#yandere weiss
dragon-razor-writings · 2 months
Blake: "Alright, concept: Jaune, but yandere."
Yang: "…Yeah, I see it."
Pyrrha: "Strangely fits him."
Weiss: "I'm honestly surprised that he wasn't on some level."
Jaune, now slightly offended: "Do I really give off that vibe?"
RWBYPNR: *general confirmation*
Jaune: "Wow, okay then."
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
What Is Going On?
Narrator (Jaune): Hello, my names is Jaune Arc, and I just woke up in the hospital. Apparently I fell down the stairs and hit my head really hard. I don't remember anything that happened or what happened before I arrived at Beacon. In other words I have amnesia. Now, one would say that this couldn't be worse, but… they are wrong.
Bleiss: I'm Jaune's girlfriend!
Weiss: No! I'm his girlfriend!
Narrator (Jaune): Apparently I have a girlfriend?
Jaune: Um… Sorry but who are you two?
Weiss: *Happy but with an intimidating gaze* I'm Weiss, your girlfriend, silly. You worried me for a moment. I thought you would never wake up, but here you are. Don't worry, I won't leave you alone anymore. But I am a little sad that you have amnesia. We've always gotten along well. But don't worry, we can always make new memories together. Besides, it was for the best that you lost your memory anyway. Since I'm the only person you should be thinking about~
Bleiss: *Also happy, but her smile gives chills* Jaune, don't listen to her. I am your real girlfriend. Don't worry about your memory. Just focus on me, okay? Don't worry, I will protect you from this homewrecker. I will satisfy your needs whenever you want. But more importantly, you are okay. Don't leave me alone again, okay? If you are going to die, let's die together~
Jaune: *Worry* (Why do I feel like I'm in danger?)
Narrator (Jaune): So this is my problem. Which of these two tells the truth? Am I really dating one of them? Did I fall by "accident"? It was really just an accident… right?
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epic-arc · 11 months
Cinder: Finally! I killed any girl who might have a romantic interest in Jaune just to have him all to myself!
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 6 months
Weiss: Do you want to see me again?
Jaune: Did you just tell me you stabbed Neptune?
Weiss: Aw you scared?
Jaune: Yes.
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rocknroll7575 · 1 year
Mk intros! Jaune arc and Yandere Weiss
Last one before I head off Tumblr for a while (I need a break!) But I'll leave asks on and do them when I get back, bad idea now? Probably but future I will have to deal with it!
Jaune: *walks on the stage with his broken sword* Weiss, what's up?
Weiss: *Uses Glyphs to skate onto the stage* Why were you talking to Yang... you know you belong to me, right?
Jaune: W-What!? B-But I thought-!?
Weiss: *Knight summon lowers her on stage* Why haven't you accepted that we are meant for each other?
Jaune: *Jumps off Juniper and lands on stage* Weiss I said stop with the jokes!
Weiss: Who. Said. I. Was. Joking?
Jaune: *Jumps off Juniper and lands on stage* Can we talk about this morning?
Weiss: *Knight summon lowers her on stage* Did you not like the surprise?
Jaune: You watching me shower is not a surprise I want to see in the morning
Jaune: *walks on the stage with his broken sword* This is getting out of control!
Weiss: *Uses Glyphs to skate onto the stage* What is my knight?
Jaune: You sneaking into my bed every night!
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midnightlee25 · 5 months
Yandere Mer Profile: Weiss Schnee
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Type: Frost Mermaid 
Habitat: in arctic waters 
Habits: she will frost up her tank in order to not be seen. She also tends to keep to the darker parts of her tank. The only time anyone ever really sees her is when her darling is around, in which case she will get just a bit closer to the glass wherever they are. 
Her whole body is white with blue Accents, some parts even gradually going from white to a pale blue. She can easily Blend into the water around her and given her more predatory traits (having sharp teeth and claws.) it is a must to at least have an idea where she is. Even being 9 feet long won't stop her. There is also recent evidence that she is strong enough to get through even the toughest of ice whether that be cutting through it or breaking it. 
How they spend their days:  
Like stated before she does stay hidden most of the time only coming out when her darling is around or quickly grabbing the food that was left for her before going right back to where she was. What she does out of sight is unknown. 
How dangerous are they 1/10:  
8, although she is docile most of the time, she is also always ready to defend and given that she can freeze anything in its tracks, crush or cut it down.  
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aetherarson · 1 year
Finally postin' for the first time something lmaooo
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Brainrotting deranged men ✌️👁️👁️
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bridgyrose · 6 months
I kind of want to see more of that Yandere!Cinder thing you did
(I didnt expect to go any further with it, so... here we are)
Ruby walked through the Beacon halls, swearing she was in a haze of sorts as she continued to make her way from class to class. Faces seemed blurred as she passed by the other students, voices practically muffled as she continued through the day, only really able to focus on the professors for each class. It was almost like she wasnt herself. 
Ruby’s heart practically jumped as she heard Cinder’s voice, relaxing a bit as she still saw her as clear as day as she felt Cinder embrace her into a hug. “Hey Cin.” 
“Want to train after classes?” Cinder asked. 
“O-oh, sure,” Ruby answered, watching as the other students seemed to avoid her. Even with unclear faces, she could still see them turn away. “I-I dont exactly have any plans anyway right now.” 
“Not even with your team?” 
“Yang and-” She went quiet as she tried to figure out a way to answer Cinder, not even sure of what her teammate’s names were anymore. She couldnt see their faces, couldnt remember names or voices, but she knew she had a team. They were there every night, even if they did avoid her. “Yang and the others will be fine if I’m not around. I dont have any plans with them tonight once I’m finished with homework.” 
“That’s great!” 
Ruby put up a nervous smile as she rubbed the back of her neck, fingers rubbing over a still healing spider bite. There was something about the sound of Cinder’s voice that felt… off… to her, but she still couldnt quite place why. There wasnt anything malicious about her excitement, even if Cinder seemed to have a death grip on her hand, nothing out of the ordinary with how cautious she was as other students passed by, always making sure to keep her away from others. And yet, it all still felt as if there was something glaringly wrong with her. 
Cinder’s smile dropped to a look of worry as she pulled Ruby close. “Everything okay?” 
“Y-yeah, lost in thought,” Ruby answered as she pulled away from Cinder to get to class. “I’ll see you once classes are done, alright?” 
“Of course.” 
Ruby smiled a bit as she walked into class, sitting down near her team. Her smile fell as she listened to them speak amongst themselves, voices still muffled as she tried to pay attention to Port’s class. It wasnt til class was half over that she realized her breathing was starting to become more shallow and her arms had started to shake. 
“M-may I be excused?” Ruby asked quickly as she raised her hand. 
Professor Port sighed, but gave a small nod. “Be quick.” 
Ruby rushed out of class with her semblance and made her way to the nearest bathroom, nearly collapsing against the sink. Sweat dripped down her face as she took a few deep breaths to calm herself, eyes practically flashing as the light shined on them until the room was filled with a bright, silver light for a brief moment. 
As her vision cleared, she saw a small string of grimm ash and smoke leave her through the healing spider bite. Once she could move again, she splashed some water on her face to wash away the sweat, arms still shaking as she took a few breaths. Once she felt  calm enough, she started to make her way back to class, nearly pausing as everything seemed clear again. Faces that seemed blurry and voices that had been muffled could be heard clearly again, though names still seemed to be missing as she made her quietly into class. 
“Everything okay, Rubes?” Yang asked. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” Ruby answered back in almost a half mumble, only now realizing how far away she sat from her team, three chairs between her and her sister. “I-I guess I’ve been in a bit of a funk today.” 
Weiss rolled her eyes at Ruby. “So now you want to talk to us.” 
“You can be a bit nicer to her,” Blake said in almost a hushed whisper to Weiss. “She clearly has something on her mind.” 
“That doesnt mean she had to ignore us.” 
Ruby went back to listening to Professor Port, taking notes as the haze around her seemed to slowly lift away, a few names coming back to her as she listened to her team. Though, her mind started to wander as she tried to find a few ways to explain what had been going on with her. A haze that clouded her mind, only able to focus on a few people enough to see them clearly, to hear them, only for others to think that she was pulling away or pushing them away by ignoring them. 
With a heavy sigh, she wrote down Cinder’s name in her notes, circling it a few times as she quietly wrote a small question under the name. 
What did she do to me?
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Ruby: *Grab rope and a bottle of Chloroform* Hehehehehe…. 😈
Blake:…why’s Ruby holding bottle of chloroform and rope all while looking at picture of Oscar?
Weiss: *With a ‘I am so done with life’ look* Oscar friendzone Ruby and she decided to make him change his mind…by any necessary….
Blake: *Looking at Weiss and then at giggling Ruby* Cooooool…*Back out of the room with a disturbed expression*
Yang: *Crying excessively holding a picture of toddler Ruby wearing footsie pajamas* She use to be so innocent! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CUTE INNOCENT BABY SIS!?
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rwac96 · 2 years
I know it's Ragna's fate to be around yandere's, but Ruby isn't like that right?....Right?
"Me?" Ruby Rose blinks in bewilderment of such a question, "A yandere? Pfft, bulldung!" She folds her arms over her bust, pouting at such a accusation.
"Um, Ruby," Weiss Schnee spoke up, "Yang had to pull you away from attempting to challenge that Bullet woman."
The silver-eyed girl furrows her brows, shifting her gaze to her teammate, lieutenant and best friend. "She had it comin'," Ruby says in a huff, "walkin' around in butt-shorts."
The former heiress rolls her eyes at her friend's words, "Sure, Ruby. Sure." Weiss blinks, as the she then sees a scribble of Ruby in what appears to be torn shorts and Ragna hugging her.
"I am totally not a yandere," The Wielder of Crescent Rose insisted, while holding her weapon tightly.
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autobotsandjoestars · 2 years
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Hmmm... How would Yandere Jaune be received by the girls? Like, just him letting himself go a bit and feeling free in being Yandere for them, but then suppressing it
Alright, two things:
Jaune as a suppressed yandere is a very interesting idea. People should use it.
My jaw is hurting a fuckton, so I'm keeping it rather short. Sorry if this is ooc or shit like that. Even more sorry for piss poor formatting.
Discovery: Surprised and Slightly Embarrassed.
Reaction to Jaune being Yandere: Slightly Concerned™.
Discovery: More on guard, but not explicitly hostile.
Reaction to Jaune being Yandere: More harsh, but a part of her is eating it up.
Discovery: Guarded, but slightly interested.
Reaction to Jaune being Yandere: Slightly amused, but does try to make him get better bc this isn't healthy.
Discovery: Conflicted, but definitely enjoying the power (even if she doesn't admit it).
Reaction to Jaune being Yandere: Mentally torn between actively encouraging it and shutting it down.
Discovery: Shocked and heavily conflicted.
Reaction to Jaune being Yandere: "This needs to stop, even if it feels rather nice."
Discovery: Surprised, but not entirely in the know.
Reaction to Jaune being Yandere: Caught off guard and a bit more cautious.
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juanarc-thethird · 4 months
Just listen to my voice~ Part 2
At the School Cafeteria
The same group of friends are gathered at the same table for lunch time. Everything looks normal except for one thing.
Yang: Sis, are you seeing what I'm seeing?
Ruby: I think so… Are we in one of those dreams where we are connected by a device like in Inception? Blake?
Blake: If we were, I don't think Weiss would be dreaming this.
In front of them was Weiss being very affectionate with a somewhat terrified Jaune. She has one of her arms intertwined with his, while she feeds him. She takes a potato with a fork and brings it to Jaune's mouth.
Weiss: Say Aah~💕
Jaune: *He doesn't open his mouth*
Her eyes suddenly lose their shine, and with a chilling smile she repeats her instruction.
Weiss: Say ah
Jaune flinches and eats the potatoes
Weiss: Good boy~💕
While the couple was acting all "amorous", next to Ruby, where Weiss normally sat, was Pyrrha. Staring at Weiss with pure hatred. You could see how a black energy surrounded Pyrrha.
Nora: Um… Pyrrha, are you okay?
Pyrrha: I'm fine.
Nora: But...
Ren puts his hand on her shoulder to get her attention. She turns around and Ren shakes his head, telling her it's a bad idea to get involved.
Pyrrha: Jaune, after lunch we have the entire afternoon free. How about we take advantage of the time and train together?
Jaune: Su-
Weiss: *Interrupts him* Thanks Pyrrha, but Jaune already has plans with me. Right darling?
Pyrrha: *Upset* Darling?
Jaune: Well...
Weiss: *Looking at him with yandere eyes* "Well..." What?
Jaune: *Scared* W-Well I'm so sorry Pyrrha, maybe next time?
Pyrrha: I... I see.
Weiss: Well, then it's time for Darling and I to get going. See you guys later~
Weiss gets up and pulls Jaune towards the exit. The others at the table are still confused by what they witnessed. Throwing theories left and right trying to understand. Some say it must be a prank, others say aliens must have been involved. Pyrrha, in the other hand, keeps thinking about Jaune's behavior just now.
Pyrrha: (I know Jaune has a crush on her, but why would he be scared now that he's dating her? I don't know what's going on but I'll find out)
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howlingday · 5 months
w/ examples
Tsundere - Publicly harsh, Privately loving - WEISS SCHNEE / Cindy Vortex
Yandere - Loving to one, Volatile to others - NEOPOLITAN / Yuno Gasai
Dandere - Hesitant towards love interest - BLAKE BELLADONNA / Hinata Hyuuga
Kuudere - Loving, but must be professional - PYRRHA NIKOS / Mikasa Ackerman
Deredere - Obsessively loving, but healthy - NORA VALKYRIE / Amy Rose
Nemuidere - Often sleepy, Loving to waker - LIE REN / Frieren
Bakadere - Less than intelligent, but loving - RUBY ROSE / Aqua
Dorodere - Publicly loving, Privately harsh - WILLOW SCHNEE / Makima
Yottadere - Often drunk, but still loving - QROW BRANWEN / Misato Katsuragi
Masodere - Replies to bullying w/ affection - TYRIAN CALLOWS / Virgo
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 5 months
Weiss: I don't know if I'm manipulating him or if he's manipulating me. Either way I'm getting attention.
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five-miles-over · 11 months
Joaquin Phoenix Characters Masterlist
updated 08 November 2023
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Multiple Character Headcanons and Listicles
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters as University Students
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters as Cupcakes
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters - Sleepover Headcanons
• If Joaquin Phoenix Characters Went on Dates
• Joaquin Phoenix Characters as Comfort Foods
• Holiday Gift Ideas for Joaquin Phoenix Characters
• Commodus, Abbé, and Joe as Parents 
Abbé de Coulmier from Quills
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• The World’s a Broken Bone: The Abbé comforts the reader - a nurse at Charenton - when they have a severe migraine.
• Let Me Save You: A crossover with Thomas Sharpe from Crimson Peak
• The Ballad of Mona Lisa: The reader confesses to the Abbé about fantasies that they have been experiencing lately. (Smut)
• Abbé de Coulmier x Light Academia (aesthetic board)
Arthur Fleck from Joker
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• Yandere Arthur Fleck Headcanons
• Arthur Fleck and Joker Jealousy Headcanons
• NSFW Headcanons
• Yandere!Arthur and Yandere!Joker Dealing With Rejection in Public
• Joker and Cruella de Ville Crossover Headcanons
• Arthur Fleck x 50s Retrocore
Bruno Weiss from The Immigrant
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• Bruno Weiss x Roaring 20s (Aesthetic Board)
Clay Bidwell from Clay Pigeons
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• Misery Loves Company: Clay meets the reader at a bar and the two of them have a much-needed break from their troubles.
• Hey Good Lookin’: Clay loves it when his girlfriend sits on his lap and asks him for a kiss (fluff)
Emperor Commodus from Gladiator
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• Imagine Teaching Commodus to Slow Dance
• The Courtesan: The reader is a dancer that catches the eye of Emperor Commodus at a party
• ‘Till I Hear You Sing: A song-based fic based on “Til I Hear You Sing” from Love Never Dies
• What I Did For Love: Continuation from ‘Til I Hear You Sing’. A song-fic based on “What I Did for Love” from A Chorus Line
• New Girl: A high school AU of the movie Gladiator. The reader has recently moved to Rome and is now a new student at the Roman Educational Institute
• Paparazzi (Hollywood!Commodus x Reader): Another Gladiator AU in which the reader has a chance encounter in Rome with Commodus, a world-famous actor hounded by paparazzi.
• All Love Can Be: Prince Commodus meets the reader through their fathers working together, and eventually decides to ask for her hand.
• Handsome: The reader gets a little drunk while spending time with Commodus, and turns a bit childish and dorky.
• The Festivals of Saturn: Commodus’s first Saturnalia as a young sixteen-year-old co-emperor.
• Lay All Your Love on Me: Commodus falls unconditionally and irrevocably in love with a confident young woman along the seashores of Lanuvium
• Lose Me In the Sight of You: All you wished for was the blessing of Lady Juno that you would find a good husband, yet little did you know that a certain Emperor has grown passionately and hopelessly obsessed with you. (TW: Yandere)
• Emperor Commodus x Vampire Aesthetic
• Commodus’s Outfits as Chocolates
• Similarities Between Chuck Bass from “Gossip Girl” and Commodus from “Gladiator”
The young prince (and soon to be Emperor of Rome) Commodus falls in love with you, the daughter of a nobleman, and nothing will stand in the way of his obsession.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A sequel to the events of the film Gladiator, in which Emperor Commodus survives the duel with Maximus
• Chapter 1: The Impossible Dream
• Chapter 2: Proud of Your Boy
• Chapter 3: The Point of No Return
• Chapter 4: Look Down
• Chapter 5: Beneath a Moonless Sky
• Chapter 6: These Palace Walls
• Chapter 7: Wait For It
• Chapter 8: Something There
• Chapter 9: Be Prepared
• Chapter 10: Twisted Every Way
• Chapter 11: All I Ask of You 
• Chapter 12: History Has Its Eyes on You
Max California from 8 MM
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• Max California x Dark Academia
• Max California Proposing to You (Headcanons)
Ray Elwood from Buffalo Soldiers
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• Ray Elwood Taking You Out on a Date Would Include...
Willie Gutierrez from The Yards
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• Blackout: The reader is Willie Gutierrez’s new neighbor, and the two of them accidentally meet during a power outage
• The Light Blinking at the End of the Tunnel: The reader offers some much-needed comfort to Willie after finding out about his dark past.
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