#willing to destroy the universe for her kids
sadokasochism · 1 month
I am destroyed over the whole god/worshipper dynamic and have no idea how to adequately put it into words.
I mentioned in another post that Mizi could not fathom Sua ACTUALLY dying, or comprehend what death really meant, and attributed this to her relatively comfortable and sheltered life as the pet of Shine. She was not taught to conceptualise death as a loss, and she never faced any opposition to that world view. From what we know, she might have never really known true, lasting pain or loss before the end of Round 1.
However, her reaction could also be due to her placing Sua on a pedestal as her personal god and universe. She viewed Sua as her absolute everything, and why would any faithful worshipper believe their god could be killed? Only, while Sua was everything to HER, that perception did not carry over to their captors. Mizi's love and devotion was not enough to save Sua. Forces stronger than them both took her away like she was nothing.
How must Mizi have felt, having her perception of Sua as the centre of the universe shattered that way? Coming to the violent realisation that Sua was just another human, and that humans are indeed that vulnerable and disposable? That Sua could now only exist in memories and in the visions that haunt her? That Sua is not a god, but a ghost?
Now we look at Till's perception of Mizi. Again, in an earlier post I mentioned the tragedy of Till falling for someone who did not have a reason to leave. He had a lot of blind faith in Mizi, and it could be said that he idealised her as a paragon.
It's not hard to see how he reached this point. The poor kid had not been shown a lot of kindness in his life, and so meeting someone who was genuinely good and so full of joy must have had a huge impact on him.
However, his faith is still a blind one, but in a different way to Mizi's blind faith in Sua. He is happy to endure any amount of horrible treatment and does not expect anyone to help him. He doesn't resent Mizi for being so close to their captors, for her dreams stopping at Alien Stage. He doesn't resent her after he gives up on his chance at freedom and is subjected to who knows how many more years of pain and torment at the hands of their captors (Not that Mizi is at fault, Till made his own decision that Mizi likely never even knew about).
He sees Mizi's innocence and ignorance to the cruelty of their reality as something wonderful instead of a character flaw that prevents her from saving herself or her loved ones.
Sua has the same issue, seeking comfort and bliss within Mizi's brightness instead of acknowledging the cruel reality of their world. Maybe she felt sharing her perspective with Mizi would dim Mizi's bright spirit, and so she was more than content to wait out the clock with her god.
Maybe Sua felt that meeting Mizi, loving her and being loved by her in return, was nothing short of a miracle after the life she had lived before Anakt Garden. Maybe she felt in light of that, aspiring for something like freedom or a long, long life of happiness with the person she loved the most was asking far too much. The time she got with Mizi was already a miracle, why expect or demand anything more?
If Sua was afraid of Mizi losing her brightness, no wonder she was so affected by Ivan's lecture about becoming a source of trauma for Mizi after her death.
Ivan's view of Till as his god is a bit different. He is similar in that he doesnt seem to demand his devotion be reciprocated, he just wants his god to acknowledge him as a person, as someone that is at least PART of Till's universe, if he can't be all of it.
He is also very willing to become a martyr for his god while expecting nothing in return but Till continuing to live. He acknowledges Till as vulnerable and falable in a way that Till doesn't with Mizi, and Mizi didn't with Sua. He knows damn well that while Till is the centre of HIS universe, their captors certainly do not hold Till in that same regard. He knows that love and devotion in a vacuum does not save anyone.
Which is why he was always the one to free Till, to try and escape with him, and why he pulled the stunt he did in Round 6. Ivan knew that actually making an impact in this world required personal risk and sacrifice, because their captors don't give a fuck if you're in love or if that other pet-human they're about to kill means everything to you.
Till knew this too, but his idealised version of Mizi is too perfect to be broken and beaten down by this world the same way the rest of them have been. So he's still shattered by Round 5, seeing how far Mizi has fallen and then not knowing if she's alive or dead, but knowing for sure she is far out of reach. I wonder, did he regret not running away with Ivan at that point? Did he wonder what all those years of suffering were for, if he was just going to end up losing Mizi anyway? If this world was able to break her too, no matter what he did?
Mizi is gone and changed forever, and nothing he did could stop it. His love and devotion and sacrifice wasn't enough. He failed his god.
In Round 6, Ivan is faced with the same thing. His god has lost his fighting spirit, is changed forever, and Ivan's love and devotion wasn't enough to save him. The last thing he can give is his life, and hope that will be enough. Just like Sua. But he was never Till's god, was never even part of his universe, he probably won't even leave a ghost behind. So, the choice is obvious, really.
They're all so desperate for hope and connection in this lonely, painful existence that they make a person their entire universe, and then are repeatedly crushed when they are shown again and again that their soul-consuming love for one another is seemingly meaningless in a world that views them as infinitely disposable.
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divinehedons · 10 months
hard to explain.
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previously: call it fate, call it karma | masterlist
pairing: dilf!joel miller x f!reader
word count: ~3.5k
summary: after your fall-out with the son of a texan contractor, you didn't expect to come face-to-face with the man; nor did you expect the feelings that come with him.
warnings: this is a dark explicit fic, minors DO NOT interact! once again, i am reminding you that this joel is a meaaaaanie. ginormous age gap (joel is in his 50s, reader is in her early 20s), brief depiction of somnophilia, fingering, phone sex, mutual masturbation. proceed with caution!
note: thank you sosososososo much for 500+ followers! this is in celebration of everyone who enjoys a little debauchery, i hope you enjoy. you're welcome to suggest drabbles through my ask, and comments and reblogs are much appreciated!
It had to end. You knew it did. You knew it had to end not only when you saw Christopher in the arms of some other girl—you knew it had to end the morning you woke up in his father's bed, Joel Miller himself. You remember it, clear as day.
You remember waking to his tongue exploring your folds, legs already shaking. You wonder how long he had been down there, how long he had been tasting you, and you froze. You remember the way Joel smirks up at you, spreading you open with two fingers, your orgasm not far behind from how sensitive you already were.
The limbic system primarily existed with three mechanisms of responses: fight, flight, or freeze. As your vision cleared, you saw the three responses laid before you, along with their consequences. If you confronted him, you risked the exposure of your very own crime, secrets sliced open and exposed in the warm Texan morning air. If you stayed, you'd find yourself complicit in an active role for destroying a relationship that meant something to you. Therefore, there was only one option left.
You remember the way you shot up, barely getting something on when that Texan drawl emerges from the bed. Sweet pea... You don't hear the rest, shutting the door behind you in near perfect silence. You end it that morning with Christopher; over coffee after he tried to apologise to you. There was nothing to forgive.
Hell, you'd even think you were both even by then.
You left before noon, almost running away from the scene of the crime you have left with hands stained red. You didn't even notice you left a book you were reading until you were back at your parents' house, unpacking as you curse yourself.
You thought that was the end of it. But not quite. Who cares about fate or karma when both clearly wanted to mess with you?
You threw yourself directly into the fires of a new semester. Your days easily fill with readings and essays and everything else. You see your friends less and less. You hole up in your dorm room more often. The solitary existence, you began to think, allowed you to repent, to correct yourself. It was why you were so willing.
If only you knew how naive such things seemed.
It was early mid-autumn when you were proved wrong when Joel Miller himself knocked on the door of your dorm room. It was comical, how different Joel seemed against the backdrop of assorted university kids, frat boys, and other such cliques with his greying beard and tired eyes. It was almost comical because you didn't expect him to be here—months after your shared evening disappeared in the haze of stress and study. It was almost comical because you avoided Christopher like the plague, barely dodging out of sight the moment you recognise him anywhere.
Even in mundane things, the father was proving to be brighter than the son.
He sees you, eyes red from exhaustion, fingers stained with pen ink as the pregnant silence fills the air. You wonder what's on his mind as his eyes rake over your form. You're dressed in a campus sweatshirt and (he promised to thank a god or two) just panties. He goes to speak before you can shut the door on him. Before you could pretend and brush him off.
"Christ, sweet pea. What happened t'ya?"
That's how Joel Miller ended up in your shared room, looking over the small collection of books you had stacked up on some rickety shelving. You don't know what to say to him. You don't know what there is to say. You mumble fragments of things. "I'm sorry, mister Miller, this is not a good time..."
"Y'know, this could fall apart on ya. Shouldn't put too many things on it."
You look up at him, catching his eye once more. You feel the heat on your cheeks, feeling like an errant child with their hand caught in a cookie jar. It's strange, you think. You, who had once felt so welcomed by the same man, now look at things differently, wondering if he still thinks of you writhing against his sheets.
Because you think about it. Every fucking night. You think about his deep chuckle, that playful smirk, the orgasm you hadn't been able to recreate ever since. So, the question comes so easily to you: "Mister Miller, did you come here for a shelf?" Your shaky breath exposes you, reveals the tension in your shoulders from the idea of being so proximally close to you.
Slowly, you watch the edges of his mouth curve upwards in a slight, knowing smirk as he moves closer to you, chuckling as you attempt to back away, only for him to continue coming for you, until you feel the door press against the small of your back. His left palm moves to settle right beside your head, effectively pinning you where you are as he leans close enough for you to have a whiff of minty breath. "Why is that, darlin'? Did'ya want somethin' more?"
There is a shiver that shoots directly from your spine to your cunt, a wave of unabashed want as your lips part from his words. It's when a short laugh escapes him, moving to press a chaste kiss against your cheek, the prickling of his beard making your knees clench from expectation. "Actually, I came here to talk to Admissions about Chris and his failed major last semester. And of course, to return a book of yours."
For a moment, you think the conversation is over. Only Joel loves proving you wrong.
"But it's cute to know ya think' 'bout me, sweetheart."
The trade paperback emerges from his coat pocket, just as beaten as you had found it all those months ago in some decrepit, secondhand bookstore. You briefly catch the tile in front. The Master and Margarita. Bulgakov's opus. You gingerly take it from his grasp, managing a shy thanks just as you duck out from under his arm to place it on his desk. "I was just looking for that."
"Pretty dense read, if ya ask me." He turns to you, leaning against the door for a moment. "You worry your pretty l'il head too much." He moves to take his leave, opening the door as he steps out into the hallway with a gentlemanly nod.
"Well... I like the, um... thanks. Drive home safe."
He hums, looking around to check if there was anybody to hear his next words. But when he looks back to you, he had that same smirk that generated a tremble to the knee from you. "I hope ya still have my number. Maybe you should call the next time you're thinkin' 'bout an old man, baby doll."
And just like that, he leaves, shutting the door behind him as you collapse to the nearest seat, unbuttoning the top button of your blouse as you exhale.
What a fucking asshole.
You do not think of the same Texan contractor until a few days later, coming home from an admittedly awful date with some Tarantino fanboy that thought you needed help when it came to understanding Pulp Fiction. And, should anyone ask, you could honestly say you attempted your best behaviour, but eventually, there were just too many differences for you to logically accept his offer of sex back in his own (possibly) stinky dorm room.
So you walk back alone, sighing as you try not to think you made a foolish decision. You've been stuck in a dry spell, you think, considering the fact that it was Joel who last fucked you dumb. Considering it's been months of you fucking around and never really liking anyone because it's Joel you'll be touching yourself to at night.
With a sigh, you start to understand how foolish you were still being. And with a quiet gulp, you reach for your phone to dial that number you've been avoiding all week.
It's Joel, so, of course, it only took a few rings before you hear him on the other end.
"Well hello there, sugar."
You groan, leaning back to look up at the cloudy evening before clearing your throat. "Please don't be an asshole," you murmur, just as you hear him chuckle on the other end. "I was on a date this evening."
You hear the silence ensure from the other end. As if Joel immediately imagined you necking some frat boy or some other dickwad holding your breast while he's so far away, sitting down on his couch in his lonely home, so empty without you reading at the most random spots. As if he can smell how wet your cunt is and he's nowhere to be found. "It's just nine, baby doll, did you end the fun early?"
"I..." You swallow, entering your dorm room before your voice dropped into a whisper. "He... wasn't being nice..." You hang your coat as you check in to see your roommate fast asleep in her own bed, biting your lip gently. "And now... I'm back at the dorm and I have a roommate so... I'm just... I might just read until I'm tired."
"I might just be the last nice guy you'll meet, sweet pea," he teases, groaning as he adjusts himself in his spot. "And, as much fun as it is readin' about the Devil in Moscow, I think I'm much better company, no?" You perk up, stilling yourself mid-step as you replay the words in your head.
"You read it?" Already, you could feel the smile stretching across your cheeks as you imagine Joel, frowning down at your tiny book in an attempt to comprehend it.
"Tried to, doll. Too dense for an old man like me."
It's when you giggle. So suddenly and naturally that Joel feels a smile etch onto his own face. "I'm sorry, mister Miller. As much as I would like your company... I don't have any privacy right now..."
Joel hums from the other end, as if swallowed by his own thoughts. It's comfortable listening to the easy silene between the two of you, where nothing has to be said for five seconds.
Then, of course, he thinks with his cock and it gets him what he wants.
"I'm gettin' ya a room, darlin'. But you better stop with that mister Miller nonsense, got it?" You hear movement on the other end. "I'll send you the details. Call me when ya get there, sweet pea."
In the minutes where he has to wait for you to get where he wanted you, Joel has the time to contemplate just what he was doing to you. You, with a smile so sweet and young that it'd probably let his teeth ache if he let it. You, with your wandering, curious eyes that never asked a question. You, who he missed and hasn't stopped thinking about since that night.
If he was more honest, he would've told you that you also left some clothes from when you stayed over. If he was more honest, he'd tell you that you left your swimsuit in the bathroom beside the kitchen. But he's not honest. Actually, he's just a little bit too fucking selfish.
He'll never tell you of the number of times he breathed in the leftover scent of your skin and your perfect cunt staining the very pad of your swimsuit. He'll never tell you of the number of times he came just from the scent of you, cock in his fist, seed bursting out in powerful spurts.
He'll never tell you he could never have too much of you. And that he's been starving since you left him.
You call again, almost an hour later, shaky giggles being the first thing he hears. He tries to picture you taking in the hotel room he admittedly paid too much for. Tries to imagine if the bed was big enough, if the sheets were soft enough. If the fridge was filled to the brim with things you can enjoy. "Joel," you finally say, and he melts back into his own bed in his own house in Texas, "what the fuck, this is too much!"
He waits until your excitement wears off, smirk on his face. "Private enough for you to touch yourself, sweet pea?"
You audibly suck in a nervous breath, followed by the sound of you falling into the covers of your bed for the evening. He waits for you to respond, expecting some meek response. He doesn't know you've had a few drinks in you, doesn't know that you feel the heat of the alcohol pumping through your veins.
"Only if you touch yourself with me, Joel."
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and all the saints combined. You were getting bolder. He began to chuckle, and you can almost hear the smirk in his voice. "Good girl. You're getting better, aren't ya?" His large palm reaches down to cup himself through his sweats. "What'cha wearin', baby?"
You tell him and he pictures it in his head. You in a cute knitted sweater, your light washed jeans, your muddy sneakers. He likes to imagine the sweater to be one of his, even if he knows it isn't. He imagines his musk on your skin while you smile an dmake conversation with some boy.
"Anything under the sweater?"
"Uh..." He catches the hesitation in your voice, just slight enough, just there.
"My goodness, did you go on a date in just a sweater, baby doll? Not even anything underneath?" He tsks nonchalantly, reaching down to free his hardness with one hand, sighing in relief at the feel of some contact where he needed it. "D'you think he saw your nipples through dinner?"
It's when you squirm, much to his delight as you stare up at the ceiling. "Oh, God, I didn't even think of that..." You eventually sigh, and he waits for you to continue. "I don't know, he just... he's not quite as interesting."
He wonders what you meant by that. He wonders what to say, but you are quick to add more.
"It's not like I want to fall in love— I just..." Another sigh, the sound of movement as you roll over in bed. "I just want someone who'd do me no good. To fuck me up, just once, so I can understand it."
He chuckles, spitting on to his palm. "I can do that," he mutters, "how 'bout you take off your panties for me, doll?" He waits, judging from whatever sounds your phone picked up. "Well, don't act all demure, now. Use those li'l fingers of yours."
You obey, because it's Joel and he knows things. Because you thought you'd be getting fucked this evening. Because he paid for your time and it's the least you can do.
You listen to him as you slowly melt into the warm sheets, legs spread wide and two fingers shakily rubbing yourself. From the other end, you hear his speech interrupted by shaky grunts, some breaths, and even low, menacing growls.
"Tell me what'ya thought about, doll. When you think of me."
"Uh..." You feel a jolt of want rush through your skin as your fingers unintentionally speed up, leaving you moaning. "I-I... I think of your... your hands..." A whimper follows, making you bite your lip as you attempt to control yourself.
From the other end, Joel himself groans at the sounds you make, his own fist speeding up. "That's it... keep goin' and tell me, sweet pea..."
The image is clear in your head. His hands on your waist, cupping your aching breasts. You think of his desperate cock fucking you wide open in a way nothing satisfied you. You think of his hand tangled in your hair as he takes you from behind, held up only by his grasp. You think of his growling against your neck, teeth running carefully across the surface of your skin before he sucks a trail of hickeys down your wanton body.
You think of him telling you how good you are. You, you, and only you.
Meanwhile, he directs you between his own laboured breaths. If anything, he keeps a clear head about it anyway. "That's it, pretty baby, get one finger in for me..." The sensation is enough to make you whine, whilst he chuckles at how needy you sounded. "S'good, yeah? Pull out your fingers f'me and get a pillow between your thighs..."
It's so easy to obey when you're at the very brink of an orgasm. It's so easy to tear down the walls you built when all you ever wanted is presented to you on a silver platter. You put him on speaker, setting it on the bedside table before you get on your knees, grabbing the nearest pillow, lip bitten as you position yourself.
"Imagine me under ya, baby. Y'like my hands, didn't'cha? Imagine them guidin' you back and forth..."
You squeeze your eyes shut and it's so easy. Your hips grinding down on the pillow, cunt spread open and giving the pressure it so desperately called for. You could almost imagine Joel's cockhead, notching just quite there at the very fold of your cunt, but not quite going in.
So you grind against the pillow, pretending it's Joel and pretending he's grunting your ear, driven by praises and compliments while you cry out in pleasure.
"Stop right fuckin' now, sweet pea, or I end the call."
You pause, shakily, eyes teary as you hear the wet squelch of Joel's fist moving against his cock. "Oh, please, just let me... I was so close, Joel!" You groan, hanging your head as you chew on your lip. Your fists clench the sheets below as you wait for him to let you continue.
"On one condition, darlin'. You better stop runnin' after those stupid college boys who don't know the first thing about takin' care of you."
You take pause, trying to bear the weight of his words with the call of your cunt. You do not know how he grits his teeth at the other end, trying to hold off from his own orgasm, driven by the idea of the two of you cumming together despite being miles apart.
"I... you—"
"Five seconds, doll."
You gulp, clenching as you try and not to give in to the urge to move your hips. "Fine! Fine, fine, fine—"
"Good." He takes in a sharp breath, growling as images of you, his very own personal whore, so fucking willing to obey him, no matter what it is he asked for. "Make yourself cum for me, doll. S'alright. Such a good girl..."
You cry out, words of thanks bubbling from your mouth as you resume your movements once more. You call for him, telling him you're so close as you come closer and closer to the very crest you've been wanting all night.
"C'mon, come with me, baby. You wanna be good, don't ya?"
It's always more than enough. As if just one provocation from him is enough to send a chain reaction through you. You let him know, and he counts you down together.
Five. Your knees quake just as you hear Joel's breath grow more ragged.
Four. He says it through gritted teeth while your left hand grips on to the headboard for some sense of balance.
Three. You tell him you might not last for long but one growl for him makes you learn your place.
Two. You're begging and begging and begging, breath held and teeth clenched. He shuts his eyes before he sees stars.
One. It's so close you both can taste it.
Cum for me, baby, fuck, yes, yes yes—
For a moment, you are caught in a riptide of inexplicable high, vision going bright white momentarily before lulling you into a daze.
A beat passes. Then another.
You better not be falling in love with him.
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mendellyill · 8 months
Baldurs gate 3 spoilers about gale (and rolan kinda) under the cut
If you take gale and karlach with you to the counting house in the lower city, they have a conversation about how neither of them have ever had much money and I find that for gale, that provides some fascinating context for his life.
How much did his mother sacrifice to send him to university? Of course hes a mama's boy, getting him into magic college was probably her main priority for most of his childhood. How difficult was it for him to get learning materials? Gale loves libraries, which is a standard nerdy thing but as a kid whose family might not have been able to afford the books he needed to learn about magic? Libraries would have been his one connection to the world of magic. Every scrap of magical material would have been precious and hard won.
Mystras attention would probably have been absolutely life changing for him. If he doesn't have a fortune to fall back on, like lorroakan, having the attention of the literal embodiment of the weave is probably the only way he was ever going to get anywhere in his field. Speaking as someone who works in academia, it doesn't matter how smart you are if you can't get funding. Their relationship is already deeply one sided, but man if gale feels like his opportunities for success are because of her? Fuck.
We see a sort of similar (please for the love of God bear with me) situation with lorroakan and rolan. Rolans poor, reasonably talented, and loves magic more than almost anything besides his family. He was, up until the enslaving dame Aylin plan, willing to put up with lorroakans abuse and whims because he wanted to be a wizard so bad. Now gale has several in universe advantages compared with rolans situation, but it's clear that the Wizarding profession is not a profession you can easily get into if you don't have funds or a very rich patron.
Not really sure where I'm going with this. I saw a post about gale joking about how his tower was never cleaner than after he lost the orb and I just. For a kid who grew up in a low income situation, his tower is 100% a point of pride and something he identifies with very strongly. To have had to literally devour his tower to stay alive, to have had to literally destroy everything in the life he built for himself as a result of the orb. That must have been horrifying for him.
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ot3 · 4 months
I mean this in entirely good faith, I promise, but I'd love to hear the "shortcomings" you think those shows have
she ra i mostly just found boring i don't think i could point to a single thing it did (out of what i watched, that is. i didn't finish the show) that i found to be an objectionable writing choice, but it just didn't do anything to keep my interest. which is a shame because i went into it REALLY excited!!! i had long been a fan of nimona so hearing that ND stevenson was getting the chance to make a cartoon i was SO prepared to be all over it. and i watched it and it all just fell pretty flat for me
steven universe and the owl house i feel like are shows with some pretty major structural issues. i really think they try to have their cake and eat it in terms of episodic moments vs overarching series narratives that are kind of at odds with each other.
with steven universe i feel like this manifested in some pretty bizarre tonal whiplash that prevented either of the shows angles from sticking its landing. i think if steven universe had either been an epic space opera about a kid inheriting his mother's war, it would have fucking banged. i think if steven universe had been a more slice-of-life oriented show about a boy coming of age by realizing he's sort of the living manifestation of the war trauma of the people around him and learning to navigate and help people heal from that through fantastical, alien super-powered twists on mundane life that would have banged in a completely different way. but as it stands i think trying to do both at the same time detracted from the overall experience.
it feels weird to have them fucking around at the barn when there is something that is going to literally hatch from the earth's crust like an egg and destroy the entire planet and theyre just ignoring it. it feels weird in a different way to have them visit an alien zoo full of human beings and know that the structure of the show means we will absolutely not be taking the time to fully unpack that one. for me this cognitive dissonance really reached its peak an episode where steven explicitly calls his mother a war criminal, but that was a throwaway line because the A plot was that lars, the guy who works at the donut shop, bakes as a hobby and is embarrassed by that. to be perfectly clear i don't think it's impossible to balance more mundane slice of life moments with big adventures to combat existential threats. but whatever that balance looks like is not what steven universe was doing
the owl house on the other hand i don't feel like was ever really willing to commit to a particular vibe long enough to get invested in it. it's trying to be a show about a girl who is a witch's apprentice, but that doesn't really feel quite fully realized because it's also trying to be a show about a Magic School, but we don't spend enough time at the Magic School to get invested in that setting as a framework for the character interactions and narrative events, but then it also starts trying to be this big adventure/questing show. and then before too long luz is the one teaching magic to everyone else? it refuses to really commit to any one thing it's trying and just kind of throws everything at you with out actually getting to spend time with its concepts
in general i also think luz was a weak protagonist. in terms of writing. i think she wasnt given enough meaningful flaws, didn't make enough mistakes, and didn't really have to learn any hard lessons or make decisions that fundamentally went against who she thought she was. her whole thing is basically being Nerdy and Kinda Weird which i think is kind of an outdated substitute for meaningful character writing in the current zeitgeist. im sure she is an absolutely fantastic power fantasy for a lot of 12 year old girls who consider reading books to be their main personality trait and i absolutely do not fault that for existing. i think that's a critical thing to exist and all those 12 year olds really deserve it. but it has no appeal to me as an adult woman who has grown out of that phase, yknow?
i feel like once again the comparison to akko from little witch academia invites itself very easily, and anne from amphibia too, which was also a disney teen girl isekai airing at the same time. i loved both of those two as protags a ton and i think its because they really fumbled repeatedly and went through the wringer in a way luz didn't
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ivystoryweaver · 6 months
(Everybody's Waiting for) The Man With the Bag
This is your 2nd place poll winner, losing to Moon Dads/Hanukkah by only 9 votes!
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Summary: Miguel wants to bring a little Christmas cheer to some kids who need it most
Word Count: 1050
Content: holiday/family angst with a bit of comfort, fluff-adjacent, longing, mentions of loss/death, (nothing you didn't see in the film), not beta'd.
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The spider society was quiet.
As quiet as it ever got, anyway.
There were always lives to save - timelines to correct or salvage.
But it was Christmas.
Practically every timeline had some version of the holiday, and even now - after so much loss...after Miguel felt the weight of the universe pulling him apart like a thousand spiderwebs - he still remembered Christmas with is little girl.
Gabriella loved Christmas.
What child wouldn't love a pile of presents, too much sugar and staying up late? The troll of Christmas carols, hot cocoa, magical movies and twinkling lights...
But what Gab loved most was Santa Claus. Miguel assumed it was because he gave her presents, but she surprised him one Christmas Eve. She climbed up in his lap, ready to read The Night Before Christmas before being tucked into bed to wait for ol' St. Nick and said, "Daddy, I think Santa Claus is the best person in the whole world."
Miguel chuckled warmly, admiring how her chubby fingers traced the beautifully illustrated picture of the classic figure. "Why, because he brings you a bunch of stuff?"
"No," she softly replied, pointing to the huge bag he had flung over his back. "Because he gives so much away. Don't you think we should all be like that?"
Miguel's heart melted as he squeezed his daughter close. "Yeah, Gabs. We should."
Then he proved to be the complete opposite of Gabriella's hero, destroying her entire timeline.
Since then, Miguel made it his life's mission to not...overstep.
But it was Christmas.
This timeline's Gabriella lived in one of the poorest neighborhoods he'd ever seen. Miguel told himself not to get involved - he certainly knew better than to interfere directly with her life. He'd never learned a harder lesson.
But surely, it couldn't hurt to leave a Christmas present behind - a treasure that could simply be credited to Santa Claus.
Miguel got to work, collecting toys and locating a Santa suit to fit his impossibly large fame, since making himself an unstable molecule Santa suit seemed a tad excessive. At any rate, He was going to bring Christmas to this neighborhood.
This was, of course, after dozens of calculations between himself and Lyla, to make sure delivering a toy fire truck wouldn't obliterate a universe.
Miguel walked through a portal, discreetly, into Gabriella's low income neighborhood, late Christmas Eve, donned in head-to-toe red and white, with a pack of toys flung over his back.
He didn't quite have Santa's tummy, but hopefully a little padding would do the trick, should he be spotted.
His spider abilities made it pretty simple to dart in and out of houses undetected. He even sampled a cookie or two.
The he came to Gabriella's house. He saved her house for last, trying to work up the courage to be in her presence but not interact with her in any way.
The house was tiny and old, but clean. The cold, hard floors had been swept and the tables wiped recently. Dishes were handwashed and piled on the counter to dry. A plate of homemade cookies peeked out from their plastic wrap. There was love here.
The Christmas tree was more of an old, ragged bush, with glass ornaments with chipped paint and a few handmade offerings of popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners. A string of popcorn served as garland. No twinkling lights illuminated the darkness.
And the whole place was freezing.
Miguel pressed his lips together, squeezing his eyes shut, willing himself not to interfere any more than he was about to. Reaching into his bag, he produced a copy of The Night Before Christmas, a warm winter blanket, a matching hat, scarf and gloves, and a soccer ball.
He set each item under the Charlie-Brown-worthy tree - the only gifts present, making sure they would be plainly visible to whoever woke first.
His eyes landed on a snapshot of Gabriella with her mother, and just when he thought he tempted fate enough for one evening, he heard a sharp intake of breath behind him.
"Ohhh, wow, Santa," the voice of Gabriella O'Hara made his heart completely stop.
Miguel squeezed his white gloved hands into fists, willing himself to not turn around and lay eyes on her, just one more time.
It wasn't her. She wasn't his - she never had been.
He could hear her sock covered feet shuffle closer. "I-is that you, Santa? Is it really you?"
Miguel cleared his throat, deepening his voice purposely. "Merry Christmas. You caught Santa just finishing up."
He heard her gasp, her giggle like a tinkling bell. "Oh, Santa, thank you so much. Thank you, thank you!"
"You're welcome," he choked out. "Now, be a good girl and get back to sleep. Santa has a lot of presents to deliver."
"Okay," she breathlessly answered. "My friends told me you weren't real, but I just knew you were. I knew it."
The sound of her voice drifted closer. She stood directly behind him now. He had to get out of here.
"You're absolutely right. Back to bed now. Merry Christmas, Gabs."
She sucked in a breath, but didn't speak or move for several agonizing moments.
"Merry Christmas, Santa," she finally decided. And he heard the old, hard floor creak as she retreated.
But she paused one more time. "I think I know now," she declared from across the room. "You must be an angel. You sound just like my dad."
One tear slid down Miguel's cheek, soaked up by the cotton of his fake beard.
"Your dad is very proud of you," He choked out, gathering his bag, making sure he kept his back turned so she wouldn't see his face.
"Thank you, Santa. Or...whoever you are," she whispered, finally retreating to her room.
Miguel raggedly exhaled, tears burning his eyes as he left the house and made his way back through a multi-dimensional portal.
His Christmas Day would be spent not watching Gabriella wake up her mother, unwrap her presents, or maybe, talk about the Santa Claus who'd left them for her.
No, he was done intervening. A few simple gifts to help keep her warm - to bring a little cheer - it was enough for her.
And hearing her voice one more time was the best present he could have ever hoped for.
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happyhauntt · 6 months
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BURIAL GROUND, a hunger games fic.
─── summary:      In District Four, they teach you  how to survive the Games. As a Career District, kids are sent to combat academies and taught to become killers, practically born with knives in their hands. They teach kids how to hunt, how to harm; there, children learn everything they need to know in order to survive the Games.
     They don't teach you how to survive what comes after.
     Nimah Caplan thought she was being clever, the day she volunteered for the Games. At age thirteen, she thought she'd make headlines as the youngest victor ever. She thought she was being brave, bringing that kind of glory to her district. After all, if Finnick Odair  ━  who won the Games the year before, at only fourteen years old  ━  could do it, why not Nimah?
     It didn't matter that she had never seen fresh blood spill across the ground before. That the knife in her hand was only dangerous as long as she was willing to wield it. She was going to win, and that was the end of it.
     Or it should've been. For in her triumph, only moments after volunteering, the male tribute was reaped. Nimah's blood ran cold as she saw her brother's hand shoot into the air, saw him shoving his way onto the stage to stand beside her. She'd heard her mother's anguished scream but hadn't seen the Peacekeepers drag her parents away as she was taken into the Justice Building with her brother.
     Winning the Games had always been the plan, but Nimah never meant to do so with her brother's blood on her hands. She'd been unaware of the plan that had been set in place by her brother and their mentor, Finnick, until the very end  ━  and then she had to slide a knife between her brother's ribs and count his breaths until the cannon sounded, declaring her terrible victory.
     In the years since, Nim, like all victors before and after her, became something of a shell. She could not look at herself in the mirror, yet for all the cameras, she wore her epithet as youngest victor with glittering pride, as if it were not a heavy crown she could never take off. Nights in the Capitol spent warming the beds of the highest bidders, days spent lying on bare floors with cold sunlight leaking through the windows, drenching her in saccharine gold.
     They do not teach you to survive what comes after you win the Games, Nim realised too late, because there is no surviving the Games. No matter what happens, some part of you dies in that arena, left to rot in the grass.
     She thought winning the Games would bring glory, and instead it cost her everything she had.
     When the Quarter Quell rolls around, and it is announced that tributes will be reaped from the existing pool of victors, Nim sees it as an opportunity to save something. All her life, all she had been taught was to destroy, and she'd done it so successfully that everything and everyone around her had fallen to ruin.
     By volunteering for the Quarter Quell, she'd be able to save someone else from their terrible fate, and in that way, perhaps she'd finally be free.
─── warnings: this story contains triggering themes including sexual assault & rape, prostitution, self-harm and thoughts of suicide, death and canon-typical violence. these themes, along with others, are prevalent in the hunger games universe and will come up in this story, so please don't read if these things affect you!
─── fic tag. read on ao3. fic masterlist.
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davekat-sucks · 25 days

Here is a summary of what I believe the ending of Homestuck 2 will be. Feel free to correct any part of what I say here. Please note that I am unsure of what the Homestuck's teams plans are for the story or what direction they are even trying to go in. I am not focused on that, only what makes sense for the story with what is already written. I'm adding in what I assume they are working off of from the original story as well. To start, Dirk is doing this so as to create the original universe. The one that came right before the Beforus's troll's. Moving on. Rose was already somewhat in tuned with fortune telling. Early within the story, Dave reads something Rose had written, Complacency of the Learned. Within it Rose writes of twelve selected children surprisingly turning. In the end; The four beta kids, four alpha kids, Karkat, Kanaya and Terezi make it to the end, along with Calliope. This makes twelve characters. (Ignore Jane's dad, he is not a child.)
Within Act 6, Complacency of the Learned is referenced again. Calmasis, a character who is referred to with both she and he pronouns, plays the role of the antagonist. This is clearly Ultimate Calliope. Calliope also hosts Lord English's soul inside of her body now that she has consumed him. This is where the androgyny comes in.
Within Complacency of the Learned Roxy's mother wrote all twelve characters are killed, all but Zazzerpan. I think this is going to be referenced within Homestuck 2 as a prophecy for events to come. Everyone in meat will be killed before Dirk.
Calliope had consumed Lord English, took in his soul. Part of LE's make up was Auto-Responder. A part of Dirk's soul. I'm certain she will have to die in order to kill off Dirk. (Think Voldemort here.)
I am certain Jake will have to die in order to kill of Dirk as well, seeing that Brain Ghost Dirk even referred to himself as a splinter who is in tuned to Dirk. Not unless Jake can get rid of this manifestation he's created. It is likely everyone in Candy will die during these events, unsure about the Omega kids. (Davebot might also be an exception.) Ultimate Dirk will, in the end, be killed by Dave. By the same sword that is capable of harming Lord English, Caledfwlch. Ultimate Dirk is gladly going to allow himself to die by his hand. (Who is to say that Dave will be willing to kill him...) DIRK: I’d never kill Dave, no matter what I felt the stakes were. I’d never hurt him either Now, here is a really fun part! In Meat, all the characters will have robot bodies. Terezi will as well, once she dies on her quest bed. I suspect there will be a blood and mind player so that Karkat and Terezi will be able to do this. Space and Time are a given, Kanaya will have a quest bed as well. Everyone will become immortal. Wonderful. Yippie. Yay.
A way that things may have a happy(?) ending is that all of the character's robot bodies will be destroyed and their consciousness might go back into their original bodies. If this did happen, they would likely be horrified with the events of Meat and being used as puppets. Jake might still have to die because of what I said earlier about brain ghost Dirk. They will all be their ultimate selves as well, all be awoken. They will know the events of candy too, maybe still love their children. That or they will still die, maybe because they are now guardians to children, who knows? Homestuck's team should take the chance to make the ending at least somewhat happy. Here's where I go off the rails: Dirk refers to himself as God. (As seen in this line the literal hand of God) In the context of this story, I assume he plays that role. Not just as someone taking over the narration, but as someone with full control over everyone that exists. The race(s) he is creating contains his DNA. His Heart powers can likely extend to everyone, since they all stem from him. (This likely excludes Void players. Seeing that Scratch could not see what was happening around Equius.) This is a guess, a shot in the dark, I think when Dirk was decapitated by Dave during Collide, this is when he woke up. It makes sense, fully dying would show him the nature of reality and that his soul is everywhere, even in death. So... what happens after he creates that full loop that I mentioned. What do they do after? Does Dirk just die and that's it? Is their more? Yep. Ultimate Dirk is likely the one who placed the code for Sburb on the moon for Meenah to find. Dirk is the one who corrupted Damara. He likely went to her directly. I don't see Scratch or English or anyone else going to talk to her, though perhaps there is a way they could have been in that universe. I just assume that Damara likely sold her soul directly to him and then she would be enslaved by Lord English to fulfill her role. Dirk probably ensured more events would take place. His role is to keep everything on track. If he fails, which he will not, everyone would not exist. I have so much insane shit to say, guys!!! I have more! MORE! To say! I could make a full length YouTube video myself on this crap. I also have a much more insane theory, probably the craziest one... probably the most accurate one too. I don't know if I wanna go into depth with it. But I'll just say the gist of it and it will make me look bad, uh... worse? Dirk desperately wants to shape Dave into a hero. Dirk wants to be the villain to Dave's story to make sure that happens. He wants Dave to decapitate him. Rose throughout the story references Freud so I don't think it's a shock that Dave's sword represents a penis (It breaks all the time too, oh my god). Dirk being decapitated by Dave is wild literal symbolism!
Here is what I assume Dirk's actual story is: Dirk fell in love with his guardian, who he did not personally know. He was detached from him. He idolized him. He wanted to shape Dave into what he thought Alpha Dave was. Later, when Dirk fully awoken to his ultimate self Dirk feels guilt over how he treated Dave when he was bro, and wants to die by his hand- but also wants to make it as homoerotic as possible. Oh nooo! He's in love with him! hehehe! I honestly think this story is running with this. That's why the homestuck fandom being upset about stridercest shippers is so funny to me. The stridercest fans might just be the ones with strong intuition or reading comprehension. When I realized this, it's what eventually lead me into shipping DirkDave. I didn't before but now it is too funny not to. I just don't really think Dave is into it. And I'm not going to go off again about Dave being sexually abused by Dirk openly already. It's so obvious and out in the open. It's like... is that even subtext? Dave's family member is cheerleading while Dave is about to animalstically fuck a guy, when Dirk's soul extends to engulf everything... Dirk can probably fell that. I assume Dirk can, even if he can't. Why be so eager to oversee your son fucking a guy? How is that not incestuous? I wrote a simpler version of what I am saying so it's easier for me to think this through, you all might find this too long didn't read version helpful. - During Act 7, the 12 survivors create a new universe to inhabit - During the Meat part of the epilogue, Dirk awakens Rose, kills John, forces Terezi to join him with the promise that John will be revived. - During Homestuck 2, Dirk begins the process of creating a new race and tasks Rose with making one herself. They use their Dna to do this. - Dirk's Dna is within these new people. - This universe is the first to ever exist, leading into the creation of Beforus' universe. - Dirk can look into every soul because he is a part of it. - Dirk is likely planning to have Kanaya, Karkat and Terezi die on their questbeds so they may become immortal before he places their souls inside of robots. - Perhaps because the Meat's cast's souls are hosted within robots, they will not actually die when their robot bodies are destroyed, but they will instead go back into their actual bodies.
Holy shit, this is all amazing! It would be cool if it actually leads down to this. And yeah, you could probably make a YouTube vid about this. Even make these posts on your blog itself and I'd definitely give it a share. I don't mind you sending me these kind of asks or posts. It's actually interesting to hear your thoughts about the series, the fandom, and the current project going on here.
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glitcheslikeslego · 11 days
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 19)
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Chapter 19 : Detect
Detect protects the user from all effects of moves that target it during the turn it is used, including damage. This does not include damage at the end of a turn such as from weather or a status condition.
They came without warning, Bull Clones with glowing blue eyes attacked the city, causing havoc everywhere. Everything snowballed downhill after that, there were humans fleeing the city, Bull Clones destroying anything they got their hands on, but one group of heroes stepped up to fight back.
This also apparently included you too.
Mei had somehow gotten everyone dressed up in ‘dystopian-core’ outfits (her words, not yours) and you were all in Pigsy’s van, driving over as many Clones as you encountered.
The only one not pulling his weight was…
“You go guys, woohoo.” A very unenthusiastic MK clone, who lazed about in the van without a care in the world.
You glared at the clone before turning back to face the road, you were holding onto Sandy for dear life so you wouldn’t end up flying out of the van whenever Pigsy ran over something.
“Mei, did you call the real MK?” You asked worriedly.
“Yeah, a few times, but he still isn’t picking up!” Mei yelled over the screams as Pigsy’s van went flying down a steep road.
“Where is that kid!?” Pigsy groaned, already tired of the lazy variant MK conjured up.
Thankfully, there’s at least someone out there willing to show their group some mercy, and as they ran over another Bull Clone, Mei beamed. “MK’s here!” She exclaimed, and you all piled out of the van.
MK looked at you all, completely starstruck by your dystopian outfits.
Mei began explaining things to MK, and he looked confused. “What? But I left you with one of my guys.” He said.
Tang rolled his eyes. “Yeah, he’s been super useful.” He said sarcastically.
The lazy MK clone shrugged his shoulders uncaringly. “I dunno what to tell you, guy.” Before poofing away in a puff of golden smoke.
MK asked for an explanation, and Mei was about to explain again, when Tang slid up with a smirk, and she let the nerd take over. “Well, after you left, the Bull Clones attacked. But they were different, more powerful than before. We believe it’s all tied back to the Demon Bull King. MK, he’s conquered everything.”
MK gained a more serious look on his face. “Where is he? Where is DBK?”
With that, you all piled back into Pigsy’s van and he drove to the Flaming Foundry. On the way there, you all changed back into your regular clothes, no longer needing to wear your cool dystopian clothes.
“Alright, what’s the plan MK?” You ask as the van gets closer to the Flaming Foundry base where DBK is supposed to be.
“Uh… I dunno… I was just gonna wing it.” Mk said with a shrug.
“Sounds great, let’s go!”
Sandy, Mei and you all yell out, startling MK. “What? No, I didn’t mean you guys too.”
MK listened as all of his friends, his found family, all backed him up with his plan, and he couldn’t help but smile.
“Look, there! That’s DBK’s throne room.” Tang exclaimed, pointing at a giant hole.
You ended up being swept up by Mei, and she and MK jumped into the hole.
And now you were all stuck on MK’s staff, in the hole.
“So, uhh… now what?” MK asks no one.
You looked down the hole, seeing the bottom where the throne room was, with red-orange lights from lava mixed with the icy blue glow of the Lady Bone Demon’s powers.
You unconsciously tighten your hand around Mei’s arm, since she was still holding you.
You hoped the universe wouldn’t send you down there with MK.
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comicaurora · 11 months
So, you mentioned on the podcast that you were watching some classic-era Gundam.
For the season(s) you've watched, assuming you're not planning on suddenly taking the plunge and making a Universal Century Detail Diatribe, would you mind sharing your opinion so far? Universal Century can be a bit divisive, but I always enjoy seeing people's opinions on it. I have mixed feelings on some of the decisions made, myself, but in the grand scheme of things I enjoy what I've seen so far. (Especially Unicorn, but that's not really classic era.)
Also, I'd like to reccomend watching (or reading!) Gundam The Origin, since it acts as a really good, pretty, (and in the anime's case, short) prequel series to the original.
It's interesting! I've watched the compilation movies for 1 and 2 and most of 3, and I can't tell if they lost the plot after 1 or if the writers were being really, really scathing in a subtle way.
1 was incredibly blatant about how Amuro is a traumatized kid who got strongarmed into being the gundam pilot and using it to kill people, something that he clearly absolutely hates - and it's pretty overt that the Federation Force is more than willing to mulch up as many child soldiers as they want in order to win. The movies, and I assume the show they're compiled from, go out of their way to show that there are sympathetic young people on both sides of the conflict that just want to be free of this war, and there are also right bastards on both sides that are willing to be very callous with the lives of others. You can, of course, always identify who the compassionate people are by how pretty they are, and all the right bastards by how grotesque they are. It's pretty unsubtle about that being the core of the narrative, and they really twist the knife at certain points, like when Amuro's mother is horrified and ashamed at him self-defense-killing a Zeon soldier that was actively menacing her refugee camp, and Amuro concluding that she doesn't love him and he truly has no family to go back to.
By 2, things have gotten a little confusing, and I'm inclined to assume this is because the compilation movies had to make some cuts that would've made the character arcs flow a little more smoothly. Amuro decides to leave the whole war behind, which makes sense, but he takes the gundam, which doesn't. They introduce this thread that Amuro is extremely attached to the gundam and very proud of his ability to pilot it, and he has an actual breakdown when he learns that other members of the crew are now trained in its operation and can use it just fine, if not quite as skillfully as he can. It seems like there was a bit of a lurch from "Amuro has been unwillingly dragged into this nightmare and is forced to fight again and again despite his extremely obvious PTSD" to "Amuro refuses to let go of the giant robot that tethers him TO this nightmare," and while it's very interesting in the implications, it doesn't exactly flow cleanly. In fact, this is where there seems to be a bit of a shift from "war is bad" to "wow! cool robot." Amuro goes from PTSD-catatonia every time he destroys an enemy mobile suit to counting them during fight scenes, which is kind of a chilling indicator of the mechanized horror he's becoming accustomed to - assuming that was on purpose and not just a broad defanging of the story to do more Cool Robot Fights.
But the thing is, there's this subplot sometime around 2 or 3 involving a bunch of actual toddlers that have been hanging around on the ship - because it started as a refugee vessel escaping the destruction of a colony, so there's a lot of women (who are now conscripted pilots, of course, and shockingly badass for the era it came out in) and children onboard, and they've been stuck on the front lines running from Zeon with almost no ground support because the Federation likes throwing the gundam at things too much to care about a handful of six-year-olds potentially getting mulched. But throughout this little arc, the kids are finally on track to getting rehomed on Earth by the military - something that the kids are unhappy about because they've got a whole Found Family thing going, but Amuro approves of them leaving, saying "little kids shouldn't see people killing each other," which aligns very firmly with how he is a kid who hates all the killing he's stuck in.
Except then the happy ending is that the six-year-olds get to stay on the warship because they recently helped out with bomb disposal and "they've seen things you guys can't imagine, they don't want to leave!" And this is either really losing the plot or absolutely brilliant spiteful writing on the part of the creative team, because as I understand it, executive meddling was pushing them to include newer, flashier, more colorful giant robots (weapons of war and untold suffering that our teen hero has been trapped in by a mechanized war machine that has effectively enslaved him for his talents) to push toys to the exact age demographic of those chipper six-year-olds. It's almost like the teenage child soldiers are turning out to directly face the camera and saying "what's the difference between forcing us onto the front lines and letting these precocious youngsters keep flinging themselves into the crossfire? Gotta sell more gunplas, right?"
So if that was on purpose, I really liked it. If not, it's kinda hearbreaking to see the show gradually start pulling its punches in favor of turning the Oops All Babies warship into a heartwarming found family situation.
Also they started really banging the "newtypes are the plot now" drum in 3 and once everyone started getting psychic powers I kinda lost steam tbh
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sunflowerxthoughts · 1 year
rockstar! eddie x nepobaby reader???? idk probably reader would a daughter of two famous actors or singers and they meet on a carpet, fall in love and started dating in secret and 💞💓💓💖💘⭐️😭💌 sound so perfect probably i would cry
It's taken me so long to write this but I'm actually turning this into a series!!! This seems like a really nice universe to explore, so I'm writing some hcs now of their story and you guys will get the full fics next. I need a name for the series so you are more than welcome to give ideas!!!! That being said as always my content is +18 only and requests are open. Thanks! And thank you for this request, love! 💖💖
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First thing first I can imagine reader being the kid of a famous musician in the rock/metal scene and the mother being an actress. An only child but not too spoiled, I think her parents wouldn't really hand her everything in a silver platter.
However nepotism is nepotism so when she starts to show an interest in acting it's not that hard to get a job, even if she asked to be treated like the others.
Eddie and reader meet at a red carpet for an event involving dad's band.
Both of them are like holy shit how are you even real.
Of course they exchange numbers but for the public eye it ends there. Just two kids being besties.
They really click. Text constantly, they send each other silly selfies, they tell all about their days, some text that almost cross the line between friends or more.
So naturally both Gareth and Steve tell him to just ask reader out.
Eddie is like no.
And everyone just ???????????
He is just scared of the outcome but of course readers says yes. Only he forgets to tell the boys so like no one know.
They are like teenagers, sneaking in and out, booking hotel rooms to have silly little dates under silly little names.
And of course the first person to find out is reader's dad and poor Eddie is scared shitless. But he loves Eddie and agrees to keep it a secret because how could he say to his little kid.
So now they get secret dates and family dinners with r's family and Wayne.
Fast forward to a year later, both happy, the friends know, everyone is cool with keeping it lowkey and then they get papped.
And shit goes down. Like everyone loves the couple but they are both so angry their little bubble of privacy got destroyed.
And the fans!!!! They are so happy but so ready to harass the tabloids to leave them alone.
And suddenly the two are doing red carpets together, looking so in love. And of course they are photographed out and I'd like to think they do like Emma and Andrew or Joe and Sophie just trolling the paps in the best way possible.
All in all it's a very sweet but dramatic relationship.
But he knows they are IT for him so he is willing to absolutely kick anyone's ass for them. And he does.
More coming soon.
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flamingskull28 · 7 months
Splatoon undertale Au because I can't sleep. I will state who would be what character and why I think they would, any disagreements or comments on this are encouraged
In this Universe Humanity wasn't completely extinct and eventually came back to the surface and coexisted alongside the sea turned land creatures but eventually grew fearful of them and attacked their cities forcing them underground. The sea people ( I don't have a better name to generalize everyone) would definitely put up a better fight than the monsters didn't undertale but cephalopods weaknesses to water and Humanities probably more advanced technology would out do them. Everything basically plays out the same as undertale from there except for the fact that they're trying to use humans DNA to open giant mechanical gate the humans use to keep them underground, just go with it and the royal guard is the NSS . Until Neo 3 lands I'm the underground (which would probably be a connection or mix of the domes, Alterna and the deep-sea metro.) Is initially Guided by Craig who nicknams them neo 3, clashes with agent 3, fights pearl until they get tired, beats agent 8 who's trying to go to the surface to be a star, then fights Octavio. I'll assume determination isn't a thing here or at least not in the fourth wall breaking way of undertale, so after Neo 3 beats Octavio everyone else comes to intervene then are all captured by Callie (when she got splatted her soul instead of flying into a respawn Point flew into a flower) who.... uh wants to absorb all their ink to regain her body and gain power? but is defeated by neo with the help from the others, Callie realizes the error of her ways and uses the power she got to destroy the gate. Then everyone lives happily ever after I guess.
Agent 4 - Sans
Chill and laid back on the surface, cares deeply for those around her. Likes telling jokes and pulling pranks, is definitely underestimated by everyone. Sibling Vibes with agent 3. Would most definitely be deadly if you got on their bad side or hurt someone they care about. Has a few secrets.
Agent 3 - papyrus
Would definitely be overly dedicated to her cause and more effective than most people give her credit for. Can be a bit blinded by ambition and is desperate for approval. Goes by agent 3 to show her dedication to joining the group and forced agent four to do the same.
Pearl - undying
Could definitely be dedicated to a cause, strong and imposing despite her clear flaws.
Marina - Alphys
Smart, shy and desperate for approval all fit Marina. Is definitely hiding skeletons in her closet. Has a crush on pearl
Agent 8 - Mettaton
8 is shown to be photogenic and can definitely give off movie star vibes, especially since 8 saved the world in heels if she can do that she doesn't need stuntmen, plus they do have a good relationship with Marina
Octavio - Asgore
Old and bitter and is dedicated to revenge for the good of his people but it's shown to be willing to do the right thing, gives off gay vibes with cuttlefish too so they can be ex's
Cuttlefish - Toriel
Is shown to be caring sort of... definitely a guide of some kind and would probably not approve of Octavio's decree to destroy the remains of humanity
Callie - Chara
Has both good and evil sides, can easily be lead on the wrong path. Tbf this one's a stretch
Marie - Asrile
Could definitely be shown as caring but also open to making mistakes
Frisk - Neo 3
Would be human, basically falls down a hole into a whole new world that they have to Traverse. Plus they definitely give determined kid vibes
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buttercuparry · 4 months
The most dangerous kind of Zionists out there are people like "abirbable" or that "mylight" something. They pretend to be this helpless Jewish person, just trying to live their life but these fucking anti Semites won't stop calling what is happening in Palestine a genocide or won't stop calling the state of Israel a colonial project.
The level of dissonance and willful blindness needed to look through the destruction of Gaza and continue to go Hamas hamas hamas! To still parrot the unverified claims of rape (in fact I think there was this article about how New York Times twisted words and claimed sexual assault when it didn't happen), the debunked claims of baked babies etc, when kids are being operated on without anesthesia in Gaza...that has to be a special kind of cruelty. Because according to them every inch of destruction in Gaza is on account of Hamas, and Israel is just the "mama bear" protecting her kids.
These women bloggers, they remind me of those girls in IDF posting "look at me, do you think I can murder someone in cold blood". Their blog, their whole vibe is something that makes you think: oh this person is just an university student or a woman with a family. It would mellow you out if not for posts after posts of how Israel is being misunderstood and how they will survive even this, as they have the Romans and Nazis. They have the audacity to call into question the statements made by the LGBTQ community of Palestine by saying "oh in Israel the conservatives and the gays live side by side and in Palestine they can't talk about gay rights because of war? LMAO sounds more like they can't talk about it because of beheadings and being pushed off from roofs". Girl there aren't any roofs because the israeli bombs have destroyed the houses and the gays are trapped under the rubble dying of suffocation. Like honestly they make me red with rage. Zionists who are like "yeah we kill babies and will continue to kill babies" are at least honest. These people who are like "I am smol bean uwu" while cheering on the genocide as righteous or "war/conflict" against Nazis are the slow poison that is far more evil and dangerous.
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saintsenara · 5 months
"eighth time's the charm" and "a general history of invisibility" 👀
thanks so much for the ask, @cealesti! and i'm delighted to say that you have exquisite taste when it comes to picking from the work in progress tag game list.
two very tonally different fics here, though...
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eighth time's the charm is a piece for @ladiesofhpfest - and, specifically, for the fortnight of the fest which will focus on women of colour in the harry potter universe [you can find the full schedule of themes here]
this bit of the fest should - all being well - get quite a lot out of me [i'm also planning a couple of little pieces focusing on cho chang and angelina johnson, because i admire both of them for yelling at harry at least once], but this is the main thing i'm working on.
and it centres on a woman who is about as far in the background of canon as it's possible to be - she gets literally one mention - but who has managed to have me in a chokehold since the publication of half-blood prince nonetheless...
mrs zabini.
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i am obsessed with mrs zabini - she's famously hot! she's clearly killed all seven of her husbands! and yet slughorn was clearly willing to risk it all for a chance to meet her! unparalleled! - and i think that she's the perfect candidate to be given the sort of exploration this fest allows.
after all, where does she live? what does she do? who is she friends with [because it's clearly not going to be narcissa malfoy...]? if she kills her husbands for their gold, does that mean she started out poor? how is that going to be received in the posh, white pureblood circles she might move in? what side is she on during the war? what is her relationship with blaise like, seeing as she undoubtedly bumped off his dad? what is it like for her as a black woman in the spaces she inhabits?
and, above all, what does she actually think about love? did she pick her husbands ruthlessly, only interested in their cash and how easy they'd be to kill? or did she hope each time that she might have found the one, before they inevitably disappointed her in some way?
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i think she's a bit of a romantic at heart... so I'm trying to get her to pick a little bit more sensibly for husband number eight.
we've compromised. he's very much not a nice man. but he also literally cannot die.
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so there is, then, a little bit of overlap between this and a general history of invisibility...
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because, yes, it's one of my guilty pleasures... bartymort.
i've always been fascinated by the inherent tragedy of both barty crouch jr. and barty crouch sr. [who's getting his own well-deserved attention in subluxation, another piece on this wip list], and the fact that - in canon - we only ever see their relationship in the broad brushstrokes of tabloid gossip: the clever, quidditch-loving son of a brilliant politician; the brutal terrorist whose dad was never home on time; the kid who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and the man who sent him to azkaban without a second glance.
and even when we get the reveal - and, may i say, bcj you will always be famous - we're still left confused by a man who would let his own wife die in azkaban in order to free his son, by an elf who wanted her master to have the chance to watch a match again, and by the question of how - exactly - barty crouch jr. ended up aware that the dark lord is named after his father.
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what lord voldemort was smoking that night is, therefore, a key part of this fic, but it is - in the main - a coming of age story for a young man whose life is lived, in many senses, in disguise.
never able to live up to his parents' expectations, never entirely sure how to relate to his father, alone and friendless - except for winky - for most of his childhood, mild, polite, and clever...
never clocked by anyone as teetering on the abyss of radicalisation.
ready to be destroyed by the very first person who deigns to pay him some attention.
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lord voldemort's habit of collecting waifs and strays is something i love exploring, and him colliding head-first with barty's cataclysmic daddy issues is... a lot.
and, unsurprisingly, it does not end well.
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frankencanon · 10 months
Jujutsu Kaisen × Hero Academia Crossover AU where the Jujutsu Sorcerer Community is actually a Vigilante Serial Killer Cult
Okay, bear with me for a second here—
Consider: a sort of universe-fusion where JJK takes place in the BNHA universe, but...! Curses are not real. I repeat, curses do not exist.
The Sorcerer community is a cult made up of people who believe that Villains with mutant quirks are Curses, while the more anthropomorphic Villains are Curse Users.
They believe that destroying (i.e. killing) Curses exorcises them, and that Curse Users deserve the same fate. They believe that doing so is their civic duty as Jujutsu Sorcerers, and they groom their children to do the same.
Their community is highly secretive (supposedly because the public would not understand or be able to handle the "truth" of curses) and their children are kept cut-off from society as they're growing up, until they're old enough to attend Jujutsu Tech and start going on "missions" of their own to "exorcise" "curses".
A fanfic based in this AU would ideally start shortly before the protagonist is meant to attend Jujutsu High, when there is a major police bust and most of the cult are finally put under arrest for their crimes (serial murder, mainly).
The adult cult members would be put under arrest, while the younger ones will be evaluated based on whether they had "exorcised" anyone yet, and for the ones who haven't — they would be relocated and rehabilitated, and placed in foster care and sent to ordinary high schools that are willing to take them in.
For example: A raid is launched on Jujutsu Tech and the compounds of the main clans — all at the same time, so that no one has the chance to warn anyone else or escape.
Eraserhead and Tsukauchi are involved in the raid on the Gojō compound specifically, and while they're putting everyone under arrest a child — about fourteen or fifteen years old — suddenly appears out of nowhere.
He has white hair and eyes like the sky and is wearing a matching yukata. He is also eerily calm considering Aizawa is currently kneeling on the back of one of his family members, who is cuffed and spitting.
When the man on the ground sees him he orders the child to free him and "exorcise the curse users". The child blinks back, before turning to Aizawa and Tsukauchi to ask, "What are you doing?"
They (awkwardly) explain that the (adult) clan members are under arrest for serial murder, etc.
The kid asks what will happen to him. They explain that as he is an innocent child he will be placed with a foster parent, rehabilitated, and admitted to an eligible high school come fall.
The kid... smiles. Says, "OK!"
...He seems weirdly excited...?
(They don't know this yet, but little Gojō Satoru is positively ecstatic. He's gonna be free from his overbearing relatives?! He's gonna get to go to an ordinary high school and have a real high school experience with sports festivals and fairs and clubs?! He's gonna be able to do practically whatever he wants — have fun and eat sweets and goof off?! This is the best day of his life!)
(Gojō doesn't know this yet, but when Nedzu hears about him and his abilities an offer is going to be put forth for Gojō to attend UA...
If he passes the Hero Entrance Exam — which, of course he will — he will be admitted into the Hero Course as a first-year alongside students such as Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shōto, and Bakugō Katsuki.)
Other characters this could work with:
Young Fushiguro Megumi, abandoned by Toji. Perhaps he was just recently sold to taken in by the Zen'in Clan right before they got raided.
Quirkless Zen'in Maki, neglected by her so-called "family" but not about to let that stop her from getting stronger than any of them.
Itadori Yuuji, owner of a mild strength enhancement quirk, is victimized by a powerful pseudo-immortality quirk and gets sort of "possessed" after which the Sorcerers find him and forcefully induct him into the cult, telling him that he will eventually have to be executed... Until of course the police and heroes finally show up to arrest all of them.
A jaded Getou Suguru (shortly before he has his mental breakdown and massacres a village) is tired of risking his life and the lives of his friends killing exorcising Curses and Curse Users, when suddenly the school is raided and everyone put under arrest for serial murder — and goddammit, he didn't even want to do this shit anyway! Not anymore!
He's taken in by the Pro Heroes after they discover how he was lured into the cult as a kid and they work diligently to de-program him, giving him extensive therapy for all the shit he went through—and by god, he is so much happier now.
Etc, etc. ♡
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random-iz-stuff · 1 year
Invader Zim Deathmatch:
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The rules are as follows:
1. We’re assuming that both participants actively want and are willing to kill each other unless actively specified otherwise (for example: Chammy Wamboo).
2. The fight must be one on one so no outside help is allowed, but prep time is allowed.
3. The rule for prep time is that if one contestant gets prep time, the other contestant gets an equal amount of prep time as well.
Information about both contestants (who they are, powers and abilities, etc) can be found under the cut.
Contestant Stats:
Recap Kid:
“Confuses And Terrifies Me”
Recap Kid appears at the beginning of all 50 of the main comics
Powers and abilities:
Dear god yes.
In all seriousness though:
Extreme durability (Recap Kid has been seen surviving being rammed by Zim’s Voot Cruiser at Full Speed and being sucked into one of the Massive’s vents)
Extreme speed (Recap Kid is one of, if not the single fastest character we’ve seen in the series. We know this because in all of their recap panels, they say everything in one panel with one speech bubble, implying that Recap Kid is moving and speaking fast enough to do and say all that just a few seconds. This also implies that out of the four Recap Kids in a panel, the first three are afterimages. (I don’t have the exact math but those 3 afterimages put Recap Kid’s top speed somewhere around 50 KM per second. However, this is just an estimate of Recap Kid’s top speed that may very well be very off))
Shapeshifting (Recap Kid can canonically shapeshift and manipulate their hoodie into various other forms as well. Unlike the other shapeshifters in this competition, Recap Kid’s exact limits here are unknown)
Pyrokinesis (Recap Kid can generate explosions powerful enough to destroy a rather large Irken Ship, and can control fire, creating a ring of fire on command around Zim and DIb on one occasion)
Creation (Recap Kid can create objects from thin air, including objects that don’t exist in-universe (like a Gir Costume, The Comics they’re currently in and a copy of Enter The Florpus)
[Not Useful in this scenario] Fourth wall awareness (Recap Kid is aware of the fourth wall and can talk to the audience, but cannot physically mess with the fourth wall (they can’t move outside the confines of the panels or mess with text bubbles or anything), making this power way less useful in general)
[Unusable] Future sight (A common way Recap Kid uses their fourth wall and creation powers together is creating a copy of the comic they’re currently in and reading ahead to see the future. However, no comics or anything of the sort exist for this fight (a live Deathmatch on Tumblr), so Recap Kid can’t see the future by reading ahead)
Vacuum immunity (Recap Kid has been shown to be able to breathe in environments with no air, although they can still choke and run out of breath)
Time Change Immunity (Recap Kid is able to remember the events of any previous comic, even if it was seemingly retconned with no one else (but Dib, who is also immune due to his own canonically confirmed reasons) remembering)
[For this fight only] Gaz Fear Immunity (Recap Kid is one of very few characters that canonically shows no fear of Gaz and any threats she makes)
Fun Fact:
Recap Kid was originally a planned character for the show, who would have listened to Dib and give him credit for his battles, but only because they thought Dib was making it all up and liked the stories. Also they probably aren’t human.
“Supreme Gamer”
Gaz appears in many, many episodes and comic issues, so I’m not going to list them
Powers and abilities:
Enhanced strength (like her brother, Gaz shows feats of incredible strength (most likely because she’s a genetically modified clone), including but not limited to being able to throw Dib clean through a wall)
Enhanced agility and stamina (also like her brother, Gaz has enhanced agility and stamina, with the most notable example of this being her climbing up the side of an over 50 story building in the rain without equipment)
Fear (similar to Ms Bitters’ fear ability, Gaz is able to scare most people with threats of extreme violence. Unlike Ms Bitters however, it’s been shown that this ability has limits, with people like Zim showing no fear towards any of her threats. Gaz’s ability to cause fear doesn’t appear to work on anyone that already believes themselves to be on par with or stronger than her and people that are simply too egotistical or arrogant to care, making it a weaker version of Ms Bitters’ fear causing, which works on seemingly everyone)
Intelligence (Gaz is one of the smartest humans in the show, being one of the only people able to see through Zim’s disguise. She also shows skill with engineering and invention, being able to make her own machines (like the robot toys that guard her room) and fix alien technology, not unlike her brother’s skills with tech)
[Mostly Unusable] Gaming (although this seems like it shouldn’t affect anything, Gaz’s gaming skills are an advantage. The reason for this is that a lot of alien technology (mostly vehicles) use controls that are very similar to video game controls, meaning that Gaz can use alien vehicles extremely effectively. Sadly, Gaz doesn’t have any alien technology to use right off the bat)
Fun Fact:
Despite evidence in the show pointing towards the contrary, Jhonen Vasquez has confirmed that Gaz has no magic or supernatural abilities and that she is simply "someone you don't want to anger". This is why I don’t list any supernatural abilities in her Powers and Abilities section.
Additional Thoughts:
The two most powerful children in this competition are finally fighting each other.
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isara0408 · 5 months
So, I have some headcanons and backstory(?) for Kaga and Megami. However, it is not for the actual timeline of Kaga and Megami. Instead, it's the swap version. This timeline, Kaga, is the heir of Kusha Corp while Megami is the mad scientist( She's much more mature in this one, though). This timeline is where Taro and Ayano switch roles as well. I've never seen someone do this before, so I'm doing it! >:D
Don't know if it's original, though.
Kaga is the future heir of Kusha Corporation. The second heir is Shiromi. They are half siblings in this one. They share the same father but different mothers. No one knows about this except the student council, the guidance counselor, and the headmaster. (And Megami)
Kaga is not a mad scientist or eccentric. He was when he was a kid. He was very eccentric, but once training started. That side of him was buried deep inside.
During his training and childhood, he went through a lot of verbal and physical abuse. That abuse came from his father and grandmother (who took over the corporation).
From the abuse he went through, he doesn't like being touched by anyone except Shiromi, the student council, the club leaders ( he's still working on it ), and the staff. Because of this, students spread rumors that he was SA'ed when he was younger by someone. The rumors are not true, though.
He is seen as the perfect heir( despite his height). He is determined, intelligent(170), blue eyes, raven black hair, not willing to give up on what's right, and a gentleman to anyone. His father and grandmother want to make sure it stays that way.
One of the reasons why Akademi is still running after the events of 1989 ( Akademi is a university) is because Akademi is a test on Kaga to see how he will handle a school environment and use his skills he learned during training to the test.
Unlike Megami, he is present during the weeks of rivals, and he is always willing to help his students out with events, with problems, and make sure they are safe and having a good time in Akademi. They are his top priority along with the student council.
The student council are like his family.
The only parent he is closest to is Shiromi's mother. Even if Kaga doesn't have her blood, she sees him as a son.
He does show emotion, unlike Megami. The reason why is because of Shiromi. Shiromi was the one to show him that it's okay to show emotion and have fun with life even though harsh and dark moments. The two are inseparable.
Ayano is a tool for Kaga to unmask Taro. That's it.
He resembles the image of his grandfather. His grandfather was killed at the age of 27 by a Yamada. His grandmother took over the corporation at the age of 26, days after the death of her husband, who she saw die. She never got the chance to grieve properly. Kaga hates this with a passion.
Because Kaga resembles the image of his grandfather, his own grandmother would call him by her husband's name whenever they argue. Kaga always gets taken back by it and would leave right after. His grandmother doesn't want Kaga to die the same way that her husband did. That's why she became very strict with him and his training. The same way she did with her son ( Kaga's father). She's also traumatized.
Kaga always had a passion for science. Once he was a kid, he would always make gadgets with his own hands and would show them to his father proudly before it was destroyed by him or his grandmother. Each gadget he made was destroyed in front of him, along with his blueprints being burnt. To this day, he wished things would have been different and be able to help the world his own way. This is a huge reason why he admires Megami a lot.
Kaga, to this day, has the blueprints of a clone machine hidden in his room. He knows that he will never be able to build it because of how strict his family is. He can only dream.
He wears a lot of traditional clothing for events that involve the corporation. He has to.
He uses gloves to hide the scars of the physical abuse he got when he was a child.
Kaga would always try to find a way to hang out with Shiromi and her mother. It's the only safe place he has and a place where he feels welcomed.
Shiromi and he always make the weirdest deals. Mostly Shiromi. She's the one who starts it. One time, Shiromi tried to make a deal with Kaga about fighting a shark with no protection, but Kaga, obviously, refused. However, Kaga did give her the private jet for a week.
He does suffer panic attacks, but they were mostly during his youth and in secret. He hasn't had one during the time in Akademi.
He is in his last year, but if he did have to leave Akademi to be CEO of Kusha Corporation, then he would give Kuroko back her position of student council president without a doubt.
Once he becomes CEO of Kusha Corporation, he is going to find a way to put his father and grandmother behind bars for child abuse ( with the help of Shiromi and Megami, of course ). It's something he's been thinking for a long time, but he never had enough power to do it and also succeed.
In another timeline, the student council are other people that Kaga chose ( two males and two females) ,but in this, the women remain (Aoi, Shiromi, Aoi, and Akane)
Aoi is the second closest person to Kaga ( No, Megami is not part of it)
Kaga would be anything to stay in Shiromi's mother's house. He even threatens his father that he will leave one day and won't be CEO of Kusha Corporation, but it would end badly, for him at least.
He would do anything for the student council. He will protect them with his life. He even gave them better self-defense tools and made sure they took self-defense classes with the best trainers.
Megami is the president of the science club. She's quite famous for the amazing gadgets she has made during her youth that are still being used today. She has been on TV, magazines, articles, interviews, and social media.
She has won many medals, scholarships and etc, for her inventions. She has discovered the impossible as well, which got her more fame.
She's the golden child of the family.
Saisho, Ichirou, Tsuma, and Ichiko are quite proud of her for the things she's achieved. Saisho is still alive( barely lol). There's a reason why he's still alive.
She's the closest to her aunt. Ichiko is mostly in America, but she would come visit to be there for her niece.
Yes, she finally has a loving family.
Ichirou and Tsuma work in Kusha Corporation. That's when Kaga and Megami met for the first time.
Megami is determined and passionate for her love for science and making the world a better place. She does adore the science club despite the different personalities within it.
Sadly, being the golden child, Kencho and her relationship is almost nonexistent. Kencho has a huge hatred towards his own sister and is determined to show he is the better child by trying to make the impossible to prove to their family that is the only person who should have that kind of attention is him, not Megami.
Megami knew from the start that her relationship with Kencho would be unrepairable, but she would still try to find a way to fix it.
Megami has researched on the Kusha family many times before. She does know that Shiromi is the half-sister of Kaga.
Megami admires Kaga for his passion for justice and the determination he has to make sure everyone is safe.
She's a bit eccentric. She's very energetic and is not willing to give up on her plans even if it's hard to even do. However, she does know when things are impossible for her to make or break through. She would always put it aside to try again another time.
She doesn't have a lot of friends because of her achievements and fame. The only friends she has are probably the science club, Shiromi, and maybe Aoi ( during the years in Akademi except Shiromi, she's a different story)
She always wears gloves that she made herself to protect her from certain liquids, sparks, etc. It makes her feel safe.
Her height is still the same as the Canon one. She's still the tallest girl in Akademi.
Whenever she's down or having a bad day, she would FaceTime her aunt to hear her new stories she has about her past travels and what happened during her day. Whenever she did visit, Megami and her would always hang out outside in the town to catch up.
Saisho is still quite a distant, quiet, and strict man. Megami and he have a strict relationship. Saisho is proud of her but has a hard time showing it for his past and trauma. Along with that, he tries to push her more since she does have a lot of potential.
Saisho and Kaga's grandfather had history together before Kaga's grandfather was killed. Saisho was another witness of the attack.
Kaga and Megami have spoken before many times. In a way, a friendship formed, but more of a distant one because of Kaga's training and Megami's fame.
They have spoken before in Akademi, but not to the point of being able to catch up and such. In a way, they both were each other's first friend.
People see Megami as someone they admire, but at the same time fear because of how much potential she has and how many things she was able to invent and show off. Sometimes, they fear that if they get in her bad side, she will make something to harm them or make them feel scared to the point of not dealing with her again.
The guys in Akademi always say that Megami would have been the hottest girl in Akademi if she only had time to make herself look nice that doesn't involve being on TV, or social media, or articles, or magazines.
Ichirou and Tsuma make sure to buy Megami her materials for her inventions, especially in her laboratory that they built for her.future!
She doesn't get enough sleep, especially if it's a new invention or discovery. His mother always gets mad about it and makes her go to sleep.
That's it for now. I have more but I'll do it in the future!
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