#yall arent lgbt just for being ace!
discos · 7 years
this is a reminder don’t touch me or my blog if you’re an ace inclusionist
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candyredterezii · 3 years
rlly interesting to have lived through the time where people argued “the ‘a’ in lgbta isnt for ally its for asexual/aromantic’ and then everyone suddenly decided a few years later ‘the ‘a’ in lgbta isnt for asexual/aromantic it’s for allys (which now stands for people who are closeted)”
like rlly interesting.
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ungracefulace · 5 years
Seeing the exclusionist community devolve further into a mean middle school lunch table is just so hilarious to me, but at the same time I feel bad for young LGBT+ people being indoctrinated by this shit.
And when I say indoctrinated I mean it. Honestly the exclusionist community does so much to corrupt the absolute hell out of 13-16 year olds, it's terrifying to watch.
Like, aphobes LOVE saying how pedophilic the ace community is because we arent harassing ace kids to tell them that the label they chose for themselves that's not at all sexual in nature isnt for them. But this is the same group with 20-25 or in some cases fucking 40 year olds constantly equating their orientations to some sexual label, even going so far as to argue with 12 and 14 year old aces about how they're too young to say they're ace, how they shouldnt say they domt fuck because they shouldnt be having sex at that age anyways, how IDing as asexual means that they are saying everyone else their age is fucking somehow and more.
Then weve got these whole ass adults insisting that since ace is such a gross sexual label, a fancy asshole way to say hates sex- especially gay sex, they make allo to be some gross homophobic slur. Which is leading these baby gays to be all "i'm a filthy allo and proud!!!!" "This person who aces like? They are a big allo and fuck all the time!" Fucking 14 and 15 year olds are playing up the sex they're having to flex on inclusionists or aces (since they blur the line a bunch) and their adult discourse weirdos they look up to are reblogging and going "Yeah!! This kid gets it!!" And they dont acknowledge how creepy that shit is. And then they frame it in a way where if you're like "woah, you're a whole ass kid and im like 20 I dont want to hear about you doing anything" it's just you being ace and homophobic and trying to shame and censor gay sex or relationships (when no, it's me trying to not hear someone who hasnt taken PSATs flaunt their sexual exploits because that's uncomfortable).
And the thing is these discourse adults know full well what they're doing. They're the ones making and calling out fake blogs or scouring the internet for widely ignored asshole aces or inclusionists and using these as the proof of how demonic our community is. They're the ones that when they run out of a half decent troll or one off assholes will take completely decent posts to try to frame them as some dig at gay people even with the post has fuck all to do with gays.
They constantly cycle this to their younger followers who end up being so certain that the whole be nice and accepting thing they were first rocking with when they realized they werent cishet was a convoluted scheme thrown together by evil aces who want to be straight and yell at gays in safe spaces.
Honestly I could go on about how fucked up exclusionist logic poisons the whole community making for a fundementally toxic environment, but thsi is going to be ignored by the majority of exclusionists anyways so I'd rather save the time.
But yeah @ those 13-15 year old exclusionists who are super hateful toward aces and aros, I'm not trying to condescend yall but im Begging you to take a step back and actually think about your discourse interactions and ideologies and why they are the way they are
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butch-bakugo · 4 years
Discourse/political opinions:
Note: I am ok with people following/interacting with me if we disagree on certain subjects on this list but if its got a ❎ next to it, i am not ok with you interacting with me and i will block you. Take everything thats on the ❎ list to be a informal dni
Throwing this at the top: Isreal is an apartheid colonial state and has no right to exist. It is on stolen land. Zionists are committing a ethnic cleansing of Palestine and I will forever stand with Palestine.❎
All cops, especially ur uncle/brother/dad/friend, are bastards. ❎
Black lives matter ❎
Im neutral on ace discourse, idrc but i do feel safer around ace exclues than ace inclues cause yall get pretty gross sometimes
Longsword lesbians are transphobic ❎ but battleaxe bis are vaild
Cis het means cisgender and hetero- in any capacity, cisallohet is not a thing
Aros/aces/aroaces do face discrimination for being aspec and aphobia is a good word for it but its not a systematic oppression. ❎
Bi/pan lesbians, bi/pan gays and other " mspec" gays are homophobic as fuck and the label is bigoted no matter what arguement you have for it. ❎
Punch your local terf and her nazi friends, especially jk rowling( read another book) ❎
Polyam cis hets, kinky cis hets and gnc cis hets arent lgbt for " going aginest society's standards" ❎
Q*eer is a slur, as well as an identity, and calling everyone it is ableist aginest lgbt people with ptsd and flat out just rude. If q*eer is your identity, great but to pretend it's suddenly not a slur anymore just because "q*eer studies" exists is flat out misinformation. ❎
D*ke is for all wlw, F*g is for all mlm, tr*nny is for all trans ppl and sn*wflake is only for nb people cause let's be real, it's not really applied to binary trans people.
The split attraction model is only vaild for aspec identities, all other uses are lgbtphobic ❎
Aspec can mean aro/ace/aroace-spec or autisitc spectrum, i litterally dont care enough to argue it. But if you say ur " on the spectrum" to mean ur aroacespec and not autisitic, ill rip out ur esophagus. ❎
Saying asexuality/aromantisim/aroasexuality can't be a spectrum is litterally just aphobic
Allo isnt a slur nor is meant to be derogatory in any way. I will call you allo if ur allo in the context of ace/aro but if u dont like it i wont.
Making fun of ace/aro/aroace pple isnt funny to anyone other than aphobic pple and you should really ask urself why you think bullying in any form is ok as long its a group of mostly young, disabled, trans and neurodiverse people.
Dont say ur an ace/aro/aroace ally then turn around and call urself aphobic proudly. Your an oxymoronic moron and ur not our ally.
I dont care if you "would be *insert ace identity* therefore you can comment on *same ace identity as before* validity" you dont identify as it, shut up, no one asked ur opinion on the matter
Fiction 100000% affects reality you nasties, theres not justification for the romanization of r*pe, pedophilia, abuse, incest, etc. Dark topics are 100% ok but not if ur trying to make them look good. The only good villian redemption arcs are zuko and bakugo. ❎
You dont need dysphoria to be transgender ❎
Im not anti-pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual but i am critical of the labels' history and the huge biphobia issues within their communities. All i ask you consider the label bi as bi has historically been defined as attraction to all genders, it has 100+ years of history over pan/poly/omni, its origins are much more humane and you dont spread misinformation about the bisexual label. Bisexuality has a shameful title in society and biphobia is very prevalent so its understandable why people would not want to connect to that label but thats not an excuse to demonize or sexualize bisexuals.❎
Skolio/ceterosexual are only vaild if its a nonbinary person who feels unsafe dating cis/binary people. ❎
Nazis and other bigots do not deserve a platform, thats how fascists and dictators come to power. ❎
Just because trump is worse than biden dosent make biden good. Vote bernie.
Reg means nothing because its all personal interpretation
Gatekeeping is a term made by trans women to explain them being excluded from healthcare, it dosent mean keeping people from invading other communities. Im not a doctor therefore i cant " gatekeep" you.
You have to have did/osdd to be a system and you have to have trauma to have did/osdd. Therefore you have to have trauma to have a system and endos can fuck off, ur ableist. ❎
Tulpamancy is part of closed poc-exclusive religious practice and has nothing to do with systemhood so if ur white and/or claim ur system cause you made a tulpa, ur not only racist and cultural appropriating but also ableist!❎
Pedos/maps/pears are not lgbt. Its a kink not an orientation. (Pocd people are not pedophiles and deserve support!) ❎
Stop stanning freaks like pewdiepie, jenna marbles, thomas Sanders, james charles, fya, cais/bunga, biggest gaudiest patronses, i am fish or other nasties. ❎
Most problematic sources can be consumed critically ( especially if its an autistic person with a hyperfixation) but some sources cant be saved and should burn.
Trying to say which intrusive thoughts are "ok" and " not ok" to have defeats the purpose of supporting those who have them. I have them, shut up if u dont. ❎
Kinnies are rad and i am one. ❎
I support all mogai identities as long as they arent; copycats to make something more " progressive", trans trivializing, fetishizing or otherwise gross. Im mogai neutral as long as the identity is harmless. Xenogender and like altersex stuff is rad as hell ❎
Nonbinary people are allowed to be uncomfortable being around/dating binary people, even if the binary person is trans. Enbyphobia is prevalent in all circles and we're allowed to be wary of ALL binary people ❎
Two-spirit and intersex/intergender people are not inherently lgbt but if the two spirit person is ok using western lgbt labels or the intersex person is trans, then they are lgbt. It is a personal decision and if you arent one or either, it's not your choice to decide if we are or aren't.❎
The drinking/smoking age should be 18.
*insert offputting kawaii death penality insta discourse image* anyway the government shouldnt be allowed to kill you period. Dont care who you are or what you did. ❎
Bring back the guillotine. Viva la revolution ❎
Dismantle the police system ❎
Supporting trump inherently makes you a shitty person cause it means you put no value the lives of those imprisoned at ice concentration camps or literally anything for the betterment of humanity. ❎
Seperate art from artist. Pirate. Fuck disney. Fuck notch. Fuck cavetown ❎
Conceal and carries shouldnt be allowed in hospitals, schools, places of worship, homeless shelters, fesitvals or any places that house oppressed, sick, injured, young, old or otherwise harmless people and peaceful places. ❎
Fujoshis and fundashis are homophobic and nasty asf ❎
"Factkin" dont exist, you cant be another living person, especially seince you dont and never will know everything about their life ❎
Hamiltons music was amazing but idk how to tell you that you shouldnt be supporting a musical that romantizes slave owners. ❎
Hazbin hotels/helluva boss's creator is a horrible person, the music and art style suck ass, alastor is a walking aphobic sterotype, angel dust is a walking homophobic stereotype and the show completely disregards the protags orientation. ❎
Christianity should be abolished and held responcible to the many it has killed and harmed but other abrahamic religions should be supported ❎
Self diagnosis is vaild if the person is well informed. Especially if the idividual is forced within a medical system that would kill, take away their children, refuse them the right to marry or otherwise be oppressive over the idividual if they were successfully diagnosed. ❎
Criminals dont need to be reformed, the system that creates them needs to be. ❎
Descalation officers and social workers who are trained to deal with people in scary situations would kill less people than cops ❎
Neo-pronouns and emoji pronouns are vaild ❎
Micro-labels are not inherently good or bad
Emo and alternative people are not oppressed for getting bullied wtf is wrong with you. ❎
It's not ok to bully people people over relatively harmless identities like pan/poly/Omni, demisexual/romantic, etc. Like idk how to tell you that isn't ok or responsible just because you think the labels are stupid. It's one thing to advocate aginest a community and it's another to personally harass someone just for being that identity. I may not like the history or the community but it isn't cool to bully these people. Not to mention ur a fucking idiot giving them attention and a person to point at as being "dangerous" to them. ❎
Sysmed and tramascum are transphobic and ableist labels, there is nothing wrong with medicalizing a fucking debilitating mental disorder.❎
Transandrophobia exists and if you still think trans men don't face any issues or suddenly gain male privilege, your a fucking idiot.❎
Autism speaks can die in a deep dark abyss❎
If youre still trying to defend a white YouTubers black face in 2023, what are you even doing?❎
Measuring race/ethnicity by percentages and trying to interpersonally decide whether someone is "x race enough to claim it" is just recycled ethnic purity bullshit, racist and it doesn't matter how low or large your percentage is as long as you are happy and respectful. ❎
Certain media can be consumed critically(mha, soul eater, FNAF, etc ) but other media simply can't( Harry Potter, hazbin hotel, hetalia, etc) and you'll have to deal with the consequences of supporting the entirely irredeemable media.
Will add to this as time gose on
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800-dick-pics · 4 years
nigga and dyke > queer general psa to stop calling me queer, unless i say that you can, c: dont white lgbts and lgbt lezphobes of color tend to sanitize my identity bc yall are uncomfortable with lesbians existing and us being happy and proud that we are only attracted to and exclusively have relationships with other sapphic people/women people see that as a threat to their lives and its so clear but how yall treat us, and how lesbians have fucking always been seen a mean and aggressive esp if youre fucking black or brown, and trans/nb/gnc its so weird how lesbians are a MINORITY in the lgbt community yet we are always seen as having “too much” representation/support/empathy/love/care/resources when we really fucking dont ppl saying that lesbians dont struggle “as bad” as gay men/ bi people/ trans people (as if some lesbians are a trans people) and fuck ive seen ppl say lesbians dont struggle bad as ace/poly/kinky people , is a fucking problem, people have withheld housing, donations and real lifesaving fucking support from lesbians because of how people within and outside the “community” view us as aggressors and oppressors or the fact that we are a “safe” type of lgbt and ppl dont think lezphobic violence and oppression isnt racialized, bc lol IT IS!!!!!! white lesbians are just as violent with me as white bi/pan women c:, non black bi/pan women and lesbians too like, bruh black bi women and i have literally the same types of gendered violence because we are fucking black and wlw, when white/non black bi women/other lgbt ppl say shit like “lesbians arent struggling “As bad” as us” its like yall dont even consider who gets the brunt of lezphobia and biphobia and its not the white/lightbrites on either sides arguing who “really” deserves support and understanding
hennyway if you reblog this go die c;
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grungegoths · 6 years
Im TIRED of providing sources,academic papers and statistical studies about how asexuality is a real sexuality and how ace people experience marginalization for being ace.How about yall provide ACTUAL sources and statistical studies about how asexuality isnt real and how aphobia doesnt exist??
Give me sources about how there has ALWAYS been a LGBT community since the beginning of gay activism and how it has ALWAYS included fighting against homophobia and transphobia ONLY. Give me stastical studies about how cishet ace people are sucking up resources like lgbtqa shelters,treatment and funds for AIDS,and Transition therapy when they arent even trans or gay and arent kicked out of their homes for being ace according to yall.
Show me academic papers and sources explicitly denying that asexual people have ever existed in history or havent participated in pride marches.Show me sources on how NO ace EVER experiences corrective rape for being ace.Give me sources on how EVERY person who was raped SPECIFICALLY AFTER telling their rapist that they were ace and were told that their asexuality can be “fixed” by the rapist was raped bc of MISOGYNY. 
Give me statistical studies about how NO ace person EVER has ever been forced to be “converted back into normalcy” by their peers.Give me stastical studies about how most people who had/are identifying as ace was/is experiencing internalized homophobia,some mental illness,body image issues or side effects of certain medications.Give me ACTUAL sources of ALL ace people being inherently homophobic,lesbophobic, and other -phobic other than those same 15 screenshots of a couple of shitty ace ppl on tumblr or troll blogs pretending to be ace here .
Ace people have been providing sources and statistical data supporting their claims for YEARS but i have YET to see any aphobe doing that.Literally ALL of aphobes’ arguments are just a bunch of “hot takes” which are taken at face value without any criticisms by other aphobes but all of ace people’s sources are brushed off or ignored.
Next time you want to make any aphobic claim,provide me sources or im not going to take it seriously.Ace people have MANY MANY sources and stats to back up their claims, aphobes have only a bunch of popular tumblr posts and screenshots of ace people being “cringey”.
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yarrowtincture · 4 years
Yall have followed me for a while, and i really have hardly gotten into discourse ever, so im sorry that this seems out of the blue
anyway i think if you paid attention to my recent discourse posts youll see im not calling the lgbt community “lgbt+” “lgbtqia” etc. i very specifically refer to it was lgbt.
when i was like 14 i actually supported mogai identities n educated others “its lgbtqiap :).” I went thru several phases in adolescence. I have always been gender non conforming and bisexual, but i went frm identifying as bi, to acespectrum panromantic, pansexual, transgender, agender.... ultimately i personally was overcomplicating the identity labels i was using, when at the end of the day i am a unique individual, a designated girl-person who doesnt have to present as girl-people “ought to” in society, who doesnt have to let men or anyone else determine what i can and cant do, and who is attracted to people of various gender presentations.
I think looking back its completely normal and valid for me to have identified as asexual when i was an actual child/minor, and CSA survivor, being sex repulsed at times, etc. and then i got a bit older and started processing my trauma in new ways and started navigating sexual relationships in a healthier way. I no longer felt the need to label my sexual attraction or lack thereof, because more important than my trauma and repulsion, was the comfort and solidarity that being a bisexual person in a bisexual community brings me.... im not saying every ace person is just traumatized, a repressed homo/bisexual, or a child, but you cannot tell me that there arent at least A LOT of people living that narrative, and it seems unhealthy to tell actual children that theyre asexual when it should be NORMALIZED to not have sexual feelings/relationships when ur a kid, and invent this spectrum of sexual and romantic attraction, as if humans have ever been so quantifiable? we have such rich, complicated internal worlds, and i know that it can feel thrilling to have new words to describe feelings that are indescribable, but basically we are just creating more and more boxes to put ourselves into, seperating ourselves more, and encouraging in-fighting from ace/aro to lgbt people. Why is it so important for ace people to be lgbt? Why cant you understand that you have to be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Trans to be part of this community, use its resources, and use its platform? Who ever said you have to be lgbt to receive support or validation in society lol? Why isnt it enough to have your own ace/aro communities? It would be fine if ace/aro people didnt literally speak over lgbt people when our experiences are not inherently the same??
Genuinely not trying to be rude or gatekeep anything, im just an almost 21 year old who has been in the lgbt community since i was a kid and have watched things change and experienced change.
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shigarakitomura · 5 years
cishet aces arent lgbt lmao. and dont try saying “you cant be cishet and ace” because if you can be trans & ace and gay & ace that means you can be cishet & ace also. it works both ways. exclusionists arent saying aces should ID as something else, we’re saying they need to stop saying theyre lgbt (if theyre cishet)
are we rlly gonna do this again, yall know my stance and ur not gonna change the fact that im an inclusionist just by being annoying
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heterophobiclesbean · 5 years
There were literally 4 trans dudes and aceys wanna cry about rep lol
whats wild is like.... the chart is titled with the acronym “LGBT” and then it goes on to list the lesbian, gay, bi (men and women), and trans (men and women) like........... why would it include info........ that wasnt specified in the title of the chart............. maybe if u want info on people who arent LGBT dont look at an infographic from an LGBT organization on LGBT characters?? like ya babes u arent gonna be on an infographic that isnt about you lmao...
also yeah um aces have no business complaining about rep when there was a whole ass 4 trans guys and aces got rep in big shit like bojack and shadowhunters like... calm down the only reason you dont have rep is because its really fucking weird for characters to just be like “I dont experience sexual attraction” in normal goddamn tv shows when like. being lgbt doesnt have to automatically mean disclosing your private sexual desires like maybe yall dont have rep because its not normal to share that kind of thing with people the way it is to share being lgbt
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misandryapologist · 6 years
No one is saying you cant be lgbt if youre ace, were saying you arent lgbt because your ace, if your ace and a lesbain then ur lgbt, gay and ace? Lgbt. Bi/pan and ace? Lgbt. Trans/nb and ace? Lgbt. Being ace alone doesnt qualify you to be lgbt bc ace doesnt fall under any of the letters in the acronym, this isnt really a hard concept, yall just think its a cool club for you to join.
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ungracefulace · 5 years
You know, exclusionists LOVE saying "oh asexuality is valid and we support it, its just not LGBT" and I just wonder, what does that mean for yall? How do you consider asexuality valid past just saying that?
Does that mean you are actually going to acknowledge that asexuality is a sexuality and not a preference or choosing not to have sex?
Does that mean you listen to asexuals when they talk about the specific shit they face for being asexual?
Does that mean you arent going to make fun of aces because we are ""cringey"" or whatever and actually call out people who do?
Does that mean you arent going to take a shitty tumblr post from years ago or self admitted troll blogs as proof of how harmful the ace community is?
Does that mean you are going to stop policing us on what our orientation ~really means~?
Does that mean you are going to stop claiming that asexuality is inherently harmful because you misidentified as such when you were younger and ended up not being ace?
Or is it just something you can say to sound nice while immediately after reblogging some whites hot take about how ace headcanons are racist and desexualizing for characters of color? Or going on about how annoying and terrible aces are? Or invading ace servers and online communities to try to gather "receipts" for some reason?
Like, genuine question here @ exclus, what in the hell do yall consider support or ~validity~? If you think the ace community should be separate but allied, how are you being an ally? What is the tangible meaning behind "you guys are valid but not LGBT"?
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butch-bakugo · 4 years
Not to sound like an inclue
But being ace and being aro isnt all dragons and cake as exclues often make it out to be. I legit dont care how many times you scream at us, not nessearily inclues, that we have some sort of "privilage " because society finds celibacy/lack of sexual/promiscuous activity virtuous. Ok, your society might but this is not an international or hell id argue as low as state wide thing.
It dosent stop you and plenty of others still veiwing/calling us freaks for lacking sexual desires. It dosent stop horror movies turning aros and neurodiverse people into villains. We arent lower on the damn social scale than you and yall so often bully us for the cishets in our communities being cishets. You pretend we are all the same damn thing and we arent and all your lgbt ace and aro elders would find you insufferably idiotic.
You shit on us and pretend we arent lgbt or are less lgbt for being ace and aro and that sort of superiority complex needs to die. You often say you support us then turn around and tell us what to do with our communties and terms that your not a part of or have the right to. Or you tell us we shouldnt ever talk about our asexuality and/or Aromantisim in lgbt spaces cause " no body wants to know" as if you legit didnt just recycle god damn homophobic language right there. Or devalue our labels down to modifiers as if we shouldnt or cant be more proud of our asexuality/Aromantisim than any other label we have. Or constantly make fun of our language and terms because they are " cringey" or " unnecessary" while screaming about ending cringe culture. Or pretending we all fit in your asexual sterotype of being young, afab, enby, panromantic, inclusionists likeing steven universe, sanders sides, voltron, she-ra, etc. You legit recycle transmed rhetoric and your not special for bullying a group you veiw below you. The asexual/aromantic cishet exclusionist movement is about protecting the lgbt communtiy from cishets who.may be invading it, taking our resources, making safe spaces no longer safe by inviting our oppressors in and thats a fair message but yall have turned ace into the new cis or het or white and wonder why your getting called insufferable truscum lites or bullies cause your not fighting for that message.
You just hate ace/aro culture, veiw it to be immature and cringey, found a circle jerk that feeds that unessesary need of yours, appropriated a label from an unrelated movement and ran marathons with it.
Fucking hell your no better than your equally as insufferable die-hard inclusionist counter parts.
Inclue, exclue dont matter if you allo rb this to prove youse an ally
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melto · 6 years
kinda a hot take but yall are all so vile and defensive when it comes to ace discourse that u scare everyone from learning about themselves. many younger people id as ace at first because they do not understand their attraction, be it someone who is straight or lgb. there are many reasons as where they just dont undertsand what sexualitly is or are uncomfy with theirs aka internalized homophobia. i used to id as ace but i dont anymore and it’s 100% because im trans and i used to be so uncomfortable with my body that i refused and couldnt view it in a sexual way or it ever being wanted in a sexual way due to my own internalized transphobia. a lot of kids, especially younger lgbt kids, fall victim but yall are so fucking nasty and force them to id as ace and say all this shit to confuse them instead of helping them get to the root of their problems with their bodies, attractions, etc. yeah being ace is valid and like maybe u are! im not saying EVERYONE who’s ace grows out of it but u literally hunt kids down and force the idea down their throats and leave them no room to actually find themselves. exclusionists arent any better, yall make fun of kids who dont know any better so they are scared of reaching out and exploring because they feel like they will be condemned. yall all need to shut up and let kids figure themselves out and not play god with them.
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love-ndletter · 7 years
i meant to say this forever ago but if youre disrespectful to ace/aro/demi/grey/etc people youre a piece of trash dont follow me. this goes double if you think they dont belong in the lgbt.
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pidgeisachad · 6 years
what do inclusionists not get about ace ppl not being oppressed BECAUSE they're ace like... individual experiences, while horrible, dont make it oppression. The DSM5 doesnt list you as a mental illness (http://www.asexualityarchive.com/asexuality-in-the-dsm-5/)... there isn't anything systematically in place specifically because you're ace that's harming you. the most of your issues comes from misogyny which effects everyone except cishet rich white men. Asexual people arent beaten and killed and abused etc by the masses for being asexual. yall are valid as hell and I love each and every one of u but u need to stop basing yr identity's worth in whether you're oppressed or not or part of community with resources that aren't for you or not because that she is unhealthy as hell and is detrimental to the lgbt community. Pls just go outside and do a little bit of research, it ain't hard
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crossbow · 4 years
i. dont think people realize that you dont have to add the alphabet to the end of lgbt like.. lgbt means lesbian gay bisexual transgender and all microlabels yall create fall under one of those categories.. plus intersex ppl have asked not to be included in it and ace ppl arent lgbt by virtue of being ace so can we just. not include those anymore
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