#wouldn't it be great if we were all so lucky? to get to hold our childhood friends close once again
thursdaygirlmp3 · 7 months
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hey.... the time you spend with your friends will be a faint but cherished memory in ten years...and not all of us will be so lucky so as to get to reconnect with the people we love who drift out of our lives. if i have laughed with you you will always have a place in my heart
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Can I pretty please request Jax Teller for prompt #14!?
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Thank you!!!!!
Contains: Very mild angst, fluff.
1.2K words
“My eyelids are heavy, but my thoughts are heavier.” - Unknown
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You couldn't begin to express how grateful the late nights were less late now that the club was out of guns and drugs. The only downside was that Jax and the rest of the Sons were now just mechanics, they had cars to fix and taxes to file, not meeting deadlines meant parts didn't get bought and paychecks weren't written.
Anxiety still lingered when Jax was away at night, a hold off from the worry that the next phone call would deliver the worst news one could get. Tonight was one of those nights, even though you knew Jax was safe, your brain wouldn't quiet.
The sound of a door opening drew you from your thoughts, "What are you still doing up? It's almost one."
You shrugged, "The usual. I can't sleep when your side of the bed is cold. Your dinner is in the microwave."
Jax gave you a soft smile, "Lucky me because I'm starving. Sit with me while I eat?"
You nodded, "That's my plan." Jax hurried to the kitchen and warmed his dinner before sitting next to you at the dining table, "Did you get all your work done?" 
"You bet, and I've got the whole weekend off so we can sleep in." You could smell the faint hint of oil on his clothes. 
"That's great news, you know how much I love our lazy mornings." If you were lucky, Abel would be there too, between you and Jax. 
"You and me both darlin. How was work?" He must have been hungry, half the food was already gone. 
"The usual." You yawned and Jax reached across the table to hold your hand, "I'm sorry, I guess I was just waiting for you to get home." 
Jax shook his head, "I'm almost done here. I'll hop into the shower then I'll be all yours." 
You sighed, "That sounds perfect." 
"How did Abel go at daycare today?" Jax loved all the pictures Abel drew for him, his locker, his office and his workstation were full of them. 
You smiled, "He had lots of fun today, they got a new water table and he went wild. I had to throw his tiny little shoes in the wash, that's how much fun he had." 
Jax chuckled, "I'll pick him up on Monday, I can't have you having all the fun darlin." 
"Sure, he loves it when you go and get him." You went to take Jax's empty plate from him, but he yanked it away. 
"I'll do that darlin." He rushed it to the sink before drying it and putting it away. Once that was done and he had wiped over the kitchen one last time, he walked back over to you and stretched out his hand, "Shall we?" 
You nodded and took his hand, "We shall." 
The trip to the bedroom was quick, and then Jax was stripping off and hopping into the shower, "You wanna get ready for bed darlin?"
You sighed, "I guess I better try and keep a routine, brushing my teeth and washing my face again won't hurt." 
Steam filled the room as Jax washed the day away and smirked when he caught you staring at him through the shower glass, "See something you like darlin?" 
You nodded, "You know I do Teller." 
The shower flicked off and he stepped out, wrapping the towel around his waist before stopping by the kiss you on the cheek on his way to the bedroom to get dressed. 
With his comfortable grey sweatpants on, he headed to the bed and flicked the heated blanket on your side before fluffing your pillow and peeling back the covers, "Hop in darlin." 
You took your robe off and placed it on the chair, leaving you in just one of Jax's T-Shirts and a pair of panties, then climbed into bed with a sigh, "It's so much better with you here. Maybe we should get a cat so when you're not here, I'm not alone in bed." 
Jax smiled, "I like that idea, we've got the room and it will be good for Abel to have a pet." 
You reached over to the bedside table and picked up the bottle of the lavender lotion but before you could do anything, Jax took it from you, "Let me?" 
You nodded, "I'd like that." 
He started with your arms, rubbing the smooth cream in with broad, firm strokes, "What do we need for a cat? Food, water fountains, a few litter trays and toys. Hell, with Happy's help, we can have one by Monday." 
He pinched your shirt and you pulled it over your head so he could do your shoulders next, "We need a bit more time than that. The kitty should have a catio, that will keep you busy over a few weekends and once that's build and the cat can enjoy the outdoors without killing anything we can get the kitty." 
The corner of Jax's mouth ticked up as he moved to your chest and a thought came over him, "We can tell Abel can't we? He'll want to help." 
Your eye grew heavy as you spun and his hands moved over your back, "Sure we can tell Abel. He'll want to name the kitten and he should come when we pick. Not that it means anything, the cat will pick us." 
You returned to facing him and Jax moved to your legs, rubbing the ache out of your claves, "You've already said you'll let the cat on the bed so I only have one rule, he or she has to stay away from my kutte." 
You chuckled, "You and I both know that's not going to happen, cats do what cats want." 
Jax sighed and placed the bottle back in its spot before picking your book up, "I guess so. How are you feeling now darlin?" 
You smiled, "Great, I'm ready to call it a night." You slid all the way into bed and placed your head on the pillow, "Will you read to me, I love the sound of your voice." 
Jax looked over you fondly, "Of course, darlin, that was my plan when I picked up your book." You had been reading it to him for days, a sweet tale of a little robot in search of life on Mars who made friends with an alien. 
"Rusty lifted his little arm and ticked as he handed the apple slice to his friend, 'Apples are one of human's favourite fruits, you should try some.' The alien took the slice from him with a squeak and ate it in one bite, then gave another squeak of approval at the sweet taste." 
You snuggled closer to Jax and he wrapped his arm around your body, "The Alien squeaked again, then waved its arms before pointing to itself and then to Rusty. The series of squeaks that followed sounded like the robot's name and then another which must have been its own." 
Your eyes felt so heavy as Jax continued, "It made sense when Rusty heard it for a second time, 'Your name is Eldredth? Tell me Eldredth, have you ever had chocolate? It is the best of the human's treats." 
Jax smiled as he felt your chest rise and fall softly under his arm. He put the book and laid down next to you, pressing a kiss to your forehead and pulling the blanket up to your neck, "Good night Darlin, I love you." 
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phoenixblaze1412 · 5 months
Might seem crazy for what im bout to say…
But im gonna order for the regrator boys and girlies! So can we please get a pantalone x gn!reader fluffy? *cough* their first date *cough*
No need to apologize love^^ let's go from Baizhu to Pantalone because man needs affection too.
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First Date
Dating Pantalone has its ups and downs but you two were able to make things work.
With him being part of the fatui and bring the ninth harbinger, work always calls for him that it's rare for him to be at home to spend time with you, maybe even once in a blue moon.
Meanwhile you would be working at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and helping out your director and friend Hu Tao that you would always be home way past midnight.
But despite rarely being able to see each other, you two would communicate to each other through letters.
And maybe a pyro fatui guard or two that would be watching you from afar to make sure you don't get hurt. They were given strict orders by the Regrator himself or else they would be the next test subjects for Il Dottore's experiments if you were to be harmed.
So to receive an invitation from your lover that you were to have dinner at Liuli Pavilion, who were you to say no.
It's literally your first date with him.
If you're lucky enough, it would also be your first kiss with him if the chance is given.
Such a shame that the only contact you two shared was simple hand holding. Hu Tao even commented at how bland your partner was for not being able to at least give you a kiss. If only she knew that she was insulting a harbinger, but you wouldn't tell her that.
You had to ask her to give you a day off just to be able to prepare for it. And Hu Tao, being the supportive friend she is, immediately pushed you out of the parlor while rambling on about to use protection if your partner decides to give you more than dinner for the night.
Once you made it back to your home, you were surprised to see a gift placed upon your bed. Opening it and looking inside, you could only stare in awe at the expensive outfit laid before you. You were guessing the outfit was custome made, there were even jewels decorating it as it glimmered under the light.
"I hope this gift finds you, my love. I expect that you wear it to our dinner tonight. I shall see you then."
You were thankful for the outfit, noticing how it matches the usual colors you would wear with a mix of purple. You were a bit curious on how Pantalone knew your sizes but decided not to question it, assuming it was simply a lucky guess.
Entering Liuli Pavilion was simple. Finding where your lover resides, is a bit difficult. Before you could even take another step, you were greeted by a familiar voice.
"It brings me great joy to see you wearing the gift I sent, darling. How I have missed you so."
Pantalone stood there before you, taking your hand in his before placing a small kiss to your knuckles.
Oh if he knew how the most simplest action he does can easily make you melt.
Leading you to your dinner table with the food already prepared. The two of you dined in, talking about how the other has been doing.
Now, we know how no one has ever seen the Regrator's eyes before. But for you, you are an exception.
As you rambled on about the things that happened while he was gone (even though he always knows what happens to you every day considering his fatui agents would report to him daily, he simply pretends to not know. He does like listening to your voice after all), his eyes glanced at your form. Purple irises tracing and remembering each curve of your body due to how the outfit he had made hugged your figure nicely.
You stopped talking midway when you felt gloved fingers grasp your chin and turn you to the side before feeling a pair of lips pressing against yours.
You were glad your body immediately responded by kissing back. Meanwhile your brain is still processing the current situation.
Pantalone is kissing you. YOU.
(Y/n).exe has stopped working...
Pulling away from the kiss, you could only sat in a daze with your cheeks flushed red.
You are definitely going to tell Hu Tao about this.
Pantalone was simply enjoying your reaction. He too was waiting for the chance to be able to kiss you. He always wondered how your lips would taste like. After knowing it now, it made him crave for more.
Once you both finished dinner, Pantalone led you to the various shops and markets you two would pass by, offering you sweet delicacies and buying you expensive jewelry. Simply pampering you with gifts that he knows would look wonderful on you.
He doesn't ignore the fact that there are various people, men and women alike, who would eye you as if you were their prey. Nonetheless, he would have his arm wrapped around your waist and pulling you close to him. Showing the world that you already belong to someone else, him specifically. Pantalone wouldn't even hesitate to use his power and connections to take care of those that would try to lay their hands on you or even dare to take you away from him.
Pantalone would make sure that you get home safe once the date has ended, he would walk you back to your home.
He already has a promise ring in hand as he slipped it onto your finger, telling you that he would be visiting you more frequently from now on to be able to spend time with you.
You think he would just leave after getting you home and placing a ring on your finger?
He would pull you towards him before kissing your lips again, making sure this one lasts more longer than the one he did earlier until you're breathless before pulling away with a smile.
"I look forward to seeing you soon, dearest. Do expect that I'll be wanting your attention whenever I visit. I do deserve it after working so hard, no?"
Overall experience of the date? ∞/10
You are definitely giggling like a school girl while telling everything that happened to Hu Tao the next day. Her also giggling and squealing along with you. Zhongli could only shake his head in amusement as he drank his tea.
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petew21-blog · 17 days
Could you do an Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland body swap
Friendly neighborhood Peter
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Andrew P.OV.
We have just finished the last of the promon pictures for our new upcoming movie for Marvel. What a great and nostalgic ride that was. It has been years since I last wore this costume on set and I have to say I miss it. It makes me sad that some stupid conflict many years ago ended our third movie, which could've been amazing.
Tobey has left to meet with Kirsten. Me and Tom were left alone together to chat about our lives. What a great kid, he's so talented. It's hard for me to admit that, but I envy him. The attention is nice, I won't deny that, but I just loved making those movies. I would do anything to trade with him. Does that sound mad? Sorry. Another daydreaming episode. I have to think about my own life again now.
Tom's P.O.V.
I want to stay here and talk to Andrew about acting and working as an actor for the role of Spider-man. I truly do. But I am already nervous about all the paparazzi out there. Recently they have made my life horrible. I haven't had privacy for years. I am proud for the movies and the work we all have put into them, but the other side of this is just exhausting. Andrew says, that I should enjoy it while it last, that fame fades out and the work eventually gets finished. Maybe it's too selfish at this point, but I would like it to end. I would do anything to trade with Andrew and have a kind of life he has.
The two "Peter Parkers" had no idea what it meant for them that night. Just a stupid simple wish at the back of their head. Well, someone is lucky today.
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Tom's P.O.V.
Either this is a very bizarre dream or someone did a very elaborate prank on me. I am looking at Andrew. But I am looking in the mirror, where usually my reflection stares back at me. How is this even possible?
I calm down and after a while I get out of bed. I am in Andrew's apartement. His place looks nice, neat, surprisingly. I take off a shirt and put it on. While sliding it on my new torso. I notice my new biceps. Damn, Andrew, you're not so bad. I thought you gave up body-building. But this is quite nice.
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The exploring didn't stop there. I dropped my or (Andrew's?) boxers to get a nice view. I was welcomed by a hairy co 7 inch long dick. Not bad again Andrew. I started to jerk it. While enjoying the body of a 40 year old in a great shape, some woman came into the room and with no expression just said:"If you wanna come to the premiere you gotta speed up and get dressed. Be ready in 30"
Oh shit. Was that his girlfriend? Or maybe a manager. I don't know what is worse. The indifference or the fact she saw me like this.
I might have some explaining to do when I see Andrew in my body at the premiere.
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Andrew's P.O.V.
What was weirder, I didn't recognize my body. I had bigger muscles, lean chest and nice 6 pack. I could even feel the stench of a younger body. Even my skin was visible younger.
I got up from the bed to find out that this body sleeps naked in bed.
I went to the nearest mirror. Holy shit. It's Tom
I was shocked at first, but then I remembered what I thought about last night. Maybe, this is a way from the universe to show me if I truly hate my life or if this is the life for me.
I went back to bed to rest. Well... maybe not rest, but whatever. It's nobody's bussiness how many times I have jerked off Tom's dick. It's also nobody's bussiness to ask how long was I in the shower afterwards and if the scream were of pain or pleasure
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Shit. I love Tom's style. His wardrobe is filled with such nice clothes. I don't even know what to pick. Even showing of his abs looks amazingly stylish
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Andrew and Tom bumped into each other right in front of the journalists.
"How you feeling man?"
"Young! And the best I have felt in years. Your body was a nice surprise. How are you holding on?"
"Well, I have to say that I can't complain either. I mean, you have a much more calmer life than I do. Wouldn't mind if we had this for a few weeks."
"Oh, I don't think I would mind either. It would be an honor for me to take care of your life Tom"
"Don't call me like that now, TOM! People might think you're on drugs. Haha. And yeah, let's make it a deal. We don't even know how to swap back, but when we do find out we swap back on our own terms. Deal?"
The two of them embraced each other in a hug and laughed about it
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This couldn't have worked out better for the two of them
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demxnicprxncess · 7 months
hey can i suggest any nsfw headcanons for the evans?? i love those types of drabbles and i think i would thoroughly enjoy whatever you decide to do w this request, since your writing never fails to amaze me 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
havent done request in a while but sure love
Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkis, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen, @kaylaperiodqueenslay , @fuckedbykai , @mykie-way , @bxbyalixo , dm me to be added or removed dears.
TW: NSFW, opinions, and kai anderson, Smut.
Tate Langdon:
He likes having a sense of control, but still he enjoys being babied, def a switch.
If you tease him enough he gets a little whiney or possibly aggressive.
He IS a teenager so... he'll fuck you anytime, anywhere.
Can be a selfish lover, but he doesnt intend to.
Sometimes, he wants nothing more than to please you. No doubt.
Praise Kink, pain kink, possible humiliation, possible mommy kink. Maybe a small daddy kink, just cause its what he would see in porn. He def would mark you with hickeys and bites. BDSM (mostly his suit ngl)
He bit into your neck over the hickey before licking it softly as his thrust picked up in pace. "Say it baby." She whined gripping on the desk in the empty classroom he had drug her into her hands tied behind her back with his belt. "It feels so good" She'd choke between moans before he laid a smack against her ass. Feeling her clench around him as she came led him to pull out a paint her back in his cum. "There we go baby. Quit talking to that asshole." She nodded softly still tired before she heard the bell ring. "Come on."
Kit Walker:
He LOVES having control, however sometimes he'll let you take control so you can take care of him.
He might whimper, but mostly groans.
He'd fuck you anywhere in your house, or in his car but thats about it i feel like.
he isnt a selfish lover, he wants you cum at least twice.
He'd place your pleasure first no doubt.
daddy kink, breeding kink, maybe just maybe hes into hair pulling.
He kept his thrust steady as she laid back on the bed arching into his touch, "Almost there pretty girl. Just a lil' bit more fa me doll." He groaned into her ear as she clung to him slightly pulling his hair. This prompted him to slip his fingers down to her clit, moving in a figure eight pattern with a steady speed to match his thrust as he kissed all along her neck. "You'll look so pretty with my child in you" With his other hand he placed it on her stomach, "You want me to give you one baby?" She eagerly nodded beneath him as she came undone, prompting him to release his seed deep into her womb. He stopped and laid there his face in her boobs for a minute, "Ya got one more fa me baby?" She whined softly and shook her head, "I dont like odd numbers though baby, and four is our lucky number."
James March:
Hes in control but lowkey wouldn't mind being dominated, he'd just say it was him getting some love in a way.
He grunts and groans no doubt. Sometimes he whimpers.
Anywhere in the hotel is great of course but like he loves laying you on the bed and watching the way you sink into his sheets.
He is never a selfish lover. Maybe a tease, but never selfish. he'd please you no doubt.
Okay so knife kink, master kink (idk i just like the sound of master march.) blood kink hes into marking, loves hearing you scream, loves your tears, hes into bondage.
"Scream my name darling." His thrust were harsh and planned to torture you, triggering your release while he kept going. He wanted to reach his own orgasm while she whined beneath him wanting to hold him but not able to because of the handcuffs keeping her arms above her head, "James, please? I want to touch you sir." He looked down at her before undoing the cuffs letting her wrap around him in a kiss as he filled her with his seed. "Darling, you truly are something wonderful."
Part one since this bullshit has been sitting in my drafts for the longest.
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megxplryxb · 2 years
As Bad As You Are
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I tapped my nails nervously on the back of my iphone as our uber approached the driveway of an all too familiar house. I bit my lip and closed my eyes thinking about the last time I was here. I swore I'd never be back here. But I'd said that before and here I was...again. This time would be different though. I was stronger, smarter and more importantly, I was no longer his little toy to play with when he was bored.
"Dude are you ok?" Tara asked squeezing my hand as a concerned Devyn turned her head back from the passenger seat.
"Mmhmm." Is all I could manage to mumble out as I gave the girls a reassuring smile. I had to get my shit together and fast. I had been cool about this all day but now as the driver slowed down and suddenly stopped right outside the front door my stomach began to do flips. It always happened when I knew he was close by. Fuck.
We paid for the uber and made our way to the house. "Damn, are we late?" Devyn questioned hearing the loudness of the party through the inside of the door.
"I don't think so. Jake said ten right?" I questioned looking at Tara who rolled her eyes.
"Yeah but Jake's a fucking idiot. He's lucky he's hot or I'd be so done with his stupid shit." She huffed as we laughed. She always said that but we all knew she loved Jake more than anything. Must be nice. Just as we were about to knock on the door it opened in front of us. My heart skipped a beat as I waited to see who was going to be the one to greet us. Please don't be him. Anyone but him.
"Oooooooh! Look who it is!" Sam yelled excitedly running straight to me and lifting me in to a huge bear hug.
"Hey Sammy, happy birthday!" I smiled hugging him back feeling pure relief that it was Sam who had answered the door to us. I had missed him so much.
"Yeah happy birthday Sam!" The girls echoed before making their way through the party to find their respective boyfriends.
"I didn't even know you were back from the big apple. Did you just get here?" He questioned as I nodded a yes. Liar. I closed my eyes knowing I had just lied to Sam. I had been home for a couple of weeks but I wasn't ready to see everyone. I wasn't ready to see him.
"Wow, I'm so glad you're here. I thought you'd be too embarrassed to hang with us now that you're famous." He nudged.
"Sam, I starred in a music video, not a Hollywood movie. Plus you're way more famous than I am." I stated as he shook his head.
"You starred in a music video for a song that you wrote the lyrics to. That's a pretty big deal." Sam said taking a drink from the red cup he was holding. "Kat's gonna freak when she sees her bestie!"  She wasn't the only one.
"KATRINA!" Sam called out as my pink haired best friend skipped through the hallway. Her eyes widening in shock as she saw me standing there.
"Look who it is!" Sam grinned like a child.
"Surprise!" I shouted.
"Oh my god! You're back!" She said jumping in to my arms almost making me lose my balance.
"I'm gonna get you a drink. Just the usual?" Sam asked as I nodded.
"You know it." I smiled politely as Katrina continued to wrap herself around me.
"Is he gone?" She whispered.
"All clear." I giggled as she finally let me go. "Do you think he bought it?" I asked as we both fixed our outfits. "Of course." Sam has no idea you've been back for a while. I promise."
"Thanks for not saying anything." I said wrapping my arm around her. Kat had been the only one out of the whole group to know that I had been home for a bit longer than I let on. She was also the only one who knew why I had stayed away so long in the first place.
"What are best friends for?
"The place looks great. You did such a good job decorating." I stated looking at all the balloons and banners Kat had bought for Sam's birthday. She had been talking about it for so long. She just wanted to give Sam the best night possible.
" I'm so glad you came." Kat grinned placing her head on my shoulder.
"I promised you didn't I? Plus I wouldn't let Sam down. I couldn't hide away for the rest of my life because of....." I paused.
"I know." She whispered holding my hand.
"Here you go ladies!" Sam danced over to us with our drinks placing his arms around both of our shoulders.
"Thank's babe." Kat said kissing him on the cheek. "You're the best Sammy." I said cuddling in to him. As one of his oldest friends I was one of only a few people that always got away with calling him Sammy.
"Am I allowed to say how hot she looks right now?" Sam asked Kat who playfully shoved him towards me. "I think you just did!"
"Sam are you drunk?" I questioned as he looked at me offended. "Why do I have to be drunk to say that you look good?" He fought back. "You do look hot girl." Kat admitted sipping her drink.
"Boy I can't wait to see Nate and Colby fight over you later." Sam joked as I shifted uncomfortably hearing the name of the boy I was trying desperately to forget about.
"Hey babe, I think I heard the door. You should go get it." Kat said pushing Sam towards the door as she caught my hand and led me to a quieter part of the house. "I'm sorry about that." She said with concern in her eyes.
"Kat stop! It's fine honestly. I have to get used to this again. Hearing his name, seeing him. I mean I'm in his fucking house." I said placing my hands on my head.
"He is gonna drop dead when he sees you though." Kat said giving me an evil grin. I laughed a little shaking my head. I wouldn't admit it to anyone but a part of me was aiming to show him what he was missing. I was wearing a little black off the shoulder dress with black fishnet tights. I knew I looked good, I knew exactly what to wear to make him crazy, what not to wear to make him even crazier. I wanted to bring him to his knees like he had done to me.
"Where is he anyway?"
"Oh." I laughed rolling my eyes. Typical.
"He's not with anyone if that's what you're thinking. He's finishing up some editing. Actually, Sam mentioned he hasn't seen him with anyone since before you left. That's a long ass time for Colby to go without hooking up." Kat confessed. She was right. Colby had a new girl almost every night.
"Doesn't matter to me anymore. Tonight isn't about him. It's about Sam so let's go find him and get drunk." I said taking her hand as we made our way to find her boyfriend. 
A couple of drinks later and I was finally starting to relax. Corey and I had just beaten Jake and Tara at beer pong and we were happily sitting on the kitchen counter taking shots and selfies.
"That's a good one. That's going on insta right now!" He announced uploading the photo and tagging me. "Yeah I liked that, its cute." I agreed.
"Have you seen Colby yet?" Corey asked as I took a shot and shook my head. "Not yet." Hopefully never.
"Well he's gonna be stoked to see you. You don't wanna know how many times I caught him stalking your socials." Corey said stuffing his face with a pizza roll. I looked at him in shock. He had to be messing with me.
"Yeah seriously bro."
"Shut up." I half laughed pushing him."
"Dude, for real. I teased him about it once and he got really fucking defensive too." Corey said shaking his head. "Did I miss something? Is there something going on between you two?"
"Are you serious?" Me and...? Why can't I say his name? "No. God no." I chuckled playing with my hair.
"Ok, but I could have sworn......You know what, forget it." He said blushing.
"Forget what?"
"Nothing." He laughed as his eyes widened.
"Corey?" You asserted as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously chuckling. "I could have sworn I walked in on him......jerking off....."
"And? I'm sure that's happened more than once you do live in a house full of testosterone" I teased.
"Yeah but....I'm pretty sure it was to the music video.....you were in." Corey admitted as I almost choked on my drink.
"Okay now I know you're joking because that hasn't even been released yet." I confirmed crossing my legs.
"Wait, you didn't send it to him?" Corey questioned as I shook my head. Surely this was a prank.
"Why would I send...You're messing with me right now."
"Bro I swear down!" He said holding up his hands. "If it helps you looked fucking incredible in it..you and that guy had some amazing chemistry and choreography." Fuck my life. I cringed thinking about Corey and the others watching that video. I was practically in my lingerie for the whole thing.
"That doesn't help Corey." I fumed.
"Sorry but I really thought you sent it to Colby."
"I need another drink." I admitted jumping off the counter finding a bottle of vodka on the island and walking outside to the pool area for some air. I took a swig from the half full bottle as I tried to calm myself down because tonight was Sam's night and I wasn't going to let Colby ruin it. Not for Sam, not for Kat, not for me. I hadn't even seen him yet and somehow he had still managed to make himself known. A part of me wanted to leave but I knew I couldn't. The stronger part of me knew that if I did, I was back to square one again. Running from him wasn't an option anymore. I'd both been there and done that.
"It cant be...." I heard a voice gasp behind me. I hadn't even fully turned around before I was swept off of my feet and begin spun around.
"It is you!" The long haired brunette cried excitedly. 
"Nate stop! Do you want me to get sick all over you?" I yelped closing my eyes until the spinning was over.
"I'm sorry I just..I didn't even know you were back!" He said pulling me in for a hug. I wrapped my hands around his waist keeping him close for a moment. Nate was great. He was one of my favourite people in the whole world. Plus he was incredibly sexy. He had asked me out a long time ago but I turned him down because... Well because I was sleeping with Colby and although it wasn't a relationship and we were seeing other people our friends were off limits. That was one of the "rules".
"Yeah I just got back a few days ago." I said as we finally parted.
"Well you look good. I mean.. you look way better than good, you look uhhh." He looked at me sighing heavily as he rubbed the back of his head. "You look hot...I mean...you look beautiful." He admitted as I blushed and laughed at the same time.
"Thanks Nate. You don't look so bad yourself." I confessed as we stood silently for a moment.
"So...you planning to drink all that by yourself?" He asked pointing to the vodka bottle in my hands.
"That was the plan but seeing as I like you I guess we can share." I winked. The air had started to hit me hard and I could feel the alcohol start to take over.
"We should dance." I suggested grabbing his hand and taking him back in to the house where people were dancing.
"I'm not very good at this." He said throwing back some vodka.
"Nate, you're a singer. If you can sing, you can dance." I argued as he laughed. We spent the next few minutes dancing with Corey, Jake, Devyn, Tara, Kat and Sam. All of us taking pictures and videos on our phones. Kat grabbed me as we danced together while she was on Instagram live. "Myyyyy bestie is sexxxxxy." She slurred in to her phone kissing me on the cheek. We continued dancing to the loud music until I heard Sam yell.
It sent a sudden shiver down my spine because I knew what it meant. I could already feel his presence. I turned around to see him slowly walk down the stairs with a glass of Jack Daniels in his hands, wearing a black tank top that tightly carved his abs through the material, his signature black pants and vans. Well he's still fucking beautiful.
"About time brother!" Sam shouted embracing his best friend as Kat grabbed my hand tightly. I smiled gratefully at Kat. I could see that she thought I was going to fall to pieces upon seeing Colby again but truthfully, I just wanted to hurt him. Like he had hurt me. Maybe it was the alcohol but I had so much anger built up inside of me and it had only gotten worse since Corey had told me about the video. Who did he actually think he was?
"Sorry brother but one of us had to work on your birthday. I'm working on catching up though." He grinned downing the glass of jack with ease as he took his final steps down the stairs. He still hadn't seen me as he walked with Sam over to the group.
"Just so you know Nate's been dancin' with your girl bro.." Sam joked patting Colby on the head.
"Who's my gi......" Colby froze finally seeing Nate and I leaning against the wall. This was it. I could either walk away or I could face him. I bit my lip in contemplation before choosing the latter. 
"Hey stranger." I smiled sweetly pulling him in for a hug. Thank god for alcohol.
"Hey!" He said wrapping his muscular arms around me. "Long time no see." He muttered still holding me in his grip.
"You can say that again." I said as he finally let go. A silence grew amongst the group and I could only guess that they could sense a change between Colby and I. I didn't exactly jump in to his arms as I would've usually done when I got back from work trips that were long than a couple of days. "More shots!" Katrina called nervously sensing the uncomfortable vibe between myself and Colby.
"Fuck yes! Time to get you shit faced brother!" Jake yelled grabbing Colby by the shoulders. His eyes never leaving me as he was being pulled away.
"You ok?" Kat whispered.
"Totally." I smiled as we walked back towards the kitchen where the guys were taking shots.
"Did you guys get one for us?" Kat huffed as Nate turned around with two shots.
"I knew we could count on Nate." Kat smile batting her eyes playfully at Nate.
"Such a gentleman." I flirted standing beside him. I could see Colby gritting his teeth from the corner of my eye. He really hated me flirting with Nate. "You can't fuck any of my friends. Especially Nate. I know he's in to you." I don't know why it bothered him so much. Colby had made it clear he didn't want a relationship with me so I could never understand why it bothered him that Nate was in to me, if he really was.
"Ok. We ready? Happy Birthday Sam!" Colby shouted downing the shot as we all repeated his sentiments before swallowing our own.
"Oh and welcome back!" Colby said winking at me taking a swig straight from the bottle of whiskey.
"Thanks Cole." I smirked. Asshole.
2 hours or so had passed and I had managed to avoid having to talk to Colby again. At least we were being somewhat civil for Sam's sake because neither of us wanted anyone else to know that things were not okay between us. I looked around at the house and yard thinking about all the memories I had here. All my favourites being with Colby. All my worst being with him too. No matter where I went in this house I could tell a story about something we had done. This was where we had first kissed without it being a dare or us being drunk. It was where we had slept together for the first but not for the last time. It was where I realised what I felt for Colby wasn't just lust anymore and that I was falling in love with him. Something we promised we wouldn't let happen. A promise I wasn't able to keep.
I sat on the sunbed by the pool texting on my phone when I felt a body take a seat beside me.
"So are we gonna cut the friendly bullshit now that no ones around?" Colby questioned his blue eyes piercing me with sheer cockiness.
"Gladly." I replied not looking up from my phone.
"Good cause its exhausting." He sighed as I locked my phone getting up from where I was sitting not willing to give him the argument I knew he was looking for.
"Trust me, If it wasn't Sam's birthday I wouldn't waste an ounce of oxygen on you." I stated smugly walking back in to the house and away from him.
"Hey, I've been looking for you." Nate said walking towards me. "I've just been around." I smiled refusing to show any pain or anger.
"Were you with Colby all this time?" He asked with a slight frown pointing towards Colby who was still sitting where I had been, looking directly at us.
"No I haven't really spoken to him all night."
"Are you guys ok? Usually at a party I can't get you away from him." Nate questioned as I looked back at Colby.
"I guess, things change." I admitted shrugging my shoulders. "Do you wanna...." He choked for a second trying to finish his sentence. "Dance with me again? We didn't get to finish the last one?" He asked as I smiled and took his hand and guided him to the floor once more.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as we danced to the beat of the music. He stood nervously until I laughed. "You can put your hands on my waist Nate. I don't bite." He chuckled and slowly placed his hands on me. The floor began filling up as more and more people joined the party. Kat shot me a cheeky grin as she danced with Sam.
"Are you having a good time?" Nate asked as I nodded.
"Of course. Are you?"
"The best." He admitted grinning like an idiot.
"Good." I said hugging him tightly before we went back to dancing. Babydoll by Ari Abdul played through the speakers as I froze... That was our song...the song that was playing the first time Colby and I decided to become more than friends but less than a couple.
"Good you're so fucking beautiful..."He whispered kissing my collarbone as I closed my eyes.
"Colby... I don't want to ruin our friendship. I can't lose you like that." I admitted biting my bottom lip, placing my hands gently on his chest.
"We were never just friends, you have to know that." Colby whispered lightly pressing his lips to mine.
"Hey you ok?" Nate asked waving a hand over my face escaping me from my thoughts.
"Yeah, sorry I just got lost there for a second." I said reassuring him. I closed my eyes trying not to think about what this song had represented. What it had meant to me. Just then I felt someone burning a hole through me from somewhere in the room. I opened my eyes to see Colby staring straight at me leaning against the wall with a bottle of jack in his hand. He gave me a strange smirk and nodded at me never moving his eyes away from me. He couldn't possibly remember this song...could he? Colby didn't think like that. He wasn't sentimental. That wasn't him. Why did I even care? Why did I want to know if he remembered? Why was I still thinking about him when Nate was in front of me? Why hadn't I looked away from Colby yet? What the fuck was I doing?
"Hey ,can I ask.." Oh no.... "Nate I'm sorry. I just need a minute." I said quickly pulling away from him and headed towards the bathroom. I felt a hand reach for me, the cold clad rings were all too familiar on my skin.
"I could be wrong but I think you had more fun with me the last time you heard that song." He did remember...
"Fuck you." I spat.
"That you did." He grinned smugly. I wanted to slap him. I ripped my arm from his grip and slammed the bathroom door shut before I shed any tears in front of him. I took a deep breath as I leaned over the sink. Do not cry. Do not cry. You will not waste any more tears on him. I took a couple of more deep breaths as I got my composure back.
"Fuck this." I cursed looking at myself in the mirror. I had enough of feeling this way, being treated this way by someone I would have once given my all to. This wasn't the Colby I had known for years before we started this toxic relationship. I wasn't who I used to be either and I needed to find her again. My blood was boiling as I exited the bathroom. All I could see was red as I went in search for Colby. It didn't take me long as I walked towards him and the black haired girl he was flirting with. I grabbed his arm and began to pull him away as the girl tried to grab him back. "Wait your turn bitch." She spat as I grinned looking at Colby. "Oh I've been waiting for this for a long time."
She tried to grab my arm but I shot her a killer look. "FUCK. OFF." I warned as she finally walked away defeated. I continued dragging Colby up the stairs and towards his bedroom. I could see Nate frowning at me as he watched Colby and I make our way up the steps. "You know I'm pretty sure your boyfriend saw you pulling me up here. I don't think he's gonna be too happy." Colby teased in my ear as I shoved him hard shutting the door behind me.
"What is your problem!?" I screamed. I knew the music was too loud for anybody to hear me and I couldn't wait any longer.
"What's yours?" He fought back.
"I'm looking at him."
"I love it when you're feisty." Colby grinned trying to cup my face, the smell of alcohol lingered on his breath as I slapped his hand away.
"Don't. Don't you dare touch me."
"You never complained before."
"This is all just a game to you isn't it? You just get off on hurting people."
"You used to get off on me hurting you too." He teased moving boldly closer towards me.
"How fucked up must I have been?" I admitted standing my ground. I sensed he could see the seriousness in my eyes because he took a step backwards.
"Why are you here?" He questioned as I raised an eyebrow. "Because it's Sam's..."
"No. Why are you here with me...right now?" He challenged folding his arms.
"Because you've treated me like shit for too long and I'm over it."
"And you had to drag me all the way to my bedroom to tell me that?"
"I'm not going to fight with you down there and ruin Sam's night. Unlike you I actually take other people in to consideration."
"You sure it wasn't to get me away from the girl downstairs?" Colby quizzed as I scoffed. "I'd be doing her a favour."
"You never could hide your jealousy."
"And what about you huh? Like you haven't been watching me all night with Nate." I teased as his face changed.
"If that's what you need to believe to make yourself feel better then by all means..." He replied trying to act unbothered but I knew Colby better than that. His whole demeanour changed at the mention of Nate's name.
"It still gets to you doesn't it? That I could have him in a heartbeat."
"You don't want Nate. You never did." Colby stated confidently.
"How would you know what I want?"
"If you wanted Nate you'd be downstairs with him. But here you are in my bedroom with me." He grinned.
"You're so cocky. It's sickening."
"I always thought that was one of the things you loved about me?"
"I don't love anything about you. I can't even stand being around you anymore."
"Oh so that's why you've been lying about being in New York still when you actually got home almost two weeks ago. Because of me?" I paused for a slight second wondering how he knew I had been home. I knew Kat would never tell him and she was the only one I had told. Then it hit me. Colby knew the producer of the music video I had appeared in. That's how he knew I was home and more importantly that's how he got his hands on the music video before it was officially released.
"You know what? You're right. You are the reason and what makes me sick is that you look almost proud of the fact that you pushed me so far away. You were my best friend!" I yelled. I didn't care anymore. I needed to let it out. The hurt, the frustration..."I made such a mistake in thinking sleeping with you wouldn't change anything between us. I thought I was strong enough to just hook up with you and not feel anything."
"I always told you I didn't want a relationship."
"Yeah you did. But you also made it impossible for me to be with anyone else. Every time I tried to walk away you let me believe that we could be more and I fell for it every single time."
"I'm sorry that I didn't feel that way about you." Colby mumbled looking to the floor as I couldn't hold back a laugh.
"You know, I really believed you didn't feel anything for me. You did such a good job pushing me away, saying all the right things to hurt me and boy did you hurt me." I paused for a moment. "But I see how you look at me or how you don't look at me, like right now. Because a part of you knows that you feel something for me and it terrifies you." I said confidently.
"You think you've got it all figured out huh? You don't know anything! I don't feel anything for you and I never did. You were just a good fuck...helped pass the time." Colby shrugged but I knew him better than that. Everything was starting to make sense now.
"That why you haven't been with anyone else since I left? Because they weren't as good a fuck as I was? Or was it just the fact that they actually weren't me Colby?" I asked finally letting his name escape my lips. His blue eyes widened as he pushed his body against mine. "You really think you're that fucking special?" I swallowed hard pushing my body right back on his, never taking my eyes off of his.
"Special enough for you to jerk off watching a video of me instead of just fucking someone else." I whispered as Colby stood in silence tensing his body.
"Yeah, I know things too Colby. So go ahead, down a few more glasses of jack and maybe you'll get drunk enough to find a girl who resembles me just a little bit because I promise you that is as close as you'll ever get to me again." I stated pushing him away and grabbing the door knob when I felt him grab my hand.
"You really must hate me." He muttered as I pulled my hand away. Why did his touch still set my skin on fire? I opened the door and leaned my head against the side looking at him one final time.
"No Colby, I just hate myself for still loving you" I admitted my eyes welling up with tears as I finally turned away from him and the toxic relationship that had cost me a friendship which had meant more to me than anything. 
I walked down the stairs in what felt like slow motion steps looking up when I heard my name being called.
"I was about to send a search party for you." Nate smiled taking my hand and guiding me down the last few steps of the stairs. I smiled at the boy standing before me wondering why I had always chosen Colby over him.
"Aww were you worried about me?" I teased wrapping my arms around his neck but I could sense a hesitation in his body language.
"I saw you go upstairs with Colby and I just assumed you guys were...hooking up." Nate frowned rubbing the back of his head.
"We weren't hooking up. We just needed to talk about some stuff." I reassured him with a smile.
Suddenly there was a loud crash upstairs in what sounded like a mirror smashing in to a thousand pieces.
"What the hell was that?" Sam shouted from the hallway as he began to run for the stairs. "Colby what the fuck happened dude?" I heard Sam yell from the top of the stairs. "Woah woah!" Sam yelled as Colby pushed his way down the stairs. I could see blood dripping from Colby's hand and it was all but confirmed that he had punched the mirror upstairs.
"Colby, you ok man?" Nate asked concerned as Colby paused to look directly at me. I said nothing. "Colby, what happened bro?" Nate spoke again as Colby finally broke his gaze from mine. "Like you give a shit "bro"." Colby spat heading for the front door and slamming it behind him. Sam stood in shock as Kat put her arm around him. "I should go after him." Sam spoke clearly upset by the sudden situation. "Babe, maybe leave him be for a while huh?" Kat suggested but Jake headed for the door and began to follow him ignoring everyone else.
"You wanna go after him?" Nate asked as I was still looking at the door. I was holding every inch of my body back from going with Jake to find Colby.
"N...no. I don't."
"I'm assuming the stuff you had to talk about didn't go so well?" Nate questioned as I frowned.
"No. Not really. But he's not my problem Nate. I'm right where I want to be." I said smiling at Nate who lifted my arms from around his neck and pulled away. I frowned seeing the look that was now firmly across his face.
"I can't."
"Can't what?" I asked as he shook his head.
"Can't be here, can't be with you." He said placing his hands on his head.
"Why not?"
"Because whatever is going on between you and Colby is way too complicated for me to get involved in."
"There's nothing going on between me and Colby!"
"I really want to believe that."
"Then believe it. Nate you know I like you."
"And you know I like you too. Christ! I've wanted you to like me for so long, to look at me the way you looked at Colby."
"But you're not Colby!" I smiled trying to cup his face.
"Exactly! And I never will be." He yelled letting out a sigh. Just then the door opened and Jake walked in with Colby in tow. Nate shook his head and laughed catching Colby's eyes move straight towards me again. He grabbed my hand and kissed it before he reached for his jacket and headed towards the open front door. He stood beside Colby and smiled pointing at me.
"You're his girl. Always have been. Always will be." He said as Colby and I looked at each other. "Maybe it's time you both just admit that your feelings for each other go way past hatred, friendship or fucking. Just figure it out before it completely fucks you both up." Nate said exiting the house as we stood in utter silence.
"I knew they were screwing!" Jake yelled excitedly breaking the silence between Colby and I as the rest of the trap house family remained in complete shock.
Looks like I was just as messed up as Colby after all.
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if-mirrormine · 7 months
mm cast interview
characters: grayson donohue, kennedy rose, alex colwell, kelsey montgomery, nora, callie, demetri renfied
words: 1969
**unedited//you guys ever watch kitchen nightmares?**
Hello and welcome to the very long-awaited character interview! I'm your host, Alli, and I have with me today the cast of Mirror Mine!
Kelsey: They know what's going on; let's speed this up a bit, shall we?
(Grayson nudges her and she rolls her eyes but holds her tongue.)
I suppose we should just jump into it! I'll start with Kelsey, since she seems to have volunteered herself. First question; what made you become a detective?
Kelsey: (shrug) Why does anyone? To help those unable to help themselves. To bring justice to those who need it most.
How noble of you! And what were your impressions of the other cast members?
Kelsey: (she tilts her head to the side and hums) Gray was still a rookie when I first met him; I thought he was a total idiot that couldn't tell his arse from his elbow. But he's since grown on me and (eye roll) is actually quite competent and good at his job.
Grayson: (grinning) Thanks, Kels.
Kelsey: Yeah, whatever. Nora, I adore; she made me feel warm and welcome immediately. And she makes the best ratatouille I've ever tasted. I don't interact a lot with Callie, but they seem alright. Alex is way too happy-go-lucky for my liking but to each their own. And I like Kennedy; she seems to be the only one with her head screwed on straight.
And what about Demetri?
Kelsey: (deadpan) I said all I have to say.
Well... alright then! My next question is for Nora; how did it feel to raise two children on your own? Is there anything you would've changed?
Nora: It wasn't easy... those first couple of years were especially difficult. It was like suddenly not having any legs to stand on, I lost my balance a couple of times. But I'm so proud of who they grew up to be and I wouldn't have changed anything. Well, (dark chuckle) except maybe having my husband around.
(Demetri shifts in his seat, his eyes on the floor.)
Is there a specific memory that you'd consider to be your favourite?
Nora: Oh, there are just so many... (pause) I think if I had to choose, it would be Callie's first Christmas. Demetri and I had decided to keep the celebration small instead of inviting our family over, so it was just the four of us. MC was so excited to help Cal unwrap their presents that they didn't even care about their own. We spent the day in our pyjamas, let the kids watch cartoons and play with their new toys... it was the perfect day.
Demetri, would you say that's your favourite memory too?
Demetri: Like Nora said, there are too many to choose from but... that was a really good one.
But it's not your favourite. (He shakes his head.) And if you had to choose?
Demetri: The day I married Nora.
(Nora looks away to the floor and chews on the inside of her cheek.)
Let's move on, shall we? Alex! What is it about Grayson that makes u tease him so much?
Alex: (grinning) He just makes it so easy. He's a walking treasure trove of material.
(Grayson crosses his arms over his chest and grumbles quietly to himself.)
Alex: See what I mean?
Why did you choose paediatric surgery?
Alex: Well, I like children and I like helping people; so, when I realised I could do both, it was an easy choice to make.
But surely that must make things worse when things go wrong?
Alex: (serious) Of course; it's always really difficult to lose a patient but I understand that sometimes there's simply nothing that can done, even if you've done everything in your power to make it not so. A lot of doctors struggle with blaming themselves when things go wrong and I used to too, but I've learned that I can't let myself get swept up in my grief or my next patient might suffer too.
I like that; I think that makes you a great doctor. Now on a lighter note: what made you like MC in high school?
Alex: (with a surprised laugh) Oh, I... don't actually know. I just remember thinking that I needed to talk to them and get to know them, you know? And after our first date, I just wanted more and more.
And how did it feel when you broke up the first time?
Alex: Oof, not great. I was an idiot to let them believe I didn't care for them as much I did - as much as I still do - and that's one of my biggest regrets. I was so relieved when they agreed to get back together; I'd felt like I'd been drowning without them but as soon as they were by my side, I could breathe again.
That's so romantic! I think my next few questions will be for Grayson!
Grayson: (with a nervous smile) I'm ready.
What was the hardest thing for you when MC disappeared?
Callie: (scoff) Jeez, Alli; don't hold back.
(Nora shushes Callie.)
Grayson: (after clearing his throat) You mean besides losing my best friend? I guess losing MC meant losing myself in a way. For so long I'd seen us as me and MC that when it was suddenly just me, I didn't really know how to act anymore. I don't think I'll ever be the same person I was ten years ago.
(Kelsey reaches out to rub his back and he gives her a tight-lipped smile.)
That must've been tough. We've talked quite a bit about the past and favourite memories; do you have one of the MC?
Grayson: My fourteenth birthday. I was supposed to spend it with my dad, but he had to work so MC did everything they could to cheer me up. I think about that day a lot whenever I need a smile.
And how did you realise that you were in love with them?
(He blinks in surprise but quickly regains his composure, his face red.)
Grayson: I guess when I started to look forward to seeing them every day. I'd wake up thinking about them, wondering what we'd do and talk about, and even if the day was objectively bad, I'd say it was good because I got to spend it with them.
I'll go easy on you for this last one: what's it like being a detective? Do you enjoy it as much as you think you would've enjoyed business?
Grayson: It's definitely... interesting. It's a lot more paperwork than I ever thought it would be, which is less than fun.
(Kelsey stifles a laugh and he cracks a smile at her reaction.)
Grayson: (cont.) But overall, I enjoy it; it's a lot different than business, that's for sure. As for whether I'd have enjoyed business more if I stayed... I'll never know for sure, but something tells me I made the right choice.
So mysterious... Let's pivot over to Kennedy!
Kennedy: (imitating Grayson) I'm ready.
(The cast laughs and Grayson does his best to hide a smile behind a look of annoyance.)
What made you choose teaching as a profession?
Kennedy: I always loved learning new things, no matter the subject so going to school every day was really exciting for me, unlike every other child alive, I'm sure. But one of the things that made it so great were the teachers who dedicated their lives to imparting their wisdom and knowledge. I wanted to have that same kind of impact.
And what do you like most about teaching?
Kennedy: Probably seeing that impact in action. (Smiling) So many students come in and out of my classroom and I love knowing that I had a hand, or even just a pinky finger, in getting them where they want to be in life.
On the subject of students... do you have a favourite?
Kennedy: (with a stifled laugh) What kind of teacher would I be if I answered that question?
So that's a 'yes'?
(She makes a gesture of sealing her lips.)
Okay, how about my next question; what do you look for in a partner?
(She thinks for a moment before nodding decisively)
Kennedy: All the usual things; patience, kindness, a sense of humour... someone who I can spend the whole day with without having to say a word in order to be comfortable or show my love for them. Someone I can trust wholeheartedly to catch me when I fall, to lead me when I can't see.
Do you think you've met such a person yet?
Kennedy: (with a wistful smile) Possibly.
Alright, don't tell me... I've got some questions for Callie.
Callie: Hit me.
What's your favourite thing on the menu at the restaurant?
Callie: That mom makes? I'd kill a man for her calzone. But if we're talking about my personally curated dessert menu; I simply can't choose, they're all perfect. (Beat) With that being said, I always recommend the beignets to anyone who'll listen.
Good to know... did you always want to be a pastry chef?
Callie: (shrug) Guess so. I did get forklift certified a couple years back but there's just something about baking that kept pulling me back.
Alex: I think the something you're looking for is that baked goods are delicious.
Callie: (nodding) That'll do it.
My next question is a bit of a hard hitter... what is one thing you've always wanted to say to MC but never did?
Callie: My favourite colour is sage green.
(Nora nudges them, giving them a meaning look and they roll their eyes before crossing their arms over their chest and looking at the floor.)
Callie: Fine, I guess... I don't want to you to hate me. I know I wasn't the best sibling to you, especially those few years before you disappeared, I wasn't very nice, but I didn't mean it. (They take a deep breath.) For a while I was jealous of you... you had more friends than I ever did, you were better at a lot of things than me, you knew dad a lot longer than me... I thought it was unfair, but it was even more unfair for me to take it out on you even though it wasn't your fault. Then you disappeared and I was just so angry at myself for wasting so much of our time together resenting you -
(They're cut off by a choked sob and Nora quickly wraps her arms around them.)
Callie: (crying) I'm sorry, MC; please don't hate me.
They don't hate you, Cal; I can promise you that. (Beat) To wrap everything up, my last few questions are for Demetri.
Demetri: This should be fun... let's hear it then.
First question: what is wrong with you?
(He snorts, hiding his laughter behind a fist.)
Demetri: How much time do you have?
Evidently, not enough... next question: why did you leave your family ten years ago?
Demetri: (with a sad smile) You know I can't answer that.
I had to ask. I suppose I'll settle for the next best thing: do you regret leaving?
Demetri: Yes, it was the worst decision I've ever had to make.
Knowing how everything turned out, would you do it again if given the choice?
(Nora watches him with tears in her eyes and he turns his head to look at her and Callie, an unreadable look on his face.)
Demetri: Yes. (He looks away and Nora squeezes her eyes shut causing tears to slip down her face.) There's nothing I'd change either.
Well; this has all been very... enlightening. Thank you so much for joining me today and thank you to everyone who sent in questions. Couldn't have done it without you! And now, as they say in the biz; it's Christmas, let's go home!
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mercurygray · 2 months
Another Fred (and Brady) Friend here:
Could you do #14, Blanket (from the second prompt list), for Fred and Brady, please? Or #36, Security (also from the second prompt list), also for Fred and Brady. Whichever gives you nice inspiration.
I love all your MOTA/BOB stories, BTW, but Fred and Brady hold a special place in my heart.
Thank you!
I hope you have a great rest of your weekend.
It was almost peaceful, up here with the rain.
Captain Becker had stood the wing down for the day on account of the storm, which seemed poised to last all day, and so the whole base had been blessed with an unexpected day off - a chance to clean guns, and mend flight suits, for the crews to work on their paperwork and Bowman on his files and more than one pilot sneak off to parts unsaid for a little unscheduled R and R.
Fred was sitting up in her bed, half-dressed and with her pillow braced against the wall, John's head heavy in her lap, a blanket pulled haphazardly over the both of them, listening to the rain thunder through the gutters at the eaves of the house. They'd had a record on, earlier, but when they'd got to the end John wouldn't let her get up to move the needle, and it was still floating, back and forth, the static hardly noticeable behind the rain. If she was lucky they wouldn't ruin the needle, but they could get another, probably - and she was a little more concerned, in the moment, about what would ruin the man on her lap.
He felt thinner, recently - she knew he ate lighter, on mission days, and they'd had a lot of those in the last few weeks. Thinner, and - and quieter, too. Less apt to pick up his clarinet, or her guitar, or even sit next to the piano downstairs and tease out whatever he was thinking as music. They'd all been sad slow songs lately - a little bit of Debussy or Satie.
"Harding wants to send us to Coombe House." His fingers traced back and forth over the top of her trouser-leg, aimlessly making shapes over the surface of the fabric.
"He thinks we're losing our edge."
Fred brushed his hair back out of his face and behind his ear. "You've been flying a lot lately. You deserve a break."
"Do I? I don't feel like we're doing anything."
"You're doing plenty," she said, stroking his head like she would a cat she were intent on calming down. "Would it… be bad, taking some time away?" I'm worried about you, she wanted to say. You're not sleeping well. Your temper's shorter. And you're smoking more.
"But then we couldn't have this," he murmured, turning his face up to look at her, his hand closing around the outside of her thigh.
"Maybe I could ask for some time off," she said idly, knowing it wouldn't come to anything. "Volunteer to go help out there for a bit."
"How about we just stay here," he said, his voice somewhat sleepy, burrowing his head closer into her lap. "Where it's safe."
Sure, John, she said silently, still stroking his hair as his eyes wavered between wakefulness and sleep, until finally they closed, and his breathing leveled out. We can stay here, where you're safe.
You can read more about Fred (and Brady!) here at her masterlist.
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slytherin-girly · 1 year
You are so dead/A Draco Malfoy one-shot
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House: gryffindor 🦁
Blood: muggle
Warning: swear words(if you aren't comfortable with the use of swear words you don't have to read this) :)
|This one sucks|
"You mudblood!"
"You asshole ferret!" I shouted, I was currently having a shouting match with the one and only, draco malfoy aka ferret boy
But this however is daily, the shouting thing
"Ferret?! You filthy little-"
"Mr Malfoy, ms L/n, please stop this immediately!" Yelled one of the professors, we stopped and once he walked away we tried to punch each other
"Y/n! He's not worth it!" Yelled Ron, both him, Hermione, and harry trying to restrain me from giving him a nasty punch right in the face
Blaise and surprisingly Parkinson was trying to restrain him too
"Mate, let it go" blaise said trying to pull draco away
"Jeez, and I thought potter and draco hated each other a lot- oh- come- on!" Parkinson yelled trying to pull him away
"This will be probably- the first- and last- time- I will ever- agree with- you- y/n let it go!" Hermione yelled, also agreeing with pansy
"I will if he does! He started it!" I snapped
"No! She did!"
"You called me a mudblood first you little ferret! Let me at him!" I shouted
"Jeez you two act like an old married couple" muttered ron, a little too loudly
I stopped and looked back at him
"Uhm- hi?" He said letting me go and taking a few steps back
"And I reckon that Ron has about five seconds before he faces death" said Hermione sighing
"Ronald weasley!" I shouted
"You're in for in ron" said harry also letting go
"I'll be back for you!" I said turning to Malfoy," ronald weasley you have a five second head start!" I shouted
"And five! Ron you are so dead!" I shouted chasing after him
"You weren't meant to hear that! I forgot how good of hearing you had!" He shouts back screaming as he was running into gryffindor tower heading up to his dorm, lucky for him, fred and george grabbed me so he could get away
"Well hello little one" fred said
"Trying to kill our brother aren't you" said George
"Well of fucking course I am" they chuckled
"We still need our brother little one so don't kill him"
"Yet." George finished
"I'm not little you two are just tall" they chuckled again
I turned back
"I swear I WILL GET YOU BACK FOR THAT RONALD!" I yelled over their shoulders making our way back to find hermione and harry, maybe if I find Malfoy I could punch him along the way
We were making our way into the great hall for dinner, ron had decided to come out of hiding
"Ms l/n were you trying to kill mr wealsey yet again?" Dumbledore asked me jokingly
"I would.. but I can't kill my best friend... or can I.." i said the last part quieter
Dumbledore chuckled and told us to go to dinner
We all sat in our usual spots
"You are.. a demon!" Said ron
"Am not! I'm an angel now! Since the devil kicked me out of hell" I said back in a sassy way
"That's right y/n!" Said fred and george giving me a high five
"You-" ron started but I cut him off
"Dont make me say it"
"You wouldn't"
"Oh yes I would, hermione, ron has-"
"Dont you dare finish that sentence!"
"Say it!" Fred and george said in unison smirking evily
"Ron has liked you since first year hermione" I said trying to hold in my laugh
"You are literally a demon!" He shouted turning red
"Am not!"
"But I know something too"
"And what would that be"
"That you like-"
"Ron do you honestly have a death wish?! She already tried to kill you today!" Harry shouted
"I wouldn't say that unless you have a death wish brother" said george
"I agree george" said fred
He shrugged it off,"I know you like Malfoy and he likes you.." he said
"You are evil! You should be lucky if I don't kill you in your sleep Ronald weasley!" He gulped probably rethinking all of his last choices thinking about how he should spend his last hours in this world
"How is she not in slytherin?" Harry asked
"Wanna say that again" I glared at him
"Anyway, what does it matter.. he hates my guts.."
"I- i- just guessed that but okay.." ron said awkwardly
"I just don't understand why you are so oblivious!" Hermione sighed, and ron groaned
"Will you stop groaning Ronald!" Hermione sighed
"Will you stop sighing hermione!" He mocked her, then she wacked in on the head with a book
~~~next morning~~~
"Potions, and potions then free period right" I said
"With the slytherins as always" hermione sighed
"Will you stop sighing hermione!" Ron said remembering yesterday
"I'm tired of them" I said yawning
"Malfoy too?" Ron smirked and harry chuckled
"Do you two want to live a little longer?" I asked
They gulped and nodded
"Then shut up and let's go"
~~~after potions~~~
I sighed walking out of the classroom and then I saw Malfoy and his goons coming towards us
"Oh how lovely" I muttered
"Try not to kill anyone y/n" hermione whispered
"No promises"
"Well, look how it, we have scarhead, weaselbe, and mudbloods"malfoy smirked
"Shut up already!" I shouted
"Don't talk to me like that!" He shouted
"You talk too much!" I yelled
"Asshole." I said getting angrier by the second
"Wh0re!" He yelled
"You mudblood! Shut the fuck up already!" He yelled
This place about to blow
"You ferret! Spoiled rotten daddy's boy!"I shouted at him again
"And you're a slvt! Dating every weasley and probably scarhead too! Slvt!" He shouted louder
"Don't even try! Go! You are so dead!" I yelled motioning for my friends to go
I walked up to him, "what the actually fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled
He grabbed my wrist and smirked
"You may be a mudblood but no one else's blood as pure as mine will ensure that your children won't be muggles" he said he leaned in and kissed me passionately
"I happen to love you and hate you at the same time" I said after we pulled away
"I love you too"
"Ron you owe us 19 galleons" I heard the twins whisper
"But I'm broke!" He whisper yelled
"20 galleons then," the twins said
|I don't know what I just wrote 😳|
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whumpshaped · 7 months
For when you're looking for a prompt, can we get more pet recovery whump?
A former pet just brought to Caretaker's home to be rehabilitated? Maybe with the help of another former pet who's been there longer and made more progress? Someone for them to cling to and to help them feel marginally safer until, with their help, they can come to start trusting that their new Caretaker won't abuse them?
anon i have the perfect people for this. zeddy, mari, meera, and dr pax belong to me, lucky and the other pets belong to @hidden-dreamland :)
tw pet whump, past trauma
Lucky had no idea who his new owner would be. If he was being perfectly honest... he didn't really want to leave the guaranteed security of the hospital for something uncertain and possibly dangerous. Dr. Pax had told him that it would be fine, that Meera's men ran extensive background checks on every person who'd volunteered to help pets reintegrate, but...
All too soon, the two of them were standing in front of a big house, and the doctor was lifting a hand to knock. Lucky was staring at the ground, taking deep breaths, just like he'd been taught.
It's fine. Dr. Pax wouldn't betray you. He even gave you a name. Your new owner won't be calling you mutt... probably.
Lucky heard the turn of a key in the lock, then a soft click as the man opened. And oh, dear. He was... big, and imposing, and intimidating, and part of Lucky wanted to make a run for it immediately. He wasn't a small pet by any means, but he was weak, and he knew how easy it was to overpower him, hold him down, hit him–
"Lucky, this is Zed Hansley, one of our most trusted friends," Pax said, gesturing to the man. He gave Lucky a sheepish smile and a wave, which he returned through great effort. Scary. Scary, scary, scary. "And Zeddy, this is Lucky."
"Hi, buddy," he tried softly, and Lucky attempted to swallow the lump in his throat.
"Hello, sir."
"I'll go ahead and fetch the rest of the family while you guys make yourselves comfortable in the living room. Pax already knows where everything is."
Mr. Hansley disappeared into the house, and Lucky could soon hear him calling names that reminded him a lot of other pets' he'd met while staying with his previous owner. Dr. Pax seemed to read his thoughts perfectly. "He's adopted three pets before you. I thought it'd be beneficial for you if you could see how happy and healthy they all were, not to mention all the experience he has dealing with rescues." He nodded towards the door with a soft smile. "Shall we?"
Lucky willed himself to take a few steps forward, crossing the threshold and committing to giving this process a chance. He wanted a kind owner. He just wasn't sure whether that was something he deserved at all. Whether life would get in the way. Twenty years as a neglected, borderline unwanted pet had taught him nothing but fear, and he had no reason to believe that if he wasn't good enough at twenty, someone would suddenly decide to care for him now that he was forty. Pets his age... there weren't many pets his age.
Dr. Pax sat down on the couch, and Lucky settled on the floor by his feet. He watched nervously as Mr. Hansley ushered everyone in: three pets, just like the doctor had said, and a beautiful woman he introduced as his wife, Mariama. Mari, as everyone apparently called her.
The pets looked... alright. As in, unhurt. All their scars looked old and faded, and while one of them was missing a couple parts, their prosthetics seemed like the nice, expensive kind. They actually looked quite happy.
They introduced themselves one after the other, and Lucky tried to keep up with all the names and tidbits of information. Berry, Cupcake, Spots... Spots was the newest of the bunch, and they already seemed to be getting along quite well with everyone.
Lucky found himself wishing he could experience that too.
"So," Mr. Hansley started, and he quickly looked away from the pets, back up at him, "this is the family you'd be joining. Now, I know what you're thinking– Here's this huge guy with arms thicker than my torso, how could this ever work out in my favour? Or, well, some pets have said that. But I can assure you, if you decide to come live with us, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and happy."
"I will, too," Mrs. Hansley added with a smile. "And we both mean it. We're very passionate about helping people in need."
"I'm a pet," Lucky said timidly. Her smile didn't waver.
"Pets and people. Anyone we can help, we try to help."
Lucky glanced at the other pets again, and all three of them gave him nothing but encouraging grins and nods. Berry even did a thumbs-up. "Um..."
"You can ask questions," Dr. Pax prompted. "You don't have to, of course, since you can call me at any time if this house isn't the right fit for you, but it might be nice."
"I, I'm just wondering... I don't... I don't know why you'd want to help a mutt like me. All the others... they seem..." Sweeter. Bubblier. Better. "I'm not sure I can be of any use to you, sir."
Mr. Hansley hummed thoughtfully. "Believe it or not, all the others had the very same doubts. I'll tell you what I told them, yeah? I just want to help. This community has helped me more than I can ever explain, and now that I have the means, I want to give back. Besides, the house is too big for just Mari and I."
Lucky shifted on his knees. It hurt to kneel. "I see," he muttered.
"You should tell Lucky about your job," Cupcake suggested, and Mr. Hansley's face lit up.
"Oh, I have the best job. My wife and I run a little soap business, and we handmake a lot of the stuff. There's always a DIY project in at least one room in the house, if you ever feel like you want to unleash some creativity." He stood up from the couch and walked over to the table, picking up something Lucky had assumed was a decoration. It was very pretty, soft pink and shaped like a rose. "This is my latest obsession. Ever since I learned how to make flowers like this, I've been making dozens every day."
"Is, is that what smells so nice?" he asked, and Mr. Hansley handed the soap to him with a grin.
"You tell me."
It was the soap. It was the most gorgeous scent, rich but delicate at the same time. Lucky thought he would like to stay in this home for sure, if only to have access to something to amazing on the regular.
"What was that last one? The last big era?" Spots asked quietly.
"The swirly ones," Berry chimed in. "Swirly and striped. Everything was swirly and striped."
"Oh, right! All of them looked so tasty."
"You're not eating soap, are you?" Dr. Pax asked with all the concern of a well-intentioned doctor.
"Zeddy makes me edible soap now!" they clarified, and it made Mrs. Hansley chuckle.
It all seemed... so innocent. Even Mr. Hansley seemed less threatening like this, chatting away about scented soaps. Lucky handed him the rose to he could put it back on the table, then glanced at Dr. Pax for confirmation that he really was allowed to stay here.
"It's your choice," the doctor said softly. "And it's not permanent, if you don't want it to be. I'm always just a call away."
Lucky looked back at his potential owners, and all the new friends he would gain by agreeing to this. The new life he could live, so far removed from dingy basements and cattle prods.
"I think... I think I'd like to try, sir."
When the pets erupted in cheers and excited clapping, Lucky dared hope that their joy was honest.
general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @whumpkinpie @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @whump-em @cyborg0109 @morning-star-whump @justanotherlokifan @2in1whump @lthrboy @justletmereadmywhump @florissimps @anonymous-tiangou @whump-kitty
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moochi-daisies · 5 months
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- 18+ Minors DNI
- Warnings: Yoongi's gf is a bit of a mess, a smidge of a drunk fight, reader is down bad for JK but is it just a distraction from Yoongi?, JK bein a lil bit of a tease
- Length: 2.6k words
- Sidenotes: merry christmas :) the christmas chapter is gonna be late but i finished this at least haha reader + jk wasn't planned at all for this story but they're pretty cute together and fun to write so there's more of that than i expected. hope everyone has a good day and thank you for readin if you do!
Find the rest here!
     After Yoongi called me, we sent some short texts back and forth. It wasn't the same as it had been but, it was better than the year and a half of radio silence. He would usually stop responding if anything required an emotional response. Some excuse involving Lacey always followed, so I learned to steer clear of anything deeper.
     Despite the awkwardness, I was downright giddy over the fact that they were moving to the same city as me. I wouldn't have to depend on dreaming to be around their cozy magic again, to spend more time with them. My mom had left her boyfriend and moved my sister and I into a two bedroom apartment. It was tense with the 3 of us in such a small living space and I frequently daydreamed of introducing my sister to the guy's, of having a safe place to go again.
     The thought that Jungkook and Yoongi would both be there, so close to me and each other, was difficult to comprehend. I pushed the thought away whenever it found it's way to the forefront, shaking my head side to side until it left me alone.
     I had to do this often, as Jungkook was incredibly excited to be close together again.
     He'd started video calling me in the morning, staying until one of our phones would die. Even if I had to work, a lip ringed pout would take over the screen. Soft round eyes and worried brows slowly making their appearance as he'd tilt the phone up and let out a "pretty please.".
     I couldn't ever say no to him.
     It would've been easier if he had a terrible personality.
     I grumbled this at him often, normally while perching my phone in precarious positions while he complained about not being able to see me.
     "Well, lucky for you I have a great personality. Don't I?" he'd start the sentence smugly, giving way to concern by the end of it.
     Whenever I'd look back at the screen to retort, I'd be stunned into silence. I never got used to how handsome he was.
     The way he'd lift his shoulders when he smiled, dimple deepening and cheekbones lifting. The scrunch of his nose. How perfectly round his eyes would get when he'd get lost in thought-
     He was a beautiful boy. Being sweet, caring and attentive only made it all the more gut-wrenching.
     If it weren't for the fact that Yoongi would also be there, I would've been just as excited as Jungkook. Whenever I'd temporarily forget about that fact, Jungkook would have me smiling so hard that my cheeks ached.
     There was even an evening where my jaw locked and I couldn't open my mouth for almost an hour. The nervous giggling escaping through my clenched teeth had Jungkook rolling on the floor, his high pitched and breathy laugh pinging around the living room.
     I hung up, trying to relax my jaw, only for him to call me back immediately. A fierce pout on his face as he scolded me for not saying goodbye first. I wanted to wrap myself around him. To cover his face with kisses and tease him for being such a big baby.
     I was, infatuated. Enamored with him.
     He had started working with Jimin at the dance studio as his teaching assistant. He'd bring his phone to class so I could chat with Jimin and watch them dance. I was not immune, sadly, but highly susceptible to how attractive Jungkook was while he danced. More often than not I'd catch myself crossing my legs, gnawing at my lip and holding my breath. Transfixed as I watched him. He never missed the chance to gloat whenever he'd come back to his phone. He'd glance at me, panting and lifting his shirt to wipe away sweat, while I all but whimpered and tried to hide my expression. The look of pride on his face was always well warranted, but it never stopped me from attempting poorly constructed defenses for why I looked the way I did.
     I got caught watching him at work one day, a coworker letting out a "Whooooo is that?" behind me. I reflexively chucked my phone onto the ground, choking on my words to get out some semblance of "he's my friend.". One eyebrow lifted, she crossed her arms and sunk down on one hip.
     "Ok, suuure. He's quite a sexy friend. Someone's gonna try to snatch him up quick I bet.". The smirk on her face bore into me before she turned on her heel and click-clacked away.
     When I picked my phone back up, Jungkook's face was covering the screen and he was wiggling his eyebrows like a lunatic.
     "I heeeard that." He said gleefully.
     Mortified, I tried to play stoic.
     "I'm just a friend, am I? Gimme her number then, maybe she wants to snatch me up." I knew he was joking but the idea of it flooded me with jealousy.
     "You're not available to be snatched up!" I cried out, nearly stamping my foot as I said it.
     Jungkook's crinkle nosed smile was all I saw, "Yeah, I know. I'm all yours, don't worry.".
     His response made me blush.
     "I'm yours too, you know." I threw my hair over my shoulder as I said it, trying to hide how weak his words made me feel.
     It was the end of October when I got a call from Hobi. He told me that they would be moving within the next week.
      After excited giggles, a somber tone took over and I gulped in preparation for whatever was coming next.
     "Look, between you and me, Yoongi isn't happy with Lacey. But she's got her hooks in deep this time, I've never seen it this bad before." The words were still soft despite Hobi's stern voice.
     "Jungkook has been a giddy idiot lately, which is great for you two. But I'm assuming you aren't completely over Yoongi right?" He didn't wait for me to answer, he knew it as well as I did.
     "I hate having to warn you of things like this but I just wanted you to be prepared for when we're there. Yoongi would never cheat, but I don't think he's as willing to let you go as he's pretending to be." Hobi finished with a sigh.
     "Have I mentioned you're an angel Hobi?". The care behind his decision to share this with me dampened the dull ache that flared whenever I thought of Yoongi. I felt like, maybe, it would be okay. Hobi believed in me, and I wouldn't be facing this alone. I didn't want to let him down.
    Hope fluttered at the possibility that Yoongi didn't want to let me go, balanced delicately on top of the churning complications that came from our relationships with other people.
     "I just care about you all. You're emotional pains in the ass but we all are, in our own ways." Hobi's words were refreshingly direct, similar to what my sister had said during venting sessions, and I snorted in response. Hard stuff out of the way, he filled me in on what the guys would all be doing once they got here.
     He had gotten a job producing for a local music company. Jimin and Jungkook would be working at a dance studio nearby. Namjoon would start teaching English at an International School and Tae was working on his first gallery installation. He didn't mention what Yoongi would be doing.
     When I asked, Hobi tsked to himself and gave a strangely vague answer.
     "Well you know, music is his life. He's working on stuff.".
     I decided to leave it at that, the countdown to their arrival hanging over my head.
     A few days later, I got a call from Jin. He briefly explained that he had gotten a job at a radio station in my city but had to finish out the month before his replacement would be able to take over full time.
     He brushed off my remarks of being happy to see him before continuing, "I wanna see you guys being good to each other when I get there. This is gonna be a minefield, think about where you're stepping.".
     Why did he always have some bridge troll riddle to give regarding relationships?
     I thought I knew what he meant, but the fear of missing something got stuck in my chest like a rusty nail.
     Jin threw out a quick, "miss you" before hanging up.
I peeled off loose hangnails and winced as one tugged off. A bright spot of blood bubbled up in the dent where the skin had been.
     They would be here in four days.
     The second to last night before they were due to move, Jungkook and I were Face-timing. He was stretched out on the couch in oversized grey sweatpants and a giant hoodie. The hoodie had lifted up over his hipbone and I was taking sneak peeks (I thought) at the bits of skin I could see. He was propped up on an elbow and his hood was hiding his face from me.
     "What do you think of that baby?"
I heard him say the words but nothing registered properly.
     He had reached an arm up under his hoodie to rub at his chest muscles, exposing his toned upper body and confirming that he was indeed not wearing anything under his sweatpants.
     "Uh-huh." Was the best reply I could muster. I felt my head nodding but was focused entirely on not blinking.
      Jungkook stopped rubbing at his chest and hooked a thumb into his sweat pants, tugging down ever so slightly.
     For the first time in my life I let out an "eep" before darting my eyes to his face to check if he had noticed me staring.
     All confidence in my sneakiness deflated as I looked at the biggest shit-eating grin I'd ever seen from him. There was even a goddamn twinkle in his eye as he lifted the hand from his sweats to push his hood back away from his face.
"You didn't hear a word I said huh?" he said mischievously. My mouth opened and closed to no avail, I'd been caught, it would be pointless to argue. But I refused to admit defeat.
"No, I heard you. You're just so pretty." I frowned before puckering my lips, trying to twist them away from a pout.
Jungkook was enjoying himself thoroughly, swinging his legs off the couch and leaning forward with his arms on his knees spread wide. Peering at me through the screen, he lowered his voice gently to ask me, "Then, what did I say?".
The neck hole of his hoodie was large enough that it fell open, the light in the living room making it easy to look down into.
"Yes. I mean- wait. Shut up! Do you even know what you said?" The teasing had me flustered, hell, he had me flustered without even teasing me. This was ridiculous.
The same person who cried when I didn't want to stay on the phone while going to the bathroom (because, "We could mute ourselves. At least I'd know you were still there."), was now looking at me like I was the silly baby.
"You know, we'll be together in person soon. In like, less than 48 hours." Jungkook's spontaneous seriousness always came at surprising times.
His eyes were intensely searching for something in my expression and I tilted my head.
"I'm gonna kiss you, even if Yoongi is standing right there." He didn't blink as he said it, maybe looking for a sign that I would turn him down or refuse him.
I cupped my hands around my mouth like I was leaning in to share a secret, loudly whispering, "Not if I kiss you first." back at him.
Relief visibly washed over his face, sharp darkness fading from his eyes as the usual softness replaced it.
"Well good baby, cause allll of this is-" he had started to goofily roll his upper body, grabbing the bottom of his hoodie before a loud crashing sound interrupted him.
Shrieks from Lacey pierced my ears, followed by loud stomping and Yoongi's voice desperately calling out "wait, wait- fuck, WAIT!" behind her. Jungkook dropped his hand and froze, scanning my face to check my reaction.
I had been laying in bed, and pulled my blanket up so that only my eyes were showing. Both of us deer in the headlights, unable to move.
More footsteps came, followed by the front door slamming and muffled yelling.
Jungkook grimaced, "That's been the new norm around here since she moved in. She's...she drinks a lot." He rolled his eyes at the end, tentatively monitoring how I responded.
"Is she- are they, um, does it normally end ok?" I asked, feeling timid. Jungkook and I had been on the phone together every day, most of the day, for at least the past month. How he must've worked to keep me from seeing them fighting battled with my worry for Yoongi's well being.
"Oh, uh, I mean, she apologizes and sweet talks or cries until he gives in. So, kinda. I'm sorry you had to see that, are you ok?" Jungkook was nibbling at his bottom lip and I was overwhelmed by the frustration of being at a distance.
"I'm not leaving your side for at least 3 days when you get here." I declared instead of answering his question. No, I wasn't ok. The limitations of the situation were trapping me in a thick glass case. I had learned way more about Lacey and Yoongi than I had ever cared to know. It was in front of my face and there was nothing I could do but observe it or bang against the glass.
Jungkook's chest swelled up as he inhaled deeply. Eyebrows pulling together while he looked at me as sternly as he could.
His gaze permeated through the glass case, and I could feel him in there with me.
"Well I'm not leaving your side, EVER." he said before blowing kisses at me. He whipped his hand at the screen, like if he threw them hard enough, they might make it across the space between us.
Not wanting him to stop, I tried hiding my smile until it broke free.
"I think you were showing me something?" I said with an air of innocence, looking up as if deep in thought.
Jungkook flopped down onto the couch with a yawn, "I think YOU were gonna read to me like we've been talking about baby."
"Oh! Is that what you were saying earlier? I'll grab it, hang on." I reached onto my side table to grab On Love, by Alain De Botton. Jungkook had no personal interest in reading it but we had a bet going to see if he really needed to hear my voice to fall asleep or not.
When I turned back, Jungkook had his eyes closed and was humming to himself. He insisted he didn't need a blanket, claiming that he only liked how I tucked him in and wouldn't do it any other way.
Only one more night until I could.
I started reading to him, continuing until I saw his head fall forward slightly. Pouty lips twitching as he slept. Smiling to myself, I switched my light off and propped up my phone so I could curl up to sleep.
Sleep didn't come until a few hours later however, not until I had heard the front door open and a single set of footsteps fading away towards Yoongi's room.
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lysarria · 2 years
A Comforting Captain
This is a random Sy fic idea that I had. I am new to the fic writing world. Please excuse my typing errors. Thank you for reading ❤️🤗
Warnings: Period cramps. Fluff.
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We are both up bright and early. Sy had returned home from tour a couple of weeks ago. He was making some coffee and I was getting myself ready to go on a run. Sy usually joins me when he is home but this morning he had plans with some of his buddies and helping out with a house renovation. I offered to help but they said they were good and that some other guys were coming over as well to help.
I hugged and kissed Sy before leaving and I couldn't resist from giving his booty a quick pinch. I ran out the door giggling and hoping he wouldn't catch me before I got into his truck.
I went to one of our favorite nature parks and completed a 6 mile run. I knew Sy would be busy for a while so I decided to visit some stores while I was out and about. Checking my phone I had a text from Sy.
Sy Bear:
Hey Dumplin'. Hope you had a great run. I'm sure you kicked its ass. We have to go pick up more supplies for the renovation. Love ya bunches.
Replying back -
Absolutely crushed it! Hope the renovation is going well. I am going by a couple of stores before heading home. I love you too, bear.
Shopping was a success. I get home and take all the bags inside and unload. Picked up some groceries so I could cook one of Sy's favorite meals. He wasn't home yet so I jumped into the shower. Ready to wash away the sweat and feel refreshed. Towards the end of my shower I am hit with severe cramps. I knew my period was soon and it was letting me know it had arrived. Sometimes they are extremely painful and sometimes it's almost like nothing. Trying to quickly finish up my shower and also dealing with extremely sharp painful cramps. Once out I take medication for the pain. Drying off and looking for clothes to wear. I pulled one of his shirts out. They are always a comfort for me. I was going to call Sy but instead I decided to text him. I didn't want to disturb him while he's busy. I just wanted to let him know that I wasn't feeling well from the cramps and that I was going to lay down.
Hitting send and putting my phone down. I laid curled up in bed in pain and hoping the medicine would start to work soon. I was starting to drift off to sleep and then I felt the bed dip and Sy wrapping his arms around me and asking if I'm okay. I told him he didn't have to stop helping to come home for me and that it wasn't my intentions at all. He explained that they were basically done for the day as the guys had plans for the afternoon and also I was the most important person in his life and he wants to be there for me and take care of me.
I was still dealing with bad cramps. Sy had gotten out of bed and left the room. I start to hear things being moved around in the kitchen and he shouts "Gimme a minute Bug".
I hear him come back into bedroom and he walks around to my side. I opened my eyes and look up and he's holding a bag. He pulls out a heating pad and plugs it in for me and places it on me. Then he reaches into the bag and pulls out some delicious baked goods from a local bakery and places them on the nightstand. Reaching in the bag again he pulls out a cute plush he spotted while he was trying to find a heating pad. I am basically in tears and told him he didn't have to do all that for me and he told me to hush that nonsense and he'd do anything for me and loves me. He leaned down and kissed my lips and said he's going shower. I laid there holding the plush tightly with waves of different emotions hitting me. How did I end up so lucky. To have such a great man in my life. He was my world and all I ever wanted. I heard the shower turn off and he walked out a few minutes later in his boxers. Closing the blinds and turning the TV so it's better angled towards the bed. He hands me the remote and leaves the room and comes back and places a couple of drinks for us on the nightstand. He asked if I needed anything and I said only you. Giving me that cute grin and a wink he then walks around and crawls into bed. Wrapping his strong loving arms around me and pulling me against him. I turned my head to kiss him. Looking into those beautiful blue eyes. Damn period giving me all these extra emotions and tears start up again. He wipes them away and tells me he's happy he's home and able to take care of me. We laid snuggled up together in bed with one of our favorite movies playing. Feeling the warmth of his body and the heating pad had reduced a lot of the pain. Holding his hand tightly as we snuggle. At random times he would place soft kisses on my neck and ask how I am feeling. Just him being there makes me feel better. My eyes start to get heavy. I notice his breathing has started to slow down and he has fallen asleep. I turned off the heating pad and turned the movie volume down. I slowly turned to look at my bear sleeping. I whisper I love you Sy and placed a light kiss on his lips. I turn back and closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep with my comforting Captain.
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monstaxdirtywonk · 1 year
Heaven is a place in hell with you pt. 7
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Member: San as Hades X Persephone reader
Synopsis: It's based on the myth but I've done some changes to fit my narrative
Genre: Fluff, Angst, eventual smut
You thought about it, you really did. What was left for you to do at last was to explain to Nefeli that you were gonna leave. You'd miss her so much but you felt like there was no other way. Artemis wouldn't wanna see you after you chose Hades over her, and you wouldn't be allowed to join the fellow nymphs again. But just like biological kids make their own decisions on how to navigate life, you wanted to do the same. You'd come back and talk to her eventually. But currently your foggy brain was full of his thoughts, and you couldn't make a plan on anything other than to meet him. You heard a knock at the door and concealed your little bag that you were preparing.
"It's me" Nefeli said. You'd recognize her lovely voice anytime, anywhere.
"Come in". You answered and here she was in all her glory.
"Please take a seat" you gestured.
"Why are you making your bag?" She squinted her eyes suspiciously although she probably knew already what you were up to. Sometimes you were too similar for your own good.
You sighed. She wouldn't approve of your choice and you knew. It was beyond logic but isn't love irrational by default? It makes us care and cherish someone more than we should and that person has so much power over us but we allow them to do that because we trust them that they won't break our hearts.
"I wanna leave"
"I figured that out. I think I know where you want to go too but I wanna hear it from you first"
You turned around and nodded.
"I'll go to Hades". You said and flinched a bit because you were waiting for her to start scolding you till the end of time.
Nefeli just sighed. She didn't have the tough love part activated today it seems like.
"You know that you don't know him long enough for such a big decision, right?"
"I do. I also know that there's no coming back because Artemis won't allow me back in ever again. But at the same time I feel like I can't even breath properly when I'm not around him. Sometimes I think to myself, how did I do that before meeting him? I was so lucky to not have found someone to make me feel such intense emotions. Due to my love, my heart is fragile and easy to break. I give up so much power for him to use, even my vulnerable self can't make peace with that thought, but I'd rather have him break my heart than not have him at all. Even a heartbreak would be less painful by his own hand".
Silence was all you could hear in the room. That uncomfortable one which occur when you dropped a bomb of words. Nefeli couldn't stop you from living the life that you wanted, but at the same time she was overly worried for you.
"No matter what happens, with Artemis or Hades, know that I will be here for you. Where I am, you'll always find a home, a sister, comfort. I don't want you to think that you're alone. I'd say I'd help you as much as I can but I'd rather say I'm gonna help you as much as you want. Even if it's not possible, I'll make it that".
Tears were running down your cheeks, you felt a sense of relief because she was right, you felt alone after thinking of the terrible scenario of Hades and you not working out.
"Thank you. The first chance I'll get I'm gonna come and see you" you said and went for a hug that she gladly returned.
"When are you gonna leave?" She asked and looked around the room for something you might forgot.
"At dawn. I wanna be as discreet as possible after all"
"Hold on, I'm gonna bring something for you"
You felt slightly confused as to what that might be but kept on folding your dresses. You didn't have many but they were kept in great condition as you took care of them.
"Here". She said, out of breath slightly because she was running.
"You didn't have to run to your house" you said, making her take a seat again.
"I was too excited to bring it to you"she answered
You opened the box, two little pearls sat inside the jewelry holder.
"Those are for me?"
Nefeli nodded.
"Brides take a dowry usually and that won't be too much for Hades but it's gonna do."
You laughed at her light hearted humor. You thought to yourself that she was so sweet to give away a pair of the few earrings she owns.
"It's not anything high end but I'm sure you'll look lovely in them".
You smiled at her.
"Well since you gave them to me they are precious to me"
"Don't be so cheesy for once" She looked at you disapprovingly.
"Hehe sorry" you said and went for a hug again. You wanted as many as you could before your departure.
"I trust you. Have faith in yourself too"
You nodded and hugged her once again.
Time seemed to be even more endless than it usually is for Hades. He didn't need a method to calculate time here, because such constructions that humans used to measure the day, weren't needed in the after life, but he knew for a fact that he couldn't wait to see you again. Longing for someone makes time to pass slowly, but when you're together, you simply can't get enough.
He also had his doubts. You told Thanatos that you'd come here to talk, but you didn't say you'd stay. Maybe you'd come to reject him but at least he'd be able to see you for one last time. The power a little mortal girl held over such a powerful God would have to be laughable at least. But he didn't even consider all that because he didn't view you as such, you were his equal, someone he wanted to keep by his side and shower with love.
While he was lost in his thoughts he heard sounds coming from the portal area and quickly rushed to check what was going on. There, he could see you throwing rocks in the lake in order to be noticed by him. You looked absolutely adorable and his dimples finally showed up after weeks of being hidden in his cheeks. Oh the delight he felt now that you'd finally meet.
When the stairs opened, you ran down the stairs as fast as you could, which lead to you not so gracefully almost falling to the floor, if it wasn't for Hades' fast reflex. He got to you before you embarrassed yourself and you were beyond grateful for that.
He smiled at you and you felt your heart bursting. Is this how love should feel like? An endearingly annoying feeling, a mixture of anxiety and tranquility you'd say.
"I got you this time but don't run like a maniac next time, okay?"
Your grasp on him tightened and you spoke.
"There'd be no next time though".
Hades' eyebrows furrowed. If he had s heart, it'd be beating like crazy by now. Here it is. You arrived to tell him that you won't come back again to him. But why would you run to say that and why would you not let him go? Maybe you wanted to make the most out of that last encounter you two shared.
"No next time?" Hades asked as he gently pushed your jaw upwards because this conversation needed you two to look at one another.
"Yes. I took my decision and I'm gonna stay with you. "
It was comical how fast his expression changed from worried to cheerful, you couldn't help but laugh.
He lifted you up and started swirling around, almost making you dizzy, from love mostly, but his movements might have played a role there too.
"Let me gooooo...I haven't touched the floor since I arrived".
"I'm scared you might leave if I'll do that".
"Never! You'll grow sick of me, don't worry" you smiled, looking at him in the most gentle and loving way anyone has looked his way. He was receiving the most love he's ever experienced by a single glance.
"We're gonna see about that". He laughed again, forming little lines around his eyes.
"Can I get a kiss?" You asked, surprisingly bold for your standards. But you were dreaming of that moment for so long, it was your consistent daydream and the theme of your night dreams too.
You saw those dimples again you've grown to love so much, you definitely gotta kiss those too one day.
Hades came closer, his hands were placed at the back of your waist, always gentle and respectful towards you. You placed yours against his chest, feeling the muscle underneath his clothes, making those butterflies in your stomach activate again. His face moved closer but you didn't panic, despite this being your first kiss, it felt safe and non judgmental. His lips danced slowly against yours, and you followed along. It felt like home, like a sunny day during May, like a summer night by the sea. A simple, intimate act that made time stop, something so casual and small, that held so much value to you.
"Welcome home, my love".
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hanako-kozume · 3 months
Ah, who doesn't love a good old Fake-dating and there was only one bed trope? The fanfic classics and I can imagine no better for this than our beloved SakuAtsu ship.
Chaos is truly an underappreciated piece of art.
"What do you want Motoya? I'm at practice," Sakusa grumbled while pressing the door to the locker room open with his shoulder since his hands were occupied with his bag and phone, as well as a water bottle he intended to drink from when his cousin called. Apparently early in the morning when both of them had their respective occupations was the best time for a little chat.
"No, you're on your way to practice. Subtle but important difference." Komori corrected.
"Not really, I'm already here and late. Miya won't let me live this down the whole day."
A small chuckle echoed from the other end of the line. "I know but you still gotta change so just put me on speaker. I have to talk to you."
Sakusa rolled his eyes but obliged. His cousin for sure could be annoying but if he said there was something to talk about he trusted him that it wouldn't be something trivial. "You're lucky that you caught me the one day I'm late. If the others were here I wouldn't—"
"If by day you mean week then sure. You're not as unpredictable as you think, Kiyo. Whenever you're stressed you over-organize stuff until you're so far in the future that you forget the present. Happens every year when family events roll around."
Sakusa scowled at his phone as he pulled his shirt over his head.
"Which by the way is exactly what I wanted to talk about." Komori continued.
"There is nothing to talk about. I'm not going." Sakusa insisted.
"You will."
"Why? So that my parents can pretend they have forgotten my coming out yet again and play matchmaker, setting me up with one of the daughters from Mom's friends. Again."
"I'm not saying you're not justified in not going, I'm just saying that you won't. Despite everything I ever tell you, you can't seem to cut ties with them." The libero let out a sigh.
"If you haven't noticed they hold my inheritance and any financial support over my head like a guillotine, ready to be cut off any time. If volleyball doesn't—"
"But it will. Honestly Kiyo, you're doing so well for yourself."
Silence followed his statement as Sakusa wasn't sure what to say to that. He went to the sink to refill his water bottle just to have an excuse to finish the conversation before attending the very job he was putting in jeopardy over this.
"Doesn't matter." Komori continued. "We won't get anywhere like this. I just wanted to say that maybe I have a solution for the matchmaking. I know you hate it."
He did. He really did but any attempt to stop it was a fight against the tide. The flood would come regardless.
He lied about having a boyfriend, it continued. He lied about having a girlfriend, they wanted proof. He had an actual boyfriend, who broke up with him because he couldn't endure his parent's antics anymore. They tried setting him up on dates in front of him.
To say he was tempted by Motoya's suggestion was an understatement.
"I'll take your silence for curiosity. So why don't you get yourself a date?" he suggested.
And here he had gotten his hopes up. "You know how that went the last time."
The pain was far from fresh anymore but he was still upset. It wasn't like he had been the love of his life but he was nice and certainly didn't deserve to be treated like garbage and worst of all Sakusa already had a really hard time finding someone he considered genuinely romantically attractive from which point on most were scared off by his odd nature and germophobia and now the rest was chased away by his family... great, he thought sarcastically.
"No, that's not what I meant. Nothing serious just a fling or it could even be fake. Get someone who can put up with these idiots and warn them." Komori elaborated. "If you want your peace of mind ask a woman, if you want to piss off your parents find a good partner in crime. Personally, that's my favourite option."
"You're clearly overestimating my social skills. How many friends do you think I have who I could ask something like that?"
"Okay, so the fling isn't an option?"
"I won't toy with anyone's emotions like that."
"It's not 'toying with someone's emotions' if the intentions are clear from the get-go and both agree." his cousin protested.
Sakusa knew that. After all, he had several flings throughout his high school years, and shortly after, some just to spite his parents. It was a lame excuse and childish because quite frankly after a few rebounds — just casual stuff nothing serious — following his previous relationship his parents had ruined, he felt no desire to get involved with anyone for a while.
Not really to his surprise, casual sex wasn't really for him and he indulged in it less and less over the years. It helped that he got more independent and mentally stable as soon as he was away from home.
"As to who, what about 'Miya'?" Sakusa almost choked on air. "If he manages to tick you off so efficiently, your parents should be a piece of cake." He could practically hear the grin in Komori's voice.
"We are not friends." he close to growled, trying to convey the disdain toward Motoya's idea.
The liberi pretend not to hear it. "I'll admit the amount of sexual tension between the two of you is a bit uncommon for platonic relationships but I won't judge and hey, I think you're on a pretty good way," he said encouragingly.
Sakusa's jaw clenched and he felt the distinct desire to reach through the phone and throw something at his cousin. "I have to go to practice now."
"Think about it! You could—" He hung up. The ace placed his phone in his bag, took his water bottle, and quickly hurried out to the others, bowing to his coach in apology as he passed him before joining the others.
Meian acknowledged his lateness with a slight bit of earning protest from Atsumu that he would always get scolded when he was too late, which admittedly didn't happen as often as Sakusa expected — he truly seemed to love his job — bit still on average no one could compare to Sakusa in being on time.
To make up for being late Sakusa ran a couple of extra laps around the gym after training, unprompted but earning a nod of approval from coach Forster. As such he was last when entering the locker rooms again, catching a few snippets of a very interesting conversation.
"I'm telling you, Bo, there is something between Omi-san and Tsumu. I'd bet on it." Hinata whispered, which meant the whole team could hear.
"No way, Tsum-Tsum for sure would have told us if that was the case!" Bokuto added. He was certainly the only one who was even worse than Hinata at controlling the volume of his voice.
"Don't you see how they look at each other sometimes?!" the smaller insisted.
At each other? He didn't think he glanced at the blonde any longer than necessary on and off the court.
"I'm kinda with Bokuto in this one," Thomas chimed in. "Atsumu is such a show-off. He wouldn't have shut up about it if—"
"If what?" The person in question joined the conversation. "You know it's not nice to talk about propel behind their back." Apparently, he had just left the showers while the others were already changing into normal clothes again.
"Is there something between you and our favourite germaphobe?" Inunaki asked him directly.
"Who? Omi? Nah, but I'm sure he likes me." he said in his typical confident tone and Sakusa rolled his eyes, though he was sure Atsumu didn't mean it in a romantic way.
"As friends or—?" Hinata questioned.
"Of course, as friends. I'm not even sure he likes men."
"Dude, you're blind." Thomas laughed and Sakusa heard a rustling as he shouldered his back.
"Yeah, though I think you'd be too annoying for him. Even as friends. Sorry, Tsumu." Inunaki added nonchalantly.
"Huh?! Who are you calling annoying!? I bet he likes me!"
"Sure, let's say ten bucks?" the white-haired suggested.
"You're on!"
From the corner, Sakusa heard the not-so-quiet mumbling of Bokuto and Hinata making their own bets about whether they'd end up together.
Sakusa leaned against the wall of lockers separating them exasperated and contemplating his options. Maybe, just maybe, Motoya wasn't so wrong. And now he had something he could offer Atsumu in return, his pride. He was fairly certain Miya would do a fair deal for that.
He walked in, knowing that waiting any longer would come off as weird — if it wasn't already — and went straight to the showers. He knew he would have the chance to catch Atsumu afterwards before he left. He was always the last to leave while Sakusa was usually the first. The only reason he noticed were days like these when he was late in the morning.
True to his expectations once he returned Atsumu was still there slowly dressing himself.
"I heard about the bet." he started after the last of the others had left.
He said it as nonchalantly as possible while putting the towel aside and putting on his neatly folded clothes. Atsumu flinched and made an unintelligent noise of being caught.
"I'm sorry Omi, it was just a silly little... If you prefer I'll cancel it. Not that there is much use to it now anyway."
Sakusa watched him struggle and waited until his blabbering subsided before he continued. "Not necessary."
The blonde looked up surprised.
"I actually wanted to suggest a deal that might be beneficial for the both of us."
Atsumu's eyes narrowed in suspicion and Sakusa had the slight hunch that he didn't want to know what was going on in his head at that very moment. So he quickly resumed talking. "My parents plan a family get-together for this weekend. They are quite conservative, not to say outright homophobic, and always try to match me with some random girl so Motoya suggested I bring a date to stop them. "And preferably annoy them a bit. Since I know no one more annoying than you..." he explained.
Atsumu raised his brows before his typical smug smirk spread on his face that made him look somewhere between punch and kissable. "So ya want me to be yet date Omi-Omi?"
"Fake-date" he was quick to clarify.
"Sure, right. Because you don't actually like men."
"I like men, just not idiots like you."
Atsumu's eyes grew round in surprise. He was shocked, so much so that he almost forgot to be offended by the last part. He pouted. "And what do I get from that? I don't particularly fancy ya taking jabs at me for the whole weekend. I don't really have a thing for humiliation." he grinned as Sakusa almost choked and struggled to keep his composure, while his cheeks burnt red and he glared at the setter.
Deep breaths. This was exactly why he was perfect for this.
"This. You can be your full-on obnoxious self the whole weekend, flirt with me as aggressively as you like with no holding back and piss off some conservative assholes in the process. I know that that is one of your favourite hobbies."
Atsumu grinned wildly, almost feral and Sakusa just knew he'd be in for a wild ride if the blonde agreed. Letting him run free was a dangerous calculation for Kiyoomi's dignity and just hoped he would get to enjoy his parent's sour expression without getting too flustered and before he died of embarrassment.
"And you win the bet," he added finally.
The clear, joyous laugh of the setter echoed through the room and from the walls as he held his sides, as though Sakusa had just told him the funniest joke he had ever heard, irritating the spiker further.
"You got a deal, Darling." the blonde grinned.
"Save the pet names for the weekend, Miya." He quickly rushed to get out before Atsumu could see the blush blossoming on his cheeks, rapidly rising in intensity. Pray to the gods that he'd survive this one.
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torahoes · 17 days
(IDOLiSH7) Torao Mido - An Idol's Daily Life Rabbit Chat: Part 5 - With the hero you admire
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Torao Mido: The cookies present is from you, isn't it?
Torao Mido: The ones with dried fruits were especially delicious.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Good work today. Thank you for joining IDOLiSH7 on the music program today…! I’m glad you liked the cookies.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Those cookies are from the shop Iori-san and Mitsuki-san's family runs. The ones with dried fruits are limited edition!
Torao Mido: All the sweets from that shop are delicious. Haruka likes them too. They've even become a staple for our birthdays.
Tsumugi Takanashi: The cakes from "Fonte Chocolat" are all truly delectable, after all!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi: By the way, I heard from Inumaru-san today that you two attended the American comic movie event!
Tsumugi Takanashi: He showed me some photos, and I could tell you both were having a great time.
Torao Mido: Photos?
Torao Mido: Wait, which ones did you see
Tsumugi Takanashi: Some photos of the venue, and the one in front of a life-size figure, holding merch!
Torao Mido: He showed you that photo!?
Tsumugi Takanashi: W- was I not supposed to see it?
Torao Mido: No
Torao Mido: It's not your fault
Torao Mido: To be honest, I usually wouldn't take such cheerful photos myself, but Touma took me to the photo booth saying it was a special occasion.
Torao Mido: The staff gave us props and a scarf for the shoot, and I kind of got carried away by the atmosphere.
Tsumugi Takanashi: I see. So you had your photo taken too, Mido-san!
Torao Mido: Huh
Torao Mido: Didn't you see my photo?
Tsumugi Takanashi: The photo I was shown was of Inumaru-san posing in front of the villain figure!
Torao Mido: Oh, that one...
Tsumugi Takanashi:
1) What kind of photos did you take, Mido-san?
Torao Mido: A photo of Touma eating a hamburger. They were selling replicas of the one that appeared in the movie, and it was quite big. He was trying to eat it in one bite just like the scene in the movie.
2) Did you both take photos together?
Torao Mido: Yeah. Haruka asked us to send him photos, so Touma took some. We ended up getting laughed at, with him saying "it's just two shady-looking guys wearing sunglasses and masks lolol"
3) Aside from the photo booth, what else was fun?
Torao Mido: The director's autograph session. I was lucky enough to win the lottery for it. I couldn't help but feel nervous in front of such a famous director. I'd like to work with that director someday.
Tsumugi Takanashi: I can really tell that you enjoyed the event…!
Torao Mido: If you get the chance next year, you should attend it too. I think the event's exceptional quality will be a good learning experience.
Tsumugi Takanashi: I also gained valuable insights about it from talking to Mitsuki-san, so I'll definitely be using that information as a reference!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi: I heard that the four of you are planning an outing on your next day off! Inumaru-san was already eagerly coming up with places to visit and looking forward to it.
Torao Mido: Yeah. Haruka and Minami suggested the plan, saying it wasn't fair that Touma and I went out by ourselves before. So we decided to make it up to them.
Torao Mido: Haruka wanted to go for a drive, so we'll probably be heading to either the sea or the mountains. Well, going to my villa wouldn't be bad either.
Tsumugi Takanashi: A villa…! That sounds wonderful! It would be fun to have a barbecue there…!
Torao Mido: That also might be a good idea. We did it before, and having to grill our own meat wasn't that bad.
Torao Mido: Minami seemed to enjoy it too, so he'll probably be happy if we do it again. He was excited about it even during the Backyard MAGIC project.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Are you going to be driving?
Torao Mido: That’s likely. Touma’s driving is too rough and Haruka gets carsick.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Please take your time and enjoy yourselves!
End of Part 5.
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honeyheart19 · 2 years
Can't Help Falling In Love
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Chris Alonso x fem!reader, Jim Street x sister!reader
Note: I'm sorry if this is short. I've been listening to a lot of Elvis lately and thought "hmm there's not enough Chris Alonso fics". Enjoy :)
Summery: Chris reflects on her relationship with reader
Warnings: fluffiness, worries of rushing into relationship, implied smut, no order of lyrics, jumping in time
Chris's POV:
*knock knock knock*
I heard the door go, freeing me from my trance "Hey bride to be! Almost ready?" Ericka excitedly said. "Ya sorry, I was just thinking" I replied. "Not getting cold feet are you? Because as close as you are to Street, I don't think he'll take to kindly to you leaving y/n at the alter" she laughed.
"I wouldn't dream of it. I was just thinking of everything that's brought y/n and I here"
Like a river flows Surely to the sea Darling, so it goes Some things are meant to be
"Hey Chris!" Street waved to me "Come meet someone!"
I put my weights down and jogged over.
"Chris, this is my sister y/n. She's gonna be working here at SWAT."
"I'm really gonna be doing paper work and assisting Commander Hicks. It's not even close as important to what you guys do" giggled the y/h/c girl.
I almost didn't even process what she said because I lost bright eyes and her smile that lit up the room. Get a hold of yourself Chris.
"Nonsense, you'll be plenty of importance. Welcome to 20-David" I say shaking her hand.
Take my hand Take my whole life, too For I can't help falling in love with you
"Alright Alright! First round on me!" Hondo yelled as we gathered into our favorite bar to our usual booth. I been a long day for all of us and all I want to do is hangout and relax with y/n 20-David.
"I'm down for a round of pool, any takers?" I asked.
"Nah I'm beat"
"Same here"
"Maybe next round"
"I just want a beer"
"I'm pretty sure you cheat because you're always beating me."
After all the guys turned me down I turned to y/n. "Care for a game?" I asked reaching out my hand. "Of course" she said as she took my hand pulled herself up. "I've never really played this before" she said as we got out sticks.
"That's fine. Lucky for you, you have the master of pool to teach ya"
I get behind her and pull her close to set up her first shot. As the balls scatter, she around to me. If I were to lean a couple inches closer I could feel her soft looking lip. "I guess I am pretty lucky" she says as I'm still holding on to her.
Shall I stay? Would it be a sin If I can't help falling in love with you?
"Do you want to come upstairs?" the y/e/c eyed girl shyly asked me while sharing into my eyes.
I've only known this girl for almost a month. It's our first date, consisting of a scary movie (thank God), the best burgers in town, and funny enough, roller-skating. The day went by so smoothly I feel like I've known this woman for years!
"You don't have to if you're not comfortable of course!" she quickly states while I was struggling to form my words.
I eventually build my confidence.
"Come on" I say as I take her hands in mine "would it really be a sin?" slyly remark.
"I guess not..." she blushes.
We turn to climb to to her apartment hand in hand. Excited to explore where the night take us.
Wise men say Only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you
"I think I wanna marry y/n"
water sprays from Streets lips and Tan chokes on his bagel while Luca laughs at his misfortune. "You what!?" Street asks.
"Don't you think it's a little early? Deacon questions. "You don't wanna make any foolish decision and rush in"
"You guys have only been living together for just over four months." Street adds.
"We've never seen you rush into anything like this before Chris." says Hondo
"Agh, I know but something about this feels different. It feels right. My family loves her, we have a routine down at home, she's understandable with SWAT hours and we've even discussed plans for our future!" I counter.
"Come on guys!" laughs Luca "I think this is a great idea! Our pal Chris is a fool in love!" he jokes as I role my eyes and smirk. "Besides, SWAT is a family and family supports each other." he says as he gives me a side hug. "Thanks Luca" I smile.
"Fine but, I get best man" Street says as a smile grows on his face.
For I can't help falling in love with you For I can't help falling in love with you
I can't believe I'm here.
I year ago if you would've told me I was gonna meet and marry the love of my life I would've thought you were joking.
But here we are, in Deacon's backyard.
The stars are out, string lights and flowers hang everywhere, I'm surrounded by the people I love. And I'm dancing with my new wife for the first time to our song.
I'm excited to see what the future holds for us.
And I can't help but whisper to the lyrics
"I can't help falling in love with you....."
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