#would stick to them id never feel happiness again
spicyicymeloncat · 7 months
Reminder that the worst reason to reblog something is bc the post is playing with people’s paranoia. That chainmail stuff where “if you don’t send this to 5 people you’ll die” nah gross, not putting my followers through that stress, if I did all of those things I’d get stuck in a frightened cycle of just feeling that much more worried over fucking stupid shit that people made up on the internet. So yknow what, just gonna ignore those and if somehow one of those posts is actually satanically cursed, then I guess I’ll ducking die I don’t give a fuck
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olvitier · 3 months
Sorry its so late buf i am in an Edling mood tonight and I will never stop thinking about the idea of how theyre the epitome of right person wrong time.
(obviously in a context of like fandom shenannigans where canon events arent 100% set in stone like edling arent canon but also idc !! they are to me! im ignoring it let me be insane) ANYWAY
Even if they wanted to be together post promised day Ling has all the responsibilities of Xing and his clan and Edward would never hold him back from that for a second. Im of the opinion that brotherhood Edward feels a lot of guilt for wanting love from the people around him particularly those he sees as good (winry, alphonse, etc) especially if hes done things hes perceived as hurting them (maes’ death, the transmutation, etc etc). Which is why I think Edward connects with Ling so well cayse he doesnt carry the weight of a lot if his past mistakes, and then when the stone happens its like goddamn it i roped this guy into my shit again. Like i dont know Edward doesnt really dedicate himself so fully to people outside of winry and ed a lot so its interesting like!!
He cares about a lot of people like the majority of the allied cast and we see him be openly affectionate towards Nina and Hughes pre their deaths but I think Ling is the only person hes ever decided to stick with WITHOUT alphonse? I may be wrong but the whole sure Ill stay with you and trust my brother and Winry to stay safe and follow you around the outskirts of the east for a week till the promised day to protect my new friend is so??? what?? huh???
But anyone my point is post promised day Edward cant really ever see a future with Ling because of all the responsibility Ling holds outside of him and its veyr tragic imo like especially because in a different scenario if Ling didnt have those responsibilities and Edward wasn’t so dedicated to the people around him to a fault of never thinking about his own desires I think they could have the possibility of a future.
Like I have read a lot of fanfiction abiut Ed traveling to Xing and living with him there but?? I realistically cant see him ever doing that just solely because Edward is not the type of person to settle down! like its my one and only criticism of the fma manga is that I cannot see Edward ever being satisfied with a simple life? Like even in Fma 03 which is my favourite interpretation of Edwards character once he gets stranded in our world he learns?? Rocket Science?? For the chance to get back to Amestris but he doesnt really seem to take that goal all that seriously especially considered Alfons ends up getting involved in a lot more aircraft projects than Edward like Edwsrd genuinely enjoys learning!!
Im pretty sure he was the one who dragged Alphonse into Hoenhiems office when they were kids after he left, probably to Al’s reluctance of if they were allowed in there, and started ripping through all of his old books just to learn. Edward never stops and it gets so bad that he never stops to even consider himself constantly worrying about getting his brother back or improving the states of others lives especially when! ya know! the whole country is at stake!!
So in a circumstance post promised day where Ed decides what he wants to do (my personal favourite interpretation is either an alchemical researcher outside of directly performing alchemy, ie revolutionizing the circle matrixes and discovering nee combinations or becoming a professor of some kind) I dont think he would give that up to settle again. And obviously Ling cant exactly up and leave being Emperor unless he decides he doesnt want to, im not the most knowledgable on Lings characterization so I wont speak there but!
They have so much fun together and compliment each other and genuinely care about each other so much but their happiness and fulfillment as people to themselves and others make it so its nearly impossible they would ever realistically end up together and its really doomed and tragic!! idk i think about it a lot.
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aimlesswalker · 1 year
I just want to be some guy
As a trans man, I don’t really feel like I belong anywhere in the lgbt+ community because I’ll never be attractive to anyone (which is why I ID as queer but even then I feel outcast) and it…. it really hurts sometimes. I’m simultaneously too masculine and not masculine enough.
in the men who are attracted to men spaces, most people when they see me think I’m a twink because of being short/small and/or for being trans/nonbinary. They think I’m hairless, feminine, boyish, submissive, etc. I’m…. at this point in my life I am really really not. Testosterone has made me male and everything that entails. I’ve gained (healthy! good for me!) weight and my stomach sticks out, I’m covered in body hair, I am partway to balding. All the things that are conventionally unattractive about men. All the things that are demonized in trans men. I’m too masculine to fit their idea of a nonbinary person. But masculine in “the wrong way”. I have to either be muscular/fit or small and hairless to be wanted here. I don’t even count as a bear, you’d probably just call my shape a “dad bod”. This isn’t just some vague feeling I get in these spaces- people have legit said to me “oh I love twinks” or “oh I love femboys” and I have to awkwardly explain that no I’m not one actually. I’m not what they want me to be. And I’m really tired of people placing that expectation on me- that I’m a slender hairless twink who is submissive and likes bottoming. Just because I’m small and/or trans. so gross. 
and then in the women who are attracted to men spaces well… they’d never look twice at me. I’m short and not at all muscular/toned/fit. Again, I have gained weight, am hairy, and halfway to bald. Bedsides not being conventionally attractive- they usually want a man who can “provide”. I am disabled and can’t work. I can’t drive. I can’t give them flowers or pick them up for a date. I can’t be any of the things they’re looking for in a partner. Being disabled makes me seen as “less than”. Being dependent on other people is a trait that is endlessly mocked in men. I’m not masculine enough. 
so where the fuck does that leave me? I’m not even going to talk about how being aromantic in queer spaces alienates me further. I love testosterone, I love what it’s done for me and how I feel healthier on it. But like. fuck. I don’t feel like I’m ever going to be attractive to anyone. I never get to feel pretty or handsome. I never get to feel happy about my appearance anymore and that makes me so sad. I used to derive so much joy from picking out outfits and accessorizing and applying glittery make up. I’m too sick to leave the house ever so I don’t do those things anymore, besides the fact that I *can’t* present feminine anymore without risking my safety. People would assume I’m a trans woman and act accordingly because they see a man attempting to be feminine. I am fully man and fully nonbinary, but I never get to exist as both at the same time. I can’t be feminine without people invalidating/forgetting my manhood. I can’t be masculine without people invalidating/forgetting my nonbinary-ness. I’m too masculine for nonbinary spaces and too nonbinary for masculine spaces. I just…….. I get incredibly sad about this.
And people generally don’t care??? the sentiment seems to be that trans men who are masculine, who pass, who are stealth, etc don’t belong in the lgbt+ community, shouldn’t be in lgbt+ or queer spaces. They’re not wanted there because of being masculine. These spaces are only for “non-men”. But the second you talk about your struggles as a trans man as a reason for why you should be included, you get pegged as an owo twink femboy to most people. It’s always one or the other (demonized or infantilized) and I’m really fucking sick of it. It hurts. I just want to be some guy.
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flightyalrighty · 4 months
not a question but damn i remember seeing this when it was just shadow and rouge sat in a cave and i knew nothing about the parasite thing so when i saw this again i was like "oh cool. zombie stuff. im fine with zombie stuff now this sounds like a fun infection au thing or whatever" and like, the reason why i WASNT okay with zombie stuff was the last of us bc i was really young? and it made me hate parasites and stuff like that + zombies but the only zombies i was okay with was like, headcrabs? so i saw the parasite warning and i was like "ohh this'll be fiine itll be like cartoony or some shit like headcrabs or like videogame stuff" but the fucking scene of it poking a hole in shadow's leg UPSET me. like it made me feel uncomfortable across my whole body to the point i had to like check my legs for punctures or something.
like bravo but i was NOT expecting that lmao. like damn.
i mean id still like to keep reading cuz the art's fantastic and the concepts are fun on their own but if the execution of them keeps fucking with me this much then i might have to go lol. this is a positive for everybody but me though keep it dialed up for the people who can handle it. go further even. do what you want actually. im an anon you dont even know who i am.
It's good to know your limits! While I'm sorry you may have hit yours, I'm happy you stuck around for as long as you did -- Or if you even continue to stick around, should you dare!
For folks who have not seen it, by the way, this is my content warning page. If you see something in there that makes you squeamish, please don't stick around! I would never want anyone to harm themselves for the sake of this comic!
Looking ahead, for pages that are VERY gory, I will be placing them under a cut with a huge gore warning, just in case folks who don't want to see it and don't have the Infested Sonic Comic tag blocked aren't accidentally assaulted with those pages anyway.
Maybe I'll even paste the script below a gory page in a reblog so folks who ARE squeamish don't miss out on the story. What do you guys think?
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virgincels · 4 months
ok ok ok this has been sitting in my head for literally too long and now i’m under an anon to share it w u cs president kennedy my beloved 🤞
imagine if u were like . president! leon’s illegitimate daughter (this is the one for the poc readers who want president kennedy as ur father aka ME cs im projecting) as a result of him sticking his big white kennedy in another lady at a bar or party !!! n id imagine ur like . little younger than ashley and leon’s a little bitch and doesnt want a bastard child along w his actual daughter but ur mom wants to have u !!! so he doesnt wanna be a dick and is like ok . and then gives her money to never ever talk ab it again so its all hush hush
fast forward ummm reader’s in college / uni and made it into the same school ashley goes to woohoo !!! but !!! the school is super expensive (considering ashley is attending) so out of like lowk desperation readers mom contacts leon to like . ask for sooomeee money cs she doesnt wanna go broke sending her baby to school !!! ashley overhears the call or whatever n is like “omg i have a little sister and shes going to school in the area ?!? 🥺” and leon, seeing how happy ashley is, lets reader come live w them while shes at school instead of the dorms provided she pretends shes like . a niece or smth to avoid some scandal (stupid ass leon thinks thats gonna cause an issue cs hes LITERALLY fucking his daughter on the down low. not beating the accusations!!!)
reader moves in and ashley is all over her little sister !!! wants to dress her up like a doll cs she sees the state her secondhand clothes r in and how little she has !!! eventually begs leon to take them shopping so they can have a sister/daddy-daughters date !!!
at first its . tense w leon cs he didnt want another daughter around ! he has ashley ! hes doing this to make ashley happy but reader is sooo desperate for a relationship w daddy :( (think of jingle balls reader tbh i think ???) mopey whenever dad downright refuses to acknowledge her, seeing all the hugs and kisses he gives ashley . n ashley isnt dumb ! mostly ! she sees how sad reader is n is like i have an idea >:)
ashley literally like . makes leon sit in a cuck chair in the corner of her room while she fingers reader n forces her to tell leon how she feels ! and reader is literally like . sobbing and creaming all over her older sister’s fingers ab how close she wants to be w leon like he is w ashley !!! eventually like . leon gives up cs he’s already hard from seeing two girls get it on n joins them n promises to start treating reader better (n he actually does cs i want this to have a happy ending 😭)
- 🖇️ anon
oh my god anon u don’t understand how much I LOVE THIS.. I have ocs in like my original work where the rich scumbag dad kind of pays off a girl he knocked up to just shut up the baby.. and it reminds me of this cuz his other daughter is rich n spoiled like omg :3
and yeah.. he probably got ur mom a boob job and called it a day. has the money to pay her regularly but he’s a fucking disgusting deadbeat so he stops the minute u turn 18 and there’s also the fear that journalists and media will go digging and find out ab this account he’s sending money to :3 and the thing is ashley wouldn’t even care.. she would just be so happy to have another sister his wife wouldn’t even gaf.. like she doesn’t care ab leon she’s a gold digger!!! so he’s being needlessly . cruel LMFAO but he’s just so . focused on ashley just has tunnel vision for her it’s sickening !!
and he would also be pissed off. that you got into the same university as ashley? takes it sort of as a threat like.. he’s mad omg cuz he thinks you’re there to fucking expose him and ur not? ur just!! a smart cookie omg and ashley is so lovely.. she wouldn’t leave ur side whether it be on campus or at home she’s so excited to have a sister like she grew up pretty lonely? even if leon’s first priority is her he’s still a busy guy and he’s not much fun like he’s a gross old man how much fun can she have with him?
she would be so pushy ab it too.. insists that he gives you a kiss when he gives ashley a kiss! tells him to hug you and hold you when he does it to her:.. and leon’s like tweaking omg he’s usually with her as much as possible fucking her openly. sticking his hand in her panties when he wants but yk you’re there and. not exactly exposed to what they do as of now LMFAO
and ur kind of like. u half resent him? bc how could he do that to you and mom? fuck her and knock her up and then just leave her? when he has a daughter here who just gets everything at the drop of a hat and it’s not Ashley’s fault so u don’t blame her at all its just him omg but at the same time u want him so bad.. when ashley insists that he’s affectionate with u too ur like nonono! it’s ok it’s ok but :3 really you do want him to do it bc u want a dad so bad..
and omg.. big sis ashley she’s so.. she’s so pushy towards leon tbh!! like she will get what she wants from him.. OMG just. she won’t let him touch until he swears to be nice to you and he has to touch you so sweetly and get you off and fuck you while your big sister talks you through taking dads cock .. like trust she will whip him into shape
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eirinstiva · 3 months
Raffles and Bunny: Siempre hay un roto para un descosido
Happy Ides of March!!! Today is a good day because autumm is coming to the southern hemisphere, I have a new pocket knife (I call it Brutus) and received my first letter from my new friend Bunny Manders 🐇
I know Raffles is known as el ladrón de guante blanco (the white-collar thief) in Spanish and there's a lot of pastiches as stories or plays made by Spanish authors like Gonzalo Jover and Emilio G. del Castillo. There's an edition in Spanish, part of El Club Diógenes collection by Editorial Valdemar:
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... so I'm very excited with this letter!
Poor Bunny Manders, he has lost everything except his honour (yet), and he's a mess:
"I have no people! I was an only child. I came in for everything there was. My one comfort is that they're gone, and will never know."
When depression hits hard, it's a good idea to call a friend and ask for help. Maybe Raffles is the solution
But in his handsome, unmoved face I read my fate and death-warrant; and with every breath I cursed my folly and my cowardice in coming to him at all.
Oh no, Bunny...
Because he had been kind to me at school, when he was captain of the eleven, and I his fag, I had dared to look for kindness from him now; because I was ruined, and he rich enough to play cricket all the summer, and do nothing for the rest of the year, I had fatuously counted on his mercy, his sympathy, his help!
Well, I know that fag means something like "a younger servant" in public schools, there's a power imbalance between them. Apparently Bunny was lucky being Raffles' fag because not all of older students were kind with their fags.
There was as little of mercy as of sympathy in that curling nostril, that rigid jaw, that cold blue eye which never glanced my way. I caught up my hat.
There's some light in your way, Bunny! Oh, wait... Now I understand why there's a warning in this story (suicide)
Nor was this simply because Raffles had the subtle power of making himself irresistible at will. He was beyond comparison the most masterful man whom I have ever known; yet my acquiescence was due to more than the mere subjection of the weaker nature to the stronger.
I like how Raffles is ready to help him, even when he doesn't have money himself.
Again I see him, leaning back in one of the luxurious chairs with which his room was furnished. I see his indolent, athletic figure; his pale, sharp, clean-shaven features; his curly black hair; his strong, unscrupulous mouth. And again I feel the clear beam of his wonderful eye, cold and luminous as a star, shining into my brain—sifting the very secrets of my heart.
"I've made such a mess of my own affairs that I trust myself about as little as I'm likely to be trusted by anybody else. Yet I never in my life went back on a friend. I will say that, otherwise perhaps I mightn't be in such a hole to-night."
Oh, no... pobre conejito mío... ಥ_ಥ
"You would stick at nothing for a pal—what?" "At nothing in this world," I was pleased to cry. "Not even at a crime?" said Raffles, smiling."
Bunny... this in dangerous!
"No, not even at that," I declared; "name your crime, and I'm your man."
So this is the beginning of the criminal duo of Raffles and Bunny. Are they made for each other? Maybe. In a sense of "there's a lid for every pot" or "misery loves company"? I don't know, but both idioms can be translated as siempre hay un roto para un descosido: There's always a broken [thing] for an unstiched [thing].
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starker1975 · 4 months
Hi!! Would you ever write a one shot or sequel to give yourself a try? It’s a fantastic fic!
Also I love disorder too and would love something else from that universe 🤗
You’re such a talented writer and I enjoy your works, thank you so much!
Hello!! Thank you so much for your kind words. 🥹🖤
I honestly never thought of adding more to GYAT but I might if a specific idea came to me. There was one amazing spin off idea someone asked me if they could write and I said yes, so maybe we have that to look forward to in the future. (I know they’re busy writing something else rn though but fingers crossed they end up doing it bc it’s super cool.)
Disorder though I’d definitely intended to make more. My first idea was to make an AU where Peter stuck with Bucky as his trainer so I could make it WinterSpider. But I think that idea faded bc Disorder is so special, truly my fic baby, so I don’t think I could make it not Starker at this point, it feels kind of like cheating.🥺😩 I’d also considered versions where Peter was a girl so I could really project onto him, but idk. Maybe a snapshot of their future would be cute. Idk if id make it sad and have Peter slip up again, or make Tony slip up. Or if I’d make it happy and just have them exercising together 20 years later, and Peter’s whipping Tony’s ass bc he’s younger and fitter than ever. But that would also make it sad bc Tony would be getting old 😭😭😭😭😭 It’s so conflicting which is why I haven’t done anything lmao.
But if you have any ideas let me know!! If one sticks I’d totally be interested in writing a little something. 🖤🖤🖤
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ddejavvu · 1 year
pup hybrid Eddie and cat hybrid Steve. as chill and lax as Steve is with u, if Eddie tries to move in on his territory when he’s grooming you, and doesn’t stay on his side, WILL bite his lil fanged teeth into eddies ear, or hand, or whatever’s closest.
u understand instincts but the way eddies eyes are filling and Steve’s completely ignoring it in favour of laving his spit behind ur ear, you decide SOMETHING has to be done.
cue the indignant whining from both because never, ever have u stopped then from grooming you before ever. but it’s time for a lesson on kindness.
ok im just imagining myself in this but, so much of their affection that they show is based on instinct, so the idea of trying to return affection the same way is floating around my head. like how humans don’t lick their partners cheek to spread scent that kinda thing. so all I can imagine is reader just going over to Eddie and seeing where Steves bite marks are on his ear, and just having a “bite the bullet and don’t be a pussy” moment - u slobber up and lave your own tongue over his ear (like how they do to you when u get an injury).
i think that licking fur would make me violently sick but if eddie is crying i suppose sacrifices must be made </33 / long-ish post so it's cut
hybrid au faq
eddie's just a liiiittle too hyper and touchy for steve. he doesn't mind it most of the time, he knows he's just being a grouchy cat when annoyance prickles at his chest at Eddie's overeager attempts to crawl into his lap while he's watching tv, so he smooths the dog hybrid's hair off of his forehead and pets him to try and get him to sit still. he knows eddie's just excited to start the day, that's why his knees dig into steve's stomach as the result of a flying leap onto the bed. he can rationalize most things that the dog hybrid does as Dog Things, but what he cannot stand is eddie doesn't stay in one place while grooming you - you typically just have them on either side of you but sometimes eddie flops over your belly and snuggles into your cheek or kisses your nose or tries to go at steve while he's busy with you, and this time it just gets to be too much for steve - he's quick with it, he just turns his head and snaps, but it catches eddie's ear between his sharp fangs and the poor dog hybrid freezes
you don't even know what happened at first, it was just that swift. but eddie starts blubbering and scrambles off of you to hide his face in your neck by yours ide and you see him holding his ear and you turn to steve aghast and go did you bite him???
'he was on my side' steve grumbles, already licking up the side of your jaw again. you let out a little scoff and push his face away, ignoring the way his brows furrow as you pry eddie's face out of your neck. they're both huffy and puffy and whiny about it, because now you're not close to either of them, but you take eddie's hands away from his ear and see two little pinpricks where the fur was caught in steve's teeth and warped - you go to kiss it but then you think about all of the times they've accidentally scratched you and licked it to soothe you, or the one time eddie accidentally chomped on your finger when you were giving him a bite of your sandwich and then insisted on nursing it for the rest of the day with slow, gentle swipes of his tongue. you really are not looking forward to the texture of fur on your tongue but you know it'll guarantee he feels better so you stick your tongue out and just go for it !! both of them freeze. you're kind of expecting it, because admittedly it's weird, at least for you. then all at once eddie's the happiest you've ever seen him, and steve's the grumpiest.
steve's groaning and mumbling and grumbling about how it's no fair that eddie got a real kiss but the sweet dog hybrid is ecstatic!! his tail is smacking your legs as it wags out of control and he's bracing his hands in your lap as he licks at every part of your face he can reach. he's just so happy and wiggly and thrilled that you did it his way, honestly he might not be able to sleep for the night 'cause he's just so over the moon :')
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If you could relive any of your memories, which would it be?
forgive me for replying to this with a goddamn novel lmao.
this actually hit me so hard idek if i could express it in a normal way i had to think about this for a min
i can think of so many little moments it’s so hard to pick one . i have memory loss and things are definitely super blurry but the vibes and the nostalgia is strong yanno . even with forgetting fuckin most things i still remember countless little moments of just like comfort in my soul .
some of the easier answers would be like any of the many shows and concerts over the years that like shook me in their own ways . or maybe some of the moments of realization and clarity and euphoria i’ve stumbled into with my transness . maybe my first time smoking weed lmao . maybe songs i’d love to hear for the first time again.
i think the things that stick out to me most when reminiscing on shit is like the little moments of peace where u just breathe and like take it all in and feel completely at ease . those moments of like “ i never thought i’d get here “. i’ve had so many little moments of bliss being cross faded and full of comfort singing songs with old friends. countless nights of laughter and random adventures with people i felt safe with. so many beautiful days with friends filled with absolutely picturesque walks in the woods until it got dark. little random moments of sharing a cig and staring at the sky . so many fun little campfire memories and dumb little stories u just had to b there for lmao. maybe even just little moments of hanging out with my childhood cat ( he is my son ). he’s still alive i just had to get tf outta that house for unfortunate reasons lol . i miss that silly little cat every fuckin day fr. all the little moments where u feel like wow this is really what this shits all about eventually have just mushed into snippets of nostalgic blissful vibes and pretty little pictures in my brain lmao . one that really sticks out as a favorite tho is id love to get to meet my best friend irl for the first time again lol that would b crazy . we finally got to meet years ago at some silly little art show of all places lmao. i remember being like so fucking excited and happy to meet them. yanno when u meet someone and ur immediately like ya we vibe and we r locked in . it was like that lmao. this is super long winded and a bit extra maybe but this fr got me thinkin. i have no idea how i’d ever with full confidence pick just one tbh my life feels like a insane book and if i wrote a autobiography no one would believe me lmao
thanks for this question u got me feelin wistful fr <3
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sagemoderocklee · 2 months
9 (apart from the entire. alien clan bs no one but powerscalers care abt it lets be honest) and 10 for violent asks?
9. worst part of canon
XD ok i did just answer this but i literally answered with the alien shit (and 700) so ill answer again....
worst part of canon is honestly im gonna say the misogyny. i think we'd get a much richer viewpoint if the ingrained misogyny was actually commentary on the society insteada just kishimoto's bias. like i will never not be pissed off that at the end of the chiyo-sakura vs sasori fight that chiyo was like 'no sasori let us win' like fr? FR??!?!?
characters like hinata would also be infinitely better. temari and tenten who were by and large the more middle ground characters in terms of misogyny would still have benefited. ino and sakura's rivalary woulda been given more care and respect, and ultimately we woulda seen a more honest view of them and their relationship to each other. like there's so much that woulda been improved if the canon in the series wasn't ultimately so biased.
10. worst part of fanon
oof. i guess that depends on what fanon you lookin at. like i mostly focus on gaalee even if my fics themselves tend to be more political dramas than purely shipping, i still stick to that side of fandom, so fanon at large is harder to judge.
also gaalee as a whole has improved a great deal in the last... god almost decade. like the fandom used to be a cesspool of homophobia and transphobia and shit, but it's gotten a lot better largely through ppl speaking out about those things. so like i have a lot less to be critical of with the fanon that currently exists
which isnt to say im not critical of it or have nothing to say im just strugglin to think of anything cause the most obvious things--the seme/uke shit that used to permeate this particular ships fandom--is largely gone. im sure it still exists, but it's to a much lesser degree so i dont come up against it nearly as much...
i also feel like the gaalee fandom's other past issue--not letting go of DR and allowing for more exploration of these characters/their relationship--has also improved. so now i dont feel like everyone and their mother shipping these characters only ascribes to this one iteration of them. id say that DR was the fanon basis that everyone used for a long time, and unlike in other fandoms with more stories, because gaalee early on didnt have that ppl just clung to DR like without it everything would crumble.
so uh like my oldest and biggest gripes for this particular fandom are ultimately not rlly big issues anymore, which im forever grateful for because now the fanon is a lot more organic, diverse, and respectful of the characters.
i guess the only thing for me that i wish was different with the fanon was less boruto engagement. i kno everyone loves to make them a happy family with kids but its just not for me, and honestly i think that even sayin that is like... there's not THAT much boruto engagement per say but certainly more than i personally want
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chaoxfix · 2 years
what do you imagine as the future for the series :0 (ie, where do you see sonic and the gang in ten or so years, in universe?)
fr ty for the ask! this took a while to write but im actually pretty happy with the end results for these guys.
still adventuring, still being a hero. i think he actively distances himself from large groups of people because he would hate being overly famous, and would instead really enjoy the allure of always finding new people and places to explore, and if everyone already knows him then it kind of loses the appeal.
i think any trauma he's been through kinda hits hard at 19 and he starts to struggle a little bit with the whole child/teen hero thing. i think when he turns like 21 he takes a "sabbatical" which is actually him getting semi-willingly sucked into another dimension and staying for a bit longer than he strictly needs to. this lasts for a few years and when he comes back he feels more like his old self, zest for life, etc, because everything is new and exciting again. he'd continue ramping up threat levels and the desire for new and exciting adventures, and would be down for idk, space exploration, saving other dimensions, etc.
something will eventually be too much for him, and im sure he'll never go gray, but i like the idea of sonic just living a long, jam-packed, exciting life. he loves his friends and will always come back home eventually, but he needs enrichment, ok, and his standards for enrichment are extremely high.
10 years later, or, by 25, i think he'll more or less have his shit together but in the most sonic way possible. he'd be a traveling mentor, or a hero-for-hire (not that he really gets paid per say), and is a mythic figure across the galaxy.
he may or may not discover romance but i dont think anything would stick, so he's in like 5 open relationships across like 3 dimensions -- if he's not aroace, which is an equally valid outcome.
appearance-wise, he would have an updated design that somehow feels fight as a linear progression from classic to modern to future, but i havent quite figured it out yet. probably a darker blue, maybe lighter eyes or a different color than before (yellower or something).
tails runs a successful business as miles prower. he's the literal stereotype of 'they want 10 years of experience by the time ur 18' ... hes the reason entry level jobs are disappearing /jk
i think he grows up to be a bit of an oddball because hes very unlike other tech moguls (because he has a heart and morals etc.......). i think he's always going to have a spirit of adventure in him, being basically raised by sonic and all. i think he'll probably feel very bored if he doesnt go on adventures and fight bad guys on his own/with team sonic.
i feel like tails will also grow into having his own nemeses, people that really dont mess with sonic but DO mess with tails (and sonic encourages it low key because he thinks its important for everyone to have a rival<3)
i feel like tails doesnt really focus on romance as an older teen. maybe someday itll happen, and i dont actually hc him as aroace as an adult, just as someone who doesnt really feel the need to start dating yet since, well, he's only 18 in 10 years anyway, thats still super young. but i feel like it'd have to be orchestrated by his friends, as tails honestly has better things to do.
i think hes also the most likely of everyone, despite being the youngest, to adopt a random child. hes already had pets before in some canons (t-pup!) and was raised by a super young older brother. if he sees a kid in need he'd probably take them under his wing.
i love tsaiko's tails appearance-wise, bc its super visually interesting! id also be down for a tails that grows into like, a slightly different color than he is now, since in some universes we already saw that he was a darker orange as a kit and now he's bright yellow, maybe he'll change to a redder color or a lighter yellow, or brighter orange. idk! i think he'd definitely start wearing goggles though, and keeping like a toolbelt type thing around his waist and shoulder strap. he likes to be prepared ok.
i think amy has her shit together as much as she can in 10 years. i think she'd be the most likely to go to school/university/etc of anyone on this list. i think she'd have like. a bunch of different things shes doing at once, and have that be a bit, that shes always doing some new thing. 'wheres amy?' 'at dance rehearsal.' 'wheres amy?' 'teaching her cooking class.' 'wheres amy?' 'fighting in a WWE tournament' etc. she just does it all. but in addition to all of that, i think the reason that she spends so much of her time learning new things is so that she can be helpful on missions, and always know that extra bit of trivia that might save someones life. she studies medicine a lot for that reason too. she continues to be the heart and moral compass of the team, and can still talk would-be antiheroes and villains down from evil. i think she takes a lot of counseling classes to basically weaponize this skill tbh.
she'd have an apartment in multiple major cities and also moves around a lot. she has a lot of tea parties. i think she still sees vanilla and cream regularly, on top of still being on team sonic as often as possible. she sometimes sees big the cat as well, who i think might also eventually attend university with her (environmental biologist big...)
i like the idea of her having a pretty mysterious love-life, too, but that counters with the idea of her just really adoring her partner, who is truly, just some person in this universe.
appearance-wise i think she's wearing her quills longer again, and wears a red romper and uses boxing gloves in addition to her hammer.
still on angel island for the most part. but i think tails would figure out teleportation and give knuckles a teleporter pad so he can come and go easier. maybe even a way to shrink the ME and carry it with him in case of emergencies (though thatd hilariously sink angel island, so... has to be a pretty damn big emergency)
unfortunately, the ME is supposed to be the most important to him, but knuckles lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship (rouge)
no but fr theyre actually really cute together and have a shockingly healthy relationship even if its in no way normal. sometimes they fight on opposing sides, and knuckles always tries to have someone else swap with him so he doesnt have to fight his wife lol. for clarification, she's his wife, he's her boyfriend.
appearancewise i think he's more or less the same at 26. he sometimes wears a cowboy hat and brown leather jacket.
i think rouge would continue to be a thief and treasure hunter most of all. shes now 28 and works the occasional odd job with GUN, but GUN likes her far more than she likes them. they keep trying to get her to become like super high-ranked in GUN, despite everyone simultaneously knowing this would be a terrible idea. she's not even tempted and continues letting them fail and cackling when she hears about botched operations that they execute without her.
she dates knuckles off and on. mostly on, though she'll complain to shadow any time they're fighting and pretends it's a bigger argument than it actually was.
she also still runs club rouge and is a very successful businesswoman.
i think she also relatively looks the same, maybe a design that doesn't have so many cutesy hearts on it. i feel like she'd wear more like her SA1 design, or an updated one that's more like a snazzy purple and black jumpsuit, with intersecting lines that look a bit like the fractal cuts of a gem.
older but still young enough to fight. i think he has a health scare at some point and it scares sonic into paying him a hospital visit and telling him to take better care of himself or else, old man. eggman repays his flowers with an even bigger more exciting robot than usual to smash.
still looking for that DAMN fourth chaos emerald. fr though hes probably working at GUN off and on. sometimes sucked into adventures. he does his own thing and tends to remain a cool loner more or less. by then he'll probably have figured out how to continue existing without being a douchebag (like current mandates have steered him into being). i think he more or less stops aging at 25, which is when the frontal lobe is more or less cooked, so he'll look this old forever after this.
he lives at club rouge with rouge. he spends a lot of his time complaining about how often knuckles comes over.
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ejzah · 1 year
Maybe A Strip Club Would Be Safer, Epilogue
“You know they’re never going to let us live this down, right?” Deeks asked conversationally, taking a bite out of a mango.
After their rather fantastic, and dramatic, takedown of Gael and Matteo, Margarita had called the policia. They appeared equally bemused by the whole situation, until Sam mentioned they were with NCIS, and showed the ID he’d brought with. Then the lead officer just seemed annoyed.
It had taken several hours to process everything, by which point it was mid afternoon, and well past their scheduled cave diving session. So after apologizing to Margarita for inadvertently ruining her day, they’d headed back to their hotel and then to the market for lunch, settling on the small back porch to eat.
“Who?” Sam asked.
Despite his claims that he was fine, a thin line of sweat coated his upper lip and appeared ever so slightly wilted. Actually, none of them were looking the best after the morning’s adventures. Callen sported several bruises, and Eric had somehow skinned his knees during his theatrics.
“Kensi, Nell, Anna. We’re going to get a healthy dose of “I told you so”, followed by them never letting us leave the county again.”
“Oh yeah, Nell is not going to be happy,” Eric agreed with a grimace.
“I thought you two were living in “domestic partnership”,” Sam commented slyly. “Why would Nell have a say in where you go?”
“Friends with benefits,” Deeks muttered into his hand, grinning when Eric squared his chin, trying to look unaffected.
“As my business partner, and very good friend, of course Nell has a vested interest in what happens to me.”
“Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that, Beale,” Callen said as he finished off the rest of meat-filled sandwich that had Sam shaking his head in disapproval. “You know, there’s no reason why we have to tell are respective partners about this. Or any other family members.”
Deeks stared at Callen for a second, raising a sweaty eyebrow, and then he started laughing.
“Sure. Cause they won’t have heard about this little incident already,” Deeks drawled. He ran his hand through the air. “‘Three American Federal Agents and unknown business man involved in Mexican showdown.’ Kilbride will be livid.”
“Oh, yeah, I forgot about Kilbride.”
“He’ll think we went looking for trouble.”
“Hey, I’m a civilian contractor, he can’t do anything to me,” Eric spoke up, and Deeks patted him on the shoulder.
“Oh brother, if you think that, then you’ve clearly been out of the game way too long. He has a way of making everyone feel small and extremely foolish.”
“I was trying to forget.” Eric made a face.
“So, what do you want to do with our last couple days of freedom?” Callen asked. “I think we should probably stick to something closer to the city.”
“There’s always museums,” Deeks suggested, which earned him a disgusted look from Callen.
“Deeks, I am not going to a museum for the bachelor party I didn’t even want in the first place.”
“Well, I’m pretty we couldn’t run into too much trouble there. Of course, it is us.”
“Or, there’s still karaoke,” Eric reminded them, straightening up as Callen and Sam immediately began to protest. “No, hear me out. There will be drinks, food, and entertainment. What more could you ask for?”
“People who don’t sound like cats?” Deeks offered, not all that invested either way.
“Hey, I vetted this place personally. C’mon, guys. It’s gotta be better than sitting out here all night.”
“What the hell, let’s do it. But I’m gonna need a lot of beer. And if any pictures of my wind up online,” Sam decided, getting up to throw away the remains of his lunch.
“And this just became the best bachelor party ever,” Callen said, with a massive grin, which quickly transformed into innocence when Sam glared at him. Once Sam was out of earshot, the grin was back in place and he tucked his arms behind his head. “Ah, good thing I just upgraded the storage in my phone. He never said anything about videos.”
A/N: Hope you all enjoyed this ridiculous little story. Thanks for reading!
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
i don't really have anything else to post so...
here’s more of colby’s tweets from 2020.
i don’t have proof that these are his tweets, but believe me, they are his.
if it’s bold and italicized, it’s someone’s tweet to him.
if it’s in (), that’s just me commenting lol
added bonus: if they have a * next to them, that means it's been deleted
April 3 - the mind can turn into a dangerous place when you’re left alone .. please take care of yourself
April 7 - guess i don’t even have to try in the mugshot trend
April 8 - can’t help someone who doesn’t wanna help themselves
April 10 - i miss going to the creepy haunted places , as weird as that may sound
April 12 - can quarantine be over soon so i can get more tattoos
the older i get the faster time seems to run away from me
i get stuck in these phases that i can’t seem to escape !
April 13 - scary kids scaring kids
why am i trending #samandcolbyleaked
April 16 - been wearing sweatpants 90% of this quarantine
April 18 - as soon as it’s past midnight my mind automatically turns super deep
April 19 - you’re gunna wish you were never born jake webber
April 22 - i miss having those conversations that make you feel like you’re on another planet .. out of this world
i just want it to be me and you vs the world
@/brycehall: im a baby faced man
@/brycehall: twin tingz
(why didn't he actually retweeted it lol)
April 25 - you know what always makes me happy and never lets me down? chick fil a baby
@/andrearussett: oh yeah well WHAT ABOUT SUNDAYS COLBY
... shhhh
April 26 - sometimes we just take things too far
on way to the hospital
April 30 - im on focused mode right now
May 1 - i overthink everything i do
May 2 - anyone wanna move to madagascar or something and start over
May 3 - having a girlfriend in quarantine would actually be pretty nice
(i FULLY expected this tweet to be deleted lol)
never in my LIFE has anyone called me “coalbi” LMAO
fan: why does colby in blue jeans look so weird
@/tarayummy: petition for colby brock to never wear blue jeans again
thank you all for the kind words 🖤
May 4 - it’s so funny how i beat jake i’m super smash bro’s every. single. time.
@/jakewebber9: how about we settle this on twitch colby? then everyone will know how bad you suck at super smash #pikachurules #kirbysucks
sorry for the late reply, almost didn’t see your tweet i forgot i couldn’t see you in my verified tab
@/jakewebber9: you’re on, tubby
May 5 - throughout my life bands and musical artists i listen to have come and gone … but kurt cobain always seems to stick around
May 7 - i wanna see you try breaking down the walls i’ve built
May 9 - mental health over EVERYTHING
who wanna share a paopu fruit ?
fan: Wtf is that
other fan: It’s a fruit from kingdom hearts. The legend says if you share it with someone, then your destinies become intertwined. You both remain in eachothers lives forever.
May 11 - fan: Corey you always put a smile on my face no matter what I'll forever miss you
i feel sick 💔💔💔
i don’t know what to say. you are the opposite of your saying “under appreciated” and i hope you know that man. i miss you this isn’t sitting well with me at all.. just can’t believe this is actually real. love you Corey. RIP my friend
(this is all so see to all these years later...)
May 13 - it’s so beautiful seeing everyone come together in this time corey lives within all of us now, part of our hearts forever.
May 23 - i don’t get why you keep hiding from me if we’re destined to meet
May 27 - i wish that we can do it again
you guys are the best thing that ever happened to me
May 28 - seeing you hurt hurts me
June 4 - seeing all of my friends come together to support this movement is the best thing
June 7 - fan: keep the stubble
jealous of the people who can shave their head id be so damn ugly
@/andrearussett: what’re the odds u do it
you do it first then i will
who’s feelin goofy today
unicorns > ponies
June 12 - our time together never feels like it’s quite enough
June 13 - the amount of cringey things i’ve posted on the internet
Love For Hire at your service. there’s a new boy band in town
it took me 23 years to grow facial hair
June 16 - it’s been a long time since i’ve dived off a bridge where’s elton at
(oh how times have changed lol)
June 17 - please be kind to one another. we need it right now
some things never change huh
i love my true fans. thank you! i love you so much. i see you. i appreciate you with all my heart. always remember
June 19 - taking a break this week to focus on mental health. see you next friday
June 22 - i’ll never be able to fathom the unconditional love dogs constantly give. it’s such a beautiful part of life
June 23 - missed my flight hi texas
fan: @/colbybrock has truly changed my life and i will love u forever for that.
fans like you are the reason i do what i do
June 27 - fan: does @/colbybrock need anything? water, food, a pillow?
chipotle please
June 30 - you ever feel alone in a big group of people ?
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Jerry's younger brother, Kelbo visits before the lesson begins. Kelbo informs Jerry that he, Jerry, and unfortunately Megan have to retake the Wizards Test due to a technicality. If all of them do not take the test, the Russo Family will lose their powers forever including the kids. Alex, Justin, and Max try to convince their aunt Megan Russo, who stopped speaking to her brothers after Jerry gave his powers to Kelbo and not her, to retake the test. They succeed but Alex lies that her brothers were going to apologize to her, so she leaves.
The kids and adults are also compared to each other. Alex to Megan, Kelbo to Max, and Justin to Jerry, and Harper to Theresa. With Megan refusing to forgive her brothers and to retake the test, there seems to be no hope left. Realizing that this Wizard competition is starting to tear her, Justin, and Max apart just like Jerry, Kelbo and Megan, Alex gets the family to stick together and much to their relief the official lets them keep their powers since he has never seen a wizarding family so united. In the end, Justin tells Alex that she is nothing like Megan because she apologized and that's something Megan never learned how to do.
During the credits, Kelbo is calling Megan, just like in Alex in the Middle, but lets Alex do it. She says, "Um, excuse me, is your refrigerator working?" Megan answers by saying "Alex, I know it's you. I can see Kelbo's wand number on my caller ID," stating this as her last appearance.
Ah the season finale
The episode in which we learn that if their father and his siblings don’t retake the test, the kids also lose their powers
That the competetion has torn multiple familys apart
That the magic comes from some tubes in the wall
That the kids have an aunt they never knew about
Ok so Alex absolutely calling out how corrupt all that sounds and also making a joke of “I’d like to seem them try to take my powers”
I think Megan should at the very least consider taking the test when she finds out that if she doesn’t her niblings will also suffer because of it, I also feel like this could be around the time when at least Alex starts not liking the magic council and the competetion
Also the whole getting power from tubes in the wall should be changed at least, and I remember that officially the episode ended with them legally being powerless but still having their powers or something, and I think it would be fun to have this season end with the kids going on the run, and also hint at the wizard council building a power nullifier or something to steak Alex’s power and even hint at them sabotaging the competition to have Alex lose
Like there’s a movie between season 2 and 3, I think it would be interesting to have the season 2 final build up to it
I think I want their Aunt to see that things are more complicated and it's not her brothers' fault for the way the Magic Competition was. She wouldn't have been happy with either brother winning, so she was already bitter when Jerry gave his powers to Kelbo. And while she has understandable jealousy about that, there is some level where she understands why. iirc, Jerry's justification was that he felt that while Megan could become happy and successful without Magic, Kelbo was going to struggle a lot more. And maybe he should have talked more with them but again, there was no 'good' answer here.
So Megan, despite still having some jealousy and bitterness, does stick around longer to try and work things out.
I think it'd be fucking neat to see them re-take the test. So Jerry and Megan temporarily get their powers back. And honestly it gets to be cool because even though they're a bit rusty, Jerry and Megan absolutely keep up with Kelbo. It ends up coming down to straight up luck, which has Jerry win again. But as per rules, he's fine giving up the win to one of the other siblings.
Megan is hesitant at this. Because she could start the argument again. But.... she does realize that yeah she was kind of. Okay. Without Magic. Like yeah she's still upset about having to lose it again. But compared to Kelbo who would be doubly lost without it....
Given that Alex resisted once, her and her brothers thinking the competition is bullshit, and the older trio also agreeing, there might be some accidental spellcasting going on. Six very powerful Magic Users combined, even accidentally? It's gonna fuck some shit up.
The Council Member that tries to take Jerry and Megan's powers is having trouble. Very obviously having trouble. He makes an excuse of 'technical difficulties' and says he will come back later to take their Magic. Megan is kinda pissed at this prolonging taking her powers away, but decides to enjoy it while it lasts.
We get a final scene the Council quite confused about what is happening, why they can't transfer the Magic back. They try it with another pair of Wizard Siblings who just did their test, and it works fine. So what happened with the Russos?
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firsttarotreader · 2 years
For the tarot...Can I ask about a younger Pedro during his days trying to get work as an actor. Like how he felt facing so much rejection especially when some of his friends were starting to get quite a bit of success. I know he has touched on this in interviews but Id like to know possibly a bit more about how this impacted him.
Hiya! So, I asked the cards your question and the first ones were 5 of Spears, The Fool and The Emperor.
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Well, 5 of Spears is the conflict card. It represents frustration and facing a battle, with yourself or others, and the need to be creative and determined to gain the advantage again. So it might have been conflictuous for him, as you can imagine and as he has said himself, all the rejection and seeing others find their way while he didn't. However, The Fool points to him going all in and going on his own journey to find this way, with the optimism and eagerness of a child starting a new adventure. The Emperor is usually our man himself, trying to not act impulsively, taking his time to respond thoughtfully to the situations and sticking to the discipline he needed to make it through.
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The next cards were 5 of Flowers, Queen of Teacups and King of Teacups. 5 of Flowers is another conflict card, with competition and the feeling of not being taken seriously, not having his contributions and ideas considered. This could be representing that frustration he felt of trying over and over again to show what he could do but not being given the opportunity to. Queen and King of Teacups are interesting because it might be pointing to the presence of nurturing and compassionate people around him, people who were able to treat him with empathy and understanding, but it also shows Pedro being a kind and caring person trying to give back what he got from others. He felt overwhelmed by a challenge or conundrum and had support, so he did give others support and advice too. He had people to rely on, and they could rely on him too, and these cards are also pointing to him not really having hard feelings when seeing his friends becoming more successful, but he was rather happy for them and they were there for each other when it happened.
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The last cards were King of Spears, The Wheel of Fortune and 6 of Spears. King of Spears is the most rational of all Kings, he is assertive and focused and that's how Pedro became. The Wheel of Fortune followed by 6 of Spears is telling us he knew life has ups and downs, that his career would be like that, that he could be at a low point but he hoped and he worked for a better outcome. He knows life is always changing, and he had seen it happen with himself and with his friends, and with the 6 of Spears, he hoped that difficult and challenging time would be over, he waited for it, and as we know, eventually it ended and now he's finally successful and comfortable with his career.
So, from these cards, it was conflictuous, of course, but he had friends and people to rely on, and there was so much hope, even at the hardest times, and he just kept working for it, to get where he wanted. We could say seeing his friends become successful could have even been motivation for him to go on, and he just never gave up.
ETA: And another confirmed reading!
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
What If Secret Baby/River Run
If Dabi had gotten the abortion.
Let’s take a look at how i see things going if Dabi did get the abortion he tells Hawks he will get in River Run/Secret baby.
It’s a breath of relief and a horrible secret at the same time. Touya hates the fact that he went with what his mother wanted. What his sister supported, what he told Hawks he would get. He wants to scream and throw it in his fathers face. Every time a marriage is brought up. Every time time the idea of attaching himself to someone for forever like his mother and the subject of kids comes up. 
Touya can’t bring himself to hide much anymore. He dresses in darker clothes, stops wearing the things his mother picks out. They don’t talk about it. About Touya being sexually active, about the baby. She’s colder to him and all Touya can do is think of when his eyes were burning with unshed tears as she told him she never wanted him. It starts an angry burning in his gut he can’t get rid of. He can’t look at her and see his mother or someone who loves him. He gets a leather jacket his father hates. Enji burns 3 of them before he gives up. What does Touya even care about at this point? It’s not his money, his old man is burning out of stubborness. He dyes his hair black. Rei screams and rages. Enji slaps him and bleaches it out the same night he comes home.
Touya can’t stand staying there. It builds and builds. Talk going over his head about families and how much Touya is worth as a bride. He pulls the fake ID out he hasn’t used in months. Fuyumi runs after him as he walks out the door at midnight. She tries to command him to stay home, stay inside. 
Touya shakes off the alpha command with hardly a thought, hopping the fence and flipping his twin off as he continues on his way. He looks easy, like a slutty Omega. Touya doesn't care and can’t come up with an argument on why he isn’t. He just wants to get his back blown out by a Alpha and he looks like it.
Hawks' image dances at the edge of his vision as he dances and grinds. Hands slip under his shirt, finding the new piercings he’s been hiding and Touya leans his head back onto the stranger's shoulder. The hand that’s gripping his hip is tight, the nails a little too sharp. Touya leans into it. Drunk and smiling softly at the blond familiar Alpha behind him. Turns out the stranger is a Alpha Touya knows Very well, the scent of mint and citrus make him start to purr drunkenly.
Hawks hands graze over his stomach and Touya winces. Drunk bubble of content popped. Hawks knows who Touya is now, knowns about the abortion as well.
“Back again already Todoroki?” He whispers in his ear. Hawks smells just as drunk and between the safe feeling and how drunk Touya is he doesn't even flinch at his surname. Just frowns before pulling Hawks down for a messy kiss. 
“Don’t call me that. Don’t like my last name.” Touya slurs distractedly as Hawks starts tugging him out of the club.
He stumbles a few times but so does Hawks.
“Maybe you should stick around for once then. Give me the chance to change it.” Hawks retorts as they walk down the street. “I know I’m not top Hero material, at least not yet but I’m a hard worker Touya. People like you couldn’t get it, But I want you anyway spoiled rotten Omega.”
Hawks pauses outside his door fumbling with his keys. Touya jerks them out of his hands with a snort. Drunker and smaller than Hawks who lets him hip check him out of the way. A moment later the door swings open and Touya nearly falls inside. 
“Shut up and fuck me Hawks. Didn’t come here for you to try and sweet talk another kid into me. Or promise some bullshit happy ending for me. You want me? Buy me from my father like any other Alpha. It’s what he’s gonna do to me anyways.” Touya let out a drunk laugh. It wasn’t funny, even Touya knew that. Touya at that point couldn’t have told someone why he was laughing if they promised him the world on a string.
“Bet.” Hawks whispered as they tumbled into his bed again. Letting Touya lose his mind and forget all the problems waiting at home as hawks nibbled on piercings, Knotting him at the same time as Hawks laid a deep claiming bite onto Touya’s scent glands. Touya let out a shriek as he came around Hawks knot again and his eyes rolled back into his head. Going limp on the bed, purring in his sleep as Hawks knotted his limp form and licked at Touya’s new bond mark.
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