#wish 97.5
gamerwoman3d · 5 months
Dear Gamer Woman 3d.
Can I please know if it's inadvisable to put any popsicle up my butthole or just one with caffeine, and why?
Thank you
Butthole in Bchicago
Well I'm glad you asked.
You see, Popsicles of any kind are made by dropping the temperature of a liquid until the molecules kinda crystalize into a solid. The temperature inside a human butthole is generally between 97.5 F (36.4 C) and 97.9 F (36.6 C), whereas Ice can be anywhere below 32 F (0 C).
The skin inside the butthole is different from the skin on, say, your hand; it is thinner, permeable, and its job is to absorb as much liquid from the waste products in your colon as possible to prevent dehydration.
Not only can an ice object stick to these walls, similar to how an idiot child's tongue might stick to a frozen lamp post, once stuck, the thin flesh has a much higher chance of tearing.
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Now while the popsicle might begin to melt inside you, and you might think "oh now it will be slick and wet and that'll lubricate it!" you could be ... pun intended ... sorely mistaken. Remember, the stuck flesh in question has one job: To suck water out of your poopies to stop you from dehydrating while expelling waste from the body.
So the more good ol' H20 in the popsicle, the more it will just be absorbed as it melts, which will leave it stuck. In fact, as your body absorbed the liquids but not the abrasive solid crystals, it could get even MORE stuck, and cause MORE micro-abrasions. Abrasions and cuts in the colorectal tract are bad news because of the bacteria in the tract- any cut can get infected or end in sepsis. So while it melts, it isn't guaranteed to lubricate you if it's made of anything aside from pure frozen anal lubricant. And even if it were made of pure anal lube, it's still probably a bad idea becaaaauuuse -
It's still a weak, brittle solid, with a crystalline structure. If you've ever dropped an ice cube into a warm liquid, you notice it cracks. Those cracks have sharp edges, that can cut or pinch the flesh inside you. And because the inside of the body stays over 90f/35c, it isn't impossible for those cracks to happen.
All that said, I know for a fact that there are plenty of kinksters who might disagree with me. Yes, people have survived putting all sorts of weird stuff inside them. People have also survived climbing to the top of mount Everest! I'm just saying it's a bad idea to ignore all the frozen bodies around the precipice. The ones who made it to the top AND BACK DOWN had help AND luck on their side.
Likewise, the kinksters that I know that DO fuck around with weird butt stuff and weird ice stuff and whatnot, are usually doing so in kink communities with one or more doctor in the community, and are surrounded with multiple EMTs around them during such activities. So if you INSIST on doing the inadvisable thing, at least try to find a trustworthy medic in your kink community to accompany you on your misadventure in case it causes an actual medical emergency.
But another rule of thumb, is if it feels rough to the touch (as many Popsicles would after you suck on them a bit) then it will not feel good in your butthole.
The TL:DR is Yes. It is inadvisable to put any popsicles in your butthole. If it's just the cold sensation you're looking for, I might recommend at best putting a body-safe toy or body-safe lubricant in a ziplock bag in the fridge for a bit.
NOT the freezer.
I wish you the best of luck, Butthole in Bchicago! Stay safe and keep asking questions. Such questions can safe a butt life.
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about 97.5% of joshs personality is "i loved my nan" which is really sweet and its nice to see a young man who will talk about this sort of thing on national television, i just wish he had like... anything else to talk about?
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itisannak · 2 years
Dr. Angel Face Prequel, Part 8: First Fight to First Anniversary (Calum Hood Smut)
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Summary: Calum and (Y/N) have their first fight ever. After bouncing back from it, they celebrate their anniversary and exchange the most thoughtful gifts This is an NSFW story. If you feel uncomfortable reading contents of this type, please, scroll through the chapters to find something you might like. (Smut / Fingering / Public Sex / Risky Sex) (Words: 6.3k) Dr Angel Face Main Stories: Fetish / Heat / Heat Extended / Dr. Angel Face / Dr. Angel Face Alternative  /  Dr. Angel Face Prequel 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 10 /  My Full Masterlist  /  Dr. Angel Face Masterlist  / My Ko-Fi
"How was New York?" Amelia asks, joining me as I stare at the OR board. "New... I don't know, I didn't see much." I reply. "Ooh, that sounds nice." "It wasn't anything like that. Calum was doing promo, I was stuck in a hotel room. And we only went out twice, and that was strategically planned to avoid paps and fans. It wasn't the dreamy New York trip I was hoping for." I sigh. "I am sorry. I know you wanted it to be special." "I knew what I signed up for. Anyway, I am back now, and I have a spinal shunt on a toddler. So, wish me good luck." "You don't really need good luck. But yeah, Good Luck. Karev is assisting?" She asks and I hum. "With the help of Robins via videoconference." "No one recognizes this about you, but the fact you are going your fellowship like that, over videoconferences and with such a long distance from your mentor, is admirable. You are one badass gal, Dr. Angel Face." She teases me, making heat cover my cheeks. "I am going to kill Calum for that nickname." I groan. "It's cute, and it suits you. Let him live." Amelia sings as I walk further from her.
The nickname is now stuck with me at work and home. Even Calum's friends have adopted it. For nearly a year now, I am Dr. Angel Face, and it is lovely. I never want it to change, I never want to be called another nickname, ever again.
"Good morning, buddy. How are you feeling today?" I ask the toddler who hides in his mother's arms, suckling on his pacifier. "Say good morning to Dr. (Y/N)..." His mother coos, stroking his head softly. "He is a little shy today. And a little fussy." She replies as I wait for the interns to scram in. "It's alright. As long as he is not fussy because of a headache." I reply, turning to the interns. "Shall we hear the patient's history?" I ask and the intern nods. "Sammy Spelk, age 3. He was diagnosed with hydrocephalus a month ago and referred to us. He has no other conditions and his morning labs were normal." He narrates and I hum. "Little Sammy over here is going to let us see his temperature, right?" I ask the toddler, sitting on the edge of the bed. I show him the temperature gun, letting him inspect it. "Let's use it on mommy first." I say, pointing the gadget to his mother's forehead. It makes a beeping sound and the LED screen flashes green, showing me her normal temperature. "Are you ready, Sam?" I ask and he points at his head. I smile at him, preparing the gun before pointing it at him. "97.5, we are alright. Now, we are going for a walk and we are going to get a picture of your head. Ok, Sam?" I ask, looking at the interns. "We are heading into surgery after the CT?" The mother asks and I nod. "If there is no swelling, we are going to prep him for surgery. I will send someone out to inform you while we are in. I have done this surgery countless times. And I am being assisted by the hospital's chief of surgery, and Dr. Robins, who is a top pediatric surgeon. Sam is in really good hands." I assure her and she sighs. "Do you have children?" She asks me and I shake my head no. "No, I don't." "You are very good with Sam, and he is not an easy child. He seems to trust you." She states. "It is one of the reasons why I chose pediatric neurosurgery. Children are much better patients than adults." I joke as the intern rolls in the wheelchair for Sam. "Can I come along?" The mother asks. "You will have to wait outside the radiology department, but yes, it's preferred if you do follow." I reply, helping Sam onto the chair.
"Your phone was shut off..." Calum states as my call goes through. "Good evening to you too, my love. It is so nice to finally hear your voice after such a long day." I tease him, earning a scoff. "You are a pain in the ass, Dr. Angel Face." "I have been told. Multiple times, by my boyfriend who wouldn't change anything about me." "Smartass..." He mumbles. "I was in surgery, I needed to be undistracted." I explain and he hums. "Am I a distraction, Dr. (Y/L/N)?" He asks. I can practically hear his cocked eyebrow in his voice. "The worst kind of. Anyway, why were you calling me?" I ask him. "I wanted to ask what you'd like for dinner... Remember, date at your place, tonight?" "Of course, I remember. But I thought I'd be cooking." "Well, you said you had this exciting surgery today and I thought you'd need to rest a bit, that's why I am suggesting takeout." He explains. Oh no, his caring and considerate side. I can feel my heart pounding, my knees becoming weak. "Just say you don't like my cooking, Hood..." I laugh and he sighs, in playful frustration. "I could eat some stir-fry tonight. Maybe some chicken wantons too." "Rice cake too?" He asks and I hum. "Do you even need to ask?" "I will be over at your place at 8:30." "I will be waiting." I cheer, a smile permanently tattooed on my face nowadays. He makes me happy, the happiest I have been in a relationship. And he is the longest relationship I have been in, I am not afraid to admit it. Sometimes I catch myself thinking he is the one, the one I am supposed to grow old and spend the rest of my life with.
True to his word and never late, Calum knocks on my door at 8.30. I rush to the door, opening it with a smile on my face. However, Calum's energy doesn't seem to match mine. "Hi. Come on in. Is everything alright?" I ask, moving aside to let him in. He hands me the takeout bag, walking straight to the living room. He is silent, and he seems broody, like something is bothering him. "Cal, did something bad happen?" I ask him, leaving the bag on the coffee table. Calum digs his phone out of his pocket, focusing on it and completely brushing me off. "Calum, I am getting a little worried. What is going on? You seem angry." I take a seat by him, reaching to take his hand in mine. He pulls it away, handing me his phone. "Someone took pictures of us in New York." He snaps. I furrow my eyebrows together, looking at the pap pic. "Took pictures of us doing what?" I ask. "On our date. There is one of us walking to the restaurant, and some of us kissing..." He sounds just as tense as he did before. "Oh." I simply breathe out, not seeing where the tragedy is in someone taking a picture of us kissing. "Oh? Is that all you are going to say?" He asks me and I shrug, locking the phone and handing it to him. "What more is to say? We both knew it would happen eventually." I reply. "This is a fucking disaster, (Y/N). The worst thing that could happen. I don't understand how you can be so calm about it." I stare at him, shocked by his choice of words. "A disaster?" I ask, blinking fast as I stand up from the couch, with my arms crossed before my chest. "You know what I mean..." "No, I don't know what you mean, Calum. I don't know why us finally going public is the worst thing that could happen. I really don't, unless you are embarrassed about dating me. I know I might not be the most polished, or the shiniest woman you could have by your side, but I am fucking amazing and I fucking deserve not to forever live in secret." "(Y/N), this is not what I meant." He says through gritted teeth. "I think you should go, Calum. Go home, talk with your friends, and sleep on it. Get your head clear. Take time, take a day, a week... Just, come back to me with a clear head." I try to remain calm, but my voice breaks at the end of the sentence. "(Y/N), come on. I am sorry." He stands up. I pick up the bag from the coffee table, handing it to him. "Goodnight, Calum." I say simply, stepping aside and looking at my feet, waiting for him to go.
He sighs, leaving the takeaway bag on the coffee table, before walking out of the house. I pick up the bag, head straight to my fridge, and place it on the very front of the fridge, before heading to lock the door and head to bed.
"Can you touch my finger, Sam?" I ask the toddler, holding a finger up for him. He seems to follow the command with ease, reaching for it with both hands. "Good job, buddy. Now I am going to hold this light in front of you, for just a few seconds." I explain, taking my flashlight out of the pocket of my coat. "Pupils are responsive and we have good gross motor function. Now, Sammy, can you look at my finger?" I ask, holding it up again. I move it from side to side, while my intern holds Sam's head steady. "Follow my finger, Sam." I say softly, moving my finger from side to side. "Look at you go... Excellent. And now for the fun part." I announce, reaching for the markers and coloring pad on the nightstand. "You are going to paint with mommy. I heard you are an amazing artist." I hand the pad and markers to his mom. "Why are we handing the patient these?" I turn to the interns. "Fine motor function?" One asks me. "And why this particular method." "Cause he is... a kid." She replies and I hum. "Give him time to color, and we will be back in an hour. This far he is doing great." I assure the mother. "Thank you. We will get straight to color, right buddy?" She opens the pad, spreading out the markers for her son.
I know I gave him time to think and all that stupid shit, but Calum has not even called me yet, nor texted me our usual good morning. It is less than 24 hours since he left my house, but it has been a long, torturing day and I am honestly over this whole argument. He should, by now, have admitted he overreacted. I should not have suggested that he take time if I wasn't prepared to wait for him to do his thinking. I must know better by now. And I know he is not embarrassed by me, not the tiniest bit, but the drama queen inside me wanted to make an entrance. I unlock the door to my apartment, kicking off my shoes. I cannot wait for winter to give place to long, summer daylights. I am not built for early, dark nights.
Before I could even head to my kitchen and dig my way into last night's leftovers, the doorbell rings, signaling that someone is behind my door. I peep through the peephole, finding Calum waiting for me to open up. I open the door, looking at him with knitted eyebrows. "Can I come in?" He asks, pointing inside the house. I move from the door, inviting him inside. "I just got home." I state, shutting the door behind him. "I know. I was waiting for you in my car." He replies. "A tiny bit stalkery. Why didn't you use your key?" I ask, signaling for him to follow me to the kitchen. "I didn't know if Jean was home and I honestly didn't want to stumble upon her. She is not the friendliest..." He mumbles and I hum. "Yeah, she is like that lately."
I reach inside my purse, taking out the picture Sammy gifted me earlier this evening, and putting it on the fridge, choosing a cute magnet for it. "Cute art. Must be expensive." Calum teases me. I cannot help the smile that curls up my lips. "A patient gifted it to me to thank me for my job." I reply. "Should I be jealous of the competition?" He asks me. "He is way too young for me. Takeout?" I ask, opening the fridge. "No, thank you. I was hoping we could talk..." He leans against the counter. I shut the fridge close, turning to face him fully. "Do you want to start?" I ask him. "I am not embarrassed by you. If anything, you are the one way out of my league. The pap pictures are a breach of privacy, my privacy, and I want to keep some things to myself. Not because I don't want to scream from the rooftops you are mine, but because people knowing means they are going to harass you. I don't want that, I don't want to put you in the bullseye. I know what it does to relationships, I have seen it tearing couples apart. I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to be attacked. And going public means that you are now part of my public image, it means that the PR team controls my public life and yours. I have learned to live with that, but you shouldn't. I know I overreacted yesterday, I know I did not use the right words. And I am sorry for that. I am sorry you felt that I am embarrassed by you, for even a second. I love you, (Y/N). I love you more than I thought it was possible to love anyone. And I am not saying this to win you over or to end this argument. I am saying it because it is how it is. It is how I feel right now." He talks fast, his slight lisp becoming more prominent as his frustration grows. I chuckle, shake my head and move closer to him. I hold his face in my hands, leaning in to plant a kiss on his lips. I feel him sigh in relief as we kiss, moving his hands to my lower back, holding me close to his body. "I love that you want to protect me. I really do. But I am a grown woman, and I survived med school when I was a teen. They can bring it on. I have a thick skin, and I can take care of myself." I whisper softly, resting my forehead against his. "I can't stop worrying about you." He admits. "I promise, if it ever gets bad enough that I cannot handle it, I am going to tell you. I will not let it come to a breaking point." I hold my pinky up, earning a chuckle from him. He links his pinky with mine, leaving a peck on the tip of my nose. "And since we are apologizing, I want to say I am sorry for how dramatic I was yesterday. It was not fitting to the situation." "You have a bit of a flair for the dramatic. You could have made an excellent actress." He teases me, softly pushing my head to rest on his chest. "It is one of the things you love about me." I point out and he hums. "It is pretty high on my list."
"My mom and my sister are visiting in 3 weeks." Calum comments as I walk into the living room, holding the fresh takeout food just delivered to my house. "They are? That's exciting. Are they staying at yours?" I ask him and he hums. "Of course. I cannot let them stay elsewhere." "How come they are visiting now?" I ask him and he shrugs. "Mali wanted to visit on my birthday, but she couldn't, she had some studio sessions to finish. And my mom wanted to come with me on New Year's... She wanted to meet you, but she couldn't come last minute. So, she is visiting now." He makes room for me on the couch, lifting the lap blanket so I can curl up to him. "I am meeting your mom?" I ask him and he hums, digging into the delivery bag. "Are you nervous?" "No. I mean, I obviously want her to like me. But she sounds like an absolute sweetheart and I think she already likes me." "She does. She likes how grounded you keep me." "I keep you grounded? Really?" I ask, picking up my chopsticks. "Before I met you, my head was in the clouds. Then I went through that breakup with my ex and I lost my balance. But you came along, and you made me feel things again. I had to find my balance again to be with you." He replies, handing me my box. I smirk to myself, leaning my head on his shoulder and pressing a kiss on the hollow point of his jaw. "You make me sound like some sort of magical creature. Like your life was nothing before I met you." I comment and he shakes his head. "My life was fucking amazing. It still is. I just didn't have to mindset to enjoy it fully. You didn't change me, but you certainly helped. And to sum it up, you are a magical creature. Something between an angel and a fairy godmother." He presses a kiss on the top of my head before digging into his food. "You know that everyone at the hospital calls me Dr. Angel Face now?" I ask him and he scoffs, smirking as he chews his food. "It suits you." He says. "I think I will have it embroidered on my lab coat." I joke, picking a dumpling with my chopsticks. "With a set of angel wings next to it. You will definitely rock it." "I will suggest it to the chief." "Speaking of suggestions, our anniversary is next week." "I know. But I am working the night shift that day." I reply, hating that I have to rain on his parade. "I know, I remember. So, on your day off, I am taking you on a short trip." "A short trip? Where?" I ask, sounding a bit excited about it. "Just less than an hour away from L.A. Not too far. There is a vineyard, in Moraga Drive, they give tours and have wine tasting. I have booked us a group tour." "Are we taking friends with us?" I ask and he shakes his head no. "No, I just thought it would be fun to blend into a crowd of strangers to celebrate our day." He explains, picking up one of his spring rolls and feeding it to me. "Aren't you afraid of being recognized?" I ask and he shrugs. "Well, the secret's already out. Nothing more to fear." He replies, planting a kiss on my forehead. "In that case then... Let's get drunk on Moraga." I giggle, making him hum.
"Do I get the royal treatment this morning?" I ask Calum as I make my way into the kitchen. He is up, behind the stove cooking breakfast for us, looking like a sexy little lumberjack with his flannel shirt over his grey tanktop, and the 3-day-old stubble decorating his face. It is just a pair of hairs, nothing more, but in my head, it is the sexiest thing. "It is just pancakes and coffee, don't kick your panties off just yet. It is early, you still have time until breakfast's ready. You might want to go lay down for a bit longer, I'll call you." Calum suggests as I take a seat, setting up my iPad on the island and opening my notepad. "I have to study for this neonatal procedure. Robins has sent me a pack of notes and a video. I have already watched the video, don't worry about the gore. I am just taking notes of the notes." I assure him, clicking my pen. "I love gore." He teases, mumbling under his breath. I smirk to myself before opening the article Robins sent to me. "Is it interesting?" He asks me, passing me a mug of coffee. "To me, yeah. I doubt you would have any interest in neuroendoscopic neonatal procedures for spinal fluid dynamics, though." I state, scribbling down on my paper. "I have a huge interest in the things you are interested in." He comments, moving behind me and resting his chin on top of my head. "Ok then. I am studying for an endoscopic septostomy. The plan is to prep now for the procedure so that when the mother goes into labor, I perform on the baby straight away. Right now, there is an obstructed ventricle on the baby's brain, which does not allow the proper circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Our goal is to unblock the ventricle and allow proper circulation, thus connecting the 3 ventricles of the foramen of Monro." I explain, drawing a quick shape on the paper to explain it. "It sounds all very sexy when you say it." He plants a kiss on my jaw. I giggle, feeling ticklish from the way his day-old beard rubs on my skin. "It is truly such an exciting thing to do. The whole procedure is nothing sort of art. Minimal need for interventions post-surgery. And no severe complications. It is exciting just thinking about it." I explain and Calum chuckles. "I can see how excited you are. When is the mother due?" He asks. "4 weeks. I have time to prep, but you never know when she might get into labor. I want to be ready for any case." "You know you are my personal hero, right?" He asks me, wrapping his arms around me. "It is really not that big of a deal..." I feel my cheeks heat up at his compliment, still getting flustered when he praises me "It is. You should see yourself when you are talking about all that medical stuff... You can light up the whole town." Calum kisses my cheek softly, letting his peck hover over my skin.
"Don't you people have any fucking sense for others in this house?" Jean almost screams, making both Calum and me snap toward the entrance of the kitchen. "I didn't realize you were home." I stutter, watching as she fumes. "I come home after a night shift and I am looking for a bit of quietness to have a bit of sleep, and there you are, laughing like hyenas and talking like you are 3 miles apart." She groans. "I don't think we were that loud." Calum protests, for the first time confronting her. "Of course, you fucking don't. You weren't the one being awakened." "Jean, you know you don't live alone. And we were not loud. We were just talking. I am sorry you are not asleep now, but you are being insufferable the past few days. Everything annoys you." I say calmly, knowing that even a raise in tone will upset her. "Of course, I am not living alone. We used to be two. Now it's three of us..." She says bitterly, walking away from the kitchen.
Calum stays and stares at me empathetically, waiting to see my reaction now that she is gone. "I don't think she likes me much." He mumbles, his voice barely above a whisper, making sure she does not have an excuse to be bitter. "I don't think she likes anyone to be honest." I roll my eyes, shutting my tablet case closed. "Maybe I should stop spending time at your house..." He suggests and I shake my head at him. "I think it is time I stop spending time at this house." I reply and he looks at me with knitted eyebrows. "Jean... She used to have a little crush on me. I made it clear I was not interested and she dropped it. But when I started dating you, she started acting weird. I don't think I am comfortable with this behavior anymore. I think it is time I find a place for myself." I explain, tilting my head to the side. "Well, that explains a lot..." Calum replies, taking a sip from my coffee. "So, you are planning to move out?" He asks me, making me shrug in response. "I don't see another way to cope with her being awful. I am tired of this. She is not mean to just you, she has become aggressive with me too." I state and he sighs, leaning in to peck my forehead. "Pack a little bag with what you'll need. Come stay with me while you prep for the surgery and we will look into options for moving out. Go, I'll stay here and tidy up your kitchen..." He suggests, stroking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You don't have to take me in like a stray. I will be fine here." I assure him but he does not seem to be taking no for an answer at the moment. "What kind of boyfriend I would be if I let my girlfriend stay where they don't treat her right?" He asks, picking up the plate of pancakes before me.
"New dress?" Calum asks as he enters the master bathroom. I shrug, leaving my powder brush by the sink. "I figured our first anniversary deserved something nice." I reply as he moves behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist softly. He pecks the top of my head, smiling as he looks at us in the mirror. "I can't believe you have been mine for a year now... How did I ever get so lucky?" He asks, not breaking eye contact through the mirror. "I don't know... But thank your lucky star for me too." I reply, stretching my hand back to stroke his hair. "I'll make sure I do. Almost ready?" He asks me, lowering his lips to the nook of my neck. "Just lipstick and perfume and we are out of the door." I reply and he hums. "I think gloss will suit you better today." He comments and I cock an eyebrow at him. "Ok, Mr. MUA... I'll take your advice today." "I'll pick your perfume." He pecks my temple, moving to the drawer of my toiletries in his bathroom. "Is this a dig to my taste?" I ask him with a soft chuckle. "You obviously have great taste. You are dating me. I just want to pick your perfume." He replies, picking up the little bottles and opening the caps to smell them. "This one. This one always smells good on your skin." He comments, taking a deep whiff of the perfume before letting it rest on the counter by the sink. "I will be out in a second." I smile, applying a layer of lipgloss to my lips. "Gonna check if Duke is set..." He says, pressing a kiss on the side of my head. "I'll meet you downstairs." I reply cheerily, throwing the gloss inside my little purse.
The sun is shining brightly as we ride through the Californian road, blasting some soft music with the windows rolled down, letting the soft wind hit our faces. Even with sunglasses on, the light is so bright that I have to narrow my eyes to be able to look out of the window. "The only thing that could make this thing better is if we were in a convertible." I comment, leaning my head back against the headrest of my seat. Calum smiles and picks my hand from my lap, not taking his eyes off the road as he brings it to his lips. "Next year." He replies, fixing his sunglasses. "You are not taking me to the same place on our next anniversary." I comment and he hums in surprise. "Already having expectations for next year?" He asks. "Why shouldn't I? I am not planning on breaking up with you, and I am not letting you go... So..." I reply with a shrug. "That doesn't sound too bad. I am going to keep your word on that." He chuckles softly, smirking without turning to look at me. I smile to myself, reaching to stroke the hair on the side of his head. I can't remember the last time we had a soft day like this, usually too preoccupied with work and other obligations. So I am going to keep it as a sacred gift. "What is it, princess?" He asks me and I shrug. "Nothing... I just like spending time with you." I admit, not able to take my eyes off my man. He stays silent, but his eyes crinkle as a smile spreads on his face.
Calum pulls me from the group, looking around to make sure no one is looking at us as we walk further into the barrel cellar. "Where are you taking me?" I ask with a very soft giggle, taking a sip from the Merlot sampler we got handed before walking from the crowd. "Somewhere a bit more private." Calum replies, bringing the hand of mine he is holding to his lips. "Why do we need privacy?" I ask as he picks a corridor at the very back, hidden from the attendees. "Because you look a little too good in that dress." He comments, cornering me up against a barrel. He picks up the sampler glass from my hand and leaves it aside, before he leans down to kiss me, placing his hands on my hips. My hands move to the loops of his jeans, fingers going through them to pull him closer to my body. "You smell so sexy." He mutters against my lips, trailing a hand to cup my jaw and keep my head steady. "My boyfriend picked my scent today..." I giggle a little loudly, making Calum groan before he muffles me with a kiss. "I will need you to be really, really quiet. We don't want everyone hearing you and kicking us out." He says sternly, gripping my jaw firmly. "Why would they kick us out?" I ask, knitting my eyebrows together. Calum chuckles, inching the hand that was resting on my hips down to the hem of my dress. "We both know how vocal you can be when I touch you, angel." He comments, bringing his hand in between my thighs. I gasp, eyes going wide as I muffle my mouth with my hand. Calum has a devilish, triumphal smirk stretching on his lips as he discovers my core. "Angel is not as angelic as expected... Not wearing panties today?" He asks, rubbing his fingers on my slit, putting a little pressure on my clit. "Must have forgotten about them..." I tease, throwing my head back against the barrel. I spread my legs more, completely ignoring all logic that says we should not be doing that right now, in this place. "Where is your mind, princess?" He chuckles in a low voice. "On you." I reply, knowing my response will make him hum in pleasure. "That's my girl... Should reward you for that." He hums, gathering my wetness with his fingertips. He grabs my chin and pulls my head down, bringing his lips to mine as he slips 2 fingers inside me. I am grateful for being muffled; the sigh that leaves my lips would have caused some queried looks if not suppressed by his kiss. He curls his fingers up, smirking against my mouth at my little gasp. I feel my face becoming hot, the rush of the moment taking over my prudish side. But who am I kidding? My prudish side has been muted for a year now. "Do you have any idea how wet you are?" Calum asks, caressing his fingers inside me slowly as he moves his lips to my neck. "You will be a good girl and stay quiet for me, won't you baby?" He asks me, grazing his teeth over my sweetspot. "Because if you won't, we will have to stop this. And we don't want this, do we?" He asks me in a condescending tone. I purr in agreement, pressing my lips together to force myself to stay quiet. He picks up the pace of thrusting his fingers, while his thumb moves expertly to stroke my clit softly. His fingers cause a knot in the pit of my stomach, while his thumb on my clit makes me tingle all over, sending electricity down my spine. I have to brace myself, so I cling to him, burying my face in the side of his neck. My nails clutch onto his back as I become more and more lost in pleasure. My left leg hikes up, wrapping around his waist as I lean back, hiding my face to the side, muffling my mouth with my hand. "You have to stay still, princess." Calum comments. "I can't. I can't. I am sorry." I mutter, bucking my hips against his hand. "I need you... I need your cock." I whisper, looking at him pleadingly. "Not here, angel. But I promise you, you will get everything you crave when we return home." He replies as I pulse around him. "I need to..." I begin, but before the whimper could escape from my lips, I bite onto my hand. "I know, baby. Cum for me." Calum leans in, pressing his forehead against mine. It is mind-blowingly intense, trying to cum without making a single sound and drawing attention to us. Yet, I dig my nails into my palm and manage to ride my high without making noise. "You look so cute, all flustered from your orgasm." Calum comments, pecking the tip of my nose. "You know, I was never that risky before I met you." I state as he moves his thumb against my clit, prolonging the euphoric feeling coursing inside me. "What are you talking about? The first time we fucked was in a supply room in the hospital you are working." He points out, taking his fingers off from inside me. There is a numb pulse on my core at the loss of contact, but then I watch as Calum brings his fingers to his mouth, taking my taste, and the pulse becomes heat, spreading on my sex and my whole body. "I think we should leave. What do you think, angel?" He asks me, fixing the hem of my dress. "Who needs wine when I can get drunk on you?" I ask, gulping the knot in the back of my throat that forms just at the thought of what will happen once back home.
Calum takes my hand in his as I lay my head to rest on his chest. Still breathing heavily from his orgasm, he brings my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles softly. "Why does it still feel so good?" He asks with a sigh. "Would you rather sex was bad?" I ask him back and he chuckles. "It was rhetorical." He points out. "Ashton thinks we are still in a honeymoon phase." Calum adds and I move my gaze to meet his. "You are talking to Ashton about our sex life?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "No. Obviously no. He just thinks I am smitten. And I don't disagree, to be honest." "Oh, Hood is in love." I chuckle, leaving a kiss on his chest. "I am." "Luckily, I am in love with you too." I rest my ear on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "We really left our date to come stay in, huh?" He comments and I hum in agreement. "There isn't a better place to be than with you." I reply, tracing a pattern on top of his stomach. "I got you a little something." He states, sitting up to reach under his bed. "What a coincidence... I did too." I cock an eyebrow, getting off the bed to head to the drawer I keep my stuff. "You really shouldn't have." He sighs. "Likewise." I kneel on the end of the bed, passing him the little cardboard box. He hands me the gift bag, motioning me to stop before I open it. "It is really stupid, the thing I got you. But it was stuck in my brain since we talked about it." "I am really curious about what it is." I comment, tapping my fingers on the bag. "You can go ahead and open it if you want to." He suggests but I shake my head. "Yours first. I have to explain it a bit." Calum eagerly undoes the bow that holds the little box together, lifting the lid to take a look inside.
"I always love it when you wear rings. And I thought about what I should get you, and it was this. This is the snake from the international medicine symbol, shaped like your initial. I know it is stupid, but I thought that it would be like having a little bit of me wrapped around your finger." I explain, watching as Calum takes the ring out of the box and slides it on his finger. "It is one of the most beautiful gifts I have ever gotten. I love the thought behind it. Wait, did you design it?" He asks me and I shake my head no. "I described it to the jewelry designer and he made it for me. I am not that good at designing." "It is beautiful. Thank you, my love." He runs his finger over the ring, smiling as he takes a good look at the chunky, silver ring. "My turn now." I announce, opening the bag. "I am really embarrassed about my gift now." He warns me. I reach inside, picking out a brand new lab coat, embroidered with the hospital's logo on the right side of it. On the left, it has my name, and title, with a bit of addition underneath it. 'Dr. Angel Face', with angel wings on either side of the sentence. I laugh softly, remembering when I jokingly suggested I should have the nickname embroidered on my coat. "Calum, this is... Amazing. I don't know what to say." I am still looking at the coat, running my finger over my nickname. "Wait... That's the title I will get when I complete my fellowship." I point out and he hums. "I am so sure it is coming soon, I don't see the point of not having it embroidered on the coat already." He states. I leave the coat aside, moving closer to Calum and cradling his face in my hands. "I love you so fucking much." I state, before leaning in to kiss him.
Announcement: Two more parts for the prequels before I post the next part of the main story. It is going to be titled Wrapped Around Your Finger, and I will probably have to break it into 2 posts because thus far it is 38k words and I am still not done with the plotlines I want to include.
Dr Angel Face Main Stories: Fetish / Heat / Heat Extended / Dr. Angel Face / Dr. Angel Face Alternative  /  Dr. Angel Face Prequel 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 10 /  My Full Masterlist  /  Dr. Angel Face Masterlist  / My Ko-Fi
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catsnuggler · 17 days
I'm 97.5 kg, apparently. I guess I'm used to lbs, but even though I'm happy with my weight, I kind of wish I was at least 100 kg just because I see a number so close to 100 and think "Really? Not even quite a hundred? Come on, get over the finish line already sheesh."
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grantgoddard · 1 year
Don’t play that song for me : 2004 : unusual FM radio formats, Phnom Penh
Here in Phnom Penh, there are seventeen radio stations on the FM dial, even though Cambodia’s capital city has a population of less than a million. But you are more likely to hear a song by Britney Spears or Madonna on the 'BBC World Service' (100 FM here) than on any of the local FM stations. Only one, 'Love FM' 97.5, plays Western music and its playlist stretches solely from the obscure ('Pretty Boy' seems to be the most requested song) to the bizarre (New Kids On The Block?). The rest of the local stations play exclusively Cambodian music. It’s radio, Jim, but not as we know it. Several hundred hours of radio listening suggest two Cambodian programme formats that could be adopted in the West:
Most stations in Phnom Penh have a daily show or two of karaoke call-in. Each station employs a pair of singers (one male, one female) who sit in the radio studio with a standard karaoke CD machine plugged into the mixing desk. Listeners call in to a mobile phone number which is also routed to the desk. Most stations have no Telephone Balance Units or 'clean feed' system, so callers can only hear the presenter by keeping the volume of their radio turned up, which leads to howling feedback (considered normal here) during every call. Stations with Optimod-style audio processing suffer ever worse feedback loops.
There is no pre-screening of callers. There is no delay system. You hear the mobile phone ring in the studio. The presenters answer the phone on-air, ask the caller’s name, where they are calling from, and the song they wish to sing. While one presenter finds and cues the appropriate karaoke CD, the other chats amiably with the caller about the reasons they have chosen the particular song. The song starts, one of seemingly hundreds of Cambodian love songs that are all male/female duets. If the caller is female, the station singer sings the male verses, and prompts the caller to sing the female verses. If the caller is male, the reverse applies.
The karaoke machine adds echo to the singer’s voice. It is no exaggeration to say that most callers have no sense of either melody or rhythm. The majority are absolutely appalling singers and seem to have no sense of shame exhibiting their complete lack of ability on-air. Conversely, all the radio station singers are excellent, not only at singing but also at treating every caller with dignity and respect. Each caller is allowed to complete their selected song, despite their obvious lack of talent, the howling feedback and the poor-quality audio (most callers use analogue mobile phones). At the end of the song, the presenters thank the caller and, as soon as they end one call, you hear the mobile phone ring again, and they move immediately to the next caller.
Because there is no pre-screening, some callers inevitably are put directly on-air who want a different radio programme, a different radio station, or the local pizza delivery service. The presenters treat even the mistaken callers with the same respect. Each karaoke show continues in this fashion for several hours, punctuated only by batches of hideous commercials, each lasting two minutes and using more voice echo than the average King Tubby dub plate. At the end of the show, the two station singers get to sing a song together, without the humiliation of having to duet with an out-of-tune, out-of-sync caller bathed in feedback.
In a country where the legal system rarely delivers results that resemble natural justice, the majority of the population look elsewhere for ways to resolve their problems. What better medium than a radio station? At the same time, in a country where the news agenda is dominated by ruling politicians’ pre-occupations, what content can journalists safely use to fill time in their news bulletins? The answer for both the people and the journalists is to air relatively minor grievances from the population that in no way threaten the government’s rule.
For state radio, this means sending journalists to distant provinces to interview farmers about agricultural problems or minor disputes with their neighbours. The results are passed off on-air as 'news'. Imagine if 'You & Yours' replaced the 'Today' programme on 'BBC Radio Four'. In Phnom Penh, where hard-pressed commercial radio stations can barely afford to employ journalists, some stations sympathetic to opposition parties operate an open-lobby system. Citizens who have grievances to air simply turn up at the radio station, their complaint is recorded, and then broadcast unedited and without context. The results are startling for a Westerner accustomed to hearing only carefully produced 'packages' of balanced opinions or only short sound bites of real people’s voices emanating from cosy UK radio stations.
This week I heard a woman sobbing and moaning her way through an unedited ten-minute monologue, explaining how her husband had allegedly been abducted by a criminal gang and disappeared. Last week, on another station, I heard a widow sobbing uncontrollably and threatening to set fire to herself and her children because ownership of the radio station belonging to her dead husband had just been awarded to another man by the municipal court. Both broadcasts moved me to tears, despite being in a language I cannot understand. Why? Because I cannot remember hearing such raw emotion spilling out of my radio set (except in drama) for a very long time.
The majority of our phone-in shows have become carefully packaged entertainment while our grievances seem trivial compared to the tribulations suffered by people here. Because the majority in Cambodia still have no access to a telephone, the radio station drop-in provides an important forum for aggrieved citizens to voice their anger and emotion. Listening to these raw, unedited voices has reminded me of the potential emotional power embodied in the radio medium, and the need for programme producers back home to play less safe, allowing more real voices on the radio that can move listeners to tears.
After several more months on this diet of karaoke and tear-jerking stories, I anticipate that my return home to a menu of 'BBC Radio One' and 'Capital FM' will quickly reveal such 'professional' stations to be wearing the Emperor’s New Clothes. All faux excitement and faux dialogue with listeners, but nary a raw emotion in sight … or sound.
[First published in 'The Radio Magazine', May 2004]
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Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd (Easy Piano Solo sheet music)
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd (Easy Piano Solo sheet music) Best Sheet Music download from our Library. Pink Floyd Please, subscribe to our Library. Thank you!Discography
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd (Easy Piano Solo sheet music)
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Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd is a British rock band, founded in London in 1965. Considered a cultural icon of the 20th century and one of the most influential, successful and acclaimed bands in the history of popular music, they gained great popularity within the underground circuit thanks to their psychedelic and spatial music, which over time evolved into progressive rock and symphonic rock, acquiring the popularity with which they are remembered today. Pink Floyd is known for songs with a high philosophical content, sometimes political criticism, along with sound experimentation, the innovative covers of her albums and her elaborate live shows. Its sales exceed 280 million albums sold worldwide, 97.5 million of them only in the United States, becoming one of the best-selling bands in history. Initially the group was made up of drummer Nick Mason, keyboardist and vocalist Richard Wright, bassist and vocalist Roger Waters, and guitarist and lead vocalist Syd Barrett, who became the band's first leader after the short-lived passing of Bob Klose, which did not appear on any album. Barrett's erratic and unpredictable behavior, caused by excessive drug use (especially LSD), led to his friend David Gilmour joining the group in December 1967. A few months later, Barrett left, and with the quartet made up of Mason, Wright, Waters and Gilmour, the definitive line-up of the group was established. Barrett's departure made Waters the band's primary lyricist, while Gilmour and Wright took the lead in musical composition. The group recorded many albums during this time that became extraordinary commercial successes, such as The Dark Side of the Moon (1973), Wish You Were Here (1975), Animals (1977), The Wall (1979) and The Final Cut ( 1983) records included, in fact, among the most influential in the history of popular music. After the recording sessions for The Wall, bassist Roger Waters fired keyboardist Rick Wright from the band over creative discrepancies. After The Final Cut the band was exhausted and out of ideas, until in 1985 Waters declared the dissolution of Pink Floyd. The remaining members, Gilmour and Mason, refused to accept this decision and continued with the group, for which Waters sued them claiming part of the rights to the Pink Floyd trademark. Waters lost the lawsuit in court, but, after an agreement with Gilmour and Mason, he obtained exclusive rights to all the imagery they displayed in their concerts (such as their famous flying pig) and to the audiovisual show of The Wall (except the three songs that Gilmour had composed: 'Young Lust', 'Run Like Hell' and 'Comfortably Numb'), as well as all the songs included in The Final Cut; in return, the rest of the group could henceforth continue to use the Pink Floyd name without restriction. After overcoming these legal problems in 1986, Gilmour and Mason called Wright to intervene, as contract keyboardist, in the recording of their next work, A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987). The relationship was regularized in the following album, The Division Bell (1994), with Wright already reinstated as an official member of the group, thus recovering his classic configuration. However, Waters later embarked on a solo career and did not meet his bandmates again until 24 years later; It was on July 2, 2005, in London, at the Live 8 concert, during which the songs 'Speak to Me/Breathe', 'Money', 'Wish You Were Here' and 'Comfortably Numb' could be heard. In November 2014, The Endless River was released, the band's last studio album, which contains mostly material recorded during The Division Bell recording sessions between 1993 and 1994, and without any contribution from Roger Waters.7​ In a poll conducted by the British radio program Planet Rock in 2005, Pink Floyd was voted the 'greatest rock band of all time'. Discography Studio albums The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967) A Saucerful of Secrets (1968) More (1969) Ummagumma (1969) Atom Heart Mother (1970) Meddle (1971) Obscured by Clouds (1972) The Dark Side of the Moon (1973) Wish You Were Here (1975) Animals (1977) The Wall (1979) The Final Cut (1983) A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987) The Division Bell (1994) The Endless River (2014) Concert tours Pink Floyd World Tour (1968) The Man and The Journey Tour (1969) Atom Heart Mother World Tour (1970–71) Meddle Tour (1971) Dark Side of the Moon Tour (1972–73) French Summer Tour (1974) British Winter Tour (1974) Wish You Were Here Tour (1975) In the Flesh Tour (1977) The Wall Tour (1980–81) A Momentary Lapse of Reason Tour (1987–89) The Division Bell Tour (1994) Read the full article
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jmal0 · 2 years
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
The stats are in Australians love their cell phones
A report from Australia’s main media authority reveals the extent to which cell phones have dominated telecommunication in our nation. Paul Budde studies. WHILE NEARLY two in three Australians at the moment are solely utilizing their cell to make phone calls, near a 3rd don’t have a landline in any respect anymore. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) lately produced an intensive report on cell use in Australia. Whereas simply over 70% of individuals nonetheless have a landline, the bulk now solely use it for his or her broadband connection. On the similar time, because of this a lot of those that now are mobile-only additionally use their cellphone for his or her broadband connection. Whereas the speed of decline in landlines is now slowing down, it does in fact have ramifications for the Nationwide Broadband Community (NBN), which at its begin thought to have the ability to appeal to all Australian households. As a response to this, NBN Co has over latest years put increasingly effort into connecting companies to its community. This introduced them in hassle with the non-public suppliers who see this as unfair competitors. It’s clearly the youthful grownup Australians who usually tend to be mobile-only. Three-quarters of them are mobile-only customers. The large influence of cell phones additionally turns into clear in case you learn within the report that 1.6% of Australians are landline-only customers. The report means that the rise in Australians turning into mobile-only has come from these with a cell abandoning their landlines quite than from these with a landline getting a cell phone. The pattern is quite the identical throughout the nation. The exceptions are South Australia, the place 66% of Adelaide residents have made the change in comparison with simply 54% in the remainder of the state. In Western Australia, 65% of these in Perth made the change in comparison with 60% in the remainder of the state who’ve gone mobile-only. Australia’s love for the cell phone can be mirrored in international statistics. GSMA, the worldwide cell organisation, simply printed its connectivity index for 2022. Australia was ranked first on this index. The rating relies on the extent of infrastructure, affordability to customers, shopper readiness and the provision of content material and companies. It’s the eighth 12 months in a row that Australia has topped the rankings. On a world degree, development in cell web adoption continues and is almost totally pushed by individuals dwelling in low and middle-income nations. Internationally, 55% of the inhabitants was utilizing cell web on the finish of 2021. With 95% of the world’s inhabitants coated by a cell broadband community, addressing the utilization hole – the 40% of the worldwide inhabitants coated by a cell broadband community however not utilizing the web – is the principle problem. Whereas necessary progress has been achieved in rising web adoption and utilization, there’s a rising digital divide between and inside nations. Some extra scores for Australia as listed within the report: community protection — 98.5; on-line safety — 97.5; primary digital abilities — 97.2; community efficiency — 95.5; and gender equality — 94.2. The superb efficiency of the cell networks and companies in Australia will see ongoing fierce competitors with the Nationwide Broadband Community, particularly if the companies on that community have gotten increasingly costly. That is what NBN Co wish to see with a view to keep financially viable. Nonetheless, on the similar time, competitors between the cell networks will see costs happening — or no less than getting customers extra bang for his or her buck. Paul Budde is an Impartial Australia columnist and managing director of Paul Budde Consulting, an impartial telecommunications analysis and consultancy organisation. You possibly can observe Paul on Twitter @PaulBudde. Assist impartial journalism Subscribe to IA.   Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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latestinbollywood · 2 years
Deshaun Watson Girlfriend Jilly Anais, Who Is She? Age, Net Worth & Mia Khalifa
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Deshaun Watson's Girlfriend:-Deshaun Watson ( 14 September 1995; Age: 27 Years Old ) is an American Football Quarterback. He plays for the Cleveland Browns of the National Football League( NFL). He was selected in the first round of the 2017 NFL Draft by the Houston Texans. He has been sued by more than two dozen female massage therapists for Physical harassment and Physical assault. In this blog, you can find all details like Deshaun Watson's Girlfriend Jilly Anais, Who Is She? Age, Net Worth & Mia Khalifa.
Is Deshaun Watson Married?
Deshaun Watson is an unmarried man. He has a girlfriend her name is Jilly Anais.
Jilly Anais (Deshaun Watson's Girlfriend)
Jilly Anais is known as the girlfriend of Deshaun Watson. His girlfriend is a Model, Singer, Actress, and Social Media Influencer. They dated in 2019 and met in Los Angeles.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Jilly (@jillyanais)
Is Deshaun Watson Dated Mia Khalifa?
 He was seen playing indoor basketball with Mia Khalifa. Mia wished him a very happy birthday on Twitter.
Deshaun Watson Age
Deshaun Watson was born on 14 September 1995, which means he is 27 years old. His zodiac sign is Virgo. He was birth in Gainesville, Georgia, United States Of America.
Deshaun Watson's Net Worth
Deshaun Watson's net worth is established at $ 50 Million.
Deshaun Watson Height, Weight
Height 6 Feet 2 Inches Weight 98 kg Body Measurements N/A Hair Color Black Eye Color Black Shoe Size Not Known
 Facts About Deshaun Watson's 
- Deshaun Watson is an American Football quarterback. - He is 27 years old. - His father's name is Don Richardson. - His Mother's name is Deann Watson. - His Sibling's names are Detrick Watson, Tinisha Watson, and Tyreke Watson. - His net worth is $ 50 Million.
Social Media
Instagram Click Here Twitter Click Here Facebook Click Here Latest In Bollywood Click Here I guess Deshaun Watson is hanging out with Mia Khalifa now. pic.twitter.com/aNhdsWSm8h — ESPN 97.5 Houston (@espn975) September 14, 2017 FAQ About Deshaun Watson Q.1 Who is Deshaun Watson's Girlfriend? Ans. His Girlfriend's name is Jilly Anais Q.2 When was Deshaun Watson Born? Ans. He was born on 14 September 1995. Q.3 Who is Tyrone Dais? Ans. He is an American Football Quarterback. Q.4 What is Deshaun Watson's Net Worth? Ans. His net worth was $ 50 Million. Q.5 What is Deshaun Watson's nationality? Ans. His Nationality is American. Read Also:-Deshaun Watson's Wife Read the full article
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kentamplin · 6 years
Vocal Coach Reaction to Morissette Amon - Rise Up
Learn More: https://KenTamplinVocalAcademy
Singers Forums: https://forum.kentamplinvocalacademy.com/
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regulusblackfest · 2 years
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Week 4 Round Up
With the fourth week of posting finished, we have another lot of brilliant fics that you can find below as usual! Once again, a massive thank you to all our participants!
We have another nearly-full week of posting left, and creators will be revealed on the 11th of June!
Title: Dead Men’s Requests Pairing/main characters: Harry Potter, Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr. Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: mentions of canon typical violence and character death, swearing Medium/Word Count: 2,820 Summary:
An echo of Regulus appears out of Voldemort’s wand during his duel with Harry in the graveyard. Harry’s terrible day becomes much more strange.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Regulus_Black_Fest_2022/works/38549481
Title: Regulus’s New Pet Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Remus Lupin Rating: Explicit Warnings: underage, dub-con Medium/Word Count: 2896 Summary:
Instead of Snape finding Remus in the Shrieking Shack, it’s Regulus.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38552019
Title: vitriol spills forth from my lips (i wish it were acid instead) Pairing/main characters: Severus Snape/Regulus Black, Severus Snape & Regulus Black, Regulus Black & Sirius Black; Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Severus Snape, James Potter Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Bullying, child abuse Medium/Word Count: Fic; 2269 words Summary:
“Sirius,” he sighed. “Can we not do this here?” “Prongs,” Sirius mused thoughtfully, blatantly ignoring Regulus, “What do you think the slimy snakes are scheming? Oh! Alliteration!” “I haven’t the slightest, Padfoot,” Potter said, slapping Sirius’ offered palm in congratulations. “I heard them talking about Angel’s Trumpet and cowbane. Oh Merlin!” Sirius gasped, theatrically. Mother had always said that Sirius never knew when to shut the fuck up. “I bet they’re thinking of poisoning our firstie lions, Prongsy! “Now, we can’t have that,” Potter drawled; Regulus’ eyes widened at the sight of his wand in his palm.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38555292
Title: Heads of Houses, Head over Heels Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Bartemius Crouch Jr. Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 8k Summary:
I love them your honour Written for Regulus Black Fest 2022, prompt 119: Just an AU where there wasn’t a war, leading to Regulus being HOH to Slytherin and Potions Teacher while Barty is HOH to Ravenclaw and the DADA Professor.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Regulus_Black_Fest_2022/works/38606631
Title: Remembered Beauty Main characters: Regulus Black, Sirius Black Rating: Teens and Up Warnings: None Word Count: 11550 Summary: 
During the wretched incidents of the cave, a tearful Kreacher wrenches Regulus away from the Inferi’s greedy grasp, disobeying his Master and Mistress when he seeks aid from Sirius Black, the disloyal, disgraceful and disowned son. A month passes in Sirius’s Muggle flat, uneventful. A dull restlessness begins to consume the two brothers, until Sirius finds a solution: teaching Regulus the Patronus Charm.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38641131
Title: Of tuxes, sari and nalugu  Pairing: Regulus Black/James Potter Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: no archive warnings apply Medium/word count: fic 10,856 words Summary: 
French Regulus Black and Telugu James Potter are getting married in a French-Indian fusion wedding. Pandora and Reg are besties, Walburga is trying to be a good mother and Regulus has some big news to share to wuth his husband 97.5% tooth rotting fluff written for RAB fest 2022 prompt 88: wedding with all the nerves and excitement everyone experiences featuring Remus and Sirius being supportive best men to the grooms
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38679159/chapters/96703815
Title: Arsonist’s Lullabye Pairing/main characters: GEN, Regulus Black, Sirius Black Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Child Abuse, Psychological and Physical Abuse, Arson, Panic Attacks, Non-graphic descriptions of violence Medium/Word Count: 10.062 words Summary: 
Growing up at Grimmauld Place, the Black brothers develop a coping mechanism of calming down with the help of candle flame. Regulus takes it a step further and then more. (Arsonist!Regulus through the ages)
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38684673
Title: My Soul is A Mistress I Shall Not Heed Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black; Regulus Black & Albus Dumbledore; Regulus Black & Nymphadora Tonks Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Suicidal Thoughts, Self Harm Medium/Word Count: 25,293 Summary: 
Following his discovery and destruction of the Dark Lord’s Horcrux, Regulus made sure he ended up in Azkaban. His daemon fled, able to travel great distances from him due to his near death in retrieving the locket. Years have passed and Voldemort has returned. Regulus must escape Azkaban to finish what he started and somehow, reunite with his absent self.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38685366/chapters/96722133
Title: living in the red Pairing/main characters: regulus black/lily evans, sirius black/james potter, sirius black & regulus black Rating: teen Warnings: discussions of war, extremism, allusions to suicidal ideation Medium/Word Count: 17k words Summary: 
When Regulus' cover as a spy for the Order of the Phoenix is blown, he's initially optimistic about the peace and clarity of being stationed in a safehouse, until his fellow housemate turns out to be the unforgiving Lily Evans.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38733261
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badgersprite · 2 years
Good morning, all!
Today, I am about to host my first show on Sapphire FM 97.5 Community Radio! The show starts at 10am AEST and runs til 12pm! (That’s two hours from now, wherever you are in the world)
You can listen to the show online on TuneIn, MyTuner, Radio Garden, or on the website stream here: https://sapphirefm.org/sfm-stream/
Wish me luck for my first show and I would really appreciate the support of anyone who wants to listen in! 
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pixiefeverz · 4 years
🕷 day #1 🕷
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hw: 101 lbs
cw: 97.5 lbs
lw: 65 lbs
gw: 95 lbs
gw2: 90 lbs
ugw: 85 lbs
ugw2: 80 lbs
I wish I was still 65 pounds, I feel so guilty
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canvasfrog93 · 4 years
Somatropin Baku, Adv 033 Sarms
Fret Peptides, Indigenous Substrates And Also Receptors.
Firm Overview For Sarms Enterprises Restricted (.
Comparing Historical Sheep And Also Goat Bones Using A Single Collagen Peptide.
Cyclic Peptides In Biological.
Why Injections Cant Be Made With Other Sorts Of Stabilisers Or Other Kinds Of Gelatine.
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OurcertifiedSARMs products are made with Excellent quality as well as Pure Active component varying from 97.5-- 99.9%. SARMs are The Future of Health and fitness due to the fact that, unlike steroids, they stimulate androgen receptors in muscular tissue and also bone without influencing other cells. While SARMs are often described as "lawful steroids" and also are a healthy alternative to steroids for muscle mass development, SARMs are a completely different substance. The results of steroids on muscle growth works by boosting increased testosterone production. On the other hand, SARMs function by modulating estrogen receptors on your cells in order to allow testosterone levels to raise naturally, according to a record released in Back Muscle Atrophy.
Synthetic Peptides Market to witness steady expansion during 2021 – 2025 - Farming Sector
Synthetic Peptides Market to witness steady expansion during 2021 – 2025.
Posted: Tue, 05 Jan 2021 10:23:10 GMT [source]
S-23 increases lean muscle mass, reduces fat mass and also was developed originally as a potential man birth control. YK-11 is a partial androgen receptor agonist, it can significantly increase lean muscular tissue mass and also strength past training and nutrition alone. It promotes follistatin manufacturing, a potent myostatin inhibitor. S23 could be considered as one of the extra powerful SARMs due to its extremely strong bonds with the AR.
Here's the utmost prohormone overview to developing toughness as well as size, with marginal threat of major adverse effects. Andranine created in the 1990s was located to have a remarkable impact on muscle mass development. Body builders were switching over from anabolic steroids to Andranine as they assumed there were much less adverse effects. Professor JT Dalton went into partnership with a pharmaceutical firm to create a course of medications called" SARMS" Careful Androgen Receptor Modulators. Both of these stopped working to get regulatory approval for the legal supply chain. However these items have been made use of by many individuals in the sports area.
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Generally, they all work by acting on the androgen receptors on cells to trigger a natural increase in testosterone degrees. Unlike steroids as well as prehormones, SARMs do not create testosterone to transform to estrogen. Because of this, SARMs are typically taken into consideration better alternatives to steroids. The World Anti-Doping Agency outlaws using SARMs in sporting activity, no question because of their performance-enhancing results.
Can peptides be taken orally?
link : Peptides represent a billion-dollar market in the pharmaceutical industry, but they can generally only be taken as injections to avoid degradation by stomach enzymes. Scientists have now developed a method to generate peptides that resist enzymatic degradation and can be taken orally.
SARM-X is a quick increase in muscle mass and also one of the strongest, if not the best SARM. SARMs for weight have comparable results to AAS (anabolic-androgenic steroids, have a variety of side effects, can be gotten rid of with SERM), which suggests they increase muscular tissue strength and also mass. Prohormones are used to stimulate the manufacturing of testosterone. Appropriately made use of, they will cause amazing results for your body, such as maintaining muscle, increasing stamina and lean muscular tissue mass, as well as aiding to stimulate fat loss.
Comparing Historical Sheep As Well As Goat Bones Using A Single Collagen Peptide.
SARMs were actually uncovered by mishap in the 90s when cancer scientist James Dalton determined the particle andarine, or S-4, which became the first-ever SARM. While it really did not prove valuable for cancer cells treatments, Dalton saw its impact on muscle mass growth.
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Prohormones offer an essential competitive advantage to athletes as well as body builders who wish to enhance their dimension and also stamina. They are chemical substances stiring up the body to develop its own "steroids" without the need for testosterone boosters or fabricated steroids.
Cyclic Peptides In Organic.
One more study followed with similar outcomes with postmenopausal women taking 3mg everyday and over 12 weeks had an average boost of 1.5 kg LBM. Steroids are still very much an issue - many thanks in no small part to boosted sales over platforms like Instagram. However it shows up that "this year's large muscle mass medication", according to Men's Health, is SARMs - or discerning androgen receptor modulators. While similar to anabolic steroids in some ways, there are some key differences in between both - and while presently lawful in the UK, their standing is being challenged in the States.
Collagen Peptides Market Can Become Bigger In Five Years With Key Players Rousselot BV Cargill Inc. Ewald-Gelatine GmbH Gelita AG Holista Colltech Limited, Italgelatine, Junca Gelatines SL, Lapi Gelatine, Nitta Gelatin Inc., PB Gelatins GmbH, REINERT GRUPPE Ingredients GmbH - The Courier
Collagen Peptides Market Can Become Bigger In Five Years With Key Players Rousselot BV Cargill Inc. Ewald-Gelatine GmbH Gelita AG Holista Colltech Limited, Italgelatine, Junca Gelatines SL, Lapi Gelatine, Nitta Gelatin Inc., PB Gelatins GmbH, REINERT GRUPPE Ingredients GmbH.
Posted: Thu, 07 Jan 2021 08:10:00 GMT [source]
Today they are used fairly generally because of the impacts they offer. Unlike classic steroids, they neutralize prostate expansion, yet most notably, using SARM leads to muscle mass cells growth. Taking specifics from the SARM team additionally has a direct result on bone tissue. Careful androgen receptor modulators were established to get rid of the side effects and the bad dental bioavailability as well as pharmacokinetic profile of testosterone. While the exact system of the action of SARMs is not completely comprehended, the essential reason for higher cells uniqueness and extra favorable pharmacokinetics is considered to be their resistance to aromatization or 5-α-reduction.
Why Vaccinations Angle Be Made With Other Sorts Of Stabilisers Or Other Types Of Gelatine.
But the contraceptive effects of S23 are because of its capacity to reduce FSH and also LH, 2 crucial hormones for making sperm. In rats S23 the half-life is reported to be 11.9 hours as well as when taken by mouth 96% is soaked up by the body as well as levels come to a head at around the 4-hour mark. In rats a research study reveals that S23 lowered typical body weight and also fat mass, the rats were after that also provided estrogen which causes muscular tissue loss yet S23 was able to bypass the results of estrogen as well as increase lean muscle mass. Ostarine is likewise one of the most examined SARM as in 2017 it had 24 human scientific trials including greater than 1,500 individuals. They were checking out the healing benefits for muscle mass losing, breast cancer cells and urinary incontinence.
SARMs are revealed to assist boost the body's natural fat loss procedure. It also enhances your strength and muscular tissue mass, increases bone density as well as assists speed up the recovery process after extreme stamina training. It helps body builders and also various other professional athletes make faster gains from their training, with its reducing and bulking effects. There are different sorts of SARMs, and you can also pile them to develop effective SARMs cycles.
Youll Job Much More Muscular Tissue Teams.
Lasting use of specifics belonging to the group of androgen receptor modulators of SARM may create unfavorable effects such as voice loss or virilisation of ladies. Significantly, on the various other hand, SARMs do not hinder their very own manufacturing of an important hormonal agent, testosterone, unlike numerous steroids. Nevertheless did full blood work after the cycle and also every little thing was spot on. As a study chemical, Ostarine comes from a class of chemicals known as SARMs or selective androgen receptor modulators. SARMs produce careful anabolic task at particular androgen receptors and not others, for this reason their name. Compared to testosterone as well as other anabolic steroids and also professional hormonal agents, the benefit of SARMs such as MK-2688 is that they do not have androgenic activity in non-skeletal-muscle tissues.
When used topically to the skin, peptides serve as little carriers, causing skin cells to execute certain functions such as developing collagen as well as elastin, encouraging skin to look as well as act younger.
The second type works by preventing nerve signals, to ensure that our facial muscle mass are unable to move so effectively, and also hence the great lines that are created by this movement can be prevented.
When related to your skin, they show amazing advantages, revitalising your skin as well as making it much more resistant and more powerful.
Yet peptides do not have enchanting properties, as some brands assert.
Peptides are one of one of the most talked-about components in the field of anti-ageing skin care.
Ostarine (enobosarm, S-22, MK-2866, or GTx-024) as well as Ligandrol (LGD-4033, VK5211) are both non-steroidal SARMs. OS was been revealed to raise the lean body mass and also physical feature in senior males as well as postmenopausal females along with lower muscular tissue squandering in individuals with cancer (24-- 26). For LG, an increase in the lean body mass in young healthy and balanced individuals has been observed. Ostarine is classified as an anabolic agent by the World Anti-Doping Company, which reported a reduced 28 unfavorable analytical findings across sporting activity in its 2016 Screening Numbers Report. It is a Discerning Androgen Receptor Modulator created as Enobosarm by pharmaceutical business GTX to deal with conditions including muscular tissue wastefulness or osteoporosis. Thus, it is designed to target the androgen receptors in the body, to make sure that chosen tissues respond as they would certainly to testosterone, without the side effects. Throughout Dalton's tests, he found that ostarine lowered fat, enhanced lean muscle mass and boosted stairway climb power by greater than 15% in senior male clients.
He manufactured ostarine as a more polished variation of andarine, and it undertook numerous human trials. In one 12-week research study on older men, ostarine cause an increase in lean muscular tissue mass as well as a decrease in fat mass. The guys were also checked out during workout, and also after 12 weeks experienced a 15% improvement in their efficiency with stair climbing.
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The boost in testosterone from SARMs leads to more anabolic task, supplying the body a side. SARMs, or discerning androgen receptor modulators, are medications that influence muscular tissue growth, usually used in the bodybuilding community. SARMs, or careful androgen receptor modulators, are a class of androgen receptor ligands found in the 90s, after the negative results of steroids had actually been much better checked out. Research study SARMs are studied for their results on muscle gains, bone thickness, recovery time, fat loss and for any type of negative effects they may trigger. However, SARMs are recognized for having very little side effects and also no recognized red flags when taken within certain dosages, according to a summary of research study reported in Present Opinion in Medical Nourishment & Metabolic Treatment. Piling creates a collaborating approach to enhancing lean muscular tissue mass whilst decreasing body fat. Or if reducing staying clear of muscular tissue loss Store our selective androgen receptor modulator piles below.
To sustain high muscular tissue mass gain, assistance share sporting activities progression, inexpensive expense and little or no negative effects. As it turns out, there are products on the market that can supply all this. SARMy is a sort of reasonably new supplements on the market, which extremely swiftly acquired appeal among individuals who are seeking materials to improve their figure, toughness and also decrease opportunities. Products from the SARM team consist of androgen receptor modulators, which are considered to be legal anabolic-androgenic steroids. They were initial created in the 1990s and also were at first thought about to be very unclear materials.
Consequently, Buy post cycle therapy support have actually grown in appeal as a way of improving bodybuilding - yet without as a number of the adverse effects that come with anabolic steroid usage. Throughout use, maximum muscle stamina and also endurance increases noticeably. These are particularly developed substances for optimal effect on androgen receptors.
SARMs resemble steroids, yet they are not one and the exact same. Both work by binding to your androgen receptors, activating adjustments in your DNA which boost your muscular tissues' capability to expand. Yet steroids are a candid tool-- they can also influence other parts of the body, leading to negative effects such as prostate problems, loss of hair as well as acne. SARMs, nevertheless, are stated to be "cells discerning"-- they target your muscles without setting off this same chain of reactions.
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cineview · 5 years
Captain Fantastic Review: The Film that Will Likely Change Your Life
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If you’re like me, you probably don’t know what Captain Fantastic is. It’s a film that largely fell under the radar for most, despite premieres at Sundance and Cannes. After watching it, though, I can almost guarantee that you will not regret the 118 minutes you spent watching it. It’s a wholly transformative film that will provoke your thoughts on life, family, and education.
But, without further ado, here are my thoughts on the nitty gritty details:
Story: 4.5/5
In sum, Captain Fantastic follows a family led by Ben (Viggo Mortensen) and his wife Leslie. The couple decided to raise their kids on their own, teaching them various life skills and knowledge that would be deemed untraditional in society. Leslie’s death thrusts the family into the real world again, and the film details their life in this new world. That’s all I’ll say about the plot for spoilers’ sake.
The story is beautifully crafted; each winding turn that the plot takes is often unpredictable and intriguing. The plot is carefully paced, giving us ample time to truly feel and understand each and every one of Ben’s (rather large) family.
The dialogue is witty and is the epitome of what a script should be. The characters come to life because of what they say and add to the realism of this film.
What’s more impactful is what the film is trying to say through its story. It’s frustrating that I can’t spill it out in this review in order to avoid spoiling it, but it’s a script that will provoke one’s thoughts on virtually everything that people have experienced in our lifetimes—about what’s considered normal and not normal, and whether they really should be that way.
My only gripe with the film is the occasional plot hole; otherwise, it’s a fantastic script.
Acting: 5/5
The acting in this film is brilliant. Viggo Mortensen delivers a fantastic performance as Ben, and we really, truly feel the pain he goes through. He portrays Ben in an arrogant yet gentle way that really brings the character to life. It’s an Oscar worthy performance—but it’s a shame that he didn’t get the recognition he deserves for this film.
The rest of the cast is great, with Ben’s many children all delivering believable and touching performances. What’s crazy is that despite the crazy number of them, the actors and the script mold together in such a way as to make the audience understand and know each and every one of them.
Cinematography: 5/5
This film is shot beautifully. The shots convey the story brilliantly and the lighting is quite beautiful throughout the film. I’ll link a few great shots:
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Soundtrack/Sound: 5/5
The soundtrack is good and song choice is excellent. I especially love the family’s rendition of Guns N’ Roses’ “Sweet Child O’ Mine”. No complaints here.
Conclusion: 97.5% = A+
Captain Fantastic is a beautifully directed, acted, and shot film that leaves the audience questioning, much like Ben and his wife Leslie, what we should really be doing with our lives. It’s a definite recommend from me, and it may go down as one of my favorites of all time. I so wish that I’d seen it sooner.
I will leave you with a glowing recommendation for this film and a quote from Ben: “Live each day like it could be your last. Drink it in. Be adventurous, be bold, but savor it. It goes fast.”
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studyrouge · 5 years
Semester in Review
This semester was ROUGH. But for most of my finals, projects and exams, I got A’s! Only one more paper that I just submitted last night needs to be graded. I’m hoping I did well enough on that too. While my attendance and mental health weren’t perfect this semester, I wanted to list some of the things I accomplished- that way I can look back at the semester more objectively in terms of what I’ve been able to do!
Things I accomplished this semester:
Became low level proficient in Arabic! My family’s native language on my Dad’s side, I was really nervous about this class since I’ve dropped it once before. But I’m so so happy I picked it up back up because I’ve learned a lot and made some amazing friends too 💕
Created a 17-minute long podcast and a five minute edited video- these were for the same class! The podcast was really long and time-consuming, but it was nice to return to the medium. I got a 97.5 on it too so not too shabby 💁🏼‍♀️ and the video made me more comfortable with venturing into video editing which is great for the future!
Created and established my own virtual influencer on IG- Probably the most creative thing I did this semester was making Shiloh! Ugh my controversial girl. I was really excited for this project but it was super hard, and there are a lot of things I wish I’d expanded on more. Actually, in the future, I think will- maybe even for my final senior Capstone. We’ll see! If anyone’s curious, you can follow @xoxobyshiloh on IG to see her journey so far! (She’s a student too 👌🏻)
Overall, this semester was a huge struggle for me. I got a lot of bad news, and it was very emotionally draining. But I’m really excited for my final spring in college- here’s to holding on and growing even more in the new year!
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