#wow ok this got long lol whoops
biisexualemma · 8 months
happier (pt.6). rafe cameron
word count: 3.8k
warnings: unwanted passes, bit of angst, mostly fluff
requested: i guess soo
plot: you and rafe are figuring out this dating thing
a/n: it has literally been 6 months since i last updated series… whoops… i have some much written for this series but it’s all in bits and pieces and i’m trying to rewrite bits / put stuff together and it’s taking a minute lol but anyway enjoy the 2 people who will read this lol
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / masterlist
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bold = rafe
italics = y/n
very ominous first text rafe
all i said was hey
and it's you so
what else am i supposed to say?
'hey y/n'
'hi how are you?'
''sup what you up to?'
you'd rather me start the conversation with 'sup'
it's less serial killer-y so maybe
alright next topic please
YOU texted me rafe
yeah and you said i sounded like a serial killer so excuse me if i'm a little wounded
didn't think that was even possible mr big-shot kook prince
please never call me that again
because it's too on the nose?
you always this annoying?
nah i just like making things difficult for you
cuz your life is too easy as it is
you think you're so funny
i know you do too :)
you're still hanging around sooo
your eyes dragged away from your phone screen, and away from where rafe was currently typing out his response, when you heard a honk from outside your house. you peeped out the window and saw the twinkie pulled up outside, lights still on and engine running as they waited for you.
you grabbed your shoes and jacket, still holding onto your phone when another message popped up as you were making your way out of your house to meet your friends.
yeah yeah
just tell me what you're not doing tonight so i can come pick you up
you rolled your eyes at his presumptuousness, a small smile on your lips as you grabbed your keys and closed the door behind you. you texted back as you walked to the twinkie, hardly looking where you were going.
believe it or not i have plans
i don't sit around waiting for you to text me you know
i don't sit around waiting for you to text me you know
> why not? >:(
you let out a snort, shaking your head as you typed out a response just as you approached the beat up van where sarah and john b were waiting for you. you clumsily climbed into the back, sarah watching you fumble as your fingers and eyes remained glued to your phone screen.
my life does not revolve around you rafe cameron
as much as i'm sure you want it to
yeah i do actually
guess we don't always get what we want
this is a valuable lesson that you're long overdue to learn little trust fund baby
you're actually so mean and for what
yeah i'm not very good at this flirting thing tbh
yeah i got that
yeah? did the serial killer comment tip you off?
amongst other things
ok well maybe i'll just remind you that i think about you more than i care to elaborate on right now
that was better...
you're learning
thank you
i'm trying my best
we'll circle back to that comment at some point though
don't think i'll forget that one
yeah you think about that while you're home alone tonight
wait not like that
don't take it back now that was good
it's not what i meant!!
"what is she grinning about?" sarah quirked an eyebrow, muttering to john b as she watched you trying to buckle up with one hand while you texted with the other.
john b watched you in the rearview mirror, his eyebrows furrowed together slightly. neither of them could recall a time they'd seen you look so giddy, you were always misplacing your phone and now you couldn't tear your eyes away.
sarah gasped softly and john b's eyes quickly darted over to his girlfriend, wide and wondering what she suddenly knew that he didn't.
sarah grabbed john b's arm and shook it a little, all giddy herself now but john b still looked just as confused. "what? what? tell me!" he whined.
"she asked me and kie for advice the other night," she clarified, lowering her voice a little, though you were entirely consumed in your own conversation. john b's eyes were still full of confusion. he didn't understand girls at the best of times but this was beyond his comprehension all together. sarah rolled her eyes playfully. "about a boy."
john b glanced at you for a second before moving back to his girlfriend, shaking his head. "i didn't think y/n was even interested in guys."
"oh just because she didn't fall at your feet john b doesn't mean she doesn't like guys," sarah scoffed, hitting his chest lightly. john b went to defend himself but quickly stopped because he thought she might be onto something.
you suddenly grew aware of your surroundings, realising the twinkie was still stationary. your eyes lifted up from your phone for a second to see sarah biting back a grin and john b staring you out in the rearview mirror.
"uh," you looked around like something was wrong. "are we waiting for something or what? why are we still sitting here?"
"nope," sarah narrowed her eyes at you and you frowned at her, mouth opening slightly in confusion. she looked like she knew things. "c'mon get going, john b."
weird you thought, shaking your head when another message appeared on your phone.
i know what you meant don't worry ;)
no you don't
you'll know what i mean when i actually mean it
shut up
i gotta go rick
who tf is rick
i'm rick?
yeah you're rick
i don’t understand
that's your name from now on
at least via text
so if anyone sees these messages they don't get suspicious
that's crazy
i lose my phone a lot it's not that crazy
that's not the crazy part
just play along please?
i'm not ready for people to find out about this yet
whatever this is
what is this again?
that's a question for another time
see you around
- rick
you fell back against the blanket you'd laid out on the grass, eyes immediately falling upon the stars above you. you sighed contentedly, oblivious to the curious eyes that were watching you from beside you.
"you seem happy," jj spoke up from where he was sitting next to you. "what's that about?"
you snorted, your head rolling to the side so you could glance up at him. "what? i can't just be happy?"
he made a face at you, his hand nudging your arm. "you know what i mean," he shook his head. "you've been so tired and grumpy lately, no offence," he said the last part quickly when he saw your face contort into one that looked offended. "you just seemed like normal today. it was nice."
you propped yourself up on your elbows, watching the rest of the gang who'd gone for a quick swim. kie had launched herself onto pope, dunking him under the water and laughing hysterically when he came back up for air looking bewildered. sarah was floating on her back, eyes up at the stars while john b held his hands underneath her so she wouldn't sink down. you didn't feel like swimming after the amount of food you'd eaten so jj decided to sit with you and keep you company.
you shrugged. "i don't know," you could feel jj's eyes watching you. "i just feel more like myself i guess. i don't know why."
it was a bit of a lie. with everything out of the open between you and rafe, you felt a weight lift off your shoulders. you thought it'd be hard to lie to your friends about it, but none of them really asked you outright so you didn't find yourself having to lie at all. everything just seemed to be going better for now.
"well i'm glad anyway," he gave you a soft smile. jj was a good friend, and most of the time he played into the reputation he had, but every now and again he would show the other side of him. he was loyal to his core and just wanted to see his friends happy. "you feel like swimming yet?" his lips stretched into a wide grin, nudging your shoulder as he tried to encourage you.
you couldn't help but smile back, he was infectious. you let your head roll back before sitting yourself upright. "fine, c'mon," you lifted your shirt over your head, throwing it at his face. "race you," you quickly jumped up, undoing your shorts as you ran towards the water, only stopping when you got to the edge to pull your shorts off the rest of the way.
jj was racing behind you, not bothering to remove anything other than his shirt as he whizzed past you and threw himself into the water, shoes and all. "cannon ball!" he screamed and pope, kie, john b and sarah all tried to clear out as quickly as they could but he didn't give them much notice before a crashing wave of water soaked them all even more. a chorus of angry jj's followed but you couldn't help but laugh before throwing yourself in after him.
you awake pretty girl?
rafe it's late
you asleep?
fast asleep yeah
that's why i'm txting you right now
come to the party
rafe it's 1 am i'm with my friends
haven't they had enough of you
i mean they're hogging you
how old are you?
ditch em c'mon
i'm more fun anyway
i'm gonna bet you're drunk
or high
doesn't change anything
still wanna see you
you always this clingy with girls?
mmm funny
you know it's just you
you think i'd be texting you at this party if it wasn't just you
maybe no ones caught your eye yet
yeah you have
so get your ass over here or i'm coming to get you
you love it
just come and get me
everyone will be asleep by the time you get here
on my way
can you drive?
'course i can
ok but are you sober enough?
don't worry about it
i'm good i promise
half an hour later and you'd sneaked out of john b's house unnoticed and were sitting in the passenger seat of rafe's car. last time you were in this seat he was driving you home from a party, and now you were going to a party... with him.
"hey," he mumbled as you secured your seatbelt, his eyes raking over you, smile on his lips.
"hey yourself," you chirped, still pretty awake considering the late hour, you were used to running off no sleep most of the time. you noticed him staring at you instead of starting the car and driving. "what?"
"you look really pretty right now."
you glanced away from him, feeling your cheeks grow warm from the compliment. "shut up and drive, rafe," you mumbled, meeting his eyes quickly as he shook his head and breathed out a laugh.
"yes ma'am," he did as you said, driving you to the other side of town, to a house you didn't recognise but was probably four times bigger than your own. you felt a wave of anxiety all of a sudden when rafe parked the car and got out. he appeared again on the passengers side where you still sat, seatbelt on.
he opened the door, leaning on the frame of the car and ducking down to see you sat still. "c'mon," he urged but you quickly shook your head.
"this is a bad idea," you blurted out, eyes shifting to meet rafes. "i don't think i should go in there— definitely not with you."
rafe, for a split second, looked wounded but he quickly played it off. "you're overthinking it."
"rafe, your friends hate me," your lip involuntarily slipped into a small pout, your eyes not moving from his. "i can't just go to a kook party, when i hate kooks and they hate me."
your eyes moved down to your thigh where rafe had moved his hand to sit against your skin. you gulped. "i'm a kook and i don't hate you," he reassured, giving your thigh a squeeze before shifting his hand. "if anyone has a problem with you being here they can take it up with me."
"rafe," your voice came out smaller than you had intended. your mind was pretty focused on his hand and where it was moving, until you heard a click and your seatbelt was retracting. "i don't want you messing things up with your friends over me."
he shook his head, his hand latching onto yours and tugging you out of the passenger seat. he closed the car door and guided you towards the house. "'told you they're not my friends."
"still— won't it make things awkward—"
"oh my god," he turned around, smile on his lips when he came to halt, you nearly bumping into his chest. "i told you i don't care what people think, and i really don't care what my friends think."
he let go of your hand, moving his hands to either side of your face. your breath caught in your throat when he moved his face directly in front of yours. he squished your cheeks together, his stomach churning when you looked up at him with your big, nervous eyes.
"c'mon," he urged again. "you'll be fine s'long as you're with me," he offered you a reassuring smile, hands slipping from your face, his arm moving to sit on your shoulders, pulling you close into him. "you're good, ok?"
you took his word for it, trusting him in that moment that everything would be fine as long as you stayed with rafe.
"do you want another drink?" rafe hummed the question to you, his fingertips grazing the skin of your arm, before moving back down to sit snug on your waist. his eyes were looking up at you from where you sat on his lap.
you had relaxed somewhat since you got here, making yourself comfortable on rafes lap after he insisted that no one was watching, nor cared. you took his word for it and he wasn't wrong, the people at this party were too high or drunk to care who's lap you were sitting on.
you shrugged, glancing at your empty cup. you hadn't drank much, it was already late and you didn't feel like having a hangover tomorrow so you didn't push it. "i could do a water."
"water? sure, i got you," he nodded, repositioning you so you sat back on the sofa while he went on the hunt for water.
you propped your head up with your hand, resting your elbow on the arm of the sofa. you peered out the corner of your eye when you felt someone sit next to you.
"hey you're y/n, right?" you turned to face the guy that had sat himself beside you, he wore a small smile on his face, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. you recognised him from around town but not enough to know his name.
"uh, yeah," you gave him a polite, albeit uncomfortable smile before turning away from him, hoping to discourage him continuing to talk to you.
"i think i've seen you around the club," he carried on, not picking up on anything. you nodded, pursing your lips. "i'm alex."
he held out his hand for you to shake, you looked down at it in almost disbelief but shook it still to be polite. "cool," you said with a twinge of sarcasm.
"sorry if this is forward— i just think you're really pretty— i've been watching you for a while—"
"you've been watching me?" you repeated his words, your brows furrowing slightly.
he let out an awkward laugh. "not in a stalker-y way— i just noticed you is what i meant."
"sure," you nodded. "i'm kinda here with someone else though. sorry," you tried to let him down easy, with another small smile despite your discomfort.
"ok well you're sitting here alone," he breathed out a laugh, as if he'd caught you in a lie.
your smile drooped a little. "he's getting me a drink. not that i need to explain myself."
he huffed, seeming to grow agitated with you. "you could just say you're not interested instead of coming up with a lame excuse."
your mouth hung open slightly. "the truth actually— not that i even owe you that but sure whatever."
"last time i try talking to a fucking pogue," he muttered under his breath before picking himself up and walking away. "not even that pretty," he muttered under his breath.
you sat for a couple minutes in silent disbelief, blinking a few times before pushing yourself up off the sofa and beginning your search for rafe. you'd had enough of this party and he was your ride home.
you finally found him in the kitchen on the other side of this humongous house, filling up a cup with some water. you approached from behind him, feeling his body stiffen when he felt your hands snake around his torso.
"hey," you felt him relax slightly when you spoke, realising it was you holding onto him. he turned to face you, your hands gripping the shirt he was wearing as he looked down at you.
"oh hey," he mumbled, you were standing pretty close but your eyes shifted about the room. "what's up? i was just coming to bring you—"
"can we go now, please?" you cut him off quickly, eyes moving back to his pleadingly. his brows furrowed a little when he saw your anxiety-ridden expression again.
"you're good here," he spoke in a hushed voice, setting aside the cup in his hand so he could move his hands to your waist. "we're good."
he tried to reassure you but it wasn't enough, you wanted to go home, you didn't want to see another self-entitled kook tonight (excluding the one in front of you).
you shook your head, adamant, "no— rafe— i want to leave."
his grip on you tightened a little. "did something happen?" his brows knitted together slightly, standing up a little straighter.
"no," you shook your head quickly. "i just want to go— rafe— please—"
"ok, ok," he rooted for his car keys in his pocket, his free hand grabbing yours and pulling you out of the kitchen. "we'll go, c'mon."
you followed him out of the party, trailing behind him, he helped you into the passenger seat, even trying to buckle you in until you insisted that you got it and that you were fine.
"i'm sorry," you mumbled after a while of sitting in silence, reflecting on your actions. rafe driving on the quiet roads, not saying a word or looking in your direction. "i didn't mean to ruin your night."
"you didn't," he spoke quietly.
you eyed him up, his hands tight on the steering wheel, eyes locked on the road, lips pulled into a tight line. "i feel like you're mad at me."
"now you wanna talk?"
"you're mad at me."
"i'm not mad at you."
"i'm not mad at you," he repeated, a little shorter than before. "i just want you to talk to me."
"i am talking to you—"
"you know what i mean," he cut you off again. "i can't help if you don't talk to me."
you were quiet for a second before speaking again. "this guy was rude to me at the party, that's all," you felt his eyes move over to you for a split second. "i felt out of place and wanted to leave."
he thought on it for a minute. "rude to you how?"
you chewed on your bottom lip, not wanting to answer him, partly because you were still mad but mainly because you were kind of embarrassed.
you huffed. "he was trying to hit on me and when i told him no he got all hurt and mean."
rafe was quiet for a minute, he was picking his words and his tone carefully, trying not to let his imagination run wild. "he was mean to you?"
"it's just guys, they get like that— bruised egos you know, kooks are the worst for it," you shrugged. "i didn't want to tell you back then because i didn't want to make it into a big thing or cause a scene. i just wanted to leave, with you."
"ok, but you're fine? did he try anything?" his knuckles were turning white at this point, you found it hard to look away.
you shook your head, but when he looked over at you for a second for confirmation you spoke, "i'm fine. it was just weird and awkward."
he nodded and you were both quiet for a while after that.
you knew rafe was a hot head, you knew he didn't always think before he acted, and maybe you should've just told him what happened straight away but part of you was glad you didn't.
"where am i dropping you off?"
"john b's is fine."
"won't your dad wonder where you are?"
your eyes focused on the road ahead still but you could feel him stealing glances at you. "i already told him i'd be at john b's tonight."
"you sure?" you nodded and so he dropped you back off at the house he'd picked you up from a few hours ago. the sun was just starting to rise, creating just enough light so that you could see his face. he still looked pissed.
you were looking at him with big, tired, bloodshot eyes when he turned his head towards you. your eyelids drooping slightly the longer you focused on him.
"y'promise you're good?" he mumbled.
you nodded. "do you promise you're not angry at me?"
he rolled his eyes, glancing away for a second, the corner of his lip curling upwards softly. "could never be angry at you when you look like that."
"like what? exhausted?"
he hissed softly, shaking his head. he reached his hand out, gripping your chin between his thumb and forefinger, guiding you closer to him. "you're always so fucking pretty," his eyes raked over your face one last time, kissing your forehead before immediately shoving your face away with the palm of his hand. "now get outta' my sight, you're turning me on looking like that."
you snorted, ignoring the way your stomach fluttered at his actions. "you're such a boy," you joked before saying goodnight and hopping out of his car.
you walked up to the house with a small smile on your face, despite the bump in the night, you felt good about where this was going with rafe. you felt positive, giddy and your head was kinda foggy thinking about him.
"y/n?" you stopped in your tracks when you heard your name from his mouth. "was that rafe's car?"
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munamania · 2 months
i won’t screenshot the dms bc i don’t feel like opening the latest message but EYE posted on my story abt the tiktok pictured below basically about how i got horny thinking abt someone working through a difficult math problem lol don’t worry abt that anyway sam slides up bc i cut part of it out so as to avoid insta censors and my slight embarrassment lol and was like does that say c*m and i was like well yes and then he was like haha what you’re into math… girl u have to walk w the thought process 😑 which i know you’re incapable of anyway so i vaguely responded like ah yeah what being away from stem for so long will do to u and he responds with like ten messages. including. ‘you gotta do it yourself’ that’s not the point 🙄 ‘you know how i’m terrible at talking to women’ wow really ‘so i realized i can calculate the speed of cum’ ‘bc i have some data’ DID I ASK?????!???!?!!!?!!!!! hello there’s oversharing and then there’s this… does the girl you’re having sex with know you share to this extent. and then he said how he accidentally brought this up to someone irl to be like haha awk whoops and i was like yeah well there r times where perhaps we need to self censor. and then i also get a message that’s like ‘hang on im doing the math’ IM NEVER EVER EVER GONNA BE ATTRACTED TO U I HOPE U KNOW THAT SCREAAMMMMM (and u need to know bc he’s genderfluid. im only using one set of pronouns for clarity on here ok i promise im not a dick. but he thinks he’s like. an exception for lesbians basically… like he doesn’t Count…. and like look im no essentialist im all for like freaky gender sex but also at so many other turns you do take advantage of being seen as a white male so. i don’t. yeah.) he’s kind of like the creepy dude at the edge of the friend group in high school named matt who would constantly harass me and my ex but like tried to be so lowk abt it. and it’s so bad basically. ‘17mph is crazy’ i hope you fall in an intersection sorry i can’t do this anymore 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 so pissed i have to see him tmrw i should be able to watch mmxxl w scully in peace
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crawley-fell · 5 months
Hi me again whoops i got some more and we've officially reached the sad ones now
Hold Back the River by James Bay tell me this doesn't scream the final fifteen😭
This Year's Love by David Gray, there's something about this song you know what i mean??
Ok enough of the sad songs now onto the cursed ones
Freak by Sub Urban solely because im obsessed with Rei Ami's snake look in the music video lmao
Drug by The Simple Creatures, just yeah vaguely cursed ineffable husbands vibes lol
Crawling by Linkin Park cause Crowley is a snake that crawls ?😂
Idk how i didn't see it sooner but Let Down by Dead by Sunrise is such a Crowley coded song?? Like every lyric is just him in the final fifteen right??? 'I don't wanna be let down / I don't wanna live that life again' --> Crowley not wanting to go back to heaven. And the other lyrics as well!! It suits so well (maybe not really relevant for your brainrot series but shh)
Our way Out by Nico Collins gives me Crowley trying to convince Aziraphale to run away to Alpha Centauri vibes lol (and the 'As long as you're beside me / I know that it'll be okay / We'll be okay' just adds an extra layer of pain🥲)
Another one by Nico Collins: On Accident, specifically the line 'Cause when we're with each other, yeah, we move too fast' aka you go too fast for me, Crowley 🥲
And now for the most cursed one (i think): Nothing Even Matters by Big Time Rush, yes you heard that right 😂
 Wow bestie you really said ‘brainrot? Hold my beer’ jshdgfjkngf okay i'll pick some out i'm only one woman
This Year's Love by David Gray - this gives me post S1 vibes like first year of freedom and hope but as we saw they just slipped into their old habits, brainrot lives in this song's walls
Crawling by Linkin Park - i think listening to this just gave me hives, a complete throw back to listen to Kerrang radio at age 11 thinking i was hardcore. Pure brainrot.
I very much see the Nico Collins visions but still brainrot vibes, it's deliciously tenuous and certainly forced and i'm here for it.
Nothing Even Matters by Big Time Rush is so up my street we're practically neighbours, more like Big Time Slay you bet its on the list
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castle-dominion · 9 months
castle 6x15 smells like teen spirit
the telekinesis episode liveblog
Wow sometimes I hate teenaged girls. Telling a cab driver how to drive? Wow language. Of course she plays lacrosse. Actually I was thinking ringette not lacrosse.
Going to be murder on-screen? Holy crap! Dun dun dun she dead
so obviously... fake but yk
*lenny face* Weddings <3 KB: I want Old Blue Eyes himself. New songs for the playlist: witchcraft by frank sinatra & dancing in the dark by bruce springsteen.
RC & KB (simultaneously): Do we not have a song? (love their samebrain) RC: We must have a song. KB’S phone rings. KB: And it looks like they’re playing it now. XD, btw do you remember when castle's ringtone for her was that death sound? (she answers) Beckett. (pause, then whispered to RC) Murder at Sutton Place. They both get out of bed. Because sadly they are on call this late at night. Well she’s on call he’s just there.
What does senior mean for non-americans? (At least we're not french school tho.) Lol Castle uwu lanie tucking her hair behind her ear with the pen (wow ryan looks v early seasons rn. I like it. Oh it must be the short hair & dark clothes
BLOOD ON THE RAFTER? {how did it get there for real?}
Lol made the hulk angry. As if that's a viable Castle theory. Tho I miss the Castle theories where he was right & smart.
I was wondering where Esposito was. aw, coffee. Nice tie on esposito. But what's with his hair. I like the hair but I don't like it
She's a teen. Stuff like this happens.
My man doesn't look like a teen. U kidding me Castle? rich teens like that?
KB: So this is where you graduated, huh? RC: Well, I would have if it wasn’t for the fact that one night my buddies and I sneaked in and pushed a cow up twelve flights of stairs and onto the roof. (Ah yes. Grad pranks. My dad & his friends put underwear on a giant statue in their hometown. They were velcro too so it was a harmless prank, unlike permanent grafiti. But 12 flights is a lot. My high school was one of the tallest in our town bc it had 4 floors I think...) KB: A cow? Really? RC: Yep. KB: So what happened? Did you guys get expelled? RC: No. Just me. I wasn’t connected like my buddies were. I was the scholarship kid, so I got the boot. KB: (smirks) Well I think you turned out all right. RC: Me too. Me too I love him
How did u know she was going out all hours of the night? u weren't sleeping together (& I mean actually literally sleeping too, where u would notice if your partner left the bed)
They just ran from the cab? very teen girl of them. I LOVE esposito's jacket.
KB: Where are they now? KR: Same place you are. Ok so new characters: Kris Howard, Hillary Cooper. Madison is the one who died. She has HEELS
That's a cello not a bass, the neck is like the violin family & the bass is not of the violin family
wait the PRINCUIPAL said youe not supposed to talk about it!!É oh french keyboard whoops
RC: I’d offer a theory but I’m too busy having detention flashbacks. KB: You must have spent a lot of time in this hallway. RC: More than I did in class. (What a mood. Castle adhd headcanon points. Actually for me it was a lot of speech therapy.) KB: I bet that principal hated you. RC: I’m wondering if hate is a strong enough word. Principal Dunan had to hire a crane to get that cow off the roof. But I’m sure that old battleax is long since retired. (he laughs) Put out to pasture, so to speak. PD: Was that a bovine reference, Mr. Rodgers? RC: startles and stands up. RC: Principal Dunan, you’re … uh … still here. (he is SOOO under the authority of this man even tho he's a rich adult now & taller than him. tho in HS he was also probs taller.) PD: And sadly, you have returned. RC: is chastised. PD: gestures for them to enter his office. KB: walks around RC: , trying to hold back her amusement. RC: follows behind like he’s going to his funeral. INT – PRINCIPAL DUNAN’S OFFICE PD: I see you have managed to extricate yourself from a life of delinquency, Mr. Rodgers, and become a writer. RC: shuts the door behind them. He tries to respond, but he’s cut off when PD: continues. PD: - of sorts. RC: Well, actually, it’s Mr. Castle now. (castle trans moments) PD: You’ll always be Rodgers to me.
lmao faircroft family?
RC: (whispered) I’m surprised he can use a computer. PD: I’m old, not deaf, Mr. Rodgers. And undaunted by technology. kb walks around the desk to look at the computer. rc waits, silently asking permission before pd gestures for him to come look.
Hot or not? smash or pass? markiplier plays smash or pass with every dingle pokemon? Best character: Jordan Gibbs. (she's DEF hot bro! Look at her!) I recognized her as played by Hannah Marks, who plays Amanda Brotzman in dirk gently's holistic detective agency. Both of em are supposed to be normal. r/ why were they filming Edit: because the one filming was PLAYING hot or not on video, they were PART of the game & recording it, focusing the cam on each girl they played hot ot not with. & the boys don't continue with their game or like,, laugh when she drops her tray? I knew a guy like that in 3rd grade. Broke our smartboard.
RC: The outcast. The mean girls. (love it love it love it.) The rage that erupts in a telekinetic attack. This is a real life Carrie. My mother got carrie from the library. She is also reading christine bc of an ad for car insurance in our town.
KB: Now, has anything like this happened before? PD: No RC: Um … yes. At the crime scene. Me: technically that was after
Ah yes Castle plays poker with him.
Oh! I was wondering where his nice tie went but it's the next day that's why he has the nice jacket Auntie Payban: Detective? (he turns back) I know what this looks like, but Jordan is a really good kid. She got a scholarship herself to that fancy school. Castle parallel Payban: I mean, she just – she wouldn’t throw that away, you know? She just wouldn’t do this. Cut to:
HC: Yeah, it was totally Jordan. KH: No doubt. KB: You never actually saw her. KH: Well, we didn’t see anyone. It was if some invisible force threw Madison around the room like a ragdoll. (Who has the bag that good?) HC: The same way Jordan attacked us in the cafeteria. KH: Yeah. RC: After you knocked into her as she carried a tray of food. KH: Look, we know it was wrong of us to mess with her, but – HC: I mean, she’s odd, you know? She’s into weird stuff. Like that autistic jewish lesbian witch in the webcomic I'm reading
Ryan Castle Jr Moments Holy moley pic with no eyes...
You're poor & give your kid an allowance? My mom had a job & my dad did carpentry work & we didn't get an allowance until my brothers & I were like idk 15 13 & 11 maybe (just a guess) & even then, it was paid chores not a plain allowance. Actually I remember it was 7th grade at the earliest, possibly later, so I would have likely been 12 to 13. Or later bc that's when I was like "I don't get an allowance" & all my classmates were saying "I don''t get an allowance but my parents pay for my phone plan" or "I get an allowance but I need to pay for my phone plan myself"
Lucas Troy my beloved RC: Ah… Starry Knight, the winter ball. Did I tell you Principal dunan expelled me just before prom? (oh bc they're the knights, like the crusaders or marauders whose mascot was a dunk scottish guy,, for high schoolers.) Why is he holding it in front of his face instead of wearing the mask? KB: Castle, no! You didn’t get to go to your own prom? RC: And my date would have been Audra Dobson. So unbelievably hot. KB: Well, if it’s any consolation I missed my prom as well. RC: Really? Why? My first thought was: her mom’s murder.
Lucas: It’s amazing. Even after she’s dead everything’s still all about her. Tbh you can be a little bitter abt that even though she's dead
Love his voice, really sells that he's a teen.
Lucas: Yeah, but there’s no way Jordan would retaliate. The girl wouldn’t raise her hand at anyone. RC: She wouldn’t have to. Not with flying chairs in her arsenal.
You just left school for a bit & came back after you lost her?
Tori <3 the data ARE gone technically
Did they get a warrant for her phone?
RC: Just because no one knows who Jordan’s friends are doesn’t mean she doesn’t have any.
Transcript calls him Nerdy Guy. The crowd breaks and reveals that the man isn’t standing on a table. He’s levitating, floating in midair. (love the punk nonbinary girl) BWA BWA BWAAAAAAA
Becket a sec ago: wowie Becket now: Ya I saw that trick in vegas
Rampinel: I teach biophysics at MIT. I rent this space from Henderson to conduct my research in telekinesis. My friend/tattoo artist is a teacher at my school, which my little bro wants to attend but f/ta/i said he could probably go to MIT. Dad said, "Manitoba institute of tehcnology? That's pretty good, much better than the colleges we have in our part of canada." f/ta/i said, "No I meant michigan institute of tech. Your son is smart enough to get in." My baby bro is going to become a physicist! I'm over here just learning a crappy trade job.
How did she find out that henderson diagnostics was a telekinesis place when esposito couldn't?
Hats off to rampinel for harbouring Jordan. (her clothing makes her look short too but she isn't a tall person so she's great for a high schooler. I saw hannah marks in dghda where she was often beside elijah wood who is also not tall so she looked normal to me but in castle she looks so tiny, one of the reasons I didn't recognize her. That & she was maybe like 5-10 years younger
KR: She even kind of looks like Carrie. JE: No, she does not. Besides, how would that little skinny girl throw Madison up against the ceiling? KB rolls her eyes. RC: With powers we have yet to comprehend. (to KB) Be careful in there. Don’t anger her. We don’t know what she’s capable of. KB nods. KB: You’re right. You should probably go in there with me. For protection. She leaves.
Nemesis is such a word Russian lit my beloved. just like heavy tf2 Maybe she doesn't want anyone to know she actually studies! I love how this teen talks & presents herself, acting v good to make this a teen. Adult enough, but still less experience & not fully mature.
I believe it's a nervous habit & not an attempt to frighten them. She legit thinks she killed someone I LVOVE HER SM
JE, who grew up poor: What kind of high school kid has financials? Me: Well if you're 16 then you gan get your driver's & often that's when you start driving yourself to work & getting a job... I also grew up poor but for the collective bday of my bros & me we all got bank accounts. Which was odd bc there is a 4y gap between the oldest & youngest. Now, we didn't really use them except for relatives writing us cheques on xmas, but technically we had financials. However, nothing nearly as great as madison's. Ryan comes in with three STACKS of paper.
Bars/clubs? she's a minor. Wait fake IDs exist.
When does she sleep?
She speaks russian! Holy crap! A bank account does not have actual cash in it, silly billy.
$2.3m holy crap Sus. Did he rob die hard & then maddie stole his stuff or like??? He won't have killed his own daughter. probably.
Hm they are eating at the breakfast bar not the dining table
KB: (reading) The Billboard’s Top 100 Most Romantic Songs of All Time. RC: I figure our song has to be on that list somewhere. KB: No, Castle. I’m not choosing our song off of a list that includes – (she scans) Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar On Me”. She tosses the list aside.
KB: Yeah, except rebel Becks was a little too cool to go to a silly dance, so we went to a poetry slam in the East Village instead. It’s one of those seminal moments that I kinda wish I hadn’t skipped out on. She rebelled by going to a poetry slam? Nerdy goth. Probably took her motorbike.
love esposiro's red on red outfit So she... robs her rich friends? "to f/n l/n, who has a kid in faircroft"
Also like how they call it tolstoy instead of war & peace or the russian title. My question tho, how did she hollow out the book? I've tried, it ain't easy.
Love his Hey Hey KR: No. But she might have robbed the guy who robbed the bank.
Teenaged girl stealing things? Who would have thought.
Mum knew a guy who went by shawn bc his name was xian
I love this real estate fellow she's great. KR: A ghost. ??? Hey bro chinese ghosts are fricking scary.
Ryan Castle jr moments Love how we get to just focus on ryan's face while caskett are arguing. Also he is SHORT next to tall castle & tall beckett in heels.
JE: They also examined the patio where Chen’s furniture earned its frequent flyer miles. CERULEAN BLUE LIKE THE KID'S LUNGS? NOOOO NOT LUCAS
wait lucas said he wasn't there. Why'd he lie?
she's bringing a gun? & cocking it? going to see a kid? reminds me of that scene with violin girl (boy) in the umbrella academy. viktor hargreeves but when they were still vanya. making stuff fly around & then boom james peen or whatever his name was.
LUCAS: You wouldn’t understand. Most people don’t. That’s why I’ve learned to hide what I am. RC: Telekinetic. LUCAS: (scoffs) What? No. Smart. You know, people don’t like it when you’re smart and you do things people don’t understand. I mean, all that stuff that you saw? I rigged. RC: Rigged? But you – chairs moved. The tables – LUCAS: Right. Special effects are kind of my hobby. (Love special effects) It’s pretty amazing what you can do with some fishing wire and magnets. And people are pretty gullible. RC’S face falls. KB tries to not show her amusement, but she gives RC a knowing look. So did he fake a telekinetic event for his friend w/o telling her, making her think she had powers? & he told her NOW tho?
JG: I've never had anyone do that for me before. [KR puts his hand on JE'S shoulder.]
Lucas: And you – you know what they would do to a scholarship kid who terrorized a room full of students? Castle:
Well you edited the last part out AND the first part out. You usually need to trim both ends of a clip like that.
That kid is NOT a high school student. Then again I have seen kids somewhat like that...
I had a dream about having a weird locker i could go inside. but setting up a false bottom would be kind of... impossible
lmao stealing from the fiarcroft community is barely stealing babe
two out of three girls had lawyer dads. Smart of her not to say a word.
Reading the transcript I thought Kris was innocent & Hillary knew. Seeing the show, I see body language
Hillary: She is captain of the cheer squad. She knows her way to the top of the pyramid. Yeah that kind of work requires a lot of muscle. But srs? already betraying your friend like this? At least she's getting arrested in her prom queen stuff.
PD: Mmm. Just one thing I need to know, Mr. – Castle. It’s haunted me for years. Where did you get the cow? RC: (hesitates) Put it this way, sir, if you ever need one, I know a guy. EVEN BACK THEN CASTLE KNEW A GUY
his hands are... very thick, making his fingers look stubby. smallest toes I've seen on a guy that tall.
Andrew Belle’s “In My Veins” & I love how these adults are just crashing a prom. My parents wanted to crash weddings & pretend to be hired dancers.
(lowkey goth, love the way she looks.) These kids aren't dancing so well, no kid is. Well ig it's a different style of dancing. I do fiddle dancing-- heck we had a 40 minute virginia reel the other day. We also do schottisches, circle dances, polkas, etc, but our two-steps & waltzes are not like foxtrots & ballroom waltzes. I took some ballroom classes in school & some hip-hop & "just dance" which I never really liked, but we also took salsa. I really want to learn salsa again. & ofc my parents were big into swing. I miss swing dancing, I need to take a class. My olf TA could to salsa & tango. She was great. croatian-canadian living in argentina for summer lol.
KB: Oh, that reminds me. I had unis sweeps Lucas’s house. You know what they didn’t find? Wires, magnets, anything that would explain that stuff that we saw flying around. Jordan & Lucas are kissing <3 <3 <3 I always love it when these episodes, time travellers, psychics, telekinetics... I love it when these episodes end with some sort of "ooh scary, what if it's real" moment
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please elaborate on hobbits nouis thank u
ok so for those of u who don’t know, i am obsessed with lotr. i have marathons several times a year, half the time w the cast commentary on bc it’s the greatest thing in the world. ANYWAY. i also have this thing where i tend to cast 1d in absolutely everything i watch and it’s a problem but a couple years ago i came up with a lotr au in which the casting is as follows:
niall and louis are hobbits for obv reasons, liam is a man either from gondor or rohan and harry is obv obv obv an elf (probably from mirkwood, haven’t rly decided).
so the basic idea is niall and louis grow up in hobbiton hearing the story of frodo and the fellowship over and over bc frodo and sam and merry and pippin are the most famous of hobbits ever and hobbits are storytellers at heart and love to share the story (even though it’s probably been embellished with some lies over the years). but as louis gets older he decides he doesn’t wanna just listen to the story, HE WANTS TO BE A FAMOUS HOBBIT TOO! HE WANTS ADVENTURES OF HIS OWN! (lbr, he’s probably a took, they’re the adventurous ones after all)
he convinces his bff niall to come with him bc he obviously can’t go alone, he needs an adventure pal. niall doesn’t exactly feel the same as louis does when it comes to going on adventures, but he goes along for the ride easily enough. (in all honesty he probably expects them to get to the edge of the shire and then turn around)
BUT they actually make it out of the shire!! they probably make it all the way to bree which makes louis VERY happy bc “FRODO AND THE OTHERS MADE IT HERE TOO, NIALL!!! THIS IS WHERE THE JOURNEY STARTED!!!” “yes louis i know i’ve heard the stories too thank you very much now let’s get pints”
this also happens to be where they run into liam. liam’s never met a hobbit before but ofc he’s heard of them bc EVERYONE IN MIDDLE EARTH KNOWS ABOUT FRODO BAGGINS but he accidentally insults louis by saying something like “i thought you’d be taller” and louis is VERY ANGRY ABOUT THAT because he’s quite tall for a hobbit thank you very much LIAM!!
he probably even picks a fight with liam and meanwhile niall’s watching like oh my god louis is going to die and then i’m going to have to go back to hobbiton and tell his mum oh god no LOUIS STOP HE IS THREE TIMES YOUR SIZE but eventually liam manages to convince louis that he didn’t mean it and they shouldn’t fight and louis takes that as liam’s surrender and brags about his triumph until he passes out from one too many pints.
somehow by the morning liam’s decided that he can’t leave these two hobbits on their own because louis is obviously going to get them killed. he tags along on their journey which apparently is v similar to the one that frodo and the others took because their next stop is probably rivendell. maybe lothlorien. probably rivendell, it’s closer.
either way, that’s where they meet harry. he’s one of the only elves left in middle earth and at first he doesn’t trust them at all because he’s been living alone for ages - but once it’s clear they’re not a threat, he warms up to them.
now from here the story is a little fuzzy because i never really hammered out the other details, but somewhere along the line there’s like an actual fight where liam gets hurt and harry immediately goes on the offensive and demonstrates that he actually does know how to fight and surprises the hobbits bc they thought for sure they were all about to die!!!
and… yeah idk what happens after that. but nouis def end up together and lirry probably do too. but idk how or what the end of this would actually be so if u have any suggestions i gladly welcome them.
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explosionoftara · 4 years
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unchained-lightner · 6 years
Drabble; The Hero They Needed
     Kris had been seen many different ways in their life. They could have been just about anything at all, depending on who you asked. To some they were a notorious troublemaker and prankster. To others, a creepy, sadistic little freak who indulged in others’ torment. Some suspected they were merely a lonely kid who just couldn’t seem to connect with the other children. A few pitied the teen who had never really belonged anywhere, and likely never would, either.
     But, nobody ever would have called them brave, or selfless, or... Kind. Kris was far closer to being a villain than a hero, if you asked the town where they’d grown up.
     Yet, here, that was what Kris finally was... The one identity they really wished they could be, but knew would forever be out of their grasp. This time, Kris would write their own story. They would make choices that mattered. They would help people, and save the day, and maybe just maybe... Their life would mean something after all.
     Today, Kris was the hero that everyone needed, just not the one they wanted.
     They couldn’t afford to let everyone down. Not this time.
     This was it, the final confrontation. There was no denying the cruelty of the beastly creature before them, the King himself... Lancer’s father, who now held the boy aloft before them. After everything they’d faced, the shift in tone was utterly baffling. Susie looked ready to bash the guy with her ax, but Kris held back, anxiety gripping their chest like a vice. In all their time in this world... Kris had never felt like they encountered someone truly, unquestionably evil.
     Until now.
     “Then how about this...?” The shadow’s grip shifted, somehow terribly casual for a man who was threatening the life of their own son. “I’ll drop him off the edge and let him splatter... Unless you all KNEEL and learn your place!” An awful, sick feeling sunk in the kid’s stomach. Maybe Lancer was a bit of an oddball, and sure, he’d attacked them a few times, but... After everything they’d gone through, Kris might have even called him a friend.
     Under the shadow of their hair, a glitter of red sparked faintly... One fist clenched, trembling slightly. Yet, they knew they had no choice. For the first time, Kris really wanted to follow Susie’s lead and pummel this guy into the ground.
     But, if it meant sacrificing someone’s life... It just wouldn’t be worth it.
     They cast a meaningful, cautious glance Susie’s way... Her ax was quivering, still raised threateningly. Then it lowered back to her side as the monster’s arm fell limp, her head slightly lowered in defeat. Kris looked to Lancer with a melancholy frown, the kid was begging them not to do it, but... What other choice was there? Stand there, and watch him die..?
     As Susie fell to one knee, Kris and Ralsei followed suit. But even as Kris watched for an opening, an opportunity, something... Several white spades sparked to life before them, gleaming with deadly malice. The teen lowered their head, shoulders tensing... Bracing for impact. Is this really how it ends? It didn’t seem like the death of a hero. It sure wasn’t how Kris had wanted to go out. I’ll have to try harder next time. Maybe if I prepare a bit better...
     Kris jolted with shock as... Something struck the king from behind, causing the diabolical figure’s assault to vanish. A magic attack--? It wasn’t until Lancer bolted off past them, the king snarling in rage, that the teen realized what had happened. Lancer saved them. That little, goofy spade prince... He’d just saved all their lives.
     The trio stood, their purpose as one. That fire in Kris’s spirit blazed, and they knew... This time, there would be no mercy. A faint, dangerous grin curved their lips as their weapon glittered into existence, the magenta blade glowing faintly in the darkness. Beside them Susie shared the sentiment, the monster’s ax gleaming as brutally as her bared fangs. Good. They would still try for a peaceful resolution, but, if one couldn’t be attained...
     Well, Kris wouldn’t feel too bad about teaching this guy a lesson he’d never forget.
     “Who the hell do you think you are?” Susie growled, her gravelly voice laced with venom.
     The dark figure cackled grimly... “To my people, I am a hero... To you?” They straightened, drawing a weapon from... A demented, grinning mouth that stretched open across their stomach. Kris felt a deep revulsion as the king’s laughter burst forth in stereo, filling the dark precipice with the sound of madness.
     “I’m the bad guy!”
     In that moment, Kris had to admit... If anyone in the Dark World could make that claim, it was certainly the twisted creature before them. You can be the bad guy all you want, Kris decided firmly, sword readied... You aren’t a hero to your people. Just yourself. And that was when Kris understood, really understood, what it meant to be a hero... And what made Susie and Ralsei so much different from the madman before them.
     They weren’t heroes just for the fame, or the attention, or the glory...
     They were heroes because there were people they needed to protect. And as Kris steadied their blade, glaring at the King... They knew that now they, too, had people they wished to protect. Their friends needed them, just as Kris needed them, too. Playing hero was all well and good, but this time... This time they would be a hero.
     We can’t lose, because I refuse to let you win.
     It was a long battle, longer than Kris had intended. Everyone was exhausted, as was the king before them. Even with some strange, hidden power pulsing within the kid’s soul, they still felt the wear of battle in every rough pant. Their sword hung loosely at their side; Kris wasn’t sure they could have swung it again if they tried. The others seemed to be similarly beaten down; Ralsei’s hat was lopsided, but he didn’t even seem to notice. Susie was grasping her ax with both hands, her snout displaying a wicked, fanged snarl. Too much more, and Kris worried she might start foaming at the mouth.
     Yet, as the king submitted... Somehow, even as Kris gratefully sheathed their weapon, they couldn’t shake that feeling in their gut that this was too good to be true. People like the king... They didn’t just turn on a dime.
     “My body is... Getting weak...” Kris watched the Darkner with faint apprehension... Had they really hurt the king that badly, or...?
     “Oh, don’t say another word!”
     As Ralsei approached the king, Kris realized what he was doing a moment too late. There was a soft flash of light, magic illuminating their adversary and healing the injured king’s wounds.
     “Ralsei...!” Kris managed, but the young prince didn’t seem to have heard them.
     The next words were a blur. An overwhelming dread gripped Kris’s heart, yet they felt frozen in place. Their feet just wouldn’t move, no matter how much they wanted to back away. And then... It was too late.
     A sharp bolt of pain shot straight through Kris’s body. For a moment, everything flickered black. They were vaguely aware of tumbling forward onto the rocky ground, but it all seemed so hazy, so... Far away. Their soul flickered dimly, a few dark fissures working across the scarlet surface...
     There was a rustle, someone was moving. Dim red eyes peered from under Kris’s bangs, making out a violet shape struggling to right herself beside them... Susie.
    “Did I say you could get up?” A flash of white registered, somewhere in Kris’s peripheral vision. Another spade attack, sharp points aimed straight at Susie, at... Their friend. The scarlet soul flickered again with pain, but... Even as it threatened to shatter, fragile as glass, pushed to its very limits...
     It refused.
     There was no time to think, no time to prepare. Their mind dulled by pain and desperation, Kris wasn’t sure they could have considered their actions even if they’d attempted to. Deadly blades shot towards the purple monster, and-- CLANG. They struck a solid barrier and vanished, leaving the girl unharmed.
     At the last moment, the blue-skinned teen had thrown themselves in the way, that signature shield materializing on their arm just in the nick of time. Truthfully, it was the bravest thing Kris had ever done. If there had been time to really think about it, they surely would have taken pride in such quick thinking. But... There wasn’t. Another brutal, heavy strike came from above, and it was over, just like that.
     Consciousness flickered in and out. The king was talking, but Kris couldn’t make out the words. Something about leaders, and plans... They were so tired. They felt a sudden, agonizing pressure on their chest, they were being lifted... Kris’s gaze attempted to focus on the face hovering before them, yet... It just kept blurring, in and out...
     Suddenly, they made out a dull thud, the world abruptly falling away. It took Kris a moment to realize it was the sound of their own body hitting the ground. A voice faded in... A familiar voice.
     “Get away. From my. Friend.” Susie..? Who’s she talking about...? Footsteps were receding, moving towards the speaker. Kris managed to lift their head, just slightly... The king was facing away, towards Susie. They tried to move more than that, to get up, to... say something, anything, but nothing would respond. Yet, the reptilian monster stared the king down in defiance, her gaze fiercer than Kris had ever seen it. They had to admit, she really looked like a force to be reckoned with. A... Hero.
     And here I am, laying on the ground... In the end, Kris hadn’t been able to protect Susie. No, she was the one protecting them. And now... Now... One fist clenched, the earth felt like it was rumbling but... That was impossible, right? He’s going to kill all of us.
     Then the world spun and spun as that rumbling continued to grow, and then... Everything dissolved into oblivion.
     “Kris, y’alright?” Susie’s voice drifted through Kris’s head, like a whisper. At first, they mistook it for a dream, but... No, that ache in their ribs made it clear this was no fantasy. The teen returned to their senses slowly; what happened? Where...
     Ralsei and Susie were in front of them, looking down worriedly. Judging by the black-furred boy’s anxious fidgeting, Kris had really given the pair a scare. With a quiet grunt, the teen pushed themself to sit up, leaning on one arm. That’s right, we fought the king and... The teen felt a hint of anxiety trickle sweat down their forehead, and glanced around cautiously... The king was nowhere to be seen, though it looked like there were a lot of fresh footprints in the dust behind them. The teen briefly considered asking just what, exactly, they’d missed, then decided... Maybe it was better not to. Kris looked to their friends apologetically, managing what they hoped was an encouraging grin.
     “... Hey.” They nodded feebly... Fortunately, it seemed that Ralsei had thought to use a healing spell while they were out. Though both the other kids seemed relieved, Kris didn’t miss the guilt in Ralsei’s expression... Even before the fluffy boy opened his mouth, Kris already had a pretty good idea of what he was going to say.
     “Kris, Susie, I’m... I’m sorry.” But, before Ralsei could say anything more, Kris raised one hand slightly to stop him, taking a wobbly step forward.
     “Nobody gets everything right the first time...” The human’s hand lowered a bit, coming to rest on their friend’s shoulder. Trust me, I don’t get anything right the first time, either. “But it’s okay. We made it through. So don’t worry about it, okay?” That seemed to lift Ralsei’s spirits slightly, though he still seemed a bit depressed...
     “... This isn’t a world where kindness always wins, is it...?”
     “Eh. It’s complicated.” This time, it was Susie who piped up. Kris peered over, and was surprised to see that they could actually make eye contact; her eyes squinted out from under dark violet hair, as though they’d only just been exposed to light for the first time. As she spoke, Kris couldn’t help feeling a sort of... Pride. Back in that hallway, just before falling into this strange land of darkness and living toys, they never would have expected Susie to be capable of comforting someone.
    Back then, Kris would have thought it a stretch to uncover any redeeming qualities in the reptilian monster at all. Nearly having their face chomped off didn’t exactly leave a great impression-- if the years of bullying preceding that altercation weren’t enough.
     Now... Neither of them was the same person they’d been before stepping through that strange, eerily glowing closet door.
     “... I suppose you and Kris should return home now.” Those words snapped Kris from their thoughts, and their smile vanished abruptly. Home? They’d only been in this place a day, but, somehow... The human had almost forgotten why the group came all this way to begin with. For some reason, the thought of returning to their life, just as it’d been before... It didn’t make them happy.
     Everything after that just felt like they were drifting along, a sense of great foreboding weighing down their crimson soul. I don’t want to go back. Susie seemed to mistake the look, believing Kris just wanted to say goodbye-- just as she did, even if she wouldn’t admit it-- but the truth was... Kris didn’t want to ever say goodbye. Not to these people, and not to this world.
     And certainly not to the person they’d become, the hero they would have to leave behind.
     They said their goodbyes, speaking to each of the people they’d helped, but it all felt hollow, empty... Pointless. A thought was sinking its claws into Kris’s mind, a terrible thought. And part of them felt guilty for even considering it, throwing all of this away, this happy ending... The ending they’d all worked so hard for.
     But, even as they stepped towards the fountain of darkness, their soul igniting with Determination, Kris already knew what they were going to do, what they... Had to do.
     I’m sorry. I guess I’m not really the hero you needed after all.
     They stepped into the darkness, and as the world illuminated with a pure, mysterious light... Everything was swept away, carrying all feeling away with it.
     ‘Let’s go back tomorrow, okay?’
     Kris was seated on their bed, silent. Light poured in through their window, painting the carpet with pale gold. Asriel’s side of their shared bedroom normally comforted the teen, but... Not today. If anything, it served as a reminder of just how alone they really were.
     The whole way home, Kris hadn’t been able to banish that thought from their head, that terrible, awful idea... Resetting. Going back to square one, trying all over again. It felt wrong to toy with time in such a way, and yet... That was the one power the human had in this world. It was the one thing they could control. They’d made mistakes, Kris reasoned. They hadn’t done everything quite perfectly. There were other choices they could have made, places they didn’t go. Maybe... Maybe if they tried again, they could find a better ending. A happier ending.
     That was the lie Kris told themself, justifying what they were about to do.
     Kris closed their eyes, drawing on that strange power from deep within. It had awoken there in the darkness, and it was still present, glowing like a precious ruby in their heart. It pulsed with a strange, unknowable energy, illuminating the child with scarlet light.
     One eye sparked with a flash of red, shining brilliantly...
     Just one more time. I’ll get it right, and then I’ll come back.
     Next time... I’ll be the hero they need me to be.
     > RESET
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sukunasfourtheye · 3 years
Late Night Texts- Eren x reader
Tumblr media
Minors DNI, 18+ Adult Content 🔞
Summary: It’s midnight, you’re kinda tipsy, and you text your friend Eren.
Warnings: Smut smut smut, minors DNI. This is pure pure fucking filth. Yoinks.
Contains: swearing, sexting/texting, sexting turned to FaceTime sex/phone sex, dirty talk, ‘good girl” used multiple times, masturbation
Words: 1.2k
Note from the author: I personally have such a thing for phone sex/sexting so much so this is a personal fav gahhhhhh. I debated this being a Levi or Eren fic but feel like Levi would literally just get up and go to your house and wouldn’t have the patience for sexting LOL so Eren it was
>>> heeeeeeey haha whats upp
Eren raised an eyebrow as he glanced down at your text. Hmm, he thought. Kinda late. He squinted at the clock on his night stand that read 12:31am.
> Sup 
Probably just bored, he thought. He hit send, and not even 15 seconds later his phone *dings* again.
>>> nothing hahaha kinda tipsy but oh well
He hated to admit it, but he felt a small flutter in his chest reading your reply. You’d been friends for a while, but he never picked up on any flirty vibes from you, but drunk texting at midnight? Hmm...
> Fun. Did you go out?
>>> yeah clubbing with sashaaaa haha so fun:) you shoulda caaaaaame
Ok, this is definitely flirty, he thought. The thought of you in a tight dress, all dolled up, swaying on a dancefloor....phew.
> Damn, yeah I should’ve come. Would’ve been fun seeing you.
He hesitates, thinking he’s definitely breaching into flirty territory with this one. He thinks, fuck it before he presses send.
His phone *dings* and he sees the text preview on his home screen:
>>> [y/n] sent you a snap!
>>> now you see me :)
His excitement started to grow as he saw the Snapchat and text double notification on his screen. Despite himself, he felt his cock twitch in his boxers, and he reflexively reached his hand down to start to rub himself lazily.
He opens the Snapchat notification.
It’s a video of you laying in bed, your phone held up at arms length, smiling with your tongue sticking out playfully. You were wearing a strapless v-neck leather top and tight black pants, your face alight with glittery makeup and a clear drunken stupor. Your smile was radiant.
Fuck, she’s hot, he thought. His hand had a mind of it’s own and started to rub himself through his pants, with a bit more purpose now. He groaned, shifting his hips up at his own contact. He replayed the video, stroking himself.
>>> replayed my video? ;)  
Whoops. He forgot you get notified if he replays your video. He goes to at first make an excuse (”whoops my bad”) but instead decides against it. Fuck it shes drunk maybe she’ll forget it, he thought. He hesitates, but presses send:
> Yeah, damn you look good
Why did i just send that. The tension of seeing you typing back made him even hornier, letting out another groan as his dick began hardening under his boxers.
>>> reaaaally? :) youre not too bad yourself ;)
 Oh yes. It’s showtime. 
> So that’s why you’re texting me so late. Just wanted a little attention?
> Yeah, you’re low key hot as fuck
There’s a long pause as he’s waiting for you to reply, terrified he fucked it up and went too far.
Then....you sent a voice note. He hit play:
>>> “Mmmmm... I wish you were here right now.”
Your voice is almost a moan, going straight to his dick. Fuck, she wants it. That’s so hot. His hands go inside his boxers and frees his now fully hard cock, giving it a few pumps as he does. Before he can even respond, another *ding* makes his cock twitch.
>>> Attached: Image
It’s a picture of you leaning forward towards the camera, giving a clear shot down your cleavage as you looked up at him, a mischievous smile on your lips, biting your tongue
> Pretty girl. Tease.
>>> im not teaaaasing i actually want to fuck you :p
The blunt text you sent made him gasp, his dick hot in his hands as he worked himself. 
> You’ve got a filthy fucking mouth
>>> you can make it filthier if you want ;)
Fuck. His throws his head back jerks himself faster, before stopping to squeeze the base of his cock. Fuck I want her to suck me so bad. Before he even registers what he’s doing, he hits the “Facetime” button to call you.
>>> [y/n] is unavailable for FaceTime
He groans in frustration. Fuck, i wanna see her.... she really is a fucking tease.
>>> we cant facetime right now im doing naughty thingssssss 
>>> this convo is making me crazzyyyy shhh
> Good. That’s a good girl.
>>> *Incoming Facetime call from [y/n]*
Too easy, he thinks. He chuckles as he swipes open the call. The camera is angled at the ceiling, the room dimmed. 
He chuckles into the phone. “All I had to say was ‘good girl’ and suddenly you calling me now, huh?”, he says, cocky as all hell. 
“Hmmm....”, he hears you say, drawing out the ‘mmm’ suspiciously. 
“Hmmmmm?” he questions back, mimicking you. “What’re you doing right now, [y/n]?”
“M’, Ummmmm, nothing....” he hears you say faintly, innocently, phone still pointed at the ceiling. He thought he was imagining it at first, but he can barely hear the sound of fabric shuffling and shifting on your end. 
“Nothing? Doesn’t sound like nothing, pretty girl”, he teases, stoking his now leaking cock. He sighed heavily on purpose, suggestively, making sure you heard him.
“What’re you doing right now?” you asked lightly, breathlessly.
He feels himself starting to slowly lose his restraint when he hears your breathy voice. “If I tell you, will you tell me?”, he grumbled, panting obviously now, loudly and into the phone, clearly out of breath from the effort of jerking himself off, hard
He hears you sigh, the sound of shuffling fabric getting louder. He hears you shift in bed. “Yes”, you say.
Through obvious gasps, he grills you: “You promise you gonna tell me what you’re doing, hmm, baby? You gonna tell me what you’re doing after you made me so fucking hard for you?”
He hears you moan loudly now, obviously meant for him to hear, panting.
“I’m stroking my fucking dick right now, that’s what I’m doing. I’m thinking about bending you over and fucking you stupid” he moans in unison with you, hearing himself admit it making him feel even dirtier
“Are you touching yourself, [y/n]? Your pussy wet for me? Hmm?” He hears your high-pitched moan and your body shift quickly in your bed.
“Use your words, I wanna hear that pretty little mouth say my fucking name”, he commands, heat flushing his face. 
“Ung! - Eren...ugh....” you finally mewl, sounding just as desperate as he was to cum
“Fuck i wanna stuff my cock in your mouth so fucking bad, [y/n]” he moans, babbling off strings of dirty talk, barely able to catch his breath as he gets closer and closer. “You’re a naughty little girl aren’t you? Were you touching your pussy while you were texting me? Hmmm? Dirty girl. You wanted me to make you cum, yeah?  You thinking about my dick fucking into that messy little pussy? I wanna hear you say it you needy little---ahhh! fuck. speak to me.” 
You finally break your silence: “Ugh, Eren, ah!-- you’re gonna make me--fuck, you’re gonna make me--!”
He lets out a string of swear words, cursing through both your orgasm and his: “ah, fuck thats such a good fucking girl yes, cum for me baby, cum on daddys cock, cum on this fucking cock babe, uuung...!”
As you both catch your breath from the thrill that just ran through both your bodies, he pants “That....was hot”. 
“Yeah”, he hears you say, the camera finally moving away from the ceiling and onto you. You looked dazed, a thin sheen of sweat smudging your makeup. Still, a satisfied smiled was painted on your pretty face. “You’re so hot. Wow. I haven’t cum that hard in a long time. Next time you’ll have to come over?”
“See you then, princess”
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Sing to me: JJK x Reader 🔞
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Mermaid AU, Siren!Jungkook, Prince!Jungkook, homeless!Reader, Romance,  Smut duh
Wordcount: 5k (medium)
Tags/Warnings: okay so, spoiled kook, possessive kook, Theres literally an attempted murder lol, drowning? whoops, blood oh no, reader is hella fucking dense ok, biting, courting lol, fish boy is in love, whoops, anyways we got sexy times too, because in this AU fishboy got legs n all of that hah, unprotected sex because, guys pls this ain't supposed to he realistic, wrap it before you tap it folks, its also not all that filthy lol, blink and you'll miss the scene, honestly I didn't include much smut because yall nasty so you will ask for dirty drabbles anyways, not that I mind lol, k I'm done I think, wow mom I've sinned less than usual..
Summary: Help me love myself, and I might learn to love you as well.
Or alternatively: you save Jungkook from being killed, and he totally gets the wrong signals. But he's cute, so its fine. Probably.
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Jungkook is floating.
He thinks about what lies above the waves, and cant think of anything he really finds interesting. The surface is littered in junk, in things humans leave behind without thinking twice about it. It's air is thick and stuffy, hard to breathe and never clear at all. It's crowded, with creatures who at the end of the day all look the same in his eyes. There's nothing exciting about the world people walk on.
Its boring, and dirty.
His own home is, compared to that, a kingdom radiating like the moon itself. It shines and sparkles, and harbors some of the most beautiful creatures ever to be found. He and his family, as well as everyone else, live in peace with nature down underneath the waves, existing side by side instead of trying to gain the upper hand all the time.
And he's reminded of the cruelty of man, when he finds himself caught in a net.
He's somehow made the fishermen drop it instead of pulling him up on their boat. But that doesn't mean he's free- he's still struggling with it, fighting it, but he cant rip it apart. All he does really, is tie the knots tighter, have them dig into his skin until spots are rubbed raw. He can't really swim anywhere at this point, gives up as he can see the last lights of his distant home fade into the distance.
Jungkook is floating.
He's slowly being led by the waves, by the love of wind and waters, as he closes his eyes. Its a pity, really; for a prince held so high to die by the mere hands of the poor, he thinks. It's upsetting him, very much so, but he takes it as it is. There's nothing he can do anyways, as he slowly comes into contact with the sand below. It washes him up onto short, the dry sand sticking to his body, waves pushing him higher and higher onto the ground.
He shivers, the cold outside air biting at his skin now unsheltered and defenseless.
He doesn't know how long he lays there.
But at some point, steps are heard on the sand. He keeps his eyes closed, doesn't care about what will happen next- he really just wants to have it be over by now, the ropes already painfully burning his skin at certain spots. He's sure theres sand in his wounds as something touches him- warm fingers, hesitant, and almost shy.
He keeps his eyes closed.
"My god, I hate humans.." You mutter under your breath, your voice hitting his ears, making him notice the way it sounds. He thinks it sounds very similar to some of his kind; sirens being blessed with voices sweet and enchanting. Maybe you were one of the strays who had decided to live on the surface for some reason? But your smell was entirely human, although much sweeter and pleasant than anyone he'd met before. And then, after a small short moment of pain-
He's free.
His arms flop to his side, and he breathes in deeply- finally able to fully move again. His eyes open, and adjust to the night for a moment, before they meet yours.
How interesting.
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"Jungkook?" Jimin asks him, curious to what has gotten the young Siren so occupied. Typically, Jungkook would be watching the annual kingdom dances with at least some form of interest; even if it was just a glimpse of it, just to make his parents worry less about him misbehaving. But today, as the graceful dancers move around to the orchestra playing, the young prince is absolutely not there. At least not mentally. "Jungkook." The older one scolds, getting Jungkooks attention- his gaze hard and annoyed. "Please, young prince- at least try to pretend you're interested. This is after all part of our culture." He strategically uses his title as teasing- something which makes Jungkook snort without any fun.
"I really don't want to be here." He explains, and Jimin sighs. "I'd rather be at the surface.." He mumbles, being careful not to be too loud- but Jimin does pick it up, and so does his partner, Taehyung, next to him- now leaning a bit forward to hear better.
"Oh?" Jimin asks. "What could be of interest there, I wonder?" He teases, and Jungkook grows even more irritated.
"Nothing that should interest a whore like you." He says harshly, though Jimin knows he means no harm with it. Jimin is, after all, a man who enjoys the simple pleasures in life- which is why he can't quite grasp why Jungkook, a young man in his prime like himself, doesn't seem to care about whats going on around him.
"Hm, but I think she must be absolutely divine if you're willing to risk the wrath of your own mother just to see her." He says, and Taehyung snickers next to him, clearly amused.
But to both of their surprise, Jungkook grows.. calm. Theres even a glimpse of a smile on his lip as he rests his head on his head, elbow on the armrest of his throne. "That she is." He says, quietly, as he watches the young woman in front of him. He has to imagine you there instead, moving oh so gracefully to the sounds of his Kingdom's greatest musicians- dressed in the most beautiful gown he'd gift you. "That she is.." He repeats, a dreaming look on his face that Jimin has not seen before.
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Jungkook watches you.
He enjoys watching you on your daily trips to the beach, picking up cans and bottles, and other things people throw away without care. You're cleaning up the beach, and he thinks its a very good behavior- he likes the way you always carefully scan the ground and sides for any garbage. He swims a little closer as he spots you squatting down; eyes lighting up as you pick up a shell he'd personally not care much for. It's slightly pink- but nothing he hasn't seen in his life. They're so common, and he suddenly thinks that if this already makes you happy, what if he was to bring you something else? Something better, something more worth your attention?
He feels a rush of excitement.
Dashing into the opposite direction, he makes his way towards the ground below, eyes scanning the ground as he searches for something. He spots it after a few minutes of searching, but when he holds the pearl, he hesitates.
Its not enough.
No, that's not what you should get. He's only paying back his dept, yeah, that's what he's doing. But what if he was overdoing it by bringing you something too expensive or rare? No, he should be smart about it, yeah. Start small, and work your way up he thinks, as he takes the pearls he's collected while deep in thought, and pushes himself back to the top, swimming easily. He hopes you're still there-
And there you are, dipping your feet into the water.
He looks at what he can see; only able to see clearly underneath the waves rather than above. There's a bracelet hanging around your ankle, and it looks cheap, he thinks. It only helps him by giving him ideas for his next gifts- if you would accept his first, that is. He's never been rejected before, but then again, has always rejected instead. Nothing had interested him to the extend you did. Maybe you really were of his kind, secretly.
When he slowly brings his head up the waves, you don't get scared, or flinch. You simply look, spot him, and smile.
He likes that expression.
He comes closer, free hand helping him onto the stone you sit on, his hand holding your gift eagerly pushing against yours. You understand quickly, and open them, and he smiles. You're smart, he notes, and it only adds to your qualities, he thinks. Dropping the pearls, your eyes sparkle again- as they should, he thinks with pride. You inspect them with big eyes, as if you've never seen something alike. He enjoys your reaction- and you nod at him. "Thank you- are they for me to keep?" You ask, pointing to them, and then at your chest. He's not fully fluent in human language, but has picked up on some words and phrases, since Seokjin had recently strayed- teaching him some stuff whenever he got bored and visited his younger brother.
So Jungkook nods. "You." He says, and you like the sound of his voice; fittingly just as handsome as the rest of him, you think. But then again- his kind is known for its beauty and enchanting voices. "Keep." He tells you, pushing your closed palm a bit closer to your body as if to underline his statement. You think its cute, in a way.
"Okay." You say. "I'll keep them-?" You ask, and he doesn't understand, until you point to yourself, and say a name- yours, he supposes.
"Ah-" He starts, pointing to himself. "Jungkook. Jeon, Jungkook." He tells you, and you nod, smiling.
"It's nice to meet you, Jeon Jungkook." You smile, and he grins back, slightly sharpened canines in stark contrast with his bunny-like smile.
He thinks its nice to meet you too.
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"But you're a witch, aren't you?" Jungkook argues, staring at Taehyung. "I thought you were all so capable." He challenges, and Taehyungs eyes darken- quite literally, since sea witches do technically have black eyes- but conceal them, as to not scare off people. He regains his composure however when Jimins hand lays on his shoulder.
"Now now, no need to become huffy." He says. "He didn't say he can't do it- he simply told you that its not that easy." He explains, and Jungkook sighs, rolling his eyes. Ever the spoiled prince, they think to themselves.
"I don't care about that." He states. "Can you do it, or can you not?" He asks, and Taehyung thinks for a moment.
"I.." He begins, before he sighs. "I can. But, there's a catch, Jungkook." He tells him, and this time, the youngest of the group seems just as serious as he listens. "I can't promise that.. the result will be what you will expect." He says.
"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks.
"There's a chance she won't survive it."
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He doesn't think much about why you're so often sitting on that rocky structure close to the deep- he likes not having to get out of the water to be close to you. And you think, Jungkook is quite the interesting being.
He’s curious; that much you can tell. His hands rest on your knees, your toes sometimes brushing against his abdomen as he swims closer- face coming forward to properly look at you. His vision must be bad outside of the waters you assume, his brown eyes squinting in concentration until he huffs and let’s himself back into the waters. You chuckle, and simply take off your jacket, slipping into the water as well as you control your breath- his entire face brightening at your body now underwater in his world, finally clear to see for his eyes.
You’re pretty, he thinks, definitely prettier than any other human he’d encountered before. The clothes covering your breasts and private parts a bit dull and boring for his taste- but he’d change that soon. He smiles, happy, before holding up his finger as if to signal for you to wait before he swims away, elegantly and fast. You swim up to breath some air, catch your breath, until there’s a hand around your calf, holding, fingers running over the skin, signaling you to come down again. You follow his question, taking a deep breath to meet him underneath the surface; his excited hands wrapping something around your neck, before he swims in circles as if he’s suddenly got too much energy. You point to yourself, as if to ask if you can keep it- and he nods, wide eyes watching you with a smile that you can’t help but mirror.
You don't quite realize what he's doing.
He however thinks you know. You know that he's courting you, and you're interested in him. You know that he's just given you more than a simple gift. He only believes you're letting him work for it- something he happily does, taking on the challenge as always. He swims closer, holds your shoulders, as his eyes look into yours, his gaze happy and child-like almost. He's close to finally showing you affection- but you suddenly swim to the surface instead.
And even though he knows you only wanted to breathe, he can't help but feel slightly sour at the ruined moment.
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"You're awfully happy these days." His mother says, watching her son in the gardens of the palace. "May I ask what has gotten you in such a bright mood?" She asks, and Jungkook doesn't quite know how to break it to her. He knows its not forbidden, knows it has, and does, happen each and every day it seems- but there's still fear inside of him. Theres still hesitation, even though he is not ashamed of what has happened- of what he has done. His mother however notices. "You know you can trust me, right?" She says, and he nods.
Its now or never.
"I've found a mate." He says, and his mother smiles warmly, holding his cheek as she kisses it in congratulation. "Its a human." He says, quietly, hurried- but his mother continues to smile.
"I have suspected as much." She states. "Your friend- Park Jimin- is not very good at talking quietly." She snickers, and Jungkook curses under his breath about how he wants to strangle him. Theres a huge weight lifted off of him however; finally having said it, made it very real to him, in a way- even though it was already.
Because, after all; you were wearing his kingdom's sigil around your neck already. He had claimed you.
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He's restless the next time he swims to the shore to meet you again- eager to see you to give you the news of his family's acceptance.
You're late- later than usual, and his brows are furrowed, mood upset at your mannerism. You're usually always on time, always just as eager to see him he thinks- but this time, you're not there. After his anger however, he grows increasingly worried instead. What if something had happened to you instead? Oh what a bad person he would be to be mad at you for getting into an unfortunate situation. As guilt slowly makes his way into his body, claims his muscles, he moves to sit on the stone he usually finds you on. He tries to look around- rain on his skin making it possible to be out way more comfortably.
He spots movement above.
Theres a person he can't make out- throwing something off the cliff down into the sea, and Jungkook clicks his tongue in anger, already upset- but still curious on what it was the person had been so eager to discard. Typically, its tiny things or plastic he finds- but this is something else, he knows.
Underwater, he smells blood.
His pupils contract, eyes widening, as he spots the black bag slowly making its way to the bottom of the sea- red trail leading from it. Its not the blood however that makes him frantic- its the smell of it, of you, that stops his heart.
He gets you out the bag, his anger over the entire situation diminishing into nothing as he holds you close, eyes spotting the deep cut on your side, and the scratches on your face. Unsure where to bring you, he holds you close, brings you onto his back as one of his hands hold yours, your arms around his neck. He swims quickly to the only place he knows you can breathe.
The underwater cave is big enough for now, he thinks, as he brings your body onto the ground, out the water. He doesn't notice he's crying, doesn't quite speak, his native language of clicking sounds and little noises escaping him as he whines out for your attention, waiting for you to wake up somehow. He's been so invested in making you like him and accept him that he's got no idea what to do with a human. Are you cold? How can he warm you up? How does he stop bleeding wounds? How much can you bleed before you die? Are you already dying?
Jungkook doesn't know what to do. So he simply lays by your side, holding you close, in hopes his slightly higher body temperature can keep you warm.
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"He's doing the best he can-" Jimin says, Seokjin next to Taehyung as they both lean over your body. Both witches are concentrated, already exhausted, but there's no way they're giving up on you now. Not only because you're important to Jungkook- but because no one deserves to simply die like this.
"I know, I know!" Jungkook huffs out, pupils turned into cat like slits- a clear sign of the absolute terror and chaos inside of him. "What if they're best isn't good enough? Jimin, I can't loose her, you don't understand-" He starts, but Jimin holds the younger one's shoulders, for the first time serious with him.
"I do." He glances at Taehyung. Jimin had saved Taehyung before as well- the young sea witch having been hit by a fisherman's harpoon years ago. Ever since then, Jimin had been attached to the witch like glue. "Trust me, I really do. And they're doing all they can to make sure she's going to be fine." He promises, and Jungkook nods.
All he can do is pray.
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When you wake up, there's several things you notice.
First, you're alive. Having a raging headache, and your limbs and muscles feel horribly tender, but you're alive. There's also strings of rope tied to two rock formations acting like a clothing line, several blankets and clothes hanging from it. They don't look human-made to you- the fabrics and designs not something you would think of as regular. There's a bucket and several stained rags- now copper-brown with old blood. Its then that you look down, seeing your cut sewed shut.
You also notice its rather soft underneath you.
Its sheepskin laid over seaweed you notice- the whool soft and fluffy, and warm. Everything seems to be so thoughtfully placed, even some decorative items- you can spot fireflies casually sitting in a jar close by, and burned wood, probably to . Probably to make light during the night. You're tired however, so you simply lay down again. Quite honestly, surely you should fee worried about the situation- but then again, there was no one to miss you, no place you called your home anyways. No use in worrying- because deep down, you had your suspicion.
A Jungkook swims to the surface with the plastic box in his arms, he's careful not to throw it too hard onto the ground. As he steps out the water, he's sure to at least try and his his hands of most the water before he goes to check on the blankets he had brought this early morning. They've dried enough, he notices, and is glad about that, as he picks one up.
You don't have to be cold anymore, he thinks.
He's unnaturally careful for his typical character- his usual behavior quite the opposite as it was now. Now, he's making sure you're properly tucked in, as he notices your eyes watching him.
He freezes, for a moment.
Jungkook hasn't really thought much about what would happen if you were to wake up- after all, Seokjin had told him he was unsure if you were to wake up this early in the first place, and Taehyung didn't even know if you would wake up at all. He'd told his younger brother to be prepared for any reaction really; fear, confusion, maybe even anger. But you seem calm, curious even, and Jungkook decides to sit down in front of your face, waiting.
"You brought me here, right?" You ask, and he nods, eyes not leaving your form.
"You-.. hurt." He points to the spot where your wound had been. "Also hurt." His hand points to your head. "Brothers, helped." He informs you, and you smile, nodding at his words. He suddenly looks at the ground, mumbling. "I.. worried. Thought... you, dying." He tells you, and you sit up slowly again, keeping the blanket around your shoulders.
"I'm not dead though." You say, and he nods. "Thank you, Jungkook. Now we're even." You say, and he tilts his head in confusion- a mannerism you could only think of as cute. "I saved you- you saved me." You say, and he smiles, nodding.
"I-" He starts, leaning forward a bit, now way more energetic and lighthearted as before. "I- we-" He growls a little in frustration, and you cant help but giggle at his troubles- the chirps and clicks escaping him foreign- but somehow, they feel hazy, as if your mind knows the language, but has forgotten what it meant. He's trying so hard you notice, and appreciate. "You like here?" He asks, and points around. You nod, and he beams at you. "I made." He tells you, proudly so.
"I guessed as much. Its very thoughtful of you, thank you." You say, and he nods, happy you like what he did for you. Its not a permanent solution, obviously, but as soon as you're healed well enough, he already planned a new spot for you to come with him.
You just don't know it yet.
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There's a weird feeling inside of you.
It's like homesickness, you think. Every time you look at the waters, you feel- sad? It's making you uneasy, and with every day passing by, it just gets worse and worse. But it's today, that you cant take it.
When you dip your legs into the water, it soothes an ache you can't recognize ever having. It helps your skin, it somehow feels as if you're breathing again. But It's not enough, you think- before you let yourself fall into the deep end.
You're floating.
It's like leaving a stuffy and crowded mall, just to stand in a park, fresh air after it had rained, and light breeze clearing your head. Everything is silent, but not at the same time- the water around you feeling as if you're being hugged, held. It makes you relax, makes you let go, makes you only exist for a moment.
You're floating.
And there's a sudden wave of realization that you're also breathing. There's no water in your lungs- or maybe there is, and you just don't feel it being there. Darkness surrounds you as you don't know where you are exactly- theres no telling where is where, no way to know if you're upright or not. Maybe you've died?
Did you drown?
If you did, it would explain Jungkook being there. He's swimming towards you with a face full of worry, as he grabs your wrist and holds you close. "I can't even let you out of my sight for a mere day it seems, my love." He sighs, and your eyes widen. Its almost comedic how his own do the same, focusing on your neck, as he touches.
You're sensitive, and shift away from his touch.
"It-" He starts, now holding your shoulders, as he begins to smile. "It worked! It really did- by the dragon kind, you look absolutely divine!" He laughs, and can't help but hold your hands, eyes roaming your appearance, as you don't quite get it- until you follow his gaze.
Just like him, there's fins now on the sides of your calfs, smaller ones on your ankles as well. Theres also ones decorating your outer forearms- they look like the ones you'd always see on goldfish as a kid. There's something alike to scales as well, but barely noticable. "I- what happened to me?" You ask, and Junkook smiles.
"You.. almost died." He admits, taking your hand and swimming to what you assume is back towards the cave. "You had been robbed during the day, and when I found you.. well, you know what happened." He says. "While you were asleep, we were thinking about what to do. There was no way you would survive as a human- so, a friend of mine- Taehyung- performed a ritual, together with Seokjin, my brother." He says. You finally spot light, glad to be able to have at least some form of orientation. "I'm glad you're adjusting so quickly, my love." He states, smiling at you.
You notice the petname again.
"Jungkook-" You start, as you both reach the cave again, sitting on the edge of where the ground of the cave meets the water. "Why are you.. calling me that?" You ask, and Jungkook seems confused.
"Why do you ask?" He questions. And you don't quite follow, until he continues. "You're my mate- I am only addressing you as such."
Your eyes widen. "Wait- we're-" You start, and its only then that it clicks in Jungkooks head.
"Oh." He says- the dissapointment bitter and evident in his voice. "You.. didn't know?" He asks, and you shake your head, unsure what he means. "I see.." He tells you, suddenly distant. "I.. will bring you breakfast tomorrow.. sleep well." He abruptly says, and before you can say anything, he's already gone.
What just happened?
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"There you are!" A voice says, deeper than Jungkooks, but not unfamiliar. Taehyung had been visiting and bringing you food and nescessities ever since that talk with Jungkook. This time, however, Taehyung seems like he wants to say something. You look at him, silently urging him, and he sits down next to you, sighing.
"Does he hate me?" You ask, quietly, and Taehyung looks sad.
"He could never." He says. "He just.. didn't take the rejection well. He'll need time to come around. It won't take that much time- his mother is already trying to get a new partner for him." He explains, and your head whips around towards him. "I- you.. did reject him, right?" He asks, slowly. "You do.. not love him, right?" He urges again, and you groan suddenly, throwing your face into your hands.
"Oh my god I'm so stupid.." You say. "It all.. everything was so overwhelming, I didn't even notice what he was doing." You cry into your hands, as Taehyungs hand places itself onto your back, trying to soothe you. "I though.. especially after I found out about his status.." You mumble. "How could he want me?" You ask, and Taehyung sighs.
"Head up, little siren." He says. "He's still able to hear you sing, if you want to." He says, and you look at him.
"But how?" You say. "I have no idea where the kingdom, or anything really is. And he won't come see me until its too late." You say.
"Well-" Taehyung says, standing up, and holding out his hand. "-allow me to escort the future princess to her lover."
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"How did you find me?" He simply asks, not turning around, as you float closer. "I'm sorry, but I still need time to.. get over-" He starts, but you don't let him finish, instead leaning into his back, your arms around his middle.
"I'm stupid." You say. "I'm really, really stupid." He shakes his head, but you continue. "Just because I didn't realize- doesn't mean that I don't feel anything for you." You say. "I just.. felt unworthy, I guess. Insignificant." You admit, and he turns around, holding your face in his hands.
"You really are not gifted with the mind of the dragons king, my love." He states teasingly, the glimmer in his eyes returning. "My status means nothing to me, if that meant I could not have you." He says, and you lean forward, capturing his lips. "I hope you know what this meant, at least." He teases, and your eyes widen, scared you might've done something wrong. "It means you love me." He says, and you chuckle.
"Good." You say. "Because I do."
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Even though he thinks you looked like a goddess reborn in your white and pearl decorated gown from the wedding, he enjoys you without it, close to him, just as much. He's alive, he's feeling, he's in love, as his hands move over your skin, his senses filled with you and nothing else.
The sounds you make for him are sweeter than any siren's song he's ever heard or could ever sing himself. No member of his kind is as enchanting as you, he decides, as he bites and kisses the sensitive skin of your neck. Jimin had teased him relentlessly the entire evening and night by trying to send you sweet words, to which you didn't react- but that didn't mean that it didn't piss him off.
You were his.
His princess- and soon to be queen, one day.
And he's planning on making that very evident, as he marks up your skin with little bites, visible for everyone to see. He wants everyone to know, even though by tomorrow, the entire Kingdom will celebrate the marriage of its prince anyways. He's more than ready to show you off, to hold you close, to have people see the divine being at his side that's you.
It's only natural for his hands to roam your skin, for his lips to worhip every inch it seems, as you reach out for his hand every second it leaves you. It's painfully endearing he thinks, how you can be so innocent and pure, while he's between your legs, performing the sinful act of pleasuring you with his mouth.
You pull him towards you, as you straddle his waist, leaning down to kiss him. He's in god's divine lands he thinks, as he suddenly feels you sinking down on his awaiting length. You fit around him perfectly, more so than he could've ever imagined. And as you both move, he holds you close, happy that here, in his world, he doesn't need to breathe.
He can kiss you as long as he wants.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. I spilled strawberry milk on my poor laptop while writing this.
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lettheladylead · 3 years
All these 'what if letter' asks remind me of a fic or comic i've been wanting to do for a couple months gjdjnfe. Basically Magica figures she can bargain Scrooge out of his dime sticking him in an alternate reality of 'the one treasure he never got'
Now she's expecting some long lost destroyed artifact or some gold that had been lost to time. But last thing she expects is to appear in Scrooge's cabin and to see a younger Scrooge with a tiny toddler and Goldie. No family fallout, no hiding away, just everything being calm
And whoops, turns out she accidentally erased his memory so he believes this is the real timeline. And it boils down to 'I can keep you in this reality if you'd like, but it's gonna cost you your dime' (and yes I'm thinking of comic magica rather than dt17 lol)
NICE this sounds like a fun, sad story, definitely something that feels particularly rosa-scrooge-y
magica would be so confused like 'uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok. what a boring alternate reality' and scrooge is like 'wow this wouldve made me so happy'
anyway i dont know if youve read this comic but theres some similarities and its very good so im gonna link it: https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Uncle-Scrooge-1953/Issue-350?id=58455#53
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So I want to start reading Marvel comics, but I honestly have no idea where to start. Online? Paper copies? Do you read them in order or is it ok to pick and choose?
Anyway. Any advice?
Very good question over here :D
First off, I am broke and comics aren't even sold where I live and I would have to order them... no thanks. I read all of them online on pirate sites, whoops. I mostly use readcomiconline.li, it's a pretty good database (only downside is that there are ads and a lot of them are lewd, it's like pirating a movie you gotta close them and then it's ok)
So! Comics! It really depends on what you want to read! I mostly read Avengers and Captain America comics, plus sometimes Spider-Man and all the different crossover events, so I'm not the best if you're not looking for those specifically.
However! When I first got into comics, I looked up some reading guides and stuff and they usually pointed me the right way. One of the first (if not the first) of Marvel comics I read was the original Civil War, which is only like 7 issues without the tie-ins (some of the original comic runs go for even hundreds of issues! Spider-Man from the 60s is like 800 issues).
I think Civil War is a good one to start on when you know the events from the movies, just to compare them if not anything else. I have to say I was surprised by some of the things that went on in there oof, and be ready for some really wild shit haha.
As for order, it doesn't really matter when it comes to individual runs (By the way a run is a collection of issues usually by the same writers and artists and it follows one cohesive story). Only within a run you should read them chronologically because that's how the events unfold in the story too. Different runs might mention previous events from other stories but those are usually small references, unless it was a big big event that affected all of the marvel universe.
Not sure if you're aware of this, but the main comic plotline and universe is called Earth-616, that's where all the main things go on. Alternate universes have different numbers assigned. Most notorious is Earth-1610 aka the Ultimates, which reimagined the heroes in a more serious, modern setting. The MCU is based off of these, combined with 616. I read some and I didn't like them all that much (very edgy and some stuff was seriously messed up like: Hank Pym beats his wife Janet, Hulk ate the chitauri leader, Tony has a sentient brain tumour, Red Skull is Steve's son, and I'm pretty sure Pietro and Wanda were in an incestous relationship, ew...). But! It did give us Miles Morales so. Silver linings.
Anyway. Just to throw out some suggestions of comics I either enjoyed reading or saw recommended a lot:
Matt Fraction's Hawkeye (2012) (deemed most iconic version of Clint)
Captain America Vol. 5 (2005) (this is the one that redefined the character, had the Winter Soldier storyline, and goes all the way to Civil War + Bucky as Cap)
Captain America (2017) (but ignore issue 25# and go straight to #695-#704. This one has references to Secret Empire /hydra cap storyline/ because it happens right after it and it's just. nice short stories that i absolutely adore)
Captain America: Sam Wilson (2015) (Sam Cap! This one follows the events of the 2014 Cap run and eventually Pleasant Hill... and then Secret Empire, which is uhh problematic but not a bad story over all and Sam Cap is always a win!)
Spidey (2016) (This one is just a delightful collection of Peter teaming up with other heroes and having misadventures! It's quite short too, just 12 issues)
Avenging Spider-Man (2012) (Also Peter teaming up with various characters but like, more serious)
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2019) (The latest Miles run and I'm not all caught up yet but I like it a lot!)
Jonathan Hickman's Avengers (2013) (I haven't finished this one because it has a ton of characters but a lot of people consider it to be THE Avengers run)
Marvel Adventures: The Avengers (2006) (Unrestrained summer fun. If you're looking for light-hearted stories, this one is perfect)
Avengers (2018) (Current Avengers run. I rather like this one! It does reference a ton of stuff so I wouldn't start with this one)
Phew, that took a fair bit of googling haha!
Then there are also crossover events, which unsurprisingly cross over a LOT of the characters (bigger than Avengers). I cannot vouch for these because they are usually very hit or miss but they're not too long. Those that I've read include: Civil War I. and Civil War II., Secret Empire, Avengers vs. X-Men, Avengers Disassembled + House of M, Absolute Carnage, King In Black, War of Realms, Empyre... there is a lot of these lol, it's best to look up the descriptions and decide whether you want to read them or not.
There are also countless What Ifs and alternate universe stories. Those usually have to be specifically searched for and 90% of the time they're absolutely bonkers.
And I think that about covers it! Wow, that was a mouthful. I hope it was helpful! Really I think you should pick a character and look up reading orders, there are a lot of people who organised those a lot better than I ever could haha.
Good luck and happy reading :D
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
Jessamine-rose asked:
Ohh hiiii!! I really loved your leona fic, it was so soft!! X3 may i request idia and jamil seeing their short mc wearing their hoodies?? Headcanon or one-shot whatwver you are more comfortable with!! I would like to request a but of spice as well if you dont mind.
𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬♡
Headcanons with: Idia, Jamil, Kalim, Jack
Note: Yo this idea is so cute I'm melting as I write this- this scenario is just wholesome and I won't forgive myself if I sully this wholesomeness... Oh but Jamil however- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Oh btw I added in some characters I can imagine with this secnario lol. Ok on to the headcanons!
And yes... I reposted this cuz tumblr hates me and won't let me use the tags... I don't stay up til 5am for nothing bro-
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°•°•°•°•°•𝑰𝒅𝒊𝒂 𝑺𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒅•°•°•°•°•
After 8 rounds of Mario kart Idia destroying you 8 times lol cuddled up in the blankets as the both of you crush your consoles attempting to win a round.
It's getting pretty late, but game time is holy for the both of you, so both of you gotta make time to schedule the most awaited activity of the day! GAME TIME~
But after a long day of brain damage at school *cough braincell squad cough* anyone is bound to get exhausted. Taking a break from the game, Idia takes off his jacket and nyooms away to the kitchen to get some chips and soda for you two.
"Potato chips? check~ Soda? check~" Idia smiles as he excitedly makes his way into his room to crush you at the game again.
Oh my what's this? He found a rare treasure lying in his room!!! Quick! What does he do now??? OH MY GOD! You were sleeping... BUT YOU WERE WEARING HIS HOODIE! What is this cuteness? What is this ultra uwu energy? What is this fluff doing here? That's it! Idia has now died of uwu. Respawn later...
While Idia was holding his bags of chips and cola, he can't help but blush at how cute you were! You looks sooooo smol in his jacket- congrats you stole Idia's heart.♡♡♡
I'd say Idia's greatest weakness is cute stuff and small things. So you looking so smol in his jackets is just going to give him heart combulsions.
Idia will probably crouch in the floor to stare at your sleeping face. He'd sit right next to you and stare at you for a while. "Hehe..." Linking his arms with yours as he playfully pokes your cheeks.
He'd rest his head on your shoulder still blushy wushy cuz you're just sooo adorbs♡ "Games can wait for tommorow.."
•°•°•°•°•°•𝑱𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍 𝑽𝒊𝒑𝒆𝒓•°•°•°•°•°
Like the usual, the Scarabia dorms is up for a party 24/7 because of the happy go lucky kalim. Jamil is still pissed like the usual too...
While kalim was performing his thing entertaining the guest... A wild Jamil appeared! Care to send love??? Jamil makes his way to you, so he can finally chill and recharge from chaos with a powerhug. But as he was just inches away from from you... Dammit someone just have to ruin his moment.
"WAHHHH! Y/N! OH NO I'M SO SORRY!" Some idiots just have to ruin his time with you... Drinks spilt in your top, leaking wet from the juice that spilt on you.
Jamil will just sigh and volunteer to take care of another problem yet again, just like the usual. BUT! Before he takes care of those stuff PRIORITY FIRST! You need to be taken care of first ;>
Jamil will drag you in an empty room to change... now all thats left is to change in clean and dry clothes- Wait....Wow just the luck you both have... No one got spare clothes... what now?
Of course Jamil will offer his hoodie! He can't have you walking around uncomfortable in damp clothing!
When you walk out of the room... Cute... What is this cute creature? Since you are small and short, Jamil's hoodie is oversized on you. The sleeves go way past your fingers, and the big jacket makes you look even smaller in general.
Jamil's having a lowkey midlife crisis inside his head, but gotta keep looking chill and cool, so he just settles with a pinch on the cheek.
HOWEVER! When you go back to the party in the banquet halls. Everyone seeing you will comment how tinier you look like in a big hoodie. Everyone is just going ballistic with the smol and cute comments. Jamil is not happy about this.
As people are making cute comments about you. You'll just blush and freeze on the spot. BUT JAMIL HOWEVER... SNEK BOI IS BURNING WITH RAGE AND JEALOUSY... I mean... That's his hoodie you were wearing. Are they blind? Should he hypnotize people to do stupid things later?
After the party... Oho ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ with Jamil going jealous a little while ago... He'll hug you tighter this time, his chin resting in your head. "Don't look cute in front of other people... I'm the only one you're allowed to look cute for."
Expect markings here and there in the morning... Take this sentence however you like...
•°•°•°•°•𝑲𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒎 𝑨𝒍 𝑨𝒔𝒊𝒎•°•°•°•°•
Midnight trip in the clouds with your local sunshine boi! Riding the magic carpet with kalim is one of the most magical experience! Moonbathing with the stars WHILE YOU SIT BESIDE A LITERAL STAR LIKE KALIM TOO! as kalim cheerfully tells fun stories while laughing.
But of course the night today was kinda chilly and cold but you forgot to bring your sweater with you... Dammit it was really cold today. But somehow seeing kalim smile warms you up! I can't blame you though-.
When a really cold wind blew past the two of you... THAT'S IT! IT WAS REALLY COLD TODAY! You shivered while you held unto your arms and shoulders in attempts to keep yourself warm.
Of course Kalim notices this and offers his cardigan in uwu style! "Oh? Y/n are you cold? Oh! If you want, you can use my cardigan! Hehe..." Kalim brightly smiles like the usual. A blinding smile to keep the sleep paralysis demons away.
Frankly, Kalim is not that big, but his jacket still drooped on you which was very cute in Kalim's eyes!
"Y/n you look so small~ how cute!!" Kalim just casually blurts out, no embarrassment or whatsoever...
Of course it's a bit embarrassing for you at first, but Kalim's too pure and innocent for this world, so it's mainly just rainbows and sunshine being with him.
While the both of you are up in the air, maybe he'll offer a hug too if you're still cold. ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ it wouldn't be a sin to decline right?
•°•°•°•°•°•𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑯𝒐𝒘𝒍•°•°•°•°•°•
As the both of you are walking home, casually strolling in the roads that leads to the ramshackle dorm, this night was especially chilly.
The cold breeze was not cooperating this time as it continues to blow past the two of you. "Brrrr" this was cold... this was really cold... It was stupid not to bring your jacket with you when it's autumn near winter...
Jack was not blind to not see you shivering from the cold! Because jack is a good boye, he'll lend you his Jacket!!!
Seeing you look so smol in his jacket just melts his heart away. It literally looks like a blanket on you with how big it was. I MEAN THIS BOY IS LITERALLY WHOOPING 192CM TALL! GIVE ME UR HEIGHT
He'll just stare at you for minutes while you take walks, if you look close enough, you see his tail wagging and his ear perking up... Maybe a little blush too if you really look close ಠ◡ಠ
But a jacket can only do so much... Even if it was big and warm, your hands were somehow still cold seeing as you rub them every few minutes...
Good boye Jack offers to hold your hands!!! Would you like to accept this kind offer? ∆Yes ✓Yes!
When Jack holds your hands, JACK WAS A HEATER ALL ALONG? Big warm hands.... How comfortable... ;v;
Maybe along the way, he'll put your tiny hands in his pocket too... Who knows... But what you know is that you don't want to go home yet. Can the both of you extend this hand holding session?
Bruh...... tumblr won’t let me use the tags and properly post this... sigh.......
That's about it! I added Kalim and Jack to quench my thirst! And indulge in personal interests Again.. thankz for the request! And I hope you enjoyed this! ಠωಠ sending love before you read the next post under this♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 
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lunatens · 4 years
felix felicis (iii)
word count: 3.0k
part iii/iv
genre: fluff, harry potter au
pairing: hufflepuff!felix x ravenclaw!reader
a/n: it’s been uhhhhhhhhhhhhh over a year since i last update this whoOPS i am so sorry to keep you all waiting. thank you to everyone who patiently waited, and to everyone who’s new, i hope you like it!! there will be one more part to this series (that i will try my best to write in less than a year lol) (also for obvious reasons w**jin will no longer be a part of this fic)
the day of the gryffindor vs ravenclaw quidditch match has your stomach in knots, not about the game itself (you really couldn’t care less about the results) but about the boy you’re going to be spending the next couple hours with.
“okay y/n, first things first: that tiny ball is the golden snitch, and-” 
“felix, i’m not stupid,”
“right, yeah, sorry i’m just uhh..excited is all,’ he says shyly. you watch as the two teams whizz around the pitch, trying to keep track of all the different balls and players as felix rambles on about the rules to you. despite chan, changbin and jisung being your closest friends, you’ve never actually come out to watch them play before, always finding an excuse to stay indoors instead of sitting miserable and alone on an uncomfortable bench in typically  less-than-pleasant weather. 
“wow y/n, your friends are actually really, really good quidditch players.” felix comments with a look of mild surprise. “too bad they’re not hufflepuffs!”
“actually, at your last game they were telling me they wish you were in gryffindor, so i guess you’re not too bad yourself,” you comment with a small smile, and you have to stifle a laugh as felix’s face turns bright red. you hate to admit it, but felix is really, really cute--especially bundled up in his yellow hat and scarf, his hair sticking out and gently waving in the breeze whenever someone flies by on broomstick.
you watch the game in silence for a moment, still trying to find the appeal for the sport. the game’s been going for a while now, with neither team having found the snitch yet, although gryffindor’s leading in points. jisung zooms around the far end of the pitch, expertly evading the ravenclaw beaters’ attacks and catching the quaffle with a flourish. it doesn’t take long before he’s put the quaffle through one of the ravenclaw goalposts, and the gryffindor crowd roars in excitement. jisung does a lap of the pitch, posing ridiculously and waving to the crowd to get them even more riled up. you hear felix squeal in excitement beside you, and turn to look at him with curiosity.
“that’s just the best feeling ever, flying through the air and just having fun like that. it’s so freeing,” he says with a contented sigh. you furrow your brows and turn back to look at jisung, who’s now rejoined his team as the game continues.
“really? i mean, it doesn’t seem that great. it looks so cold and windy, and what if you fall? yeah, no thanks i’d rather stick to the ground,” you state. it’s not like you want to offend felix or anything, but you just really don’t get the hype about flying. 
“what?? you don’t like flying y/n?? but it’s so epic!” felix says in disbelief, and you shake your head in response.
“the only time i’ve ever ridden a broomstick is way back in first year, when we had to learn the basics, and i’ve got no interest in trying again.”
“i’ve never met someone so opposed to flying,”
“well, that’s what happens when you fall off and break your wrist and can’t take proper notes for weeks,” you say, wrinkling your nose at the memory. “see unlike you, i’m not gifted with good luck.”
felix looks at you blankly for a moment, thinking to himself, before a wide grin creeps onto his face.
“i haven’t even said anything yet!!”
“ok but i know what you’re thinking and i am NOT riding a broomstick, felix!”
“oh come on y/n, live a little!! it’ll be so much fun! what, are you afraid of heights?” felix asks teasingly. you shoot him a glare in response.
“yes!! besides, i don’t even own a broomstick.”
“yeah i kinda figured, so we can just use mine! i’m sure we’ll both fit, it might be a bit squishy though…” felix trails off in his own thoughts, and you choke on your own spit. you turn to look at the pitch, trying to focus on the game rather than thoughts of being pressed up against felix and holding onto him for dear life, breathing in the scent of h-
“eh, i think it’ll work fine. so it’s settled, after the game i’m taking you for a ride.” felix says definitively, interrupting your thoughts (good timing too, your brain was entering dangerous territory). 
“i dunno, felix…. it really doesn’t sound safe, i mean two people on a broomstick? i don’t care how lucky you are, i’m not taking any chances.”
“y/n, i promise nothing bad will happen. we won’t even go that high, and we can take it slow. trust me, it’ll be okay,” felix says, tentatively placing a hand over yours and looking into your eyes. you’re silent for a moment; has felix ever been this sincere in his life? you let out a sigh of defeat.
“i better not regret this.” you mumble, and felix squeals in excitement. your heart flutters a bit when he grabs onto your upper arm enthusiastically
“you won’t, y/n!! it’ll be so much fun, i can’t wait. it’s gonna change your life for the better,” felix says confidently, and although you roll your eyes at him, you can’t help but smile giddily to yourself. 
the game ends in an overwhelming victory for gryffindor, and you and felix dodge red and gold banners and streamers on your way out of the pitch past ecstatic gryffindors and gloomy ravenclaws. you finally make it out, your stomach filling with dread as you remember what’s happening now.
“i’ll be right back y/n, i’m just gonna go grab my broomstick from the locker room!” felix says excitedly, before rushing off into the depths of the pitch structure. you stand awkwardly by yourself, shoving your hands into your pockets for warmth. your breath escapes your lips in visibles plumes, the air growing colder as the sun begins to sink lower into the sky. one of your professors walks by, reminding you to return to the castle, and you nod, telling them you’re just waiting for a friend. it’s not a complete lie, right? you think to yourself. the adrenaline from not only your upcoming flight, but also breaking the rules again (and for felix, of all people) fills your body with jitters.
as you wait for felix for what seems like forever, your mind starts to wander. watching the game with him today was...surprisingly fun? and my goodness, the way his eyes sparkled or his voice got squeaky when someone made an awesome play was maybe the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. not to mention his freckled cheeks, rosy from the biting cold, or his tiny hands that flailed excitedly when talking about strategies. was chan right after all? do you have feelings for felix? no, that’s absurd. you’re just excited to have made a new friend is all...haha...right?
you don’t get the chance to think more about it before someone pounces on you from behind.
“Y/N!!! YOU CAME!!!!” jisung’s loud voice rings in your ear.
“ew get off me, you’re all sweaty,” you say with a grimace as you shove the excited boy off your shoulders. “but good job guys, you did great! who knew you were actually good at quidditch huh,” you tease, and chan gives you a playful nudge.
“i saw you with a certain hufflepuff boy in the stands,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows, and you slap him on the arm.
“ok he practically forced me to go, it was the only way to stop his stupid begging and whining,” you argue, and your three gryffindor friends nod their heads in clear disbelief. 
“sure y/n, keep telling yourself that.” chan says, giving you a pat on the head which you swat away. 
“sorry that took so long, i-” felix’s out-of-breath voice stops mid sentence when he spies you with the other boys. “oh uh, hi,” he says shyly, clearly not expecting their presence. your friends grin knowingly and changbin and jisung start to whisper to each other. chan puts on a friendly smile and greets felix back, reaching out to shake his hand.
“thanks for coming out even though your house wasn’t playing,” he says, and felix seems to warm up to chan a bit. 
“i’d never turn down a chance to watch a good quidditch match! you guys are amazing,” he babbles, and you giggle at his enthusiasm, glad to see him and chan connecting. 
“you’re not so bad yourself dude. too bad we’ll have to crush you in a few weeks,” chan teases, and all the boys laugh.
“i’m impressed you were able to drag this one out, we’ve been trying to get them to come to our games for years,” changbin groans, gesturing to you. felix shrugs in response.
“i mean it wasn’t too hard, just a small bribe of some chocolate frogs and here we are,” felix says, and you feel three pairs of eyes burning into your soul. you can practically feel the smirks on their faces, and you can already hear the teasing you’ll experience later. 
“well anyways, we’re gonna hit up the great hall for some snacks on our way back, you coming? you’re welcome to join us, felix,” jisung invites.
“um actually...felixistakingmeforarideonhisbroomstick,” you splutter out, and you hear jisung make a strange noise of disbelief at what he just heard.
“sorry, what?” chan asks, and the grin on his face tells you he knows exactly what you just said. you let out an annoyed huff and repeat yourself.
“felix is taking me for a ride on his broomstick, and we better get going before it gets too late.” you say in defeat and embarrassment, reaching to grab a confused felix’s hand so you can get away from your friends before they have the chance to say anything about it. jisung opens his mouth to make what you assume is a raunchy joke about riding broomsticks, but a death glare from you shuts him up.
“okay, have fun! but not too much fun,” chan says with a wink before quickly ushering a protesting jisung and changbin back towards the castle. you’re grateful for the falling darkness, because you can feel how bright your cheeks are burning right now. 
“i’m so sorry about them,” you apologize, and felix laughs it off.
“they seem fun,” he says, then tugs on your hand gently. “follow me, i know the best place to go where we won’t get caught. trust me, i sneak out all the time with hyunjin and minho and we’ve never seen a soul.” you nod nervously as you follow felix’s lead, praying that you won’t regret this.
after a bit of walking and some light conversation, you arrive at a small clearing near the edge of the lake. 
“this is SO against the rules,” you mutter to yourself as you step over some large roots. felix gets to a spot where the sky above is clear (and growing darker by the minute), and there’s lots of room around you. he straddles the broomstick and motions for you to join him. as you make your way behind him, you can’t help but wonder if you're more nervous about flying or about the prolonged close contact with felix. there are so many layers of clothing between us, you tell yourself, it’s fine. you place your arms loosely around felix’s waist, nervous to get any closer.
“we’re gonna start off just hovering, okay? we’ll take it slow, it’ll be alright. you can tell me if you want to stop, but i really think it’ll be fine, trust me,” he says to comfort you, and you nod. felix kicks off the ground, and you gasp as you feel your feet dangling in the air. instinctively, your arms squeeze tightly around felix, and you press yourself as close to him as possible.
“i can feel your heart racing, it’s okay just relax!” felix says with a laugh.
“easy for you to say, you practically live on a broomstick,” you grumble, and you feel felix’s body shake with giggles underneath you.
“i’m gonna take us a bit higher now,” felix says, and you press your face into his back as you feel yourselves rise higher, the air getting colder as you ascend. you feel a gentle breeze tangling your locks, and the broomstick begins to inch forward. you open one eye slightly and let out a small squeak as you see how far the ground is below you. you’re almost above the height of the trees now, and felix is doing slow laps of the clearing. 
“see, it’s not too bad, right?” he asks, and you force yourself to open your eyes again. if you don’t look straight down, you have to admit the view is really nice. trees and rolling hills pepper the landscape, and you can see the quidditch pitch and hogwarts a bit farther in the distance. the last rays of sun are reflecting off of the lake, and the twilight sky is beginning to sparkle with the night’s brightest stars. 
“yeah, i guess it is pretty nice,” you begrudgingly agree. your knuckles are white as you hold on to felix for dear life, but the more time you spend up here the more you realize how stable he’s keeping the broomstick, and how much he does seem to be taking caution to make sure you’re comfortable. you let out a shaky sigh as you try to relax and take in the scenery as you hover above the trees. 
“there’s one more thing we can do, if you’re okay with it,” he says, asking for your trust. you say nothing, simply nodding into his back; you’re afraid if you open your mouth you’ll regret it. as soon as he has your confirmation, the broomstick suddenly bursts forward and you can’t help but let out a piercing shriek.
“FELIX!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!” you manage to yell over the howling wind. your eyes are tearing up from the cold night air, and your throat feels dry, and you’re convinced your heart’s stopped beating. felix just lets out a joyful laugh in response, yelling back to you “SHOWING YOU THE BEST THING ABOUT FLYING!” before plunging the nose of the stick into a dive towards the ground. he pulls up, of course, and does a few more fancy tricks before slowing down to a more leisurely pace above the treetops. 
you sit there in shock for a moment, wide eyed and breathless, trying to take in the wild turn of events.
“WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!! YOU IDIOT WE COULD’VE DIED OR SOMETHING,” you scream in between breaths, still trying to get your heart to stop racing. 
“but we didn’t, right? i told you you could trust me!! was that not fun??” he asks, giddy with adrenaline. you choose not to respond, because he’s right--as much as his sudden moves scared the living daylights out of you, you have to admit it felt pretty freeing. 
“this is my favourite view,” felix says to change the topic, and you lift your head up to look around. you’re coasting above the lake, the last rays of sun painting the landscape golden. more stars are out now, and the glow of the castle feels truly magical and welcoming. you steal a glance at felix, cheeks nose and ears bright red from the cold but an awestruck look on his face nonetheless. you don’t think you’ve ever seen him look so peaceful and content, and the feeling spreads to you as you finally relax your grip a little and rest your cheek on felix’s back. 
“thank you, felix,” you mumble, feeling surprisingly at ease now. 
“sorry, what was that?” he asks and you can hear the grin in his voice.
“i’m not saying it again,” you warn, and he remains silent. part of you wishes you could live in this moment forever, gliding over the mirror-like surface of the water with the warmth of felix to stave away the cold tendrils of night air.
“we should uh, head back. it’s getting pretty late,” he eventually says after a comfortable silence passes. you nod in agreement, and felix takes you back to the quidditch pitch, where he returns his broomstick quickly before coming back to walk with you to the castle. the walk back is mostly silent, with the two of you hiding from professors and prefects a couple times but making it back to the ravenclaw common room unseen. there seems to be some shift in the energy between you now, the silences feeling a bit more awkward than before, but neither of you wants to acknowledge it. 
“well, uh, thanks for trusting me. and sorry if i scared you,” felix says with a small laugh as you reach to door to the common room. 
“it’s okay, i uh...i actually had a really good time. you’re right, you know, it is a really wonderful feeling being up there.” you admit. you have to stop yourself from adding “with you” to the end of that sentence. “so thank you for everything, lix,” you say and you cringe at the nickname that accidentally escaped your lips. felix tries to hold back a smile but fails miserably, blushing at the nickname. 
“goodnight, y/n,” he says after clearing his throat.
“um..goodnight,” you say before going to answer the riddle to enter the common room. as you mutter the answer and begin to enter, you hear felix call after you.
there’s a long pause.
“uh, nevermind. goodnight!” he says, and before you know it he’s down the stairs and out of sight. confused, you creep up to your dormitory to get ready for bed. your dreams that night are filled with the wind rushing through your hair, beautiful landscapes whizzing past you, and most importantly of all, felix’s joyful laugh ringing in your ears.
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katierosefun · 2 years
IM BACCCCCCCCK BITCHESSSSSS after a long while of life, reading 19 books so far this year, starting a new job and just crazy happening everyday I FINALLY finished a kdrama! Ok so I finished True Beauty today!: Spoilers ahead
Okay anyways I really thought I wasn’t going to enjoy it because i thought it would be focused on makeup which I don’t wear and don’t like how society makes people think we have to wear makeup to look pretty and be loved or make friends. I was kinda right for all the wrong reasons. I absolutely loved how they (especially being aimed towards Korean society mainly) showed the story and the “behind the scenes” with a woman living in society and how you have to be to make friends, have a social life, etc.
Also loved alll the school mates honestly….except for Kang Soo Jin I was very hesitant when I first met her and then warmed up a little bit then when she showed her true colors girlllllll. (Backstory) I started a new job and now that I have cats I get up and hour and a half before hand to feed and hang out with them but they usually don’t hang out with me so now I watch kdramas on the tv and my dad has been WFH and he’s been watching it with me while he works and I had left the show playing to grab my cat who ran upstairs and while I did that Soo Jin had thrown Kyung’s necklace in the fire and so my dad told me what happen I said aloud “ohhhh that…” almost said bitch in front of my dad whoops lol
Anyways I loved Seo Jun’s clad of his friends, they were really funny. Especially since they tried to be all tough and ruff and really they were just big teddy bears. So many scenes
Also so many scenes I could just go on and on and on about but one of my top favorites was when Seo Jun came out in his underwear when his sister had Kyung over that I was hooting and howling about. Also the hospital scene when all the friends came and Kyung was stuck on his on button, oh and once everything came to light about their friend and Soo Ho’s dads (non) evolvement and they went to his friends gravesite and then got chased omg. Oh annnnd the baseball scene when Soo Ho & Seo Jun hugging and jumping together that was hilarious. And just surprisingly how funny it was, it was also very serious and dark at points which I also liked bc life is never sunshine and roses. I loved how they had Kyung’s mother actually see and try and talk to her about it.
I didn’t really enjoy Soo Ho as first lead and wished it was Seo Jun she ended up with instead, also all the food and ramen they kept eating made me sooooo hungry before work everyday. Honestly the whole show was really good and I enjoyed it so much, oh and Kyung’s sister’s wedding was a 10/10 and I wish I could go to a wedding that dope. Also the side getting stuck on her neck and she continued with the wedding! I could neverrrr. Ughhhhh such a good show I’d rate it and 8/10 just because of the plot twist with Kyung’s friend, Soo Ho’s dad, and not really an ending for Kyung’s bullies.
But my next one I’m going to start is Beyond Evil just because of you and how much you praise it!
oh wow!!! you know, i've only ever watched the first episode of true beauty (mostly because my friend really liked the webtoon). i did know that it has serious second lead syndrome, but it sounds like you really liked the show!
and asdf;jsdfsdfsdfasd enjoy beyond evil!
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cuddlecave · 3 years
is xiphoid
first: you *are* good
next: alright thingrey au
how bout an alternate 'the team finds out the shapeshifter is still alive, whoops!' but in an utterly disastrous way
it's been a while since antarctica! a long while, and gord and benr *meant* to tell the team about them ages ago, when benr became human shaped again, but there just never seemed to be a good time? and really, whats one more day, week, month...
anyway the team is utterly oblivious of benr, but being aware of gord, means that's they've noticed he's not been spending as much time with them! been spending, like, a lot of time at home, actually--or away from town. sometimes even avoiding them! they're worried, bc really, this is not the way to deal with trauma, gord! you don't pull away from your friends, you get help! just bc you can't see a therapist doesn't mean you shouldn't try to process it!
anyway, gords generally cagey about where he is, but on a rare team night where he had come to hang over...they very much on purpose get him drunk. now, drunk gord is still pretty fucking cagey (he loves his boyf and would never endanger him if possible), which is a shame, but tom is able to ask a question casually enough that gord doesn't think about it...and ends up telling them he goes out to the [insert desert area here] sometimes. when pressed on why he goes, he seems to realize he made a mistake, and bolts, cutting the night short.
now, credit to gord, him and benr don't go back to that particular desert area after that. but the team are damn smart, and figure that just bc he's not at that area anymore, doesn't mean he's not in *any* desert area anymore.
takes some trial and error--figuring out when gord seems to be out (he never answers his phone when he's out, his car is not at home), and then checking a desert area (didn't get anything but desert the first few times). but eventually...they find his car.
things paint...a worrying picture. there's camping/chilling gear in the car (chairs and a shitty tent, left from when gord tried camping several years ago and never bothered to remove from his car) but they're not set up and gords not there? the doors arent locked and the keys are in ignition? (gord doesn't want to drop his keys running from benr, he did that once and it sucked. also why he doesn't bring his phone! but he's out like 55 miles from the nearest town, who's gonna steal his car?) there's torn up foliage around, as if something big came through (benr may give gord a head start, but he still likes to be big enough to a) chase well, and b) nom gord after), and most worryingly--a set of human footprints in the sand, clearly running based on stride. and some strange larger footprint *next to them*.
their friend was ambushed by something big, and is going to get got. (this is not entirely untrue. not ambushed, but definitely going to get got, lol.) they set off quickly following the footprints.
meanwhile-gord and benr are having a *great* time! the exercise feels nice for both of them, it's a cloudy day so it's shady, they're gonna order pizza and play playstation after this--its gonna be a wonderful day. it already is!
gord, at this point, is beginning to tire out. benr is getting closer. he pushes himself a bit farther, to stretch out the chase just a touch longer, and makes a sharp turn around a rock formation, causing benr to briefly crash into it, giving him a few more steps. but he's tired, and well, benr has better stamina--and agility. benr bounds over the rock formation and uses it's height to gain just a bit of an extra boost, and tackle-hugs gord. they nearly crash into some sharp shrubs, but they're fine.
gord turns and looks up at benr and grins, and benr leans down to him, and gives him a long kiss. gord hums in contentment and relaxes. he's gonna get to doze, now, before driving. naptime, hell yeah.
benr picks him up to swallow him and he just remains basically limp, exhausted, letting benr manhandle him, gently maneuvering him into his jaws. he's swallowed with little fanfare, and happily settles in his tum, almost immediately starting to doze as benr starts to walk.
then he hears screaming, and benr sharply moves, and suddenly he's wide awake.
the team follow the tracks. it's a long walk, even moving at speed--gord must have really been booking it, which means hopefully he's still safe, got away some how. surely nothing would chase him for too long, when he was outrunning it this well. the trail goes on and on and on--its looking less like this thing gave up. and gords footsteps are shorter, he's not managing a hard run anymore. they're coming up on a rock formation--its still several hundred feet away. close enough to see a figure that can only be gord run from behind it, but far, far to far away to do anything about what happens next.
they see him turn sharply, and something big hits the rocks, clearly taken off guard. he makes it a few steps. and the team look on in absolute horror as what can only be the shapeshifter jumps off the top of the rocks, and tackles gord to the ground. they're partially obscured by the desert plants, but it's enough to see, even at this distance, the rippling body parts of the creature, pinning gord down.
the thing leans its head down toward gord, and they can't see what's happening with the plants and distance. and then.
it picks a completely unmoving gord up, and swallows him whole.
oh, god. it snapped his neck. it ate him. it's going to try to finish what it started in antarctica oh fuck does anyone have a flamethrower?!
a seeing it stand and start to leisurely walk in the direction they came from, they're finally broken from they're spell of silence and horror. somebody starts screaming angrily, and bubby has a lighter and big spray, making a makeshift flamethrower--and they run towards it in vengeance.
it notices them and sharply turns, booking it in the opposite direction.
continued under the read more!
(cont) oh fuck, thinks benr. this is not good. Not Good at all. gord frantically asks what's going on?! and goes cold when benr says 'ur friends saw us. and buby has fire.' the good thing is, benr is bigger and faster than humans. the bad thing is that he's been running all morning and now has over 200 pounds of boyf swaying in him, even if he's holding gord as tight as possible so he's not getting thrown everywhere. he's not gonna last long, and there's nowhere to hide. gord is furiously thinking. but he's also exhausted, and panicking. the thoughts in his brain are sticky like drying glue when he tries do something with them, and he can feel benr slowing. it's not by much, but his alien bf getting hurt *at all* is unacceptable, so. he decides to stop thinking and start doing. he tells benr to 'stop and let me out! as fast as you can!' and benr skids to a stop and turns half facing the approaching team, and splits his abdomen open and gord comes tumbling out into the light, getting immediately covered in dust and mud sticking to the saliva covering him. it's kinda gross, but at the moment it's not even registering, bc in those moments buby has nearly caught up. gord stands, pushes benr behind him, who let's himself be pushed purely out of surprise, and holds his hands out. 'its me! I'm fine it's ok it's me, please I can explain, just turn off the fire! it's ok!' but the thing is, as far as they're concerned...'you fucking imposter we saw gord die! get a better lie!' and buby is still running full tilt at them. gord has enough time to think, *aw fuck, this is gonna hurt*, before buby lights his makeshift flamethrower and gord is suddenly extremely hot, in pain, and knocked on his back. he can see the sky for a quick moment, before what can only be benr is standing over him, protecting him from further fire. a few limbs quickly use the dirt to put out the couple embers on his shirt (well, what's left of his shirt...) buby jerks back at the large being leaping in his direction, but it stops as it stands over the gord-imposter. which... is not moving. or writhing like the shapeshifter, or trying to split off from the damaged part. it's just...lying there. shallowly breathing as if in shock. buby gets a bit of a sinking feeling. - I got tired after writing this but basically benr tries to angle around enough to protect gord and also use teal green on him from another mouth. the team quickly figure out something is fucky, and that gord...might not be a Thing?? gord is in zero shape to have a real conversation--burns are serious business, and he basically passes out during teal-green. so why was the creature... protecting gord?? especially if it ate him?!?! there's an uneasy (extremely uneasy) truce, and benr carries gord back to the car, flamethrower pointed at them the whole way. they leave gords car and take them both back to toms place, in the car they drove in. it is supremely awkward. especially when gord wakes up for half a minute, kisses benr, and passes out again. not sure how it would go from there,, .... didn't mean to accidentally write a minific but here we are!! I really like the 'extreme misunderstanding vore' trope, lol.
ohhhh man this is like an angsty version of a regular not-a-game au idea i've thought up before o: thinking about what would happen next... the whole car ride home, benb was hitting gord with more healing (tho he gave the guys ample warning first about what he was doing so they wouldn't think he was attacking or something), and thanks to that, gord's burns are healed up to the point where he doesn't need hospitalization, just some burn cream and good rest to finish it off. (and a hair cut. benb is very sad that he couldn't repair gord's burned hair and beard. when gord's awake again he's just "Dude it'll grow back, don't worry." "i knooowwww but it still sucks. your hair was SO pretty. and you look like a sixteen-year-old without facial hair. kinda weird. babyfaceman." "WOW shut up."). when gord's awake and aware enough again, they all have a sit down and get an explanation from him and benb. benb goes on to basically give a summary of his whole backstory; explain what exactly he his and how he got to earth, and what he was trying to do both at the b'mesa base and that first norwegian base he first thawed out in. when he gets to the part about why he never wanted to hurt the sciteam, that does a pretty good job of warming them up to him. "the thing about that frzn guy is he was a total asshole. HUGE douche canoe. and i was like 'maaaan i don't wanna be this guy, he suuuuucks', but then i noticed that he'd hardly ever interacted with anybody else there. new guy on the base. nobody knew him, or knew what he was like. so i figured i could get away with acting like myself instead of him, and nobody would notice. i've never been able to just be me around other people, only when alone. i didn't really... know how it was gonna turn out. but you guys ended up liking me! you invited me to come hang out on breaks, and play video games, and watch movies, and talk about soda and photography and it was fun and nice and good! you were nice to my dog body, too. giving me a name and everything... you're all great cools. i got attached to you guys. like, super attached. didn't wanna hurt you, ever. 's the reason i never touched the sled dogs, too- i knew tommy would be sad if something happened to the dogs, and i didn't wanna make him sad." (bubs probably acts like he's not touched by that, but he is :B and also, like i've said in a post on my main, bubs feels some sympathy towards benb after hearing about his origins as an unethical science experiment. bubs wasn't grown in a lab in this au, but he was still subjected to some painful "knowledge tubes" experiments due to his contract with b'mesa. so he still knows that feel, bro. unwilling lab rat solidarity.) benb apologizes for everything in antarctica, and bubs apologizes for torching gord, but then the team asks what the fuck? happened in the desert?? and gord explains the "one-sided tag" game they do to help benb burn up energy, and that benb was just carrying gord to let him rest from the run on the way back to the car. ("Carrying you in his stomach, though?" "nah i don't put him where food goes. it's the uhhhh *lip smack* nap organ. custom made for sleeping in. bedry time.") (they also at one point explain "also we're dating" to which gord gets accused of being a monsterfucker ha ha. and then benb's like "ew no i'm ace" and harold goes on about how beautiful interracial young love is.)
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prince-of-elsinore · 3 years
I was tagged by @stanfordsweater for this getting to know you game. Thanks so much for the tag! 😊💕 There’s a clean copy at the end for people who want to do this.
1. why did you choose your url?
It was already my user name on AO3 (and maybe some other sites, can't recall) and I wanted consistency across platforms (since I joined tumblr for fandom). And here's the pretentious part: if you didn't know, it's a reference to Hamlet, which is one of my favorite written works ever. Elsinore is the name of the castle where it takes place, so the prince of Elsinore is Hamlet ^^;
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have two, though I'm not gonna name them lol (they're not exactly secret but they're old news). When I first joined I wanted my main to be not totally fandom-dominated (whoops so much for that) so I made a side blog for my main fandom at the time (Hetalia), where I now reblog fanart every once in a blue moon. And I made another side blog for my fic. I still occasionally post on the fic blog but since my main is now basically completely spn anyway, I've just been posting my spn fic on main.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Since... 2012, I think? But not consistently. I hadn't used tumblr much in years before last fall and even considered deleting my blog multiple times, but spn ending (and the pandemic) brought me back stronger than ever ^^;
4. do you have a queue tag?
#q  (i'm lazy and it's just quickest that way 🙈)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
If only I could remember... Well, it was for fandom (mostly--also some history blogging) but I don't remember the specific impetus. As mentioned my main fandom was Hetalia at the time, and within that mostly German bros stuff. I also distinctly remember lurking on a lot of Sherlock blogs prior to joining 😬(my how tastes things change)
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It's a Leyendecker illustration! I love his work so so much (so many dapper men, so much homoeroticism 👌). The piece is Easter-themed and I don't actually know why I chose it. This fop is a far cry from his usual suave dudes, but idk, I guess I liked how ott and fancy it is. It also matched the old flowery aesthetic of my blog before I changed the theme.
7. why did you choose your header?
Lol ok so that's a photo I took (on my first visit maybe?) at Sans Souci palace in Potsdam, Germany. It was the residence of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, who--as anyone will know if they remember my blog days of yore--is my favorite historical figure! The glove is not mine. I found it like that :)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
As I suspected, this one I made defending Jared's "controversial" comments post-finale. Sort of funny because I'm not even a Jared stan 🤷‍♂️
9. how many mutuals do you have?
No idea
10. how many followers do you have?
Just passed 550, which I know isn't many relatively speaking but wow I certainly never expected to see the day! I've gained about 300 followers since I started posting about spn, which utterly baffles me, but hey I'm glad if you guys are enjoying yourselves!
11. how many people do you follow?
Oh, wow, I just looked and it's over 1,000 😳 I guess b/c over the years I've gone on multiple following sprees and only unfollow if people really really annoy me or if I just get really tired of their content (I do continue to follow a lot of people who post about fandoms I'm not in). I feel like I usually see the same <50 blogs on my dash, though, so I'm guessing about 900 of the blogs I follow must be completely inactive lol.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Yes 🙃
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Varies. Over the past months I would check it every hour or more, felt like (not v conducive to getting work done orz). Recently (due to being away from my computer more often, now that the semester and my old job are finished) only a couple times a day, mostly at night.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Hm, not really. Nothing more than a couple snarky or passive-aggressive asks, and not for years (aside from that anon anti hate I got sort of recently--my first ever! I would say I win that one by default, y'know, just for not being the person sending anon hate). I did get into a pretty drawn-out debate with a Dean stan about Dean's death and Jared's comments on it--see above--but I wouldn't classify it as an argument.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Very Tired and skeptical
16. do you like tag games?
Yes they're great! Always make me smile (even if I don't participate I always appreciate the tag!) 😊
17. do you like ask games?
Yes, although I have to be careful about posting them because while I love getting asks in theory, getting them means I have to answer them! And I tend to be very slow at that because I want to put so much thought into it! (Send me asks any time, really! Might just take me forever to respond ^^;) ((Oh gosh this reminds me I still never finished some headcanon asks I got aaages ago. Maybe someday...))
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don't have a good sense of what constitutes tumblr famous. My fave blogs are all stars in my eyes 🤩😇
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Haha no. Maybe with a few I just have a little cherished hope that they think I'm cool and smart 🥺
20. tags?
Hmm I pick @theregoestheneighbourhood, @doilycoffin, @decadent-prince, and @fallcolorspringrapid if you want to!!
clean copy:
1. why did you choose your url?
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
4. do you have a queue tag?
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
7. why did you choose your header?
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
9. how many mutuals do you have?
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
20. tags?
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