#with a camera zoom out to show he's in the backseat of a car
pepsiwriteswords · 1 year
Hihihi! Took me more than a week, I'm sorryyy, but I'm here with prompt(s)!
For Disconnected, cause I'm writing and rereading old letters and I now have Anaya brainrot. 👍 And I actually realize I have no clue how to write prompts so… Umm… Hope this is something..?
How would Anaya feel about AIs like Cortana or Ciri? And/or if there are true commercial AIs in her world, how would she treat them?
Also, a more open ended prompt if it's better
Highway feelings for any character
Alright, diving back to letter writing!
Mara!! Time is fake, it's all good. Also it took me like, a week to actually work on answering this (& I still haven't even started my letter back to you >.>) & it sat in my drafts for like, 2 more still incomplete, so I cannot throw stones, here. xP Mostly I'm just amused that I got your letters & this ask on the same day. xD
(For the record, though, I fully intend to work on my letter to you soon - I am just Tired Always & also we're moving so. Might be a minute!)
(idk how to write prompts either. mad respect for the people behind all those prompt accounts bc omg.)
Ooh, the cyborg android daughter!! Also the fact that I have apparently talked enough about any of my characters for anyone other than myself to have character-specific brainrot is just. Thank you. :)
Now, android daughter & AI!
Hmm. I honestly have no idea & that might partially be bc I don't have an iphone to ask Siri a couple questions to see how she responds & I don't use & have never used Cortana/Bixby/the Google assistant on any phone or computer I've ever owned.
No, wait, I guess I have one thing: I think she'd mostly be confused by them? Not necessarily their purpose or anything like that, but by the fact that like. Humans made an AI that could answer questions & like. Use google for them, then just. Stopped there. Like, in a world where Anaya exists & might not be that unique a creation, the existence of AIs that are still programmed to have like, 3 ways of responding to a question would be ... baffling to her, I think. Like, you ask Siri a question, you get 'sorry, I don't understand, please try again', 'here is every article google brings up when you search that' & sometimes she just tells you. Yeah, she has a couple somewhat snarky or sassy answers for like, zero divided by zero or whatever, but when you ask her those questions, it's always the same answer, word for word. Anaya would just be wondering what the point of that is, when clearly humans have figured out the answer to real, actual, can-identify-themselves-in-a-mirror AI coding/programming/whatever the appropriate word is there. Of course, she'd still be polite when she talked to them. Manners, after all. & there'd probably still be some sort of like. Feeling of kinship there.
Kind of a bonus answer: This question has made me realize that Disconnected & Distant Light could actually take place at the same time (& possibly at least one shared location -- there is nothing in my worldbuilding so far that states Anaya & co are on Earth...) & there's an AI character in Distant Light. And I think Anaya & Test would get along fantastically. (I really don't know that much about Test, & honestly, brain has not been on enough to work out how Anaya being an android might change her character. >.> It's just. Vibes. Snarky AI who has been very not-sheltered meets a snarky-but-fairly-naive android who's been both incredibly sheltered & like. Y'know. Subject to Gideon's terrible-awful-rich-mad-scientist energy for ... idk how long yet. Also just. Anaya, chose her name, covering herself in she/her pronoun pins & bi pride stuff & Test_0374, let the human that built it choose its name, knows about human sexualities & Gender Stuff but has no interest in partaking itself, has stuck with it/its pronouns the whole time it's been active ... Just. I forsee some great interactions. xP
And okay! I give! The universe doesn't want me to write right now! Once I actually thought about that second prompt for a minute, my brain was like, 'yes, I can vibe with that' & gave me ideas for like. The Black Witch & Styx. Can I put any of those into actual words, though? Nope! Quinn & Blair were gonna have a conversation about magic & the shitty things that happened to them when they were kids & their separation. And Victor was gonna meet Styx & text Natacha & it was maybe gonna be like, the beginning of that story but.
-_- I miss writing. But I also want to stop holding this hostage in my drafts so. Um.
I'm gonna tuck that highway feelings in a mental back pocket & maybe start trying to work on Styx & TBW, though.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie makes a comment during a live-stream about getting dizzy when he stands up and Steve’s like, “Maybe you have low iron. When’s the last time you got blood work done?”
Long pause. Followed by an scandalized, “Eddie!”
Cut to a few days later and a shaky video goes up on Eddie’s account of him in the backseat of Dustin’s car with Ozzy. He’s zooming in and out on Steve’s face in the passenger seat as his voice booms from behind the camera, “Hey, guys. Guess who just passed out like a bitch.”
Steve gave him a questioning look and said, “Eddie, you passed out.”
Eddie flipped the camera around to himself and showing the bandaid on his arm where he had blood drawn before he grins, “I sure fucking did.”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 7 months
How would SOLDIER carpool karaoke turn out?
Carpool Karaoke
• For the sake of publicity, ShinRa thinks it's a good idea to have the First Class trio + Zack participate in a talk show's segment of Carpool Karaoke.
• The bit starts off entertaining enough, with the host pulling into the Shinra HQ's main entrance and picking up his passengers.
• Not even a full minute into the segment and Sephiroth and Genesis are arguing over who gets to ride shotgun. This escalates into a fistfight.
• Angeal breaks them up and makes the decision to ride up front and place Sephiroth and Genesis in the back. He puts Zack in the middle seat to separate them.
• The host starts asking questions about their daily life, making small-talk, prodding them about juicy rumors.
• And then he puts on a song he thinks all four of them will enjoy. It's some over-the-top pop hit that everyone knows—think Uptown Funk.
• All is well and the boys are singing EXCEPT for Sephiroth. He looks flat-out bored and unamused. The camera keeps zooming in on his face every now and then his expression keeps getting more and more hilarious.
• And then the host suggests they lift his spirit and pulls into the MidgarBurger drive-thru. Zack wants a kiddie meal combo with a toy, Genesis wants an order of fries and chicken tenders, Angeal wants a monster burger.
Sephiroth: I would like one of each hamburger.
Everyone: What?
Sephiroth: Did I stutter?
• And so they drive off with Sephiroth and his 38 hamburger boxes in the backseat. At least he looks happy.
• Next up the host asks Angeal what their daily life is like, and how they all became friends.
• Angeal goes on to explain that he and Genesis were childhood friends, how they met Sephiroth and later Zack, and how they all get along so well and rarely ever argue.
• While he explains this the camera films the backseat, where Sephiroth and Genesis are arguing because Genesis tried to nick one of Sephiroth's burgers. Sephiroth retaliated by squirting ketchup at Genesis, so now the two are screaming at each other while Zack frantically blows the tiny whistle that came with his toy.
• Next song! They're all singing along to Everybody (backstreet boys). Genesis gets too excited.
Genesis: 🎶 Am I original?
Everyone: 🎶 Ye-ah.
Genesis: 🎶 Am I the only one?
Everyone: 🎶 Ye-ah.
Genesis: 🎶 Am I sexual?
Sephiroth: NO.
• Before the host drops them off at the base, he asks them one last juicy question.
Host: What's one secret that you guys have been keeping from each other?
Sephiroth: Last new year's eve, I drunkenly stumbled back to the dormitories in the pitch black darkness. On my way there, I encountered a mysterious woman and kissed her.
Angeal: Wow, that's insane. My secret is that one time I used boxed mashed potatoes for a dinner party.
Zack: One time I accidentally ate dog food thinking it was cereal.
Genesis: I was the mysterious woman Sephiroth kissed.
• Sephiroth flies into a murderous rage and they have to stop the car immediately.
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jjongscardigan · 3 months
PAPER RINGS₊ ⊹⟡ — p.jongseong
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16. family outing
note: took OUR son out*** Wrote this while half asleep so didn't bother fixing the mistake because it's minimal and has no impact on anything whatsoever. 😜 ps: Doesn't the girl in the en- thumbnail look like Son Chaeyoung????
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"Babe, tell the babies what we're doing today!" You pan the camera towards your boyfriend. "Riki's at school until 15:00 but after that we're taking him out" You nod as he disappears from the screen. Your eyes naturally follow him and you fondly watch him gather Riki's after-school garments.
You film your feet and intertwined hands as you guys make your way to Riki's school. "There he is" you zoom in on an awkwardly waiting Riki. He's looking around while holding his phone in one hand. His uniform jacket hangs around his backpack. In the background, Jay calls his name and the teen walks towards you.
"Let's go out for a family trip, child" you playfully ruffle his hair. "There's a change of clothes in the trunk, put those on. We're going to Nando's and after that a coin noraebang." He nods as he finally puts a hoodie on and gets in the backseat of Jay's car. You sit next to Jay as he drives off.
"Guys, Riki's playing on his switch. Look at him…" You smile endeared as he curses at a character on screen. "Cutie" you pan the camera towards Jay who's squinting at the road. "Babies, I shouldn't have let my visually impaired boyfriend drive us."
Now you, Riki and Jay are sitting in a booth at Nando's. "Let's order lots of delish food" Riki immediately starts browsing the menu. "Jay is paying, guys" He smiles towards the camera. The wallet, Jay, shakes his head in astonishment. "Order lots of food, Riki. You're a growing boy." You once again pat his head and he leans in with a wide smile.
The screen shows you and Jay walking hand in hand. Riki's walking behind you guys filming his point of view. "Guys, aren't my parents the cutest?" He zooms in on Jay putting an arm around your shoulders. You giggle a bit and put your hand in his back pocket. "This is where we look away, friends" Riki stops filming.
Suddenly it's a very chaotic clip of Jay and Riki screaming like banshees to Heart's Barracuda. You're behind them pretending to play guitar while yelling the backing vocals. Jay slides on his knees and does a guitar solo. Riki and you start hyping him up and he jams even harder. And then.
"Ma'am we know that it's a karaoke room, but please keep it a bit down. There's other visitors in the other rooms." You nod as she excuses herself. When she leaves Riki starts laughing loudly. "Shutup, you heard her" The rest of the session goes by without a hitch and y'all leave.
You're eating an ice cream as Jay films you. "We really have to stop getting on workers' nerves…" You semi pout and Jay's hand is seen pinching your cheek. "Riki, come here!" He runs over and you put an arm around his shoulder. He grins and throws a piece sign before dragging you towards the swings. Jay finishes up. "Guys, this was the video. Thank you for watching, see you next week!"
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taglist — @jayjongie @eclipse-777 @haechansbbg @luvnicho @kim2005bomi @n1k1mura
Do NOT copy my work, thank you!
©jjongscardigan 2024
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luvdsc · 4 years
haha, what if we kissed? (lol jk... unless?)
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fact! you’re secretly in love with your best friend, and so is he!
pairing :: zhong chenle x reader genre :: fluff / best friend, buzzfeed worth it au word count :: 5,072 words warnings :: none playlist :: sunny afternoon (red velvet) ⋆ about love (marina) ⋆ all about you (nct u) ⋆ love (x lovers) ⋆ bella notte (f. murray abraham & arturo castro) author’s note :: i literally just finished writing the rest of this in my meetings today and am posting during my lunchbreak, but happy (1 day late) birthday, chenle sweetheart!! ♡ ↳ part of the not clickbait series.
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“Hello, and welcome back to another episode of Dream: Worth It!”
Chenle shouts loudly from the driver’s seat, waving excitedly at the camera attached to the dashboard as he waits for the traffic light to turn green. You visibly flinch in your spot on the passenger's side, startled by the sudden greeting, and even Jisung jumps in the backseat, almost dropping the camcorder he was fiddling with.
Your best friend continues to give the camera a dazzling smile, paying no attention to your and Jisung’s brief glares. “Today on Worth It, thanks to a fan’s suggestion, we’ll be trying out three different spaghetti dishes at three drastically different price points to find out which one is most worth it at its price!”
“Yes,” you chime in, nodding excitedly at the camera and giving a little wave. “So if you want to see another riveting episode of Chenle and Jisung going on three dates at three drastically different price points while I third wheel again, please stay tuned!”
Both the boys wildly protest, but you blatantly ignore them, checking your phone quickly before beaming at the camera again. “So here’s our first spaghetti fact! The word ‘spaghetti’ is actually the plural version of spaghetto. Spaghetto comes from the Italian word spago, which means twine or thin string.”
“Wait, that actually makes sense. Spaghetti looks like thin strings,” Chenle says, eyebrows shooting up in surprise.
“Yeah, basically every language makes sense, except for English,” you remark, setting your phone down in your lap before turning to your best friend. “So are you excited for this episode’s dish?”
“Yes! Shout out to Moony for your suggestion,” Chenle calls out, driving forward before making a right. “If anyone else has any suggestions for future videos, please feel free to comment below.”
You start to explain the first restaurant to your viewers. “Our first stop is called Legalize Marinara! It’s a small hole in the wall place in downtown LA, and fresh pasta is made everyday. We’ll be talking to the owner and chef Johnny Suh about the daily process.”
“And cut!” Jisung calls out, and you stop there, pressing the off button to end the recording. Later on, the three of you will have to work on snipping up the recordings to create a smooth transition from there to a shot of Johnny and his restaurant before jumping into your quick interview with him.
You quickly scroll through the questions you had written ahead of time to ask Johnny on your phone, mouthing the words and memorizing them. You were always the one who asked about the history of the restaurant because Chenle wasn’t as good with the more sentimental questions and preferred the light hearted ones about the food specifically, which you didn’t mind. As long as you get to try good food at the end of it, you’re one very happy, very stuffed camper. You are very much looking forward to visiting Legalize Marinara.
“—and that’s how the pasta is freshly made everyday in the morning.” Johnny finishes up, giving the camera a very charismatic smile and a wink. “We also have a special brew of coffee created by my dad, but that’s a story for another episode. I’ll bring out the spaghetti once it’s ready.”
You and Chenle thank him before going over to sit at one of the small metal tables near the entrance. The place had a sort of modern, yet retro feel to it with an eclectic mix of vintage, kitschy furniture adding pops of color here and there to the otherwise simple space with a neutral palette. The name of the restaurant flashes as a neon sign, serving as the main wall decor along with records scattered here and there on the wall as well.
Jisung stands across from the two of you, propping the large camera on his shoulder in preparation. You and Chenle both take a sip of the special coffee drinks Johnny prepared for you each on the house, pleasantly surprised by the crisp, refreshing taste your taste buds are immediately hit with. Johnny appears minutes later, a pretty plate of simple spaghetti and meatballs along with some Parmesan and garnish on top in hand.
“Here’s our most popular dish: spaghetti with meatballs!” he announces, placing the plate in front of you both carefully. “It’s a simple tomato sauce, but it’s made with organic, local ingredients that we get from the farmer’s market every morning. We get the fresh meat from the butcher down the block everyday to make the meatballs and buy the cheese from local sellers as well. We also add the secret spice mixture created by my mom to the meatballs, which gives it a distinct flavor from other restaurants. Please dig in, guys!”
You immediately swirl your fork into the plate of spaghetti. It looks and smells absolutely fantastic, and your mouth is already watering. You cannot believe that this only costs thirteen dollars. This is an absolute steal. You are just about to take a bite when—
“Wait! We didn’t do a ‘cheers’ yet!” Chenle exclaims, sticking out his fork towards you. You clink your fork against his own metal utensil, and he’s finally satisfied, retracting his arm. Finally, you take the much anticipated bite. The flavors absolutely explode in your mouth, and you’re already reaching out to take a second forkful of the delicious masterpiece.
“This is amazing,” you declare, and Chenle nods enthusiastically, spearing a meatball with his fork. Jisung briefly pans the camera over to Johnny, who shows a double thumbs up before doing finger guns and giving an exaggerated wink.
“Here, try this.” Chenle cuts a piece of the meatball and offers it to you. You reach out for it, but he pulls back, smiling widely and eyes sparkling. “Nuh uh, that’s too easy. Say ah, Y/N.”
“I—” Your cheeks grow warmer than ever, and his grin grows broader, wriggling the fork in front of you. Face burning, you move forward and take a bite. You can hear Jisung fake gagging behind the camera and very much would like to flip him the bird, but you are a professional. You’ll get him back for that later. After all, revenge is a dish best served piping hot and spicy, and you have some Carolina reapers leftover from another video that may accidentally find its way into Jisung’s ramen next time.
You and Chenle spend some more time describing the dish in between bites as Johnny pipes in here and there with some well placed dad jokes that has Jisung shaking his head behind the camera. By the end of it, you both are very happy, and you switch places with Jisung who has a chance to try out the pasta himself at last. He silently eats it before tossing a thumbs up at the camera, and you stop the recording there. After thanking Johnny once more before the three of you leave, you all pile into your car and get ready to go to the next stop.
Up next: Penne for your Thoughts.
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“Can we stop here?” Jisung pipes up, peering out the window with interest. His eyes scan the surroundings, peering at the empty space and the wide stairs in front of the spiraling columns of a grand building.
You furrow your eyebrows, glancing at your friend in the backseat. “We’re still a couple blocks away from the restaurant though.”
“This looks like a good spot to film a dance,” he muses to himself before sitting up straighter. “Can we take a quick break? We’re still early, and I wanted to film a quick TikTok before the sun sets.”
You look over at Chenle, who shrugs and pulls over. He backs up into an available parking space, parallel parking smoothly, one hand gripping the back of your seat and the other on the steering wheel. “Alright, do your thing, Jisungie.”
Jisung excitedly hops out from the back. You and Chenle follow suit, locking the car behind you. Your friend is busy setting up his collapsible tripod before placing his phone on it and calling over to you, “Hey, can you stand in front, Y/N? I wanna angle this correctly and check the lighting.”
You move in front of his phone, standing several steps in front of the stairs. Jisung fiddles around with his phone for a few moments, switching up some of the settings and zoom functions before straightening up, eyes bright. “Okay, stay there to mark the spot! I’m gonna press the start button to record. Chenle, can I borrow your phone? I need to play the song for the dance.”
Chenle hands him his phone, and the familiar intro to Doja Cat’s “Say So” begins to blast on top volume. Jisung hands it back to its owner and hurriedly moves to stand in front of his own recording phone as you step aside. “I kinda also need you two in my TikTok.”
“Wait, what? I don’t know the dance,” you protest, starting to back out, but Jisung grabs your hand, pulling you into view, as Chenle bounces over with a shrug of his shoulders, never one to shy away from the camera.
“You don’t need to dance. I just need you both to uh, kiss my cheek on, um, both sides when I tap on them both. It should be the fourth time she says ‘say so’ in the song,” he stammers slightly, face turning slightly pink. He avoids making eye contact as you give him a suspicious look, crossing your arms over your chest.
“What? Why?”
“It’s part of the dance! Now get out of the shot please because the chorus is finally coming up again!” He unceremoniously shoves you out of the frame, and Chenle quickly catches you before you faceplant into the ground. You have a few choice words to yell at your friend and are about to furiously march over to him, but Chenle tightens his grip on you. “Let’s just let him finish, and we can go on. You know how he is about dancing.”
“I’m paying Renjun to put another cockroach picture as his lockscreen again,” you huff, frowning at the dancing boy. “Why didn’t you say anything about the whole kissing request anyway?”
“Eh, I’ve done it before. It’s no big deal.” Chenle shrugs, and you start to stutter, brain malfunctioning, “Wait, you did wha—”
“Oh, it’s almost our cue!” Chenle pushes you towards Jisung as he runs behind the camera to the other side, and you find yourself stumbling for a second time before catching yourself. Grumbling to yourself, you catch Chenle’s apologetic expression, and you sigh, shaking your head as you wait on the sidelines for Jisung to do the move.
And there it is.
Jisung points at his cheeks, tapping them on both sides, and you and Chenle jump into the frame. You lean forward, pressing your lips softly against— wait.
Eyes widening, you jump back in shock, mouth popping open, and the same reaction comes from your best friend when you two realize that you just kissed each other. On the lips.
Crouched on the ground, Jisung looks rather smug after quickly dropping down mid-dance and orchestrating the whole incident. He quickly stands up, striding towards the camera and ending the recording, before efficiently packing up the equipment and walking back to the car without another word.
“Did we just—” you splutter, unable to continue your sentence, as your face grows increasingly warm. Chenle refuses to make eye contact with you, the darkening blush spreading across his face like wildfire. The two of you both direct your disbelief at the same target, rushing over to the car which he boredly stands next to, waiting for Chenle to unlock it.
“Jisung!” You both shout his name, and he just stares at you both, a small grin across his face that he struggles to hide. “What?”
“‘What?’ That’s it? What was that?! Why did you do that?” you exclaim, waving your arms around. Chenle is rendered speechless, unable to say anything after the quick outburst of his other best friend’s name.
“I was tired of listening to Che—mmph!” Jisung is abruptly cut off as Chenle throws his hand over his friend’s mouth, effectively interrupting whatever he was about to say. The two of them silently look at each other, maintaining some sort of telepathic stare that’s probably discussed in the universal book of the bro code. You’ve seen Jaemin and Jeno or Renjun and Donghyuck share the same look before and never really understood it. To be honest, it kind of reminds you of that one moment where the main characters of a chick flick gaze into each others’ eyes and then kiss.
The sound of a text notification cuts off your train of thought and breaks the intense stare down going between the two boys, and you check your phone, eyes widening. “Oh my god, we’re going to be late if we don’t go now! Taeyong just texted me to confirm if we’re coming.”
The three of you hurry into the car, buckling up in your seats. Your hand lightly grazes Chenle’s amidst the rush, and you freeze. You look up, heat spreading across your face, as Chenle meets your gaze, turning redder than spaghetti sauce.
“Alright, you can continue this moment at the restaurant,” Jisung says loudly, jolting the two of you out of your stupor. You quickly retract your hand, mumbling a quick apology, and look away, cheeks still growing warmer than ever. Chenle awkwardly clears his throat and starts the car up, driving to your second stop on the map.
Penne for your Thoughts is simply lovely. It reminds you of a place you would see on the shiny cover of Architecture Digest: a hot spot where all those social influencers would take aesthetic snapshots and post to their Instagrams. The restaurant is quaint and spacious: a large area filled with lots of greenery, hanging plants in simple white ceramic pots, white painted brick walls, and wooden tables with soft cushions on each seat. Once you wrap up the interview with Taeyong, you are seated next to an open window with a great view of a pretty koi pond in the back.
“We serve Korean fusion style food here, and our spaghetti has a freshly made tomato sauce that includes chopped kimchi infused in it. We found that using garlic marinated pork belly makes a more flavorful meatball, which we char slightly, paying homage to the wonderful KBBQ samgyeopsal. We also found that a raw egg yolk on top adds a richness to the pasta, which is similar to a bowl of bibimbap. And there’s some grated Parmesan and mozzarella on top.” Taeyong sets the plate of gorgeous spaghetti in front of you and Chenle with a shy smile. “I hope you both enjoy it.”
You don’t know how else to describe the dish, except that it is beautiful (Just like the restaurant owner, like have you seen his face? Lee Taeyong is the true modern day Adonis, but you digress). You swear you saw Chenle wipe a tear from his face out of the corner of your eye. Practically salivating, you impatiently wait for Jisung to take a few close up videos and pictures of the dish before you immediately dig in.
Fork awkwardly hovering in the air, you pause, turning to Chenle. “Uh, cheers?”
His own loaded fork is halfway to his mouth when he halts. “Oh! Right. Yes. Um, cheers, Y/N.”
The two of you stiffly tap your forks against each other before facing forward again and finally taking the much desired bite. The flavors are bursting like fireworks, and if someone told you that you had died and gone to heaven, you would believe them because there’s no other word to explain the taste other than heavenly. Dante had many circles leading to the center of hell. If you are to apply the same concept to heaven, Legalize Marinara would be the first circle you enter once you go past the pearly gates, and Penne for your Thoughts would most definitely be the second.
The clinking of Chenle’s fork against the plate breaks you from your thoughts, and your good mood falters when you remember the incident again. You plaster a quick smile as you begin to describe the dish to the camera. Chenle chimes in with a wide smile of his own that looks a little too forced, but the only one who seems to notice is you.
Once the recording is wrapped up, Chenle drops you off at your apartment building for you to change into a more dressier attire for the last stop. He and Jisung will change at their place before coming back to pick you up for dinner.
Up next: Terrazza San Valentino.
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The place is positively breathtaking. It is an upscale restaurant with open seating on a terrace, leading to a beautiful view of the ocean. Wisteria vines and bright flowers weave their way through the twisting low iron fences encompassing the space as they climb the sides of the building. You have the perfect seat to witness the picturesque sunset over the rippling waters. A bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon had been brought out and now rests on the covered table, uncorked and already poured out into two glasses. It very much reminds you of the beautiful restaurants you visited along the Amalfi Coast, specifically Il Capitano in Positano. You only hope that the food here will be just as amazing as the pasta you ordered there.
You just wish your company was a little better. The atmosphere felt more awkward than the time your mom had set you up on a blind date with her coworker’s son. You had to text Chenle for help that time, and he came to your rescue, helping you escape after pretending to be your long lost son. Obviously, your date wasn’t dumb enough to believe that, but he did believe that you were completely off your rockers and immediately took off after that.
Sneaking a glance at your best friend, you sigh when you realize that he refuses to look your way. You carefully tuck the skirt of your wine red dress under your crossed legs. The sweetheart neckline emphasizes the simple gold necklace you have on, and the dress tapers off at your waist, accentuating your figure perfectly. You paired the outfit with a matching lipstick, a simple black clutch, and some elegant black heels with ribbons that loop around your ankles into a pretty bow.
In other words, you look stunning, and Chenle’s palms are growing sweaty. He undos the first few buttons of his white dress shirt, desperately wanting to take off his tailored suit jacket, but his attire would look much too casual without it. He avoids eye contact with you and remains silent, growing even more flustered by the second, and looks at Jisung helplessly.
Of course, his other best friend proves to be useless again (Disappointing, but not surprising). Jisung simply wriggles his eyebrows at him, eyes darting from you to Chenle, before zooming into his face at a very unflattering angle. Chenle throws him a dirty look, and Jisung merely sticks out his tongue in response. However, they immediately smoothen their expressions into much more pleasant ones when Jaehyun comes out with the plate of food on a small cart.
“This is our play on spaghetti.” He gives you a dimpled smile, and you briefly wonder if the customers rave about this restaurant because of the food or the chef. Perhaps it is a combination of both.
He continued to explain the dish, setting it down in front of you and Chenle. “We use strangozzi that is made fresh every morning. We infuse sun dried tomatoes that we dried ourselves into the olive oil for a minimum of thirty days. The pasta is cooked for sixty seconds, while we slightly sauté grated truffle in the oil in a pan. Once the pasta is ready, we transfer it to the truffle pan and cook it for another minute, making sure to coat the pasta in the sauce. And then we grate some Parmesan and truffles right on top at the table.”
Jaehyun pulls out the expensive mushroom, generously grating thin slices on top of the glistening strands of pasta. The smell is incredible, and your eyes are already hyper fixated on the dish in front of you. He puts down the mushroom and grater, picking up the second grater and the cheese from the cart before shredding the cheese perfectly.
When he finishes, Jaehyun places them back on the cart and smiles at you both charmingly once more. “I hope you enjoy your meal. If you need anything else, please feel free to ask.”
You thank him before he leaves, and Jisung takes all the necessary shots before giving the okay to start eating. You and Chenle offer up some comments about the elegance of the dish, describing its appearance and finally twirling some on the end of your fork. You murmur a quiet “cheers” as the two of you clink your glasses of wine together and take a sip before having the first bite.
The amount of money you have to pay to have a truffle dish is absolutely worth it. The taste is simply indescribable, and you truly have no words. You are blown away by the amount of flavor that can be created with just a few ingredients, and your taste buds are singing. Wide eyed, you turn to look at Chenle, who has the same astonished expression on his face, already staring back at you in complete surprise.
“Holy shit,” you breathe out, and your best friend agrees with you. “Holy shit indeed.”
You immediately go for another bite, and Chenle quickly follows suit. “This is— this is incredible. I don’t know how to describe it, except, except, wow. I can’t stop eating it, and the sun dried tomatoes, olive oil, fresh pasta al dente, and truffles just work so well together. It’s like a symphony in my mouth.”
“I agree,” Chenle nods enthusiastically, swiping another forkful of the yummy goodness. “This has to be one of the best dishes of the entire season.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” You spear a slice of the truffle with the pasta, and the ensuing bite is simply perfect and delectable. “I would come back here every single week if my bank account would let me.”
The stifled atmosphere between the two of you suddenly becomes relaxed at that point, the thick tension dissipating with food never failing to act as the perfect ice breaker and buffer simultaneously. For now, you can pretend the kiss didn’t happen and almost forget it (key word: almost).
“There’s a very popular fan suggestion,” Jisung pipes up, looking at the comment section of the previous video where you and Chenle announced your current recording’s star dish. “It got over twenty thousand likes and five hundred responses.”
“What is it?” You pause in eating, fork poised in the air, as you look over to your friend behind the camera. Chenle pays no attention, continuing to take another bite.
“Recreate the Lady and the Tramp moment.”
Your jaw drops, and your eyes grow round. Practically scandalized, your voice goes an octave higher. “You mean the kissing scene?!”
At the mention of kissing, Chenle chokes on a noodle, spluttering and nearly hacking up a lung, and you quickly reach over and firmly pat him on the back repeatedly until he stops coughing with a weak “thanks.”
“What? This is a food show! Why do they want us to kiss?” your best friend wheezes, and you pass him a glass of water. He grabs it from your outstretched hand gratefully and takes a large gulp.
“I don’t know, fan service? Anyway, it’s good for the views!” Jisung gives you a thumbs up, and you frown at him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Why don’t you do it with Chenle then?”
“It specifically says you and Chenle,” he informs smugly with a smirk, and you glower at him, much to his amusement.
“Well, if it’s for the fans…” Chenle trails off, a faint blush beginning to make its appearance on his face. He hesitantly pulls out one strand of the pasta, picking up one end on his fork.
You can’t believe this. Yet, you slowly reach out for the other end of the strand with your fork, twirling it onto the metal prongs securely. You move to take your end of the noodle, while Chenle does the same, both of you actively avoiding eye contact.
“Oh c’mon, at least make it a little more romantic than that. Jeno and Jaemin have more chemistry than you two right now,” Jisung complains, and you would very much like to chuck the half full bottle of wine at his big, annoying head (Chenle also has similar thoughts).
Taking a deep breath, you finally place the noodle’s end in your mouth. Cheeks burning, you can feel your heart rate already skyrocketing at the mere thought of kissing your best friend again. You know you’ll freeze up if you look at him, so you do your best to focus your gaze on the center of the noodle strand. You’ll have some time before the two of you meet in the middle, right?
It comes much too soon, and your palms are growing sweaty as your heart races in your chest at a breakneck speed. Your lips are mere millimeters away from his, and you pause. You can’t hear anything, but the pounding of your heart and the blood rushing to your cheeks, and you finally find the courage to peek up at your best friend. You find him already gazing at you, a soft expression on his face. His eyes dart down to your lips before meeting your eyes once more, and you suddenly realize that he’s waiting for you, that he won’t do anything unless you want it too, that it’s okay if you don’t.
But you do.
So you muster up all the courage you possibly can and close the distance, carefully pressing your lips against his for a tender kiss before biting off the noodle. When you pull back, you finally notice the awestruck expression written all over Chenle’s face. He lets out a small laugh of disbelief before he positively beams, bouncing in his seat, and you sport a matching smile, albeit a little bashful.
“Uh, anyway, who left that comment? We should probably give them a mention,” you say, clearing your throat and hoping the heat subsides in your cheeks soon. Chenle continues to grin like the Cheshire Cat and secretly grabs your hand underneath the tablecloth, intertwining your fingers with his. You can feel your face exponentially growing warm once again, but you still send a pleased smile to your best friend.
“Uh…” Jisung awkwardly laughs, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “‘Insert goofy’s chuckle.’”
At Jisung’s answer, you freeze up entirely in your position before immediately turning and locking eyes with Chenle in complete horror, the both of you instantly coming to the same, dreadful realization.
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One new notification: Dream: Worth It uploaded a new video!
insert goofy’s chuckle commented:
oh my god you guys actually did it. your relationship started all thanks to ME 🙆🏻 you’re welcome btw 😘 I take payment in the form of your first born’s name
notanimpasta replied: @ insert goofy’s chuckle ok calm down rumpelstiltskin
jisung pwark replied:  @ notanimpasta what a perfect nickname for him. He’s an ugly little greedy man
ghosts are real so suck it hyuck replied: @ jisung pwark LMAOOOO (and congrats, chenle and y/n!)
 insert goofy’s chuckle replied:  @ jisung pwark what tf no one asked??? 
notanimpasta replied: @ jisung pwark wait hold on you were supposed to edit that end part out????
jisung pwark replied: @ notanimpasta i left it for the views ☺️
big head king replied: @ jisung pwark people watch for the food tho!!! 🙂
nana ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ replied: @ big head king I watched it for the kiss. Love is so beautiful 🥰💓💞🥺🥺💕💛💟✨💖
jenojam replied: @ big head king I had watched it for the food! but congratulations, y/n and chenle :) 
insert goofy’s chuckle replied: @ big head king i watched it because ron jeon said you mentioned me
ghosts are real so suck it hyuck replied: @ insert goofy’s chuckle IT’S RENJUN!!!!!! 🤬🤬 
mork lee rawr xD replied: hahaha I watch for the food~
insert goofy’s chuckle replied: @ mork lee rawr xD Thank you Mark, very cool!
winwin in past tense is wonwon!!! commented:
whoop whoop congrats lele 🥳🥳
rapperpunzel commented:
the pasta looks good 🍝
johnny’s communication center commented:
Thanks for stopping by! Come back for the couple’s special discount anytime 😉
baa baa yang sheep commented:
oh my god finally!!!
ghosts are real so suck it hyuck replied: @ baa baa yang sheep you owe me $50 I was right, it happened before the season finale
baa baa yang sheep replied: @ ghosts are real so suck it hyuck suddenly i’m jared, 19
xiao dejasmine commented:
hahahaha cute ! 😁😁
ty track commented:
Thank you y/n and chenle for visiting ~~ congrats on your relationship !!! -TY
junguwu (◕‿◕✿) commented:
jisung pwark commented:
check out my latest tiktok video @ jisungpwark to see their actual first kiss!!! and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe ☺️
notanimpasta replied: @ jisung pwark STOP USING US AS CLICKBAIT
jisung pwark replied: @ notanimpasta no ❤️
jisung pwark replied: @ notanimpasta also red is sus
big head king replied: @ jisung pwark so when are you gonna do the best friend kissing challenge huh 👀
jisung pwark replied: @ big head king SHUT UP CHENLE
honeyfairy replied: @ jisung pwark 😳😳
gu ren gui god commented:
wow~ very cute, chenle! my angel 😊
prince jae commented:
thank you guys for coming by! please stop by next year on your anniversary free of charge (:
insert goofy’s chuckle replied: @ prince jae omg mark and I will be there for sure ❤️
showmethemonet replied: @ insert goofy’s chuckle my new boyfriend and I will be there too ☺️
insert goofy’s chuckle replied: @ showmethemonet I’m sorry, I was wrong, pls don’t leave me for bts jin even though i am so much more handsomer and talented than him 😌
apado gwenchana god commented:
nice 😎👍🏻
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ryvgvji · 3 years
Late Night Drive | Dabi (Touya Todoroki)
day 12 of smutcember: Car sex with Dabi
warning: choking, cursing, spitting kink, degradation kink, hair pulling, really rough sex with Dabi, creampie
summary: being with a member of LOV meant that you had no idea when you would see each other, but one thing is for sure, when he gives an order, you do as your told.
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“get dressed and come down.” a raspy voice said through the phone. “huh?” you were tired as hell and you had zero knowledge of what was happening.
you heard a low sigh through the speaker and the person spoke again, this time more demanding. “get the fuck up. put on clothes and come down stairs.” “but Dabi it’s-” you tried to counter. “don’t make me say it again. get your ass down here, otherwise, i’ll fucking kill you.” and with that, he hung up.
what the actual fuck is wrong with this motherfucker. never did he just call you at 2 in the fucking morning, telling you to get out of your comfortable bed or he'll kill you. the fuck he think he is? either way, you still got up to your dismay and dressed yourself. you weren't trying to get killed at 2 in the morning by anyone. no less your own villain of a boyfriend.
when you arrived outside of the complex of your apartment, you saw your boyfriend waiting across the street, leaning against his car. “hurry the fuck up before i leave you.” he spat then opening his car entering the vehicle. “nice to see you too.” you say as you enter the car. he skeets away driving at full speed down the road not caring about the speed limit.
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Dabi comes to a slow as he pulls into an empty dark alleyway. you're assuming it’s by the LOV hideout being that the streets are empty. you move to unbuckle your seatbelt and open the door when Dabi locks it. with furrowed eyebrows, you turn in your seat and give him. a confused look. “what are you doing?”
he doesn't say anything but looks at you. his stare very intimidating and scary, like he’s looking straight through you. his eyes slightly hooded and he scans over your body. he raises his chin and smirks. he reaches over to you gripping your hair in his hand. he pulls at the texture hardly making you yelp as he only smiles at you. “ow, Dabi, that hurts!” you try to pull his hand away. his grip only tightens and he pulls even harder. he pulls you in for a kiss and it’s rough.
he shoves his tongue inside your mouth tasting every part of you. he bites at your tongue and it makes you yelp from pain. that doesn't stop him though, he continues to bite your lip. he pierces the flesh with his teeth drawing blood from it and sucking it. you could only whimper from the pain wanting nothing more than him to stop.
Dabi pulls away from your lips, letting go of your hair in the process. but, his hands roam over your body pulling off your top and groping at the skin. his hands move up to your collarbone pressing at the bone then wrapping around your throat. he applies pressure cutting off your oxygen circulation. you gasp as your own hands grab and claw at his. “Da...bi..!” you started to get light-headed. then, he releases you. “get in the back.”
you did as told and settled yourself in the backseat as he exits the car coming into the back as well. he wastes no time in pressing his lips to yours once more, this time a slight bit softly. he pulls you by your calf so your laying against the leather seats. his hand moves to your pants. he unbuttoned the material and pull them down with quickness and eagerness. “Dabi- wait.” you try to say as he continues to kiss you. “shut up.”
his hands trail down your stomach to your nethers. “what a fucking whore. you're fucking enjoying this.” he says when he noticed the state of your undergarments. there’s a dampened spot on them. “you fucking slut.” he cusses. using the wetness, he pushes his fingers inside of you. the pads of his calloused and cracked fingers nudge at your spot making you feel much-welcomed pleasure.
“jesus Dabi.” you sigh. you pull him in by his neck for a kiss wanting to taste him again. he curls his fingers inside you rubbing against your spot with more precision. “open your mouth.” he instructs you pulling from your lips. he lolls out his tongue letting the saliva slide into your mouth. “swallow.” he kisses your cheek down to your neck.
you follow his instructions, savoring his taste as the liquid slides down your throat. you hum and stick your tongue out to show proof. “what an obedient kitty. does exactly as daddy says.” he leans in for a kiss and speeds up his fingers. he pushes on your spot and makes you moan into the kiss. your creaming around his fingers and your getting closer. “your gonna cum?” you nod rapidly. “well, you can’t.” he growls in your pulling out of you.
“be good n’ strip down for me kitty.” he pulls away from your embrace. you take off every article of clothing and put it in the passenger seat. he pulls down his pants and sits in the middle seat. “come here.” he fingers to you. you swing your leg over him, straddling his lap having you both pressing against each other. “put it in.” his hands rest on your thighs.
you lift yourself up and line him up with your opening. ���we don’t have a condom.” you pause and say. he looks at you with hooded and dark eyes. “didn’t i give you an order?” “but-“ he grips your throat and squeezes. “don’t disobey me kitty. you know better. be smart.” he says in a deadly tone. you whimper in fright and nod. “now slide down on this dick.”
you lower self onto him and he pushes inside. you take all 8.5 inches inside of you and sit still. “move.” Dabi leans his head on his hands that are behind him. you slowly lift and drop yourself down on him. the piercing at the tip of his dick hits your cervix and it makes you whine. it hurts but you have to keep going. “speed up.” he instructs to you. whimpering you slightly speed up.
Dabi growls and smacks your ass harshly making you jolt forward. “stop being a fucking brat, unless you want a punishment.” he suggests. you shake your head no and change your position. you brace your hands on the center console armrest and plant your feet on the seats. you start to move up and down his dick. “nice view.” he hums with a smirk plastered on his face. he moved a hand from behind his head and plays with your sex.
“ha~ Dabi.” you sigh sliding up and down on him. his cocky smirk sits on his lips and he watches you with amusement. your shake form and heavy breaths that leaves your lips are so fucking sexy to him. your body is a temple to him. he just wants break it down each time only for you build it back up. your only his kitty, he doesn’t want anyone near you.
“look at that. your slutty hole is creaming around my dick.” he taunts thrusting his hips up to meet yours. the car is starting shake. he used his other hand to pull you in by your throat and lean his head against yours. “you look so cute when your drooling like a dumb slut over my dick.” he growls looking you in the eyes. you could feel his breath against your lips and you whimper. you want his lips on yours so bad right now. he chuckles at your desperation and only mocks you more by using his thumb to trace over you bottom lip. “your lips are so soft. perfect lips.” he leans in.
your hands land on his arms as he kisses you with lust and dominance. he leans your back on the armrest and he startes to drill into you. the car shaking even more violently at his movements and the leather seats slightly sqeeking. the squelching and slapping sound of your skin echoed in the small space of the car. “i’m gonna make you cum dump.” his hips slam into yours at a relentless pace and your about to release all over him.
“Dabi, i’m gonna cum..” you say breathlessly. he kisses you and his hand on your neck tightens. “do it.” he deep voice says into your ear and your clenching down on him. his hips thrashed into yours sloppily as his high came. he stills as his cum slips inside of you, coating the throbbing walls of your inside. “you fucking slut. you like that don’t y-you.” he stammers as his body tingles with pleasure. “ngh~ s’good!!” you whine.
he pulls out of you and leans back against the seat and watch as his cum seeps from you. you trickles down your as dropping onto the car floor. he takes his phone out and goes to the camera. his turns on the flash and starts to record, zooming in on his cum dripping out of you. he moves up and your body stopping at your face. the flash showing your fucked our features and your messy hair. lips swollen and wet with saliva. “pretty little bitch.” he grabs your face and records you two kissing.
“send me that.” you say when you pull apart. “that’s my naughty slut.” he smirks.
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annab-nana · 4 years
My Dork - Colby Brock
Sam and Colby invite you and Jake to explore a recently abandoned hospital with them and things don’t go according to plan.
@traphousedaily’s favorite xplr video project with: @lonely-xplr, @sarcasmhadachild, @gothtara, @reddesertcolbs, @reinad-snc, @cartiercolby, @colbylover99, @xplrtrash, @goddess-of-time-and-magic, @xolbyz, @myguiltypleasures21
A/N: I didn’t have a lot of time to edit this one, so sorry for any errors there might be :)
Warnings: some curse words
Word Count: 1.8k+
“This is the Saint Luke’s Medical Hospital,” Sam announced as he zoomed in on the large building ahead of you four. You were slightly freaked out by the number of signs telling you that there was a guard dog around that you should beware of, but the boys did not seem to care that much.
“Look, there’s a big fat boob on the top,” Jake whispered to the camera as he pointed to the brown dome shape that sat at the top of the building that also had a small cone on top of that, resulting in a breast shape.
“There’s a big fat boob right here,” Colby giggled as he pointed to your chest. Your eyes widened and you stifled a laugh. You two made those kinds of jokes all the time, but he has never done it on camera.
“Colby!” you shouted before chuckling at the joke. The other two boys laughed as well before continuing to walk forward.
“You’re supposed to honk ‘em, right?” Jake asked as he made grabby hands, still going along with the boob joke. He then made a car honking noise with his mouth, causing you three to burst out in laughter.
“Yes, Jake. Go do that. Your goal today is to get to the top and honk that boobie,” Sam influence his friend before Jake ran ahead and he made grabby hands towards the building.
“How do we explain that to security if we get caught? Like what were you doing in here? We’re trying to honk boobies,” Colby joked as you rolled your eyes, realizing you were stuck to explore this hospital with three immature idiots. A noise caught you all off guard and you looked to Colby as he looked off at the building.
“That’s the dog,” Sam mumbled, looking in the same direction as Colby. You walked forward with the group to see the dog that sat behind the glass-paneled door. The dog barked with each step you guys got closer. You, Jake, and Sam backed away, but Colby’s dog-loving heart got closer to talk to it.
“We’re gonna come explore this hospital, okay? And we’re just going to look around for a second, alright? And then, we’re gonna leave, okay?” he told the pup in his talking to animals voice.
“Wait, dude, if there’s a dog right there, that means there’s a person right next to it,” Sam warned.
“There’s just a guy just listening to me say ‘We’re just going to explore this hospital’,” Colby laughed at the thought as he walked away from the dog. You all went around the building to find the door that y’all saw earlier when checking the perimeter of the place. There was a door that was wide open, so you all figured that would be the best way to enter. Once you guys arrived at the door, Colby peeked his head in and began making kissy noises.
“What are you doing?” Sam asked his best friend.
“I’m just making sure the dog knows that we’re coming in,” he spoke with a giggle. “Dude, wait. This is the part where we decide right now, do we wanna get bit by a dog or do we wanna be safe?”
“Did you bring the meat?” Sam asked Jake and Colby before the two pointed at each other.
“Colby’s got a fat ass. Bro, that dog has food for days. Ain’t that right, y/n?” Jake asked you as you nodded your head confidently.
“Why do I always have to go first?” Colby whined before grabbing the camera from Sam and walking forward. When he walked in the door, you all heard a click. You all walked away from the door to discuss the noise before deciding to go back.
“Dude, the click was because this door is automatic,” you told them when Sam went in and waved his hand near the door.
“Yeah, that’s it,” Sam said as he popped back out. “But it smells really bad. We should put on our masks in here.”
Colby handed you and Jake each a mask from Sam’s backpack before you put on the infamous black mask. Now, it was finally time to go in. Sam led the pack as he filmed, you and Colby followed with joined hands, and Jake was the caboose as he looked around at everything.
“You look adorable in your mask,” Colby bent down to whisper.
“You can only see my eyes, you asshole,” you giggled.
“Yeah, but I love your eyes.” You batted your eyelashes at the compliment before maintaining your focus ahead of you once more. Y’all made it to some stairs and made sure to take light and slow steps to lessen the risk of noise so the dog won’t find you. Once up the stairs, you went through a door that was already cracked open.
As you walked down the hallway with the guys, you realized how cool it was that you were doing. You had explored plenty of abandoned places with Colby, but they were all run down and broken and dirty. This place, however, still had running lights and literally felt like you were in a running hospital that had zero people in it.
You guys roamed the halls slowly as you tried to stay quiet. Eventually, you reached what looked like the hall where the patients lived. Everything was dead silent before Jake dropped something and it landed with a loud thud that bounced off the walls for anyone in the building to hear.
“Jake!” you whisper shouted.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, and you all moved to leave the room, not before he ran into something else and caused a ruckus. He muttered another apology and y’all left the room.
“Listen, we’re gonna fucking die. We’re gonna fucking die if y’all don’t stop making fucking noise. Okay?” Colby whispered to Sam who was filming him. You let out a small giggle before Jake spoke.
“It was my fault. I’m sorry.” Moments later, he made yet another noise while shutting a door behind him. Sam and Jake split off one way down the hall while you and Colby went the other.
“Yo, look at this,” Colby whispered when he knelt down to grab a sign that was laying on the floor. He turned around before showing it to you. It was a sign that told you which way the surgery recovery unit was and the stroke specialist unit too. “Should I keep this?”
“I don’t see why not.” He did a small happy dance and kissed you on the cheek before walking back to Sam and Jake.
Next, y’all found the best part of the building. It still had chairs and beds and literally looked like an actual hospital. You found the waiting area where the room was lined with red chairs. The next room over had some beds in it, but that was it. The last room in the hall looked the best. It had beds, counters, cabinets, an overhead light that you could move around, but you guys couldn’t stay long because a whistle was heard. So quickly, you four took a thumbnail picture before trying to leave. Of course, the boys got sidetracked when they saw a microphone that was linked to a speaker system.
“Sir, your penis appointment is scheduled,” Jake whispered into the mic before Colby went next.
“Could we have Larry with the case of gonorrhea come to the front office please. Thank you.”
Then, they realized it was time to go. Y’all speed-walked the way you came, but when you guys reached a door, Colby accidentally pushed the handle and an alarm sounded went off.
“Oh, shit. Shit. Shit. Shit,” Sam mumbled as speed walking turned into running. You four ran down the stairs and out of the building. Y’all walked slowly for a second to catch your breath and then took off again for the car. You threw open the back door and slipped in, leaving the door open so Jake could get in too. Colby placed the surgery sign next to you and got in the front. Right as Colby drove off, a police car passed by and turned into the hospital.
“That was crazy,” you stated as your breathing finally calmed down.
“I kinda wanna explore more of it next time,” Jake told Sam. You looked at him with wide eyes. The one who caused most of the noise wanted to go back. He may not have tripped the alarm this time, but if there was going to be a next time, he definitely would be the one to do it. “I feel like we should do a part two.”
“I feel like we should do a part two to that,” Sam agreed as he looked to Colby. Jake and Sam kept encouraging the idea before Colby spoke up.
“Yo, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“You don’t think that’s a good idea?” Sam questioned.
“No, we just barely got out of there.” Colby continued.
“And Jake can’t stay quiet to save his life,” you added before Jake gasped.
“It’s true,” you told him with a smile.
“What if we bring dog treats?” Sam suggested.
“For the police? Because the dog wasn’t coming for us. It was the police,” you said to them.
“Okay, let’s think reasonably here,” Colby told Jake and Sam.
“What if we did? Like what if we got dog treats?” Jake imagined.
“No,” Colby protested.
“Do you think they’re trained not to care about anything?” Sam asked.
“Yes!” Colby said with enthusiasm. You rolled your eyes in the backseat. Sam was supposed to be the smart one, but right now, he wasn’t really showing that. “Okay, you really think a dog is gonna see you and start charging at you and you’re like ‘Hey, here’s a treat. Go get it,’ and it’s just gonna go. Like, come on now.”
“That stuff only happens in cartoons, Sam,” you told the blond.
“Alright, eighty-five thousand likes and we’ll do it,” he said to the camera as he completely ignored what you and Colby had said which you two gave up and nodded along.
Later on when you all came back to the trap house, you and Colby laid in bed to think about what had happened.
“That was crazy,” you started as your head hit his chest.
“I can’t believe they thought we just needed some dog treats, and it would all be better.”
“I can believe that Jake would think that, but I thought Sam was smarter than that.” You both laughed before silence fell over you two.
“But that place was really cool and pretty. Thanks for taking me,” you whispered.
“You’re really cool and pretty,” Colby added in.
“You are such a dork,” you giggled before kissing his lips.
“I’m your dork though.”
“Yes, you are my dork.”
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baroquebucky · 4 years
Italian days
request: could you write something about going to Italy with timothee? Im just imagining how cute and romantic it would be 🥺
a/n: this is so cute !!! prepare for typical tourist attractions also i have no idea where any of these things are in relation to each other so :-) i literally googled what to do in these places bc I’ve never been sorry guys:-( this ones long so strap in and get ready !!! let me know what y’all think abt it ! i kinda wanna make headcanons about this too hehe >:) I hope you all enjoy it and send me some requests 🥰
You quickly finished packing your last t shirt in the already full suitcase, putting your weight onto it so that you could zip it up fully. You were excited for the trip that timothee had planned for the two of you, giddy to finally spend some alone time with you favorite boy. “ma cherie are you almost done?” you heard timmy call out from the living room. Quickly you grabbed the final bag off the bed and scanned the room, going over a mental checklist to ensure you didn't forget anything. 
“okay i have everything, did you get everything? Do you have all the things you need? What time is it? Are we gonna be late? Oh god what if the plane leaves without us” you began to ramble, going through every worst case scenario possible. Timothee looked at you in awe, he had never seen you this nervous about anything before, he least expected it to come out right before a romantic getaway.
“angel, calm down, it’s fine let’s go to the airport we’re right on time” he smiled at you, giving you a quick kiss before he helped you with your bags and you two headed to the Uber waiting outside your shared apartment. As you helped him squeeze the luggage in you both sat in the backseat, you were so excited for the trip.
“You know we should go to Paris for our next anniversary” timmy spoke offhandedly, mindlessly playing with your hair as the movie you had chose played on the tv. “That would be fun, I’ve never been there” you smiled, looking at him briefly before your eyes settled on the screen again.
“where have you traveled to?” He questioned, curious as to all the places you’ve visited. “mmm i mean I’ve never been to Europe, i left the state a couple times for road trips but that’s about it” you replied, not thinking anything of the question. “You mean to tell me that you’ve never been to Italy?” He gasped and you laughed at his shock.
“We aren’t all stars or rich Chalamet” you suppressed laughter but one look at his facial expression caused you to burst into a fit of laughter. “That’s it im booking a flight to Italy, we can go to venice and oh we could even travel to where we filmed call me by your name! And then we could go to Rome!” He gushed, moving quickly to get his laptop.
You were excited, until you realized you had $20 in your wallet and maybe $67 in you bank account. “Timothée wait no” you spoke, rushing behind him to stop him. He turned around confused as to why you didn’t want to go.
“do you not wanna go? I thought you liked Italy? You show me videos about people going there all the time” he asked, searching your face for an answer. “I do! I’ve always wanted to go there” you stated, sighing as your gazes met. “it’s just- how am i gonna pay for my ticket? I don’t have enough money and-” before you could finish timothée cut you off.
“what makes you think you’re paying?” He grinned, running to the room to get the laptop once again. You messed with your fingers for a second, you didn’t want him to spend money on you, you’ve always felt bad about it.
“timmy no you can’t just buy me a ticket there” you spoke, walking into the room, seeing the boy sitting on the bed, legs crossed with the laptop in his lap. He furrowed his brows and replied without looking up from his screen. “Why not? You’re my girl, think of it as a present” he smiled, you opened your mouth to protest but he quickly stopped you.
“i just bought them so you can’t take it back” he beamed, you frowned for a second before he gave you the puppy eyes. Of course you couldn’t resist, you tackled him with a hug and kissed him, thanking him a million times.
And so here the two of you were, sitting in the backseat on your way to the airport, going over the loose itinerary timothée had made for the two of you once you landedin Venice. He had gone beyond what you expected to make this trip memorable despite telling him to not worry.
When you got to the airport everything went surprisingly smooth despite you being nervous the whole time. The two of you bought breakfast and ate it in the little food court, then headed to the gate which your plane would be in and played games while waiting to board.
Once the plane arrived the two of you got on, of course he had bought first class, you wanted to scold him for spending so much but as soon as you saw how excited he was you couldn’t be mad at him. “look! we get pillows and everything” he giggled, you smiled at him and nodded, equally as excited as him. The two of you ended up watching two movies, falling asleep during the second one.
You woke up first, smiling at the sight of timmy with messy hair, mouth slightly parted and cheeks lightly flushed as he slept. You decided to wait on waking him up, instead you occupied yourself by looking out the window and listening to your music.
The landing woke timothée up and he smiled at you brightly, it took him a couple minutes to really wake up, mumbling incoherently before he came fully to his senses.
As soon as you got off the plane you were excited, pulling timothée along to get out of the airport as soon as possible. When you finally got everything and exited you got into the car timothée had ordered for the two of you and headed to the hotel to unpack.
Timothée posted a picture of you staring out the window in awe onto his Instagram story, “she’s excited right now, just wait until she sees the canals” he wrote, smiling as he thought of all the pictures the two of you would take.
You expected an average hotel room, if timothée really splurged then maybe above average, you did not expect to get the presidential suite at a five star hotel. The smile on your face made everything worth it to timothée, he made sure this trip would be memorable. “Timothée Hal Chalamet! How much did you fucking spend!” You squeaked, rushing around the room to check everything on.
“That doesn’t matter, what matters is that you get changed and get ready, we’re in Venice for two days before our next stop and I have so much for us to do” he smiled, pulling you in for a kiss which you quickly returned. Resting your head on his chest you sighed, taking a Monet to let everything sink in. You’re in Italy with the love of your life. Holy shit.
Timothée had bought multiple disposable cameras for the two of you to use, wanting to develop all of them by the time you guys got back home.
Before you knew it you were wandering the streets of Venice, a permanent smile on your face as you took so many photos of the scenery and of timothée and of course together. The two of you visited the top tourist spots like Saint Marks Basilica, the both of you in awe of its beauty and laughing until your stomach hurt feeding the pidgeons.
Timothée was scared for his life when a pidgeon landed on his shoulder, immediately going stiff and begging for you to help him. You quickly pulled out your phone, recording him and zooming into his face, a face of pure fear. After you posted it you quickly shooed the pidgeon away, holding his hand and a small pidgeon landed on your shoulder and you fed it out of your free hand.
You smiled brightly at timothée who had moved away from you slightly causing you to giggle. “You laugh now but I’m gonna be the one poop free, those things are ruthless” he stated, a serious look on his face which quickly turned soft as you attempted to pet the bird on you. “Look at him he’s so cute!” You gushed, drowning as it flew away.
“Cmon sweet girl, we have a ride to catch, in the canal” he winked and you gasped, pulling him before you stopped, realizing you didn’t know where you were even going.
When the two of you arrived he helped you into the boat, it was only the two of you and the one driving the small boat, you were sitting next to each other, pointing at everything, a constant smile on both of your faces. He held your hand the whole time, most of the time looking at you rather than the sights you were in such awe of. A small smile on his face as he admired how beautiful you looked, you looked so stress free and happy and he knew everything else he had planned was so worth it if he got to see you like this.
After the ride on the canals the two of you ate at a small little restaurant, drinking some wine and talking about the days events.
“I just think it’s funny that you were that scared of the pidgeons” you giggled, and he frowned at you, “i wasn’t scared, i was just- cautious” he smirked, watching you roll your eyes at his remark.
The two of you finished dinner, walking around the now calmer streets, admiring everything at night for about an hour, kissing under streetlights and chasing one another through the streets, laughter bouncing off the buildings.
The two of you showered once you got back to the hotel and absolutely crashed after you had snuggled under the sheets. The two of you exhausted from the plane ride and walking everywhere all day.
You both woke up late in the morning to the sound of timothées alarm, you yawned, burying yourself more into timothées side, wanting ten more minutes. “Wake up mon amour i still have some stuff planned for today before we leave for Florence” he spoke softly into your hair, kissing the top of your head. He had decided to skip on taking you to Crema, deciding it would make for a good excuse to come back.
You woke up slowly, getting ready and waiting for timothée on the bed once you had finished. You were starving but you didn’t want to eat without him. You laid on your stomach and dozed off only to wake up to a now fully dressed timothée, smiling at you and kissing your nose. “let’s go eat and then we can head out” he whispered and you nodded, getting up from the bed and following him out the door.
The two of you spent the day walking around and seeing anything else you wanted, eating much too much food and buying way too many souvenirs. The day seemed to fly by and before you knew it you were headed to Florence, of course shoving all your luggage into the bus that the two of you were taking to the wonderful city. You slept most of the way while timothée read through a script for a new movie. He woke you up gently when you guys arrived, piling out along with everyone else as the two of you found the car timothée had ordered for this city, heading to yet another 5 star hotel with an amazing room.
It was late at night so the two of you only slipped into bed and set an alarm for later tomorrow morning, cuddling through the whole night, waking up once to eat some of the fruit that the hotel had given to the two of you as a gift.
The next morning the alarm went off and you quickly turned it off, placing your head on timothées chest, a smile on your face while he played with your hair.
“let’s get ready, i have something special planned, wear that one outfit you brought, you know the one that you said you’ve always wanted to wear?” He smiled, a mischievous glint in your eye. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and nodded, going to get ready.
After you finished you scrolled through your phone, replying to people and sifting through the pictures from Venice, deleting the ones which turned out bad or way too blurry. You decided to lay on your side, thinking you wouldn’t fall back asleep but you were wrong. Before you knew it you felt a gentle nudge.
“Cmon sleeping beauty i have a picnic for us” he beamed, a twinkle in his eye. You woke up quickly, a giant grin on your face as your mouth fell open. “A picnic? Oh my god this is a dream, angel you’re so amazing oh my god! I love you so much” You gushed, tackling timothée once you got off the bed and hugging him tightly, kissing him all over his face.
“i love you more ma cherie, now lets go” he smiled, opening the door for you and quickly taking your hand while walking down the halls.
You had ended up accidentally falling asleep in the car, head on timothées shoulder, he recorded you, saving it but not posting it, knowing if he did you would get him back and start a full fledged war.
As the car approached the Piazzle Michaelangelo he shook you softly, your eyes fluttered open and a small smile overtook your features. “Oh my god it’s so pretty” you gasped as the two of you stepped out of the car and onto the concrete floor, he got the picnic basket from the car as you went to save a spot on the steps. He quickly found you and opened the basket between the two of you, eating the food and making conversation, laughing and enjoying the fact that both of you were in Italy, overlooking Florence.
After sitting there for a while, cuddling and pointing things out the two of you drove into the city, excited to see everything the city had to offer. The two of you walked down the streets hand in hand, taking pictures once more and in awe of the beauty the city offered.
Of course the two of you drove all over the city visiting museums, seeing all the statues and artworks you had always admired through your phone screen. You almost wanted to cry of happiness seeing everything in person, you walked quickly in the museums, timothée barely keeping up with you as you rushed everywhere, making sure you absorbed every last detail.
Of course timothée took the typical you looking at art picture, and of course he posted it and captioned it “art looking at art” causing his fans to go feral, everyone tweeting and posting about how cute the two of you were. You held timmys hand when you realized he was dragging behind, pulling him along and forcing him to move at your speed.
“oh my god I love this painting, look at the brushstrokes! I read once that when he was painting this-” you began, going into detail about said artists life. Timothée stared at you, his chest swelling with love, a smile on his face as you went on and on about the paintings, he hung onto every word you said, loving the way your eyes lit up and the amount of emotion in your voice as you spoke of what you loved.
After you had visited the museums l, the two of you walked all over the city, taking in the culture and also taking many breaks and calling a cab to go to places he had planned to take you. Of course he set up a reservation at a fancy restaurant, eating to your hearts delight and drinking amazing wine, overseeing the bustling city as the sun set.
“i cannot believe we’re in Florence Italy” you sighed happily, looking out at the city while you sipped on your wine, timothée smiled at you. “I don’t know how I’m ever going to thank you enough angel, you really made my dreams come true” you spoke, turning towards your curly headed boyfriend and he shook his head.
“you don’t have to thank me ma cherie. I love seeing you happy, you deserve the world and I’m going to give everything i can to you, you’ve always supported me through anything and everything, you know me so well, i just love you so much” he answered. “but- you can thank me by letting me post a bunch of pictures of you everywhere” he smiled shyly, blushing slightly. You smiled brightly at him, your love for him growing. “oh baby of course” you giggled.
The next day was just as action packed, going to multiple cathedrals and basilicas which you hadn’t gotten to the day before, and then spending time in the gardens, taking so many pictures of each other, half of them turning out blurry because the two of you couldn’t stop laughing.
He held you hand the whole time, keeping you close to him the whole time, kissing you at times and always looking at you with so much love. All over Twitter and Instagram were pictures of the two of you holding hands and laughing, many of them with one of the two of you pointing at something, many of the ones with you pointing had timothée looking at you with a smile rather than what you were showing him, it gave you butterflies.
That night you headed to the hotel early, packing everything to catch the late night flight to Rome, the last destination on the trip. The two of you packed quickly, racing to see who would finish first. This made timothée sneak up behind you and unfold your tshirts, run back to his area and rush to finish, an attempt to beat you. You were one step ahead, you had hidden his shampoo so you had no problem re folding while he ran around everywhere.
“I’m done!” You announced proudly, smiling at your boyfriend and he rolled his eyes, a pout on his face. “That’s not fair! I finished before you i just lost my shampoo” he responded, you smirked at him. “Check under your pillow” his eyes went wide and raced to get it, jaw dropping when he found it. “y/n i swear one day im gonna beat you at these competitions” he huffed, pushing you playfully and you shoved him back laughing.
The two of you cuddled the whole time in the airport, attached to the hip, and napping until your flight boarded, where the two of you also slept the whole time. When you finally arrived in Rome, you both headed to the hotel, knocking out there too, excited for the next two days in Rome before returning home. The two of you only had two cameras left, it filled you with excitement to get the photos developed, knowing you would have so many pictures of him to post and an endless amount of wallapapers.
When the two of you awoke the next morning you headed out quickly, excited to spend yet another day together.
“timothée oh my god look at that dog! Do you think he speaks Italian?” You questioned, smiling at the small dog that walked past the two of you. “I’m sure he does my angel” he replied, laughing. Pulling you along the busy street, putting his arm around your waist.
The two of you marveled at the colosseum, mind running wild at the thought of people using it. “You think they ever had a concert in there?” You asked your boyfriend who giggled, “im not so sure they did my angel” you thought about someone using it today. “What if someone tried to have on in there today” you smiled and timothée quickly replied, “as soon as the speakers start blasting everything would just crumble” you laughed at the thought of someone wanting to have fun only to ruin one of the most iconic pieces of history.
The two of you walked along the streets, holding hands and swinging them back and forth, debating where to go next. “How about the pantheon?” You suggested and he nodded with a smile, “you read my mind darling.”
The two of you got there surprisingly quickly and sat down for a second, both of your guys’ feet hurting. You put your head on timmys shoulder, closing your eyes for a second, you could hear everyone talking, the sound of cars and the wind. “Are you tired mon amour?” Timothée asked, not wanting to tire you out so much, he wanted you excited and happy not tired.
“just a bit, but I’m sure it’ll leave as soon as we see the Vatican” you spoke, a smile forming on your face as you opened your eyes and looked at the brunette next to you. He kissed your cheek, getting up and extending a hand to help you up. “Let’s go see what all those shops we passed have had to offer later yeah?” He grinned and you nodded, stretching a little before falling into step with him.
The two of you arrived at the Vatican and you swear you had never felt more in awe than staring at everything inside, everything was so adorned and beautiful, even the pillars on the outside when the two of you were waiting (only for like 5 minutes) made you smile in amazement. Timothée and you kept pointing out everything, a smile on both of your faces. Both of your cheeks hurt from smiling so much but neither of you complained, too happy to care.
After the two of you walked around for a bit more you left and entered the busy streets of Rome once again, taking pictures of each other all the time and stopping to look at anything and everything. “Let’s go get something to eat” you suggested. “Oh yeah I’m starving after all that walking” he replied, pulling out his phone to find a nice place to get food.
Soon enough he found a nice spot and the two of you arrived there quickly, excited to eat. After ordering and eating the two of you sat in comfortable silence, taking the time to wind down before going back out. “can we go to the Trevi Fountain? I brought coins for us to throw in” you asked and timothée wanted to kiss you all over and hug you and never let you go because god you were so fucking cute.
“of course we can go mon amour, are you ready to go right now?” He asked and you nodded, he paid quickly before taking his hand in yours, the two of you walking slower than before, you were leaning on him slightly, he was talking about some story that had happened to him in high school. You don’t remember exactly how the story had come up but you were grateful that it had.
As the two of you continued walking hand in hand and smiling at the sights you realized that no one had disturbed the two of you this whole trip which was very surprising, but you were grateful that his fans were respectful of the two of you. “okay i told you am embarrassing story of me in high school you tell me one” he pushed and you groaned, stealing the water bottle from his hands and gulping down the drink.
“i wasn’t really embarrassing in high school, i had like five friends and we always looked out for one another, middle school i was the biggest emo alive” you shuddered thinking back to all the diary entries you had made. “I remember i wrote this one poem that was so cringe and i thought it was the best thing ever written” you cringed at the memory and he bursted our laughing, leaning into you as he did so.
“Do you still have said diary?” He questioned, a mischievous smile forming on his face, “back at my parents house yeah” you replied, narrowing your eyes at him, “but you will never lay your eyes on a single one of those pages Hal” you sternly replied, smiling as he rolled his eyes and pulled you closer to him, putting his arm around you. “We’ll see about that one” he smiled.
“oh my god! Timmy there it is!” You shrieked, energy suddenly overflowing as you ran, pulling timothee with you causing him to almost trip over his feet. You pushed through the crowd, saying excuse me and sorrys until you got the the front of the fountain. Timothée arrived a couple seconds after you, out of breath and amazed at how fast you had ran.
“ma cherie you need to slow down” he spoke, leaning over to catch him breath. You stared at the fountain in awe, a smile sprawled across you face, taking in the beauty of it all. “I can’t believe I’m really here” you whispered, timothée got up, wrapping both his arms around your waist. “Believe in my love” he smiled, kissing you on the cheek.
Suddenly you heard a crack of thunder and soon enough rain started pouring, the once crowded area was now close to empty as everyone ran for shelter, you and timothée didn’t budge, mainly because you didn’t even flinch and refused to move.
you turned to timothée, hair sticking to both of your foreheads a wild smile on your face as you dig into your pocket, looking for the coins you had brought. Quickly you handed one to timothée. “Ready?” You smiled and he nodded. “Okay, 1, 2, 3!” You shouted, the coins flipping into the water at the same time. Turning to timothée you found him smiling at you and you laughed.
“When in Rome” you said before bunching his shirt into your fist and pulling him into a kiss, you eyes shutting as rain fell around the two of you. The kiss was what you imagined the movie ones were like, passionate and loving. You smiled into the kiss before you opened your eyes and pulled away.
“you drive me crazy y/n” he whispered, a giant smile on his face as you wiped away the water from your eyes and pushed the hair out of your face. “Should we get out of the rain?” You giggled and he nodded, “probably, we don’t wanna get sick” he joked and you punched him. “Don’t fucking jinx it!” You yelled, running to the nearest shelter you could find, which so happened to be a tourist shop.
Shopping with timothée was always fun, shopping with timothée in another country was another level. He wanted to buy you everything you looked at, he would buy you at $50 shirt if you really wanted it. The two of you were dripping wet and needed to buy new clothes or else you would definitely get sick. You ended up wearing tacky tourist shirts, getting matching ones of course and buying souvenirs for everyone back home as well as a few things to decorate and to keep for yourselves.
Considering how hard it was pouring and the fact that the two of you now had wet socks you decide to call it a day and go back to the hotel room, not wanting to get sick considering tomorrow was the last day. You were glad that it was already 5 pm, you wouldn’t have missed that much that you had planned and you could easilh get to them tomorrow.
You guys quickly got into a car and made your way back to the hotel, opting on showering together. As the two of you stepped in you let out a sigh at the feeling of the warm water. You let the water rinse the two of you off before shutting it off and getting timothées shampoo, telling him to turn around so you could wash his hair.
“thank you for this whole trip baby, it’s really been a dream come true” you spoke, massaging the shampoo into his hair. “Im sorry that it rained sweetheart, i really wanted us to be able to do everything because this was supposed to be perfect and-” you frowned at him despite his back being to you. “Timothée you can’t control the weather! And even then this trip is already perfect because I’m here with you. I’m in Italy with the love of my life dammit, ive drank so much good wine and eaten even more good food! We haven’t gotten this much time alone in god knows how long, you’ve literally had a chauffeur in every city so that we didn’t have to worry about parking and you made us an itinerary! Everything about this trip has been perfect, even the hiccups in the road.” You stated, smiling at the memories the two of you had already made.
You turned the water back on to rinse the shampoo out of his hair and he smiled at you, kissing you on the forehead. “And plus, i finally got my kiss in the rain AND it was infront of the trevi fountain, how am i supposed to complain again ever?” You smiled up at him, he laughed and quickly closed his eyes as shampoo rinsed from his hair. He grabbed your shampoo and began to wash your hair, you relaxed at his touch and closed your eyes.
“I love you so much angel, you don’t even understand” he whispered, you hummed in response. He gave you a soft kiss to your neck, giving you goosebumps.
Soon enough you guys hopped out of the shower, warm and clean and changed into some pijamas, snuggling into bed and looking out of the giant window next to you. Between the sound of the rain hitting the window and timothées soft breathing, you quickly dozed off, not caring that it was only 6:30 pm and you’d probably wake up at 2 am with an insane amount of energy. Timothée asked you something,confused as to why you weren’t replying until he looked at you, a bashful smile on his face when he saw you sleeping.
“you know i love you so much, you mean the world to me mon amour, there isn’t anything i wouldn’t do for you” he whispered, brushing your hair lightly to get it out of your face. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, turning the lights off in the room before closing his eyes and drifting off the sleep alongside you.
You ended up not even waking up throughout the night, instead sleeping until early the next morning. You hadn’t realized how tired you had been until now since you were more energetic than ever, excited to get as much in on the last day.
Timothée was the one dragging you around everywhere today, determined to get through the list had made, you smiled at him as he explained everything to you, surprised at how much he knew. “When did you make this list anyway?” You asked over lunch, looking up at him after you chewed your food. “I woke up at 2am and i couldn’t sleep but i didn’t wanna wake you up so i made this list and researched everything so i can give you the full tour guide experience” he replied, a giant smile on his face as you gawked at him.
“yeah that’s it, I’m gonna marry you” you shrugged, continuing to eat as timothée blushed and kept eating. The conversation flowing easily between the two of you and a comfortable silence falling into place at times.
The day continued quickly, visiting many more sites and before you knew it your disposable camera came to an end, and 30 minutes later so did timothées as the sunset. The two of you sat down on a bench, waiting on your guys’ driver to arrive so the two of you could pack up and head home.
“i can’t believe it’s over” you smiled softly, sad that it was over but happy that it happened. “Don’t worry mon amour im sure we’ll be back soon enough” he smiled and you put your head on his shoulder. “I love you with everything I have timothée” you spoke, looking up at him from your position. He kissed your forehead gently, “i love you so much more y/n” he smiled.
The two of you once again raced to pack up, you purposefully ‘lost’ your favorite shirt and let him win, although he would always hold it against you, it didn’t matter because you would lose over and over and over again if it meant seeing the amount of joy on his face when he shouted “IM DONE” and looked over at you with an unzipped suitcase.
As the two of you were waiting at the airport gate you had to make the obligatory Instagram post, gathering pictures of the two of you together and of yourself to post, you smiled as you picked out the photos. Searching the internet to see if anyone had caught the two of you kissing in the rain in front of the fountain, which of course they had. You looked over at a napping timothée, smiling as you set the photo as your lockscreen and added it to your post, quickly you typed out your caption.
“Italian days <3”
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ellewords · 3 years
hey elle! i saw your answers for the questions i sent—i love coffee and cookie dough ice cream too! i’ve found that i like a lot of coffee-flavored stuff like ice cream, cake, and candy lol. i also really love cookies and cream! i’d say that’d be my favorite with coffee and cookie dough being VERY CLOSE seconds
BABY DON’T STOP IS ICONIC WHEW but may i propose....haikyuu boys dancing to it.......
anyways today i’ve got some headcanons for a past written on the margins question! first it was a karaoke party with the seijoh 4, and now it’s a road trip! aka you and iwaizumi are the only ones with any braincells in this godforsaken car (they make you handle the gps stuff since you’re the best with it). i can imagine each of them rotating and driving for a set number of hours or at least until they reach a rest stop, especially on long trips. whoever’s sitting shotgun (they rotate between this seat too) has control over the radio and aux cord and oikawa jokes that it’s the best part of going on road trips (but is he really joking though...)
makki and mattsun pretend to groan when you sit shotgun, but in actuality they don’t mind and will probably sing along to some of the songs you play (if there’s a rap part in the song currently playing everyone makes mattsun rap along i feel like his voice just fits it) while oikawa would be like UGH FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SOME MUSIC TASTE just to get a rise out of the other boys (but he really does think those kpop songs you blast lowkey slap he’s been listening to some of them while he works out or goes on his morning runs). iwa generally doesn’t have much of a preference but i can see him being partial to more upbeat songs to keep him or whoever’s driving awake, but even during slow songs the rest of you guys sing loud enough and chaotic enough to prevent anyone from getting any shut-eye (oikawa, makki, and mattsun dramatically act out a whole SAGA)
when you guys reach any rest stop makki is the first one out of the car and he makes a beeline towards the bathroom because he drank a lot of water during you guys’ impromptu karaoke session (gotta keep those vocal chords taken care of!). oikawa and mattsun are usually the ones in charge of getting snacks, they always end up getting a lot but they make sure to get everyone’s favorites! the amount of snacks they buy seems overkill but they’re athletic boys with voracious appetites and getting this many snacks ensures that the car is never short on food. if this is during or post-timeskip iwa is probably a little more strict on the snacks everyone eats (especially with regards to oikawa, being a professional athlete and all) but eventually decides to let up a bit—it’s not everyday he gets to go on a trip with his close friends, plus all those calories are gonna get burned right away once you guys reach your destination and go from place to place.
god help anyone who actually falls asleep in the car because oikawa and makki are taking photos of whoever’s sleeping with their phones AND with the polarioid camera you brought. despite this, though, everyone makes a conscious effort to be quieter when someone’s napping, and the volume of the radio is turned a bit lower. one of your favorite pictures on your phone is a selfie you took of everyone while you were sitting in the passenger seat: mattsun was driving at the time and though he wasn’t looking at the camera, a smile is on his face as he makes a peace sign with one hand; oikawa, iwa, and makki are sleeping in the back seats with oikawa and makki leaning on iwa’s shoulders (he lost a few rounds of rock paper scissors and had to sit in the middle). this also extends to when you’re asleep in the car as well—oikawa jokingly made his phone background a selfie of you leaning on his shoulder while napping (featuring a blurry iwaizumi at the side) but he actually finds it quite cute and doesn’t want to change it to his usually background quite yet.
it’s evening when you guys finally reach your hotel and everyone’s a bit tired from being cooped up in the car all day but surprisingly enough no one’s really sleepy because everyone at one point had the opportunity to nap on the way there. if you’re dating one of the boys the others DEFINITELY make you two take one room while the other three take the room adjacent to it. after everyone’s gotten ready for bed you’re all gathered in one of the hotel rolls just vibing on your phones and you and oikawa decide it’s the perfect time to bring out The Sheet Masks™️ that you kept in the cooler in the car during the trip so they’d remain cold. many more goofy photos of everyone with the masks on their faces are taken.
by this point it’s late at night and eventually you guys fall into having some nice, genuine heart-to-heart conversations. if this is during or post-timeskip everyone’s sharing what they’ve been up to ever since graduation or ever since you guys last saw/talked to each other. it’s just such a nice and comforting environment to be in because everyone’s a little tired from the day’s events and so it’s not as loud and boisterous, but at the same time this tiredness and it being nighttime means everyone’s filters are a little looser than usual and you could ask for advice on just about anything and everyone else would chime in with both lighthearted and actual suggestions. the boys are just SOFTER during this time like you could bring up how you’ve been getting back into something you did during high school (like playing piano or guitar or something) and they’d want you to show them videos or pictures of what you’ve been up to! maybe one boy brings up something that’s been worrying them for a while and you and the others are giving him words of encouragement while also cracking jokes. it’s just really chill and nice and everyone likes these late night talks because they bring you all a little closer.
everyone ends up sleeping in the same hotel room. you wake up sandwiched between oikawa and mattsun (oikawa’s got an arm thrown around you and mattsun’s long leggies are literally on top of yours and you wonder how you managed to sleep soundly last night) and iwa and makki are on the pull out sofa bed and you’re like Hey Guys. What The Heck (makki takes this opportunity to snap a photo of the three of you wrapped up in the bedcovers) and when you guys go to get breakfast at the hotel buffet it’s strangely quiet because almost everyone is still sleepy lol.
after getting some food in your system and getting ready for the day you’re all back to your usual energetic selves! you snap a mirror selfie of everyone gathered around the sink in one of the hotel rooms because oikawa was finishing getting ready (he takes the longest i just know it) and the other boys were just hanging around him talking about what’s planned for the day. the schedule you guys have isn’t super specific but there’s a few choice locations that you guys looked into in advance and try to visit no matter what! a day out with them is definitely filled with photos. you’ve got a lot of them in which they’re trying to recreate some funny pose in a picture oikawa saw online (like the one of nct in the ask i sent you earlier!!) and they either turn out really great or really horrible (funny) because you have a knack for taking photos where everything looks normal but someone’s face would be really blurry. but they would also try and take some really nice photos too—they’ll all even help you if you want to take some solo shots! oikawa and makki know the best angles for aesthetically pleasing photos, mattsun has a knack for taking panorama photos that look perfect, and iwaizumi’s really good at taking those types of photos of you guys jumping in the air without them looking weird. you’ve basically got four tall hypemen it’s great!!
overall i think it’d be so fun to go on a trip with them because it’s the perfect balance!! they’re chaotic clowns but they also won’t hesitate to give you a piggyback ride if your feet really hurt or if your shoes are giving you blisters (oikawa will try and make iwa give him a piggyback ride too, though). you guys end up getting a lot closer and having a TON of photos and inside jokes at the end of the trip, and though you’re all reluctant to go back, you also all know that this is only the beginning of a lot more outings together! if you take little clips of various events throughout the trip and compile them all together into a little vlog they’ll all probably watch it together through zoom or discord screenshare or something loool
THIS IS SO LONG take a shot (of water) every time i say one of the guys’ names or if i say “everyone” or some variation of it FJDJSNS seijoh 4 brainrot things am i right.....i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing and thinking of this! i think in the future i might think of stuff for if you go on a trip with the miya twins (and maybe suna too?).....hmmm hmmm hmmm!!! —🌸
— from elle ! i love this so so much >_< like literally what do i have to do to go on a road trip with the seijoh four??? it would be so much fun and chaotic and i want that for me,, i love them and their friendship so much it's insane ;-; anyways, thoughts + additions under the cut <33 thank you for this !!
everyone who isn't driving makes it their mission to annoy the one who is; whether it's through repeatedly poking their cheek, asking how long of the drive they have left, etc. the person who can last the longest in driver's seat would probably be iwaizumi, all his years playing volleyball with them as prepared him for this moment — but also looked up breathing exercises to avoid getting angry.
the best person to have riding shotgun would most be mattsun, especially when it's really late or super early ; keeps the conversation going and doesn't fall asleep, even when everyone in the backseat is. he shotguns energy drinks every hour or so.
i love the idea of oikawa, makki, and mattsun acting out a whole saga in the backseat omg !! in my head it's a song like taylor swift's love story wherein makki is the love interest, oikawa is taylor, and mattsun is like the dad who doesn't want them together. they really go all out on the acting — oikawa might have let out a couple of tears — and even iwa cracks a lil smile from the driver's seat.
awe timeskip!iwa watching out for everyone's diets ;-; but i do agree that he's gonna let up a bit considering that everyone doesn't see each other all the time. but i feel like he gives everyone the look™ every now and then despite this.
aw cmon don't hit me with oikawa making his background me leaning on his shoulder as i sleep that's so adorable i might cry :<< but other photos taken during naps include : iwa leaning on oikawa’s shoulder, makki sleeping with his eyes halfway-open ??? mattsun’s face covered in stickers that you impulse-bought at a random stopover.
sheet masks with the boys ??? yes pls !! though iwa would definitely be the type to almost wash his face after and oikawa screeched just before he was able to splash water on his face.
but late in the night heart to hearts ??? ugh, peak softness from the boys — everyone cries at some point because woah all of you really grew so much since high school and it made everyone feel all warm and tender.
but at some point, without thinking, and also bec it’s late and what does he have to lose, iwa just goes “you know, i had a crush on you when we were in high school” at yn and everyone just goes ?!?!?!?!?
yn : what the hell i had a crush on you ????
and oikawa’s just cackling in the background like, “i knew it !!!! both of you kept saying i was crazy for pushing it i feel so vindicated rn” 
meanwhile makki hands mattsun some money because they bet on it years ago and they were finally getting answers — makki thought you would confess first and mattsun thought it would be iwa ; several years too late but at least ;//
also i would just love to fall asleep in between oikawa and mattsun,,, please how do i get that
also on mattsun’s panoramas: everyone likes moving around a lot when he takes those photos and it’s the perfect mix of weird and cool because yeah there are like five makki’s but one of them looks like he has a third arm and a triangular head
and the vlog and we all get to watch it together over discord ???? that’s it, that’s what i want ;-;
tldr; I would give anything to go on a road trip with the seijoh four ;((
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
a question: what are the hq characters like on a road trip?  |  written on the margins masterlist
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join my hq taglist here. <3
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arcanadotcom · 4 years
𝕄𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝟞 𝕒𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤
⊱ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⊰
(Hi everyone! I came up with these when me and my sister went out for a quick little drive after feeling sick of staying home 😘✌🏻 my driving skills got rusty. smh!)
(This is my first time writing so i’m sorry if they’re all over the place!)
⊱ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── ⊰
☆ Asra
owns an old used car from the 90’s that makes you feel nostalgic
it kinda reeks of weed sometimes...
has random shit laying around the back including a blanket because he totally takes naps in the car between his classes
he’s a pretty slow driver (goes 23mph slower than the rest of traffic)
but as soon as he sees a yellow light he FLOORS IT
this lil shit never uses his blinkers...smh!
giggles when people cuss him out. he don’t give a fuck!
will always give you the aux cord because he vibes with whatever. any tunes you like, he likes too 🥰
often misses freeway exits because he’s too busy chatting with you (“wha..? oh haha...anyways!”)
he easily gets distracted with anything really, so you have to remind him to keep his eyes on the road all the time (it’s cute at first...but after a while it’s just annoying)
always offers to pick you up but never asks for gas money (pretends to forget but he just doesn’t care because it’s you and he care you <3)
overall he’s a cautious driver, he just has very erratic speed patterns and takes really shitty turns
★ Julian
has had the same old black car for about 8 years (hates that it’s a stick shift, but he got over it already)
he’s actually quite a responsible driver. doesn’t break transit rules
never got his license though, but it doesn’t really matter (u gotta do what u gotta do)
he never arrives on time, always late (super apologetic about it)
loses parking tickets and misplaces his keys all. the damn. time. so you usually end up carrying them instead
makes a HUGE fuss over your safety. please wear your seatbelt or else he will go bonkers
but at the same time will not hesitate to be your designated getaway driver (if you need to gtfo of somewhere, he will get you the fuck out of there)
he actually has to use glasses because his vision sucks and can’t read road signs. he looks so cute
his car doesn’t have an aux cord outlet, so he has a bunch of cassettes of different kinds of music ( 70’s rock, jazz, some obscure russian band, etc ) lying around. he can’t drive without music!
has a bit of road rage; if he’s with you he’ll mutter curses under his breath trying to keep composure
but when alone he will absolutely yell at people, but his way of doing it is somewhat.....endearing?
will occasionally bump into things, but has never caused any serious damage
has never been pulled over and only gets tickets due to expired parking meters in downtown (somehow manages to talk his way out of them all the time)
he’s had enough experience around the city so he talks to you about places no one really knows about
he will literally take you a random phone booth that is actually the entrance to a secret undergroung café that looks like a place where academics would hang out and conspire new literary movements
☆ Nadia
doesn’t drive, she has a chauffeur
but if she did, she would own one of those beautiful, modern, pearly off-white cars.
it’s perfectly clean, well kept and smells great
no food or drinks allowed inside. periodt
you’d probably be afraid of ruining the seat when you first get in. she assures you everything is okay
totally drives around wearing a pair of gloves, headscarf, and gorgeous sunglasses to protect herself from the sun. also because she’s so classy <3
she excels at everything in driving
flawless breaking and parking, but thinks that going around looking for a spot is a waste of time so she’d rather just pay extra for valet parking
her only flaw is that she gets super impatient with how long it takes for a red light to turn green
and she almost never stops for pedestrians
would usually call you to see if you’d like to go shopping with her or just accompany her for some errands (pls go with her she adores having you around 🥺)
doesn’t have a problem with giving you rides, but she’s always busy with a tight schedule, so rides from her are very rare
probably feels bad about it so she’ll send you an uber black instead
★ Muriel
hates going out because it means he has to drive ://
he just wants to get from point A to point B without any issues really
you’ll notice that his car always has a layer of dirt on it since he never really uses it (he doesn’t bother to give it a little wipe before hoping in)
would probably own a normal, practical car that gets the job done and doesn’t need much maintenance. nothing too fancy
.......but i really want to see him with a jeep so i’ll make him own a jeep ☺️
highkey anxious and hyperaware of his surrounding drivers
he looks too tense and grips the wheel hard....tell him to relax pls
if someone tries to pass him, he will absolutely give them a Look through the rear mirror
not one to listen to music (will sometimes turn on the radio but slams it off eventually because it’s annoying)
used to be terribly afraid of highways
mumbles and grumbles about how dangerous and stupid it is to carelessly swerve lanes just to go fast and look cool
☆ Portia
drives all the time so she’s definitely the most experienced on the road
owns a cute convertible beetle that she takes care of and loves very much ❤️ (has so many cute ass bumper stickers)
will not hesitate to change the tires on her own if needed
music is always loud and top is down most of the time
she’s got anything you might need in her glove box (hand cream? tissues? sanitizer? pocket knife? she has it yes ma’am)
when she’s by herself, laws simply do not exist
lowkey a threat to society. get her off
she goes so fucking fast like she zooms💨 down the road (mainly because she’s always on a hurry)
basically breaks whatever law she wants but once she spots a cop, citizen of the year
ohh but if you and/or anyone else is with her, it’s a whole different story
she drives carefully and slows down, would hate to put your safety at risk (same as julian)
road trips with her are THE BEST. going on drives with her always feel like a scene from a coming of age film 💕✨🧚‍♀️
★ Lucio
not necessarily an irresponsible driver, he’s just reckless and obnoxious
owns a restored, fancy vintage car that’s either red or white (his license plate is personalized, bedazzled and borderline opulent). genuinely proud of it
revs the engine just to piss people off
is always willing and able to be there for you if you need him
when he’s there to pick you up, he will absolutely make a scene for you to notice him. simply giving you a call is out of the equation!
the backseats are full of white hair...you know he brings his adored babies everywhere he goes
blasts music at an ASTRONOMICAL VOLUME and he just sits there like 🤪✌🏻🎶🕺🏼
but believe it or not, his music taste is actually really good....it slaps. so it’s okay
likes to drive fast (“oh you want to see some speed? i’ll show you some real speed”)
cannot stand traffic and slow drivers make him go batshit crazy
honks at everyone for everything but gets offended if they honk back >:(
you’ll still see him at the red light despite him doing 84 lane changes
tells you he LOVES the attention he gets because of the car, but then feels super self conscious if people stare too much or too long......although he will never admit it
this guy loves to gossip with you and likes to make fun of random pedestrians... you gotta admit he makes you snicker quite a bit. who am i kidding he’s funny as fuck of course you’re gonna laugh
doesn’t slow down for speed bumps, will blow quick kisses at the little fake cameras on top of the traffic lights, and has definitely scratched the lower sides of his car on curves more than once (*frantic wheel stirring* “not my fault not my fault!!”)
this man’s biggest struggle is parking. he cannot park for shit (secretly embarrassed about it)
it takes FOREVER for him to parallel park. might as well snooze while he’s at it
genuinely tries his best, going as far as to do the “arm behind the seat to look back” move (he wants to impress you dammit!!), but gets frustrated and gives up
so most of the time he ends up taking two spots despite trying so hard not to
gets tickets all the time (“now they’re ganging up against me! and for what?? what the fuck did i do!!”)
cannot comprehend street signs (“lucio you will get a $650 fine” “darling wdym?? it costs $650 to park here”)
going on a drive with him can be stressful and a bit crazy, but it’s always entertaining and you get the best stories to tell
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avocadogirl216 · 4 years
It Wasn’t You
AN:  Please let me know what you think and let me know of any mistakes that I have made.  This helps me improve my writing.  Thanks!
Summary: You finally get to go on a hunt with your brothers but things don’t go as planned.
Pairings: Dean Winchester x sister!reader, Sam Winchester x sister!reader, Bobby x reader, Possessed!Dean x sister!reader
Warnings: Violence, Possession, Language and Fluff
Word Count:  3,477 Words
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(I do not own this gif)
The day has finally come.  The day where you get to go on a actual hunt with your brothers.  Usually you had to stay behind with Bobby and do research but today you get to actually get to go on the road with them and hunt whatever monster was causing trouble.
You were giddy with excitement considering that you were only 14 and you get to put your training to the test. Everyday after school you trained with either Sam or Dean, whether it was self defense or weapon training, you took whatever you could get.  You were a pretty damn good hunter for your age.  You can take down two people three times the size of you at the same time, you can handle almost every kind of gun known to man, you know how to hack into security cameras, you can get your way out of any restraints and you can track almost anyone or anything.  
Your brothers wanted to keep you out of the life as much as they could.  They didn’t mind training you because you never know when it can come into handy.  Especially in this line of work.  Every time they mentioned a possible case you immediately jumped in, trying to help in anyway that you could.  You always begged them if you could go with them, for backup, but they always said no.  Up until last week they decided that you were ready to go with them.  They made rules to keep you safe, which were: always listen to them, never go off on your own and follow orders down to the T.  If you broke any of those rules, you can say goodbye to hunting.
You got out of bed and got dressed in a red and black flannel with a white tank top underneath, a pair of dark blue jeans with rips in them and of course black and white high top converse because you were too clumsy to wear a different kind of shoe.  You coaxed your hair into a high ponytail since it was extra frizzy today and brushed your teeth.
You grabbed your prepacked duffel bag with all of your necessities from under your bed and ran down the stairs into Bobby’s living room.  You lived with Bobby since A) He was like a father to both you and your brothers and B) It was the safest way to keep you close but away from the road life that came with hunting.  Once you made it into the living room you found Bobby with his nose in a lore book, figures.  You see Sam and Dean talking among themselves on the couch.  They didn’t notice your presence until you announced:  “What are you guys doing sitting around?  Let’s get this show on the road!”
Bobby, Sam and Dean look up at you with small smiles on their faces.
“Man I was hoping that you would forget.”  Dean said as he was getting up from the couch.
“When have I ever forgotten anything?” You asked.
“Hmm lemme see.  Homework, dishes, laundry...”  Bobby started to list off.
“Okay, okay.  I get it.  But there was no way in the history of well, ever that I would forget about this.” You said with a smile growing on your face.
“Yeah, yeah.  We know.” Sam said as he grabbed his own duffel bag and slung it over his broad shoulder.
“Got everything Sammy?”  Dean asked his younger brother.
“It’s Sam and yes.”  Sam answered.
“Okay, well I guess that we should get going.”  Dean said as he got his car keys out of his jacket pocket.
“You guys be careful you hear.  (YN) listen to your brothers.”  Bobby said as he stood up from his cluttered desk.
“Will do”  Dean said as he started towards the front door.
“Bye Bobby.” You said as you have him a hug.
“Please be careful.”  Bobby said again.
“When am I not?” You asked as you pulled away from his bone crushing hug.  You walked over to the front door and waved goodbye.  Bobby returned the wave with a hint of worry in his eyes.  You walked out of the house and closed the door behind you.  Sam and Dean were already getting into the car so you jogged over to the back door and slid into the backseat.  Dean put the key into the ignition and brought the beautiful car to life.  He pulled out of the scrap yard and onto the road.
You pulled out your phone, opened your favorite playlist on Spotify and put in your headphones.  You sat back into the leather seat and watched as the scenery around you zoom by.  The case was in Sidney, Nebraska which was about 8 hours from Sioux Falls.  In about 2 hours into the trip you pass out from a sudden, unexpected wave of exhaustion.  You wake up to Sam nudging your knee.  You look around to see that it is dark outside and you are parked outside of a motel.  Dean wasn’t in the car so he was more than likely already in the motel room.
“Hey (YN).”  Sam said in a soothing voice.  “We’re at Sidney, in case if you were wondering.  You passed out on the way here.  Why don’t we get you inside.  Okay?”
You took a deep breath through your nose and nodded your head while rubbing your eyes.  You grabbed your bag and started to walk towards the hotel room.  You walk in to see that Dean was already in his sleepwear and in bed.  He opened one eye to see who just walked in.
“Mmm.  Look who decided to wake up.”  He said with a tired voice.
“I’m not planning on staying up any longer than I need to.”  You said while walking over to the empty bed next to Dean’s and placing your duffel at the foot of the bed.  You grabbed your pajamas and toothbrush and walked into the bathroom.  You closed the door behind you and quickly changed clothes and brushed your teeth.  You opened the door to the bathroom and turned off the light.  Sam was already changed and in bed.  You walked over to the bed and climbed under the covers.  Sam scooted over to give you more room and you moved around until you got comfortable.  After a minute of listening to Dean snore you lulled yourself to sleep once again.
You wake up to the smell of bacon and coffee.  You sit up and rub your eyes as you look around the motel room.  Dean was sitting at the table situated in the small kitchen eating bacon and cheese biscuits while scrolling a local news sight on Sam’s laptop.  You walk over to the table and peer inside the paper bag to see three biscuits with no indication on what was in what biscuit. 
“They’re all the same.” Dean said as if he read your mind.
You nodded and picked the biggest one as you sat down in the chair next to Dean, seeing that he went from the news website to the local police radar.
“Anything new?” You asked as you took a bite from the biscuit.
“Nothing’s changed from yesterday.”  Dean stated as he took a sip of his coffee.
You nodded.  After a minute of silence, Sam exited the bathroom while drying his hair with the cheap motel towel.
“Morning Stilts.”  You said.
“Morning short stack.” Sam said back as he walked across the motel room and took a sip of his coffee.  
“So what’s the plan for today?” You asked.
“Well, I was thinking that Sam and I would talk to the families of the deceased.” Dean said as he looked up from the laptop.
“Sounds good.” Sam said as he started to unwrap his first biscuit.
“What will I do?” You asked with hope in your voice.
“You are going to stay here.” Dean said as he got up from the table and walked over to his duffel bag at the end of his bed.
You quickly followed.  “What?  I thought that I was going to work the case with you guys.” You said with disappointment.
“You are going to work the case with us.  You’re just gonna stay here.”
“That’s not working the case.  That’s just me being here and doing nothing.”  You said as you crossed your arms.
“You’re not going to do nothing.  You just can’t come with us to pose as FBI.  You’re too young and no one would buy it.”  Sam explained.
You understood.  Of course you did, the last thing that your brothers needed was to have their cover blown.  You sighed.  “I guess that makes sense.”
“Glad you understand.”  Dean said as he walked over to the bathroom and closed the door.
“We promise not to go after the thing without you.”  Sam said as he looked into your eyes.
A little while later, Sam and Dean were dressed and ready to talk to the families.
“You know the rules.  Door is locked until we get back, no opening it for anyone and keep your phone on you at all times.  Got it?”  Dean asked in a strict tone.
“Got it.”  You said while looking at the floor.
“We won’t be gone long.”  Dean promised as he and Sam walked out the door.
You were pacing the room trying Dean’s cell again.  
They should have been back by now.
It has been 4 hours since Sam and Dean have left and they haven’t called or texted.  Saying that you were worried was an understatement.  You’ve called them a million times and texted them a million more.  You wanted to go find them yourself, but there was two problems with that plan.  One was that you didn’t know what you were hunting and two was that you didn’t know where in the world your brothers have gone or where they might be.  Your heart was racing as were your thoughts. 
“Screw it.” You announced to no one in particular as you walked over to your duffel to get every weapon that you packed.  As you were about to put some holy water into your jacket pocket, the door to the motel opened and Dean walked in.
You gave a sigh of relief and walked over to him.
“Dean where the hell have you been?  You and Sam didn’t answer your phones and I was just about to go out and look for you myself.” You said in a pissed tone.
“We were jumped and our phones were damaged in the process.  Sorry to worry.”  Dean explained but the way that he said his words were different.  They sounded colder and on edge.  
“You couldn’t call from a pay phone?”  You asked, taking a step back.
“Didn’t have any change.”  He said with coldness and anger in his eyes.
“Umm okay.”  You said uneasily.  “Where’s Sam?”  You said as you looked over Deans shoulder.
“Out.”  Dean said as he locked the door and started to step closer to you.  You took steps back, hoping that he would get the message that you were starting to get uncomfortable.  He didn’t.  He continued to step forward as you stepped backwards.  
“Dean stop.”  You said with your most confident voice that you could muster up at the moment.  You eventually hit the wall and Dean stopped in front of you, his toes touching yours.  He placed his hands on either side of your head.  You tried to slow your breathing down, trying not to show Dean how scared you were getting.
Dean noticed this.  “Am I making you uncomfortable?”  He asked as he tilted his head.
You slowly nodded, pressing yourself against the wall more trying to create more space between the two of you.
“Oh I’m sorry.”  Dean said with fake sincerity.  He leaned in close enough to where his mouth was next to your ear.  “I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
When Dean leaned in you caught the smell of sizzled flesh.  You looked over at Deans left side of his chest to see a burn mark where his anti possession tattoo should be.
“You’re not Dean.” You stated.
“What gave me away?”  The demon said as it backed away from your face.  It flashed its eyes black and gave you a smile.
You looked over at your duffel to see your holy water.  The demon followed your gaze. “I don’t think so.”  It said as it dug its nails into both of your shoulders.  You grimaced and inhaled sharply.  You struggled for a bit then used some of the training that Sam and Dean taught you.  You kneed the demon in the groin as hard as you could.  It yelled out in pain and released its grip on you.  You punched the demon in the face and ran for the holy water.  The demon quickly regained itself and tackled you to the ground.  You landed on your face as one arm was underneath your body while the other was being held in a painful position behind your back by the demon.  
“Nice try.”  It said as it flipped you over.  The demon pinned your arms above your head with one hand and sat on your thighs, disabling your legs.  You moved as much as you could but after a minute of struggling you realized that you were trapped.
“Dean fight it!”  You said as you looked up at the demons eyes, hoping that Dean would take control.
“Oh believe me he is.  He’s giving me one hell of a headache but he’s too weak.”  The demon said as it trailed a finger along your jaw.  “I expected more.”
You moved your head as much as you could to keep it from touching you.  The demons eyes started to roam your body with no shame.  It finally looked at you in your eyes and gave you a smirk.  “You sure are a pretty one.”  The demon said as finger started to move down to your collarbone.
“Screw you.”  You said viciously.
“Ooh.  You’ve got a mouth on you.”  It chuckled was it ran its thumb over your bottom lip.  You bit its thumb as hard as you could, tasting blood.
The demon hissed as it retracted its hand.  It then clenched its hand into a fist and punched you in the face.  You vision blurred for a second before focusing back on your possessed brother.
“Dean fig-”  Before you could finish was your were saying the demon punched you in the face again.  And again.  And again.  Pretty soon you were a bloody mess.  Your left eye was swollen shut, your lip was busted and you had multiple cuts on your cheeks not to mention the bruises that were starting to blossom your face .  You coughed up blood and spit in the demons face.  It gave you a disgusted look and wiped it off.  The demon then let go of your arms and used both hands to strangle you.  You tried to hit the demon anywhere you could reach but the demon didn’t loosen its hold on you.  You tried to suck in air but all that came out was a wheeze.  Black spots danced across your vision and you started to feel light headed.  The demon then lifted your head from the ground and slammed it into the dirty motel floor.  You grabbed onto its wrists, hoping that it would stop but the demon kept slamming your head into the floor.  The motel door banged open and Sam ran in.  Before you saw Sam do anything else, you blacked out.
You woke up to a pounding headache and the smell of sulfur.  You slowly opened your eyes but immediately shut them from the light.  You groaned as you opened them once again, letting them adjust to the light..
“Hey champ.”  Sam said in a quiet and soothing voice.  You looked up at him, seeing that he was in a chair that was pulled up next to the bed.  He gave you a sad, small smile while rubbing circles into the back of your hand with his thumb.
You looked around the room to see Dean leaning against the dresser giving you a guilty look.
“Wh-what happened?”  You asked looking back at Sam.
“What do you remember?”  Sam asked with a curious look in his eyes.
“I remember you busting through the door and then nothing.”
“Well, we were jumped at one of the families houses and we were taken to a warehouse outside of town.  The demon burned Deans tattoo off and possessed him.  I eventually got out of the bindings and I hot wired a car to the motel.  I walked in to see the demon strangling you.  I fought the demon off of you and eventually exorcised it out of Dean.”  Sam said.  You noticed some cuts and bruises on his face that you were too disoriented before to see.
“How long have I been out?”  You asked with a tired tone.
 “3 hours.”  Dean said from across the room.  You looked back over to him, seeing that he hasn’t moved a muscle.
You closed your eyes and sighed.  After a minute, you tried to sit up.
“Whoa, whoa.  Easy there tiger.”  Sam said as he put a hand on your shoulder, trying to get you to lay back down.
“I’m fine.” You said as you continued to sit up.  Eventually Sam helped you and leaned you against the head board.  You looked over at Dean to see some bruises marking his face along with a cut on his right cheekbone.  “Are you okay?” 
“Don’t worry about me.”  Dean said as he started to make his way over to the bed.
“I’m sorry have you met me?”  You asked.
“I’m known for it.” 
“Sure you are.”
Sam chuckled and patted your hand before letting it go.  “I’m gonna go get us some dinner.”  He said as he looked between you and Dean.  He grabbed his jacket and the keys to the impala and walked out of the motel room.
There was a minute of silence before Dean spoke.
“(YN) I am so sor-”  Before he had a chance to finish his apology you interrupted him.
“Stop, just stop.”  You said as you looked into his guilt ridden eyes.  “You have nothing to apologize for.  It wasn’t you.”
“Yeah but I could have stopped it.”  He said while avoiding your gaze.
“Come here.”  You said while patting the empty space next to you.
Dean hesitated before finally moving next to you, still avoiding your eyes.
“Look at me.”  You said.  He didn’t.  “Dean Winchester I said look at me.”  You commanded in the tone of voice he used when you were in serious trouble.  Dean looked up at you with eyes starting to fill with tears.  “I forgive you.”
“You shouldn’t.  I failed you as an older brother.”  He said as a tear made its way down his face.
You moved your hand to his face and wiped the tear from his cheek with your thumb.  “No you didn’t.  Don’t you ever think that.  Ever.  You are the best big brother I could ask for.  You’ve done so much for Sam and me.  You’ve taken care of us when no one else would, you made sure that we had a happy childhood despite our situation, you’ve protected us and you’ve always been there for us, no matter what.  I couldn’t ask for anyone better.” 
Dean gave you a small smile.  “And I couldn’t ask for a better sister.”
“Come here.”  You said as you held your arms open for him.  Dean leaned in and gave you a hug that wasn’t as tight as it usually was.  “You’re not gonna break me Dean.”  You said as you hugged him tighter in which he returned.  After a minute of holding each other, you two let go.  You yawned while rubbing your non hurt eye.
“You tired?”  Dean asked.  You nodded.  Dean helped you lay down and get under the covers. “Night sis.”  He said as he smoothed your hair.  When he started to walk away you caught his hand.  Dean looked down at you with curiosity.
“Stay with me?”  You asked with your puppy eyes that matched Sam’s.
“Sure sweetie.”  He said as he started to lay down next to you.  You scooted over to give him more room on the bed.  When he got comfortable, you layed your head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around your body.
“Love you De.”  You said tiredly.
“Love you too kiddo.”  He replied back. 
You yawned once again and closed your eyes.  You were quickly lulled to sleep to the sound of Dean’s heartbeat and to the soothing fact that Dean would always protect you from the monsters of the night, no matter what.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
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So here we are, The Great Supernatural Rewatch, 01.01 Pilot. If unfamiliar with this rewatch, please check my Objectives and Bracketing post [x], and then my Methodology Notes [x]; Also, reminder that I’m not the only person doing this, though each in their own ways. My Objectives and Methodology are my own. 
I’m trying to get a little ahead of the official Jan 3 start date, since I know I will... inevitably fall behind, and this episode was ripe for the initial pick-through for the inevitability of a thousand call backs.
That said, with level  1. SYNCHRONIC: As it reads, unto itself, as best divorced from future knowledge of the story, it’s difficult to do much actual “meta” as much as review and commentary since literally it’s all character and story introductions. There’s some to be had, but beyond things like lighting, the Level 1 viewing tier is not going to lend towards much beyond basic archetypes, and a lot of mythology breakdown. This post will be heaving Level 2 weighted as a result. Most tier-1 posting is going to be an early build of key words, phrases and signs to assemble throughout the season watching (and tap back on later for tier 2 by tagging.)
Also a few unannounced side projects; I’m about to start a “Combat Counter” and “Marksmanship Counter”, to see how Sam and Dean handle both in physical battles/scraps over time compared to each other, and who has the better overall aim in the long term.
Some things saved in this post will seem random and arbitrary, but are potential flags I intend to keep, mostly for later level 2, DIACHRONIC study.
Now to get to the meat:
Allow me to lead with: this episode even unto itself is a fine spectacle of just how much the genre shifted over time. I am a huge fan of David Nutter’s directing; many would know him from, say, Game of Thrones. He didn’t stay long--just Pilot and Wendigo--before moving on. But some of his touches stayed with the show for a few years. The entire ambiance is a giant testiment to survival-horror, a grimness to it, even if the CW itself could never truly capitalize on it. The mood and ambiance was successfully played on. The entire episode is rife with cloudy lighting beaming between bars and through windows, bold silhouette shots, and more that gives an air of mystery even after some characters are established. Dynamic shots are plenty.
Your early reading here isn’t going to tell you much you don’t already know, but is for filing, review, and even reminder/refresher purposes. As the season unfolds, there’s going to be more to interconnect, obviously. If you would like to read more observations on actual parallels, scroll to the DIACHRONIC STUDY header. If I’ve taken a screenshot, even in Synchronic, it’s because it’s a flag I do expect to come back up in diachronic study later and need to catalogue for future parallels and address.
So, imagining it’s 2005, we’re watching Supernatural for the first time. We’re in a very different world, Both in the show, and in the real world. A standard, haunting discord rattles the minds of the audience as a tree moves like a hand towards the window of a suburban home.
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We see a classic, nuclear family in this standard home, saying their charming goodnights to an infant. But within moments, we’re told in every classic way that everything is wrong. The infant’s mobile turns on its own accord; the clock stops.
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It’s 8:12pm when the world goes haywire. The decorative moon in the room flickers, growing dim. The mother wakes to the sound of a distressed infant on the baby monitor. She rises from bed in her gown.
This is a point I’m left to negotiate cursed knowledge: to all visual cues, the mother’s attire appears to be white. The audience perceived it as white. But we know it, and Jess’ gown later, was actually pink; the film stock failed to capture it. Both short term and much louder in the long term, these two colors can deliver two very different meanings. But for us, a viewer consuming a digital medium with no knowledge beyond what they published, I’m left to decide that the text seems to determine her in a white gown.
The wife sees a stark silhouette, asking if the child was hungry, assuming it was her husband that quieted her. She turns away, tapping on a flickering light over an old marriage portrait that one can only assume was a previous family generation. She descends the stairs.
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Here she finds her husband is sleeping. Panic takes her, bringing her to the room. Quickly, chaos erupts. As does she, once seen bleeding down onto the hand of the father from above the crib. We see her, sunken eyes, already dying, screaming without a sound. Silent. Unable to make a noise.
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The camera details the desperation of the father rushing his infant to his older child. “Take your brother outside as fast as you can, don’t look back. Now Dean, GO.”
I’m unclear what John thinks he’s going to achieve running back in for Mary as fire takes the home. But soon, he finds young Dean, 4, outside, holding an infant, “I've got you Sammy.” John erupts out of the house as the windows begin to blow, sweeping in to carry Dean, who carries Sam.
As the fire department arrives, the first cords of a song we would later come to recognize as Americana haunt through otherwise chilling music that climbs actively to punch out through our first cold open.
The Winchesters are our first cold open.
We find ourselves in modern day with the rick of a rock cord, and a young woman in a white nurse outfit adjusting her earings while framed by an image of John and Mary--the mother and father--in a picture frame. Though she calls for Sam, we see nothing of Dean--not even a picture. The image on the counter tells of a life Sam(my) was too young to even know, but perhaps is in his blonde-haired woman who teases him about halloween while standing in front of a mirror.
Sam is clearly in his young prime, celebrating his LSAT with a 174 score much to his chagrin with friends dressed up in all styles of wardrobe. Behind Sam a neon black cat sign may just jinx his future in warm but dull lighting; ghostly drapes hide behind Jess in a blue, sharper light.
Sam’s friends perceive he must be the Golden Boy of the family. Jess is proud of him. “What would I do without you?” “Crash and burn.”
Night onsets. Dim lighting feels dusty despite the otherwise hopeful environment. Heavy creaking, groaning, footsteps; Sam rises on instinct, spying an open door and catching haunting noises--sounds. An intruder. And one fateful fight. The choreography spares little.
In actual combat, the intruder--quickly identified as Dean--comes out on top. (Combat ticker: Sam vs Dean: Dean 1) Easy there, tiger. As Dean haunts, revealing his roguish personality quickly, he’s then gotten the better of (this is not going to be considered a combat ticker, it’s not actual combat, but aftermath).
Sam challenges why Dean broke in, but Dean knew Sam would have never picked up without him. They’re interrupted from their silhouetting by the light flicking on, and Dean further displays his roguish charm, enjoying her smurfs, not dreaming of her getting dressed; but soon, it’s down to business--Dean says it’s private family matters. Sam, a unit in the doorframe with Jess, says it can be said in front of her. Until the fateful line: “Dad’s on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days.” The camera zooms on Sam’s set jaw to tell the audience how much weight is in that line as the audio itself drags a raw cord of suspense.
The dizzying stairs are a descent into a world Sam seems to have left behind, with the audience viewing from below. Quickly, we’re introduced to ideas: the Poltergeist in Amherst, the Devil’s Gate in Clifton, “always missing and always fine.” Sam’s bitterness is thick: rather than telling him not to be afraid of the dark, “dad gave me a .45″, though Dean challenges what he should have done. They soon stand in a cage of sharply lit bars, arguing if this was what their mother would have wanted--to be raised like warriors.
Dean challenges if Sam would want a normal apple pie life; Sam slaps back: not normal, safe. “And that’s why you ran away.”--But John told him to stay gone. Regardless, Dean doesn’t want to do it alone. Sam asks what he was hunting, and why Dean wasn’t there; Dean was working a voodoo thing in New Orleans.
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Dean reveals Jericho, California--10 men over to years on the same 5 mile stretch of road.
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The “Ran it through A Goldwave” is a funny side comment but I’m not gonna get into why beyond LOL “through a goldwave”, that’s-- whatever. But we hear, in EVP, “I can never go home.”
The average viewer, at this point, isn’t going to be deeply instructing the story parallels--and in the scheme of it, Sam’s fear of going home barely scratches the meta surface. We do know John has been missing for three weeks. And find out Sam has a Monday deadline for his entry to lawschool, “whole future on a plate.” Jess worries over disappearing with his family, reminding of the deadline, but he promises to be back in time.
A sharp cut to JERICHO, CALIFORNIA. The driver shares similar concerns to Sam, “if I miss it, dad’s gonna have my ass,” he tells his girlfriend on the phone. A woman in white appears down the road as the car clock fries at 10:17, asking to be taken home. “Take me home?” “She lives at the end of breckenridge road.” “A girl like you shouldn’t really be alone out here.” She hikes her skirt. “I’m with you. Do you think I’m pretty? Will you come home with me?” hell yeah.
They arrive at a dillapidated home. “I can never go home.” No one even lives here. He steps out, turns around, and she’s gone. An eerie handprint appears on the window.
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He decides to leave, clearly feeling the offsettling vibes, but isn’t alone. She steams with animosity in the backseat.
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He looks into his mirror.
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And wipes out.
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After a violent death, we cut back to our boys and another exposition: credit card scams (jesus, could sam have yelled it any louder?), breakfast in a gas station bag, you gotta update your casette tape collection--why? because for one, they’re casette tapes. Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Metallica--it’s the greatest hits of mullet rock. “House rules Sammy, Driver picks the music, rider shuts his cakehole.” “Sammy is a chubby 12 year old.” “What, can’t hear you.”
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Internal impala shots galore will end up being a major vibe of our next few years. A spunky guitar theme plays that we will eventually come to know.  Dean pulls out a cigar box full of fake badges ranging from FBI to Bureau of Tobacco from the glove box, quickly showing us how deep this path goes for them already.
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The cops review the mystery: no fingerprints, spotless; we find out that the victim was dating the cop’s daughter, who was posting missing flyers downtown. The boys introduce themselves as federal agents, are challenged for being too young, and Dean sasses his way through, “that’s very kind of you.” -- while gathering basic intel, we quickly find Dean’s tongue getting ahead of him, calling their lack of ability to find a connection beyond them all being male victims, calling it crack police work. The brothers’ dual personas exit the crime scene with a cuff upside the head from Sam to Dean, a bickering match, and Dean leaving a Mulder and Scully crack on the cops.
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They quickly find Amy, the girlfriend, and lie to claim that were Troy’s relatives and had heard about her, and move to a diner to talk about events.
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No major unusual things to warrant events; Sam compliments her necklace. She jokes that Troy got it for her to freak out her parents for “devil stuff”, but Sam quickly educates her on the pentagram meaning the opposite, a symbol of protection.
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But there are weird rumors in town--people talk. In-sync, “what do they talk about”; a local legend. She tells them of a girl murdered on centennial where anyone who picks her up disapears forever. The brothers quickly move on to a library with a clunky monitor, fully dating us; not just the lack of good cell phones and wifi, but the equipment and the appearance of the search engine alone. Right, we’re watching this in 2005. 
The brothers slapfight again, but Sam shows that even away from the life he never lost his prowess. He asks, “Angry spirits are born out of violent death, right?” and searches for suicide. 1981, 24 years prior. “Our babies were gone and Constance couldn’t bear it.”
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 So they go to see where Constance took the swan dive.
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The brothers begin to fight.
SAM Dean, I told you, I've gotta get back by Monday—
DEAN turns around.
DEAN Monday. Right. The interview.
SAM Yeah.
DEAN Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl?
SAM Maybe. Why not?
DEAN Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done?
SAM steps closer.
SAM No, and she's not ever going to know.
DEAN Well, that's healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are.
DEAN turns around and keeps walking. SAM follows.
SAM And who's that?
DEAN You're one of us.
SAM hurries to get in front of DEAN.
SAM No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life.
DEAN You have a responsibility to—
SAM To Dad? And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back.
DEAN grabs SAM by the collar and shoves him up against the railing of the bridge. A long pause.
DEAN Don't talk about her like that.
They’re interrupted as Constance appears, diving off the cliff, and immediately taking control of the Impala.
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“Dude, who’s driving your car?” Dean holds up his keys.
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They flee, over the bridge, and share another movement. One more fake card later, they find themselves in John’s room, room 10, in a motel. Sam remarks that the place is covered in Salt, and Cat’s Eye Shells. The entire room is covered in case work and lore. 
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I’ll break down the lore of these in a later mythos reblog, though the Asmodeus one really catches my eye for reasons outside of this episode.
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Sam finds a photo-- a distinctly different family than the one on his college dresser. There, it’s John and Mary as an ideal image that framed Jessica. Here, it’s the life he walked away from. But while Dean heads out, he’s spotted by police, and their old coded dialect pops out, “Five Oh, take off.” Federal marshalls confront him: They’re looking for his partner (cue Wincest fans trying to make meta that’s about to be shot down one scene later, in the distance), fake US Marshalls, fake credit cards, is there anything about you that’s Real. My boobs.
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Just putting a flag in the name Sheriff Pierce, we’ll figure out if that’s ever valid to anything later. But he tells Dean of the trouble he’s in with a room full of missing people and devil worship, for Dean to snap back he was 3 when they went missing. But they knew he had more than one partner. An older man. John’s journal is thrown out (Wincest meta dies a terrible death beyond previous scene)
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Again, I’ll translate the FUTHARK in a follow up post, this is already taking a lot of time as it is.
Meanwhile, Sam is investigating the leads they and John both found. Previously spoken intents to burn her has him ask about her being buried at an old plot by Breckenridge at their old place.
SAM And why did you move?
JOSEPH I'm not gonna live in the house where my children died.
SAM stops walking. JOSEPH stops too.
SAM Mr. Welch, did you ever marry again?
JOSEPH No way. Constance, she was the love of my life. Prettiest woman I ever known.
SAM So you had a happy marriage?
JOSEPH hesitates.
Putting a flag in this for later.
But Sam decides to call the man out.
SAM A woman in white. Or sometimes weeping woman?
JOSEPH just looks.
SAM It's a ghost story. Well, it's more of a phenomenon, really.
SAM starts back toward JOSEPH.
SAM Um, they're spirits. They've been sighted for hundreds of years, dozens of places, in Hawaii, Mexico, lately in Arizona, Indiana. All these are different women.
SAM stops in front of JOSEPH.
SAM You understand. But all share the same story.
JOSEPH Boy, I don't care much for nonsense.
JOSEPH walks away. SAM follows.
SAM See, when they were alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them.
JOSEPH stops.
SAM And these women, basically suffering from temporary insanity, murdered their children.
JOSEPH turns around.
SAM Then once they realized what they had done, they took their own lives. So now their spirits are cursed, walking back roads, waterways. And if they find an unfaithful man, they kill him. And that man is never seen again.
JOSEPH You think...you think that has something to do with...Constance? You smartass!
SAM You tell me.
JOSEPH I mean, maybe...maybe I made some mistakes. But no matter what I did, Constance, she never would have killed her own children. Now, you get the hell out of here! And you don't come back!
Sam is flushed out, and makes a fake 911 call to break Dean out, pointing out that the husband had been unfaithful. More dramatic silhouette shots really capture the early spirit of the piece, with Dean using a phone booth in lieu of other options. Hell, Dean was able to find a phone booth, let that take you back. They determine that John left Jericho, and establish his ex-marine habits with the coordinates, 35-111 that Dean had lied through to the cop. But while on the phone, the woman in white appears in front of Sam on the road, non-crashing. 
She controls the car again, and forces him to drive to a broken home, repeating, “I can never go home.” Sam recognizes: “You’re scared to go home.” And that’s when the creepy ghost rapey vibes start, mounting him, demanding he hold her, she’s cold. “You can’t kill me, I’m not unfaithful.” He argues. You will be. Just hold me.
As she goes to rip out his heart, she flickers with the beat of his.
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Dean breaks into the scene, unloading 12 shots into the ghost with iron bullets to disrupt her manifestation, giving Sam time to sit up and say, “I’m taking you home.”, where he drives through the house. Dean helps Sam out of the car, only to be telekinetically pinned by a dresser to be disabled.
The lights flicker again. Children manifest, water runs down the stairs, looking eerily like the light could be the Winchester’s old home
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Here, she falls when reunited with her children. Sam clarifies--she could never go home, she was too afraid to face her kids (while not viable for the synchronic study, for my own sanity I’m going to note this season, Home will be all but mandatory to touch back here.) Dean says Sam found her weak spot.
They drive down the road with a blown headlight, Sam using an old map and ruler to locate the coordinates. But it’s realized Sam isn’t going with Dean to blackwater ridge, colorado 600 miles away. His interview was in ten hours. Dean declares, “I’ll take you home.”
There’s banter over meeting up later, and being a good team, but Sam goes inside and calls for Jess. “You home?” He finds a plate full of cookies with a note “missed you, love you” and relaxes in bed with the distant sound of a running shower.
And of course.
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And so it began.
In a first episode, there’s only so much to address. While we may question how much the Woman in White being in White may have been intentional with Jess and Mary, who wore pink (a diachronic full text body note later), in the initial review, it’s worth mentioning for the reasons in part 1 I’ve decided to air towards white in the final text product. Resultingly, the tie between Constance->Mary->Jess seems tangible. But it isn’t really so simple.
“Home.” Home is a huge keyword.
"I can never go home."  within the episode unto itself, Sam is struggling to well, get back home. And frankly, returning home is the key of it. (hears distant uppity Wincest stans) The difference here is, this isn't a direct parallel, of course, as much as a general ambient mood that will haunt is forward through the show, even if current viewers just watching episode 1 don't recognize it yet. Sam going home kills Jess, essentially; or at least witnesses her death. At the same time, Sam fears returning to the hunter life, or more doesn't think he can because John told him not to come back. But now that Jess is dead, well, Sam can never go home to the life he was building. He has no choice but TO go back to the other home--the hunter life. Even if he’s certain it’s not what Mary would have wanted for them.
There’s no way I’ll have them all in mind, these are just what are flagging me along the way.
1.09 Home As the “Home” rewatch is not that far away, I’m going to save this as a placeholder with general notes about “Mary apologizing to Sam,” even if frankly, she should have to Dean too. But even if, at the time, the exact details of the deal may or may not have been established or hashed out by the authors--we’re not picking at arguing if the authors intended it or not here. Here, Mary apologizes for her deal. Here, Mary apologizes--for drowning her children. For magnetizing this poltergeist to this place that she demands let her sons go, where she forces the spook to let go of Sam. She couldn’t really go home in the truest sense until that passed. (I’ll have deeper chain-link connections on this looking-forward once actually at the episode.
They’re here, but not pinging me at 1 AM beyond vagueblogging about Lucifer showing up as Jess to haunt Sam and the inevitable time travel episodes about Mary, so placeholder for later updates.
Obviously compare to above-dropped screenshots.
11.04: Mistakes were made.
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Listen, Dean’s grimace seat has been in discussion lately, don’t blame me for thinking of Joseph’s mistakes right after the season as Dean-mirror Pastor Joseph. Funny how Sam’s get shown and Dean’s don’t.
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11.23/12.01: Mary’s return in the (white or pink, I’m rolling with white as-above) gown, and all extending details.
12.22: Mary's dreamspace.
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12.23: Dean, Castiel's death, Sam removing Dean
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15.01: Woman In White, We've got work to do
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I feel like the Woman in White is the most interesting of these that hasn’t been as talked to death as, say, the 12.23 elements with the Destiel parallel. After all, the Woman in White largely focused on Sam. It was his fear of home. It was him being faithful to Jess (and being unfaithful can be more than sex, really; after all, he made a promise to come back.) But in season 15, it’s Dean that the ghost of the jilted lover approaches, shortly after Dean nearly killed Jack in his pain. Was Dean the weeping woman? Or was Castiel? Who held the animosity in the back seat?
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Or is this a shared path? As Dean puts the Equalizer away under the Cigar Box, he has his own haunting issues in the mirror.
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Those will be addressed more deeply when we get to that episode in like half a year. But for now, I’m just putting a pin in it. With a side scribble of “Cas got his Secrets/Mary, Sam got his serial killer and clowns and Dean got... the woman in white with Belphegor.”
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15.02: Road Closed
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15.03: If one insists Mary and Jess’ dress are pink, Rowena’s dress upon wedding and unbirthing to death (and queendom)
15.04: I still think about Jess (shortly before Eileen’s return.)
15.13: If one insists Mary and Jess’ dress are pink, atop the eventually-addressed meaning of lighting (death and transformation) vs the Empress symbolism (fertility, rebirth), Castiel in pink light.
15.15: If one insists Mary and Jess’ dress are pink. Amara’s trenchcoat.
15.20: Beyond the obvious quotes, and the (IMO failed) attempt at nostalgia, there’s honestly very little callback to the original episode. 
That’s it on first glance, I’m sure more will rattle out as we go forward. Well, mostly. Keys to the Legacy from Mint Condition is flagging me alongside control mechanisms like Castiel losing control of his vessel. But those are thoughts to put pins in for now and develop later.
DEAN VICTORIES: 1 (sam vs Dean)
DEAN SHOTS: 12 shots, 12 hits.
(hits for any individual will be considered accurate even if targets teleport/flicker out as long as it should have hit the body)
The mythology pasted all around John’s Room is worth a second trip, but off the top of my head I see the Bell Witch and Asmodeus from the Lesser Key of Solomon (near the motel door).
I’ll reblog later to add commentary on that.
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Song of the Sea
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Category: General Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Eri, Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada
Eri jumped as her bedroom door burst open, followed by a very familiar voice announcing, “Hey, hey, stop what you’re doing, because we’re going to the beach todaaaaaayyy!” 
“The beach?” Eri said owlishly as she looked up from her tea table, where she was currently pouring imaginary tea for the myriad of stuffed animals seated around the small pink furniture. As Present Mic waltzed into her bedroom, wiggling his hips in a giddy little jig, his grin was nearly blinding. 
“That’s right, my dear! Summer is here, and your therapist thought it would be good for you to go out and get some sunshine!” he explained as he crouched down and picked up one of the ceramic cups. He shook it at her, silently demanding to be served, and Eri giggled delightedly as she used the floral-patterned teapot to distribute. Present Mic took a long, exaggerated sip of air, emerald eyes glittering playfully above the rim of the cup before he pulled it away from his lip with a loud, satisfied sigh. “Delicious! Anyway,” he said, bopping her on the nose as she continued to snicker, “How does that sound?” 
“I’ve never been to the beach before,” Eri considered, cocking her head to the side. From what she knew of the beach, it was supposed to be an enjoyable place indeed. Ever since being rescued from Overhaul’s clutches, she had been making considerable efforts to come out of her shell and do things that normal little girls did. A smile spread across her face as she imagined the rolling waves cresting on pristine white sands, tasting the salty sea breeze and feeling the sun kissing her skin. “Yeah! That sounds really fun!” she agreed with an emphatic nod. 
“Wonderful!” Present Mic trilled and clapped his hands together. “Let’s go, then!” 
“Wait, right now?” Eri squeaked in surprise as he hopped to his feet. She looked hesitantly at her array of stuffed animals. “But I haven’t finished the tea party.” It would be very rude of her to leave her guests wanting tea and snack cakes. 
“Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry!” Present Mic tutted, smacking himself in the forehead. “How rude of me! Scoot Mr. Teddy over so I can enjoy some tea too, Eri, dear.” Eri did as he wished, cackling as the tall man wormed his way into one of the wooden chairs, his knees hunched up under his chin. He grabbed one of the chocolate cream-filled pastries and devoured it in nearly one bite, crumbs raining down from his chin. “We’ll finish this first and then go to the beach!” 
Eri nodded eagerly and then proceeded to finish serving her guest, along with the newcomer Present Mic. Eraserhead found them there half an hour later, with his friend loudly regaling Eri’s stuffed bunny rabbit with a story about their high school glory days. Eri was cackling maniacally at his gut-bustingly funny rendition of Eraserhead falling asleep on the school rooftop and getting drenched by a surprise thunderstorm. 
“And he came trudging into class, dripping wet and had to explain—” Present Mic was interrupted as Eraserhead grunted in the doorway. His head whirled on his shoulders to look at the disgruntled teacher with wide emerald eyes. “Oh, hello, Shota.” 
“I thought we were taking Eri to the beach?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“Yes, but I had to finish my tea party!” Eri explained with a gesture at her stuffed animals, which all had snack cake-colored stains over their snouts. Eraserhead regarded the myriad of toys with silent consideration before nodding understandingly. 
“Right. Of course. Are you done now?” 
“Yes, I think so.” At her confirmation, Present Mic jumped up with a triumphant yowl, throwing his hands in the air. 
“Yeeeeeeeaaaahhhh! Beach time, beach time! Oh, Shota, did you bring it? Did you bring it?” Present Mic pestered as he zoomed up to Eraserhead and tugging elatedly on his shirt. The dark-haired hero scowled and shoved him away with an irritated, “Yes, yes, now get off!” Eri blinked confusingly as Present Mic bristled with excitement in the corner, and Eraserhead procured a plastic bag to fish something out of it. “If we’re going to the beach, you need a swimsuit,” he explained simply as he handed her the clothing item. 
Eri turned it over in her hands, eyes widening. It was a beautiful one-piece; three rows of red ruffles crossed the bust area diagonally, with strings coming up to tie around the back of her neck and others crisscrossing over where her shoulder blades would be. The rest of the fabric was creamy white and patterned with apples, complete with little stems and green leaves. As she admired the cute bathing suit, Present Mic dashed over, tucking his fists under his chin as he practically vibrated with excitement. 
“Do you like it?! Oh, when we saw it, we just knew it would look super cute!” 
“Mic, that’s gross.” 
“Eh? What’s the point of having an adorable daughter without dolling her up for the world to see?!” 
“Mic, she’s not your daughter.” 
“She might as well be!” Present Mic protested, hugging Eri close. As her cheek squished into his chest, Eri smiled sweetly and looked up at him. 
“I love it! Can I go put it on?” 
“Of course, of course!” Present Mic trilled, pushing her past Eraserhead to the hallway bathroom. “And while you get ready, Shota and I will get everything ready for our super-duper awesome day at the beach! Yeeaaaaaaaaaah!” 
Eri had to giggle at his enthusiasm; she found herself thoroughly hyped for the new adventure as he shut the bathroom door behind her and dragged Eraserhead off to prepare all the necessary items. She wormed out of her clothes and slipped into the bathing suit, careful not to tangle the strings as she tied them around her neck. It took a few tries as she was too short to use the mirror, so she had to fumble underneath her silvery hair to secure the knot. Eri felt pretty accomplished when she managed to do so without asking for the adults’ help. As soon as she unlocked the door and opened it back up, Present Mic was standing there in a muscle tee and a pair of yellow shorts with rainbow music notes all over them, a towel around his neck and that same grin on his face. 
“Kyaaaaaa! Shota, isn’t she the most adorable thing ever?” he howled with delight. Eraserhead, sporting a gray tee and some plain black swim trunks, lowered his shades to inspect Eri critically. Though he lifted his sunglasses before grunting his approval, she could see some color rise to his cheeks. Present Mic scurried over to secure her hair into a set of pigtails before ushering her to the door. “We’re gonna have so much fun! Ah, wait, wait, wait,” he said as she stepped out of the door. When she looked back in bewilderment, he was whipping out his cellphone. “Say cheese! I have to show everyone how cute Eri looks on her first day at the beach!” 
Eri reflexively smiled, wincing as the camera flash momentarily blinded her. Present Mic snickered to himself as his fingers flew across the keyboard, probably posting the picture everywhere it could be seen. That is until Eraserhead booted him out the doorway, causing Present Mic to yelp and rub his bum with a pout at his friend. Eraserhead just trudged past him, carrying a beach bag full of towels and other assorted items to the car. Eri tottered along after him, pigtails swinging with each trot. As she climbed into the backseat and buckled herself in, she peered curiously into the bag; before she could get a good look, Eraserhead reached back from the driver’s seat to close it. 
“You don’t want to ruin the surprise, do you?” he winked. Eri slumped a little as she was playfully admonished, but a surprise did sound fun. 
She obediently refrained from peeking during the ride. It became the furthest thing from her mind anyway as they neared the shore; she sat up in the seat to stare at the expanse of blue stretching along the horizon, red eyes wide as they behold the white rolling waves and even whiter rolling dunes. Colorful umbrellas and towels dotted the landscape. Beachgoers lounged in the shade reading books and listening to portable radios, played in the wet sand moistened by the tide, or frolicked in the surf, tossing balls and playing with inflatables. Eri bounced up and down, growing so excited that a little squeal bubbled out of her throat. When she looked impatiently to the front compartment of the car, both Eraserhead and Present Mic were smiling happily at her out of the corners of their eyes. 
As soon as they parked, Eri jumped out of the car to dash to the sand. She hopped off the boardwalk into the grainy stuff, gasping as her bare feet sank into the warm grains. She wiggled her toes, appreciating the way the sand moved around her feet like fluid. She then jumped up and down with a squeal, throwing up the fine sand all around her. 
“The beach! The beach!” she chanted, turning in a circle as she stamped around. Eraserhead chuckled as he walked up behind her, carrying an umbrella and two fold-out chairs over his shoulder. 
“Having fun already, kiddo? Wait until you see the water.” 
Eri gasped, whirling around so hard she lost her balance and bumped into Eraserhead’s legs. She could hear the waves rolling beyond the dunes, crashing and frothing. She ran up the side of the dune, grunting as she sunk deep into the sand, to clamber up to the top. She immediately sucked in a breath as the water came into view and the salty breeze hit her nose; it looked ethereal, the way the water rushed in and out, spraying up sea foam as it sank into the sand. Squeals of children and pleasant conversation floated on the breeze, creating a symphony of revelry on the tune of the ocean. 
“Wowwww…” she breathed exultantly, looking up at Eraserhead and Present Mic as they came walking up the dune. “We’re really gonna spend the day here?” It almost seemed too good to be true; tears of gratitude and joy welled up in her eyes as she looked back to the gently crashing waves. In the deep dungeons of Overhaul’s compound, she could only dream of the ocean. Now here it was, right before her very eyes, close enough to touch. 
“Of course,” Eraserhead smiled. He adjusted his grip on the chairs and umbrella before extending his hand to her. “Let me put this stuff down, and then we’ll go into the water, okay?” Eri nodded without looking at him, spellbound by the push-and-pull of the waves, but she reached for his hand on instinct. It wrapped around her small one, tough and calloused and warm, and led her down the side of the sand dune to the beach. Eraserhead left Present Mic to set up the chairs and umbrellas as he led Eri to the shoreline, where she stopped hesitantly in front of the water. The back-and-forth crashes almost seemed intimidating, now; surely, those waves could suck her right in and spirit her away into the great dark unknown. With a small whimper, she hugged Eraserhead’s leg and tugged at the ruffles of her bathing suit. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t let you go anywhere,” Eraserhead chuckled warmly and gave her back an encouraging pat. She clutched tight to his hand as she tentatively inched up to the waterline. As a wave came rolling up, foaming and dumping seashells into the wet sand, she dipped her foot into the water. She squealed and retracted it, giddy with relief. 
“It feels good!” Again, as the wave came cresting up, she edged forward, sticking her whole foot in this time. She laughed at the funny feeling of the bubbles popping against her skin and the water swirling around, making the shells bump against her ankle. She quickly leaned down to scoop up one. It was a cracked scallop shell, but the brown-and-cream patterning was so pretty that she still found herself holding it up to the sun to admire it. “So this once had a clam in it?” 
“Yep,” Eraserhead confirmed, taking it from her to look it over. “Now it’s an empty shell. It’s broken, but would you still like to keep it?” 
Eraserhead whistled to Present Mic, who obediently brought over a bucket that she could drop the shell into. Before she could dive down to get another one, Present Mic tapped her on the head with a tube of something. 
“Eri, let’s put on some sunscreen first, okay?” 
She nodded obediently, and he leaned down, popping open the cap and squeezing a generous amount of the thick white cream into his head. Eri scrunched up her face as he rubbed it all into the skin of her face, then slicked it over her arms, legs, and the bare areas of her back. She grimaced at first because it made her feel gross and sticky, but she tolerated it because she knew it would make him sad if she objected. 
The two men crouched beside her as she weaved her hands through the sloshing surf to catch the shells fluttering up from the deep, picking ones she liked to keep. She spent a good fifteen minutes there while the two looked on until Present Mic cleared his throat. 
“Eri, would you like to go swimming?” 
She straightened up, salty water dripping from her hands. 
“Oh, but I don’t know how to swim…” she said with a longing look out at the sea. It certainly looked fun and refreshing. She glanced back when Eraserhead chuckled and patted her on the head. 
“Don’t worry. We have floats for you.” As he said it, Present Mic approached, blowing up the second of a pair of strange-looking inflatables of transparent red plastic. Eraserhead dipped them in the water before sliding them up her arms, nestling them near her armpits. She flapped her arms up and down, giggling at the weird feeling of the plastic rubbing against her skin, and then watched as Eraserhead straightened up and offered her his hand again. Eri’s heart hummed with happiness as she reached up to take it, marveling at how strong yet soft it felt. 
Even with all the people around, there hadn’t been a moment yet that Eri felt nervous because she always felt safe with Eraserhead. She wasn’t daunted in the least as he helped her wade out into the surf, the sand squishing beneath her toes and the salt spray lapping at her upper body and face because she knew that he’d never let her be dragged away. As she went deep enough to have to tip her head back, she lifted up her legs and began wildly kicking her legs. The floaties kept her buoyant on the waves, and she bobbed in a circle around his legs, occasionally bumping into him as she panted with effort. 
“I’m swimming!” she screeched with delight, laughing as a wave pushed her up against his thighs. Eraserhead smirked as he pushed her a foot away, keeping a hold of her ankle. Eri squealed as she rolled onto her back and drifted on the sloshing water. “Mic, Mic, look!” she called to the blond as he came wading out into the water, his long hair piled into a bun atop his head. At that moment, a wave crashed over the back of her head, drenching her entirely. 
“Ah! Eri, dear, are you all right?” Present Mic exclaimed and raced toward her at the speed of an Olympic swimmer. 
“Ugh, you’re such a mother hen,” Eraserhead grunted as he calmly tugged the sputtering and coughing Eri close. “You okay?” he then asked, eyebrows pinched together. Eri flipped her dripping silver bangs out of her eyes, blinking rapidly as the salt stung, and sucked in a breath. After gathering her thoughts, she began laughing happily. 
“I got wet,” she snickered. Present Mic deflated in relief before scooping her up to mount her on his shoulders. Her squeals of happiness bounded up to join the caws of the seabirds as Present Mic roared and charged the waves, kicking at them on the pretense of defending Eri from the sea. She clutched onto his head as she kicked her little feet too, although that high up, she could only nab some of the bubbly froth spraying up. 
After about an hour of playing in the water, Eri retreated back inland to build a sandcastle. They decorated it with the shells she found, as well as bits of kelp and some driftwood. Present Mic declared her the queen of the castle and slapped a seaweed crown on her head; it felt really gross and slimy, so she chucked it at him on instinct, and Eraserhead started guffawing when it slapped across Present Mic’s face like an enormous mustache. 
As she was watching a hermit crab scuttle across the sand, a large yawn split her face. She reached up to rub her eye with her knuckles, smearing sand and salt particles over her eyebrow. 
“Tired, kiddo?” Eraserhead asked with a lopsided smile. She nodded and stood up to toddle over and hug his legs. He affectionately tousled her hair, which was dry and tangly from the salty water. Present Mic came up behind her to wrap her in a pink floral-patterned towel, and Eraserhead picked her up to carry her to their chairs and umbrellas. As he reclined in one of the fold-out chairs with a long sigh, she snuggled into his neck, playing with the ends of his long black hair. 
“Did you have fun?” he asked as she smiled sleepily up at him. 
“Mhmm,” she nodded and then yawned loudly again. As she nuzzled into him, enjoying the way the scent of salt mingled with the smell of his cologne, she quietly asked, “Can we come again sometime?” 
“Can Deku and Lemillion come too?” 
“Sure. I’m sure they’d love to.” 
Satisfied, Eri closed her eyes, embracing the drowsiness threatening to overtake her system. She listened to the rhythmic roll of the waves and the rush of the wind and the squawks of the seabirds and the symphony of shouts and laughs riding the wind. It really was a beautiful sound. As she sank into the sweet twilight of sleep, she found herself reminded again of all the heroes who risked their all to save her from the deep dark of the underground yakuza compound. 
Thanks to them… I can listen to the beach anytime I want to. Thank you… My heroes…
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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dumbkiri · 5 years
Buried Secrets Two
Parts: [ 1, Here, 3 ]
Summary: [Name], knowing she and John are in danger, runs to the babysitter’s house to get John back to safety. She also gives the nice babysitter money to go out of the country. Then [Name] is in a stolen car wondering where and who to go for help. She reluctantly goes to the Titans. Although plans don’t go as planned. Dick tells the truth to the Titans and they figure out a plan to stop Deathstroke once and for all. Deathstroke has unfortunate news for [Name]. 
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Female! Reader
Genre: Slight Angst
Word Count: 3k
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“Wait, Ms. [L.Name], why are you suddenly leaving? Also you’re bleeding,” Samantha, John’s babysitter, had ran behind [Name]. The young teen was not understanding why she was given two grand for only taking care of John for a night. 
[Name] held John closer to her body and noticed that he was going to cry soon. She set John down in a carrier then grabbed Samantha by her shoulders, “Look, sweetie, use the money to finally go to South Korea. Didn’t you say you always wanted to go there?”
“Y-yeah, but I can’t leave without notifying my parents. I’m just a sophomore in high school,��� Samantha gave [Name] a weird look. 
[Name] cursed under her breath and grabbed four grand from a duffel bag, “Here use this to bring your parents with you. Just get out of town, no, the country.”
“Why? What’s going on?” Samantha didn’t know when to stop asking questions and it was annoying the older female to no end. [Name] zipped up the duffel bag and grabbed the handle of John’s carrier. She walked over to the front door and zoomed over to her car that she stole. She opened the backseat car door and strapped John into a car seat. 
John began crying now and [Name] closed the door after she stuffed her bags next to John. “Listen carefully, Samantha. Bad people are after me and they might use you to find me which is why you need to leave. Because they’ll only bring harm to you and your family for no reason.”
Samantha’s blue eyes widened, “Bad people like murderers?”
“Worst. Now call your parents and I’ll tell them what to do.”
[Name] looked at her phone and typed the address to the Titan’s Tower. Her fingers froze and she let her thumb hover over the start button. Deathstroke said that Dick brought the Titans back together. But she couldn’t bring herself to believe him. Deathstroke isn’t known to be a liar, manipulative, yes. If Dick really did bring the Titans back even their old friends, why didn’t he contact her?
“Ma...ma,” John whined in the back seat, his little feet kicking the air, 
[Name] should feel grateful that Dick didn’t call her. It would be awkward to see him. It would be awkward to see them all and John, what would they think? Did Dick tell them about John? Her [e.color] eyes looked at the rearview mirror. She watched as John babbled in his spot. Drool dripping down his chin. 
She worried for her son. [Name] promised herself she wouldn’t go back to being a hero. That was in the past and it was going to stay there because she didn’t want her son getting hurt or worse. He was too young to die. He’s just a baby. 
“Starting route to Titan’s Tower,” 
This was her only chance to keep him safe. They were her family once and John could be a part of it. 
“Dick, come on, man, wake up” 
“What happened to the three of them?”
“Do you think they all just passed out here like idiots cause I do.”
“Hank, no.”
Dick groaned and opened his eyes to see Rachel and Gar waking up as well. His brown eyes observing the two teens that laid on each other. 
“Ugh, what happened?” Gar asked rubbing his head with his eyes adjusting to the bright light from Jason’s phone. 
“They seem fine. Maybe they had a sleepover without us” Jason said and Hank chuckled at his remark. Jason turned his phone light off and backed away to give the trio space.
 Rachel removed herself off of Gar’s body with a slight blush apparent. She sat on her knees and rubbed her hands on her thighs. [Name] was on her way. “Did you guys see what I saw?” Rachel asked the two males who were affected by her power. 
Gar nodded his head, “Yeah it was strange. It was like I was next to her when she was fighting Deathstroke and Dr. Light. It was so weird, I couldn’t do anything for her.” 
“Shit,” Dick cursed under his breath and jumped to his feet. He needed to go to the computer. He needed to see how far she was away from the tower. Dick ran out of the kitchen with everyone following him with questioning gazes. 
Donna was the first to reach him, “Whoa, Dick, slow down. Wanna tell us what’s going on?” The Wonder Girl looking at her friends for some help to get Dick to spill. They stayed quiet and watched him type on the keyboard. His fingers going at a crazy rate. 
“Searching for [Name] [L.Name]...” 
Hank stepped up to Dick with his hand placed on his head, “Hold up, why are you looking for [Name]? Is everything okay with her?”
“No,” Rachel spoke up, “My power, it allowed me to see that she was in danger. She was fighting Deathstroke and Dr. Light all by herself.”
“She blew her own home up, it was crazy and she has telekinesis!” Gar exclaimed pulling at his hair. He never saw such a powerful person with a cool ability. Dick tapped his foot impatiently waiting for the computer to give him results and it was painfully slow. His family was in danger. Can he call them his family? He hasn’t seen them in three years. Every time he wanted to contact [Name], he got cold feet. 
“Dick, you got to tell us what is going on,” Dawn set her hand onto his shoulder. He looked behind him and they were all staring at him. Their eyes boring into him to tell them the truth. He took a deep breath in and pushed away from the computer. 
“I haven’t been honest with you guys,” Dick crossed his arms over his chest, “the only ones that know this secret is Bruce and Alfred. Even if I told you a long time ago what had happened between [Name] and I, I don’t think it’s your business in the first place.”
Hank glared at him, “Now it is.”
“Yes,” Dick nodded his head, “Because they’re in danger.”
Dawn tilted her head in confusion and Donna spoke up, “They’re? Someone else is with [Name]?” The two women had no idea what was going on and neither did the rest. Dick was being hesitant and he took a long time to explain what was going on. He bit his lip and chewed on it. Rachel and Gar looked at each other wondering if they should help Dick with telling the truth. 
“It’s not easy to say this,” Dick admitted with his head low in defeat. He had to tell them anyways because [Name] was going to show up to Titan’s Tower eventually. “[Name] and I...we have a son. He’s two years old and-”
“No fucking way,” An unexpected voice cut through and it was Rose Wilson, Deathstroke’s daughter. “You had a secret child and you didn’t bother to tell your teammates. What other secrets are you keeping?”
“None,” Dick said with a sharp tone. 
Dawn removed her hand off of Dick’s shoulder, “Why didn’t you tell us? We’re your friends.”
“It’s because it was none of our business,” Hank bellowed, “obviously we weren't good enough friends for him to confide in us.” Dawn looked over her shoulder at Hank. Their eyes connected. 
Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt. 
It was the front entrance. Someone was there and it was definitely [Name]. It had to be. Although when the camera footage popped up on the computer screen, no one was visible. Suddenly, they all heard the elevator dinging. Dick was the first one to investigate. They all waited in the main room to see the elevator doors opening. 
What they saw made their hearts churn especially Dick’s. His eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. In the middle of the elevator was a bassinet with a crying baby in it and a woman bloodied and beaten holding tightly onto the bassinet. Dick reacted quicker than the others and immediately ran inside the elevator. His hands flying to the woman’s face. 
Her nose was bleeding and her eyes were barely open. It was like she was trying to stay awake, but her body was forcing herself to sleep. Her breaths were shallow and her hands gripped tightly around the bassinet. She opened her mouth, blood coating her teeth, “Take care of him, okay?” Her head felt lighter in his hands and he understood. 
“[Name],” Dick called softly tears brimming, “you’re not here, are you?” 
She gave him a smile and her body disappeared right in front of him in red waves. The old titans rushed into the elevator and looked down at Dick kneeling in a fetal position. Then he looked up from the spot where [Name] had once laid in. Letting his anger out, Dick punched the elevator wall in front of him, “Goddammit!” 
“W-wait, I don’t understand,“ Gar spoke up trying to see in the elevator, “[Name] was just here. What happened to her body?” The green haired thought of the worst. He thought she had died. Donna looked at the teens and pushed them away from the elevator telling them that the adults would handle this. 
Dawn knelt down beside Dick, “Come on, Dick. We’re going to find her, but right now your son needs you.” Dick wiped his tears away and picked up the bassinet with shaky hands. Hank stopped Dick from exiting the elevator, “I can hold him...if you want.” 
Dick shook his head, “Thank you, but I got him.” For the first time in a long time, Dick was with his son again. Yet he wished the circumstances were better.
“Alright an hour later, John is finally sleeping,” Dawn and Donna walked back into the main room where everybody sat in or around the kitchen. Dick gave them a grateful nod and focused his attention back on the wall. 
“So is anyone going to explain what happened to [Name],” Gar asked very curious why the woman disappeared in the elevator. 
Jason tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth, “It’s because of her ability.” 
The old titans gave him questioning glares. 
“What? Bruce had me study potential allies and [Name] was one of them. According to what she knows, she has the ability to warp reality and teleport. Well that’s not all she can do, but it’s what she used in this situation. My guess is she used teleportation and put little John in the elevator before Deathstroke could get to him.”
“So her body was just her warping reality?” Rachel asked. 
Rose shrugged her shoulders, “If she could teleport, why didn’t she do the same for herself?”
“Because she hasn’t used her powers in a long time ever since John was born. She didn’t want to risk him getting injured.” Dick answered. His brown eyes were directed to the floor in thought. [Name] was in danger and in the hands of Deathstroke. His second worst enemy. 
Rachel slid off the kitchen counter, "Well, aren't we going to save her? Isn't that what the Titans do?" 
Dick looked at Rachel and shook his head. He wasn't going to allow his new recruits, his friends, get involved with Deathstroke. He won't allow another young soul die at his hands. "No, you guys will stay here and keep watch on John." 
"Great," Jason groaned, "you're putting us on babysitting duty while you guys fight a known villain. He's your son, how about you spend time with him for once?"
Dick growled, "Don't go there." 
"Or what?" Jason challenged stepping up to Dick. The teen with black hair was beginning to push Dick's buttons. And they weren't supposed to be bothered with. "I say you sit this one out, Dick. Let us handle the bad guys for once." 
"No," Dick said firmly. He was standing his ground. The presence of the new Robin didn't scare him nor did he tremble. "Deathstroke is mine. Now stand down or I'll put you on probationary timeout." 
Jason scoffed and turned his back on Dick muttering a few curses. The old Titans walked up to Dick and they formed a tiny circle ready to discuss their plans on how to get [Name] back to safety. 
“A caring mother, you are,” Deathstroke talked to [Name], sitting directly across from her. Their knees almost touching each other. “I could have promised not to lay a finger on your son, but you made things more difficult for you.” 
[Name] swallowed down the blood from her mouth. The taste of iron bothering her taste buds. “I won’t allow my son to get hurt because you have a personal vendetta for his father.”
“You speak as if Grayson holds no meaning to your heart, is it true you two had a falling out?” Deathstroke asked with a tilt of his head. 
“You can say that,” [Name] responded looking away from him. She wasn’t going to speak about her relationship problems with a psycho like Deathstroke. Her business was her business. This wasn’t a therapy session among a hero and villain. 
“Huh, always thought you two were good for each other.”
“Ah, good one. An attempt of sarcasm by the one and only Deathstroke.” [Name] replied to his remark. Her right eye closed upon feeling the warm liquid that was blood drip down it. She forgot that she was hurting while chained to the chair in special handcuffs. Deathstroke’s presence didn’t allow her to relax. He forced her to be on the edge. 
“Why don’t you use your powers, [Name]?” Deathstroke looked at her crossing his arms over his chest. She got him thinking. She needed him to think of the consequences he’ll reap. 
The blood dripped onto her clothing in a slow rhythm. “I don’t know maybe because you got a hold of Cadmus’ tech. Did you steal them or actually request for them, I’m really curious.” She wiped her chin with her shoulder and sighed. [Name] didn’t like waiting and she hoped the Titans could find her. But it was nearly impossible especially if Deathstroke is good at covering steps and going off grid. It was his specialty. 
“I made a bargain with them,” Deathstroke began ominously, “I give them you in exchange for the Titans.”
[Name] was puzzled. “Cadmus doesn’t have the Titans, you only put yourself in a situation which can’t happen because-”
“I hand you over to them now and they could experiment on you. Then they’ll send out their people and get the Titans for me. It’s an easy trade off.”
“I thought you wanted Dick for yourself. Why not get revenge by you doing what you do best. You’re a killer, Deathstroke. Blinded by your rage toward Dick and vice versa, you two killed an innocent boy. A boy I was beginning to love in my own way. A boy Dick took advantage of. A boy who was your dearest son. Why continue this vengeance and for what reason?”
“You are to blame for my son’s death. You allowed Grayson to let Jericho into the Titan life knowing who his father was. Who I was.” [Name] could feel the anger radiating off of his body with each sentence. “Yet you and the Titans didn’t stop Dick from coercing Jericho. You killed him.”
[Name] shook her head, “No, I left the Titans before Jericho died. I only heard about his passing from Dawn, Dick didn’t tell me the truth until I came back and threatened to search his memories.” She paused and softened her glare, “Slade, I’m really sorry about Jericho. He was a wonderful boy and he could have made a great man.”
Deathstroke uncrossed his arms and leaned closely to [Name]. He placed his right knee in between her legs and let his right hand hold the chair. His left hand wiped the blood away from her eye so she could look up at him with both of her [e.color] eyes. “You will be when I make you feel the pain my wife and I went through.”
[Name] knew exactly what he meant. His words struck her heart and her blood ran cold. "No, please, he's just a baby," Her voice was soft and fragile. Her eyes pooling with unshed tears of sadness. 
Deathstroke gripped her chin tightly with his fingers. 
"I'm begging you, Slade," [Name] was crying now. Her eyes closed as she cried for what Deathstroke was planning. She opened them up and begged again, "Please, don't go after my boy. He's innocent and he would never hurt anyone. Slade, please." 
He removed himself from her and began walking away from her in silence. 
[Name] struggled in her bonds. Her feet pushing against the floor and her chair tilted sideways. The weight of her body made herself and the chair fall on their left side. Her body ached, but that didn't stop her from calling out to him, "Leave him alone! Please!"
Dr. Light popped into the room and watched as the mother cried out to Deathstroke. Feeling a little remorse for her, he questioned the man who wiped his sword with a white rag. "You aren't really going after the baby, are you?" 
"Does it matter to you?" Deathstroke placed his sword back into its sheath. He turned his body to Dr. Light waiting patiently for an answer. 
Dr. Light nodded his head, "You said that she and the baby would only be bait for the Titans. All I want is the Titans, not for us to kill some kid." 
"And all I want is revenge." Deathstroke finished and walked out of the room. 
"Don't do this!" Dr. Light cringed at the hoarse yells coming out of [Name]'s mouth and he turned his attention back on the woman. She was lying helplessly on the floor with tears sliding down her face. 
He wasn't supposed to do this.
“Alright, calm down, will ya?” Dr. Light ran over to [Name] and lifted her chair upright. She sniffled and brought her red eyes onto the villain. “Don’t look at me like that. I cross lines, sure. But killing a kid, that’s not for me...yet.” 
That didn’t make [Name] feel any better. 
“I mean a kid that hasn’t done any wrong to me. Fuck the Titans though, am I right?” Dr. Light chuckled and looked at the special handcuffs on her hands. He didn’t know how to take these off. “This is gonna sound awkward, lady. But I can’t take these handcuffs off you, only that bastard can.” 
“That’s fine,” [Name] finally spoke up and her eyes were a bright red along with her hands, “all I need is you.” 
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watermaylon-writes · 4 years
Midoriya Izuku x Older Sister!Reader
Precious cinnamon roll, broccoli head, freckles.
Sibling: Older Sister
Looks: You look like a fem!Midoriya
Age: 20 
Quirk: Pyro-telekinesis
Warning/Spoiler(s): This happens when Class 1-A live in the U.A compound.
It was another boring day for the students of Class 1-A.
They had just finished their classes and was currently relaxing in the dorm's living room. With the holidays coming around the corner, the girls were chattering their heads off about it. They talked about where they would go, visiting foreign places Yaoyorozu ,and yada yada. Girl talks ya know?
Meanwhile with the boys...
Most of them, sat on the couch and flipped through the TV, trying to find something interesting to watch. Midoriya, however was the last person to shower as he had to discuss something with All Might. Some were suspicious about his closeness with the No. 1 Hero but brushed it away. 
Currently, the boys were tired hearing the girls chattering loudly about the upcoming holidays,except Mineta who was too focused on hearing things others didn't want to hear. The others cringed while some scowled at his perverted behaviour. Bakugo sent a death glare to him which made his spine shivered. Mineta slowly turned around and was faced with Bakugo's rage, who sat on the couch between Kirishima and Todoroki. He gulped and nervously made his way to Kaminari as soon as he saw explosion emitting from Bakugo's hand. Bakugo huffed and returned to watch the channels that they were flipping through. Sero held the remote control and flipped through the channels too quickly.
"Breaking News!! A new Hero--"
The sentence announced by the news reporter caught their attention.
A new Hero?
However, Sero did not realised the somehow important news and continued to changed the channels. Bakugo yelled at the ravenette to quickly change back the channel. Sero jolted at his loud shouts and stumbled to switched the channels back to the one they wanted. They were impatient to see who the new Hero was. They didn't want to missed the news, just for the sake of a new Hero. Sero finally found the correct channel and they watched the news intently.
"--debut today near Tatooin Station by accident!"
"Isn't Tatooin Station nearby the school?"
"Shut up Flat-face!!"
With that, the boys were all silent and continued to watch the news. The girls' chatters ceased and they joined the boys who were too absorbed in the news. The room was silent and no one dared to say a thing as they were all too engrossed in the news. The only noise that filled the silence was the excited voice of the news reporter, who seemed fascinated by the new Hero. What they saw was that everyone who was in the TV, showed signs of how excited to see the Hero and they pulled out their phones to record the Hero,who fought against the Villain. The crowd cheered when they spotted the young Hero arrived at the scene with the Villain in hand. The reporter gasped at the sight of the new Hero and rushed over to interview the Hero. The camera zoomed in to show the Hero's appearance.
The Hero turns out to be a female. She appeared to be in her early 20's, which the bunch of teenagers noted. Her long green fluffy hair gently swayed in the breeze and her hair was tied up with a red ribbon.(just the hair mkay). She had her backpack on with her that tightly secured behind her. She wore something rather casual and gothic for a Hero. Then again, she had to fight the villain and accidentally revealed herself to the public in order to save the citizens around her. She wore what looks to be a low-cut white tank top that was tucked into her purple shorts that showed her fit but smooth legs. Attached to her shorts were silver chains that had tiny fire symbol on them. She wore black leggings that reached her mid thighs along with a pair of matching black shoes. Her black layered trench coat was appealing to some of the students who preferred a more gothic styled clothing. Lastly, her black choker with a star necklace sat on her neck and two bracelets on each wrist complimented her outfit. 
Bakugo narrowed his eyes at the somehow familiar woman that stood in the TV. He felt as if he knew her from somewhere but couldn't recall where he had seen her. He wasn't the only one as Iida and Todoroki thought of the same thing too. They brushed it aside and continued to watch the news.
The now bashful Hero scratched the back of her head as she handed the unconscious Villain to the police when they arrived at the scene. The police gratefully took him and quickly cuffed him up before he could regain consciousness and attack the innocent passerby. They chucked him into the backseat of the police car, with each policemen seated beside him. Hurriedly, they drove off leaving the young Hero alone surrounded by the news crew. Multiple microphones were shoved into her face while their loud voices questioned her about who she was, what her Quirk was and more.
She put her hands in front of her and opened her mouth to speak. "If you would please move back to give me some space, I would certainly give you the answers you need." Immediately, everyone shuffled back, leaving some space for the young adult to speak. She sighed in relief and clasped her hands to her chest. The students realised her hourglass figure and blushed. Most of them looked away from the screen until the cameraman switched places. Mineta, unlike the others, shamelessly watched her curvy figure. Blood dripped down from his nose until Jiro's earphone jack stabbed him in the head. He screamed in pain and writhed on the floor. 
'Serves him right...' Everybody thought.
Tsuyu was to first to comment. "She oddly resembles Midoriya in a way."
Placing their attention back to the screen, they were right in time to hear what she had to say.
"I am just another normal person and I just happened to see the Villain in my way. So I think you are able to know the rest." She gave them a sweet smile before picking up her red luggage that fell to the floor. As she was about to leave, the persistent reporters crowded her once again, wanting to know her Quirk and real name. "Umm, please move back." Her pleas fell onto deaf ears and their constant question got louder and louder. She clenched her fist and was ready to take serious action but froze when she saw a black limousine approaching them. The luxurious car stopped and everybody stopped to see who it was. Only the young female knew who it was and gulped nervously. The chauffeur made his way out and opened the passenger seat. 
Inside, many people thought the car was engulfed with fire until a person stepped out and the passersby recognize the person and shouted out in glee. "It's Endeavour!!" The attention was now put onto Endeavour, who looked well pleased with the attention he got. But his main concern was that his apprentice was not home yet. Striding forward with confidence, peole made way for him to walk until he reached the young woman who was embaressed about the current situation. He snorted and pulled her arm. With the snap of his fingers two men came and took her belongings to the car. They swiftly got into the car that sped off. With that, the news reporter became bitchy about not getting any information about the new Hero.
Class 1-A -minus Midoriya- gaped at the TV. First a new Hero that did not bother to tell who she was and then Endeavour came by and took her away like some shojo manga. Bakugo was the first to react. He grabbed Todoroki's collar and practically screamed in his face. "Half and half... YOU BETTER EXPLAIN WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!!" Todoroki cringed as he felt the explosive blond's saliva fell onto his face. He pushed Bakugo back and wiped off the germs that contaminated his face. He faced Bakugo, looking annoyed at the blond.
"To be honest, I don't know what he was doing and also I didn't know he had a female sidekick. He usually has male sidekicks but...she somehow looks familiar to me." 
Iida seemed surprised by this. "You too? I vaguely remember her somehow." 
"Maybe we should ask Midoriya about this. Maybe he has an older sister?" Tsuyu implied,putting a finger on her chin and letting out her usual 'kero' sound. They agreed and got up to find Midoriya in his bedroom. That is until Midoriya appeared from the doorway and greeted them. "Hey guys! Sorry I'm..." He stopped dead in his tracks when he realized they were staring at him. Not just a normal stare, more like a -what are you hiding from us- stare. Midoriya shifted from one foot to another. "G-guys...Are y-you all okay?" He felt unnerved from their stares until Iida spoke up. 
"Midoriya-kun! Do you happen to have an older sister?! Or perhaps a relative, besides your mother of course." Iida announced. He couldn't help but to do his weird hand gestures. Midoriya looked confused. That's until the light bulb light up.
"I do have an older sister. She currently works as a sidekick for a Hero but I don't recall who. That was a year back. I mean she could have changed to another Hero. Why do you ask?"  
Ashido squealed loudly,almost deafening some of the people near her. She raised her hand. "Does she tie her hair with a red ribbon?! And wears clothes like a cool person?" Ashido's non-stop questions made Midoriya confused. All of his classmates confused him at this moment. Why would they ask about his older sister? Most importantly, how did they know he had an older sister?
Just then, there was a knock on the door. The door opened,revealing Aizawa who stood annoyed at something. Next, to him was no other than Endeavor who scowled at the sight of the youngsters. Aizawa's eyes darted from one student to another until he reached the specific student he wanted. 
"Midoriya." The said boy stood straight up and greeted his teacher. He only got a sigh from his teacher who announced that he had a visitor. Midoriya was now losing his mind. Visitor? Who would visit him now? His mother would have called him first and his father was in America. Who else would want to visit him right now? Aizawa moved aside to unveil a small woman who smiled brightly. She was around Iida's height and her long green fluffy hair reached her hips. As soon as she locked eyes with Midoriya, her smile seemed to brighten and she ran over to him and hugged him tightly. Her breast suffocated the young male who seemed flustered at the affection by this woman. He pushed her away which shocked her. He stared at her and then a look of recognition appeared on his face. 
"(Y-Y/N)?" Midoriya trembled at the young woman who smiled in relief. She opened her arms, indicating she wanted a hug from him. He didn't hesitate and ran to her. He felt the warmth that he missed over from the years. They stood in that stance until Iida broke the awkward silence. "Excuse me for interupting this bond between the two of you. If I may ask, who are you and what is your business here?" He stared at the duo that looked flustered when they realized that others were staring at them. Midoriya looked more flustered than the girl and apologized to his friends. The girl,however, recognised Iida and two other boys within the group. Excitedly,she pulled the three boys towards her and hugged them tightly. The said boys were blushing madly when they came in contact with her soft body. 
"I'm surprised you three don't remember me! It's me, Midoriya (Y/N)! A.k.a Flyrian. Tenya, Shoto I don't blame you but Katsuki! You should have remembered me!" She rambled on,still holding the three boys to her. That is until Bakugo wriggled out from her death hug and tried to punch her but fail to do so as she merely dodged his attacks. Letting go of the two other boys, she faced her adorable younger brother. Placing her hand on her hip, she smirked at him.
"Now Izu, shouldn't you introduce me to your friends? Or maybe even your girlfriend?" She laughed when she saw Midoriya stumbled on his words,trying to stop his sister from embarrassing him infront of his friends. She wiped away a tear and once again smiled softly at him.
"I'm home, Izuku." 
Midoriya quickly wiped away his tears.
"Welcome home, Onee-san."  
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years
Umbrella Academy Recap 2x02
1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10
Last week, we saw the Hargreeves Siblings tried to go back in time to stop the apocalypse from happening on Apri 1st, 2019.  But in the process, they somehow got separated, with all of them landing on different dates.  As a result, Number 5 discovers that, because of their staggered arrival in the 1960s, they inadvertently triggered a chain of events that led to a completely different apocalypse, this one occurring on November 25, 1963.  So now, Number 5 only has 10 days to reunite his siblings and repair the damage to the timeline.
But before the episode can begin, we learn that The Handler has more lives than a cat.  Not only did she survive an explosion from a grenade, not even Hazel shooting her in the head killed her.  Because right when two guys working at a morgue supposedly tied to The Commission were about to cremate her body, her eyes open.  This woman just won’t die!  Of course, when she returns to The Commission, she learns that a lot of changes have occurred during her recovery, and that she’s now being demoted, with her old job being taken over by AJ, who is a talking fish in a jar with a robot body.  (Think Minion from Megamind)   The Handler is furious over this, but she’s nevertheless assigned to working a desk job.  (And her rage increases when she realizes she’s been assigned to the same desk Number 5 had once occupied.)
With that out of the way, we jump back to where the last episode left off, with Luther displaying a cavalier indifference to the knowledge that they only have 10 days before the world comes to an end.  Number 5 tries to talk sense into him, but Luther is not interested in anything he says.  He insists that he’s got a good job now, and that the Umbrella Academy team don’t need him.  He also goes on to say that if the world will end, then Vanya is clearly the one who caused it and it’s Number 5′s fault because he insisted on bringing her along.  Luther also makes it clear that he’s still angry at Number 5 for essentially stranding him in time for an entire year.  He then leaves Number 5 sitting there to go escort a drunken man out of the establishment, with no one noticing the drunken man dropping his wallet in the process.  Number 5 then discovers the object Hazel dropped into his pocket before he was shot to death.  The object is revealed to be a small box labeled ‘The Frankel Footage.’
Back at the farmhouse, Vanya is sitting and looking at the number of missing person adverts the family she’s been staying with have been putting out in the hopes that someone is out there looking for her.  Her musings are interrupted when Sissy comes in, looking for her keys.  It seems that Carl has been out at the bar and has gotten drunk, so he needs someone to come give him a ride home.  The situation becomes complicated when Harlan enters the room, wanting his mother read him a story.  Sissy tries to get him to let Vanya read to him instead, but Harlan is insistent on the matter.  For him, it absolutely has to be his mother.  Vanya, wanting to help, offers to go and pick up Carl for Sissy, so she can stay and read to Harlan.  A grateful Sissy accepts this arrangement.
When Vanya arrives at the bar, she finds Carl nearly passed out on the side of the road.  She informs him that, while Sissy still loves him, she is not happy that he’d lied to her, telling her that he was working at the office when he was really going to the bar to drink.  In his drunken stupor, Carl tells Vanya how lucky she is to be given a completely blank slate, which means she can start over and be whoever she wants to be.  Everyone else is stuck being who they are.
At that moment, by pure coincidence, Luther steps out of the nearby nightclub, having discovered the wallet that the drunk man dropped while being escorted out.  (Wait, so the drunk guy was Carl?  I completely missed that!)  Immediately, he sees Vanya getting into the car to bring Carl back home and is visibly stunned.  Of course, while Vanya spots Luther as well, she doesn’t recognize him due to the amnesia.
Meanwhile, Diego and Lila have just escaped the mental hospital and proceed to steal some clothes hanging out on a clothesline.  Diego, at first, suggests that they go their separate ways now. After all, it might be safer for them that way, considering the authorities most likely will be looking for them together.  But Lila disagrees, saying they make a good team, and that he never would have escaped from the mental hospital without her help.  To prove her point, she then manages to hotwire a nearby car.  This seemingly impresses Diego, who gets into the car with Lila and they drive off.
As for Allison, she and Raymond are sitting peacefully in their home watching television when the Dallas police storm their way inside.  They promptly arrest Raymond for assault and battery.  It seems that Mr. Mason didn’t let things go after all, which isn’t surprising in the slightest.  Allison and Raymond try explaining that they were acting in self-defense, but of course it’s no use, and the police begin leading Raymond away in handcuffs.  In an attempt to save her husband, Allison begins to use her powers on the cops, but Raymond stops her, telling her that everything will be alright.  (Does Raymond know about Allison's power?)  So Allison tearfully relents and breaks down crying as Raymond is dragged off.  Of course, as horrible as this is for Raymond, this unjust arrest may have saved his life, as we see those white-haired temporal assassins from The Commission are parked across the street and had been clearly plotting to attack them before the police showed up.
The following morning, Number 5 returns to Elliot’s place, tasking him with the job of developing the Frankel Footage film that Hazel had given him.  After some rambling, Elliot states that he should have the film developed in 5 to 6 hours.  Of course, Number 5 then catches a snippet coming from a police radio scanner that Elliot has in his possession, announcing that inmates from the mental hospital have escaped.  Immediately, he realizes that Diego has broken out, so he has to go track him down again.
Number 5 catches up to Diego while he’s in the middle of an argument with Lila over Diego’s latest attempt at stopping Lee Harvey Oswald from assassinating President Kennedy.  And to Lila’s credit, despite her initial shock at seeing Number 5 teleport into the backseat, is quite accepting of his presence.  Number 5 instructs Diego to forget his mission to save President Kennedy, but Diego refuses to go with his brother.  Until Number 5 threatens to turn them in to a policeman who just happened to be passing by.  At this, Diego relents, knowing that Number 5 was not bluffing.
Number 5 brings Diego and Lila back to Elliot’s place.  The moment they arrive, Elliot comes out, aiming a rifle at them.  It seems he’s managed to develop the Frankel Footage and, upon viewing it, got spooked.  So he demands to know where Number 5 got the footage, also asking them if they’re enemies of the people.  (He’s met with a vague response.)  Anyway, Number 5 and Diego effortlessly manage to disarm Elliot and proceed to tie him up before they watch the footage for themselves.  The footage turns out to be taken by an old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Frankel, who had come out to see President Kennedy during his visit to Dallas.  Immediately, Diego’s interest is caught, realizing that they’re about to see live footage of President Kennedy’s assassination.  When the gunshots go off, the camera naturally begins moving around randomly as Mrs. Frankel reacts to the sound of the gunshot and the panicking crowd.  But as the camera footage stills, Diego and Number 5 spot something that shocks the both of them.  They freeze the footage in place to get a better look and confirm what they think they’ve just seen, with Number 5 pulling the projector backwards in order to zoom in on the figure standing in the background.  Sure enough, despite the blurriness, there is no mistaking the image of Reginald Hargreeves.  
Right away, Diego is in full conspiracy theory mode, speculating that Reginald must have been responsible for President Kennedy’s assassination.  Because why else would he be out in Dallas on that day, with an open umbrella despite the fact that it was sunny?  Number 5, on the other hand, tells him not to jump to conclusions.  He points out that, since Reginald had been there in Dallas at the time, they might as well go and ask him directly.  (Hang on, wasn’t Number 5 working as a temporal assassin assigned to this particular moment in time?  Granted he didn’t have access to the actual case file, but you’d think he’d have some idea of what was going on.)  In any event, they manage to locate Reginald’s old umbrella making company in the phonebook.  But before they head off (while leaving poor Elliot tied up), Diego notices Lila is unaccounted for.  He finds her in Elliot’s darkroom, having a mental breakdown.  It seems that watching the footage of events that are to occur 6 days from now led to her doubting her sanity, as she wound up in the mental hospital in the first place because she was seeing things.  Diego is able to reassure her, telling her that sometimes, even things they can’t explain can be real.  To emphasize this, he uses this whole metaphor about yogurt.
Diego and Number 5 then head off to Reginald’s umbrella factory.  Number 5 had a brief moment of hesitation, since this will be the first time he’ll see Reginald in the flesh since the day he left the Umbrella Academy mansion to attempt time travel, despite Reginald insisting he wasn’t ready to time jump.  Diego jokingly points out that 1963 Reginald won’t have met Number 5 yet, so he won’t be able to say ‘I told you so.’  With this said, the brothers break into the building and begin to look around.  But they end up splitting up, which isn’t always the best idea.  During their search of the premises, Number 5 finds a bunch of rooms filled with mannequins, which are styled to look like various models of idealistic suburban families.  Which leads to him wondering what Reginald had been planning during the 1960s.  At that moment, Number 5 hears strange sounds coming from the shadows.  When he goes to investigate the sounds, he comes across a young chimpanzee.  Yep, it’s Baby Pogo.  Number 5 approaches Baby Pogo saying it’s good to see him.  But Baby Pogo, it seems, isn’t able to speak yet.  Instead, he scratches Number 5 and jumps out of the window, running off.
Diego, on the other hand, spots a figure that appears to be Reginald leaving the building and walking off into the foggy night.  Of course, he desides to follow after him.  Although, Reginald appears to have realized he was being followed and he gets the jump on Diego.  After a brief fist fight, Diego briefly gets the upper hand.  But he hesitates when he gets a look at Reginald’s face.  Because in spite of everything, Reginald is still Diego’s father.  Reginald, of course, doesn’t know who Diego is and takes advantage of his hesitation to stab Diego in the chest.  He then walks off (with Baby Pogo joining him), leaving Diego lying bleeding on the ground.
Of course, the other Hargreeves Siblings have no idea any of this is going on.  Especially since they have their own problems to worry about.  At the police station, Allison is trying to get the desk clerk to allow her the chance to speak with Raymond, but is turned away, being told that only Raymond’s lawyer is allowed to speak with him at the moment.  As Allison sits down to wait, a man named Keechie is brought into the station, having been arrested for handing out flyers without a permit.  (I wasn’t aware you needed permission to do that.)  Keechie is placed into a cell which, by sheer chance, happens to be the one Klaus was put into after his theft of the pickup truck last episode.  Keechie is stunned and awed to see Klaus, who he clearly holds in high regard.  It seems that, in the past three years that Klaus was stuck in the 1960s, he gained a bit of a reputation as some sort of prophet spreading around messages of love and peace, and frequently spouted off words of wisdom before large crowds.  Although, it seems most of Klaus’ wise statements was just him reciting lines from songs that weren’t around in the 60s.  Trying to get a little space between him and Keechie, Klaus moves to the other side of the cell, which leads to him getting into a conversation with Raymond, who just happens to be in the neighboring cell.  (This is starting to remind me a bit of An American Tail, considering how close the Hargreeves Siblings wind up almost meeting but always just missing each other.)  Of course, their conversation doesn’t get very far as Klaus is then allowed to go free, having been freed by the governor.  As Klaus is escorted off, Raymond asks him if he could try speaking to the governor on their behalf, since he (and a few other people there) are being held without charges.
Sometime later, Allison finally manages to talk with Raymond.  Allison apologizes to him for everything, realizing that the confrontation with Mr. Mason must have been a setup and she walked right into it.  However, Raymond reassures her that she was not to blame, as the police were going to arrest him anyway as they didn’t want them causing any sort of disturbance right before President Kennedy's visit.  Allison isn’t quite convinced, believing she still made things worse.  But Raymond tells her that’s not true, saying she makes everything better; that she makes him better.  Allison then promises that she’ll do what she can to help Raymond get out of jail.  After a brief pause, though, Raymond asks Allison why she said ‘I heard a rumor’ the night before.  (Ah, I guess he doesn’t know about Allison’s powers after all.  That’s good.  I would have been surprised if he had known.)  As you might expect, Allison struggles to think of a way to explain things to him, but before she could formulate a response, a guard comes around to inform them that their time is up and Allison has to go.  So Allison can only say they’ll talk about it later.  As Allison leaves, she catches a glimpse of Keechie waving at her and she stops in her tracks, having spotted the words ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye’ tattooed onto the palms of his hands.  Which are identical to the tattoos Klaus has on his hands.  So of course Allison has to stop and ask him where he got those tattoos.  In response, Keechie states that all children of the prophet have them.  Allison has a whole ‘oh, of course’ reaction to this, realizing her brother has been up to shenanigans.
Speaking of Klaus, he breaks into some fancy looking mansion that has been seemingly vacant for some time, as white clothes are covering all the furniture.  After breaking in, Klaus heads over to a couch and lies down to sleep, ignoring Ben, who is casually sitting nearby.  It’s then revealed that this mansion belongs to Klaus himself, as there’s a painting of him hanging up on the wall.  Though it seems Klaus is embarrassed by that paining as he doesn’t want to look at it.
While this is going on, Luther has tracked Vanya down to the farmhouse, where she’s currently playing a game of Hide-and-Seek with Harlan.  Through a brief flashback, we’re given the impression that hes’s still blaming her for the death of Pogo and bringing out the April 1st apocalypse.  (Okay, yeah, it was Vanya’s out-of-control powers that caused the moon to explode and all, but care to remind me why Vanya snapped and went on the warpath in the first place?  Oh yeah!  It was because Luther went and threw her into the soundproof room, a place that she clearly had traumatic memories of, and refused to listen to the others when they were against that plan.)  Luther follows Vanya into the barn, seemingly planning on killing her with a revolver he has on hand.  However, he’s thrown for a loop when he realizes that Vanya has amnesia.  In a moment that pleasantly surprised me, he actually apologies to Vanya. saying he let her down when he really should have tried to help her instead.  (Wait, so Luther is actually acknowledging that he was in the wrong?  WOW!  I’m impressed.  I still don’t particularly like him, but hey!  Let’s hear it for actually acknowledging your wrongdoings!)  Luther goes on to tell Vanya that he doesn't know if she’s only pretending to not remember or not, but if she is faking her amnesia, then he doesn’t care, and that he understands why she’d want to start over.  At that moment, however, Sissy appears on the scene, aiming a rifle at Luther and demanding to know why he’s there.  Luther, in an effort to explain himself, holds out the wallet that Carl had dropped the night before.  This is enough to satisfy Sissy and she lowers the rifle, telling him to just use the front door next time.  With that, Luther leaves.
After Luther’s departure, Vanya is still a bit shaken up.  The fact that Luther knew her name made it clear that they’d known each other once, but she just can’t remember him.  Sissy offers her some comfort, saying that whoever Luther was, he was clearly not someone Vanya would normally associate with.  And, since men never apologize to women, the fact that Luther would do so with Vanya was an indication that he did something really bad, and that gives her all the more reason to avoid him.  Still, Vanya wishes she could remember something.  To try and help Vanya out, I guess, Sissy studies Vanya’s hands, determining that she couldn’t have been a farmhand as her hands don’t show any sign of her being involved in physical labor.  However, she notes that there are callouses on her fingertips.  (And here, we hear the sound of a violin playing in the background, which was a really nice touch.)
As Vanya and Sissy sit there, the mood seems to shift, with them simply looking at one another briefly.  But the moment ends abruptly when Sissy clears her throat, saying that it’s late and they should both get some sleep.  Still, the fact remains that they may have just had an intimate moment there. (I guess this means Vanya is bisexual or something?)  Vanya tries to get some sleep, but she can’t settle her mind.  She suddenly starts getting flashes of a violin playing, which suggests that she’s starting to remember something.  We’re not sure if she remembers everything, of course, but those memory flashes are enough to lead her to drive off in Sissy’s car, not realizing that Sissy saw her leaving.
Although, this might not be too good for Vanya to be out on her own.  Those three white-haired temporal assassins are still out there.  After they take over some old cat lady’s home by killing her, they receive a message from The Commission, which contains a candid picture of Vanya.  Though it’s not yet clear if they’re supposed to protect her or take her out.
Closing thoughts/questions:
What’s the deal with those white-haired temporal assassins?  The fact that they can bleed suggests they’re human, but so far, I don’t think they’ve uttered a single word.  And they seem to be completely immune to pain, since two of them were taking turns hurling knives at each other.  Are we dealing with mind controlled clones here or what?
I’m wondering if Vanya would have been better off if Luther hadn’t tracked her down.  While I’m glad he actually apologized to her (because he did have plenty to apologize for), his arrival might have forced her to start remembering the things her brain was trying to block out. And if Vanya getting her memories back ruins things for her, then that’s once again on Luther.  Vanya’s got a good thing going on for her.  I’d feel horrible if she lost it.
I’m also really liking Raymond.  Allison is so lucky to have met him! So it’s going to really stink when Allison has to go back to her own time.  I’m hoping there will be a way fro them to bring Raymond with them when they go back to 2019, but at the same time, maybe that would do more harm than good.  I mean, I don’t think Raymond Chestnut was any major player in the Civil Rights movement.  Especially since he seems to be a fictional character made up for the show, considering I can’t find any information on him outside of the Umbrella Academy wiki.  But I’m sure there are a number of pivotable people who don’t make it into the history books.
Is this the last we’ll see of The Handler?  I suspect we’ll have to see her again, but who even knows?
Is Keechie going to play a major role in this season?
Apparently, Klaus is on good terms with John Connally? (I believe he was the Governor of Texas during this point in time.)  How exactly did they meet?  And will that friendship be important later on?
So Pogo started off as an ordinary chimpanzee. Did Reginald perform some sort of weird experiment on him?  Is that how he learned to speak?  After all, the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act wasn’t passed until 1966, so in 1963, Reginald probably could have done anything he liked with Baby Pogo.
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