#wylan: no comment
Stadwatch: During our search of the room we found two pearl handed guns
Jesper: Im not familiar with any pearl handed guns…
Stadwatch: You know, like what a cheap pirate would carry
Jesper: Hey! They are NOT cheap
Jesper: Shit
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theannoyeddragon82 · 1 year
wow these bitches are really fucking gay
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lunarthecorvus · 5 months
I've seen this like a couple of times recently, but what is up with people calling our fandom dead? Like hello? We're clearly here, very much alive and not dead in the slightest (especially proven by the sab + soc spin-off campaign).
We're all here, very much alive and loving our characters with all our souls
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wylanspipebomb · 1 month
hi jack wolfe exists as an actor and person outside of six of crows and constantly comparing them to wylan when they’re in roles that have absolutely nothing to do with it is a little /:
he did a lovely lovely job with a character we all love so much and it makes me happy but we should also give him room to grow and explore theater again without being tied to the role
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asilverose16 · 1 year
is it mad if I say I like the shadow and bone series just for the crows. I mean yes the others are good stories, good plots and who are we kidding, hot. but there just something about the 6 of em that I cannot and WILLNOT get over EVER.
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I mean just look at them
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6point5crows · 1 year
This might be a Hot Take for Wylan but:
Wylan still being uncomfortable in the Wesper house as it still once was a place for his trauma, and naturally would still have days where he cannot enter a certain room or he wants to be anywhere else but there. Yes it’s his house, yes Jesper is there to help him, but it’s still the location of his abuse and trauma so naturally he won’t just magically heal from all that.
On that note— stop pushing aside of Wylan’s trauma and abuse and issues and angst by just saying, “Jesper will protect him!” That invalidates Wylan’s trauma and severely reduces Jesper in the Wesper relationship. You can’t just suddenly become healed because of one person— and you also can’t expect one person to just protect another from their trauma. That’s unrealistic and unfair and creates an unbalanced relationship. Yes, Jesper can help and be a source of comfort and a major boost for Wylan, but the way people always talk as if Jesper somehow heals the years of abuse Wylan endured.
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jpg-of-dorian-slay · 2 years
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thief-of-eggs · 7 months
Despite focusing a lot of effort on his outward appearance and personal hygiene, I just know that Jesper does not wash his bedsheets.
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potatoesarecheese · 2 months
fics that have forever altered my brain chemistry
(organized by fandom)
read me poetry by dead men by demigodbeautiies
Major Character Death (but like, he's already dead)
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, background Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, ghosts, ghosts only exist in the moments they are remembered, Non-Linear Narrative, Hurt Hurt Hurt Hurt/Comfort, this one will leave you actually sobbing, implied sexual content
Word Count: 16792 words. 1/1 chapter
Wylan suits bright colours better than anything else: especially the warm tones that bring out the gold shine in his hair. He doesn’t look good in black.
Or: Jesper watches the living carry on without him.
origami butterflies by focacciaherbs
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Background Nina/Matthias, road trips with a stranger, first meeting, modern au, miscommunications, so much bickering, Jan Van Ick is a terrible father but karma catches up to him eventually, implied sexual content (not really)
Word Count: 54536 words. 8/8 chapters
“Are you Jesper Fahey?” Just say no, Jesper thinks as he stares at the man in front of him. Deny it and drive off.  “Yeah, that’s me.” He sighs. “Get in.”
or: as part of a job for kaz, jesper agrees to drive a weird, annoying, definitely not at all attractive stranger across the country. shenanigans ensue.
Only One Reasonable Plea by Frick6101719
fear of noncon (it doesn't happen, and Kaz never has that intention, but Inej is very convinced that it might for a moment)
Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Inej's early days in the Dregs, she also gets a better explanation of her contract with the dregs, Kaz is trying his best to be a good boss but he is just so confused and emotionally incompetent sometimes
Word Count: 3883 words. 1/1 chapter
Inej realises that she was so eager to leave the Menagerie she neglected to ask a few important questions about just what her duties as a Dreg would be, and what exactly her new boss expects from her.
a good myth is hard to kill by MajorGodComplex
Kaz Brekker/Darkling, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker/Jesper Fahey (kind of), Sun Summoner Kaz, Canon-Typical Violence, Mostly Kazling, unhealthy relationships, the slowest of burns (death threats are involved), Kaz learns how to open up to people the hard way, meanwhile the Darkling is busy gaslight-gatekeep-girlbossing, no seriously is gets bad, the Crows have so many shenanigans, oh and Nikolai is there too I guess
Word Count: 231561 words. 97/97 chapters
“Kaz Brekker…Sun Summoner...I’ve been waiting a long time for you.” “Hope that means you’ve built patience, then, because I anticipate you’re going to wait a fair bit more.”
Kaz is the Sun Summoner, and boy is he pissed about it.
Batman Media
what you're longing for (you claim to abhor) by ghost-bxrd
Violence (mostly canon-typical, but there are some graphic-er parts)
They're All Good Siblings, Identity Reveal, jason pretends to be a hallucination, the bats get kidnapped far too many times to be healthy for them but it's ✨for the plot✨, the batfam has a collective identity crisis about Red Hood, Hurt/Comfort, oops Jason accidentally got emotionally attached to someone he's supposed to hate
Word Count: 52036 words. 12/12 chapters
He smiles, all teeth, “Come on Replacement, I even got to the door with both legs busted. This should be nothing.” “You’re right. Jason… Jason wouldn’t have given up. He would fight, I can still—“ The boy wobbles, and Jason has to suppress the mortifying impulse to jump to his aid. “I can still fight. Batman needs me.” “That’s a terrible idea,” he muses aloud, and if there’s a hint of real concern somewhere under all the roiling green, well, nobody can prove it.
aka. the not-actual-hallucination Jason Todd tries the less hands on approach to getting revenge. It ends up backfiring spectacularly.
aka. the non traditional way to (reluctantly) reintegrate into the family after being dead, coming back to life, and becoming a crime lord, Jason "Red Hood" Todd edition
On The Record by oldmannapping
Social Media, Crack Treating Seriously, mostly about Roy & Bernard & Jason but there's a bunch of other characters in there too, mini stories and vignettes that kind of connect
Word Count: 9,652 words. 7/? chapters
Bernard and Roy start a TikTok page. Red Hood reads thirst tweets. Nightwing is a troll. Roy gets candid.
Gotham isn't prepared.
I will probably add to this...
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krittec · 8 months
for the longest time, i genuinely believed that people who were like “I don’t understand Six of Crows/Crooked lol what happened? where did that tank come from?” were joking because it seemed like too many people to be real.
recently found out that they actually have no idea of what happened despite reading the book but saying it’s their favourite and i am absolutely shocked plus a little concerned
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servantleverslutdrop · 6 months
People who have Wylan as their favorite crow, explain to me why
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
One of the most underrated scenes in Six of Crows is this bit during the pyre chapter:
They heard it then – a moan, like a creaking wind. “Saints,” Jesper said. “One of them is alive.” The sound came again, thin and keening, from the black hulk of the body on the far right. It was impossible to tell if the shape was male or female. Its hair had burned away, its clothing fused to its limbs. Black flakes of skin had peeled away in places, showing raw flesh. A sob tore from Nina’s throat. She raised her hands but she was shaking too badly to use her power to end the creature’s suffering. She turned her tear-filled eyes to the others. “I…please, someone …” Jesper moved first. Two shots rang out, and the body fell silent. Jesper returned his pistols to their holsters. “Damn it, Jesper,” Kaz growled. “You just announced our presence for miles.” “So they think we’re a hunting party.” “You should have let Inej do it.” “I didn’t want to do it,” Inej said quietly. “Thank you, Jesper.” Kaz’s jaw ticked, but he said nothing more. -Ch. 19, Six of Crows
There's just. so much. to unpack here.
Matthias, silent during the entire conversation except for his initial protest to Nina (despite this happening in one of his POV chapters), filled with anger and horror at the revelation that his people engaged in what to him is a barbaric and outdated practice
Nina, who has absolutely killed several people before, not being able to do it this time
Jesper, who is Grisha, being the one who's both willing and able to take the shot
Kaz, who knows Jesper is Grisha, basically implying that Jesper shouldn't have been the one to kill them
Kaz disguising his concern for Jesper behind condemnation for giving away their position and cruelty towards Inej
Inej supporting Jesper and thanking him for killing them so she wouldn't have to
Kaz not saying another word after Inej said her piece
The Nina/Matthias conversations afterwards and while they're burying the bodies are also laden with a lot of baggage and heartbreaking character interactions, but so much of how everyone initially reacts to seeing the pyre very much reflects where they are in their character arcs and how they see themselves in relation to everyone else at this point in the duology
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astrhae · 1 year
i loved quid pro quo!!! 🥹 would you ever write something from Jesper’s pov as well?
p/s your fic what you once wanted was also one of my fav dreamling fic too you cant imagine how happy i am that you’re a wesper shipper as well 🥹
hi hello!! i am currently writing two fics that's a mix of wylan and jesper's pov: with everything to win (anastasia and tangled au), and a band au. the second one hasn't been posted yet but i've made little social media edits for it and here's a little sneak peek for you 🥰
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seidenbros · 1 year
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romantichopelessly · 1 year
One of the reasons I staunchly defended keeping the Crows in Shadow and Bone before their book plot starts is that I thought it was an excellent opportunity to explore some of the relationships and dynamics within the groups that don’t get much time in the books.
For example, Nina and Wylan. They get almost no screen-time alone together in the books, but we know that they at least knew of one another before Six of Crows starts. The show could explore that! Same with other lesser seen pairs, like Jesper and Nina, or Inej and Wylan, or, hell, even more focus on how Inej grew to trust Jesper enough for him to be the only man she’s (mostly) comfortable with wrapping an arm around her at the beginning of the book.
And it’s really disappointing that the show didn’t take that chance. It’s like they thought that people wouldn’t be satisfied enough with seeing platonic relationships play out on screen, so they threw in what they knew was fan bait immediately just to boost ratings.
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ruins-and-rewritez · 1 year
The Crows as Phobias
Kaz: Haphephobia - the fear of being touched
Inej: Basophobia - the fear of falling
Jesper: Atychiphobia – the fear of failure
Wylan: Bibliophobia – the fear of books or reading aloud
Nina: Thantophobia - the fear of losing someone/the fear of death
Matthias: Demonophobia - the fear of demons
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