#would it surpise you guys if i said this was once again made as a gift?
fiskael · 4 months
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Lizard plushies am I right?
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sleepingdayaway · 9 months
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Once again! It's short so my bad. When I first wrote this it was supposed to be just 1 part lol didn't expect y'all to genuinely like it. :)
Characters: Time, Fierce Deity, and Reader
Warnings: None
The silence was so loud after those words were spoke.
The group of blondes all looked at the eldest in fear that the man would just pounce on the poor individual who, quite obviously, has no idea on what is going on. Who has just simply grown attached to the first thing that showed them kindness after being woken up in a place that wasn't their home.
"What in the actual fuck?"
Time is regretting even trying to bargain with the individual as they hold one the most dangerous mask, in their hands.
Every fiber of his being is screaming at him to simply lunge for it, but Time's rational part of himself is refusing to submit. It would be unfair to them. Really, the person looked exhausted, their body tensed as if they were fighting moments before they arrived. There was also a slight hint of fear and caution in their eyes as they scanned him and his friends. Subtle signs that they might've used the mask before they arrived, which surpised him that the young adult is still standing.
Said person flinched back at his words. Unconsciously fidgeting with Fierce Deity in their hands. "He says your name is, Link," they continued with a look of hopefulness as they made eye contact with Time's eyes.
"That you could help me? That you were taken by this freaky shadow thing-" [Name] ranted on as their posture slowly relaxed. In return, Time's shoulders slumped slightly as he stares at them.
Eventually [Name] drifted off and stared hesitantly at Time. Searching for any more signs of hostility since he did look like he was going to fucking tackle them into the ground earlier. If they were to even move an inch.
A familiar chuckle echoed in their head. "You aren't wrong there, little one" Fierce Deity teased. "The young hero used to always dive head first into situations without a plan." The Deity merely found this entire thing amusing, and was he going to enjoy it as much as he can.
[Name] tenses up. Okay, they may not know what the fuck is going on, and it's really unfair that the Fierce Deity mask? Person? Has a really hot voice.
"I swear to god, if you say shit like that unannounced I'm going to throw you-"
"Excuse me?"
A noise of fear escaped from [Name's] lips at the acknowledgement. Their hands loosened for a moment before squeezing as if they were warning the entity in the mask. A hesitant smile appears on their mouth as they look up at the older man.
'Holy fuck- if I'm holding the Fierce Deity mask then that means I'm speaking to Link-'
[Name] does a double take at the blonde. He's quite tall, no longer the small hero that ran around helping the land of Termina and Hyrule. The young boy is nonexistent but they believe he hasn't been that youthful optimistic child he once was for a long time.
When did their precious boy get freaking tall??? Wasn't most versions of Link smaller than the average Hylian?
"I wasn't talking to you! The mask said something stupid so I-"
"He can speak to you?? What- you can hear him??"
"My brother in christ if you interrupt me again, I'm walking the other direction."
A smooth deep laugh echoed in their head at the short responses. Fierce Deity relished in this moment; the familiar bickering between the older hero and the young guide.
It brought him back to the moment during the Hero of Time's journey. During the final fight with Majora, the Fierce Deity was conscious during the entire battle. Giving his strength to the young hero and his guide. A moment where the both of you were panicking. Which then caused a stressed conversation between the two of you.
"Link- Link I swear to god if you take off this mask because you think it'll be funny. I will make sure Majora punches you so hard you blackout for the rest of this fight"
"Oh come on! It'll only be off just for a moment."
Oh yes. The God could only wait and enjoy on how everything will go. He will refuse to speak up and explain on what is going on. In his eyes, why not let the children piece everything together?
Besides it fine to let himself be a bit selfish in knowing who you are. It has been a long time since he's seen you. You can't blame him, can you?
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 1 year
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>>> the grim adventures of jon n' jack. feat batman n' spiderman. <<<
it was only a matter of time, before i would have made another crossover with those two. i can't deny, that they are very 1:1 for me, when it comes to comics supervillains. so why not to mix one awesome n' beloved thing with another? esp since funny enough, they do have quite a few similar plot-points. well, the halloween themed costume aside. i mean it goes as far as jack once having the bat-themed boyfriend pal, which reminds me of someone else, i know.
i've tried to make my notes more or less readable here, but they still might be a bit scattered. i attempted to keep them as short as possible, but i just cannot talk 'small'.
1. the first art is low-key based on underdeveloped AU, that i have about the early comic scarecrow n' modern jack meeting n' hitting it off serial killiar style. considering, that both of them possess killing methods, which have a noticable tradmark to it, i imagine that they will leave one hell of a mess behind, while traveling across the country. in that timeline, batman is dead. n' jack's shitty foster dad was killed off earlier on. neither of them knows what to do with themselves, since the people who they had *twisted* emotional conection with are gone. without any direction, they meet in the middle, n' decide that they can as well team-up n' try to make being a villain fun again. jon might experiment on their victims *or torture them if its his ex bullies* n' then give them to jack, who would scoop their brains out and put candle inside their skull. n' uh yeah, he literally did it in the comic. i was honestly surpised that marvel come up with smth that creepy. it really sounds more alined with dc, if anything. but either way, here they are. two *grieving* psychos going downtown. they will make one another so much worse, i imagine. n' they will totally kill that npc dude btw.
2. dark magic n' the drip. or jon n' jack at their corniest. like, jonathan looks like he watched too much the nightmare before christmas n' jack dress up like count dracula for no reason. it's so random-ish n' cheesy. but with this being said, i love both of those designs, n' think, that they really suit the vibe of comic issues in which they were featured. jack always came off as a he-witch to me, but it was nice to see it being played on in a different way. n' then, crane really rocks his own outfit as well. i totally need to draw him in it more often, haha. they dress up for a halloween party for real this time. n' well, i added batman n' spiderman into the mix here, bc i kinda wish that they got to fight / interact with those versions of jon n' jack. it would have been fun for a few reasons. also this can be technically counted as shipping art, but can be viewed as your typical gloating bad guy n' helpless hero thing too. n' to clear any possible questions, i only create stuff with adult peter parker. like cartoon era/late early comics, 20 smth one. i love my spiderman being of age, where he can legally mingle with his villains, not be detained at school lol.
3. the classic four from the timeline, when the comic plots were a bit more ligthearted. aka during the times, when the deadly mercenary n' crazy scientist were robbing banks, instead of harming *torturing* people. i love dark stuff, but there is charm to how 'simple' the scarecrow's and jack's goals once were. n' i love how the scarecrow used to do the lil, dorky dances. it really suits him. n' since at least 2 or maybe, most of jack o' lanterns are southernish in their roots like jon, i had an idea of them having a country dance *in the middle of graveyard* kinda just makes sense to me, haha. batman and spiderman merely happen to find them like that. n' well, it's kinda awkward. esp bc they technically don't do anything bad. i also imagine spiderman being like 'oh, so you have one of those too'. which is mostly a ref to how both the scarecrow n' jack were called 'the reject from land of oz' by other characters. they can rejoice here.
4. the develish & undead duo!! my friend once told me to try n' watch older superhero cartoons, and at first i was like 'welp, they prob be hella boring'. but then i caved in, n' watched a couple of superfriends episodes. as result, i fell in love with their scarecrow's desingh! it was unexpected tbh. usually, i prefer jon's older, classic scarecrow look. so no straw hair, less features exposed, just a hat n' a sack on his head, but their version of him actually did it for me. i find their crane both creepy n' cute. n' i also read on wiki, that he might be undead. so that bit interested me as well. non-human jonathan crane, what a concept! him returning from the grave just to be a menace to batman. n' to accompany him, there is an undead jack o' lantern from the ghost rider comic. his corpse literally got possessed by satan. anyways, both of them raised army of zombies. both of them undead n' prob won't ever get out of their spooky suits, since i don't think that they can. n' funny enough, jack's hometown was called sleepy hollows, if i remember correctly. so they can haunt people there, make it into a truly cursed land.
5. the last one was kinda spontaneous on my part. the other day, i was looking at what kind of action figures the scarecrow n' jack have. saw one, where jon was looking kinda strange, all black n' yellow. which is how i find out that he *apparently* got yellow lantern powers in newer comics, even if it was like for 10 seconds or smth. i didn't read the issue itself, but i found the idea kinda fun, n' his design was decent enough for me to get interested n' wonder what i can do with it. then, a bit later, i saw that jack had a venom-funko figure. i don't think, that he was ever canonically venomized in any of the actual comic issues, but once again, the mere idea of it happening was enough for me to consider doing smth with it. i mean, a venom-like tongue, but its made out of fire? dang. that's kinda cool. so yeah. the yellow lantern scarecrow n' symbiote jack o' lantern being the double trouble. if they weren't enough of a mean goblin-man before, now they surely will be.
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kagakuoniryu · 3 years
i’m BEGGING for fluffy kayn HCs PLEASE
Synopsis :
Fluffy headcanon with kayn
Type :
Warning :
A/N :
I'm happy to finally be able to write this! I received this ask while I had around 5 or 6 ask before and had to finish all of them to make this one, it's nice to write for league again, especially the husbando material named kayn! So I really hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I had writing it! After re-reading everything I noticed I wrote quite a lot, I hope that's not too much!
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For him to let you into his heart and date him you probably know each other for a very long time if not almost all your life
With his childhood I wouldn't be surprised he has trauma, so when something trigger him or he has nightmare he'll always search for you to hold him and calm down
Even when you didn't lived together yet he would phase through the walls of the temple to reach your room or to sneak out and come to your place
With his long hair he always has a hard time to bush them so you're allowed to do it for him, even braid them if you want to
His favorite place to kiss you is on your temple since I headcanon kayn as a tall guy (I mean most noxian are tall so why not kayn)
His favorite place to receive your kiss are either his lips or when you're feeling playfull his nape
He is terrified of water because of what happened in noxus, so before meeting you he used to shower once a week and now if you want him to shower you have to follow him and force him into the water, he don't care if he stink he just want you to take care of him
He is a pretty average cook, for his mission he needed to take care of his food himself so he can take care of cooking for the two of you
He won't admit it out loud but he want a family, adopted kid or not, he just felt really alone, not even remembering his biological parent, he saw secretly master zed as a father and want to give his children all the love and care he can
Growing up in Ionia also made him learn the importance of tradition, he'll have a hard time with PDA, first because it means appearing with a weakness in public, and second because in Ionia it's most likely to be inappropriate
The best dream he ever had was to marry you
After that dream he spend his day with an half smile and were more happy than usual when he was with you
He'll remember your birthday and most importat date like the day you guys met, the first kiss and so on
But even if in private he can be really romantic he'll deny it if you say it in public, he want to keep his image of the strong fearless assassin
Rhaast does not hate you byt he don't like you either
Rhaast even said once that if he were to win over kayn, you'd be the only human he'll spare because his host has a lot of affection for you
Sometime when kayn feel that you're upset, and if it's not after him that you're upset, he'll grab you and sit you on his lap, holding your head against his neck while he bend his head to kiss your forehead and he'll press you againt his torso to calm you down
He is always hot his skin feel like a furnace so in winter you can come and cuddle to him all you want he won't complain
But you'll probably despise him during summer because that man can be really clingy
Sometime when he has too luch love for you and can't process it he'll bite, not in a mean or harmful way he'll just go nom on your skin
It's surpising but not painful, he don't use his teeth
He is ticklish at his side, if you sit on his laps and start to attack him around his hips and stomach he is at your mercy
His laugh, not the arrongant or creepy one but the genuine one is the most beautiful song you heard
He can be a bit goofy trying to impress you, and each time you remind him your impressed by him on a daily basis and he don't need to do anything more
Tell him "I love you" and he'll short circuit, he never heard that from anyone
He like to hold you a lot, your feet are aching? You're not on the ground anymore ; you want to reach that item who's too high for you? Hold his scythe
He feel like it's only with you within the walls of your shared home that he can be himself, not the scared kid, not the fearless and cruel assassin, just kayn
He's grateful to have you in his life
~I hope you'll like it!!~
🌸Request are open🌸
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thelemoncoffee · 3 years
Rivals to lovers au where Kokichi is salty cause everyone loves Shuichi and thinks his personality is so sweet and endearing, but all Kokichi sees is this boring blank Mr.Perfect™ personality and he doesn't get why people like it so much
they end up becoming rivals cause Kokichi starts to pick fights with Shuichi where he challanges him to prove himself more interesting, and Shuichi only accepts if Kokichi tries to out-do him. they end up spending most of the school year trying out-surpise the other
at some point in time Kokichi ends up eating his words when he relaizes that no only is Shuichi far from boring, but also checked off alot of Kokichi's attractive criteria . He absolutly panicks when he realizes he's fallen in love with the same guy he was being petty and hating on at the begining of the year for being boring- because he turned out to be interesting as hell. And suddenly what he'd been doing has dawned on him
Kokichi ends up feeling like shit after realizing he's an absolute petty jerk for attacking this one guy minding his buiness cause he though he was annoyingly boring, then turns around and falls for him when he found out he's not boring. He does his best to keep this new feelings for him hidden, knowing Shuichi wouldn't be interested in dating him after he caused him so much shit. He doesn't even bother to try making a truce or to become friends, he just backed off and stopped messing with him.
Where Kokichi though Shuichi would be relieved he was free from Kokichi's petty shit, he descovered quite the opposite responce instead- he really was alot more interesting than he thought. Shuichi confronted him as soon a he realized Kokichi backed off, asking him if he was feeling okay- almost as if he assumed it was just a game and this wasn't driven by Kokichi's ill will. Kokichi didn't give him an honest answer immediatly, but Shuichi was presistent on getting the truth from him
He eventually got tired and asked Shuichi why he even cared, he was free from Kokichi's constant mockery and pressure, so shouldn't he just take it instead of comforting who was essintally a bully? Shuichi confused, explained he never saw it as bullying, he just saw a chance to have fun with a little rivialry to spice up his normal school life- which even he felt was too bland- and took it. Kokichi was absolutly blindsighted by the concept of Shuichi enjoying their rivalry, and had to admit he'd be doing it out of ill will, not fun.
Shuichi didn't care, even though Kokichi had bad intent Shuichi wasn't hurt by it- quite the opposite. he then presisted to ask why Kokichi was so upset, if he was doing it out of ill will why does Shuichi's opinion matter? Kokichi- refusesing to admit any romantic feelings- simply stated he realized how stupid petty he was being and wanted to stop cause it was fucked up to bully someone for just existing.
Feeling bad, Shuichi offered to change their rivalry up. He likes the rivalry, but Kokichi hated the intent, so why don't they start doing it as a friendly challenge thing. it sounded alot better to Kokichi than what had been happening, it also meant he had a chance to be friends with him and right the wrongs he'd made.
of course though, that friendship goes down the path of romance, alot quicker than you'd expect. Kokichi went into this fully expecting to never leave the friend zone, but once again Mr.Perfect™ surpised him once more and managed to trick him out on a kinda date. It wasn't offical, but they went out together and did alot of stuff you'd expect to happen on a real date- sans the kisses and exclamations of love.
Kokichi asked him jokingly during it why he was taking him out on a date and got the shockingly bold responce "it's not a date, but i wouldn't mind going on one with you some time" Shuichi immediatly backing off in panic after registering what he just said. After that they ended up having to talk it out over a coffee and snacks at Shuichi's place to sort these now very clear feelings between them.
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princessofmarvel · 3 years
A New Home
Summary | With a plan to take down your unwanted visitor, You suggest for yourself to be the bait and put yourself in danger, causing Your Father And Peter To Worry .
Pairing | Tasm!Peter Parker x Strange!Fem!Reader .
Genre | Fluff!
Word Count | 1.3k
Warnings! Slightly suggestive.
Authors Note | Not Proof Read!!! Surpise!!! It's Finally Here, Part 3 Of The Spider And The Strange! After this one, most One shots for this series should be ok to be read on it's own, This Is Just A Fun Au That I Loved And Wanted To Write About! Again, I Have Severe OCD, So If There Are Any Weird Placing With Random Cap’s Where There Normally Wouldn’t Be , And I Am So Sorry! Lol .
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It had been a day since you had opened up to the tallest Peter about Pietro.  You have no idea why, But you had pretty much told him everything.  No one else, Other  than Wanda, Knows how how close you and Pietro were.  It just felt right to tell him everything.
You All Had Spent the next day trying to find a way to stop Tombstone before it became too late.
“Wait, do we know if this guy knows who Spiderman really is?” You ask while playing with the pen in your hand.
“If he does, he is even more stupid than we thought because he would have just grabbed Peter when he saw him, Or if he was looking for One Of The Other Two Peters,  He would have grabbed them when He came back to remind us that we only have 48 hours left yesterday.” Said Wong Before Getting Cut Off By Your Father.
“No” Said Your Father, Who must already know what you were thinking because He Did Not Even Look up from his paper that had some information that you all had gathered from your mysterious visitor.
“Oh come on! He has no idea what spiderman looks like, or even If Spiderman Is A Man!  For All That He Knows, The Word “Man” Can Just Be Some Kind Of Ruse To Throw People Off.” You Say While Looking At Your Father Who Barley Would Look Up From His Paper’s.
“Wait, Are You Suggesting That You Go And Pose As Spiderman To Lure Him In, So That We Can Send Him Back To Whatever Universe He Came From?” Said The Oldest Peter While Gesturing At You.
“Uh, If that is the case, I will Have to agree with your Father, It is way too Dangerous, I Mean, What if you Accidentally Get Sent Back With Him?” Said The Peter That You Had Opened Up To The Other Day .
“I Won’t! I know what I’m doing! And, Do Any Of You Guys Have A Better Idea!” Once you asked that, the room went dead silent, You did not Have Much time left, and it was the only thing that any one has come up with
“I don’t think it’s a bad idea” said Mj, “I mean, She does know how to fight, and she is the smartest one out of all of you”
“Thanks Mj”
“I said no” Said your father Finally looking up at you.
“Why not?! You know I’m powerful enough to handle it, The shit that I have been through is enough to prove all of that and more.” You said to your father raising your voice a bit, starting to get annoyed.
“Yes, And That Shit Is What Made Me Almost Lose You, And I will not make the mistake of putting you in danger again, I know that I can be a lousy Father but that is my biggest regret, not protecting you enough.”  He Said While finally standing up and walking over to you.
“Dad, that's not your fault, and yes, It was hell most of the time, But I would not change a thing.” You told him while wrapping your arms around him in a hug. “I’ll be ok, I promise.”
“Fine,” He said, hugging you back. “But if she gets hurt, I will Destroy all of you” He said gesturing to the group.
While getting on the way too tight spider suit that the Peters made in surprising time, there was a knock on your door.
“Just A Second!” You Yelled While Holding the suit up in the front.  When you answered the door the Peter that you opened up to stood there in his own suit.
“Hey- uh, um, sorry, is this a bad time?” He Said While Trying to figure out what to look at that wasn’t you.
“Um no actually.” You Said While Moving out of the doorway to let him in. “I Actually Need help zipping this up if you don’t mind”
“Uh, Um, Yeah Sure” He said following you back into your room.  He could not keep his eyes off of you, especially in a suit that mostly resembles his. You were turned around so he could zip up the suit.  He let his hands linger on your back a little bit longer than he Probably Should Have. What Was He Doing? He Hasn’t Felt This Way About Anyone Since Gwen .
“I’m worried about you.” He said while zipping up your suit, And stopped the second he realized that he had said it.  Why Did He Have To Blurt That Out? Why would he say that? Why did he say that? “Why?” you asked while turning around towards him. Why did you have to look like that? Why did you have to look like that in a suit that looks like his?
“Because, this is extremely dangerous, I mean, What if you get hurt or something?” He said while finally allowing himself to look at you, which he probably shouldn’t have, because the things that flooded his mind were things that he has not thought about with a girl in an extremely long time.
“I’ll be fine, you all will be there, everything will be fine.”
Yeah, maybe you spoke too soon.
You ran out of webs and stuck at the top of a building with this psycho, with no one else in site.
“Spiderman, where are you going to run off to now?” Tombstone said getting closer to you. “Well no better time to do this than now.” You said before ripping your mask off and letting your powers  release.  A combination of all six infinity stones, with the move of your hand, you were holding Tombstone at the edge of the roof and waiting for your fathers cue to release him. When you did though, your father opened the portal a second too late, which caused Tombstone to land on the ground.
All three spider men were in action now, trying to find a way to get Tombstone to stop long enough to get him in the portal.  When finally, Peter 1 swung towards your father, With Tombstone after him, Your father opened the portal right on time and tombstone fell right through it, heading back to his own universe.
Arriving back at the Sanctum, your father prepared to send the other two Peters back to their own homes.  When it became time to send the tallest Peter back, you felt your heart clench a little, You did not really want him to leave, and were not completely sure as to why.
“Hey, what if I stay?” said Peter 3 while holding out his hand to stop Doctor Strange from sending him back to his home.
“Wait, why would you?” Asked your universes Peter.
“Well, Um, You could have your normal life for a little bit, And when you Do not want to do Spiderman stuff, I can, I mean, I don't really have much back in my Universe, Except for my Aunt may.” Said the other Peter.
“Well, give you a way to visit when you want.” Said Wong before Strange Could say anything. “I’m deciding this, and it does sound like a good idea, Peter can relax a little and not risk his identity getting exposed, again.”
“Well, what do you think Peter, the one from this universe.” Asked your father.
“I-I think that it is a good idea, at least until I graduate.” Said Peter 1.
“Fine, then it’s settled, but is he staying.” Said your father. “He can stay with me at the compound.” You said, maybe a little too Fast. “I mean, He would have his own room, The other Avengers can show him how we do things around here, and It would be a safe place to stay.”
“Alright, then get everything readyThe, I need to  relax after all of this, and Y/n” Said Strange while pointing at you “Stay safe, I love you.”
“I love you too dad” you said with a smile, giving him a quick hug.
“I do have one little question though”, said Peter  3 while you all turned towards him. “Yes?” You said, Wondering what exactly his question could be.
“Why are we Staying With Peters’ Band?”
Tag List! | @kikisparadise18 @treestarrrrrrrr | Let Me Know If You Would Like To Be Added !!!
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x3kristax3 · 2 years
⚠️TW: sucide, drug reference, sexual content
A part of me 2/3
First| Next
He reaches for me but i move away "that night i blacked out i dont remember much expect i drank 2 big bottles of Jack. Jessy had to call an ambulance by the time she came home and i woke up to my stomach being pumped out" i say lifting the shirt up showing the scare "shes not joking Jake if she hadn't came home when she did i would of die because thats the night i wanted it all to end. If i couldnt have you i didn't want to be here anymore" i say crying
"Please don't say that" he says
"Oh i said it in voicemails and texts to you multiple times that night i thought for certain it would change something in your heart and nothing so i tried what Jessy doesnt know is i also took some pills that night. Thats another big reason they had to pump me like they did"
Jake pulls me close fighting me fighting him until i just melt in his lap "I'm so sorry i wasn't there" 
"Sorry only means things if you can prove it. Jessy taught me that, that night. She said she would never leave me when i'm going through my downs of missing you and she proved it. She moved plans and switched days with girls at work to stay by me and when she couldn't she paid for Dan to come out and spend that time with me." I sit up and look at him and see he's heartbroken as he runs his fingers through my hair "this wasn't how you imagined tonight is it?" I say wiping a tear away from my face
"Not at all. When i saw you at the club and dancing with that guy i almost wanted to punch him right away. It made me feel like i was gonna lose you forever if i didn't do something right there to let you know" he says
Without even thinking i lean into him and kiss him then i pull away and look away and bite my bottom lip. He grabs my chin making me look at him "fuck i missed that kiss and that look" he says kisses me this time deep and i crawl into his lap
As i do theres a knock on his door " i know your in there" yells Jessy
I sigh "shes relentless"
"How did she find you?" He asks
"My location when we have girls nights we get updates of any new pings to eachother phone"  i sigh
"I just want time alone with you" he says as she pounds on the door
" shes not gonna go until she sees me" i say i say getting up and he does too and we go to the door. I stand just in front of him as he opens the door
"Jessy go home. I want to stay here tonight" i say
"I tried to keep her home" says cloe
"Its okay" i say i look at Jake "can they come in for a moment?"
"As long as she doesn't go crazy bestie on me again"
I look at Jessy "can you promise him that?"
"I can try" she says. We move from the door cloe and hannah both say Hi to him
Jessy pokes his chest "you enter her life again i dont want to see you disappear again" she says
"Everything is safe. Ive even stopped hacking until i knew i was safe to find her" he says
"What?!" I say looking surpised at Jake
"Yeah we hadn't got to that yet but didn't you notice I don't have all the screens always going?"
"No i hadn't…. Not gonna lie those other moments we had since alone again i hadnt really looked around"
"Krista why are you in his clothes?" Says hannah
"I showered after that guy at the club"
"I still dont trust you to not break her heart again. After losing Richy, i can't lose her like that…. Did she tell you she flatlined twice on us that night!?" Jessy says
"No she didn't" says Jake
" i was about to lose my best friend because you left her and she couldn't handle it after trying everything to get you back" she says tears in her eyes
I hug her "Jessy i think thats enough we will talk tomorrow when were all 100% sober okay?"
"Only if he comes to the apartment" She says
I look over at Jake 
" okay i will i will bring her home tomorrow and we can talk this all through" he says
Hannah and cloe manage to get her out and once they are gone. Jake pins me against the wall again looking down at me and he sees me melt as his slides his leg between mine.
"Oh we're gonna do this again?" I say with a smirk
"Yep i still have to get you back" he says bringing his mouth close to mine and acting like hes gonna kiss me but as i lean up he moves back "now where were we?" He says with that devilish smirk that sends chills down my spin as he takes a hand and runs it under his shirt that im wearing while his other hand holds one of mine above my head
I turn my head "jesus you haven't forgotten what drives me insane" i say and my legs go weak and im sitting on his thigh 
"No jesus here just this devil tonight and i sure haven't." He moves closer to my ear and whispers in it "since the night i left i thought about this moment. Only thing that kept me sane without you" he says as he kisses my neck.I take a big gulp trying to fight the urge " just give in" he says and as he does a soft moan escapes my mouth
"Good girl" he says as i feel his breath on my neck and his hands going along my back.
I move closer to him "please jake" i say turning my head towards him again and i look into his eyes and he smiles
"Was there anyone else since i left" he asks
"No." I say knowing what he's asking
He kisses me deep and i moan into his mouth as i lose any control i had. He pulls away and lets my hand go and i pull my shirt off but he stops it just above my head as he grabs it pinning it like that " its cute you thought you had any kind of control here" he says  as he moves me and hooks the shirt on a coat rack and walks away.
With his back still turned i manage to get my hands free and i wrap an arm around his chest. Feeling his muscles as i lean into his back "with you i know i don't. Id do anything for you" i say
As i say and do that he grabs my arm thats around him pulls me around to his front "you know there are certain things i won't let you do for me" he says while looking in my eyes
"Anything that can result in you losing me forever" i say
He kisses me deep again this time both hands on my waist as my hands run up and down his arms and chest. He starts moving us towards the couch me walking backwards and we get to the arms and i fall backwards onto cushions. I let out a whimper cause he steps back and is looking down at me.  I get up on my elbows and say "please stop teasing me"
" but you know i enjoy it" he says running his hands up my legs to short waistband and slowly moves them down. He does that and I fall back and let out a frustrated whimper. Once the shorts are off he grabs my hips and pulls me up to the sitting on the arm rest at this point im naked. He grabs my chin and pulls my head up so im looking at him "I'm gonna stop here. Im going to bed" he says kissing me again and walks away. 
I go to follow him and he turns around in the bedroom door frame. " you take 1 step in here and mr. Nice guy is gone until we wake up" he says stepping back once
I take a step in so im right against him "maybe i don't want mr. Nice guy tonight" i say with a smile
He grabs my waist picking me up and tosses me on the bed as he strips down to just boxers and i see a new tattoo on his thigh. I sit up and run my fingers across it and smile
"Why you smiling?" He asks
" you got that in my handwriting" i say
" yep the only paper i could find before i had to leave that you wrote me said those words on it and incase i couldn't find you id have it forever"
I go to get up to kiss him but he push me back as his hands run between my thighs for the first time all night and my legs instantly spread. Without even looking at Jake i know he's smiling. He lets his fingers slowly trace every inch of my body that it hasn't yet and my body instantly arches.
He starts kissing my calves up my thighs then back down the other leg. I feel his breathing on my skin. I let out a moan "i thought no more nice guy?" I say getting frustrated trying to push him futher
He crawls on top of me and my breathing getting shallow. "I know what you want and im gonna make you work for it tonight" he says this time kissing my chest.
My hand goes behind his head and the other one grabs the bedding as my body arches as he does that and i take in a deep breathe "Jake please" i beg
As i beg he slides a hand between my thighs and feels the warmth and wetness and he looks at me and smiles "someone is enjoying this" he says
" someone else is too" is i run my hand on his bulge
"Honestly the moment i knew you were following me out of the club hes been there" 
"You knew you had me in the palm of your hand" i say as i lean up to kiss him
As i do he kisses me deep and slides a finger in me. I moan instantly into his mouth as my body aches towards him
He pulls away from the kiss and bites his bottom lip "that's the moan i was looking for" he says as he just slides his finger out and slides his boxers off and slides in. 
I finally wake up and its almost noon. I look over at jake side and he's not there i get up throwing on the shorts from last night and as im about to walk into the living room i hear jakes voice and someone's else. I go into his closet and finds another shirt to throw on and walks out. His visitor looks at me then looks at Jake "really dude i thought your heart was on your old girl?"
"That is her" jake says as he walks into the kitchen and i follow
"Who's that?" I ask
"One of my hacker buddies who helped me get out of that life" he says handing me a cup of coffee "i figured after last night you needed to sleep" as he looks down at me
"Well i mean unless you were gonna wake me up the way i like" i say with a smile and i kiss his cheek
"God how i missed this with you. Mornings like this" he says running his hand through my hair. As he does his buddy comes walking in
"Its nice to meet you Krista" he says "but ill let you two be you probably have alot to catch up on cause i know how he feels about you" he says as he heads back out
"Krista stay here for a moment" jake says kissing me then heads out with his buddy 
"Hey man dont say anything in the community. Im really trying to walk away from that life and i know she still enters the chats" jake says
"Dude she was only getting into those chats to look for you. I told you when you walked away from her that if you didnt win her back once it was cleared up youd lost your mind. Obviously you never lost her heart" he says as he leaves
Jake walks back into the kitchen and i look at him as i lean against the counter drinking my coffee "you know when you had my call Jessy last night, you almost lost me."
He walks uo to me "i know thats why i wasn't letting you get too far away from me because i didn't want that to happen." He says running his hand along that scar again "im sorry i left you alone to the point you thought that was your only choice"
"Because i couldnt find you even in the hacker chats i thought you died. It felt like that mine all over again" i say.I hear my phone go off "its probably Jessy we should head there before she calls the cops" i roll my eyes
"Let me get dressed" he says
I grab my clothes from the night before and head into the bathroom. In there i see an outfit i swore i had lost and i open the door "jake what is this?" I ask
He comes out dressed in black jeans and a black shirt "when i left i grabbed that for if this moment happened so this morning i put them in there for you so you didnt have to wear those clothes again" he says
I close the door and throw them on. It was one of my favorite shirts he had bought me and a pair of leggings. I walk out and i catch him staring at me. "What?" I say with a smirk
"Just like i remember… but here catch" he says tossing me a bike helmet
"Really?" I say
"Yeah were riding over on my bike" he says
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bill-y · 4 years
Peeta Mellark x male reader
We all know who Katniss Everdeen is, but what if Primrose hadn’t been chosen but another boy from another unfortunate family? YOUR family.
Info: This is basically a reader insert and I’ve changed a few rules, not ground breaking though. The reader is a bit bland for now but I plan for his actions to be different. Because he has different moral grounds from Katniss and such. Would appreciate feedback! FEEL FREE TO POINT OUT TYPOS. GRAMMARLY SOMETIMES DOESN’T DO MY DYSLEXIC ASS JUSTICE
Part two: Click here, bomburino tortilla pony horse.
Part three: You're here, my guy.
Part four: Click here, amigo
Wattpad acc: L0calxDumbass
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It didn't take long before I came home, my mother and brother was already dressed, and I was right, Kunal has been crying.
He immediately lightened up when he saw the bread, pushing the sleeves of my first reaping outfit (which was now his) back in order to munch on it.
"Don't worry, you only have your name once in the pile, you're safe," I reassured him, as I've done many times before.
I smiled, patting his head. My mother glanced at me, but I pretended to not notice. It's been long since we've talked, the last time was a disagreement, a petty one at that. About two years or so?
I honestly surpised myself, how can I go without talking to her for so long. . .?
Another trait my father passed on to me was a short temper, though I never lose my head and scream, but something about her words made me yell. Her face was full of shock when I did that, almost as if I've betrayed her.
"Don't be stupid like your father!" She told me.
My father isn't a stupid man, he was smart. Lady luck just wasn't on his side that day.
I took a bath, scrubbing the dirt and soot off myself. When I saw my clothing my heart stopped. It was my Father's.
It was simple, just as he liked. A white button up tunic, the hems made of elegant gold lace. The pants were loose, with garters securing on the hip and the hems, he never liked tight clothing, just like me.
My eyes went towards my mother, who simply nodded, "After you get dressed, sit down, won't you? Let me fix your hair," she said.
My mouth opened to protest, only to shut itself when she whispered a small, "please," My eyes softened, her voice sounded so guilty, she regretted her words, just as I did. She knew I could get chosen.
But I'm a coward, I don't like apologizing, something I inherited from her.
I nodded, and got dressed before I sat down, just as she told me. She began to braid tiny sections of my hair. I've never been good at it, really, It would always look messy when I did it. So I just looked messy everyday.
But her hands can do magic, it was like she was weaving silk, her hands full of grace and utmost care as she intertwined every strand of hair. I could feel her hand shake a little, as if scared with one wrong touch, I'd shatter like glass.
She used to sew clothing, make various artworks with whatever was in the house. Her hand was naturally delicate, soft to anything she makes contact with.
I bit my lip, none of us wanted to say it. We we're both thinking the same thing, though.
I never really liked cutting my hair, always kept it atleast neck length at best. I don't think short hair suits me at all, though it does get in the way while hunting from time to time.
Once she finished, without a word she pressed her chapped lips onto my forehead, she then walked away, leaving me with a pit of guilt in my stomach.
Such simple words, why can't I just say it?
I sighed, fixing my tunic and tucking it in, the garter snapping back, making me wince a little. It was stupid of me to let go.
I took a deep breath in, mustering all the courage I had to walk towards my brother, who has devoured the entire loaf. "Good?" I asked.
He nodded, a smile on his face, the crumbs falling down. I chuckled, wiping his mouth with my hand.
"You're like a bird, aren't you, little mocking jay?" I said, patting his head again.
He hummed, nodding aggressively, his hair bouncing up and down. I snickered, holding his head still with both my hands. I squished his cheeks together, making his lips form into a duck beak-shape. "Hey, Y/n,"
I rose my brows, humming. "I won't get chosen, won't I?" he asked. I sniffed, shaking my head as I linked our foreheads. "No, no you wont, Nal," I said. "If they call you, I won't let you go, alright?"
"You promise?"
"Of course,"
Soon it hit one in the afternoon, it was mandatory to attend this "festival", unless you're at death's door, that is. I found myself beside Gale, who patted my shoulder for reassurance.
Maybe it was obvious I'm stressed, tense. I'm not worried about myself, I'm more worried of them, especially Kunal. He's only twelve, yet he can still get chosen.
Some kind of festival this is.
I clenched my fists tighter, palms started to go white as I also clenched my jaw.
On the temporary stage stationed in front of the justice building was a podium, three chairs and two large bowls. The district is divided into two sections, jumbled across those two glass bowls, waiting to be picked up.
Twenty of them contained 'Y/n Greyback', one of them contained 'Kunal Greyback'.
There were also bright banners hung up, though I'm sure it was just there to taunt us, it sure worked for me. Everytime I look at it I start feel sick, hatred bubbling in my stomach.
The feeling of claustrophobia began to settle in as people piled into the square, the late comers having to just watch from a monitor instead.
"You alright?" Gale asked, nudging me. I gulped, sighing, "Course, I just —" I turned back, looking at my brother. "Worry of him,"
He gave me a sympathetic look, "He only has one entry, I'm sure he won't be picked," He said. Something I've been saying for such a long time, it didn't help settle my nerves.
"I know," I answered plainly.
We looked towards Katniss' place, beside her was Mardge, who gave me a curt smile and a wave. Out of politeness, I simply nodded back before turning back to the stage.
My hands grew colder each second, by two, when the mayor finally reached the stage, my hands were as cold as a corpse's.
Beside the mayor was Effie Trinket, District 12’s escort, fresh from the Capitol with her scary white grin, pinkish hair, and spring green suit. It looked quite ghastly.
Everyone murmured in worry, for whom was the empty third seat for?
The mayor stepped in front of the podium, beginning to tell the tale of Panem, how the twelve districts lost in the rebellion and now have to face punishment.
The Hunger games.
It was simple, each district would pick two "tributes" to this little game, and then they either kill like a hungry wolf or die like lost cattle.
I gulped, sweat forming on my forehead as I instinctively reached for the end of Gale's shirt. He held my hand, patting it a few times to let me know it would be alright.
He then began to read the victors in every hunger games. In the past seventy-four years, we have had exactly two.
Only one is still alive. Haymitch Abernathy, a paunchy, middle-aged man, who at this moment appears hollering something unintelligible, staggers onto the stage, and falls into the third chair.
To say he's drunk would be an understatement.
The crowd responds with its token applause, but he’s confused and tries to give Effie Trinket a big hug, which she barely manages to fend off.
The mayor looks distressed. Since all of this is being televised, right now District 12 is the laughingstock of Panem, and he knows it. He quickly tries to pull the attention back to the reaping by introducing Effie Trinket.
Bright and bubbly as ever, she began to talk. I could feel my blood boiling upon hearing her obnoxious, Capitol accent. I tuned her out, gulping as my hands somehow grew even colder.
Please don't let it be my brother, anyone but him.
"Let's have the first pick, shall we?" She said, her voice at the end of the sentence practically sky rocketing up. She pulled a piece of paper from one of the Glass bowls.
My heart pounded, as if trying to escape my chest. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths in.
"Kunal Greyback,"
My heart stopped. Why couldn't it have been me? I had twenty, TWENTY entries.
I watched as my brother walked past me, his lip quivering, eyes glossy. Oh sweet, sweet Kunal, as delicate as a Lotus.
Kunal, the boy who gathers flowers every morning just for me.
Kunal, the boy who loves pulling on my braids.
Kunal, my dear innocent brother. Afraid of his own shadow.
I felt my own body move, launching myself forward. Gale called for my name, but I didn't care, no. I needed to get to my brother, I made a promise.
"NAL! NAL! NO!" I yelled, desperation evident in my voice as I pushed through the other people. "Y/n!" He screamed back.
Most of then gave me and my brother looks of sympathy, some gossiped. "Greyback," they'd whisper. "Another one bites the dust," they'd continue.
The peace keepers pushed me back, preventing me from reaching my brother.
No, not like this. He's still so young, he still wants to gather lilys by the front of our house, he still wants to create flower crowns for me to wear.
He still wants to breath, to live.
The mayor looked at me, recignizing me almost immediately. He didn't know me, no. Rather, he knew my father, the man he put under the execution block.
Oh mother, I'm sorry it had to be this way. It seems another one of your family members will die at the hands of the Capitol.
"I volunteer!" I gasped, gulping down nothing. My mouth was dry.
"I volunteer as a tribute!"
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Word count: 1.6k
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pamgkrthwrites · 4 years
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader Soulmate Headcannons
It’s 2210, I have school tomorrow, am in huge amount of pain, buT I CANNOT UNTHINK THESE. Bakugou became my comfort character and so I need this while writing Flame of Healing. LETS GO!
Personally, I don’t think reader would be a hero, but their line of work is still public eye(I’m thinking modelling).
Also we are going with the Soulmate Au where their name is on your dominant wrist.
Also also, like Flame of Healing, reader has a  regenerational which can turn the users hair to a green fire.
Also also also, again, like in Foame of Healing, Reader’s mother is a pro hero named Phoenix.
You see him at the UA sports festival and see him as a mutt.
“I don’t care if he has the same name as my Soulmate Ma! They had to put a  muzzle on him!”
Even if your mother and you disagree on him she still puts in a offer for him to intern with her. She isn’t surpised he didn’t choose her she not a top 10 hero and he did win.
When you grow up and become a model you became popular quickly and would often do QnA with fans on Instagram.
It was when you were 19 you started to really follow Ground Zero’s caree and became a fan.
So much of a fan you only agreed to do shoots in his merch.
His PR team snatched at this because, comeone, who is modeling for this dude?
They asked you to do a shoot in PJs, hoddies, sports wear, swim wear, and even underwear.
Course, Bokugou had to approve of your shoots and he would get butterflies whenever he saw you. He adored the images of you in Ground Zero underwear.
You were following him on his socials anyway and his Agency followed you and reposted your shoots but he started following you back.
He noticed your name was the same on his wrist but thought it could jus be a  coincidence. That happens right.
Until you two were 20 and you modeling Agency asked if he wanted a shoot with you in a sportswear shoot.
He usually said no... but the idea of being close to you made his heart pound.
All his friends picked up in his little crush for you but didn’t understand why.
“Bro, your 21st is less then a year away! Once your soulmate sees you with her they might get jealous!”
He was slightly hoping you were his soulmate but he didn’t tell a soul that.
When he met you and the shooting range he was surpised.
You were shorter then he thought you were.
“H-hey, Ground Zero!” You smiles nervously. “I’m Y/N! Nice to meet you!”
God you were adorable.
He is surpised that they made you two cover your soulmate names but he found out from the makeup crew they started doing this to avoid people catfishing models with their soulmates name.
Which he gets so angry at the idea of.
Some guy pretends to be a models soulmate is a waste of space to him!
Hero agencies made Hero’s cover up their soulmates names to make sure they weren’t attacked but that was a recent thing.
Anyway the photo shoot-
You looked so F I N E.
He couldn’t help the butterflies he felt.
And neither could you.
You thought it was from meeting your favourite hero tho.
After the shoot he offers you his private Instagram and so you follow on your own priv.
That’s were he sees how much of a meme you really are.
Posts like “IMAGINE HAVING ED :,)”
Yeah, that was concerning.
His 21st rolls around and he doesn’t get his letter about his soulmate so he counts down when your 21st is.
Twitter was the funniest to tease him.
He started roasting heroes on twitter and you replied to your mother’s roast with “Lol imagine being related to a hero. Smh.”
He reblogs with “Imagine coseplaying as me for a job”
Bro his fans go wild
You reblog with “WHO TOLD HIM?! WHO SNITCHED?!”
Your fans find you two so cute.
He messages you on priv tho with “I would pay hella for a only fans”
“Only if my soulmate allows it Suki 😌”
He starts to doubt your his soulmate and thinks you already found them for some reason.
So when your 21st rolls around, your friends stay up to see the email, while Bakugou goes to bed at his bedtime.
He wakes up to the email and a bunch of drunken 1am texts from you.
“Can’t believe my main is my soulmate 🥰🥰🥰”
“Have I ever confessed you look hella in your hero suit? I would die to get tucked wi Th that”
11am sober you isn’t happy and hides in the apartment.
He tries calling you so many times before he decides to just post to Twitter.
“10000 Likes for me to go to my soulmates house RN”
You reply with “Bet”
He reaches his goal in 10 minutes.
10 minutes later your door bed rings.
You open the door so, SO tiny to see him.
“Oh um... Hi Suki?” You nervously smile.
He forces his way into your apartment and closes the door only to then kiss you so, SO passionately.
“I don’t have my hero costume but you wanna-“
WAY later into the day he posts on Twitter “I banged her so hard she makes Easrerhead’s training look like a jog honestly.”
Aizawa replies with “Please do not compare my class to your love life No-Life Zero. Congratulate tho”
Bakugou laughs so loud he wakes you up and you reblog his tweet. “Bitch a lair. We watched Disney movies.”
He YANKS your phone after he sees your tweet.
But now your agencies have an issue to deal with.
You two openly thirst tweeting each other on the daily.
“Can’t imagine being as hot as Ground Zero. He can Ground me any day tho 😘”
Which he replies with “🙂Baby Girl if you don’t shut the fuck up I will ground you.😈”
your fans become shippers so fast.
The media is wild.
All his friends are confused as shit tho.
Denki posts “Imagine having a hot model as your soulmate”
Which you reblog with “AH OH STINKY😪”
Which leads to Denki calling Bolugou.
“Good go fuck yourself”
Am I done? Yes. It’s now 2250 and Imma head to bed. NIGHT!
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Fools pt.2
[Zuko x Reader]
<- previous next ->
Summary: Zuko and Y/N had liked eachother for a while even though neither of them knew it. Y/N tries to get over her crush for him, failing miserably. So just when she decides to let go and embrace her feelings, the new Fire lord finds himself feeling jealous and decides to take matters into his own hands.
A/N: I’m so happy you guys liked this cause I like it so much toooooo and I was worried my writting would mess the idea up but it ended up pretty good. This once again got a little long so it’s def gonna need a pt.3 but I’m gonna wait til someone requests it to write it.
Side note, I’m not a native speaker so if some of the grammar is wrong or something let me know <3
Warnings: Angst but it will end well i promise
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The sun had set on your way back to the palace. You couldn’t really remember when you’d fallen asleep, you tried to stay awake as long as you could but you’d spent the night before awake worrying about what would happen the next day. The weather became more forgiving as the night sky glimmered above you, you’d dare to say it even got a little chilly. What woke you up was a set of slender and calloused fingers putting strands of hair that had fallen to your face back into their place. Before opening your eyes you heard Zuko’s soft voice. “Hey... we’re almost at the palace.”
You finally opened your eyes and were shocked to see where you had fallen asleep. “Zuko...” you muttered in a raspy and still a little sleepy voice “why am I using you as my pillow?”
The Fire lord chuckled softly and you could closely hear the vibrations that sent through his chest as you were slightly laying on it. A faint blush ran through your cheeks as it had done many times that days.
“You fell asleep and then started chattering your teeth. It was pretty annoying honestly, so I sat over here to help warm you up.” Zuko explained as his fingers kept playing with your hair. His arm was around you and you were pretty much leaning on him fully. It was just then you realized how warm he was, one of the benefits of being a fire bender you guessed.
You faintly smiled looking back down and before you could say anything else the carriage stopped. The small door opened to show you the front view of the castle and that helped clear your memory. Aang and the others were here, that’s why you came back. You jumped out of Zuko’s grasp and out of the carriage to start walking fast to the entrance. As soon as the big doors opened you saw Katara’s face smiling expectantly. You didn’t wait more than a second to run into her arms and squeeze her into yours. Her laugh filled the room as the two of you almost fell from how hard you’d ran into her.
“Y/N, I’m loving this but I kinda can’t breathe” she muttered in a muffled voice.
You laughed and let go of her taking a look around you for the first time. The next one to receive your unforgiving hug was Sokka. You wrapped your arms around his neck and made him stumble a couple steps back before he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Someone’s happy to see us.” He expressed as he tightened the hug before letting go.
“Are you kidding? It’s felt like forever since I last saw you, and it’s actually been forever since we’ve all been here together.” You turned more to your left to give Suki her hug, feeling how she was the strongest and most stable one of the three. She was a strong hugger too so it was you this time who had to let go.
Finally you walked up to Aang being a little more forgiving with him, as you’d always felt like if you hugged him to tight he might break. When you were done you looked at all of them in surprise, barely even hearing Zuko’s steps behind you. “What are you guys doing here?” You asked
It was Katara who spoke first. “Well it’s almost been a year since the war ended” she turned to look to Zuko this time as he was greeting Aang and moving on to her. “Your uncle was the one to call us here, he’s organizing a commemoration gala and wanted us to surpise you.”
You moved your attention from Katara to Zuko and asked “You knew about this?” as you saw his golden orbs go back to you.
“I had no idea” he assured you. “Is my uncle here too?” He asked once again to Katara.
“He had business to finish in Ba Sing Se but he’ll be here by tomorrow” it was Aang who intervened this time.
Before anyone else could speak Toph appeared around the corner. “Oh great, you’re back. How was your date?” With those words your heartbeat stopped and restarted again at an impressively fast speed.
Every pair of eyes in the room turned to look at you and Zuko realizing for the first time the two of you had been out together and alone. “Date?” Sokka asked raising an eyebrow. You knew he was never gonna let this go.
“It wasn’t a date” Zuko said from a place he’d stood in behind you. Your heart fell at those words. I mean, yeah he never explicitly said it was a date, and deep inside you knew it wasn’t, but you had hoped that in a way it could’ve been. What hurt you the most was how fast he was to correct Toph, as if he couldn’t stand the idea of your picnic being a date. “Y/N was bored to death and I was too stressed from Fire lord stuff so we took a day off and ate lunch.”
The silence that came after surely couldn’t last more than a couple seconds but to you it was so awkward and shameful it might as well have been two hours. Finally Toph was the once to speak once again. “Well... are we gonna stay here all night and freeze or are we going inside to eat? I’m starving”
You did as much as you could to not let Zuko’s comment ruin your night. You got to spend time with your friends for the first time in a while, and at first, swallowing the tight feeling in your throat was hard, you didn’t want to look at Zuko for the rest of the night. The worst part was you knew Zuko hadn’t done anything wrong, it was you who was dumb enough to think a day out could become something else... something more, he was being kind and nice and you turned it into something you knew would end up hurting you. If anything the one you should be mad at is yourself.
But after just a few minutes at the table, listening to Katara and Sokka’s stories about how it was like to go back home after so long, how they’d received them like heroes, how gran gran was so proud of them, Aangs tales of how the other nations are doing and Suki recieving good news from the Kioshi warriors sometimes, soon enough the feeling faded. It would resurface every now and again when Zuko’s eyes would meet your own, an almost worried look on his face but faint enough for only you to notice, but you managed to keep your attention on everyone else.
When dinner was over, Suki was the one to propose the idea of having a girls-only sleep over. Toph, Katara and you agreed, while Sokka told Aang and Zuko they would have a boys night then. You wasted no time making your way to Toph’s room and away from the dinner table. As soon as you walked in you threw yourself dramatically to her bed as the rest of the girls walked inside after you. Toph was the last one and closed the door behind her.
“So... are you gonna keep drowning in your sorrows or are you gonna tell us what happened today at your date.” She jumped to the bed as Katara and Suki took a seat too.
“It wasn’t a date, Toph.”
“You sure wanted it to be” she joked leaning back into her pillows.
“Toph!” You yelled throwing a small cushion at her face which surprisingly she caught with her hand.
“Um... Y/N? Did we miss something? Are you and Zuko...” Suki said looking at you expectantly.
“No! There’s not a me and Zuko, things are like they’ve always been, we’re friends, that’s it.” You responded exasperated
“But... you want to be more.” Katara added, it was more of a statement than a question.
“Ugh i don’t know.” You replied covering your face with your hands. “I mean yeah but it’s dumb and it’s not gonna happen, so no.”
“Well he did seem pretty concerned when you sprinted out of the dining room” She pointed out moving over to braid your hair. She liked to do that because she said it reminded her of when her mom used to do it to her.
“You didn’t tell us what happened today in your little trip” Toph interviened pushing you softly with her foot.
“Nothing, i think. I mean... at one point I think we were about to kiss? But then a guard interrupted us with the news of you guys being here so we had to leave.” You felt a heat take over your body as you remembered the moment when Zuko’s face had been only inches away from yours. “Oh and I kinda fell asleep on him on the way back and he hugged me to warm me up. That’s it”
“That’s it? Y/N you’re really dumb sometimes.” Toph said “If he almost kissed you and you were all cuddly in the carriage then there’s no way he doesn’t like you.”
“He called himself my ‘friend’ while we were eating, and you saw how he got when you said we were on a date. It’s like the idea of it it’s unbearable to him.” You sighed deeply as you felt Katara finishing up your braid. “I think the best thing I can do is get over it.”
“Don’t do something you’ll regret later, Y/N” Suki advised you as she put a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah...that’s what I’m trying to do.”
That night you had more fun than you remembered having in a long time. Gossiping about boys was first on your sleepover to-do list. You heard Suki complain about all the Southern Water tribe girls who would dwell over Sokka, and how he would be so oblivious about it, it could become so frustrating. “It’s like he doesn’t even notice how all this girls have their eyes glued to him when he tells stories about his travels and basically need a bucket to store all their drooling.” And Katara didn’t have much complaining to do on that area, she said she sometimes would catch girls looking at him in awe but honestly that’s how everyone looked at Aang, besides she was sure Aang was too busy to even pay attention to anyone other than her. Despite complaints about their boyfriends, the two girls seemed to be very happy.
You talked, laughed and ended up falling asleep cuddled together by the end of the night. You missed that, you really did.
But as all good things, it had to come to an end. The sun was rising on the horizon by the time you woke up and decided to go to the bathroom. With your eyes still half closed from the light, you didn’t even notice when you walked into Zuko. You felt his strong chest covered by his work attire and a pair of hands holding you so you wouldn’t trip.
“Y/N” he said surprised to see you. “Good morning.” Zuko smiled at the sight of your sleepy eyes and morning head.
“Hey” you greeted him back “working early?”
He put his hands down from your shoulders and back to his sides before answering “Yeah, actually. I want to get some things done before mid-day. I’m taking all of you to the market to find something to wear for the gala. I asked around and it sounds like Uncle went all out.”
“He’s getting here today right?”
“Later tonight, yeah” Zuko replied. You tried your best not to but it was impossible not getting lost in his eyes for just a second. You’d never noticed how bright they got in direct sunlight, it was like you could even see the golden and orange specks flying in his orbs, just like a wild burning flame. You couldn’t tell if you wanted this to happen so bad you imagined it or if it actually happened, but you could swear his eyes drifted down to your lips for a split second. He was the one break the silence again. “So um... wake the girls up and tell them to get ready, we’ll be on our way at mid-day.”
You were taken out of your trance and forced to answer. “Yeah, will do.” And with that the Fire lord was on his way back to his office and you were left standing alone, like you had many times before.
The market was filled with people that day. It was bigger than any market you’d ever been in before, it took up blocks upon blocks where sellers would set their carts or open their shops for costumers to come in. There was an entire street dedicated to clothing, so you and the girls decided to separate from the group to go into a store where Katara had seen a particularly nice dress, while they went off to find Zuko’s personal tailor who had a shop right around the corner.
You didn’t even take two steps into the store before Katara whined“Isn’t this the most beautiful thing you’ve seen?” Holding up an aqua marine dress against her.
“I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.” Said Toph, who was standing next to you.
“Ha ha, hilarious Toph”
“It’s really pretty Katara, I think it would look great on you.” intervened Suki looking at her and then turning around to look for one herself.
“I’ll go try it on.” She said walking to the back side of the store where you assumed the dressing rooms were.
You started to walk around trying to find something too, you liked shopping but you were never too good at deciding what would look best on you. A couple dresses caught your eye, but for all of them you ended up deciding they weren’t enough for the occasion. Your search came to an end when you heard Suki yell at you from somewhere in the store. “Y/N!! You need to see this right now!”
You followed the sound of her voice to the opposite end of the store to see her standing in front of a dress. Before she moved to the side to let you get a sight of it she said “You’re gonna love this.” The dress she picked was a long, puffy formal dress, it was mostly red from the bottom but as you looked up to the waist and chest it faded into a deep red and finally to black in the shoulders and sleeves. The neckline had a V shape that would show the shape of your breasts but still was formal and discrete enough to fit the occasion. The back was made out of a very thin lace fabric that would make it seem like the only thing laying on your skin were some black details simulating the shape of flames with some slight golden details on them. It really felt like the dress was made for you.
You were speechless for a couple seconds which Suki took as a hint of you loving it as much as she did. She started to push you to the dressing rooms saying “You need to try it on” until you finally were in one closing the curtain behind you. You thought it wouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to put it on, but in reality it took around ten. Because the dress was very wide and voluptuous, getting it no happened to be harder than it looked and you ended up needing to ask for help from one of the girls that worked in the store. When you finally got it on and looked at yourself you were sure that it was the one.
You were about to walk out when you heard a male’s voice outside the dressing room. “Y/N?” You recognized Zuko’s voice calling you “are you there?”
“Yeah im here.” Almost forgetting what you had on you walked right out to meet him. His eyes fell on you and widened instantly, he looked at you up and down not saying a thing for a good while before you asked “Well? Do you like it?”
“I-I um... yeah, you look... wow” he stuttered back not taking his eyes off of you. You hadn’t seen Zuko this nervous or stuttery since he first met you when he joined the gaang. It was sweet and it made your cheeks gain color once again.
“I’ll take that as a ‘I do like it’.” You chuckled a bit before asking “Where are the girls?”
“They um... they’re already out. It was getting a little crowded in here so they sent me in to look for you.”
“Oh, ok. I’ll take this off and then pay for it, I’ll be done in a second.” You said walking back into the dressing room. Taking it off was significantly easier to do that putting it on, thank the spirits.
Once you walked out Zuko was still waiting for you there. Right as you were about to go pay for the dress, you were sure you saw through the window a familiar face walking in front of the store. You pulled out a bag of coins and handed it to the boy standing next to you. “Zuko... do me a favor. Can you pay for the dress for me? I need to go outside really quick.”
He had a confused look on his face but nodded, taking the bag into one hand and holding the dress in the other. He saw you run outside while he was giving the coins to the old lady who owned the store, faintly listening while she said “She looks beautiful in it doesn’t she? You’re a lucky young man” If he had been paying his full attention, maybe he would’ve corrected her, but his eyes were glued on you. You had stopped a guy in the middle of the street who you looked at with awe and surprise. When he was finally done paying for the dress and the old lady was done packing it up, he walked out of the store only to find this guy holding your face in his hands really close to his, your hands rested on his neck as he approached you and gave you several kisses in your cheeks and forehead while you laughed. The final straw for him was when you raised your hand to his cheek, moving away a bunch of hair that barely covered his face. He was completely sure you were about to kiss him.
Zuko’s heart dropped and his vision turned red. He couldn’t stand looking at you anymore, so he walked up to Aang and the others faster than he meant to.
“Zuko. Are you ok?” Katara asked realizing how his deemeanor had changed.
“Fine. Give this to Y/N.” He ordered handing the dress to her. “I have business to attend at the palace, if you want you can stay and eat around here.”
And without waiting for a reply he took off walking furiously out of the market.
Tag list: @whalerus @galacticamidala @littleninjablake @katherinethedork @eridanuswave @mangoberry43 @taeeemin
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bakugous-bbygirl · 4 years
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~Sleepless nerd~
Bakugou X F!Reader
First time doing this please don’t make fun of me please feel free to give me feedback and help me make more stories like this one!
Warnings: swearing. (That’s it really)
Bakugou called all his classmates nerds, but you, you were the actual worst nerd he’s ever met.
When you started attending UA high your room had been placed next to the angry blonde’s. Your quirk made you quite diffrent. You were incredibly smart and had the ability to hack into anything you needed no matter the size. It seemed like your quirk had no downsides
Except your god awful sleep schedule.
Durning classes you looked as if you were always alert. You participated well, never even dosed off in class once as far as everyone knew. But durning the night bakugou could hear you playing away on some game. At first he assumed it was a one night thing. But that was two months ago.
Night after night he would hear you turning on your tv leaning against the thin walls and would just play away for hours. He wondered how in the world you functioned.
It wasn’t your fault really. Your quirk has your brain running all the time constantly trying to hack into phones and other electronics. Not only that but constant math equations and other school stuff took over your mind all day. It was absolute hell for you but you never let it show.
Other than that though. The rest of your classmates loved you. You were socialble, always helping others when it came to school work, and even seemed unbothered by mineta’s terrible comments about you looked in your uniform. “Looking perfect as always (y/n). Your skirt is juuuussst right” “Thank you, please back away from me now your starting to drool :)” your reply was always the same regardless of what he said but it was still really impressive you delt with the comments at all. But Bakugou held a personal vendetta against you and your awful sleep patterns. He never attempted to talk with you besides the small rude comments on how your in his way, or smaller things, he couldn’t deny though. You were adorable durning the day. Your smile made him feel warm feelings in his chest, and he could listen to that laugh forever. Damnit why did the most annoying girl have to be the one he fell for! He knew one day he should probably just ask you to stop playing so late at night since it would wake him but he couldn’t bring himself to face you for more than a few minutes without getting all red and flustered thinking about being your boyfriend. Thinking about holding your small frame against his body and sleeping soundly together. Bakugou figured he didn’t have a shot though, since you were much closer to that annoying red headed rock, but after seeing your notes you had passed on to kirishima, Bakugou had no choice but to look at you in a whole new light
“Kiri, you need my notes again?” You whined while leaning against your doorway.
“Ah I’m sorry (y/n)! You know English just isn’t my strong suit.” The red head rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed while facing you. You weren’t surpised but you were realllly tired. He had just knocked as you were getting ready to crawl into bed and pass out. “Alright alright, wait out here I’ll go grab them” you yawned while closing your door back gently as to not seem rude. You rummaged through your bag while rubbing your eyes and grabbed the first sheet of paper that was labeled “English class” not spending to much time checking over it. Boy you wished you read that paper better
After handing it over to kirishima you admitted that you were planning on napping and to just give them back to you later in the afternoon. “Thanks again (y/n)!” You closed your door and decided before crashing to clean up your energy drink cans you had let make a small pile on the ground. It was kinda strange but you had done this since your quirk manifested. Your brain was always ticking, so you had trouble relaxing and sleeping normally. You had come to learn sleeping durning the night was a joke and your brain would only stop after you couldn’t stay awake any longer. So you decided to drink energy drinks durning the day to keep yourself awake letting your brain just go and after classes you would just curl up and proceed to drool all over the floor or wherever you passed out. Kept you alive this long, but durning the night once you awake your brain just started up again and the cycle restarted, however today you had messed up and forgot your drink so you were a bit groggy and more down than normal, people begun to notice but you played it off as feeling slightly sick. Kirishima though did not expect anything less from the perfect note taking student and just wanted to copy your notes so he could figure out how to spell certain words. What he GOT instead was a huge picture of Bakugou and half way copied sentences. The picture was his soul focus though as today you had decided to absentmindly draw serval small side profiles of the angry Pomeranian with cute little words under it. The main one looked amazing. He couldn’t knock it. You were a great artist! If hero stuff didn’t work out you could easily make money this way! It was Bakugou looking out of the window with his headphones in. It was some real good stuff. But he couldn’t stop laughing at how clear your crush was and no one has picked up on it. Not even Bakugou himself! He couldn’t pass up a chance to help you out for a change instead of you helping him. “Ohhhh bakubro is gonna love this” he hummed to himself while knocking on the man of the hour’s door.
When the door was opened Bakugou could not believe his eyes. Of course he had feelings for you as well! But damnit he wanted to confess first! Now this stupid shitty hair knew before he did! “Give me the damn paper you extra! Just go study and get out of my hair!” Bakugou slammed his door while clutching the paper to his chest. He was mostly in a state of shock, not only were you a remarkable artist, but you had drawn him. And it looked incredible. Truely heart stopping stuff. You really fell for him hard. “Tch, damn cute nerd..” he decided to hang the paper up near his bed out of most people eyesight and knew he had to talk to you tonight. Cause there was no way that red head was taking that paper back.
You groaned silently after reading your clock on your phone screen. You slept passed nine again, meaning you way missed dinner, and would have to sneak down all quietly so you wouldn’t wake anyone. “What a pain..” you slipped out of your bed and slid your socks over your feet while opening your door gently, what you did not expect to find was a certain blondie waiting on you. “Jesus Christ..! Bakugou you scared me..why are you up so late?” You tilted your head as Bakugou’s body had tensed. Like he owes you some explanation! “Better question dumbass..! Why are you up huh? Shouldn’t we be both sleeping?” He got you there. You had made a promise to yourself to keep your weird habits to yourself so you wouldn’t worry any of your classmates. “W-well, uh. I..um..well...” you struggled to form a actual sentence. Since you had never had more than a few seconds of conversation with the punk boy. You couldn’t help it. Your feelings for him has bloomed so out of control you often found your brain slowing down and filling itself with him. “Save it nerd. We need to talk, can I come into your room?”
You swear up and down your heart and brain stopped working at the same time. Bakugou, big meanie, Katsuki wanted to come inside of your room. Your safe haven! And better yet! What in the world did you two have have to talk about?! He’s never spoken to you! You haven’t even begun to form your denial when he just grabbed your arm and dragged you back into your room “W-wait..! What do you have to say to me..?! Did I make you upset..?!” You didn’t know what you did but your mind was already back and running to a thousand different things you could’ve done to make this hothead mad. You’ve seen how he treats midoryia you didn’t want to take any chances. “What? No. Why would I be mad at you dumbass?” Bakugou actually looked...confused? Man this night was defiantly a weird one. The only face you’ve ever seen him make was a mad one. Why did he seem so relaxed around you? “Then...why are we standing in my room..holding hands..?” You pointed at your interlocked fingers gently seeing as you weren’t sure when in the world that happened since he grabbed your arm. And why were his hands so perfect for holding?! Bakugou was caught off guard clearly but didn’t let go while he was..blushing? “Listen stupid! Shitty hair gave me your trashy notes. If I knew you had liked me I would’ve spent more time speaking to you and shit.”
Second time. Second time you felt yourself die. Did, Bakugou, while holding your hand. Just confesss that he knew you had feelings? How in the world did he know?! “Kiri did what now.” You were almost fuming. You were gonna kill kirishima. Your foot. So far up his ass it was gonna be a new record. While plotting your murder you didn’t even notice that the blonde boy was trying to explain how he got his hands on your notes and that he’s felt pretty much the same since you’ve started attending school together. His confession had fell on death ears though as he faced you noticing that you weren’t listening. Bakugou sighed and snapped his fingers in your ears to jolt your attention. “Hey dumbass.” You glanced up tilting your head “ha? What’d you say?” Why in the world did his heart stop around you. “I tried to say you made a mess of your notes today and you had basically admitted you had a crush on me. And for some odd reason. I feel the same way about you. You spend all damn day stuck in my mind. Your damn quirk hacked your way into my head and won’t leave me alone. Then you would keep me up all night. And I thought I hated you but I guess it’s pretty clear I like you and your stupid noisy ass.” To put it lightly you are kinda caught off guard. This guy hated everyone! But you always figured it was kinda a act to make himself stand out better. “So..your telling me..you actually..like..like like me..?” Your brain had begun to slow down again.
Everything in your head felt so much better around him. You didn’t know why but everything settled with his skin met with yours. Even if it was the softest touch durning classes or a half assed hug it was all you needed to make yourself seem normal. After that night of confession and confusion you had agreeded to be his girlfriend and he started crashing in your room to make sure your stupid ass slept like a normal person. Surprisingly to you he was extremely patient and helped your body sleep durning hours that everyone should sleep at. In turn durning classes you actually started acting more like yourself than you had knew was possible. Your brain wasn’t racing all day and you didn’t need to drink out of a can every two hours or so to make yourself hyper. The change went noticed by all your classmates since Bakugou with his loud self made a huge deal after you walked in holding hands and denki pointed it out to everyone. “Yeah she’s my girlfriend now!! So what?! Your just all jealous I got a date first!” Overall though. He was extremely nice and gentle with you like he was always nervous and couldn’t control his real feelings around you. It was pure heaven to you. He was just what the doctor ordered and you needed your daily dose of him for the rest of your life
Please make sure give me feedback and tell me what you think of this! Like I said this was my first time writing really in this type of format! I can already feel some things I would have to change but don’t be afraid to tell me anything!
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booksonablog · 4 years
Johnny Lawrence Imagine - Part 2
Author’s Note: Hi! Real quick, this can easily be read as a separate imagine but some sweet people wanted a part 2 and I had a fun idea like this in mind so here it is! Enjoy! 💕 (P.S. - I like to add gifs to my imagines for visuals and I couldn’t find ones I really wanted, so I made them for you guys!)
Summary: Johnny, your friend and crush has been checking up on you almost nightly since you sprained your ankle, but he suddenly stops, leaving you to wonder why, which leads to a sweet surpise at the end.
Your sprained ankle was probably one of the best things to happen to Johnny. He used your injury as an excuse to visit you more and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it. You’ve been taking on less hours at work temporarily, as well as putting your painting project on hold for awhile till you’ve healed. Though you had books, Netflix and some smaller projects to keep yourself busy, you felt bored at home. Johnny’s visits were not only a distraction from your pain but it excited you to have your friend, and crush, go out of his way to make sure you were okay.
At first, his visits, if you can even call them visits, were short. The first time he knocked on your door was a surpise. It was late, he had just left the dojo and went straight to your apartment. 
“Hey.” You grinned, opening the door to see Johnny twisting his keys in his hands.
“Hey Y/n,” he smiled, “Just wanted to see how you were doing.” His fingers gesturing to your foot.
You looked down, leaning on your other foot. “Oh, better actually, still kinda wobbly sometimes but good.” 
He nodded. 
“Just came from the dojo?”
“Yeah, practiced some flying elbows today, the kids are learning fast.” he smiled
“Any bloody noses today?” You giggled
“Just one this time.” He chuckled.
The two of you smiled at eachother before he glanced back down at his feet and back at you to wish you a goodnight. The following nights were just about the same or even shorter if you happened to be on the balcony when he passed by - he would wave and ask how you were. One night he surprised you with your favorite ice cream. You were surpised not only by the gesture but that he had remembered it from a conversation the two of you had several months back.
You opened the door to see him in his red and white plaid shirt holding your favoite ice cream in one hand and a grocery bag in the other.
“Hey.” You beamed
“Hey, I thought you could use a treat.” He smiled, holding up the ice cream.
“Oh my god, thank you! That’s so sweet.” He looked down with a smile and rosy cheeks.You grinned with butterflies racing in your stomach as you grabbed the ice cream. 
“I could use some help digging into this...if you’re not busy.” Your invitation surprised both you and him. The two of you had known eachother for several months already but whenever you saw eachother or hungout, it was outside of the apartment complex, or outside of your door.
“Yeah, love to.” He spoke eagerly trying to contain his jittery grin.
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Several hours later, now 3:00am, the ice cream was halfway finished and the two of you were laughing at a story of his. You swiped tears from the corners of your eyes. 
“Ah man,” His chuckle faded as he shook his head. “Good times.” he smiled to himself.
You chuckled, smiling at him. You scanned his face. He seemed to really miss the old days, you couldn’t blame him, everything is so different now. The two of you had eventually realized the time, in shock that you had been conversing for so long. You had thanked him again for the ice cream before the two of you said goodnight and parted ways. The following days remained the same, minus the ice cream.
A week or so had passed since Johnny’s last visit. You had to admit, you felt disappointed. Maybe you’ve grown too accustomed to seeing him frequently, but you couldn’t help but enjoy his company. You had learned so much more about each other on a general and deeper level. You shared so many laughs, it was fun...what the hell happened. Maybe you got awkward a few times, you couldn’t help it, you were friends but he was ultimately still your crush. 
You dismissed these overthinking thoughts as best you could. You hated to dwell on nonsense, it didn’t solve anything. At the end of the day, you were both busy with other things, you’ll see eachother when you see eachother.
Little did you know, Johnny had spent the week going on failed dates. He had been so wrapped up in Cobra Kai, Miyagi Do, his personal life and his feelings for you, he didn’t know how to balance it all. Eventually, the dojo drama died down, at least for a couple days. His student, Miguel, had suggested he try out some dating apps. He wasn’t keen on the idea for two reasons, he hates technology and he still had a huge crush on you. However, the puppy dog look struck a cord with Miguel, though he would never admit it, and he gave in. He figured it would be a fun way to hangout with the kid and maybe even find some hot babes along the way.
Date after date, Johnny struck out every time. He was convinced he was not the problem until he held a conversation with Miguel about how terrible the dates were going, soon realizing that maybe he was “occasionally” an idiot.  
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“Sensai, maybe you guys just aren’t compatible.”
Johnny’s eyes met the kid’s sincere ones.
“I know these hot babes are - hot, but you should look for someone that not only likes the same things you do, but that balances you and makes you feel good about yourself.”
Johnny had nodded at the kids words. The boy went on to talk about his ex but Johnny had long tuned out. He patted the kid on the back and thanked him before heading out the door and leaving the boy in his living room.
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His knuckles met your door twice and were placed back in his pockets. He had the only smirk plastered on his face as he waited for you. He looked up when he heard the creak of your door.
“Oh, hey.” You said, surpised but pleased. 
“Hey.” He smiled stupidly. The nerves in his hands started to spark his realization of how nervous he was to just see your face. He forgot how it felt to have a crush.
“What’s up?” You asked, confused.
‘Shit!’ He thought. It had just hit him - he was so damn giddy that he didn’t even prepare anything to say.
“Um, I just wanted to see how you were doing. I hadn’t seen you in awhile - I missed your company.” He gulped, trying to play it cool as his heart increasingly sped.
You blushed, smiling at his honesty. “I still have some ice cream leftover,” you pushed the door so it would open more. “Finish it with me?” 
He smiled with that classic Lawrence smirk.
The two of you had spent the last 20 mintues digging into the ice cream, flirting with your eyes and making conversation about how each other’s weeks have been. You felt bold, bubbly and happy that he came to see you again. He felt just as excited and nervous. Once your conversation started to die down, he was back to staring at you with flirty eyes as he spooned the ice cream back in his mouth. You did the same, but broke eye contact when you felt the heat from your face start to rise. 
“So,” He started, swallowing his last bit of ice cream, licking his lips before speaking again. You watched, awaiting his words patiently as you twirled the spoon on the empty ice cream tub. 
“I was hanging out with Miguel today,” you smiled at the mention of the boy’s name, he was a sweet kid and you knew he meant a lot to Johnny. “And he said something that kinda stuck with me.” He met your eyes again. 
You raised an eyebrow in response, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” His left index finger tapped the spoon sitting in his right hand. He hesitated before continuing on. ‘Don’t be a little bitch.’ he told himself.
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“We were talking about - life - and he said, when finding someone to be with,” his eyes met yours once more, “you should be with someone that can balance you. Someone that makes you feel good about yourself.”
Your breath hitched. The way he looked at you when he spoke, you didn’t want to be disappointed, but you were sure this was the moment you’ve been hoping for.
“We’ve known eachother for a few months now,” He continued, lightly chuckling nervously to himself as he fiddled with the spoon. “But I want to get to know you more,” he looked up at you, his face was serious as if to convince you of how truthful each following word was. “Because what I know already is so wonderful.” The two of you stared at eachother. He watched as you smiled at the ground, cheeks pink and hair being tucked behind your ear. He smiled at your cute reaction to his words. Your eyes met his again. He watched as a small smile appeared on your soft face and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of elation fill his body. 
Hope you guys enjoyed this one (plus the gifs I made - I’m very happy with them - my first time making gifs!!) Requests are open probably gonna write more of Johnny💕
@lulu-yuming​ @italyhappiness​ @marichankitty​
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prey-to-go · 4 years
Can you write a fic where Peter is telling tony about a bad experience with a costumer and tony noms him to make him feel better?
(Of course!!!))
Peter knew he shouldn't get used to the literally pampering Tony would provide with their session. The demon didn't immediately demand to eat him. It was nice being able to talk about his day while sitting on a counter. It was even better when Tony would feed him little snacks.
He did have to admit he was surprised when he got booked by someone else but money was money and he was sure it wouldn't be that bad.
Oh how wrong he was. The whole experience had been awful, just the carelessness of the predator and the bruises left behind, the whole no choice in anything made him nearly break down again.
Peter rubs his eyes quickly as the elevator brought him up to the penthouse level. He didnt need to cry in front of Tony again. The first time had been shitty enough.
The doors opened and he nervously stepped out. He knew he had nothing to be afraid of with Tony considering the demon was just so gentle with him, however last night's order was burned into his mind.
Having said that he couldn't stop the whimper and the desperate scramble back to the elevator when Tony stepped in front of him.
"Peter?" Tony murmurs soflty. Peter tried not to flinch when the demon got down on the floor more towards his level. The demon only said one word but god the question of 'Are you alright' hung in the air like a thick fog.
"M-m sorry I just...I." Peter grimaces when tears start pooling yet again. Something about Tony just made it near impossible to lie or hold any emotion back.
He flinches when the demon carefully picked him up, both hands cradling him like he was a precious jewel. It always amazed him at how gentle Tony truly could be.
"Oh kid." Tony practically crooned out. Peter sniffles, trying to keep the tears at bay which wasnt exactly working. He leaned closer to the demon, a silent plea for affection.
His plea didnt go unanswered either, gentle hands cradling him close to the solid mass of the demons chest. While Tony didnt usually have a heart beat Peter could hear it right now, a steady lull of thumping.
"What happened?"
That broke the dam Peter sobbing hysterically. He blubbered out the whole story about how the pred was careless, left bruises, and every single detail that made him terrified of the demon right now.
Tony listened to it all not saying anything but crooning softly at times and gently rubbing his back. Peter all but melted into the touches craving the comfort. He couldn't exactly go to his Aunt with this, he didn't want to tell her after all.
"Feel better?" Tony asks once Peter had cried himself out. The kid nods sighing shakily. It was embarrassing how many times he had cried infront of the demon at this point.
It was silent for a moment until a impatient growls came from the demons middle. Peter couldn't emotionally bring himself to care and while there was that brief feeling of panic it was squashed away when Tony shushed him softly.
"I'll order someone else kid, do you want to go home?" Tony asks. He hated when Peter god distraught it made him feel guilty and down right protective over the small thing.
"N-no! No! I'm alright- I really am Mr.Stark." Peter stutters out. He didnt want to inconvince the demon anymore than he already had. He flinches when he was moved away from Tony's chest, staring up at the large face.
"Are you sure? You have a choice kiddo."
That just made Peter feel even more guilty. He was suppose to be doing his job and yet here he was sobbing to a customer about his problems. He wipes his face to get rid of any stray tears and nods.
"Yes! I'm fine- I just..please be careful and-and I might be a little flighty cause ya know I didnt really have time to adjust with the other guy which scared me a lot- I mean not like you wo-" Tony cut off his ramble by gently tapping his head. He looks wide eyed up at the demon, half expecting to be shoved into his mouth.
"I'll go slow and be careful kid."
Peter didnt realize how much reassurance that simple little sentence could hold, but there it was. He nods and squeezes his eyes shut, tensing up when warm breath washed over him.
"I'm going to start now kid, just relax alright?"
Peter nodded again, swallowing nervously. He wasnt going to look- he didnt want to see. He froze when he felt Tony slipping him inside, his hair and suit dampening as salvia pooled around him. He let a small whimper out, everything around him going still.
"I-im fine." He manages to choke out, flinching when the tongue twitched under him mindlessly. Nothing happened for a bit, fingers firmly holding his legs as the demon swallowed the pooling saliva but not him.
He slowly started relaxing, hesitantly opening his eyes to look around. It wasnt as scary as he thought it would be. He imagined the sharp teeth looking more threatening up close but something about it being Tony made it oddly comforting.
"I'm fine." He echos a bit more confidently. This was Tony not some random pred who didnt care about him. The demon actually cared about him.
Everything started to move after that, the tongue gently lapping at him, soaking him even more than before. He couldnt help the small nervous giggle as it pushed over him.
He tenses a bit when everything moved, his face sliding back further towards the demons throat. He wanted to be terrfied to cry or back out but the overwhelming feeling of safety kept slipping into his mind.
There wasnt much time to contemplate if he really wanted to back out considering the demon swallowed thickly, his torso slipping with ease into throat. It still baffled him at how easily predators could just swallow someone.
There was a slight pause then Tony guiding his lower half more into his mouth, another swallow pulling him deeper into the demon.
He winces at the tightness surrounding him but it didnt last long before he was spilling into the stomach. A sigh of content coming from Tony, Peter quickly moving around to get comfortable, squeaking when a wall squished into him.
"You doing alright?"
Peter nods quickly flushing with embaressment when he forgot that Tony coudlnt exactly see him.
"I-im fine I...thanks for ah..not being a jerk Mr.Stark." He says shyly. He squeaks again when the weight pressed into him in a circle motion. It never ceased to surpise him that Mr.Stark knew exactly where he was and how to keep him grounded.
"Why would I be a jerk to my favorite little snack?" It was a teasing tone but the sentiment still made Peter warm inside. He wished all customers were like Tony. He let a small laugh out, hesitnelty leaning into the wall.
"I'm not a snack Mr.Stark!" He says with a grin. All his fears fading away as the rubbing continued. He coudlnt believe that all his fears could melt away like this.
"Mmhm sure."
The rumbling of Tony speaking was weird but oddly a bit of a comfort. It was jsut strange knowing that he was completely surrounded by the demon. Nothing could get him here.
"I'm not!" Peter argues back with a small smile, leaning into the stomach wall. It squished around him cradling him with ease. Stomachs had no business being this comfortbale. He would never be able to find a couch this plush in his life and that wasn't fair.
"You're my little petey pie, a perfect little snack." Tony croons soflty. Peter giggling slightly. The demon always knew how to cheer him up.
Peter didnt know it yet but Tony was booking him for any day he worked, regardless if he'd be able to swallow the kid down or not. If worst came to worst Pepper could babysit for a bit.
After all Peter was Tony's snack.
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imhereiguess556 · 3 years
The Accident
Chromeskull x OC(female) Alex Hey guys! So this is the first chapter to my story I have been working on for a while. If you ya’ll like it, I’ll post the rest of the chapters on here.  Chapter 1 It had all happened so fast. One minute Alex was going about her day, driving into work. The next minute she woke up in a haze, barely able to move her left arm. Touching her head she groaned as the headache forced her back down onto the pillow. Her vision blurry making her nauseous, closing her eyes tightly. A sharply dressed man and someone looking like they just got off their job working for the Geek squad walked over to her bed side. Alex heard the foot steps and opened her eyes again. While the geek guy with the tablet typed some things in the sharp dresser leaned to her face. “Hello there, I am obligated to ask how you are feeling but quiet frankly I don’t care.”             
Alex closed her eyes tight again, “Am I…In the hospital?” The man huffed and straightened himself out, “No but you don’t need to know where you are. Quite frankly soon you won’t need to know anything about anything soon. I’m going to be taking you to my bo-“While he was talking, Alex lurched to the side of the bed, puking all over his shoes. The man screamed and took a few steps back, “Are you kidding me! These are real leather! HEY! Take care of her while I clean up.” Tablet man nodded and went to the monitors, while the other one walked away in anger.             
“Miss I’m going to need your arm.” The man softly took her arm, but Alex lazily pulled it away, “Noooo my health insurance isn’t going to cover that. I’m broke.” The man took her arm again, but Alex roughly grabbed his neck, starting to choke him out, “No means NO asshole! She shoved him off his feet, causing him to fall back. Alex pulled the tubs off her body and slowly stood up, fumbling down onto the concrete floor. “Oooww….gotta…get to…car…” Crawling to a wall she leaned into it, pushing herself up onto her feet. Walking along the wall, she started making her way out of the makeshift hospital ward. Alex’s vision was slowly coming back, but she still felt loopy. They must have had her on some heavy pain killers or sedatives. Looking down at her arm, she finally noticed it was in a cast.            
 “Well damn, maybe angry man will sign you. But after I get out.” Walking around the building she ended up in a tool show area filled with knives and other weapons. Mouthing the word ‘cool’ she wandered in as two men were grinding down on some metal. One of them noticed her picking up a hunter’s knife with brass knuckles welded to them. “Hey! You can’t be in here!” She turned to them and pointed at what they were making, “Is that a fidget spinner knife?” One of the guys looked down at it, then back at her nodding with a shrug in his shoulders. Alex snickered, “That’s….stupid..” She started wandering away, one of them men picked up the phone yelling ‘code 12’ into it.            Preston was in the bathroom cleaning his shoes when code twelve started getting yelled over the speaker of the building. Preston looked at the door, “Code twelve!? WHAT CODE TWELVE?!” Just then his cellphone went off, a text coming in from ‘Boss’. Picking it up it read ‘why is there a code twelve in my building? Fix it.’ Preston cursed as he pocketed his phone, running out of the bathroom. Alex still wandering the building, she walked up to an office map, rubbing her eyes while she saw double. “Where am I? Is this come kind of private hospital? Oh, shit I’m really gonna get screwed on my insurance. How did I…end up here?”            
Closing her eyes, she focused on what she could remember. She was in her car listening to her favorite playlist while driving somewhere. Her car hit someone else car or they hit her? She got out, talked to the driver, she’s holding something? But then he… she groaned as her head throbbed. That was all her brain was letting her remember at the moment. Looking at the map again she saw a long hallway that looked like it said ‘Boss office’ on it. Figuring that was who to talk to about this, she started wobbling down the hallway again. She wandered into a break room, luckily for her it was empty. Opening their fridge, she saw some waters bottles that she knew she could never afford in her lifetime. Grabbing one with her somewhat free hand she just for the life of her couldn’t remember how to open it. Shrugging as she placed the water bottle on the countertop, Alex used as much of her brain power that she had at the moment. Her solution was to start stabbing at it softly, raising the bottle up, letting the water flow into her mouth.            
“HEY! KNOCK THAT OFF” Snappy dresser Preston was back, and he was pissed. Shaking the bottle off her knife she frowned at him, giving him a meek wave. Rubbing his eyes, Preston glared daggers at her, “If you know what’s good for you, you will follow me back to your bed.” Alex shook her head no, “I’m going to see your boss.” Preston stared walking to her slowly, “You will see him when he comes to see you in the bed. Now come here.” Alex just stood there, staring at the man, watching his moves. Was really going to underestimate someone holding a knife? That’s really stupid of him.            Once in arms length, Preston went to grab her free arm, but Alex pulled back quickly. Dodging around him, she lowered her reach, cutting right behind his knee, causing him to scream out in pain. Preston fell on the ground, holding the back of his leg. “YOU crazy BITCH!” Wiping the blood on her gown she realized she was not in her normal clothes. Frowning she started to wobble out of the room, but not before Preston grabbed her ankle, trying to pull her down. Alex started stomping on his wrist then his head, causing him to yell out in pain. When he let go, she started waddling her way down the hallway.             
After wandering for what felt like forever, she finally found the hallway she was looking for. Still feeling loosely goosey, climbing the stairs was much harder than she thought it would be. Every step causing her to see double, the pain killers must have started to wear off cause now her arm started to hurt. Getting to the top of the stairs, she was greeted by a well-dressed woman. “Ah, so you’re our code twelve I see. The little secret Preston was keeping from our boss Chromeskull.” Alex leaned against the wall, “Are you the head doctor here? I’m starting to hurt. Can I talk to the boss here please? I wanna get my car and leave.” This woman was Spann, though Preston was Chromeskulls right hand man, she recently had been cleaning up all of his messes. After their boss’s accident, Preston had been trying to find ways to get rid of Spann so that he would have full control with the workings of the business. But Spann knew if Preston’s little secret came wondering into Chromeskulls office, she would finally have some leverage to prove to the boss that Preston was an incompetent boob.             
Spann took Alexs shoulder and walked her towards the boss’s office door.  Opening it for Alex, Spann ushered the weak woman in, closing the door behind her. The dark office made it a little easier to see. The lights were hurting her eyes anyways. A computerized voice came from her side, ‘How did you get in here?’ Alex turned to see a man sitting at the desk. He was wearing a black dress shirt and a black suit jacket on, buts all she could make out, the computer moneters light didn’t show his face. Alex pointed to the door, “Angry dress man said you wanted to see me..or…at the bed?” The pain was making her whole body pulsate. Her body was not use to her walking around anymore. How long was she out for?            
Alex walked towards the desk, holding up the knife but placing it down in front of him, “Sorry about your knife. Its cool so I took it with me.  Do you…where am I?” She could feel the man staring at her but not showing his face. He pulled a cellphone out of his jacket pocket, typing something. Holding the phone out, it started talking ‘You should not be here.’ Alex nodded, “I told sharp dress man that but he said I was a surpise for you and honestly don’t like surpises they stress me out so I puked on him and…and..” She covered her mouth, heaving coming from her throat. The man at the desk stood up quickly, walking over to her, he pulled her towards the private bathroom. A big hand slid to pull her long copper hair back as she puked into the toilet.           
 “I-I’m sor-“ She heaved again, using her all strength to hold up her shaking body. “I don’t remember anything. Just car accident an-“ Alex’s time was up, all her energy was gone, her shaky hand reached for him clinging onto his dress shirt. Alex felt what was a napkin wipe her face. Follower by a glass of water, gulping it down and Alex started ugly crying. “Thank you. You’re nice.” Looking up at his face, she was greeting by a metallic skull looking town at her. The man towered over her, broad shoulders, masculine jaw, and a chrome skull mask staring at her. Maybe it was the drugs still in her body, maybe it was the exhaustion but Alex just hugged the man, snuggling her face into his defined chest her tears soaking into his jacket. They both stood there for a minute until Alex pulled back, looking up at him. Her vision going double again, then black, her body giving out, “Oh down I go” Her body falling over, but towering man caught her half way down.            
Preston ran into Chromeskulls office, his leg bandaged and his face red from running. Chrome skull was sitting behind his desk again while Alex was sleeping on his couch, his jacket cover her. ‘Why is she here.’ Chromeskulls phone asked Preston.  Preston straightens himself out,  “I know this looks bad, but she’s the woman from the accident I told you about! See, we all know you’re looking for someone who looks like your dead wife so here she is! Close look huh?” Chromeskull sat in silence, eventually typing, ‘Get out.’ Preston pointed at Alex, “So I’m in trouble for trying to do something good for you?! If Spann did this, you’d be over the moon! I do everythin-“Chromeskull stood up and typed, ‘Get out’ one more time. Preston huffed and walked out, slamming the door behind him. Chromeskull let out a sigh as he texted Spann to get the body moving car ready , as well as make sure one of the doctors was ready to depart with their medical supplies. He looked at the passed out woman, studying her features. Pulling out his wallet he pulled out an old photo. It was one of him and his late wife, her face beaming with joy. Oh god, this woman's smile was almost a perfect match that it was eerie. Was he about to go through with the idea of tricking someone into being his wife? Would that even work?
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raven-black102 · 5 years
The Wick and The Sionis
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(Y/n)'s POV
A small sigh escaped my lips as I enter the Black Mask club. Everyone was silents was they saw me, then they continued in there conversation oncee I made it to the bar. "Ms. Wick." The bartender greeted causing me to smiled slightly.
"What business do you have here? If you don't mind me asking?" The bartender asked as I look around. "Who's the boss here?" I asked causing the Bartender to point at a booth close to the stage. "That would be Roman Sionis." He said as I saw a man with a matching dark blue suit and pants with thin strips.
"Hmmm. You seen Harley?" I asked causing him to smile as he finally understood why I'm here. "Passed out in the booth over there. And watch your 6." He said causing me to nod at I got up to get Harley. "Harley. Harley." I called gently causing Harley to groan as she open her eyes.
I frown slight as I saw the saddness and pain in her eyes as she looks at me. "(N/n)?" She called causing me to smile at her sadly. "Its me Harley. Come on let me take you to my place." I said as she slowly pushed herself up. I paused as everyone went silent.
I quickly turned around as a man walked up to me and thrust a knife on my side. "Fuck." I groan as I sw Roman and some other guy get up. "Ms Wick! So go to finally see you." The man said as I glared at him. "And it now time to say good bye." I growled as I pulles out the knife and pushed in to a wall before stabbing up his jugular.
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I moved away as I saw about three more guys surrounded me. "You little bitch!" A man said causing me to sigh as I block the guy punch and jump at him. I quickly wrapped my legs around his neck and spin myself causing the man to flip and land on his back hard.
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Another man came up to me causing me to jump up and spin. I moved my left leg out on the third spin as it smack the man in the head. The man smack his head against the table hard before he clasped on the ground.
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He last guy glared at me as I popped my neck and raised up my hands ready to fight yet again. "You think just because I'm a girl and my father is the most feared man in the world, I would be some damsel in distress?" I asked with a dark laugh before spinning around and raised left then right elbow to connect with his face.
I raised an eyebrow in slightly surpised as the man got up with a stumbled. I hummed as I ran up to the wall and spun to kick the man in the face, knocking him out cold.
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"(N/n), You haven't change." Harley said as I saw only two other people here. And one of them was Roman Sionis. "What a show." Roman said causing me to huff slightly as I help Harley up. "Romy you don't want to mess with her. She's a Wick." Harley slurred causing Roman to humm.
"I'll have someone clean this up." I mumbled as I moved Harley's arm over my shoulder. "Its know problem at all dear." Roman said as I guided Harley outside with the two following close behind.
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"Hmmm. You okay Harley?" I asked as I managed to open the door to put her inside the passager set. "Hmmm." She moaned causing me to smiled as I put on her set belt. "Nice ride." Roman said once I closed the door. "Thanks. I fixed it myself." I told him as I pulles out my phone.
"Yo, Jace I need a dinner reservation for four at Black Mask Club." I said as heard a loud sigh causing me to smile. "Always in a fight Ms. Wick." Jace stated causing me to chuckle. "No I was just getting a friend." I said with a shrug as I went back inside to club to check.
"Your father is looking for you." He said causing me to sigh. "Just tell him I'm patching up his car." I said then hung up. "What's your name Ms. Wick?" Roman asked causing me to turn around as he stood a bit close to me.
"Ms. Wick is all you need to know for now dear." I said as I gently pat his cheeks. I walked passed him just as I saw Jaces van park behind mine. "Ms. Wick." Jace said with a slight bow. "Jace." I said as I pulled out a gold coin. "Do what you will with the one that's still asleep." I whisper against gis ear causing him to grin at me.
"Of course Ms. Wick." He said then went inside the club with body bags and a few other people that came out of the van to help.
It's just an idea I had I hope you guys enjoyed it reading it!!!
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barbarasbae · 5 years
What We Always Do
Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader x Steve Harrington 
Word count: 4.2k
Warnings: unprotected sex. smut 18+
this is just smut. That is all that is included here. Wrap it before you tap it kids. 
This is a request for the wonderful and generous @atomicblonde85​ for donating to the australian red cross to help fight against the fires that were ravaging australia until the last month or so. I hope this is to your liking!
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“What are you gonna get Billy?” Y/n asked, leaning on the table across from Steve, who had his planner open. “I got the license plate of the camaro fixed for him. I don’t know what else I’m gonna do though. You got anything?”  Y/n’s brows furrowed, thinking about her alpha. “I was thinking earrings but that’s a stupid gift.” Steve shook his head. “No it’s not. He still wears the ones we got him for graduation.” She smiled, leaning her face on her hands. “He was so cute in high school. Such a baby.” Steve laughed. “I don’t think I would call Billy in high school ‘cute’.” 
“I mean, yeah he was a douchebag, but he was still cute.”
“Was?” The two omegas looked over, Billy kicking off his boots. “Sexy is a better word now I think.”  Steve suggested, the blond coming over and kissing his cheek as a greeting. “Thanks, baby.” He purred, pulling Y/n to him next to kiss her cheek as well. “What were you guys talking about?”
“Our anniversary.” 
“What do you guys wanna do?”
“I was thinking we should all take the day off or take off early.” Y/n said, beginning to unbutton Billy’s work coveralls. “You need to put these in the laundry room. I got new soap that shouldn’t override anyone’s scent.” Billy nodded, a look crossing his face that neither omega liked. “You know I can’t take off; the shops been crazy busy and Benny’s been talking about promoting me and I need to put the hours in-” 
“I know, babe. It’s okay. We’ll just do something special for dinner instead.” Y/n cut in, hearing (and scenting) the stress rising in Billy. “What do you think we should do? Go out?”
“I won’t get off until 5:30.” They collectively took at least two hours to get ready to go out (mostly because they would get distracted with doting on one another). “What should I make?” Steve cut in, not wanting to get his omega mate to get upset at being constantly shut down. “Can we do steak?” Both omegas made a face; they weren’t huge on meat. “How about we do steak and then you two pick dessert and what’s on the side?” They nodded. “Okay! I like it. It’ll be fun. Maybe we can watch a movie after!” Y/n stood and kissed Billy’s temple, taking his coveralls to the laundry room, wanting to work on them before the stains became permanent. “What are you working on?” The blond poked the older omega, who jumped at the touch. “I’m making lesson plans for the next two weeks.” 
“What do you wanna do after dinner?”
“What we always do.” They never did anything on special occasions besides eat and have sex. “I like how you think.” They laughed, Billy hopping up to help the other omega start dinner. 
Steve and Y/n resumed planning their gifts after dinner while Billy was in the shower. “I’m gonna get him a surfboard rack so he can stop shoving his boards in our cars.”
“Nice. You know, a new omega lingerie store opened in Los Angeles.”
“But those stores are always so expensive.”
“Yeah, but we’ve both been saving a little extra up and it’s our fifth anniversary. Let’s do something special.”
“Okay. This weekend.”
“Are you two scheming again?” Billy called from the bathroom, the two laughing and curling up together, whispering colors to one another that would look good together. 
They settled on Y/n in a rosey pink and Steve in dark blue, navy blue looking amazing with Steve’s complexion. They went into the lingerie store on a mission, both showing off for each other. When Steve came out in the third set, Y/n’s eyes went wide. “What? Is it that bad?” Y/n got up, walking around Steve, taking the sheer and strappy singlet. She let out a little snort, most of his ass hanging out it was cut so high. “I really wanna suck your dick right now.” He blushed from his chest to the tips of his ears. “So pretty, Stevie. God.” She sighed, the older omega eating up the compliments “This is the one. Billy’s going to eat you alive. After I suck you off.” He snorted, stepping back into the dressing room to free it up for the other omega, his dick semi hard. Y/n tried on five or six sets, getting frustrated as they got toward the end of the sets she picked. “What about this one?” It was simple, a golden pink. The bra was shimmery, the bottoms flattering her hips and waist just right. “This is it.” She looked at Steve’s hands, them attempting to cover his crotch. “You really like this one?”
“Yes.” He whimpered. He got up, untwisting the bra strap. “You know what this needs?”
“What?” The older omegas hands landed on her waist. “Body jewelry. Give me a minute.” He said, taking in the outfit again. He found a gold piece that started as a choker then went straight down to drape over the waist. “Yeah. This is it.” 
“I really like it.” She smiled, admiring the complete look in the mirror. “Should we break them in before we go home?” He asked, kissing her shoulder. “No! We can do that before Billy gets home the day of.” She got his help undressing, the omegas rushing home in excitement. 
“Steve, take your pants off.” 
“I had to watch you try on all those outfits.” She pouted, straddling his lap after he tugged his pants off. “You had to watch? You tried on twice as many as I did. I think you’re being unfair.”
“Steve please.” She cooed, sucking at the column of his throat, ripping a low moan from him as she rolled her hips into him. “Oh my god please.” He cried, surprising both of them as he thrust against her rhythm. She giggled a little, excitedly climbing between his legs, pulling him out of his boxers and licking from the base to the tip slowly. “Fuck. Baby, please.” He whined, sliding a hand in her hair as she tried her hardest to deep throat his long cock. She pulled off and panted, pumping her hand over his dick now that she had gotten most of it wet. Steve bucked a little, her sucking on his tip. “I’m not gonna last long.” He whimpered, Y/n sliding a hand down her own jeans, rubbing her clit, moaning around his length. “Shit…” His head fell back against the headboard with a soft thunk. “Y/n...I’m gonna cum.” He whined loudly, her sliding as far down his length as she could get, a hand moving to his balls, feeling them kick as he finally came. He bucked hard, her gagging a little and interrupting his shuddering moans. She swallowed him down, pulling off of his dick with a pop. “F-fuck. That felt so good.” He praised, tugging her into his lap, hands gripping her ass. “You okay baby?” He nodded desperately, Y/n purring as he sucked hickies up her neck. His hand slid into her panties. “So wet.” He praised, kissing her nose, Y/n tucking her head into his neck, scenting the older omega as he lifted her hips by her ass, sliding a finger into her hole. He pumped slowly, concentrating. He huffed when he found her g-spot, Y/n jumping like she’d been electrocuted. “Right there.” She whined softly, Steve sliding another finger in and curling both, her jerking up to sit on her knees, wrapping her arms around his neck. “So cute.” He praised, nibbling on her ear. “ St-Steve. Oh my god right-right there!” Moans peeled from her mouth. She came hard, thighs trembling as she tossed her head back, Steve fingering her through her orgasm. “Shh shh. Good baby. That felt good, huh?”
She nodded, burying her face in his scent, sighing softly as she came down (very) slowly. “You got that excited just from me trying outfits on. Can’t imagine what Billy’s gonna do to us when we’re wearing them.”
“Oh lord.” Steve cried, both breaking into laughter. 
Their anniversary finally came around, the two omegas taking the day off, mostly to lay around and cuddle with one another, but also to get ready for the night. “Should we put them on now?” Y/n asked, stepping out of the shower, Steve doing his hair. “Why not? Give him a surprise when we finally get up here.”
Steve helped her with the body jewelry, warm hands sliding over her tummy. “Gorgeous.”
“Same to you.” She cooed, turning so she could reach behind him and squeeze his mostly exposed ass. “Baggy shirt and Baggy jeans?” He nodded, the two concealing their “surprise” under comfy clothes before working on dinner. Billy came home as they were putting steak in the oven. He striped at the door, coming to rub his scent on his mates now that he was only in boxers and a t-shirt. “Hi baby.” He purred, pressing kisses along Y/n’s bond mark and shoulder, the omega leaning into his touch. “Happy anniversary.”
“Happy anniversary.” The boys cooed, Billy moving on to Steve once he was satisfied with his scent covering the perfume the omega was wearing. “I’m gonna take a shower.” 
The throuple ate dinner and dessert, Steve stating that dishes could be left for tomorrow because there was a surprise upstairs. Billy followed him into the bedroom, shit-eating grin on his face. “Is it my favorite type of surpise, sex?”
“Maybe.” Y’n purred, sliding her hands under his t-shirt. “Get in the bed.” Steve demanded, nipping their alpha. The blond obeyed, sitting naked in their bed/nest. Steve and Y/n helped each other undress, Billy fully hard by the time he saw the lingerie. “You okay, alpha?” Y/n cooed, climbing in bed, straddling his thigh. “You were wearing this the entire time?” She nodded, licking up his neck, settling on his thigh. “So wet for you alpha.” Steve slid in bed next to him and nibbling on his neck, hand sliding to the alphas knot. “Can’t wait for that to pop in me.” Billy groaned, catching Steve’s tongue in his own as he moaned into the pretty omega’s desperate kisses. Then the phone rang. Billy reached over, each omega flicking a tongue over a pretty nipple. “Yeah. Yeah. No, I can't. Sorry, I already clocked out. Friday I’ll come back in.” Y/n leaned closer to the receiver, kitten licking at Billy’s face. The alpha hummed, and then hung up the phone.  “We plan on keeping you in bed until that time comes for you to go back.” Steve purred, slipping down and swallowing up Billy’s dick to the base, the alpha crying out and bucking. “Alpha, relax. You’re so smart and strong and work so hard.” Y/n purred, moaning in his ear. Billy’s head lolled into her neck, the alpha lapping at her bond mark as Steve slurped on the swollen head of his cock. “Stevie, so so good. Oh my god.” He growled, tugging hard on the brunet’s styled locks. “Alpha we really want your knot so bad. So wet thinking about it.” Y/n cooed, a hand sliding into her pretty pink panties. “F-fuck baby girl. Soaked. Who did that to you?”
“You.” She purred like a good little omega, giggling when he peppered kisses to her face. “Shit Steve, sto- baby- I’m gonna cum if you don’t.” He whined loudly, Steve pulling off with a slurp. The older omega pulled the younger out of Billy’s lap, laying so Billy could see them rut together, legs tangled together. “Not fair. I don’t know who to fuck first.” He growled, smacking the pale skin of Steve’s round ass. He cried out, the alpha smirking and giving him another quick and hard smack, the skin quick to turn pink from the abuse. “Steve that feels so good.” Y/n moaned underneath him, nails scraping at sheer-cloth covered skin. Billy leaned over to the night stand, digging through the drawer for a condom. He suddenly huffed, getting out of bed, the two omegas making out while he dug through all the drawers in his night stand. Billy left the room, Steve pulling Y/n to the pillows at the head of the bed. They giggled, groping and caressing as they waited. And waited. Hmm.
“Billy?! Whatʼs taking so long?” Y/n called,whine in her tone.She giggled as Steve nibbled on his bond mark on her, hand sliding into her panties. “Steve...” 
“Iʼm impatient. Had to watch you try on all those outfits.” He said and slipped his tongue in her mouth, a finger curling inside her wet entrance, Y/n moaning softly. He slid another one in. “I was there too ya know. Thatʼs why I couldnʼt keep my mouth off of you.” He found the spot, Steve smirking as her legs jumped, thighs coming together. “Right there, huh?” she nodded, tugging him to kiss her. “Need to get you nice and stretched for that big alpha cock, huh?” She whimpered, Steve pumping his fingers directly against her spot making her mewl softly. “Iʼll stretch you out so you can take both of us.” His dark eyes flashed with lust. “Nice and tight.” Steve complimented, licking up the column of her throat, pumping his fingers faster, pleased smile flashing across his face as she buried her face in his neck. “Then Billy can get you nice and wet to take him.” Y/n reached between them as their mouths met and grabbed his length, stroking. “Canʼt fuck me if youʼre not hard, right?” He shook his head and thrust into her hand, eyes closing as he rubbed that spot in small circles. “I canʼt find any condoms.” Billy pouts as he comes back in the room, the omegas separating. Now Billy had grown up a lot since high school, but in this moment, with that cute little pout on his face, he looked 17 again. He looked genuinely upset. Y/n got up and slid her arms around his middle, kissing his jaw. “Iʼll go check too. I think I may know where we have extras.” She cooed, kissing up to his ear, her Alpha rumbling lowly in his chest. He still had a pout on his face but his body loved the attention. She pinched his ass, him swatting at her before going to Steve, Y/n leaving the room. Steve chirped at his alpha, pulling him into the nest. He pulled him to meet his mouth, trying to kiss the pout away, grinding his hips down. Hot hands planted themselves on the pale skin of Steveʼs ass, squeezing. He moaned softly, Billy licking his way into his mouth. “No condoms.” Y/n announced as she came back into the room.  Billy whined loudly and hid his face in the pillows. “Baby, itʼs not a big deal, weʼll just go buy some.” Steve soothed, rubbing at his alphas chest. 
“But-“ Billy was overworked and way too hard for them to take him somewhere. Y/n kissed him to cut off his upset voice, Steve pressing kisses to his cheek. “Steve, Come here for a second.” Y/n said, the two omegas walking into the hall. “Plan B is expensive, but just for tonight?”
She asked, Steve thinking. “Billy doesnʼt like doing that though. He gets anxious. Why donʼt we just suck him off and then go buy condoms?” 
“Okay. I just wish this was going better” Y/n pouted a little. They had planned the night pretty
thoroughly and not having condoms wasnʼt part of the plan. “We really didnʼt have any in the
nesting closet?” Steve asked and Y/n shook her head. They were both a little hot and bothered at the thought of Billy coming in them raw. “We should do it.” Steve said, voice rough. “Okay.” They were both too excited, particularly enjoying when their alpha came on them. Cum in them was a thought that brought a different level of want. Billyʼs cock was softening, the alpha  burying his face into a pillow and getting sleepy. Steve got between his legs, licking over hot skin until he reached the soft skin of his pelvis, Billy moaning softly. “Don’t go and take a nap on us now, sleepy head.” Y/n scolded gently, sliding in next to Steve, the male omega taking Billy’s cock into his mouth again, Y/n sinking lower, sucking at his balls, the blond whining loudly, thighs quick to start shaking. “Ah! Ahahahah-oh FUCK.” He growled, the two now taking turns deep throating his thick length. He white knuckled the head board of the nest, trying not to buck into warm mouths that sucked him down. “Cum on me, Billy.” Steve demanded, voice hoarse. 
“No! Cum on me!”
“Oooh god.” He growled, hips jerking as he came violently on Steve’s face, the brunet gasping softly. Y/n kissed Steve’s cheek, licking some of Billy’s cum off of his face. “Ew.” The three of them laughed, Steve getting up and going to clean his face. Y/n scooted up to sit in Billy’s lap, brushing a sweaty curl out of his face. “You okay, babe?”
“Yeah?” He wrapped an arm around her waist, panting softly. “I don’t mean right now. I meant...in general. You sound stressed. Most of the time.” He sighed, burying his face in her neck, nosing at her bond mark. “I’m fine. It’s-Benny said next Monday he was gonna talk to me about something important and I’m thinking I’m gonna be promoted and all the hours I’m putting in will finally be worth it.” She nodded, petting her hair. “Can we not talk about it any more?” He asked, Y/n shivering with a grossed out squeak when he licked all the way from her mark to her temple. “Billy!” Well, at least he was laughing. “You’re disgusting.”
“You’re the one whose mated to me.”
“Yeah...I don’t hate it.” She chuckled, Billy kissing her cheek obnoxiously loud. “Are you being gross without me?” Steve called from the bathroom, scared of missing out on what was going on. “Just a little! Don’t worry.” Billy was more focused on cuddling the female omega. He missed out on a lot because the omega’s work schedules were different than his. He busied himself with pressing kisses on every inch of skin he could get his mouth on, eventually pushing her on her back by the time steve came out of the bathroom. He tugged on the gold chain, her whining softly. “So pretty, baby. Can I take these off of you?” He asked, looping a finger into the waistband of her panties and tugging. “Yes.” Billy rumbled low in his chest, lifting the female omega off the bed and pushing her more towards the edge so both boys had enough room to fit their bodies in between her legs and the bedframe. Billy lapped at her clit in one broad stroke, lifting his head for Steve to do the same, Billy nibbling a bruise on her thigh. “Want clit or-”
“You do it.” 
“Brat.” Billy scolded, pushing Steve away from him before latching onto her clit and sucking. She let out a little whine, Billy pulling her legs over his shoulders. He alternated between licking and sucking on her clit, a thick finger curling inside her. “Billy…” She moaned, the alpha humming approvingly, sending an electric shock up through her tummy in excitement. Big blue eyes looked up at her, the omega sliding a hand into his curls and tugging gently. Her back arched, Billy growling (playfully; he didn’t want her to get scared instinctually). Steve lazily rutted his hard on against the outside of her right thigh, the girl nipping at him gently when he almost made Billy bite her. “Sorry,” He pouted, getting an ‘apology accepted’ kiss from the other omega. “Oooh! Billy! Oh my-ah!” She came on his fingers, the alpha smirking as her thighs squeezed his head. Steve slid out of bed and grabbed lube, pouring some in his hand and reaching under the alpha once he sat forward more to kiss the female omega. Billy called out, Steve slicking a hand over his length, the alpha moaning into kisses. “Get up.” He told Y/n, pulling Steve down and pulling his dick out of the singlet and pouring lube on the omegas dick before slicking more over his own, as well as his fingers. Billy pressed Steve’s thigh down, gingerly sliding a slick finger into him, dragging a whine from his swollen mouth. “Just put it in me already-Jesus-” 
Billy’s brows furrowed. “But we don’t have condoms.” 
“It’s okay. We’re gonna go buy plan B tomorrow. And more condoms.”
“You sure?” Billy asked, turning his attention from Y/n to Steve. They both nodded, Billy blushing. “Okay.” 
“Want more lube?”
“Yeah.” Y/n kissed him, slicking more over his cock, Billy digging his fingers into Steve’s hips. Steve cried out loudly, head hitting the mattress as Billy slid into him, his cock kicking in excitement. “Baby, get on top.” Billy cooed, her straddling Steve. Steve whined desperately, his mates practically staring him down. Billy guided her down onto him, her whimpering when he bottomed out inside her, her fingers digging into his chest. Billy purred quietly, nuzzling Y/n. He was happy, which made the omegas happy. “Ready, baby?” He cooed to Steve who nodded desperately. Billy began a slow and steady pace, holding Steve’s waist, his skin gently smacking against Y/n’s as she rode the brunet under her slowly. Steve was moaning loudly, gripping Y/n’s hips, feeling overwhelmed from the pressure inside him and wrapped around him. “God. Fuck Stevie. Fuck!” Billy whined, wrapping an arm snuggly around Y/n in order to use her for leverage. “F-fuck.” She whined in response, Steve smiling and closing his eyes. “Shit babe I’m gonna-oh-”He whined, Billy growling lowly and thrusting harder, the sound of skin on skin (on skin) filling the air alongside desperate pants and whines. Billy’s hand found Y/n’s clit, her mewling softly at the same time that Steve thrust upward. “Shit.” Steve cried, his hips jerking as Billy’s fingers bit at delicate skin. “Woah, baby, woah. There you go; Good boy.” 
Steve fell apart first, moans quick and loud, Y/n interlocking their fingers together as he came in her. “Shit-shit Billy slow down. I-I can’t” It was too much for Steve who came again, overstimulated. “Fuck Baby” Billy growled and latched onto Y/n’s earlobe. “Lay down, okay?” She tried to crawl over next to Steve, Billy directing her to lay with her back against Steve’s chest. “But-” Steve nipped at her neck. “It’s fine. Plus I get to touch your special spot.” He whispered, voice wrecked. He licked at the spot he was talking about, the soft skin right under her ear, Y/n moaning and her eyes fluttering shut. He smirked against her skin, Billy sliding into her, warm hands locking onto her hips. “Gentle or no?” The alpha asked, tugging on her jewelry. She shrugged, a dark look blooming in his eyes. “Camaro if its too much?” He asked, leaning in to kiss her neck. She rolled her eyes, carding a hand through his hair. “Oranges.” 
“Fine. I’ll get you to agree to it eventually.” It brought a smile to her face, Billy twisting the gold chain with a gentle tug. He did it again, a little wheeze coming from the omega. “That still okay? She nodded, Billy kissing her nose and sitting up. He kept his grip on the chain as he began to thrust, her hooking her legs around his hips. He smirked proudly as her back arched, thumb rubbing methodically back and forth over her clit. “Billy...feels good.” Steve nipped at her ear, getting a soft gasp of surprise in exchange. “Ah-”
“‘Mega, I’m not gonna last long.” She nodded in agreement, Steve shooing Billy’s hand away in order to rub her clit himself. He went much faster, the omega squealing and coming hard on Billy, the alpha cursing and letting go of the gold jewelry. “F-fuck baby-ah!” He popped his knot, Y/n almost sitting up as she came again immediately, her body shaking. Steve held her down, cooing as a few tears slipped out, her trembling slowly calming. Billy maneuvered with Y/n, now sitting against the headboard, Steve sitting next to them. “Fuck.” She whimpered softly, Billy smiling widely as he nibbled on already abused skin. He purred loudly, pulling Steve in closer and laying back more, Y/n nuzzling him gently. “You okay, sweetheart?” Steve asked, wiping at her face gently, her nodding. Billy kissed her temple gently, praising her. By the time his knot went down. Y/n was already asleep on Billy’s chest, Steve oh so close to passing out himself. Billy was petting his hair gently, a thumb rubbing circles on the exposed skin of Y/n’s back. “Happy anniversary.” Steve cooed jokingly, Billy smiling. “Thanks, sweetheart.”
@hyp-oh-critical​   @atomicblonde85​
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