#will percy get his own Miraculous
dandelion-blues · 10 months
#1 What if...
Percy Jackson and Adrien Agreste were related?
Eyes the color of water, from the deepest depths of the ocean, to the crystalline lakes, to the frothy seafoam; eyes the color of life, from the rich greens of leaves, to the emerald gems beneath the ground, to the rich browns of woods; eyes that shift to every imaginable color on Earth like a kaleidoscope - everchanging and enchanting; these eyes that look down upon the Earth, upon her.
She remembered those eyes on her, the most beautiful sight she's ever seen. More beautiful than those curves, those lips, those legs, that face. Those eyes were the siren call that dragged her down, down, down into their grasp. Falling for those eyes. It was a forbidden thing: the tantalizing fruit always tempting her to taste.
Oh, and taste divine they did, dripping down her chin as she gave into those eyes’ seductions. She was Eve, and the eyes were the Devil, but even the Devil was once an angel - beautiful and divine. Those eyes could never have belonged to Hell, but still, they brought her to her own personal Hell, just as they ascended her to Heaven.
She fell harder than she thought possible. Forgetting about him. Forgetting about everything except Her. But like all good things, they must end. Céline knew this. She knew just as God left Jesus to His own path, helping in the indirect ways only He could, that the divine and mortal world were meant to stay separate, but still her heart longed for what it could not have.
Thus, Céline, the lover of the Goddess Venus, went back to only being known as ‘wife’ to Athanase Agreste and ‘mother’ to her two year old son Donatien. Still, she was left a reminder of Her love in her unborn child, the child of a Goddess and a mortal.
The Agreste patriarch never did suspect her of infidelity, and when her daughter was born, she was named Estelle Agreste, the daughter of Athanase and Céline Agreste.
Yep! This is a Percy Jackson and Miraculous Ladybug crossover idea that I've started where Estelle is not only the daughter of Venus but part of the Agreste family (even if not by blood). Estelle also happens to be Percy's maternal grandmother. Well, I'm sure Percy will never find out, and definitely won't have an unforeseen trip to France to visit his maternal side of the family in the future *wink* *wink*.
Also, I purposely capitalized "Her" for Venus since it is from Céline's perspective, and she not only loves Venus but she worships her.
Hope you guys enjoyed it, and I'll hopefully continue to update this story and eventually post it on ao3. ❤️
Also, interestingly enough, Céline comes from the Roman name Celelius, which means “heaven” in latin.
BTW, I got Donatien and Ananase’s names from Adrien's full name (on fandom): Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste. Which has very Greek/Roman names in it.
And here's a drawing and description of Percy Jackson's Miraculous
Next "What if...?"
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oneknightstand-if · 6 months
If all the ROs were in a classic horror movie, how would they die (or survive)?
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Merlin: The veteran who seemingly knows too much. Makes it to the climax to keep up all the "are they really on our side?" tension. May or may not survive the ending.
Adrian: The best friend character who dies at the climax to save the MC.
Arthur: The McGuffin that everyone is trying to reach in order to save themselves from the horror. So basically the cavalry that comes riding in to save the survivor(s) at the end.
Percy: "Dies" early on in the movie. Then at the end it gets revealed that several of the "coincidences" that were happening throughout the movie were actually him acting behind the scenes after faking his own death.
4̵0̷4̶ ̴E̶r̵r̷o̵r̶ ̵N̴o̶t̴ ̵F̷o̶u̵n̴d̷: They are the horror in the movie. I guess they miraculously survive the final battle if a sequel seems financially viable.
Cassandra: She's the cop with the gun so... these types tend to go insane and start trying to kill the heroes halfway through the movie. Have fun with that!
Gwen: Seems like she's going to be one of the survivors right up to the last few minutes of the movie where she takes an unfortunate ax to the head.
Vivian: A third party that helps during the first movie. Ends up a main antagonist in the sequel.
Lorelei: One of the main forces that protects the group throughout the movie. Gets killed at the beginning of the big climax to signal that 'shit has gotten real'!
Broderick: Tries to immediately leave the obvious horror movie set-up (no, no, he's not going into that obviously haunted house built on top of the 'old indian burial ground' on Friday the 13th during the solar eclipse) and is the first one killed.
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esperfruit · 3 months
More short TTTE Human AU refs
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Victor de Cèspedes
Age: 42
Height: 183 cm
Victor is a mechanic and engineer from Cuba. He came to Sodor after he was recruited by Sir Topham Hatt, who heard about his famous skills after the company Victor worked for went bankrupt. He had a lot of trouble shortly after his arrival because he couldn't speak English at first. The first English word he learned was "red" when he chose his new uniform. His primary job is the repairs of machines, there is almost nothing he can't fix.
Despite being busy and strict, he has a charming and accomodating personality and wants to create a good work atmosphere for everyone. He earned many sympathy points with people after he told off Spencer and embarassed him. In an accident, he feel down a cliff but miraculously survived. After he went missing for a while, he cleared up the misunderstanding that Luke might have killed him. Victor has a clumsy assistant named Kevin, who tests his patience on a daily basis but Victor knows he's a good guy.
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Charlie Wardle
Age: 20
Height: 177 cm
A young man from the city, who just entered the work life. Before that, Charlie was partying all the time and was very popular. He has an easy-going and fun-loving personality and loves making others laugh. Unfortunately he has the bad habits of being careless, easily distracted and often doesn't treat things serious enough. The younger ones like Thomas, Percy, Rebecca and Paxton see in him a good friend and fun to hang out with while on the other hand most older adults like Gordon, Henry and Cranky find him, annoying, unfunny and view him as a general nuiscence.
After Charlie got into a lot of trouble due to his carelessness, Edward took him in as his apprentice because he saw how Charlie felt genuine regret for what he did. Charlie feels a lot of gratitude towards him and started endearlingly calling him "Eddie".
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Trevor Foster
Age: 63
Height: 171 cm
The principal of the school Thomas, Percy, Rosie and Philip attend. He his very good-hearted and likes children, he wants nothing but the best for them. Trevor is usually polite and peaceful but he will take any measures to make sure everyone, who hurts a child will be punished.
Outside of school, he helps out at the local church by taking care of its orchard. He owns a steam tractor in which he often gives rides with. Trevor is also good friends with Terence and Bertie. The three organized a big party once to earn enough money so children could go to the beach during summer vacation. He also became a close friend of Edward after the latter brought him to the hospital when he collaped once. Even since then Trevor looks after Thomas in school for Edward.
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Terence Crawler
Age: 33
Height: 190 cm
A local farmer, who owns a caterpiller tractor. He usually uses it for ploughing but on request he can fulfill other jobs. Similar to Bertie with his bus, Terence has a strong atattchment to his tractor as he was willing to do anything to save it from falling into a lake when ice under it cracked. He is assertive, helpful and always eager to do a job. He has the saying: "You have to be sensible if you want to stay safe." and he easily forgives other for getting cheeky with him. Despite being very friendly and good-natured, a few people such as James find him quite unsetteling because he always has"that smile"...
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Kenji Shima
Age: 17
Height: 169 cm
A high school student from Japan, who took in an internship with an inventor during summer vacation. He accompanied his superior to a science fair on Sodor and was helping out with presentations. When members of a smuggling ring failed to steal secret and valuable blueprints, they held Kenji hostage to get away but he was saved by Sonny, who betrayed the ring.
Kenji is from a family of scientists and his parents have high expectations for him to become their sucessor but there is one severe problem: Kenji struggles with technology. Regardless, he studies hard to learn and adapt skills and knowledge. Kenji is determined, organized and clever but also a bit anxious as he hates being alone and he fears dissapointing his family if he doesn't become scenentist like them.
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birdiewriteslit · 8 months
travis stoll x daughter of ares!reader
summary: travis stoll was the last person you expected to like
warnings: swearing
is it weird that i had a crush on him when i was like ten reading the books?? he was like the most background character ever and i was like this is the one for me
It started with a prank, as most things did with Travis Stoll.
You were minding your own business, polishing your favorite weapon on the stoop of your cabin when all of a sudden something splattered against your face and ran down your shirt.
You heard a chorus of “Oooooh”s as you wiped the white of an egg out of your eye. You looked up to see a group of Hermes kids laughing at the culprit, who seemed a little fearful.
Setting down your weapon, you marched up to him and shoved him in the chest. “You’re fucking dead, Stoll. Watch your back tonight.”
He stood there, stunned. You wanted to punch that stupid look off his face, but you could save it for capture the flag.
You couldn’t stand to see him staring at you like that for another second, so you turned around and left him, slamming the door to your cabin.
After a tumultuous time washing your hair in the sink, you managed to get the egg out, and you were currently working on getting it out of your shirt. You scrubbed away at the fabric, cursing Travis as you did so.
The door swung open. “Listen, I’m sorry about the egg. We were throwing it around and-“ Travis stopped mid-sentence and his cheeks colored when he saw you standing there in your bra.
Your face felt hot. “Get out, perv! Did you get lost on the way to arts and crafts?” you sneered.
“Sorry,” he said, but not taking his eyes off of you.
“Hello? Are we speaking the same language? Get out!”
“Right, sorry,” he said quickly before hurrying out of the cabin.
What kind of idiots threw around an egg for fun? Clearly, idiots who fuck around and find out.
At dinner, you avoided Travis’s glances. You’d never seen him look sorry about a prank before. You didn’t care if he was sorry. He had this coming to him.
“Hermes is going down tonight. I’m gonna wipe the floor with them,” you told your siblings, Clarisse and Mark.
“Would absolutely love to pulverize those sneaky fucks, but I’ve already got plans for the game.” Clarisse grinned wickedly.
You frowned. “And they are?”
“Kicking that newbie’s ass, obviously,” Mark explained.
You rolled your eyes. “You’d rather beat up a twelve year old than help me get revenge?”
Clarisse shrugged. “Hey, this is my revenge. He fucked us over before Travis fucked you over. We can just kill him next week,” she offered.
“I’m not waiting until next week. He’s gonna get his shit rocked today,” you said, stabbing your fork into a helpless piece of steak. “Besides, what if he miraculously gets a quest before next week?”
Mark snorted. “Yeah right, there’s no chance a Hermes kid is ever getting sent on a quest again.”
You didn’t respond, too lost in thoughts of how you were going to take your revenge.
Before the game started, Clarisse was explaining her plan to exterminate Percy to a couple of your siblings.
You were scouting out your position, looking for ways to get Travis alone. He was always with his younger brother during capture the flag.
The conch blew, and the game began. You knew Travis wasn’t going to come to you, so you had to find him yourself.
He and Connor were most likely going to be setting traps in the general vicinity of their flag. You left your station, beckoning a Demeter kid who just lost a sword fight to take your spot.
You searched the woods for anything out of place. You were alone, which was suspicious enough. You knew you had to be close to the flag.
There was a tripwire tied between two trees that you wouldn’t have seen if the light hadn’t caught it the right way. “Gotcha,” you whispered.
You threw a rock at the wire and hid behind a tree. A large net fell from the trees and onto the ground. Travis and Connor came bounding out of the woods to see that they had caught nothing.
“Aw, man. I was hoping an Aphrodite kid would fall in there. What did it? A rabbit?” Connor said, disappointed.
Travis lifted the net and grabbed the rock from below the wire. He looked around to find who threw it, but you were out of his sight. “Connor, go help guard.”
“I hate guarding,” Connor protested.
“I don’t care, go guard,” Travis insisted.
Connor let out a huff and sulked off to where you assumed their flag was.
Travis sighed and stood up, his hand coming to the knife in its holster. “Listen, Y/n, I know you’re angry, but let’s just put this behind us, alright? I’m gonna put this knife down, and I’m going to go back to minding my own business.”
Travis tossed his knife to the ground, and before he could follow Connor’s path, you jumped out from behind the tree and rushed forward, tackling him to the ground.
“You think you can get off without a fight? Why would I let you mind your business when you didn’t let me mind my own?” you said angrily, straddling his waist and pressing your forearm into his chest so he couldn’t get away.
“I said I was sorry!” he said, putting his hands up in surrender, his eyes blown wide.
You suddenly felt embarrassed by the close contact you were holding. Against your better judgment, you loosened up the pressure on his chest slightly. Travis saw your hesitation to murder him and took advantage of it. He reached out to grab his knife and flipped you over so that you were now the one on your back.
The breath was knocked out of you as you landed on the dirt. Your helmet had fallen off. You raised your weapon pointlessly. He knocked it out of your hand and held his knife toward your throat.
“Nice try, but you’re a little sloppy,” he said, grinning as you stared at him with an expression that was similar to the one he wore just a second ago. You hated the way your face was heating up, and you prayed to all the gods that he couldn’t tell how embarrassed this made you.
The conch sounded, signaling the end of the game. Travis stood up, holding his hand out to help you up. You pushed it away and got up yourself, grabbing ahold of your cascaded weapon.
“Looks like I won,” Travis said, noting the cheering campers with blue plumes, who were now almost flooding the clearing. “Better get these traps cleaned up.”
He sent you one last grin and hurried off to rescue a young camper who just got splattered with paint. You were honestly baffled. No one had ever bested you before.
You touched your cheek, hating the heat that radiated from it. You didn’t know who stole your flag, and you barely paid any attention to the other team that was running right past you. Travis embarrassed you, but there was a part of you that was impressed by him too.
When you returned to the cabin, it seemed that Clarisse had been embarrassed too. She was sitting on her bunk, holding her broken spear, and she looked so mad that she might cry.
You figured it was a bad time to debrief the game, so you slumped over on your bunk and took off your boots and armor.
A few weeks after the loss of capture the flag, you noticed that you had been looking at Travis in a different light.
What he did wasn’t some magical feat or anything, and you knew he only managed to do it because you let your guard down, but you couldn’t help but feel like there was something about him that made you let your guard down.
He’d never been your friend, but now he started stopping by your cabin to see if you were around, sitting next to you at campfire, and partnering up with you during activities.
After dinner one night, you and Clarisse were at the archery range, which was an unofficial tradition of yours when you needed to catch up. Normally you could compete with an Apollo kid, but today you were off your game.
Clarisse eyed you after your arrow missed the target by a long shot. “What’s up with you? You’ve been kind of weird lately. Never around.”
You set down your bow, sighing as you shamefully retrieved the arrow from a pile of dirt behind the target. “Has anyone ever beat you because you let your guard down?”
Clarisse looked at the ground. “Once, by Chris,” she confessed. “But I never let it happen again.”
You nodded, knowing full well that she wears the pants in that relationship.
“Why?” she asked. “Did it happen to you?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, twirling your arrow in between your fingers as you decided how to go about this. “Yeah, during capture the flag a few weeks ago.”
Clarisse’s lips twitched up in a smirk. “How?”
You felt embarrassed under her gaze, looking down at your feet as they drew circles in the dirt. “I tackled him and he flipped me over and pinned me down.”
Clarisse whistled. “Sounds hot.”
You glared at her. “It wasn’t hot! It was embarrassing.”
“So now you like him?”
You look at her, perplexed. “Who said anything about that?”
She smiled, grabbing an arrow to place on her bow. “It’s an Ares kid curse. You let your guard down, you fall in love, as disgusting as that is. You gotta watch out for those Hermes kids.” She shot the arrow, and it hit the center of the target.
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not gonna fall in love.”
“Sure you won’t, and I’ll just pretend that you didn’t miss every target today and that I don’t see you with Travis 24/7.”
She had a good point. “You just basically admitted that you’re in love with Chris,” you countered, feeling satisfied when she gave you a wide eyed look.
“No, I didn’t.”
“You sure did.”
“Shut up.”
“You shut up.”
“Let’s just go,” Clarisse said, packing up her stuff.
“You go ahead. I’ll stay behind for a bit.”
Clarisse nodded and left you alone with your thoughts. You figured there was no use in trying your luck with the bow again, so you stored it away in the archery shed.
You sat on the bench outside, staring at the target you couldn’t hit. You were out of it because you were thinking too hard about this Travis thing.
Clarisse was right, you did like him. He was charming, and funny, and downright criminal. He was easy to let your guard down around.
Your father would probably be so disappointed in you right now, but he couldn’t really talk, as he was dating the goddess of love.
The door to the Hermes cabin opened, and Travis walked out, careful to shut it quietly behind him. He looked around to make sure nobody was there and spotted you.
Curious, you stood up and met him at the edge of the range. “What’s with the backpack?” you asked.
He pulled off his hood. “Thanks for blowing my cover. I’m headed out into town.”
“Mind sticking around for a bit?”
Travis caught the nervous look in your eye. “Sure thing.” A sharp harpy cry sounded from the other side of camp. “Let’s go somewhere more private,” he suggested, leading you into the arts and crafts room.
You took down one of the benches and he took a seat next to you. “Anything you need?” he asked.
You looked down to the floor. “Yeah, I need to talk to you.”
“Are you upset?” he prompted, reaching out to play with a piece of your hair.
“No, I just don’t really know how to say it,” you admitted, looking back up to his blue eyes.
He was looking at you with so much patience, something you’ve never really had. You took a deep breath in. “You make me let my guard down.”
He looked confused. “What?”
“Travis, I-“ you fumbled for the right words. “I don’t know what it is about you, but I just let my guard down around you.”
He was grinning now, and he slid closer to you on the bench. “So you like me?”
You rolled your eyes when he put his arm around you, but, inside, you felt like you were on fire. “Don’t make this hard.”
“I’m not. I like you. You don’t have to say it back or anything. I think it’s cute that you let your guard down for me.” He brushed a hair out of your face.
You wanted to push him away from you, but his eyes kept you from doing it. You didn’t say it back, but you were sure that he knew what you meant when you leaned forward to kiss him.
He kissed you back, weaving his hand through your hair. You messed with his curls in return, and he smiled against your lips. “Now I can say you made the first move.”
Now you really pushed him away. “Nobody gets told about this.”
“Aw, why not? Don’t want anyone to know how soft you are?” he teased, rubbing his thumb along your arm.
You shoved his hand away. “Be quiet.”
“Do you want to sneak out and steal some shit from the store down the road?” he offered, taking your hand in his. You didn’t let go this time.
“Sounds right up my alley.”
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phykios · 2 years
#TLT CLAIMING SCENE FOREVER BECAUSE EVEN TIL NOW THE IMAGERY IS STUCK IN MY HEAD!!!!!!!!#honestly i truly believe tlt claiming scene is the major reason why percy living as atlantis royalty fics exist#its!!! basically!!! a!!! coronation!!!!! and at the center of it all is a terrified and confused little boy who doesn't want the crown!!!!!#its the juxtaposition of who we know percy to be and who percy understands himself to be#and how everybody else sees percy in that moment#'hail perseus jackson son of the sea god' HOLY SHIT??????#it makes special mention of clarisse kneeling down. annabeth. even chiron.#that enemies and mentors are acknowledging percy in a position of power#kneeling like theyre simultaneously recognizing that power and like they're pledging allegiance to a new king#and the imagery of like. the darkness of the forest illuminated by the divinity inherent in poseidon's glowing trident#thats ABOVE PERCY's HEAD!!! LIKE A CROWN!!!!#after he himself was covered by blood and miraculously healed by the mere touch of water#like. french kings would kill their children for less. this is literally one of the best ways to illustrate divine right to rule#and its crazy because DESPITE ALL THIS HAPPENING percy is just in the middle and he's apologizing!!! he's apologizing!!!#he doesnt know whats happening and nothing is his fault but this sweet innocent boy is just apologizing!!!!! saying sorry over and over#if there's any scene i want the show to get right in its first season its this.#because this is where -- even when we don't know it yet and percy doesn't know it yet --#we see the power he has inherent in himself#that we finally see let out in its most destructive potential in st helens. three books later.#a true son of the sea god. fuck. what a scene#percy jackson
giving @cutesilyo's tags their own post because my god
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tsarisfanfiction · 18 days
Truth Comes Out of His Well (Chapter 2)
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rating: Teen Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Family Characters: Lee Fletcher, Kronos, Apollo, Apollo Cabin (and many more) And so it continues. Sorry, Lee! As always, @stereden is responsible for the accompanying podfic! << Chapter 1 Listen to chapter 2 on AO3
It was less a waking dream and more a living nightmare.  Lee figured he was in part of the Labyrinth, and that was its own problem because the Labyrinth was deep underground, its own realm that was neither the Overworld nor the Underworld – and a long way from Apollo.
That didn’t stop him begging his father to hear him, both in his mind and with his tongue.  There was no way Lee could get himself out, not with the chains holding him in place – and if he did, he was still weaponless against a titan and whatever his forces were made up of.  Maybe an Ares kid or an Athena kid could fight their way out of those odds.  Maybe a Hermes kid could sneak out unnoticed, sticking to the shadows the way it always worked in fiction.
Lee was none of those.  All he had were the clothes on his back – which weren’t even his – and his voice.
He kept most of his prayers mental; it never seemed to make a difference to Apollo, and the less attention he brought on himself, the better.  Surely Kronos knew he was loyal to the gods – to Apollo.  Lee had never made a secret of his trust in his father, none of his cabin did.  They were fortunate, to have a godly parent who made it clear that he loved them, and they tried not to rub it in the faces of the other campers, but they didn’t hide their faith.  Luke had known more, had known how it was thanks to Apollo that Lee hadn’t spent years in foster homes, being tossed around like unwanted trash until he finally found a way to escape and make it to a camp he didn’t know about.  Apollo had intervened, via satyrs, when his Mom had died, and it had made him the youngest kid in camp, but at least he’d been a safe kid.
Apparently, everything Luke knew, Kronos now knew, too, and it made Lee feel sick.  Kronos wasn’t just wearing Luke’s face, the way gods could change their appearance.  Kronos was a titan, not a god, and Lee didn’t know what the difference was, exactly, but there seemed to be enough of one to matter.  That was Luke’s body, Luke’s face, Luke’s scar.  Lee remembered when he got it, the older boy stumbling back into camp with a face as dark as thunder and streaked with blood where he’d barely even tried to clean it.
He'd been lucky not to lose his eye.  Lee hadn’t been head healer back then, but he was still a healer.  He’d helped patch Luke up after the quest from hell, and that meant he knew Luke’s body.
Kronos was wearing Luke’s body, like he was some sort of meat jacket, or like Kronos was an insidious parasite that had grown inside him until the host had been overcome.  He didn’t know if that meant Luke was alive or dead, and he wasn’t sure what he wanted the answer to be, either.  Luke had betrayed them and set in motion a war that wasn’t going to end any way except horrifically, but did anyone deserve to die like that?
Lee choked on tears.
Dad, if you can hear me, he begged for far from the first time, and far from the last time, either.  Please, help me.
He didn’t expect an immediate response; Lee knew the gods better than that.  Apollo wouldn’t appear in front of him in a burst of cascadinglights and snap him back to camp with a single gesture; that wasn’t how the gods worked, not even Apollo.  His father responded to prayers with dream visits, or with small things, like a miraculously straightened rod when his flute got damaged one day.
Even a dream visit would be fine.  Something to tell him that Apollo could hear him, that he wasn’t going to leave him trapped in Kronos’ clutches forever.
Maybe Lee could beg him to take away his truth-sensing, or turn it off for a while, so that Kronos couldn’t use him.
But that was only if Apollo could hear him, and Apollo had been busy for months.  Not so busy that he was completely ignoring them, but they all knew that he and Artemis were on a war-related mission from Zeus, and that meant he couldn’t pay as much attention to them as he usually did.  Occasionally, small prayers had gone unanswered since Lee and his siblings came back to camp after the Winter Solstice to see a massive scar through the middle of the pavilion and hear that their father was on a godly hunting trip.
This wasn’t a small prayer, though, but there was another problem.
The gods didn’t know what Kronos was up to, exactly.  Apollo had never told Lee that in so many words, but Lee could read the gaps where Apollo didn’t say things.  Given the gods’ clear distaste at the titan rising again, if they hadn’t already blasted Kronos to pieces, there was a reason for it.  Lee was pretty sure that one of those reasons was that they didn’t know where he was, or what he was doing – and if that was hidden from the gods, then there was a high chance that Kronos’ base was, too.
He still tried, though, because he couldn’t just give up and do nothing, even if his body was too restrained for him to be able to do much more than roll his head from side to side.  As long as Lee could pray, he wasn’t completely helpless.
Or so he tried to convince himself.
Footsteps, loud and too many to be only one person, echoed from outside his stone room, and he warily turned his head to see three demigods stalking into view.  One of them held a water bottle and a chunk of bread that looked several days old.
Lee didn’t recognise any of them, and that scared him, because that meant they weren’t campers, and if they weren’t campers, then Kronos had picked them up before they got to camp, and his army was full of many more demigods than they’d expected.
The one at the front had a jagged scar across his face that looked like it hadn’t healed properly, tugging his skin in awkward directions.  He also had a black, black look on his face as he glowered at Lee.
“You’d better be worth it,” he spat, squatting next to Lee’s outstretched legs and grabbing his throat, fingers pressing into the delicate skin beneath his jaw.  There was a tattoo on the inside of his arm, the letters SPQR and a dove above a single black line.  “If you’re not…”  With his other hand, he drew a dagger made of gold and drew a thin line in blood across Lee’s restrained hand.
“Reuben,” the second of the trio said, the one holding the food and drink.  “Lord Saturn knows what he’s doing.”  They pushed the boy to one side and with a scowl he went, leaving Lee’s palm warm and itching.  There was hardly any reprieve before they took his place, though, kneeling by his thighs and scowling at him.  “Eat.”
The bread was held against his mouth, and Lee could tell it was going stale from the feel of it.
“Your choice is to eat it willingly or have it forced down your throat,” the third one, this one a girl, told him, crossing her arms.  “Filthy graecus.”
Filthy Greek?
She wasn’t lying, though – they would force him to eat it if he didn’t of his own accord, and Lee didn’t fancy his chances at stopping them, so he took a reluctant bite.  It was hard, and tough to chew once he got a mouthful torn away, but his food deliverer wasn’t patient and had the bread smushed against his mouth again before he’d even swallowed the first mouthful.
“Hurry up,” they said.  “We don’t have all day.”
Lee didn’t think he wanted them with him all day, either.  The scratch along his palm wasn’t much more than an itching nuisance, but the boy responsible – Reuben – still had the knife out, and was fiddling with it in a very Ares-kid fashion, complete with the black scowl on his face.  He did his best to speed up, choking down the bread and hoping that at some point Kronos planned on giving him a more balanced diet – or at least food that wasn’t going stale.  He had to know that malnutrition would kill him eventually, right?
At least the water didn’t taste too badly off.  It wasn’t the clear-tasting water they had at camp, but it didn’t taste like sewage, either.  Drinking it was still difficult, because he wasn’t in control of the bottle, and they didn’t seem to care too much if he choked on some of it instead of swallowing as they poured it steadily down his throat.
He coughed up more than a little water when he was finally given a reprieve, splattering the purple t-shirt he wore, as well as the teen holding the bottle, and they slapped him.
“You’re pathetic,” they told him, gripping his hair and holding his head as far back as the stone wall behind him allowed.  He coughed again weakly.  “Marcus died for you.  Lord Saturn promised you would be worth it.”
Lee froze.  “Died for me?” he rasped.  That didn’t make sense, why would one of Kronos’ men – he was going to unpack the Latin and Lord Saturn much, much later – have died for him?
The girl snorted.  “So the graecus scum had a body to burn, of course,” she said, as though he was an idiot.  She prowled closer.  “Blond, tall, scrawny,” she scrunched up her nose.  “Face smashed in.  Your clothes and weapons.  Never made it out of probation…”  She waved a hand carelessly, except the movement looked ten different kinds of lethal.  “Body double.”
Lee couldn’t breathe.
Kronos had killed someone, this trio’s friend.  A guy that looked enough like him that…
Oh gods.
He retched, and as quickly as a striking viper, hands were locking his jaw together.
“Don’t you dare,” the one still kneeling closest to him snarled.  “You will not defile him any more than you already have by existing here in his place.”
Lee didn’t have the strength to fight them off, which meant the only way for the bile to go was back down again.  His entire body shuddered at the revulsion.
“Lord Saturn considers you valuable,” they said, their face pressed entirely too close to his.  “If he changes his mind, we’ll be delighted to take out the trash.”  Behind them, Reuben flipped his knife in the air carelessly, and the girl cracked her knuckles.  “Do we have an understanding?”
Lee nodded as best he could.  What else could he do?
Finally, they pulled themselves to their feet and stormed out of the room, followed by Reuben and the girl.  Lee sincerely hoped he didn’t see them again, but somehow doubted he would be that lucky.
Gods.  Kronos had killed one of his own followers just to make a body double for Lee.  The thought still made him feel ill.
He rested his head back against the stone and closed his eyes.  His hands had started to tingle, which he knew wasn’t a good sign, and his palm still itched from Reuben’s knife.
“Dad,” he rasped quietly, not wanting to be overheard by any of Kronos’ followers but feeling the need to talk out loud.  “If there’s any way to get me out of here, I’d really appreciate it.”  He couldn’t do anything about the boy that had presumably been burned in an Apollo shroud, in his clothes and certainly with his camp necklace, too, but he couldn’t do what his grieving friends demanded and be worth it.
Working for Kronos would mean betraying not just his father, but all of his siblings, and Lee couldn’t do that, no matter what happened.  He couldn’t be the reason any of his siblings died, or gods forbid Apollo somehow being taken down by the titan’s army.  The mere thought made him feel ill, which wasn’t a good combination when he already felt sick to his stomach about the guy called Marcus.
Lee really hoped Apollo could hear his prayers and would find a way to get him out, however obscure and distantly-orchestrated it had to be.  Right then, he wasn’t seeing many other options.
He tugged half-heartedly at his wrists again, trying to slip free of the cuffs, but he already knew it was futile.  The metal was too embedded in the stone to have any give, and the metal itself wasn’t going to cave to the whims of flesh and blood.  The tingling in his hand – so far contained to his fingertips but Lee wasn’t going to kid himself into thinking it would stay that mild – was a pretty big clue.
Would Kronos care if he lost the use of his hands?  Somehow, Lee doubted it.  The only thing Kronos wanted from him was his truth-sensing, and as long as he was conscious, he had that.  Lee hadn’t lost it when he’d been semi-delirious with a fever as a young kid, he didn’t think it would vanish as easily as losing a limb.
He wished it would, especially when more footsteps echoed down the corridor, getting slowly louder.  It wasn’t the hurried overlapping of the trio that had only just left – had they only just left, Lee didn’t think it had been long but also Kronos was the titan of time – but a more measured pace.  Adagio to their affrettando.
It was disturbing, and worrying.  Logically, Lee knew it could be anyone walking by, and could have nothing to do with him at all, but that didn’t stop him feeling like cornered prey as a predator slowly took its time approaching.
Cornered prey could usually fight back, even if it was a losing battle.  The most Lee could do was spit in someone’s face, and he didn’t have enough of a temper to consider that a viable course of action (he wasn’t Michael, and oh gods, Michael was probably in charge of the cabin now, and Lee had barely started training him up.  It wasn’t like he didn’t think Michael could do it – he had faith in his younger brother – but when he thought about the circumstances…   Michael had always been volatile, and Lee couldn’t see how grief would do anything except make that worse.)
He was completely helpless.
Despite the door being left wide open – another reminder of his helplessness, that both Kronos and the trio knew that Lee was so stuck that the door didn’t make a difference – from where he was trapped against the wall, he couldn’t see much of the corridor at all, only a small sliver of floor and the flickering of more torchlight.
The footsteps kept coming, getting louder and louder and Lee’s heartbeat got louder in his ears at the same pace, blood rushing through his ears at the deep-seated knowledge that whoever it was, they could say anything, do anything, and he wouldn’t be able to stop them.
His throat ached slightly from being forced to eat and drink so quickly.  He could feel fingerprint-shaped bruises forming on the soft underside of his jaw.  The palm of his hand still itched.
He was terrified, he realised dimly, and it was so obvious it shouldn’t have surprised him, but it did.  He was a prisoner of Kronos, who had made no secret of the fact he planned to use him, and while that told Lee he wasn’t going to be killed, it didn’t give him any other security.
There were fates worse than death, after all.  His failure to help Chris at all sat heavily in the back of his mind, even if logic attempted to remind him that he wouldn’t be any good to Kronos if his mind was broken.  Counter-logic pointed out that Chris had been loyal to Kronos, to Luke, and they’d still done that to him.  Lee was not, and had no intentions of ever being, loyal to the titan’s cause.
Each step was a loud echo now, but barely audible over the roaring in his ears and the heaving of his chest, not quite hyperventilating but closer to that than calm.  Lee desperately tried to get his body under control again; panicking wouldn’t help and he knew that, but conflicting logics warred inside his head and just made everything worse.
There was a shadow now, covering the corridor floor and flickering slightly with the torchlight.  Lee watched it grow, getting larger as its owner advanced on his room, closer, closer, closer-
For a moment he could see them, a tall human wearing armour, with cropped sandy hair so familiar it hurt-
And then Kronos was gone, walking past his room with no acknowledgement of his presence at all.
The tension all drained from Lee at once, leaving him a limp, shuddering mess.  Tears leaked from his eyes and his breathing turned into gasps, wracking his body and scraping his wrists against their unforgiving restraints.
Kronos hadn’t acknowledged him but there was no way he hadn’t noticed Lee’s panic at his approach, and Lee had no idea what he was going to do with that knowledge, but whatever he did, there was no way it was going to be good for him.
He was so, so, screwed.
Chapter 3>>>
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imaginmatrix · 6 months
not a specific prompt but anything in the spiderman au
How about I give a snippet from one of the chapters being edited?
It was lunchtime when Percy came to terms with the fact that things were never going to be normal again.
A few more things got stuck to him throughout the day. Nothing as big as a clock or a cutting board, but still inconvenient; pens, an AirPod, even toilet paper at one point— at least that one could rip off enough that no one would notice.
He all but collapsed on the bench next to Grover, who had the decency to look sympathetic. “You good?”
Percy only groaned in response.
“Sounds about right.” His friend eyed him, squinting, “Are you on accutane?”
“Huh?” Percy blinked at him.
Grover gestured vaguely to Percy’s face, “Your acne, it's like… completely gone.”
Oh, that. “I don’t know man, maybe I’m just done with puberty or something.” He pulled his lunchtray towards him and began to dig in, but Grover’s furrowed brow had him pause. “What?”
“That’s… don’t you think that’s a lot of food, Perce?”
Percy looked down. Okay, maybe it was a little more than he usually ate, but it wasn't that much. “I’m hungry?”
“You have like three chicken sandwiches dude.” Grover scanned the pile, “Two fruit cups, three of those hummus snack packs, a protein bar, fruit snacks, four slices of pizza, aaaaaand…” he reached out and lifted a pizza slice, brow furrowing, “two uncooked ramen cups.”
“They’re for if I get hungry later!” Percy huffed defensively, “I didn’t have breakfast, okay?”
“Right…” Grover scratched his chin, the patchy goatee of a teenage boy looking like it had filled in a bit recently. “Maybe a late growth spurt is coming up?”
“God, I hope not.” Percy was already one of the taller guys at school, which sucked when he just wanted to go unnoticed. Still, his body felt famished, like he was burning calories way faster than a person should be able to— and with how his body had shifted seemingly overnight, maybe that made sense. It was trying to compensate. Or something. He wasn’t a doctor.
They chatted idly, Percy somehow scarfing down every last bit of food on his tray. He ignored Grover’s aghast expression when he stood to heat up one of the ramen cups, and it was on the walk back from the microwave that the world fell into complete absurdity.
He was focused on not spilling burning hot water on his hands when his skin prickled. Then his head tingled. It was the same feeling as when Annabeth had walked behind him earlier, except she wasn’t here and he—
Percy swung his body to the side as a textbook whizzed past his ear.
Okay, so that thing earlier about real bullies not being like the ones in movies?
Matt Sloan was the exception.
Percy didn’t even try to hide his annoyance as he turned to face the guy stalking up to him with murder in his eyes.
Matt had been a scrawny kid in middle school, short, weak, and great at manipulating bigger kids to do his dirty work.
Then he hit puberty, joined the highschool wrestling team, and became big enough to do his own dirty work. He was broad, much broader than Percy, though he was still shorter; it was only by a few inches these days, but there was satisfaction in knowing those inches infuriated Matt to no end.
“What?” Percy rubbed between his eyes with his free hand, already feeling a headache. At least he miraculously hadn’t spilled his ramen.
“You ratted me out!”
“I literally have no idea what you’re talking about, dude.” Except Percy knew exactly what Matt was talking about.
Matt jabbed a finger into Percy’s chest, clearly trying to appear menacing. He kinda just looked like a respiratorily-challenged bulldog. “I know it was you, Jackson. I saw you!”
Percy raised a brow— this claim was impressive, considering he had ‘ratted’ Matt out via anonymous email. “See me do what?”
“Slinking in the bushes like a freaking creep.” Matt sneered.
Ah. That.
Percy took a shortcut to school a few days ago, cutting through an alley and hopping the fence— the bushes in question lined the school grounds, and what he saw on that shortcut…
He couldn’t care less if other people got high or drank or partied. That was none of his business.
And normally he would never be a narc, but… the opportunity to get Sloan in trouble was something truly special. A moment Percy would take out for dinner and a movie if he could. Maybe hold hands. Walk it to the door for a goodnight kiss. Get to second base, if he was lucky.
So he sent a fun little anonymous email to the school counselor's office.
Sure, it was a bastard move, but hey, Percy was a literal bastard— so maybe he was entitled to acting like one sometimes.
He looked Matt up and down, trying to be the picture of indifference, “Doesn’t sound like something I’d do.” He brushed past him.
And there was that shiver through his brain again.
He knew the fist was there before he saw it, and his body reacted on instinct; he dodged sideways again, the steaming water of his ramen swirling dangerously.
“They’re gonna make me do a drug test!” Matt swung again, which Percy also easily avoided.
A positive development, as he usually would have taken a hit to the face by now. “And that's my problem, how?”
Another swing. Another dodge. “I swear to god Jackson, if I get kicked off the team because of you—!”
“You’ll what? Punch the air?” He glanced pointedly at the fist that had just missed him again, a smirk forming on his lips.
Matt growled, looking as if he were about to tackle Percy— wrestling was his sport of choice, after all.
When he lunged forward, Percy was ready, side stepping far faster than he thought he was capable of and sticking out his leg, tripping Matt into a table.
More like sent him crashing into a table.
Then his brain practically buzzed.
He bent back at the waist, narrowly dodging a swing from the side— one of Matt’s goons.
There were gasps, and Percy realized their scuffle was garnering more and more attention.
He also realized he was nearly upside down with how far he’d gone— further than his flexibility should allow, and further than the point where he should have lost his balance.
Yet another realization; his head was tingling like crazy, and he leapt backward, feet over head, as a kick was aimed at his legs.
He landed the flip, and frowned.
That shouldn’t have been physically possible— not even for most trained gymnasts.
Matt was back on his feet, now recovered from his unplanned table-hug and clearly the would-be kicker. He and his friend glanced at each other.
Percy felt about as bewildered as they felt, but he refused to show it on his face. When they looked back at him, he shrugged, “Parkour.”
The two surged at him, and Percy acted on instinct, dancing around to avoid punches, kicks, everything they threw at him. Normally, Matt wouldn’t be so bold as to try and enact violence right in the open, but clearly Percy had pissed him off beyond rational thought.
And god, Percy couldn’t resist pushing it further.
“How do you win all those wrestling matches?” He asked, “Can you even grapple properly, or do you run right past them like now?”
Matt grunted in frustration as Percy jumped over another kick.
“Like, seriously, you must be super talented if you can’t even grab a person who’s right in front of you.” He ducked. “Do you think if you throw yourself at the ground you’ll miss that too?”
“Will you shut up and hold still?!”
“You sound just like my kindergarten teacher!” He felt the edge of a table hit the back of his legs and without even stopping to think about it, jumped, landing atop it nimbly.
Percy looked down at the two jerks who had paused, panting, clearly exhausted and glaring up at him. He didn’t even feel out of breath.
With a smirk, Percy raised his cup of ramen as if to toast them, only then realizing it hadn’t spilled a drop. Impossible, but he couldn’t complain as he took a swig of the broth.
He wiped his mouth and stared down at them, “Where were we?”
“Mister Jackson!”
Percy winced, looking over the heads of Matt and what’s-his-face to see Mrs. Dodds standing there with her arms crossed. Mrs. Dodds was a miserable crone of a math teacher, and while Percy’s only class with her had been for a single semester freshman year, she’d had it out for him ever since.
“Uh… yeah?”
“Do you belong on top of the lunch table?”
Percy looked down, feigning surprise, “Is this a lunch table?”
Shut up shut up shut up shut up—!
Mrs. Dodds pursed her lips, “Don't give me that attitude. Get down this instant! And all of you—“ she snapped at the students, “go back to your meals.”
Most of the cafeteria did as told, less interested now that the show was over.
“It’s not his fault!” Percy was clambering down when Grover’s voice caught his attention, his friend standing nearby, eyes wide and darting between Percy, Matt, and Mrs. Dodds. “They were trying to hit him and—“
“Does Mister Jackson have any bruises?” She gestured to him, “Do you see any scrapes? Did they enact bodily harm upon him?”
Grover balked, “Well I— I said they were trying and—“
“You would do well, Mister Underwood, to keep to yourself rather than defend tomfoolery, lest you get written up as well.”
Percy fought a groan. His mom was going to kill him. Again.
And it wasn’t like any of the dozens of kids who witnessed all of this were going to—
“I saw them hit him.”
He froze at that voice, not daring to turn, to do anything.
Mrs. Dodds did not look pleased. Matt and his friend exchanged glances, frowning.
“Thank you for your input, Miss Chase, however that is no excuse for—“
“So you don’t think students should protect themselves from physical violence?” Annabeth was student body President, about to be valedictorian, and downright terrifying. Even to some adults. That, and her reputation among faculty and students alike was spotless. She was someone to take seriously; her word meant something. “Should he have let them continue to hurt him? Is running away not the best scenario, or would you have preferred he fight back, and the situation turn into a brawl?” Percy could see blonde hair being tossed out of the corner of his eye, “Because if so, I think I would like to visit the front office with you, so they can have an eyewitness account of the situation— and we can clarify what us students should do when we’re assaulted.”
Mrs. Dodds closed her eyes, her expression screaming ‘lord give me strength,’ as if Annabeth had often been a source of annoyance. Finally, she spoke, “Mister Jackson, did these two young men hit you?”
Percy jumped, too focused on the sound of Annabeth’s voice, in awe of how calm she was, how clear-headed she sounded as she confronted a teacher. “Huh? Oh— yeah, ohhhh yeah, loads of times. They got me in the jaw, the chest, here—“ he began pointing and Mrs. Dodds waved him off as Matt made a noise somewhere between protest and disbelief.
It was hard not to laugh at the situation the guy was in— did he admit that he hadn’t been able to land a single blow? Or did he accept the lie, allow a detention to protect his pride?
If Percy were a different person, with a different life, without the mistakes in their friendship for the last three years… he would have kissed Annabeth full on the mouth for putting Matt in this situation.
And then he quickly shoved the idea of kissing Annabeth Chase from his mind, because dear god— that could only lead to a miserable rest of his day.
Mrs. Dodds huffed, pinching her nose before beckoning to the boys, “Mister Sloan, Mister Bob, come with me.”
They glowered at Percy as they followed Mrs. Dodds out of the lunchroom.
Percy’s laugh was hoarse, “Bob?!”
Grover looked exasperated despite his relief, “Yes, his name is Joe Bob, and you react this way every time I remind you of that fact.
Another breathy laugh. They fell quiet. And then Percy realized he was shaking. What—?
“…was that?!” Grover voiced what Percy had been thinking, suddenly by his side, “That was— how did you—“ Percy waved him off. After all that, he had to act casual, cool, calm. Freaking out now would instantly ruin any sort of rep he just gained. He lifted his ramen to his lips as he turned— only to nearly walk directly into Annabeth, her arms crossed, looking up at him with sharp, scrutinizing eyes.
He sputtered, almost choking on the broth that now dribbled from his mouth and sloshed out of the cup onto his already stained hoodie.
Great. Super smooth, Percy! You can keep it from spilling throughout a literal fight, yet as soon as you see this girl you fall apart. Fantastic.
“Hi— hey, wow, thanks, uh, you… you didn’t have to… hi.”
Annabeth tilted her chin up, a head shorter than him. Yet she felt like that tallest person in the room with that expression and her stance. “Hi. You owe me.”
Percy nodded vigorously. “Absolutely.” He paused, trying to pull himself together, trying to revert to his stoic, grumpy, quiet self. It wasn’t working.
It was a difficult mask to put back on once it broke.
“Hi Annabeth.” Grover leaned from behind Percy to wave.
“Hey Grover.” She smiled, before fixing the steelier stare she seemed to reserve for Percy back towards him. “How did you do that?”
Percy cleared his throat, panic seizing him because holy shit how did he do that and how will he explain it to Grover and Annabeth and they’re still looking at him and they’re expecting an answer and Annabeth expects an answer and is staring at him with so much intensity that he—
He couldn’t handle it.
He knocked back whatever broth was left, the noodles he had so been looking forward to wholly untouched, then tossed the styrofoam cup back into the trash, “Do what?”
Annabeth raised a brow, and she and Grover glanced at each other.
And Percy realized why; he had tossed the cup into the trash. Behind him. Without looking back. Without seeing it there. And it went right in.
…how did he even know it went right in?!
His hands were shaking harder. He felt sweat bead on his brow, his nerves suddenly through the roof, threatening to burst from him. He cleared his throat, “I uh… parkour?” He gave the same answer as earlier, backing up slightly, “Hey, look, thanks guys, for backing me up, I—“ Percy ran one of those clammy, shaky hands through his hair, knowing it now stuck out crazily from his head Albert Einstein style. He couldn’t care, couldn’t pause his racing thoughts enough to bother with something as silly as that, “I gotta go.”
And then he turned and booked it out of the cafeteria.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
go on, claim my heart: chapter twenty-nine
see my masterpost for what came before this.
Vax stands there, frozen, as Percy falls apart in his sister's arms. His blood still pumps deafeningly in his ears, yet he feels cold, ice and marble instead of flesh and bone. This, his mind tells him dimly, is a preservation strategy; by becoming inanimate, he cannot feel, and if he cannot feel, he cannot explode, cannot shatter into shrapnel and tear this man, his friend, and an innocent teenage girl to shreds.
Because mere moments ago, his daughter was here. He heard her cries, saw her balled fists wave through the air. He was so godsdamned close to having his hands on her, to pulling her into his chest like a dragon jealously guarding its hoard, and once again he failed to save her. So he stands here, not breathing, not blinking, not feeling, because though his mind knows well that this moment is earth-shattering for Percy, his heart wants little more than to rip the two on the floor from their embrace and force them forward, to scream into Percy's face about why they are here, about what they still have left to do.
His sister, his wonderful other half, who knows him better than he knows himself, steps forward and places a hand on his shoulder, and it is only then that he realizes he's trembling. "Percival," she says quietly, "we have to go."
Percy looks up from Cassandra's shoulder, face red and eyes narrowed into slits. Vax sees the outrage and is more than ready to counter it with his own, but Cassandra speaks first, wiping at her wet face. "She's right, brother. You're needed with them. The baby—Vilya. she needs you."
"I cannot let you from my sight," Percy whispers, his voice cracking, and all at once, the fight is sapped from Vax's muscles. Of course he knows Percy's terror; it has been the only thing animating his body from the moment he awoke nearly a week ago. Percy has dealt with this horror for so many years, and Vax cannot begrudge him his reluctance to leave.
"Grog, Scanlan." Vax turns to face the men in question, who blink in surprise. "Take Cassandra into the woods. Guard her with your lives. Find a tree on the western edge of the grounds large enough for us to use to get home. We will find you when we..." He can't finish the thought.
He doesn't have to. Scanlan nods. "We'll take care of her," he says to Percy, and Vax cannot believe how sure he is that they will. Percy stands, pulling his sister up with him, and after one more bone-crushing hug, he nudges her toward the guard and the jester.
Just then, the massive white tiger with them in the hall snarls viciously and breaks into a run, tearing off toward the front entrance to the castle. Vax sighs—she has waited long enough—and sprints after her, not even bothering to see if the others are following suit. Keyleth's feline limbs are long and powerful, and it takes all of his strength to push on after her, to not let her get too far ahead. She bursts through the massive front doors as if they weren't imposing slabs of thick oak and presses forward down the steps and onto the front lawns.
"KEYLETH!" he calls after her, and her head twists to growl at him, her gait not slowing at all. "I KNOW THE WAY!"
That, at least, slows her a bit, giving him the space to catch up. He looks over his shoulder to see Percy and Vex giving chase, poor Pike struggling to catch up. He stops and shouts for Keyleth to do the same. Miraculously, she listens, and when the others arrive, Vax scoops Pike up to sit on Keyleth's back. "Hang on," he warns her, and then he sets off at a run again, charging toward the entrance to the Briarwoods' underground operation.
Keyleth keeps abreast of him as they dart across the lawn, shrouded in the darkness of night as they close in on their target. Vax's stomach sinks when he spies a line of guards around the storm cellar entrance. He starts to slow his pace, preparing to confer with the others about a plan of attack, but then he notices Keyleth gaining speed, charging the guards without an ounce of hesitation. It is hard not to notice the rapid approach of a thundering tiger, gleaming white in the moonlight, but they offer little resistance as she cuts through them like butter, all teeth and claws against their paltry swords and armor.
Vax skids to a startled halt to watch; the night air soon smells of blood, which coats her muzzle and paws, dripping and vulgar. Still, he cannot be horrified by the sight; he thinks of all the times he's failed her, of all the ways her nation's enemies have sought to strike her down, and there is nothing but relief at the notion that this ferocity, this savagery exists within her, that when he is unable to do so, she will be able to put her teeth to her foes' throats and tear their heads from their shoulders.
His wife, a princess, a beast, clears the way, and Vax leads them down into the tunnels. As they run, Vax can hear them, the distant cries of his daughter. He pumps his legs harder, and the group tumbles into the first cavern, which is now empty, any workers gone for the night. Vax thanks the Raven Queen for the good fortune and motions for the others to follow him forward into the tunnel that leads to the chamber with the altar. There is no time for caution, for stealth; the group spills out into the cavern, heaving chests and darting eyes, and Vax's attention is first drawn to the shrouded cage in the corner, where the victims he'd failed to free shout and scream.
Vax's eyes follow their flailing arms up to the altar, where they land on a sight that makes his heart stop. Up on the dais, behind the altar of green glass, an older man, slightly hunched over, holds his daughter in both hands, barely cradling her head as he lays her down on the hard surface. His breath catches in his throat as this man picks up an object from the altar, just above Vilya's head, and as he twists his wrist to examine it, the light from the torches reflects off of the blade of a long, black-handled athame.
One ear is rocked by deafening booms while the other can just barely make out the whisper of two arrows as both Percy and Vex fire at the man from behind Vax's shoulders. The party gasps in horror as their projectiles suddenly curve away just a second or two later, as if ricocheted off of an invisible wall. Vax looks to the others, confused, but it is Pike, still astride Keyleth's back, who points behind them and shouts, "Look!"
Vax whips around, daggers in hand. There, stepping from the shadows toward them, a manic grin on her face, is a woman in a dress the color of a bruise and long gloves the color of moonlight. Her spidery fingers are curled open in the air, and as she steps closer, the villain Vax instinctively knows to be Lady Delilah Briarwood coos, "There you are, Percival. We've been waiting for you to come home."
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mors-mvrdre · 1 year
canon compliant ramblings (1/?)
He likes Penelope. Brilliant, bold, bright Penelope, made of smiles that light up rooms, who doesn’t think he’s a pompous arse.
Penelope's read all of the same books Percy has and then some; and she's never out of recommendations or intriguing commentary to show for it. She'll question his sources and rip his arguments apart, and his work will, always, ultimately be better for it. She can argue any case just as fiercely and passionately as Percy, and he falls in love a little bit every time. They laugh it off, proclaiming victory or conceding defeat, and go about their days content with a good verbal sparring.
They get each other, but they're not the same.
Where Percy is restrained, methodical, and often playing roles, Penny is authentic and unapologetically herself. He both envies and adores that about her; the way she laughs, the single dimple on her right cheek, how she never shies away from her feelings. For Percy, who's always struggled at reading people ("read the room", "take the hint", he's heard so many times he's lost count), it's a welcome reprieve. Percy knows he can trust Penelope to tell him what she wants, what she means. He won't be blindsided.
He reckons he could enjoy her company for that alone, were Penelope a lot less smart and a lot more boring and uninteresting.
(Or perhaps he wouldn't, he frowns. There is a not-unsubstantial chance Penelope would be a lot more superficial and vapid in turn. But that's a non-issue. Would they run out of things to talk about?)
Penelope is a half-blood on a mere technicality, which raises eyebrows left and right even from the most tolerant of wizards. She's a little round (Percy's reminded of his mother at her age), a shade of tan not very common in their corner of the British Isles, and she speaks languages which, much to his befuddlement, their muggle-born classmates seem to sneer at more viciously.
Percy is very aware that all of this matters, socially. He knows what it's like to be poor and shunned and ridiculed -- that he can call himself a pureblood despite it, that he's at the top of his year and has many of the teachers' favour is not a deterrent. It's a drive, actually. It's why he has high ambitions, why he tries his best to dress and act the part -- why he complies even when he doesn't understand, even when it makes him feel like clawing at his own skin.
But Percy's not Penelope, so he never finds an edition of Witch's Weekly with a five-page article on miraculous weight loss open on his bed, and he doesn't hear snickers from behind his roommates' curtains when he angrily tosses it into the trash. The other boys don't tell him that he's "so brave" for not caring what other people say about his body, or not using glamour charms to hide his pimples, or for not wanting to know where he ranked on a “list of attractiveness” some git pinned to the announcement board in the Common Room. The only person who ever comments on Percy's food intake at school is Oliver -- but Oliver is an athlete and a bit of a health freak, and Oliver's comments are harmless; fondly exasperated "You’d have less headaches if you ate more greens", not malicious or backhanded.
(“Fewer”, Percy corrects him distractedly, and so Oliver rolls his eyes and piles broccoli onto his plate in revenge.)
Percy’s not Penelope, so Henrietta Glossop's attention-grabbing "Wow, I could never eat that much" is not directed at him. It reverberates across the Great Hall, though -- he catches it from two tables away. Percy's not Penelope, and nobody tells him he cheated his way into a blood status, calls him slurs, or makes fun of his adoptive mother for being a Squib.
He doesn't understand -- Penelope is brilliant.
She's eloquent, knowledgeable, and far more travelled than anyone he's ever met. She knows the ins and outs of Wizarding Law and international treaties better than most adults in his life, and Percy finds himself enraptured by the way she lights up talking about it more and more frequently over the years.
He finds her gorgeous in ways he doesn't fully comprehend yet, and she's one of his favourite people. He can’t fathom anyone seeing her differently.
Percy tells her this, once, at the end of their fourth year. He’s so consumed in righteous anger on her behalf that he completely misses the way Penelope freezes; how she turns to him as though she's seeing him for the very first time. He catches her smiling, though, and so, a little confused, Percy smiles back, because it's the polite thing to do.
In hindsight, that's probably when things start to change.
info sheet (i guess).
random stuff pours out of my head sometimes. this is canon-compliant to a certain extent (that Penny and Percy like each other), but it's a lot of my own (various, overlapping, inconsistent) headcanons too. it was weirdly worded, so, for context: this Penelope is the UK-born daughter of a muggle man, a thai immigrant who gets remarried to a squib, and because the woman adopts Penelope that makes it so she has a set of wizard grandparents. this means she's "technically" a half-blood, and that doesn't sit well/is oddly regarded by a lot of people. hope that makes sense.
needs revision
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“Alrighty then! Here I gooo~” Percival held still Theodore's hand and brought the blade to his palm. He carved a lightning bolt symbol across it. “Almost done! One more little thing.” The bishop then ungloved his own left hand and grabbed a hold of Theodore. He shook it like a casual handshake. The only thing that wasn't so casual, though, was the weird black wispy smoke that swirled around their hands. When Percy slid his hand away, the bloody gash on Theodore's palm was miraculously reduced to a light scar. “See! That wasn’t so bad! Hahahaha~ Ooh you seemed so nervous! Like I was gonna take a finger or something! Well, you will probably feel a bit physically weak for a while. Don’t worry about it. Your strength will return.” Percy slipped his glove back on and again snapped his fingers. Light returned to the room. "Disciples of Glorn, we have a new member!"
(Previous) Shep eagerly clapped their hands, as the rest of the cloaked figures. He turned to Theodore and smiled widely, stepping forward. “I told you it would be magnificent! And, no need to worry, any side effects are only minor! And they don’t last long, as our Dear Percival said!” He turned to Percival, bowing his head in respect before taking his place back in the circle
Theodore flinched when the blade first pierced his skin and remained frozen until Bishop Percival was done. Then he closely examined his new scar.
Unlike the flames there was no trick that could be used to explain it. Their magic was real. And defensive magic— in theory— wasn't far off from healing magic.
This would complicate matters. But at least he knew he wouldn't be left empty-handed after he destroyed them from within.
Shep's reassurance helped calm his nerves. What was someone as sweet as them doing in this place? Theodore smiled back at him as they returned to their spot, with some of it being genuine and some exaggerated to get his point across.
Still... the sacrifice seemed too easy. He must be missing something. "Excuse me, your evilness..." As he addressed Percival he bowed in apparent reverence. "What exactly did I sacrifice?"
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jayde-jots · 2 years
My favorite YouTuber is back and with a bang for the spooky season! Good on ya Victor for capturing me in to these stories already! Okay but seriously I've already been doing an analysis on the one video and I'm about to spill my thoughts, spoiler warning! More under the cut.
The first guy who died in the cave was a guy named Rocky, keep a pin in this because we're going to come back to it. This man died in the cave in 1957, then the SCP foundation show up. A man by the name of Dr. Pierce seems to be the manager of the study on the cave. Next guy to go in as a test subject is someone who I'll refer to as prisoner 1, or P1. This guy sounded to have a welsh accent like Duck, and was referred to as D7426 by Dr. Peirce and I've been trying to recall back to any of the other faced machines that were built after 1957. This also has another pin in it, we're coming back to it as well. After P1 dies in the cave a spirit/soul is seen leaving it, this spirit/soul was Alexander Jeffries, the late station master of Elsbridge who had passed away years prior at his own workplace. He was revived right down to his living flesh and bone. Toby was the first person to come across him and assumed at first he was a ghost, at first Jefferies didn't realize he was alive again until Toby brought it up. He had an interesting reaction that was eerily similar to this one-
From 23:00 to 24:00 Brian had the same freak out that Jeffries did, if the brake van had been human I'm sure he would of had a heart attack as well. And he had the exact same story to tell, he remembered dying to the blitz on London but is miraculously still alive as the ending of the episode spotlights on. Now we start getting to the good bit, this is another pin I'll ask you to remember. Prisoner 2 or P2 was referred to as D5702 by Dr. Percie, but it was revealed his name was Bobby Cooper. P2 went into the cave and perished and another soul left, we unfortunately did not see who it belonged to. 3 more prisoners are sent into the cave. P3 went in and we did not see who the soul was that left the cave, P4 did not go into the cave and when they tried to run back they were shot and killed, P5 went in and again we did not see who the soul was that left the cave. In 1958 we see a familiar face with a familiar number. Boco with the number D5702 on his cab side, and a familiar voice to match P2s. The foundation interviews him and it is revealed that Boco is a nickname for Bobby Cooper, this confirming the revenant theory that has been mentioned a few times in the series by now. Afterwards with this revelation the foundation continued experiments for a while before they had to stop since they couldn't track the souls that were leaving the cave. We have no clue how many more were killed and how many more revived souls are on Sodor, and that's just with the foundation. It has been said that many people have gone up hiking to the top of Culldee Fell and have never returned, even after it was made illegal to do so. At the end of the episode we see an imposing-looking man hike to the top of the mountain despite the fines and enter the cave. He perishes and another soul escapes. This soul is seen to be the spiteful brake van Dominick who was found by none other than Douglas. I have a personal theory that the last man we saw enter was the man who will become Diesel 10, or as he's named in this series, Joshua or Josh. The year the foundation seemed to leave was 1958, and the class 42 that Diesel 10 was modeled after was built from 1958 to 1961. So it is plausable. And the first man Rocky is also the name of a ttte character we see, Rocky the breakdown crane. I'm wondering if we might see him someday. But on another note, we have 3 unaccounted for free souls that have been revived along with the other souls from off-screen, I'd like to think that any of these could be Colin, Lily, Adam, Alfred or maybe even Mr. Star. But I doubt it as Edward would have probably mentioned it by the end. So we have a confirmation that every living person that goes into the cave becomes reincarnated, and every soul we see leave revives someone from the dead. And this was only the first episode! I'm so excited to see more!
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demitimelord42 · 2 years
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I posted 14,772 times in 2022
That's 13,705 more posts than 2021!
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14,750 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,363 of my posts in 2022
#yes - 107 posts
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#miraculous ladybug - 65 posts
#mood - 55 posts
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#omg - 46 posts
#percy jackson - 36 posts
#adorable - 36 posts
#bbc merlin - 35 posts
#amazing - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#there would probably be a lot more nuance and a lot less of the grand sweeping gestures of marinette proclaiming her love for adrien
My Top Posts in 2022:
5 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
I’ve seen a lot of people post links to their fics on tumblr, but have never actually done it myself, but tonight I figured, “why not?”
So, here’s my ‘Aithusa sees snow for the first time’ fic, which no one asked for, but you’re getting anyway. (Maybe a tiny bit inspired by those funny videos of cats in the snow)
7 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Merlin lies, bleeding alone in the forest, believing he is going to die with no one by his side. Until a little dragon saves the day…
7 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
When Merlin, Gwaine and Arthur get trapped in a cave during a storm, one of Merlin’s many secrets comes to light...
11 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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It’s me.
I’m girls
2,787 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
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saiyan98 · 2 years
Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 5)
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Chapter 5: Sam Gets Her Epic Anime Moment.
Alternate Sites:
Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
So, at this moment, I’m pretty much useless. Because of my fever, I don’t even have the strength to get up. So I have no choice but to watch my best friend hold on to her dying father. While that’s happening, The Vulture was laughing sinisterly. 
“Stop laughing, you freak!” I yelled in anger.
“Oh you foolish mortal. Can’t you see? This is the curse of being a half-blood, no matter how much they struggle, the people they care and love are the ones that suffer.” 
Sam was trying to stop the bleeding, but it’s not working. The wound was too big and too much blood was spilling. Mr. Stacy was dying and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. At this moment, Mr. Stacy seems to be saying something to Sam, but he was too weak for me to hear it. The Vulture flies up in the air, ready to attack. 
“Time to die, Halfblood!” She yelled. 
As she swoops down, Percy suddenly flies out of nowhere and clashes with the harpy. They both fall to the ground. I hear Percy groaning in pain. 
“Percy?!” I yelled. 
“Should’ve known it was an ambush,” He replied. “Where’s Sam?” 
I pointed towards the Stacy’s, and as I did, Sam looked at me. 
Her eyes say it all. 
He’s gone. 
Percy notices her expression and curses in an ancient language. Then the Vulture pins Percy down from behind. 
“You insolent brat!” She yelled. “Always getting in the way! Always ruining our plans and forcing us to hide in the shadows!” 
Percy tries to escape from her grip but fails. The harpy claws out Percy’s back. He screams in pain. I screamed out to him as I tried to get up; but once again, I was too weak to even move. I don’t know why I’m getting this fever, but it’s a really bad time to lose most of my strength! 
“Time for you to die, Percy Jackson!” Vulture yelled. 
Just as she was about to do the finishing blow on Percy, a bullet flew past her face, leaving a scar on her face. She grunts in pain and lets go of Percy. 
“Who did that?!” She yelled. 
We all looked at where the bullet was shot at, and we saw Sam holding her father’s gun and the knife I had a while ago. 
“You're fighting me, bird freak!” she yelled. 
Vulture snarled at her, “You? How can a mere child hope to stand against… wait…” She squints her eyes as she takes a closer look at Sam, “Your eyes…”
I looked at Sam and saw what the Vulture was seeing. Sam’s eyes were glowing. As I said before, Sam has gray colored eyes that are just full of curiosities and wonders. Now, they’re glowing, shiny like silver but fueled by anger and sorrow. It’s kinda like how Goku goes Super Saiyan; or Rose using her silver eyes; or… basically like how every anime character activates their powers for the first time. 
“No matter!” The Vulture once again flies up and swoops down to attack Sam. However, Sam miraculously dodged her attack and slashed her talons with the knife. The harpy screeches in pain. Sam was being relentless, she was somehow dodging all of her attacks and was counter attacking with her knife. She wasn’t using the gun, but I believe she was just saving ammo to finish off the Vulture. 
As Sam was dealing with the harpy, Percy was getting back up and was about to join the fight when we suddenly heard a loud roar. Percy cursed in silence and saw a big figure charging through and ramming towards him. Percy managed to dodge but barely. He grabbed his pen that was in his pocket and uncapped it, turning it into a sword. Percy gets back up and continues fighting the big guy while Sam deals with the Vulture. 
I’m honestly at shock; not only is my lovable and dorky brother is being a total badass, but my best friend who is a total otaku (don’t judge, anime is getting popular lately) and a nerd on history and myths is standing up against a highly experienced flying bird person. Either I’m now hallucinating, or I have underestimated my family. 
Sam continues dodging and slashing down the Vulture, but is only doing minimal damage. Makes sense, but just because she has some ancient power that’ll most likely be the start of another Shonen anime, does not mean she’s instantly an expert. What do you think this is? An Isekai Anime? Anyways, despite Sam holding up, she’s still no match for the Vulture. After only a few minutes of them constantly fighting, Sam was being overwhelmed by fatigue and the harpy’s relentless attacks. 
Panting, Sam was cornered. 
“Your temper tantrum is over, little girl!” The Vulture yelled. She lifted one of her talons and attempted to attack, but Sam anticipated and dodged it, then aimed her father’s gun and fired at her. The bullet flew past her, but left a small scratch by her cheek. The vulture then left a swift kick toward Sam at the stomach, knocking her out. Sam landed right next to me, groaning in pain. 
“Sam!” I yelled weakly, “Stay down, just get to the gate, I’ll be okay!”
Sam slowly gets up and grabs the knife on the ground. 
“No!” She yelled, “I’m not losing anyone else because of me! You want me, you flying freak? Come get me!”
As the Vulture was panting from their fight, I saw Percy also struggling with his fight against the big guy himself. Whoever this guy is, he definitely knows Percy’s fighting technique. I muster up all the strength I have as I slowly get up, but my fever is really wearing me down, like I could pass out at any moment. But I can’t.  I need to find a way to help them in any way possible. 
“Percy!” I called out.
“Estelle! Get Sam inside camp! I’ll hold them off!” Percy yelled, unaware that I’m not feeling well and can’t do much to help Sam. 
“But Percy-”
“I’ll be fine, go!”
I know he’s lying, but I ain’t got much of a choice at the moment. I called out to Sam.
“Sam! We gotta go!”
“Not yet! Not until I kill her!” Sam replied. 
“Sam! That’s not you,” I said. “Your dad wouldn’t want this for you! He wants you to live a normal, happy life!” 
The Vulture continues her relentless attacks. She would either fly up and swoop down to attack with her claws; use her wings to attack on the ground or simply throw some of her feathers at Sam. Most of her attacks don't lay a scratch on Sam, but she’s wearing out fast. Probably because she never did this much exercise in the past. Remember, she’s an Otaku nerd, not an athlete. Or maybe, it has something to do with those silver eyes. You know, how in anime where the main character uses their abilities for the first time with recklessness, only to wear out fast and lose the fight? Yeah, something like that. 
Okay… I gotta convince Sam to stop making me watch anime. It’s ruining both our views in reality.
Suddenly, Sam was kneeling down, panting from dodging and attacking the Vulture. She was already wearing down from the fight already. 
“Sam!” I yelled. 
“You lose,” The Vulture said, kicking Sam towards me. She dropped both the knife and gun far away from us so we have no way to defend ourselves. 
Meanwhile, Percy was managing to keep his head up and focused on his fight. The big guy was losing his breath. No doubt, Percy is actually winning. 
“Why can’t you just stay down?!” Percy yelled. 
The big guy growled. 
He then punched Percy, making him fly towards us. 
Percy groaned in pain. 
“Okay, that really hurts,” He said.
The three of us stayed closed as the Vulture and the big cloaked man walked towards us. But now that I got a good look at his front side, I noticed he has horns popping from his hood. I can only think of one creature with such a horn. But it can’t be… right?
“It’s over, Percy Jackson!” The Vulture yelled. “Give up!” 
Percy still has his sword on his hand, but he’s worn out from his fight and so was Sam. Plus, her weapons are tossed to the side. And what’s worse, the two are blocking the entrance to the camp, so now we can’t even get to safety and call for help.
“Now, time for you to-”
As the Vulture was gonna attack, a sudden buzz was heard from nearby. The vulture then responded toward her ear.
“Master?” She responded. She was nodding and listening to whoever was behind her earpiece. Which, may I remind you, I just noticed right now. Was that always there? And if so, was she just following orders from someone else? And by whom?
“Understood,” The vulture responded and looked at her partner. “Change of plans, our boss wants Percy alive. The rest we can dispose of.” 
The big guy growled and nodded. 
“Who wants me?” Percy asked. “Who do you work for?!” Percy yelled. 
“Nothing for you to know, Jackson. Just know that you are very lucky that my master wants you alive,” The Vulture says.
“What, Percy has a fan club of his most hated enemies?” I asked. 
“Oh, you have no idea.”
The Vulture walks closer to them as Percy gets between.
“You leave them alone!” Percy yelled. 
“I don’t think so,” Vulture replied. “You are important to my master, but the girls made this personal now. Never have I lost my prey in all my life.”
I scoffed, “Yet you managed to fail to stop all three of us.” 
“Perhaps… but you won’t be alive to tell anyone.” 
As the two monsters walked closer to us, an arrow flew past the big guy. It came right behind us, and as we looked behind us, what I saw was even more shocking. I swear, I saw dozens of these spartan looking warriors, wearing armor and wielding spears, shields, and bows. Suddenly, a tall man walks up front from behind the group. As he appears, I realized something… he has a horse body underneath his torso. A horse butt. 
Yeah… let’s add that in this pile of crazy reveals. 
“You two! Leave these kids alone, or you face my campers!” 
Vulture snarls then replied, “Chiron… mark my words, your camp will burn along with these warriors. My master will ensure it!” 
The Vulture ordered the big guy to retreat, as they both walked back towards the shadows, she spoke to Estelle. 
“We will meet again, sister of Percy Jackson.”
“The name is Estelle. Estelle Blofis,” I replied. 
And the two disappear to the shadows. 
Several of those warriors ran towards us and tended to our wounds. The man with the horse body, I believe his name was Chiron, spoke to Percy. 
“Percy, are you okay?” he asked. 
“Been through worse, but…” Percy looked towards Mr. Stacy’s corpse. “We lost a good man.”
Sam collapsed, as if all of her energy was just used up and she didn’t notice until the fight was over. Of course, I’m no different. 
“Hey, Percy?” I asked. “I… I don’t feel so good…” 
I suddenly started to lose consciousness as Percy called out for me. The last thing I saw was him running towards me as several of those warriors grabbed onto me so that I wouldn't collapse on the ground. 
And then everything turns black. 
You want to know something crazy? I don’t dream, at all. Seriously, everytime I go to bed, I close my eyes and then wake up the next day. No dreams or visions, nothing. It’s like time just passes by and I don’t notice it. 
This time… I had a dream.
I can’t really describe where I was; only that it was dark and secluded. At the other end of this room, I saw these three hooded elder ladies, weaving something. Hard to tell what it was as it weaved endlessly towards the darkness. 
I slowly got up and asked, “Where am I?” 
The three ladies did not answer, instead they continued weaving. I noticed something though; they seem to be weaving some unique colors of threads. As I look towards the end of their threads, I see several sweaters and shirts with names on them. Most of them I recognized instantly and some not yet. However, the majority of these shirts were unfinished. But… the ones that were finished had names I am unaware of. There were names like Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, Luke Castellan and more; but there was one name that really grabbed my attention for some reason. It was a purple sweater, unfinished and tossed to the side and had a hole on the spot on the chest, where the heart would be. It didn’t have a name on it.
I don’t know why it piqued my interest, but for some reason I felt grief and sorrow for it. It’s as if it was meant for someone. 
“Estelle Blofis…” 
One of the ladies spoke and was pointing upwards. I looked up and saw a spider hanging by the light on the ceiling. It came webbing down towards the unfinished clothes and did something unexpecting. It began using its webs to seal up the holes on them. 
“It seems,” One of the ladies said, “You have taken a path that shall defy fate itself, Estelle Blofis. Would you use this gift for yourself? Or for others?” 
I didn’t understand what she was saying. 
Gift? Defy fate? What does that even mean? 
“Perhap time shall tell…” She said as the room began to darken.
Then I woke up. 
I groaned as if I didn’t get enough sleep due to me staying up and watching some anime Sam recommended. Don’t deny that you have done this before. 
“Estelle!” I heard a voice. I looked ahead and saw Percy, wearing some shorts and an orange shirt that had a logo and name on it: CAMP HALF-BLOOD. 
I replied, “Percy? Where am I?” 
“In the infirmary at camp. After you passed out, we took you here to heal. You had a pretty bad fever during the fight.”
“How long was I out?” I asked. Percy was quiet for a moment and then replied.
“About two days.” 
“TWO DAYS?!” I yelled. I then rapidly started asking questions about The Vulture and her partner, Percy and Sam’s health and… about Mr. Stacy. 
Percy was able to explain everything to me. The campers took us here to heal and recover from Vulture’s attack. As for Mr.Stacy… They buried him nearby and gave him a proper funeral yesterday. 
“I should’ve been there for Sam,” I said. “It was my fault… I should’ve done something to help.” 
“It’s not your fault, Estelle. He knew how dangerous this life is, so he did everything he could to protect her daughter. Mom did the same for me, and Annabeth and I would do the same for our kids.”
I sighed, “But all that Sam had was her dad. What is she going to do now?” 
Suddenly, Sam emerges from behind Percy as she enters the infirmary. 
“Stella! You’re okay!” She yelled as she jumped on me and hugged me. 
“Sam…” I couldn’t say anything. I just held her and she let out all of her emotions. 
“I was so worried, I thought I’d lose you too!” She said, crying out on my shoulder as she held onto me tightly.
After what felt like a few minutes of crying, Sam picked herself up and joined in on the conversation. Percy explained how the campers healed our wounds and saved us from the Vulture and her partner. Percy explained to me how I was having a nasty fever and that I was sweating pretty bad. I miraculously survived, but there was no explanation for my sickness. I wasn’t hit by any poison or cursed at all, whatever that means.  He explained to Sam why he brought us here.
“Sam, your father and I brought you here because it was the safest place for you to be. You see, your blood is sacred and brings danger to yourself. Your father did everything he could to protect you from this. If you knew, our enemies would pick up your scent much faster.”
“And where are we, exactly?” I asked. “What is this camp?”
“This is Camp Half-Blood. A safe haven for half-bloods like me and Sam,” Percy answered.
“Half-bloods? What is that?” Sam asked. 
“Demigods, Sam. Demigods.”
Sam and I gasped. 
“I understand this is a lot to take in but-”
“I’m like Thor?!” Sam yelled in excitement. “Can I do some awesome god powers like him? No wait, what if I’m like Bell from Danmachi?!”
Leave it to Sam to always talk about anime and movies. To be fair, it is a good anime, don’t mind too much about the… plot.
“Not like that, Sam,” Percy said. “It’s a lot to explain, so as soon as Estelle is ready, I’ll take you girls to the big house. Chiron will be there to help explain it better.”
“Chiron?!” I yelled. “You mean THE Chiron? The friendliest and wisest Centaur in Mythology?!” 
“Oh yeah, I forgot how much you both were into Mythology. I guess this will be pretty easy to explain. Anyways, I brought you some extra clothes for you to wear in the meantime, Estelle. It’s by the chair next to you, Sam and I will wait outside.” 
After that, Sam and Percy got up and left the building. On the chair next to me was an Orange shirt and shorts. My sneakers were there too. Afterwards, I got up and changed. I thought about what my dream was about and why I even had it in the first place. I don’t dream, at all. And what did The Vulture and her partner want with Percy? Who was their master? Well, whatever it was, it’s not good. All I know is that Percy is involved, and even though he’s such an overprotective dork, he’s still my brother who’s also a father and husband. And Sam is all alone now. She needs me. 
Whatever happens from this point on, is my choice. I don’t know where this life will take me, but I won’t abandon my friends and family. Whatever this life holds for me, I will have to face it. Even if it’s a living nightmare.
And so, I stepped out of the infirmary.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 10 months
somehow i'd get by
somehow i'd get by https://ift.tt/DTzB8W3 by anincompletelist (soldouthaz) Henry should have known, probably, that accepting a job offer from Pez would have its nuances. It’s his own fault that he hadn’t asked more questions, that he hadn’t regarded it as a red flag when he’d had to sign several very thick NDA’s at the onboarding, when Pez had smiled so big and so secretively when they went out to celebrate afterward that Henry had to physically look away from it. Though he’s new to the city, he’d thought that working as an accountant wouldn’t offer all that many opportunities for any sort of overly odd, eclectic jobs. So he’d shown up on his first day at the provided address, a big, nondescript brick building in front of him with a duffel bag full of his sign-on papers, his computer, and a framed photo of his dog, David, ready to take up its rightful place on yet another boring, blank desk. He’d made it all of two steps inside the door before realizing that he’d just accepted a contract working for some kind of sex club. He’d stood his ground despite the burning flush that bloomed on his cheeks and then, miraculously, he’d stayed.  Words: 12913, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Series: Part 1 of the place lightning hits ground Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Percy "Pez" Okonjo Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: dom/sub dynamics, soft dom Alex, like AGGRESSIVELY soft, no smut until part two, light kink negotiation, Kink Exploration, mentions of subspace, Sex Clubs, Henry is an accountant, Getting Together, gratuitous leather mentions via AO3 works tagged 'Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor' https://ift.tt/7ur9tFh December 02, 2023 at 04:21PM
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 1 year
The Betrayal and Rise of a Hero
the betrayal and rise of a hero by Strange blade159
a story heavily based off of 'One Step At A Time' by Domino squad501. contains the same characters with different names and a slightly different story.
After she is betrayed by the camp and gods she takes a deal offered by a mysterious entity who called himself Chaos. Read as she takes down a butterfly wielding manic and how she fixes the damage done by his reign of terror.
I didn't get permission for this fic i just really enjoyed the original and wanted to make my own version based off of what was in my head.
Words: 5582, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Lila Rossi, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug's Parents, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Gabriel Agreste, Plagg, Tikki, The Seven (Percy Jackson), Original Kwami Character(s)
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Female Percy Jackson, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, What Have I Done
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46088401
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skylightangels · 3 years
Love triangles—overused and boring trope, right?
Wrong, you just need to get more creative. So buckle up fandom members and tired writers, let’s talk love triangle alternatives.
The Classic Love Triangle, aka the Love V
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This is your Bella/Edward/Jacob, your Katniss/Peeta/Gale. It’s been done and overdone. Person A has two people interested in them, and they have to pick which one they like best. Boring!! Let’s spice it up.
The True Love Triangle
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To make a REAL love triangle, we need to close the last side. Now all 3 people involved are part of their own classic love triangle. If two people end up together, the third will be double crushed because they just lost both of their potential love interests to each other. Now we’re talking.
This is like Harry/Cedric/Cho, Luna/Neville/Ginny (although not quite since it’s not all at the same time)
The Rivalry Turned Romance
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Person A is just minding their own business, uninterested in both person B and person C. Person B and C both like person A though, and somewhere along the way, their rivalry turns into a romance. Think about when Alya and Nino got trapped in the panther cage and fell for each other because they had so much (their mutual crush on Marinette) in common. This is the superior love triangle, tbh.
The Double Love Triangle
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We’re back to classic love triangle land, but we’re spicing it up by adding another one!! One of the people in the classic love triangle is in another classic love triangle. Percy has to choose between Annabeth and Rachel, Annabeth has to choose between Percy and Luke (*gags at mention of luke*). This can end in two couples or in one couple and two lonely people.
The True Double Love Triangle
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Ooh what’s this? It’s Miraculous Ladybug, of course. Person A (Marinette) likes Person C (Adrien), but she also likes Person B (Luka). Person C (Adrien) likes Person A (Marinette) and D (Kagami). BUT!! If we add in Marigami and Lukadrien, there’s our true love triangles coming out. Of course this chaos is in Miraculous because not a single character in this show this love triangle is straight.
The Bachelor
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I honestly can’t think of a good example in any fandoms I’m in for this scenario, but it’s pretty simple: person A has a plethora of potential love interests to choose between.
The Bachelor With Internal Love Triangles
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The love interests got tired of waiting for person A to choose one of them and started showing interest in each other.
The Bi Panic/Irene Adler/I am just overall frustrated that these two people are dating or into each other
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Person B and C are into each other, maybe already in a relationship, and person A likes both of them (unreciprocated). This is kind of like Irene Adler having an affair with both people in a marriage, except they would have both been into her too. A better example is when my crush in 7th grade started dating the girl that I didn’t know I had a crush on because I still thought I was straight.
The Plus One, aka the Johnlock
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Person A and B are in a confirmed and committed relationship (John & Mary Watson), but one of them is not so secretly in love with Person C (Sherlock).
The Awkward Plus One
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This is a similar situation to the plus one, but it’s just person C having an unrequited crush on someone in a relationship. For example, Nico having a crush on Percy, who is with Annabeth. Briseis loving Patroclus who is with his soulmate Achilles.
I was going to include the Marinette/Adrien/Ladybug/Chat Noir love square but honestly wtf is that mess and how did those fools manage to have a love triangle between two people?
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