#women are vessels for men to make babies in basically
13eyond13 · 2 years
I think something a fem!Light would find really fascinating about fem!L is how she doesn't seem to have much of an internalized sense of inferiority or self-consciousness about her gender, because that would just have been SO ENGRAINED in Light's entire upbringing since day 1
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ Wild - Reproductive Magics & Other Weird HCs
I just read something where someone said that the Gerudo Culture had access to some kind of reproductive magic that allows them to reproduce with each other without need for men & that it was a common thing & widely accepted &...
Someone else even said that there was no way that the Gerudo were 99.99% straight due to only being around women &...
Then I read several posts about Ganon & the other Centennial Kings always just being transmen &...
Then there was this one post that said that all Gerudo are hermaphrodites & could reproduce with each other & that it was evil Hylian propaganda that buried the truth.
Listen, I don't think any of this is true.
For one, if it was true that they had some sort of magic spell that could do this, then why would there be such a big & important cultural thing about vai going out & finding men? Why have it be such a central aspect of a vai's maturity?
There would be no need to ever leave Gerudo Town or venture into Hyrule. Because they could just ask their best buddies to be a donor & be done with it.
As for the idea of homosexuality or bisexuality being more common due to them only being around other women. That's like suggesting that heterosexuality is a male engineered phenomenon. Which, honestly? Is a really weird thing to suggest! It's also biologically impossible.
Now, I'd be willing to accept bisexual maybe, but not homosexual. Because they'd basically be a dead-end species destined to die off.
Then the thing about Ganon & the Centennial Kings always being trans is just... Then why are they always elevated to the position of king? Like, specifically king, when the actual leader position for the women not married to the Centennial Kings is cheif!
You're saying that they are crowned a higher station than the women entirely for coming out as trans & it's some really twisted form of gender affirmation? That's... so stupid!! And sexist AS FUCK!!
Not only that, but these people live entirely segregated from men from ages 5 to 18 at least, so how the hell would a Gerudo who hasn't already left on her journey even know that she was trans?? She'd only have what the adults have to say about voe & thus would only have second hand accounts, stereotypes, & vague memories to work off of! And that's only if the kid wasn't a one-night stand baby! It's canon that some Gerudo have never seen real men!
As for the hermaphrodite theory, that on it's own would make for a really interesting culture to analyze from an anthropological standpoint because how would they have developed as a society without the presence of such distinctions to influence them? At the same time, I honestly do not see it being true in this particular instance.
But my real problem with the idea of them all being hermaphrodites is the part that was specified after that. That the Gerudo do not know that they can reproduce with each other due to Hylian deception!
That is basically calling the Gerudo gullible idiots! Let me walk you through this. Hermaphrodite means both 🌮 & 🌭 at the same time. You really think that the Gerudo aren't smart enough to eventually figure out that 🌮 + 🌭 = 🤱??
All they'd need to do is look at nature & think, "Hmm... shouldn't I be able to do that with my thing, too?" It's not rocket science. It's just basic observational skills!
That's honestly really insulting! Not to me, but to the Gerudo as a people!
It just... it feels like these people are just using the Gerudo as a vessel to house all the things that they wish was true IRL.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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ramrodd · 2 months
The Woman at the Well - John 4:1-38 - Who is Jesus? - Pastor Jason Fritz
It’s like the difference between the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice version of the woman at the well.
The Pro-Life version basically depicts her as a whore and community outcast and ashamed of her status, which is why she has come to the well at high noon, Jesus and John Mark are resting in the shade of the oasis when this woman slinks to the well and begins to draw watter from 100 feet down. She just wants to get her jar filled and slink back into her hovel. What happens instead is that Jesus finds an opportunity to jump into this woman’s shit about her life style and set on the straight and narrow, which works so well, the entie village comes out to see and touch the Messiah,
That’s the Pro-Life version, The imporant thing the get exactly correct is that the entire village comes out to see and touch the Meddiah. That’s the way thied do things in both the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice version of the Gospels.
However, the Pro-Choice version describes a demonstation of the method the Holy Spirit employed to get Mary in a family way, This woman is not part of the Jerusalem congregation although she is bound to the Torah, culturally. Once a year, they choose up sides and go up on facing mountains and shout blessings and curses at each other, then head back down to the pubs for a sing-song.
Shw was practiciing polyandry, that is, she has many different baby daddies. In her society, children are a woman’s social security, Family values. The babies were more imporant than the man, She had chidren from 5 men and she was ready to get a bun in th oven but the guy she working with isn’t delivering,
So, she’s come to the well to get her vessel filled. Apparently, that was something of a universal signal of sexual availability. What happens next is a flirtation from her point of view. She’s sassy as hell and doesn’t give an inch the whole time they are together, She’s not ashamed of shit. This is the Med: imgage her as Gina Lolabridgada. Scrumpcious. She’s on a mission, Like Tama dealing with the niggardly pretentions of Judah.
Long story short, He makes her pregnant in the same manner the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus with the Virgin Mary: they both employed the Spirit of God (Gen 1:2). My experience has been that women who have had children are aware of when they are most fertile and the moment of conception, They can feel it. This woman fest the conception Jesus compelled the Spirit of God to execute. No sex. Jesus died a virgin,
This is a Pro-Choice woman, She’s a valued member of the community which is revealed by the fact that she barele has time to run back and alert her security regarding the MEssiah than the whole fucking village converges on the well like a field of ripe poppies.
The Point is, Pro-LIfe is a Project 2025 socia construct.
Pro-Choice is the rest of the world committed the DEI social contract of the Declaration of Independence
I mean, how can you take a Pro-Life woman seriously?
The Meta bump is related to Project 2025 in some manner.
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baileye · 2 years
my basic approach is to put the sacred and the profane, the private and the public, the exciting and the mundane, and all the other polarities into one funnel; mix them up through a creative process whose nature remains a mystery to me; and end up in a new version of reality as a result.
That’s how I think of my art and writing, but the description seems to apply to marriage almost suspiciously well.
All the polarities are there: There is love, but there’s also the sweeping of the floor and the doing of the dishes; there’s the mystery of introducing a new consciousness into the world, but also the wiping of the butt of this consciousness’s bodily vessel; there’s the intimacy of sharing a life with one other person, but also a creation of a “social unit” through that, which is supposed to fit into the larger society and affect it in a positive way.
I compared relationships—all of them, but especially those between men and women—to chemical, or rather alchemical, reactions.
Each person is like a substance, or an interplay of several substances, and a relationship is what happens—or doesn’t happen—when two people are put in close proximity to one other.
Sometimes, there is nothing. Sometimes, there is a reaction. Sometimes, it’s not the one you expect. A relationship is not built by following a blueprint but discovered through experimentation.
Say, you meet a girl and you have a good time together. You may think at this point: “We make a good couple,” and then try to force her into a mental box labeled “girlfriend.” That would be a mistake. Instead, you should pay attention to what naturally happens between you, make choices that are appropriate for the moment, and see where that leads you.
A relationship is like a plant: you can give it nutrients and remove obstacles, but it has to grow by itself. In due time, it will become what it’s supposed to become, and then you can give it a name—a friendship, a love affair, a business partnership, a rivalry, or a marriage—or it will die, and then you won’t have to bother with classification at all.
From this follows a principle: do not try to change the person you’re with, and do not enter a relationship, let alone marriage, with somebody you want to be different. If you’re working with silver and mercury, you’re working with silver and mercury—if your hope is to turn one to gold midway through the process, both of you will be left unsatisfied.
That said, you will inevitably change one another. If you notice you’re changing in a good way, that’s a good sign. But that should come naturally. You should accept yourself and your partner as you already are and look forward to finding out what you become together.
But a marriage, to me, is something more than a relationship between two people.
A marriage is what should happen when you notice your two realities starting to merge and you feel, with excitement, the potential of giving birth to a new one. If you don’t plan to create new realities, I don’t see why you’d want to get married.
(At this point, a previous speaker, now in the audience, said: “To get a mortgage and buy a small apartment in Moscow, of course.” I responded: “Then that apartment is the reality you are creating, and my heart fills with sadness for you.“)
In the case with a child, this “giving birth to a reality” stuff is not a lofty metaphor, but the literal truth: it is inside of the newborn’s head that the world comes together, with all of its quarks and photons and feelings and thoughts and people and peoples. A newborn quite literally is a new universe.
Just like with language—I know Russian because it was spoken around me when I was a baby—the child learns how to create realities by observing his parents creating theirs. So you don’t want to get stuck. Continuously recreating one’s world is something of a parental responsibility: you want your kid to watch you create awesome realities and learn how to do the same.
The child learns more from what you do and how you are than from what you say (though ideally, there would be no contradiction). So if you want a happy, healthy, strong, free, creative, courageous, smart, empathetic, kind kid, your best shot is to make sure he has happy, healthy, strong, free, creative, courageous, smart, empathetic and kind parents.
My suspicion is all this applies to any reality that emerges out of a natural binding reaction between two people—it may be that, instead of raising a child, you will adopt the world you’ve been born in, or give birth to a book or a musical genre. The same basic principles are likely to remain useful:
* don’t force it;
* make the creative process a natural continuation of the interplay between you and your co-author(s);
* make sure this interplay has the same qualities you want to see in what will eventually follow.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Power Girl had a WHAT? Pls explain
Lol okay so you need to know two things for context here:
This was during the period soon after Crisis on Infinite Earths when both Earth-2 and any survivors of Krypton but Superman were verboten, so Power Girl's who deal was completely retconned. Instead of being Kryptonian, she was the granddaughter of the ancient Atlantean sorcerer Arion who had placed her in suspended animation for millennia for something something mystical reasons. Also, she was vulnerable to "natural material" so you couldn't shoot her with a gun but you could hit her with a tree branch. It was dumb.
This was during her time on the JLI and immediately followed a storyline where she discovers that the reason she's "such a huge bitch" all the time (defined as "not having a sense of humor when Wally West sexually harasses her") is because she drinks diet soda and diet soda has a chemical component that turns superpowered women into bitches. I swear to god this is a plotline that goes on for ISSUES AND ISSUES. So that's the level of misogyny we're working with here.
Anyway, she has an almost-romance with Arthur that doesn't really go anywhere, and then she makes out with Hal in a scene that fades to black, and then she starts having morning sickness, and it's like "Oh ho ho, who's the father?" But then she reveals that she hasn't slept with either of them or anyone else, so it's immaculate conception, which she basically has no reaction to? She's just like "Yeah, I'm magically pregnant, sometimes that happens." ONE TIME THAT HAPPENED, KAREN. ONCE. (If you even believe in that, which I doubt Karen does because she probably worships Neptune or whatever at this particular point in time.)
Anyway she's pregnant for like a thousand issues (without showing, because that's not hot) and the comics do that thing Man Writers do where her only reaction to anything is to grab her stomach and cry "My baby!" in alarm. Like yeah, don't fight Darkseid while pregnant I guess, but you're still invulnerable, honey. Also the baby starts putting a force field around her when she's in danger and, like, telling her what to do from the womb, basically turning her into nothing but a literal vessel for it.
Then in Zero Hour she's abruptly ginormously pregnant and has her baby during the event. Afterwards she takes him to Greece, where she dresses in a toga (???) and they are attacked by a demon named Scarabus. Then her grandfather Arion shows up and tells her he sent her into the future specifically for the purpose of having this baby and also he magically impregnated her. WHAT THE FUCK, DUDE???
Karen and her perpetually unnamed baby hang out with the JLA for a while, but he starts aging rapidly (like, he's a year older in minutes) and basically just fucks off and goes to Asia where he collects an elderly Buddhist monk to follow him around and call him "master," because what this plotline really needed was some RACISM.
By the time Karen tracks him down, he's an adult, and Scarabus shows up again for another fight - and also to call Karen "babymaker" and reveal that the genetic material for the baby came from him, thus making him Unnamed Baby-Man's father. So yeah, Karen's grandfather impregnated her with demon sperm. What a good grandpa.
Karen then of course is abruptly depowered (she had some bonus powers but they "really" belonged to her son because a woman's only purpose is to carry Important Men to term, obviously) and her son - who is now calling himself Equinox - uses the powers to destroy Scarabus.
Then he condescendingly tells Karen to "wake up" and disappears forever, literally never to be seen or even mentioned again because everyone hated every single aspect of this storyline. And Power Girl isn't even Atlantean anymore anyway.
THE END. I'm so sorry.
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 3 Here!/ Playlist Here!
A/N: Maybe one last part after this?
Ko-Fi l Etsy l Commission Info Here
* You’re sitting on a bench outside, listening to Shoko and Nanami talk about something
* The breeze caresses your face
* It’s so quiet
* You haven’t experienced silence like this in years
* And there’s only one reason why you’re suddenly experiencing it now
* Your eyes stray from the dancing branches that hover above you to the dancing white-haired boy across the courtyard
* He’s talking to Geto about something, laughing as he does
* His sky blue eyes meet yours for a second, before abruptly looking away
* Not the usual flirtatious wink and wave he would normally give you
* You don’t know why, but it’s like Gojo’s lost every ounce of interest he had in you
* It looks like that prank you pulled on him is what did it-
* Apparently Geto had to help get the glass down
* He hasn’t tried speaking to you once since then, and every time your eyes meet he looks away just like he did a second ago
* What a baby, so he can dish it out but he can’t take it when someone uses his own tactics against him huh?
* It’s for the best really, you don’t want anything to do with him
* Besides if that moron just wanted someone who wasn’t going to react or get mad, then he should just date a sex doll
* It’s for the best, really
* So why are you so upset right now
* The prickle of irritation burns in your chest even when you turn away from the two boys, joining in on Shoko and Nanami’s conversation
* On the other side, Geto lets out a low whistle
* “Never thought I would see the day a lady killer like you would get embarrassed because you made eye contact with your crush” Geto grins when Gojo flushes a light pink.
* Geto almost wants to laugh, what happened to the womanizing-god-complex freak who was here just a second ago?
* “Don’t say lady-killer, you know I like men too, I’m an equal opportunity lover” Gojo gloats while running his fingers through his hair
* Ah, it looks like he’s on his bullshit again
* “You better watch out Geto, if you’re too much of tsundere I might fall for you next” the words are emphasized with a wink, and Geto can’t help but laugh
* “Whatever dude, don’t come crying to me when they start to hate you because you’re being flakey”
* Gojo laughs it off
* But late that night, while he’s lying in bed watching the shadows flicker on his ceiling he can’t help but wonder-
* What if you really do end up hating him?
* It’s not that he doesn’t want to be around you anymore or anything-
* He just doesn’t know how to approach you anymore now that he knows he’s in love with you
* “I’ve probably been in love for a while” he mumbles
* He’s not really sure when it started.
* At first it was just for shits and giggles
* Something to keep him entertained, and you just happened to be the most entertaining thing around
* So when did it stop being ‘anyone’s fine’ and start being ‘it’s only fine if it’s you’?
* He sighs turning to face the wall, he doesn’t understand his own feelings
* Yeah he’s got all this money and power and influence-
* But right now he’s just a boy in love for the first time
* And he doesn’t know how to handle that
* “I just don’t want them to hate me” he mumbles, feeling his eyes close shut
* He’ll try to talk to you tomorrow
* Even if it’s just a simple ‘good morning’
* At least it’ll be something
* But to his annoyance, he’s told he has to go save his classmates from a curse
* And then everything with the star vessel happens
* And he doesn’t see you for a while and he thinks-
* “Well maybe this is fine, maybe it’s better this way. They’re probably happy now that I’m not around always annoying them”
* And just as he’s thinking maybe this is for the best, that if someone leaves your life it probably means they weren’t supposed to be apart of it anyway -
* When you come barreling into his life again
* “Oi, Baka prince, where did sensei say this kid's house was again?” You ask, eyebrows threading together as you fidget with your phone
* Yaga-sensei sent you to accompany Gojo on his ‘mission’ to retrieve Megumi Fushiguro
* It looks like the only people who can reign Gojo in are you and Geto
* Not that you mind the impromptu mission, and besides- you don’t think Gojo is someone who should be alone around kids
* Gojo actually flinches when you speak to him, you’d traveled in silence so far, standing side by side without exchanging a word on the train.
* You sigh, you know he isn’t interested in you but the least he can do is be somewhat pleasant
* Even that usual annoying demeanor of his would be fine
* You’re not sure why but that prickle of irritation burns in you again, seeping through in the nickname you gave him
* Gojo doesn’t meet your eyes, those clear blue pupils are averted slightly as a pink blush singes his face
* “I’m not sure, I’ve just been following the cursed energy” he admits with an uncharacteristically shy gaze
* Okay WTF
* Gojo would never let the opportunity to tell you how weak you are for being unable to “even feel this amount of cursed energy”
* Who is this freak and what has he done to the real Gojo Satoru
* “Are you sick or something?” You ask
* Your hand’s already moving to cover his forehead, and you feel like somethings off
* Your eyebrows thread together as your peer closer, noticing a small gap where your hand and his forehead
* Ah right, the infinity he has around him
* You never realized it before but you wonder, can he ever feel anything?
* It must be lonely
* Gojo’s looking down at you, swallowing a lump in his throat.
* The expression on your face looks so tender, and you’re so close he can smell your scent
* And he feels a sudden urge to cry, to bury his face in your shoulder and weep like a child
* He’s watching you open your mouth, you’re about to say something-
* When you both feel a large burst of cursed energy
* Your heads snap to the direction you sense it from only to see a small boy
* You recognize him as Megumi Fushiguro, your target for this so-called ‘mission’
* He’s younger than you expected, he can’t be older than 10
* You turn to Gojo, you’re going to need a plan, someone that young is awfully impressionable. You have to do this with some tact
* But when you turn to look he’s gone
* “Huh?”
* You can practically see the outline of his form where he was standing just a second ago, your neck creaking as you turn to where Megumi-Kun is standing
* “Your father sold you to the Zenin Clan”
* You might appear calm and collected on the outside, but I promise you your soul has ascended to the fourth dimension where you are just screaming into the void
* “Well does it make you mad? Does it-“ Gojo’s waggling his fingers like a god damn perv when you basically apparate to his side and bring your fist down on his head
* “Oi, Baka prince what the hell do you think you’re doing?!?”
* Gojo’s stumbles back, nursing the emotional wound you just gave him and you crouch down
* “Don’t listen to anything that moronic man just told you, he’s got no tact” you tell the boy
* He’s a cutie, like the male version of Snow White.
* Though his expression tells you he’s about had it with this reality
* “Yeah I can see that”
* “Well he might act like a moron, but he’s got a pretty decent heart”
* You spell out the situation to Megumi as tactfully as you can, opting to treat him like an adult.
* “These are your options as I see them, you can go to the Zenin clan, or, that Baka prince already stopped the sale in return for you promising to join our academy”
* You and Megumi get along pretty well, you’re kindred souls
* Besides you both seem to be able to see right through Gojo’s princely appearance
* “Why did you guys leave me behind?” Gojo shrieks, Megumi’s hand is in your own, both of your free hands holding ice cream cones
* Megumi immediately makes a face, it had been so quiet while he was gone too
* You can’t help but sympathize with the kid, you used to feel that way before you got to know Gojo too
* You were just showing Megumi around the campus, helping him get familiar, and you thought you should reward him a little with a treat for being such a good kid
* Besides you like him
* Of course Gojo wanted to tag along, teasing Megumi half of the time like a damn idiot and spending the other half of the time giving flirtatious winks to women who seemed interested in him.
* Gojo’s making a scene and Megumi looks like he’s a second from throwing a tantrum too
* You sigh, you don’t get paid enough for having to deal with these two children
* “Here” when Gojo looks up, bright blue eyes peering over his black glasses he sees a scoop full of his favorite ice cream balancing on top of a chocolate-dipped waffle cone
* “But what about you?” He asks and the questions catches you off guard, since when has Gojo cared about anyone but himself?
* “I don’t want any, I just thought it would be good to get in line while we waited.”
* You didn’t think you would actually get to the front of the line before he caught up though.
* “No! You waited in line that whole time, here we can take share, take the first bite”
* You’ve kept your cool in front of Gojo for years but something about the expectant expression he’s giving you - the tops of his cheeks bright pink- and those bright blue eyes looking at you while holding out the ice cream cone that makes you flustered
* You can feel your face grow warm, geez what’s gotten into him
* To make matters worse you’re having a hard time saying no to him right now
* Something about those crystal blue eyes has you almost mesmerized
* And then Megumi stands up on the bench and takes a giant bite from the cone
* Cue Gojo screaming and crying because, goddammit he was this close to an indirect kiss with you-
* “Why did you do that?” He shrieks, he’s crouched on the ground, face bright red in anger and anguish
* “I don’t know, the green tea ice cream looked good” Megumi shrugs, only for Gojo to start shrieking again
* Gojo and Megumi are about a second from a fistfight when they hear laughter
* The gentle twinkling gets louder and they both instinctively turn towards it
* You’re laughing so hard you’re clutching your stomach, tears forming at the corners of your eyes
* “Geez you guys are like something out of a cartoon.” You manage to say in between laughs
* Megumi’s eyes widen
* He’s seen you smile before, but he’s never seen you laugh like that
* Megumi wonders what he’s thinking right bow
* His eyes trail to Gojo
* Gojo looks at you like you just hung the moon
* Like he’s a child seeing fireworks for the first time
* Megumi will never forget the look on Gojo’s face for as long as he lives
* ‘So that’s what it looks like when you love someone’ Megumi thinks
* Gojo pats Megumi on the head
* “Thanks kid, because of you I got to see something nice”
* You guys grow a lot closer because of Megumi, becoming sort of surrogate older siblings to him and Tsumiki
* “Why did you bring a Kotatsu?” You and Megumi are standing in the doorway holding takeout and oranges
* “Winter time just doesn’t feel right without a Kotatsu, isn’t that right Tsumiki-Chan?”
* The young girl grins as she nods, snuggling deeper into the blanket
* You and Megumi give each other an incredulous look
* Leave it to a little rich boy like Gojo Satoru to buy a Kotatsu for a casual hang out just because it’s winter
* Still-
* You watch as Megumi and Tsumiki cuddle under the Kotatsu, peeling oranges
* The kids seem to be enjoying it
* Gojo pats the spot next to him
* “I saved you a spot (Y/N/N), I promise I won’t bite” but Gojo’s giving you that same teasing grin he always used to give you
* Looks like things are back to normal
* You sigh taking a seat beside him, stealing your resolve as you put up with his incessant teasing
* Everything is back to the way it was...so why do you still feel that prickle in your stomach every time he looks at you?
* And the following weeks that familiar sensation makes appearances several times, leaving you more confused each time
* It’s not until you’re walking in Shibuya, one of your hands holding Megumi’s and the other one holding a Taiyaki full of ice cream that you realize
* “Gojoooooo” the woman in front of you whines “you’re so mean, I can’t believe you didn’t call me, because I know you had a good time”
* The woman’s pouty expression turns wolffish in a second
* Ah, so that’s where he learned to smile like that
* You and Megumi are mostly just enjoying the show, eating your ice cream and watching as Satoru tries to placate this woman
* “I’ve just been taking some time to better myself-“
* You snort, yeah you’re sure he’s been bettering himself with his dozen other lovers
* Honestly serves him right for fooling around with so many people. You’re surprised he’s not habitually in the infirmary for a new STD
* “You see, I’m a father now”
* You sputter choking on your ice cream. Megumi pats your back
* That idiot prince has really gone and done it now-
* Having an illegitimate child,
* Yaga-Sensei is going to kill him
* Not to mention what his clan might do
* Gojo looks back at you with warm eyes
* And you feel that pricking feeling again
* “Megumi is my pride and joy”
* Huh?
* Oh
* So that’s his game.
* What a sleaze bag using someone else’s kid as an excuse to get out of an uncomfortable romantic encounter
* Megumi squeezes your hand and you look down
* The look on his face could kill a man
* “I’d never call a pervert like you my Father”
* So Megumi woke up and chose violence today-
* You figure Gojo will laugh and cover it up with some jokes like ‘kids these days no respect for their elders’ or something
* But when you look at Gojo he looks genuinely hurt, those vibrant blue eyes look watery, and that pretty mouth that’s always curled in a grin is curved into a soft frown.
* And before you know what you’re doing you say-
* “Megumi-Chan you shouldn’t be so mean to your Father, he let you have ice cream before dinner didn’t he?”
* .
* ...
* .....
* Megumi and Gojo are both looking at you with vacant stares
* Megumi is still in shock that you took Gojo’s side in this
* But Gojo’s looking right at you, cheeks holding a rosy tinge
* And then something amazing happens
* Gojo smiles at you-
* Not that wolfish smile he’s been showing you for years as he teases you, or that princely smile he uses to get something he wants
* It’s a genuine smile
* And you can’t help but think he doesn’t look at all like the most powerful sorcerer, he just looks like a boy
* Ah, there’s that painful prickle again
* “I love my family so won’t see you anymore, go ahead and delete my contact information,” Gojo says with a grin
* He walks over to you in long strides, hoisting Megumi up and carrying him all while the woman shouts obscenities
* “Come on (Y/N/N), let’s go home,” he says, his hand moving to hold your own
* And all you can do is let him tug you forward
* Your gaze lingers on your intertwined hands, the heat that radiates from his palm even though there’s an infinity between you both
* Your eyes trail up to look at his broad back, the way he holds Megumi so easily even though he’s pulling on Gojo’s hair
* The prickle intensifies as you watch them
* ‘He would make a good Dad his spouse will be lucky’ you think
* And then it hits you
* Oh
* Oh no
* Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no
* You’re in love with Gojo Satoru
* The f*ckboy extraordinaire
* F*ck
* How did this even happen? You had been so careful, you were even apart of that down with Gojo Satoru club with Nanami and Geto
* Are they going to revoke your membership now?
* F*********ck
* “Hurry up and put me down you pervert!” Megumi shouts, a fistful of Gojo’s white hair in his hand
* “Ora Ora, you shouldn’t be mean to papa like that Megumi-Chan” Gojo teases, not even the slightest bit fazed
* Megumi’s only grabbing onto the infinity around his hair after all, so it probably doesn’t hurt
* “Here Megumi,” you abandon your ice cream without a thought, carefully lifting him out of Gojo’s hold and onto the ground
* Megumi doesn’t say anything, he only holds your hand in his
* “Hold Papa’s hand too Megumi-Chan otherwise I’ll feel lonely” Gojo teases, but you can tell he really does want Megumi to hold his hand
* “If it’ll get you to shut up” Megumi grumbles, but he reached up, taking Gojo’s hand in his
* The three of you probably look like a family, and this time the prickling feels warm, like a tickle across your stomach
* Like butterflies
* F********************ck
* “For F*cks sake, how am I going to get out of this one” you mumble to yourself
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Sissy - Sail and Rail
'Sail and Rail' is about solidarity. We stand in solidarity with women, non binary people and trans men who are more than vessels. We stand in solidarity with those who have suffered physically and emotionally while our government has turned a blind eye. We stand in solidarity with the people who travel to make their choice. We stand with the people who want to but, for many reasons, cannot make that journey. We stand with people with wanted pregnancies who learn the baby will not survive outside of the womb. We stand in solidarity with those who have fought and continue to fight for change. We support the right to basic healthcare. We believe in free, safe, legal abortion. We believe in education, not fear. 
Abortions happen. Everyday. It's not new and it's not going away. The Irish government fails its citizens everyday it continues not to provide safe abortion for its citizens. Needabortionireland.org provides help and support for people in Ireland who choose to have an abortion. We are grateful for those who have shared their stories to help to break stigma. Too long has a narrative of sin and shame been shaped by the church and the state. The truth is, you already have people in your life who have had abortions. They are your friends, your family members, your school teacher, your taxi driver, your boss, your mother, your granny. There is no one personality type and there is no one abortion story. The systematic misinformation that has kept us controlled and silenced ends now.
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themelancholyhill · 2 years
I am so shaken by the news of the ban on abortions in the US. This news out of one of the most powerful countries in the world, with its progressiveness and inclusivity is absolutely devastating. What this means for American women is that they no longer have access to their fundamental rights to abort an unwanted fetus, and that these men in power can choose what happens to their bodies, women in the US will no longer have autonomy over what they choose to do about their reproductive rights. This ban is not just about abortions, it’s about control. They want to control women and put them in a place where they feel is to their advantage. Women are not incubators, we are not vessels for producing offspring, we are so much more than just baby making machines. I haven’t even touched on the fact that no abortions means no abortions, even in cases of rape or incest, no matter how old the woman/girl is. I don’t know what your view on this is, I am not afraid to speak my mind, because this ban could have implications across all countries and all continents. Abortion is reproductive rights, that includes birth control, basic gynecological healthcare and women’s health in general. To ban this outright means women are viewed purely as something for men’s pleasure and for producing babies. I could go on and on honestly but I will stop there, and end by saying I know firsthand the importance of abortions. We will hear cases of women dying from homemade abortions out of the US very soon. Today is a very dark day for all women. ✖️
I'll start by answering this ask, and I'll answer the first one later!
I heard about the abortion ban in the US (because I don't live under a rock!!) and it is abhorrent to say the least. Not only it is violating every woman's right to their reproduction system, but mainly their right to choose. This ban shows total control over women indeed and it is, pardon my French, a form of mild totalitarian control!
I'm not very acquainted with the issue of abortion, but I believe in women's right to choose what they want to do with their bodies. What will happen to rape and incest victims now? They have to live with the constant reminder of their traumatic experience and see it running around??! What if they aren't financially and psychologically ready to raise a child??!
Abortion isn't covered in my country that much and our state law doesn't include anything pertaining to this issue as far as I know. However, I truly believe that this is happening behind the scenes and I will take the time to do some research on the topic and look for testimonies of Algerian women who underwent an abortion or are considering having one.
Speaking of homemade abortions, what are your thoughts on them? Are they good or bad? This is how I see it, and I might be wrong on this; on one hand, it is helping women on some extent by providing them with their fundamental rights, but on the other hand, more women are prone to premature deaths if something goes wrong with the procedure, and isn't it contributing to the capitalist machine by "marketing" and profiting off of this issue?
It is indeed a dark day for all women, and violating their right to choose, simply means that they're demeaning womanhood once again!
PS: idk how eloquent I sound but these are my thoughts on this disposable issue!
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kyidyl · 4 years
Kyidyl Explains Bones - Part 3
Well, I had this halfway done and then TUMBLR ATE IT, so let me start again.  UGH.  
(These posts are collected under the KyidylBones tag. Do with that information what you will, lol.) 
So what are we getting into today? Sex determination! 
Ethical Note: I’m adding this bc not everyone who sees this post saw my post yesterday and this is important info, especially on Tumblr.  Anthropologists of all stripes are well aware that sex and gender are extremely complicated.  Trust me, we know.  But we still do sex determination for a few reasons.  First, because missing persons databases are arranged on a male/female binary, and if we’re comparing a set of remains to that database to identify the remains then we need that info.  Second, demographic info for populations that have disappeared is important, even if those populations are historical.  This might shock you (<--sarcasm), but written records are usually either lacking or inaccurate.  Third, if we know the sex of the skeleton we can compare that to the grave goods and learn some interesting cultural things, including possibly being trans, because none of the signs of being trans survive physically in the skeleton.  So I am going to be using male/female binary language, but it isn’t to exclude the wide variety of sexes and genders that don’t exist on that binary, it’s because it’s what I’ve got to work with.  And if you have questions about this, feel free to ask, but please be respectful.  
Alright, so there are some vocab words for today’s post and I had them all nicely written out in an easy to read paragraph, but it got eaten, so I’m just gonna present them in list fashion this time: 
Characteristic - All physical markers of human variation exist on a spectrum because humans are varied and we invented the categories to begin with.  If something is characteristic of, say, a male? It means that it is very, very distinctly male.  It matches the stereotypical expectation of what you’d see in a male.  It’s a standard for an obvious example of a given thing.  
Landmark - A landmark on your bones is a feature of the bones that is always in the same place.  We use this to help us identify a bone and to help us know what side it is on.  IE, your lesser trochanter is a bump on your femur (thigh bone) that is on the inside towards the back.  It’s always in that spot, so we know which direction it should face and ergo which side it would be on.  Landmarks are unique to the bone in question.  
Foramen - A hole on a bone.  The big one in your skull that your spinal cord goes through is the foramen magnum and it literally means big hole.  But there are a lot of little ones all over your skeleton so your nerves and blood vessels can do to your skeleton what the weirwood did to Bryden Rivers.  I said what I said. ;) 
Bilateral - Both sides.  Humans have bilateral symmetry and so one side is symmetrical (externally and WRT your skeleton, but not always your organs.) to the other.  You can split us down the middle and the two sides are basically the same.  
Ok, so there’s another set of terms that you need to know, but I’m going to be copying and pasting this into every post going forward so I’m making it separate.  Anyone who works with any kind of anatomy uses these terms to be very specific about the location of something on the body.  They are: 
Anterior/Posterior - Front and back respectively.  I remember them because my mom used to say posterior when she didn’t want to say butt, and because A comes before P the way front comes before back.  Sometimes people say dorsal and ventral, and I remember that because a dorsal fin is on a whale’s back.  
Proximal/Distal - Near and far vertically in relationship to the center of your body.  I remember it because one end of the bone is in close proximity to me and the other one is distant.  
Medial/Lateral - Near and far horizontally in relationship to the center of your body.  I remember it because medial is closer to the middle of my body, and lateral isn’t medial.  Also, if you are reading left to right L comes before M and you’d get to a lateral body part before a medial one.  
So, where to begin? How do we know what sex people were assigned at birth from just their skeleton? Let’s start with what everyone is most familiar with: 
The Pelvis
The pelvis of an adult human is a really common thing for an archaeologist to find.  And by the time we find it, it’s usually in three pieces (excluding your tailbone aka last vertebra).  Your left and right hip bones, called the innominates, and your sacrum.  Mind you, the pelvis is made up of a number of bones, but they all fuse in adulthood except these three (fun fact: I’m so used to using the individual names for them that I had to *google* the word innominate.), so this is what we usually find.  If it’s a kid, they still survive well because they’re thick, heavy bones, but they aren’t fused.  Another fun fact, the bumps of bone that you feel under your ass are called your ischium and I’m only telling you that because I think it’s a fun word to say.  Your hop bones, like the actual entirety of the flat bladed part at the top, that’s called the Illium.  I like that word too.  Aaanyway, here’s a human pelvis: 
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These are actual bone specimens in the top down view, both are women, but they are of different ethnic origin.  
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This is a cast (IE, plastic), front view of a male pelvis.  
You can see those 3 pieces I’m talking about.  The only joint there that remains unfused is the sacroiliac joint, IE, where the two halves of the pelvis join the sacrum.  However! You sacrum is technically a series of fused vertebrae and your spinal cord runs almost all the way to the very tip.  There are some conditions which cause these not to fuse, or to not fuse properly, or to not properly encase the spinal cord and it causes all KINDS of issues.  But anyway, yeah, your sacrum is a really tough hunk of bone because it carries a lot of weight.  The bit in the front is called the pubic symphysis and, despite what certain tumblr posts would have you believe, having children does NOT leave a notch on the inner side of it from the muscle tearing away tiny chunks of the bone.  In fact, it is hotly debated whether or not pregnancy leaves behind any skeletal evidence at all.  
Alright, so basically speaking, females make da babies and males don’t, so the different equipment is differently shaped......
.....wait, no, that’s not right.  Let’s back up.  Male and female humans are differently proportioned and their center of gravity is, on average, different.  This is the whole thing about men having upper body strength and women having thighs that can crush watermelons.  This is on *average* (I will be saying a lot about averages in these posts.) true.  And so the physics of the forces exerted on your bones is different.  Males are top-heavy, and so their pelvis is shaped in response to their gate and muscle structure because the pelvis supports and distributes the weight of your entire body.  And bipedalism means that the shape of the pelvis is very, very different depending on the weight distribution.  These changes to the pelvis are really obvious, which is why we can tell from just a few bones whether or not a hominin was bipedal.  It changes the *entire* body.  
It is true though that the pelvis of a female is different than a male, because a female pelvis has to be able to support the weight of a developing child while still allowing the individual to walk.  So the interaction of average size, a uterus, and the bipedal gate means that male and female pelvises are a different shape.  
Here is a comparison: 
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So firstly, that angle is called the sub-public angle, and because a females pelvis is wider and flatter than a male’s (when viewed from the front) it’s wider in the front.  This also gives any babies more room.  Secondly, you can see the difference in the tilt of the sacrum - in the female you can’t see the tailbone.  This, again, is due to the confluence of weight distribution and the necessity of passing a baby’s head through that space.  It would be a lot harder to push it out if you had a tailbone in the way.  Lastly, you can see that the shape of the circle when you look top down and bottom up are different - wider on the woman because of the same reasons I’ve already mentioned.  There is one more major difference between the male and female pelvis, and that’s the sciatic notch: 
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Characteristic of male on the left, intermediate in the middle, and female on the right (and dang, she was young, too.).  Thinner is male, wider is female.  Usually you can fit your thumb in a female’s notch but barely or not at all in a male.  I personally find the subpubic arch and the sciatic notch the easiest to use because, fun fact #2, those 3 sections are a bitch to hold together with your hands and that makes it hard to see the other shapes.  The amount of sacrums and pelvic bones I’ve accidentally dropped while trying to determine sex....it’s a lot, ok? It’s a lot.  I only have two hands and pelvises are big.  
There are also several less obvious ways of determining sex from a skeleton, so you guys should definitely visit the source for the above image because they go into it deeper and there are several excellent images of public bones.  
So how else do we determine sex? The next easiest way is from the skull, because the features are distinct and skulls survive well.  
The Skull
In my opinion the easiest landmark to use on a skull for sex determination is the jaw.  There are several features of the jaw that can be used here - and, mind you, when determining sex we measure every small and large sex-linked feature according to a scale and then average it all out.  We never look at any single thing (although sometimes the individual has something so characteristic that you can’t help it.  The individual in my position has a brow like a neanderthal, so it was pretty obvious.).  Anyway, there are several features here but the easiest is to look at the shape of the lateral distal posterior portion of the jaw.  It’s called the masseteric tuberosity.  Basically, it’s a little bit of bone that sticks out of the back of your jaw.  It’s one of the attachment points of the masseter aka chewing muscles attach.  Because males have stronger muscles pulling on that part of the jaw and exerting more force, it flares out further for them when you look at it from the front, like this: 
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It’s that sticky-outy thing thing that I circled in red.  Here is an example of the same thing on females: 
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Female jaws are rounder, and so that bit is less defined, flares out less, and is not as sharp as it is on males.  And this is a reminder that these measures aren’t absolutes - humans have a lot of variance in them.  The female asian and the male on the right both have somewhat atypical structures, while the female european and the two other males have a very characteristic structure.  
The two other easiest to identify are the shape of the brown line and the shape of the chin (the mental protuberance).  Here is an image of the comparison: 
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(Source: Pinterest, but this images are from the Human Bone Manual text that I use and I used this image so I wouldn’t have to make my own. :P) 
You can see in the profile that the female skull has a higher, more vertical forehead with less pronounced brow ridges.  If you look, you can also see that her chin protrudes less in profile, and is softer and less pronounced in the frontal view.  The angle under her teeth is less severe.  
So these three things, the chin, the brow, and the jaw, are the easiest to identify the most likely to be characteristic of the sex of the individual.  But, if you compare the images I’ve used here you’ll also notice that there are other differences in the skull.  Females have more of a slope to the bottom of their jaw, the bump on the back of their heads (the occipital protuberance) tends to be far less pronounced; and this is the case for all muscle attachments generally speaking.  On average, males are more easily able to build muscle mass and are larger, and so their muscles pull harder on their skeletons and create larger muscle attachments.  The round, blunt thing to the right of the back of the jaw that sticks out from the skull (the mastoid process), is also at a different angle and is larger in males.  This is another case of the muscles being bigger and stronger - the mastoid process is where several of your jaw and neck muscles attach.  
There you have it, then.  The easiest ways to tell the sex of a skeleton.  :) 
This post has been approved by Gage the science doggo: 
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agentrouka-blog · 4 years
Hi me again I was wondering what you think rhaegar relationship with elia was like too
Hi there!
Hmm. Let’s say, I suspect she and Lysa Tully could have formed a support group.
Viserys, was her first thought the next time she paused, but a second glance told her otherwise. The man had her brother's hair, but he was taller, and his eyes were a dark indigo rather than lilac. "Aegon," he said to a woman nursing a newborn babe in a great wooden bed. "What better name for a king?"
"Will you make a song for him?" the woman asked.
"He has a song," the man replied. "He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire." He looked up when he said it and his eyes met Dany's, and it seemed as if he saw her standing there beyond the door. "There must be one more," he said, though whether he was speaking to her or the woman in the bed she could not say. "The dragon has three heads." He went to the window seat, picked up a harp, and ran his fingers lightly over its silvery strings. Sweet sadness filled the room as man and wife and babe faded like the morning mist, only the music lingering behind to speed her on her way. (ACOK, Daenerys IV)
Elia almost died delivering Aegon, she asks him a question that connects his personal talent with his role as a father -  and Rhaegar has THAT to say? Cold.
"But that was the tourney when he crowned Lyanna Stark as queen of love and beauty!" said Dany. "Princess Elia was there, his wife, and yet my brother gave the crown to the Stark girl, and later stole her away from her betrothed. How could he do that? Did the Dornish woman treat him so ill?"
"It is not for such as me to say what might have been in your brother's heart, Your Grace. The Princess Elia was a good and gracious lady, though her health was ever delicate."
Dany pulled the lion pelt tighter about her shoulders. "Viserys said once that it was my fault, for being born too late." She had denied it hotly, she remembered, going so far as to tell Viserys that it was his fault for not being born a girl. He beat her cruelly for that insolence. "If I had been born more timely, he said, Rhaegar would have married me instead of Elia, and it would all have come out different. If Rhaegar had been happy in his wife, he would not have needed the Stark girl."
"Perhaps so, Your Grace." Whitebeard paused a moment. "But I am not certain it was in Rhaegar to be happy." (ASOS, Daenerys IV)
Barristan Selmy is just.. ugh. He doesn’t even bother trying not to blame Elia and defend her. “Perhaps so”. Really?
"Her duty." The word felt cold upon her tongue. "You saw my brother Rhaegar wed. Tell me, did he wed for love or duty?"
The old knight hesitated. "Princess Elia was a good woman, Your Grace. She was kind and clever, with a gentle heart and a sweet wit. I know the prince was very fond of her."
Fond, thought Dany. The word spoke volumes. I could become fond of Hizdahr zo Loraq, in time. Perhaps. (ADWD, Daenerys IV)
A theme emerges.
A bride for our bright prince. Jon Connington remembered Prince Rhaegar's wedding all too well. Elia was never worthy of him. She was frail and sickly from the first, and childbirth only left her weaker. After the birth of Princess Rhaenys, her mother had been bedridden for half a year, and Prince Aegon's birth had almost been the death of her. She would bear no more children, the maesters told Prince Rhaegar afterward.     (ADWD, The Griffin reborn)
And yet I point to Rhaegar’s reaction after his birth. Relief? Guilt? Gratitude? Nope. “There must be one more.”
Prince Rhaegar's support came from the younger men at court, including Lord Jon Connington, Ser Myles Mooton of Maidenpool, and Ser Richard Lonmouth. The Dornishmen who had come to court with the Princess Elia were in the prince's confidence as well, particularly Prince Lewyn Martell, Elia's uncle and a Sworn Brother of the Kingsguard. But the most formidable of all Rhaegar's friends and allies in King's Landing was surely Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning.    
(The World of Ice and Fire - The Fall of the Dragons: The Year of the False Spring)
The relationship was quite obviously more dutiful than passionate, and sadly for Elia, he probably was only a more genial version of his father’s Targ-centric, selfish disregard.
Basically, she lived with an egocentric, prophecy-obsessed Targaryen poster boy who could not care one jot about her well-being beyond being a vessel for his magic dragon sperm, and all his household were busy low-key blaming her for being “weak”. To top it off, her husband didn’t really care for the babies once they were born, not beyond their role in whatever fantasy filled his head. Sounds awesome.
He probably treated her “kindly”, but the fact that he endangered her life so carelessly with the quick succession of pregnancies, the fact that Barristan and Jon Connington both find it easy to dismiss Elia’s importance to Rhaegar and his eventual humiliation and the abandonment of both her and their children... it makes me fairly certain that Rhaegar was as incapable of true empathy as Dany with much less of an excuse.
Someone as bright and warm as Elia would have felt that keenly.
The only thing that surprises me is how much support he got from Dornish men, like Elia’s own uncle and Arthur Dayne. The latter even ended up aiding in Lyanna’s imprisonment, which makes me suspect that Rhaegar managed to form quite a cult of personality (like Dany), especially to those he entrusted with his prophecy talk.
Elia was invited into that trusted circle but the text gives us nothing on how she actually felt about it. Not that she had a choice either way... Maybe there was quite a sexist divide. The men liked the grandeur of prophecy, while the women viewed Elia’s situation with trepidation.  It would doubly explain Arthur Dayne’s sister Ashara’s involvement in guarding Aegon, if she is, in fact, Septa Lemore. Loyalty to Elia and knowledge of that prophecy stuff her brother was privy to. We cannot know. Their thoughts and voices are not shared in the text by GRRM. Yet.
I imagine Elia was not exactly happy and tried to make the best of the situation by focusing on her children and her many female companions.
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freetobeafcknriot · 3 years
"better creatures" for the made-up fic title thing
okay this took me SO LONG, like i had a general idea right away but sadly i wasn't in the best place of mind to write it down, so i apologize for the delay. anyway, here it is! <3 i hope you like it darling, and thank you for the great title!
made-up fic title: better creatures
alright, this one screams archangels to me so i raise you: a long-ass fic that goes from the very beginning of, well, everything, to the end of it all. the very end, that is.
at first, it's about four incredible beings; four brothers whose father, at some point, creates humanity.
we know about the fall already, but i think it would be very interesting to explore how the archangels' relationship with one another and god changed when humans came along, and what their perspectives and opinions on them were. we know about lucifer's, of course, but i feel like it would be so much fun to focus on who actually spent time among them or watching over them. because weren't the archangels (and the entirety of the heavenly host for that matter) told to love humanity? weren't they told that those weak creatures were to be better than them?
so, i would probably alternate four different povs (pre-lucifer's fall) and then three (raphael, michael, gabriel), and then mainly only one: gabriel's. the closest to us all, the one who ran away from his family's endless, eternal fighting and spent thousands of years hiding among humans.
it would be very interesting to basically go over his adventures on earth: how he came across the norse god loki, got to know him and obtain a vessel just like his, and then pretended to be a pagan god for a while. what kind of relationship he had with other deities, when and where and how he met kali, and where he went afterward, and how often he moved from one area to another. the many identities he might have adopted; a succession of different eras and continents and costumes and reigns and populations and dynasties falling apart and rebuilding themselves from ashes before his eyes. the best and the worst of all times.
just think about it: all the insignificant, fragile, silly little men and women and children that he met along the way. year after year that then turned into decades and centuries and thousands of years, while the world around him changed and wars and revolutions and discoverings kept happening one after the other.
how did his view of us evolve and change? how many names and faces from lifetimes ago did gabriel come to tuck in a corner of his grace and take with him forever, in his own way? how many times did oblivious humans befriend him or run into him on the street or spoke to him without knowing that they were going to be part of the reason we have this dialogue in season 5:
gabriel: because dad was right. they are better than us. lucifer: they are broken, flawed! abortions! gabriel: damn right they're flawed. but a lot of them try. to do better, to forgive. and you should see the spearmint rhino! i've been riding the pine a long time. but I'm in the game now, and i'm not on your side, or michael's. i'm on theirs.
i just think it would be very interesting to explore such a complex character and see him evolve and go from the archangel who didn't want anything to do with useless fighting and conflict to the only one out of four who stood up for humanity. because yeah, sure, gabriel is no saint; he has his own ways, he's a preternatural being, he's frighteningly enormous and wicked and mischievous. but he did ask himself: who is better, really? us, or them?
now, in canon, gabriel fakes his death after that particular scene with lucifer. then he will die later on. we know that. i would probably change it a little bit because i'm petty like that when it comes to the latest seasons' writing another neat little thing is that gabriel isn't the only archangel who grew fond or accepting of humans (or well, some humans? one human?). and for how much people usually focus on michael and lucifer as opposites, and for how much the archangels in general no longer have a sibling-like relationship, i would actually like to compare gabriel and michael.
they're more similar than people make them out to be, so at the very end — maybe mirroring the very beginning, from a scenery point of view; earth's very first moments vs earth's very last moments, millions of years from now — there could be these two immortals.
the trickster who lived amongst men and stood up and died for them because he cared, and the soldier harbinger of the apocalypse who spent a millennium in hell and changed while falling in love with a human.
they would probably have a complicated dynamic since so much time will have passed and so many things will have happened and as a midam shipper the aforementioned human would be there since he's thee vessel obviously but nonetheless—long story short: at last, the two remaining archangels. the ones who ended up going beyond the story's original plot and who, by caring for the silly little creatures their father created and against his better judgment, became better creatures themselves.
insp: I hear babies crying, I watch them grow They'll learn much more than I'll ever know I think to myself, what a wonderful world Yes, I think to myself, oh, what a wonderful world
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it
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Are You Ready to Ignite Your Soy Candle Making Desire?
Soy candle making is a lot like making bath bombs. You can fully experiment with scents and colors, unleashing your creativity! Even choosing the containers for candles is a part of the fun.
And just like making bath bombs, you never know exactly how the color or scent will come out until you go through the steps of soy candle making. But, there are a few things you should consider before gathering your candle making supplies.
Why Make Natural Candles?
Basically, anytime we burn poor or cheaply made candles, chemicals can fill and linger in our home – long past blowing out the candle. Which in effect can cause the air in our homes to become fairly unhealthy.
All it all comes down to candle ingredients. You see, many store-bought candles are filled with chemicals such as carcinogens and phthalates (Farley, 2016). Never heard of phthalates? They are hormone-disrupting chemicals that are a health risk to babies, young children, men, and women (Powers, 2007). Phthalates can aggravate asthma and are linked to increased incidences of breast cancer (Stuart, 2016).
Luckily, we can leave these types of candles at the store and make our own with better candle ingredients! So, let’s get started by choosing your candle making supplies. We’ll cover it all from wax to wicks to fragrance and containers before we show how to make your first candles!
Natural Soy Candle Making Supplies:
I can attest that picking up supplies for candle making can be inconvenient. It can take what seems like half a day trying to find the supplies you want and need. So, I’m including a link where possible to order online as we talk about the soy candle making supplies you’ll need.
Candle Wax Types
Natural waxes like soy and beeswax are excellent sources for candles. In fact, you can make a half dozen soy wax candles at home in just an hours’ time all while leaving the yucky stuff out!
And what I really love about soy wax – it’s non-toxic, biodegradable, renewable, and cleans up if spilled with just warm water.
I buy my soy candle wax by the pound in flakes here. It’s really easy to measure out that way. You may also love working with a blend of the two like this natural coconut, soy, beeswax blend for candle making. Unsure of what candle wax you want to use? Start with a sample kit of candle wax types.
Paraffin wax is the most commonly used wax in candles. Unfortunately, it is a byproduct of the petroleum industry. As such paraffin wax releases toxic carcinogens including acrolein, acetaldehyde, and formaldehyde according to the EPA ( Knight & Levin, 2001). Therefore, I don’t recommend it.
Candle Wicks
Have you ever noticed a small wire in the center of cotton candlewick after lighting it?
Well, that wire happens to be a lead core and when burned it emits lead into the air. Yep, that’s pretty crappy, right?
But, did you know is it illegal to manufacture candles in the United States with lead-cored wicks? While that is great news, candles made overseas and sold in the U.S. can still contain lead.
With that in mind, wood wicks make a great alternative to cotton wicks. They are non-toxic, eco-friendly, and can be readily made from organic renewable resources. You’ll also need little metal clips to hold the wood wicks in a place like the ones in the photo above.
And as a bonus wood wicks add to the ambiance of a beautiful flickering flame with a soft crackling sound. It is reminiscent of a cozy night spent by the fireside. What’s not to love?
Another option is natural cotton wicks. And pre-waxed cotton wicks are the easiest to use. Just make sure you buy healthy ones like these, made without paraffin wax or other additives.
However, the downside to using cotton wicks is centering the wick. It is really tricky to center a wick. I’ve tried lots of ideas like tying wicks to pencils and bamboo skewers. But, what works best is a centering device.
You really need the wick to be held in the center during the pouring and setting process.  I got my first centering devices with this candle making kit. They have handy options to set wicks for multiple widths and they can withstand the heat of the wax.
How Do You Fragrance Non-Toxic Candles?
It’s easy to create your favorite candle scents with essential oils, natural extracts, or aromatic isolates. Let’s start with the essential oils. How much essential oil do you use to make candles?
I recommend adding half an ounce to one ounce of essential oils per one pound of wax. If you are combining a few different essential oils like lemon and rosemary make sure to split up the amount.
Another option for soy candle making is all-natural fragrance oils composed of aromatic isolates from nature and essential oils. Did you know like essential oils, this type of fragrance oil has zero additives?
Yep, compared to typical fragrance oils, they do not contain parabens and phthalates.  They can be a more affordable candle making supply than essential oils. Yet, still helpful for creating a candle without synthetic ingredients. You can even start with a sample candle making kit to find your favorite candle fragrances!
What else do you need to make candles?
Candle Containers
You truly can use a variety of options for candle containers. Take stock of your pantry for containers like mason jars. Or visit your local antique shop for teacups and other unique containers. I personally love these 4-ounce amber glass jars with lids and metal candle tins.
Sometimes I find colorful ramekins in the thrifty Spot section at Target. And when I’m feeling very creative I make lemon bowl candles as seen in the top left corner of the photo above.
Candle Pouring Pitcher
– A Must Have!
This one always seems to throw people off. What is a candle pouring pitcher? It’s a big pitcher to safely melt wax in and pour it out. Can you melt wax in a pot on the stove? Sure, but that’s pretty messy and it’s really difficult to pour the wax evenly.
A candle pouring pitcher has a spout and a handle that stays cool. Which makes pouring candles a breeze. This is the candle pouring pitcher I use, it holds up to four pounds of wax. See it in the bottom right corner of the photo above.
Soy Candle Making Tips:
I’ll be honest the first time I made candles was stressful. Worrying about burning the wax, getting the wicks in the center of each container, and adding the scents at the right temperature – is a lot to handle!  
But, you know what? They turned out great! And I was hooked from the start on soy candle making.
So, here’s a few tips to help your soy candle making be less stressful from the get-go.  And once you get the hang of it, you’ll be hooked on making candles too!
What temperature do you pour soy wax?
When making candles the temperature of the wax is one of the most important steps to achieve professional candle results. Therefore you will need a thermometer to measure the temperature often. I recently switched to a new no-touch infrared thermometer. It’s very fast, always accurate, and doesn’t require any clean-up since I don’t have to place it in the wax.
Another option is one with a clip like this, it will clip inside your candle making pitcher, keeping your hands free. If you don’t have one you could use a candy thermometer, but you may not want to make candy with it after.
Overall soy wax should be poured anywhere between 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep in mind, soy wax can be quite sensitive to temperature as it is a softer wax than the typical paraffin. Do not heat it above 200 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid burning and discoloration. I prefer to heat to 185 degrees Fahrenheit.
What’s the best temperature to add essential oils to soy wax?
Fragrance oils for candle making come with flashpoints listed on the labels. Essential oils do not! Which can make it difficult for figuring out what temperature to add essential oils to soy wax.
In my experience, if you add essential oils at a temperature above 125 degrees Fahrenheit the scent does not blend well. I see the best results by adding essential oils at 120 degrees Fahrenheit with a two-minute stir.
How much wax do you need for a candle?
The answer to that requires a bit of math. So get your calculator, just kidding. We’ve got this!
We’ve made candle making easy with a candle wax calculator. No matter what candle vessel you choose our candle wax calculator can tell you exactly how much candle wax you’ll need! It even takes the amount of fragrance or candle dye being added to the wax. This means you can count on a good melt pool and no wasted materials!
Just remember, when measuring soy wax flakes use a digital kitchen scale to get an exact measurement. Otherwise, you’ll be left with too much wax or not enough to fill your containers.
How to Make Candles for Beginners
Now that we covered the most asked questions about candle making and where to find candle making supplies, it’s time to make your first candles!!
To keep things as simple as possible, we’re going to start with a basic candle recipe. It’s one I’ve used time and time again with great success! This beginner candle recipe will make 4 average-sized candles.
Here’s what you’ll need:
4 amber glass 4 oz jars
1 lb soy wax flakes
4 medium wood wicks and clips
4 glue dots or wick tab stickers
candle making pitcher  
kitchen scale
infrared thermometer
1.5-ounces natural fragrance oil or more essential oils (see tips above)
Instructions to make candles:
1. Insert a wood wick into metal clips. For a louder crackling sound, double up the wood wicks. The add a glue dot to the base of the metal clip. Place it in the center base of one glass jar. Repeat for all four until you have 4 jars with wicks inserted and set aside.
2. Next, fill a large saucepan with about 2 inches of water and place it on the stove to heat. Measure 1 pound of soy wax flakes with a digital kitchen scale.
3. Pour measured wax into a candle pitcher and set it inside the large saucepan. Whisk often and heat on low heat, up to a simmer at most, until melted using the double boiler method. Heat up to 185 degrees Fahrenheit and check often with a no-touch infrared thermometer.
4. Remove from heat immediately to avoid wax from becoming too hot. Insert a candle thermometer and allow the wax to cool to 120°F to 125°F before adding essential oils or just below the flashpoint of a natural fragrance oil.
5. Once the wax has cooled to the correct temperature add fragrance and whisk for 2 minutes to thoroughly combine. Carefully pour the scented soy wax into prepared jars. Let cool 1 hour or more until the wax is hard and white before cutting wicks to an inch or so.
Wait for 3 days before burning candles for the best scent throw. Candle Science even recommends 1-2 weeks of preferred curing time, for natural waxes such as soy and coconut. Although, they agree 3 days is the minimum curing time for candles.
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ramrodd · 2 months
Why did Meta's shares soar after the company reported strong earnings in its core ad business?
I haven’t really kept track of Meta’s financials, but if, since Biden was inaugurated, there has been a great deal of unprecedented layoffs and stock buy back, my gues is that the beneficiaries of the bloated executive compemsation model of McKinsey, the CEO wasnt his payoff before Trump gets elected.
Just a guess. It’s a Project 2025 thing. All of the financial players who agree with Bill Ackman regarding DEI are materially part of Porject 2025 DEI is the obverse of white supremacy.
It’s like the difference between the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice version of the woman at the well.
The Pro-Life version basically depicts her as a whore and community outcast and ashamed of her status, which is why she has come to the well at high noon, Jesus and John Mark are resting in the shade of the oasis when this woman slinks to the well and begins to draw watter from 100 feet down. She just wants to get her jar filled and slink back into her hovel. What happens instead is that Jesus finds an opportunity to jump into this woman’s shit about her life style and set on the straight and narrow, which works so well, the entie village comes out to see and touch the Messiah,
That’s the Pro-Life version, The imporant thing the get exactly correct is that the entire village comes out to see and touch the Meddiah. That’s the way thied do things in both the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice version of the Gospels.
However, the Pro-Choice version describes a demonstation of the method the Holy Spirit employed to get Mary in a family way, This woman is not part of the Jerusalem congregation although she is bound to the Torah, culturally. Once a year, they choose up sides and go up on facing mountains and shout blessings and curses at each other, then head back down to the pubs for a sing-song.
Shw was practiciing polyandry, that is, she has many different baby daddies. In her society, children are a woman’s social security, Family values. The babies were more imporant than the man, She had chidren from 5 men and she was ready to get a bun in th oven but the guy she working with isn’t delivering,
So, she’s come to the well to get her vessel filled. Apparently, that was something of a universal signal of sexual availability. What happens next is a flirtation from her point of view. She’s sassy as hell and doesn’t give an inch the whole time they are together, She’s not ashamed of shit. This is the Med: imgage her as Gina Lolabridgada. Scrumpcious. She’s on a mission, Like Tama dealing with the niggardly pretentions of Judah.
Long story short, He makes her pregnant in the same manner the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus with the Virgin Mary: they both employed the Spirit of God (Gen 1:2). My experience has been that women who have had children are aware of when they are most fertile and the moment of conception, They can feel it. This woman fest the conception Jesus compelled the Spirit of God to execute. No sex. Jesus died a virgin,
This is a Pro-Choice woman, She’s a valued member of the community which is revealed by the fact that she barele has time to run back and alert her security regarding the MEssiah than the whole fucking village converges on the well like a field of ripe poppies.
The Point is, Pro-LIfe is a Project 2025 socia construct.
Pro-Choice is the rest of the world committed the DEI social contract of the Declaration of Independence
I mean, how can you take a Pro-Life woman seriously?
The Meta bump is related to Project 2025 in some manner.
0 notes
eushiloh · 4 years
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⟨ SYDNEY SWEENEY. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, SHILOH MONROE is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-THREE year old DANCE MAJOR from COPENHAGEN, DENMARK has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite EMPATHIC & INDECISIVE.
howdy howdy howdy, i’m h and lemme just start by saying how excited i am to be here and bring this sweet little baby to life. i’m gonna keep this little section short and sweet because there’s HELLA info below (if you read it all, bless u sweet angels) so without further ado, let’s get into it, shall we?
FULL NAME shiloh josefine monroe NICKNAME(S) shi, sj OCCUPATION cashier at eonia theater/dance major SEXUALITY: bisexual AGE 23 DATE OF BIRTH march 3rd NATIONALITY danish RELIGION spiritual THREAT LEVEL 3/10
FACE CLAIM sydney sweeney HEIGHT 5′4 EYE COLOR blue HAIR COLOUR + STYLE dirty blonde, typically in messy/loose waves DOMINANT HAND left DISTINGUISHING FEATURES big, sleepy eyes, full lips, wide smile, strong dancer legs ACCENT + INTENSITY danish accent (here is a video for reference of how it sounds) TATTOO(S) she has three tattoos, they are all fairly small and dainty. one is a pair of pink ballet slippers on her ankle, then a cresent moon with clouds on the inside of her right wrist, and lastly (her biggest one) is a dream catcher along her left side of her ribs. SCAR(S) one along her right knee from when she fell off a bike as a child and cut her leg open PIERCING(S) five in each ear, she has a nose hoop but forgets about it all the time, and her belly button.
HOMETOWN copenhagen, denmark CURRENT RESIDENCE athens, greece LANGUAGE(S) Danish/English SOCIAL CLASS middle BASIC EDUCATION high school COLLEGE EDUCATION currently a junior in college DEGREE(S) N/A PARENT #1 sofia monroe PARENT #2 n/a PET(S) white cat named cloud RAP SHEET? squeaky clean PRISON TIME? yeah right
SMOKES? yes DRINKS? yes DRUGS? only weed VIOLENT? no ADDICTION(S)? sleeping? maybe? SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? sometimes HABIT(S) humming to herself, bouncing her leg, rubbing her lips together, not making eye contact when she speaks, cracking her knuckles HOBBIES dancing, sleeping, binge watching shows in her bed, yoga LIKES native american flute music, the color blue, soft lighting, dance clothes, sleeping in, and reality television DISLIKES loud noises, violence, people staring for too long, and heavy metal music. OBSESSION(S) dancing and sleeping, once again COMPULSION(S) leaving events early to be alone?? does that count?
HOUSE hypnos ZODIAC pisces ELEMENT water ANIMAL panda
when it comes to her powers, the strongest that shiloh has come to obtain would be hypnokinesis , though she tries not to take advantage of it too much. trying be the key word there, because there’s something so entrancing about living in somewhat of a dream like world, which is usually what she likes to use the power for. it first started out with delving into a fantasy land, a place for her to escape to and get lost in, and slowly she found herself falling deeper and deeper into her own rabbit hole. even as a young lady, she’d always heard people refer to her as their “dream girl” and once she realized she had the ability to somewhat make some dreams come true, she couldn’t help but sink into her title. once she got the hang of it, she couldn’t help but use it to her advantage here and there, if she had a crush on somebody she would appear in their dreams more and more. a sucker for romance, it was basically how she swayed her suitors, although sometimes it was for nothing whenever she realized it was all fantasy and never reality. still, living in dream worlds was too delicious not to become wrapped up in, that it became something she mastered perfectly. whether it was astral projecting herself into other settings while she was sleeping, or into other dreams, it seemed shiloh was entirely infatuated with living in her own little dream worlds. although, something that came hand in hand with dreams were nightmares, an area that shiloh hated getting stuck in.
something that she is wanting to dip her toes into more, would be her shapeshifting abilities. the blonde has only been able to do such in a limited ability, only recently being able to do so whenever she is fully awake. it’s uncomfortable, sure, but there’s something so mesmerizing about taking on the form of something else….or better yet someone else. often there’s many eyes on her, so being able to blend into a background and garner less attention is a rush of relief for her.
the girl has also always excelled in the levitation ability aspect of her life, shiloh has always been rather light on her feet, it was almost as if she was always floating. almost a picture of grace, it brought her face to face with something she adored at a rather early age: dancing. enrolled in classes from the age of 8, shiloh practically could float across a dance floor with elegance, something she now contributes to her levitation aspect of her powers.
with wide eyes and a soft smile, shiloh had always been rather quiet yet somehow still garnered the attention in a room. she wasn’t the type of girl to command it though, often keeping to herself, there was something magnetic and glowy about her that made her fall into the social hierarchy without really trying to. the blonde had always prided herself on being a good friend to those around her, even if they never gave her the same respect back, and soon realized that she was becoming a doormat to those around her. she kept everyone’s secrets, harboring them inside her like a vessel and remembering the little things others might have even forgotten they’d told her. soon enough, shiloh had realized she had enough dirt and ammo on those around her that if they ever did cross her, she’d use against them if need be. but luckily, thus far, the girl never had to shoot her shot to the heart just yet. a part of her always wondered if she had the guts to do it anyways, to cross those who she’d held nearest and dearest, or if she’d end up chickening out from the fear of hurting them too much. a never ending battle of right and wrong within her, she often finds herself torn and defeated by the end of the day. it makes her almost come off as flaky and aloof, although her intentions are typically anything but pure, her own overthinking tends to be her downfall. never letting anyone close enough to pick her brain, she is a beautiful mystery with expectations that had always been built upon her back. to be perfect, to be a vision of grace and poise, but sometimes she just wants to let loose and say fuck it to everything that had ever been expected of her and prove that she’s anything but a delicate flower. she has thorns that she’s never shown, and she fears if anyone gets to close, she’ll draw blood without warning.
shiloh is on the dance team, obviously, the girl lives for dancing and when she’s not dancing....she’s probably napping. 
also she has a job at the eonia theater as a cashier, so you’ll see her little sleepy self behind the counter and sometimes sneaking into the show to sleep in the back.
her mother was the type to live vicariously through her, always putting pressure on her to be “perfect” and put together. there was even a time in her younger years whenever her mother would put her into pageants, which shiloh absolutely hated, it was too much energy towards something she hated which ultimately left her feeling even more drained than normal. in fact, any pictures remaining of that time in her life are privately stored away and she refuses to revisit that memory which she even went lengths to alter from people’s brains whenever she figured out she had that ability.
the only good thing that she found from pageants was her love of dance, something that shiloh has passionately pursued all her life. she was enrolled in ballet mostly but soon fell in love with contemporary dance, and it was something that satisfied her mother, a win-win.
even though she was accepted as someone that was a part of the “in-crowd” in high school, celeste suffers from social anxiety, instead of hanging out at parties she often finds herself slipping away and disappearing. she’s much more of a homebody than someone who enjoys going out, being peer pressured is something she often falls victim to because she’s afraid of coming off as flaky, although she tends to do so anyways due to her disappearing acts.
the relationship she has with her mother is strained, because while she loves her mom, the constant pressure to “perform” and the way her mother sort of pushed her and talked so highly of her has her nervous to disappoint those around her. she constantly feels as if she has to be some sort of social butterfly, when the idea of getting close to people terrifies her, leaving her in a never-ending cycle of what she SHOULD be and what she WANTS to be.
speaking of relationships, most of celeste’s tend to fizzle out quickly once her partners discover she’s not all that they dreamt her up to be. it could be her fault, inserting herself into people’s dreams to learn more about them, that most of her relationships die out after the honeymoon phase...making her fear commitment all together.
she’s a pisces, because....well, obviously.
shiloh is bisexual, although she is a little nervous about dating women seeing as her mother wouldn’t quite understand, most of her public relationships have been exclusively with men due to her fear of disappointing her mother.
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ask-sincerely-sea · 4 years
A rundown of the Mermaid AU
Here’s a bullet list of my Mermaid AU and most of the content I have imagined for it! These are taken from three different posts on my main blog, but for simplicity, I compiled them all here! It is long, but feel free to read and get a feel for this universe!
All the Murphys are sharks, but they’re all different types of sharks.
Science doesn’t exist in my world so don’t expect genetics and aquatic ancestry to be something that is strict. Most families tend to stay within the same family and/or genus.
Connor is a Shortfin Mako Shark.
Zoe is a Blue Shark (Fun fact: Blue Sharks are a species of Requiem Sharks).
Cynthia is a Whale Shark.
Larry is an Oceanic Whitetip Shark.
Evan and Heidi are both octopus.
Evan is a Coconut Octopus.
Heidi is a Mimic Octopus.
Alana is a Pacific White Sided Dolphin.
Jared is a White Spotted Pufferfish.
Although intelligent like humans, mermaids will exhibit behaviors akin to their aquatic ancestry.
Evan being a Coconut Octopus will hide within ocean debris as a form of camouflage. This is often triggered by spikes in anxiety, but he also uses it to avoid interaction.
Jared absolutely puffs up. It’s usually caused by elevated emotion. Sometimes he’ll puff up because he’s upset, other times he’ll accidentally cause himself to puff up just from laughing too hard.
The Murphy family is a family a predators. They all have an acute and accurate sense of smell. Larry, Connor, and Zoe are active hunters, and when they are in hunting mode it’s hard to break them out of it until they are satiated.
Merpeople do form societies and interact with each other. They don’t hunt each other and unlike their aquatic ancestors, they don’t all follow migration paths. Some merfamilies will migrate.
Now I’ll give you all the cute and fun and interesting stuff…
Connor loves to explore any wreckage he can find. He’s super fascinated by human life and loves finding shipwrecks, plane wrecks, and even leftover skeletons.
He frequents the wrecks of military vessels most often and collects dog tags from fallen soldiers. He refurbishes them as much as he can because he likes to see the names of the men and women lost.
He often spies on humans who are boating as well. Be it a wedding boat, fishermen, or just vacationers, he just loves watching them from afar. However, the moment they spot him (usually only his dorsal fin on his tail), he dives away
.Hes accidentally becomes and ocean cryptid when a group of divers got a photo of him, albeit it fuzzy/blurry.
He’s obviously not aware of human cryptid culture.
Redditors think his viral photo is photoshopped.
Zoe isn’t as curious about humans. She is curious of the sky above and loves to watch birds as they fly around and feed on fish.
She goes stargazing a lot against her parents wishes. It’s dangerous at night and her parents (and most merpeople) fear poachers.
Zoe collects starfish on her tailfins. Since they are living creatures, she always communicates with them and makes sure they are okay with it.
Connor will leave jewelry and funky human artifacts he finds in Zoe’s room. She doesn’t know Connor is the one that leaves her random items and just assumes it’s Cynthia.
Cynthia is fascinated with human artifacts and frequents a lot of merpeople who are traders for human trinkets.
However, she is terrified of humans and doesn’t dare go near them. When she was younger, she got tangled up I’m a fishing net that belonged to poachers.
Larry is also fascinated with human trinkets, but not as much as Cynthia. Being an Oceanic Whitetip, he loves the tale of the USS Indianapolis.
He and Connor used to search shipwrecks together, but they’ve since grown apart and haven’t hunted or scavenged together in a long time.
I already said a bit of this in my last post, but being a Coconut Octopus, Evan uses physical objects to hide in and behind as a form of camouflage.
Though camouflage isn’t really necessary for merpeople being that they are able to fend for themselves and create/use tools, weapons, utensils, etcetera.
Evan’s camo is more of a reflex with his anxiety. If he’s nervous, anxious, or embarrassed, he’ll find the nearest Evan-sized object and fold himself up to fit. His tentacles can fold together tightly, he just has to account for his upper body not being as flexible.
Heidi is a Mimic Octopus as uses her camo as more of a fun party tricks. Mimic Octopus are able to disguise with many backgrounds, but are also able to contort and arrange their tentacles to resemble other species.
When Evan was little, they would travel to shallow banks along islands where the sun shone through the water really brightly. She’d contort her tentacles and do little shadow puppets of other species for him on the sand.
So, Jared is a pufferfish and not a porcupine fish. He has spines, but they’re very small and thin. They usually only show up when he’s inflated.
He HATES being inflated but it’s happens a lot.
Basically any elevated emotion inflates him. He’s angry? Puff! He’s playful? Puff! He’s excited? Puff! He’s sad? Puff! He’s [redacted]? PUFF!
He doesn’t care too much about human culture, but he is aware of this cursed video. He was hanging around a boat with a bunch of spring breakers and slipped a phone for a few minutes, stumbling across Youtube. Connor thinks it’s the funniest thing ever.
Oh, yeah, so merpeople don’t have any sort of electronic technology, but some of the most curious ones will snatch devices from boats. They are aware they don’t work underwater, so it’s usually like a dramatic spy scene of mermaids hanging out by boats with phones and tablets and messing around as much as they can for five to ten minutes.
Alana is super social and during vacations from school she’ll travel with merpeople and regular aquatic life and migrate around the world.
She’s traveled literally everywhere and has been doing it since she was a child. Her whole family used to go, but now it’s just her. Her parents trust her to be alone.
Alana has come across Sea World and other marine parks with Orcas and it makes her incredibly angry. There have been a few instances where animals in captivity have… Mysteriously escaped back into the wild…
She does have a super playful side and is very curious of humans despite often having a negative judgement/attitude towards them. When she just wants to have fun or relax, she goes bow riding along the wake of boats. She’s clever enough to not be seen.
Yes, there is merpeople high school because why not.
Again, science doesn’t exist and this au honestly doesn’t have rules.So just go ham and make mermaids, y'all!
I’m still deciding on how I want to portray Miguel, but right now I’m thinking Red Lionfish or Pacific Seahorse.That boy is something very colorful and proud!
So previously I mentioned there being an education system for merpeople as they do form societies.
So all the teens (minus Miguel) go to school together.
Their school, as well as most of the buildings in their particular society, is made up of scrapped parts from shipwrecks and other human debris. There are also some buildings and landmarks carved out of the landscape, but they gotta keep it fresh, keep it interesting. They’re still discovering and learning technology, but in their own unique ways.
(Okay, you probably didn’t even care about that fact but as an enthusiast for a “rebuild from the remains” aesthetic, I have to sprinkle in my little funky twists.)
The particular “town” of merpeople they live in isn’t very large and is constantly changing size and population due to some mers moving in and out.
Evan broke his arm over summer break in a coastal accident.
Seeing that merpeople don’t fully abide by the living standards of their aquatic ancestors, they tend to mix, mingle, and migrate without too much structure. Obviously certain families with stay together and there are some pockets of merpeople who live by more strict cultural rules. But for the sake of au, Evan and the gang live in a more relaxed mer civilization.
So, over the summer Evan was working with a group of mers that focus on coastal wildlife. Evan in particular focused on coral health and how it was being affected by human activity.
But our boy is depressed and lonely, so one day he strays from his usual group of coworkers and ventured toward a cluster of fishing boats. The general rule is don’t go near humans, especially when on the job.
He noticed that some of the boats were anchored, so he grabbed one of them from the seabed, hoisted it up the surface, and launched it above water for his to come crashing down with force behind it.
His arm got pinned under the anchor, thus breaking it.
Now, the rest of the AU at the moment is more freeform and doesn’t follow the plot of the musical, but I did want to included how Evan broke his arm.
Connor is not dead in this particular version of the AU, but feel free to craft multiple storylines and arcs with different outcomes!
Connor does paint his nails!
As previously mentioned, he is very fascinated by human society and like to get a little too close.
So, one day he came across some spring breakers and watched as they went about their activities sunbathing and painting their nails. As soon as they looked away, he stole several bottles.
It’s rare for him to find nail polish, especially since he ruined his first bottle by opening it up under water and losing the contents. But whenever a party boat or a boat of spring breakers rolls by, especially with a bunch of girls, he always has to check.
He quickly learned that whenever he wants to do his nails he has to make a whole thing about hauling himself up to surface and propping on a rock or a beach for some time.
He’s collected his signature black as well as a metallic purple, glittery pink, and bright turquoise. He wears the black and purple the most. He loves the other two colors, but poor baby is insecure and wearing nail polish as a mer is already enough to cause stares.
Jared also thinks that human legs are hot.
When Jared is puffed up, other mers will bop him around like a volleyball. It’s an unfortunate thing for any and all puffers.
Evan’s dad is a Barracuda mer, which for a Barracuda and an Octopus to mate is incredibly rare. It’s a wonder that Evan didn’t come out a totally wack and new sea monster.
But like I said, science doesn’t really exist here! Anything goes! Be whatever mer you wanna be! Love whatever mer you wanna love!
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gaamagirl565 · 4 years
Matters of the heart S3 ep1
Matters of the heart Season 3 Episode 1 Outrun the shadow {OPENING CREDITS}
Narration: As winter draws near and the green of summer fades the world enters a time of sacrifice. The leaves release their grasp on branches and flutter to the ground to feed the soil of the earth. In return, the earth produces plants to feed the animals. Everything in our world sacrifices every day. And although Humans may be at the top of nature’s chain, We are not exempt from sacrifice. {Fade down to Isaiah looking conflicted as he watches men working in Old Corona’s graveyard with Gaia next to him} Lily: Isaiah? Isaiah: Oh! Hey guys… Akina: You okay? Isaiah:  what? yeah, I'm fine why? Nathaniel:  not going to lie... You look like you just watched a group full of Orphans get hit by a carriage. Isaiah:  that's a lovely image... but no really I'm fine it's just... a little weird to be watching people remove a tombstone from the graveyard with my name on it. Nathaniel:  at least we're prepared for the real deal now!  we have the stone and everything! {Akina kicks him} Nathaniel: Ow! Lily:  what we’re trying to say is we're glad to have you back. Isaiah:  I'm glad to have you guys back too… Akina: Awww! {lily blushes and Nathaniel gags; cut to Varian’s house where Zapada is attempting to feed her son with Verbena next to her} Zapada: Sterling, please do not fuss! Verbena: hehe! Fussy baby! Eugene: At least you know he’s truly Varian’s kid...Stubborn to the end! Varian: har har...can we get back to business? Rapunzel: Sorry Varian but he’s sooo cute! Lance: he really is! Adira can we have another baby? {Pan to Adira having her earring pulled by her 1-year-old son} Adira:....no. Varian: ….okay yes my son is incredibly cute but we have a serious issue here. Eugene: alright fine...you were saying? {Varian lays out a map on the dining room table} Varian: We know that the cult’s hideout was near the mountains in an abandoned mine.  the entrance to the mine collapsed when we were leaving but I doubt that'll hold them. they could be on their way here right now we need to make a battle plan. Rapunzel:  I'm not normally one to be negative but what are we going to do?  I don't have my hair anymore and you told me that they basically made a corrupt version of the Moonstone using only a Shard from its remains.  do we even know the full extent of their power now? Varian:  that's the tricky part... we don't. my family and I hightailed it out of there before they could do anything. Lancel: What does this mean for Cassandra? {Varian bites his lip and looks at Eugene who nods} Varian:  Cassandra... her mind has completely been taken over by the power she possesses...Her original conscience is gone. {Rapunzel gasps and tears up} Eugene: oh no...Sunshine c’mere… {he holds her close} Varian: i’m sorry Rapunzel… {Isaiah rushes in with the others and accidentally hits Ruddiger with the door} Isaiah: Dad! Do you Smell that!? {Varian sniffs the air and his eyes widen} Varian: sulfur... Eugene: cannons...something’s coming... {Zapada instinctively clutches Benny and Sterling; Varian and Eugene run out to the road; at the entrance, Larkspur stands with a cold staring purple-eyed Cassandra and an army of cult members behind her} Larkspur: Hi! Hope you don’t mind but I thought I’d just drop in...and take what’s mine. {Rapunzel stands in front of them} Rapunzel: You aren’t taking anything from us! Larkspur: AWWW! That’s so cute! Like you have a choice. Oh, sweet Vessel! Show them we mean business. {Cassandra steps forward} Rapunzel: Cass! Wait! It’s me! fi-AHH! {Rapunzel is pulled out of the way as Cass Forces a contorted discolored rock from the ground} Eugene: oh no… Isaiah: Dad w-what is that? {Varian’s eyes dilate in horror} Larkspur: Like I said...We’re not taking no for an answer… {She turns to her army} Larkspur: Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Corona! Some of you have been here before but- {She gasps as an arrow zips past her and hits a cult member killing him; She turns around and sees Adira with her bow at the ready} Larkspur:...ya know what? Screw the speech! ATTACK! DESTROY ANYONE YOU SEE! {The army cheers and charges; People begin running screaming} Isaiah: Dad!? Nathaniel: MOM! {Everyone runs to gather their families; The cult starts throwing small orbs; once they hit the ground a gas flows out choking various people; Isaiah watches his father fight with the king and queen and out of the corner of his he sees an orb head for Nathaniel’s family} Isaiah: NATHANIEL! {He is hit directly and begins coughing and sputtering; Isaiah covers his nose and mouth and runs out to help him to his house; in the confusion they here people grunting and shouting in pain; The cult have begun targeting civilians with their swords} Rapunzel: We have to get everyone out of here! {Varian, Eugene, and Rapunzel help various villagers to run into Varian’s house and barricade the door} Varaian: Zapada Grab the kids!  Lets get everyone to the escape route! Zapada: come on children! {Varian leads them to a hole in his office} Eugene: seriously? Varian: It leads to the underground tunnels of old Corona!  we can escape to the forest through here! Isaiah: but we'll be leaving everything! Rapunzel: We have to… Varian: Women & Children First! {Isaiah helps Lily and the royal siblings into the hole and then helps Nathaniel} Varian:  you next buddy! {Isaiah climbs down into the dark dirt tunnels; he slowly helps people into them; Once everyone is inside Varian himself climbs into the hole taking one last look at his home before the main door starts cracking open; he grabs the lid to the hole and covers it as he descends into the tunnel.} Akina: it’s really dark down here Benny:  clearly you've never been to the dark Kingdom. Villagers:  what do we do now?  how do we get back to the surface? our home is gone!  what about everybody else in the Kingdom!? Rapunzel:  everyone calm down!  I'm sure our Royal engineer has a plan! Right? Varian:  of course I do I didn't just build this thing for kicks.  the tunnel itself is about 5 miles long and at least out into the forest.  the exit is in a campsite that I have spent time creating in case the should ever happen.  when we get there we can set up camp as for the rest of the people in Corona... we can only pray for their safety. Perhaps at a future date we can save them. {the small crowd murmurs to each other; Varian takes out small glowing orbs and passes them around} Eugene:  everyone Stay Together!  Varian will lead the way. {They begin walking in the direction they’re being lead} Benny: ‘Saiah?  are we going to be okay? Isaiah:.... yeah totally!  there's one thing I know about my dad is he has a plan for everything. even the worst-case scenario. Akina: Mama I’m frightened… Adira: we’re alright small one Lance: yeah... the important thing is we're all here together. {As they walk small rumbles shake the tunnels but Rapunzel encourages them to keep moving; Varian looks over a map with his glowing orb before pointing down a corridor; Everyone follows; Cut to Lily’s brother Cyrus running a hand along the dirt wall} Cyrus: I'm simply amazed Mr.Varian... how did you manage to carve these? Varian:  there were already tunnels here from when I was younger I just simply expanded them so that they would run into the forest. I figured it was a good idea to have an Escape Route.  especially one that they wouldn't be able to find. Cyrus:  still this must have taken years! Varian:  I began Construction once I returned to Corona shortly before Isaiah was born.   I figured if I was going to stay in Old Corona they would end up coming for me at some point.  I wanted a safe way for my villagers to escape. {A thud and is heard followed by a shattering of glass and a scream; Eugene whips around to see a woman on the ground; he runs over} Eugene:  what's going on!? Child: My mother! S-she fell! She isn’t saying anything! {Varian runs over and kneels next to her} Varian: ... flip her over! {They do so and reveal reddish-purple dots on her skin} Varian:...was your mother sick before!?  did anything happen during The Invasion I could have injured her in any way? Child: no! She was fine! She wasn’t even injured in The Invasion!  we only got hit by one of those weird ball thingies! Isaiah:... those gas bombs! If she was near one when it blew then, you don't think that maybe… Varian:  those bombs must have been filled with some sort of biological compound... it's making anybody who came into contact with the gas sick. Rapunzel:  a lot of people here were exposed to those. Eugene:  everyone check yourselves for reddish-purple spots! {The people look at themselves and several shout in fear as they look at their spotted skin; Nathaniel looks at his wrist in fear and dots cover his arm} Rapunzel: okay calm down!  if you were sick we will find a way to get you treated we just have to find out what exactly this is! Varian:  Rapunzel that's easier said than done without a lab.  in the time being we have to make it to the campsite we use whatever medicine we have to try and get you better until then we'll have to observe your symptoms. Villager 1:  how much longer to this campsite? my wife is very sick! Varian:  we just passed the north corridor  so I'm guessing we should be there within the next 10 minutes. in the meantime everybody please try and stay calm. {everyone moves on} Lily:  Nathaniel are you okay? {he holds up his wrist; Akina gasps} Isaiah:  don't be scared, Akina... I don't think it's contagious otherwise we'd all have it by now. Lily:  what about you you ran to the gas cloud that he was in! Isaiah: Nathaniel and everybody else experiencing symptoms had a direct hit or breathed in a lot of the gas. I had my mouth and nose covered when I went to go grab him. Nathaniel: Stop!  let's do what they told us and stay calm.  I don't know what this stuff is going to do to me but we shouldn't focus on that. we have bigger fish to fry. come on… {He walks ahead of them} Benny: Isaiah? Can I have a ride? Isaiah: you tired? Okay… {He bends down and lets her climb on his back; they keep walking to they see a light peering through the top of the tunnel} Varian: Angry? Cat? {a rope is dropped down} Varian:  again Women & Children First! { everyone begins climbing up the Rope one by one;  finally Varian pulls himself up} Keira: welcome to the upper world! Varian: you've been waiting for years to say that haven't you? Cat:  she really has you have no idea… Keira:  we did exactly as you said we saw the commotion from our treehouse and opened up the tunnel. Lance: thats my girls! Eugene:  is everything secure? Cat: yeah Varian: and how is...he doing? { Cat looks distressed for a moment and kiera puts an arm around her} Kiera:  he's not doing good to say the least… Cat:  we have him in the camp right now resting but his wound recently got infected.  The Physician helped some with the internal damage... but he said ultimately there's not much you can do. we just have to hope he makes it through this. Kiera:  nevermind! we have some visitors in the camp… Varian: Visitors!? WHO!? {Cut to the camp with Varian walking in; pan to hector sitting with his daughter Juniper and son Bjørn} Varian: Uncle? Adira: Hector!? Hector: hello sister… Adira: what are you doing here? Juniper:  it was so weird!  dad said he had to come here! Hector:  something happened... and judging from what I'm seeing something big.  I felt a familiar feeling... but this time..it was evil. Adira:  they took The Shard of the Moonstone and they corrupted it into a new stone. trust me I felt it too. Bjørn: What happened to all these people? Varian: we don't exactly know yet. Eugene:  okay attention everyone!  all those who are sick please rest until we can find a designated area for you everybody else start helping set up camp Villager 1:  but what about us!? are you sure they won't find us here!? Varian: as of right now all the cult knows is that we disappeared inside my house. They have no knowledge of the underground tunnels nor do they have any knowledge of this campsite.  soon strict rules are going to be enforced in order to assure everyone safety.  I know the situation isn't ideal and I prayed that it would never happen. Villager 2:  isn't this basically your fault!?  you should have been protecting us from these people! {The crowd shouts in anger; Isaiah puts Benny down and runs over} Isaiah:  knock it off! Varian: Isaiah? Isaiah:  there was no way my Dad could have stopped the cult from doing this!  with or without the Moonstone Shard they would have attacked eventually just as they have before.  instead of blaming other people for what happened, we should focus on Surviving! Rapunzel:  Isaiah is right. getting angry will solve nothing.   please everyone just started helping set up camp once we get a new sense of normal it won't seem so bad I promise. {The crowd disperses} Isaiah: phew… Varian: Thats my boy! Zapada: Copilul meu, that was so brave! Isaiah:  I couldn't just stand there and let them bad-mouths my family. the cult members are insane plain and simple once they have something in their head it can't be stopped. Zapada:  I'm going to go help the other women set up. Isaiah, would you mind taking your brother for a bit? {she hands Sterling to Isaiah} Isaiah:  what do you say little guy? you ready to spend some time with your awesome big bro? Sterling: ppthh! Lily: Ha! Isaiah:  I'm choosing to take that as a compliment… {Isaiah walks around camp watching the sick be tended to and tents being set up} Isaiah:  and I got so used to sleeping in a bed again as well… Benny:  speak for yourself! this is my element! {They look over and see Cat walk into a ten that was already set up} Isaiah: what is she doing? Benny: ooohh spy time! Lets go.. {They sneak up to the tent and look in; Noremoth lies on a makeshift bed with bandages wrapped around his torso; Cat dips a cloth in water and puts it on his head} Noremoth: ghh...h-hey.. Cat: hi..just rest okay? Noremoth:..you got it..boss. {She chuckles} Cat: just sleep okay? {Start the song “twisting trees} {Catalina} Deep in the forest, the flowers bloom Don’t fear the dark The moon will rise soon Let the breeze caress your face And fall into the branches embrace Twisting trees keep me safe Twisting trees I fear not this place As they cast their shadows below The moon it rises ever so slow It’s face of Ivory glowing above It bathes the land its pure white love fall into the branches embrace Twisting trees keep me safe And fear not this place. Oh, fear not this place. {end song; Isaiah walks away with Benny and Sterling} Isaiah: He's not looking good… Benny:  well that wasn't fun that was just straight-up depressing... {Isaiah sits up against a tree with Sterling} Akina: you okay? Isaiah: Oh...hi Akina... yeah I'm fine just... rough way to start a day. Akina: yeah... never thought I'd see Uncle Hector here. What do you think they meant by saying they sensed something? Isaiah: promote my grandpa told me your mom and…” uncle” Hector used to be part of a group called the Brotherhood. from what he told me they were loyal to the moonstone given that this new corruption is made from A Shard of the Moonstone I'm guessing they felt a disturbance or something when it was corrupted. it's the only thing I can think of. Akina: We're going to take back Corona right? I like it there! Isaiah:  don't you worry we're not just going to sit back and let this happen.  we're going to take back our Kingdom… Lily:  good luck with that we’ll need a small army. Akina:  I heard the grown-up saying that too!  something about we're going to have to go around asking other kingdoms to join the fight! Isaiah:  well yeah... you think they're just going to stop at our kingdom? we're going to need to ask for help from a lot of peo-... wait...I GOT IT! { everyone in the camp jumps out of surprise} Isaiah:... oops!  sorry!... anyway I need a piece of paper and a quill. Lily:  one second I saw some by the supplies! {She runs over and grabs the items before handing them to Isaiah;  Isaiah leans against the tree and begins writing his letter} Isaiah: S.O.S...Corona compromised.  please help.  your former Cabin Boy Isaiah... okay it's written!  but how do we send it? Lily: I... I have an idea… {Cut to Hamuel hanging  upside down from a tree branch} Isaiah: you can't be serious… Lily:  hey my grandfather and Dad have been exchanging letters for ages using this bird. Isaiah:  this bird has to be at least 15 years old! maybe more! on top of that look at him! {Hamuel falls to the ground with a pained caw} Isaiah: HMM!? *points at him* Lily:  I know it's not ideal but he's gotten the messages there every single time. Benny:  I'm surprised he hasn't taken the messages to the north pole rather than the dark Kingdom. {Lily attaches the letter to Hamuel’s leg} Isaiah:... I can't believe I'm doing this I'm talking to a bird...Hamuel  listen very closely to me I need you to find a ship called the SS. Salvador. Take this note to the captain.  and if you fail...uh...Draki will eat you. {Draki hisses and wiggles his tail} Lily: Isaiah no! Isaiah: Isaiah yes! { He lets Hamuel go; cut to Corona Castle; Larkspur walks into the throne room} Larkspur:  I can't believe I'm finally here… Vergus:  yes mistress you finally made it.  Corona is destroyed and at our feet.  and soon we will find The Alchemist and where he is hiding. Larkspur:  look at this place... such power wasted. {She goes up and sits on the throne} Larkspur: hehe!!  I've waited for years to sit on this chair!  I was kind of hoping that the king and queens heads would be under my feet as well but you take what you can get. Vergus: shall we start moving on to the other kingdoms as well mistress? now that we've taken down Corona we can move on to others and spread our message! Larkspur:  everything is finally coming together… Vergus: Mistress? {begin song “i don’t care”} {Larkspur} You know some time ago I was just a little girl I was hopeless, aimless, nameless But then a dream had struck my mind It was brighter than any kind And now that dream is mine Just look now where I walk A hall of Kings and Queens And all it took was some blood and a bit of screams! Well, I don’t care, If it isn’t fair! This land is mine Let’s not waste our time! Let’s make them bleed! Oh let’s make them bleed! Ohhh...he chose his path and ran away Even when welcome to stay… He chose...to Betray~! But I don’t care! I’ve let down my hair! This land is mine! Oh, finally mine! Now to make them bleed Oh let’s make them (x3) Let’s make them bleed! {End song} {END CREDITS}
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