write-as-rains · 3 years
Deja Vu
This uncanny mountain
that is constantly climbed
& tumbled down
Leaving in its absence
a haunted dream
mirrored and unyielding
to each escaping echo-
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therebepoems · 3 years
Passing strangers,
When you look or stare at me
I see fragments of your life in your eyes...
Bright or dimmed,
You either frighten me,
Or make me wonder if we could have been friends...
Or lovers.
There is so much I do not know.
You are like a book I'll never get to read..
And I love reading.
Alex Delorme
Promt: "Passing Strangers" from @writerscreed
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abrighterspark · 4 years
she left me breathless on a monday morn,
dusted with daydreams across a silver dawn
for like poets, she lives in the shimmers of night
and she sighs at the sight of the soft morning light
but her face is too calm and her eyes are too wise
for that certain uncertainty that poet implies
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small-town--r · 5 years
Merry Christmas
I don't know you
But I wish you
And happiness
all the days of your life.
You mater, your beautiful, your enough.
May the stars twinkle in your eyes
May the moon shine upon your being.
Remember always how blessed you are.
Never take life forgranted.
Peace love and laughter
from secret Santa
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infinite-cacophony · 5 years
Starry night
To love
To hate
To feel nothing
But the fear of what is to come
The fear of what was
Dominates that which will be
Anticipation reigns supreme
In the moment and in the night
As the stars shine down on mortals below
We dream of the loves of the past
Locked in pain whishing for what was
Where murky joy reigns supreme
And love dances with hate
Under the starry sky and we wake.
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cymitri · 5 years
shades pulled - sheltering out the night
wine poured - filling the nothingness
silence echoing off the solitude
an upward glance - a hallowed square
a string beckons
the slightest pull - a rickety stair
step by step - into the void
darkness parts 
grainy films unfurl cascading memories
hands out of time - grasping for light
the air thickens - anguish abounds 
screaming for release 
from out of the attic - crashing to the floor
time clears and moments pass - an upward glance
naught but the ceiling remains 
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mariposaheart · 5 years
"Anonymous Apology"
Letter written in tearful sorrow
Apologetic lines of a life borrowed
Barely sure how to smile and let go
Of the wounded child filled with woe
A misappropriation of life's cargo
Preventing one's own cup to overflow
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poetryspillingforth · 6 years
I'm sorry (Prompt: Philospical Decay)
You're supposed to be enough, but you're not. I don't know if you'd choose me over someone else; you just love it everyone and what priority can I claim? I can't laugh with you. I can only ask for obscure answers and hope your dreams align with mine. I'm lost without you and I know I love you, yet I get lost in your love how can I ask you anything? You're not the same as him, not the same as hushed giggles sneaking into the dead of night (I still miss you, c). I am still searching even when I know you'll reveal everything when you want. You are so much more but so much less than even a friend. I can't understand you, I just love you anyway and it's shredding me apart. I need you to forsake yourself or forsake me even when you've already chosen. You brought colour into my life but now I can't tell where you rest in this vice-filled Earth. How can I live with only you if I can't quite be fully honest?
Again I am hiding.
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words-for-wishes · 6 years
your congregants, they’re breaking free your people, they abandon you into your mental cold you couldn’t hold them with your clever words you couldn’t make them feel the need
the philosophical decay of endless choruses the holiness depletes until you’re left with what you didn’t wanna say and I am stretching out, I am listening to everyone else
are you embarrassed? are you scared of me? do you remember what you used to be?
wisteria grows around your neck and bristlecone pine makes a nest for your decay and your exhaustion as you come to believe that you can be destroyed
you’re far too late to do anything about it I hope you know that you can’t do anything about it
are you embarrassed? are you scared of me? do you remember what you used to be?
silver-tongued preacher, oh you won’t pay the piper for long smooth-bodied criminal who never did anything wrong why don’t you tell me where your money comes from? why don’t you tell me where your heart really belongs?
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What gets you up in the morning
What gets you up
i'll tell you
it's only habit
it's only dumb repetition
drags you from your warm
comfy prison
and sure
there may be some other things
the waking brings
often involving the
alarm clock rings
next though
what keeps you up
what fence erects
round that bed you left
if it's still habit then
keeping you from
your snug warm den
then perhaps its time
to think again
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intothewildflowers · 6 years
the curl of a hand.
a wave goodbye
crashing on shore
sweeping itself back to sea.
there are days i forget
how much i miss you.
it comes and goes,
ebb, flow.
the days i remember
are always the hardest.
so i’ll sit hear with heavy lungs
hoping the exhale of the tide
will take the memories back.
42 notes · View notes
write-as-rains · 4 years
When the aperture only lets in
enough light to cast shadows
where is the meaning
unless we make it?
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therebepoems · 5 years
Chase the lightning
Side by side
Raise your eyes to meet its sky
And if you look away now
The skies will cry
See the flashes
Hear the sighs
Alex Delorme
@writerscreed prompt "Chase The Lightning"
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titustheandroid · 6 years
Tumblr media
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small-town--r · 6 years
Carousel Words
Thoughts as a rotating carousel.
Round and round leading nowhere.
Stumbling over words to be written.
Lost terms trying to find their way
in the dark, seeking a route to follow.
Lusterless and vague.
No light shines, not even dimly.
Wandering about, arranged destination unknown.
No sequence to follow void of certainty.
A word whirlwind spun out of control.
Waves tossed in the ocean declared invalidate.
As rides do spin in the amusement park.
Seems as if terms have jumped on the conveyer belt of
Carousel Words
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Her touch sounds like a million car alarms behind my eyes all silenced at once
Her touch sounds like the first cresting wave that you sense long before you see the calming waters
Her touch sounds like the calm a conductor brings as he raises his baton to his orchestra
Her touch sounds like silence, in a head to use to hearing everything yet nothing
Her touch sounds like safety
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