#workplace violence prevention
Creating Safe Spaces: Managing Workplace Violence
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Violence in the workplace is a serious issue that can have devastating effects on employees and businesses. It can range from verbal abuse and threats to physical assaults and even homicide. As an employer or manager, it's crucial to take proactive steps to prevent and manage workplace violence to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees. In this article, we'll explore how to prevent workplace fierceness, who needs to be involved, and strategies for managing these challenging situations.
Understanding Workplace Vehemence
Workplace brutality can occur in any setting, from offices and factories to retail stores and healthcare facilities. It can be perpetrated by co-workers, customers, clients, or even strangers. Common forms of workplace savagery include physical assault, threats, harassment, and intimidation. It can have a significant impact on employees' mental health, job satisfaction, and productivity.
Preventing Workplace Severity
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Preventing workplace cruelty starts with creating a culture of respect and zero tolerance for violence. Employers should establish clear policies and procedures for reporting and addressing workplace disturbance. It includes providing training to employees on recognizing and responding to potential threats. Employers should also conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential hazards and take steps to mitigate them.
Who Needs to Be Involved?
Preventing workplace disturbance requires a collaborative effort involving various stakeholders. It includes attendance monitoring, managers, human resources, security personnel, and employees themselves. Employers should ensure that all employees are aware of the organization's policies and procedures regarding workplace furiousness prevention. Managers should be trained to recognize early warning signs and respond appropriately. Human resources should provide support to employees who have experienced or witnessed violence. Security personnel should be trained to respond quickly and effectively to violent incidents.
Managing Workplace Brute Force Incidents
Despite efforts to prevent workplace aggression, incidents may still occur. In such cases, it's essential to have a clear plan in place for managing the situation. It includes ensuring the safety of all employees, contacting law enforcement if necessary, and providing support to affected employees. It's also important to conduct a thorough investigation to determine the root causes of the incident and take steps to prevent future occurrences.
Preventing Future Workplace Ferocity
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After an incident of workplace brutality, it's crucial to take steps to prevent future occurrences. It involves implementing changes to policies, procedures, and practices to create a safer work environment. Here are some strategies for preventing future workplace fierceness:
Enhanced Security Measures: Review and enhance security measures such as access control, surveillance systems, and security personnel presence. Consider implementing panic buttons or emergency communication systems to enable quick response to potential threats.
Employee Training: Provide regular training to employees on recognizing and responding to potential violence. It should include de-escalation techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and how to report concerns or threats.
Encourage Reporting: Create a culture where managing remote employees feel comfortable reporting concerns or threats of violence. Establish clear reporting procedures and ensure that reports are taken seriously and investigated promptly.
Supportive Work Environment: Encourage a friendly work atmosphere where staff members are treated with respect and feel appreciated. Encourage open communication and address any issues or conflicts that may arise promptly.
Mental Health Support: Provide access to mental health support services for employees who may be experiencing stress, anger, or other issues that could lead to violence. It can include counseling services or employee assistance programs.
Regular Reviews: Conduct regular reviews of workplace severity prevention policies and procedures to ensure they are up-to-date and effective. It should include soliciting feedback from employees and making adjustments as necessary.
Collaboration with Community Resources: Establish partnerships with local law enforcement, mental health professionals, and community organizations to enhance workplace vehemence prevention efforts. These partnerships can provide additional resources and expertise to help address potential threats.
Zero Tolerance Policy: Implement a zero-tolerance policy for workplace savagery that clearly defines unacceptable behavior and consequences for violating the policy. Communicate this policy to all employees and enforce it consistently.
By taking proactive measures to prevent workplace cruelty, employers can help create a safer and more secure work environment for everyone. It's essential to remain vigilant and responsive to potential threats, as even seemingly minor incidents can escalate if not addressed promptly.
Workplace outrage is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive approach to prevention and management. By creating a culture of respect, providing training and support to employees, and collaborating with stakeholders, employers can help create safe and secure workplaces for everyone. Preventing workplace violence requires a proactive and ongoing effort, but the benefits are well worth it in terms of employee safety and well-being.
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Dive into Performance Health's comprehensive guide on Workplace Violence Prevention. Our expert insights offer practical strategies to create a safer work environment, emphasizing proactive measures, employee training, and conflict resolution techniques. Learn how to protect your team and foster a culture of respect and safety. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, our resources are designed to empower employers and employees alike in violence prevention efforts.
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harbingerhorizon · 1 year
Identifying, Responding, and Preventing Workplace Violence Literature Review
For the 10th year, April is the national observance month for workplace violence awareness. As a law enforcement professional and organization facilitator on the topic, I want to share with you the preventable nature of most workplace violence incidents by providing an analysis of how to Identify, respond to, and prevent workplace violence. Supplementing the study is a video summarizing the areas covered.
In this study, several publications were analyzed, defining a spectrum of behaviors associated with workplace violence that threaten the physical, psychological, and emotional well-being of employees in the workplace. The spectrum includes a wide range of perpetrators of such conduct including co-workers, supervisors, customers, clients, and those who may not have a direct affiliation with the organization but seek to do harm motivated by an ideology. While discrimination and harassment may be the most common forms of abusive conduct employers recognize and set policies to expressly prohibit, other forms of inappropriate behaviors exist that employees should be protected from, or at a minimum employers should take proactive measures to discourage or prevent. Education and awareness are key to such measures. In this review, four themes emerged: The perception of workplace violence, reporting, strategies, and workplace culture.
Findings indicate there are both finite and broad ways of how workplace violence is defined that are dependent upon the entity governing the rules prohibiting such behavior, the type of workplace violence that is of concern in the occupation that is being focused on, and how the perception of what constitutes violence. This in part leads to a lack of reporting of such conduct which is pervasive. Strategies to combat workplace violence exist but are not shared across all workforces. Cultural differences may hinder workplace civility for all workforces.
A complete analysis of our study can be read here.
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apas-95 · 29 days
If your boss could, they would work you to death and dump your body behind your workplace without the police caring. If they cannot do this to you right now, that is historically contingent - they used to be able to do this to you, they currently can do this to other people, and in the future they will likely be able to do this to you again. The only thing that has ever prevented them from doing so is worker organisation and violent resistance against violence. You are livestock to the ruling class. Never trick yourself into thinking that these people will not slaughter you as soon as it benefits them, and do not avert your eyes from the slaughter now.
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cupcraft · 1 month
One thing I hope is that people once again recognize that labor exploitation is violence. That unsafe labor is violence. That picking favorites, creating a competitive culture, creating a system that rewards certain people over others (especially in ways that reinforce systems of oppression), creating a culture with no accountability with total coverups against workers is violence. To want workers who "quiet quit (ie just doing their job)" to be fired is violence. To assume severance pay is enough to save someone from losing their job (when many people's Healthcare is tied to their jobs and being fired affects your ability to grt another job and etc) is violence. I hope people realize mr beast as a capitalist is inherently violent and has harmed workers and people he's exploited for content causing real harm and injury for profit and it does not matter if you like him as the cc persona or if he's done good because it's exploitative philatrophy like that he uses as a shield to prevent any criticism. Mr beast is no different from any for profit capitalist and he has cultivated a work place that harms people while he reaps a profit. And I hope everyone keeps in mind that workplace violence is still violence and it is imperative you take that seriously. It is imperative you take his response video (whenever that singular response comes) with great scrutiny considering mr beasts role is to maintain the for profit brand above all else.
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skrifores · 10 months
I have seen the point being made that you don’t have to be in a romantic relationship for some behaviour to constitute domestic violence. I’m seeing this said with regards to Our Flag Means Death and what some people perceive as domestic abuse on Ed’s part - that him not being romantically involved with Izzy shouldn’t mean behaviour between can’t be considered domestic abuse.
It is an excellent point that in many places, the definition of domestic abuse isn’t restricted to intimate partners! It is often widened to consider any violence, coercion and emotional harm taking place within a home environment. Under this definition, children can be victims of domestic abuse by their parents, it can occur between siblings, even roommates - especially with a live-in landlord situation. And of course, the Revenge as well as being a workplace is ultimately where the characters live.
I think it’s very clear that the show is a workplace comedy about pirates, but if you want to apply the definition of violence, coercion and emotional harm within a home environment to your reading to the show, that can be done.
Of course, I would be surprised if you genuinely view it that way and still made it as far as even watching Season 2, given the way what you consider to be domestic abuse in this fictional setting happens so very often with little to no moral consequence, and is often intended to be taken as a joke.
I mean. In the very first episode, the crew talk about killing Stede, and begin to plan for this, including lighting him on fire.
Jim threatens Lucius and actually physically locks him in a small wooden box in the second episode for what seems to be quite a long time.
I think in 4, Izzy pulls on Fang’s beard and it really upsets him. He also talks pretty openly about the intention to kill the Revenge crew, though I’ll let that go at this stage since he doesn’t really live there so much as being there for the purpose of murdering them and stealing their stuff. Still, poor Fang, that looked like it hurt.
While we’re on Izzy, he does also actively try to kill Stede by stabbing him, and he then he goes and does the olde worlde equivalent of calling the cops on him on the intention of having him executed, which seems pretty fucked up on the ‘violence’ part of our DA definition but also hits pretty hard on coercive control since he’s doing this to get Ed to behave differently.
He does prevent the Navy from executing Ed, which is nice, but he does point out that he regrets this, which, ouch, emotional harm. If we’re doing real world definitions, “I should’ve let the cops I called on you murder you” is the sort of thing that would make me feel pretty fucked up. And we all know what it means when someone tells you to watch your step.
But it’s not all about Izzy! (It’s really not, guys, there’s a whole TV show here!) Buttons bites Lucius - who ends up needing the whole finger gone! And he’s a visual artist!
Even my darling man Roach tries to eat the Swede, and I’ve gotta say, I don’t think they were on that island long enough to justify murder.
And who could forget Mary?? Wonderfully written character, love her, but, she does with malice aforethought attempt to kill her spouse in his sleep with a skewer. She was right to do it, in my opinion, but y’know, even without broadening the definition beyond partner relationships, murder of your spouse is pretty classic domestic abuse.
So, y’know, the point I’m getting at really is that if your definition of domestic abuse is violence and control wherein the perpetrator and victim share a significant aspect of their lives like living space - that’s a fine definition in real life. It is the one I use, in real life. But if you apply it to Our Flag Means Death, I really don’t understand how you stomached watching the first season or why you came back for more.
And if you only apply this definition with regards to Ed’s behaviour, but not the rest of the characters, I do wonder why that might be.
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mysadcorner · 1 year
May I please request headcanons for Bruce, Damian, and Dick reacting to their female S/O who’s a bartender getting into an argument with her raging boss which turns physical as he starts to strangle her?
Batfam x Bartender!Reader Arguing With Boss Headcanons
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-Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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Bruce actually wouldn't mind you being a bartender, and he likes the independence that your job gives you rather than just hanging around the manor all day doing nothing. He does worry about the risks, but he can't complain too much as it's similar within all customer service jobs.
When Bruce first hears about how your boss treats you he is very much enraged, although he will try to keep his anger at bay as he knows that some bosses are like that to all employees. He'll try to convince you to get a different job as soon as you can to have a nicer working environment but he also knows that it can't always be that easy.
Bruce would be shocked if he saw you have an argument with your boss, since it was most likely in front of customers you were serving, and he'd try his best to de-escalate the situation if he can. His hopes would be that he could minimise the argument and save your job from being on the line before the possibility of anyone getting hurt emotionally and physically from his own doing.
If things get physical between you and your boss (such as him hurting you) then he would immediately intervenes he isn't going to tolerate any sort of violence, especially when it's directed towards you. Bruce might let his public persona slip momentarily but he knows that he shouldn't let this affect his reputation so he'll leave the justice he wants to give towards your boss for later.
After the incident Bruce would consistently check up on you and try to prevent you from going back to work for a while, or at least to that workplace. He'd immediately help you look for another job if you'd like to keep working, and he's well aware that his connections could absolutely ruin the business life of your boss which is exactly what he does (as it is well deserved).
Damian wouldn't have a problem with you being a bartender generally, but he would constantly remind you of the dangers that came with being one. He's constantly reaffirming the risks so that he knows you're well aware of them and will go out of his way to feel reassured that you can defend yourself if anyone drunk tries to do something towards you.
He would be quite angry and outspoken about your boss if you ever complain about him to Damian, and would probably be ready to deal with your boss in that very moment if you weren't there to stop him. He believes that people as rude as your boss should be put in their place and most definitely shouldn't have power over employees.
When you have an argument with your boss and Damian is there to see it he will step in to finish the argument itself, and tries to do this before it escalates too far. He's threatening and knows what to do to make your boss back off, which is the exact outcome he wants as he doesn't want to make you feel bad about Damian resorting to actual violence due to your bosses rudeness.
If your boss does resort to physical violence then there will be absolutely nothing to hold Damian back, not even you. He won't tolerate this kind of behaviour from anyone towards you, especially not someone who is supposed to be your superior in the workplace. So expect Damian to cause some serious consequences for your boss and prevent him from lifting his hands towards anyone else again.
In the long term your boss would probably have some mental and physical trauma one Damian was finished with them, and the business would also close down due to the reputation the bar gained from the bosses behaviour towards staff. He'd also help you look for another job if you wanted one, keeping in mind all the benefits and best pay he would look for just so you could have the best conditions, and he would check in on your boss every so often just to make sure they were "behaving".
Dick would prefer you to have a job that didn't surround bars or alcohol, but he really has no basis for this preference as he's a vigilante and he's a cop during the day. This doesn't stop him from worrying about you though, as he often does too much. But with plenty of reassurance he'll be fine with your job and will often check in during busy hours just to make sure the place wasn't getting too rowdy or there wasn't any crime in the area while you're on your way home.
If you complain to Dick about your bosses behaviour before the argument then he'd suggest a way for you to make an official complaint about it, or at least get the situation solved in some way. He'd even go out of his way to go in wearing his uniform just to give your boss a warning about his behaviour if you felt comfortable with him doing that for you.
When he sees the two of you having an argument he immediately spring into action and tries to make sure the boss is stopped from taking the argument any further before getting to the bottom of what caused the argument. He'd reprimand your boss in some way and would make sure word spread about your bosses behaviour as to ruin his reputation and to stop future business successes.
If your boss did become physical with you then Dick wouldn't wait around to try and calmly negotiate the two of you out of an argument, he'd go straight into restraining your boss and getting him away from you. If it's during the night he's make sure your boss was absolutely terrified as a repercussion for his actions or if this was during his work hours then he'd have your boss arrested and would make sure he didn't have the best conditions to sit through while in custody, such as placing him with the "bad cops".
After this has all happened Dick would spend a lot of time in areas your boss frequented just to remind him about his presence and that he's always watching your bosses behaviour. Your boss would probably be charged with battery if he was physical and would be left scared of ever hurting you again, which came with quite a big apology to you and even some sort of work bonus.
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dissociacrip · 10 months
it's not just having physical or mental impairments that prevent me from working most jobs but also the fact that working as a disabled person means another avenue for people (employers, co-workers, customers, etc.) to enact violence against me.
i'm happier when i'm not working because that means i'm getting treated like shit much less.
yeah, most menial jobs are like that, whether you're disabled or not, but i'm not just talking about the general stress of things like retail and customers cussing you out or threatening you, i'm also talking about stuff within the workplace. supervisors and co-workers not taking your health problems seriously. getting scapegoated by co-workers and management. having your pay docked (or getting fired) for working too slow due to your health issues but you can't prove it's discrimination (if that process is even worth it.) being treated like you're not putting in enough effort when you're putting in twice the effort as your abled peers and struggling just to stay standing. supervisors and co-workers finding you difficult and annoying and weird because you're autistic and think very differently to the way they do, plus you don't have an innate understanding of how they think. still being held to abled expectations even when you do disclose that you have physical/mental conditions, and also while having other co-workers who are given the lenience that you need but for whatever reason it's denied to you because favoritism or cliques mixed in with ablest attitudes/beliefs. having co-workers try to blame their mistakes and incompetence on your because you're an easy target. these are just some of my experiences.
you don't have to deal w/ nasty entitled customers in every position/field but the risk of nasty vile people within the company or organization you work for is always there and it's especially magnified when something like disability is brought into the equation since that directly relates to your capacity to perform work to capitalist expectations. and then possibly losing your job means losing income means losing ability to pay for medical care and basic survival needs.
constantly pushing yourself past your limits and getting sicker because of that to pay for medications that barely help and doctor's appointments where your problems hardly get assessed/identified anyway, or it takes forever.
and what this doesn't mean is that being completely incapable of work, jobless or on benefits, etc. is a privileged thing vs. working while disabled. those things come with their own sets of issues and risks for violence that can be very extreme and life-threatening and anybody who thinks otherwise has some shit they need to unpack.
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anamericangirl · 10 months
When people say LGBTQ rights, they're advocating for protections against violence and discrimination for these groups.
Let's take a look at trans people for example.
60% of trans people face discrimination every year. That is to say 3 out of 5 trans people will be be denied something like healthcare, food aid, housing, or face discrimination in their workplace or their school at least once a year. It makes them one of the most (but not the most) discriminated against minorities in America.
They also, you know, have to deal with hate crimes and violence from people who want them seriously injured or dead.
Plus attempts to outlaw their existence by either preventing them from legally being seen in public or by preventing them from recieving GRS or HRT.
Anyone who thinks equal rights has been achieved in this country for LGBTQ people is simply wrong.
Anyone who is against the idea of equal rights for LGBTQ people either doesn't understand the meaning of equal rights or is a bigot that wants discrimination against LGBTQ people to go unpunished.
LGBTQ people (and lots of other minorities) need more protections than what they already have because it's the best way to significantly limit or end discrimination against them.
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They are protected against violence and discrimination because violence and discrimination are already illegal. Against anyone. They just want special provisions just for them.
And having seen what they are considering "violence and discrimination" these days I'm not inclined to believe they are actually as targeted as they claim. They are trying to re-invent what violence and discrimination are because they want to be victims so bad but like 99% of the time I hear one of them claim they've been a victim of violence or discrimination what really ended up happening was someone had an opinion they didn't like and it made them mad or they were subject to the same rules everyone else is.
I'm not willing to give people extra protections against violence and discrimination when they can't even tell me what violence and discrimination is or prove that they even need it.
I think you don't even know what discrimination is because simply being denied something is not discrimination and you implied that it was so I don't trust any of your statistics lol.
What is the alleged violence and discrimination they are facing? Give me specific examples. And what do these "protections" against violence and discrimination look like? It's already illegal so if you want something further you need to explain in detail what that means and what it would entail.
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libraford · 1 year
Now I'm thinking about my demands if someone from my company asked me, a trans person, how they could make the workplace more trans inclusive:
1. The fact that you're asking an employee instead of just googling 'how to make your workplace trans inclusive' is a big step in the right direction, putting you a head of literally any place I've ever worked.
2. An HR department that actually serves its function and not just as spies for the company. Listens when I say someones being a turd.
3. Training for mediation so that when someone DOES say something transphobic there is some way we can prevent things escalating into physical violence.
4. Protections against said violence.
5. Company stops playing politics with their money.
6. Dont fire people for coming out. Obviously.
And then apply that to like... everyone. Like ableism, racism, homophobia, etc. Like most of these arent just for trans people.
Anyway that's my thoughts.
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intervex · 13 days
Poll: what model of disability would you associate with the colour green?
[Poll at bottom of post]
A a few months back, I proposed new meanings for the Disability Pride Flag that was designed by @capricorn-0mnikorn in consultation with a bunch of disabled folks. For those unfamiliar, it's this rockin' flag:
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I proposed instead of having the coloured stripes being associated with categories of impairment (red for physical disability, yellow for neurodivergence, etc), we could instead have the different colours refer to different models of disability. I proposed:
Red: disability due to injury / the debility model of disability - e.g. injury due to armed conflicts caused by colonialism, injury due to gun violence in a country which fails to regulate gun safety, preventable illness due to sociopolitical neglect 😡🩸
Yellow: disability due to natural (beneficial) differences / affirmative models of disability - e.g. autistic people who lead lives that take advantage of their autistic traits, DSPS folks who are able to work night shifts and take pride in doing so 😄🌟
Blue: situational disabilities / critical models like the social model, e.g. a Deaf person who feels their only disability is that people don’t speak their signed language and don’t provide captions/etc 🗣️♿️
Green: disability due to illness / biomedical models of disability - e.g. people with conditions like ME/CFS and Long Covid who actually do want to be treated/cured 🤢🦠
White: disability caused by unknown or other factors / other models
I'm pretty happy with all of the colour-model associations except green, and would like input on if there's a more suitable colour to use instead.
👍️ Advantages of green for medical model: - green is associated with disease, sickness, poison, etc - it is a major model of disability, even if it is one that disability organizing tends to be organizing against
👎️ Disadvantages of green for medical model: - the original meanings had green down as meaning sensory disability, and a lot of folks with sensory disabilities like the Deaf community reject the medical model quite strongly - from what I've since seen of other disability-specific flags, green is the most common colour used for neurodiversity (e.g. this autigender flag), another group that strongly rejects the medical model - there are almost no flags that embrace the medical model, and the only two I'm familiar with - the Crohn's flag and the transmedicalist flag - both use *white* as the colour of medicine. Lab coats etc. - rolling the medical model into the white stripe ("other models") would fit both the medicine-as-white association and how invisibly disabled people are often those fighting for care
Some weeks back I posted asking for alternative ideas for a model of disability for green. These are the options sent my way:
Option 1: human rights model. Disability is viewed as a natural part of being human, and humans should have basic civil rights. This is a legalistic framework. It's used for advancing legal protections, gaining workplace accomodations, etc. Unlike the social model it can be kind of (but not entirely) individualistic: a given individual has their rights infringed, so laws need to be created and enforced to protect them.
Green is a colour used sometimes to represent humanity (though teal/cyan I think is a bit more common.) It's a model compatible with the neurodiversity movement and Deaf pride. People who are sick and want to be treated are also compatible in that they deserve a right to medical care.
Option 2: biodiversity model. Disability is beneficial for the gene pool because genetic variety makes for more resilient populations. Unlike the affirmation model, this doesn't see every disability as actually good to have - for example, sickle cell disease sucks for those who have it, but the heterozygosity advantage it provides for the population makes it a net asset.
Green is a colour associated with nature. I'd say this is also compatible with neurodiversity & Deaf pride + sick people.
Option 3: radical model. Disability is entirely a social construct. There is nothing wrong with any of us (Withersaj, 2012). The social construction of disability was created in order to marginalize segments of society - such as how IQ testing and the idea of "intelligence" was created by eugenics to rationalize slavery. This model is strongly connected with mad pride (Ralph, 2018)
This one probably isn't compatible with sick people who want care. Many neurodivergent & Deaf people would resonate with it, but I suspect some folks who feel their neurodivergence can be at times legitimately disabling may push back on this.
Option 4: political/relational model. Any discussion of disability is inherently political. Rather than disability being an individual problem or a macro-societal problem, this is a hybrid: "disablement as something that occurs because of ideological systems that disenfranchise disabled people, not individual needs or choices." (Price, 2021). This model pushes back on the disability/impairment dichotomy from the social model: "This model recognizes that it is not the environment that disables us, but our own bodies and minds (e.g. chronic fatigue or pain)." (Accessible Academia)
Green is a colour often used for symbolizing relationships. I think this is compatible with neurodiversity & Deaf pride, while also being open to sick people who want treatment.
Option 5: eco-crip model. This is in some ways the opposite of the political/relational: the environment is disabling. For example, many environmental toxins are known to cause disabilities. Many disabled people are particularly vulnerable to changes in the physical environment, especially climate change: smoggy air, power outages, evacuations from disasters, are all things that hurt disabled people much harder.
Unlike the radical model, this model views disability as not (only) a social phenomenon: even in a world with universal design everywhere and accommodations in place, a paraplegic still can't hike most trails.
This brings us to six options for models of disability for green. Tumblr lets you only vote for one, but if you like multiple (or you're AGAINST one or more) let me know in the replies/reblogs. 💚
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Brian Bennett at Time:
President Biden drew a parallel on Friday between Donald Trump “and his MAGA Republican allies” and segregationists in the 1950s who tried to prevent Black and white Americans from going to school together.
Speaking to Black leaders gathered at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Biden described meeting with some of the nine people who faced racist jeers and abuse to attend Little Rock's Central High School in 1957, three years after the Supreme Court ruled segregation in education was unconstitutional.  Biden said the same animus that drove segregationists to try to block those students from attending high school with white students is now emerging in “other insidious forms” such as the efforts to gut affirmative action in college admissions and strip away corporate initiatives trying to bring more people of color into workplaces. “The Little Rock Nine were met with vitriol and violence. Today the vitriol comes in other insidious forms—an extreme movement led by my predecessor and his MAGA Republican allies, backed by an extreme Supreme Court that gutted affirmative action in college admissions. My predecessor and his extreme MAGA friends are now going after diversity, equity and inclusion all across America,” Biden said. “They want a country for some —not for all.” 
Biden joined the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the 1954 Brown v Board of Education decision that led to a wave of integration across the country. But even after that ruling, local segregationist leaders in many states flouted the court ruling. In an iconic showdown, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent 101st Airborne Division troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to protect Black students facing violent threats as they attended school. “My name’s Joe Biden and I’m a lifetime member of the NAACP,” he said, as he started his remarks. He then joked, “When I said that a little earlier to the president, he said, ‘Are your dues paid up?’ I got to check.” Biden’s speech was part of a push to engage the African American community at a moment when his approval ratings are sagging among young Black voters. Later on Friday, Biden met at the White House with presidents of the “Divine Nine,” the influential network of Black sororities and fraternities. “I know real power when I see it,” Biden said of the Divine Nine.
At a speech Friday commemorating the 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, President Joe Biden (D) rightly draws a parallel between the modern-day MAGA cult and the segregationists of years past.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Lawmakers in California are hoping to push through controversial legislation that would ban retail staff from stopping thieves stealing from their stores.
Senate Bill 553, which was submitted by Senator Dave Cortese, has been passed by the State Senate and will now progress to policy committees in the State Assembly. Cortese hopes the proposed law will prevent workplace violence and protect staff from being forced by their employers to step-in during robberies. But some store bosses are furious about the plans, with the California Retailers Association mocking the move as an open invitation for thieves "to come in and steal."
The political wrangling in California comes just weeks after Home Depot security guard Blake Mohs, 26, was shot to death during an attempted robbery in Pleasanton, California. Other cities in the state are also facing their own problems as they attempt to deal with lawlessness.
San Francisco has been gripped by a crimewave that has seen Whole Foods close its downtown location after just a year of business, with bosses saying they were unable to "ensure the safety" of their staff in the city. Nordstrom followed suit by leaving the city this month, but many smaller businesses have had no choice but to remain, despite attacks on their premises.
The proposed new laws come as stores have blamed shoplifting for hitting their businesses, with Target issuing a statement in November blaming "organized retail crime" for an eye-watering $400 million loss in its profits in 2022.
Cortese, a Democrat representing Santa Clara County, told Fox 2/KTVU: "More recently, we've seen another spike in retail violence; [At] Safeways, Home Depots, it just seems to be happening every other day... What we're saying in the bill is it's not ok for employers to take a rank-and-file worker, somebody whose job is really something else... and say, 'Hey, you know, if there's an intruder we're going to deputize you to intervene.' People get hurt and often killed that way."
A statement issued by Cortese's office noted that assaults in stores rose during the pandemic, citing 2022 analysis by the New York Times, which found that assaults in grocery stores increased by 63 percent from 2018 to 2020, and assaults in convenience stores grew by 75 percent. The statement added that workplace violence is the second leading cause of fatal occupational injury.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that workplace violence affects nearly 2 million workers each year, with female staff suffering from higher rates of nonfatal injuries than their male counterparts.
A retail security survey published in 2022 by the National Retail Federal (NRF) also suggested the issue may be getting worse. The annual survey of the retail industry's loss prevention professionals found that "retail shrink is an almost $100 billion problem."
According to the survey, retailers blamed "external theft" for the greatest portion of "shrink" at 37 percent, while 28.5 percent was deemed to be the result of "employee/internal theft." The difference was made up by various factors, including processing and control failures. The survey found that 37.9 percent of respondents replied that no associates were allowed to apprehend shoplifters in their organizations.
The California bill, if enacted in law, would require employers to provide active-shooter training to workers, keep a log of any violent incidents, and allow companies to apply for workplace violence restraining orders.
But Rachel Michelin, president of the California Retailers Association, told Fox 2/KTVU: "This bill goes way too far, number one, where I think it will open the doors even wider for people to come in and steal from our stores."
And she added that most stores already prevent ordinary workers from confronting shoplifters, saying that most hire employees specifically trained in theft prevention for that purpose. "It [the bill] says no employee can approach someone who's shoplifting, so even if someone is trained on how to deter someone from doing that, now they're not allowed to approach someone. So what does that mean? We are opening up the doors to allow people to just walk into stores, steal, and walk out."
Newsweek is attempting to seek clarification on how the law applies to staff such as trained security guards.
Newsweek has also reached out to Senator Cortese and the California Retailers Association for further information and comment. Several large retailers, including Target and Walmart, have also been approached for comment about the proposed law.
The bill is currently subject to adjustments as it progresses through the State Assembly's policy committees.
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parasiticstars · 2 months
╰┈➤File Retrieved: Servant_Pets.pdf
Type: Servant Pets (also: housemaids, maid pets, housekeeping Pets)
Overview: These Pets work as housekeepers, maids, servants, cleaners, caretakers, groundskeepers, cooks, and whatever other task may be needed of them. They are trained to do any sort of domestic work possible, and therefore vary wildly in training, capability, mental acuity, physique, and personality. While still servile, they may have varying levels of authority over other servants and lapdogs. Ultimately, their purpose is to keep their master's home in pristine condition and the occupants satisfied, no matter what.
Not to be confused with Labor Pets, though laborers can work as servants and vice versa.
Servant Pets are held to high standards in skill, demeanor, and appearance, and must consist of some of the best the system has to offer. Some can fetch hundreds of thousands in auction, and will end up being a staple in their household for as long as they live.
Second-hand servants are inferior product for a reason, and may be retrained in labor.
Needs: Servants should be taken well care of to ensure the best possible work and cooperativeness, but without instilling any ideas of getting close to their masters or being like a lapdog. Indeed, servants may be under the lapdog's orders as well.
Medical care is to be swiftly given as needed. Prioritize getting the Pet back on its feet as soon as possible. Euthanasia is only required if an injury will permanently affect fine motor skills and/or rational decision making.
Servants are shipped with a simple identification collar, though this can be customized if the Pet is pre-ordered. They also come with two cotton trousers, two cotton button-down shirts, rubber gloves, and one set of EVA clogs with thick soles.
Training: Ideally, a servant Pets' training should be focused on total compliance and servility without sacrificing fine motor skills, rational decision making, and practical skills. It should be eager to please yet not be deluded to believing it is a human or a lapdog.
Emphasis must be placed on work ethic, complacency, submissiveness, attention to detail, proactivity, posture, and personal upkeep, in that order.
Servant Pets can come from a variety of sources, though some of the best have come from long-established breeding lines with specialized training. It is rare to have a good servant come from a Pet retaining its memories (such as a labor Pet), but could be possible with enough discipline. However, this may best be left to experienced owners.
While servants should be able to endure harsh work conditions, heavy-handed punishments (amputation, disfiguring) are entirely unnecessary, and will only be a waste of product. Verbal discipline, withholding food and amenities, and flogging with small objects (such as a ruler or a clothes hanger) are recommended.
Medical notes: Unless the Pet is to be used for breeding, both sexes must be sterilized to prevent any distractions from their duties. Females undergo a mandatory type III circumcision as well.
Servant Pets' lifespans are longer than other pets, averaging to 65 (discounting workplace accidents and violence from master to pet). While aging may take away value and capability in the mid thirties, they may continue to work well to 70. Past this age, however, it is in the best interest to both the master and the Pet to euthanize it, as the resource strain to support a geriatric Pet for the sake of an extra set of hands will be much more of a hindrance than it could help.
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dykeulous · 3 months
individualism teaches us that we all have the same opportunities. due to this idea, a lot of people who come from marginalized groups end up blaming themselves for not succeeding in life. they believe; if only they had studied more, worked harder, or sucked it all up– they would have been someone, something. but this is the harsh truth of capitalism: it truly has nothing to do with what kind of student you were, or how hard you worked. it has everything to do with your positionality. your position in society & your “privilege rank” decides your opportunities in life & how far you are going to get ahead. this isn’t to say that we must all collectively give up because we belong to an oppressed group & because “it’s just like that”. pessimism & doomerism is dangerous; like a cult. i am simply saying that positionality, under our current system, decides one’s success in life: and that we must fight against that.
individualism yells at us to divide ourselves, to fight against each other instead of fighting together against the shared enemy, to blame ourselves for the things in life that we truly have no real control over. instead of recognizing that the sexist, racist, ableist & classist systems are the reason why a lot of marginalized people don’t make it far in life– individualism, backed by capitalism, tells us that the reason we don’t make it far in life is because we are fat, lazy, ungrateful commies. individualism delays the efficiency of collectivism. collectivism rightly teaches us that humans cannot function alone. we weren’t made to be alone without one another. this is greatly the reason capitalism goes against human nature. individualism & capitalism go hand in hand. humans arem’t inherently selfish, like individualism propagates. we are taught to be selfish through capitalism. we have to yearn for better lives & that makes us want to strive in wealth. if we are deprived of food & shelter, whilst being mistreated at our workplaces– of course we will stray from our mammal-primate ways & become rotten and selfish.
individualism puts women to a risk. in religious terms, women who are suffering domestic violence are being pushed to the church– a misogynistic institution that sends the abuse victims back home to pray & get pregnant. in non-religious terms, women who are domestic violence victims cannot seek help because of fear, and if they do, they get sent off to their nuclear family members. there they are not believed. the nuclear family is also the reason why there’s no community. it is why people are so callous & cold towards others. the nuclear family tries to attach you to the wrong people, it tries to make you suffer various types of abuse & you will not reach out for help because you have been conditioned that community can only be achieved through your household. you have been conditioned to believe that heteronormative bonds are community. the nuclear family is lonely. you cannot get help or any sort of resources outside your household; it prevents you from reaching a strong support network & you delve into the dark pit of loneliness & depression. the nuclear family makes you believe that support outside of it is heresy. you find yourself overly attached to your family, while you cut off and find other people useless & unlikeable. this is why so many adults with loads of unresolved trauma & untreated mental illness will say the well-known, “well, i was treated this way and i turned out just fine!”. they clearly did not if they believe the way to success is fear, punishment & exploitation. the nuclear family unit is a patriarchal one; it implements capitalism, and capitalism aids heterosexuality & the heteropatriarchy. it consists of unpaid work for women, and the heterosexual and parent-child bonds symbolize a capitalist unit that is made of oppressive relations of work.
individualism is venomous. every thing is being privatized, every single day. they teach our children that capitalism breeds innovation, but is it really innovative if it was privatized & used for the profit of the capital’s economy? capitalism was innovative when it first developed, but it was created to be crushed down, as better exists; and we must reach for that better. schools, media, and our workplaces are all sources of capitalist propaganda, and we must realize that.
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deletedaccd · 4 months
Michael Vibourne Bancroft (with updated ref sheets n info)
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Michael is the bodyguard/butler/substitute bartender for the Audhild family, (The Audhild family hunts inhuman beings and supernatural, and gain their funds through the Audhild Family Casino named Bar Bahamut, i never said the Audhilds were creative)
Michael is a tired werebat who can tend to have anger issues.
Michaels bat pendant:
Michael s bat pendant rests in his collar and can be pulled down into a necklace. It is his restriction system. It supresses:
His hyperactive senses
Monster form
Durable skin
Full strength and speed
Animal instinct
And so on
It can falter when given direct order from his master, when his master djes, when he feels extreme anger, when hes very injured, and when hes overly excited. Michaels restraints prevent him from going beserk/primal, or having thinhs simmilar to sensory overload fom the busy workplace and hia usual hightened senses.
A guide to Michaels scars:
tw: violence and gorey talk
back carvings: In Michaels back is carved: 'Praise, Worship, Serve, God is my salvation'. These markings eere given to him at St. Jacobs Catholix Orphanage by Father Evans and Father Smith. They were done with a regular hunting knife at the age of 13.
leg scars: He has lomg scars across his right thigh from his own claws in a fit while deep in the fost after driven by the village. He has again, huntung scars along his legs. He also has deep claw marks on his left calf after being dragged into the water by a monster in 1976.
arm scars: He has a small bullet scar on his left bicep from a monster hunter, he has some self inflicted scars, as well as some bite markd and clae marks from his many years hunting.
face scars: He has two scars on his face. He has a large deep scar across his cheek horizontally and a smaller shallower one coming up from his jaw vertically. The vertical scar was aquired in a bar fight when he was 18. The large cheek one was given at the age of 21. He had been running from the werebat, and upon not seeing it anymore, he stopped. When he turned, his face was slashed open by its claws.
torso scars: He has a large slash across his gut. The same werebat instance, as he scrambked away, it pounced, slicing his abdomen ooen and feasting from hin. The smaller scars across his sides and chest are simple hunting scars
hand scars: the three upon his right hand were inflicted in the orphanage after Michael got into a fight
michael gets medmerized by anything that glows
michael loathes the feeling of hunger
michael loves (well likes) to drink
'the devil wears a suit and tie' (that actually reminds me of irk mike singing about gabriel)
michaels fav band is queen
michael has a tendancy to bond faster with women
on that note michaels fav person is walter
kinda queer
michael is sensitive especially to peppermint and cinnamond
he cant swim (but werebat mike is different)
Michael origin timline
,Fpr threeish years of his life he kives with his ill mother, till she passed and he went to St. Jacobs Orphanage.He was there up until the age pf 13, to which i ts burned down. From 13-18(or 19) he was hunting smalll animals for money and placing bar bets. At 19-20ish he moved tp London, where he began working at 'The Kings Head', a small english pub. He worked there until he was 21 to which at 21 he was brutalized by a werebat after his shift. For many years he terrprized and feasted off that village, till he wss driven out. After many many yearsn he found a casino, to which hed loiter outside and wait for pray. He was found by Dante Audhild and firced to work for him. He was rehabilitated by Elizabeta and has been workin for the Audhild family ever since.
Full Name: Michael Bancroft
Nickname(s: Mikey, batboy, beast, Michael, Vibourne, Bancroft
Gender: Male
Age: 23 in appearance
Birthday/year: 1847 November 13th
Hair: Long black hair, fluffy and rather messy
Eyes: A dull burgundy-crimson 
Language(s): Romanian, English (London)
Height: 6’3”
Weight/Body structure/Physical Faults: 172 lbs, Lean yet muscular, narrow waist, boney hips and rather prominent hip dips 
Physical/Mental Health: High senses, Strong, Healthy, Very stressed and rather depressed 
Clothing: Black undershirt, golden crosses on his arms, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black and purple aristocrat suit, bat pendant (restrictions)
Parents/Guardians: Orphan
Siblings: N/A
Friends/Allies:  Elizabeta, Seras Victoria, Pip Bernadotte, Miss Marilyn Audhild, 
Enemies: Gabriel, Alexander Anderson, Enrico Maxwell
Beliefs/Religion: Misotheism
Career/Past Career(s): Bartender, Hunter, Merc, Male performer, 
Dreams/Life Goals: To be free
Speech Patterns/Frequently Used Phrases: Tired, ‘La Naiba’
Hobbies: Drinking, playing casino games (Especially texas hold em poker), 
Likes: Eating, sleeping, smoking, playing games, fire
Loves: Things that glow, blood
Dislikes: Overconfident people, being in captivity, failing, losing his prey
Loathes: Hunger
Fears: Water, Catholic imagery/symbolism 
Strengths: Flying, Physical strength, and keeping an eye on prey
Weakness: Extreme temperatures, strong smells, loud noises,
Good Qualities: Loyal, determined, ambitious 
Bad Habits: A mess.
Natural Talents: Agile, Strong, Very high stamina
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