#wizard mc
dreadreflection-if · 2 years
How would the ROs react to a wizard MC that always uses fireball for any situations without any concern for the safety of themselves or others
Oh, boy… 👀
I: Constantly Stressed™. What if you hurt someone?? What if you hurt yourself?! Pleads with you to find another spell to use - or at least to be more careful! Probably cries - they don’t want to be separated again.😢 They don’t like it, but they’ll stay with you to try to minimize the risk. Would be more unhappy the longer you do it.
Akriel: She thinks it’s fun - the first few times. As the novelty wears off, though, she starts to get concerned. Don’t you think this is a bit… much? You’re putting the group in danger. And even she thinks you’re drawing too much attention to them. Mysteriously vanishes each time you do it - she can’t have anything ruining her reputation.
Firan: Judges you, hard. You do realize you are a wizard, correct? There are so many spells you could learn - you can even raise the dead! Yet you insist on almost blowing yourself up. He will even be gracious enough to teach you some spells, if you beg properly. As long as he isn’t in danger, though, he sees no reason to stop you.
Clove: You’re scaring them.😰 They don’t really like loud noises - or all the attention you draw to them with your antics. They won’t ask you to stop, though - they’ll just suffer through it. Probably the one in most danger from the explosions: when they’re raging, they might not notice what’s happening. I don’t see it ending well for them if no one stops you.
E: Activates Protective Mode. Already bodily carrying you away from the scene before the spell is even completed: they made an oath to keep you safe, and they intend to keep it - even if they have to protect you from yourself!😤 Not happy that you’re putting other people at risk. If they can’t stop you, they’ll just have to take out the enemies before you can.
Lei: Doesn’t really care about it. It doesn’t matter to her whether you blow yourself or someone else up. If you put her in danger, though, she will be pissed: MC will probably have to watch their back for a while.👀 As long as she’s safe, though, feel free to use Fireball as much as you want… just leave some of the enemies for her.
Dimitrius: Not really surprised: his Sight warned him this would happen. He’ll let you do whatever you want so long as you don’t endanger him or his grandmother. Will intervene if he Sees you’re going to get hurt - he was hired to guide you, and he can’t do that if you’re dead. The one expressionlessly watching on as you burn something down - again.
Noel: …Are you a fool? You are an investigator, not an arsonist. How are they going to find anything if you keep blowing up everything around you? They aren’t particularly concerned for your safety, but are worried for everyone else. Will argue with you about it, but if she can’t make you stop then she will eventually leave the party.
Uriel: Cheers you on - from a safe distance, of course. He enjoys the chaos you create, since it makes everything a little less boring. Acts as the devil’s advocate for any arguments from the other party members. She would probably be a bit sad if you got hurt, but not enough to tell you to stop. The only one happy with the situation.😅
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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dad seb dad seb dad seb 💕
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ravenelyx · 11 months
I need you. - Sebastian Sallow
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader
Words: 1.1k
Chapter Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, kissing, angst and comfort, Sebastian needs to be snuggled, Sebastian is also sad, and Sebastian needs love, neck kissing, cuddling and snuggling, Soft!Sebastian Supremacy, House or gender is not specified, (implied) established relationship, use of 2nd person for the reader
Summary: Sebastian has different ways of dealing with being hurt. One of them is burying his face in your chest while you cuddle him
A/N: IT'S SALLOW SUNDAY and since people seem to like my soft!seb heacanons, I wrote a whole fic instead <3 I woke up feeling snuggly, sooo...
you can find the whole fic on ao3 as well <3
Ominis' version
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You didn't even hear his steps, yet when you saw a grimace creep up on Leander's face as he spoke to you, and strong arms wrap around your torso, you knew.
Sebastian left a soft kiss on the top of your head, looking at Leander with a small frown. You thought it must be one of those things only boys understood, because Leander sighed and nodded, without saying a word. Sebastian relaxed against you.
Pair of eyes looked between the two boys, as if expecting a fight to come out of it, but Leander just smiled in acknowledgement. "Sallow." Then his eyes met yours. "I'll see you in class. Don't forget your Leechjuice again."
You rolled your eyes. "It was one time."
Many people mistook it for possessiveness. You knew the real reason for it.
Leander walked away, waving you a goodbye, and Sebastian leaned his head against yours.
"Hi," you whispered with a small smile. He nuzzled your cheek, leaning his weight on your back.
While you never reproached him for showing his touchy side in public, you were starting to feel a little self-conscious of all the curious eyes piercing the two of you, so you turned around in his arms — albeit with great difficulty as his iron grip on you seemed unmovable — and cupped his cheeks.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You swore you saw a few tears collect in his eyes as you spoke, so you walked him backwards to a more secluded bench. He sat down and immediately pulled you onto his lap.
After two years of dating, Sebastian had no more qualms about showing you his need for affection. You were there through it all: when Anne was cursed, when Sebastian desperately tried to find a cure, and even now, when he was diving into a dangerous path with his new friend. He had begun to rely on you, and on something only you could give him.
You threaded your fingers through his hair, affectionately scratching his scalp, and he let out a soft whine – a whine of pleasure, and a whine of something else. Something sad and guilty and that made him tighten his grip against you and bury his face in your chest.
"He has sent another letter!" he began, running his hands along your back and hips. You learned it was a way for him to reassure himself and calm down. "He told me the if I don't stop, he'll never let me see Anne again!"
Your face softened, hand now cupping the back of his head and pulling him closer. Usually, when Sebastian had a fight with Solomon, he'd retreat in the Undercroft, angry and incensed and ready to burn his own rage to the sound of very loud Confringo's. But there were times when his uncle's words got to him, made his heart sink with the need of a love that was stripped from him. A love he tried to silence by hugging his pillow tight at night when he was young. A love he found in you.
"He won't actually do it. Anne will always be your sister," you reassured him softly. "She'll want to see you, and he can't stop her from that."
He breathed heavily in your chest, pressed his palm under your thighs to pull you further in.
"She doesn't agree with what I'm doing…" He muffled his broken voice in your shirt.
"I know…"
"And she might stop loving me…" he said tearfully.
"She won't." You said earnestly. "She's your twin. In her heart, she knows she'd do the same for you."
He trembled a little, emotions threatening to explode.
"You don't trust Solomon," you began, stroking his hair, "but you can trust me. And you can trust Anne."
He stopped quivering, and you could almost feel the gears turn in his brain at your words. He began to kiss you through your shirt in gratitude.
You thought the position must have been uncomfortable to him, even if he didn't show it, so you slightly pushed his torso back, his face leaving your chest with a displeased frown, and leaned him on the seatback a little, then nestled in his arms, face nuzzling his neck. He sighed in relief as you cuddled against him.
"I know I'm too much sometimes…" he said in a small voice, hiding his face in your hair.
"You're not," you answered immediately. You could see his insecurities start to creep up on him, and you wouldn't have that.
"I annoy you."
"You don't," you protested, looking up at him in concern.
"I always come to you—"
"I'm glad you do."
"—and I'm always too needy."
"I don't see a problem with that."
You sighed and cupped his cheek again, drawing him down to press your mouth to his. It took a small touch for him to ignite, leaning his whole torso over you to deepen the kiss, desperately tugging at your lips. He pulled back with a grimace again when he noticed, and turned away, almost guilty.
"Don't refuse my affection," you whispered.
"I will consume you."
"I'm yours anyway."
He looked back at you, eyes fleeting over the gentle smile on your lips.
"Now come and kiss me a little more."
The battle in his mind seemed to settle immediately, and he lunged forward, placing one hand on the back of your head to keep you in place as his lips feasted on yours. His other arm circled your waist, holding you impossibly tight against him. And he was everywhere — his body caging yours, lips hungrily pulling and biting and bruising, hands desperately kneading your flesh, prising your shirt open to touch your bare skin. You felt dizzy at the force of his affection, and you knew he was right. He would consume you, like a wildfire, an eruption, a cataclysm about to blow your heart in a pulp of blood and passion as his tongue claimed yours. And you'd stop feeling like a person at his touch, so overcome by him you'd lose yourself. And then he'd settle it all right, kissing the blood off your lips with reverence, caressing your bruises gently, putting order into your feelings and reminding you once again that you would do anything for him.
"I need you," he breathed out, dipping his head in the crook of your neck. "Every day…"
You didn't stop him when he sucked a love bite into your skin.
"It's a good thing I feel the same," you chuckled.
"Even if you don't need me as much as I need you—"
"I need you more than you can imagine."
He looked up at you, and you kissed his lips again. This time he was gentle as well.
"Don't stop coming to me. Ever."
He nodded and kissed you again. And again. And again. And again, until Professor Weasley reproached the both of you for inappropriate behaviour and sent you to detention for a week.
And he'd kiss you there, too.
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killsworthss · 1 month
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Can’t stop and won’t stop my delulu
You can do it with vidu studio or lumalabs
Have fun loves 🤭🤍
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musicalgifs · 9 months
*reference to this video, not my actual opinion
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tikvin · 2 months
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Getting ready for the epilogue party
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umbraxey · 7 months
Lou: Nah, don't worry dude. We're all gonna get TPK'd together, as a family.
Erika: Awww!
Aabria: It's like the Notebook!
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yimmy-poo · 29 days
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It's finally ready!
(The download for the pc version will take you to dropbox, just so you don't get confused. Just click the download for dropbox to get the pc version of the game)
Please join my Discord Server for future updates!
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trappezoider · 2 months
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A commission for @redqueenie82. Thank you so much for supporting and commissioning me!!💚
Her dark witch is captured by the Ministry to be used as leverage against Sebastian. But nobody takes his beloved and nobody takes what belongs to him. He will save her, even if it means he has to tear down the whole place.
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zetadraconis11 · 7 months
HL Incorrect Quote #94
Ominis: I think you're a bad influence.
Sebastian: What are you talking about? You're completely fine.
Ominis: I'm not talking about ME...
MC in the distance: *casts Confringo and laughs maniacally*
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kit-the-gaygent · 2 months
Every time Solomon wears anything other than his wizard robes that show more skin mc calls him a slut (affectionate)
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dreadreflection-if · 2 years
How would the ROs react if they got in a fight that ended with them being unconscious then they herd a familiar voice saying ‘why isn’t it working’ then they wake up and see the necromancer MC then they noticed a light on the MC hand that look very similar to the light when MC rise the dead and MC said ‘oh hey you’re still alive yeah that’s good’
(For context MC saw the ROs unconscious body thought they were dead and try to turn them into zombies)
These poor ROs.😭 First they’re being set on fire, and now this lol. They just can’t catch a break.
The monstrosity before you lets out one final cry as your magic slams into it, a sickly green energy enveloping the creature and sucking out its life essence. As it collapses to the ground, you’re finally able to catch your breath and survey the scene around you. Though little, the carrion stalker that had suddenly burst out of one of your servants proved to be a deadly opponent - evidenced by the prone form you see lying a few feet away. Approaching the body of your presumably dead companion, an idea forms in your mind. That same lurid green magic covers your hand as you raise it, staring at your target. Maybe this doesn’t have to be a total loss, after all...
I is exempt from this one. :)  
“Welp, that didn’t go like I planned.” Akriel groans as she slowly sits up, her normally immaculate clothing now covered in grime and blood. With a grimace, she shakes her head and looks around - quickly spotting your hand still hovering over her. Grinning, she raises her own towards you. “That’ll teach me to try to play mind games with a thing like that. Mind helping me up?” As you go to do so, she laughs when you tell her it’s good she’s still alive and merrily agrees. But when you look into her eyes, you see something in them past the cheer.
She knows what you were trying to do. And though she won’t say anything about it now... she’ll remember.
"The reason it is not working,” Firan begins, not even bothering to open his eyes, “is because the target of your spell must be deceased. Which, clearly, I am not.” Rising to his feet, he dusts off his clothes and does not even bother to listen to your reassurance before beginning to stroll away. It’s clear he means to pretend this never happened. It’s only when Skeever swoops down to land on his arm that he stops to address the air. “However, I would advise you not to try that again, MC.” Both him and the raven turn to look at you as one, eyes pinning you in place as your blood runs cold.
“You never know what you may be bringing back to life.”
Clove: (tw: panic attack)
Clove suddenly shoots up, frantically looking around them. They tremble as their chest heaves, and you can see their fingers twitch as they dig them into their temples. They don’t even seem to register your words or presence, eyes glassy as they grapple with something you can’t see. Eventually, their arms lower and their eyes meet yours. “MC,” they croak out, voice full of relief. “I’m still me.” When they hear you say it’s good they’re still alive, they give you a rare smile, tears shining in their eyes. They seem to have no idea about your earlier plan.
It might be best to keep it that way.
E’s eyes slowly blink open, confusion written on their face. When they see you standing above them, though, the fog clouding their mind seems to clear and they rocket to their feet at a surprising speed. Their gauntlets are heavy when their hands land on both your shoulders, but they don’t seem to notice as they scan you for apparent injuries. “Forgive me,” they say gravely, face serious. “I’m supposed to be protecting you, yet you’re the one who saved me.” Their eyes shine with determination when you give your reassurance, and they kneel as they reply, “On my oath, I promise this won’t happen again.”
Their bowed head hides the dark look they give the dead monstrosity behind you.
"The hell’re you doing,” Lei grunts as she cracks an eye open. She’d still managed to look annoyed somehow when unconscious, but now that she’s awake she looks practically furious - though whether that’s because of you  or because of her own predicament, you aren’t sure. Before you can tell her it’s good she’s still alive, her hand shoots out and grabs your wrist, pulling you down to meet her halfway. “Don’t pull that shit again,” she snarls, “or I’ll break that flimsy wrist of yours.” Her hold on you tightens, grip almost strong enough to bruise, before she finally lets go.
Threat finished, she rises and pushes past you, only stopping to give the dead crawler a viscous kick before stomping away.
He doesn’t open his eyes or try to get up, but you can tell when Dimitrius awakes from the way his face immediately morphs into a frown. If you’re doing what I think you are right now, he signs to you, stop. Reluctantly, he sits up and raises his head to meet yours. You think he looks tired, but it’s hard to tell past the already prominent bags underneath his eyes. You tell him you’re glad he’s awake, but his frown only deepens. I’m not, he admits after a moment. It was quiet for once. Nothing to See. Before you can respond, he’s already begun to walk away - most likely to avoid any questions.
For a long time after, the look that had been on his face when you found him stays seared in your mind: a look of utter relief.
A weary sigh leaves Noel’s lips as their eyes open to stare at the sky above them. If they were religious, you think they’d be praying to one of the gods right now. “Why am I not surprised,” they exasperatedly mutter, pinching the bridge of their nose. Checking for any injuries as they rise to their feet, they give a disbelieving huff when you remark you’re glad they are alright. “I will pretend to believe that,” she replies, giving your previously glowing hand a dubious look. “Both for the sake of your dignity, and for the sake of my rapidly deteriorating sanity.”
They’re suspicious tone lets you know they’ll make sure to keep an eye on you from now on, however.
You watch as Uriel’s body twitches and begins to rise, arms and legs jerking back and forth until the zombie is fully standing in front of you. His shoulders slump forward, head tilted downward as gravelly groans leave his throat. Satisfied, you mentally command him to follow you as you walk away - but only manage to take one step before you are grabbed by stiff arms and crushed to the body behind you. A loud growl is the only warning you get before the zombie lunges at your throat, mouth opening to... nip you. “Got you,” Uriel laughs, breath tickling your skin. His eyes shine with mirth as he proudly says his next line.
“I can’t believe you fell for that one! Trust me, darling, if I ever do end up dying - you’ll know.”
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adelikashere · 2 months
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When arguing with one another finally felt tiring.
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ravenelyx · 7 months
I just think that Sebastian always acts tough and feels like he needs to shoulder both his and Anne's pain because he's "The Man", the bother, the one who should protect his sister, and how he had always tried to brush off Solomon's insults by taking time to himself.
But have you ever wondered how that lack of love at some point starts to get to him? How sometimes Solomon's words penetrate his shield and break him little by little and he can do nothing but start to believe them? How even the sight of Anne can't soothe him anymore because she reminds him too much of their mother and their loss and he even begins to resent her? How the reason he invited Ominis home in Feldcroft is because he feels like he needs to redeem himself for being the failure he believes he is? How the very first time someone shows him an ounce of romantic love, he'll fall into a whirlwind of grasping and pulling and consuming and protectiveness beyond belief because finally, finally, he has that love he lost? Finally someone has met him and had fallen in love with him for who he is and he's scared -- scared and terrified of losing it all because of death, of illness, of him, even.
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kasieli · 1 year
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Somewhat modern day AU? Aka my excuse to do silly social media shenanigans and drawing Seb in a sweater vest? (p.s. that’s Ominis’ peace sign)
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thetaxicabber · 4 months
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I got a new cover for my fic by the amazing @flamboyantjelly and seriously I can stare at this for the rest of my life.
Voyagers of Time and Shadow features Evelyn Kingsley and Sebastian Sallow as they accidentally travel through time and end up in 1995. Under the guidance of the new Headmaster Dumbledore they repeat fifth year. Evelyn and Sebastian are desperate to get back to 1891, even more so when they find letters Ominis Gaunt left them in the Undercroft. Sebastian quickly lands himself in detention with Professor Umbridge which causes him to befriend Harry Potter. Evelyn struggles with keeping their secret and the fact that she absorbed the corrupt ancient magic from the repository. The war between the Order of the Phoenix and The Death Eaters rages in secret and Evie and Sebastian find themselves right in the center of it all. What will people do when Evie reveals her devastating magic? Will Sebastian get a cure back to Anne?
This Fic has been such a joy to write. I started playing Hogwarts Legacy as an escape and my fics have helped me through a lot. These characters mean so much to me.
I know I’m still growing as a writer so all the comments and kudos mean the world to me 💕
The story is ongoing and I can’t wait to show everyone what I’ve got planned for them 🐍
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