#yea sorry its been a lil dead
bob-mod-no-escape · 3 months
*cough cough*
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callofdudes · 1 year
✨COD as text messages✨ (incorrect quotes)
(may or may not scar you)
Soap: I need to go to the hospital.
Gaz: Why?
Soap: Everytime I close my eyes I can't see!
Gaz: Idiot.
Rudy: Wanna come over? No one's home 😏
Alejandro: Be there in a few minutes 😍
Rudy: K
Alejandro: I'm here where are you?
Rudy: I told you no one is home
Price: Hey do you have any condoms I could use? I really need one for tonight.
Soap: Captain?! WTF!! Do you realize who you just texted?
Price: Ya I know that I texted you son. And I also know that you have some. I need one is that ok? I don't want to make the same mistake again.
Soap: Is the mistake me?
Price: ...
Gaz: Dude what is your street name?
Soap: Lil Marco
Gaz: You live on a street called Lil Marco?
Soap: Ohhhh you meant my address?
Alejandro: How do you spell 'me'?
Rudy: ummm... M and E
Alejandro: You forgot the D
Rudy: There's no D in me...
Alejandro: ...I can fix that
Rudy: I'm blocking you
Nikolai: How was Price's surprise party?
Soap: it was great! We scared the cum out of him!!
Nikolai: Soap that's not funny.
Soap: omg! I'm so sorry I meant cum
Soap: NOOOO! I meant we scared the *CRAP out of Price!
Nikolai: ok because the other ones my job :)
Soap: ...
Alex: Dude how drunk was I last night?
Gaz: Well, at one point I convinced you to try and bite your own nose.....
Alex: Then what happened?
Gaz: You were rolling around on the floor for an hour screaming "ITS GETTING AWAY ITS GETTING AWAY!!!!!!"
Alex: I hate you more then words can express....
Soap: Simon there's a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it?
Soap: Pls hurry because I'm going to cry
Soap: Simon
Soap: Ghost!
Ghost: Ghost is dead. You're next. Love, Moth
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Price: In a meeting
Laswell: Are you in a meeting?
Price: No, why?
Soap: You're so beautiful.
Soap: Let me take you out. I wanna get you a table at Liv
Soap: Boy I wanna write a song about us
Soap: What u want me to call it?
Ghost: Restraining Order
Alex: What does IDK, LY & TTYL mean?
Gaz: I don't know, love you, talk to you later.
Alex: OK, I will ask Farah
Price: How is practice going?
Ghost: Terrible I want to stab everybody here
Price: Okay just don't get any blood on your clothes
Ghost: You're a military captain you shouldn't be codoning this
Price: Don't tell me how to live my life
Soap: Dude
Soap: Buttholes are like pockets
Soap: Like you can store stuff up there
Soap: And keep it safe
Gaz: no they are not
Gaz: do not do that
Soap: Hey
Ghost: Hey
Soap: How are you
Ghost: I am fine. How about you?
Soap: I've been better
Soap: I'm actually really surprised you texted me
Ghost: You texted me
Price: Hi babe, what are you doing?
Nikolai: Nothing much, 'em really tired. Just going to sleep now babe. And you?
Price: In the club standing behind you
Gaz: So, I hear you like bad boys
Alex: Yea
Gaz: Well, I'm not trying to impress you or anything but my bedtime is 7:00, but I go to bed a 7:02!! WHAT NOW!!
Gaz: Idk, I just like living dangerously
Alex: MARRY ME!!!!
Soap: How could you?? I trusted you and you cheated on me!!!
Soap: Oh, sorry Simon That was meant for (guy)
Ghost: Oh.
Ghost: On a completely unrelated topic, have you seen my shotgun anywhere?
Nikolai: You got a letter.
Price: Ok.
Nikolai: From the bank, I think.
Price: Ok.
Nikolai: Tasted important.
Ghost: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I'm lonely.
Soap: Isn't Gaz there?
Ghost: Yes, but I like you more.
I don't know where this idea came from. I found a few funny screenshots that made me think of these guys so I went down a rabbit hole to make these. I'm sorry for any trauma these may have caused 😂. Let me know if you want to see more!
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monggay · 2 years
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heyyyyy remember this series? yknow, hermitcraft x the mechanisms, the one i keep thinking ill be able to post about once a week or so? well its actually apparently more of once a month instead haha. anyways heres cleo as ashes! rambling under the cut as usual!
also see: pearl as gunpowder tim, gem as drumbot brian, and mumbo as nastya-ish !
OK OK OK SO. their mechanism is their heart :) idea was from @octopus-defence-squad OH MY GOD OZ IM SO SORRY I JUST REALIZED THAT ASK WAS FROM FREAKIN SEPTEMBER and i only now just answered it even tho ive been thinkin abt it since then 😭😭
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[id: a tumblr ask from @/octopus-defence-squad: having thoughts about a mechanisms cleo. maybe she’s the inverse of gem, all her body human except her heart. (i know this is jonny’s thing but i don’t necessarily love his backstory for her? maybe she was more of like. the body was found and the heart didn’t work but bc of Reasons everything else was okay except memories? idk i like cleo being maybe a bit less backstory-having before the mechanism)]
maybe she was found on a desolate planet with stone and dust for ground, inky black seas, and strange purple growth as the only sustenance 👀👀 maybe with some tall thin glowing purple friends
so anyways, the mechanisms are a steampunk band blah blah blah, they play characters as the mechanisms, an immortal space cabaret from the starship aurora travelling the stars having fun violence adventure ...and more violence! they were turned immortal by d. carmilla after dying/nearly dying idk
ashes o'reilly, the one who cleo is based off, has mechanical lungs after getting betrayed in the mob and killed off in a burning building, relevant song backstory here or a live one here in all its 2012 480p recording glory ft jonnys trademark gravelly voice and ashes being ashes (aka being ridicoulously cool 😳), its called lucky sevens, hit it.
but cleo's story is a bit different w a different backstory (found dead alone mysteriously, gets their heart replaced) but they have a similar vibe :) aka badass people who can kick your ass and also probably commit copious amounts of arson and/or murder
another inspiration for this one was this bernadette banner video haha
ALSO the skull is joe :) hes just. a talking skull idk
ALSO ALSO love the headcannon of cleo just taking other body parts for their own so thats a thing here :) hence the skin n also the cane (lil detail i kinda like, the hair maybe being like yknow how ppl put in doll hair? yea) anyways im p tired maybe ill add some more later :)
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drifloonz · 7 months
hellooo. Can I ask for some dad steven headcannons?
i've been ignoring too many of my requests SOOO yes!! you may :)
dad steven headcanons!!
these are long sorry. or not sorry. whichever works. smile
♡ ok first of all. if this man impregnates you or anyone uh. he'll either be really into the idea or really fucking scared. usually a mixture of both. nervous and very anxious excitement.
♡ like he's always wanted children but in the state he's in now, he has always seen it as something unachievable for him nowadays
♡ who's getting pregnant? YOU decide!!!!!
♡ alternatively adoption exists which yeah that works too
♡ presumably, if this is a scenario where he's dating someone either the reader or like someone else, then PRESUMABLY he's gotten his life at least a little back together enough to clean his house a bit and clean Himself up a bit and generally just take care of himself and his surroundings more to be liveable enough for him, you, and presumably a child.
♡ single father steven is also very good. either or. but if he's a single father and a baby just drops in front of his doorstep he would take it but panic really hard ( he may at the dead of night fly to some adoption center and hope to god they take this random child... but he's also deathly scared of bad things happening especially w. waves hands at his whole story. so he might be too overprotective already to do that. )
♡ either way into actual dad hcs
♡ he used to babysit a shitton when he was younger, mostly with red and blue, so he's got the skillset for it. and he's also used to wanting to be a good rolemodel! it's just that these skills are so tucked away after the Depression Spiral that it's hard to get him back, but he definitely tries - for his child.
♡ honest to god if you asked him to name his child he'd either make an entirely new name or, because he's unoriginal and had a whole spiral over it, would name her miki or something very similar if she's a girl.
♡ welcome to the world Cool Charizard ( legal name ) /j
♡ ... it'd also be funny if whenever he has a child its always Girl because . yea. yea. Narrative curse.
♡ either way they basically don't have access to the internet bc i don't think steven even has that shit because he's poor as hell. at most he has phone data somehow that he probably isn't paying for. somehow.
♡ maybe his rent gets paid for him bc he was champion once idfk /j
♡ i thnik people are just too scared to properly enter his house and tell him to pay taxes and or rent he just gets to keep his shitty bigass house for free
♡ also it would be weird considering i think that the entirety of kanto tried to sweep him and his whole situation under the rug BUT THATS UNRELATED. SO!!!
♡ basically his kid is not an ipad baby thank god.
♡ even if his partner has one he's going to be like. vaguely scared of technology and also thinks itd be a really bad idea ( it is ) to just raise their child on that shit. the baby gets one cocomelon video a week /j
♡ thank god he probably still has his tv's that somehow still work so he just will let them watch baby shows in the living room sometimes instead of fucking cocomelon . thatd be horrendous.
♡ sometimes watches kids shows with his kid in his lap or next to him. usually falls asleep pretty quick into doing that
♡ he DOES tuck them in goodnight.. sometimes tells them stories.
♡ steven is really really really really overprotective over his child/ ESPECIALLY if it's like. straight up his child with you or whatever. that was a labor of LOVE!!! this also means he loves them very much but he's very dodgy with them going outside and whatnot. at least without his supervision.
♡ he'll be silly for his child and his child only. he'll make funny faces for them to giggle at and things like that and try to do fun things w his lil baby. etc etc. it's very cute to look at but if you use it against him he's going to glare at you really hard and squint judgementally
♡ honest to god i've said this so often to my friends . steven is ABSOLUTELY the type of guy to accidentally drop his baby while trying to hold them or throw them into the air a little and go "Oh shit. Sorry". brad lisa the painfulcore type dad except like less morally neutral bc his situation isnt the same
♡ lets the baby nap in with him a lot. sometimes you can walk into his bedroom and see him with all of his long ass hair splayed out on the bed and the baby also splayed out on the bed ... stevens gotta get his beautysleep!!! so does his kid!!!
♡ stevens really not sure whether to keep miki ( the charizard ) a secret from his child or not. because he knows that like. miki wouldn't hurt his baby almost definitely but he's still kind of scared of the possibility of either of them hurting one another accidentally or not... so at least until theyre older miki's probably a thing he tries not to mention.
♡ in general he also tries to not talk about himself or his past at all to his kid. he doesn't want them to know the ugly sides of himself.
♡ he just pretends he's a normal guy. if they somehow find out otherwise he'll either sigh deeply and tell them the truth, likely as some sort of life lesson to them ( either on safety, cautiousness, boundaries and trust w the trading incident or 'Hey if this happens to you maybe don't do what i did' but im not sure if he's self-aware enough to think of him as in the wrong entirely in that situation ), or he'll just say "must be a different guy" ( they look exactly the same in photos other than how disgruntled steven is now ... )
♡ he absolutely has a baby carrier. i think he always has wanted to carry a baby like that bc he thinks its all cute and funny. he probably smiles at you when you look at him wearing that with your little googoo in it. it looks so odd on him that it's kind of funny
♡ steven is absolutely a dilf tbqh... imagine dadbod steven NOW.
♡ sorry for sidetracking so much. anyways, he's the type of dude who OVERprepares. like MONTHS in advance, he's already buying a shitton of baby clothes, food, bottles, various furniture, etc. how is he buying these? well. either with your money or he's stealing that shit. or he somehow actually has money now. he might've mugged the various people who try to sneak into his house and 'mysteriously' die. who knows. It's a living! Kind of..????
♡ due to his general aversion of society he's kind of torn over wanting to go to a hospital or just doing it in a tub or something if its a situation where he has a partner. i think ultimately he'd do it in a hospital, despite his fear of people, because he's really scared of something going wrong. he'll wait with like. bated breath. scared as hell.
♡ he will cry the second that baby is in his arms. 100%. trust me. like. silently, probably - at least for the first few seconds. but theres a lot of tears. and a smile.
♡ he hums little lullabies to his baby and will gently move them back and forth... while the babies probably chewing at his hair a little.
♡ also yes he lets the baby play with his hair... his hair is that childs stimtoy ( whatever this means )
♡ s!3v3n is also surprisingly calm and good to the baby. the baby would either be fucking terrified of s!3v3n's face or think its silly and laugh at it. s!3v3n particularly likes to make silly faces where his tongue sticks out real far ( he can just do that when hes like that dw abt it ) and he goes crosseyed
♡ =P =D => <- s!3v3n making silly faces for a baby ( pov )
♡ ok this has all mostly been pregnancy and baby hcs. actual kid hcs uhhh... he probably really wants to homeschool his kid bc hes very overprotective but if you talked him into it he'd reluctantly put them in Actual Public School so they can have like. a social life. lol. bc otherwise theyd be EXTREMELY fucking isolated considering stevens been vanquished to Pallet Town's Shadow Realm ( aka pallet town 'A little to the west guarded by rocks and past the forest' edition ) and steven really doesnt want them to be lonely bc it sucks and hes been isolating himself for most of his life at this point so he knows it sucks
♡ he gets more comfortable going outside. most of kanto has forgotten about him anyways - he just specifically avoids going out to pallet town. if his kid wants to go there and hes not a single dad he'll have his partner do it for him. but he likes to go take walks with them and go to playgrounds. plus, he doesn't even have to whip miki / M' out in the wild grass - pokemon avoid him anyways. lol.
♡ as bittersweet as it is, if his kid wanted to be a pokemon trainer he WOULD have the best tips and tricks on it... he was the undefeated champion and arguably the first ''pokemon master'', whatever that term even means. ( presumably ''trainer champion'' instead of ''probably appointed to be in that position for someone to fight'' champion. like lance. or The Other steven. or smth. )
♡ he'd probably find a way to get his kid a starter... he still lives in kanto and close to pallet town too, so he can pull a silver and like. steal a starter. or he could just send his kid on their way ""without supervision"" ( hes lurking in the forest keeping an eye out just in case ) to ask oak about it
♡ if they pick charmander it is 90x more bittersweet. amen. but i think bulbasaur would be cute too bc its the only starter not picked and not relevant in strangled red + my own personal bulbasaur bias.
♡ although stevens going to tell them not to trade pokemon for obvious reasons - either thru a ''spooky tale'' / urban legend ( that is just his story but he tells it much more vague. like. ''... well i heard sometimes pokemon don't come back out.'' ) or just straight up says some shit like ''yea don't trade pokemon. it's bad.'' without elaborating
♡ regardless. he's still being very overprotective and unless his kid doesnt budge on it hes preferably not letting them go explore the world on their own until theyre like... 13-16
♡ even then. hes usually kind of trailing behind without telling them bc he legitimately has nothing better to do.
♡ ... also if the kid doesnt have a rival , like, no one at school or no one who they meet in their journey, then steven might. like. sigh deeply. get a few pokeballs from god knows where. catch a new team comparable to their kids level range. and be their rival. who is also their dad of mid 20s to early 40s in age. for some reason. people question it but he doesnt care he just wants his kid to have fun
♡ funnier option that i dont think he'd do ( probably ) is he pulls a clavell ( or team rocket ) and acts like a totally different guy when all that changes is his fit and maybe his haircut. except he prob pulls it off well. he'd still be obviously steven but his cap is backwards and his hair is tied up and his little jacket or w/e is around his waist and thats all that changes. his shoes might be untied for the 'stupid kid / teenager' look but then he trips over his feet and ties them bc its not worth the image
♡ alternatively ; its just s!3v3n. thats kind of steven but different right ( JOKING. HE WOULD NOT DO TH
♡ this hypothetical would be way funnier if he regained his entire reputation somehow of being a cool and strong pokemon trainer that he had when he was actually a trainer bc ppl forgot abt champion steven. and hes just like. "Okay. It's a neverending cycle of torment huh." under his breath when his kid cannot hear
♡ if asked for his name in this state hes just like uhh. uhhhhaa,.f uh. uh. stephen... thhhheee. third.
♡ he's probably not doing the thing mike and or blue did where hes the last e4 fight who isnt even an e4 member but is your rival. thats a bit too bittersweet for him. this whole exercise is fun but he doesn't wanna FULLY relive his glory days a year before his awesome trauma spiral. he also may or may not even do the gym leaders for the same reason. hes just a guy who his kid fights sometimes that is classified as a rival by technicality
♡ also yes he still has miki. he always has miki. shes just probably tucked into a bag or smth so ppl dont ask about why he has a cracked fucked up pokeball. she only comes out if his kid is in serious danger and he needs an intimidation tactic, or at worse, a method to quickly harm or kill someone with
♡ eg if a serious evil team situation happened and genuinely harmed his kid or threatened to their asses are not leaving unscathed.
♡ sorry this specific 'fake rival who is also your dad who also used to be the undefeated and first trainer champion of kanto' scenario is extremely fucking funny to me + fun in general. but moving on
♡ type of guy to dress his kid when theyre like a baby who cant think for themself in the stupidest halloween costumes ever. big pumpkin costume. hes about to crack into laughter when he takes a picture of them in it . or a charmander costume . because its steven. ( yes hes in a giant charizard onesie and yes if you make fun of him or his kid hes going to kill you dead
♡ he does go trick or treating w them too. he like. feels normaler on halloween. it was probably one of his favorite holidays even if pallet town was small an he probably got 50% apples and shitty non name brand stuff and 50% actual candy from the neighborhood homes
♡ type of parent whos going to squeeze his kids hand real tight when they get a shot or anything like that
♡ semirelated. hes tall and his hands are big but hes still gunna hold his kids hand everywhere even when theyre older until his kid complains enough ab it being embarrassing.
♡ has to crouch to talk to his fucking kid on eyelevel a lot of the times that his back hurts. like. more than it usually does.
♡ solution; just pick them up and talk to them while they are lifted into the air if theyre ok with it
♡ piggyback rides for his kid. 100000%. hes a piggy back ride type of guy. along with other similar things. would it be called grumpiggyback riding because its pokemon... anyways
♡ i think when his kids older they probably have a lot of inside jokes and steven likes to banter with them a little. playfully. and also likes to make jokes with the most deadpan ass voice bc his kid finds it funny, probably.
♡ stevens never had parents, so being a parent to someone else is... foreign, but also not really? as mentioned he did constantly used to babysit blue and red. and he was overall the teenage childhood role model for many kids in pallet town... but he himself was mostly raised by mike. so. either way, he very much loves kids and taking care of them. so tldr. hes a really good dad.
♡ i have more ideas but if you want any specific dad steven hcs explored jusrt ask me bc i have thoughts on this.
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"Too much..."
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Pairing: Caregiver!Frank Castle + Little!Karen Page.
Summary: its all a bit much.. (idk what to say for a summary really, sorry 😅)
Warnings: brief mentions of blood/violence, it's Frank sooo, nicknames. (kid, sweetheart)
A/N~ listen- I know noone requested this and what's worse is I actually have another Frank request in my drafts however I had this lil idea when watching season 2 of Daredevil and I just had to write it lol.
NOT Proofread
Karen stood at an awkward angle practically begging for Frank to not do it, blood dripping down her forehead as she held onto her arm.
"If you do this you'll be dead to me forever!" Her face showed all her emotions right then and there. She seemed both shocked that she had said it but also like she truly meant it.
Frank paused before picking up the Colonel and dragging him off into a shed, before shutting the door he turned around to face Karen.
"I'm already dead." He said blankly before shutting the shed door.
She wasn't sure how she got here but she was now sat in her apartment with Frank. All she could remember was her knees hitting the dirty floor of the forest as she tried to make it back to the car. It wasn't like she would have been able to drive in this state even if she had made it, her head was pounding from the crash and she had slipped and regressed. And now she was sat on a chair in her living room whilst Frank quietly worked around her, cleaning up her cuts (along with any mess he was making in the process)
"Karen.? ..are you okay.?" Frank asks in a surprisingly calm voice (for him at least.)
"Mmm.. 's too much"
"It's too much? ..I get that.. it's been a long day hasn't it Sweetheart.. I think it's time to take a break, yea Kid? Why don't we.. umm..- what about we watch a movie or something?"
Karen gives a meek nod, exhausted from the day.
She was still holding a grudge, even as she sat partially curled up on Frank's lap whilst the soft sounds of Tangled played through her apartment. Shortly into the film Frank starts to run his hand through her hair, which ends up lulling her into a peaceful and well deserved sleep.
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sadkois · 1 year
nishiki thonkin tonight
spoilers for kiwami. some rggo stories. but maybe not accurate spoilers cause i feel my brain meltin. also warning for complete nonsense... and blood? anyways.
thinkin about how nishiki was like. so competent at what he did?? mans knew everythin about how the yakuza worked back in the 80s... U COULD TELL HE WAS WELL INFORMED OF EVERYTHING. he knew about the ugly parts. he knew about majima. and he was the one explaining to kiryu everything asgdhj like lets say. the consequences in their line of work.
fUNNY how it was cause of kiryu that he got into the yakuza in the first place. he totally just followed kiryu into it and said "ok well sOMEONE needs to know what we are doing" cause yea kiryu was just followin kazama like a lil puppy (and nishiki followin kiryu, tho he's more like a cat i think. maybe. nishikitty..........)
bUT ANYWAYS what i was getting at is. he's very competent. so. him snapping and getting to be one of the BIG patriarchs (GET TO THE TOP!) isn't really a surprise. OF COURSE that brings me to the other point...
HERES THE THING. in kiwami we don't really see much of this competence do we? (ignorin the writing of the first game for a second ok, wORKIN WITH WHAT WE HAVE OK)
first it's like hes barely there, then you have his subordinates just. making HUGE mistakes, not actually achievin -doin- anything or even just. NOT listening to him at all. like when they killed yumis "sister" or the whole. reina and shinji.
OK SO. everyones got their onions 🧅 on rggo stories. FOR THIS THONK IM ASSUMIN MOST OF THEM DID HAPPEN. so in rggo we have that one story about what happened with reina and nishki when she tried to shoot him. and its like. nishiki didnt actually order for either of their deaths??? basically we had reina pulling a 'y0 nishikigun' on nishiki. and then well....
god i really gotta talk about reina and nishiki sometime cause i been thinkin about em a lot too. like reina liked him a LOT and i think nishki liked her too as a... sort of distant friend? does that make sense? idk what its called exactly. but yea i cant recall if they have ever interacted outside serena. (except from when they first met, another rggo story.. but that was like. a few minutes and then they were in serena lmao) it feels like a. 'i only interact with u when i come to this place' kinda deal. of course, goin there used to be constant until... not. nishiki totally distanced himself even more after the whole ordeal happened. and trust issues. (@ others? @ himself? yea)
crap. what was i talkin about. sEE THIS IS WHY I DONT AHSDJKL. what i was sayin is that, in that rggo story with reina, it just looks like nishiki's subordinates do NOT listen to him. at all. shooting at her when he keeps sayin "DON TSHOOT HER" "DONT KILL HER" "BRING HER BACK ALIVE"
SO BETWEEN THIS AND THE YUMI SISTER THING. WHY DOES NO ONE LISTEN TO HIM??? AND WELL. ok listen if im statinn the obvious im sorry, again. just writin down what im thinkin cause im tired.
but yea i think the most logical thing is that, the way he's been managing things for the last 10 years has been very different to what we see in kiwami. why else would his men resort to shoot first questions later. it's almos like that was the norm before... as if that's how things worked in the nishikiyama family all this time.
so anyways. nishikis been tryina be cool about it. so so cool about it. but the moment kiryu got out of jail messed him up SO BAD man. i always say this but, mans was just 100% avoiding kiryu as soon as he stepped out, and i bet ya he started acting different to what his fam is used to, too.
like imagine u work for this boss at idk. mcdonals. you are familiar with the routine and what they expect of u. ur boss specifically wants you to always make fries a certain way, at a certain time, he himself showed u how. this is routine. one day as you are makin the fries, its suddenly WRONG and boss is upset and kills u and u dont know wtf is going on. (u r dead) because thats what we usually do?? why is it wrong all of a sudden?
aight imma be honest i cant recall if he already had this whole plan before kiryu got out. like, did he take kiryu into consideration or not. cause he either. 1. did not take into account kiryu would be here 2. did not think kiryu being here would mess up his plans THIS bad (and when i say this i mean mess HIM up so bad he cant go thru his original plan) 3. everything was actually supposedly part of his plan (HA, I DOUBT THIS. MAYBE HED SAY THAT BUT WE KNOW IT AINT TRU NISHIKI OK) im leanin to 2
you know that part when nishki's like "i was shaking when i shot kazama". like, that was only cause he knew kiryu would hate him if he actually killed him, right?? right???? LISTEN I KNOW ITS LIKE A THING OR JOKE THAT HES BAD WITH GUNS OR SOMEHTING BUT i actually like to think he got good with those? i prob read it in a fic but i really like that headcanon asgdhj, i feel like itd make sense too. and him missin the shot cause of shakin hands, is because of KIRYU and kIRYU ALONE. where his hands even shakin actually?? didnt he just say that?? nishikis just got that unreliable narrator vibe. NAH HES THE WHOLE UNRELIABILITY. AND WHATSMORE. HE HAD TO COME CLEAN TO KIRYU THAT IT WAS HIM THAT SHOT KAZAMA. HUH? WAS IT EATING YOU UP BOI??? did you need confirmation that indeed, kiryu would hate you for it??? "hES NOT DEAD YET" yea??????? yeaaaa?????????????
LIKE LOOK. the few rggo stories we have of the era between 1996 n 2005 show that he IS indeed very competent! and he has very good control of his fam! and we have the proof of it in kiwami as well, even if its more tell than show? kind of? BUT THE MOEMNT KIRYU IS OUT THIS ALL GOES OUT THE DRAIN. WE KNOW HOW EMOTIONAL NISHIKI IS. WE KNOW IT LEADS HIM TO TAKE NOT SO RATIONAL DECISIONS. (Y0 FOREST NISHIKIGUN FLASHBACK) and god he tried so hard didnt he.
like ok ill admit u got good at repressin ur emotions boi. or turnin them into anger. or keepin a poker face. closing urself off or really just, started seein everyhing as hopeless in a 'whats the point anymore' kind of way. a combo of everything?
in a way nishiki did end up killin himself along with matsushige, but i dont think he did completely. but that's what he convinced himself of. yea? does that make sense? DAMMIT U ARE SO COMPLEX I LOVE IT
thonks. U KNOW its not like anything went right back when he was more... emotional in a way?. i mean, he always did kinda hide his emotions huh? just in a different way.... i mean, when we are first introduced to him in y0, i dont think anyone expected anything like the forest scene from him. i remember being speechless. like oh my god. and i have to say i am BAD at understandin stuff. like i usually understand plots/etc when im watchin reactors play the game asfdghj. BUT MAN did that scene leave me stunned asgdhjk.
but yea with how gOOD everyone around him was at displayin emotions, it makes sense how he ended up :) ... that was sarcasm, im sayin eveyrone around him freakin sUCKS at emotin asgdh, and in fact he was like, looked down at for it. MAN HE DIDNT EVEN CRY THAT MUCH. I MEAN, HE WAS GOIN THRU THE WORST CRAP EVER ??? WHAT DID THEY WANT HIM TO BE A ROCK ASDJKL TO BE KIRYU i guess the two most role figures he had were always very :/ but man this is why i keep sayin he needed an ichiban in his life. it would have been so good for him... an emotionally mature guy, who isnt afraid to cry and show his love for others.
the way nish is just like. tryina become what he knows yakuza are supposed to be like.... what they are like..... his big man suit.... agh
idk where this thonk went. it started as a yes nishiki is very competent and he only had L after L in kiwami because kiryu being back threw him off so bad. so so bad it ended up the way it did :( if they had just talked, like really talked..................
man idk if anyones readin this, asdhgjasd kinda embarassin. hello hi. u are cool. uhh here have this drawin i did months ago that i havent posted anywhere (IT WAS BEFORE THE NEW YEAR RGGO CARD. not like it isnt just a combo of his two hairstyles but i was still like GASP)
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hohooo with my attempt at a post kiwami nish :) did u know i also have a vampire au from months ago. would anyone like to read about that. its incredibly self indulgent. yea sayin this at the end of this nonsense cause im a coward agsfdyhgiog
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
May I request some hawks headcanons please? 🥺👉👈 I love when people talk about his lil bird like traits or tendencies! I could totally see him cooing and making noises while cuddling or when his girlfriend is sad! He’d totally make a nest on his big ass bed and find random things to give to his girlfriend! You can add some NSFW too if you want! I just love hawks with bird tendencies thank you <3
— bird tendencies w/ keigo takami
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⇝ pairing(s): keigo takami x gn!reader
⇝ rating: mature, 18+.
⇝ genre: smut, fluff.
⇝ warning(s): please read ! this request has been split into sfw and nsfw so please read with caution. unprotected sex ( please wear protection ) oral sex ( male receiving ), male masturbation, mentions of rut, breeding kink, cumplay, dry humping and overstimulation.
⇝ author’s note(s): wew its been a while!! sorry that this took so long but im super excited to be back and posting requests, they’ll slowly be rolling out over the coming weeks so i hope you’re all excited!! i really liked writing this one and hope you don’t mind that i made it gender neutral! 
⇝ masterlist | requests
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sfw !!
okay so we all know keigo is just one giant walking man bird
and one thing about make birds is that they can’t differentiate between reflections and real life, so every time keigo walks past a mirror in your apartment
he thinks it’s another male bird CHALLENGING him for the right to court you
sometimes you wake up to like a whole bunch of hooting like ??? what the fuck ???
so you get up and just see the big dummy squaring up to himself in the mirror HDJSJD HELP
“yn get behind me ! this mother fucker tried to break in !!”
“kei baby, that’s just your reflection.”
defo PUFFS up his wings when you’re talking to someone he doesn’t like.
he’s your big bad bird man and he’s going to protect you!!
because he’s a pro hero he doesn’t really get to see you during the week :( so while your out working he often leaves stuff on your front porch / balcony as a gift
birds love shiny things so it’s often a necklace, a diamond, a bracelet— anything shiny that catches his eye 🥺 you get it
you always call him after and tell him not to spend so much money on you but he claims it doesn’t hurt his pockets ( he must be earning big buck as the number two as well )
“keigo? did you even CHECK the price tag on this necklace??”
“kkrkrkrk can’t hear you babe Krkrkrk you’re breaking up !! *scrunches up paper* too much static will call you later bye!”
like you said, when he senses that you’re sad he’ll often build a nest for you to come home too
fills it with all your favourite snacks and pretty rocks that reminded him of you.
literally tucks you under his wing and sings you a little birdie song to help you sleep 🥺
will probably accidentally wake you up in the morning by cooing :(
but it’s okay cos he brought you breakfast !!
it totally wasn’t a dead rabbit that he caught you lol
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nsfw !!
like any bird, keigo goes through a rut.
when you first started dating he tried to keep it away from you but you ended up going over to his to check on him anddd
there he was, legs spread out wide to jerk himself to orgasm.
and ofc you stayed to help.
gets really possessive of you when leading up to his rut— doesn’t let you leave his sight and hates when you come back from work smelling like other males.
when you’re not around or are away he sends you audio recordings of him fucking pillows, cocksleevs, fleshlights anything he can think of to get some release.
pls just get to this man as soon as you can
fucks you from behind on his bed, cumming on your ass and back until all he can smell is his sex on you.
“look at you baby bird, covered in my fucking cum...you look so fucking delicious.”
will literally hump your leg and end up creaming in his pants when he’s too far gone.
makes you suck him off to clean it up after.
even through his haze he’ll do his best to pleasure you, stimulating your sex or eating you out before hand.
primal urge to have you filled and stuffed with his cum, in your sex or your mouth he doesn’t care.
can go from hours of slow grinding and teasing you to making the both of you cum in a matter of minutes.
his wings always spread out w i d e when he blows his load.
he’s super super vocal too, will whine so brokenly and prettily and but also never stops with dirty talk NEVER
“gonna fuckin take that cock baby? yea? want me to fuck up those insides?” 
cums inside you or on your ass. no in between.
he doesn’t like to waste it okay :(
you have to swallow the whole load if it’s in your mouth, he wants you to fucking savour the taste !!
if you let some drip he’ll defo fuck your mouth again, cream in it and make you hold the cum in your mouth while makes you ride him to over sensitivity <3
leaves bruises and bites all over you and then ends up kissing each and every one of them after his rut.
always cleans you up with a warm bath and plenty of water for you both to drink :(
literally takes the best care of his baby bird, he loves you so much.
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corkisms · 2 years
sorry for coming directly into your inbox again but the fact that other people Understand what the fuck duke is about has me in the throes of ecstasy one can only imagine at three am drinking a glass of cold water. thank you for existing
you say this but i am doing the exact same thing in your direction your tags blew me the fuck away,, yeah yes it is actually about young duke coming back outta the woods after the relic he found gave him lifespan-fuckery-problems. it is about him being rattled and different in every sense of the word by that brief glimpse of something we arent meant to see and thinking that a part of him has been changed but eventually realizing that its more than that, that he isnt really himself anymore. it looks like his body, it sounds like his mind, he's still here and all, but something else has taken root and now he has to pull himself apart (thinkin abt the lyrics 'little creature you unspun//to skin and bones and brains and blood' specifically) if he wants to check just how much is left of him. even the process of wanting to know more about what he is now: is that him as a human wanting to know more about the entity in his body or is it him as an entity observing the inner workings of the human cage he's found himself in? like he asks himself how he survived and almost simultaneously wonders if he didnt. usually cosmic horror is about stuff that drives you mad if you comprehend it but its the terror of not knowing that seizes duke so violently that he becomes desperate to see it again even if it literally obliterates him. like MAN after reading thru ur tags i gave it some more thought n went hell yea i'll start drafting a lil extra smthg abt this new take on duke immediately (6 dead 14 injured)
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owaowabetch · 3 years
Uh Oh (Sykkuno x F!Reader)
Oneshot (maybe part of a series??? idk we’ll see): The Prequel to “Impasta” in which reader meets the gang for the first time and experiences a betrayal. Mainly Friendship
Warning: non-beta, I wrote this in one go and full sent it. 
You were a small time Twitch streamer that had recently befriend a streamer with a much larger audience, ValkyRae.  You had been talking back and forth for quite some time, since Rae’s dm to you weeks ago. You were mainly an rp channel where you played games like GTA, The Sims, and Animal Crossing. Though you gained a lot of your followers from playing League, though it mostly consisted of hate-followers that would only critique your gaming, even though you were pretty good at it. But it doesn’t bother you too much *que sob*
You were streaming GTA on a RP server playing an amish girl on a Rumspringa and wreaking havoc. You and your ‘gang’ had successfully finished hitting a bank truck ,causing your character to rake in a few thousand dollars, when you got a message from Rae asking you if you had wanted to play a few rounds of the popular game among us. 
“Alright guys, a friend asked if I wanted to join her lobby of among us. I know it’s different from the stuff i usually stream, but is that something you guys would be cool with?” You asked your chat and watch an influx of people messaging ‘yes’ or ‘pog’. You take a sip of your Starbucks and picked up your phone to message Rae that you’ll be joining. “Fair warning, I’ve never played among us. So we’ll see how this goes, guys” 
While you waited to be invited to the discord and into the lobby, you chatted with your viewers for a bit. “I just realized that I’m really awkward around new people. Like when I’m playing on the GTA Rp Server, I’m not myself, I’m a character you know? So it’s easier to talk with other people, cause they’re also role playing. Plus I don’t think I can call anyone in the discord a musty dusty rat bitch lol or sell them drugs, it’s not that kind of game...unless?...” You laugh as you login to your discord and accept the invite to the discord “alright guys! here we go~”
You enter the discord call and hear people talking. 
“Y/N!” Rae exclaims “Guys this is my new friend y/n”
“Hi” Responding to the various voices greeting you
“OK, so the code is in the chat and so are the bubbles, so your chat can see who is talking and what not” Rae explains
You input the code and saw your little character in the space ship. “Oh god guys look at us!” You ran your little character around the ship “How do we change colors? I’m not feeling this blue and I saw Rae with her lil creepy mask”
You read your chat tell you what to do so you went to the little computer to change the blue to white and clicked through all the hats til you decided on the pink flower. “How about this guys? Yellow is my favorite color but its taken”
“Alright, you ready y/n?” Rae asked
“Yup” you respond by running circles around her character
“OK i’m starting. Don’t forget to mute and close chat. You can open it back up if your imposter or dead” Rae sang “Good luck~”
“Alright chat I gotta close you til the game is done? I guess” You hum as the words ‘crewmate’ pop up. “Well at least i’m not imposter, i know the game. I mean who hasn’t at this point. I just never played it, seems to be to nerve wracking”
You open the map icon and run to where the closet yellow exclamation point was, which was admin. You make sure to note all the colors around you in there as you swipe your card “Alright, green, yellow, brown,red, and orange” You repeated the colors over and over again as you make your way into electrical when you notice something “Ok uh green is following me? I don’t know why but its freaking me out.” The lights turn off and you start freaking out “Oh god, this is where I die. Don’t I? You know what do it. Kill me! It’s probably a good idea. I’m kind of an idiot and it’ll help me figure things out on my own without the pressure” You follow the arrow pointing to a panel and you click on it “What am i supposed to do? You know green, this would be the perfect opportunity to murder me in cold blood... is this how you do it?” You flip the switches so that they are all bright green and the lights turn on “YAS BITCH, I did it” 
The green character kind of just circles your body as you do tasks in electrical, you do download, wires, and power diverter. “Ok BUT WHY IS HE FOLLOWING ME!!” 
An orange body had been reported and that two others had died (bright green and pink) and the person who reported the body was black or as his name read ‘Abe’ “Ok, so this body was in admin on card swipe”
“Well this body couldn’t have been me or y/n” Sykkuno says “I was following her this entire time”
“Yea, I’d like to know why lol? You were kinda freaking me out dude” You laugh a bit trying to play off how nervous you were to call him out on it
“Oh No! I was protecting you” Sykkuno explains “I promise”
“Sykkuno? Are you already simping for someone?” Rae feigns exasperation 
“No really guys!” He explains nervously “The new person always dies first, so I was just trying to protect her.”
You hum and smile mischievously “Unless, your just trying to gain my trust only to murder me in coldblood in front of my bestie Rae, to prove your superiority over her!?!”
Rae gasps “Really Sykkuno!?! I’m voting you just for that!”
“Wah? No wait! It’s not like that really” Sykkuno starts laughing as Rae votes “Oh God did you really vote for me?”
“Yes” Rae says and you start laughing 
“So anyways, Leslie’s body is in admin?” Hafu says wanting to talk more about the body and get all the sus’s and clears
Though you gasp when you realized a few things “wait I have some info to share” teasing Sykkuno had loosened you up a bit “it was me,green,yellow,brown,red, and orange in admin. Then me and green, uh Syyykkkuunnoo? Sorry if i didn’t say your name right, left and went into electrical, then lights were called and I fixed them before finishing off my tasks in there. So the body must’ve died during lights unless she left and came back into admin after lights were fixed? which doesn’t make much sense, sooo yea” you smiled “look at me chat! being all smart and shit” 
“yes” Poki agrees “I left admin also with Rae just before lights were called”
“Ok, so I know that puts sus on me, but I went straight to lights when they were called” Hafu says “Someone on the right side must’ve vented when lights were off. Like I was entering the hallway from storage with Tina when lights got fixed and we went to reactor room together. So it couldn’t have been me. Maybe Tina? I dont know which way she come from, but it was not me”
“That is true. I did meet up with Hafu at storage, but I don’t know man” Tina says “ I was doing download in comms”
“Oh god” You tell chat “I don’t know whether to believe Hafu or not. I know she is really good, along with Toast, but he hasn’t said anything”
“Well it is seven and we don’t vote on seven, so we can skip. Just putting a sus on Hafu” Rae says
“Yes please do” Hafu says as she votes to skip
“Do we know where the other bodies are?” Poki asks as the seconds start to dwindle down to zero “Also Toast? Why are you so quiet?”
“I’m trying to figure out a new strat, so don’t you worry. I’ll catch the killers” Toast starts to evil laugh and that was the end of the meeting.
“Ok we’re susing Hafu for this.Though I don’t think it’s her only cause I remember watching one of her imposter plays and it would be a too obvious kill,since so many people were there, it just doesn’t make sense, so someone venting in and killing is plausible or could be a self report? I don’t know lol It’s my first game” You run with Sykkuno and finish up your tasks together. Though lights were called when you both were at shields, you can see the vent pop open and in your little vision bubble you see a flash of red “Whelp this is where I die, I’d like to rate Sykkuno an 8 out of 10 for protecting me, but obviously I am now died” True to your word Rae killed you and you saw Sykkuno running around like a headless chicken when he reports your body 
“Oh God! They got her when I was trying to protect her!” Sykkuno exclaims 
“Sykkuno! You were supposed to be protecting her!?” Rae shouts “What happened? Did you kill her in cold blood? hmm?”
“smh Rae, you murdered me right in front of Sykkuno” You sigh “Well chat looks like I’m dead and we can speak now”
“No!” Sykkuno denies “I said I was going to protect her. I wouldn’t kill her after saying that”
“Well she’s dead now Sykkuno! Where’s the body?” Toast dramatically says
“It’s in shields. It happened when lights were off” Sykkyno says “I’m sorry y/n, I couldn’t protect you”
“Aw that is so cute” You pout at his apology, it wasn’t his fault. It was dark, so obviously he couldn’t see
“Well I don’t think Sykkuno did this, He said he was protecting her to everyone, so I can say that he’s crew” Hafu says “I’m at light panel, I remember seeing Poki and Tina there”
“I can confirm this” Poki says “So Toast let’s hear your big brain play. What’s your strat?”
It was silent for a minute, before Toast admits that he doesn’t have one.
“Ok so we can all agree that Toast is the imposter right?” Rae says “Vote him outta here!”
“Yep” Tina agrees hitting that vote on him and many follow suit
“Wait guys! WAIT! I do! I do have a strat” Toast screams out “Uhhh... wires! The wires guys!”
“Lol they’re gunna vote him off” You watch people voting “Rae is probably gunna win this”
“Yea, you’ve done that pay before” Poki laughs
“Don’t worry I’ll skip Toast” Sykkuno says 
“Why would you skip if we’re on 6?” Rae asks “Is Toast your imposter buddy?”
“Wah? I said I was protecting y/n, why would I kill her?” Trying to make his innocence obvious 
“Unless you killed her by accident or Toast did and you’re trying to protect him like the Simp you are!” Rae accuses him
Tina starts to also question Sykkuno “Wait a second, I dont think I’ve seen you do a single task this entire game! You’ve just been following y/n all around! We should vote him off next!”
“Guys, I swear it’s not me, it just doesn’t make sense” You can hear him plead “Oh no guys, how did this get twisted? It’s Rae! But how did it go to thinking Sykkuno as imposter?”
The meeting ends with Toast screaming into the abyss as he is yeeted out with Sykkuno telling him that he voted to skip.
“Ok then chat, looks like the imposters are gunna win, lets talk for a bit” You sigh and start reading the comments “ I know that I didn’t talk much with them, but I’m just awkward in general and I don’t know what to say to them. This is the first time playing with a group like this where i’m supposed to be myself and not a character.”
The words Defeat appeared on screen and there was Hafu and Rae as imposter. “I honestly didn’t think it was Hafu”
“Hafu was that you that killed Leslie in admin? I didn’t think it was “You asked when you returned to the lobby
“NO! I got framed by my own partner” Hafu explains before taking her bathroom break
“How did Rae get that kill cause I was with her?” Poki asks
“I vented from Caf back into admin when lights were off” Rae laughs “and I vented into shields and killed y/n right in front of Sykkuno!”
“Im sorry for not being able to protect you” Sykkuno runs circles around my character “Next round I’ll do better! I promise”
You laugh and start chasing after him in the ship “What if you end up as imposter?”
“Then I’ll have to look away as my imposter buddy kills you” Sykkuno laughs behind his hand and clears his throat “Im joking, Im joking, I promise”
“Wow Sykkuno” You tsk and run over to the opposite side of the room “I don’t know if I want your protection services now”
“Uh” Sykkuno splutters “I’m joking I promise! I won’t kill you as imposter”
“Wait til Corpse hears you simping over someone else” Poki says before starting the game
“Wait Hafu is still in the bathroom!” Rae exclaimed, but it was to late to stop the game from starting, so she’ll have to jump in when she comes back. Though you swear you feel your heart jump out of your chest when the words Imposter read on you screen. The 1st of the night for you and another in a row for Hafu.
“Oh God guys. Hafu is in the bathroom, but she has to carry us” You start to panic “What we do we do!?! Wait is Sykkuno seriously gunna follow us? Should we kill him or would that be to obvious?” You see the chat tell you that it would be to obvious and that it would be better to maybe frame him, but it seems to mean to you “Should we kill someone in front of him? You know to test his loyalty? It’s a terrible idea”
Though before you go on to fake tasks, you see Sykkuno standing on top of Hafu’s body, so you also go ontop of Sykkuno’s and to the outside perspective you are protecting Hafu, but really for you it’s to ensure that your imposter partner is going to be walking around and killing people,once she comes back from the bathroom. It seems that Hafu is back from the bathroom as her yellow character starts making her way away from you both. You and Sykkuno make your way to admin when lights get called and Sykkuno starts to wiggle his body around into a corner. It seems as though he wants you to stack with him in a corner, but before you do you double back when you see a body pass by and kill them, though you start to laugh when you see your character kill Rae, before ‘stumbling’ into Sykkuno’s view in the corner. You both stay there as lights turn back on and go on card swipe. You think about juking Sykkuno, but realize that it’ll look sus on you for ditching him. So you two just walk around ‘completing’ tasks as every once in a while the lights would go off and you two will stack on each other or wait for doors to open which you had been closing alot of them. 
“Honestly guys I’m at a point were I just wanna murder someone in front of him” You start to evil laugh as you both stack in the corner of medbay as lights start turning on when a body got called
“It’s toast, it’s toast, it’s toast” Hafu chants as it was her who reported the body “I saw him kill Poki”
“oh she self reported” you note and click on Toast’s name but not locking in your vote just in case. You also noticed that four people had died “She killed three people!?! Wow she is beast in this game! Holy Shit guys”
“see, from my perspective it’s hafu. I didn’t see the kill, but I did see blood splatter and Hafu immediately reported the body and blamed me, so it has to be Hafu. I’m voting her” Toast explains and votes her
“no no no no no no no. I saw you kill her when lights got fixed.” Hafu describes her side and what she did in that round “ Ok guys I was afk for like the first 20 seconds and I see Sykkuno and y/n there standing on me in caf., and I’m just doing my tasks, which I finished by the way, so I’m just going back and forth going to cams and just walking around to find any dead bodies. So if you saw cams on in the last 30 or so seconds it was me. I’ve also been fixing lights too! Peter and Leslie should be able to vouch for me on that! But on this round of lights I’m making my way to go help fix them when i see blood flicker in my little bubble and as it starts to get bigger I see Toast walking away from it. Its Toast. It is 100% Toast.” She locks her vote on him “Vote him please. If you don’t vote then you’re either imposter or just throwing”
“I don’t know guys” You start and hover your mouse over the green checkmark next to Toast’s name “I’ve been with Sykkuno the entire round and we did guard Hafu’s body. For Hafu to say that she saw Toast kill, but toast didn’t see Hafu kill? It just doesnt make sense so I’m voting Toast” You lock your vote in when Hafu reminds everyone that crew has to vote together since it is on six. Reminding Peter and Leslie that Hafu has been fixing lights got their votes, but Sykkuno was hesitant “You know I can never vote Toast guys, but I have been with y/n this entire time and I know it’s not her. So, I’m sorry Toast but uh” He locks his vote in for either Hafu or Toast? Who knows if he’s simping over Toast hard.
“Sykkuno?” You can hear Toast tremble his voice “Sy-sykkuno? Who did you vote for? Sykkuno!?!?! Do- Don’t tell me...did you really vote me?”
“I uh “ He clears his throat as the votes get out and all of us had voted Toast 
Toast gasps “Sykkuno!?! How could you!?!?!”
“I’m sorry! I just trust y/n!” Sykkuno explains as Toast’s body once again gets yeeted out into space. 
“Wow guys, looks like we’re gunna win our first imposter game!” You wiggle around happily “and we literally did nothing...wait we killed Rae! We got our revenge from the last round mwua hahahahaha”
Sykkuno and I run circles around each other before walking back into medbay. You can see Hafu kind of trailing behind and the doors get locked with us three in it, but Hafu is just standing there. “Chat what is Hafu doing? Why is she just standing there” You can see Sykkuno step on the med scan “Wait she wants ME to kill SYKKUNO! Oh god that is so evil lol but i’m so useless as imposter, so I might as well get in at least 25% of the kills” 
Once Sykkuno steps off you just murder him and you see that you had won.
“I- I can’t believe you just killed me!?! I trusted you y/n” Sykkuno exclaims
“Sykkuno” Rae sighs “she KILLED ME in caf! Why did no one NOT SEE MY CHOPPED BODY IN CAF!”
You just laugh “I’m sorry Sykkuno, but my chat was telling me that Hafu wanted me to kill you”
“Yea, cause I did like all of the kills and sabotages” Hafu recounts who and how she killed 
“Sykkuno, you giant simp. I can’t believe you vote me” Toast tsk’ed 
“I can’t believe y/n was the imposter! and she killed me!” Sykkuno shakes his head “you know what i’m no longer protecting you anymore”
“Wait Sykkuno I’m sorry. Really” You giggle 
“No no no it’s ok, it’s all part of the game” Sykkuno reassure you that he is not actually mad and that he hoped you had fun “But i wont be protecting you from now on, I have scars now”
So, you play a few more games before calling it quits and end your stream. Later on, you find that Sykkuno started following you on Twitter and Instagram, You totally did not stalk both of his pages and you totally don’t think that he’s cute.....
SideNote: You totally murdered someone in front of Sykkuno and he totally didn’t snitch on you. Instead he protected you as you ran around killing more people in front of him and like the giant Simp he is he totally went ‘I neva snitch on you Daddy, I hold a brick for you Daddy’.
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
First Impressions
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Request by @eversonaive​ : Could do a fic on the reader meeting Juice when he has the sign stuck to his chest only to find out later he is the club's intelligence officer lol
Part 2 can be found Here
Warnings: language, Juice being an embarrassed lil cutie
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: I loved writing this. Flustered Juice gives me life lmao. I hope it’s what you had in mind! I peppered in a couple other of our SAMCRO boys because why not?
Join my group-chat here: (X) ​
SOA Taglist: @adela-topaz-caelon​ @garbinge​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @masterlistforimagines​ @mijop​ @chibsytelford​ @xladymacbethx​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @mayans-sauce​ @shadow-of-wonder​ (If you want to be tagged in any of my writing please let me know! xo)
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You couldn’t pretend that you weren’t surprised, and a little off-put by the scene in front of you. You looked around, wondering why you felt like you were the only one who saw what you were seeing. Everyone else was walking by, minding their own business, but you couldn’t pretend that you didn’t notice.
Crouching down, you pressed your fingers gently against the side of his neck, and you were rewarded with a fairly steady pulse. Relief flooded through you, glad you weren’t going to have to report a dead body. However, you weren’t quite sure how to handle the scene in front of you.
Gently nudging him, you tried to wake him up. He let out a soft groan but didn’t fully wake up. With a heavy sigh, you shook him a little harder but weren’t able to wake him. Pressing your lips together into a thin line, you patted the side of his face. You saw his brows furrow and twitch and you knew that he was almost awake.
“Hey,” you shook him and patted his cheek again, “you good?”
With a groan and what seemed like more effort than it should’ve taken, he slowly started to open his eyes. Part of you wanted to laugh because he seemed like he was probably going to be alright, but more than anything you were just confused.
“You alright? Looks like you’ve had…a time.”
He propped himself up on his elbows and looked down at the state of himself. The fact that he didn’t seem shocked and appalled spoke volumes. With a quiet grunt, he forced himself to his feet.
“Do I have to be worried about you?” you couldn’t help but to look him up and down again. With a chuckle and a shake of his head he reassured you that he was fine, which did little to actually make you feel better, “There somewhere I should be take you?”
He laughed, “No. Don’t worry. Thank you for, uh, waking me up. Way better than getting kicked by the cops,” he shook his head.
“Small miracles,” you had to laugh.
“Yea,” he glanced down at the sign on his chest and you could tell from the look in his eyes that he was weighing the pros and cons of ripping it off right then and there, “I should go. I’m uh,” he gestured to the cardboard, “apparently late for my eight o’clock feeding.”
You smiled and shook your head, “Well that’s unfortunate.”
With a deep breath he pulled the sign from his chest and you both cringed. He cursed under his breath from the pain of it before folding it and tucking it underneath his arm. He gave you a lopsided grin and a small wave before turning and walking in the other direction away from you. You stood there, feeling like you should be offering him a shirt, or something to at least tie around his waist, but he seemed pretty unbothered by it all, so you let him go. You shook your head to yourself as you continued on your way, unable to believe what a weird day you’d already had.
A few days went by and you hadn’t forgotten about your run-in on the street that morning. It was a tough scene to forget. You didn’t want to believe that that was going to be the first and last time you ever saw him. If nothing else, you just wanted some closure on the situation, and you also wanted to know how the hell he ended up like that.
Your mind had wandered back to that situation as you stood outside your car waiting for the tow truck. You knew that your car was on its last leg to begin with, and that you should’ve set about looking for a new one some time ago, but you just kept putting it off. The thought of shopping for one, and then paying for one was overwhelming. You were paying for it in an entirely different way now, though. You knew that fixing whatever was wrong with your car was probably going to cost more than it was worth. So, to distract yourself from thinking about that, you thought about literally anything else as you sat half propped up onto your hood.
You’d gone to Teller-Morrow one other time, maybe twice, since you’d moved just outside of Charming. You didn’t remember anything about it, though—you were in and out quick for an oil change or something equally innocuous. There weren’t a whole lot of options for mechanics to begin with, let alone ones that would also tow. Plus you figured since they were local, it wouldn’t take them too long to get to you.
About twenty minutes later the tow-truck pulled up, and you were a mix of relieved and apprehensive. Two men stepped out, and your first thought was that they couldn’t have carried themselves more differently from each other if they tried. The taller one approached you, adjusting his beanie slightly as he did, while the other scampered around to start hooking the truck up to your car.
“So,” he walked up to you, a small smile on his face for a moment as he looked at you, “what seems to be the problem?”
You chuckled and shook your head as you clocked the name stitched into his work shirt, “Well, it stopped running. That’s about all I know, Opie,” you smiled at him.
He laughed, nodding his head slightly, “Sounds like a pretty serious issue, then.”
“I’d say so.”
He glanced back to make sure that your car had been hooked up alright, “You need to be dropped off somewhere, or you got a ride?”
You sighed, resting your hand on the back of your neck as you thought, “Would I be able to ride back to the shop with you guys?”
He nodded, “Sure thing. Long as you don’t mind Kip staring at you the whole time,” he gestured over to the man who was waiting by the door of the tow truck.
You laughed, “Staring I can handle.”
When they pulled into the lot at the mechanics, Opie got out and instructed Kip to take care of the rest. He looked over to you and gestured to the office, “Gemma will get you all set up. We’ll get it right on the lift and try to figure out what’s going on.”
You nodded, “Thank you, appreciate it.”
You knocked lightly on the door to the office and she called for you to come in. She got you all squared away with your paperwork to get everything started. You let her know that if it ended up being more than a certain amount to just not bother and scrap it, or to give it back and you would take care of that part yourself. You weren’t in a position to be paying more than the car was worth. There was sympathy present in her eyes as she listened to you, nodding along. You hated the feeling of pity but you couldn’t deny that you’d landed yourself into a bit of a hole.
She was walking you back out of the office, “We’ll give you a call when we’ve got some numbers for you, sweetheart.”
“Sounds good. Thank you guys so much.”
“Need us to call you a cab?”
You shook your head, “No, no I’ll be alright. Thank you though.”
You were walking across the lot, pulling out your phone as you did to try and figure out who you were going to call to come and pick you up. There was a sudden influx of noise and voices. And despite the fact that you heard it, you still didn’t look up.
The only thing that snapped you out of your thoughts was the feeling of someone’s shoulder bumping into yours. You looked up and both of you were in the middle of apologizing when your eyes met his. Neither of you could hide the shock on your faces as you took each other in.
He looked a lot different when he wasn’t coming out of a mild coma. And also when he was fully dressed with an MC kutte on. You’d missed out on the fact that he was handsome in the midst of worrying about his well-being the last time you saw him.
“Oh shit,” he laughed, “hey.”
“Uh, hey,” you couldn’t help but to stare at him, “I didn’t…expect to see you here. Or again in general, for that matter.”
Another man in a kutte appeared, draping his arm around the shoulder of the man that you were talking to, “Juicy,” he said, “who’s your friend?”
He wore his nerves on his face, “Um. She’s not, uh, she’s—”
You cut him off to save him the trouble, holding out your hand, “I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N,” he let your name roll off his tongue, “nice to meet you. I’m Jax,” he paused, looking back and forth between you and the man next to him, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together, “Sorry to interrupt,” you could see that he was biting back a laugh.
“No, you’re…you’re good,” you reassured him, “Nothing to interrupt. Just, um, a little surprised by,” you gestured to the two of them and to the clubhouse behind them, “all of this.”
“Well then I gotta ask,” Jax continued to stare at Juice who seemed to be getting more and more shy by the second, “how do you know Charming’s favorite Puerto Rican Intelligence Officer?”
You couldn’t stop the laugh that slipped past your lips, “Intelligence Officer?”
Jax nodded, clapping Juice on the back as though he thought he was hyping him up, “For the club, yea. Can find out anything about anyone. Also our resident tech guy.”
You chuckled, unable to lie and say that you weren’t a little impressed, “Impressive. Guess we didn’t have time to get into all that last time we met.”
“Oh?” Jax looked back and forth between the two of you, embarrassment creeping onto Juice’s features.
“Yea, he was running a behind schedule. Had places to be.”
Jax looked over at him, “Where the hell did you have to be that could’ve been more important, bro?”
Juice ran his hands down his face, knowing that he was going to have to cop to it sooner or later, “When we met I was, um…she actually…” he shook his head, “She’s the one who woke me up the other day. Made sure I was alright.”
The entire incident had clearly already faded from Jax’s memory because he looked as lost as he had been before Juice said anything. You smiled, “I made sure he eventually made it to his eight o’clock feeding.”
Recognition flashed across Jax’s face and he laughed, “Jesus. Sorry you had to be a part of that.”
“Sure, her you’ll apologize to,” Juice rolled his eyes.
“She didn’t deserve it,” Jax chuckled and shook his head, “Well it was nice meeting you, Y/N. I’ll leave Juice to try and clean up whatever mess he might’ve made.”
He walked away from the both of you and you could head him laughing to himself as he approached the rest of the guys. You and Juice stood there facing each other, neither one of you really knowing what to say.
You broke the silence, “Won’t lie to you, Juice,” it felt nice to finally be able to address him as something, “over the past few days when I’ve been trying to think about what your life was like for it to land you in that situation, this wasn’t what I had in mind.”
“You’ve been thinkin’ about me?” he smirked.
You laughed, rolling your eyes, “You made quite the impression,” you looked him in the eyes, “I’m glad you’re alright though.”
He chuckled, “Not the worst thing they’ve ever done to me.”
You smiled and shook your head, “Well that’s a little concerning.”
“Sorry you got, uh, subjected to that,” he shook his head, “wrong place, wrong time.”
You waited for him to meet your gaze and you flashed him a smile, “I wouldn’t quite say that.”
There was a light in his eyes that was so enticing, “Right. Well. I’m glad I got a chance to make a better first impression. Sort of. Maybe,” he laughed. There were a few beats of silence before he spoke up again, “What brings you here anyway?”
You nodded towards the garage, “Car broke down.”
Your laugh was a hollow, “Yea. Fucking sucks. Hoping they can fix it without bleeding me dry.”
Juice thought hard about it for a few moments, “I’ll take a look at it. I’ll see what I can do, see if I can get you a deal or something.”
“Yea?” you couldn’t hide your relief.
He nodded, “Yea. Least I could do.”
“You’d really be saving my ass.”
He laughed, “Guess that would make us even.”
You chuckled and nodded, “Guess so.”
He paused for a moment, eyes glued to the pavement, “If you want, you could, uh, you could give me your number,” he looked up at you, “and I’ll give you a call when I get it all sorted.”
You smiled, “Alright. Sounds good,” you held out your hand for his phone and quickly added your number to his contacts, “Hope to hear from you soon, Juice.”
“Juan,” he said quietly as he took the phone back from you.
He looked at you, “Juan. My name is Juan.”
You smiled, “Well, then, Juan, I’ll talk to you soon,” you paused and bit back a laugh, “Try to keep yourself out of sticky situations, alright?”
“Well now at least I have you to call just in case,” he smirked.
“Won’t be able to come and get you until you fix my car,” you chuckled, “So at least be careful for a few days.”
“I think I can do that.”
“Good,” you stepped in and gave him a quick hug, “Thank you, Juan, seriously.”
“It’s not a problem. I’ll, I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Looking forward to it,” you flashed him a smile before turning and continuing your way out of the parking lot.
You chanced a look back over your shoulder and saw that he was still standing there staring at you with a smile and a dreamy look on his face. You laughed and shook your head as you turned back around. There was something to be said about memorable first impressions, and something told you that you had landed yourself in an adventure when you met him. You were excited to find out what was in store.
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evera6234 · 4 years
Gotham’s Salty WIP: Chapter I
RATING: T (Teen for cursing and stuff, this may change)
Basically, the typical Daminette with a bit of lime and spice. Borderline crack fic bc i cant without humor. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng goes to Gotham whilst carrying three years worth of emotional baggage, what she does with it, we don't know. Does she lug it around? Probably. Does she kick it off a skyscraper? Not probable, but maybe. Does she use it to drop kick an unsuspecting liar. Most definitely.                ~~~> EDITED BY OLLIETHETURTLE ON AO3
Transferred from AO3. 
Lemme know if ya wanna be tagged
OK. Umm.. First fic on AO3. K. We doin this, and we starting with this god awful piece of trash. Yes. Life. Fuck. 
Things ur signing up for:
Big boi Mari & Chloe Friendship Good Vibes TM
My ass shitting on Adrien bc im a salty bitch (and if u aint about that life, its ok. U can leave bc im not interested in fighting with people. No offence or disrespect to adrien stans but yea)
And Adrien stalker moments
Lila and Alya salt (plz see “im a salty bitch”)
Shitty update schedule, if any. I’m counting on yall to harass me to write.
Marinette & Jason “sibling-esque” relationship bc we all need that
An obscene amount of cursing (as you can already tell)
The class will not be  “Our singular communal brain-cell is fucking dead, help.” levels of dumb, but still “I have the IQ of a wet potato sack” levels of dumb.
Eventual negation of canon bc we live that life
“Espresso with a dash of Depresso” Moments TM
I'm originally an MLB fan. So do what you will with that info.
The good old “Ozmav AU” but with some lime and spice
As slow burn as I can
Mental Health stuff and the repercussions of having multiple identities treated completely differently
And the crown jewel of this entire fic… Auntie Harley and Ivy.
And….. sorry…. Ppl will kinda be OOC but im trying my very best. 
Tbh I have no idea where this going rn but... i mean… it going somewhere (specifically hell) because everything does. Leave ideas plz, don’t kill me. Just bully me. 
So yea. Lemme know what u want and if I want to, I might just squeeze it into the fic (if it fit ofc, im not just gonna add random 50 year time-lapses). I'll try my best ;)))) (<-- my quadruple chin)
Chloe’s head hangs heavy on Mari’s shoulder as the pressurised air surrounding them vibrates with the sounds… of well… a plane. Chloe had a tough couple weeks; late night combat practises with the new team (LB, Hornet, Viperion and Ryuuko) has obviously taken a toll on her partner. Both wrapped in a thick velvet blanket that Chloe remembered to pack (thank kwami) sharing a pair of headphones, both were lulled into a peaceful slumber.
Alya laughs as Lila tips her small glass of diet coke (that a flight attendant painstakingly poured for her) on a sleeping Marinette’s side of Chloe’s blanket, effectively waking her up. “Oopsies! Sorry Marinette! You see, the cabin air has really been worsening my arthritis. I didn’t mean it! I swear! Cross my heart!” apologized Lila with fake concern as Alya giggles beside her. 
Marinette, literally seeing Lila’s crossed figures behind her back says “At least Chloe is still sleeping, she needs the rest.” Alya, Lila and her empty cup saunter beck to their seats nearby. 
Mari and her class finally land in Gotham’s cold December night. Freshly hushed into a private shuttle, the class are driven to their hotel. It is late: around 3:30 AM. With heavy eyelids the class gazed out the bus’s windows in awe. The merging view of traffic and Christmas lights chase them to their residence. No one really remembers or knows what happened that night. Just the feeling of falling, be it into a white fluffy hotel comforter or into the crisp Gotham air. 
“Oh! My! Gosh!!!” hears Marinette as Lila on the bus to Wayne Enterprise. “I feel so. At. Home!” In Marinette’s tired ears, there were more exclamation marks. 
“Of course… The only thing that can inhabit Gotham alleyways are cockroaches and villains,” Chloe grumbles beneath her breath, looking out the window.
“What have I ever done to you Chloe?” Lila cries, “I understand why Marinette bullies me, she is a jealous and vile girl. But I thought you, Chloe, want to be a better person, not a bully like that bitch, Marinette!”
“How dare you. How dare you. HOW DARE YOU!” Chloe yells as the recent words loop in her mind, 
“Not gonna call your daddy, huh?” Alya taunts. 
Chloe, with tears in her eyes begins, but is quickly interrupted by Marinette, “No she will not. She doesn’t need to. Chloe grew a lot over the last couple months, I’m so proud of her. She doesn’t need your bitch-ass approval.” Marinette grasps Chloe’s hand which previously wrapped itself around the fabric of Chloe’s heavy caramel winter coat.
“Quiet on the bus!”, A yell came from the front.
“But, Mr. Bus Driver… Marinette is being a…”
“Shut it! Y’all want me to kamikaze this shit into a building? I’m guessing y’all value your lives so shut it!” 
“Ms.Guardian, can I please have a cookie?” Pollen softly asks from the inside of Chloe’s giant white faux leather handbag.
“Shh… Pollen! Now’s not the time!!!” stresses Tikki.
“Please Ms. Guardian!!! I’m so so so hungry. This bag isn’t very warm and it’s taking all my energy to keep warm. A lil blubber wouldn’t hurt…. please!!”.
“Of course Pollen,” quietly respond Mari with a grin, “Here you go.” She pulls out a couple cookies from a Tupperware and hands them to Pollen. “Please share them with Tikki,” whispers Marinette into the bag. 
Marinette and Chloe then hears two tiny “thank you”s followed by the sound that can only be described increasingly aggressive chomping. Both girls giggle quietly.
“Welcome to Gotham,” says an unenthusiastic man at the front desk. “Congratulations, you are…” He checks his computer. “On time? Interesting.”
“Yes, we are aware,” grumbles Mrs. Bustier, already done with the man’s attitude.
“Okay so before the tour starts I’m doing to need the student who set-up this field trip to sign a couple forms and stuff. Here ya go.” The man pushed a thicc pile of paper into the teachers hand. 
“Oooh! That would be me sir!” Lila chirped, intercepting the papers before skipping back to her posse of her’s. A few seconds after beginning to fill out paperwork Lila cries “Ouch! My wrist! My arthritis! Can someone help me filling out all these form.” 
“I’ll fill them out, I’m only going to need your signatures,” offered Max.
“Thank you Max, you are so sweet!” Lila complements. 
“Of course, your arthritis was badly affected by the altitude yesterday, you shouldn’t be staining your wrist so early!” Max blushed. 
“Maribug, you gonna to say something?” 
“Nah, just watch. Entertainment without a Netflix membership.”
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almondmilks-posts · 3 years
Schlatt- executed pt2
*I am so proud of part 1
pls go show some love
Maybe a SERIES?? Maybe pt3??? Maybe some more angst?? Maybe some cute fluff with glatt?? Maybe idk if you would like to see more uwu
This took so long omg... I'm sorry
Context: in part 1 you became ghost!y/n much like Ghostbur  you forgot most of your memories including your death...
Life after death was weird. You had very vague memories of each member of the sever but other than that you completely forgot about your past life including how you died. You never expected that you would become a sentiant ghost on the server after death you also never expected Wilbur to become one either so here we are. You took a great liking to Ghostbur as he did to you, you both hanging out became a regular occurrence on the SMP you mainly liked hanging around quackity he had these homely vibes to him that made you want to be around him but you were not quite sure why although he had been seeing you less and less and when you did meet he seemed on edge always looking behind him, shaking his head off to the distance when you turn around, nothing.
You didn't know why Ghostbusr was obsessed with the colour blue, always handing out lapis lazuli to saddened goes by with a "here have some blue" but he always did. You guys can't mine down in the caves something about bedrock pressure?  but he always had stacks of blue on him at all times.
You- hey bur where do you get the blue from?
Ghostbur- oh uhhh umm I just have it sometimes I get it from Phill
You- oh cool. I want something I'm not sure I've decided on what...
Ghostbur- hmmmmm y/n how about
You- I know red mushrooms because they look so cool like lil toadstools.
Ghostbur- yes that's such a good idea
You- I need to ask Phil to see if he has any spare mushrooms adiós bur I'll see you later.
You began to float your way over the the snowy tundra that Phil resides in. You passed many different landmarks on your way only knowing by the names you and ghostbur had given them. Home home also known as the community House although in ruins after it was exploded by puffy. You did try to stop her however your attempts were unsuccessful. 
You- omg I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going here look I have some seeds take this as a sorry
You were in your thoughts so much that you had phased into a body. As a ghost you are able to phase through people However you phased into the body meaning whoever you walked into was not alive. You reached your arms into your pockets to see what you have as a sorry before the mushrooms which you still haven't been managed to find any. Thecno needing them for potions ofc knowing the butcher army was coming for him he planicked stealing so many resources including some of blue from Wilbur accidentally. You found three seeds in your pockets your had picked up from when you were hanging around Callahan (he's my fav on the SMP omg) and punz this one time just giving while punz went on a nether mission for ghast tears. You extended your arm out to the person, lifting your head up to look the person in the eyes.
Glatt- y/n?
He had Horns. Deep black horns protruding out the side of his head. His skin a pale grey ash colour, contrasting his flaming red eyeballs which looked down upon you due to the height difference. His suit a very dark grey almost black but not quite,  You looked at him than back at the seeds. He seemed like he didn't take any interest in taking the seeds from you as a sorry, you furrowed your eye brows at his sort of question? You really didn't remember your past life, thecno told you that most ghosts don't when they die the ones that do are 'poor damned souls of wrong doers' comforting you that you did some good when you were living.
You- uhh sorry I don't know a y/n?? Im ghosty/n! Well it would make sense that I'm y/n well was y/n hahahaha I don't remember much from my past life unfortunately
Glatt- you don't- you don't remember how you died do you?
You- uhhh no? Should I? I ask quackity you know quackity right? Small guy, blue beanie anyway he wouldn't tell me how I died he said it was a too long to explain anyway I gotta go bye uhhhh...
Glatt- oh it's glatt
You- well nice to meet you glatt if you see Phill tell him I need some red mushrooms
And with that you floated off on your mission to find some red mushrooms. Glatt stood there face slashed red. He felt embarrassed? Sick to his stomach? He wasn't quite sure what he felt, quackity had told him of your ghost life when he was pestering quackity this one time however he was scared. He was once a ruthless tryrant president drinking all day and all night because he couldn't handle the power and disappointment of his peers knowing he was struggling being president so he turned to alcohol. He was so plastered when he stabbed you he didn't even know what he did until quackity and Niki Walked out on him with some fruitful words.
Schlatt thought back to when quackity had confronted him, carrying your enchanted diamond boots Phil brought on your wedding day and never took them off since. Quackity looked so hopeless his eyes filled with tears, trembling hands as he screamed at schlatt so hard his vocal cords never recovered even after all this time and everything he's been through. Despite this he carried on trying to ruin quackity's life. Even after death the fucker never lost his need for power and bullying quackity is all he knew how. The issue was he could not find the small mexican, he floated all through what manburg was, he floated past the church, the target, the community house but no sign of quackity. He was searching through the community house for anything he could steal just because 'he was glatt he could do what he wants'; as a ghost he really didn't change. A fit of giggles rung through his ears, he hadn't heard that noise in years. Glatt knew that it was you of course you were married for several years before the incident. He caught himself smiling as he once did to see your face (which could easily fit between his larger hands.) He floated across towards where the noise would come from. To see you, a blue sheep with a wonkey eye and Wilbur? He felt anxious, his ghost heart started beating faster, if he wasn't dead he would be having another heart attack right now that would actually kill him. He wasn't sure of it was because you look so happy contracting the last time him saw your glum face as the XP dropped or knowing Wilbur might still be bitter about the election or what happened as a result of it.
You toyed with the blue sheep known as friend. Friend was the first thing ghostbur saw when he woke up as a ghost so there was a major bond between the two,.you would argue it was a closer bond than what tied you with Wilbur but nothing could compare to that. You both had years and years of history some even before Tommy was born but you both just didn't know that. (maybe pt3 y/n becomes human??) Friend was very entertaining for a blue sheep fried could make you and ghostbur cry with laughter but just standing there. ( Ok this is my HC so it's not cannon but I think it should be) The blue sheep had a lazy eye, so for long enough if the sheep did nothing the eyes would travel opposite directions as per usual you and ghostbur were dying over this. You bent down to pick at a blade if grass to feed to friend when a glum feeling came over you. Were you being watched? You wanted to cry, so you turned your head to Look at the assailant to see glatt standing there just looking at you or through you it was unclear.
You-oh hey uhhh glatt? Ah yes I'm right would you like to come hang out with friend, ghostbur and I would love it if you joined us and I'm sure friend doesn't mind you do you? No you don't because you are a cute sheep boopboop
Glatt- I'm not so sure
You- oh come on don't be such a killer it would be fun friend is very well friendly haha come on.
You grasped his cold wrist with your much warmer hands. The size difference between the two contrasted immensely. You blushed, a warm feeling coming over you almost as if you had known him for years. Which y/n did but you didn't know that.  Schlatt frowned at you calling him a killer, did you know? Did Wilbur tell you? A lot happened to manburg after you had died, stuff you missed that you could and would have stopped. You dragged schlatt closer to where friend was excited Wilbur could meet your 'new' friend glatt.
You- hahah bur meet glatt
Ghostbur- oh uh hey glatt nice to meet you, your a friend of n/n's huh?
Glatt- uhh yea something like that
Ghostbur- oh crap! I have to meet with Callahan (he's my fave member) I'm helping him build a forest, well you guys have fun with friend. And glatt? Its nice to see you again.
And with that he floated away from the pair riend looked at schlatt than back at you, than back at schlatt. Its pink tounge slipping out of its mouth. Glatt looked down at you sitting cross legged on the grass petting friend. He thought you looked beautiful with the sun on your ghostlike form, he felt shame wash over him he really ruined you.
You- sit next to me glatt, the sun isn't that bright down here
Glatt- no I don't want to get my suit dirty!
You sighed, why was he so cold? Was it that he didn't like you, was it the fact that he didn't like friend no that's not true everyone loves friend. You frowned over thinking lots of things glatt noticed your frown after he yelled at you; he felt worse that he yelled. Many nights after your death did he think about you and his actions. He numbed the feeling penultimately resulting in further alcoholism and finally his death. He kept your diamond boots in his desk draw so they could be next to him at all times he even picked up some of your XP but that stuff didn't matter to him. Nothing mattered to him. Expect you. He never was good at expressing his feelings to you, and you never pushed him to do that.
Glatt- do you seriously not remember your past life?
You- hmmmm not much
Glatt- what do you know tell me?
You- well, I don't really remember memories it's more feelings and smells towards something? Like Niki I feel very calm and peaceful around her she smells like bread, Wilbur it's like he feels like a brother to me and he smells like gunpowder almost, ummmm who else? Oh Tecno smells like potatoes I'll tell you about that some other time
Glatt- what about me? What do I smell like ( Father Fragrance??)
You- ummmmm it's a weird metallic smell? At first I was like iron smell but I'm not so sure. I was super anxious when I first saw you almost hmmm anger? Fear? But I also wanted to give you a hug it's weird what about me... Your a ghost I'm sure it's the same for you it is for wilbur... What do I smell like glatt?
Glatt- uhh well, it's metallic aswell
You-oh heyy look it's ranboo, Ran heyy look down here? Ranboo? Oh no he's enderwalking again ok well this conversation isn't over glatt
You followed the half enderman who appears to be on his enderwalking state. You don't say much to him as you know he won't hear or respond to you. You follow him past twitch prime, past the portal near to the prison? Confused you stood behind him a little, why was he going to the prison? To see Sam you hope...
But no. He didn't.
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glacecakes · 3 years
Slowly Led up From the Deep
Despite what anyone else (Lance) said, Eugene wasn’t a mother hen. He wasn’t! There was a distinct difference between being cautious and prepared for the worst due to living on the streets, and mother henning the shit out of everyone.
(“You mother hen the shit out of everyone,” Lance would say. “And I’m a dad. With the same past as you.”)
Case in point: Varian.
(Or: the Baron tries to kidnap Varian to get back at Eugene.)
Weeee another project! This one is a lil different tho Basically I have ideas for four (maybe more? Debating whether or not to expand to 7) angst oneshots with each oneshot pertaining to an element. So this is water, I have a plan for earth, air, fire if I decide to go thru with this. Poor Varian, sorry not sorry
Despite what anyone else (Lance) said, Eugene wasn’t a mother hen. He wasn’t! There was a distinct difference between being cautious and prepared for the worst due to living on the streets , and mother henning the shit out of everyone.
(“You mother hen the shit out of everyone,” Lance would say. “And I’m a dad. With the same past as you.”)
Case in point: Varian. Following the events of… well, yknow, life , Eugene was a bit nervous about letting the kid out of his sight. After all, he got kidnapped, drugged, assaulted, imprisoned, and flung out a tower. And that was all in one day! So excuse him for being concerned about his friend's health. The guy had a death wish, and clearly someone had to watch over him or else he would die from falling, or forgetting to sleep, or setting himself on fire, and then Eugene would have a very angry beef-tittied man at his throat.
Since his redemption, Varian had quickly weaseled his way into the man’s heart, not unlike how Rapunzel did. He’d always wanted a younger sibling as a kid, and Varian fit the bill. His tiny frame and nervous demeanor made him a prime target for Eugene to try and instill life lessons into, no matter how much Varian protested. So long as he worked in the castle, Eugene saw to it that the kid got three square meals a day.
And when he’d failed to keep Varian safe...
Being trapped in unbreakable rock, helpless while Varian slid across the floor, the fading screams as he plummeted to what should’ve been his death…
Let’s just say Eugene has bolted awake to those sounds more than once.
And now he was Captain of the Guard, on top of being a big brother. Which meant that he had to oversee the Royal Alchemist’s (aka Varian’s) more… delicate experiments.
As of this moment, Varian was mixing a glowing red liquid, goggles pulled over his face. Eugene had tried to peer over his shoulder and watch, but the younger pushed him away, grumbling something about not spilling it all over.
Gloved hands wrapped around a pipette as he worked, mumbling scientific jargon under his breath. Rapunzel was able to follow along a lot better than he was, which meant Eugene had no clue what was going on.
“Hello, Allo, Varian?” He waved a hand in his face, startling Varian and nearly causing the liquid to slosh out its beaker. “Hi. Yea, I’m still here and I would like to know what’s going on.” He gave the kid an unimpressed eyebrow raise when he turned, sheepish. Clearly Varian forgot about his “lab partner”.
“Right, sorry.” Varian coughed, setting aside the pipette to hold up his substance. “So, the thing with the water tanks is that… they’re really hard to work on once they’re up and running. Right? You can’t exactly go into the tankers,” he snorted. “I mean, you could, but you’d boil alive.” His brows furrowed and he brought a free hand to his chin, deep in thought. “Actually, I don’t know what would happen… maybe…” His brain was off to the races, already miles away from the current conversation.
“Varian,” Eugene snapped, crossing his arms in frustration. Not that he didn’t want to be here, but he really didn’t want to hear about Varian’s new plan to throw someone into a vat of flynnolium to see if they’d survive. “Royal Engineer, more like Mad scientist.”
“I take that as a compliment,” Varian said, turning back to his lab table with a grin. “Aaaanyway, this stuff should, if my calculations are correct, and they are,” He added, knowing Eugene had already opened his mouth. “This stuff should dissolve stuff like rust, but only when exposed to water. So basically we’d just throw a vial of this into the tankers, wait a few minutes, and drain it. Then, tada! Sparkling clean tanks, good as new.” His voice floated with each step, bouncing around his workspace with eagerness and joy. Varian hummed under his breath, grabbing a pitcher and filling a small cup with water. Water from the nearly full pitcher sloshed around, nearly spilling onto the table as he sang along to the song in his head.
“Hey, kid, isn’t that the jug you use for drinking?” Eugene asked, walking over.
“Hmm?” Varian glanced back, not really caring, too in the zone. “So it is.”
“And it’s full, even though I gave it to you this morning?”
“Which would mean…” He circles his wrist, expectant gaze meeting Varian’s confused. The boy lifted up his goggles to reveal eyes bluer than any sky. “...That you haven’t had anything to drink?”
“I had some juice at lunch.” Varian said.
“That’s not the same.” Eugene responded.
Varian shot him an annoyed gaze. “Seriously? We’re doing this now?” He asked, a hand moving to lean on his desk. He missed, sending him stumbling, but he kept his gaze trained on Eugene.
Eugene simply hummed, walking over and plucking the red vial from it’s test tube. He placed it in his coat pocket. “Yea, we’re doing this now. No experimenting on that glass, you are to drink it right now.”
“What?” Varian’s face turned slightly green. “This thing hasn’t been properly washed in who knows when! I use it as my paint cup!” He gestured to the wall, covered in notes, writings, and the odd Rapunzel doodle. The one Varian was pointing to was a doodle of his pouty face, perfectly matching his current expression.
Eugene didn’t miss a beat. “Fine. Drink from the pitcher.”
“Right now, chug it! Come on, you won’t do it, pussy.”
“I’m not going to chug it,” the alchemist pinched the bridge of his nose. “And didn’t Rapunzel tell you to stop calling people that?”
“No experimenting until you drink it. Captain’s orders.” Varian threw his arms up in frustration. “Why are you so against drinking right now? Come on, I know you’re thirsty!”
“I need the water for the experiment! If I drink it, I’ll have to get a refill!” Getting a refill meant going upstairs, disrupting his thought process and ruining the zone he had been in all day. It was hard to get into that state of absolute concentration, and leaving the lab would surely cause his bubble of productivity to pop.
“Oh no, a refill! The absolute horror!” Eugene fake gasped. The younger’s face burned red as his older friend draped his hand over his forehead in mock distress. “Whatever shall you do, cursed to go get some fresh air by… going upstairs!?”
Varian growled. He wasn’t going to win this argument, they’d had it often enough. But between his excitement over his invention, and Eugene’s teasing, and pulling rank… his ears burned as he took a long swig from the pitcher. He’d be dead before he told Eugene how soothing the cool water felt on his throat, how it spurred him to gulp down half of the pitcher in one go. “There.” He bit out, eyes narrow as daggers. “Are you happy?”
Eugene’s eyes, which had closed in his mock despair, opened to see the teen’s melancholy. Honestly, he was so moody over drinking water , it was ridiculous! All he was doing was making sure the kid didn’t die, oh how wicked of him.
“Yes, quite!” He grinned. “See, wasn’t that hard! I swear, you give me more grey hairs every day. How your dad kept you alive, I’ll never know.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Varian asked, eyebrows raised in offense. Did Eugene not think he could handle himself?
“Well, y’know, the guy always ignored you for hours on end, the fact that you didn’t die of dehydration or starvation is a miracle,” Eugene snorted.
The atmosphere grew tense in a heartbeat. Varian froze where he stood, fingers outstretched towards the cup quickly retracting. "What did you just say?" Varian hissed, eyes narrowing as he turned.
“Just that your dad wasn’t there for you like I am.” Eugene couldn't stop the words that escaped his throat. Jealousy clawed at his mind, sinking sharp talons and cutting his common sense to ribbons. He’d been looking after Varian during his stays at the castle, both before and after he’d become Royal Engineer, and yet he was the bad guy here? He was the one who risked falling off a tower to crawl out to Varian while his dad, who was well versed in the moonstone, had decided he’d rather play with his pumpkins then get involved, despite his son being asked to translate a death spell.
“You did not just say that,” Varian growled, trying to keep himself in check. He hated getting mad, especially at his friends, seeing as he didn’t exactly have a good track record with it. “You did not just suggest that you’re better than my dad.”
“Hey, all I’m saying is that he literally let you cause earthquakes with no supervision when you were fourteen and then got mad when it didn’t exactly turn out great.”
“At least my dad didn’t abandon me for three months.”
“At least I came to save you when Cass kidnapped you.”
Varian slammed his fists on the table. “Did you even tell him about that? Or did he not know I was missing, just assumed you were taking care of me until I came home with broken ribs!?” The alchemist whirled around, marching up and planting a finger on Eugene’s chest. “He thought you guys were keeping me safe, but no ! So what, now you’re trying to make up for it by breathing down my neck? I’m not a little kid, Eugene! It’s one thing to look out for me, but a whole other to smother me and insult my dad!”
The man huffed. “I’m not smothering you, I’m concerned for you! What reasonable parent is ok with their kid forgetting to eat or drink?”
"Well I’m sorry he trusts me to! You’re just a control freak who can’t accept that not everyone needs his input! You don’t trust my judgement at all!"  The anger in Varian's eyes... Eugene hadn't seen it since the battle of Old Corona. He couldn’t stop himself from what came next; it was like a reflex, some leftover anger from before.
"WHY SHOULD I TRUST YOU!?" Eugene screamed, before quickly covering his mouth in horror.
Varian's eyes widened, filling with tears. Then he carefully schooled his face back to impassive and cold.
Eugene faltered, guilt boiling red hot in his stomach. He really messed up, didn't he? It wasn't that he didn't trust Varian, far from it. From his sassy remarks to dorky antics, and the way he was so passionate about everything, it was clear that Varian put his heart and soul into everything he did, and he only shared that with the people he trusted. Eugene was honored to be one of those people. Now, he might have just lost that.
He trusted Varian with his life. But Varian's life? He couldn't trust anyone with that. It was too precious to him. He'd failed to protect Varian so many times, he just wanted to do it right from now on.
Eugene tried to reach out. "Kid, I didn't mean it like that," he began, but Varian ignored him. Instead, he shouldered past, marching up the stairs towards the main castle, pitcher in hand.
"I don't know, Eugene," Varian spat as he walked, words as bitter as the feeling in Eugene's gut. "Why should you? After all, I'm just a traitor to the crown. I could be a spy for the Baron or Saporia, you never know."
"Come on, I know that’s not true," Eugene stepped forward, moving to follow, but refrained. He could see the quaking of Varian’s shoulders, almost imperceptible to anyone who didn’t know him as well as he did. "Varian, you've come so far, you're an amazing kid, I just.."
Varian whirled around, showing that sure enough, his eyes were brimming with tears. "You just what? Fear me? Like everyone else? It's fine, go ahead! Just next time," he sniffled, brushing away an angry tear. "Next time, don't pretend to care. Don’t pretend that you are monitoring me just out of the goodness of your heart. Just treat me like the criminal you think I am.”
He left the lab, leaving Eugene alone with his still untested compound.
About a minute after Varian had stormed off, a guard poked his head in.
“Hey Captain… is now a bad time to tell you a prisoner escaped?”
He groaned.
You could practically see the steam coming out of Varian’s ears as he stomped through the castle, to the point that all the maids and guards gave him a wide berth. His cheeks puffed up as he stomped. Stupid Eugene, stupid pitcher, stupid rules, stupid stupid stupid!
“Ugh!” He cried, kicking at the ground and delighting in the scuffing noises. What did he know anyway? Varian was perfectly capable of taking care of himself, he had been for years! He’d been fine on his own in the months he’d been abandoned, after all. He didn’t need Eugene then, and he didn’t need Eugene now.
Never mind the fact that his descent into madness had been because no one was there.
He burst into the supply closet with all the fury of a thousand suns, thankful that no one was in there at the moment. His hands shook as he placed the pitcher under the pump, letting out his frustration at each up and down motion of the lever.
“What does Eugene know,” Varian hissed. “He was on his own for-fucking-ever, and yet here he is thinking that I can’t handle myself? Says he doesn’t trust me to not die, I survived just fine without him!”
He was so focused on his task, on letting out his anger and ignoring the tears that fell into the pitcher, that he didn’t hear the muffled yelling, or the shuffle of guards, or even the heavy groaning of iron on wooden floors.
The door slammed shut with a heavy thud, and Varian frowned. So much for being left alone. He didn’t want to look up, didn’t want to face who he assumed was looking for him. For a moment, the only sound was the other party’s heavy breathing, and Varian’s sniffling.
“What do you want, Eugene?” He hissed. “Come to yell at me for not taking a break?”
The other person doesn’t speak for a moment. Then, a gruff, and decidedly not Eugene speaks. “Are you talking about Flynn Rider?”
Varian startles. He glances up to see the buffest man he’s ever seen (and considering his dad that’s saying a lot) is bent over, fiddling with something on his shoe.
“...yea. Eugene.” He says, turning back to the pitcher. Odd, no one in the castle called him that anymore. Maybe this guy was a visitor? A tourist who got lost? Ambassador, even? He wasn’t sure. Despite his technically high status, he wasn’t exactly welcome in court. Which meant he was often invited to royal balls only to not know a single person or anything about the current politics. It sucked.
There’s a clink as the man unlocks something. He smirks, turning back to where Varian is distracted. “So, you know him?”
“ Know him?” Varian scoffs. At the silence, he realizes the guy is serious. “Yea, I do. He’s annoying.”
“Tell me about it.” The man gruffs. Unfortunately for him (or, more accurately, unfortunately for Varian), the boy takes the invitation.
“He’s like a big brother to me, which is nice… except for the fact that he treats me like a baby brother instead of a younger one. Constantly hovering, always worried about me. I get that he means well,” he goes on, completely oblivious to how the man’s face lights up in a wicked grin, before shuffling around the closet, searching for rope and linen. “But god, it’s so frustrating when I’m trying to do something and he’s just yelling at me to take care of myself! He just wants to, to keep me locked away or something! And then today, he-he insulted my dad, tried to imply that my dad didn’t care. I get that to him it seems that way, since he’s only ever seen my dad a few times…” he let out a sigh. “I just… I appreciate what he’s doing, but he needs to chill.”
“I don’t know,” the man hums. “I’d argue he’d be valid to be concerned at this exact moment.”
Varian furrowed his brows, eyes glancing back and forth as he tried to make sense of the statement. “What does that…?” His eyes widened as the man turned around. Long blonde hair… rope in one hand… a ball and chain in another.
The Baron smirked.
Eugene kept a brisk pace, anger and annoyance growing by the second. Of course the one time he needed to be looking for Varian, he was stuck instead looking for a maniac. Leave it to Stan and Pete to mess up a prisoner transfer.
“Any sign?” He calls as he passes a guard, who turns to keep in step.
“No sir, but we have reason to suspect he hasn’t left the kingdom.”
“Good. I want all units on the lookout.” The guard saluted and ran off to execute. Their forces would be spread thin, but it was their best bet. He just hoped no one else would run into their convict.
Especially considering his past with the bastard.
No sooner does he make that wish, there’s a loud crash, akin to glass breaking, and a scream.
An all too familiar scream.
“No no no…” He breaks into a sprint, following the source of the noise. Please, for the love of god, let this not be the case. Let him be wrong, it’s just a scared maid, he just spooked him, let him be ok…!
He skids around the corner, and his heart stops dead in his chest.
Varian was strewn over the Baron’s shoulder, violently thrashing. His arms were bound behind his back, and a cloth tied into a gag over his mouth. Tears of desperation budded as his eyes were screwed shut. Strewn at his kidnapper’s feet were shards from a vase. Said man turned, and he saw how it was broken. Varian’s legs had been tied together, with one also chained to the iron ball that had been used to keep the Baron contained. A lot of good that did.
“How on earth are you still fighting?” The giant hissed. “That chain should keep your legs from moving!” Varian glared daggers down at his kidnapper, no doubt spitting fire through the cloth the likes of which would make Lance faint.
Eugene’s shock quickly morphed as he drew his sword with shaking hands and leveled a glare. He couldn’t protect Varian the last time he was kidnapped, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to fail this time.
The Baron smirked. “Ah, Rider. How nice of you to join us.”
Varian’s eyes snapped open, trying to look over his shoulder to see his brother. Large, tear-filled eyes met dark brown in a silent plea. Their previous argument no longer mattered. All that mattered was keeping him safe.
“Let him go. Now.” Eugene’s voice was deadly level, no longer filled with its usual charm and life. “And maybe I’ll be lenient on your sentence.”
The baron hummed, readjusting Varian in his fireman’s carry. “I have an alternative idea. See, I know you, Rider. And I know how weak you are for your friends. Your family.” The last bit caused Eugene to briefly glance up at Varian, before returning his glare to the Baron. “You’re going to let me walk out these halls, and out of this kingdom.”
“And if I don’t?” He really didn’t want to ask, he knew the answer. But he needed to know. How much danger was Varian in? It was one thing to hurt Lance, an adult who already was disliked by the Baron. But an innocent kid…?
The Baron smirked. “Let’s find out, shall we?” With that, the man thrust his fist into the giant window beside him. Glass spewed from the wound, splinters causing both Varian and Eugene to flinch, the latter taking a step back. It was all the advantage the Baron needed, climbing out and into Corona’s sprawling streets.
“Fuck!” Eugene hissed, leaping after, but it was too late. The man had vanished into the maze. He only had one option left, he realized, his gaze turning to the mainland.  
“I wasn’t planning on taking hostages, but you’re the Royal Engineer, hm? And Rider’s little brother. I’m sure I can fetch a pretty penny… though I’m not opposed to just killing you,” The Baron hummed, moving through the city’s alleys at a speed that really shouldn’t be possible when the man had a squirming teenager on his back. But the words had stunned Varian into submission, helpless to do anything but try and kick his chained leg. If he could just get the damned ball to move, he could potentially use it as a weapon.
Maybe then Eugene would actually trust him to take care of himself.
The main bridge was fast approaching, unguarded, with nothing stopping the criminal from making off with his prize. Wait… there! Straight ahead, a lampost. Varian didn’t need to move the ball, just get the chain stuck around it, and that should buy him some time!
Slowly, so as not to alert the Baron, he began to swing his leg, letting the ball’s momentum begin to carry. He couldn’t swing very much, its weight too much, but his timing was just right. The ball swung around the pole as they passed, hooking on. The Baron was not prepared for the jerk, and so he stumbled, Varian slipping down his grasp and tripping him further. He fell to the floor, grunting slightly in pain.
He only had one shot. If he didn’t get himself back up now , his attempt would fail. Nimble hands twisted around in his bonds, trying to slide out of the rope, but they were too tight.
Come on Varian, he thought to himself. Eugene taught you how to escape this stuff! Think! How do you get out of ropes?
His mind trailed to the post-Cassandra “Hostage 101” seminar Eugene had given (read: forced onto) him. Something about using your elbows to create a space in your wrists? No wait, that was for when your hands are in front of you! Gah!
Despite it all, Varian can’t help but let frustrated tears prick at his eyes, slicing down his cheek and cutting open his soul, leaving it raw, exposed to the elements, to this bastard. He couldn’t even get his binding undone! At least with his last kidnapping, he could not escape because it was literally unbreakable. Here, he was just too weak. Too naive. Too oblivious.
If Eugene was here, this wouldn’t be a problem. Eugene would never let anything bad happen to him on his watch, it was his job, after all. And he was damn good at it.
If only Varian hadn’t stormed off.
He squirmed forward, trying to drag himself away from the Baron and buy himself more time. But it didn’t work. The man grabbed onto the ball, and yanked hard , dragging the teen over rocks that slashed at his skin.
“I will admit, that is exactly what I should’ve expected from you,” he growled, his massive form towering over Varian. With one smooth motion, he hauled the alchemist up by his shirt collar, forcing their eyes to meet. “But you won’t get away that easily.”
“Neither will you!”
The Baron turned, a feral smirk crawling over his face as he saw Eugene’s panting form. “Rider. I thought I told you not to follow?” He clicked his tongue, more akin to scolding a small child.
Eugene didn’t back down, sword drawn and pointing straight at his prey. “Let him go. Now.” It wasn’t a suggestion, but an order.
The Baron raised an eyebrow, hand still tightly gripping Varian. “You took everything from me. My daughter, my legacy, my empire. You really think I should let him go?”
“He has nothing to do with any of that!” Eugene barked, protective rage racing through his veins and spitting out of his mouth like flames. “Release him. Or I will engage.”
The Baron teeth were bared, canines flashing. “Good.”
He turned and threw Varian off the bridge.
Time moved in slow motion. Wind whistled in Varian’s ears, ruffling his hair and sending it spiral above his head, filling his vision with raven edges. The sky seemed to shrink, growing farther and farther away.
Eugene’s horrified face from high above was the last thing he saw before he hit the water.
Water rushed up his unprepared nose, spilling into his soul as he choked and tried to spit and cough it out. But he couldn’t, gag remaining firmly in place. He thrashed, trying something, anything, to stop his rapid descent, but the heavy ball on his ankle prevented any success. Blue overtook his vision, rays of sun fading more and more along with his loss of oxygen. His ears ached with increasing pressure, more and more until finally the ball hit something, vibrations rocketing up his leg.
He tried desperately to think of something, anything that could help him, but as the fog of unconsciousness creeped ever closer, the haze growing stronger and stronger, all he could think of was Eugene .
It was his last thought before darkness overtook him.
“VARIAN!” Eugene shrieked, watching as his little brother hit the water with a splash . His horrified gaze whipped around to see the Baron calmly walking away. “Get back here!” He yelled, running forward with his sword prepared to strike the man down once and for all. It hit its target, slashing the Baron’s shirt open and his form onto the floor. Blow after blow, he whaled on the large man with fists so fast his enemy had no time to strike back. The Captain raised the sword with both hands on the hilt, preparing for the final strike in a fit of fury…
“Sure,” the Baron grinned through a split lip. “Kill me, go ahead. But you’ll be killing him too.”
Eugene froze mid air.
He had a choice to make.
He could fulfill his duty, keeping Corona safe… at the cost of his baby brother…
Just like during the blizzard, just like in the months after…
The Baron cackled, seeing the emotions flicker across Eugene’s face. “Tick tock, Rider!” He yelled, laughter ringing in the captain’s ears and drowning him in panic just like how Varian was drowning now-
He dropped his sword in horror, sprinting over to the bridge’s edge, barely able to make out a familiar shape down below.
There was no more hesitation; he dove straight down, teeth gritted as he took a deep breath and fell down into the murky abyss.
There was one small blessing, and that was that the bay wasn’t terribly deep. It didn’t exceed beyond 20 feet in depth, and while that wasn’t much, it was still enough to cause a problem when you’re fucking drowning .
His boots hit dirt level, eyes straining in the freshwater as he tried to make out Varian’s face. It was slack, no emotion, no open eyes… he was running out of time.
Think, Eugene, think! He’s dying! His panicked mind screeched. In theory, the gag and hands could wait, but the ball and chain needed to go. Where were his lock picks, he thought as he rifled through his pockets until he landed on a vial.
His eyes widened as he took it out, the red glow illuminating Varian’s rapidly paling face. Of course! The kid’s alchemy! Thank god he’d listened, god his brother was so smart!
Please, please work, he prayed, smashing the vial on the ankle chain, watching with delight as it dissolved like paper in water. Immediately, Varian started to float. His big brother wrapped his arms around him, pushing up off the floor to propel them to the surface.
He gasped, lungs aching as he treaded water, Varian’s head lolling against his chest as the captain struggled to keep them both afloat. Thankfully, the mainland was right by, and in no time he was pulling Varian onto a grassy bank.
He wasted no time, starting chest compressions the second they were both on shore. “Come on kid, come on, don’t die on me!” Eugene hissed, water dripping from his hair onto the teen’s face. “You survived fucking Zhan Tiri you do not get to die from this-”
He was cut off as Varian began to cough violently, rolling over onto his side as he threw up water. A soothing hand ran over Varian’s back, consoling him as the kid slowly came back to life.
Finally, he stopped gagging, only panting heavily as each breath felt like heaven. Clouded blue eyes glanced back at his savior, melting into relief when he saw who it was.
“Eugene,” he sighed, letting the older man pull him into a hug he quickly reciprocated.
“Fuck,” Eugene breathed, laying his chin on Varian’s head. “You ok, kid?”
“...I think I drank enough water for today.”
Eugene laughed, tightening his grip just a bit more. “Yea, ok, you got me there.”
The walk back to the castle was slow going. By the time they both got there, they were shivering like crazy, so much so that the maids took one look at them and tossed towels their way.
For now, they were settled in the infirmary, letting the doctors check Varian over to make sure he wasn’t at risk of secondary drowning. A fresh fire crackled nearby, permeating the room with a comfortable atmosphere as Varian laid his head on Eugene’s shoulder.
“Did…” Varian was the first to speak. “Did you catch the Baron…?”
“...No. He got away.” Eugene sighed, defeated. He was not looking forward to writing a report.
“I’m sorry,” Varian whispered.
“Don’t be.”
“But I am!” The teen leaned back, frustrated blue meeting confused brown. “If I had just remembered any of the stuff you taught me, I would’ve been able to escape on my own! I shouldn’t have to rely on you for everything…!” His face burned red at the admission, guilt overpowering.
Eugene frowned. “Hey, whoa. You were panicking, it’s ok to not remember! If you want a refresher I can give you one.” His eyes glanced elsewhere. “Or maybe. Someone else should. Don’t want me hovering after all.”
Varian was quiet for a moment, eyes looking anywhere but his brother as the words evaded him. “No. I… I don’t really mind hovering. Sometimes,” he added, holding a finger up. “Sometimes. It’s nice to remember you guys care. But… you need to trust me to not fall over at the smallest push.”
“You mean like this?” Eugene joked, poking Varian in the side, smirking when the kid leaned heavily and fell onto his back, resting against the cot.
“Not fair,” Varian grumbled, but sure enough, there was a small smile on his face. It faded slightly. “I’m sorry for blowing up. You were just trying to help.”
Eugene smiled, slightly pained, but still a smile. “Nah, I deserved it. I’m sorry for all the stuff I said, kid. You know I trust you with my life, right?”
Varian nodded, grabbing Eugene’s arm and pulling him down till he was resting beside the younger. “And I trust you with mine,” he said.
“Well, I would sure hope so.” Eugene snickered. “So, we good?”
“We're good.”
“Excellent. Now, I don’t know about you,” the man wrapped an arm around Varian, till he was resting his head against Eugene’s chest. “But I am exhausted. You exhaust me, you know that?”
“Someone’s gotta keep you on your toes,” Varian teased, but didn’t argue as his eyes slid shut.
“Grey hairs, Varian. Grey hairs.”
54 notes · View notes
unmaskedagain · 5 years
Marinette: Iron Man’s Minion: Rising
Over 30 people sent me ask requesting a sequel. I usually don’t do sequels. Its messy and rarely as good as the first. Hoepfully, you like this.
           Tony just sighed at sight four kids and his robot picketing his workshop. Rhodey just looked overly pleased. The sun was had rose. He had just finished up for the day. Only to be met with… whatever the hell this was.
           Honestly, he hadn’t thought they were serious. At least he didn’t think Peter was serious. Peter was the sweet one; 90 percent of time, he followed Tony’s rules to the letter, never giving too much problems.
           …Harley, on the hand, liked to start shit.
“What we want?” Harley called again.
“No curfews!” The other three, Peter, Riri, and Marinette yelled.
           Riri liked to instigate.
           As for Marinette, Tony was certain at this point, she just wanted to see the world burn.
“When do we want it?!”
           Dummy beamed loudly. A little sign in his claw.
           Tony pinched his nose, “I swear to god, Harley.”
           Harley smirked, “He says our sugar intake should be limited. I say we want candy. I say Sugar High and Die.”
“Sugar high and Die!”
           Dummy beamed again.
           Tony glared at his firstborn, “You can’t even eat.”
“Unlimited lab access!”
“Breakroom for Interns,” Harley sniped. “We are not Avengers. We shouldn’t have to share with Avengers.”
“Not my Pop tarts!” Riri shouted, a big grin on her face, framed by her wild dark curly locks.
           Marinette was having the time of her life, “Death to Baby monitor protocols!” Ever since it was revealed she was Ladybug, Tony put her on the same restrictions at the other teen Heroes. Karen watching her from her new, Stark approved, mask.
           The others went nuts. “Death to Baby monitor protocols!”
           Rhodey looked smug, “Karma.” He said easily. “For everything you ever put me through at MIT; you have to deal with four versions of yourself.”
           Tony narrowed his eyes, “Okay time for the big guns,” He spun around. “PEPPER!” He yelled. “Jarvis get Pepper.”
           The kids looked at each other and braced themselves.
“We will not go quietly into the night,” They all said together. “We will not vanish without a fight!”
“Oh my god,” Rhodey said, looking like a five-year-old on Christmas morning. “They’re doing the speech from Independence day!”
“We're going to live on!” The kids said, dummy beeping with them. “We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day
“PEPPER!” Tony screamed again.
           First thing, Tony said when the redhead arrived, “Pepper, the minions are revolting. Do something!”
“Well maybe if you didn’t call them minions,” Pepper suggested just looking so done with the world. She could just barely believe Jarvis when he told her the interns, and teen heroes, were protesting. “And why is Rhodey holding a sign?”
           Tony huffed, “The twerps called him Uncle Rhodey with those big puppy dogs’ eyes. And he went full traitor!” He explained. “Those things should be weaponized. Fix this!”
           Pepper sighed and walked to Harley, the one with the megaphone was usually the leader. She smiled, “Lets negotiate.” This would be easy and over quickly. They were just kids, messing with Tony.
           Marinette stepped forward, “Sure,” She smiled pleasantly. “After our lawyer gets here.”
“You’re what now?!!” Tony shouted.
           Pepper eyed the bluenette approvingly. “Bring it on!”
           Matt Murdock had no idea that when Spiderman called to ask him to his lawyer and defend his rights, that he was talking about Peter Parker’s rights as an intern. He was on the avengers’ roster and most knew he identity. Foggy was confused but elated to test his wits against the force that was Pepper Potts.
           The two lawyers sat across from Tony and Pepper. The kids and Rhodey, who Stark called traitor every time he spoke, sat beside them. They were in a conference room at a large table.
           Matt began, “Our clients have made their requests very clear. Most of which are easy to employ and some would say are their rights.
“Their minions,” Tony stated. “They don’t have rights.”
           Pepper placed a hand on his shoulder, “Never say that again,” She said slowly.
“All employee should have a breakroom,” Foggy stated. “Even interns. It’s non-negotiable.”
           Pepper nodded, “Agreed. They will be given their own breakroom; that Jarvis will ensure only fellow interns will have access to.”
“That means Tony can’t go in,” Peter laughed.
“You little shit!”
“Baby monitor protocols are too extreme,” Matt said.
Pepper pinched her nose. “As a hero yourself, Mr. Murdock, you must understand that we in good conscience cannot allow minors, even superpowered minors, to perform their heroics without proper supervision.”
Riri slammed her hands on the table, “I was a little late for curfew and you sent freaking Thor to track me down,” She said accusing to Tony, who looked completely unrepentant. “Thor. A god.”
“Alien,” Rhodey and Tony chimed.
“I snuck out one time,” Peter glared. “And the Avengers crash a house party.”
           Pepper winced. That had been a PR mess. “Tony will limit his use of GPS tracking provided all parties adhere to the rules and regulations they originally agreed to when they began their mentorship under Tony.”
“You mean when we sold our souls to the man,” Marinette snipped.
“The-The man?” Tony looked flabbergasted. “No! What?”
           The meeting went on for another thirty minutes. It was nearly adjourned when Pepper inquired if there was anything else.
           Marinette looked Tony dead in the eyes, “Karen no longer reports to you.”
           The other kids blinked in surprise before grinning.
           Tony leaned back in his seat, and nodded solemnly, “So its war you want.”
“Oh my god,” Pepper and Matt groaned.
           Foggy and Rhodey looked far too entertained for their own goods.
           Eventually it was agreed that Karen would report that if they were in any danger and agree to disclose if the young heroes were fine or not. Plus any messages they wanted to relay. Pepper didn’t budge on the candy issue; citing parents had enforced a healthy diet rule on the summer internships. Instead, the kids got a pool table to the breakroom and unlimited healthy snacks for the fridge provided at Stark Industries expense. But they would not dictate what the kids bought on their own.
           Marinette had been living at the tower for a month. One morning she decided to make herself her favorite dessert; chocolate and mint AND chocolate and raspberry macrons. She made little over a dozen and had left them in the fridge, a clear ‘Do not Touch’ sign on them.
           When she finished with Tony and the other interns for the day, Marinette washed up and rushed to the kitchen to get snacks so she could start binging watching Batman the animated series. However, when she got to the kitchen, opened the fridge, she saw her beloved snacks gone.
           Marinette eyes narrowed and she hissed. She marched into the living room and saw the plate she had used lying on the coffee table. The avengers sat watching TV. Marinette picked up the plate, “I made macarons for me. I left them in the fridge with a sign that said do not touch. Someone obviously can���t read. Who did it?”
           The heroes shared looks. No one answered.
“I’m not mad,” Marinette promised. It was lie. By the looks on their faces, they knew a trap when they heard it. “I just want to know the truth. I know it can’t have been Tony or Bruce, because they were with me in the workshop. Natasha is out with Pepper. So…”
           Thor shifted uneasily. Bucky blinked innocently at her. Steve gave her a boy-ish grin. Clint looked vaguely terrified. Sam kept eyeing the window like it was an exit. Scott looked seconds away from calling for back up.
“Oh,” Marinette nodded. “It’s like that. Fine then.” With that she marched out of the room in a huff.
           When she was gone, Bucky sighed, “She’s going to make us pay for this.”
“One of is just going to go missing,” Sam nodded.
           Clint shrugged, “Sorry, Scott.” And went back to watching TV.
“Yea-What?” Scott yelled. “What do you mean Sorry Scott? Why is it me?”
           The next morning, the heroes woke up to find… things missing. Steve couldn’t find his shield. Bucky’s arm was gone. Thor’s hammer was missing and would return to matter how much he called for it. Clint’s was missing his custom arrows were. Sam’s AI redwing had vanished. And as far Scott, well…
No matter how much they searched, they couldn’t find their missing stuff.
           They all arrived back at the living room, wondering what the hell was going on. They figured one of Tony’s cleaning bots had gone haywire… Again. But that didn’t explain how no one realized it happening. Maybe it was Loki. Still they decided to talk to Tony first. Natasha was with him, and thoroughly amused at the sight of the ruffled men.
           The genius had looked confused, “No. My bots are all up to date. They didn’t even clean last night.”
           Thor nodded, “Then it was my brother. I shall have to speak with him at once.”
“Wait,” Steve said looking around, “Where’s Scott.”
           …And as for Scott? Well, he was missing.
           Bucky’s eyes narrowed, “She has him.”
“Well shit,” Clint said. “I was just joking yesterday.”
“I’ll miss the little dude,” Sam whined.
           Tony looked around, “What are you? No!” He laughed. “Marinette? Frenchy took your stuff? You’re the world’s greatest heroes! She is a fourteen-year-old girl, you know that, right?” He chuckled. Lil Dominator strikes again.
“Natasha,” Steve sent pleading eyes to the Spider.
“I’ll talk to her,” The Black Widow sighed, “But she’ll never respect you if you don’t fight your corner.” With that, she left to speak with Marinette.
           Natasha came back ten minutes later looking rather disgruntled, “She said no.” She told them. “Something about macrons and vengeance. And feeling her wrath. I think you created a supervillain.”
“No,” Tony chimed in. “No supervillany anything. Until she’s twenty-one. It’s in the minion’s contracts” He had made sure to add if after they threated to riot of the good grade addendum; anything lower than a B, and patrol is cut. “She’ll stick to her word.”
“Your interns have contracts?” Clint asked.
           Tony just shrugged, “They do now.”
“Let’s all go talk to her,” Steve suggested. “We’ll apologize and everything will good again.”
           This caused Tony to cackle. “Yeah, okay!”
           The heroes found Marinette on the roof with the other interns. The avengers and the minions eyed each other.
           Marinette spoke first, “I want three dozen macrons from the French bakery on 8th street, near Franky’s deli; all chocolate. Then you get your things returned.”
“You can’t just,” Bucky began. “That’s blackmail.”
“Its extortion,” Riri corrected.
“Marinette, how about…” Sam started but Marinette cut him off.
           She crossed her arms, “This isn’t negotiable.”
“Where’s Scott?” Clint asked. “How do we know he’s alright? We want proof he’s alive.”
           Peter leaned toward Harley, and whispered. “Hey, it sounds like they think we kidnapped him.”
           Harley leaned back, “That’s because technically we did. I think we’re a crime syndicate now.” (Peter yelped, “What?!). “Shhh. Just go with it.”
           Marinette pulled out a walky talky, and headed it to Clint.
“Hey Scott, you there, over,” Clint asked into the radio.
“Help!” Scott’s voice screamed from the radio. “Giant hamster. Giant mean hamster. Oh god why?”
“He’s name Sir Grumpy paw,” Riri said brightly. “I have to keep him here now. He tried to take out my mom’s cat.”
           Bucky just looked at Steve, “Can we just get her the damn macrons.”
“No!” Steve said. “We can find Scott and our things.” He promised. “You’ve gone too far,” he told Marinette.
           The bluenette grinned, “Oh captain, I’ve only just begun.”
           Steve stalked off with the other guys trailing behind him.
           An hour later, Thor was missing...
“She took out a god,” Clint yelled. “Anyone could be next.”
Sam used the radio to try and communicate teammates.
“Good spirits, friends,” Thor said. “I shall conquer the vile beast Sir Grump Paws. And return victorious.”
           Bucky was gone by the next hour. “What the fuck is wrong with this hamster?” The greatest assassin in history yelled once they contacted him via radio. “Who taught its fatass how to glare.” It went quiet. “Stevie, I… think it understand English. Shit.”
“Marinette took out the Winter Soldier,” Natasha said with raised eyebrows. “Impressive.”
           Sam went after that.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” Sam just kept repeated. “We’re in a maze. Plastic tubes. We’re running. It’s after us, Steve. The hamster is after us.” It went quiet. “… I think it ate Scott.”
           Steve sighed, “Can you just talk to her?” He pleaded with Tony, “Clint’s freaked out.”
“Can’t,” Tony said. “Contract. Tony Stark cannot interfere or choose sides in an event of a Minions vs Avengers war.”
“Damn it,” Clint shouted. “This isn’t a war. This is an execution. They’re taking us out one by one, man.”
“Shouldn’t have at her macrons,” Tony smirked, proud of his minions. “She knows it was you by the way.” He told Clint. “She knows you were the one to take them.”
           Clint gulped.
           He went missing ten minutes later.
“Cap,” Clint’s voice came from the radio. “We’re going to do it. We’re going after Sir Grump Paws. It’s time. We can’t live like this, not under his reign. That monster has to be stopped. If we don’t make it, just, just… Tell our story. Tell Nat, I’ll miss her. My sister and her kids, they get all my stuff”
           Steve just looked up at the ceiling, and just looked so done with the world. He got up and went to find the interns, “What are you demands?”
           An hour later, he came back with four dozen macrons, a dozen cupcakes, sticky cheese, peppers, and a pound of gummy worms. He sat the goods on the counter. Natasha, Tony, Rhodey, and Happy looked stunned.
“You… surrendered?” Tony asked perplexed.
“Captain America doesn’t surrender,” Rhodey stated.
           Happy shook his head, “You can’t give in, Cap. I know these rugrats. You gotta set boundaries.”
           Steve just shrugged, “Eighty percent of our team is missing. They just want junk food.”
“It’s a good trade,” Marinette said as she led the other interns, including Pepper’s intern MJ and tech Intern named Ned, into the kitchen. She held the Captain’s America shield proudly.  Peter carried Bucky’s arm. Thor’s hammer floated behind Riri, carried by Plagg and Trixx. Harley had redwing and Clint’s arrow. The kids placed the weapons down on the table.
           However before they could grab the goodies, Steve crossed his arm, “Nope. My friends first!”
“Right behind us,” Riri said.
           Suddenly a squeaky voice was heard, “I have vanquished the dreaded foe, Son of Rogers.”
           Everyone looked down.
           In five different hamster balls, were the missing avengers, looking like they just fought a war?
“Why are they tiny?” Tony pinched his nose.
           Mj shrugged, “How else were they supposed to have gladiatorial death matches with a hamster?”
“Oh, of course,” Tony said sarcastically. “Silly me.”
           It took the tiny avengers half an hour to get back to normal. Hamsters were added to the tower’s banned list.
           Fury showed up later that day. He glared at the interns, Stark’s minions; Ladybug, Spiderman, Iron Heart, and WarIron, “I’m here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative.”
“No, you’re not!” Tony yelled from wherever he was.
           Marinette woke up a few days later; thirsty. She saw it was close to midnight so she decided to rush to the kitchen to get a glass of milk. As she headed to the kitchen, she saw something out the corner of her eyes that had her quickly backtracking.
           In the dining room was Loki, Bucky, Tony, Natasha, Rhodey, Clint, Plagg, Wayzz, and Trixx siting around the table, playing what looked to be poker.
“The girl who tormented by brother and the avengers,” Loki said approvingly. “With a rodent.”
           Marinette nodded, “Deal me in.”
           She’d sleep when she’s dead.
           The next day, Steve and Pepper would both find themselves knocking on Marinette’s bedroom door. One to get an arm back. The other the keys to Tony’s Lamborghini. Only to find Thor already there requesting his brother’s helmet back.
             Gambling with Marinette was added to the Tower’s banned list. 
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getallemeralds · 3 years
doip. / 9.13.21
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jorb did the math and the candy i'm eating is literally 50% sugar
maybe i shouldn't do my notes in wordpad actually considering it's weird all the time
good news: this time i think my headset is set up so i'll be able to hear the dbz music
oh there's nyx! he feel asleep. jorb: i was nearly gonna say "i'm gonna inject you with caffeine", but i almost said "i'm gonna inject you with cocaine". i think I'M gonna feel asleep.
PREVIOUSLY ON DRAGONS ON ICESPIRE PEAK: oh man the dbz music is so crunchy we cleared out a temple from dangerous oozes so that the dwarves at the excavation could hide out there from the dragon! also some other stuff happened. i think i maybe shouldve reread my notes
jorb: so you're gonna head to the inn? [water noise] michael: yes. jorb: WHO PEED?
michael is talking abt his friend's cat <3 luigi................ he is very afraid of everything and michael is trying to feed him, which is a problem bc he keeps hiding "like a little bitch"
OKAY we're gonna be escorting Don-Jon Raskin somewhere! he's been decided to be australian. jorb: oh god i don't know how to do an australian accent leo: YOU'RE AUSTRALIAN,, jorb: i'm a non-practicing australian.
jorb: --and two things of oil, which you should not eat. alidaar: but what if i did jorb: i think that'd be bad for your health. nameless: but what if i want to jorb: ..the crates--
michael: how much does an ox cost jorb: don't tell me you're gonna fence the ox! michael: no i'm gonna see how much an ox costs in case the dragon shows up and [the ox] doesn't make it
escorting a man, escorting an ox! are any of us good at animal handlOH OF COURSE THE DRUID IS michael: nyx is currently a binturong. jorb: you could stop being a binturong! nyx: no <3 this can only go well.
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the ox is now tobias's new best friend OH, RIGHT, TOBIAS CAN TALK TO ANIMALS. he probably just talked to vincent (the ox). tobias: hi vincent! my name is tobias [silence] jorb: .........i don't know what an ox would say,
michael: new plan, i'm the decoy for the dragon
oh hey a pile of dead orcs. that's definitely not ominous or anything they died from extreme cold! dragon was here 3 days ago. uh oh. also i think it's fun that ali would recognize Death By Cold = Dragon considering their own breath weapon is cold fhglkxdfhk oh hey silver battleax!
oops i missed some exposition bc i was adding my shiny new battleaxe i stole to my sheet
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heading into the mine! BIG RAT GUARDS? we don't know what these are bc ali and lil guy don't have great arcana and tobias, the guy who DOES, rolled a nat1 don-jon is now the overseer of a mine of rats (don-jon was sent by the owner of the mine to take over, but now it's been taken over by Someone New who has, uh, weird rat guards? this may be an issue.) This Is An Issue the mine has been commandeered by the whiskered gang! (ali: that's a stupid name.) they got chased out of their old territory by orcs so they've decided to turn the mine into their new base of operations. however, IF we take out the orcs, then the gang will leave!
oh apparently jorb had to add in the silvered axe i picked up bc uh. these guys are were-rats! so they're immune to everything that isn't silvered or magical! OOP
jorb: [doing scene description] ..why is the barrel crab typing?
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hm. okay so we found an abandoned place with horses. specifically this whole place has gotten burned down. Not Good. time to keep moving on!
i spaced out and heard the phrase "bubblebutt ranch" and i will never be free again
nyx: I CAN BE A CATERPILLAR jorb: i highly don't recommend it
WAIT WHY DOES INVISIBILITY LAST FOR 1 HOURS little guy is now invisible! and scouting the shrine of savras. oh turns out binturongs can Open Doors. like, irl. sorry jorb :V
jorb: okay, you're touching the altar? nyx: i touch the altar. oh nyx is having an out of body experience! little guy is seeing a fortress on icespire peak, which appears to be where our bastard dragon is living!
jorb: luckily none of the orcs have moved from the spot you last saw them in, as if they're glued to their spots until they're engaged with in some sort of combat
leo: im using this orc's head as a golf ball. jorb: okay! you use this orc's head as a golf ball! it's.. it goes.
jorb: you can high-five the bear as a free action.
I Am Losing All Of My HP In One Turn
finally getting to use my runes! fuck yea. also i'm very tired and kinda distracted bc of Taco Stand Horse Discourse but mostly i'm just tired
tobias: i put myself facedown in defense mode and end my turn.
alidaar finished combat by climbing up a PILE OF BODIES and LUNGING AT THE OGRE to SLICE ITS HEAD OFF WITH HIS BRAND NEW BATTLEAXE and then used his morningstar to fucking golfclub that head out of sight. hell yes
alidaar: poggers. "you say that from 3 rooms away?"
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WE STOLE A BELL THATS WORTH LIKE 2.5K GOLD?????? jorb: you gotta sell it though, it's not gonna just turn into money alidaar: what if we stare at it for a really long time
man. this is really different from arvus in structure. like this is a premade thing and its very much like . phandalin is the quest hub. go to a place! fight mobs! find treausre! go back to phandalin! which is kinda boring but also I Get It bc its premade. HOLD ON WHY IS MICHAEL TALKING ABOUT ORCS FUCKING LUIGI MARIO
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sunnieskies02 · 3 years
Romeo & Juliet
Overhaul x Reader  1.5k Words  Trigger Warnings: n/a 
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
Nothing felt better than waking up next to your secret villainous lover…that is a sentence you never thought you’d say but here you are. 
A crisp Sunday morning and the shuffling and rustling of the sheets wake you from your slumber. Turning over you see Kai sitting at the edge of the bed rubbing his head, your eyes glance over to the digital clock to read 2 am. 
“Leaving so soon?” 
He peers at you over his shoulder with his golden eyes peering into yours. Despite his cold looking face and keenness to be and stay germ free he doesn’t like leaving you in the morning. Letting out a depressing sigh he turns his entire body around to face you and leans down to plant his lips onto your forehead. You smile up at him and move to sit up and watch his eyes blink slowly. He scratched his hands out of habit when he was irritated or bothered by someting. 
“Y...yea. I’m still working on the quirk cancelling serum. I-it’s almost ready but I still need to test it a few times. But…” 
He gets up from the bed and walks over to the closest to pull out some clothes and lays them on the bed. Starting to dress himself he speaks. 
“I’ll bring back your favorite dessert tonight when I stop by.” 
“St-stop by?! Kai you said that I could have this week to spend with you,  when did this change!” 
Your words are choked into the back of your throat. Kai had never raised his voice at you...ever but then the reality of your situation hit you. You were a part of the hero society and he was part of the villainous underground who wished to eliminate what you stood for. 
The taste of iron in your mouth grew and you turned away from him with tears at the corners of your eyes. Being in love with someone on the opposite end of the road was hard, and if anyone found out about your love for a villian who only wanted the liberation of quirks to make the world normal where there wasn’t a hierarchy based on things you can’t control. You would be dead. 
Kai didn’t want to yell at you. He didn’t want to argue with you, he loved you all of you and even the fact that you loved him for all his ‘supposed’ imperfections. Kai reached out to you and wrapped his arms around your waist allowing his chin lay in the crook of your neck. 
The warmth of his body warmed your back as you laid your hand on his and leaned onto his head. You could tell how he felt about your slight argument, the pain was mutual,and love was such a strange thing that he, hilariously, couldn’t comprehend. 
You turn your head to look at him and the sorrow that filled his eyes was like a pool of honey thick and overflowing with guilt. 
“I’m sorry little angel…I-I...y-you know I don’t like yelling at you….but the hero society, excluding you of course, is just….I...I just need to move a little bit faster okay. I’m sorry… I swear I’m sorry.” 
A painful force chuckle fell from your lips knowing that on your end it's technically your fault but not your fault. It was a sad situation that you hated to admit but it is what it is. You lean into his chest and pull yourself closer to him and take in his unironic hospital based smell. 
“Y-you know Kai this unbridled tension could cease if….if I-” 
“No….don’t you dare say or think that okay. It gives me a sense of peace knowing that I’m doing one this to help and hurt the team that I'm on. Y-you are my untainted sanctuary….please don’t change just to make our lives comfortable. We can become comfortable in being uncomfortable.” 
Smiling, you look up at him and kiss the tip of his nose, “Fine Kai Chisaki, I’ll stay as your sanctuary and follow your lead till the ends of the earth, how does that sound?” He kissed your cheek once more and smiled, he moved from behind you and continued to dress himself and put on his purple feathered jacket along with his plague mask. 
“You know as clean as you are I always somehow get your purple feathers caught in my clothes and carpet in this home of mine.” A soft chuckle falls out of your lips and he turns to you with a quivering brow that's hiding a smirk under the mask he speaks. 
“Really now little angel? I guess it goes the same way when my coworkers talk about how fruity I smell...I wonder who's the blame for that.” He laughs it off and starts to walk for the door and you follow right behind him. You toss on a red robe and walk behind him and meet him at the door and before he reaches the nob you lean up to kiss him on the lips well… the beak of the mask. 
“You could’ve moved the mask out of the way lil angel…” You shrug your shoulders and move out of the way of the door and watch him walk down the steps of your home. You smile and wave him off as he is walking over to the station to get on the road to his hideout. 
His footsteps walk further and further away and you slowly close the door back to your home. Your arrangement with Chisaki Kai was an informal one that before sex was payment for L.O.V information that some how blossomed into a 2.5 year relationship that has had its ups and downs. 
You move back into the shadows of your room to get more sleep before your day initially started. Hero and Villain, Romeo and Juliet….just different sides of the spectrum that hate each other while two pawns in this game just want to fall in love without having to worry about the mental and emotional state of the other. 
Kai Chisaki was interesting and particular when you first encountered him in a fight. His quirk was the main thing that stuck out to you and you wanted to see it over and over again. Nonetheless, there was nothing you could try to say or do to him that wasn’t heroic that would have made you look suspicious.
But ironically enough when you and a group of friends decided to have a night out you ran into him and… drunkenly embraced one another in cuidese. And the morning that you and him woke up neither of you had any regrets. It was a silent realization that the two of you had done but you were the first to leave the hotel room not giving him the time of day.
You wanted to clear your mind and come to the realization that you slept with the enemy. You couldn’t remember what you said to him, what you did to him and all of the above. The thought of what he might do to you or expose about you would ruin your career to the fullest with no doubt of you being kicked off of the hero commision. 
Nevertheless, he came to you and professed to you that you did talk about the hero commision and what they were doing but he wasn’t going to use it against you.  However he offered to take you out to eat. It was such an odd request but at the end of the day you accepted, for the first time you would be able to speak to the enemy and learn more to then later tell your associates at work. 
After that day time did move on but… he knew that you would tell your fellow heros but still bothered to tell you things. You did ask him later on why he just spilled his guts to you about what he was doing and he said because he wanted to help someone just to make himself feel bad about what he was doing so he could stop. 
But he never did. 
Lovers on different sides of the spectrum caught up in the ties of society. Overhaul and you… lovers in your eye and enemies by the means of the rest of the world. He helped you by giving his information from his end of the spectrum and the slight effort you would put into his work is making sure that his comrades weren’t hurt as much or that they weren’t caught. 
Your actions have been called into question but you always blamed it on your mental not being all the way there or other things that could commonly cause a strike up in your quirk. But at the end of the day you knew Kai Chisaki and the world knew Overhaul, two different people with two separate sets of emotions. 
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