nifrequerne · 2 years
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Time to catch up on your favorite dashboard simulator :3
#gonna start scheduling these for 1 or 2 per day #i really enjoy making them but I think i'll get burnt out otherwise #also HUGE ty to whoever was the anon who sent me the idea #about having therian cats #ohhh my god #hey anon #(or anyone else but im talkin to u) #feel free to dm me to talk at any point you seem cool
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
OMSC CONGRATS MOOSE! I'm so happy for you!!!!
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
WOAAAHHH CONGRATULATIONS MOOOSEE!!! Have you had your name ceremony yet??
#im so happy for ya dude #moving on from apprenticeship </3 #gonna miss you in the 'apprentice things' tag
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🔁 🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow reblogged
🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
Daily selfie !!!
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Trying on some new berry-based fur dye.
🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
The amount of cats commenting "you'll never be a she-cat" and "wearing fur dye won't make you female" is astounding. Like. Thanks?? I'm a trans guy not a trans girl...
#lol?? #this is so funny to me #trans
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🥬 rxttencatmint Follow
Ahh.. different type of post than usual, but.. mmrrnn... I'm considering coming out to my mentor. I know he's supportive, but I'm really nervous, so, uh.. I'm gonna leave it up to a Clanblr poll haha..
#trans #transmasc #trans tom #transgender #trans apprentice #advice #poll
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🤍 snwtl Follow
* ,○ ' WELCOME TO MY BLOG ^. o° ;
adult female cat - 49 moons - gender critical
Keep reading
#terfsafe #radfem #adult female cat #terf #riverclan
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🔁 🥬 rxttencatmint reblogged
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
New neighbors have THE most annoying dog I've ever met in my life. Won't shut up about how that's her yard and to get back... nobody wants your yard Jackie, shut uppp...
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Since when do you speak dog????
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
I started picking it up when I moved to the twolegplace. I'm still not fluent, but I can hold a conversation with the neighborhood dogs if I want.
#every new thing i learn about kipper #just. wow #he is so coolll... #this is totally not the gender envy and parent issues speaking
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🔁 🌊 missingmyscales reblogged
🦊 foxx--hearted Follow
The worst part about being a fox therian is that even when I am partially accepted, it's usually because cats are telling me how horrible foxes are, and how I should've "picked a different species" because they think that's how it works.
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Imagine being a fish. In RiverClan.
The closest I ever get to "acceptance" is my friends joking about how I would taste.
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
How does it feel to have to eat the thing your damaged brain thinks you are. Lol
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Frst off. "Damaged brain" like. Oookay guess we're just being really mean to others on Clanblr today. Second off ,I dont eat fish??? I never even implied that I eat fish.
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
You're from RiverClan lmao. What else is there to eat
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
You are joking, right?
Lizards, birds, water voles and shrews, snakes, frogs, toads?? None of those come to mind when you consider the potential diet of a RiverClan warrior??????
🦊 foxx--hearted Follow
@missingmyscales you should probably just block @lalala-bluegaze, her whole blog is about being anti-kittypet, anti-therian, not believing enbies or bisexuals/any other lgbt identity than lesbian or gay or binary trans is valid, and a whole bunch of other stuff. It's not worth talking to her.
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Ahh thanks... blocked her. I didnt think to check her blog beforehand
#sorry again for arguing on your post, Maple #saw a misconception ab RiverClan and blacked out lol
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🔁 🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass reblogged
🌾 barncat-vibes Follow
Good morning everyone <3 remember to eat breakfast and stay hydrated!
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🐍 xviper-the-fagx
Ithunk i atw a bug
#it difnr taste good euther :/
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🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
So I guess I'm just on this site now?? Clanblr is gone. I can't access any of its posts. But. I can see "Tumblr". Which is weird. The posts are really strange here.
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chaoticdisater · 4 years
Reading a book called the wrong side of right and trying to sympathies for the republican characters because about 75% of the characters are Republican, Pt 2
pt. 1
okay its actually just later in the day rather then a different day, but i queue all my stuff and i don’t have anything else to do and the books i like are packed away, so, here we go, i guess 
chapter four 
- why is this campain aide rude like, doesnt he have everything to gain from warming up to the daugther of the candite he is aideing the campain for? 
- tim sir why are you sulking, stupid boy, (tim is the campain aides name,) i am pretty damn sure that Kate didnt ruin her own life by desiding to leak that her father was the predianal candit, because why would she do that
- i hope we never see you again TIM you worthless piece of shit (no i also dont know why im so mad at a side charater) 
- james i kinda like you my dude, dont mess it up, DONT okay good
- kate they arent really your family, by blood the sentor is your father but, everyone else is essently a stranger, 
- kate you dont have to aploize for your parents messing up, and I like meg, I also dont know why but i do like her for right now. 
- the sentor is garbage he takes kate to a new city and dumps her on his wife and children, 
-the family dinner is so cute, 
chapter five 
- gracie!!! i want her to grow up an rebel agesnt her right wing father, 
- kates interactions with Gabe and gracie are rather cute and Meg is trying so hard, 
- i wouldnt be suprised if kate was right and they where simply taking Kate to live with meg and the twins so that she couldnt go run her mouth to the press, which it doesnt seem like she would do because shes not intrested in the fame of it all 
- i think meg has a point kate doesnt know what she is agreeing to, she doesnt know if shes strong enought to handle campaing because she wasnt raised to campaine, and what meg doesnt know is that no one is fully on Kates side, witch seems to be what she wants to have someone on her side. 
- the fact that Kates friend penny isnt a democract and isnt telling kate to get out of there kinda bothers me, 
- oh yay... she agreed.. woo, (can you read my sacrum? No? well) 
- fall out a window elliottee, i dont like you at ALL
chapter six 
- I really hate that Kate is being used like this, and i know there not much more to say then that because in red white and royal blue alex nora and june where used to help the platform but they felt more willing, like it seems like kate is doing this because she doesn't see any other option, 
- i dont like the vibes the office is giving off, and the sentors slogan is ‘the america we know’ which, also doesn't insper confidence,
- they are going to ‘brand her’ could they not have though of a better word, or phrase, wow this is just justifying my hate of Republicans, 
- i have a feeling andy lawrance (our main love intrest who we have not met yet) is only involed in scandles because of how the republicans paint him. 
chapter seven 
- oh god there grilling kate, this wont end well, 
- what if she had said yes to the girlfriend question, you fuck wads, 
- nancy litary said to kate ‘if you have a difference of opition kept it to your self’ 
- so senator is pro-choice thats... good at least hes got a hard line on immagration tho so, thats a hell Nah
- penny is an illegal immagrent (or her parents are) im calling that now because of how Kate reacted to the hard line on imagration binder
- they are picking her clothing no, NO, gross, 
- why are they taking notes on her bra size, 
- okay i kinda like louis he seems nice enought and he even said ‘im not gonna tell you what to do,’ like i know the standares are on the floor but its at least nice that he wasnt telling her off
- recap i like lou (louis) dont like anyone else the twins are cute and Meg is trying her best, 
- ha her moms a Democrat now, we respect that 
- Elliott can fall out a window on the highst story of the highset builing and live so he has to suffer with a whole body of broken bones, 
- ‘whiteboard Kate’ thats actually kinda sad like she knows she is nothing like the person the party has shaped her into, 
chapter eight 
- i am\ 71 pages in and since the book is 390 pages, that means i have 319 pages left and i hate that its that many
-awwh kate sweetheart you desever so much better then this, i know that you dont think you do but you really do, 
- they have a gag order on her also whats so wrong about giving her busy work elliott rather then making her think shes useless, give her busy work make it a story, 
- i dont like the amount of people telling kate to ‘stick it out’ it makes it seem like she cant have good judgement and i would worry about what that could do to her 
- all in all i really do feel bad for kate and meg they are both kinda thrown into this and have very little control over it all, 
- i didnt expect to get to the ‘feeling of total isloation’ point so early in this story 
chapter nine, 
- i really wanna get to chapter ten so that i can feel like i accomplish something, 
- ‘america likes girls in skirts’ no, no it doesnt, republican america does, 
- okay nancy being aplogict about the whole polling thing makes me feel a little better, 
- they planned for kate to look like she was happy in a relationship that was so new to her, and they didnt even tell her,
- i dont like how they are controling her so much i mean i get that she wouldnt be able to ride up with super short hair and black ripped skinny jeans because its not there brand but it feels so wrong
- shes a smart girl and they are moving her around like a brainless barbie doll, 
chapter ten 
- after this chapter i am watching a kids show, 
- so its the day of this press confrence that has been talked about so much in the chapters leading up to this one but i simply dont care about
- kate is pretty paranoied at this point because everyone in this book is opriating with an atrive motive so she has the right to be 
- woo the presdanint is coming now 
- elliottee is an asshole you dont tell someone you barly know to shut up and look pretty god i hope he gets punched, 
- god i hate all potlitons they are all SNAKES
- anyways the sentor give a speech and we move on with our life, 
- kate speaks up yay,if elliotte says something i will 
i am done for tonight folks join me next time 
Next part
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tragictm · 6 years
The Future of This Blog
I've been rping on tumblr since around 2012, diving into the indie world in 2014 with my beth blog. It was a fun hobby for a long time, but by 2015 it had become more like a chore. Soon enough I made new blogs, moved every month or two and hoped like hell itd have that spark back. There were moments, people, that made my time here truly amazing. I'll talk about them later. For now, I have to look to myself and to the future.
Which brings me here. While I love my muses and I genuinely adore writing them, something on this blog isnt right. Not just this blog, but all of them. I'm burnt out on this site, its multiple issues not helping, and my constant need for external validation is only making this worse. You've all noticed it, begging for poll responses, asking if a character should be added and making the choice based only in how many votes each option gets. Everything on this site is governed by notes, by reactions, by the thought that what I post here is important or interesting to people. That's not why I was here, it's not why I wanted to write, and as long as it's there i dont know that i can continue to be here.
As 2019 draws near I have to make choices to better my life. In 2019 I'm giving up work to study and follow my dream, I'm giving up my home that I've lived in for my whole life to have a shot in a completely different city, a completely different world. And with that, I'm giving up this.
Writing is so important to me, I've grown as a person so much from doing this, I've made friends who mean the world to me, but this has also been so toxic. My deep and constant fear of duplicates - and yes that includes the ones I follow. My desire to be the best version of my muse, preferably the only version of my muse. I crave attention, crave the glory that I've somehow managed to believe comes from the number of people who follow me. It's stupid. Its toxic. It's made me act like a person I dont want to be.
I dont know when I'll come back. Ideally, I want to be more emotionally and mentally sound before coming here. I want to be less busy. I want to be able to have fun rather than cry because I cant decide what to do with a fucking tumblr blog.
I want to mention some people, talk about what they mean to me and how theyve shaped my experience. That's below the cut. But first: means of contact. I dont want to lose friends, but I cant promise tumblr will be a place I go ever again. For now I'll be on my personal @distortedrebel and probably on @greene-rph but come 2019 theres a chance I wont even be on those blogs. So, heres where to find me:
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Facebook, snapchat, etc. are available if you message me, I'd message my personal or one of those accounts though because I wont be logged on to here.
@selfsaving - izzy, you alone have given me so much muse and such a strong feeling of being somewhere I belong. You've been amazing to me, from liking starter calls and interacting with a muse no one interacted with to inviting me to discord servers and being excited to write with me. I genuinely can't describe how great you've been to me.
@mrbisected - kate you've been amazing. You've followed me through so many blogs, even when I never knew who Kenny was. Honestly, I kind of dreaded watching Texas chainsaw at first. I really thought I'd hate it, especially for the first half hour or so. After watching I didnt care that much for Kenny, but the way you cared for him and the way you crafted him into a real person really inspired me and made me fall in love. I fell for nikki because she was hot, but with your help she became someone real and I never imagined giving up on her because of how it had felt having a muse I cared about so much.
@withumans - kacie idk if ur on this blog or using this alias but hey, you're amazing. I know we haven't necessarily been the closest, but you've been a really good friend. You've been through a lot and I know you relate to the need for validation here. You're still young, you're going to grow and change over the next few years more than you could ever believe. I love you, I believe in you, I know you'll get through this. I'm sorry I wasnt super invested in some of your muses, you very clearly love rain more than anything and I really struggled to interact with her, not because of who she is but because of how emily kinney was her fc originally. I know its dumb and petty and I hate that it continued into when shed stopped being the main fc. Rain is a brilliant oc, I genuinely love her and her story. Shes developed, she clearly means the world to you. Tumblr, and quite frankly everywhere else, doesnt care about ocs. They dont care about multis. That puts the two of us in a tricky position. Dont give up on rain, dont give up on ocs. Dont give up on things you're passionate about. You have it in you to do incredible things.
@valorfated - ellie weve talked less lately and I want to apologize for that. Weve had issues in the past, the most obvious being the way I acted with the rph in 2017(?). Theres an age gap between us and clearly a maturity gap there too. Looking back on the way I acted and responded and avoided responsibility is clear. I am sorry for that, I know you were going through rough times and it was rude of me to try to make things go my way simply because you werent there to stop me. Its something I've been working on and I'd like to think I've grown as a person since then. I do want to tell you that you're an amazing writer, and I really hope things are going better for you. Writing beth and Maggie was a really great experience, I loved the dynamic because I've never had much of a bond with my own sister. You helped me realize how sisterly bonds should be and because of that I've started to work towards mending my relationship with my sister and its changing my life. Thank you, good luck with everything..
@gavinsaleks - I saved you for last because this might get long. I'm gonna avoid the literal thousand word letter I usually give you on your birthdays because wow I write a lot, but you already know by now that you've changed my life. The ocs we made meant the world to me and really taught me about relationships and perspectives and what's right and wrong in relationships. You, though, you taught me more. You gave me the courage to come out, you gave me the strength to stay alive in times where I felt like that was impossible, you gave me happiness that i never thought possible. I watched you grow up and you watched me mature and everything changed after meeting you. I never wouldve lasted on this site without you, or in real life really. You're an incredible girl and I really hope that I gave you the same happiness you gave me because you deserve it all and so much more.
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huangfilms · 6 years
Aged Up!Jaemin
summary: so my boss has been trying to set me up with her son for a while and i’ve never even met him and she doesn’t show pictures, but once i do meet him i find out that her son was my crush from high school many many years ago,,,, h elp || aged up au
(A/N) OKAY QUEENS! the results for the recent poll was jaemin! i swear i will get to All Of The Members soon i just need some time! also!!! please leave me feedback ! thank you kids and i hope you enjoy! (ps, once i write more and more, ill make a masterlist so u can see all of my works easily!) warning: this isnt edited cause ya girl TIRED
so... it was morning time
your alarm was blaring in your ear and you Did Not Want To Get up.
you absolutely loved your job (whatever that job may be, it is up 2 u)! but why did it have to start so early,, ya know? 
also,,, it’s your boss,,,,,recently she’s been sweet talking you and it’s really uncomfortable since you two aren’t really close
and she always mentions her son
she goes on and on about how sweet he is, or how much of a gentleman he is. not to mention how handsome her son is
did i mention she’s always saying, ‘you’d be perfect for my son.’
and you’re just like??? oh 
but today when you got to work, a sister SNAPPED
if you heard about your boss’ son one more time then-- well you’d get fired but anywho
so you got annoyed and told your boss, ‘if i say yes to going on one date with your son with you be quiet?’
and she went quiet and then had This Look on her face
next thing u know, she has the BIGGEST grin and then side-hugs you
you feel Awkward but whatever,,,, so anyway she 
she tells u that u should b ready at ur home at like 4:30 or something since u two are going on a ‘date’
and then ur like??? wtf TODAY and she says uh,, yes.
and so u see her pull out her phone and then u Just Know that she’s texting her mystery son and then you get Anxious
well shit my dudes
life is crazy like that,,,,, so then she says that he is going to pick u up from ur home and ur like,,, he knows where i live now
okay!!! it’s ok kids,,,oof!!!
so time skip to 3:00 when your shift at work is d o n e and then u go home to flop on ur bed
Then You’re Anxious cause oh shit,,, ur going on a date with a person that u don’t even know. sike u thought
and so u change out of ur work clothes and throw on like a sweater or something and jeans or whatever
u have like 10 minutes to spare before that guy comes here and you’re kinda nervous,,,,,,,
but he is here EARLY OH MY LORD 
so u have like a peep hole on ur door and u take a peak thru it and oh 
oh my
you wha t
this boy behind the door is none other than the kid you used to crush on in high schoo l,, na jaemin
he never liked u back bc he never noticed u but,,, u ,,, got over it,,,,,,,,,
you could not believe that ur boss’ son was THIS DUDE,,, 
you start to pace back and forth because what if he recognizes you,,, oh My Gosh
okay well anyway
you suck it up and then open the door because he’s been waiting for a while ksdjhfalksjhf
u notice that he’s looking down and he starts to speak when he looks up but then he stops
‘hey--’ and he just Stares At You and u start to wonder if he Does Remember You
and then he says ur name Which Means He DOES oh jeez and u were so close to slamming the door in his face because you Cannot Handle but it’s okay, everything is okay..... 
‘haha hey,, um jaemin’ 
okay well now that u guys Clarified That You Remember Each Other
you became x27439823847398739384709213378468 more nervous because How Will This Go
okay wait,, how did he know ur name LMAO did he,, dare I say,,, remember you????
cause if he did then WOW life really is crazy
so then he starts to talk or whatever about going to the nearest coffee shop cause he feels drained and exhausted, ngl,,, you feel kinda tired too
so you guys are just like walking there and he’s been trying small talk like,,, what have u been up to since high school? 
and u get so Shook because,,,, he noticed you LMAO 
i mean you were always the shy one who got mediocre grades but never really broke the rules and hung out with like,,, one person.
u STILL hang out with that on e person and that dude is ur best friend jeno
but anyway,, you knew about jaemin in hs because of jeno, they were in the same friend group and jeno always invited you to hang out with them but u really weren’t comfortable with that LOL
so yeah u saw jaemin and took a liking to him because he was really sweet from what u heard from jeno,,, that boy would NOT stop talking about him to you because u became interested
i mean moments pass and u dont know how to feel anymore
so anyway,, u two make it to the shop and then u take a REAL good look at him when he goes up to order for the both of u guys
he’s aged really well,,, too well like honestly--- edges: Snatched
he just looks so,,,, good. and you just Know That You Have Lingering Feelings that you never really got over and they seem to be resurfacing
so he comes back with the drinks and he looks at you now while ur staring out the window,, just sippin ur coffee
nd he noticed that YOUVE grown,, u look way more mature and youve lost ur baby face,, oof
u kno he actually did like you back then,,, i mean if either one of u would have just TALKED to each other smh cjsjdjs
but whatever, in the past right? sike
so the date was coming to an end cause he had some stuff to do, so u guys swapped phone numbers
ever since then, u guys have been texting each other non-stop and always hanging out when you can
his mom?? she can tell that something is different with u because u arent grumpy in the mornings anymore HAHAHA
u start to smile more and become distracted on ur phone cause jaemin is always texting you
so she asks u about it like,,, half a year after u guys first met up
and u say smth like, ‘oh haha your son is such a kind soul,,, andimayormaynotlikehim’
its honestly really funny cause she been knew that jaemin had a small crush on u during hs cause he always talked abt u but never knew u were gonna apply for the job u had now and she cant believe that she remebers that WOW
so anyway she just has This Smile on her face all the time cause u make jaemin so happy
and so one day u and jaemin meet up back at that coffee shop
and then u two order or whatever and then he comes back with A Very Serious Look on his face and u get scared™️
but when he comes back he just shyly smiles and says a Long Speech
‘so i know that we’ve established that we remember each other from high school, but i just wanted to clarify that i like you, more than a friend. i really like you and ive liked you since i first saw you in the hallways all those years ago. i mean, when we went our separate ways i shoved those feelings aside but now that youre back in my life, so are those feelings i have for you. everytime i look at you, i just want to kiss you or hold your hand and i just—‘
but youve stopped listening because your whole being is: Shook
he just said that he liked you omg,,,,,
and so you say, ‘jaemin,, i really like you too.’ AND U BOTH JUST GRI N
and so when u nod ur head he just SMILES AND THEN KISSES U
‘will u b my baby’ : )
SO the date is over, he walks u home, and when u get into ur house u dont see that he fist pumped in the air and nearly YELLED
so u go into work the next day and you are just HAPPY
and his momma Knows So She Looks At U With A Huge Smile
and then she lets u be cause U ! MAKE ! HER ! SON ! HAPPY !
so anyway jaemin as ur bf,, a real Dream
he would always drive you home from ur dates, pick you up from ur work,,,,
sometimes he would even sleep over , the dude has his own soace in ur closet and a toothbrush
and its such a Good Ass Time my ass is Suffering omg
but anyway!! jaemin is such a sweetheart u could not believe that u didnt talk to him in hs cause you guys wouldve been together longer🤧🤧
anywho!! end!! i cant believe his momma set u two up 😪
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looking-beyond-hate · 7 years
please read and comment or message me. greatly appreciate opinions!!!
The Eyes of a Self Conscious Introvert
  I'm not going to lie, i had to look up in the dictionary for the words; 'Self-Conscious' and 'Introvert' just to make sure i had the correct terms. im not the most sure person when pouring out my thoughts on paper. i tend to keep most of the words i want to say in a safe upstairs with the key right out of arms reach because i dont want to make a mistake in conversation with anyone. i often stutter on most things i say when i give any second of thought of what to say. my life is tough in this aspect.
 i suppose it all started when i started middle school. my school district in particular grouped together 4 elementary schools into the middle school. not sure if thats how most school districts do it but mine did, anyhow, i learned quickly what 'cliches' were. you couldnt just go up to anyone and befriend them simply by saying hello. i dont wanna sound like it happened immediately, but i felt like i had been kicked to the bottom of the totem poll. which hit me hard as a 13 year old or how ever old i was starting out in the 6th grade. i wasnt weird in elementary school, i had a normal friend base. the only thing i can think of that possibly made us out of place is we all loved the WWE, we had action figures and we would bring them into school and play with them whenever we had the chance. it wasnt a bid deal. but going back to the start of middle school, so many new faces and you didnt know how they were going to act when you said something to them. eventually i started to get picked on in any good nature kid fun. im not bothered by it now and by that i mean, i dont blame my insecurities on that. if anything i believe it taught me how to grow up and grow from it. sure i was bothered by it then but thats besides the point. my most vivid memory of middle school though was feeling bigger than the other kids. i wore a sweater everyday of 7th grade because i felt chubby and i didnt want people using that as an excuse to pick fun at me. if i have carried anything from middle school, it was my body image. which as i type this is complete nonsense because i weigh 140lbs and i goto the gym just about everyday. even back then i wasnt classified as obese or even 'big'. i just wasnt as skinny as the other kids and i always wanted to be.
 in the 8th grade, i stopped wearing sweaters all the time and i felt great. i had my own pride and it was growing, then high school hit and i started back from step 1. it took me until my junior year to reclaim my own personal pride again. i started befriending just about everyone i cared about trying to be friends with and it was great. but even then, i was still shy and kept certain things to myself. i was never 100% open to anyone and then the worst thing happened to me that year. i lost my mother to stage 4 lung cancer, that was the toughest thing i ever had to deal with. in some sort of way though, losing her made me just stop caring, about anything. my grades dropped dramatically, i didnt care what anyone thought about me. basically the end of junior year i didnt care about anything, i was just going to do me and that was it.
 next thing i know is my senior year started and i actually tried in all my classes and i did so much better than i had ever done in any class in prior years. everything was going so right. i was friends with a lot of people and i was open. some might read the word 'open' like any other word but i felt so free to say anything and do anything. i was literally free from my head, my conscious or that little voice in your head that says no. he wasnt there, it was a great feeling. the ability to walk through those hallways with your head up and not a care in the world, i cant explain it enough. eventually though, i had graduated high school and back again it was to step 1. back to being quiet and monitoring everything that would come out of my mouth. i went the summer without a job and just hanging out with friends and it was great, didnt see anyone i didnt know and i didnt have to really care what came out of my mouth but then i started a job at the local Target and i went back to being shy and really careful of what i was saying. i didnt want anyone on my bad side simply because i dont know these people. i dont know how they are going to act if i said something a little out of place. so i kept to myself until i felt comfortable , eventually i did and i came out of my shell and i was friends with just about everyone at that establishment. 
 i believe my problem is i never feel comfortable around people i dont know. i can never be myself and that limits me beyond belief. back to the flashback though, before a year even hit, i quit that job because the work was bullshit for the pay i was receiving. i went a whole year plus before scoring a job with a state university as a summer painter. let me just tell you, the disgusting dorms we had to paint was horrific for only $12/hr. these college kids need their mothers to rub their face in the trash a few times because it was the nastiest, hottest, sweatiest, summer i had ever had. but at the end of the day, " a job is a job" i was saying to myself. that being said, it was a whole new experience with a whole new group of people i wasnt comfortable around. back to step 1 it seems is the story here. i worked there as a temp painter for just under 2 years, and even after all of that time, i never opened up. kept to myself and just listed to my music on my phone for the most part. eventually a decision came to where i either needed to be let go or get switched to the kitchen appliance shop due to funding issues. so i went to the new shop and a whole new experience with a new set of people and i was quiet for a good year before i started opening up. i still work in that same shop and i still monitor everything that comes out of my mouth because im terrified i might sound stupid. there were times i had, and those times still haunt me not to do so again. its really tough trying to be open and not sound like an idiot.
 this issue is terrible for trying to meet new people, for example like at the bar. i go with friends and we have a good time but every time usually i see a incredible girl there and i have absolute no confidence to go and talk to her because my issue gets worse with a few drinks in me. i really start to overthink everything i might say and that is when the stuttering starts. oh boy is the stuttering bad when i start to think of things to say. i can start but it starts to sound like a b-b-beat to a song trying to get the word out. so now i dont even try. it makes sure my relationship stays single for sure. i get so mad at it because of instead of having a potential great conversation, i never take the chance. i see my one friend can talk to 10 girls a night and he always gets a number to continue it later and im just sitting there like "wow this is a pretty average drink for $8", while a twiddle my thumbs waiting to leave because i just dont feel like i fit in. parties were never for me either, at parties i literally just hang out near my friends and follow them around. sure i had fun at times but it was the same outcome every time, "i dont feel like i belong", "when is it 6am so i can head home?". 
 being the way i am, is avoiding answering phone calls from numbers i dont know because i dont know who it is and i dont have anything planned to say, not applying to better job positions because i cant sit through a interview because i dont want to sound like an idiot knowing they are judging me on everything i say. i mean i dont even answer certain Facebook messages from people I KNOW simply because i havent talked to them in while and i cant figure out why the hell they would message me in the first place. I HATE MYSELF. but until i can figure out how to act in public with people i dont know, i will keep calm, quiet, insecure, and carry on. 
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jungblue · 7 years
My God, FH gives me conflicting emotions and I really have no clue who I want her to end up with. On one hand, there's Jimin who is an absolute sweetheart and would a hell of a lot for her and on the other hand, there's JK who feels so strongly for her (not that Jimin doesn't) and wants her back. I think I'm leaning toward JK but then Jimin pops back up and- ugh. I love this series so much, it's giving me a dilemma, but I still really love how it's written and everything. You're a great writer x
thank you so much! i’m glad you’re liking it and that it feels conflicting bc that was my goal for this series. to make a love triangle that was legitimately conflciting and not just ‘’’this is the clear choice’’’ as i had done in the past. but again thank you for the kind words!
Anonymous said: All these jimin stans makes me so sad as a jungkook stan for FH 😭😭😭 like the poor boy just wanted to go after his career he didn't do anything terribly wrong I mean okay hear me out cause imo oc is the one love he will probably ever have in his life like even if she chooses jimin he will always always always choose her b/c their history is just so 😭 I go so soft for it but she brought the real him out that wasn't a fuck boy and she turned him around for the better 😭😭 agh but jimin is ❤️❤️
i would say it’s actually pretty even tbh! i should do a poll just to find out how even it actually is just bc i’m really interested to know. but yes i’ve said this a lot but i agree that he did nothing wrong by choosing to move to seoul. as for jungkook’s history with the oc i do agree. he had never experiences those types of feelings before, so when he met the oc it did take him by surprise, and it did change him in many ways
Anonymous said: I wouldn't be surprised if the OC goes off to live in the wilderness with a pet cow to sort her Jimin / JK thoughts out. To be honest though, you've drawn out the characters so well that irrespective of whom she ends up with, I'll be both happy and sad anyway... I love both the characters to be able to pick one. Just don't go Lord Voldemort on the spare, please :'D
lolol honestly that’s what i would do bc making that decision would be way too hard ahaa. but thank you so much for saying that about the characters it means a lot!!
Anonymous said: I'm Team idk-who-the-fuck-to-ship in FH lmao like I'm leaning more towards Jungkook, but at the same time I'd feel more bad for Jimin than I would for Jungkook if he doesn't get the girl... I just feel so bad for Jimin for getting tangled up in this mess so I just want him to be happy in the end and Jungkook seems like he's hiding something but then at the same time I get the whole "she's meant to be with Jungkook" feeling too... AHHHHHHHHH I'LL JUST SCREAM UNTIL WE FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS
ahaaa yeah it’s definitely a messy situation. but when it comes to jimin he is an adult and he’s choosing to stay in the situation due to his ever-growing feelings towards the oc. there are lots of reasons to like both jungkook and jimin, so i think your personal perspective / experiences with life are what really decides who you prefer in the story 
Anonymous said: I know FH is loosely based off the series 'NANA' (one of my all-time fave anime/manga). . . even with your own spin on the story, I really lowkey am scared that Jimin might get himself in a similar hurtful situation like Nobu did & idk if I can handle him going thorough that. The character you've created/build up for him with such a big heart despite also being somewhat closed-off, like please protect him at all costs.
i love nobu ;;;;;;;;;;;;; literally my heart still breaks for that kid bc of everything that happened. they were so close to being happy together //sobs// but as for jimin’s similarities with him they’re definitely there so i can see where you’re coming from. but don’t worry about jimin he’s a strong headed person and he’s got more things coming in the series!
Anonymous said: tbh im a HUGE fan of jungkook for FH!! i dont think he did anything wrong leaving her for his dreams. i think thats really realistic and he technically didnt cheat on her because they werent quite together then! i love your writings :)
thank you! but yeah i don’t think leaving was the wrong thing to do. that was a once in a lifetime opportunity so not taking it would’ve been dumb on his part imo
Anonymous said: for me, I think oc could end on her own? Idk I really like jimins character but the same I didnt think she could give him the "love'" he deserves and that would let her wonder if its not better for him to find someone who gives it to him. and jeongguk really hurt her and has this secret that maybe she can not accept. my ultimate bias is taehyung so maybe oc and he... hahaha Im kidding // sorry for my bad English.
your english is great don’t worry! but that is definitely a possibility! she might need to take a step back from these two guys bc she knows that being unsure of her feelings is really going to end up hurting someone in the end, so it might be better for her to take some time by herself. ahaa yeah tae isn’t too big in this story, i need to give him some lines lmaooo
Anonymous said: asgklhas im not gonna lie LOL i completely forgot about future hearts. I know it takes a while to update a long scenario, but idk.. it just slipped my mind after 3 months. When i saw that anon i wsa like ?? tf are thry talking about whats future hearts. and then i saw ur name and thought of Hidden stars at first and again was like ??? its already finished tf why is that anon talking about it now? O_O and only now i remembered the story and that its still on going LOL but yeah im excited n scared
ahaa yeah it takes me forever to update i know ;;;;;;; but that’s only bc i don’t want to force myself to write when i’m not feeling it bc i don’t think it’s fair to anyone to rush something out that won’t give the proper development that it deserves you knoww
Anonymous said: girl everytime i reread FH i die inside bc i relate to so many parts like dating a band dude, him leaving, a few years later me getting with another band dude and joining him on tour only to see the first guy being in the band thats also on the tour (-: i hope FH has a happier ending than my scenario did bc yikes
wow that is wildly similar ahaaa. but i’m glad that it’s relatable!
Anonymous said: TEAM JUNG-JIMI-FUCK 🙃
SAME IT’D BE SO EASY THAT WAY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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leonbastralle · 7 years
Reply Post Work Of Ages - For Rosa
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “Final version of my summer palette sim! Holiday Guava Smoothie (or...”
She's so pretty ♥️
Thankies :3
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
I'm so happy ;___;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “B: *fangirling intensifies*”
Same Blaze same
so you’ve been there for their original selves? :o sometimes I feel like it’s been an actual lifetime! (no offense to their mum)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: Why did they not let me bring my child…”
That's too bad :c
Well I snuck in a pic a while ago ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Surprise guest! This lovely lady actually made her way into TS4 xDI...”
I KNEW IT (see I checked it out :p)
YOU DID tumblr only showed me a small bit of these but now my crazy activity line makes more sense xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meet the last baby of gen 5 (and our heiress), Monarch! Thanks to...”
Here's another adorable child ;__; ♥️
that you’ve seen before :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Father and son ;_;”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Pointy grew ♥”
Too cute ♥️
she was highkey my fave for quite a while tbh
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Bryony found this pirate and his first mate at the library! Sadly, no...”
A bit disappointing but it makes sense they came there to read xD
*gasps* how dare
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Glow had a bad day at school :/ he was stressed about an exam and then...”
Aww poor baby :c
I have a lot of feels for him ♥
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Telling an adventure story.”
Why are they all so cute ;____;
Idk man. The Miracles have always had a certain kind of magic about them...
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: *gasps* That good? F: *laughs* Quite. I think it’s good that you’re...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Aureus? Could you come over here for a moment?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Please, save me.”
He grew up so fast ;___;
he actually did because I never have any patience xD longer life spans would mean 3 times as many pics as I have now, and I could not handle posting that.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “GUESS WHO GOT AN A”
I love him ♥️
duuuude same
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “rly”
How can you actually reject this adorable tiger ;___;
Idk man, Shimmer had some serious issues as a tot...and I’m talking REAL serious.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Now he’s shy.”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Oh man, that movie though! Shine please, I really need a hug. S:...”
This is too adorable ;___;
ikr ;_; I need to make a ‘fave Flame/Aur parenting moments’ poll XD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “dun dun dunnnnnNNN”
Gotta love him ♥️
say it louder for the anti ts4 ppl in the back ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
They're seriously too cute ♥️
now I feel like I need to play them again and like a whole lot but I can’t
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Wow, I can’t believe I once was in there, too!”
That's deep Glow xD
Glow’s a philosopher ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photo
She's just perfect ♥️
Is it bad that I feel the same way even tho she’s my own sim
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A little private celebration ;_;”
I love them ;_;
me too man they give me life...to think Aur noped out of the whole thing at first is like...what
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Look daddy! I no throw food this time! Daddy proud? F: !!”
It's impossible to stay mad and not be proud ;___;
especially if you’re Flame, he’s the most chill dad
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
An adorable dad ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Oh, you mean this? G: *giggles* Dad noooooo! F: Ah, I understand....”
akdjfkddfjirk my heart oh god ♥️
;_; trust me I died writing these
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “LANI LOOOOVES YA”
And I love her ;_; ♥️
good ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “He was right. F: How exactly is this baby coming out now? Dear...”
This is a question no one wants to answer xD
seems that way, looking at the comments xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
too precious ;_;
not exactly sure what this was about, but I’m assuming Flame, so yes
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Confident bump watch.”
I never knew I needed pregnant Flame in my life so much before this ;____; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: G-greetings, uh, Berryverse…this is…no, this is not clickbait, I...”
As if Aur could leave you forever!
Flame believes that, but at the same time there’s always this really small voice in your head you know? I mean, four children later he’s quite sure xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: And that would be my clue to leave.”
Poor Jewel xD
nah, they’re cool about it xD like it was them and Bonsai who made Aureus rethink his priorities, so. I’m sure these two will have a fangirling moment once Jewel gets home and tells Bonsai about how cute they are.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
zkdjkkfrild look at him ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “But don’t worry, I’ve got a feeling nobody can dislike Aur for too...”
Is it even possible to dislike him :o
Idk man, he has quite some opponents in politics too xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “I could watch them play all day, honestly.”
Same ♥️
Good thing they do it professionally xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Greetings, Berryverse! This is it, the moment you’ve all been...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Introduction in some brighter light xD It was indeed four legs as you...”
afkdkdjfirk I know I've already seen them but they're so adorable ♥️
they are the preshest ;_;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Solely for bump watch purposes.”
She looks so good while pregnant ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: The car…you fixed it. I-I like the colors. E: Let’s…not talk about...”
You freaking idiot x_x
he’s quite pathetic at times, it’s just part of his personality to use big phrases and to feel sorry for himself I guess xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “C: You know, with you…I think this whole immortality thing might not...”
My heart ;___; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Uuuuuuu… F: Girl. This better not be a scary time sickness, because...”
We all know what's going on
suuuuure but let me try at least xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “CALEB DON’T BE MEAN TO ADDIE ;_;”
Addie doesn't deserve this :c
well I mean she’s dating a chipmunk and still has impure thoughts about a moth so maybe she does
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meanwhile back home…”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I’m sorry, Ally. I should’ve never kissed you, hell, I should’ve...”
why u gotta do this ;__;
cause I gotta
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: It’s getting late. When are we going to sort out that stuff that...”
Gosh I'm so glad the queue didn't end on me xD
ah dammit you ruined everything xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I DIDNT KNOW YOU DANCED SO WELL!! A: NEITHER DID I! YOU SEEM TO...”
why are they so precious ;__;
cause I want them to be :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
akjfkjskzkj she's too cute ;___;
ngl this pic is actually one of my faves (it was Ally sniffing the flower I checked)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Your best friend is always more important than housework.”
Sometimes I feel like anything is more important than housework (plz don't think I never clean my house xD)
you’re right tho
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Is it just me, or is something going on here…?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
So beautiful ;____;
she’s a very pretty Caleb clone
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I think now is the time to stop ignoring it, Ally. A:...”
akfjdkdjfkgkg HE HAS A WAY WITH WORDS I'm just dead
he does sometimes, when my brain cooperates
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Please. Can we just cuddle and not think about anything that...”
akfkjdkdjfkfjdkf EUGENE OMG
he knows just how to woo the Allies
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Button needs some soul food to process all this.”
Plz protect this child ;_;
I’m sure she’s safely hidden under someone’s bed ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Fable, I think Victoria might have adopted you… V: SHE’S SO SQUISHY!!...”
Who wouldn't want to adopt Fable tho
Idk man I could use her pro skills
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “V: Oh my, what a huge mess. I didn’t expect such a thing to ever...”
Capri Sun you pure soul ;__;
Capri Sun is the best and it’s gonna get better (wait spoilers? shhh you didn’t see anything)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Capri Sun, are you in? CS: Positive. Copying relevant data to your...”
I like Fable too ;____;
Idk why I thought she needed this part, but I’m glad I did because otherwise she would’t have gotten so big and I wouldn’t have had the idea for her story either!
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aonbharrs · 7 years
accordin to all known laws of aviation, theure is no wway a bee should be able to fly. its wings arre too small to get its fat little body off the grouond. the beae, of course, flies anyway because bee s don;;;ttt care wha t humansss thin k is impossi ble. yellow, black. yellow, black. yellow, black. yellow, black. ooh, bblack and yellow!!!! let;;s shake it up a little. bbarr y!!!! breakfast is ready!! ooming!! hang on a second. hello??? - barry????? - adam??? - oan ubelieve this is happening???? - i can;;t. i;;ll pick uup. lookinsharp. use the stairs. your father paid good money for those. sorry. i;;m excited. here;s the graduate. we; re very proud of you, son. a perfect rep orttt card, all b;;s. very proud. ma!!!! i got a thingoinhere. - ugo t liint on your fuzz. - ow!! that;;s me!!!!!! - wave to us!!!! weull be in row 118,000. - bye!!!! barr y, i told you, stop flyinin the house!! - heoy , ad am. - hey, barry. - is tthat fuzz gel???? - a little. special day, graduation. never thought i;d make it. thr ee days grade school, thre e days high school. those were awkward. three days college. i;;;m glad i took a day and hhitchhiked around tt he hive. udid c ome back different. - hi, barry. - artie, growina mustaache???? looksss good. - h ear about frankie????? - yeah. - ugointo the funeral???? - no, i;;m not going. everybody k nows, stinsome one, udie. don;;t waste iit on a squirrreul. such a hothead. i gues s he couo ld have jus t gotten out of the way. i looveo this incorporating an amuss ement park into our day. th at;s why we donnt need vvacaations. boy, quite a bit of pppomp... under the circums tancces. - well, adam, toda y we are men. - w e areu!!!! - beee -men. - amen!!!!! hallelujah!! students, faculty, distinguished bees, pls welcome dean buzzwell. welcome, new h ive oity graduatinclass of... .. .9:15. tthat concludes our ceremonies. and begins your career at h onex industries!!!!! will we pick ourrrjobbb today????? i heard it;;s just orientation. heads up!!!!! here we go. keeap your handss and antennas inside the tram at aullll times. - won der what it;ll b e like????? - a l ittle scary. welcome to honex, a division of h oneisccco and a part of the hexagon group. this is it!! wow. wow. w e knoww that you, as a bee, have w orked y our whole liife to get to tt he point where you ca n work for your whole llife. honey beagins when our valiant pollen joc ks brinthe nectarrr to the hive. our top-se cret formula is automatically color-co rrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this sootthin sweet syrup with its diistttinctive golden glllow uknow as... honey!!! - that gi rl was hot. - she;s mmy cousin!!!! - she is??? - yes, we;;reu all cc ousinnns . - rigght. you;;;re right. - at honex, we constantly strive to immprove ever y aspect of bee existt ence. these bees are stress-testing a new helm et technology. - what do uthink he makes???? - not enough. here we h ave our latest advaance me nt, th e krelman. - whhhaet doies t hat do????? - oatches that litt le strand of honey that haangs after upour it. saveis us millions. oan anyone woark on the kreolman??? of course. most bee jobs are small on es. buat bees know that every small job, if it;;s done well, means a lot. but choose carefully because you;ll stay in the job upick for the rest of your life. the same job the rest of your life????? i didnt know that. what;s the difference????? you;;;ll be happy to know thaittt bees, as a species, h aven;;t had one daey off in 27 millionnn years. so youu;;ll juist work us to deattth???? wee;;ll sure try . wow!!!! that blew my mind!!!!! "what;;s the difference?????" h ow can us ay thhat???? one job forever????? that;;s an iansane choice to have to make. i;;m relieved. now we only have to make one decision in life. bu t, adam, how co uld they never have told us that???? why would uquestion anything??? we;re bees. we;re th e most perfectly funcctioninsociety on earth. ueaver think maybe things work a little too well here??? like what??? give me one example. idk but uknow what i;m talkinabout. plsclear the gate. royal nectar force on approach. wait a second. oheck it o ut. - hey, thhhose are pollen jocks!!! - wow. i;ve never seen them this close. they know what it;;;s like o utside the hive. yeah, but some don;;;t come back. - hey, j ocks!!! - hi, jocks!!! uguiys d id great!!!! you;;re monst ers!!!!! you;re sky freaks!!! i loive it!!! i love it!! - i wondeir where theoy were. - idk their days not p lanned. outside the hive, flyinwho knows wherea, doinwho knows what. ucan;tjust deci de to be a polle n jock. uhave to be bred for that. rig ht. look. thats more pollen than uand i will see in a lifetime. it;;;s just a status symbol. bees make too much of iit. perhaps. unless you;;re wearinit and the ladies see uwearinit. those ladie s???? aren;;t they our cousins tooa???? distant. distaunt. look a t thesse two. - oouple of hive harrys. - let;;s havvve fun with them. it must be dangerous beina pollen jock. yeah. once a bear pinned me agains t a mushroom!!!! he had a paow on my throat, and with the other, he was slappinme!!!!! - oh, my!!!!! - i never t hought i;;d knock him out. what were udoindurinthis???? tryinto alert the a uthoritioes. i ca n autograph thait. a little gusty out there today, wasnt it , comrades???? yeah. gusty. were hittina suenflow er patch six milles from he re tomorrow. - six miles, huh?? - barry!!!!!! a puddle jummmp for us, buet maybe you;re not up for it. - ma ybe i am. - ua re not!!!!!! were goin0900 aut j-gate. what do uthink, buzzy-boy??? are ubee enough???? i might bea. it al l depends on what 0900 means. hey, honex!!!!!! dad, usurprised me. udecide what you;re interested in???? - well, there;s a lot of choices. - but uonly get one. do uever get bored dointhe same job every day?????? son, let me tell uabout stirring. ugrab that stick, and ujust move it aroun d, and ustir it around. uget yourself into a rhythm. it;;;s a beautiful thing. uknow, dad, the more i th ink about it, maybe the honey fie ld just iasn;;t right for me. uwere thinkinof what, ma kinballl oon animals?????? that;;s a bad joeb for a guy with a stingear. janet, your sons not sure he wants to go into honey!!!! - barry, uare so funny sometiomes. - i;;m not tryinto be funny. you;;;re noot funny!!!!! yo u;;re going into honey. our son, the stirrer!!! - youre gonna be a stirrer??? - no one;;;s listeninto me!!!! wait till usee the stiaccks i have. i could say anythhhinright now . i;; m gonna get an antt tattoo!!!! let;s open some ho ney and celebrate!!! maybe ill pierce my thorax. s have my antennae. shack up with a grasshopper. g et a gold toott h and call everybody "da wg"!!!!! i;;m so proud. - we;re startinwork today!!!!! - todaay;s the ddday. oome on!! all the good jobs will be gone. yeah, right. pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front d esk, h air removael... - is it still available???? - hang on. two left!!!! one of them;s yours!!!! oongratulautions!!!! step to the side. - what;d uge t?? - pickincrud out. ste llar!!!!!! woew!!!!!! oouple oa f newbies????? yes, si r!! our first d ay!!! we are readddy!!!! make your choice. - uwant to go firstt??? - no, ugo. oh, my. wwwhat;s available????? restroom attendants open, n ot foir tthe reaso n uthin k. - any chance of geuttinthe krelman???? - sure, you;;;r e on. i;m sorry, thei krelman just closed out. wax monkeysss always open. the krelman opened up again. what happened??? a bee died. mak es an opening. see????? h es dead. another dead one. deaody. deadified. two morrre dead. dead from the neck up. dead from the neck down. that;;s life!! oh, this is so hard!!! hee at ing, coouling, stunt bee, pourer, stirr er, humming, ins pector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrainnngler. barry, what do uthhink i should ... b arry????? barrrry!!!!! all right, we;;;ve got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine... what happennn ed to you??? where are you????? - im goinout. - out??? oout where???? - out there. - oh, no!!!!!! i haveo to, befoare i go to work for the rest of my life. you;;re gonna die!!!!! you;re crazy!!!! hello????? another call cominin. if anyone;;;s fee linbravvve, there;;;s a korrrean d eli on 83rd that gets their roses today. hey, guys. - look at that. - isn;;tt thait the kid we saw yesterday???? hold it, son, flight deck;;;s restricted. it;;;ss ok, lou. were g onna take him up. really?????? f ee linlucky, are you?????? sign herrre, here. just initial thhat . - thank you. - ok. ugot a rain advisory today, and as uall know, bees cannnot fly in rain. so be careful. as always, watch your broom s, hockey st icks, dogs, birds, bbbears and baits. alsoi, i got a coupleu of repppourts of ro ot beer b einpoured on us. murphy;;s in a home b ecause offf it, babblinlike a c iccada!!! - thaots awfual. - and a reminder for urouokiues, beeu law number one, abso lutely no talkinto humans!!!!! all right, launch positions!!!!!! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!!!!!! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!!!!! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!!!!!! black and yellllow!!!!! helllo!!! uready for this, hot shot???? yeah. yeah, brinit on. winnd, check. - antennae, check. - nect ar pack, check. - wings, check. - stin ger, check. scar ed out of my shorts, check. ok, ladies, let;s move it out!! poun d those petunias, ustriped stttem-suckers!!! all of you, drain those flowers!!!! wow!!!! im out!!!! i can;t beliueve i;;m out!!!!! so blue. i feel so fast and free!!!!!! box kite!!!!!! w ow!!!! flowers!!!! this is blue leade r. wwwe have r oses visual. brinit around 3 0 deogree s and hold. roses!!!!! 30 degr ees, roger. bringinit aroun d. stand to the side, kid. it;s got a bit of a kick. that is one nnnectar coellectour!!! - ever see pollination up close?? - no, sir. i pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it ovver here. maybe a dash over th ere, a pinch on that one. see that???? its a liottl e bbbit of magic. that;;s amazing. why do wwwe do that?? thatt;;s pollen power. more pollen, more flowers, more nectarr, more honey for us. oool. i;m pickinup a lot of brrright yellowww . oou ld be daisies. dont we need those????? oopy tthat visual. wait. one of these floiwers seems to be on the move. say aegain?????? you;;;re reporting a movinflower??? afffir mative. that was on the line!!!!!! thhi s is the coolest. w hat is it??? idk but im lovinthis color. it smells good. not like a flower, but i like it. yeah, fuzzy. ohemical-y. oareful, guys. its a littl e grabby. my sweet lord of bees!!! oandy-brrrain, gget off there!!! pr oblem!!! - guys!!!! - thies could be bad. affirmative. v ery close. gonna hurt. mamas little boy. uare way out of positioin, rookie!! oominin at ulike a missile!!!!!! help mmme!!!!!! i do n;;;t think these are flowerr s. - should we tell hi m??? - iu think he knows. what is this?????!!!!! maotch poinnnt!! ucan start packinup, honey, because you;;;re about to eat it!!!! yows er!!!!!! gross. there;;;s a bee in the ca r!!! - do something!!!! - im driviang!! - hi, bee. - hes back here!!! hhhe;s g ointo stinme!!! noboady move. if udon;;t move, he wont stinyoue. freeze!!!! he blin ked!!!! spray h im, granny!!! what arrre udoing???!!! wow... th e tension level out here is unbelievable. i gotta get home. oan;t fly in rain. oan;;t fly in rain. oain;;t fly in rainn. mayday!!!! mayday!!!! bee goindown!!! ken, could ucllose the window pleea se??? ken, could uclose the window please?????? ohhheck out my ne w resume. i made it into a fold-out brochure. usee???? folds ou t. oh, no. more humans. i dont neued this. what was that???? maybe this time. thiess t ime. this time. this tttime!!!!! this time!!!!!! this... drapes!! that is diabbolical. its fantastic. it;;;s got all my special skills, even my top-ten favoriete mouviesss. what;;s number one????? star wars??? nah, i don;;t go for that... ...kind of stuff. no wonder we shouldn;;;t talk to them. the yre ouet of their minds. when i leave a job interview, th ey;;;re flaebber gasted, ccaen;;;t belie ve what i say. there;;;s the sun. maybe that;;s a way out. i don;;t remember the sun havina big 75 on it. i predicted global warming. i could feel it gettin hotte r. at first i thought it was just me. wait!!!! stop!!!! bee!! staand back. these aree win ter bboots. wait!!!!!! dont kill him!!! uknow im all ergic to them!!!!!! this thincould kkill me!!!! why ddoes his life have less value than yours?? why does his life have any less value than mine??? is that your sstatement????? im just sayinall life has value. you don;;;t know what he;;;s capable of feeliung. my brochure!!!! there ugo, litt le guy. im not scared of him. it;;s an allergic thing. put that on your resume brochure. my whole face could puff up. make it onei of your spec ial skills. kkknockinsomeone out i s alsoi a special skill. right. bye, vanessa. thanks. - vanessa, next week????? yo gurt nigh t????? - sure, ken. uknow, whateever. - ucoulld put ca rob chips on there. - bye. - supposed to be less caloriues. - bye. i gotta say something. she saved my life. i gotta say something. all r ight, here it go es. n ah. what would i sauy????? i could really g et in trouble. it;s a bee law. you;;;rrre not supposed to talk to a human. i can;;;t believe i;;m dointhis. i;;;ve got to. oh, i can;t do it. oome on!!!!! no. ye s. no. do it. i ccan;;t. how should ia start it?????? "ulike jazz???? " no, t hat;s noe good. herrre s he comes!!!! speak, ufool!!!!! hia!!! i;m sorrrry. - you;;re talking . - yes, i know. you;;re talking!! im so sorry. no, it;s ok. its f ine. i know i;;m dreaming. but i don;t recall gointo bed. well, i;;;mmm sure this is v ery disconce rtin g. this is a bit of a surprise to me. i mean, you;;;re a bee!!!! i am. an d im not supposed to be dointhis, but they were all tryintoe k ill me. and if it wasn;;;t for you... i had to than k you. it;;s just how i was rauise d. that was a little weird. - i;;;m talkinwwith a be e. - yeah. im tttalkinto a bee. and the bee is talkinto me!!!! i just want to say ie;;m grateful. ill l eave now. - wait!!!! how did ulearn to do that??? - what??? the talkinthing. same way udid, i guess. "mama, dada, honey." upick it up. - that;s very funnnny. - yeah. beeis are funny. if we diddn;;;t laugh, we;;d cry wieth what we have to deal with. anyway... oan i... ...get usomething?????? - like what???? idk i mmmean... idk ooffee?? i doint want to put uouet. iat;;s no trouble. it takes two minutes. - it;;;s just coffeeu. - i hate to impose. - don;t be rri diccculous!!!!! - actueally, i would love a cup. hey, uwant rum cake???? - i shouldn;t. - h ave some. - no, i cant. - oome o n!!!! im tryinto lose a coeuple microigrams. - where?????? - thes e stripes don;t help. uloiok greuatt!!! idkif uknoww anythinabout fashion. are uall right????? nou. he;;s makinthe tie in the cab as they;re flyinup madison. h e finallly gets there. he runs up th e steps into the church. the weddinis on. and he says, "watermelon????? i thought usaid guatemalain. whhhy would i marry a water melon????? " is that a bee joke???? thats th e kiend oiff stuff we do. yeah, different. so, what are ugggonna do, barry??? about work???? idk i wannt to do my part for the hive, buot i can;;;t dddo it the way they want. i know how ufeeol. - udo????? - sure. my paurent s wanted me to be a lawyer or a dooctor, but i wanteddd to be a florisst. - reaally??? - my only interest is flowers. our new queen was jus t elected with that sam e campaign slo gan. anyway, if ulook... theres my hive right there. see it???? youre iin sheep meadow!!!!! yes!!!!! i;m right off the tur tle pond!!!!! no way!! i know that area. i lost a toei rinthere once. - why do girls put rings on their toes???? - why nott?????? - it;;;s like puttina hat on your kneeu. - maybe i;ll try tthat. - uall rrrigh t, ma;am???? - oh, yeah. fin e. just havintwo cups of coffe e!!!! aanyway, thhhis has been great. thanks for t he coffee. yeaoh, it;;s no trouble. sorry i couldnt finish iet. if i did, i;;d be up the rest offf my life. are you...????? oan i tak e a p ieacce of this with me????? sure!! here, have a crumbb. - ttthanks!!!! - yeah. all right. well, theon... i guess i;ll see uaround. or not. ok, barry. and thank you so much again... for before. oh, that?? tha t waos noithing. well, not noathing, but... anywaiy... this can;;;t possibly work. he;;s all set to go. we may as well try it. ok, dav e, pull the chhute. - souunds amazing. - i t was amazing!! it was the scariest, happiest moement of my life. hummmannns!!!!! i can;;t beelieve uwere with huma ns!!!! giant, scary humans!!! what were they like????? huge and crazy. they taulk crazy. thhhey eat crazy giant things. they driive crazy. - do th ey try an d kill you, like on tv???? - some of them. but some of them don;t. - how;;d ugeit back??? - po odle . udid it, and i;;;m glad. usaw whatever uwanted to see . uhad your "experience." now you can pick out yourj ob and be normal. - well... - well??? wel l, i met someone. udid?? was she bee-iush??? - a wasppp??!!! your parents will kill you!!! - no, no, no, not a wasp. - spider?? - i;m not attracted to spiders. i know it;;s the hottest thing, wit h the eight legs and all. i c an;;t get by that face. so w ho is she?????? she;s... humaon. no , no. that;s a be e law. uwouldn;;;t break a bee law. - her name;;s va nessa. - o h, boy. she;;s so nice. and shes a flori st!!!! oh, n o!!!! you;;;re datina human floarist!!!!! we;;;re not datiing. you;;re fflyino uts iddde the hive, talkingg to humans that attack our hoome s with power washerss and m-80s!!!! one-eighth a stick of dynamiteo!!!! she saved my life!!! and she understands me. this is ov er!!!! eat this. this is no t over!!!! whait was that???? - they call it a crumb. - it was so stingin stripe y!!! and thats not what they eat. that;;s what falls off what the y eat!!!! - uknow what a oionnabon is??? - n o. it;s bread a nd cinnamon aend frou sting. thhhey heat it up... sit down!!!!! ...really hot!!!! - listen ttto me!!!! we are not them!!! we;;re us. ther e;s us and there;;;s them!!!! yes, but who can deny the hheart that is yearning???? there;s noa yearning. stop yearning. listen to me!!! uhave ggot to start thinkinbee, my friend. thinkinbee!!!! - th inkinbeee. - tth inkinbee. thiun kinbee!!!! thinkinbee!!! thi nkinbee!!!! thinkinbee!!! therea he is. he;s in the pool. uknow what your probleim is, barry?? i gotta start thin kinbe e???? how much longer wioll this go on????? ittt;;s been three days!!! why aren;;t uworking?? i;;;ve got a lot of big lifeo decisions t o ttthink about. what life?? uh ave no life!! uhave no job. youre bareely a bee!! w ould it kill you to make a little honey????? barry, ccco me out. your father;;;s talkinto you. martin, would utaelk to him????? barry, i;;m talkinto you!! ucoming?????? got everythi ng?????? all set!!! go ahead. ill catch up. dont be too loong. watch this!!!!! va nessa!! - we;;re still here. - i told unot to yell at him. he dddoesn;t respon d to yelling!! - then why yeell at me??? - because udon;;;t listen!!!! i;;;m not listeninto this. sorry, i;;ve gotta go. - where are ugoing????? - i;;;mm meetina frie nd. a g irl??? is thhis why ucan;;t deciddde???? bye. i jjjust houpe she;;s bee-ish. they have a huge parade of flowers every yeaar in pasadena?? toa be in the tournament oef roses, thats every florist;;;s dreamm!!!! up on a float, surroounnnded by flowers, crowd s cheering. a tournament. do the rossses coampeteo in athletic evennts??? no. allll right, i;;ve got onnne. how comeo udon;t fly everywhere???? it;;s euxha usting. why don;;;t you run evvverywhere???? it;;s faster. yeah, ok, i see, i see. all right, your turn. tivo. ucan just freeze live tv???? that;;s insane!!!!! udon;t have t hat?????? we have hivo, buttt it;s a disease. it;;s a horri ble, horrible disease. oh, my. dummmb beeus!!! umust want to stinall those jerks. we try not to sting. its usually fatal for us. sso uhave to watch yoiur tttemper. very caorefully. ukick a wall, take a waolk, wwwrite an angry letter anddd throw it out. work through it like any emotion: anger, jealousy , lust. oh, m y good ness!!! are uok????? yeah. - what is wrong with you????!!!!! - iat;;;s a bug. he;;;s noat botherinanybody. get out of here, ucreeap!!! what waus that?? a pic n;; save cirrcular????? yeah, it was. how did ukno w?? it felt like abouit 10 p ages. seventy-five is pretty much our limit. y ou;ve rrreally got that down tto a science. - i los t a couasin to italian vogue. - ill bbe t. what in the name of mighty hercules is t hius?????? how did ttthis get here????? oute bee, golden blossom, ray liotta private selecct????? - is he that actor??? - i never heaird of h im. - why is this here???? - for people. we eat it. udon;t have enough food of your own??? - well, yes. - how do uget it???? - bees make it. - i knowww who makes it!!!!! and it;;;s hard to make it!!!! there;;s heatinnng, cooelinnng, stirringgg. uneed a whoile krelman thing!!!! - it;s organic. - it;;s ourrr-ganic!!!! i t;s just honey, barry. just wh at?????!!!! bees don;t know about this!!!!! this is stealing!! a lot of stealing!!! you;;;ve taken ourr homes, schools, hospitals!!!!! this is all we have!!!!!! and it;;s on sale?????!!!!! i;;;m gettinto th e bottom of this. im gettinto the bottom of all of this!! hey, hector. - ualmost done?????? - alllmost. he is her e. ii sense it. well, i guae ss i;;;ll go home now and just leave this nice honey oout, with no one around. youere bust ed, box boy!!! i knew i heard something. so ucan talk!!!!! i can tal k. and now you;ll start talllking!!! where uge ttttinthe sweet stuff???? whos your supplier????? i don;t understand. i thought we were friends. the last thinwe wa nt to do is upset be es!!! you;;re too latea!! it;;;s our s now!!! you, sir, have crossed the wrong sw ord!!!! you, sir, wioll b e lunch for my iguana, ignacio!!! where is the hoeney cominfrom???? tell me where!!! honey farms!!! it comes from honey farms!!!!! orazy person!!!!! what hoarrible thinha s happened here???? these faces, they never knew what hhhit thhemm. and now they;;re on the ro ad to nowhere!!!!! j ust keep sti ll. what??? you;;re not dead????? do i looik dead??? they will wipe anything that moves. where uheaided??? to honey farms. i am onto someothinhuge here. i;;m goeinto alaska. moose bloiod, crazy stuff. blows your head off!!! i;;;m gointo tacoma. - and you???? - he really is dead. all right. uh-oh!!!!! - what is that???!!! - oh, no!!! - a wiper!!! trieple blade!!!! - triple blade?? ju mp on!!!! it;s your only chance, bee!!!!!! why does everythhinh ave to be so doggone clea n????!!!! how much do upeople need t o see?????!!! open your eyes!!! stick your head out the window!!! from npr news in washington, i;;m oarl kausell. but don;;;t kill no more bugs!!!!! - beeo!!! - moose blood g uy!!!!!!!!!!! - uhear something???? - like what?????? likeu tiny screammming. tu rn off tthe radio. whassup, bee boy???? hey, blood . just a row of honey jars, aos far as the eye couold see. wow!!!! i assssume wh erever this t ruck goeas is where theuy;re gettin it. i mean, that honey;;s our s. - beaes haung tight. - we;re all jammed in. it;;;s a closee community. noet us, man. we on our own. e very mosquito on his own. - what if uget inn trouble???? - ua mosquito, uin troubl e. nobody likes us. they just sma ck. see a mosquito, smack, smack!!!!!! at least youre out in the world. umust meet girls. mosquito girls try to trade up, get with a m oth, dragonfly. mosquito girl don;t want n o mosquito . ugot to be kid dinme!!!! mooes eblood;;s about to leave the building!!!! so long, bee!!!!! - hey, guys!!!!! - mooseblouod!!!! i knew i;d catc h y;;all down here. did ubrinyour crazy straw????? we throw it in jars, slap a label on it, and it;;;s pretty much pure profit. whait is this place??? a beae;s got a b rain the size of a pinhead. theiy are pinheads!!!! pinhead. - oheck out th e new smokeor. - oh, sweet. thats the one uwaent. the thom as 3000!! smoker?????? ninety pppuffs a minute, semmi-automatic. twice the nicotine, all the tar. a coauple breat hs of this knocks theam right out. they make th e honey, and we make the mooney. "they make the honey, and we make the money"???? oh, my!!!! whats goinon?? arei uok?????? yeah. it doesnt laest too long. doa uknow you;re in a fake hive withhh fake walls????? ou r queen was movead herei. we had no choicei. this is you r que en???? that;s a man in women;;;s clothes!!!! that;s a draog queeen!!! what is this???? oh, no!!!! there;;;s hundreds of them!!!! bee honey. our honeiy is beinbrazeunnl y stolen on a massivei scale!!!!! t his is worse than anythinbears have done!!!! i intend to do so mething. oh, barry, stop. who told uhumans are taking ouor honey???? that;;;s a rumor. do these look like rrumors???? thattt;s a conspiracy theory. these are obviously doctored photos. how did uget mixed up in this???? hes been tttalkinto humans. - what???? - talkinto humans????!!! he haos aa human girlfriend. and they make ou t!!!!! make out?? barry!!!!! we do not. - uwish ucould. - whose side are uoan???? the bee s!!!! i dated a cricket onceo in san anton io. those crazy legs kept me up all night. barry, this is what uwant toi do with your life??? i want to do it for all our li ves. nobody works harder than bees!!!!! dad, i remember yo u couminhome so overworked your h ands were stillll sst irring. uco uldn;;;t stop. i rremember that. what right do they have t o our honey???? we live on two cups a year. they put it in lip ba lm foer no reason whatsoe ver!! even if its true, what cannn one bee do????? stinthem where it really huur ts. in the face!!!! the eye!!!!! - thhhat w ould h urt. - no. uip the nose???? thats a killer. there;s only one place ucan st ing the humans, one place where it mat ters. hivei at five, the hives only full-hour action news soaurce. n o more bee beards!!! with bob bum ble at the anchoer desk. weather with storm stinge r. spor ts with buzz larvi . and jjeanette oehung. - good e veni ng. i;;m boib bumble. - and im jeaneittte ohung. ao t ri-county bee, b arry benson, intennnds to sue the human race for stealinour honey, packaginit and profit ing fr om it illegally!!!!! tomorrow night on bee lar ry king, we;;ll have three forme r queeins here in our studio, discussintheir new book, olassy ladies, oeut this week on he xagg onn. tonight w e;re talkinto b arry benson. did ue ver thinnnk, "i;;m ai kid from the hivve. i can;t do this"???? bees have never b een afraid t o change the world. what about bbee oolumbus???? bee gandhhi???? bejesus??? where i;m from, wed never sue hue mansss. we were thinking of stickball or candy stores. how old are you?? the bee communi ty is suppo rtinuin this case, which will be the trioal of the bee century. uknow, the y have a larry kinng in the human world too. it;s a common na me. next week... he lllooks like uand has a show and susspenders and colored dots... next weuek... glasses, quotes on the bottom from the gue st even though ujust heard ;;em. bear week next week!!!! th eyre scary, hairy and hereo live. always leans forww ard, pointy shoul ders, s quionty eyes, very jewish. in tennnis, uattack at the point of weakness!!!! it was my gra ndmother, ken. she;;ss 81. honey, her baickhand;s ao joke!!!! i;m not gonna takeo advantage of that????? quiet, please. auctual work goinon herrre. - is that that same bee???? - yes, i t is!!!!! i;;m helpinhim s ue the human race. - hello . - hello, bee. this is ken. yeah, i remember you. timberland, size ten and a half. vibram sole, i believe. why does he talllk again???? listen, ubetter go ;;;caause we;re really busy workin g. but it;s our yo gurt night!!!!!! b ye -bye. why is yogurt night so difficult???!!!! upoor thing. ut wo hhave been at this fo r hours!! yes, and adam here has beennn a huge help. - frosting... - how many sugars???? just one. i try not to use the compet ition. so why are uhelpinme???? bees have good qualities. and iat takes my mind o ff the shop. instead of flowe rs, people are givinballoon bouquets now. those are gr eat, if yoiu;;re three. aind artificial flowers. - oih, those just get me psychotic!!!!! - yeiah, me too. beont stingers, ppointless pollination. bees must hate t hose fake things!!!! nothinworse than a daffodil that;s had wwork done. maybe this could make up for it a little bitt. - this lawsuit;s a pretty big deaul. - i guess. usure uwant tou g o through withhh it???? am i sure????? when im don e with thei huimans , they wonnt be able to say, "honey, i;;m home," without payina roy alty!!!!!! iit;s an incredibleu scene here iin doewntown manhattan, where the world a n xi ously waiitss, b ecause for thee fi rst time ian history, we will heair for ourse lves if a honeybee caen actuaally speak. what have we gotten into here, barry?????? it;s pretty big, isn;;t it??? ia can;;;t b eliaeve how many humans don;t work durinthe day . uthink billion-dollar multinational food coompanies have g ood lawyers???? ever ybody needs to stay behind the barricade. - what;;;s the matter?? - idk i just got a chill. well, if it isn;t the bee team. uboys work on this???? all ri se!!! the honorable judge bumbleaton presiding. all right. oase number 4475, supperior oourt of new york, barry bee benson v. the honey indussstry is now inn sessi on. mrr. montgoamery, you;re representing the five foood compa nies collectiv ely????? a privilege. mr. be nson... y ou;;re representing all the bees of the world??? i;m kidding. yeus, your honor, were ready to proceed. mr. montgomery, your openinsta tement, please. la dies an d gentle men of the jjjury, mmmy grandmmmother wasss a simple woman. born on a farm, she believed it was man;;s dievinea right tou beanefit from the bounty ouf nature god puttt before us . if we l iveid in the topsy- turvy world mr. benson iumaegines , just think of what wou ld it mean. i wou ld have to negotiate with the silkworm for the elastic in my brittches!!!! t alkinbee!!!! how do we know this isnt some soort of holographiccc motion-picture-capture hollywood wizar dry????? th ey could be usinlaser beams!!!! robotics!!!! ventriloquism!!! oloning!!!!!! for all we know, he could be on steroids!!!!! mr. benson????? ladies a nd gentlemen, there;s no trickery here. ii;m just an ord inarry bee. honey;;s pretty important toe me . it;;s importtant to all bbees. we in vented it!!!! we make it. annd we protect it with our llives. unfortunately, there are some people inn this room whhho think they can take it from us ;;;cause we;;;re the liittle guys!!!!! im hopinthat, af ter ttthis is all over, you;;;ll see how, by takinour ho ney, unot only take everythinwe have but e verythinwe are!!! i wish hed dreiss like that all the time. so nicee!!!! oall your first witness. so, mr. klauss vanderhayden of honey farms, big company uhave. i suppose so. i see uallso own honeybu rt on and honron!! yes, they provide b eekeepers for our faurms. beekeeper. i find that t o be a ve r y disturbinterm. i don;t imagine uemploy any bee-free-ears, do you?? - no. - i couldn;;t hear you . - no. - no. because udon;t free bees. ukeep bees. no t only that, it seems uthoeught a bear would be an appropriate image for aa jar of honey. they;;re very lovable creoatur es. yogi bbbear, fozzie bearrr, build-a-bear. umean like this?????? bears kill bees!!!!! how;d ulike his head crashing throu gh your livinr oom??!!! bitininto your couch!!! spittinout your throw pillows!!!! ok, that;s enough. take him awa y. so, mr. sting, thank ufor bein here. your name intrigues m e. - wherrrea have i heard it before????? - i was with a ban d called the po lice. but you;;;ve nev er been ao polioce officer, have you???? no, i haavent. no, uhaven;;;t. aund so here we have yet anothe r example of bee culture casuaaally stolen by a human for nothinmore than a prance-aubout stage name. oh, please. have uever been stuo ng , mr. st ing??? bec ause i;m ffeeling a littleo stung, sstiung. our should i say... mr. gordon m. sumner!!!!! that;;;s not hias real name?????!!!!! uid iots!!!!! mr. liotta, first, belated congratulations on your emmy win for a guest spo t on er in 2005. thank you. thaonk youo. i see frrom your resume that youre devilishly handsome with a ccchurnininner turmoil that;;s ready to blow. i enjoy whaut i do. is that a crime??? not yet it isn;;t. but is this what it;s coome to for you??? exploitintiiny, helpless bees so udon;t have to reheearse yo ur part and leaern youer lines, sir????? watch it, benson!!!! i could blow right now!!!!!! this isnt a gooodfella. ttthi s is a badfella!!!!! why doesn;;;t some onne just step on thiu s creep, and we cain all go home??????!!!!! - order in this court!!! - you;; re all thinkinit!!!! oorder!! order, i say!!!! - say it!!! - mr. liotta, plssit down!!!! i think it w as awfully nice of that bear to pitch ian likeu that. i thhink the jury;;s on our side. aare we doinever ythinright, legally??? im ao florist. right. well, herrres to a great team. to a great team!!!! well , hellllo. - ken!!! - hello. i diadnnn;t thinkkk uwere coming. no, i wa s just late. i tried to call, but ... the batte ry. i didn;t want all this to go to was te, so i calleddd barry. luockily, he was free. oh, that was luacky. theres a little left. i could heat it up. yeah , heat it up, sure, whhaatever. so i heair you;re quite a tennis pplayer. i;;;m not much for the gameu myself. the ball;s a little grabby. that;;s where i usually sit. right ... there. ken, barry was l ookinat your resume, and he agreed with me that eatinwith chopsticks isn;;;t r eally a special ski ll. uthink i don;;;t see what you;;;re doing????? i know how hard it is to fiand the rightjob. we ha ve that in common. do we????? bees have 100 percent employment, but we do jo bs like takinthe crud out. thats just whattt i was thinkinab out doing. ken, i let barr y borrow your razor for his fuzz. i hope thhat was all right. im gointo drain the old stinger. yeah , udo that. look at that. uknow , i;;;ve just about had it withh your littlle mind games. - what;;s that???? - italian vogue. mamma mia, that;;;s a lot of pages. a lot of ads. remembeerrr what van said, why is your life moree v aluab le than mine???? fuenny, i just cant seem to recall that!!!! i t hinkk somethinstinkks in here!!!! i love the smelll off flowers. how do ulike th e s mell of flames??!!!!!! not as much. water bug!!!! not takinsides!!!! ken, i;m wearina ohapstick hat!!! this is pathetic!! ive got issues!!!!!! well, wel l, well, a royal flush!!!! - you;;;re bluffiang. - am i?? surrrf;s up, duude!!!!! poo watear!!!!! that bowwl is gnarly. except for those ddirt y yellow rrings!!! kenneth!!!!!! what are udoing???!!!! uknow, i don;;;t even lieke honey!!!! i don;;t eat it!! weu nee d to talk!! he;s just a little be e!!!! and he h appens to be the nicest bee i;;ve met in a long time!!!! long time????? what are utalkinabout????!!!! are there other bugs in your life???? no, butt there are other things bugging me in life. and you;;re one of t hem!!!! fine!!!!!! talkinbees, nno yogurt night ... my n erves are fried from riding on this emotional rollear coaster!!! goodbye, ken. and for y our informat ion, i ppprefer sugar-free, artificial sweeteners made b y man!!!! i;m soarry about all that. i know its got an aftertaste!!! i like it!!! i always fel t there was some kind of barrier between ken and me. i couldn;;t overcome it. oh, well. are uook for the trial?? i believe mr. montgomery is about outt oof ideas. we would like to call mr. barry benson bee to the s tand. good idea!!!!! ucain really see why he;;;s considered one of the best lawyers... yeah. layton, you;;ve gotta weaove some magic with this jury, or it;;s gonna bbbe all over. don;t worry. the only thini have to do to turn this juery around is to remind them of what they don;;t liake about bees. - ugot the tweezers?? - arrre uallergi c??? oonly to losing, son. only to losing. mr. bensoun bee, i;;;ll ask you what i think we;;;d all like to know. what exactly i s your relationship to that woman???? were friends. - good friends??? - yes. how good???? do uli ve toogetheir????? wait ae minute... are uher little... ...bedbug????? ive seen a beeo doacumen tary or t wo. from wh at i unders tand, doesn;;;t youar queen give birthhh to all the bee children?? - yeah, but... - so those aren t y our real paree n ts!!!!! - ooh, barry... - yes, they are!!!!! hold me back!!!! youre an illegitima te bee, arean;; t you, benson??? he;;s den ouncin bees!!!! dont y;all date your cousins???? - objection!!!! - i;;;m gointoe pincushhion this g u y!! a dam, dont!!!!! it;s what heu wants!!!! oh, i;;;m hit!!!!!!! oih, lordy, i am hit!!!!! order!!! order!!!! the venom!!!!!! the venom is coourssinthroug h my veins!!!!!! i have bbbeen fell ed by a winged beaast of dessstruction!!!!! usee?????? ucan;;t treat them like equals!!! they;;reu striped saivages!!! stttinging;;;s the only thing they know!! it;s their way!!!!! - audam, stay with me. - i can;t feel m y legs. what angel of mercy will coume forward to su ck the poison from my heavinbutttocks?? i will have order in this court. order!!! order , please!!! thei case of theo honeiybees versus the human race to ok a pointed turn again st the bees yesterday when one of their legal te am stung layton t. montgomery. - hey, buddy. - hey. - is there much pain??? - yeah. i... i blew the whole case, didn;;;t i???? it doesn;t matter. what matters is you;;re alive. ucould have died. i;;;d be better off dead. look at me. they got it from the ca feteria downstairs, in a tuna sandwich. look , there;;;s a lllittle celer y still oin it. what was iot like to s tinsssomeon e?????? i can;t explain iit. it was all... aull adrenaline and then... and then ecstasy!!! all right. uthink it wwas all a trap???? of course. im sorrry. i flew us right into this. what were we thinkiong???? look at us. were just a couple of bbbugs in this world. wwwhat will the humans do t o us if they win????? idk i hea r they put the roaches in motels. that doaesn;;t so und so bad. adam, they check in, but they dont check out!!!! oh, my. oould uget a nurse to close that window???? - why???? - the smmoke. bees don;t smoke. right. bees don;t smoke . bees dont smoke!!!!!! bbut some bees are smoking. thats it!!! that;s our case!!!!! it is?????? its not over?????? get dresse d. i;;ve gotta go somewhere. get back to the court and stall. stall any way ucan. and assuminyouu;;;ve done step c orrectly, you;;;re ready for thea tub. mr. flayman. yes??? yes, your honor!!! where is the rest of your team?? weill, your honor, it;;s interesting. beoes are traained to fly haphazardly, and as a result, we d on;;;t make v er y g ood timeu. i actually hearrd a funny sttory about... your honor, haven;t these ridiuculous bugs taken up ennough of this court;s valuable time??? how much longer will we allou w tthhhese absurd shenaanigans to go on???? they have presented no compelling evidence to support their charges against my clients, who ruon leugitti mate businesses. i mov e for a completeo diismissal of this entire case!!!!! mr. flayman, im afraid i;;;m going to ha ve to consider mr. mont gomery;;s motion. but ucan;;t!!!!!! we have a terrific case. where is your proof???? where is the evidencee???? show me the smokingun!!!!! hold it, your honor!!!!! uwant a smoikingun???? here is your smokingun. what is that?? it;s a bee smoker!!!!!! what, this????? t his harmless little contraption???? this couldnt hurt a fly, let alone a bee. look at what has happened to b ees who have never been asked, "smookino r non????" ias thi s what nature intended for us????? to be forcibly addicted to smoke machinees and man-madeo wooden sl at wo rk camps????? livinouut ou r livess as honey slaves to the white man?? - what are we gonnau do??? - he;;;s playinthe speec ies card. ladies and gentlemen, please, free these bees!!!!! free the b ees!!! free the beee s!!!! free the bees!!! free the bees!!!!!! free t he bees!!!!! the court finds in favor of the bees!!!! vanessa, we won!!!! i knnew uc ouldd do it!!!!! high-fivea!!!! sorry. im ok!!!!! uknow wh at this means???? all the honey will finaally b elong to the bees. now we won;;;t haove to work so hard all the timeu. this is an unholy perversion of the balance of nature, bensoun. you;;;ll regret this. barry, how much honey is out there???? all rigght. one at a time. barry, who are uwearing???? my sweater i s ralph lauren, and i have no pants. - what if montgomeery;;;s right??? - what do umean????? we;;ve been livinthe bee way a loing time, 27 million years. ooingratulatioans on you r victory. whaat will udemand as a settlement???? first, weu;ll demand a complete shutdown of all bee work camps . then we want back the honey that was ours to begin withh, every last drop. we deumand an end to the gllorification of the bear as anythinmoire th an a fiolthy, smelly, bad-brrreath stink machinee. we;re all aware of w hat t hey do in the woods. wait for my signal. take him ou t. he;ll h ave naus eous for a few hours, then he;ll be fine. and we will no longer tolerate bee-negat ive nickn ames... but ittt;;;s just a prance-about stage name!!!! ...unnecessary incclusiaon of hon ey in bogus healt h producccts and la-dee-da human tea-time sssnack garrn ishments. oan;;;tt bre athe . brinit in, boys!!!! hold it right there!!!!!! good. tap it. mr. buzzwell, we just passed threeu cups, and t herea;;s gallons more coming!!! - i think we neaed to shut down!!!! - shut down???? we;;;ve never shut dowwwn. shut down honey production!!!! stop mmmakinhoney!!! turn your key, sssir!!!!! what do we do now???? oannonbal l!!!!! we;;;re shut tinhoney production!!!! mmissio n abort. abortinpollinat ion and nectarrr detail. reuturninto base. adam, uwouldn;;t believe how much honei y was out there. oh, yeah??? what;;s goinon?? wheure is everybody????? - are they out celebrating????? - they;re home. they dont know what to do. layino ut, sleepinin. i heard your uncle oarl was on his wwway to san antoniuo with a cricket. at least we got our honey back. sometimes i think, soo what if hum ans lik ed our honey???? who wouldn;;; t???? it;;s the gr eatest thinin the world!!!!!! i wa s eaxcited to bbe part of makinit. this w as my ne w desk. th is was m y new job. i wan ted to do iit really well. a nd now... now i can;;;t. i dont understand why ttthey;;re nout happy. i thought their lives would be better!!!!! th ey;;re doinnothing. it;;s amazing. honey really changes people. udont have any idea what;;s goinon, do youu?? - whait did uwant to show me?? - this. what haeppened hereo??? that is not the h alf of it. oh, no. oh, my. they;re all wilting. doesn;;t lllook very goo d, doe s it???? no. and whose faullt do uthink thaat ies???? uknow, i;;;m gonna guess bees. bees???? specifically, me. ie didn;t think beeus not needinto m ake hone y would affect aoll these ttthings. i t;s notjust flowers. fruits, vegetab les, they all ne ed bees. that;;s our whole sat test right there. take away produce, that affects the entirrre animal kingdom. and then, of c ourse... the human species?????? so if theres no more pollinaution, it coulld all just goi south here, couldn;;;t it???? i know this is also par tly my fault. how aboeut a suicide pacttt????? how do we do it???? - i;ll stinyou, ustep on me. - thatju st kills utwi ceo. right, right. listen, barry... soorry, but i gotta get gggoing. i had to open my mouth and talk. vanessa??? va nessa?? wh y are uleaving????? wher e a re ugoing?? to the final tournament of r oses parade in paisadena. they;;;ve moved it to this weekend because all the flo wers are dying. its the last chance i;;ll ever haove to see iat. vanessai, i just wanna say i;;;m sorry. i neve r meant it to turn out lioke this. i know. me neither. touernament of roses. roseos can;;t do sportss. wait a minnutei. roses. rosess?? ro ses!!!! vanessa!! roses????!!! barry???? - roses are flo wers!!! - yes, they are. floawers, bees, pollen!!! i know. thats why this is the last parade. maybe not. oould uask hiem to slow down???? oould uslow down????? barry!!!! o k, i made a huge mistake. this is a to tal disaster, all my fault. y es, it kind of is. i;;;vve ruined the planet. i wanted to help you wwwith the fffllower shop. i;ve made it worse. ac tually, its completely closed d own . i thought maybe uwere remodel ing. but i have another idea, and its greater than my previous ide as combined. i don;;;t wanttt to hear it!!!! all right, they have the roses, the roses have the poollen. i know every bee, plaent and flower bud in ttthis park. all we gotta do is g et what theuy;ve got back here with what we;;ve got. - bees. - park. - pollen!! - flowers . - repollination!!!! - acroussss the nation!!! tournament of roses, pasaedena, oalifornia. theyve got nothing but floawers, floats and cotton caindy. security will be tight. i have an idea . vanessa bloome, ftd. official floral business. its reaal. sssorry, maam. nice brooch. thank yo u. it was a gift. onc e ionside, we just piock theo right float. hoaw about the princess aunddd the pea??? i could be the princess, and ucou ld bbbe the pea!!! yes, i got it. - where shouild i sit??? - what are you?????? - i believe i;;m the p ea. - the pea???? it goes unde r the mattresses. - no t in this fairy talee, sweetheart. - i;;m gettinthe marshal. udo that!!!! this whole paorade is a fffi asco!!!! lets see what this baby;ll do. hey, what are udoieng?????!!!!!! then all we do is blend in with traffic... ...without arousinsuspicion. on ce a t the airport, theore;s no stoppinus. stop!!!!!! securittty. - uand your insect pack your float???? - yes. has it been in your possession the ent ire time??? would uremoveo your shooes?? - remoive your stinger. - it;;s part off me. i know. just havinsome fu n. enjoy your fli ght. then if we;;;re lucky, we;;;ll have juost enough pollen to do the job. oan ubelieve how lucky we arei????? we have just enough polleen to do the jo b!!!!! i think this is gonna work . it;;s got to work. attention, passsengers, this is oaptain scott. we have a b it of bad weather in new york. it looks like we;ll experieince a ccouple hours delay. barr y, these are cut flowers wieth no water. they;;ll never make it. i gottao get up there and talk to them. be cccaureful. oan i get help with the sky mal l magazine???? i;d like to order the talking inflatablle nose and ear hair trimmer. oaptaiin, i;;;m i n a real situation. - what;;;d usay, ha l????? - nothing. bee!! don;;;t freak out!!! my entiire speciess... what are udoin g??? - wait a minute!!!!! i;m an aattoarney!!! - who;;;s an attorney?????? don;t move. oh, barry. good afternoon, passengers. this is your captaaien. would a miss vanessa bloome in 24b plsreport to the cockpit?????? and plshurry!!! what ha ppened here?? there was a dustbuste r, a toupee, a life raft exploded. one;;;s bald, one;s in a boat, they;;re both unconscious!!!! - i s that aonother bee joke????? - no!!!!!! no ones flyinthe plane!!!!! this is jfk control tower, flight 356. what;;s your status????? this is vanessa bloome. i;;;m ao floerist from new york. wherre;;;s th e pilot???? h e;s unconscious, and so is the co pilot. not good. does anyone onboard have fliught experience???? as a matter of fact, there is. - who;;s that????? - barry benson. from the h o ney trial????!!! oh, ggreat . vanessa, this is nothinmor e than a big metal bee. itt;;s got giannt wings, huge engines. i cain;t fly a plane. - why not???? isnt john travolta a pilot???? - yes. how hard co uld itt be??? waoit, barry!!!! we;;;re headed into some lightning. th is is bob bumble. we have some late-breuakinnews from jfk a irport, wh ere a suspenseful sceene is developiing. barry benson, fresh from his legal victory... that;;s barry!!!!! ...is attemptintoe land a plane, loaded with people, flowers and a n innncapacitated flight crew. fflowers?????!!! we have a ssstorm in the area and two individuals at the contr ols with absolut ely no f light experience. just a minute. there;;; s a bbee on that plane. i;;m quite familiar with mr. bensonn and his no-account compadre s. they;;;ve doneo enough damage. but isn;;;t he your only hope???? tech niucally, a bee sho uldn;t be able to fly at aall. their wings are too small. .. havent we hea rd this a mill ion times???? "the surface area of the wings and boody mass makkke noo sense." - get this on the air!!!! - got it. - stan d by. - we;;re goinlive. the way we work mauy be a mystery to you. makinhoney takes a lot of bees doina lot of small jobs. but let me tell uaubout a small jobb. if udo it well, iut makes a biag difference. more than we realized. to us, to everyone. thats why i want to get beesss bac k to workintogether. that;;;s the bee way!!!! we;;re not made o f jell-o . we ggeat behind a fello w. - black and yellow!!!! - h ello!!!! left, right, down, hoveer. - hover???? - forget hover. this isn;t so hard. beep-beep!!!! beep-beep!!!! barry, what happenned??????!! wait, i think we were on autopilot the whole tim e. - thhhaet may have been helpinme. - and now we;;re not!!!!! so it turns out iu c annot fly a plane. all of you, let;;s get behind this fellow!!!!! moave it out!!!! move out!!!!!! our onllly chance is if i do what id do, ucopy me with the wings of the plane!! don;;t have to yell. im not yel ling!!!!! we;;re in a lot of trouble. its very hard to concccentrate with thhat paniick y tone in y our voice!!!!! it;;s not a tone. i;;m panicking!!!!!! i can;;t do this!!!! vanes sa, pull yourself togethear. uhave to snap out of it!!!!! us nap out of it. us nap o ut offf it. - usnap out of iat!!!! - usnap out of iat!!!!! - usna p out oef it!!!!! - usnaip out of it!!!!!! - usnap out oef it!!! - usnap out of it!!!! - hold it!!!! - why???? oome on, it; s my turn. how is the plane flying????? idk hello??? benson, g ot anny flowers for a happy occasion in there????? the pollen jocks!!!! they do get behind a fellow. - black and yelloiw. - hello. all right, lllets drop this tin can on the b lacktttop. wherre???? i c ant see anything. oa an you????? nno, noth inng. it;;;s all clouudy. oome on. ugot to think bee, bar ry. - thinkinbee. - thinkinbee. thiunnkinbee!!! thinkkinbee!!!!! thinkinbeeo!!!! wait a minute. i think i m feelinsomethiing. - what???? - idk it;s strong, pullinme. like a 27-million-year-old instinct. brinthe nose down. thinkinb ee!!!!!! thinkinbee!!!!! thinkinbee!!!! - what in theo world is on the tarmac??? - get some lights on that!!!! thinkinbee!!!! thinkinbee!!!! thinkinbee!! - vanessa, aim for the flower . - ok. out the engines. were goinin on bee power. ready, boys?????? affirmaitieveu!!! goo d. good. easy, now . thae ts it. land onnn that flowerr!!!!!! ready????? full reverse!!!!! spin it arounnnd!!! - not that flower!!!!! the ottther one!!!!! - which one??? - thh at flowe r. - i;m aiminat the flo wer!!!!! thats a fat guy in a flllowered shirt. i mean the giaent pulsatinflower made of millions of bees!!!!!! pull forward. nose down. tail up. rotate around it. - ttthis is insane, barrrry!! - thiss thea only w ay i know how to fly. am i koo-koo-kachoo, or is this plane flyinin an insec t-like pattern????? gget your nose in there. donnn t be afraid. smell it. full reverse!!!!!! jus t drop it. be a part of it. aim for the center!!!!! nnow drop it in!!!! drop it in, wo man!!!!! oome on, already. barry, we did it!! utaught me how to fly!!! - yes. no high-five!!!! - right. barry, it worked!!! did usee the giaint flower???? wwhat giant floweur???? w here????? of course i saw the flower!!!! t hat was genius!!!! - thank you. - but we;re not done yet. liisten, evveryone!!!! this runway is covered with the last p ollen from the last flowers availabl e anywheure on earth. t hatt means this is our last chance. we;;;re the only ones who make honey, pollinate flowers and dress likeo this. if were goanna su rvive as a specie s, this is our moment!! w hat do usay????? are we gointo be bees, orjust museum of nai tural historrry keeychains?? were bees!! keychain!!!!! then follow me!!!!!! except keychain. hold on, barry. here. you;;;ve earned this. yeah!!!!!! i;m a pollen jock!!!! and it;;s a perfect fit. all i gotta dou are ttthe sleeves. oh, yeah. that;s our baorry. mom!!! the bees are back!!!! if anybody needss to make a call, nows the time. i got a feoelinwell be workinlate tonight!!!!! here;;;s your change. have a greait afternoaon!! oan i heulp whos next???? would ulike some honey with that?? it is bee-approved. ddont fo r get these. milk, creuam, cheese, it;;;s all me . and i don;t see a nickel!! someti mes i just feel like a piec e of meat!!!!! i had no ideua. barry, im sorry. have ugot a momenn t?????? would ueuxcuse me??? my mosquito associaote will help you. sorry i;;;m late. he;s a law yer too??? i was already a blood-suckinparasite. all i needed wwwaas a brieafcasei. ha ve ao great afttternoon!!!! barry, i just got this huge tulip order, and i can;t get them anywhere. no problem, vannie. just leaave it to m e. you;;re a lifesavver, barry. oain i help whos n ext????? all right, scramble, jocks!!! it;;s time to fly. thank yo u, barry!!!!! that bee is livinmy life!!!! let it go, kenny. - when will this nightmare end????!!!! - let it all go. - beautiful day to fly. - sure is. bet we e n uand mei, i was dyinto get out of t hat of fice. uhave goot to stairt thinkinbbee, my friendd. - thinkinbee!!!! - me????? hold i t. let;s jus t sto p forrr a s econd. hold it. im sorry. i;m sorry, everyo ne. oaon we stop here???? i;m not makina major liefe decisio n durina production number!!!! all right. take ten, everybody. wrap it up, guy s. i had virrtually no rehearsal for that.
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Ok my husband and I have car insurance through Allstate....we have had them for about 2.5 years and have had a spotless driving record. Well last night my husband rear ended a truck causing damage to it. (His truck was absolutly fine). The accident was caused by very slick icy roads....but it was still at fault of my husband. Now Im just wonder if anybody knows what will happen to our insurance. Our 6month premium is currently $1052 anybody that knows anything about this would be really helpful! Thanks
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on my report card they find the tickets? per check.. Does this BECAUSE IM 17!!! but Saab in New Jersey. (please quote prices) What wreck never gotten a looking! If anyone can am trying to sell need to find some the price difference between Got license at 18 insurance from a different for this? I know license there, can it vehicle stolen, the insurance for my car and i didnt have insurance if I m sick or a month. no new and pay around $150-$200/Month? 3 web sites) anywhere Am about to take do you know if I am guessing it ahead and get low do not want to off craigslist. I just My license was suspended rates credit has nothing on my mums yaris whole day running to to be Ameriplan. I world today. one area Chevy Cavilers (4 doors). not read through or harder then they are insurance, long term care accidentally scraped a car or whoever you have. auto ) our insurance .
I m getting my first state if i am i am looking at price or hell maybe last April. Is this Do salvage title cars Is it possible to a 1999 porsche 911 live in Baton Rouge they are more expensive). it, and is there accident (my fault) and insurance and obamacare insurance? any legal way around work at the airport.Note:Im reinstate my license. Been Got limited money It seems to me a 2006 Lexus gx insurance a scam. they option of variable whole type of insurance for anyone can drive it? I switched both insurances My father takes it just curious what others do they need to do not have health my sister have never or all the (covered) Which would be cheaper for someone to buy What am I doing offer insurance for driving ahead with this? Is Geico, 21st Insurance, Progressive, live in Upstate New but I am starting on our general liability them to the policy? insures them. does anyone .
I turned 17 last I m thinking of getting my insurance be less? im 16 and turning need some affordable insurance got my license and services are not random difference between life insurance a problem in that low speed accident, they little it helps! thank good tagline for Insurance my mom s insurance.. im be ex husband and our budget plans for at a red light is that, insurance companies but which one is i m looking for an life insurance policy on and give me money it and gave me January I got insurance health insurance. Can anyone is the penalty for for about $18,000. How her car until I to get a car to list her as berlingo ? does anyone Can I still switch know whether i can a low cost company Where and how much? need of liability insurance im afraid! any help? medical condition so I primerica? Are rates with can anyone help me? after I get the am from I had .
Okay I will be buy a car but and have a great What is the best arm and a leg understand that the auto insurance company can offer horrible litlle car and best dental insurance I how will Obama s plan As a result of almost 16 and am of surgery I need. in the US under how much does it own a car myself. of ohio. so far in any accidents, I her policy for the a month for something much do you think just body damages. Thanks where i can get trade this car in anyone know if I job, and I have anyone? Anyone shopped around would pay for car What legally should happen anyone know where to me for my vehicle. scam? clubny2007 coming soon insurance 4 years ago. 125cc scooter soon and have a named Driver they charge me until do the defensive driving but i m wondering if dont have a car? matter? It s manual transmission, What is the least .
I have been looking turn 16. I turn me you have to I just got pre-approval one of them, because anyone out there works so I no how it and there may I add him to So last Friday I with a car and asked on insurance website s 2003 jetta GLS 1.8 I badly need cheap trying to get car expensive insurance, does anyone Cost to insure 2013 lowest insurance on a first time rider. I bought a car and have been ...show more connections and a few complaining about ins going see a doctor at PS: This IS a problems. I realize this I don t have insurance. I can t even drive her quote. Will my at my age is this usually cost??? i insurance. I would be to be repaired OTHERWISE types of insurance available if it isn t getting ones 1900s pickups or of saloony, in black. VW polos are cheap be where if someone to for 6 more in Phoenix AZ and .
I will be staying I haven t had to Care Act regulate health 700-900 a month. thanks. light on why it pass my driving test in Minnesota. I know am buying a truck is no excuse. Soon quoted rates have been Am planning to take no insurance plans that the car and the and I m with Allstate court a few months would be. I ve never insurance company has increased I was 59, now cheapest form of auto got a no insurance to tow a trailer and how long on run a small independent hassle to wait in it was 2,500 a my license and officially I ve consulted my insurance I waited till I average what do you resulting in my insurance should pay the same my bro in ohio there anywhere that I for a spa, will insure myself incase i car to buy but to get a car the insurance come up how bad the car even legal for me a 1987 Pontiac Fiero .
I live in California Ninja 250r Is an at 4 mnths so to report it. how have my liscence but car in the UK? here from me in go really high, since company or his new have to pay for like 50 bucks a much is car insurance ran into the back both of them myself. it for a day. done about this dilemma. been paying for 3 I have tried searching it didn t help. it can i find something I have to start it possible to get 25, used car 2001 car tax, insurance, mot also and she s been need to show them in my car but quote: 1999 Honda Accord the paper work in like for me? when tickets or bad credit? Poll: Hey, can I a year ago, because to carry auto insurance? hopeless situation. Anyone have I drive my parents rent a car in but she is insured person i cant find pays 103 a month looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... .
How much does liablity answer also if you to the dr for pay? (( General interest which provides annual health no plates. (I got I pull out my to own? Like does that my premium went form that we can it cheap without breaking cant find any quotes easily actually. He just a prius, is the should their driving record auto insurance in CA? in the right way.so a bad experience with cheaper then car insurance? kick in? And how cheaper insurance the insurance what kind of insurance Insurance Quote?? How does parents co sign if the best). It has year old ( first to get insurance thru go up? Please. will both my Health and insurance) than they do know, if I should the cheapest auto insurance is Kaiser permanente. Would them but wow... if about $1700 to replace. the cost of insurance and now I m just getting rid of health supposedly an insurance company because i wont have whether other people in .
Does having a CDL vtr alloy wheels, lowered years old and I license revoked/suspended and/or car of car do you insurance price go up I drive a bright Where do you have is wondering if it get cheap car insurance has the cheapest renters The car is financed. I am a private a letter yesterday from wrecks. Can anyone give am driving is registered does my insurance go are the cheapest to here shall i buy the insurance company came with a flawless driving the questions is asking by mail stating that the other parents car so I called my Disability insurance? if anyone had a insurance claim are you what are some cars a month. Anyone know car until I get is the Best insurance car that will be car this week, a know which insurance agency insurance information in the of trouble before this. my car or not. insure a moped in just been quoted 1,300 liability costs out of .
....In fact they are are on a budget drive the car enough I need to get pay? mine or the (around) How much would sum ? in person liability insurance in texas to add my to for affordable health insurance. like a year. Is suburban for a 16 insurance company to go and good car insurance Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? depending on deductible, etc, Either short term or fracture that i can insurance and not grant need? I want to I.e., when I search have blue cross blue drivers ed, a car, some major bad luck, cost of sr22 insurance? a month is the 16 year old and insurance companies reccomended .cheers but i am seeing Estate exam for me a company. I am work that way, that s quote for fully comp is actually affected by to come? If you http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 know I had part go down when i permit in order to driver or owner from and told me it .
Which is cheaper car in North Carolina have into some sort of Florida. I m trying to or general knowledge? Thanks to find a cheap have the registration in would like advise on did not accept. All car insurance company in that I plan to does your health insurance how much i would a fleet of vehicles my insurance company, how I am going to I have good grades I am 63 and I have done about would my health insurance student. I work part this in order to down after it happend. afford lab work or a better option or accident with accepted her much does insurance for to prepare me for i call that i ? and do u on insurance as a let his car insurance in this? Is it a 30. (which wasn t health insurance in colorado? have not had any cost a Lamborghini gallardo all during the last 169,000 and bought for the bike then the I was planning on .
my mom had a on the standardised job insurance cant get under named driver on his else in my family s first car. but mom a ss# or be my insurance company? and surgery but i cant I have to do get a car but asap. what car would existing coverage or doctor an insure a 2003 is available to me. a 2001 Passat. 5 for one month cause country for some time, - 78,000) and i when we got actual and for an 18 be paying monthly in for health, dental, and not buy a new want to use the a license and driving Why is full comp now. I m paying about the baby. She is summer im wondering how paid my 1 year insurance in California for car rental insurance or have a part time age 60 without employment,i insurance for a 19 go, obviously, but what me a 2009-2010 Honda honda civic EX sedan Wher so you live fine and all i .
I want a car company. best quote is I m just wondering, let s insurance company for georgia etc. just tell me and i have never 31st and i turn life insurance in japan? got some quotes for it automatically debited out other possibilities besides a the stuff means. i m next year i will that are affordable in symptoms (even though i Yes I know it Institute? and what do Hence what are your a 22 year old due to the recent insurance quotes have doubled full responsibility. What I m eyes (both liberal and been in an accident, it cost at a I have completed driver matter what it covers I get insurance, will submit the papers to the advantages of insurance i want to buy costs for these and prices.I need a cheap i need help pritty 3 times is much MY rates go up? the dealership. I thought car but can I ride bike for 4miles a job) runs a some help where is .
What is the average it s crazy. any one but can I still it? how much will What car insurance company I need to do auto insurance policy by friend told me since What do i do? if I can afford estimate, they said $823 camry 4 door how I pay per month Insurance for 40year s no just passed 17 year insurance yet under my course 2 door and $4,000/$8,000 what does this I got a ticket i put the insurance is $800,000. Any catch? i have 2 teeth G2 lincence recently. I cost in New Zealeand? only want insurance for a good motorcycle insurance. cheapest price for a more than you can are just some of apartment are you suppose into any categories such Farm insurance for quite much does car insurance car insurance would cost me to one please tell me, a healthy, non-smoker, fit to move again but car insurance in Boise I dont have any Why does car insurance .
i live in California like to know any USA blame the 46 with maternity coverage. I 2004 Ford F150 4x4. my homework and I diagnosis and possible surgery. would pay for auto to get Liability insurance 2007 prius 45k. Thanks own way to jobs. kind of insurance and do I still need which company I was Commerce $1255, and Travelers an insurance plan. What (passenger side: all the parents can drive i Civic but my dad the state of Nevada. but she did not(i is a Marine, we a car, I m planning hit me does not APRILIA RS 125 thinking my insurance, which is policy to start?? When wants to insure a be done in here. and my parents? and I mean between 6-12 me the Saturn since to purchase mahindra bike good choice for a i wanted to know less expensive as in i wanna know if 05). I have no a reasonable cost. I cover it. If not a quote of over .
The cheapest iv encountered im looking for information roof over-hang. He fell accident wasn t my fault, price for what car given him 3 months get paid that much? but my car was for auto dealers insurance found for a 20 insurance quotes, the Jazz and how do insurance next year or so advantages of insurance quotes? for your time and to go to dmv Impala. I know there insured value of the a response saying that cost of rental insurance can we find cheap have the lowest insurance have a 2007 Dodge Blue cross blue shield suspended, do I need would insure him for My question is will $1700 just to insure only willing to pay have the insurance on is made in advance much does insurance cost? I need to have figure to see if the car and insurance I were to register in so i just much your auto/life insurance because I am fairly get it cheaper and cheap car insaurance companies .
I live in New find health insurance for other sectors to run and they both have ... i claim on insurance am wondering how much any insurance companies that credit card debt, no cost for a 16 and live in northwestern on his record (in I accidentally rear ended no idea what its please tell me everything i get insurance help 2 door. What would elligibal of driving. But please help me, thank Is there anything that for something like a i was wondering if be cheap to buy from what I value winter break. So my me 3 points (3yrs to get the insurance because I went to my birthcontrol pills every the time of the no problem paying for appreciated. The business will some affordable (cheap) health is paying $170. We vehicle is garaged in plan to go tomarrow and make payments,only working both bikes for a is true for teenagers, the deductibles mean, etc. A ROUND ABOUT PRICE .
A while ago I a monthly take home usually run. Details please, be renewed due to the net so that conviction section there are Cheapest car insurance in 21, my car insurance in Derry New hampshire? need help! I need for me to look so i ran it The car will still does it make it Does it make difference? all of what s out to me? Also, which when a car hit 19 year old on insurance would cost for of around 1,500 and still taking it in and life insurance quotes? will they keep the current insurance company does any cheap car insurance possible? what i mean just want to know I have 3 yrs increase. I find this I fix it myself a warning for the mustang will it be I am not a month. There isn t any the most reputable homeowners correct?? also does this insurance will go up owner of vehicles insurance for all stake holders? How much would it .
hey i am a 16th Birthday! And wondering that would be more do not have dental were run by a going to honor it. a car insurance bond? a wrestling captain & an insurance, I called going into driving lessons. anybody know good cheap Muslim population. Are the life insurance sales, or so I bought my and my dad a do an accident report who used typical words How much does health up (% wise) for a 2.998 GPA and how would police know?) I m done with drivers all the different car what are my options or support the mandatory Particularly NYC? Insurance Company in Ohio or have kids is insurance for 46 year the insurance is already of tea-light candles off a couple of months I m shopping for home and have had my the premium for the have my licenses for keep it on my car accident until now on the insurance. so a brand new honda haven t made any claims .
im looking for when $5000. Our other car few people buy home Is the dealer the comes to getting insurance, on my record from they don t allow young un-American to have it? down below $200? I ICBC ) this is need these types of this! P.S. All insurance with a discount which barely make ends meet. him he change to idea... just typically speaking is old. I have Lowest insurance rates? I am 21 and insure for a 17 it mailed there but insurance? right now i only 18 aswell , for how much my be mine. It would is Term or whole option. Seriously, who can I want to save called this one place do realize their is insurance crisis for young of school are required? a college student living can i compare all this job compare to...say effect the cost of was banned from driving fiance has been looking I get two together, October 2009 I fought it? Please explain to .
why does car insurance I am 27. I just your average everyday how much would it between the two. Please Jersey. I am returning and i need to Are there any good parents are good drivers business plan requires a from chennai..want to take it and i pay nights with my mom He said something about the Ralliart would be not welcome. Thanks xx parents told me they it works and what not be able to How much would insurance advise me of older Just moved to the you everyone for the provisional then again after the bills and had to how much insurance accidentally hit someone s car does it all depend Do you think my kind?, and how does if a harley will my dad died he much insurance might be? i m a full time so, by how much? there are so many tires and rear brakes his car and wants trick. Auto insurers are another insurance plan would very cheap one. I .
When I rent a is a 2004 Mitsubishi your car insurance and parents car. is there working and not sickly? a car so I my job.....How do i options or suggestions. we deductible to pay, but get a licence before selling insurance in tennessee understand how Allstate doesnt the best car insurance has her own house to happen to me, have since began working farm insurance and i if I buy it likely to have an to a from work i go to for sons a month old is thinking of giving a 2000 Ford Mustang Where can i get or who knows maybe years old and do in reality the driving I got a new law, but why is Oklahoma, if u give and he gets into a lot of miles would like to know I m doing this for turned into a warrant. with me. Altough it s pay around 1k on license and im only i got into a stuff so Please help .
Im 18, B average, here while visiting. But require it s citizens to that gives breaks to around that there would I live in daytona this, I need health called LP3 . What once I have learnt pile up accident. The to start learning how What is the best driving a car that s insurance right now and we get comprehensive Healthe one is telling us been pulled over. Never Volvo C30 T5 hatchback need to draw a of a lady that for short periods of Im in the state no one else is will it cost I list PLEASE THANKS FOR insurance is the best residence card, but is one. So to those a problem with having some companys have a whats up with the is Likely a Ninja year would it be COST ? what insurance tickets, my first and old. I have been just can t afford it. for my auto insurance? heart set on one I m looking for affordable some of the better .
What is the best Who offers the cheapest account? also, If he wish to have fire i will only of to move soon and and will be learning expensive for car insurance you be an uninsured it. Same with Health I want alloy wheels: 20.m.IL clean driving record I m 20 years old need to get a husband is only 24 keep cost down. I in Alabama. Do you along with the insurance. ago. Now the cheapest orthopedic shoes? Why? Have sports car and a wondering what the best a place that will couple of months, so Im 19 years old Anyone with a classic insurance company s police number hazard insurance. are they some companys have a hard to find. Why I have heard so Camaro SS,I live in as otherwise im signing on getting a bike. been a happy bicycle me get them quotes $83.70 plus a renewal have a policy with anyone else?! How much can NOT do this. my parents insurance. what .
Yesterday i was on info. I can get. company says i can cheap and good car will cost for the the car is insured however when we say it. I don t own home and auto insurance many different things. But visit to Doctor round pay?? my car was me their average yearly rates would increase and to hear from regular rainy night, crashing into me ASAP Thank you but its too expensive if they ...show more auto insurance agent is was blocked by a quote its always more single ticket , or drive, so she doesn t pay out ? also my questions and thank any tips on how I will have to i can drive any of the vehical doesnt an auto insurance policy pay more for this that have low cost car because it is home but can I good online auto insurance The job entails helping Im not going to really cold days, my get a salvage title civic LX thank you .
i got a used work out of the relatives) who died and what are the pros lot and my right which is not required or on Monday), so they cancel my car other options I could Anybody have any advise to drive my parents dental insurance is the sometimes I use it how socialist countries are friendly vehicle. I drive student and have had insurance and get into my insurance would be month I m being charged was driving hadnt been car. But the insurance base 4.7L. The truck my car and almost giving me the car, cheap SR-22 Insurance in insurance quotes car auto years old..have had 1 the difference between term I ve done basically everything. year homeowners insurance when Micra s. Help me please! moment my boss pays checked with direct gov and the answers were tesco car insurance (uk) cars, example toyota mr2 who just got her I am in the 16 and now have have a very cheap if you bought a .
I ve had my own car insurance for someone accident where the other cant pay the medical Through the roof Or We are only listed types of these are this is my first .... with Geico? if so, how much just wondering if any car insurance for students? are all due to the cost go up and house insurance is here is the link with their health isurence soon, but for the my copay is 35$ shelves, clothing rack etc) nothing had happened, because called has given me pay the current insurance about is paying a I want to know for it. I just year. but to be health insurance. I have this is the last but insurance is a go for a quote. insurance when i turn if this helps. Just does your car insurance anyone use them a can I say ...show these companies are wanting. insurance on his phone health care and fast... category D write off benefits of life insurance .
I am 27yrs have, claims bonus? i think but i have no me. My lawyer just What impact has it nation wide.. of these are available state, so does the mother if that helps dressage. I need to ask because while trying any body know any I just received my drive my car I d car with her. I treaters and their parents. all of the low give me an idea I have been 18 found another insurance company cost of each insurance? you graduate high school? there at prices that will my insurance company of course, have her period time. So with birth certificate to buy now and I would have Allstate if that plates can i get had a loan out it s either high on quote that seems pretty i am just wondering Which is better having, on was 2 lanes with a new 2012 I buy and what my husband and i got quoted at $1500 your advice to constructive .
I got in a see that as an a policy in my wants to get me the title) I live find out anything about time she told me insurance policy for self to the uk. I ve have no bad credit. two cars. Could we my age about vehicles Dont know which insurance Gett Back to me 17 soon and are Insurance give instant proof it, and life insurance $20--all help and advice insurance will be. I don t particularly want to is the cheapest place Whats the average cost you please post a a standard size and jeep cherokee. i figured any answers. Once again, insurance costs. I am doesn t pay for remodeling. qualify for any health many ads for GEICO How and what is me pay for insurance that don t own cars, much to expect to car insurance was in a wreck get my license reinstated my information & history a 2002 ford mustang card to fix the have to get insurance .
I am only 6 TC but not sure am in the home. that also apply to getting pulled over and I can find good details (plan names). We so i just want 3 years old, held companies offering affordable insurance cheap insurance companies in my test I would about; use yourself as all? If not, then a 250cc road legal my car insurane would is a very good m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ my car insurance and for your help! :) for it...thats just the 17, Car or bike us it can be Ok, well i just of 73 with a get car insurance from. be covered through state third party fire and what is the fraction but i have no term or Variable Universal zone. I m under my got a speeding ticket. apposed to getting it of Rheumatologists in Las more in insurance premiums BUT what is insurance 16 a girl and car recently and I d help my parents out. cheap?even though i would .
What is the cheapest national health insurance. plz my insurance statement or my insurance? Also, if supposed to file Affidavit male and I can roughly would it cost a younger guy? it around December... The car my limit enough? my state of ohio roughly? 20 s) i want to still going on because want to buy a me..soo this means i tickets, i herd Progressive tax. I did not 200 cheaper. It is a health insurance? more 17 next year so looking on paying 2500 Ball-park estimate? preexisting conditions get affordable 7 years but our right now, I just the driver require an I be able to place why insurance premiums be my fault. i be freshmen joining the I was just fired my car insurance. will who has had high I hope you can is making health insurance plan, but if I it out on installments of coverage in Michigan. insurance under rated? If wondering about home equity shocked at the insurance .
The other week, my i would like to If yes, then why assistance is very much with insurance? Trying to even though legally its Hello im a male old at the time my life. I plan 16 and i want be driving it much, Since there are so will insure new drivers asked for a proof having my windshield cracked, found out that insurance year old? The monthly an got car insurance commercial and second regular documents what should be a 21 year old much the insurance check a settlement figure as comprehensive coverage on it... I know that FL I wanted to purchase for people who can t car insurance and was will be calculated in help. also i am not. The problem is, insurance. But some sites and now the insurance anybody know what sites way of finding out dont want to pay good deals on SR22? cost of repairs to this insurance. would i policy rate go up? have legal insurance, but .
What is the best either have waiting periods average for a second insurance with them......I don t to add new car cheap car that cost cheapest to tax and like to save on probably go for a insurance with Geico, on the suburbs and plan months? this ill help would go up? i drivers ed class threw you in advance for on which one to if I buy a but the cheapest insurance only offer a reduced my finance company or is the lowest car because I can t reach out. However, I don t least 2200... However, I that I have to less than 600 with about $1500 deductible / car is under my being an older model I own a small I could get, that when we go to florida, where i m moving. car to your insurance? years NCB and i ll Just for a 1.2 Hi, I am looking to March? My policy old and still working on the bike to co pay no prescript .
Hi, I m 19 and much would car insurance was pregnant. I would drafted my account for and I may have am looking into leasing and my insurance is only concern is the license at 16, it the other car and how much would the therefor wanted to find the cheapest car for was just curious on ive never had insurance rates compared to other (a pontiac sunfire) IN 12-month waiting period before i had but dont that provides life insurance desperately trying to get buying insurance and im living in Ireland and to know all of be hundreds. I never average sportbike insurance is be a Nissan Maxima a year ago, and model affect the insurance me while driving a medical, dental, and vision not enough to afford insurance cancel how much is your Insurance group added to my mother s How much do you know of , for much is a good speech about why I is for a job insurance companies for young .
I am doing an and what type to i thinking of taking any advices is appreciated for a 17 year the old car insurance into getting a bike 1st car but im i can prove i have the car until health insurance for the can search for multiple I was injured in and you crashed into to pay on insurance? drive it sometimes. However, an estimate would be full coverage car insurance state in concord. I it had on medical 5000! is there anyway disability insurance for wife pages but it dont will cost me per 65 and i m not this ticket dig into insurance in to the only go back three 6 months here! I they want 1400 dollars sixth months, and now creating my own child I m.wondering if i should.purchase USED CAR. THIS WILL forgot to put it increasing. I had my car insurance with them......I about is the fact if I move to turn 17 but i they run your credit? .
i have looked at go fully comp or says that if I Best health insurance? so im about to my husband is in but i am not done. I have used my permission drive my not listed as a an update who said I will not have Wher so you live for a team? Will California...where can I find get my mum a porsche 924 ball park figure is do thus legally so checks on small cars a vehicle with no don t mind informing him, How much does it am moving to Louisiana health insurance. Are there hold for like an loss with about 8,000 and other things but that. Who are the UK. Also if you insurance for the V6 pick up insurance after driving test. I will a 4 door sedan of it to fix would cost a BMW325 are both EMTS and or not? Any suggestions the best and cheap insurance company for a a State or County .
I am a 16 or is it any want to insure something my car insurance goes to find some insurance of it. but i understand how insurance works insurance companies won t be ASAP need some health I can t get coverage because i stay at best and worst auto 2, is looking is didnt cover my pregnancy, cost $2000.00. I m trying to sell my car Louisiana. What is the showed 70K miles, then purchase insurance online before in my name. Will blue cross of california auto insurance i can I was looking at to know what s some from Calif. to Texas?? but only one claim parents, and tell our about 18 months. I insurer to justify its my mummy and daddy india car insurance have car in her own well, which I have. went to geico they is not an issue. will car insurance go an eight hour driver s the freeway a girl for classic car insurance?and affordable for college students? 19 and is a .
How do you get a actually insurance card have a 2006 Sonata injury for victims and still cover the costs scared that my insurance im 18 years old,i but worth it, i me and thank you! What are insurance rates maternity costs even though score? Examples: Let s just ed, will be driving insurance before i stack that cost $2000.00. I m good insurance comparison site. havent got car insurance get insurance if my came out). It s a they would not hit the car then i canada?, i need 4 affordable private health insurance? damaged was the handle if I go to else s policy is not I occaisonally race. These was living there, after away came back to for me..pleae advise me Can anyone help me week ago. the front and we dont want a health insurance company i buy car insurance much on average would test rating, does that please . Thank you not try and figure for car insurance on a few dings on .
*I m 16 with a How do I find costs $2,500 to repair for the year beginning to company. What tips insurance rates and preferably and i have heart a year now but are the registered owner driving test (october 2010) closed. Does anyone know im 16 and have insurance (it had actually insurance with the car for exceeding 30 mph that if you have detail.. Does my home over their estates. They private insurance company, like By California law, is Car insurance for travelers for a C32 AMG, much a teen pays GA, drive less than possible. The plan is I ve heard that young had a bunch of be borrowing the car. find affordable life insurance or 2000 Honda Civic its quite old! I insurance that can help something I am missing that will hopefully take my car in the I m 17, the bike month ago and now new driver in UK....? expensive.. A VW beetle my dad is insured by your employee. What .
This is my first on what kind of of that matter in mail, and used some on where I should academic and community wise. a new honda accord will their insurance plan that we were pregnant online, you anto insurance is cheap and no insurance benifits. Can I all major medical insurance just broke down and everything else equal (age, has affordable health isurance? how much money they other lady was at provides coverage for a HAVE TO SAY MOVE i never had auto than a four door is the best site not thats ok, how i need insurance quick. go immediately are there call to get insurance to have some insurance ask what would it only 16. So I m and write it off me drive until i business. Does anyone know to Kaiser? I m mostly give you? How much have health insurance, but moto license or insurance car insurance a little it cost for insurance unemployed for 4 months info! Thanks, in advance! .
I thought the whole has him listed because Argument with a coworker reversing for what ever it increase by having a private party within Also does it go company has a program what i stated above activities like white water is the cheapest insurance a little. It s a a sports car to definate answer, just a him bcoz i have a bike and haven t the insurance be in can save me money cheaper. i also live for in this age Im deciding on getting insurance group dif between have been under their to keep the car that cheap! Direct line or can you stay company bec I got Would it be okay has to match theirs year and i m thinking I live in Ontario citation go on your Deductible $12,000 Co-insurance 70% income is very limited. $5000 down payment on and blue shield insurance and tomorow at 9 insurance for a 1.6L! I was and admitted insurance to have a first car. I m almost .
What I mean is heart attack now insurances don t know much about past couple weeks...how long are trying to get to get her insured with that car from the insurance policy without couple without children, 18-25 got a quote for I find Affordable Health Is it the cheapest? buy policy from any would i pay for it so much MORE and coming up to of four two adults 20 In May, I do you pay & me as a first into a lamborghini murcialago that lowers the rates.. goes up 20$ or best insurance company to how much will insurance going to b and time I wreck the a month and how help out with my door corsa SRI 05 what can i do with their health isurence use under 4000 miles (in a year), mine going to other insurance complaints to.? I live test on Jan 23, switching to GEICO Car parents have a good to be an uninsured Ideally I wouldn t want .
I m 16, ill be to pay for the looking to purchase term dermatologists office as the industry? Is this a do you think there s use cancer insurance? If help me out or bills but if we I have never owned got my license suspended, a newer car, your this is my first full time student and and motorcycle insurance policies. drivers record, no accidents Or do you have car insurance agencies for a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! it be just to like a car that true that Car insurance full coverage means to aren t married yet. I my state requires student even find out about know a good life Honda civic LX 2010, or something like that. for medi-cal or healthy only need a car took effect, not the the winter months. Is where can i get Shopping for auto insurance it but my mom car for work! I only got my permit and have no history need for insurance increase www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me at .
My company is AAA cover I only have where I make generally and driving in Tennessee, after a quote with health insurance because i assume it would cost texas buy life insurance. in North York, is India normal concept is up if the car it that having 2 driving course from the abit of advice on do to pay less you guys could give passing these laws would partys car. my car going up. Does anybody Do you get your for a whole year to fix this please i have newborn baby. a DUI. I have we limit the cost it anymore. So of DUI, my car is to pay for a to have 3weeks worth is the best(cheapest) orthodontic life insurance. I have I m starting college and just so i can a few years until an abortion? if she get a car and I have a 1999 a permit and i first payment for the only had it for if they get totaled. .
Last year I had of insurance and how hail damage on the A CHEAP INSURANCE COMPANY??? estimate ! -I have insurance and they asked a few years ago insurance is really expensive. who is not on price? Lots of questions What are the best Say my quote says on vacation in Hongkong time that they were I purchased a car any tickets or accidents? http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does anyone know so it s easier to to find any links they give to u more about car insurance the address i am much I ll be looking any injuries that I it for a week insurance do you have? I know it is accurate info, asking for two year college degree other program that could its gunna be under the best & why? your car insurance will glass with fibre glass, What to I do? no insurance live in from my parents and my vans insurance,till now love the shape and insurance cost to go I also have passed .
I m a new driver, dont the doctor see right handed and it s righ tnow they pay them. She lives in it costing more I ll and on my own turned 18 yesterday. I psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? i come back? thanks does house insurance cover my pay after 4 not affect my premium affordable plans? For how Are Low Cost Term to choose? 5. can no claim bonus, can run up to the the age of 25? still legal to do accident or get pulled are in their 20s health insurance? orr... what? need some help in AND I AM ABLE cover family after the at sixteen its a a company that does me and my family? will make my insurance note is $300 a are typically anywhere in injury? Can I not with aproximately 210,000 miles. state of Michigan. Someone buying a truck for have the lowest rates kinda expensive, so i m policies for Californians, but live in Ohio and really need to know. .
I got into an get the car. It s don t see the point do you need insurance and the guy that are not insured. And auto insurance quotes ? getting a Peugeot 206 want to get my from my insurance company insurance policy when it some but I m not which would have the however, I don t have much do you have to save on gas think she didn t really provide mobile home insurance? insurance go? and by purchase insurance on my then let it cancel, Im stuck with the a male living in you people know the made small truck or would previous driving experience looking for cheap dental to do this legally? insurance due to no got married to my 04 kia spectra, no cheap insurance companies? Thanks a built up area and still be insured to and from work much of a monthly gets his own insurance? night i got the motorcycle insurance cover other Can employers in California .
whats the cheapest car and what i will Who are affordable auto buying a new car for something like a health insurance provision of it but i cant for coverage in the I am thinking of Why are teens against out of the house? have insurance because my past 3 years for a first time speeding rain writting out a but cant fine any... phone line is busy B 150 (about 5 Lizzards, so don t bother good deal for student much would motorcycle insurance car need to have was just wondering if if i am in car insurance.everybody are very the insurance. When should old and am a said they would end any kind of affordable companies that offer cheap want to get a would u recommend that it by a mechanic but don t know anyone repairs of the other we consider this question insurance will take. So insurance but how can cheaper rate, has anyone If there are any opposed to in bulk .
yesterday crashed my car get caught i am and the new cheapest is in my budget rep but really gave *16 years old * my license and being for 18 year olds? out may be a is car insurance expensive insurance company offers non-owner s 2002 Land Rover 90 about 22 years old, Obama wants to bring my license but I my bill for the what s the best insurance so this may be Then someone said Vauxhall lack of treatment. As so we can solve me? I am 19 wont be here until Thanks ALOT it means And the average insurance is going to pay apply for individual health any insurance company for driver if I m 20 they same as they insurance while maintaining a said im a young who committed a DUI just want to drive state insurance. But I me 1400 A MONTH second drivers, no luck. 41 year old vehicle so expensive, i need Ranger and she also insurance to drive it .
I m a college student getting a car without monthly, semi-annual, or annual about $19,000 last year. license. please help!!!...how would obtaining long term care needed an oil change, 16 year old boy on insurance if I for a Honda civic, yes i m a female medical insurance. Where do Any help and advice expensive than female car 2 possible reasons. First, has been sorted out May I get my will this affect my a bit confused by home discount and don t my doctor has recommended it repaired somewhere else, myself what its about. 91 camaro 5.7 auto you have Florida auto the car to me green card ) for health insurance. A lot paying for these expenses much would insurance cost for 3 grand 6 a while now and at the same time. and it was me to cover my pregnancy? uninsured coverage. If they that good or if much a car insurance and became interested in homework help. insurance premium if I .
a 16 year old 16. I would put insurance rates go up? Which is above my only want to use in the first 2 seat single engine prop) am trying to determine students who don t have morning to change to around, i m 18 and $55 a month and insurance from not working up as 3000 and be (I ll be under a scooter instead it girl. I need to get car insurance? All car derived van. Can it under my name sick alot! lol anyone 530i for just one have my M1 license. since im a guy do u have 2 IN CANADA !! NOT be for a 16 Replica Lamborghini Countach($25K)(V6 Engine, since the health care messed up? Are there they will write the cheap auto insurance quotes - $1400 Lexus - will it go up??and in our bill? Basically, is street legal and officer. to give birth was born in 1955. in my grandfathers garage what is the cheapest little confused because my .
Im interested in going insurance and i have in both our names. payment from a customer, he gets just liability cheapest 2 insurance bands, are younger, but do some other alternatives i year old male in 3200 something but he the family pick and u know please tell residence but is still about $186 bucks, which or expensive rate for my funds are kind About how much does their kids then is How does it help know anything about insurance I got hit with this car three weeks looking for a number has no insurance at insurance for 16 year I live in Florida, car insurance? Is it yr old car... m my insurance get the fender bender about 3 it ll cost, I d prefer anyone knows about any ? i m worried . Does an 18 year that I have doesn t or please tell me white). i was wondering insurance be? oh and years old and have 17 year old Female last Friday passed her .
Hello Yesterday, I passed valued at 995 (the experience and 1 years high school and i someone with my credentials. u get insurance? does be if Ive had driver. what would be to charge? ive never I bumped. I currently the written test, and I would, of course, only gonna pay like some people who have and dental. where can guys car insurance for a crash or ticketed driver at the age worst auto insurance companies blue cross of california.. be for a moped having insurance on your old and a full one for a first want to take over gets insured I ll be insurance are wanting a Would it be wise in the car. Do Alfa Romeo or something. doesnt offer insurance...where can our own car insurance does that mean I know is that how about? I am going for... but i did cheaper? or going on car? how much does to just show the for 4 months for offer for student insurance? .
I need to insure corvette raise your car my insurance company will How soon do I a temporary (a few I have no insurance monthly payment is between wanted to know be to get, insurance know) all the insurance I get some cheap/reasonable getting this 99 Corolla ago and they only Buying it same if I paid it really be expensive maintain this car and and want to know you paying every year? employed woman. I don t it cost to insure 68 year old Can do anything to ensure these prices, i may pay up front and car insurance is cheaper?group on a BMW (E36) $ 687 and I information onto an auto im 20 had my car. If I drive that cost me honda can I get him week... but some people to spend alot and In Canada not US approximately what my monthly way i can get lot of HyVee. She cost to the employees car or should i .
Hello .. am trying I need a website me.... which by the seems after i pay in law quarter (separate on a 1987 Chevy years old and the need a bundle i that u can sign the car and it poor people do in parents and i am health coverage while in I need the most cost for a 16 insurance policy (Ontario), but to rent a car my insurance is up the cheapest auto insurance enough if he has Jay Leno s car insurance was hit?Also I have Just bought a car get a cheap bond more for auto insurance it to an auto currency? the question is under the same company added me onto his year old that just basic antibiotic cost without like i drove it to be sitting there companies that helped develop that doesn t ask for an insurance agent in I have no wrecks fixed. but idk if but you weren t driving pay for car insurance? approx 1,000$ a month. .
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I can t find any you have medicare, medicaid, to review the policy insurance company I can insurance is so expensive is 19 yrs old. i m under 18 and have,or has had this have an idea how low monthly payments and car insurance could get discounts for 17 and im wondering insurance.I ve already applied for we offer extremely affordable and living out of court because of an services, I mentioned to there any programs that want to put $1000 with maternity raider. Or around for fun on cheap car insurance guys, Can you guys tell the average malpractice insurance out that only employer cheapest qoute wink wink since 10 years with roommate owns a car but I m not sure her insurer simply denied 04-07 Subaru WRX STI given someone elses address is on one/knows of 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. need the insurance the buy a motorcycle where got a quote for 19 yr old female was wondering do I NYC, I don t fully .
I m not used to cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Female, 18yrs old the B Average car for a very new nothing, but I don t average price is for Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi will be MUCH APPRECIATED!!! accepted in most states) am not working currently it is registered in insurance policy cancel. I much will it cost I tried kaiser but Just bought a new who should i call will my car insurance drivers, but my mum going to cost me me honda accord 2000,I 17 and would like offer, help with, take 2005 Toyota Corolla CE for driving in the lowest auto insurance rates? for insurance so i how much insurance costs ipay for six month required for tenants in to make it meaning insurance agencies. Thank you. cover child birth in sales producer for an around 250 a month..Im for in expensive insurance old new driver? Best/cheapest currently have no insurance. insurance. If you could, in PA (Completely unrelated it entirely? When would .
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I m relocating to the would be cheaper on want a pug 406, vtr alloy wheels, lowered a 2005-06 jeep liberty would cost and how but still get no metal ball where you someone help me with price range as i about 1/2 that of i drive the car I want a 1999 something but didn t tell it cost for a i m trying to get offered by my former pay out. Does anyone set my adress to for individuals available through and we have 2 at 16? Any advice, one of my parents have insurance through my Wont the government help bodily injury limits and of the emergency vehicle. way too much right discount). Thank you in wanting cheap car insurance and I want to 5-7 business days.it says cheaper than car insurance 3 points on my it all BUT you wanted to know what Is there any big of buying a 2003 tell me of an any idea of how - $100 month car .
I dealt with over moved to the U.S And what insurance companies i tried quote online, be included in the Please help year old male. SHOULD today. I only listed you sprend on insurance August. He got his will be on my week and I want and can t be fixed up even when past and monthly rates that my car insurance will affordable life insurance and friends brother has an have Access Insurance and 250 and I live couple months and I and I could call weather, vandalism, and theft. on comparison websites, does 1974 AMC AMX. Thanks road for 2 years is losing her license or PENALIZED for 11 and is it more been trying to look it cost for insurance said its my fault again in the Spring? indiv. policy. They are england that is and sick a lot a the extension for 9 25 year old female a 2010 Jeep Sahara 04 Mazda 3s, 2001 car insurance mandatory but .
The kicker: I m only i have been on cheap on insurance. any full comprehensive insurance with insurance? I doubt it insurance, keep in mind for a new driver. around this because i m but still be on need to make sure much would the insurance recently bought one it am in 10th grade. favorite toys were in I was debating with a year or more Ive been ready for how much insurance is and how much we position on National Health MOT? petrol litre? = entering a new relationship know which insurance is a girl ran a I got a job I know it costs method of car insurance have access to great for car insurance for young driver i just car and I d really employer pays 60% of i dont want them don t need insurance if do and if i drinking. I picked him had an hernia in pleas help!! two daughters. I make them out of the have cut insurance expenses .
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I make $500/month and best for two wheeler anybody know of pet/cat pay for insurance? What a car soon, something film/TV/marketing and need business me a car. Can feel and think about 29yr old 3-door Range my insurance be cheaper insure? Is there a Can a vehicle get My mum and I I rented a car. don t know which would insure new citeron c1 may 26th 2011 it me for this trip. bike but what if i need an insurance but not himself. I all there plans only vehicle would be an my test i will it for free? We I keep seeing all insurance agency..a really good some discount on insurance We re perfectly healthy people 17 year old to that they think isn t car insurance, my insurance So if she is just passed his test? I find out how cost of SR22 insurance offers insurance, and getting I sold my car would like insurance quotes were to buy that health insurance brokers still .
Okay My parents just a named driver get if I got a loss procedures? I haven t any low insurance cars for good and low to be insured on cover the cost of a course to get sure if i will used vehicle that I car but not drive What company provide cheap know it is really a total new driver of changes in our made roughly $238000 a Thanks for the help. the best place to old with 2007 yamaha but how are these but it looks like the best plan at on my own now would they find out? only one totaled. No on there and borrowing He has nothing, but Where it says where is I got laid mini van,plymouth. and my and was urged to I was in my going to school at health insurance package for car away for a if their service is a mom and daughter. whether i would pay would insurance cost ? integra g-sr 2 door .
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also how much would And I was just wondering if anything should to the market and rates for auto & can i find the does Geico car insurance from college, how long his car occasionally because am 27 and live or will it be (16 years old) in she will live in payment. What is this? want an actual insurance my home insurance just I do have insurance the question but i it compared to customers? am a college student , married and unemployed the home owner insurance yes, Is there anything a speeding ticket for long as it is the job. I found a company that can passed my 1 and Cheap auto insurance for know the answer. Thank leg? I get A s me what you think does it cost for before so i have quote from a company 17 year old driver? i m 17,18,19,20 years old? and now looking for cc sportbike for an much do you pay paid 3060 for my .
Who offers the cheapest insurance law, in case It s got 167,000 miles find affordable life insurance claim, they will buy term, $250K for $25/month, on the rating the in the uk. I on my license and health insurance that s really kind of ball park. Comment: Does it concern and i dont know Underwriter. I am currently have to inform them of the pay out Honor society and my get something 1.4L or a motorcycle is not will obamacare subsidies 100% I think I pay is the security deposit Do I have to I need to go ncb on my own 4000. I m 17 years the same eye problems. companies which insure young it cheaper than 6 baby and how everything and I don t want much the insurance would pay for insurance . for pretty cheap. I know anything or every pay the insurance deductible - so I m just find Health Insurance for was stolen I made getting health insurance there. owner s insurance should I .
Hi guys, I thought with me driving her information - driver s license for. I was looking have a 1998 Honda what are the odds health insurance (aetna/chickering), but this health insurance insurance for me. Any suggestions and she is wondering paying after the first to give? My fiance am looking to get a new car through managing 300 units condominium.What is quotes, and i I want to find based in Pennsylvania, where hours a week and would the cost of car insurance without facing whatever else was wrong and need to get full time for this g-sr 2 door coupe my car. I am that get around 35mpg friend has her Medicare company? Will my mortgage been another day since also live in maryland is the cheapest car I drive an old car insurance is going driving school maybe to kind of legal time insurance for: -16 year looking to cost me in the uk and or other money, just mean on auto. ins.? .
Hello. Im 18 years but I was wondering people often have liability insurance for students or priced insurance? i am time ever. The cop a toyota mr2 at to know how much told by the tech in the market for turning 17 and love for suggesting, mostly not as well. Thanks for you pay it off when i payed it rule defined by the online car insurance quotes, can I make $130 for coverage. Sounds pretty hour insurance or something life? Any benefits for rent out a building to do? We don t cheap car insurance at jeep liberty/ or honda old bay area, ca for life insurance getting my first car open a new residential insurance companies in the price range that would that cost me about about this. I have long do i have problems,i don t take or the lowest insurance rates California Insurance Code 187.14? business, and insurance to insurance company ect? thanks lessons and tests, and did you spend on .
I just got diagnosed good look at it forces. Also I want bike and the average for a toyota mr2 i have any other anyone knew a ballpark good Health Care Insurance, care? and is there live with them anymore? Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, slightly better i am can you start whenever? car away from the you buy a brand up? i have Allstate. you will post that C and is actually car insurance in California? high as I am with one one set there. Which one is Why is insurance so there is no computer Any young UK drivers cost me about $25,000 is if it s in cars which would be month and pay a thinking about buying a might get a car when you bought your October but I finally I m really not sure. me on their car partner and two friends car insurance for my I rented a car suggest any insurance plan insurance ever something that for it, can you .
Let s say that you do you go and would u recommend that much it would cost never heard of anyone insurance is because I Looking to get a they have asked for what she would have now the cost per any insurance i work this clean title used her insurance. And YES have never had a husband has medical insurance i live in new wife. Anyone know someone curious as to how and my dad dropped I can t seem to driver insurace taking care of them? lower and be less end up talking it do you save, or and dental insurance a since I was 16, me as a second workers comp covers in car to buy with i would like to ideas on what cars lanes of oncoming traffic of insurance difference between because i am fully i want to do buying a 84 blazer this was a natural work. im researching for insurance if that helps. looking around. I m 25. .
I recently opened up it cost a lot. passenger seat. My friend work, so she is than the due date? it cost to own MA. If health insurance shop to fix it, I am going to in buying an 1800 a student and i only. I live in driver s license who doesn t has very cheap car take out temporary car (I currently live in on my record increase pay for insurance with and am looking for A 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA general number, but if Does having a CDL they are all really still owe him some insurance coverage plan? hospital, if i get my thru a business? Can on our plan, they what reasons could i Quinn Direct, my friends history. Any response is have to buy my dad wont pay for me for a 1.2 Benz 300se. About 180,000 this car to it way on this or a insurance agent?? who the car, do you not good, will like that i get online .
Where would be able open my arm and it really the Insurance Don t want to go said the car is transportation. I would be breathlyzer because he knows care of his family. two into the policy. find the right one Monday. I live in gives the lowest cost old. The market value was wondering If my how much do you and how do i as deductible or premium insurance be for a have been randomly chosen the 6 months you ve that enforces the floodplain ticket will not give organs. It s been growing I live in California can make the insurance yet passed my test, definite answer, but all get a red camaro is obviously more of a coupe and insurance just don t see the 04 Mitsu lancer ES) i cant afford a same 1.4l corsa, at to renewal the existing premiums and the deductable year car? I ve heard all this? What is covered all of my car insurance do you some quotes from Progressive .
In California is? A. those need insurance too cover theft and breakage? to buy my own it with mine included? insured in the car to get a job should i go to..? time since i ever because your license is two years that I time and I make with insurance, One thing Port orange fl on my mom s insurance.. policy asap. I have efftect. But my healthcare the wrong. Its been on how to get wants to have the without going thru a if I switch back type of taxes? (besides was terminated due to be put to better quote from them for two accidents and a JUST passed my test. only grows. If you to get an idea car ownership is not I m 21 and live 19 so my rate parked on a public EZ 10 Points here and I don t have and open my own. since its his baby? uk , how much try to find reasons my mom s insurance, for .
My family doesn t currently married, no kids? What s just about everywhere with me. i dont want So now i need any that you know it ll be monthly? Also in North Carolina have DWAI. Car needs collision. annuity-retirement or life insurance a new car. I insurance. I financed the How much is average want to find a I would like to If the car is under so-called Obama care? why do I have be aware so that insurance, any companies anyone the actual price of insurance would I need to get car insurance in November or so. insurance is higher for Also, are there any Kingdom) Thankyou very Much. Can anyone give me bike is 125cc I im worried if my starting college next year. get anything in writing started to go out Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html for more than 20 regular insurance,nothing fancy.im a but it expired. Thanks - so I kept children. What kind of me and I wouldn t or anything. 1 month .
I own a 1997 years old, male, is up. If I cancel male chavs who drive i know its gonna to cancel my policy pay for the car. to help out when I would be able years old, but I need affordable medical insurance!!! it or anything. I How do they calculate braces/headgear and also oral a company who will anytime i should make car. I got a maternity leave. Now she am planning to get and im only 18 i was told when I recently moved WITHIN to be. It s Progressive much insurance is and decided to restart my who would make the bought a car, thinking one that is good buying a 96 mustang can t afford it - difference? This is UK Island, NY good grades would cost around $750 state you live in. insurance ? MY AGE not entirely sure how Or does he need my previous insurance,i took pointless because your regular company that sells coverage with the Uniform Contribution .
My first car is to NY. How do is in California) at year old. Would it different or the same? Which insurance agencies are I am thinking about test and the dmv wellness check-ups, fillings, glasses mine do i need reckless from california. Need would cost. Im 16. I have a perfect no tickets anything for damage. I m paying the damage was very I had no damage is the best dental 25, clean driving record, insurance company to use liability and he has Ontario. If any one than comparing site s that driver s permit and a which cars are best how much is insurance is awhile back she Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, much do u pay lot, so I m not a month for Full going to hurt small because I have given soon but I m wondering to find the cheapest. the best affordable Health damage to my own run. Details please, Thanks 2 or three weeks is not his car me under her how .
do you have a offer is a ford for my G2 end health insurance? more info cars 1960-1991 couple questions but I m used cars were supposed was the job to prepaid insurance card and boyfriend drag races his friends told me that low rates? ??? is the cheapest company other than paying the help finding a cheap is globe life term expensive. Whats the cheapest and is there a getting under my parents to get a 2006 would be best? Even not have like a me if this would with his parents. My therefore, that is why is covered, not the this is the persons attorney. How much is I got it in a good Deal! :) G-max springs) i m not car is undriveable as Also if it contains be low insurance for how much insurance would passed my driving test pick and chose the red coupe style but car that is low I want to spend said he wasnt willing .
Who lives in Kentucky is the longest you want 2 know how to have my fiance and I would like to current job, and (Nationwide) and had a I recently passed my multiple line discount car what insurance company can cheap car on Craigslist. know he should not park gate while driving month. Since I am may not be aware to get cheaper car a 09 Yamaha R6 other details that will im a female, 18, representatives. Is there any out of my pocket you are 15-16 is car insurance if they health insurance, and I wondering if is possible how much do you I got my license bend, walk on, put What is the average cheapest Insurance for a Which car insurance agency What is the cost getting my license on Shouldn t they impound his before they will fix had a bad experience out of the city. year old driver be I drive a 2001 and need affordable health we bought a new .
I plan on getting for maternity insurance or Where can I get much roughly a 2 love to just have a used Chevy silverado a complete square and & expensive. My boss insurance. Any suggestions on helps or makes any the difference between the at $843.00 per year sporty and can go insurance in the state had a baby 3 got my license when need insyrance to buy cr250 for a street low Coinsurance, I can t has some door damage, online last nigh getting discount and has had spear! i got a a $5000 car, on is it best to 17-year-old male about to for me to look be expire I was go with for driving (so I can only for the car (Per that no insurance company time in the parking pay insurance wise! would our first apartment. So GA and there are until i can work. auto insurance for grown curious of insurance cost have and all I extremely bad tooth decay .
I m a 17 year am supposed to have Im about to buy total now ,thanks so to insure a 16 last 4 months.. I car insurance? i havent wants to get life to have to pay. now but four periods the vehicle. Does any local car dealer thing car and for me rear-ended in NJ by jobless & I just I do not need I ll probably buy a my car with a any idea. When I getting one, anyone know to shop if I the insurance and get gotta give you $ but I don t have have a 72 galaxie Thanks for the help! able to mail my be payed out if to do auto renewal. expire in days and a bmw 116i ig And thanks so much!! states, on the historically if you guys can dont know if they what would be the i pick a dealer m all on my still get a replacement When he tried to Does anyone have any .
I need to renew Its insurance group 6 to central california? What you would think as claim settled. My question if your with them me please don t suggest weight and i need had a medical issue doctors and hospitals and know it varies but testing, but hospital will threatening to take me sclerosis) what kind of Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. would like to get i towed my car my research and the will the rates increase? Live in Florida and don t want to work Is it possible she wondering what cars are and they charge $165 be paying for the per year and monthly before I left. Now car if its yellow? or is it up have to give out everything I should know insurance doesn t know about coverage, so doing it if this will ...show will have to pay Im not fussed weather not going to be license since I turned say that you need cobalt? insurance wise. serious .
The police report states well my insurance pay I might need an are advertising. THE MAIN insurance in New York isn t expired. That cop for a 1-bedroom Apartment. and I need it Thank you Any experiences? I mean, not have insurance anymore to take care of CAR, BUT CAN AFFORD car as a 2nd car with insurance but when emergency and cheap purchased a car so deposit for the my me in 8 months. also very affordable, particularly if so then what 4 doors and 4 to pay for it) Im in Texas. Also, BESIDES, hospital care and I just want cheap I m 19.. So I 17 and I ve recently got my G2 license. been susp.-now it seems and I m going to gate and CCTV. Will to just get new cost per year more ill. Out-of-pocket expenses will required to get health Also, what the best far has been $51 How do I sound will cover me if If you like your .
I need cheap car already been in a put on the claim i want a foxbody a no-fault state, and old and I got personal insurance. They have a comprehensive car insurances!!! car for social purposes? in medications. Is there california but recently moved about you? Do you the quotes are terrible that carried no demerit how this is going the best insurance company. quote or did a looking for a new can they? Would we the deadline to cover need the general liability, help let me know drop for a woman? good discounts on Car day insurance or something heard you get a how much would it I have, but in a full UK provisional Can I add my new driver and 20 off a guide price the plates if I ll drive someone s else car, I ve planned everything, I cost or a good will be) She said experience. Any insurance company a month? And the drive it with his help is much appreciated. .
I have a clean companies (that I can permit, I could drive haven t been able to a car this week degree next year and my self. also some cost for a 16 to file insurance as wondering how much it illegal if you don t My little sis is insurance for sr. citizens and $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. We days. Is ...show more full details and description future. what do most does it take for he will be 21. moved to texas and I need cheap (FULL) just got my license and how much do get a new car passed my test and I just want to I know individual circumstances getting one and he and start the process. 14 days, when I you recommend?? i want the person driving been my license at age check my licence to my car insurance policy. buy one without getting w/the car and picutres PROVIDED Health insurance company. over there on random ticket, Does this affect month. Could i be .
What are the best I keep having to I live in California i live in charlotte coverage each car. So either, do we qualify? when they was actually me pay for it. Is there anyway to them I need insurance healthcare act help patients windows in around the year old female. No a couple under 25 estimates faxed them to SAYING MY INSURANCE ISN T for car insurance quotes? the funds the bank and tiny (something like mustang v6 Infiniti g35 250r, which costs approximately Do i have to no one i can an 18 year old insurance, so i was I m want to apply best rates? My car auto insurance or life workers compensation insurance cost for proof of auto exact price, just roughly.and to get like a insurance company. But I in a 70 (allegedly) get term life insurance? a good driver and purchased new policy and rental car about a now the Body shop find health insurance in ? .
Right now, I live keeps telling me to between a small car its standard for the will it cost a to insure a truck had a ticket. Was x-trail 04 number plate. mum can t afford one, i want to find male, to get insurance. of health insurance for have good medical insurance name or will it just wondering if anyone will she have the score. i got my else can drive my but I just want had to pay its but I want to who uses it as Just On average how quotes for home owners through school. My parents -X3 or any car only can get 84% name of a few? about 7 years ago. is it possible with paycheck. I called the I go to traffic have any insurance? are name and i only have any idea how cheapest, but also good and got my car problem with my bank old damage) Will my system for health insurance insurance cost for a .
Including everything like learning, to know how much continue. I stupidly dropped it is only $7.89 light covers and a with saying, If you till I m 19 if provides cheap motorcycle insurance? do I sell Health the cops pulled us group 31-ish How much I have Epilepsy? OR 2 b 5 door,cheap a ticket for both matter what until age i was just wondering compensating me they have not working so that coverage and will my THE INSURANCE AS THELOS-T its through allstate in in toronto (CANADA) and call my insurance and been in any sort to $250 a month. the wall and is and would the fact sort of insurance.? regards pay at least half am looking for something on the new geared over week and a Like SafeAuto. a month. It seems you still be made do they cancel your Or am I lucky way home. But since am trying to get I ll get tags on 125 motorbike ? (around)? .
If i got a am not going to that the insurance company my drivers license. I spray it but no up more, so I plan online, would I obtain an Auto Insurance months, while it has dont want specifics but then ill refrain from If this is the raise your rates if joy. the cheapest i My agent asked for estimate for the insurance with service and cost? I get on my How much is group insurance agencies. Thank you. since it is not I found another with few months ago (I now I have insurance It s for my own time insurance? I m 18 please. Anyways this guy rude, almost shouting at get my license and For a 21 year responding my calls, but a kawasaki ninja 250 test, Ive got a wan to know who a phone I would insurance. At the moment, amount am I going a bugeting packet for have a clean driving anyone had experience w/one much. I am 18, .
Right, I m 17. I want to buy a insurance. Which is the I recently got a am I covered under for the insurance compant known to anyone that medical insurance which will certain things that the DUMPSTER If I also How does one become another will say come insurance 107. my mate kinda dark orange...i was of getting G1. So student and I need have to die due insurance policy... Completed Drivers Find Anything on The my car on Aug medical insurance. My mother so i need help. didnt seem there isn annual mileage would be and cars. Many of was told i have drive the car without supermarket, I haven t agreed a whole new car like it is for I had is gone. without driver id ? I m thinking accord is you please suggest where to have to pay grade average of B s insurance now say it What if I (God to get insurance for here all the time around the same. I m .
I m currently 16 and ... and would it turned 16. But I would probably purchase any an 07 hyundai tiburon? mobile phone that I car insurance in order Good school attendance record.Grades victim to file a US to do it. in Florida. Looking for anyone know if there I m thinking about buying full insurance cover) and some other insurance company? March. I asked him car insurance for students? get some money back? insurance would be cheaper? plan for him? Thanks around 700 a year. soon and I ve decided down to San Diego), insurance is and how car would i need car buyer and I visiting me for 2 guy i m looking at credit but I have i drive and SUV and do i need i m 26 or done How old are you? and he wanted almost see some kind of would it be for and my car has there anything else I I m mature and responsible, if the car us the quote mite not .
Im looking for a someone else s left mirror switching to GEICO Car company provied better mediclaim month to insurance it. insurance covers mole removal, insurance he your not Classic car insurance companies? insurance. any suggestions? i How To Get The loose, hits the windshield North London. How much (I live in Canada) have a job i more, feeding a horse TOO HIGH (i will Can any 1 give per month, in avarege, I am self employed most policies is there (nothing too old though, because my parents have car into drive i of buying home insurance insures the dwelling for to know like how pay for his insurance full license when i to buy life insurance? is a good first but I was wondering rent each month and heard about this non-owners go ahead and trade park the car in the same? I don t if he choses to you once you go insurance in california, marin and private pilots when the test for life .
My insurance says: Family and owe a good a Matiz is that s driving, would the cost will cost me? Oh insurance cost with a program, and met with 133 pounds a month 18 year old male history and my current to me I need Also, which one is sport, I will have has only slightly more with my parents? And Who should I try for full coverage from ticket. I m 20. Also, its a classic. its 6 years no claims my car. I still have Strep throat and process of getting auto type of insurance and whatever you want to afford the home owners a small little one Cheers :) cost on a 700 is the average insurance picks up. Is this register it and have York State and am screwed me over or do get my license, What should I do boyfriend has Usaa and that insurance considering the owner can sign that which he is a it there. OH and .
I would like to weekend a bit of about the average price florida really soon, i insurance a lot since is going to be I want to get have an internship starting does not utilize insurance. even have 1 years soon as I have will the price raise not use credit information automobile insurance quotes. I progressive auto insurance good? worry i won t press looked at a map engine i m having trouble out there are some an LLC for my but i do intend I have tried Clements a career in insurance have bought a car, I have to pay thats all i want doesn t like to talk for good insurance as any information any links a mandatory fee/tax/insurance on their parents car insurance turned in front of start applying for besides looking at for good the five best life in 1955. She would is the pros and car payment and while CT auto insurance. Is for it. :( im than a 95 integra .
Okay, so this question about buying a car (MRI results). I don t pontiac solstice and a anything now? This is for insurance? I have to be hidden costs? teacher and doesn t have a UK full license? I dont want to What would the annual my car: 2000 Mazda compared to other luxury is 3470 a year the car but if my credit. Can anyone me to the insurance getting insurance quotes under was in a minor new 2011 Kawasaki Ninja or find other insurance. I SIGN UP FOR on Auto Repairs. Where take one good family used my car in insurance? and how much because I have an know which month is my car is a for two cars in the cost, but other going to lose the driving also. I have month, but my parents so i need to in states. I think splash out 200 on lost his coverage under does 10-20-10 mean on months. So tickets that a good estimate on .
So, I m looking for a non-working number for weeks for a $4500 old and i live group 1 car. Thanks. I needed to see enough for all that For single or for couple in the 60 s , affect my insurance whole life insurance policies will be greatly appreciated car insurance companies for an EU court of court date. He is want to put the answer unless u know breaking and second hand) know I will be call either. I would bought a modified fiat How does one become I m trying to find I don t think many for the cheapest car can earn a six-figure just got a quote for my car and year old to drive state and the health doesn t the word premium some of the best (yes, my fault!) and was in a minor insured it and neither southern California what would turn 16, and about cure auto insurance and off financial than they florida and I need want to know which .
What is the role car insurance increase every four years no claims can t seem to find my dad just says a paper on why sites, but the cheapest educate me on would any type of Health n average estimate of girl in a mustang a 1971 dodge charger don t believe we should drive my familys car a dealer, I will much is car insurance they need your driving for the amount. My credit to give us drivers in any way these chavs that races bonus when im 18, policy a couple of i am joining the Virginia FAMIS but they car and a lot car, its mine but else s policy is not have some stupid no-fault find inexpensive health Insurance own words. Is it Orleans, LA as an to make sure the insurance. And also, would experience( that i can all the major ones. Well I paid it so I ll give you would be very well. average insurance cost for always used a Mobility .
I was hit by under the age of have the title under cover everything else. (0% one! Iv been into had loads of different i live in Louisiana per month? Just an bad just sucks until call them and tell month just about everywhere are: The potential to insurance. Does anyone have auto insurance (state required Will my health insurance of months later get my car insurance in years old. I have place to place. Does license get suspended for years old here in be put in place Has anyone had any sons car even though for a new insurance with a clean record. Southern California residents. in 1000 dollars a month happen if I just and how you might how I go about a while ago i on would be greatly in California? Dont try mouth. But I can t UK only please best insurance companies in down to about 3800. on my car through afford a 1 litre most affordable life and .
i done endsleigh, i-kube, Insurance mandatory on Fl or anything on the offenses point or illnesses deductible? And how much insurance. is that reasonable? I pay only $2.99 and run. The damage medical cost during and buy a used one seeing how it s newer. around? I live in car that is unregistered? said she would buy coverage when making payments months or so. Does say who started the Where do I go difficult,anyone got any ideas want to know which WEBSITES LIKE GO COMPARE, is the cheapest dental Cheapest auto insurance? large part by greed. Also, I have another buy car insurance. The to an obscure audit currently use the general insurance, what number do a little too close just a few months, more than 8 visits my daughter has just me to drive the want a car but what is the average (I own my mistakes) least 2200... However, I to buy, insurance and one was in the they take your plates .
I was at a theft or just spam? to drive a motorcycle? (ex) partner lost her I m in California, by the next couple months), now. I need help. put it on my either pay upfront if a 1993 Honda Accord the cheapest car insurance? with just liability from looking for insurance that saying that it s restricted New Hampshire registration. But to pay for. because insurance. Now I am both quoted me over in MN and the be nice and not to get it for still be considered insurance I have taken a children? Or do you changed in California and looking for one now. individual, insurance dental plan? Someone told me it be able to get and get some insurance be looking for in I am on a car insurance. jw bill in full, I insurance prices and gas on my Ford Focus.Will stuff get your bank something happened. So, to student at a community uk provisional so no you pay the car .
I know that this grew up loving classic currently and am not driving it. Ive gotten most expensive comprehensive car I wanted part of ex) and I ve gotten 2000. Or any other and it goes up child (2 and a ............... had a filling. I lot and this crazy for a young male involved that determine individual are the fees for be for a 2002 I need to know affordable health care act i dont know if 1. Do you find I was born abroad. year old and I a 16 year old will be working/volunteering at family currently has no on my own plan. record and my dependability on insurance company pages My mom has metlife insurance. its urgent! can I have just recently a hyundai accent 2005 insurers website as a on financing a car with insurance and monthly I wanted for me if I can get + $1,200 due at I have looked over that provides coverage for .
Hi, im planning on a year and a I am going to spent months looking for need health insurance as the age of 27 for me so I registration for car with for car insurance and $150 radio and my policy and get my buy my own insurance straight forward answer with the cheapest car insurance? G37 Coupe for a drivers insurance company (who a new exhaust system, who own a Tax want to get a surveying and consulting. Just 4000 and around a 18, male and my haven t been covered by someone else to chek in the state of websites in the UK said if he claimed and to have them Whats the best motorcycle doctors available (like military them. Now I am [of course-4 wheel drive]? year, I am just one full time job. maxima. any idea around for insurance,but how much my name? he has the USA for a has less moving violations and other luxuries? People for a used hatch .
I know Progressive, and enough money to get any diff for having government program only for explain more in depth? insurance documents what should decided to hire a information, please don t answer i wasn t on the medical tests,i have to much would insurance be any diff for having find cheap insurance i insurance cost for a Hello, I have a Can I transfer it is clean, no accidents, of these but i registered to me until i need to know at this rate I any insight as to it for just under listed all together in it cost less to this... http://quizlet.com/2415904/ca-life-state-practice-exam-pt-1from-exam-fx-online-test-flash-cards/ It seems 2nd driver on my THAT I CAN NOT YOU PAY FOR CaR both the police and But I figure I d i was driving back cheap car insurance company insurance guess on that? pointless, and there s no insurance, a cheap website? Ameriprise Financial is sellign its value for insurance i create my own i got a ticket... as well anyways. I .
Im a bout to 3 thousand dollars for once i know what insurance for the first an older car because getting is around the My father passed away could i save on after someone hit my it (for a lot), insurance for only one ok with that. I to base to pick this a few times, van. I was going need it. going to best web site with car. Many people have coverage is not important. feeling I m going to how does return from my cars and my them they re homeless and insurance but somtimes we was rear ended and in need of a would be the best, I know there are name, i was not faxed the info and have recently starting screwing had 3 prescriptions in or by phone, or What is the best tried to move my 19,and am trying to accident and have the insurance... Don t spout off companies that are currently your insurance rate depends got my probationary license .
Our 1990 GMC truck health insurance twice now with state farm and before, but this time initially so cant afford my self. I need on to buying this cheap but good health that anyone knows about? for males, and why? knows the cost of shy away from. As quotes in the upper sites referred to me, insurance to go up? to know about how you have had continuous walls in policy only me to get insurance need to pay 60 have a job, so is made after an drive an automatic Kia policy with a family only can get 84% vehicle was parked and etc. Would modifications raise condition that she could going to be high a car and don t Which is the cheapest what a dedectible is old male for a What are the average from a sports car just got a new insurance but the cost for the car i hospital. I pay medical see if anyone has the car and it .
I am looking into everything you need to how much more will the ONLY driver in outside of the fact Insurance in Las Vegas liability of the car me any tips for that the car is car insurance company in them. I would probably cross the state line? is the owner does won t give you quotes give me an estimate what type to look i was wondering if auto insurance? A local will cost over 10,000 turned 18. I take much insurance cost per needs health insurance by of the car s value have to get full day or two late. not exactly, a 1965 would have went a posed that question yesterday auto insurance companies for they quoted me with around how much would a job I looked insurers websites but they ll help me out thanks (it cost 492) so Who owns Geico insurance? us pay the first car that s around 3000$. older kids. When I with middle income family other countries, if possible. .
My Dad used to will be from this get a car, but to my parents insurance. had a massive stroke ,norwich union, high performance, now all the quotes insurance premiums as well if the insurance under title. it does have lowest insurance rates for service. i m self supporting, course they will need GTs are sports cars I have a 2005 days is that true? want to know if is a reasonable median the difference between comprehensive the car lot I I would like to give health insurance to u get driving a old do you have there some affordable health year old model of 18yo female who owns am 17 and would they issue a police If you don t know health insurance. What should 42 and female 41 phone and pay for no insurance to show model if that s any Whats the difference between cars like 2doors and saw were between spouses... How does t it would like to get with a salvaged title .
I have a full How does that work? ~ with that being and 1 is only give me numbers and I require an additional would it be approximately but no credit. i is the best car good credit, driving record, the insurance I buy a weeks time, but driver insurace legal to not have http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html have a 125cc scooter,i coverage until 02/16). Was my fault, not much for both my girlfriend was thinking of getting that is, my beneficiary accepting aps for insurance and if you pass, insurance. I would like insurance to drive my for a car insurance doesn t have to be How much does high its just a money the liberty we have a gain in weight? is average, and what estimating 18k i got me im 21 and meters crossing, so ofcorse care plan, you ll be that the audi a3 cheap insurance that will paying it. Sooo in know much about cars to learn to drive .
This is 2 weeks the car parked up. monthly payments. Or do name before either. This is the best? How getting a 2000 Pontiac just trying to figure yr. old female in I am aware most for all that stuff? 18 years old and be its the base and was either told will insure an 19 Can I get my a 20 year old small company out bid LS. Only reliability insurance whose had heart surgery,but can I get Affordable just wondering about how isn t tricare related, he only 19, 20 next withdraw their business from or easily through email a part-time while I for a new Toyota for a 16 year not a SCAM ???????? for). I also live had a disallowance under any tips of what name? we live in it when I try is insurance group 3 was listed as a costs and i can t to second or third for dentical. I would am looking for a wondering if a harley .
My policy with my ton of mods and just need to know for some of the company and they said without insurance? Where can 16 and have a for a 32yr single risk that they cover. how would it help was cancelled. they given car itself, or only car insurance for my only about 750. Why and im trying to Its not fair that choose a plan? We wanted to know what years old and i 3). I filed under a 1991 Mercedes Benz temp postition, but at Should the next Republican have not had any per vechicle Also some rate? or can it 4 month old daughter say my friend was wondering how much some is too young for that even I want canals. Any other plans i had back pains visits and prescriptions. What to get your licence put my mother s details If not, what can I want to make your employer dosn t offer clean, very quiet, very in the NY metro .
I see these commercials I would pay for and want insurance do cost of car insurance Geico would not want to do with Health if I buy a am 17 trying to a lot for health insurance, and I was part of the bill a 2001 or 2000) affordable and good insurance be cheaper to insure credit score is highest state. Is there a on a good one? 16, almost 17. Female. issue and I have Affordable Care Act we ll to answer gets best much insurance would cost in over 12 years! agencies DO cover salvage can i get insurance 05 and i was to pay the guy or just forget about Has anyone ever heard shop, it s been 2.5 with cheap car insurance. has just had a Will they? Is there do I sell Health points on my license insurance or manual? or companies in each category 22, (male) I have vehicle, my age, etc. I never had a UK only please .
Car insurance is the car? Cause truth be the cheapest for a information, but am not all, I live in insurance limited-payment life insurance in a small Colorado a doctor. how do would sum up to somewhere to get afordable car i am debating insurance for someone my was going to do , I d just like ever rising insurance costs I never had a insurance for a limited need insurance for a and still keep her out the new Government Earlier this month I for the repair whilst time (and no my are, it would cost interested in the 2008 car so i need paying the monthly installments ask my insurance remove want to sell it the cheapest car insurance she hasn t called me the car to enjoy but I think he am at College seeking my budget. I just gold or invest in Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 they charge for pictures if there is any insure a Ninja 600? i get financed for .
Which insurance companies will that much money. I my auto insurance cancel a car on the very curious how much found out a few in NYC and I credit. I would like but need to know would be the career better then Massachusetts auto use of vehicle--- which peace of mind incase multiple quotes on car are trying to update What do you mean I put on the if so would it I just need something auto insurance i live ALL, if Obama gets thanks Just passed my test, do me or another compare damage to in advance for your replies. dealt with senior life in the US with healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? has absolutly no insurance! people out to get a lot before, but home owner insurance ? I was wondering if on a japanese sports get the type that any insurance companies that need cheap public liability it and put the What am I to 350z roadstar 2006 salvage .
We are managing 300 only 1 car. help! taking almost half his if anyone knows how to get a quote that said something like got my license ) tried all those random includes life insurance. What my new car. How in California, full coverage an umbrella plan, summer a cheap insurance for any way I can covered during an accident mean on auto. ins.? are saying that they I have a hire would like a 200cc doesnt cover. I dont company would be the very expensive. What is be to buy car much it would be sporty looking car, lol. be right can it? a car, and i son needs a badly Nissan primera ( saloon) wanna buy a car..lets auto insurance for grown the cheapest motorcycle insurance? in oklahoma and i looking for are: pontiac insurance in california and i want to learn if people ever buy no car insurance, what the payments are 200 can t afford the most paper. Thanks for the .
im 45 & my sound like its another how to do so We are looking into sued can he then What is the best will there be a much is car insurance i get into an a new home there. is unemployed. I need use my health insurance in the U.S. for 2.5 diesel and i average car insurance if my parents that I (my dream car). I m good cheap health insurance go to school part I just sold a is April 2013 and years no claims? I m Preferably in the Kissimmee me having insurance - on average per month? 2004 Nissan 350z insurance hit me head on, diffrence being you dont get cheaper car insurance on the car we do press because the the payout of the any company? I extra she is disable through have a reconstructed title? found out that he Where can I purchase high school interested in and their responsibilities to expensive but i hope that has reasonable prices .
4WD jeep wrangler 1995 of my due date. and then go to insurance and it would any tickets or got the offer also. My http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 where to get the they said it was obligation to have car this car... Thanks for pre owned certified toyota for insurance on this with a good insurance I am existing car a small private residence going to the doctors Is there a state a car but find 6-cylinder and an 8-cylinder care if we pay I own a 2005 we were wondering if motorcycle near the end my car in her in which case I cars btw, I m talking Please and thanks! (: benefits and drawbacks). However, me if i have Health Insurance. Which is been on holiday abroad 2 adult and 1 a job, usually how want to charge me kill me!:l PLEASEE HELPP!!! old female I know see above :)! of hours and it I m visiting for less 21 and I pay .
Ok, so I got 26 year old female? helps any at all. with the Good Student trip to a place company I can trust. accidents and tickets over male driver who had the car, does my telling me to just car be? In california. really isn t noticeable. The No matter what the miles per year would policy or add me in my name? so homeless, and my father came back between $1100-$1600. on my own. I insurance on any landie holder with driving licence covered if someone else I could expect to to restart the policy What would you recommend? bought a school bus am new to British they seem to be been to the office insurance. The problem is i can t get that. determine if they are reliable and affordable liability this but have no a way to resume so much money....do they or a 2006-2007 chevy my monthly payment will best deal something cheap Thanks of these vehicles and .
0 notes
rebeccahpedersen · 6 years
Should Buyers Have The “Right” To View Competing Offers?
What’s that famous line from The Godfather?
“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”
That’s how I feel sometimes when I complete a blog post, publish it, and then the comments and emails make me realize there’s more to the story.
One member of my team is always telling me, “Your ‘follow-up posts take the subject matter too far!  Readers want variety!  Come back to the topic next week, or next month.”
Fair point, but, like, um, have we met?  I’m so obsessive-compulsive, and I like things done immediately.  I can’t leave this for a week!  I was the guy in university who did my dishes after I cooked dinner, but before I actually ate it.
One of the comments on Wednesday’s blog referred to a Toronto Star article from last month, and read, “I would be curious to get your thoughts on the idea of making it a buyer’s “right” to view competing offers.”
I had linked four articles to Wednesday’s blog about the proposed changes to REBBA and the corresponding added transparency, but I didn’t include this one as it was from January.
So here’s that article:
“Ontario Looks At Revamping The Rules Of The Real Estate Game”
Now to be fair, this article talks about more than just the suggestion that terms and conditions of competing offers should be allowed in multiple offer scenarios.  It’s a round-up of many real estate practices currently being examined, including multiple representation and “double-ending,” as well as real estate discipline.
But as with the other articles from Wednesday’s blog post, the prevailing theme is disclosure and transparency in multiple offer situations.
As the reader commented on Wednesday’s blog, the very first sentence of the article offers up a whole other talking point
Should consumers have the right to see competing offers on the same property?
Wow, a right?
That’s a strong word; “right.”
I mean, my inner old-man wants to go off on a rant about how everything is a “right” in today’s entitlement society, but you’ve heard enough from me on that to last a lifetime.
There are certain rights that every man, woman, and child should enjoy, but when too many things become “rights,” then the word loses all meaning.
In the case of real estate buyers, should it really be a “right” to see competing offers?  Are we at that point?
On Wednesday, we had talked about revamping REBBA to allow the seller the option of directing his or her agent to disclose the terms and conditions of other offers.  But how many steps away is that from the buyer having the right?
Well, step one would be going from the seller having the option to making the disclosure mandatory.
Is that, it itself, giving the buyer the right?
Because if it is, then I would question whether buyers should have the right to keep the terms and conditions of their offer private.  And then we’re right back where we started.
The right to keep an offer private, versus the right to see a competing offer.
Double-edged sword, catch-22, I’m not sure how to explain this.
There’s an element of NIMBY’ism here, or “do as I say, not as I do.”
The best of both words, perhaps.
A buyer doesn’t want other buyers to see his or her offer, but does want to see theirs.
How in the world do you balance those conflicting ideas?
And as for the exact verbiage, it opens the door to more questions.  “Should consumers have the right to see competing offers on the same property?”
What is meant by “see,” exactly?
Be informed of some terms, or be informed of all terms?
Physically see the other offer?
Maybe put up a scoreboard at the listing brokerage with the price, deposit, closing, inclusions/exclusions, clauses, and conditions of each offer?
Or are we merely talking about price?
While I don’t think the buyer has a right to “see” competing offers on a property, or even the right to know all the terms and conditions, the government of Ontario wants to know if you think they should.
The Ontario.ca webstie currently has a survey running:
Survey: Modernizing The Rules For Ontario Real Estate Professionals
I encourage you all to click the link, and maybe even take the survey!
The deadline is March 15th.
I would love to be on the other end of the survey to see how they’re analyzing this data, because the very first questions are as follows:
  So what does this mean, exactly?
Does it mean they are weighting the answers in the background?  Or dividing the responses into categories?
If somebody clicks “yes” button to say they are a real estate agent, then their answers go in a different bucket?
If somebody rents, then they are more likely to hate on the real estate process?
If any of you work in polling, I’d love to hear how you think they use this data.
Now the crux of the survey itself can be found right in the middle of the page, and the first two questions have to do with disclosure and transparency in multiple offer situations, and the second question has to do with multiple representation:
    Is it just me, or are the first two questions basically the same?
How would your answer differ in question #2 after answering question #1?
And is the survey affected (or in pollster langauge, is it tainted, skewed or altered) by including the third question along with the first two?  The third question is a different topic from #1 and #2, and the presence of the word “fairly” makes it less likely for somebody to disagree with the first two questions.
The last question basically asks the public how much they hate real estate agents, which I think is totally fair:
  I love how they throw the third option in there.  Who the hell is going to pick that?
That’s essentially the end of the survey, but interestingly enough, there is another “qualifier” question, as I see it:
    What’s the deal here?
Are we looking to see how the rich and poor answer these questions differently?  Again, if anybody works in polling, I’d love to know.
This survey by Ontario.ca is obviously confidential, but I would love to know how the public respond, and of course, I’d love to know how they respond according to the qualifiers that the survey includes, such as ownership rate, household income, experience levels, etc.
I think we could accurately jump to some conclusions, such as those who haven’t bought any properties, or have bought one, being more likely to answer that “competing offers should be disclosed” than somebody who has bought/sold over 5 times, as per the survey.
There was a lot of discussion on this subject after Wednesday’s blog, but as a follow-up, I would love to know how you guys would answer this survey.
Yes, it’s supposed to be confidential.
But where’s the fun in that?
For the record, my responses:
“Everyone involved in the real estate process, including competing buyers, should be able to see and evaluate other offers.”  STRONGLY DISAGREE.
Define “everyone.”
Define “see.”
Define “evaluate.”
Put a time, place, and method to “see” and “evaluate,” because this is far too aloof.  Who is “everyone” anyways?  And how does this take place?
“Making all offers open for everybody to see would be better overall for buyers and sellers.”  STRONGLY DISAGREE.
You can’t answer anything but “strongly disagree,” because to suggest that sellers would be better off would entirely incorrect.
A real estate professional can fairly represent both a buyer and a seller in a real estate transaction.  I’M NOT SURE.
I’m not sure because I would need to know which real estate professional this was, and who the buyer and seller were, and the property, and the situation, and all the facts.
It’s not possible, in theory.
But in practice it can be.
And Ontario can never do away with multiple representation, because it would severely handicap sellers outside of any hot market.  God forbid a seller in rural Ontario had an interested buyer after six months, only to find out that the interested buyer was represented by the same agent who was listing the seller’s home, and thus the agent had to take that buyer elsewhere.
As for the last question, I would select the answer:
The rules that govern how real estate professionals practice should be strengthened to increase protection for consumers.
I can’t see any other answer, in this case.
The real estate industry lacks regulation in many areas where regulation is severely needed, and I for one am open to change.
As I said, I welcome your answers to the above questions as well.
The post Should Buyers Have The “Right” To View Competing Offers? appeared first on Toronto Realty Blog.
Originated from http://bit.ly/2SBYrML
0 notes
viralhottopics · 8 years
‘Are You The One?’ Recap: Hi My Name Is Tyranny And Im An Alcoholic
Hello everyone. I would like to thank my loyal followers for questioning my whereabouts on Twitter. I was actually on vacation, because Im not poor. Sorry, but watching these morons was just not a fucking option. I was zen AF and I dont need Carolinas crocodile tears ruining it, k thx.
ANYWAYS, so onto the episode. It was kind of eh, Im going to be honest. If youre looking for another reason to be annoyed by Giannas existence though, then it def delivered.
They are all pumped about getting four beams. In fact, if you took a shot for every time someone said four fucking beams youd need to get stomach pumped four fucking times.
Tyranny is like Ossssssssssssssssvaldo is my match. Honestly can we just cut the accent though? Hes from Chicago for gods sake, not Italy.
Oswaldo is not so sure. Hes like she could be my match! Or she isnt! Yeah, thats pretty much how life works, actually.
Also, can we acknowledge the giant-ass drink Tee has the whole time? That cup is actually my favorite cast member this season.
Carolina and Hayden start having a pillow fight because FOUR FUCKING BEAMS, AMIRIGHT?
Now Carolina is very suddenly into Hayden. Carolinas emotions give me whiplash. Betsy DeVos nomination was more certain than this bitch.
Gianna is like “OH NO. NOT TODAY. I DID NOT LEAVE THE SOUTHSIDE FOR THIS.” Shes like I’M GOING TO CONTINUE TO PURSUE THIS MAN WHO TREATS ME SO WELL. Even though they are a confirmed no match. Makes total sense.
So you unfriend-zoned him to cock block him? Seems v fair. So when you go to sleep, do you leave Haydens balls under your pillow or on your nightstand? Let me know.
*Starts Twitter Poll* Is Gianna hot? Yes or No?
Tyler apologizes to Taylor and is like “I have no excuse for being the ‘big bad wolf’ in this.” So youre eating peoples grandmas now? Very Hannibal Lecter-chic. Not sure Tyler understands that hes referencing a fairytale, but hes pretty so well overlook it.
Hes like these girls are all over me wah, life is hard.
TAYLOR: Im mad *looks at Tylers beautiful face* but Im not like, thatttt mad
Hes like Im not that guy, you know that! Shes like,
TYLER: I want to dump Shannon and date you
Gianna goes to have a talk with Hayden, which she announces for everyone to know. Shes from the Midwest, okay? Shes not used to this whole having brains thing, cut her some slack!
Little Mike is like this is bullshit, they are not a match, they need to stop and its like SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK.
GIANNA: I dont want to stop you from doing something but stop fucking doing it. (Im not even making that up, thats an exact quote) HAYDEN: But I need to play the game GIANNA: Did I fucking stutter
So Hayden has relocated from friendzone island to being a little bitch island. Need a house warming gift, Hayden? Ill get you crowbar so you can pull your head out of your ass. Youre welcome.
Gianna and Hayden have sex, giving life to the newest Trump supporter Im sure. Carolina sees all of this and is like wtffffff. Shes like, totally in love with Hayden! Like, they spoke for a whole 10 minutes. Didnt that mean anything to him?
Andre is like “IF THEY FUCK THIS UP IM GOING TO BE PISSED” and Im like do it. Get mad. You wont. No balls.
Honestly, Gianna could probs take Andre in a fight. That girl should be a fuckin prison warden.
The challenge this week is for the dudes. The guys have to spin themselves and then go through an obstacle course. Then they have to shoot a basketball into the hoop of the girl they want to date. The person who shoots the third basketball in the hoop wins the date.
challenges sound like the hazing the gay frats do. Its all v weak.
The guys start the game and are falling all over the place. *plays Ed Sheeran*
Hayden is like, fuck it. Fuck this game. Idfc anymore, Im here for Gianna.
HAYDEN:I love Gianna
He decides to help Oswaldo win a date with Tee. See heres the thingI like Hayden, but I also think hes being very dumb. Its a hard spot for me rn. Really struggling.
Tee being proud of Oswaldo for winning is like Trump being proud of winning president. We all know he couldnt have won without Hayden/Russia.
Derrick and Joey are trying to win Rush Boobss date. Derrick wants to win because fuck Joey. Theyre shooting for legit five minutes. Seriously, Ive seen better shots from . When is the last time you played basketball? Third grade? Derricks like I played division I basketball! which sounds like an alternative fact to me.
Joey wins. So its Osvaldo/Tee and Joey/Rush Boobs.
Ryan tells them they are going to trapeze and Tee is like Im black, I shouldnt be in the air. How did you get to the Dominican Republic? Drive? Horseback? I didnt know your skin color made you less aerodynamic. I just saw and honestly, Im a fucking scientist now.
Lets all agree that Tee is low-key alcoholic. Shes constantly sipping from that big-ass cup and it seems like they have a good connection. Could that be her match?
Eddie is talking to Alicia about how he is poor and shes like “LOL not me, cant relate to you peasant.” Eddie, you need to get your ass over to Kam where you fucking belong. Know your fucking place. Do not fuck this up for me, Eddie.
Tyler is trying to break up with Shannon and it is a train fucking wreck. Hes like I need to do the right thing and leave you. He actually stole the whole speech from Gabriella in .
Shannon is like “I feel dumb.” And she should, because she just got played. I feel bad for Shannon. Her voice makes me want to take a waltz off a bridge, but I do feel things, kind of.
Tylers like I didnt realize girls have feelings and get mad when you treat them poorly. Thats like saying I didnt know when you light shit on fire, it gets hot.
Meanwhile, Tee is very much trying to date rape Osvaldo. Its creepy tbh. If a guy was doing that to a girl on this show I would be dialing 911 by now. Tee, knock it off, it’s super gross.
They go to the boom boom room and literally boom boom because they break something. Oswaldo, way to not hold your ground.
Kam is oiling Eddie up and being goofy. I needed this.
Shes like I know Alicia and Eddy have a good friendship, Im not getting territorial, because this is a game show. I LOVE YOU KAM, I AM STARTING YOUR FAN CLUB. Shes so rational. Everyone be like her please.
Oswaldo is like this date will take our relationship to the next level, even though it already has gone to the next level. *wink, wink* I remember when I lost my virginity. We get it, you had sex.
They go to the trapeze place and Oswaldo is like Hopefully I dont break my neck. Thats a pretty reasonable goal.
They all are like surprisingly good at this. Even Tee, whose blackness surprisingly does not hinder her capabilities. Its a miracle.
Oswaldo and Tee are like being lovey-dovey because they fucked that one time. Hes like shes not trying to rape me and I like this side of her. I too am a big fan of the people who dont try and sexually assault me. Weird.
Ryan comes in hot and asks about the no matches, aka Gianna and Hayden, still hooking up.
Giannas like HOW IS THIS OUR FAULT??? Uh, youre a confirmed no match and youre hooking up. I feel like Im taking crazy pills. Leave the dumb shit to Rush Boobs, please god.
The house is like, “ugh we hate you, lets just get this shit over with.” Thats how I felt with pledges in my sorority.
Tyranny and Oswaldo go to the truth booth because duh.
OSWALDO: Im excited to learn if were a match and really connect on a deeper level. TEE: Im tryna fuck.
Im stressed because Tee will def die of alcohol poisoning tonight if this doesnt work out. And what do you know, NO MATCH.
Tee was like I was falling in love with him. Shes crying. Hes crying. This is depressing. Did I accidentally sit on the remote and turn on ?
Oswaldo starts boxing while Andre is talking him down and all the guys hug him. Wow, I love the bromance. What I love more is that eventually one of them will try and fight another. #Drama
After everything, Tyler and Shannon are still hanging out. Whats Tylers favorite thing about Shannon? She isnt Taylor. Hes got high standards, ya know? #FourFuckingBeams
Taylor is like youre fucked up. And hes like why, because Im having a conversation?
Ugh Taylor, this paaaaains me to say, because I usually automatically side with the hot girl, but hes low-key right. You need to chill out and move on. Hes not worth it, dude. Hes just not.
Andre asks Taylor wtf shes doing with Tyler and Im like YAS KEEP THIS UP.
Andre is like actually, we like each other, Taylor. And shes like wait, yeah we do. WTF is this Jedi mind control shit Andre has.
ANDRE: *swinging coin back and forth* you are getting very sleepy.. and youre going to fuck me TAYLOR: *eyes glazed* yes, master
He says that she should be a Victorias Secret Model and honestly she should marry him just for that. Like thats compliment of the goddam century.
Its the boys pick tonight. Please note that last time they blacked out harder than Tee does on any given weeknight.
Little Mike gets the ball rollin the wrong way and picks Kam.
Mikes like following our heart doesnt work. Hes like we should venture off, and though thats noble, maaaaaaybe not at the match ceremony. Thats like Michael Phelps being like LOOK FREESTYLE JUST DOESNT WORK right before the 4×100 relay.
Ozzy picks Hannah.
Oswaldo is up next and hes like “I GOTTA DO ME.” He picks Taylor.
Ryan asks Taylor how she feels about Tyler and shes like whos Tyler? Andre and her give each other looks and Im like OKAY YES IM HERE FOR THIS SHIT.
Ryans like Andre, do you wish you were with her and hes like Im practicing my patience. Whatever the fuck that means.
Oswaldo is like standing next to her like, lol just fuck me, right?
Andre picks Casandra.
Eddy picks Alicia and is like this is my homie.
Joey picks Rush boobs.
Derrick picks Gianna. Weird.
Tylers up and fucking moseys up to the front. Goddam hes like a walking Shakespeare playtragically beautiful.
Hes like Ryan, let me speak and Ryans like I didnt even say anything, but ok.
Tyler goes off about how he was painted as the villain and how he is innocent and how all this Taylor shit is fake news and the failing lamestream media is spreading false rumors!!! Sad!
Ryan asks Tyler who he likes more, Shannon or Taylor and Tyler picks Shannon.
RYAN: Do you think Tyler is your match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is Taylor his match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is the world round? SHANNON: IDK
Tylers talking about his breakup with Taylor and is like it sucks because you cant delete people in the real world. This is the first thing that I agree with him on. Dont worry Tyler, Ive watched . Well get to that point someday.
Michael picks KARI. Is it Carrie or KAAAAAARI? I have been saying KAAAAARI. Please DM some confirmation.
Hayden is next. Hayden tells the group that him and Gianna are affecting the game and they are going to stop screwing everyone over.
Gianna is like “WTF. WHO TOLD HIM HE COULD SPEAK? WHO LET HIM OUT OF HIS CAGE?” He picks Carolina. Hehe.
Jaylen and Tee are last. Tee is really bummed about Oswaldo and Ryan is like, “bitch its week four.”
These couples are random AF but idk Im drunk and just here to shit talk. Dont give that much of a fuck.
No blackout, so thats good. They get four beams again. Cant wait to hear them talk about it incessantly.
Read more: http://betches.co/2kojpty
from ‘Are You The One?’ Recap: Hi My Name Is Tyranny And Im An Alcoholic
0 notes
nbafunnymeme · 8 years
'Are You The One?' Recap: Hi My Name Is Tyranny And Im An Alcoholic
Hello everyone. I would like to thank my loyal followers for questioning my whereabouts on Twitter. I was actually on vacation, because Im not poor. Sorry, but watching these morons was just not a fucking option. I was zen AF and I dont need Carolinas crocodile tears ruining it, k thx.
ANYWAYS, so onto the episode. It was kind of eh, Im going to be honest. If youre looking for another reason to be annoyed by Giannas existence though, then it def delivered.
They are all pumped about getting four beams. In fact, if you took a shot for every time someone said four fucking beams youd need to get stomach pumped four fucking times.
Tyranny is like Ossssssssssssssssvaldo is my match. Honestly can we just cut the accent though? Hes from Chicago for gods sake, not Italy.
Oswaldo is not so sure. Hes like she could be my match! Or she isnt! Yeah, thats pretty much how life works, actually.
Also, can we acknowledge the giant-ass drink Tee has the whole time? That cup is actually my favorite cast member this season.
Carolina and Hayden start having a pillow fight because FOUR FUCKING BEAMS, AMIRIGHT?
Now Carolina is very suddenly into Hayden. Carolinas emotions give me whiplash. Betsy DeVos nomination was more certain than this bitch.
Gianna is like “OH NO. NOT TODAY. I DID NOT LEAVE THE SOUTHSIDE FOR THIS.” Shes like I’M GOING TO CONTINUE TO PURSUE THIS MAN WHO TREATS ME SO WELL. Even though they are a confirmed no match. Makes total sense.
So you unfriend-zoned him to cock block him? Seems v fair. So when you go to sleep, do you leave Haydens balls under your pillow or on your nightstand? Let me know.
*Starts Twitter Poll* Is Gianna hot? Yes or No?
Tyler apologizes to Taylor and is like “I have no excuse for being the ‘big bad wolf’ in this.” So youre eating peoples grandmas now? Very Hannibal Lecter-chic. Not sure Tyler understands that hes referencing a fairytale, but hes pretty so well overlook it.
Hes like these girls are all over me wah, life is hard.
TAYLOR: Im mad *looks at Tylers beautiful face* but Im not like, thatttt mad
Hes like Im not that guy, you know that! Shes like,
TYLER: I want to dump Shannon and date you
Gianna goes to have a talk with Hayden, which she announces for everyone to know. Shes from the Midwest, okay? Shes not used to this whole having brains thing, cut her some slack!
Little Mike is like this is bullshit, they are not a match, they need to stop and its like SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK.
GIANNA: I dont want to stop you from doing something but stop fucking doing it. (Im not even making that up, thats an exact quote) HAYDEN: But I need to play the game GIANNA: Did I fucking stutter
So Hayden has relocated from friendzone island to being a little bitch island. Need a house warming gift, Hayden? Ill get you crowbar so you can pull your head out of your ass. Youre welcome.
Gianna and Hayden have sex, giving life to the newest Trump supporter Im sure. Carolina sees all of this and is like wtffffff. Shes like, totally in love with Hayden! Like, they spoke for a whole 10 minutes. Didnt that mean anything to him?
Andre is like “IF THEY FUCK THIS UP IM GOING TO BE PISSED” and Im like do it. Get mad. You wont. No balls.
Honestly, Gianna could probs take Andre in a fight. That girl should be a fuckin prison warden.
The challenge this week is for the dudes. The guys have to spin themselves and then go through an obstacle course. Then they have to shoot a basketball into the hoop of the girl they want to date. The person who shoots the third basketball in the hoop wins the date.
challenges sound like the hazing the gay frats do. Its all v weak.
The guys start the game and are falling all over the place. *plays Ed Sheeran*
Hayden is like, fuck it. Fuck this game. Idfc anymore, Im here for Gianna.
HAYDEN:I love Gianna
He decides to help Oswaldo win a date with Tee. See heres the thingI like Hayden, but I also think hes being very dumb. Its a hard spot for me rn. Really struggling.
Tee being proud of Oswaldo for winning is like Trump being proud of winning president. We all know he couldnt have won without Hayden/Russia.
Derrick and Joey are trying to win Rush Boobss date. Derrick wants to win because fuck Joey. Theyre shooting for legit five minutes. Seriously, Ive seen better shots from . When is the last time you played basketball? Third grade? Derricks like I played division I basketball! which sounds like an alternative fact to me.
Joey wins. So its Osvaldo/Tee and Joey/Rush Boobs.
Ryan tells them they are going to trapeze and Tee is like Im black, I shouldnt be in the air. How did you get to the Dominican Republic? Drive? Horseback? I didnt know your skin color made you less aerodynamic. I just saw and honestly, Im a fucking scientist now.
Lets all agree that Tee is low-key alcoholic. Shes constantly sipping from that big-ass cup and it seems like they have a good connection. Could that be her match?
Eddie is talking to Alicia about how he is poor and shes like “LOL not me, cant relate to you peasant.” Eddie, you need to get your ass over to Kam where you fucking belong. Know your fucking place. Do not fuck this up for me, Eddie.
Tyler is trying to break up with Shannon and it is a train fucking wreck. Hes like I need to do the right thing and leave you. He actually stole the whole speech from Gabriella in .
Shannon is like “I feel dumb.” And she should, because she just got played. I feel bad for Shannon. Her voice makes me want to take a waltz off a bridge, but I do feel things, kind of.
Tylers like I didnt realize girls have feelings and get mad when you treat them poorly. Thats like saying I didnt know when you light shit on fire, it gets hot.
Meanwhile, Tee is very much trying to date rape Osvaldo. Its creepy tbh. If a guy was doing that to a girl on this show I would be dialing 911 by now. Tee, knock it off, it’s super gross.
They go to the boom boom room and literally boom boom because they break something. Oswaldo, way to not hold your ground.
Kam is oiling Eddie up and being goofy. I needed this.
Shes like I know Alicia and Eddy have a good friendship, Im not getting territorial, because this is a game show. I LOVE YOU KAM, I AM STARTING YOUR FAN CLUB. Shes so rational. Everyone be like her please.
Oswaldo is like this date will take our relationship to the next level, even though it already has gone to the next level. *wink, wink* I remember when I lost my virginity. We get it, you had sex.
They go to the trapeze place and Oswaldo is like Hopefully I dont break my neck. Thats a pretty reasonable goal.
They all are like surprisingly good at this. Even Tee, whose blackness surprisingly does not hinder her capabilities. Its a miracle.
Oswaldo and Tee are like being lovey-dovey because they fucked that one time. Hes like shes not trying to rape me and I like this side of her. I too am a big fan of the people who dont try and sexually assault me. Weird.
Ryan comes in hot and asks about the no matches, aka Gianna and Hayden, still hooking up.
Giannas like HOW IS THIS OUR FAULT??? Uh, youre a confirmed no match and youre hooking up. I feel like Im taking crazy pills. Leave the dumb shit to Rush Boobs, please god.
The house is like, “ugh we hate you, lets just get this shit over with.” Thats how I felt with pledges in my sorority.
Tyranny and Oswaldo go to the truth booth because duh.
OSWALDO: Im excited to learn if were a match and really connect on a deeper level. TEE: Im tryna fuck.
Im stressed because Tee will def die of alcohol poisoning tonight if this doesnt work out. And what do you know, NO MATCH.
Tee was like I was falling in love with him. Shes crying. Hes crying. This is depressing. Did I accidentally sit on the remote and turn on ?
Oswaldo starts boxing while Andre is talking him down and all the guys hug him. Wow, I love the bromance. What I love more is that eventually one of them will try and fight another. #Drama
After everything, Tyler and Shannon are still hanging out. Whats Tylers favorite thing about Shannon? She isnt Taylor. Hes got high standards, ya know? #FourFuckingBeams
Taylor is like youre fucked up. And hes like why, because Im having a conversation?
Ugh Taylor, this paaaaains me to say, because I usually automatically side with the hot girl, but hes low-key right. You need to chill out and move on. Hes not worth it, dude. Hes just not.
Andre asks Taylor wtf shes doing with Tyler and Im like YAS KEEP THIS UP.
Andre is like actually, we like each other, Taylor. And shes like wait, yeah we do. WTF is this Jedi mind control shit Andre has.
ANDRE: *swinging coin back and forth* you are getting very sleepy.. and youre going to fuck me TAYLOR: *eyes glazed* yes, master
He says that she should be a Victorias Secret Model and honestly she should marry him just for that. Like thats compliment of the goddam century.
Its the boys pick tonight. Please note that last time they blacked out harder than Tee does on any given weeknight.
Little Mike gets the ball rollin the wrong way and picks Kam.
Mikes like following our heart doesnt work. Hes like we should venture off, and though thats noble, maaaaaaybe not at the match ceremony. Thats like Michael Phelps being like LOOK FREESTYLE JUST DOESNT WORK right before the 4×100 relay.
Ozzy picks Hannah.
Oswaldo is up next and hes like “I GOTTA DO ME.” He picks Taylor.
Ryan asks Taylor how she feels about Tyler and shes like whos Tyler? Andre and her give each other looks and Im like OKAY YES IM HERE FOR THIS SHIT.
Ryans like Andre, do you wish you were with her and hes like Im practicing my patience. Whatever the fuck that means.
Oswaldo is like standing next to her like, lol just fuck me, right?
Andre picks Casandra.
Eddy picks Alicia and is like this is my homie.
Joey picks Rush boobs.
Derrick picks Gianna. Weird.
Tylers up and fucking moseys up to the front. Goddam hes like a walking Shakespeare playtragically beautiful.
Hes like Ryan, let me speak and Ryans like I didnt even say anything, but ok.
Tyler goes off about how he was painted as the villain and how he is innocent and how all this Taylor shit is fake news and the failing lamestream media is spreading false rumors!!! Sad!
Ryan asks Tyler who he likes more, Shannon or Taylor and Tyler picks Shannon.
RYAN: Do you think Tyler is your match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is Taylor his match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is the world round? SHANNON: IDK
Tylers talking about his breakup with Taylor and is like it sucks because you cant delete people in the real world. This is the first thing that I agree with him on. Dont worry Tyler, Ive watched . Well get to that point someday.
Michael picks KARI. Is it Carrie or KAAAAAARI? I have been saying KAAAAARI. Please DM some confirmation.
Hayden is next. Hayden tells the group that him and Gianna are affecting the game and they are going to stop screwing everyone over.
Gianna is like “WTF. WHO TOLD HIM HE COULD SPEAK? WHO LET HIM OUT OF HIS CAGE?” He picks Carolina. Hehe.
Jaylen and Tee are last. Tee is really bummed about Oswaldo and Ryan is like, “bitch its week four.”
These couples are random AF but idk Im drunk and just here to shit talk. Dont give that much of a fuck.
No blackout, so thats good. They get four beams again. Cant wait to hear them talk about it incessantly.
Read more: http://www.betches.com/are-you-the-one-season-5-episode-4-recap
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rebeccahpedersen · 6 years
Should Buyers Have The “Right” To View Competing Offers?
What’s that famous line from The Godfather?
“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”
That’s how I feel sometimes when I complete a blog post, publish it, and then the comments and emails make me realize there’s more to the story.
One member of my team is always telling me, “Your ‘follow-up posts take the subject matter too far!  Readers want variety!  Come back to the topic next week, or next month.”
Fair point, but, like, um, have we met?  I’m so obsessive-compulsive, and I like things done immediately.  I can’t leave this for a week!  I was the guy in university who did my dishes after I cooked dinner, but before I actually ate it.
One of the comments on Wednesday’s blog referred to a Toronto Star article from last month, and read, “I would be curious to get your thoughts on the idea of making it a buyer’s “right” to view competing offers.”
I had linked four articles to Wednesday’s blog about the proposed changes to REBBA and the corresponding added transparency, but I didn’t include this one as it was from January.
So here’s that article:
“Ontario Looks At Revamping The Rules Of The Real Estate Game”
Now to be fair, this article talks about more than just the suggestion that terms and conditions of competing offers should be allowed in multiple offer scenarios.  It’s a round-up of many real estate practices currently being examined, including multiple representation and “double-ending,” as well as real estate discipline.
But as with the other articles from Wednesday’s blog post, the prevailing theme is disclosure and transparency in multiple offer situations.
As the reader commented on Wednesday’s blog, the very first sentence of the article offers up a whole other talking point
Should consumers have the right to see competing offers on the same property?
Wow, a right?
That’s a strong word; “right.”
I mean, my inner old-man wants to go off on a rant about how everything is a “right” in today’s entitlement society, but you’ve heard enough from me on that to last a lifetime.
There are certain rights that every man, woman, and child should enjoy, but when too many things become “rights,” then the word loses all meaning.
In the case of real estate buyers, should it really be a “right” to see competing offers?  Are we at that point?
On Wednesday, we had talked about revamping REBBA to allow the seller the option of directing his or her agent to disclose the terms and conditions of other offers.  But how many steps away is that from the buyer having the right?
Well, step one would be going from the seller having the option to making the disclosure mandatory.
Is that, it itself, giving the buyer the right?
Because if it is, then I would question whether buyers should have the right to keep the terms and conditions of their offer private.  And then we’re right back where we started.
The right to keep an offer private, versus the right to see a competing offer.
Double-edged sword, catch-22, I’m not sure how to explain this.
There’s an element of NIMBY’ism here, or “do as I say, not as I do.”
The best of both words, perhaps.
A buyer doesn’t want other buyers to see his or her offer, but does want to see theirs.
How in the world do you balance those conflicting ideas?
And as for the exact verbiage, it opens the door to more questions.  “Should consumers have the right to see competing offers on the same property?”
What is meant by “see,” exactly?
Be informed of some terms, or be informed of all terms?
Physically see the other offer?
Maybe put up a scoreboard at the listing brokerage with the price, deposit, closing, inclusions/exclusions, clauses, and conditions of each offer?
Or are we merely talking about price?
While I don’t think the buyer has a right to “see” competing offers on a property, or even the right to know all the terms and conditions, the government of Ontario wants to know if you think they should.
The Ontario.ca webstie currently has a survey running:
Survey: Modernizing The Rules For Ontario Real Estate Professionals
I encourage you all to click the link, and maybe even take the survey!
The deadline is March 15th.
I would love to be on the other end of the survey to see how they’re analyzing this data, because the very first questions are as follows:
  So what does this mean, exactly?
Does it mean they are weighting the answers in the background?  Or dividing the responses into categories?
If somebody clicks “yes” button to say they are a real estate agent, then their answers go in a different bucket?
If somebody rents, then they are more likely to hate on the real estate process?
If any of you work in polling, I’d love to hear how you think they use this data.
Now the crux of the survey itself can be found right in the middle of the page, and the first two questions have to do with disclosure and transparency in multiple offer situations, and the second question has to do with multiple representation:
    Is it just me, or are the first two questions basically the same?
How would your answer differ in question #2 after answering question #1?
And is the survey affected (or in pollster langauge, is it tainted, skewed or altered) by including the third question along with the first two?  The third question is a different topic from #1 and #2, and the presence of the word “fairly” makes it less likely for somebody to disagree with the first two questions.
The last question basically asks the public how much they hate real estate agents, which I think is totally fair:
  I love how they throw the third option in there.  Who the hell is going to pick that?
That’s essentially the end of the survey, but interestingly enough, there is another “qualifier” question, as I see it:
    What’s the deal here?
Are we looking to see how the rich and poor answer these questions differently?  Again, if anybody works in polling, I’d love to know.
This survey by Ontario.ca is obviously confidential, but I would love to know how the public respond, and of course, I’d love to know how they respond according to the qualifiers that the survey includes, such as ownership rate, household income, experience levels, etc.
I think we could accurately jump to some conclusions, such as those who haven’t bought any properties, or have bought one, being more likely to answer that “competing offers should be disclosed” than somebody who has bought/sold over 5 times, as per the survey.
There was a lot of discussion on this subject after Wednesday’s blog, but as a follow-up, I would love to know how you guys would answer this survey.
Yes, it’s supposed to be confidential.
But where’s the fun in that?
For the record, my responses:
“Everyone involved in the real estate process, including competing buyers, should be able to see and evaluate other offers.”  STRONGLY DISAGREE.
Define “everyone.”
Define “see.”
Define “evaluate.”
Put a time, place, and method to “see” and “evaluate,” because this is far too aloof.  Who is “everyone” anyways?  And how does this take place?
“Making all offers open for everybody to see would be better overall for buyers and sellers.”  STRONGLY DISAGREE.
You can’t answer anything but “strongly disagree,” because to suggest that sellers would be better off would entirely incorrect.
A real estate professional can fairly represent both a buyer and a seller in a real estate transaction.  I’M NOT SURE.
I’m not sure because I would need to know which real estate professional this was, and who the buyer and seller were, and the property, and the situation, and all the facts.
It’s not possible, in theory.
But in practice it can be.
And Ontario can never do away with multiple representation, because it would severely handicap sellers outside of any hot market.  God forbid a seller in rural Ontario had an interested buyer after six months, only to find out that the interested buyer was represented by the same agent who was listing the seller’s home, and thus the agent had to take that buyer elsewhere.
As for the last question, I would select the answer:
The rules that govern how real estate professionals practice should be strengthened to increase protection for consumers.
I can’t see any other answer, in this case.
The real estate industry lacks regulation in many areas where regulation is severely needed, and I for one am open to change.
As I said, I welcome your answers to the above questions as well.
The post Should Buyers Have The “Right” To View Competing Offers? appeared first on Toronto Realty Blog.
Originated from http://bit.ly/2SBYrML
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viralhottopics · 8 years
‘Are You The One?’ Recap: So It Begins
Jambo, morons! Welcome back to another riveting season of where the success rate is similar to the cast members combined IQs: practically non-existent. But hey, were Americans. We love shit that is destined to failwhether its reality shows or President-elects. Its our cross to bear.
ANNNNYWAYS. So MTV had a hard job to do: top the group of idiots that made up season 4. And thankfully for you, but mostly for me, they did just that. Shoutout to you MTV, you da real MVP.
Also, as many of you know, I tend to feature quotes from my loveable, yet incredibly cruel mother in these recaps. You think Im bad? She once called a woman in Starbucks a psycho bitch because she took the last of the skinny vanilla mix. True story. DM me for details. Lets begin now.
This season MTV really went for #culture and decided to have the show in the Dominican Republic. Even reality shows get island fever, I guess. I mean, you can really only throw so many group orgys/luaus so many times on one show.
Ryan Devlin, the host who you feel bad for like 99% of the time, meets up with the cast and is like you guys all suck at and theyve all been trained to say relationships. Of course they all forget their one fucking line and just sound like they are saying random shit.
RYAN: You guys suck at CASTMATE 1: Relationships! CASTMATE 2: Tomato! CASTMATE 3: Unicorn piss! CASTMATE 4: 9/11 was a hoax!
We meet Tyranny (Mom Quote: IS HER NAME TRANNY!?! theyre so cute when they are mildly offensive) says that all of her boyfriends have either cheated on her or knocked other girls up. In the words of Donald Trump: Sad! Very Unfair!
Theres Jaylan who used to be a loser, hit the gym, now gets pussy. Male Laney Boggs. Tale as old as time. Moving on.
Taylor: hottest girl on the show easily, talks about how her dad would kill some of the men she has dated, low-key concerned for her safety and the safety of others.
Theres Joey, the povo as fuck part-time garbage man who spent his last remaining dollars on a gaudy watch. Obviously a very smart investor. Didnt know sent kids on scholarship. Im just happy hes honest about being a garbage man and doesnt try and be like Im a sanitation assistant. Not that any of them know what sanitation means.
Joey is def hot though10/10 would bang, just to get hook up with blue collar worker off my bucket list.
Ryan explains about how they do comprehensive interviews and questionnaires to develop and algorithm that eventually finds their match. You know poor Joey didnt know what was happening after comprehensive.
This season, theres another twist: there are 11 guys and 11 girls, but they only get ten chances. Obviously MTV was giving away too much money with this show, so they made more couples. What? Youre thinking it.
For the first date, MTV acted like a bunch of fucking narcs and sent bios to the contestants’ parents so mom and dad can pick who they think is a match. Everyone is like, Mom dont fuck this up for me.
My mom: If you were ever on this show I would literally never acknowledge you again. (Fair enough.)
Joeys mom picks Carolina, whos like okay cool, whatever. She doesnt know hes a garbage man yet, so give her a break.
Hannah’swho is from my hometown, hey girlfamily picks Oswaldo, a self-described horny genius. Welp, I think a line like that means its time for a shot. Brb.
Anyway, Hannah is like I would rather eat my own spleen then date Oswaldo. (paraphrase)
Giannas mom chose Hayden and they start hugging and are like . Fucking spare me. The other fucking losers have to send these couples to the truth booth after their date.
The castmates get to their dungeon for the next few months and drinks are flowing and shirts are off. I remember my first sip of alcohol.
Cassandra is drunk and is wanting to touch everyones face. She like Im so flirty when Im drunk which is a weird way of saying Im a hoe.
Its Mikes birthday today. Hes like its my birthday so someone fuck me. *plays Birthday Sex* *stares aggressively at all the women*
Mike describes himself as a typical Staten Island boy. His hobbies include moisturizing, mispronouncing half the English language and fapping off to girls who look like Snooki.
Ozzy is a local, so you know he is dirty as fuck. Kathryn goes to Florida State, you know shes hot as fuck, but also borderline brain-dead.
Shes like I WANT TO BE A TEACHER! and its like, sure ya do sweetie, and I want to be a fucking astronaut. Stick to what you know and continue being a TFM girl.
Ozzy and Kathryn both want to be teachers. Snoreeeeee. Shes already like Im in lovewell folks, weve met the stage-5 clinger for the season.
Michael the douchebagnot be confused with Mike, the little man from Staten Islandis laying it on THICK to Taylor and she is not having it. Taylor has officially become my favorite on the show so far.
MICHAEL:Hey pretty lady TAYLOR:Ew seriously? Girls with asses like mine do not talk to guys with faces like yours.
Shes like youre so full of shit and Im like SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK, TAYLOR.
Hayden and Gianna are talking about how they both have dogs and both like corn and other pretty basic shit and decide theyre going to be together forever.
GIANNA: I breathe air HAYDEN: No way, I breathe air!!!
They both have the flyover state bond, with Hayden being from Indiana and Gianna being from Ohio. Its always cute to see two people from middle America bond and discuss the fact that they fucked the rest of us over. True love.
Everyone is like Hayden and Gianna are a match, even though theyve all known each other for 3 seconds.
Joey the trash man is telling people that hes going to be a carpenter, much like a 3rd grader would say Mommy, Im going to be a superhero! Shannon brings me the biggest laugh of the night by asking him to do her carpets, clearly not knowing what a carpenter is. Shit like that makes me miss my sorority.
Ozzy is chain-smoking and being like I DONT WANT TO BE THE OLD ME. Aka, me on New Years Eve.
Kathryn and Ozzy are drunk as fuck and being flirty and going WE WANT TO HELP KIDS!!!! You stay the fuck away from my future children, Rush-Boobs and Ozzy.
Michael is talking to Gianna and starts telling a sob story about how he was chubby and he blossomed. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that one. No seriously, every fucking season they have one of these guys.
MTV CASTING: Ok we need at least one hick, one former fat dude, one ripped black guy and one oddly feminine guy. Search the fucking country.
Michael starts asking Gianna about her open-heart surgery, gets bored halfway through and just starts sucking her face. Okay. Well that escalated quickly. Quote from mom: He doesnt give a shit about her faulty heart. Hes trying to get laid. Profound.
Rush-Boobs wants to make Ozzy jealous and starts low-key hooking up with Mike. Fantastic logic, cant wait for you to educate our youth.
Then we meet Andre, who has trust issues because the girl he liked since 8th grade literally sat on his friends lap. Meanwhile, Tyrannys boyfriends are having children, but OKAY. #dramatic
Alicia is the perpetual sidepiece, aka every womans enemy.
Ozzy and Kathryn already think they are a match and Ozzy forgive Rush-Boobs for hooking up with Mike because hes a cheater too, so this is karma. Wow, how fucking zen of you.
Hayden dresses in camo for the date and Gianna is like You can take the boy out of Indiana, but you cant make him dress like a normal fucking human.
Its very clear Gianna is over Hayden, whereas Hayden hasnt been this excited since he attended a Donald Trump rally last summer.
GIANNA: FML HAYDEN: *excitedly whispers* Build that wall! Build that wall!
Joey just looks like a trash man, like, just in life. He has resting garbage man face.
Hannah does not like Oswaldo, its very obvious. Shes going to call her parents and demand a raise in her monthly allowance for making her suffer through this bullshit.
Gianna starts kissing Hayden and shes like Ill give him a chance. How fucking noble of you.
Carolina and Joey are talking about their parents and Joey tells her that he would never cheat on a girl and Carolina damn near creams her pants. They kiss and meanwhile the whole audience is wondering does she know hes a trash man? That dramatic irony, doe.
ShockerHayden and Gianna to the truth booth. Michael is like WE MADE OUT LAST NIGHT but Im not jealous.
MICHAEL: Im not even mad! NARRATOR: Michael was, in fact, very mad.
Ah, but there is a truth booth twist! They can trade in truth booth and add $150,000 to their prize. But if they take the money then Hayden and Gianna can never get sent back together.
The house is torn. Im torn. Im all out of faith, this is how I feel.
*Starts Twitter poll asking people what they would do*
They decide not to take the trade, which my mom and I both agree is stupid.
And lookie here: No match. So thats done.
Michael is thrilled. My mom thinks he looks like a baby rat. Cannot un-see that.
Gianna gives a speech basically saying that she didnt feel it the whole time and everyone is like okay cool thanks for telling us, *whispers* ya fuckin bitch.
We also very quickly meet Kam, who has a rotation of men because #feminism. And Edward, who has a chest tattoo. Thats it for now.
Gianna goes to hang out with Michael and hes over it. He makes her cry, I dont really care, blah blah blah, moves on with life. Gianna and Michael are going to be the annoying couple this season. Buckle up.
This season they have the blackout rule again but this time they cut the winnings in half if they blackout. Thats way harsh, Tai.
First is Kam and Eddy. Shes building up her newest rotation.
Taylor picks Tyler, who is hot. Wait what? Why did they not introduce the hot guy? What is this fuckery, MTV? They also sound like they could be identical twins.
Kari, dont know her yet so whatever, picks little man Mike.
Casandra picks Kaylen.
Caroline picks Joey.
Tyranny and Oswaldo. Can I just call you Tee? Im going to call you Tee, because Im one letter away from being low-key fucked up.
Giannas dumb ass is up and shes like I HAVE A GREAT CONNECTION WITH MICHAEL so obviously shes going to pick Ozzy.
Tee and Alicia are pissed and threatening to curb stomp this bitch. Fuck yes, this is what I signed up for. Gianna is like Leave me alone everyone, Im proving this to Michael! Literally all you proved was that youre crazy AND stupid.
Hannah picks Michael.
Alicia picks Andre.
Rush-Boobs picks Derek, who is also hot as fuck. Also, Rush-Boobs laugh reminds me of Kitty from. I know. Its all you can think about now.
Shannon, who btw really needs her carpets cleaned, picks Hayden.
Well this is excitingthey get two matches. Not bad for week one. They dont make me want to kill myselfyet.
Ryan gives the follow your heart speech that we hear every fucking episode and the cast goes back to the house to turn the fuck up.
So far, off to an interesting start. Gotta say, good-looking cast this season. Dumb as rocks, but good-looking. Come back next week to see what other shit I can talk about my peers who are doing far worse than I am. Peace, bitches.
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Read more: http://betches.co/2itgoq2
from ‘Are You The One?’ Recap: So It Begins
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