#will NOT be talking about my stint in the em see you fandom
fragilecapric0rnn · 2 years
it’s MY sleepover and I get to force the asks on you!! what are some fandoms you were in before st?
FINE! I will have fun and participate in the sleepover weekend festivities 😳
just for some context: my experience with fandoms pre-st were... fine? i never really made strong connections with anyone in them or interacted with mutuals as much. i was always kinda lurking in the shadows and reading fic and rbing fandom posts but never really participating like i am now. this is definitely the most fun and most comfortable i have ever felt in a fandom space <3
One Direction (2013 - 2017 (some may argue it never leaves you)) - oh. my boys. it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. i lied, i totally still have a friend/mutual that i still keep in touch with from these days that my sister met on twitter in 2013. ANYWAY not much to say other than the brainrot was semi-cured by the breakup but i will be a louis girl till the day i die.
The 100 (late 2014 - late 2017) - LOVED the fics. GREAT fics that came from this fandom. left/fell off when the show just became unwatchable TO ME. no hate to anyone who stayed longer, it just crossed my Bullshit Threshold (which is pretty low considerign i am a st fan LOL). Also Minty was MY ship for the longest time and will ALWAYS be bitter that they made Miller gay and Minty NOT canon *throwing tomatoes throwing tomatoes*.
Star Wars (little kid sen - old lady sen) - THIS ONE. This is my ride or die. I will love star wars until i am in the ground. BUT i was sent death threats on twitter in 2017 for defending tlj and after that pulled back from participating in fandom as much. still read fics and cheered ppl on from the sidelines on here. *blows a kiss to the sky for poe dameron*
Honorable mentions:
Timeless (2016-2018) - the NBC show that lasted 2 seasons but had the most UNNECESSARILY good fics and the BEST fandom bloggers holy shit. i am still shook by a fic i read back in those days. it was sadly cancelled before it's time, no matter how many petitions i signed or letters i wrote to execs that summer of 2018 :/
Revolution (2012 - 2014) - ANOTHER 2 season NBC show that was cancelled before it should have been!!! i was a freshman in high school when i found this fandom, the show was airing on tv at the time, and it was the fandom that i think introduced me to the Basics of Fan Spaces which is really special to me. i also remember reading fic on ff.net for this show which is awesome lolol.
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nomouthtospeakof · 3 years
Character meta The Iron Bull!
THE BOY I GET TO TALK ABOUT THE BOY (thank you for the ask!)
as an apology for taking a little while (and also for rambling) i'll add on a song that reminds me a lot of bull, specifically his stint in seheron: TOOL - Lateralus (aka the only TOOL song i know lmao)
How I feel about this character
bull is just a... fantastically nuanced character. and he's so fucking heartbreaking. he was twisted from a thoughtful, compassionate child, always ready to help, a tama's boy, to a hot-and-cold-blooded killer who (maybe literally) gets off on overpowering and dominating his enemies... but he never really lost ashkaari to hissrad. nor does he lose either to the iron bull, even after betraying the qun. he has ashkaari's kindness, hissrad's fury, and the iron bull's open-mindedness. he's just so multifaceted - he wars with himself and his ideology constantly, he struggles to do what's right despite how what he feels is right and what he "knows" is right often conflict. and if the dreadnought is sacrificed, he is facing his worst fear - madness, specifically the madness that lurks within the shadows of himself - for the people he loves and the family he’s made, knowing he might die for it.
he blames himself for so much, he's angry and he internalizes a lot of it because it's easier than turning blame towards the only way of life he's ever known, but he tries. so fucking hard. and GOD okay i have to stop i love him too much. he's adorable and funny and sweet and a tiny bit terrifying but also he's SO incredibly safe feeling. comfort character all the way.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
adoribull is definitely one of my top da ships - him and dorian just mirror each other so well, they have similar enough problems that they're able to sympathize while conflicting only a little bit (just enough for angst <3) and they compliment each other with their strengths - bull's patience, willingness to listen, and ability to see through emotional walls; dorian's passion, loyalty, and readiness to apologize; plus how deeply compassionate both of them are underneath all the blood and bluster. not to mention how they're both exploring a relationship like this for the first time... i love em.
other than that? i don't have any main ones - i'm more into how two characters interact with each other than romance itself - but iron lion/bullen is a guilty pleasure of mine.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
bull's interactions with sera and viv are both super fun and cute. him and krem (plus the rest of the chargers) are absolutely fantastic too - that sense of found family, that sense of mutual sacrifice and devotion and loyalty and how they're just a bunch of misfits, it's so good. but also, thinking about him and young gatt, or him and vasaad bonding with each other to survive the horrors of seheron, makes me soft. i really wanna write something about that sort of thing some day.
My unpopular opinion about this character
i'm bad at knowing when an opinion's unpopular so... this isn't so much of an unpopular opinion as it is just an observation i haven't seen anyone else make?
it seems really interesting how a lot of the traits and behaviors bull shows line up... surprisingly well with symptoms of ASPD? the ability to turn empathy on and off is the most notable one, but there’s a lot. plus, bull's deep fear of turning mad and hurting someone he loves because of what the qun's taught about tal-vashoth sounds relatable to what i've heard from many people with PD's (especially ASPD): that they often struggle with the idea that they're a violent monster because that's what society has taught them, even if they've never hurt anyone and don't want to.
i'm not saying bull necessarily has ASPD, most of these behaviors were taught to him as a teen/young adult - it’s just an interesting parallel. i’d be super interested to hear what someone who actually has ASPD thinks of it, since i don’t have any personal experience myself.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i wish that his personal quest didn't have us entirely choosing for him. it makes it feel less like the choice to sacrifice the dreadnought for the chargers is about bull seizing his own agency, and more like it's about how eager he is to be obedient to something (or someone) other than the qun. which... is fine! but that's not how the story frames it, so it feels very odd. also it’s fun to explore gender through bull since basically no matter what he does he’s gnc in both human and qunari society BUT that’s more something i look to fandom for than canon.
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sabraeal · 3 years
Provocateur, Prologue
[Read on AO3]
Written for @krispy-kream in honor of her birthday. Many years ago, back when I first joined fandom, I came up with the idea for an Obi Works For Izana AU, and both Sharon and I ended up writing small pieces of a much larger whole. And now FINALLY...I’m actually writing the very beginning 🤣
When it comes down to it, in terms of area and amenities, the royal dungeons has some of his last few flats beats.
There’s light, for one. He’s never liked basement apartments-- he’d take a stifling attic room over a place with only one exit any day-- but the windows here are high up on the wall, enough that he can watch the sun paint his cell floor as the hours pass. They’re ground level, at least by the foot traffic outside of ‘em, and with how loud these guards gossip, he’ll know whose girlfriends are pregnant and who’s nursing a nasty boil by shift change. Just like sitting in a tavern for a few hours, only with less ale.
There’s a cot too, straw-stuffed and a little too soft, with a blanket that doesn’t even itch. Seems like it might be warm too, for when the nights get cold. Not that he has an intention of testing out that particular hunch.
The guard down the hall is decent in the way authority figures never are; when he calls out to ask where his piss bucket is, the man-- boy? It’s hard to tell beneath those helmets-- ushers him down a hall to a water closet, and when he pops out, reminds him to take care to wash his hands. He’s prompt about mealtime too; when supper comes, the man says to expect three square and leaves him with with a dinner that would put most publicans to shame.
All in all, this isn’t the worst trouble he’s gotten himself into. Worlds better than that stint he’d had in Eurikenna’s gaol. Or that night in Port City.
Still, he’s got no plans to linger. No point in sticking around for a punishment when he's got no interest in redemption. But he’s got a prince to wait for.
Oh, His Highness might say he’s above getting his hands dirty, might look down that noble nose at a man like him who makes his living in trade, but he’d seen his look. Not the first, when his little mistress was watching, all puffed cheeks and disapproving brow, but the second, that glance over his shoulder as the Big Man frogmarched a dirty rat down into the dungeons.
That one was a man who had found the right tool for the job. Hands don’t stay clean without gloves to cover them, especially if they mean to hold a mistress who collects trouble like some ladies collect hairpins. If he wants to keep his side piece quiet, it’s only a matter of time before he’ll have to make a statement. And nothing says don’t touch what’s mine like a few accidents. All he has to do is wait out a royal conscience.
The light fades as he waits, just the last stretch of dusky light yawning on the sill. It’s almost time for all good little princes to be in bed, but this one-- this one will be working instead. The hand that grabbed him had been stained with ink and calluses both; the kind of man who longed for action but was stuck behind a desk. He’ll be up late, managing men and supplies miles away on paper, but in his head--
Oh, in his head, he’ll be thinking about the man he’s left to rot in the dungeons. The one that might be just the right fit for what he needs, for the jobs he can’t give that giant or the pretty girl at his side. It’s the sort of idea that’ll eat at him when the lamps are low and the night is quiet, and oh, how a conscience can gnaw when there’s no more work to feed it. There’s a reason he’s never idle. Not usually, at least.
He casts a long glance down the silent hall; the guard sits at his table, log book spread in front of him, another smaller one laid atop. A novel, by the slack-jawed look that’s slapped across his face. In Eurikenna, his reputation had preceded him, and they’d bound him hand and foot, bolting his wrists to the wall and his feet to the bench. Viande had put him in a cell with a single window and stone on all sides, his only escape leading into a moat rumored to be prowled by sharks.
Here he has a single guard and bars he could probably squeeze through if he skipped a meal or two. It’s insulting to be so underestimated-- or it would be, if he wasn’t already planning to stay. He’s paid out his room at the inn for a week; a few days to enjoy the impeccable food and passable mattress he’s got here won’t hurt-- just as long as he makes it back before the innkeep tosses all his worldly goods in the gutter. And if he does need to make a quick escape--
Well, it’s hardly the first time he’s slipped the noose. But it won’t come to that. Younger Highness is on the hook.
The door to the dungeon clanks open; it’s a softer sound, barely loud enough for him to hear, but he hasn’t made a name for himself by being the sort of person who only hears what he ought. The guard’s gone-- book too-- and his hand itches to have something that ends with a point in it. He should have known, this was all too easy.
A shrouded figure sweeps through the threshold, prowling with the easy confidence only men born to power possessed-- or a professional. His hands flexed, too empty. He’s a loose end, an embarrassing stain on a proud man’s reputation, and there’s only one thing to do with that-- rub it out.
“You’re not the prince,” he says, keeping his voice even, maybe a bit petulant. Boldness wins a bluff; all he needs is time. Just a second, a hesitation--
Which he gets; the figure’s boots scuffing to a stop. Its head cocks, curious. “Is that so?”
It’s a man’s voice, higher than he expects, but resonant. The sort that people listen to when they’re not looking for a way out. The sort that won’t care for a man turning his back on it.
“You’re too tall.” He saunters to his cot, the mattress sinking under his weight. Not quite the attitude he’d been hoping for, but close enough. Gives him enough time to realize his cloaked friend isn’t talking-- no, instead he catches the barest tremble of cloth before a gloved hand tugs it smooth.
“How...astute,” the man hums, a strange lift kicking that first vowel before he smooths that out too. Everything about this man is slick, from the shine of his boots to the way he says, “That must be the observational skills that tempted even the marquis to hire you.”
His grin flicks into a grimace, but habit wipes that all clean before he says, “I wasn’t hired by anyone. Just wanted to...advertise my skills. In case anyone with a fat wallet found themselves needing a problem taken care of.”
Another pause, this one heavier. “And this girl seemed like a likely target?”
“A commoner nosing around a prince?” A laugh huffs out of him. “What about that isn’t a problem? At least when it’s a lady, she doesn’t have pockets that need filling, but some little herbalist girl? There’s a long way between lady slippers and slippers for a lady. And not everyone wants to kiss hems to get a mistress in their pocket.”
Not when it’s just as like to be covered in mud. If there’s one thing he’s learned about these bluebloods, it’s that they only suck up, not down.
The shroud shifts, arms folding across a chest too slender to be called broad, and shoulders too wide to be scrawny. Lithe, perhaps, the perfect size to slip through a man’s guard.
“The job is over, you know.” Boot heels clack as the man draws closer, just enough to see a defined chin beneath the shadows of his hood. “There’s no need for all this cloak and dagger. Haruka has already confessed to the crown that he was the one to hire you.”
His fingers flex behind his head, longing for something besides bristle to cross his palms. “Don’t know why he’s going through all the trouble. I don’t know him.”
This isn’t his first interrogation, but it’s certainly the slowest. The man stands silently outside the bars, a single finger lying along his diamond-cut jawline. No questions, no speculation, just a shadow staring out of a hood, observing. This must be what it’s like to be boiled alive; put in the pot when it’s barely a simmer, the heat raising so gradually that it’s not until his chest is near bursting to speak, to fill the silence, that he knows he’s been cooked.
“What would you have done?” the man says, finally. “If you had your way with the girl.”
The girl who, in the face of danger, tore an arrow from the wall rather than run. “Nothing permanent.”
What little he can see of the shroud’s mouth curves. “How very vague. So many unpleasant things only take a moment.”
“The job was to scare her off,” he admits, wondering why his belly quivered in his gut. There’s bars between them, and his hands are faster than any nob’s, no matter how good the costume. But still, his muscles lay coiled against his bones, ready to strike. “Seduce her, if she seemed...amenable. Bribe her if she didn’t.”
“And what then?” It’s a quicker response than he expects, but the man isn’t agitated-- far from it, he’s never seemed calmer. “If the girl proved impervious to your more...gentle measures.”
There’s a question in that, one the shroud won’t voice. But he hears it, loud in his ears as a bell’s gong.
“I’ve killed before,” he says, each word on thin ice. “And I still sleep at night.” Barely. “I could have done it again.”
“But would you?”
For once, he hesitates. Imagines looking into those bright eyes, the ones that flamed so fiercely in defiance, and with the flick of a wrist, snuffing them out.
“It’d be a waste.” His hands tremble where they cradle his head, a command he hasn’t given them. This is the last thing he needs right now, losing control. “That girl’s got a lot of pluck. And if rumors around the pharmacy are right, a lot of brains too. Besides, bodies make more talk than bribes.”
“That they do.” There’s a lilt to those words, almost amused. “You know, you called it a job. Implying that you received compensation for your services.”
It’s a sting to realize he’s slipped. “Doesn’t mean it was the marquis.”
“It certainly doesn’t,” the man agrees, and if this room weren’t so dark, if this conversation wasn’t so serious-- well, he’d be tempted to say this guy is laughing at him. “Do you have a name?”
He turns to him real slow-like, one utterly dubious brow arched toward the guard’s register. “You want me to believe you can’t read?”
That shadow of a mouth lifts again. “Am I to believe a man of your skill gave your birth name to the royal guard?”
His mouth cocks into a grin. “You must if you think I’m gonna give it to you.”
The man comes closer still, one gloved hand wrapping around his bars. He’s visible to the tip of his nose; a long, patrician one.
“Of course. But you must have something you would like to be called.” His lips-- bowed, the most fashionable in Clarines’ court-- twitch toward a smile, but fall perilously short. “An alias, if you will.”
“Obi.” It’s too short, too quick, but already he likes it. It’s a more playful name than he’s had in a long while. Easy to lose, too, if he needs it.
“Well then, Obi.” His arm rests over one of the cross bars of his cell. “I believe I have a proposition for you.”
“Haah.” He hops to his feet, hoping to seize the high ground. “I appreciate the interest, but I’m already waiting on an offer.”
To say the hood recoiled would be an overstatement, it merely pulls back, barely more than an inch. “An offer?”
“Well, maybe more like...I have prospects.” Obi restrains his grin to little more than a twitch. “I just gotta see if they’ll pan out.”
The hood stills, thoughtful. “What if I could guarantee you a better offer?”
“You couldn’t.”
The man hums, amusement changing his pitch. “I quite sure I could.”
“Nah.” Obi shakes his head, almost wishing it weren’t so. This guy seems like he could be real fun, if he got his hands on his reins. “I don’t think so.”
“Please.” He opens a hand; an invitation. “Try me.”
“Fine.” There’s nothing to lose by telling, besides some face, if he’s wrong. Which Obi knows he’s not. “I got a feeling the next guy through that door’ll be His Highness.”
The man rocks back, like he’s been hit. “Zen? You think...?”
Obi expects some bargaining, some disbelief, maybe even some haggling, but--
He does not expect the laugh.
“Oh,” the man coughs, lifting a hand as if he might wipe tears from his eyes. “I promise you, I can give you a...far more attractive offer.”
Now that’s a rich one. “What could be better than a second prince?”
The man’s hand raises past his eyes, right to the edge of his hood. With the barest flick of his fingers, the cloth falls back, baring bright gold and Wisteria blue.
“Why,” drawls His Highness Izana Wisteria, crown prince, soon to be first of his name, “the first.”
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moonlight-breeze-44 · 4 years
Em’s Febuwhump 2021 Masterlist
Hey, guys! So, as some of you may know, I participated in Febuwhump this year! I didn’t manage to complete all 28 days, but I did complete 21. I worked with multiple fandoms, but mainly Shadowhunters and Leverage. All pairings, fandoms, ratings, and warnings will be noted. <3 With that, let’s get on to the masterlist! 
Em’s Febuwhump 2021
1. reveilles toi, mon amour | Supergirl | Prompt: coma | Rated: Teen | Alex/Maggie & minor Kara/Lena | Hospitals, experimental drug, comatose character | Happy ending |
Alex is in a coma. The only way to save her life is to let Lena Luthor give her an experimental drug that's never been tested on humans before. Maggie is less than happy with this, but the younger Danvers sister assures her that she has nothing to be worried about.
2. Rooftop Promises | Shadowhunters | Prompt: “I can’t take this anymore” | Rated: Teen | Alec/Magnus | Self-worth issues, suicide note, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt | Happy/hopeful ending |
After they break up over the Soul Sword, Alec sends Magnus a voicemail suicide note. Luckily, Magnus is there to make sure he doesn't follow through with it.
3. A Soldier’s Promise | Leverage | Prompt: imprisonment | Rated: Teen | Hardison/Eliot/Parker | Minor self-esteem issues, imprisonment, guilt | Happy/hopeful ending 
After he and Parker wind up in adjacent prison cells, Eliot realises that he's been wasting precious time and makes a promise to himself. And, though they don't know it yet, it's a promise to Parker and Hardison, as well.
4. Closer for It | Shadowhunters | Prompt: truth serum | Rated: Teen | No pairings | Past child abuse, manipulation, non-consensual use of a truth serum, emotional/psychological abuse | Happy/hopeful ending | 
After a Circle member doses Alec with a truth serum, a few shocking revelations come to light and Alec realises that he & his siblings, blood-related or not, have a bond that can never be broken.
5. Angel | The Mortal Instruments | Prompt: “Take me instead” | Rated: Teen | Alec/Magnus | Canon character death, grief/mourning, guilt | Happy/hopeful ending |
After Max's death, Alec retreats to a nearby hill and prays to the Angel to bring his brother back. Magnus makes sure he understands that he doesn't need to hide how he feels, and that he's never alone as long as Magnus is around.
6. some nights, there are no fights | Shadowhunters | Prompt: insomnia | Rated: Teen | Background Alec/Magnus | No warnings | Happy ending | 
Alec finds an ally in Raphael while walking the city one sleepless night.
7. Enkeli Tyttö | Leverage | Prompt: “I can’t lose you, too” | Rated: Teen | Parker/Eliot (QPR) | Mentions of past violence (including gun violence and murder), self-hatred | Happy/hopeful ending |
After the shootout with Moreau's goons in the warehouse, Eliot has a hard time dealing with the fallout. Parker is there to help.
8. Home | Leverage | Prompt: “Hey, hey, this is no time to sleep” | Rated: Gen | Hardison/Eliot/Parker | No warnings | Happy ending |
While they're doing surveillance for a con, Parker thinks about Eliot & Hardison, and she comes to the conclusion that they are her home.
9. Blue Eyes and Blonde Hair | Shadowhunters & Leverage crossover | Prompt: hostage situation | Rated: Teen | No pairings | Mentions of/allusions to past torture, hostage situation, violence, blood & injury | Happy/hopeful ending |
When Alec and Jace are being held hostage and tortured by the Circle, they receive help from two unlikely sources.
10. Silent Angels | Shadowhunters | Prompt: “I’m sorry, I didn’t know” | Rated: Mature | No pairings | Rape/non-con, molestation/pedophilia, PTSD symptoms & flashbacks, panic attack, references to underage drinking, implied/referenced self-harm | No happy ending |
Alec usually likes silence. He never has all that much to say, anyway. But sometimes silence can be stifling. Sometimes silence is laden with secrets and ghosts that haunt him no matter what he does, and sometimes silence means not that he doesn't have anything to say, but that he's too trapped to know the right words.
11. we’re able to be just you and me (within these walls) | Leverage | Prompt: “Please come back” | Rated: Teen | Hardison/Eliot/Parker (QPR) | References to past violence, scars, brief mention/allusion to foster care system abuse | Happy ending |
After the events of The Carnival Job, Hardison & Parker talk to Eliot about kids, and it leads to something Eliot never would have expected.
12. Shades of Shame | Shadowhunters | Prompt: “Don’t try to pin this on me” | Rated: Teen | Alec/Magnus | Self-harm, references to depression | Happy/hopeful ending | 
After a hard day, Alec goes home to Magnus and they have a much-needed talk about Alec's self-harm.
13. Support | Shadowhunters | Prompt: hiding injury | Rated: Teen | No pairings | Canon-typical violence, hiding injuries, implied self-harm | Hopeful ending |
It’s been a rough week. Alec is dealing. But when things go a little too far, he needs some support from a trusted friend.
14. Rough Around the Edges | Leverage | Prompt: “I didn’t mean it” | Rated: Mature | Hardison/Eliot/Parker | Trauma, mentions of past violence (including murder and gun violence), guilt, self-hatred, mentions of panic attacks and flashbacks | Happy/hopeful ending |
Eliot is learning how to ask for help. It’s hard, but luckily, Parker and Hardison are great teachers.
15. hold me tight tonight | Leverage | Prompt: “Run. Don’t look back” | Rated: Mature | Hardison/Eliot/Parker, can be read as platonic | Nightmares, past violence (including gun violence, murder, and child murder), self-esteem issues, trauma, guilt | Happy/hopeful ending |
Sometimes the dark is a little too dark, and everyone needs a hand to hold in order to make it through the night.
Or, 5 times the OT3 shared a bed.
16. born like this (i hate this) | Shadowhunters | Prompt: broken bones | Rated: Teen | No pairings | Self-harm, broken bones, guilt, self-hatred, internalized homophobia | Hopeful ending |
Alec is in charge of a mission that goes wrong, and Jace inadvertently makes the situation worse. Alec just wants to be normal, but he's not and he never has been.
17. as long as you’re here with me | Leverage | Prompt: field surgery | Rated: Teen | No pairings | Canon-typical violence, blood & injury, stitches, amateur/field surgery | Happy/hopeful ending |
Eliot gets injured on the job and needs stitches. He trusts Parker more than he trusts any doctor, but Parker isn't so sure he should. 
18. kiss on your lips when you’re in my arms | Leverage | Prompt: “I can’t see” | Rated: Teen | Hardison/Eliot/Parker (QPR, fic focuses on Hardison/Eliot) | Trauma, mild guilt, phobias | Happy ending | 
Some wounds take time to heal, but luckily for Hardison, out of old wounds sometimes come new beginnings.
Or, I tried to write an angsty post-The Grave Danger Job fic, and it somehow turned into the OT3 getting together.
19. Universal Love | Shadowhunters | Prompt: sleep deprivation | Rated: Gen | Alec/Magnus, Jace/Oberon/Qinemru | No warnings | Happy ending |
Alec is working late one night when he really should be sleeping, but luckily, he has a parabatai who’s anxious to get Alec home to Magnus so he can go home to his own partners. 
20. you’re just too good to be true | Leverage | Prompt: time travel | Rated: Teen | Hardison/Eliot | Imprisonment, mentions of past imprisonment/capture, guilt | Hopeful ending |
After a rather impulsive stint with Hardison's new time travel machine, Parker, Eliot, and Hardison find themselves trapped in an underground prison, courtesy of Eliot's old friends. Eliot feels responsible, but Hardison is there to make sure he knows he's not.
21. if love is what you need (a soldier I will be) | Leverage | Prompt: torture | Rated: Mature | Hardison/Eliot/Parker | Torture, blood & injury, imprisonment/capture, broken bones, extreme (but brief) violence, mentions of past violence, attempted rape/non-consensual touching | Happy/hopeful ending |
Eliot is being held and tortured by a man with a personal vendetta against him, and the stakes increase tenfold when Parker and Hardison are captured, as well.
~ ~ ~
I hope you enjoy these, and thank you so much for reading! <3
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nanoland · 3 years
Ponder on the Narrow House
fandom: Lucifer
main characters: Mazikeen, Eve, Michael
pairings: Mazikeen/Eve/Michael 
summary: In which Mazikeen isn't finished with Michael yet. 
warnings: Violence, gun violence, trauma, dehumanization, outdoor sex. 
In 2019, Fodor’s had crowned LAX the worst airport on Planet Earth, comparing it – much to Mazikeen’s amusement – to Dante Alighieri’s Hell.
She couldn’t comment on the comparison’s accuracy; she’d never read Divina Comedia. Human poetry bored her.
Up against the real thing, however? Hell was quieter, cleaner, and smelt better than Los Angeles International, and it wasn’t even close.
Granted, Mazikeen was biased. Hell was her home and she liked it quite a lot. But surely even a human – even an angel – would sooner take a stint in one of Lucifer’s loops than spend more than thirty minutes in Terminal 3.
Yet there he was, leaning against the wall, watching the bustling crowd with a faint smile on his face, like a man in the park resting his eyes on the ducks. Perfectly content.
“Do you know,” he said as she approached him, “that around forty percent of all humans are scared of flying?” 
She hadn’t been sure how this encounter would go and, being innately practical, had dressed accordingly. Black satin skirt, flattering and loose enough to both conceal several demon daggers (invisible to the full-body scanner she’d just sauntered through) and not impede her reaction time in a fight. Red silk wrap blouse, easily unwrapped to serve as a garrotte or tourniquet. Hair down, curled, dyed pitch black with bronze-gold streaks – possibly a tactical disadvantage if he grabbed it, but possibly a distraction. She knew he liked her hair.
When she was satisfied he wasn’t about to lunge for her throat, she took a gamble and moved in to lean against the wall alongside him, following his gaze. “Not surprising. Think of it from their perspective. They don’t have wings. Actually – huh. I guess that’s a perspective you can sympathise with now.”
He sneered. “You’re trying to bait me, Miss Mazikeen. That’s cute. But I’m not in the mood, dollface. This? This is me time. I’ve had a shitty few days and I came here specifically to soak up these idiot mortals’ fear and chill out. Get lost. Go play with my twin if you’re so starved for entertainment.”
Mazikeen stretched. “That’s the problem. He’s hanging out with the rest of your lousy family. Gabriel. Raziel. Jophiel. Now that he’s in charge, they’re all trying to crawl up his ass. It’s pathetic. And annoying.”
His jaw clenched and she knew exactly what he was thinking: ‘That should have been me.’
“Also,” she added, after a pause, “they don’t like me. Most of them have never met a demon. There’s no outright hostility but… they talk to me like I’m some gross exotic pet Lucifer found and adopted.”
“They’re afraid of you.”
“Nope. I’m wrong about some things. Never about fear. They can tell how much you matter to him, how much he’d do for you and vis versa, and it scares them shitless. Chloe Decker they can understand – she was Dad’s gift, after all. You, though? Lucy was never supposed to love you. No one was.”
She fiddled with her earring; big, gold, shaped like a swallow with rubies dotting its tail feathers. A gift from Eve. “Whatever. Anyway, that’s why I’m here. With you. Instead of them. You’re the worst, most obnoxious, most cowardly creep ever. I mean it. Christ, do you suck. But you always talked to me like I was a person. Right from the beginning.”
Ugliness flared behind his eyes. “Seriously? Now you’re being nice? Lucifer sent his general to console me? Ha! That’s how pitiful he thinks I am?”
“Pfft – no. Lucifer doesn’t give a crap about you. I’m here because I wanna offer you a job, moron.”
“A… job.”
“Yep. Ever heard of ‘bounty-hunting’?”
He nodded. Slowly. Smirking, she pushed off the wall and twirled on her six-inch heels to face him.
“Here’s the thing, o Angel of Dread; I’ve spent centuries in Hell learning how to terrify people. I look at you and you know what I see? Potential. Sure, you’re rough around the edges. Still got some celestial baby fat clinging to you. Still a little squeamish when it comes to certain tricks of the trade. But Mikey, honey, six months under my tutelage and I think we can turn you into a bona fide fucking nightmare.”
She let the skin on her face’s left side melt away and grinned at him. “So? How about it?”
“Eh,” he said after taking one last glance around the terminal. “Fuck it. Why not? Nothing better to do.” 
“Los Angeles is kinda like me,” Mazikeen told him, taking off her red-lensed cat-eye sunglasses as she strutted down the pier.
“Doesn’t have a soul?”
A withering glare. “Tough. Pretty on the outside, mean on the inside. It’s easy to make enemies around here and when you’ve made ‘em, you need to stay on your toes. Stay nimble. Stay mobile. Ready to fight or flee at any moment.”
Michael nodded. “And that’s how you justify living on a tugboat.”
“Ahoy!” called Eve, standing on the deck in a polka dot bikini and pirate hat Mazikeen had presumably stolen for her off the set of some summer blockbuster or other being shot nearby, the salty breeze playing with her hair.
“It’s a yacht,” Mazikeen growled.
“No. That’s a yacht,” Michael replied, pointing to the gleaming white MCY 70 Skylounge docked nearby. “What you have is a glorified raft that can, at best, accommodate two people and maybe a toaster.”
He should, perhaps, be trying harder to ingratiate himself with his new boss.
But he was tired.
Getting in his face, she snapped, “Hey! That’s our headquarters, asshole. Show some respect.”
“It’s covered in seagull crap. It looks older than me. There’s a very obvious bloodstain on the helm. Jesus, doesn’t Lucifer pay you?”
She pushed him into the sea.
Offering him a hand when he bobbed to the surface, Eve said, “Don’t take it personally. She’s just mad because we weren’t able to steal a bigger one.”
It was while Michael was towelling himself dry down below decks that the chunky-faced cop wandered in, took one look at him, and strode across the room.
“Mister Espinoza,” he drawled, “what can I-… oh. Oh, wow, you really thought that was going to work, huh?”
Curled up on the floor, clutching the fist he’d very mistakenly slammed into Michael’s jaw, Dan hissed, “Fuck you. You killed me.”
“Poppycock. I had you killed. That’s entirely different, buddy.”
Dan staggered to his feet and shouted, “Maze! Eve! What the hell is he doing here?”
Taking off his wet jacket and draping it over the rack alongside the towel, Michael said, “I was invited, thank you very much. No one told me you were part of the arrangement.”
“What arrangement, asshole?” Dan snapped, turning red. “I’m just here to help Maze fix her boat’s engine.”
“Oh. You don’t work with her, then? No, I suppose you wouldn’t. As we’ve established, you’re entirely too killable.”
“You sleazy son-of-a… Maze! Get down here!”
Grumbling, Michael’s new boss stalked below deck carrying a crate of beer on her left shoulder and a sleeping bag under her right arm. “Goddammit – Dan, I told you to wait. Is your hand bleeding, you big meathead? We seriously just dragged your ass out of Hell and you couldn’t go two whole days before breaking yourself again? Ugh. You’re impossible. You’re worse than Decker.”
“Maze, d’you wanna explain what the actual fuck Lucifer’s psycho twin is doing here?”
“Interning,” Michael said, cheerfully.
His face now practically purple, Dan half-yelled, “What is he talking about? This is not okay, Maze! Does Chloe know? Does Amenadiel? Why is he even still on Earth? Lucifer’s God now; can’t he stick him on Mars or turn him into a bug or something?”
“Look, Dan, just calm down-…” she began.
“I died! I actually, literally, physically died! Because of him! No, I’m not going to calm down!”
Michael scoffed. “Please. Like that’s what you’re really upset about. You’re not angry about dying. You’re not angry at all. You’re scared, buttercup. And not just of me; of her, of Lucifer, of everything, and to be honest, I didn’t even need to use the ol’ angel juice to work that out.”
Mazikeen set down her cargo, pulled a knife from her belt, and flung it. It embedded itself five inches deep in the floor between them. “This? This is not Lux, dickheads. Mortals and celestials don’t hang out here to have a good time while I sit behind the bar and tolerate them. This crummy, crusty-ass, piece of crap boat is my domain. Here, I don’t have to put up with one femtometre of your bullshit. If you want to fight, do it somewhere else. If you want to fuck, do it quick and clean up afterwards. If you want to make yourselves useful, help me get the weapons on board.”
“Wait – wait, weapons? What weapons?” said Dan to her retreating back. “You said you were going fishing. Maze! What weapons?” 
“Where’s all your stuff?” Eve asked when she showed him to his tiny cabin.
“I’m an archangel. I don’t have ‘stuff’.”
(Michael had already decided he didn’t like her. She was bubbly.)
“Heh. You should travel with Lucy sometime. We went to Vancouver for a weekend and he brought seven bags, five watches, and six pairs of shoes. Okay, do you – uh, do you at least have a change of clothes? Because those look kinda soggy.”
To his annoyance – and embarrassment – she spend twenty minutes hunting down a shirt and pants that would fit him.
“They’re mine,” she said, dropping them into his lap. “But I bought them to sleep in and I like loose pyjamas, so they’re a dozen sizes too big on me. Oh! Also found you this.”
She presented a hot water bottle in the shape of a fat, cuddly sheep.
He accepted it carefully, wondering if it was booby-trapped. “You’re Lucifer’s ex, right?”
“Er… yep? Amongst other things. The Original Sinner. First Woman, First Wife, First Mother. Mother of Mankind. Second Human. First Knowledgeable Human. But sure, I was also your brother’s girlfriend for a while.”
“And now you’re Mazikeen’s. Do you also work with her?”
“Sure do!” she said, interpreting the question as an invitation to sit down next to him. “I’m The Choronzon’s captain. That’s our boat’s name. My idea. I know she’s not much to look at but she’s got so much history. There’ve been fourteen homicides on her! Plus, she’s fast; way, way faster than she looks. And I know the beds are hard, but we’ve got three hammocks stashed away and getting them set up is easy as pie.”
“Wow. Those suckers up in the Silver City don’t know what they’re missing.”
She nodded, blinking slowly. “Hmm. Maze was right. You are mean. That’s cool. I get on well with mean people. Anyway, just in case she hasn’t told you; we’ve got a job lined up and we’ll be setting sail tomorrow at dawn. You get seasick? Not a problem; we’ve got a medical kit full of antiemetics. On that note, should we pick up something for you before we leave shore?”
“You sure? Just that – uh – I mean, my third son, Seth, the one nobody talks about – he also had pretty severe scoliosis. Wasn’t a whole lot we could do about it back then. But these days they’ve got tons of stuff; opiods and anti-inflammatories and memory foam. Science is so, so cool. And I’m going shopping for sunscreen anyway, so dropping by the pharmacy wouldn’t be a problem.”
For a moment, he reviewed a list of responses that would deeply, profoundly hurt her, responses that would ensure she didn’t approach him again.
But he was tired, tired, tired.
He took a folded piece of A4 paper from his pocket and handed it to her. “These are what the last human doctor I went to recommended. Getting hold of those three I’ve circled is tricky, but I know a guy. Call him on that number down there and he’ll meet you wherever. If he gives you any trouble, remind him that Michael knows about the vacuum cleaner. That’ll shut him up.”
As soon as she’d bounced out of the room, he shut the door, locked it, and laid down to sleep. 
It was night when he awoke.  
He went upstairs to find Mazikeen and Eve sitting on the deck, admiring what stars could be seen through Los Angeles’ perpetual light pollution and sharing a pizza.
“Mickey! Get over here,” called Mazikeen, clad in a black dressing down and slippers shaped like plump pink pigs.
“It’s freezing,” he complained.
She snickered and threw him the prickly blanket that had been resting over her knees. “Wimp. Eve told you about the job, yeah?”
“Do you know how to use any weapons?” Eve asked. “Maze sticks with her knives most of the time. I prefer my traps and crossbow. But we’ve got guns, if that’s more your speed.”
They were clearly expecting him to sit down. Eve had even scooted to the left to make room.
He opened the blanket up and wrapped it around his shoulders, remaining standing. “Can I ask a question? What, precisely, is my role here?”
“For now, you’re a meat shield,” said Mazikeen, talking through a mouthful of pepperoni and violently yellow cheese. “Me and Eve are both vulnerable to bullets. I mean – I’m less vulnerable, obviously. But I don’t hate any of my relatives enough to go about finding out exactly how many bullets it takes to snuff a demon. So your job, at least tomorrow, is just to soak up enemy fire until we’ve got our hands on the target.”
Scowling, he said, “Getting shot does hurt, you know.”
“Yeah,” she replied, eyes shining with spite. “Dan sure seemed to think so.”
When the tense silence had stretched for over thirty seconds, Eve clapped her hands, smiling anxiously, and said, “So! Anyone up for rummy?” 
Along the California coastline, the cruise ship Illustrious Voyager bore four thousand three hundred and ten passengers, one thousand two hundred and ninety-six crewmembers, and two guide dogs.
Five thousand six hundred and eight souls, in total.
At around 4pm, without anyone noticing, that number became five thousand six hundred and nine.
Hands clasped behind her back, Eve strolled down the promenade, admiring the vessel’s size and beauty. This fresh new millennium’s wealth astonished her. Sickened, sometimes. Entranced, sometimes. But always astonished.
Back in the garden, they’d slept on and under rocks. When it rained, they got wet. When large animals came by, they hid. No weapons. No shelter. No blankets. The only resource they’d had in abundance was food. Good grief – so much food. God had been so proud of all the different fruits and nuts and mushrooms he’d made available to them, and Adam had been so grateful. Eve supposed she had been, too.
It hadn’t stopped her from one day approaching her husband and the plump rabbits resting in his lap – two of several dozen pets – and asking if he didn’t think the cold nights would be much more endurable if they each had a warm pair of fur slippers.
Then she’d met Lucifer. Fallen in love. Bitten the apple. Learned how powerful he and his Father truly were. That was when the real questions, the sticky, prickly questions, had come bubbling up.
If Lucifer has such a vast family, with so many siblings, why can’t I have even one? she’d asked the sky. Why is Adam all I get?
And later: If You can simply bring people into existence, why must I scream and bleed and shit myself in order to have children? Am I doing it wrong? Is there another way? If there isn’t, why not?
And later: Why is nothing fair?
And, most recently, after meeting Mazikeen: Why isn’t everything at least equally unfair? Why do humans get a world of options while Maze and her family are expected to serve angels from birth to death? Why isn’t Maze allowed into Heaven, even after an eternity of loyalty and hard work?
“Sorry,” she said, flashing white teeth at a passing crewmember. “I’m trying to find a friend of mine. Can you tell me how to get to Room 835?”
Half an hour later, there was a splash and the ship’s population dropped to five thousand six hundred and seven.
Before binding his arms and legs, Eve had secured Andrew Bismarck’s lifejacket and gagged him. Furious and helpless, he bobbed alongside her as the ship moved on and Mazikeen rowed up in her inflatable raft, wearing a sunset-orange swimsuit.
“Should I be worried about those, babe?” she asked as she gripped Bismarck’s lifejacket and hauled him out of the water.
Eve smiled at the dolphin pod swimming in playful loops around her, and patted the nearest one’s nose. “No. They’re my friends.”
The inflatable wasn’t big enough for three people, so Eve held on to a friend’s dorsal fin and let him drag her back to The Choronzon.
Michael stood on the deck, looking bored. As they climbed aboard, their prisoner slung over Mazikeen’s shoulder, he drawled, “Seriously? This sad specimen’s worth two million dollars?”
“Actually, his net worth is eight hundred million,” said Mazikeen, dumping him down. “Two million is just what his ex-wife is willing and able to pay.”
Wringing out her hair, Eve added, “She took half his money in the divorce but she gave almost all of it to a chimpanzee shelter. I really like her!”
His lip curled. “How delightfully sordid. Isn’t this all a little beneath you, Ms Mazikeen? I mean, you’re a big deal in Hell. High Commander of Lucifer’s legions, head advisor to the king himself. Aren’t you worried taking jobs like this diminishes you?”
Busy handcuffing Bismarck to the railing, Mazikeen said, “Eve, honey? Do me a favour?”
“Boop!” Eve chirped, having already snuck up behind Michael, and pushed him overboard.
“I know it’s your whole gimmick,” Mazikeen called down as he splashed and spluttered, his face red with princely indignation. “And I know you don’t have a lot else going for you. But the next time you try that on me, I will stop being nice. Kapish?”
“Kapish,” he muttered.
The Choronzon had barely travelled a mile before Eve spotted Bismarck’s henchmen coming after them.
“Someone gimme details!” shouted Mazikeen, busy putting a bulletproof vest on over her bikini and opening up the box she’d told Dan contained a fishing rod, not a halberd.
Eve peered through her binoculars. “Two speedboats. Twelve guys on jet skis. Guns everywhere.”
“Heh. Awesome. Mickey – move that tight ass to the front and make like a nice juicy target.”
“Wait, what about-…” Michael began, trailing off as Mazikeen dove gracefully into the sea.
Bouncing from foot to foot, Eve shot him a grin. “Don’t look so glum, sourpuss. This is the fun part.”
She’d never spoken to Michael in Heaven, despite the millennia they’d both resided only two miles apart, her in a lakeside cottage on the outskirts of the Silver City, him in the crystal palace in its centre.
Granted, she’d not exactly had a warm and fuzzy relationship with any of Lucifer’s siblings. They all knew what had happened in the garden. Some had been nice – Amenadiel had visited often, even though he’d never had much to say and they’d spent their time together skipping stones across the lake’s surface. But the others had kept her at a distance. She was a bad influence.
Michael, however, was the only angel she’d not ever said one word to.
She’d seen him, now and then, in the early days, when she was the only human in Heaven and, as such, grudgingly invited to divine family get-togethers. On those occasions, she’d spent too much time feeling awkward and out-of-place to pay attention to the sullen figure lurking in whatever shadows were available. The one time she’d glanced his way, it had been to marvel at the stories of people getting the twins mixed up; beyond the raw basics of bone structure, Michael couldn’t have looked less like her old lover.
Bullets sprayed across the hull. Humming, Eve stepped daintily into Michael’s shadow, seconds before they started bouncing off his shoulders and chest.
“It is beneath her,” he muttered.
She made an ambiguous noise. “How d’you figure?”
There came a shout and a splash from the nearest jet ski. The bullets stopped.
“C’mon. She’s Mazikeen. Everyone in the Silver City knows about Mazikeen. Ordinarily, we couldn’t give two dry shits about Lucifer’s minions, but her? She’s a minor celebrity. The power behind Hell’s throne. Christ, it’s no secret my beloved twin couldn’t govern his way out of a paper bag.”
“Yeah,” she said, smiling fondly. “He’s kind of bad at everything. Except music. He’s a great musician.”
More shouting. More shooting. More bullets bouncing off Michael’s torso. Mazikeen rode by, one hand gripping her newly-acquired jet ski’s throttle lever, the other clutching her bloodstained halberd. Watching her circle the enemy, Eve was reminded of a sheep dog.
Michael went on: “And then there’s the fact that for a while, everyone thought Lucifer was going to marry her. It was all anyone could talk about. Jophiel was taking bets on when the proposal would happen. She’d have been High Commander and the Queen of Hell. Instead? All of a sudden, Lucifer takes an indefinite vacay to the mortal realm, drags her with him, and next thing anyone knows, she’s working behind a bar.”
The remaining jet skis and their terrified, wounded riders had been neatly rounded up, which meant it was time for Eve to open her purse.
“Um – how long have those been in there?” asked Michael, watching her take out three grenades.
“You want one?” she offered. “Don’t forget to take the pin out before you throw it. I did that my first time.”  
One thing to be said for millions of dull, dull years spent sitting next to God’s Greatest Warrior, skipping stones across a lake; your aim got good.
The first blast was a warning, not close enough to actually kill any of Bismarck’s men, though the resultant waves did knock several into the water. They tried to retreat, turning their vehicles around, only to remember Mazikeen, corralling them single-handed and now armed with machine guns she’d confiscated from those already bested.
When they saw the second and third grenade incoming, they gave up and abandoned the jet skis, jumping into the sea and swimming for their lives.
“Fuck!” Michael yelped, blocking his ears at the concomitant explosions.
Gazing past the debris and smoke, Eve saw Mazikeen head for the nearest of the two speedboats. Its occupants, preoccupied with aiming a rocket launcher at The Choronzon, saw her coming far too late.
“I get your point,” said Eve, as her girlfriend and her halberd made short work of the crew. “But that’s a really… how can I put this? It’s a really angelic way of looking at things. Maze doesn’t consider anything ‘beneath her’.”
“Wow. Sick burn. You’re basically admitting she has no pride.”
“Oh, she’s got pride. Tons of pride. Her pride’s just dependant on how well she does a job, not on the type of job she has. She wasn’t happy working at Lux, but that wasn’t because she thought bartending was ‘beneath her’; it was because she prefers doing things she’s good at. Customer service isn’t really one of her strengths.”
The second speedboat was abandoned by its crew mere seconds before Mazikeen rammed the first speedboat into it, cackling victoriously.
“Actually,” Eve said, moving from Michael’s shadow to where Mazikeen had earlier set a crate of peach soda – her favourite – out on the deck, “now that you mention it, I guess I’m the one with no pride. Haven’t really ever had anything to be proud of. Your Dad never gave me the chance. I was never meant to do things. I was just meant to be.”
Michael snorted. “Lucky you. Trust me; he may have softened in his later years, but back in the day he never, ever stopped riding our asses. You think Lucy really rebelled because he had better plans for how the universe should be run? Because he was an innovator? Nope. Lazy dick just hated being told to do his chores.”
By the time Mazikeen swam back to them, saltwater had washed off the blood and her ponytail had come loose.
“Oh, hey,” said Eve, gripping her hand and pulling her up. “A mermaid.”
After pressing a rough kiss to her cheek and taking a swig of peach soda, Mazikeen asked, “You okay? He did his job?”
Eve patted the angel’s shoulder – the one that wouldn’t hurt. “He was terrific! Awesome addition to the team.”
“I didn’t do anything,” Michael mumbled.
Ignoring him, Mazikeen snatched up a towel to dry her hair. “Glad to hear it. Alright! Let’s get Bismarck back to shore, get paid, and find a place to have dinner so we can toast Team Hellrazor’s first successful mission.”
“R-A-Z-O-R,” Eve informed Michael. “To make it cooler.” 
Bombshell curls. The only way to celebrate victory.
“Should I even ask why your hair smells like burning plastic?” asked Britney, a sixty-four year old veteran stylist with spectacles and a bright blue bob. She’d worked in Hollywood since she was seventeen and her skilled hands, according to rumour, had tended to Viola Davis herself.
Mazikeen flipped through a magazine with the hand that wasn’t getting its nails painted red-gold by two assistants down on their knees, as intensely focused as if they were touching up The Last Supper. “Blew up some jet skis. Don’t worry about it.”
Picking up the curling iron, Britney said, “That handsome guy you and Eve came in with… new boyfriend?”
“Ha! No. Not in a million years. He’s my intern.”
Eve had only wanted a trim and, as soon as it was done, had dragged Michael away to shop for books and shoes. She was trying, without much subtlety, to work out what he liked; what he did for fun; if he was even capable of having fun. Waste of time, in Mazikeen’s opinion, especially considering that before the end of the week he’d probably run away to some dark hole where he could get back to wallowing in his bitterness. But maybe not. Eve clearly had hope and Mazikeen trusted her judgement.
As the assistants moved on to her other hand, her phone buzzed.
Glancing up to meet Britney’s gaze in the mirror, Mazikeen said, “Get that for me? My nails are wet and it’s probably Eve. Word’s got out what happens to all other humans who call me on a Saturday.”
The older woman’s blue eyebrows bounced as she picked up the phone. “Might be that tasty boss of yours!”
“Nope,” she muttered, old unhappiness flaring hot in her heart. “He only ever calls when he wants me to do something and right now, there’s nothing he can’t do himself.”
Britney held the phone up in front of her face.
There was a message from Linda.
Charlie’s missing his Auntie Maze – see u for dinner Tuesday? J <3
“Uh – are you crying?” asked Britney.
“No!” she snapped. “Just… shut up. Reply for me. Say yes. And add a knife emoji. I always use knife emojis.”
Just then, a white woman with long brown hair and skinny jeans strode purposefully into the salon.
Britney tutted and held up a hand. “Ma’am? I’m sorry, but Ms Smith has booked the entire…”
She trailed off as the woman’s eyes flashed red.
“Chantinelle,” Mazikeen greeted, spinning the chair round and crossing her legs regally. “It’s okay, Britney. She’s a friend. Well – an ally.”
Gravel-voiced, like she smoked heavily, the other demon drawled, “I’m touched, your great and gracious Majesty.”
Mazikeen snickered. “Bitch, get over here.”
With a smirk, Chantinelle marched over and planted a fierce kiss on her cheek.
“What news from Hell?” Mazikeen asked her sister.
Chantinelle briefed her while Britney and the others finished up her curls and manicure. They spoke in Lilim, Chantinelle parking her denim-clad butt on the vanity next to an arsenal of combs and keeping one eye on the door. She’d already tried twice to convince Mazikeen that a queen needed a bodyguard, to no avail.
When their meeting was concluded, Britney said, “So you’re from Holland, right? Oh! It’s a lovely country. My cousin lives there and she’s always telling me to visit.”
(Britney knew they weren’t from Holland. Britney knew they weren’t from Earth. Britney was one of those people who coped with uncomfortable realities like demons in her workplace by ignoring them.)
“Will you be coming home soon?” Chantinelle asked before she left.
Studying her reflection – avoiding her sister’s gaze – Mazikeen said, “Mmm. Yeah. Soon. Just got a few things to finish up here.”
“Well, don’t keep us waiting too long. The family misses you. I mean – it’s been years, y’know?”
“I know. I do.”
“I didn’t know you had a family,” Britney commented after Chantinelle had gone. “How come you never talk about them?”
Mazikeen handed over a wad of blood-spattered cash. “Eh. After a while, I figured out that nobody likes it when I do.”
She began making her way across the mall to Eve’s favourite shoe shop, then stopped when she approached the arcade and heard her girlfriend’s laugh over the beeps and buzzes of various games.
Unsurprised, she wandered in and found her on the Dance Dance Revolution platform, barefoot and skirt twirling as she beat the shit out of someone’s high score, surrounded by a crowd of cheering, applauding onlookers.
Michael stood off to the side, clutching three bulging shopping bags and looking mortified.
“I couldn’t stop her,” he hissed to Mazikeen. “What the hell? What the actual hell? I thought you were trying to maintain a reputation on this crummy rock! What’re your enemies going to think if this is how your allies behave in public?”
“I figure they’ll think something like, ‘Oh my God, she’s tapping that? I am going to literally die of jealousy’,” Mazikeen said, kicking off her stilettos and handing them to him. “Go fetch us some bottled water, wimp. We’ll be here for a while.”
Eve’s competitor on the adjacent platform yelped as Mazikeen shoved him off and took his place.
“Hi, pretty lady,” said Eve, her eyes sparkling. “You know I’ve been dancing for millions of years, right?”
Mazikeen grinned at her and tossed back her bombshell curls. “Bring it, beautiful.”  
Out the corner of her eye, she saw Michael blush bright red. 
What was he doing here?
“We are fifteen miles over the speed limit!”
Mazikeen cackled and drove faster. In the seat beside her, Eve punched the air and turned up the radio until Michael thought Rihanna’s voice would burst even his divine eardrums. (Contrary to his brother’s accusations, he did, in fact, enjoy some types of music. Just not when it was loud or fast-paced.)
“May I remind you of a crucial fact?” he demanded, having to shout to be heard. “It’s not me who’ll die if this thing flips! Angel, remember? You two are the ones who’ll be splattered all over the road! Hello? Is anybody listening to me?”
“I’m a fine-tuned supersonic speed machine,” Mazikeen sang.
The desert outside the cherry-red convertible they’d stolen in Las Vegas was a sickening blur and he hated it. Not that he’d never travelled this fast – though he was slower than just about all his siblings in the air, he could still outpace a jet. But flying under his own power couldn’t be compared to being trapped in this hideous human death trap under the command of a demon and a madwoman.
“I’ll be fine,” he said, this time to himself, gripping his seatbelt with both hands like it was the neck of an angry serpent. “Whatever happens. Even if we crash. They’ll die. I’ll be fine.”
“Hey!” called Eve, turning to look at him, squinting. “Are you really not having fun? Maze! Slow down! He’s not having fun.”
Mazikeen groaned but brought them back to a less terrifying percentage of light speed, while Eve undid her seatbelt and climbed into the back with Michael.
He sputtered. “Jesus H. Christ – you’re not supposed to do that while the vehicle is moving. Rules exist for a reason, goddammit.”
“I’m sorry we freaked you out,” Eve told him, with… confusing sincerity.
None of his siblings had ever apologised for frightening him, Lucifer least of all (“Aww – don’t be so nervous, brother!” and a golden laugh from the brave, adventurous Morningstar after he’d enticed Michael to fly with him into a hurricane for fun and the noise and sight of it had made his twin cry).
When Michael was young, he’d assumed that was because apologies were for lesser beings, like mortals – except that when he’d discovered his latent talent for underhanded pranks, his siblings had all turned around and demanded apologies from him. The pranks had become progressively mean-spirited after that.
Waiting for the other shoe to drop – for the punchline – he said, carefully, “It’s fine.”
The wind had blown Eve’s hair all over the place. As she brushed it out of her eyes, he was reminded that today she’d chosen to wear one of her thin white summer dresses, this one low-cut enough to make it clear that that was all she was wearing.
Now mischievous, she winked at him. “But you know… if I made a habit of following those rules you like so much, I’d still be married and bored out of my mind. Wanna kiss?”
He nearly jumped out of the car.
“Uh,” he croaked.
His gaze flickered past Eve’s inquisitive face to the back of Mazikeen’s head. How long did he have? How many milliseconds left before she turned around and tore out his throat in a fit of frenzied jealousy?
“Hell, yeah!” Mazikeen cheered, throwing up the horns. “One of you take a picture for me. Or, better yet, move over so I can see you in the rear view mirror.”
Eve’s chin tilted downwards as she examined Michael. “I dunno. Doesn’t seem like he’s into it. Er – yikes. Actually, I think he’s gonna throw up. Might wanna pull over, babe.”
“I’m not going to throw up! I just need… just need air. Could you sit back for a moment?” he hissed.
She did so and he got his breathing under control. Crap, his shoulder hurt so much today.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, fidgeting. “I didn’t mean to-…”
“Is this because of him?” Michael snarled, suddenly furious.
“Him! Lucifer! He dumped you, yeah? And now you’re – what, trying to get back at him by hitting on me? Or is it just because I look like him so I’m the best substitute you can get, or-…”
She slapped him.
It hurt.
(It really did. What? Since when did getting hit by mortals hurt?)
Mazikeen whistled approvingly.
“No,” said Eve, half-growling. “I’m not like that. I don’t use people like that, Michael.”
He touched the part of his face where her skin had met his. It felt hot. Tingly. He swallowed. “Um – right. Got it.”
“Do you?”
The anger in her eyes subsided. “Good. Now, would you like to kiss me or not? It’s fine if you don’t want to. You’ll still be part of the team. This is just for fun.”
Feeling oafish and off-kilter, he gestured at Mazikeen. “Won’t she mind?”
“Nope!” Mazikeen volunteered without hesitation.
Eve, exasperated, huffed, “I already asked her if she’d mind. Do you really think I’d put the offer on the table if I hadn’t? Whatever they say about me in the Silver City, I’m neither frivolous nor disloyal. I didn’t go behind Adam’s back when I fell in love with your brother; I told him to his face what I was doing.”
“Oh. Didn’t know that.”
“Because he didn’t tell anyone. He didn’t care. Adam was a decent man who didn’t love me at all. But Maze does, and I love her, and we’ve decided this is something we’re both okay with.”
“Yeah, most demons are poly,” Mazikeen told him. “As long as everyone’s on board and on the same page, you can hook up with whoever you like.”
“Last chance: kiss or no kiss?” said Eve.
She was close enough now for him to smell her perfume. His chest felt tight. “I don’t like ultimatums.”
“Okay. How about wagers? I bet you anything I’m the best kisser you’ve ever met. Or requests? Please, please kiss me, Michael. Or-…”
She was so warm. Her breath flowing into his mouth felt like drinking hot chocolate on a Winter’s night, sugary heat poured down his throat and filling up his whole chest.
His bones seemed to melt. He slid down the seat, half-pushed, until he lay almost flat with her on top of him, cradling his face in her hands, her thumbs making slow, comforting circles on his jaw.
“Ghnnff-fu-fuck,” he slurred.
That he was hard, and had been hard ever since he’d noticed how low-cut her dress was, seemed almost irrelevant in the face of far more interesting observations, like the soft grunts she made or the way her breasts felt pressed tight against him, until she slid a thigh between his legs.
He cried out. Arched.
“There you go,” she purred against his neck.
Elegant and effortless, she took off her shoes and her panties, and slid down onto his cock with a soft, fluttering sigh. Grabbed his hand and raised it to cover one of her nipples.
Just before he came, he opened his eyes and gazed up, and the sun had moved behind her, draining all but her edges of definition, and the wind had picked up her hair again and sent it billowing up and out, like dark wings. Like his wings.
“Michael! Ah!”
The car stopped.
“Huh,” said Mazikeen. “There’s something you don’t see every day.”
She pointed. Panting, they both followed her finger.
Across the sky, from one horizon to the next, the clouds had arranged themselves into the words
“Oh, crud,” said Eve. 
Fuck the next bounty.
After thinking about it for ten seconds, Mazikeen turned them around and started driving straight for Los Angeles.
Eve can talk to him. Not me. He needs to talk to someone, and Eve will do.
Barely half a mile later, Amenadiel dropped out of the sky and landed in the middle of the road, just far enough away for her to bring the car to a screeching halt before it would otherwise have slammed into him like wet clay into a steel wall.
“We’ve got a problem,” he said, looking exhausted.
She snorted and pointed skyward. “Yeah. This? Not gonna lie, I was expecting something like this. But I thought it would take, like, at least a month.”
Wincing, Amenadiel said, “No, that’s… that’s a different problem and Chloe’s promised to discuss it with him. Maze, we need you back at Lux. Now.”
“Hi, Amenadiel!” Eve called, waving.
He succeeded in smiling at her without even glancing at Michael, despite his younger brother sitting right at her side, glaring fixedly.
“Why?” demanded Mazikeen, tensely drumming her fingers on the wheel. (Inner voice hissing, Shouldn’t have left him alone, you dumb bitch, you’ve been doing this for centuries and you know what he’s like when you leave him alone for more than five minutes.) “Seriously – what could he possibly need me for? He’s God.”
Sighing, Amenadiel put his wings away. “Mazikeen, we’re all well aware that Lucy often… has difficulty focusing. To put it mildly. There’s a lot more for him to focus on now than ever before. He’s trying to undo climate change. To that end, he started refreezing all the melted ice in the Arctic. But he did it too quickly and, resultantly, there are several hundred trapped ships we need to save and several thousand dead penguins to resurrect and, to be honest, he hasn’t really got the hang of resurrection yet – you remember what Dan looked like for the first few hours after Lucifer brought him back to life…”
“Eurgh. Yeah. Yuck. Totes not the kinda shit you’d wanna see in Happy Feet.”
Michael was snickering.
“Right. And then there are all the changes he’s been making locally,” Amenadiel went on. “The expansion of Lux, the overnight disappearance of all Los Angeles’ firearms, his deciding that the city’s white supremacist population should grow a third ear so they can be easily identified, and, well, it turns out that a lot of Chloe’s colleagues at the police station-…”
“I get it, I get it. Chaos everywhere. As usual. What, exactly, is the problem he wants me to fix?”
Amenadiel exhaled heavily. “The demons. The ones you brought from Hell to help us defeat Michael.”
“Oh, so you do remember I exist,” Michael muttered.
Stonily ignoring him, Amenadiel said, “They’re still on Earth and they’re causing trouble. The one called Dromos, in particular. He’s gathered followers and they’ve surrounded Lux.”
Her brother’s face – his real face, not the human puppet he wore – flashed through her mind’s eye; a memory from when they were unruly children and had raced through Hell together, using the stone pillars that they’d not yet known were cells as an obstacle course. She’d been faster; he, more athletic. Together with a few cousins, they’d made a fearsome team, and not even their meanest older siblings had bullied them.
She folded her arms and looked away. “They’re demons. Lucifer can deal with them. Snap his fingers and turn them into rats or whatever. Make them explode.”
“Mazikeen,” Eve murmured, soft and low, touching her shoulder. “You don’t want that. They’re your family.”
Amenadiel blinked, as though that hadn’t occurred to him. “Er… yes, there’s that. There’s also the fact that Lucifer doesn’t want all of humanity to see him as the type of God who casually annihilates his enemies; a harsh, vindictive God. He wants to be liked. To be loved.”
“Fine. So why don’t you and the other angels sort it out?”
“Come now, Maze. A bunch of angels and a bunch of demons waging war in the midst of a bustling city? Humans will die. But you’re the Queen of Hell now and, by extension, the Queen of Demons. If you command Dromos to stand down, he will. This can all be resolved peacefully.”
Eve’s fingertips were cool against her skin.
Mazikeen looked back at the sky. The cloud letters were starting to dissolve. “What does he want?”
“Dromos. He doesn’t act on instinct. He’s a planner. He wants something.”
Shrugging, Amenadiel said, “He shouted at me about demanding an audience with the king. I didn’t ask for details. I don’t really care. Dromos isn’t someone I’m inclined to listen to at the best of times. The last time the wretch showed his face on Earth, he kidnapped my son.”
“Mmm. Kinda like your sister was gonna do. Kinda like you were gonna do, now that I think about it.”
“Maze!” he gasped, sounding shocked and hurt. “You can’t compared poor Remiel’s misguided actions to-…”
“I’ll do it,” she interrupted. “Take me to Lux. Now.”
“Excuse me? What about us?” snapped Michael.
Mazikeen met Eve’s gentle gaze. “You don’t need to be involved in this. My family drama, it – it’s not pretty.”
“My son killed my son,” said Eve, taking her hand. “My husband loved another woman. I’m used to drama.”
Swallowing, Mazikeen glanced at Michael. “And you, wimp?”
Feigning disinterest – feigning it badly – he said, “You showed up to my last domestic dispute. Guess this’ll make us square.”
“I’ve only got two arms. I can’t carry all of you,” Amenadiel pointed out.
Mazikeen rubbed her chin. “No… but you can carry the car, right?” 
He didn’t have time for this. There was so much to do.
“World hunger,” he recited as he bounced from one laptop to the next, all twenty-three of them displaying a different article or video by a leading scientific or sociological mind, “wealth inequality, pollution, cancer, droughts, racism, elderly abuse, housing shortages, cruelty to animals…”
“Lucifer,” said Linda patiently, sitting on his best couch with her legs crossed, a cup of coffee and a laptop of her own beside her. “You said you wanted my advice as to how you should manage this whole ‘being God’ business.”
“I do, doctor! Very much. Your input is invaluable. Blast, where did I put that map of Alaska? I’m thinking of making it bigger; slotting it in alongside the Arctic to help stabilise all that new ice.”
“Right. Thanks. So here – here is what I’m suggesting now; slow down. Seriously. Take a breath, step back, and think your next move through.”
He scoffed. “‘Slow down’? Doctor, I need to work at least three times faster if I’m to keep up with everything. There are people suffering everywhere, millions of them! There are sinners in need of punishment! I’m seriously considering asking Chloe to be my Deputy God. I never imagined omnipotence would entail so much paperwork and she’s always been better at that than me.”
Outside the penthouse, many stories below, the chanting grew louder. None of the human police officers, journalists, and gawkers who’d gathered to watch could understand it; it was in Lilim.
Cursing, Lucifer strode to the balcony and shouted down, “For the last time, would you all kindly piss off? I’m trying to fix an entire planet here!”
He heard the elevator open and moaned. “Detective, not now. Please. I’m very sorry I haven’t returned your calls – I swear I’m not avoiding you – it’s just that I’ve got a lot on my plate today and we did already agree to meet for supper at-…”
“Lucifer,” said Linda, sounding terrified.
“Lucifer,” said someone else, sounding irritable.
Now that he was God, rage didn’t turn his eyes red anymore. It turned them gold and blindingly bright, like spotlights. Fists clenched, he turned to see Dromos step into the penthouse, once again clad in the flesh of the late Father Kinley and wearing a leather jacket.
“Nice trick, making all the doors disappear. Finally decided to climb up the side of the building with a sledgehammer and burrow my way through into the elevator shaft,” said the demon, hands in his pockets and concrete dust coating his beard and his bald head. “I want to talk to you, sire.”
Storming across the room while Linda remained frozen, white-faced, on the couch, Lucifer snarled, “You! You have the nerve to come here, to stand before me, after what you did to my nephew?”
He took Dromos by the neck and lifted him off the ground, his wings opening in fury (he had six of them now).
Stoical even as he choked, Dromos said, “I need. To talk. I will leave immediately afterwards.”
“Oh, you’ll leave, alright! You’ll be lucky if I don’t throw you into an active volcano, you accursed traitor!”
Dromos’ stolen skin began to sizzle beneath his fingers. He waited until the demon’s face was wrinkled with pain before throwing him to the floor hard enough to crack the wood and make a crater.
“I will leave,” Dromos gasped, coughing up blood, “when I have spoken.”
“What could you possibly have to say for yourself? Kidnapper. Child-thief.”
Still on the couch, Linda said tremulously, “Lucifer, you’re… you’re hurting him. Stop it. Please.”
“Let us stay!” shouted Dromos, and coughed again before dragging himself up onto his knees. “On Earth. That’s what I came to say. Let your erstwhile subjects stay on Earth if they choose – at least, those who served you in the battle against Michael. Don’t force them to return to Hell. Let them, let us choose where we live, going forward. That’s my request, your Majesty. My only request.”
Lucifer boggled at him. “Is that a joke? Demons? On Earth, indefinitely, unsupervised? Are you out of your tiny mind, Dromos?”
Baring teeth, Dromos said, “Why not? What does it matter to you now? You’ve got everything you could possibly want. Everything anyone could possibly want! All we’re asking is the freedom to come and go as we please.”
He spoke the word bluntly, and then he stepped back, adjusting his cuffs. Regaining his composure. “Never. You’re dangerous and untrustworthy. This world is for humans, not you. Good grief, haven’t I got enough to preoccupy my mind, without the added stress of demons rampaging around town?”
“We won’t rampage. We just-…”
“Why are you even coming to me with this? Mazikeen’s the new Queen of Hell. Didn’t you get the memo?”
Dromos wiped blood from his lips. “I don’t know if my sister and I are on speaking terms right now. And she may be Queen, but you’re God; I assumed you would be tasked with such decisions. After all, there’s never been a demon in charge of Hell before. We were told – we were always told – that only angels could rule us. I don’t doubt Mazikeen’s competence, but I…”
He seemed to run out of steam, spreading his hands and finishing weakly, “Lucifer, you’re the king. You’ve been the king for millions of years. For my entire life. Look, if you really don’t want us leaving Hell, then can you at least use your newfound power to improve it? Let us have the things mortals enjoy? Pianos, dogs, blankets, weekends, all that stuff?”
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “That would rather defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it? Hell is supposed to be a place of punishment. The ultimate consequence awaiting sinners. I need a carrot and a stick, Dromos. How else am I supposed to convince people to behave if I don’t? Imagine a rapist arriving in Hell and being confronted with demons playing pianos and walking their dogs. Wouldn’t have quite the desired effect, would it?”
Dromos was quiet for a moment, then said without inflection, “Perhaps you could find somewhere else to put rapists. Somewhere other than our home.”
Throwing up his arms, Lucifer said, “More demands! Don’t you see how selfish you’re being? Here I am, doing my best to end all suffering, and you’re complaining about babysitting a few evil-doers – which, might I remind you, is your job. Nay, your very reason for existence. Always has been. Why’re you getting stroppy about it now?”
“I think,” Linda began, taking a tentative step forward before stopping and clearing her throat. “Excuse me. May I interrupt? Um. Okay, so I think that maybe Dromos has a point here, Lucifer.”
“Doctor! This is the creature that stole your baby!”
“Yes, I know. And I’m not saying I forgive him for that, but…”
“I wasn’t going to eat the brat,” Dromos grumbled. “I was going to make him a king.”
“You took him away from his mother!” Lucifer shouted.
“Gentlemen!” said Linda, sharply. “Please! Let’s try to talk this through like adults.”
Overcome with frustration, and only vaguely aware that he’d not been sleeping well lately, Lucifer kicked the nearest chair. “I can’t believe you’re siding with him, doctor.”
“I’m not siding with anyone. I-…”
“You don’t know these people like I do. You didn’t spend millions of years in Hell alongside them. The only demon you’ve ever gotten acquainted with is Maze, and she’s not like the others; even without a soul, she’s learned how to behave like a more-or-less civilised adult, barring the occasional tantrum. But your average, baseline demon has nothing to them besides wrath and cruelty. Lilith made them to be weapons and that’s all they really are. I mean – just imagine, for a moment, how hard it was for me. To go from the Silver City, the most beautiful place ever created, to a lightless nightmare realm full of these bloodthirsty animals. To be surrounded by them, for endless eons, while they nattered mindlessly on and on about how much they love torture and pain and…”  
He trailed off. Linda and Dromos were both looking past him.
To the elevator. Where – oh – Mazikeen was standing.
Where Mazikeen was crying.
No sobs, not like when Dan had died. No expression at all, really. Just open eyes, motionless muscles, and steady tears.
Before Lucifer could say a word, she pressed the button to close the elevator doors.
“Wait!” he yelped, sprinting over to stop them.
He needn’t have bothered. Now that he was God, objects did whatever he told them to do. The doors stilled, half-open.
“That sounded wrong,” he acknowledged, clasping her shoulders in apology. “You completely missed the context. What I was trying to say was-…”
“Don’t touch me.”
It was a phrase he’d heard many times before from mortal lovers to whom he had accidentally revealed his Devil Face. Some of them said it in horror. Some of them, the religious ones, said it in anger.
Mazikeen looked neither horrified nor angry. She looked sick. As though the very sight of him turned her stomach.
Lumbering over, Dromos stepped into the elevator alongside her and pointedly pressed the button again. With no idea what to do or say, Lucifer allowed the machinery to work.
The elevator closed.
“What have I done?” he asked Linda. 
Nothing I didn’t know.
“Maze?” called Eve, waiting by the car with the others as Mazikeen stepped out of Lux’s front door and into the sunlight.
The door hadn’t been there when they’d arrived. She’d been forced to use Dromos’ route. Lucifer must have decided to put it back. He could do that now. Just decide things. Didn’t need servants, nor followers, nor anyone. Sure didn’t need a ‘more-or-less civilised adult’ whose kin were animals.
“Maze! Wait!”
Mazikeen didn’t know where she was going, only that she was walking very quickly and felt that she’d die if she stopped. She heard Eve’s heels patter on the pavement and heard her say her name a third time, quiet and worried, and that was what stilled her feet.
“What happened?” murmured Eve, cupping her face.
The fifty or so demons who’d been standing around outside Lux when Amenadiel had set the car and its passengers down were still there. Instead of chanting to get their king’s attention, they were now looking at her.
Michael and Amenadiel stood among them, the latter having been trying to convince them to stop blocking traffic.
Which was what she should have been doing. It was what he’d brought her here to do. But she’d been gripped by a sudden, violent need to see Lucifer, to check on him, just quickly, before tending to her siblings. Once a bodyguard, always a bodyguard.
Except that wasn’t what I was. Not to him. To him, I was a Rottweiler on a leash.
“Are you alright?” asked Amenadiel, his eyes overflowing with concern.
That was what cracked her.
To him. Not to everyone. Not to Eve, or Amenadiel, or Linda. It’s not that I’m incapable of earning love and respect.
I’m just incapable of earning his.
Her legs gave out. She crumpled against Lux’s outside wall and started to weep properly, loud and bitter.
Eve immediately dropped down beside her, holding her tight. Michael shuffled closer, rubbing his shoulder while his mouth opened and shut, testing out sentences that were never spoken.
Then Dromos was there, kneeling, his face sad and tired.
“We did what we were told,” she said to him in Lilim, through sniffles. “We obeyed. We were loyal. We… we…”
“We are alone, sister,” he replied. “But I think we always were.”
“We obeyed!”
“We obeyed Lilith and she left. We obeyed Lucifer and he left. No one wants us, Mazikeen. It’s just the truth.”
She took a shuddering breath and squeezed her eyes shut. “No. I want us.”
Seizing his jacket’s shoulder, she hauled herself to her feet and addressed the crowd, her voice raw: “I want you! You’re my family and I want you! And I swear I will be the queen you deserve, for as long as you’ll have me!”
Her human skin fell away, the left side of her face turning cold, bony, and brittle.
Stepping back to join their siblings, Dromos asked hesitantly, “What would you have us do, then, my queen? What are your orders?”
Hurriedly drying her eyes, she studied them one by one. “Whoever wants to can stay here. But I’m going home. Hell is going to be ours, Dromos. No more damned souls. No more angels. It’s ours now and we’re going to make it into something we can love.”
She turned to face Eve and Michael, her heart pounding. “You’ll come with me, yeah? You’ll stand with me?”
“Always,” said Eve, closing in to kiss her.
“Whatever,” Michael muttered, clearly just relieved that the crying part was over.
Amenadiel sighed, shaking his head gravely. “Mazikeen, are you sure this is what you want? You won’t be able to leave Hell on your own – you’ll need to contact me.”
“Yeah. At least until this one grows his feathers back,” she said, gesturing at Michael. “That’s okay. You’ll always come when I call, right?”
“Of course. You’re my friend, Maze. I’m sorry if I haven’t said that often enough.”
Fuck it. Cringing on the inside, Mazikeen drew Amenadiel into a quick, gruff hug. “You too, idiot.”
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 4 years
Lord, this heart is SO WELCOME, right now! 2020 sucks balls. Big, black, donkey balls.
I’ve seen so much love from you guys, too. I know I don’t respond to it much, but I DO see it, and I treasure it. I don’t do those “reblog and tag people” posts because I know I’ll forget someone and then feel bad. Because my brain is Swiss cheese on a good day. But I do see it. And I treasure it. And I love you guys so much. Especially today, knowing what’s happening in Vancouver.
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Putting the rest of this under a cut because I think I’m gonna get a bit wordy and personal. This way, if you want, you can skip it.
I haven’t talked a lot about what’s going on with me this year, partly because 2020 just sucks all around and why add to it, and partly because I was raised that you just don’t air your shit if you don’t have to. (Yes, I’m THAT old.) If someone else can’t help, why tell ‘em?
But I feel the need to air some shit today. 
Today marks another loss for this year. Not just the end of the show we all love, but the end of the hope that maybe one day I’d get to Vancouver and magically get a set tour and see how my favorite show works behind the scenes. I love backstage stuff, and the Bunker set has always fascinated me. I wanna pick Jerry Wanek’s brain and look at all the little details they added that you maybe can’t even see on TV and feel how they put it all together. Knowing that it’s gone, already, makes my heart heavy.
This, on top of 2020 in general, on top of the losses I’ve had this year...I’m just tired and sad.
So far, this year, my mom was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer, she fell and broke her hip, I lost Ghirardelli (he was my little shadow, I was his favorite human, and we snuggled constantly), my mom had a stint in the hospital for a mix between an infection and a kidney crisis brought on by chemo/the infection, she had a mastectomy, has been fighting anemia, and now yesterday, her dog passed away. Della had some kind of systemic issue that caused blood clots to form. She lost part of her tongue to one clot, and a HUGE clot had lodged in her right hind leg. Yesterday morning, the clot shifted and cut off all circulation to the leg. This was incredibly painful for her, and since we couldn’t figure out what was causing the clots in the first place, and there was only a small chance of fixing the clot in the leg, we decided to let her out of her misery.
The Pond has exploded twice, once as a direct result of something I did and was proud of. I’ve written a total of 680 words since November and the urge to write is a constant itch that I just don’t have the energy to scratch. Twitter fandom is more toxic and brutal than ever, and I saw a bit of that bleed into my safe haven here on Tumblr.
I’m not sleeping well. I don’t think anyone is. Weird dreams I don’t remember after I wake up leave a disconcerted residue on my psyche as I go through my days. The TV is all about how we’re doomed, and I really, sincerely wish that were hyperbole. 
And now, they’re finishing the last scenes of our show in Vancouver. This thing that has brought me SO MUCH, and given me something to focus on when everything else hurt, is ending today, and is causing some hurt of its own. It feels like insult on top of injury, when the world has imploded to the point that minor safety measures that could protect yourself and others are seen as political lighter fluid on an already burning rampage.
And that’s on top of how a big portion of the world is literally on fire.
I learned a long time ago that there is no point in focusing on problems I can’t help to solve, but I feel like I’m in the middle of an entire world of problems I can’t do anything to help. It’s exhausting, which is making me less able to affect even the little things I usually CAN solve. Things like, balancing my checkbook. I haven’t done it since the pandemic started. Or maybe recycling. Like, why can’t I recycle properly? I’m just too tired.
I’ve said all of this to let you all know that I do see all of the love that I get from you guys. I see a message in my inbox and I sit with it for a minute and really FEEL it. I haven’t been able to respond, but I do want you to know that I feel it, and I appreciate it, and I save everything in a folder that I look at when I’m feeling alone. Y’all are the saviors of my soul, most days, and I honestly don’t know where or what I’d be right now if it weren’t for you.
So, THANK YOU. Thank you for being here, and for being willing to talk about stupid shit, and for writing the stories that soothe me, and for sending me these little hearts that I don’t respond to as often as I should. Thank you for just being there and being the wonderful you that you are. You make the world suck less and my life better. 
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all-by-myself98 · 5 years
Shared Sorrows
Fandom: Kingsman (Set after TGC)
Prompt: In a world where people have their soulmate's name on their body somewhere, Reader and B don't have each other's name, but fall in love anyway.
Character: Jack Daniels (AKA Agent Whiskey)
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   It had started out simple between you and Jack. You met at a bar you began working at. A guy had groped you in a not-so-innocent manner and he kicked his ass and threw him out. You thanked him with a refill of whiskey on the house.
   Then he began coming almost every week around the same time. Sometimes, he was alone, other times he had a few people from work with him.
   You really hadn’t meant to gain such a schoolgirl crush on the older man but you had felt lonely for years and to have a man treat you so kindly and so protectively like your own soulmate used to had triggered old feelings. Feelings of happiness and sadness. Safety and grief.
   A month after you had originally met Jack, you had to take some time off from work because of these feelings surfacing up and forcing you to mourn once again.
   The next week you’re back, you try to avoid his eyes but fail on numerous occasions. When it was finally time for your shift to end, he approaches you.
   “I don’t mean to be so forward,” he starts, “but I was wonderin’ if I could take you out after your shift ends. Maybe for some late dinner?”
   You’re hesitating right now. The sweet girl with the crush wants to know Jack more, but the strong young woman who failed to live a full and prosperous life with her true soulmate tells you no. He probably has his own soulmate waiting somewhere out there.
   “It don’t have to be a date if you don’t want it. Just two friends talkin’.” He assures. “I’m not lookin’ for a date or anything, just to talk. Get to know you.”
   This relaxes the heartbroken woman inside of you. “Okay... I’m off in 5. Meet me out front?” He nods in agreement.
   When you see Jack afterwards leaning on a dark blue truck, you’re still nervous. You know he said it isn’t a date, but you’re still scared shitless that he’ll expect something of you. Maybe him saving the day when he first met you was all a big long-term ploy to get in your pants. Maybe he’s nothing like your sweet Vincent was.
   The place he takes you to is a small diner just off the interstate, open 24/7 and wafting with burgers and fries once you enter. “Hope you don’t mind the place. I just love their bacon burgers.”
   You’re familiar with the place a little bit. Some of your coworkers go here to get food after their late night shifts too. They always try and convince you to join them because they know how much of a sucker you are for soft-serve ice cream and apparently this place has the best homemade selections. Problem is, you never accepted their invites because you don’t go out much since Vincent.
   “I’ve heard of their ice cream. Supposed to be good.” You reply.
   “You ain’t from around here.” He can probably tell due to your lack of a southern accent. Why else would someone drop everything and move to Kentucky? The fried chicken?
   “I’m not. I’m from the New England area.”
   You continue talking on and off through the night. You order your food and Jack screws around with the karaoke for a little bit to find a good song. Once he finally rests on a choice and your food arrives, you talk some more. Just simple things. Favorite food, favorite vacation spot, ideal pet, and so much more. Slowly, you begin to delve more into personal things.
   “Why leave New England for this piss poor place?” It was the question you had been dreading this whole time. Why come here? Why leave home? What’s here that isn’t there? “You don’t gotta answer if you’re not comfortable.”
   You shake your head. “I’m okay... It’s just hard to talk about.”
   He places one of his hands on yours and squeezes gently. He doesn’t want to frighten you away but he want’s to tell you he’s here to talk to and it’s okay. “You take all the time you need.”
   Thinking of Vincent is always difficult to do. You had loved him with all your heart. Hell, his name, now charred and written in ashy gray letters, rested right above your left hipbone. And your name had been on his left pec, rested right above his heart.
   “My husband... My soulmate... His name was Vincent. He passed away two years ago. I just couldn’t live in that place anymore without him.”
   There was silence for a few moments before he squeezes your hand once more. “I’m so sorry... That must have been horrible.”
   “I mean, I really should have been more prepared. Should have expected it more.” You counter, slipping your hand away from him. “He’d been struggling with illnesses his whole life. By the end of it, he couldn’t even walk.”
   He stops you by grabbing your hand back. “You should never have to expect that to happen. Losing someone as important as your soulmate... It’s harsh and powerful and it kills a part of you. You’re no longer whole.”
   You can feel his true and honest empathy. He really knows your pain because he too has felt it. “And your soulmate? Who were they?”
   Jack seems to double back, slips his hand off of you and leans back into the booth. He’s angry and pissed off.
   “If you don’t want to share, that’s okay.” You assure, reaching for his hand to squeeze it in comfort just as he did earlier.
   “No, it’s the least I could do after everythin’ you told me. It just... wasn’t as peaceful.” He takes a deep breath and steels himself. “It was... goddamn, over 20 years ago. Her name was Maria. She was pregnant with our son. But she went out shoppin’ and some druggies robbed the store...” He looks like he wants to say more about it. The way he spoke so venomously about the ‘druggies’. But he takes in another deep breath. “Cops said wrong place, wrong time...”
   “My god...” You almost continue to speak but the waitress comes by.
   “Food treating y’all okay? Were you looking to stay for dessert?” She asks. Her cheery and happy tone seems to be a bit ironic considering the mood of the table before she came by and what you were talking about.
   “Just a dessert menu please, Carol.” Jack mumbles. She leaves as quickly as she arrived, fake smile still plastered to her face.
   You almost continue to talk, tell him you feel horrible for him. He does the talking instead.
   “I almost tried to kill ‘em. Those druggies. Twice. First time, they almost got away with no jail time. I followed ‘em out the courthouse, had a switchblade from my stint in the army... Someone stopped me and took me in, helped me. Second time, those same people stopped me again, gave me a second chance I don’t deserve.”
   You counter his words. “We all deserve a second chance. Every single one of us. And maybe that’s idealist of me but it’s what I believe.”
   Carol the waitress comes back, dessert menu in hand, and places it on the counter, “I’ll come by in 5 to see if you’re ready.”
   She leaves and you two no longer talk about Vincent or Maria for the rest of the dinner. You are all cried out and much too tired to think about it any longer.
   So you go back to talking about small and meaningless stuff. Your dream jobs as a child, favorite movie, anything you can think of.
   After you get your dessert and Jack generously pays for the whole meal (despite your complaints that it wasn’t necessary), you walk in silence back to his truck. It’s 2 AM now. You admire the stars above for a bit before a question pops into your head.
   “Do you think they’re watching us now? Vincent and Maria and your little boy all grown up?”
   He halts his movement, having opened the passenger door for you. He looks up at the sky as well. “I don’t know. And I don’t know if I wanna know.”
   He drives you home instead of back to the bar for your car. You’re too tired at this point to be driving and he knows it. So you hesitantly give him your address and, after about 25 minutes, you’re in front of your house. He puts the truck in park for a moment and turns to face you.
   “May I ask somethin’ risky?” You nod in response. “You think... with everything we have in common... it might be right for me to ask you on a proper date? I can’t think for a second what Maria or Vincent wanted... but I would like to imagine that they would want us to try and move on, find a similar sorta love we had for ‘em...”
   You know Vincent would want you to move on. With his sicknesses, you always talked about it and he always told you the same thing. That he would want you to move on, to not hold back when an opportunity presents itself. And Jack, you know now, is a nice man no matter how much he says he’s not. He’s good and protective and handsome and funny and almost everything you would want in a man.
   You would be happy with Jack. And Vincent would be proud of you. And one could argue you already had your first date just then.
   “You could argue that what we just went to was our first date. You did pay for the whole tab when I told you not to.” You tease to him. He relaxes and lets out a small breathy laugh. Then, you scoot a little bit closer, placing your hand behind his neck. “But we’re missing one thing that we didn’t do on our first date.”
   “And what pray tell was it that we missed?” He asks.
   Then, with all of the courage you can muster, you kiss him. It was only meant to be short, but he places his hands on the sides of your face and reciprocates and it grows longer and breathier. His lips taste like a perfect combination of sweet and sour, and mold against you almost perfectly. His hands and his neck and everything is warm and, when you finally pull apart, he brushes strands of your hair away from your face.
   “You seem to surprise me every day I see you.” Jack whispers.
   “Funnily enough, I’m never usually this confident.”
   “Can I kiss you once more?”
   “Yes please.”
A/N: #3 of reawakening the writer in me. Now, a soulmate AU with Agent Whiskey of the Statesman. I set this after The Golden Circle because I was sad he died so, instead, I imagine hes sorta being rehabilitated by the Statesman and on a probationary period (of course, because he tried to let all of the drug users die).
As always, some constrictive criticism would be great. I tried to show his southern accent in the dialogue but I don’t know if I did very well.
Anyway, enjoy the rest of your Columbus day, y’all!
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asweetprologue · 4 years
Fandom: The Witcher Pairings: Geralt/Jaskier  Words: 16,147 Chapter: 1/5 Summary: After a job goes wrong, Geralt must rely on Jaskier as he is left blind and deaf. As they attempt to navigate the curse and find out how to lift it, Geralt comes to realize that his feelings for the bard have grown deeper - but how can he know if Jaskier returns those feelings if Geralt can't see or hear him?
Also on AO3
your skin carries echoes of me
Winter in Temeria was a hell of a thing. The entire country was, broadly speaking, a damp and slightly rancid place. From the time of the first thaw until the Velen equinox, it was redeemable by virtue of the sweeping golden fields in the countryside and the lush, vibrant forests in the west. Come winter, however, the forests became gray, fractured matchsticks scratching at the sky, the golden fields rotting away into mud and gravel. Even when it wasn’t cold enough to set your teeth on edge it was wet, slimy and miserable. Humans and monsters alike tended to burrow into their respective hovels until the warm rays of the spring sun graced the region once again.
Which is why Geralt, finding himself deep in the south as autumn began turning the landscape around them a fetching red-gold hue, was in desperate need of some quick and easy work. Wintering in Kaer Morhen would be out of the question. There was no way that he could make it to the pass through the Kestrel Mountains before the winter snows claimed the valley. And besides that, he had a particularly aggressive tag-along that he suspected wouldn’t fare nearly as well as Roach might along the steep mountain trails.
Said tag-along was standing besides Geralt at a notice board in the ramshackle town they’d stopped at for supplies, a pout on his youthful face. He crossed his arms over his chest, the deep navy of his current ensemble stained near black in places from the muck of their travels. “I just think,” he continued, resolutely ignoring the fact that Geralt was ignoring him, “that she cheated us of well-earned income. I mean, ‘a fearsome beast tearing apart the garden and scaring off the sheep.’ Those were her words! ‘Kill the beastie that’s ate my poor Bella.’ That was the job! It’s not our fault the culprit was a wild dog and not a bloody griffin.”
Geralt pulled a flyer down from the board, looking it over before turning it in Jaskier’s direction. “Caravan escort?”
The other man sniffed, eyeing the paper with a distrustful look. “The last one of those ended poorly. If they want entertainment that’s one thing.”
“Hmm. Roadside protection is asking too much?” He stuck the flyer back in its place, looking over the others again. Nothing too promising - someone asking for help with autumn logging, the herbalist looking for fool’s parsley, a dog gone missing. Not exactly witchers’ work, though he supposed he was reasonably skilled enough in alchemy to dig around for roots and plants if it came to that.
“It’s not that it’s not a reasonable request,” Jaskier said. “They just always seem to want it for a very particular reason that they aren’t at all ready to discuss with the hired help. It’s just. Well. It’s one thing to prepare oneself for the inevitability of bandits on the road. Quite another to wake in the middle of the night with an assassin’s blade at your throat in nothing but your drawers.” Geralt shot him an amused look. “A situation that you handled admirably. Still. We wouldn’t be in these circumstances if that hag hadn’t skimped on us.”
“Hmm.” People rarely, if ever, paid what they said they would in Geralt’s experience. Once their fear of the monster was assuaged, their distaste for mutants resurfaced with a vengeance. They seemed to have little remorse about trying to weasel their way out of their agreements, though it happened with less and less frequency the longer Jaskier kept his company.
Geralt glanced back at the bard as he turned away from the unhelpful notice board and back towards Roach. The man had been traveling off and on with him for some time now, though this latest stint had been longer than typical. They crossed paths often enough, but usually Jaskier would only spend a few weeks trekking after the witcher before disappearing back into civilization once again. He would spend his time on the road singing snippets of ballads, humming seemingly thoughtless tunes and plucking the strings of his lute absentmindedly. The witcher would have said that the bard used his time with Geralt to freeload if he didn’t inevitably hear the same snatches of song on the lips of strangers, even in the most remote parts of the land. And he had to admit, his purse had been significantly heavier, the eyes of strangers less accusatory, in the last few years than they had been in decades.
Jaskier continued, unaware as ever of Geralt's internal musings. “She hired a witcher, and that’s what she should have paid for. I don’t think -” Jaskier was suddenly interrupted by a hand reaching out to snatch at the sleeve of his embroidered doublet. He made a small noise of surprise, likely in reaction both to the hand and to Geralt’s sudden move into his space as he faced the newcomer. “Excuse me!” the bard exclaimed, and Geralt was unsure whether it was directed at him or the assailant.
Who, fortunately, turned out to be a pleasant looking middle aged woman, who quickly let go of Jaskier’s tunic when Geralt stepped forward. She backed away, shoulders drawn in fear. “F-forgive me, sirah, but if you please, I have a request for you?”
She phrased the statement as a question, and Geralt attempted to relax his posture invitingly before he realized that her eyes were unfocused and clouded. She was blind. He cleared his throat. “Go on then.”
“Well, sir, um. I heard your companion -” she gestured vaguely in Jaskier’s direction, leaning around Geralt’s shoulder - “mention you work as a witcher? If that’s for true, I would ask for your help. We’ve not much by way of coin, but we’ll find some way to gather a nice pouch for you if you care to help us. We’ve been plagued for too long now, and I’m not sure how much more we can take.” Her hands twisted in her stained apron, which smelled faintly of flour and cloves. A baker, or a baker’s wife.
“What’s the problem?” he asked, cutting to the chase.
“A witch,” she said, her voice pitched slightly lower, as if she feared said witch was listening in. “It began with the chickens. She was takin’ em at night, to use in some foul ritual, and then a pig. And the animals in the wood have all run off, it seems. Samuel, our hunter, hasn’t found more than a few pheasants in weeks, and with the snows comin’ we’ll need meat to dry. A few of our men tried to confront her, and when they came back they were all foul tempered, mean spirited to a one whereas before they were gentle souls. I went to confront the wench myself, and she…” Here the woman grew quiet, drawing herself inwards as she reached up a hand to hesitantly touch below one of her sightless eyes. After a moment she shook herself and stood again, shoulders back in defiance of her plight. “Please, master witcher, help rid us of this scourge and we will find a way to repay you.”
Geralt opened his mouth to speak and found himself cut off by Jaskier, who was already pushing his way forward to gently take the woman’s hand in his own. “My lady, I give you my word that we will do everything in our power to help you with your plight. Consider it done.”
The woman looked near tears. “Oh, bless you both. Bless you.”
Geralt huffed, annoyed at Jaskier accepting his job for him despite the fact that he’d planned to say the same himself, though in significantly less words. “Fine.” Jaskier turned towards him with a bright grin. “Where can we find her?”
* * *
On the plus side, despite the fact that this witch seemed like, well, a bitch, they were typically easier to deal with than monsters. They usually wanted something, or were trying to get something, but they weren’t nearly as difficult to manage as a kikimora or, gods forbid, a sorceress. Most weren’t actually capable of going up against a professional witcher; their magics were more indirect in nature, a glimpse into the future here or slew of bad fortune there. Very few had anything approaching the battle magics wielded by true mages, or even the alchemical knowledge of a witcher. Most could be reasoned with, forced into moving on or, if necessary, put down with a bit of steel. Geralt was sincerely hoping that it wouldn’t come to the later in this case.
Which was why Jaskier had been allowed to tag along, much to Geralt’s chagrin.
The bard, for his part, seemed happy to have been allowed to come. Despite his detailed and often blatantly exaggerated retellings of Geralt’s exploits, Jaskier was rarely allowed to actually come along for the battles themselves. He had, at this point, utterly perfected the art of sneaking after the witcher on hunts, staying far enough away that Geralt’s heightened senses wouldn’t pick up his presence and closing in when Geralt was distracted by his quarry. It had, to the witcher’s extreme annoyance, actually proved useful once or twice. It wasn’t that his life was typically in danger when he was injured in a fight, but. Well. Having someone around to help patch up his wounds and haul him back to an inn was an improvement on lying in the mud throwing back potions until he could stand again.
This time, Jaskier was traipsing along by the witcher’s side, after he had - again, much to Geralt’s annoyance - convinced the witcher that he would actually be an asset on this particular hunt. Geralt anticipated that this job would involve a lot more talking than fighting, and even he could admit where his skill set ended and Jaskier’s began. In spite of his frequent bouts of oversharing and his tendency towards nervous chatter, the bard was profoundly charismatic. Geralt was made keenly aware of this every time he found himself searching for Jaskier in a crowd or buying the man another round at the bar in spite of his own oft-light coin purse. It wasn’t his fault; Jaskier just did that to people.
He hoped it would come in handy this time around. He really didn’t want to have to kill this witch.
“So, what do you think she’ll want?” Jaskier said, his eyes on his boots as he unsubtly moved through the underbrush. He’d recently been convinced to finally purchase a pair suitable for traveling, and had immediately had them dyed an aggressive shade of mauve. “New dress? Pearl earrings? Our first born sons?”
“Witchers can’t have children,” Geralt corrected absentmindedly, holding a branch back so that Jaskier could pass. “And I’m assuming you’ve already fathered many.”
The bard spluttered indignantly at him, and Geralt turned around to hide his smirk. He paused suddenly, holding a hand out towards Jaskier to stop both his squawks of protest and his forward momentum. It said much about Jaskier’s character and his time with Geralt that he halted immediately. “I think we’re here.”
The cottage was small, almost cozy, with smoke curling lazily out of the chimney and ivy clutching the west facing wall. It looked more like a place that someone’s elderly relative might retire to than a witch’s hovel.
“Looks like a nice place to settle down,” Jaskier pipped, echoing Geralt’s thoughts uncannily. “Should we knock?”
Geralt held up a finger and Jaskier quieted, allowing the witcher to listen. He closed his eyes, breathing slowly through his nose as he peeled away the layers of noise around them. A witcher’s senses were sharp, but often finding specific information in the cacophony of life was like searching for a needle in a haystack. It took years of training to learn how to turn the blunt instrument of their broad senses into a finely honed scalpel. Geralt fell into that place as he had so many times before, concentrating on the house and everything in it. The thick smell of honeysuckle from the plants growing against the side of the cabin, the sweet scent of cedar and pine, the faint rust of old blood. Rustling leaves, the muffled snap of wood burning. No shuffling footsteps, no soft sighs. No heartbeat, fluttering quickly away in comparison to the slow rush in his own ears.
“She’s not here,” he said a moment later, satisfied that the witch was nowhere in the immediate vicinity. “Stay put. I’ll see if I can find out where she went.”
“Tch,” Jaskier said, for once following directions as he leaned against a nearby tree. “Out looking for babies to gobble up, perhaps?”
“You’re thinking of witchers,” Geralt quipped, already checking for footprints around the stoop. Jaskier barked a laugh behind him.
“I had no idea your diet was so restrictive,” the bard replied, mirth coloring his tone. “It’s an honest mixup, you see, witches and witchers.”
It was novel, still, having someone to jest with while in moments like these. Geralt looked up to find Jaskier watching him with an amused expression, something soft in his gaze that Geralt had seen before. It always lingered with him when Jaskier inevitably moved on. He could say with absolute certainty that no one else had ever looked at him like that - with an utter lack of fear and pure, open affection. Feeling off balance, Geralt tried to focus back on what he was doing, away from Jaskier’s too-blue eyes.
This, too, was part of the reason Jaskier wasn’t invited on hunts.
The man was… distracting. Geralt wasn’t sure exactly why. He was loud, and annoying, and occasionally disarmingly funny. And sometimes, when Geralt brushed a leaf out of his hair and Jaskier turned to him with a grateful smile that was devoid of nervousness and the sunlight through the trees made his skin honeyed gold, he was very… something. Something distracting.
It wasn’t great for Geralt’s concentration.
That’s what he would blame it on, later, when he was cursing himself for not noticing her approach. Jaskier was too busy thinking of something else snappy to say about witchers kidnapping children, and Geralt was too busy not-thinking about the way Jaskier’s eyes shone when he laughed, and the witch walked up already fuming.
She was tall, almost as tall as Geralt, with brown hair woven through with silver cord and viney tattoos winding up her arms. At first they looked to be flower designs, but Geralt’s keen eyes could make out small, detailed runes etched out between the artwork. The witch’s bright blue eyes, cold as chips of Yuletide frost, bore into him intensely. “You are trespassing,” she said sharply, sliding her hand into a woven bag she had draped over one shoulder. “I told you all not to return here.”
Geralt stood slowly, resisting the urge to look towards Jaskier. From where she was standing, it was possible that the witch could not see him, hidden as he was in the shadows of the forest. She had emerged from another path that came around the backside of the house. Based on her equipment, it looked like she’d been hunting for herbs, possibly near the river to the north of the town. “Folks from the village sent us to discuss the… situation,” he said slowly. “W- I don’t want any trouble.”
The witch gave him a disbelieving glare. “Trouble is all I get these days, witcher. Don’t look surprised, I’ve heard the songs. I’m not a complete recluse. I know the White Wolf, as they call you, or the Butcher of Blaviken. I suppose I should be honored that you’ve graced my small corner of the world.” She spat the words at him, sneering. “Tell those simpering peasants that if they want to burn me at the stake they’ll have to come and light the tinder themselves.”
Geralt sighed. This was more antagonism than he’d hoped to start out with. “Haven’t heard anything about stakes. They just want you to stop stealing chickens.”
“The blood was for protection rites, to protect my home from the whoresons that have given me no rest since I arrived. They came a fortnight back with accusations on their tongues and cleavers in their hands, and I turned their fury back towards those they love.” She smirked. “I thought it was poetic.”
“People are always spiteful,” Geralt said, annoyed. “You can’t pay them back in kind.” He wasn’t unsympathetic, of course. Throughout his life he had more often than not been spat on and cursed at whenever he showed his face around humans. They knew that he was other, sensed how dangerous he could be if he decided to turn his skills on the ones who fed him. In his experience, this did not make them more cautious in his presence. People reacted to fear with violence in most cases. But the only appropriate response was to turn the other cheek. He could cleave through an angry mob without a second thought, destroy an entire village if it struck his fancy, but it was not what he had been made for. He had refused to let himself be molded into a monster for decades. The least this woman could do was try the same.
The witch broke him from his frustrated thoughts with a snort. “Easy for you to say. Always moving, never in one place for long. People call you a hero. ‘Friend of humanity.’” She scoffed. “They call me a devil. I could help them, and instead they cast stones my way. No,” she said, eyeing him coldly. “I will not bow to them.”
“I can’t let you continue to do them harm.” He felt tired. This wasn’t how he’d wanted this to go. Against his will, he found himself looking in Jaskier’s direction, and found the bard looking back at him with wide eyes. He seemed conflicted, his hands wringing the strap of his lute case nervously as he looked between Geralt and the source of the witch’s voice. Debating whether to try and step in, solve things diplomatically, Geralt realized. He shook his head slightly, and Jaskier nodded, though his brow furrowed in distress. When Geralt looked back to the witch she was watching him with an expression of disgust.
“You’re just like them,” she said, her voice angry and filled with grief. “No one understands. No one sees .” She drew herself up, pulling her hand from her bag. In it she clutched a handful of items - herbs, some kind of stone, and what looked like a human ear. “Very well. If you can hear no foul lies and see no bright pyres, you’ll do less harm to me and mine.” She raised her hand.
Several things happened in rapid succession. Geralt drew his silver sword, and ring of metal on metal echoing through the clearing as the witch tossed the objects into the air. He rushed towards her, raising his hand to begin etching the sign of quen . From his left there was a burst of noise, and he had time to think, ah, Jaskier just as the bard tackled the witch to the ground. She landed with a cry and quickly elbowed him in the jaw, a surprising move from someone so slight. Jaskier tumbled off of her from the force of it, and she turned back towards Geralt. Her eyes were full of fury as she opened her mouth and shouted a word.
Geralt’s sword swung down towards her neck, and the world went dark.
Part Two
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fahye · 7 years
real talk - how does one get so incredibly good at writing porn?? (also, how does *co*writing porn work? i have so many questions)
second question first: I have never cowritten a porn scene, when em and I were writing ‘mr webster’s wager’ we each had a character whose scenes we were writing, and most of the cowriting part of that was making sure the memories and dialogue were consistent and chronological. and occasionally yelling OOH BUT WHAT IF….! at one another over chat.
otherwise: it’s the same as anything, my friend. practice. it took me ten years of writing fanfic to work up the nerve to write a properly explicit scene, and that was in ‘lines on palms’. and that was because it was christmas eve, I was writing deliriously to reach the yuletide archive deadline, and I REALLY, REALLY WANTED DAMEN AND LAURENT TO HAVE SEX. it was literally a matter of becoming the erotic fanfic I wanted to see in the world.
and then I just kept writing it, and I felt more comfortable and confident each time. including a stint in kingsman fandom which essentially removed the last vestiges of my shame.
my One Tip would be to approach a sex scene like any other intense interpersonal scene: what they do, say, and think about should be unique to these characters, in these particular mental/emotional states, at this particular point in the narrative. you can do a LOT of heavy lifting, characterisation-wise, with sex scenes. if you can find-and-replace the names of the characters and make it a different pairing, you need to personalise more. you need to get deeper. 
also, drinking helps.
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therappundit · 7 years
R.I.P. Prodigy of Mobb Deep
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I grabbed my backpack before I left for work today, wondering what I would write tonight. Tuesday nights have been scheduled writing nights for me, and I have been keeping an active list of any potential projects that I have been mulling over in my head. As the clock ticked by, I was getting increasingly excited to zero-in on one of these projects as soon as I hit the street, and that would be a cherished task on this sunny New York City evening. 
What I couldn’t plan for was my day would end with only a fallen rap legend on my mind, and a brief but unforgettable moment...as I left an elevator only to see Funkmaster Flex board the elevator facing mine, knowing that he was going upstairs to the Hot 97 offices to talk about the death of Prodigy on his radio show.
I am shook. Prodigy, the man responsible for so many legendary rap songs, classic quotables, and a collection of some of the greatest bars to ever kick-off rap verses in the history of hip-hop (“To all the killers and 100 dollar billers”, “I break bread, ribs, $100 bills”, “I put my lifetime in between the paper’s lines” - sure I could go on, but those three are as infamous as it gets)...passed away today. He was only 42 years young. I have been listening to Prodigy and Mobb Deep for twenty years.
20 years of fandom. From the high points (I remember reading about “Keep It Thoro” on HipHopSite.com about a year before it dropped on the radio, and how excited I was when the Alchemist-laced banger managed to somehow meet expectations), to the low points (ugly beef with Jay-Z, off and on feuds with friends within his own camp, a stint in prison), Prodigy rarely left either the highs or the lows outside of the studio. He addressed his struggles with sickle cell anemia on records, he addressed his flirtations with life and death openly, and in a style of delivery that inspired many, but none were able to match. 
A dark sub-genre of rap music could be dedicated to the sound that he and Havoc helped perfect. Mobb Deep, the Boot Camp Click and the Wu Tang Clan formed an ominous triangle for the rap game in the mid-90′s, as the three separate camps were so pivotal in defining what was - and still is - the definitive sound of New York sound. The M-O-B-B were never away from the game for that long, as the duo put together a lengthy discography of music that will continue to be dissected for as long as this genre of music exists. Perhaps that’s the one silver lining here: Prodigy blessed us with a ton of music while he was here (likely more to come from the archives), and when an icon within an art form passes away, it prompts us all to revisit the things that made that artist such an icon in the first place.
For me, it starts here, with shouting-out what I believe to be P’s finest gathering of verses on one song, courtesy of “Quiet Storm” off of 1999′s Murda Muzik (one of the most heavily bootlegged albums of all time, an unfortunate hit to the Mobb’s pockets, but a testament to how thirsty their fanbase was at that point). 
R.I.P. Albert “Prodigy” Johnson. We will continue to appreciate all of the words and music that you have shared with us, while mourning the painful fact that you left us far, far too soon...
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[Verse 1: Prodigy] I put my lifetime in between the paper's lines I'm the quiet storm nigga who fight rhyme P, yeah, you heard of him, but I ain't concerned with them Nigga, I pop more guns than you holdin' them Make my route while the sun's out and scold your men Unload ten in broad daylight, get right Fuck your life! Hop on my '98 dirt bike You try to stop mines from growin' I'll make your blood stop flowin' Take affirmative action, to any ass if he askin' Now here come the MAC-10 You's a dick blower, tryin' to speak the Dunn language What the drilly with that though? It ain't bangin' You hooked on Mobb-phonics, Infamous-bonics Lyin' to the Pop Dog like you got it You ain't no wildin' out for the Knife-Fist thrower Rusty shank holder, we live this shit...
[Verse 2: Prodigy] Yo, the P rock forty inch cables, drinkin' white label My chain hang down to my dick, my piece bang glass tables Diamonds and guns before the fame, duke A nigga like me hold TEC's, are you the same too? Goin' through the emotions of gun holdin' Long shotgun's down my pants leg, limpin' Killa B, you still livin', even my pops too He taught me how to shoot when I was seven I used to bust shots crazy, I couldn't even look Because the loud sound used to scare me I love my pops for that, I love my nigga D. Black I'll take the life of anybody tryin' to change what's left And through all of that a nigga ain't scared of death All y'all brand new niggas just scared to death I spent too many nights sniffin' coke, gettin' right Wastin' my life, now I'm tryin' to make things right Grand open some gates, invest in the rag business Do things for the kids, the little Dunns Build a jungle gym behind the crib, so they can enjoy youth CBR's and VCR's, ATV's and big screen TV's Nigga, please don't make me have to risk my freedom We worked our whole life for this, you get your shit beat in...
[Verse 3: Prodigy] It go one, two, three to the fourth That nigga P-Double got that shit for y'alls Peoples to rock to, stirrin' up pots of brew In hell's kitchen, I chef the impossible To serve hot plates all across the Unified States Sit down and sup with the top rap reps We the streets that's watchin', boy, move diligent You better walk like a nigga on a tightrope do Infamous first infantry, first division, fourth mission First assignment, give 'em that shit they been missin' My new edition's way bitchin' Those that listen get addicted to my diction Fuck rhymes, I write prescriptions for your disease Generic raps just not potent like P's One-thousand one-hundred CC's on the throttle I peel off, chest naked on Katanas Spaghetti head Mobb niggas is full bred Fully-blown melanin tone I rock skeleton bone shirts and verses But thirst for worse beats So I can put more product out on the street Get respect and love all across the board We've been adored for keepin' it raw Nothin' less or more, I score every time for sure While the rest of y'all niggas just nil...
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nanoland · 3 years
mazikeen/eve/michael fic in progress
title: Ponder on the Narrow House
fandom: Lucifer
characters: Mazikeen, Eve, Michael 
blurb: In which Mazikeen isn't finished with Michael yet. 
warnings: Spoilers for Season 5. 
In 2019, Fodor’s had crowned LAX the worst airport on Planet Earth, comparing it – much to Mazikeen’s amusement – to Dante Alighieri’s Hell.
She couldn’t comment on the comparison’s accuracy; she’d never read Divina Comedia. Human poetry bored her.
Up against the real thing, however? Hell was quieter, cleaner, and smelt better than Los Angeles International, and it wasn’t even close.
Granted, Mazikeen was biased. Hell was her home and she liked it quite a lot. But surely even a human – even an angel – would sooner take a stint in one of Lucifer’s loops than spend more than thirty minutes in Terminal 3.
Yet there he was, leaning against the wall, watching the bustling crowd with a faint smile on his face, like a man in the park resting his eyes on the ducks. Perfectly content.
“Do you know,” he said as she approached him, “that around forty percent of all humans are scared of flying?”
She hadn’t been sure how this encounter would go and, being innately practical, had dressed accordingly. Black satin skirt, flattering and loose enough to both conceal several demon daggers (invisible to the full-body scanner she’d just sauntered through) and not impede her reaction time in a fight. Red silk wrap blouse, easily unwrapped to serve as a garrotte or tourniquet. Hair down, curled, dyed pitch black with bronze-gold streaks – possibly a tactical disadvantage if he grabbed it, but possibly a distraction. She knew he liked her hair.
When she was satisfied he wasn’t about to lunge for her throat, she took a gamble and moved in to lean against the wall alongside him, following his gaze. “Not surprising. Think of it from their perspective. They don’t have wings. Actually – huh. I guess that’s a perspective you can sympathise with now.”
He sneered. “You’re trying to bait me, Miss Mazikeen. That’s cute. But I’m not in the mood, dollface. This? This is me time. I’ve had a shitty few days and I came here specifically to soak up these idiot mortals’ fear and chill out. Get lost. Go play with my twin if you’re so starved for entertainment.”
Mazikeen stretched. “That’s the problem. He’s hanging out with the rest of your lousy family. Gabriel. Raziel. Jophiel. Now that he’s in charge, they’re all trying to crawl up his ass. It’s pathetic. And annoying.”
His jaw clenched and she knew exactly what he was thinking: ‘That should have been me.’
“Also,” she added, after a pause, “they don’t like me. Most of them have never met a demon. There’s no outright hostility but… they talk to me like I’m some gross exotic pet Lucifer found and adopted.”
“They’re afraid of you.”
“Nope. I’m wrong about some things. Never about fear. They can tell how much you matter to him, how much he’d do for you and vis versa, and it scares them shitless. Chloe Decker they can understand – she was Dad’s gift, after all. You, though? Lucy was never supposed to love you. No one was.”
She fiddled with her earring; big, gold, shaped like a swallow with rubies dotting its tail feathers. A gift from Eve. “Whatever. Anyway, that’s why I’m here. With you. Instead of them. You’re the worst, most obnoxious, most cowardly creep ever. I mean it. Christ, do you suck. But you always talked to me like I was a person. Right from the beginning.”
Ugliness flared behind his eyes. “Seriously? Now you’re being nice? Lucifer sent his general to console me? Ha! That’s how pitiful he thinks I am?”
“Pfft – no. Lucifer doesn’t give a crap about you. I’m here because I wanna offer you a job, moron.”
“A… job.”
“Yep. Ever heard of ‘bounty-hunting’?”
He nodded. Slowly. Smirking, she pushed off the wall and twirled on her six-inch heels to face him.
“Here’s the thing, o Angel of Dread; I’ve spent centuries in Hell learning how to terrify people. I look at you and you know what I see? Potential. Sure, you’re rough around the edges. Still got some celestial baby fat clinging to you. Still a little squeamish when it comes to certain tricks of the trade. But Mikey, honey, six months under my tutelage and I think we can turn you into a bona fide fucking nightmare.”
She let the skin on her face’s left side melt away and grinned at him. “So? How about it?”
“Eh,” he said after taking one last glance around the terminal. “Fuck it. Why not? Nothing better to do.” 
“Los Angeles is kinda like me,” Mazikeen told him, taking off her red-lensed cat-eye sunglasses as she strutted down the pier.
“Doesn’t have a soul?”
A withering glare. “Tough. Pretty on the outside, mean on the inside. It’s easy to make enemies around here and when you’ve made ‘em, you need to stay on your toes. Stay nimble. Stay mobile. Ready to fight or flee at any moment.”
Michael nodded. “And that’s how you justify living on a tugboat.”
“Ahoy!” called Eve, standing on the deck in a polka dot bikini and pirate hat Mazikeen had presumably stolen for her off the set of some summer blockbuster or other being shot nearby, the salty breeze playing with her hair.
“It’s a yacht,” Mazikeen growled.
“No. That’s a yacht,” Michael replied, pointing to the gleaming white MCY 70 Skylounge docked nearby. “What you have is a glorified raft that can, at best, accommodate two people and maybe a toaster.”
He should, perhaps, be trying harder to ingratiate himself with his new boss.
But he was tired.
Getting in his face, she snapped, “Hey! That’s our headquarters, asshole. Show some respect.”
“It’s covered in seagull crap. It looks older than me. There’s a very obvious bloodstain on the helm. Jesus, doesn’t Lucifer pay you?”
She pushed him into the sea.
Offering him a hand when he bobbed to the surface, Eve said, “Don’t take it personally. She’s just mad because we weren’t able to steal a bigger one.” 
It was while Michael was towelling himself dry down below decks that the chunky-faced cop wandered in, took one look at him, and strode across the room.
“Mister Espinoza,” he drawled, “what can I-… oh. Oh, wow, you really thought that was going to work, huh?”
Curled up on the floor, clutching the fist he’d very mistakenly slammed into Michael’s jaw, Dan hissed, “Fuck you. You killed me.”
“Poppycock. I had you killed. That’s entirely different, buddy.”
Dan staggered to his feet and shouted, “Maze! Eve! What the hell is he doing here?”
Taking off his wet jacket and draping it over the rack alongside the towel, Michael said, “I was invited, thank you very much. No one told me you were part of the arrangement.”
“What arrangement, asshole?” Dan snapped, turning red. “I’m just here to help Maze fix her boat’s engine.”
“Oh. You don’t work with her, then? No, I suppose you wouldn’t. As we’ve established, you’re entirely too killable.”
“You sleazy son-of-a… Maze! Get down here!”
Grumbling, Michael’s new boss stalked below deck carrying a crate of beer on her left shoulder and a sleeping bag under her right arm. “Goddammit – Dan, I told you to wait. Is your hand bleeding, you big meathead? We seriously just dragged your ass out of Hell and you couldn’t go two whole days before breaking yourself again? Ugh. You’re impossible. You’re worse than Decker.”
“Maze, d’you wanna explain what the actual fuck Lucifer’s psycho twin is doing here?”
“Interning,” Michael said, cheerfully.
His face now practically purple, Dan half-yelled, “What is he talking about? This is not okay, Maze! Does Chloe know? Does Amenadiel? Why is he even still on Earth? Lucifer’s God now; can’t he stick him on Mars or turn him into a bug or something?”
“Look, Dan, just calm down-…” she began.
“I died! I actually, literally, physically died! Because of him! No, I’m not going to calm down!”
Michael scoffed. “Please. Like that’s what you’re really upset about. You’re not angry about dying. You’re not angry at all. You’re scared, buttercup. And not just of me; of her, of Lucifer, of everything, and to be honest, I didn’t even need to use the ol’ angel juice to work that out.”
Mazikeen set down her cargo, pulled a knife from her belt, and flung it. It embedded itself five inches deep in the floor between them. “This? This is not Lux, dickheads. Mortals and celestials don’t hang out here to have a good time while I sit behind the bar and tolerate them. This crummy, crusty-ass, piece of crap boat is my domain. Here, I don’t have to put up with one femtometre of your bullshit. If you want to fight, do it somewhere else. If you want to fuck, do it quick and clean up afterwards. If you want to make yourselves useful, help me get the weapons on board.”
“Wait – wait, weapons? What weapons?” said Dan to her retreating back. “You said you were going fishing. Maze! What weapons?” 
“Where’s all your stuff?” Eve asked when she showed him to his tiny cabin.
“I���m an archangel. I don’t have ‘stuff’.”
(Michael had already decided he didn’t like her. She was bubbly.)
“Heh. You should travel with Lucy sometime. We went to Vancouver for a weekend and he brought seven bags, five watches, and six pairs of shoes. Okay, do you – uh, do you at least have a change of clothes? Because those look kinda soggy.”
To his annoyance – and embarrassment – she spend twenty minutes hunting down a shirt and pants that would fit him.
“They’re mine,” she said, dropping them into his lap. “But I bought them to sleep in and I like loose pyjamas, so they’re a dozen sizes too big on me. Oh! Also found you this.”
She presented a hot water bottle in the shape of a fat, cuddly sheep.
He accepted it carefully, wondering if it was booby-trapped. “You’re Lucifer’s ex, right?”
“Er… yep? Amongst other things. The Original Sinner. First Woman, First Wife, First Mother. Mother of Mankind. Second Human. First Knowledgeable Human. But sure, I was also your brother’s girlfriend for a while.”
“And now you’re Mazikeen’s. Do you also work with her?”
“Sure do!” she said, interpreting the question as an invitation to sit down next to him. “I’m The Choronzon’s captain. That’s our boat’s name. My idea. I know she’s not much to look at but she’s got so much history. There’ve been fourteen homicides on her! Plus, she’s fast; way, way faster than she looks. And I know the beds are hard, but we’ve got three hammocks stashed away and getting them set up is easy as pie.”
“Wow. Those suckers up in the Silver City don’t know what they’re missing.”
She nodded, blinking slowly. “Hmm. Maze was right. You are mean. That’s cool. I get on well with mean people. Anyway, just in case she hasn’t told you; we’ve got a job lined up and we’ll be setting sail tomorrow at dawn. You get seasick? Not a problem; we’ve got a medical kit full of antiemetics. On that note, should we pick up something for you before we leave shore?”
“You sure? Just that – uh – I mean, my third son, Seth, the one nobody talks about – he also had pretty severe scoliosis. Wasn’t a whole lot we could do about it back then. But these days they’ve got tons of stuff; opiods and anti-inflammatories and memory foam. Science is so, so cool. And I’m going shopping for sunscreen anyway, so dropping by the pharmacy wouldn’t be a problem.”
For a moment, he reviewed a list of responses that would deeply, profoundly hurt her, responses that would ensure she didn’t approach him again.
But he was tired, tired, tired.
He took a folded piece of A4 paper from his pocket and handed it to her. “These are what the last human doctor I went to recommended. Getting hold of those three I’ve circled is tricky, but I know a guy. Call him on that number down there and he’ll meet you wherever. If he gives you any trouble, remind him that Michael knows about the vacuum cleaner. That’ll shut him up.”
As soon as she’d bounced out of the room, he shut the door, locked it, and laid down to sleep. 
It was night when he awoke.  
He went upstairs to find Mazikeen and Eve sitting on the deck, admiring what stars could be seen through Los Angeles’ perpetual light pollution and sharing a pizza.
“Mickey! Get over here,” called Mazikeen, clad in a black dressing down and slippers shaped like plump pink pigs.
“It’s freezing,” he complained.
She snickered and threw him the prickly blanket that had been resting over her knees. “Wimp. Eve told you about the job, yeah?”
“Do you know how to use any weapons?” Eve asked. “Maze sticks with her knives most of the time. I prefer my traps and crossbow. But we’ve got guns, if that’s more your speed.”
They were clearly expecting him to sit down. Eve had even scooted to the left to make room.
He opened the blanket up and wrapped it around his shoulders, remaining standing. “Can I ask a question? What, precisely, is my role here?”
“For now, you’re a meat shield,” said Mazikeen, talking through a mouthful of pepperoni and violently yellow cheese. “Me and Eve are both vulnerable to bullets. I mean – I’m less vulnerable, obviously. But I don’t hate any of my relatives enough to go about finding out exactly how many bullets it takes to snuff a demon. So your job, at least tomorrow, is just to soak up enemy fire until we’ve got our hands on the target.”
Scowling, he said, “Getting shot does hurt, you know.”
“Yeah,” she replied, eyes shining with spite. “Dan sure seemed to think so.”
When the tense silence had stretched for over thirty seconds, Eve clapped her hands, smiling anxiously, and said, “So! Anyone up for rummy?”
(to be continued) 
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