#yandere bea
yanpotatowriter · 1 year
Yandere Pokémon masterlist
Pokémon sword and shield: Leon: General Yandere Leon headcanons Yandere Leon promt Raihan: General Yandere Raihan headcanons Piers: Yandere Piers Headcanons Gordie: General Yandere Gordie Headcanons Bea: nothing yet Kabu: nothing yet Nessa: nothing yet Milo: General Yandere Milo headcanons Hop: General Yandere Hop headcanons Bede: General Yandere Bede headcanons Marnie: nothing yet Chairman Rose: nothing yet Oleana: nothing yet
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shallyouobeyme · 8 months
Okay so I read some of your recent stuff.
Whoooo boy I love Yandere Erasermic. Power couple right there- especially once you add Shinsou and Eri to the mix. Arguably they’re all a different type of dangerous, even without their quirks, but with them? You’re absolutely doomed.
Oh, absolutely. You're basically done for. I mean Shinsou alone is basically a powerhouse of Yandere-ness. I mean one answer of you and he has you right where he needs you. 'Come little sibling, our dad's are waiting for us at home.' And then we add Aizawa who has the ability to stop your little 'tantrums' if you have a quirk which could be harmful, and with his status as a pro-hero, he has pretty easy access to quirk-cancelling accessories.
Also in general, Aizawa and Mic are both pro-heroes, with one of them actually having a pretty big reach thanks to his own radio show. So it's safe to say that no one would ever believe you if you came out and claimed the two of them had kidnapped you. Like, are you serious? Two very respected pro-heroes kidnapped you and made you play house with them? Yeah, sure, time to call the psych ward. Don't worry though, from the kindness of their hearts, the two will get you out of the psych ward and get you the help you need (aka. back to playing house with them you go.)
And then there's Eri -sweet, amazing, cute, Eri - how could you look at this adorable, little angel and traumatize her by throwing a tantrum or becoming violent? And while you wouldn't think Eri to actually be a Yandere in herself - I mean she's just a kid, what bad could she do, right? - this little girl can fit so much trauma that having you introduced into her life as a sibling to protect and care for, only for you to try and escape? Well, can you blame her for going a little wild trying to keep you safe?
There's a fanfiction from @lolita-lollipop (whose stories I adore) where Eri panics while the reader is trying to escape and turns them into a literal baby and I absolutely love that idea as like a last resort when none of the punishments, manipulation and tactics get them to come to terms with their reality so go and give that a read if you like this idea.
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dreaming-of-lu · 1 year
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gore underneath
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desires-of-chain · 1 year
Man mermay is the best so many ideas I wish your requests where open.
But I have a better idea
Image fd and time link are Great White shark's or better yet fd is a dinosaur shark mermaid Likr he huge
And Tessin the reader in front of time and the others and just having a blast during mating season.
Like the reader screwed in mermaid mating season for them
Especially if they boy are yandere for her and want to breed her and mark her
She won't be walking for a long time and there no escape!
Haha btw can I be 🐵 Aron please
You're reading my mind 🐵 anon, reading my mind uwu
Reader better prepare herself for the breeding cause it's gon be nonstop 😋
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Info-Chan was being suspiciously generous today. Out of nowhere, Info comes up with an “idea” to get Osana expelled for having things in her bag that she shouldn’t. Cigarettes, answer sheets, so on and so forth. And since Ayano apparently did Info-Chan such a “big” favor with Mai’s phone, it was enough to get her a freebee from Info-Chan. In this case, that was cigarettes.
As she walks into the class, she notices that a couple of students are still hanging around in there. Two of them were from outside of her class anyway. One of them was Kokoro Momoiro, who was meant to be in class 1-2, and Bea Gemron, another transfer student who was meant to be in class 2-2. They seemed to be hanging out with Hana Daidayama at the moment.
Outside of them, there was Enpitsu Byoga, who actually belonged to the class, although it was strange that he was here instead of outside of his clubroom. When Ayano approached him, he looked up suddenly, but looked back down, just as suddenly disinterested. “Hello, Ayano.”
“Enpitsu. What are you doing in class?” Ayano asks, tilting her head to the side.
Enpitsu shrugs. “I’ve been in several rooms. Geiju told me that if I’m so focused on beauty, then I should draw all the girls in school and figure out which ones would work as the best muse.” He rolls his eyes. “Which is a complete waste of time- we all already know who the most beautiful girl in school is.”
The artist was always pretty narcissistic. If anything, his obsession with beautiful girls probably stems from him wanting someone who “measures up to his beauty”, or something of the sort. So far, the only person he’s bothered with trying to get as his muse was Meka Nikaru, who ironically has rejected his attempts.
“Simp says what?” Bea calls to Enpitsu, who turns to her with a raised eyebrow.
“What?” He asks, but scoffs as soon as he realizes that he fell for that trick. “She’s just jealous. “
“Of you or Meka?” Ayano asks, only receiving a shrug in return.
Instead of answering Ayano’s question, Enpitsu taps his pen in his notebook. “Have you ever thought of letting your hair down and styling your hair differently, Ayano?”
Ayano furrows her eyebrows. “I am not going to style my hair like Meka’s.” She states in finality.
Enpitsu sighs, “I guess asking you to dye your hair wouldn’t work out very well, either.” He mumbles, sketching something on his notebook. “I do recommend changing your hairstyle, though. Some people might bother approaching you if you did. Maybe they’d even give you compliments.” He shrugs nonchalantly.
Ayano frowned but did contemplate that idea. As she did, Enpitsu received a text on his phone. His eyes widened briefly, and he paused in thought before slowly lowering his phone and giving Ayano a smile. “Yan-Chan, my favorite classmate!” He purrs, and Ayano herself cringes at his purely artificial smile.
“You know, we’ve been friends for a while..” He starts, but immediately stops when he sees Ayano’s unamused expression. “I need you to convince Meka to be my muse.”
“Why?” Ayano inquires, tilting her head to the side.
“Why do I need her to be my muse, or why should you?” Enpitsu asks, but waves her off and answers both anyway, “I need Meka because she’s the most beautiful girl in this school. My one goal is to capture beauty, and yet she runs from me.” He sighs.
Meka didn’t actually flee from Enpitsu, but Ayano was sure she would if it came to it. From what she’s heard, Meka just locks the doors to the club room until he goes away. “As for why you should..” Enpitsu scans the classroom, sweeping a hand beneath his chin in thought. He then shrugs, “A favor for a favor? I’ll tell my whole club that you’re just the sparkliest angel out there. Even though the majority of them won’t care. Myself included.”
“I’ll take the favor bit.” Ayano claims, folding her arms and shrugging. “How would I get her to do that if you couldn’t, though?”
Enpitsu hums in thought, but likely not much thought considering he continued drawing for at least 20 seconds before speaking back up. “Uh, maybe she needs a new perspective? Some artists work better while looking from a different angle at the same project. Maybe if she hears from another person that she would make a lovely muse, she’ll cave!”
“Meka isn’t an artist.” Ayano points out. In return she only gets an irritated sputter and dismissive hand-waving from Enpitsu.
“I’ll even pay you to get this done, Ayano.” Enpitsu claims, digging into his bag. “If I don’t get this task done Geiju says he’s going to make me draw something hideous instead. Plead her if you have to.” He says, standing up and putting a twenty dollar bill in Ayano’s hand.
“Right..” Ayano rolls her eyes, putting the money in her pocket. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Enpitsu twiddles his fingers with a satisfied look. “You’re the lovliest!” He cheers. “Still not the most beautiful, though..”
Ayano glares at him, tempted to throw him a middle finger, but just realizing that that would probably lessen the reward. She pulls out her phone as she walks down the hallway. Texting Info-Chan, she asks:
Yan-Chan: How would I go about befriending Meka Nikaru?
Uekiya hums lightly, pruning some plants in the greenhouse with a pair of scissors. “Hey, Uekiya.” A familiar voice calls out to her.
“Oh, Kyuji. Hello, dear!” Uekiya places the scissors down and takes a handful of the access leaves that she cut off. She brings them to a corner of the garden that serves as compost. “Have you reconsidered joining?” She asks, wiping her gloved hands together briefly.
Kyuji hums, rubbing the back of his neck. “I.. I want to, but..” He pauses briefly, deciding on how he should word it. “I’d.. like to join with… that girl I told you about? If I can convince her to join. I just.. I guess want to stay with her? But- that’s only after I manage to confess to her.” He says, trying his best to sound confident but immediately faltering at the thought of his crush.
Uekiya giggles. “Aw, that’s so sweet! You sound just like my father!” She claims, “He used to go on and on about how he would always try to stick to my mother’s side when they were in highschool. So cute!” She hums, putting a hand on her cheek sweetly.
Grabbing the scissors again, Uekiya slips the gloves off of her fingers and hands them to Kyuji. “I’ve given you plenty of tips so far, I want to see how well you cut some flowers!”
“I, uh.. Me..?” Kyuji asks, slowly putting the gloves on and taking the scissors. “I mean.. Which ones do I even cut?”
“Anything on that row.” Uekiya points to the left side of the greenhouse. “Pick whichever ones you think Osana would like. I’m sure it would mean a lot more for the both of you if you could proudly say that you cut them yourself!”
Kyuji blushes lightly at the thought. “..maybe.. Wait, how’d you know it was Osana?”
“‘Kyuji totally stopped hanging out with his friends to stalk Osana’! ‘Bros before hoes where??’” Uekiya laughs at the fact that she was even using such language. “I’m sorry.. Those gyaru girls really do have mouths on them. No one takes it seriously, of course, because of how dramatically it’s formatted online, but plenty have heard of it.”
“Ah.. God, that’s…” Kyuji sighs, “How much do you wanna bet that Osana or her friend already saw that?” He asks, nervously rubbing the back of his hand.
Uekiya hums, pulling her mouth into a stiff smile. “I… think it’s best not to worry about that right now, hehe..”
Kyuji exhales, attempting to rid of all of his dread at that realization, and instead focuses on what flower he would pick for Osana. Hopefully if she did hear about the rumours, it wouldn’t affect how she sees him.
Meka furrows her eyebrows, tilting her head to the side at Ayano’s explanation. “Did Enpitsu send you to convince me to be his muse?” She guesses immediately and correctly despite Ayano’s attempt to seem social and friendly. Maybe that didn’t appeal to Meka?
Sighing, Ayano deflates visibility. “How’d you know?” She asks, despite reaping no positive reaction from Meka she still continued her girly-ish persona.
“He’s sent his club mates and a couple of his few friends to convince me before.” Meka explains. “But none of them have bothered doing anything for me in return, so I always refused.” She shakes her head in disapproval. “God forbid I ask Enpitsu to do something himself.”
Ayano crosses her arms, allowing her friendly mask to drop just slightly. “That’s ironic. I’m doing this in exchange for a favor from him. I’m sure I’ll love hearing him complain afterwards.”
Meka nods, her face still straight. “Aye, as many can agree. I’m sure if Enpitsu could learn to look outside himself he’d be a much more pleasant company.” She clears her throat. “But that’s besides the point. I’ve a favor if I have to become Enpitsu’s muse.”
“Thought so.” Ayano hums, smiling lightly in an attempt to return to her “girly” persona.
“I’d like to use the storage room frequently since it’s really only ever used for…well, storage.” Meka crosses her arms, “If you could move some things out of the storage room and place them elsewhere in order to make room, I would be grateful. I know a lot of that stuff is pretty big, so at least pushing the majority from one side to the other would be very much appreciated.”
Ayano nods. “I’ve got it. I’ll get it done in no time, you just wait!” She says with a confident smile before heading downstairs to get started on the task immediately.
The storage room was generally pretty clean. Some shelves and spare chairs were in the way. Not to mention a large chest in the middle of the back of the room. Maybe it would be alright if Ayano just moved everything she could from the right side to the left. Everything on the right side seemed to be generally light anyway.
Ayano exhaled, stretching her arms, legs and back before starting off with the foldable chairs and tossing them on top of one of the vaulting boxes. There was what looked to be a spare dolly to the right as well. Assuming that Ayano would need it to move something else, she moved it outside of the storage room, which caught the attention of one of the Sport’s Club members. One of the slowest ones, who was still in the middle of his stretches.
“Yano-San?” Mantaro called, jogging over. He was clearly exhausted from whatever his clubmates were still in the middle of doing, but tried his best to slow down his breathing. “Uh..what’re you up to?” He asks, looking at her and then peeking to the storage room.
Ayano stands up, kicking the dolly away a bit. “I’m neatening up the storage room for Meka. She said she’d likely need the room, and chose this room due to it hardly ever being used.” She explained, putting a hand on her hip confidently.
“It’ll take a while alone, won’t it?” Mantaro asked, blushing a bit with a shy smile. “I mean.. Would you… like some help? It’s- totally fine if you don’t need it.” He assured her nervously. Ayano wondered if his nervous demeanor was normal when talking to acquaintances or if her attempt at a confident stance was working on him.
“I’d appreciate that, Mantaro.” Ayano said with a smile before holding a hand out to the shelves. “I plan on moving those over to the left side so that the right side is completely clear. I’ll need to move all the access maps and vault boxes off of it to make it easier, though. Do you think you could help me with all that?” She asks, placing her hands on her hips.
Mantaro nods with a big smile. “Totally! I mean- of course, you can count on me!” He says gladly, happy to be able to help at all, Ayano assumed. He rolls up his sleeves and Ayano kneels down to grab a couple of mats.
By the time the two were finished, it was 7:45. A bit of time left, but Ayano did need to hurry up if her goal was to get this whole process over with efficiently. “How’s this look, Yano?” Mantaro asks, his brow dripping with sweat.
The entire time, Mantaro rushed to do several things that Ayano was planning on doing, likely as a workout or maybe to make out that he wasn’t with his club at the moment. Or maybe just to be even more helpful. Whatever the reason, it worked out significantly for Ayano, as in the end the storage room was cleaned up and nearly cleaned out and she’d hardly broken a sweat.
“Perfect!” Ayano gives Mantaro a firm pat on the back. “Good job, Mantaro. You worked great there!” She assures him, making Mantaro blush and beam with pride.
“No problem! Call on me any time, okay?” Mantaro holds two thumbs up to her, “I’m gonna go finish up with my club, though. See ya!” He waves happily, jogging out of the gymnasium.
Now that that hassle was out of the way, she just needed to stop by the science club and then Enpitsu. Perhaps he could call Hana, Kokoro and Bea out of the classroom for a moment? That would give Ayano just enough time to put the cigarettes in Osana’s bag, Ayano decided.
“I see.” Meka hooks a hand beneath her chin as she admires the photo Ayano took of the storage room. “I’m impressed you could do all of that on your own. And in such a short amount of time.”
“Actually, I got a lot of help from Mantaro. One of the sport’s club members.” Ayano explained. She was sure that if she’d claimed all of the credit for the work that was done, Meka would assume that she was a very strong and efficient person. Which she wasn’t just yet. With enough gym classes, though, Ayano was sure that she could fix that quickly.
Meka nods. “I appreciate the help, Ayano. I’ll be sure to thank Mantaro as well later.” She says to Ayano, “Tell Enpitsu that I’ll be his… muse during cleaning time. I’ve things to do until then.”
“Got it. Thanks a bunch, Meka.” Ayano waves, heading downstairs and towards her own class.
Once she arrived at the classroom, she saw that all four of the people that were there earlier were still inside. Enpitsu’s expression lights up as he spots Ayano, and he raises to his feet. “So? What’d she say? Did she finally agree? What took you so long?”
Nodding, Ayano puts a hand on her hip. “That’s right.” She furrows her eyebrows at his last question. “I did a task for her in order to get her to agree. She says that you’d never bother getting your hands dirty.”
“Ha! She knows me so well.” Enpitsu chuckles and shakes his head, flipping some of his hair in his regular narcissistic fashion. “Anyway, did you need that favor now or can I–”
“--I need it now.” Ayano interrupts. Enpitsu rolls his eyes at this with a reluctant expression. “Distract them for a minute.” She nods to the trio of bullies.
Enpitsu looks back at the chatting girls before raising an eyebrow Ayano’s way. “For what?”
Ayano shakes her head. “I just need you to. Get them out of the room for a minute.” She demands, crossing her arms.
“Right, so you can put a whoopie coushin on Hana’s chair.” Enpitsu rolls his eyes again. Despite his sarcasm, he does end up getting up and swiftly walking out of the room.
After a moment, he peeks his head back in. “Hey, there’s, like.. A wad of cash on the floor in the cafeteria?”
“It’s mine!” Hana claims, darting out of the room. Kokoro gapes, likely not wanting Hana to snatch someone else’s money, but stays quiet and follows her.
“Watch it be, like, two bucks.” Bea chuckles, following the two. Now that the three of them were out, Ayano was able to swiftly slip the cigarettes into Osana’s bag.
Ayano sighs, not feeling as accomplished as she hoped she would, likely because the process was a lot longer than she thought it would be. Maybe she should try doing her peers’ tasks more often. Maybe that would prevent having nearly no one to ask for help?
As Ayano thinks over more ways to make her schemes more efficient, Hana’s whining comes to her attention. “This is what you call a wad of cash, Byoga?!” She hisses, throwing the two dollars back at him. Enpitsu only shrugs with a smile, walking back to his seat.
Bea quickly snatches the money up and snickers. “Hey, two dollars is two dollars. I can buy eight whole gumballs with this.” She claims, stuffing the two dollar bills into her skirt pocket.
“Whatever.” Hana rolls her eyes, sitting at her own seat as Kokoro and Bea sit on a desk near her to continue chatting.
Ayano leaves the room, heading towards the guidance counselor downstairs. Enpitsu watches as she leaves, wondering what exactly she did, but shrugs it off and continues sketching.
Genka’s eyes widen slightly at Ayano’s accusation. “And.. you know this how?” She asks, folding her arms with a serious expression.
“I saw her move them from her pocket into her bag this morning.” Ayano claimed, tapping her fingers onto her other hand in faux nervousness as she avoided Genka’s gaze.
“That’s a clear violation of the rules, not to mention completely illegal. This could call for serious punishment..” Genka sighs, neatening up a stack of papers on her desk. “Strange. She’s usually such a well-behaved young lady.” Shaking her head, Genka continues. “I’ll ask her about it later. Thank you for telling me this.” She says, nodding to Ayano.
Ayano respectfully bows her head to Genka before quietly leaving the room. Serious punishment, huh? Considering a minor smoking is illegal, she should face expulsion, right? It only makes sense, surely.
As Ayano hoped, Genka came to Ayano’s class and called for Osana. Around five minutes later, Osana came back looking ashamed, but not holding the expression of dread Ayano thought any suddenly expelled student would have. As Osana sits down and puts her bag back on the hook of her desk, her question is answered. She wasn’t expelled.
“What happened..?” Raibaru asked quietly, her voice low as to not get the teacher’s attention.
“Miss Kunahito found…cigarettes in my bag. I’m not sure how they got there..” Osana says with, frowning. Raibaru gave her a shocked look. “Not even my parents smoke. It doesn’t make any sense..!”
“Osana.” Mrs. Fukahori called, glaring at the pigtailed girl. “Miss Genka already had a talk with you. I expect no further interruptions.” She said, putting a hand on her hip.
“Right. Sorry, Mrs. Fukahori.” Osana bows her head quickly, getting a nod from Mrs. Fukahori, as she turned to continue writing on the board.
As Osana pays attention to her book once again, Raibaru whispers. “Glad to hear you aren’t in any serious trouble.” She smiles and nods, and Osana smiles back.
But why not?
Ayano’s phone vibrated quietly, and she took a look up at her teacher’s back before looking down to her phone.
Info-Chan: I don’t think just one event will get Osana expelled.
Info-Chan: If anything, you would probably have to frame her for the whole week.
Yan-Chan: Why didn’t you tell me this before I went through all of that effort?
Info-Chan: It’s one thing to hear about something and another thing to experience it :)
Yan-Chan: I’m running out of time. What the hell do I do?
Info-Chan: Let’s try again tomorrow. We can probably get something done then :D
Ayano: But we have the rest of the day.
She doesn’t recieve a reply from her oh-so-helpful informant, and she quietly stuffs her phone back into her pocket. What was Info-Chan planning? Did she have a plan? Or was she just stringing Ayano along until she inevitably failed?
Ayano puts her cheek in her hand as she leans her elbow onto her desk. What could Info-Chan gain from all of this playing around? Was this the form of entertainment that she really wanted? Just leading Ayano astray instead of allowing her to properly stop her rival?
“Aishi!” Mrs. Fukahori smacked a ruler against the board, making Ayano flinch. “What on Earth has got you all so distracted?” She sighed, pointing the ruler to a question she’s written on the board. “Can you answer this?” She asked.
“Sorry.” Ayano replies blankly, “Yes, I can.”
Tomorrow was a “new day”, Info-Chan would say. But what good is a new day if it’s your last? Or second to last?
What non-harmful plan could Ayano even try at this point? If this didn’t move fast enough, she would have to take drastic measures.
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lurvelybones · 11 months
I'm excited to share my favorite yandere serial killers novel!!! It's the first book in the author's (Bea Infamous💖💖) series called Human Evil. Below is the book description:
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Ashley looked forward to her new role as a moth looks forward to an electric light, drawn-in inexplicably and equally doomed upon contact.'
Seventeen year old Ashley has her life mapped out as an aspiring psychologist. Bright and brilliant, with a particular fascination for warped and extraordinary minds, she leaps at the offer of work experience at Dale-Creek Hill, a private facility for the criminally unsound. Dazzled by the facility, Ashley strives to prove herself to her colleagues and the wily Head of the facility.
However, in her eagerness to unlock the secrets of the inmates minds, Ashley fails to realise she has a secret of her own, one that will connect her to two ingenious serial killers and change her life forever.
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creepy-friday · 1 year
Ok ok
Hear me out
Imagine if the Proxies were in any type of relationship with Y/N, and Y/N isn't a proxy or maid or anything.
And Y/N got pregnant 💀
Brownie points if the baby is a girl-.
Notes: the reader is in an established relationship with them,and kept the pregnancy a secret until the only option was for the baby to be born
Warnings: pregnancy mentions,yandere tendencies in Brian's part,mental illness in Toby's and misogyny in Tim's
Special thanks to @spookyravioli for the inspiration♡
"Oh.Oh." Toby's first reaction is shock and slowly the feeling of dread would start to overcome him
He never imagined himself as a lover,let alone the tought of becoming a parent.Toughts of his own father started to beat him up,and insecurity spread trough him like a disease
He needs A LOT of reassurance in order for him to not break down.During the pregnancy he would be very supportive partner and would try to keep you as happy as possible
He bought a shit ton of books,from parenthood guide books to kids ones that he would often read to calm down
When the daughter was born,multiple thoughts entered his brain."I'm a father now." sounds both bittersweet and scary to him
This was the time when he started to take medicine for his outbursts,not only for him,but for both yourself and the baby's sake
As much as he wanted to not traumatize his daughter,he couldn't help but make her be constantly on edge
She wasn't afraid of him,but rather wary,slowly understanding that her father wasn't always in the right place
Despite his early efforts,I can see as the daughter grows up she would start to resent him from all the things that he hides away from her to the way he seems off putting
Because Toby's workplace is a demanding one,I can see him completely giving up on meds and having angry withdrawals because of it
That's why it will be up to the daughter to either sugarcoat the way her father is or to step up and overgrow him
Surprisingly,Masky's first tought isn't to go buy milk.Instead,he takes his time to reason with you and to list all the complication the baby will come with
He tries to be a good lover to you,he really doesn't want the of risk losing you because of his shitty moods,that's why he genuinely tries to not stress you out during the pregnancy
Tim will take care of anything you need,even if he would mutter something under his breath,all he does is for you.In his mind,if he loses you he will lose himself as well,that's why he's so eager to please you
After getting into a verbal fight with half of the hospital personnel,he almost lost his mind when he heard that he was having a daughter
He grew up distant for a while,and was passive aggressive while taking care of the baby,as if her whole existence's worth is based off her gender
After he became warmer to you he became colder to the daughter as time flew by and she grew older
"It's because you're a girl" ; "This isn't a girl's job" ; "Are you really going to wear that?Unfit for a girl"
I can see the daughter growing up to break down her father's stereotypes,but at the same time battling with his inner demons
She might have addiction problems and become obsessive over subjects she can have control over
If the mother doesn't do anything about it,I can see the daughter having a history with battling the same type of mental illness her father had
Brian knew all along about your pregnancy,and secretly enjoyed the tought of something or someone to keep both of you forever together
After all,the baby is the living proof of your love,that's what he believes
He made sure you're kept safe and get the best health care from other women doctors/nurses,he doesn't trust male personnel
Brian was an implicated parent,altough he heavily wanted as little communication as possible from you and the outside world
From the time the daughter became a toddler,he started to grow those sick ideas into her little head about how ugly society is
As time flew by,he already convinced her that all men are beasts,and that the only safe resort she has are her parents
He not only made both yourself and your daughter paranoid,but made sure that the others would avoid interacting with both of you by saying things like "oh,my wife became mentally ill because of pregnancy complications..please do not stress her out"
If the daughter grows suspicious about her father's occupation,she would keep it a secret from her panicked mother and would try to figure it out herself,all while trying not to give Brian any clue about it
Brian genuinely thinks he made a safe space for his family,and without the reader's reasoning I can see both the reader and her daughter having a limited life inside the cabin and the forest
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kingdomofred · 2 months
Burn & Burn Again (Male Yandere!Writer x GN!Reader)
feat. Sun Vasileiou Nevrakis
♡ pt.0, approx. 2.5k words | next.
♡ post-specific warnings: reader is slightly self-depreciating, very short innuendos | series warnings: yandere themes, reader is a horrendous flirt
♡ a/n: this is purely a work of fiction. yandere behaviour in real life is a cause of concern. unedited, not proofread.
You'd finally gotten a break, spiralling down a rabbit hole trying to find something to entertain yourself with. The snow fell in blankets outside and you sat huddled on your mattress. A mug of black tea had long since gone cold on the bedside table. It'd been a few hours since you picked up your phone, watching videos, searching random things, stumbling across old forums. Nothing was interesting you, and you were dying to find something to busy yourself with before evening turned to night and you'd be left with the feeling of wasting away what little moments of reprieve you had from the hustle and bustle of your life.
Just as you were getting ready to give up and spend the rest of your time staring at the wall wallowing about your poor decision-making, something caught your eye. A brightly coloured thumbnail on your browser's news section. The headline seemed compelling enough so you clicked on the article and skimmed through it. Apparently, to celebrate their coming anniversary, the publishing company Writermad would be holding an event in which a fan could partake in a one-on-one interview with bestselling author, S.V. Nevrakis.
You'd click away if you hadn't actually read any of his books — the whole selection process just seemed tedious and too much for someone as stressed as you — but you had read his books. They were damn good. That opinion wasn't yours alone either; the book sales, paired with the multiple movie adaptations and merchandise production all spoke for themselves. There hadn't been another author so renowned for their works since Larry Otter had been published and now that you were checking social media, almost everyone across your feed was buzzing about it.
You typed in the address of the official Writermad website where the online applications were open and read through the requirements there. Your eyes flicked over the screen once, twice. You were so tired. There were too many rules, practically a wall of text. The likelihood of you actually winning the interview chance was basically zero. It wasn't worth the effort.
A notification made your phone vibrate in your hand. Your best friend had sent you a link to a different article that covered the same topic, and then a series of keyboard smashes. You almost smiled. She was a bit of a bookworm, you'd always found that cute. She really liked S.V Nevrakis. You pictured what her reaction would be if she'd won, how she'd jump on you and squeal excitedly. Your smile dropped when you imagined how depressed she'd be if the lucky chance missed her. Maybe if you did enter, and at the possibility you got the place, you could give it to her. Just to make her happy. Odds of two against an indiscernable amount were still better than one, right?
With a sigh, you reply to her messages with a thumbs up emoji and start filling out one of the many long forms.
"Here." A cute bear-shaped mug was placed in front of you on the coffee table. The petite hands that were wrapped around it prior tugged your phone from your grip. "Drink it while it's hot."
"Thanks, Bea." You smiled, then sniffled. The tea was scalding. It burnt your tongue on the way down, but your throat felt nice and warm, more tingly than scratchy like it had been for the majority of your cold. "Sorry for making you do all this on your day off," you looked away from her sheepishly, "I know you really wanted to hole up."
Bea cupped your cheeks and pulled your face back towards her. "You didn't make me do anything. I offered to come down." Even her stern voice was sweet. You didn't know what you did to deserve such a kind friend. "Plus, I can't just be sad about it forever," she moved to sit down next to you on the sofa, features falling with a sigh, "one out of however many million applied. I barely stood a chance."
"Bea..." you trailed off, and let her lean against your side. You were back on your phone, refreshing your emails again and again. You were terrible at comforting people, but you really wanted to make her happy somehow. Your brows furrowed. You understood that announcing the winner last was to keep tension high about the whole event, but it was beginning to get on your nerves. It had already been two weeks, all the rejections should have been sent by now. You hadn't recieved anything. There was still a chance. You just needed something good to pop-up in your emails.
"I mean, it'd have been really cool to see Nevrakis in real life. He doesn't even do interviews normally, he's really private. No one even knows what he looks like! Do you think-"
"Bea." You cut her off, eyes not leaving your screen.
"I know, I know, I'm rambling and you're getting bored but-"
"No! Bea, look." You shoved your phone in her face, open on a colourful email that started with a bold 'Congratulations!'.
"Oh." Bea blinked. Then, she snatched your phone up and held it right up to her eyes. "Oh! Y/N, you won! You actually won! You're gonna get to meet Nevrakis! You're gonna interview him!" She smacked your shoulder excitedly. You smiled through your wince, happy to see her spirits lifted.
"You can go instead of me."
"What?" Bea stopped hitting you and looked at you with her shiny eyes before shaking her head. "No, I can't do that Y/N, you won this for yourself."
"I want you too." You shrugged, making to lean back on the sofa cooly and being interrupted by the sudden urge to sneeze. "Sorry." You apologise quickly and get up to wash your hands. Bea follows you. "Anyway, I'm not even that interested in Nevrakis."
"That's not true!" She retorts, voice almost a whine. "You've read all his books. I've seen you."
"Because they're good books," you dry your hands, and chuckle before continuing, "you forced me to read the first one, remember? Otherwise I wouldn't have got the hype."
Bea huffed and waddled after you as you went back to the living room to finish your tea. "Still. Literally everyone would want to be in your shoes right now, you can't give up on going just so I can."
"Bea," you sigh and turn to her, hands grabbing her shoulders to focus her attention on you fully, "you're my best friend. It's okay."
"It's not okay!" Bea shook you in retaliation, "you're my best friend too. I'm not going to let you let go of a good opportunity! Look," she took a deep breath, and you knew that meant buckling in because she was going to be talking for a long while, "I'm not even sad anymore, you going is practically me going. Wait, wait, let me get a pen and paper to write down some of the questions I want you to ask him for me..."
Through the series of events that took place over the last few weeks, you'd finally ended up outside a fancy hotel for your interview. You were bundled up in your warmest clothes, courtesy Bea's need to always mother hen at you. Although, thanks to her attentive care, you'd fully recovered from your cold.
Walking into the grandiose lobby, you couldn't help but think the venue was only slightly suggestive. Still, you tried to keep your head out of the gutter and reason that a hotel was the obvious choice to ensure privacy and safety. You'd no doubt thousands of fans were lined up outside of various Writermad branches around the world right now, and it wasn't an option to give you the location of Nevrakis' actual home. Luckily, you didn't have to take a flight across the globe and it was only a somewhat inconvenient journey of a few hours.
You tried to be inconspicuous as you went through the motions and were directed upstairs by the staff. During the entire elevator ride to the seventh floor, you were wringing your hands nervously and mentally going over your list of questions. Bea had come up with most of it, but she pressured you to add in at least a few. Honestly, the only thing you were insanely curious about was how Nevrakis looked, because at this point it may have well been one of the seven mysteries of the world. The elevator pinged, open, and you stepped out.
You'd know soon enough.
After waltzing down the hallway to the door you'd been given the number of, you'd stood there motionless for a few seconds, head empty. You really needed to gain your bearings. Swallowing hard and exhaling, you lifted a shaky hand and knocked thrice.
Your breath hitched as not even a few seconds later, the door opened to the most ethereal man you'd ever been blessed to lay your eyes on. You weren't sure how someone could make a simple yellow hoodie look so good, but it matched the honey of his eyes and the streaks in his hair. He looked like the epitome of beauty, and he was staring at you through thick lashes that fluttered shyly.
"Um... are you here for the..." he didn't finish his sentence, but you assumed it was because you were scaring him with the intensity of your gaze. You tried to reign it in and not appear like a freak, but even his voice was pretty, you didn't know what to do with your treacherous heart. Love at first sight was a thing. It was a dangerous, dangerous thing.
Before you stressed him out any further, you showed him a verification email that had been sent to you and quickly apologised. "I'm just a bit nervous, I swear I'm not this strange normally," you rubbed the back of your neck and laughed awkwardly.
His shoulders seemed to relax a bit and he moved aside to let you in, smiling at you gently. Your stomach started to do a whole set of flips and one ballet choreography. You were going to ignore it.
The door closed behind you and you trailed over to the table set with two chairs, paying no mind to the lavish bedspread and its implications. Nevrakis sat down and you sat opposite him, and you were absolutely resolute in completing this interview without saying anything weird.
"I love your face."
Stupid mouth saying stupid things. Why were you such an idiot? Did you even have a brain? If you did you needed a new one, but surely you didn't. Who in their right mind would say something like that to someone they just met? Wait, maybe you could fix it.
"I meant, uh," you pointed to your cheek and then at him, "it's cute."
Nevrakis' hand went flying to cover his cheekbone, where the spatter of beauty marks you'd been reffering to were. Great. You'd made him uncomfortable. Just which deluded train of thought made you think you could fix it, again?
"Like really," you were worrying yourself with your inability to shut your trap at this point, "I've never seen them in such a perfect circle before, I didn't even know they could do that! Nature sure is a funny thing, huh?" You were seconds away from cringing at the sound of your own voice.
"Yeah..." he responded after a while. His hand dropped to rest with his other one on his lap and he avoided eye contact with you.
You rubbed your temple in frustration. Bea should've just agreed to go in your place. "I'm so sorry you're stuck with me on this, honestly," you whispered. "Can we start again?" you ask hopefully, your hand stretching out towards him. "My name's Y/N. I really admire your works."
Nevrakis' gaze flitted to your arm, then to your face and back to your arm. He was slow to reciprocate your handshake, but it seemed like it clicked that you meant no harm. "...Vasileiou." You'd only just noticed a dust of pink lining the shell of his ears. "Thank you for reading them."
You grinned at him and leaned your head on your palm. "Vasileiou? That answers half of the first question..." you acknowledge, watching with what you hoped was subtlety as he tucked back an inky strand of hair. The pitch black really made his dirty blonde highlights stand out, and framed his face into the prettiest picture. "Let's finish it." You lean in the tiniest bit. "What does the 'S' in your penname stand for, then?"
"...just the initial of my first name..." his eyes darted about from corner to corner, the blush travelled to his cheeks and darkened.
"Which is?" You'd learnt just now that the bestselling author of a very many number of horror and action books was easy to fluster, and you decided it was the cutest thing in the world.
A beat of silence passed as you waited for him to answer you.
"It's stupid." He dismissed finally, after a clear mental conflict that was visible in his expression.
"It isn't," you retaliated, "it's not like your first name's something like Salad, right?" You really hoped it wasn't, otherwise you'd sound like the most insensitive piece of shit on earth.
You thought you heard a small laugh from him, but it was short-lived. "Not Salad." He shook his head. "Sun."
"Sun Vasileiou Nevrakis," he said shyly, "my full name."
"I'll just call you Sun then, if you don't mind," you smiled, tilting your head. "It's such a nice name. You were so reluctant to share, I almost felt like a villain for pushing," you joked.
"It really isn't," Sun — and he really did look like a Sun now you had the name to his face — sighed. He was playing with his fingers underneath the table. "Just, like... why would you choose something like that out of all the other names in the world?"
"Well, who named you?" you pose softly.
"My mother."
"Have you ever asked her?"
He let out a scoff, which sounded surprisingly elegant for reasons unknown to you. "She said it's because of this," he gestured vaguely to the ring of beauty marks on his cheekbone. "My younger brother has a stupider name for the same reason. Not Salad." He added the last part with a hint of amusement as you opened your mouth to inquire.
"No, no, I see her point," you trace over the area of skin with your eyes, "the shape of them and position in correlation to each other gives the impression of sun rays. It's clever, really."
"Tell that to the kids from school who used to throw grass at me to help it photosynthesise." Sun frowned.
"Dumb of them," you snorted unattractively, "how is it gonna photosynthesise if it's been plucked out of the ground?" You relaxed into your seat. "And even if it could, it'd just burn because the sun's a fucking flameball."
The laughter that graced you in reply was practically kissing your ear drums in the softest way. You looked at Sun in awe, his hand covering his mouth and eyes smiling. Light filtered in through the window, hitting his skin in fragments of broken amber and orange. There was something so warm about him that nestled itself perfectly into the crevices of your mind. You'd practically forgotten that you were here to interview instead of oogle him.
"Sunshine." You murmured quietly, and he stopped to lock eyes with you. "Sunlight. Sunflower. Sunset. Sun is the perfect name for you."
His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. That blush returned. Oh, you were in love.
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taintedbenevolence · 11 months
Yandere!Vanitas - General Headcanons + Scenario
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Pairing: Yandere!Vanitas x Fem!Reader Theme: You've captured Vanitas's undivided attention, and at first, it's nothing more than a lighthearted, romanticized bond. Over time, though, you start to realize that his interest in you has far more serious connotations than you initially thought.
TW (Trigger Warnings): Unhealthy, obsessive/possessive behavior, manipulation, stalking, kidnapping, drugging, mentions of murder.
𓆩⟡𓆪 You were traveling to Paris alongside Noé in the same airship. The two of you were well acquainted with the time given to chat aboard.
𓆩⟡𓆪 You were also present when Amelia "confirmed" herself as a vampire. When she tried to latch onto you, Vanitas emerged from the window, pinning you to the ground instead of Amelia.
𓆩⟡𓆪 After a few seconds of staring, he shook his head, turning around. He then let you go, chasing after the curse-bearer as you ran away.
𓆩⟡𓆪 After disembarking the airship, you'd long since forgotten the raven-haired doctor, and you had by now settled in the Hôtel Chouchou, staying in a comfortable, spacious room.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Every week, a newspaper would be left on the doormat of your door to pick up. And usually, it was simply about vampires rampaging through the city. It might've been offputting, but you shrugged it off, hoping the "Chasseurs" would deal with it.
𓆩⟡𓆪 However, this time around, it was about a blue glow seen in a building not far from the hotel you resided in. Reports said traces of vampires remained there and a certain grimoire had been spotted.
𓆩⟡𓆪 You turned around the page, and you saw a white piece of paper, that contained a signature. Dante, it read. Apparently, this "Dante" had left you this piece.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Upon exiting the hotel, a redhead called you, and he introduced himself as Dante, the one who left you the piece of paper that morning.
𓆩⟡𓆪 The two of you talked for a while, and he left eventually, leaving you with the message that you should be careful and that he suggested you go to the hotel early before sundown given the recent vampire surges.
𓆩⟡𓆪 You decided to accept his advice, and things went rather normal for about a week or two, the vampire attacks diminishing slightly over the course of said time.
𓆩⟡𓆪 One night, however, you had exited late from a meeting in a particular estate. Due to business affairs, you'd come to deal with a couple of matters elsewhere, and you had to stay far from the hotel you'd go to early before it was dark.
𓆩⟡𓆪 You were walking through the streets when a velvet fog started to surround you, a deep, low growl filling the ambiance. Holding your bag close to your chest, you trudged forward carefully, letting out a scream when a dark, fanged creature lunged towards you.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Now, this had marked the second time a vampire had attempted to bite you—a curse bearer no less. You were sure that you were not escaping this time, and you'd most likely die. You closed your eyes, heart racing, a part of you hoping you'd live.
✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦ ❤ ✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦
Your footsteps were light and quick, beads of sweat running down your face. It was unusually quiet, more so than it normally was, and it was growing to be unsettling by the minute with the fog that crept upon the floor tiles that you walked on.
Lamposts' lights flickered on occasion, adding to the eerieness of your current position. Nevertheless, your face remained calm and poised, your breaths quiet and paced. The only unnerving sounds in the ambiance were occasional, deep growls that came from an unknown source.
It sounded almost like said growls belonged to an animal, but, you highly doubted such growls would be heard in a city district of all places. Still, you could only walk forth, looking back a few times to make sure nothing was following you.
It was when you bumped into a ruffled, soft figure that you looked up, meeting the burning gaze of what you could only identify as a vampire. A curse-bearer. It horrified you. A nervous laugh left your lips, your eyes rather.. wide, as you stepped back slowly, a chill running down your spine.
You gulped, making a run for it, your arm being tightly grasped as you writhed, your effort being in vain as you felt the teeth of the vampire begin to graze your skin. You closed your eyes, tears beginning to prick the corners of your eyes.
But the pain doesn't come. Not the physical one, anyways.
You feel a sudden push, and an all-consuming blue light surrounds the area as the vampire hisses, most likely not content now that its prey has escaped. You manage to see a tall man dressed in black, and—
Something is.. oddly familiar about this individual. Taking a closer look, you remember back when you were on the airship, and this same individual had broken in through the observation gallery.
"Remember me, darling?"
Not long after, the vampire seems to have been cured and it's passed out. The man turns over to you, a smirk on his face as he kneels down to your fallen figure. "I suppose it's time for proper introductions, no?"
You're bewildered by this man's actions. He has his gloved hand extended, and you reluctantly take it as you stare. "You.. you were the one who broke in through the gallery in the airship!" you exclaim, and the man covers your mouth with his gloved hand.
"It's a bit late, mademoiselle, I'd recommend you lower your voice," he says, his index finger over his lips as a signal to tell you to be quiet. "And please, don't mention that. Standing behind prison bars once is enough of an unpleasant experience."
You furrow your brows as you fix up your pea coat that's been adjusted, and you let out a sigh. "So, who exactly are you?" you ask with an accusatory tone. The man flashes a bright smile as he chuckles. "My name is Vanitas—I'm a doctor specializing in vampires."
A doctor specializing in vampires..?
"...Alright then," you respond, shaking the doctor's hand. "What about you? You seem like a modest woman," Vanitas asks, smiling gently at you. "Y/N. Y/N L/N," you answer. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"If I may ask, what's a fine lady like yourself doing out at these hours?" the doctor asks, walking with you aimlessly around the city. "To put it simply, I had business affairs, leading me a bit further than I usually go. I left late," you answered.
"I see," Vanitas hums. "Do you fancy a cup of coffee, then?" he says, smiling. You nod, smiling. "How about we keep talking for a while and I then walk you back to your hotel?" the doctor invites. "Sure," you accept, complying with the raven-haired male.
The two of you form mundane chatter along the way to a nearby café shop, where you're able to (luckily) find yourselves a seat together. "Late-night couple walks?" the waiter asks, and you shake your head rapidly, a red hue tainting your face. "No, we've only just met."
Vanitas laughs, as he pokes your shoulder. "That's what they all say, don't they?" he muses, delighted as you face-palm in embarrassment. "What can I get for you two, then?" the waiter interrupts, smiling.
"Just a cup of coffee," you say, a smile curving your lips. "Make that two," Vanitas adds, the waiter nodding as he walks away with the small notepad in hand. You sigh, stretching as you feel the evening breeze pass by.
"Are you liking Paris, Y/N?" the doctor asks, as you snap your head in his direction, facing him. "It's lovely, I'd say," you answer. "I've never been here, but, smooth sailing so far." The doctor nods, and he turns in the direction of the streets, his eyes focused on the sky.
Soon enough, the waiter returns with both of your cups of coffee, and you murmur thanks, the waiter leaving the two of you in peace. "You like the stars?" you ask, taking a sip from your coffee. Vanitas shakes his head, smiling.
"It's not the stars I'm looking at," he muses, sighing lightly. "The moon.. that's what stands out to me." You stare as if lost in a daze. "The moon...?" you murmur. "That brings to question, Y/N," Vanitas begins.
"Have you ever heard the tale of the Vampire of the Blue Moon?"
You slowly tilt your head. "Doesn't.. ring a bell," you answer. "I'll do you a favor and retell you the story then," the doctor says. "Retell?" you interrupt. "That vampire—Noé Archiviste—was on the same airship you boarded, was he not?" Vanitas says.
He was a vampire?...
"He was searching for my grimoire, and he even took the time to tell the story about my past's origins in a dramatic way," he states. "I'd applaud him for the effort—it made my entrance far more enigmatically ornamented."
"How come I've never heard about it, though?" you asked. "Don't ask me, you had your head in the clouds. Maybe you saw something you liked," Vanitas stated, smirking. "Like me."
"I don't love you, we've only just met a few moments prior," you said, shifting uncomfortably. "I barely even know you." Vanitas then chuckled, taking a sip from his coffee, facing you. His blue eyes shone bright, and his expression took a malevolent contortion. He laughed, a dark smirk adorning his expression.
"You may not know me, but darling, I know you far too well."
✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦ ❤ ✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦
𓆩⟡𓆪 A part of you hopes he's joking when he says that, but you know it's not likely. You try to brush it off as him being a flirt or such as you continue talking throughout the night until you both finish your coffee.
𓆩⟡𓆪 As agreed upon, Vanitas guides you to your hotel, happy to tell you that he also has a room within the Hôtel Chouchou. You then bid him good night, and head to sleep after a long shower.
𓆩⟡𓆪 But he doesn't go to sleep. He's.. entranced. This isn't like Jeanne, he thinks. He believes fully this time without any sort of lie or deception that you are the one for him.
𓆩⟡𓆪 And so he opens his window, climbing out, and silently treading upon the roof until he finds your room from the outside. His blue eyes scan your sleeping form entirely as he descends slowly and carefully.
𓆩⟡𓆪 He opens your window, making no noise, seeing your chest rise up and down rhythmically as you breathe silently, your eyes shut tight. He looks at you and god does he think he's finally seen an angel.
𓆩⟡𓆪 However, he knows that something about the way he feels.. isn't exactly right. It doesn't seem healthy but to him? He really couldn't care less right now. He's got a newly found plaything to toy with, he's not letting you go.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Now, Vanitas isn't one to fall in love with just about anyone—and this would also apply to your case, because he knows that truthfully, he's not in love, he's obsessed and he loves it despite being painfully aware of how unhealthy this could be for both you and him.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Yet he's willing to throw everything away for a mere desire that festered in his heart. He feels like a heart-struck lunatic, but he revels in that fact. At least, the dark crevices of his mind and heart does.
𓆩⟡𓆪 The next day, you find him delivering you some breakfast though he's merely been watching you sleep since last night. You find it a bit strange, but he says he's just doing both you and the others a favor.
✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦ ❤ ✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦
"Vanitas...?" you murmur, yawning. "What are you doing in my room?" The vampire doctor smiles at you as he hands you a plate with food. "I'm doing you a favor." You blink twice, before slowly turning down to look at the food on your plate.
Vanitas hands you silverware, smiling at you. "Eat up," he says, nudging your shoulder. You look at the omelet served on your plate, and you hear a small rumble from your stomach. "That's your cue," Vanitas chuckles, as he reaches for his coat he'd left overnight to not be overly clothed whilst he observed you.
It was a better (and fresher) option to take off his coat throughout his.. "visit." He fiddled with his gloved fingers, happy to see you'd chowed down what he'd prepared. "I take it you liked it, huh?" the doctor said, walking over to you. "It tastes great," you said. "Thank you for doing this."
Vanitas only chuckled, taking your plate. "Don't mention it," he said, leaving it in a nearby sink. "Do you want to go outside for a walk?" You tilt your head, a smile forming on your lips. "Are you asking me out?" you laugh. "Do you accept my invitation is the question," Vanitas responds. "But it can be a date if that's what you want."
You shake your head, laughing. "I was merely joking," you reply. "But that's alright with me, I'll be out in a minute." The doctor nods slowly, before leaving you to your own devices. You then change, going outside and meeting up with Vanitas.
✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦ ❤ ✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦
𓆩⟡𓆪 And it turns out to be like this every day; you wake up, Vanitas treats you to breakfast, casually asks you out, and the two of you spend time together.
𓆩⟡𓆪 After a week of doing this, it's practically become routine, yet you know you have to say goodbye to this. You took a trip to Paris. You aren't staying, you have to return to where you came from.
𓆩⟡𓆪 You made good friends with Vanitas, but you think it's about time you bid him goodbye. You see Noé's been wandering around with Vanitas, so you also take the opportunity to talk to him shortly before leaving.
𓆩⟡𓆪 You then finally present the matter to the vampire doctor.
✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦ ❤ ✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦
"Vanitas," you start, gaining the attention from the raven-haired doctor. "Yes?" he replies, tilting his head whilst the two of you walk through a district. "There's something I want to tell you," you say with your usual tone.
A strange filling instills inside of Vanitas, as if something's not exactly right about this notice. "Well then," he begins absentmindedly. "Out with it." You purse your lips, before relaxing, letting out a sigh.
"I'm leaving Paris, and well, France as a whole," you stated, Vanitas's breath hitching. "May I know why so suddenly?" he asks, attempting to put over a lax, calm facade. "I didn't wish to dampen our previous outings, so, I thought I'd mention it before I leave," you answer, scratching the back of your neck.
Vanitas sighed. "Well then," he begins. "You should make the most of your day. When do you depart?" You chuckle lightly before answering his question. "I leave at the strike of midnight." The doctor nods before stretching out his arms, yawning slightly.
"Then may I have one last date with you?" he asks, his eyes half-lidded but still somewhat content. You laugh bitterly, a wry smile etched on your face. "If that's what you want," you say. "I'll happily comply."
✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦ ❤ ✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦
𓆩⟡𓆪 Vanitas is not happy you're leaving. You can't do this. Not to him. Not when you've progressed this far. He refuses to accept such a reality.
𓆩⟡𓆪 After all, he's been following, observing, and protecting you every day after the airship, making sure not a single person or vampire lays a hand on your perfect, frail body. It can't all be for naught.
𓆩⟡𓆪 He has to figure out a way to make you stay, either by persuasion, dissuasion, or coercion. He will find a way, but, he doesn't have a lot of time, and he also has to entertain you simultaneously to keep your head busy.
𓆩⟡𓆪 He has to think, and fast. Time is ticking, and it will run out soon. However, he also realizes: isn't it just easier to invite you over and lock you in his dormitory? Though he recognizes you're at least smart enough to not fall into that one.
𓆩⟡𓆪 He's been busy thinking whilst you walk through Paris with him, seeing the remaining sights on this last day. He really hopes you don't ask him what's on his mind; he wouldn't want to lie to his beloved, even if it's not beneath him to.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Thankfully, though, the day manages to pass by without any questions, and the two of you return to the Hôtel Chouchou. You decide to start packing your bags, and Vanitas nods, leaving you to your own devices.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Not long after you've finished packing your bags, lights begin to flicker. Seconds later, a power outage occurs, and you try to find your way out, a strange feeling creeping up in you as you hear unmatched footsteps.
✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦ ❤ ✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦
The noise of someone falling down onto your floor suddenly causes you to turn around, dread filling you as you try to look around, seeing nothing but darkness. Specks of blue are scattered around, and you're lost, looking around.
" Y/N ... ? "
And it's the sound of your name being called in such a familiar tone that has you slightly unnerved yet calm. It sounds so similar to one you've heard before, but it's a voice of one you can't quite place.
Yet it's not enough time for you to think before wires and ropes bind you, a scream emitting from you as a soft cloth is pressed onto your mouth. You feel yourself start to slip as you cough, your consciousness slowly draining.
You stumble, your assailant holding you, preventing you from falling as the lights flicker back on. You can now see the black glove that you know so well holding you together, but before you get to say anything, the doctor silences you.
"It's alright," he murmurs into your ear, the sound of your heartbeat pulsing fast echoing through your head. "You're safe now." And you pray to god that you are because you want to run free.
You can only muster out the doctor's name, tears pricking the corners of your eyes as you choke on your sobs. He hears you beg, plead, even if muffled, but you stop midway, as you hear yourself drop.
"I'm sorry, my love," the doctor whispers, as he wipes away the tears that roll down your puffed cheeks. He buries his face in your neck, his eyes glowing a bright blue that make the only light in your dim room.
"But this.. is for the best," he finishes, carrying your unconscious, but alive body out the window, the glow of the blue, full moon shining down on the two of you. He smiles at you, seeing your calm, peaceful expression. He sighs bitterly, but his smile betrays his anguish.
"If only you could see the beautiful moon that stands upon this glamorous night..."
✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦ ❤ ✦•• ────── • ────── ••✦
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z0mbieb0ybyersblog · 7 months
request rules!
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— requests can be sent through my inbox! aka the button on my profile that says request
— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
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male, female, and gender neutral reader
or no reader, I do ships too!!
alternative universe: soulmates, coffee shop, roommates, royal, bookstore, fake relationship, coworkers, neighbors, flower shop, library, bodyguard, modern era, band/rockstar, celebrity, mermaid, pirate, teachers (you can also mix them in your request, like asking for bookstore and coffee shop au! if that makes sense)
Headcanons, one-shots, drabble, imagine, etc.
poly relationships, whether it be character x reader x character or character x character x character 
omega verse
illegal ships (incest or underage)
dark or yandere
someone having cancer
rape/sexual assault
canonically gay characters with fem identifying readers/characters, same thing with canonically lesbian characters with masc identifying readers/characters (platonically is fine, romantically isnt)
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character list
bolded means they’re my favorite characters to write!
Nine, Ten, Eleventh, Thirteen, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Donna Noble
Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Bea
Ted Lasso, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton
Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson
Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis, Steve Randall, Twobit Matthews, Dallas Winston
Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Tobey, Andrew, Tom), Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
[more to be added]
911 FOX
Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Maddie Buckley, Howie Han
Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
[more to be added]
— golden trio era
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Draco Malfoy
— marauders era
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans, Pandora Lovegood, Regulus Black, Dorcas Meadows, Marlene McKinnon, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Roiser, Alice Fortescue, Mary MacDonald, Narcissa Black
[If you want one of these characters, like Remus for example to be older like during the Harry Potter movies let me know!]
— legacy era
Sebastian Sallow, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt
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queersrus · 1 year
Yandere / BPD / OLD theme
exclusively for those who experience obsessive tendencies / pw bpd/old
tagging @the-yanderess
b, bee/bea, bord, border, borderli, borderlin, borderline, borderlina, bordel/bordell/bordelle, bp d, dee, dar, darl/darle, darli, darla, darlin, darline, darling, darlina, darlene/darleen fee/fi/fie, fifi, fa/fay/fey, fav/fave, favo, favou, favour/favoure/favor/favore, favouri/favori, favourit/favourite/favorit/favorite, fp oe, obe, obse, obsess/obsesse, obsessa, obsessi, obsessiv/obsessive, obsessiva, obsesser, od/odi/odee/odie, ode po/poe, posse, possess, possessi, possessia, possessio, possesser, possessiv/possessive, pd stay, stal, stalk, stalker, stalki, stalkin, stalkine, stalket/stalkett/stalkette ya, yan, yanette, yanelle, yanetta, yanella, yandera, yandette, yandetta, yandelle, yandella, yanderette, yanderetta, yanderelle, yanderella, yanin/yanine, yanina, yandin/yandine, yandina, yanderin/yanderine, yanderina, yana, yany/yani/yanie/yanni, yano, yane, yanetto, yanetti/yanettie, yanello, yanelli/yanellie, yandero, yanderi/yandery, yanderie, yandetto, yandetti/yandettie, yandello, yandelli/yandellie, yanderetto, yanderetti/yanderettie, yanderello, yanderelli/yanderellie, yanino, yanini/yaninie, yanick/yannick, yanifer, yandino, yandini/yandinie, yanderino, yanderini/yanderinie, yanex, yandex, yaness/yanesse, yanessa, yandess/yandesse, yandessa, yanderess/yanderesse, yanderessa, yanez, yandez, yandel
the yandere, the yangire, the yanderess, the yangiress, the borderlined, the one with bpd, the one with old, the obsesser/obsessor, the obsession, the obsessive one, the darling, the possisser/possessor, the possessive one, the fp, the favoured, the favourite, the favourite one, the favourite person, the one with fp's, the one with many fp's, the stalker
(prn) who is possessive, (prn) who is obsessive, (prn) who has bpd, (prn) who has fp's, (prn) who has old, (prn) who reclaims yandere, (prn) who stalks, (prn) who reclaims stalker
this yandere, this stalker, this darling, this obsession, this possession, this favourite, this yangire
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
y/ye/yan/yanself y/yan/yans/yanself y/yan/gi/yangine/yangireself o/olde/oldi/oldine/oldiself o/obse/obsessi/obsessine/obsesself o/obse/obsessi/obsessine/obsessineself o/obse/obsessi/obsessine/obsessiveself b/bpde/bpdine/bpdinself bi/borde/borderli/borderline/borderlines pi/posse/possessi/possessine/possesiself pi/posse/possessi/possessive/possessiveself fa/ve/fave/persine/favepersiself f/p/fp/fpine/fpiself
2nd p prns: you/your/yourself
ya/yander/yandereself y/yan/yans/yanself y/yanr/yanrs/yanrself o/oldr/oldrs/oldrself o/ol/olds/oldself o/obs/obsess/obsesself o/obsesser/obsessers/obsesserself b/bpdr/bpdrs/bpdrself bo/bor/borders/borderself bo/border/borderlines/borderlineself po/possesser/possessers/posseserself po/possesser/possesives/possessiveself fp/fpr/fprs/fprself fa/per/favepers/faveperelf
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/theirself
bp/d, b/pd, border/line, borderline/borderlines, bpd/bpds be/loved, belove/beloved bleeding/heart be/long, belong/belongs, be/belong, be/longing, be/belonging, belong/belonging cyber/stalk, cyberstalk/cyberstalks, cy/cyberstalk dar/ling, dar/darling, darling/darlings fp/fps, f/p, f/fp, fave/person, favourite/person kni/knife, knife/knifes, kni/fe mi/ne, mi/mine, mine/mines, my/mine my/darling, my/beloved, my/fp, my/obsession ol/d, o/ld, old/olds, obsess/obsesses, obsess/obsessive, obses/sive, obses/sion, obsess/obsession, ob/obsess possess/possessive, posses/sive, posses/sion, possess/possession, possess/possesses, po/possess stalk/stalks, stalk/stalker, stalk/stalking, sta/alk, sta/stalk yan/yans, yan/dere, yan/yandere yan/gire, yan/yangire, yangire/yangires
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shallyouobeyme · 7 months
Hii i really love the concept of a batfam member that is neglected by the whole family and then something happens
The fam notice their gone and boom yandere batfam that will do anything to get the missing member
While the member doesn't want the fam anymore
Hey Sol (hope it's okay I call you that ❤️). This really inspired me and this is currently becoming my longest fic for this blog yet (not a big achievement, but hey I take what I can get). I hope you'll enjoy the first part here. Let me know what you think and thanks for your support.
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justalittledumb · 8 months
Hi, I'm going to request something new today.
I see that you also write for Pokemon, so how do you think Marnie, Bea and Sonia would act as yanderes
Have a great day/night
Sorry that it took so long to write this! But I should be more active for a while. Also I wanted to apologize for only writing for Bae, I didn't wrote anything for Marnie since She's a minor, and as I stated in my pinned I don't write for Minors, and I didn't wrote for Sonia becouse I just can't possibly imagine her as a yandere, once again I'm sorry for that.
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🧡 Ahh Bea my beloved
🧡 Bea would be an Overprotective yandere.
🧡 Let's make one thing clear, she is MUCH stronger than you, scarily so.
🧡 Her overprotectiveness actually comes from the Diffrence of strenght between the two of you.
🧡 She isn't likely to ever kidnap you, the only scenario is which that could haooend would be if something dangerous happend to you. Or you tried breaking up with her
🧡 If Bea ever did kidnap you, she wouldn't realy act any diffrent from her usual self, realy if not the fact she doesn't let you outside you wouldn't even notice any diffrence.
🧡 She would show her softer side to you, tho only in private. She trusts you more than anyone else, but she doesn't want the public to know about her infatuation with you.
🧡 Also you know how she Has a huge sweet tooth? Well Hope you like sweets cuse she will feed you quite a lot of them.
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lurvelybones · 8 months
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Presenting the many book covers of Dale-Creek Hill. When I saw the first cover above in Wattpad, I was immediately interested. And I got hooked in the first chapter. I love my reading journey with the series, I simultaneously love and hate Sam and Michael. As for Ashley... Poor Ashley, I'll pay for your therapy jk 😭😂🤣 Hang on, girl! I hope The Casanovas will be published soon... And Ashley's Asylum... Can't wait! 😘💕
Ps, The wattpad version of Casanovas and Ashley's Asylum are still available on Wattpad! Check it out if you're interested.
The first book, Dale-Creek Hill, is finally available on Amazon ❤️❤️❤️ Go support Bea💓💓💓 She deserves it 💝💝💝
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The first covers are really good imo.
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yandere-fics · 4 months
I know you’ve mentioned several times that there are 3 more little sisters and it just makes me think of how fucked up they are because like,,, imagine these sisters but without the wisdom of adulthood? Imagine them with teenage emotions? I’m terrified just thinking about it.
they are the most fucked up because they are still teenagers lol. There's Lottie(charlotte), literally sugar baby satan because she's 19 and planning on living off her parents until she finds a rich wife(who she'd probably be yandere to), her parents are unaware of this goal and that she's been freaking out anyone they try to introduce her to. Bea(beatrice) who is an unsuccessful arsonist, she's 16, and Audrey(audrina) who is 15 and is really good with poisons and is slowly trying to take her mother out that way, it'll take a few more years before it takes a toll because Audrey wants to make sure it's slow so there's less evidence but she can already tell her mothers health is declining. She's not poisoning the father because she wants to do it with her bare hands.
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kingdomofred · 2 months
Burn & Burn Again (Male Yandere!Writer x GN!Reader)
feat. Sun Vasileiou Nevrakis
♡ pt.1, approx. 1.2k words | prev. | next.
♡ post-specific warnings: reader is slightly self-depreciating, very short innuendos, mentions of cannibalism, mentions of people going missing | series warnings: yandere themes, reader is a horrendous flirt
♡ a/n: this is purely a work of fiction. yandere behaviour in real life is a cause of concern. unedited, not proofread.
Eventually, you did ask him what little questions you remembered after being rendered speechless by his attractiveness for a while. You talked for hours, actually; he'd warmed up to you, and you'd finally managed to stop making a fool of yourself, for the most part. At one point, you even managed to bring up a topic that had been the centre of many online discussions.
His love life.
If you said you were surprised to hear he didn't have one, well, that would be an understatement. In hindsight, the way you'd gawked at him at his reply was a little unnecessary and overly dramatic. It's not like every conventially attractive person on earth had a partner, or didn't struggle to find one. Hell, some people weren't even interested in love, attractive or not. You were so stupid, honestly.
In any case, Sun had timidly admitted that he was single and had always been. To which you dumbly said you could change. You actually slapped yourself physically when you let those words slip. Luckily, it seemed to humour him more than creep him out.
He'd said that he'd never really felt romantically attracted to anyone before, even though there had been no shortage of people asking him out. At one point, he mused, he entertained the idea that he was strictly platonic, but came to terms with the fact that he actually really wanted to go on cute bookstore dates and visit cafés with someone that would make his heart flutter. Well, he certainly made your heart flutter.
He concluded that he just hadn't met the right person yet, and you decided to shoot your shot before he could finish his sentence. You'd give him butterflies and birds. That didn't paint the most desirable picture, but he agreed nonetheless, red to his neck.
You were so overjoyed, you almost left without actually getting his contact details, and Sun grabbed your sleeve hastily to stop you. You thought the way he scrambled to let you go, stuttering an apology and flushing from embarrassment was positively endearing. He pulled his phone from his pocket and that was how you managed to get his number and a date scheduled for the weekend.
You grinned happily as you thought about it all, rolling over in your bed and opening your messaging app. There were a few texts from Bea, who you were just dying to spill the beans to. Although, however much it hurt you to keep secrets from her, Sun had wanted to keep things as private as possible. It was understandable given his popularity and the lengths that certain people went to get any information on him. For now, you just had to pretend that you didn't have anything going on behind the scenes, and if you did get together sometime in the future, Bea would be the first to know. You promised yourself that.
After sending her a few memes you'd found funny, you were clicking on Sun's contact, fingers hovering over your keyboard without any idea what to text him. You'd exchanged greetings and decided a date, but that was about it. What you really wanted was to break some of the ice now. You were decidedly less of a bumbling idiot when you were behind a screen and could filter your words.
You: It's pretty warm today, huh?
You hit send, fairly satisfied with how smooth that sounded in your head. A reply came a few minutes later.
Sun: it's minus thirteen degrees?
Sun: there's snow.
Your self-contented smile dropped at that. Ugh, you were so uncool. It was the middle of winter. How could you forget?
You: Ahahaha. No, I meant I'm pretty warm today.
You cringed at yourself, typing out another message to try and come back from the disaster your thought-to-text filter was.
You: Hot.
You: I'm hot.
You: Because of you.
Sun's typing bubble popped up on your screen, and you were just about ready to scream. Why did it sound like you were trying to make a move on him?! To be honest, you were. But that was in general, not right now!
Sun: ???
For how long he was typing, those three question marks did not suffice. Clearly, he was at just as much of a loss of words as you were, and he was a writer. You had so blown it.
Sun: you must be nervous again
Sun: relax. take your time. it's only me.
Yes, the whole issue was that it was only him and he was literally perfect. Still, he was giving you a chance to redeem yourself. Oh, he was almost as sweet as Bea.
You: Sorry, sorry.
You: I just wanted to ask how you are.
You: I don't know what's wrong with me.
You nibbled on your nails, waiting for him.
Sun: haha, it's okay.
Sun: you asked in the end, right?
Sun: i'm okay, hbu?
Shit. Shit, how were you supposed to respond to that. You quickly switched to your browser and searched suave replies to people asking how you are. Trusty internet.
You: I'm okay too.
You: Just sitting around.
You: Ahaha.
Oh no, that last bit wasn't a part of the article you skipped through. Y/N, why did you have to do the stupid awkward-laugh-thing over text now, too? Actually, you did it a few messages ago as well. You were hopeless.
Sun: then
Sun: wanna go out w/ me?
Sun: there's a place i wanna visit for writing inspo
Your face lit up. He was totally asking you on a date! Maybe you'd managed to charm him with your oddness, and he couldn't wait until the weekend to meet you again. Regardless of the reason, you were quick to send an affirmative reply and get up to rifle through your wardrobe for a flattering outfit to wear.
"So..." you gulped, "an abandoned circus, huh?"
"Yeah." Sun turned his head to you, beaming as though he hadn't just invited you to explore a crime scene with him. "This was the grounds of the travelling circus where patrons began going missing in 1997. None of the people have been found to this day."
You shuddered visibly. You'd watched a documentary on this place a few years ago with Bea. Apparently, it was suspected to be the base of operations for a cannibalistic organisation. All the police and relevant forces who'd been dispatched to the field all went missing, too, so investigations had to be suspended. The entire area had been abandoned shortly after news had gotten out about the incidents and hadn't been used since. Your gut was telling you this wasn't a good idea — you really didn't want to die.
Taking a deep breath, you started on your excuse. "Y'know, I just remembered-"
"Let's hold hands, 'kay?" Sun cut you off, intertwining his long fingers with yours and effectively causing your brain to short-circuit from the close contact. He was so warm. "It's okay to be scared, but I'll protect you." He smiled at you, squeezing your palm firmly and leaning down to whisper, "all these muscles aren't just for show, after all."
You choked on the saliva that had gathered at the back of your throat, glad that you at least saved some face by not drooling at the sliver of skin exposed to you from his low-neck shirt. That, in itself, was a miracle. "Okay." You relented easily, all caution thrown to the wind like a fart dissipating. Now that it had been brought to your attention, Sun was tall and looked very strong. It would be fine.
What's the worst that could happen?
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