#wip: stars and ships
oh-no-another-idea · 26 days
Find the word tag
Thanks for these words, @mysticstarlightduck! I'm looking for screech, treat, fight and loathe.
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From Invisible Girl:
Velia skidded inside and pulled the brake. The car screeched unhappily but ground to a halt, the jerk dumping Antonio West head over heels again. Velia went crashing into the wall.
Concentrating, Velia swayed when the train swayed, traveling around a small bend in the track. She must not flip the first tumblers without the second set. It required the sort of immense focus that only stayed while the brain was partially absent. Velia thought about boiled eggs and how much she loathed them. The locks clicked simultaneously beneath her fingers.
From Stars and Ships:
The Star Enforcement fell back as they crossed into the industry side where taxi hovers, ticket offices, and ice treat trucks gave way to heavy duty cranes, strong workers with large carts, and the occasional clipboard-bearing robot. One rolled up to Sepia’s feet. “Can I help you,” it narrated in a flat male voice.
“Walk in a straight line, at least?” Jax said, grinning at a woman selling soap. “Try?” “Maybe I could, if you hadn’t gotten me this dumb [prosthetic] leg,” Quin snarked, an old reply for an old, old, fight. “If you hadn’t ruined any hope of me walking straight.” Jax glared. “I don’t think I had anything to do with your low levels of straight—” “Boys!” Aaliyah said, sharp as the knives lined up on the counter behind her. “We’re here, if you would be quiet for one minute.” She followed Sepia into the tent beside the knife seller, leaving the two of them on the street.
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No pressure tags for @halfbakedspuds @charlesjosephwrites @the-down-upside-finch @365runesoftheamalgamations
@dyrewrites @writinglyra @winglesswriter @fleurtygurl and anyone else who'd like to look for the words crash, grave, praise, and infection <3
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starwarjotta · 1 year
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morning kisses <3
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invisibl3museum · 1 month
Whats ur opinion on Argenti x Boothill?
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They mean everything to me
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happy-thou9hts · 1 month
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sssssilly things and wip ehehe (๑>◡<๑)
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omaano · 8 months
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I've learned how to do lineart, and the colour green no longer terrifies me so I'll only take another half a year to figure out how to shade this drawing for Mereel & Family Booksellers chapter 2 by @sidhebeingbrand and @toughbreaks :D
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chyarui · 29 days
I can’t stop- I love these two so much they make me so mad
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another quinobi work in progress. starting to see a trend yet?
Im not 100% happy w their faces yet, and obv quinlan is missing his whole lower half, but hey that’s a problem for future me
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royxart · 8 months
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local lead researcher arrested for spending too much 💸
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kajira-kreations · 1 year
Spent way too much time on this so-called "rough sketch" OMG
Anyway a little WIP of the cover art of a possible TechPhee doujinshi adaptation based on the fanfic of the same name written by fennecsrifle over on AO3 !
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zephhhhh · 9 months
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touched up old wip bc fluff
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dustykneed · 3 months
WIP wsaturday (@spongynova tysm for the tag :33)
i'm not saying i'm planning an eine kleine (kenshi yonezu) animatic but. Hmmm. you cannot tell me the entire song isn't just the aos movies from bones' pov. and the colors work so good. and i have a really really interesting parallel i could fit in there. hmmm indeed
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going with rachie's lyrics but i redrew the original music video roughly frame by frame on a whim (might help to play through the mv once then look through the redraws so they make more sense lmao sorry about that)
warning for aos spoilers!!
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(^ my favourite couple of frames >:'3333 poor bones dkshdjd)
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deztryx · 11 days
Guess who made a Fallout Brawl Stars au because I remembered I have free will and the brainrot is so bad rn
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Making a comic based off a scene from the au :3
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oh-no-another-idea · 2 months
Out of Context tag
Filling out a couple of older tags from @winterandwords and @halleyuhm -- thanks, guys! Here's a strange line from Stars and Ships 🌌
“That’s your problem,” Jax said. “You have between ten and twenty minutes to grow up a little.”
No pressure tags for @kittensartswriting @talesofsorrowandofruin @willtheweaver @fanged-solace @digital-chance and anyone else who'd like to share <3
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blood-orange-juice · 19 days
I am unpleasantly surprised by the lack of Ningguang x Lumine fanfiction. 29 fics on ao3 (Wriowinne has 24, to help you understand the scale of the disaster).
I think the fandom is sleeping on these two.
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gvardi-l · 11 months
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bladie being a nice quiet boy 👍️
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omaano · 10 months
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I wish I had pushed the angle on this one a little more to match what I'd imagined for this scene from the end of chapter 14 of Mand'alor Cabur by @nautilicious but at this point stubborness has kicked in and I've dug in my heals so this is what I'm working with! In other news I've picked my birthday project for this year, and in my post-vacation optimism I see a chance to get this at least to a lines-and-flats (and maybe even some lighting???) stage by the end of next week, which would be very great for me! That is if the green background doesn't completely sabotage me in the process...
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bilbosmom-belladonna · 5 months
Can I also ask about Big Gay Roadtrip and Wax On, Wax Off? :D
Of course! Always happy to talk more about writing!
Big Gay Roadtrip is actually a Stranger Things Steddie fic, which has been sitting in my WIP folder for several months now. I opened it to answer this and was surprised to find I had actually started writing it, who knew! 😝 Briefly, Eddie joins Steve, Robin, and Vickie on their monthly "big gay roadtrip" to Indianapolis to visit a gay nightclub there and live life to their small-town-queer-teen-in-the-80s fullest. Miscommunication and shenanigans ensue! Anyway, here is a snippet:
It was endless. It was exhausting. He had never been a loner, per se, but this was on another level. He was seeing these people practically every day, it was absurd.  But he kept saying yes, because the kids were persistent and Robin was merciless and Nancy lifted her eyebrow at him and Steve would get this puppy dog look in his eyes. Eddie was a weak man and he knew it. Plus there was something inside him—something that he thought he had squashed a long time ago—that thrilled at being included.  Maybe Nancy Reagan was right about peer pressure, the bitch.
Wax On, Wax Off, as you might have guessed, is another WIP for @waxerboilmonth! The mustache puns prompt didn't make it through voting, so I am shoehorning this one into the non-sexual intimacy prompt instead 😂 No snippet yet, but the premise is: Boil has an incident while trying to wax his mustache. He goes to Waxer for help, thinking he knows all about waxing because that's how he got his name. Spoiler alert: that is not how Waxer got his name. But he thinks Boil is pretty cute so he's going to try and help anyway!
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