#will just need to find a friend with ferrets oh well
zepskies · 1 year
Midnight Espresso
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-Sized/Latina!Reader 
Summary: You’ve never taken Dean’s flirting seriously…until he asks you for an impromptu Spanish lesson. 
AN: The muse hit me hard on this one last night lol. I felt like "Midnight Espresso" was catchier than the working title, "Midnight Coffee Shots."
Thanks for the encouragement and inspo: @deanwinchesterswitch @iprobablyshipit91 @freewastelandstrawberry
Song Inspo: "2 Be Loved (Am I Ready)" by Lizzo
Word Count: 7,000
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, mutual pining, body insecurity, ass appreciation, supernatural shenanigans, naughty language, bad bitch o’clock and thicc thirty. 
☕ Midnight Espresso Masterlist
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When you spot the caller ID on your buzzing cell phone, you have to smile. You answer the call.
“Well if it isn’t Dean I need a favor Winchester,” you tease. You hear his genuine chuckle, deep and smooth in your car speakers. 
“Hey, sweetheart…” He hesitates, which makes your lips curve wryly. 
“Yeah, Dean? What’cha got?”
“I need a favor.”
You sigh dramatically. “So fucking predictable.”
“Sorry, but look. We really do need you…we’ve got a situation.”
“Oh, a situation? How specific,” you chuckle.
“All right, smartass,” he says, but you can hear the amusement in his voice. “Just listen…”
When he tells you the lowdown on the case he and Sam are on, you have to change directions—all the way to a dusty little town in the south of Texas.
There you find the brothers Winchester outside La Cantina Libre. 
You greet Sam first, stretching up to meet his hug. He’s friendly and warm when he rubs your back.
“Good to see you,” he says. 
“You too, lumberjack,” you reply, noting the new layer of scruff he’s sporting on his face. Sam gives a dry chuckle and rubs his bearded chin.
“I keep tellin’ him to shave that ferret off his face,” Dean remarks. You turn to him with a grin just as he pulls you in next. 
“Aw, he looks good,” you say, giving Sam an encouraging look behind Dean’s back. The taller Winchester sports a good-natured smile. 
But you revel a bit in Dean’s warmth when he holds you tight, then let out a little breath when he pulls away, grasping your arms.
“So do you,” he says with a wink. 
You roll your eyes and playfully hit his shoulder. “Right. Eight hours of cross-country grime really becomes me.”
But you can’t help blushing a little at his smirk. Always a fucking flirt.
You turn your head to the bar in front of you. 
“What’s the deal with this place?”
“The husband of one of the victims is inside,” Sam explains. 
According to the police report, his wife returned home from a night out with her friends three days ago. She sat down in the middle of the living room, on the ground. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t eat. 
When Hector Rivera brought his wife to the hospital, neither fluids or medication helped her sleep or retain any nutrients. The official cause of death was starvation and dehydration.
It was a baffling case, both for the doctors and the police, who never found any criminal evidence to support a murder investigation.
“Okay, have you talked to Hector?” you ask. Dean raises his brows at you.
“That’s where you come in,” he says. “The guy only speaks Spanish. Neither me or Sam got the chops to Duolingo our way through.”
You can certainly believe that of Dean, but you still make sure to tease Sam on your way inside the bar. He’d studied Latin in high school, but hadn’t bothered to take Spanish? 
“Definitely a white boy move,” you tease, which Sam accepts with a chuckle. 
But you realize that the guys really would’ve been at a loss here. Most of the bar patrons are Spanish-speaking Latinos (you are a mere stone’s throw from the border of Mexico, after all). 
You ask around for Hector and find him at the end of the bar, drinking alone. He’s early forties at most, dark hair, tan skin mere shades lighter than yours. He has three shots down in front of him, and he’s working on picking up his fourth. Sam and Dean trail after you as you slide into the stool next to Hector. 
“Señor Rivera,” you greet him in your native tongue and pull out your fabricated police badge. “Good evening.”
He glances at you, then your badge with furrowed brows. 
“What do you want?” he asks in Spanish, just a hint slurring. 
“I’m very sorry about your wife. I know you’ve already given your statement, but we’re looking further into the circumstances surrounding Nina’s death,” you explain. 
He perks up at that, his brown eyes briefly lighting with something other than cold, hard grief. 
“The doctors couldn’t explain it, he admits. “They couldn’t do a damn thing. I just don’t understand…”
He glares down at his hands, at the glass of liquor between them. He fights to control himself, but you can see it’s a losing battle. You rest a gentle hand on his arm, and when Hector meets your eyes, you know he’ll find genuine sympathy. 
“I want to help you,” you tell him. “At the very least, I can look for a real explanation on what happened to Nina. Can you tell me what you know?”
A moment later, he pats your hand on his arm. And he tells you.
Dean watches from his spot behind you while he and Sam blend in, each drinking a beer. Dean admires how easily you connect with people. How genuine you are in wanting to help them. 
He knows you’ve spent years in this job. Maybe not as long as him, but long enough to get jaded. You aren’t, and you care. 
Dean thinks it’s part of the reason why you always answer when he calls. You’ve never said no to him, always been there when he and Sam need you. And that, he somehow feels guilty about.
Because what the fuck has he really ever done for you, other than put you in danger?
“Dean,” Sam says, nudging his side. 
It brings Dean back to the present when he sees you’re getting up from the bar. Despite his inner conflict, he can’t help but notice the curve of your ample ass in those tight jeans. An enticing ratio of thick thighs to smaller waist, and generous cup size to match. 
But when you turn around, it’s your sad smile that grabs his attention. You draw near, and Dean forces himself to stay relaxed when your warm hand rests on his forearm. 
It’s a familiar, comfortable thing for you to be touchy. You’re an expressive person, always talking with your hands, full-body animated when you tell stories.
Sometimes you’ll grab his wrist playfully, or brush your hand along his back when you pass by. Or you’ll grab his shoulder to steady yourself, and lean into him when you’ve had too much to drink. 
Dean likes it—all of it. In fact, he finds it endearing as hell. 
But it’s also a problem. A unique kind of torture to keep himself in check around you… 
Frankly, he doesn’t think you know what your touch does to him. 
In fact, he knows you don’t, because while you’ve got your smooth, tan hand on his arm, you’re more looking at Sam when you say:
“I think I know what this is.”
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“El Sombrerón,” you repeat yourself as you flip through a book on South American lore. 
“Shouldn’t you be an expert on this already?” Dean teases as you rifle through the pages. “I thought Latin American legends were right up your alley.”
The three of you are back at their delightfully crap motel of the week. You and Sam sit at the two-seater table while Dean leans against the wall with his arms crossed.
You shoot him a wry glance. “I’m Cuban, not Guatemalan. Though apparently, El Sombrerón appears in Mexican mythology as well.”
Hector said that the night his wife went to the bar with her friends, her friend Jennine saw a man with a black jacket and a hat to match. 
She said he flirted with Nina, a sweet but introverted soul. She turned him down, of course, but he tried to cajole her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and touch her cheek. That’s when Jennine stepped in and cursed the guy out, threatening to break his nose if he didn’t back off. 
They didn’t see him again that night, but you suspect the damage had been done the moment he touched her…
“All right, so he’s a boogeyman of sorts,” Sam says, gesturing at the vivid illustration in the book he’s holding. You peer over at the page and nod.
“Yeah, I’ve heard the cautionary tale. A man dressed in black, wide-brimmed hat—”
“Like Zorro,” Dean supplies. You give him an amused grin.
“No, not like Zorro,” you reply. “Instead of being a fine-ass caped crusader with a voice deep and gritty as sin, El Sombrerón likes to lure women into the woods.” 
Dean raises a brow at your description (Deep and gritty as sin, huh?), but you continue.
“Specifically, he’s got a fetish for long hair,” you recount. “Here it says El Sombrerón’s voice and touch are a curse, rendering his victims unable to eat or sleep. Eventually, they die.”
That falls between you all like hot lead. Until Sam voices the question you’re all thinking.
“So how do we find him?”
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“For the record, I’m against this fucking idea,” Dean mutters to his brother. Once again, they’re patrons of La Cantina Libre, each nursing a beer. 
“Yeah, you’ve made that known a few times now,” Sam replies in a low whisper. “She’ll be okay, Dean. We’re right here for her.”
They’re just on standby, watching you ignore flirtations from men with a coy smile. You leave a delicate ring of red lipstick on your straw while you nurse a Tequila Sunrise. 
Dean subtly (to Sam, not so subtly) watches you. His elbow rests on the counter, chin in hand, hand over mouth, while his eyes roam down your simple black dress. Your ankles are crossed under the bar counter. The toe of your platform heel bouncing against the foot rail is the only thing telling Dean that you’re a bit nervous.
You’ve let your hair down on purpose, trying to entice the “Zorro” monster with the smooth waves running down your back.
On any other night, Dean might’ve enjoyed this place. He has a good beer in hand. There’s some live music tonight, in the form of a man playing a shiny silver guitar, crooning into the mic. You turn your head to watch for a moment, and Dean sees the way your gaze sharpens on the musician. 
The man wears a black dress shirt rolled up to the elbows, tucked neatly into his dark wash jeans. His black hair is long and a little wild, almost brushing his shoulders. While he holds out a smooth note, he looks up and finds your gaze. His lips curve on a smile.
Your face heats up at the attention, but you find yourself captivated by those eyes. They’re intense, almost black under the stage lights. And as the musician’s song comes to a close, you feel a trill of something run down your spine when he sets down his silver guitar. 
Then he makes his way toward you.
He settles into the free seat next to you and orders two tequila shots.
“I have a drink, thanks,” you say. The man only smiles. 
“You’ve been holding onto that Sunrise for two hours,” he says. “I just thought you might like something stronger, before the sun actually comes up.”
Inside, you want to roll your eyes at the cheesy line.
Instead, you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, and his gaze is drawn to the motion. You notice it with mounting suspicion. 
“Maybe I do,” you reply. “What’s your name?”
“Miguel,” he says, offering a charming smile. “And yours, amor?”
You consider him with flirtatious eyes and a tilt of your head. You’re fairly certain you have your target.
You lay a hand on his arm, over his jacket. You lean in close enough to whisper in his ear. 
“Do you really need my name?” you ask in Spanish. 
Miguel smirks when you lean back. He offers you his hand to help you off of your stool. Wary of actually touching his skin to yours, you try your best to be graceful and sensuous as you slide out of your seat and onto your heels without his help. You then walk out of the bar through the back without waiting for him to follow you (hoping that he does).
Your instincts are right, however. When you make it out of the bar, Miguel is indeed closing in behind you. You glance over your shoulder, offering a coy smile. But when you look ahead, you have to utter a gasp. 
Miguel is suddenly there to grab you and pull you in by your waist. 
“When will your friends be joining us?” he asks, trailing a finger down your cheek. It makes you shudder, but you pretend to be confused.
“Dumb and dumber, watching you like a hawk,” he says, raising a brow. “Oh, mi amor. I know a pack of hunters when I see them.”
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Sam and Dean watch the musician run back for his guitar, slipping it carefully in its case before he takes off after you. 
“Get the guitar. Got a feeling about that thing,” Dean says to Sam. “I’ll follow ‘em.”
The moment Dean walks out the back of the bar, he stops short and draws his gun. His body tenses and his face falls into a glare when he sees Miguel holding you close (and against your will). But Miguel catches sight of Dean.
He forcefully turns you around and wraps an arm across your chest, pulling you back as you struggle. 
“Good evening,” Miguel greets with a smirk. He nods at the full moon. “Beautiful night for a lover’s serenade.”
His voice alone is a threat, Dean knows. And by the way your eyes widen, so do you. 
“Shut the fuck up, Mike,” Dean snarks. “Mind if I call you Mike?”
He raises his gun, but Miguel tsks at him. You grit your teeth as he pulls your hair back away from your cheek. His breath is hot an unpleasant in your ear, causing you to shudder.
“I do wish we had more time, amor,” he says, trailing a hand down your ass and thigh. “I like to play with my food.”
A hot lance of anger runs through Dean, but it runs even hotter through you, igniting your temper and making your patience run right the fuck out. You snap your head back and catch Miguel in the nose. He wrenches back with a pained cry.
You try to ignore the resulting ache in your head and reach for the silver knife in your thigh holster, beneath your dress. But Miguel grabs you by the hair. Suddenly his face has become grotesque, revealing its true form with a mouth filled with sharp, needle-like teeth.
You gasp as a trill of magic runs through your body from his touch. It paralyzes you as he wrenches your neck back and prepares to bite a chunk right out of your neck. 
But Dean shoots a warning shot by the creature’s head, all-too close to yours as he approaches. 
“Hey!” Sam calls out. He attracts everyone’s attention, even Miguel’s. Sam holds the silver guitar. 
“This is what you use to play Pied Piper, right?” Sam asks. Miguel’s face hardens, but before he can do anything about it, Sam smashes the guitar to smithereens on the gravel road. 
Miguel lets out an outraged hiss. While he’s distracted, Dean takes another shot that hits the creature in the shoulder. It gives you the opening you need to grab your knife and stab him in the leg.
Miguel cries out in pain, but before you can scramble away, he grabs your face. His sharpened nails bite into your skin, making you wince. You manage to kick out his knee. It forces him to release you, unless he wants to eat the ground hard. 
Sam is there to catch you while Dean closes in. He shoots, the creature evades, grabbing Dean’s wrist and punching him across the face. The hunter goes down to the gravel with hands held out to brace himself. But he has a large knife on his belt that he retrieves next, only to be knocked out of his hand when Miguel bears on him. 
He throws off Sam’s attempt to pull him off Dean, throwing him hard against the dumpster in the alley. 
While Dean grapples bare-handed with the monster, trying his best to evade gnashing teeth in his face, you find his discarded knife and bury it deep into Miguel’s back. 
He howls with pain and tries to throw you off. He manages to backhand you in the face and shove you away. You nearly roll an ankle on the small rocks rolling under your heels, and you end up on your back with the wind knocked out of you. 
But Dean’s able to kick Miguel off and finish what you started. Dean pins the man on the ground and twists the knife deeper. And he doesn’t let go until the creature below him stops twitching. 
Dean takes in deep breaths to account for the way adrenaline has set his blood pumping. He still sits on the ground with the body next to him. But then, he finds you kneeling next to him in your now dusty dress. Your eyes are worried when you grasp his shoulder and lay another hand lightly on his scuffed knee. 
Dean reaches for you on reflex, grabbing your arm. Both of you manage to ask your burning questions at the same time—
“You okay?”
“Are you all right?”
You crack first with a giggle. Dean quirks a grin and thumbs at your cheek. 
“Yeah, all good,” he says. 
Your relieved smile reaches your eyes, and it warms him. “Good.”
Behind you both, Sam hides his own knowing smile.
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Sam and Dean invite you to stay over at the bunker after the hunt, instead of making the even longer drive home. You’re too exhausted to say no.
By the time you get to the bunker, you’re dead on your feet, practically swaying down the stairs. 
“I’m so fuckin’ tiiiired…”
“Come on, stop whining,” Dean teases as he helps you down. Sam has dropped your duffel bag on the ground floor and gone on ahead to shower, leaving you and Dean to figure this out. 
“Why don’t you just take off the heels?” he wryly suggests.
“Hell no,” you refuse with a stubborn shake of your head.
You don’t want to contemplate how much monster guts have glossed the stairs of this bunker, via the brothers’ boots. 
Maybe it’s a silly reason to suffer, but is it really suffering if you have Dean Winchester escorting you with both hands down the stairs? 
His hands are warm and you trust the strength of his hold, but when your heel wobbles on the edge of a step, you still go for the railing rather than sink all your weight on Dean. He laughs at you, and you maturely stick out a tongue at him. 
“At this point, it’d be faster if I freakin’ carried you,” Dean remarks. He reaches for you, but you stop him with a heel in his sternum.
“Eh-eh! Don’t even try,” you laugh. “I totally got this.”
Dean rolls his eyes, but you lower your heeled foot and manage to climb down the last few steps of the rickety staircase…at least, what your exhausted brain thinks is the last one. 
You almost go ass over tea kettle when you miss the final stair with a yelp—but Dean is there to catch you. 
His arms are like steel bands around your frame, curving around your lower back and pulling you flush against his chest. You gasp and cling to his arms. When you look up at him with wide eyes, you find his amused face…and maybe something else in his eyes. He tilts his head down at you. 
“Well, well. Look who keeps falling for me?” he remarks. 
You blush at the flirtatious edge of his tone. The gleam in his green eyes; you take it for amusement only, not realizing that he’s barely resisting the urge to claim your lips. 
“Right,” you laugh him off with a pat on his chest. “When was the first time again?”
You make sure your heels are firmly on the ground before you push away from Dean. As you thought, he doesn’t try to keep you. He still looks amused as he lets you go.
He flirts with anything, you remind yourself, when disappointment starts to carve a hole in your heart. Don’t take it so seriously.
You say goodnight before you take up your duffel bag and go to find a free bedroom (and a hot shower). All the while, you bite your lip against a deep-seated feeling of uncertainty.
Dean watches you go, and you don’t see the way his mask of a smile fades into a frown. 
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After a nice hot shower and changing into your pajamas, that moment with Dean has unsettled you enough that you're not quite ready to go to sleep. Maybe you’re in the mood for a midnight snack. 
You take out a couple of supplies from your bag and head over to the kitchen. There you set up your little cafetera coffee press with water, and a generous few tablespoons of Café Bustelo grounds of espresso. While that brews on the stove, you make some popcorn in the microwave. 
You don’t realize that the rich smell reaches Dean all the way in his room. He sniffs the air in interest, then in confusion. 
She’s making coffee at midnight? 
He gets up out of bed and pads down to the kitchen where you’ve taken over. A large bowl of popcorn is ready and waiting for him to snatch a handful, while you’re checking the little metal carafe you have going on the stove. 
“What’cha up to, sweetheart?” he asks. You greet him with a smile. 
“Caf�� con leche,” you reply. 
Coffee with milk, he mentally translates. That much, he can work out. 
“You drink coffee at this time of night?” he asks. 
“My people invented it. I’ve been inoculated to this stuff since I was eight years old,” you quip. “Want some? Believe me, you’ll love it.”
He shrugs. “Sure. But if I end up too wired to fucking sleep, be prepared to suffer with me.”
You laugh. “I’m sure we’ll figure out something to do.”
Dean’s not sure if you meant that as flirtatious as it sounded. But by your briefly widening eyes and blushing cheeks, maybe you just realized it. He smirks and draws closer while you break out two mugs from the cabinet. 
He notices your chosen pajamas with secret appreciation (a large threadbare Journey shirt over spandex shorts). You fill the little shorts out well. 
Though Dean spots several small holes in the shirt. He teasingly sticks his finger through one in your short sleeve. 
“Lose a fight with a pair of scissors?” he jokes. 
You shoot him an amused glance over your shoulder.
“You are the reigning king of dad jokes. I’ll have you know, this is my lucky shirt.”
He snorts in response. “What makes it lucky?”
You just bite your lip and focus back on your task at hand. With the coffee done percolating, you measure out two steaming shots of espresso into each mug. 
“Hey, you brought it up,” Dean reminds you. 
You sigh, and after you pour in the sugar and the evaporated milk into each mug, you turn around and lean against the counter. 
“I’ve never had a bad dream while wearing this shirt to bed,” you confess. His teasing gentles at that. 
When you turn back around to put the finishing touches on what you’re doing, Dean’s expression becomes more fond as he watches you. 
You then offer him his Batman mug with a brighter smile. 
“Buen provecho,” you say.
“What does that mean?” he asks predictably, taking the mug from you. 
“Enjoy! Like bon appetite, basically.”
“Ah,” he raises his brows before he takes a sip. Then they raise even higher as he hums in pleasure. “Ooh, it’s sweet…and strong. Shit.”
“Very,” you say with a chuckle, taking your own sip. You make a sound of delight, complete with a little “happy dance” shimmy. “Almost as good as my grandma makes it.”
Dean smiles in amusement at your antics. The two of you sit at the kitchen island, where there are three stools and the bowl of popcorn. The salty snack is just the right balance for the sweet coffee.
“She taught you how to make this?” he asks. 
You nod. “Yep! She’s an amazing cook too. Learned everything I know from her.”
“Hmm, might need to sample something of yours sometime,” Dean says, peering at you over his mug. His tone is deceptively light, but you read the double meaning in his eyes.
You hide the way your mouth falls open behind your own mug. Instead of answering, you nod and take a delicate sip. Your gaze veers away from his as you blush.
He’s in a good mood tonight, you think in bemusement. 
“So tell me. What are the best curse words in Spanish?” Dean asks. 
You have to laugh. Your head ducks as you reach for his arm. His eyes briefly go to your hand, and he smirks. 
“Of course that’s the first thing you want to know,” you tease. You take back your hand and think about his question. “Hmm…I mean, there are the basics. Coño, carajo. Like 'damn it,' 'fucking hell,' and so forth.”
“Come on, you can do better than that,” Dean says. 
“Well, yeah,” you say with a grin. “Comemierda is a Cuban fan favorite.”
“Which means?”
“Literally? Someone who eats shit,” you laugh. “A stupid asshole, basically.”
Dean’s grin deepens. “Nice.”
“The best one of all time is probably…ugh, my mom would wash my mouth out with soap for even saying it.” You cover your face with both hands, but Dean nudges your elbow. 
“Come on, give it to me,” he teases. You peek out at him from between your hands. Then you stage whisper to him.
“Hijo de la gran puta,” you say. It rolls off your tongue in such a way that, even though Dean knows it’s vulgar in some way, the ease in which you say it raises the hairs on his arms. 
“I like that,” he says. 
You giggle at him. “You don’t even know what the fuck it means.”
“Don’t matter. I just like how it sounds,” he says. “Gimme the Google Translate.”
You shoot him a narrowed look for that one. “It means son of the grand whore. Literally, the chiefest of them all. The grand poohbah of whores.” 
Dean splutters with laughter. His hand slaps the table, and you shush him, reminding him that Sam is probably sleeping by now.
“It’s literally one of the worst things you can say to somebody,” you say, though you’re also choking on laughter. By the end of it, you and Dean are chortling like fools and getting high on espresso and sugar. 
You teach him how to roll his r’s, and at his request, more slang. You explain how certain Hispanics and Latino cultures use different words for the same thing (at times, very confusing), and how something innocent to an American, like a papaya fruit, means something very different for Cubans. 
For Dean’s part, he’s genuinely interested in what you have to teach him. But he also just likes hearing you speak the language. It rolls off your tongue gracefully, effortless and sensuous without you meaning to. He likes it enough that he tells you his honest thoughts.
“It all sounds incredibly hot, I’m not gonna lie,” he says with a chuckle. You blush at that, something he finds endearing. 
“You sound like my ex,” you say in amusement. “He only went out with me to help him with his Spanish.”
Dean sobers a bit at that. “What?”
“Yeah.” You chuckle dryly. “He was trying to land some job as a strip club bouncer, but we were in Miami at the time. They needed someone bilingual.”
Dean doesn’t like the resigned tone of your voice. 
“Yeah well, the bouncer?” he remarks, trying for a teasing bump of his hand against yours. “Come on. You should at least be aiming for the owner.”
You flash him a brief smile and nod. “Ah, so I set my sights too low. Got it.”
It’s then that Dean starts to wonder about the kinds of guys you’ve gotten with in the past. Not that he has room to judge, but he can see that there was no love lost there for you. 
Dean has a thought, deep in his bones, that you deserve someone who sees how special you are. How kind, funny, loyal, caring…
“Seriously,” Dean says. “You can do better.”
“Right,” you laugh. But he’s not laughing. You raise a brow at him.
“What?” you ask.
His lips purse, but he thinks better of what he wants to say. 
“Nothing. ‘S none of my business,” he says. 
You stare back at him and frown thoughtfully. You think you’re lucky to get a date, the way you constantly move around. 
You don’t have stability, and even though you try to keep in shape, try to avoid the shittier fast food, it’s been a challenge to maintain yourself. You worry that you’ve gained five pounds in diner food alone in the past couple of months…
Okay, mostly, you’re happy with your curves. But the way Dean’s looking at you now, you can’t help a flutter of hope that rises in your chest, making your heart beat faster.  
Maybe you’re finally ready to know how he really sees you. 
“Talk to me, Dean,” you nod, and you reach out a hand to grasp his wrist. 
He looks down at your hand. After a moment, he sighs and lays his own over yours. He meets your gaze. 
“Look, I think I hear what you’re not saying,” Dean says. “And you’re sellin’ yourself short, sweetheart. That’s all.”
It takes you a moment, but a soft smile spreads across your face. It warms him in a way he doesn’t expect, but maybe he should. 
Biting your lip with a bit of embarrassment, you squeeze his hand before you get up to take the two empty mugs with you to the sink. 
“Que hombre tan pendejo, hermoso,” you mutter. “Ni siquiera sabes lo que me haces.”
You don’t realize that Dean actually hears you. He perks up, standing from his seat and approaching you from behind. 
“What was that?” he asks. 
You jump slightly, and a blush burns down your neck as you turn off the sink and spin back around. Dean is there, crossing his arms and staring you down with a raised brow. A hint of a smirk begins to edge around his mouth.
“What?” you ask.
“Oh, no. You said something just now,” he says. Like a dog with a bone, he’s not going to let this one go.
Your lips threaten to smile, but you shake your head stubbornly. “You’ll just have to invest in that Duolingo subscription.”
Dean joins you by the sink. His hand braces on the kitchen counter. 
“Well, either you’re insulting me, or you’re flirting with me,” Dean says.
His lips then edge into a smirk. “The first one I could forgive, but the second…might require some retribution.”
Your eyes slowly widen. “What, why?”
Dean has to chuckle, because your expression is all but an admission of guilt. It’s too damn adorable. 
“Because you can’t flirt with me without me knowin’ about it,” he says. “That’s just rude.”
His hands brace the counter on either side of you, trapping you in. The only way to get through him is to tell him the truth, or suffer the consequences.
You gaze up at him with wide eyes and a full flush across your tan skin. Is he actually doing this right now?
Your heart beats loud in your ears like conga drums. 
“So which is it, sweetheart?” Dean asks. His playful, but singularly focused green-eyed gaze tells you he really does want an answer.
“Well, it was kinda both,” you say with a shy, but mischievous smile. Dean’s smirk deepens.
He tucks a finger beneath your chin and lets his thumb brush your full lower lip… 
Then he leans down to kiss you thoroughly. His plush lips move over yours, hot, wet, and sinfully good. 
But it’s also short—much too short for your liking when he parts from you to gauge your reaction. He seems to like what he finds in your eyes.
“Was that the punishment?” you tease. “Kinda weak.”
Dean raises a brow. “Consider it a start.”
He pulls you into him by your waist and continues where he left off, with another searing kiss. You hum with pleasure against his lips as your fingers delve into his hair. 
His hands move down your back, making a shiver of delight coarse through you. They land on cradling your ass, squeezing and pressing you into him. 
You gasp into his mouth. You can feel his length already hard against you. That alone trills anticipation down your spine, and a dizzy feeling, the fact that your touch is turning him on. You nip at his lower lip in response, licking into his mouth. It elicits a sound deep in his throat as his touch becomes more demanding. 
He then bends down to reach behind your thighs, and before you know what’s happening, you squeal when he lifts you up on the counter. 
You grab his shoulders like a cat clinging to the edge of a bath.
Damn, he’s strong!
“What’s the matter?” he laughs. 
“I’m just not used to being manhandled,” you quip. “These hips don’t lie, but they definitely don’t fly.” 
Dean snorts. “Says who?”
“My ex, for one thing,” you joke again. Though it isn’t actually a joke.
Dean, again, isn’t laughing. 
His hands aren’t large enough to span your thighs, but it’s not for lack of trying. His firm touch burning up your parted thighs is distracting, warm over your skin, and over your thin shorts. His thumbs dip between your inner thighs, making you breathe a bit more shallowly. 
“I get the feeling that you’ve been with some ain’t shit guys,” Dean says. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t lump me in with the rest of ‘em.”
Your eyes widen. Dean grins down at you and takes the opportunity to kiss you again. His hand disappears in your hair and he presses kisses down your neck. A pleasant tingle breaks out across your skin as you tilt your head for him, giving him access. 
Your fingers begin toying with his collar and glide down his chest. Unlike you, everything about him is firm, you think. But you start to think that he likes your softness, the thickness of your curves.
You didn’t take him for an ass man, but he seems very happy to get a fistful of it. It’s as flattering as it is arousing.
“I’ve wanted to get this perfect ass in my hands since the day we met,” he says. His voice is deep, full of grit and desire, but what he says next surprises you even more. 
“Wanted to ask you out that night,” he confesses. 
You pause at that. You met Sam and Dean two years ago already. The fact that he’d wanted to ask you out was one thing, but he’d been holding onto this for two years?
“Really?” you ask. 
Dean reads your incredulity, huffing a laugh. “You’re really finding that hard to believe right now?” 
He rocks against your clothed core so you can feel his reaction to you. You instinctively gasp and hold onto him. You slide your arms around his back to keep him close, even though you’re blushing. He holds you back, brushing your cheek with his thumb.
“Well, why didn’t you then?” you ask. But he hesitates to answer you. 
“Dean?” you press.
“It…never seemed the right time,” he says. “And to be honest, you didn’t seem all that interested.”
Until now, goes unspoken. But you frown up at him. 
“You don’t really believe that,” you say. 
Dean leans back a bit, so you move your hands to his chest, gripping the fabric of his undershirt to he doesn’t go too far. He looks down at you, a bit uncertain for the first time. You can’t believe that he could possibly be insecure about your interest and affections. 
“I attract a lot of crap in my life,” he admits. “Shit you want no part of.”
You soften further at that. Someone who was just going to hook up with you once and never call you again didn’t consider things like that. You grab onto the lapels of his plaid shirt and press a soft kiss to his jaw.
“Well, that’s a stupid reason,” you say. Is this the real reason he only calls you when he really needs the help?
Maybe it’s his convoluted way of protecting you…while maybe, still wanting to see you.
“It’s really not,” Dean shakes his head. “Truth be told…I’m no good for you either.”
That disheartens you. 
You’re in this job too. And while you know that Sam and Dean are often at the center of a lot of Apocalypse-level shit, you still don’t think it’s an excuse to keep both you and Dean from possibly…being happy.
His gaze is steady, until it starts to lower away from you. You take his face in your hands, picking him back up to meet your eyes. Your thumbs caress the prickly stubble along his cheeks.
“Apparently I get with a lot of ain’t shit guys,” you reply, “but you’re definitely not one of them, Dean.”
He flickers at a smile, but he still isn’t convinced you two should do this after all.
So it’s up to you, you realize. 
You bring him down to you for a kiss. It’s slow at first. You ply him with short, sweet presses of your lips to his. But then you both inhale as you deepen the kiss, tilting your head and prying his lips with your tongue. He can’t help but welcome you in, and he takes you back into his arms.
You smile against his lips, letting your hands run down his chest and under the top layer of plaid. He shrugs out of it, then the undershirt as you help him tug it up. It falls in a heap on the floor, followed closely by your hole-ridden Journey shirt, then your little shorts.
Dean takes in the sight of your flushed skin, the rise and fall of your breasts, and even the hesitant downturn of your lips. You’re a bit self-conscious, bared for him for the first time, but he doesn’t give you a reason to have any reservations. 
His hands cup your breasts, squeezing and kneading, rolling his thumbs over the hardening buds. You let out a shaky breath against his lips, and you veer away from his mouth to burn a hot, wet trail down his neck. His voice rumbles, and you smile, nipping playfully and touching him wherever you see fit. 
“Tell me what you said before,” he rasps into your ear.
You remain playfully tight-lipped as you continue to shower his bare skin with affection. But your breath hitches when a hand leaves your breast to once again slide up the inside of your thigh. 
“You’re so fucking sexy, you know that?” he says. “That’s why I need you tell me…”
You lean close to his ear and whisper. “Nope.”
Dean’s chuckle shakes his frame. His other hand cups your cheek, slipping into your hair. You hold him to you, and for the first time it’s skin to skin, with your breasts pressing against his chest. 
“All right…you sure I can’t convince you?” he asks. There’s a note of warning that you’re just a bit too slow to detect. 
His fingers swiftly bypass your panties, pushing them aside so he can tease the seam of your pussy.
You bite your lip and lean back enough to see his face, to see the mischievous edge of his smirk. You inhale sharply when two of his fingers slip in and probe in your wet heat, but don’t go further than your entrance.
“Dean,” you whine. “Please…”
“Tell me,” he insists, “what you said.” 
His lips graze your cheek, down the column of your neck. You feel the rasp of his stubble against your skin. Meanwhile, your pussy is pulsing with need, all but chasing his fingers that do no more than brush and tease. Your nails accidently bite into his shoulders in frustration.
He sucks in a pained breath. You gasp and apologize, soothing over his skin. 
Dean just laughs and noses along your throat. He knows exactly what you need, but he wants to win the game. 
At this point, you just want him.
So finally, you admit it. You confess into his ear the things you whispered in your mother tongue.  
“I said, you dumb, beautiful man,” you say, smiling with your cheek pressed against his. “You don’t even know what you do to me.”
Dean grins into your neck. You really don’t realize it. But to him, your voice is rich as black velvet, and sexy as hell. Doesn’t matter what language you’re speaking.  
Two of his fingers sink deeply into your pussy. You whimper, squeezing gratefully around his hand. 
“Please, Dean…”
“I got you, baby. Just relax,” he says with a grin. 
He explores your inner channel and begins to discover what you respond to, what angles make you grip onto him tighter, make your voice keen higher, especially when his thumb circles over your clit. 
You cling to him for dear life, gripping his hair, uttering encouragements (not all of them in English), and finally praises when that hot coil within you snaps and releases. 
Dean holds you while you come over his hand. You’re squeezing the shit out of him, really, in every way possible. But when that dam breaks, all you can do is lean against him and try to catch your breath.
“You okay, sweetheart?” he chuckles. He rubs your back, pets your hair. 
“I’m…” you trail. You lean back and take his smug face in your hands, and you kiss him. You put into that gesture what your voice fails to confess. 
And when both of you run out of breath, Dean pulls back just enough to see your eyes.
“We’re not done, by any damn means,” he says. That coffee still has him wired. And at this point, his cock is throbbing with need. “But let’s head over to my room.”
“Yeah, I think I need to help you with this before you implode,” you tease him with a gentle hand along his rock-hard length. He utters a strained sound that makes you sympathetic. 
But before anything else, you caress his cheek fondly. Tonight matters to you, and you think it matters to him too. Dean flashes you a rare, boyish grin that has you smiling even harder. 
Damn it. You might just love this man. 
He helps you down from the counter, though his arms stay wrapped around you because of your jelly legs. His resolution is to pick you up over his shoulder.
“Let’s fly, baby!” With a swift spank of your ass, he carries you the rest of the way to his room. You squeal and try to stifle your giggles all the way there. 
One thing’s for sure. Sam is going to hate you both in the morning. 
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AN: 😂 Well, that was fun! Please let me know what you thought.
**Just to preface, I am in fact a plus-sized Latina (Cuban, Puerto Rican and Dominican)! 🌶️🌶️
And I just want to say, I wrote a specific plus-sized body type here, but we're all different and equally beautiful in our shapes, skin tones, and otherwise outward trappings.
I like to think of us as a box of lovely assorted chocolates (not the cheap factory-made bullshit either. The chocolatier, handmade assortments that cost an arm and a leg, shipping not included).
Each delectable and unique, with something extra special inside. 😘
Keep Reading:
Yes, this has become a series! Next up is "Devour Me":
Summary: When you and Dean start to press each other’s buttons, both of your tempers ignite. To make up for it, you give him an impromptu salsa dancing lesson…one he didn’t exactly ask for.
▶️ Next Story: Devour Me (Part 1)
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captainjacklyn · 10 months
Hey, yo, you probably saw me on one of your posts. I was wondering if you could do the arcana twilight characters reacting to reader training Precious to destroy sisuris's balls l, I'm so sorry for this post, but I had to. You could skip if you want to. Also, sorry for misspelling sisuris name.
HAHAHAHAGHDJWEH- no worries my friend, there is absolutely no harm done on your part, I'm glad you enjoy that crack shit post and I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed writing it.
character(s) : spica, alpheratz, arcturus, pollux, vega
warning(s) : someone's balls being obliterated, a feral ferret and a vengeful summoner that just wants to see blood.
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Speechless and just straight up lost, man is just looking at us for a good minute before continuing to walk down the aisle like nothing happened.
for reference his face looked like this :
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He says nothing, he's just confused and tells himself that he needs coffee thinking he's hallucinating due to all the work he has to do.
don't even bother explaining, Spica will pass out and Precious is going to take that opportunity to destroy.
"Wrong target Precious I'm not letting you hurt rapunzel."
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Hype man right here, he's literally helping you coach that killing machine to end Sirius.
Precious actually stops trying to rip his wig off and is now accepting him as a friend, sort of.
I love this trio ! A batshit crazy animal, their batshit insane owner and the owner's boyfriend who hates the same person they hate.
Once precious is released into the city to found that sexy gun man, it's over for him.
It crawls it's way through the streets, hissing at anything in it's way until it finds the legs of the enemy..and CRUNCH GOES THE BALLS OF THE ASSHOLE-
*screams in agony*
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[Name] I don't think you have to- "HAJSKFBEFUEKR-"
Precious held on to his leg for a week, it didn't wanna let go for even a minute. Had to constantly keep this ginger man in a hospital because the moment he got out he would bleed extensively.
Once it got off of him, you just continued to train your unhinged creature.
Precious is really going balls out for the game I'll tell ya that, we're not just speaking about the nutcracker here we're talking about the sacrifice of future generations as well.
This poor dude is just standing on the sidelines like : you don't have to do this but I still support you because that's really all I can do...
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Oh he means business.
We got another coach right here- bro is going to ANNIHILATE sirius and whatever is left.
Although he keeps wincing whenever it actually happens, I mean they're both guys he knows just how painful it can get.
It's really terrifying to be honest just witnessing something that violent.
I mean who would expect this :
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to act like THIS :
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That's pollux trying to hold it, Precious is completely calm and rational with it's beloved owner.
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wut ?
like Spica, he will stand there, but not like Spica, he will remain standing there for a very long time.
Even Precious stops bitting the plastic toy that now looks like it's been shredded, even you stop encouraging your cute psychopath of a beast.
why are you giving it more attention ? HIIIIIISSSSSSSS-
He doesn't give a shit, we all know just how much of a simp he gets when it comes to you.
I love how I skipped the part where Precious tried to lunge at him and remove his eyeballs from his eye sockets.
You luckily managed to avoid that, but now you got an animal and a touch-starved white boy clinging onto you for dear life.
Vega I need to proceed with my ferret's training so could you please ? no. ...You're lucky you're just as adorable as my electric saw. BFUKETGEHTK$#$ PRECIOUS STOP SWEARING-
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Have a good day I hope you liked it.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 10 months
Draco Malfoy is not the only problem with Dramione
Look, am I the only one who hates Dramione not because of Draco but HERMIONE?
Dramione antis (often Draco antis I notice) usually paint Draco as the toxic person in this ship undeserving of Queen Hermione. How he's a cowardly, dumb ferret and Hermione deserves a real man.
You know what Hermione deserves? A consuming career and a house full of cats! Ron can have her! I feel like I am dissing myself when I diss Hermione since I see a lot of my academic self in her but who the hell sees Hermione as wife or mother material??
No one deserves to be in a relationship with someone who hates them. Hermione is no exception. Hermione does not deserve to be in a relationship with a guy who stands by while she is being tortured or hurls slurs in her face. Or thinks she is worth less than trash.
But based on canon, we know who is more likely to attack their partner and commit domestic abuse. It ain't Draco. Like...do you not see how this girl treats Ron?! The guy she's supposed to like?! While Draco has never laid a hand on her, even when this girl slapped/punched him for no justifiable reason. Him making fun of Hagrid is not justifiable. Slap him when he calls you a mudblood and then we can talk Hermione.
Draco does anything to upset her and this vindictive shrew would probably turn him into a bug and squash him. Or maybe poison him. Or turn him into a bouncing ferret for nostalgia (I read a Dramione fic where Hermione did this - that definitely killed my recent short-lived Dramione reading spree). Magic provides a myriad of possibilities :).
At least with Draco, we don't really see him mistreating his (female) friends. None of his actions towards Hermione is irredeemable. After thorough redemption and maturity, he would theoretically treat Hermione well. His parents may be hostile but he can always just give them the finger the way he did for dear Astoria. Hermione on the other hand is shown to be constantly abusive to Ron yet she's one of the heroes of the story, hardly ever called out for her appalling actions. People need to wake up from their Draco hate and recognize Hermione's flaws as well in this ship. It's more than just her not forgiving him. She would literally hurt him. Like she already hurt Ron! And her own parents!
My mother told me that if your loved one hits you once, you need to leave. Immediately. Ron should have dropped Hermione as a potential love interest the second she attacked him. Because she will do it again when she gets angry.
So yeah, Ron can keep her. Poor Ron. Hermione is hardly a catch. For anyone calling me a sexist, that kind of attitude is not cute in a dude either.
Draco can do better than her. But literally, almost anyone is better than Hermione (I'll be over here enjoying my Druna content).
Actually, the only guy who probably deserves Hermione is Harry Potter himself. She actually seems to be sweeter to him and respects him more than Ron lol. Those two can be vindictive, inconsiderate psychos together while Ron finds better friends who don't see him as a dumb loser. Oh, and Ginny can find a guy who won't dump her the second she cries (like that "crybaby" Cho) or excludes her. Harmione is practically a match made in hell.
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slytherin-girly · 1 year
You are so dead/A Draco Malfoy one-shot
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House: gryffindor 🦁
Blood: muggle
Warning: swear words(if you aren't comfortable with the use of swear words you don't have to read this) :)
|This one sucks|
"You mudblood!"
"You asshole ferret!" I shouted, I was currently having a shouting match with the one and only, draco malfoy aka ferret boy
But this however is daily, the shouting thing
"Ferret?! You filthy little-"
"Mr Malfoy, ms L/n, please stop this immediately!" Yelled one of the professors, we stopped and once he walked away we tried to punch each other
"Y/n! He's not worth it!" Yelled Ron, both him, Hermione, and harry trying to restrain me from giving him a nasty punch right in the face
Blaise and surprisingly Parkinson was trying to restrain him too
"Mate, let it go" blaise said trying to pull draco away
"Jeez, and I thought potter and draco hated each other a lot- oh- come- on!" Parkinson yelled trying to pull him away
"This will be probably- the first- and last- time- I will ever- agree with- you- y/n let it go!" Hermione yelled, also agreeing with pansy
"I will if he does! He started it!" I snapped
"No! She did!"
"You called me a mudblood first you little ferret! Let me at him!" I shouted
"Jeez you two act like an old married couple" muttered ron, a little too loudly
I stopped and looked back at him
"Uhm- hi?" He said letting me go and taking a few steps back
"And I reckon that Ron has about five seconds before he faces death" said Hermione sighing
"Ronald weasley!" I shouted
"You're in for in ron" said harry also letting go
"I'll be back for you!" I said turning to Malfoy," ronald weasley you have a five second head start!" I shouted
"And five! Ron you are so dead!" I shouted chasing after him
"You weren't meant to hear that! I forgot how good of hearing you had!" He shouts back screaming as he was running into gryffindor tower heading up to his dorm, lucky for him, fred and george grabbed me so he could get away
"Well hello little one" fred said
"Trying to kill our brother aren't you" said George
"Well of fucking course I am" they chuckled
"We still need our brother little one so don't kill him"
"Yet." George finished
"I'm not little you two are just tall" they chuckled again
I turned back
"I swear I WILL GET YOU BACK FOR THAT RONALD!" I yelled over their shoulders making our way back to find hermione and harry, maybe if I find Malfoy I could punch him along the way
We were making our way into the great hall for dinner, ron had decided to come out of hiding
"Ms l/n were you trying to kill mr wealsey yet again?" Dumbledore asked me jokingly
"I would.. but I can't kill my best friend... or can I.." i said the last part quieter
Dumbledore chuckled and told us to go to dinner
We all sat in our usual spots
"You are.. a demon!" Said ron
"Am not! I'm an angel now! Since the devil kicked me out of hell" I said back in a sassy way
"That's right y/n!" Said fred and george giving me a high five
"You-" ron started but I cut him off
"Dont make me say it"
"You wouldn't"
"Oh yes I would, hermione, ron has-"
"Dont you dare finish that sentence!"
"Say it!" Fred and george said in unison smirking evily
"Ron has liked you since first year hermione" I said trying to hold in my laugh
"You are literally a demon!" He shouted turning red
"Am not!"
"But I know something too"
"And what would that be"
"That you like-"
"Ron do you honestly have a death wish?! She already tried to kill you today!" Harry shouted
"I wouldn't say that unless you have a death wish brother" said george
"I agree george" said fred
He shrugged it off,"I know you like Malfoy and he likes you.." he said
"You are evil! You should be lucky if I don't kill you in your sleep Ronald weasley!" He gulped probably rethinking all of his last choices thinking about how he should spend his last hours in this world
"How is she not in slytherin?" Harry asked
"Wanna say that again" I glared at him
"Anyway, what does it matter.. he hates my guts.."
"I- i- just guessed that but okay.." ron said awkwardly
"I just don't understand why you are so oblivious!" Hermione sighed, and ron groaned
"Will you stop groaning Ronald!" Hermione sighed
"Will you stop sighing hermione!" He mocked her, then she wacked in on the head with a book
~~~next morning~~~
"Potions, and potions then free period right" I said
"With the slytherins as always" hermione sighed
"Will you stop sighing hermione!" Ron said remembering yesterday
"I'm tired of them" I said yawning
"Malfoy too?" Ron smirked and harry chuckled
"Do you two want to live a little longer?" I asked
They gulped and nodded
"Then shut up and let's go"
~~~after potions~~~
I sighed walking out of the classroom and then I saw Malfoy and his goons coming towards us
"Oh how lovely" I muttered
"Try not to kill anyone y/n" hermione whispered
"No promises"
"Well, look how it, we have scarhead, weaselbe, and mudbloods"malfoy smirked
"Shut up already!" I shouted
"Don't talk to me like that!" He shouted
"You talk too much!" I yelled
"Asshole." I said getting angrier by the second
"Wh0re!" He yelled
"You mudblood! Shut the fuck up already!" He yelled
This place about to blow
"You ferret! Spoiled rotten daddy's boy!"I shouted at him again
"And you're a slvt! Dating every weasley and probably scarhead too! Slvt!" He shouted louder
"Don't even try! Go! You are so dead!" I yelled motioning for my friends to go
I walked up to him, "what the actually fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled
He grabbed my wrist and smirked
"You may be a mudblood but no one else's blood as pure as mine will ensure that your children won't be muggles" he said he leaned in and kissed me passionately
"I happen to love you and hate you at the same time" I said after we pulled away
"I love you too"
"Ron you owe us 19 galleons" I heard the twins whisper
"But I'm broke!" He whisper yelled
"20 galleons then," the twins said
|I don't know what I just wrote 😳|
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bots-and-cons · 4 months
 Optimus, Bumblebee and Smokescreen x avatar reader?
Basically, the reader is secretly master of all four elements, and her animal guide is either a flying bison or a fire ferret. Nobody knows that she’s the avatar master of all four elements until she finds herself in a situation against the dissections, where she hast to defend herself and ends up, going into the avatar state in front of everyone in the area.
I’ll let you decide how they all react.
I’ve got this post and this post about avatar reader too. This ended up being kind of a ramble but eeeeeh, oh well. I’ve already done Optimus in the other post, so I didn’t do him again.
•Smokescreen had no idea about the fact that people like you (benders) even existed
•He’s pretty clueless already, and even though you’re kind of bad at hiding the fact that you’re the avatar, he still hasn’t realized anything weird is going on
•So when you go into the avatar state in the middle of a fight, he’s pretty freaking baffled
•He’s just standing there for a moment, staring at you in total shock
•You then throw a rock at a vehicon who’s coming at him, and yell at him to stop just standing there, which finally gets him moving again
•After the dust settles and the decepticons have retreated, you also come down from the avatar state
•You’re pretty exhausted and Smokescreen carries you back to the base, because you look like you’re about to pass out
•You don’t end up passing out, but you are tired and need some rest
•Your fire ferret buddy had been hiding at the base as it usually did when you went somewhere with the autobots
•But because it’s worried about you, it comes out of hiding when you’re brought to the base and it curls up on your chest while you laid on the couch
•Smokescreen has like a million questions, which he can’t refrain from asking because he’s too curious
•He’s worried too though, but he’s more curious
•You try to answer his questions to the best of your ability, but he has a fuck ton of questions, some of which are kinda of nonsensical but funny
•You told Bee about the whole avatar thing a while back, and he took it pretty well
•Of course he asked you if you could show him what you could do, and you happily do so
•You have mentioned the avatar state to him in passing, but he’s never seen it because you’ve never needed to use it when he was present
•When you finally did end up in a situation where you had to use it, Bee thought it was badass
•Holy frack, you’re like a force of nature, like a tornado or something
•It’s quite honestly a bit scary how strong you are
•Of course Bee isn’t afraid of you, it’s more like what you could do if you decided you wanted to
•You’ve talked about the fact that even though you can bend metal, it seems your bending has no effect on cybertronians, which he thought was a bit of a bummer
•The two of you figured it was probably because they’re not earth based, and their metal has way different properties
•It would have been cool if you could have just disassembled the decepticons or bended them into balls of metal 
•That would have ended the war pretty quickly
•Bee also absolutely loves your little fire ferret friend and it has taken a liking to him too
•You’re glad your two besties get along too
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blorbologist · 8 months
Trick or treat! Could you do an Artagan or Luc & Frumpkin interaction of some sort?
Fluff, of a sort! Wrote this while playing fetch with my cat <33
He has worn and stolen many names in his time.
On this night, not in the Feywild but Wildemount, he goes by Frumpkin.
He is proud to, mind, and happy to bear the title at the exclusion of all his many. For this Caleb Widogast is a fascinating thing, his friends almost moreso, and the roads they travel fascinating, and the many forms and deaths he takes quite fun, figure. He’s never before been eaten, what an odd treat that had been!
Frumpkin (his other names? Pah, not for you!) likes this agreement. Very much so.
And this is why he waits until his person is in sound and leaden (read: quiet and deathly heavy) sleep to ooze from his arms, as cats are wont to do. On delightful soft paws he stalks around the encampment, unnoticed by their singular watch - the little green one, Nott who is not what she seems. Finding the plush nest with a head of blue hair, he goes still, watching.
And he whacks the crimson ferret nestled next to her, hard.
“They are mine,” Frumpkin seethes as it - whoever it is, it is no it - wakes. “They are mine, and mine alone, and I am and was first fey to be bound to them. Go!”
The weasel writhes, wiggles. Clearly can’t escape the grasp of the Jester, and so settles for looking at Frumpkin from upside-down, impolite even by standards of their kin.
Looks, truly looks.
Every filament of this body stands straight, arches, tenses, does all it can to get away from - from this, yet finding itself unable to move. 
“Mmm, calling dibs are we?” hums the fey. His voice makes a mockery of how sound works, here - in the Feywild it would be a song and a story and a subtle thrum of Frumpkin’s heart. “That’s not nice.”
“Apologies,” says Frumpkin. “Apologies plenty, Archfey. Never did I intend-”
The weasel’s one free paw dismisses this with a wave. “Oh, hush, you. Keeping my nature concealed for everyone’s benefit. Just wanted to be along for the ride, you know?”
Frumpkin forces his fur to lie flat. Home were he and his heart would have ran out his mouth, or sprouted flowers. “An amusement?”
Dark eyes crease. Fond? Regretful? He settles into the locks of curly hair, preens at some near his muzzle. “No. A… well. It’s a lot to get into, really. But she needs me. So she’ll have me.” There are too many lights in those eyes as they flit back to the familiar. “It’s… not a game, anymore.”
He flicks an ear. “As mine will have me,” he says. 
(What power is his that he holds to an Archfey? The power to soothe every nightmare, to be comfort to touch, to be eyes and whiskers for one with such feeble senses. To be something lost, found again. To play his part. As Frumpkin. For Caleb.)
The mouths of little predators are not made for smiles. They cannot be made into ones, either, not as form might fit fancy in the Feywild. Frumpkin stares into a grin of needle-teeth and blade-molars all the same.
“I like you!” declares the archfey. “Now, just keep this to yourself, alright dear?”
Frumpkin nods, tail swaying. “Of course. For them.”
“It was a pleasure.”
And then:
“Name’s Artagan,” says the weasel.
Oh. Oh.
He knows this one. No fey know a stranger’s name, unless they do not mind whose mouth it finds itself in. Easy, powerful.
“Frumpkin,” replies the cat. 
He, wisely, keeps his actual names to himself.
🎃Trick or Treat! Send me an ask and you'll get a trick (angst) or treat (fluff) ficlet in return! 🎃
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lemmilemura · 5 months
it’s ur girl pine back with another request that’s secretly an unfinished draft from my notes app
okay so the reader is friends with maeve, and one day she invites them to a party (specifically one that jake hosts, this is important) (no it’s not i just like drama)
but the reader is kind of put off by the idea since they don’t really like parties. but yk it’s just this one time and maeve seems like she really wants them to go with her so they decide to get a little more information on it so they can be prepared (idk i honestly didnt think about why they ask questions but just go along with it 😭) so they ask maeve who’s gonna be there. she says smthn like “eh idk, jake, probably the rest of his group, me obviously, and simon” (reader hasn’t met simon yet, but they know who he is, they also don’t think AT is as bad as everyone makes it out to be) (very odd take but were gonna roll with it). and so when the reader eventually goes, them and simon eventually get like alone together and he starts conversation with them (prob says like “hey, are you y/n? i think maeve has mentioned you a few times.” or something)
IM SORRY THIS IS SUCH A LONG REQ BUT YEAH!! also you can decide what happens after simon and the reader are alone together, im thinking the reader like kind of realizes ‘oh shit this guys kind of fine’ in the like 30 minutes they talk to each other BUT YOU CAN CHANGE IT HOWEVER YOU WANT🫡 (also sorry this isn’t as good as my others it was kind of rushed)
At this point, you should just become my source of ideas xD Because truth be told I am running out and you always have great ones, Pine!!!!!🌲(I tried looking for a ferret emoji too, but I didn’t find one, so now you’re just 🌲 hope that’s okay)
All kept gender-neutral Based on the show
 "I’m really not sure, Maeve. I mean, I brely know anyone at Bayview, let alone Jake." Maeve was trying to convince me to go with her to a party hosted by a guy at her school. We didn’t go to the same school and I didn’t know anyone, besides Maeve and that one Simon guy, but only because he has an app or something that people are making way bigger a deal than it should be. "Oh c’mon! For all I know, you barely leave the house! I mean, if nobody knows you, that’s even better! No way for you to embarrass yourself. Pleeeease just come with I beg you."
In the end, it took a few more minutes, but she did manage to convince me. The days leading up to the party, she kept talking about it, telling me about all of the people I'd probably see. She kept bringing up Janae, I was convinced she had a thing for her, and Simon. The day of the party, though, I was considering just telling her I was sick, I wasn't really feeling like it'd go well. But I still decided to go, I said 'fuck it' and went.
Though, after only a few minutes, I had already lost Maeve. Great. I was alone at a party at someones house who I did not know, with people I didn't know. The kitchen always seemed like a good palce to go, especially when most people were outside by the pool. Also in the kitchen you can get drinks, just water to be honest, but sometimes that's really all you need. I find an unused cup and just get some water from the tap.
Suddenly, this guy walked in, and my god he was hot. Like goddamn what god or demon did his parents make a deal with to make him that attractive? I’m not even kidding, he was just that good looking. I damn near choked on my water, I had to turn around and face away from him out of embarrassment. He didn’t say anything, maybe he didn’t even notice me. He walk around like he owned the place, he knew where everything was, every cup, drink. Maybe he’s Jake’s brother or something. Or maybe that is Jake? I thought.
He suddenly seemed to notice me. "You’re new." He simply stated. I nodded, trying to stay calm. "Maeve invited me." I replied. He raised an eyebrow, making him only more attractive for some reason. "That mean you’re (Y/N)?" He asked. Holy shit hot guy knows my name. Stay cool, stay calm, you’ve got this. I nodded. "Funnily enough, I dragged her here. ‘m Simon."
I tried my best to stay calm and not let my shock come through. I took another sip of my drink, hoping it would help. "You don't go to Bayview, do you?" He asked. Again I just shook my head. He looked me up and down, making me even more flustered, somehow. "Shame." He said, and just... walked off. Just liek that. This man flustered me to my core and walked off like it was nothing.
Honestly I don't remember much of the rest of the party, I was really just trying to calm down, also half debating if I should switch schools. Genuinely. Luckily, Maeve soon (maybe, I do not know how long it was) came back and we decided to leave.
"So, how was it?" Maeve asked. I grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking her. "WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT SIMON’S HOT? THAT IS A VERY IMPORTANT THING TO KNOW!" Maeve only laughed at my reaction. "Okay, while I do agree, he is good looking, he can be a pain in the ass sometimes." I must admit my face did betray me in that moment. I found that out because Maeve gave me a look, then started laughing again.
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kindheart525 · 4 months
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It was a great night to be out on the town on this Friday night. Ponies were bustling with activity, some going home after a long week of work and others finding a little fun to kick off their weekends. Either way, for many it was a night of fun, or at least relief.
Three young stallions were having a bit of fun of their own. Freshly starting their EMT training, they were seriously devoted to their work, but still undisciplined thrill-seekers like many their age. EMT school was a lot of work so they needed a way to unwind, which the three buddies were doing well as they stumbled out of a pub.
“Did I kill it at karaoke or what?”
One of the stallions, Lemon Wedge, bragged while making finger guns with his wings and jokingly acting like he was hot shit.
“Killed everypony’s ears, maybe!”
His friend Swift Valor retorted. They’d been hanging out for long enough that this was lighthearted banter and not a genuine insult. 
“I dunno, there was that one lady who was watching you all night!”
The third stallion, Golden Opportinity, added.
“Those pipes could get you a date!”
“Aww yeah!”
Lemon pumped his hoof and the three of them erupted into uproarious laughter. They were all rather tipsy, not enough to get into too much trouble but definitely enough to be a bit unaware of their surroundings. A passing couple shot them a glare for disturbing their night, but they hardly noticed.
They were wandering the streets pretty aimlessly until Lemon stopped in his tracks.
“Guys, it’s like, 9pm. What are we doing?”
“Going home?”
“Why, to feed your weasel?”
The other two stallions started snickering but Golden became defensive.
“Noodle is a ferret! And yeah, I gotta be responsible and shit!”
“Didn’t you call your sister or somepony to do that? You’re already being responsible.” 
Swift wasn’t particularly concerned about the ferret, but he did want his friend to stop worrying so much and have fun with him. Even through the buzz he was able to use logic to convince him to let loose.
“Oh yeah!”
Golden carried on following his friends, his hesitation quickly dissolved.
The three stallions continued down the street, bantering and looking around for something to do. Most places on this Canterlot street were too stuffy and frou-frou for their tastes, so their options were already limited.
“What about that place?”
Swift pointed out a storefront that stood out from the rest. It was just as fancy and refined, but the outside decorations had more of a whimsical quality to them, it was unique.
“Isn’t that like, the psychic place?”
“Yeah, I think so. It’s probably a big scam but we’re messing around anyway, we’ll just see what it’s about.”
“Yeah, sure, we got nothing better to do.”
His friends murmured in agreement and proceeded to follow him in.
“Not like anything will come of it.”
Prophecy had been running her shop for a good while now and it was everything she dreamed of and more. The space was small but it was hers, a place to harness her powers on her terms and connect with ponies who needed her help. She planned her schedule so she wouldn’t be overworked at all, so she could actually enjoy her gift.
On Friday nights she had a few evening hours to catch the early-weekend crowd, but now it was getting late and she was closing up her shop for the night. Until the doorbell jingled and several ponies came in for her services.
Prophecy was usually pretty patient, but she was always irritated by ponies who came in at the last minute. Her hours were right on the door! Oracle was a serious art, it wasn’t like going into a store and picking up a few last-minute gifts.
But she came out of her office with a pleasant smile on her face, greeting the guests with the same politeness as always.
“Welcome! How are you doing tonight?”
The three stallions stood around her shop, looking around as if in a daze. She’d decorated her space to have a dream-like quality. but she didn’t think it’d make ponies actually think they were dreaming. But they were swaying slightly and mumbling like they were drunk. That explained it.
She recognized one of them from her foalhood days, calling him out to get his attention.
“Hello, Swift! It’s nice to see you!”
“Oh! Prophecy!”
Swift snapped out of his stupor, having been quite disoriented entering this more serene space after trotting among the bright lights and bustling energy of the city.
“You work here?”
“Dude, you know her? Is she your girlfriend?”
His friends started laughing at him as he quickly shot a glare at them.
“Shut up! We just went to school together.”
He turned back towards Prophecy, leaning on her desk as casually as he could manage.
“Are you here for a fortune?”
She cocked an eyebrow, a bit peeved that these guys didn’t appear to be taking her space or her time seriously.
“Damn, I can’t believe you’re still into this oracle shit.”
Swift chuckled wryly, not mincing his words very well. This only made Prophecy even more annoyed.
“Yeah—I mean, no—like, it just never made sense, you know? You predict stuff with data and facts, and like, observing the world around you. Not magic. It kinda seems like you’re getting paid to read the weather report.”
Prophecy didn’t remember Swift being quite this stuck-up as a kid but she didn’t like it one bit. She’d dealt with her fair share of skeptics, but this one especially grinded on her nerves. He knew her just enough that what would be annoying banter felt like a personal insult.
“Well, this is literally my cutie mark, so it’s real whether you can wrap your head around it or not.”
She retorted.
“Yeah, but it could have been a coincidence! You always believed in fairy tales even when you were too old.”
“And I watched you cry so hard you threw up because Eru wouldn’t share his little blue wagon with you. You were almost 10. So I guess we’re even.”
Swift’s friends screamed as his face grew hot with embarrassment, and for a moment Prophecy felt a petty sense of satisfaction. It wasn’t usually in her nature, but it was just too easy to put him in his place.
“Fine, fine.”
He tried to save face, cooly tossing a few bits over to her.
“Give us some predictions, and if they come true, maybe I’ll reconsider.”
She agreed to satisfy him, though she really didn’t care about convincing stubborn ponies.
Then she turned to the other two stallions.
“What are your names?”
Lemon Wedge and Golden Opportunity mumbled out some introductions, and Prophecy immediately got to work. She inspected each stallion closely, taking note of every minute detail in their mannerisms. Then she took a box out from under her desk, filled with all of her best supplies.
“Bro, what’s she doing?”
They began to whisper amongst each other as she shuffled through her things, her mind firing off with visions of what was in store for these stallions.
It wasn’t good.
“Golden Opportunity.”
The stallion quickly stood up straight at his name, Prophecy’s voice holding such authority that for a moment, he almost believed in her. Just an instant.
“Your life may seem golden now, but it will not always be so. One day soon, you will lose a dear friend and you will have to learn to stand on your own.”
She placed a small glass figurine of two ponies on her desk, symbolizing close bonds.
“Lemon Wedge.”
For the next stallion, she held up a deck of playing cards.
“You’re a go-getter. You take risks. But too much of this will be your downfall. If you do not rein yourself in, you will suffer great losses.”
The pegasus rolled his eyes at her but she didn’t see it, quickly turning to face the smug visage of Swift Valor.
She was ticked off at all of them, but she wasn’t making their fortunes bad on purpose. She was just interpreting the visions she had. But staring at Swift’s cocky smile, she wanted nothing more than to see it wiped off his face. For him to see the truth.
“Swift Valor, you regard yourself with as much value as your possessions are worth; it has always been this way. If you do not humble yourself, you’ll find yourself dispossessed and with a cracked ego.”
To demonstrate, she held up a cheap bar of fool’s gold and smashed it on her desk, doing so with a bit more vigor than her job called for. She was really going for the dramatics.
His friends were a bit startled by this, but Swift just nodded nonchalantly.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll let you know when that happens, if it does.”
He started making his way for the door, his friends trailing after him.
“Nice to see you again, Prophecy. Tell Eru and your moms I said hi, alright?”
Though he bid her farewell like an old friend, his attitude leading up to that moment completely soured it for Prophecy. But she didn’t spend any time dwelling on it, she moved right on with her life and started cleaning up. They weren’t her problem anymore, whether they believed her was their perogative.
But the predictions didn’t lie.
Previous: Plain Sight Next (for Swift): Broken Mirror Next (for Prophecy): Iconoclast
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system-vent · 24 days
i have a couple vents about the same person from over the past week. they're also a system, these are all different stories. we have dyslexia so some words may be misspelled or i might forget words entirely. any and all names have been replaced with fake names for the sake of anonymity. the system in question will be referred to as 'yellow'.
first story. one of our innerworld managers is an introject from a new show. he was in front, he has an extremely short temper, and he can be a bit blunt. manager has specific opinions on interacting with out-of-sys sourcemates. he says that if they front of their own accord to say hello to a sourcemate, thats fine. he can tell them "cant talk right now, extremely angry and need some time, mind if we talk later?" and its done and dusted. he says its okay to ASK "oh we have a sourcemate of your introject, would your introject like to speak to our sourcemate" because if the inteoject isnt mentally stable, they can decline. but what this system did was send an alter into headspace to find managers sourcemate and send sourcemate to front. manager saw sourcemate speak and immediately removed himself from front in simplyplural (they have our sp) and when ghost told sourcemate "hey sorry manager isnt here he had to go back to headspace for a minute", sourcemate had a borderline meltdown. shouting "BRING HIM BAAAAAACK" and no amount of reasoning from anyone in front at the time could get him to calm down. his own system made no visible effort to stop him from demanding manager to come back to front if anything they enabled it. they have done this before. manager did end up coming back and just didnt add himself back to front in sp and immediately got nauseous and uncomfortable because sourcemate went "tell him i love and miss him <3". manager had never ever spoken to this sourcemate before.
story 2. yellow had recently gotten a new host during the time this story takes place. our frequent fronters are (in their own unique and distinct ways) very upbeat, friendly, easygoing, roll-with-the-flow, nothing bothers them, chill dudes. when these fronters started talking to yellow in their friendly calm way, yellow got mad at us and started being a pick-me by going "youre only friends with me because youre friends with my system. you dont want to be friends with me. im a handful. im a mess, im a terrible person." and frequent fronters naturally backed off and tried to act more cold and distant because, well, yellow isnt our friend apparently! and then for months after this he started complaining that we're drifting apart, that we dont talk anymore MOTHERFUCKER YOU PUSHED US AWAY. YOU TOLD US TO FUCK OFF AND THEN STARTED BEING A PICK-ME ABOUT IT.
3. yellow got mad at us and told us off for every alter immediately trying to be his friend, and then got mad at us because two of our sticky alters didnt want to talk to him and disnt trust him. ala he got mad because every alter wasn't immediately his friend.
3.2. to elaborate, disc and sword are at risk of getting solo frontstuck due to mental health issues they or the body may experience. if they get too anxious they will get frontstuck by themselves. yellow knows this. we told them. we asked them to be gentle with what they say while disc and sword are in front, theyve asked and expected the same of us and we obliged. disc refuses to speak anywhere or to anyone unles tea is involved in the conversation somehow or present during the convo. sword will only ever speak to or around herb, ferret, and HP. we told yellow that disc and sword will never ever be willing to speak around him due to trauma.
4. yellow called me a roseboy. femboy is a slur to transmascs as it was (and is) used to imply that they were not truely men (if i recall correctly) so no they didnt call me, an alter in a transmasculine body, they called me ROSEBOY because im a cisgender man who possesses an extremely feminine doll against my fucking will. i had met yellow earlier this month for about five minutes. i am not close with yellow. them calling me a roseboy really ticked me off because that is a joke that NO ONE is allowed to make about me. i dont even make that joke about myself. if a close friend made that joke about me, i could brush it off. i can excuse it and lightly go "hey could you not do that again" and then we move on. i am not fucking close with yellow i have so many fucking issues with yellow. he called me a roseboy to get my attention and get me to look at something he sent. i have in fact told him my backstory. he knows that i am not a fucking roseboy. and he called me a roseboy anyway.
5. they bashed on a character and claimed he "was the most basic stereotype for people with aspd" we have aspd. we hold that character close to our heart. he is a literal non human resin statue. of course he lacks empathy. we heavily relate to characters who are non-human and lack empathy. it helps us cope with our symptoms. character doesnt have aspd. HE IS A STATUE. IN A DEATH GAME. WHERE THE CONTESTANTS ARE AWARE THEY MAY DIE. they were bashing on him offing other characters and talking shit on his lack of empathy despite full well knowing both of these things. they celebrated when this character was killed off. this fucking hurt us deeply. we told him off for it, he guilted us over it.
6. (TW: EMETOPHOBIA, SUICIDE MENTIONS) YS in yellows system is a sticky alter and saw something that triggered his traumatic source memories and then proceeded to send it to us to vent about it. his cofronters did not stop him as they were panicking over something different. sword was still in front at this point, YS' vents about vomiting and the picture they saw and also sent triggered sword due to his traumatic source memories and made us nauseous because of the talk of vomit. i am a persecutor. i did not stand for this. i said "did you really have to send those? sword is nauseous, try to stop cofronters from doing that next time" and key argued back at us and tried to excuse it or something, idk i was running on pure adrenaline trying to protect swords emotional state. i gave up on telling them off because these broken records kept fucking repeating the same shit as if that makes any of it ok. i ended up saying something to the effect of "sorry for getting aggressive, im trying to protect my cofronter." they sent pretty much the same message back. i told them that i would be muting the chat so their notifs wouldnt trigger sword anymore, and then left them alone for five minutes. i come back, and YS is out of front, yellow says "goodbye, tell my boyfriend he'll move on" and caused sword to panic harder because that my friends, was a suicide note. i told them i was muting the the chat for the sake of my sticky cofronter and they sent me back a fucking suicide note. i know exactly what it was because last night they were venting about being straight up suicidal and said the exact words "if i killed myself, my boyfriend would move on". i refused to open that app for an hour straight and forced sword to look and think about other things in an effort to calm him down, he spoke to herb and ferret and HP and whatnot and got calm, i messaged yellow back and told them call a hotline and this motherfcuker said "oh i thought you muted the chat. i wasnt actually going to do it id chicken out anyway". were they hoping i was bluffing? were they trying to guilt me? wwre they expecting me to come back and apologize profusely for my crimes? for taking care of my sticky cofronters mental health?
its worth noting theyre also upset because me, Vex, and Bob werent instantly friendly with them. vex is an emotional protector, his job is to sit in front and absorb all our negative emotions and be numb to any abuse that comes our way and then sob and ugly cry about it once we are safe. vex is an extremely angry person and cries out of frusteration very easily. when he met yellow he told them he was angry and wouldnt be easy to get along with. he told them to just gently tell him if he steps out of line and he'll apologize and make up for it. they ignored it and screamed at him and us to the point where he sobbed three times in the same day for hours at a time. they never apologized.
yellow has let a raver front on multiple occaisional. a raver is an alter whos job is to be malicious and angry and mean and harmful on purpose intentionally knowing full well what theyre doing is very wrong. raver literally verbally attacked someone who had been a host at the time upon their first meeting after exchanging a single sentence. yellow has allowed this raver to guilt and manipulate and emotional harm alien to the point where alien will not front. alien does not come near front. alien sits depressed in his room all day. alien and raver have had multiple negative interactions that alien was blamed for.
yellow got mad at vex for telling off a Borderline Raver and telling BR to stay in their lane and fucking behave. we have had multiple interactions with BR. every single time has been damaging. vex was on his guard and protecting us despite knowing yellow hates him and has hated him and been hostile towards him from the moment he spoke.
we are the only person they ever vent to, even when we are mentally unstable and mute their notifications and we tell them we can not mentally handle vents right now. yellow has other friends. they do not shut up about their other friends. theyre matching icons with yellow hosts boyfriend. and yet they only vent to us. because they dont want to bother anyone.
i cannot bring any of this up to them. they have BPD. they might make an actual attempt if they think theyve ever upset us. they have stated this themselves. i have to pretend that everythings just fucking peachy! i still havent opened the conversation with them.
Sorry that this happened to you anon:( -🌐
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crowentity233 · 1 year
Spare Shadows (pt. 2)
(Slow Burn Type Story)
Mako x Reader
Pt3 Masterlist
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Summary: Darkness is hovering over the city. Dae is one of many struggling to survive in the city without any control. Police have exhausted all efforts to save the city. The Avatar saves Dae after being captured by Bolin and Mako. Dae, a master swordswoman, then follows the group to save her spirit friends in the city.
(No warnings, I'm attempting at a storyline that would fit into Korra. If you can watch korra, you can handle this, so rated what the show Is rated.)
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The woman lay in the bed still. Her body hadn't moved since being laid down earlier in the day. Mako and Bolin were taking turns keeping a watch over her.
Mako sat at the window and read a book, waiting for his turn to be up so he could rest. Mako heard the sheet rustling as the girl finally moved. She slowly lifted her eyes. She couldn't scream or move too much. She had no strength.
Mako walked slowly to the bed. He lifted his hands in a way of showing he was no danger. "Are you feeling okay?"
She sucked in air in fear. She shook her head no softly. The air was cold, her limbs were sore, everything was sore, her fingers were bruised from how hard she had held the bars in the cell. She had no memory since being in her home.
"Im an officer, Im not going to hurt you. Can you speak?" He asked, kneeling next to the bedside.
"Yes." Her voice was hoarse and rough around the edges. It was barely above a whisper. "What happened to me?"
"What do you remember?" He dodged the question, not wanting to scare her.
"I was in my house. My neighbor was at my door." She paused to take a breath. "He asked to come in to..." she breathed in. "He just wanted to share tea like always, but something seemed wrong with him. I thought he was sick."
Mako nodded. "You need to rest. We will explain everything in the morning. Do you need anything?"
"Can I have another blanket?" Her breathing continued deeply. "I'm freezing."
Mako nodded and opened the closet door, grabbing a blanket and laying it over the woman.
"Thank you, Officer." She smiled softly.
"Mako..." He finished for her.
"Dae." She introduced herself as she turned to get comfortable.
Mako left back to the window and waited for Bolin to wake up for his turn.
Bolin walked into the room and traded with Mako.
Pabu did tricks with Bolin working on training him. They were both quiet, but Bolin heard her shift around. "Oh, Hello..." she trailed roughly. "You're a different officer."
"Oh, you're awake. Good morning. Are you okay?" Bolin smiled kindly with his words.
"Yeah, I'm starting to feel a little better. I'm still sore... and confused." She said softly, her voice still rough but starting to soften.
"Oh, Mako didn't tell you." Pabu jumped onto the bed.
"No, he didn't." She spoke as pabu began smelling her. "Hello, buddy. What's his name?"
"Pabu and Im Bolin. Mako is my brother." Bolin said simply.
"It's nice to meet you, Bolin, and it is nice to meet you, too, Pabu. My name is Dae. " The fire ferret jumped back down off the bed and back in Bolin's arms.
"So what do you remember?" Bolin asked, tucking Pabu away.
"Mako asked me that too. I remember my neighbor coming over for tea, but something wasn't right about him. There was something off. I thought he was sick or something. His voice sounded funny. I turned around to get the tea, and then I woke up here. Can you tell me what happened?" Dae asked.
"Well, a spirit possessed you. We caught you at a warehouse, and you were wild. You were screaming, barking, and fighting to get out of the cell." Bolin said dramatically.
"Im so sorry! Did I hurt anyone?" She said sincerely. Her voice was finding strength.
"You specifically no, but you were with a group of people that did attack our friend. You were the one that we could grab that had been separated from the group." Bolin sat down on the end of the bed.
Dae sat up and stretched. She noticed the clothes were from the air temple. "What happened to my clothes?" She said quickly. The embarrassment of being changed by two male officers was not hidden on her face.
"Don't worry. Jinora and Korra changed your clothes. You were soaked from the healing pool." Bolin quickly relieved her stress.
"Korra like Avatar Korra." She sat comfortably again, knowing she was in safe hands.
"Yeah, and Jinora is Tenzin's daughter." He added as Pabu popped his head back out of Bolins uniform.
"So a spirit possessed me? Are there others out there? Is that what happened to my neighbor?"
"There are tons out there. More than likely, he was and probably your entire street. The numbers are growing fast." He didn't try to hide anything.
"That's horrible." Dae said softly, laying back down. Pabu crawled out and laid beside her. "What are we going to do, Pabu?" She pet his fur and tried to focus on what the last interaction was.
The sun began its rise into the sky. Everyone got up one by one. Bolin helped Dae to stand and walk to the table. Pema stood in the kitchen with her children gathered around. "Mom, she's up. The crazy girl is awake."
"Meelo!" Pema scolded. "That's not nice. Please excuse him. He is... just Meelo."
Dae giggled softly as Bolin held her weight as she sat down. "That's okay. I heard I was a bit of a wild animal yesterday. My name is Dae."
"Crazy Dae. I like it, " meelo cried out happily.
"I like it too, Meelo. Sorry for the way I was acting yesterday. I wasn't really myself." She apologized as Pema sat down plates for the children, then to Dae and Bolin.
"I heard you really weren't." She breathed out a small chuckle.
"Good morning, everyone." Tenzin called out as he walked in the room with Mako.
The room filled with good mornings. Tenzin kissed his wife and then started getting plates ready for everyone. Pema sat down at the table. Mako sat down beside Bolin.
Korra and Asami entered in shortly after.
"Oh, you're up. Did you get good sleep?" Korra asked, grabbing two plates from Tenzin with a quick thank you.
"Yes, I did. Thank you for helping me, Avatar Korra." Dae nodded happily.
"It's no problem. That's what I do. How are you feeling?" Korra asked.
" I feel better than I did last night." The sore muscles had been slowly diminishing. The bruised knuckles were still prominent and sensitive to touch.
"Good. I think you can help us. Can we ask you some questions?" Korra continued with the same questions that the brothers had asked. Dae answered them the same.
"Bolin already told me what happened. Is there anything I can do that might help stop this?" She asked quietly. "I remembered something this morning that I think is important. The man that came into my house, he had a mark on his wrist. It was a weird bruise colored marking. It may have just been a bruise, but..."
"Anything you remember tell us. Anything could be important to stop this. There's still a lot we dont know." Mako added to the conversation.
"Okay. I'll work on trying to remember things. I do know something that might be related. I was out the day before, and there was a man that was talking in a hush. He was saying that Shady Shin was being hidden away because he was in danger from something. They said it was dangerous and that he was in his secret hideaway. I don't know where that is."
"We do." Bolin announced energetically.
"That's great information. Thank you..." Tenzin trailed.
"Dae. My name is Dae." She said.
"Crazy Dae!" Meelo yelled out.
"Crazy Dae." She corrected herself, laughing with the child. The group then went around the room, introducing themselves.
"Well, Crazy Dae, you are our link to this, so anything you remember, let us know. We have to get this fixed soon. Our city and world depend on it." Tenzin said quickly. He stood up from the table, finishing his plate, and kissed Pema on the head before walking out.
Pema did the same, getting her children ready for training. Jinora followed her dad out for the morning meditation.
The group of young krew got up to discuss what they would be doing now that they know how they got Dae out of the trance. They walked together to the balcony that overlooked the city.
Dae was left alone in the room. She stood up using the table to remain on her feet. She grabbed the plates that were still on the table and carefully began washing them at the sink. She wiped down the countertops once the dishes were clean and made sure everything was put away where she knew it needed to go. If she didn't know, she set it in a small pile to reduce the look of clutter.
Pema walked back in pleasantly, surprised to the clean kitchen.
"Sorry, I didn't know where to put this stuff." Dae said quickly, pointing out the things that weren't in the place they should be.
"That's alright. Thank you so much for cleaning up. You really didn't have to." Pema said a smile graced her lips as she spoke. She had the relief of a tired mother getting a break.
"You all have been so kind to me. It'd the least I can do." She sat back down across from Pema, who also took a seat. "What is everyone going to do about the spirits?"
Pema sighed. "Honestly, we don't know."
"Do you have any books on spirit? That would be a good place to start." Dae asked.
"We have a few books, but if you're talking spirits, Jinora might be able to help. She is the spirit guru. She should be out in the training arena if you want to talk to her." Pema spoke proudly of her daughter
"Thanks, Pema." Dae smiled, getting up from her seat.
"No, thank you." Pema's eyes met the clean kitchen again, and she relaxed into her seat as the house got quiet.
Dae walked out the door that Pema had pointed to. She looked around astounded at how beautiful the air temple looked. The training arena wasn't far. She saw Jinora with the krew.
"Crazy Dae!" Jinora greeted cheerfully.
"Hey, Jinora!" Dae walked to the group. She had started to feel better and could keep a footing on her own.
"I was going to ask about the spirits, I wanted to help everyone. I've met some nice spirits since you opened the portal." Dae turned to Korra. "If they are in trouble too. We can't just let them suffer."
Korra nodded. "The more people that help us, the better. Do you bend?"
"No, but I was trained by my father. He's a master swordsman. He prefers the old ways of fighting. He also taught me a few chi blocking moves." Dae explained.
"The chi blocking is very useful." Asami smiled.
"Yeah, it's saved me a couple of times." Dae nodded.
"We need to get packed. We are heading to the water tribes." Mako spoke up to the group.
"Oh, so you guys have a plan?" Dae asked.
"Yup, we thought it through this morning. It's foolproof." Bolin had the wide toothy grin.
"Okay. I don't really have anything. My swords, I'm assuming, are where I left them at home."
"Bolin can take you into the city to make sure you get there and back safe. Mako, will you pack his things? We will leave when you get back." Korra asked.
"Yeah, I got your stuff. Stay safe." Mako called to the pair then left to pack.
Bolin walked with Dae to the ship. He set it up to sail back to the city. He led her down under the deck. He passed by the cell she was in. "Oh! This was the cell you were in. Look at how messed up it is." Bolin stepped inside the cell. He grabbed the bars and mimicked what she had been doing. "You were all like, Rawwwww waaaaaa grrrrr"
"That's horrifying." She giggled.
"Yeah, the spirit that came out of you was a cute little foxbeetle." Bolin said.
Dae looked around the cell. "I can't believe a foxbeetle spirit did all this."
"Yeah, the darkness took control of them." Bolin stepped away from the cell. "Come on, let's get back up to the deck. The city isn't far, so we should almost be there. "
Dae followed Bolin up to the deck. The city was in view. The crime was taking its toll on the city. The city was starting to look like it was a war zone.
"Okay, my apartment is this way." Dae led Bolin down the dock to the apartment building. She walked up to the door, and it was left open. She looked inside, and it had been mostly destroyed. Her heart sank, seeing all the destruction. Her belongings were thrown all across the room. She bit back tears and grabbed the few clothes that hadn't been ruined. She opened the safe she always kept.
"I'll change when we get back. Air nomads were definitely pacifists. These clothes were not meant for fighting." She said and strapped her swords to her side.
"Wait...shh." Bolin hushed her. Running came down the halls. Bolin didn't take a chance to see who it was. He opened the window and bended the earth to come up to the window into a slide. He grabbed Dae's hand and pushed her out first. He threw himself out just in time a firebender was tossing flames out the window at them. Dae screamed as she fell down the slide. She was shocked as Bolin fell into her. "You know, for a near death experience, that was fun." She tried to mask over the fear.
"I like that attitude. Come on, let's get back to the ship before something else happens." Bolin and Dae ran back quickly. They sailed back to the island.
"The groups going to love you." Bolin said.
"I hope they do. I haven't really had a lot of friends since moving to Republic City. The spirits were very kind to me, so they kept me company."
"Well, now you have us. Who knows, maybe you can be a cop like me and Mako." Bolin turned back, seeing the air temple start to come into view.
"Probably not since I'm a non-bender, but maybe." She giggled out at this man's enthusiasm of life.
Bolin told you about the Non-bender officers as you reached the dock. The group started putting the stuff on the boat. Tenzin came out waving to the krew. He, Pema, and their children went with Jinora on oogi the bison.
"I couldn't leave them here so close to the portal. Air Temple Island will be the next to get dark spirits." Tenzin said to the group. This group seemed to be like his adopted children. At least on an outside perspective. "We will meet with Kya and see how many waterbenders we can round up to get our island and city back." Tenzin took off with his family to his home in the southern watertribe.
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(Just ask me to be tagged)
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prismaticpichu · 1 year
Dunno if you do requests, but I am in eternal pain rn with this neck cramp i have had for hours, and I could really use something to cheer me up, anything really thankyou :))))
Omg I’m so sorry to hear that!! Neck cramps are the worst man. Our necks aren’t meant to be so stiff! I hope you feel better soon! ❤️ And absolutely! I’m happy to answer any asks and fulfill any requests!! (So long as they’re sfw.) Let’s see what I got *ferrets under bed*
Ooh! I’ve had this snippet sitting in my files for a while. I basically flipped on a random word generator as a writing exercise, and the word I got was "journal." Sooo this came to be in the finite time I had during my lunch break! No real start or end, just a puzzle piece in between.
The next page, the last one, was titled Seph. 
I really lucked out. Not the kind of luck where it doesn't rain when it said it would, or when you go and win a poker game. Or maybe it's not luck and just how things turned out. It doesn't matter much, anyways. Meeting him was one of the best things to ever happen to me. After everything with Modeoheim, after Angeal died... I didn't know what to do. I had no one to turn to. There were the guys, sure, and Aerith did everything in her power to help... but none of them could really understand. Seph did, though. He knew Angeal just as well as I did. He cared with all his heart.
The thing was I was super bitter at the time... I kinda hated Seph's guts to be frank. I'm sure he hated mine too. One night though, I was all alone in my place... and Seph came to visit, just to drop off some papers (the guy is never not working, I'm serious). Anyway, he saw me with this photo of Angeal... saw me crying too. I didn't really want him there--but at the same time I couldn't find the strength to tell him to leave. I think he knew that I needed him though, because then, Seph pulled me into a hug and didn't let me go until I fell asleep. It's a little embarrassing thinking back on it, to be frank... Anyway. after that, well, I couldn't be mad anymore. I understood. Seph sent me on those missions... but he didn't mean it. He was hurting inside. He didn't wanna hurt his friends, no more than I did. And I also learned a whole lot more about him after.
Seph is kind, and funny, and the most loyal guy you'll ever get to meet. He doesn't smile much, but when he does, even though his mouth's always closed, it's one of the best things there is. I once thought he was spoiled, but I couldn't be more far from wrong; Seph doesn't flaunt anything he has. He doesn't even want most of the things, or the fame, or all that fancy attention. He seems to appreciate the small, tiny things in life, so I'll always make sure he has them: snacks, plushes, a walk... a friend. I'll always make sure he has a buddy. That's my goal--no, a promise--and I won't let anything break it
I don't know what I'd ever do without him. I'd prolly never be able to be Me--not really, not after everything. Seph let's me be Me. I ... love him so much.
Zack walked into the room, blinking toward his friend. "Whatcha looking at?"
Sephiroth didn't say a word; he just set the diary back in its place and turned around, floating to where Zack was standing. And then he pulled him into a tight, loving embrace, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and back, Zack's face pillowed against his coat.
"Oh," Zack sounded like he was laughing, "hi, bud."
Sephiroth only squeezed him tighter, his soul melted to dough. “I love you, too."
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can I get a matchup? I'm open to male and female (both if you can) Genshin Impact only!
I'm a black haired female (she/her) who wears glasses. I'm 5'5 feet tall. I'm quite the introvert but to my close friends or love ones, I'm pretty open. I can definitely get along with someone if we have the same interests. Sometimes I like to tease and joke around to my friends or family but I'm pretty shy in public. My hobbies are drawing or playing video games. That's it really.
The downfall about me is, I can get distracted really easily when I'm bored. (Like school or work.) Sometimes I can be clumsy and always spilling something or when someone gives me advice, sometimes I can get defensive even if it's a good one. My mind always thinks they are judging me even though it is not the case at all. I'm very cautious about things and always think about the negatives then the positives. (Like, what if I mess up or what if they don't like me.) And me being a overthinker make things worse. to be honest, I care what people say or think about me. Also, sometimes sensitive. It's hard for me to be rude or stand up for myself sometimes. I'm pretty lazy and find a excuse not to do something. Can be selfish when it comes to sharing things. Can also be picky about food and have to convince me to try it. Sometimes I randomly can get moody or snappy at people, especially when I'm hungry or when someone wakes me up. Not athletic. I avoid being confrontational or I don't like anything that have to do with it.
The good things about me are that I care about people, like I don't like seeing them upset or sad. I try to do something for them to cheer them up. I can get very defensive when it comes to people messing with my family or friends, gotta stand up for them. People say that I'm very intelligent but I don't think so and I'm very sweet and opened minded. Once you get to know me, I'm fun to hang around with.
Likes: anything that has to do with water or Beaches, I love to go swimming and I love summer. I got a big heart for anything that got cheese, I'm a foodie :) only sometimes I prefer to stay at home, I love music. Mainly pop music or old school music. I like to learn about history fashion, etc. especially 50s or 18th century. And animals, definitely ferrets!
Dislikes: I HATE loud noises, everytime I heard a loud noise. I panic and I can't stand being around to many people or loud music. I don't like concerts or parties. I can't stand moths. I don't care or like politics. that's the only thing I can think about so far.
Aesthetic: I love royalcore or princesscore, tropical stuff. Or just cute things.
I prefer someone who is like to stay home, not always moving around. Someone who can handle dealing with my attitude or me being sensitive. I don't want anyone who is hard to get along with, I want someone who is easily get along with.
I hope this is enough information to understand me!
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchup!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Kaveh loves the layers of your personality. You’re shy at first? No worries, he befriended Alhaitham didn’t he? And then you open up and start teasing him and joking around? Oh, he’s in love!
He absolutely loves it when you tease him. That banter is everything he wants and more. It feels so domestic to him.
Some of Kaveh’s favourite moments are when he’s busy working on a project that has a deadline quickly looming and you bring in some drawing materials so you can work on your own project next to him.
He can’t leave his work, but he still gets to enjoy your company. And that means the world to him. Plus, he gets to see your creativity and that inspires him and his designs.
Kaveh’s not phased when you get randomly moody. He gets that as well so as long as you’re both patient with each other, there’s no need to worry.
This guy absolutely loves getting to go to the beach with you. It’s a nice change of scenery from Sumeru City and he’s able to fully relax with you. It’s a win-win!
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lovesickanorexic · 2 years
𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓂𝑒𝓁𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝓃𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒
One foggy day, one fellow made it's way through an icy, misty path. To something, rather, some place unknown. It used to be lively, but what had happened? It fell through down below, until it was no longer habitable. It was something the five cherished until the domino effect. One fell, then the other, then another, and another.... but will they all fall down? Or will somebody be left standing?
While the fellow walked closer to her destination, she thought I hate it, why give me a vision to freeze but I can't even freeze time? I want to go back, before I... fell, back to my family, when I was warm, back when I was alive.. Then she reached her destination, the one that reminds her of so many memories she refuse to forget, but at the same time, the place that makes her feel misery.
She approached an extraordinary mushroom-like tree with large and lustrous leaves. Her and her friends were always amazed by this tree, that even when it's surroundings were as cold as death, it still lived. She then reached four square monuments with four circles at it's bottom. On top of those squares were a bomb that is shaped like an animal with ears sticking at either side. Another one was a circle with blue sparkles littering around it, as well as a paw engraved at the middle. On another square there was an egg-shaped ferret with a leaf on top. At the last square was a circle shaped bell with intricate designs. The four monuments spelled "K. D. S. Y." Symbolizing the first letters of her friends name.
At that place, she always hung out with them. Either individually or together. She remembered the times where they would set up a picnic and talk and talk until it was time to go. She missed those times, laughing and loving, without thinking the dangers of the world. Oh how she wished to feel carefree, even for a second. Those time when she would go fish blasting with Klee even though they're from a different nation. She would often go plant hunting with Yaoyao when Dr. Baizhu needs some, and when they're not they would go walk around the city hoping to find something to do. When Dr. Baizhu gave prescriptions to Anthony about Anna, she would always go with him, just to see Klee and Diona. She and Diona would always go and hunt down ingredients to experiment on the drinks. They would always have fun trying their newly made drinks. Yaoyao would often sneak her in The Crux sailing to Inazuma where she would meet up with Sayu, talking about things until they drift into a slumber. Oh how she missed those time when they talked without a care in the world.
"I miss all of you.." Qiqi said. "I wish you guys were still here with me, but I'm not that selfish to pull you in again in this monstrous world." She was blessed, no, cursed with an immortal soul. An idiot would say that it's great, but it's not, it means you would have to see your loved ones die and suffer with grief. Needless to say, she was a zombie, waiting to be sucked into the ground. She was growing impatient by the second. She was tired, she really was, Physically and mentally.
"I love all of you, even though you left me, I still do. You were always with me even when I didn't you to be. Thank you for sticking with me even though.... I-i forgot what to say next.. Sorry..:
"It's okay! We were almost finished anyway, before we can continue let's take a break shall we?" Jean said. The crew ordered foods which they can feast at, obviously. "Aww, there's no fish" Kayla exclaimed. "Don't worry, we can always order some later" Yassi said. "This drink tastes awful! Bleh" Diana gagged. "Are we done yet? I wanna sleep" Sally said with half-lidded eyes.
"I wish the script won't come true.." Qianna exclaimed
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adsthumbsblog · 2 years
Pets For Kids
Here are 10 Essential Reality Checks for YOU to consider when 'others' are considering the addition of a new pet to your family or household.
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So you want a pet or at least your kids want a pet, well there is nothing unnatural about that, the whole idea will sound great...but wait a minute, stop and think.... there are some great positives about this idea....there are also some essential reality checks that need thinking about....a quick read through my checklists below will help you make a more realistic decision.
Remember the old saying "A pet is not just for Christmas". Someone will have to clear the 'pooh' up at the end of it .... all.
Essential Reality Check No. 1 -
The Type of Pet
The type of pets for kids you can take into your household will depend on a whole host of things such as follows:
The ages of your kids - a two year old child will probably not be able to handle a pet gently and certainly won't be able to care for the pet.....
How much will the pet costs be - not just to buy - but to care for on a daily basis?
What size of pet does your child want? - What space will be needed? A hamster does not take up much space but guinea pigs, ferrets and rats need much larger cages.
How much time do your kids and you as a family have to give to the pet?
Will your family be safe with the pet? Will the pet be safe with your family?
If you have a larger pet such as a dog, cat, or goat what effects will it have on your family, friends and neighbours?
How will your pet be cared for during your holidays.
Will your family be able to cope with the eventual death of a pet?
Some pets will sleep most of the day and be awake at night. Hamsters can be very noisy at night!
If your child wants a dog you will need to look into the breed, size and exercise needs of the dog.
Do you already have another pet, what effect will it have on that pet. For instance will your dog be OK with a cat or rabbit or bird?
Essential Reality Check No. 2 -
Ages of your Kids
You will need to decide on a pet that is suitable for the age of your kids.
For instance in most cases it would not be wise to buy a hamster for a two year old child who is still adapting to the world around them and may not know or be able to handle the hamster gently.
Do you want to give your kids some responsibility in caring for an animal. Some kids are very responsible and will be able to manage this. Other kids, well the sight of a baby animal is just too appealing, after all who can resist a cute puppy or kitten or baby hamster?
At first you may need to help your kids, as caring for a pet is a very responsible job. As a parent or carer you will always need to oversee a pet's care.
As the parent or carer you will need to decide if your child is old enough to handle and care for a pet. How often have parents heard the cry "oh but we promise we'll take it for walks everyday"
Or "we'll clean it out mum, we promise". How will you feel in a years time when you find yourself caring for the pets because the kids are busy with friends or away on a school trip or inundated with homework or just plain bored with the poor thing.
Essential Reality Check No. 3 -
True Costs of Pets for Kids
Some pets are very cheap to buy for instance hamsters, guinea pigs, goldfish. gerbils, fancy rats, fancy mice and rabbits and even ferrets.
You will still need to consider:
The cage set up (this can be very expensive when looking at the cage sizes that most pets need) in fact they need the largest cage you can manage
Food costs per week
Vets bills if your pets become ill.
e.g. Ferrets need a yearly injection against canine distemper.
Holiday care - you will need to pay for this of course if you cannot rely on friends and family.
Bigger pets for kids such as goats, and dogs and pedigree cats are far more expensive to buy initially, some costing hundreds of pounds.
You will need to consider:
Bedding and a cage (if buying one for your dog or cat)
Leads and collars for dogs.
Food bills
Vets bills (dogs should have yearly check ups with a vets)
Holiday care (kennels can be very expensive)
Flea treatment
Ongoing veterinary costs if your pets becomes chronically ill.
Essential Reality Check No. 4 -
The Space Required
Even small pets for kids such as guinea pigs, fancy rats and ferrets need a lot of cage space for a happy life. They will need the biggest cages you can find space for. These pets also need space to exercise out of the cage.
Cats take up very little space, as do small breeds of dogs.
Dogs will need a decent sized garden as well as walks to keep them well exercised.
Essential Reality Check No. 5 -
Time for your Pets
Do you and the family have time for a pet.
For smaller pets you will need to have them out of the cage and being handled daily for at least 2 hours a day.
Do you have time to clean out your pet at least once or twice a week, or even daily?
Some pets will certainly need the toilet corner of their cage cleaned more often to avoid a foul smelling cage and pet.
Water bottles and food bowls will need cleaning and refilling every day.
Will you be able to walk your dog at least once a day? - dependent on the breed some need more!
Are you willing to look after your pets for kids for the many years some can live?
(From 18 months to 2 years for a mouse up to 15 years for a dog)
If you are out at work all day and the kids are at school all day your pets will need and will demand attention when you return home
Essential Reality Check No. 6 -
Your Pet and Family Safety
You will always need to ensure your kids safety when they are spending time with any pets.
Even little pets can bite and leave a wound.
Dogs should not be left unattended with your kids as they are unpredictable. Even a faithful dog will bite and even attack a child if they are in pain or afraid. It happens rarely - but it does happen.
You will also need to ensure your pets safety:Is your child able to handle a pet safely without hurting it.
Is your pet safe with any other pets in the home? - if you have young children and a dog .... you will need to make sure the dog cannot escape because a door is accidentally left open.
If you have a dog you need to ensure visitors safety as you can be sued if your dog bites someone on your property (or even off your property)
Make sure that when pets for kids are having free time out of cages that:
Other pets cannot hurt them
They cannot chew electrical leads
They cannot fall into toilets or baths of water.
They cannot escape through gaps in walls or floors
They cannot get outside without supervision
Essential Reality Check No. 7 -
Effects on Family and Neighbours
The whole family needs to be in agreement if you are getting pets. Pets can be noisy and messy having an effect on family living.
What effect will a pet such as a dog have on Granny who suffers with an allergy - will that mean she cannot come to visit anymore?
If you get a dog will it bark and howl when you leave them for any length of time and will this annoy your neighbours.
Will the dog bark when your neighbours are in their own garden.
How will your neighbours take to having your pet cat mess in their garden?
You will need to keep your yard free of dog mess to ensure it does not smell -particularly in summer months.
Essential Reality Check No. 8 -
Holidays and Care for Pets for kids
If you have pets for kids what will happen to them during your holiday times.
Do you have family or friends who can care for your pets while you are away.
If not you will have to pay for your pets care.
This will be expensive for dogs, cats and larger animals.
Even for little pets, holiday care can be expensive.
Essential Reality Check No. 9 -
Loss of a Pet and Grief
Some children are really sensitive and will be distraught when their beloved pet eventually passes away, or is lost in some way.
This is especially distressing if the pet has died as a result of an accident or illness.
How will you manage this?
The kids will need to grieve, grieving is a healthy part of a loss reaction. We can suffer losses every day in a small way such as not getting something we want, this causes a loss reaction and part of the healing for this is grief. If your child or other family member struggles with the grieving then look at the following and see if it applies. The grieving process has seven stepping stones through which people move. Your family member may not go through them in order or spend long on any one.
Birds  London
Birds  Birmingham
Birds  Liverpool
Birds  Sheffield
Birds  Bristol
Birds  Glasgow
Birds  Leicester
Birds  Edinburgh
Birds  Leeds
Birds  Cardiff
Birds  Manchester
Birds  Stoke-on-Trent
Birds  Coventry
Birds  Sunderland
Birds  Brent
Birds  Birkenhead
Birds  Nottingham
Birds  Islington
Birds  Reading
Birds  Kingston upon Hull
Birds  Preston
Birds  Newport
Birds  Swansea
Birds  Bradford
Birds  Southend-on-Sea
Birds  Belfast
Birds  Derby
Birds  Plymouth
Birds  Luton
Birds  Wolverhampton
Birds  City of Westminster
Birds  Southampton
Birds  Blackpool
Birds  Milton Keynes
Birds  Bexley
Birds  Northampton
Birds  Archway
Birds  Norwich
Birds  Dudley
Birds  Aberdeen
Birds  Portsmouth
Birds  Newcastle upon Tyne
Birds  Sutton
Birds  Swindon
Birds  Crawley
Birds  Ipswich
Birds  Wigan
Birds  Croydon
Birds  Walsall
Birds  Mansfield
Birds  Oxford
Birds  Warrington
Birds  Slough
Birds  Bournemouth
Birds  Peterborough
Birds  Cambridge
Birds  Doncaster
Birds  York
Birds  Poole
Birds  Gloucester
Birds  Burnley
Birds  Huddersfield
Birds  Telford
Birds  Dundee
Birds  Blackburn
Birds  Basildon
Birds  Middlesbrough
Birds  Bolton
Birds  Stockport
Birds  Brighton
Birds  West Bromwich
Birds  Grimsby
Birds  Hastings
Birds  High Wycombe
Birds  Watford
Birds  Saint Peters
Birds  Burton upon Trent
Birds  Colchester
Birds  Eastbourne
Birds  Exeter
Birds  Rotherham
Birds  Cheltenham
Birds  Lincoln
Birds  Chesterfield
Birds  Chelmsford
Birds  Mendip
Birds  Dagenham
Birds  Basingstoke
Birds  Maidstone
Birds  Sutton Coldfield
Birds  Bedford
Birds  Oldham
Birds  Enfield Town
Birds  Woking
Birds  St Helens
Birds  Worcester
Birds  Gillingham
Birds  Becontree
Birds  Worthing
Birds  Rochdale
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bella-cooper · 8 days
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A Developing Situation
She's her mother's daughter, a flirt. And it ended my marriage when her mother got insecure about it. I guess she was right to be.
Her mother and I divorced a couple of years ago, the marriage only lasted a three years, and frankly I think I had more in common with my stepdaughter than my wife, and it drove her insane.
Nothing ever happened between us, but we talked about everything and are still close now that she's in college. I was always a sort of mentor on all sorts of things. So when she called to ask if she could bring over her boyfriend's friend to fuck. Her mother didn’t agree with how she behaved sexually.
“You know that I live in a studio, right?” I said.
“Yeah. No problems.”
“I guess I’ll go to the movies then.”
“Thanks dad,” she said, and I headed out.
While I was gone, I thought I should have changed the sheets, and figured just as well that I didn’t after what my stepdaughter was about to do with them. I remember her asking me a while back if squirting was a good thing. Oh, boy, that was a hard conversation to stay focused.
Anyway, I went home after a few hours to find her still laying there naked.
“Mmm, hi dad, I love the smell of the sheets. I missed laying on your side of the bed hanging out with mom, smelling your pillow,” She said drunk on sex. “Where were you? That movie took forever,” she said, getting up.
“I didn’t think you would still be here,” I said, unable to tear my eyes away.
“Well, we fucked and fucked, but finally he had to go to work. Speaking of I need to head to work too. We were really hoping you would walk in on us,” she said as she got a drink from the fridge, before putting on her t-shirt and shorts.
“Yeah, it made things super hot, to think my dad would catch us fucking. Maybe even get all up in my boyfriend's face and then call me a slut and then daddy fucks me to reclaim his stepdaughter later,” she said. “It was so sexy talking about it, we both came three or four times. The smell of your sheets really turned me on while we were talking too.”
“Is that a thing? Hell, I’m sorry I missed it,” I said, half joking. My hard on was raging at the thought. My mind was trying to ferret out if she was serious or not.
I wanted more than anything to say ‘hey let’s set that up’ but it sounded creepy in my head, so I kept it to myself. She grabbed her purse and came over, laying a soft kiss at the corner of my mouth and then with an unexpected squeeze of my cock through my pants she said.
“Nice log, daddy. By the way, I sent the link to the video to your email, we kind of hoped you would see it and come running. Maybe next time you should monitor your email closer. Oh, and use lotion, don’t want you to chafe. I’m back from work at 10. Don't wear it out too much.”
Fuck, wow. I think she just told me she wanted to fuck me, right? Am I reading into this? Where the fuck is that email….
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rabbit-reveries · 3 years
𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒆
Warning: Drinking, smoking, slight smut ahead, actual smut next chapter
Word count: 3387
Characters: Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory (who is alive and an 8th year the same time as the others bcus I said so), Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fem!Reader
Rewrite of “Party @ the Hufflepuff Commons” by me :P
"C'mon, Pansy, just get with whoever you wanna get with, no need for games. What are you, fourteen?" asks Draco, blowing vape smoke into the air. 
"Oh, shut up, ferret! I'm just trying to find something for us to do. The party died hours ago, and I'm not anywhere near ready to go back to the dorm." says the girl, stealing the vape from the blonde's hand. 
You take a sip of your drink. The commons are completely trashed, the floor covered in plastic cups, confetti, and food that had fallen off the snacks table, but the music is still blasting, and if you checked the drinks table, there would be enough firewhiskey to last till the morning. Sitting on the loveseat couch, Draco and Pansy share a vape pen and a bottle of vodka. Across from them, Ron and Hermione occupy the other loveseat couch with Harry sitting between their legs on the floor. He and Ron take turns taking hits off Cedric's blunt while the Gryffindor girl sips from a cup of mixed liquor. "Well, we're sitting here in silence, doing nothing, and it's starting to bore me..." you say, more to yourself than to anyone else, leaning on a wall. "If you've got a better idea, then I'm all ears." 
"I don't mind playing truth or dare. Brings back memories, actually." chimes in Cedric, who is sitting on the arm of the loveseat. He takes the blunt from Ron, covering Hermione with his body for a second as he stretches to get the joint from the redhead. "Like, being fourteen, as Draco says, and having only just started to spread my wings."
You snap your fingers and point to him, a grin on your face, visions of the past flooding in. "Yeah, remember that party where we were playing spin the bottle, and I had to kiss Neville? He tried sticking his tongue down my throat; it was gross! Later I found out it was his first kiss and felt so bad for being a bitch about it." you chuckle.
“I don’t remember that.” says Hermione, mildly confused. “Was I not invited?”
“You were! We all were, it was the night we first made friends with Y/N. It was also the night you got drunk for the first time and I had to carry you back to the dorm.” says Harry, laughing. He takes the blunt from Cedric.
The girl averts her gaze to the cup in her hand, a look of embarrassment in her face. “Oh.” is all she says. As you all know, she took quite a long time to learn her limits when it came to liquor. 
You take a sip of your drink, lips curled into a smile. Pansy mirrors you, takes a drag off the vape pen and asks the group: “So, are we playing or not?”
“Yeah, sure.” you say, grabbing an empty glass bottle and setting it on the ground. You sit across from Harry on the floor, right next to Pansy. They all shrug and lean closer to you and the game. “I'll spin it.”
You do as you say, bottle drawing circles in the black and yellow rug. It stops pointing to Harry and Draco. The Gryffindor blows smoke and asks “Alright, truth or dare, Malfoy?”
Harry pauses and thinks before giving the blonde his dare, a relaxed, self-satisfied grin in his face. “Strip one piece of clothing every time someone says your name.” He takes a drag from the blunt. 
“What? Want to undress me so badly?” says the Slytherin, cocky to try and cover up the fact that he choked on vodka. “All you gotta do is ask. You know I hate playing games.”
“Oh, I know. That’s why I play ‘em, Malfoy.” he laughs, the last word leaving his mouth immediately followed by a cloud of pale smoke. 
The blonde curses, but follows through with the dare, taking off his pullover and throwing it on Pansy’s lap. The girl cackles at his frown, taking his chin between her fingers and forcing him to look at her. “Don’t be shy, Malfoy. Take your shirt off too.” she says, voice teasing as she spits the smoke in his face. Unexpectedly, she plants a kiss on Draco’s lips. 
He pushes her away and wipes her lipstick off his mouth, features contorted into a disgusted expression. “Gross! You make me sick.”
At that, Pansy smiles wider, and takes another drag “Really? It’s not what you said two nights ago. In fact, if I remember it correctly, your exact words were ‘Mommy, please let me c-’” Malfoy looks like he’s about to have a heart attack, mouth open and cheeks flush with embarrassment. He covers her mouth with his hands before she’s able to complete the phrase and eyes the group, completely mortified.
“I did not say that.”
She pushes him off of her, not one bit fazed by his reaction. “Oh, you did. And you cried when we were done.”
“I did not!”
“You did. Now strip. Want me to say your name again, ferret?”
Red like a tomato, he looks like he’s about to say something, but bites his tongue and does as he's told. You gaze at the two, enthralled by their banter. You’d always wondered how Pansy and Draco managed to get along, as they’re constantly fighting, humiliating each other. Taking a sip from your drink, you watch as the boy takes off his striped shirt, revealing to all the iridescent paleness of his chest. 
“I hate you.” he says, staring holes into Pansy.
She blows him a kiss, and, still angry, he sits down next to her. “Okay, who’s next?” she laughs.
“Let’s find out.” says Harry, spinning the bottle in your place. “Y/N and me. I choose dare.”
“A true Gryffindor.” you tease and take another sip of your drink. The truth is that you had no idea what to ask of him. All you could think of seemed so cliche. “I’m great and merciful, so I won’t dare you to do anything extreme. Pick someone to shotgun and I shall be satisfied.” 
“I shall remember your kindness, then.” he grins, getting up from his place on the floor to grab the joint that had been passed to Cedric at some point. You think he’s chosen his prey, but instead of taking a drag in front of the Hufflepuff, Harry sits sideways on the lap of his Gryffindor buddy. Ron blushes like crazy, as surprised as you are by his choice. 
“W-what are you doing?”
“Shotgunning you, duh.” Harry cups his cheek with the hand that isn’t holding the blunt. Eye to eye, he asks “Can I?”
“I mean… Y-yeah, I don’t mind.”
He laughs and takes a drag, taking in as much as he possibly can before inching closer to the redhead. Mouth open, Harry blows smoke at the same rate the other inhales it, the white cloud of vapor disappearing between Ron’s lips. “Done.” he gets up from his lap and returns to his place on the floor. “Let’s see who’s next.”
Ron is still red when the bottle is spun, stopping seconds after, pointing to Cedric and Pansy. The short haired girl leans closer, shifting her weight so her arms rest on her knees. She answers before the question is asked.
It is hard to ask things of Pansy, you came to find out along the years. You never know what might come out of her mouth, or the point she is willing to reach for a laugh. She is extreme and not above saying things for shock value. That’s part of her charm, you think. Cedric pauses, weightening his words.
“What’s the weirdest thing you've ever done?”
“Does catering to a ferret's mommy kink count?” 
“Will you stop telling people I have a mommy kink?!” the ferret in question yells, head between his hands. “Why do I even put up with you?”
Pansy takes a sip of vodka. “I know too much. Plus, like it or not, I take care of you.” her focus shifts back to the group “Anyway, weirdest thing I’ve ever done? That’s a hard one... I guess the time I had to take Goyle to the infirmary because he got a carrot stuck up his ass.”
“You did what?” Hermione stares at her dumbfounded.
“You heard me. He was naked when I got to the boys’ dorm, and so was Crabbe. I had to calm them down and get them dressed before taking Goyle to Promfey.” 
Hermione eyes her, then turns to Harry and Ron. “I’m sorry, boys, I know I told you two you could count on me for everything… But if one of you ever gets anything stuck, hm, there… Please consider calling someone else.”
“I’m offended you think that something like that is even a possibility, Mione.” Harry side-eyes her, hand stretched to spin the bottle again. “Anyway, Hermione and Malf-” before he can complete the phrase, Ron slaps the back of his head. “Ow! What was that for?”
“You almost said his name!”
“I don’t wanna see Malfoy in his underpants! Are you trying to scar me for life?” he exclaims. 
“You just said my name, you big idiot.” Malfoy hisses, getting up to undo his belt. He throws the piece of leather on Ron’s lap and turns to Harry. “Does this count as a piece of clothing, Potter? Say no and I’ll fucking strangle you.”
The Gryffindor pretends to ponder on the question “Hm… Tempting, but I’m gonna say it does, just because I enjoy choking more than being choked.”At that Hermione is the one to slap the back of his head. 
“Ever heard of ‘too much information?’”
You can’t help but laugh at the group. You have an interesting friend circle, all of them linked together by your easy-going smile and sense of humor, and somehow, you make it work. Most of the time, that is. “Anyway, Hermione, you gotta ask… ferret, I guess, the question.” you say, attempting to change the topic. 
“Lord help me… Truth or dare?”
Without hesitation, he answers “Dare.”
She tips the tip of her finger to her lips, thinking a bit too hard before saying “I dare you to do a cartwheel". As soon as the words leave Hermione's mouth, you, Pansy, and Harry start booing her. "C'mon, Mione, you couldn't think of anything better?"
"What? I doubt he'll be able to do it with how much he drank." she looks at you three, quite confused about your reaction. She'd thought she'd done a pretty good job, apparently. "Anyway, a dare is a dare, so you gotta do it."
"That is true. Show us your cirque abilities, ferret." Pansy says, taking back the vape pen and the vodka bottle from Draco. The blonde gets up, clearly not happy with the dare. "Where am I even supposed to do a cartwheel? I'm gonna knock over all of the shit on the tables!"
"Oh, true." says Hermione before shrugging. "Not my problem, though. A dare is a dare."
Malfoy's lanky body gets to moving, and soon he's shown all in the room possibly the most pitiful attempt at a cartwheel any of you had ever seen. Cedric starts clapping, and you all follow. "Congrats, that was the worst cartwheel I've ever seen!" 
"Shut up, Diggory. Who's next?" the blond huffs, sitting back on the loveseat couch. Rude as always, he grabs the stuff back from Pansy and takes a swig off the vodka. Harry spins the bottle, and it stops on and this time it falls on Pansy and Hermione. A wicked grin spreads through the short-haired girl's face. "Say, Granger, truth or dare?" The Gryffindor gulps, taking a second to think before answering: 
"I... I choose truth."
"When was the last time you had sex?"
You turn to the girl, who is red from her neck up. Ron practically chokes at the question. 
"I- I choose dare." 
"Okay, then I dare you to answer the question." says Pansy, chuckling. 
"I refuse to!"
"What? You're not a virgin, are you?"
Hermione looks down at her hands. Pansy continues to tease, until she downs what was left in her cup and blurts out. "Okay, if you wanna know so badly, the last time I had sex was four weeks ago."
"Four weeks ago?!" Ron questions, "That's not when- I mean, that's not so long ago! Why didn't you tell me?"
Hermione looks at him as if he’d just spat on her face "Oh, frankly, Ron, you're not my boyfriend; I don't have to tell you anything!" she huffs, turning to the side. "Let's continue with the game, shall we?"
Harry spins the bottle, eyebrows raised at the exchange. “Ron and Y/N, you’re up.” says the Gryffindor girl, eager to change the focus to anyone else but her. 
“Alright, Y/N, truth or dare?” asks the boy, eyes still on Hermione, curious as everyone in the room.
“Uh… I don’t know. Sit on the lap… of the person you find the most attractive here.” Ron says, obviously still hung up on Hermione’s truth. Harry passes him the blunt but he refuses it, so you take it instead. After a drag, you get up and motion to Cedric to sit down on the floor. Wordless, he follows the instructions and you sit between his legs, unable to look anyone in the eye. 
Harry chuckles, looking at you, and you show him your middle finger. “Get fucked, Potter. Just spin the bloody bottle.” you say, only provoking him to grin wider, shaking his head as he does as he’s told.
“Ferret, it’s you and me.”
Draco crosses his legs and leans closer to spit vape smoke directly on Harry’s face, way too bold for a man who’s lost his shirt and just showed everyone the most pathetic attempt at a cartwheel. “Truth or Dare, Potter?”
“Kiss me.”
All in the room stare at him. That is… well, quite bold for a ferret, you think. “What?!” Ron exclaims “What the fuck, Malfoy?”
“Shut up, Weasley.” the Slytherin hisses, “What, scared, Potter?”
“You wish. You talk like a snake but you’ve got no poison whatsoever.” Harry says, but makes no mention of moving. Draco opens his mouth to retort, but is stopped by Pansy’s “Oh, Merlin, just shut up and kiss already! You’re stalling.”
Hermione tries to cover a laugh, but does an awful job. Harry crawls over to where the blonde is sitting, and, on his knees, waits for the kiss that is graced to him when Malfoy leans in and captures his lips. Your eyes widen at how heated the whole situation becomes after a couple of seconds, the Gryffindor hands on the blond’s hair and the blond holding him by the collar of his shirt. Pansy hits the two on the head with a paper plate she’d found on the floor, as if the two were misbehaving dogs.
“Okay, you two, you were dared to kiss, not to swallow each other's faces!”
Red and gasping for air, the two part. Draco leans back on his seat and Harry goes back to his spot between Ron and Hermione’s legs. “That was… something.” you say, laughing, trying to decide whether that was hot or just too much. 
“It sure was.” Cedric says, his hands on your lap like a seatbelt. 
“Ok, who’s next?” asks Harry, spinning the bottle. “Pansy and Cedric- or is it Y/N? Pansy and Cedric and or Y/N.”
“Let’s say Cedric, since he hasn’t been asked anything yet.” you say. You can feel him shrugging as he takes a hit of the blunt, that by now is on it’s very last breath. 
“Alright by me.” he says. 
“Say, pretty boy, truth or dare?” Pansy rests her head on Draco’s shoulder and takes a sip from the bottle of vodka.
“I’m scared of what you might ask me if I pick truth, but I’m terrified of what you might dare me to do if I don’t, so... I’m going with truth.” the Hufflepuff confesses, an honest chuckle following the words.
“Of course. Can’t have you tarnishing your golden reputation just as you’re about to graduate, can we?” you can feel the mockery in Pansy’s tone, and so can everyone else, but, as far as you can tell, Cedric is unbothered. “But really, don’t you ever get tired of being perfect? Don’t you ever want to make a mess, a big one?”
“Is that the truth you wanna know about?”
“Not really, no. What I want to know is, if there were no consequences, what would you be doing right now?”
“I do want to make a mess from time to time. When it gets too much, all kinds of things run through my mind, but then I realize it’s just me trying to find ways to hide from my responsibilities, blow off some steam.” he says, every word perfectly balanced in his tongue. 
Pansy grins, devilish. “Do you have a parent-approved response to everything? Or are you really this boring? Don't you ever wish you could go wild? ” the girl takes a drag from the vape pen “You’re avoiding the question, too.”
“You really are smarter than you look.”
“I’m really not. It’s just that boys see a girl in a miniskirt and think ‘oh, she must be stupid’, as if we have to pick between being sexually liberated or intelligent. Now answer the question, we don’t have all night.” Pansy blows smoke into the air, watching it rise to the sky with an absentminded air. 
Cedric stares at her, expression unreadable. “I… I would be in an orgy. It’s always been a fantasy of mine to be in one.” The boy takes the blunt from Ron, trying his best to act unbothered, but you can tell it is all that is, an act. You eye him and Pansy, mildly concerned about the tension between the two. She speaks again. 
“And what’s stopping you?”
“Consequences. Insecurities. Not knowing who to ask.”
“You could’ve asked me. I’d be down.”
The Hufflepuff stares at her, baffled. He is trying to figure her out, you think. You yourself are confused as to where she plans to get with this joke. “C’mon, Pansy, that’s enough teasing.” you say, laughing to try and keep the mood light. She eyes you and grins. 
“Y/N would be down too. Just ask her.”
“Pansy!” you exclaim, cheeks heating up. It’s a fact you’ve had a crush on Cedric since you first got to know him, but she didn’t need to out you like that.
“What? Are you gonna deny it? Potter would too, he’s been head over heels with you since 4th year. And if Potter’s involved, Malfoy’s bound to join.”
The three of you exchange looks, a silent competition of whose face is flushier. The prize? Getting to strangle Pansy Parkinson.
“And since Weasley does everything Potter does, I doubt he’ll want to be left out. About Granger, I’m not sure. Would you be willing to join, Granger?”
Hermione throws the empty plastic cup at Pansy, face contorted into an expression of disbelief. “It is revolting that you find it okay to ask this kind of question!”
“Is that a ‘no’?” asks the short haired Slytherin, who, unlike everyone else in the room, seems to be finding the conversation quite funny. She takes a sip from the bottle of vodka, which by this time is more than half-empty. “Is there a single person in this room you would mind getting intimate with?”
Hermione looks like she might as well combust, eyes darting through the faces of all present. “I- I…”
“That isn’t a no. In fact, no one here said no yet.”
She is right. No one said no. Pansy sighs, sets the bottle on the ground and crosses the distance between the two loveseats. Like she did with Draco, the witch grabs Hermione’s face and kisses her mouth. “...!” The Gryffindor resists at first, but soon enough closes her eyes and melts into the kiss. You watch the scene unfold, head foggy. Is this really happening…?
The kiss is broken, and Pansy grins, something feline, glowing, in the way her lips curl, lipstick smudged. “That didn’t seem like a no either.”
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