irondadfics · 4 months
Hi!!!! Hope you're doing great. So, I really love fics where tony makes a mistake, like yelling at peter, misunderstanding, argument, ignore peter, etc. And then he feels guilty and apologize. I already checked out all the "tony is not nice" tag and I really loved it, so I was wondering if you have more fics like this. Thank you very much! I really love what you do!
We got a few recommendations with these themes! Enjoy!
Mistakes by happyaspie
Peter is injured during a mission but Tony is too distracted to notice... or listen when Peter tries to ask him for help. This leads to some frustrated tears, a trip to medical, a few promises and, of course, forgiveness.
You Need to Know (and I wish I Knew How to Tell You) by NanixErka
Alternate Title "Tony Stark Has the Emotional Intelligence of a Fish"  Tony Stark - through a daft conversation - leads Peter to think he doesn't care about him Luckily he knows exactly how to fix it (He doesn't)
you held your pride like you should have held me by searchingforstars
“I had to take the risk!” Peter snaps. “I saved your life.” Tony’s stare hardens. “Yeah, and nearly ended your goddamn own. This isn’t a trade-off. It wasn’t your call to make.” “You would have done the same thing to protect me,” Peter points out. Tony just seethes at the statement.  “I don’t care about what you think I would have done. You are notme. And I don’t know who you think I am, but I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself." -- or, as the timer ticked down, Peter knew his only option was to take things into his own hands. He just didn’t expect Tony to be mad at him for saving his life.
Irreplaceable by for_the_night
It starts with a cancelled lab session. Then two. Then three. When Peter finally plucks up the courage to ask what he’s done wrong, he finds another kid in the lab with Tony. The teen feels a pang of hurt seeing the pair laughing and joking together, but the fatal blow is seeing Tony ruffle the boy's hair. Tony doesn’t hate Peter. He’s replaced him.
it hurts to be half-loved by canon irondad (tomlinsoul)
“Oh for God’s sake. I’m not Peter’s fucking father. I’m not, I never have been, and I never fucking want to be, okay? I like the kid, sure, we all do, but at the end of the day, he’s just a smart little superhero I happen to mentor, alright? Now can that be the last I hear of that, please?” or; Peter overhears another denial Tony is Peter's dad right after he realises he sees him as one. It's about as messy as you might expect.
I Do Listen To You by Icylightning
Tony was not having a good week. Too bad he takes his anger out on Peter.
The Tumblr Archives by losingmymindtonight
Chapter 21: Shout, Shout, Let It All Out
Written for the anon who left the prompt: "peter doing something self sacrificing and stupidly heroic during a fight and tony is like. fucking screaming at him once they’re safe cause he doesn’t wanna loose his kid but he stops when he sees peters eyes wide in fear, hands shaking, knees about to give out and tony realizes just how fucking scary it must’ve been to have to step up and do whatever the stupidly heroic act was, especially for a teenager..." WARNINGS: mention of past child abuse, lots of explicit language, yelling
please believe me (i’m begging you) by idyllic_dae
Things were going so damn well. But then Michael showed up, and now everything around Peter is turning to ruin, and he doesn’t know how to stop it, and— Maybe he’s the crazy one after all.
Forgive me by wolfypuppypiles
Tony thought that a botched mission and a fight between him and Peter would have been the worst thing to happen that week. He was wrong.
I Didn't Actually Mean That: A Tony Stark Story by what_the_fluff
Tony reverts back to bad habits for one night, resulting in a terrible rift between he and Peter (aka drunk asshole!Tony makes an appearance). It's entirely his fault, and he knows it's up to him to make things right - and save whatever shred of the last good relationship in his life still exists. He hopes Peter can forgive him...
Stress Is A Man's Best Enemy by Yousaydoctorisaywho
Tony Stark never really gets angry. Sure, he gets stressed nearly all the time, but who doesn't? Unfortunately, after both him and Peter have very stressful days, Tony releases it on Peter who ends up running away. There were quite a lot of misunderstandings and now Tony has to go out there and save the kid.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Hurt/Comfort Buddie fic recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Break In by soft_satan - Rated T
“9-1-1 what is your emergency?” “Break in,” he gasped as the rattling doorknob stopped. Buck gave their address quickly as he grabbed the bat he kept under his side of the bed. “I saw at least two men. No idea if they're armed.”
5-4-3-2-1 by elisela - Rated G
For all the times that Eddie has practiced getting into his turnout suit in record time, he never bothered figuring out how to get out of it just as fast. He would be regretting that if he could think about anything other than the fact that Buck went over the pier rail twenty-six seconds ago, and disappeared into the dark water seventeen seconds ago.
you know I wanna be the one to hold you when you sleep by ashavahishta - Rated G
He doesn’t see it. He barely even hears it, the sounds of struggle on the edge of his awareness as he and Hen roll the patient onto a stretcher. Bobby will tell him later that the guy had broken free from Buck, pushed him hard enough for Buck to lose his footing and trip backwards into the skate bowl. What Eddie does hear is the sickening dull thud of Buck’s head hitting concrete.
Snap, Crackle, Pop. by wolfypuppypiles - Rated T
Eddie pulled his phone out of his pocket, standing to answer its ringing call. “Hey, Buck.” “Dad.” Eddie spun on his heel, smile warming up his chest at his son’s voice. “Hey, buddy. Where’s Buck? You guys having fun?” “We fell.” AKA Buck gets hurt and its Christopher who has to save him
(hurt) thy neighbor by autumnchills - Rated T
“He’s armed,” is all he says into the phone before standing from his spot. He shoves his phone into his pocket and steps out, hands raised. Sure enough, the man has a gun pointed at him, but if he looks closely enough… Buck squints. Color him surprised. “Is that you—” “Don’t!” The man yells, jerking his hand with the gun aggressively. “Don’t you dare fucking say my name, Buckley.” In which things get bad fast when Buck's neighbor breaks into his apartment thinking that he isn't home.
The Blazin' Challenge by datleggy - Rated G
Buck has an allergic reaction at buffalo wild wings and the firefam is there for him. Also they finally realize Buck and Eddie are an item--by accident.
not ready to let go by theosbuckley - Rated G
"Hey, Eddie!" Chim calls him as he leaves the fire station, "This came in for you, there's no return address." Eddie's heart drops almost immediately and he rushes to Chim, almost ripping the envelope from his hand. "Woah there, this better not be some weird fetish thing." "Shut up Chim!" He snaps back. Edmundo Buckley-Diaz Firehouse 118, Los Angeles, California United States of America or in which i'm sorry for doing this (but not really)
It's Ok Now by datleggy - Rated G
On his day off, Buck takes Christopher to the doctor--just for a cold, no big deal--until it suddenly might be and Buck is alone and nobody is picking up their phone.
we're gonna be okay, kid by honestlydarkprincess - Rated G
The last thing Buck is expecting is to be woken up from his ill advised mid-morning nap with a call from Christopher's school, telling him that Chris is sick and should go home. He can't leave his favourite kid to fend for himself so even though Eddie might get mad at him, again, he's on his way to pick up Chris before he can even think about it. Set during the lawsuit, post-grocery store scene.
a leaf falls on loneliness by iimpossible_things - Not Rated
Buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “I’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. Really, he doesn’t. The 118 has too many good, kind people for that. But every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chim, he hears Eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.” —you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting— So each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence.
Buy Back the Secrets by allyasavedtheday - Rated T
He casts his gaze to the right, to the voice he’d heard a minute ago and the hand still on his shoulder. And, well. Okay. So Buck may have just been unconscious for an indeterminable length of time but he doesn’t think he’s exaggerating when he says the guy leaning over his bedside is one of the most attractive people he’s seen in a long time. Especially when his face splits into a smile that rivals the brightness of the hospital lights that almost just fucking blinded Buck a second ago. “Welcome back, hotshot,” the guy says and it sounds fond – familiar – and Buck honestly has no idea who this guy is. His brown hair is dishevelled on top of his head and his eyes look tired but then Buck notices the LAFD t-shirt so- alright. Someone from the firehouse, maybe? But he’s pretty sure he’d remember a face like that. * After getting hurt on a call, Buck wakes up thinking it's 2018. AKA Buck can't remember who Eddie is but he's pretty sure everyone's lying when they say they're "just friends."
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by HMSLusitania - Rated M
“We’re here for our grandson,” Helena says. “Chris is still sleeping,” Buck says. “I meant, we’re here to take him back to Texas,” Helena clarifies. “Yeah,” Buck says. He’s too tired, way too tired to be tactful. “Over my dead body.” -- An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home.
Of Bikes and Concussions by datleggy - Rated G
Buck gets into an accident on his way to work in the morning, and before he can explain why he's late, he gets thoroughly chewed out and the rest of his day goes way downhill from there.
it’s okay by itsmylifekay - Not Rated
Finally back with the team, Buck isn’t going to let anything tear him away again. He has to prove his place, his part in the family, even if that means smiling through the pain. Or, Buck gets hurt on a call and doesn’t tell anyone.
don't tell my husband (he'll kill me) by coupe_de_foudre - Rated T
All Bobby has to say, as Buck is hightailing it towards danger, is a low, threatening, “Don’t make me call Eddie.” and Buck will skid to a stop, pause, and eventually turn around and slink back towards the team like a scolded dog with his tail between his legs.
Frequent Flyer by red_to_black - Rated M
In his entire time being a firefighter, Eddie has never met anyone as accident-prone as Evan Buckley. And Buck - well, he's quickly becoming the 118's best customer. (Or - the one where Eddie is a firefighter, Buck isn't, and Eddie finds himself rescuing Buck from increasingly sticky situations. Sometimes literally.)
Love Language by red_to_black - Not Rated
The one in which there's too much pollen around, Eddie pines, and Buck is oblivious. Or - Eddie's love language is acts of service, and Buck doesn't totally get it.
17 Steps to Inevitability by allyasavedtheday - Rated T
“Thanks for clearing it with Cap,” he says lowly, feeling oddly self-conscious under Buck’s knowing gaze. Because just Buck shrugs like it’s not a big deal, claps him on the shoulder and squeezes once. “Of course,” he says earnestly. “I told you he wouldn’t mind.” Eddie swallows back an emotion he doesn’t know how to name and bumps their shoulders together as they head for the stairs. He’d forgotten friendship could be like this, forgotten what the unconditional support of having a team around him felt like. He’s not sure he’s ever had friends like this though. * Eddie doesn't plan for Buck to become part of his and Christopher's family; it just sort of happens. He doesn't plan to fall in love with Buck either; that just sort of happens too.
waiting on the sunrise by autumnchills - Rated T
When Buck left home, it was a rushed decision. He didn’t know where he was going or what he was going to do, but he had a high school diploma and enough street smarts to make it as far from his father as possible.
It's been nearly ten years since then, and now his father is in town. Buck quickly learns that some things haven't changed.
But other things have, and his family will help him realize that.
Whiplash by soft_satan - Rated G
She parked near him and got out, avoiding the puddle as she approached him. Hands on her hips, she shook her head in pity. “What on earth happened to you?” He looked up at her with a pained smile, his shoulders instantly sagging with relief at the sight of her. “I got carjacked.” ... Thanks to a lack of communication, a horrific accident leads the team to fear the worst.
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fanfic-corner · 5 months
Irondad Kidnapping pt2
To celebrate me finishing my own addition to this trope, I thought I'd share some more of my favourite Irondad kidnapping fics <33 Once again, please make sure to check the tags on all of these!
Deadpool's Guide To Accidental Kidnapping by inkinmyheartandonthepage (1.6k)
Tony flew as fast as he ever had. When the vet came into view, Tony didn’t bother slowing down. He barged through the door, flying through the lobby until he came skidding into the back room with a bang.
“Don’t shoot!”
Tony held up his hands, chargers charged and ready to fire without hesitation.
“Awww crap,” Deadpool groaned, head tilting back dramatically. “I forgot to call the dad.”
Open for Business by opal_earrings (3k)
Jake likes his night shift at the gas station in the middle of nowhere because nothing ever happens. The only reason he took the job is because nothing ever happens.
But then something actually does. A teenager comes in covered in blood and asking to use his phone, and somehow that’s not the strangest thing that's going to happen during his shift tonight.
Or: Peter using a stranger's phone to call Tony for help, from the (very confused) stranger's perspective
i'll be there for you (cause you're there for me too) by MotherKarizma (4k)
Afterwards, Tony made a steadfast habit of carrying that old-school mobile phone, with one purpose and one name in the contacts, around with him wherever he went. He let it burn a hole in his pocket; let it glare at him, accusatory, as he grabbed it from the nightstand each morning.
He couldn’t bring himself to leave it behind. Not only because he might, in a few, specifically dire scenarios, need to call upon Steve Rogers. Tony lied to himself when he claimed there was no part of him that would want to pick up on the off chance that Steve needed him.
It was a truth Tony hated to acknowledge but deep down knew all the same: he owed him one.
reese’s pieces by toast_boy (4.2k)
“The dinosaurs are going to get suspicious, you know,” Tony says.
“I know.”
They’re both quiet for a bit, then Peter looks up. “Should we… Do we tell them?” he asks. “Or do you want to hit me in the face to keep up the illusion?”
Tony blinks. Once. Twice. “You can’t say shit like that, kid.”
“I’m just trying to come up with solutions, here,” Peter says. “We could stage a kidnapping. We’ll get Happy to dress up as a goon and rough me up a little and then you all swoop in and save me. I bet Happy would love to punch me a few times.”
“What? You know it’s true.”
Pizza, a Movie, and...an Attempted Kidnapping? by Pogokitten (4.5k)
“Tony. We’ll be fine,” Peter tells the man for what must be the tenth time in the last half hour.
Peter’s sitting on the couch of his and May’s apartment and building Legos with Morgan as they both watch their father’s methodical, yet anxious, pacing. He’s dressed to impress, as is Pepper who is watching the scene slightly exasperated.
“Are you sure? We can ditch the gala, kid. Just say the word,” Tony offers, halting in front of his kids.
Or: Tony and Pepper leave Peter in charge of Morgan while they go to their first gala since the third snap. Peter is expecting a calm night in with his adopted sister, but some thugs throw a wrench in his plans.
countless ways to say i love you by hopeless_hope (5.2k)
“You really love him, don’t you?”
Tony’s first instinct is to shy away from the strong word and shake his head. But then Peter turns his face into the palm of Tony’s hand, like a kitten seeking out the soothing touch, and Tony nods.
“Yeah,” he admits, swallowing thickly at the sudden swell of emotion in his chest. “I do.”
Over the years, Tony says a lot of things to and about Peter.
Atlas by polaroid15 (5.7k)
Peter and Tony are kidnapped by a psychopath with a particular interest in Greek mythology. Good thing Peter is used to holding up the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Secrets to keep and bullies to save by wolfypuppypiles (7.1k)
First Flash had punched him in the face for no reason and he got detention, then they were kidnapped from said detention. How could his day possibly get any worse?
5 Times Peter Slept Where He Shouldn’t by punkybunny (13k)
(+ 1 time Tony did!)
Peter has a tendency to fall sleep in places that he probably shouldn’t be sleeping in, whether he means to or not. Cue Tony, who is becoming increasing distressed as he tries to keep his kid safe and get him to finally sleep in an actual bed.
Whatever it Takes by sparksaam (21k)
Peter froze suddenly, his heart practically leaping into his throat. His eyes had made contact with the man in the front seat, only to realize that the person gazing back at him was not Tony. Instead, a tall, gruff-looking man with a hoodie and a red bandana over his mouth occupied the place where Mr. Stark had been sitting just minutes before.
“Don’t move,” the man grunted forcefully “or we’ll blow Stark’s brains out.”
Tony Stark is abducted. Peter Parker just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
look closer (c l o s e r) by GalaxyThreads (23k)
"Tony wants to scream.
He wants to yell and shout and rip apart these non-teachers, demanding to know what happened, who hurt his kid, what the heck is going on. How this stupid field trip turned into a nightmare from hell and Peter is bleeding and scared and Tony doesn’t know what to do. How to fix this."
AKA: the field trip to SI from hell, because it's not a good thing an entire high school knows Peter (allegedly) works at SI.
5 times peter clung to tony by parkrstark (27k)
...and the one time tony clung to him.
what it means to be a person by LinaRai (62k)
Nearly a year after the spell that erased Peter Parker, he finds himself chained to his old mentor. Literally.
Tony Stark has been running from his memories of Thanos for two years, burying himself in work and spending time with the family he nearly lost. But when a cunning new villain kidnaps Spider-Man to get to him, they’ll have to work together to escape with their lives.
But Spider-Man is just a kid. A kid who seems to have the answers to every hole in Tony’s memory. And he’ll do anything to protect the one person who might finally let him rest.
(forgive me for putting my own fic on the list, I couldn't help myself <33)
So Still and Discreet by SpaceCowboysFromMars (63k)
Tony's world crumbles around him when Pepper dumps him, Steve rallies the other Avengers against him and dips off of the face of the planet, and Rhodey stops answering his calls after everything that went down in Germany. He doesn't expect all of this to change when he discovers a super-powered teenage boy in the basement of a HYDRA camp in rural Poland, but it could be a lot worse.
Things get complicated when Tony starts to care about the kid more than he ever intended to.
The Iron Forge (Whumptober 2019) by Assayist (163k)
(A cohesive story written to the 2019 Whumptober prompts.)
Peter didn’t think his name deserved to be on the patent next to Mr. Stark’s. And he definitely didn’t think taking the wrong drink at the celebration party would end up involving allergic reactions, surgery, poison, kidnapping, some weirdo calling himself the Forge Master, and his very own version of Mr. Stark’s Afghanistan.
Will Peter turn out to be half the inventor Mr. Stark was or will he need to wait for Mr. Stark to come save him? And what will happen when Mr. Stark is threatened and it’s up to Peter to save them both?
I hope you enjoy them all as much as I did. If there are any other kidnapping fics you enjoy, pretty please send them to me!! And otherwise, I hope you all have a lovely day <3
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themculibrary · 9 months
Worried Masterlist
A Fast but Steady Heartbeat (ao3) - spooderboyandtincan N/R, 1k
Summary: Peter, Tony and Rhodey are enjoying their afternoon at a restaurant until the building and their food explodes.
Bright Eyes (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight clint/tony T, 3k
Summary: After being hurt in a fight, Tony ends up temporarily blind and tries to hide it from the team so they don’t worry.
Clint is the only one to notice, and an honest conversation between the two about exactly how much Tony matters to the team leads to unexpected kisses.
Bloom in a Garden of Love (ao3) - hopelessly_me bucky/clint T, 5k
Summary: Bucky's holding on to a weird secret- for some reason he keeps coughing up rose petals. He thinks maybe he can hide it until events take a terrifying turn.
By Your Side (ao3) - SerendipityRed (SerendipityBlue) G, 3k
Summary: After Peter is forced to lift the fallen building after homecoming, he has to deal with the aftermath of the injuries that he’s received.
Peter Parker being the stubborn bean that he is, doesn’t tell anyone.
But the injuries are revealed after an accident in the lab.
Enter protective Tony, Steve, Bucky, Thor, Bruce, and Loki.
can you save my heavy dirt soul? (ao3) - streetlight_skeletons steve/bucky N/R, 1k
Summary: Bucky can't breathe and they won't shut up
Casualty of war (ao3) - wolfypuppypiles M, 22k
Summary: Peter got knocked down in Civil War, but when Tony went to check on the baby Avenger, he realized he was more badly hurt than first realized.
There wasn't meant to be any casualties, but there always is in war.
Elevator Freeway (ao3) - awesomesockes, whumphoarder T, 1k
Summary: Delirious and bleeding out from a gunshot wound, Peter struggles to describe his location to a very worried Tony.
Five Bullets And Nineteen Hours (ao3) - thefatedthoughtofyou sam/bucky G, 2k
Summary: Bucky gets hurt, badly, protecting Sam on a mission.
Hey Mr Stark, I'm Trapped Under A Building (ao3) - Kryi T, 1k
Summary: Peter's on evacuation duty, he was trying to get as many people out of the building as fast as possible. But something happens and he slips into unconsciousness.
Safe and Sound (ao3) - onthesandsofdreams pepper/tony T, 1k
Summary: She feels off kilter, unsure for the first time in a very long time. She should go. She should go downstairs, let Tony know that she was going home (or the office) and leave. But, she finds that she doesn’t want to, he has just returned and it doesn’t take a genius to know that he has suffered. That thing in his chest speaks louder than anything Tony might say.
Scream out loud like never before (ao3) - Carlet phil/melinda M, 33k
Summary: From philindaprompts on Tumblr: "Ward never really got his hands on May to 'make' her pay for breaking his larynx, chasing him down, Agent 33, etc."
Mid season 3, minus the whole Hive thing. Ward kidnaps and tortures May with the intent of making her pay for his suffering, proving that not even the infamous Melinda May was indestructible.
Taking Care of... (ao3) - orphan_account G, 6k
Summary: It's time for the obligatory sick/comfort fic!
Chapter 1: Rhodey is sick but don't worry, his best friend Tony is there to take care of him.
Chapter 2: Tony is sick but don't worry, his best friend Rhodey is there to take care of him.
Thank the Watchmaker (ao3) - ThatMadHatter clint/phil T, 11k (WIP)
Summary: “Natasha. Barton’s been compromised.” Phil’s voice did not hitch slightly at the word compromised. He was fucking Agent Phil Coulson. His voice did not betray emotion. Even when telling his boyfriend’s best friend that said boyfriend was compromised.
Or the one where Phil and Clint are together before The Avengers and the author rewrites things with that in mind.
you heal me like the light of day (ao3) - searchingforstars T, 9k
Summary: or, Peter tries to hide a stab wound and an infection-fuelled fever is never any fun. Also, it turns out that Beck is still lurking in Peter's mind much more than anyone realised.
You're Not Alone (You Have Us) (ao3) - Rascalisafatcat clint/phil, pepper/tony T, 2k
Summary: When his daughter gets sick with the flu Coulson leaves a debrief to go take care of her, the Avengers soon find out and they come to his rescue.
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authorangelita · 2 years
A and U for the ask game? 👉👈
Thank you for the ask!
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
I usually title things with the clinical term for the whump. Barring that, I try to take a couple of words and a concept from the fic. On rare occasions, I'll use part of a song lyric.
U: Share three of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Oooh, there are so many to choose from. ImpossiblePluto wrote my fave Mac fic, and I really need to leave a comment, but I don't know how to begin. I'll do it soon. Her ideas and execution are so good.
gaelicspirit is also one of my faves. I loved her writing when she wrote for Supernatural fandom, and I was so excited to see that she'd written for Mac fandom too.
Ridley C. James is another fave where I read her Supernatural verse and was excited to see that she'd written for Mac too. He worldbuilding is amazing.
I mad a rec list for a friend during my early time in Mac fandom, and there are so many good authors on there including: SabbyStarlight, wolfypuppypiles, CommanderBunnBunn, Nativestar, Objessions, Sapless_Tree, Project7723, and you, too, AppalachianApologies. There have a been a lot of good writers join the fandom since then too!
Everyone is so talented and hits my whumpy buttons/gives me whumperflies. Love to you all!
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lailuhhh · 2 years
First sentence tag game
Tagged by @authorangelita <3
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
1. Mac + Bozer - Freedom
Mac was used to it, as horrible as it was to say. It wasn’t the first time he was kidnapped, far from it, but he could only hope it was the last.
2. Mac + Distraction + Restriction
When Mac was little and told people he knew how to escape from handcuffs, they would laugh, saying his wrists were too small to even fit.
3. Mac + Home + Jack
Death wasn’t something that could be gotten used to, no matter how much someone saw it. Some guys swore up and down that they had been long since desensitized to it, and they might have been, but it was a thing Mac could never be used to.
4. Jack + Kevlar + Bullet
They shouldn’t have been there.
The quadrant they’d been in was out of their field of range; too far from their base to get to on a regular basis.
5. Jack + Mac
Jack was used to doing what he was told. All through childhood, he listened to adults around him, giving him gentle commands and telling him the right and wrong way to do things.
6. Mac + Jack + Need to Know
The mission had started off as any other, until it turned into something bad.
Their unit was EOD, a specialty unit that was tasked with finding and disabling explosive ordinances in whatever surrounding area.
7. Mac + Rumors + Newbie
There were certain tiers, subdivisions in the army, that went cross factions through all the different jobs that could be found.
8. Mac + Trauma - Jack
Nearly none of the guys on base cared when they’d first learned. They’d even joked that he had no need of one because Jack was his watch.
9. Outsider + Mac + Jack
It had honestly been a bit strange to watch. Most guys would’ve immediately put in transfer requests if they were paired with someone they butted heads with.
10. Jack + Feelings + Jealousy
“— so it’s pourin out, no where to set without getting mud everywhere and what do they do? Grab my arms and legs and toss me off the porch into the deepest part.”
I don’t even think I know ten people uuuuuh @bold-and-nosy @tarantulas4davey @benafee @quarttetta @wolfypuppypiles @appalachianapologies @saplesss-tree @rosieblogstuff @dinosaurswant2rule @justme--emily or whoever wants to
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currently-listed · 2 months
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truthofherdreams · 5 years
wolfypuppypiles replied to your post: ohmylordapineapple reblogged your...
How is it offensive? Genuinely asking
"The gay and trans “panic” defense is a legal strategy which asks a jury to find that a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity is to blame for the defendant’s violent reaction, including murder.“ (X)
basically, “gay panic” (and “trans panic” too) is a legal reason to get away with murder in certain countries because, you know, if you’re straight and somebody who the same gender/trans tries to flirt with you, that’s ground enough to beat the shit out of them or something
historically speaking, “gay panic” is and has always been used in that way, and should only be used to describe homophobic and transphobic attacks, violence against the LGBT+ and deeply rooted bigotry
and yet some fandoms on tumblr have decided that “gay panic” either means “I’m hot for this girl and I don’t know what to do about it lol” or, even worse, “this actress playing this female character we ship with another female character only denies the ship’s existence because she’s homophobic and/or in the closet and agreeing that her character is gay would get her out of the closet” or something. it’s fucked up, even more so when fandom actually uses it to like? make fun of celebrities denying their sexuality or something? I’m still not quite sure beside the fact that it’s fucked up?
and, most of all, it takes away from the real definition of “gay panic” just to make unfunny jokes on social networks and erases the real pain of the LGBT+ community attached to that term and to the actual homophobic laws tied to it
hope that helps :)
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hafael-archive · 6 years
I found it so depressing and sad does it get happier?
imma keep it real with you my guy,,,,,,,,it does not. BUT THAT DOESN’T MAKE IT NOT GOOD OK
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I would like to say a HUGE and proper thank you to the two wonderful women who have beta’d my fics for a little while, now, and really tell them that it means the world to me that they’d take time out of their day to help me become a better writer. If you know me at all, you know that time is a big deal to me. The way I tell someone that they mean something to me is if I want to spend time with them. (Sometimes I feel like it can look clingy. But it's just how I show I care.)They took something that I see as one of your most precious possessions and they gave it to me, to help me. It means the whole world to me, as my writing is something that genuinely helps me mentally, emotionally, creatively and as a whumper who needs to see my ideas come to life. 
@the-wandering-whumper Marie: You’re pretty much the mom of the community, and let me tell you, you don’t go unappreciated. Your fingerprints are all around said community and without you, it would have a gaping hole in it. And while that’s amazing for a whumpee, that’s not so great for a group of people. I don’t say it enough but I love you and thank you. From the bottom of my heart.
@wolfypuppypiles / @whumppile Pup: You, my dear, are the absolutely crazy family member in the community who has all the best and insane ideas that somehow always work out. You’re the one who could get away with anything if you really put your mind to it. You were (and still are) my favorite writer and somehow, you ended up being a beta for me. I don’t know how I got that fortunate but it’s been amazing talking to you like we have. Your dog is absolutely precious! Your family is so kind to me and I appreciate it so much. I don’t like how little I say these to you, either. I love you. Thank you. With everything I have.
Everyone, please go follow them and show them some love because I wouldn’t be who I am and the writer and blogger I am, today, without them.
And one last:
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irondadfics · 2 months
I just thought of a fic that I can’t find now. It’s a fic where Peter is kidnapped and experimented on with someone along with some other kids that end up dying due to an illness. He’s rescued and Bruce and Tony try to figure out how to save him before it’s too late.
sorry for the wait, but could this be your fic?
Virus by wolfypuppypiles
Peter flinched as another voice met his ears in the dark.  “New subject, number fourteen, randomly selected today. He’s healthy, and in good condition, stats already recorded. He’s ready for testing.” Peter is kidnapped and given a strange virus, leaving Tony, Steve and Bruce to find a cure before time runs out.
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asflowersfade · 7 years
I was tagged by @wolfypuppypiles to write the last sentence I wrote then tag as many people as there are words in the sentence!!!
And Mac smiles and whispers, “Yeah, it really is.”
The Quiet Place
I’m tagging @nexttonewtmas @ice-whisper @whumppile and @darknesshadows (heh, the last sentence IS four words ;P)
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whumpgalore · 7 years
Can we maybe send this round the whump community? Because as a whump fanfic writer I neeed to know: would you rather sacrifice some of the whump for the sake of being realistic, or would you rather have as much whump as you can regardless of weather it's realistic or medically possible?
WOW. i never even saw this before… hahah oops. (terribly sorry, love! :P) first of all, can i just say, i adore your fanfiction?! you write such great whump and i love all your h/c fics immensely. i might be putting in a prompt request myself sometime in the near future! ;D (i would write it myself - and am currently working on a few whumpy fics! - but i just don’t have enough time, and sometimes i need a whump fix. ;)) 
secondly, oooh, this is a hard one. in some situations, i suppose, the whump is portrayed unrealistically to drag it out, but it seems like most of the time, it’s the other way around… movie / tv show writers absolutely love badly injuring characters for the drama and then completely ignoring the potentially life-threatening (or, at the very least, temporarily disabling!) injury for the sake of the storyline, or to avoid making their dudes appear “weak”. haha. 
so, in short, i’m kind of a sucker for the portrayal of accurate medical care (because it usually increases the whump potential, and it’s just good storytelling!) but i’m always down for more whump, no matter what. 
so, a bit of both…???
that’s really not very helpful. i’m sorry. haha.
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themculibrary · 2 years
KAREN Masterlist
5 Times Peter Slept Where He Shouldn’t (ao3) - punkybunny T, 13k
Summary: (+ 1 time Tony did!)
Peter has a tendency to fall sleep in places that he probably shouldn’t be sleeping in, whether he means to or not. Cue Tony, who is becoming increasing distressed as he tries to keep his kid safe and get him to finally sleep in an actual bed.
5 times Peter was saved (ao3) - orphan_account mj/peter G, 12k
Summary: ...and the one time he saved everyone
-in other words strong boy peter parker saves everyone who took time to save him when they didn't have to
A Horrific Game Of Hide And Seek (ao3) - Buckets_Of_Stars T, 15k
Summary: Aside from feeling strange and having his Spidey Sense go off every five seconds, Peter is having a pretty good week. His Dad is home and he can even hang out with his friends more.
Too bad things don’t stay that way.
One mistake as Spider-Man changes everything and the teenager realizes the importance of always listening to his gut. Because that might be the very thing keeping him safe.
Bad decisions and the art of teaching AI’s to lie (ao3) - wolfypuppypiles M, 2k
Summary: He knew that, logically, he should tell Tony, because he’d been told off a million times for hiding injuries, because stab wounds were dangerous, because he was fifteen and shouldn’t deal with those things on his own. But on the other hand, he healed so fast that it would probably be gone by morning, and he really didn’t feel like getting stitched up again. Plus, Tony would lose his mind over it.
Between a rock and a soft, squishy, place. (ao3) - wolfypuppypiles M, 5k
Summary: Peter finds himself in a partially collapsed building, with a very angry alien who wants nothing more than to crush him and eat him for dinner. At least his days are never boring.
Connecting... (ao3) - Speeps G, 1k
>> connect to SPIDER_MARK_03 c o n n e c t i n g Error: receiving terminal not found
Karen is confused.
He Can’t Just Be (Gone) (ao3) - ambivalentangst M, 2k
Summary: Karen loved her Peter—sweet and kind and making a mess of his suit with crumbs—so very much.
It wasn’t like him to plead.
How it happened, Karen didn’t understand.
I kinda sorta got stabbed. (ao3) - peter_parkr T, 3k
Summary: This left Peter alone in a dark alley of Queens past midnight on a school night with a severe stab wound bleeding freely into his cupped hand. He stumbled backward and landed on his ass, leaning against a dumpster.
"Fucking idiot" Peter mumbled. Guy could’ve walked away with spider-man’s identity but instead he got $12 and an empty Dunkin’ Donuts gift card.
Or: Peter gets stabbed in a fight and refuses to call Tony but ends up bleeding on his doorstep anyways.
I know I'm not alone (ao3) - Summerwolf G, 9k
Summary: 5 times Peter hid and injury.
And the 1 time he didn't.
It's getting hot in here, so take off your spidey-suit (ao3) - wolfypuppypiles T, 4k
Summary: Peter suffers from heatstroke and has to get himself home while trying not to pass out or fall off a building. It's not a happy day for our Spider boi
Peter's Field Trip To Stark Tower (ao3) - ScxrletWidowXx G, 4k
Summary: Peter Parker's class is going on a school trip! Can you guess where? --- Basically, the Avengers are embarrassing Peter and being overprotective because of Flash.
spider-man is dead (ao3) - bstarship T, 6k
Summary: One morning, Peter wakes up to find that he's gone viral. And he’s dead.
Tony's Not The Only One Whose Best Friend is a Bot (ao3) - spidermanstan G, 3k
Summary: request from my tumblr: "could you write a fic that focuses more on peter and karen's relationship??" why, yes i can!!
in which karen helps peter through the ups and downs of a day on patrol that goes from run of the mill to anything but.
Total Knock Out (ao3) - JeffersonStarships peter/wade, pepper/tony, bucky/steve, clint/matt E, 78k
Summary: The sky shimmered as the sun peaked out over the spiked skyline, glinting off the glass and rainbowing a varying spray of blues, yellows, oranges, and pinks on the clouds.
It was a beautiful sight.
Peter groaned miserably.
“F***,” Clint hissed as he wrapped another one of Peter’s many wounds in haphazard gauze.
As it was, Clint was the least injured of them, and he was covered in bandages and bruises. Sure, some of those he had started with, but he was hardly in any shape to be playing field nurse.
Peter used his good leg to kick Clint away, “Go help Daredevil,” his breath hitches as Clint tapes down the edge of his makeshift bandage, “He doesn’t have a healing factor. I do. Leave. Me. Alone.”
“Dammit,” Clint growls slapping at Peter’s ankle, “You’re going to bleed out- Stop- Stop kicking me!!”
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wolfypuppypiles replied to your post “the entire internet seems to think Valerian was a flop but i kinda...”
I just watched it and every single aspect of the movie was done terribly
I wish it had just been Bad, but it was in fact Bad™.  Misogyny everywhere. Casual racism/xenophobia implied through the concept of aliens. The male lead made me want to actively die the second he first started talking.  Just bad writing. How did this movie get made in this the year 2017 i need answers
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