#wisdom raccoon
x-heesy · 1 year
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#xheesy #glitchmylife #glitchmafia #artsyfartsy #artfuckery #expressyouself #iphoneart #popart #appforthat #punksarentdead #newcontemporary #worldoffmusicon #trallala #Digitaloriginal #photoart #photoartist #photoartwork @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut #photoartistic #photoarts #blissfulphotoart #photoartistique #photoarte #photoartistry #contemporaryphotoart #photoartists #photoarty #photoartgallery #photoartspirit #urbanphotoart #darkphotoart #photooftheday #photographylovers #aesthetic #photographylover #ilovephotography #photographyart
Soundtrack: Pop Goes The Weapon by Prophets Of Rage
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lunaetis · 8 months
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happy lunar new year !! hope everyone is having a wonderful day and weekend !!
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robartzombart · 2 years
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Marvel should let me write for them bc I’d make every character insane and gay
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thinkingsmart · 4 days
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Steve B. 💜 18944 I'm not saying let's kill all the stupid people .. I'm just saying, let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out. 🖤💫 https://ift.tt/hCtlL5V
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doctorjennifermelfi · 4 months
in a group chat with some people i used to work with and occasionally still hang out with and two of them just bumped into each other at a conference and are continuing the conversation in the chat and one of them just went how is jammie? you looked worried and tired
0 notes
darkdemeter · 9 months
◤✘WANDA MAXIMOFF SERIES/AU'S | CATALOGUE Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader, (Platonic) Avengers x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader ISSUE NO.#2
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NOTES ↳ Here it is, werewolf readers! Been a little busy raccoon with writing this behemoth. Quite the read as you can tell by the word count. Please take care in reading the discretion list because this column is quite graphic and may be potentially triggering for readers. WARNINGS! ↳ High levels of angst — hurt/comfort — minor sexual interaction, unspecified genitals but use of "groin". (making out. slight dry humping) — high level gore and violence (werewolves are fighting, and that is never clean) — sprouts of fluff moments — trauma/ptsd — mentions of violence and death (WARNING: Unspecified ages, but implied deaths of children and teenagers) — protective reader — aggressive werewolf! reader — reader begins recovery from trauma — some adult language — brief alcohol consumption — minor name calling feat. Tony calling reader "pup" — use of Y/N SUMMARY ↳ Habits are not easy to let go and neither is the past. The team and yourself are sent to Alaska for an undercover op, but it becomes clear to the team that you’re more guard than guide on this mission. Mother Nature herself vouches that you will put your new wisdom to her intended use when the once distant howls have grown close. You will do everything in your nature to protect your pack and your mate. Instinct will take over; and instinct shall turn into habit.
✎ 13.8k
You can’t change what cannot be undone. She wants you to embrace this, yet you fight it,  tooth and claw.
There came this new and sole desire that occurred during the excruciating ordeal of your shift on the full moon last night. 
Only such an experience meant Mother Nature was granting you a new wisdom, that which altered your previous nature, no matter how complicated the human biology was.
By her law, instinct was instinct. 
You splashed cold water onto your face and absorbed the sight of yourself in the mirror. Often you caught sight of the beast beneath your eyes in the reflective surface. And many times it scared you how close it always lingered. Ever watchful and biding its time.
How could Wanda see you as more than you realise? 
You caught the shine of amber as it shimmered across your eyes in your reflection. Right below the surface of your own skin, a predator resided with unbridled force. You shook your head to rid the intrusive need to let it out. 
‘It is done now. She’s preparing me for something.’
Your hands gripped the sides of your sink, your white, strained knuckles ached with the pressure that threatened to crack the ceramic basin. 
‘They wouldn’t understand it. Wanda wouldn’t understand it.’ 
A knock on your room’s door caught you off guard. That rarely happened with your keen senses. Your hands released their hold on the sink.
“Y/N?” Your ears pricked at the accented tongue of her voice, “you finished packing?”
You don’t even think about your actions because it felt natural to approach her. To be close to her. You’ve already opened your door when you came to your senses 
when a pair of bright eyes blink up at you. Fuck, you can’t control your racing heart whenever she smiled. 
You’re almost afraid she’ll read your mind again and discover what she’d be better off never knowing. 
She saw you as more than you realised but could she possibly understand the idea that you saw her anymore differently than you did before?
“I came to let you know everyone is waiting for us. Can’t leave our guide behind now.” 
Her eyes momentarily fluttered down before they lifted to stare into the captivity of yours. 
“Y-yeah,” you bit back a snarl at the stutter of your response, “I’m ready.”
“Good. Could you help me with my bags?” Her eyes looked hopeful for the short moment you left her unanswered before you nodded, perhaps a little too enthusiastically.
“Of course!”
And that’s why you now fought so hard against Mother Nature. She instilled within your agonised cries, broken bones and reformed muscle what every werewolf anticipated: a soulmate tie. 
When many were overcome with a pure and primal feeling of joy, you were consumed by trepidation. 
Nevertheless, you walked Wanda to her room and retrieved her bags - much to her protest, you gave a wolfish smirk to hide the near breathlessness in your lungs and rapid beating of your heart - and joined the others on the Quinjet for your mission in Alaska.
Where a wolf calls home.
“So tell us, Wolfie. What’s the whole story with you and Alaska?” Natasha spoke up from the co-pilot's seat, Steve sat next to her, his focus on flying the jet though her question piqued his interest. “Did you grow up there?”
A few hours into the flight and all was smooth sailing until her question made the hair on the back of your neck stand. 
When you mentally prepared yourself, you turned your eyes in her direction.
She’d turned to peer over her shoulder at you with a quirk in her brow, curious to Fury’s designation as the team’s guide.
“Ah,” you huffed and scratched at your neck haphazardly, another habit you shared with disdain, “something Fury left out of my file, I take it?”
“Well, yeah. Your file has barely anything regarding background. Only when you moved to the city and your skill set mainly.” Your lips pulled into a thin line with Sam’s deliverance of this news. 
Your nose wrinkled at the scent that tinged the air like ash and smoke. A dark tone to their concern. Were they worried you were hiding something?
You simply shrugged to ease some of the tension that built around you and your teammates. “Just spent some years there before I moved on to live in the city. As a werewolf, you tend to learn terrain quickly, no matter how long it’s been.” 
Natasha nodded but something in the way she pursed her lips made the tight coil in your chest grow, almost to the point it strangled out a whimper from you. 
“Alaska is a really beautiful place,” you sighed and your lips stretch to form a smile, “if we have enough time, I’ll happily show you guys around. 
“I’d like that very much,” Wanda said from her seat across from yours. Your smile turned shy under her gaze, a flutter of her glowing red magic used to merely entertain herself made your heart warm. 
An odd sensation as if her very magic was tied to your heart. 
Steve hummed out from his place, his eyes wandered to Tony as if to hear out his thoughts on the matter. Tony shrugged. 
“Just don’t forget we’re here for a mission, not a ‘walk-with-nature’ getaway trip.”
The small assembled team nodded and mumbled amongst themselves. 
“Alright, Stark. But I am personally not leaving Alaska without playing a proper game of fetch with Y/N.”
Your chin tilted down to conceal the smirk on your lips. Wanda was surely determined with a tone like that. You briefly caught her eyes and the wide grin plastered on her face.
If Mother Nature gave you one chance to change yours and Wanda’s - unbeknownst to her - new fate, would you truly want to?
The Quinjet landed without trouble thanks to Steve’s impeccable piloting skills, though you could tell Sam and Tony may have had a few hundred pointers for the captain. 
The engine was turned off and everyone gathered their bags together. You reached into your suit pocket for the small pill case, taking two of them. When Sam gave you a questioning look, you mumbled something about it being medicine for your headache. 
The ramp lowered and the frozen breeze brought most of your teammates to a shiver. You and the super soldiers hadn’t so much as flinched. 
You were the first to step down the ramp and greet the snow with your feet, the deep crunch beneath you a welcomed whirlwind of contentment.
The others followed behind you, bags adorned, they took in the marvel of their new surroundings. Below a blue and sunny sky littered with clouds, the platform was mostly covered by the ensuing white that covered the landscape. 
Down the trail that led alongside the woods, a large house laid vacant in the distance right near the edge of the frozen lake. 
“Quite the walk,” Tony huffed with a cluster of windy ice before his mouth. Snow already littered in his dark hair. 
Your gaze followed the span of the ice until it reached the far off cluster of trees on the other side. Beyond that, the mountain peaks contrasted against the sky.
“See that mountain up there?” You pointed at the tallest one and your team all turned their sights to where your hand directed. 
“I’ve been up there. A sort of tradition to race up to the top just as the sun grazed the horizon.” 
The memories were distant when you moved to the city. But now they flooded back like an avalanche. 
“All the way up there, huh?” Steve asked, mouth agape as he assessed the frosty white peak. “By yourself?”
“No, with my siblings.” You answered that too quickly and too honestly. The frosted mist faded before your lips into the air with your words, unable to take them back. 
“Wait, you never mentioned you have siblings,” said Bucky with a furrowed brow. 
“Oh, I guess I never did…” Your once smile faded from your face and your eyes were overcome with that pain that stained the snow you walked upon. You felt the stares against your back and you huffed aloud, shoulders sagged.
“Come on, we should get settled in,” you said with a forced smile, the cold for once stung harshly against your face. It burnt your skin.
The others nodded and you led the way down the trail. The sun would set soon, and it was unwise to wander around after sun down. But that sole purpose that fuelled your soul burned deep within you like a campfire amidst a snow storm. 
You wouldn’t allow any harm to befall your team. You’d sooner die than let anything happen to them. To her. 
As you walked with a determined stride towards the lodge, Wanda’s warm fingers swept across your knuckles.
‘I’m here for you, if you want to talk.’
You swallowed thickly and the inkling of your head nodding seemed to answer her as her eyes scanned you.
“So how did Fury get this safe house?” Clint asked with a deep, and huffy breath, his hand adjusted the bag on his shoulder. 
“It belonged to a family many years ago. But it’s been vacant for some time and Fury gained ownership of it.” 
“You seem very familiar with the safe house.” 
Shit. Was she reading your mind as you spoke? 
You walked up the steps onto the front porch, key in hand but your hand lingered on the door handle with an iron grip. 
You stood locked in place for what felt like an eternity, eyes scornful as they glared daggers into the wooden and glass panelled door. 
“I’d worked alongside the family. Did some odd jobs here and there, kind of became a family friend.” 
you unlocked the front door and promptly  stood aside with a gesture to the others before you, the door held open. You offered them all a kind smile the moment your eyes found Wanda’s, the sharp lines in your brows eased even when in hers, you saw the glimmer of concern.
“Come on in.” 
It was safe to say the majority of your party were relieved to step inside the lodge and turn on the thermostat. Not that it was ever much in use back in the day, you were a little surprised that it still managed after all this time. 
While the others took in their temporary residence, you couldn’t help but let your eyes rake over the emptiness that took place. A shadow of its former self.
Your hands ran over the hearth’s sill, clean of any dust but once, it held the memories of a past you left behind. Each frame a moment in time which you treasured beyond belief with the passed family.
Now you stared at the unlit hearth. Barren of those memories. You thought it was for the best. Fury did well with the clean up.
‘Are you okay?’ 
You looked towards where Wanda stood by the L shaped lounge, arms folded over her front and fingers knitted together; her nails dragged across her knuckles and it made you cringe from the thought of her discomfort.
‘Yeah, I’m alright.’ 
“So how are we doing the rooms?” Natasha asked after she finished her investigation of the kitchen right across from the lounge room. 
“We will do pairs,” you answered curtly, yet you still feigned a smile even if they could tell it was fake. 
“Follow me.”
You only hoped they wouldn’t say anything that delved deeper than the surface. Only the wolf awaited them there.
You hadn’t expected the return to Alaska to hit you in such a way. And to add atop of it all, your senses were at an all time high, dialled up to eleven. You felt far more sensitive than usual. 
More easy to falter. Easier to piss off.
Everyone followed you up the flight of stairs to the second floor. 
The hallway was less narrower than you remembered, it could fit two people shoulder to shoulder fairly well. Rooms lined the hallway down towards the singular pair of double doors at the end.
“These are the rooms, take your pick. This is the bathroom here, the master bedroom has an ensuite,” you explained to them, your tone rapid fire. 
“Wanda and Natasha, you can take the master bedroom.” You opened the double doors and it took everything in you to prevent the tears. And yet a sad smile pulled at the corners on your lips.
You could still smell them after all this time. It was like they never left. 
“Are you sure?” Natasha asked rather sharply, almost offended you offered it up so casually, given your relationship with the family.
“I don’t mind bunking with Clint is all, if that’s your concern. You and Wanda can take the master.”
Natasha’s tone was one you knew well enough for your months with the Avengers. Firm. Bossy. She wasn’t asking, she was telling. Your breath goes still in your lungs and your face became heated, a red hue bloomed in your cheeks and the tip of your nose.
You and Wanda together in a room? By yourselves?
“I— er, I don’t—“ you’re a fucking stuttering mess again and you clear your throat, the sound more of a growl than anything. 
“I don’t mind bunking with you, Wolfie!” Wanda assured with a light and gentle smile, you could see easily she was holding back a flustered giggle given the faint colour in her cheeks.
Though you wished to chalk that up to the cold still settled in her bones beneath the layers. 
“Then that’s settled!” Natasha flashed you both a wink and you whined lowly, involuntarily on your part but no less made Wanda giggle freely this time.
“I’m not sleeping in the same room as Tony,” Bucky grumbled, his eyes found Steve’s to indicate he’d chosen his roommate. 
Tony huffed with a roll of his eyes. “Likewise, cyborg.”
“Okay, boys. Keep the peace. Everyone settle in and come downstairs for dinner in fifteen minutes. That’s an order!”
“I thought I was in charge!” Tony called after Natasha down the hallway, Sam patted his shoulder. “Yeah, only on report. We know who’s really directing this mission.” 
Steve and Bucky took the room that belonged to the second eldest sibling, further down the hall, Natasha and Clint claimed the room next to theirs; the twin’s old room and Sam and Tony chose the room opposite Bucky and Steve’s, the third eldest’s room. 
When you looked down that hallway, you could see the kids in that hallway again, their feet pattering against the wooden planks in their rush of excitement. 
The last bedroom, however, was off limits. Under lock and key. It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together. Fury put everything in there and put a lock on it. 
It was for the best. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Wanda asked after everyone had gone to their chosen rooms to unpack and settle in. 
You closed the doors with a heavy sigh, forehead pressed into the cool, wooden surface.
“Yeah,” you managed to breathe out, “yeah, I’m just… not feeling too good. Feel different…” 
Wanda took a few steps forward but was paused in place by the command in your voice. “Don’t…” 
Your vocals were contorted into a deep, husky drawl as the wolf shined through enough to reflect in your eyes with an ominous glow. Your claws dug into the skin of your palms to the point they almost drew blood. 
Her eyes drifted down to see your balled fists and her hands nervously fiddled together once more, you waited to see the red hue of her magic.
Was she trying to read your mind again?
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t—“ you retracted yourself, getting a grip of the wolfish desire to let go. You had to keep it together. 
Your heart rapped hard in your chest, your claws sank back and the amber glow faded from your eyes. “I’m sorry, Wanda.”
‘I’m sorry, Mate.’
“It’s fine, really, Y/N. Don’t worry about it. Just know I’m here for you if you want to talk. We all are.” 
There was too much on your mind to simply talk. No. You needed action. Talking about it would only lead to tears and a breakdown. 
“Hey,” Wanda closed the gap between you both and you fought between doing the same and taking a retreating step. You were locked in place a second time.
Her hand was delicate as she placed it on your arm to give an assuring squeeze. 
“Don’t fight it. Whatever it is that’s troubling you. I want to help you.”
‘I want your help. I want you.’
You feel like you can only nod in reply. Your words all jumped in the back of your throat, a knot ready to burst the moment you try to utter a single one of those words.
She took the daring leap and wrapped her arms around your torso.
The instinct Mother Nature had sewn into your wisdom made your arms wrap around Wanda, and you tugged her in until she was flush against you. 
Her scent filled your nose and your eyes softened with a rumble reverberating against her chest, the glisten of tears not long to follow as your eyes became coated. How you wished you had the courage to tell her this new desire. This need to protect her; claim her.
But she wouldn’t understand it. Those who did not share their very soul with the wolf couldn’t possibly grasp the identity of such serious and sacred matters that kept your species alive and the old ways honoured. 
Not often were humans and werewolves bound together by Mother Nature’s soulmate tie. Often the wolf was spurned because their mate didn’t understand that their rejection held far greater consequences than hurt feelings.
Perhaps that was why you wanted to protect Wanda so much. Not because she was your destiny or to protect yourself from getting hurt.
You were no stranger to getting hurt.
It was to protect her from what you would become and the guilt she would harbour on herself. 
“Thank you, Wanda. For being here,” you sighed after a long moment, time having felt dragged on for years as you held her in a tight hug. You didn’t want to let her go. Not now or ever. 
“Of course, Wolfie. You’re my friend.” 
You whined softly but the corner of your lips turned up into a faint smile, conflicted between pain and relief. “I like that…”
You and Wanda had been the last to join everyone downstairs for dinner. Natasha and Clint mostly tutted and bickered with each other as they slaved away with dinner, Wanda opted to help out when she had a taste test.
Tony and Bucky had helped themselves to one of the finely aged whiskey bottles in the cabinet near the dining table and Steve took interest in the small collection of books arranged by volume, while Sam took in the terrain from the wide, floor to ceiling windows that looked out into the growing dark woods.
Everyone was growing accustomed to their surroundings in the house. This was good, it meant they felt comfortable. That’s what you wanted, had hoped for. You couldn’t exactly say the same for you, but there was that feeling of home.
You joined Sam by the window, a cold bottle of beer curled into the palm of your hand. It didn’t taste the best, you’d never liked the brand, but it was what was on hand.
Alcohol had a weird effect on werewolves anyway so you opted to stay away from it as much as possible. 
You took a swig with a grunt from your unsettled gut and Sam smirked at you. “You doing alright, Wolfie?” He asked and you rolled your eyes.
“Just fine. Beer’s shit though, I don’t know how you guys like it.”
The sneer on your face as you glared down at the bottle only made Sam chuckle. “Honestly, it does taste bad, but I don’t fancy myself the connoisseur.” Sam, subtly as he might, gestured towards Tony and Bucky. “Unlike them.”
You huffed at that, a small grin on your lips. Sam was a good man to talk to whenever you felt like the world around you was caving in with a purpose to destroy you. 
Even more, when he’d talk about his family, you got immersed in his stories; as though you were there too. 
“I wouldn’t trust Tony to drink a shot of dyed bleach and tell the difference.”
Sam’s fist was brought to his face, a mouthful of his drink chuffed back when he snorted so he wouldn’t choke. 
You grin impossibly more and clapped his shoulder. “Hey, I’m not the best at jokes, how did you even find that funny?” 
“Something funny, pup?” Tony asked over the rim of his glass. Your eyes met his and you shook your head. “Just told a dull joke,” you replied, “like your taste buds…” 
Only Sam heard your muttering and once he was free of his mouthful of beer, he laughed loudly. The sound faded after a moment and you both stared out into the woodland.
“It’s really peaceful out here,” Sam said finally. You nodded but you feared something in you couldn’t entirely agree with him. 
It had been peaceful once. But now there lingered something eerie. It made you too alert to easily relax as the others did. Even if they too could sense the same thing as you, their scent gave nothing away. “I thought the same as you once.”
Sam looked at you with a troubled, confused furrow in his brow. His lips pulled down into a frown. Sam opened his mouth, no doubt to ask the question you already saw in his eyes, but Natasha’s announcement cut him off.
“Dinner’s ready!” 
Clint and Wanda served up everyone’s plates with the spaghetti bolognaise. The food was good on account of Wanda adding just a little bit more spice and salt to the sauce, and of course what was dinner without conversation.
Talk about smaller topics were easier to digest with your food. How you didn’t expect it to take a turn that made your hand halt before you could take another bite of your food.
“Is there anything dangerous out here, Y/N?”
“It’s Alaska and we’re in the middle of unsettled territory. Of course there are dangers out here,” you answered Sam with a casual shrug. 
Not many predators roamed so close to the house when you were here with the family. Just the odd bear once or twice. You glanced up to meet Sam’s unsure stare.
He didn’t believe you. 
“Just as a safety precaution, when we’re not on a mission, stay within the border of the property,” you began, “I’ll show you guys around tomorrow. At night, I ask that you stay inside. If you do go outside, let me know so I can come with you.” 
“We’re capable of holding our own against a drifter moose or yogi bear, pup,” Tony snarked lightly with another gulp of his whiskey. 
“I know,” you bite with a tone a little too harshly, the beds of your fingernails felt bruised and ached as your eyes burnt. “But just… please, just do that for me, yeah?”
You looked around the table and you let out a relieved sigh when you saw heads nod. “Of course, Y/N,” Natasha assured. 
“Good. Other than that, you have free roam of the house, minus the locked room upstairs. Just the family’s old belongings.” 
The others nodded again and your eyes met Wanda’s. she could see something deeply troubled you. You were usually so calm and collected on missions, barely flinching when bullets fired at you in a frenzied spray. Sure, your aggression was a feat unmatched in the heat of battle but it was what made you strong.
You were Mother Nature’s definition of safety and danger. An apex predator. 
But now, something in you had visibly switched. Gone was the fearsome animal that could maul and maim without restraint but one. Your confident smirk and wicked disregard for your life - despite your actions to protect your teammates - had contorted into a concerning frown and a strained, husk of a drawl. An underlying threat to unleash the wolf if steps were not taken carefully. 
Dinner resumed, albeit, a little less talking and a lot more tension. You finally excused yourself after you promptly thanked Natasha, Clint and Wanda for the food. 
You knew everyone watched you leave but Wanda’s eyes pierced through you like nothing else ever could. 
The wind swept across your back and through your hair with a hollow whisper in the night. The pier was a spot you went to to think when you felt troubled. The Northern Lights danced across the black canvas littered with stars and a bright, fading full moon. 
The frozen lake offered a different ambience with the rest of nature. A deep, echoing boom across the frozen surface could be heard from the water beneath the layer of ice. 
Boots intruded on the wooden boards of the pier as they gently - calmly - thundered towards you.
“Wolfie,” one accented tongue said so beautifully you thought for a moment an angel greeted you. Startled with a gasp, you spun your head to look in the direction of her voice.
“Wanda,” you greeted with a rumble.
“What are you doing out here?” 
She rolled her shoulders back and stepped closer. Then another step. The post behind you greeted your back then. 
“I came out here to find you. May I join you?”
You nodded, the action more of a nervous quiver than anything, Wanda smiled and stood by your side. Her shoulder brushed along your arm and you felt the air in your lungs dissipate. 
“You left dinner so abruptly. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 
“I’m alright.” You stared off into the distance to keep your eyes away from Wanda’s who you knew analysed you now. Her scent filled you and smothered out all the rest. You couldn’t smell the fresh wetness of the snow, the rich, earthly smell of the pines, nor the herd of the elk that traversed the wilderness across the vast lake. 
You could only smell her. That intoxicating scent of rose and vanilla that her shampoo couldn’t conceal from you.
The vanilla was stronger. She was in a state of unease. Worry. 
Your eyes slowly drifted from the mountains to her. Her gaze must have left you to also see where it was your sights wandered off to. 
“You don’t believe me?” You asked and she sighed, unable to meet your eyes. “Not really. I know something is wrong, you’re encumbered by this fear and it’s driving me crazy that I can’t— that I can’t…”
Your brows were pulled into a hard formation and your mouth fell agape. The struggle within her to voice her thoughts made your heart wrench and break. “Hey…” 
That instinct took over again, your arm  wrapped around her waist and you didn’t hesitate to pull her to you. 
It felt nice for Wanda to be held like this. The cold slithered beneath the layers used to keep it out, only to find the heat of your body to immediately nullify the chill. 
“It’s hard to explain, Wanda. I’m in a very difficult position right now and I fear what might happen to those around me.” 
“I told you that I’m here to talk, Y/N. I won’t judge, I promise. Please just… tell me.” 
Her head rested under your chin, her hands rested against your chest. It all felt so intimate. You wanted to cave and tell her everything on your mind. She was your mate and she had a right to know.
But would she understand?
“Wanda, you’re…,” you trailed off as something thick coated the back of your throat, “you’re…”
‘My mate. Just say it, tell her she is your mate!’
Your chest expanded with a deep breath, Wanda’s head lifting with it. Her cheek nuzzled against you. This was your chance. It was now or never. 
“Wanda, you’re my m—“
An announcing howl reverberated in the far distance like wind moved through a hollow. 
Your blood turned ice cold. The searing burn in your eyes returned with that striking, animalistic glow of amber. 
“What is it?” Wanda had asked but you didn’t answer. You glared off in the direction where the howl came from. That sounded haunted you; hunted you. 
“Get inside and don’t come out. No matter what,” you commanded beneath a baritone growl. Wanda looked at you, jaw dropped and eyes wide. You could smell it on her. Vanilla. 
Confusion. Fear. 
You left no room for argument. Not when it came to her safety. Not when the wolf shone through the amber that danced ferociously in your eyes. There she could see a semblance of that old you. 
Protective. Dangerous. 
She made her way back towards the house but she stopped at the end of the pier and turned to look at you once more. Her bright, glossy eyes pleaded with you to follow her. You watched her and nodded for her to go on, that you wouldn’t be too far behind.
‘Promise you’re right behind me.’
‘I promise. Now go.’
She rushed off towards the front porch and entered the house as the wind was bitter against your back again; harsher than before.
You wanted nothing more than to end this. Your arm rested against the post, claws digging deep into your palm. You’d make it painful but to strike now would only invite conflict so early into your mission.
It would complicate things all because you couldn’t keep yourself in check.
A confirmation that even with your positives there came your negatives; unpredictable, bloodthirsty and dangerous to the team.
Dangerous to Wanda. 
You lowered your arm and drove your fist hard into the post with a pained grunt. You promised Wanda you were right behind her and what you planned on doing was only going to do the opposite. 
You saw the fear in her eyes. You couldn’t put her through anything else if you came out of this fight scathed and bruised. No less, the team would be suspicious.
You’d have to wait. 
Wanda waited up for you, no matter the hour it was now, she wouldn’t rest until she knew you were safe. The red hue of her magic glowed in the darkness of the room, the only other source of light was one of the twin lamps on the bedside table. 
Her head shot up and her magic ceased when she heard the doors open to your shared room, your form emerged from the dark hallway and promptly closed the doors behind you.
“Y/N,” she gasped your name and sat up on her knees, mattress dipping beneath her.
Your eyes met hers, amber flickering just faintly behind your pupils. With a growl, your face goes flush. Wanda was dressed down into nothing but an oversized shirt and what you chalked up to be her underwear. 
“H-hey,” you choked out as your hand rubbed the back of your neck. Your eyes darted elsewhere to keep your gaze - that now festered with a hunger - away from Wanda.
‘Fucking hell!’
“What?” Your eyes widened as they stared into hers, you fought the tempting urge to let your gaze travel down her body.
Was this the work of your soulmate tie or your little crush? 
Wanda tilted her head curiously, her nose scrunched a little as the corner of her lips turned up. You appeared less troubled by whatever it was before. Now you were… you.
That you, whenever she would walk into the same room you occupied. That you, that often asked her how she was doing and complimented her. 
Her flustered wolf with the red ball. 
“I’m good, I just er—“ you glanced towards the ensuite bathroom with a wave of your hand. “I’m just gonna, ya know, get ready for bed.”
“Okay.” Wanda let out a light giggle. You were quick to gather your change of clothes and hurried into the bathroom. You may have taken a little longer than you’d have liked, but you had to get your bearings together before you re-entered that bedroom. 
‘To have her and mark her right now— no, no, none of that! She’s your friend…
You face-palmed yourself with another growl. The faint glimmer of the wolf behind your eyes had now brightened once more but with a newfound interest.
‘I was so close to telling her. I missed my chance.
Could tell her now…
No. Ain’t doing that.’ 
You walked out of the bathroom to find Wanda settled in bed and under the covers much to the conflict of your relief and disappointment. You climbed into bed beside her, being sure to leave a good amount of space between you both. 
Was she really happy to share a room with you for the duration of your mission? 
You flicked off the lamp and laid back against the pillow with a heavy, tired sigh. Both your arms rested underneath your head. 
“Wolfie?” Wanda’s voice whispered into the darkness. You hum in response. “I’m a little cold…”
You lifted your head slightly to look at her, able to see every detail on her face in the dark. A fine trait to have until you woke up first thing with the fucking sun in your eyes. 
It’s why you opted to always have the curtains drawn closed.
“The thermostat is a bit rusty, but I could get you an extra blanket if you’d like?”
She shook her head, fiery hair and cheek nuzzling into her pillow. A faint, shy smile on her plump lips. Lips you wanted so badly to kiss.
“I don’t want to trouble you with that.” 
You raised a brow at that. Why did she bring it up if she didn’t want you to resolve it?
Before you could say anything, she moved closer into your side, her arm curled over your stomach. 
Your muscles tensed as her cheek laid where your shoulder and neck met. Anything you did want to say completely went out the window of your thought process. 
“Much better,” she sighed almost silently, her breath even and slow. Your arm wrapped over her shoulder and Wanda relaxed more against your side.
“You good?” You asked, albeit hesitantly. She softly hummed in return and you couldn’t restrain your smile. 
By the soft thump of her heartbeat and her quiet breaths, she’d fallen asleep quickly. The warmth of your body must have really helped her.
You turned your head and your nose brushed against her scalp, lips hovering over the crown of her hairline. “Good night…”
You awoke to the sound of voices coming from downstairs. New voices that didn’t belong to anyone on your team. You grumbled as you sat up, arms pulled up to stretch your muscles. 
That’s when you realised the bed was vacant beside you. A piece of paper sat on Wanda’s pillow and you plucked it, reading the delicate handwriting.
‘Didn’t want to wake you. Come downstairs when you’re awake, Wolfie! P.S you were really warm and comfy’
You huffed at that, a smirk plastered on your tired features. For a moment you’d forgotten about the strange voices until you put the letter aside.
You frowned and your glare landed on the closed doors.
You stood up and silently, you opened the doors. You moved equally as quietly down the hallway until you reached the top of the stairs, thankfully you were obscured from sight on the first floor.
“What a wonderful place you have here. So, you lot just moved in?”
“Yep,” Steve said with a chuckle, “we all pitched in together to start fresh from the city. We’d heard good things about Alaska, stunning views and a lot of opportunities.” 
You applauded Steve’s skill to act like a civilian. A true and natural actor when it came to undercover ops.
Too bad your rather aggressive nature tended to give you a bad impression on people. It’s why you were often a background actor. Someone who was passing through, someone who wasn’t a permanent fixture to the attention of your targets.
Exactly the reason why you hid upstairs and eavesdropped. 
The man downstairs gave an amused hum. “And a lot of game,” he mused, you could hear the test in his voice.
Yes, you knew that voice. 
“Oh yeah, quite the trophies hunters claim up here. We’re quite the group ourselves, James particularly.”
‘Oh, Steve.’
You could smell the sudden change in Bucky’s scent. You rolled your eyes. 
“Mm, when I’m up to it. I only go after the best game when it’s trophy season.”
“Then why don’t we go hunting together this weekend, huh? It is game season and I think it’d help break the ice as neighbours.“
You stiffened in your place, back rigid against the wall. You smelt it in the air. Each one of your teammates had a sense of unease. They must’ve known something was up, this man - these people - were undoubtedly your targets; drawn in just as Fury had predicted.
Only, he didn’t disclose what they were with the others. Only you knew. 
“Neighbour?” Sam asked and the man laughed. 
“That’s right! Over the mountain ridge out that way. A lodge like this one, you can’t miss it.”
“Sure, we might come by. Any particular spots for good game?” Tony asked, he’d actually fooled you for a second there with how invested he sounded in the idea of hunt and game.
“This valley is quite the place for hunting, actually. The best.”
Your eyes screwed shut, your mind slowly slipping away into that dark space you’d purposefully left behind. 
You wished they’d just leave.
“So it’s just you seven here? Nobody else?” He asked and your breath froze. 
“Nope, just us,” Wanda answered. 
“I see… hmm,” he replied, his response slow before a second silence befell him. You heard him clear his nasal before he shyly said, “Apologies, the cold season tends to make my nose sensitive. Well then, I’d best be going before the wife hangs my head over the hearth. Be seeing you, neighbours and welcome to Alaska.” 
You breathed out a sigh of relief when he and the men with him left. Your team bid their farewells to your neighbours and the front door closed behind your departing guests.
Your team was in danger.
‘And it’s my fucking fault!’
Werewolves don’t get sensitive to the cold. You lot were basically self-established heating machines to withstand the cold climates.
No. He’d sniffed you out and your pills to hide your wolf scent had worn off from yesterday. 
Your scent was known and he knew that his new neighbours had a little secret of their own. The muscles around your mouth and nose twitch, teeth clenched hard together as a rumble vibrates in your chest. 
How could you be so careless? You could smell them before you even opened your bedroom door and yet you failed to keep your own scent hidden. 
“Well, that was something,” Natasha huffed and you heard Clint grunt in an agreeable fashion. 
“You can say that again. The guy had a weird look in his eye when he spoke about the whole hunting thing.”
“I don’t think he hunts ordinary animals,” Bucky drawled, voice laced with his deep-rooted suspicion. He was right to be and you were glad he - or anyone on your team - didn’t fall for the facade.
They hunted animals to keep people off their scents but elk, bears and beavers weren’t their preferred quarry.
They prided themselves in hunting their own kind. A sick, perverted desire to slaughter other packs. Not only that, they had a sickening obsession with hunting humans. To do things no person should be subjected to.
Mother Nature scorned such vile behaviour with hatred beyond words. 
And this pack had connections to a Hydra resurgence group that intended to operate within Alaska. 
They had to be stopped and your temper was running short. Sooner or later you were gonna wolf out and you wanted the snow to be stained red with that pack’s blood. 
You should have done so last night, keeping your cover be damned.
You finally decided to head downstairs, the necessity to conceal your footsteps no longer mattered. 
All eyes fell to you and you waved in response to the uttered good mornings and greetings. 
“I take it you heard all that upstairs?” Tony asked you, doing you the courtesy of getting a cup of coffee ready for you. You nodded with a snarl, “yeah, and we’re gonna need a new plan.”
“Why?” Steve asked, brows knitted together as he leaned against the wall. Tony passed you the cup of steaming coffee. 
You took a gulp of it before your eyes looked to Steve and the others. You were silent, gaze elsewhere as your thumb massaged the handle of your mug. 
“What aren’t you telling us, Y/N?” Natasha asked from her place at the dining table, her own mug nestled against her palm. Still, you didn’t answer. 
“Because they know I’m here.” That’s all you said. What you intended to say. Did they truly need to know that they were dealing with werewolves? Probably, but you had other plans. 
“How? We told them it was just us,” Sam argued. You only shook your head. “They know I’m here. We need a new plan quickly. They’re not gonna wait until the weekend now.”
They didn’t like your answer, or rather, lack of answers. 
“You’re still hiding something from us.” You growled over the rim of your cup. Steve was pushing it. “If there is something about these guys that you know about, you need to tell us.” 
You placed your cup down on the countertop, hunched over on your stool. “Werewolves don’t get sick little noses because of the cold, Captain. The only thing that makes us sick are infections from wounds and poisons engineered from wolfsbane and silver. To which, Hydra has been known to have an abundance of.” 
They wanted the truth and you gave it to them on a platter. You allowed them to have their stunned silence, no matter how suffocated it made your nose feel. 
“You mean—“
“He could smell me, Tony.” Your eyes slowly rolled to meet his and for the first time since you met the billionaire, you saw the colour drain from his face as he stared into your eyes. 
“He’s the same damn thing I am and because of that, that leaves us in a very compromised position.” 
Another wave of silence filled the open space. You downed the rest of your coffee in a few gulps. You couldn’t even process the taste. 
“What do we do?” You heard Bucky ask from behind you. You turned to see him stare at you, blue eyes piercing into you to get the answer they needed. Wanda stood next to him.
She’d been quiet this whole time and that fear wedged itself sharply into your heart. To see the uncertainty of the mission because it had already gone sideways. 
“The whole guide shit was only half true. Fury sent me in as a guard,” you began, “but if you’re asking me what I really think we should do is get you guys back to headquarters.”
“What do you mean? Y/N, we’re not going to leave you behind. We’re going to complete this mission together.” Steve was pissed that you’d suggest such a thing. 
“We do have two capable super soldiers, an enhanced witch who can move things with her mind, an ex-spy, two mediocre talents at best and myself: the brilliant genius that I am,” Tony said. How you wanted to slap the arrogance from his head so hard. “And also a werewolf. What could go wrong?”
You shook your head again, tongue running over your teeth with a tsk. “You don’t get it, Stark. This pack has been here for many years. They know the terrain better than any of you. They will use that to their advantage. On top of that, they have ties to the Hydra resurgence. Tony, if I don’t get you guys out of here, there will be no getting out of here.” 
You turned to the others as you stood from your stool, your eyes coated in a hot, watery layer. 
“These werewolves are not your ordinary pack. They are literal hunting dogs for Hydra. You’ve all seen Bucky as the Winter Soldier…”
You didn’t wish to bring it up, not to see the pain in those blue eyes of his. Bucky and you seemed to get along quite well. You both understood each other. His time with Hydra was not something you brought up lightly; you had a point to make. They couldn’t grasp the severity of the situation. They hadn’t experienced what you did. 
You needed to get your team out of Alaska because they were yours to protect. They were your pack.
You take a deep breath in, your eyes scanned each awaiting face until they landed on Wanda. 
“Now imagine that type of scenario, but times it by ten. You have to trust me on this one. If I stay behind, I can fend them off while you guys get home and get reinforcements.” 
“No, Y/N…,” you heard Wanda whisper with a shaken breath. You didn’t want to see the tears in her eyes, but you turned anyway to face her. 
“Wanda, you have no idea what you’re getting yourselves into with this pack… but I do. What they did to the family that lived here is something I will not see happen again. Not to you.”
What remained of that day all felt like a blur. You’d all discussed the new plan and now, after two days of waiting, you were going to execute the escape plan. 
The howls from the woods had gotten closer each night. Their arrival was just as you had said. They weren’t going to wait until the weekend. 
“I don’t like this plan, Y/N,” Wanda said, voice quivering in her throat, “what if something bad happens to you while we’re gone? What if they kill you?” 
You shook your head. “They won’t kill me. I won’t make it easy for them.”
Wanda scowled at this and she rounded the bed to where you were. She placed a hand over yours, clenched together between your thighs. 
“This isn’t about making it difficult for them, this is about your survival. You said it yourself, these werewolves aren’t like any other. They’re different because of what Hydra did to them.”
Your jaw clenched tightly at her words. Her soft skin against yours made your hand tingle, her breath so close to beating along the apple of your cheek. 
“But so am I,” you said lowly. You turned your chin towards Wanda, her eyes searched your face and your uttered words for some semblance of understanding. 
“I… I still don’t like this idea. Just come back with us, please…” Tears wept down her cheeks and she didn’t hide the small sniffle. 
“It has to be this way, Wanda.” You stood up and pulled her into your chest without hesitation, her arms immediately encircled around your torso. 
“This is personal. What they did to—“ you grimaced at the memory. The blood that splattered the walls and the snow alike. Carnage like no other you’d seen stained the house secretly. The clean-up may have hidden the history but your memory did not let it go.
It couldn’t. The only way the nightmares would stop is if you uprooted it from the source. 
“What they did to this family - and more - is unforgivable. I have to be the one to do this. I can’t stand the thought of losing you, you’re my—“
This fucking soulmate tie. Why was it so difficult for you to tell her? Maybe she was right, you could possibly get killed and she would never know the truth because you were too scared to tell her.
Your arms squeezed around her a little tighter, hands quivering as they balled into fists until your knuckles were white and your claws unsheathed from your nail beds. 
“I’m what?” 
“I-I’m just…”
“Scared of what?” Her words made the air gasp from your lungs. You blanked your mind to shield it from her reading anything more. You just held her close. It was all what you felt capable of. With her head resting against your chest, she was able to hear the bombardment of your heartbeat. 
“I can’t say it,” you answered but Wanda shook her head. She was done letting this fear eat away at you from the inside.
“Tell me, or I’m going in there,” she ordered firmly, her hand reached out to grab your chin and hold it so she could rest her forehead against yours. You heard the smirk in her voice. 
You chuffed at her light attempt at humour, to make the currently dark moment a little brighter than it was. 
“I am scared that I will lose a second time. And I won’t survive that agony again.” 
Wanda nodded, her nose bumped against yours and your lips danced so close to one another. It was a struggle to not close the slight distance between you to kiss her. 
“You still haven’t told me what I am to you.” 
“I’ll tell you when this is all over,” you sighed, voice hesitant as you slightly withdraw your face from hers. Wanda’s hands slid to your cheeks and held you so you couldn’t pull away anymore.
The corners of your lips tug into a smirk. “I promise.” 
You caught the way her eyes flickered down slightly to your lips and out of habit, your tongue darted along your bottom to wet it. Your eyes did the same to hers, plump and soft looking. Always tempting. 
“Kiss me, Wolfie.” Her voice called to you softly, the plea of your mate making you cave as you brushed your lips against hers. 
If you did this, you weren’t just friends. You saw her as more than a friend. Whatever she saw more than you realised, was it more than a friend for her?
Did she see a companion in you? A mate?
Your lips pressed into hers and your chest relaxed as the air was drawn from you, a deep growl resounded in the back of your throat. 
Wanda tilted her head to deepen the kiss with a breathless moan.
Your hunger consumed you. Your hands drifted down the length of her back until they reached her thighs, you knocked her knees and she gasped. Your tongue darted through her parted lips as her legs wrapped around your waist, your strength supporting her as if she were a feather. 
Her hands ran through the length of your hair with another moan and that unmistakable swell of arousal pooled in your groin. 
Fuck, how you wanted to claim her right now. That wolfish hunger, selfish in want, desired to make the bite now. 
But you would wait. You’d wait for Wanda and you’d wait for the rest of eternity for her. You couldn’t say she’d do the same, but you damn well hoped. 
You fell forward to lay Wanda down on the bed, your arms supported your weight like pillars on either side of her head. Her hands pulled you closer to her, even if the fight for air was growing too much to bear. 
You smelt it on her, the sweet aroma of rose tinged by an even sweeter scent; her arousal. Your hips bucked against hers and she gasped out, her fingers dug into you with a whimper of your name. 
Oh, how you wanted to hear that sound again. Her hips in turn began to grind against you, the friction of your pants made her legs quiver around your waist. 
You growled against her open mouth, her tongue submitted to you long before her back met the mattress. Her hand flew to your belt to loosen it but you captured her wrist and she stopped, you pulled away from her lips with a deep breath. 
“We don’t have to rush this, Sweetheart,” you pant, head nuzzling against hers. She smiled shyly and a red hue coloured her cheeks and nose.
Not that you blamed her, your own face was a fiery mess of its own.
“Sorry, I got a little wild,” she giggled and you flashed her a wolfish grin, chuckling deeply. 
“Says the witch with the literal wolf on top of her.” 
You brushed your nose along the curve of her jaw, inhaling her intoxicating scent. It made you feel how you presumed people felt when they got drunk. 
You lifted your head so you could see her now. Her eyes stared up at you and that smile that scared away the darkness was there.
How you adored her. What you wouldn’t do for the woman beneath you, you could not name.
You’d do anything for your mate.
Your hand caressed her cheek, thumb running over her chin. “What do you see in me, Wanda?” 
You were curious. She always looked at you with a sense that she saw something in you nobody else could. 
“I see many things within you.”
“Name one,” you urged. Silence ensued as 
her lips thinned in thought. Her gaze softened, perhaps you misread it because of the lighting in the room. You thought for a moment you saw love. 
Her mouth opened to finally give you her answer when a knock pounded against the door - and also your sharpened hearing. A grimace twisted your features.
Wanda offered a sad smile when the realisation that the small world you and Wanda were in had come to an end. 
There was a darkness out in the world that needed to be rid of. That temporary light had to withdraw for the time being. 
You rolled off of Wanda and she stood up quickly as the door opened, after you’d beckoned whoever it was to enter. 
“We’re ready to head off,” Natasha said from the doorway, eyes suspiciously squinted between you and Wanda with a smirk.
You cleared your throat when her knowing eyes landed on you. “Alright. Thank you, Natasha,” you bit down the bark in your words. 
When you two were left alone again, you looked to Wanda. “Don’t go getting yourself killed now. Promise me, Wolf.”
“I promise…”
‘… Mate.’
The sun was setting over the valley, the last rays of light quick to fade as night encroached. You would have to hurry to get everyone on the Quinjet safely. 
“Everyone ready?” You asked as you opened the front door and your team nodded. There was no time to drag their bags along. You’d all suited up and gathered your necessities. 
“Let’s go,” Steve said behind you. 
You exited the house first, a quick assessment of your surroundings, you signalled to your team to follow. 
“Keep together and in front of me. Go!” You urged, letting Steve take the lead to the Quinjet while you covered the team’s rear. It’d allow you to see any oncoming attacks. 
Wanda kept glancing back at you, to make sure you weren’t too far behind, her own fear that you’d be targeted first evident in her eyes. 
Twigs and branches snapped in the woods around you, the scent of your team polluted the air with their growing anxiety of an impending attack. 
“There it is, get going!” You called out, relief flooding the entire team in a shroud when the ramp was already lowered. Your hand brushed Wanda’s back as you urged her forward into a sprint, Bucky and Natasha beside her. You knew they would look after her. 
A colossal weight slammed into your side from the thicket of trees up the snowy hillside, your body instinctively shifted to the mass of muscle and fur now laced with snow. A roar tore from your vocals at the beast that’d separated you from the others. 
An expected tactic. 
You charged up the slope you’d been pushed down onto, leaping into the air and shoved your opponent into the ground beneath him. The hillside was crawling with the ambush, they moved swiftly down to join the first attacker. Most charged for you, but the few that ran for the jet didn’t escape your notice.
You bellowed a warning roar, Wanda among the group that guarded the ramp as Tony and Sam went to get the jet fired up. A clawed hand swept across your face hard, slashing you blind for a second and knocked you onto the ground. Your teeth sunk into the flesh of your attacker’s arm, a pained yelp echoed in the frosty wind. Your hind legs kicked at their toned stomach, claws tearing through fur and tissue as you launched them away; a chunk of flesh clenched between your canines. 
A flood of blood wept from the chunk in your mouth, you dropped it with a wet splash to the snow. A roar came from behind as another came at you but an arrow fired into her eye, her attack faltered as you rolled to the side. Wanda’s magic grappled hold of the wolf and flung her further back, her back smashed into a thick trunk with a growl. 
“The jet’s on, let’s get going!” Tony’s voice yelled above the ensuing chaos. You barked in agreement and cocked your head in encouragement for the team to leave.
“Y/N!” Wanda yelled out for you, fingertips touched by the tendrils of her magic as reached out for you; the ramp began to close. She made to run to you. 
“Wanda!” Steve called in his attempt to halt Wanda. One of the werewolves ran at Wanda, clawed hands outstretched to tear at her. 
Just as you went to jump to her defence, teeth clamped a hold of one of your hind legs. You yowled and used your other leg to kick at him but he avoided your defensive kicks.
Wanda screamed when a large, clawed hand grabbed hold of her leg, Steve and Bucky held onto her to keep her from being dragged out. Your leg arched towards your stomach and with another kick, you managed to loosen the jaws around your ligament and you charged at the wolf that tried to drag Wanda out from the jet. 
You ignored the agonised yelp caught in your throat, replaced by a deep growl as you jaws bit down and yanked at the bushy tail that dangled ahead of you; even when two new sets of jaws set their attack on both your legs this time. Flesh and muscle would be torn to shreds but that mattered little to you.
You’d survive it. The one that had a hold of Wanda released her and Steve and Bucky dragged her further back, even when she tried to reach for you again. “Y/N!” 
Your roar cracked across the valley like a whip.
You snatched hold of the tail again before the werewolf could make a run for it. The two on your legs tried to shake you off your balance, you pulled the tail in closer and with all the strength you could muster, you flung him at a nearby rock side. His skull pelted against the dark stone and fell limp on the ground. 
The jet rose up just as the lip of the ramp closed.
Wanda’s eyes glowed a dangerous aura of scarlet. 
‘Be safe—!”
‘I will.’
The two jaws released your legs as you were hit from the side once again. This one was heavier, with more anger behind it.
You let out whines and growls as you tumbled down the snowy terrain and onto the ice lake. You lifted your head to see him approach down from the tree line. 
The beast that had sniffed you out. That intended to harm your team when he invited them over. 
Who was responsible for killing your family. 
“You’ve grown stronger,” he rumbled with a tilt of his head, his dark lips twisted into a crooked, fanged smile. 
His stare was bloodthirsty. 
“You should have been killed in that lab when Hydra had the chance. A wasted specimen who couldn’t obey a simple order.”
“I… was not going… to kill… innocents!” You ignored the way your ankles threatened to buckle under your weight, you stood on your hind legs to match the alpha’s height.
The remainder of his pack gathered behind him, forming a crescent around you. Car lights flittered through the tree line. 
Hydra agents. Your muzzle wrinkled with a snarl and your teeth bared until the line of your bloodstained gums showed.
“Well. We tried.” 
He surged forward faster than you could perceive to dodge his attack. His teeth sank deep into your shoulder, a high pitched yelp that mirrored a scream travelled across the ice. 
He pushed you down. He had you pinned, the layer of ice cool against your belly. His jaws ripped and shook you, a pawed hand pressed against you as he tore fur, flesh and muscle across your back.
His pack barked and yipped in their sickening cheers for their leader to maim you. Your jaws snapped again and again until you finally had his unguarded limb in your grasp. He snarled as your teeth gnashed down repeatedly, bone splintering until he kicked you aside. 
His ears were pinned against his head with a low, pained whine. His tongue hesitated to lick his wound and his eyes, full of hatred, darted towards you.
“I should have killed you when I had the chance.”
Your eyes squeezed shut, the pain from your shoulder down the line of your back stained your coat with dark crimson, the pain excruciating that steam rose from your wounds.
A guttural growl rose from the depths of your chest, anger festering in the old wounds.
“You really should have.” 
You ran at him and he met you halfway. Claws and teeth gnashed and swept at each other. Triumph in your fight with the alpha turned into moments of being overpowered; but you’d find a way to slip out and regain the upper hand.
A series of explosions caught you off guard. You looked up to see the jet had been hit, one of the engines on fire. The jet sputtered and sank. You whimpered out when the Quinjet crashed into the side of the tall mountain peak. 
Thankfully it hadn’t exploded. Everyone had to be alright. You had to hold onto hope.
You made an attempt to run for the mountain when something flew towards you and you ducked out of the way, a large harpoon penetrated the ice with a thunderous crack.
You could smell the poisonous tinge of it. 
The armoured vehicles circled you, and Hydra agents jumped out, armed with what you only imagined were silver bullets. You roared and snarled at anyone who made a move to shoot at you.
“Nets ready!”
“Get it tied down and back to base!”
The mounted machines on the vehicles fired at you, whipping through the air as one net after another held you down. When you managed to slip out from beneath the nets, agents threw their hands forward, ropes entangled around your limbs as you struggled to break free.
“Get the humans!”
You turned your gaze back to the alpha at his command. His pack and him ran off towards the mountain. 
“Wanda! No!”
You’d heard the commotion from the mountain. Their screams. Your father’s howl. 
You didn’t wait a moment as you almost got yourself killed sliding down the slopes and cliff sides to reach home faster.
Your pack was in trouble. You panted as the wind attacked your fur as your claws cracked the surface of the ice beneath you. 
Your mother was who you heard, followed by your youngest siblings. Your heart felt as if it’d stopped beating. 
Your jaws came around the neck of their attacker and with a jerk of your head you heard the bones of their neck snap.
Your heart broke so very hard. Why did you leave them alone?
The twins laid together side by side, their smaller bodies nestled in the snow. Around them was a halo of their blood.
Blood that could have been avoided if you hadn’t left. You whimpered, your nose pushed into the fur. 
“Wake up, wake up please… no, please…”
Not far from them you glanced up to see your mother’s body. Her fur blended in with the snow. 
A rare white pelt. Now tainted with blood.
It was there your heart grew…
Ice cold. Your maws latched hold of the ropes that constrained you from protecting those who needed you. 
Who you promised yourself you would protect. Even if it killed you. You would not allow that alpha or his pack to massacre your pack again.
Your mate.
The agents stood no chance. They screamed as you shifted your weight to fling them into one another or the vehicles. You rammed and smashed into the armoured cars, destroying most and leaving the rest to burn when you tore the engine apart and flung it into another car. 
The ice cracked beneath you and you moved swiftly. You didn’t allow your wounds to alter your performance, no matter the pain or trail of blood you left behind. 
You pursued the pack that made their way to the cliff side. They jumped and leapt onto any vantage points but they didn’t know this mountain like you did.
You knew the best routes for quick travel up the terrain of the mountain. Whoever was in your way was shown no mercy. Your large hands ripped them off their balance and flung them off the cliff side to whatever fate awaited them below. 
Wanda softly grunted with a hand pressed to her temple. 
“Steve,” she mumbled as he knelt beside her. His hand helped to support her weight while she got her bearings.
“Wanda, are you alright?” 
“I’m fine, what happened?” She asked as her eyes focused on his blue eyes. “The jet’s engine was hit. It’s pretty obvious they wanted to knock us down.”
Wanda didn’t respond, not even as Clint and Natasha joined her and Steve. “Is everyone else ok?” Steve asked Clint and he nodded. 
“Yeah, the crash just took them by surprise is all.” 
“Come on, let’s get to cover.” Natasha’s hand found Wanda’s arm and pulled her to her feet, careful not to startle or aggravate any potential injuries.
Wanda pushed away from the ex-widow. 
“No, I have to see if Y/N is alright!” 
“Wanda, we have to get to safety,” Steve argued back but Wanda would not hear it. 
“They promised me!” She choked out, “you have no idea how I feel about them. The bond we have. This is why I must go to them!”
“They’ll be alright,” Steve assured with a hand pressed to her arm, “this is Y/N we’re talking about. If anyone can fend them off, it’s them.” 
Gunfire fired down the cliff side. “Stay here with her, I’ll help the others.” Natasha and Clint watched as Steve ran off to defend their flank with Sam, Tony and Bucky. 
A series of growls tumbled over the mountain ledge, glowing eyes crept into view as three hulking forms climbed up. 
Clint knocked an arrow to his bow, stance low and ready to perform a rapid fire, Wanda’s hands danced together before her as the glowing scarlet of her magic swarmed about her fingertips. Natasha drew her pistol and took aim at the middle werewolf.
Natasha was the first to fire. Round after round only made the beast grunt as if bitten by a fly as he charged forward. Clint shocked him with his knocked arrow and Wanda thrusted her hands forward with a grunt.
The werewolf was pushed over the cliff side with a howl. 
The werewolf to their right leapt at Clint, barely ducking in time. He rolled to the side and shot another arrow while Natasha took cover from an oncoming blow from the second. Clint was knocked back and used his bow to block the maw of his opponent from mauling him.
“Clint!” Natasha yelled out, Wanda waved her hands and pushed the werewolf off of Clint, granting him the opportunity to overpower it. He and the beast went tumbling down into a crevice in the mountain, having looped its neck between his bow and the drawstring.
The last werewolf swiped at Wanda but Natasha threw herself in front of it, grunting when claws tore at her arm sleeve. A clean gash bled through her suit. The werewolf rose it’s arm to come down at Natasha again when Wanda used her magic to fling it towards the edge. 
It bellowed a distorted roar at Wanda only to whimper when your teeth mashed down into its jugular with a baritone growl. Your amber eyes the bright fire beneath burning coals as you crunched down further. With another whine, you ripped your maw clean from the wolf’s neck and they fell to the bottom of the mountain. 
“Y/N,” Wanda gasped out as she ran to you. You dragged your body over the rocky ledge, Wanda was able to see the blood and wounds that covered you. 
“Good to see you’re alive,” Natasha said as she held her bleeding arm, her attention averted to Clint who was still standing his ground against his opponent.
 “I gotta help Clint!” She said hurriedly and rushed off to Clint’s aid. “Be careful!” Wanda yelled after her, hands attentive as they gently stroked along your neck.
A soft whine wheezed up your throat. Gunfire continued to ring, now having travelled further up the mountain near where you and Wanda were. 
Natasha and Clint climbed back up a short moment later, Wanda tugged Clint to rest as blood trailed down his face.
“Shit, you weren’t kidding about these guys, Wolfie. What exactly did Hydra do to them?”
Your vocal cords strained the rumbling chuff, hot air fanned out of your nostrils. 
“Come on, we should help the others,” said Wanda urgently. You, Clint and Natasha nodded and began to follow her but a blur flew from one of the higher up ledges.
Wanda screamed when she was pinned down, the form having pushed her back some distance from you and the others.
“Wanda!” You roared, you leapt towards her and the alpha without a second thought. The three of you fell over the lip of the mountainside, your body instinctively clawed Wanda out of the alpha’s grasp and encircled around her; caging her from the fall. 
Wanda was tucked between the heat of your body above and the snow against her front,  both of you stared at the alpha in front of you. 
His wolfish face formed into a snarl, saliva and blood dripped from his lips. 
Blood dripped from yours, fangs bared right back at him. 
“Protective, aren’t you? Found yourself a little mate?”
Your jaws stretched open with a protective roar. 
“That struck a nerve.”
The alpha jumped at you but this time you were prepared. You arched your body, arms latched hold of him as you both rolled back and over another lip, this time the fall was more steep and less intruded by any sharp rock edges. Your back collided with wooden blanks as yours and the alphas weight broke through it and crashed into the dusty keep below. 
Wanda shrieked your name. The sound was a fracture to your very soul, the tie to your mate tugged a little too hard for your liking. 
You barely were up on your own four limbs when the alpha continued his barrage of attacks. Each hit was ruthless as his claws swiped and tore at your body. His teeth fractured a number of your bones as you attempted to pry him off. He grappled the scruff of your neck and slammed you face first against anything he could.
He tossed you back and your back smashed into the crumbling bricks behind you. 
The sky of Alaska’s first rays of dawn illuminated through the old, stone archway with a pink and orange hue. Snow bellowed in with the gusts of wind.
For a moment you both stared at each other. Covered in the wounds bred from conflict.
Your shoulders rose and fell with each pant, pain rippled across your body and your fur bristled against the cool breeze. 
His glowing red hues danced in the darkness on his side, and the amber in yours did the same on your side.
If you killed him, it would be over. Without their leader they were hopeless. Defenceless. Weak. 
“Do you really think you are one of them? You’re not. You never will be. Mated to a human. She’ll break your heart and then… then you will become as cruel as I.”
“I am nothing like you. I will never be anything like you.”
Your hackles raised at him. He snarled back at you.
“We are monsters! Just embrace that! You will never be anything but that!”
You averted your gaze for a moment. He was right. You were a monster. You huffed lowly, ears twitching slightly when the breeze tickled against them. Mother Nature thought otherwise.
“I’ve embraced it. But if I’m a monster… then I’m a good one that hunts the bad ones.” 
You ran at each other with teeth bared and claws out. Snarls and growls echoed in the chamber of the ruin as you swiped at one another, biting into the flesh of one another.
Monster against monster. 
Mother Nature was not always as peaceful and beautiful as many thought she was.
She could be cruel.
And it was all in the name of balance. It was fair.
His elbow drove into your face and knocked you back, he pinned your weight to the ground as his muzzle dug into your stomach and chest. You yelped and kicked your legs against him as the savagery of his mauling tore away at you.
Your claws swiped him upside the head again and again until he pulled his head away. A distorted scream came from the depths of his black and bloody throat. 
His clawed hand swept across your head, slamming it into the stones beneath you repeatedly in rapid repetition. 
Any moment he would smash your skull.
When he figured you’d endured enough, he stared down at the sight of you; ears flopped and a whimper struggling to escape your beaten and half torn apart chest. He raised his hand high. The light bounced off the blood, making it almost shine in the Alaskan morning.
Was this fair? Perhaps not for you but for Mother Nature? Who were you to fight against her?
You’d been doing it for seven years. You were done.
You had embraced it all. What you were, what you went through, and what you were to become; come what may. 
“You could have been something more. Something great.”
“I already am. They made me something great.”
With a shake of his head, maybe calling you a fool beneath the huff of his breathy exhale, he prepared for his final slash. 
A bright red aura surrounded his arm just as it went to strike against you. Unmoving, the alpha whined when his arm refused to move. Wanda stood just in sight above the ruined keep.
You saw the determined shimmer of scarlet in her eyes. 
He roared at you in his confusion and you arched your neck forward. Your muzzle stained red once more when your teeth crushed bone, minced flesh and punctured his artery. 
He stilled above you and his weight drifted until it rested against yours. The sun finally began its rise over the distant peaks. You grunted as your limbs shoved the corpse, rolling him through the stone archway and down into the depths below. The ice could have him now. 
You didn’t know how long it took for your team to make their descent into the ruins you found yourself in. Your eyes were glazed over, the amber of your fiery hues slowly faded. Each breath you took was stunted from the damage you inflicted. 
Blurred forms moved down towards you, snow danced across your vision when a particular gust of wind blew through the archway. 
Voices beckoned you by your name but you couldn’t respond. 
“What are you doing here, Big Wolf?” You knew that voice. That adorable, innocent voice. “Big Wolf… why are you leaving them behind?” 
Their voices were inseparable, even in Mother Nature’s light. 
Your vision grew dark but the eyes of your mate were the last thing you saw. 
“Please, Wolfie… you promised.” 
You inhaled deeply as the smell of early stages of rabbit stew filled your nose. 
“Mother?” Your eyes were coated in a blurred layer of sleep. How long had you been out? Your mother was in the kitchen, humming softly as she prepared the freshly skinned rabbits. 
“You’re awake,” she chuckled as she peered at you on the couch from her place at the stove. 
“You’re awake, Big Wolf!” One of the twins shouted, the other not far behind. Their small feet thumped against the floor in their dash to get to you. 
You wheeze when your breath was knocked from your lungs as the twins plop themselves - rather happily as well - on top of you.
“You were asleep for so long!” One of them giggled. You chuckled at the enthusiastic pout on their lips.
“You promised you’d take us up that mountain before dark!”
“I…” you paused for a moment with a furrowed brow. Not long did you sigh and went to move. “I know. We can still go.”
They both jumped off of you as they raced each other to the door. “Yaaaay!”
You shook your head with a chuckle as you walked up to your mother, patting your two other siblings in greeting as they passed. “You guys coming or what?”
“Yeah! We’ll be out front in a second!” Said your second younger sibling. 
You looked to your mother who had chopped some vegetables on the wooden board, expertly. Even still, she never lost her concentration though her skill was unmatched and she could do it blindfolded.
She never overestimated herself. Never pushed herself to prove anything to the sake of being seen or respected. She did what she could with all she had. 
And that was enough for everyone.
She turned to put the chopped vegetables into the pot. Her eyes turned to you finally and she grinned.
You often reflected your father in both demeanour, stature and appearance; but the one thing you prided yourself for was that you had your mother’s eyes. 
It was the one reprieve you had. When you’d stare at yourself - beyond the wolf - you could see your family just from the colour of your eyes. 
“Something the matter?” She asked. You shook your head silently and stepped forward. Your arms wrapped her to you and she guffawed. 
“Finally gotten into the habit of being affectionate, have you?” 
You huffed at her words with a smirk. “Hmph. I guess I have.”
You should have known. A wolf’s memory was good. Often too good. This wasn’t a memory in that old lodge tucked into the valley, nestled near the lakeside. 
You and your mother pulled away to look at each other again. Her eyes were misted over and yours did the same. 
Her hand rose to caress your cheek tenderly. With a mother’s touch.
You leaned into her palm with a rumbling purr. “It’s time to stop running. Let go of that guilt that weighs you down.” 
You opened your eyes to meet her tearful eyes. “We’ve never left you. We have always been here, just know that in your heart.”
“I will, Mother…”
“You have to go now or you’ll be missed,” she said. You knew what she meant.
She looked towards the front door for a moment. “I’ll take them up the mountain for you,” she whispered with a kind smile. 
An understanding smile. She knew you had others waiting for you. 
“Thanks.” You embraced her again. Her warmth comforted you. 
“I love you, Y/N.“
“I love you too.” 
“Vitals are stabilising.”
“Good, that’s really good. Let’s get them on a new drip.”
“Wanda, here you go, Honey. Have some coffee.”
“They’ve been like this for a while. What if… they don’t make it?”
Your eyes peeled open slowly. The bright lights above flooded in. Wanda lurched forward with a hand clasped over her mouth with a sob.
“I beg to differ,” you rasped, your hand outstretched and your fingers combed through her hair.
Your name was said by voices you recognised all at once and many faces greeted you on the other side of that dark tunnel. Relieved smiles and sighs, tearful eyes and many uttering your welcomed return. 
Wanda grasped hold of your hand, the clear, thin tube of your drip made you aware you were in the medic ward.
New York. The compound. 
“Damn, Wolfie,” Tony sighed, “you gave us all quite the scare for the past two weeks.” 
“Two weeks? W-what happened?”
“You were in a really bad way when we found you, Y/N,” said Sam, eyes casted down to conceal the way his eyes glistened.
“We all thought we lost you a couple times there.”
You tried to shuffle your body to sit up more when pain shot through you from all directions.  You laid a hand on the wound that reached over the entirety of your shoulder. You hissed, teeth clenched hard and everyone winced at your reaction. Your memory of the fight came back to you, piece by piece. 
“Your wounds were severe, Y/N. When Cho and Banner saw you… they told us it was likely you wouldn’t pull through…” 
“Moving you back to the compound was a risk we had to take. Even from the ruins.”
You shook your head with a grimace as the pain slowly subsided. “Is everyone else alright?” You asked and the room of your fellow Avengers scoffed in disbelief.
“Minor scratches and bruises were the worst we got,” Steve informed you with a light chuckle, “everyone else is fine. It’s you who everyone is worried about. You took the brunt of that attack.”
“Well… I had to.” You moved again, being more cautious of your wounds. “You guys are my pack. Mine to protect.” 
Your eyes met Wanda’s, a small smile on her lips as she pulled your hand to cup her face. To feel the comfort of your warmth. 
You chuckled as you remembered that night she told you she was cold, only to then cuddle into your side. 
How her body fit just perfectly against you when you both stood on the pier. 
Your eyes lifted up to the rest of your pack.
“So get used to that because that’s a habit you’re not gonna shake from me anytime ever.” 
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existennialmemes · 11 months
Ok it's a matter of well established fact that Cats are Autistic,
but now I submit to you this incomplete list of equally Neurodivergent animals:
Dogs (ADHD)
Opossums (AuDHD)
Foxes (BPD)
Raccoons (PDA & OCD)
I will not absolutely elaborate
Dogs: Heavily affected by their emotional state, especially WRT perceived rejection. Difficulty switching tasks once they've become invested. Difficulty controlling where their focus goes, but Very Good at focusing.
Possums: Frequently misunderstood and misidentified by people who don't really know what they're looking at.
Foxes: Depicted as wily and unpredictable. Capable of great wisdom or great mischief. Often alone, but actually quite social for the right people.
Raccoons: Very invested in their rituals. Curious and capable, but not at your command. Often stereotyped as only caring about crime and cleanliness.
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allllium · 1 year
Best Marauders Fics on Tumblr
Wizarding world Recs @novaqueenofmadness
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Sirius Black
Aftercare [Suggestive?] ~ @moonstruckme
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Poly Marauders
Drabble [Fluff] ~ @moonstruckme
Raccoon [Fluff] ~ @moonstruckme
Eating Problems [Angst/Comfort] ~ @moonstruckme
Golden Retriever!Reader [Fluff] ~ @moonstruckme
Wisdom Teeth [Fluff] ~ @moonstruckme
Shy!Roommate [Fluff] ~ @writtenbymoonflower
↳ I don't actually ship anything with poly! marauders but some authors are so talented
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Poly Wolfstar
Mistake [Angst/Comfort] ~ @ellecdc
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James's Birthday [Hurt/Comfort] ~ @aithusarosekiller
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luneariann · 8 months
Ely Ely Ely for the requests maybe Beast! Atsushi in a cat café? I feel like he would like those
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He loves them :3 (everyday I wake up and thank god for the stroke of wisdom that hit you when you suggested raccoon stripes beast sushi)
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guujikaroko · 3 months
You ever think about how Yanqing calls Stelle "Teacher", but... Doesn't do the same for Jing Yuan? The dude that raised him and taught him everything he knows? It's actually funny as fuck that he just saw the raccoon and thought "Ah, here lies wisdom! I must learn her ways!"
(Yes, yes, I know he calls Jing Yuan by "General" because he's part of the Cloud Knights too, but... Yeah, the bias is still hilarious to me.)
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estrellami-1 · 6 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 67 | Part 68 | Part 69
Steve barges inside and shuts the door as gently as he can. “Robs,” he says, then pauses. “Alli. I dunno. Just-” he shakes his head and heads upstairs without another word, missing the worried glance the girls share as they hurry to follow him.
Allison hesitantly knocks on his bedroom door, which he’d just disappeared behind. “Bubba?”
“Yeah,” he answers, but doesn’t open the door.
“Can we come in?” Robin asks.
He huffs an approximation of a laugh. “Since when do you ask?”
She parrots the quasi-laugh and opens the door, plopping down on the floor next to him. “Since it’s your room, dingus.” She nudges his shoulder with hers. “Wanna talk about it?”
He shrugs and brings his legs up to hug. “She’s not coming on this one.”
“That’s probably a good thing-”
“Neither is Jon.”
“And this was-”
“Her request. Yeah.”
Robin breathes out a long, slow breath. “That’s hard.”
Alli sits on his other side. “You okay, bubba?”
Steve tips over into her, lets her wrap him in a hug. “I dunno.”
Alli hums. “Sounds about right. Can you think of anything that’ll help right now, in the moment?”
Steve sighs. “This. I just need to get out of my head for a minute.” He tucks his face into her neck with another sigh. “I’m gonna sound like the sappiest person on the planet for saying this, but-”
Robin squeezes his thigh. “I’ll go get him.”
A minute later, a different kind of warmth is settling next to him. “I’m gonna be honest,” Eddie starts, “I don’t really know how to help right now.”
Steve sits up and squeezes Alli’s hand, accepting the forehead kiss before she leaves, closing his door behind her. Without looking, Steve takes Eddie’s hand. He leans his head back against his bed and shuts his eyes with a tired sigh. “Just sit here with me?”
“I can do that,” Eddie answers. “D’you want silence? Or d’you want me to talk?”
“Talk,” Steve decides. “Take my mind off of it. Please.”
“Sure,” Eddie says, shifting up onto his knees, but leaving his hand in Steve’s so he can continue to play with the rings. Steve’s heart squeezes. “But what to talk about? Shall I regale you with the tale of how the illustrious Party defeated the monstrous Vecna? Or perhaps my liege requires a softer tale, such as one from his humble bard’s even humbler youth?”
Steve manages a smile as he looks at Eddie. “You’d tell me embarrassing stories of you as a kid?”
“Woah now,” Eddie smiles, “I never said embarrassing.” He pauses for a minute, then, “But yeah, I’d tell you embarrassing stories of me as a kid.”
Steve bites his lip, twirls a ring around Eddie’s finger, and nods.
Eddie chuckles and gets comfortable, sitting next to Steve, shoulders and arms and legs brushing. “Alright, let me think. Did I ever tell you about the time I tried to tame a raccoon?”
“I was probably twelve, or somewhere around there. Way too old to try, I definitely knew better, but I tried anyways. I’d just started living with Wayne and still wasn’t really sure if I belonged, y’know? And there was this raccoon that lived under the porch, y’know that boarded-up place right about where the couch is?”
“Well, it lived under there. That’s why it’s boarded up, actually, but that happened later. So I decided, in all my twelve-year-old wisdom, the way to lure it out was to offer it food.”
Steve hums. “Bet it worked.”
Eddie snickers. “Well, yeah, but raccoons are smart. Smarter than twelve-year-old Eddie, apparently, because I had the bright idea to hide just inside the door, right? Except I got bored before it came out, and I went to go do my own thing, and I completely forgot about it. And y’know what Wayne found when he got home from work?” Steve hums. “An empty plate. I’m talking spotless, Stevie, that raccoon licked it clean and hid back in its hidey-hole. So I try again the next day. This time, though, I leave the plate of food out there and sit in front of the open door with a book.”
“Oh, I’m sure that worked well,” Steve mutters, smile playing at his lips.
Eddie snickers. “Well, it did work. I did get a chance to see the raccoon, up close and personal. It decided it was done taking food off the plate. It wanted the good stuff, in the kitchen, past the open door, guarded by a twelve-year-old with more ideas than sense and a book.”
“Oh no.”
“Yup. Ran straight past me. Y’know what I did?”
Steve’s grinning now. “What?”
“Hid in my room ‘till Wayne got back.”
Steve barks out a laugh, then covers his mouth, still giggling. “You didn’t!”
“I did! I was sure Wayne was gonna take one look at the mess and kick me out. We had a talk, alright, but he didn’t kick me out, and I never tried that again, I’ll tell you right now.”
Steve giggles more. “You’re crazy.”
Eddie grins, nudges Steve’s shoulder with his own. “Yeah, but you’re feeling better, aren’t you?”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove
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ltwharfy · 18 days
For the ship game, gotta get in roudise!
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I've been a fan since the first airing of "Carpe Museum". I enjoyed Rudy right away as a character since he reminded me a lot of myself as a kid. And Louise's interactions with him were pretty different from what we'd seen with any of her classmates before- she treated him as an equal on their adventure, she was concerned when he had his asthma attack. I liked that he brought out a different side to her. By the time they were cuddled up next to Bob on the bus, I was sold.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
For starters, I'm a dork for friends to lovers. And I really enjoy the way the show has developed their friendship- it hasn't been static. While I love "Carpe Museum", I really think "The Kids Rob A Train" shows them kind of moving from classmates who get along to friends. And other episodes after that show their friendhsip continuing to evolve until you get a story like "The Amazing Rudy", which would not have rung true if it was earlier on in the shows run. As I've gone on about at length elsewhere even the epieodes that focus on the two being in conflict, "House of 1,000 Bounces" and "Bridge Over Troubled Rudy" , ultimately end up showing them growing as individuals and as friends (and the "growing" part is important since they are only 9, after all.)
But I also really love that their friendship doesn't have to be the focus of an episode to be there. It is often reflected in the show in little moments like Louise cheering on Rudy in kickball in "Stop! Or My Mom Will Sleuth!" or him laughing at her joke at the beginning of "Amelia".
And I like the way their personalities play off each other. I think they have similar personality traits but in different proportions- so they are able to bring out another side in each other. Louise encourages Rudy's more adventorous side, he brings out her more thoughtful and selfless side. They complement each other well and are capable of bringing out the best in each other ("are capable"- they don't always do so, because, again, they're 9).
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
That I ship it, LOL! (Sorry, but I feel like folks can say this about any "Bob's Burgers" ship except Boblin. I mean, if you don't ship Boblin how are you even watching the show?!)
Okay, seriously, I think an opinion I have about them that might go against the conventional wisdom is that, while Louise can be a force of nature, Rudy's not a pushover. I actually think that, after Tina (who has the big sister card to play), Rudy is the next best of any of the kids on the show at standing up to Louise when necessary. Not only is there a whole episode about Rudy setting a boundary and Louise realizing she screwed up by overstepping it ("Bridge Over Troubled Rudy"), you get little things ranging from Rudy being snarky to her in "The Gene Mile" ("How is this 'for Gene'?" and- one of my favorite Rudy lines- "Someone's fishing for a compliment...Good job, Louise!") to Rudy speaking up on behalf of himself, Arnold, and the Pesto Twins in asking for a refund in "The (Raccoon) King and I".
(I will admit that I find this "unpopular opinion" question to be tough! I don't know what's popular! I never have! That's why I'm so unpopular!)
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mysafehaneul · 11 months
WORDS: 5k+
Angst, Fluff, Smut
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(Wonwoo listening his cousin bullshit his way through with his adopted son)
Humans are often regarded as one of God's most remarkable creations. Their gift lies in their capacity to feel and, perhaps most importantly, their ability to choose. This choice extends to the depth at which they allow emotions to permeate their existence and whether they will permit these emotions to wield control. Among the plethora of emotions humans grapple with, two stand out as the most transformative: Love and Fear.
Fear can, at times, feel like the venomous bite of a serpent. Its poison infiltrates the body slowly, much like a creeping shadow merging with the blood coursing through the veins. Gradually, your body turns an eerie shade of blue, the coldness seeping into your very core, and then comes the numbing sensation. At this point, it seems as though your soul has departed, leaving behind nothing but an empty vessel.
Jeon Wonwoo, a man of logic and strategy, had experienced this paralyzing fear on just four distinct occasions throughout his life. In his family of Jeon cousins, he had always been seen as the rational and reliable one. Born to Jeon Wooshik and Sunmi, he was their cherished child and the apple of his grandmother's eye. When he was seven years old, his parents had contemplated expanding their business to Japan. However, his grandparents opposed the idea, so he continued his education in his homeland until middle school. At the age of 16, he relocated to London. This was where he first encountered Eleanor, his initial love.
Wonwoo had led a simple, disciplined life. He had a profound understanding of who he was and the influence he held. Yet, he was also acutely aware of the fragility of the intricate game known as life. He understood that the moment one took something for granted, life was apt to roll the dice and reveal its unpredictable hand. Thus, one must continually prove their worthiness. It was his grandfather who had once imparted the wisdom that good things come to those who work diligently for them.
The first of those four chilling episodes transpired when he was 16 years old. At that age, he was the epitome of youthful exuberance, with all the confidence and recklessness that adolescence often entails. He and his middle-school friend, Mingyu, both avid astronomy enthusiasts, set out for a night of stargazing. Mingyu, having recently acquired his driver's license, often drove to a place he discovered in one of his adventures. Mingyu had a dream to build an observatory near the pond in the newly developed section of the jungle, known as Bourbon Street. In one of their ambitious plans, Wonwoo intended to construct a home for himself and Eleanor on the same property. Yet the thing about plans is humor in itself for God.
They were behind the wheel, cruising along the rain-slicked roads. Boys at the age of 16, reckless and unbridled, invincible in their own minds. The night was tranquil, and the promise of adventure hung in the air. Suddenly, as they rounded a corner, a small raccoon darted across the road. Wonwoo's instincts took over; he slammed the brakes. However, the combination of the wet road and the vehicle's speed sent the car skidding out of control. It flipped, the world spinning in disarray.
The experience was an instant awakening. Fear gripped Wonwoo in its cold embrace as he struggled to make sense of the world turned upside down. When he gazed upon his friend, Mingyu, his eyes were lifeless, staring back at him. It was the first time in his young life that he felt the icy fingers of that overpowering fear.
In the days and weeks following the accident, Wonwoo wrestled with a profound sense of survivor's guilt. The memories of the ill-fated night haunted him relentlessly.
He couldn't shake the idea that he should have been the one to die that evening, not Mingyu. Why had the universe chosen to spare him? Why had he survived when his best friend had not? These thoughts tormented him, and he often found himself lost in a whirlpool of sorrow, asking questions that had no answers.
Attending Mingyu's funeral deepened his guilt. As he stood by the gravesite, holding a portion of Mingyu's ashes in his trembling hands, he made a silent promise to his departed friend: he would build that observatory and dedicate it to him, as a way of carrying a piece of Mingyu's dreams and ambitions into the future.
The accident not only left a deep emotional scar but also brought to Wonwoo's attention the stark realities of life. It dawned on him that wealth and privilege could serve as a protective shield against the harshness of the world. The news of the accident had been suppressed, and Wonwoo's influential family had made certain that Mingyu's family was well compensated. Their wealth ensured that they could keep the incident out of the public eye.
Wonwoo's mother, upon hearing the news that her son was safe, clung to him tightly, weeping with gratitude that her precious child had been spared. It was a poignant moment that emphasized how fortunes could dramatically shape the course of life. Wonwoo's grandmother, who had a strong hand in the family, took immediate action. She issued a stern decree that her grandson was not to drive anywhere without a driver, instilling in him a sense of dependency that he had never felt before.
As time passed, The pain soothed and people moved on. After the accident, the municipal held an auction for the land where the accident had happened, and the price had significantly dropped. Wonwoo', well aware of the land's importance, acted quickly to successfully bid for the plot in his name. But he was outbid by someone else named 28. When he turned to look, he saw a lady in uniform and noticed a young girl, not much older than 12, with two neatly braided pigtails and a white frock. She sat prim and proper, yet her gaze seemed fixed on something beyond the scene. The first thought that occurred was 'Isn't she a bit young to be here?'
During the auction's lunch break, Wonwoo strolled near the pond and spotted the same girl. She was assisting a mother duck whose legs had become entangled in plastic and a branch. The duck had pecked at her, but the girl's steady and skilled hands worked swiftly to free the distressed bird. The brood of ducklings stood nearby, watching nervously as the rescue unfolded.
Wonwoo was intrigued and wanted to approach but hesitated, not wanting to disturb the scene. The girl expertly untangled the duck's legs and let her rejoin her ducklings in the pond. Returned with a handkerchief filled with breadcrumbs, and started feeding them.
Wonwoo slowly approached them when her voice cut through,
"You shouldn't walk so loudly; you'll scare them away," she told him gently.
"Sorry," he offered, realizing he had been inattentive. "But didn't they hurt you? Why are you feeding them?"
The girl shrugged and replied, "My mother says that sometimes people who are hurt say harsh things because they don't know how to ask for help."
This response left Wonwoo pondering how a young girl like her displayed more wisdom and sensitivity than most of his friends, peers, and even many adults in his life. As a token of their interaction, she offered him a piece of bread to feed the ducks. Their conversation was interrupted when someone called her
"Miss, Let's go".
She handed Wonwoo the handkerchief, instructing him to feed the ducks well, and then left, heading toward a waiting car where a woman in uniform awaited her. Animatedly, she recounted her rescue mission to the uniformed lady, who listened with a smile.
As the car pulled away, leaving Wonwoo behind, he watched the girl's lively chatter and thought to himself, "Cute kid." He then proceeded to distribute all the bread from the handkerchief to the ducks, tucking the now empty cloth into his pant pockets. It was the first time he had been outbid twice in one day, and it left him pondering how he might acquire the land from the mysterious bidder number 28.
The second time Wonwoo felt that profound fear was during his grandmother's final moments. The room was bathed in a gentle, fading light, and the air was heavy with a sense of solemnity. Wonwoo, his mother, and other family members stood around her bedside, their faces etched with sadness.
His grandmother, a wise and gentle presence throughout his life, lay frail. Her breathing was shallow and labored as she approached the end of her journey. Wonwoo's mother, Sunmi, gently held her mother-in-law's hand. The old woman's eyes, once filled with a lifetime of stories, met Wonwoo's, and in those fading orbs, he saw a mixture of love, wisdom, and sorrow.
With the last of her strength, she whispered words that etched themselves deep into Wonwoo's soul. "Wooshik's father must have been lonely for a long time," she said softly, her voice trembling like a fragile leaf about to fall. Then, with those poignant words, she closed her eyes for the final time.
The third time that chilling fear gripped Wonwoo's heart was on a quiet evening, a month after his grandmother's funeral. He sat alone in his London flat, the room illuminated only by the soft glow of streetlights filtering through the curtains.
His phone lit up with notifications. As he picked it up and swiped through the messages, his world shattered. There, on the screen, were photographs of Eleanor's wedding, a vision of her radiant in her bridal gown, sharing smiles and vows with someone who wasn't him. The images were a bitter testament to the future they would never share.
But it was the text message that accompanied the photos that sent a dagger of fear through him. Eleanor's words were cold and final as if she had made a calculated decision. "I didn't want you to know this from anyone else," the message began, and with those words, a sense of dread intensified. "It is what it is. I gave this a lot of thought, and I don't think the future I envision for myself can be fulfilled with you. The skeletons in your family's closets can easily be discovered if anyone digs enough, and I can't have anyone or anything holding me back. I am sorry, goodbye."
It was the realization that someone he had loved, someone he had envisioned his future with, could cast him aside so easily that brought forth this crippling fear. It wasn't just the loss of love but the revelation that people could be ruthless in the pursuit of their own ambitions, leaving behind a trail of broken promises and broken hearts. It was a fear of vulnerability and the harsh realities of the world, one that came crashing down like a tidal wave on that fateful evening.
The fourth time that fear gripped Wonwoo was on the night before the custody case. He had settled into a fitful slumber on the room couch when the sound of whimpering sliced through the silence of the night.
Groggily, he rose from the couch and followed the plaintive sounds to find you. You were in your bed, yet you were not at peace. The covers were tangled around you, and your body was contorted as if caught in the clutches of a terrible dream.
Tears streamed down your face, and you muttered in your sleep, "Sorry, please, no."
Your forehead glistened with sweat, the beads gathering into small, glistening droplets. It was as if you were caught in a nightmare, a place of torment that he couldn't reach.
Without thinking, he reached out and gently took your hand. He couldn't explain the rush of emotions he felt at that moment—the desire to protect, to comfort, to chase away whatever demons haunted his dreams.
For the first time, he realized that this had become more than just a business deal. In that darkened room, Wonwoo's heart clenched with the understanding that he was now deeply invested in this struggle.
For Wonwoo, his pursuit of that particular land had festered for a long time, a clandestine ambition kept secret from even his parents. So, when his father mentioned the L/N family, it felt like the stars were aligning in his favor. It no longer mattered what it took; he wanted it, and he was willing to do whatever it required. Even if that meant getting married. He knew your father was a stubborn man, and how do you tempt someone who seemingly has everything? The answer was simple—by getting to the one for whom he had built that empire.
On a Wednesday morning, Chan presented him with your file. Wonwoo hadn't expected you to be so different from what he had imagined, influenced by popular beliefs and presumptions.
"This is interesting," he murmured, his lips curving into a smirk.
Chan, who stood there holding the file, raised an inquisitive brow. "What is?"
The object of Wonwoo's interest was a photograph. In it, You were sitting in a children's park. Your hair shimmered under the sun; a smile played on your lips as you looked down at your phone. He recalled when you stood, barely reaching his chest in height, feeding ducks in that park.
"She's mostly settled in Switzerland," Chan informed him. "She opened and is running a branch of their family's diamond and stones business there."
"Please turn to the next page," He instructed, Wonwoo's gaze locked on the photograph. He glanced up at Chan as the information continued. "We've gathered that the land was initially solely under her name, but a year ago, an unidentified benefactor was also added."
Wonwoo flipped to the next page and saw a photograph of you pushing a blonde child on a swing. "Her child?"
"Secret child. No one is aware of its existence, not even her parents."
"Secret child, huh?" Wonwoo leaned back in his chair, a sinister smile playing on his lips. The little girl is all grown up now. His fingers traced his jawline.
"What about the father?" He inquired.
"Well, it seems like he's not in the picture," Chan mused, "No pun intended."
Chan caught the fed-up look in Wonwoo's eyes.
"Well, then," Wonwoo said, focusing on the bigger picture, "Burbone doesn't seem that far now, does it, Chan?"
A knowing look passed between them.
Late at night, the soft amber glow of a desk lamp illuminated the spacious office of Jeon Wonwoo. A crystal tumbler filled with whiskey stood beside a scattered array of paperwork. The gentle clinking of ice cubes accompanied his contemplative thoughts as he swirled the golden liquid in the glass.
His mind drifted back to the series of events that had led him to this point. Meeting you had been a surprise, to say the least. The sweet and easily chatty girl he remembered from his teenage years had transformed into a rose with thorns, sharp-tongued and unapologetically independent.
When you proposed the marriage, he had seen it as an opportunity to create the conditions and situations that would inevitably lead you to give up the coveted land. There was nothing else about you that interested him, and if he could assist you in gaining custody of a child, there was nothing to lose.
Wonwoo had never been particularly interested in having children, despite his parents' persistent pressure. But as he watched you with Noel for the first time when you both slept in the same bed, cuddled due to the fatigue of the wedding and the flight, something shifted within him. The knots in his heart began to unravel, and gradually, he found himself looking forward to coming home.
Whether you were in your home office or the living area, watching Noel play games or having dinner together, there was an inexplicable warmth in these moments. He had started to make sure that he completed his work by 7 in the evening, eager to be part of these family moments.
He had even stopped smoking at home, convinced by his newfound understanding of the health risks it posed to children. Only two months had passed, but he didn't even realize how much he enjoyed talking to you. It was as if, with each passing day, there was something new and enchanting about your routine, and you were becoming more beautiful by the day.
It is widely believed that there's nothing scarier than a man who has nothing to lose. Jeon Wonwoo was widely regarded as someone who had very few things he held dear, making it difficult to get under his skin. Profit always took precedence. So why, when Noel's uncle casually claimed that you both had slept together, did it bother him so much?
The feeling was foreign, something he couldn't quite comprehend. It was none of his business, but still, it gnawed at him. The mere thought of it made him uneasy.
He couldn't explain why your laughter in the field upon his loss resonated within him, why it made his heart pound. He couldn't fathom why he felt pride swell in his chest when he saw you getting along with his family and cousins, especially his parents who hold you in such high regard. Nor he could understand why his heart felt like it was being torn into pieces when you looked at him, your eyes filled with what seemed like a betrayal.
He watched you talking to Eleanor on the balcony, contemplating whether to join you. But before he could decide, you stepped out, looking a little tired. Concerned, he thought about calling you,
As Wonwoo cautiously approached you, he observed your hesitation and stopped in confusion. Just as he was about to reach out and touch your shoulder, he overheard the reason you had paused.
"I mean, what else can I expect? I heard Master Wonwoo’s grandfather used to be a constructor and a loan shark. Poor L/Ns, where they've got themselves, trapped into," one of the maids had said.
"But didn't they build the company?" the other maid asked.
"Well, yes, after getting married, Master Wooshik's grandfather gave his father a handsome dowry on the condition if he leaves—"
Their voices were interrupted by a commanding voice, "What are you two busy chatting about? Come here; dinner time is approaching."
"Yes, ma'am."
Wonwoo's gaze was now fixed upon you, concern etched into his features and lips drawn into a line as he sought to understand how these revelations were affecting you.
The words, "They changed their minds the moment they heard the child's worth," echoed in your mind, like a relentless refrain. The weight of it pressed upon you, causing your heart to ache as your anger grew.
As you contemplated confronting the man who had spoken these words, you realized the futility of such an act. The last thing you wanted was to give them more to gossip about, to become the topic of their shallow conversations. Instead, you decided to remove yourself and Noel from the party, away from these people.
With determined steps, you began walking toward the room where Noel was. He observed your actions, his eyes focused intently on you.
However, as you were about to step into the room, Wonwoo suddenly grabbed your wrist, halting you with a yank. His grip was firm, and his voice carried a sense of urgency.
"Let go of me," you gritted your teeth, your eyes sending a clear warning.
"Where are you going?" Wonwoo asked his tone a mix of concern and curiosity.
"None of your business. Let go of me," you insisted, tugging at your wrist in an attempt to free yourself.
But Wonwoo wouldn't release his hold, and you noticed a waiter emerging from the storeroom under the stairs, looking embarrassed as if caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Wonwoo -" you started, but he didn't let go. Instead, he pulled you closer, his voice a harsh whisper in your ear.
"Y/n, stop giving them something more to talk about."
Feeling your resistance wane, you allowed him to lead you into the room. Once inside, you forcefully yanked your wrist away from his grasp.
"Don't you ever dare to drag me like this," you warned, your eyes blazing with anger.
Wonwoo sighed, clicking the lock on the door. He turned to face you, his hands tucked into his pockets. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of a single lamp casting a warm aura. The moonlight seeped through the curtains.
"Sorry," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
You glared at him, your frustration and disappointment evident.
"I get it that you're angry," he acknowledged.
"I am not angry at you, Wonwoo," you replied, your voice dripping with exasperation. "I am angry at myself for believing that someone like you could be any different from the others."
Wonwoo furrowed his brow, genuinely puzzled. "What do you mean?"
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about," you retorted, stepping closer to him. "You're just as shallow as Nikolai."
The mention of Nikolai's name sparked irritation in Wonwoo. He took a step towards you. "Two billion is all it took for you and your family to accept Noel? I mean, what else can I expect from a man who said that I always weigh my gains before making any deal."
Wonwoo stared at you, aghast. "You'll take the words of gossip over the two months that you've known me, Y/n? Is that your opinion of me?"
"Don't you dare turn this on me, Wonwoo!" you shot back. "This has nothing to do with gossip. This is coming from what I have observed. Just a few weeks ago, your parents, who were so set against the very idea of Noel's name being attached to you, which, mind you, I didn't even ask for, are now treating him as if he's their own."
Wonwoo looked at you, bewildered. "People can have a change of heart, Y/n."
"Of course, they can, Wonwoo," you replied, closing the gap between you. "That's the whole point. The moment they realize this is not just some poor orphan but the heir to a two-billion-dollar company, of course, anyone can have a change of heart."
Unknowingly, you walked even closer, until you were face to face.
"Don't you think you're speaking a little out of turn here, baby girl?" Wonwoo gave a mocking chuckle.
You didn't back down when he stepped into your space. "Do you think my family and I even give a flying fuck about two billion?"
"Did you even bother asking me what I talked about with my father? What I say to him for them to accept Noel?" Wonwoo's irritation was palpable. "No, you just assumed and deluded yourself into thinking that your version of things is the truth, and the rest are just out here to fool you."
Wonwoo took a step forward making you take a step back, his frustration evident. "I mean, what can I expect from a woman who was in love with her best friend's husband and raising his child as if it's her own? Now tell me, who is the shallow one? Who is the one who's feeding into her own imagination?"
The room was filled with tension, as both of you locked gazes.
They say that no one knows a person better than themselves, but sometimes, when our fears and doubts about ourselves are voiced by someone else, it feels like a crushing weight on our chest. It's as though they've laid bare our pride in a fragile glass jar and carelessly shattered it, the shards cutting into our very being.
As you stared at the man in front of you, your legs felt weak, unable to bear the emotional weight of his words. The defiance that had initially burned within you had been replaced by a sense of powerlessness. A lump rose in your throat, choking your ability to respond.
"I knew I should've walked out of your office that day," you whispered, your voice trembling with sadness. The room seemed to close in around you, and you found it difficult to maintain eye contact.
Wonwoo, however, realized his mistake a beat too late. He had seen the pain in your eyes, and at that moment, his breath hitched as he comprehended the depth of his error. It was clear to him that he had screwed up.
You moved away from him, your head cast down as you walked toward the door. But before leaving, you turned to face him and said, "I think we're done here, Wonwoo. My lawyer will be contacting you soon."
"Don't be stupid, Y/N. You know you'll be losing Oasis and Burbone Road as a whole if you divorce me, right?" Wonwoo's voice held a trace of warning.
You met his words with a sardonic smile. "Consider it a gift for everything you've done till now. Either way, you were going to work your way to earn full ownership, of your side projects under confidentiality. Isn't that right, Mr. Jeon?"
"Don't call me that," he grumbled.
"I'll take the blame so you don't have to worry—"
But before you could finish, he cut in. "The court will withdraw your adoption application. We're in a 6-month trial period, and the first visit is in 2 weeks from now."
You closed your eyes briefly, collecting your thoughts. "That's for me to think about. As I told you in the office, I know there is always another way, another door."
He turned his body toward you, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "What would that be? Another husband, or this time you'll go to that bastard, Nikolai?"
Your patience wavered as his audacity pushed you. You felt the fire that had almost extinguished rekindling. He had the nerve to say this when his flimsy NDA paraded around as if after his mother, she held the first claim over him. "Maybe. Maybe this time I'll just go to Nikolai. What's it to you? Maybe I'll consider his proposal." You stepped into his space, poking your finger into his chest.
Wonwoo could feel a growl rising in his throat, and your next words shattered his control. "I mean, he'll be more than happy to oblige. Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do-"
Before you could finish your sentence, Wonwoo grabbed the back of your head and crashed his lips onto yours.
Wonwoo's breath was heavy as he pulled back slightly, his dark eyes locked onto yours. "Repeat that," he demanded, his voice laced with force and a hint of jealousy.
You, equally breathless, didn't back down. "I said, who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do—"
Before you could finish, he crushed his lips onto yours, his kiss passionate and demanding. You broke for a moment, staring at him with heavy breaths, your gaze shifting to his lips. Without hesitation, you both leaned in, kissing again.
He swiftly picked you up, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. His teeth grazed your lower lip, eliciting a moan from you. Your lips disconnected, and the back of his knees hit the mattress. He sat down with your knees on either side of his thighs. His lips found your neck, and his hand creased your backside, giving it a playful squeeze.
"Wonwoo," you breathed out, your voice filled with desire.
He raised his head from the crook of your neck, his eyes dark with passion. "Yes, Babygirl."
Your chest heaved, your lips swollen from the heated kiss. Wonwoo felt two contradictory emotions coursing through him: anger at the thought of others getting to see you like this, and pity that they weren't able to call you theirs.
Your nails scraped gently across his scalp as you both leaned in for another kiss when a sudden knock at the door interrupted the passionate moment. The voice on the other side called your name, and you stumbled out of Wonwoo's grip, your heart racing.
"Ms. Y/N, are you in there?" The voice persisted.
"Yes," you squeaked, clearing your throat, your cheeks flustered.
"Uhm, Ms. Y/N, Master Jeon is looking for you and Young Master, to join him for dinner. Do you—perhaps know where Young Master is?"
"We'll be right there, Cecilia," Wonwoo answered. You looked at him in shock and mouthed, "Unbelievable."
Wonwoo ran a hand through his hair and threw himself back onto the bed. Your heart was still pounding, as if you were a teenager caught doing something you shouldn't be doing.
"Y/N," he began, but you cut him off.
"I'll go first," you said with a hasty glance and fixed your appearance. With rushed steps, you exited the room and made your way to the dining hall, leaving him behind.
Noel was seated next to your father-in-law, and they were engrossed in a discussion about their upcoming fishing trip. You wanted to move him away from that table, but you refrained from creating any scene. Jungkook sat opposite Noel, and you took the seat next to him. Han Joon-hee joined the conversation, Jungkook was telling a tale of the time he had caught a swordfish with his bare hands, and Noel's eyes sparkled with fascination when he heard it. "The swordfish shoved his sword up his ass," Joon-hee added, and everyone at the table burst into laughter.
Eleanor and her husband were conspicuously absent from the dinner table. You and Joon-hee engaged in casual conversation, discussing topics of no particular significance, but your heart felt heavy with the weight of what Wonwoo had said earlier. Throughout the dinner, you intentionally avoided making eye contact with him. The atmosphere remained lively, but there was an underlying tension beneath the laughter.
That night, you lay beside Noel in his room, gently running your fingers through his hair as tears welled up in your eyes. As you struggled to hold back the tears, soon sleep engulfed you and a dream began to take shape.
You found yourself sitting in the bedroom of the apartment you used to share with Noella during your college days. Noella appeared, looking just as she did at the age of 22. You bit your tongue to suppress the tears that threatened to fall. She spoke, "The heart is a heavy burden, my love. It's okay to let your eyes shed some of its weight."
Seeing her, you immediately wrapped your arms around her. "I don't know what to do, Ella. I feel like I'm failing. I wish you were here. How could you be so selfish and leave me? How could you leave your son? I'm constantly worried that I'm not doing enough. Whatever I do will never be good enough. How could you be so selfish, Ella? How could you leave your son like this? How could you leave me like this?"
Noella offered an apology with a touch of humor, "I'm sorry, baby. In the next life, I'll send out the memo the night before."
You looked at her, initially offended, but then the two of you broke into laughter.
"You know, Y/n," Noella began, "sometimes the hardest part of letting someone go isn't about filling the voids that formed in their absence. Sometimes, it's about finding the purpose of every piece they've left behind. So let go, Y/n. Let go of the things that are beyond your control. Holding onto the broken shreds will only make you bleed. Your friendship is the best thing that ever happened to me. You were the light that helped me out of the dark, and I am forever grateful that you're here with Noel."
Tears trickled down from both of your eyes.
"I'm sorry that I was too late to realize what Joshua truly meant to you," she confessed.
You shook your head and said, "I'm glad it didn't turn out that way, or else I would've never been able to meet Noel."
"He's a good kid, isn't he?" Noella asked.
"The best," you replied with a fond smile. Then you added, "Good job."
She shook her head, denying the compliment, and said, "No, good job to you. And I'm sorry for looping you into it."
You teased, "You should've thought of that when you were doing it without a condom."
"Touché," she conceded.
You don't remember how long has it been, you rested your head on her shoulder as she caressed your head. She began In a more serious tone, "I've been thinking…"
you raised your head, she continued, "You should name your daughter Iris."
You turned your head toward her, a look of confusion on your face. "Pardon my who?"
You woke up abruptly before you could get your answer as Noel gently shook you, his concerned young eyes filled with worry., you blinked away the remnants of your dream. His small, concerned face hovered over you as he gently said, "You've been crying and calling out Mama's name. Are you having a nightmare, Tante?"
You managed a weak smile and replied, "No, sweetie. It was just a bad dream. I'm okay now."
Still not entirely convinced, Noel added, "Okay, but wake up, Uncle Wonwoo and I have to go fishing with Grandpa and JK."
'Grandpa huh?'
With that, he scampered off to get ready for his little fishing trip with the boys, leaving you to reflect on the bittersweet dream that had given you a chance to converse with the memory of your Ella.
A/N: Wonwoo that was a messed up thing to say bruv! But atleast they kissed so welp! When I was writing that scene I just could help but think of that scene from alchemy of soul s2. I think this is the shortest chapter I’ve written of this series. These days I’m feeling as if this work not of people’s liking due to the lack of engagement. Maybe I should put it in a hiatus idk. Let’s see how this chapter does ig.
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thinkingsmart · 1 month
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17674 Arciga 💜💜 Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope and look forward to tomorrow.  
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alastorgould · 7 months
Rocket's Backstory
*deep breath* God help me
This is the most inconsistent Marvel backstory and I, the top expert on Halfworld, am here to clear it up.
I'm going to split the variants into the following catagories: 1985, 2014, modern comics, show, and mcu. (the show is simply called Guardians of the Galaxy and is on disney+ and i highly recommend).
I have compiled a spreadsheet to go over the main points
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As you can see, it's a shit show.
(As i go over the stories as best I can, please note that i am not a comic buff i am a 15 yo with Asperger's and an obsession with Halfworld and if i get something wrong plz don't be mad at me just tell me and I'll fix it :3)
1985 Rocket Raccoon- Rocket is a genetically modified caretaker on Halfworld, a mental asylum used to hold the insane of the galaxy, known as loonies/shrinks (extremely offence things to call mentally ill ppl but it was the 80'ssss). They have a book called the Halfworld Bible, which holds the secrets of the planets and it's people. The planet is ruled by Mayhem Mechaniks and Dyvynicies Inc; rival toy companies owened by Judson Jakes and Lord Dyvyne respectively. Jakes killed Lylla's parents to steal the company and it's... horrifying robot clowns. Pyko steals the Halfworld Bible for it's instructions on how to escape the planet in a giant human-shaped ship. Jakes and Dyvyne find out about this plot and team up to crash a party and there's a big battle and Rocket, Lylla, Pyko, Wal, Blackjack, and possibly Pyko escape Halfworld on the ship, leaving it in shambles as the loonies are left to the own devices to rebuilt the planet with their newfound wisdom (Pyko manages to 'cure' them)
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2014 Rocket Raccoon (my fav series :3)- This one doesn't have much in the way of backstory, all we know is what Captain Sale gives us in the last book. Throughout the series it is shown that Rocket has no memory of his creation and believes he is the last of his kind. Until he ends up on Captain Sale's ship. She gives he the key to the Book of Halfworld and he takes 4 hours to read it. He is shown to be disgusted and horrified at the contents, leaving it with Sale and going home. (Clowns and the toy factory etc are mentioned, implying it is a sequel to the 1985 version.
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Modern Comics- This section is specifically about v5 GotG #8 as I don't recall any other comics going into much detail. Here, there are loonies and robots, but no clowns. They must have thought it was too silly. Rocket is a therapy animal turned sentient with cruel experimentation. This is the first version of Rocket's backstory to show him sustaining significant and lasting trauma from his past. Not to mention the debilitating physical effects of having a metal skeleton and countless other weird things he doesn't understand. After his transformation, he is shown with the 1985 gang and other past team ups in a montage. It seems there is also an attempt at continuity here but it misses the mark a bit.
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GotG Show 2015- This is by far the worst adaptation in my opinion, as it completely overhauls the story. So note that I have bias here. Here, Rocket is a simple Earth raccoon that has been transformed with the purpose of being a living weapon. His purpose was more 'artificial genius' than 'genetic marvel'. Immediately after being let into a more open enclosure, he meets Groot and effortlessly destroys the robots and steals a ravanger ship. After freeing all the creatures, of course.
(i am unable to provide images for this section as disney is a pussy ass company and won't let me screenshot but just imagine it sucking)
MCU- Anyone reading this has already seen the movies but I'll go over it anyway. The High Evolutionary is a man trying to recreate a sentient Earth-like planet by modifying creatures. Rocket is one of these poor souls. He lives his early years in a cage with Floor, Lylla, and Teefs. Rocket manages to open the cage one day, only to have his friends shot in front of him by the High Evolutionary. He then escapes. He meets Groot later in a well, not shown but confirmed by James Gunn.
Wow this took long to write. Time for the conclusion. Here i will 'average out' all the stories and throw in my personal theories.
My version- Halfworld is an insane asylum built by the Kree where they experiment on mentally ill people to try to cure them(we used to do this here on earth until the 60's). The 'toy factory' is a cover-up for this operation. The robot 'doctors' use clown faces to put the patients at ease. But what do psycho robot doctors do when the asylum is abandoned and not longer supplied with patients? They turn to the animal inhabitants on the planet. The Halfworld Bible/ Book of Halfworld is an engineering manual documenting the disgusting progress of making an innocent creature sentient. Pyko frees his people after decades of slavery in a grand rebellion and Lylla becomes the Priestess and guardian of the book like in 1985. Unfortunately, during the rebellion, 89P13 and Groot get stuck in an escape pod and sent away from the Keystone Quadrent, leading him to believe all of his people are dead or re-enslaved.
I think this version harnesses the soul and vibe of all the backstories while making it make more sense in the long run.
I had a lot of fun putting this together and I hope y'all appreciate it :D (Follow for more Halfworld content <3)
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greypetrel · 5 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday
Tagged by @salsedinepicta and @hollytree33, thank you very much! <3 It's the next day, but Glaze didn't want me to post yesterday apparently. And yes I toggled all the options but "to trust is good, not to trust is better".
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Some expression chart of Aisling, this time in Whale AU shores. Top right one is my favourite, and it isn't really her if she's not crying in at least three ones.
Going on with the symbolism one, I'm kinda stuck over the object for Miss Trash Raccoon. I'd put a trashcan but I already painted one in the chart.
A collage from my sketchbook: I was in the dukedom of Prosciutto last week for some work, and I scribbled something. Always Whale AU themed. I am very upsed there's so few paintings themed around the Orlando Furioso, I referenced the possibly one I found. Raina in this iteration has more themes taken from that poem (lost her wisdom upon the moon). Some smooching as I listened to Hozier's I, Carrion (Icarian), which quickly became their love theme. And some random storyboards which I don't know if I'll keep. I found a piece of lore which gave me an idea for some comic pages to start... but it was in a book whose authors wrote for a broadcast notorious for featuring conspiracies and being very historically inaccurate. Think history channel, but worse. (Sì sto parlando di Mistero.)(I bought some books in a rush and didn't check the authors in the store). It needs to be double checked: I haven't found anything on the internet, but I have other books on lore from Alghero on which I hope to find a confirmation. Meanwhile, it's there.
Oh wow it's another wall of text! :"D Sorry, oops.
Tagging! @shivunin @ndostairlyrium @underneathestars @pinayelf @blarrghe @dreadfutures @inquisimer @dungeons-and-dragon-age @daggerbean and YOU!
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