rboooks · 1 year
DP x DC: Child Support
John Constantine has done a lot in his life. Some good, some bad but most have been dangerous.
He sold his soul to as many powerful beings as he could so that they could fight each other over it and keep him in a safe-ish stalemate. It was a risk, one where he had to sweet talk, maneuver, and sometimes seduce his way through, but he's always come on top.
Waking to his wards broken as easily as someone walking through a still river meant he had finally met his match. John woke to the Time looming over him in its adult form.
Clockwork, the physical concept of Time, smashed into a body and consciousness. It's so rare to see the god outside his tower; to even be in his presence was such a high honor that families would keep proof of the encounter for generations to brag about.
"Hello, Johnny," Clockwork said in his specialized adult form. The nickname curved with fondness. This form is an even rarer sight to behold. Clockwork looked about to be in his late twenties, dressed in a Victorian-era suit with dark black hair, he would look human were it not for his pure red eyes and time staff.
He looks gorgeous.
John smiled nervously. "Clockwork. What do I owe the pleasure?"
The ghost hums. "I have come to make a deal with you."
See, that's not something John would like to hear from the second-strongest being in the multiverse. He was second to the Ghost King. Some would even argue that Clockwork was stronger were it not for his desire to remain neutral in conflicts for the sake of different timelines.
"What kind of deal?" John asks with a lustful grin, running his eyes up and down Clockworks form. It looks like he may have to seduce his way out of this again and hopefully could convince the god of Time that he was a great time in bed instead of dead once more
The Master of Time appears amused but unwilling to climb under the sheets with him. Bollocks, if he wasn't back for another month of pleasure then the deal would likely be unpleasant.
Even if Clockwork could be considered a past fling, there was no guarantee that he wouldn't ask for something harmful. John had less powerful exes who would gladly have him killed just as likely as they would key his car.
To make thinga worst, Clockwork reached into his gentleman jacket to pull out a small jar. John's heart leaped in horror at what was inside.
"I have collected every piece of your soul through challenges, purchases, or even offerings. I own you entirely, John Constantine," Clockwork said, his warm tan skin rippling into blue as the Ghost turned the jar this way and that. "I wish to return it to you, with my added protection, should the old contracts which you swindled will not seek out revenge in exchange, you must take responsibility."
John can barely breath "Responsibility of what?"
Clockwork gestures behind him, and out of the shadows step a human boy. A human boy that looks precisely like human-Clockwork as a teenager but with John's eyes and the shape of John's nose.
He knows that despite how similar they look, Humans and the citizens of the Infinite Realms aren't biologically the same. He just didn't think that meant this.
That he could be so careless it resulted in this.
Clockwork waves a hand between them. "Jonny meet your son, Danny."
John choked as Danny awkwardly waved at him. He even stuffs his hands into his pockets the same way John would stuff his hands into his trench coat.
This can't be happening.
"Our son is half human, and it's unhealthy for humans to remain in the Infinite Releams for long periods. I now require you to raise him on Earth until his core is ready. The day our son is of age, you will have your soul back with my Infinite protection. Danny will take the throne of the Infinite Realms upon his marriage so do help him find a good suitor."
Clockwork considers the rapidly paling human with large amounts of glee. "I trust this would be acceptable? I must warn you, I have raised him outside of time, so he is a bit behind with modern technologies and references. He also has a ghost form he must use for his health. Oh, and, Danny has a peanut allergy, so keep that in mind for his meals. If anything were to happen to Danny while he lives with you, I would erase this entire place and not through time manipulation. I will simply kill everything. Keep you alive so I can kill every version of those you love across the multiverse in front of you. Try not to slip away from your child support to prevent that, yes?"
John faints.
Danny Fenton had to be removed from his dimension to erase Dan from existence. His future self had nearly escaped the Clock tower they couldn't risk a second time. Clockwork had told him removing him from his dimension, his timeline, would never allow Dan to exist. It broke his heart but to save the many lives that Dan took Danny had agree.
His friends and family were devastated even if Clockwork told them Danny would be allowed visits. Just nothing longer than a week and six months between visits. He had moved into Clockwork's haunt, becoming an assistant to the master of time. He helped weave timeliness, and suggested possible choices for various creatures of various situations across the multiverse.
Danny helped Clockwork control fate, if that wasn't ridiculous. He even tried his ghost powers, to the point he felt he could truelt match his mentor in a fight.
He spent two years like this- or two years in his home dimension. Time didn't move in Clockwork's tower so despite the amount of time he lived there Danny didn't look a day over fourteen still. It irked him like nothing else to see Tucker and Sam as sixteen year Olds while he still looked like he was a freshman.
(It also hurt to see them move on without him.)
However, due to his halfa status, his human side was starting to fall apart. He needed sun, food, sleep, and other humans. He would go mad otherwise, and none of this would matter if it resulted in Dan.
Clockwork couldn't put him back home. He couldn't even put Danny in an alternate timeline, for he could not be close to people he knew.
He had to go to one that had no various of anyone Danny knew. Thankfully the Infinite Releams is connected to plenty of places that fit the bill. All Clockwork had to do was twist a few small events, and boom, Danny Fenton would have a perfectly legal background with everything he need for survive.
If only his mentor wasn't such a michivious prankster.
" You want me to pretend to be your love child with some random magic guy?"
"Trust me Danny, it's going to be hilarious."
(Part 2)
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sk3tch404 · 16 days
Normalize drawing what u enjoy
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This is canonically how he got into photography /j
Am I blanchin girl we blanchin, I live up Inna mansion 💃💞🗣
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ane-doodles · 9 months
Sketch dump!
Here's a glimpse of my sketchbook/notebook. I don't think I can get all of them clean (although maybe some drawings can)
Anyway... My beloved boys Aym and Baal
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Leshy and Yellow cat
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And of course some Narilamb (I've been trying a new pen. It's a little messy but I can get used to it)
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And some kisses (suggestive?)
Meh, not too much
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And no, you have no context (although if you pay attention you could figure out a couple of things)
Sharing this way is definitely faster and more fun, maybe I should do it more often… more of these sketches later, probably
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florestrellas · 10 months
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LAS PELOTARIS 1926 (2023) | 1×05
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dark-night-hero · 4 months
Imagine Al Haitham opening his house only to realize how silent and cold it has become. Looking around, the light into the living room has off, making him wonder if no was around the house which was strange. It should be around the time were you were at home but then again, he himself have nothing to say since he was usually still out during this time. Today just happened to be the day where he found himself under time at work.
Imagine Al Haitham who quietly made his way into the the house, was about to open your shared room when he realized it was already open, left unlocked as he went high alert. He stood there for a moment, looking around for any signs of intruder, mind going miles as he suddenly thought of you. Is that why you are not there to welcome him as usual? Because something happened to you- sniff.
Imagine it was soon followed by a fit of sobbing. Unlike before, he turned stiff in place. Suddenly not knowing what to do. Al Haitham have seen you cried before, but it was often due to happiness. And now that he was hearing those seemingly pain sobs that he knew you were trying to hide. He does not know what to do. Should he enter the room and comfort you? Or should he walk away and give you more time for yourself? If he happened to work just in time like usual, would ever knew you were in such state?
Imagine for who know how long, you heard the sound of the door slamming causing you to flinch. You had just finished your breakdown for some time now. Maybe it was the stress or maybe it was something else. But today was just one of those days were everything seemed to be going south and before you knew it, you found yourself locked into your lover's room on tears, losing track of time. Come to think of it, it was about time Al Haitham went back. But then again, you were a mess. You just finished crying a little while ago, you still have not washed your face. In the end, you found yourseld under the covers when there was a knock on your bedroom door.
Imagine the shift of weight of the bed upon feeling his presence. You are tense, not knowing what to do if he were ever to see you in such state. And to your concern, you felt his hand reach out upon feeling his hand right on your head. "Are you awake?" His question made you sniff. He knew. "I bought some stuffs back in the dinning room, care to join me for a meal? It's late." There he was speaking so gently as you felt him caress your head gently through the sheets in unknowingly make you tear up and you sniff once again. You then felt him pat you gently before there was a shift of weight in the bed again. "I'll be waiting, hmm."
Imagine just in time as Al Haitham finished setting up the dishes and plates, you emerged in the room with an exhausted look on your face. Nevertheless there was a small genuine on his face that brings you comfort as he opened his arms to welcome you. "Come here." And you did, no questions and hesitation, you throw yourself at him as he warp you in his arms. Once you do, you found yourself crying once again but, "It must have been hard, hmmm?" You felt him caress your head, running his fingers in your hair. "It's alright." He pat you onnthe back with his free hand. "I'm here now."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024° :(
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spitinsideme · 4 months
ragatha is playing along this is liks roleplay for her (pomni is serious about killing ragatha ans ragatha knows ir)
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bet-on-me-13 · 5 months
Supers and Bats
So! Jazz, Danny, Dan, and Ellie are adopted by Clark Kent and Lois Lane after bouncing around the System for a while.
Jazz couldn't legally take care them because she's just an 18 yr old in College and couldn't provide for two 16 yr Olds and a 12 yr Old on her own.
(Dan is in his Post-AGIT Body, so he looks like Danny's Twin Brother, and Ellie is still 12 because she hasn't started Aging yet.)
Anyways, eventually the Fenton Family opens up about their Powers and are accepted into the Super Family. They even Begin acting as Heroes for Metropolis, taking on their own Super names. Like Superkid, Supergal, and Superguy, all lazy but funny names that fit the Family Naming Convention.
And you know the Rule, if you are a Super, you will inevitably end up with your very own Bat.
Obviously Clark adopted Bruce as his Bat. They were the originals, the OG's, they set the precedent.
Kon adopted Tim as his Bat while on YJ, or maybe or was the other way around? They both don't know, since they were both absolutely Messes when they were on that Team. It really could have gone either way.
Jon and Damien have been eachothers Bat/Super since the Day they met. Let's even say Jon never got stuck in that Time Paradox and stays the same age (a gift from peepaw Clocky)
Barbara actually gets Jazz. She's not exactly as Super as the rest of her Family and Adopted Family, but she he up there. And she constantly studies for her Classes at Barbara's Library, so they get to hang out a lot and bond over having to take care of their respective Families.
Danny and Duke get along well, and decide that Danny is now his Super. They started hanging out when Danny decided to become the 2nd Day Shift Hero of Gotham on a whim, cause why is Duke the only one? He splits his time between Metropolis and Gotham but as a Super it's not an inconvenience. They like Joking with eachother on patrol.
Surprisingly Dan and Dick get along very well. Dick used to be extremely Agressive and Violent, and can relate to Dan who has recently begun trying to ugnore his more extreme reactions. They bond over the feeling of not being understood as kids and their shared "Extremely Repressed Anger" emotions. (Dick doesn't have dad instincts shut up jason)
Cass and Steph take one look at "Still a 12 yr old Chaos Gremlin" Ellie and decide that she is theirs now. It's okay, they can share! They absolutely love their brand new Little Sister, and let her be the biggest of Gremlins!
Most people forget but Jason has Bizzaro as his Super, while he is on the Outlaws. Once Ellie hears about Bizzaro's situation, she helps stabilize him using some of Vlad's old Tech. So Bizzaro gets to live in this! Yay!
That's the idea, thoughts?
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nelkcats · 1 year
Amity Parkers in Gotham
Casper High students graduated. As much as they loved their town (which now included ghosts as recurring residents) they knew they had to go. Not because Phantom didn't do a good job, or that ghosts attacked daily (on the contrary, after Phantom's intervention the destruction became concentrated in the Infinite Realms), but they had to go to a university. That's why most of them applied to Gotham University, it seemed right.
Sure, Gotham wasn't as cool as Amity, nor did it include dimension travel to the Realm of the Dead (Amity Parkers had access to the Infinite Realms as long as they abided by Walker's rules), but they had a great scholarship program, and the city was so chaotic because of its heroes and villains that it felt...like home.
The problem was that no one taught Casper's ex-students some basics: Feeling afraid, avoiding your attackers, not attacking back. Things that seemed like common sense did not go through their heads. After years of dealing with ghost attacks they had gotten used to it, and knew how to counterattack.
So, after their arrival they were knocking out rogues, stopping robbery, and looking bored at the prospect of dying. That made Batman suspicious of a secret society of young soldiers, although it didn't really make much sense, was someone training teenagers? The batfamily was worried at the prospect.
At some point, there was even an "undead" attack in what was called the Justice League; Of course, the Amity Parkers were the first to establish a secure site and prevent the invasion from advancing. At the end everything seemed lost and the undead epidemic was about to spread out of Gotham, but Dash snorted and said that he would "contact a friend that can help", which raised the suspicions of the League.
Danny, who was taking a year off before starting his university studies, raised an eyebrow at the group he had with his old classmates. He shrugged before transforming into Phantom and going to the place, in a few minutes the invasion was over and Bruce was 90% sure that there was a secret society training a teenage army.
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choiyeonjuns · 12 days
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pretty laughing beomie for @bamgeut
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kdjojo · 5 months
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Gojo when he didn't get a pat on his back from Geto before going to fight sukuna
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padsmoony04 · 7 months
Completely and utterly in love in how they draw and potrey Jason in "Batman: Wayne Family Adventures" in webtoon. Like... LOOK AT MY BABY!!!
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endominator · 7 months
Happy (late) Valentine's day!
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Theyre so silly i love them
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swervesfirstblaster · 8 months
save me gorgeous adeela magical couple transformation save me save me
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coyotecares · 2 months
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villain mic shenanigans for my warmup today
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beneaththethunders · 1 year
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Itzi & Ane in Las Pelotaris (1x04)
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fran-aka-mak · 2 months
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akagami no shirayukihime AU continuation!
trying to finalize a design, but i really want it to be like maka but she gets a red hair color from her papa ^^
[[ maka design from 2021 ]] [[ soul design from 2021 ]]
reference of first pic under the cut!
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from the OVA!
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