#xiang jiao
phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I wanna talk about You Boys Play Games Very Well because it is the funniest story I’ll ever read in my life.
First things first: Ling Meng. MengMeng. The best boy. He’s just like me fr his head is full of only video games and food. He also puffs out his cheeks like a pufferfish when upset and that’s just too relatable. Anyway, he’s also super tiny but calls himself Lemon Daddy, and I can’t explain to you how funny it is when he does a face reveal and everyone is so upset and thinks he’s underage-
And Shan Zhu! (His brother’s name is Shan Zha and I know it’s written in characters not English, but in English it’s equivalent to naming one kid Charles and the other Charlie, it cracks me up and the author definitly knew this, okay, they knew-) Shan Zha played one game when Lemon Daddy told him to take things more seriously and he went “…he’s got a point” and became one of the top players. Because someone on a game told him to take things more seriously.
I have a lot to say on Shan Zhu, okay, he is the funniest love interest of all times. First of all, his nicknames include Mango, Mang God (God Mango), Mangosteen, and Apple. He’s called Mango because his name Mangosteen got mispronounced. He started a small account, Apple, because Ling Meng thought Mang God was going to the same school as him and started a tournament to see, and Shan Zhu joined because he wanted the second place prize.
WHAT - you ask - WAS THE SECOND PLACE PRIZE? I’m so glad you brought it up! Ling Meng told everyone it was his nudes, but it was actually a picture of him in the bath from when he was a baby, but yes, Shan Zhu joined a tournament under a newly made account name just so he could deliberately throw the match at the last second and win Ling Meng’s naked photo (which is especially funny because he’s called a walking calculator; he does wildly impressive math all in his head in a couple of seconds and so he deliberately did the math to make his missiles miss, his talent level is off the charts). WHY - you ask - did he do ANY OF THIS? Because he got told by Lemon Daddy to take thing more seriously, then the second time they met, Lemon told him “You boys play games very well” and honestly, who wouldn’t be smitten?
(Also, they made a bet and he did manage to get Ling Meng to try and buy condoms at the school store, so- Look, just read the novel, it makes sense, definitely, just read it-)
But Shan Zha (the most obvious man who has ever existed) and Ling Meng (the most oblivious man who has ever existed) are not the best characters, that honour goes to Xiang Jiao, or Banana, or Guava. Guava is the absolute best character of all time, because he has the biggest crush on Ling Meng yet does absolutely nothing about it. The multiple scenes where he just asks Mango and Apple (which are the same person) if he wants to go pro are very funny, because Shan Zha responds with a no every time, but Guava keeps asking.
Guava has a shit ton of money and uses it almost exclusively to send it to Ling Meng. My favourite part is when someone asks him his hobbies and his coach mentions that he’s been watching a streamer lately (Ling Meng) and Guava says it’s an entertainment streamer (he isn’t really) and says he watches because it’s funny and the coach says “He’s never laughed once.”
Also, Guava asking Ling Meng for his autograph is just hilarious.
Also also, the sex scenes are entirely fruit and rollercoaster metaphors. I don’t know why. But I like it a lot.
So yeah, 10/10, recommend, read You Boys Play Games Very Well, it’s all worth it for Guava being the biggest Lemon fan, and Shan Zhu being the biggest Ling Meng trumpet blower and defender. (Ling Meng is good at everything. Promise, he definitely is, would the extremely biased and smitten Shan Zhu lie to me??) And the chat is pretty funny too. Very good, very funny, so funny, like honestly I laugh so hard every time I read it.
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kdram-chjh · 3 months
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Cdrama: Governor’s Secret Love (2023-2024)
💘 #governorssecretlove #hatikuuntukmu #youkumalaysia #cdrama #shorts
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/b3zQL5sQSWc
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restauranteschinos · 2 years
Los secretos detrás del picante de Sichuan
Los secretos detrás del picante de Sichuan
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La comida de Sichuan, una de las cocinas más populares de las ocho cocinas de China, goza ahora de una gran popularidad en todo el mundo. Esta comida es famosa por su sabor picante y entumecedor y no para de sorprender por sus combinaciones, originalidad y explosión de sabores. Pero este sabor no se hace solo, hacen falta ingredientes, condimentos, sabores, materiales… En este artículo te enseñamos los secretos que hay detrás del picante de esta cocina tan apreciada. ¿Te atreverás a introducirlos en tus recetas?
  Condimentos Aquí viene lo fuerte. Son preparaciones que se realizan a priori para posteriormente introducirlas en recetas y platos: doubanjiang, dou-chi, chili peppers, pimienta de Sichuan, aceite de chile, aromas y especias.
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    Doubanjiang Doubanjiang es un tipo de pasta de habas fermentadas que se usa comúnmente en la cocina de Sichuan. Tiene un sabor fuerte y salado y se usa como aderezo o condimento en muchos platos. Se define a menudo como «el alma de la comida de Sichuan». La mitad de los mejores platos de Sichuan usan doubanjiang para construir el sabor base. Además, el doubanjiang puede darle al plato un hermoso color rojo brillante. Si quieres usarlo para tus recetas, se puede encontrar doubanjiang ya preparado en botes.
  Dou-chi El dou-chi es un tipo de soja negra fermentada que se usa como condimento en la cocina de Sichuan. Tiene un sabor fuerte y terroso y se usa con moderación en los platos debido a su alto contenido de sal.
  Chili peppers Los chiles se usan mucho en la cocina de Sichuan, tanto frescos como secos. Agregan un calor ardiente característico a los platos, así como una profundidad de sabor.
  Pimienta de Sichuan (Hua Jiao) La pimienta de Sichuan o el grano de pimienta de Sichuan es otro ingrediente clave en muchos platos de Sichuan. Tiene un sabor único que es ligeramente cítrico y floral, con un toque picante y una fuerte sensación de adormecimiento en la lengua.
  Aceite de chile Si te encanta la comida de Sichuan, no hay motivo para perderse el aceite de chile. Es una salsa de chile hecha con aceite vegetal (localmente se usa aceite de colza), aromáticos (jengibre y cebolla), hojuelas de chile frito de Sichuan y especias. El aceite de chile de Sichuan es un ingrediente ideal para ensaladas o fideos. Muchos restaurantes lo utilizan como condimento de mesa que se puede añadir a todo.
  Aromas y especias Los aromas (jengibre, ajo y cebolla verde) también se usan para agregar profundidad de sabor a los platos de Sichuan. Estos ingredientes se utilizan a menudo junto con los chiles y la pimienta de Sichuan para crear platos complejos y sabrosos.
    Sabores Para conseguir esta explosión de sabores picantes, hace falta sabor, y esto se consigue introduciendo en las recetas los diferentes sabores de Sichuan. Aquí tienes unos cuantos.
  Sabor Salsa mala El sabor de la salsa mala es solo un aspecto de la cocina de Sichuan. Pero este sabor es el más exitoso. Personalmente, nos encanta mucho este sabor. El grano de pimienta de Sichuan juega un papel fundamental en este sabor. Crea una sensación de adormecimiento y hace que nuestro sistema gustativo sea mucho más sensible. Es por eso que sueles ser aditivo.
  Sabor Yu Xiang El sabor Yu Xiang es otro sabor popular fuera de China. La salsa Yu Xiang a menudo se conoce como salsa picante de ajo. Un ejemplo famoso donde se usa este sabor es la berenjena de Sichuan, o Yu Xiang Qie Zi (鱼香茄子 en chino). «鱼香» en realidad significa pescado fragante, es un tipo de sabor que es bastante famoso en los platos de Sichuan. Algunos menús pueden referirse a este plato como berenjenas en salsa china de ajo picante. Está hecho con una variedad de ingredientes que incluyen chiles, ajo, jengibre, cebollín y salsa de soya. La salsa se usa a menudo como salsa combinada para saltear o como salsa para mojar.
  Sabor agridulce El sabor agridulce es uno de los sabores más comunes en la cocina china. Pero la cocina de Sichuan también tiene su propia versión de sabor agridulce. El sabor agridulce en Sichuan difiere de otras zona. No solo es picante y amargo, sino que, en la mayoría de los casos, tiene un fuerte sabor a pimienta de Sichuan. Un plato clásico que representa este sabor son las patatas ralladas agridulces en las que también se pone el grano de pimienta de Sichuan para crear un sabor con más capas.
  Sabor guai wei El sabor extraño (guai wei) es un sabor difícil de encontrar en otras cocinas chinas. Creo que la mayoría de vosotros no conocéis este sabor. Está hecho con ingredientes comunes, salsa de soya, azúcar, aromáticos y chiles, a veces granos de pimienta de Sichuan. Pero la proporción es diferente de los sabores anteriores y, por lo tanto, crea un sabor que es difícil de describir. Por eso se llama sabor fuerte. La berenjena crujiente salada lleva este sabor.
  Sabor Hula Se define como sabor chile quemado (sabor Hula). Este es un sabor que se debe a la técnica para obtenerlo. Los chiles u otras especias secas se fríen en un wok hasta que se oscurezcan. Entonces, el aceite absorbe profundamente los sabores de los pimientos, luego se agregan más ingredientes para mezclarlos con el aceite. También se pueden agregar otras salsas y condimentos para realzar el sabor. El ejemplo más representativo es el bok choy salteado con ajo y chile. Pero el sabor de la guindilla es solo un tono fundamental. Esta salsa se verá realzada por los sabores del grano de pimienta de Sichuan, el vinagre negro y el azúcar. El sabor Kung Pao es un subtipo del sabor.
  Sabor salsa de ajo El sabor a salsa de ajo se usa principalmente en platos fríos y ensaladas. Se utiliza una gran cantidad de ajo para solidificar la base. Esta salsa suele contener un sabor de muy tenue a dulce y se suele añadir aceite de chile.
  Sabor a pasta de sésamo El sabor a pasta de sésamo utiliza pasta de sésamo como base principal, y la salsa de soja, el aceite de sésamo, la sal y el azúcar son añadidos. La pasta de sésamo tiene un sabor muy fuerte, por lo que hay que limitarse a una pequeña cantidad en las recetas. Este sabor es muy bueno para verduras y fideos.
  Sabor a pimienta de Sichuan y cebolla verde El sabor a pimienta de Sichuan y cebolla verde (椒麻味) es muy exclusivo de la comida de Sichuan y es casi desconocido fuera de China. Este sabor se hace simplemente con pimienta de Sichuan, cebolla verde y aceite de sésamo. Esos tres condimentos crean deliciosos sabores que pueden superar los sabores de una larga lista.
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ryin-silverfish · 5 months
For those not familiar with the Chinese Studio book, could you please name the fox spirits that appear in the book?
That is...quite a monumental task, because there are so many of them! Like, more than 80 out of 500+ short stories. As such, I'll just list the foxes I like the most.
Feng Sanniang - the one and only lesbian fox of Liaozhai, who falls in love with Fan Shiyi Niang (who is implied to feel the same way), yet can't get together with her for obvious reasons, and settles on finding a good husband for her crush instead.
When Shiyi Niang's family objected to the marriage and forced her into suicide, Feng Sanniang revives her, reunites her with her husband, and...has her cultivation ruined when said man slept with her while she was drunk.
No seriously, what. After that, she reveals she is a fox and falls in love with Shiyi Niang at first sight, but alas, staying with her would only cause more suffering for both of them, before leaving forever.
Ying Ning - not a full fox, but the daughter of a human and a fox, raised by a ghostly granny. Babygirl. Like, she's just so cute in the first half of the story. Yet she isn't completely naive and innocent, and the subtle stepford smiler implication is...really sad.
Hong Yu - the bro-est of foxes. She starts dating in secret with a scholar, gets yelled at by said scholar's dad for violating laws of propriety, settles on being a wingman and giving enough money to her boyfriend to marry another woman before leaving.
However, the scholar's marriage was soon torn apart by a corrupt official forcing his wife to be a concubine; in return, his wife committed suicide and his father died of grief and rage.
Then a nameless vigilante killed the corrupt official, and the scholar was arrested because of it. During the arrest, his young son was forcefully separated from him and went missing, and when he was finally released, he had lost everything except his house.
But suddenly, Hong Yu showed up with his son! She had saved the kid and raised him while the scholar was in jail, and through her subsequent labor, the family was restored to prosperity.
Lian Xiang - the fox in the human-fox-ghost love triangle. "She's just bad for you, dear, literally. Like, she is a ghost and sleeping with her will slowly kill you. But alright, if you insist, I'll heal you after her visits."
The love triangle gets resolved in a fox-human-ghost polycule, but not without the involvement of possession and Lian Xiang getting reincarnated into a human body.
The Ugly Fox - nameless, except for the fact that she was very ugly. Her story is also extremely catharthic. Essentially, she paid this Mu guy to sleep with her, his family got rich as a result, and he repaid her by employing an exorcist and drawing talismans on his mansion gate to keep her out.
She was rightfully pissed, demanded all her money back, beat up the exorcist, then unleashed a little sharp-toothed critter on Mu that bit off two of his toes, which finally forced him to give up the money.
At which point she took her money, left, remarried another peasant in the nearby village, and built her new family into a wealthy and powerful one.
Jiao Na - your typical human-fox love story, except the human, Kong, sacrificed just as much for the fox, stepping up to save her family from the divine thunderbolts and dying in the process.
(Here, the divine thunderbolts aren't of the "retribution" variety, sent only against foxes that engage in harmful cultivation. It is the more generic "peril" variety, something all yaoguais must survive because their cultivation is inherently against the natural order.)
She, in turn, resurrected him by delivering a red pill (implied to be her inner core) into his mouth via a kiss, and they lived happily ever after——even though Kong already had a wife, who was Jiao Na's cousin and also a fox.
...Like I said, there are so, so many more fox spirits in Liaozhai, and even though Pu Songling was still beholden to the standards of his times (thus the foxes often resigning themselves to wingman or concubine status), his fox girls still managed to be lively, unique characters.
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
wait.. i’m literally on here or weibo almost 24/7 ( as you can tell lol ) but I feel like i missed something. i’m seeing clowning related to xz’s photos and how it looks like he is a groom and it’s a wedding photoshoot. the place is also famous for wedding shoots ( allegedly, idk. i’m not from there ) so turtles are imagining again. lol. freakin coincidence that wyb’s GRA photoshoot was done at a wedding shop. plus the “wedding outfits” for weibo night. which is all clowning and galaxy braining.🌌
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now, we’re joking around, like where’s yibo? he should be taking photos with his partner.
then i see comments that there is this one song WYB recently listened to. meaning, as recent as when XZ flew to singapore which is called 超人不会飞 (superman can’t fly) by Jay Chou. i know WYB and everyone else is a big fan of Jay Chou but the clowning comes from the timing of when he listened to it. let me get to that first.
here is the song if you wanna listen to it. 🎶
turtles are interpreting it as WYB longing to “fly” to where XZ is and be with him but he can’t because of all his work commitments. he wants to take a breather. thinking about what his life is and the constraints, and at times like this, when they spent days in Beijing, but now they have to be apart, it affects him even more.
however when i read the lyrics, it could also be because he can relate to what jay chou is singing about. here’s the english translation i found here. i have bolded the ones i felt like WYB relates too. literally no need for explanation. just read it. It fits with his status in life so much that it’s almost scary.
ma ma shuo heng duo shi bie tai ji jiao
Mum said one should not be too fussy over most matters
只是使命感找到了我 我睡不着
zhi shi shi ming gan zhao dao le wo wo shui bu zhao
But my sense of mission found me and i can't sleep over it
ru guo shuo ma ren yao you diao ji qiao
If scolding someone requires some skills
我会加点旋律你会觉得 超屌
wo hui jia diao xuan lu ni hui jue de chao diao
I will add a tune and you will feel it's very cool (diao)
wo de qiang bu hui zhuang dan yao (dan yao)
My gun is not loaded with ammunition
suo yi fang xin bu hui you ren dao (ren dao)
So don't worry, nobody will collapse
我拍青蜂侠不需要替身 因为自信是我绘画的颜料
wo pai qing feng xia bu xu yao ti sheng yin wei zi xin shi wo hui hua de yan liao
I don't need a double for The Green Hornet because confidence is the coloring for my painting
wo zuo heng duo shi bei hou de yi yi yuan bi ni men xiang xiang
The meaning behind the things I did is far beyond your imagination
pai le dian shi ju wei le you qing yu shi nian qian de meng xiang
Filming a tv drama is for friendship and a dream 10 years ago
shou shi lv zai gao ye nan kang heng wo de wei da li xiang
No matter how high the rating is, it can't match my noble ideal
yin wei wo de ren sheng wo xu zai duo yi bi na jiang xiang
Because my life do not need another award
wo bu zhi dao he shi bian cheng le se hui de na bang yang
I don't know when I have become a society's role model
bei gou zai pai bu neng bi zhong zhi yao da qi de mo yang (zen yang)
Can't show the paparazzi the finger and have to put on a magnanimous front
wo chang de ge ci yao you dian wen hua
The lyrics I sing must have some degree of literacy
yin wei sui shi hui bei dan jiao cai
Because it might become teaching material anytime
CNN neng bu neng deng ying wen hao yi dian zai fang
Can CNN interview me when my English gets a little better
shi dai za zhi feng mian neng bu neng chong pai
Can i reshoot the Time magazine cover
sui shi sui di zhu yi xin xiang
I must take care of my image at all times
yao kong zhi yin shi bu ran jiu gen du sha fu ren la xiang de wo bu xiang (ben lai jiu bu xiang)
I must control my diet or i won't look like the "me" in Madame Tussauds (it doesn't look like me in the first place)
hao lai wu de zhong guo xi yuan di shang you heng duo shou yin jiao yin
There are many handprints and footprints at Grauman's Chinese Theatre
he shi cai neng kan jian wo de zhang
When will mine be seen there?
如果超人会飞 那就让我在空中停一停歇
ru guo chao ren hui fei na jiu rang wo zai kong zhong ti yi ti xie
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些
zai ci fu kan zhe ge shi jie hui ran wo jue de hao yi xie
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会
zheng jiu di qiu hao lei sui ran you xie pi bei dan wo hai shi hui
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
bu yao wen wo ku guo le mei
Don't ask me if I have cried
yin wei chao ren bu neng liu yan lei
Because Superman can't cry
chang ge yao na zui jia nan ge shou
(You) must get best male singer award as a singer
pai dian yin ye bu neng zhi na ge zui jia xin ren
A newcomer award is not enough if you act
ni bu can jia ban jiang dian li jiu shi mei li mao
Not attending award ceremonies is considered rude
ni qu can jia jiu shi dai biao ni heng zai hu
And if you do, it means you are over-concerned about it
de jia shi ni gan dong luo lei (luo lei) ren jia jiu hui jue de ni kuang zhang zuo zuo
When you won an award and teared, people will think you are fake and exaggerating
ni mei biao qing bie ren jiu hui shuo tai xiao zhang
When you have no expression, others will say you are too arrogant
如果你天生这个表情 那些人甚至会怪你妈妈(妈妈)
ru guo ni tian sheng zhe ge biao qing na xie ren sheng zhi hui guai ni ma ma (ma ma)
And if you are born with that expression, they will even blame your mum
结果最后是别人在得奖 你也要给予充分的掌声与微笑
jie guo zui hou shi bie ren zai de jiang ni ye yao ge yu chong fen de zhang sheng yu wei xiao
In the end someone else gets the award, you also have to give ample applause and smile
开的车不能太好 住的楼不能太高
kai de che bu neng tai hao zhu de lou bu neng tai gao
The car you drive can't be too luxurious nor can you live too high up
我到底是一个创作歌手 还是好人好事代表
wo dao di shi yi ge chuang zuo ge shou hai shi hao ren hao shi dai biao
Am I a singer-songwriter or a representative of good men and good deeds?
zhuan ji yi chu jiu bi xu shi guan jun
My album must be ranked top once released
pai le dian yin jiu bi xu yao da mai
My movie must sell well
zhi neng shuo dan chao ren zhen de hao nan
I can only say, being a Superman is difficult
ru guo chao ren hui fei (chao ren hui fei) na jiu rang wo zai kong zhong ti yi ti xie (ti yi ti xie)
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些
zai ci fu kan zhe ge shi jie hui ran wo jue de hao yi xie
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
zheng jiu di qiu hao lei (di qiu hao lei) sui ran you xie pi bei dan wo hai shi hui (wo hai shi hui)
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
bu yao wen wo ku guo le mei
Don't ask me if I have cried
yin wei chao ren bu neng liu yan lei
Because Superman can't cry
I don’t think there is anything wrong with how cpfs are relating this to cpn cause that’s just how it is. But sometimes, there are other reasons why they do what they do.
SO MY CONFUSION COMES FROM HOW THE HELL DO PEOPLE KNOW WHAT HE RECENTLY LISTENED TO. I can’t seem to dig up how or maybe it’s something we don’t talk about. I have never experienced this kind of tidbit related to them before so I wanna know the source. Or is this like the gaming cpn where certain people know and they will not divulge the boy’s account for privacy? if anyone knows, feel free to comment. If i find out in the future, I will share.
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Webnovel Carrd Links [Part 1]
I usually use Novel Updates, but Carrds are great to support the author, find translations not on NU, find Content Warnings, and learn more about the story / other adaptations. If there's a novel not here, it can be helpful to search the name of the novel + "carrd" or "novel updates"
Library Carrds / Carrds with Multiple Novels
Completed Baihe Carrd (click the sunglasses)
Baihe Novels Carrd 
Baihe Support 
Novel Carrd Library (Danmei & Baihe)
Aelia’s Library (Modern & Historical Danmei)
Unlimited Flow Danmei Carrd 
Danmei Recommendations List
Underrated Danmei 
Modern Danmei 
Twitter Thread with Danmei Carrds 
Author Carrds
(These authors have more works - I just listed the most popular ones/the ones I knew)
Cang Wu Bin Bai - author of Golden Stage and Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love
Cyan Wings - author of Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know, High Energy QR Code, They All Say I’ve Met a Ghost, etc.
Feitian Yexiang - author of Dinghai Fusheng Records & To Rule in a Turbulent World
Huai Shang - author of the Sword Named No Way Out
Jiang Zi Bei - author of PUBG: Online Romance of the Century, I Can Do It, and I’ve Liked Your Boyfriend for a Long Time
Liu Bing Jie - author of The Wife is First, Peach, and The White Cat’s Divine Scratching Post
Man Man He Qi Duo - author of Those Years In Quest of Honour Mine 
Meatbun Doesn’t Eat Meat - author of The Husky and His White Cat Shizun
Meng Xi Shi - author of Estranged, Peerless, Thousand Autumns, The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua, etc.
Mo Chen Huan - author of The Earth is Online and the Villain Has Something to Say
Mu Su Li - author of Panguan and Copper Coins
MXTX / Mo Xiang Tong Xiu - author of MDZS, TGCF, and SVSSS
Please Don’t Laugh novels - author of FGEP, Ruzhui, and JQWS
Priest - author of Guardian, LHJC, Can Ci Pin, Mo Du, Gumen, Liu Yao, etc.
Shui Qian Cheng - author of Wu Chang Jie 
Tang Jiuqing / t97 - author of Qiang Jin Jiu & Nan Chan
Wu Zhe - author of Unbridled, Sa Ye, Antidote, etc. 
Zhichu - author of Fanservice Paradox
Danmei / BL
2ha / the Husky and His White Cat Shizun (1, 2)
Bat / Bianfu 
Can Ci Pin
Carven Jade / Zhuo Yu 
Cold Sands
Copper Coins 
Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Dinghai Fusheng Records
Di Wang Gong Lue / The Emperor’s Strategy 
Don’t You Like Me? 
Encountering a Snake 
Everyone Thinks That I Like Him
Fake Slackers
Fanservice Paradox 
Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual / FDCM 
Global University Entrance Examination / QQGK / Global Examination 
Golden Stage 
Green Plum Island 
How to Survive as a Villain 
Jun You Ji Fou / How is the Gentleman Feeling? 
Lie Huo Jiao Chou / LHJC 
Little Mushroom 
Liu Yao (press the 3 circles) 
MDZS / the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (1, 2, 3)
Mist (CW: glitch effect, flashing lights)
Mistakenly Saving the Villain / MISVIL
Mo Du / Silent Reading 
My Junior Still Hasn’t Killed Me
Nan Chan 
[Part 2]
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baoshan-sanren · 2 years
best cdramas I’ve watched since the last one of these posts in 2022 (and some I’m still looking forward to seeing)
Heroes (watch on WeTV VIP | watch on bilibili) Adapted from the novel "Shuo Ying Xiong Shei Shi Ying Xiong" (说英雄谁是英雄) by Wen Rui An (温瑞安) starring Zeng ShunXi, Yang ChaoYue, Liu YuNing, Baron Chen and Meng ZiYi. I would’ve watched this thing for the cast only. Everyone is queer vibes. Not a flashy drama, but will emotionally shred you. The character development is totally worth it. Throughly entertaining, even when it punched you in the gut. 8/10
The Wind Blows From LongXi (watch on iQIYI VIP | watch on Viki) Adapted from novel "The Wind Rises in Longxi" (风起陇西) by Ma Bo Yong (马伯庸) starring Chen Kun and Bai Yu. I’ve been waiting for this drama for two years and it was worth every second of the wait. The cinematography in this thing is bonkers. The use of light and shadows, the muted colors, the indoor shots opening up into well-lit courtyards, the gritty sound mixing, the whole thing just blew my ass away. Chen Kun and Bai Yu are masters of their art. Fckn masterpiece. 11/10
Who Rules The World (watch on WeTV VIP | watch on Netflix) Adapted from the novel "Qie Shi Tian Xia" (且试天下) by Qing Ling Yue (倾泠月) starring Yang Yang, Zhao LuSi, and Xuan Lu. One of the rare romance dramas that really appealed to me. A well-balanced mix of court intrigue and martial world heroics. Unlimited blorbo potential. It’s hard to outshine Yang Yang (who gives major Mei Changsu vibes through like the first third of the drama) but Zhao LuSi and Xuan Lu together? Magnificent. Breathtaking. Brilliant. 8/10
The Legend of Hao Lan (watch on iQIYI VIP | watch on Viki | watch on tubi) starring Wu Jinyan and Nie Yuan. So this was like, The Story of Yanxi Palace cast, remixed. Was it great? Not really. Did I watch every episode? Yeah. I honestly think that Wu Jinyan could just make faces for 50+ sixty minute episodes, and I’d still watch every minute of it. Still, a fascinating take on the Warring States Period, and actually based on a woman who helped her son become the King of Qin, then ultimately the First Emperor of China. I think 99% of the budget went to costumes, and tbh, it was totally worth every penny. 7/10
(yeah, after all this, I rewatched Nirvana In Fire again)
The Silent Criminal (watch on Apple TV | watch on Bilibili | watch on iQIYI VIP | watch on Viki) starring Li Jiaming and Wen Sheng. So incredibly gay. Hilarious, yes, but predominantly gay. Murder, intrigue, suspense, pining; this little drama literally has everything. Did it impact my life and leave a long-lasting impression? Not really. But I was most throughly entertained. 7/10
My Heroic Husband (watch on Amazon Prime | watch on iQIYI VIP | watch on Viki) Adapted from the novel "Zhui Xu" (赘婿) by Fen Nu de Xiang Jiao (愤怒的香蕉). Starring Song Yi and Guo Qilin. Actually, the majority of Joy of Life cast is in this drama, including a cameo by Zhang Ruoyun in the very beginning. Cast aside tho, I fckn love this drama to pieces. Song Yi and Guo Qilin have amazing chemistry, and they’re so goddamn adorable together I can’t even stand it. The plot is far from complex but immensely satisfying. Excellent drama on a mediocre budget, one I plan to regularly rewatch. 8/10
Still waiting on: 
Immortality - based on danmei novel The Husky and His White Cat Shizun by 肉包不吃肉 starring Chen Feiyu and Luo Yunxi (you can think I’m a clown but you’d be wrong bc I’m a wholeass circus)
Winner Is King - based on the danmei novel Sha Po Lang by Priest starring Tan Jianci and Chen Zheyuan
Step By Step Lotus - based on historical novel Return to Ming Dynasty as Prince by 月关 starring Zhang Binbin and Luo Yunxi
Eternal Faith - based on danmei novel Heaven Official’s Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu starring Zhai Xiaowen and Zhang Linghe
Joy Of Life Season 2 - based on wuxia novel of the same name by 猫腻 starring Zhang Ruoyun and Li Qin
A League of Nobleman - based on danmei novel The Society of Four Leaves by Da Feng Gua Guo starring Song Weilong and Jing Boran
Flying Phoenix - based on danmei novel of the same name by 風弄 starring Dai Jingyao and Shu Yaxin
The Story of the Bat - based on danmei novel Bat by Feng Nong starring Mao Zijun and Zhang Yao
The Longest Promise - based on xianxia novel Zhu Yan by 沧月 starring Xiao Zhan, Ren Min, and Zhang Yunlong
Song of The Moon - based on wuxia novel 奔月 by 蜀客 starring Zhang Binbin and Xu Lu
Story of Kunning Palace - based on the the web novel 坤宁 by Shi Jing starring Bai Lu and Zhang Linghe 
Under the Microscope - based on the novel 显微镜下的大明 by 马伯庸 starring Zhang Ruoyun and Qi Wei
Till the End of the Moon - based on the web novel 黑月光拿稳BE剧本 by Teng Luo Wei Zhi starring Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu
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booksandboba · 5 months
Book Releases in 2024
(Last Updated: 9.20.2024)
(7) Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang, Volume 3, Priest (light novel)
(14) A Crane Among Wolves, Jane Hur (novel)
(21) Witch Hat Atelier, Volume 12, Kamome Shirahama (graphic novel, manga)
(21) Though I Am An Inept Villainess: Tale of the Butterfly-Rat Body Swap in the Maiden Court, Volume 5, Satsuki Nakamura, Ei Ohitsuji, Kana Yuki (graphic novel, manga)
(21) Oshi No Ko, Volume 6, Aka Akasaka, Mengo Yokoyari (graphic novels, manga)
(4) Ballad of Sword and Wine: Qiang Jin Jiu, Volume 1, Tang Jiu Qing (light novel)
(11) The Eccentric Doctor of the Moon Flower Kingdom, Volume 6, Tohru Himuka (graphic novel, manga)
(11) Case File Compendium: Bing An Ben, Volume 2, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(18) The Remarried Empress, Volume 7, Alphatart, SUMPUL, HereLee (comic, unscrolled web comic)
(2) The Night Ends With Fire, K. X. Song (novel)
(9) Thousand Autumns: Qian Qiu, Volume 5, Meng Xi Shi (light novel)
(23) Lullaby of the Dawn, Volume 4, Ichika Yuno (graphic novel, manga)
(23) Remnants of Filth: Yuwu, Volume 4, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(30) Peerless: Wushuang, Volume 1, Meng Xi Shi (light novel)
(1) Nine Tailed: Realm of Four Kingdoms #1, Jayci Lee (novel)
(6) Spy x Family, Volume 12, Tatsuya Endo (graphic novel, manga)
(6) Father, I Don't Want This Marriage, Volume 1, Hong Heesu, Roal, Yuri (comics, unscrolled web comic)
(6) The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish: Canji Baojun De Zhangxin Yu Chong, Volume 2, Xue Shan Fei Hu (light novel)
(13) Guardian: Zhen Hun, Volume 3, Priest (light novel)
(20) The Husky and His White Cat Shizun: Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun, Volume 6, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(27) You’ve Got Mail: The Perils of Pigeon Post: Fei Ge Jiao You Xu Jin Shen, Volume 1, Blackegg (light novel)
(27) Oshi No Ko, Volume 7, Aka Akasaka, Mengo Yokoyari (graphic novels, manga)
(3) When Haru Was Here, Dustin Thao (novel)
(3) How to Survive As a Villain, Volume 1, Yi Yi Yi Yi, Wang Yi (comic, web comic unscrolled)
(10) The Eccentric Doctor of the Moon Flower Kingdom, Volume 7, Tohru Himuka (graphic novel, manga)
(17) Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang, Volume 4, Priest (light novel)
(17) The Remarried Empress, Volume 8, Alphatart, SUMPUL, HereLee (comic, unscrolled webcomic)
(24) KinnPorsche, Volume 1, Daemi (light novel)
(24) Ballad of Sword and Wine: Qiang Jin Jiu, Volume 2, Tang Jiu Qing (light novel)
(8) Case File Compendium: Bing An Ben, Volume 3, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(8) The Last Dragon of the East, Katrina Kwan (novel)
(8) Divine Mortals: Divine Mortals # 1, Amanda M. Helander (novel)
(15) Lullaby of the Dawn, Volume 5, Ichika Yuno (manga)
(22) Case File Compendium: Bing An Ben, Volume 3, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(29) Peerless, Volume 2, Meng Xi Shi (light novel)
(29) Don't Let the Forest In, C.G. Drew (novel)
(5) Dinghai Fusheng Records, Volume 1, Fei Tian Ye Xiang, Qian Er Bai, LV FEI (comic, manhua)
(7) The Undoing of Violet Claybourne, Emily Critchley (novel)
(12) ENNEAD, Volume 4, Mojito (comics, webcomic unscrolled)
(19) Remnants of Filth: Yuwu, Volume 5, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(19) Oshi No Ko, Volume 8, Aka Akasaka, Mengo Yokoyari (graphic novels, manga)
(26) You’ve Got Mail: The Perils of Pigeon Post: Fei Ge Jiao You Xu Jin Shen, Volume 2, Blackegg (light novel)
(3) The Husky and His White Cat Shizun: Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun, Volume 7, Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou (light novel)
(10) Noragami: Stray God, Volume 27, Adachitoka (graphic novels, manga)
(10) The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish: Canji Baojun De Zhangxin Yu Chong, Volume 3, Xue Shan Fei Hu (light novel)
(17) Though I Am An Inept Villainess: Tale of the Butterfly-Rat Body Swap in the Maiden Court, Volume 6, Satsuki Nakamura, Ei Ohitsuji, Kana Yuki (graphic novel, manga)
(24) The Ancient Magus' Bride, Volume 20, Kore Yamazaki (graphic novels, manga)
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gomzdrawfr · 1 year
OMG THAT'S ADORABLE 😭 those are all good dishes. Ikat tepi drinks just hit different. Idk what they put in them. Think i know where you're from now haha
I'm a hardcore dimsum fan, maybe next is Kö + 141 as different types of dimsum? 😂😂 I feel bad sending all these requests back to back. How come you draw so fast??!
Usually Ikat tepi has tea or coffee in em!(or as we like to call it, "kopi"), tho! any drink can be place in it tbh, "sirap bandung" (rose syrup drink) or "teh o ais limau" (ice lemon tea) are some examples :] Also here's em going for dimsum! I hope you like it :D(more info about dimsum under the cut if anyone's interested!)
About me drawing things fast, simple, I sold part of my soul to [unidentified entity] :D /j Dont feel bad about requests~ I enjoy receiving em :3
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Siu Mai, 烧卖 for Konig - my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE dimsum, they're round and the filling is wrapped in circular dumpling skins with filling consists of pork and shrimp, sometimes scallions in em!
Big bun, 大包 ("da bao") for Ghost - just a big version of the normal bao with filling in em like pork, chicken, jicama and hard-boiled egg
Fried dumpling, 煎饺子 ("jian jiao zi") for Price - think of it like Japanese Gyoza! I also love this a lot, the fillings are usually chicken, pork or shrimp in em too with the usual, scallions, cabbage and such - pssst, dip it in vinegar! they go well together :DDD
Xiao Long Bao, 小笼包 for Soap - one of the more fancy/expensive dimsum (fun fact the Xiao Long actually means the bamboo steamer thing that the dimsum comes in) some people call it soup dumpling bcuz there are soup inside the lil bao with chicken/pork filling, hence you should eat it with a spoon so you can sip up the soup. There's a lot of history with this so most fancy restaurant like to compete in making the best looking xiao long bao, most notably you will see em showcasing how the soup dumpling have "18 folds"
Deep fried sesame ball, 香麻煎堆仔 or 芝麻球 ("xiang ma jian dui zai" or "zi ma qiu“) for Gaz - ticky rice flour dough, filled with a sweet paste(usually red bean!) and rolled in sesame seeds, and fried until crispy on the outside, but still soft and chewy on the inside, also one of my favourite dessert in dimsum -w-
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sovamurka · 9 months
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I never thought I'd see the day when the Blue Whisper/Yu Jiao Ji by Jiu Lu Fei Xiang would be published in my country but here we are! And with pretty bookmarks too!
Cover artist: Yasha Wang
Bookmark/inside illustrations artist: S.D-Z Art
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kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: The Blue Whisper (2022)
⚡ Never bully those who don't wanna fight with you otherwise loss is yours ⚡ #shorts #youtubeshorts
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7KIiwCq8M-s
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web-novel-polls · 1 year
Danmei Tournament Bracket & Competitors
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Round 1
Short Story of Shaowang vs. Where is Our Agreement to be Arch-Rivals? [WINNER: Where is Our Agreement to Be Arch-Rivals?]
Green Plum Island vs. You've Got Mail: A Cautionary Tale [WINNER: You've Got Mail]
Round 2
Lie Huo Jiao Chou vs. Where is Our Agreement to be Arch-Rivals?
Mist vs. the Earth is Online
Golden Stage vs. Nan Chan
Everyday I Get Up to See the Villain Stealing the Show vs. Little Mushroom
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual vs. Let's Talk About That Guy Who Transmigrated to Pursue Me
Copper Coins vs. Mistakenly Saving the Villain
Liu Yao: the Revitalization of Fuyao Sect vs. After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine
You've Got Mail: A Cautionary Tale vs. Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Round 2 ends Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023, at noon CST. Let me know if you have any suggestions for the descriptions and content warnings!
After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine
Author: Liu Gou Hua (刘狗花)
Other Names: After I Married the Disabled War God As My Concubine, Sau khi chiến thần tàn tật gả cho ta làm thiếp, 残疾战神嫁我为妾后
Media Type: Web novel
Chapters: 123 Chapters + 13 Extras
Main Pairing: Jiang Suizhou x Huo Wujiu
CW: ableism, violence, poisoning, death, war + more unknown
Links: Novel Updates, English Translation by SleepyTranslations
Description: [Jiang Suizhou] is a history lecturer transmigrated into a cutsleeve prince fated to be publicly beheaded by his new concubine Huo Wujiu, a captured legendary God of War given to JSZ in marriage to humiliate him by his brother the Emperor Jiang Shunheng.
“Aren’t you afraid of regretting this one day?” / “For him, never in this life.” - Ch.123
Copper Coins
Author: Mu Su Li (木苏里)
Other Names: Tong Qian Kan Shi, TQKS, Đồng tiền kham thế, เหรียญทองแดงปราบพิภพ, 铜钱龛世, 동전감세
Media Type: Web novel, Drama CD, Manhua
Chapters: 102 Chapters + 1 Extra (Completely Translated)
Main Pairing: Xue Xian (薛闲) x Xuanmin (玄悯)
CW: death, amnesia, ghosts, illness, murder + more unknown
Links: Novel Updates, English Translation/Introduction (Easier to sort via Novel Updates)
Description: “It's about the disembodied soul of a dragon who's looking for his lost body, as well as the people who were responsible for maiming him; he meets a mysterious demon-slaying monk with amnesia who only knows that he's looking for someone; maybe they fall in love idk. It's set in 11th century China and the magic is based on geomancy (feng shui).” - English Translation Introduction
“No Regrets. You have to hang out with me for hundreds or thousands of years, probably long. Even if you get tired of me, you can’t undo it.” / “It’s all I could ever wish for.”
Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Author: Cyan Wings / Qing Se Yu Yi / 青色羽翼
Other Names: Mozun ye xiang zhidao, 魔尊也想知道, DVAWTK
Media Type: Web Novel, Drama CD
Main Pairing: Wenren È x Yin Hanjiang - “Yinren”
CW: master-servant relationship*, death, suicide attempt, rape as a plot point (mentioned only, not main characters), body horror/gore, bus (gu parasites) - (Carrd), age difference, graphic violence, psychosis/hallucinations
Links: Carrd, Novel Updates
Description: The Devil Venerable, the Lord of Demon, Head of Xuanyuan Sect, Wenren È, discovers a book called <Abusive Romance: You Are the Unchanging One in My Heart>, which details the painful romance of two disciples of Shangqing Sect - Baili Qingmiao and He Wenzhao. In the novel, Wenren È is the devoted second male lead who sacrificed himself for Baili Qingmiao, which led to Yin Hanjiang, his subordinate and the fourth male lead, attempting to kill the female lead. Present-day Wenren È is now tasked with fixing the readers’ many complaints regarding the novel. 
*While technically a master-servant relationship, especially at the beginning, the novel makes a point to show and explicitly state their progression to friends, not a servant and his master
**Wenren È is also sometimes referred to as Wen Renhe 
Very aro-spec/ace-spec MCs, Yin Hanjiang is stupid and in love (and has rabies), side lesbians 
Everyday I Get Up to See the Villain Stealing the Show  
Author: Zhong Xiaosheng (钟晓生)
Other Names: EVSS, 每天起床都看到反派在抢戏
Media Type: Web Novel 
Main Pairing: Han Changsheng x Huangfu Fengxuan Xichen / An Yuan
Chapters: 110 (Completely Translated)
CW: death, acceptance of death/suicidal idealation (HCS plans to die to An Yuan) + more unknown
Links: English Translation, Novel Updates
Description: Han Changsheng, the Head of the Tianning Cult, kills Lord An Yuan, a descended Immortal fated to eliminate the Tianning Demonic Cult. Confronted by an angry immortal and threatened with a new life surrounded by ugly men, Han Changsheng is sent back in time to fulfill his role: be killed by Lord An Yuan. 
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual
Author: Feng Ge Qie Xing / 风歌且行
Other Names: FDCM, 狐妖修炼指南
Media Type: Web novel
Main Pairing: Song Ci x Rong Bai (Rongsong)
Chapters: 101 Chapters + 1 Extra (Completely Translated)
CW: abuse (to a main character & a side character), graphic violence, bigotry, minor character death, torture, shaming of appearance, suicidal idealation + more unknown
Links: Carrd, Novel Updates, English Translation by Lianyin
Description: Song Ci “mistakenly consumed the blood of the Demon King, causing himself to become a demon too. Since then, he hated the Demon King and wanted to take revenge” (Carrd). He ends up meeting Rong Bai without realizing he’s the aforementioned Demon King. Hijinks ensue.
Prequel: Your Ninth Royal Highness, Please Change Your Clothes
Sequel: The Demon Lord is Fleeing for HIs Life Again Today
Golden Stage 
Author: Cang Wu Bin Bai (苍梧宾白)
Other Names: Golden Terrace, Hoàng Kim Đài/Đài Hoàng Kim, Huáng Jīn Tái, 黄金台
Media Type: Web Novel, Drama CD
Chapters: 79 Chapters + 4 Extras (Fully Translated)
Main Pairing: Fu Shen x Yan Xiaohan aka “Yanfu”
CW: ableism, slavery, death, violence, murder, animal death, fantasy drug use, implied sex (none depicted) - (Carrd)
Links: Carrd, Novel Updates, Character Guide, Official English Translation
Description: Returning to the capital after an assassination attempt, Fu Shen is ordered by a suspicious Emperor to marry Yan Xiaohan, the Emperor’s subordinate and Fu Shen’s rival, to weaken his growing power. “Enemies” → lovers
“I hope that you will hate me all your life.”
“Call me that again, and I may just give up the darkness and turn towards the light for you.”
Arranged political marriage, enemies in public but lovers in private, fluff, bickering/flirting, communication, doting/devoted
“From head to toe, where I’ve touched, and where I haven’t - I like all of it.”
Green Plum Island
Author: Hui Nan Que (回南雀)
Other Names: Qing Mei Yu, 青梅屿, 青梅嶼
Media Type: Web novel, Drama CD, Manhua
Chapters: 53 Chapters + 5 Extras (Completely Translated)
Main Pairing: Yu Mian x Yan Kongshan
CW: age difference (9 years; 18 & 27 at first meeting) + more unknown
Links: Novel Updates, English Translation
Description: After falling from a tree in his youth, Yu Mian can see people’s emotions via numbers and colors. When he meets his neighbor Yan Kongshan, he develops a crush. While he hopes Yan Kongshan will turn pink for love, he ends up turning yellow for desire without changing expression. 
“Green Plum Island is well, your grandpa is well, Qiuqiu is well, the two cats are well. Only I’m not well…I miss you too much…I will be missing you when you read this letter.”
“‘But I can’t control who I like, so I’m going to keep on liking you.’ I think for a minute, then make a ridiculous statement: ‘I’ll like you until the day I don’t.’”
Let’s Talk About That Guy Who Transmigrated to Pursue Me 
Author: Mo Xiao Xian (莫晓贤)
Other Names: 谈谈那个穿进书里来追我的家伙
Media Type: Web Novel
Chapters: 82 (Completely Translated)
Main Pairing: Wen Xuan x Jian Yi
CW: murder, fantasy racism + more 
Links: Novel Updates, English Translation
Description: Wen Xuan is the Head Disciple of the Water Cloud Sect and the villain of an unnamed novel. Jian Yi is a new, talented shidi (younger fellow disciple) of the same sect who has transmigrated to support him and change his ending.
What is it about yearning characters with the surname Chu? Anyway, Chu Lian infests my brain like a dying rat. You will never be free of him <2
Lie Huo Jiao Chou 
Author: Priest
Other Names: Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire, LHJC, 烈火浇愁, Liehuo, 烈火澆愁, 열화요수
Media Type: Web novel, Donghua/Anime, Audio Drama, Manhua
Main Pairing: Xuan Ji x Sheng Lingyuan
Chapters: 137 Chapters + 8 Extras
CW: violence, gore, suicide mention, horror, war, murder, cannibalism, child torture, self-inflicted injuries, discrimination, slavery, genocide (via Carrd), claustrophobia, ableism, drug addiction, non-consentual (“sleeping beauty”) kisses between the main CP (Translation), death, demons, amnesia
Links: Carrd, Novel Updates
Description: Xuan Ji is the newest member of the Reparations Department of the Deviant Control Office, which is tasked with dealing with the aftermath of deviant cases. He encounters the deceased Emperor Sheng Lingyuan who has been awakened after a thousand years and ends up pretending to be Xuan Ji’s sword.
“Because he craved, he longed fanatically for a certain person. Since ancient times, this concealed longing had been a blade hung above the heart, and falling short would certainly be heartbreaking.”
Little Mushroom
Author: Yi Shi Si Zhou (一十四洲)
Other Names: Cây nấm nhỏ, Xiao Mogu / 小蘑菇
Media Type: Novel (printed & ebook), Drama CD, Manhua 
Main Pairing: An Zhe x Lu Feng aka “LuZhe”
CW: gore, violence, death, non-graphic sexual assault (Carrd)
Links: Buy the Novel Here, Carrd, Novel Updates
Description: An Zhe is a mutated mushroom whose spore has been harvested by humans. Being discovered by the Judges, humans tasked with eliminating xenogenics like him, means certain death. Lu Feng is one such Judge with a 100% accuracy rate in identifying infected humans. 
Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect
Author: Priest
Other Names: Lục hào, ลิ่วเหยา, 六爻, 육효, Liu Yao: the Six Hexagrams
Media Type: Web Novel, Drama CD
Chapters: 109 Chapters + 3 Extras (Completely Translated)
Main Pairing: Yan Zhengming x Cheng Qian
CW: violence, death, major character death, gore, swearing + more
Links: Novel Updates, Chichi's Dives' English Translation
Description: “A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, troublemaker, meanie, idiot, and wimpy kid.” - Novel Updates
Found family/childhood friends, fantastic character growth, interesting characters
“My master’s way of cultivation is ‘follow one’s heart,’ ‘be unrestrained’ - Senior, pardon this junior’s insolence, but I’ve been wondering for a long time: Does suffering in solitude for the sake of longevity count as following one’s heart?” - Ch.46
“When he thought of Cheng Qian, he suddenly felt like there was nothing else that he desired in this life.” - Yan Zhengming, ch.56
Author: Wei Feng Ji Xu (微风几许)
Other Names: Bowu, Bạc vụ, 薄雾[无限], Mist [Unlimited], Mist: Unlimited Flow
Media Type: Web novel, Drama CD, Manhua
Chapters: 103 Chapters + 3 Extras (Completely Translated)
Main Pairing: Ji Yushi x Song Qinglan aka “Qingyu” (晴雨 )
CW: cannibalism, discrimination, homophobia, death, gore, zombies, suicide, graphic violence + possibly more
Links: Tumblr Review (Spoilers Warning; Re-Read Review), Carrd (CW: glitch effect, flashing lights), English Translation, Why You Should Read It
Description: Ji Yushi is a beautiful genius with a perfect memory who is openly gay. He’s transferred to Song Qinlang’s team, who is known as a homophobe. Idk how to describe it, but there’s very interesting and complex time travel and parallel worlds; you’re just gonna have to take a gamble. 
Mistakenly Saving the Villain
Other Names: Bàn về kết cục việc cứu lầm nhân vật phản diện, MISVIL, The Conclusion to When I Mistakenly Saved the Villain, ว่าด้วยจุดจบของการไปช่วยตัวร้าย, 論救錯反派的下場, 论救错反派的下场
Media Type: Web Novel, Drama CD
Main Pairing: Song Qingshi (宋清时) x Yue Wuhuan (越无欢)
Novel Translations (Carrd): English, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Burmese
CW: abuse to a main character, rape/sexual assault as a plot point (YWH was a sex slave), torture, suicide, depression, child abuse, PTSD, slavery/human trafficking
Description: Song Qingshi is a medical student who transmigrates into , an “angsty danmei novel” (submitter), to save the tragic protagonist. However, he mistakes the cannon fodder villain Yue Wuhuan for the protagonist and saves him instead.  
Nan Chan
Author: Tang Jiuqing / 唐酒卿
Other Names: Nam Thiền, Nán Chán, หนานฉาน, 南禅
Media Type: Web noel, Drama CD
Main Pairing: Cang Ji x Jing Lin 
Chapters: 126 Chapters + 3 Extras (Completely Translated)
CW: age difference, death, amnesia, child abuse, demons, date-rape/noncon between the MC and love interests, torture of a main character and side characters, ghosts, death, explicit sexual content (ch.111 + implied sex), child/sex trafficking, sexual abuse, implied pedophilia
Links: Carrd, Novel Updates
Description: Cang Ji is a brocade carp taken care of by Jing Lin, an exiled and amnesiac Immortal who killed his adoptive father, the Emperor of Heaven. When Jing Lin loses his copper bell, he and Cang Ji leave their mountain to find it, encountering the Eight Sufferings and learning more about their past.
“There’s a man I love. In the clouds. In the sea. In my heart.”
“Have you ever wondered? If the one to be devoured in the end would be you or me?” / “It doesn’t matter if I”m the one. As long as I’m together with you.”
The Earth is Online
Author: Mo Chen Huan (莫晨欢)
Other Names: 地球上线, Dìqiú shàngxiàn, EO, TEIO, Địa Cầu Online
ฝ่าวิกฤตพิชิตหอคอยดำ, 地球上線
Media Type: Web Novel, Drama CD
Main Pairing: Tang Mo x Fu Wendou
Links: Carrd (CW: glitch effect, flashing lights), Novel Updates, English Translation on Tea Novel
CW: death, child/infant death, gore + more unknown
Description: Six months after black towers appear around cities, a voice announces, “Ding dong! November 15th, 2017. The earth is online.” Players are encouraged to “attack the tower” during “game time”. Once pulled into a game, it must be completed, and the losing party seems to die. 
“the Joongdok of danmei”
Short Story of Shaowang
Other Names: Shh! My Dear Alpha, 少汪几句
Media Type: Web novel, Drama CD, Manhua
Author: Little Ice Cube / 冰块儿
Chapters: 58 Chapters + 12 Extras (Completely Translated)
Links: Novel Updates, English Translation by Tailor’s MTL
CW: rape/noncon between the MC and love interest (later discussion about consent), graphic sexual content, omegaverse, mpreg + more unknown
Description: Jiang ShaoYan is the school tyrant and also an omega. While his heat is approaching, an underclassman suddenly confesses to him. 
Sequel: Pay Attention to Me
You’ve Got Mail: A Cautionary Tale
Author: Hei Dan Bai / 黑蛋白
Other Names: YGMCT, คบสหายผ่านพิราบต้องพึงระวัง, 飛鴿交友須謹慎, 飞鸽交友须谨慎
Media Type: Web novel
Chapters: 106 Chapters
CW: age difference, rape/noncon between MC and love interest, graphic sexual content, suicidal idealisation + more unknown 
Links: Novel Updates
Description: A 39-year-old gay bachelor in the Great Xia Dynasty, feeling his life is hopeless, resolves to get laid before committing suicide on his fortieth birthday. To do so, Wu Xingzi joins the Peng Society for Gentlemen, a secret organization for gay men to meet other gay men. (Based on Novel Updates Summary)
Where is Our Agreement to be Arch-Rivals?
Other Names: Did We Agree To Be Rivals?, Nói tốt trở thành lẫn nhau túc địch đâu [Xuyên thư], The Modified Script is Killing Me, 說好成為彼此的宿敵呢[穿書], 说好成为彼此的宿敌呢[穿书]
Media Type: Web novel
Chapters: 120 Chapters + 2 Extras (Completely Translated)
Main Pairing: Su Yang x Gu Feidi
Links: Novel Updates, English Translation by Peach Blossom Codex
CW: child abuse (the original Su Yang is implied to have had sex with/been interested in minors), sexual abuse, suicidal idealisation/attempts, violence, illness + more
Description: “The web celebrity, Chen Suyang, transmigrated into a film adaptation he’d just finished rolling the death scene. Now he has to play the villain—the Evil Sect’s young master, Su Yang. To return to his own world, he faithfully acted according to the script and solemnly recited his lines—waiting for the day he’d die under the protagonist’s sword. But… why were the scenes getting farther and farther from the script?” (Novel Updates)
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unforth · 11 months
Chinese BL novels that I know of that have been adapted into animated or live actions shows
I just wrote this up in Discord, might as well post it here.
by priest:
Tian Ya Ke (Faraway Wanderers) (live action adaptation: Word of Honor - on Netflix)
Zhenhun (Guardian) (live action adaptation, same name)
Can Ci Pin (The Defective) (animated adaptation, same name) (I haven't read or seen it yet)
Lie Huo Jiao Chou (Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire) (animated adaptation, same name) (I haven't read or seen it yet)
Mo Du (Silent Reading) (live action adaptation: Justice in the Dark, was pulled after 8 episodes aired due to censorship, I only managed to see one episode before it disappeared)
Sha Po Lang (Stars of Chaos) (live action adaptation: Winner is King, filmed but never aired due to censorship) (I haven't read it yet)
by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Mo Dao Zu Shi (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) (animated adaptation, same name; live action adaptation: The Untamed - LA is on Netflix)
Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official's Blessing) (animated adaptation, same name - on Netflix; live action adaptation: Eternal Faith, filmed but never aired due to censorship)
Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong (Scum Villain's Self-Saving System) (animated adaptation: Scum System)
by Meng Xi Shi
Chenghua Shisi Nian (The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua) (live action adaptation: The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty)
Qian Qiu (Thousand Autumns) (animated adaptation: Shanhe Jian Xin)
by Fei Tian Ye Xiang
Tianbao Fuyao Lu (Legend of Exorcism) (animated adaptation, same name - s1 out of 2 is on Netflix) (I haven't read the book yet, but I've read the manhua)
Dinghai Fusheng Lu (Dinghai Fusheng Records (animated adaptation, same name) (I haven't watched it yet)
by Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat
Erha he Ta de Baimao Shizun (The Husky and His White Cat Shizun) (live action adaptation: Hao Yi Xing, filmed but never aired due to censorship)
That's everything I can think of right now.
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ryin-silverfish · 5 months
So, my understanding is that children between spirit foxes and mortal humans, the child will have a more human appearance, but will have some magical abilities on the part of the fox or fox traits (like the tail or fox walk). However, they will not be completely foxes nor will they be born as foxes or Huli Jings. Or in order to be a full Huli Jing, these must be foxes by birth? I remember there was this novel where a Huli Jing teaches a girl how to do magic, but this because she is descended from one, but I didn't read the full text, so I never knew if she could only do magic or could transform into a fox or not.
I know that the stories vary because they were written by different people at different times, however, I would like to know if most of them have things in common in that aspect.
I mean...Ying Ning from Liaozhai is half-human, half-fox, but she doesn't really have fox tails or any fox-like behavior: she's just an incredibly cute girl.
She does have magical powers——when a neighbor's son tried to molest her, she transformed a piece of dead wood into her image, and got the guy stung by a huge scorpion.
Lian Xiang's son is also a fox-human hybrid, and she died and reincarnated soon after giving birth to him, but the kid, Hu'er, is just a regular kid.
Same for Kong's kid in Jiao Na's story; though he did grow into a beautiful young man who was as witty as a fox, he had neither magic nor other fox traits.
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the-monkey-ruler · 9 months
Lotus Lantern (2005) 宝莲灯
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Director: Yu Mingsheng Screenwriter: Nine years Starring: Jun Cao / Shu Chang / Enjun / Jiao / Lin Xiangping Yuqiao / Liu Liu Liu Xiaoqing / Yan Danchen / Xie Ning / Wang Weiguo / Chen Chuang / Ding Jian / Xiaofeng Luo Wei / Pu Shiyan Zhang Zhichao / Tian Erxi / Wu Zhou Jie / Guohua You Benchang / Wang Yonggui / Li Baocheng Zhao / Shujun / Li Jianxun Zhu Yaying / Li Liu Jie / Jiayi Ye Yina / Ma Liqing / Yang Si / Wang Wensheng / Ma Jielin / Tian Xuemin / Zhao Qi / Zong Fengyan / Wan Luo Guangyue / Li Dou / Ying / Tang Nien / Liu Shuxing / Shi Liang / Cheng Sudong / Lu Bing / Wang Xiang / Yao Changjiang / Xi Xianfeng / Yuan Han / Shen Jie / Deng Jia / Guo Ye / Wang Jiayu / DuduMore Genre: Drama / Fantasy / Costume Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2005-10-04 (Mainland China) Number of episodes: 35 Single episode length: 46 minutes Also known as: New Lotus Lantern / 新宝莲灯 IMDb: tt4776994 Type: Reimagining
Chen Xiang (played by Cao Jun), a young man in a small town, and his father Liu Yanchang (played by Liu Xiaofeng) have been living a peaceful life until one day, Chen Xiang accidentally discovers that he actually contains "magic power" in his body and could pass through walls effortlessly. After his father learned about it, he told Chen Xiang the fact that he had hidden for many years, that is, Chen Xiang's mother was actually the San Sheng Mu (played by Park Meixuan) in heaven. Because she violated the rules of heaven and married herself as a mortal, she was captured by heaven to an unknown destination. Chen Xiang was shocked to learn the truth and decided to overcome all difficulties to rescue his mother. Er Lang Shen (Jiao Enjun), who sees everything in his eyes, is Chen Xiang's uncle and decides to stop Chen Xiang's journey to save his mother. Thus, this difficult trip to save the mother kicked off with the interference of Erlang Shen. During the journey, Chen Xiang met many kind-hearted people and spirits, encountered various resistances, and even wanted to give up. But in the end, it was no match for his determination to save his mother...
Source: https://tv-1.chinesemov.com/tv/2005/Lotus%20Lantern
Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL10scWhSJdfGojWzhbiYNBCM9KgZi1sk_
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shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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