I don’t know…umm…Ok…? “ you stammer as you move to do as you're told. Tig took off his white t - shirt and threw it aside.
“I bet you got a sweet little pussy, baby… lemme see.” He motioned with his head for you to spread your thighs for him as he unbuckled his belt. “Don’t be shy,” he said gently when he saw the indecision in your eyes, “I bet it's real pretty.”
Your eyes widen as you listen to his dirty talk. You had never heard anyone speak like that outside of a movie.
“Relax,” he smiled disarmingly with that little twinkle in his pretty blue eyes, “no penetration, cross my heart.” He crossed his body with his fingers and kissed the tips as he spoke, smiling that damn smile.
You opened your legs tentatively, avoiding his hungry gaze as your cheeks blazed with shame. You hear him click his tongue, chiding you gently for being embarrassed. “Oh honey…,” your eyes met his once again, and you melted beneath his gaze. “Baby, you're beautiful. Your pussy is beautiful.” He unzipped his jeans but didn’t take his dick out. You probably would have died right there if he had.
“This isn’t gonna hurt one bit, baby…just relax for Daddy and I’ll blow your fuckin mind,” he knelt between your legs and parted your trembling knees a little wider. Making your tummy turn over. You pull a couch cushion over your face with a squeal feeling the embarrassment keenly.
You don’t have to wait for him to begin. He parts your folds and dives right in.His soft tongue laps so…so… gently at your clit. Easing your virgin cunt into unbelievable new sensations. You let out a shuddering breath as you become accustomed to the pleasure. Sinful moans escaped your lips between indecisive pleas for mercy. His mouth had you somewhere between heaven and hell. Suspended in a warm aching haze of infinite pleasure.
“Tig…” you sighed his name and finally figured out what to do with your hand. It tangled in his curly black hair, as your hips began to rise and fall unbidden. The other stifled your moans when they grew too loud for comfort. The patio doors were open after all and your mom could be home from work at any moment.
He answered you with a long satisfied hum. Watching you arch your neck when he sucked on your clit. His experienced tongue laving your pussy with fervour. Sliding it up and down, probing the skin that covered your closed entrance before returning to spoil your tingling bud with his skilled muscle.
The pleasure was soon too much to bear. Your tummy was coiled tight as you teetered on the edge of something you had never experienced. It was all too much but you wanted more. As much as he could give you. You tingled unbearably in places that had only just been awakened by his touch.
You panted loudly and your legs trembled. Sweat prickled your skin… then it happened. You fell spectacularly into a mindless aching pool of throbbing delight. A smile, wide and strained, wreathed your face and your eyes rolled to the whites. Tig had to hold down your bucking hips to continue eating you through it.
Tig rose, wiping his dripping chin with the back of his hand. A triumphant smile, equal parts smug and proud on his face. As he looked down at the quivering mess he had made of you.
“Oh my god.” You push the damp hair away from your sticky forehead as you stare vacantly at the ceiling. You felt Tig crawl over you, your hands rising almost instinctively to guide him.
“How’d that feel, Princess?” He asked smugly as he stared down at you with those damn eyes.
“Good…so good,” you say, still breathless from your orgasm. He leaned down and peppered your face with little kisses, making you giggle girlishly.
“You want another one?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows and biting his lip as he pressed his hips into yours. Letting you feel his cock, big and hard in his unzipped jeans.
But even if you had dared to take him up on his offer your afternoon activities were rudely interrupted by the sound of your Moms truck pulling into the driveway from across the yards.
“Shit!” You pulled down your dress and jumped up, you spun around in a tizzy looking for your underwear. It was nowhere to be seen but you had no time and as you tried to run out through the open glass doors Tig pulled you back and kissed you hard whilst he shoved a couple of grams of weed into your pocket before he let you run home. Watching you climb the shared fence with a faraway smile. Your balled up panties clutched tightly in his hand.
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prisoner-of-sin · 11 months
A Night of Passion [18+]
Langley x female!reader
Warnings: Langley has a dick, teasing, rough sex, minor interruption, power dynamics, female!reader, overstimulation, punishment, brief masturbation, orgasm denial. NSFW!
This is a pure thirst fic. I originally posted this on Ao3! I hope you all enjoy. Please stay safe out there.
Requests: OPEN
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"Why are you being slow?" You whine as your head is shoved against the pillows. Langley chuckles, gripping your hips making crescent shapes in your skin–slowly moving you against her cock. Your impatience was adorable yet so punishable, defiance never settled well with her. She glides through your wet folds, teasing your entrance and settling against you. She grabs your hair, forcing you against her front–lips dancing on your damp neck.
"Why? I can be. You need to have more patience, Rookie. Here I am, making sure you are prepared and ready; yet you wish you were taken." Her hot breath feels scolding against your ear, she tightens her hold against your hair and hip–warning you to not wiggle around. "You think I wish to be slow? This restraint for you, comes like second nature but it's difficult to fight the urges. Your pussy leaks for me, begging to be fucked." She bites your neck, proving how she easily melts you into a puddle. You cry out from her words and action, trying your damnedest to not grind against her.
You get no words out when your front meets the bed again. Langley said this meeting would be quick, there was an 'appointment' coming to her apartment soon. Yet, here she was being slow and taking her sweet time. Time ticked by agonizingly as she lined up her cock, pushing it in briefly before pulling out and humming at your whines. You could slam yourself back against her, shaking both of you to core but unknowing of what she would do–makes you excited.
She was too slow, way too slow. Your thoughts jumbled together as she sinks her length entirely into you–one solid motion without hesitation. Every movement you tried was stilled by her, the way her fingers slid down your back; leaving the faintest lines as she settled both hands on your hips.
"Do you feel that? You're taking me so well," Langley questions, one hand moving to press into your womb. Your whines are a delicious nectar to her, she always craves more. "You can't keep yourself together, hanging on by a thread and ruining my sheets. I've only just started!" She chuckles, pushing against your womb to silence your building protest. It was until she slowly pulled out and pushed back in at a torturous pace. She won't crack under the pressure; you, on the other hand, will break easily. The burn felt amazing, she stretched you perfectly and hit all the spots inside of you perfectly.
"P-please!" You beg, trying to buck against her. She quirks an eyebrow before her hand slaps against your ass, having the flesh ripple as you gasp. Her hands hold you firmly as her hips snap against you, hitting one of the sweet spot within you; she was trying to end every ounce of you.
Langley seemed to have too much fun torturing you, uncaring about her own pleasure as her leisurely pace made you yearn for more. "Listen to yourself, whining like a pathetic little girl." She coos, mocking your every action with striking precision. She deliberately pulls out of your oozing cunt and fixates how your essence coats her pulsing cock. She bites her lip as you try to grind back against nothing, you are dripping and making a mess–uncaring of your own actions as your sanity slowly breaks. This game she was playing was nearly unbearable: you just wanted to feel her, to fuck you until you forgot everything but her name.
She was going to ensure your mind was nothing but broken, then finally caving in and giving what you desire. Your hips move instinctively, trying hard to seek her out but Langley's grip only tightens–nearly breaking the very skin as she imprints crescent indents. She effectively kept you in place; she will move when she is ready to, not you. You try not to whine, your fists ball into the silky sheets as your teeth nearly ripped open the soft flesh of your lip. Her hold loosens as her hands trail up your back, just to rake back down. She enjoys watching you squirm, begging to be fuck.
Langley's hips unexpectedly snap forward, cock buried as you gasp and hold onto the sheets. She wastes no time to pull back and set a bruising pace, one that has you speechless–moaning out as your brain slowly scrambles. One hand moves up your back and grabs the back of your neck, forcing you face down into the mattress, nearly cutting off your air supply as she uses you like a toy. The only noise echoing throughout the room are wet slaps and muffled moans.
Langley groans as your walls squeeze around her, pulling her even further inside if it was possible. The pleasure blinds them, each slap of pelvis meeting ass only spurs them along and begs for the sweet symphony of release. She gazes over your back, finally settling on your ass jiggling after every thrust; the way her cock disappeared and shines from your arousal–it was breathtaking.
"Rookie, you're mine. Do you understand me?" A rush vertigo hits as Langley yanks you back, resting her chin against your shoulder; ultimately halting all movement. "You were close, no? You gripped me so tightly, just as a whore should." Her whispers were venomous, but it left you whimpering–grinding against her desperately to get the orgasm you desired. She kisses your shoulder and leads them to your neck, a rare display of affection from the woman.
An unanticipated knock interrupts the passion between you two, warranting a sigh from Langley and a whine from you as she pulls out. "Fun is always interrupted, is it not? Don't touch yourself." She warns, gently pushing you down to rest against the bed as she walks away to fetch a robe. You roll over, squeezing your thighs together as you fight the urge to tip yourself into bliss.
You stare at the ceiling, imagining countless ways Langley could ruin you during the time she's absent. The way her finger spread open your puffy lips, circling the sensitive clit before slowly leaning down to engulf the same part into her lips. Or, how her cock could be slamming into you–ascending you to the heavens and refusing to let you have a moment of respite. Your hand slowly slides down to your folds, grazing over them as you debate to touch yourself.
"I hope you're thinking about me," Langley climbs on the bed and opens your legs, revealing everything to her. Her gaze leisurely locks onto yours before giving a brief smile. "Nearly touching yourself without my consent. I believe that deserves punishment." She moves to lay on the bed, head resting against your thigh. Her green eyes seem to glow as she starts her plan. You whimper as her tongue agonizingly laps over your outer folds, it needed to be more; the orgasm was being wished away from you as you were being toyed with.
You attempt to tangle your hands in Langley's hair but she swats them away, scolding you with a nibble to your clit. She incases your thighs with her hands, racking her nails down the flesh–goosebumps erupt over the same spot and spread further. Her index finger brushes over your clit–making you mewl and shift in the sheets. This was torture, her being so slow that everything was replaced with need and annoyance. You gasp as her tongue messily licks a stripe from the entrance to your clit, rubbing it as her tongue reaches its destination. She low-key moans as the essence coats her tongue. It takes all her might to not dive in more, like a pussy drunk fool.
"Hold it." Langley warns, latching her lips to your clit. You dig your hands back into the sheets, moaning loudly as your back arches; there was no way you could prevent your orgasm. There was a smile before she hollowed her cheeks and moved away with a soft lick. She gazes at the mess you've made before plunging two fingers deep inside of you. No noise leaves your lips, she curls them–assaulting the spongy patch to have tears rolling down your flustered cheeks. "Don't slip, you won't like it if you do." Your eyes were squeezed shut as you pant like a dog in heat; the temptation to bite your bottom lip was high, it would only warrant disapproval.
Langley shifts to undo her loose robe, her hand making way to her pulsing cock to relieve herself minorly. The wetness from your arousal earlier was present, but she found herself mixing the leaking precum into it. She hoped you slipped, the punishment in mind would benefit you both–only you would lose yourself completely, devoted to only her. It's what she craved.
You wanted Langley to stop moving her fingers, the squelch is followed by soft fap sounds echoed throughout the room. You were unbelievably soaked and you knew it, she always had this effect on you–at work or within the safety of her apartment. You wanted to wrap your lips around her cock, watch how she tried to keep a straight face but the grip on your hair gave it away. The small gasps that never went unnoticed. You could convince her later after being such a good girl for her.
"I…I won't..won't!" You manage to spill out. Langley chuckles and quickens her fingers, waiting patiently for you to crack. She hammers her fingers into you, spelling out how much you need to crack. Your knuckles are nearly white as you fought against your impending doom. The fast and brutal treatment lasted not as long as you wished for, she was pulling away entirely.
"N-no!" You beg, shivering slightly at Langley's breath on your thigh. She offered no words, her tongue slips from her lips and prods at your entrance. Your hands clutch her disheveled locks, rolling your hips against her mouth–trying to get the scale to tip despite the warning. She groans as you pull her hair, the vibrations unintentionally reverberating through you earning choked sobs alongside her new onslaught.
Langley's sheer willpower is strong enough to prevent herself from falling for self pleasure. You could beg her to indulge but bite back the very words, the moans and sobs were overpowering every other noise you could produce. Her tongue slips inside of you, savoring every ounce of slick pouring out. Your peak is quick to hit like lightning, vision blurring as the moans are heightened in pitch and volume. "L..Lan- ah!!" You failed to finish your sentence as she feverishly ate you out, the vigorous pace not once stopping despite you disobeying her demand and peaking into nirvana.
Your back arches as everything snapped and sweet bliss washed over you, your nails dog into her scalp making Langley groan. You slump back against the bed, exhausted and out of breath. You felt heavy, any movement made you twitch and her overstimulation only made it worse.
"I told you not to cum, poor thing.. You know punishment is coming?" Langley slowly moves back from your pussy, lips slick with your essence–her piercing gaze watching you. "Am I the only one who can make you feel this way? You're mine." She settles between your legs, hand gripping your chin as a smirk forms on them delicious lips; the possessive tone shooting straight through you. You look over her disheveled appearance, the blond locks messy from all your needy pulling.
"Mine.." Langley growls, rutting against you as she bends down and kissing the sweaty column of your neck. She bites down earning a deep moan from you, moving your hips to seek her. She licks over the mark, reaching down and holding your hips still. You tilt your head, giving her more access to produce multiple marks all over. She hums in approval, sucking and biting the revealed skin; purposely sliding her cock against your soaked slit.
"Yours, A-all yours.." You stutter as your breathing escalates, you want more but you have no willpower to admit such a demand. Your thoughts stop as Langley ruts against you, teasingly having her tip nudge against your clit. She pulls away enough to circle one arm around your waist, taking advantage of the fact you arched into her. Her eyes look over your neck before settling on your fucked out face. She leans down, capturing your lips in a breathtaking embrace, purposely sliding her cock against you.
"What should your punishment be?" Langley's hot breath remains on your lips. Your answer was immediate.
"Fuck me."
Langley chuckles, pausing her movements and kissing your cheek. "You've wanted that all along, didn't you?" You shudder at her breath tickling your skin, her lips never seem to touch you again. She refuses to give you want you wanted, instead she was implementing her own way to torture you. She loves to hear you whine and be compliant, seeing you slowly delve into the sea of frustration as she remains strong willed. She would not admit how much she wanted to see you sob as you struggled to keep awake, her thrusting so deep and brutal that you'd feel the ghost movements tomorrow.
"I hope you're ready to receive what I have planned." Langley kisses you one last time, sitting up before digging into her desires. You shudder at her tone dropping in octave, spreading your legs further apart to urge her to hasten.
This was going to be a long, tiring night. One of which you'll likely lose your voice and have to call out of work the next morning. It will be worth it, spending a night with Langley always is.
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nhl-stories · 2 months
Indoor Cat– Jeremy Swayman
Summary: Jeremy is excited to show his girlfriend Alaska, but she's not exactly an outdoor person
Author’s Note: Had so much fun writing this for @bqstqnbruin for @wyattjohnston's 2k24 summer fic exchange! Definitely made me want to write more Sway in the future
Word Count: 2.2k
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“Sorry I was too lazy to fish my keys out of my backpack,” Catherine apologizes when Jeremy opens the door to his apartment.
“I wasn’t expecting you, so this is a nice surprise.”
She rolls her bike in and leans it up against the wall. Rubbing her hands across her face.
“I meant to text but I have a million exams to grade and my roommate was being a bitch and our air conditioning broke and I just had to leave.”
When she moves her hands away, Jeremy is standing in front of her with a sympathetic smile. He pulls her into a tight hug that makes her tension dissolve.
“You’re sweaty babe.”
Catherine gives him a shove, “Of course I am! No AC at the apartment and then I biked here in a million-degree weather with 50-pound backpack. I’m MELTING.”
“Sorry, my little ice queen can’t handle the heat.”
She levels a look at him that screams she’s not in the mindset for his little jokes and he bites his lips to hold back his smile.
After she takes a cold shower, she feels more like a real person. She throws on an oversized Maine t-shirt and makes her way to Jeremy’s dining table with a stack of papers.
Once she has a fresh red pen and her answer key, she gets into a sort of trance while grading. She doesn’t quite notice how far the sun has sunk when Jeremy comes behind her and wraps his arms around her kissing her right under her ear.
“Want me to order dinner?”
Catherine leans back into his touch, “Can we get Thai food?”
“Green curry and Pad Kee Mao?”
“Yes, please,” she kisses his cheek then goes back to focusing on tests.
When the food arrives, Jeremy moves her papers despite her protests.
“Stop, I have like so many tests to grade and only like two days to finish them and then enter the grades online.”
“Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a break.” He moves the tests to the coffee table so they’re out of reach.
This is the price she has to pay if she works at Jeremy’s, which is a pretty nice trade off even if she fights it. Every. Single. Time.
“So, school’s out in a week… any big plans,” he wiggles his eyebrows at her.
Jeremy is clearly hinting at their upcoming trip to Alaska, which Catherine has been actively avoiding planning specifics. She’s not exactly against seeing where he grew up and his parents, it’s the rest of the Alaska Experience™ that’s making her apprehensive.
She tries to be casual about what she says next.
“I’m moving in August.”
Jeremy stops with a forkful of noodles halfway up to his mouth, “Um- what?”
“Yeah, I mean I don’t get along with my roommate and our lease will be up then,” she takes a drink to stop herself from grinning, “And my boyfriend asked me to move in, so I thought I’d finally take him up on the offer.”
It’s a tactical distraction from Alaska, but also an announcement she’s excited to finally share, now that she’s informed her soon-to-be ex-roommate.
Jeremy is around the table and practically straddles her to wrap her in his arms around.
He doesn’t wait for the answer before kissing her.
Then he’s pulling back again, “Seriously?”
He goes back in for another kiss, it’s not very good. They’re both smiling too much for their lips to really meet, but soon they get in a rhythm.
 Then Jeremy starts to trail kisses down her jaw and neck. Catherine indulges him for a bit before gripping his hair to pull him back.
“I love the excitement, and I’m excited to move in too, but none of this tonight,” she kisses the tip of his nose, “I still have to be a responsible teacher.
He buries his face in her neck and mumbles, “No you don’t, just quit your job.”
“You say that now while you’re not working, but come fall when you’re back to work and I have nothing to do, you’ll be evicting me,” she rakes her nails through his hair.
“Is that why Taylor is being a bitch?” He says once he comes up for air.
“I mean, it’s not helping, but it’s also just her natural state as a roommate,” she gives Jeremy a gentle push, “Now let me eat my dinner so I can finish my work.”
“Then we can finish this later?” A quick, but filthy kiss follows.
“Maybe, no promises,” Catherine gives him her best stern teacher face, so he knows she means business.
She doesn’t finish all of her tests, mostly because Jeremy is determined to be touching her at all times. So, to keep him from moving around, Catherine holds him in place; leaning back on his chest on the sectional. His hands have free reign and she’s within kissing range. It appeases Jeremy, but greatly slows her grading speed.
Eventually, she just gives up and lets Jeremy rush her to the bedroom. Claiming they need to ‘christen their bedroom’ as if Catherine hadn’t already christened it every which way.
And it’s enjoyable and wonderful until her alarm goes off extra early to make up for the work she didn’t finish. Normally, she’s actually a morning person, but at the end of the school year, her body and mind are ready to call it quits.
Jeremy calls it teacher playoffs. A stupid joke that never fails to make her laugh. She’s soft for his goofy side, even when it’s telling the dumbest jokes.
“Need any help before school?” Jeremy comes up behind her in the shower, wrapping his arms around her waist, hands dipping dangerously low.
“Not that kind of help, that’s for sure,” Catherine giggles while she turns around then moves his hands back to his side.
“You’ve already done enough with this,” she points to a mark where her collarbone meets her shoulder, “this is almost ‘have an awkward conversation with my students’ visible.”
“Consider it payback for you putting off the Alaska talk again.”
Catherine clenches her jaw.
“You thought I haven’t noticed, but the trip is in 10 days and you keep ignoring me every time I bring it up.”
“Yeah, cause you’re gonna talk me into exploring the Alaskan bush or something crazy, when I can explore an Alaskan bush any time I want,” she playfully gropes Jeremy.
He lets out an involuntary groan, before backing away, “See! You’re doing it again! Although great joke, babe.”
Catherine steps back into the spray, rinsing out her conditioner, “Fine. I’ll stay late to finish all my grading and stuff and then we can talk after.”
“Thank you,” he gives Catherine a peck, “And afterwards feel free to explore the bush if you want.”
Catherine rolls her eyes and gets out of the shower.
She gets dressed, thankfully the outfit she packed covers the hickey even with her hair up.
Jeremy is waiting for her with a towel around his waist, a bowl of yogurt and fruit waiting for her and a to-go thermos of coffee.
“Want me to drive you in? So, you don’t have to bike there and back.”
“Sure, but you’ll have to drop me off a few blocks away. Cause if my students see me with you, I’ll never get them to focus, and they’re squirrely enough this time of year.”
Catherine finishes her grading sooner than she thinks, even enters all the grades online. Now there’s two things to not look forward to; planning with Jeremy and annoying emails from parents about final grades.
She checks the weather on her phone, the heat doesn’t seem to be breaking and won’t until the sun sets a couple hours from now.
She debates her options for a few minutes before deciding to ask Jeremy for a ride home. The deciding factor being she’d rather have an uncomfortable talk without first having a sweaty bike ride. The less time out of the comfort of AC, the better.
“And this isn’t embarrassing for me to pick you up out front?” Jeremy snarks when he pulls up to the curb.
Catherine rolls her eyes and starts to load the bike in the back, “I should have just dealt with the heat.”
When she slides into the passenger seat, Jeremy grabs her hand intertwining their fingers and giving it a squeeze.
“I’m just buttering you up before I tell you about all the Alaskan adventures I have planned for us.”
“I’m already exhausted.”
Jeremy squeezes her hand again, then points an air vent more towards Catherine.
When they get back to the apartment Catherine flops onto the couch, “Okay lay it on me.”
Of course, Jeremy takes that as an invitation to drop right on top of her, barely catching himself before his whole weight lands on her.
He leans in to kiss her. Once, twice… he pauses like he’s trying to figure out if he can get away with more. Instead, he decides to sit up and pull Catherine up with him.  
“Why are you so anxious about this trip? You’ve met most of family and friends, and you’ve agreed to move in with me so I don’t think this is a commitment thing…”
She throws back her head and takes in a deep breath, “No, but it’s gonna sound stupid and miniscule in comparison.”
“But I like the sound of small rather than something more fundamental to our relationship.”
Catherine takes a moment, trying put the words the right way in her head.
“I’m worried that you have not spent a lot of summer time with me so you have not seen how much I wilt in the sun and heat and generally want to die. It’s a very ugly side of me both because of my sweat and my attitude and I spend a lot of energy trying to avoid it.”
Catherine feels like she has to avoid eye contact while she gets this off her chest. Mostly because she can feel herself flush with embarrassment about her confession.
“And then you’ll want to climb a mountain or something and you’ll see that we are not on the same outdoorsy level and realize we just aren’t compatible,” she looks down at her lap in shame.
“Oh sweetheart,” Jeremy cups her face, “that is stupid. Alaska rarely gets over 70 degrees.”
Catherine lets out a surprised laugh.
“I already know you’re a bit of an indoor cat,” he smirks at the play on her name.
“I’m being vulnerable here and you’re making fun of me!” She doesn’t mean for it to come out so whiny.
“And if you had talked to me before this, you would know I’ve already thought about all these things.”
She cocks her head in response.
 “I would never make you face your least favorite thing, temperatures over 80 degrees, if there was something I could do to stop that.”
“That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said.”
“And that’s just the start,” Jeremy can’t help but grin.
“I’d love to show you the top of a mountain but everything there is so beautiful we don’t need to climb thousands of feet of elevation to see something great. I have so many options you can choose from, I made you a spreadsheet.”
“This is might sound sarcastic, but that weirdly turns me on.”
Jeremy pulls her into his chest, “If I really needed to do some crazy, difficult hike, I know people who like that. I’m going on this trip to spend time with you and if that means a flat, short hike, I’m going to love it.”
“Most importantly,” Jeremey untangles himself and leaves the room.
He comes back with a suitcase, “I bought you a suitcase just for books you want to bring. So, when we go out on the boat you can just read and look pretty if you don’t want to fish.”
“Oh my god, I love you.”
She gets up and jumps into his arm.
“So, you’re excited for our trip now?”
Catherine smiles and decides to show him with actions rather than words.
Catherine has never been happier to be proven wrong, Alaska is honestly her ideal summer vacation. Not too hot, too gorgeous to describe with words, and the almost never-ending daylight made it seem all seem like some kind of dreamland.
The view right now is proof.
Book in her lap, Jeremy looking hot driving the boat in the foreground, and a glacier in the background.
The boat slowly comes to a stop.
“See something you like?” Jeremy smirks from the captain’s seat.
She shrugs, “this book is kind of dragging and I was thinking, you know I’ve never had sex on a boat?”
Jeremy raises his eyebrows.
“And we happen to be on a boat… in this very scenic… fairly romantic location,” she tries to use her best innocent, doe eyes.
In a flash, her book is on the ground and Jeremy is on top of her.
It’s something Catherine can see becoming a summer tradition.
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nicestgirlonline · 2 years
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader 
Warnings: None! Just fluff!
Summary: You and Bucky decide to keep your new relationship a secret with somewhat disastrous results…
Word Count: 3.7k 
A/N: Here’s my entry for @the-slumberparty week 2 challenge blast from the past! I don’t really have an old WIPs, I was trying to jumpstart my writing again with this sleepover. So here’s a little sequel to dumb dumb, since you guys really really seemed to like that one! Hope you enjoy! Feedback is always welcome! <3 
part 1
That Valentine's Day was possibly the best night of Bucky’s life. He had finally gotten to express everything he had been feeling for you. Friday night bled into Saturday morning, neither of you getting much sleep. The months of yearning and pining all finally erupted into passion, lust and love.
Saturday morning quickly became Saturday afternoon, with lots of pillow talk, telling each other little secrets about yourselves, sharing childhood stories. A simple Postmates order and quick text to Steve meant no one to bother you, and no reason for you to leave his bed. 
Saturday night, or what Bucky was calling round two became Sunday morning and that brought about a little thing called the Sunday Scaries.  
Amidst the bliss and happiness there was a lingering thought that kept bothering you. The two of you lounged in his bed, enjoying each other's quiet company, the moonlight of the early morning making the room glow blue. 
You bit your lip. Time to rip the bandaid off. Real life was going to be starting too soon again. 
“Bucky I’ve been thinking…about us.”  
“Really? Me too.” He started to pepper your face with kisses. “I’ve been thinking about all the ways I can have fun with my girlfriend.” You giggled as he started to tickle your sides. You wiggled your way out of his grasp. You propped yourself up on your forearms and did your best to put on your serious face. Which was very hard when Bucky was being so cute. 
“I mean it! I’ve been thinking, maybe we should keep this private? For a while?” You tried your best to keep your voice soft, the face Bucky made broke your heart, which was what you were afraid of. He looked extremely scared. 
“What’s wrong, what’d I do? Was girlfriend too soon? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, ” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close against him. 
“No, no, you’re my boyfriend now.” You assured him. You took his face in your hands and he leaned into your palm in relief.  “I am really excited to be with you but we do work together. And there’s HR and office gossip and I don’t want that to affect us when we are still figuring out us. I guess I’ve never really thought about the power imbalance between us.” 
Bucky nodded albeit a bit reluctantly.  He untangled his arms around you so you were both lying on your side looking at each other. 
“I mean…I understand. You know I don’t really think of myself as a big superhero or something, but it is a ‘power imbalance’. Does it…bother you?” He asked scratching his face to avoid eye contact. You sat up, suddenly very confused. 
“What are you talking about, I’m the scientist who’s studying you? I’m the one abusing my authority here. It's all very unethical!” You exclaimed. 
“I don’t feel taken advantage of here, Doll. If anything, people are going to think I’m taking advantage of you.” Bucky chuckled. 
“I’m a bit older than you. I’m sort of famous for not so great reasons. I’m also literally more powerful than you?” He held up his left arm as if to show you proof. You dismissed it with a hand wave. 
“You don’t know that you’re more famous than me. I’ve been published in many academic journals.” You pointed out. Bucky shook his head. Gosh he liked you so much. He couldn’t even believe this was really happening to him half the time.  
“There were weeks of press coverage for my trial.”  You just rolled your eyes at that. Bucky was always so afraid that everyone saw him as a villain, but you’d never once felt any sort of danger from this sweet man. 
“Well, agree to disagree. But I still think maybe for the first two months we should just keep it quiet. So we don’t have to worry about anyone but each other. Just lowkey.” He pressed a kiss on the top of your head. 
“Yeah. You’re right, you’re totally right. We will keep things low key.” 
“Hey Steve, uhhh we’ve got a problem.” Bucky rushed into the breakfast room, thankful that Steve was the only one there. Steve queried his eyebrow at his panic stricken best friend. 
“What’s up Buck?” He asked. Bucky, seemingly slightly out of breath grabbed the side of the cabinets, he closed his eyes to try and get his 
“So you know how I told you about…on Valentines Day…and then we…so the weekend was…” He waved his hand to emphasis his pauses and Steve nodded along.  
“Of course,  I’m happy for you two, Bucky!” He said brightly, of course this must be some sort of post confession bliss the two of them were in making his friend act so strange.
“Well that's just the thing. Did you…tell anybody else about it?” He asked, his voice a bit strangled and his tone grim. 
“Uhhh was I not supposed to?” Steve asked, his face falling immediately. 
“Can you answer my question?”
“I told Sam about it. The two of you have been dancing around it for so long that we’re all just a little excited for you.” Steve started to explain but he could practically see the fury radiating off of Bucky in waves. His signature death stare was fixed on him. 
“Look, I really appreciate the um, support for my relationship. But here’s the thing, she doesn’t want anyone to know we’re dating.” He ground out, his teeth still clenched. “So we are going to be low. key.” 
“Look who it is. We were about to put out a missing person alert .” Natasha had slunk her way into the breakfast room, her voice dripping with self satisfied condescension.  “Getting provisions for the love nest?”
“God damn it, you told her too?”  He cried out. She shrugged, innocently looking away. Bucky grabbed his head, he was going to throttle Steve. 
“Oh come on, Y/N loves Nat. I figured she already knew.” Steve held his hands up in surrender, the captain certainly hadn't thought this was how his morning was going to go. Bucky turned his attention back to the super spy who was a bit too pleased with the unfolding drama. 
“Nat, did you tell anyone about this?” 
“Please, I’m a spy. I don’t just go around giving out important gossip with nothing to gain.”
“That doesn’t really answer my question, Romanoff!” He snapped back. 
“I’m still a bit confused why she doesn’t want anybody to know? Is that a modern dating thing, not telling people you’re dating?” Steve asked. It didn’t make much sense to him, what exactly did she think was going to happen if people found out? 
“She just doesn’t want the gossip and the pressure of everyone knowing about us to color the beginning of our relationship.” Bucky explained but his tone belated his true feelings. He absolutely did not want to keep this a secret. “So I told her I wasn’t going to tell anybody but I forgot I already told the biggest blabbermouth on the team.”  He quickly turned back to anger at his teammates. 
“I’m not the biggest blabbermouth…hm crap wait I forgot, Clint knows too.” Steve closed his eyes, wincing, ready for the smack upside the head he sorely deserved. 
“Loose lips sink ships asshole! ” Bucky was exasperated. 
“I didn’t know this was top secret information!” Steve countered. 
Nat stayed at the breakfast bar watching the two super soldiers argue, it was amusing but she had her limits. She had to intervene before Bucky had an aneurysm. 
“It's not so bad, we can do damage control. Tell Sam and Clint to keep quiet about it.” Nat said before taking a sip of her coffee. “And Wanda.”
“AND WANDA--” Steve looped an arm around Bucky’s waist before he could lunge at Natasha. 
Bucky Barnes: Hello Sam,  I am texting to inform you that Y/N and I are NOT DATING and please disbelieve the rumors to the contrary. Yours, Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson: please learn to text like a normal person
Sam Wilson: You know I saw you making out with her in the elevator on Friday right? 
Bucky Barnes is typing…
Bucky Barnes: Sam, please disregard my previous message and meet me in the training gym on level 5 ASAP. Yours, Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson: You don't have to sign your name I know it's you 
Sam Wilson: forget it
Sam Wilson: yeah I’ll be there
X Something wasn’t quite right. Your love life had never been better, Bucky was an amazing boyfriend, it was all you could do to not spend all of your time with him. The two of you would meet up after work hours and spend blissful hours back in Bucky’s apartment. But the rest of your work life, well it was starting to feel like people were avoiding you. 
Like the other day at lunch, you were sitting across from Bucky which wasn’t too unusual, you had been friends before you were seeing each other. The very tips of your shoes were touching, a special little secret way of holding hands. The two of you were discussing movies that were coming out, a totally neutral non flirty conversation. But then Steve walked in, looked at you then immediately spun on his heel and walked away. You furrowed your brow. That was a bit weird.
Or when you had bumped into Bucky at the gym on level 5. It had actually been a happy coincidence, you decided to do some yoga as you sorely needed to stretch your body out after being hunched over a microscope all day.  Bucky had been working out with Sam, Bucky lifting weights with Sam on the treadmill. You waved to the two of them and made your way over to say hi and Sam without saying a word jumped off the treadmill and started to jog out of the gym. 
Even Nat, which hurt the most, flaked on the movie night you’d wanted to have in the TV room. Then it was the domino effect, Steve dropped out then  Wanda and Vis dropped out too and soon it was just You and Bucky. 
“Oh nooo. What are we gonna do, watch the movie by ourselves? Just the two of us?” Bucky whispered in your ear as you were pouring popcorn into a large bowl. He grabbed you by the hips and waggled his eyebrows at you. You let out a little sigh and snatched the bowl before heading to the TV room.  You weren’t in the mood to flirt with him. The tv room was ready for what you had thought would be a big group. The lights were already dimmed and there were plenty of blankets and pillows around. 
You and Bucky settled next to each other on the couch. He grabbed a big fuzzy blue blanket and draped it over the two of your legs. He gave your leg a little squeeze beneath the blanket and winked. You just let out a sigh and grabbed the remote to fire up the Roku. Bucky frowned, this was certainly not what he thought their movie night would be like!
“What’s wrong Bambi? You seem down.” He asked, concerned. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his body. You let him cuddle you, resting your head on his chest 
“It just feels like all of our friends are avoiding me. I mean I thought we were friends. Co-workers I guess, you know I’m not great at reading people.” You sighed and buried your face in his chest. Had you grown more annoying these past few weeks ? He grabbed your chin and tilted your head up so you were looking up at him. 
“Honey, you’re great at reading people, don’t let your insecurity tell you otherwise. I’m not really a people person anyway so I was excited that it was going to be just us. Nobody’s avoiding you I promise. Want to just reschedule this night?” He offered. 
You shook your head. Rescheduling wouldn’t make you feel any better. Besides it was nice to be able to spend time with Bucky out in the open like this.  You still felt like your friends were all acting weird, but you trusted Bucky enough that you decided to let it go. 
“Well since it’s just you and me, we still have to watch The Princess Bride.” You relaxed into the couch, already pulling it up on the screen. 
“Sounds perfect.” 
You were working away in the lab, it was a little past lunch time but you simply couldn’t stop in the middle of your project. You could push yourself just a little bit and finish this in time to actually leave at a normal time tonight. You had a date tonight. You smiled to yourself. A secret date.
You were deep in the process, so much so that you didn’t even notice the secret date, arriving hours early in the lab. He gave your sides a squeeze making you yelp. You spun around to see your smirking boyfriend. 
“Bucky! Um, what are you doing here!” you asked, trying not to sound too excited. 
“I'm here to help you out with those samples you had requested from me.” He projected his voice around the lab. But it was for the benefit of no one, you were the only two there. You smiled, happily playing along. 
“Oh right! Those samples I requested.” 
“Those spit samples.” He grabbed the back of your head and crushed his lips to yours in a sloppy wet kiss. You slapped his chest as you pulled away from him giggling.
“Ew! Bucky, that's so gross, why would you say it like that!” But you couldn’t stop giggling. He smiled, clearly feeding off the laughter. 
“You’re the one who wants us to have this clandestine affair, I’m just trying to keep up appearances.” 
“"Why are you even here? You’re a little early.”
“It's my lunch break and I wanted to say hi and give you a kiss.” He took  one of your hands in his. You reached out and grabbed his vibranium hand as well so you were holding both. It made his heart flutter, how unperturbed by his arm you were. When he was with you it was like he was just a normal guy.
“Hi.” He murmured, rubbing his nose against yours. 
“Hi.” you breathed back. This time when your lips met it was sweet and soft. He slowly moved his lips against yours, you opened your mouth just slightly enough that his tongue could slip inside and ---
“So I’m pretty sure the Erskine notes were in here.” It was Bruce! Bucky felt a sudden rush of fear. Bruce wasn’t one of the inner circle who would just pretend not to notice their closeness. They could actually get caught!  
You quickly as hard as you could pushed Bucky away and he clamored backwards. You wiped your mouth, hoping somehow that would disguise yourself. Bruce poked his head in.
“Just looking for the Erskine notes. Uh, everything ok in here?” He took stock of each of you, freshly shoved apart. 
“Yeah, just leaving!” Bucky cried as he raced out of the lab. 
“I’m indifferent to him leaving! I’ll go grab the notes for you Dr. Banner!” You raced to the file cabinet not looking at anything but the ground. 
Bruce cocked his head at the strange interaction he just encountered. 
“Good morning Bucky!” You greeted cheerfully as he entered the breakfast room in the morning, Steve and Sam in tow. “Morning Steve! Morning Sam!” You quickly added as they filed in. As not to raise suspicion. 
“I get a good morning? Wow. Don’t I feel special.” Sam said with a smirk. 
“I say good morning to everyone. I’m just a morning person like that. How are you doing Sam? I feel like you’ve been so busy, I barely even see you these days.” You asked, trying to sound casual. You still felt like everyone was acting so weird around you. 
“Oh you know, mission after mission. None of them were in Hawaii either, it's all been Nepal, Siberia, whatever frozen wasteland they can dump me in.” He sat down next to you. You nodded along as he continued talking about his missions, eager to connect with your friend again. 
“Good morning troops. Ah and good morning Beaker. Didn’t think I’d see you this early on a Monday.” Tony Stark, sunglasses still on, his closes wrinkled like he’d just come in off a jet. It had been awhile since he was on at the Compound.  
You hoped you weren’t blushing at the comment. Bucky had talked you into another Sunday night sleepover, you were trying to be subtle about it but you were a morning person, it didn't make sense to pretend to show up later.
‘I didn’t think I’d see you at all Mr. Stark. It's been awhile, since you’ve hunkered down with us mole people in the lab.” You always had a professional but good natured relationship with Tony. He was your boss after all, which is why you found it a little weird to call him Tony. 
Tony let out a chuckle and started to make science small talk, about the lab and the projects you’d been working on. 
Bucky and Tony were not great friends. They had buried the hatchet, sure, but it wasn’t like the two drank beer and watched the game together. Cordial coworkers are best. 
Except Bucky didn't feel very cordial with Tony right now. Considering he had taken the only open seat next to you. He gruffly sat down at the table next to them with his coffee. 
You wanted to invite Bucky to come sit with you, or go over to his table, but that would probably be a bit too much for just friends. You peered over Tony’s shoulder to your grumpy boyfriend darkly having breakfast. You tried not to make it too obvious and still listen to his anecdote about building a mini laser. 
The two of your eyes would catch more often than not. Quickly turning back to whatever they were doing. Tony picked up on this immediately, he looked over his shoulder
“What do you keep looking at?” He spun around to look directly at Bucky who was frozen in place.  “What’s going on here? Are you two fucking or something?”
It was like everything happened all at once.
“Tony -- out of line.” “Uh HR?” “No no no you misunderstand.” “Which one of you told Tony?”
Everyone burst into action, all speaking over each other.  Wait what? You swung your head from pleading with Tony to your secret boyfriend.  The three soldiers froze. Sam took a deep breath. 
“I’ve had enough of this! Nobody told Tony. You two idiots are just so obvious that anyone could see it.” Sam said. As soon as he did Steve let out a huge sigh of relief, his shoulders rolling forward like a burden had been lifted from his shoulders.  
“I won’t have this, no way, not on my watch. Y/N. My beloved employee. With Mancurian Candidate? Under my nose, in my own lab?” Tony said indignantly,  putting his hand over his heart as if he was scandalized. 
“Tony! That’s really not very funny. You shouldn’t call him that.” You said your face a hard frown. and Bucky felt his heart burst with happiness. But then your gaze turned to him and he felt your icy stare.
“I--I can explain. You see I had actually texted Steve before we decided to be lowkey. It was before so really if you think about it. I didn’t do anything wrong. And Steve and his big mouth told a few people. But it’s just the people in this room. And Nat. And Clint. And Wanda. But that’s all.”  Bucky tried to explain to you as best he could. His eyes were pleading, he felt weak in the knees. You remained silent, your arms crossed. 
“Yikes, you’re in troooouble.” Tony taunted. 
“So basically everyone! Everyone I see on a daily basis. I can’t believe this. So they’ve all known the whole time?” You looked at Sam and Steve who both sheepishly nodded. You turned back to Bucky, you let out a shaky breath. People knew, and nothing bad had happened. Your friends had actually gone out of their way so you two could have some privacy.  “Well I guess there's no point in keeping this up then.”
“I'm having breakfast with my boyfriend now, so if you don’t mind gentlemen.” You grabbed your breakfast bowl and moved your chair so you were sitting next to Bucky. You grabbed his hand and placed it on your lap. 
“Ugh, I'm nauseous you two are so fucking cute. Guess that’s my cue.  Come on, Commandos, take a hint.” Tony got up signaling to the other two who also rushed out of the room, more than happy to get out of the tense atmosphere. Once you were completely alone, you finally spoke. 
“I can’t believe everyone knows. Why didn’t you just tell me?” 
 Bucky let out a deep sigh. 
“I mean I kept it a secret from some people. Tony being one of them. I just…I wanted to give you what you wanted. But I mean to be completely honest I did want to tell everyone. I’m all in.”  
“I’m all in too!” You cried clutching his hand and kissing his knuckles. “That's why I wanted to try and slow things down so I couldn’t mess anything up. Now it just all seems so silly. I tried so hard to be sneaky too!” 
He took his hand off yours and gave your thigh a squeeze. 
“I mean…we can still sneak around sometimes. If you want. ” He had a playful glint in his eyes. “I mean, I had plans, Doll, a lot of plans. I was fully prepared to take you on every inch of that lab table.” 
“Sergeant Barnes! ” You gasped. “I think we may be a bit too loud for that level of sneakiness.” He took your chin in his hand and rubbed his thumb down your lip.
“I’m sure we can find a way to keep you quiet.”
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sukiitoru · 10 months
Hello hello!! Could I please request the Luxiem boys as parents?? I have the most urgent need to see these boys with kids ❤️. Thank you so much for your time and dedication.
Hello! Thank you for the very cute request anon! I had alot of fun writing this I hope you enjoy!
Other parent is non-binary so I used some non-binary parent names like Dama, Noddy and Mobby.
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
Fandom: luxiem, nijisanji.
Pairing: luxiem and their kids
Category: platonic, fluff, vox is scary to kids, luxiem being dad.
Being a dad
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Luca kanashiro
• Luca is the type of person to not really like kids as much, or only love to troll children, until he has one of his own.
• the first time he had to hold his bundle of joy, she was two months old, he almost cried, he refused to hold her when she was younger in fear of hurting her.
• he was so careful, so gentle, he held his girl close to his chest, watching in wonder as she wiggles slightly around in his arm, before settling to rest her cheek against his chest, looking up at him with big lavender eyes.
• Luca stares back with his own lavender eyes, blinking at girl before a wide grin formed on his face, as he started to make funny faces the small girl in his arms starting to giggle softly, hand moving to grab a few strands of his hair pulling on it gently.
• luca chuckles and pretends to tickle the baby, the baby cooing and giggling in his arms.
• Luca learned at that moment why small kids were so special.
• even as the small girl grew Luca's adoration for his girl never faded, it only grew stronger with time.
Luca was sat on his couch his 4 year old girl sat on his lap, covered in a hello kitty blanket, they both were watching TV, watching the lorax to be exact.
His girl heard vox complaining about it at some point, and insisted she watch it, she was pretty invested watching with her soft lavender eyes, blonde locks pulled into a small braid Luca did on her earlier.
"Daddy, why did the man cut the trees?" The girl asked gently, as the form of the black haired male appeared on screen cutting down the colorful trees.
"Uhh, daddy doesn't really know sweetpie, maybe for the wood?" Luca mumbled, the movie genuinely confusing him to no end, he wasn't focused on it, but was rather excited to annoy vox.
The girl hummed softly deeply in thought, her small mind trying to piece together why the man cut so many trees down.
"At daycare, teacher told us to not harm plants, because they get sad, poor trees" the girl pouted gently, rubbing her eyes, starting to feel slightly sleepy.
"You know what, forget about the lorax, wanna go eat ice cream without Noddy knowing?" Luca asked with a smirk a wide grin forming on his face, the mention of ice cream made the girl in his lap perk up visibly happier now.
"Yeah! But wouldn't Noddy get upset?" The girl asked with wide eyes, not wanting to make her Noddy upset.
"Nah, daddy will use his endless charm to make them happy" Luca said a grin on his lips as he got up holding his girl close, as he moved to the kitchen grabbed a tub of ice cream and spoons, sitting back down on the couch and starting to eat with his girl, switching tv to something more exciting as they enjoyed their ice cream happily.
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Shu yamino
•shu is the type to know all the essentials of taking care of a child but never truly knows how much work goes into it, which made him sort of think that it's easy.
•he first held his baby right after they were brought home, he sat on the couch, his partner passing him the small baby gently.
•he was quite nervous to say the least, he held his small baby boy close, feeling the warmth radiating from the small baby wrapped in a blanket, the baby moved his hands around stretching slightly with a small whine.
•shu rubbed the baby's back gently, his eyebrows furrowing slightly, lips pursing slightly, the baby opened his big magenta coloured eyes, staring up at shu's face eyebrows slightly furrowed and lips pursing into a small pout.
•shu knew the baby probably couldn't see, but he was still amazed and subconsciously his lips moved into a slight wobbly smile at the small child, who's features relaxed into a small smile when shu kissed his head.
•even now he still thinks parenting is somewhat easy, and knows it's probably because of how shy and compliant his son is.
•he never truly understood how you can love someone so much that you would risk everything for them, until he met his partner and met his own bundle of joy.
•he definitely isn't the type to spoil his kid, but gets the boy whatever he wants, definitely teaches him how to play videogames, and teaches him only the best jokes.
Shu was sitting on his gaming chair, his 7 year old son sitting on his lap, wearing purple headphones that looked too big on his head, The boy's palm rested on the mouse, shu's palm resting over his, moving the mouse.
"Yess, good job bud, we got 'em" shu cheered, giving the boy a high-five and ruffling his hair.
"Papa! Did you see! I got both uncle Alban and uncle sonny!" The boy bounced happily smiling widely, shu nodded proudly placing his palm on the boy's gently gently, the boy chuckled before turning to look at the screen again, shu placing his larger palm over the boy's.
"Now we just gotta get Luca cornered, and boom! Shoot him with the eggs" shu explained, the boy nodding quickly eyes focused on the screen Infront of them.
They were playing Minecraft peacefully collecting things, when Luca suddenly decided to start an egg war, and shu being the amazing father he is decided to include his son in said war.
They had just killed both Alban and sonny, who somehow managed to get themselves killed by eggs, and the only one left was Luca who was cackling evily in VC Alban and sonny laughing in the background.
It took some effort, lots of eggs and the power of chicken to finally kill Luca, shu cheered happily laughing as he gave his son a high-five, Luca was whining while laughing saying how he was 'egg king' and It took some effort, lots of eggs and the power of chicken to finally kill Luca, shu cheered happily laughing as he gave his son a high-five, Luca was whining while laughing saying how he was 'egg king' and how he's supposed to never be defeated.
"Sorry uncle Luca, seems like you're the eggless king now" the boy said with a soft giggle, shu ruffling his hair softly while laughing Alban and Sonny laughing in VC while Luca pretended to whine while laughing.
"That's my son!" Shu proudly said ruffling his son's hair once more, Luca stood infornt of shu's character throwing him a certain golden helmet that's was supposed to be a 'crown', shu moving into his inventory to wear it happily, his son smiling widely.
"You just got beat by a 7 year old Luca who does it feel?" Alban laughed, sonny chuckling softly and throwing some flowers in the air.
"Unpog" Luca whined, moving to start hitting the endless amount of baby chickens.
"Time to put these chickens somewhere safe" shu hummed his nod nodding his head quickly while moving to place his palm once more on the mouse, shu smiling softly at him and placing his palm over his son's.
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Ike eveland
• Ike likes children, doesn't specifically love them, especially at their age of craziness, but doesn't hate them either, thinks small babies are cute though.
• he never understood baby fever, until he had his first kid and held her for the first time, his girl with his bright yellow eyes and his partner's hair colour and the biggest smile he ever saw in his life.
• scratch everything I just said, Ike loves babies, they're so cute and small, and cuddly, they're a little stinky sometimes a bit whiny but when his little girl looks up at him with the biggest eyes and pout, he forgets everything he was just saying.
• is definitely the type of dad to cry whenever he sees his kid in cute clothes, definitely buys her Miku themed clothes.
• whenever he has the chance to brush his girl's hair he puts it into two ponytails, just melts every single time.
• he's the one that puts her to sleep, reads a bedtime story while laying next to her, covers her in her soft blanket and kisses her forehead gently.
• is the supportive dad that all of his girl's friends like, loves his daughter no matter what and knows when to support her and when to tell her she's wrong.
• buys his girl anything she wants, unless it's something she wouldn't really use, or things he knows won't be useful later for her.
Ike laid down on a small baby blue bed, a book with a soft yellow cover resting in his hands, titled 'the princess and knight in shining armor'.
His 5 year old girl laid down next to him, her head resting on Ike's arm, covered in a soft white blanket, her short hair pulled into a small bun, as to not bother her while sleeping.
"And the princess said 'thank you dear knight, for saving me and my kingdom' as she smiles gently at the knight" ike read in a soothing voice, his girl laying down next to him with sleepy eyes, looking at the book in his hands, the illustration of the knight bowed to the princess as she smiled at him.
"Papa, can Mobby be the princess and you the Knight" the girl mumbled sleepily against Ike's arm, looking up at him with heavy eyes.
"Of course sweetheart, well I wouldn't really say I would be the knight your Mobby can be a very convincing knight" Ike chuckled lowly smiling at his daughter who hummed in agreement and giggled.
"Mobby's so strong, papa is too but Mobby's better at it" the girl mumbled softly going back to looking at the book, imagining if Ike was the prince with a blue suit, her mobby the knight in shining armor smiling at the prince.
"The knight said 'it is only my duty, my lady, I shall live to serve and protect you till my last breath' as he bowed down on one knee" ike continued reading gently, heavy, sleepy eyes starting to shut slowly.
"You'd be a pretty princess papa" the girl whispered gently breath evening out, and eyes shut as she falls into deep slumber.
Ike smiled gently closing the book and placing it away, moving to rest the small girl fully on her bed, covering her in her soft blanket, kissing her forehead gently.
"Goodnight my sweet, rest well" Ike whispered gently getting off her bed and moving outside the room with a happy smile on his face.
Wondering how lucky he got to have such an amazing family.
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Vox akuma
• vox loves kids, they're cute, easy to annoy, fun to feed, and have really funny brains.
• he never really thought he would have one of his own until he had his son, the first time he held the small boy, the boy started looking up at him with big pink eyes, vox smiled at him, the boy's lips started to quiver as a sharp cry left his small lips, vox frowning as he tried to shush the boy gently, the boy crying harder.
• he decided to not hold the boy until he was a little older, the second time he held his son he was about 5 months old, a small tuff of black hair was growing on his head, the boy looked up at vox once again with big eyes, that started to water slowly, vox's lips dropped into a small pout, the boy started to cry again reaching out for his other guardian who smiled softly and took the boy from vox.
• vox grumpled all day about it, his partner patting his shoulder and saying he's just still too young to understand.
• vox loved his son of course, but definitely noticed early on he wasn't the favourite, which made him slightly upset but he understood his partner was amazing so of course.
• as the boy got older, he got more protective his other parent, pushing vox away if he gave them a hug or a kiss, and pouting and hugging his parent tightly.
• vox found it the most amusing thing ever, and always did it to annoy the boy a little, but noticed how the boy warmed up to him overtime.
Vox sat on the couch his arms crossed, across from him sat a certain 7 year old boy, with soft long black hair that reached his shoulder and soft pink eyes, his lips were pursed into a pout as he sat on the floor his arms crossed.
Vox's significant other had to go shopping and decided that it would be a bright idea to get vox to watch their son while they were gone, since the boy was very much on edge whenever he got near vox lately more than usual.
Vox and his son had sat across from each other in awkward silence for about 5 minutes, vox was thinking of what to say to the pouty boy, sighing heavily before getting up to sit infornt of the boy.
"So what's the matter little guy" vox asked with a raised eyebrow looking at the boy with a soft gaze, the boy's pout grew even more as he continued to look down.
"Why did dad do to make you so upset" vox asked softly moving to pick up the boy and place him inn his lap, rubbing his back gently.
"Nothing" the boy mumbled softly looking down and twiddling his fingers, looking slightly tense, vox ruffled his soft hair and kissed his forehead.
"Come on, tell your old man what he did wrong, I promise to not do it again and apologize" vox asked, softly rubbing the boy's back.
The boy took a deep breath before moving to look up at vox with big watery eyes, vox tensing up and gripping the boy gently to reassure him.
"You hurt Dama" the boy mumbled softly, vox blinking at him slowly, so apparently his son thinks he hurt his partner.
"When?" Vox asked with a slight tilt of his head, the small boy swallowing lips quivering slightly.
"You ripped Dama's stomach open to get me out" the boy pouted starting to sniffle softly, vox's mouth was open in shock as he started to chuckle and gave the boy a hug.
"Of course not boy, I would never do that, who told you that?" Vox asked with a chuckle, the boy blinking away his tears and hugging vox back as he thought.
"My friend in school" the boy mumbles softly, vox gave him another hug, ruffling his hair gently and explaining that people at the hospital do that and that no one ripped his Dama's stomach open.
Since then vox and his son's relationship got better, vox still thinks it's the funniest thing ever, and now father and son are somehow closer than ever, but as we all know the boy's favourite is still his Dama.
Thank you for reading all support is highly appreciated ♡︎.
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lizzieislife94x · 9 months
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Jealousy (e.o)
Requested <3
 LizzieG!PxFem Reader
Requests are very much open people taking today to catch up on them and doing as many as I can so please be aware there might very well be a few updates today sorryyyyyyyyy 😌
Y/ns POV:
I step out the bathroom with my towel wrapped around me sighing in relief when the cool air of my bedroom hits my body I look at my outfit laid out on my bed and smile it's my friends birthday party tonight it's gonna be amazing I've not had a proper drink in so long I'm hella excited to drink and dance the night away I'm pulled out of my thoughts by my phone dinging I walk over and pick it up and notice a text from my friend lizzie and smile.
Lizziebear❤️: Hey y/n you're still coming to my party tonight right? I feel like I've not saw you in forever if you try and cancel I will come to your house and carry you here 😅
Me: Yeah of course I am! I just got out the shower and I'm about to start getting ready I should be at yours in the next 2/3 hours honey boo although getting carried there does sound rather fun
I giggle as I see the text dots appearing.
Lizziebear❤️: You think I won't? 😉 haha ok see you soon
I throw my phone on the bed and smile as I pull my towel up hugging it a little I pull my matching bra and panties on and grab some shorts and a baggy tee to wear while I do my hair and make up I decide to wear it curly after an hour and half I'm finally done with my hair and make up I go for natural make up I admire myself for a few seconds before I stand and walk over to my dress once it's on I smile and turn a little checking my ass out it hugs my body perfectly it looks tight but feels comfy what more could I ask for and it shows my figure perfectly, I quickly grab my phone from the charger and check the time fuck 7.30 already I call an uber before sitting on my bed and fixing my heels I grab lizzies card and gift as I head downstairs to grab a blazer incase it's cold later just as I get my blaze I get the notification my ubers here so I quickly head outside.
Lizzies POV:
"Scar I swear keep your mouth shut tonight" I say warning my friend as she giggles wiggling her eyebrows i roll my eyes and grab a drink "damn lizzie you look smoking hot in a suit" she says with a smirk "I think y/n will agree when she gets here and I bet her eyes never leave you" I quickly throw an olive at her as a warning making us both laugh it's been 20 minutes and people start to fill my house, I look around and my mouth falls open when I see y/n strut in like she owns the place I notice alot of guys and some girls watch her the same way and I can't help but feel jealous I politely excuse myself from the group of people I was with and head down towards y/n I quickly make my way through the crowd as she notices me she screams and runs to me jumping and wrapping her body around me "oh my god lizzie heyyyy happy birthday, I've missed you!!" I smile and wrap my arms around her "thank you babe and I've missed you too I'm so glad you could make it" after a min she slides down my body to get to her feet and i groan as her front rubs against my own bulge I take a step back "hey I have to go say hi to a few people that's coming in but please help yourself to drinks" and with that I go greet others. 
Y/ns POV:
I order a vodka and mixer and sit at the bar area drinking it as I feel arms wrap around me "y/n I've missed you" I smile at the voice and turn returning her hug "scar hey! I've missed you too" we spend the next hour drinking and catching up before I stood up a little tipsy "I'm going to dance" I say giggling as I head to the dance floor and start to dance after 20 minutes I head back to the bar roasting needing to have cool drink I order another vodka and mixer as a cute guy walks up to me "hey gorgeous I don't think I've seen you before I'd remember a face like that" I blush a little as we chat his hand rests on my thigh and I push it away "hey uh I'm gonna go Dance" I quickly make my way to the dance floor and start to dance as he follows, what's the harm in dancing so screw it I sway my body in time with the music as he wraps his arms around me pulling my ass against his crotch I don't pay much attention as we continue to dance his hands roam my body honestly I'm to lost in the music to care I let it take over me as I dance my heart out after god knows how many songs I step away as he continues to try and get close "it was fun dancing but that's all it was" I yell over the music I jump in surprise when I feel protective arms wrap around my waist but instantly smile and calm when I see lizzie "Jack go away keep your hands and eyes off her" I can hear her tone and it sends excitement through my body she spins me and pulls me close "oh baby what are you doing letting him touch you like that letting him grind against you like that" lizzie whisper yells into my ear sending chills up my spine as her hand rests dangerously close my ass "I oh um I was lost in the music not paying attention to him" I say honestly as she grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd of people and before I know it we're in her bedroom the loud music suddenly just muffled noise I feel her eyes burn into me as I finally get to see what she's wearing and my mouth goes dry fuck "did you like it when his hands where all over your body" she whispers as her finger tips gently run over my stomach causing my breathing to hitch "n..no I didn't know th..they where all over me" she smirks and lays her hands on my hips pulling me against her "oh baby I did I watched it all happen and I didn't like what I seen the way his hands touched you groping you the way he was pushing his tiny little dick against your ass thinking he was going to get lucky, was he baby was he going to get lucky" I gulp completely taken back by her words the things she's saying the way she got so protective its all so new but fuck me my body is reacting to her every look and word "no he wasn't mommy" I slap my hands over my mouth as she smirks "good answer baby such a good girl his little dick would never make you feel as good as mine would" the fact she has a dick isn't anything new but the thought of her fucking me just made me gush my panties are soaking "I couldn't even feel his dick when he was grinding against me"
I say honestly and before I know it I had my back pressed against her front as she started grinding against me I instinctively started to grind against her dick moaning as I could feel it getting hard against me "mhh fuck lizzie please" the words slip out and soon I feel a sting against my ass cheek "that's not my name baby" she growls into my ear "mmh fuck mommy your dick feels so big and hard" I say shyly as I feel her kissing my neck causing me to moan again "is this ok baby I need your full consent if it's not we can chill out in here and watch a movie or go back to the party" my heart melts at her words as I turn and do something I've wanted to do for so long I smash our lips together in a passionate kiss as she returns it instantly I moan when I feel her tounge run over my bottom lip and she uses the opportunity to slide her tounge in my mouth our tounges soon exploring eachothers mouths after a minute we break away when air becomes a problem "you have my full consent mommy" I say seductively as I start to slide my dress off slowly her eyes never leaving my body she pushes my hands away and starts to remove the rest of my dress soon I'm left in nothing but my bra and panties "so fucking beautiful y/n" I blush a little as my hand makes it's way to the only button holding her suit jacket closed and whimper at the site of her naked boobs she smirks and pushes the jacket off as I unbutton the suit pants they quickly join the rest of the clothes as we start to make out falling onto the best I can't help but moan when I feel her rock hard dick pressing against my clit perfectly "i need you mommy please...fuck" she groans as I beg for her she quickly removes my panties as I work on my bra by the time I look up her boxers are gone and she's naked the sight has me dripping down thigh she pushes my legs open her eyes fixed on my wet cunt I feel so shy under her gaze "so pretty and wet for me babygirl almost like im not the only one whos thought of this moment"
she grips my hips pulling me closer as she leans over taking my nipple into her mouth "fuck mommy please don't tease me" I moan loud as her dick presses against my wet entrance before I could say another word I feel her hard member stretch my walls and scream in pleasure as my back arches off the bed "fu...yes mommy d..do..don't stop" she works her hips perfectly thrusting her 9 inches in and out with ease as her head falls back "fuck baby so fucking..tight and warm" she groans as she thrusts faster and harder hitting spots no one has ever hit before "just like that mommy oh fuck s..s..so good so b..ig" I pant as my hands play with my hard nipples I feel my legs start to shake uncontrollably as her dick hits every spot it needs to inside me "fuck babygirl don't you dare cum!" She demands as my eyes snap open to her lust consuming her eyes "o..k mommy fuck" I whimper as she pounds my cunt harder the noises coming from how wet my cunt is turning us both on more "cum for me princess" she moans as she slams deep inside me both of us cumming at the same time moans and pants fill the room as she collapses ontop of me our chests rising and falling rapidly "oh my god baby" she moans into my ear as she leaves gentle kisses against my jaw after a few minutes we sit up and I blush under her stare "let's get back to the party baby but this time the only hands on you are mine princess" she smiles pulling me closer I sigh content with the contact of our bodies "ok baby" I whisper as we both get dressed and head back to the party smiles plastered on our faces as she wraps her arm around me protectively  we spent the rest of the night laughing and dancing with eachother making it the most perfect night.
AN: one request done ✔️a couple to go haha gonna leave this for an hour before the next one so I hope you like it 😊 word count just over 2k
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pinguwrites · 11 months
Kinktober 2023 | Day Twenty — Darren/Pig + vanilla, riding
Pairing -> sub!pig x dom!reader
Warnings: mild degradation, mention of masturbation, pig's sorta innocent, reader takes runt's place, reader's lowkey a little mean, very very mild dub-con (just in case 'cause they're bold with touching and not asking, but they both are into it), sorry for the shitty accent I tried, if it was really bad let me know and I'll try to make it better
Disclaimer: Disco Pigs characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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Pig looked at you miserably, feeling a sense of shame wash over him like a cold bucket of water. He hadn’t expected you to hear him, hear his monologue of how he wanted to have sex with you. He should have kept it all in his head, or made sure you weren’t in your room. How was he supposed to know you were on your bed, listening through the hole in the wall?
“Well?” you snapped. “Whaddya have to say for yourself?”
“Sorry!” Pig cried, lower lip wobbling. “M’sorry, Runt! Jus’ wanna express myself.”
What if you decided you didn’t want to be friends anymore? What if you left him? Found him disgusting and dirty? What would he do if you were gone? You were his everything. He would do anything for you. How was he supposed to convince you to stay?
“You couldn’t jus’ tell me?” you said, sitting down on the bed beside him. When he looked away you grabbed his hair and forced him to face you. “You had to be all secret-like. How many times you’ve done this before? Tell me.”
“Few times,” he admitted, trying not to stare at your lips. “Can’t stop thinking about it—me and you, Pig an’ Runt, moaning an’ touch, with my hand ‘round my cock—”
“Touching yourself, Pig?” you asked, a little surprised, but delighted nonetheless. 
If possible, Pig looked even more miserable. “Yes, ma’am.”
You almost wanted to laugh. Pig only called you “ma’am” when he thought you were mad at him, which, to be fair, you were making it seem like you were. It was just so fun teasing him, the poor little thing. You couldn’t resist. 
“Show me,” you demanded, looking down at the area between his legs. “I wanna see your cock.”
With no questions, he immediately unzipped his pants and pulled it out. It was thick and white, soft at the moment, but you could see it growing hard in his hands. You touched it, without asking for permission—he would’ve let you, anyways—and tugged on it, making him whimper.
“Ah, be nice, won’t ya’? Please, Runt.”
“Am being nice. Wanna see me, too?”
Pig’s eyes widened with excitement. “Yes, yes.” His hands went to your skirt and he pulled it up, shoving your panties down so quickly and smoothly you were sure he’d thought about doing this before. 
He bent over and took a whiff, then pressed his finger through your folds. “Smell good,” he commented. “Feel good, too. Little hole.” He wiggled his finger right above your entrance, but you pushed him away, making him frown. “Still mad? No, don’t be mad. Said sorry, yeah? Said sorry and you feel okay now. Right?”
He tried to push back inside but you pushed him away again, and this time, to make clear he got the message, tugged on his cock again. “Just wanna put my finger inside Runt’s hole! You up an’ teasin’ me . . .”
He pulled away completely, accepting your decision. He didn’t dare go against you a third time, not when he was so vulnerable in front of you, so embarrassed, with tears wetting his eyes. 
“Crying now?” you laughed, not bothering to keep it in this time. 
“Too much,” he whined. His cock was now fully hard, with some liquid leaking out the top. 
You shoved him down on the bed, making it slap against his stomach. He waited to see what you were going to do, almost worried, but then you sank his tip into your pussy, and he moaned, lips spread wide in happiness.
“Yes! S’nice. Warm,” he choked. “Need’a see Runt’s tits.”
He groped your chest, feeling for your tits. You didn’t stop him. You were enjoying his touch, and was far too focused on easing the pain you felt as you sunk yourself deeper onto his cock.
Eventually, the stinging feeling subsided, and you started moving, slowly and sensually, with your hands on his body, eyes fluttered shut in pleasure.
“Should’a done this sooner, Pig,” you said. “Could’a felt ya’ inside me, all big an’ hard.”
He nodded, dazed.
You rode him, without a care in the world that his mom could walk into his room at any moment, without caring that the bedroom window was cracked open with the lamp inside turned on. All there was was him and you—Pig an’ Runt, the way it was meant to be.
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lovebotmo · 2 months
like the movies
chapter six - early morning quidditch
series masterlist
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pairing: theodore nott x reader
wc: 1370
author's note: so...
it's been a couple of months...i would like to formally apologize for the delay. i graduated from university and am currently studying for grad school entry exams while working!! i appreciate you guys' patience and kind messages. i hope you enjoy this next installment!!! thanks xx
also i had a bunch of people ask about the taglist so pls if i missed you lmk!!!!
song inspiration: dreams by the cranberries
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The next morning, you found yourself trudging towards the quidditch pitch with Hannah and Hermione in tow. Autumn was making a grand show of her arrival. The forest surrounding Hogwarts’ vast grounds was already bleeding into warm reds and oranges. Crisp air bit at the ruddy cheeks of Hogwarts students buzzing with excitement at the first match of the season.
As beautiful as it was, it was also nippy, and you were starting to regret having foregone your outerwear. Your admirable, but ultimately stupid, decision to wear your maroon and gold sweater in support of Gryffindor without a jacket resulted in chattering teeth and your palms’ frantic attempts to rub warmth back into your body.
“If I ever decide I need to be so school spirited again, bonk me over the head, will you?”
Hannah laughed at your ridiculous request as you trod together towards the stands. “I hardly think that will be necessary.”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you hunched over in a vain attempt to contain your quickly dissipating body heat. “I think my fingers might actually freeze off, Han. Are my lips turning blue?” You turned to the blonde, playfully pursing your lips.
Hannah grasped your chin, giving your mouth a quick glimpse before a grim expression overtook her face. “Looks like you’ve got a bad case of frostbite. Might need to amputate, honestly.” You gasped in mock horror.
Another gust of autumnal wind had you cringing at the chill. “My nipples could cut through diamonds, right about now,” you muttered. That had Hannah pealing over with laughter.
Hermione rolled her eyes. “Enough with the dramatics. You’ll be warmer once we’re in the stands.”
You shuffled closer to Hannah as you began to walk up the countless flights of stairs of the stands, grasping her arm in yours and intending to steal her body heat. “You’re no fun, ‘Mione.” She ignored you.
“Don’t you worry,” Hannah said, moving her arm out of your grasp to pull you in by the shoulder. “I’ll keep you nice and warm,” she giggled, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
“My knight in shining armor!” You exclaimed, clasping your hands to your chest and batting your lashes at her in faux flirtation.
Behind you, Hermione groaned. “It’s too bloody early to be dealing with you two.”
You and Hannah quickly wrapped Hermione in your fold, trying to alleviate the sour mood of your dear friend. Finally, she gave you a reluctant grin. “Alright, alright, let’s just get a spot in the stands before they’re all gone, hm?”
“Yes ma’am.”
The three of you eventually found seats beside the Patil twins who had also come to cheer on the Gryffindor team. Parvati seemed surprised at your arrival.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you, Y/n. You’re not usually one for early morning quidditch.”
Parvati wasn’t wrong. You took sleeping in on the weekends very seriously, considering how little you got to once the school year got into the swing of things.
You shrugged, “You know, it’s our seventh year—have to enjoy it while I can, yeah?”
Not that a certain Slytherin was counting on your appearance or anything.
Parvati seemed to squint the slightest bit, as if sensing your response wasn’t the whole truth.
“Besides,” you said, bumping her shoulder with yours, “I’ve decided to grace the masses with my presence. I’m all about being generous.” Parvati let out a shocked breath before giving you a shoulder bump of her own.
“Whatever you say.”
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As with any match between the rival houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin, underhanded moves, bodychecks, and downright filthy maneuvers characterized the playing strategy of both teams. Tensions were high across the pitch and within the stands as everyone watched with bated breath and barely contained excitement to see which team would beat out the other. Lee Jordan’s voice occasionally rang out over the enchanted speakers announcing fouls and goals as blips of green and red crossed your vision. You could hardly make any of them out as they whooshed past and left you colder than ever.
If my mum were here, I’d never hear the end of not bringing a coat.
You continued to fitfully shiver as you tried to discern the players, looking out for Harry and Ginny amongst others. The one player you could definitively make out was the Slytherin keeper nearest to where you sat, who was none other than your Potions partner. It made sense that Theo was a keeper, considering Ron’s particular dislike for the Italian.
Ron was many things, but subtle was not one of them.
Despite being decked out in your house’s colors, you couldn’t help but cheer internally each time Theo skillfully deterred Gryffindor chasers attempting to score. There was a certain degree of elegance to his athleticism. It was calculating and methodical, but aggressive all the same. He was well suited to Slytherin. Theo belonged on the quidditch pitch.
He looked…good out there.
As if sensing your gaze from the stands, Theo’s eyes trailed over before settling on you. Meeting his stare, you gave a small smile and sent a small wave, keeping your other arm tucked into your body for warmth. He flashed a grin that you could only describe as roguish, before his attention was drawn back to the game. Katie Bell was rearing toward him, careening with the crimson quaffle in tow. Cutting through the air, Theo dodged an incoming bludger before swatting the leather-covered quaffle with his broom head away from the tiered goal hoops. As his teammates caught the quaffle and raced in the opposite direction, that heavy gaze of his returned to you. His mirthful eyes almost seemed to say, “Did you see that?”
You did. You saw him.
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210-130. The final score reflected Gryffindor’s unexpected triumph over Slytherin, thanks to Harry’s innate talent as a Seeker. Despite Slytherin having a lead on Gryffindor for the entirety of the game, Draco had let the snitch slip through his grasp, leading the team to a rough and irritating defeat. Around you, the crowd was in an uproar, raucously celebrating Gryffindor’s victory, setting the tone for the oncoming quidditch season. You cheered with Hermione and Parvati by your side, clapping for your friends on the team and their exciting win. Soon, you were all clambering down onto the wet green of the pitch, awaiting the team’s reappearance.
Huddling into the warmth of Parvati’s side, you and your friends recounted the best moments of the match.
“Can you believe that early save by Ron? I swear, I thought Pucey was going to take his head clean off.” Hermione exclaimed.
“Worried over Ron, are we?” teased Hannah, prompting a shove from Hermione.
“I’m allowed to worry about my best friend, aren’t I?”
“Oh, so that’s what he is, hm?” questioned Padma to your right, who, anticipating Hermione’s incoming push, deftly avoided it. Hermione glared.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at your friends’ antics, gaze trailing over the field swarming with students, professors, and the like. A group of green crossed your vision, the Slytherin team reemerging from their changing rooms, looking absolutely miffed. Theo’s head was turned toward the ground, eyebrows furrowed in what you had no doubt was a sour expression.
Poor Theo—he must be absolutely gutted.
You tried to make eye contact with him, but now he was avoiding your eyes, squaring his shoulders as he plodded away from the pitch, alone. The sight was all too familiar, reminding you of that day in Hogsmeade.
Someone should go after him…right?
You shifted your feet, unsure, before speaking to your friends, “Hey guys, I’m going to—” Your next words were interrupted by Ginny’s arm circling over your shoulder and her excited holler, reanimating the crowd into shouts of victory. The Gryffindor team was back. As your friends cheered and swarmed around you, the sight of Theo’s back disappeared from your vision, lost in a crowd of crimson and gold. Soon, you were being moved along with the rest of Gryffindor house and friends back to the common room to celebrate the first victory of the season. You took one last look in the direction the Slytherin keeper went, before moving along with your friends.
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taglist: @melllinaa, @randomgurl2326, @lovelyygirl8, @abaker74, @mypolicemanharryyy, @vanevafu, @laceandsuch, @agent-tempest, @themarauderswife7, @adoraspace, @spencerreidsthings, @crimsntwlip, @readingthingsonhere, @sbrn0905, @violet2022, @aemiliazzz, @hoeforvinniehackerrr, @chgrch, @the-sylver-dragon, @ahead-fullofdreams, @thoughtfultrashcolor, @valenftcrush, @shereadsandcries, & @teslaraven20
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