#wish realm emma
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I love that snow and david are older than emma for once.
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😭😭😭😭 neal
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Grumpy is just an announcer at this point.
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This one is backwards but it's okay.
Love deranged rumple here.
Reminds me of the scene in V for Vandetta
Evie? E. V. of course you are.
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ramblings-of-lola · 7 months
Something I was thinking about the other day was the difference between Emma's title "The Savior" and her personality.
Hearing that someone is The Savior brings up an image and persona like Rumple's in the Wish Realm: someone in golden armor, on a white horse, who shows up at the right moment and saves people. They're driven by glory and don't always have a personal connection with the people they save.
Emma's not like that.
She's motivated by her love for her friends and family, she doubts herself and her abilities, and she's gritty and brutal. She will literally go to hell and back for someone. She's willing to sacrifice herself for her loved ones and that's what makes her The Savior: her heart and determination out of love not glory.
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queenofglassbeliever · 10 months
Alternative ending to season 5. Hook stays dead. Moves on to Olympus. Roland is adopted by Regina.
Season 6 pretty much happens as normal, but without C$. Emma get grief counseling. Replace the wedding with a birthday or anniversary or Snowing vow renewal.
In season 7 it's Emma who gives Henry the magic message in a bottle. She got it from Gold's shop. Years later in the NEF, Henry calls Emma and Regina for help. When they arrive, Roland (who's 10) sort of piggybacks Regina and tags along. The search for Ella begins. Emma heads to the docks where she's found by wish Hook. He concocts a plan to convince Emma that he's her Hook, so he can get TLK to cure his poisoned heart. He gets Lady Tremaine to make him young and posses as the other Hook miraculously raised from the dead. Ultimately his plan fails because he can't go through with it. He over hears Emma tell Henry she's pregnant. Emma reveals that she went through artificial insemination and is going to raise the baby on her own. Wish Hook reveals himself. He and Regina decide to help Henry continue his search for Ella. Roland stays with Regina. Emma decides to return to Storybrooke. She says goodbye to Henry and gives him a big tight hug cause there's no douche Hook around with some bullshit about hugging is bad for the baby. Rest of season goes as usual, but now Roland is around and he grows up in the NEF.
Regina unites the realms and is elected queen. At the coronation, Emma arrives late. She's got a diaper bag over her shoulder and in her arms she holds her baby daughter, Hope Swan.
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vasfasan · 1 year
emma's wish realm, ladies and gentlemen
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.75--Episodes 21-22
I have watched through S7E22; there are no spoilers to be had. Spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am, though.
Kinda satisfying that I got an even 75 on that.
—I have been ugly-crying for about twenty minutes.
—Rumple dying because he gave his heart to Hook is the most poetic, beautiful culmination of their stories I ever could’ve hoped for and it’s got me wrecked. And the fact that he did it expecting to never see Belle again makes it even more lovely of him....And the fact that Hook is going to spend the rest of his life walking around with Rumple’s heart inside of him...that’s beyond words for me.
—I’m never going to love like this again. This show is the single best story I have ever consumed and I loved every minute of it, even the parts *looking at you, finale* that emotionally destroyed me. Also, Rumple is the most stunning tragic character I’ve ever met and it is impossible for anyone to ever take his place in my heart.
—That scene where Rumple was fully prepared to kill Rumplestiltskin, to keep any realm from ever having to have him in it, was a pretty poignant personification of self-hatred and it was a really weird, dark kind of beautiful.
—Look at my funky lil lesbians going off to save the world!
—Alice was looking lovely at Regina’s coronation. That blue dress was so pretty.
—I cannot stress enough how much I adore the fact that in the last two episodes of the show, I got to see Rumple and Hook adventuring together as friends.
—Rumple calling Rumplestiltskin “crocodile” was fun.
—I’m rather glad I picked up CaptainCroc as my new hobby, because I think this stuff would’ve hurt me even worse if I wasn’t trying to pick up the little bits of happiness and inspiration between them, and starting to come up with how it goes down in my AU even while it was unfolding in canon. CaptainCroc may be my comfort ship.
—It’s great that the last time we saw Emma, she was wearing her red leather jacket and a full-length dress. V cool.
—Seriously, did they have to make the last shot of the entire show the “Leaving Storybrooke” sign? That is exactly the opposite of what I want to do. I want to live in Storybrooke for the rest of my life and never have to think about being without it again. I want Storybrooke to be a constant presence in my brain and a weighted blanket for my heart and I want to imagine it happy and full of life and with all the characters I adore in it.
—Moving all the realms to one place so nobody can ever be separated again was kind of fun.
—In case you hadn’t guessed, I think I lost a couple more marbles watching those two episodes. I’m also reinforcing my belief that fanfic, headcanons, and fan-life in general is the ultimate form of escapism and comfort and I can’t imagine not turning to it at the end of something great.
—Seeing Henry dark and angry was weird. I’m glad he got out of that without actually killing Regina, because I think would’ve been the end of me. And now he gets an entire family to help him get back on the right path. (Which he appears to be doing, as he’s wearing a sheriff’s badge. Nice to see that’s still in the family.)
—It’s nice that Tiana and Naveen appear to have ended up together.
—In similar news, I also kinda like that wish realm Hook didn’t end up in a romantic relationship. It was his bond with Alice that was important, and even if the writers maybe strayed from that a bit every now and then, it was both nice to see and also, and a parent and child thing, very OUAT.
—It’s great that we got to see Robin ask for Hook’s blessing to marry Alice. I want my girl to have the happiest ending possible, and it looks like she gets it.
—I suddenly realized that the entire time Rumple was in Hyperion Heights, he didn’t seem to have a single problem with his leg, and that’s maybe a little disappointing. Hook had a false hand. Without magic, Rumple still should’ve had a limp, even if made it a bit harder to do detective action sequences.
—Hook and Alice kinda have the same cute ear shape. Iykyk, and if you don’t I’m sad for you.
—Still crying, and it’s taken me about fifteen minutes to write this much. Mostly because I’m crying.
—I like how Hook’s alcoholism is taken seriously in this last season, and in a pretty subtle way. At Flynn’s Barcade, Nick and Henry had beers while Hook had a lemon water (warding off scurvy, I’m sure). In episode 21, Regina and Rumple had a drink and Hook had what I’m assuming is water, but in a mug. (I drink cool/warm temperature beverages in mugs to annoy my kid sister, and let me tell you it’s a fun little way to mess with people. Hook should do it more often.) Also, when Hook and Rumple went to Hook’s old home in the wish realm, the booze there was specifically mentioned in connection with the fact that Hook basically went there to die a slow death. I would give a round of applause for the writers, but the writers have upset me, so I’m withholding the applause. So there.
—As sad as I am, I do love that now nobody has to choose between Storybrooke, their magical realm of origin, or Hyperion Heights *snort*
—I don’t think I’ve mentioned it yet, but Killian is such the beautiful name. I love it. I know what I’m naming one of my next two plushies.
—Yes, I hate, despise, and loathe the fact that Rumple is dead, but it really was the perfect ending to his story. And his story was the most amazing one to come out of this show, which is saying a lot. I’m glad he’s with Belle again, because my head knows that’s how he gets his happy ending, even if my heart doesn’t want him to be gone.
—It was nice to see Snow and Charming again. Especially in such pretty clothes.
—Their little round table was the start of my crying. Three generations of heroes, how does it get better?
—Okay, I hated seeing him again, but good on Rumplestiltskin to have Peter Pan in the stocks. He had it coming.
—Very nice that original Hook had a bit of rubber on his hook so he could hold the baby safely.
—Also, very nice to actually see Hook and Emma’s happy ending. And Hope is the best possible name for their baby.
—I don’t stan wish realm Rumplestiltskin, because I already have the Rumple I love, but hearing him say “dearie” again sure was nice.
—Henry was a bit of an arse. He hit Hook over the head to sneak off and do inadvisable things. He basically told Rumple that he didn’t deserve a happy ending. And you know, that was a particularly arse move with his mother, also an ex-villain, standing right behind him. *shakes head*
—As you’re probably tired of hearing, this show is now my favorite story that I’ve ever experienced. One of the things I love most about it is the theme of hope. That’s hard to find sometimes, in our world, but I find that a lot of what these characters say, and what they go through, especially some of the stuff between Regina and Henry in recent episodes, resonates. It makes sense. And it does exactly what Regina wanted to do for wish realm Henry: it shows that if these people can survive, and hold onto hope, despite the bad things that go on in their lives, so can we. And I love that. Realism has its place, but that place is far away from me. I live in reality, and a dose of fantasy and joy and hope is exactly what I need in my stories, and I’ve found it nowhere better than here. The villains redeemed themselves, because the heroes gave them a second chance. Regina and Rumple and Hook got happy endings just like Emma and the Charmings did. Full marks.
—In other news, I have other stuff I have to do tomorrow night, but on Thursday I will be starting the series over. Which means I get to see Rumple A) alive, and 2) with his suit and long hair. Quite dapper. V dashing. Also, he’s gonna say “dearie” a whole lot.
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exhaustedpirate · 1 year
Regina being the one to get Emma from the wish realm was such a terrible idea...
The episode was fine and it was fun to see who was who in this new version of reality (even if I still have a lot of issues with it).
Regina is the Evil Queen, aka Snow and Charming's archenemy, aka the reason Emma became the Saviour in the first place, so it would be safe to say that something would have to happen involving Regina in order for Emma to not be the Saviour.
The fact that no one in the room, specially Regina "everyone is dumb except me" Mills, think that "hey, maybe Regina isn't the best option for this rescue mission" is ridiculous.
I'm not saying that Killian should have gone because of the possibility of more CS scenes (à la season 3 finale) - I am saying that Regina was the worst choice.
Besides, because Regina was the one to go, Emma had to endure her parent's death and Henry had to live with, not only, seeing his grandparents die but also see his mom taken away by the family's greatest enemy. Regina doesn't have the emotional pull any of the other characters could have - this seen by the fact that she thought killing Snow and Charming in front of Emma was a good idea. And while I appreciate the fact that Regina didn't retaliate against Wish!Henry's murder attempt (even though I was aware she wouldn't), it still doesn't stop it being a terrible plan.
Besides we wouldn't have that terrible misuse of Robin Hood.
I know that neither of them thought that the Wish Realm was an actual place like theirs but that shouldn't stop them having feelings towards the people in it - just like Emma was distraught over seeing her parents die, it should have been enough to stop Regina from murdering her enemy-turned-close-friend and her husband.
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thebubblesareevil · 2 months
Only the best Kings wear pink! Pt 1
Pt 2
Danny had decided, inter-lair political party meeting briefings were a truly underutilized form of torture that he personally thought should be inflicted upon only the worst kinds of criminals; not your King.
Fright Knight disagreed.
At least he finally let him move around instead of suffering through forced resurrection via boredom (it’s happened before, not a fun meeting). That being said, he would admit to being a little distracted by all the servants rushing around frantically. It had even managed to distract Fright.
No one seemed panicked so clearly it wasn’t an attack, but what….
Danny felt someone staring at him. He covertly nodded to Fright to keep talking as he created an invisible clone to search for his stalker.
He didn’t have to look far, they weren’t hiding very well. Not 20 ft away a young ghost gawked at him from behind a column. She had her glowing blonde hair in 2 braided pigtails and her ragged dress looked like she came from one of the medieval lairs. Danny carefully kneeled down, trying to make himself look small as he tapped her on the shoulder.
The little girl spun around, clearly terrified at being caught. Danny gave her a soft smile.
“Please don’t eat me Mr Ghost King sir!!!” She cried out.
Danny snorted and burst out laughing. His booming laughter echoed though the castle walls causing many of the servants to pause in their search.
“Now why in the realms would you think I’m going to eat you?!” Danny asked though his chuckles. “You wouldn’t be more than a bite full at best.” He poked her sides causing her to giggle.
“Would too! I’m bigger the Sally!” She paused, rethinking her words. “But I’d taste quite foul! I would, I swear!”
Danny grinned turning to Fright Knight. The little ghost squeaked when she saw the Spirit of Halloween and backed into the King causing her to freeze.
Danny gently picked her up, cradling her in one arm. “Did you hear that Fright?! She said she’d taste foul!” He smirked “I suppose there’s only one thing to do then!”
Fright Knight eyed his King a bit warily, still not used to his antics. “Sire?”
Danny grinned, motioning to one of the nervous maids. “We‘ll have to sweeten her up!”
Miette bowed before her King, trying to hide her nervous glances at the girl.
“Miette! Would you be a dear and prepare some sweets and tea in the garden for my honored guest? Fright, will you be joining us?” Danny asked the startled Knight.
“As you wish my Liege, though…might I request some pumpkin pie?” He asked Miette.
The maid blinked at the request.
“Of course Sir Fright.” She answered a bit dazed.
“Wonderful! We’ll meet you in the garden after we swing by Spectre’s quarters.” He grinned down at the frightened ghost. “Every princess must look her best for afternoon tea after all!”
The little girl frowned. “But I’m not a princess?” She said, tilting her head.
“Of course you are! Every little girl is a princess! That’s just a fact of life.” Danny nodded solemnly.
“But we’re not alive?” She pouted “Mummy said so!”
Danny shrugged. “That doesn’t change much, I’m still alive after all so it still counts.” He said finally.
They stopped in front of two massive doors covered in random drawing. Danny knocked on the door. The little ghost shrunk back in Danny’s arms.
The door opened to reveal a young ghost, not much bigger than the one in his arms.
“Hey Ellie!” Danny grinned. “Do you have any princess dresses left or did you set them all on fire?”
Ellie groaned. “Lilac just restocked the closet. You’d think she’d learn by now.”
Danny grinned. “Perfect! Would you mind helping our guest into one of them? She’s joining us for tea!”
Ellie floated up to see the tiny ghost trying to make herself smaller in her dad’s arms.
“Oh? And who are you?” She asked curiously.
“Emma.” She squeaked. Ellie grinned.
“Alright Emma, how do you feel about pink?!”
A little while latter you could find the Ghost King: ruler of the infinite realms, Fright Knight: the most feared general of the Kings legion and little Emma: the little princess from 2 Lairs over (only on the 5th of each month); newly decked out in a glowing tiara and the frilliest pink dress Ellie could find (with no singes); all sitting in the Royal gardens in Phantoms keep debating the merits of pink sparkles vs rainbow glitter.
Her mother nearly wept in relief that her daughter was safe, though she was a bit dazed by what she was seeing.
“You must be Emma’s mum!” Danny grinned. “We were just finishing up afternoon tea.
Emma jumped from her seat and raced over to her mummy to tell her all about her day.
“I’m so sorry for my daughter’s intrusion, your majesty!” She cried out, fear outweighing shock as she quickly bowed.
“Nonsense!” Danny laughed, looking down at Emma. “You’re welcome here anytime Emma. After all, you never did tell me what happened to you Aunt Agatha.” He smiled “You’ll have to finish your story next time.”
Emma ran up to give Danny a hug, he happily picked her up and held the young ghost.
“Thank you for the tea and cakes Mr ghost king! Can I bring Beatrice next time? She’ll never believe me otherwise!”
Danny chuckled. “The more the merrier, though I suggest you give your mother some proper warning before you run off to strange lairs without permission.”
Emma pouted. “I promise!” She swore as Danny handed her to her mother.
Danny was a little sad to see the little girl go but he had plenty of work to do.
“Sire, shall we continue the briefing?” Fright Knight piped up.
Danny groan, Fright Knight grinned. (He liked his new king)
The next month, when the lairs lined up once more Danny was greeted with the grinning Emma, the frightened faces of at least 6 other little ghosts and the nervous form of Emma’s mother.
Danny grinned. “Miette!” He shouted behind him. “Can you bring some more tables to the gardens. It looks like we’re having a proper tea party this time!”
And so began to annual monthly tea party at Phantom’s keep.
(Lilac was so glad to see all the dresses she made put to good use)
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alicenthightowerdaily · 6 months
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On his death bed, he knew the realm would never accept a queen. Rhaenyra's supporters will believe what they wish, but Viserys wanted Aegon to succeed him. || My father chose me, his firstborn child, to succeed him. He held to his decision until death. And yet, Alicent's son sits my throne.
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mswyrr · 2 months
Rhaenyra has a type when it comes to women
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The common thread for me between Rhaenyra's desire for Alicent and Mysaria is that both women play the role of "lady wife" (or we could call it the role of "the beloved" to a lover) to her. I went into this as it relates to her loving Alicent in a prior meta. But here I want to focus on what they have in common that seems to compel Rhaenyra.
Between the two of them, we have a portrait now of what her "type" is in women. She likes a femme woman who is intelligent and capable of advising her, who cares about her goals and standing in the realm and who she can trust to act on her behalf, a woman who recognizes and basks in the love of Rhaenyra's desire to be knightly and noble and act as a monarch - to hold power and use it to act and protect and cherish. A woman who wishes to be caring and affectionate with her, who shares her body in acts of erotic intimacy as well as comfort and tenderness - young Rhaenyra really meant it when she told Alicent that she loved lying with her head on Alicent's lap as Alicent read to her in shared moments of peace and tranquility. She leaned into to Alicent's touch; she casually held her hand or touched her or stared at Alicent like she was the whole world; she grounded herself with her girl's love.
Mature Rhaenyra awakens at the way Mysaria appreciates her; tells her she's noble and worthy. Tells her she looks good with a sword, expressing those knightly/butch or masc leanings Rhaenyra had in her youth and never got the chance to explore. When Mysaria tells her that, in a lifetime of learning not to trust the world because it has been so cruel to her, Rhaenyra is a rare person she trusts and believes in - a safe haven, a heroic figure, Rhaenyra moves quickly to hug her and keeps hugging her, her urgency to connect growing more intense, fingers digging into her flesh in need, and strokes her cheek across Mysaria's skin like she's found an oasis in the desert.
I relate to that; I feel that way about women too. While watching the way Rhaenyra just *blossoms* under Mysaria's admiration and appreciation I felt teary eyed - Rhaenyra has been starved of recognition and love of whole parts of herself since she lost Alicent. It's terribly sad. It's also why she seems so painfully young in the Sept scene and so thirsty but also vulnerable and emotionally naked with Mysaria - the parts of her that are open to women have never gotten to be satisfied, to grow and come of age.
I consider the feelings in myself Rhaenyra's behavior speaks to toppy and gnc, because I am a gnc female top, but Rhaenyra is a switch and hasn't had a chance to explore gender/sexuality much at all and doesn't have language for it so I'm not sure what labels she'd decide upon if she had the opportunity to relax and enjoy herself and her partner(s). From the text we have, there's many different potential readings of Rhaenyra's complex gender AND sexuality feelings. Is Rhaenyra masc and if so in what way? Bi with a split attraction that actually leans to women or 50/50? 50/50 switch or leaning top or bottom or differently with different genders of partner or different partners? Monogamous or polyamorous?
None of these possibilities have been foreclosed, all have been rather more opened up. Much to the consternation of the bigots who are review bombing the episode!! And the antis in fandom who have harassed artists for drawing masc Rhaenyra and shamed and degraded Rhaenicent for years now.
I think that's a good thing, since LGBTQ lead character representation on a big show like this is so rare. It also is in character for the setting and world Rhaenyra lives in: there's simply little opportunity to explore, sadly. But, at the same time, it's great that so many people can connect to Rhaenyra - can feel that sense of kinship I got to feel watching on Sunday. It's great that Emma and Sonoya had the courage and love to come together to make this happen - so this part of Rhaenyra can have a little more time to live and breathe and we can appreciate it.
I am not certain of one gender/sexuality reading of the character, though of course I have my preferences. The one thing I am certain of now, though, is Rhaenyra's (main or possibly only?) type in women. And I think it's pretty gorgeous. I think the way she loves women is breathtaking and achingly beautiful. I relate to it and it makes the tragedy even more poignant to me that her society denies her the opportunity to have a lifetime with the kind of woman who draws on her heart so powerfully.
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sirenjose · 1 month
Characters' Wishing Stars
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(Updated to include every character's wish, then added more thoughts about more of the other wishes. Thoughts on Norton's/Fool's Gold's and Jose's are at the end)
Part 1 - Wishing Stars
Lucky: I wish for good fortune for everyone! May the lucky star bless all!
Emily: May all be endowed with wellness and joy. May sickness be but a distant shadow in this world.
Freddy: I've made some mistakes, Martha, but I've never regretted loving you.
Kreacher: Set adrift toward the yonder, and let everyone know: Kreacher's ambitions shall be made manifest! Mark my words!
Emma: Father, Mother, are you well? Do you, too, gaze up at the stars this evening?
Servais: I wish to one day stand on the grandest stage of magic! That day will surely come.
Kurt: To live in this beautiful world is a blessing, and in the future, I hope to pursue adventures in higher, farther, and grander realms!
Naib: Will this lantern reach the rivers of my homeland? If so, I wish for it to tell her I'm doing well.
Martha: May each soul find sanctuary, never to lose oneself, never to drift astray.
Tracy: Changing the world might be too lofty an ideal, but I at least want to invent things that bring happiness to more people!
William: Someday, I will be acknowledged! Victory is the domain of the brave-those who defy adversity!
Helena: The night sky must be beautiful, just as it is in my imagination. If possible, I'd like to see this wonderful world with my own eyes someday.
Fiona: Mother, do you see? I've taken another step closer to the truth of this world.
Vera: Vera, I wish you well. It was all worth it.
Kevin: They say the departed become stars.. Even now, I still remain shamefully illuminated by your light.
Margaretha: In the not-too-distant future, there will surely be a stage as brilliant as this starry sky meant solely for me. This is my wish.
Eli: Stars, rivers, flowers. This is a beautiful dream I never anticipated, so please let this dream last a little longer.
Aesop: May this lantern find tranquil shores, as may I.
Norton: I want to live a better life.
Patricia: May fate judge all wrongdoing.
Murro: Well-being to all! I hope someone, somewhere, will remember Murro.
Mike: I wish to bring joy to more people and help everyone forget their troubles!
Jose: May all my loved ones embark on their own journeys, and may lighthouses guide them to safe harbors.
Demi: Brother, are you well? Are you admiring this starry sky too?
Victor: To whoever sees my letter and lantern, know that Victor wishes you eternal happiness.
Andrew: Though I cannot gaze directly upon the sun, this eve, I've beheld the most resplendent darkness. I am grateful for this night and for those who accompany me.
Luca: Those who march toward science and truth will not regret it. One day, I will prove everything.
Melly: What a beautiful night. I hope all those little lives be cherished, as they rest beneath the grass and leaves.
Edgar: The shifting starry sky hides endless beauty and mystery, and we mortals, mere chroniclers of this splendor, stand and gaze, as do I.
Ganji: I wish the people of my hometown healthy and prosperous. At least, tonight, I'm looking at the same sky as you.
Annie: May every child grow in peace and happiness. May every little toy cradle your grandest dreams.
Emil: I often forget the past, but from now on, every day shall brim with bliss. I wish that everyone could remember only happiness.
Ada: I wish for Emil's good health. May we all cherish the present and the love of others.
Orpheus: Fate pens the finest tales, so I hope everyone's story holds fewer regrets, twists, and at least, more favorable conclusions.
Memory: The stars are exceptionally beautiful tonight! I also wish to be a kind, loving person who brings happiness to everyone.
Weeping Clown: One day, when the audience watches Joker, they, too, will wear a genuine, satisfied smile.
Professor: I don't have any wishes, save for this lantern to journey far, far away.
Qi: May old companions fare well.
Frederick: The night always brings to mind fragments of the past and chaotic whispers, yet from such whispers, countless great inspirations arise.
Alice: Alice, follow the path you believe to be true, for earnest living begets serendipity.
Charles: Stars, please tell me - should I hold on a little longer?
Lily: I shall alter all through sheer endeavor, Simon.
Matthias: Will the moonlight shine on me… on Matthias?
Florian: The bright yet warmthless stars evoke memories of childhood Christmases.
Evelyn: Are you still searching for your destination.
Leo: Lisa, may you grow up healthy and safe.
Joker: Come on! I wish for everyone to share in the madness and mirth with me!
Jack: Should I wish for clarity, or pray to forever bask in this enchanting night…
Bane: May no creature suffer harm. May the heart of humanity awaken to conscience.
Violetta: Oh, beautiful stars… I wish everyone well! I hope… I hope everyone can be loved.
Michiko: Love is bittersweet, and time ticks on without a care. Gazing at the moon always brings to mind those no longer with us.
Hastur: (There is no writing on the wishing star, but it shows signs of having been soaked in water.)
Wu Chang: May you be well, may the years be kind, and may lovers remain together in love.
Joseph: Does moonlight hold the power to turn back time? If such a thing were true, I'd wish to return to the time when you were still here.
Burke: It's too late for me to start making any wishes. But if everyone else is safe and happy, this old soul can rest easy.
Yidhra: (The wishing star is blank, but a fierce night wind blows upon beholding it.)
Robbie: I want a songbird that can fly to where my parents are and sing to them.
Luchino: Rather than making wishes, I believe humanity ought to strive for advancement through diligence.
Mary: The illusion of opulence has been shattered. Given another beginning, I'd choose to be the master of my destiny.
Bonbon: It's been a pleasure knowing you! Bonbon!
Ann: I'm lucky to have found a purpose in life. I hope everyone's kindness and faith will not be in vain.
Antonio: My violin bow, please play the most exquisite, unbound melodies.
Galatea: Stars above, please grant me more inspiration and opportunities to create beautiful works.
Percy: (The wishing star is unmarked, save for traces of motor oil, resembling a moon perhaps?)
Polun: We want money! Wealth! Fame! Of course, we want our dear father and mother too!
Grace: I wish for no one to be lonely. I wish that you could all be happy. As for me, I can't think of any wishes.
Philippe: If my sister and I could gaze at this starry sky together, my wish would be fulfilled.
Nightmare: Congratulations, you've glimpsed the writings of the "Nightmare" in this wondrous dream!
Keigan: I wish for this world to have more justice and rationality. That should be enough.
Alva: May more forsake the folly of human nature and choose to approach the truth.
Ithaqua: Mother, if possible, I wish to at least dream of those moments in the woods and snow at night.
Sangria: Burn once more, for I still seek to prove my worth.
Fool's Gold: I've already dug my way out of fate's mine. Haven't I?
Ivy: (The paper is scribbled with 2 little girls holding a wishing star lantern together.)
Part 2 - Thoughts
In general, all of them are pretty good and I definitely think helps paint a better picture of each character, who they are deep down, and what their priority/goal is.
Quite a few few of them though are fairly sad, including (to me) Freddy, Naib, Helena, Kevin, Murro, Ganji, Charles, Violetta, Joseph, Burke, Robbie, Philip, Ithaqua, Fool's Gold, and Ivy. I have to say, the ones that made me feel the worst were Kevin and Burke (especially the latter. Can you not make me feel like I wanna cry?).
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Freddy's I quite like as I think it tells a lot about him. He admits he's not perfect, he admits even things he did weren't right, but for good or ill he still loves Martha Remington. To me, it's that admission of his mistakes I like the most.
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Naib and Ganji both simply wishing to be home, with their families, but because they can't they just wish that their loved ones are happy and sufficiently taken care of. Despite how they may be depicted in their games, they both have a lot of sorrow in their heart and have been through quite the ordeals, all while being far from home and any chance to return is slim or difficult to acquire. Everything they do matters little compared to their longing to return home and move past all this.
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Helena's wish I to see the world one day, for obvious reasons, is quite sad considering how she lost her eyesight when she was young. As a result, she can only imagine and dream of seeing the sky. The fact there's little chance she'll regain her sight somehow (unless something happens in the future) is what makes this line hurt the most.
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Murro's wish is only for someone to remember him, which honestly is quite the implication of how he feels about himself and how he thinks others' feel about him. He's been through so much, losing his parents, then his ill treatment and abuse while he was kept by Bernard, to the point he simply wanted to get away from people and just be with his partner. It's that feeling he's given up hope, and the idea that this is all he thinks he's capable of hoping for... It's like he already thinks he has no future and nothing much to look forward to.
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Wishes of people like Charles, Robbie, Joseph, Philip, Ithaqua, and Ivy are focused on the loss of those close to them, some of which are consumed by the guilt at their role in that loss or inability to prevent their death. Joseph especially has devoted the rest of his life to attempting to revive Claude, and has been incapable of ever having a single moment where he isn't thinking about his twin. It makes me think about what Michiko said regarding the bittersweetness of love, and how time marches on whether or not those we love are left behind. The important question being whether a person is capable of moving forward or will be stuck looking back, which is the whole theme with Orpheus.
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Violetta's wish hurts me due to me reading into her line and feeling like she's referring to herself. And the idea that she's wishing there was someone out there who will love her, as her being abandoned by her parents, taken by Max who treated her like an object to attract attention to his freak show and earn him money, but once she no longer did, he disposed of her, leaving Violetta feeling unwanted. Despite what she's been through, she is still a kind and positive person, but even she has moments where she can't help but let slip hints about her true feelings.
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Kevin of course has been and still is a very sad boy. He, like Joseph, has his thoughts forever stuck on the loved ones he lost. He is incapable of moving past Angelina's death, further compounded by his guilt regarding Angelina's father and the tribe. He is trapped by his guilt. It's the fact that Kevin refuses to forgive himself, blaming himself for everything that has happened, is why Kevin's wish hurts me so much.
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Burke... I don't even know what to say. This was the 1 that I think hurt the most for a bunch of reasons that I don't quite know how to put to words. Netease, please stop trying to make me cry.
As for other wishes that caught my attention:
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Mike's simple wish to bring joy to people and help them forget their troubles was curious, as I think it really helps give a better idea about him, considering he's someone I sometimes find tricky to figure out. His deductions depict him as pretty mischievious, especially with things like using rocks or nitrogen in his tricks. But then we get to the tragedy, and all we don't really get any more ... good descriptions from Mike himself as to how he is internally. Except for hints based on how he went to the morgue to confirm who was dead and who was missing. And then with his suspicion of (and disgust for) Margaretha, as well as Joker. His last deduction and backstory really emphasize that his singular goal is essentially revenge. Yet we learn in through the letters that he was unable to do so even when he's given the chance. This is why I at least personally appreciate this little detail about his interest in people's happiness and desire to fix all their problems. It helps put everything else in better perspective.
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Vera's was mainly due to how she says it was "all worth it". This seems to confirm how she feels about her actions, despite the sorrow she describes in her 1st letter due to her own actions, and despite the reality of what she did. She continues to reason with herself that, despite the cost, it all worked out in the end. It could show just how broken she's become due to how she grew up due to her father and everyone looking down on her and treating her the way they did. It could show just how hard her heart has become as a result. But it's also possible to read this line as trying to convince herself to not regret. To not dwell on what she's done. To try to tell herself that it's ok, it's ok, it's ok. If this is true, whether or not she actually fully believes this attempt to reason with herself is a separate question.
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Margaretha's further confirms the type of person she's in and the life she's interested in. She's still interested in luxury, she's still a bit vain, just like her personality info in-game states. However, what I was focused on was how she talks about having a stage "solely for me". This to me reads as she wants to be able to move forward and survive on her own without having to rely on others, like she did previously with Sergei, or how she's "exploiting" Joker. Which I think is a good development on her part, as I think it shows growth. It's something that may take time, but she's expressing determination to achieve this goal.
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Martha was primarily of interest to me as, similar to Violetta, I read it as she was essentially referring to herself. It's a lament over the fact she has no place she sees as "home", and she doesn't even know who she is anymore. She's taken on too many identities, and gone through so much that she isn't sure who is the real her or if even if she does remember if it'll actually feel right to her anymore. She's lost and doesn't know how to find her way back on to the path. Her wish is a warning to others the way I see it, which is imporant considering what we learn happened with her in her game.
Sangria's I find curious as I never really thought about her like that, the idea that she wants to "prove [her] worth". It can make sense considering her backstory and deductions emphasize how badly she was treated by her father and the fact she was viewed as "less than a toy", as well as make sense based on whatever happened between her and the lady to cause Sangria to later ask to "get back on stage". I feel like this wish could potentially help understand some of what happens with her in her game...
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Then there's Nightmare. Which to me feels... the strangest and almost out of place of any of the wishes. I'm still not quite sure about the real meaning behind it yet but it does make me think...
On that same tangent, I'll go to Orpheus next. Similarly, his line is quite interesting and will take me some time to really digest. The fact he speaks of wanting to reduce other people's regrets and give them "more favorable conclusions" to me is strange. Some of the stories he writes don't exactly feel like he's trying to give the people it's based on better "conclusions", nor does it feel like he's doing that with the participants of each of his games. Though looking at a different place, what he seems to be doing to Kevin in his 4th letter does feel like he's trying to manipulate Kevin's memories to make him think Angelina isn't dead. The entire truth of the goal of Orpheus' experiments and actions is still something I don't think we fully grasp yet. It's possible more is happening to the participants than we know (especially with how of them, or at least their bodies, are missing, and I still wonder about Yidhra's and Joseph's involvements, considering the Dreamlands or Joseph's photo world could potentially present Orpheus an opportunity to maybe give individuals a happier story if they are trapped there, especially with the memory drugs, but I'm still unsure about so much...).
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Norton's wish is such a great but simple enough summary for his character. He's not asking to be rich. He's not asking for gold despite that's what he searched for in Golden Cave. He's not asking for anything in particular. All Norton cares about is having a "better" life. Something more than being trapped in poverty, with a job that could kill him at any time, and especially over time the longer he has it. He wants to not have to worry about starving all the time, or worry if he'll have a place to shelter for the night, or worry about cruel coworkers or employers, any other necessities he needs. We've seen that he isn't asking for anything fancy. He eats simple bread, and spends what little spare money he has on books and knowledge. He just wants enough so he'll never have to worry about going back to that life again.
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Which is interesting when considering Fool's Gold's wish: "I've already dug my way out of fate's mine. Haven't I?". This to me sounds like he's trying to convince himself. He's desperately hoping he's finally escaped the mine, which he describes as "fate's" mine. This referencing his "fate" as a miner due to his father also being a miner. The fact he describes it as how he "dug my way out" is a way of showing how he's done everything himself. He was the one who's fought tooth and nail to get out of his situation, who's spent all his blood, sweat, and tears to originally just work hard enough to earn what he can, and then when that didnt work find another way, and when he was trapped in Golden Cave, how he literally dug his way out (which shows how badly he wants to live). "Fate" being a "mine" also has the symbolism of Norton originally seeing his fate as somethin dark, made by someone else who forced him into it, a place with little room to move full of many dangers, surrounded by many people who either treated him badly or only cared for themselves, and the only path forward led further and further down. This was why Norton wants to escape his fate, and why he's been so desperate to do anything he can if it means a way out. He wants a brighter fate, one not trapped underground, but a fate out in the open world where the sky is the limit. Unfortunately though, as we can see from the ending of Fool's Gold's wish, Norton isn't entirely convinced he's completely escaped his fate. Which is curious and I wish I could see the reasoning behind his thoughts. Is it because he's afraid he'll be caught for what he did? Is it because he's afraid he'll have to go back to the mine if he is unable to find any other way of making a living? Is it because of whatever happened while he was trapped in the mind that he's continuously referenced but never explained, that's lead to him being so deathly afraid of the place? Or does it have something to do with his current situation with Orpheus and whatever the order was in his 2nd letter? Considering this is the 2nd time we've seen Norton trying to convince himself but failing to do so completely by the end (the 1st time being in Norton's 2nd letter where he tries to convince himself to go through with the assassination order), I wonder if it's possible these 2 things could be related. Maybe he feels like or is starting to feel like his current situation is not any better than it was before when he was still a miner, or when he was trapped in Golden Cave. Which is curious as that seems to reinforce how we can't be completely sure what Norton will do in the final game, or what the full truth of his relationship with Orpheus, Alice, and the others is. It's also interesting this line comes from Fool's Gold, who also appeared in Norton's backstory trailer, before he causes Golden Cave to collapse. He's holding his head, and seemingly fighting with himself over whether he should do it or not. Hunter Norton seems to be a way of showing Norton's internal dilemma, his war with himself, with how Hunter Norton is likely symbolized in Norton's 2nd letter, and now again here when Norton's trying to convince himself that he's escaped his fate. But unlike the 1st time in the mine when Hunter Norton managed to win out and cause the mine collapse, these other 2 times haven't ended with a certain winner, which could show how Norton's changed or how he may not be willing to do the same thing again. But maybe I'm thinking too hard.
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As for Jose, I wish I could understand him better. Despite how his father treated him, despite how he only cared about fame and fortune, despite how he was only ever concerned about looking good for the Queen and everyone he deemed important, Jose still wishes his "loved ones" to stay safe essentially. Who that would be besides his family I'm not sure. We never learn about his mother, and there's really no one else that could be outside of maybe some people he was friends with, though he specifically says "loved ones". We don't know if he was friendly with those on his crew, though we know at least some were of the same type of person as Jose's father based on Jose's deduction 7, while others died either when Jose's father vanished or during deduction 4. We now know he's tied in some way to Sam Bourbon but not the specifics of that relationship (how friendly were they?). Therefore, it's most likely he's referring to his father here. I wish I knew more about Jose's feelings and relationship with his father, considering deduction 7 and 8, as well as other bits don't exactly make Joaquin out to be a good person or see his son as anything but an object. But it's possible it was because Jose's father was the only family he ever had, and he simply wished he could've stopped him from doing what Jose didn't agree with and/or helped change him for the better.
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2plottwist · 26 days
Aeterna Amantes
Summary: Astarion's ascent changes him, making him possessive and cruel, yet your love for each other remains intense and intertwined, bordering on obsession. On the night of your wedding, he shows you just how powerless he is without you.
Pairing: Ascended!Astarion x Female!reader
Warnings: Blood, death, and sex. The holy trinity. Possessive Ascended Astarion being himself. A very twisted definition of love. Oral sex. Cunnilingus. P in V penetration. Probably more, I am not being very thorough, and I apologize, but if there is anything else it is close to these themes.
Word Count: 5.8k
Author: Emma:)
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A/N: this started as one thing, then changed to something else, then I lost sight? Idk what happened, and I hope it is decent enough to follow:)
Powerful people need only focus on what they can do, and what they are going to do. It was a mantra Astarion hardly needed to tell himself after he had taken Cazador’s place in the Black Mass. He knew what he was capable of; after your enemies were slain, he figured he may just be the most powerful person in all of the realms. But there was one thing keeping him from fully embracing it- you.
You had run into his arms willingly, foolishly, naively. You were an idiot to trust him, but he found comfort in the fact that you did. He didn’t even have to ask if you wanted to become like him- all you did was grab his hands, lean your head against his chest, and say that you wished to be with him forever, regardless of whether your heart beat. 
And now he watched you sleep blissfully, mumbling something under your breath as you dreamt. You were just as beautiful as the day he met you, despite the fact that your skin had paled and your chest no longer moved. Filled with his lifeblood, you were an extension of him- you were him. The lines had become muddled; it was hard to tell where he ended and you began. You were everything to him, and he was nothing without you. And he would stop at nothing to bring the world to your feet.
He often sat contemplating all the ways he could do just that, but a memory would stir in him just as he thought he had a perfect idea. It was the night he had turned you into his consort, the night you became his forevermore- a night he would never reveal in full to you. You had spent hours pleasuring him, pleasuring yourself, letting him ruin you before he finally commanded you to sink to your knees. Your silver eyes locked onto his, the most beautiful of smiles playing with your features. With the power he held now, the sight could actually make him breathless. And it did for a moment, before he climbed on top of you and drained every single drop of blood from your body.
Your body had begun to spasm, thrashing about as your eyes rolled back in your head. Spittle began to leak from your mouth as it hung, gaping. In that moment, as you were dying in his arms, he was utterly terrified. What if he lost you? His everything? The one he wished to protect? As your heartbeat began to slow, he pierced tongue with his fang, swiping his mouth with his thumb before letting his lifeblood drip into your mouth. 
He would never tell you about how he lifted you from the floor and placed you under the covers of your bed gently. He would never tell you that he laid with you curled into his arms, patting your head softly. He would never tell you how he wept, whispering apologies over and over again into your ear. He could never admit how many times he had pledged his undying love to you. 
So that’s why, when your eyes finally opened, their silver replaced with blazing crimson, he was only laying opposite of you, smirking at you expectantly, as if he had never doubted for a second that you would awaken. He trailed your body with his hands for hours, telling you repeatedly how beautiful you were, how, despite you already being perfect, you were to become even better. That day, he wouldn’t even allow you to journey through the city, opting to send Wyll and Karlach in your place. He pleasured you over and over again, letting you drink from his neck and him from yours until you were both covered in it. 
His love was so deep, so all-encompassing, that it bordered on obsession. He could not bear the thought of anyone else laying eyes on you, let alone touching you. The mere idea of another person even thinking of you was enough to drive him to rage. You were his, and his alone, and he would stop at nothing to ensure that the entire world knew it. 
His thoughts drifted to one evening when a nobleman arrived at the castle on business. When he saw you, standing there in a gown Astarion had made just for your body, he could not hide his admiration. The man’s eyes lingered on you for just a moment too long, his gaze betraying a desire that he dared not speak.
Astarion noticed. He noticed everything.
The merchant’s life was forfeit before he even realized his mistake. Astarion moved with a swiftness that defied nature, his hand closing around the man’s throat. There was no mercy, no hesitation. With a sickening snap, the man was killed, his body crumpling to the floor at Astarion’s feet. The thralls quickly drained the body and disposed of the remains, leaving no trace of the unfortunate soul who had dared to look at you. 
You had watched it all unfold with a mixture of fear and fascination, your heart pounding in your chest. The man you loved, the man who had once been so uncertain, was now terrifying, relentless, and utterly devoted to you. Astarion could feel the thrill that coursed through you at the sight of his possessiveness. 
He had turned to you, his eyes burning with fiery intensity. “No one is to ever look upon you that way again,” he vowed, his voice low and dangerous. “That right is reserved for me, and me alone.”
The love you shared was a dark, all-consuming flame that burned brighter with each passing day. You loved him with a ferocity that matched his own. You reveled in the way he claimed you so completely; you were his dark consort, his queen. 
There had been times when you wondered if the man you had fallen in love with was still there, buried beneath what he had become. But those thoughts were often fleeting, quickly swallowed by the overwhelming desire you felt for him. In his arms, you found comfort, a sense of belonging that you had never known before. 
When Astarion held you, his hands roaming possessively over your dips and curves, the rest of the world ceased to exist. You had become so entwined that it was impossible to imagine a life without him. You could feel his presence in every corner of your mind, his thoughts bleeding into yours, his desires becoming your own. It was intoxicating, addictive, and you craved it- almost as much as he did. 
Astarion would often whisper to you in the dead of night, as you laid pretending to sleep. “I can never let you go,” he would say, his tone tender. “You are a part of me now, as much as I am a part of you. We are one, my love. Aeterna Amantes.”
The decision to make you his bride came quickly, waiting only for the castle’s immense renovations to take place. Two thrones, made of the finest elven silver and forged into swirling patterns, had been delivered to the palace. That night, he led you onto his throne, ripping your nightgown into shreds before taking you where you sat. It was an illusion of treating you as an equal, you thought at first, before realizing it was more of a declaration. 
Soon, he had moved you to the floor, laying you atop the velvet doublet he had hastily discarded. After ravaging each other again, and again, he slipped a heavy ring onto your finger. The piece was encrusted with crimson and emerald- your favorite color. In the middle of the assortment was a giant, crystal clear diamond, carved into a pointy, triangular shape. Inside the band, he had the phrase he often whispered to you in the night, aeterna amantes, carefully inscribed into the silver metal. 
It wasn’t a proposal, or an offer. He had already decided you were to be his wife, despite the fact that the fierce love you felt for him was too strong to only amount to that title. You took the ring graciously, and he allowed you to pull him into a kiss, nibbling on his lip as you did so. 
Astarion had spared no expense in ensuring that your wedding day would be exquisite. He personally selected the finest dressmaker in all of Faerun, a master of the craft known for creating garments that were as much art as they were attire. The gown designed for you was nothing short of breathtaking- an elaborate creation made from the finest silks and lace, sheer in places to reveal glimpses of skin, yet artfully designed to maintain an air of tantalizing mystery. It clung to your form, accentuating every curve, with delicate, intricate embroidery that shimmered like moonlight on water. 
Of course, it was not enough for Astarion to simply dress you in finery. He wanted a lasting reminder of your union, something that would immortalize the depth of his obsession, the intertwining of your fates. He commissioned a portrait, though it was far from a traditional painting. The artist was instructed to capture the two of you in a moment of unguarded intimacy. The result was a masterpiece, he thought: you, draped in a flimsy, crimson robe, leaning against him, who had dressed in regal black. He had a hand rested possessively on your waist, the other was between your legs, causing the artist to immortalize your joined ecstasy, as immortal as the two of you were. 
The guest list was carefully curated, with invitations sent only to those Astarion deemed worthy of witnessing the union. Powerful allies, influential figures, and a select few of your companions who would prove loyal to him when he needed them to. 
On the day of the wedding, the palace would be filled with the scent of blood roses, their deep crimson petals scattered along the aisle leading to your thrones. The orchestra would be beautiful, and its music would echo through the lavish halls as you made your way to him. He knew he would long to take you right then, away from the prying eyes of the city’s inner circles and to the most secluded chamber of the crimson palace. But he would settle for not acting on the tempting warmth that would spread through his blood as he laid ruby eyes on yours. 
He soon was drawn back to reality as you stirred, your sleepy eyes slowly opening. He reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before pulling you to his chest. 
“My love,” he murmured, his voice a silken caress. “Tomorrow, you will be mine in every sense of the word.”
You lifted your head, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “As if I am not already,” you replied softly. “There’s nothing of me that you do not already possess.”
Astarion’s lips curled into a small smile. He intertwined your fingers, closing his eyes for a brief moment to savor the connection. 
“True,” he confessed, breathing in the scent of you. His scent. “I want nothing more than to stay with you,” he said, his voice hoarse with the effort of restraint. “But I need to leave now, or else I won’t be able to tear myself away.”
He had told you there was some tradition he wanted to follow, one where the two of you would be separated before the day of the wedding. Since he had followed you to bed, you expected he had forgotten- but of course, his mind was as sharp as his daggers. 
You felt a pang of longing at his words, your body instinctively leaning further against his. “Astarion-”
His smile was almost bittersweet as he leaned in closer, his lips hovering just above yours. “Now, darling,” he started with a sigh. “I want tomorrow to be perfect. I want to savor every moment when I make you mine in front of the city.”
You could feel the weight of his resolve in your mind, the tension in his body as he fought against the urge to stay as if it were your own. It was clear he was trying to make your day special, to heighten the anticipation so that when you finally stood before him, it would be all the more intense. 
But even knowing this, it was hard to let him go. The two of you hadn’t spent a night alone since he had ascended. “Astarion, you don’t have to-” you began, but he silenced you with a kiss.
It was slow and deep, filled with all the longing and passion he was trying to hold back. His hands tangled in your hair, pulling you closer, attempting to imprint the feel of you into his soul. You could taste the depth of his love in that kiss, the way it consumed him. 
When he finally pulled away, he was breathless. His forehead rested against yours for a moment, his eyes closed as he gathered the strength to do what he had to do. “I love you more than words can express,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “And tomorrow, I will show you just how much.”
With that, he forced himself to climb out of bed, the space he occupied beginning to grow cold. He paused at the door, looking back at you one last time. 
“Sleep well, little death,” he said softly. “Tomorrow, we begin the rest of our eternity together.”
The next morning, you were awoken particularly early, hissing at your lady-in-waiting as she shook you from your slumber. 
“Apologies, my lady,” she replied quietly, bowing her head. “But the day is upon us, and we must prepare.”
Her words cut through the remnants of sleep clouding your mind, and you sighed, the irritation melting away as the weight of the day settled on your shoulders. You knew she was right. This day was too important to delay. 
With a resigned nod, you sat up in bed, the silken sheets slipping off your body as you did so. Your lady-in-waiting stepped forward to assist you, her movements inhumanly practiced. She helped you out of bed, leading you to the adjoining bathroom where steaming water awaited you in the claw-footed tub. 
The air was filled with the delicate scent of rare and expensive oils, the water shimmering with the faint glimmer of crushed pearls and other precious ingredients. The woman guided you into the bath, the warm water enveloping you like a comforting embrace. 
She worked in silence, her hands gentle as she bathed you, using the finest soaps to cleanse and soften your skin. The fragrance of jasmine, rose, and myrrh filled the room, the combination soothing your nerves and helping you relax as the ritual of preparation began.
“My lady,” your lady-in-waiting started, “I could not help but notice… the Master was up all night. He was writing something, and I heard him speaking aloud. He kept starting over, as if the words weren’t quite right.”
You felt a pang of irritation at her words. “You should know better than to spy on our master,” you chided softly, though there was no real venom in your voice. 
She dipped the cloth in the water again, hesitating before ringing it out and continuing to wash you. Lowering your voice, you asked, “What was he saying?
She paused, her hands stilling for a moment as she seemed to consider her response. “They were vows, my lady,” she said finally, her voice barely above a whisper. The master of the house heard everything, after all. “He spoke them aloud, but each time he would stop, crumple the paper, and begin again. It seemed he wanted them to be perfect.”
Your heart tightened at the thought. The Astarion you had fallen in love with, the one who had been timid and unsure beneath his veneer of confidence, was still there. You would always love him, regardless of who or what he was, but he was still the man who had promised to love you for you- not because he had sired you. 
Once you were bathed, she carefully brushed out your hair. She began to braid intricate patterns into your locks, weaving in delicate white flowers that matched the color of your gown. With your hair perfectly arranged, she led you back to the bedroom where the gown awaited. 
The lady-in-waiting helped you into it, the fabric swishing against your pale skin as she laced it up with careful precision. Once you were dressed, she retrieved a small, ornate box from a nearby table. She opened it to reveal an intricate necklace, the centerpiece a dazzling gem that sparkled like starlight itself. 
“This is from the Master, my lady,” she said, her voice reverent as she fastened the necklace around your neck. “A final gift before you become his wife.”
The necklace rested just above your collarbone, the cool weight of it comforting, like a touch from your lover. Astarion had torn down every mirror in the palace- not that they would do much for you, anyway. You hoped you looked as exquisite as you felt. Magnificent enough for him. And if you didn’t.. You hoped he worshiped you enough to not care. 
And as you took in the sight of yourself, adorned in the finest garments and jewels, a sense of inevitability settled over you. Today, you would become Astarion's wife, bound to him in a way that would transcend time itself. The thought sent a thrill of anticipation through you, mingling with the lingering unease that had settled in the pit of your stomach.
The wedding ceremony began under a canopy of dark velvet, the candelabras above dripping steadily. The haunting strains of the orchestra filled the air, a melody that seemed to echo through the grand halls of your palace, reverberating off the cold stone walls. It was a song that was both beautiful and ominous, probably befitting the occasion.
You stepped forward, your gown trailing behind you like mist, the intricate lace and jewels catching the dim light. Each step you took was deliberate, your gaze fixed on the figure waiting in front of the throne. Astarion stood there, tall and regal, his eyes never leaving you as you approached. His gaze was intense, hungry. Like this was the first time he had ever laid eyes upon you. 
The crowd on either side of the aisle was a mix of noble families and politicians, but it was the familiar faces of Shadowheart and Gale that stood out. They sat together, their expressions somber, their eyes filled with unease. Shadowheart's gaze flickered with something close to sadness, while Gale's brow was furrowed in concern. Their presence was a reminder of the life you once led, a life that seemed distant and almost forgotten now.
But as you walked toward Astarion, their concerns melted away, drowned out by the pull of the man who awaited you. The world around you seemed to blur, fading into the background until there was nothing but him. Astarion, your lover, your master, and soon, your husband. Your eyes could not be pulled from him, the same burning desire written on his features pooling in your stomach.
When you finally reached him, standing before the thrones that now represented your union, he wasted no time in pulling you close. His touch was possessive, a hand on your waist as he pressed his body against yours. The warmth of his breath ghosted over your neck, and before you could fully react, he leaned in, placing a lingering kiss just below your ear. The sensation of his lips on your skin was electric, sending a jolt of desire through you. 
As he pulled back slightly, you could feel the hardness of his arousal pressing against your leg through the layers of fabric. It was a reminder of the hunger that never seemed to leave him, a hunger that extended beyond blood to something far more intimate. The sheer force of his need was overwhelming, and yet, it was impossible to deny that you felt the same pull, the same twisted desire that bound you to him. Instinctively, your hips bucked slightly towards him, a motion only he was privy to.
“Soon, my love,” he murmured breathlessly, his voice a low, dangerous purr. 
The room seemed to hold its breath as the two of you stood there, locked in a moment of shared intensity. You could feel the eyes of everyone in attendance on you, but it didn't matter. All that existed was Astarion, his hand still gripping your waist, his eyes dark with an unspoken promise. The vows had yet to be spoken, but in that moment, it was clear that your union was already sealed, not by words, but by the primal, consuming bond between you.
He took your hand in his, his touch cold but firm, a shiver running down your spine as his fingers intertwined with yours. There was a moment of stillness, as if the world itself was waiting for his words, and then he began to speak.
"My beloved," Astarion began, his tone… softer than you expected. "From the moment I first tasted freedom, it was you who breathed life into me. You who gave me purpose beyond mere survival. You saw the wretched creature I was, and yet, you loved me. And for that, I am yours, eternally."
His grip on your hand tightened slightly, his gaze never leaving yours. "I once believed that love was a weakness, a foolish indulgence that would only lead to ruin. But you, my darling, showed me that love is the most powerful force of all. It is a weapon, sharp and unyielding, that has the power to conquer even the darkest of hearts. With you, I am more than I ever could have been alone. And without you, I am nothing."
Astarion paused, his expression softening as he took in the sight of you standing before him, resplendent in your wedding gown, the very embodiment of his deepest desires. "Today, I vow to be yours in every way that matters. I will protect you, cherish you, make and undo you, because you are mine, and I am yours. Two souls intertwined, inseparable and eternal. Aeterna Amantes."
There was a flicker of something dark and possessive in his eyes as he continued, his voice dropping to a whisper that only you could hear. "I vow to never let you forget who you belong to, even if it means tearing apart the heavens themselves. You are my heart, my soul, my very reason for existing. And I will love you with a ferocity that even the gods themselves would envy."
Astarion leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he finished his vows. "And in return, I ask only for your undying loyalty, your body, your mind, your very soul. You are mine, my love, now and forever. And there will never be another."
As he pulled back, the look in his eyes was one of both deep love and possessive hunger. It was as if he was trying to convey with that gaze what words could not fully express—the intensity of his feelings, the depth of his commitment, and the fierce, all-consuming passion that now bound you together.
He pulled you into a rough kiss then, more fangs than lips, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You let him explore the inside of it, like he had many times before, his mouth devouring the cries that left your own. 
The reception was an equally as lavish affair, befitting the union of two powerful beings. The air was thick with the scent of wine, rich food, and the low hum of conversation intermingled with the haunting melody played by a piano. 
You and Astarion sat at your own table, elevated above the rest, overlooking the grand scene. Your throne was draped in deep crimson, matching the roses that adorned the table. Astarion cut a striking figure beside you. He was the very embodiment of royalty, every inch of him exuding the allure of a predator who had finally claimed his prize.
As you sat beside him, you could feel the tension in the room. It was an undercurrent that ran through the smiles and polite laughter, a reminder that this was no ordinary wedding reception. The eyes of your guests darted nervously between you and your husband, as if unsure of how to behave in the presence of such power.
Shadowheart and Gale approached your table, their expressions tinged with concern. Shadowheart was the first to speak, her voice low and careful. "This union... It feels more like a binding than a celebration," she said, her gaze flickering between you and Astarion. "I just hope you know what you're doing. This path... it’s not one you can easily return from."
Gale nodded in agreement, his brow furrowed in worry. "You're bound to each other now, in ways that go beyond even the deepest magic. I’ve seen what love can do, the way it can twist and consume. Just… be careful. I don’t want to lose you to this darkness."
As they spoke, Astarion remained silent, his expression unreadable. But beneath the table, his left hand began to inch up your thigh, his touch cold. His fingers traced slow, deliberate circles on your skin, inching upwards towards your core as the conversation continued.
Shadowheart’s eyes narrowed slightly as she noticed the change in your expression, her lips pressing into a thin line. “Astarion… we’re only here to ensure she is happy, truly happy. Can you promise that?”
Astarion’s response was a soft, dangerous chuckle, his eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and something darker. “Oh, I assure you, Shadowheart, she is exactly where she wants to be. Isn’t that right, my love?” His voice was smooth, seductive, and as he spoke, his hand slid further up your leg, his grip tightening slightly.
“Of course, Shadowheart,” you said through gritted teeth, a poor attempt to steel yourself. His index finger now hovered above the raw bundle of nerves protected only by a thin layer of undergarment. You attempted to scoot closer to the table, closer to his touch, but he pulled his hand back abruptly, raising from his seat. The sudden movement startled your guests, and the room fell silent, all eyes on him.
“That’s enough,” Astarion announced, his voice commanding and brooking no argument. “This celebration is over. All of you, leave at once.”
There was a moment of stunned silence, the guests exchanging uncertain glances. But no one dared to disobey him. One by one, they began to rise from their seats, bowing slightly before quickly making their way out of the hall. Shadowheart and Gale lingered a moment longer, their eyes filled with concern as they looked at you, but they too eventually turned and left, leaving you alone with Astarion.
As the grand doors closed behind the last guest, Astarion turned to you, his gaze smoldering with an intensity that made your breath catch in your throat. “Come, my love,” he purred, his voice low and possessive. “I’ve waited long enough. It’s time for us to consummate our union.”
He didn’t wait for your response. In one fluid motion, he scooped you up into his arms, carrying you toward the bedroom with a predatory grace. The hunger in his eyes was unmistakable, and you knew that tonight, there would be no boundaries between you, no holding back. You were his, entirely and irrevocably, and he intended to claim you fully, with a passion that would leave no room for doubt.
When you reached your bedroom, he didn’t bother with closing the door before ripping the beautiful gown off of your body. 
“Darling,” you whined, stepping out of the ruined remains. “I rather liked that one.”
His mouth was on you in an instant, trailing sloppy kisses down your neck. “Then I’ll make you a thousand more,” he groaned, unable to stop his ministrations on your skin as he pushed you to the bed. He stood at the foot of it, half-lidded eyes staring down at your naked body. Carefully, he took off his couplets, then his doublet, and then his pants. His cock was deliciously hard already- it probably had been all day. The head leaked with precum that spilled onto you as he climbed, languidly, atop you. 
Without another breath, he sank his fangs into your neck, driving his cock into you with a force so rough it made you yell. You gripped at the sheets as he pounded into you, finally pulling back from your neck. Your blood was running down his chin, dripping onto your chest. “Gods, you are so beautiful,” he growled, swiping at the blood on his face with his fingers before smearing them across your bottom lip. You hissed at the possessiveness, and, unable to control your own body, you pulled his forehead to yours, piercing the flesh above his collarbone and drinking deeply. 
Your blood mingled with his, the liquid flowing between your two bodies. As you drank, he moaned praises down at you before sliding his hand down your stomach, finding your clit and pinching it with his fingers. You yelped at the sensation, unhooking from your lover's neck. 
“My wife, my everything,” he muttered in between increasingly frantic strokes. Your own orgasm was within reach now- you could feel the walls of your cunt starting to tighten around his length. 
“Come for me,” he growled, grabbing a fistful of your hair. “Do as I command you.”
You came undone beneath him, clenching around his cock, causing him to groan, his own orgasm hitting him. Before you had a second to catch your breath, his fangs were in your neck again, your-his- blood rushing into his mouth. 
He drank his fill and then pulled out of you, laying beside you on the bed. Giving you a brief respite before you start again. You rolled to your side to face him, and he ran his hands over your skin. 
“Perfection,” he whispered.
“Well, of course,” you responded matter-of-factly. “You created me.”
Your words spurred him on and he groaned again, his hands sliding between your legs, sliding through your slick, coating his fingers with it. You watched as he brought them up to your mouth, rubbing your wetness over your lips. 
“Suck,” he growled, pushing two of his fingers into your mouth. 
You obeyed, sucking and licking them clean. He moaned and pulled them out, eager to push them back into your folds. You gasped as he fucked you with them, his other hand taking a firm grip around your throat. 
“You are mine,” he hissed. “My wife. Mine to do with as I please. And you’ll let me, won’t you, little death?”
You steeled yourself just enough to nod your head before you came again.
“There’s my girl,” he uttered, voice low and breathy. He leaned in to kiss you, but you turned your head, rejecting it. 
“You’d do well not to deny me, lover,” Astarion drawled, pulling his fingers out of you and lapping at them. 
“Fuck my mouth first, my love, and then you may take all the kisses you want.”
Without another word, he rose to his knees, yanking you by the hair to be face level with his cock, which had been called to attention again. 
“Mind your fangs, darling,” he growled before pushing your mouth open with his free hand. 
You took him into your mouth, your cheeks caving in as you began to suck. Your fingers teased the sensitive skin behind his balls, causing him to let out a guttural moan. 
You looked up at him through damp lashes, your tongue swirling around his tip.
“Gods, my love,” he mumbled between heavy breaths. His free hand met the other at the back of your head and he began to thrust into you. You relaxed your throat, allowing him to reach farther down you. Soon, you were lapping up the remains of his seed that he had spilled down your throat. 
The two of you were relentless- there was no gentleness in your sex that night. The world around you ceased to exist as the night stretched on. As the first light of dawn began to filter through the heavy curtains, the pace finally began to slow. He didn’t want to stop, but he recalled a story about another vampire lord who’s bride had become so drunk off of his blood the night of their marriage that she drank him dry. 
Astarion, panting and spent, finally withdrew from inside you, his breath ragged as he collapsed on the bed. Your bodies were slick with sweat, your breaths coming in labored pants as you lay entwined. For a moment, the two of you lay in silence. The room was filled with the scent of your blood, the evidence of your love scattered across the bed in the form of rumpled and torn sheets. 
Without a word, Astarion slid off the bed and sank to his knees before you, his head bowed, his hands resting lightly on your thighs. 
“My love,” he murmured, his voice low. “You are the only thing in this world I will ever bow to. The only one I will ever serve. My life, my power, everything that I am- it all belongs to you.”
His gesture took your breath away. Reaching out, you gently cupped his face, your fingers brushing against the smooth skin of his cheeks. “And I am yours, Astarion,” you whispered. 
He leaned into your touch, his eyes closing briefly. When he opened them again, the hunger had returned, and a devilish smirk toyed with his features. 
“Come,” he said, rising gracefully to his feet and pushing you back against the mattress. “Let’s seal our vows once more.”
The sun would continue to rise, as it always had, casting its light on a world that would move forward. But there would come a day when all of that would fade into insignificance, when kingdoms and empires would be forgotten, and the sun itself would flicker out like a dying ember. 
And when that day came, when the world was reduced to ashes and all that remained was the void, you knew that there would still be the two of you. Alone in the darkness, unbound by the constraints of time, your love would endure. In the end, there would be nothing but you and Astarion, together as you had always been, two souls entwined in an eternal dance, forever and always. Aeterna Amantes. 
Yes, the world would continue to move on, indifferent to the night when two eternal lovers were intertwined in a passion that defied the very essence of existence. But soon, the day would come when you and Astarion would bring the world to its sweet surrender, bending it to your will, shaping it in the image of whatever you wanted. When the time came, the two of you would take everything and everyone to their knees, as your lover had done himself in front of you. And if it was to be even half as alluring as that moment was- you could not wait to do so.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
imagine Nightcrawler ended up finding Sentinel!Reader's body in the frozen lake, in fact imagine he'd be tracking them down through peices of their body they tore off, probably racing to find them and panicking because they could be falling apart of getting attacked by something, hell maybe some delusions sprout from there
Maybe Kurt's found trying to put Reader back together while he's under the belief that they didn't do this to themself, something else must've attacked them- they wouldn't resort to this- right??-
Cube anon
He's panicking.
His heart is pounding, his hands are shaking, tears are starting to stream down his cheeks with each piece found, each drop of liquid, each frayed wire and muddy print...
He feels his heart go cold, plunging like a rock into his stomach, when he sees the lake... and the hole in it, with small drops of liquid by it, and no sign of Reader.
He goes into a blind terrified panic, clawing at the ice and trying to reach his hands in, trying with all his might to feel for Reader, to drag them up, to see that they can't possibly be gone-
Logan, Rogue, Scott, they- they can't be in there! They won't survive! They're wounded, their wires are exposed, they're missing their heating system, please, please please tell him they aren't in there, please, he's begging them-!
They eventually are able to break through the ice, and are able to drag Reader's body out of the water... damaged beyond repair, and broken all over...
The first thing they do, after getting Reader's body back and finding their memory files intact, decide to look through them to see who killed their friend...
Only, to their horror and guilt, find that it wasn't an unknown assailant or an old enemy... but Reader, who did this to themself.
That their pain was too much for them to handle, and feeling like they had no choice and feeling too hurt inside, decided to end their being.
No one takes it well.
Kurt is praying even more now, fervent and pleading and in misery, trying to find any comfort he can over what happened and why he's lost too many friends.
Rogue is there to comfort him, and tries to apologize, now feeling even more despairing because she's lost both Remy and Reader now.
Logan, Scott, Jean, and Ororo are losing sleep, kept up with the memories of Reader, and wishing they'd waited just a bit longer, hadn't said what they'd said, had tried to see the truth sooner... Reader was their own, a friend, a child to them, and they made them feel so bad, that they did this to themself... They get no sleep...
Hank and Charles and Erik are working on growing the bodies for the passed mutants, getting help to bring their spirits back, working on trying to make things right and not lose everything again. It distracts them from Gensoha, it distracts them from Bastion, it distracts them from Gambit and Reader... But the moment all that remains to be brought back are Gambit and Reader... they're making absolute sure no mistakes are made, and feel just a bit better, just a mite of hope, that Reader's spirit is in the afterlife with Gambit, amd had been with the other mutants...
I imagine a few of the extra friends Reader had made, such as Leech amd Jubilee and Roberto and Emma and Madelyn and Omega Red and Sabretooth (look, Reader's really sweet, so why not let them have really nice and really scary friends too?), are ready to see their old friend, who they've missed greatly, and who they think will enjoy this new home and its weird fruit and delicious juice... It would be nice, for everyone tp forget their worries... if they can even remember what they were worried about in the first place... But they can't wait to finally get their little buddy back-! They've missed them so so SO much!!!
Of course, the X-Men, when visiting the spirit realm, are going to have to somehow talk Gambit into letting himself amd Reader go with them, and breach the topic of Reader being a... sentinel... somehow...
Gambit gonna be p*ssed...
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choppeddreamworm · 2 months
The fool who didn't
dare to dream
Imagine fic
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Captain hook x gn! reader
Warnings: None just angst Word count: 455
We are inclined to give villains a happy ending. One we think they rightfully deserve and after all they already have nerve. Hook was a Villain, already deemed an outcast so to him breaking tradition, like falling for a hero is easy work.
However you didn't grow up in an environment where rules were taught to be broken. Instead you up hold the black and white standards engraved in your mind by a society that hates evil. Everyone loves the idea of writing about those who dare dream beyond the norms. The hearts that have courage to love with no remorse. But, when it comes down to it, the pressure created by family, friends or society as a whole on someone who is barley learning their way through self confidence isn't a lovely combination.
You're lovers behind closed doors but avoid each other in-front of others. Not per his request but yours...
He doesn't wish for more than to scream your name out loud inside that forsaken beautiful forest you both shared so many memories in. There was a passion bubbling inside his veins only for you, it pained him to keep silent about your relationship. You were not a dirty secret hidden below the docs of his ship that he was ashamed of. Instead you were a beautiful jewel , one who sparkled brilliantly when put up to the sun. One many couldn't help but covet. He only waited for you to give him the green flag, to let him express his overflowing love for you to the world... but it never came. Quite to the realms delight though you became betrothed to a royal, one of high status at that. Hooks heart couldn't help but clench at the news. In one last attempt he met you before your wedding night. You still remember the way he was out of breath, his skin glowing below the moons rays and the way you took the light out of his eyes when you rejected his plea for both of you to run away.
Fools have courage, people who love do it so deliberately with no compensation and that makes them strong. You ironically thought that it was quite the opposite and that was your downfall. Up on that altar when you took those vows, words that were supposed to offer security, held no validity and when you professed them out loud and still felt weak you knew you'd never be the same. Your days that followed were slow and agonizing, dreams filled of what could've been with the pirate who still held your heart. No matter how hard you tried to justify your actions he was always the last thought, not your spouse, children or ring.... just James
definitely not Inspired by 'Good Luck, Babe!' by Chappell Roan 'The Fools Who Dream'by Emma Stone
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pirateswhore · 7 months
I know we always talk about Killian & his PTSD (especially after the Underworld arc) BUT. we never talk about Emma's so here I am to rectify that
you ever think about how terrified she must have been that none of it was real, that she was living false memories ?? I mean, think about it.
she had the false memories Regina gave her (s3), the knowledge in Isaac's book (s4) (she didnt have false memories but she knew others do & how that world functioned), the mind games with the darkness (s5), the wish realm memories & then the cursed memories (s6). and not to mention all the visions & nightmares she was shown to have.
my point is - after s6, she should have NO grip on reality and what's true anymore. fearing that any moment she would wake up & her entire life would be a lie - fabricated by a villain intent on keeping her complacent.
and because to me, CS is the heart of the show, I have to mention it
she would turn INCREDIBLY clingy w/ killian, needing constant, constant physical affirmation that he's there & that he's real. getting paranoid if she wakes up & he isn't there - even if he's just in the bathroom or getting water, or just woke up before her. feeling anxious that something is wrong if they're not together for more than a few hours. quite literally glued to his hip out of fear of losing him, fear that it was just some cruel play by hades, or the fairy, or gold, to make her think her happy ending was finally hers, only to eventually rip it away from her ?
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moistvonlipwig · 11 months
OUAT Week Day 1: Favorite arc
Let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know. Or think we know.
But they were never trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen. They were never trapped in our world. They just kept living in the enchanted forest forever, same as they always had been.
And they were so much worse off for it.
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Snow White and Prince Charming never had to confront the worst parts of themselves or their society. They never had to learn to accept and love a daughter who wasn't exactly how they'd imagined her. They never had to reflect on their past actions or learn to forgive the past actions of others. They built a kingdom that, much like their own selves, looked like a fairytale but crumbled like sand the moment it was challenged.
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Emma grew up with her parents, but they coddled her and taught her only to look pretty and pick flowers and sing. She never learned to believe in her own ability to solve problems, never learned the importance of fighting back against wrongdoing, never learned how to do anything but surrender in the face of a challenge.
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Henry, like his Storybrooke counterpart, wanted to be a hero. But he never had to learn empathy or compassion for villains. He never had to face the fact that people are more complex than their fairytale labels make them out to be. He never saw the consequences of black-and-white thinking. He became a knight and then a king who prized violence over kindness, vengeance over forgiveness.
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Regina never cast her curse, and thus never learned what a hollow victory it truly was. She never adopted a child or learned that there were more valuable things in life than her quest for vengeance. Indeed, that is how we leave her: on the deck of the Jolly Roger, forever in that moment of pure confusion at the idea that anything could be more important than revenge.
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Captain Hook, on the other hand, left the Wish Realm and did learn there were more important things in life than revenge. He had a child, and he gave up everything for her. But when he made a mistake and lost her, he had no support system to fall back on, no one to catch him when he fell. He returned to the Wish Realm, slid into depression and desperate schemes, and only clawed his way back to a better life once he joined up with the characters from Storybrooke.
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Robin Hood lost Maid Marian early and never had a child with her. He kept stealing for himself and never chose to put his skills towards helping others. He lived a lonely and selfish life, without purpose or fulfillment, until he stepped outside the Wish Realm and was forced to consider what kind of person he really wanted to be.
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Rumpelstiltskin lost both his son and the woman he loved. In fact, it's not clear that he was ever even reunited with his son at all. Thus, he never came to appreciate the value of making oneself vulnerable to love or the importance of doing the right thing even if it comes at a cost. Instead, he sought only power over others. He lost the humanity he once had and gave every part of himself over to the anger and fear within him. He became the ultimate Dark One.
The Wish Realm is fundamentally unchallenging. No one is forced to change or to reckon with their past. No one learns to empathize with their enemies. Everyone stays the way they were prior to the first episode of OUAT in perpetuity, calcifying into caricatured versions of themselves. It is a fairytale without depth, a fantasy world without humanity to ground it in reality. The only way to grow past its stagnation is to escape.
There are some strange and inconsistent wordbuilding choices in how the Wish Realm was written, to be sure. But thematically, the Wish Realm arc is coherent and powerful. It is a celebration of the journey these characters have taken with each other. An acknowledgment that the things you go through in life, good and bad, matter to who you are; that sometimes things we think are curses can be blessings in disguise; that, as Regina will put it in 7.20 "Is This Henry Mills?", "scratches are a part of life." The ultimate thesis of the Wish Realm storyline is that the characters of Once Upon a Time are better for having been a part of each other's imperfect, messy lives. I'd like to think that all of us are better off with these imperfect, messy fictional people in our lives, too.
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watcherintheweyr · 5 months
I do not love people wishing H.olliday G.rain.ger (known supporter of The Infamous Wizard TERF) played Rhaenyra, when Rhaenyra is played by an incredible non binary actor who genuinely cares about Rhaenyra as a character.
And like... why do we want everyone to be played by conventionally pretty people. The Targaryens are meant to be nearly otherworldly. Emma D'Arcy is *stunning*. They look like they're what inspired the idea of those of divine blood. They look like someone who ought to have marble statues carved of them.
That ethereal, almost inhuman beauty is perfect for the Realm's Delight imo
And also Milly Alcock is beyond stunning as well, and played Rhaenyra absolutely beautifully.
They're both perfect. And they care about Rhaenyra. That's so important.
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