#yandere tony stark x male reader
chaoticforever · 2 years
Two Sides To Every Coin | Yandere Tony Stark & Male! Reader
Summary: There are, indeed, two sides to every coin: heads and tails. Or, in your case, truths and lies are on both sides.
A/N: Here's a platonic request with this genius that I hope people will like.
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To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Invitation to Interview.
Dear Y/n L/n,
Thank you for applying for the position of the CEO's Personal Assistant. As a result of your application, I would like you to attend an interview tomorrow morning at eleven-thirty AM at Stark Industries in New York City, New York.
Please bring a list of two references and a copy of your resume to the interview.
If the date or time of the interview is inconvenient, please contact me by phone, which is attached below, or email ([email protected]) to arrange another appointment. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Best regards, Virginia Potts.
As your eyes looked over the email you received, your lips curled upward into a smile, the feeling of excitement bubbling uncontrollably inside your chest. It was hard for you to believe that Mrs. Potts was inviting you to attend an interview. Working for Stark Industries was a long -held dream of yours since high school; an ambition. Now, you were one step closer to making that dream a reality.
"I can't believe you'll be working at Stark Industries, Y/n." The brown-eyed female sitting beside you said happily, her eyes skimming through the written email. Her free hand reached for the remote, using it to pause the movie. "This is exciting!"
Selena Garcia — or a Mexican Queen as she frequently likes to call herself — is your best friend. She is beautiful, nice, intelligent, confident, and extremely fun— to name a few descriptive adjectives.
The friendship began in your sophomore year of high school. You were walking down the halls of Redwood High School with your bag slung over your shoulders, heading for your locker. Somehow, you had missed your alarm this morning and overslept. So, your feet moved swiftly through the corridors, hoping to get to class before the bell rang. Quickly, you grabbed your math notebook, a folder, a pencil, and a pen before dashing to your first-period class. Unfortunately, you had unintentionally collided with someone, sending their papers flying everywhere.
"Shit, I'm so sorry." You bent down and picked up the scattered papers, placing them into a neat stack. Looking up, e/c eyes met a pair of chestnut brown eyes.
Beautiful chestnut brown eyes.
She's new here, you realized punctually. You've never seen this girl at this school before, and you certainly would have recalled seeing someone so beautiful.
"Don't worry about it. It's perfectly fine." The female smiled and took the neatly stacked papers from you, pushing her hair behind her ear. "And thank you for picking the papers up instead of walking away, as most people would have done."
"Yeah, luckily, I'm not most people." You said. "Are you new here by any chance?"
The question was answered with a nod,  confirming your speculation. "Yes, and not only that but I'm extremely lost, too. Could you tell me where room 235 is?"
"Not only can I tell you where it is, but I can also take you there, considering I'm heading to that class right now. C'mon." You and the new student began walking down the hallway to math class. "And, if you like, I can assist you in finding your classes. By the way, my name is Y/n."
"I'd like that very much. Thank you, Y/n. And my name is Selena. Selena Garcia."
After — quite literally — running into one another, you guys built a friendship that lasted well into early adulthood. Selena became your best friend and was the guiding light in your life, drawing you into her dazzling and welcoming orbit. You two balance each other out like yin and yang. She referred to you two as the Bisexual Duo, and you couldn't deny that you didn't like the name since you did.
You were currently at Selena's apartment, where a movie night was being held. Normally, movie nights take place on Friday nights, but you decided to do it today because Selena is having dinner with her parents this Friday, and you both are occupied tomorrow night.
A romantic film was on the TV screen that your best friend had chosen since it was her night to choose the next movie. You were not a huge fan of romantic films, but this film is pretty good so far.
"I need to get hired before I can start working there. This is just an interview, nothing more. Besides, I'm not even sure I'll get the PA position in the first place."
"Oh, please, you will get the job, especially with your impressive resume." The brunette reached down into her lap and popped a piece of popcorn into her mouth. "However, I'm curious as to how your parents will react when they find out you might work for Stark Industries."
Right. Your parents.
It's no secret that your parents have a deep hatred for a certain billionaire.
They've shown their disdain for the man by cursing him every chance they got — particularly at the dinner table — hurling insults and slandering him whenever he is seen on TV, and criticizing anything Stark-related, whether it's his company, his technology, or if he did something good for people. Tony Stark, according to your parents, is the Devil in disguise.
In contrast to your parents — who both detested the genius — you did not feel the same way about him. Honestly, you admired him. From what you've seen, he is an extremely intelligent and insightful man who had the ability to command a room with just a few words. He also had the ability to turn heads whenever he entered a room. Not to mention that he is your favorite superhero and Avenger.
He is amazing.
And, to be honest, he's your inspiration.
You've never understood why your mom and dad despised the genius, and you're unlikely to ever do. Never hope to either.
"Oh, they're going to be pissed for sure." You stated knowingly, leaning back into the couch. "I still don’t understand why they hate Tony in the first place. It's like they can't breathe without hating him."
The brown-haired female shrugged. "Who knows? People love to hate him. I personally don’t understand how anyone can hate that man, and he is hot as hell."
"He’s also about twenty years older than us." You pointed out. "Not to mention the fact that he’s married and has a kid, too."
"That doesn’t make him any less hot."
A chuckle emitted from your throat as you shook your head. Sometimes, you couldn’t believe the things that emerge from your friend’s mouth. "Whatever you say. Are we going to finish this movie?"
A soft humming sound escaped Selena, looking quite impressed with what you said. “Did I just turn you on to romance movies?”
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Sel. I’m still not a fan of romance movies, but I can admit that this is a good one." You took the remote out of her lap and pressed the play button. "Let's finish it."
You two spent the next hour finishing the movie, and you both agreed that this was one of the best and most prominent romantic films you ever seen. The plot was engaging, the acting by the cast was phenomenal, and the development of the two lead characters' relationship flowed well and was wonderfully paced.
Even Selena's eyes were teary from it.
After completing the movie, you two had dinner — which consisted of pizza and cheese fries — before you left her place and drove yourself home. Or, to be more specific, to your parents' house since you still lived with them. You needed to talk to them again about moving out, yet every time you attempted to converse with them about it, they would steer the conversation in a different direction.
It's like they never wanted you to leave.
You let out a sigh, flinging open the car door and exiting the vehicle once you arrived at your humble abode. Walking over to your front door, you unlocked it and walked inside. Fortunately for you, your parents were not home right now, so you didn't need to tell them that you would be at SI the next morning. Upon entering, the first thing you did was go upstairs to your room and change into some sleepwear. You had an interview tomorrow morning and you needed to make sure you were well-rested for it.
You pondered whether your long-held desire to work for Stark Industries would be fulfilled as you lay in bed and looked up at the room's creamy-colored ceiling. Sure, your resume was outstanding, but a ton of other candidates who applied for the position most likely submitted ones that were comparably exceptional.
What are the chances of you getting picked out of a million other applicants?
Slim to none.
Nonetheless, you were holding out hope that the little possibility of you getting that position would work in your favor.
Then, in addition to experiencing what it's like for you to work in a business environment, you'd get to meet Virginia Potts — a remarkable woman from what you've heard — and Tony Stark himself.
You put the covers over your body and closed your eyes. Tomorrow is a new day, and you'll see what happens then.
Quick fingers closed up the buttons on a gray dressy shirt followed by a tie that was perfectly knotted around your neck. To say that you were nervous for today's interview would be an understatement, but you will go to Stark Industries with confidence transmitting off of you, your head held high, and a smile on your face.
After fixing your hair and grabbing your resume, you were out the door. You would prefer to arrive at the scheduled interview earlier than it begins, which is why you arrived at SI ten minutes prior.
The friendly male at the front desk pleasantly welcomed you and directed you to the waiting area where other people were waiting to be interviewed.
As you sat and patiently waited for your name to be called, e/c eyes observed the other candidates sitting in the room. There were noticeably more women in the room than men, and you knew that many of them were probably attempting to get close to Tony Stark. Regardless of him being a married man, women still tried to get with him. Guess that's one of the many cons that come with being a  celebrity alongside being an Avenger.
"Y/n L/n."
You stood up, straightened out your tie, and entered an office with your resume and references in your grasp. This was it. Let's hope that Mrs. Potts hires you.
When you walked into the room, the woman in question smiled up at you. She ascended and held her hand out towards you, which you shook firmly.  "You must be Y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you." She released her hand from yours and motioned to the chair across from her with that hand. "Please, take a seat."
"I'm excited to be here. Thank you for considering me for this role, Mrs. Potts."  You smiled at the woman across from you as you sat down in the chair and set your resume on the desk in front of you.
"It's no problem at all. Shall we begin?" The blonde asked and received a nod.
Mrs. Potts asked a variety of interview questions for the next forty-five minutes while she skimmed through your resume and your reference sheet. You answered them thoughtfully and gave intelligent responses, adding in your own inquiries. Overall, the meeting was great so far.
" — I have to say, you have an impressive resume. Why do you want to be my PA?" She inquired, eyes watching you closely.
"I'd like to be your PA for the experience." You replied truthfully. "Someday, I might want to create my own business. I want to experience and learn what it's like to operate in a business atmosphere while also developing leadership qualities. No one can teach me leadership abilities better than the CEO of Stark Industries."
"Flattery will get you nowhere." The lady deadpanned, and you frowned slightly.
"That was not intended to come across as flattery, Mrs. Potts. Stark Industries is a multinational, billion-dollar industrial company and the world's largest tech conglomerate. Being the CEO of the company includes having a variety of abilities in order to lead it, which you obviously possess given that you have effectively led the company since 2010. Unfortunately, these abilities cannot be taught in a classroom — which is why I would like to be your personal assistant."
Pepper hummed, thoughtfully nodding along to your words as she considered them. She's been interviewing people for three days, and if she's being honest,  this interview impressed her the most, especially since you hadn't mentioned Tony or seemed to want to sleep with him. She could tell from reading your resume and speaking with you in person that you were intelligent, educated, kind, and charismatic without even knowing it.
Just like Tony, she immediately thought.
Perhaps you'd be the best suited for this position. You can assist her, Tony, and...
"How are you with kids? You like them?"
You were perplexed by the question, but you provided an answer to it. "I love kids. During high school, I frequently helped a friend babysit kids in his neighborhood, and the children always adored me."
The blonde nodded her head once more. "I believe that concludes this interview. It's been a pleasure chatting with you today." She rose to her feet at the same time you did and shook hands with you again. "Thank you for your time, Mr. L/n. I appreciate it. We'll contact you soon."
"Thank you for taking the time to chat today! Have a great rest of your day, and I look forward to hearing from you soon."
You gave the woman a warm smile before leaving the room, feeling more confident than before the interview. Based on how the interview went, you had a strong feeling that you would be getting that personal assistant position.
And you were right about that feeling of yours, because you got a call from SI a week later, saying that you were hired.
You were — You were simply ecstatic.
However, your parents did not share the same emotion you did. When you told them you landed the position at Stark Industries, they were bristling with anger.
"Why would you want to work for Stark Industries, Y/n? Why on earth would you want to work for Stark's company after everything we've told you about him?" Noah L/n, your father, asked you angrily.
"Because Stark Industries is the ideal place for me to experience what it's like to work in a business setting." You said.
"There are plenty of other businesses in New York where you could work if you want to experience what it's like to work in a business." Your mother, Emma L/n, mentioned, her voice gentler than your father's. "You don't need to work at Stark Industries to gain business experience, and we don't want you working there."
You slowly blinked twice at your parents. "You guys might not want me to work there, but I will be working there. In the end, this decision is ultimately up to me."
Presently, you did not mean to sound so abrasive in your response, but you would still stand your ground. You needed your parents to understand that they couldn't continue to dictate your life and treat you like a child when you were an adult.
"We understand. We're just concerned."
"Concerned about what, Mom?" At your parents' silence, you merely let out a sigh. "Can't even answer the question. Well, at least answer me this then: what exactly is your problem with Tony Stark? Why do you both hate him so much?"
A muscle in Noah's jaw flexed. "He's an asshole. That is all you need to know."
"That's not a good enough answer for me." You shook your head. "I am taking this job, whether you two like it or not."
The following morning, the sun's warm light streamed through your window and gently caressed your features. Once you opened your eyes and realized what day it was, a smile was present on your face.
Your first day at Stark Industries.
Although it may seem strange, you were excited about going to work today and about this job in particular. Throughout your morning routine — which included washing your face, brushing your teeth, showering, dressing, and making sure your hair looked good — the smile was still sketched on your face. It persisted on your face even after you stopped at  a nearby coffee shop to get a cup — or two — of coffee before heading to work.
Nothing could possibly ruin your mood today. Not even your parents' desperate insistence to find yourself another job.
Upon arriving at Stark Industries, you were greeted by Pepper before being instructed to grab Tony and bring him here because he had a board meeting to attend today. That prompted you to get back into your car and head over to the Avengers Compound, where he was.
This was it.
Your chance to finally meet Tony Stark.
Nervousness and excitement welled up inside you as you stepped out onto the pavement, coffee holder in your hands.
When you made it to the Compound's entrance, FRIDAY, Tony's AI, welcomed you because she had been anticipating your arrival. The AI advised you to wait here for Tony, who would be down in a moment. She was quite right; you heard the elevator door open and the sound of Tony Stark's voice filled the atmosphere.
"What do you need, Cap? I have a mandatory meeting to attend right now."
You poked your head around the corner to see Tony Stark standing at the end of the hall in a nicely tailored three-piece suit. Steve Rogers — whose otherwise called Captain America — stood across from him, his gaze fixed on the brunette.
"I just wanted to let you know that even though you performed well on the field yesterday, you need to be more careful. And you need to pay attention during team meetings. There important and—"
"Excuse me."
Both men turned their heads to look at you, and you flashed the blonde Captain a bright smile as you spoke. "Hello there, Steve Rogers. It's delightful to meet you. I'm Y/n L/n, Tony Stark's new assistant. I deeply apologize for interrupting this conversation, however, Mr. Stark needs to leave right away for a crucial meeting at Stark Industries." When you finished, your voice was genuine and apologetic.
The blonde super soldier nodded as he sent you a smile himself. "I understand. He's all yours, sir. I'll see you later, Tony, and it was a pleasure meeting you, Y/n."
Once the tall male went up the elevator, Tony let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding in. "Thanks for helping me out. You saved me from getting a lengthy lecture from Captain America."
You simply shrugged your shoulders. "It's no problem at all. My father used to often lecture me, so I understand how it feels to want to avoid hearing them."
The corner of Tony's lips twitched, as he extended his hand out for a handshake. "Tony Stark, but you already know that."
"Y/n L/n, but you already know that." You shook his hand. "Coffee?" You offered the man the second cup of coffee you had bought. "I brought two, even though I only wanted one. I hope you like French Vanilla..." Your voice trailed off when you observed Tony's distressed expression as he gazed down at the coffee holder. "The coffee isn't poisoned if that's what you are concerned about. I guarantee it."
"It's not that. I just don't like being handed things."
"Oh." You articulated, setting the coffee on a small nearby table. "There you go."
Taking the cup in his hand, the genius thanked you before raising it to his lips, taking a sip. It tastes good, he thought as the liquid passed down his trachea.
"Wow. You helped me escape a lecture from Cap and brought me a delicious cup of coffee. You're quickly becoming my favorite assistant already, Y/n." The billionaire uttered with a grin on his lips.
As soon as the words left the genius's lips, you had to fight down the feeling of excitement that had overtaken you and prevent your inner fanboy from bursting forth. You maintained your professional demeanor instead. You didn't think the genius would appreciate you acting like an over-enthusiastic fan at this present time. Besides, you have a job to do right now. Later, you would deal with the fact that Tony was already beginning to love you as his new personal assistant.
"Good to know." You nodded your head once. "Now, we should head on over to SI. You have a board meeting to attend."
Tony frowned.
"Wait, I actually have a meeting I need to attend today?" The incredulous inquiry was answered with a slow nod from your head and Tony's frown deepened. "Damn, I had completely forgotten about that. Is this meeting really mandatory?"
"It is, indeed. So, we need to leave right away because the meeting will begin in twenty minutes and I have a hunch that your wife will yell at us if we arrive late."
"...Good point. And Pepper can certainly be scary at times. We'll take my car and be at SI in approximately ten minutes."
That's how you ended up in Tony Stark's red and black Audi's passenger seat. In order to get back to SI on time, the other man insisted that you go with him in one of his luxurious cars, and you readily accepted. You may simply return to the compound to pick up your vehicle later and enjoy riding with your favorite hero.
Riding in the car with the billionaire was undoubtedly an experience. The other man was traveling at a breakneck pace through the city of New York, and you were shocked that neither of you was stopped given how exceptionally fast he was moving. Nevertheless, ya'll arrived at Stark Industries ten minutes before the meeting was scheduled to begin.
Just like he predicted you guys would.
When Tony arrived, Pepper greeted him, thanked you for bringing him here on time, and handed you a mountain of paperwork to do. You had to deal with that, as well as dozens of emails and phone calls to answer. You spent the day accomplishing the tasks assigned to you and finished all the paperwork when it was time for you to clock out.
"I read through and completed all of the papers you gave me, as well as all of the emails. Do you need anything else from me, Mrs. Potts?" You asked, watching as she glanced through the first few pages, seemingly astonished that you had completed the stack of documentations that she had given you earlier so quickly.
"No, I don't need anything else from you, but I did have a question that I wanted to ask you. If you don't mind, of course."
"Shoot. Metaphorically speaking."
Pepper appeared to consider her words before speaking. "I'm sure you know of my daughter, Morgan." You nodded and she proceeded. "Well, between work, the Avengers, and having a child, Tony and I haven't had a moment to ourselves in a long time. I hate to ask, but can you—"
"You want me to babysit Morgan." You concluded, mind thinking back to that one interview question she asked you.
How are you with kids? You like them?
She must have desired an assistant for that reason among others. She wanted someone to watch her child in addition to helping her with SI-related tasks.
You could understand; you used to help your friend with babysitting kids whose parents simply wanted some alone time. And when parents have young children, it seems as though they never have time to themselves anymore. When a child is born, they become their parents' entire world, as your mother used to tell you.
The female nodded in confirmation.
"Yes. I'm sorry to bother you with this request. I would have asked someone else, but the people I would have asked are busy. If you don't want to do it, that's quite understandable. You're not here to  babysit; you're here to be my assistant."
"I will do it." You said after having a moment to think about the request.
The blonde woman looked surprised to actually hear those four words. "Really?"
You nodded. "Yeah. You guys deserve a night out alone. I'll watch the little one."
It's not like you have anything to do later.
Guess you're a babysitter again tonight.
Small footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs as soon as you entered The Stark's Manor, and your gaze was drawn to them. You noticed a small girl racing down them. That's their daughter.
The four-year-old child ran over to her mom, and Pepper reached down and picked her up, bringing the kid into her arms. "Hey, Morgan, how was your day?"
"Great! Uncle Happy took me to the circus. I had a great time!" She spoke happily before her gaze shifted to you. "Who are you? What's your name?" Her voice was light, and eyes were enquiring.
"This," Pepper released Morgan and placed her down on the ground, hand gesturing over to where you're standing. "is Y/n. He is your babysitter for tonight."
"My babysitter?"
"Yeah, he's going to watch over you while your father and I go out to dinner."
A reassuring smile was sketched on your features when you witnessed her facial expression. "I promise, I am tons of fun."
"I hope so. Daddy advised me to never be in the presence of boring people."
As Pepper groaned from hearing her daughter's words, you couldn't stop the chuckle that left your mouth. "Don't be concerned about that. I'm far from that, and we're going to have tons of fun."
And you two certainly had a ton of fun.
Tony and Pepper went to dinner after assuring them that you would take good care of Morgan. Both of them looked extremely stunning in their attire. Given that Morgan's favorite pizza is pepperoni and that you guys can't have fun if you're hungry, the first thing you did was order a large pepperoni pizza for dinner.
Following dinner, you guys baked a ton of cookies using your well-known recipe, played hide & seek, had a tiny tea party, and engaged in a pillow fight — which fundamentally consisted of you letting the energetic girl hit you with pillows as you scarcely attempted to evade attacks.
Then, you two collapsed on one of the couches in the living room and watched cartoons for the remainder of the night. You were simply exhausted from the day you had. Dealing with kids can certainly be tiring, but you did have fun today.  You listened to the cackling of the fire from the fireplace as Morgan watched TV until her parents returned home.
"Where's my little Munchkin at?"
"Daddy!" Morgan leaped off the couch, legs sprinting over to her parents. You reached for the remote. With a single click, the screen went black. You stood up and strolled over to the foyer, where Tony was holding Morgan in his arms with Pepper standing right beside him.
"How was your evening?" Tony asked, setting her back down onto the ground.
"It was awesome!" Was the excited shout that came from the young girl's throat. "Y/n is the best babysitter ever! And I had so much fun tonight! He also made these cookies that taste so delicious."
"I couldn't have done it without your help. You were a fantastic mini chef in the kitchen today." You complimented.
Morgan's smile widened. "Did you hear that guys? I was a great mini chef today! You both need to taste Y/n's cookies."
"We'll definitely try some later." Pepper grabbed Morgan's hand. "It's time to put you to bed, though." She said before her eyes skated over to meet yours. "Night, Y/n. I will see you tomorrow morning."
"Goodnight, Mrs. Potts. Night, Morgan."
"Goodnight, Y/n!" The small child cried out, as her mother led her up the stairs.
Pepper and Morgan were out of earshot, leaving you and the genius standing across from each other in the foyer.
"You've certainly managed to become one of Morgan's favorites pretty fast." Tony commented, brown eyes looking into yours, unbuttoning his suit jacket.
"I tend to have that effect on people." You gave a nonchalant shrug of your shoulders.
"Considering you're currently my fifth favorite person, it appears that you do."
"Fifth? I believe I should at least be your third favorite since I brought you coffee."
Tony hummed, rubbing his chin as if he was sincerely considering your previous statement before shaking his head. "No,  nope, sorry. You're fifth on Tony Stark's favorites list. Fourth if I'm being kind. And — while the coffee was tasty — I would've preferred it without any sugar."
His voice was playful and lighthearted, and you couldn't help but smile from it.
"I'll make sure to keep that in mind the next time I think about getting you a cup of coffee." You chuckled, fishing out your
keys. "I have to go now. It's late and my bed's calling my name. Night, Mr. Stark."
"Night, Mr. L/n."
You walked out of his house and made a beeline for your vehicle. You didn't have the foggiest idea why and were unable to explain it either, but you felt like today was the start of something worthwhile.
Something good.
At Stark's Manor, a father came to visit his daughter before she went to sleep.
"Love you tons." The genius informed his daughter, pulling the covers over her body, and gave her forehead a quick kiss.
"I love you three thousand."
"Three thousand. Wow, that's quite a lot." As his hand reached over and turned out the light, he smiled at Morgan. "I'll sell all your toys if you don't go to bed. Night, night." He exited the room and closed the door behind himself in the process.
Tony descended to the lab instead of his bedroom. The lab always served as his safe haven whenever he wanted to think or be alone. He felt at ease down there, surrounded by technology and his bots.
Suddenly — for some unexplainable reason — his mind wandered to you, so he requested Friday to bring up one of the blue holographic panels. It included a picture of you as well as background information on you. Information he read when he found out you were going to be his assistant. The photo that companied it was a picture of you with a beaming smile on your face that can cause the flowers of spring to all blossom at once.
Brown eyes gazed at your photo as he started thinking of his interactions with you today.
After you saved the man from being reprimanded by Cap — for which he is eternally thankful — you two drove to SI together and struck up a conversation. A conversation that he actually enjoyed. Tony wished to prolong it, but you both had things to do and tasks to complete.
Then, in the foyer, he had another talk with you, and he realized right then that he was going to love having you as his assistant. You were someone with a sense of sarcasm, shared his passion for coffee, and wouldn't constantly nag  him about his coffee addiction. Not only that, but you were kind and lots of fun, from what he heard from his daughter.
He was interested in getting to know you better and wanted to know anything and everything about you. And he would be sure to do so unless you decided on quitting. However, a whole month had passed and you were still his assistant.
An entire month with you working as his assistant, getting to know one another, hanging around in the lab, and bringing him coffee when you came to work.
The brunette retracts what he had said previously. You definitely rank third on Tony Stark's favorites list from now on.
An odd sensation dwelled in his chest that he didn't understand, but he sensed that this was the start of something wonderful between you and him.
"Hello, Mom. What are you doing?" You asked while sitting next to her on the couch and putting a birthday bag you were holding on the table. She had the family's photo album in her lap and was perusing the images. Her eyes flitted up and down the pages she was on, and she had a faint, secret smile on her face.
"Just looking through some of our old photos." Emma responded, turning the page. "You were so adorable as a child."
"I sure was." As you agreed, a thought suddenly occurred to you as you were looking down at the image of yourself when you were four years old. "Hey, why are there no pictures of me as a baby?"
That was one of the many questions you neglected to ask your parents. For some reason, there weren't any pictures of you between the ages of zero and three in this collection, and you wanted to know why. You were a little surprised that your parents didn't capture your life as a baby given how much they stressed the value of family and how they thought every crucial moment should be documented.
Emma's lips drew together into a narrow line. "That's because you were camera- shy. Every time your dad or I attempted to snap a photo of you, you would hide behind us. You also started throwing out your photographs before the age of four, when you started to lose your shyness."
You hummed contemplatively. You don't ever recall being camera-shy, but since you were so young, it's understandable that you don't remember being that shy.
"Interesting." Your mom flipped through a few more pages and e/c eyes shifted to the picture in the top right. You, mom, and dad were sitting on a picnic blanket at the park. In this photograph, you had to be eight or nine years old. "You know, I really don't look like you or dad, do I?"
"Really? You don't think so?" You shook your head in response to Emma's query. "When you were little, everyone believed you looked exactly like your dad. Though now —" She looked over your face and scrutinized your features. "— you look more like your uncle than your father."
"Which uncle?"
Emma closed the photo album and — with her chin — motioned to the bag you had placed on the table. "What's inside?"
She changed the topic, you noticed. You didn't understand why she changed the conversation instead of answering the question, but you merely shrugged it off.
"It's... a birthday gift... for Morgan Stark."
When Tony informed you last night that today was Morgan's fifth birthday, you decided to get her a gift. The child was steadily transforming into the little sister you never had from being her babysitter, and she deserved something from you.
Furthermore, considering that the environment in the room darkens at whatever point their names are spoken and that they still despise them for no apparent reason, you would have rather not told either of your parents that you were sending the Stark's child a present.
"Oh." The woman uttered, a forced smile coming onto her lips.
You internally sighed. "Yeah, so, I am going to go drop this gift off and then spend the rest of the day with Selena, okay? And, by the way, where is Dad?"
"He's trying to fix the garage door."
"Tell him I will take care of it tomorrow, and I'll see you later." You stood up and grabbed the birthday bag before exiting.
After picking Selena up from her apartment, you drove to Stark's Manor. Instead of making the long trip back to her place, you made the decision to pick her up on the way to drop off the gift, so you two could leave directly from Tony's place and head over to the theater.
Tony was already waiting outside of the manor when you arrived, and you figured his AI had informed him of your arrival. After putting the vehicle in park, you and your friend got out of it and walked over.
"Hey, Y/n! What are you doing here? Did you miss me so much that you decided to come work with me on a Saturday?"
A chuckle ripped from the back of your trachea. "Oh no, I am going to enjoy my Saturday. I just came by to drop this off."
"Are you saying you don't enjoy being around me? That hurts a lot." He pouted, hand resting over his thumping heart.
"Nah, you put yourself in that category."
"...Touche, Mr. L/n. If your next paycheck decreases as a result of this discussion with your other boss, don't be shocked."
You and the genius shared a laugh from the playful bantering between you both.
You cleared your throat and motioned with your hand to your dearest friend —  who was plainly eager to be introduced. "Mr. Stark, this is Selena Garcia, my best friend." You introduced her to him. "You already know who the man is, Selena."
"Of course, I do." The female stuck out her hand for the billionaire to shake. "It's nice to meet you. I'm a big fan of yours."
"It's so nice to meet one of Y/n's friends."
Just then, the door to the manor opened and Morgan emerged from the house. When she spotted you, her brown eyes glistened. "Y/n!" She immediately ran over to you and collided into your legs.
"Hey, Morgan! Happy Birthday! This is for you." When she let go, you handed her the birthday bag you were holding in your hands. "I hope you like the present."
"Thanks, Y/n!" Morgan embraced your legs once more before letting go. "Are you planning on attending my birthday party today? We were going to bowl all night since Daddy rented the bowling alley for us. Will you be there as well?"
You instinctively rubbed the back of your neck. "Um, I probably won't. I don't want to intrude on a family celebration and—"
"You won't be intruding." Tony promptly cuts in. "And you should come with us. We will be delighted to have you there. Even your friend is welcome to join us.  Rhodey and Peter are also coming, so you would finally be able to meet them."
You turned to face Selena, who simply shrugged. Even though you two have made plans, you can always go see the movie or do something else tomorrow.
"Okay, we'll go to the birthday party."
"YAY!" The kid jumped up and down, squealing in excitement before running into the house, bag still held in her hand.
You faced Selena again. "Guess we are going bowling tonight."
"That's awesome, but there's one minor issue." She announced sheepishly, and you gestured with your hand for her to continue. "I'm quite horrible at bowling."
You didn't think she was 'horrible' at it.
However, that claim was incorrect and you were proven wrong because when you guys got to the bowling alley, one of the employees let you guys practice for a few. Selena either knocked a few pins down or the ball rolled into the gutter.
"I take that thought back. You're horrible at it. You were better at it on WII sports."
"Shut up, Y/n!" A playful punch to your left arm was pursued after those words.
Selena continued to practice, and you stood behind her, watching her bowl and noticing that your friend managed to hit  three pins. She wasn't good at bowling, but you were here to help her. However, you'll only help the brown-eyed woman if we're playing teams. If we're playing singles, it's everybody for themselves.
Soon, Rhodey — and who you assumed is Peter Parker — showed up with gifts in their hands, so you made the decision to go over and introduce yourself. From this brief introduction and conversation, it was clear that Rhodey was awesome and Peter was a puppy in human form.
"Are we ready to bowl?" Morgan asked once everyone had their bowling shoes on.
"We are ready." Pepper confirmed. "So, how do we all intend to play this? Do we want to play as individuals or as teams?"
"We should do teams." The rich brunette suggested incontinently. "The game will become more engaging and thrilling as a result. Us three—" Tony gestured to himself, Rhodey, and Pepper. "—can be on one team, and the four of you can be on the other. What do you guys think?"
Everyone nodded, voicelessly agreeing.
"Be prepared to lose." You grinned at the older adults. "Cause we're going to win."
Tony matched your grin. "Sorry, but we are bowling champions. You guys are gonna lose. Team Engineering will win."
It turns out that Tony's initial statement was partially correct. Team Engineering started out winning since Morgan was a beginner and Selena was not very good at bowling. That is until you helped the girls with bowling and demonstrated a technique that will allow them to knock down all of the pins. Tony and Rhodey had said that helping was cheating, but since there were no rules prohibiting us from assisting our teammates, it wasn't.
After demonstrating that technique to Selena and Morgan, they began to knock down more pins than before, and you guys began catching up to them. You didn't have to coach Peter because he was already an accomplished bowler.
In the end, Team Champion only needed one strike to defeat Team Engineering. Fortunately, Selena somehow managed to hit a strike, giving her team the win.
Her first strike of the game.
As Team Engineering regarded you guys with shock and admiration because you guys came back and won the game by one point, you gave high fives to each of your teammates for winning that round.
Tony wanted a rematch after losing the first time, so you all played a few more team bowling games. It was pure luck that his team won the second round. In the wake of bowling, you guys gathered around the table and ate some food. There were many fun conversations, jokes, and lots of laughter during dinner.
Tonight was truly a remarkable night.
You stood up and went to get another drink from the soda machine as Tony got to his feet and followed behind you.
"How did you learn to bowl that good?" Tony asked, passing you the large cup.
You took it with grace and filled it with  F/s. "Summer before eleventh grade. I was already good at bowling, but my old friend, Jesse, helped me improve. I tried teaching Selena the same way he taught me, but she was resistant to learning it."
The brunette nodded, glancing over at your friend before returning his gaze to you. "Speaking of Selena, are you two — you know." He wiggled his eyebrows at you with a smirk on his face, hoping that you'd pick up on what he was implying.
You did pick up on what he was implying and chuckled, shaking your head. "No, she and I are just friends. Nothing more."
"You're trying to tell me that nothing has ever happened between the two of you?"
"Well..." You paused and Tony motioned for you to continue. "During high school, we dated for a brief period, but ended up realizing that were better off as friends, so we broke it off. And, I was also going through something of a crisis back then."
"What crisis?"
You bit your lower lip, debating whether or not to tell Tony about that little crisis. Why not tell him? You thought. Tony was someone you believed you could talk to about anything, no matter what it was.
"I realized that I like boys the same way I like girls." You admitted, a bit bashfully. "It took some time for me to accept that part of myself, but eventually, I realized that is who I am. I didn't tell my parents, and they think it's wrong, but this is me."
"I'm proud of you, Mr. L/n."
"Thank you, Mr. Stark."
"Call me Tony. We're not working now."
"I will call you Tony if you call me Y/n."
"It's a done deal, little hood." Tony's lips quirked upward into a binding smile, and you found yourself smiling back at him.
The sound of someone taking a picture prompted you and Tony to look to the right. Tony had hired a photographer to photograph everyone at the party, and the photographer, Spencer, had taken a picture of you guys. As he lowered his camera, he gazed over at you two shyly.
"I apologize, but this moment was lovely, and the peace it provided was priceless. I had to photograph this moment before it faded. You two are really photogenic."
He showed you and Tony the photo, and you both agreed that it was excellent. The moon's glowing yellow light filtered through the nearby window, illuminating Tony's brown eyes and your e/c eyes.
It was truly a beautiful photograph.
"We are photogenic, aren't we, Tony?"
Tony gazed down at the image of you and him. The smiles, the tranquility, the lighting — everything about this picture was immaculate. "Yes, we certainly are."
They truly were. There's no denying that.
As you made your way back to your seat, Tony remained in the same spot, staring after your retreating figure. How can you — how was it possible that you were someone who is infinitely perfect?
Before you came along, the billionaire didn't believe anyone could be perfect. You were not only kind and caring, with enticing looks that can put people on hooks, but you were also funny, smart, and a terrific assistant and babysitter. You make sure that Tony ate and slept well, and still bring him coffee to work.
Pepper thought that you were the best assistant they'd ever had, and Morgan thinks you're the best babysitter ever, even referring to you as her big brother.
And Tony?
Well, according to Tony, you are his son.
Or, at the very least, another son figure in his life. Someone for him to protect. Someone for him to care for. Someone for him to know everything about. And someone for him to never be apart from.
The brown-eyed genius dug into his pocket and pulled his wallet out. He reached inside and pulled out a picture. It was a picture of the two of you, sitting on the floor of his lab, cold beverages in each of your hands. You had convinced him to take a break from work, and you two watched a movie together. He had secretly asked FRIDAY to take a photo of them during the movie and had gotten it printed small enough to fit in his wallet.
We are photogenic, Tony thought. He looked up, watching as you and Selena were talking to Peter about something.
You fit right in with his family and that made the ghost of a smile curve his lips.
To be quite honest, It doesn't matter to Tony if your parents are alive or if you and he aren't father and son by blood.
Because you are his son; his child.
After fixing your hair and adjusting your tie, you glanced at yourself in the mirror once more before leaving the room to wait for your boss in the common room.
The Avengers Charity Gala was tonight. This gala will benefit a large number of people who require assistance in many different ways. Initially, you had intended to give money to the charity rather than attend it, but since Pepper was called away, you were Tony's next best option. Furthermore, he stated that he needed a distraction tonight while interacting with various people at the gala. You agreed since you anticipated there would be people he wants to avoid.
You settled on a perfectly tailored Twill black tux as your outfit for this evening.
And Tony settled on a perfectly tailored maroon tux that makes him look like he just stepped out of a magazine cover.
"Woah! What is this vision?" Tony's voice is playful and teasing once he looked at your suit, lips shaping into a sly grin. "Somebody better call Vogue! Because tonight, Aphrodite, in the form of a man, will grace everyone with his presence!"
Following that, the two men shared a good laugh. Then, you guys went to the limo that will transport you to the gala, along with the other members of Tony's team, who all looked nice in their outfits.
The entire occasion is brilliantly lit and filled to the outright edge with sharp looking rich and influential individuals who gathered to give money to charity. On the platform on the opposite side of the room, an orchestra was playing and drifted delicately across the entire room.
When you arrived, the team was led over to the photographer for a group picture and to document the Avengers' arrival. The group dispersed after that and went to converse with different individuals or simply chat with one another instead.
You stayed with Tony for the majority of the night, jumping from group to group and running interference whenever you were stuck with someone for too long. Iron Man fans can undoubtedly ramble endlessly. Then y'all went to the open bar, ordered a drink, and chatted away.
Tonight wasn't particularly entertaining, but you and Tony made the most of your time together to make it more enjoyable.
Everything was going well. Well, that is until you and Tony exited the restroom.
A man stood at the far end of the hall. He was dressed nicely in a black tux and wore a mask that mostly obscured his face but left his eyes visible. Red flags were immediately raised in your mind.
"And who are you supposed to be?"
"I'm just the man who's going to kill you."
You were right about those red flags because the man took out a gun and aimed it at Tony. Before you were even aware of it, you instinctively jumped in front of your boss quickly as a shield a second before the shot was fired, and the bullet went directly to your shoulder.
You were shot in the shoulder.
A flash of pain appears in your shoulder as your legs collapse from beneath you. You stumble into Tony's arms, tumbling to the ground. Red blood — your blood  — started staining your tux and dripping onto the ground, one hand reaching over and pressing tightly against the wound.
Tony gasped as he caught you before you fell and lowered you to the ground. When he saw you get shot and saw the blood drip from your wound, he felt like his heart had been torn out of his chest.
Because you had been shot.
His son had been shot.
You leaped in front of him to protect him from the oncoming bullet. You shielded him; protected him when he should have been the one protecting you. Keeping you safe, secure, and out of harm's way.
Yet, he didn't and you had gotten shot.
The billionaire ordered FRIDAY to call an ambulance as he looked up at the man who fired the shot. The man had walked over, panic flashing in his eyes from the scene.
Tony bared his teeth and clenched his jaw, his chest boiling hot with rage. He began to see red, literally; a red haze started to cloud his vision. This man is going to pay for what he did. He stood up, prompting the other man to raise his gun once more. Before the man could fire the bullet, Tony transformed his watch into a gauntlet and fired a flash beam at him, temporarily blinding him.
The man shut his eyes briefly and Tony used the opportunity to disarm the gun, take the mask off that covered his face, and deliver a punch to the man's nose.
A hard punch that caused the broken bone of his nose to echo off the walls.
And Tony felt elated to hear that sound and to watch as blood poured from the other man's nose. It wasn't sufficient, though. The way you were hurting right now was how Tony wanted him to feel. Wanted him to feel pain; to cry in agony.
That is a goal that he would accomplish.
The other man moved, arm swinging at Tony, but he managed to duck out of the way. The man receives another blow to the face. Tony was on him, pummeling him with blow after blow. His knuckles were torn open and blood marred them. He continued beating him into a bloody pulp until Natasha and Steve dashed into the hall and pulled him off the man.
He wanted to keep delivering punches, but he had to get back to you.
"Boss, the ambulance has arrived."
Tony immediately approached you — who was already standing — snaked his arm around you, and assisted you to the ambulance. He remained with you inside the ambulance while they attempted to stop the bleeding and accompanied you to the doctor who treated your gunshot wound with soft, delicate consideration.
He did not want to leave your side.
The doctor had left after making sure your wound was bandaged. You turned to your right to look at Tony. He seemed to have a guilty expression on his face, which caused you to become perplexed. He has literally nothing to feel guilty for.
The brunette opened his mouth to voice something, but when he heard a woman scream, "Where is my son?!" he closed it.
Emma, your mother, walked through the doorway. When she saw you, her eyes relaxed, and she exhaled a sigh of relief. However, when she turned her eyes on Tony, they became furious and her face took on a murderous expression as her feet stomped over the other man angrily.
"You." Emma spat out that three-letter word venomously, jabbing a finger into Tony's chest. "This is all your fault! If he wasn't associated with you, he wouldn't have gotten hurt! You Stark's make—"
"Mom." Your voice, hard and stern, cut her off. She looked at you, her breathing heavy. "Don't hold Tony responsible for this. It is not his fault that I was injured. Tony was the attacker's target, so I just jumped in front of him to save him. It's nobody's fault but the one who shot me."
"You should not have risked your life like that and you would not have been shot if he hadn't been with you." Her insistence that Tony was the reason for you getting hurt had you rolling your eyes internally. "How are you feeling? And what did the doctor say about your injury?"
"Nothing much, really. The doctor went to perform some tests, and he said he'll get back to me if he learned whether the bullet had harmed any arteries, bones, or nothing at all. He also said he wanted to keep me overnight." You sighed. "And I'm fine; I'm just exhausted after today."
You looked to your right, where Tony was standing, only to realize he was no longer there. Another sigh escaped your lips. You wanted to speak with Tony and tell him that he shouldn't feel bad about anything that happened tonight since it wasn't his fault. He must have left as a result of your mother drilling the guilt in him. You'd have to try again when you leave or if he comes by. Hopefully, none of your parents will be here if he comes.
"I'm sure you are. Oh, my poor son." Gentle fingers gently touched your hair. "Rest, Y/n. I'll stay here with you. I called your father, and he should arrive shortly."
You nodded and went to lie down on the hospital bed, head resting on the pillow. Instead of falling asleep like you wanted to, you had decided to close your eyes and relax. You knew your father would want to speak with you, and you wanted him to know that you were, in fact, okay.
Your father showed up ten minutes later, and you can tell he came straight from work because he was dressed in one of his suits. He sat in the chair next to the bed and inquired about your well-being before asking about what had transpired tonight. When you told him about what happened tonight, he, like your mother, blamed Tony for getting you shot, which you thought was stupid, but kept quiet.
Soon, visiting hours came to an end, and though it was nice to have company, you were relieved since you had envisioned yourself screaming or hitting the wall if they continued to criticize Tony or tell you not to see him again, as if you were a child. They must not have heard that you should avoid upsetting the patient, despite Emma being a medical doctor.
Once Noah and Emma finally left your hospital room, you elevated your injured shoulder and shut your eyes. You truly hoped before going to sleep that Tony did not hold himself responsible for this.
When you awakened the next morning, you groaned, opening your eyes to see a white ceiling. "Where the hell am I?" You were momentarily confused as to where you were before remembering all that happened the previous night. "Hospital." Disgust dripped, oozed from that word. You hated hospitals and wished to leave.
"I know exactly how you feel."
You turned to the source of the voice and felt delighted to see that Tony was sitting beside you, but he looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep last night. Dark circles were littered underneath his eyes, and his hair was sticking up everywhere. He must have gotten no sleep last night because he was worried about you. Now you feel guilty because you contributed to the fact that he didn't get any sleep.
"Hey, Tony—"
"I am sorry, Y/n." The other male spoke right over you, words soft and tentative. "It's my fault that you got hurt. I should have protected you... and I failed to do so." His gaze drifted downward, to the ground. "I apologize once more for your injury. All of your medical expenses will be paid for, and — if you want me to — I can arrange for you to be transferred to another job, so this won't happen again."
"Don't do that." You said while shaking your head since you won't allow him to blame himself for this. His gaze drifted upward now and he made eye contact with you, eyebrow rising. "Don't hold yourself responsible for something that is one-hundred percent, not your fault."
"It is my fault. You wouldn't have been shot if you weren't associated with me."
"Are you the one who shot me?" You questioned, and Tony shook his head. "Did you order someone to shoot me?" One more headshake follows. "Did you ask me to jump in front of you?" Another shake of the head from Tony. "Then you are not at all to blame for this injury. Do not blame yourself for something you didn't cause; the only person at fault is the one who pulled the trigger. Not you. Besides, I have a high pain tolerance."
That joke, intended to lighten the mood, was actually true. You've always had a high tolerance for pain for some reason. Although the bullet did hurt and you had experienced excruciating shoulder pain, you were able to handle pain better than most people.
"Yeah, you're right." Tony let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes. "Just promise me you'll never do anything like that again. I'm the superhero. It's my job to protect you, not the other way around. Alright?"
You nodded grudgingly. "Alright. So, did you find out why he wanted you dead?"
"We haven't heard anything yet, but we should soon. Itsy Bitsy is interrogating him now, and she's good at what she does, so we'll find out why very soon."
You nodded as the door to the room opened and Dr. Ashmore stepped inside.
"I'm glad to see that you have awakened, Mr. L/n." The specialist remarked, as he sauntered over and checked the IV bag's level. "How're you feeling this morning?"
"I feel alright. I'm a little tired and my shoulder hurts, which is to be expected."
He nodded and began probing you with diagnostic questions. You responded to each one and asked about his findings.
"Mr. Stark, do you mind leaving the room while I disclose information to Mr. L/n?"
"No." You seized Tony's arm, stopping him from exiting the room. "No, you're free to express yourself in front of him."
The doctor nodded and began divulging the information he discovered with your consent. Evidently, you were a fortunate man since major arteries weren't hit by the bullet. Because the bullet missed the brachial artery, subclavian artery, and the brachial plexus, there was no blood vessel damage or loss of motor function.
The scapula, however, was struck by the bullet. It was not significantly damaged, but the doctor still wants you to wear a sling for four to five weeks and give you narcotics in case the pain deteriorates.
And that's how you ended up having to wear this dumb sling for the next month.
For the first week, you were essentially placed under house arrest by Emma and Noah. They forbade you from leaving the house and had the chefs deliver food to your room. You didn't like having to stay in your room the entire time, but you did think it was sweet of them to take care of you, even though you weren't in much pain anymore. Selena came by every day to keep you company; she was the only person keeping you from actually going insane from being in your room all day.
You decided to return to work in the middle of the second week. You didn't think you'd be able to stay in your room for another second. When you informed Emma and Noah you were going back to work, their expressions changed to ones of surprise, confusion, and annoyance. After the shooting, they did argue with you about returning to work for Stark, but no matter how hard they tried, they knew they couldn't stop you from going.
Pepper advised you to wait until your injury was completely healed before returning to work, but you insisted that your shoulder hardly hurts at all and that you are capable of returning to your job. You still have one good arm you can use.
The blonde CEO reluctantly agreed to let you return to work and said that you two would video chat when she needed you to complete a task. You would be with Tony at Stark Manor or the Compound, where he could watch over and protect you. You didn't mind; you liked being in Tony's presence and watching him work.
The third and fourth weeks with the sling flew by, and before you knew it, you were finally free of the sling. You were so happy that you no longer had to wear it and that Happy no longer had to drive you around. You like Happy, and he was a fun guy to talk to, but you miss driving, particularly at night. New York City was always beautiful at night time.
"Guess who can finally move around without wearing that idiotic sling now?" You asked Tony, entering the kitchen at Stark Manor. He was sporting a t-shirt and sweatpants as he sat at the kitchen table, coffee mug in his hand. Fingers on his other hand were being used to scroll on the Stark tablet that was before him.
Tony raised his head to look at you. "Hm, let me guess: Casper the Friendly Host?"
"Ding! Ding! Ding! We've got a winner!" You took the seat across from him at the table. "Now that I'm fully recovered, I'm thinking about making those cookies you, Pepper, and Morgan liked so much."
Tony immediately perked up, coffee and tablet temporarily forgotten. "You have to make those delicious cookies, Y/n, especially for me. I've been dreaming of them. It haunts me, always taunts me."
"Do you have the ingredients I need?"
"I picked up the ingredients you needed after you told me what you put in them."
You chuckled before walking over to the cabinet and refrigerator to gather the ingredients for the cookies. The genius was watching you closely as if you were teaching a class and he was your only student. He watched for a few, and then he began assisting you in making them.
You're the boss and he's the assistant.
While baking the cookies, you two talked and laughed away. You guys were even behaving like teenagers at that moment instead of acting like the adults you are.
Especially when a war broke out in the kitchen.
You may have smashed an egg over Tony's head, and he may have retaliated by dumping sugar on yours. That's when a food fight broke out in the kitchen. You and he started throwing ingredients at each other, ruining your hair and clothes in the process. The kitchen was a mess by the time the battle was finished, with ingredients all over the floor, table, and counter. You two laughed when it ended.
"We are all dirty now." You commented, chest heaving up and down as you tried to get your breathing under control now.
Tony smirked. "You started this war, and your filthy clothes are the price you pay."
"Fair point."
You removed your shirt as Tony reached for a little white towel to remove some of the egg. After he cleans up this mess, he'll make sure to wash his hair and take another shower. His gaze shifted to you, and the billionaire came to a halt when he noticed something on your waist.
"What is that on your waist, Y/n?"
"Hmm?" Tony caught your attention and you followed his line of vision. "Oh, that is a birthmark. A star-shaped birthmark. It's a unique and cool birthmark to have."
Tony fixed his gaze on your birthmark, his thoughts racing a mile per minute as old memories flashed through his mind. Memories that he—
"Tony, are you alright? What's wrong?" You asked, voice dripping with worry.
"I'm fine." The brunette insisted at once, moving closer to you. "But Y/n, you are..."
"I am what?"
Tony's brown eyes met your e/c eyes. "You — You are my biological son, Y/n."
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Hello, how are you? Can I get some yandere tony stark x reader that LOVES fictional characters?
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(Tony, looking with death eyes to you favorite character's poster that you care religiously)
Tony, to the poster: That Bitch
Anthony Edward Stark is many things.
Sexy, philanthropist, genius, gifted, Co-CEO of his own company, hero, good boyfriend, lover of his beautiful partner, good catch… and maybe a little jealous.
Just a little bit.
Well, he's a catch, basically it's IMPOSSIBLE for anyone not to want him around. He's a complete package!
But, even though he knows he's a wonderful person and a more than suitable suitor, Tony is completely loyal to his partner.
How could he not be?
His precious light, the reason for his life, the motivation for his mornings.
He adores his beautiful and precious special someone. Impossible for him to think of anyone else when he has the most fantastic, loving, loyal, loyal, sexy, intelligent, adorable and sincere person in front of him.
Meeting this person at that coffee shop meeting downtown was one of the best things that ever happened in his life. Meet them, start chatting, buy them all the coffee in the shop, start checking them out on camera, start flirting with them, start courting them….
God, every moment was wonderful and even more so when his darling started dating romantically.
That day she felt that every cell of her being began to dance and rejuvenate with every smile and every look of affection and love that her beloved gave her.
In other words, his sweetheart has set the bar pretty high by Tony's standards.
Did he already mention that he LOVES WITH ALL HIS SOUL his favourite person in the universe?
When Tony notices that his special person, the light of his soul, is a fan of all those series, movies, anime, and cartoons; he doesn't shy away from encouraging those hobbies.
Who was he to deny it?
He himself had his own hobbies and finds that kind of love for something completely normal. And best of all, it makes his beloved happy.
Isn't that the best thing?
If he can cater to his special someone with everything that makes them happy, wouldn't that make him the provider of their smiles?
So Tony starts doing just that.
He starts buying him merchandise from his favourite shows, he buys him VIP tickets on opening day to his favourite movies, themed clothing, special Comicon tickets, VIP dressing room tickets on the shooting days of some shows, he always has contacts to get his loved one to all the meet and greets they want.
As he has his own laboratory for his constructions and research moments, Tony made his beloved his own room for him to fully enjoy his hobby.
A beautiful room, with a big movie screen on one of the walls, full of posters and large windows with beautiful themed curtains. It has some lovely little tables and chairs to put all the snacks that the mini fridge has to offer when reading comics or watching anime.
It is a paradise for any fan of fictional content.
But Tony has a small problem…
A tiny, teeny, weenie, bitty one…
And that is that, on rare occasions, his precious beloved has… a Crush with some of the characters of their favourite series and comics.
He won't deny it, there are characters that are completely attractive, either in body or mind. Others, no matter how weird they are, have something that makes it impossible to get them out of your head and you can't help but get attached to them.
After all, he and his beloved have shared favourite characters on more than one occasion.
But, in these moments, when he sees the light of his life… so passionately watching videos about just one character.
He is not happy.
Not so long ago, his darling started to have a rather prolonged crush on a character from the latest fashion series. It started with some posters, video edits on his phone… dolls and a few other commissions on Fanarts.
Now, he sees how his beloved is unwrapping his latest purchase.
He wants to destroy that fucking package with his laser beam from his suit.
He could see, how his partner, the light of his soul, his reason to stay alive, wearing a fucking King size blanket; that has the face of THAT FUCKING CHARACTER on it.
Oh God.
It wasn't even like the blanket stayed in that room… no.
It was everywhere, in the living room of their shared flat, in the kitchen, in the lab… and even in THEIR SHARED ROOM TOGETHER.
So, if the blanket disappeared after a little incident of suspicious bedbugs… you can do nothing but hug your loved one until you feel better.
"Oh my, my love. Do not worry, it was for the best, that blanket could have been dissmissed in the Dry Clean Center"
He takes him in his arms and keeps giving him cuddles and kisses until he stops feeling sad about the loss of that stupid blanket.
"You don't know how sorry I am love, when I sent everything out to get the bed bugs out, I asked them to burn everything that was too infested with bed bugs. Looks like your blanket and a few other stuffed animals were that lucky."
But, he wasn't worry at all.
That fucking blanket.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
— Yandere Tony Stark Masterlist
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About me:
My name is Christina, I'm 20+, and I love Halloween, makeup of all genre, horror movies, 2000s rom-coms, writing, cats...and Taylor Swift more than anything. I'm a creative person at heart and share personality type with Kat Strattford and Wednesday Addams. I've been writing since I read the Twilight books and currently write for Scream, Wednesday, TSITP, Marvel, and more
☆ My taglists form here
☆ My 2024 prompt list is here and you can send requests here at any time
Who I write for:
MCU characters (Peter Parker + Loki Laufeyson) | Masterpost
Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski + Derek Hale) | Masterpost
Outer Banks (JJ Maybank + Rafe Cameron) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list
Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls) | Masterlist
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon (Daemon Targaryen + Aemond Targaryen + Aegon II Targaryen + Jacaerys Velaryon (NEW) + Cregan Stark (NEW) + Jon Snow) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list
Wednesday (Xavier Thorpe + Ajax Petropolus + Wednesday Addams) | Masterlist
Marcus Baker (Ginny & Georgia) | Masterpost
Scream (Ethan Landry + Chad Meeks Martin + Mindy Meeks Martin + Tara Carpenter + Billy Loomis + Charlie Walker + Amber Freeman) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list
The summer I turned pretty (Conrad Fisher + Jeremiah Fisher) | Masterpost
Tate Langdon (American Horror Story: Murder House) | Masterpost
Young!Coriolanus Snow (Hunger Games) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list ** crossed fandoms/characters are on hold
I have the ability to deny and delete any requests I don't want to write
If the request is from a list, adding the quote with the number helps me a lot (I have more than one list and it gets confusing for me)
I don’t have a set word count for requests, but I try to keep them between 0.5k - 1k
Do not send me the exact same request you sent to many other writers. If see it, I'll then delete it
Smut is allowed, and welcomed
These NSFW themes — feet fetish, a/b/o, innocent!reader , humiliation/degrading kink, water sport, graphic SA or anything non-con (unless it’s part of a ‘game’)
RPF (real people fiction)
Romanticization of mental health (eating disorders, depression, any type of self harm, etc.)
Anything yandere related
Anything involving someone being sick or periods
Peter x Tony (romantically) or any form of incest (with the exception of GoT and HotD)
Pregnancies / main characters being a parent
nb!reader or gn!reader (nothing against it, I just wouldn’t want to write it wrong)
black!reader or plus size!reader (nothing against it, I just would want to offend anyone by writing something I don’t know about)
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nakedtoasterr · 1 year
Male reader month | April edition
This one is late so I apologize but life happens, hopefully I can get into a rhythm of getting these done before the end of the month.
I added 3 experimental fics this time around. Two of them are character x GN reader and the other is a Fem character x Male reader. I’m hoping you all will enjoy these and please tell me if you don’t! I won’t add any in the future if that is that case
Ps: if anyone wants to help with these hmu im so slow 😰
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Sfw male reader
Kittens; scoups | @seventeenficsformalereader
Scoups(?) x male reader
None listed
A Tease | @moonbyulsstuff
Kaidou x male reader
None listed
Tea at 9pm | @anystalker707
Vinsmoke Sanji x GN!Reader
babygirl sanji / wholesome relationship / reader is a writer who keeps a journal with the crew's adventures / extremely fluffy ending
Izuku midoryia x male reader | @odue-sp
Izuku x male reader
m/n has a problem with personal space and people touching him. m/n's quirk is tendrils, he is able to form them anywhere on his body they're usually invisible (warped areas). They're supposed to be visible but he's able to make them disappear.
Top male reader
Soft yandere Aether x MR | @dvlboy
Aether x male reader
Soft yandere aether
Sub/bottom Dottore and pantalone hc
Dottore/ pantalone x male reader
crying, (A LOT) spit, sensory deprevation, rp, bj's, (m reader recieving) just general gay men activities
who loves to be marked? | @chaepink
Izuku/Bakugo/kirishima x GN!reader
dom!gn!reader, suggestive, marking, biting, spanking
Tony Stark x Younger Poolboy Male Reader hc
Tony stark x male reader
Sub Tony, age gap (not specific), porn with plot, reader is muscular and tall, manhandling kink, cum, degrading praise, humiliation, mentions of rough sex, and making out (tell me if I messed any, I didn’t double check this)
Bottom male reader
Daddy’s home | @dabisbratz
Gojo x male reader
light angst, daddy kink, bottom male reader, finger sucking, fingering, apology sex, dubcon (gojo’s a lil pushy but everything is consensual), dacryphilia, dirty talk, praise, biting, reader’s kinda bratty, possessiveness, established relationship, secret relationship, reader’s a regular civilian, anal sex, spit, mating press, sexualizing gojo’s thermographic xray vision, amab body terminology
Momo x male reader | @trafalgarya
Nsfw head canons
mommy kink, penetration, strap-on, oral (giving and receiving), soft dom!momo yaoyorozu, sub!male reader, praising kink, sex-toys, teasing, orgasm control, begging, nipple sucking, masturbation, use of "slut", a bit of ooc ig, analingus (receiving, mention of giving too)
The Devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy
Gabriel x male reader
corruption kink, guided masturbation, praise kink, voyeurism, pet names (reader receiving), p.w.o.p, no actual penetration : reader is a follower of gabriel, but not an alternate. . Gabriel is referred to as "Mister Gabriel" once.
Ayato Petplay | @vikeii
Ayato x Male reader
pet play, established relationship, everything is consensual!!!, puppy play, mild praise kink, cockwarming, dumbification, male reader, belly bulge, mild overstim, mild nipple play, collars and leashes !! he/him pronouns for reader, amab reader, marking, biting
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Hey y’all!!! I know I’m super extra late but I really did try… I’ll do my best to start earlier in the month so this doesn’t happen again I’m so sorry guys. Tysm for all the support on my last post!!! Seeing all the reposts and hearts really motivated me to finish this one. ❤️❤️
Extra apologies to the ppl I messaged when it was 3 am over here. I’m not my best when I’m bout ready to pass out
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darkdemeter · 4 months
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—- not my gifs, credit to original posters! -—
Wanda Maximoff x Mafia! Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader
A/N — Short, I know, but I did get a little carried away with the darker aspect...
READER DISCRETION — Overall 18+ content, minors DNI! — post-kidnapping — Threats of death, endangerment and some abusive violence towards a minor (teenager) — general depictions of mafia violence — dark! reader — adult language — use of pet/nicknames ("Sweets") — cough obsessive/yandere type reader — I think that's it?
SUMMARY — This isn't your first rodeo handling a rat caught in the trap. On the outskirts of New York, away from prying eyes, you've set into motion a plan to show Tony Stark that you are not to be trifled with. However, like an angel, Wanda comes to the rescue of your little captive. As per your fashion, in exchange for his freedom, she is expected to repay the debt of your kind deed. After all, the weight of bargains unpaid can be very hefty the longer they take to pay up...
  Thump. Thump. Thump. 
  There are layers to the darkness he finds himself trapped in. The first masks eyes laden with tears that streak the hollowed paths of his face. The second surrounds him at all sides, in all directions, its atmosphere impairs his capabilities to remain calm, bandana pulled tight between his teeth and his limbs bound by the restraint of squeezing threads of plastic.
  For time unknown is spent in the two layers of darkness, nose running with no hope to see the light of day again, forever bound to live out the remainder of his existence in the void that thrums deep and low, occasionally swerving left or right and dragging his weight to crash against one of the four walls of his black box cell. 
  As for the third layer of darkness, he’d rather spend this era of purgatory in the trunk, if it meant he never had to encounter the third again. 
  Tires slow to roll over the crunching of gravel, each second reminding him of the sound of bones being snapped and dismantled. The car’s movement halts but the car’s engine continues to rumble deeply, oiled and purring like a cat, he hears the slamming of doors. 
  Feet paw the gravel in near tandem of each other, moving in pairs of five in total. Clatter of metal emits from the darkness in front of his face and with a croak of the lock mechanism, the mouth of the trunk lifts upwards. 
  His once vocal, muffled pleas fall dead and bandaged by the damp cloth between his teeth. Eyes flooding with tears that mark his vision in a blur, spots of clear force him to meet his captors. Their eyes bear down upon him a weight that leaves his lungs burning in desperate hunger for air. 
  But it's the shadowy contours concealing most of your visage, eyes aglow and gaze eerily heated like burning coals.
  “Peter, was it?” you drawl in question behind a wall of teeth. The falsehood of your smile brings a wave of nausea to swell in the pit of his stomach, as bile churns the remnants of his last meal, and the ringing in his ears throbs louder. 
  One of the men raises his arm and the barrel of a handgun forcefully kisses the rubbery flesh of Peter’s cheek, tear, blood and sweat stained. His body follows the natural course of instinct in his given position, muscles flinching harshly. 
  “Should we do it right here, Boss?” The voice of the gunman is roughly chalky through the tunnel of his throat. 
  “Not in the fucking trunk,” you hiss sharply, hand shoving the gun away. Peter momentarily catches a glimpse of the curved points of your claws, unsheathed and ready to rip and render anything fragile. If there was one thing he remembers in these final moments, it’s the few lessons his mentor warned him of. 
  One of which is that with you: everything is fragile. And frankly, you couldn’t give a single shit about being gentle.
  “No. I have something else planned.” Your hand grapples the fabric of his shirt, bundling it together tightly and you rip him from the trunk, his body floundering because of the zipties digging into his skin, burning him red with irritated marks. 
  His body is thrown to the ground, back colliding into the metal rigging of the bridge’s rail. He wheezes and coughs as the air is pressed viciously from his lungs, mouth covering hindering his progress to recover his lost breath. 
  His eyes squint under the buzzing light overhanging the bridge section, dodgy in the way it flickers momentarily, brown hair tousled messily from his rough treatment in the time spent in your custody. 
  “Put some weight on him,” you order as you procure a small case from the inside of your coat. 
  Two of your men retrieve something from the trunk, chuckling amongst themselves, Peter’s eyes fixate on the coarse threading of rope looped into a noose on both ends. The other heaves a grunt as he hoists a large mass of concrete into his arms. Peter’s heart pounds harder and faster until his rib cage is bruised on the inside, relentless in its state of panic, the two men fix his legs together with one knotted loop, the other then tied around the hulking brick. 
  “Plmmf! Dmmf dmm mmph!” Old teary rivers on the verge of drying are renewed, fresh and warm. “Plmmf– plmmf dmmph!”
  The men back away from him as you move forward, steps slow with preciseness in mind, you stoop down to his level. His head falters until his chin meets his chest, shoulders bouncing with his pitiful sobs. 
  “Don’t waste your breath, kid,” you tsk with the butt of your cigarette pressed between your lips. You pause to bring your lighter up, flame dancing mere inches away from his face, a faint overlay painting the canvas of your face. Even with that blaring light above, your features remain ominously impenetrable from his point of view. 
  Perhaps it’s because that’s how he sees you. As pure darkness. Evil incarnate. 
  With the end of your cigarette lit, your chest expands widely, shoulders engulfing Peter in shadow that threatens to swallow him whole, his pupils shrunken beyond comprehension of their existence. The scent of his terror brings about an amusing invigoration to the wolf’s side, the selfish need to hunt all things prey. All things weak. 
   The smokeline traverses upwards in a spiral as you next exhale, each pattern of the wisps unique. You pull the butt from your lips in silence as you offer a puff to the young man before you, to which he equally answers in his own quivering quietness with a shake of his head. The action reminds you more of an animal twitching. 
  Your shoulders roll back and the ridge of your browline rises up with a roll of your eyes. Another cloud of smoke is absorbed into the chasm of your chest, and this time, you huff the smoke into his face, his nose wrinkles as he coughs at the rancid smell of ashy, burnt tobacco. To add atop of the passive attack, your thumb taps the stick and the specks of ash cascade over his lashes that bat away the searing sting from his already reddened eyes. 
  “Y’know, I don’t like it when I catch rats scuttling around where they don’t belong. It’s not nice to eavesdrop on conversations you have no part in. No less, record it.” Beneath the octave of your tone is a breeze of airiness, a facade of hurt and your brows pitch up. When Peter gives no response, the facade vanishes, lifted to reveal the cold malice of your very existence. 
  “Did Tony send you to find out what we’ve been up to since the treaty?” Your hand lashes out and Peter’s voice, straining against the cloth, reaches out into the hollow of night with a raw, throat shredding scream. Your clawed fingers pinch the thinly layered bubbles of his cheeks, grip armed with the ability to threaten him that his jaw is a moment away from being unhinged with a single snap. 
  “Do I look like someone you can fuck with?”
  “M–mf…” The structure of his face shudders with a ‘no’ response. “Then why were you snooping around in that warehouse, kid?”
  The crease of your nose twists into a sneer when Peter does little to entertain your question with any sort of answer, you sigh as you move to stand up again, grip still locked around his face, he squirms as he’s hoisted up by the extension of your strength. 
  His tearful eyes grow in size, the whites reflecting the blinking light above, he hollers out a string of smothered screams. 
  “You’ll serve as a warning to him. Let him know that Clan business isn’t to be toyed with by the likes of him.” 
  Peter begins to writhe around in his fight to break free to no avail, body floundering, his back presses over the railing. He trusts that the weight tied around his ankles won’t keep him grounded even if you let him go, the power to thrust him over the ledge as easy for you as taking a breath, he watches behind another blur of tears - perhaps the last before his vision is overwhelmed by water - you take in a long drag of your cigarette, eyes stern and callous within its shadowed veil. 
  He’s hanging on the verge of a slow and agonising demise, to be tortured as he must fight for air he will never have again, in a battle futile to win he tries to take solace that there may be a white light at the end of death’s tunnel. A fleeting hope of a promise that with his suffering, there will be peace. 
  Rolling over the gravel, a second car pulls off to the road’s side some distance away, beams of the saving light finally bathe over what Peter could not see before. Horrors of your visage, tales a many circulating its distinctively haunting mark on the soul, once concealed in the darkness forged into your very nature, now paints the deeply etched sculpt of your furrowed brows. Below are the thinned form of your eyes that holster within them intentions dangerously untamed, and the recoiled muscle of your lips bearing sharpened points, untainted by violence and bloodshed for now, jaw set hard.
  Your head bends off towards the side with a raspy growl tumbling through your clenched teeth. There's movement in the dark, wandering about as blackened shadows as they come upfront to meet with you. Your men take to preparing themselves, hands idle over their guns, they each whine and growl in a rumbling chorus backdrop. 
  “Let him go, Y/N,” says the accented allure of her sokovian tongue. 
  “Ah, well if it isn’t the poster child herself.” Mouth turning into a grin with a husky chuckle bouncing in your throat, eyes roaming the scale of her body up and down, you play into the extra mile and feign loosening your grip on the boy for a split second. You take sickening delight in the display of her body flinching. 
  Interest peaked, you purr lowly, “Why should I?”
  “He’s just a boy. Please, he’s harmless to you.” 
  Your tongue clicks against the roof of your mouth at this. How sweet she is, to come to the boy’s rescue, to save him from the clutches of a fate beneath the waters. Sweet and naive. You once again make your threat known, subtly pushing him that bit further over the edge. He makes to pull his body forward but you disable any attempt for him to secure even a shred of his safety. If those around you desire to push the bounds of your mercy, then you shall oblige in demonstrating the repercussions of such low thinking intelligence and blind haughtiness. 
  “Harmless,” you scoff, “A boy who knows too much about something he—”
  “Please…,” she gasps. Oh, how that one word resounds in the night air clouded by rapids of fog. Muscle constricts around bone trembling in that same rushful, perverted delight. Never has such a sound - a singular word - been spoken so rawly and compassionately that it riled you deeply to the core, nor has any prior experience with company ever given you the dark stirring revelation you find before yourself. 
  Your eyes roll back to find hers, tongue tracing the sharp curves of your teeth. 
  Your men are silent, compliant to remain loyal and obedient despite the granted mercy you bestow upon the boy. Of course, they’d come to understand - or rather respect - your… fascination with the very woman who bargains nothing in exchange for the very clemency over Peter’s life. Your eyes pursue their focus on the darling woman whose green eyes bear to yours with such bewitching compassion. With claws hatching through rope and skin cutting plastic, Peter’s bruised features contort into a whirlwind mixture of relief and pain as he’s released from his bindings.
  “Looks like you won’t be holding your breath, kid,” you huff. His knees wobble and his weight stumbles like a newborn pup, unsteady in his advance towards Wanda. She leans in close to his ear, plump lips moving before Peter continues on, moving towards the sanctuary of his saviour’s vehicle, another’s silhouette guides him safely into the back seat. 
  When she makes to swerve on her heel does she catch your fatal drawl with tongue beating the back of your teeth in a vocal, scolding fashion, finger wagging side to side. 
  “I’ve a reputation to protect, Sweets. I want compensation for your little stunt.” 
   For the second time, she gasps, “Excuse me?”
  “I’m not a charity of mercy, Miss Maximoff.” Your head lays back slightly as you kink a finger at her in a gesture to bring to the table her payment. “So, what will you offer in return for the kid’s safety? Otherwise, with a snap of my fingers I’ll have my boys here drag him out… and I’ll hold the little fucker underwater until he drowns.”
  “You… monster.” Her eyes break from yours, torn down is her resolve to stand before you and remain unshaken. Given this, the wolf’s nature takes hold and you stalk towards her, each step precise with predatory attentiveness. It’s not until you stand inches from her that she recognises that she’s let the wolf creep upon her. That she has succumbed to being your prey. 
  You continue, voice laced softly with a coo, “Then you know not to cross me, Sweets. So I ask again, what’s your offer?”
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@alexawynters @alyciaddict
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hyunjin-amore · 5 months
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Masterlist 2
Characters I write for
My rules
Join my taglist
Evan Buckley
Evan Buckley x reader
The fire within
The fire within
Iroh II
Iroh x y/n
Zuko x top male reader
Demon slayer
Muzan x Top male reader
Tanjiro x top male reader
One piece
Luffy x top male reader
A love uncharted
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Luffy x Female reader
Luffy x reader x zoro pt1
Luffy x reader x zoro pt2
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Zoro x top male reader
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
A love uncharted
Zoro x reader x luffy pt 1
Zoro x reader x luffy pt 2
Flames of the heart
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Monster Trio react to theirs S/o sitting on their laps
Flames of the heart
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Luffy,Ace,Sabo and Law react to s/o wearing their hat
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Luffy Kidd Law React to their S/o eating his meat
Monster trio law and Kidd react to their So telling them they are pregnant
Worst generations react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Strawhats react to So giving them kisses
Yandere Shanks
Criminal minds
Spencer Reid
Spencer Reid x male reader
Spencer Reid x male reader
Spencer Reid x top male reader
Tony stark
Tony x top male reader
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Peter Parker
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing him but the running away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Peter x top male Reader
A steamy encounter
Loki x top male reader
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel characters react to their s/o kissing them but the runs away
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Captain America
Marvel character react to their S/O smack their butt pt.2
Marvel characters react to their s/o smack their butt pt.1
marvel character react to their s/o smack their butt pt.2
Red white and royal blue
Henry x top male reader
Henry x top male reader
Alex x top male reader
Queen of the damned
Lestat x male reader x Akasha
Billy and Stu
Billy x top male reader x Stu
Clark Kent
Clark Kent x male reader
Clark Kent x reader
The originals/Tvd
Klaus x reader
Eternal embrace
Kai Parker
An Unforgettable Night
Sakusa x Top male reader
Bokuto x Top male reader
Hinata x top male reader
Rafe Cameron
Rafe x reader
Dark Rafe x reader
Tides of the heart
A Loving and Spoiling Relationship
Teen wolf
Void stiles x reader
Isaac x top male reader
Henry cavill
Henry cavill x reader
Henry cavill x top male reader
Jungkook x top male reader
Drew starkey
Drew x reader
Dragon ball
Eternal Bonds
Eternal bonds
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marksbear · 1 year
Hi! I'm not sure if your request are still open but if they are could i ask for yandere Steven Grant x male reader who also is yandere? Or just the reader that is yandere i don't really mind. But i don't have any specific idea other than Steven showing his yandere side to y/n, and y/n is shocked at first but than returns the same yandere affection (?) But more passionately than Steven? And maybe that leads to smut? But if you don't want to write this i don't mind! It's just an idea that's been bugging me for a while now. Thank you for reading!
I hope you're doing well !
I wrote this with inspiration from Bones and all and You. So this is some lovely dovey, DARK kinky shit ❤
A/n: This has to be one of the most jaw dropping shit I ever wrote.
Warning! REALLY DARK, blood kink, bloody sex, blood as lube, protective and obsessive reader and Steven, sadistic reader, murder, alcohol, semi public sex( idk if in a room in a party is public or not.) delusional Steven, breeding kink crying kink forgot what its called in English
H/t= Hair type, H/c= hair color, E/c= eye color
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Steven stands afar holding a cup of tea watching his crush interact with others. Steven didn't even know how he got invited to his co-worker house party, but he wasn't complaining since Y/n was here.
Y/n stood out from the group of people he was talking to. He had H/t with H/c that makes his hair look even more beautiful with e/c that completes his beautiful face. He even had the smallest scar on his left cheek from mostly he got as a kid. Steven noticed everything about his crush. How he would crack his fingers when talking to a stranger or even how he'd sometimes wink at someone on accident.
He loved every small detail and big one about Y/n.
Even though Y/n and him only met a few times Steven was still in love.They had exchanged names and what they did for a living when they had met.
Y/n worked as a freelancer. But he was different from any freelancer sure he did the standard jobs to get by, but he knew people and people knew him. Hell it was even rumored that he worked with Tony Stark for a couple jobs. Sadly though Y/n never stayed in the same place he traveled a lot, but it seems that he might actually stay at London.
What got Steven out of his thoughts as he watched a woman flirt with Y/n shamelessly. It was most likely the alcohol speaking for her, but Steven didn't care. Steven clenched his cup with anger as he watches.
The woman follows Y/n around like a lost puppy no doubt making Y/n irritated. Steven lets out a sigh before turning his attention away from Y/n momentarily.
Steven begins to wonder around the partying enjoying himself, but sadly it is ruined by someone accidentally bumping into him knocking his drink out of his hand in the process and getting on on his shirt.
"Oh god. Maddie see what you did!" A voice rings out catching Steven's attention. Steven felt time slow down as him and his long term crush made eye contact. "Steven! Fuck man i'm sorry about her. Cmon follow me Steven." Y/n says taking Steven's hand dragging him upstairs as Maddie follows.
Y/n looks for empty rooms so he can properly talk to Steven and help him with his shirt. Finally Y/n finds one and pulls Steven inside with Maddie rushing inside.
The room muffles all the screaming and music from outside. Maddie shakily sits on the bed while Steven stands in the middle of the room awkwardly.
"Steven could you take your shirt off. I'm going to see if I can wash off the stain." Steven nervously does what he's told watching Y/n take his shirt and walk inside the bathroom. Steven stares at Y/n thinking to himself not noticing Maddie approaching him.
"Not to bust your bubble man. But you have no chance with him. Y/n L/n is a black bottomless pit. Don't fall in love with him, you'll just end up like his ex-boyfriend Darren missing for months..." Maddie says taking another sip of her beer. Steven glares at the woman.
"I bet he killed him. I heard they had a nasty fight before Darren went missing. Don't trust him. Hes a evil son of a bitch that thinks he rules the world. He's also a insane maniac."
After those words fall from her mouth Steven could only see red. He didn't know what took over his body as he tackled the woman on the floor and began to punch her and smash her head against the floor repeatedly. Steven couldn't hear anything he could hear muffled shouting from Y/n, but he couldn't make out the words. Time went slow as Maddie's once beautiful face began to get ruined from blood. Blood begins to get everywhere, splashing onto Steven's body and face.
Steven didn't know how long he's been punching the woman only snapping out of his trance once he's pushed onto the ground by Y/n.
Time begins to speed up going back to its original speed. "Maddie! Oh god Madison." Y/n says looking down at her bloodied body. Y/n moves his hand to her cheeks shaking her. "Madison-- dear g-god please say something!" Y/n chokes out watching blood ooze out of her mouth.
"Y/n! I-I didn't mean to! I just blacked out okay! I-I" "Shut up Steven! You- you killed her. You fucking killed her Steven!" Y/n blurts out cutting Steven off.
Y/n and Steven were on the floor both of them covered in blood staring at each other. Y/n's body trembled in fear and anger not knowing what to do next.
"Why...Why did you do it?" Y/n lays Maddie's lifeless body back down giving Steven his full attention.
Steven stayed quiet.
"Huh!?! Why the hell did you kill her!" Y/n shouts staring down Steven.
"Because of you! She was talking bad about you! She called you a killer and an insane maniac! And the things she said weren't true because I know you Y/n! I-I watch and learn from you and I know you aren't the things she says. You're far from being a black bottomless pit. I did it for you Y/n! I killed her for you and only you!" Steven nervously blurts out.
Y/n stared at Steven. Y/n honestly didn't listen to anything he was saying besides the fact Steven said "I killed her for you." Those words burned into Y/n's mind causing a sadistic smile to slowly crawl onto his face.
"You did it for me? You killed her for me Steven. Say it again. That you'd killed her for me." Y/n says standing up from the pool of blood he was kneeling in. Y/n walks to Steven slowly. Steven noticed Y/n's eyes shined with dark intent.
Y/n doesn't bother to wipe the blood from his hands as he cups Steven's cheeks pulling his head up making him look him in the eyes. "I killed her for you Y/n..." Steven says. Y/n crouches down to Steven staring down at him.
"Y'know Steven. I always wanted someone to share the same feelings I had. Willing to kill someone for me. Or me killing someone for them. I love it. I love how you have been stalking me for the past few weeks. I love how you've been watching me the whole time during the party." Y/n says before adding. "I've been waiting for someone to share my entire life with Steven. And i'm glad that someone is you. Your entire body and your thoughts belong to me. You would only need me from now on Steven. Anything that's yours is mine. Your entire being is mine and mine only."
Steven couldn't believe his ears. Steven smiles brightly staring up at Y/n fully in a trance. If Y/n was a witch he had Steven fully in his spell. Y/n finally presses a deep kiss on Steven's lips. Steven quickly melts into the kiss wrapping his arms around Y/n's shoulders.
The blood of Steven's face rubs onto Y/n's own. As they makeout time begins to slow down for them. Y/n stripping out of his bloodied clothes as Steven begins to unbuckle his pants pulling them down alongside his boxers throwing them somewhere in the room.
Steven couldn't keep his hands off of Y/n. His hands roam across his back and chest as he sits in his lap. Y/n couldn't keep to himself either. He kissed and licked Steven's neck and bloodied face. They grind their hard cocks into each other humping each other. Y/n soon begins to grow bored of the foreplay and begins to move to the large puddle of blood, before slowly flipping the position laying Steven down in the blood.
Nothing ever looked so beautiful than both their bodies covered in blood. Steven looked up at Y/n looking into his hungry eyes. Y/n even looked a bit scary.
Y/n spreads Steven's legs open before using his free hand to slowly jerk Stevens cock. He gives it a few lazily strokes before jerking it off properly. "Are you okay with me prepping you like this?" Y/n asks gesturing to his blood covered fingers. Steven enthusiastically nods his head yes. Y/n begins to kiss Steven distracting him as he pushes one finger inside of his hole. Steven's body looked beautiful. He wasn't exactly covered in blood, but just the right amount to make his body shine.
Y/n moves his finger in and out using his other busy hand faster. Steven's body arch and wiggles around as Y/n pleasures him. Small light moans escape his lips.
Soon enough Y/n begins to add another digit fingering Steven at a faster pace. Y/n begins to curl and twist his fingers even grazing Steven's prostate as he finger fucks him deeper. Y/n's fingers begin to touch unfamiliar places to Steven causing him to let out loud moans and whimpers.
Steven's cock begins to leak precum and twitch. Even his cock veins begin to show as his cock throbs in Y/n's hand. Steven's hips begin to sink down into Y/n's fingers moving them up and down.
Once Steven is prepped enough to Y/n's liking he pulls his fingers out slowly. "Y/n~ Please g-go back inside! please please~" Steven begs watching Y/n cover his hand in blood before jerking off his own cock.
"Sorry our first time wasn't in a better place. Next time i'll do something special for the both of us." Y/n says before lining up his cock to Steven's entrance. After Steven takes a few deep breathes Y/n moves inside Steven.
"S-so big!~ fuck! You're so big!" Steven moans out already feeling so full from the tip. Y/n smirks to himself before moving deeper inside inch by inch. Once Y/n was only halfway inside Steven cums hard onto himself landing on his blood covered stomach and chest. Y/n watches as Steven cries and moans as he cums. Y/n takes the opportunity to thrust himself fully inside Steven.
Steven's mouth hangs open as he moans and cries as Y/n thrust in and out of him mercilessly. Steven couldn't bare to look Y/n in the eyes turning his head away. Y/n grabs Steven's legs hooking them over his shoulder before holding his thighs fucking Steven deeply.
Y/n's thrust is like an animal in his rut. His thrust is rough and fast no doubt causing Steven to walk with a limp.
The floor squeaked beneath them. Y/n fucked harder and harder throwing his head back in the process for a while. Steven's hole and prostate was getting abused by Y/n. Steven's walls tightened around Y/n causing him to go faster for pleasure. Steven could swear he heard Y/n growl as he fucks him like he was just some worthless toy.
Y/n grip of Steven's thighs tighten trying to keep Steven still as he drills his cock inside him. Y/n begins to hit Steven's prostate repeatedly. Steven's legs begin to feel like jello. They trembled and shook.
Loud and wet skin slapping filled the room alongside moans and cries. If the party went quiet and paused the music no doubt everyone in the house could hear what was going down upstairs. "Y-Y/n!~ slow down! fuck~ AhhHh~ please slow down~" Steven moans out knowing full and well he doesn't want Y/n to slow down. In fact Y/n just picks up the speed of his thrust. Steven's eyes begin to roll up as his moans begin to sound pornographic. Steven finally begins to feel Y/n twitch inside him.
"Cum inside me! breed me Y/n! Please get me pregnant s-so we can start a family together!" Steven blurts out with a loud moan.
Y/n's thrust slows down and begins to get sloppily as he feels his peak nearing. With a few more thrust Y/n cums deep inside painting his walls white. Y/n begins to thrust lazily calming down from his high before pulling out. Y/n drops Steven's legs off his shoulders but holds them up watching cum ooze out of Steven's over used hole and gets into the pool of blood.
"Even though I love the look of you covered in cum and blood we gotta get cleaned up. And about the whole thing about the body and the blood don't worry your pretty little head about it, I got it all covered alright?" Y/n says knowing full and well Steven's too much in a bliss to understand him.
Y/n begins to get up from the bed and walks to the bathroom and starts some bath water. Y/n finds some clean towels for both of them and gets everything ready. Y/n walks out and walks around the bedroom opening closets and dressers for clothes.
"I found some clothes for us!" Y/n shouts before putting them in the bathroom by the rest of the towels and everything.
Y/n walks over to Steven before picking him up bridal style walking him to the bathroom and setting him down in the bath. Y/n joins him after.
"What are we gonna do?" Steven nervously mumbles out. "Don't worry Steven. I'll take care of everything alright, I just need you to love me~" Y/n flirts with a wink.
"Besides Steven... No one is going to stop us from living our new life."
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Masterlist 1
Emoji Guide
Dark themes = 🖤
Smut = ❤️
Find masterlist 2 here
-Steve Rogers
An understanding between artists
Steve is in love with the male reader and outed
Police officer Steve Rogers x male reader
-Bucky Barnes
Werewolf Bucky x vampire male reader
“Can you please come get me?” drabble
“You’re gonna be okay, baby, just breathe. It’s all going to be fine.” Drabble
Bucky Barnes with a male reader who has a prosthetic arm
Bucky Barnes with a male reader who likes pastel and sanrio
-Poly Stucky
Relaxing on a snowy morning part 1
A snowy evening (Relaxing on a snowy morning part 2)
Party of one, two, three? (ftm reader) part 1
Party of one, two, three? (ftm reader) part 2
Poly Stucky x shapeshifter male reader who turns into a wolf pup
-Tony Stark
Tony Stark x Ftm teen reader
Tony Stark x top rival male reader
-Loki Laufeyson
Loki x Tank/Healer male reader
-Moon Knight (Marc, Steven and Jake)
Marc and Steven being comforted by the reader after being yelled at
Shower fun with Marc❤️
Khonshu x ftm reader
Steven Grant x Monster/Non human male reader
Sub Jake Lockley x Dom male reader (scent and Collar)❤️
Jake Lockley x ftm reader❤️
Sub Jake Lockey x Dom reader, Alleyway❤️
Moonboys with male reader who says the safeword
Moonboys x ftm reader who was harrassed for being gay and trans
Moonboys with a flirty male reader and how he flusters them
Moonboys with a tall and buff male reader
Steven Grant venting to his boyfriend
Nine realm headcanons
Bucky and Loki x Oblivious male reader
Avengers forgetting about your anniversary
Marvel x Eldritch horror male reader
Marvel Characters reacting to reader suprise hugging them
-Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson x male reader meeting at a gala part 1
Dick Grayson x Male reader meeting at a gala part 2
Dick Grayson x male reader, undercover❤️
Dick Grayson x ftm reader who is dysphoric
Dick Grayson x Possesive dom male reader❤️
Dick Grayson x former circus performer male reader
Dick Grayson nsfw alphabet❤️
Dick Grayson with a ftm reader whos been deadnamed and misgendered on purpose
Dick Grayson being brought into subspace by the reader with sparring❤️(ish?)
-Jason Todd
Sub Jason Todd x Dom Older vigilante male reader❤️
Sub Jason Todd x Dom Older vigilante male reader part 2❤️
Sub Jason Todd x Dom male reader, desperate for each others touch❤️
Jason Todd nsfw alphabet❤️
Jason Todd being insecure about his appearence with an artist reader
Jason having flashbacks as the reader stitches him up
Jason with a male reader whos older and is like his sugar daddy ❤️
-Tim Drake
Tim Drake trying to flirt with a Tiefling reader but he has no idea how
-Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne and speedster male reader who he hates but starts to like
-Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne nsfw alphabet❤️
Klarion x young justice hero male reader
-Edward Nashton/The Riddler (2022)
Reader comforts Edward when hes working
Edward and the reader are obsessed with each other
Edward x male reader whos a huge romantic
Reader tries to figure out who the Riddler is part 1
Reader tries to figure out who the Riddler is part 2🖤
Top Edward x Bottom male reader, who met at Arkham❤️
-Bruce Wayne/Batman (2022)
Bruce x Male reader who is big and intimidating, but a softy
Bruce x Detective male reader
Sub Bruce x dom male reader❤️
-Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan nsfw alphabet❤️
Ftm Hal Jordan with a Ftm reader ❤️
Hal Jordan with subspace, edging under a weighted blanket ❤️
Hal Jordan and the reader having enough of him putting himself down ❤️
-Barry Allen
Barry Allen nsfw alphabet❤️
-Wally West
Bottom Wally West x Top Kryptonian male reader❤️
-Clark Kent
Clark Kent nsfw alphabet❤️
yandere Clark Kent nsfw alphabet ❤️
-Conner Kent/Kon-el
Conner Kent/Kon-el with a ftm reader
Conner Kent/Kon-el nsfw alphabet ❤️
Conner Kent/Kon-el loving the readers scent and stealing their hoodies
Conner Kent/Kon-el x kryptonian male reader ❤️
Conner kent/Kon-el cuddling with the reader for the first time
Kaldur'ahm x alien male reader
Joker x ftm reader
Ledger!Joker taking care of the sick reader
Batson headcanons
Batsons x ftm reader
Batsons x Himbo ftm reader
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 1
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 2
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 3
Batman/fam being determined to adopt a criminal/vigilante reader
Batboys throwing eachother around as bonding
DC characters and what kind of yandere i think they would be
Batsons with an autistic reader who mirrors them
The Boys
-Homelander/John Gillman
Homelander being spanked by dom reader ❤️
Fight Club
-Tyler Durden and the Narrator
The Narrator is extremely in love with the male reader who also catches Tylers attention
-Billy Lenz
Billy Lenz x male reader headcanons
-Poly Ghostface
Handsome Devil part 1 (slasher male reader)🖤
Handsome devil part 2 (slasher male reader)🖤
Poly ghostface x himbo reader part 1
Poly ghostface x himbo reader part 2
Poly ghostface x autistic male reader
Poly ghsotface with a reader whos in denial about their sexuality
Poly ghostface x metalhead reader with a personality similar to Stu
Poly ghostface x reader whos fascinated by gore and blood
-Brahms Heelshire
Brahms Heelshire x protective male reader
Brahms Heelshire being comforted by male reader
Cuddling Brahms after a rough day
-Michael Myers
Michael Myers x himbo reader
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael Myers x male reader
Michael Myers with a voice kink ❤️
-Thomas Hewitt
Thomas Hewitt sfw alphabet
-Corey Cunningham
Corey Cunningham x slasher male reader who replaces Michael 🖤
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael Myers x male reader
Corey Cunningham comforting an overstimulated reader
Slashers x male reader who is insecure about their thighs
Slashers with an s/o who vapes
Slashers and a weirdly strong male reader who keeps beating them
Slashers being given a flowercrown
Michael Myers and Brahms Heelshire with petplay
Jason Voorhees and Pyramid head with violent hide and seek
Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers and Pyramid head Proposing
Dead by Daylight
-Evan Macmillan (The Trapper)
Evan Macmillan sfw and nsfw alphabet❤️
Frank Morrison and Danny “Jed Olsen” Johsen with a s/o whos built like a brick house
Evan Macmillan, Jason Voorhees and Bubba sawyer bottoming for the first time
Star Wars
-Din Djarin
Din x Tall tanker male reader who is secretly a softy
Din Djarin x Flirty bounty hunter male reader
Din Djarin x Stoic male reader
Din Djarin nsfw alphabet❤️
-Poly Bobadin
-Anakin Skywalker
Anakin skywalker x ftm reader
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x Touchy male reader
Anakin comforting reader who was tortured and has night terrors
Anakin x Jedi male reader who is Plo Koons padawan
Sub Anakin x Dom male reader who is scared of intimacy, plus handcuffs❤️
Anakin with a ftm reader who has dysphoria
Padawan Anakin and a father figure male reader who falls in love with Shmi
-Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker x Shapeshifter male reader
Clonetroopers x ftm reader
Anakin, Darth Vader, Obi wan and Cody, overall headcanons
Deaged star wars ocs
-Montgomery Gator
Vending Machine Mechanic
Monty x tiny male reader
How the security breach cast would help the reader instead of freddy
Security breach cast x animatronic male reader
Harry Potter
-George Weasley
George Weasley x slythering male reader
Solo Leveling
-Sung Jin Woo
Sung Jin Woo x childhood friend male reader
One punch man
Saitama and Genos relationship headcanons
Guzma with a stoic reader who has a centiskortch
Team star bosses with a reader who is the leader and a psychic type user
Rick and Morty
-Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez (C-137) being flirted with
Rick Sanchez (C-137) with a ftm reader with autism
Call of Duty
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost with a short male reader who is underestimated because of his height
Ghost with knifeplay ❤️
Ghost with knifeplay part 2 (theres actually no knives in this one)
Ghost with a reader whos bigger and scarier than himself
Call of Duty characters being fucked while being interrogated ❤️
Alejandro, Soap and König with a tall feminine male reader
Ghost and Soap with a himbo reader who is submissive and breedable ❤️
John, Alejandro,Gaz and König finding their partner asleep with animals.
Soap, Ghost, Rudy and König with a partner on the autism spectrum who copies their accent
Rudy, Alejandro and Price as biology teachers
Rudy, Alejandro and Price with an s/o whos a biology teacher
141 with a male reader who owns a huge wolf
Alejandro, Rudy and Soap with a flirty reader who speaks multiple languages
Ghost and König with a big chested male reader
Call of duty characters with a reader whos tongue tied and fumbles to speak
How the team reacts to ghost having a husband with colored hair and stretched ears
Ghost, Price, Alejandro, König, Gaz and Rudy with a male reader with long hair
141 with an older reader who still moves like a 20 year old they gush over
Cod characters with a male reader who has thick thighs and stretch marks
Cod characters reacting to meeting Prices husband
Cod characters with a male reader with a very low spice tolerance
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Feel free to send asks and requests. Don't be shy. This is a safe space and no judgment zone. No hate of any kind on this blog will be tolerated.
Måneskin Masterlist
Damiano David
Thomas Raggi
Ethan Torchio
Marvel Masterlist
Bucky Barnes
Eurovision Masterlist
Jan Rozmanowski/Jann
Bojan Cvjetićanin
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Masterlist
Young!Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
The Hunger Games Masterlist
Finnick Odair
Katniss Everdeen
Johanna Mason
Criminal Minds Masterlist
Spencer Reid
Taylor Swift Masterlist
Taylor Swift Inspired Fics Masterlist
Characters that I refuse to write for:
Old!Coriolanus Snow (The Hunger Games) -> romantically [I do, however write for, young!Coriolanus Snow]
Seneca Crane (The Hunger Games)
Gale Hawthorne (The Hunger Games)
Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)
Lucius Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Peter Pettigrew (Harry Potter)
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
Thanos (Marvel)
John Walker (Marvel)
Nick Fury (Marvel)
...that's it for now
Things I don't write about:
foot fetish
SA kinks
forced pregnancy
dark![insert character]/dark!reader
romantic ships like Katniss x Haymitch or Peter Parker x Tony Stark...
gn!reader, black!reader or plus size!reader [I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST IT, I just don't want to offend anybody by writing something I don't know about ♥︎]
romanticizing depression, anxiety, SA, SH and such
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6rookie-writer0110 · 9 months
master list #76
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Slow down the night - John Constantine x male reader
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Bix Caleen Headcanon
I will let you haunt me - Bix Caleen x Male Reader (Some Smut)
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Everything is turning grey - Tony Stark X Male Reader (Smut)
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Sam Carpenter x Male Reader Headcannon
Don't wait up - Sam Carpenter X Male Reader (Smut)
The night will kill us - Sam Carpenter x Male Reader
Late-night talks & murder she wrote - Sam Carpenter x Male Reader
Private Party - Samantha Carpenter x Male Reader x Amber Freeman (Smut)
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The appointment - Jensen Ackles X Male Reader (Smut)
There's a reason - Jensen Ackles x Male Reader (Smut)
Summer Nights - Jensen Ackles x Male Reader-PornStar (Smut)
Higher Fire - Jensen Ackles x Male Reader (Smut)
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The Secret - Steve Rogers x Male Reader (Smut)
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Any day now - Jessica Alba x Male Reader (Smut)
This game is not tough with you tonight - Male Reader x Jessica Alba
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Tara Carpenter/ Yandere Ghostface…
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Sloth's Kinktober 2.0 Masterlist
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Ah, the weather is finally getting cooler. The nights are longer. It's officially spooky season. And with it, my second attempt at kinktober! Thank you everyone who submitted a request! There were so many delicious and devious thots that I can't wait to share with you all!
These works have Adult Content. By clicking “Keep Reading” you have agreed that you are over the age of 18 and are willing to view such content. My work is not to be copied or translated onto any other platform. I have discontinued my taglist - follow @slothspaghettilibrary to be notified of when I post.
Food Play - Dark!Lee Bodecker x Fem!Reader
Pet Play - Bucky Barnes x Trans!Male!Puppy!Reader
Knife Play - Robert Pronge x Reader
Pegging - Sub!Loki Laufeyson x afab!Reader
Body Worship - Sub!Preserum!Steve Rogers x Reader
Size Kink - Frat boy!Chris Evans x SHORT!Fem!Reader
Shibari - Bruce Banner x Reader
CG/l - Tony Stark x Reader
Yandere - Ari Levinson x Reader
Cheating - Lee Bodecker x Reader
Impact Play (Spanking) - Daddy!Lee Bodecker x Babyboy
Primal Play - Alpha!Andy Barber x Alpha!Lloyd Hansen x Omega!Reader
Double Penetration - Andy Barber x August Walker x Fem!Reader
Biting - Werewolf!Lee Bodecker x Plus Size!Reader
Group Sex - Orgyverse Gang
Ovipositing - Venom x Eddie Brock x Reader
Somnophila - Dark!Andy Barber x Male!Reader
Threesome - Vampire!Bucky Barnes x Vampire!Steve Rogers x Succubus!Reader
Cum Play - Jake Jensen x Ghost!Reader
Overstimulation- Tentacle!Lee Bodecker x Reader
Blood Play - Vampire!Tony Stark x Reader
Praise Kink - Curtis Everett x Short!Reader
Knotting - Werewolf!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Sex Toys - Steve Rogers x Reader
Gagging - Orc!Lee Bodecker x Reader
Innocence Kink - Dark!Andy Barber x Reader
Chase Kink - Lee Bodecker x Reader
Fear Play - Andy Barber x Reader
Holding - Sugar Baby!Ransom Drysdale x Daddy!Reader
Daddy Kink - Gabe Kapler x Fem!Reader
Surprise fic for us all
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lizardgutzz · 2 years
Requests open!
Master list- Doesn't exist yet LOL
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Content you will see!
You will see incorrect quotes!
character x Male reader
character x female reader
character x Non-binary reader
Chracter x Character
Head cannons
Rules in general!
No cis-female or girls read male readers. If you are gender fluid, trans, or anything like that you are free to read the male readers. I don’t care but cis girls please don’t read this. You have a lot of books, one shot’s for you and this page is not for you!
No racism, transphobia, homophobia, or anything between that I would block you without a second thought.
No ship hate you will be blocked
Rules for requesting!
Non-con or Rape
age play
smut for young characters (Please don’t request smut if there younger then let’s so 16 and no I will not age a minor up for your own need’s that’s disgusting if they have a time skip and are older then 16 or around that then I will write smut for them!)
Any kink unless there in the don’t list
threesome (Ex: character x character x character or reader x character x chracter)
Dom/sub bottom/top reader
SFW/NSFW alphabet
Poly! I love doing poly relationships
Parent!Character x reader
Disabled reader, mental or physical
Who - What I write for
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Please specify if reader has powers or not, is so, what powers? ^^
Peter maximoff . Kurt wagner . Scott summer . Logan howlett . Tony stark . Wade wilson . Bucky barnes . Steve rogers . Loki . Thor . Steven strange . Venom/Eddie
Demon slayer
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Tanjiro . Muzan . Zenitsu . Inosuke
I am only 1 season in so expect more to be added
Tiger & Bunny
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Kotetsu . Kaede(only as sibling) . Barnaby . Ryan . Ivan . Keith . Nathan . Antonio . Yuri
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Does JD from heathers go in this list? Lol . Brahms heelshire . Billy loomis . Stu macher . Michael myer . Freddy Kruger . Chucky . Tiffany Valentine . More will certainly be added!!
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Ticci toby . Masky/Tim . Brian/Masky . Jeff the killer . Eyeless jack . BEN . Slenderman . Nina the killer(I like her fuck off) . I'm probably missing some but whatever
Moving on from killers LOLLL
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Seth . Alphonse . Finn . Charlie . Jack
Monster high G1
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Please specify what monster you would like reader to be! or if reader is a human ^_^
Cleo . Duece . Abbey . Lagoona . Clawdeen . Frankie . Ghoulia . Toralei . Valentine
And that's it! Thank you for reading:)
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spicyspiders · 2 months
9:30 am to 7 pm? Brave. Also, getting yelled at by a tony stark fan for saying you didn’t like him? 😭 I mean I’ve never understood the hype for him but he’s alright. I always just thought he was another character in a movie 🤷🏻‍♂️
I wasn't even talking specifically about him either, I just used him as an example when talking about how female characters aren't allowed to be arrogant and hot-headed like male characters are. Because tumblr's tagging system sucked, I guess it popped up in his tag.
Speaking of tumblr's tagging system, it annoys me so bad to scroll through the x male reader tag and be bombarded by posts tagged as x yandere male. 99% of them aren't even written for male readers. It confuses me because why would you use a tag that's that broad? I feel like it would just be easier to search x yandere "character's name".
Sorry to rant lmao it annoys me.
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★ she/her
★ 20
★ bi bitch
★ proud gemini
★ fun fact: most, if not every fic, will be a one part fic only. unless someone nicely asks me to write a second part or i'm geniuly invested
★ this my house. entry, please
Who I write for:
Florence pugh (and any of her characters)
Elizabeth Olsen
Scarlett Johansson
Marvel characters (Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Carol Danvers, Maria Hill, Shuri, Tony Stark, Loki, Stephen Strange, Thor, T'Challa, Namor, Druig, et.)
I'm down to write about anyone as long as I know what I'm writing about. You can ask me about any other character.
What I don't write:
Homophobia, transphobia, fat phobia, pedophilia, incest, racism, drugs, male!reader
What I do write:
Fluff, angst, humor, smut, dark fics, hurt/comfort, headcanons, one shot, blurb. Character x reader x Character. Feel free to ask for anything specific.
Dark fics: degradation, praise kink, innocence kink, mommy kink, daddy kink, marturbation, cnc, manipulation, dom-sub, yandere, lactation kink (you name it lol. Feel free to ask)
When requesting:
Please, make sure to specify what type of fic you want me to write (fluff, angst, et), and any other specifications you would like to add.
English isn't my first language, so grammatical errors are bound to happen.
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years
Tony Stark X Male Reader ? headcanons
yandere/stalker themes and fluffiness cause tony ain’t all that bad ,, thank you my dearest friend :D !!
꒰play with fire !꒱
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yandere headcannons !
character x m!reader
includes iron man // tony stark !
warnings : yandere // dark content .
a/n : i wrote this like last week and completely forgot to upload this oops ,,, also this isnt usually what i write but i tried my best ! enjoy some good soup ^^
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oh boy im not the best with yanderes but where do i start? 
let’s just say whenever tonys around everyone else knows better than to try anything with you. hes made it very clear since day one he doesnt play games when it comes to his lover.
he prefers you staying at the avengers hq, so that way he can keep an eye on you. <3
youre absolutely not allowed to go on missions, he doesnt want to risk anything happening to you, and instead insists on calling you every few hours to check in.
but youve got everything you could ever want at the tower, so its not like you mind.
FANCYYY dinner dates all the time and expensive shopping trips to wherever your heart desires! he loves showing you off to everyone and knowing your only his is such an ego boost!!
as we all know tony is definitely stubborn, so i think that when arguing with him its like talking to a brick wall.
it doesnt matter what you say to defend yourself. if he doesnt want you doing something, youre not allowed to. end of discussion.
he doesnt want you to feel *too* trapped, however, and i think thats where the expensive and flashy outings come in.
think of him as a sugar daddy who you actually enjoy spending time with! your wish is his command, within reason.
honestly the other avengers are tired of hearing him talk about you at this point. of course they dont get to see you too often because tony wont allow that, and theyre kind of wondering why youre still with him lmaoo
hes insufferable, but we love him anyways <3
when it comes to any situation, whether it regard stark industries or the avengers, youre always the first priority. oh, he has a *very* important meeting to attend to? well tell them to wait, hes busy with his boyfriend and will not tolerate any interruptions.
whenever steve and dr strange come around i like to think hes always on high alert and kind of a gaslighter LMAOO
“you dont want to be associated with them, theyre, well theyre assholes is what they are.”
anyone who dares stand against him or have any sort of ego similar to his he doesnt like and therefore you shouldnt either!
overall i think hed be pretty calm for the most part, sure hes rich and powerful so disposing of others wouldnt be an issue, but i like to think he only takes pride in that fact instead of acting on it, most of the time.
please note that he definitely *isnt* afraid to act if needed though, it just isnt normally necessary!
i think hes got too many responsibilities to really be on top of all that, hes got all of his tech inventions to do that job instead!
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