virovac · 11 months
Was thinking about spiders and then got into this by many changing routes at my mental roadmap
It occurred to me that some alien species reproduction might be so alien they can't wrap their mind around about rape and humans
This would have to be treated carefully, but perhaps it could be useful and educational framing for some readers who have trouble wrapping minds around things due to upbringing.
I'm reminded I have heard otherwise good people think male rape victims don't have it as bad as women because they don't experience slut shaming for it;le
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whatudottu · 23 days
Actually wanted to address your tags re: tails
The tail isn't actually symbolic of anything it's more of a personal body plan choice since mechamorph's are shape shifters
I actually did give toddler ship a nubby tail (that's gonna disappear as he grows more) and Aether also has a stumpy tail too (personal choice). Ephem doesn't have one and upgrade and baz-l won't have them either
Evolutionarily tails do provide allot of balance, realistically Ship would probably benefit from having a tail but all those nanites are going to growing him limbs longer
Ah woopies, just a little misinterpretation then! Only spotted them on designs that with meta-knowledge - I guess - looked like a non-standard body plan, and I guess technically that’s true but for different reasons than I assumed :P
Either way, I really do like the tails and I guess with shapeshifters (even if for mechamorphs it’s exclusively shape shifting) one can have literally any body plan within physical reason, but now I’m wondering if ‘tails for balance’ symbiots and ‘tails for aesthetic’ adults I’d suppose have some form of differences haha! Xenobiology on the mind and all!
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luwupercal · 2 years
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its been 500 years since i last posted abt this guy but heres an unfinished liyan
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thewertsearch · 1 year
TT: When was it exactly that you read my walkthrough? GA: A While Ago [...] GA: Ive Been Experiencing Something Like GA: Impression Whiplash GA: Since That Time [...] GA: At First I Thought You Were Foolish And Incompetent TT: My apologies for whatever misstep I may have taken to dispel that impression. TT: It was an honest mistake, I swear.
If you're still wondering why Rose is my favorite character, observe how she flips on a dime from an ominous justification to flirtatious self-deprecation.
GA: That Was A Very Snarky Remark That Happened Just Now GA: Stratified By Your Signature Varieties Of Insincerity Which Cut Through The Literal Meaning Of The Statement Like Colorful Ribbons GA: And The Net Intent Is Something Maddening To Try To Know GA: Its Meaning I Think Exists At The Inscrutable Nexus Of Semantic Space Where Humor Chafes Against Soft Malice GA: A Place Perhaps The Human Mind Occupies More Comfortably I Dont Know GA: Xenopsychology Isnt My Strong Suit
But trolls like Terezi and Karkat are pretty good at this sort of thing, and Alternians do, in fact, have a concept of sarcasm. Post-Hivebent, it's starting to feel like Kanaya, specifically, struggles with certain social cues.
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Her mind games with Rose were sophisticated, and she put a lot of effort into puzzling them out. It occurs to me that if your first instinct is to logic your way into a friendship, maybe it's because the rules of friendship aren't intuitive to you.
Hell, it's even possible that it's Kanaya's logical approach to relationships that made her such a popular auspistice on Alternia. After all, logic in teenage relationships is in short supply.
GA: Why Dont You Put The Turtle Ruins Down GA: And Return To Your House GA: I Have Sketched Some New Outfits For You That I Think Are Nice GA: We Could Try To Make Them
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That didn't work out too well last time - but I like that you're willing to try again.
Rose is in over her head, but she's no Vriska.
TT: Maybe later. GA: What If There Isnt A Later TT: Well, we already know there won't be. [...] GA: There Not Being A Later Might Happen Sooner Than You Think [...] GA: For You Specifically
Ah, shit.
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tanoraqui · 2 years
everyone should read the Silmarillion Among Us AU close encounters of the fourth (base) kind. I cannot recommend it enough. 38k; russingon with background canonical couples; porn with extensive plot; premise: Maedhros has just moved in with Fingon on Fingon’s-side-of-the-family’s spaceship, and is adjusting to that life (which includes several big and many little deaths). It has everything you could possibly want in a Silmarillion Among Us AU:
Creative and interesting xenobiology and xenopsychology, in a sexy way and just in an ‘aliens are neat’ way
Moral issues that make me genuinely uncomfortable
Quite good (hot) smut
I literally laughed out loud repeatedly
A significant period of the fic where you have to wonder if Finwë genuinely prioritizes the lives and happiness of one set of grandchildren over the other (while Maedhros decides Not To Think About It)
A much shorter sequel (5k) starring clone!Glorfindel
And most importantly of all, a basic premise which would INSTANTLY start a fight in late YT Tirion!
Excerpt 1:
Fingon reaches past him and Maedhros nearly startles at the sound of the door sliding closed, close enough behind him he can feel the pressure of the air displacing on his back.
Cornered, some part of his mind yelps, nervous. Predator, another part points out wryly, already resigned to the reality of shacking up with an alien with active prey instincts. Fingon, most of him sighs in strange, newfound contentment at having this latest addition to his tiny circle of loved ones practically cuddled up into his space.
Excerpt 2:
“You know,” Argon interjects again, longsuffering, “maybe we wouldn’t know so much about your ‘sexcapades’ if you just kept it to the bedroom like literally everyone else on the ship.”
“Oh, that is a blatant lie!” Fingon scoffs. “If you knew where Turvo and Elenwë used to—”
“Okay!” Turgon calls over from the next table, “maybe we should just change the subject!”
“What’s this ‘we’ you speak of, you aren’t even involved in this conversation,” Fingon calls back. “Stop eavesdropping!”
“If our names get mentioned, we’re involved!” Turgon insists. “Honey, tell them.”
Elenwë twists in her seat to look at them properly, expression supremely judgmental. “You don’t get to claim you’ve had epic sexcapades until you’ve made love in the captain’s chair. You’re like babies to me.”
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Epilogue pt. 1 “Preface” Why Humans Are Space Orcs
Becoming Human: Fathoms of the Unfathomable
Krill M.D
With more than two decades of experience treating, diagnosing, observing and interacting with humans, and as the only nonhuman in the galaxy who has experienced humanity first hand, I am confident that I am the Galaxy’s most experienced nonhuman human expert in the matter of human physiology, biology, virology, psychology, and sociology etc. During my past two decades of research I have lived with the humans, acclimatized myself to their customs, and more than allowed them to become a part of me in both mindset and behavior.
My other qualifications include over three decades of specialty in advanced surgical procedure and diagnostics. I have been named the Intergalactic Association for Practicing Physicians’  Intergalactic Physician of the Cycle  award four times in the last twenty or so years, and also I saved the universe once. Granted,  it may be argued that I had some help in performing the last task, but at the end of the day it was I who pressed that button, and I am hardly about to be modest about such an accomplishment.
Despite all of these achievements, and even after all of this time and after experiencing life as a human first hand with their same sensory biology and cognitive configuration, I can confidently say that…
 I don't know SHIT!
And yes, this is my book, published through the Arcadian agency, so no stuffy board member can sit here and complain that my language isn’t “Academic” enough for them.
I don’t know shit, The more I thought I knew the less I actually knew, and experiencing life as a human myself did nothing to inform my understanding. In fact, my experiences as a human so many years ago only served to prove that I knew nothing. After the institution of the Maker Accords in Geneva and the banning of Anumectomy surgery, No other non-maker inhuman has been able to experience life from another perspective.
The Makers haven’t been seen for more than a decade now, so I think it is finally time for me to admit something I was unable to admit when they were still here.
Reversal of an Anumectomy is entirely impossible. The strands grown in the brain that attach the soul to the body are present at birth and can only be severed by death, they cannot be reinstated. After the makers left, I admit I have, on more than one occasion, Indulged in the pleasures of being human.
I am no closer to understanding.
Dr. Loquens of the Tesraki university of behavioral xenopsychology’s book on human behavior suggests that the special nature of humans comes as a result of their unique construct physiology in combination with the Anima allowed to hold it. He says that the human construct is specifically designed to hold the more powerful Deus Anima or a last cohort Deus, which entirely explains the special nature of humanity. He believes that the special nature of humanity and their accomplishments as compared to other species are related to their heightened survival instincts which drive them forward. 
And I can see why he would think this.
WIth four cortical hemispheres, the Vrul are on average more intelligent than an average cross sectional sample of other populations.
But I also find Dr. Loquens conjectures to be stupid, primarily based on at distance observation with minor undertones of Tesraki centralized bias. Here is what I CAN tell you.
There is something special about humans.
Something special about BEING human.
If you have ever been a human you have it. I don’t know what it is or how it happens, but once a human,, always a human.  
All other biological programming simply cannot compete with the experience of humanity. If you were to take a human and palace them in the body and cognition of another species, they would still be human. 
If you were to take an alien and allow them to experience humanity, than i dare say…. There is a chance they might be human as well. I don’t think this might happen to everyone, I think that there are those that are simply incapable of whatever it is that is required to be human. The exact nature of these requirements have been lost to me for over twenty years, and the fact that I have finally chosen to write this book is an indicator that I have finally accepted that I will never know.
I once coined a term common around the galaxy, “Humanization” or the phenomena experienced by nonhuman sapients in close proximity with humans, who experience a growing presence of human-like behaviors or other characteristics as a result of prolonged exposure to human socialization. I
For this reason, I believe that whatever it is that humans have can be transferred to a select group of others. 
This is what has me believing that there is something special about humans beyond their constructed bodies and beyond the Deus anima. There are plenty of nonhuman Deus who will never experience humanity or humanization, while there are those with other levels of anima who will.
I know the explanation is not satisfactory, because there is no explanation, but here are a few things that I am willing to say with some degree of certainty. 
Being truly human is not a matter of the body or genetics. I daresay that there is the occasional human  who is not HUMAN based on the classification that I will offer forward today. Instead I make the argument that humanity is something that exists as an ephemeral state of mind.
It is true doctor Loquens is correct in his assumption that humans have a heightened sense of survival, however, I say that this can be argued about every species in their own way. Vrul are more fragile than humans and more easily killable, so the option so saw your own arm off to escape from a dangerous situation is not viable without the immediate product of death, but instead vrul chose to subjugate themselves inside the walls of several cities along sites perpendicular to their planetary axis  and hide there for thousands of years until the memory of why they had gone was forgotten.
This survival instinct though different is of the same magnitude and cannot completely explain the differences.
I argue instead that humanity is a state described by the distance between two variables for example the desire to survive, and the impossibility of the situation to be survived, or the ability to feel empathy, and the ability of an object to be empathized with. Humanity is the ability to experience life in all of its extremes where those who are not classified as having humanity experience life somewhere in the middle. Not all humans experience all extremes in everything , but they experience more extremes than those who do not.
Take the “indomitable” spirit of a human. The ability to survive the unsurvivable, the ability to believe the unbelievable, and the audacity to do the impossible. One at a time they may not mean much, but in combination it can create some extraordinary things. Those without humanity might never have thought it would be possible to survive the war of Armageddon and make it through to the necritorium, even fewer would have been able to believe, in circumstances so terrible that there was even a possibility of winning. Many others would never even think to attempt something they  thought was impossible.
Humans are all of that.
They can hope in hopeless situations, in fact, hopeless situations bring about the MOST hope for humans.
Humans can love things that should be unlovable, they experience empathy and emotion for inanimate objects, those who have hurt them, or even beings they have never met before, only heard of.(See my chapter on human pack bonding to see how putting googly eyes on inanimate objects can elicit this reaction in humans.
The more extreme a situation gets, the more the human spirit can be seen.
In situations so hopeless, terrible and soul crushing, a human may still fight to live through.
In the most dire of times, they fight the hardest.
And in the most peaceful of times they can be at their most unsettled.
As a whole humanity possesses this, and as a whole humanity is able to spread it.
Since meeting humans I too have experienced a change in mindset towards the extremes.
I have believed the unbelievable, I have won the unwinnable and I have achieved the unachievable. 
The darkest times are when the light shines brightest.
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stuckstucktrolls · 10 months
What even got you into xenopsychologist, Circin? Sounds like a really like... Not niche, but something not many people would think about doin', y'know?
"^o I guess it's a bit obscure. ^o But it's super helpful to the Fleet, both in and out of combat situations. ^o You know the old saying: ^o Keep your beneficial acquaintances nearby, keep your opposition even nearer.
"^o But I guess what got me into psychology, and xenopsychology specifically, is just that I've always had the urge to learn whatever I could about others, and felt that the Fleet could better use their resources befriending future conquests and reserve warfare for species that couldn't or wouldn't talk things out."
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riakhou · 1 year
This blog is dedicated to storing knowledge about a species called riakhou (and maybe some other species too). This is a Xenobiology / Xenopsychology blog run like a journal documenting the species. The blog is very much under construction and a bit messy but feel free to lurk around.
ALSO PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS. ASKBOX IS OPEN! We love questions on this blog!
Art made by @zajeczyna
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jumbledbee · 1 year
Y’all I’m going to explode.
Since I’m going insane, I wanted to make a lil self insert Star Trek TOS comic. The plot was gonna be that my lil medical character was a part of a cultural exchange with Romulus after they joined the federation. Yk to study xenopsychology and ogle at the pretty women
I started on the concept designs, but ig my brain malfunctioned bc?? They just look like genderbent spirk 😭😭😭
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 months
@tangleweave Finding Pe-Tyr || Part 1 // Part 2
Jedi robes were tailored for just such circumstances, when they meant to avoid notice… and historically they've had a strange talent for working even on other occupants of the Temple. Simple garments, deployed for their usefulness in complex xenopsychology. Beneath the hem of the hood, his eyebrows rise at her, while his golden eyes shimmer with concern and compassion for her and her situation -- as well as a spark or two of mischief. "Quite simply put," he concludes quietly, "it is the right thing to do, and you know it, else you would not be doing it yourself." His gaze flickers to the hallway ahead of them. "So, shall we?"
"I would recommend scrubbing that look from your face ere we proceed. It is unbecoming of you." She doesn't need to have eyes in the back of her head to feel the weight of his gaze. And as much as she hates to admit it she hopes that he finds her knowledge to be unnerving as so many of their clan-mates and the younglings do. When she does catch his face Melakeni doesn't realise her own is so open and that all of her misgivings reside there like signal-beacons. For all that she might wish she could be as stone or durasteel, her truest weakness is demonstrably the fate of those she is closest to, particularly when they fall away from their path. How can the same not be so for Fane much as he would deny it? There is little mollification to be gained by his connection and for the briefest of moments her eyes narrow. Even with fractions of them eaten away by the shadow of her lashes there's something too accicular to the brilliant emerald hue, as if they absorb the dim light around them. "You assume much. I came to you because you are arguably one of the smartest people I know and I have seen you be kind and patient with Pe-Tyr when others are not so generous. In that you may take the reassurance of truth." She bites back the urge to snap her teeth around the very idea that there is veracity in just how slight a commodity they are for it is quickly becoming clear to her that only some Knights are thought so by the Masters. The tip of her tongue brushes along the points of her teeth but she manages to keep her sneer to herself. "I cannot help but feel in my gut that it will go far harder on him if we do not shepherd him back to his quarters. Moreso I want to know what drove him away in the first place." And there it is, the crux of the matter whispered in her soft tones. Her willingness to fight everyone's battles save her own. Eyes flicker hawk-like to watch his sabre meet its scabbard. A faint snap of tendon and muscle suggests she would not have been unarmed for long if the blade had come whirring to life. It is not that she considers Fane to be bloodthirsty. Somewhere during his concealment of self Fane loses her interest in watching him so closely. Neither does she answer him. For as slight as she might be, her shoulders straighten and her back stiffens. Detached but imperious she becomes, an aura that has always suited her if not their instructors. Pride is not a welcome trait amongst their kind yet it might be impossible to sheer it from her without cutting bloody swaths of her in the process. She steps to the door and waits for it to slide on its track to permit her into the hallway that leads to the common area. In stark contrast the impression of her voice wafts through the back of his thoughts as it has so often before. Do you wish to lead? I am curious of your ability to keep up.
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virovac · 2 years
Something funny to me
I just had the idea of many monster raising game franchises being banned, bumped relative age-rating, or having to be heavily localized to be sold on other planets in a sci-fi
Now its not the monster battling thats the problem,.
Its that there’s a lot of creepy stuff in in hindsight  these games like the furry bait, or humanoid monsters that while we accept would be weird if not used to it and seen as “encouraging slavery in games directed at immature lifeforms”
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huntunderironskies · 9 months
Any thoughts on the other sourcebooks like Ghost Stories or Urban Legends?
I admittedly read very, very few of the bluebook supplements proper. I know I've read Inferno, Mirrors, and Book of the Dead but that was about the end of it. I have never been too interested in the more gritty, Call-of-Cthulhu-esque supernatural investigation aspects of the game, I'm more here for the supernatural societies and politics, and xenopsychology. I mostly remember really, really liking Mirrors and wishing we'd gotten a 2e equivalent for it, CofD is a game where the mechanics are very, very, very tied to its setting but playing around what you can do with those is really neat.
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luwupercal · 1 year
fwiw i will openly admit every time i post about liyan and then link to his tag chronologically i'm partially hoping to bait more recent followers o mine into reading a lesson in xenopsychology blind b/c my only joy in life is writing stuff that leaves people at the end like
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The music blares in Lerona’s ears as she makes her way towards the bar, weaving her way through the crowd. The majority of which being her classmates, all clad in their pristine red Star Fleet cadet uniforms.
“Hi!” She flashes the bartender a sweet smile and leans against the bar. “I’d like a Klabnian Fire Tea, three Budweiser classics, two Cardassian Sunrises, aaand..” She flips through the menu, having been told “just surprise me” by one of the other cadets, but not knowing her well enough to make a guess at what she likes.
“Try the Slusho. It’s good.”
She smiles at the man in thanks. “The Slusho mix. Thank you.”
“That’s a lot of drinks for one woman.”
Her head turns to her left briefly, watching an attractive blond lean forward to look at her, before looking back at the bartender to order her own drink.
“And a shot of Jack, straight up.”
“Make that two.” The blond speaks up again, lifting two fingers. “Her shots on me.”
“Her shots on her.” She interjects. “Thanks, but no thanks.”
“Don’t you at least want to know my name before you completely reject me?”
“I’m fine without it.”
“You are fine without it.” Her lips twitch into a small smirk. “It’s Jim. Jim Kirk.” He waits for her to respond and when she doesn’t he shrugs. “If you don’t tell me your name, I’m gonna have to make one up.”
She eases just slightly into his mind to look for any malicious emotions. Finding none, she sees no harm in giving him her name. He is rather cute. “Lerona.”
“Lerona, no way! That’s the name I was gonna make up for ya!”
She rolls her eyes and fails to smother her chuckle, causing him to smile. He rises from his chair and circles to stand on her other side, leaning against the bar.
“So you’re a cadet, you’re stunning.. What’s your focus?”
“Xenopsychology and neurolinguistics.” She places her chin on her shoulder, peering up at him through her lashes. “Do you know what that means?”
“Study of alien psychologies, the relationship between languages and the function of our brains. Means you’re gorgeous and brilliant.”
“Flatterer. And here I thought you were just some cowboy who only has sex with farm animals.” She’s joking, of course. She can feel that he’s actually pretty sweet, underneath all the flirting.
“Well, not only.” She bursts out laughing, causing his face to break out into a bright smile. Once she settles down and turns towards him he gets a good look at her eyes, finding himself leaning closer and gazing into her solid black irises. “You have very unique eyes.”
“Thank you. I’m a Betazoid. Well, half. My dad’s a human.” She lifts her shoulder in a shrug.
“Oooh,” He gives her his best smoulder. “can you tell what I’m feeling right now?”
“Determined.” She quips immediately, earning another grin from him. She has to bite her cheek to keep from smiling too much. “You’re pretty drunk.” He feels.. something, not unpleasant, as she pushes a little further into his mind. “And you’re feeling a little.. aroused.”
“Damn right, I am.” He mumbles with a smirk.
They’re interrupted by Hendorff, a fellow cadet, and three of his friends before she can respond. Or acknowledge his hand inching towards her own on the bar. “This townie bothering you?”
Her brows furrow softly while shaking her head, not entirely sure what about their interaction gave him the indication she’s bothered by his company. “No, I can handle him.”
“You could handle me, if that’s an invitation.” Jim flirts, wanting to see her smile again, but Hendorff speaks before she can. Which he notes irritates her judging by how her jaw tightens minutely as she drinks her shot.
“Hey! You better mind your manners.”
“Oh relax, cupcake, it was a joke.” Only partially.
Jim gives him a thump on the shoulder before turning towards her again, only to be forcefully turned back around. Lerona takes a small step forward.
”Hey! Farm boy! Maybe you can’t count, but there are four of us and one of you.”
”So, get some more guys and it’ll be an even fight.”
She watches as Jim pats his cheek twice before moving to continue their conversation. She barely has time to react, and Jim has none, when he’s suddenly punched in the jaw.
”Stop it!” Lerona snaps at Hendorff with a glare, feeling Jim’s pain prick in her mind, before he kicks Hendorff backwards onto and over a table. “Stop it!”
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whatudottu · 3 years
Today, let’s talk about Kinecelerans and their lives on Earth.
Y’all have probably noticed that these lads get a bit sick due to Earth’s slower rotation and I wanna talk about why, as well as how one can adapt and actually live in this slower world.
Starting off, I’ll talk about how Humans live on Earth for the sake of context. Or, more accurately, how we sleep. Humans have a sleep-wake cycle that matches up with the rotation of the Earth, mainly because our brains produce melatonin in the absence of light, and we have long evolved to adapt to this schedule. This is a circadian rhythm, named for being a cycle that’s approximately a day.
Approximately, you ask? Yes, our sleep-wake cycle isn’t exactly 24 hours, it’s a little more like a 24-25 hour cycle. It’s the reason why flying west gives us less jetlag than going east, because it’s better for us to lengthen or days than to cut it short. I’ve also heard at some point that it’s the reason why a shifting work schedule is better for your rhythm, but I can’t go into more detail on that front.
BUT! Kinecelerans don’t have a 24-25 hour circadian rhythm, they have whatever hour rhythm their planet rotates at. Sure, assumably they have a little leniency for a longer day, but ultimately Earth’s rotation speed is significantly slower than Kinet to the point of sickness. I may not have any numbers to talk about their specific sleep-wake cycle needs, but I will detail how it DOES make them sick instead.
If a Kineceleran were to actually try to stay awake for the Earth day, they would be awake for at least a few Kinet days. This would definitely be sleep deprivation, and if I know the internet, everyone’s had at least one day of it. The longer sleep deprivation goes on, the more side effects one has.
Referring back to Humans, this involves a lot of perceptual and cognitive distortions, with hallucinations and delusions coming in at the 4-5 day mark respectively. In terms of physical harm, lack of sleep does indeed cause a weaker immune system, because you’re not having any restorative sleep in between your bouts of wakefulness.
Not to say that Human symptoms translate exactly to Kinecelerans, but that right there is the key to this talk.
Hypothetically, though probably unrealistic, a Kinet day could very well last 1-2 hours. Though this most likely isn’t the case, a Kineceleran trying to stay awake for a full Earth day would be sleep deprived for 12-24 days in a row. This is at maximum, and sure it’s a definite stretch, but this is the primary reason why most Kinecelerans get sick from the slower rotation.
It’s not motion sickness, it’s sleep deprivation sickness.
Of course, a Kineceleran can clock off for their sleep every so often, but another problem arises. What about the production of melatonin, or some other sleep chemical that Kinecelerans may instead possess. While it could be possible that they don’t need an absence of light to activate sleep chemical production, let’s turn to the next common natural light source on Kinet.
Sleeping during a lightning storm, especially without a roof over one’s head, would not be evolutionary that great. Maybe instead of the light itself preventing sleep chemicals, it can be the presence of adrenaline (or, again, some equivalent) that keeps Kinecelerans awake. Naturally they’d be full of the stuff, being rather active, so typically stormy nights are troublesome for the many home grown Kinecelerans.
On Earth, after a certain time of morning, there’s a lot of activity outside. Noises and a whole heaping of lights may cause a Kineceleran to associate the hustle and bustle of Earth to the likeness of lightning storms, and their body acts as such by producing stress hormones. So even if they do catch their ‘z’s during the day, they can end up being partially sleep deprived if they didn’t catch enough of their recommended hours (and maybe minutes)
But that doesn’t mean Kinecelerans can’t overcome these issues.
Being born on Earth may help.
Helen Wheels, who we all know is a hybrid get back in your corner rooters, may still have half an inclination to sleep more often than a Human would, but she’s probably sleeping less than a Kineceleran should. Full Kinecelerans born on Earth may also adapt their sleep-wake cycle, maybe power nap when they would typically be asleep and fully clock out at night, sorta like the difference between weekdays and weekends.
Visitors and immigrants especially may also adapt too, but less in changing their cycles. No, what happens here is architecturally. Surely, no doubt, Kinecelerans would have their own ‘block-out-blinds’ over on Kinet for the especially excitable, advertised to block out the flashes of light and significant noise of the storms.
Earth may not be as bright as a flash of lighting, but the light is consistent and lasts for many Kinet days. The hustle and bustle of Earth however, is a lot quieter than a lightning bolt. Soundproof rooms with no windows (or some super intense block-out-blinds) are a Kinecelerans perfect bedroom, and allows for them to clock out whenever they need to.
Maybe occasionally they spend too long outdoors, meaning their adrenaline is still running even when they’re super tired, but isn’t it the equivalent thing for Humans and our screens?
Haha, anyway, I hope you enjoyed these thoughts.
And get your sleep too.
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xeno-bio-sociology · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Smallville, Superman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Clark Kent, Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent Additional Tags: Alien Clark Summary:
Clark Kent isn't human.
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