#with my friend who I have forced to watch it with me
pears-palette · 5 hours
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"A Tale as Old as Time..."
[ID in Alt]
This piece took me forever, but finally the Beauty and the Beast inspired Faricille stained glass is complete! And it only took like 21 hours lol. RIP my hands- remember to stretch, kids!
I feel like the symbolism is kind of obvious (for the most part at least), but I will go ahead and explain it.
Falin and Marcille are depicted in the unfortunate fate the dungeon led them to- Falin as a chimera and Marcille as an unwilling dungeon lord. Their expressions morose yet they interlock their fingers like in the bath scene. The design between them is the summoning circle Marcille stood in while resurrecting Falin. I did my best to copy the runes as closely as I could.
The golden feathers of the wing lion embrace the scene, and his symbol is also displayed at the bottom. Specifically, it is made to look like Kensuke's guard, a subtle nod to Laios, who is such an important person for both of these women. Thistle frames it with his ties to the lion, the dungeon, and his role, intentionally (with Falin's) or unintentionally (with Marcille's) unfortunate fates.
In the background, two scenes are specific to each character, and two have shared meanings for the characters. On the right, Falin's staff is lit up with magic, like the kind that teleported her party out and martyred herself. On the left is Marcille's mindscape library- the scene split in half between the black and gray of a nightmare and the color of a dream. Both symbolize driving forces in their lives- Falin's to protect those she loves no matter what, and Marcille's to escape her fears (and her own way of trying to protect those she cares about). At the bottom is the beginning- the raspberries they shared as girls that signified the start of their friendship. At the top, it wasn't the final ending but an ending nonetheless. The rabbits are tied to Falin because the rabbit stew is the catalyst to have her die for another time, a meal when one is starving, feeling like salvation despite death (Can't death be considered salvation on its own?). The rabbits also signal an extremely traumatic event for Marcille as she watched all her friends die because of them- once again, either actively in the case of her party or as the result of in the case of Falin.
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How can some people say that "representation doesn't really matter" when literally every time I was watching a show as a kid I was looking for a character that was like me and who I could then play as in make believe with my siblings or friends. Maybe the diversity wasn't even forced maybe you just feel threatened when your status quo where you never have to worry about others outside your immediate bubble slowly vanishes around you to reveal it's not so simple as you thought
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mynameisjag · 3 days
For @help-i-need-a-cool-username
Sorry it took so long!
MCU Poolverine meets 97' pre-Morpherine?
Scott has a bad day...
“Are they…chittering at each other?”
“Like fucking stressed out cats.”
Sure enough, that was the sound.
“I’m sorry, he usually isn’t so…”
“Feral? Mine is, it’s good for them to let loose once in awhile, keeps the angry muppet faces from happening too often.”
“Yours does it too?,” Morph turned toward their new…friend?...acquaintance?, “so, I’m Morph and the short man doing the impression of a guard dog is Wolverine.”
“Deadpool and the taller man acting like a cat on catnip is my Wolverine! I like how yours is a short King with blue hair.”
“Thank you? Umm, yours is,” currently ripping a car tire off and chucking at his Logan, “destroying Cyclop's car?”
“Yeah, he does that, it makes him feel better.”
The tire went sailing by them as Logan dodged it, rolling out of the way, only to get tackled as soon as he stood up.
“What is going on out here-what happened to my car!?”
Sure enough, Scott was standing at the top of the mansion stairs having just exited, car keys dangling in one hand as he watched the visitor Logan get thrown backwards into it, turn midair to position himself to springboard off the car back towards the other Wolverine. The force of the ricochet pushing the vehicle sideways into the stone fence wall, getting stuck half through it.
“I was gone less then five minutes, I just came back to grab my wallet?!”
“The girls are fighting,” Deadpool ignores the confused look the X-men leader sent his way, and cupped his hands around his covered mouth, “Hey, Peanut, stop playing and come say hi. You’re making us look rude!”, he turned back to Morph, hands now going to his hips, “I’ve swear I’ve taught him manners, though maybe using whiskey as a motivator isn’t the best thing to teach him with.”
Both of the fighting men glanced over at the group, huffing a little before putting back their claws, still giving each other the side eye as they started to walk over.
Scott took a deep breath through his nose, turning toward his team member that wasn’t destroying the yard, “Morph, care to explain.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, the sky opened up and this two fell on top of us and Logan took some real offensive to be squished.”
“Took offensive to them squishing you, you can’t spring back up like I can.”
“Awe, there’s that Wolvie overprotection, a universal trait.”, the red clad hero threw his arm around his partner's shoulders and laying his head against his.
“I will and have thrown you into a mob of gunfire.”, the other Wolverine accepted the touches, even going as far as to look more relaxed.
“Only because you know I like it!”
Morph shared a look with their world’s Logan, the other giving a one shoulder shrug in confusion.
Scott seemed just as confused, “I’m sorry, he throws you into bullets?”
“Worried about little ole me!? Don’t be getting your Superhero panties in a twist, bullets can’t do shit to me, besides I enjoy it. Getting him riled up and being tossed across whole rooms is part of the fun of it.”
“Who are you two? Why are you destroying our stuff?”
“Jeez, Introductions again, fine, I’m Deadpool, again, and this is my Wolverine, again, if it gets too confusing for you to keep up with who is who, well, I like to call him, Peanut, Majesty, Honey Badger, Furiosa, Papi, Mami, Angel Face, Babygirl-“
“If you don’t pick something to call me, he is going to keep going.”
“-my meow meow, homeslice from the deep woods, Jessica-“
“Jessica it is!,” the man turned and pressed his covered lips to his partners cheek, giving a dramatic kissing sound, “Muah, the Jessica to my Roger Rabbit, the movie version of course.”
“Jessica”, let out a deep tired sounding sigh, “Just call me James.”
Scott turned toward the destroyed car then back to them, “Jessica.”
The newly dubbed ‘Jessica’ face went from neutral to scowling, Deadpool pinched his cheek, “and there’s the angry muppet face back with full force!”, he caught himself from falling over as he was shrugged off, giggling slightly as he refocused on the three bystanders, “Any who, you and everyone else is probably wondering what the hell is going on, and the truth is-“
“-Dumbass here ass dialed us to the wrong universe.”
Morph watched as Logan seemed to sniff the air, taking a half step toward the other him, who instantly noticed, they themselves ignored the situation that was about to happen and refocused on the man in red, “How do you “ass dial” to the wrong universe?”
“Mostly by failing a split and falling hard on the device in your back pocket, that may or may not be stolen, which takes you, your partner and your kids that were nearby into another universe-oh fuck-we gotta find mini-Wolvie and little Miss Mary.”
“Mine and Jessica’s babygirls! Mini takes right after her Daddy and Mary has my good looks!”
Morph blinked, “You two…together…have kids?”
“The dog is not a our kid!”, the Wolverine’s were circling each other again, more curious then ready to fight again.
“But you agree your mini is both of ours!”
Another slow blink before Morph leaned closer to Deadpool, ignoring Scott heading toward his destroyed car and the other two sniffing each other?, they plastered a big smile on their face, “So kids, partners, cute nicknames, sounds like you two are close.”
“More then just close, but don’t you worry, I’m pretty sure I don’t exist in this world, little off limits apparently, sooo,” the merc pulled the other closer to him, shoulder to shoulder as he directed their attention over to the two Wolverines trying to pull the car out of the fence wall as Scott directed them, “I gotta make sure my boy is taken care of in all worlds, and since I’m not here, that leaves that responsibility to you!”
“Excuse me, why would-“
“-Nope! No excuses with me around, either you get your shit together or I’m going to see if two Logan’s can live together, most likely no, but it will be fun to find out! Like having a full course meal with a little dessert on the side. Someone is going to be overstuffed in the end.”
The car rolled by them sideways, coming to a stop upside, Morph just sighed fondly as Logan waved at them before jumping up on the vehicle, the variant right behind them as they both stared down a fuming Scott, “How can you stay mad at him, look at him, he’s never seen the top of a shelf before.”
“See you get it, I bet you’re his Roger Rabbit too.”
They're side-eye could kill a person, “What does that mean?”
“Simple, you can make him laugh," there was a nonchalant one shoulder shrug, "you've already got a place in his heart with that gesture alone."
“Look at that face, realization baby, bet his nose scrunches up and he snorts, bet he play fights with you, bet you get drinks together-“
“-please shut up, I’m having a crisis.”
“You’re an X-man…X-person?, whatever, you should be used to crisis, both personal and external by now, so nut up buttercup, we are going to get you your little stinky bear cat."
Deadpool gave them an enthusiastic thumbs up...Morph just sighed in resignation.
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velocesainz · 2 days
Seb n his F1 rival(from karting days) realise thru friends that they do love eachother thru their actions whether they admit or not
Unknowing love
F1 Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Taglist
Summary: Seb and reader have been rivals since their karting days and after years of rivalry and reaching formula one realise they’ve loved eachother throughout this time
Pairing: Rbr Seb x f1!driver!reader ft. Mark Webber
Warnings: a light bit of angst
Reader pov:
Me and Seb have been feuding for as long as we’ve known eachother which is over 20 years at this point when we met during my first karting race
Sebastian was this adorable boy who after the race had some rather rude words to say. It was really a shame, I really would’ve liked to be his friend.
After that day for the next year after every race he would have some rude or sexist comments to say to me which I ignored for the most part
After a while I started reciprocating these words to him as well and our rivalry grew even more intense
We were now in formula one, the pinnacle of motorsport and we still hadn’t grown out of our silly bickering
We were currently in imola and had just started the race being a few laps in when a red flag was raised and I was asked to return to the pits
“Who crashed? That’s quite the wreckage” I asked my engineer as to who crashed as I approached the crash site
“I believe that was the red bull of Vettel that went into the barriers there” my engineer replied
My heart dropped. Was he alright? That looked like a really bad crash
I didn’t think, I stopped my car by the side of the track and ran to check on Seb
Knocking on his helmet I invoked no response. My mind was spiralling. I helped the marshals get his body out of the car and was forced to return to my pitbox and not Seb who was being taken to the hospital.
The race resumed but all that clouded my mind was Seb. How was he? Did he sustain any serious injuries? Was he going to be ok?
I could barely focus and my team noticed too and asked me to keep focusing and told me they would update me on his condition which made me incredibly grateful
I finished the race on the second step of the podium but I didn’t care for the press or the celebrations and rushed through all of them
I was pacing around the paddock waiting for mark to go visit Seb at the hospital
“About time you guys realise that you care for eachother” he said as he approached me
“What are you talking about Mark? Also what do you mean about time? I’ve hated him forever. I’m just looking out for a fellow driver” I retorted.
“Any person not deeply in love wouldn’t care this much dear. Look at the rest of us. We care sure, but not so much that we drop everything and go visit him” Mark explained
Albeit it was a weirdly rude explanation I realised he was right.
We reached the hospital and let Mark go in first as he was his teammate after all
Mark pov:
Entering Sebs room I placed the flowers y/n has got for him insisting that I give to him in a vase.
“How did you know I love sunflowers?” Seb asked looking at the flowers
“ That’s because I didn’t, y/n got them and wanted me to give them to you” I said
“She’s here?”
“Indeed she is. She was worried as soon as she saw the crash site”
“Whatever not like I care she’s my mortal enemy”
“Aw don’t be like that, I know you have the most massive crush on her”
Seb started at me wide eyed with a red hue tinting his cheeks
“I’ll send her in, she’s waiting outside”
I left and sent y/n in who was relieved to hear that he was ok
Seb pov:
I saw y/n enter the room and looking at the immense concern etched into her face I asked myself why I decided to create such an enemity with this beautiful soul
I knew I had to confess soon as her potential suitors were getting harder to drive away.
“How are you feeling now?”
“I’m better now that you’re here”
I watched as her face heated up turning her into the cutest tomato
“I love you”
“I love you y/n. I have since the day we met”
“I love you too Seb. Always have”
With that we connected our pups in the most magical kiss ever.
We broke apart to the sound of Mark Webber cheering for us from outside
Chuckling we embraced.
I couldn’t have asked for a better ending.
A/n: hello lovelies! I’m sorry it took me this long to complete I’m sorry but I’m much more free now and I’ll start posting more. I’m getting the catalogue ready and would love for any suggestions about what the theme could be! Let me know your thoughts. Kissies ✨
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starfxkrreloaded · 3 days
⋆。°✩ being sarahs best friend who moved from the cut, and during a sleepover one day she's just poking through your stuff untl she finds this litle rinky dink camera that she knows you carry around sometimes so she's going through it while you're in the shower. and it's nothing crazy at first--the two of you together, different parties, overall fun moments.
but you scrolls back a little further, about a year or so, and all of a sudden you're somewhere unfamiliar. it's dingier, woodier, more simplistic. it's gotta be back on the cut, and you're not the one holding the camera. someone else is, it's some guy with the lens trained on the way another guy--blonde this time--is gripping your things. you're standing, barely, slurring and leaning on the blonde one for support as he gropes at you in your bikini and tiny shorts.
told you dude, s'like we got our own porn star over here' he punctuates his action with a light bounce to your breast, pulling the damp triangle to the side so the cameraman can zoom in.
cmon jj don't say that, we gotta have some dignity about this'
all 3 of you sounded drunk, and you and jj were clearly far gone--kissing hard and deep as he pinched you nipple and shoved a hand down your shorts at the same time.
the unseen voice grabs your face, turning to his direction and sarah can see a little glimpse of him when he leans in to kiss you; curly brown hair, soft lips. its enough to make you groan, and blonde greedy because you're tugged out of the way so the two can kiss. sarah feels her whole body flush hot, she's used to seeing girls for a guy, but this is something new entirely.
you always do that, john b wanted to kiss me.
there's a bit of a shuffle, and sarah can't see anything, not until he sets the camera down, and she sees you on the bed, the blonde boy behind you holding your leg up as he pushes inside your ass. even in the crappy quality sarah can see you're wet--puffy lips glistening in the low light and she swears she can see a trickle of arousal drip down your thigh.
"oh my god..."
john b hurry up, i can't wait anymore i need both.
alright sweetheart relax, tell our boy to slow it down back there.
jj slows his thrusts just enough for john b to push into your cunt, and sarah almost gasps at how thick he is, he look's like he's gonna tear you in two. but all 3 of you let out some sort exclamation, and sarah's clit throbs at the sight, but the shower's turned off now and she knows there's only so much time left.
fuckfuckfuck oh my god. you're stuck between them, forced to take the dual pounding in a cacophony of moans and grunts as you start to squirm, god i'm gonna cum.
just as your voice reaches a pitch you come out the bathroom, skin still steaming as you finish rubbing your lotion in and sarah only had a split second to sit on the camera. hoping the minuscule chaos helped cover the sound as she shut it off
"the fuck's wrong with you?" you giggle as you walk past her to your dresser, dropping the towel leaving sarah to stare, watching you bend down to pull your panties on.
she glances in the mirror, and sees how flushed she looks, "oh just, opened the hidden replies on twitter. wasn't expecting that."
you snort, throwing on an oversized shirt that says Hayward's Seafood, and turning around, "don't know why it's always some crazy shit. come lady down i wanna watch a movie."
sarah does what you say, her body finally calming from the scene she witnessed but now all she can focus on is the warm vanilla scent of your skin and a picture she never paid too much attention to above your headboard.
"so, who are those two guys you're with here?"
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TW: vent
I hate not having any control over my own life. I hate not being allowed to choose what I wear, what I do, and what I control. I hate being told to do the dishes everytime the sink is full, I hate being the family therapist, I hate not being allowed to relax without being shamed for it.
I tell my sisters no to something that will make a mess if I don't watch them closely, then being forced to give it to them anyways by THEIR father and still have to clean up THEIR mess.
I hate having to do the dishes when their are other people in the house who can do it, then being told the way I do it is wrong.
I hate being threatened to have my hair ripped out of my skull if I don't do what I'm told.
I hate being told I look TOO good in something by my mother and then those pants or that shirt get taken from me and put in my moms drawer.
I hate being told that only skanks wear cropped tops and not to walk around in only a bra and some shorts when I'm hot because my dad (step-dad) is in the house, or he has friends over that he could bring them in, but my mom wears crop tops, and she walks around in the store, at other peoples houses and other PUBLIC places in just a bra.
^But when I walk around OUR house, I'm asking for it
I hate wanting my hair cut, and eventually getting to the point where I want to cut it myself, but I can't. Wanna know why? Cause I'll get my ass beat for doing something I've been BEGGING my mom to do for the past year or so.
i hate being told the hair cut I want is too short, or too boy like, or it doesn't match my face, that it'll make me look ugly.
I hate being expected to let my mother rant to me, but get scolded if I try talking about my feeling with her.
I hate telling my mom things I wanna do, then her tell me no and that I have to do something because she had to.
I hate being told not to let people see me cry, not to let people see me weak, not to let them think I'm weak, then being told I should cry more, and let my feelings out when my dog gets killed.
I hate having to fake my tears so that my mom thinks I'm alright.
I hate that every time I sit down I'm automatically not doing anything, that I'm always so lazy, that I don't do anything.
I hate being the one who has to talk myself out of panic attacks, then when I tell my mom, she just tells me not to let myself.
"Why are you putting yourself the panic attack? Why are you letting it beat you?" She says
But god forbid if one of my sisters start having a panic attack. And I get it, their 5 and 7, yes worry about them, but I'm 15, I want my mom to about me like that.
I hate feeling like I have to fight my feelings.
I hate wanting to be a man just so I can feel some kind of control, and I still don't feel like I can control anything.
I hate the way my step-father has made me hate men, but I still want their love.
I hate feeling like I need to fight for love.
I hate the empty "I love you"'s that come out of my mom, and stepdads mouths.
I hate the fact that I still love my mom, despite the things she's put me through.
I hate feeling like I'm never enough, like if I'm of no use to anyone, then why should they love or care about me?
I hate feeling like everyone expects so highly of me, and then are significantly disappointed when they actually get to know me.
I hate not feeling much of anything besides anxiety, fear, and anger.
I hate feeling smaller than everyone else.
I hate having to create different personas for every person I meet, just so I can be liked.
I hate not being allowed to be myself.
I hate feeling like crap everytime I'm not comfortable with doing something, because if I'm of no use to you, why should you care for/about me?
I hate not being able to focus on one project, and then feeling terrible because I never finished something.
I hate feeling sorry for others more than I do myself.
I hate not knowing when my next meal will be.
I hate being shamed for not eating because "we have plenty of food."
I hate having issues with certain textures of food, and having to go hungry because I don't like what my mom fixed.
I hate not liking certain tastes, then being forced to eat it, because I'm tired of starving myself.
I hate feeling like I'm bothering everyone else because of my feelings.
I hate feeling bad for snapping at my sisters, when they didn't even do anything wrong.
I hate being shamed for how little I eat, and how much I sleep.
I hate how I never get a break.
I hate getting shamed for taking a break.
I hate how my mom and step dad don't care about my hobbies unless it makes money that they can emotionally manipulate me into giving them.
I hate feeling like I can't trust anyone.
I hate losing weight, but still looking fat.
I hate wishing I had more things wrong with me, just so I feel like I have a reason to complain.
But most importantly...
I hate myself
And I'm sorry if you actually read all of this. You shouldn't have to listen to some stranger that you don't even truly know on the internet. Because you don't know me, no one knows me. They know a carefully designed version of me that was made just for them.
@puppet200 @purpleeggyboi @th3-r4t-48 @zeroisreallygood @im-a-simp898 @luciluck2046 @evry1h8s-me @aflairforthemelodramaticc @caretaleandotherstuff
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f1-unpopularopinions · 11 hours
Okay this is a rant
Fans project onto the drivers waaaaaay too much. They push their own emotions, personalities, and points of view on whichever driver is their favorite and try to force everything they say and do to fit that. It’s why there is so much Lando and Oscar hate right now. The fans are desperate for those two to be what they want them to be, usually soft uwu boys. And the minute they deviated away from it, especially Lando, everyone labeled them as evil or arrogant. I’m not even a Lando or Oscar fan and I can see that.
Famously all drivers are extremely competitive, willing to do whatever it takes, think theyre the best, and are assholes on the track. You can’t be in f1 without those traits. But so many fans refuse to admit that and the minute it becomes clear that this is the truth and not whatever fantasy they created, they freak. It’s beyond ridiculous. You should not be a fan of f1 if you can’t handle this. Cause yes, the drivers will say rude things, they will be arrogant about their skills, they will be bitchy about team orders, they will get pissy when they lose, they will usually not get along with their teammate, they will snipe at each other in the press, they will push too hard and hit each other on track and then claim it wasn’t their fault. That’s what happens. That’s fucking f1.
I’ve watched this sport get slowly santitized as the years go on, as new fans come in and decide the things they don’t like must be changed. It’s ridiculous. So now all teammates have to be best friends. So now team orders are evil. So now a driver being upset they didn’t win in ungrateful. So now a team is heartless for cutting an underperforming driver loose. So now all the drivers must be perfectly behaved little princes who are always happy, and grateful, and kind. I cannot imagine how frustrating and demeaning that is for them. I would rip out my own hair if people treated me like that. But no, if a driver expressed frustration with this I can almost guarantee fans would call them spoiled or ungrateful.
And on top of that all they have to contain, you have cameras shoved in their faces wherever they go. Any video you find of a driver, and their are at least five cameras not even a foot away from them. And people scream in their face, and grab them, and expect them to give them time because theyre a fan. Every movement is scrutinized, their facial expression and body language are over analyzed, people make assumptions about their relationships and lives, and they can’t say boo about it. It’s been like this to a smaller extent for years of course but it’s just exploded since honestly DTS. If I had 30 people shoving merch at me screaming my name, I signed it, and then some asshole on the internet made a whole video about how I wasn’t pleasant enough when I was getting mobbed and treated like a commodity I would explode.
I guess to finish off this super long take, I just want to say that f1 drivers will never be what you want them to be. So either fix your expectations and let them be human or stop fucking watching.
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Send us your unpopular F1 opinions!
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Oooh how about yandere scenario where Macaque grows obsessed with the platonic female travel healer reader who’s also a monkey demon , who was around him when he came back from the dead, and nurse him back to health, but what if reader had to leave after his treatment was done👀 (if you want to include a prompt , maybe 1 “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” From ddarker-dreams)
I assume you meant they're both platonic with each other and not just the obsession being platonic. Either way, I struggled on this plot-wise... but I hope it came out okay.
Familiar Face
Yandere! Platonic! Macaque with Healer! Monkey Demon! Darling Scenario
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Macaque has a thing for scents, Kidnapping, Forced companionship.
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Macaque was a face you haven't seen in a long time.
You already knew of him, as a fellow monkey demon you naturally knew of the others. You were on friendly terms with Wukong and Macaque when the two got along with one another. Yet after their falling out, and Macaque being sent to the Underworld to suffer, you took up the job of a wandering healer.
While Wukong became a hero as the Monkey King, you wandered the lands helping those in need. Many knew you as a helpful monkey demon compared to your more mischievous compatriots. Always finding those in need to help... before leaving on your way again.
You've had many patients. Human and demon alike. However... you don't think you could have ever been prepared for meeting who you did today.
Macaque himself, a thousand-yard stare on his face as he looks... lost? Confused?
You kept your distance until he collapsed on the ground, then you felt obligated to help.
Your usual routine was to set up a camp to help your patients. Quickly you got to work setting up a tent with two bedrolls before doing your best to pick up the other monkey demon. Once setting him inside... you got to work.
You started with an herbal remedy for exhaustion, making a tea before waking Macaque up. Naturally... your old friend was... combative. You should've expected that from someone supposedly straight out of the underworld.
It took a lot of reasoning, bickering, and some restraints before Macaque calmed down. It appeared the other monkey didn't recognize you at first. Yet once you calmed him and passed over your remedy, you saw a glint of recognition in his eyes.
There's a long silence as Macaque recovers. You let him keep quiet, sitting back in your tent as he sips your remedy. What feels like a half an hour passes before he acknowledges you properly.
"... So... it's you...?" Macaque murmurs, still recovering as he sips the tea you gave him. It's not entirely his thing but it is helping. You snort, looking him over as your tail sways.
"Yeah, you're lucky I crossed your path when I did...." You sigh, curiously watching the shadow monkey. "You aren't supposed to be here... How'd you even get here?"
There's a long awkward pause before Macaque laughs nervously.
"Long story! I guess you could say I got some help... I promise I'll... behave this time." Macaque laughs softly, although you can tell it's a bit forced. "Geez... You're doing this now? Running around doing...?"
"I help people, Macaque." You answer, checking over your supplies. "That's what I've chosen to dedicate my time to. I roam and help people."
"You're playing hero?" Macaque scoffs, immediately reminded of the fact you and Wukong got to be helpful while he was cast into the depths. "You taking after him?"
"It's nothing like that." You huff, sitting in front of him. Macaque can't help but watch you intently... despite the edge in his tone. "I get restless sitting still. People look to me for help. I enjoy doing that."
Macaque merely gives a grunt of disapproval as he curls his tail around himself. It was... pleasant to see a familiar face. He's just... envious he had to suffer for so long.
You're still just as helpful as he remembers... it's both pleasant and infuriating.
"Right, of course, free spirit and all...." Macaque murmurs, golden eyes trained on you before freezing when you came closer.
"I'm checking you over for wounds...." You reassure him, taking note of his suddenly flicking tail. "Stop acting so damn grumpy... I'm trying to help...."
Macaque is stunned by your comment but reluctantly relents. He can't deny he always enjoyed your scent and touch. You were always soothing... always easing his stress even around Wukong.
The word fate flashes into his mind but he flinches and ignores it. He was simply... lucky. Lucky to have met you again... one of his best companions...
Fate and destiny are such silly concepts.
But as Macaque lets you check him over, he can't help but... admire you still. You two weren't just on "friendly terms" to him. To him... you two were true friends.
Yet when he confronted Wukong and the two fought... He saw his female monkey friend nowhere.
At the time, and a little now, Macaque resented you for that. You were no doubt either told by Wukong to leave or were off helping someone else. All while Macaque was left to suffer without your presence.
Smelling your scent, the distinct scent of herbs and female monkey, only brought up memories. Memories of he, Wukong, and you together. Memories before all the hurt.
The thought nearly brings tears to his golden eyes but he hides it. He shakes a bit at the feeling, causing you to look up at him confused. Macaque merely glares... even when he doesn't mean it.
Having you help him felt like no coincidence...
If fate... destiny really brought you two together...
Macaque would be a fool to let you slip out of his grasp again.
Recovery didn't take long for Macaque. Yet the fellow mystic monkey managed to drag out your stay for an entire week and a half. He excused it as 'catching up'... all in hopes of seeing his healer monkey friend again.
You often monitored Macaque carefully throughout his recovery. While normally cunning and mischievous, he seemed strangely behaved with you. He took every remedy you gave him with no complaint and overall just acted playful.
It reminded you of old times when your only concerns was eating fruit with your friends. You could tell Macaque was particularly fond of those times. Throughout the week he kept bringing them up, smiling as he clung to you.
Your reunion was surprisingly sweet with him. You were so caught up in remembering those pleasant memories you nearly didn't notice his change in demeanor. The longer he was with you... the clingier he was.
Despite being friends, Macaque often wrapped his arms around you. His tail always right around your waist or entwined with your own. You don't recall him being this clingy before...
But you could only guess what he went through.
Your time with him was pleasant yet you couldn't shake the thought of there being something... off. Not only was his appearance suspicious, but he seemed way too... clingy. You enjoyed seeing your old friend again...
Yet you should really continue on your way....
"You're all healed." You comment, putting your things away. "It was nice to see you again, old friend... Behave, will you?"
Macaque watches you pack up your supplies, dread pooling in his gut for a moment. He... had originally made it his goal to get revenge on Wukong... but he didn't want you to leave. He should let you leave and go about his original plan...
Yet the idea of losing your scent, your warmth...
You freeze when Macaque grabs your tail, peeking over your shoulder. He forces a grin when you glance back at him. You feel intimidated immediately as his grip tightens.
"Leaving so soon, friend?" Macaque purrs playfully, his voice barely hiding a dangerous tone. "I thought you liked me around?
"Macaque, let me go. We'll meet again some other day..." You reason, only for Macaque to shake his head with a chuckle.
"Sorry, girl..." Macaque whispers, pulling you close. "Don't think I can let you do that...."
"Let go, Macaque...!" You growl, earning another chuckle from the shadow behind you.
"Why ever would I do that?" Macaque muses, slinking in front of you. "Don't you know I missed you, my friend? I missed the girl of our mystic friend group... and how she always helped people..."
Macaque steps closer, his stance predatory.
"Even if the person she helped was dangerous..." Macaque coos, leaning in to place a hand on your shoulder. "She still helped... even if it got her into trouble... isn't that right, friend?"
"Wh—?" You go to respond, yet dark hands erupt from your own shadow and trap you. You struggle the best you can, panicking. Macaque only watches with a grin, tail swaying.
"So sorry to do this... but I can't just let you go now, can I?" Macaque pouts, circling you. "I haven't seen you for what feels like millennium. Being lonely really hurts...."
Macaque then embraces you from the front after he finishes his circle, his tail wrapping around yours securely.
"Don't you know we were meant to meet again?" Macaque whispers with a mischievous grin. "You were meant to help me. Us, two friends, together again...!"
You still try to struggle, but Macaque's grip tightens.
"Afraid I can't let you go anywhere, friend." Macaque purrs, patting your head.
"You're stuck with me now... destiny demands it...." Macaque hums, playful as he nuzzles into your fur.
"You've always been too naive for your own good... Helping people can be dangerous, y'know...!"
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pachu09 · 2 days
Spirits of Nature AU
"*He is Harbinger of Doom!.*"
Tobirama snarled in fury as he gestured to his River that was flooded with lava after the Goddamn Volcano erupted.
Hashirama frowns at him even as the Spirit of the Forest watches with dull eyes as his vast jungle was consume with flames.
Thousand of years of nourishing each other and their territories were gone in an instant because of an anomaly.
His river, Anija's Forest and Human's lives are lost...
Just because a Spirit of Volcano had been borne? settled down? between their territories.
Tobirama curled his lips in disgust as he glowered at the Spirit of the Volcano. The Spirit stared at him blankly.
" If you want so badly to remain friends with him then do so....I will never welcome that Spirit in my territory. The moment he step even a foot in my Rivers...I will make sure the Ocean will drown that fucking Volcano even if it kills me. "
Tobirama turns around to leave his Anija with that accursed Spirit. He mentally tried his connection with his Rivers to cool off the lava that was happily lapping away at his clean waters...he sneered in disgust.
He might have to call for the Human's aid to clean the filth out of his waters. The nearest towns would help happily...since they all benefitted from his River Waters.
They surely wouldn't be happy that after the Volcano killed most of their kins they are also threatened with its lava flowing freely onto his Waters....
Tobirama clicked his tongue and dove into his river as soon as his feet touches it. He glared hatefully at the bubbling lava happily covering at least half a portion of his River...
" Just you wait. Your filth will never taint my Rivers again. " he muttered in fury as he carefully avoided the lava and swam underneath the water towards the Human's settlement.
And true to Tobirama's self proclaim promise. He never let the other Spirit near his Rivers again. The Ocean at the end of the Continent they lived in always bubbled angrily ( reflecting Tobirama's anger ) whenever the Spirit of the Volcano skirted around Tobirama's territory. He is always on watch at that menacing Spirit. He never lets his guard down even if he had to also ignore his Brother. He had even stop stepping a foot inside his Anija's forest eversince the dangerous Spirit had befriended his Brother.
He had also branded the Spirit of the Volcano's Brother as a dangerous entity. The Spirit if Lightning is a menacing entity that makes Tobirama feel fear and loathing. It doesn't even help that the other Spirit always repeatedly pokes around his territory. As if by doing so he thinks Tobirama will let him in....
Tobirama had made a quiet vow that he'll never let an Uchiha Spirit pollute his territory ever again....
But that vow was unintentionally broken when Tobirama let a little Uchiha Spirit settle near one of his largest lake...
One day, Tobirama glowered darkly as Uchiha Madara stood outside his lake's boundary.
Uchiha Madara stared darkly back at him. Tobirama plans to again ignore the other Spirit...but the other entity's words made Tobirama instantly pops veins on his forehead.
" I was unfairly banished from your territory. But my littlest kin gets an instant welcome from you...that is hardly fair because there is no difference between us, Senju! "
Tobirama sneered in disgust. " There is a massive difference between the two of you. First of all, Kagami actually asked for a permission to settle in my territory. Second of all, he is just a little geyser....unlike you who looms threateningly all over my territories....and last and most importantly...Kagami is actually cute and a gentle child unlike you who looks like a Brute, acts like a Brute and thinks like a Brute. Go away Uchiha, you will never step foot in my territories ever again, you'll have to kill me first if you want to get in. "
The Spirit of River carefully maintained his disgusted expression while internally he is afraid that Madara will force his way in even with a barrier between them. He narrowed his eyes as Madara casually puts his hand on top of the barrier and spidercracks bloom beneath his palm that glows menacingly....
Tobirama swallowed his fear. He knew he wouldn't last even an hour if he fought the Spirit of the Volcano. But he'd rather be dead than let the other Spirit inside his beloved territories again.
As quick as a wind, Tobirama tensely watched as Madara took off his hand over the weakening barrier....but the other Spirit's smile made ice slide down Tobirama's spine. It is a smile that is threatening and full of unknown promises....
Within a blink, the Spirit of the Volcano disappeared without saying anything more. It baffled and terrified Tobirama for usually the other Spirit harasses him without a rest, usually by screaming his head off or threatening to bust down his barriers. This kind of silence is a new one that brought unknown shivers down his back. It felt like he would be hunted down and what?...Tobirama shakily inhale...no sense in overthinking things...he just needs to repair his barrier and he can hide in the center of territories again to avoid that Brute of a Spirit.
A week later Tobirama watches with terrified eyes as the Volcano erupted again....but this time its deadly ashes, black smoke, giant boulders and burning lava completely swallows his Rivers and lakes ( some of the Human settlements too if the terrified and anguished screams he can hear are actually real ) but surprisingly avoided to destroy any of his Brother's territory.
Tobirama had ignored Kagami's pleas to come with him to safety. He was rooted to his spot as the Spirit of the Volcano emerge from the burning lava that already covered half of one of his favorite lakes.
He stared with terrified eyes as the other Spirit's eerie red red eyes settled on him.
" Won't you let me in now, Senju? "
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Order 66 (tbb x Jedi!reader)
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Ok, so i’ve had this idea in my head of the clones with a Jedi S/O during Order 66. I don’t mean they act on Order 66, I mean if everything sorta played out similar in canon (Chip doesn’t work)
Idk, I like me some protective boys.
CW: minimally proofread, jedi!S/O, Reader, Gender neutral pronouns, Order 66, violence, death, swearing, Hunter trying his best, Wrecker being a sweetie, Echo is ready to fight, Tech is the only one who is level headed, and Crosshair being somewhat emotional
You were following Caleb when the order came through. Your steps stumbled and your knees hit the cold ground. All around you, the Force was being ripped apart. Hands were on your shoulders. 
your lover. You barely realized through the haze.
With absolute horror, you watched helplessly as clones gunned down Depa Billaba. “Run Caleb!” You heard her scream through the overwhelming grief and death you felt. The padawan turned, lightsaber ready. 
“Get away from us!” he barked, calling your name, “Get up! Please!”
He was panicked, confused. So were you. 
You managed to look up, seeing the clone troopers across the field standing over Master Billaba’s smoking corpse. They were prepping to kill you and the padawan next.
Without another word you bolted, grabbing Caleb’s hand and sprinting to the trees. You didn’t look back. You had to make sure the kid was safe.
“Wait!” He’ll give chase before stopping at the tree line. He had never seen you look so devastated and afraid. 
He’s going to follow you. Of course he is. He’s just as confused as everyone else. 
Until Tech finally finds out what's going on
“The Jedi have been ordered to be executed.” “Which one?” “All of them.”
“What!? Why!?” Hunter is panicked at this point. The troopers behind him have orders to kill. They won’t show you mercy. 
“Apparently they’ve committed treason.”
By the time he finds you, Caleb had already jumped across the ravine and was waiting for you. You turned, tears in your eyes.
“I can feel it…everyone is being killed.” 
“We’re going to figure this out,” He’s going to try and calm you down, “I promise, we’re going to figure this out.” His arms are around you. 
It wasn’t safe for you. Not anywhere near him and the others. He knows this. You know this. 
The two of you come up with a hurried plan.
“Go to these coordinates. Once we know what's going on, I’ll come find you.” He’ll kiss you passionately, “Get the kid and hide.” 
Hunter won’t go with you. He’s the squad leader. He can’t just go missing. 
Despite the fear that you’ll be found out, he trusts you and your skills to stay alive.
Once you jump across, he’ll watch, make sure no one follows or tries to shoot at you. 
Once he’s questioned on your whereabouts, he’s going to lie, “I managed to stab the kid and shoot the Jedi. both of them fell into the water.”
I will say, his nerves are shot until he gets to you again. 
But in the meanwhile? He’s antsy. Anxious and a tad distracted.
Also a hairs trigger from snapping.
Crosshair badgers him at Kamino and Hunter barely holds back a punch.
Hunter loves you, so damn dearly. And right now he can’t protect you because he needs to figure out what the fuck is going on.
But, after finding the truth and getting Omega, he makes a damn beeline for the coordinates he gave you.
Plus side? Caleb and Omega become friends.
What the FUCK just happend!?
He sprints into the trees to keep up, ignoring how Hunter is calling his name. 
“Echo, get back here!” 
“No.” He will cut off his comms. 
He’s an ARC trooper, he can track you to a degree. He’s not like Hunter, but he gets to the general area where you are. 
He manages to get to a clearing where you and Caleb are hiding in the trees. 
“Cyare!” Echo is clearly confused, worried and he swears he feels the same amount of death that’s overwhelmed you. 
Once you reveal yourself, his helmet is off and his arms are around you so tightly.
“I don’t know what's going on, but I’ll keep you and Commander Dume safe.”
Hunter and Crosshair catch up to you, and once Crosshair aims his blaster at you and Caleb, Echo is ready to brawl. 
He stands protectively in front of you, gun aimed at the sniper, “If your skinny ass doesn’t put the fucking gun away I swear to-!”
“Both of you stand down!” Hunter will have to get between them, because Echo is 100% willing to shoot Crosshair if it means you stay safe. 
He’s not aware Crosshair doesn't exactly have a choice at the moment.
Really no one is aware.
But he’s lost domino squad, he’s lost Fives, he's lost legion, right now his former general is probably being killed…He’s lost so much already.
He refuses to lose you too.
So Echo pulls the trigger first, settling on stunning him and making a dash towards the ravine. Hunter has to keep up.
Once Caleb is across, he’ll get meetup coordinates from Hunter.
Echo goes with you. He doesn’t return to Kamino. The moment he's across the ravine with you and Caleb he’s a deserter. 
He doesn’t care. He just doesn’t want to lose you.
He’s a strong, determined guard, and one who didn’t let you or Caleb get hurt.
He casts a glance at Hunter before running off after you. 
He has no idea what Order 66 is. Nor does he care.
The guy saw you so…out of it. So scared and confused.
His protective instincts have geared up to 11. 
Hunter goes with him, while Crosshair is the one who remains behind to stall.
Once Tech informs everyone that the Jedi have been named traitors and should be executed on sight, Wrecker gets serious. Very serious. 
He becomes so unlike himself, even Crosshair is surprised.
Honestly? I see Wrecker as someone willing to gun down any ‘reg’ if they’re threatening his squad or s/o. 
Even this early into the Empire.
When he sees you, he’s immediately grabbing you into his arms which causes Caleb to attack.
Admittedly he’s gonna tackle Caleb, only adding to the poor kids terror. 
“Wrecker, you're scaring him!” 
But after a strong bear hug and an “Easy kid! I’m tryna help you!” The padawan calms down enough to listen. 
He puts Caleb down, rips off his helmet and gives you one hell of a kiss. 
He’s worried. He’s scared. And he wants to protect you. 
Hunter will have to talk him down from running off with you.
The sergeant has to keep his squad together. It sucks but they need to figure out what the heck is happening at the moment.
Wrecker desperately wants to go with you but he can’t abandon his squad.
However, he feels much better once Hunter gives some safe coordinates to lay low and hide.
He’ll get you to the ravine and stand guard until you and Caleb are across and out of sight.
You bet your ass when he meets up with you again he’s not letting you go. 
He isn’t as emotional as the others at the moment. He’s actually focused on gathering as much information in the least amount of time.
He waits, listening to the comm chatter. What is going on? why?
“Execute Order 66.”
After a second, he shares a look with Hunter.
“Tech, go after-”
No more words need to be said. Tech is gone and going after you.
He’s smart. He knows your patterns. He knows where you’d most likely hide. So he focuses on that.
Once he’s confident he’s in a broad area where you and Caleb are, he’s going to call out to you, “Cyare? There’s something called Order 66 on the comms.” 
Tech gives you information first. He won’t make you reveal yourself if you don’t feel safe enough. 
When Echo announces that the Jedi have been charged with treason, he’ll relay that to you. 
“The comms say the Jedi committed treason against the Republic,” He’s going to keep looking around for you, “I know you. You’d never do such a thing. I’m here, Cyare. I can help you.”
Once you reveal yourself, Caleb behind you, he feels the biggest amount of relief. 
He pulls off his helmet, giving you a small smile.
“Tech…The Jedi…” your voice cracks, “They’re being killed…I can feel it.” 
“I know, Cyare…I’m sorry.” He tries his best to comfort you, but he knows he can never understand. 
The amount of Jedi he’s worked with can be counted on one hand. 
But he knows this is your family. Your friends. Your very life.
Once Hunter meets up with you guys, a plan can be put in place. 
He gives you coordinates for a location to meet-up and hide. You’ll lay low with Caleb.
In the meantime, Tech will return to Kamino, figure out what's happening, and from there a better, more long term plan can be made.
Before you leave though, he’s going to give you the longest, most passionate kiss he's ever given you.
He’s well aware that there's a chance you can be found and killed. 
Tech is the only one who has accepted that you may not make it out of this.
But he’s going to keep his mind occupied, distract himself until he’s by your side again. 
As soon as the order goes out, Crosshair is under the influence of the inhibitor chip.
He just doesn’t know. No one does at this point.
He watches you run away with Caleb and the drive to hunt you down is hard to ignore.
He needs to find you to kill you, to protect you.
But, the sudden headache he has is damn near blinding.
Crosshair follows Hunter, keeping his comms on.
He freezes when Tech finds out the Jedi have been marked for execution.
The Inhibitor Chip in his skull is contending with his feelings for you.
He needs to execute save you.
When he spots you he pulls his rifle and aims but barely manages to stop himself.
He can’t hurt you. He needs to kill loves you.
Crosshair draws some sort of conclusion that Kaminoans had conditioned all clones to follow specific orders.
He doesn’t know of the chip. He just assumes it comes from the troopers' conditioning.
When his arms are around your body, for a brief moment he thinks of snapping your neck.
Good soldiers follow orders.
He hates orders.
This is the point where Crosshair knows something is seriously wrong with him.
But he’s not going to say anything yet. He can still fight if need be.
“You need to run…hide…get away from here.” it's a rare moment that he’s scared.
The sniper is desperate to shoot protect you.
The headache is persistent, and it’s somewhat distracting.
But he’ll power through.
Crosshair will wait for Hunter to come up with…something. 
His eyes are on the area around you, gun set to kill in case any reg tries anything.
The plan? Clone Force 99 returns to Kamino while you and Caleb go into hiding. 
You have coordinates. He can find you later. 
But…well Crosshair doesn’t like that. At all.
Hear me out. Like Echo, Crosshair goes with you. He knows somethings up with him, but he trusts himself more than he trusts anyone else.
“Tell Kamino they killed me.” He instructs Hunter, “That I died trying to stop the Jedi and you managed to get justice.”
He crosses the ravine with you, only looking back to nod back to Hunter. 
By the time Crosshair, you and Caleb safely get off the planet, his headache is a small annoyance that goes away with time.
Crosshair sticks with you until he reunites with his squad and notices Omega
Welp, you got Caleb, what's one more kid?
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thedarkone121 · 1 day
So… Those previews with Dracula, huh?
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So, funny story. All the way back in July 8th — according to Discord — I admit an idea that was running around in my mind ever since I first heard the title of “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde meet Dracula” and me, coming off the novel of Dracula, wanted some angst. Just to be clear, this was well before the previews came. As Quill put it, I was given he power of Apollo 🤣
Anyway, onto the idea! Some of these are posted from Discord so keep that in mind!
Some heads up, this is a little angsty and very spoilers to the original Dracula novel but basically, here’s my vampire idea; in the midst of the Lodgers turning against him and having to deal with Frankenstein, Jekyll ends up encountering a wealthy aristocrat (ie, Dracula) at a party. The man offers to help fund the society… If Jekyll could stop by his new house and tell him about London. And Jekyll does.
And it works. They’re able to keep the society running. No one is getting kicked out. …But Rachel and Lanyon begin to notice how pale Jekyll has gotten. How he seems more tired than before. How hungrier he gets. How much rawer his food has gotten. It’s so bad than even the Lodgers notice.
Basically, the idea is based on Jekyll taking Lucy Westenra’s place as Dracula’s victim. We’re watching this man slowly lose some of his blood and become a vampire.
To add onto the angst, I also thought of Dracula — while he’s draining Jekyll and hypnotizing him — would slowly turn Jekyll against his friends. Keeping him isolated and not go for help. So even when the others are trying to help him, he wouldn’t listen.
The person who can probably get through to Jekyll is Jasper, because even though he is considered one of the lodgers, Jekyll does remember Jasper standing by him.
I do have an idea in my head where everyone is staging an intervention where they’re trying not to let Jekyll go out and see this Dracula guy anymore. Like Rachel and Robert are trying to tell him he’s been getting worse since these visits, Jasper trying to tell him that something’s not right, even other the Lodgers chiming, saying that they’ll help with the exhibition if he would just PLEASE not go there… Only for Jekyll to say: “What exhibition?”
…At that point, everyone realizes they can’t reason with Jekyll and are forced to keep him confined at the Society. Hoping to starve off the vampirism within him by keeping garlic around him, slowly giving him proper meals again. Also giving him blood transfusions as well.
But Jekyll is completely feral at this point. Even though his heart beats, his mind has been taken over by a ravenous beast. And Dracula has noticed his favorite snack hasn’t come by in a while…
And that’s it! My wonderful angsty idea of a vampire Jekyll. Believe me, I can never look at vampires the same after reading the novel for Dracula. Just the horror of the slow transformation for Lucy… It’s wonderfully angsty and I needed to share that with Jekyll!
Hope you all enjoy it!
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reidology13 · 1 day
I tell someone I love them (just as a distraction)
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Spencer Reid x fem famous!reader
Summary: In the depths of his addiction, Spencer finds someone who needs an escape as much as he does.
cw: talk of addiction, allusions to sex (no actual smut), angst no happy ending
Meaningless whispers of ‘I love you’ mumbled between laboured breaths and cold kisses in an apartment that doesn’t feel like mine. The sheen of sweat that coats his body is nearly constant these days, it has nothing to do with physical exertion. The glaze over his hollow eyes is the furthest possible thing from pleasure, although by now he might have his wires crossed. His face is beautiful, and I can see myself marrying it in another life, one where my chest isn’t as hollow as his cheeks. A life where I don’t have to ignore the fresh scars in the crook of his elbow as I pull his shirt off.
I am not in that world, and neither is he, a reality that I cannot grieve because this is what I asked for, what I have been working for since before I can remember. The parties that leave me empty and sick, the performances that start the moment I leave the stage, the new friends who tag along for my name. I love him because he doesn’t care about any of it, if only because he’s too high to care about much at all.
I don’t feel anything when I finish, I’m not sure he does, either. I watch as he disappears from my side, already scrambling to his bag, searching through it until he finds what he needs. He slips into the bathroom, finally taking his chance to feel something after the numbness of the night. He has his escape, he used to be mine. I wonder if one day the chemicals he defiles his veins with will stop calming his ever racing mind, or if I just need a higher dose.
When he comes back, I pull him close to me, dragging him back down into the bedsheets and sweat. It works this time, my skin alight with every electrifying touch as his fingers dance gracefully across my body. His hands shake as they move, a feeling that makes my nerves sing as a lump forms in my throat and my heart sinks to my stomach. He looks up at me with those brown eyes that would be so gorgeous if they held any emotion, anything but that violent hunger for a craving he should have satisfied moments earlier. He can’t up his dose as easily as I can, can’t pull his vice back to bed without the risk of never waking up. He doesn’t bother saying that he loves me this time, we both know it’s not true. Or maybe it is, but there are things he loves much more, and telling me he loves me debases one of the only pure things left in the world. I’m glad he doesn’t try this time.
He holds me afterwards, his trembling body not yet ready to stand up, or maybe he knows that the moment he does he’ll be back inside the bathroom. I turn my head away, and as he buries his face in my shoulder, I pretend I don’t feel the apology he mouths against my glass skin. He runs a hand down my upper arm, his touch tentative and light, scared that I’ll shatter into a million pieces. My heart does. If he knows about the tear that runs down my face, he ignores it, and I’m not surprised. Ignorance is what we’re good at, after all.
When I wake up, he’s gone, slipped into the early morning, or called into the job that he shouldn’t be doing in his condition. I crawl out of my cold, damp sheets, the disgusting aftermath of our night. The sick feeling that perpetually sits in my gut, loosening under him, twisting tighter under the sun of the next day. 
Slowly, I peel back the layers of sticky fabric, watching how they cling to my skin and each other as I force them into the washing machine. I turn it on.
Fresh sheets are laid out on my bed, sheets that haven’t yet witnessed the tornado of us, still clean and untainted by tears and sweat and words that never mean anything. I lay the sheet over the mattress, fighting to wrap it around all four corners as it perpetually escapes one, always sitting just slightly wrong. I place the pillows down carefully, fighting the urge to punch them like I’ve been wanting to punch his face every time he shows up at my door.
I can see myself marrying him in this world, too, getting him the help he needs and staying with him through it all. He would be able to be there for me when I need it, not an escape from, but support through the other parts of my life, a person to love and talk to about the hard things. But I know that is still impossible. One day, he will sober up and disappear, or I will be an uninvited guest at his funeral. There’s no option that ends well for both of us, the best we can do is take it as it happens and ignore everything.
I watch as the last blanket floats down over the bed, carelessly adjusting its corners. It looks exactly the same.
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bachelor4choice · 1 day
Fans of Arcane! I'm here to bring theories!!!!
P.S.: Please, no spoilers. Especially regarding any leaks. Making theories is a big part of what makes a show fun for fans, so don’t ruin that. Good? Good.
Recently, I saw here on Tumblr a series of images about how the acts will be divided in this second season, and that gave me some clues about how Vi’s arc might unfold. Since they're focusing a lot on her, it's the "easiest" to deduce, but I have some guesses about other characters as well.
The image (not sure if it's official ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯) is this one:
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Act 1: It would pick up immediately after the final events of the first season. Vi immediately finds herself "forced" to join Caitlyn and the Enforcers. It’s a natural progression for the character, considering what happened. Vi values herself as someone who protects those she loves. She always has been this way, so when she feels like she failed Jinx, she moves on to protect Cait. I believe, for her, it’s also a way to protect Zaun, which must fall into chaos with the power vacuum left by Silco. In this act we’d see Vi and Caitlyn grow even closer, but with so many close calls that we would die a little, because neither of them is exactly what the other needs. Both Caitlyn and Vi, in the inside, are actualy drifting away from what they initially liked in each other. Yes, it’s going to be quite painful to watch, but hey! It’s going to get worse :)
I believe the end of this act will be a confrontation between Jinx and Vi. And here, my friends, we see the downfall, because I still believe Vi won’t be able to finish off Jinx, and this will be a double failure in Vi’s "protector" nature. This will lead her to distance herself from Cait and the Enforcers, but by this point, Vi has nowhere to return to, because Zaun no longer accepts her. She has become a traitor, remember? Enter Dark Vi! At the end of this act, there will be ANOTHER breakup between Vi and Cait (without them even having started dating yet! These lesbians) and this will also push Cait to take more drastic actions, alongside Mel’s mother.
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Act 2: It would start with Vi at her lowest point (I’m not looking at her arms, you are!) I believe this is also when Jinx becomes a symbol of resistance, as a response to the increasing pressure applied by Caitlyn and Medarda. As things get politically terrible, Vi continues to lose her sense of self. That’s why she drinks so much and why the ex-enforcer takes her to those underground fights. She keeps hallucinating about Caitlyn because, again, she feels like she’s failed. She couldn’t help Caitlyn because she couldn’t stop protecting Jinx. For her, this whole situation is lose-lose. Seeing Caitlyn drift further from who she truly is also deeply affects Vi.
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I’ve always admired Caitlyn’s character for her rationality and compassion. She’s smart, determined, focused, but sweet (like a Cupcake). Seeing someone you care about lose that side of themselves because of your own sister… Yeah, I’d be drinking too. This would explain why Vi hallucinates about the Caitlyn from the first season. At the same time, with Jinx being exalted as a symbol, Vi sees exactly what she’s lost: the sister who was supposed to grow up and help Zaun. Everyone viewing Jinx this way, when she definitely ISN’T like that anymore, is like rubbing salt in the wound.
I believe Vi’s downfall will take up an entire episode. Two things could happen to end Dark Vi. Jinx, as we see her watching the fights and even betting on Vi. (Same Symbol)
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Yep, in the new images, Vi isn’t hallucinating about Jinx, only about Cait. Jinx is going to watch Vi spiraling and I think she’s going to HATE it. I do believe Jinx has changed, but I think she still prefers to see Vi distant but doing okay, rather than close and falling apart. I think this would be an interesting trait for Jinx. Now, throwing in a wild guess: I think Jinx herself is going to seek out Caitlyn. Cait, by the way, is likely spiraling too, but unlike Vi, she has other ways to self-destruct (work).
So, my theory for the end of Act 2 is that Jinx is going to show Cait the state Vi’s in and say, “Look at this disaster lesbian!” This will lead to a really sweet moment where Cait finally reconnects with her compassionate side—caring about others' pain, not just her own (get ready to cry here. If this really happens, I want ALL of it! From tending to Vi’s wounds and alcoholism to a heart-wrenching confession in the middle).
HOWEVER, I don’t think Cait’s return will be the only catalyst. Here’s where the battle with Warwick comes in! Wouldn’t it be tragic if Vander, once again, is responsible for making Vi rediscover her value as the protector of those she loves? Because I think that’s exactly what’s going to happen—fighting this version of Vander will be the final nail in the coffin for Dark Vi. Oh, Vander, helping Vi even now.
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Act 3: We’ll finally have Vi and Cait on the same page (you know that sex scene? Probably here, and I think it’s going to lean more towards sweet than sexy. Something tasteful, definitely).
Vi will be an Enforcer, but not to hunt Jinx—rather, to help Zaun and protect everyone, including Piltover, from Empress Medarda’s grip. After all, with Cait no longer obsessed with taking down Jinx, Medarda’s influence over Caitlyn will come to an end. The only leverage Medarda has over Cait is her anger, and when that’s no longer in play, Cait’s rational side kicks back in. She’ll realize that for Medarda, it was never about justice—it was about Hextech. This realization will be what unites everyone: Zaun and Piltover will come together, fighting against Medarda.
Oil and Walter.
As for Cait, there are definitely some missing pieces. Just as Vi has Warwick, Cait is going to have something beyond Jinx/Vi. But since there’s so little information about the other characters, it’s hard to say who. There’s bound to be something more than just the power of love. What’s important is that during the third act, we’ll already have Cait and Vi as Piltover’s Finest! In those perfect black uniforms.
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Well, that's basically it! See you in November, when Arcane becomes my entire personality!
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ewyuzu · 2 days
a fake relationship
nanami kento x reader
a/n: interested to read more? click here!
the school bell rings, echoing through the hallways as students spill out of classrooms, chatting, laughing, and groaning over the latest assignments. you're in no particular rush, meandering through the crowded corridor on your way to your locker. most of your friends have already left, probably heading to the café nearby or the library. but you? you have a different kind of problem to face—one that's been plaguing you all semester: math.
you open your locker with a sigh, tossing in a textbook and pulling out your crumpled math test results. a large, angry red 48/100 glares back at you from the paper, and you wince. it's the third failed math test this month. no matter how hard you try, no matter how many formulas you attempt to memorize, numbers just don't seem to click in your brain. you stuff the paper into your bag, muttering under your breath.
"great. just great."
you're not dumb—far from it. you're a pretty solid student in most subjects, but math? math is your achilles' heel. and you can already picture the conversation with your parents at dinner tonight. they've been on your case about your grades, and if they find out about another flunked exam, well... that's a disaster you're not ready to deal with.
as you slam your locker shut with more force than necessary, you catch a glimpse of nanami kento. he's standing at his locker not far from yours, his face set in that calm, unreadable expression he always wears. neat, composed, a little too perfect, really. you've never spoken more than a few words to him in class, but he's hard not to notice. he's the kind of guy who seems like he has everything figured out—top of the class, disciplined, never flustered by anything.
you're about to turn away when a shrill voice rings through the hallway.
a group of girls is lingering nearby, one of them stepping forward with a bright, flirtatious smile. "are you free after school? maybe we could study together?"
the girl's voice is sweet, her smile almost rehearsed, like she's done this a hundred times before. it's no secret that nanami is one of the most sought-after guys in school, and girls are always trying to get his attention.
you pause, pretending to fix your bag as you watch out of the corner of your eye, already knowing how this will go.
without even looking up from his locker, nanami replies, "i'm busy."
his voice is polite but detached, and the girl's smile falters. she quickly tries to recover. "oh, well... maybe another time?"
nanami doesn't respond, continuing to organize his books like she's not even there.
the girl fidgets awkwardly before giving up, walking back to her friends with a disappointed shrug. you can hear them whispering and giggling as they retreat down the hall. you almost feel bad for her—but at the same time, it's no surprise. nanami has this way of effortlessly deflecting attention, and yet, that only seems to make people more interested in him.
you snap out of your thoughts, turning to leave, but as you sling your bag over your shoulder, you feel a presence beside you.
the deep, calm voice startles you, and you turn to find nanami kento standing right next to you. your heart skips a beat. you're not used to him being this close, let alone speaking to you directly.
"uh, hey?" you reply, trying not to sound as confused as you feel. why is nanami kento talking to you of all people?
he glances around briefly, then lowers his voice, his expression serious. "i need to ask you for a favour."
your eyebrows shoot up. a favour? from nanami? you're intrigued, to say the least. "what kind of favour?"
he hesitates for a moment, his eyes flicking back to the group of girls still lingering at the end of the hallway. then, with that same calm composure, he says, "i need you to pretend to be my girlfriend."
for a second, you're sure you misheard him. "excuse me?"
"a fake relationship," he clarifies. "it'll be temporary."
you blink at him, completely thrown off. this was not the kind of favor you were expecting.
"okay..." you say slowly. "why would you need a fake girlfriend?"
nanami's eyes shift toward the group of girls again, the faintest hint of annoyance crossing his features. "lately, i've been getting a lot of unwanted attention," he explains, his voice low but steady. "it's distracting, and i don't have the time or interest to deal with it."
you take a second to process his words, your mind still trying to catch up. the most composed, serious guy in school needs a fake girlfriend to fend off admirers? it almost sounds ridiculous. but then again... you look at him—stoic, serious, perfectly put-together. you can see why people would constantly try to break down his walls.
"and you think this'll work?" you ask, crossing your arms skeptically.
nanami's expression doesn't change. "yes. people will lose interest once they see i'm already in a relationship."
you chew your lip, still unsure. "okay, but... why me?"
he turns his gaze to you, his eyes steady. "because you're not caught up in that drama. you're not the type to spread rumors, and you're not interested in unnecessary attention."
he has a point. you've always kept a low profile, and you don't really involve yourself in school gossip. but still...
"and what's in it for me?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.
nanami doesn't hesitate. "i'll help you with whatever you need—homework, projects. you need help with math, don't you?"
your stomach flips at the mention of math. of course, nanami would know that. he's in your class, after all, and you've failed more than enough tests for it to be common knowledge by now. but still, hearing it from him—someone who probably never struggles with any subject—stings a little.
"how do you know that?" you mutter, crossing your arms defensively.
nanami raises an eyebrow, unfazed. "i've seen your test results. you're not bad in other subjects, but math is holding you back."
you're about to snap something back, but you stop yourself. he's right. you've been struggling in math all semester, and it's been dragging your grades down. if you fail one more test, your parents will lose it.
"and you're offering to tutor me?" you ask, the skepticism still clear in your voice.
nanami nods. "in exchange for this arrangement."
the offer is tempting—really tempting. it's not like you have any better ideas for improving your math grades, and having nanami, the top student, help you? that could actually save your skin. but at the same time, agreeing to a fake relationship with him? it's crazy.
you glance at nanami again. his expression is calm, composed, but there's something else in his eyes—something genuine. he's not asking for this because he wants attention or drama. he just wants peace.
after a long pause, you sigh. "fine. i'll do it."
for the first time, nanami's expression softens just a little—a flicker of relief, maybe. "thank you."
you smirk, a little more at ease now. "but if you flunk me in math, this deal is off."
nanami chuckles lightly—something you've never heard from him before. "you won't."
as you walk down the hallway together, the weight of the deal you've just made starts to sink in. you're about to dive into something completely unexpected, and who knows how this will all play out?
but one thing's for sure: your school year just got a whole lot more interesting.
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soireegurl · 3 days
wld u b able to do a ayndere riki, force marriage?
Thanks for requesting! Here it is!
In the small town of Eldridge, the days were tranquil, but the nights whispered of secrets. Riki had always been a quiet presence in your life, the kind of boy who blended into the background, watching and waiting. But lately, his gaze had shifted from casual interest to something far more intense.
It was late afternoon when you found yourself walking home from the library, lost in thought. The air was thick with the scent of rain, and dark clouds loomed overhead. As you turned a corner, you felt a chill run down your spine. Riki was leaning against a lamppost, his expression unreadable.
“Hey,” he called, his voice smooth yet slightly unnerving.
You hesitated, unsure of what to say. “Hi, Riki. What are you doing here?”
He pushed himself off the post and approached you, an unsettling smile on his face. “I wanted to talk to you. There’s something important we need to discuss.”
You swallowed hard, instinctively stepping back. “What is it?”
Riki’s eyes sparkled with an intensity that made you uneasy. “It’s about us. About our future together.”
You blinked, caught off guard. “Future? Riki, we’re just friends.”
“Friends?” he echoed, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. “You don’t understand. We’re meant to be more than that. I’ve watched you, seen how you light up a room. You’re perfect for me.”
“Riki, I—” you started, but he cut you off.
“Just listen,” he insisted, stepping closer. “I know you feel it too. The connection we have. You’ve been in my thoughts every single day. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
His words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. “It’s just a crush,” you said, attempting to defuse the tension. “You don’t have to—”
“No,” he interrupted, his tone sharp. “It’s not just a crush. I’m in love with you. And I need you to understand how serious I am.”
Your heart raced as he continued. “Marry me.”
You froze, the shock of his proposal echoing in your mind. “What? Riki, this is insane. You can’t just—”
“I can and I will,” he said, his voice low but resolute. “You belong to me. I won’t let anyone take you away.”
A rush of panic coursed through you. “Riki, this isn’t how relationships work. You can’t force someone to—”
He stepped closer, his eyes fierce and unyielding. “You think I’m asking? I’m telling you. We’ll be together, whether you like it or not. I’ll make sure of it.”
The sincerity in his eyes was chilling. “What are you saying?” you whispered, feeling trapped.
“I’m saying that I’ll do whatever it takes to make you mine,” he replied, his tone softening, almost coaxing. “Imagine it: just you and me, a perfect life. You wouldn’t have to worry about anything.”
“I don’t want that!” you protested, but the desperation in your voice only seemed to fuel his determination.
Riki’s expression shifted, a shadow crossing his features. “Don’t say that. You don’t understand what I’ve sacrificed for you. I’ve waited patiently, but I can’t wait any longer. I need you to see it my way.”
“I can’t,” you said, your voice trembling. “This isn’t love; it’s obsession.”
He shook his head, a hint of anger flaring. “You think I’m obsessed? I’m devoted! You just need to give us a chance. Once you do, you’ll see how perfect we are together.”
“Riki, please,” you pleaded, stepping back again. “This isn’t right.”
His expression hardened, the warmth fading. “You think you can walk away from this? I won’t let you. I care too much. If I have to, I’ll make you understand.”
The reality of the situation settled heavily on your chest. “What do you mean by that?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you,” he said, an edge creeping into his voice. “If anyone tries to come between us, I’ll handle it. You don’t need to worry about a thing.”
Fear coursed through you as you realized the depths of his resolve. “Riki, this isn’t how love works. You’re scaring me.”
He stepped closer, his gaze piercing. “You’ll see. Just give me a chance. Say yes to marrying me, and I’ll show you a world you never knew existed.”
Your heart raced, the gravity of his words pressing down on you. You felt cornered, both intrigued and terrified. “I can’t say yes to something like this.”
Riki’s smile returned, but it was colder, more calculating. “Then we’ll just have to find a way to change your mind. I won’t give up on you.”
With that, he turned and walked away, leaving you standing there, breathless and trapped in a whirlwind of emotions. You realized this was far from over. In Riki’s world, love and possession intertwined, and he was determined to make you his, no matter the cost.
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buckaroo627 · 3 days
Observation: Kiss Buck to be included, that's my first take
Tommy: Nobody meant to exclude you, Evan. Eddie and I hanging out it wasn't about you. Buck: That's usually my problem. [chuckles] Uh, I can get pretty jealous.
Tommy: Yeah, you're not the only one. I was super jealous. Buck: You? Over what? Tommy: All of you. The 118. How it's become like a family over there. I mean, how you all were willing to put everything on the line for one another. I wanted to be a part of that. Buck: Hey, you-you were. A-And you did. Y-You even made fake mouth static at the fire chief.
Tommy: I'm renowned for my fake mouth static. Buck: It was not great. [laughs] Tommy: Come on. Hey! Buck: It was not convincing, but you did it anyway. Y-You threw in with us, no hesitation, and I thought, "Wow. That guy is cool. I like that guy." I mean, that's why I called an asked for the tour. You know, it wasn't about me maybe leaving the 118, Tommy. I... I just, wanted to get to know you.
(With perplexed reaction, Tommy-)
Tommy: Yeah? Buck: Yeah. And then you left with Eddie, which, listen, you don't have to tell me how great Eddie is. You know, I've known that since the first day I worked with him. Of course you want to hang out with Eddie. Plus, well, I-I don't know Muay Thai.
Tommy: I could teach you. Buck: Okay. I-Is that gonna be right after our flying lessons? Tommy: Probably not on the same day. Buck: Good. 'Cause trying to get your attention has been kind of exhausting.
(With confused, doubtful expression, Tommy-)
Tommy: My attention? Buck: Yeah, I guess so. Uh... I mean, I... I did maim my best friend. [chuckles] My sister says there are, uh, better ways to get someone's atten-
(Tommy grabbed the rope)
When I first watched that scene... and I first heard the words, and then he kissed Buck... my thoughts were these: 1. Oh my, Buck finally on the path of realization for Eddie. 2. WTF, did he kiss Buck just to get in with the 118 dynamics? After leaving Buck outside the restaurant, my opinion was, he has no qualms leaving him, because he still has Eddie to hang out with and has the opportunity to still be somewhat part of 118 hang outs, like what happened during the basketball game, it's not only Eddie there, Chimney and Buck arrived, it's not full house, (just so you know, I didn't watch that part, I don't know just jump scenes, I don't really like seeing Buck frown, even the gym part at the station, skipped it)
So, Tommy's still gay, and there's no force or pressure to be with Buck, so Buck asking him to be his date to his sister's wedding is an opportunity for him to be part of 118 family. As a date, you know. Being a date is better than attending as a friend.
And has he made effort for Buck during the Bachelor Party? No effort at all. I mean he did attend, but if he's really interested in Buck, like genuinely, he'll take interest to Buck's plans. Even if we say he's not there as Buck's date, ugh, too many words, I'll just say, excuses, always there's a excuses not to do anything.
If you really want it there's always a way, if you don't there's excuses.
I made observations of this before, just part of it, but i did not delve deeper about it, just talked about Buck's path.
So now I'm confessing my piece on this about Tommy stepping in Buck's path.
Tommy said it, he's SUPER jealous of the 118 family. He wanted to be part of it.
And how could he if he's someone who used to work in 118? if he's someone who knew people there? if he's someone 118 knew from before? but if he's someone who is friends with someone in the 118, he may have a foot inside the line. but then, if he's someone who's dating one member of the 118, then, he's got both shoes inside the line.
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