#wu can have some fangs
ogzieoggleton · 3 months
Dedicated to @garmaballs and @bravetheperson
Domestic Garmadon hc:
-yes, he chases later pointers (dragons like shiny rocks and hording so he likes the glowy thing running around the room)
-he can't resist a good old shiny rock or pebble
-is in danger of eating soap out of curiosity
-he can't sleep without a weighted blanket and a pillow in his arms.. But the moment you put him under one he won't wake up either. They just threw it on him the moment he lay down to "sulk" (contemplate his body dysmorphia and constant need to prove himself evil by will) and hoped for the best. It worked and he didn't wake up until the following afternoon [turns out he was very sleep and touch depraved]
-Garmadon headbutts his loved ones. He'll just stand behind them and then drop his head onto their shoulders as if he forgot how to raise his head or use his neck. It hurts Lloyd’s shoulders, but he's honestly given up on it.
-Garmadon bites. He'll, yet again, stand behind or besides his loved one's and just latch his mouth (gently) onto their shoulders. (He sometimes chews the armour if they have any on)
-If one of the ninja get a hair cut and have it dyed and aren't in their colour coded clothes (ie, Lloyd's cuts his hair and gets a the tips died blue and is wearing a black hoodie) Garmadon just stares at them from the shadows like some uncanny freak in an analogue horror video: his eyes wide and fangs bared into what Jay called "a large grin of danger."
-he pounced at Lloyd and nearly bit him, but when he saw his sons green eyes staring up in horror and ptsd...(he left for Vinny's house that night...)
-he loves chicken drumsticks but always let's Lloyd have the last one (but never anyone else.)
-he sleeps in all the dark placed of the house: under the table (Lloyd had kicked him once or twice) in the closets, under a bed (it was no longer touching the floor by the time he snuck under) ect.
-can't figure out the shower. The head of the shower flew off and "attacked" him. Lloyd came in to find a very dressed and very drenched wet cat of an oni..
-summer makes his eyes hurt, body burn, nose bleed (my personal projection) and he gets very tired.. he is not safe so he stays inside and passes out in a dark room or under the table.
-he jumps at the sight if anything that is a darker shade if green and long in shape (eg Cucumbers or courgettes) due to 1: the cati-sh nature I love giving him and 2: his horrible trauma relating to serpents of that colour. When he's doing a quick glance around the room, you can bet his fight or flight won't wait to analyse and enhance on the suspicious object
-ugly cried when watching a movie (only with Vinny and sometimes Wu)
-laughs and cringes at horror movies (while vinny is scared shitless and Lloyd is just a little grossed out by the movie)
-body horror movies freak him out tho (tusk, human centipede 2) He's sat staring in horror at the screen, leaning into Vinny with his body curled up but his expression blank and stone cold. His feet can not touch the floor at all when watching it.
That's all for now! I might add to it later!
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llannasvsp · 6 months
Dragons Rising Season 2, Episode 5: The Spell at the Waterfall
I love the plush. I want the plush. I need the plush.
"I do not experience heightened emotions." You LIAR.
Zane, those lanterns are not blocking the portal gate.
The orb is Wu and Wu just saved them all.
Not Bonzle casually lore dropping.
Zane is SO ADORABLE with his little plush.
Again, I do not like the elemental mechs.
Egalt, keep your ugly mouth shut.
I can't believe the fang ranking was a truth.
Glad Wyldfyre knows her element now.
I feel so bad for Bonzle. Her story is so sad.
Awee poor Riyu.
Motion... like the source dragon that gave Lloyd the vision of Egalt.
"Little fire man." I love.
I wonder when in the timeline Wu met Bonzle.
Ohhhh Wyldfyre... she's so silly. Waaaait is this the disguise Doc was talking about that was "worse" than Doyll Donmagar?
Egalt, don't you DARE make Arin feel bad.
I want to give Arin the biggest hug ever.
I've been talking about a rift between Arin and Lloyd. This is the scene where I can see it starting. Arin shoves Lloyd off when Lloyd suggests to run drills with him.
"You are loved and needed." HHHHGHH COLEEEE.
It is hilarious to me that Ras is having Cinder training with literal vases like literally those would break under any sort of pressure.
Soooo Lloyd and Ras get eerily similar visions.
Human sacrifices! Cool!
Soooo this season continues to break my heart. But also, it makes me so so so happyyyyy!!! I love Cole and the Finders with my whole heart. This episode literally confirms Lost as canon. Let's be honest.
Arin's self doubt is being heightened. Poor guy. Egalt is too harsh on him.
I don't even know how to compile my thoughts because there are like eight thousand things happening up here.
Until next episode!
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homosexuhauls · 1 year
I haven't seen anyone mention it on here, most likely because English language news sources are reporting them as friends, but a man murdered a lesbian couple in Hong Kong last week.
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(Twitter thread includes more sources and proof of the two victims being in a relationship. However, video of the attack exists online and some of the photos in Chinese news articles are graphic/disturbing. Please proceed with caution.)
Fang Xiaotong (26 years old) and Liu Jixi (22 years old) were stabbed to death by a 39 year old man in a targeted attack in a shopping mall. Allegedly, he purchased the knife only after seeing the visibly gay couple, then attacked Fang Xiaotong, who was a Tom, which has a similar meaning to a butch or stud or masc lesbian. Liu Jixi attempted to intervene to save her girlfriend, but the perpetrator stabbed her also. Bystanders and mall security did not intervene, although eventually chefs who worked at the mall heard screams and armed themselves with stools before attempting to stop the attacker. The perpetrator then waited calmly for the police, and both women were pronounced dead at the hospital. While Western sources are painting this as a result of mental illness, the video and local news stories make it clear that this was likely a hate crime.
(Nb. I've also seen their names given as Fong Hiu-tung and Lau Kai-hei, and also that they may have used the nicknames "Daniel" and "Amber". I can't know which names they would have preferred to be used, hence why I'm including all of them here but using Fang Xiaotong and Liu Jixi throughout the post for consistency and clarity.)
From Naomi Wu, whose twitter thread I've linked above, an explanation of the sometimes deadly hostilities Toms and other lesbians face in China and Hong Kong:
When men attack Toms (butches), they think a lot of things- sometimes in Chinese we say "one lesbian steals two men's wives"- herself and her partner. And for bitter middle-aged, unmarried men like this attacker, they've been told their whole life they are owed a wife to wait on them hand and foot- and they feel robbed and wronged by a young handsome Tom taking what's "theirs". They are angry, entitled, jealous- they want to teach her a lesson. They want to punish her for having what is rightfully theirs when they don't. Then it's "Oh, if you want to act like a man, I'll treat you like one". Most need to justify it to themselves to get started. Of course, the femme/Dee/P is always next, because we will fight to save our Tom, and once we do, they can justify turning their violence on us next. In their twisted head, they decide their unprovoked attack was "fighting 1-on-1" and it's our fault for getting involved. All Toms know the deal, they cannot win, all Toms tell their girls again and again "if something happens, just run, I can take it". When the time comes, all Toms try to buy their girl time to get away- even as they go down under fists and boots...or knives They want to buy us time, but no femmes can bear to leave them, so it never works. But they always go for our Toms first, then us. Every time.
Fang Xiaotong was a waiter in a high-end restaurant. She loved small animals and children and had lived with her mother and step-sister prior to moving in with Liu Jixi one to two months before the attack. Liu Jixi was a hair stylist and also worked part-time at a bar, which is apparently where she and Fang Xiaotong met. On the day of the attack, both women were planning to meet up with Fang Xiaotong's family to celebrate her grandfather's birthday.
Rest in peace 🫶 your courage will not be forgotten.
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pippin-pippout · 9 months
So I dragged myself kicking and screaming and, yes, mostly in denial, through the last episodes of A Journey to Love.
My thoughts can be summarized as follows:
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Obviously this is mainly due to me being horrifically traumatized by Yuan Lu’s death. After all, they told us from the get go he wouldn’t live to 20. They made it clear he had a deadly heart disease. And then. They had the nerve. They had the audacity. They had the actual fucking bahoonga BALLS to follow through!?
But then I found myself sobbing at literally every good guy death scene, plus all of the mourning scenes. The latter was in large part thanks to Alen Fang's acting - deepest apologies to him for just referring to his character as 'the slutty one' for the majority of the show. Not that I was wrong. Also thanks to strong performances from He Lan Dou for Yuan Lu's death.
Anyway so I need to add this gif x4 for the Liudao Hall babies:
Qian Zhao, da ge, who made mistakes but always did right in the end
Sun Lang, who just wanted to hold something fluffy at the end, dying a hero
Yuan Lu, who died in his princess's arms after running to deliver a letter rendered useless by the Emperor of An's greed.
Yu Shisan, who lived as he lived and had such a happy moment with Chu Yue right before it all became irrevocable.
When they added Yu Shisan to the snowball fight, I just about lost it. Liu Yuning's acting there - having the realization about Shisan's death as he watched them play in real time was so well done. Really hurt.
Plus I'll make a couple of versions with edits.
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For the Wu Emperor. I knew it was gonna happen from the spoilers but damn, him genuinely learning the value of friendship and brotherly love made me root for him. Dude did not deserve to go out like that. Thank goodness for the magic of CDramas where he lived just long enough to pass on his will to Ning Yuanzhou, and do one last act of good.
It also ensured Duke of Chu was able to pass on his command to his daughter, Chu Yue, before dying of the same (was not clear if her bro died or not, or if dad was always going to choose her).
And for Deng Hui. Started out thinking he was just a sexist bastard. Turns out he was one of the most principled characters in the show.
Their deaths didn't make me cry, but I respect them.
Also loved Chen Du Ling's (Empress of Wu) small part in this. I may not like all of her characters but she can deliver a scene and hold a room. It was a bit cathartic to see her put every man in their place, and basically decide the fate of two countries, even though her lament that she'd only ever have power through another held true.
Ah Ying, my baby girl. This is a character that could have turned people off from the beginning. Thanks to strong writing and stronger acting, it did not. I was super impressed with He Lan Dou. She can dial it up and dial it down in a single take, and can play big dramatic scenes with a subtlety that some older actors cannot grasp. This was the first thing I've seen her in, though for her and Chen You Wei (Yuan Lu) I might watch Tiger and Crane if someone tells me it's good.
I still think Li Tongguang is a perverted and creepy child, who never managed to learn (except in literally the last ep), but at least I trust that he will treat Ah Ying well. I don't hold it against him for screwing up the battle - he was trying to be benevolent but made a bad choice.
The main couple win it for me this year. What an inspired pairing. They beat out heavy hitters including Bai Lu x Everyone which was near impossible. Something to do with letting Liu Shi Shi use Liu Yuning's height against him at every possible moment. Also the 'if you die, I'll finish the job and then follow you' is my favorite dynamic. I swear when Ruyi threw those bombs, NOT NEEDING TO HAVING ALREADY SUCCEEDED AT KILLING THE KING AND PRINCE, just to join him, y'all I died. Good for whoever posthumously gave her the Marquis title on her own (not just furen) - couldn't tell if it was Li Tongguang acting as regent or Dayang (great shot of those two at the end).
The final episode was one of the best final cdrama episodes I've seen. I might have to make another post about that. In sum, despite losing a large portion of the well-loved cast, the remainder gave a world-class finale. The visuals were incredible (explosions are my favorite). The final scene was beautiful (though I'm a bit surprised they gave it to Chu Yue instead of Ah Ying who knew all 6 of them closely).
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creaturetaled · 8 months
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NEW MUSE. Ajax Pallida.
age. 25 years old.
species. red spitting cobra.
occupation. retired underground fighter, current head body modification artist / piercer at royce's tattoo & piercing shop.
orientation. demi.
pronouns. they/he.
Similar to Vespa & Javier, Ajax was not a naturally occurring shapeshifter but was instead genetically modified in a laboratory similar to Dr. Henry Wu's research in jurassic park. His venom was a particularly new topic scientists were researching at the time and had never injected into anyone before, & as a result it has some side effects.
Ajax's venom is a type called cytotoxic. This means that it can cause serious necrosis (aka dying tissues) as well as severe blistering of the skin. Ajax's body now has gotten used to it, but his arms are intensely scarred / blackened / his fingers he can't really feel anymore due to the traumatic induction of his transformation.
Spitting cobras actually spray their venom not from their throat, but from tiny holes in the base of their two fangs that can hit a range up to 8 ft. During his underground fighting, he used this to his advantage. While his move didn't kill anyone, there were a few who had a poor reaction, and one he blinded permanently.
These days personality wise he is a lot less aggressive than he used to be - having to literally win fights to save his life (he was leased out by the research facility to bring in more revenue) would pump up the adrenaline, causing his blistering to flare up again.
Current piercings: eyebrows, ears, tongue, stomach, chin, cheek. ( a couple more ,less sfw. )
Is in charge of the shop when Royce is out on business / vacation.
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otachiriot · 1 year
Non-Human Ninjago headcannons:
Where I tell you how I don't headcannon any of them as human and here is why.
Lloyd deserves to have dragon/oni features, so he definitely has claws, horns, tail, and dragon-like eyes. He also subconsciously shapeshifts his eyes to be green [they are red] and he cries fire. The oni features are more dominant.
Kai and Nya don't really have any non-human headcannons. But I like to think they are pure elements in human form now, especially after Kai in the volcano, and Nya merging with the sea. They can turn into their element, travel through them, and when pissed off shift into elemental forms.
Cole is part oni. He shouldn't have survived March of the Oni, that is all. His superstrength is some mutation of destruction with his element. I also think Cole has really tough oni skin that makes him pretty hard to beat up.
Zane is a liteterally robot, but I'll give you some headcannons about it. If he didn't have the ice element he would overheat and break down in hours. He takes 3-4 hours to recharge, and weekly maintenance is mandatory. Zane has too many fine parts and bits that can break easily otherwise.
JAY HOWEVER is still part fangpyre. He deserves to have fangs and weird little snake eyes and a lisp. This means Jay has poor vision but can navigate through smell just like I headcannon serpentine to. SENSITIVE hearing.
Here me out. Morro is part dragon, makes the destiny and ghost duos even MORE chaotic. It is also why I think they are very in tune with their element, and why Morro can understand and communicate with it. Anyways, dragon eyes, claws, and tail.
Also I can't be convinced that Wu doesn't shapeshift to look more human. I know he has a dragon/oni form under there he's just a crazy old [and kind of racist] fart. He does have whiskers under that beard though. Secretly also cries fire.
Anyways, Garmadon deserves dragon features. Just a little. He has whiskers, scales and a tail.
I include these headcannons in all the fics I write btw,, anyway thanks for reading :]
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duckprintspress · 7 months
February 2024 Created Works Round-Up!
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Duck Prints Press’s monthly “created works round-ups” are our opportunity to spotlight some of the amazing work that people working with us have done that ISN’T linked to their work with Duck Prints Press. We include fanworks, outside publications, and anything else that creators feel like sharing with y’all. Inclusion is voluntary and includes anything that they decided “hey, I want to put this on the created work’s round-up!”
Check out what they’ve shared with us this month…
Faebruary 2024 by May Barros / @mayarab
art || original work || no ships || teen & up || no major warnings apply || work in progress
summary: Faebruary is an art challenge during the month of February in which one creates an artwork a day inspired by fairys or the Fae. In the case of this particular instalment, works were made following a prompt list and combining that with archetypes of player characters from the TTRPG Changeling: the Lost
Warmth Enough to Share by D.V. Morse / @nursinggeek
fiction || supernatural || f/f || charlie bradbury/jo harvelle || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 1,538 || complete
Watching Sam and Eileen set up their nursery back on earth gives Charlie and Jo ideas.
other tags: past canon character death
Nothing Not Romantic by D.V. Morse / @nursinggeek
fiction || buffy the vampire slayer || f/f || kennedy/willow rosenberg || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 946 || complete
summary: Anniversary dinners are supposed to be romantic. Willow isn't sure this one qualifies.
other tags: past canon character death
To Sleep, Perchance (Not) to Dream by D.V. Morse / @nursinggeek
fiction || wayward sisters, supernatural || f/f || kaia nieves/claire novak || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 680 || complete
summary: Claire's hunter reflexes ensure that Kaia never wakes up from a nightmare alone.
Ready for (Almost) Anything by D.V. Morse / @nursinggeek
fiction || october daye series || f/f || may daye/jasmine "jazz" patel || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 835 || complete
summary: This time, May and Jazz are ready for whatever Aemelia can throw at them ... or so they think.
Time Won't Give Me Time by firefly124 / @firefly124
fiction || mcyt, life series smp, hermitcraft smp || m/m || jimmy solidarity/tango tek || teen & up || no major warnings apply || 12,629 || complete
summary: Jimmy thinks he and Tango (and the other Double Life soulmates) are in danger of being used against each other in the next Life game, so he warns Tango they need to stay apart. Whether that's going to do any good is another question.
other tags: 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series-Typical Character Death, spoilers for Limited Life SMP, Watcher Lore (Evolution SMP), Canary Hybrid Jimmy | Solidarity, Blaze Hybrid TangoTek (Video Blogging RPF), mention of New Life SMP
until you are its primary evidence by ilgaksu / @ilgaksu
fiction || mysterious lotus casebook || m/m, poly (one gender: male) || di feisheng/fang duobing/li lianhua | li xiangyi || mature || creator choses not to use warnings || 5,805 || complete
summary: In the firelight, A-Fei shrugs, panther-lithe in the roll of it down shoulder and into the body, and starts to lick his hand clean. Fang Duobing makes a face at him.
“You eat like an animal,” he complains.
other tags: Character Study, Disability, Canon Compliant, Unreliable Narrator
carry your childhood with you by ilgaksu / @ilgaksu
fiction || dmbj - grave robber's chronicles (xu lei) || no ships, platonic or familial || hei xiazi & wu xie, wu xie & xie yuchen || teen & up || creator choses not to use warnings || 3,276 || complete
summary: “Hey,” Wu Xie says to Hei Xiazi, sitting next to him on a bench by the Yongding River, swinging his feet. “Hey. Hei-shushu. Can I tell you about Xiao Hua?”
“I’m not your uncle, kid,” Hei Xiazi replies, “I’m just your uncle’s unfortunate employee.”
other tags: Childhood Memories, Childhood Friends, Trans Xie Yuchen, Hei Xiazi's No Good Very Bad Day Babysitting
Bring It On Home by NursingGeek / @nursinggeek
fiction || mcyt, empires smp || f/f || katherine elizabeth/shelby grace | shubble || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 1,458 || complete
summary: Katherine's had a rough night of monster slaying. Thank goodness Shelby knows how to fix her up.
You're My Home by NursingGeek / @nursinggeek
fiction || unstoppable series by charlie jane anders || f/f || elza monteiro/tina mains || general audiences || no major warnings apply || 916 || complete
summary: A few quiet moments as Elza and Tina get ready to head back out into the galaxy after their brief return to Earth.
other tags: spoilers for the Unstoppable series through Promises Stronger than Darkness
Comyn he is of gret by Rhosyn Du / @rhosyn-du
fiction || the sandman (tv 2022) || m/m || dream of the endless | morpheus/hob gadling || explicit || creator choses not to use warnings || 10,582 || work in progress
summary: In 1389, Hob follows the mysterious stranger out of the White Horse, makes a number of questionable choices, and gets thoroughly railed for his trouble.
other tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Porn With Somewhat More Plot Than The Author Intended, Canon Divergence Purely For Porn Reasons, Bets & Wagers, Monsterfucker Hob Gadling, Light Dom/Sub, Enthusiastic Consent, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Come Marking, Come Eating, Additional Tags To Be Added
To Fall Like the Rain by Shadaras / @shadaras
fiction || modao zushi - moxiang tongxiu / the untamed || platonic or familial, m/m || lan wangji/mo xuanyu, jin ling & jin rusong & mo xuanyu || teen & up || no major warnings apply || 7,550 || complete
summary: Jin Xuanyu is ten years old when Lan Wangji declares that they're soulmates.
other tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - More People Live, Alternate Universe - Mo Xuanyu is a Reincarnation of Wei Wuxian, Soulmates (But Only For The Lan), Jin Family Feels, Slow Burn (In Universe)
So go check out their creations! Who knows, maybe you’ll find your new favorite story…
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difeisheng · 1 month
honest thoughts on guzhou | a lonely hero's journey up to episode 10/36 (some vague spoilers ahead):
overall, i'm pleased with this drama, and it's worth the year i waited for it. don't listen to the mydramalist rating if you're considering watching, a nonzero amount of vocal criticism for this seems to be from people who aren't the target audience for this show and have decided to make that other people's problem. the plot is tightly written, with twists i'm enjoying anticipating and decent pacing (that earns honest praise from me on that last one, because bad pacing is one of the things i loathe most in a drama). production and the soundtrack are good. character dynamics are for the most part complex and fascinating, whether they're friendly ones or absolutely wretched. special mention to gu xixing and his attempts to look out for his children both biological and foster, the differences in values between everyone involved are tearing them apart but he's doing his best.
acting, overall, is decent. shoutout to the casting director for zeng shunxi and zhang songwen as the leads, their scenes together have been some of my favourites for sure and they play this antagonistic mentor/student dynamic very well. as far as i can tell based on his upcoming dramas, as well as guzhou, zeng shunxi is trying to leave behind the tianzhen young master roles a la wu xie or fang duobing in lieu of a bit more mature/serious characters, and he's doing great with this one. balancing out gu yizhong's motivations and fears is not an easy role, but there have been some acting moments in this from him that gave me legitimate chills. zhang songwen on the other side is doing a fantastic job as expected, playing zhou zhifei as a ruthless and calculating opponent, but also quite sympathetic. no notes, he's a treat whenever he's onscreen.
my only major problem with this show is that the character of xiao ruotong is frustratingly written, exacerbated by the fact that the other people she interacts with are written well. she's second female lead and in a relationship with gu yizhong at the start of the show, and supposedly these two are 青梅竹马, but we're not really given any reason to root for them as a couple other than that they already are one. yizhong's interactions with zhang haimo make for a far more compelling onscreen dynamic by comparison. and yet after yizhong cuts ties with her for her own safety and his own, ruotong is continually chasing after yizhong to the point that she ruins multiple missions for her undercover unit, unable to separate team objective from emotions. each time, she gets scolded for it, and her unit leader rightfully tries to keep her out of the next active mission given that she's proven to be a liability, yet the plot somehow bends so that she's allowed to keep going out. only to just stand there staring like a startled deer at yizhong in the actual moment. she hasn't been given very much to do otherwise, with little room for character growth, and it's a shame. i know romance is not the focus of a 谋战剧 but unfortunately ruotong has truly been kept rather useless by the plot so far, as both a love interest and in her capacity as a field agent.
however, that's only one specific aspect of the show i have a bone to pick with, and as i said, it's a solid drama overall. i'm deeply entertained and intrigued by everything else it's got going, and i for one will be following it until it finishes.
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soapy-soartp · 2 months
Day 30 of @whumperless-whump-event
Prompt: Fear / Breaking point / "I can't stop crying, I'm sorry-“
Fandom: TGCF
Characters: Wu Ming, Xie Lian
-omega wu ming manages to get to alpha xie lian during his 3 day test with fang xin (will be making a full length fic of this soon-ish hopefully )
Xie Lian didn’t know ghosts could cry.
But here he was, watching as the ghost, who had unfalteringly followed his every word, began to shake apart.
He can see the silent tears drip down from under that smiling mask and the barely there tremble as Wu Ming kneels beside him. Pale hands hover over him as the ghost almost seems frozen in place. Most damning of all was the shaky gasped out /‘Your Highness’/ and the rapidly spreading scent of an omega in distress.
Xie Lian squirms, the sword pinning him down shifts which causes him to wince, that sound makes the ghost’s scent sour even more as he chokes back a pained noise. The fallen god can’t help the gnawing guilt building in his chest, despite his initial mistrust of the other, his behavior towards him was horrible and inexcusable, he see that now. He can’t wrap his head around why the ghost is even still following him. He certainly doesn’t deserve the loyalty and devotion he’s been shown.
Instinctively Xie Lian’s inner alpha tries to emit a comforting scent but the attempt is ruined by the scent of blood filtering through. He lets out a frustrated sound at the omega’s continually worsening mood and calls out to him hoping that would do some good.
“Wu Ming…”
His voice quiet and hoarse manages to snap Wu Ming out of his frozen state and soon shaky hands carefully rests on the hilt of the sword. The action shifts the sword and Xie Lian bites his lip, trying to avoid any signs of pain but his scent gives him away.
The ghost breathes and steadies himself, hands on Fang Xin. He eases the sword from the fallen prince’s abdomen all the while mumbling out muffled little apologies that break the alpha’s heart.
Once he was freed from the sword, he carefully sat up with the help of Wu Ming. He hisses from the stiffness of his body and turns to the masked ghost, desperate to let out an apology, a small thank you, anything.
But the words are stuck in his throat as he turns his attention back to the ghost. His brows furrowed in concern over seeing the man kowtowing to him, his mask touching the ground, still mumbling out little apologies. His scent is still that of a distraught. And the trembling stars anew, with everything getting worse longer the prince maintains his silence.
After a few moments of just bewildered staring, a small whine sends everything crashing back to reality and makes the alpha act, calling out carefully to his ghostly companion.
“Wu Ming…? What, erm, what’s wrong? Don't be so upset, it’s fine I can’t die…”
Though that seems to have been the wrong thing to say as other silently cries harder and apologizes even more profusely. Unfortunately for the both of them that behavior just seems to agitate Xie Lian’s inner alpha, who desperately needs to comfort the one in obvious distress. But he has no idea how.
“Wu Ming, don’t cry,“ he tries, its awkward and agitated, he has no clue how to help the other.
He’s still feeling pain from the wound in his abdomen. The scent of distress and misfortune that’s already clung to the duo is amplified by the omega. Wu Ming won’t look at him. His patience is running thin, he can feel himself ready to snap into commanding the other.
Just when everything was about to reach a breaking point, just when he was about to command the omega to get off the floor and stop. He is cut off by the other suddenly gasping and somehow bowing even more.
"Your highness! This lowly one is sorry! I can't stop crying, I'm sorry! My scent I can’t- this one is truly sorry!”
A string of panicked apologies come from the bowing figure in front of Xie Lian, each getting more frantic and desperate than the last. Even the scent around them starts to turn sweeter, desperate to please the agitated alpha.
He feels his guilt crash into him again and that's all it takes to get him to calm down and reassess the situation. It unnerves him now that he can think clearer. The ghost that’s faced his mistreatment for the past few days if not weeks weep and apologize over and over for something that seems so inconsequential.
Well either way, his- their situation doesn't change. He’s still sitting in the middle of the street at who knows what hour, with a nearly fully panicking and extremely stressed omega at his feet. He looks back to Wu Ming whose mask is still pressed to the ground, who's still trembling and undoubtedly crying, who’s began to take in heaving short breaths despite not really needing to breathe. Who’s still mumbling out little apologies to someone who doesn’t deserve them.
Xie Lian winces and takes a steadying breath in, calming himself and his scent. He tries his best to smile, to comfort. He’s hoping it works as he calls out to the omega once more, softer this time, with patience he thought long gone.
“Wu Ming… Omega it’s alright, sit up for me please?”
When the other follows through, trembling still but willing to look at Xie Lian, the fallen god begins to feel something akin to relief. Maybe it’ll all be alright.
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madohomuisgay123 · 2 months
Sketeton? Yes you yes sketeton is you si ni yes gang you what is operaction yes you is sketeton disorter heybell ride the lighting yes I'm no wow metallica meow yes sketeton korn wow corn slip yes knot shush foo no fighters meow kurt running to yes fangs vampire dark nonchalant dreadlocks head yes shut no nirvana best for whom the bells tolls shush no goody me wow woof arf draw sigma no skibidi no it's a nonchalant dread head oh em gee hush hush hush meow sketeton dave Minecraft yes td td brickwalls and jojo siwa meow Marcy wu getting stabbed by king andrias live 4k Sasha falling down Anne turning into leaves 4k live deaths dying lol lol period dancing black swan meowing marky wu barking and tap dancing I'm literally tap dancing on my limited addition Dora the explora shoes on saturns rings while live at YouTube and getting thousands of views because I'm sigma literally an alpha and your a skibidi not a toilet man twitching while on the ground dog are cool but cats are best cats cats cats meow meow meow meow yes ik I'm a cat I like being a cat cuz their cool yep ik I can be cool too ya know hush hush hush ik I'm noisy woisy no I'm not yep ik I'm falling down the stairs like Mari from omori yes Mari we know you dead we know that uh huh uh huh bloody heck man ugh brooky spooky haaha I see sketeton twerking on the sun dancing singing boneless skinless haha pov pov pov wow wow ow meow meow meow when? Huh. Ik I'm sigma did I say that a thousand times now? Yes okay well I don't care ahha until wait- toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart- no not this. Turip? Ip? Ip? Ip? Tuna ip? Ip? Turip? Ip? Madoka! Please don't go! Sorry but I have to go meet the others now, make sure to take care of your self okay? Madookaaaaasrrr!! Siahfudj. You can't become a magical girl!! Nuh uh! F- you mean "Nuh uh"?! I mean no you fugly bish :3 Madoka don't go!! Dw bro you'll always be my bestfriend :3 I thought we were dating!!! Do do do do do do do do do do! Lalalalalalalalalalaaalala!! Meow meow meow!!! I don't have crickets :'O sorry bbg but business is business B) wow beans beans beans jessie ate some beans he was happy happy happy that he ate some beans, hahaha what, what are you talking about I'm not crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once, I was locked in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, and rats made me crazy,.... Idk one two.. Ten thousand. Huehah. Meow? Hehe.. Meow.. Hahaha.. Arghh... Bleee.. Bleeepp.... Blooaappp.... Meow....
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potahun · 11 months
im watching blood of youth and have made it to ep 6 so far, and it is starting to grow on me after episode 5. however, since i've seen a few comparisons between the two which have led to my watching it, i would not say it has a similar vibe to mysterious lotus casebook, so i would not recommend watching one because you like the other and hope to find something similar.
to clarify, the vibe i get so far from BoY is very similar to a shounen . it has the young teenage protagonists on a grand mission, the companions coming to each other's aid, it has the fighting spirit, the leveling up (even the training sequences with hype music!) Possibly, it is also more of a traditional wuxia (but experts pls weigh in on this) because there is a much greater focus on fighting and overcoming adversities in a martial arts context. i understand there is a great political intrigue coming up at the end, so maybe things will change. for now, i see a lot about martial arts with impressive visuals, youths choosing their paths regardless of the previous generations' choices (a theme i like!) and about growth and breaking out of the shell in general
mysterious lotus casebook leans strongly towards murder-mystery and intrigues. it also deals a lot less with the passion of youth as a theme. the protagonists are older (li lianhua and di feisheng should be in their early thirties, fang duobing is likely around 20, but it's not specified). the mood varies wildly, but it's sometimes a soft ghibli and sometimes an eerie ghost story... it deals with accepting the fragility of human life, haunting/escaping the narrative, closure, death and rebirth, being queer (yeah, i'm saying this), mirror sides of human bonds and their sometimes coincidental, brittle but precious nature... despite impressive fight sequences, leveling up in martial arts really falls to the far background. much of the heart of the story is li xiangyi being given a chance to make his goodbyes to the jiang hu, but also living again as li lianhua.
also, a point that seems minor, but can lead to very different feels: the visuals of both shows are different. mysterious lotus casebook is soft colors and low contrast. it's crisp fights, but barely any magical attacks and few effects. it makes up for the lack of special effects with agile and artistic camera work, and smart use of speed, as well as elegance in the choreography. blood of youth uses more highly saturated colors. the visuals are aimed at impressing. the cgi is very decent, and can lead to a pleasant image on their own, but sharp moves are also used. i think if you come out of BoY and head into MLC expecting the same level of visual shock, you might come out thinking MLC has less impressive fights. or on the contrary, if you are not into cgi at all, you might head into BoY and think it's overkill.
not saying that you can't enjoy both! i adore MLC to death, but i enjoy a good shounen and i am starting to enjoy BoY. so far, i feel like they've told very well what they set out to tell, but i would not pit the two against each other in an objective manner. they feel like apples and pears to me, despite some jokes feeling similar (xiao se being a miser, li lianhua being an iron rooster, wu xin's bad cooking, li lianhua's bad cooking etc) the atmosphere of the two shows have extremely different vibes to me. MLC feels like blossoms falling softly on grass and waterfalls, BoY (so far) feels like setting off firecrackers and a storm on the rise. they are love letters to different aspects of the jiang hu. if you want to tackle both, please don't expect the same thing out of the two
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akariarda · 11 months
Lloyd's first teeth are coming out. Misako is not home and Garmadon has to fend for himself.
If you have any requests, feel free to say so.
"Dawdy?" Lloyd called out.
Garmadon looked up from the scroll he was studying.
"Lloyd?" he asked, confused, as he approached him to help him up from the floor. "What are you doing awake so late?"
"Huwts," Lloyd said, pointing to his mouth.
"Does it hurt there?" Garmadon asked, gently touching the swollen area of his gums, causing Lloyd to wince in pain. "Ouwch!!"
"I'm sorry, sweetheart; daddy didn't mean to hurt you," Garmadon apologized.
Lloyd soon started whimpering in pain again. "It seems like your tooth is growing," Garmadon said, wishing Misako was there.
Why today? She had just left for a business trip for a day. He had reassured her that nothing would happen to Lloyd. Now his tooth was growing, and Garmadon didn't know what to do.
"Can you open your mouth again?" Garmadon asked, and Lloyd whimpered and shook his head frantically.
"Nwo! It huwts!"
"This time, I won't touch the painful area, sweetheart, I promise. Just let Daddy see," Garmadon said, and Lloyd hesitated for a moment but then opened his mouth, trusting Garmadon completely.
He was his dad, right? If he said it wouldn't hurt, then it wouldn't.
"It looks like your fangs are growing; that's especially painful," Garmadon said.
He wanted to touch the gum again to make sure, but he didn't want to cause Lloyd more pain.
After all, he had promised not to hurt him. Besides Misako, he was the only person who believed in him. Not even Misako always believed him 100%, but this little one here always did. He trusted him unconditionally.
Garmadon gently rubbed Lloyd's back with love as he thought about what to do. Lloyd rested his head on Garmadon's shoulder and continued whimpering again, this time a little more tiredly.
"Do you want Daddy to make you some pain-relieving tea?" Garmadon asked Lloyd, then settled him on the countertop while he prepared the ingredients.
"Here," he said, approaching Lloyd with a cup. "Let Daddy help you drink this."
Lloyd hesitated for a moment, then shook his head reluctantly. "Miwlk," he mumbled.
"Milk won't help much with the pain, sweetheart," Garmadon gently said.
"Mowmy's cocwoa," little Lloyd suggested again, reluctant to drink the strange beverage.
"Mommy is not home tonight," Garmadon gently said, kissing Lloyd's forehead. "I could make you some cocoa, but I don't think it would be as good as Mommy's. This tea is the best choice for relieving tooth pain."
He looked at Lloyd, who still hesitated. "Trust me. Trust your Daddy." Garmadon's heart warmed as he saw Lloyd's eyes fill with infinite trust.
"Whwar ws twat?" Lloyd asked as he leaned in to curiously sniff the previously undiscovered potion.
"That's tea. My father taught me and your uncle Wu how to make it. It helps ease the pain of growing teeth," Garmadon explained.
Lloyd observed the tea for a while, then slowly allowed Garmadon to help him drink from the cup.
"How was it?" Garmadon asked when he finished the cup. "Does it still hurt?"
"Nwo," little Lloyd said, yawning.
"I'm glad to hear that, little one," Garmadon said, picking him up again. Lloyd yawned again and rested his head on Garmadon's shoulder. "It's time for bed now. Mommy will be back tomorrow morning," he told him as he led him to his bed.
"Do you want a bedtime story?" he asked, but Lloyd shook his head, already too sleepy.
"Goodnight, son," he said, kissing him on the forehead.
"Gwodniwht, Dawdy," Lloyd replied.
He yawned again as Garmadon tucked him in tightly.
He stayed there until he fell asleep, and even longer. He wanted to make sure that nothing bad would happen to his and Misako's little boy.
Tell me what you think and feel free to request.
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nyaskitten · 9 months
(Nya takes the covers off of a skeleton.)
Nya: Some villagers unearthed the remains of this Fangpyre a few miles away. It predates the Golden Age, and must be hundreds of years old. Although the venom in the fangs of the Fangpyre genetically mutate human cells into reptilian, I've learned there could be a way to stop the effects without having to create an antivenom. (Zane is shown taking notes while Kai is bored. Cole is drawing a picture of him fighting while Jay, sporting a new hairstyle, stares at Nya with an infatuated expression on his face.) If one is able to wildly raise their heart rate, hypothetically it could reverse the venom's effects. (Her cheeks turn pink.) Resulting in...diminished, uh, excuse me, is someone wearing perfume? I'm severely allergic to perfume.
Jay: Heh. (Whispers to Kai) You told me it was men's cologne.
Kai: Meh, I get them mixed up. (Everyone but Jay and Nya laughs. Zane turns his humor switch off.)
Cole: Ah, looks like class is over. Time to start stomping some Serpentine before they find any Fangblades.
Kai: Sounds like a plan.
Zane: I'm excited to join. (Jay waits for them to leave.)
Jay: Uh, hey uh, Nya, I'm sorry. The reason I was—you know—I went to Kai because—look. What I'm trying to say is—
Nya: I know. It's just a cruel joke. I should be fine. Please, go fight snakes.
Jay: No, no, no, no. I was trying to impress you. Before Sensei left, he said our heart was the key to unlocking our True Potential.
Nya: Impress me? But I look so...
Jay: Fantastic. (Nya begins playing with her hair.) Look, maybe, if you'll let me, I can take you to some big fancy restaurant. You don't have to, if you don't want to...
Nya: You mean like a date?
Jay: Um, yeah?
Nya: Sure! I'd love to. But I have to go now before the perfume toxins enter my bloodstream and I go into shock. See you tonight. (She leaves.)
Jay: Yes! (Laughs, and accidentally pricks himself on the skeleton.) Ow! Aah! Man. (He leaves unaware of a trickle of venom dripping from the skeleton.)
(On the Mountain of Madness, Wu confronts Garmadon.)
Garmadon: Hello, brother. What took you so long? You brought the katana from our youth. Funny, you never had the courage to cross the temple wall, yet now you have the courage to come here.
Wu: Why have you come to this place of darkness?
Garmadon: A place as wicked as me? Don't you see? Here I feel at home. In Ninjago, I was physically unable to hold all four Spinjitzu Weapons. But here, dark magic has made me stronger and what was once impossible is now possible. (He reveals he now has four arms.)
Wu: You came here only to possess the Weapons of Spinjitzu?
Garmadon: Yes, brother, and I refuse to allow you or your petty ninja to stop me! (He summons four weapons to wield and starts attacking his brother.)
Wu: (He falls down in a pit of mud and tries to fend against the mud monsters.) Brother, I've not come here to—
Garmadon: You will pay for your visit. Mud monsters, converge! You don't belong here, old fool. You should've known better than to try to stop me.
Wu: (Struggling) I didn't come to stop you. I came to warn you. To tell you—your son's in danger! Aah!
Garmadon: Lloyd? (He pulls Wu out of the mud monsters.) What has Lloyd gotten himself into?
Wu: He has opened a can of worms I fear I will never be able to close.
Garmadon: You mean we will never be able to close. Get up. You can tell me more later. First, we need to return home. How did you find me?
Wu: Traveler's Tea. But I used it all and now have no way back.
Garmadon: There is only one way to return to Ninjago. But to get there, we must pass through the Mountain of Madness and it is a long and dangerous road ahead.
Wu: I wouldn't have it any other way.
Garmadon: We should leave. Before it really gets dark.
(The Serpentine dig their way aboveground just outside of Mega Monster Amusement Park.)
Skales: This is it, Pythor. The map leads us here. The first Fangblade. (He points to the park.) Maybe it's better to wait until dark, so we don't attract any unwanted attention from the ninja or Samurai.
Pythor: Oh, I have a feeling we'll fit right in.
(A kid runs away and screams.)
Employee: Hey, don't go.
Man: Excuse me. Would you mind if my family takes a picture with you?
Woman: Your costume is so authentic.
Pythor: Of course. Welcome to—to, uh (He looks at a sign.) Mega Monster Amusement Park!
Skales: Say cheese.
All: Cheese!
(At the Destiny's Bounty, Jay is getting ready for the date.)
Jay: Did I ever tell you I was the first one to learn Spinjitzu? No, I mean, uh, I invented Spinjitzu. Yeah, that's it. And i invented a few other moves, like the karate double chop. Hyah! (He looks at his hand, which has formed green scales.) No! No, no, no. The prick from the Fangpyre fang! Oh, no. This isn't happening. No, it's nothing. It's just a rash. It'll probably just go away. You're gonna do great, Jay. This is your chance to shine. Hehe. (He goes to the bridge wearing gloves.)
Cole: Whoa, where are you going, Mr. Fancy?
Jay: Didn't you hear? I'm taking Nya to a nice restaurant. A really nice restaurant.
Kai: You might wanna change your plans. The bridge just picked up evidence of Serpentine activity over at Mega Monster Amusement Park. (The monitor shows a photo of Serpentine in the park.l
Jay: Hey, that's Pythor.
Zane: Pythor would not be there for fun. We believe a Fangblade may be buried underneath the park.
Jay: We can't let them get it! Oh, but my date...
Kai: Jay, if they get all four of them, Pythor can unleash the Great Devourer. Get your priorities straight, man.
(Jay gets an idea and goes knock on Nya's door just after she comes in as Samurai X.)
Nya: Huh?
Jay: (opening the door) Uh, Nya, you there? (Nya slams the door.) Argh!
Nya: Don't come in! I'm getting ready.
Jay: Well, um—I just wanna talk to you about our date. You know, I'm hearing really bad reviews for the restaurant and I just...
Nya: (Her bracelet projects a map.) Serpentine spotted at Mega Monster Amusement Park?
Jay: You know, I think we should cancel.
Nya: (She opens the door.) Oh, you're canceling?
Jay: No, no. I just wanted to know if you would rather go to the Mega Monster Amusement Park instead.
Nya: Really? That would be perfect! But aren't you overdressed? (Nya gasps when she sees her Samurai helmet in view.)
Jay: Well, yeah. Of course, I need to change— (Nya kicks the helmet.) What was that?
Nya: Nothing! You know what? I'll dress up too. Looks fun.
Jay: Hey, I was thinking, you know, we'd take my Storm Glider there.
Nya: Sounds like fun. (She comes from behind a changing screen in a sequined dress which stuns Jay before he smiles.) I'm in your hands. (They take off.)
(Wu and Garmadon follows a path that leads to the Mountain of Madness.)
Garmadon: So, what kind of trouble has Lloyd gotten himself into?
Wu: Well, I'm afraid to say, the worst kind. He's reopened the Serpentine tombs, and now that they have united, Pythor is trying to find the Four Silver Fangblades to unleash the Great Devourer.
Garmadon: The very snake that turned me evil?
Wu: Yes.
Garmadon: Why would Lloyd open the tombs?
Wu: To be like you.
Garmadon: I never wanted him to. Thank you for watching out for him.
Wu: You may think of me as your enemy, but I was first your brother.
(Jay and Nya arrived at a restaurant in Mega Monster.)
Jay: Yeah, even when I was young, it was clear I was born and bred for adventure. I was the first one to get my knot badge in Little Scouts. I was always trying daring foods. I once built these wings from scrap metal and other—uh, you okay? You seem kind of distant.
Nya: Uh, yeah. It's just the portions are so big. And to think we split our dish.
Jay: Heh. So that Samurai. Oh, man. I hate him, don't you? He's such a showboat, you know? If you ask me, he's nothing without his big, clunky exo-suit.
Nya: Oh.
Jay: Yeah. Nothing can compare to two good old fashioned feet and fists, don't you think?
Nya: Yeah, sure.
Jay: You know, sssomebody once told me... (He gasps and looks at his reflection in a spoon. He realizes he has fangs.)
Nya: You okay?
Jay: Excusse me. I have to use the resstroom. (He enters the restroom and discovers he's turning green before removing his glove and seeing his hand in the same condition.) Oh, gosh. I'm turning into a snake! (A man tries to enter the restroom.) I'm busy, dude! Can't you see it's taken? I can't go out there looking like this. This is the worst date ever!
(Meanwhile, a group of visitors is riding an attraction that is meant to be scary.)
Man: Ha! Lame! This ride is stupid. (He sees the Serpentine digging.) Heh, look how stupid this guy looks. (He and the others were sprayed with Venomari venom.) Get me off this thing! Mommy!
Kai: Where is everybody? (They see the riders scream and run out of the attraction.)
Cole: Wait a minute, that ride was never scary.
Zane: Venomari.
Kai: Should we get Jay?
Cole: Let's not bother the two lovebirds. I think we can handle this.
Kai: Excuse us, coming through.
Cole: Nothing to look at, folks.
Zane: This is official ninja business.
(Jay still hasn't come back from the restroom and Nya is worried.)
Nya: (Sighs) Sorry, Jay. Duty calls. (She leaves the booth.)
Jay: Huh, you don't look so bad. Just go out there and tell her the truth. (He feels something on his back and turns around.) Ah! I have a tail! No, no, it's okay, Jay. Lots of girls like tails. (He goes back to their table.) She left? Nya?
Man: Snake! (Everyone surrounds him.)
Jay No! Stop! You don't understand!
(Nya gets in her Mech. Meanwhile, the Serpentine uncovers the Fangblade.)
Pythor: Ah. (Laughs) The first fangblade is ours!
(The Sword of Fire is shown igniting as Kai, Cole and Zane arrive.)
Kai: Not so fast.
Cole: Really? That's the best you got?
Kai: I couldn't think of anything on the fly.
Cole: How about "Time to burn" or "Jump on this fire ride?"
Kai: Well, next time, you lead.
Cole: Next time I will.
Kai: Oh, yeah? If you can catch up.
Cole: Oh, come on. You gotta follow my lead. (They attack the Serpentine.)
Man: Ninjas? Ninjas aren't scary.
Zane: Watch and learn, brothers. (He uses his True Potential, but accidentally freezes his teammates.) Oops.
Pythor: (Everyone laughs and runs away, but Nya uses her Mech to steal the Fangblade.) Stop him!
Nya: (tries to fly off but can't) Thruster malfunction. (She runs away but the snakes eventually tackle her.)
Pythor: Finally, the mystery man is revealed. (Everyone gasps when her helmet is taken off.) Or should I have said mystery girl? Who's gonna save you now, hmm?
(The crowd is still hitting Jay.)
Jay: Ow! (He crawls out, heads to the restroom, and conceals himself with his scarf.) Do not go in there. He bites. This is not dinner theater, people. It's real! Arm yourselves. (He runs outside.) Nya! Where is she? (He sees a group of snakes.) Hey! (The Serpentine laugh at him when they see his tail.)
Pythor: Oh, what happened? Snake bite your tongue?
Nya: (Tied on a roller coaster train) Jay! Help!
Pythor: (Signals for Bytar to turn it on) Later, alligator. Let's go, boys.
(Jay gets on the ride.)
Nya: What happened to you?
Jay: What happened to you? (He spots a ring of fire and broken tracks ahead.) Unh, we have to get you out of here.
Nya: (seeing his tail) Were you bit? Take off your head scarf.
Jay: I prefer not. I was meaning to tell you, but I didn't want it to ruin the date.
Nya: Oh, that's so sweet. Hey, you were the first in your 'Lil Scouts group to get your knot badge, right?
Jay: Yeah, about that, I made that up just so I could impress you. I was never in 'Lil Scouts.
Nya: You weren't? Hold on.
Jay: What? You have an idea?
Nya: No, hold on! (They ride down a slope and Jay's scarf comes undone.)
Jay: Aah! Don't look at me! I'm a monster. Though I hate the Samurai, where is he when you actually need him? Samurai! Help! Help! Samurai!
Nya: Jay, I don't think the Samurai is coming.
Jay: Why?
Nya: I know this might not be the best time, but I haven't been totally honest either.
Jay: What is it?
Nya: I...I'm the Samurai!
Jay: You're the Samurai!? Aah! We're running out of track.
Nya: Jay, if anything horrible were to happen, I want you to know that you don't have to wear cologne or pretend to be anything that you're not. Because I like you best when you're you. (She kisses him and he turns back to human.) Your face. You're returning back to normal.
Jay: It's just like you said. You must have raised my heart rate.
Nya: Whatever happens next, just remember, you are the best you. (Jay stands up as his Nunchucks begin to surge with more power than before.) What's happening?
Jay: My True Potential. (He turns into pure electricity and stops the train before it reaches the ring of fire.)
(The ninja meet up at the Park's entrance.)
Zane: You really had me fooled. I never guessed you were the Samurai.
Cole: I wished I had a sister like you.
Kai: Technically, I was the first to discover her secret, and didn't we agree whoever we thought was the best would naturally be the Green Ninja? Huh? The Green Ninja! The destined ninja to defeat Lord Garmadon, huh?
Jay: Why would we say that?
Cole: Yeah, I'm drawing a blank.
Zane: Nope. That conversation is not in my database.
Jay: You know what I learned today?
Nya: What's that?
Jay: No matter what kind of secret you have, whether you're a snake or a samurai, it's important to be yourself.
Cole: Yeah, that's cute, but you wanna know what I learned? The Serpentine now have the first Fangblade.
Zane: But we are getting stronger. One day, we will all reach our True Potential and Pythor will be stopped.
Jay: And we figured out all this without Sensei. Pretty good for four ninja. (Nya punches him.) And a Samurai.
Kai: I wonder what Sensei is doing now.
(Garmadon and Wu reached the base of the mountain.)
Garmadon: We're here. The Mountain of Madness.
Wu: The only way back to Ninjago is up there?
Garmadon: The worst is yet to come. (They start ascending the mountain.)
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weekend-whip · 11 months
Does Cole leave again?
I am assuming this is the same anon that sent the Aftershock Angst ask (which I accidentally deleted, oop-) sooooo here ya go I guess
(also kinda acts a semi-sequel to this in case some extra context is needed)
. . .
Cole inhales, taking in the old-new smell of the monastery one last time before his pending journey as he gathers up his things in his small pack.
It's nothing much—just some spare clothes, emergency supplies to hold him over, a few rations to last until he reaches his next major destination, and a couple newly-sketched maps of the realm gifted to Lloyd from Harleigh and now placed into Cole's hands for the venture to come. A surefire way to make sure he gets to where he's going...and then, to come home again.
He runs his fingers through his bangs, contemplating all the goodbyes he still has left to give. He wasn't sure if he should show his face at the monastery to begin with, thinking it would have been easier to take off without getting everyone's hopes up just yet...but Nya insisted. Just to show the others that yes, he was still alive. And he's never been very good at telling Nya no.
Kai had been ready in the courtyard with a warm hug, along with a few inquisitive sniffs from Riyu and Wyldfyre. Arin immediately dove into a fanboying phase while Zane's eyes literally lit up at the sight of him—and, okay, it was refreshing to be among (most) of the old gang again, and to start getting to know the new faces. It was just sad that it was going to be...well, temporarily temporary.
But, he couldn't rest. Not when they still needed answers on whatever happened to Master Wu, and Cole might have a chance to find them. And not when other members of their family were still out there somewhere. Someone had to keep up a dedicated search between training sessions and knocking around those that sought to cause trouble.
It's just...well, there's other little loose ends that Cole...is terrified to confront given his impending re-departure. ...amongst other things.
Therefore, it's best if he gets going as soon as possible. He can explain everything better when he's back for good, sooooo–
"You're not leaving without talking to him," Lloyd practically grinds the words through his gritted fangs, catching Cole before he can consider a preemptive escape through a back window. He grabs Cole by the collar and drags him single-handedly down towards the bedroom hall. He drops Cole off in front of the door with the Surprise insignia, giving him a glowing green-gold glare all the while.
Cole gulps, so not about to challenge Lloyd when he's like this...but dread sits like a rock in his stomach as he gives the door a shaky knock. There's a long, heavy beat of silence before a melodic yet melancholic voice beckons him to enter. Lloyd only slips away once Cole fully enters the room, though Cole knows he's still lurking not too far from ear's reach.
Regardless, believe it or not, Cole's got scarier things to worry about now.
The door creaks as Cole pushes it open, having to duck a bit to get through the doorway without his ponytail catching the frame. His marigold eyes snap back up to scan the room—spotlessly clean as it always was, with the only disturbance being the body sinking a dent into the bed, facing the window.
Jesse barely glances over his shoulder to acknowledge Cole.
"...Hey, Jess," Cole starts lamely, and they both know it. Cole still keeps trying to speak around the growing lump in his throat. "I...I wanted to–"
"You're leaving again, aren't you?" Jesse cuts to the chase, lacking the patience for Cole to just spit it out. Cole flinches at the abrupt acidity in the other's tone, and at how easy he is to read, but concedes.
"...yeah. I was just finishing up my round of goodbyes...saved the best for last, y'know?"
Jesse laughs with the dryness of a desert, shaking his head.
"Creation's sake; barely back for a day and already taking off again...! Wow, what a surprise. Have fun, then."
Jesse dismisses him with a half-hearted wave; the lump in Cole's throat thickens. Wilting, Cole pushes the door shut behind him, taking a few steps closer to Jesse.
"You don't have anything else to say besides that?"
"...what does it matter what I say? You're still going to leave anyway." Jesse balls his fists in his lap, knuckles turning white. "Just like you always do. On purpose or otherwise."
"It's not like I made this decision lightly," Cole protests. "Jay and Pixal are still missing, and we still don't have any clues about Master Wu except the voice we've been hearing...whether or not he's out here still...if there's a chance I can learn something...I've gotta take it. You know how much Wu means to me; you know how much Jay and Pixal mean to everybody...!"
Jesse turns enough to give Cole a sideways, partially disbelieving look.
"...Hmph. None of that seemed to matter or be urgent when you were perfectly fine wiling away the years with an entirely different family. Certainly took you long enough to start worrying about anyone else."
That hits Cole like a punch to the stomach. He suddenly feels sick, too nauseous to even defend himself in the moment. Jesse deflates, still not fully looking at Cole as he absently fiddles with one of his Blue Crystal earrings.
"Must've been nice, to be with somebody actually strong like you...decently artistic like you...good with children like you are...and someone that still has Elemental Powers..."
"J-Jess, it's not like—I wasn't—I didn't—but I couldn't just leave them! They couldn't leave! And I didn't know if you were—or Cam—and it's—you raised her all by yourself when you shouldn't have had to, and—you did amazing—and I—I was the one that–I should've—I...I'm just...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Jesse half-turns, taking some pity on how desperately repentant Cole sounds. He speaks so rapidly and thick with emotion, like he can't get out all that he wants to say fast enough and starts somewhat slurring his words together, all choked by guilt. It's not enough repentance to make him not want to leave again, but...at least Jesse recognizes that there is a little regret for not making attempts to return sooner.
"...surprisingly, I'm not that upset about it," Jesse confesses. Which...definitely throws Cole for a loop; it's not really a secret that Jesse runs along the jealous type, especially when he was younger. And he obviously isn't happy about the turn of events, but...it's not to the extent Cole had been utterly dreading either. "Not that I really wanna make excuses for you, but...given the circumstances, and how well I know you...I can understand."
Jesse sees Cole's blatant confusion—and somewhat bewildered relief—and responds with a shrug.
"You wake up in a strange land you don't recognize, you find comfort in the first friendly faces you see, and you, being the kind-hearted person you are...couldn't bear to leave them behind, let alone defenseless. And then five years pass, and you don't know if everyone else you ever knew is even still alive...and even just the idea of having lost them all upset you."
Each passing word hits the nail on the head. Cole's body feels heavy, and his palms start getting tremors just thinking about the turmoil he was wracked with each passing year, and had it not been for Geo, then—
Cole gasps, feeling Jesse reach for his quivering hand. Their fingers pitifully mingle together, with Cole standing just a touch too far for them to fully connect. Jesse locks his gaze on their partial connection with a sad smile.
"I know how you get when you're upset...your hands start to shake...and you need something to ground yourself...so I can't blame you for seeking that source of strength where you could. I can't say I wouldn't have done something similar, if I were in your place, I guess."
Cole finally maneuvers himself around the bed, sitting himself beside his husband. He fully links their hands together—it feels like coming home—and presses his face against Jesse's hair, taking comfort in the familiar scent.
"Listen, I ended up in a Land of Lost Things. A place where the stuff that nobody remembers winds up...could you have blamed me for thinking there was no one left to remember me after The Merge, in that case? It's not like...it hasn't happened before...and I'd somehow managed to convince myself that I was better off staying in place than taking a gamble on a fragile hope. I was scared...that the truth was going to something too terrible to handle."
Cole presses a quick kiss into Jesse's hair, heaving a sigh afterwards.
"And, of course, turns out I had little reason to worry at all."
Jesse leans himself against Cole's chest, trying to re-memorize how nice his support feels. How nice having him back is...fleeting though it is.
"You were safe, and you were happy, with people who cared about you...everything I could've hoped for the whole time..." Jesse shrinks, his shoulders hunching and making himself very small. "But it just...wasn't with me and Cam. And now I don't know what this means for us going forward...especially if you're leaving again. And at this point...I'm kinda just numb to it."
Cole feels his heart snap in his chest as he frees his hands to tug Jesse closer, pulling him into an embrace. Jesse slumps bonelessly into it, doing his best to swallow down the sniffles he hadn't realized he'd been holding back.
"...you know, you could always come with me," Cole offers, a thin layer of humor trimming the edge of his words. "Been a while since we've gone traveling with one another. There's definitely some new sights to see, ahaha...?"
"And what?! Drag our eight-year-old daughter into potential unforseen other-worldly perils?! No thank you."
"You cooooould leave her with your sister for a while?"
"...that's an even worse idea." Jesse makes a face, and Cole genuinely laughs for what seems like the first time all day. "...Can't you at least just stay a little bit longer first? A night and a day with you after five years isn't nearly enough."
"I know, I know." Cole coddles Jesse tighter, fully wrapping his arms around him. "But the faster I leave, the faster I get to come back and stay, right? I hate that I have to do this...but, I have to do this."
Jesse frowns, forlornly shaking his head. "What am I supposed to tell Cam when you're gone? You promised her—"
"I will tell her that I'm going off to find the rest of our family, so none of us have to be apart like this ever again," Cole declares. "And I will tell her that I will love her and miss her every second I'm away from her, as I have for the last five years. ...just as I have with you."
A sob breaks free from Jesse, just as he tilts his head up to showcase the glitter and tears speckled upon his cheeks. Their presence makes him laugh hollowly.
"...huh, maybe I'm not as immune as I thought."
Cole bites his lip, always hating to see Jesse cry—especially when he's the cause—
...but, even then, Jesse's still the prettiest person in the room to Cole.
Cole inhales, his breath shuddering, overwhelmed by it all, as he adjusts to fully look at Jesse straight on.
"I know...I have a horrible habit of constantly causing you to worry, of making you think I've died somehow, or convincing you that I don't love you, and that might just be the worst thing about me...but, do you know what is consistently good about me?"
Jesse takes the bait, glancing up to meet his glittering gaze with Cole's. "And what would that be?"
Cole reaches up to Jesse's head in his hands, using his thumbs to flick away the sparkling tears before pulling him in for a kiss. And wordlessly, breathlessly, hopelessly, Jesse melts into it. And eventually, Cole parts just enough to deliver his real point against Jesse's lips.
"Come what may for us, in one way or another...I always come back to you, Jesse Marvell."
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yibocheeks · 2 years
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Wu Ming Promo Tour - Guangzhou Interviews (translations)
Some parts were difficult to hear on the recordings I found, these are the parts related to Yibo for the videos I could find. (Note that this contains some spoilers.)
1st Showing:
They start by asking Yibo to say "Happy new year, gong hei fat choy" in Cantonese, which he learns from an audience member.
Then it is audience Q+A. One audience member says this is her 4th time watching, and each time she will notice more details. One thing she is curious about is why Yibo doesn't spit out the shell when he eats the drunken shrimp.
Cheng Er: The small river shrimp from Ningbo can be eaten without spitting out the shell.
MC: Yibo do you remember how many you ate?
Yibo: It should have been...a lot. When you soaked it in the wine, it would still be jumping and then you put it in your mouth.
MC: Very fresh, so whether or not you spit out the shell, did you ever this discuss this? Or did it happen naturally
Yibo: We didn't really think much about this matter. It was also my first time eating it. Before eating, it was a bit hard to stomach initially.
MC: In the shrimp there was also the colour of red, what were your thoughts behind this?
Cheng Er: Some methods of making this dish will use fermented tofu brine, which gave it this colour. In our movie, it did also contribute to the imagery - even within a dark scene there would be this conflicting vibrance, where the red is reminiscent of blood, like the persistence and struggles of Yibo's character or the people of that time.
Another audience member says this is her 2nd time watching. The question she has is why Tony Leung and Wang Yibo's characters fought so fiercely, weren't they friends/comrades? Then she wonders about the camera perspective chosen at that time, was it to indicate that perhaps there was an enemy watching their fight?
Cheng Er: Yes, through watching the second time, you've answered your own question. Through your question it seems you've spoiled this detail for other people
The audience member: But we've all already watched it, how can it be a spoiler! (laughs)
Next audience member says this is her first time. When Yibo was on the truck with Tony Leung, she wonders why Yibo would make such a symbol with his hand. Then when she saw Tony Leung's slight smile, she wondered if they were making secret signals at each other.
Cheng Er: I think that it's because there were Japanese people there, in the second half of the movie Yibo tries to win Mori Hiroyuki's character's trust...I think you should turn your attention to the fact that this was a part where Yibo performed very well.
(audience chimes in their agreement)
MC: Many of our audience members have been scared by this smile of Yibo's. So in that scene, did you discuss with the director what kind of smile to use?
Yibo: Before filming that scene, I felt a lot of pressure. Because the director would tell me beforehand that we would film this scene, that I would have to prepare the gaze that I needed for that scene. Because Mr. Leung is also quite a bit older and it was a scene in the rain (audience laughs and Yibo bows and apologizes), because the rain was quite heavy and it was cold, so I didn't want us to have to film multiple takes because of me, so I felt quite a lot of pressure.
Next audience member says this is her first time to watch. She compliments Director Cheng Er and then asks Yibo when he had a crying scene, through what state of mind was he able to give such a moving performance?
Yibo turns to Cheng Er, likely to confirm which scene it is that the audience member is referring to.
Yibo: Are you asking about...(audience member clarifies, it is when he's reading the newspaper, the scene where Ms Fang dies)...ah I know (which scene it is). When I'm performing these sort of emotions, I would use my own experiences and emotions and listen to music to help find these emotions.
2nd Showing:
MC: Let's ask if our two leads have anything they would like to say to the audience.
Cheng Er: I’m really grateful for such enthuasiastic movie fans. Thank you to the audience. Thank you to Wang Yibo's movie fans who have supported Wu Ming. And thank you to those passersby movie fans who are not yet fans of Wang Yibo, for your love of Wu Ming. I am very moved. I wanted to say a bit more on the previous question about Wang Yibo's performance. Because everyone (here) has actually seen Wu Ming, whether you're Yibo's fan or our movie's fan or just a passerby who happened to choose this movie, I believe that our cast's efforts, including Wang Yibo's efforts, will live up to expectations. We wholeheartedly filmed each scene and every scene detail. This includes Wang Yibo's efforts. He was very attentive, including that scene with Tony Leung in the rain, Yibo would be very uneasy. That rain was heavy, it would soak your clothes immediately. He and Tony Leung and the other actors had plastic wrap around their bodies, because the rain was so heavy. Yibo was very uneasy because he was worried that he might bother Tony Leung to have to refilm another take. So I said, yes there could be this issue, so why don't we prepare beforehand. Because of his preparations, we were able to film the scene within four takes, within four takes we were able to capture Yibo's demeanour and gaze in that scene. I'm very grateful for such a talented actor. Because you've all seen the film, I dare to say such a thing. Recently I don't even dare to say too much praise because (fans: praise him more!)...I hope that those who have actually seen the movie can sincerely spread their honest opinions about the movie's situation and quality.
Yibo: After hearing the feedback from the audience, I feel very moved. We worked hard to film a good movie to show to everyone. That the audience is willing to further discuss the details and characters within the movie and would be willing to rewatch it shows that our efforts have been seen, I'm very happy, thank you.
The MC asks them to share their thoughts now that the movie has been showing for a couple of days.
Yibo: I also feel moved to be able to interact with the audience like this.
An audience member asks Yibo what was a difficulty that he faced.
Yibo: Without exaggerating, I think everyday I felt a lot of pressure. You could say that this was the most pressure I've felt in my life up until this point. We would film from 3pm to 5-6am everyday in a very quiet atmosphere. My co-actors were all incredible actors, so I felt a lot of pressure, but this pressure also helped me to better fulfill my role.
MC asks if Cheng Er could see the pressure that Yibo felt, or if after filming that the pressure would be relieved?
Cheng Er: That wouldn't be the case, because once I appeared then he would feel pressure.
MC: So the root cause of this pressure is with you?
Cheng Er: Right. So although after filming he felt very content, but during the filming he was under pressure. I am aware of his persistent efforts, the way he immersed himself fully. The outcome that you all see in the film is through his efforts. So actually earlier I should have added another feeling that I have, towards Yibo I have a feeling of pride. I really feel proud for Yibo's performance.
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A lot of audience members brought dolls to watch the movie and the MC points this out. Cheng Er and MC point out the dolls. They point out an audience member holding a doll. This audience member asks 1) What was the first scene or character that inspired the film for Cheng Er? 2) When filming the emotional scenes, which scenes moved Yibo?
Cheng Er: I remember clearly the first scene I wrote, which was 11 lines. "A crippled dog walks past the ruins." This was how I started writing the story.
Yibo has trouble following up after this and so the audience member repeats her question. The MC gives some examples and asks how he might have prepared himself.
Yibo: I would be very calm/quiet, like when I was reading the newspaper, in order to feel more troubled I might listen to certain music or think of more emotional situations to try to grasp this emotion. In the scene with Mr. Leung, it felt quite complicated, because it was another scene with Mr. Leung. I would prepare beforehand because I would be worried that my shortcomings might cause us to film multiple takes, so I felt pressured.
MC asks about the doll, the audience member shares that the doll is dressed up like Secretary Ye. Yibo nods. MC asks if this is a gift for Yibo, if it needs to be given to him and Yibo laughs. Audience member says she had originally just wanted to quietly check off a fan moment with her doll. MC suggests that she can hand the doll to the staff member to pass to Yibo so he can get a closer look at it. The staff member passes it to Yibo, who holds it for a moment before returning it to the audience member.
Next audience member makes note of how Yibo's character is cruel in some scenes, and asks why he wasn't cruel all the way to the end.
Cheng Er: So you want Yibo to be a villain from beginning to end next time?
(audience yells yes and Yibo smiles)
Next audience member asks about the fight scenes, were there any accidental injuries? (I can't hear her question very well in the video)
Yibo: We had practiced these fight scenes for a long time because we had to make them realistic, but I wasn't injured, thank you (for asking).
MC asks the two to give their final thoughts.
Cheng Er: I am very moved and excited. I'm very grateful to the audience and their supportive feedback. Everyone in the Wu Ming cast has wholeheartedly tried to make a sincere film. So everyone has worked together to bring something that is worthy of being shown to the audience. Even though Yibo says he wasn't injured during the fight scenes, say for instance...ah but don't be too (worried) this all happened in the past...for instance every night he would be able to film four or five takes of the long fight scenes, we didn't film it in cuts so it was very difficult. Yibo would film the fights from beginning to end, so towards the end his knuckles might be worn. He would go back to take care of it. He has a very hard-to-find and valuable earnestness.
Yibo: I am very happy to hear the audience's feedback, that everyone genuinely likes the movie and would think a lot about this movie. I'm surprised that everyone wants this villain role to last until the end. In some sense I've accomplished one of my own dreams. I've said from early on that I would like to try the villain role and in Wu Ming, in some ways I've been able to try this.
Other clips of final words:
Another showing where an audience member asks about the scene with Yibo’s scary smile, whether he had thought to imitate the Joker.
Yibo: I really like Heath Ledger’s Joker. So for you to compare me to him, I am very happy. But in that scene, we did not try to imitate or use any reference. That scene left quite an impression. After the first day of filming we weren’t able to keep any of the footage. I felt a lot of pressure because had filmed from afternoon until the next morning but were unable to use any of the footage. So under that pressure I returned to my room, then returned the next day to complete the filming with this feeling.
Yibo: After seeing so many people like the movie I feel moved. Before in our promos we spoke about exchanging sincerity with sincerity, and to be able to do so in such close proximity, I really feel grateful for everyone acknowledging my performance, I will continue to work hard.
Cheng Er: Honest feedback can help creators to improve and create better films, but one shouldn’t lie or spread malicious slander. From a different perspective, the opinions on a movie are not important and are irrelevant for society. So no matter how you lie or slander, I think it is irrelevant. One thing that is important that I want to mention, is that the habit of lying or being malicious is something that will fester. It will extend to other areas. Today you may have received money to spread lies about a movie, tomorrow you may say something else for the sake of profit. Just like what we just watched, for the sake of profit we might experience so much suffering. I don’t think that we should casually lie or be so malicious over a movie, because this habit will fester. Although these actions may be detrimental for Bona Film Group and for me, it really doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter for the world. But once it festers, it will eventually harm the individual.
Yibo: Just like Cheng Er said, a movie is just a movie. Maybe after watching a movie you would be left with many thoughts, but you will still continue on with your life. With our movie we hope to exchange sincerity with sincerity. We wholeheartedly filmed this movie and sincerely hope that everyone may like it and sincerely appreciate it. Of course after watching the movie you can not like it, that's not a problem. Exchange sincerity with sincerity. Thank you.
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brainrotbott · 6 months
DR S2 spoilers
watched the french release and i have some thoughts...
the first episode seems different?? like the episode cuts are different from the german ones. Cinder has lines now (??!?!??!!!)
(ep2)the Forbidden 5 were elemental masters???? and the Blood Moon has to ability to "erase goodness" (???) why would they be banished to Chima?? or at least need a portal in Chima and not Ninjago??
(ep2)Euphrasia sounds so cute in the french dub <333
(ep2)Ras claims that Cinder already studied the Forbidden 5's fighting techniques--> when did he recruit Cinder?? why is Cinder fighting for him??
(ep2)Shatterspin seems reliant and has lightening effects (one of the 5????) and has a recharge (??) to take effect. presumable since it can "destroy all good", it corrupts the mind and "converts" good thoughts/positive emotions into Shatterspin? theoretically speaking, if one wanted to beat someone using shatterspin, attack speed would most definitely be a factor, since the the technique requires 1. the shattering of the Gong and 2. a recharge (presumably). So, when was the rising dragon technique developed?? and has there been other students or ems that have been able to use it?
(ep3) Cinder mentions how. whenever he uses Shatterspin, he feels a part of him that holds him back disappear. so part of hypothesis 5 is correct??
(ep4) COLE COOKS????
(ep4) Egalt and Rontu were the ones to beat the F5!!!! and they are over thousands of years old!!! (crazy)
(ep4) something really bad happened sometime between the banishment and the present, causing Egalt to be reluctant to take students. And he implies that the past students were all dragons (!!!!!)
(ep4) there's somone named "Ourumtu" (???), spelling might be wrong. assuming they're an old ally of Egalt and Rontu.
(ep5) BONZLE MET WU!!!!! AND HE (probably) ENCOURAGED HER TO LIVE FOR HERSELF!!! they met (at the dragon temple) when wu were training the ninja, at least that's what's implied? maybe when he had other students??
(ep5) "Ekesian Glace-Croc le Sage" (Ekesian Ice-Fang the Wise) and "Herd Aile-de-cuir" (Herd Leatherwing)?? dragons can do spinjitsu
(ep5) "Mysterio", where the witch frequents.
(ep5) Shatterspin is more reliant on brute force, while Rising Dragon technique relies on movement (strategy?) and Ras seems to be having visions also??? presumably from one of the F5, Blood Moon rituals need sacrifices. 5 to be exact, and the Cloud Kingdom priests have the short end of the stick..
Overall i like how DR is more open to darker concepts like human sacrifices etc. the opening of ep1 is a little choppy imo but the rest 5 episodes are really good!!!!
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