#yandere tony stark x female reader
armylily · 2 years
Chapter 12: Mischief
~(Y/N) POV~
As I set my room key on the counter, I grab the bag of apples, pull my hood down and walk out with Thor.
I pulled out a red one and take a bite, the crisp, sweet tang of the insides making me sigh in happiness. 
I then remember my new companion. My heart drops as I realize I can't take her with me.
Thor seems to notice my downtrodden face and asks, "What is the matter, Ms. (L/N)?" 
I pick my head up slowly and look at Isolde, the beautiful appaloosa looking at me with a glint of confusion in her eyes. 
He follows my gaze and says, "You can bring your horse with you! It's not a problem at all!"
I look at him with joy in my eyes and show him a slightly wide smile. If only I noticed Thor's rosy cheeks and a racing heartbeat. I run up to Isolde and rub her long neck. 
I then whispered, "You can stay with me, Isolde! I don't have to leave you here!" 
I grab an apple from the bag and give it to Isolde. She eats it happily, making me smile wider.
I know it's been less than a day but I grow attached to animals very quickly. Reason why my gut is always right about people but I'm weak for animals.
I then hop onto my saddle and grip the reins. Thor looks up at me and smiles softly and walks down the dirt road. I clicked my tongue, signaling Isolde to walk. As we continue walking, I see a group of people, specifically one girl and three men. 
I look at Thor with uncertainty and he nods. I pull the reins to slow Isolde's strides.
"Everyone, this is our new teammate. Teammate, meet everyone." 
Thor does jazz hands in my direction and I smile softly at his silliness. Isolde shakes her mane and does a whinny. The rather large man walked up to Isolde, held his hand out, and scratched her muzzle.
"She's a beauty." He says, looking up at me with a toothy smile.
He looks warm and friendly.
I'm sure he can't see my eyes but he can see my lips so I smile.
"Thank you," I reply.
"I'm Volstagg, my lady."
He holds his hand out towards me and I set the reins in my left hand and shake his hand with my right.
"Call me (Y/N)." 
As I say that, I raise my head up slightly to show Volstagg my face with a mischievous smile. 
His eyes widen like the wet dough I made for bread at the bakery when I flattened them out. He seems to stumble over his words, unable to contain his excitement.
He then does something I have never, ever seen in my entire life.
He squeals.
It's high pitched and I wince slightly at the sound, as well as the others did. Volstagg hops around with a slightly feminine giggle.
I smile at his behavior, not expecting this kind of reaction but after Thor encountered me, Thor Odinson, the future king of Asgard, was a fan of mine, I may have gotten a teeny, tiny bit confident after...
"YOU'RE THE GUARDIAN ANGEL OF THE VAL-!!" Volstagg yells out and I move quickly to silence his voice. 
I look at the others with a nervous smile and they were in shock. The lady had her eyes wide and her lips parted, the blonde man had his jaw on the ground and the foreign man had slightly wide eyes.
Thor chuckles loudly as I look at my fanboy, signaling him to not scream. "Yes, this, my friends, is the well-known (Y/N) (L/N), the warrior angel, or the guardian angel of the Valkyrie." 
I move my hand away from the excited man and hop off Isolde. I held the reins in my left hand again and pull my hood down all the way.
May I remind the reader that you are still filthy, your face is covered in dirt, your hair is matted or in knots and you also have a few scars forming? Alright, enough reminding.
The foreign man winces slightly when I pulled my hood down as well as the blonde man. 
The lady just smirks and I felt butterflies in my stomach under her gaze.
Thor walks over to me and clasps his large hand on my left shoulder. "So, is the new teammate a yes or no?"
"Heck yeah!"
I smile at everyone's answers and wait for them to introduce themselves.
The lady says, "I'm Lady Sif, fair maiden." 
She grabs my right hand into hers and kisses the top while looking up at me with a quite flirtatious smile. 
My face immediately burst with red, not used to physical affection by someone else because Sif is a very attractive woman.
"Aw, come on, Sif! I was gonna do that!" says the blonde man. 
She lets go of my hand with a slight squeeze and steps back a few feet.
The blonde man walks up and says, "The name's Fandral, m'lady." 
I shake his hand while smiling. After I stop shaking his hand, he kept staring at my face and his thumb was slowly rubbing circles on the knuckle of my own thumb.
"Ow!" Fandral says, as he lets go of your hand to massage his head wound.
Volstagg looked away while whistling a tune. I giggled, knowing that he threw the tiny rock. Fandral huffs and walks to where Sif is. 
I look to see the foreign man with an expressionless face bowing towards me.
I show him a small smile and bow my head to him. If only I saw the smile on his face.
"I hope you don't mind me bringing Isolde along, I've grown too attached to her," I say with a slight blush of embarrassment.
Isolde then nudges her nose into my arm and huffs. I smile and pet her muzzle. Sif then walks towards me, nods, and starts to pet Isolde too. My blush grows at her close proximity. (that's right, you're a bottom.)
Thor bellows out, "Of course, you can! But before we leave for home, you must be on your horse so she can leave with us!" 
I nod in acknowledgment and hop on again. Volstagg sets his hand on Isolde's left shoulder, looks up at me, and smiles. I smile back. Thor calls out to the sky and everywhere around me glows a golden rainbow.
~Slight time skip~
I'm here. 
I'm finally here. 
I smile brightly, realizing the building is where the Bifrost is held but freeze in shock when the wielder of the Bifrost is in a fighting stance. Isolde whinnies in fear and Thor dashes in front of me and puts his hands up. 
"Whoa, whoa, calm down, Heimdal! She's not a threat! Well, to others yes but not to us!"
Heimdal continues to glare so I panic and pull my hood off and spread my wings.
My wings stretch farther from my body and they're as long as Isolde. yeah, I am badass. Heimdal's eyes widen and he drops the Bifrost slightly, looking at me in awe. I smile slightly under his gaze but as I begin to actually look at him, I noticed his eyes first.
How they shined a beautiful yellow and amber. His dark skin makes his irises pop. His large helmet covered most of his head but he looks rather handsome. It shows maturity and elegance.
"You're (Y/N)...The guardian angel of the Valkyrie...But were you not lost in battle?" Heimdal asks with genuine confusion. 
He lowers the Bifrost and stands up straighter. I pull my wings back and reply. 
"I was not lost in battle, although I nearly died... But that is not an important matter. Thor Odinson, if you'll excuse me, I have to see someone before we talk about my place on the team." I kick Isolde in the side to make her gallop and it works. 
As Isolde runs on the Bifrost Bridge and into Asgard, my (H/L) hair flows with the wind. I smile as I feel the cool and sweet air caress my face. I kick her to go faster as I steer us in the direction of my childhood home. As we venture home, I see children playing with other children by their houses, mothers talking with other mothers, and also watching their own kids. 
I smile softly at the children playing. I hope that someday, I will have my own. I look forward only to find the bakery, my home, gone. Just...gone. I pull the reins back as Isolde goes from a gallop to walking. I look around, now fearful that Father was gone, only to see the actual bakery still standing but looking improved.
I throw my hand to my head in annoyance and steer Isolde to walk to the right. I shake my head but as I raise my head, I couldn't help but smile widely and feel tears rise. I pull Isolde to a stop and hop off, bringing her to a post. I tie the reins and pat her shoulder. 
"This may be a while, pretty girl." She just whinnies and I pull my hood over and laugh.
As I walk through the doorway of my home, I tuck my wings into my cape. There were two men in front of me so I sadly wait, shaking with nervousness to see my guardian. It didn't take long as the two men walk out, hand in hand. I smile softly at the couple and walk to the counter. There he is. Being my cashier.
I try my absolute hardest not to jump over and tackle Father into a rib-crushing hug and it pays off. I then say our code words that we made up together when I was 2,790 years old or 9 in Earth years. "May I get a (favorite animal) with (favorite season) and a (favorite color) on the side?" I finish my sentence while still looking down with a smile on my face.
I could tell that Father froze when I said that. He says, "No one says that...except." Before he could finish his sentence, I look up from under my hood, look at him, and smiled. His jaw drops and he's frozen still. 
"Hello, Father," I say with a single tear rolling down my cheek. 
He then starts to groan like a drunk and he falls back. I gasped and jumped over the counter to see what was wrong.
"Father?! FATHER!!" I check his pulse after shaking him a few times. He's alive so he must have fainted. I let out a sigh of relief and shake my head while smiling.
I missed this weirdo.
I pick Father up at carry him to his room, of course, I already know where it is. It was slightly messy but I could walk. I gently set him on his bed and pulled his blanket onto his body. Now that he's asleep, I look at him fully.
He looks as if he hasn't aged at all but now, he must be 38,680 years. He has many eye lines, telling me that he hasn't slept much. 
I slightly frown at that, now making it my goal to let him sleep as much as possible. Talking can wait, I want him to be able to hold a conversation without sleeping. Hypocritical of me, yes but he deserves it.
I smile and kiss him on the forehead. I get up and turn all the torches off in the bakery portion of the building, signaling to people that it's closed. After doing so, I walk to my old room. 
As I open the door, I begin a coughing fit as my room was full of dust. Nothing was touched. It was left the way I had it when I left. I smile as I see my old doll sitting on my windowsill, also dusty but it held a stitched smile.
I walk over to my candles and light them, the yellow and orange lights illuminating my childhood room. I walk into the kitchen to grab a broom and dustpan, now ready to clean my room like I was younger.
~3 hour time skip~
Before I started, I took off my hood and cape but it felt so hot like I had them on while cleaning. I walked over to my small vanity to see my face only slightly dirty so I smile and wash my face with a clean rag. I then hear groaning in the room next to mine. Father must be awake! I set the rag down and walk towards the doorway. I see him rise up, rubbing his head with a groan. 
I lean in the doorway with a smile and my arms crossed. Father looks at me and groans out, "Ah, (Y/N), can you bring me a glass of water, please? I don't feel so we-" His eyes widen and he freezes.
He slowly looks at me, gets up fast, runs towards me, and tackles me into a hug. He surprised me because I fell back from his force. I laugh and hug Father tightly when I feel wet drops on my clothes. I look down to see tears streaming down his wrinkled and exhausted face.
I let a few run down my cheeks, overjoyed to see the man that raised me as his own. I pat his back a couple of times, trying to soothe him and also remind him that I'm really here and not a mirage. 
He takes a few deep breaths and sobs again. I laugh softly and keep patting his back. "I'm here, Father. I'm home."
He lets out a loud cry but with a smile on his face.
"I've missed you so much, (Y/N)." He has red eyes, a red nose, and some snot slightly running. I smile contentedly and use my cape to wipe his face.
"I-I would hear tales about you and how you're the guardian angel of the Valkyrie. They spoke about how you fought with bravery and selflessness, which sounds about right. They described how beautiful and graceful you looked but that did not do you any justice." 
I smile at his compliment and get up while helping Father stand up too. He then looks up at me, smiles, and raises his wrinkly yet strong hand, and lies it on my right cheek. "You've grown into a beautiful young lady, and I could not have been more proud of you." 
I set my left hand on his hand and say, "I'm like this because of you, Father. You made me into the strong woman I am now." I look down at him with a small tear falling to my chin.
"Come, come. You must tell of your adventures while away." Father says as he walks into the kitchen at the same table I studied wing anatomy on. I smile and sit down, ready to tell him everything.
~Time skip~
"YOU ALMOST WHAT??!"Father screams at me with concern written all over his face. I scratch the back of my neck with a nervous smile. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ALMOST DIED!!" 
I shake my head with a small smile and say, "Almost." 
He scoffs in annoyance but smiles after that. "Well, I'm glad you got back safe." I smile but then look down sadly.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Father asks me with concern in his voice. 
I look up, grab his hand gently and say, "I cannot stay home, Father. I am under Thor Odinson's team so I will leave for missions. He took me back here, back home. But I promise you, that I will visit you every day, either before or after my missions." 
He sighs and then smiles. "I'm just happy you're alive, dear."
I get up, lean down, and hug Father tightly. He hugs me back, sighing with contentment. "Be safe, dear. I'd rather see you be wed and have grandchildren." 
"Father!!" I say, embarrassed by his words. I am technically at the age when women bear children, so about 25 in Earth years. But still! Father laughs at my reaction and pats my back. 
"Go be a hero, (Y/N). I'll be here when you return." We exchange smiles and let go. "You better keep your promise, young lady!"
I walk towards the doors and laugh. I turn around and give a nod. Father smiles and I walk out to my trusty steed. "I'm sorry for taking forever, Isolde. I was speaking with Father after all of these years." I know she may not understand what I'm saying but I don't really care. But I do have a feeling she knows what I'm saying.
I hop on my saddle, pull my hood up, and head towards the castle gates. Of course, I am stopped by the guards and asked for my purpose. I pull my hood down with a smile and they too froze. One guard taps the door while the other shakes my hand. Both were silent when I walked through. I see Odin, Frigga, and Thor walk into the large room, talking about something probably important.
My hood is still off so Thor recognized me. He smiled widely and walked towards me. "Ah, (Y/N)!! Welcome to my home! Father, mother, this is my new friend, (Y/N) (L/N). She's the-" 
"Yes, yes, we know about (Y/N), Thor." Odin interrupts with a large smile. I hop off Isolde with the reins in one hand and kneel down but Odin pulls me up and shakes my free hand. 
I smile back and say, "It is the greatest honor to be in your presence, Odin."
"Nonsense! I should be honored to meet a warrior such as yourself!" Odin replies while pushing Frigga towards me to also shake my hand. 
I kneel down in front of her and say, "It is an honor to be in your presence as well, my lady Frigga." 
I hear her laugh softly and she pulls me up slowly. "I've heard many a tale about the guardian angel, (Y/N)."
I smile with a slight blush on my cheeks. Thor walks up to me and grabs my hand softly. "Now, since you are on my team, we can discuss and plan your very first mission!" I look up at him and smile a little wider.
I then look at Odin and his queen and say, "Please excuse me, your highnesses." They both nod with a smile and Thor guides me down a hall.
"Now, I must ask you a few questions if that is alright with you that is." I nod and he continues. "Do you know of my brother, Loki?" 
I reply, "Yes." 
He takes a deep breath in and out. "After my last mission, I lost my brother on a planet called Earth. I have been there before and I must retrieve him so he may be punished for his crimes." 
I then say, "Okay, do you know his exact location on Earth?" 
He replies, "Yes and we will be going together while the others sleep. If that is alright with you."
I think about it for a few seconds. Loki is known to be very, very mischievous and even more dangerous. I trust Thor knows what to do when we arrive. "That's alright with me. But I do require a few things." 
He shows me a small smile and says, "Oh, do tell. Anything at all."
I show him a smirk and say, "Well I would like a new set of armor, a sword, and a dagger."
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hyunjin-amore · 8 months
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Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
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Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Zoro x top male reader
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
A love uncharted
Zoro x reader x luffy pt 1
Zoro x reader x luffy pt 2
Flames of the heart
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Flames of the heart
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
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Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Peter Parker
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Peter x top male Reader
A steamy encounter
Loki x top male reader
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Captain America
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
marvel character react to their s/o smack their butt pt.2
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A Loving and Spoiling Relationship
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thedarkmistress16 · 1 month
A/N: Watched Deadpool 3 and Iron Man 1 (the latter for the first time, can you believe) with my boyfriend in the same day last week and my mind was fighting between finishing a Hugh Jackman wip or a Tony Stark one. My creative juices followed popular demand in a new wip until it didn't, lol.
So, here's a yan!series I started writing a long time ago that I feel I can finish if I put my mind to it. It just may take a while to do.
I would include all the tags I've listed like on my past works, but I'd rather y'all be surprised when the time comes for this one. 😏 I will tag them per chapter. In this case, chapter one has no warnings. Just expository/setting up/housekeeping. This time, Fem!reader is female and has female parts, but still feel free to switch it out if desired. Gif isn't mine.
Stalker!Yandere!Tony Stark x Fem!Reader- To Steal and Dote On
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 1: Two Worlds Collide
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“(Name)!” You’re abruptly snapped out of your stupor as your friend comes barreling through the bustling cafe toward your comfy spot by the window. “I got invitations!” Your friend waves her phone around in the air, bumping into other disgruntled patrons along the way.
You sigh softly, closing your laptop. You had a feeling you wouldn’t be getting anything else done for the rest of your shared lunch break. This must’ve been what she had to “take care of” before meeting you in your usual spot today. She plops herself down right across from you with a beaming smile and seems to almost vibrate in place as her eyes excitedly pour into yours. “Invites for what?”
(Friend name) thrusts the device in your face and after blinking a few times, you find it’s opened to an email. “You’re looking at the next attendee to the hottest spot in New York City!” She announces as you skim it over, and while it reads like any generic acceptance letter, it seems legitimate.
Your friend usually works more in the spotlight than you even though you’re employed at the same company, networking whenever she could as you spent those hours pushing pencils. So it made sense that (Friend name) gathered some connections and got some strings pulled to get into an event like this. And judging by her barely-contained giddiness, a very anticipated one.
You don’t understand her excitement, but are happy for her nonetheless. You raise your head to look at her past the device. “Congratulations, (Friend name).”
Her eyebrows level and she just stares for a moment, like she’s analyzing you. “Girl, did you even read it?”
“Um,” Confusion fills your voice and then she’s glaring at you in irritation. It’s so unexpected that it makes your eyes dart around the table to avoid the stare.
“It says ‘all invited attendees are allowed an additional guest.’” She states matter-of-factly, reminiscent of a teacher explaining something one-too many times.
“And,” she pauses for dramatic effect, “you’re my plus one!” Your friend's expression lightens again and your eyes widen in shock.
“Yes, silly!” She laughs as she pulls her device back from your face. “It’s over the weekend and I know you don’t have plans, so don’t even try to flake out on this.”
“But I-” you start, but (Friend name) pipes up again.
“Oh, and don’t worry if you don’t have anything to wear. You can always borrow something of mine.”
Despite your hesitance, you didn’t really have any reason to say no, and you didn’t want to leave your friend hanging when she asked you of all people to go with her.
You can feel her bubbliness make its way into the smile steadily growing on your lips.
“When are we leaving?”
It took you a while to find something suitable, but between the hangers cluttered in the section of your closet that you barely ever touched, you did discover a classy little black number that felt appropriate.
You wanted to fit in enough where you wouldn’t stand out like a sore thumb, while blending to avoid being the center of attention at the same time. It was more (Friend name)’s event than yours to try hard or impress anyone at, anyway.
That, and- well, you didn’t have anything else that was on the fancier side.
By combining different accessories, however, you were able to make the ensemble stand out a lot better than before. It still looked subtle and classy, too. Inspecting yourself over through the tall mirror fills you with a wave of confidence, and you mentally pat yourself on the back for your gifted ability to improvise what you had.
Your phone blared with a notification as you slipped the dress on, and you turned to pick it up from your bedside table.
‘(Friend name): Coming over in 10, (Nickname). Don’t be late!’
You smile to no one, tapping away at your reply before setting the device down and touching up the last of your look.
When you headed out of your apartment and climbed into the cab your friend was waving you from, she had given you a once-over.
“You look gorgeous, (Name).” A pleased laugh escaped you, and you complimented her in kind.
“And you look ready to devour the night, (Friend name).” She poses for you, winking with exaggeration, before falling into a fit of giggles alongside you.
After calming down, she relays the address to the driver and the vehicle lurches to life. You distract each other with some small talk, and by the time you get there, it feels as though not much time has passed.
(Friend name) steps out first, and you’re left to fumble with your purse to pay the fare before getting out yourself. You’re immediately greeted by hoards of flashing lights that discombobulate your vision. You swear you’re about to stumble before you feel an arm looping around yours.
“Sorry, I should’ve warned you,” your friend whispers as she guides you down the red carpet arm-in-arm.
You mildly shake your head, not wanting your unfamiliarity in this setting to put a damper on her night.
“Ah, I’m fine; just been a while since I wore heels this high.”
(Friend name) looks at you and smiles, but doesn’t say anything more as you both head toward the entrance of the high rise. She flashes her phone at the man clad in black who stands by the glass door like a sentry guard. He grunts, signaling a confirmation with his hand, and you both step inside.
Right away, the crowd is overwhelmingly large. The space is just as expansive, and your eyes can’t help but trail up toward the ginormous chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It’s so expansive and gaudy that you can’t help but think it has no business being here besides spectacle.
“Will you be okay?” She asks, concern bleeding through her eyes. You wave her off again.
“Oh- yeah. Go on and mingle. Just let me know when you want to leave. I'll be close by.” You give her a reassuring thumbs-up.
“Okay,” (Friend name) breathes, easiness and positivity morphing her mood quickly as she surveys the room. “I'll be rubbing elbows if you need me,” she winks, letting go of your arm to happily bound off in one direction, and your heart feels a bit heavy at the loss.
A part of you regrets even saying that, wanting her to selfishly be by your side in such a foreign place you would never step willingly into on your own accord. Another side of you spins the overwhelming assault on your senses as a good thing, telling you to suck it up and enjoy yourself for once. Ultimately, you decide to head over to the bar first, get something to loosen you up, and meet up with your plus one later. How you'll spend the time in between though, you're unsure.
A surveying sweep of the event room from your perch on the uncomfortable plastic of the bar stool turns fruitless almost immediately. The more you stare out into the sea of people, the less you see somehow.
It feels somewhat like a classy, high-end nightclub with art studio lights bearing down like a terrarium heat lamp; the kind of party that requires knowing someone just to get your foot in the door. Walking up to a stranger to strike up a conversation is possible, you muse to yourself, if you want to commit social suicide. Knowing nothing about the purpose of the party or who anyone is will sink any incoming credibility you could have going in. And although a part of you wanted to come out here for a new experience, you realize you aren't ready for what that entails just yet.
So, you planted your elbow down on the wooden grain-textured surface of the bar, resting your phone in front of you and scouring through apps to pass the time. You don’t know how many drinks you had; you do know that the more you sat there, the more tired you got.
Clusters of guests came and went, rattling off drink orders and chatting with their entourage. Some spoke many pleasantries while others sounded more serious. It was interesting to catch snippets of their lives, but none of it was interesting enough to pull you away from your distraction and jump into their conversation.
A few people shuffled around your spot at the bar, moving off to the side and away from you, as if making space. Then, you feel a presence beside you, accompanied by the shuffling sound of paper rifling through someone's hands. A whiff of cologne stings your nostrils, something reeking strongly of ethanol and new car smell, oddly enough.
“Hey, you. Gimme a martini, yeah? Dirty it up for me.” Your peripherals caught a black sleeve hovering over the bar on your left side, quite close to your person. “Actually,” the male voice chimed up once more, fingers snapping shortly afterward, “throw in a scotch, too. Rocks a-plenty.” The way he was talking to the bartender was starting to put you off, further worsening your mood and whatever intrigue he had.
Then your brain got to thinking about (Friend Name). Where did she walk off to? Was she enjoying herself? When will she be ready to leave? Tapping your phone, you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, lightly biting it as your eyebrows furrowed. You start to wonder whether you should call a cab in advance.
“All by yourself, sweetheart?” The voice is too close to not be directed at you, you think, and you finally turn your head to look at the male.
He’s dressed in a crisp black and white tux, devoid of any wrinkles. A ring shines from the finger on his right hand as he moves his drink up, which draws your assessment to his face. You catch the hint of his dark stubble behind the glass as he sips, and the bright lights overhead tell you it’s a of deep brown color like his seemingly fluffed and gelled hair. Your gaze drops to his eyes, finding the same shade in them as his other features, but feel as though some kind of mirth is playing behind them. It seems he’s waiting for you to say something.
“Uh, who are you?”
“I’m Tony Stark.”
…Okay? Who the fuck was that?
Your brows scrunch together in confusion.
“You know, a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”
No, you didn’t know.
“Oh, and part-time superhero. I’m sure you heard my name pop up in the news.” He waves his free hand in the air dismissively. “It’s made of different stuff, but iron is more digestible to say than Gold-Titanium Man.”
You wonder if you’re conversing with a crazy person or if you're really the crazy one.
And you really want to believe you’re in some sort of lucid dream right now, because there is no way this guy is actually for real. But he’s looking at you with such confidence, steadily maintaining eye contact. It’s as if he expects you to agree with him or go along with it even if you don’t know what he’s talking about. If the latter is true, then this man is offering that bridge between your world and this foreign one.
It's too bad that you're well out of whatever party mood you were in when you arrived. If you were more hopeful for such discussions going well, perhaps you would play along with his jest and cadence. But not tonight. The more you sat there, the stronger of an urge you had to retreat back to your apartment and relax.
Casting him a side-eye served with a raised brow, you wearily speak up. “I’ve never heard of you before in my entire life.” He, this... self-proclaimed Tony-GoldMan, opened his mouth to say something.
“Excuse me.”
Both of your attention turns to a woman who strides up with confidence in her sparkling heels and shimmery dress. She addresses you with a brief flick of her eyes before settling on Tony, silently telling you she only acknowledged you out of courtesy, and had only approached for him. You turn away unbothered, knowing your time in the conversation is up, and it will be a matter of time before they shimmy away from you, too.
“Are you Tony Stark?” Her inflection is high, almost pitchy-sounding, and asks it in a way that hints she does, in fact, know him.
“Well, that’s what my birth certificate says. So, probably.”
She laughs, and you weren't sure if it was the volume of her voice or the strain on your ears from the crowds up to that point, but it gave you a splitting headache.
Your phone pinged with a text suddenly, and while it startled you like a jumpscare would, you felt your mood brighten a bit as you open the message.
‘(Friend name): Got caught up with some cutie, lol. Don’t wait up! Be safe, okay?’
Good for her. And oh, fuck yes! Now you didn’t have to wait for your friend so you could leave together. You were so outta here.
You peeked a subtle glance towards Tony and the woman as you handed the bartender your payment, purely out of curiosity. Seeing them standing very close to each other, lost in their own world, you left the bar without parting ways and beelined for where you remembered the entrance to be.
“What’s the rush, gorgeous?”
While it was projected from somewhere behind you, you couldn't pinpoint if it was Tony's voice calling out to you or that your ears caught someone else’s exchange of words. Either way, you couldn’t care less who it was. It probably wasn’t even directed at you anyway.
You trekked your way into your silent apartment building and rifled through your purse until your fingers brushed over the familiar, jagged shape of your keys. Fiddling with the lock until it gave way, you pried open your unit’s door and stepped inside. The echoing slam the door made when you flung it backward made your hearing cringe, but you didn’t find it in yourself to care.
You slipped off your heels with a pained groan and carelessly threw them to the side as you walked further into your apartment. The living area was barely lit enough from the flimsy curtains that were drawn over the windows, and you had to squint your eyes to make out darkened outlines of your worn furnishings, but you still managed to not trip over anything. Your sluggish and bare feet made their way to your bed where you unceremoniously flopped down onto the covers and immediately passed out.
Tony regretted rousing the next morning, feeling the waves of his hangover relentlessly pounding into his brain. He groaned, pinching his eyes tighter despite not even opening them yet. Raising a palm to massage the ache behind his forehead only made it worse, and the brunette rolled over to smush his face into his pillow with more displeased noises.
The billionaire was intrigued enough to inspect the features of the woman he took to bed, but lost interest fairly quickly when he saw who she was.
It wasn’t who he was hoping to spend time with last night.
A part of him stopped to wonder why he became picky in his conquests all of a sudden, but shook it off as he begrudgingly got ready for the day.
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
Summer sleepover
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running from august 21st to august 23rd
We are celebrating life & anything good in it ☺️ and the reward is a drabble sleepover! Ilysm all and sending good and summery vibes of peace of love to you all year round!
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As I had promised in the past we will use the same format as the 1.8 wlw sleepover to help me write my drabbles! What will you do is mix and match a character or several with one or several of the following categories provided.
⋆ Polyamorous ships are always encouraged. No platonic or daughter! reader though.
⋆ Darker themes are welcomed to my discretion. Check my requests page for what I'm comfortable with.
⋆ Please only use a character from the ones already provided. The same goes for all the categories.
⋆ I will either turn them into blurbs or drabbles depending on my inspiration but you can suggest to me what it should be.
⋆ I will do female reader for smut prompts and gender-neutral for fluff prompts. All will be written vague and over 21.
⋆ You can request up to three times.
⋆ You have to be strictly 18+ to participate.
⋆ The time frame is reserved for requests, I will write them and publish them as I see fit aka I don't want to post too much.
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characters: Jack Russell, Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Thor Odinson, Gamora, Brock Rumlow, Layla El Faouly, Elektra Natchios, Bruce Banner, Marc Spector, Brunnhilde, Yelena Belova, Monica Rambeau, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Jane Foster, Kate Bishop.
aus: apocalypse, bakery, book store, brothel, celebrity, clone, detective, ghost, restaurant, porn star, tutor, maid, mechanic, mermaid, neighbor, stripper, yandere, werewolf, vampire.
kinks: latex, breath play, cockwarming, phone sex, gloves, choking, strip tease, uniform/suit, deep throating, titty fucking, squirting, dirty talk, sex toys, accidental stimulation, collaring, shower, sensory deprivation, somnophilia, lingerie, object insertion, lap dance, period sex, lactation, temperature play, edging, spanking, exhibitionism, handcuffs, clothes on, moresomes.
date ideas: day trip, road trip, library, museum, restaurant, camping, beach, drinks/bar, concert, walking, sightseeing, boat ride, dancing, spa, errands, mattress shopping, shopping spree, cinema, coffee, abandoned places, photoshoot.
domestic situations: trying new recipes, competitive games, painting nails, reading, cuddling, clothes shopping, packing for a trip, laundry, saying goodbye at the door, repairing things, changing bedsheets, exercising together, ordering takeout, bathing a pet, falling asleep, waking them up, complaining about family, movie nights, doing dishes.
☆ Just combine as many as you want however you see fit! And of course, when it comes to domestic situations and date ideas you can think of other things or be more specific on one situation! ☆
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No pressure tagging: @that-sarcastic-writer, @tarrenterror25, @stargirlfics, @bvckysmoon @aphrogeneias @inklore @alohastyles-x @moonlight-prose @sunflowersteves @flordeamatista @e-dubbc11 @saradika @tom-whore-dleston
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
MasterList - 55
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head cannon for Roman demigod - Reggie Mantle x Male Reader
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Say Love - Hailee Steinfeld X Male Reader
Under the dusk- Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader (SMUT)
Big Roles - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Hailee Steinfeld fluff alphabet
Desperate for the night - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Keystone - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Let me sleep with the lights off - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
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headcannons for Emma Frost, Laura Kinney, Illyana Rasputin, and Kitty Pyrde being caught cheating by Reader
Being the New Spider-Man and dating Mayday Parker would include.
Laura Kinney, Emma Frost, and Jubilee jealous headcanon
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Headconon for being the supreme sorcerer (who has a similar origins to Doctor Strange) and dating Zatanna
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Natural Lights - Male Reader/Son X Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn
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I will never confess my sins - Yandere Edward Cullen x Male reader
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Shadow Flame - Male Reader x Hela
Head Cannon with yandere Hela and her S/O
Hela Yandere Alphabet.
The crown of thorns is heavy - Son! Reader x Hela
With throns to show - Hela x Female Reader G!P (SMUT)
Earth isn’t that bad - Hela x Male Reader
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Love on its own - Rogers!Male Reader x Bucky Barnes
Circles - Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Love Snow - Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Playboys - Male Reader x Tony Stark x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Ikaris (SMUT)
Let the sun be lonely - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Newcastle - Merman!Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Being Bucky Barnes’s boyfriend in the 1940s would include...
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Lay back. - Dean Winchester x Male Reader (SMUT)
Faster - Dean Winchester X Male Reader (SMUT)
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It begins somewhere - Midnight x Male Reader (SMUT & Mommy Kink)
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Light on my ego - Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima & Male Reader x Naito Monoma x Hitoshi Shinso (SMUT)
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Trance Love - Male Reader x Freya Allan
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 1 year
Dark Tony Stark
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Be aware that these are fiction works made for entertainment purposes. It includes yandere behaviours and several triggers so make sure to READ THE WARNINGS at the beginning. 
I do not support any of these toxic behaviours. 
Reader is always female.
▶ Sharing you (ft. Steve Rogers)
▶ He has cameras on your apartment
▶ Dark! Tony x reader (Request) - Tony is deeply concerned for you, maybe a little too concerned.
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spicyspiders · 5 months
9:30 am to 7 pm? Brave. Also, getting yelled at by a tony stark fan for saying you didn’t like him? 😭 I mean I’ve never understood the hype for him but he’s alright. I always just thought he was another character in a movie 🤷🏻‍♂️
I wasn't even talking specifically about him either, I just used him as an example when talking about how female characters aren't allowed to be arrogant and hot-headed like male characters are. Because tumblr's tagging system sucked, I guess it popped up in his tag.
Speaking of tumblr's tagging system, it annoys me so bad to scroll through the x male reader tag and be bombarded by posts tagged as x yandere male. 99% of them aren't even written for male readers. It confuses me because why would you use a tag that's that broad? I feel like it would just be easier to search x yandere "character's name".
Sorry to rant lmao it annoys me.
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peramess · 2 years
WARNING: Some may contain yandere, gore, smut, swearing, Nsfw, and triggering themes.
Yandere Tony Stark X Traitor M. Reader: Part One,
Once Upon A Time
Playing Games//Peter Pan X M. Reader: Part One, Part Two.
Michael Myers
A bloody Night (w/ Female Reader)
OC Yandere Works
Wounds//Yandere Boyfriend X M. Reader: Part One, Part Two.
Yandere Step-Grandfather X F. Reader.
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winters-hysteria · 2 years
my requirements to write a ship req-
description of yourself
personality traits?
i don't need your age but it is appreciated so i don't ship underage people with overage characters and underage characters with overage people
what show would you like me to write from?
do you want nsfw/sfw hc, or one or the other?
my req for full fanfic/small blurb-
i need an idea and a character.
i need your oc (if you wish) or it automatically becomes an x reader :D
i need to know if you'd like it to be sfw/nsfw
my req for an x oc
just which oc
x your oc or x reader?
who i write for!
i write majorly for marvel.
any characters
i only write dad!tony stark
nsfw/sfw upon request
harry potter!
any characters except older peter pettigrew, remus, sirius, snape and dumbledore because i view them as either father figures or just don't feel comfortable writing for them.
nsfw/sfw upon request
disclaimer because some of you think i'm supporting J.K. Rowling-
I do NOT in ANY WAY support her. I like the characters and simply the characters from the movies because they are pretty and i am simply too lazy to do research on the actors. please don't attack me over this.
mostly jinx my beloved
sometimes vi/caitlyn
umbrella academy
any characters as long as they're aged up besides yk pogo and reginald
oh and dolores i won't write for her
also i write for viktor not vanya
stranger things
no i will not write for vecna, but i write for 001/henry creel. other than that any character
my ocs-
all of them, but here's the few i'm writing for atm
obsydian - she/they. afab, a 16,000 year old demon who im human years/form appears to be about 16
nix - 17 year old, amab, he/him they/them. green hair with light brown skin with a tongue piercing
jay - amab, genderfluid, any pronouns - brown haired teen who appears late 20s and is actually 18
asani - nonbinary afab, she/her - dark skinned goat horned cutie who is 19
dusty - afab female, she/her - 16 year old chaos ball with grey hair and blue eyes, porcelain skin
daisy - afab nonbinary, she/they - blonde sweetheart with light skin who as her name states loves daisies and she is 12 so no nsfw/shipping them
damien - afab transmasc, he/him - a 25 year old guy who's been on t for 9 years now and has already had top/bottom surgery. brown hair with three blonde streaks in the front and back
spencer - nonbinary amab, he/they - a teenage dirtbag who wears pigtails much like sal fisher. green hair and purple eyes, their skin has a pinkish undertone
liam!! - amab male, he/him - 17 year old weirdo who's scared of everything and everyone besides his siblings ace and anna (they're triplets. brown fluffy hair and pale skin.
there'll be pictures of them soon
i write heavier themes upon request such as smut, yandere, gore, horror, attempted sa/non con and su!cide themes.
i also will write fluff and small blurbs whenever i feel the need, comfort and angst is totally on the table too
just request it!
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Yandere Tony Stark Headcanon (Sort of?)
A/n: Hello, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓 Nice to see y'all again. Spoiler, this is awful. I may delete it. Idk.
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Explanation (PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTINUING): So this was a conversation between me and marilynmonroefanfics. It started off with me talking about a new ending for Yan Tony Stark x Assistant male reader and this happened. To me, it sounded like a headcanon.
Just to say, I'm never doing a headcanon again! It depends with you see this as a headcanon. To me, it sounded like a headcanon.
To me, Tony gives yandere vibes. He has everything: money, power, and many people working for him.
His crimes can't be traced back to him.
He would do everything just to have you. Hell, he could probably everyone you have ever known just to have you.
Yep, crazy. He would kill thousands of people just to have you.
Like mention before, he has everything. He could probably destroy Manhattan or NYC as a whole. Which has a population of over 8 million people.
He would use that to threaten you. If you don't say yes to him, the deaths of millions of people will be on your hands.
"Please... don't do this. T-they don't deserve this!" you cried out.
After being with him for so long, you felt like you were losing your sanity.
You tried killing yourself but it has proven to be ineffective. Tony could just put your body or brain into a robotic suit or he could get Dr. Strange to revive you.
Whatever you do, you can't escape. No matter where you go, he will always find you.
"You can never escape me Y/n. I'll always find you. you CAN run from me. But you CAN'T hide from me."
A/n: I'm never doing this again, so don't request a headcanon. Bye, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓
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armylily · 2 years
Chapter 11: New Job
~(Y/N) POV~
I feel like I should regret speaking to King Odin's firstborn son with my chosen tone of voice...
But I don't. 
He should've taken the hint that I'm not interested. I walk towards the stairs and I hear heavy footsteps behind me. Maybe, he can take me home..no. If he's here, that means he is either on a mission or in battle. He looks to be finished with a mission, as he bares few wounds. Plus, he is most likely looking for a woman to lay with.
I shake my head and continue onwards. I felt a large, calloused hand grab my left wrist not tightly but enough to hold me in place. Now I do not like being touched at all, much less being grabbed by someone that is trying to sleep with me. So I do something that I am still very proud of to this day.
I grab his wrist with my right hand, pull my hand out of his grasp and elbow him in the stomach. After he ducks forward from the impact, I jerk my elbow into his chin and he falls back. As he fell down, I massage my elbow, now feeling numb. 
He's propped on his right elbow while rubbing his chin. His bottom lip was bleeding but not profusely. He looks at his marked hand, looks at me, and smirks. My stomach feels weird, being under his gaze. But my scowl grows at the sight of his cocky face. 
I set my right foot on his chest and lower down to look closer at his face. I then set all of my weight onto my foot and he groans. 
I finally spoke in the same dark tone as before, "If you dare touch me again, you will regret the day you ever laid your eyes on me. I am not a whore you can pay and lay with. Do not think at all that you can use your status and looks to slip into my clothes."
His eyes dilate at the end of my threat and he nods slowly. I move my leg off Thor's chest and walk off. As I unlocked the door to my room, I hear my stomach growl with hunger. I wrap my stomach with my right arm in pain and breathe heavily a few times. I have not eaten ever since the battle with Hela, I'm surprised I have not fainted.
I debate about eating, as I was used to the small amounts of food that were given at the training camp. I sigh in annoyance at myself and close the door. I'm sure that Thor had already left the inn so I continue walking down. 
I walk to the bar and ask the man, "Do you have any food with you?"
The bartender looks at me and smiles softly. "Yeah, do you need some?" 
His tone was very....soft like he was speaking to a lost child. I will admit I'm lost but his tone just made my cheeks red. Brunnhilde always spoke to me in that tone so it made my heart swell and I sheepishly nodded.
I hear him say as I look up at him with confusion on my face. 
His smile grows as he says, "That's my name: Cuyler. But you may call me C if you prefer." 
I nod in acknowledgment with a slight blush from embarrassment.
"So is that how you got it?" I ask with a lot of curiosity.
He raises his cut eyebrow in question. 
"I meant your eye. Cuyler means archer so is that how you got it?" 
He makes a face of realization and scratches the back of his neck. I smile slightly as it was adorable, like a puppy adorable.
"Yes and no. I was interested in archery when I was a young boy, but me being a young and idiotic boy, I didn't know how to use a bow and arrow. I held the arrow wrong and it flew back into my eye, causing me to lose sight. And my eyebrow is because of.." Cuyler pauses as he does a facepalm.
"Of what?" I was genuinely curious about this man, as I may as well get to know him as I'm staying. 
He lets out a sigh and replies, "..my cat."
I look away from Cuyler, holding in a laugh behind my right hand. 
He yells at me in a childish yet japing tone, "HEY, IT HAPPENS, ALRIGHT?!!" 
I let out a few more giggles and apologize for my immaturity, not really apologizing for myself but for him. It's amusing to hear mistakes for such intriguing scars.
He hands me a brown bag of food, produce most likely. My dominant hand was about to grab my lunch when Cuyler snatches it up. I look up at him with an annoyed face, my stomach rumbling again. 
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. That was rather unfair of you, Madame. I answered your questions, you answer mine and I give you the food! Deal?"
I make my frown go deeper but sigh. I retract my hand and await his question. Cuyler smiles widely and giggles. Weirdo... He props his head on his right hand, looking at me in a daze.
"Where are you from? That is my first question!" 
I raise an eyebrow but answer, "Asgard."
Cuyler's eyes widen and he freezes.
I pat his right cheek a few times and he yells, "YOU'RE FROM ASGARD??!"
I jump out of my seat and clamp my hand over his mouth. 
"Will you shut it!?!", I whisper-shout. "Yes, I'm from Asgard. Adopted and raised." 
I freeze and my eyes widen when I finish my sentence. I groan in annoyance and wait for Cuyler's reaction.
I look up to see Cuyler with a sympathetic look on his face.
Here comes the pity shit. 
"I'm sorry that happened, ma'am. I'm sure your guardian is an amazing parent." I sigh sadly in memory and nod.
"He is. I miss him dearly. I haven't seen him in 6 centuries. I'm not even sure he still lives.."
I feel a small tear fall down my (S/C) cheek, then I hear sobbing coming from the weird bartender. I look at him in slight worry and a lot of confusion
"Y-your sto-ory is s-so s-s-sAAAD!!" 
I grab a handkerchief from my pocket and gently wipe his cheeks. 
"You're making it seem like you've got a tragic childhood, Cuyler," I say with a slight giggle.
"Do f-forgive m-m-me.." Okay, he needs to chill his shit. 
"I do, now please stop crying." 
He blows his nose obnoxiously and tries to hand it back to me. I grab it with my thumb and pointer finger and throw it behind me. I pat his back until his breathing turns normal.
"I've only got three more questions now!"
"Name doesn't count."
"You gave me your name by choice."
".......aight TWO MORE QUESTIONS THEN!!"
I giggle at his sentence and prop my chin up. "What's under the cape, pretty lady?" 
I raise an eyebrow teasingly and also seriously. I look around to see no one but us so I don't mind showing Cuyler. I hop off the seat and walk backward. I smirk at his confusion and spread my beautiful wings out.
They knocked a few tables and chairs out of the way and almost hit the ceiling too. I look up to see Cuyler in awe at the new, bright sight. I smile softly and retracted them back under. I walk up to the stool and sit, waiting for his loud outburst.
Aaaaaaaand he fainted.
Cuyler falls to his right side, stiff as a board, and knocked two cups over. 
I sigh and grab the bag of apples, now known by the feel. As I turn around, I bump into another broad and steel-like chest. As the apples fell out of the bag, I catch all of them before they hit the ground.
I sigh in relief but my face contorts into frustration as I look up at the stupid man that almost made me lose my lunch.
You've got to be kidding me.
Thor looks down at me with a wide grin and wide eyes. I look at him with so much confusion until he grabs my shoulders and shakes me while saying, "YOU'RE THE GUARDIAN ANGEL OF THE VALKYRIE, (Y/N)!!!"
I feel myself getting dizzy with the shaking and push his hands off.
"What gave it away?" I ask sarcastically.
I pull off my hood to show my (H/L) (H/C) hair (matted/greasy/in knots). My eyes were slightly dull (E/C) with a small sparkle. My lips chapped but in their natural color. My face had a few bruises as well.
Thor loudly chuckles and said, "Well, I was watching you from the entrance and you showed the peasant your wings, and *snap* I immediately knew it!" I furrow my eyebrows in slight annoyance. 
"What do you want, Thor Odinson?" I ask in a taunting way.
"I wish for you to join my team of warriors! You're actually one of my heroes, also my brother, Loki."
I look at him, process his words, and pause in my steps. It could help me get back home, but I'd be in his debt. But I'd be well fed and more known. But Thor is annoying.
I walk in front of the prince of Asgard and ask in a very serious tone, "What makes you think I would join you and your team? What's in it for me?" 
Thor chuckles again and pats my left shoulder. I look at him more angrily and he laughs nervously.
He then says, "You'll be more known as Guardian, warrior angel of Asgard!! You'll be fed, loved by many, and you'll be in my team, of course, I'd say that's the most important." 
I look at him with a 'really, dude' face and he sighs.
"I can make sure you see your father again."
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im-a-satanic-ritual · 2 years
Can somebody
(anybody?!) give me a yandere!Tony Stark x f!reader x yandere!Steve Rodgers 🥺🙏
I can just imagine her playing peace maker to all their fights, she’s innocent to the extreme so she doesn’t notice their yandere tendencies. J.A.R.V.I.S. definitely keeps track of her constantly and reports all activity and interactions to both of them. The Avengers definitely notice how obsessed both of their leaders are but while some of them don’t care and are happy for Tony and Steve, the rest object on principle but like the more calm working environment and metaphorically throw her to the wolves (not that any of them would have been able to help her without suffering from severe ‘accidents’…)
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Headcanons to Yandere Bucky Barnes X Pregnant Reader
WARNING: MDNI, baby-trapping, mentions of sex, alcohol, mature language, some mentions of suicide, murder, mentions of depression, implied suicide attempts in the past, etc.
SUMMARY: It's already bad enough that you got kidnapped by an obsessed Bucky Barnes, but how will he react when he finds out you're pregnant? And how will he treat you throughout your pregnancy?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: (Edited) It's been a few years since I posted this and I began to notice some readers liking it recently, so I decided to edit it and make it longer. Also, I have been so busy lately with my schedule, I barely have a day's rest for the past few weeks, but I will try to post more here. And for those who have experienced this type of relationship, please tell someone whom you can trust because while this is only fictional, it isn't good in a real life.
MASTERLIST: Feel free to check out my other works! :)
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Finding out you are pregnant in the a public restroom was one of the hardest experience you had to go through. You could barely even look at it, much less hold the three pregnancy sticks without your hands trembling with fear amd anxiety.
It took a few breakdowns for you to get yourself together, but it wasn't as if you allowed them to last very long. You had used the excuse to go outside to buy some groceries, which was one of the only things a very reluctant Bucky agrees for you to go out for, but even then, if you stayed out for so long, he would get suspicious. You discarded the pregnancy tests into the trash bins, before buying his and your favourite snacks and drinks. Bucky got in a good mood at home because of it too.
You decided to keep your pregnancy a secret from Bucky, which won't be much of a problem.... or so you thought.
Ever since you found out about your pregnancy, for a whole month, you kept on being your usual stubborn self, always rejecting Bucky's attempts to show his affection to you, especially whenever he tries to get closer for a kiss. Somehow though, the soldier began to notice something odd from your regular behaviour, although you tried to keep it as it was before.
Perhaps it was the way you were much more stubborn and adamant to not have sex with Bucky or maybe it was the way you shove his head away from your stomach every time he tries to lay his head on it and gave him a grumpy or irritated look. It might also be the morning sickness that loves to pester you every morning without rest, which causes Bucky to wake up and get worried over you.
Eventually, he realized what was going on after a month of taking your same old excuses, and forced you to take a pregnancy test in front of him.
"You knew all along, didn't you?" Bucky asked you after the pregnancy test showed a positive result to you, causing your stomach to churn. One of the reasons you didn't tell Bucky is because you were afraid that he might force you to abandon the child or get an abortion instead since he was still running away from the government. However, you were welcomed with a warm smile on his face. "Why didn't you tell me? We're going to have a child soon!"
Afterwards, you learnt that it was actually Bucky's plan to get you pregnant all along, believing it to be the way for you not leave him. Of course, you were furious as fuck and threw a 'tantrum' as he like to call it. Bucky only let out a chuckle and kissed your forehead while gently rubbing your belly, which carries the small two months old baby, as if it was the most precious thing in the world.
Bucky made it his mission to learn to cook. Don't be fooled, Bucky has always been capable of cooking and he makes some of the most delicious dishes you have ever tasted, but ever since your pregnancy, he is keen to be the one to cook every single one of your meals. Bucky prevents you from going to restaurants in fear that you and the baby might get food poisoned and out of worry that the food there would be unhealthy for you. Not even a bag of chips is allowed in the house. You want a donut? Don't worry, darling, Bucky can make one for you shortly.
Speaking of him not letting you go out to restaurants, if you think Bucky even allows you to go outside alone, then you're surely mistaken. Bucky has already been far too protective and possessive of you before he found out you were pregnant. During your pregnancy though, he has never left your side, even following you when you want to use the bathroom in the middle of the night to pee, thanks to your sensitive bladder. Although Bucky does help you a lot while staying by your side, either by helping you tie your shoelaces or massage your swollen feet, especially with how fast your baby bump was beginning to grow, you still can't help but feel disgusted with his touch.
If for whatever reason you are forced to go outside, you won't be alone. Bucky will disguise himself and go wherever you go, keeping a safe distance from you to keep you safe if he has to, but be rest assured, you're never alone anymore when you go out. Not like you ever were, but you don't need to know that.
There was once an incident where he deemed a man who was asking you for directions to a place was "too friendly" with you and after leading the man to a secluded place, Bucky killed him on the spot. Remember how Bucky doesn't allow you to be too far from him outside? Yeah, because of that, you witnessed Bucky in the act of killing the innocent man. It caused you to feel a thousand times more disgusted whenever Bucky tries to help you, though he assured you a hundred times that the man was seeking to hurt you in some way.
Bucky knew of how suicidal you can get and after that incident, he knew you would blame yourself for it at some point. Due to it, he made sure to throw away your sleeping pills and all of your birth control pills in fear that you might try to commite suicide like you did in the past with them. To be fair, he had already throw away all unnecessary pills in the house, but Bucky practically rummaged through the entire house, through your secret stashes even to get rid of anything that can harm you. However, you had a feeling Bucky got rid of the birth control pills because he wants another child in the future as well. Killing two birds with one stone, he must have thought.
There was once during your pregnancy when he had no choice but to leave for a mission, much to your excitement, since this would be the first ever time he left you alone for months. However, that excitement quickly died down when he left you with his best and most truated friend, Steve Rogers, and frenemy, Tony Stark. You weren't sure why Tony was even there since he wasn't in good terms with Bucky, but he probably felt pity for you because of your situation. Your chances to escape though was practically none as long as Steve was around since he acts like a second yandere to you, especially after you got pregnant. The good thing was that he was sweeter and less possessive but just as much protective as Bucky. Steve only has one mission; to not let you escape and Captain America never breaks away from his goal.
It is better to be around Tony though if you want a hint of freedom. You won't get much, that's for sure, especially with Steve hogging around you as well, but Tony tries his best to get you a fresh air of freedom whenever he is able to. It might not be much nor quite often since Bucky's mission doesn't last that long either, but you appreciated his actions to make you feel comfortable. Though it only made you dread the day Bucky comes back even more.
When he does come back, you gave him the silent treatment. You were still upset about what happened to the man a few months ago and continued to ignore Bucky, even with all his pleas for you to just look at him and apologies about it. That was until the day came when you felt your water broke and after screaming and pushing him away, Bucky forced you to let him carry you to the private hospital Tony had bought for you to give birth at.
After many, many hours of pushing and blaming everything on Bucky, a new bundle of joy came into the world. You and Bucky were in awe the whole time watching the little baby being washed by the nurse, before wrapping a blanket around him. You hated Bucky with all you have, but you could never hate your baby. It wasn't his fault that their father is an obsessive asshole who can't keep his pants to himself.
In the end, you love your baby with everything you have, but hatred is the only emotion you have for Bucky and the whole time you were resting after your exhausting birth, you were too busy thinking of a plan to safely get away from Bucky with your baby boy. And you will do whatever it takes to get out of there, for both his sake and yours.
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Master List
i've switched accounts, new account is @wheelerzluv
Medical Injuries | Teen Avenger! Reader
Y/N is rescued and fights with her mother.
Accidental Confessions Gone Right | Teen Avenger! Reader | Pt 2.
Peter can’t keep secrets from the Director of S.H.E.I.L.D.
Cute Nightly Routine | Peter Parker’s Sister! Reader
Spider-Man’s sister is in love with Harley Keener.
Fight or flight | Tony Stark x Niece! Reader
You get into a fight at school, so uncle Tony picks you up.
Father Daughter Banter | Clint Barton x Daughter! Reader | Pt 2.
Clint arrives back at Avengers Tower and learns of your fight.
Internship | Pre-Teen! Reader
Originally you interviewed to become Pepper's intern, though you receive a pleasant surprise.
Food Theif | Avengers x DemiGod! Reader
You’ve learned to use injuries as a way to get out of trouble.
My Love | Yandere! Steve Rogers x GN! Reader
Steve Rogers is confused by your calm nature towards him.
Pets | The Avengers x Reader
How they would react if you named your pet after them.
Incorrect Quotes
Nick Fury’s Car
Bucky v. Minecraft
Jail Birds
Stranger Things
Anxious Cuddles | Robin Buckley x Female Reader
Could you do robin x reader with anxiety? it’s something I really struggle with it and oof having her comfort would be 😮‍💨 - Requested
The Back of Your Van | Eddie Munson x GN! Reader
Was wondering if you’d be able to write an Eddie Munson one shot/imagine with Hoppers (Gn) kid. :) - Requested
Hunted Friends | Lucas Sinclair x Carver! Reader
You go with Lucas Sinclair to ‘hunt down’ Eddie Munson. - Requested
Stupid Diary | Dustin Henderson x Reader
Erica blackmails you in order to help save Hawkins from Vecna. - Requested
Love for an Accused Murderer | Eddie Munson x Reader
Could you please do a Eddie Munson x reader. Like a hurt comfort with tons of fluff? or just like the reader taking care of him because of the accused murder maybe? thanks! - Requested
Metal Munson | Eddie Munson x Party Member! Reader
You calm down Eddie with your favourite song.
Little Harrington | Mike Wheeler x Harrington! Reader
Can you do a mike x girl reader where Steve is her brother and sees them making out like Hopper in season 3 - Requested
El's First Cali Friend | El x Reader
Can u write being El's first friend in California and standing up for her as popular fem reader headcanons? - Requested
Incorrect Quotes
Taken Charge
Social Construct
Will Byers x Himbo! Reader
Sally Face
Incorrect Quotes
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 2 years
Dark Tony Stark x Reader
Pairing: Dark Tony Stark x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
REQUEST: If possible, please can you do Yandere Tony Stark with a reader that understands how far he could go/went for her by speaking to the others ? Like, they explain to her what happened on a specific event or he did after she left, things like that please ?
AN: Hope you enjoy this. I tried my best :)
“and then Tony sent those flying suits searching for you, but no luck there. I think he also tried having Jarvis tracking down your phone, but you left that device at home so no luck there. Then he hacked into all the surveillance cameras around the city to catch an image of you, but no luck there so he ....”
Steve keeps talking, not noticing that you are no longer paying attention to him but instead you’re too absorbed by the graphic description of Tony’s overprotective behavior over you.
The worst thing is that you were only gone for one hour, taking that time as a short self-recharging time at the park where you just relaxed at the quiet park. 
Now you’re at the Compound, sitting in the conference room with Steve while he rambles about how stressed Tony was while you were gone.
Ever since you arrived at the Avenger’s compound, you’ve been approached by Natasha, Steve and 5 other people, all of them worried about you and a possible kidnapping of yours, all according to what Tony had told them. 
It surprises you how Tony is starting to become more and more protective since he has always been so laid back and carefree yet lately he’s always trying to be with you or sending one of his suits to look after you.
Maybe it’s because of his work as an Avenger and the things he has to deal with but either way, it’s changing him. It’s starting to make you feel less and less passionate about your relationship, as you’re slowly being suffocated by his smothering nature. 
Just as you’re deep in those disturbing thoughts, the door bursts wide open, revealing a very angry Tony with his armor slowly retracting back.
Steve shuts up and quietly leaves the room, leaving the two of you alone. You stand up as Tony practically runs towards you, lifting you into a bone-crunching hug. 
“God, do you know how worried I was? I was losing my damn mind over it!” he says, his hand supporting the back of your head as he holds you close against him.
You try pushing him away, but to no avail. 
“Tony, I’m completely fine! I only went out for a bit, not a big deal. You’re just being overdramatic.” you say as he finally pulls back a bit, still keeping his arms around you. His eyes are incredulous as they stare into you. 
“I’m being overdramatic? You fucking left for a few hours, without a trace. No message, no phone call. Nothing.” he foams with rage while loudly spitting the words. It makes you a bit scared to see him losing his temper, you’ve never seen him so upset.
Something in his expression changes as he looks at you. 
“Things are gonna change from now on. You’re not allowed to leave the mansion anymore unless you have permission.” he firmly declares. You scoff, baffled at his ridiculous words. 
“Not funny, Tony.” you shrug it off, rolling your eyes at him. Tony takes in a sharp breath as his expression hardens. There’s no humor in his face and that’s when it hits you that he’s not playing around. 
“I’m not joking, Y/N. In case you haven’t noticed, the world is dangerous and it’s getting worse, so I’m not gonna risk it. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, even if I have to become the bad guy here. You’re mine and I’ll protect you with my life.” 
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lizardgutzz · 2 years
Requests open!
Master list- Doesn't exist yet LOL
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Content you will see!
You will see incorrect quotes!
character x Male reader
character x female reader
character x Non-binary reader
Chracter x Character
Head cannons
Rules in general!
No cis-female or girls read male readers. If you are gender fluid, trans, or anything like that you are free to read the male readers. I don’t care but cis girls please don’t read this. You have a lot of books, one shot’s for you and this page is not for you!
No racism, transphobia, homophobia, or anything between that I would block you without a second thought.
No ship hate you will be blocked
Rules for requesting!
Non-con or Rape
age play
smut for young characters (Please don’t request smut if there younger then let’s so 16 and no I will not age a minor up for your own need’s that’s disgusting if they have a time skip and are older then 16 or around that then I will write smut for them!)
Any kink unless there in the don’t list
threesome (Ex: character x character x character or reader x character x chracter)
Dom/sub bottom/top reader
SFW/NSFW alphabet
Poly! I love doing poly relationships
Parent!Character x reader
Disabled reader, mental or physical
Who - What I write for
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Please specify if reader has powers or not, is so, what powers? ^^
Peter maximoff . Kurt wagner . Scott summer . Logan howlett . Tony stark . Wade wilson . Bucky barnes . Steve rogers . Loki . Thor . Steven strange . Venom/Eddie
Demon slayer
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Tanjiro . Muzan . Zenitsu . Inosuke
I am only 1 season in so expect more to be added
Tiger & Bunny
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Kotetsu . Kaede(only as sibling) . Barnaby . Ryan . Ivan . Keith . Nathan . Antonio . Yuri
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Does JD from heathers go in this list? Lol . Brahms heelshire . Billy loomis . Stu macher . Michael myer . Freddy Kruger . Chucky . Tiffany Valentine . More will certainly be added!!
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Ticci toby . Masky/Tim . Brian/Masky . Jeff the killer . Eyeless jack . BEN . Slenderman . Nina the killer(I like her fuck off) . I'm probably missing some but whatever
Moving on from killers LOLLL
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Seth . Alphonse . Finn . Charlie . Jack
Monster high G1
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Please specify what monster you would like reader to be! or if reader is a human ^_^
Cleo . Duece . Abbey . Lagoona . Clawdeen . Frankie . Ghoulia . Toralei . Valentine
And that's it! Thank you for reading:)
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