#with samuel kane.
auggievillanueva · 2 months
closed @samucl-kane
location: botanical gardens
Hands full with a pile of food from Jolyani, conveniently parked outside the gardens that day, Auggie took his time as he walked through in search of Sam. The friendly and incredibly talkative owner of the truck had thrown in a few free sides when they'd struck up a conversation and he mentioned that he was grabbing lunch for himself and Sam. She seemed to have taken a shine to Sam, which Auggie could certainly understand.
He had always loved the gardens; his grandmother had taken him there a lot when he was growing up. She used to kill almost every plant she tried to tend herself, but she always loved how they looked. He stopped a few times to lean down and examine a few of her old favorites.
A fond smile settled onto his face when he eventually found Sam, calling out a "Delivery!" from a ways away so as not to scare the other man when he came upon him. He approached, one tinfoil takeout plate containing the vegetarian combo outstretched. "If you're busy, I can leave this with you and run," he said when he reached Sam. "But I got worried that you weren't feeding yourself properly so I figured I'd surprise you."
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kitschysandglass · 4 months
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I swear to god they're so annoying I wanna squish them.
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yuriinadress · 1 year
The DC Book of Pride PREVIEW
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spider-jaysart · 3 months
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Talaurel For Rarepair week day two! I used the prompts "Stuck together" and "Yellow" for this one
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shtarfish · 4 months
Fragment of William's animatic.
Posted using PostyBirb
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thespookybean14 · 1 month
I think about Alien a lot, especially recently. This evening I’m specifically thinking about how in the Alien Isolation novel (and maybe other Alien novels) it mentions how Ripley would send video messages to Amanda before the freighter ship would lose contact, and how one of those times a message was from Dallas.
It made me think about the crew a lot. Like, did Amanda ever ask about them? Did any of them sometimes stop by while Ripley was talking to Amanda on the video message just to check in and say hi as another parental/family friend figure? Did Ripley ever tell the crew about her daughter? Did any of the other Nostromo Crew have kids?
Would Amanda have met the other crew member’s kids at some point in her childhood or teenage years and have no clue they were related to people who her mom worked with? If she did know them, would they have become a close friend group just trying to figure out what happened to their parents? Did the others try to stay optimistic that maybe their parents were okay? Did they give up on them after a few years?
I don’t know, but I think it’s interesting to ponder.
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doobs · 5 months
Can we have more Ash quotes? Or just ust Ash in general. I love the little milk bastard.
Y'all can send in asks to the Nostromo crew (specifically or in general/to all of them) AND I SHALL RESPOND IN CHARACTER
What do we think?
Ash: Ripley, do you... have feelings for me?
Ripley: Yes.
Ash: 🤩
Ripley: Anger.
sad ash
Lambert: What do you guys do when you're stressed?
Ripley: Calm down.
Brett: Sleep.
Kane: Get myself into more stress, so the first reason for my stress cancels out.
Ash: I don't.
(Ripley, internally: that's kinda suspish)
ripley's so on top of these things. clever girl (yes this is a jurassic park reference)
Lambert: You read my diary?!
Ash: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
Sorry there weren't many. Felt kinda tired haha. Hope you enjoyed!
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raphael-angele · 2 years
People: How can you get deja vu from that? It's not that close to each other
The deja vu: Laurel Kent wears ripped leggings just like how Jon used to wear ripped jeans
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embracedbythesea · 2 years
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Realizing that The Super Sons movie basically is the male version of DC Very Merry Multiverse, where Laurel, Talia and the Teen Justice fight against the League under Starla's control 🤣
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Batwoman by Samuel Obi
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kitschysandglass · 2 months
So, about earth 11 jondami (AKA Laurel & Talia)
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Laurel Kent & Talia Kane are the Earth-11 version of Jon & Damian. Most of their stories are from Multiversity: Teen Justice, if you haven't read it the team's pretty cute and these girls are insane.
Anyway, different from the main universe, it's implied that Laurel's parents are somehow reluctant to let their daughter befriend with Robin (unlike Supes and Bat who had practically set them up) The reason was never stated - well it's not like Laurel actually listened to them :P So she's still sticking with Talia probably everyday.
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Mom really doesn't appreciate their ✨friendship✨
As I had mentioned in the other post. Laurel can actually hear Talia calling out from the other side of the earth (or at least another continent) and locate to her whereabout only by her voice. Also to think Talia simply calls out Laurel's name, trusting that wherever she is she will hear her is absolutely insane...
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Laurel also flew over the whole continent in mere seconds (not looking where she's heading, solely by tracking Talia's voice) just because she thinks Talia sounded genuinely distressed.
And the way she immediately left without saying a word as soon as Talia called 👀
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“OVERWHELMING displays of physical force”im sorry but are you flirting
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Everyone is so tired of them went to secretdate I mean patrolling
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Talia has the access to Fortress of Tranquility's (basically earth-11 version of Fortress of Solitude) security cameras + matching mugs with Laurel (remember that Superwoman isn't actually thrilled about them hanging out together so LAUREL KENT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE).
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Secretly (blatantly) gossiping in front of the whole team
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And somehow they just need to snuggle together in a group photo session while everybody else is posing on their own 😭😭😭 JUST PLEASE
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dilcne · 10 days
who is someone you could talk to for hours and never stop?
"Probably @buddywellls or @samucl-kane. I'd say @aeris-flores too, but I'm sure it would just be me talking for hours non-stop and him nodding occasionally to pretend he was listening."
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All the faces on the bottom have of this kinda look like they are melting or something...
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
Supersons and the Superdaughters from earth 11
(click and zoom in on image for better quality)
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They were in the middle of a mission together but then the boys started bickering with eachother
The girls have to deal with these usual annoying little fights from the boys until they can finally go back home to their world lol
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ithinkitscami · 3 months
starter for: @samucl-kane / location: AB botanical gardens
The sun felt nice against Cami's skin as she walked through the gardens. She had finished the first few tasks of the morning, but now she had time to wander and pester her fellow co-workers. Samuel was her first target especially as she had started the job right before leaving so she hadn't a chance to see him before that.
Her eyes stayed on the tree lines as she walked down paths as she wasn't sure if he'd be scaling a tree or be on the ground today. It was one of the main reasons she loved the job. The days here were never boring as there was something different to do every time. Much to her relief, she spotted him not too far off.
"Sam!" She shouts before drawing closer to him. "If you're not too busy right now... I have a question." One that she had been meaning to ask. One that she hoped he would say yes to and she was sure he would, but one couldn't be too positive.
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thespookybean14 · 20 days
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This is where I post from actually :]
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