#would probably be to have them stand on their hind legs
What do you think of Legend being one of the bunnies in the trench coat?
Oh that sounds kinda cute actually
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alnilaem · 5 months
cw for kidnapping and emotional manipulation
Ghost spots a bird across the pub with her wings clipped. She trembles as she watches her friend disappear into the sea of gyrating bodies, holding onto a man she just met and is deciding to abandon her for.
“You don’t mind, right?” Her friend had asked.
She chirped ditheringly. “Um… sure, yeah. You go have fun.”
A fickle smile split her cheeks. A warm wash of liquid glossed her eyes.
Ghost watches her watching her friend. Sadness is written into her features. That type of sadness so deep-seated you feel it crushing your ribs, denting your heart. She sighs and hangs her head, staring down at her drink. Her ice cube has melted, the salt crusting her rim having hardened. Her shoulder start to shake.
Ghost decides it would be remiss of him to not check up on her. The bird with frilly feathers and bent wings, wounded, too feeble to fight back.
He throws back the rest of his drink. He doesn’t wince at the burn, but still, Ghost’s face puckers into something different. Something mean as he approaches her and lays his elbow on the bar’s sticky countertop, splitting his hand across the top of her spine.
“What’s a bird like you doin’ all alone?”
She girdles. It’s like she’s been folded in two and hung out to dry, the way she shrinks into herself and flexes her shoulders.
His words hang stagnant for a few seconds. Perhaps it will make him lose interest and slip away, but Ghost is a persistent one. The badges embroidered into his uniform are a testament to that.
He passes his thumb over her neck. She shivers.
“I… um. Well, my boyfriend’s in the bathroom.”
Ghost almost chuckles. The bird says it with such skittish conviction that surely, not even she believes it.
He grunts. “It’s rude to lie, y’know.”
She gulps. “My friend’s with me.”
“The one that just left you?” He asks. “A pretty shit friend, if you ask me. A bird like you deserves someone better.”
She purses her lips because they begin to quiver. She tries shouldering him away, tries blinking back the fat tears of brine that threaten to thaw and slip down her cheek. Her voice is distorted with discomfort and self-pity when she replies, “That’s stupid. I just want her to be happy.”
“And her?” Ghost prompts. He distracts her with his rough lilt as he slips his hand low, into the divot between her ass and waist. “How often does she fuck off with the men you fancy?“
She flinches. It’s the sudden recoil of her muscles, and her mind’s attempt at getting away from him.
“I-it’s not like that.”
“Yeah?” He asks. “It’s not like she leaves you alone every time you go out, lookin’ like a dolt when she finds someone more fun?”
She swallows thickly. Her lips warble around her next words. “… Sometimes, I guess.”
Ghost’s cock jumps. The fat mass pushes against his jeans, angled towards her.
“Yeah,” he croons. “I know how hard it can be. Why don’t you come over to my flat, huh? Give ‘er a taste of her own medicine.”
She inches away. Ghost only holds her tighter, gripping that broken little wing of hers and doting on it.
“I don’t… do that stuff. Sorry.”
Something primal in Ghost barks. That stuff. She’s never taken dick? Or never taken dick from a stranger? Either way, Ghost’s cock stirs and starts drooling on his thigh. She can probably see it. That blotchy stain on his jeans under the mellow lighting.
“I play nice, bird,” he mutters. “And wouldn’t it be nice to get back at them? Your mate? All those blokes who ignored you?”
She squeezes her thighs when Ghost settles his hand on her ass. She has trouble pulling them back apart, her thighs that is, as they’re adhered with slick.
“I asked you a question. Wouldn’t it be nice?”
“I guess so…” she whimpers. Keening into Ghost’s whispering touch, the heat of his cock.
He pulls a wad of cash from his pocket and slams it onto the table. He stands up, looking something like a predator on its hind legs, and pulls her from the barstool.
“Let’s go, pretty bird,” he leashes his hand around the base of her neck, leading her outside and into his rust-spattered truck. “You deserve it.”
A stroke of heat licks up her innards. She’s already dazed by the time she’s in his truck, preening as he splits his hand across her leg and digs divots into her thigh, kneading her supple flesh. She’s bleary eyes and impaired on arousal as they drive past the city’s margins and into the outback, the roads turning pebbled.
She’s too excited, too sweet to heed Ghost pulling her out of his truck and hauling her into a neglected flat.
She only feels his hands on her, big and warm. And the cool carbon steel of handcuffs locking around her ankle.
She smiles.
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wagahaithecat · 10 months
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I really don't know why, but there's something so comforting to me with the way Gina holds Toby. Just looking at it usually makes me happy. I could literally sit and watch Toby's tail wag away for hours and I would be happy. It's just so cute. They both have silly little happy faces, and Toby's little tongue sticking out just makes it cuter. The way Gina has both her hands holding him up is just so cute. A hand for him to sit on, and another holding up his little legs. (Which are actually strangely long if you screenshot the part where he jumps at Ryunosuke. You know what I'm talking about.) It's kind of like a constant little hug. I'm saying little too much but I really don't know what else to use.
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The sniffing mode hold is super cute too. She's literally holding him like a gun. His hind legs are standing on one of her hands, and her other hand is holding him up by the middle of his body, just behind his front legs, which are kind of pushing against her hand, like how cats will do when they're about to jump. (I guess "as dogs will do" is better wording, but I'm more familiar with cats and I don't think I've ever seen a dog begin a jump like that before, but I'm sure they probably do.) And of course, Toby's tail is still wagging super fast.
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I seriously love them so much, they're so adorable for no reason. Toby is my second favorite video game dog. If Missile from Ghost Trick didn't exist, he'd be my #1. Chief Inspector Toby, I love you.
Even when Gina is mad, it doesn't stop her from holding Toby, just as a cute little puppy like him deserves.
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TLDR; Gina and Toby are adorable and the best characters in TGAA and nothing will change my mind
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promptprophet · 1 year
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Well, me and my roommate have a house guest for now.
I did not adopt her, I am not keeping her.
The main office of the apartments I live at let her into their building when she showed up at their front door today.
She's a lanky little thing, but she is certainly still under a year old. Very sweet and lovable - a major cuddle bug. Has to be on top of you. Very squirmy - getting a picture of her was not an easy task. We needed one to post on the found pet sites - just in case. She is almost skin and bone though, so she has been outside for a while by now.
They called me because none of them could take her home, but they didn't want to dump her at the pound, and thought I may either want her or would be able to hold her.
She's also injured on her hind leg. It looks like she fell/got caught on a fence or something and it punctured pretty deep into her leg. Part of it is healing but some of it isn't and it looks pretty bad, honestly. Has to be a bit old though because it doesn't seem to bother her too badly.
I have no idea what the vet is going to cost though, because I do have to take her in tomorrow - that isn't an option. She needs to have that puncture looked at and wrapped and she needs to be checked for a chip. Plus she is mostly skin and bone - when she stands up you can tell she has been starving for a while now. So some of the money that was sent for Salem and for rent will need to cover that.
But I did want you guys to see this little guest at the moment. And I had someone ask if I was getting a different cat - and this has solidified my answer. No. At least not for now, and probably not for more than a few months if it can be helped.
Besides, you know when an animal just will not work for you long-term? She is a sweet little baby, and so lovable, but she isn't right for me. If she had an original owner though and they cannot be reached, I will make sure I find this little girl a good home. So not expecting to have this little guest for long - but she'll be in good hands while she is here at least.
-- Prompt Prophet
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cy-cyborg · 7 months
Hey im trying to write a centaur type character… the character has fibromyalgia and i want to represent them well by giving them some kind of mobility aid. But because of their being a centaur and the way their bodies are so different from humans’, i don’t know what kind would work best yet, and i’m afraid of designing something that won’t support their weight or will just look silly
Hm, that’s tricky. I’m not super knowledgeable about fibromyalgia, I know a few people with it and I know it causes things like pain, difficulty breathing and fatigue but that’s about it so definitely run these suggestions by someone else before you use them. I do know a decent amount about horses though.
So for mobility aids that would be primarily used by the human half, so long as you make them tall enough they should be fine. Things like crutches, canes etc, though admittedly, I’m not sure if they’d actually be helpful unless they’re only needing support for their front legs, since it probably wouldn’t relieve any pressure from the back ones. A rotator might be slightly better depending on how it’s structured, but it too wouldn’t help much with the back limbs
The centaur equivalent of a wheelchair or similar device would be much more complicated though.
Horses… don’t take well to mobility aids as a general rule of thumb, so anything for the horse half specifically is going to have issues. most quadruped animals who need a wheelchair can use a little cart or buggy like this:
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[ID: A picture of a golden retriever in a mobility cart that's supporting their back legs. /End ID]
But horses really, really struggle with them. A lot of it’s behavioural, they’re prey animals and having something strapped to them like these “wheelchair carts” freaks them out and causes a lot of stress - especially if it gets stuck on something (like a rock, or crack in the ground). with training, they can learn to be relatively ok-ish with it, like how other horses are trained to be ok pulling carriages, but those carriages aren’t attached to them 24/7, these carts are.
This isn’t necessarily something that would apply to your centaur unless they’re very horse-like in behaviour, but I thought it worth a mention just in case. The bigger issue though is physical, and would 100% be a problem for centaurs. Horses are big creatures and are very heavy. It’s not good for them to lie down for too long, as all their weight can put pressure on their organs and do damage. It also makes it harder for them to breathe (that’s why, when horses are sedated for surgery, they try to keep them standing upright where possible). Likewise, a cart has to take at least part of the creature’s weight, and so long-term use puts a lot of pressure on the soft underside of their belly and chest, and causes many of the same issues.
One thing you could potentially do is give them something that mimics the ways horses “naturally” try to alleviate pain and fatigue. My mum has a very, very elderly pony (he turns 29 this year) and his knees have been giving him trouble lately, which means standing is hard, but if he lays down he might get stuck. Instead, he goes and finds trees or fence posts or the side of his stable and just leans against them (mum has padded the side of the stable he usually leans on). As a mobility aid for your centaur, this might look like the front end being supported by crutches or a cane, and the back half being supported by something tied to their back leg. I image the hind-leg crutch would stick out at a slight angle so it’s not constantly dragging along the ground, and when they need a breather or break, they could lean their body and shift their weight onto it. Something like this
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[ID: A poorly drawn image of a centaur. Its human half is holding a stick-figure drawing of a crutch. Another similar crutch is tied to one of their back legs. The image shows them from the front and side, with the front showing that the rear crutch sticks out slightly. /End ID]
(I’m a professional artist lmao)
It’s not a perfect solution (and probably wouldn’t be great for their back tbh) but I’m not sure what else you could do, this at least gives them a way rest if they need it without depending on straps that could cause pressure sores/injuries to their abdomen and (horse) chest
Of course, centaurs in and of themselves are very unrealistic and their anatomy doesn’t really work either, so you can always take liberties with the realism of the horse-end mobility aid stuff. If you don’t want something on the more realistic end, I would say a cart wheelchair for the back end + crutches/canes/rotators for the front would be fine. It depends on the tone for the setting!
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doomed-era · 6 months
..gaffen and zeldas horses pre and post cal (including hylia brainworms)? names + personalities perhabs
hehe oh this might be long. because I . uh
drew all of them.
gaffen has five horses so. full slots in-game yea. non-"special" horses are sneaky, cheese, and epona! the giant horse is named pumpkin, and the white horse is named cloud, however he does not really consider cloud his horse. he also did the epona thing </3 i am taking a little artistic license with the horses because I want there to be different heights + builds for them uh yea. i used to be really into horses growing up so its my right. horse isle 2 babeeyyyy
sneaky -- mare, skewbald, 14.5 hh. I would say she's probably descended from horses that were already running wild around hyrule from before the calamity. I'd say her build is similar to that of an american mustang for that reason (short, very hardy. tho tbf I really dont think a lot of feral horses WOULDNT be like this. im just. messing around) she's gaffen's first horse, and his favorite one.
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she's about seven years old now? gaffen caught her when she was fairly young and very soon after he left the great plateau so she took to him very well. shes very gentle and intelligent, generally speaking doesn't know what to do around monsters. gaffen had to train her to not shy around them because she is not a fan and is kind of a coward </3 she knows a bunch of tricks like shaking hands and standing up on her hind legs, retrieving objects, and other stuff. she's very treat-oriented and will listen to anyone who gives her food. this actually led to a yiga kidnapping? once? yeah the yiga tried to steal her oops. her name is sneaky bc gaffen had to sneak up on her to catch her. very creative
epona -- mare, flaxen chestnut, 13.9 hh, about six years old. also descended from already-feral horses, though she may have a little farm horse that got free in there. she's the second horse gaffen registered!
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epona started just. following gaffen one day. this is presumably because she was bored and smelled food on him. she's a very bold horse, and not afraid of a fight. she also gets bored really easily, so gaffen has taught her several tricks as well. she really likes people, and is the most vocal of gaffen's horses. gaffen named her after a story he heard about chosen heroes naming their horses epona, as he didn't know the story when he found sneaky.
cheese-- stallion, 15hh blue roan. he's descended from horses used by the hyrulean military. he's got a very long, pretty mane and is very well-built, similar to an andalusian.
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cheese was named after his coat color and markings. he's around seven, and is gaffen's fourth horse. gaffen thought he looked like mold but the stable owner he tried to register him at (it was tasseren) said he wouldnt let gaffen name a horse mold. so he settled on cheese. cheese is generally a very sweet horse who loves attacking monsters. he's kind of annoying around people he doesn't know and will nibble on your clothes. but! he is a great jumper and people have asked gaffen if they could breed cheese with their mares once or twice. his favorite treat is apple horse treats that some stables will sell
pumpkin -- 23 hh mare, technically this coloration I dont THINK exists irl but the closest is probably a liver chestnut. she has the build of a shire more or less, and her bloodline is believed to be the result of an abandoned breeding project in the gerudo highlands.
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pumpkin is AGGRESSIVE. towards horses, people, what have you. the problem is she's very attached to gaffen and gaffen as far as hes concerned thinks pumpkin can do no wrong. she runs over things with no remorse. its not like she wants to she just doesnt care. gaffen thinks she was the matriarch of her old herd. she's a very proud horse and refuses to do tricks but she is very affectionate towards gaffen and generally listens to him. her favorite treat is endura carrots. she is the fourth horse gaffen has registered and is around fourteen years old.
cloud-- 14.2 hh white stallion, around nine years old. my god I did not want to make him white I wanted to make him a grey or ivory or perlino but nooo. canonical pink nose which means he's probably white ew ew ew. anyway he is based on an arabian horse, however I gave him feathering, he's kinda fuzzier than an arabian and he probably has a mane more like an andalusian. i love andalusians. but he descended from a special breed of horses called the hyrulean imperial breed! they're a hotblooded breed known for their intelligence and grace.
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cloud is the last horse gaffen registered, probably because it was so frustrating to catch him. unfortunately toffa was a LITTLE bit more picky in this au lets say. and didnt just look for a white horse but something with the breed characteristics of a a hyrulean imperial. so gaffen ended up catching several horses either sired by cloud or part of his herd that were a similar color. cloud, uh, well he hates everyone. he is wild as they come, very difficult to train, even for someone who likes training horses and had quite a bit of experience like gaffen did at the time. this was only exacerbated by hylia having recently popped into gaffen's head and insisting he give the horse to widget and train him properly, which only made him more angry at the horse. gaffen just. didnt really treat him well. to him, that is not his horse. cloud is a big fan of apples but he also likes sugar cubes-- basically anything sweet.
ok pre-calamity horses now
chestnut-- 15 hh mahogany bay gelding, 15 at the time of the calamity.
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chestnut is a horse that gaffen got from his parents when he was thirteen. it took him a bit to get used to riding but once he understood it and began to bond with chestnut he fell in love with horses. they're better than dogs, obviously. chestnut was basically the perfect companion-- he was trained very well for his job before gaffen got him and had a gentle disposition. chestnut, unlike gaffen, seemed to enjoy the company of just about everyone, and most stables gaffen went to complimented him on how well-kept and good-natured chestnut was. when the calamity hit gaffen ordered the boy under him who was responsible for the horses to set chestnut and the other horses free. it's unknown if the horse survived.
lily -- 14.2 hh white mare, around 5 years old at the time of the calamity. I DO NOT KNOW WHY WE CAME UP WITH THE SAME NAME </3 she is a hyrulean imperial
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widget did not like lily at first, and lily did not like her. though she was trained to be ridden without complaint by the royal family specifically the horse had a way of being annoying without technically going outside of the rules she was trained to follow. though some stablehands suggested she take some time to learn better riding habits widget didn't really care to do it as she had made up her mind that she didn't like horses and didn't want to put any effort into learning how to bond with hers. eventually, with some help from gaffen the Horse Obsessed Freak, widget does learn to like and work with lily and they get along fairly well.
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spirits-art-blog · 1 year
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Time for some qsmp egg designs! Since I was working off of the idea that dragons adapt and change to look similar to their caregivers before they hatch, it was really difficult for some eggs since I don't know most of the members of the server + Pomme and Richarlyson have more than two parents. I also based the spots on their shells on their favorite colors, which was also difficult since the wiki doesn't have them all listed.
Anyways I'm glad with how these turned out.
Leaving explanations for all the design choices below for anyone curious.
Some basic details about the eggs, so far their colors have not completely set in so some of their original purple coloring can still be seen; this is most notable for Tilin, JuanaFlippa, and Trump, who all died before their new colors could get past their shells. All of the eggs started out quadrupedal but quickly adapted to stand on their hind legs as well as adapting to have opposable thumbs allowing them to pick up and use items.
Tallulah: Starting off, she has hair coming from the top of her head and the tip of her tail, the color and style are from Wilbur, however she hasn't seen much of his avian form so the positioning actually comes from Phil. Speaking of Phil, because she has been under his care for quite a while she has also gained many traits from him, such as an extra talon on the side of her heels and pin feathers sprouting from her front legs/arms. Her scales have also started changing to an orange hue, similar to that of my Wilbur's markings, and her secondary colors are a darker green because of Phil.
Bobby: Bobby is my favorite egg but gave me a lot of trouble due to not really knowing much about Roier so he pulls a lot of traits from Jaiden and the common traits of the fandom's designs. Like Tallulah he has pin feathers coming from his arms and extra talons, however his talons are on the back if his heel. Like Jaiden, he has a feathers on the tip of his tail. While his secondary is a lilac from Jaiden's influence his main color is a duller blue as the fandom has convinced me that he would've been blue if he got to hatch. I had drawn him alive for this, but once dead, he would have a large hole in his shell just under his overalls.
Chayanne: Probably the easiest design as his traits are about the same as Tallulah's. His tail feathers however are both shaped and patterned like Phil's own tail feathers. His scales are also green and gold to match Phil's clothing. Now that Missa is back, Chayanne's secondary may start to change into a purple/blue or, after he hatches, he may gain bone markings. Leonarda: Unfortunately most of her design comes from Foolish, such as her webbed feet, finned tail, and gold and silver coloring, the best I could figure out to add some of Vegetta's influence was to have the silver be more purple than the blue that Foolish has.
Ramon: Honestly just made Ramón shades of brown since I couldn't figure out much colorwise form Fit. However he does have other features such as a longer tail than most of the eggs, plus he is also the largest of his siblings. His iconic mustache is also made up of his larger spots, which he uniquely has white spots over top of the brown ones.
Dapper: Dapper was also an easy egg design since Bbh is his only parent, so I gave him the typical black and red palette as well as a longer tail with long fur coming from the bottom. His design might change a bit as I eventually figure out my design for Bbh.
Richarlyson: I'll be honest, I kinda gave up, I don't really know enough about the brazilian streamers to add any specific feature, so for color he is made up of a light green with alternating yellow and a dark green. He is also the only egg with spines running down his back, however they aren't sharp at all yet.
Pomme: While Pomme also has the problem of having many parents, I've seen her the most around Baghera, who has a very distinct look. So because of this, Pomme has many duck features, such as tail feathers, pin feathers on her arms, webbing between her toes, an extra talon on the back of her heel, and her main scale color being a more pastel yellow. For main colors, I decided to take the main color from the other french members, make the pastel, and have them alternate on Pomme.
Tilín: Like father like son, Tilín is, or at least would have been, very blue. He doesn't have any duck features due to his death being so early and that I also haven't decided if I want Quackity to be an avian or not. Tilín is also the smallest egg. :)
JuanaFlippa: Once again, due to dying so early, she wasn't able to develop a lot of traits or color. The traits she did get was a longer tail and she would've been a light green with yellow accents.
Trump: Unlike Tilín or JuanaFlippa who have large cracks in their shells to represent their deaths, Trump's shell has become soft and discolored, to the point his spots' original color cant be determined, to represent his death to neglect. Because of this, his limbs are thinner, tail is shorter and his scales are duller; any possible change in his colors is barely noticeable.
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cowgirlcasanova · 1 month
the law of nature
a sound echos throughout the woods. the deer shoots it’s head up instantly, it’s ears peeking up on high alert as nothing but her eyes move frantically to find the source. in front of her stands a wolf, gray in color, bright blue cold eyes piercing straight through her warm and welcoming brown ones. Neither move, just standing there looking at each other but, both for different reasons. the wolf isn’t afraid of the deer. it’s sizing it up. watching and waiting for a moment of weakness.
The deer is the only one who’s afraid.
all of the deer is weak in comparison to the beast in front of it. it doesn’t stare in intimidation, it stares in terror. it stares so it knows what the wolf is doing. what it’s feeling. just how angry it really is. if the deer were to look away then who’s to say the wolf wouldn’t attack then?
The deers legs become wobbly and numb. it frozen, wondering if it’s even able to move at this point. the wolf just stares, not baring it’s teeth yet but the look in its eyes somehow gets angrier. with the loss of feeling in its appendages the deer swears it can now feel the feral hunger radiating off the wolf instead.
The deer cannot win.
if it flees it’ll surely be caught, maybe even making the assault worse for itself. if it stays then it gets torn to shreds anyway. there is no third option and it knows. the deer cannot calm the wolf down, the time has long passed. it cannot speak and ask the wolf to spare it, please. to maybe even ask it why it’s doing this? why it’s so angry? surely that would make the situation worse anyways. nothing holding this kind of anger wants to be reasoned with.
it wants to dig it’s teeth in the side of a neck, to taste the blood. even if every single time the wolf tastes the blood it taste bitter . a repulsive taste in its mouth, an even more disgusting sight. blood dripping from its fur a depraved look it’s eye. The blood is bad. it tastes bad. it feels bad.
after a fresh kill the wolf feels it ever time. it can’t spit it out. it’s too much. it’s everywhere. it’s imbedded in its fur. it’s dripping down it’s throat too fast for it to get it back up.
the wolf enjoys the kill, the stalking, the threat it puts off to others but, after the animal is dead at their feet, the taste of what it’s done is bitter. But, what’s the wolf supposed to do? not kill, not hunt, not be a predator? it can’t. it’s innate. it’s what it’s always done. it has nothing else.
the deer stares back unblinking at the wolf. the size of its eyes at least twice as big as the slits of blue on the wolfs face. the deer is able to see the wolf, albeit hazy from fear. it the only thing it can see through the tunnel vision.
They aren’t so different, the two of them. They stand the same, although the wolf stands more confident. it is a predator after all, not the prey. they have the same nose, if you were to stamp it, the outline and the print would be nearly identical. as if they were born from similar genes. the deer has wide eyes that exude innocence and fear. the wolf has eyes that pierce through you. no innocence in its stare. but, their eyes see the same. the same land they walk together on. the same creek they both drink from. probably, the only thing around for miles that the deer hasn’t seen is itself. It doesn’t know that it’s hind leg is trembling. but, the wolf does. it doesn’t know that its ears pushing back is a sign of fear that the wolf easily picks up on. it can never know what it looks like to the wolf and the wolf can never know what it looks like to the deer.
maybe thats the fatal flaw of nature.
if the wolf could see how terrifying it looks; would it like it? if the deer saw the way it cowered; would it be ashamed? for a moment the deer wishes they could see each other. surely the wolf wouldn’t be proud of the way it looks. it couldn’t. it’s a predator. but, that’s who the wolf is. it was raised by a pack who acted the same. it knows no different. The deer can’t like knowing the weakness it shows. but, what is it supposed to do? its always had to run. its the prey. deers flees, they dont fight.
The wolf isn’t changing and the deer isn’t getting stronger.
The wolf bares its teeth. there it is. there’s the moment of vulnerability it needed. call it empathy, call it fear or call it resignation but, either way it’s a weak spot.
The wolf will sink its teeth into the deer. the deer will fight but, not hard enough. whatever attack the deer has planned the wolf has a better one.
The wolf will finish with the deer, the carcass at the bottom of its feet. the wolf will hate the taste and the deer will still be gone.
this is the fatal flaw of nature.
- i was given homework by my therapist to write a story about power dynamics and emotional abuse as shadow work so i figured i’d share it here since it was red dead redemption inspired! the wolf and the deer metaphor will always be special to me.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Oo - if it strikes your fancy, can we get Ace saving assistant reader? Maybe she gets attacked while walking him or something and ace fights them off.
Bruce heard Ace find you at your desk before he saw it and he smiled a little. He should be annoyed that his highly trained guard dog was reduced to a quivering mess of puppy-like joy and needy whining but he couldn't be.
"I don't suppose you'd mind keeping an eye on him for me?" he drawled, watching you scratch just the right spot behind his ear to make his right hind leg twitch.
"No," you answer laughing, lavishing attention on him. "Pretty baby, you're such a good boy. Gonna keep me company, today, huh?"
Ace whined and laid his massive head in your lap, tail twitching and Bruce hummed, leaning over to kiss you good morning. "Never been jealous of a dog before," he huffed, without any real heat.
"Coffee?" you ask, straightening his tie, neatly side-stepping the comment.
"And the morning report if you-"
"They're already waiting on your desk along with your notes for the board meeting," you answer, getting up to get his coffee with Ace trailing after you.
Bruce smiled to himself and exhaled slowly. He was reasonably certain Ace would keep you out of trouble if you had to leave the building- there'd been an uptick in attacks, even in broad daylight; where Batman couldn't go. But- no one would look twice at you taking your boss' dog for a stroll.
"C'mon handsome," you say absently to the dog, stroking his head, "Let's go see if Mr. Wayne needs anythi-"
But before you can finish that sentence, meaty, dirty hands grab you and one closes over your mouth, "Scream and you're dead, you hear me?"
All you can do is nod, saying a silent prayer that all they wanted was money. And that when you dropped the leash Ace hadn't gone far. When a vicious snarl and a scream of pain make you shiver. You whip around to see Ace, teeth sunk into the leg of the man who grabbed you shaking for all he was worth, shredding fabric and flesh.
The man flailed uselessly trying to get away from the dog but so far as you could tell, Ace just clung on harder. The screams attracting foot cops and onlookers.
The cops drew their guns and you screamed, "Stop! Don't hurt him! Ace let go!"
At your voice, Ace did stop but he positioned himself directly between you and the man on the ground, hackles raised, ready to pounce again. By sheer luck, one of the cops recognized you and lowered his gun slowly, "That's a hell of a guard dog, lady-"
"My boss' dog," you explain quickly, "We were on a walk and-"
"Problem?" Bruce asked lightly. Thankful that the tracker in Ace's collar had gone off and alerted him when it did. His eyes locked on you, the dog, and the bleeding man.
"That fucking dog tore my leg off-"
"Then you shouldn't have touched the lady," Bruce said, eyes narrowing.
"An ambulance is on the way, Mr. Wayne," One of the cops said, "But the dog is going to have to quarantine and she'll have to give a statement-"
"I'll call my vet," Bruce said smoothly, shrugging out of his jacket to put it around your shoulders, banking on you looking very small and very vulnerable in it. "And I'll take her to the station myself if she's not being charged."
"We'll radio ahead," the taller cop said, weary of the crowd that was gathering. Everyone was on edge. The broad daylight attacks weren't any closer to stopping. And now that Bruce- and the assistant everyone thought he was probably dating were involved, it would get ugly in the press fast.
Bruce nodded and offered you a handkerchief easily, "Ace, down," he said sternly, picking up the leash. "Good boy." Once given the command to stand down, ace tucked his head under your trembling hand and you stroked his head weakly.
"Thanks, handsome," you murmur, "I didn't even hear you coming."
"Are you alright?" Bruce asked, tilting your chin up carefully. Searching your face for signs of injury, head trauma, swelling- anything that might mean you'd need medical attention.
"Just shaken up," you murmur, "We were on our way back. I didn't even have time to think-"
"I know," he said gently. "Let's get you to the station. I'll call the vet and have him take Ace home."
"He'll be okay right?" Your voice is very small and the dog whined in sympathy.
"I don't think he'll lose any sleep over it," Bruce snorted quietly, keeping an arm around your shoulders as he walked you both away.
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Night Fury Shifter!Krogan AU
I have been wanting to get more into drawing Krogan as a dragon, so this and more is coming. I really really want to practice drawing fury markings so yeah… anyways, only the brainrot.
- Firstly, Krogan cannot speak in this form. (It should be a given; he doesn’t retain human vocal chords in this form)
- Krogan is a very large fury; on all fours he stands at roughly 10’2 inches tall (at the shoulder. Standing up on his hind legs, however, he is around 19-20 feet tall, roughly estimated since we take his body length into account for this as well. He’s larger than Toothless, and at only 23 years old he isn’t even fully grown.
- Things from his human form transfer over. Such as: Hands, being able to stand on his hind legs for extended amounts of time, and being able to manipulate tools and weapons with his hands. There is more, of course, like for the fact that he is mentally still himself, just unable to speak (again).
- Krogan’s dragon form is a secret he has kept very well, and it will only be revealed in an accident after he falls off of his dragon and supposedly plummets to his death. The dragon riders find Krogan shifted and instead think they have just found another night fury, not quite yet connecting the dots that they never found the body of Krogan himself and instead found the dragon until much later. During this Krogan is shift locked while he heals since if he changes back, that means he could damage himself permanently, and because he would just show up in the dragon rider’s stables as a man instead of a dragon and that would probably get him executed or at least interrogated for information. (At least in his eyes)
There is more details but for rn I’m leaving it at that so I can jot them down as they come.
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jenkinsgallardo · 15 days
When We’ll Meet One Way..
(paul lahote x oc)
She is the daughter of the moon.. some would say she was born for this
Paul perked up hearing her mom call her name while she laughed. He couldn't see what was happening, even while he was phased in his wolf, could only see a bit of a half a corner of what he assumed was her bedroom.
It was nighttime, around nine thirty and most of the house lights were turned off. Then Paul quickly got up on all fours.
Paul saw Laura.
It was only for two seconds but he saw her. He didn't see her face though, but he saw her long black curly hair Her hair was beautiful. It so thick and so full, it almost looked unreal... like her eyes.
Her dark royal blue eyes.
Paul's never been one to be overwhelmed but when he first looked at her earlier today, he was. And it wasn't even her eyes or her hair that looked unreal, but it was just everything about her.
Her royal blue eyes almost took her whole baby face. He couldn't even describe it but she was like one of those cartoon Disney princesses. And she was so tiny, Paul meant he's well over six feet but Laura was probably four foot ten. He couldn't wait till he got the chance to have her in his arms.
In other words, she was an absolute angel.
Paul's angel.
It had only been four hours ago since it was the first time he saw her.
It was four hours ago that his life changed and everyone and everything else in Paul's life became secondary.
Because he imprinted.
He didn't even realize that he was walking closer towards the window he saw her from.
"hey!" Paul yelled in his head thinking he got pushed from one of his pack brothers.
But once he looked up from it wasn't.
It was just a man.
At first, he thought he was dealing with a vampire but there wasn't the usual sickly sweet smell that he remembered them smelling like.
Before he could actually get up and charge, Paul stopped once he saw familiar eyes.
Royal blue eyes.
"Laura`s eyes?.."
Paul thought.. was this man Laura`s fath-!
"I know what happened"
How did he know about the imprint?..
"Leave. Now"
Paul took an involuntary step back, feeling like it was an alpha order.
what is this? why did i step away like that!?
Sam came running towards them, looking like Jared and Quil right behind.
"Why isn't Sam phased too?"
"I don't know, he just told us that you were in trouble and told us to him meet over here fast"
"Get him out of here Sam. All of them." Roger said while still glaring at Paul.
Hey! how can he talk to Sam like that?
"This is something we don't have control over. Roger I'm sorry, but Paul imprintin-!"
"No!" Roger yelled out causing even Sam to take a step back.
"I. Have. Control."
"Roger.." Sam was taking a step back from him
Is he gonna-?!
Jared's question was answered before he could even finish his question.
Roger phased.
But that didn't surprise us as much after.
He was standing. As tall as almost nine feet on hind legs.
What kind of wolf is that?!
Roger now standing in front of all us. Even with all them being wolves themselves .. they all stood there in fear.. and now noticing.. even including Paul..
He couldn't even think right when Roger was running at full speed towards him. For a split second he thought he could take whatever what was coming.. but his confidence level took a big hit when super wolf took down Jared and quil from out of his way.. and it looked like he barley used any strength.. He grabbed Paul with what felt like a metal claw around his neck, he had Paul off the ground hanging off his wolf legs. Now actually feeling helpless while Paul moving around like a fish out of water.
Roger pushed him harder against the tree making the defenseless wolf look right in his face.
Yes this was a wolf he was dealing with and he's seen Sam's alpha face.. but looking at this super wolfs face had Paul not wanting to make anymore eye contact..
He then got close to his face making Paul stand still in his death grip he had on his neck.
"She's not yours. She's mine!" he pushed Paul hard against the tree again to prove his point.
But he could slam him all he wanted to
"Not anymore!" Paul said right back to his face not caring if he killed him right then and there.
He quickly looked up and he had his claw ready to what would assume would kill him.
"You hurt him you hurt Laura!" Sam yelled out just in the knick of time.
Roger breathed hard while still having his claw around Pauls neck.
'What? Was he waiting for me to apologize? Cause I wasn't!'
Paul thought confidently even with his life literally was in this guys hands.. He looked at Paul like he heard his thoughts.. and Paul hoped that he did.
He finally decided to throw Paul.. and his confidence to the ground. He shook himself to get rid of the stress Paul didn't know had that bad from that death grip..
"Paul! you okay?!" Jared asked
"Course i'm okay" he said confidently hoping that crazy super wolf heard him
"I thought he was gonna kill you!" quill yelled out
"Enough! change back"
"Is he crazy! we're not gonna phase back now! we're dealing with super wolf here!" Jared said looking actually worried to phase back.
"Just do it! Now" Sam ordered
Jared and quil looked at each other then at Paul
"Paul, come on"
He didn't move. Paul stayed right where he was keeping the same glare that crazed wolf was giving him.
"Paul!" Sam yelled
he huffed loud before heading back to phase.
Paul wasn't even paying attention at the question Jared and quil had while they phased back.
"Why didn't he phase back? wasn't it alphas orders?" Jared asked
It was true. He didn't phase back.
Roger yelled out and phased back to normal.
"Because I don't take orders"
Roger now was on his knees back to being human, Sam walked up to him with an extra pair of shorts that they kept in the woods for backups
"Roger is different." Sam said looking back to Reality Roger then back to them.
"He is a child of the moon"
There was a brief moment of silence between us.
"I thought they were like.. extinct" Jared said while we all looked at Roger like they were starstruck.
Roger now stood up.
"But there's gonna be four less of you guys if I catch any of you here again"
Paul almost flinched at what that super wolf just said. Sam must of noticed too cause he turned to look at him for a second..
Sam took a fast step back at his loud voice, Quil and Jared were even surprised that Sam reacted that way…he was the one with the alpha voice.
"You need to listen. All of you listen. If I catch ANY of you here again i. will. hurt. you"
No one said anything.
"You can't do that."
Quil quietly yelled at Paul, but he didn't care what would've happened to him when he said that
Roger laughed still scaring the other a little..
"I can't? it was pretty easy almost breaking your neck like a twig"
Those words made Paul almost charge at if Jared hadn't held him back.
"Let me tell you something, you think you guys are so strong. Sam isn't your big bad alpha anymore. I am."
Roger noticed that Sam was taken back by what he said.. but he didn't care.
"Sorry Sam. I don't trust your control over them anymore."
"They don't need any controlling. They didn't do anything wrong, Paul didn't do anything wrong"
Roger looked at Paul for a moment.
"and you know it" Sam whispered
"What I do know is that this night is over." Roger then looked back at the younger wolfs
"Go home."
Before Paul could start walking towards him Roger growled
"P-paul let's go" Jared said with a bit of fear in his voice.
Paul aggressively shook Jared's hand off his shoulder
"Let's head back"
"What! you can't let him do this! Sam he can-!"
Quil and Jared kept telling him to go and calm down.
"Get off me!"
Sam walks over to them "Ok ok it's fine" Sam said trying to talk over his yelling
"Hey!" Sam now right in Paul's face
"Turn around and go home."
Roger then starts to run back home.
Before Paul could go after him Sam put a hand on his chest
"Don't worry.. you'll see her"
Chapter one, took a while to finally upload this work. I have had this idea for quite some time and I'm finally putting it into words. Tell me what you think and tell me what your excited to see in the next future chapters. Laura is an original character of mine, definitely going to see a lot for her character. But anyways let me know what you guys think?
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small-but-mighty · 4 months
Getting Dumped
Domestic small animals will NOT survive in the wild. The outdoors is no place for animals that get stressed when their hay is the wrong texture. Unfortunately, when shelters are full, people are overwhelmed, and feel there is no other way out, they take to abandoning their animals outdoors. The worst part about these situations is it's very rarely just one. I have countless stories of this happening, so I'll try to limit it, but I want to share the struggles these animals have gone through because of the actions of people.
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In July 2023, numerous rescues found themselves at a rest stop on the side of a highway trapping domestic rabbits. There was probably dozens of them. The RISPCA took in 11 of them. I spent an entire weekend pulling ticks off young rabbits, never mind the fleas I found. The smell of these animals feces was horrible, their stomach flora was all kinds of messed up. That was the healthiest of the bunch. One of the rabbits, had a horrific head tilt, it could not walk straight or even stand up straight. Our vet suspected e. cuniculi. If you are unfamiliar with e. cuniculi, count yourself lucky. It's a parasite, which can affect a rabbit's nervous and renal (kidneys) systems, and if not treated soon enough, the damage it causes can be permanent. The parasite is also contagious to other rabbits through urine, which means that if all these animals were possibly housed together in the past, they all had a chance of contracting the parasite. Unfortunately, the treatment for the rabbit with a head tilt did not work, it was too late, and he passed away. All the other rabbits in our custody had to be treated however, and luckily nobody else began showing symptoms. Now it is unknown if the rabbit had e. cuniculi before being released, but there still is always the possibility that the rabbit contracted the parasite from the wild rabbits that it may have interactions with outside. I would also like to mention that the rabbits were not spayed or neutered, nor were they only a single gender. This means that there may have been even more domestic rabbits that may have been introduced into the elements had rescues not intervened. Following their medical treatments and spay/neuters, all 10 of the rabbits that survived were adopted.
Around the same time that the rabbits were found at the rest stop, someone walked into the shelter with a rabbit in a box. She said the rabbit appeared on her back porch. The rabbit's hind leg was mangled, basically facing the opposite direction of what it should of been... Now we have no way of knowing how or why his leg was that way, but truthfully it doesn't really matter. Our veterinarian opted that it would be best to amputate the leg. Today, the little guy (who we affectionately named Tiny Tim) is healthy, happy, and in his fur-ever home as a happy little tripod!
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Both these events were in a span of a weekend. It's a reoccuring event though. To briefly just name a few more:
June 2023, nine female guinea pigs dumped at the end of our shelter driveway after hours
July 2023, forty-two Guinea Pigs dumped in the woods of Exeter
February 2024, seven rabbits dumped at the park in Warwick
This post mostly just address the events of large number dumpings, but even the occurrence of single domestic rabbits being found dumped and being picked up as strays but animals controls are continuing to grow in numbers too. So, please, if you are in a situation where you are not able to care for the animal you own any longer, contact a local shelter as soon as you know you are in that situation. The sooner we know you need help, the sooner we can ensure you get help. And don't just limit your ask for help to one shelter. We are all in this together, ask a few for help, one may be able to help sooner than others. Even if you are in a situation with large numbers, we are not here to punish, we are here to help.
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wanted-to-be-nosey · 7 months
Hide and seek
AO3 link
Prompt fill: Object Insertion Word count ~2,300 Warnings: nsfw, unsafe insertions, swearing, under-negotiated kinks?, hidden public play, public erections
Peter had no idea what he’d ever done to end up in this type of situation. Honestly, at this point he was kind of scared to ask.
It was supposed to be an easy mission. A boring mission. Barely even a mission at all.
They hadn’t even required their suits – or supersuits anyway. Instead, he’d been given a very expensive two-piece Tom Ford number. Charcoal grey to compliment Tony’s black.
He and Tony had received an invite to a gala held at some old, rich guys mansion in the Hamptons. An old, rich guy who also happened to be a collector of unusual artifacts – especially of the illegal variety. Art smuggling is not something that the Avengers would normally worry themselves about, but they’d heard rumours about a vibranium statue that T’challa was anxious to get back. Something the king had been looking for, for a while and this was the first solid lead they’d come across.
It hadn’t been hard to get an invite to the gala given Tony’s reputation. He was known for being eccentric and an odd art collector himself.
They’d assumed it would be a quick in and out situation. Chat with some people to show face, find the statue and leave. In and out in an hour tops.
What they hadn’t accounted for, was the house to have security pat downs for everyone entering and exiting the building. Very thorough pat downs at that. Even if it was concealed in an internal pocket, they’d be exposed as they left. On their arrival they’d had to pull phones from pockets and even let them examine their watches.
So, it didn’t matter that they’d found the vibranium statue – shaped like a panther sitting upright on its hind legs – within thirty minutes of arriving, tucked away in a quiet backroom.
Finding it, standing staring at it, didn’t mean anything when there wasn’t a way to actually leave the building with it. They could maybe take pictures for T’challa so he could arrange something to retrieve it himself, but it could be moved by then. It’s unlikely that something so rare would stay still for long. It was likely constantly changing hands for security.
They really didn’t want to bring in the authorities since they didn’t want to advertise the fact that Wakanda had statues lying around made entirely of vibranium. The whole idea was to keep this below board. To do this quietly.
Of course, Peter should have known that Tony would find a solution to the seemingly impossible task.
A solution that involved him waving a condom and a packet of lube in Peter’s direction.
“I’m sorry,” Peter spluttered, not for the first time. “You want to do what, now?”
Tony rolled his eyes before stepping forward to grab the vibranium statue.
“I said, that we can just pop it in the condom and tuck it safely away.” Tony weighed the statue in his hand, running his fingers over the curving lines. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Cause that’s insane!”
“Not really. It’s, what? Five inches tall? Yeah, that panthers face and body will probably be an odd shape but even at its widest it’s not much wider than my dick. We both know you can take me."
“That is so not the point here, Tony,” Peter said exasperated. “Number one, it’s not about fitting it, it’s about the walking around and keeping it in. It’s heavy and there’s no base. What if it gets lost?! That’s like anal safety rule one!”
“It won’t get lost,” Tony interrupted. “Besides worst comes to it I’ll dig it out later. Promise I won’t make you go to Cho.”
“Oh my God.... even if I’m ok with that part, I don’t think T’challa is going to want it back after its been up my ass!”
“That’s what the condoms for!”
“Why don’t you do it, if you want it so much?”
“Be serious, Pete. It’s been years since I’ve bottomed. I’d need far more prep than you would. Time that we don’t have.” Tony put the statue down and took Peter’s hand instead, growing serious as he watched Peter carefully. “I know it’s not exactly going to be comfortable, and I wish there was another way, but this is all I’ve got. If you really don’t want to do it, then we’ll figure something else out. But I really do think this would work. However, just say the word and I promise I’ll drop it.”
Peter hated it when Tony made sense. Yes, they could try and come back another time, but this was their best chance. He really did want this not-quite-a-mission-but-definitely-becoming-one to be a success. And despite his reluctance, he couldn’t deny that the idea did excite him. The thought of walking out past all the other guests, his ass full, had his pulse beating faster and his cock twitching in his pants. Especially knowing what it would do to Tony.
Double checking the door was locked behind him, Peter turned around with a sigh and began unbuckling his belt.
“You better hurry up then,” he said over his shoulder, suppressing a chuckle at Tony’s dumbfounded expression. “And you better make this worth my while later.”
His trousers hadn’t even made it past his hips when Tony kicked into action, grabbing everything he’d need and kneeling reverently behind Peter as he worked his trousers and boxers down to his knee.
“Trust me, I’ll be worshipping you tonight for this,” Tony moaned as his hands roamed over Peter’s ass. “My trousers are already tight at the thought.”
As much as Peter was sure Tony would’ve liked to take his time, the older man swiftly got to work opening him up. The lube, and the fact they’d had sex the night before, meant Tony could easily fit two fingers inside and quickly worked his way up to three. Peter was carefully holding the bottom of his dress shirt to prevent him from leaving any marks or unwanted stains as he leant against the wall, panting.
“How’re you doing?” Tony checked, sounding as breathless as Peter felt.
“Good,” Peter breathed, still listening for movement out in the hallway, the voices from the main hall still drifting to him. “You can add another.”
“You sure?”
“As hot as this is, I don’t want to be caught with my trousers literally down,” he chuckled. “So, yeah, go for it.”
Peter’s breath hitched at the stretch of the fourth finger, it was sharper than he was used to. Tony usually stretched him far more than necessary, taking his time and usually resulting in Peter cumming at least once before he was deemed ready, but time was of the essence here. Tony tenderly kissed his ass and whispered reassurances. Once Peter was able to comfortably take Tony’s fingers and found himself eagerly rocking back against them, he turned to speak over his shoulder.
“I think I’m ready.”
Tony watched him for a moment before nodding and slowly extracting his fingers.
“Right. I’m going to pop this into the condom and tie it off. It doesn’t have a flared base so you’re right, it goes against like every safe insertion talk I’ve ever given but it won’t be for too long and I’ll get it out when we get back,” Tony spoke quickly and quietly as he rolled the condom over the statue. “My fingers are going to smell of condom juice for days. Ugh, it’s so slimy and not helping me get a grip to tie it.”
“I’m sure they’ll appreciate your feedback,” Peter smirked. “Clearly they need to improve the texture to aid those individuals looking to smuggle things in their ass.”
“Ha ha,” Tony said drily. “I know your joking, but it’s maybe something SI could look into. I’m sure I could think of a medical application for it if I try hard enough. A way to not make it sound like it’s for purely illegal purposes.”
“I honestly can’t tell if you’re joking right now or not.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Tony smirked, giving Peter’s ass a gentle smack. “Right, you ready for this?”
Peter simply nodded and turned back round; his cock was hanging heavy between his legs, but he already knew he wouldn’t be doing anything about it until they got out of there. The voices from the party were making him nervous and they’d already spent more than enough time at this stupid gala.
The cold press of the statue had him gasping, but he breathed through it as Tony slowly pushed it inside. Applying a bit more lube as the statue widened and he began to give some resistance. He couldn’t prevent a whine at the sharp, almost painful, stretch of the widest part of the statue.
“Breathe Pete, it’s almost there,” Tony murmured, stroking his hip reassuringly. Peter tried to slow his breathing and relax his muscles. He knew tensing wasn’t going to help anything, but it was hard to get his body to cooperate. “Just relax. There we go.”
“Wow,” Peter sighed as he felt his hole finally close behind the statue, the heavy weight of it sitting inside of him. An insistent presence. “Now what?”
“Now, we get out of here,” Tony said, letting his fingers trail over Peter’s crack one last time before pulling up his boxers and trousers, and standing up to allow Peter the chance to get himself sorted.
He could feel the statue within him with every movement. Not necessarily pleasurable, but not not pleasurable either. The weight of the statue made its presence known even when all he was doing was standing. His ass unintentionally clenching to keep it from falling out, despite the fact the size of it would surely add enough resistance that it wouldn’t go anywhere.
“Right,” Peter breathed, turning to face Tony, as he finished buckling his belt. “The cars waiting?”
Tony pressed a couple of buttons on his watch before nodding.
“It will be. How does it feel?”
“Weird. Heavy. I don’t know.” He took an experimental step forward and groaned. “Fuck,” he moaned. “So full. It feels good though. Moving causes it to bump around inside. Not sure I’ll be able to will away my hard-on though.”
“Me neither. Just pop your hands in your pockets and we’ll make a swift exit. Although I’m not sure the car will be the haven you think it’ll be. We’ll have about a twenty-minute drive where you’ll be sitting down and feeling every bump in the road.”
“Fuck, Tony.”
Tony smirked, “I thought you’d like that. Now, c’mon. Car should’ve arrived by now. We need to bid a quick farewell to the host and then I can take you home to ravish you like you deserve.”
“You can’t just say things like that,” Peter groaned, shoving his hands in his pockets to try and disguise his erection pressing against the front of his trousers.
Leaving the room, Peter lets Tony guide him with a hand on his low back as they bid their goodbyes. The leaving pat down was extremely awkward with the pair of them tenting their trousers, but at least it served as an excuse for their early exit. Peter would like to say the knowing smirks from the security didn’t cause his dick to twitch but he’d be lying. Apparently, he had a thing for doing risky things in public. The thought that these men had an inkling over what they were up to was causing his cheeks to flame in embarrassed arousal. But that was something they could explore further at a later date. He had a twenty-minute car ride home to endure first.
Peter jolted as he sat down. Tony had been right. The pressure increased the sensation. Despite there being no base to be pressed on, it still felt like it was being pressed further in as he sat down. Tony’d better be able to get it out when they got back or there’d be hell to pay.
“You good?” Tony asked, as he set the car in drive and slowly exited the gravel driveway, Peter gritting his teeth as he adjusted his trousers.
“Yeah,” he ground out, clenching his hands into fists.
Tony turned on the radio as they joined the main road, speeding along the empty streets. Peter took the time to admire the view outside, anything to try and distract from the ever-present fullness he was feeling. He couldn’t imagine how his ass was ever going to relax enough to get it out again.
They were pulling up to Tony’s own house in the Hampden’s when the realisation suddenly hit to Peter.
“Hey, I just realised, we could’ve just taken it out when we got into the car.”
The twinkle in Tony’s eye as he turned to grin at Peter let him know Tony had already had that thought and chosen to ignore it.
“We could’ve, but this was way more fun, don’t you think?”
“Ugh,” Peter groaned.
“Besides, I promised to make it worth your while. This way you’re just extra ramped up for me and I’ll just have to worship you for longer to make up for your extra suffering.”
“You’re insufferable,” Peter huffed without any real bite.
“Yet, you love me. C’mon, you know it’s always better to beg forgiveness than ask permission. And don’t even try to deny that you weren’t into it. I saw how you reacted to those security guys. Don’t think that’s not something we’ll be discussing at depth later. I have so many ideas. But first, I believe I promised you an extraction so let’s get inside, yeah?”
Rolling his eyes, Peter nodded and exited the car. Small moans escaping him again as he stood up and the statue yet again shifted. T’challa better appreciate the effort that went into this retrieval. It was certainly going to be one he remembered for the rest of his life. Especially if the rest of the night went as well as he was hoping.
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thefoxandthebrush · 9 months
This Neck of the Woods
Pairing: Astarion x f!tav (named Tav, platonic)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: one tiny sexual jokes (if you SQUINT), reread for fixes but Gods is it a pain to type on a phone
Summary: Tav finds Astartion after a skirmish and helps treat his wounds, and lets him treat hers too. Takes place in mid-late act 1.
Notes: This is... man THIS is my first ever fanfic I've ever posted, and I'm nervous and really excited to just put this to type. I've had this outlined in a notebook for MONTHS. 
Tav is a druid tiefling named Autumn, a picture of her at the end!
Crack, shuffle, snap, shuffle, snort.
It was easy to let the instincts of her current wildshape take over, the owlbear's form that she wore happy and healthy and... a little hungry to be honest after the whirlwind of a fight that just ended.
The gaggle of goblins and wargs had caught Autumn and her merry band off guard as they limped their way back to camp, the blood of a gnoll pack they had ambushed still wet on armor and weapon as a small chuckle is passed around thanks to a wisecrack from Karlach. 
It was a surprisingly close fight, something that rubbed the druid the wrong way. She kept to her wildshape partially to be ready just in case of another attack.... but also because she was otherwise embarrassingly injured in her tiefling form. A lucky duo of goblins had found her blindspot and had taken advantage, draining their luck with a  few good hits between two of then before they had been met with a very angry owlbear and her claws.
Gale was safe as was Karlach, Autumn had checked on them just after the final death squeal from the biggest warg wheezed out, and now it was on to find her favorite vampire.
So she was getting a snack on the way... a druid's gotta eat! ESPECIALLY if she was intent on being a nightly snack for one of hee companions like she had been for at least the past two ten-days.
A blackberry bramble lures the druid further from the path the Goblins had attacked them on, dark flesh warm and sweet to her nose and her tongue was already licking her beak.
A sharp intake of breath from behind a non blackberry laden bush snaps Autumn's attention from her plump prize, the muffled swear flitting about in a voice that she would recognize anywhere and at any time.
With more stealth than her feathered stature would suggest she had, Autumn lumbers closer to where she knew the vampire was hiding and announces herself with a trill of a chitter.
Astarion nearly leapt into the canopy above at the sound and his good hand landed with a soft slap of his armor over where his heart would have been thundering if it still had the ability, antagonistic surprise replaced quickly with a practiced pout to his lips.  His eyes flicked from Autumn to over her shoulders, watching shadows and their movements for any sign of another coming attack.
"Darling," he starts to drawl. "You shouldn't go skulking when there's a vampire about."
Crimson on the hand gripping his shoulder catches Autumn's attention, eyes narrowing as she stands on her hind legs and waddles forward towards him. It earns her a scoot back of surprise from Astarion, him probably not expecting a full grown owlbear to come up and loom over him while inspecting what damage she could.
Gold eyes flecked with green lock with Astarion's red, a request for permission to look closer. With a roll of red and a grimace of fangs, his hand comes away from the wound sticky and leaking, and presents it to Autumn. 
Looked like a through and through arrow wound, some of the fletching having caught on the ragged edges of his armor giving it away. With a twist of her head, she also notes a slash to the side of his armor, blood hiding itself in the dark leather much better than the sister wound at his shoulder.
Backside hitting the packed earth under her with a thump, the owlbear chitters and lifts a taloned paw to poke and prod gently to get a better look.
Hrmmm. How was she going to fix this... a healing potion should do the trick seeing as she was fresh tapped of healing magic, Shadowheart's talents useless as she was back at camp at the moment none the wiser.
Had Autumn been paying attention during her careful assessment,  she would have seen the gears turning in Astarion's head and his eventual conclusion.
"You’re hurt, aren't you." A statement, not a question, and one that received a warning growl as his answer before claws click back to work.
The Vampire stays still only long enough for a first draft plan to form in his head, his upper body leaning forward so suddenly it got a squawk of surprise from Autumn. A slender finger darts up and finds its mark on the hard curve of her beak, a blink following the silence. 
"No no. You love to masquerade in that suit of feathers and fur, I know, but you're avoiding your humanoid shape. I can tell DON'T try denying it."
A scowl flits across the owlbear's face as Autumn, now caught red handed, trills her excuse at a man who couldn’t and didn't care to hear the excuse.  Large arms folding in a very humanoid way, she looks away with feigned annoyance. 
A clawed paw rises a moment later along with a defeated huff, a claw swirling around in a silent request for Astarion to turn around and give her some privacy. It's with  softened eyes and his own begrudging sigh that the vampire did as was asked.
With a flash of neon green bordering on white, feather and fur disintegrate as they fall to red ridged skin. A sharp canine dug into her bottom lip as the condition of her body aligned with her nerves, the sword slash to her back coming into a sharp burning focus.
She inhales a hiss of pain, trying her best to keep her wounds as unassuming as possible...
Too bad that back turned to her belonged to a vampire.
Her hands leap out to grab his shoulders without thinking as she sees his head perk and ears wiggle at the scent now drenching the small area, missing by a hair as the Rogue shifts to the side and out of her grasp and instead cuffs her own wrists in his steel grip. 
There's an unamused glint to his raised brow expression, the corners of his lips trying to form into some form of his trademark smirk. "Worrying about me when you're two steps and a stuff breeze away from depriving me of my favorite meal? How very... you." The smile almost appeared with a soft snort and shake of his head, a grunt coming from him as he pushes himself up from the log he had settled on.
It all falls into a hard frown as he finally  leans around ans claps eyes on what was making Autumn wince and gnash her teeth.
"AUTUMN! I can practically SEE your spine through you armor!" Hands released back into her company, Astarion instead latches them to HER shoulders and holds her front and center, the furrow in his brow holding just enough concern that her well trained for this eyes could pick it up between the anger.
"And /I/ was the one being fretted over?  Why the hells didn't you tell one of us?"
Mismatched green eyes narrow again at Astarion,  temper flickering to life at the tone he flung at her despite the meaning under it.
"/I/ wasn't the one who slunk away to lick my wounds, ASTARION." a hand carefully reaches back and touches the edges of the cut, nose scrunching as small shocks of pain shoot into her torso. "I planned to see Shadowheart as soon as we got back." She grumbles, the bluster of her flared temper already leaving her.
"Yes yes, so you say." he hums as he pushes back her mane of hair out of the way to get the best look he could, expression twisting a bit in thought as he assesses how to approach the slice.
Looking over her shoulder and through the twists of her hair, Autumn bites her lips to keep the grin off as she, at first, slowly lowers her inspecting hand down and away... only to channel the last dredges of her healing magic and twists enough for her to lightly slap his injured side.  A pitiful level one healing word, but enough to earn her an annoyed glare of thanks.
Her work done Autumn smirks and turns back around, trying to keep any stretching to her back to a minimum. At first she thinks she moved the wrong way as a zap goes up her spine and through her ribs, a sharp intake of breath drowning a small squeak of pain.
And then she felt his fingers, now much more gentle, move about the perimeter of her wound. /Oh he did that on purpose./
"Star..." She starts the warning through gritted teeth and gets a puff of a laugh behind her for her troubles. 
"A single nudge and you're already squirming  for-HURK" The probably well rehearsed line is cut off mid delivery by Autumn's whole hand being firmly planted square in his face, pointy nose digging into her palm.
The blush that turned her red skin a brighter shade only made the vampire's tinkling laugh fill the small clearing once he swatted the hand away and saw it, that elusive smile now appearing and meeting his eyes.
The druid can't stay mad when she hears and see him in a slightly better mood , her own snort of a laugh breaking the frown that had started to grow on her face.
With a twirling motion to mirror her own from before, Astarion silently tells her to turn and get that armor off. Shrugging, she does as asked, reaching up through the discomfort to work the latches and ties off. While she worked on her leathers Astarion reached around and behind the log he had been on to retrieve his until now hidden pack. With quick hands he has bandages, healing potions, a water skin, and rags ready and waiting for the tiefling.
As Autumn let the collection of leather drop to the ground she shivers at the sudden chill the wet blood on her back gave to the breeze.  Crossing her arms over her chest, the druid looks back just in time to see a grimace on Astarion's face before he had time to hide it.
"That bad?" She finally asks as she turns back and stares ahead.
"Who?" the single syllable holds a whole paragraph of threats to the perpetrator of her wound, his cold hand soothing to the heat that seemed to radiate off the slash.
"Well, they're each in about 5 different pieces and dead now so.... Doesn't matter. What about you?" Autumn shrugs lightly and tries to take on a more chipper tone, fatigue starting to set in on the edges of her words.
"Flanked by a whole group of beasties. A waste of blood but, tsk, what is one to do when you've already got one dagger in the side and 3 more are looking for room and board." He says it so casually,  a flick of one hand sending drops of pink tinged water off a wet cloth he had started to clean her up with.
Brows furrow once again as he sets to his work, jaw clenched only a bit as he stomps down the beast inside urging him to take a nibble while a weakened victim sits before him.
Bird calls and insects fill the void as the vampire continues his work, a soft brush across his booted foot making his eyes glance down towards Autumn's tail. The limb was writing and roiling behind its owner, the tip curling and twisting as if it was a snake in its dying throws.
Without a second thought Astarion adjusts his leg and gives the appendage something to cling on to, a corner of his lips lifting as he feels a squeeze of thanks. 
"You’re distracting me, dear."
"Sorry. Nerves are still a little on edge."
"Do you smell anything?"
"Well, no, but-"
"AH ah. Then /relax/ for a few moments." a hand slides to one of her bare forearms and rubs it a bit to try and sooth the druid. "I don't smell anything,  well besides your delectable self and your owlbear, either. I think our rag tag group of misfits has successfully scared the masses away for the moment."
Autumn snorts loud enough to sound like her owlbear self again but stays still as Astarion works the healing potions into the wound and dabs at the blood, a contented quiet finding the duo until their party comes looking for them.
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muekyn · 2 years
aot characters and pets they'd have
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eren: 100% owns a bird. would probably own a parrot bird like a lovebird. eren cuts up slices of apple for his bird and scatters them around his house. he can't help but laugh every time he sees his pet rummaging through furniture looking for little apple bits. eren likes to put his bird on his finger and carry him throughout the house, saying he's giving his bird a "house tour".
mikasa: has a betta fish that she loves dearly. the fish loves her back as well, you've noticed. it does a little happy dance every time she's around his tank, like he's expecting something from her. (most likely food) her betta is red and white with bits of blue on the tips of it's fins. she talks constantly about getting a cat, but can't since she has allergies.
armin: proud owner of an axolotl. knows wayyy too much about them. armin has all sorts of live plants in his tank, all with different names too. rodger, kenny, elizabeth, ben. there's more but you tend to forget the names of all of them. would totally own more axolotls/fish if he had the space for it. loves to aquascape too, he helped mikasa set up her betta's tank. it always makes your day seeing him light up when you ask him about his his tank, or what care his axolotl needs.
jean: a dog dad. jean trained his dog extremely well from the time he was a puppy, so he's very calm and collected. every time you see jean, he's boasting about some new trick that he taught his dog. he'll whip out his phone and show you videos upon videos of his dog learning how to fetch the mail, open doors on command, stand on his hind legs, you name it. he would probably own a large dog breed, like a german shepard or a pitbull.
connie: has a bearded dragon. likes to plop him on the couch and watch hours and hours of tv together. connie buys his bearded dragon clothes. he bought a mini top hat and bow for his bearded dragon for "special occasions". the bearded dragon doesn't seem to mind either. he's glued to connie like a magnet, constantly resting on his shoulder or snacking from his hands, all while dressed up snazzy in his top hat and bow.
sasha: doesn't own any pets at the moment. is saving up her money (that isn't spent on food) for a miniature pig. she's lived on a farm before so she has experience raising a large range of animals. she's raised dogs, cats, goats, sheep, horses, cows, pigs, chickens, and ducks. whenever someone has a question about animal care, they go to sasha, who is delighted to help.
hange: has a pet tarantula. they let it crawl all over their fingers and arms, laughing hysterically since it tickles. everyone is freaked out by it. they also have a problem getting too close to non domestic spiders in order to figure out what type of spider they are. levi has had to yank them away from far too many black widows, even though they insist that "it was actually a redback spider!"
levi: owns way too many cats. you've lost count of how many there are and what their names are. they follow him around almost everywhere in his house. if you go to his house there's just a chorus of meows. he doesn't even seem phased by it either. he is hesitant to let them roam out, so he prefers to keep them in his house. constantly changing their litter boxes so his house stays clean.
erwin: owns a horse. he spends most of his weekends going horseback riding. routinely invites everyone to go horseback riding but usually only levi, hange and sasha are willing. he grew up with his horse at a young age so he has a very strong bond with her. when he speaks to her, it's as if she genuinely understands what he's saying. taught his horse how to play fetch with a little rubber dog ball. she's rather good at it too. it's hilarious though, seeing a giant grown man play fetch with a giant grown horse.
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minatalks · 2 months
MINAAAA :3 hmmmm if u could bring back any extinct animal which would it be?? also tell me ur fav scents too!!!!!!!!!
OLLIII <33 ok this took me a while bc i actually don't know anything about extinct animals, in fact i'm probably the worst person to send this to bc i can't believe half the animals that still exist are real. wdym moose are fucking real?? so i found castoroides aka giant beavers and they sound like they share that weird giant herbivore that could scare the shit out of someone just minding their business vibe. they were up to 2.2 meters in length and could stand back on their hind legs and apparently there was folklore about them bc imagine seeing this get out the water
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i actually inexplicably lost a lot of my sense of smell a couple years back which is great for sensory issues, but sucks bc i can no longer smell trees without having to stick my nose in them :/ other than the smell of forests, i love the scent of a cold misty autumn mornings, coconut based cosmetics, there's this apple, cinnamon and almond tea that smells like winter heaven, and obviously my dogs, they smell like home <3
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