#wouldn’t it be funny if they made a story where everyone wants to eat MC
novorehere · 2 years
Have I ever told you guys how much I love the animal chaos devilgram? Like hello???
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mammonshuman92 · 3 years
- It Takes Two -
(Mammon x GN!MC)
Genre: angst/hurt/comfort
WARNINGS: alcohol, drunkenness, cheating, **
** There is a moment where a character is drunk, and someone makes moves on them, character is too drunk to realize it’s not who they thought it was. Groping and making out, no penetration; character doesn’t consider is SA. I apologize if it is offensive.
Ya better hurry up, or we’re gonna be late!” Mammon was pulling you by the hand down the hallway to your first class of the day.
“I wasn’t the one who overslept because they kept saying “just lay with me for 5 more minutes.”“ You said, giving your best impression of him.
You’d become best friends rather quickly after your arrival in the Devildom, practically becoming attached at the hip instantly. It didn’t take long for that light, warm feeling to invade your heart. Now you’d been dating for a few months and had become even more inseparable.
“Details, details!” He responded, laughing.
The two of you came barreling through the door with only seconds to spare before the bell rang; hand-in-hand, laughing like fools.
You took your seats across the room from each other, being the professors current punishment for Mammon talking to you during class.
As you sat down you felt eyes on you and looked up.
A few succubi were not so casually looking at you and whispering.
It wasn’t uncommon though. I mean, you are a human in the Devildom. You also live with the 7 rulers of the underworld. You’d gotten quite used to people whispering about you. You decided to ignore them, and pay attention to class. Whatever they were whispering about was surely nothing you hadn’t already heard circulating throughout the gossip mill.
Throughout the day, you noticed the same group of succubi whispering and giving you looks. They even giggled a couple times. You tried your best to keep your cool, but it had been going on all day and it was really getting under your skin.
What is so damn funny? You thought to yourself.
The final bell rang and you couldn’t be happier. Now you got to put the day behind you and go home with Mammon. Tonight is movie night. Cuddling and eating junk food is just what you need after a day like today.
You rushed to the usual spot where you meet Mammon. Seeing his face would definitely make you feel better right now, but he wasn’t there yet. 
He must have gotten hung up in class or something.
You leaned against the wall, pulled out your D.D.D. and started surfing Deviltube to pass the time. You were so engrossed in your video that you barely noticed that same group of succubi walk past.
Until they made sure you noticed them, that is.
One girl bumped into you on purpose, sending your D.D.D. to the concrete, via crash-landing.
“Stupid human.” She sneered.
You rolled your eyes and bent down to pick up your D.D.D. It’s nothing you haven’t heard, quite a bit actually, since coming to the Devildom. She’d have to try a lot harder than that.
When you stood back up, the succubus in question was standing in front of you, arms crossed with a smug grin.
“Do you think you’re special?” She asked, looking you up and down. You didn’t respond and resumed your scrolling through Deviltube. Ignoring her made her mad.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
Excuse me? 
“I don’t think MY relationship is any of your concern.” You said sweetly, slapping on your best fake smile. You looked around them, desperate to see Mammon walking up, but he wasn’t there.
Where is he? 
She was practically laughing in your face. 
“He made me feel special too.” Her words, full of venom as they left her lips, triggered something in your brain.
Flashbacks of your first day in the Devildom came rushing back. Specifically what Satan had said after Mammon made his grand entrance.
“Whenever he takes a liking to someone, they suddenly find themselves awash in money. But from what I hear, if he decides to break it off with someone, that wealth evaporates. They’re left without a Grimm to their name.”
The memory made your chest feel heavy. 
Could that pertain to people as well? They said a pure soul is like a shiny gem. What if..
“Everything he’s said to you, he probably already said to me.” She spat.
Your head was spinning, a knot forming in your throat. Her earlier words replaying in your mind.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
What if..? No.. He wouldn’t do that...would he?
You quickly got so lost in thought as anxiety started to take root, plaguing you with ‘what ifs’ and hypotheticals, that you almost didn’t notice when someone stepped between you and the succubus. Putting a hand on either side of your face, he tilted your head up to look at him. Irises the color of tropical waters, instantly melt away your anxiety, calming the angry sea inside you.
“Let’s go home.” He whispered with a smile. His voice was soft, but you could see the anger in his eyes. He slung an arm around your shoulders and turned to start walking toward the House of Lamentation.
“We weren’t done talking.” She said vindictively.
“Don’t ya have anythin’ better to do?” Mammon snarled, glaring at the succubus.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, leaving with her friends.
By the immense tension you could feel between them, you could tell that they had indeed been together at some point.
The walk home was quiet, which left you with ample time for your thoughts to run wild. 
Did she know him like you do? His little habits and his favorite things? 
Did she stick up for him when his brothers were dogging on him? Or afterward when he was down, did she try her best to drown out their hateful words with affirmations of love?
Did she play with his hair while he laid on her stomach, arms wrapped tight around her middle after he loved her? Hold her in his lap as he rubbed soothing circles on her back when she was sad? Whisper sweet nothings to her when he thought she was asleep?
...Did he love her?
“Whoa! Did ya see that, MC?!”
The two of you were curled up on the couch in Mammon’s room, watching a movie on his projector, just like you did every week.
Did they do movie night?
It shouldn’t be bothering you. Of course he’s had other partners. He’s been alive for thousands of years.
And you’ve had other partners. So what? No biggie. That wasn’t the issue.
The thought of him saying the same things, doing the same things with someone else...loving someone else, is what bothered you. It hurt to think that maybe you really weren’t that special; another weak, insignificant human, just like all the rest.
But the things she said kept playing on a loop in your head.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
“He made me feel special too.”
Could she be right?
“Babe, are ya okay?” He had paused the movie and was now staring at you expectantly.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah I’m fine.” He saw through it quickly.
“Ya know, you’re not good at lyin’. What’s wrong? If ya don’t like the movie we can watch someth-”
“That girl earlier, at RAD? Is she your ex?” You didn’t want to bring it up, but you had to know before your thoughts could torment you further.
His face fell and he sighed heavily. “I was wonderin’ when you were gonna say somethin’..”
You remained quiet, watching his face, waiting for him to begin talking.
“We were together a long, long, time ago. Nothin’ serious. I broke it off when I realized she was only around for what she could get outta me. She didn’t take it too well.” He explained, his expression turning sour. “She had a different story, huh?”
“She didn’t say much really, except once you get tired of me you’ll move onto the next one. That I’m nothing special because everything you say to me you’ve probably said to her.” You said, keeping your eyes down as you fidget with the hem on your shirt.
He started laughing.
Your head snapped up, looking at him in shock.
“What’s so funny, Mammon?” You asked, getting a little irritated by his reaction. He stopped laughing when he looked at you and realized you were serious.
“Ya don’t actually believe her, do ya?” He scoffed, getting offended.
“No? I don’t know..” You replied, not meeting his gaze. Of course you wanted to believe him, but you already felt like you weren’t good enough for him, and that succubi’s words just watered the seeds of insecurity in your brain and helped them flourish.
You had always been the opposite of his brothers. You always believed Mammon, even when everyone else was against him. You were always on his side. Ready to stick up for him no matter what. To hear you now, was like a slap in the face.
Mammon’s face distorted in pain. And anger.
“What? Whaddya mean ya don’t know?” His voice was soft, “Ya don’t trust me?” He asked, meeting your gaze.
“Mammon, that’s-”
He shook his head. “No, I get it. A few bitter words from some random demon and now my words mean nothin’. “ He jumped up from the couch, making a beeline for the door.
“What about the last few months, huh? After all the time we spent together you think I’d do somethin’ like that to ya?” His voice cracked on the last sentence. He paused; hand on the knob as he stared at the door. You heard a small sniffle as his other hand came up to angrily wipe his face.
“I thought ya knew me better than anyone.” His voice was barely audible, but you could hear the hurt. He felt betrayed.
And with that he left, slamming the door behind him.
When he didn’t come back after an hour and wouldn’t answer your calls, you grabbed a few things and headed to your room. You still felt uneasy about the whole “his ex confronting you” thing and after what had just happened, you just wanted to be alone. 
Your bed seemed huge and your room felt odd. It’s not like you didn’t spend time in there anymore, you just didn’t usually do so alone. The silence was deafening.
I shouldn't have doubted him. He used to try and hide his feelings, although he was bad at it. But since we got together, he doesn’t hide how he feels about us to anyone.
You thought of all the times his cheeks had flushed scarlet when you caught him staring at you. How he sits and endures scary movies because they’re your favorite. The way he will randomly bring you your favorite snacks or other little gifts because he was thinking about you. Relentlessly tickling you just to hear your bright, uninhibited laughter. That even in his sleep, he has to be constantly touching some part of you, or he gets restless. 
You slowly drifted off to sleep, with tears staining your cheeks.
“Have you seen Mammon?” 
He never came looking for you last night and he wasn’t at breakfast. He even skipped RAD.
Asmo shook his head, “Not since yesterday. Did something happen?”
You decided to fill him in with all the details. He is the Avatar of Lust after all, so surely he could give you some advice regarding love.
He gasped dramatically, “No she didn’t! What a tart!”
“I know I shouldn’t have doubted him. He’s never given me a reason to, but I don’t know. She just got in my head, I guess. Poked at some insecurities.” You explained. “I haven’t seen him since he stormed off.”
“He won’t pout for long, he never does.”
“It’s more than just pouting. I hurt him just like everyone else. He feels betrayed.” You said, voice small.
You just wanted to pepper his face with kisses and profusely apologize for ever doubting him. Why did you ever let some random succubus get to you like that? To make your trust for Mammon falter, even slightly. Did you honestly believe he would toss you aside after he got what he could out of you? Really? 
Satan said it too though, in the beginning. That when you’re with him you find yourself drowning in gifts and the like, but once he outgrows you, you’re left with nothing. That’s the Greed.
You refuse to accept it though.
You know Mammon, better than anyone. He has changed so much since you came here. He’s not the same demon he used to be. He is more than just his sin.
“When he is ready, he’ll come back. He always does.” Asmo said, placing a hand on your shoulder, giving you a warm smile.
“Now, let’s go and change! You are depressing me and it’s ruining my skin. We are going out tonight!” He was practically vibrating with excitement. You, not so much.
“Ugh, no way Asmo. I’m not in a party mood.”
“Nonsense! It’s exactly what you need. We will have some drinks and dance and you’ll feel better. You’ll see.”
You relented, knowing that once Asmo got his mind set on something like this, there was no getting out of it. Maybe a few drinks really would make you feel better.
“Trouble in paradise?” She said, motioning to the drink in his hand.
His clothes were dishevelled, his hair mussed, eyes red-rimmed and puffy. He looked like he’d been through the wringer. Felt like it too. He’d been in the private lounge at the club for a little while now, nursing drink after drink, attempting to drown his sorrows.
“Go away.” He growled, turning his attention back to his drink.
“Is that anyway to greet an old friend?” She asked innocently.
“Nah, but it is a good way to greet a snake.”
“Ouch.” She put a hand over her heart, feigning hurt feelings.
“Haven’t ya caused enough problems? Leave me alone.”
She scoffed, plopping down onto the couch next to him.  “Oh, come on Mammon. You’re this hung up over a human?”
“Don’t talk about MC.” He snarled. In one big gulp, he swallowed the remainder of his drink. No matter what kind of situation the two of you were in, he wouldn’t let someone, anyone, say anything cross about you. At all.
“Oh, come on. You can’t seriously say you don’t miss being with me. A demon.” She leaned in close, her lips next to his ear, “Not nearly as fragile as a human. You can be as rough as you want..” She purred.
He jumped up from where he’d been sitting, attempting to get away from the succubus. “Get the fuc- Whoa.” He slurred, staggering slightly before quickly sitting back down, head lolling back to rest on the back of the couch. His vision was pretty blurry; the room spinning. He closed his eyes, hoping it’d help. 
Even in his deeply inebriated state, you were all that was on his mind. The feel of your hand running through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp. The warmth of your body pressed against his, your lips; soft and delicate like rose petals, leaving small kisses across his face before finally meeting his lips. The bubbly sound of your laughter, beautiful like music. The way your eyes shine every time you see him, even if he only left your side for a tiny moment. 
After the fight you had and leaving the way he did, and now being away from you a whole day, not hearing your voice, feeling your touch, he was ready to go crazy. And although he did sneak back into the house after he was sure everyone was asleep, and slept in the backseat of his car so no one would find him, it wasn’t the same as sleeping next to you. He missed you.
But, it was more than that. He felt so incredibly stupid for reacting the way he had. If he were in your situation, and felt how you did, he would’ve had questions too. You love him, and all you wanted was a little reassurance that he in fact does love you. Man, does he love you. More than he’s ever loved anyone or anything.
With the attention span of a tuna sandwich, mixed with the levels of alcohol in his system, and being so deep in his thoughts of you, he hadn’t noticed the sudden shift of weight in his lap.
One hand found its way to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair. The other hand resting on his chest, slowly moving down his stomach, intently feeling every muscle. His mouth opened slightly, a breathy sigh escaping. He had missed you so much, your touch lighting his skin ablaze, craving you more and more.
Your hand moved lower, earnestly caressing his growing stiffness. Your lips crashed into his suddenly; hungrily, your tongue brushing his bottom lip. His hands moved up your thighs before firmly gripping your hips, grinding you against him.
Small alarm bells were going off in his head, something didn’t seem right. You didn’t giggle like you always do when he grabs your hips. Your kisses seemed sloppier than usual too.
He tried opening his eyes, blinking lazily several times. The room was still swirling around in his drunkenness, making it nearly impossible to focus.
Your hand moved to his pants, undoing the button and zipper. He removed a hand from your hip and grabbed your wrist, but didn’t attempt to move your hand from his swollen boxers. As he was about to break the kiss and suggest heading home and picking up with this make up where you left off, he heard a voice nearby.
“What the hell?!” They shrieked. 
“Mammon..?” You barely choked out.
That was your voice. He’d recognize it anywhere; the musical sound gently floating into his ears as it always did. But you sounded like you were crying..
And it didn’t come from the figure straddling his lap. How is that possible? He’s been making out with you, getting pretty heated actually, for the last several minutes.
He broke the kiss with you, confusedly turning to his left and blinking several times until his surroundings started to come into focus.
There you stood in the doorway of the private lounge with Asmo next to you, your eyes wide as s tears streamed down your cheeks, gaping at him in horror.
The alarm bells that had been going off, the red flags popping up trying to warn him that something wasn’t quite right, were about to become very clear.
- part two coming soon! -
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kalorphic · 3 years
Hello, hope you're having a lovely day!! I was wondering how do each of the ROs celebrate their birthdays?
Hello, thank you! Hope you’re having a good day as well!
Going to do this as a before & after MC (+ the team)
Before / After
K: K has always been extremely popular and therefore, their birthdays were the social event that everyone wanted to be at. K’s mums would set up marquees on their land and host them there (as K got older, Darla and Ringo would end up going away for the night). K never actually cared that much about parties, but had them because their mums were always so excited to set everything up (christ imagine them at K’s wedding) and K would do anything for their mums. In their adult years, they keep up the tradition of having huge, lavish parties that are filled with people, but it’d be rare that anyone could actually find K (unless MC was there, in which case, find MC - find K) / spending their birthday with just the team is a new experience for K, but one that they find they prefer. There’s no obligations and no one fawning over them, they can just be themself for once and actually enjoy their birthday. Would 100% set aside time to FaceTime their mums (no doubt the whole team would squash in to say hi).
A: A doesn’t mind birthdays, but they mainly used it as an excuse to spend time with their family and dote on their little sibling. Is the type of person to say they don’t want/need any presents and would get exceedingly embarrassed when people made a big deal out of celebrating (however, if their sibling wanted to have a party for them, they wouldn’t stop them as A will always make sure Obinna is happy) / A is still not entirely comfortable with having a big deal made of their birthday, so when they enter the communal area to see that the gang have put together a small, very low-key party for them, where they can just spend time together talking, watching films, and being able to all sit down and eat together, they are extremely grateful.
Reese: loves birthdays - any birthdays, but mainly theirs - and having such a big family meant that they’d have massive parties where everyone was dancing and singing and the kids were all over the place and there was a bbq going and three cakes of different flavours. Honestly just utter mayhem and everyone loves every second of it / their birthday with the team is much smaller, but because it’s Reese, it’s still pretty manic. Expect kitchen fires, burnt cake, A crying, a full on fist fight between K and Noah, Cody and Luisa making bets, and Reese practically dying of laughter. Eventually it does calm down as everyone curls up together with hot chocolate and (burnt) birthday cake and blankets and tells funny/embarrassing stories about each other.
Luisa: when she lived at home, Luisa’s birthdays would be a grand affair, but it was never actually about Luisa and more about her mother showing off their wealth in the most ostentatious way possible while Luisa was pretty much ignored by everyone except her father / Luisa was very skeptical of birthdays due to her childhood, but when the team celebrate her birthday, it’s utter chaos and she’s right at the centre of it. Everything that could go wrong, goes wrong but Luisa can see how much love and effort has gone into it, and because of that…she’d never have it any other way.
Cody: simply celebrate for one day? Their existence is a gift and therefore at least a week straight celebration is needed. Full of partying and hook-ups to be honest / finds that having that one special day with people who actually care about you, means so much more to them and it reminds them of the birthdays they used to spend with their uncle.
Noah: birthday? What’s that? Noah’s always been so busy on and around their birthday that they never remember it. Manon, Oona, and Dexter usually have to drag them to Connor and Riley’s to celebrate / if the team (+ family) threw them a birthday party, they’d be absolutely stunned and it would probably be the moment when they realised that they were actually apart of this little family now, which would end up making them very emotional (would definitely expect this every year now).
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heauxplesslydevoted · 3 years
Everybody Talks (Ethan x MC)
Summary: At a conference hosted by the American Medical Association, Ethan stumbles upon an unpleasant conversation about his girlfriend.
Warnings: None
Ethan watches as his girlfriend owns the room. At the American Medical Association conference in their own city of Boston, in the large ballroom of The Ritz Carlton, he quietly observes from the corner as she excitedly chats with a Dr. Catherine Stanley, a renowned surgeon from Columbia, while everyone within an arm's reach of her is drawn in by the sheer magnetism of her presence. He’ll never get tired of watching her like this. Naomi is completely in her element. Whenever she’s in a deep conversation about medicine, her posture loosens, her nose crinkles, and her voice takes on a pitchy breathiness the more and more excited she gets.
So caught up in thinking about her, Ethan doesn’t even notice that she’s walking up to him until she’s within a few feet. She smiles brightly as she leans against the bar. “You’re not mingling.”
“You’ve known me for over three years now. I’m not one to mingle.”
“Come on, there has to be someone here you want to talk to.”
Naomi rolls her eyes. “Mhm-hmm, you’re so charming, Dr. Ramsey.”
“I’m being very serious. Why wouldn’t I want to talk to the keynote speaker?”
When Naomi found out they wanted her to speak at the conference, she was almost certain they meant to speak to Ethan and that she accidentally answered a phone call meant for him. But they in fact wanted her, the newest and youngest head of the diagnostics team. Her meteoric rise up the ranks of Edenbrook had made quite the splash in the medical community, where everyone knew everyone. Whether she realized it or not, Naomi had become a wunderkind and everyone wanted a piece of her.
And while she was nervous, Ethan couldn’t be more proud of her. Naomi is brilliant, and it’s about time more people were rewarded with being in her presence long enough to see it.
Naomi groans and runs a hand along her midsection. “Don’t remind me that I’m giving a speech soon, my stomach is already in knots.”
Ethan holds up his tumbler of whiskey, angling the glass towards her. “Want some liquid courage?”
“No, eating or drinking might make it worse. I won’t feel better until I’m on the other side of it.”
“In the three years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen a shy bone in your body. Where are the nerves coming from?”
“I’ve never done something like this,” Naomi responds. “I’ve never given a speech in front of hundreds of people–maybe even more, this place is packed. Public Speaking is the only class I ever got a B in in college.”
Ethan gasps teasingly. “The horror.” He chuckles softly as Naomi pokes him in the rib. Moving closer, Ethan clasps a warm hand around Naomi’s shoulder, massaging gently. “You’re going to do just fine. Better than fine, even, you’re going to be amazing. You’re smart, charming, funny, and eloquent, and the directors knew what they were doing when they chose you to speak. And besides, nearly all of Edenbrook is here to support you. Lahela might’ve even snuck in a camcorder.”
It's a slight exaggeration, but a lot of physicians practicing at Edenbrook belong to the prestigious association, and did not want to miss the chance to see one of their own speak.
“Ugh don’t remind me. It’s easier speaking to a crowd of nameless, faceless people. What if I forget my speech? What if my accent becomes super obnoxious and no one can understand me? What if I trip on stage?”
“You could always picture everyone naked, I’ve been told that it helps.”
Naomi blanches at the suggestion. “No, I don’t want to picture all of these people naked.”
“Good, because that was a trick suggestion,” Ethan murmurs. He rests his forehead against Naomi’s, his lips hovering mere centimeters from hers. “The only person you should ever be visualizing sans clothing is me.”
“Lucky for me, I get to do a lot more than just visualize.”
The happy couple share a kiss before Ethan nuzzles his face into the crook of his girlfriend’s neck, whispering quiet words of encouragement and affirmation.
On the other side of the bar, a group of women watch the jarring public display of affection play out. Ethan Ramsey was notorious for hating medical conferences, never engaging or interacting with people. He was also known for being perpetually single, so to see him so open with another person felt like foreign.
“I still can’t believe the two of them are together,” Dr. Nicole Harrington whispers to her group of friends as they gawk at the pair. While she works in New York, it’s hard to not be aware of the story behind Dr. Ethan Ramsey and his young protege Dr. Valentine, especially since she’s in touch with so many Boston-based doctors. “I can’t believe Ramsey is so open with her.”
“I think they’re cute,” Nicole’s friend, Monica coos. “I’m a hopeless romantic.”
The third member of the party, Greta stays silent. She’s one of the two people within their group with actual ties to Edenbrook, her husband having been attending there for almost 8 years now. Her husband Ashland keeps her up to date on all the ins-and-outs of hospital gossip, and she knows all about Ethan’s messy entanglement with his former resident.
“He wasn’t even like this when he dated Harper Emery,” their last friend Angelica whispers. As a neurologist herself, she’s worked alongside both Ethan and Harper for a long time, and while the hospital knew of their relationship, if you weren’t looking for the extremely subtle signs, you’d never know they used to be together. For years, at that. But for some reason, Ethan can’t seem to go 5 seconds without being near Dr. Valentine. Within the walls of Edenbrook, it's becoming harder and harder to see one without the other. “And she’s Harper freaking Emery for Christ’s sake.”
The conversation pauses as someone on stage taps the mic, gathering everyone’s attention. Out of the corner of her eye, Greta watches as Ethan plants another kiss on his lover’s forehead and she disappears in the crowd before she’s introduced as the evening’s guest speaker.
Ethan doesn’t know why his girlfriend was ever so nervous because as soon as she accepts the microphone and starts to speak, he’s transfixed.
His tunnel vision is split when he hears an aggressive whisper from a few feet away. Frowning, he turns around, fully prepared to demand that whoever has the gall to interrupt Naomi’s speech should shut the hell up, but he stops when he realizes that they’re talking about her.
“She’s been a member of the AMA for what, 3 seconds and she’s already giving speeches? Are we in the freaking Twilight Zone?”
“I guess it pays to keep Ethan Ramsey’s bed warm.”
Greta scoffs, finally acknowledging the conversation. “Ashland tells me everything about the two of them, and it’s all so messy. She’s been leading him around like she’s dangling an apple in front of a horse since she got to Edenbrook. He gave her preferential treatment her intern year, and miraculously she gets the coveted fellowship on the Dr. Banerji’s team. He gets promoted, and surprise, surprise, he gives her the team, wrapped up in a neat little bow. Never mind the fact that she should be nowhere near leading a team, she killed a patient her intern year. So for him to be...parading that young girl around is tawdry and disrespectful to the hospital.”
If this was a cartoon, Ethan is almost positive his face would be very red and steam would be wafting out of his ears because that’s how angry he is. The audacity of these women to stand a mere 8 feet away from him and trash talk the woman he loves is disrespectful on so many levels.
Obnoxiously, he clears his throat, garnering their attention. The only one with the decency to look slightly embarrassed is Monica, as Ethan catches her cheeks flushing under his harsh attention.
Angelica stands up straighter, “Chief Ramsey, we were just–”
“Participating in a misogynistic diatribe against a fellow doctor,” Ethan finishes. “Question, did any of you graduate at the top of your classes from a top 10 ranked medical school?” No one dares respond. “Out of the 4 of you, did you guys save Naveen Banerji’s life while he was dying of sepsis? Have you spent your after hours holed up in the NICU with your patient’s newborn baby? Any of you face a near death experience and come back to the scene of the crime in order to help more people?”
Ethan’s eyes narrow at Angelica and Greta in particular. “When Edenbrook nearly shut down, I don’t remember seeing your face as we worked tirelessly in the free clinic Dr. Banks, nor do I recall seeing your husband Mrs. Park. I don’t remember him lobbying to politicians or attempting to secure funds during fundraisers, but I do recall seeing him show up at parties without you to flirt with nurses.”
Greta balks at Ethan’s words, clearly not expecting him to unleash such anger. “Dr. Ramsey, I’ll have you know that my husband–”
“Is spreading vicious gossip and lies about a doctor with higher ranking than him. Dr. Valentine got her spot on the diagnostics team fair and square. She was the number 1 intern so Naveen picked her. When I left the team, she was the last tenured member at the time, with the most experience in how a team of such magnitude ran. She was the best pick for the job.”
“Over the course of her time at Edenbrook, she has more than proved that she earned her seat at the table, and to suggest anything else is an insult to her strengths and talents as a doctor, as well as my judgement. To suggest that I do not know to remain professional while I’m at work and the only reason she’s in the position that she’s in is because of our private relationship isn’t just a lie, but a dangerous and slanderous one as well. And if someone so much as ever implies it again, I will slap them with a lawsuit so fast their head will spin, and the closest they’ll ever get to practicing medicine again is slapping Band-Aids on kindergarteners.”
The group of women receive a threat loud and clear And they remain silent not wanting to be at the receiving end of anymore of his wrath.
Ethan sighs heavily. “Well, now that this pesky conversation has come to an end, I’m going to continue to listen to Naomi’s speech. The one that she was hand selected to deliver, while the rest of you are in a position to do nothing more than watch from the crowds.”
With the catty group of women stunned into silence, Ethan smiles, his work complete. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, ladies.”
They watch as he downs the rest of his drink before sauntering off. Once he’s gone, Monica huffs out a shaky breath. “Well...I’ve always said there’s nothing more attractive than a man defending the woman he loves.”
Tags: @mvalentine @choicesaddict5 @professorkingslay @maurine07 @aka-calliope @bluebellot @whimsicallywayward15 @blossomanarchy @takemyopenheart @jamespotterthefirst @fanmantrashcan @whatchique @ao719 @x-kyne-x @colourmeshy @paulfwesley @the-pale-goddess @writinghereandthere @ramseyandrys @perriewinklenerdie @aworldoffandoms @thatcatlady0716 @drakewalker04 @canknot @hatescapsicum @lapisreviewsstuff @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ethandaddyramseyx @chasingrobbie @zodiacsign1 @choices-lurker @my-heart-beats-for-ya @adrian-motherfucking-raines @riverrune @edith-eggs1 @thatysn @bellcat2010 @blainehellyes @cecilecontrera @junehiratas @choices-love-affair @openheart12 @caseyvalentineramsey @desmaranj @nazario-sayeed @aestheticartsx @ruinedbypixels @nooruleman @rookie-ramsey @uneravine @choicest
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
The Obey Me Cast on a Camping Trip (Part Two: The Undateables)
This post is split in two due to length (I had too much fun again…) For the Brothers, please click HERE!
Another day, another team building activity between the demons and the exchange students. It was Diavolo’s idea to go on a camping trip to the human world (because of course it was), and there were very… mixed responses. That sentiment wasn’t helped when he refused Lucifer’s insistent pleas to just purchase cabins for everyone to stay in. Oh no, the Demon Lord wanted to rough it out in the wilderness, and now everyone else was getting dragged along with him…
Wonder how that turned out?
He was soooo excited to get to experience camping! He had been asking the MC about human camping trips for about a week before making the announcement and he was pumped!!
Barbatos chauffeured him to the campsite in his own car (of course) but he insisted on taking every roadside, touristy stop they came across which doubled the drive time considerably…
He wanted to help everybody set up the camp but Barbatos and Lucifer were having none of it… So he took pictures and offered moral support instead! Good work everyone! 😁
He had his own tent about the size of a small house (ngl it took Barbs and Lucifer about a half hour to set the whole thing up). Barbs even somehow managed to pack a collapsible desk in there for him so he could still work… greeeat…. 🙄
Diavolo wanted to try everything. Literally everything. The man even traded his uniform out for full on outdoors gear, right down to one of those floppy fishing hats with the tackle stuck to it.
Politely insistently asks that Lucifer does things with him. The MC could come along as well (and in many cases Luci begs them to do so) but he wants to get some bonding time in with his best friend!
Unfortunately for Lucifer, Diavolo would get sidetracked quite a lot… Which is how he ended up having to physically steer his Lord out of harm's way more than once…
At one point while hiking, Diavolo was so distracted by taking pictures that he nearly walked right into the path of a passing bear and her cubs. Lucifer had to tackle him down into some bushes until they went away... His brothers teased him mercilessly when they heard about...
Dia also loved the camping food quite a bit. He's never gotten the chance to cook his own food before, even if it's just marshmallows over a fire, so it was all a brand new experience for him! S'mores are now declared a human world delicacy.
Man had the time of his life! He'd love to do it again, hell, maybe even make it a yearly event! (Few of the brothers share his sentiment, but hey, it pays to be King 😏)
If his Lord orders it, then he follows. He'll just have to double check that everyone is prepared for the occasion…
Drove Diavolo there with the patience of a saint (while also, like, being the exact opposite of that). Had it been anyone else in the car, they might have told him, "No, we can't stop for pictures of every moose you see," but Barbs is as accommodating as he is loyal.
It was pretty much all on his shoulders to direct the others when setting up camp. Lucifer would claim it was his, but let’s be completely honest here, Lucifer can't order Barbs to do shit. 
Naturally, he had his own tent close to his Lord, more modest in comparison, but big enough to hold a majority of the belongings and gear Diavolo had requested.
He also managed to bring a almost fully functioning kitchen setup for him using magic, minus a working oven by Diavolo's instruction. If he wanted a heat source, he had to use the campfire and he found the challenge intriguing…
For once in his extended life, Barbs had to do some trial and error in the kitchen. As it would turn out, fireside cooking can be a little difficult to master, but by the end of the trip he could still somehow dish out four course meals without so much as a sweat (according to the MC the secret was tinfoil and cast-iron cookware… who knew?)
When he isn’t prepping their next meal (which let’s be honest, with Beel on the trip that’s a constant activity) he’s guarding the food from Beel and Solomon…
The sorcerer wanted to help, but Barbs has already learned the hard way that if he so much as pokes a dish its flavor is ruined… It’s enough to make him wonder if it was a curse laid on him at some point…
Watching Barbatos deny Solomon becomes a pretty funny routine in and of itself. He’s not above just smacking the man’s hand away with a wooden spoon if it gets too close. Barbs doesn’t play in his kitchen. Back off. 😠
Barbatos is happy with the trip so long as the young Lord enjoyed himself. If that’s the case, and it was, then he’d happily do it again if asked… not that he’d have much of a choice anyway.
Simeon was familiar with the concept of camping, he’d written about it in his stories, but he’d never actually done it himself… He had hoped it'd be an interesting experience! And uh… it was that from the very start… 
Purgatory Hall got its own car and Solomon was put in charge of driving… But no one mentioned that he drives like a complete maniac. Speed limits, stoplights, even the ROAD ITSELF be damned. Solomon drives in a straight line from point A to point B and if there’s anything in the way he’ll just use magic to get around it…
It’s safe to say that by the time he and the others got to the campsite (which was significantly quicker than the rest) the angels weren’t in the emotional state to pitch tents… He and Luke just waited for the others to catch up while praying and praising the solid ground beneath their feet…
He shared his tent with Luke and didn’t mind at all. It was probably for the best anyway because the little angel was scared of human world predators like bears and wolves coming for him in the night… Poor boy…
Simeon took to hiking quite a bit. Going out and exploring the area around the campsite made him feel invigorated! The forests were beautiful and it gave him ideas for a bit of a guilty pleasure he's been debating on writing, "The Tale of the Lonely Prince." 🤭
It was on one of those trips that Simeon discovered human world creatures love him. Pretty much all of the wildlife gravitates towards him like he's a Disney Princess.
At one point he came back to camp riding on a moose with birds chirping on his new friend's antlers. He offered to take the MC out for a ride, but the brothers threw a fit about it…
He WAS able to get a couple more wrangled for Diavolo, who naturally dragged Lucifer along (though he clearly didn't want to touch the thing). 
The three ended up getting into a mooseback race because Diavolo wouldn't let Lucifer take the lead. He was glad to see Luci enjoy himself for a change! (It helped a lot that he won of course 🙄😏)
All and all, Simeon had a great time. Maybe he should ask the MC to show him more human places… But he's never getting in a car again. Pardon his language, but fuck those things!!!
He doesn't know what's worse… being out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of demons or the absolute insanity that was the "drive" down… 😣
He spent the entirety of Solomon's Magical Ride of Nightmares clinging to Simeon or the armrests for dear life. He swore his entire life flashed before his eyes, can angels even have heart attacks???
Stayed right next to Simeon when they finally pulled themselves together enough to leave the car. He was so happy that Michael didn't see any of that… Who knew human transportation was so horrifying…???
His saving grace (literally) was getting to share his tent with Simeon… After Solomon told him that bears sometimes get curious and ransacked campsites, he clung onto the older angel like a protective charm.
...Whiiiich he wasn't too off about actually after he saw Simeon playing (yes PLAYING) with the human wildlife… Simeon had to introduce him to some of the nicer animals for him to eventually get over his fear and venture out past the campsite.
Luke loved to swim in the lake or river with MC and the others. The MC found a sturdy branch where they set up a rope swing and the little guy amused himself for hours!
Sometimes he'd watch Barbatos prep and cook using the campfire… He didn't even know you could make lasagna in a Dutch oven…
At one point the MC convinced him to go with them and the twins on a particularly long hike…
He got tired halfway through and Beel offered him a piggyback ride, but of course he'd NEVER let himself be that close to a demon!! (Just kidding, poor boy was so tired he climbed onto Beel's back and held on the a kola until they got back. Then he jumped off to save face)
He had a better time than he thought he would, but still doesn't want to go camping with demons ever again. (He and Simeon also begged Lucifer to drive them back instead of Solomon so the brothers' van was pretty much a clown car on the return trip).
Solomon hasn't been camping (for enjoyment) in quite a while, so when the prospect came up to do it with the MC and the other students he was intrigued...
When Simeon asked he knew how to drive, he said yes. He knows how to start a car, put it into motion, steer, and then come to a stop. That's all driving is really. 🤷‍♀️ You can't blame him for not memorizing all the rules, he's been traveling by portal for decades!
Was pretty confused why his angel friends fled the car so quickly... He got them there in one piece, after all. 😕🤷‍♀️ He put up their tents himself since they were too busy thanking their father then made a magic barrier around the site for protection purposes.
He and the MC both have their own tents, of course his is enchanted to be a lot bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, but he's only let the MC in on that little secret in case they want to visit… 😏
When everyone else finally arrived, Solomon was happy to help the MC introduce the wonders of the human wilderness to their companions! Including the breathtaking vistas, beautiful flora, bitter temperatures, man-eating predators, waters filled with disease… Hm? Oh, Luke won't leave the tent now…? Whoopsie.
Solomon kept himself occupied on the trip the best way he knew how… relentless trolling (particularly of Asmo and Barbs because they're used to his shit).
He'd alternate between poking fun at Asmo for the almost ritual length routines he was going through to try and save his looks to genuinely trying to encourage him and downplay the severity of the downgrade...
Meanwhile he was bound and determined to serve at least one of his own dishes during the trip (but Barbatos had banned him from the "kitchen," the food tent, and even the spoons...)
Diavolo, nice guy that he is, eventually made Barbs relent and let Solomon cook for ONE night… It went as well as to be expected. (They sent Solomon to grab more supplies then everybody took turns washing their mouths out with lake water... Diavolo apologized profusely, he had no idea...).
Solomon was confused why the angels would rather squeeze themselves in with the brothers than ride with him back but he wasn’t upset about it. That meant he could make a few extra stops without anyone complaining! He knows a guy in New Orleans he’s been meaning to see again… Luke and Simeon can wait a little for their stuff, right?
Click HERE for Part One. Check out my Masterlist for more!
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fellulahh · 4 years
Lucifer x MC x Satan Fic, Part 31/???
Read Parts 1-30 here!
Despite already hearing everything, Satan didn’t want to be reminded of MC and Lucifer. He only wanted to hide away from the pair of them.
Sighing, he eventually switched off his D.D.D, throwing it to one side as he cursed to himself.
It’d been a week since the ball, and the House of Lamentation was eerily quiet. Although the brothers weren’t aware of any of the dramas that happened, they all eventually worked out something was off after not seeing Lucifer, Satan, MC and sometimes even Asmo for days.
Lucifer had completely dropped off the grid. Nobody had seen him since the ball and he very rarely messaged their group chat. And when he did message, it was to inform everyone that he wouldn’t be present at dinner.
Meanwhile, MC stayed in her room, trying to focus on something other than Satan or Lucifer. Well, at least she tried to focus on something else. She found it particularly hard to study when Satan was ignoring all of her messages; how was she supposed to focus when the demon she loved had neglected her?
It got to the point where MC started going to Satan’s room but it was always to no avail as he kept the door locked. And every time her soft voice called to him, Satan would be on the other side; his heart breaking at the sound of her.
But no, he couldn’t let her in. If he saw her it’d only hurt more; Satan just wanted to allow MC to be happy and not confuse her with whatever it was that happened between them. But most of all, he didn’t want to risk the chance that he’d see MC and Lucifer together.
Although it killed him to ignore her, he had to do it to stop feeling anymore pain.
Over time, MC began to wonder what she could have done wrong. Was it because she went and slept with Satan after the ball? It couldn’t be surely...he seemed happy to see her? Or maybe he changed his mind about everything and decided he didn’t want to be so close to MC?
Either way, the human was torturing herself, weighing up the endless possibilities on why Satan had suddenly shut her out. And with every day that passed, her heart cried for him more.
“Mm.” MC hummed as she stared down at her D.D.D screen, reading the countless messages she’d sent. “One more and then I’ll stop.”
‘Please Satan, can we just talk? I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong - I miss you’
Meanwhile, laying on his bed trying to read a book, Satan’s body grew tense when he felt his D.D.D beside him vibrate. Without even having to look at the screen, he knew who it was.
Picking it up, he read the message from MC before returning to his book. He needed more time before he could find the courage in him to be happy for the human.
And that time wasn’t now.
Realising he couldn’t focus on his book now because MC plagued his mind, Satan let out a heavy sigh. It was early in the morning so not many other brothers would be awake. Therefore, deciding it was the best time to leave his room, he got off his bed and made his way to the door.
As he walked down the hallways in the direction of the kitchen, it was just as quiet as he suspected. Although he kept a stern exterior and solid mind frame, his fragile little heart was fearful that he’d turn a corner and see Lucifer and MC together.
Thankfully, unbeknownst to him, that would not be happening.
Eventually making his way into the kitchen, Satan prepared his breakfast to take back up to his room. He was so engrossed with his culinary that he hadn’t heard Mammon enter the room.
“Satan?” He questioned in disbelief, “where have ya been?!”
Hesitantly turning around, Satan met eyes with his older brother. “I’ve been busy reading.” He answered at least somewhat truthfully.
“Ah right...” Mammon nodded, “I was beginning to think somethin’ had happened.”
“Why?” Satan questioned, curious as to where the white haired demon was going with his statement.
“Well I haven’t seen MC in about a week...” he sighed. “She’s basically disappeared.”
“She has?” Satan asked surprised.
“Yeah! She won’t even let me in her room, every time I ask her if she’s free, she tells me she’s studyin’” Mammon explained, raising his hands. “I mean she does answer my messages but she won’t let me see her! She always has an excuse.”
Suddenly Satan felt some doubt. He hadn’t realised MC had been hiding away too. But why?
“And don’t get me started on Lucifer.” Mammon continued, “he doesn’t even answer any messages anymore. What could he possibly be so busy with?!”
“Oh..” Satan mumbled, assuming that both of their lack of presence was because they’re too occupied...with each other.
“Like what’s goin’ on?!” Mammon asked in despair. “Even Asmo’s acting kinda funny! If I start talkin’ about MC around him, he tells me off for trying to bother her.”
“Maybe she’s just sick, Mammon.” Satan lied with a sigh, “I’m sure she’ll appear soon.”
“I don’t get how you’re not bothered.” Mammon stated, “you and MC were inseparable just two weeks ago and now ya don’t even know what’s wrong with her?”
Satan hadn’t anticipated Mammon being so straight to the point. Was it really that obvious how much tension there was in the house now?
“I don’t know what to tell you.” He stated simply.
Mammon eyed up Satan suspiciously. Even he wasn’t convinced by the fourth eldest’s lies. Judging by the miserable look on his face, I don’t think anyone would be.
“What?” Satan questioned, noticing Mammon’s stare.
“Nothin’.” He shook his head, “I just think there’s somethin’ ya not telling me.”
Brushing past Satan’s shoulder, Mammon left the room to leave the blond haired demon to his thoughts.
His judgement was completely clouded as he began to wonder if he’d been overly dramatic.
Nevertheless, he still trudged his way back up the stairs with his breakfast to hide in his room once more.
Meanwhile, across the house, Asmo was making his way toward MC’s room. The pair of them had been messaging each other non-stop with him trying to distract her mind all week. However, sensing that MC was still wallowing, Asmo decided it was finally time to go and see her.
It had been days and MC still seemed to be upset about Lucifer so Asmo decided it was high time that they went out and had some fun!
He had high spirits as he approached her door. His knock was enthusiastic and he awaited eagerly for her call.
“Sweetie, it’s me!” He singsonged.
“It’s open.” She mumbled from the other side.
Stepping inside her room, Asmo’s face fell the moment he saw her. MC looked no happier than what she did a week ago.
Was she really that hung up on Lucifer?
“MC I know I’ve tried to avoid talking about it all week so you didn’t have to be reminded, but are you really still this upset about Lucifer?” He questioned, stepping up to her bed before sitting beside her, “I told you before it’s not worth getting upset over - you did what was right for you and sometimes that’s the only thing you can do—“
“This isn’t about Lucifer.” MC quickly interrupted, “yes I’m still upset about that but I can live with it now.”
“Then what’s wrong?” Asmo asked confused.
MC turned away momentarily. A small pout appeared on her lips as her stubborn heart was reminded of the fourth eldest.
“He won’t talk to me, As!” She spoke up, voice cracking. “Satan’s been avoiding me all week.”
“What?” He asked lowly in disbelief, “what’s he been doing?”
“He won’t answer my messages, my calls...I’ve even been to his room and every time I’ve tried to talk to him through the door he won’t answer. I don’t understand what I did wrong? Did you say anything to him?” She asked desperately.
“No!” He quickly fired back with, shaking his head.
He could tell MC was expecting him to give a reasonable explanation for Satan shutting her out judging by the hopeful glint in her eyes. But even Asmo was baffled by his behaviour.
It didn’t take a genius to tell how upset this was making MC.
“I thought there was something there.” MC spoke quietly, “I suppose I misread everything. He probably saw himself as a rebound...”
“I know he wasn’t a rebound.” Asmo said reassuringly.
“Then what else is it?” She asked him. “It’s not like Satan at all to ignore me; he’s never acted like this before.”
“Maybe he’s just too engrossed with his reading.” Asmo tried to swiftly conjure an excuse.
“Is that the best you’ve got?” MC asked him with furrowed eyebrows.
Shaking her head, she leant into Asmo’s side as she rested her cheek on his shoulder. “I’m just so grateful to still have you, As.”
“Well I’ll always be here for you, you know that right?” He smiled to himself, wrapping an arm around MC.
“That’s what Satan said.” She sighed.
It killed Asmo to see MC like this; especially because she was hurting over Satan. Asmo knew that the fourth eldest was blatantly in love with MC, there’s no way his sudden disappearance from her life was because he didn’t want to be with her.
No, there had to be something else.
Asmo spent another ten or so minutes with MC, trying to make her at least smile. In the end, he stated that he was going to make the pair something to eat but in reality it wasn’t the kitchen he planned on heading to.
It was Satan’s room.
“I’ll be back in a moment, sweetie.” He stated as he got off the bed to head to the door.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to help with breakfast?” She asked.
“Absolutely.” Asmo nodded, “you just wait here, I won’t be long.”
“Okay.” MC smiled appreciatively as she watched him leave.
Let’s face it, Asmo is the true MVP in this story.
What are your thoughts?!
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oh-boy-me · 4 years
Alright I'm curious about your take on movie night with the undateables, including Luke since this is non- romance. Snack preferences, what movies they choose, funny stories from movie night. Whatever strikes your fancy with the idea is good with me. Thanks in advance!
Sorry it took a little bit (´ω`。) It’s my first time working with these characters so I wanted to give it my absolute best
I’m setting this up as individual movie nights so that each character can get the spotlight for a while; I hope that’s ok!  Also, a lot of them somehow ended up in a context of it being the first time you’d hung out one on one lol
It feels like Simeon spends just about all of his time with Luke and Solomon, while you spend just about all of yours with the brothers.  So, you decide to have a movie night to finally spend some time together without having to divide your attention.  Purgatory Hall is the obvious choice of location, since its residents are much more ready to leave you alone when asked.
This angel is a traditional kind of guy, as angels tend to be, so popcorn is the only snack idea that comes to mind.  Traditional doesn’t mean close-minded, though, so he’s more than willing to try out any snacks you bring along.  Actually, he encourages you to bring a bunch of snacks to try out together!  You can have a taste test while you watch the movies!
Simeon likes Hallmark movie-type movies a lot, mainly because they demand little emotional investment.  Movies like horror don’t scare him, but they do stress him out because he wants all the protagonists to get their happy ending!  Another benefit of Hallmark movies is that it’s fun to try to guess exactly what will happen, since they can be so predictable.
Of course, he doesn’t want to monopolize your movie lineup, so if there’s something you want to see he’s all for it.  If you want to go for something more thrilling, he’ll power through it like a champ, but you can see him visibly cringing at some points.
Simeon is lowkey a movie cuddler, but like in a way that still respects your personal space bubble.  He won’t spend the film with you in his arms or anything, but the entire couch is fair game.
Simeon apparently likes to talk during movies–he doesn’t mean to, but the thoughts kind of just come out.  He’s brutally honest about what he’s thinking, so if you’re down with it, talking about and roasting the movie as it’s happening is a load of fun.  “I don’t know MC, I don’t think this guy’s all that great either?  Sure maybe he isn’t completely ignoring her, but look, he obviously has commitment issues; at least her ex was just busy all the time.  Look, Mr. Lone Wolf’s beard is uneven.  Why does she want a man who wants to look rugged but can’t get it right?”
Simeon also will accidentally spoil any movie he’s already seen like this, so you’re best off watching films that are new to both of you.
He knew that you were a nice and fun person, but honestly he’s kind of taken aback by how good you are to be around.  Since the only human he’s usually around is Solomon, talking to one and not feeling like you need to second-guess everything you’re told is a new and welcome feeling.
Before you split for the night, he asks if you’d like to do something like this again.  As an angel, there’s a lot that he hasn’t experienced–a lot of food, a lot of activities, a lot of media–and you’re someone that he feels like he would be comfortable trying new things with.  You can expect lots of texts like, “Hello!  I hope you’re doing wellヾ(^-^)ノ Are you free tomorrow?”
You probably decide to have a movie night after Luke ends up spending way longer than he expected to in the kitchen at the House of Lamentation.  On the condition that absolutely no demons are to join you two!  Ok maybe Beel and Levi are ok but absolutely no one else!  After a call to Simeon explaining that he isn’t coming back to Purgatory Hall tonight you guys are good to go.
He always brings baked goods when he comes over, plus whatever he was working on in the kitchen, so you’re more than covered!  The majority of it is things like cookies and fudge bark.  They’re easy snacks to grab a handful of.
Luke tries to insist that he wants to watch a movie with lots of violence or a horror film, or any other kind of movie that teenagers sneak into.  He’s doing it because he’s so frustrated with everyone calling him a kid when he’s centuries older than a human will ever be, stop making fun of him!!  For his sake and yours, you should tell him that you don’t want to watch that sort of movie, because if you let him get away with it he’ll get too freaked out in the first 20 minutes.
Most likely you’ll end up having a Disney marathon.  They’re so fun, and since the Celestial Realm is pretty isolated when it comes to cultural exchange, he’s only seen a couple, so you can show him your favorites!  Also, he’s not crying.  No, you saw that wrong.
He starts off on the other side of the couch, one again trying to be mature and shit, but that won’t last long.  Anyone who sees you huddled together like that will be punched in the gut with the sheer level of sibling energy y’all are radiating.  Lucifer almost doesn’t want to mock him.  Almost.
That thing where immediately after consuming a piece of media, you imagine yourself as part of that universe?  Luke loves to talk about that sort of thing.  “If I lived there, I’d have given Gaston a piece of my mind!”  “Ok but if I was a piece of furniture what do you think I’d be?  I can totally see you being a…”
“I think you’d be the footstool that acts like a dog, Luke.”  “Hey, Lucifer, you weren’t invited to our party!!”
You might (will) have to fend off a few nosy demon brothers to protect your demon-free movie lair.  Luke swears that next time you have to come over to Purgatory Hall, but he’s having way more fun here than he’s willing to admit.
He also learns that most of the brothers will listen to you without complaint.  He will definitely keep this in mind.
This kid angel has so much energy, how is he still awake after five movies?  You absolutely have to establish a bedtime because he literally will not go to bed until you do.
It’s quite rare for you to have a break from the seven avatars of attention hogging, so if you’re going to have a movie night, Purgatory Hall may as well be a godsend.
You may want to be careful about getting there, because if Asmo catches wind that you and Solomon are having a movie night without him, he’s going to show up unannounced and then refuse to leave.  Solomon can come pick you up if you need.  Just, he’ll be waiting a block away so Asmo can’t catch up.
Solomon is a “dinner and a show” kinda guy.  He will offer to make dinner.  Do not let him do this.  Either make it yourself or order takeout.
You’ll pretty easily agree on alternating who chooses the movie.  You get the first, he gets the second, you get the third, etc.  Definitely isn’t letting you choose first to lure you into a false sense of security about the DVD in his hand, what made you think that?
Solomon is the kind of person to lie about what sort of movie he’s put in.  “Solomon what is this supposed to be?”  “Oh, don’t worry about it.”  It’s gonna be a weird movie.  You just have to wait and see.
He is going to rip into your movie choices.  He liked how they worked with this, and that was impressive, but these bits?  Did they think they could get away with that?  What was the budget?  Rest assured, though, he expects you to do the same for him.  In fact, he’ll be quite disappointed if you don’t.
He prefers a setup on his bed rather than on the couch.  He’s also one of the ones who keeps to himself in terms of personal space, although that’s not to say that he isn’t relaxed.  Some might say he’s too relaxed, but that’s just who he is: too relaxed in any situation.  On the surface, at least.
As the only humans in the Devildom, some of the night is probably spent reminiscing on how different things tend to be here.  Solomon does feel bad that you in particular have had to make so many changes to your life and habits with no warning.  He has his magic to rely on, so he’s glad you have your reputation of “the human that made a pact with the student council” to keep demons from messing with you.
If you want, he’s happy to let you sleep over so that you don’t have to explain why you’re coming home so late.  He also encourages you to not say anything to your dorm mates.  Wouldn’t it be fun to make them wonder?  They’re always breathing down your neck, aren’t they?  Make them squirm a little bit.  You’re going to get a scolding for sneaking out regardless.  It’s incredibly cruel; you know they worry sick about you more than is called for.  Will you play along?  That’s up to you.  I advise you not to.
Like Simeon felt like he needed to second-guess everything around a bunch of demons and Solomon, Solomon sometimes feels like he needs to keep himself guarded around a bunch of demons and two literal angels.  You, however, are a human.  You have common ground, and Solomon can see how your vulnerability here translates into strength.  He’s not quite ready to admit it but, your ability to survive on character and not power is inspiring to him.  Shortly before you go home/to sleep, he mentions something about himself, and for once it seems like he’s being honest.
You have the movie night at the House of Lamentation, under Lucifer’s promise that he’d keep everyone else busy.  It’s Barbatos’ first day off in 325 years, and he doesn’t want to take any chances of Diavolo forgetting that fact and giving him an order.
It may come as a surprise, but Barbatos wants nothing more than to order a pizza.  If he managed to get enough time off to have a movie night with you, he doesn’t want to have to think about preparing food.  A single night where he can just hang out and eat less than perfectly prepared cuisine is exactly what he needs to unwind.
Out of habit, he insists that whatever you want to watch is fine.  If you remind him that this is just as much for him as it is for you, he’ll suggest you look up what new psychological thrillers are trending.  Whenever a scary scene is playing on the screen, there’s the tiniest smile gracing his face the whole time.  It’s a little disconcerting, but something tells you that you shouldn’t bring it up.
If you do bring it up against all better judgement, though, he’ll explain that the villain in the film is being so messy.  Given the circumstances, it’d be better for him to do this or that.
“Don’t ask how I know all of this.  I’m just saying, if you find yourself with a body to dispose of, alive or not, you know who to call.”
Time spent with an off-duty Barbatos grows more relaxed as the night progresses.  You split the sofa 50/50, and over time you can see his posture relax from stiff and straight to leaning against the arm with his feet up.
Oh, yes, he’s also brought along a nice bottle of wine to share.  He made sure to get something that should affect demons and humans equally, of course.  If he’s going to get inebriated, you’re going down with him.
Turns out, working for the Demon Prince for all eternity gives you a few grievances.  Also turns out that the Demon Prince’s butler becomes quite loose lipped and downright snarky when he’s had enough to drink.  “‘Which flavor do you think Lucifer would like best?’  I don’t know, My Lord, might I suggest you ask him yourself?  No, no, I hear you laughing, MC!  This happens every time!”
There’s still a movie playing, but why would you watch a movie when Diavolo’s butler is such a gossip?  You definitely know things you shouldn’t by the time the night is over, but you swear an oath of secrecy.  And, although he regrets how liberal he was with his stories the next day, it does feel nice to have some of that off his chest.
And, well, he’s already gone this far, so he hopes you aren’t too surprised when you receive a text from him a week later: “Ok SO.”
You guys decide to do the movie night at the palace, mainly to avoid Lucifer.  Diavolo wants to get to know you better, and he knows that if Lucifer is around he’ll end up making you the third-wheel.
Barbatos is going to be around, so Diavolo leaves it up to you whether you want to make it a party of three.  (Barbatos is still in on-duty mode, of course, so his time here is much less relaxed than in his solo scenario.)
Diavolo’s read about movie nights in Youthful Fun 101, and he wants to try out the whole snack list.  Popcorn, pizza rolls, sodas, you name it, he’s got mountains of it.
If you suggest also making ice cream sundaes, he’ll be the happiest demon in the entire Devildom.  It seems that the esteemed Demon Prince really loves chocolate sauce.
Really really wants to watch your favorite movie.  What sort of Devildom host would he be if he didn’t get to understand the Human World from his guest’s perspective?  Whether it’s something like Gone with the Wind or something like Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2, he’s enthralled.  So this is Human World cinema!  There’s something so imaginative about it, even in the driest moments!
After your favorite, he’s got a checklist of iconic movies to get under his belt.  Not all of them end up holding your attention, and you develop a voting system–after the first 15 minutes, you hold a vote on whether to keep the movie going or to move on.  Since there’s only two of you, only one of you needs to like the movie to keep it going, so you give yourselves one immediate veto each.
Diavolo uses his veto on the first movie he wasn’t super into, and you have to keep reminding him that there’s no secret second veto that he can use.  Cut him some slack, this level of democracy is unfamiliar to the future Demon King.  He does end up really liking some of the movies he tried to avoid, so he learns to chill pretty quickly.
Also insists on watching the movies in a massive blanket fort.  He’s not a movie cuddler, per se, but he is an emotional movie watcher, so you can expect him to grab your arm during an especially sweet or sad scene.
You’re going to have to clarify what’s realistic and what isn’t sometimes.  No, that’s not a real animal.  Yes, that event really happened.  That may or may not be true, we aren’t sure.  Diavolo please this is a conspiracy theory.
If you thought that this wouldn’t end up in a sleepover, I don’t know what to tell you.  Maybe you just tried to watch way too many movies and passed out in the fort.  Maybe you tried to call it quits and then he gave you big puppy dog eyes until you agreed to have a slumber party.
Side note, but Lucifer is still recovering from seeing Diavolo’s car appear unannounced at the House of Lamentation and then being told that it’s actually here to pick you up and that he absolutely can’t come along.  Has he been replaced?
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Let Your Hair Down (chapter xv)
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Get caught up with the Let Your Hair Down Masterlist!
word count: 1,762
story summary: Harry gets more than he bargains for when he falls not only for you but your little girl as well.
chapter summary: plans change
warnings: laaaaanguage..
a/n: okay I desperately needed a happy MC and Harry in this one after the last chapter so excuse me while I go cry over how cute these two can be. okay that’s it. xx
You'd never walked home so fast in your life. Basically running with Thea in your arms towards your apartment building. You didn't want to be paranoid but you had no idea that Ryan knew where you worked. You wouldn't put it past him to know where you lived too.
Luckily, Thea had no problem being carried home from school. She hung onto your hip, arms around your neck, telling you all about her day at school. She didn't notice anything wrong with you besides the marks on your arm. You hated lying to her but you didn't want to involve her in any adult problems. Telling her you had an accident and she left the subject alone.
"Momma, can we call Harry?" Thea asked when you finally got into your apartment. You felt like you were finally able to breathe again when you locked all 3 of your door locks. A weight of anxiety being lifted off you, knowing Ryan couldn't break through 3 locks and your front door to get in.
"We'll call him in a minute." You said, walking with Thea to the kitchen. She sat her backpack on the table, pulling out her picture for Harry as you rummaged through your bare fridge to see if there was anything for you two to have for dinner tonight.
"Pizza?" You asked, shutting the fridge door once you saw it was a losing battle for dinner that night. You were too frazzled to even eat but you had to do something for Thea.
"Yes! I want extra cheese." Thea sang out her agreement, pulling out her folder of homework and getting started on it. You smiled, happy she actually liked school and you didn't have to fight with her the whole time to do her work.
"Alright, let me go order then we'll call Harry." You grabbed your phone, plopping on your couch, surprised you hadn't had any more texts from Ryan but considering it a blessing as you placed the usual order to your favorite pizza place.
Once you got off the phone you scrolled to Harry's contact. The picture of Thea and him from a little over a month ago shining bright, making you smile. So much had changed since then. You felt like you'd open yourself up so much to being happy again and now your past was sneaking up on you.
You sighed before clicking the facetime button. You knew you needed to tell someone about what happened with Ryan but you couldn't go there yet. You just wanted to forget it, pushing it to the back of your mind when Harry's wide smiling face appeared on your screen.
"Hey, I've missed ya love." His smile was contagious, making the bad day melt away from your thoughts. He had such a great way of making your anxieties fade just by being around.
"Missed you too, so much." You sighed, just wanting him to give you a hug. Long-distance sucked and it wasn't even 12 hours apart. You tried your best to not think about all of your doubts about your newly formed relationship but the look on your face must have been enough to concern him.
"Wat's wrong?"
"Nothing, just a rough day. I need a hug." You sighed again, sitting back further on the couch when you heard Thea running from the kitchen.
"Harry!" She yelled jumping on the couch to be able to see him on your phone. Her face inches away from the screen so you couldn't see his face anymore but could hear him laughing.
"Hey, sunshine. How was school?" He asked, your phone taken from your hands as Thea held it herself to talk to him.
"Good. Van asked me to be his girlfriend again but I think I'm going to ask Will if he'll be my boyfriend cause he shared his crayons with me today." She blurted out, making you laugh from beside her. Knowing the response to this was going to be priceless.
"Yer not allowed to date til yer 35." He huffed out, not finding it funny at all but making you crack up.
"Yeah no dating Thea!" You heard Mitch call out from a distance.
"Thea, stop giving Uncle Mitch and Harry blood pressure spikes. Go work on your homework." You rolled your lips when you saw her confused look on her face but she eventually agreed and handed you back the phone.
"Y'still coming Friday right?" He asked the second your face came back into view.
"Might come out tomorrow if that's okay. I got some time off and Thea doesn't have any tests this week or anything so…" you trailed off, not wanting to tell him the reason you wanted to come out sooner was because you were scared to stay alone or walk around the city by yourself.
"Really?" That stupid heartwarming dimpled smile back on his face, wider than ever. You nodded, trying your best to contain your excitement. You needed this vacation, time away from all the shit going on.
"I'll see ya tomorrow then, love."
It was probably the longest flight of your whole entire life. The whole time Thea was bouncing in her seat asking how much longer. Every time you answered with the time left she'd then lean over the poor guy beside you and look out the window. Then she'd play on her iPad for 2 seconds before repeating it all again… for 6 hours.
The guy beside you ran like a fire was lit under his ass to get off the plane and honestly you couldn't blame him. As cute as your kid could be she definitely had her moments when she was a bit much.
You understood her excitement though. You were so ready to ignore all your problems for a week, to reset and get away from everything. It was much needed. The thought of relaxing away from the stress of Ryan, who still hadn't bothered you since he showed up to your job, and the thousands of people now practically stalking you online was great.
Your mind filled with all the things you and Thea could do in California as you made your way through the airport. You repeatedly had to remind Thea that she had to hold your hand and not run off to stores as you two pushed through people to get to where Harry said he'd be waiting for you two.
You only managed to get lost once on the way there but the swarm of people eventually signalled where you guys needed to go. You sighed, pulling Thea close, debating if getting back on the plane was an option instead of dealing with all these people looking at you and Harry.
Thea on the other hand had no fear as she caught sight of Harry. She let go of your hand and charged towards him. The bodyguards you'd never had to be around before in New York perking up the second she started yelling for him and waving her hands.
"Harry! Harry!" She yelled, running full force to him causing the protective people around him to turn towards the sound.
You thought you were about to have to go a thousand shades of psycho on some bald asshole, racing after her, trying to get to her before someone touched your fucking kid and you'd have to whoop ass in front of all these cameras.
Harry's head snapped around to you guys as you got closer. Thea not listening at all to your demands to stop as she got closer to him and your protective mother mode kicked. Not only was everyone now looking at you but the fear of someone taking her or some asshole bodyguard touching her to get her away from Harry made your stomach turn.
"Whoa." Harry grabbed the guy standing beside him shoulder before he even had a chance to step in front of him. "She's mine, it's fine."
The sentence made him stop in your tracks. Did you hear him right? Did he really just say that?
You slowly walked the rest of the way toward him as Thea flung herself into his arms and giving him a hug like she hadn't seen him in a year. You smiled softly but was very aware of everyone still standing around you when you finally approached him.
"Hey." He said all laughs and smiles like he didn't just call your child his own a second ago. How the fuck were you supposed to be okay after that? You weren't sure how to feel about it but as you stood watching them together you couldn't help the tugging feeling in your heart that this was right.
"Hey." You smiled back finally giving him the hug you've needed. Thea still hanging onto him as his one arm pulled you in tightly to him.
"Let's get out 'f 'ere." He smiled down to you, dimple popping out when you nodded your head.
The three of you made your way out of the airport together. His free arm wrapped tightly around your shoulder as his other one kept Thea on his hip.
You sighed the second you got in the car and away from all the people staring at you. California felt like a different planet compared to New York. You weren't used to all the attention.
"Jus' ignore it. No one'll bother y'guys. It dies down sum jus' not used to me havin' two cuties with me." He kissed your cheek, causing Thea to snap her attention to you two.
Harry's eyes widened the second he realized he'd been caught. Your laughter erupted from you but Thea looked more confused than ever.
"Why'd you kiss momma?" She asked sitting up straighter in your seat. "Does this mean you're her boyfriend?"
His eyes looked like they were going to actually pop out of his head. You thought you could see him actually start to sweat. You had to give yourself a moment to stop laughing as Harry sat like a deer in headlights.
"Is that okay?" You asked, finally turning to her.
She just smiled brightly nodding her head. Dropping the subject completely when the car started moving.
"Holy shit. She's goin' t'give me a heart attack one 'f these days."
"You have to pay the curse jar!" She piped up again, not taking her eyes off the window.
You laughed sitting back in your seat leaning your head on Harry's shoulder as he grumbled under his breath. The smile not leaving your face as things finally felt good in your life.
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my-love-jake-love · 3 years
(Untitled 🙃) (MC's strange premonition 3)
* FBI Teddy approaches the FBI Chief *
FBI Teddy: I ​​don't want to get involved in your case, but do you really want her to die?
FBI chief: what are you!? Of course not. When she'll get worse, she herself will tell us everything
FBI Teddy: But I don’t think so, I don’t want to be clever, but wouldn’t it be better to accept her terms, at least we could find Hannah. If she dies, then we can't find Hannah or Jake.
Chief FBI: She won't die. That hacker is definitely come for her, you saw how much she wants us not to hunt Jake. so they are somehow close.
FBI Teddy: I think it'll be too late before he gets here.
FBI Teddy: Then leave it to me, maybe I can do it
FBI Chief: Do what you want! I'm already tired of this story!
FBI Teddy: I won't let you down! Bring the MC to the interview room.
FBI Teddy: Hi, my name is Teddy. Now I’m to investigate your case.
MC: ...
Teddy: There's nothing you want to say to me?
MC: What should I say to you?
Teddy: Well ... for example, that it was nice to meet you ...
Teddy: Hmm… Do you want to eat or drink anything?
MC: no…
Teddy: But you don't look like it…
MC: I said NO!
Teddy: Okay, let's continue… We need to find Hannah as soon as possible. Before she gets hurt…
We really need your help… You know a lot about the man without a face, please help us.            
MC: I told you, I'll help you if you stop following Jake.
Teddy:  understand us, he made a very big mistake that cannot just be forgiven, we received an order to catch him, it's all out of our hands…
MC: I promise you, he won't do it again, he won't tell anyone what he saw there, I don't even know what he looks like. Please ... you can do something * MC is crying * or tell them he committed suicide and something like that ...            Teddy: If you don't even know what he looks like, why are you so worried about him? Is he your brother? a relative?
MC: ... he's... my friend. Best friend!
TEDDY: ... okay, I agree. We'll stop chasing Jake. And you will answer all my questions about the loss of Hannah, and follow my orders, ok?
MC: really!? I agree! * MC smiles*
Teddy: * smiles back * my first order: you have to eat something, then rest, otherwise you have no strength at all, you owe us healthy.
MC: can I call Jessy first? I just want to warn her that I'm all right, she's probably very worried…
Teddy: I have to ask first ... although you know, I'd rather take you to her. Only on the condition that you promise to be ready by 8 in the morning tomorrow, I will pick you up from there, we need to make a plan for our future actions…
MC: Are you kidding?!
TEDDY: No. Just so no one knows about our plan, okay?
MC:  Of course!
FBI Chief: Teddy come here
Teddy: I'm coming ... and I'll be right back
TEDDY: No, he won't. I believe her. I saw the truth in her eyes.
Teddy: I know, just let me do what I think is right.
Chief FBI: you have a week to find Hannah, if you do not succeed, then you will be fired
Teddy: OK
Teddy: Come on, I'll take you to Jessy's
MC: Is everything all right? What did they tell you?
Teddy: Nothing interesting, let's go ...
MC: okay
 Teddy:  this is Jessy's house
MC: Thank you so much Teddy, I owe you one  
Teddy: Just don't forget, you have to be ready by 8am tomorrow. If they ask you why I'm picking you up, tell them you need to sign some documents.              
MC: OK, thank you Teddy * gets down from the car*
Teddy: Wait, MC!
MС: what happened?                                                                                  
Teddy: * gets down from the car and opens the trunk* Here, take this, it's your suitcase.
MC: thank you…
TEDDY: I have to go, see you tomorrow.
MC: See you tomorrow Theo *MC smiles*
Teddy smiles back and walks away*
 * knock-knock* *Jessy opens the door*
JESSY: MC?! THE GUYS ARE MS!!! * hugs her*
All: WHAT?!
MC: Jessy ...   I've missed you so much
JESSY: Come in... sit down here...  
Richy: MC... are you all right?
Phil: I missed you…
Dan: Welcome back.
Cleo: MC ...  I'm so glad to see you.                                                                
Thomas: what did they tell you?
Lilly: You were found not guilty?
MC: Guys take turns... I'll tell you all everything… I'm all right…
Yes, they found me not guilt ... only I have to go there for several days in order to sign several documents ...                                                                             Richy: What other documents?
MC: Well ... about what I don't know who Jake is…
Jessy: By the way, Jake, do you think it's worth telling MC about Jake?
МС: Did something happen to him?  What are you hiding from me?
Jessy: Nothing, Jake called us and said he was worried about you.                
MC: Is he all right? But I thought your cell phones were taken away
Lilly: Yes, it was, but this phone just appeared in my bag by itself
MC: Where is this phone now? I need to talk to him!
Dan: Well, no… I won't let you call him... you've already suffered for him…
MC: Jessy ... where is this phone? Give it to me please…
JESSY: Of course ... but he called from an unknown number. We'll have to wait for his call. During this time, we will order dinner and have dinner together!
Dan: great idea
Jessy: and MC will answer all our questions, do you agree MC?
MC: of course!
*at the table, everyone was laughing and asking MС different questions, and MС was most waiting for Jake to call*
* phone rings*
Jessy: MC calm down, here it is…
Dan: Hm... I have to teach him a lesson. MC give me the phone ...  
MC: What do you want to do?
Dan: You'll see... *picks up the phone*  
Jake: Any news on MC?
JAKE: What the hell are you talking about?
Dan:  BUT IT DID!                                          
Jake: I don't believe you!
Dan: If you don't believe me, come to MC's funeral tomorrow. You'll see for yourself
Jake: WHAT?! BUT...*he's crying* What have I done?!
MC: Give me the phone. It's not funny anymore…
Jake: MС?!
Dan: Even that's not enough for him!
JAKE: MC! YOU... YOU'RE ALIVE! I - I was so scared…
MС: with me everything is in order… Don't mind Dan, he's just kidding.
Jake: I don't know what would happen if it was true... * crying* I'd go crazy
MС: Everyone calm down... you have no idea how happy I am... to know that you are safe
Jake: They didn't hurt you?
MС: Don't worry, I'm fine.
Jake: You'd better get out of Duskwood. It's safer that way.
MС: I'll leave when I find Hannah
Jake: You better leave now
MС: But Hannah needs my help                                                                      
Jake: I can't put you in danger because of her quest. I'll think of something. I'll find her myself.
If that maniac finds out you're here, he might hurt you, too. And I won't let you suffer again. I'm going to book you a plane ticket and you'll be on the first flight back to your city!
MС: But Jake…
Jake: And without any, BUT!
MС: Sorry Jake, I'm not leaving until I find Hannah. Bye. * hangs up the phone*
JESSY: Yeah, he's right. You go to your city.
MC: Do you really want me to leave? *phone ringing, the MC rejects the call*
MC: Nothing will happen to me ... trust me. * Jake made it so that he could listen to their conversation*                                                                                     Jessy: You misunderstood me, you have no idea how much I want you to stay, I don't want to lose you too MC, understand…
MC: I can't leave now Jessy... I have to sign some documents don't you remember?  
Jake: What other MC documents? * there is a sound from the phone *
MC: how did you do it?!
Jake: I ask what other documents, MC?!  
Dan: Hey you, stop yelling at the MC!
MC: I just need to sign documents saying I don't know you
Jake: MC, you think I don't know how the FBI works?! They don't do that! Why are you lying to me?! (if in real life need to sign documents, just imagine that in this universe they don't do that, I just couldn't find any information about it 😁)
Thomas: Are you lying?! MC, did you lie to us?
Dan: MC?
MC: No! I'm telling you the truth!
Jake: MC, please tell me the truth, I'll help you. Why did they let you go?
MC: I'm telling you the truth! Believe me! * MC is crying*
JESSY: That's enough! Leave her alone! If she said she was telling the truth, then that's the whole truth! Everyone, it's time for you all to go home. Jake that's enough. Just call back tomorrow.
Jake: I'll get to the truth! *the phone is disconnected*
Richy: Okay, guys, let's go... that's enough for today
Phil: MC, if you want, I'll take you to my place.
Phil: I just suggested it
JESSY: JUST GO! Come on, MC, I'll show you to your room
*Everyone's gone *
Jessy: Do you want to talk to me about anything?
MC: I want to be alone
JESSY: Then good night, MC
MC: Jessy ... thank you for everything ...
Jessy: We're friends, and friends don't leave each other in the lurch * Jessy leaves *
MC: This is all for your own salvation Jake.
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iwatobifuturefish · 3 years
Your song
Heyho everybody!
Sooo, this is my first Mystic Messenger fanfic that I have written. I posted it some time ago on AO3 and now I wanted it to share it here as well :D
For me the pairing is MC x Choi twins. But there is nothing explict mentioned in this story. Just some cheek smooches because MC is soft for the twins, haha (who wouldn't be).
Sorry for rambling, please enjoy! (Feedback is appreciated, thanks byeeee) now i'll hide under my bed
Here is the song I used.
Your song
Read here in AO3
Pairing: MC x Choi twins (just cheek smooches, no twincest involved!)
It was the twin’s birthday. MC knew that Saeyoung was very fond of the day, now that he finally got to spend it again with his brother. Saeran felt a bit different, though. She knew, he had grown to like it, but he did not like the fuss, that was made over him. While living with the Choi brothers MC had gotten to know every single detail about them. She knew everything, from small to bigger habits. The girl was sure, that the two did not even know, that they had shown her so much about themselves. MC sighed thinking about how far her two precious tomato heads had come. Yes, Saeran had finally grown out his hair and Saeyoung still got emotional over it sometimes which earned him a huff from his brother.
The twins knew that MC had planned a big birthday party for them. She had informed them beforehand, because she did not want to overwhelm Saeran with a surprise party. He appreciated the thought and MC still believed that she had seen a glimpse of excitement shimmer in the shyer twin’s eyes. The day of the party had finally come, and MC woke up her two favourite boys with a delicious breakfast. They were both buzzing with excitement for the day ahead – even Saeran. Although he was not as vocal as Saeyoung about it, MC could still see it.
“I am terribly sorry, but I have to throw you out now”, MC said. The twins looked shocked. “B-b-but MC! It is our birthday! Why would you throw us out today!” Saeyoung cried out.
MC giggled: “Well, I have to set up the party decorations. I do not want you two to see them right away. A little surprise effect after all would not be too bad, wouldn’t it?” She squeezed Saeran’s hand, hoping her request was alright with him.
“Yes, you are right”, the younger twin agreed and nodded. MC smiled at him happily.
After the conversation, the boys got dressed and ready to head out for a bit. Saeyoung had declared that one of his babies was desperate for an outing. So, he grabbed the car keys with one and Saeran’s arm with the other hand and marched towards the garage.
“Have fun you two! See you in an hour. And don’t eat too much ice cream, I promise there will be enough here today”, the last sentence was directed to Saeran as MC knew, that Saeyoung would take him out to get a sweet treat for sure. MC gave both twins a peck on the cheek, making them blush and then waved them off. She watched the car pull out of the bunker’s garage. Once the gate was closed MC began working on the decorations. She surely was getting more nervous now, had she planned one more surprise for the twins, which they did not know about. Humming to herself the prepared everything and then got dressed herself. A quick look at the time told her that the guests would arrive soon. She really hoped that all the hard work would pay off.
The front gate announced someone, and MC quickly opened the door for all the others. All of Saeyoung’s and Saeran’s friends had come – the whole RFA. She led them to the living room where everything was set up.
“Are you nervous?” Jaehee asked.
“Yes, yes I am.” Zen stepped towards the girls of the RFA. “Oh MC, you really don’t have to be. We practised a lot, and you did great every time. I am sure they will love it!”
“Thank you, Zen. I really hope so.” MC smiled.
“Oh, I think they are coming!” Yoosung announced once they could hear the loud engine of one of Saeyoung’s sports cars.
“MC, I think we all agree, that they will really like your present”, Jumin spoke up. “Be yourself and have fun.” Everyone nodded in agreement.
“Wise words, trust fund kid”, Zen whispered.
Saeyoung and Saeran were speechless once they stepped in. The bunker was decorated with balloons, garlands and pictures from them and their friends that had been taken over the last year. MC had printed them all out. There were ones from just her and the twins at the bunker or group pictures of the whole RFA. One pictured that got cooed over the most was the one where the twins had fallen asleep on the couch together after playing LOLOL all night, much to Saeran’s dismay. MC was really proud of herself four capturing this moment.
After opening presents and eating cake, ice cream and even ice cream cake, MC stood up.
“Saeyoung, Saeran, I want to give you my present now.”
“But MC, you already prepared all of this for us!” Saeran blurred out. MC smiled softly. He had grown so much, no longer being afraid of speaking up. Although he surely must have been quite hyper after consuming so much sugar, helping his remaining shyness fade away quickly. Saeyoung just nodded wildly in agreement. He was too occupied looking at the visitor passed that Jumin had gifted the two to come and see Elisabeth the 3rd. Under his supervision of course.
MC made the twins sit on the couch, “Saeran, Jaehee will put blindfolds on you two now. It will only be for five minutes, I promise. Is that alright, love?” He nodded and MC gave him a bright smile. She just wanted to make sure that he felt safe. The younger twin still grabbed his brother’s hand, once they were blindfolded. They both wondered what was going on. Suddenly the blindfolds were taken off again. The lights in the bunker were all turned off, but the twins knew, that the other RFA members were sitting beside them.
Suddenly the heard a piano playing and one of the light spots that Saeyoung had installed in the living room turned on. It only lit one area in the room. There, MC was stand with a guitar and behind her Zen was sitting with a keyboard.
MC started to sing. The twin’s eyes grew wide as they heard her voice.
It's a little bit funny
This feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money, but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we all could live
If I was a sculptor, ha
But then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song, and this one's for you
MC finally opened her eyes while Zen kept playing on the keyboard. She had been too afraid to look at the brothers at first, but now she wanted to see their reaction.
And you can tell everybody
This is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses, well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind
While I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on
The boys were squeezing each other’s hands and MC was sure that she could she tears streaming down behind Saeyoung’s glassed. Saeran looked at her the whole time like she was an angel sent from heaven just for him. MC didn’t even notice that she had started playing the guitar now. She just sang for the two boys who deserved a happy birthday and who she adored so much.
So excuse me forgetting
But these things I do
You see I've forgotten, if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
MC stepped forward and caressed the cheeks of both twins. Wiping all their tears away.
And you can tell everybody
This is the song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in the words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
The lights in the bunker turned on again. Yoosung cried horribly while Jaehee patted his back, but she also sniffed and blew her nose. Even Jumin wiped away some tears and hoped nobody had seen. Zen smiled happily behind the keyboard, but you could still see that he had also cried.
“Happy Birthday, you two”, MC said smiling wildly. “Saeyoung, Saeran, I hope you know how loved you both are from each person who is here today.”
The twins could not stop crying and MC wiped their tears away again.
“I love you two with all of my heart, please never change. You are both perfect as you are.”
She hugged the twins and they grabbed on her for life.
“Thank you, MC”, Saeyoung sniffed.
“Thank you so much for everything”, Saeran hiccupped.
“We love you, too! So much!” suddenly both spoke up. MC smiled softly. “I know.”
Once everyone had calmed down a bit there was more cake to eat.
“MC?” Saeran asked.
“What is it, love?”
“Can you maybe sing again for us later?” he said while munching on a big peace pf chocolate cake.
“Of course, I can!”
“Oh, and MC?” Saeyoung turned excitedly towards her. “Can we sing with you next time?”
MC laughed: “Sure, honey, I’d love that.”
Saeyoung cheered and Saeran looked away but MC could still sense that he did not dislike the idea.
“Come on you two let’s sing your song!” MC grabbed the hands of the brothers. “Zen, would you help me out again?”
The actor agreed happily and started playing. MC looked at her boys who both looked like they were glowing with happiness and she could feel the love she had for them, once she started to sing again. Their sparkling eyes were everything she needed.
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sunflowersseemhappy · 4 years
“You’re not making this any easier.” Muriel X Female MC (Fluff... I think?)
I am dying for requests please send any you want in!
“You’re not making this any easier Muriel,” sighing in aspiration you pinch your tongue between your teeth in concentration, meticulously teasing the tangles from Muriel’s damp hair as he fidgets under your touch. Perched on a stool you can feel the ache in your arms growing with the passing of the evening, it had been a busy day at the shop. With customers coming and going all day, you had barely had time to eat your lunch. After arriving back in Muriel’s hut, you found him struggling out of mud caked clothes and looking like he had been dragged through a hedge, unable to watch him struggle you insisted on helping him clean up.
“I could do it myself.” Grumbling from his position seated in the large metal tub, Muriel tries to turn his head to look at you, carefully keeping the rest of his body submerged in the soapy water. You smirk at his modesty with a roll of your eyes, massaging a hand though his scalp in your search for offending burrs and leaves tangled in his hair.
“Oh really?” You tease, picking a burr from his hair and placing it softly aside. Trailing your hands over his shoulders and massaging the base of his neck, you lean up next to his ear. “Because from the way I’m looking at it you would never be able to find all these burrs that you said were bothering you.”
“I’ll just cut them out,” averting his eyes Muriel splashes the water with his hand and looks into the fire. Combing your fingers one last time through his hair you gently place a kiss at the base of his neck with a wry laugh.
“No need to be so dramatic!” Pushing yourself up from the stool you stretch out your arms above your head with a yawn. Muriel glances up at you with a thoughtful look as you continue, “besides, I like your hair how it is. It makes you look handsome.” Walking to the side of the tub you kneel looking into his eyes and trailing a hand in the water.
 “Y/N are you okay?” Encircling your hand with his own, Muriel leans close toward you. You had been more muted than usual; he liked your endless chatter even if you said it was normal for a human being to talk as much as you did.
“Hm?” Snapping out of your daze you can’t help but squeeze his hand, shaking your head with a soft smile. “Just tired, I was run off my feet in the shop today. Seems everyone has a problem they need me to deal with lately, what I wouldn’t give for a break.” You chuckle out beginning to stand, but Muriel holds you in place with his hand giving you a hard stare.
“Come here,” Pulling you toward him Muriel gets you to sit on the edge of the tub, barely catching yourself you wonder what he’s planning. “Take off your clothes,” you look incredulously at him and the tub, surprised at his forwardness and the fact the tub is not nearly large enough for the two of you.
“What?” You barely stutter the words out, pausing as Muriel catches your chin softly with his fingers raising his brows expectantly and pulling you into a kiss. His mouth grazing the corner of your own quickly and softly beckoning you to him. Breaking away Muriel runs a finger over your cheek and pleadingly looks into your eyes.
“Your break starts now. Okay?” His tone commanding and insistent as he sits in the water, suddenly you can feel the weight of the day upon your shoulders as he looks at you.
“I-” you begin to complain but his pleading eyes stop you, relenting you roll your eyes and kick off your boots. “Okay.”
 Quickly shrugging on a robe, you tread up next to the tub, Muriel sitting up as you cross over toward him. With just him inside the water is already threatening to spill over the sides, but he remains unmoving watching you.
“We’re not both going to fit.” You chuckle, propping yourself on the side of the tub and running your hand through the water once more. The water is not nearly as warm as you hoped it would be. “It’s not very warm either…”
“Shut up,” grabbing your waist Muriel all but drags you into the water causing water to pour over the sides onto the wooden floors. Laughing as he pulls you to sit against him Muriel encircles you with his arms, pulling you against his chest and resting his head against your shoulder. Huffing you settle against him, comforted by the hug and the water soothing your skin. Summoning magic to your fingers you call upon heat to spread through the water, warming it to a comfortable degree. Sighing in contentment you sink down.
“So demanding.” You joke craning your head to look up into Muriel’s face, your heart flutters at the look he gives you. His eyes softly gazing down at you, you can’t help but notice the way his skin shines in the firelight, the flames of the fire caught in his green eyes. Adoration building up in your stomach you shift your gaze back down to his arms wrapped around you. Glistening with water you can’t help but notice the scars stark against his skin, you’ve seen them before, but the water almost makes them appear fresh.
 “What is it?” Muriel questions from behind you, earning your attention back to his face but wincing at how far you have to turn your neck. Seeing this you feel Muriel shift, his arms unwarping from around you and gesturing for you to turn to face him as he lowers himself in the tub. You turn your front to his, ungracefully but effectively laying atop him. Raising your arms and folding them on his chest you lay your head upon them.
“Just thinking,” you feel your eyes draw to his, faces barely a foot apart. One hand rests against the small of your back, steadying you whilst the other strokes your shoulder. Muriel looks thoughtfully at you.
“About what?”
 “Your scars…” You wait for a negative reaction, but none comes. “It was just a thought; you’ve never told me how you got them.” Muriel’s brow furrows his eyes flicking down and then back to you as he hears you audibly swallow.
“I-why?” Confused Muriel shifts, you can’t tell if it’s because of the conversation or the position the two of you are in but you can feel him tense.
“Um,” you heave out a breath and shake your head. “Never mind, it was a stupid question…”
“Y/N, nothing you say is ever stupid.” Muriel answers softly, sliding his hand from your shoulder Muriel cups your cheek and searches your face “Why did you want to know?”
“Well… I’m curious, we’ve been together all this time and I still don’t know everything.” You admit, cautiously shifting a hand to trace the large scar that trails from his shoulder to his midsection. His breath hitches, “I think scars are interesting, they tell a story. A lesson you learned. I want to learn everything about you Muriel because you’re the most interesting person I’ve met.”
“What if you don’t like the story?”
“I may not like it,” you tilt your head and place your hand that was tracing his scar over his heart. “But that part of your life is over and you’re not a bad person. You’re just a person who had to protect the people he loves, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same for you in a heartbeat.” At this Muriel frowns, for a moment you think you’ve crossed a boundary, but Muriel lets out a long sigh.
“What do you want to know?”
 “This one, it’s the largest so I bet it has a good story.” You point at the one you traced, slipping your hands around his neck you lean your head against his chest. Muriel’s heart thumping steadily with his breath as he begins.
“It was my first battle in the arena…” Carefully forming the words as if its hard to remember Muriel’s face takes on a grave appearance. “Lucio pit me against an experienced fighter, wanting to test me. I was fighting for my life the entire time. He nicked me a few times…” He lifts his hand up to trace the scar above his eye in thought.
“Then?” You question.
“I started beating him back, when I thought it was over, I turned my back on him. Only to realise he wasn’t finished. He came at me with his spear swiped me in the chest, it was a bad wound and I couldn’t get back up. Only reason I was alive was because Lucio stopped the fight. Guess he wanted a bit more fight out of me.” Muriel’s face takes on a dark scowl as he thinks of the Count and the arena, but he remains gently stroking your shoulder and holding you close. As if he’s afraid of loosing you, even in the small tub.
“Muriel…” You pull yourself up facing him, his eyes catch the worry on your face, and he tries his best to look you in the eye. Smiling in understanding you lift your lips to the scar over his brow and kiss the soft skin there, trailing your lips down his nose and kissing him gently on the lips. Responding to your touch Muriel kisses back sighing against your lips as you pull back and trail more along his jaw and to his shoulder where the large scar lays stark against his skin.
 “I always wondered about yours.” Muriel stops you catching your attention, you were surprised he had ever noticed your own small scars peppered along your shoulder blade. They were so small you forgot they were there sometimes, but he had noticed, and that made you appreciate him all the more.
“Oh,” embarrassed you shake your head. “No, you don’t want to hear it, it’s stupid.”
“I told you mine,” Muriel defends, the corners of his mouth tilting upward. But it was only fair, no matter how embarrassing the story was in your eyes.
“It was the first week I came back, Asra had left to get some supplies and I wasn’t too confident on my legs. I was thirsty, so I got up and tried to walk. I got a glass and filled it, but then I dropped it and…” You wince at the memory.
“I slipped. The glass cut me up and Asra found me an hour later lying on the floor in a pool of blood. I felt so bad because he blamed himself. It was… It was my first scar, but I’m pretty sure I had some before. My knee aches sometimes and my jaw feels funny when it rains. I’m pretty sure it’s like phantom pain or whatever but there aren’t any scars.”
“You’re right that is stupid,” Muriel admits with a laugh.
“Hey!” Despite the jest you laugh with him, laying your forehead against his chest as you do so. Muriel’s arms pull you up to his face and he peppers you with kisses, laughing all the while. You let out a pleased sigh as his lips graze your jaw and run across your neck to the scars on your shoulder, both of your movements causing water to drench the floor around the tub.
 “Just so you know, I adore you. Scars and all.” Leaning back Muriel looks down at you as you lay your head back on his chest tiredly closing your eyes.
“I love you too.” Your breath out heavily, eyes fluttering shut. The next moment you’re asleep pressed against Muriel as if he was a lifeline.
“Y/N?” All that answers him is a mumble and a snore, Muriel lays a hand on the back of your head. “You really needed to relax huh?”
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raccoonpoptart · 4 years
wanted to share this scenario idea bcs it's adorable ;; it's where the reader accidentally made a mistake in casting a spell, ehich resulted in them turning into an animal! i'm wondering how the characters would react to them huhu
YESSS THIS IS SO CUTE THANKYOU 🌸✨ this is so funny to think about honestly could you imagine suddenly turning into an animal? personally if i turned into a raccoon i would never want to be human again 🦝🦝🦝
that’s not how that goes...
warnings: none! wholesome times tonight <3
some of the animal choices are obvious but others are...just for giggles 🐝 hope you like it! ✨
Earlier at the market y/n got some new ingredients to use in a spell, but had to substitute a few obscure things with more easily accesible items. With nothing but hope in their heart (that they wouldn’t absolutely ruin anything important), they made their way home.
It wasn’t until about halfway through the spell that y/n realized something was a bit...off. The smell just seemed a bit more potent, and the color was a little more unexpected than usual. Magic was strange like that, so they shrugged and threw the last ingredient in the bowl. Poof! Smoke went everywhere and y/n was covered in green dust.
Suddenly, everything grew so much bigger in the shop and y/n began to panic. Asra wouldn’t be home for a few hours! What were they supposed to do? Their heart raced as they walked to the nearest mirror. They realized that it wasn’t the shop that got bigger, it was them who got smaller. Uh oh...
alright gamers lets do this
when he came home he looked everywhere for you and when he saw the mess you made he started to panic a little
he had no idea what you were trying to do but the fact that you weren’t around was...really unsettling
“mc?? where are you? please come back...”
suddenly he felt something slip up his arm and squeeze...
“oh, hi, faust...did you s-”
what looked back at him wasn’t those red eyes he was used to but instead it was two big purple eyes
he was about to scream (because who wouldn’t freak out over a random snake) when he heard your voice in his head
i think i messed up the spell :(
he laughed softly and placed a soft kiss on your head and assured you if he couldn’t fix it, it would probably wear off anyway
spoiler alert it took almost a whole day for it to wear off but he enjoyed having you wrap around him whenever he went anywhere
faust thought it was the best thing ever, she would wrap around asra’s left arm and you would be on his right
Bite the goat!
(i was so tempted to do a fox but i thought it would be cute to sorta be like a chimes and flamel moment)
when she was told that a lynx had been spotted sneaking around the palace she was a little worried
lynx are not common, so of course she wanted to see! but when the lynx ran up to her and started to rub against her and purr?? she was very confused
it wasn’t until she saw your eyes that she realized it was you! but didn’t really know how she knew...it was just her intuition she guessed
she just assumed something magical happened and hugged you
loved when you followed her around the palace because everyone was so afraid, or just had a puzzled look on their face
when you would meowl (or, yell for lack of a better word) she would smile and kiss your head then laugh if anyone around her got scared
would talk to you like normal even if you couldn’t properly answer, she just assumed any noise you’d make was a response
complimented your ears and thick coat then offered to brush your fur (she wanted to hear you purr again)
she enjoyed having you around all day and once you were back to normal she asked so many questions
another damn raven had taken a liking to him and he was ready to leave vesuvia again
he facepalmed as malak and this new bird had started messing with his hair and squawking
meanwhile you found it pretty funny how he accepted it so quickly and waited a while before having malak tell julian
you and malak had continued to bother julian for a few hours but once he got annoyed you had malak explain and julian just laughed and asked if malak had run into a window again
when you softly pecked his nose and rubbed against his face he blushed softly
“ah, well...at least it’s temporary. it is temporary, right? please tell me it won’t last forever!”
boi was a bit stressed because now he felt like he had to look after you but malak told him to *ahem* buzz off we’ll say cause he was having so much fun
found the looks he got a bit funny because of course having two ravens follow you everywhere would look strange (CAN I MAKE A NORSE MYTHOLOGY JOKE PLS.....TWO RAVENS = ODIN LMAO)
once the spell wore off he held you close and let out a sigh of relief,,, “darling, you make a beautiful bird but please don’t scare me like that again <3”
ignore the part where it says the shop got bigger, for this it got smaller ok thanks <3
inanna had been gone a while so he went out to find her
instead found her outside playing with a......bear?
he closed his eyes and exhaled then turned to go back inside to avoid dealing with another unexplainable thing
but inanna dragged him over to the bear and he just stared as the bear stared back
woof! “inanna that makes no sense, it’s not mc”
then the bear hugged him and he blushed but didn’t pull away because why else would a bear have silver fur and pink eyes
you couldn’t exactly fit in his hut so he decided to just sit outside with you. he assumed that a spell went wrong because the same thing had happened to asra before
“so, mc... do you think this is permanent?” you grunted in response and placed a paw on his head
it was a bit awkward but he laughed softly and placed a hand on your head (wholesome mountain man :( i would die for him...)
watching you catch fish was hilarious to him considering you couldn’t do it by yourself a few months ago, but made sure to keep an eye on you anyway
he liked that you were taller than him for a bit and felt safe when you would hug him, even if the sight of it would seem strange but was happy when you were back to normal (now he can kiss the top of your head and hold your hands properly)
walked into her cottage and stopped in her tracks
she was face to face a puma and her heart started racing, she was about to run until she saw pepi run up onto the bigger cat’s head and headbutt her
“pepi.....can you please explain who this is quickly” she was trying not to freak out in case the giant cat would attack her
in response pepi started to purr and rubbed against the cat and was surprised when the big cat started to purr too
she thought that maybe pepi had somehow made a new friend? and just was grateful that it didn’t eat her
you had to lead her back to the shop and show her the mess as well as the pile of your clothes on the ground for her to understand
“mc :3 does that mean you’re technically naked?~” she poked your side and laughed when you made a slightly annoyed noise
absolutely loved how everyone ran at the sight of her with a puma and walked with a bit more confidence “i feel like the main character in a story! strong, beautiful woman with her most trusted cats at her side!”
you wished you could laugh but you loved how adorable she was and also you were amazed at how even though you were walking, pepi stayed asleep on your back
after work the next day she found you asleep in her bed wearing some of her clothes and she smiled so big as she hugged you tight
“can somebody please explain why the hell a damn PEACOCK IS IN MY ROOM???”
as he raised his voice, the bird puffed up its feathers and started to squawk which freaked him out but it just walked up to him and stared
he was so confused but was thankful the bird wasn’t attacking him so he tried talking to it
“uhhhh- hello there, aren’t you beautiful? are you an albino? your white feathers are gorgeous” you puffed up your chest at the compliments and expanded your tail feathers
he smiled and tried to pet your tail feathers “you aren’t so scary now, how’d you get in here?” he didn’t really think to ask anyone because the only person he could think of was asra and he didn’t want to talk to him
mercedes and melchior liked the bird so why shouldn’t he? he shrugged and just let you follow him around all day, talking to you like you were another one of his pets (which was annoying but you liked the compliments althought they were new, obviously you didn’t normally have feathers)
the spell wore off in the middle of the night he went from having two dogs and a bird in his bed to having two dogs....and YOU!! just when he thought being with you couldn’t have brought more surprises and weird stories
he gave you his shirt and laughed as you explained what happened ,, “well, it’s good it was temporary! if i never saw you as a human again i don’t know what i would do”
that was so fun!! omg i love writing weird stuff like this 🍓 anyway, i hope you liked it! i’m thinking about writing a story where mc can turn into animals on the regular but we’ll see ✨✨ now i wish i could turn into an animal for a day lmao
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joxabear · 4 years
Lore and World Building
So throughout my writing experience, I've realised I'm really good at world building and lore. I’ll be using my WIPs as examples for some things, and mentioning some elements. Feel free to be inspired by some! I give you full permission to borrow some of these ideas for you own WIPs! I’m being as vague as possible anyway, so the chances of you 100% taking the idea are slim.
This is very long so I’ll put it under a break!
First off, what type of book are you writing? This post will focus on fantasy worlds, as that's what I tend to write. If requested I can make another post for non fantasy worlds.
I have a whole other document of just the world lore and history. A trick of mine is to search through our own history. I have a list of books I've been flipping through for inspiration.
Examples are;
I have a big nature book, I've had it my whole life, and I've read it multiple times. It has many animals, human anatomy, natural occurrences, and more. It really helps me when designing new animals, the landscape, the humanoids, even the anthropomorphic onrd. The book is called "Encyclopedia of Discovery: Nature" and is written and edited by multiple people. (if you look up the title it's the blue book with a snake head on it).
Another book is actually just an Egyptology book. My book isn't Egypt based or anything, but simply reading about traditions will help you create some. Also it's just an interesting read!
I'm also looking into "The Many Faces of God" by Jeremy Campbell to help me with the religion side(I'm not religious myself, so it's a great help to see how people perceive deity's and especially God!)
I'm also reading "The Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson, which has a lot of lore! Reading books with lots of lore or similar elements to your own will help you grasp the idea of what you want and how to write it.
A few others are The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein, The Binding by Bridget Collins. Also video games! Those worlds are really in depth! A few I like to look into are TERA, Blade and Soul, Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade.
Now enough about books. Those are just some suggestions and they won't fit everyone's own world! My world heavily revolves around religion, prophecies, and fantasy elements, so those are the books I've been delving into. Another book of mine is very science orientated, explaining magic through science means and the like, so I actually have a quantum mechanics book for that("Quantum Mechanics Primer" by M. Warner and A.C.H Cheung to be precise)
You don't have to read random nature books or learn quantum mechanics to write though, it's just something I like doing.(and I've barely learnt quantum mechanics really I just know some fancy words and can bullshit enough to sound smart)
First off, I like to start with any major locations, you don’t always have to do this, but it’s nice to keep track. Now, going on a tangent here(I’ll be using my current WIP as an example) I’ve got a few kingdoms(nine to be exact.) If you have a kingdom, even if it won’t be on page, go into their beliefs and traditions! It’ll help with characterisation. Each kingdom worships a particular deity(I’ll be going into religion soon, don’t worry) so they dress, teach, and have differing politics depending on which god they follow. Not to say they don’t follow them. In another WIP of mine I’ve created holidays we’ll likely never see, but it does give life to the world!
Naming can be a hit or miss. My ways of naming are look around, change a few letters, done. Other times I simply mash letters together, then edit it to look vaguely like a word. Sometimes I just use real names. One of my worlds is just called “Reality.” Yeah, original, am I right?
Once you have these major locations, you can decide with minor locations(ie. villages you’ll never visit, random forests, plains, beaches. I live in Australia, and have never been to Bondai Beach, but it’s a thing! I wouldn’t map out Australia based on where I’ve been. The map is for everyone, not the MC.)
You don’t always need a map, but maps are cool! Most of my WIPs have maps, the only ones that don’t are the ones set in Earth or a specific place I made up(cannot speak about it it’s a spoiler!) I usually look at maps, both in real life, in video games, and in books, to help me. What kind of style do you want your map? Usually they’re horizontal, so that’d be a good start. Is your map the one island? Or the whole world? One of my maps is one island, and can go into more detail. Another one is the whole world, so I only have major locations with a few minor(unnamed villages.) You can also decide to have a world map then each separate island.
Now you have a world base, so lets get into the lore and history.
Religion is all around the world, and to think of a world without religion is a little weird. Making a religion could be a little harder. I’ve made multiple, but they are quite similar. So first, what kind of religion? A pantheon? One God? Maybe something else? I’d look into our own religions. I take a lot of inspiration from the Greek and Roman Gods. If you have multiple Gods, write down what they represent. Maybe they have a specific animal? Gemstone? Food? Beverage? Plant? Maybe they have personalities! In one WIP my gods have a home on the different planets, sun and the moon. Also, is it real? As a non-religious person I believe heavily in do what you want, but ultimately, I likely won’t believe anything you say about any god. There will be people like that, and there will probably be fake religions. Maybe every religion is fake? Maybe there’s multiple real religions.
So traditions, fancy things. I personally don’t have any traditions, I’m a white Australian, the most traditional thing I do is a Bunnings snag. So I’ve had to delve far into religions. The internet will be your lover. Festivals, certain activities, the way people dress, any specific jewellery? Look into traditions outside of your own and take inspiration. And tie them into the religion, if you can! Or something of cultural significance! Maybe an old story?
Are there children’s tales, or famous books. In our own world, there’s very old famous books, or famous authors themselves. Not just books, though! There’s also drama, art, sports. Delve into those, maybe just on passing your MC notes that their favourite artist drew something? Or they’re wearing their favourite teams shirt?
Animals are funny. Depending if you want or not, you can make up animals. I love making up animals. I name them random things, and then just mash already made animals together. I have a phoenix that isn’t really a phoenix, but still has the base idea of one. I have a weird rabbit-frog. Give everything wings! Maybe gills? But do look into the animals you’re mashing together. Or don’t, but if you have the anatomy down, it’ll be so much easier. Also, what are these animals like? What do they do? Are they carnivorous? My rabbit-frog is an omnivore, but usually eats the leaves on top of the trees it lives under, it’s a generally peaceful animal, and a cute pet(if you can keep it in the yard without it hopping out, that is.) Now, feel free to use that idea if you like, it’s a cute sounding animal, go and change it around! I don’t mind. I doubt they’ll have the same name or exact habits anyway. Don’t forget natives and pests!
Something not many think about, especially in fantasy worlds, are solar systems. Now, I mentioned that the gods live on a planet each, they aren’t the planet, but they chill there. So, yeah, I have a solar system. How many planets would it have? How many suns? Moons? How close is the moon to the world? How close is the world to the sun? Is it possible to inter space travel, or do they just know of planets and stars? Maybe they don’t know of planets! This is completely optional, but a cool thing to tack on!
Does your specific world have any plants? Native plants are important as well. I won’t be finding a cactus casually growing on a heavily jungle based island, that’s a little strange. You can also make up plants!
Food and beverages. Now, making up food can be harder, easier with made up plants and animals. Does your land have a traditional food? A native plant? A native animal? Maybe a certain animal is sacred and eating it is taboo, or maybe eating it will grant you special abilities or gifts?
A weird detail, I have potions. I have the method to making it, the ingredients, how much of something as well, and most importantly, what the potion does. This can tie into foods and beverages. One of my potions is a “Prophetic Coma” type, basically, it puts you in a coma where you can have a prophetic dream. I’ve used a mix of real things and made up. (my rabbit-frog’s blood can make you experience hallucinations, so that’s an ingredient to help urge a prophetic dream), look into natural remedies and things as well,like drinking warm milk helps you sleep, so maybe that’s an element in a sleeping potion?
Another weird detail is spiritual means. You know, like tarot cards and the like. One of mine is you climb up steps, and depending on whether or not the step is polished, cracked, or crumbling depends on the answer you get. Another is a simple rune throw. You can make up new ones or use already made ones.
History is fun! No one remembers anything as it happens. Have wild stories between normal ones, have people recount things differently. In fact, my “lost kingdom” really isn’t so lost, people are just kind of dumb with history. Look into history yourself, maybe there was a war? What’s the aftermath of that?
Magic! How does your magic work? Is it natural? Man-made? In one of my WIPs spell tomes are rare, and magic uses the power of your soul, so it’s rarely used. How do you use it? Is it a natural wave of the hand? Maybe simply thinking? Are there wands? Staffs? Staves? Tomes? Specific symbols and sigils? Do you say a spell name?
Now, getting into some dark territory here. Is there racism in your world? Sexism? Any specific hate towards any specific group? I personally don’t have any of that, it’s not my style. But if you’re writing in modern day Earth, there will be that. That doesn’t mean you have to write it! You can avoid it entirely! That’s what I’m doing. Besides, if my MC went around getting misgendered the whole time, that’d take away the real story. Only put these in if you think it’s 100% needed.
Wow, this is long! Sorry about that! This is what I’ve done to build my world, and you don’t have to do all of these, or any! This isn’t in any way a “you have to do this” it’s simply my own methods in making lore and worlds. Truthfully, not all of my WIPs have all of these elements. And some share things! That’s okay! Feel free to add or correct anything! We’re all learning!
So, please, take this as you will, I hope I helped some, and thanks for reading! It turned out way longer than I initially thought it would. If I miss out anything, I’ll make a part 2! They’re WIPs for a reason, I’m still working on them! I also might make a post on map-making if y’all want.
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nazariolahela · 4 years
Best Beloved: Chapter 5
A/N: Hey y'all! This is a PM AU I’ve been working on. It’s a bit different than my previous fic series and I’m really excited to try something new. I hope y’all enjoy it. This story is told in dual first-person narrative, from Kaia (F!MC) and Damien’s POV. The first half of this story takes place during Kaia’s freshman year and Damien’s senior year of college. The second half is two years after Kaia graduates. There will be sprinklings of canon in this fic, but we’ll try to step out of the box for the most part. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
Catch up here
Series Tags: @burnsoslow @lady-calypso @irishwhiskys-blog @loveellamae​
Synopsis: What happens when you find yourself crushing on your best friend? For years, Damien and Kaia have been friends, while secretly harboring feelings for one another. Everything changes one night after a little too much alcohol and years of pent up feelings. Can they control their emotions and salvage their friendship, or will the feelings they hold for one another destroy everything they have?
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: Damien and Kaia meet for a study group, but the assignment isn’t the only thing they’re struggling with.
“You’re late,” I said, my feet propped up on the table, as Damien shuffled across the library to where I was sitting. It was our weekly study session and we were supposed to start 20 minutes ago, but I was the only one in our group who had grasped the concept of time management.
“Yeah, sorry. This internship is kicking my ass. I had to stay late because we were setting up some new security clearance protocols. Don’t tell anyone though. That information is classified,” he replied as he slid the backpack off his shoulder. He took a seat at the table and shot me a panty-dropping grin. My body instantly reacted. Bastard. How did he keep doing that?
“Yeah, well Brad and Allison aren’t here yet either, so I guess I can’t be too mad at you.”
“You couldn’t be mad at me if you wanted to. You love me.”
I paused. Did he really just say that?  He always knew how to push my buttons. Even when we were kids. It’s like he lived to get a reaction out of me. I cleared my throat awkwardly. “Anyway. We need to get the rest of this project done. It’s due on Monday. Did you finish your part?” 
“Of course I did. What do you take me for?” he grinned, pulling his laptop from his backpack. I watched him from the corner of my eye as he set it on the table and opened it up, powering up the device. “I’m emailing it to you right now so you can add it to the final document.”
I had the unfortunate task of presenting the project to the class, so everyone sent their parts to me. It was my job to outline the project, then organize each part into our PowerPoint.  
“Not gonna lie, this is not how I wanted to spend my Saturday afternoon. I have a very pissed off girlfriend right now,” he said.
I hid my smirk behind my laptop. I know, I know. It wasn’t very nice of me, but I got a little thrill hearing that Damien and Alana were having problems. It wasn’t that I wanted my friend to be miserable, but if he suddenly became single, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. I had nothing against Alana personally, but the few times we interacted, she was very cold towards me.
“Hmm...that sucks. So, I have Allison’s part. She emailed it to me last night, but I’m still waiting on Brad’s part. I put your part on slides 5 and 6 to transition from Allison’s slide, then we’ll put Brad’s part on slides 9 and 10 after my part. Then, we should be good to go.” I checked the time on my phone. Brad and Allison were over half an hour late. I sent both of them a text asking when they planned on showing up, then went back to laying out the presentation.
Damien and I worked in silence for several minutes. Occasionally, I would look up from my computer and sneak peeks of him. I couldn’t help but stare at his features. Even after all these years, my attraction for him never waned. He looked up and caught me staring; his lips turned up in a wide grin.
“Do I have something on my face?”
“Um...uh...nope. Y-you’re all good!” I replied a little too enthusiastically.
“Then why are you staring at me like that?” he smirked.
I felt my cheeks turn beet red. I quickly looked away and tried to focus on what I was working on, but I could still feel his eyes on me. My phone pinged, breaking the silence — and thank the gods — the tension. I grabbed it and saw a message from Allison. She mentioned that she wasn’t feeling well and would not be able to make our study group tonight, but that she would see us next week. There was still no word from Brad, which I was not surprised by.
I rolled my eyes and placed my phone on the table. “Well, Allison’s not coming. I don’t know about Brad, but I’m guessing if he was going to show up, he’d be here by now.”
Damien shrugged. “No biggie. That kid is a major tool anyway. Not having him here is a blessing.”
I giggled. “True, but we can’t finish without his contribution, so we’re stuck with him until we turn this stupid ass project in.”
“Yippie,” he said in a monotone voice. I rolled my eyes and went back to finishing up our presentation.
We worked for about ten more minutes until my eyes started to blur from staring at the screen. “Well, I guess this is a good stopping point for now. Until we get Brad’s part, this is as far as we can work,”
I stuffed my things in my backpack and slung it over my shoulder when Damien stopped me.
“Hey, you busy right now? Wanna go get a bite to eat?”
I cocked my head in confusion. Was he really asking me to hang out? I had offered to meet him for lunch or coffee outside of our study group several times, but he always had plans with Alana. “Uh…I guess. If that’s okay with you.”
“Obviously it is because I just asked you,” he smirked.
“Yeah, sure. You wanna go now?”
“Nah, I was thinking sometime next month. Of course, I want to go now. When else would we go?” His voice dripped with sarcasm.
I looked down at the yoga pants and hoodie I was wearing. “Well, I was hoping to shower and change before I go out in public.”
“You look fine. No one’s going to give a shit what you’re wearing. Besides, you’re technically already out in public, so it’s a little late for that,” he laughed.
I huffed. “Fine. Where are we going?” 
“There’s a little bistro off-campus that has really good burgers.” He slung an arm around my shoulder, pulling me to his body. The feeling of him pressed up against me sent chills down my spine. I shuddered as he grabbed my backpack and handed it to me, then led me out of the library.  
When we reached his car in the campus parking lot, he unlocked the doors and tossed his backpack in the back seat. I stopped in my tracks. He still had the same car from high school. All the memories of us riding around in this thing on Friday nights came flooding back. He moved to the driver’s side door, stopping to wait for me. “Are you going to get in the car, or are you just going to stand there all day staring into space?” He extended his arm and tapped his index finger to his wrist. “Time’s a-wastin', Park.”
Snap out of it, Kaia. It’s just Damien. But it wasn’t ‘just Damien.’ It was the boy I had been in love with for as long as I could remember. I moved slowly to the car and opened the passenger’s side door, sliding in. He smirked and started the ignition. We drove in silence, the only sounds coming from the radio. A song from our childhood started playing and we looked at each other with goofy grins on our faces.
“Remember the first time we heard this song? You wouldn’t stop singing it for weeks,” he said with a laugh.
“What? It’s a good song,” I replied, singing along and dancing in my seat.
I smiled at the memory that song brought back. It was the summer of 2009. Damien and I were in his backyard, hanging out in the treehouse he and his dad built a few summers before. Two of his younger sisters, Isabela and Carina, were having a sleepover, so he was hiding out. His sister Carina was my age and we were in a couple of classes together, so I was friendly with her, but I spent more time with Damien. The sun had finally set over the horizon so we decided to start up a fire in the fire pit and make S’mores. We climbed down the ladder and he pulled a lighter from his pocket.
“Why do you have that?” I gasped.
His eyes met mine and a smirk spread across his face. “I was smoking a J behind the school gym this morning, so I needed it.” He stared at me for a few seconds, watching my reaction, then burst out laughing. “I found it in the junk drawer in the kitchen, you dork. You know I don’t smoke.”
I leaned over and smacked his arm. “Not funny, Dames.”
“I disagree. I thought it was hilarious.”
“Whatever. Just light the stupid fire. I’ll run inside and grab the stuff to make S’mores.”
“Watch out for the slumber party,” he called back as I walked into the house. I made it to the kitchen and started rummaging through the cabinets, looking for the ingredients we needed. I found the graham crackers and chocolate bars but had no luck locating the marshmallows. I was about to go back outside and asked Damien when I turned and bumped into Isabela.
“Hey, Kaia. Whatcha doing?” she asked, holding several bags of chips in her arms.
“Dames and I are making S’mores. Where are your marshmallows?”
She set the bags of chips down and rummaged around the pantry before locating and tossing me the bag. “So, what’s going on with you and my brother?”
My cheeks instantly flushed. “Wh-what do you mean?”
She smirked. “You know what I mean. You two spend an awful lot of time together. Are you two a thing?”
“No. It’s not like that. We’re just friends,” I lied. Her cocked eyebrow said she didn’t buy my bullshit, but she nodded her head. I grabbed the bag of marshmallows from her hand and hightailed it back outside. "I Gotta Feeling" by Black Eyed Peas blasted through the portable speakers in the yard. I approached Damien sitting in front of the firepit, poking one of the logs with a stick. He was shirtless and the moonlight bounced off the muscles of his toned back. The sight made my mouth water. That was the first time I realized I was in love with him.
I was thrust back into the present by the sound of Damien killing the engine. I looked up and noticed we had arrived at the bistro. We exited the car and made our way inside, snagging a table toward the back of the restaurant. The waitress dropped off the menus and took our drink orders, before leaving us to decide what to eat. I pretended to peruse the menu, but my mind was on the guy sitting in the booth across from me.
“Order whatever you want. My treat,” he said.
I looked up and he was watching me. He nodded toward the menu in my hand. “Don’t worry about paying. I’ve got it this time.”
“You don’t have to do that, you know.”
“I know,” he said softly, riling up the butterflies in my stomach. Our waitress returned a few minutes later and took our orders. Damien ordered the Maple Bacon Burger while I ordered the Mac ‘N Cheese Burger. The waitress left to put our orders in, leaving us alone again.
“So, now that we’re a month into the school year, how are your classes going?” he asked.
I shrugged, swirling my straw in my glass. “Classes are going well. I’m not ready to drop any of them, so that’s a plus. Dorm life is pretty fun, too. I got really lucky with my roomie. Her schedule is different from mine, so we don’t see much of each other, but one night a week, we hang out.” I tapped my finger against my chin. “It’s crazy to think that we’re already a quarter of the way through the semester, so that means I’m 1/32nd of the way through my college career.”
He laughed. “I guess that’s one way of looking at it. What else is going on? Any interesting guys catch your attention lately?”
My eyes shot up to meet his. Why was he asking me that? I went back to staring at my drink. “Uh...not really. There is this guy in my algebra class who asked me out, but I turned him down.” I peeked at him from under my lashes, unable to make out his expression.
I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. On one hand, I wanted her to find someone who would make her happy if I couldn’t. On the other hand, knowing that she wasn’t involved with anyone gave me a tiny sliver of hope. I know she wouldn’t wait for me forever, but I still liked that there wasn’t another guy capturing her attention. Jesus, I was such an asshole.
“So, what happened?” the words left my mouth before I could stop them.
She shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s super nice and really cute, but I just couldn’t bring myself to say yes. Which is weird, because there’s definitely an attraction between us. My whole goal for this semester was to step out of my comfort zone.”
She looked up at me, those big, beautiful brown eyes staring into my soul. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, everything about this girl did things to me. Her laugh was like the most beautiful music to my ears. Her sense of humor was aligned with mine. Even her looks were enough to make other girls jealous. When she complained earlier about how she was dressed, I internally rolled my eyes. Even when she didn’t try, she still looked mouth-watering. She was wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a light pink hooded sweatshirt with the words “Rosé and Shine” written in gold cursive letters across the chest. Yes, I looked at her chest. If she busted me, I would’ve just said I was trying to read her shirt.
I awkwardly cleared my throat. “You should give him a chance. Who knows? He might turn out to be a great guy. We all know those are in short supply lately.” Gods, what was I doing? I knew it was the right thing to do, but saying those words hurt.
She nodded. “Yeah, I guess. Maybe he is great and we’ll be really happy together. I just don’t know if I’m ready to start dating yet. I think… I just...I’m not over...” she trailed off.
“You’re not over what?”
“Nevermind,” she shook her head and took a long sip of her drink.
The wheels started turning. Was she talking about me? I know she dated in high school, but Nadia told me those relationships never lasted longer than a few months. She suspected I was the reason for that. Yeah, I know it sounded a tad creepy, but I was able to keep tabs on her, thanks to her cousin’s need to gossip.
One particular moment was that first Christmas after I left for college. I received a text from Nadia asking if I was coming home. She then asked that I keep my distance from Kaia. When I asked her “why,” she told me that she was still upset about what happened after graduation. 
But I didn’t care. I wanted to see my best friend. I dropped by her house to say hi to her parents. They always treated me like the son they never had. Her dad asked how college was going. I told them about my classes and the friends I had made so far. Her mom was filling me in about the neighborhood gossip when I caught a glimpse of Kaia hovering in the hallway. She looked like she wanted to talk to me, but I could tell she was embarrassed to see me.
We locked eyes briefly before she turned around and retreated to her bedroom. I waited a few moments then excused myself to use the bathroom. I stood outside her door, listening for any signs of movement, before lightly tapping on the door. I heard the springs of her mattress squeak under her weight, then the door swung open. She looked adorable in her red and white Reindeer pajama pants and white thermal top. My eyes briefly traveled down and I noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra.
“So, you weren’t even going to come to say hi to me?” I asked.
She shifted on her feet. “I don’t know. I figured you didn’t want to talk to me after what happened last time.” I watched as her eyes traveled up and down my body. It took everything in me to keep from pushing her into her room and kissing her. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t. Not only were her parents in the other room, I knew the whole age difference was frowned upon. And what if we did get together and it didn’t work out? I’d lose my best friend forever.
“You’re my best friend, Kaia. No matter what happened in the past, that will never change,” I replied.
“Even when I get drunk and act like a lovesick idiot?” She played with the drawstring of her pants, avoiding my eyes.
I gripped her chin with my thumb and forefinger, tilting her face up towards mine. “There’s nothing you could do that would ever make me want to stop being your best friend. And hey, I don’t hold what happened back then against you. Sometimes we do dumb things when we’re drunk.”
Her face dropped and it told me I had said the wrong thing. I brought my hand up and cupped her cheek and she leaned into my touch. The moment was interrupted when her mom called from the kitchen to ask me if I wanted some hot cocoa. I dropped my hand and gave her a weak smile, then backed away slowly as I made my way down the hall back to the living room. I looked over at my shoulder to see her still standing in her bedroom doorway, watching me go.
I was pulled back into the present when the waitress arrived at our table and delivered our food. The two of us ate in awkward silence, occasionally looking up at each other. After our plates were cleared, the waitress reappeared and I ordered a slice of cherry pie for us to share. When the pie arrived, we each took a fork and dug in.
“So, tell me more about this mystery guy?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood.
She chewed for a few moments, hesitant to talk about it, then finally spoke. “Well, his name is Hayden. He’s a freshman and a photography major. He’s from Upstate New York and has a Border Collie named Dipper. He also has a twin brother named Harley, but I guess they don’t get along. Nadia loves him and she’s been bugging me to go out with him for the last few days.”
I didn’t know this kid from Adam, but I instantly didn’t like him. Was it jealousy? Probably. Was I going to do anything about it? Nope. “It’s obvious that you like him, so why not go out with him. You’re overthinking this, Kaia.”
“Yeah, maybe,” she sighed and took another bite of pie. At that moment, Alana’s friends Rowan and Cecile walked by. They waved, then stopped short when they noticed it wasn’t my girlfriend sitting in the booth across from me. Cecile gave me a skeptical glance while Rowan looked on in shock. 
“Hey, Damien. What are you up to?” He asked, looking between Kaia and me. 
“Hey, guys! Just capping off a little study session. This is Kaia. She’s an old friend.”
He nodded. “Cool, cool. You guys going to Homecoming next week? Cecile is a candidate for court, so we were going to have a little get-together after the crowning ceremony. You and Alana should come. It’s gonna be fun.”
“Yeah, that sounds good, man. I’ll talk to her about it this weekend.”
Cecile cocked an eyebrow as if to call me out on my bullshit, but didn’t say anything. She narrowed her eyes at Kaia, then turned back to me. “Well, we gotta go. Tell your girlfriend, Alana, hi for us.” She grabbed Rowan’s hand and they walked out. I sighed. I was sure I was going to get a phone call about that by the end of the night.
“Well, that was weird,” she said. “Speaking of, what’s going on with you and Alana?”
Shit, where do I start? “It’s complicated right now. We’re taking a break.”
Her eyes widened. “You guys broke up?”
“Eh...Not exactly. We’ve been fighting a lot, so we’re taking a few days to calm down and re-evaluate the relationship. It’s not how I would have handled things, but she thinks it will give us time to,” I held up my index and middle fingers, making air quotes, “figure things out. She thinks I’ve been neglecting her, which I kind of have been. But she also thinks I’m cheating on her.”
“Wow...I genuinely don’t know how to respond to that,” she replied.
“Yeah, me neither.”
Kaia nodded silently, setting her fork down on the plate. She rested her elbows on the table and folded her hands in front of her face. “Can I be honest with you? This whole relationship seems really unhealthy. There’s a huge lack of trust on both sides. That’s something a break isn’t going to fix. If she doesn’t trust you to be faithful, your relationship is doomed to fail. So, it’s up to you to figure out how you want to proceed. If you think the relationship is worth saving, you need to prove that you’re a reliable partner, and she needs to work through her insecurities. If not, you’re better off ending it now. Especially before you two decide to get engaged or something.”
“I kind of already proposed to her though,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck.
“Oh,” she replied. “Well, you should think about doing some sort of premarital counseling before you get married.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because she said no,” I deadpanned.
Kaia went quiet. I waited for her to say something else, but before she could speak, the waitress reappeared to drop our check off and ask if we needed anything else. Neither of us spoke as I paid the bill and we made our way out to the car. I debated asking her what she was thinking but decided against it. We rode in silence back to the dorms. When I pulled up in the parking lot, she grabbed the handle to exit the car, then stopped.
“For what it’s worth, Dames, I am sorry about you and Alana. I might not like her, but you’re my best friend. And if she makes you happy, then I’m happy for you. If you ever want to talk about it, you know where to find me. I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”
I nodded. “Thanks. I appreciate that. And hey, let me know how things go with Hayden.”
She frowned slightly, then quickly covered it up with a smile. “Will do. I’ll see you in class on Monday. Have a good weekend.” She got out of the car and took off running towards her dorm.
I dragged my hand down my face. Get it together, Dames. She was my best friend. And I had a girlfriend. I got out of the car and headed toward my dorm. When I reached my floor, I swung open the door to my room and was met by the cold stare of my girlfriend, sitting on my bed, her hands folded in her lap.
“Alana? What are you doing here?” I asked as I moved into the room. She rose from the bed and made her way towards me.
“Cecile texted me.”
Shit. I knew this was coming. “Babe, it’s not what you think.”
Her eyes gave away nothing as she took a deep breath. “It’s not important. What matters is you and me.”
Confused, I grabbed her hand and sat down on the bed. “You know I love you, babe. And I know I’ve been a shitty boyfriend these last few weeks, but I want to make this work and I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”
She nodded, but her face told me she didn’t believe me. I sighed and pressed a kiss to her temple. It was going to be a long night.
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manjuhitorie · 5 years
Hitori-Escape Tour 2019 concert reports 14-18
14 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/10/2019 at Takamatsu DIME Takamatsu prefecture
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●The road was flocked with cosplayers on their way to the venue. Yuma recognized the Azur Lane cosplays, while SND recognized the Street Fighter and the Touhou. “Like Reimu and Youmu~” Yuma was face to face with a Miku across the street while waiting at a crosswalk, which amused him also..
SND “Hey! Was anyone in the crowd here who was out there cosplaying today, raise your hand! Come on be honest, tell sensei. Everybody close your eyes so you can’t judge each other, so only sensei can see c’mon.” Yuma “There’s people still opening their eyes lol.”
●Takamatsu really is full of events. There was a strange pungent smell eating away at Yu until he sought out the origin. It was a cheese event going on right nearby.  “These sort of things bother you until you find! Once you find the origin then it stops smelling, it’s an enigma.” ●A cat was spotted caught up in the cosplayer crowd too, which SND found adorable.
Yuma “I’m a dog lover and… I don’t really get the feelings of cats!! If you annoy a dog then you’re their enemy for the rest of the day but, with cats they’ll only hate you on the spur of a moment, based on mood. Yet then you spend the rest of the day depressed...!”
SND brings the flow of the conversation over to yga’s (cat-like) feelings, where Yumao dubs him the “Expressionless emo”. Yuma “He’s stoic but, mid-show he will turn around and smile at me! Sometimes he’ll be saying something too but, because it’s indecipherable I’ll just do my best to convey ‘Uhh, that seems good!!’ to him.” SND “... He looks at me a lot too but he never smiles.” Yu “Well cause the crowd could see his face then, but when he's turned around the crowd can’t see him!”
●SND “Well then. Umm.. It's uh… today...” *Unable to piece anything together while yga stares at him stifled and raring to go* “Ummm..”  ygarsh >>*BWOON*<< SND tweet "Takamatsu concert: complete, Takamatsu is the greatest place every time I come, I’m happy I got to perform in a city I love. Thank you, we’ll probs be back. Tomorrow we’ll be in Osaka y'hear"
15 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/11/2019 at Takamatsu DIME in Takamatsu prefecture
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●During the handheld mic song SND went over to yg’s side and wrapped his arm around yg’s shoulders. Contrary to yesterday’s slip and slide yg did to dodge him—
●SND was late getting to the venue, due to countless self-destructive forces at bay. Yumao joked that he’s truly living the rockstar life. Truly a ‘rock musician’. At first he questioned “Sensei~ Were you busy drawing your manga~?” Because SND is an artistic person, and artist’s concept of time tends to be wonky. “Both of my parents are artists so I know this well,” he said..! SND “I drank for 12 hours straight... Until 10 AM... When the meet-up was at 12. I just had to group up with the crew to get all our gear together and hop in the car to drive down, so I told myself I would nap for 1 hour, then wake up, take a shower, get ready and go... But I ended up sleeping overtime. When I woke up even a miracle wouldn’t be able to get me there on time. So I called manager-san and told her the situation”.
Yumao “I didn’t care if manager-san gets angry at you~!” Though manager didn’t get angry at SND, she just made sure he had everything and could play okay.  SND “Though I lied and said I had some stuff ready when I didn’t... Why is it that we tell useless lies when we’re scared of getting in trouble.”
FInally in the car driving there, SND reeked of alcohol.. Yumao tells the story of how yga, in the backseat, burst out saying “This smell... It isn’t beer.. It’s... Highball. This is Kakubin, Highball whisky.. The beer was Kinmugi.. So... Torikizoku (the name of a bar chain).” Actually hitting the mark on what SND drank yesterday. SND “WTF.”
ygarshy is now the self-proclaimed ‘Highball detective’. ●Back to the show....! SND “Everybody it’s 11/11, what does that mean!“ Crowd “It’s bass day!” SND “Well then ygarshy, do your thing!” yga *>>BWOON<<*
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The date 1111 resembles the 4 bass strings, thus the excuse for celebration! ygarshy also did a seminar for a bass week if that may pique your interest..: Here. SND tweet "Osaka concert: complete, thank you kindly. I'll see y'all next week then."
16 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/14/2019 at LIQUIDROOM in Tokyo prefecture
I’ll make a separate special post including all of Nishimaki’s photos etc., but for now it’s all mostly on my twitter... https://twitter.com/boat_manju/status/1195265416249139200
17 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/17/2019 at SPADE BOX in Nagoya prefecture
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To dodge redundancy I’ll omit some of the happenings, as they reflected on the tour again and many topics were recycled from Tokyo. MC time! ●Yumao picked on SND again for saying “I have to sing and haven’t played a show in a forever unlike you hustlers, I have it a million times worse than you guys, I’m on a different level~~.” back when he was nervous on the first day of the tour. Yu “But... didn’t you once sing in a SOPHIA cover band?”
SND “We only were up for like 30 minutes, and we did just a bunch of L'Arc 〜en 〜Ciel or LUNA SEA or Visual kei kinda stuff.” Yu “Visual kei.. did you wear makeup!?” SND *laughs it off* “I pretended to be Mitsuru Matsuoka for 2 shows and that was the end of it.…“ ●When they were at the vacation cottage watching historical drama on TV... Despite yg seemingly not-watching and playing bass, to their surprise after he told them “That was funny”.  SND “yga never stops practicing huh” Yu “I could never watch TV and play drums." SND “Guitar might work huh.” Yu “Last show I had told everybody to feel free to ask me on Twitter about how to use the mobile battery we’re selling as merch, and someone did!” SND "I questioned how many interactions he got and.. It was a whopping one. One! *laughing*” Yu “They even told me ‘I can’t believe you replied!’” ●SND story time. He talked about how he first came to this city of Nagoya back when he was 17 or 18. He was born in Ishikawa prefecture and he passed the regional teem music tournament there, so he came for the south-east coast tournament. It was only his voice and acoustic guitar up on the loft, and he went home with no prizes but. After some thought he realized that was the beginning of his music career. What he felt up on that stage is still burned into his mind, and has kept him going all this. So being back in Nagoya, singing up on stage, feels like fate. “Our journey is ending for now but, we’ll be back. As long as we’re alive, we’ll be back.” And he sounds like Leader at the end.. Leader would say that..
●SND “It’s time ygarshy-kun! The Kirin Challenge Cup, it was Columbia VS Japan right, give us a comment on Japan’s smashing defeat of 0:2!”   yg *>>>angry BWOOON<<<* SND tweet “Nagoya concert complete, thank you. We performed footloose and enthusiastic, I hope nobody got hurt. See ya next time.”
18 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/18/2019 at Umeda Club Quattro in Osaka prefecture
The finale! Ahh the 18th show. What a long journey, but somehow it felt short.
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●Yu “This show was an add-on, so it sorta feels like a bonus stage y’know. Normally I put a lot of attention into keeping my performance, my feelings as flat and stable as possible but, today.. I just scattered emo around.” SND “I feel ya haha.” Yu “Concerts are tricky!”
●SND “When we’re traveling the country, we see people smiling, people crying, people who have a face like they have no idea what to do with themselves, there’s just… so many different people, and every one is so beautiful. Every time a show ended I would go name-searching on the internet because I wanted to know what everybody thought, and just. Seriously, thank you. Thank you for mustering up the courage to come see us. With 18 concerts on our backs, we managed to shape this into something real. We’ve come so far and— Yuma, pops in like he’s feeling embarrassed or nervous or something, “Uhmm-” SND “Oi….!?” *collapses to the floor* “C’mooon I was just in the middle of something!!!”
Yuma “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to butt in-“
SND “It’s fine hahaha You’re always like this, I’m used to it hahahaaa” SND *on the verge of tears*→ Yumao *does his Yumao thing*→ Everyone  :') ●
Yuma “After all this time we figured out the trick to ygarshy too, even though he’s always stoic, right! But when he’s doing something bad or bullying, he has a HUGE smile! Especially when he’s bullying Shinoda, he’ll grin from ear to ear.” SND “Piece of shit I won’t forget what you’ve done to me. This bastard smiles the most when he’s the assailant”.   yga *Takes out his camera and begins to record SND*
Yu “See, he has fun in his own way!”
*Records Yumao twice, Yumao poses with both hands making the peace sign*
*Records the crowd* Yu “SND and I are always chatting it up about something right, but sometimes an hour or so later after we talk, yg will come over to me when I’m alone and tell me his opinion. ‘I think this I think that. Yumao you said it well earlier, you did well’… But... It’s, it’s okay to join in on the conversation too ygarshy..!” ●Onto merchandise chat!
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Merch is currently available online now!!! The English site is here, but as most items are out of stock there, the original Japanese site is an option if you have access to proxy shipping, here! http://shopping.deli-a.jp/artist/hitorie.php Beware that the mobile battery cannot make it over the border due to restrictions, so even if you order it from the JP site, a problem will most likely emerge...
*Yumao poses to show off his hoodie, flops the hood up and down to show how the letters on the back appear.* *Points at ygarshy wearing the black shirt*
Yumao “The friction highlighters, if they get put in the drying machine or make contact with heat the ink will disappear! But if you put them in the refrigerator then it will come back! It’s a mystery~“ Yu “Then also the pouch... Ah where’d it go where’d it go..” Staff “Behind your drums!” Yu “I found it! I put my little drum supplies in here, it’s great, I never lose anything. The tote bag is convenient too! Throughout the tour I’ve been using it to carry my change of clothes and things.” SND “The bleach acid-washed denim was such a good idea, it looks adorable.” *Yu heads back to his drums* *yg picks up his bass* SND “Are we playin’?” Yu “Are we still talkin’? SND “We have the choice to just not do encore, right?” *yg on standby* *Yuma walks back to the microphone *yg puts his bass down* SND “Ahhhhh, that’s heavy to keep isn’t it, just keep it down.” Yu “Let’s goo!” SND “Alright ygarshy-kun.. Once this tour is over let’s drink some good beer!” yg “…?” *The lighting goes red* SND “?!” *Staring at each other doing nothing, yga puts his finger on his bass string* SND “Wait, what?!” yg *>>>BWOOON<<<*
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ygarshy: “18 concerts. Thank you for mustering up the courage to come all the way out and see us. Being able to perform Hitorie’s music up on stage, was my pride and joy yet again today."
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 SND: “Thank you.”
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 Rie’s manager: “Thanks. I’m so proud of them.”
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Yumao: Really by virtue of every one who came were we able to marathon this tour. 
I was on the same page as you when this started: totally unsure of how to present myself for these concerts. But halfway through somewhere I started to have fun, the number of smiles increased, and now that it’s over I feel like I lost something, the burdens and something special both.
I’m bad with expressing myself in text so this is all I’ll say.
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iplaydrake · 5 years
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Catch Up Here :
Author’s Note : This story is gonna get a little dark. Suicide, Assault (both physical and sexual), Gun Violence, Blood, Swearing. Please read with caution. Positive feedback, constructive criticism, and reblogging are always welcome. I own nothing except the storyline of my MC. Everything else belongs to Pixelberry.
Pairing : (Eventually) Drake x MC
Tag List : @likethetailofacomet @carabeth @rhymesmenagerie @speedyoperarascalparty @butindeed @wannabemc2 @client-327 @jovialyouthmusic @be-still-my-aching-heart @riseandshinelittleblossom @lodberg @drakesensworld @alj4890 @jlouise88
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She stood in her closet, smiling, as she put her phone down after reading Liam's last text. She'd kept every promise she made to him that day. She never called him, knowing that seeing her name come up on his caller ID would only make him worry, so she kept their communication to strictly texts. They'd never stuck to the once a month rule though, each sending random texts here and there, sometimes having conversations that would last days at a time. And after 3 long years of counseling, her therapist had officially cleared her, but she still continued to go once a month, feeling like she needed it to stay healthy, mentally. She'd managed to save a good portion of the money her parents had sent her over the years and now she had a beautiful apartment overlooking Central Park, a great job at an upscale bar, and with her continued hard work she'd be able to finish nursing school in a few months. After all this time, she was finally proud of herself and how far she'd come in her life.
The sound of Super Mario Brothers filled her room as she recognized the ringtone for her brother. 'That's weird, Liam just said it was 1:30. Maxwell must be drunk.' she chuckled to herself. She'd heard of tales of epic proportion regarding the parties her brothers would throw and as she answered her phone, she prepared herself for the loud music in the background, surprised when she heard nothing.
"Maxwell? Hey, I'm just getting ready for work. What's up?"
"Nothing! Why does something have to be up? Can't a guy just call his favorite sister from time to time?"
She chuckled again, "Ok, first of all, I'm your ONLY sister. And second, its the middle of the night where you are, so despite not actually seeing you in 6 years, I'd like to think I know you pretty well. Now spill it!"
"Well, I was just seeing if you wanted to hang out with me, but if you're too busy with work, well then..." he trailed off.
"Ha... Ha... Very funny. Where are you?" Before he could answer, there was a knock at her door. "Who the hell... Ugh, Maxwell, hold on..." She ran to the front door, her phone still at her ear and opened it to reveal him leaning against her doorframe, with a goofy grin on his face. She smiled back at him, widely. "I have to call you back." She joked as she clicked off her phone and jumped into his waiting arms. "MAXWELL, OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" She hugged him tight, not realizing just how much she had missed him until that moment.
"Man, I missed ya, kid!"
"I missed you too, Maxwell. So much!" She buried her face in his shoulder, tears coming to her eyes. After a couple minutes, she pulled away and put her back to him, wiping her tears before turning back to face him. She hated crying in front of anyone; in 6 years the only ones to see her cry were her therapist and Liam while she had been in the hospital. He knew why she did it and his heart sank a little, but he grabbed her hands pushing her back slightly.
"Wow, look at you! You're beautiful!" She blushed furiously, embarrassed by her brother's praise. "So, are you gonna invite me in or are we gonna catch up in the hallway?"
"Oh my god, of course!" She immediately let him walk past her, directing him in to her living room.
"Nice place you got here!" He let out a low whistle as he looked around.
"Thanks. Can I get you something to drink? Are you hungry? I'm not really home enough to go shopping but we could head to my bar and grab some food there. And I'll see if my boss will let me take the night off!"
"Um, actually, I... already spoke to your boss. He's giving you some time off!"
"Oh... I... Wait? What?"
"Rem, there actually IS a reason I'm here. Come on, let's sit." He grabbed her hands in his and walked them over to her couch and sat, pulling her down next to him. He hated that he had to get right into it but the funeral was in 2 days and their return flight was supposed to leave in the morning.
"Maxwell, what-"
"Rem, I'm so sorry. There's really no easy way to say this but... There was an accident. Mom and Dad were on their way back from some gala-"
"It was raining and their driver must have lost control."
"Maxwell, stop."
"I'm so sorry, Remington. They're gone."
"MAXWELL STOP!" she shouted. She immediately let go of his hands, and stood up, trying to get some distance. "I, uh, I just... need some time... by myself." she whispered.
"Remi, please. Don't shut me out again. Let me-' She had already made it to her room, slamming the door behind her. '...help you..."
She grabbed her phone, typing furiously, not caring what time it was.
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As she watched his responses flood her phone, she knew deep down, she wasn't thinking rationally. It wasn't Liam's place to tell her and Maxwell did come in person so she wouldn't be by herself when she found out. But irrationality won out and she turned her phone over, ignoring him. She headed into her bathroom, turned on the shower and laid on the cold tile floor, hoping the sound of the water would drown out her sobs.
Maxwell rested his head on the back of the couch, waiting for her to come back out. After a little while, he felt the vibration of his phone in his pocket and was surprised to see that it was Liam who was calling given the time. "Li? Hey what's going on?"
"Hey Max, I just wanted to check in and see how she was doing?"
"Well, she locked herself in her room about 45 minutes ago, so I would say surprisingly well!" The sarcasm in his voice, evident.
"She's by herself? Maxwell, you should go check on her!"
"She said she just needed some time. She's understandably upset."
"She shouldn't be alone right -"
As Liam spoke, the door to her room finally opened. Her face looked freshly washed, her makeup now gone. If it weren't for her red, puffy eyes, you wouldn't have even been able to tell she'd been crying.
"I, uh, I gotta go, she's back. I'll talk to you later." He hung up without saying another word.
"Who was that?"
"How are you holding up?" She noticed the change in subject and thought better of arguing about it. Of course it was Liam checking on her.
"I'm ok."
"Listen, Rem. Our flight back leaves in the morning so-"
"Oh no, Maxwell! Don't you dare even think about it! Listen, I'm devastated about Mom and Dad I am, but if you think I'm going back there, you're sadly mistaken."
He knew it was going to be a fight to get her to agree to come home but he still wasn't prepared for it. He thought carefully about his next words, trying to think of the best way to go about convincing her.
"I know you, Rem. You won't be able to live with yourself if you don't say good-bye. Come on, it'll be good to see Bertrand and Savannah, even Bartie! You haven't met him yet. Plus you need your family around you right now."
"Maxwell, you are the only one I count as my family."
"Well then, come back for me. I need you just as much!... Please, Rem."
"I can't... I can't face everyone. I'm just now in a good place and if I have to go there and see people... It's too much, especially considering the circumstances. I-"
"I PROMISE I'LL PROTECT YOU." She had never heard such conviction and when she looked in his eyes, she knew he meant it. "I promise... You have more allies than you think, Liam and Drake, and -"
"Liam I would believe. Don't even mention Drake to me."
He'd never thought about her having a problem with Drake, but something clicked and he realized why she would. Drake was dating Kiara at the time of her birthday party and Kiara was best friends with Madeline. He'd witnessed Madeline's reign of terror and they all knew she was involved, if not the leader. "Rem, you can't possibly think Drake would-"
"Maxwell, I am NOT having that discussion with you!"
He let out a sigh and put his hands up in defeat, "Ok, ok... Well, either way, the flight leaves at 9 am... Just promise me you'll think about it. I mean REALLY think about it."
She hesitated, knowing once she said it, there was no way she could disappoint him. "I...promise."
They spent the rest of the night eating take out and catching up on all they missed since their last conversation. After showing Maxwell where he could sleep for the night, she headed back to her own room to contemplate what she was going to do. The next morning, as Maxwell walked out of his room, he smiled to himself as he saw her bags packed and waiting by the front door. 'Well this is gonna be interesting!'
Want to continue? Click below for the next chapter :
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