#wtf is the ga gonna do??
chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Thinking about that interview where Millie made a big deal about shipping Max/Dustin instead of Max/Lucas, and the cast sat beside her awkwardly in silence bc they all knew Max/Lucas ended up together at the end of the season (s2). And how Millie just kept the joke going while they tried to change the subject… and how this is oddly familiar…
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mistressemmedi · 3 months
bbc confirmed that ben sulayem asked max to publicly support horner... i am genuinely shocked why is this man getting protected so much??? not only horner but also sulayem needs to go
Sulayem and Horner are in for a very big surprise if they think Max will go against whatever his dad says lmao
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bbyboybucket · 26 days
So I think I’m gonna have to get rid of my dog bc idk what to do with him bc he tears up everything, even if I leave him alone for like 20 minutes and every time I leave he pisses or shits in the house, even if I take him out before I leave, and then I started my new job today and I thought he’d do decent but no, I came home and my entire place is tore to hell, and idk where tf to even take him or anything but I can’t do this every damn day
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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commission done for a lovely on twitter :^)
Commission Info (November 2, 2022)
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trashbaget · 3 months
tell me your failed/embarrassing flirting stories to make me feel better, i’ll go first: today i said “get out of my way” forgot to say “i’m kidding” then immediately said “bye”
#it is awful having feelings for someone you know and have an established friendship with#but crushing on someone i barely know is knew to me and i legit feel like an idiot every time i do something stupid like this#i can’t just. talk to the guy#if i say hey and he says sup i say ‘sup indeed’ like what the fuck is that#i can barely even say hello to him#don’t get me wrong i’ve DONE it but most days i’m like#ah fuck there he is#okay you can do it just say hi#just say what’s up#and then he’s already gone#also. like. the setting we’re in is soooo not good for talking or flirting realt because um. it’s work he’s my coworker.. so um. do i fuckin#ask him for his number?? or to hang out??? but like. he’s kind of a stranger to me what do i want to hang out for 🧍#but like. ​i dont want to do that until i have at least one successful interaction#or like. an actual conversation.#which is gonna be really hard to manage because he doesn’t talk much at all to anyone and i really only talk if someone talks to me first or#i’ll say something absolutely idiotic and ridiculous (and honestly i do that no matter what)#anyway so um. i guess i’m just gonna keep making a fool of myself until i get it right and hopefully i don’t screw it up 🥴#i lost all my confidence in the last year and i cant do anything chill or smooth anymore (i was never that good in the first place but at#least i could PRETEND i knew what i was doing. like i could sell it. the whole weird and lost bit.)#anyway. i felt better for like 5 minutes when some guy at the gas station flirt failed with me on the way home. but that’s partly my fault#too oops. in his defense he probably could not see that i had headphones on bc upon mirror inspection they were well blended with my hair#but i was waiting to cross the street and this guy tried to like nod and smile and i did not know it was to me until i got to the other side#where the gas station was and and like. tried again and i awkward half smiled and saw his face get all mushy and confused like mine FELT 20#mins before when i’d flopped so hard trying to flirt and by the time i’d processed WAIT i think he was FLIRTING WITH ME i was already gone 🤡#but at least it ended better than the poor 14yo who very confidently asked for my number#who. i shit you not. SCREECHED for a solid 44.5 seconds and bolted the other direction when i said sorry im 21#his friends were standing there like wtf too and one was like i am so sorry about him 🤦#cheers to being fools universe
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year
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swiftfootedachilles · 6 months
ive never seen anyone talk about a canon divergence where damien and mickey get caught by the feds when they robbed that gas station....im rlly interested in knowing yalls thoughts on what might happen after that
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futuremercifulnerd · 6 months
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mistergoddess · 11 months
do u think when i go to get my rental car for my cross country move i can go pwease :3 and not have to pay the $220
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emo-batboy · 8 months
Trick or treat!
Hello :D Here's your treat
Battinson and Cars
He is a car guy. He loves his car. It is his baby. He can fill his car with gas, yes. That is a thing he can do on his own in his own garage with his own gas.
But he does not know how to operate a gas pump. (New Jerseyans are crying in solidarity.)
Bruce gets into so many car accidents.
Like yeah, he's Batman. But he's also that kind of driver who is perfectly okay when he's on autopilot, but the MOMENT he remembers he's driving a death machine on wheels next to other people driving death machines on wheels, and if you accidentally cut them off or forget to use your turn signal, they will rear end you?! He gets a little antsy :/
The second he overthinks it, he's making mistake after mistake. What are you gonna do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But when he's in his tricked-out batmobile engaging in a high-speed chase while narrowly avoiding death at every turn? A vigilante with no regard for the rules of the road other than "Do Not Hit People?" He’s suddenly a professional stunt driver! Fuck it!
That’s one of the reasons no one could possibly believe he’s Batman
"Bruce Wayne Reverses into Bush at Local Wawa, Cries as He Calls the Cops on Himself"
Then four hours later...
"The Batman Performs INCREDIBLE STUNT on Garden State Parkway, Saves Lives and Kitten Stuck in Tree"
You think these are the same person? Please be serious.
He is the only person in the JL who can reliably parallel park.
He's also a fucking speed demon. (This is Jersey. The Norm is going 90 in a 55. And back to the "autopilot" point) if he's lost in thought, he's definitely breaking the law. And overtaking like five cars a minute.
Alfred taught him to drive (and is lowkey the one that gave him driving anxiety. He is a very strict teacher.) Because of this, his first car was manual :) Now, he prefers it because it feels cool and action-y when he changes gears on the highway.
Bruce got into his first car chase when he was 15. (Baby's First Car Chase <3) Don't ask me how.  Don't ask why. Just know he does. (I mean, I do have an answer but I'm not giving it to you.) This also means he did it without a license because he was too young to even have a permit at the time.
He has a hatred for literally anyone with Pennsylvania or New York plates. Why? Because they’re slow as fuck and try to turn left at the intersection when there is clearly a jughandle??
(Homework for everyone that doesn't live in NJ: Look up "jughandle" or "jersey left" and tell me your thoughts.)
He was so pissed at the amount of potholes in Gotham that he personally filled them as Batman in the middle of the night. (Wtf are his billions of tax dollars going to?)
Once Bruce was muttering curses at the idiot in front of him with NY plates only to see Clark fucking Kent exit the car. Superman could not understand why Batman kept glaring at him for a week.
I did not spell-check this. Happy Halloween :)
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transmascaraa · 16 days
Hi!! I saw that requests are open 😈😈😈
may I humbly request Ga ming, Bennett, Tighnari, Cyno, Freminet and Scaramouche with a reader who uses gen alpha slang like Gyatt, skibidi, rizz, ect?
Like they the most serious person ever but says stuff like "oh my gyatt 😧 (in a sophisticated accent ofc)" "that wasn't very skibidi rizz of you..." AND THEY ARE DEAD SERIOUS (bonus points if they're like royalty or something)
-with many love and thy prayers,
🍓 anon
multiple characters headcannons!
gen alpha typa humor
characters: gaming, bennett, tighnari, cyno, freminet, wanderer x gn!reader
author's note: i say some phrases ironically too💔💔 but it's not THAT SERIOUS bro i fear MOST of gen alpha it's not funny anymore😔 have fun reading cuz i died 27 times writing this
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✿ Gaming
-taking into hc that he's gen z btw
-he knows exactly how horrifying the words and phrases are BUT
-after he heard you saying:
-"shush gaming i'm gonna ruin my mewing streak!"
-he looked at you dumbfounded for the first few seconds as if you told him some gibberish
-but after he realized what you said he kinda just started hysterically laughing
-probably would start tickling you afterwards and if you just don't let him, he'll tell you:
-"okay fine gigachad, i won't interrupt" barely being able to pronounce a word due to him laughing like that
-yeah it's just him laughing at you a lot in the relationship lmfao
♡ Bennett
-definetly doesn't understand a thing at first
-like the first few months, he just awkwardly laughs when you say something like that
-hoping that you won't question him
-but in the end, he asks YOU to tell him wtf is any of that
-first, he asked you what does "gyatt" mean.
-and you told him:
-"ass." with the most dead serious eyes ever possible.
-and he just looks confused
-until he gets to learn even more of the words/slangs and kinda
-just becomes like you unfortunately
-now you both use gen alpha slang sadly and people give you weird looks
⑅ Tighnari
-he feels as if he has 2 cynos in his life since cyno uses it too
-dies inside whenever you say some slang/word
-dies even more when in public
-like he was literally so embarrassed once when you screamed:
-"I LOVE ALPHA MALES!!!" in public from where he just dragged you away and was embarrassed for the rest of his life
-he literally has trauma from some situations(that was one of them)
-he loves you, he js thinks you're weird.
-VERY weird.
-it's the worst when he's hanging out both with you and cyno at the same time.
๑ Cyno
-he uses it too.
-i've already mentioned it in tighnari's part but you cannot change my mind.
-so you use it together.
-you piss people off together.
-(preferably tighnari, along with alhaitham and kaveh, and also any of the other women/girls from sumeru)
-basically partners in crime.
-like you were at some restaurant with him and tighnari, whereas you're showing them the people you've met in fontaine.
-you show them a picture of wriothesley and immediately look at cyno dead serious.
-"this is wriothesley, he has the gyatt that arataki itto from inazuma doesn't. literally level 3 gyatt. it is crazy how a man-" that's when tighnari tiredly said he's going to the bathroom.
-too bad.
✷ Freminet
-embarrassed literally 24/7.
-if in public, 25/8.
-he understands everything you say and all but no way in hell that he will be okay with it especially when other people are around.
-he actually tried confronting you about it but like you just replied with:
-"but i won't be the rizzlord if i don't do that, y'know?"
-he just sighs hopelessly.
-unfortunately he cannot change you in any way, shape, or form
-take it easy on him like bro don't embarrass him too much lmfao
-he even tried telling 'father' but she had no clue what the words meant in the first place
-so he kinda js gave up there
✧ Wanderer
-he hates it. like he absolutely DESPISES it.
-it doesn't even have to be in public, he's leaving the conversation the second you say something gen alpha
-"you see and that guy was so fucking annoying, yeah?"
-"mhm." he replies.
-"exactly, that wasn't a really skibidi nor sigma male thing to do, especially including his jawline, does he ever even mew-"
-he just continued walking and you had to literally CHASE him to make him continue walking with you. you're gonna be the death of him smh
-and it was fine for a while until you saw something and just screaming:
-he then left for sure and you found him just when you came back home.
-probably didn't talk to you for a while after that.
| 🍓anon | @mariaace <3
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st4rb3rries · 10 months
summer activities with the main 4
pairings; stan, kyle, kenny, cartman x fem!reader (aged up 18+)
summary; going to the water park/gas station with them
warnings; cussing, mention of drugs
a/n; sorry for being inactive!! i love you guys hope you enjoy<3
key colors; blue= stan green= kyle orange= kenny red= cartman pink= reader
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so i feel like you guys would go to the water park because it's so hot. kyle is the one who suggested it because cartman can't stfu. "what the fuck it's so hot" "then how about we go to the water park tubby" "DON'T CALL ME TUBBY YOU STUPID J- that's actually not a bad idea" "shiii im down it's hot as fuck" "fr" "but not as hot as hot as me😘" "who said you were hot in the first place🤨" so all of you guys walked back to your houses and to go get ready. we all know kyle is the mom friend so he brings extra towels, sunscreen, and floaties and puts it in a suitcase. once you all meet up you guys just decided to walk there. "god kyle did you not get the memo were going to the waterpark not the airport🙄" "WELL CARTMAN I WAS JUST TRYING TO LOOK OUT FOR YOU GUYS LOOK AT YOURSELVES YOU GUYS DIDN'T EVEN BRING A SINGLE TOWEL" "thanks for bringing us stuff mom ilysm🥰" "yeah yeah whatever let's just start walking" when you guys get there for some reason kenny and cartman BROUGHT A WHOLE ASS SPEAKER??? *random song playing on speaker* "AW DUDE WTH YOUR EMBARRISING US" "BITCHHH TURN THAT SHIT DOWNN😭" *kyle grabs the speaker and throws it into an "empty" pool* (rip to the kid who was in the pool) "come on stan and y/n lets go swim, but first we gotta put on sunscreen" "bro think's he's the main character💀" "im gonna fucking kill him" "bro thinks he's the villain 💀" your guys favorite thing to do at the waterpark is the slides for sure. or should i say it's you and kenny's favorite thing to do. "WOOHOOO WATER SLIDES Y/N LET'S GO" "YYASSS" "god they're so childish, real men make kids fall of slides" "CARTMAN NO-" so after you and kenny were finished with all the slides. you decided to invite stan because he hasn't done anything being the emo bitch he is🙄. "come on stan lets go next" "no" "yes" "no" he's only saying no because he's afraid he's gonna barf on you since. you guys have to hold each other tight on the slide. (it's in the rules😉) bro is not tryna get caught lacking with having a crush on you. yeah you guessed he finally said yes to you. "ARE YOU READDY STAN HOLD ON TIGHT" "oh god" *not even 5 seconds later* "BLEGHHHHH-" "EW DUDE SICK WTF" bro doesn't even say sorry cause he's too embarrassed. good thing kyle only saw you guys. cartman and kenny would've been laughing their asses off💀. "looks like someone threw a love bomb on you guys *wink*" "shut it kyle" anyways good thing kyle had his big ass suitcase prepared with towels and extra bathing suits. at the end of the day kenny is flirting with the life guards and cartman is torturing kids. but you, stan, and kyle always look foreword to the sunset each day and luckily. the water park has a perfect view for that so you guys were excited. (you guys got kicked out before the sunset)
after getting escorted out the water park you decide to go your local gas station for slushies and snacks. "you guys you guys w-wait up" "come on cartman walk faster" "CAN'T YOU SEE IM TRYING STAN WE JUST CAME FROM THE WATER PARK" "yeah like 2 mintues ago" "LAST ONE WHO GETS THERE HAS TO PAY FOR ALL OUR STUFF" all of you guys start zooming just to piss off cartman. "GODAMMIT WAIT UP" when you guys finally arrive (yes you guys waited for cartman) the cashier always has a look of terror on his face because he knows that you guys. might end up buying the whole store, or accidently set it on fire. "LOOK Y/N SOUR CANDY OUR FAVORITE" "BY THE WHOLE ROW RN" "oh no no no you guys we aren't doing this again." he's only saying this because one time you and kyle ate so much sour candy that you guys passed out. when stan saw you guys he thought y'all did c0k3 because there was white powder everywhere. in reality it was sour dust💀. so he's still traumatized from sour candy because he thought his best bud and future gf died. "stan relax we won't even eat this much this time, right kyle?" "righttt" meanwhile kenny and cartman are fucking up the slushie machine. "kenny i'll give you $5 if you pour slushie into your shoes" "alr bet"*puts slushie in shoes* "BAHAHA KENNY YK I WOULDN'T GIVE YOU $5 FOR THAT" "ik that's why im gonna drink it nothing ain't going to waste😈" "look kenny real men drink out of the slushie machine not their shoes🤓" "you guys are you ready to go🙄" "nah hold up dude lemme get my razzberry slush real quick" as stan tries to get his slush the machine literally explodes everywhere😭. "AH SHIT" "HAHA STAN YOU DUMB BITCH" "ah hell nah smurf nut exploded everywhere" "HAHAH SMURF NUT" "fuck it i say we make a run for it and never come back we can't this shit in time" "at this point yeah😭" "and you guys know damn well none of us brought cash" "NO WAY KYLE BEING A MAN FOR ONCE AND TRYNA STEAL WOAHHH😮" "SHUT IT F@T@SS THEY'RE GONNA HEAR US" "LETS GO THE CASHIER IS SLEEPING" "HELL YEAH FREE STUFF" "PURR LET'S GO😜" you guys ran out with all your snacks and never came back😭. but we all know kyle is gonna come back and repay for the damages and stealing. until he see's photos of himself and you guys on the door saying your banned. "oh fuck"
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diorsluv · 5 months
feather , part 20
“ you fit every stereotype ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
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liked by yourusername, edwards.73, mackie.samo, and 94,256 others
lhughes_06 u said don’t get too attached but ur attached to me 🤷‍♂️
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→ username7 she said dont get too attached but she attaaaaached to me
yourusername you joke too much it’s not her fault if she can’t tell 🙄
→ lhughes_06 no i don’t 🙄
→ yourusername LITERALLY YES U DO
→ lhughes_06 OK THEN I’LL PROVE IT
→ yourusername FINE
→ lhughes_06 FINE
→ colecaufield couple fights
username46 he really crossed out her name thinkin we wouldn’t know exactly who he was texting 🤣
missseraphina omg stoppp i didn’t know u were gonna post me
→ lhughes_06 that’s mb
trevorzegras damn moosey ur a player
→ lhughes_06 nah
→ markestapa he only got one girl on his mind and it isn’t this one 💀💀
→ lhughes_06 fr markestapa
luca.fantilli don’t tell me hughesy got the girl before i did
→ lhughes_06 bro u were never gonna get the girl
→ mackie.samo his girl****
→ lhughes_06 yeah my girl****
→ luca.fantilli damn i could’ve sworn she wanted me more 🥱
→ yourusername don’t instigate luca 😑😑
→ lhughes_06 my girl yourusername
→ yourusername no moosey 🙄
→ username65 HIS GIRL?!?!?!?!
_quinnhughes don’t get too cocky now little buddy
→ lhughes_06 i’m taller than u.
→ _quinnhughes u got lucky
→ jackhughes but mom also said she loves quinn the most so we know she lies to us sometimes
username37 which girl does luke even want
→ username24 lil drizz obv
→ username5 seraphina!
→ username98 trick question none
→ username37 i think luke and jamie’s sister are talking rn
→ username81 but i thought he was talking to that seraphina girl
dylanduke25 thought u and her were official after that third date
→ yourusername damn
→ edwards.73 DONT SAY THAT SHIT
→ adamfantilli DUKER 😭😭
→ lhughes_06 IT WASN’T A DATE
→ jackhughes DATE?????
→ trevorzegras DAMNNN MOOSEY
→ rutgermcgroarty DUKER WHY WOULD U SAY THAT
→ jamie.drysdale um what.
→ _quinnhughes i did not know about this HELLO???
→ _alexturcotte not one not two but THREE dates.
→ mackie.samo didnt think u were gonna treat a rebound like that fr
→ colecaufield wtf
→ luca.fantilli cmon luke u can do better than this
→ yourusername what do u have to say for urself lhughes_06
→ lhughes_06 she and i were just messing around, u know how i feel 🙏
username57 luke is literally my quickest method of finding drama
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liked by mackie.samo, lhughes_06, trevorzegras, and 71,129 others
yourusername felt like a rich girl 🤍
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lhughes_06 no go ahead tell them who took those pics for you
→ yourusername mm but i don’t feel like it
→ edwards.73 it was me thanks for the creds 😍😘😋
→ lhughes_06 bro 💀
lhughes_06 and tell them who drove you there too while you’re at it
→ yourusername still don’t feel like it
→ _quinnhughes thanks for reminding me u owe me gas money
→ username18 LUKE’S*** gorgeous girl
username67 barnaby’s fault for breaking up w this stunning woman frl
username22 dryshughes is back 💪
→ username2 war is overrrr
rutgermcgroarty mackie broke his phone but he wanted me to say U FINALLY POSTED URSELF
→ yourusername tell mackie he needs to stop obsessing over me
→ mackie.samo my phone got fixed and i would never obsess over my friend’s girl 🙄🙄
jackhughes he’s giggling
→ yourusername GIGGLING??
→ _quinnhughes kicking his feet and all
→ trevorzegras going feral
markestapa wtf did u to do luke and why did he come back all red and blushy
→ yourusername i didn’t do anything 😭
→ lhughes_06 she did everything
→ yourusername DON’T LIE
→ jamie.drysdale EVERYTHING? lhughes_06
→ lhughes_06 everything
→ yourusername NO TF I DIDNT
username23 they my mom and dad fr
→ username89 theyre not even together 😭
_alexturcotte so fancy
→ yourusername wore the dress u bought me just for this occasion 🥰
→ jamie.drysdale u spoil her too much 😒😒
→ _alexturcotte no i don’t 🙁 jamie.drysdale
→ jamie.drysdale she says she wishes u were her brother instead.
→ yourusername NO I NEVER SAID THAT (if turcs was my brother he wouldn’t spoil me as much)
username30 i’m in lovee ❤️❤️
edwards.73 okay lil drizz go get ur man
→ yourusername shut up
adamfantilli just caught him openly staring at your post
→ luca.fantilli yeah i think his jaw dropped when he saw she posted
→ yourusername mhm.. i’m sure he did
next chapter notes ) sooo dryshughes is back and better than ever (kind of) HOW ARE WE FEELING?? i missed my babies too much to strip them of such love butttttt they’re not getting together just yet 🤭🤭 also i feel like it wasn’t that clear but the first post was entirely just luke and seraphina pics.. and u may ask why? bc he messes around too much 🙄
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02
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It's all in the side notes
I can’t believe why is not painfully obvious for everybody else too, it's like everyone notices everything around it except this huge elephant in the Sydcarmy room.
Let me explain:
The side notes on the script are what the actors play, not just the script itself. The subtexts, the nuances, the silences, all of that is indicated by the director and rehearsed over and over before shooting at least 2 takes of every single scene.
02X01 was about teamwork towards The Bear's opening, that's why the director opened and closed the ep with that, to make that point. The side notes were all about playing every single scene with a SOU, fast-paced dialogues, etc, because every second counts and that's why a clock was ticking on pretty much every scene.
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When 02x02 ends with a close-up of Claire smiling after Carmy gives her the wrong number, that´s not the point the director tried to make, but that Carmy TOOK HIS FUCKING TIME in giving her the wrong number, he almost gave it to her in slow motion, meaning that as he was giving it to her he was deciding what he eventually ended up doing with the last digit. He was on the fence the whole time and ended up deciding to "cut her off politely" in a very Carmy way. That was a side note in the script (the speech rate and the "decide as you go", and "be doubtful first" part).
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In 02x03, the Sydcarmy vs Clairmy battle really began and it continued throughout the whole S2, all side notes because the script was barely obvious about Claire until he said: "I have to call my GF" after passing the gas inspection. Notice a pattern here? Or is it just me?
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02X04 was mostly focused on Marcus in Copenhagen and introduced us to Chef Luca, raising the question, on purpose leaving it as an unanswered question - that will probably be answered in S3- on whether Luca was talking about Carmy when he was talking about a chef that was way better than him and that inspired him to become the chef he is today and up his game as much as he could. In other words: Not Sydcarmy material. Except we buy into the whole SydMarcus shipping they tried to insinuate with the Facetime call, which I won't get into because I feel dirty even typing about it. How dare they? Is it because they are both black? WTF?!! Well, my point is this is probably the least Sydcarmy episode of the season and we need to make a mental note about who directed it.
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02x05 This episode's arc is all about the script's side notes: "Who's Claire? / I'm saying goodnight!" is all about the intonation, not the actual words. This is the bridge of the whole Sydcarmy song, that's why it's mid-season. Notice something? I have...
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02x06 The masterpiece, it's all about the side notes but again, super non Sydcarmy, it's just supposed to show us The Berzatto's background story so Syd is not part of the equation. Claire is, in a way that will later make a lot more sense during Omelette's panic attack, of course.
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02x07 AKA: My favest, is also a non-Sydcarmy kinda ep. Is all about Cousin's arc. BTW: I 100% ship these 2 and I hope S3 brings more RichJess fluff and stuff:
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02X08 is all about the side notes again and takes us right back into SydCarmy vs Clairmy territory. Carmy had to call his new GF after passing the inspection to give her the good news.
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02x09 I shouldn't even have to say a damn thing about this ep. Other than pointing out the obvious: IT'S THE MOST SYDCARMY EP OF THE WHOLE FUCKING SEASON, TYVM!
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All I'm gonna add is that Carmy is laying awake after having sex with her:
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I already talked about the common blue light in this scene here.
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I'm not even gonna get into his panic attack. I mean... Do I have to? Seriously?
Storer finally joined the ship Calo was sailing since the beginning of the season here and all the side notes in this script are HIS.
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The cinematography is his, the music is his, and every line, because he co-wrote it with Sydcarmy CEO: Joanna Calo herself.
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And so we arrive to 02X10 where Sydcarmy is eaten alive by The Bear but ironically enough the one who doesn't survive is the Clairmy team LMAO! Sydcarmy on the other hand keeps going strong (Ayo was promoted to co-star for a reason, she's no longer part of the cast, she's the female lead of the show now) and in S3 we'll get to see how exactly will that play out.
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My point is: The director and then the editors in the ER with the EP's sign-off can change what the writers write if they choose to and the actors have to perform the side notes according to the director's instructions.
In this case, since Storer joined the Calo Sydcarmy ship as I previously mentioned and usually they co-write and always co-produce the seasons those scripts, side notes, musicalizations and editions ARE ALL THEIRS. Every time Calo touches something, she turns it into Sydcarmy gold, and Storer and her are on the same page. That's why most Sydcarmy eps of the season were hers or his or directed by both.
June can't get here soon enough.
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thomasew7 · 29 days
Ur a jew but support genocide? Ur grandparents should've gone to the gas Chambers.
First you claim in gaza there is Genocide but also claim its overpopulated in the same time, second saying that my grandparents should've have gone to the gas chambers is just straight up trying to be edgy let alone the fact that Holocaust WAS mass genocide and you encouraged to commit the acts performed there IS supporting genocide yourself.
Besides wtf you think that sending me death threats is gonna do? Its not gonna stop the war, its not gonna "free Palestine", its not gonna stop the IDF from doing their job.
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t0ast-ghost · 23 days
S3 EP21 (The Cloud Minders) oookay I genuinely don’t know what to think of that title
- OMG Kirk actually records his diaries on the bridge that’s so funny
- The chair swivelled so hard when Kirk got out of it that he had to go back to steady it with his hand
- The got roped into this one… (you see cause there’s a rope. It’s funny I promise)
- hi Margaret, I see you’re back (referring to the fact that Margaret Armen wrote this one)
- KICK !
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- “I have never before met a Vulcan, sir.” “Nor I a work of art, madam.” I’d melt personally
- I have a feeling the disrupters have very reasonable demands
- Kirk sleeping while Spock internally monologues contemplates. Relationship goals.
- OKAY but the back of Droxine’s dress is so fucking cool. Peacock aesthetic.
- OKAY but like this other lady’s dress tho. The deeper blue. (Self note: draw Spock and McCoy in the dresses)
- “You only take a mate once every seven years.” Yeah but he’s married to the doctor and captain aboard the ship
- Droxine wants him so bad goddamn
- “Extreme feminine beauty… is always… disturbing… madam.” “Spock!” As soon as Kirk calls him he’s outta there.
- Vanna is in the right here. Droxine is awful.
- This is such a good episode omg
- it’s showing how rich people delude themselves and justify having lower classes by reducing people to functions and workers.
- FLASHING LIVHTS HOLY HELL (careful showing this to your photosensitive friends)
- Is Kirk going to get put in the torture machine this episode? (Edit: no)
- Spock, Droxine is a rich idiot who is very used to justifying her actions with self inflicted ignorance, DO NOT PERSUE HER
- hiii McCoy hiiiiiiiii
- no fuck off mccoy fuck off doesn’t matter if they’re slightly intellectually ‘inferior’ they still deserve rights and they’re still obviously intelligent life
- oh okay the gas is causing slight brain damage but still. The disrupters are in the right. And they’re gonna help them, yay!
- The Advisor said “erect” lol
- Kirk, obviously the Advisor knows that in order to stay in power he needs the Troglytes to stay confused, disorganized, and separate from their part of society… he’s doing this ON PURPOSE
- Kirk, go down there and punch the Advisor, please
- “Captain, if you are apprehended deliberately violating the High Advisor’s orders, he will be within his rights to have you executed if he chooses.” “If you’re about to suggest that you contact Vanna, the answer is negative, Spock. That goes for you too, Bones.” Bones so readily goes to suggest himself but is immediately shut down. Kirk knows their bullshit
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- “Hours can be centuries, just as words can be lies.” That goes so hard wtf
- So why doesn’t Kirk beam out of there with her and directly to the caves? Well there wasn’t any trouble anyway but whatever
- LMAO the mask is so silly omg omg
- What the fuck. With his bare hands? (Edit: I’m talking about mining rocks. Promise.)
- Why did he cause a cave in? Omg he’s an idiot.
- Kirk is so done with these idiots. He’s just gonna put them in a cave and let the gasses get them
- Kirk’s not doing well… McCoy and Spock are very worried about him
- Kirk’s ass I really like Kirk’s fighting style, lots of kicks and a little bit of whacking
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- “I don’t like filters or even masks. I like the word ‘protector’ much better.” Did some Trekkie’s call masks this during the pandemic?
(He doesn’t but the vibes were terrible)
Teleplay by Margaret Armen
Story by David Gerrold & Oliver Crawford
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