#yara sh
queercryptid · 8 days
Once again asking people to donate to these campaigns to help these Palestinian families. We need to help where we can, ever little bit matters in the face of genocide. Please do what you can
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Al-Azayza family campaign
kr11,101 SEK raised of kr200,000 target
Shehab family campaign
€9,869 raised of €25,000 target
AlSharif brothers' campaign
$8,416 CAD raised of $82,000 target
Dohan family campaign
$7,956 USD raised of $50,000 target
Yara's family campaign
€1,732 raised of €20,000 target
Albardawill family campaign
£3,569 raised of £20,000 target
Roba's family campaign
€480 raised of €60,000 goal
Maher family campaign
€6,657 raised of €25,000 target
Shehab family campaign
€51,771 raised of €85,000 target
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eobardthawneallen · 24 days
GFM campaigns from the people that have sent me an ask or a direct message
@karamalmadhoun0 GMF #109 in this vetted list
@freepaleatine95 GFM vetted post
@sarazidan GFM vetted post
@amalfamily GFM vetted post
@odayalanqar-2002 GFM vetted post
@burningnightgiver GFM vetted post
@save-family GFM vetted post
@mahaahmad11 GFM #163 in this vetted list
@yousefjehad3 GFM #255 in this vetted list
@amira-world GFM vetted post
@mohammedayyad GFM vetted post
@lina-gaza GFM vetted post
@salahaldinhorsblog GFM vetted post
@heba-baker GFM vetted post
@ranin3344 GFM vetted post
@abdelmutei GFM vetted post
@ahmedhells-blog | ahmedhelllis GFM vetted post
@nedaapalestine GFM #107 in this vetted list
@emanfamily81 GFM vetted post
@familymajed2 GFM #227 in this vetted list
@ayaalanqarsblog GFM vetted post
@hossamalbardawel GFM vetted post
@mohammedabasan GFM vetted post
@ahmad-syam-blog GFM line 171 in this vetted list
@natalie111n GFM vetted post
@nada55 GFM #310 in this vetted list
@pt-yara GFM vetted post
@monashamali90 GFM vetted post
@mo-shamia GFM #7 in this vetted list
@mahmodsy GFM vetted by beesandwatermelons but not yet in the list
@ahmad-b-sh GFM #90 in this vetted list
Not vetted yet but image search shows their image are theirs also gfm donations are protected.
@anasalshrafa GFM
@osama-family GFM
@saveomarfamily GFM
@d-imtthal GFM
@mohammed-665 GFM
@emanabosedo GFM
@a-ss-123 GFM familiar (according to this post) of burningnightgiver (vetted above)
@save-ahmed-family1 GFM proof supporting his identity
@mohammednasers-blog GFM
@familymaria1234567 GFM
@mohammadabujbara GFM
@lamahourani7 GFM
@abedallhferwanagaza GFM
@rawannail25 GFM
@yosefresh GFM
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shady-mc-muffin · 2 months
Can't donate? REBLOG❗❗ SHEAR❗❗
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queersrus · 4 months
Mermaid Theme
[mermaid theme]
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includes sirens, selkies and other fishfolk as well as general water dieties.
if you see duplicates let me know
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loralei/lorelei/loralei/loelai/lorelay/loralay/loreley/loraley/lorelie/loralie, lake, loch, limniad, lara, leucothea, lamia, leucosia, ligia, ligeia, laume, llyr, lir, limnade, leiminide sire, siren/syren, shiren/shyren, sel, selk, selki/selkie/selky, sea, seara, searsia, sirena/syrena, sjokona/siokona, sireno, styx, stheno, scylla, segeta, sequana, souconna, sirona, sinnan, saga, sjora, shoopiltee mer, merma, marmay/mermei/mermai/mermey, mermaid/mermaide/mermade, mermi/mermie/mermy, mermist, mermista, merman, mermen, mermaiden, mermix, melusine, melyzin, melusna, mel, merwif, meremenn, meer, merrow, marina, meermin/meerminne, min, meri. minne, merimin, meremin. maree, medusa, melusina, morgan/morgen, marimorgen, moryana, moryanki, moriany ocea, ocean/oceane, oceana, oceania, oceanix, oceanic, oceanice/oceanis, oceanus, oceanid, oceanide, ondine ran, rain/raine/rayn/rayne, river, revine/ravine, rainy/rainie/raini, rusalka, rhine, rura, rusalki pearl/perle, pearla/perla, pearly, poseidon, pisces, proteus, palaemon, phorcys, pontus, potamoi, psamathe, parthenope, pisinoe, peisinoe, pegaeae nymph, nymphie, nympha, naiad, neried, neriede, nereid, nereida, nereide, nix, nixie, neptune, nessie, nereus, nerites, nantosuelta, nodens, nehalennia, nerthus, njoror, nuggle, njogel kelpie, kymopoleia water, wodnik undine/undyne, uiara haffru, hiara, hippocampi, hippocampus, hi, hip/hipp, hippo, hippoca, hafgufa, hydra thala, thalasso, thalassa, thalia, tethys, thaumas, thetis, triton, triteia, tritone, thelxinoe, thames, telchine, tangie ceasg, calypso, ceto, coralia, carcinus, cancer, cymopoleia, coventina, condatis, charibdis, crinaeae, camenae atargatis, amphitrite, achelous, aegaeon, alpheus, anapos, asopus, asterion, aino, asrai, aglaope, aglaopheme, aglaophonos, acionna, aegir, aspidochelone, ahti, Aughisky, adara, adaro derketo, doris, dynamene, damona, danu, dana, duberdicus, durius, davy yara galene, glaucus, gorgon, graeae, glashtin brizo, belisama, brigid, boann, bandua, berehynia eidothea, electra, enipeus, eurybia, euryale jones ichthyocentaur vedenemo, vallemo, vodyanoy, vodník, vodnik, vodenjak, vodyanitsa
1stp prns: i/me/my/mine
mi/me/mers/mermine si/sire/sirens/sirine si/se/selkies/selkine sci/sce/scy/scaline fi/fe/fish/fine(fishine) ti/taile/tailes/tailine ny/nymphe/nymphs/nymphine nai/naie/nais/naiadine(naine) wai/wate/waters/watine
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
mo/mer/mers/merself so/sir/sirens(sirs)/sirself(sirenself) so/selker/selkirs/selkirself sco/scaler/scalers/scaleself(scalerself) fo/fisher/fishers/fisherself to/tailer/tailers/tailerself(tailself) no/nympher/nymphrs/nymphself no/nair/naiars/naiadself wo/water/waters/waterself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themselves
mer/maid, mer/folk, mer/man, mer/mers, mer/mermaid, mer/merfolk, mer/merman, mermaid/mermaids, merfolk/merfolks, merman/mermans si/ren, siren/sirens, si/siren, sel/kie, sel/selkie, selkie/selkies, sca/ale, scale/scales, sca/le, sca/scale fi/sh, fi/fish, fish/fishy, fish/fishes ny/nymph, ny/mph, nymph/nymphs, nai/ad, nai/naiad, naiad/naiads wa/ter, wat/er, wat/water, water/waters, water/nymph
the mermaid, the merman, the oceanic, the sea/ocean dweller, the swimmer, the devine river, the fish folk, the one of fish-like descent, the descendant of oceanus, the descendant of poseidon/neptune, the nymph, the naiad, the water nymph, the god/goddess of merfolk, the deity of the sea/ocean, the dweller of the deep
*one who dwells in the dark waters, one who has scales, one who lives in a tail and gills, one who breaths with gills, one who rules the deep, one who lives among the creatures of the deep, one who is half fish, one who controls the waves, one who's voice enchants, one who sings of the hearts desires
(*) you can replace "one" with any pronouns
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racinggirl · 5 months
So i have this on going joke with my friends that our friendship is a contract, and renews every year, do you think you can write something with Carlos or Lando about this? Reader and them (whoever you choose) are dating, then he does something crazy or funny that makes reader side eye them, and reader goes like "I should've thought better before signing that contract about us" or something like that, but someone was recording, and it goes public, and people talk sh*t about both of them, how could they say that so easily and yara yara, but at the end they released a statement or something saying it's all a joke between them and they're not some sort of pr stunt?
I'm picturing this with Lando since he looks like a joker irl but you choose whoever you like! Sorry for the long request🫣
Hey dear,
Furthest from truth is now posted on my profile! I hope you like it, I really loved the concept but somehow I felt like I’ve let you down 🥺
Hope you love it, never stop sending in recs!
Big smootch 💋
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starrybl1ss · 9 months
Enchanting secrets
part 2!
read part 1 here!
<> warnings: smut, fingering, swearing <> timeline: after the yule ball and n.e.w.t.s (lmk if u wanna see a fic abt the dance!)
Your now all sweaty from the dance at the great hall. you have a lot of fun with ellie. everybody now knows that you and ellie are together since you two couldnt resist the urge to make out infront of people.
Your all so tired from it but it isn't even midnight yet! "els, can we go back? my legs hurt and im sleepy" you slightly pout at her hoping for a yes.
"yeah sure, do you want me to bring you there?" you nod.
Dina catchs you exiting the great hall and ran up to you. "already leaving?" she asks. "s'too tired" dina nods and went back.
You arrive infront of the fat lady painting. "ellie, could you stay?" you ask her. "am i allowed to?" she smiles. "from yes, from the school i dont know. but please?" you ask her again
"are the juniors in bed?" she asks. "its 11 pm ellie, they are" you answer. "alright".
"fibbergibbet" you whisper as the painting opens. "shhh..." you whisper to ellie as you two went in and got to your part of the dorm. "so who do you share a room here with?" she asks "Dina, yara and marie- hey, do you mind if i change my clothes?"
"y-yeah i don't mind" she replied. she sits down on your bed waiting for you as you grabbed your pyjamas and slowly took off your dress leaving on your bra and underwear.
ellie couldn't help staring at you like a freak. she cant get your eyes off you. you put on your pants and the shirt.
before you could button your shirt ellie stands up. "you look really pretty" she smiles. "yeah?" you chuckle.
she walks towards you and grabs your chin. she kisses you again, pushing you on the bed. "ellie- lock the door" you mumble as she goes towards the door and locks it.
she pins you down the bed holding both your hands and kisses your lips and neck. "bloody hell-" she pulls down your pants leaving your pretty lacy underwear and your unbuttoned shirt revealing your white bra.
"i get to have you right?" she smirks as you nod. she traces her fingers on your stomache moving down slowly and grabs the lining of your panties.
"sh-shit.." you groan as she slips her hands down your cunt feeling her skin on you. "its fucking wet" she she chuckles a bit. she slips in one of her fingers in you.
"oh blimey-!" you groan out. "s' so tight" she said curling her fingers in. "nghhh- ellieee, s'too much!" you cry out. "really?" she teases you.
"hold up els- its almost midnight! bloody hell! they'll be back soon!" you said. "i better go, s'kay if i leave you?" you nod. "maybe the sorting hat has spoken that i belong to you" she said with a wink. "shut up ellie, your so cheesy" you giggled.
she kisses you on the forhead and walks to the door. she looks back "get dressed and sleep alright?" you nod smiling as she unlocks the door and left.
you couldn't sleep. its 12.15 already. you hear a sudden comotion not far from where you are. they're back already. the door opens as you saw dina and 2 others enter.
"hey, you aren't asleep? thought i'd be back with you snoring!" dina says. "n-no, i cant sleep" you reply. "because of that bloody slytherin quidditch captain huh?- is that a hickey?" dina spots bruises on your neck.
blimey, how are you going to explain it now?
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yara-burton · 1 year
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She had been patient all day, knowing Lewis was working from home for the afternoon. Having finished her own client meeting for the gallery earlier in the morning, she cleared the rest of her schedule so she could start her weekend a bit earlier than usual.
Walking into her husband’s office, Yara smiles as she spots Lewis sitting behind his mahogany desk, his fingers tapping a soft rhythm against the wood as he responds to whomever it is he’s talking to. Matthew, she assumes, as he’s had question after question thrown at the two of them once they told him of their plans to have him run the gallery here once they move to Manchester permanently. Dropping herself to her knees once she’s close enough to him, she can’t help the soft laugh she lets out at the warning in his eyes as he watches her. Sitting between his legs, she rests her head against his thigh, looking up at him as she strokes his opposite thigh with her fingers, tracing the fine wool of his trousers. She lets her lips part as she feels his fingertips trace her soft mouth, taking his thumb between them and sucking softly, watching as he continues on with his phone call. He buries his free hand into her silky hair, brushing it behind her ear.
She lets this go on for a moment before she grows impatient, wanting nothing more than for him to hang up the phone and pay her the attention she’s been craving since she got home. Watching as the bulge in his pants grows more pronounced, she reaches out to stroke him softly before she leans in to rub her lips against him through the fabric, glancing up so she’s watching Lewis and enjoying the way his gaze darkens as it rests on her. Unable to help the satisfied smile on her face as she watches him pull his phone away from his ear, muting himself before settling it on the desk behind her. Grabbing her chin with more force than usual, she feels herself grow wet as he murmurs a low, “Behave, my darling” before grabbing his phone and continuing with his conversation. Shifting her thighs together to alleviate the ache he’s creating, she rests her head back against his thigh for a few minutes before going back to teasing him, placing her lips over his visible cockhead and sucking.
Barely noticing that Lewis has now ended his phone call, she’s quite literally pulled back to reality as she feels his tight grip in her hair, pulling her back from his lap. “Getting bold now huh?” He chuckles, his condescending tone making her clench her thighs together once more before he pulls her up into his lap, unzipping his trousers as her knees fall to either side of his hips. “I have one more important phone call for the gallery that you need to sit through and be patient for me. You want this cock so badly, come sit on it until I’m finished talking,” he tells his wife, leaning in to press his lips against hers in a soft kiss, his actions much softer than his words. Quickly taking her dress off of her, he tosses it to the side before his hand goes right to her panties, pushing them aside enough for him to line his cock up at her entrance before pushing in slowly. Her grip tight on his shoulders, she’s silently thankful he’s off the phone for a brief moment so she doesn’t have to hide her moan as he fills her, hoping she never gets tired of the feeling of him fully inside of her. She feels like she’s going to lose it once he’s back on the phone, wanting nothing more than to move her hips against his. She can’t help the small whimper that falls from her lips, her breathing starting to pick up the longer she’s seated on his cock. His hand tight on her hip stops her, the warning clear in the firm press of his fingertips against her soft skin. Staying as still as she can, she drops her head to his shoulder as her arms wrap around him, thinking of nothing but the feeling of him warm and filling her.
“There’s my perfect girl,” Lewis coos at her as soon as his call is finished, leaning in to kiss her as he grips her waist tight, making her moan softly as she imagines the bruises she’ll find later littered across her skin. Cupping his jaw as he kisses her, Yara holds his face to hers as she kisses him back, his hands at her hips slowly starting to guide her as she bounces in his lap.
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A love in the eye of the hurricane ch16 (unedited)
(Originally posted 14 august 2022. Slightly better edited chapter)
“I succeeded! I did a thing! But please pretend that you don’t know I did a thing, and succeeded at doing said thing.
- Jamyang.” 
Amala bursted into laughter, holding the letter close to her chest. “I’m so sorry.” She said in between breaths of laughter. “I’m so sorry.” 
“Lala?” Ceba stared at her, half confusion and half concern.
“I’m so sorry.” She stood up, bowed to Sister Jetsun with shoulders shaking, and slid the door close behind her.
Standing there quietly for a couple of seconds before collapsing to the floor and laughing some more.
Palden, Koko-chan and Sister Nyima found her curious what the noise was and soon laughed with her when they read the words in the letter.
Choda watched from Longan as Jamyang sat and painted in the sketchbook gifted to her by Gawa’s ama, Jalus Gewa, or just Gewa. A famous thangka painter and airbending master.
That tiny smile as she painted said a million things.
Jamyang had gushed about the gift, a sketchbook, a travelling paint kit and a small bag to keep all of it in? She’d practically been vibrating as she told them the news.
Choda remembered how she’d glowed when she held the bag in her hands, staring at it as if it was the most precious thing in the world.
It was adorable. So utterly adorable.
She’d pinched her cheek and called her an adorable rice cake.
Jamyang unknowingly got blue paint on her face as she rubbed her cheek. 
It’s a random guess, but fifteen years. It’s the way Jamyang smiled as she painted. Fifteen years. She would be what? 23-24? Jamyang was someone who would notice stuff about others early on and not notice things with herself.
What would Tashi think about it? Would she heavily disagree with her and tell her not to get involved in the feelings of children?
She jumped up high- Jaya slept like a starfish in Moji’s saddle, Yara slept in Uma’s saddle while Sister Zopa and Sister Tsering looked to be meditating- and made her way to Bobo’s saddle.
“Hello?” She touched her book to her chin, tilting her head. “I didn’t expect you to come this soon.”
“Oh, I didn’t either. I have a question.”
“What do you think of….”
Tashi stared.
“I already knew that.” Now it was Choda’s turn to stare. “What? What do you mean ‘I already knew that?’”
“During the early days of the smoke festival, they dragged me along with their shenanigans and I’d watch over them. While watching Aden and Choekyi interact or Gawa and Jamyang interact with each other, a melancholic feeling would churn around in my chest because I’d think of you.” The honesty in her words caught her off guard. Choda did not blush.
Blessed Vayu and Buddha, she was not used to this open, non avoidant Tashi sitting in front of her.
Tashi’s avoidant behaviour when they’d swept the plaza together with the children made a bit more sense. 
“So I know about that.” She said, still toying with her book. “Many people have noticed that. You’re not related to Sister Jetsun or an achak to Choekyi, are you?” Choda bristled. She’d heard Sister Pema laugh over how dense Sister Jetsun could be. She wasn’t dense, and she understood her feelings, unlike Choekyi. But she excused Choekyi because she was still a child. 
Who was Tashi to call her dense?
Choda understood her feelings perfectly well.
“I’m not dense!” Tashi raised a disbelieving brow. “Really?” She questioned, using her book to gesture in between them. “How many kisses did it take for you to understand that I’ve loved you for years?”
A few, Choda paused, and a love confession too. She still couldn’t believe that Tashi actually loved her. She was not blushing. This was all so weird.
“A few-,”
“‘A few’ really?”
“Shush!” she huffed, and looked away. “I got caught up in the kisses before I thought about my feelings, okay?”
Tashi laughed at her.
Choda was an affectionate person down to her core. She’s well aware. A hug a day kept the seasonal cold away, and she would hug everybody in her line of sight. 
Yes, including the teachers.
They needed hugs too and who says otherwise can go away.
But to be affectionate with Tashi, like affectionate-affectionate with her, was…. weird. The act of a hug or any other type of affection was still the same, but all the feelings made it weird.
Not weird in a bad way, of course.
It was difficult to explain. Feelings and all that.
She leaned into her side, resting her head on her shoulder. “I have no idea what you’re reading.” She said, squinting at the current page. Was that Earth kingdom Hanzi or Fire nation kana?
“It’s a collection of poems. Wangmo gave it to me before we left.”
“Oooohh, okay.” Little Wangmo was adorable. She even showed her the secret rooms in the temple.
Tashi bookmarked the book, closed it and put it aside.
“Aren’t you going to?-,” 
Tashi turned slightly and hugged her. “I just want to spend some time with you, if that’s okay.” Her face warmed, and she hugged her back. “O-of course.”
This was nice. Even if she wasn’t used to it, it was nice.
Choda didn’t hold back her laughter when Jamyang tripped over something in Uma’s saddle and woke Yara up by landing on top of her.
“I’m sorry!”
“Ughh! Choejor!” Oh, she was serious now. Yara used the first dharma name only when she was really upset. Yara sat up with messy sleep hair. 
“I was sleeping!” Jamyang ducked her head when Yara glared at her. “I just wanted to show you what I painted.” 
“Eh?” The glare disappeared in an instant and a curious expression took its place. “You painted something? Show me.” A supportive younger sibling, ohmyvayu they’re so cute!
Yara gasped and her eyes went wide as Jamyang showed her the painting.
“I saw the suzaku nests, and they looked so pretty, so I painted them.”
Choda couldn’t see the painting from where she was, but there was some blue paint on her face, while green, brown, black and a ton of red paint covered her hands.
So she had a vague idea what it could look like, but Jamyang knew colour theory, so she could be completely wrong.
“Is that Aika?” Yara gasped, pointing at the painting. Jamyang smiled. “Yeah. It’s Aika and her ama and a bunch of her siblings.”
“She’s huge!”
“I know, right? Gawa said that Aika will probably get bigger than her ama.”
“No way! Oh, that’s so cool!”
“I know!”
Longan groaned, and Choda agreed with her. 
“I know, they’re just the absolute cutest. You know, Sister Tsering said that they approached her one time, asking if which ‘three’ on their hands were right because they held up different fingers and she...”
It was night when they flew over Torokawa and the small villages towards the mountain range.
A feeling stirred in her chest at the sight of the temple.
Choda swallowed as she steered Longan up the canyon. Was she nervous? Longan rumbled when the reins tightened a bit too much for comfort. “Sorry.” Longan huffed, not sounding that bothered by it.
Tashi and Bobo were ahead of her. Was she nervous like she was? 
A part of her hoped she was so that she wouldn’t be alone with these feelings swirling around in her chest, but going by how Tashi so confidently steered Bobo into the stables and floated off of him, Tashi was much calmer than her.
Choda landed Longan successfully, grabbed her things and floated off of her. She chanced a glance at Tashi, who was already looking at her, and she hurried to look away. Ugh.
Jamyang and Yara stumbled out of Uma’s saddle. Almost face planting had not Sister Tsering caught them with a cushion of air.
There’s paint on Jamyang’s face and there’s a couple of specks and lines on Yara’s face as well. Huh, Choda didn’t pay enough attention to them to see if they painted something together or not.
Paint fight?
No, they don’t do that. Yara might, but Yara also knew Jamyang.
Although the line of purple paint on Yara’s freckled cheek was a bit too straight to be seen as a light ‘dab’ in retaliation, told her otherwise.
Jaya somersaulted off of Moji, refreshed and awake, having slept through most of the trip back. Her bag with the stuff she packed thrown over her shoulder.
Jamyang and Yara leaned on each other as Sister steering jumped up into Uma’s saddle to grab her things.
“I don’t like to wake up when I’m tired. I’m exhausted.” Jamyang mumbled, and Yara nodded, rubbing at her eyes.
“Me neither.”
Jamyang turned her head and blinked blearily at her sibling. “There’s paint on your face.”
Yara blinked at her, raising a finger to poke at her cheek. “There’s paint on your face too.”
“Yeah. It’s blue.”
“I like blue.” Jamyang raised her hand and poked at the purple line on Yara’s cheek. “You have purple.”
“Purple is pretty. I like purple.”
“I like purple too.”
Choda guided them towards the dorms and picked up one twin, while Sister Tsering picked up to the other when they needed to jump towers.
Tashi met her in front of her room, already in her night garments. Choda hadn’t gotten that far yet.
This is real. A sigh left her. They said nothing else and Choda went for a hug and Tashi was quick to reciprocate.
It was nice, warm. She liked this a lot. Had Tashi always had such great hugs? 
How could she not have noticed this? That’s an embarrassing neglect as an affectionate person. She’s done a great disservice to every affectionate person who existed in this world.
Tashi kissed the top of her head. “Good night.” And she pulled away, glancing over her shoulder with a small smile as she walked to her room.
The warmth lingered, Choda felt it hovering around her. She shouldn’t have needed to sight there, but she did, and it relieved the pressure in her chest. 
That was a really good hug.
Immediately upon entering her room, a giddy smile made its way to her lips; it was that sort of smile that only got wider the more you tried to bite it back.
Choda huffed a quiet laugh, taking off her outer robe and made her way to bed.
While hugging her blanket, she thought of all the ways she could hug Tashi in the morning. 
Should she sneak into her room? For an extra long hug?
The idea only made her smile more.
Sister Tsering smiled at her and Choda turned her head in the other direction so that she wouldn’t see it.
Tashi got ambushed by a grinning Palden, swept off of her feet literally, and carried down the hall right before the lecture started.
She wasn’t jealous.
Palden was a master, a well-accomplished teacher and a fighter, strong too. Confident. How could she forget that? Not to mention that she was really pretty with those ice-blue eyes- did she have waterbending ancestry?- and pleasant smile and cool airbending moves-
Okay, she stopped her train of thought. She was a little jealous. 
Choda wondered if Sister Tsering was making an exception for her. She was conveniently not called to answer questions or called to do anything, for that matter. The tasks were still on the board when she looked at it, they would have usually been erased by now.
Sister Tsering smirked at her when Choda threw an inquiring look her way. She still couldn’t get over the fact that Sister Tsering could tease. It completely broke her ‘poised’ perception of her. 
The task was simple: ‘familiarise yourself with the Damchö Pema Karpo’i do.’ One of the sutras you were told to recite during the master ceremony.
Choda had the sutra scroll, so she might as well be doing something until Tashi came back.
“You’re not jealous, are you?” The words were whispered to her during Sister Diki’s lecture, and Choda glared at the person of origin. Amala was unrepentantly taking her delight out of Tashi’s absence.
“Of course I’m not!” She hissed back.
She was a little jealous, Choda would admit that, but she wouldn’t admit that out loud. Much less to Amala, who’s been teasing her a lot more than normal.
“Of course you aren’t.”
“I swear-!”
“Girls, anything you want to share with the class?”
“No, Sister Diki!” they responded in unison.
Choda snuck into Tashi’s room, set out to make it a habit.
Her friend? Partner? Girlfriend? That one person she found out that she liked to kiss?
They haven’t really gotten to the cliche tooth rotting, ‘this is my girlfriend/whatever other term muwah~’ phase yet. Choda thought they wouldn’t ever enter that phase because of their friendship before this.
Tashi stirred when she sat down on her bedside. “Hmnh?” Her sleepy eyes zeroed in on her.
“Shh, you d-,” hands grabbed the back of her shirt and they pulled her with Tashi as she rolled over on her side.
“You don’t have to get up.” She finished lamely, taking to brushing her hair when Tashi nestled into her chest.
“Why are you here?” Oh… morning voice.
“I wanted to spend time with you.” She answered. “You have your good night hugs and I’ll have my morning hugs.”
“Hm, okay, sounds good.”
“Uninterrupted Choda time.” Tashi chuckled, a delightful sound with her morning voice, and intertwined their legs.
She pressed lips to her head and arms squeezed around her midsection in return.
It’s still weird to be close to someone like this. Choda wondered if she ever would get used to it. She felt the same with the other people she’d been with previously.
They exchanged quiet murmurs and Tashi’s warmth engulfed her.
The day started out interesting. Nothing seemed to be missing.
It started with an innocent question. “Have you seen Jamyang?”
Yara approached them close to dinner, scrunched up brows and fidgeting with her fingers.
“Have you seen Jamyang?”
“No, we haven’t.” Choda responded for them.
“Oh.” Yara bowed her head.
“Why? Has anything happened?”
Yara looked dangerously close to tears. “I- she said that she’d fly with Uma and find something pretty to paint, but she hasn’t come back yet. And that was yesterday.” They exchanged brief looks.
“Palden and Koko-chan went looking for her when I said it, but they haven’t come back either. Ama’s worried too.” Jaya came running up to her, looking extremely worried.
“Where’s Jamyang? Have you seen her?”
Yara shook her head solemnly. “No, I haven’t seen her. Others haven’t seen her either.”
“Did she come back yesterday?”
“No…” Yara bit her lip. “She didn’t.”
Choda spotted a nun with her staff hastily speeding towards a hallway.
“We’ll figure something out, okay?” She said, rubbing Yara's and Jaya’s shoulders in comfort.
“Why don’t we look for her too?” They perked up at that. “The more people, the better, right?”
The echoes of a distressed bison roaring reverberated throughout the tower they were in.
Uma flew over the plaza circling back and forth, never landing despite some of the Sisters’ attempts, intent on getting someone to follow her; Pink spots coloured Uma’s feet.
Choda saw two tiny figures in the distance. It looked like Uma was intent on more people following.
Yara stole a staff from a nearby Sister and took off, speeding off following the two figures in the distance. Jaya jumped onto Uma, ducking under a Sisters attempt at grabbing her, and took a hold of the reins.
Uma still wouldn’t land and did nothing when Jaya pulled at the reins. Did she want more people? 
Choda tugged at Tashi’s sleeve, getting her attention, and nodded towards Uma. “Let’s go. She wants more people to come with her.” Tashi pressed her lips together, looking uneasy. Nodding after seconds of contemplating, and let Choda pull her along with her.
Uma flew off the moment they landed in her saddle.
Her bag with her supplies was still in the saddle. Choda looked through it to see if she could find a clue, but she only found flower scented sachets, quick notes and three finished sketches.
“Hey.” Tashi tapped her shoulder frantically. “Hey, hey! Choda, look!” She pointed to a part of the dense forests they were flying over. An uneven circle seemed to have been cut out of the forests, and the closer they got, she could see trees with their roots intact strewn around the nearby area.
Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. “Oh! What happened?” Uma groaned and descended to the bald circle.
Koko-chan’s red hair was the first she noticed, then Palden’s grey robes, then two nuns- was that Sister Tsering and that nun from the infirmary?- and then she heard Yara’s distressed scream. They huddled around something.
Blood splattered everywhere on the ground and on the fallen trees. Choda’s ears started ringing, almost tripping over her feet when she jumped off of Uma when she landed.
“What happened?!” she exclaimed while rushing towards them, her breath stuttering when she saw Jamyang laying there- she was the something they huddled around- in bloody robes and barely conscious. Palden’s face was grim, but her eyes showed unconcealed worry as her hands glowed bright green.
“A demon happened.” She said, sweat collecting on her brow. “We’ve been healing her injuries since yesterday.”
Yara was crying, with hands pink and spots on her robe. Palden mumbled to the nun that would treat her at the infirmary. “It’s okay. I can take over for a bit.” She looked hesitant, but relented under a pointed look, and she pulled Yara into a hug. Murmuring comforting words in her ear. “She’s going to be okay. Jamyang is strong, you know, very strong.” and, unintentionally going by how hesitant she seemed to be in her hand placements, stained the back of her robes with blood when she held her and rubbed comforting circles on her back.
“Is there something we can do?” Palden looked at Tashi and her, glancing briefly at Koko-chan, who looked to be struggling.
“Who has the best chi control out of you two?”
“I do.” Tashi was quick to answer.
“Okay,” she nodded, “come help us here and Choda, you can get water.”
“On it!” Jaya was way ahead of her, throwing a water pouch at her and ran towards the nearest river stream.
A jian was stabbed high into a tree trunk, as if it was thrown.
The surrounding area smelled strongly of wisteria.
Choda heard all of Jamyang’s delirious rambles on their way back to the temple.
A lot of it completely was unintelligible due to the use of sedation while they healed her, but she caught some words.
“Ish she okay?” She slurred against Yara’s side, who refused to let go of her and glared at anyone who tried to separate them. Jaya was much the same. “Is who okay?”
“Tha lady.”
“What lady?”
“Tha one wisa teeth.” 
“Yeah.” She blinked slowly while her head lulled. “She whasa sorry an’, an’ regretted wha’ she did. She wanted to be with her son an’ was scared tha she wouldn’t. So, I said tha öpakme would save her an’ her son if she said Om ami dewa hri.”
Something flashed over Palden’s and Koko-chan’s faces.
“I dunno wha’ happens to her.” 
Choda did not know what ‘lady’ she was talking about, but the area smelled of wisteria and other sweet flowery scents, a sign that öpakme had been there.
The lady she spoke about was likely okay. Öpakme had compassion for everyone. The lady and her son were most likely safe in his Dewachen.
Choda stopped Palden outside of the infirmary; Jamyang had good company, joined by her friend and sibling and a couple of children from Taktsang and Chagri, that had flown here solely because of a terrible feeling.
“I… uh.” Gahh! This was embarrassing! “I owe you an apology for how I’ve treated you.” She ducked her head so that she wouldn’t see Palden’s expression. “It was horrible of me to treat you the way I did.” She cringed, remembering her cold and snappy behaviour, and double cringed when she remembered the times she’d almost killed her panda and the time she attacked her.
Choda still thought that her wrist sprain was deserved. Palden should’ve broken it, in her opinion.
“I let my feelings get the best of me and I’m sorry.” She’d let her jealousy get the best of her, but it fell under the category of feelings, so she should be okay. Palden was quiet, not saying anything, and it was unnerving. An anxious buzz trembled under her skin. Say something. Talk. Do something, please.
She looked up when a hand planted itself on her head.
Palden was smiling wryly at her.
“I honestly didn’t expect this to happen.” She said. “Especially since I’ve noticed you’re dense when it comes to your emotions.” Choda bristled, feeling her face warm. She wasn’t dense, damn it. 
“But I accept your apology and let’s move on from this, okay?” It felt as if something slowly was unwrapping itself in her chest. Good. That was good. 
“Yeah, that’s okay.” Choda nodded.
“Do you want to ground up some medicine with me?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
“I think you’re pretty cool, despite how I’ve acted around you.”
Palden grinned, nudging her shoulder. “I think you’re pretty cool, too.”
A bushy tail tickled her cheek, rousing her from sleep. Jamyang came eye to eye with a grey ring-tailed lemur.
“Go ‘way.” She turned over to her side, body feeling numb. “I wan’ ta sleep.”
Palden smiled at something behind her and, ever so gently, lifted her off the ground and threw her in the direction she was smiling in.
Choda went flying and desperately tried to keep the herbs in the rice basket.
It was such an awesome move. Just so casually lifting her off the ground like that and whiff, she went flying.
The person she crashed into caught her with a pair of arms around her waist.
“Heh.” And her face did not erupt into flames, because of course Palden sent her flying into Tashi. Of course! 
Palden sent her a suggestive grin over her shoulder, and Choda held back her words and not yell obscenities at her. 
“I caught you.” She nosed at her hair, and Choda leaned into the act, enjoying the feeling.
“You did.” 
Tashi turned her around. “What are you doing?” Choda glanced down at the herbs in her rice basket. Lost nothing, they’re mixed, but didn’t lose anything, good. 
“We were supposed to ground up some medicine for Jamyang. But uh, she threw me to you instead.”
“It’s a very cool move.”
“It is.”
“I’ve almost managed it, but I can’t generate enough momentum to throw a person far.”
“You know how to do it? Who’s been your practice person?”
“Sister Nyima.” She responded. Choda raised a brow. She wasn’t that familiar with her. Having only seen her around Tashi, with Palden tagging along. “I’m not that familiar with her.”
“She’s Palden’s friend. They’re the same age. A good practice person too gives encouragement when I mess up.”
“… do you think she’ll be a practice person with me, too?” Tashi’s eyes softened.
“Of course.”
“Do you need help with the herbs?”
“I’d like that, yeah.”
Lemurs, pandas, surrounded Jamyang’s bed in the infirmary, along with all the children that had flown here and her classmates
Tora and Gawa had scarily accurate foresight in Choda’s opinion. They’d rounded up a couple of their close friends and flown here on a herd of bison that Gawa was familiar with.
Choda found her ability with animals impressive. A child befriending a herd was rare at the temple here.
Jamyang had sustained heavy internal injuries and bleeding,- the reason Palden and Koko-chan didn’t come back immediately- a black eye, a broken nose, three broken fingers, fractured ribs and face scratches. But she was going to be okay. Palden and Yutso- she learned her name- said so. She’s a tough child, Palden said, she can endure a lot. 
Most of the internal bleeding and injuries had been healed, but Choda worried even if Jamyang was conscious of her surroundings. Tora spun three dorjees in the air, juggling them as a sort of entertainment for Jamyang.
Choda watched them from the doorframe, with a soft smile on her face.
Tashi approached behind her, loosely wrapping an arm around her midsection.
“She’ll be okay.”
“I know.”
Yara and Tsewang were arguing about something, and Yara dragged Yutso into it.
“Ama! Tell me I’m right!”
Aden and Jaya sat quietly- uncharacteristic of her- at her bedside, listening in on the conversations, and helped Yutso and Palden with the medicine.
Choda turned in her hold, took a hold of Tashi’s chin, tilted it to the side and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“What was that for?” She looked surprised.
“Do I need a reason?” Choda smiled at the way Tashi ducked her head. “You don’t. I just didn’t expect it. I thought you didn’t want to be affectionate out in the open.”
“Oh, that’s still true. I want to have my moments with you first, but some affection timed correctly is okay.”
Tashi smiled, pressing her lips to her cheek in return and hugged her.
Over her shoulder, their friends- Gah!- stood wide eyed as they stared at them. Choda returned the intensity of their stares, tensing in Tashi’s hug.
A grin grew on Amala’s lips. Giving her two thumbs up, she-with no subtlety at all- pulled Chesa and Ceba with her into the infirmary, barely squeezing by them on their way in to visit Jamyang.
“Well, that happened.”
“Do you think Amala has told them?”
“Most likely, but they know now.”
“Do you want to tell them or just let things happen?”
“Let things happen. If I have to say something, then I’ll say that I like you a lot.”
“I like you a lot, too.”
“Yeah, the realization was rather sudden.” Tashi chuckled into her shoulder.
“Can I sneak hugs in between classes?”
“You can. You’re good at hugging, you know that?”
“I’ve been told so yeah. Humans and animals have made their satisfaction known.” They’re quiet for a couple of minutes.
“Does Jamyang like rice cakes?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I’m thinking of making some as a thanks.”
That got a laugh out of Tashi.
“Are you sure you won’t eat them before giving them away?”
“Hush! That was one time.”
Heyo! Sup? I managed to get a chapter under 5k for this work, wow. I'd never thought I'd managed it. This is the last interlude I promise, the rest is present time, during their teenage and early adult years. I've gotten really interested in painting recently, just ordered a basic set of oil paint and I'll be going to the crafts store to purchase the rest. I have little to no idea to what I'm doing, but I'm having fun. Let's see if I can good enough to paint some of the scenes from this fic.   Words: Damchö Pema Karpo’i do: Lotus Sutra Om ami dewa hri: The tibetan mantra of Amitabha buddha
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shyblogafrica · 1 year
Trending video of SHS students kissing and chopping love in public causes massive stir (video)
Trending video of SHS students kissing and chopping love in public causes massive stir. A trending video on social media which has raised massive eyebrows captures the moment two SHS students were caught on camera kissing and chopping massive love in public. Apparently, the incident is said to have happened inside Baba Yara sports stadium during an inter-school athletics competition. View this…
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acehimagecom · 2 years
YARA : Panwaslih Aeh Utara Diskriminasi Hak Perempuan
YARA : Panwaslih Aeh Utara Diskriminasi Hak Perempuan
ACEH UTARA – Yayasan Advokasi Rakyat Aceh (YARA) Aceh Utara merespons terkait hasil penetapan anggota Panitia Pengawas Kecamatan (Panwascam) yang dilakukan Panitia Pengawas Pemilihan (Panwaslih) Kabupaten Aceh Utara, tidak tercapai kuota perempuan 30 persen yang diumumkan Panwaslih, Rabu, 26 Oktober 2022. Kabid Advokasi YARA Perwakilan Aceh Utara, Irawati SH, mengatakan, pihaknya melihat…
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freshthoughts2020 · 7 years
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purplesugarbabe · 3 years
Far Cry has always been my favorite game. I grew up watching my grandfather playing it and now, after all this time I finished playing the last one. Since I felt nostalgic, I decided to write some headcanons. Enjoy! ✨
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Dani Rojas:
Dani is a person that can actually see through people, she understands how they feel.
For most of her life she has to be on the run, especially after Lita's tragic death. She felt useless when she realized she was unable to help her best friend, when she saw her dying on that beach.
But Clara made her feel like home. I believe Dani saw more in Clara than just a skilled leader, a smart woman full of strength. She saw the mother she never had.
Dani loves kids and your can't prove wrong. She was willing to kill and die for Diego. She would do anything to keep him safe, to raise him as one of her own.
She is a dog person. Dani has a soft spot for animals. She enjoys talking to them and petting them whenever she has a chance.
She and Paz (Bicho) are best friends. Paz truly appreciates and loves her. She inspires him and makes him feel important.
Although she gets annoyed at times by Juan's behavior, she really cares about him and actually admires him. He makes her laugh, share stories with her and always reminds her who she is.
Even though most of them say Dani is bad with words, I believe she isn't. She always know what to say to make the everyone feel better, even if it's for a moment.
Clara Garcia:
She is the mom of Libertad and you know it.
The fact that Clara knew she wouldn't make it to see Yara being free makes me understand that she strong instincts. She could feel it deep down and that didn't scare her at all, she never gave up.
I think Clara cared way more than she showed. She gave Dani the boat even knowing she could help them free Yara. She let people decide on their own and that says a lot about her.
I loved that fact that every time we saw her she was with Juan. I actually found that really adorable. Dani once called them "mama and papa". It was probably because they were strict and absolute about some things.
Also Clara left everything behind in order to free her country. If she isn't one of the strongest and influential women, I don't know what she is.
Juan Cortez:
This man, I don't think words can describe him.
The way he behaves is probably a coping mechanism. He tells stories and jokes about things. Also he drinks hella lot and take all sorts of "candies" as he has said himself. He has seen more than a lot in this world and tries to forget them.
All those supremos he makes, he is more than a genius. Also that proves he has a major knowledge and is very creative at the same time.
The fact that he has Guapo makes my heart melt. The little croc wears a freakin shirt! He has trained them and loves him a lot and for those who say Juan isn't a caring person, they're wrong.
He and Dani are my favorite duo. Juan makes all that crazy sh!t and Dani has to save the day once more. I feel like when no one is watching they tell each other cringy jokes to have fun.
Diego Castillo:
My sweet baby boy is definitely a little rebel. Even though he is trying his best to follow his dad's rules and make him proud, he wishes he could be like every other teenager.
Very shy, especially when meeting new people. He starts staring at his feet when he doesn't know what to say. Can't really make eye contact.
Hoodies, he loves hoodies. They are comfortable and make his feel nice. He can't really stand the uniform his father makes him wear.
I feel like he is one of those teenagers that don't want to brush their hair and just wears them in a pony tail. Maria doesn't approve that.
Can't cope with pressure and feels anxious most of the time. I feel like when he's alone he cries in order to feel better.
Anton Castillo:
His behavior is a reaction of what he went through when he was a teenager.
Although his parents made him a well mannered person, his life after his father death made him who he was.
Loves his son, okay? The ending of the game is probably the biggest proof. Anton knew that Dani couldn't keep Diego safe from the guerrillas. They would kill them both and Anton couldn't stand the idea of his son being tortured and killed in the hands of those people he tried to him away from.
He doesn't chose women by their appearance. Even though Maria was a beautiful woman, he chose her because she had a way with words. That proves he's interested in how a woman thinks.
I hope you liked them! 🌿✨
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badartxd · 2 years
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Caving and posting two other versions of Yara’s expressions : the feral bastard and the begrudging healer. I like em.
Initially I went w the healing one bc I ended up killing Isolde and encountering Zev right after on my first save, and Yara was much more solemn/ no bs bc of that.
Tbh, I’m still torn on the feral one being my main, cuz…. Well, my girl can’t smile for sh- it’s ridiculous. In my unposted writing, I mainly describe her smile as a sort of wolfish grin, a pretty carnivorous and intimidating one. Smiling isn’t a thing she did often before joining the Circle, and more often than not it was a way to intimidate more than anything else. Being generally bad with expressions doesn’t help and… ah gee tbh now I’m even more tempted to put this scary one on main bc there’s gonna be a follow up drawing to this.
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smokeybrand · 3 years
Super Queer
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So this sh*t about Jon Kent is stupid. This whole “controversy” is so f*cking stupid and i didn’t want to comment about it but then i saw that it made the news. Like, actual network news. Motherf*ckers are doing interviews and editorials about it. Bro, the world is on fire and you assholes are crying about A Superman being in lust with another dude? For real? I heard a rumor a few weeks back that they were going to make the kid gay, that he would have romantic involvement with Damian Wayne, because they are being “shipped” hard among the fandom. I thought that sh*t was a weird considering the age difference but whatever, right? DC has an Omniverse now. Everything is canon. Everything is fair game. Jon Being gay is as relevant as Helena Wayne being Batman and we all know how much i love Helena Wayne. Who is gay. Helena Wayne is lesbian, like her cousin Kate Kane. Also, Tim Drake is bi now, too. And Renee Montoya is lesbian. Sometimes with Kate Kane. Lots of queer in the Bat-family and no one cares. You'd think more people would considering Batman's status as the DC's Golden Goose but no, the Bat-family is unassailable. F*ck around with Supes though, not even Clark but his definitely Gen Z son, Jon, and it’s a problem. We are in the year of our lord, 2021, and the pearl-clutching Conservatives must protect the children from the gay agenda that has infected comic books. Even though comic books have been super queer for decades.
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Marvel has been doing this sh*t for years. Northstar, Iceman still i think, America Chavez, Hulkling and Wiccan just got a whole sh*tty event to hype their wedding together, Black Widow, Daken, Fantomex, Kitty Pryde, Phyla-Vell, f*cking Mystique is about to extinct the entire Mutant race because they refuse to revive her gay wife, Destiny; So much queer, man. Hell, if we’re being honest, DC is just as f*cking queer. Aside from probably a third of the Bat-family being on the Alphabet train, Fire and Ice code super lesbian, Obsidian is gay, John Constantine will f*ck anything, Scandal Savage partakes in the poon, Jessie Quick apparently, Tim Drake again, Black Manta jr.; All some varying degree of queer. Bro, f*cking Harley Quinn! There's a whole season of her show where she comes to terms with her love for Poison Ivy, a thread that has been a running thing since the f*cking Nineties! Harley and Ivy released in 1993, bud. That's how long Harleen and Pamela have had a romantic entanglement. Queer characters in comics hasn't been big deal since the f*cking Eighties, man. Why is Jon being Bi such a polarizing thing? Who gives a sh*t? Other than the fact that these are fictional characters with a corporate mandate to reflect the reality of the world going forward, Clark is still straight, man! Clark still exists, man! He’s literally in the issue where Jon introduces his boyfriend to Lois. Bro is standing right here, next to his queer son, supporting his family. No one is taking YOUR Superman. He still exists and he still pounds mad vag. Hell, technically so does Jon. He’s bisexual and just happens to be playing with that joystick at the moment. Comics are written by committee. Who’s to say that, in a few issues, a writer comes along and changes that. Maybe there’s a breakup and he starts to rub up on Yara Flor’s big, fat, dumptruck ass? They had chemistry in her Future State book a little bit. Maybe that will be explored later. Or maybe Yara is gay. Who knows? Who cares? All that really matter is that Yara Flor got a big, fat, dumptruck, ass.
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I keep going back to Tim Drake because he came out as bi a few weeks ago. I wrote a whole thing about that sh*t, why the discourse around it was dumb, and it’s more poignant now for Jon. Drake has somewhere close to forty years worth of canon where him being interested in other dudes is a real thing. It’s never outright said, we had to wait for that because people are idiots, but Tim has been coded queer forever. I don’t know if it’s intentional but ever since Young Justice, we all thought dude had the hots for Connor Kent, my Superboy. Their relationship always felt a little more than platonic, even if it might have been one-sided for Tim, and we all just went with it because it made sense. When Tim came out as bi, sh*t wasn’t a big deal for those of us that knew the character because we had already assumed. Drake was more than established by that point and is an actual major player in DC. You’d think there would be more outrage about it, right? Nope. Didn't see one piece on Fox News. Didn't see one segment on my Youtube news outlets. Barely a peep aside from the usual culture war outrage factories. Jon Kent been a character for, what? F*cking six years? Dude doesn’t even have a definitive arc, let alone a stable characterization, and Fox News is coming in full force, homophobic pitchforks and Nazi torches in hand! But why, though? Jon is a blank slate, a character still in the formative years of its existence. Only time will tell if this sexuality sticks and, if it does, good for him. If it doesn’t, so what? This relationship with the Nakamura kid is already canon. Whether you assholes like it or not, Jon Kent is bisexual and that is going to be the truth for the rest of this character’s existence.
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More than that, the multiverse exists! Everything is a thing and is canon but, again, and i keep reiterating this because it’s the only thing that really matters, this ain't even YOUR Superman. Clark still exists! His son is the queer one. Jon's Superman is my nephew's Superman and his generation is all about inclusion. Ultimately, what even is the real concern? No mainstream, money-making, instantly recognizable across the world, top-tier Cape, is ever going to be proper queer. No self respecting conglomerate is going to f*ck up their money like that, which means Clark Kent, Peter Parker, and Bruce Wayne will never partake in the man-butt. Never. Everyone else is fair game but those three? Not in a million years. To be perfectly honest, Jon being bi might do the Superman franchise some good. Harley Quinn and Wolverine are pressing the big three for recognition and guess who's on the chopping block? Definitely not the walking billion dollars, Spider-Man or DC cure-all, Batman. Both Wolverine and Harley Quinn have also been written as bisexual. Hell, there’s a version of Wolverine who is full-blown gay and in a hairy ass relationship with Hercules, who is also super gay! That’s been a thing for years. The shifting zeitgeist wants to see their shifting demo represented and DC is doing everything in their power to play both sides of this dumb argument. Jon's coming out isn’t even in a mainline Superman title. Dude’s not in Man of Steel, Action Comics, or Superman like that. He got his own book so if you don't like Superman: Son of Kal-El, then read Superman and the Authority. That one has YOUR Superman in it saving the universe from some sh*t I guess? Or not. Midnighter and Apollo are in there. They are SUPER gay for each other so, i dunno, maybe just shut the f*ck up about this whole stupid scenario?
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queen-min · 3 years
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Yup more Far Cry cosplay :DDD
Made this Dani Rojas costume out of recycled materials just in time for Far Cry 6's launch. Excited to blow sh*t up in Yara 💣😎
previous cosplays:
Pagan Min
Joseph Seed
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