#with some other stuff. make room -> na na na etc
once again listening to conventional weapons my favorite part of the whole collection is being able to like. instantly tell what songs got reworked into which songs off danger days
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95jezzica · 9 months
how do you think sweden is as a parent? any headcanons?
It's canon Sweden kind of spoils his kids quite a lot (with that I mainly mean Sealand and Ladonia, but to a degree this also includes Iceland). Not really spoiled in a bad way though? At any rate Sweden pays a lot of attention to his kids, constantly defends Iceland against Nor's and Den's teasing, and even pretends to lose wars against Ladonia. It's sweet, and I figure it's worth mentioning.
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As far as headcanons go, this also means I headcanon Sweden as a pretty chill parent in general. As long as they don't endanger/hurt themselves or others, he allows them to do a pretty much what they want (within reason) - but he's still able to put his foot down if he thinks something is going too far.
With that said, if they want a tree house to hold their micronation meetings in? Then you'll be damn sure he's going to build a gigantic treehouse for them. If they're hungry they can usually just go and eat something from the kitchen - though Sweden likely has some rules about what they eat and when.
(Example: If dinner will be ready in 30 minutes they're probably allowed to eat a quick fruit like a banana, but not stuff themselves full on sandwiches. Sweden would probably also tell them to avoid sugary stuff like candy until after dinner, but as long as they don't overdo stuff he wouldn't be too strict on which days they decide to eat their candy).
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For Sealand specifically I reckon Sweden & England have shared custody, and as a result Sealand technically has several rooms. (One in each house). To avoid Sealand having to choose between them on holidays they also make sure to celebrate major stuff together or alternate the days between them.
For an example Sealand's birthday is celebrated with everyone together. Meanwhile Sealand celebrates Christmas with the Nordics on the 23-24/12, then goes to that big party America is said to have (which probably is on the 25th), and then Sealand celebrates "Boxing Day" (26/12) with the "eyebrow family", NA-brothers and France.
They'd also have things they celebrate on their own, such as Sealand being with the "eyebrow family" to celebrate things like St. Patrick's Day, St. George's Day and Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes). Then Sealand would be with Sweden and the Nordics to celebrate things like the June birthdays (Ladonia/Den/Swe), Midsummer and Lucia. Just to mention a few examples.
I'd say Sweden and England try to keep the days where Sealand spend his time time pretty even, but they also don't stand and count every minute to make it "fair". One year Sealand might spend a few days/weeks more with Sweden, and another year Sealand might be a little more with England. Living costs are similarly divided. For an example I imagine England was the one who bought Sealand a mobile phone when it became more necessary, but Sweden was the one who bought Sealand a tablet.
Sealand strikes me more as a boy longing for adventures. Sure, he enjoys to sit down and play games/watch TV from time to time, but he's also boy with endless energy. I can imagine him and Sweden doing stuff like going on hikes, building rafts to sail on the local lake - etc - as quality time when they're alone together. Sealand strikes me as someone who if they don't get to DO enough stuff in a day to run off some energy he'll have a hard time falling asleep in the evening.
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Now, Ladonia spends pretty much all his time living with Sweden unless he's having a sleepover with a friend or one of his many uncles. As a micronation who nowadays mostly functions as an internet nation, Ladonia has a lot of the latest technology available to him (through Sweden) since he's also more dependent on them.
Because of this Sweden obviously also make sure the house their family lives in has excellent internet connection. Though Ladonia mainly uses his own laptop while moving/traveling around, I headcanon Ladonia also has a robust PC inside his bedroom ("home base" in a sense) and a back-up laptop that he SOMETIMES let's Sealand borrow if they want to play games together.
(At some point Sealand got to choose between getting a computer, laptop or a tablet from Sweden. He chose a tablet).
I've mentioned in earlier posts that I headcanon Ladonia as literally having been born looking like a newborn baby, and as a result of that I think Sweden is/was very protective of him. Obviously Sweden is also protective of Sealand, but it's on a much higher level for Ladonia after Sweden spent YEARS not sure if Ladonia would even survive or how much "nation" Ladonia was since he grew at roughly the same speed as a human for the first 3-5 years of his life. It wasn't until Ladonia's aging slowed down a bit that Sweden could start to breathe easier.
Ladonia also has a big canon interest in Pokémon, so it wouldn't surprise me if he has most of the consoles and Pokémon games. Heck, some of the Quality Time stuff Ladonia and Sweden do together alone is likely a lot of video game playing, and they might even go watch tournaments and regionals being played. Sweden likely even ask Japan for favours to get tickets for the World Championships. I reckon Ladonia would enjoy amusement parks too, so that's another one of the few things Sweden can use to "get Ladonia away from the screens" for a few hours if Ladonia isn't having friends over. xD
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Originally I also wanted to write about Sweden and Iceland's relationship as a bonus, but this post is getting really long and I've already done a few posts with them before, so I think I will end here for now. xD
Thanks for the ask, and hope you enjoy this!
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sarahisgay01 · 2 years
I Suggest You be Quiet
Minors DNI (18+ Only!!!!)
Dom!Nancy x Sub!Fem!Reader
Prompt: “If you think being in public is going to stop me, you’re sorely mistaken.” @sparklingsin
Notes: Nancy and Reader are in an established relationship, exhibitionism (kinda), degrading, spanking, crying
You and Nancy met while working on the school paper, you were a junior, while she was a senior. Nancy was the head journalist and in charge of the school paper. Usually only seniors got to help the head journalist with their interviews and articles, but you were Nancy’s right hand woman. The first time Nancy saw you, her heart skipped a beat. She thought you were the prettiest girl she’s ever seen, so effortlessly beautiful. After the first month of you working on the paper, she saw that you had a lot of potential. She saw that you’re hardworking, determined, and extremely smart. So, she came to talk to you about an opportunity for you. You’re not going to lie, the first month of journalism with Nancy, you were intimidated by her. She’s just so amazing, the way she writes, how much time and effort she spends on the paper, and the way she always looks perfect. Everyday that you walk into school, she always looks perfect, absolutely stunning, every single day. So, when she pulled you aside to talk to you, you were nervous that maybe you did something wrong. The last thing you wanted to do was to make Nancy upset. This was months ago, but you remember the conversation like it was yesterday. She said, “(Y/N), are you busy? I’d like to talk to you for a sec?” Her tone was unreadable, you couldn’t tell if it’s good or bad, but you could never say no to her, never. You reply, “Y- Yeah, Nancy. I’m free right now. Uh- what’s uh- what’s up?” Nancy replied, “Well, I was wondering if you’d like to work with me? You’d be kind of like my assistant. I really like your writing and I’ve been observing the way you work. I like it and I think you have a lot of potential. You’d work directly with me, help me with articles and I’d take you with me on interviews, stuff like that.” You were frozen, mouth agape, no words leaving your mouth for several seconds. Once you finally snapped out of it, you asked, “Isn’t that- Isn’t that normally for- for seniors only?” Nancy smiled and said, “Mhmmm, usually, yes. But I found you and your work more fitting to be my assistant.” You smiled back at her and said, “Nancy, I’d- I’d love to!” Her smile got wider and she said, “Great! That’s amazing, (Y/N)!” Ever since that day, you and Nancy were practically inseparable. The two of you became really good friends for a little over a month and you got really close to some of her friends, Robin especially. You and Nancy’s friendship blossomed into a romantic relationship after both of you confessed your feelings to each other. Ironically, you both went to Robin for advice and she takes credit for the two of you dating. The only people who know are Nancy’s close friends and her brother’s friends. It’s been a little over three months since you and Nancy started dating. A little over three months of going on fake interviews, secret touches, “working late” on the paper, etc. You swear that every day, Nancy starts to get braver with her touches and god were you right.
Today, you had an attitude, for no reason, you just woke up with one. You were constantly pushing Nancy’s patience, refusing to do work, complaining about things she asked you to do, touching her after she asked you to stop, and what you did next, made her snap. The icing on the cake, was when she said, in a stern voice “(Y/N), stop acting like a brat and do what I ask” and you replied, “Make me.” That was it, she snapped. The two of you were the only people in the journalism room and when she moved to lock the door, you weren’t sure what she was going to do. You said, “Uh Na- Nance, what’re y-”, she cut you off and said “Shut up”, making you whimper. Nancy walked to the back of the room, then sat down on the couch that was back there. In a stern tone, she said, “(Y/N), come here, now.” Quickly, you moved over to her with a worried expression on your face, but you thought, surely she wouldn’t punish you at school. You were wrong, so very wrong. When you looked down, you noticed she was on the edge of the couch with her knees were pressed together. She had also pulled her long skirt up to expose her bare thighs. The worried expression on your face grew when you realized what she was going to do. She said, “(Y/N), lay down”, pointing at her thighs, and you replied, “But- But, Na- Nance, we’re in- we’re in public. People will- People will hear me.” Nancy said, “If you think being in public is going to stop me, you’re sorely mistaken. If you didn’t want to be punished in public, than you shouldn’t have been a brat in public. Now, lay down.” The sternness of her tone made you whimper and immediately you did what she asked. Condescendingly, she said, “Was that so hard, (Y/N)? Was it so hard to do what I ask, sweetheart?” You whimpered again and begged Nancy, saying, “Nance, please! Please don’t! I’ll be good now! I promise! I promise, I’ll be good! Please don’t!” Nancy meanly chuckled and replied, “Oh sweetheart, it’s to late for apologies. You’ve had an attitude all fucking day and I’m sick of it.” As she said her last sentence, she pulled up your skirt, exposing your ass and the little bit of fabric from the thong you were wearing. She said, “We should take this off, hmmm?” as she snapped the waistband of your thong. Nancy continued, saying, “I wouldn’t want you to ruin them, sweetheart.” She chuckles as she slips them off of you. Your entire body is tense, you’re worried someone is going to hear you, but it also excites you in a way and Nancy knows that. Nancy says, “You get ten spankings for all the shit you’ve done today. You will count after each one, if you don’t, we will start over. I don’t care how long it takes, we’ll be here all day if we have to. Do you understand?” You choke out, “Y- Yes Na- Nance” and she replies, “Good. I don’t care how loud you are, but if you don’t want to get caught, I suggest being quiet. But I know you’d love to get caught, wouldn’t you, sweetheart? Cause you’re just a little fucking slut, right (Y/N)? You want everyone at school to know how much of a little slut you are?” You whimpered, no words came out of your mouth. Nancy said, “Answer me, (Y/N)” and you whimpered out, “Y- Yes, I want- I want everyone to know that- to know that I’m y- y- your slut, Na- Nance.” She chuckles and says, “Of course you do. Cause you’re just a filthy fucking whore.” Then, her hand came down hard on your ass. Tears started to fill your eyes as you hold your mouth shut, trying not to yelp. You choke out, “One” and Nancy mocks you, saying, “Look at you trying to be quiet. How cute, (Y/N).” Then, she spanks you again and a high pitched squeak leaves your mouth. You say “T- T- Two”, as tears are just waiting to roll down your cheeks. By the time she finishes spank four, you’re sobbing, not too loud, but not too quiet either. You say “F- F- Four” and it’s barely audible from the sobbing. Your brain starts to get fuzzy, making your worries of being caught slip into a blur. All you’re focused on now is counting, not wanting to start the spankings over.
Nancy’s hand came down on your ass for the fifth time, this time she landed it, hard. A loud yelp almost escaped your mouth and it would have if you wouldn’t have covered your mouth quickly. You choked out, “Fi- Five”, then Nancy mocked you and condescendingly said, “Aw, did that one hurt, princess? It’s okay, if you continue counting, you’re halfway done, sweetheart.” Your response was just sobs, your brain was far too fuzzy and blurry to respond with any words. The next few spanks weren’t as hard as the fifth one, they still hurt, nonetheless and still made you sob. The last spank she did, was the eighth one, and now Nancy was aiming for your sit spots. After you mumbled out, “Ei- Eight”, she said, “I can’t wait for you to think of this every time you sit down. Every time you feel the pain from me spanking you, you’ll remember that you did this to yourself. That you deserved this punishment, isn’t that right, princess? You think you deserved this punishment?” While sobbing, you choked out, “Y- Yes, Na- Nance, I- I deserve it” which only made you sob more. Your sobs started to get louder, but you couldn’t help it, the pain was getting too much. All you could think is that you only had to endure this for two more times. Nancy slapped your ass for the ninth time, her hand coming down hard, making you bite your hand to stop a yelp from leaving your mouth. You stuttered, “Ni- Ni- Nine” and Nancy said, “You have one more left, princess. I’d make sure you count this one or else you’ll have to start all the way from the beginning.” Thinking about starting over made you whimper. For the tenth and final spanking, Nancy was going to make sure it hurt. She wound her hand back and slapped your ass the hardest she has. The sound that came from it was loud, but you were louder. Even though you covered your mouth, your yelp was still very audible. You loudly sobbed, “Ten!” and you continued sobbing. Your brain was completely fuzzy, no words able to leave your mouth. Nancy moved the both of you, so that you were laying on your side. She held you tight, while you sobbed, your head nuzzled into her chest for comfort. Nancy also whispered calming things to you, trying her best to help you relax and ground you. She kept repeating, “I know, sweetheart. It’s okay, I’ve got you. Your punishment is all done. You did such a good job, (Y/N). You did so well for me, princess. It’s okay, I got you. I got you. Take deep breaths for me, sweetheart.” After ten minutes of sobbing in her arms, you were able to calm down for the most part. You still needed comfort and Nancy knew that. She ran her fingers through your hair and the two of you laid on the couch for another 15 minutes. After those 15 minutes, she said, “How about I drive us back to your house? We can cuddle and watch movies, if you want. Does that sound okay, princess?” You looked at her and softly mumbled, “Please.” She got up, then carefully and gently helped you put your thong back on. Nancy quickly got everything organized in the room and helped you get up without you hurting your ass. The two of you walked out the door and to her car. You hesitated to get in, but took a deep breath, then sat down. A loud whimper left your lips and you started to tear up. Nancy looked over at you and wiped away a couple tears that fell. She looked at you with soft eyes and in a soft tone said, “I know, sweetheart. It’ll be okay, you don’t live far from school. Just put your seatbelt on and be prepared for me to speed, okay?” You nodded, then quickly put your seatbelt on and as soon as she heard the click, Nancy raced out of the parking lot.
You lived a little under ten minutes from school, but since Nancy drove so fast, the two of you arrived in about five minutes. She quickly put the car in park, turned it off, and then rushed over to your side of the car. Nancy helped you out of the car, making sure to be gentle and careful, not trying to hurt you. After getting out of the car, the two of you went directly to your room. You changed into just a baggy hoodie with only your thong underneath it. Nancy took of her skirt and bra, then asked “Do you want to watch a movie or take a nap?” You replied, mumbling, “Nap please” in your sleepy voice, which Nancy loves. She smiles, her heart feeling extremely warm after hearing it and softly says, “Anything for my princess.” She got into your bed, then laid flat and said, “Come here, sweetheart.” Quickly and carefully, you got into your bed, making sure not to apply any pressure to your ass. You nuzzled your head into her chest and wrapped an arm loosely around her waist. Nancy had one hand running her fingers through your hair, while her other arm was wrapped around your waist, pulling you tightly into her. She said, “(Y/N), are you okay, sweetheart?” You replied, humming and mumbling, “Mhmmm, just sleepy.” Nancy said, “Okay, just checking. I love you, princess”, then kissed the top of your head. You mumbled back, “I love you too, Nance.” Within minutes you were fast asleep, pulled tightly into Nancy’s body. Nancy fell asleep a little while after you and in your sleep, the loose arm around her waist, turned tighter and you pulled yourself closer to Nancy. The two of you napped for a couple hours and Nancy woke up before you. She woke you up by peppering you in kisses until you were giggling. You said, “I could get used to waking up like that.” She smiled and said, “Well, how about I stay the night and wake you up like that tomorrow morning. Does sound good to you, princess?” You nodded enthusiastically and said, “That sounds so good Nance, please!” She smiled and said, “Okay, sweetheart”, then made her way over to your phone. Nancy called her parents to tell them that she was sleeping over at your house and they said it was fine. All Nancy wanted to do now, was take care of you and she did just that. Nancy cuddled with you while watching movies, made you dinner, and the two of you talked about some article ideas. She was so gentle with you, it made your heart melt impossibly more for her. You absolutely could not get enough of her, you loved her with everything in you. When it was time to go to sleep, she held you tightly in her arms, then said, “I love you so much, (Y/N). You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Then, she kissed the top of your head and you replied, “I love you so much, Nance. That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. You’re by far the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Thank you for taking care of me and comforting me today.” Nancy replied, “Anything for my princess.” Then, she kissed the top of your head again, before the both of you fell asleep. Just like she said, Nancy woke you up the next morning, peppering you with kisses until you were giggling.
I hope you liked it!!🥺💖
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slocumjoe · 1 year
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usually when people apologize for something being long its like...two paragraphs, but i admire that you actually come through on that
I personally lay hexes on people who post very long text blocks without a readmore, so I did have to go through and just copy+paste so I could put a readmore. Also, I italicized quotations/parentheses and italicized+bolded+colored the names, as I usually do, just because it’s easier for me to read. sorry for like, hijacking your stuff
anyway, @dontletyourchildrenwatchthis’s band au
Sole: is the director of the band. It’s more of a community band that they formed up after being medically discharged from the marines. Always wanted to be in a concert band/have their own band, and was in college for music education before enlisting due to financial disparities. Allows anyone and everyone who has a passion for music to join, and is a very open and free director, does their best to be friends with everyone in the band so the members don’t just see them as a director. Has even reached out to many people (some of the companions) to join. Though they’re fun, they take the band very seriously. If someone doesn’t take the band seriously with their commitment/dedication they very firmly ask them to consider their involvement. Does their best to help out anyone in need (practice, transportation, etc). Does their best to put together community concerts to raise funds for charities or funds for the band so they can travel/have music or instruments. Will put together specific pieces to show allow people to show off their skills.
Cait: I think she would be a trombone player. She used to be a trumpet player throughout grade school, as it was one of the only escapes from her abusive home life. After school practices, concert nights/trips, spending time in the practice rooms after school to avoid going home. Though it was originally a tool to escape home, she grew to love playing in a band, the support of her director and the friends in her section/bandin general. Though, when she was in high school her parents stole her instrument (which was loaned to her by the school since she couldn’t afford one of her own) in order to buy drugs. This made Cait very understandably upset, and it caused her a lot of trouble since the trumpet belonged to the school, so she wasn’t allowed to play anymore despite it not being her fault. She never forgave her parents for that, and without the support of the band, and her lack of stability at home caused her to fall off, much like her parents. Drugs, fights, etc. It took several years of her life, but after one-too-many arrests, she was forced to join NA (narcotic anonymous), and saw a flier for Sole’s community band. She wanted to pick up trumpet again, but too many fights ruined the dexterity of her hands, but Sole helped her pick up trombone, since it doesn’t require finger movements, and since she had past experience with a brass instrument, she didn’t have to learn an entirely new embouchure, just adjusted it to the new instrument. Being in the band has helped her stave off any relapses, as she knows Sole relies on her to be the principal trombone player, and she’s also grateful of all the help they offered her when she was at one of her lowest points.
Curie: I think she would primarily play violin, but her eagerness and desire to learn has caused her to attempt to pick up just about every other string instrument. Though, her primary job as a pharmacist already makes it difficult to dedicate a ton of time to the band, which has caused her much grief and has even caused a minor break-down, because she wants to dedicate herself to your band, and wants to learn so many new instruments. Sole, doing their best to be a good friend and director, allows her to learn on the donated instruments they’ve gotten, or the few they've bought and restored themselves. This allows Curie to try a new instrument every few concerts, which involves months of learning while they practice the new pieces. So far, Curie has picked up viola, and cello. Though, Curie is more than happy to play the violin if Sole really needs her for a specific piece or two.
Danse: Is also a veteran, in fact, it was through the service that he met Sole. They were under his command for the first few years of their service before being transferred to put their skill elsewhere. He was medically discharged after a mission went wrong. Danse entirely blames himself, because he believes it was his decision making that led to the deaths of his entire team, sans himself for being in power armor, despite the fact that his mission was doomed from the start. He completely lost his self-confidence and his purpose in life after his injuries made it impossible for him to rejoin the service. He reconnected with Sole at a veteran association, where they told him of their band. Sole offered Danse to join, as there were a few other veterans from the community in. He refused at first, since he didn’t know how to play a single instrument, but reluctantly accepted their offer to be taught one. I had a bit of a hard time choosing which instrument he would play, since I think he would be either a french horn or euphonium player. Sole let him try out both, and since I’m more partial to him playing french horn, that’s what I’m gonna go with him choosing. Being in Sole’s band has helped him regain his self confidence, and has given him a purpose. He is a dedicated and quick learner, which has made learning the instrument very easy for him, though he has a tendency to over-play when practicing. He was also a little hard to get along with at first, since he treated his section like a unit of soldiers, barking orders and sharing his not-so-nice opinions towards players who weren’t as dedicated as he thought they should be. Though,after a meeting with Sole, he became more mindful of his behavior. Speaking of Sole, he is extremely proud of them, growing into a leader/director/teacher, as he remembered how they were when they were first under his command years ago.
Deacon: Deacon is adaptive, and loves to move around, which is why I think he would be in percussion. He is a sort of jack of all trades, knows how to play most instruments that involve mallets, drum sticks, chimes, etc. If it involves a stick and something to hit, he’s on it. This may involve him having to move around to different instruments throughout a concert or even in a single piece, but he’s got it under control. He moves so fluidly and quietly you sometimes don’t even see him transfer instruments. He is just suddenly playing when he comes in. He can even play piano in a pinch, though he isn’t a fan of being that close to the edge of the stage, so far in the front of the band, which is why he is particularly fond of percussion, because they’re in the back. He is sort of hidden back there, that’s something he very much vib(raphone)es with. He will also lightly make fun of Sole for the faces they pull while directing after practice/concerts. He has even made faces back in the middle of practices, which has caused Sole to get distracted more than once, to which they will lightly scold him afterwards.
Hancock: Saxophone. When I think of Hancock, I think of smooth, really mellow and slow jazz. He is an amazing player, but prefers slower songs, songs that don’t require much technicality or any strong concentration/practice. He is a very lax person, not much of a fan of hard and rigid genres of music. He much prefers jazz, pieces that have interpretive solos/duets up to the players. I think at first he didn’t take the band seriously, would occasionally not show up for practice and a few concerts, because he either didn’t care or got too high (more than just weed with this guy, he does harder drugs usually). After Sole had a talk with him though, he initially quit. He originally joined the band because he liked how fun and free Sole was, and how loosely they managed the band. When Sole had that talk with him about needing more dedication from him to be in the band, he initially was upset, believing that went completely against the “freeness” of the band. But, he very much missed playing for Sole’s band, and worked out an agreement with them. He helped Sole form a full jazz band, which was much more lowkey, and comprised a smaller section of the band, purely for those that wanted to play full on jazz pieces. The smaller band had less practices and would usually play 1 or 2 pieces at the end of a normal concert. Out of respect to Sole’s dedication to the band (and to Cait’s triggers) he no longer shows up high, and doesn’t not mention his drug use/habits during meetings.
MacCready: I see Mac as a violinist as well. He played throughout most of grade school, but had to drop out of school when he accidentally got his girlfriend pregnant. He had to drop out of school and drop the cello in favor of working to support himself and his son. His girlfriend’s parents thankfully watched Duncan while Mac went to work, but that stopped after his girlfriend died. They blamed it on him, and in a way, he blamed himself too. She had been on her way back to her parents when she was in a car accident, which she unfortunately passed away from. This resulted in Mac almost falling apart. It was a really tough time for him, and became even harder when Duncan became seriously ill. This is how he met Sole, through one of their charity events. Sole’s charity raised a ton of money for the families of sick kids, helping them afford treatment. Once Duncan got better, Mac felt like he had to thank Sole personally. This is where they offered him to join the band. He was hesitant at first, since he had very little time as it is, and thought he needed to find extra childcare for Duncan, but Sole encouraged him to bring Duncan to practices, and has even helped him with childcare, offering to watch Duncan for free while Mac was at work, and Sole even started teaching him how to play piano. It was very difficult for Mac to make friends as a single father, especially since his girlfriend died, but joining the band has given him a chance for friends, even some around his age with kids of their own.
Nick: When he was younger, Nick was a very good trumpet player. Though he hadn’t picked it up in many many years by the time he met Sole. As a retired detective that suddenly had a ton of time on his hands, he looked for ways to occupy himself. He heard about Sole’s band through the paper, and when he read that it was an open community band that required a little more than light commitment, he pulled his old trumpet out of storage and showed up to practice. Though it took some time to get used to it again, and after a few cleanings and tune ups, he was back to the star trumpet player he had been back when he was younger. Though he makes jokes about how difficult it is to keep up with the younger members, he is constantly impressing everyone with his range and speed. Nick has taken a very strong liking to Sole, due to their kindness and dedication to the band and the members of it. He tries to take them under his wing, helping them manage the band and concerts and charities and everything else. He worries Sole will overwork themselves, much like he had during his job, so he offers his help where he can, and reminds them to take breaks, both physically and mentally.
Piper: Played the flute and also picked up the piccolo throughout grade school, though it was more of a hobby and hadn’t played either since high school until she joined Sole’s band. She found the band while reporting on it during one of the charity events Sole put on, and liked what she heard so much she decided to pick up her hobby again. Her being a journalist for the local paper has its benefits, because she will write articles about the band, upcoming concerts, etc (she may or may not include how beautifully the flute section played, and write about how one unknown flutist in particular played so beautifully, it moved the crowd to tears). Her contacts and connections through her job have elicited larger donations for the band and the charities it supports, but has also gotten them very prestigious concert opportunities. Piper herself is a wonderful flute player, and since her job requires a lot of typing, technical pieces where her fingers are flying over the keys are her specialty.
Preston: Clarinet and assistant band director. Also a veteran, and was in an army band before his enlistment contract ended. He enjoys marches the most, but is also a fan of jazz pieces, which has allowed him to explore his confidence a bit more with all the interpretive pieces. Joined Sole’s community band for his love of playing clarinet. He offhandedly mentioned wanting to learn how to direct to one of his section-mates, to which Sole had heard and taken seriously. He was extremely unconfident throughout his life, especially in leader roles, but has slowly grown much more confident under Sole’s direction. They will switch out during concerts, with Sole picking up their own instrument and joining the band while he gets to direct. Sole has involved him in deciding the theme of the concert, picking out songs based on what strengths the band had/things they wanted to improve. Sole even handed the reins entirely over to Preston so he could coordinate his own concert and direct it entirely on his own. Preston has excelled with directing, but has unfortunately fallen victim to Deacon’s light bullying over his “director faces”.
Strong: Strong is a huge man, in every way. There aren’t many big-person friendly instruments besides the tuba, though he still manages to make the tuba look small. Strong had a somewhat rough upbringing, and very rarely had kindness in his life. So when he meets Sole, someone who is genuinely kind and does their best to offer help, not only to the members of their band, but their entire community, Strong is immediately transfixed. He has not known kindness like Soles’s someone who just gives it out, whether or not the person deserves it. And according to himself, he was not worthy of kindness for the things he’s done. As an ex-con, he struggled greatly to find places that would accept him, which is only strengthened by the way he looks. Big, intimidating, mean. But Strong is also kind at heart, and only wants to learn how to be able to give his kindness instead of the cruelty given to him and expected of him. When he heard of Sole’s band, he really wanted to join, but didn’t even know how to play a single instrument, though that has never mattered to Sole. They offered to teach him some instruments, starting with the tuba since it was the easiest for him to play, size wise. But then someone donated a harp to Sole, hoping they could put good use to it. Strong was mesmerized by the beautiful and large instrument, and was the first to volunteer learning it for the band. He fell in love with it instantly, to the point where Sole gave him an extra key to the practice room so he can come in and practice when he pleases. Sole does their best to find pieces that include harp, but Strong still plays tuba when needed.
X6-88: Growing up, his guardians brought him up playing piano. He was forced to play the instrument for the majority of his life. Practices almost every day, concerts, school band, church band, etc. His guardians were very strict, and didn’t let him quit or have any of his other hobbies. They told him he was made for piano, he had a gift. He was naturally quite good at it, and through the rigorous routine and harsh punishments of his guardians, he excelled at it. A prodigy, if you will, winning competitions, playing in state, etc. He even got a scholarship for a prestigious music school for it, and he went through with it because that was what was expected of him. That is where he met Sole. The college was near their community, and they were looking for students wanting to play in concerts, as many college music students were constantly on the lookout for opportunities like that. He took Sole up on their offer, because he knew it would be expected of him were his parents there. He did his role perfectly, playing piano, but Sole was able to pick up that it wasn’t something he particularly wanted to do. And it was through Sole X6 was finally able to explore different hobbies, different interests. Sole also helped him gain the confidence to stand up to his parents, accept that he was his own person, an adult at that, and that he could choose his own hobbies and interests. He changed his major in college and has decided to pursue an entirely different degree, but he still plays in Sole’s band as their pianist. Now that he was able to pursue his own interests, he found that he did like piano, and was now playing as a choice instead of an expectation.
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switch · 2 years
I know you’ve probably already talked about this, but what exactly do you love about Vlad and Moriarty? Feel free to write as much or as little as you please, I’ll read it all anyway.
ehehe i kinda have before but i can try to elaborate a bit better this time…
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it really is everything, lol. as much as fictional characters reasonably can be, they've been a relatively important part of my life for ~5 years now, and i'd never maintained interest in any characters this consistently or this much before. i think the both of them hit pretty much a perfect balance for me in terms of content and characterization, and not to mention they inspired my art to improve a lot (thank you raita) (thank you maeda hirotaka)
vlad was basically my exact specific type (tall, older guy, long hair, goth-adjacent, facial hair <- important, etc) when i was 17, so when i saw some fanart of him back when apoc was still just a LN he instantly became my new favorite fate character. and then i actually ended up finding his writing and lore super compelling (even if underutilized sigh) on top of that. i love what a unique adaptation of vlad/dracula he is, his whole character concept is something that could really only come from and represents fate to me in a lot of ways, while still being recognizable.
if it was just apoc i might have moved on after a while but fgo was what made my brain really latch onto him. his my room dialogue, his sewing hobby, his valentine return gift, his voicelines, holy shit. he was the perfect combination of smug and scary and mean and cool and cute and tsundere and a little sad and weird and hey this guy is wearing a skirt. i loved him so much i just ended up loving everything about his design and character because it’s vlad and that’s why my list of his charm points are a mile long
same with moriarty kinda just being my type at first and seeing fanart of him, although i wasn't initially all that interested in moriarty? for some reason? like i appreciated that he was the only other dilf in the game besides shakespeare but i wasn't following JP then and it didn't really click for several months until uh
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my prophetic curse kicked in once again.
but anyway, similarly to vlad, i really think moriarty is one of the best adaptations of his character out there and another one of the best adaptations in fate in terms of mixing originality and faithfulness. i love just how much is going on with his character writing a lot of the time without feeling contrived. he's funny, he's evil (i like villain...), he's cool, he's weird, he's hot, it's insane how much takaya hashi's voice acting adds to him. i associate moriarty with a high point in FGO in general, with how impressive his NP animation was at the time and overall great shinjuku was (once i actually read the translation), and the anticipation of just dying for him to come to NA and then dying for his gray collar event to come to NA after that.
i'm so eternally grateful they gave him to RAITA, man. he's such a well-thought out design, and i still can't believe we didn't end up with "generically sexless older anime man" or "aged down twink" (wait wait wait WAIT WAIT) or "a girl," and that they were actually willing to take what they felt was a risk with his design. RAITA knew exactly what he was doing lol.
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i gotta be honest it was extremely nice being a fan of an actually decently popular (and well-loved by his artist) character for once. i felt like i was having goddamn heart attack when they announced moriarty's CBC event, i was so excited and surprised. his stuff kept me entertained when vlad content would go MIA for like a year at a time.
oh and yeah, wanting to pull off as many difficult fights with vlad and moriarty as i could and make them stronger units (especially since they were both almost infamously bad units back then, and i wanted to show what they could do in spite of that) was what triggered me getting into esports, and oh boy do i love esports.
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princessdreamie · 2 months
DBH part 65
The morning after
E, sitting at the breakfast table, read his e-mails as We came down from his room. E asked him the usual stuff.
„Have You slept well“, „“are you ready for your classes„“, etc. Se gave him his usual responses and dug into his cereal.
At that moment S came back from her job. After grabbing a bun and some fruit, she went back to her room, exhausted.
Normally E wouldn't think about it twice, but she started to come back more and more tired the last few nights. It got so bad to a point where he started wonder what she was so tired for. He will have to ask her later in the day. He was running late ad his oldest didnt come down yet.
Se was told to get his Brother, to which he enthusiastically replied: „On it!!“
C was still in his room but wide awake. He just didnt want to talk to anyone for now. His dad would ask him question after question and he wasnt going to have any of it.
A knock on the door ripped him out off his thoughts, asking in a grunted tone who it was. After knowing that it was his Brother, he let him in.
Se, while not usually good at reading ppl wanted to know why he was still not eating breakfast. Se sat on the bed without asking first as he looked at the teenager with his innocent eyes.
C gave him a watered down explaination hoping he would leave. Se just nodded from time, even tho he wasnt sure he quite gets it. C turned his back to him, trying to get more rest. Se patted on his back telling him that he will go through the day.
Back at Na's home
After getting ready, Na came downstairs to eat her toast and drink her juice. K wasnt at home right now bc of an emergency at the set. J wasn't here either for other reasons.
This time she ate alone but didnt mind it all too much. All she wanted to do was eat her breakfast and watch the first half of 'Grave Gem' b4 heading back to school.
One of the maids informed her that Lv & C wont be coming bc they were running late. Her face turned glum at the news thinking on how she would get to school. The nearest bus stop was a long walk away, and the bus would have already left by the time she finished her meal.
She called up some of her freinds but Mi is stuck in traffic with Le & T. And Xa, while living close to school, cant bc his mom's car had a flat tire. Some moron tree a bottle on the dude walk one some of the shards landed on the street.
The maid asked if she should inform someone from her Relatives but the girl declined. She didnt really want to see them for a while, but she was pretty much out of options.
Suddenly she got a lightbulb moment. She got back to her mobile and looked through her contacts. After some searching she finally found the number
Few moments later
Na waited infront of the gate, seemingly waiting for someone. A car pulled over letting her in.
The couplr greeted her with a smile on their faces. She called up the family from her previous babysitting job. Their child was sitting at the back, sleeping soundly.
The couple were happy to hear from her again after so long and gladly took on her request on taking her to school b4 she would miss the bell.
At school
Na thanked the small family, hoping to see them again in the future.
Once she arrived in the class room, she was greeted by her friends, who had been waiting for her.
After some chit chat, the bell rang, and the lesson could get started.
At E's comp
E was handling his business as Mt told him that his next meeting had reschedule to another day. Vexed, E inquired on why his business partner had the gull to waste his time.
Mt didnt know either, just that they had something coming up.
Frustrated, e told his assistant to make another appointment and went back to work.
At that moment he got a call from C.
Knowing that his son would never call from school if it was not important, so he picked up, hoping to not get any more bad news.
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fluffy-critter · 2 years
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therecordconnection · 3 years
Lil Nas X as an artist has been so fascinating to watch in terms of growth. If you had told me that the “Old Town Road” kid was going to just keep fucking curbstomping his competition and end up being the center of really thought-provoking (if not a bit controversial) discussion, I don't think I would've believed you. I absolutely love “Industry Baby” and the video feels like he definitely watched the video to Olivia Newtown John's "Physical" and said, "I can and will make something gayer than that for the 21st century". 
I think if you follow the songs "C7osure", "Montero (Call Me By Your Name)", and "Industry Baby", you get a really great trilogy that shows an artist who has become very confident in his own sexuality and has found a way to present it in a way that is wildly entertaining while still being very poignant to his audience. If a lot of gay black men (or just queer youth in general) have been following him and finally had the strength to come out or embrace their sexuality because of Nas' success, his music, his memes, his humor, etc., it should be considered a victory. I'm constantly impressed by just how plugged in this kid is when it comes to internet culture and how to use it as a tool for promotion. It’s clear that he's got it all figured out in a way that I never could've dreamed of at his age.
I also think he’s become a master of presenting himself in a way that's so mature while still leaving plenty of room for him to be really playful and hilarious. This and "Montero" are not meant to be taken that seriously, which only makes it funnier and more ridiculous when homophobes express disgust and start clutching their pearls. It's like, "Oh, this is what makes you mad? I feel sorry for you that you can't enjoy this, because this is just incredible art. You’re really missing out." I think Nas just keeps finding new and innovative ways to throw those disgusting, idiotic criticisms back without ever really revealing weakness. I think he's also shared really creative points and arguments that keep highlighting the ridiculous amount of hypocrisy these people show when they complain about his art. I don’t think he feeds off of controversy. I think it finds him and he’s just become adept at knowing how to throw it back. It’s an incredible skill in this day and age.
I imagine some stuff that he reads or sees on Twitter and other places probably bothers him and maybe even gets under his skin a little bit. (I mean, with death threats and tweets from actual sitting senators, how could it not?) He usually just posts another relevant picture of Squidward on Twitter and keeps going about his business. 
It's been absolutely amazing and such a thrilling, wild ride to see this guy go from "Old Town Road" to "Industry Baby". I legitimately think he's one of the best, most entertaining, most original dudes working in music right now and what he's doing and offering to people is truly invaluable. I’m always excited to see what's next for Nas and where he’s going. The guy is such a bright star and I hope he continues to go far.
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sunnyx07 · 2 years
Pm Boss! Dazai Osamu x reader
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Request?: No Summery: Yokohama shined the brightest at night, but this night, even the port mafia had a little hope of shining.
A/N: Hello! Its been a while and I brought you guys a Dazai Osamu Fanfic, In all honestly Its Kinda OOC and its not my best work, but I hope you guys like it regardless. Any requests are welcome!
Yokohama shined the brightest at night, at least, that’s what you always thought.
You are used to the odd hours your job, Stay up till 5 in the morning and continue work at odd hours of the day. It’s something you have accustomed into your life.
At a young age, you were alone. Your parents have been killed in an accident involving the military, as they both were secret agents working for the special division for unusual powers.
It made you an orphan, surviving on the streets, fighting for the basic needs that a human ever needed. Life was really unfair.
A year after the death of your parents and living on the streets, was the day you was taken in. Only were you debating if it was a curse or a blessing. It all started when you stole some food from a small group of men, they looked like they owned the place around, with their hygiene clearly been taken care of.
You sneaked around the base, looking for some sort of resources, and finally found what seemed to be a break room, quickly grabbed the stuff that contained either water or food and ran out of there, grabbing a random bag as you ran away to safety.
Only back then, didn’t you realise exactly what and who you stole from.
Being in the ‘safe’ home you made for yourself (cause lets save it, its far from being a safe home) You looked through the bag you had stolen from the base, grabbing the food and immediately eating like some kind of animal. You looked into the bag, as your eyes widen.
Documents, Lots of documents, and they looked like they were important too.
The color in your face slowly drained of your face, making you pale as a ghost. You grabbed the files, scanning through them. Things as Deals of the black market, selling jewellery, gems, guns etc were revealed into these files.
You put too much on your plate, you couldn’t possibly handle this.
You jumped at an unfamiliar sound outside of the little abandon warehouse you had stumbled on. You grabbed the little pocket knife, for protection against whatever lurked outside the warehouse.
‘’Such a shame.’’ A voice suddenly spoke, making you immediately turn your head to the owner of the voice. ‘’All this hassle just for some girl, Boss really ought to hire better people and not some randoms off the street.’’ A boy, maybe around the same age as you, maybe even older, stated. 
‘’I believe you have something of ours.’’ The boy questioned, but it really didn’t sound like a question at all. Behind him, were armed men, ready to strike as they seemed to follow orders of the teenager in front of you.
‘’Give the documents over, and your death will be a quick one.’’ He told you, as your hands were slightly shaking, as you quickly grabbed the bag. ‘’Not a chance asshole.’’ As you ran to the window, jumping out as the glass cut your already worn out clothing and skin. You landed on top of the buildings as you sprinted on the rooftops.
You jumped down, landing in an alleyway as you could hear the mysterious men scream in the distance. You sighed as you hid, and ran the other way the men were, bumping into a tall man with a white coat and a little blonde girl by his side.
You had no choice but to beg for safety, as you grabbed his sleeve. ‘’Excuse me sir you got to help me, I’m being chased and I really have to get to safet-“ As you were about to finish your sentence, The armed men suddenly surrounded both you and the man.
“She’s a quick one boss.” The boy from earlier showed his presence, as the men with the guns bowed down in front of the Man, who was the so called boss. “Would be a shame if we killed them off like that. They stole from the Port mafia and Almost successfully ran away, twice.”
Your eyes widen at the name of the organisation, your legs trembling slightly.
You really outdid yourself by stealing from the port mafia. “I’m sorry! If I knew I wouldn’t have-“ You plead but the boss just looked at you and cleared his throat, making you go dead silent.
“You have two options, Resist and die here, or come with us.”
You didn’t like the dying part, so you just nodded as you held onto the back bag,
And from that way on, your life changed completely.
You learned that the man who went as the name ‘Boss’, was named More Ogai, as the teenage boy at the time was called Dazai Osamu. They took you in, and made you become a killing machine. You were the partner of Dazai and the boy you later met by the name of Chuuya Nakahara. As they became known as Double black, your reputation is known as ‘Double blacks poison.’
Slowly you grew on them, Having an Sister-brother relationship with Chuuya, but your relationship with dazai, is a bit more difficult. It starts playful, but the tension of a rivalry has always been big between the two of you, at some point its so thick you can cut it with a knife.
You always tried to become better than Dazai, much to his amusement, it became a little game between the two of you. And slowly small bets and little mind games grew in between the relationship between you and Dazai.
When the time came that Dazai took the tradition of killing the mafia boss, which later on Dazai trusted you enough to tell that Mori didn’t die, but has started an orphanage somewhere away from Yokohama to live the rest of his life there, He became the new port mafia boss.
Which meant you were his Right hand Woman, next to His right hand man, Chuuya.
And so you are in this position, Standing in The boss his office, looking at the small city lights and the busy streets of yokohama. It was quite a view, you had to admit, as it looked over every part of yokohama.
“Are you staring off in space again?” The voice of her boss, shook her out of her thoughts. “I have told you that being lost in your own memories again isn’t the greatest thing you could have.” Dazai spoke, as you faced him once again.
He had become quite mature over the years, taking care of a business like this isn’t for some childish people, but his relationship with Chuuya and You has never changed, even if he became mature and handsome over the years.
Suddenly you felt your chin being lift up with a hand belonging to your boss.
You looked straight into his eye, the one that wasn’t covered in bandages, as a smirk covered your face. “How sweet, does the boss need his daily attention?” You challenged, hearing a chuckle escape from his lips.
“Your remarks have always been entertaining my belladonna.” He smirked. You just rolled your eyes, a taunting smirk displayed on your lips. It has always been like this and you wouldn’t dream of changing it in any way.
“Tell me Y/n” He suddenly spoke, sparking your interest, as you looked at him. “Would you die for me?”
The question itself sounds so absurd, but knowing the man behind the question, You knew exactly where this could lead. Gathering all the courage you could, you looked him straight in the eye and said.
He just chuckled, still having your chin lifted up with one hand, while the other hand had grabbed your hips, pulling your closer to him. “That’s a dangerous game your playing Belladonna, But You like playing with poison. After all, you inflict others with yours and I think you poisoned me too, Belladonna~” The Name suited you, and never in a million years would you think that you would be put in this position with him.
You chuckled as you pulled yourself closer to him, looking at his lips. “Then..” You spoke as you leaned in a little, “I’ll gladly Play this game a take the risk.” You whispered as your lips met.
For that night, Yokohama shined a little brighter.
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
not sure if you do camilo x reader x carlos but you can ignore this if you dont do those, i dont mind! Camilo & Carlos x Filipina!Reader where they are both trying to court her and hilariously trying to one up the other, like they'd do the traditional serenading, bribing her siblings to tell them more about her culture(bonus points if her siblings say the wrong stuff to screw both of them over, like teaching them insults telling the twins they are compliments and she ends up slapping them at one point maybe LMAOOO), helping out her parents etc. etc. you can decide how it ends! (hopefully neutral or if she had to inevitably choose there would be alt ending id youre up for it)
"the manliligaw"
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PART 2 || PART 3 || PART 4 || PART 5
— Camilo and Carlos are competing on who will win your heart. The twins were willing to do everything to make you swoon. For this round, they decided to try to traditionally serenade you by singing in your language. What could go wrong?
— modern au, fluff & humor
— female and Filipina reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong though I will refrain from using too much Spanish. Although I am very fluent in Tagalog so there would be Tagalog dialogs here and there I'll try to provide some translations for them
— heavy cussing
— okay, i fucking loooove this concept so i'm planning to make this into a series! here's part one for y'all and i hope you enjoy too anon :>  also! i made a Spotify playlist for this series hehe
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You were enjoying lunch with your family. Today was a hot day so you're wearing thinner clothes, you're literally sitting in front of the electric fan yet you're still sweating. You had a glass of cold mango juice and ate a few snacks. Seriously, the heat is going to be the death of you. As you took a sip of your cool beverage, there were eager knocks on the door and immediately, you recognize who was knocking. You sighed and clicked your tongue as one of your siblings come to answer the door.
"[Name]! Andito na yung mga manliligaw mo!"
Your sibling shouted in a sing-song voice, obviously teasing you. Before you can even get up from your seat, your mother rushes to welcome your two suitors. You sighed and waved at Camilo and Carlos Madrigal as they entered the dining room.
The Madrigal twins have been courting you since your first week moving to their town. They were the grandchildren of the mayor, Alma Madrigal. The town of Encanto was a bright place and you were lucky that your family has decided to reside here. You were around the same age as Camilo and Carlos, you even went to school with them. The two were admittedly handsome, they had opposite personalities. Camilo was cheerful, a superstar and a jokester, while Carlos was grumpy, a rockstar and a trickster. The twins already had a rivalry going on but when you moved to Encanto, it seemed like it got worse.
"Buenos tardes, [Name]"
They both greeted in unison. You smile and asked if they wanted some merienda. Camilo and Carlos nodded and instantly stuffed their mouths with food your mother cooked. You continue to try to keep cool during the hot weather. The twins couldn't help but stare at you wearing thinner clothes, both had identical blushes on their faces.
"Ey, don't stare at her like that, cabrón"
"Oh cállate, don't act like you're not doing the same, pendejo"
Camilo and Carlos whispered to each other. Ever since you moved into their town, they didn't learn how to take their eyes off of you. In their eyes, you were one in a million. Not to mention, you were beautiful, had a sense of humor, and were kindhearted. You were everything a man would swoon for. It didn't matter that you came from a different place with a different culture, Camilo and Carlos were determined to win your heart one way or another.
"So, what are you two planning today?"
You asked with amusement. The twins have been courting you for months yet you haven't even bothered to say yes to one of them. They always tried something different to court you every time but you won't budge, it only made them want you more.
"It's a surprise"
Camilo replies with a playful smirk. You raised one of your brows, curious about what will the surprise be.
"You'll see later why you should pick me [Name] instead of this, tonto"
Carlos butts in. Camilo gives him an offended look and punches his arm, his twin punches his arm too in return until the two went into a small catfight. You rolled your eyes at the silly sight.
"[Name]?! Anak, punta ka muna sa tindahan at bilhan mo ako ng suka!"
You internally groaned at your mother's voice. You quickly stood up and went on with the errand. Camilo and Carlos shared a look, wondering where did you go.
"Oh, she's just going to the store to buy some vinegar"
Your sibling explains to them. Whenever the twins would visit your household it's like a different world, a bit similar to their household but still different. For instance, one of your family members will randomly shout at you or even at your siblings to do some kind of errand or chore. Sometimes, Camilo and Carlos would be invited for dinner and the food would be different, they ate this dish called 'adobo' once and it was amazing. One time, they had to use the bathroom and they saw this little dipper in a bucket that they later found out was called a 'tabo'.
The two asked what kind of language you and your family were speaking and they discovered it was Tagalog. It was interesting but complex, there were similar phrases akin to Spanish. Yesterday, the twins found out about that polite word you would use when talking to your elders called 'po' or 'opo'. Honestly, Camilo and Carlos can spend an entire decade trying to learn your culture if it means getting close to you.
During the peaceful silence, Camilo and Carlos suddenly shared a look. It was like they had a telepathic conversation as they nodded at each other. They both turn to your sibling.
"Hey, do you mind teaching us any Tagalog songs you know?"
Your sibling quirked their eyebrow at the two. Your other sibling comes walking into the room, clearly hearing what the twins asked.
"Kasi i-haharana nila si [Name] in Tagalog"
"Oh! Teka, how did you know that?"
"I heard their conversation earlier"
Your sibling muttered a 'marites' towards their sibling and rolled their eyes. They pondered for a while if they wanted to teach the twins a Tagalog song until a very wicked idea formed inside their head. Your sibling grins and grabs your other sibling by the ear and whispered something, Camilo and Carlos watched in confusion.
"Hoy gago sigurado ka ba dyan baka magalit si [Name]"
"Yeah yeah, I'm sure plus this plan is going to be funny"
Your two siblings turn at the twins with identical smiles. There was suspicion in the air but Camilo and Carlos didn't bother to question it.
"Sure! We'll teach you this one Tagalog song that my friends and I used to sing"
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Eventually, you made it home and the Madrigal twins were nowhere to be found. Your mother tells you they have gone with your two siblings somewhere. You don't think too much of it. Later, after the sun has sunk, you were scrolling on your phone in your room until you hear the faint sound of someone calling your name. You dropped your phone, confused. The sound came from outside so you softly brushed away the curtains from your window and peeked outside. You let out a tiny gasp when you saw Camilo and Carlos waiting expectedly at you.
You hurriedly opened your window and looked down at the twins. Camilo was holding a tambourine while Carlos was clutching a guitar. Dios, was this their surprise? You wave down at them and they both smiled at you. The two shared a look of nervousness. Camilo and Carlos have been practicing the song your two siblings taught them, they were assured that they were going to do great with the serenading. Both of them let out a deep breath.
"[Name], this song is for you!"
A soft strum of the guitar filled the air. You watch in awe as Carlos swiftly plays the guitar, Camilo was playing his tambourine along to the rhythm. You have no idea what song they were about to sing but you feel flattered at the fact they decided to serenade you. Camilo clears his throat, prepared to sing the first part.
"Tinitigasan na naman ako sa 'yong ganda. Dahil sa iyong ganda, ako'y napatanga"
Camilo resumes to sing, his voice was smooth that it almost made your heart skip a beat. You recognize that he was singing in your native language which surprised you greatly.
"Dahil sa iyong ganda, ako'y napatanga"
He continues and this brings a red flush across your cheeks. Camilo's Tagalog singing is very impressive. Your eyes meet with Camilo and he sends you a playful wink, you smiled at him in return
"Suso mo na napakalaki, parang pakwan"
You freeze. The smile on your face drops and your mood turns into a 180. Did you just hear that correctly? Meanwhile, Camilo and Carlos continued playing, oblivious of the look of horror on your face.
"Bote ang 'yong katawan at puwet mong malaman"
Camilo sings with his heart out, but neither he nor Carlos understood what they were singing. Your siblings told them it was a song about a girl who's pretty so the twins agreed that they should definitely serenade the song to you. It was Carlos' turn to sing.
"Pwede ka bang maikama pagtapos mo d'yan?"
Carlos' voice was slightly lower and rougher but not less melodious than Camilo's. He was sweating all over as he passionately strums the guitar.
"Pagkatapos mag-inuman, magbabanatan"
He sings louder, hoping that his singing would make an impression more than Camilo's. Carlos quickly sends his twin brother a mischievous smirk, Camilo only scowls at him.
"Iitsa ka sa kama, tuloy ang tuhugan"
Carlos continues, truly feeling the beat and vibe of the song despite not understanding the lyrics. But hey, he did a great job singing in Tagalog didn't he?
"Para kang tinapay, titi ko ang palaman"
Carlos finishes his line. It was time for the rap verse, Camilo agreed to do the first half then they'll repeat the chorus.
The twins immediately stopped singing and performing their instruments when they saw you by the entrance of your house. Camilo and Carlos looked at each other, you were approaching them with an unrecognizable expression. One of them was about to say a word until you went over and slapped Camilo firmly across the cheek.
"You fucking asshole!"
Camilo holds his now reddish cheek, baffled that you cussed at him. Carlos was about to bark out a loud laugh but you turned and also slapped him hard across his face. He was silenced and looked at you speechless.
"Hayop ka! Fucking pervert!"
You screamed at Carlos. The twins glanced at each other, both confused and clutching their cheeks. You start to shout at them in Tagalog, presumably cursing at them again. Fuck, you looked so upset. Did you not like the song? But your siblings told them you'll like it! Eventually, you left and slammed the front door in front of their faces. There was a pause as Camilo and Carlos heard a snort followed by fits of laughter. They watched with embarrassment as your siblings looked at them by the window, pointing and laughing.
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The news of Camilo and Carlos unknowingly serenading you with a very inappropriate Tagalog song was spread all over your family. Your parents were about to throw hands with the twins until you found out that your siblings taught them how to sing the perverted song. Of course, you go running to your parents and they rightfully gave your siblings an earful.
Now, you felt stupid for slapping Camilo and Carlos. You hugged your pillow as you buried your face in it, screaming in embarrassment. You plan to go visit the twins and apologize when a knock on your door beats you to it. You raced downstairs and found Camilo and Carlos waving at you. Thankfully, their cheeks aren't red anymore. You pout and give them each an apologetic hug, saying that you were sorry profusely in Tagalog.
"Hey, if you don't mind. We kinda...uh, we wanna serenade you again"
"Don't worry, we found a very appropriate Tagalog song this time"
You smiled and nod your head. You wait as Camilo and Carlos brought out their instruments. You watch as they gazed at each other and collectively nodded. Carlos starts strumming his guitar, Camilo following along with the rhythm.
"Uso pa ba ang harana?"
Camilo was the first to sing and instantly you recognize the song, it was Harana by Parokya ni Edgar. One of your favorite songs. Your heart fluttered at this.
"Marahil ikaw ay nagtataka..."
Carlos sings the second line with a confident strum on the guitar. Shit, they're so great at singing and performing. You let them finish their serenade, you can feel the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. It was so beautiful, your heartstrings were tugged. You thank Camilo and Carlos for the wonderful serenade. Damn, are you starting to warm up to them?
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
Loki request (spoilers)
Reader is a variant who got captured by the tva, they're sent to trial and Loki saves them from getting killed bc he still owed them a favour. Morbius gets confused bc those two dangerous variants know each other, turns out they were best friends in their original time line. Now Morbius has to babysit two sarcastic assholes. Double trouble ensures.
Double Trouble | l.l fluff fic
Summary: The request. 
Authors Note: I fully acknowledge and support Loki being genderfluid. In this fic, I will be using he/him pronouns for Loki since those were the pronouns they’ve used for Loki in the show so far, indicating that at the time this fic is set, Loki’s genderfluid identity is of a man. Should those pronouns/identity change, so will the pronouns for my fics. I do not intend to be harmful in any way so if this is harmful to the genderfluid community, PLEASE let me know!
Request to be on a Taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2 | Main Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
header c @dearcardan on twitter
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Yeah, Loki was definitely not taking any of this seriously. At this point, he theorized that the Avengers were laughing their asses off on this elaborate prank they were playing on him, and he decided to just wait it out. It had to stop at some point, right? There was no way that this “TVA” bullshit was actually, in any way, real.
At least . . . He believed that until he saw a familiar face.
Mobius had just saved him from being reset to the original timeline and they were walking out of the courtroom just as the doors opened and two TVA agents were walking another “criminal” in. Loki still wasn't buying this elaborate scheme so he didn’t really pay this new person much attention, until he heard the judge speak. 
“Miss Y/N Y/L/N - am I correct?” 
Loki froze, eyes traveling to the “criminal” passing him. He first thought that Thor had set this part of the prank up, but he knew his brother didn’t really understand how mischief really worked. Plus, Loki could tell Y/N wasn’t an illusion. 
. . . So that meant she was actually here. 
“Hey, wait, can I see this trial?” Loki whispered to Mobius, who glanced back at the judge and raised his eyebrows skeptically at the brunette deity. Loki added, “I just want to see a little more of how this place works, okay?” 
Mobius was sure Loki was onto something and after a couple moments of thought, he agreed. At least this would give him a chance to get to know this troublemaker better, and they both shuffled into seats. 
“You are correct, madame,” Y/N answered mockingly, a big grin on her face as she walked up to the podium. She then looked around in an exaggerated manner. “Well, do I get a lawyer or what?” 
Loki smirked and the judge scoffed. “How do you plead?” The judge asked, dismissing her questions. 
“What ‘crimes’ have I supposedly committed?” 
“You have been accused of creating an alternate timeline that does not fit into the main continuum. You snuck into Odin’s vault using your Asgardian abilities  and when you used the fake Infinity Gauntlet and, in your attempt to enchant the Gauntlet to work like the actual one, you accidentally travelled forward in time and created a new timeline,” the judge summarized. 
Loki smiled, amused and proud. He only wondered what led her to this. 
“In my defense, I heard that my friend was in trouble and wanted to help out,” Y/N said with a shrug. 
“Well, the enchantments were not supposed fully work. They were meant to just backfire on you and knock you unconscious, where you’d be imprisoned in the dungeon. But then you tried to use another powerful object in Odin’s vault which created a Nexus event, messed with your enchantment on the fake Power and Time stone, and here you are,” the judge explained.
“If I wasn’t meant to do this - why didn’t these ‘Time Keepers’ control my actions and make me do something else?” Y/N asked, changing the subject.
“I am not going to entertain you any further. In your previous statement, quote: ‘In my defense, I heard that my friend was in trouble and wanted to help out’ You have admitted your guilt and will now be reset,” the judge declared sternly.
Immediately, two TVA agents grabbed Y/N harshly and began to drag her away from the podium. Loki, who at this point had connected the dots that he was the friend she had been trying to help, knew he owed her one. He couldn’t just let her be reset and then be imprisoned. So, thinking rather quickly, he leapt up from his seat and shouted, “No!”
All heads turned to him. Y/N’s eyes went wide, not having spotted him, and Mobius was beginning to regret his decision. Loki turned to Mobius. “You need me to help you with this ‘sacred timeline’ stuff. I’ll only do it if Y/N stays,” he said, panting.
Mobius caught an angry look from the judge but his gaze settled on Y/N. After a couple moments, he sighed and relented. “Fine.”
Y/N and Loki cheered and she broke out of the agents’ grips, running to Loki who picked her up and hugged her. “That’s my girl,” Loki said, proud of her for her prank.
Mobius internally groaned. This was going to be a long day.
“So how do you know each other?” Mobius asked as he walked in-between the Asgardians, leading them to his office.
“Y/N’s been my best friend, partner in time, ever since I was little,” Loki said, grinning.
“Got it,” Mobius said, frowning. He could only imagine the mischief they had conjured.
After reviewing both of their files, Mobius had to step out for a second, leaving Loki and Y/N alone. “Let’s try to break out,” was the first thing to leave Loki’s lips.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “And suppose we do, how the hell are you gonna get the Tesseract back? Plus, I won’t wanna be imprisoned on Asgard,” she reasoned, quickly shutting the idea down.
Loki huffed. He was bored. He wanted to do something.
And he had something to do when Y/N stood up and started walking around. With a smirk, he grabbed the remote controlling Y/N’s collar and clicked it, immediately sending her back to her seat.
She turned and glared at him, and he just smirked, innocently shrugging. “I wanna have fun,” he said.
Y/N rolled her eyes and cautiously stood up again. When nothing happened, she walked around a bit more, and Loki let her . . . Until he got bored again. With another click, she reappeared on the other side of the room, in mid-walk.
Before she could protest, Loki did it again. And again. And again. He finally stopped when she got out the words, “CUT IT OUT!” and laughed to himself.
“You asshole,” Y/N grunted, beginning to walk towards him, but skidded back when Loki clicked the button just one more time.
“Oops. My finger slipped,” Loki smirked.
Y/N glared, but being reset made her lose her footing, and she tumbled to the floor, causing her best friend to cackle. Annoyed, she ran at him and managed to push him off his chair, tackling him to the floor. They rolled around, neither one gaining the upper hand for too long, until Mobius re-entered, saw the chaos, pulled Loki to his feet, and grabbed the remote, resetting Y/N so she was back in her chair.
“Hey!” Loki exclaimed, pushing Mobius off him. “No one controls my best friend!”
Y/N couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not, but smiled nonetheless. Mobius glared and grabbed Loki’s remote, resetting him so he was back in his chair. He then turned to them both.
“I’m beginning to agree with my colleagues that this-” he gestured to Loki and Y/N, “-was a bad idea.”
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @marrymemcgrath @celestialbarnes @kathryndimitrescu @snipyloulou @big-galaxy-chaos @cc13723things
MCU Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @summerlovingbaby @ineffablebean @okkulta @procrastinatingsapphictrash @prettysbliss @caseyfish @sarahp-stan @thewidowsghost @basiclesbianbitch @mycosmicparadise @kidswhofightmonsters @xtraordinaryfangrl @peggycarter-steverogers @username23345 @ima-gi--na-tion @yori-nakajima @hi-i-1 @mmmmokdok @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @mads-weasley @tenaciousperfectionunknown @afraid-to-be-me @lilclownx @acertainredhead @natromanoffxox @lilymurphy03
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mothra-mcyt · 4 years
Hi! Love your work!! Can I request a Schlatt SFW alphabet please? Thank you ❤️
(Remember that Schlatt is just a character/persona and this is not about the realy person behind that character)
☾ Jschlatt SFW Alphabet ☽
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I don't think he would show you affection directly. Most of the time it's subtle like if you two are hanging out he will play your favorite song he remembered you talking about, making sure you drink enough water, always asking if you've eaten something already etc.
Or giving you presents like new video games, buying a hoodie that he saw you looking it while thinking about buying it
And of course he would also show you affection through bullying.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship would probably start with a love or host or the two of you got introduced to eachother by a friend.
He would be a fun bestfriend having the attitude of "I'm the only one who's allowed to bully you everyone else can shut the fuck up."
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Likes to lay on his back with you at his side with your head laying on his chest. Puts his arm around you and pets your hairs.
Also really likes to lay his head on your chest and hearing your heartbeat.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Imma be honest he's not that good at cooking or cleaning always having unwashed clothes and ordering food most of the time.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It depends on how long the relationship has been going and on how strongn the bond of you two is.
If you two haven't been together for long it would be way easier for him making him able to tell it to you without being very sad.
But if you two have been a couple for a long time it would be very hard for him probably not being able to keep the tears in.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I feel like he has commitment issues and he just constantly worries that the two of you are going to break up after marriage so it would take him to really know you're the one to get married.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He doesn't really like showing when he's sad because he thinks it makes him look weak but if you're sad he won't think of you as weak at all and will do his best at comforting you.
He's very aware of his strengh and is very gentle physically always being careful when picking you up or hugging you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
At first he's like "Na i don't really like hugs that much" until once you gave him a hug while he was angry to calm him down. That moment he realised how much he likes getting hugs from you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
The words "I love you" mean a lot to him so it would take him a long time to say it with a meaning behind it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
It really depends on the person. If he trusts the person you're hanging out with and knows them then he doesn't care because he trusts you.
But if he already thinks the person you're hanging out with is sus then he can get kinda jealous.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He really likes to kiss you on your neck because he likes the reaction he can get out of you.
Most of his kisses are really heated taking away your breath but if the moment is fitting he likes softer kisses.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I don't think he's that good around children. He doesn't like how loud and annoying they are. But he finds it adorable how curious they can be sometimes and how they don't give a shir and tell you straight in the face when they think you're ugly.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Sounds really weird but because i know that he likes animals i feel like he'd watch animal documentaries that are playing on the tv early in the morning while laying in bed with you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
If he has to edit it's probably spent with him sitting at his pc while you're in the room doing whatever you want because he likes your company.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think he would start revealing things pretty early but he waits a while to reveal things slowly and not everything at once. Letting you take your time in figuring out if you like him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Usually he doesn't get seriously angered easily but plays being angry. He could never be seriously angry at you because he's scared you're gonna hate him. But if someone is being mean to you he can get angry easily.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He likes to remember stuff about you and write it down in his phone. Your favorite colour, favorite flower, favorite song, your insecurities etc.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Once when he was editing you fell asleep in his lap trying to stay awake so he acted like you were a cat and did his best not to move to disturb you in anyway that could wake you up.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
If he sees you being uncomfortable because of someone he can be pretty protective. If it happens outside he will get you out of harms way and probably insult the person that is making you uncomfortable. Is also not afraid to throw hands.
He's basically constantly 'bullying you' but if someone other than him bullies you he's like 'Hey bitch you can't do that'
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts a lot of effort into dates and anniversaries making sure that you're going to like what he does/gives you.
Usually when he gifts you stuff it can be anything that he finds on the internet but he likes to gift you games over steam.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He's not very good at expressing his emotions especially sadness so he tends to bottle up all sadness until he has a breakdown. While in that breakdown he distances himself from you because he's scared you're gonna hate him.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I mean he's not completely obsessed with his looks but he just likes to look neat for himself. What he is kinda obsessed with tho is his beard and he always wants it to look good.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
The thing is he's definitely able to be alone for a while without immediately missing you. But he loves just you being around him without conversations so he would probably start to muss your company.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If he really trusts you he'll lay his head in your lap and if you pet his hair he'll probably fall asleep. Loves to do this after a long day of editing or streaming.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn't like it if his partner gets overly jealous. It annoys him and he sometimes just wants to hang out with friends.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He has a tendency to pull the blanket closer to him when sleeping so you better cuddle with him if you don't wanna freeze.
He also sometimes drools but don't tell him that.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Straw Hats With A Shipmate! Who Lost Someone Special
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A/N : For anyone who has lost someone dear to them, whether it was recently or long ago, it’ll be okay. There are times where we either hate ourselves, hold regret, or refuse to accept the reality, but no matter what, we have to accept the truth. These things happen and we have to deal with it. I know some of us like to bottle these feelings up instead of letting it all out. But I just want to say that it’s okay to let it out. Don’t keep the pain to yourself because it’s not going to make things better. Let it all out and bring peace to yourself some day. Everything will be okay.
Warning : mentions of death, negative, heartbreaking thoughts, etc. + MARINEFORD SPOILERS.
Note : I don’t expect you to read this, nor do I expect you to appreciate this. I don’t know my readers, so I don’t know how sensitive some of you are. I don’t normally write this kind of stuff either, hopefully this is the only time you’ll see this.
of course this will have a sweet ending.
This is also pretty long.
Summary : The crew witnesses their crew mate’s loss of a loved one, and notice that their shipmate is acting as if everything’s fine. They won’t accept that.
Everything was peaceful.
The crew was just sailing around the seas for a bit, enjoying their time together after two years apart from each other.
After Fishman Island, the others were just taking a breather and relaxing.
However, you knew that your home island was nearby. 
You wanted to visit it, which the crew agreed, since it let them experience your island and perhaps learn about where you came from.
Unfortunately, you didn’t know how horrible things have been since you were gone.
Nor did you ever expect to see someone so dear to you, die right before your eyes.
When you docked at the island, instead of a warm aura and a homely greeting from the civilians, the island was in ruins.
There was hardly anybody around, and the people that were still there, were all weak and barely alive.
Nothing was right, nor was anything left. Buildings in ruin and destroyed, fields and trees of the forests were burned and there was blood shed all over the ground.
Nothing could be seen but blood. It was truly a horrific sight to be seen.
The crew mates all stare at the sight in horror and shock.
After hearing your stories of how beautiful and amazing the island was and how kind the people were, they were definitely not expecting to see the opposite it was.
“Oi, this isn’t anything like you described. You sure we’re on the right island?” Luffy mindlessly comments, the others staring at Luffy like he was an idiot, Usopp clearly stating it aloud. “Oi, Luffy! Don’t say things so bluntly!”
You, ahead of the group and had an expression of fear and horror written all over, just snap back into reality and turn to Luffy, seeing the others staring at you.
“..I was thinking the same, Luffy.” You weakly smile as a forceful chuckle escaped your lips, you rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. “I guess things can change when time passes.”
“Maybe we are on the wrong island..”
You weren’t. You knew you weren’t. This was the place where you were born and raised.
Although it was completely destroyed, you recognized some of what was left in the rubble, even some of the old people that were barely hanging on.
Your words were heard, the others noticed how quiet it was and already understood the truth. Something happened while you were away from home, and it wasn’t good from the looks of it.
“[Name]-chan... we don’t have to-“ Sanji starts but you only smile lightly at the crew. “It’s fine. Before we go back to the ship,.. can we look around a bit? It’ll be quick.”
They knew what you meant and what you wanted to do, all of them nodding. “Of course, take as long as you need. There’s no rush.” Robin assures softly, Nami nodding in agreement. “We’re here if you need anything.”
You nod at them and continue to lead the group through the streets, them following you in silence as Luffy kept his eyes on you.
You heard some of the groans and noise of discomfort and pain from the ones who were on the brink of death, your head lowering down as you bit your lip, trying to ignore them.
As much as you wanted to run to them and help them any way you can, you somehow already knew it was useless.
Whatever happened while you were gone, it was too damaging to be fixed. The many bodies that were spread across the town made sure of that.
In the back with the crew, you hear Brook, Usopp and Chopper freaking out every once in a while at the sight of the bodies, Sanji and Nami mentioning about feeling a bit sick and just shocked at the sight of them, while Franky, Luffy, Robin and Zoro all stare silently, many thoughts running through their head.
There was one thought they all had in common.
Just what the hell happened?
You continue to walk with your head down, before noticing an all too familiar house and look up, beginning to jog over towards it, a hopeful look in your eyes.
“W-Wait, [Name]!” Usopp calls at the others try to catch up. You ignore him and sprint towards what was left of the home and slam the door open accidentally.
“[ Special Someone ]!” You call out a bit too loudly, looking out frantically for them. “[ Special Someone ]! It’s [Name]!”
A small hum could be heard in another room, you rushing over just as the others arrived at the home.
You ran over and widen your eyes at the sight of them. [ Special Someone ] was leaning against the wall, breathing slow with many cuts and dried blood all over them.
Their clothes stained with the red liquid and the entire house was a wreck, with smashed furniture and shattered glass all over.
“[ Special Someone ]!” You shout in disbelief and horror, unable to process anything as you lunge yourself to the one person who was always by your side.
“[Name]..?..” they breathed out, weakly forcing themselves to sit upright more, you aiding them carefully, as their arms rested in their lap.
“Wow.. I can’t believe it.. how.. lucky.. I get to see you?..” [ Special Someone ] coughs out roughly, spitting a bit of blood out onto their hand as they did so making you even more shocked.
The crew enters the room with eyes wide as saucers. “[Name]?” Nami questions, mouth gaped at the sight of you kneeling beside a person on the brink of death.
Tears brimmed your eyes as you turn to Chopper pleadingly. “Chopper, please, help them!” You cry out with a shout, Chopper’s teary shocked eyes widening more as he nods quickly and rushed over with his bag.
Chopper sits on the other side of [ Special Someone ], opening his bag and grabbing out the proper supplies.
“[Na..me].. stop, I’m fine. There’s nothing.. you can do.” They insisted, turning to Chopper with a weak smile. “A rein..deer?.. how cute..” Chopper didn’t say anything as he continued to do his work, quickly examining the injuries they had before patching them up.
“Shut up, [ Special Someone ], Chopper’s going to help you, okay?! Now, tell me who did this to you?” You say, clasping their hand in yours as they cough once more and tilt their head back.
The others could only watch in silence with sad, concerned or pitiful looks at the sight, assuming that this person was someone so dear to you. They didn’t know who it was but they knew enough.
“... Marines..”
Everyone tensed at the word, a few of them in disbelief. Marines did this?
You didn’t say anything, your grip on their hand tightening as you chew on your inner cheek. “Marines, huh?...”
“If you don’t mind me asking, how long ago did this happen?” Robin cautiously and slowly asks, [ Special Someone ] looking up at her.
They look away and flinch at bit at Chopper’s work as they whisper out an answer. “.. one week.”
No one expected that. Everyone’s eyes widened even more. One week!?
“S-seriously?! This happened one week ago?!” Brook shouts incredulously, Usopp trembling in his shoes. “T-This happened while we were on our way here?!”
Your breath hitched in your throat, your body frozen and completely lost in thought. This..happened.. in a week?..
You.. You could have done something.. if you just got here faster? You could have prevented all of this, if you just arrived sooner?
No, you couldn’t blame yourself. How could you have known? You weren’t at fault, right? Right?
“[Name]. It’s okay..” [ Special Someone ] turns to you with the all too familiar smile of theirs, it was a weak one, but it was still the same.
“Fate has it twisted sometimes, but it’s never wrong. If fate had this in its destined path for me, then I have to accept it. If I must die, I’m happy to have died being able to see you one last time.” They managed to speak out in one breath, forcing their smile wider.
[ Special Someone ] notices Chopper moving away from him slowly with saddened and regretful eyes. They knew the result and reason for it already.
You chose to ignore their words and scoff, feeling tears brimming your eyes. “Stop talking like that, it’s not time for you yet. It’s not too late. Right Chopper?!” You look up with teary eyes at the small reindeer.
“You can save them, right!? It’s not too late!”
Chopper would look down, pulling his hat down to cover his face as his lips trembled and quivered a bit. “[Name], I—“
“Chopper! You’re supposed to be the best doctor I know, so please, tell me it’s not too late!” You cried out, turning to look at the others.
The others already knew the answer too just from the look of Chopper and how weak [ Special Someone ] was quickly getting.
“Franky? Usopp? Zoro?” You call out to them, receiving no answer and just sad looks of pity and sorrow.
“Luffy!” You call out to your captain desperately, seeing his head tilted down with his hat shadowing his face.
“Everyone.. WHY AREN’T YOU ANSWERING ME?!” Confusion ran over you, too worried and afraid to face the truth and have any sense.
Nami stares at you with her own tears threatening to fall, already knowing what was going to happen.
Chopper grips his hat tightly as he stares down, tears streaming down his cheeks and dripping to the floor.
Sanji couldn’t stare at you, his eyes closing shut as he wished he could help you somehow.
Franky looks at you with a frown placed on his lips, staying silent because he thought it was best to remain so.
If Brook had eyes, he’d stare with sorrow and tears as well, also remaining quiet.
Zoro just shut his eyes, almost unable to watch you looking at them so desperately and pleadingly.
Robin looks a bit pitifully, sad eyes washing over her and over at you and your teary form.
Usopp felt tears threatening to stream down his cheeks as well, feeling regret and sadness for you, hands clenched tightly into fists.
Finally, Luffy still held no reaction, arms at his side, head still lowered. But he was trying hard not to get angry or tear up himself, this reminding him of Ace’s death a bit.
“[Name].. it’s too late.. I’ve already lost a lot of blood and my wounds are.. too hurt to be healed.. the damage is done..” [ Special Someone ] breathes out, a small smile forming on their lips.
“[ Special Someone ]... what are you saying?.. I..”
“Stop..” you look down, your hair covering your eyes as your lip quivered.
“I’m thankful you found people to keep you company..” they turn to the crew with a soft smile.
“Stop it..” you whispered, teardrops slowly falling.
“Thank you for taking care of [Name].”
The crew only smiled sadly at [ Special Someone ].
“STOP TALKING, ITS NOT TOO LATE FOR YOU!” You cry out loudly, tears finally falling down your cheeks as you shouted. “[ SPECIAL SOMEONE ]!”
[ Special Someone ] only leans their head back and their breathing only shallows as they slowly lean down into your arms.
A small smile formed on their lips as they whisper out through your cries.
“I’m sorry... and thank you... [Name].”
Your scream and sobs filled the entire island as you clutched their body close to yours, eyes shut and cheeks soaked with tears as the tears drops fell onto their slowly dying body.
The crew watched silently, feeling their heart ache and sting at the sight of you sobbing and desperately clinging into whatever was left of your precious childhood memory.
Later that same night, after you were left alone to make a proper burial for [ Special Someone ], you returned to the crew, who sat waiting in the small home in silence.
Your voice would bring their attention to you and see the weak smile settled across your lips. “I’m sorry for wasting your time!... we can set sail now.”
They would be shocked to say the least. How could you ever think you were wasting their time? Much less, after such a traumatic and shocking event just hours prior.
“[Name], what do you mean? You weren’t wasting-“ You interrupt Usopp with a small forced chuckle.
“It’s okay, it was my fault. I should’ve known there wasn’t a point to come to this island, it’s kind of pointless considering how rundown and ruined it is now.”
“Wait, what’s going on, don’t you feel upset at all?” Nami asks with furrowed brows as she stands up to look at you.
You stare at her with a bit of wide eyes before closing them slowly and put on a big and bright smile.
Your words shocked them and made them speechless. They didn’t know what to say.
“Of course not! About what? There’s nothing to be upset about at all!”
Not even Luffy was sure what to say to that.
So it led them to heading to the ship to set sail the next early morning.
One day.
One day since the crew witness you experiencing and watching the death of a loved one right before your eyes.
Yet, here you were, all smiling and laughing in front of them, as if nothing happened at all. You were making jokes and trying to make the others laugh as well.
But they weren’t.
Sure, they gave sad smiles to you, a few of them offering weak or forced laughs in addition, but they couldn’t understand why you were acting like this.
Were you afraid to seem weak in front of them?
They weren’t sure but they knew something was up. But seeing you be so joyful as if nothing happened was too heartbreaking for them to say anything.
Three days.
Three days have gone by since the day you had witness the death of a loved one.
The crew was getting worried for you. They assumed maybe you were trying to be positive and remain happy in front of the crew, or maybe you really were over the death you witnessed first-hand but that was proven wrong just this morning.
The early morning, Sanji was getting ready to prepare breakfast when he heard noises in the aquarium lounge.
Confused, Sanji takes a peek in the room to see your shaking form, your back facing the doorway as you were curled up, hugging your knees.
He could hear your quiet cries as you hid your face into your knees, thinking you were alone to finally let it out.
Sanji could feel his heart break seeing you all alone, but as much as he wanted to comfort you, he knew it was better to leave you alone. Especially since you were acting like nothing was wrong just yesterday.
But he told the crew.
“I didn’t go up to them, out of respect for their privacy.” Sanji exhales, puff of smoke exiting his lips.
The others listened in silence to Sanji’s explanation of what he saw this morning.
Silence was brought upon the crew.
“..So they’ve been holding it in all this time.” Nami mumbles quietly, eyes saddening at the thought of how much you kept to yourself to keep up such a happy facade.
Thinking about how much you were struggling inside broke her heart.
“I can’t imagine how hard they’re struggling right now.” Brook spoke softly, looking down at the table.
Chopper had tears in his eyes at the thought. “[Name] is going through a lot and—! And we’re not there for them!” He cried out.
“What should we do now that we know what’s really going on these past few days?” Robin questions aloud, the question going through all their heads.
Zoro turns his head over to Luffy, who had been the most quiet ever since they ship left your island.
He was observant so he was watching your fake smiles closely and knew too well that you weren’t over it.
You were hiding yourself, and your feelings from the crew.
But hearing Sanji’s explanation of what he saw, seeing you all alone and crying to yourself made him fill with rage yet, also regret for not being there for his shipmate.
Luffy’s fist made contact with the wooden table roughly, almost breaking it into two as Luffy growls loudly. “HOW COULD THEY JUST KEEP IT ALL TO THEIR SELF?! WE’RE THEIR FRIENDS RIGHT?! WHY DON’T THEY JUST TELL IS SO WE CAN BE THERE FOR THEM?!”
“Luffy!” The others widen their eyes at Luffy’s outburst but they couldn’t exactly disagree with him.
Why didn’t you just tell them the truth of your feelings instead of putting on such a fake act? Didn’t you trust them at all?
“Luffy, you have to understand. It could be hard for [Name] to share this with us! They’re still grieving, so give it time. Okay?” Nami tries to calm down their Captain but it was no use. He wasn’t listening.
“I don’t care!” Luffy shouts, frustration building up. “We’re supposed to be friends, damn it, so why can’t they just tell us how they feel instead of being so positive all the time? It won’t change what happened, but coming to us so we can be there for them can help! That’s what we’re here for!”
“Just calm down! When [Name] is ready, I’m sure they’ll come talk to us. So settle down already and be patient!” Zoro shouts back, having enough of this.
He too was concerned and also frustrated with you for not talking with them but it wasn’t their choice.
It was yours, and they couldn’t do anything but be there when you were ready.
Five days.
[ Special Someone ], the person who always brought you joy.. comfort.. laughter.. and made sure you were the best you that you could be.
They stuck with you through all your ups and downs, all your pains and sorrows, all your anger, complaints and hatred..
Even with all your flaws, [ Special Someone ] never left your side once, always sacrificing themselves for your well-being.
Always making sure you were healthy, eating well, sleeping well, had fresh food and clothes everyday, and ensured that you could live with peace and not a worry in the world.
So why?
Why was someone so selfless, generous, caring, kind... why was someone like that not given the privilege to stay alive? How could someone like them die? After everything they did for you, why was it them and no one else?
Why? Why.. why did they have to die?
You turn onto your side on the bed, hands clenching the bedsheet as you thought about the same thing every day and night, the scene of them dying right in your arms replaying over and over for you every time you shut your eyes.
Hugging your pillow tightly, you glance at the time on the wall and sigh, deciding to get up to greet the crew.
You sit up and get up from your bed, dusting your clothes and began getting ready, making sure you looked decent enough to show yourself to the others, before finally stepping out of the room.
When you finally step out, you see the whole crew on the main deck, doing whatever it is they do.
They immediately all turn to you when they heard footsteps. You look at them and blink softly before smiling brightly and waved. “M-Morning, you guys!”
‘Shit- please don’t have noticed that..’ you thought, hoping they didn’t notice your voice having cracked a bit.
It was quiet as they continued to stare at you, before Brook interrupts it.
“Yohohoho~... it’s the afternoon, [Name]-san..”
Your eyes widen a bit at your mistake. Did you really stay in bed for that long?
“Oh.. is it? I must’ve overslept..” you lightly laugh to ease the growing tension you felt but no one said anything in response.
“..[Name]-san.. have you been crying?” Robin questions softly, a small frown present on her face. Her question startles you as you shake your head immediately.
“What do you mean, Robin? I’m fine, I haven’t been crying at all.” Instinctively, you began wiping your eyes with your sleeves, which already sent answers to the crew.
“Seriously, what’s with you guys today? You’ve all been acting strange for a while.” You smile softly and pull at your sleeps.
“Maybe you guys just need a little adventure. Maybe-“
“Shut the hell up.”
Shocked, you turn to Zoro at his sudden blunt burst from the railing.
“Zoro!” Nami and Usopp hisses beside him, quietly scolding him for being so rude at the moment, making Zoro scoff.
“I’m rude? They just accused us for acting strange the past couple of days. I don’t disagree with them about us being a bit different lately, but they’re the one who’s been acting the strangest out of all of us. And you all know this too. Am I wrong?”
While you visibly flinch at his words, Nami and Usopp faltered a bit and looked away. “Still..”
“Zoro’s right.” Luffy, who had been quiet ever since two days ago when Sanji told them about your moment in the Aquarium Bar.
“Luffy?” Chopper questions softly from a distance, looking at their captain.
Luffy looks up and glares hard at you.
Behind his hard glare was a very faint soft expression with hurt eyes. Hurt, knowing that his shipmate was suffering and he couldn’t do anything to help them. Until now.
“Tell us the truth, [Name].” Luffy’s tone made your breath hitch from how serious he sounded. It wasn’t like a friend, it was like a captain. “Do you hate us?”
Your eyes widen at his question and you looked at him incredulously. “What? Of course not.” You immediately answered, brows furrowed.
That answer was obvious, so why did he ask?
“Okay. Are you happy with the crew?” He asks again, and you just stare at him in confusion. “I’m happy. I’ve always been.”
“...are you keeping secrets from us?”
All eyes were on you as you close your mouth and bit your tongue from saying more.
You stare at Luffy and tried to decipher what was going through his mind before closing your eyes.
“Not at all.”
“I thought our captain told you to tell the truth.” Zoro says instantly after your reply and you bit your lip slightly. “I did.”
“[Name]-chan..” Sanji sighs softly at your denial and stubbornness before Usopp frowns and spoke. “[Name]... I can tell when you’re lying and..”
“You guys, I’m fine, okay! Nothing is wrong, I’m not keeping secrets from you, so let’s just stop this and continue our day, okay?” You exasperatedly sigh, rubbing your head a bit as Franky shakes his head.
“[Name], I’m afraid we can’t.” He says, making you turn to him with a sigh. “Why? Why can’t you guys just-“
“We saw you crying alone, [Name]..” Chopper quietly mumbles, looking up sadly at you. “Why didn’t you come to us?..”
Luffy looks at you, his expression slowly softening as he stares at you deeply. “... you don’t have to be alone anymore. Actually.. you were never alone to begin with.”
You didn’t say anything and just looked away, hands clenched tightly and you bit your lip.
“I know what you’ve been going through. I felt the same two years ago in Marineford, okay? I..I felt so helpless and angry when Ace died.. I thought I was completely alone after losing him and I couldn’t live with myself.. because Ace died.. for me..”
You gulp at Luffy’s story with Ace, knowing fully well how heartbreaking it was for Luffy to be reminded of these memories, his last memory of Ace.
Hesitantly, you look up at Luffy to see pain and small tears brimming his eyes.
“It hurts a lot, [Name].. I know, alright? You feel all alone, and let regret, resentment, pain, sadness, everything, build up inside you, and you either hold it all in and put on a happy smile, or you could just let it all out and scream out the pain.” He continues, his jaw and hands clenching tightly as his tears fell down his cheeks.
The others stayed silent, all of them reminded of their own past and memories of when they lost a loved one, or when they felt completely alone with pain and regret.
Zoro, with Kuina.
Nami, with Bellemere.
Usopp, with Kaya.
Sanji, with Zeff.
Chopper, with Hiriluk.
Robin, with Jaguar.
Franky, with Tom.
Brook, with his whole crew.
Luffy, with his brothers.
You thought back to just a couple days ago with your own loved one dying in your arms and look down sorrowfully.
“I still think about it everyday, but I don’t feel as much pain or regret anymore. I’m almost thankful I survived.. why? Because it means I won’t leave you guys alone. I’m right here with you all, because you guys are my friends, my family!”
You feel tears brimming your own eyes, a few drops already falling down your cheeks.
“I’m not alone because I have you all by my side so I’m never alone! You all help me realize this and I eventually got over Ace’s death.. and even though I think about it everyday, I’m not alone anymore and I don’t cry about it too much. Because I have you and everyone else!”
You wipe at your eyes and sniff a bit, the others smiling softly at their captain, their hearts touched by his words as a few of them could feel themselves tear up.
“You’ve been crying by yourself, all alone these past few days, haven’t you?”
You didn’t answer. You knew the crew knew the answer already.
Luffy began make his way over to you, continuing to speak.
“It’s okay to be sad, to be hurt, to feel pain, and to cry. You could be angry, you can scream, you can sob, you can do anything you want.”
Luffy was now right in front of you, looking at you with a piercing expression.
“But you don’t have to be alone during these sad times. You never have to be alone again, because we’re right here.”
He extends and spreads his arms out, glaring hard at you with tears in his eyes as your own widen at his shouts.
The others smiled wider when they see your tears streaming faster down your cheek and your expression soften as your body lunged itself into Luffy’s arms.
Your arms wrap around his neck and legs around his waist as Luffy immediately wraps his own around you tightly, your face buried into his neck.
Sobs screamed out from your voice, your throat burning but you didn’t care. You sobbed right into Luffy’s neck, his hearing might’ve been damaged but he didn’t care either.
“It hurts.. it hurts so much, Luffy.. why?” You sob out, clutching onto him tightly as you gripped his shirt. “Why did they have to die?! Why..”
Luffy didn’t say anything, just held you closer and just as tight.
The others felt themselves tear up more at your sobs and unable to help themselves, they also ran to join in the hug.
Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Brook all jumped into the hug, all sobbing their own cries and tears, which made you and Luffy drop onto the ground with the others on top.
Franky wipes his own stream of tears as Robin and Zoro smiles at the sight of their crewmates.
Despite your sobs, you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at the others and sniffled, smiling genuinely at your family.
You should have known better than to keep it all in and to yourself. You weren’t alone.
You had family who loves you and were there right by your side, through all your joy and pain.
“Thank you, everyone. I’m so grateful..”
You smile wider and shouted loudly with closed eyes.
“Thank you, for loving me!”
A/N : y’all I-I teared up writing this-
I hit the maximum allowed per post wtf- I’m sorry this is rushed too ;~; I wanted it out quickly.
;-; I hope you enjoyed.
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zhaleys · 2 years
ACME Wildfire Tour (Constellations pt. 1) live show report
Hey guys, I was lucky enough to see Acme again after 2 years at their Constellations showcase in LA so I wanted to do a little report about it since it feels like forever since I went to a jrock concert TT A TT. It was a great time and I got a lot of cool stuff, so keep reading under the cut if you want to know more~
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I was supposed to go with a few friends to this live but most of them ended up cancelling a few weeks before so I went alone. I was a little bit worried but I have traveled to that area on my own before so I knew how to get around. I arrived in Union at 5am the day of the show ;;;;;A;;;;;. I barely got any sleep but luckily was able to nap after checking into my room for the weekend. I woke up and grabbed some food/snack/shopped in Little Tokyo (Chinchikurin is so good btw I really recommend it!)
I had never been to the venue before and looking at the pictures from Maps I was a little weirded out since it looks like some warehouse in the middle of Skid Row. Once I was close I saw the line and instantly knew where to go. I walked right into the VIP line by pure chance! but then realized I had to check in at the front so they could mark my name from VIP list. It seems it was just the right time since everyone else decided to come afterwards and the lines kept stretching around the block.
After half an hour or so they started letting VIP line go in EXTREMELY FAST?! Yeah, they barely even checked our bags which was suspicious but I guess they just didn’t want to waste time or they would be behind schedule? Since it was a lineup of artists & not just ACME, there was multiple VIP lines for the other fans and the ACME line was a little confusing to get into, but i made it in by asking some people around. I keep forgetting just how TINY they look in person. They had the black suits with the crystals and glitter all over and I immediately spotted Chisa wearing red heels (you can peep in the picture). The line was not as big since I realized later most people came for Demondice (which I had no idea who they were until that night).
The photo op went by pretty quick and when it was my turn I said thank you for coming in japanese and they responded to me in english “Hiiii“ and “Thank you” It’s cute to see that theyre practicing their English for NA fans. I wish I could’ve talked to them more, but they were already signaling me to pose and I got my pictures taken. I didn’t know I could ask for individual photos until other people went after me and they got solos with Chisa, Hal etc. I was so shook LOL, but I didn’t want to make demands if I didn’t think they would be comfortable with it (that’s also why i kept my mask on too). At the other show I saw them at I also saw people getting solos but I thought that was part of their VIP pack or that it was mentioned to them. I might try that next time xDD. I also feel a little sad since I wanted to give Chisa a drawing but wasn’t able to complete it before the concert ;; so I think I will probably send it to him on twitter later. (follow here if you’d like) This is now the second time I miss out on that LOL.
During VIP line I also talked to some people and made a few friends just geeking about them. Regretting not getting their info later TT A TT. Christina and Oscar if you’re looking at this let me know! We were wondering when we would get our VIP gift as well since we waited at merch line after getting out photos. I decided to ditch it after a while so I could get to the front of the stage before GA got let in. It was a good call since the show started not much later. The first performer was Shihori which I barely knew but I vibed to their songs. There was mic issues at the start of most sets, but the crowd was still hyping them up until everything was fine.
Next came ACME’s set and I was already super pumped and little warmed up from the last set. I could tell after a few songs that most of the crowd wasn’t their fans, but a good chunk of us were towards the front and kamite end because you could see the synchronized headbangs and furi. I’m still trying to find the set list for their show since I forget the order of most songs but the ones that were most memorable were Houkago no Shiiku, Enchanted, Zesshououka, and the final song with Shihori as special guest. I even brought my fan so I could furi to Zesshououka while most people just used their hands. I caught Chisa smiling during that one since we were doing everything in sync. It’s honestly one of the most fun songs to hear live. I took a few short videos and photos but for most of the night I barely reached for my phone since I wanted to enjoy the show. I don’t know if I was enjoying myself too much but it felt like such a short set and the fact that there was 5 other people still left to perform meant that they each got less than an hour probably.
At any rate I still stayed at the front of the stage until the end of Teddyloid’s set since he was the only other artist that I knew from the line up (and he was #5 on the lineup TT A TT) He played Fly Away and Anarchy which were the most fun for me, but still wished he had done the theme for Scanty and Kneesocks ;’(. Either way, after his set I was feeling way too dehydated so I abandoned my spot and got water from the bar then also picked up my VIP signed poster and magnet at the merch table. It suddenly felt like it got way more crowded after Demondice came out because I was being pressed against the bar and my head was ringing super loud even with ear plugs on. The whole day had caught up to me by then. I just heard the Demondice set from the back since I was too short to catch a glimpse of anything. After she was done people just LEFT the venue within two minutes. At least 1/4 of the crowd stayed after since there was a  closing DJ and/or they wanted to buy merch. I caught one of my other VIP line buddies Candace and talked a bit before finally getting some rides back. It all ended around 2am like we had imagined. I kept looking at my photos with ACME on the way back like an idiot hehe. Luckily I got more sleep that night but the headache didn’t go away until almost 2 days later.
Overall had an amazing time and I was glad that I got to be in the front row for them for a second time. Hopefully this will bring in some new fans for them in the future since I want to keep catching their NA tours whenever I can. I still think about how I missed the one in 2021 but alas. I’m a little more prepared now x). I will try to come back and update this with the set list if I can find it anywhere.
Thank you ACME!
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hii can i have a ship from stranger things?
i'm a 17 year old brunette bisexual genderfluid (afab) with short, black hair and brown eyes. i'm on the taller side and have an hourglass body shape (and unnecessarily thick thigs). i have a septum piercing and i really like wearing jewelry. my style could be considered grunge and i like wearing oversized stuff. my hearing is quite damaged because of listening to music with a very high volume. i unfortunately vape and smoke pretty often :/
i'm a little shy when meeting people at first but i get more comfortable each minute passing by. people usually tell me that i'm funny and a tad sarcastic. i'm a little short tempered and very emotional. my toxic trait is that i never back up from a argument, even if i'm the wrong side (typical entp i guess). i'm a big people pleaser though, i do my best to keep everyone happy. i have a pretty bad relationship with my parents, which is why i've gotten used to spending the whole day in my room. i'm a huge procrastinator and my grades arent the best, but hey, i try my best to fix myself! i'm a little ditzy, a bimbo, if you will. i'm a picky eater and i like my food done in a certain way or else i can't eat it and stuff. i trust very quickly and i crush on people easily too, but i'm very very loyal. i absolutely hate talking about my future (what college i want, what i want to major in etc.) and talking about my problems make me very uncomfortable. i usually choose just to bottle them up inside. i choose to distract myself with my hobbies, which are listening to music and reading or drawing. oh and, i absolutely love baking and doing DIY stuff!! i love gifting my baked goods and crafts to people i love, and if they react positively it always makes me very happy!
my favorite song is Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) by My Chemical Romance but if we were in the stranger things universe it would definitely be Ever Fallen In Love by The Buzzcocks!
my ideal date would be going to the movies then baking cookies with my date and then eating them while listening to music and chatting.
I got a little carried away there, sorry about that! have a good day!
Very solid choice on the favourite song my friend! We're all here for getting carried away, don't worry<3
I ship you with Steve Harrington!
At first, no one really expected you two to get together, least of all you and Steve. The person over there that never talks to people outside their friend group (which they defend loyally to everyone who dares to wrong them) and school's most popular boy? Not so much
But then, the year after Nancy you run into him at the store. You were there buying flour and baking soda (someone forgot to stock it up and you were craving some sweet sweet cupcakes) and Steve was doing God knows what. And because he was flustered because he ran you over and occasionally lost the mind-mouth-filter, he blurted out a compliment on your jewelry. Which confused you into actually answering normally and somehow sparked a conversation that led to you promising him a sample of your cupcakes.
From then on it's history. You start bonding over your sweet baked goods and the fact that Steve doesn't know shit about them but happily consumes them, never shy of a compliment. The best way to someone's heart is to the stomach - or at least that applies to you two.
Unlike you feared, Steve doesn't even comment on your eating habits, he actually accommodates you whenever you two are not eating at your place. He learns how you prepare your favourite dishes and surprises you on your first anniversary with a homemade meal and a movie marathon of your choice. As long as you two are together, Steve doesn't need the big swooping-off-of-your-feet kind of dates or really anything associated with the high school standard of relationships. You both know that you're in love and you show each other in the ways that are meaningful.
Join the celebration
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sporadicbearkingdom · 2 years
Hello lady and gentlemen my name is Tyler and I will be your weed out today this is the story of heroes and villains let's begin chapter one
A young inspiring hero from America known as SpongeBob, flies over to Japan's premiere hero school UA to learn how to become a professional hero. Like his own hero and mentor, Mermaid Man. On the way, SpongeBob makes new friends and overcomes new challenges as a group of villains from America known as E.V.I.L. crosses over to Japan in order to take over the world.
My Sponge Academia (Indefinite Hiatus)
Just to make things clear, in this scenario SpongeBob, all his friends, and all his enemies exist in the My Hero Academia universe. Meaning their all regular humans with some kind of quark. But this fic will mainly focus on SpongeBob as he attempts to learn what he can at U.A. and become like his hero Mermaid Man. In this story SpongeBob characters are also going to be a little more in the same fashion as My Hero Academia, basically their going to be more epic then cartoony. Also something else real quick, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy in this story are both going to be in their late primes like All Might, they won't be senior citizens. Anyway, enjoy.
Chapter 1
Chapter Text
Japan, Hero Academy, Room Class-1A:
The classroom for class-1A was rowdy as usual with kids talking in multiple tight nit groups. Nothing big or major, just the regular kind of stuff like discussing TV shows, new training ideas, news about whats going on with heroes, etc.
"So guys, did you ever think about changing up your costumes a bit? I thought I should change mine up a bit. Maybe add some more colors." Stated Mina as she talked in her group with several of the other girls in the class.
"I understand what you mean, Mina. But I think in the grand scheme of things, you should keep it simple. Otherwise it'll look like your begging for attention." Stated Tsuyu in a thoughtful manner.
"Na! No way! Forget that! Be as bright and colorful as you want girl! Who knows? You'll probably make all the villains jealous and be an even more popular hero!" Stated the energetic Tooru.
"So, Bakubro! Wanna train with me and help me strengthen unbreakable even more? I can feel it getting stronger every time I train, so what do ya say Bakubro?" Asked Kirishima with a smile as Bakugou glared at Kirishima.
"Let's make a deal, I'll stop calling you Bakubro if you help me train." Replied Kirishima.
"If I'll shut you up then fine!" Growled Bakugou as he turned away from Kirishima. As Kirishima simply pumped his fist into the air and cheered "Awesome!"
"Can you two please keep it down? It'd like to eat my soba in peace." Stated Tordoroki calmly as he ate his soba quietly.
"How are your guys training going? Getting any better?" Asked Izuku as Uraraka nodded with glee and Iida gave a stiff quick nod.
"Yeah! With all the training I done, I can now make objects float in zero gravity and make it last five more minutes before it wears off and I start vomiting!" Stated Uraraka with a smile.
"Yes! Indeed! My training allowed me to run faster then before and increased my reaction time!" Stated Iida as he pushed the rim of his glasses with his finger.
"Yeah, me too. The training I do every day helps push me to the top." Stated Izuku with his fist clenched on his chest with a big smile on his face.
"So this female hero is patrolling the beach as usual, until this MASSIVE wave hit her and knocked off her suit!" Stated Sero in a suspenseful tone as Mineta and Kaminari were both listening intensely.
"What happened next!? You gotta tell us!" Begged Mineta as he started to drool.
"Tell us every aspect! No matter how small or dirty it may be!" Stated Kaminari as Sero leaned in to the two boys. As if he was going to tell them the greatest secret in the universe.
"This part you'll remember with the rest of your lives! She-" But before Sero could finish, the door slammed open as Mr. Aizawa walked in with a deathly expression as always, as he marched to his seat.
"Okay everyone, stop talking and listen up!" Stated Aizawa as everyone did what they were told and stopped talking, including Sero as Kaminari and Mineta stared at him with shock.
"What happened next!? You gotta tell us!" Whispered Mineta.
"Yeah man! You can't just hold out on us like that!" Whispered Kaminari.
"Sorry guys, I already got several detentions. I can't afford any more." Stated Sero as Mineta and Kaminari looked at their fellow student with saddened and shocked expressions.
"Hey! Stop talking or I'll place all three of you in detention! Understand?" Asked Aizawa as Sero, Mineta, and Kaminari looked at their teacher and nodded in fear.
"Good. Now that your all done running your mouths, I have an announcement to make. We're going to have a special guest come in from America to study abroad and see how we do things here. He's in the abroad studies program at his school and majoring in the hero course."
'Woah, a new student? From America?' Questioned the entire class silently in unity.
"A student from America? Cool! I hope he has an awesome quark!" Stated Kirishima happily.
"Ohhh! I hope he's cute!" Stated Tooru with glee.
"Me too!" Added Mina.
"Why couldn't it have been a girl!?" Groaned Mineta.
"Maybe he will like the dark as much as I do." Commented Tokoyami.
"Hopefully he's a bit more organized then all the other students of 1A." Stated Iida as he pushed the rim of his glasses.
"I don't care. As long as he's civil. And also perhaps likes soba." Stated Todoroki calmly.
"I gotta agree with Todoroki, I just hope he's nice." Commented Uraraka.
"Same here. I hope he's also into heroes as much as I am." Commented Izuku.
"Maybe he could be into music." Stated Jirou.
"Well, I don't care. Whoever they are, there's no chance they're as strong as me! And if they challenge me, I'll blast them into smithereens!" Growled Bakugou as miniature explosions erupt from his palms and he starts smiling malevolently.
"Quiet down! Now, like I said before, he's in the studying abroad program from America. He's going to become a part of this class for a whole three months to see how hero courses in other cultures differ and use new methods he learned to become a hero. Like the rest of you. Now, he's our guest, that means I want you to show him the upmost respect. That goes double for you, Bakugou." Stated Aizawa as he glanced over at Bakugou.
"Who says I'm not respectful!? I can be the most respectful guy on the planet!" Roared Bakugou as he stood up from his seat and pointed at Aizawa.
"Yeah, sure. When pigs fly..." Quipped Sero as he and several of the other boys started giggling as Bakugou turned to them.
"What!? You wanna go at it, Tape Boy!?" Growled Bakugou.
"Sit down!" Yelled Aizawa as Bakugou did as the teacher asked. After Bakugou sat down, Aizawa looked over at the door leading into the classroom as he spoke.
"Okay, come on in." Stated Aizawa as the door slowly opened up, as all the students looked on in anticipation. The class heard the sounds of footsteps coming from the open door as a boy walked in.
The students all looked on as the boy walked over to Aizawa's stand, all the while the class got a good look at him. He was about the same height as Deku, perhaps only an inch shorter. He had blond hair, freckles, blue eyes, and buck teeth. But one thing that irradiated about him more than anything else was his smile and positive energy. He was much like Mirio, except several years younger. As he made his way next to Mr. Aizawa's stand, he stood in front of the class as he stared at them with his positive carefree smile.
"Alright, introduce yourself so I can start teaching." Stated Aizawa in a melancholy tone as always.
"Hey there everybody, I'm Bob Hillenburg. I'm from America. More specifically, the Bikini Bottom. That's where I went to a hero school and applied to become a hero! Not for fame or fortune, but just to make the world a better place! I, uhh... Know it sounds a bit goofy and ridiculous to say something like that... But I believe in it. Just like my hero, MERMAID MAN!" Stated Bob as he pumped his fist into the air with a triumphant smile.
"Wait! You mean the aquatic American hero, Mermaid Man? He's the greatest water type hero in the world!" Stated Deku as he stood up from his seat.
"Yeah! I wanna be just like him! He fights evil and is never scared of anything! Along with his sidekick Barnacle Boy! Not to mention he also lead the International Justice League of Super Acquaintances! He's so cool!"
"The IJLSA was the best superhero team in all of America! Probably even the world! Do you collect hero merchandise? Because I collect a TON of All Might merchandise!" Said Deku with a massive smile on his face, being so glad to meet someone else who's just as much of a geek about heroes as he is.
"Well, as a matter of fact, I-"
"GET ON WITH IT! I DON'T WANNA SIT HERE AND LISTEN TO TWO DAMN NERDS YAMMER ON ABOUT HEROES FOR AN HOUR! JUST GET IT OVER WITH!" Roared Bakugou in an impatient tone, instantly silencing both Deku and Bob from their excited conversation.
"I'm guessing some of you guys are just REALLY passionate about becoming heroes..." Stated Bob, followed by a slightly nervous laugh.
"Don't take it personally, he does that to everyone. You'll get used to it." Stated Kaminari as he laid back.
"Fuck you, electric bastard!" Roared Bakugou as he flipped off Kaminari.
"Uhh, anyway my quark is 'Sponge'." Stated Bob as all the kids looked at him with confused expressions, as Bob continued to explain.
"I can turn by entire body into a sponge-like material. See?" Said Bob as he demonstrated by holding out his hands as they started to morph into a yellow sponge-like substance, as his entire body transformed into the substance.
"Woah! Another mimicry type, like Tetsutetsu! I never seen a quark like that before!" Stated Kirishima gleefully.
"Gotta admit, that one is new." Stated Satou.
"Yeah, it's kind of a weird quark... But it's the one I have. Anyway, if we ever go on a patrol together or go on a mission or something like that, I'd liked to be called by my hero name: SpongeBob." Stated Bob as several of the students raised their eyebrows in confusion at such an odd name.
"Nothing spectacularly glamorous, but there's nothing really wrong with something a little more average." Commented Aoyama.
"Hey, no offense of anything man, but... Why not just go with SpongeBoy?" Asked Sero.
"Uhh, actually I was going to call myself SpongeBoy. But the name was copyrighted by a mop company so that was off the table. Anyway, I think SpongeBob fits better. You know what, just call me SpongeBob instead." Said SpongeBob with a smile as he was about to continue.
"Wrap it up." Commented Aizawa as he already started to get into his yellow sleeping bag.
"Oh, well, I-I'm honestly a little nervous here. I watched the U.A. Sports Festival on TV and... I saw all of you in action. Your all really awesome and honestly on the same level as some of the pros. You're all just really amazing. I just hope I can get some really good tips here about becoming a pro hero, and becoming good friends with everybody here." Said SpongeBob with a big smile as everyone, except Bakugou, Shouji, Tokoyami, Todoroki, and a few others smiled back.
"Good, now take your seat." Stated Aizawa as SpongeBob walked over to the only empty desk in the room and took a seat there. Unfortunately for SponeBob, actually really for Bakugou, he sat right next to the hothead. As Bakugou tried to ignore SpongeBob, SpongeBob turned to the student and whispered.
"Hey, your the one who won the U.A. Sports Festival, right? Good job." Whispered SpongeBob as Bakugou glared at the American.
"Talk to me again, and I'll blast you to pieces cheese boy..." Replied Bakugou with a growl as Izuku, Uraraka, Sero, Kirishima, and many of the other students silently turned to the pair to see the eventual fireworks that will go down.
'Oh no... Come on SpongeBob, just mind your own business!' Screamed Deku mentally as SpongeBob quickly expressed a look of shock, before silently laughing and turning to Bakugou again.
"Bahahaha... That's a good one. A little smack talk can do wonders to build a new friendship." Whispered SpongeBob as many of the kids in the class looked on in shock and surprise.
"No. I'm serious, weakling, I'll blow you into a thousand tiny pieces if you even THINK about getting in my way. Besides, you look so weak and scrawny, I almost mistaken you for a girl the second you came in here." Growled Bakugou in a low voice as every female in the class glared at Bakugou. SpongeBob remained silent as he stared at Bakugou for a second, before finally replying.
"... Am I a pretty girl?"
"...Uhh." Bakugou had no idea how to respond, until Sero whispered to him.
"So? Is he a pretty girl, Bakugou?" Asked Sero, and just like that everyone in the class exploded in laughter. Mainly Kirishima, Sero, Mina, Kaminari, Jirou, Satou, Tooru, Mineta, and almost every other student laughed like crazy. All the while SpongeBob looked around in confusion while Deku looked on in shock and Bakugou threatened to kill everyone around him.
"Excuse me..." Growled the insidious voice of as the entire class instantly became quite and slowly turned their head back to their livid teacher, who stared through all of them with his icy glare.
"Would you mind telling me what is so humorous?..." Growled Aizawa as the entire class shook their heads vigorously as each student stated the same thing.
"Nothing at all!"
"It was nothing, Mr Aizawa !"
"Nothing, Mr Aizawa !"
"It's nothing!"
"Well, do you know what's even funnier then that?..." Hissed Aizawa as the entire class braced for impact, with all remaining silent.
"KEEPING YOUR MOUTHS SHUT AND LETTING ME TEACH MY CLASS IN PEACE!" Roared Aizawa as the entire class developed looks of terror, as if they seen a ghost. And just like that, Aizawa returns back to his normal teaching process as if nothing happened.
"... I think I'm gonna like it here!" Said SpongeBob with a smile on his face.
Japan, Hero Academy, Room Class-1A: 30 Minutes Later
Only 30 minutes later as Aizawa teached the class, in the middle of his lecture he sat down with his back against the wall and fell asleep in the sleeping bag he was already in. As Aizawa slept, it finally gave all the students a chance to meet the new kid from America as all the kids got out of their seats and crowded around SpongeBob. Only Todoroki and Bakugou still at their seats and not interested in the new kid.
"Hey there, I'm Eijirou Kirishima and my hero name is Red Riot!" Greeted Kirishima.
"My name is Mashirao Ojiro. But my hero name is TailMan." Greeted Ojiro.
"I'm Hanta Sero, but on the battlefield, you can call me Cellophane!" Greeted Sero.
"I am Aoyama! And my hero name is 'I cannot stop-'" Aoyama's greeting was interrupted as Mina jumped in front of him.
"Hey! I'm Mina Ashido! But my codename is Alien Queen!" Cheered Mina.
"But wait, I thought Miss Midnight said you can't have that name." Commented Asui as Mina turned to her friend and replied.
"Yeah, but I don't care! I AM Alien Queen!" Stated Mina defiantly with her arms crossed, as Asui turned to SpongeBob.
"The name is Asui, my hero name is Froppy. But please, call me Tsu." Greeted Asui.
"Hey, the name is Satou. But my hero name is Sugarman." Greeted Satou.
"Uhh, hi... I'm Kouda. But my hero name is Anima..." Greeted Kouda shily.
"Hi, the names Jirou. But my hero name is Earphone Jack." Greeted Jirou.
"Hi there! Your less cute then the American boy I thought was coming, but your nice enough! I'm Tooru but my hero name is Invisible Girl!" Greeted Tooru.
"Greetings! I am Momo Yaoyorozu and I am one of Class-1A's representatives. On the battlefield, you may call me Creati." Greeted Momo.
"The name is Kaminari, and if you need any help around here, you can count on me to help you out. Also, the hero name is ChargeBolt." Greeted Kaminari as he stepped aside so SpongeBob could see the four other students not crowding around the new student.
"The four loners over there are the class loners and edgelords. But we love them anyway." Stated Kaminari as he gestured to Bakugou, Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Shouji.
"FUCK YOU, YOU GODDAMNNED ELECTRIC ASSWIPE!" Growled Bakugou as he flipped off the Kaminari and the rest of the students surrounding SpongeBob's desk.
"You already met Bakugou... He might look scary... And he kind of is... But he really is cool once you get to know him. But he doesn't have a hero name just yet..." Stated Kirishima.
"That's not what Miss Midnight said-" Replied Sero.
"Anyway, the bird boy over there is Tokoyomi. Hero name: Tsukuyomi. The big guy with the extra arms is Shouji. Hero name: Tentacole. And the red and white pretty boy over there is Todoroki: Hero name:... None yet." Stated Kirishima as he turned back to SpongeBob.
"By the way, you gotta show us your quark in act-" But Kirishima was interrupted as Mineta jumped out of nowhere and announced his presence.
"-And I am Minteta! The hero Grape Juice!" Cheered Mineta as everyone was taken aback for a moment. But before anyone could reply to Mineta's sudden appearance, the sound of fast pace moving footsteps got closer and closer.
But before anyone could even react, they heard the all too familiar voice of Iida rushing in as the students surrounding SpongeBob instantly split like the red sea as Iida rushed in.
"I CANNOT CONDONE ACTIONS THAT WILL MAKE CLASS-1A SEEM LIKE A BUNCH OF DISORGANIZED CHILDREN TO OUR AMERICAN GUEST! IT IS UNTHINKABLE!" Yelled Iida as he grabbed SpongeBob by the shoulders as he began to shake him vigorously.
"Please forgive my classmates! I am Tenya Iida the class representative and it is my goal to make your stay as educational and relaxing as possible! ARE YOU RELAXED AND EDUCATED YET!?" Asked Iida as he continued to shake SpongeBob, before stopping and letting go. After that, the whole class stared at SpongeBob who sat there silently with an overwhelmed expression on his face.
"Uhh, do you think we might've gone a little too far?" Asked Ojiro as SpongeBob transformed into his Sponge form as his body took on a more liquid and fluid-like quality. As he fell off his desk and on the floor.
"... Yeah, maybe we went a little too far..." Stated Tooru as SpongeBob remained in the same liquid state for a moment, as SpongeBob began to think.
'Alright, probably shouldn't have done that. But how else am I supposed to react to all this sudden introduction? Either way, I need to get over it, or I'll be nothing but a puddle!' Thought SpongeBob as his eyes drifted down to see one of his shoes drifting away in the puddle of semi-liquid SpongeBob.
"Uhh, sorry about that. Everyone is just excited to meet you. Don't worry, I had the same experience." Stated Izuku as he stepped forward and looked down at the semi-liquid SpongeBob. SpongeBob then started to pull himself back together and returned to his original solid form as he stood back up.
"Hehehe, sorry everyone! Sorry. I love being around people, but this was a bit of a shock. But don't worry! I'll be just fine. By the way, I never got YOUR name. You seem to really be into heroes." Said SpongeBob as he held out his hand with a smile on his face. Izuku smiled back and shook the boys hand.
"Izuku Midoriya. But, it'll be easier just to call me by my hero name: Deku." Said Deku as she shook SpongeBob's hand and got properly introduced. All the while the other students looked on in disgruntlement.
"Aww man! Why did WE have to be the weirdos to freak out the new guy? That's so unfair!" Groaned Kirishima.
"Welcome to the club." Quipped Mineta as Kirishima and the rest glared at him.
"Great to meet you, Deku. Kind of a weird name, but I'm the same guy who calls himself 'SpongeBob'. Anyway, nice to meet ya!" Said SpongeBob as he shook Deku's hand.
"Oh uhh, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. But I'm Uraraka, but my hero name is Uravity." Said Uraraka as she walked in and smiled at SpongeBob. All the while, SpongeBob looked at her with a shocked expression on his face. Silent for a second before shaking his head.
"Oh... Sorry about that. I just can't believe I'm meeting you Uraraka, I saw you on TV during the Sports Festival and saw how hard you fought. Even when multiple explosions went off in your FACE, you kept fighting! SO COOL!" Said SpongeBob, geeking out for a moment before returning to reality and rubbed the back of his head with embarrassment.
"Sorry about that. It's just that... You guys were inspirations for young heroes in training all over the world. Sorry for acting a little weird, I just can't believe I'm here in one of the best hero schools in the world!... For at least a month..." Said SpongeBob as the students instantly changed their looks from happy to curious. Despite SpongeBob's introduction to the class, they still don't know that much about him.
"Actually, I'm curious about that. Why did you come to study abroad in Japan in the first place?" Asked Deku as SpongeBob started rubbing his chin.
"Well, like I said I'm from the Bikini Bottom's hero course. I've been going there for a few months now to become a hero. Even though I wasn't exactly struggling with my studies or even training or anything like that, it wasn't enough. I needed more experience and better training. And Mermaid Man said there was no better way then to learn it her-... Oh, wait! Uh, wait!-" SpongeBob just realized his mistake as the other kids around him had their eyes widen in amazement as SpongeBob attempted to explain himself.
"Wait! I didn't mean to say-"
"You know Mermaid Man personally!?" Asked Kirishima.
"What about Barnacle Boy?! Those guys are like the BIGGEST heroes in America!" Stated Mina with a smile as SpongeBob realized the awkward position he was in. All the while, Deku looked on in surprise. Deku knew there had to be someone else out there that's like him, with so many people in the world there are bound to be a few people who are similar. But Deku had no idea one of the people who was most similar to him was not only an optimistic, kind, hero fan like him, but also training under a well known hero as well.
"Yeah... Me and my friend Patrick met them once... But he's just a teacher at my hero school back in America. Anyway, enough about that, what are you guys into? What do you guys do for fun around here?" At this question, the students errupted with a pantheon of different answers.
"Go to the mall!"
"Lifting weights!"
"Doing each others hair!"
"Looking at dirty magazines!"
"Mineta! Would you stop being a creep for five seconds!?" Yelled Tooru as she banged her invisible fists over Mineta's head.
"Well, if you guys are still curious about me and what I like, I enjoy blowing bubbles, butterfly collecting, KARATAI! And fry cooking at the Krusty Krab!" Stated SpongeBob as the other students stopped talking about what they liked to do with Tooru ceasing her assault of Mineta.
"Did... Did you just say you blow bubbles?..." Asked Kirishima in disbelief.
"Yup! I sure do!" Said SpongeBob as he reached for his back pocket and pulled out a bottle of bubbles, where he then skillfully blew several bubbles in the shape of dinosaurs. The class still remained silent as they watched.
"And... You collect butterflies?" Asked Jirou.
"Kind of. I only catch and release them, I don't really kill them and pin them down with needles. That's just cruel." Stated SpongeBob as he blew a new set of bubbles.
"You also work at a place called the... Krusty Krab?" Asked Momo.
"Yup! That's where I make Krabby Patties! The best food in the whole world! It's also the most PERFECT place in the universe..." Stated SpongeBob as the entire class stared at him with surprised expressions. All the while Deku, Uraraka, and Iida looked on as they all facepalmed at SpongeBob's brutal honesty.
'Well, it was nice for him while it lasted...' Thought Deku as Kacchan was hanging out at his desk as he listened in. All the while, smirking like a supervillain as he tried to hold back his evil laughter.
'Hehehe, what a dumbass! That fucking moron just made himself an outcast with how stupidly honest he was about being a wimp and a loser. Hahahaha! It was STUPID to think that that fuckin' dork would ever be a threat to my greatness!' Thought Bakugou as he watched from a distance, waiting for the fireworks.
"Yeah... Thats kinda what I like to do... So... Are you guys okay?" Asked SpongeBob as he looked at all the speechless students around him.
"You... Blow bubbles in shapes like THAT, and your honest about it?... NOW THAT'S MANLY!" Cheered Kirishima as Deku, Uraraka, Iida, Bakugou, and even Tordoroki who was listening it looked over at Kirishima and SpongeBob with shocked expressions on their faces.
"What!? Are you serious!?" Yelled Bakugou in disbelief as he looked on from his desk.
"Really!? Everyone else I know thinks it's silly. Besides Patrick." Said SpongeBob with a slightly ashamed look.
"Any guy who admits his hobbies to others with zero fear, AND is skilled enough to make his bubbles in complex shapes like THAT, is MANLY in my book!" Said Kirishima as he pointed at his chest with his thumb.
"Yeah, and collecting butterflies and not actually hurting them is really cool!" Stated Kouta.
"Also, you decide to work at a restaurant and work hard like any respectable member of society! Very responsible." Complemented Momo as SpongeBob looks on in surprise and shock.
"Woah, you guys are so cool! Unlike some of the other kids in my last school... But you guys are amazing!" Said SpongeBob as Bakugou's face began to darken in anger as Iida, Uraraka, and Deku let out collective sighs of relief.
"Are you kidding me!? You have a lame quark that turns your entire body into a cleaning sponge, you act like a moron, you collect butterflies, you work at some greasy burger joint, and you BLOW BUBBLES!? AND YOU WANNA BECOME A SERIOUS HERO!? YOUR NOTHING BUT A BUBBLE BLOWING DOUBLE BABY!" Roared Bakugou in anger as SpongeBob and the rest of the class looked over to Bakugou, who was stomping over towards SpongeBob with murderous intent.
"Uhh... Yes? I-... Just wanna help people." Stated SpongeBob with an optimistic yet slightly nervous tone, as Bakugou stopped as he made it to SpongeBob's desk.
"If you want my advice, you'll pack your bags and return to America! An imbecilic dumbass like you doesn't belong in a prestigious hero academy like this! And to even believe for a fraction of a moment that you think you can become some marvelous hero by running around and blowing bubbles like some toddler, proves that you can NEVER BECOME A REAL HERO!" Growled Bakugou as SpongeBob and everyone else looked at him in silence. Until Deku stepped in between Bakugou and SpongeBob to protest.
"Hey, Kacchan, leave him alone. He just came to this school and he's super nice. Don't yell at him like that!" Stated Deku as he nervously anticipated Bakugou's figuratively and literally explosive insults. But before Bakugou could yell, a hand was placed on his shoulder. As Bakugou looked over, he saw that the hand belonged to Kirishima.
"Bakugou, Deku is right. Don't yell at this guy, he might be a bit different but that's no reason to yell at him like that." Stated Kirishima as Bakugou angrily brushed Kirishima's hand off of his shoulder.
"Gee, Bakugou..." Stated SpongeBob as everyone turned back to face the American. "After the school day I'll go out and buy a dictionary so I can figure out what you just said."
Bakugou's eyes widened in shock as his face dropped. All the while part of the class laughed, another part looked on in shock, and the last part including Mina, Kaminari, Mineta, and Sero said "Ohhh! You just got SERVED BOY!"
Bakugou just looked on in sheer shock and anger, before silently turning around and walking back to his desk. Deku looked back in amazement before turning to SpongeBob.
"Wow, SpongeBob, none of us have been able to get Kacchan to walk away like that. And you did it on your first day..." Complemented Deku as SpongeBob gave him a puzzled look.
"Uh, I just didn't know what he was saying." Replied SpongeBob in all honesty.
"Anyway, your a big fan of heroes, huh? Even trained to an extent under Mermaid Man? That's really cool!" Stated Deku excitedly.
"Yup, I have all the Mermaid Man comics, ultra rare action figures, all the cards in his trading card series, his autograph, and Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boys Conch Signal!" Said SpongeBob as Deku let out a large shocked gasp.
"Woah! Me too! Except for me it's All Might and not Mermaid Man... But that is so cool!" Replied Deku.
"Bahahaha! Yeah, cool! I'm not as big of a fan of All Might. But even though Mermaid Man can defeat him, All Might is pretty coo-" But SpongeBob wasn't able to finish his speech before being silenced by Deku.
"Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah!... Woah!... What was that? Did you just say you think that Mermaid Man can beat All Might in a fight?" Asked Deku in a far more serious tone as SpongeBob rolled his eyes.
"Well, I don't THINK so, I KNOW so. Mermaid Man can survive the high pressures of the deepest parts of the ocean and can toss around massive submarines like they were nothing!" Replied SpongeBob as Deku became even more serious then before as he slammed his hands on SpongeBob's desk.
"Yeah, well All Might can change the weather with a single punch and defeated All for One several times. Mermaid Man is strong, but he isn't THAT strong." Stated Deku as SpongeBob and Deku narrowed their eyes at each other. As the two began to throw arguments and statistics back and forth on who would win between SpongeBob's and Deku's respective heroic icons, the students began to trade awkward and unsure glances towards one another.
"So wait... Does this make them rivals now?" Asked Mina.
"Well... At the very least a more healthy and less violent rivalry then Deku and Bakugou." Replied Uraraka.
"Either way, debating over which hero would win in a fight is very manly in my books!" Stated Kirishima as he crossed his arms and hardened them.
"*Sigh* Is there anything that ISN'T manly to you?" Asked Tooru with an annoyed sigh as Kirishima turned to her.
"Uhh... I guess unless their a jerk." Replied Kirishima with a cheapish smile.
But as Deku and SpongeBob's debate became more intense, Iida immediately dashed in and started shaking the to by their shoulders vigorously.
"That is enough you two! You may set up an organized debate AFTER CLASS and debate to your hearts content! But for now everyone MUST return to their seats and stop speaking! We must give our class, teacher, and proper organized debates respect as we sit down and stop talking!" Yelled Iida as he stopped shaking SpongeBob and Deku.
"Wait... I thought the teacher fell asl-" But SpongeBob was interrupted by the bell.
"Alright everyone, get into your training outfits and head to the training course." Everyone stopped and looked over to see Mr Aizawa standing up and holding his yellow sleeping bag under his arm as he walked out the door.
Japan, Hero Academy, Teachers Office:
All Might sat at his desk as he held a phone to his ear and started to someone on the other line.
"I know Mermaid Man, but I don't think your student is... No. No, not at all. I'm facing something very similar with mine. Yes, the kid with the green hair from the UA Sports Festival. Yeah, he learned to control it better and doesn't break his fingers anymore... Uh-huh... Uh-huh... I understand why you sent your student over here, and I will make sure to assist him however I-... Uh-huh. Okay. Also keep an eye out? For what? Oh, THEM?... *Sigh* I wish you told everyone here earlier... *Sigh* Okay, I'll inform them and keep an eye out. Hopefully it's just a bunch of hysteria, and it's not really them. Uh-huh, same. Alright, take care Ernie." Said All Might as he hung up the phone and sighed to himself.
"This is gonna be quite a month..."
Japan, Hero Academy, Gym Gamma: 10 Minutes Later
In Gym Gamma, all the students stood in front of the mountainous training course in their hero costumes. With one notable new student who's in a costume of his own. As everyone spoke with one another, Deku looked over at SpongeBob who was in his own superhero outfit. It was odd how similar his outfit was to the standard UA training outfit, SpongeBob's outfit was blue with white stripes around the arms, chest, legs, and back. The white stripes also form a large white 'S' on SpongeBob's chest. Along with a blue face mask that SpongeBob was currently wearing, covering up his top head and his upper face while revealing his lower face.
"Hey, SpongeBob, sorry about what happened earlier. I just get a little passionate about All Might." Said Deku as he expressed a nervous smile and rubbed the back of his head.
"Don't worry, pal. I got a little carried away myself. Maybe later we can have a more... civil debate." Offered SpongeBob with a smile as Deku nodded.
"Yeah, sure thing. But, I have a question about your costume... Did you take inspiration from UA's training uniforms? They look really similar." Stated Deku as SpongeBob shook his head.
"Nah, it was honestly just a coincidence. Blue and white have always been my colors, and I came up with the costume idea when I was a kid. Something water themed."
"Oh, that's pretty cool. But, you also know that you don't have to wear your mask, right?" Asked Deku as he pointed at SpongeBob's mask.
"I think it's cool. Some of the best heroes in the world wear masks, it just adds to the wonder and awesomeness that is heroism!" Stated SpongeBob excitedly.
"Yeah, but... does your costume have to be so... tight?" Asked Deku as he pointed to SpongeBob's skin tight outfit.
"It allows MAXIMUM MOBILITY! I can FEEL IT!" Said SpongeBob as he turned and started shaking his behind with the incredibly tight suit showing off the extremely detailed... features. "In fact, it feels like I'm wearing, nothing at all! NOTHING AT ALL! NOTHING AT ALL!"
Deku and several of the other students shared at SpongeBob in disgust, as Jirou covered her own and Momo's eyes with her aux cords with Sero pulling off a piece of tape from one of his elbows and covering his eyes with it.
"MY EYES!" Yelled Deku in agony as he covered his eyes with his hands.
"Alright guys, shut up and listen up..." Everyone stopped talking as they all looked over at Mr Aizawa who was standing in front of Class-1A with his usual strained expression.
"As you all already know, we have a special guest here today who came here all the way from America to see how we do things here in UA." Said Aizawa as he and the rest of the students turned their attention to SpongeBob, who looked around with a slightly nervous laugh.
"Baha... Yeah, that's me..." Said SpongeBob with a nervous tone.
"That also means he took tests back in America to get into a hero course as well. But here your not just gonna come waltzing in and join everyone training, your gonna show us first hand your quark in action and how developed your skills are." Stated Aizawa as he took a few steps to the left to show the massive stone pillars that took up most of the Gym area. But what caught everyone's eye there was several of the green training robots on different pillars. The robots were very similar to the robots from the entrance exams. In fact, the sight reminded Deku, Bakugou, Kirishima, Uraraka, and everyone else who was at I-Island about the obstacle course that Deku, Bakugou, and Kirishima took.
"Your task is simple SpongeBob, there are ten training robots on the rocks there, your job is to destroy and dispatch of all of them as quickly as possible. It will show everyone what you can do and make it easier to do team up training's. Now step forward and tell me when your ready to start." Stated Aizawa as he pulled out his phone to keep track of the time as SpongeBob looked on with a nervous expression.
'Oh no... I wasn't told I'd have to do something like this on my first day. In front of OTHER PEOPLE too!? Oh man, I'm not good at putting up a show like this in front of other people. And what if I don't break the robots within the amount of time they wanted me too!? What if they send me back!? What if I disappoint Mermaid Man and-' But SpongeBob was interrupted from his thoughts as he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. As he looked over, he saw the hand belonged to Deku as he, Uraraka, and Iida were all smiling at SpongeBob.
"Don't worry, Bob... You'll be fine." Said Deku with encouraging words.
"You'll do fine, go on." Said Uraraka.
"At first I had my doubts of your intellect. But your heart is in the right place, as your temporary classmate I believe in you." Stated Iida as SpongeBob looked back at the three with a smile, as he looked forward yet again.
"What are you waiting for? The heat death of the universe? Get your butt moving!" Commanded Aizawa as SpongeBob stiffened up as he walked to the marked spot on the floor as he took his place and started to get ready.
"Okay, tell me when your ready..." Said Aizawa with his thumb hovering over the go button on his timer.
"... I'm ready." Said SpongeBob in the most epic voice he could muster.
"Go!" Said Aizawa as he started the timer and SpongeBob ran forward. But as he took his first few steps forward, he slipped on a tiny pebble he didn't see and screamed as he started bouncing all over the place like a super ball.
Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing!
The students glanced at one another as SpongeBob's bouncing momentum only built up more and more speed as he bounced around the entire mountainous arena. SpongeBob's momentum only moved faster as even the training robots gave each other awkward glances.
"Oh... This will be fun..." Stated Aizawa sarcastically as SpongeBob's bouncing started to have some pattern to it. As SpongeBob's body continued to move around with the speed of a bullet, he eventually collided with multiple training robots, destroying or at least severally damaging each of them with one or two blows.
Crash! Kaboom!
Crash! Kaboom!
Crash! Kaboom!
"Huh... Bouncing around the battlefield like that, he's kinda like you, Izuku." Stated Uraraka.
"Yeah... kinda... He acctually reminds me of Kacchan." Replied Deku.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Roared Bakugou as Izuku took a step back fearfully.
"N-Nothing, Kacchan!"
"I'm nothing like that idiot! He's not even attacking! He's just a clumsy nerd!" Growled Kacchan as SpongeBob continued to bounce around the area uncontrollably.
Crash! Kaboom!
Crash! Kaboom!
Crash! Kaboom!
Crash! Kaboom!
Crash! Kaboom!
And just in a matter of seconds, he took out five more robots before quickly grabbing ahold of a surface of the next object he hit. Luckily it was solid ground as SpongeBob pushed himself back up.
'Finally, I stopped bouncing... Now where is the other-' SpongeBob's thought process was cut off as he turned around to see one of the two robots left as it was preparing to attack. The robot attempted to swing at SpongeBob several times, but each blow missing. Until the robot tried to swing a third time, as SpongeBob quickly dodged and grabbed the robots arm. Tearing it off and piercing it through the robots head.
'Almost done, now where's the last-' But SpongeBob was silenced as he turned around to see the final robot standing in front of him, as it pointed flame throwers at him.
"Oh no..."
The students shielded their eyes after each blast of fire, before SpongeBob finally defeated the robot and crushed it. A moment of silence passed as a chard SpongeBob with soot covering most of his body, slowly walked forward with the top of his head having a small candle-sized flame still burning.
As he walked up to Mr Aizawa, he looked up at him with a cheapish smile.
"Uhh... How did I do?"
"Congratulations, you managed to do better then the three worst students in my class." Stated Aizawa as he reached forward and extinguished the kindle on SpongeBob's head. To be continued
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