#yeah maybe your friends and people in your immediate social circles
seductivejellyfish · 2 years
gonna take a bit of a swing at a hornets nest here but: whenever you have in mind to write a post about, or you read a post about, "amatonormativity," I really suggest stepping back and asking "how would this post change if I replaced 'amatonormativity' with 'heteronormativity'/'compulsive heterosexuality'? Are the societal pressures or privileges described actually applied to homosexual relationships at all, or in a way resembling how they are applied to heterosexual relationships?"
A lot of us live in relatively wonderful pockets of the world where it can be easy to feel like gay relationships are thought about in a way that is close to equivalent to straight ones, but the fact is I have never once seen any discussion of 'amatonormativity' that was not a discussion of heteronormativity. It is true that there are immense societal pressures that seem to enforce 'romantic' relationships, but in reality they enforce heterosexual relationships of a particular sort, and we flatted our ability for meaningful critique when we act like the forces at work are a societal prioritization of romantic love, and not the patriarchal structure of compulsory heterosexuality and all its implications for maintenance of the patriarchy.
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beachy--head · 2 months
A few people asked for a part two of this drabble, and picturing these two being absolutely clueless was too funny to pass up. So here is Jackson, courting April, Boston style.
(also, happy birthday @japril12!!)
It may surprise people, but Jackson Avery has never really courted a woman. In the past, he just smiled and offered someone a drink, and that was generally the only move needed. Sure, he’s gone on dates, and knows the basics (he was raised by Catherine Avery, after all). He’s not socially inept, and is usually good at working a room or feigning an interest in what another person is saying. 
All of it is useful for his new position at the foundation, but it doesn’t prevent the fact that here he is, 40 years old and clueless about what exactly he’s supposed to do or how to win over someone. And not anyone. Someone who deserves to be courted, someone who holds all the power over him, someone who takes his breath away when she so much as smiles at him, someone who would have every right to laugh at him and slam the door in his face. The pressure is crushing, because he knows that this is it and that he cannot mess this up. This time it has to work, because April Kepner is forgiving, but he’s pretty sure he’s running out of second chances.
He could ask around him for advice, but his circle of trusted friends is limited, and he’s positive he doesn’t want to have to face Ben’s knowing smile or Richard’s vague life lessons that would be immediately reported to his mother. No, he has to handle things himself, and flowers seem like a good place to start. April likes flowers, right? Flowers can say a lot of things, and April likes taking care of them and having them in her house and her office, and he’s pretty sure she would get the hint, because you don’t get flowers from anyone. Yep, flowers it is. 
Jackson is acting weird.
First with the flower deliveries. Every week or so, a bouquet greets April when she enters her office at the Foundation. The card reads “J. Avery”, but the combination of wild flowers would be enough to know who the culprit was. She’s sure there’s a rational explanation, though. He probably wants to show he’s grateful she uprooted her life to move to Boston. Or he maybe wants to congratulate her for her work at the foundation (she’s not one to boast, but she’s pretty happy with the outreach program she’s just finished setting up and that has been her main goal since she’s started working here). Yeah, he’s just being a thoughtful co-parent and a good boss, and she doesn’t have to read anything in these fancy floral arrangements.
It gets weirder when he hands her one day a gift certificate for a fancy spa in the city.
“Is it something you give every employee who has finished a big project?”
“Is it a gift from your mother you’re trying to get rid of because you hate getting a massage?”
“Then why are you giving me this?”
“Because you’ve worked hard on the program, and you deserve to unwind and stay for way too long in one of these sauna rooms.”
“Way too long? Coming from someone who cannot stay even two minutes inside one, that’s–”
“I just don’t get why you would voluntarily stay in a 150 degrees room and sweat with other people!”
“Sweat wi… Seriously?”
They keep bantering for the next thirty minutes, and she tried to hide it, but she’s still grinning hours after he leaves her office.
She has to ask questions, though, when he hands her two plane tickets from Columbus to Boston (she's very careful to avoid touching his hand when she takes the tickets, because she doesn't get butterflies when their skins come into contact. She doesn't. Absolutely not).
“It’s for your parents. You mentioned you couldn’t go to Moline next month because of all your big meetings and that you missed them, so I figured they would maybe like to visit you and Boston, and see Harriet, and...” He trails off when he sees her expression, and it takes her a few seconds to stop staring at him and shake her head.
“Jackson, you don’t have to do this. I don’t know if it’s because you feel guilty for asking me to leave Seattle, or–”
“That’s not what I’m doing!”
He almost looks insulted, and she's lost.
“Then what is all this?” She gestures towards the tickets, and then to a freshly delivered bouquet (yesterday’s order, sunflowers and irises), and she swears she can hear him take a deep breath, the way he does when he’s nervous about something.
“That’s– I– Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”
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katyleen · 8 months
Shinyu x Reader
{School Au}
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Synopsis: You, an average student suddenly bumped into one of the most popular boy in the school.
Warning: A few curse words, fluff??
‘Damn it where’s my notebook?’ You thought to yourself as you’re rummaging your locker. You’re just an average student, with small circle of friends and average scores, not involved in any of the school drama. You’d like think that you’re living a peaceful life in school….besides the assignments and studies that the teacher gives you. It’s their job though so you can’t really blame them.
Finally after looking at your locker for a while, you finally found your notebook. You grabbed it and closed your locker, immediately walking away to go to your class. You didn’t expect to bumped into something after stepping away from the locker though, which results with you accidentally dropping your book. You looked up to see that you didn’t bump into something but someone. And you certainly didn’t expect to be face-to-face with the most popular boy in the whole school, Shinyu.
“Ah..sorry, I didn’t see you there.” You apologized, slightly bowing to him and then going to reach for your book on the floor but he beats you to it. He bended down and grabbed the book, lightly patted your book to remove the dust.
“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have stood that close to you.” He replied sheepishly, holding the book out for you. You take the book from his hands and look at his face. You never really paid attention to a lot of people that’s not close with you, but you didn’t expect that this school has such a handsome boy wandering around.
‘Holy shit I’ve been blessed to see such a pretty face.’ You thought to yourself, snapping out of it when you notice him tilting his head at you.
“Oh uh it’s fine. So…I’m just gonna go now…bye.” You nervously said, walking away from him after waving him goodbye. You almost missed it, but you noticed him waving back at you as you keep walking further away from him.
“YOU BUMPED INTO WHO?” Your friend yelled, making you kicked her leg lightly and shushed her.
“Keep it down will you?! I didn’t even realize that he was there. It’s not like I bumped into him on purpose.” You explained yourself. Your friend laughed and calmed down.
“But seriously, that’s so unexpected. What are the chances that you’d bump into him of all people? If you ask me I think this is fate.” She said. You raised an eyebrow, not understanding wha she’s trying to say. “Aish, I mean he could be your potential boyfriend.”
Your eyes widen, face heating up as you try to deny her statement. “What are you talking about? Many people bump into someone, are you saying that they’ll end up together?” She laughed again, clearly enjoying teasing you.
“I’m kidding. Sigh I really want that to happen to me too y’know? I want to bump into handsome people too. Maybe someone like Youngjae? He seems so mature and charming.” F/n sighed dreamily. You can’t help but rolled your eyes at your friend while laughing.
Youngjae is also from the same group as Shinyu. Their group consist of six people, Shinyu as the reliable one, Dohoon as the playful one, Youngjae as the responsible one, Hanjin known as the nicest boy, Jihoon being the social butterfly of the group, and Kyungmin who is very energetic.
“Ok stop daydreaming now, the teacher is here already.” You snapped her out of her daydream as the teacher walk inside the classroom to start the lesson.
“Finally it’s break time. I’m starving.” F/n said, stretching her arms.
“Yeah let’s hurry before the line gets too long.” You then run to the canteen and buy lunch. You walk toward an empty table and start eating while talking to each other. All of a sudden, everyone around starts to look at the same direction and whispering to each other. You and F/n also got curious and try to look at what everyone is looking at.
There you can see Shinyu and his friends walking to the canteen. Their effects are no joke, even their mere presence can make people stop and admire them. Your friend shot you a teasing look, with you just shaking your head and continue eating. You heard footsteps coming towards your direction but you shrug it off, thinking someone is just passing by, until you hear someone clear their throat.
“Ahem…excuse me. There’s no empty table left so can we sit with you guys?” Someone asked. You and your friend look at the newcomers, suprised to see Shinyu and the others in front of you. F/n stutters for a bit before she managed to say yes. Now, you’re sitting between Shinyu and Hanjin with F/n in front of you between Youngjae and Jihoon. Kyungmin sits next to Shinyu while Dohoon sits next to Youngjae.
“Thank you for letting us sit here. Otherwise, we might have to sit on the floor instead. Jihoon joked, looking at you and F/n. You laughed, saying it’s no problem. As you guys eat, you can’t help but notice how Shinyu sometimes looks at you. You hope it’s not because of earlier.
“Hey aren’t you the girl from earlier?”
Well shit.
“Wait this is the girl that bumped into you earlier? Waahh hyung no wonder you can’t stop talking about h-“ Shinyu immediately covers Kyungmin’s mouth, desperately trying to keep him from continuing his line. Luckily you didn’t quite catch what he just said, but your friend sure did, giving you a mischievous look.
“Don’t listen to what he’s saying. Anyways I’m sorry again for earlier.” He said, seemingly still thinking about what happened. You shake your head while giving him a reassuring smile.
“It’s fine. It was just an accident, I also wasn’t looking where I was going.” You said. “And here I was thinking you’d forget about it by now.” You joked. He hides his face from you, maybe still embarrassed about it? You’re not sure.
“Hahaha hyung, your ears are red. Relax, it happens to anyone don’t let it bother you that much.” Dohoon said. They then eat and make a joke every now and then, and they sometimes include you and F/n too. It seems that they are already comfortable with you guys.
Youngjae, as responsible as ever, looks at his phone and reminded you all, “It’s almost time for the next class. We need to go now if we don’t want to be late.” You all cleaned the table and about to go to your separate ways to your own classroom. Unfortunately, F/n suddenly feels sick and has to go to the infirmary. You offered to accompany her but she insisted that she can go alone. Youngjae offered to go to the infirmary with her although she refused at first, he also insisted and ended up going together.
Shinyu walked up to you hesitantly, looking anywhere but you. “Uh…do you want me to walk you to your class? You know, since your friend seems to be sick and won’t be able to come to class with you.” He offered. You wanted to refused at first, really don’t want to bother him, but Hanjin suddenly popped out.
“Just let him walk you to class, otherwise he’s going to be sulking for the rest of the day.” Shinyu turned to Hanjin and playfully hit him. You can’t help but find the situation cute. You decided to take his offer and now you’re walking together to your class. It was a little awkward because none of you were talking so you were about to open a conversation when he once again beats you to it.
“I just realized that I never got your name. May I know your name please?” He asked. You looked at him, realizing that you know him but he obviously doesn’t know you since you’re not as well known as him.
“Oh my name is Y/n.” You introduced yourself. He nodded and proceeds to ask more questions about you, with you answering and also asking something about him in return. It doesn’t take long for you guys to reach your classroom. You turned to him to let him know that this is your class.
“Alright, I’ll see you around then.” He started to walk away but stopped abruptly. You looked at him confused when he turned to you again. He walked up to you again and he looks nervous.
“Um…Can I…can I have your number? It’s fine if you don’t because we technically just got to know each other today and-“ before he can continue to ramble you held out your hand to him. He looks at your hand and then at you in confusion until it clicked and he hurriedly went to grab his phone from his pocket. He gave you his phone and you put your number in his contacts. You returned his phone to him and he looks at his screen.
“Thank you. I’ll add you to our group chat later. Oh and you can give me your friend’s phone number too so I can also add her to the group chat. Anyways I think I should go now. I’ll see you later, bye.” He then ran off to his class.
You look at F/n worriedly.
“Are you sure you’re ok now?” You asked, wanted to make sure she’s really ok.
“Yes I’m fine now. But you know I actually feel thankful that I felt sick because I get to walk with Youngjae together. Oh and he stayed in the infirmary until he absolutely sure I’ll be fine, isn’t that sweet?” She gushed, clearly not over her little interaction with Youngjae. Though you can’t blame her, anyone who’s in the same shoes as her would feel flustered at least.
A ‘ding’ comes from your phone. You checked to see that someone added to you a group chat.
Hyung who did you add just now?
It’s Y/n
Was that the girl that you walked to her classroom?
Yeah that’s her
Is this Shinyu’s group chat??
Helloo I’m Kyungmin
This is Youngjae
Hanjin here
I’m Jihoon!!
And I’m Shinyu
Wait where’s Dohoon?
Sorry, I was still talking with someone
Wait let me scroll up for a sec
“Oh right F/n do you mind if I give your number to-“. you were cut off by another ‘ding’ to find that Youngjae added her to the group chat.
“Waahh he actually added me. Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked you.
“You also gave your number to him?” You asked. F/n laughed sheepishly as she nodded.
“But hey you also gave Shinyu your number too right? I’m not the only one.” She said. You looked back at your screen, reading the chats after adding all of their numbers.
Alright I’m done reading
Y/n and F/n, welcome to our group chat
Warning, we’re very active in this group chat
But at least we’re fun :D
Lol it’s fine
Me and F/n always text each other too
I can vouch for that
Anyways guys, can anyone help me with my homework?
We have homework?
If it’s math I can help😊
But you have to treat me lunch in exchange😏
Our maknae is actually bargaining
He’s growing up so fast
Just help me please🥺
I also need help!!
Let’s do it together
“Wow they’re actually really fun.” F/n said. You can’t help but agree with her. After texting with the boys and laughing at some of their responses, you and F/n grabbed your bags and leave the classroom as school is over already. F/n left first since she needed to go somewhere after school with her family while you need to put your stuff in your locker first. You were just done putting away your stuff when someone tapped your shoulder. You looked to see Shinyu, who is now smiling at you shyly.
“Hi, is your friend not with you?” He asked, looking around to see if he can spot F/n.
“No she left already. I needed to put my stuff in the locker first before leaving.” You answered him, closing the locker.
“I see…um…” he tries to say something but seems hesitant. You wait patiently for him, wondering what he wants to talk about. After taking a deep breath, he looks at you again with a slightly red face.
“Can I walk you home?”
You blinked, processing what he just said. After it clicked, you replied, “Huh? I mean I don’t want to bother you. You must be tired after school so-“
He cuts you off, “It’s fine. I’m fine with it, I don’t mind. I want to walk you home, you’re not bothering me. You know, I’ll be worried if you’re walking home alone. But you don’t have to say yes-I’m not forcing you to let me walk you home. I understand-“ this time you’re the one who cut him off.
“Haha alright. You can walk me home, thank you.” You accepted his request. He seems giddy, though he tries to hide it by suppressing his smile.
While you’re on the way to your house, you noticed how he subtly moved you to the safer side of the road and slowed down his steps to match yours. This makes you feel warm, appreciating his efforts to make you comfortable. As you walk, you continued your conversation from earlier and get to know each other better. For example, you now know that he has siblings and he’s the youngest, his hobby is drawing, etc. Eventually you reach your house, not even aware that you’ve walked so far already.
“This is my house. Thank you for walking me home Shinyu.” You thanked him again. “Be sure to text me once you’re home ok? Be safe.”
“I will. I’ll get going then. See you tomorrow Y/n.” He said, giving you a little wave before walking to his house. You waited a little bit until you can’t see him anymore before going inside your house. When you stepped inside, you find your mother looking at you with a teasing smile.
“So…who’s the boy?” She asked. You give her a deadpanned look.
“What? I can tell that he’s a nice boy, not to mention cute too. Is he your boyfriend?”
“Mom. Please don’t start with this.” You whined.
After you take a shower and changed into a more comfortable clothes, you noticed a notification popped out on your screen. You checked to see it’s from Shinyu, texting you that he’s home already. You smiled, texting him back and told him to rest. You texted each other for a long time until it’s time for you to sleep.
I have to sleep soon
Alright, it’s getting late anyways
Don’t stay up too late and get enough sleep
You don’t want to be sleepy for school tomorrow
Yes sir🫡
I’ll be off then
Goodnight Shinyu :)
Goodnight :)
Sleep well
You giggled, looking back at his texts. You really enjoy talking with Shinyu. Even though you only started talking to him today, you already feel comfortable around him.
Ever since that day, you always talk to Shinyu and the others. You and F/n often secure seats at your table for them to join you guys in the canteen. You feel like you’re getting closer to them day by day and start to hang out with them even outside of school. Just a week ago, you and F/n were invited to go to the arcade by the boys. You played many games and be competitive with them, constantly challenging each other. It was really fun, but that day you have a certain moment that keeps replaying in your head.
You were waiting for F/n and Dohoon to finish their match in a basketball game when your eyes caught sight of a cute keychain in a claw machine.
“Do you want the keychain?” A voice suddenly said, startling you. Shinyu was beside you, looking at you and the keychain.
“Well it’s cute, but I’m not good at claw machines. Besides, usually these kind of games are rigged right?” You said. He hummed, and then proceeds to enter a coin to the machine.
“Wha-you don’t have to-“ you stopped whatever you wanted to say as you watch him play and successfully grabbed the keychain with the claw. It dropped the keychain to the hole and he grabs it, giving it to you.
“This is the one that you wanted right?” He asked, worried that he got the wrong one. It doesn’t really matter to him, he can just play it again until he gets what you wanted. You look at him in disbelief before laughing.
“Yeah that’s the one. Thank you for getting this for me.” You thanked him.
“No problem. Oh I think they’re done already. Want to go over there now?”
*flashback ended*
You giggled, feeling your heart flutter at the fond memory. You’ve realized that you have feelings for Shinyu for a while now. You don’t know when you started to like him, maybe it’s when he helped you with your studies in the library with him patiently explaining the lessons to you. Or when he invited you to see them dance as they’re in a dance club and you could see the passion in him when he danced. Or maybe that one time when he asked your opinion about his self written rap. After months of getting to know him, you’ve known him not as a popular boy in school but as a shy but reliable guy who can be really competitive in games, as someone who really enjoys dancing, singing and rapping, and as someone who also has a playful and clumsy side. He’s caring towards those who he feels close to, always making sure they’re ok.
But of course, because he’s popular, many people are jealous of your interactions with him.
You were minding your own business when suddenly someone grabbed your hair and slammed you into the wall. You winced in pain, looking at the girls in front of you.
“You bitch. How dare you hang around Shinyu?” One of them sneered and hit you.
“Who even are you? You’re a nobody, and he’s the most popular boy in this school. Do you really think that you’re worth even be in the same place as him?” Another girl said, laughing at you.
You looked around to see students gathering around, but no one bothers to help you. Either they’re too scared or they also agree with the girls. You screamed in pain when one of them kicked you.
“Don’t ever come near him again or else-“
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” A loud voice yelled, making everyone freeze and look towards the source of the voice. You were suprised to see Shinyu, even more so when you noticed how angry he looks right now as he makes his way towards you and the girls.
“S-Shinyu. We were just-“ one of them tried to say something when he cuts her off.
“Do you think I’m blind? Clearly you’re bullying her and for what? For being friends with me? I can decide who I want to be friends with and you can’t change that. Now if you don’t apologize to her right now I’m going to report you to the teachers.” He threatened, glaring at the girls. You have to admit he looks intimidating right now. He then kneels down to you to check for any injuries, glaring at the girls when he hears no apology. They flinched, immediately said sorry and ran away. He then proceeds to give every student who gathers around them a disappointed look.
“You all are no better. Why are you just watching when someone is being hurt? I hope you all are disappointed in yourselves. Shame on you all for allowing this kind of behavior to happen.” They all look guilty as they start to walk away. After that, he gives you his attention again.
“Are you ok? I’m sorry for not being here earlier. Let’s get you to the infirmary.” He said softly, suddenly lifting you up bridal style. You yelped in surprised, arms immediately warped around his neck.
“S-Shinyu-I can walk by my own-“ you tried to get him to put you down but he refused. After arriving at the infirmary, the nurse was nowhere to be seen, so he puts you on the infirmary bed gently and takes it upon himself to help with your injuries.
None of you are saying anything as he treats your wounds until you decided to speak.
“I’m sorry for troubling you. I didn’t expect-“
“Don’t apologize.” He suddenly said. You looked at him. His eyebrows are furrowed and he looks troubled.
“Don’t ever apologize for this. This is not your fault. You don’t need to feel guilty about this.” He takes a deep breath before continuing.
“If anything, I’m sorry for letting this happen to you. I didn’t realize that by being close with you would mean that a lot of people would dislike you to the point of hurting you. If I had known I would’ve-“
“Shinyu.” He stopped himself after hearing you talk.
“You said that this is not my fault, then this is not your fault either. You wouldn’t have known something like this would happen. So what? Does that mean you regret befriending me? Are you regretting the fact that we’ve become so close now?”
“Of course not!” He denied. “I would never regret being friends with you. I would never regret letting myself be close with you. In fact, I’m really thankful for the day you bumped into me.” Now this makes your eyes widen. He then continued, “If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have ever met you. I wouldn’t be talking with you, hanging out with you, I wouldn’t-“. he stopped talking, debating whether he should continue or not.
“I wouldn’t be able to fall inlove with you.”
You gasped, clearly didn’t expect him to confess. This whole time you thought he only saw you as a friend but thinking back at it now, there are times where he acts like someone who doesn't just think of you as a friend.
“Shinyu…” you started, hands finding their way to his and hold them.
“I’m also inlove with you.” You confessed. He shots his head up to look at you. A minute has passed, and then two, then he starts blushing to the point where he almost looks like a tomato.
“W-what? Wait..you like me back? I- hang on I need to process this.” He pulled his hands from your hands to hide his face. You laughed at his reaction, trying to pry his hands away from his face.
“Shinyu don’t get shy on me now. You look really cute right now.” His face gets even more red as he tries to say something but failed.
“So…you really like me back?” He asked, finally mustered up the courage to look at you. You give him a smile as you nodded.
“Does that mean…we’re dating then? Are you my girlfriend now? Do you want to be my girlfriend? Can I be your boyfriend?” You hold yourself back from squishing his cheeks.
“Yes I’ll be your girlfriend as long as you’ll be my boyfriend.”
“YES! I’ll be your boyfriend!” He said, grabbing one of your hand and kissed it, making you blush in return.
“Woah weren’t you shy just a few seconds ago? How are you acting so bold now?”
“I mean…I am your boyfriend now right?” He said, smirking at your reaction.
“So…you guys are together now?” F/n asked, looking at you and Shinyu who are holding hands.
“Yeah we’re in a relationship now.” You said. F/n and the rest of the boys gaped at the both of you. After that, they started cheering.
Shinyu went towards the boys and playfully banter with them. Meanwhile, you walk over to F/n.
“So…when are you going to confess to Youngjae?” You asked her.
“Ssshhh. You don’t get to say that after months of pining for each other. How did you not notice how he practically gave you heart eyes?”
You rolled your eyes at her, smacking her shoulder lightly. Shinyu then make his way to you after F/n walks over to the boys to discuss probably more list of him being a simp towards you and hugged you.
“Hmm?? Why the sudden hug?” You asked, returning the hug, not complaining and instead enjoying the warmth he gives off. He then tightens the hug, not wanting to let go.
“Mm, I just really like you.”
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vriskaserketdaily · 9 months
its so hard to write vriska as an adult because she is So chronically a teenage girl. like a good 30% of her actions can be explained away with "shes a teenage girl"
yeah being 13 is just like that idk what to tell you
this is gonna probably get into "your experiences are not universal" territory but (pic unrelated)
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vriska is the kinda chick where, you weren't exactly friends with her, but you ran in the same circles of weird-but-not-too-weird kids. like, neither of you were popular but there were definitely two or three freaks lower on the social scale than her, and unlike you she was a huge bitch about it. anyway, you have a massive but not-unforseen falling out (she is a LOT) and end up going to separate high schools. years later you reconnect with a different friend from the same school, and as you're catching up with them her name comes up.
and your first thought is, "damn, she's still alive?"
let's say, for example, that this is kanaya and nepeta catching up. the trolls' friend group might not have been as freaky as my own, but there are FOR SURE two or three of 'em where looking back it's like "yeah, no way that kid isn't dead/in jail by now." and then, pleasant surprise, ten years later nobody's offed themselves BUT the guy you least expect (karkat) is now a father. go figure. anyway nepeta/kanaya gets curious and asks what the hell vriska is up to, since last she heard vriska was a pretty troubled kid and it'd be nice to get some closure on that front.
same old shit, somehow. except now the police can get involved, and basically her life is a huge mess. does she have a job? no. a degree? well, half a bachelor's maybe, but everyone else who hasn't made a trainwreck of their lives is either thinking about a master's or certified in some trade of choice. does she even have a car? . . . not as such. the perpetual mystery is how is she GETTING into all this insane and petty drama with the most QUESTIONABLE people like how is she GOING to these VENUES with no car??? WHERE is she meeting & dating this BIZARRE rotating cast of shitstain losers and rancid wannabe IG baddies?????
has she like, developed or grown in any capacity? well, now she's cool with tats and piercings and has a big ol anchor on her shoulder she got while dating a hot college chick as a high school freshman, but no, she is in no way a nicer or more mature person. anyway let's circle back to karkat being a teen dad WHAT??? how did THAT happen???
so to answer your question, i prefer to write adult!vriska as "that one chick in your old friend group who never actually grew up past middle school, to the detriment of herself and everyone in her immediate vicinity." the degree to which she completely wrecks her own/others' lives is up to you (i stop short of putting her in jail for vehicular manslaughter by simply not letting her have a car) and whether or not she Can develop into a stable, well-adjusted adult is Also up to you. personally i think she'd make an excellent fake psychic, but singer-songwriter, professional wrestler, vlogger/streamer, and independently wealthy layabout are all viable vriska "careers" (also, most miserable history major on earth, if you truly believe she would get a degree in l*beral arts). hope this helps!
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sleepwrites · 2 years
Hello! This is one of my first times asking so sorry if this is bad :,)
This could either be romantic or platonic but macaque, mk, and wukong with a reader who has social anxiety? For example they rarely talk to new people and usually orbit around people they know.
I hope this is enough I hope you have a nice day :]
Aw this is a wonderful request! Loved writing it!
Disclaimer!: I do not have social anxiety and I have no idea what it looks like or what it feels like. If I get anything wrong please let me know and I’ll correct it immediately.
Your safe here
MK, Wukong and Macaque with an s/o who has social anxiety.
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When you tell him you have social anxiety he is the most supportive boyfriend ever!!
He knew you weren’t that good around people, he was the one who had to ask you to be friends in the first place.
He would usually introduce you to new people. Very rarely would you ever go out and make friends on your own but when you did he would be so proud!
He wont push you to make new friends, he will give you a slight nudge every so often. Maybe even start the conversation with someone before needing to ‘go grab something’ and let you handle it from there.
So either you and this person hit it off and become close friends or you cut the conversation off shortly after MK leaves and run to go find him.
You tend to cling to him in social situations, especially if theres a huge crowd, then you’ll be holding his arm 24/7.
He is probably the most extroverted person you know so he will be slightly disappointed that you dont wanna go to a party that Mei invited him to but the look of serenity on your face when its just you two is enough to make up for that.
If you end up getting overwhelmed while your both out he’ll notice incredibly quickly, (he is really emotionally aware so he’ll notice fast) rushing you out of there to calm you down as soon as possible.
Once your out of the situation he’ll calm you down by hugging you nice and tight, sort of becoming an anchor for you. He’ll murmur a bunch of sweet things into your ear and give you a nice lil peck on the cheek before you two head home.
Overall? The most caring and loving boyfriend you could ever ask for.
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Sun Wukong
At first he thought you were just scared, he didn’t realise how scared you felt when there were too many people around.
But once he realised that you get seriously anxious in big crowds and meeting new people he, like MK, turns to into the most wholesome monkey bf ever!!
Tbh I dont see him as very social either, mans spent centuries cooped up on his island so of course he has some form of social anxiety.
He will always be right near you while your out and about. Will never let you leave his side. Once you two get home he’ll pepper your face with kisses, telling you how good you were.
If you do end up getting overwhelmed he will immediately summon his cloud and get you out of there. Once you get out of their he’ll calm you down with some breathing exercises.
Ideal date? Binge watch the Monkey Cop series and play some video games.
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Sorry got carried away, but yeah Macaque will make sure that your comfortable while talking to someone new.
He’s honestly honoured to be part of the small circle of friends you trust and comfortable being around.
He’ll have you backstage during his shadow plays so you dont get overwhelmed by the crowd, plus the view is way better there.
He holds your hand a lot in public, acting as and anchor for you while in crowds. Sometimes he has his tail curled around your waist as well ‘for extra support’ (or so he says)
Your overwhelmed? Portals your right out of there, nothing is scaring his moonlight while hes around.
He has you focus on him and only him, making you realise that your not in the crowd anymore, that your home and safe with him.
Now, Macaque is a theatre kid™️ you cant tell me he isn’t the littlest bit sociable. If he is talking to someone with you with him, he’ll obvs ask you if you want to chip into the conversation. Respects your decision either way.
He doesn’t mind what kind of date you go on as long as your happy. Fancy a nice dinner? Only if your comfortable love. Wanna stay in tonight? What do you wanna do then?
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bi-bard · 2 years
Orla Gartland Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with Max Wolfe - Max Wolfe Imagine [Gossip Girl (2021)]
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Title: Orla Gartland Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with Max Wolfe
Pairing: Max Wolfe X Reader
Word Count: 2,463 words
Warning(s): insecurities, mention of sex
Author's Note: Because I found out that "Why Am I Like This?" by Orla Gartland was in Gossip Girl and I found that very funny because it was also in Heartstopper. Shit like that makes me chuckle. [side note: I've also been a fan of Orla for years, so seeing her get featured on so many shows is very exciting]
Also, if that song is playing over your scene, then I'm going to assume that things aren't going great.
**Not intentionally written in chronological order**
Oh I've been thinkin' How you been, how you been? I told you Every single secret and you sat there silent I needed you then, now I need you again
It was early.
That was the first thing I thought about when I thought about that day. It was easily four in the morning, maybe four-thirty. I pulled my front door open because I could have sworn that something was out there making noise.
I found Max sitting on the floor next to my door. He had fallen asleep there.
I hadn't seen him in a few years at that point. Well, that wasn't true. I had seen him, but I hadn't talked to him. We had grown apart. I would always be able to pick his laugh out of a crowd, but I wouldn't be able to ask how his day was.
I knelt next to him and awkwardly pushed at his arm.
He fell over a bit but woke up in time to catch himself. It took a moment for his eyes to properly focus on me, but when they did, he offered me a lazy, tired smile.
"Hey," he said like he wasn't half-asleep on my doorstep.
"Hi," I replied awkwardly. "What are you doing here, Max?"
"I needed to see you," he explained. He sighed. "God, I missed you."
"Yeah, I missed you too... are you drunk?"
"Not anymore," he shrugged. "I was when I first got here."
"How long have you been out here?"
"Oh... I don't know. I just assumed. I tried to knock but no one answered."
"I was asleep," I ran a hand over my face. "Come on."
To say that Max looked like a mess would be an understatement. That wasn't meant to be an insult, but it wasn't a difficult conclusion to draw. His hair was a mess, his eyes were tired and glazed over, and his skin was pale enough to truly worry me. And that was all not taking his clothes into consideration, which were a complete mess.
He found a place to sit that was immediately in front of my couch.
"Do you want some water or tea... ibuprofen... a breath mint?" I listed as he did.
"I wanna talk to you."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"
"You're my best friend."
I bit my lip and looked down. "All due respect, Max, but we haven't been friends in a long time now."
"Well, that was a stupid choice on my part."
I chuckled but tried to hide it. "Why are you really here?"
"I told you-"
"No, I want to know what actually led you to my doorstep last night. How did you even know which place was mine?"
"Gossip Girl posted about your building for some reason... and your neighbor helped me," he explained. "Little old woman?"
That little old woman had been asking when I was going to find someone to settle down with. I thought it was just normal old woman talk, not that she would send a man that was clearly not in his right mind to my doorstep.
I just nodded in response.
"You didn't answer why you're here."
It felt harsh, but it was a good question.
"I got my heart broken and I didn't want to go home."
I took a deep breath. I had heard about Max and his new relationship. I think most people in this social circle had. I had been happy for him. He looked happy with them.
"Will you sit with me for a while," he asked. "Please?"
I hesitated for a moment. "Let me get some coffee. Want some?"
Max shook his head.
I grabbed a mug of coffee before walking over and sitting next to him on the floor. He leaned his head on my shoulder.
"We used to do this all the time," he muttered. "We'd make forts."
"Using that tall lamp from the corner of the living room," I added, grinning to myself. "Those forts were a work of art."
He chuckled and nodded. "We should make another one."
"Maybe later," I mumbled. "How about you tell me what happened? Those forts did use to be time for us to talk about drama."
"Yeah, when we were in elementary school."
"What's the real difference between then and now," I asked.
I heard another chuckle escape him.
It took him a while but after a few minutes, he started to tell me the entire story from the beginning. I was happy that he wasn't looking at my face. My eyes had gone wide in reaction to all the things that I had missed.
But through the early morning, there was this sense of familiarity and comfort. Even after so many years and so much happened, it felt so natural to sit with Max and talk.
It was nice to know that Max and I could still be so close after so many years.
Take your time Take your time Cause babe what's yours is mine All your drama and your trauma That you hide from the boys If I say that I'll stay Then I'll stay but I can't Sit here watching you wasting away
I sometimes felt like I went too far in the name of supporting Max through the rough patch he was thinking.
He needed a change of scenery. I let him stay on my couch in the living room. I knew that investing in that pull-out couch was the right choice.
I only wished that his change in scenery came with some kind of change in behavior.
We had had the conversation countless times. He would go out for the night and bring someone home. It was irritating how many times I had to tell him to not bring people in. I didn't want to listen to them, and I didn't want to see anything in the morning. It was just the wrong place for him to have a guest over.
It was another night of him dragging someone new through the door.
I heard them through the wall while I was hunched over a textbook at my desk.
I took a deep breath before grabbing a pillow and walking out.
There was barely any reaction.
I threw the pillow as I yelled again, "Hey!"
The guy jumped off of the couch and looked at me. Thankfully, he was still mostly dressed. His eyes jumped between Max and me. I looked over at Max.
"We have had this discussion," I said. He just shrugged.
The other guy still looked incredibly awkward.
"Um, hi," he tried to shake my hand.
"Hi, please get out," I replied.
He grabbed his shirt and jacket. "It's nice to meet you. Max, you have my number, you can call me whenever-"
I snapped at the guy, "Get the fuck out!"
"Sorry," he mumbled before doing some awkward run outside.
"What the hell," Max asked after the door shut.
"I... Listen. I understand that you're going through a rough patch right now," I explained. "I really do. And I'm really trying to be supportive, but this... can't happen. You can't bring random people here. Okay?"
"I'm just trying to enjoy myself."
"Then go to their place," I shrugged. "I don't want to listen to you fuck someone on my couch. I have to be able to sleep before work and I need to study. I can't deal with the partying and the sex and all of it. I'm sorry, but this place isn't the right place for it."
"Listen, I am just having fun," he replied. "I am sorry that you can't find someone to have fun with. Just because you can't find someone that wants to touch you or want you, doesn't mean that I should have to suffer."
My eyes widened at the insult. It took me a moment to respond, "This is where you realize how fucking rude your statement was and apologize."
"I don't think it is."
I took a deep breath. "I... I offered a place to stay, food, kindness... and you're going to show a complete lack of respect and understanding of my boundaries? I shouldn't have expected you to be different than that little boy who abandoned me at the first chance of getting something more exciting!"
I stormed out of the room before he could respond. I slammed my bedroom door shut.
I ran my hands over my face and sat back down at my desk. I tried to blink away any tears that formed. I knew that they were caused by anger and stress, but that didn't stop the embarrassment. I wanted to believe that Max and I were friends again. Believe that it be like the last however many years had never happened. But times like these made it really hard to believe that.
It was probably just over an hour before there was a knock on my door.
"I really don't want to talk, Max," I called.
I let out a sigh before pushing myself up and walking over to the door.
I opened the door just enough to look at him. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "You were right."
I just nodded.
"I promise that I'll do better," he continued. "I won't bring people here. I'll cut back on the partying. I... I know that you just want to help me. And I... I don't want to be the same guy who abandoned you."
There was a small pause.
Max went to speak again but I cut him off by stepping forward and wrapping my arms around him. I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh as he hugged me back.
"I'm so sorry."
I opened my eyes, ready to accept the apology but paused when I saw something over his shoulder. "Did... Did you build a fort in my living room?"
He stepped back with a smile on his face. "Yeah... is that okay?"
"Why did you build a fort in my living room?"
"I thought it was nice," he shrugged. "Like old times."
I grinned at it.
"Is it okay?"
"Yes," I replied, nodding. "Yes, it's okay. It's very nice."
"Come on!" he pulled me over to the fort that he had made over the pull-out couch. He held the blanket to the side so I could crawl in first.
I chuckled as he plopped on the couch next to me. "Not quite as roomy as when we were little."
"Just cozier than they used to be," he replied. He looked at me for a second. "I'm sorry."
I reached over and grabbed his hand. "It's okay. I promise."
He grinned again.
Changes started small. And this felt like a good small step forward.
oh GOD
If you always just laugh it off I won't be opening up We kissed on the bed It messed with my head Does that mean nothing to you?
"You've been avoiding me."
It wasn't a question. It was a statement. An observation.
It was a good observation on Max's part. He must have realized that when I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment.
"It's kinda hard to hide that when we share a one-bedroom apartment," he explained, a smirk pulling at his lips.
It was such a strange moment in my mind. It felt like I had my memories about Max in one place and then that moment sat out on its own.
I don't even remember what we had been talking about at the time. I remember that we were sitting on the pull-out couch that Max had been using. At some point, he moved closer to me. There was this long pause before he leaned over and kissed me. I pulled back in a matter of seconds.
The silence after that made my chest tighten. I got up and muttered out some long line of apologies before going to run to my room.
I spent days doing what I could to avoid him. Like he said, that was difficult in our current living conditions.
"You do know what happened was okay, right," he asked. "It's fine."
"No, no, it's really not," I said.
He chuckled. "(Y/n), it was a kiss. A quick kiss at that. That's it. It's not a big deal-"
"It is for me," I cut him off. "And I didn't want to have this conversation because I knew that this is exactly what would happen."
His eyebrows furrowed.
"I get that it may not be a big deal for you, but it is for me," I took a deep breath. "It's not just because there was a kiss. It's because it was you. I have some shit to sort through on my end before I can act normal again."
"I see."
I just nodded. "Now... please get out of my room."
"Yeah... no."
"Max, I'm being serious."
"So am I," he replied, stepping toward me. "I said it wasn't a big deal because I didn't want you to panic about it. Not because I saw it as nothing."
I bit my lip. I was not ready to have an argument with him right now. About anything.
"You are my best friend. We have been friends since we were kids."
There was an intermission in our friendship, but I had no interest in correcting him.
"I wouldn't do something like that if I hadn't thought about it before," he continued. "I may be a bit impulsive, but I'm not a complete idiot."
I couldn't help but wonder how long he had spent thinking about it. How many times had it almost happened without me ever realizing it?
"And... I haven't really stopped thinking about it since," he mumbled.
"Are you being serious," I asked. "I mean it. This isn't some screwed-up joke or some weird way to try to comfort me-"
"Kiss me."
I froze where I was. I didn't have a response. Not a verbal one or a physical one.
Like him saying my name flipped some kind of switch, I leaned in and pressed my lips to his.
This kiss, like the one before, only lasted for a few seconds before I leaned back again. I saw the smug grin forming on Max's face.
"Shut up," I muttered.
"Wanna go to dinner tonight?"
I paused for a second.
"I'd like to take you on a proper date."
"Oh," I mumbled. "Yeah, that... that sounds nice."
"Good," he cupped the sides of my face and kissed me again. "Better than avoiding me, isn't it?"
"Maybe," I shrugged.
"I could be convinced."
"Is that right?"
I nodded.
"I do enjoy a challenge."
I chuckled.
It was nice to know that I didn't have to hide anymore.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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All you need is just some good, fucking music that you headbang to To forget all your problems and what's bothering you So c'mon, raise the volume, it will still feel good Alright, alright, alright ("Good Fucking Music" - Solence)
I think we all know that feeling when you hear a song and immediately imagine all the scenarios in your head? Yeah, this is one of those! I mentioned I wanna do a little bit more with Vince's and Judy's friendship. Because, lesbian-gay-solidarity <3 And me just loving Judy sm in general xD
Like, Judy and Vince are two people that would probably have never met, hadn't it been for Evelyn and the heist, so different their backgrounds and social circles. But what instantly connected them was that they're both nerds for tech-stuff. In some ways, they really mirror each other so nicely, in others they contradict each other, and it's this equilibrium and balance that I really love about their dynamic. Judy gets Vince down from his high horse, making him reconsider some of his views, and Vince looks out for her to not bite off more than she can chew when picking her battles, backing her up. And they have a similar taste in music, too! When you drive with Judy in her van, she's listening to Radio Vexelstrom, and in her apartment Johnny comments on her band posters disapprovingly ("Blergh, Electropunk" or sth like that XD). Both of these are instances of what Vince also enjoys, music-wise. So, while I don't necessarily see Judy as someone who goes out to dance and party much, maybe he did convince her some time to come along to a themed night at a club with some favourite bands of theirs in the playlist. Cause sometimes you just need to dance to some loud angry music with your friends for a couple of hours to forget how shitty everything else is.
Also: Judy's custom clubwear outfit for AMM
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mejomonster · 2 years
I started Koisenu Futari and I wish alloromantic people could see like the first 10 minutes alone. So much of our main characters discomfort at being assumed to be flirting, being pressured to pick up on signs and be putting out signs, social norms and expectations, how people sometimes actively conflict with your behavior if you simply live your life without thinking in romantic terms/acting flirtatious/assuming, is what all kinds of aromantic people deal with. And the show does a good immediate job of showing how disruptive to a person's daily life that can be - just being your normal self, and people getting mad at you for not reading something they never said out loud, or assuming things of you, assuming a future for you and being annoyed you're not fulfilling it, society acting like your current life and life path isn't normal, etc.
Personal reaction below cut o3o:
On a different note just my personal reaction now lol. I'm demiromantic and god the opening to this drama REALLY hammers home why I hate a majority of fluff romance shows. A lot of them are "love at first sight" and rely on SO many situations that also happen in the beginning of this drama, but in this drama the main character acts like me: she's just being her normal self and this stuff is all pushed upon her and she just rejects it and step out of the sudden assumptions people make kindly and tries to move on. In so many "fluff romance love at first sight" things the main person is bafflingly smitten or overwhelmed and I get it cause it's a trope we are taught to understand after seeing so many times, but I don't relate to it and I've never experienced it and I'm never going to lol. This main characters experience is way more representative of how id react if unfortunately I ran into such situations. It's fucking refreshing.
Also I deeply love how much she enjoys her life, is happy with her friend, wants to move out with her friend. I felt just like her as I transitioned that part of life, and it's nice to just see it. In my social circle it's normal for people to move in with friends, prioritize friends like family (not just lovers), so her moving is what I did and makes sense to me. But I'm also very aware of the assumption friends may move out when they get a partner, will prioritize that more, and that society is generally expecting that so even when you're not doing it there's outsiders insisting it's not reliable or it's an odd living arrangement (like her family was). I like that she enjoys the life she's built.
It hurts my heart, but I relate and understand, to when she meets the man at the supermarket who says he believes there's people who don't fall in love. It's that moment when you realize you may not be alone, what you feel may be normal and actually have WORDS and concepts to describe it and a community of people like you! And suddenly you feel more like wow yeah I exist, my feelings are genuine, I am not alone and weird I am one of many people many tons who have felt like this and do and will and it's just like. That's why aces belong in lgbtq spaces (among many reasons). There is no space for people who feel aromatic or asexual and on that spectrum, in the majority of mainstream straight spaces. In the sense it still takes a person living into her adult life to even HEAR that how she feels is something ANOTHER PERSON also feels. It can take people decades to find out how they experience attraction or don't has a label, has a community, has people who can relate to them. And before even that just... simply can be a thing. I didn't know I was demi when I was a teen I just assumed all people felt like me, was confused when a lot of people seemed Not To experience stuff the same, and settled on maybe I was just a bit odd. Then one day I found a word for it and realized goddamn people Do feel this besides me, I'm not the only one who can't relate. It was the same experience being bi, not knowing ppl could like multiple genders until I found the bi community, and feeling "wrong" for liking multiple when adults and schoolmates would say "just pick" for ages. Or being trans, thinking oh whatever it was just my particular thing to cry about my gender and pray to be different, cause no one said to me that my gender could be different than what people call me as. So I just felt broken and confused until I learned there were words for my feeling, for who I was, and that I wasn't broken I was just something I had no words for before. Just like... people should be able to access community and information and feel less alone and more understood and accepted for being themselves.
The main girl in this feeling alone and not great every time people pressure her about romance and bring up how she doesn't act like them, I feel it in my heart. And I hope for whoever needs to see it, they see her isolation and want her and people who go through what she does to feel less of it. To feel more understood, to understand themselves more and have an easier time knowing how they feel is okay and its the fucked up pressures not understanding them that's frustrating.
Anyway I'm not even done with ep 1 just. Wow I feel like a lot of ppl could benefit a little just from seeing that first part.
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lenaariewrld · 2 years
dream girl
40. bad news, good news
The little restaurant you choose to meet Kunimi at is fairly populated when you arrive, with tables both inside and sitting outside full of young adults and teens all chatting with each other in their own groups. You press your lips together and search for your ex-roommate, spotting him sitting under a table with a blue and yellow umbrella, an iced drink in his hand while he scrolls on his phone absently. “You going to be okay?” Iwaizumi walks up behind you, car keys in hand, after making sure the vehicle he drove you two in is parked and locked.
You nod after a second.
“You’re here if something goes wrong.. And I don’t think he’ll try anything,” With a shrug, you take the first step and head towards Kunimi, clearing your throat once you’re within distance of him. He looks up from scrolling through whatever social media site he was on when he hears you, offering a curt nod but otherwise not reacting. You can’t say you’re surprised.
“Thanks for meeting me…”
“Yeah,” You hold your arms and take a seat across from Kunimi as he gestures for you to sit, your movements slow. You can feel Iwaizumi’s eyes watching you from where he sits perched on the hood of his car, ready to walk up and leave with you if anything goes awry. Knowing he’s there helps you feel a little relaxed, but your nerves still chew at your stomach like a gnawing beast. Mostly, because you’re worried about whatever messages Kunimi has to show you. What Kaori said, what her motivation was for treating you like the gum she scraped off the bottom of her shoe. “Whenever you want to pull it up,” You urge quietly.
Kunimi nods, closes his app, and pulls up the messages. He scrolls to the beginning of the conversation and turns his phone to you, setting it on the table for you to grab and read at your own pace. You hunch forward and carefully read each message.
Your brows knit themselves together with each new word.
Kaori’s messages are sour and clipped, completely unlike the overly emoji-fied, extra lettered and excessive nicknamed messages she would send when you first met her. Your throat clamps shut as you read on, urging your eyes to process the messages despite wanting desperately to do just the opposite of that.
‘im just teaching her how the real world works, and people like her dont deserve to cruise through easily’
What does that even mean?
How does she think you’re cruising through life?
You finally reach the end of the conversation, but you’re left with more questions than answers, confused by her implications and even more confused by how she seems to genuinely believe she’s in the right. Maybe it was because she was crazy like Kunimi said? Or because she was just delusional enough to twist her point of view? Whatever it was, you understand her even less than before.
“Huh,” Is all you can manage to say next, scrolling through and rereading the conversation a few more times. Kunimi watches you, leaning on his elbow.
“I think she’s just jealous and grabbing whatever bullshit excuse she can…” He says, sipping from his drink. Slowly, you pull away from the phone and nod.
You slide his phone back towards him, leaning back in your seat. Your throat still feels dry and your stomach continues to twist itself in all manners of directions, like it’s following the most cursed game of DDR it can come up with. “Anyway,” He pauses and lets you process. “I also wanted to… offer any help you might need in finding a new place or anything… I’m currently staying with a friend, so I can’t offer much, but…” Kunimi trails off and lets his offer hang in the air between the two of you. The more you look at him, the more you notice how awake he looks. Of course he still has circles beneath his eyes and the perpetual look of boredom, but there’s actual color in his skin and his eyes seem more lively and reactive.
“I don’t know..” You’re hesitant to just accept his help or immediately forgive him. A part of you is still worried he might up and betray you again. It’s not like he actively did anything.. but what hurt the most was how you trusted him and he didn’t do anything to speak against what was going on because he had been sleeping with Kaori. It hurt you, genuinely. But you can’t fully hate him, either, having seen his defense of you and how often he apologized and tried to fix what he did. It was a hard decision to just make on the fly.
Kunimi shakes his head before you can say anything else. “It’s okay if you’re not willing to, or if you don’t want to forgive me.. I just wanted to see if there was anything I could do besides dealing with Kaori..” He shrugs. You press your lips together.
“I’m not mad at you or anything… and I probably could forgive you… but, I think I just need to get my other shit in order first,” You glance towards Iwaizumi, breathing in. “Thank you for what you have done…”
He nods and stands up, pushing his chair in. “Well, I guess I can leave you be, then... I won’t take up more of your time.” He nods his head once more as a goodbye, lets you wave him off, and then walks inside to pay for his drink. You head off once the door closes behind him, knocking against the hood of Iwa’s car to get his attention.
“Ready?” He asks, pulling out his keys and unlocking the car.
Iwaizumi drives you to a nearby park, claiming that he already let the others know where you guys were so that they could meet you two when they got off work or out of their lectures. You remain quiet the whole time, running your hands over your legs over and over. “So… Did you figure anything out?” He speaks up hesitantly, the car slowing as he pulls into a mostly-empty parking lot.
“Sort of?” You shrug, picking at the seam of your pants. “I mean, apparently, Kaori did everything she did to ‘teach me how the real world works’ because she claims I’m one of those people who cruises through, but it makes no sense… and nothing else she said made much sense, either,” You add on when Iwa stays silent, allowing you the time to explain. He only hums, parking the car.
The car engine hums idly before he shuts it off, looking over at you. “She sounds delusional, same as that night with me and Oikawa,” He says it like a fact that can’t be refuted, not that you have much energy to argue with him about it.
Maybe before all of this, when you still thought Kaori was just a little weird and that she just cared about your safety, you would’ve. Now, though, you can’t believe you ever thought she cared about you or anyone other than herself. She had been using your ignorance and trust in her since the beginning.
Your phone buzzes in your purse.
You paused in getting out of the car to pull it out, not noticing Iwaizumi circling the vehicle to get the door for you, your eyes still focused on your screen when he pulls it open. “What’s up?” He asks when you don’t move.
“The administration got back to me about my dorm…” You say, eyes scanning the new email. “‘Given the situation that we have been told about, as well as the actions of Ms Kaori Hashimoto, it has been agreed upon to provide you new housing for the remainder of this term at no extra cost. Our staff has also assigned a counselor to look into the allegations you have raised against Ms Hashimoto, and we will assign proper punishment when our investigation has concluded–” You pause in your reading of the email to take a breath.
“–Attached are the details of your new temporary housing. More permanent solutions may be figured out with our staff over the summer once new courses have been assigned’” Finished with reading, you look up from your phone with a shy smile. Iwa huffs in response, patting your head.
“Good, that’s that out of the way,” He says, stepping back to let you get out of the car. You gather your things and excitedly get out, closing your door and following him onto one of the paths of the park, your mood a little improved with the knowledge that now you have a place to stay that’s not Samu and Sakusa’s couch.
As grateful to them as you may be, you didn’t want to keep mooching off them for longer than necessary. So, you’re glad for this solution, deciding you’d look for a more permanent place once everything settled.
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extras :
iwaizumi and y/n enjoyed a nice day at the park after this <3
the meeting with kunimi was mostly short bc,,, y/n and him had nothing else to talk about
taglist: @sugasloverr @gothic-illustrations @daphnxy @xfangirl-trashx @duhsies @starsabove-me @bolinhodadestruicao @halcyondaisy @alienvarmint @its-the-aerieljeane @meena-in-a-nutshell @lalalemon101 @akaashiyin @amisuh @togesslut @kris-1 @oikawasbuttcheeks @encrytpta @shookykookie30 @kenmaslov3r @donkeyshrong @a-katsukitty @choozari @jewlmin @darlingkuroo @rietvellld @lovely-maryj @daninaninani @kajousfuwa
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anhed-nia · 11 months
So look, usually when I write one of these things I wind up watching the movie at least twice to make sure I really got what was going on and I don't misquote anything. My dark secret is that I'm not very good at following even moderately complicated plotlines; I tend to judge movies based on psychological, tonal, and aesthetic coherence above all else, not only because it doesn't matter to me whether a story is "realistic", but because I'm actually pretty bad at tracking anything with a lot of moving parts. So, when I do see something that makes so little sense that it reaches the point of offending me, I often worry that maybe it was just over my head--but I'm pretty sure that's not the case with THE FRIENDSHIP GAME, even though this year's Blogtober is a speed run and I didn't double check anything. If I'm deeply wrong about this nonsense, talk to my lawyer.
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In this movie, some teen BFFs find this HELLRAISER-ass thing at a fucking yard sale (?!) that they are told is "a friendship game". To play this game, you and your best friends sit in a circle around the torturous-looking object and you touch it and you all say whatever your deepest desire is, and if your friendship doesn't survive these confessions, NEITHER WILL YOU! I immediately had a lot of questions about this basic premise. This is kind of a trope, right: A bunch of people who think they're friends find out that they're really not when some form of pressure forces all of their secret disloyalty and hypocrisy and selfishness out into the open. I don't know if there's a name for this device, another example that comes to mind is VERY BAD THINGS, or BODIES BODIES BODIES which I watched the following day. In the latter case, it's pretty obvious that they're all a bunch of frenemies with terminal character flaws, and their toxic dynamic is basically a ticking time bomb. This is really easy to grasp, and it may even feel familiar if you've been cursed with crummy friends at any time of your life. But the thing is, if you knew that you had a lot of thoughts and desires that could harm your so-called friends, and you were faced with a "Friendship Game" that's supposed to like curse you or kill you or something if you're insincere--or just if you don't love your friends enough? or something?--then wouldn't you just, like, not play the Friendship Game? The frenemies in BODIES BODIES BODIES would definitely know not to play the Friendship Game. Like it's one thing to hope for the voyeuristic thrill of seeing people get humiliated in a game of Truth or Dare, but if you don't REALLY want to express your legitimate heart's desire in front of your social circle, what's the motivation for playing the game? If you think it's going to kill you for being disloyal, then you won't play it, and if you DIDN'T think it would do anything, then what's the point of it anyway? What is anyone going to get out of this?
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The "game" doesn't do anything when you're playing it, by the way, it doesn't shift around like the Lament Configuration or light up like Simon. It does some stuff much later on after it turns out you're a shitty friend, but in the short term, one of the friends reasonably asks, "So how do you win?" and the answer is, "By staying friends!", which is obviously an indefinite concept and not really like a satisfying climactic event that takes place at the end of the sitting-around-touching-the-thing game. (I mean how are you even supposed to know when you're DONE and you guys can all get up and do something else? Do you just assume that when you touch the thing and say your piece, some silent invisible mechanism inside it goes "Yeah, that checks out, bye"? Or are you actually playing the Friendship Game for the rest of your life just because you touched the thing?) But I also don't really get the existential functioning of the game; I guess it's kind of a monkey's paw type thing? Where the wording of your desire gets twisted into some kind of ironic, alternate timeline result that exposes how infirm your friendships are. There's also some kind of like...I don't know how to say this, like a demonic contagion that travels through the internet and surveillance devices, which is connects itself to the (basically inconsequential) local lonely autistic hacker kid who doesn't even have friends to play the Friendship Game with. But as you can probably tell from this description, this element didn't add a lot of meaning for me, and it really just made a confusing movie even more confusing.
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Another question I have is, like...who made the Friendship Game? Who would make it?There's a lot of lore around the Lament Configuration and you totally get the point of it: It lures to their doom people who feel they have exhausted all of life's possibilities and who will do literally anything just to feel something again. And it's connected to Hell, which is always in need of corrupted souls. Great, got it, no notes. But what person or entity or belief system would create the Friendship Game? The kids in this movie are flawed, obviously, or there would be no story to tell, but none of them are like evil maniacs who really need to be punished--and the punishment in this case seems to be death, which like, is it really worth shredding some teenager's reality just because they're predictably shallow and immature? Who is gaining what in the Friendship Game? I completely do not get this. Spoiler alert or whatever but at the end of the movie all the kids who haven't died or dematerialized or something touch the thing and say their new collective heart's desire, which amounts to "we wish this never happened", and even though the set up is NOT "make a WISH"--the setup is "tell the TRUTH", but the Friendship Game still kind of works like a genie for some reason--all the friends get sent back in time and they wind up not buying the Friendship Game in the first place, and they're all saved. But it's not like they remember this, so it doesn't count as a lesson learned... I don't even know if that matters, but it seems like it's supposed to, which makes the whole misadventure feel really pointless.
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Also I should say that the ordinariness of the kids raises another problem for me, which is: Why is this movie founded on the principle that ANYbody's heart's desire would be something that would seriously harm everyone around them? Like I think that's just called being a psychopath. I mean yes, everyone has secret thoughts and feelings that are not so nice, and sometimes you wish you could be more selfish or mean because it would feel good in the moment, but it's not like a universal truth that any random human being's most basic desires are necessarily detrimental to other people, meaning that all friendships are predicated on never going after what you truly, profoundly want. Certainly there are some relationships like that, as represented by BODIES BODIES BODIES (and every single Brett Easton Ellis product, to which I am not always immune!), but that movie is more of a specific type of character study, not a generalization about humanity. It's not trying to like make a statement about the fundamental nature of friendship.
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By now it may seem obvious that while BODIES BODIES BODIES is a better movie that gave me less to complain about, I also didn't find it remotely as provocative as the basically-awful FRIENDSHIP GAME. When BODIES decided to open with a long, extreme closeup of lesbian face-sucking, it probably didn't expect me to become immediately distracted and wander away from my TV. Minutes later I was gazing mindlessly into the fridge thinking, "Wait a minute, did I just start a movie? Am I missing the setup right now?" I forgot I was watching that poor movie continuously throughout its running time; if it was 90 minutes long, I probably really only saw about 70 minutes of it, optimistically. A big part of the problem is that on paper, BODIES BODIES BODIES is clearly supposed to be a black comedy, but in practice it's just sort of an empty style piece and it is not remotely funny enough, often enough to make its point effectively. The only people who seem to know that they're in a satire are Pete Davidson and Chase Sui Wonders, who I thought were both pretty good, but the whole rest of the production really abandons what those two actors are valiantly trying to do with the script, and the end result is just very low impact. I was way less frustrated with that movie than I was with THE FRIENDSHIP GAME, but it also gave me a lot less to think about, whatever that's worth. The End.
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Okay so. This gonna be long. But dean headcanon.
This is a bit of a stretch and not one that I think a lot of people lean towards (either that or I'm just not in a circle that talks about it) but. Dean has autism? Maybe not super obvious signs, and I'm much more familiar with the signs in afab than amab, but it feels REALLY similar to myself.
I realize that cptsd has really similar symptoms as low-support-needs (high functioning??? Someone please tell me what term to use I cant figure out if it's problematic or not) late diagnosed autism, as well as several other neurotypes. But a lot of it feels really familiar, and in some of the distinguishments between cptsd and autism, dean leans toward the autism side.
Anyway, a list in no particular order:
Knows a lot about random topics -- that one case where he knew the guy used the wrong country for a proverb to come from, mentioning vonnegut, possible hyperfocus on weapons and fighting
Seems to have a fairly good musical understanding despite having little to no experience -- you're telling me John taught him how to sing? And he picked up on guitar as quickly as was implied? I think the fuck not
Hyperfocus on a TV show/genre -- Scooby-Doo, dr. Sexy, westerns
Perfectly happy driving for hours on end listening to the same tracks on repeat -- apparently this isn't normal???
Seems to dissociate really easy -- he could be desensitized to violence, and probably is at least a little. But when he's already emotional, or caught by surprise, he's immediately horrified, almost like he's not as careless towards it as normal.
Described as having too many emotions. Very much cannot communicate them. Seems overwhelmed.
Very much likes blankets, hot showers, massage bed -- sensory issues. Also, that could be why he wears flannel and jeans all the time. Yeah, it's practical, but the clothes don't bother his sensory issues.
Also, sensory stuff could be why he's constantly chasing sex. If your constantly feeling everything, why not make the everything be mostly good? People with asd also typically are either on the grey scale of sexuality or hypersexual.
He clearly understands communication, but masking. Also, he's fairly social. The puzzle of human communication may be a hyperfixation of his. Not to mention that a few of the times people say things he isn't expecting he gets flustered and confused.
He seems to see grey points in a very black and white way, and black and white as grey. I don't know how else to describe that.
The thing with asd people typically struggling more than nts to understand things like capitalism bc why WOULDNT you give up some fancies if other people can eat enough -- that's literally why he can't get himself to leave hunting.
Not willing to change the impala or his music.
Had the whole dean cave put together without Sam knowing (I think? Correct me if I imagined this)
Routine. He's impulsive when it's his decision, but if someone else decides, he wants nothing to do with it -- getting up in the morning, I swear there's more but my brain is getting tired
Struggles to make close connections. Very few actual friends (especially compared to sam) and very few actual relationships.
The close friends he has are not nt. Charlie most likely has adhd or asd, cas acts very similar to someone with asd, Sam's at least really traumatized. This is common with nds.
He has different personalities depending on who he's with (masking) -- cas vs Charlie vs Sam vs Donna vs Claire vs Benny... etc
Prone to addiction -- the need for routine and chronic stress from masking makes this true for asd people as well.
I think it was called existential suicidal ideation or something like that? Doesn't want to die necessarily, but doesn't really want to be around but does, but doesn't really care. It doesn't seem like a big deal so he's sorta apathetic to it.
I think there was more, but I cant remember right now. Am I crazy???
Sorry is asd autocorected to sad. And yes I did hyperfocus on this for a week and a half.
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snakedogge · 5 months
huh total night-posting on the topic of "socially acceptable" mental illnesses and those tiktoks with kids being like "I came here for a mental breakdown now I think it wasn't that serious"
So I'll ramble under the cut about personal stuff - what is this Tumblr but an informal journal for myself anyways
I have had something Deeply Wrong with me for such a long time and after a complete shattering of my mind was I able to get it diagnosed and could start managing it, processing and healing
When I told people in my closest social circle at the time i quickly realized it was A Fucking Mistake. hey, here's my very serious diagnosis of being schizophrenic, I'm telling you all because I trust you and I need support
Suddenly people in my DMs "I think I hear voices too what are yours like? Mines named so and so" and I have to stress this that it wasn't somebody also with this issue coming to me for insight. Multiple people suddenly started identifying with me and leaning *into* it.
My ex who I was with at the time started saying "I think there's something wrong with me too I'm also paranoid" and then used that as a reason he couldn't work. He actually took my explanations for what I was going through and used my experience to get approved for disability through his work. I would wander the streets at night and hide under random cars because I could feel myself being followed. Like my ex is a whole story on his own but I was so genuinely unwell and he literally just used that to do even LESS for me than ever.
My friends started trying to probe about my voices and if they have identities and what was going on in my head and then it didn't take long until they had DID and were kinning characters. (which is not a diss on people with DID or who kin characters. in this specific situation, however, it was deeply uncomfortable.) Meanwhile I couldn't sleep at night because of the faces and because I could swear there were cameras in the walls and before I realized it I couldn't even tell them these things because they'd already packaged up my problem as being cute and quirky. what was my horrifying daily existence became this weird...quirky topic.
It's a really isolating experience. And all that to say I wouldn't undermine that those ex-friends truly did need therapy or help but when I told them my diagnosis they just took it a step further and saw it as a label for some identity and it truly felt like they made it about themselves.
Like my life was already spiraling out of control and now whenever someone asks me "so what are the voices like?" I just immediately cringe regardless of intent. I completely stopped being open about it because of shit like this. I wish I wasn't unnerving to be around and off putting. Yeah some of my stranger moments are funny in retrospect (thanks, Rick and Morty inspired delusional outbursts at 2am) but I still wish they never happened and I never did them.
And I don't mind leaning into being a weirdo. But leaning into my mental illness is totally separate territory. And it was a strange experience to feel, over time, like somebody was just trying to co-opt my identity, multiple times.
I know that of course some of that could be elevated by the paranoia but that's why I've sat and run through everything start to finish multiple times.
anyway all that to say that yeah, I believe people genuinely think mental illness is just a series of quirks. it's not just kids either but full grown adults. maybe they don't consciously think "it's just quirky" but the versions of mental illness they are comfortable with in their head only go that far. idk I am very sleepy
also glad my ass is back on tumblr. it's as anonymous a social media as I can get anymore, and I love feeling like I'm talking into a fuckin void of nothing, but still leaving a speck of me behind somewhere on the internet. honestly at the end of the day I just want to talk about my experience with my mental illness, but without... all of that. and without making others uncomfortable. like I feel like I have a few people I could absolutely DM them about stuff but I also feel it would put them in a tough spot. so God bless Tumblr dot com
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snowflakebyyou · 9 months
Is it love, obsession, limerence, infatuation, fun, validation?
I always found myself obsessing over men. No lie in that. I love men, I dislike the behaviours that many, if not all men I’ve met possesses. But I can’t help but love them. When I find myself in a position of having a crush, its all-encompassing. I want to know everything about their day, and how they felt when they woke up, are they horny today? What do you see your life looking like in an ideal world? What about the world would you change? Any fantasies you’ve never played out? I go from 0-100 , but ALL in my own head. And, usually for people who merely saw our interaction as short, temporary and minimal.
I don’t communicate this well and then tend to self-destruct as I go around in circles in my head. My friends usually witness a slice of this. but I cop the rest, quietly. I worked in therapy about how this linked to my needing an emotionally available male figure, and that I seek this through physical validation from men. I also learnt that I can get this from myself, and healing this wound is not overnight and it takes work.
I find a lot of my validation from myself now, people have said I’m too much, and it may be a lot for them to follow me on social media ; that’s ok. I much rather a self-obsessed me, compared to a self-loathing me, and I know those in my life that matter to me, would agree as well. But then there’s those moments where I become intrigued by a boy. I find myself wondering, and maybe even involved. Then I started to obsess over whether he likes me or not. Instead, of worrying If I even like him at all, or do I just need him to like me.
90% of the time, its wanting him to be into me. My ego loves to be fed by men. I stopped caring about hat women think of me when I starting to like myself. But im still working on the men part. I go between caring too much to not caring at all and both of these levels aren’t healthy for me to sit in. I constantly wondered why people could just date someone and know they want to be with them straight away, like do you actually like someone enough to want to spend that much time with them?, or why my close friends that are in relationships constantly make jokes about me being crazy when it came to men. I’m definitely on the scale , but isn’t every woman? As told by history, any woman with a voice is borderline insane? Yeah.
I mean what’s wild is, I have really high standards written out for myself, a list of my ideal partner. A list that I try to embody myself. I still go for the same kind of men, because, as ive said before, I’m emotionally unavailable. So men that are on the same level as me, work for me for right now. I’m comfortable and I feel more in control dating or seeing men that I know wouldn’t work long term – and they know it too. We basically keep each other occupied. The one before the one.
Fast forward to when I heard of a term called ‘Limerence’. Limerence can be described as an experience of insanely strong desire for a person. But obsessive. Like being stuck in a limbo of being uncertain and hopeful, never really knowing which one.
Although I don’t completely relate to it, there is aspects of limerence that have made sense to me when I have thought I’ve liked someone. Almost as if, when the chase started to diminish, or it started to be mutual - I lost interest- I know it links to that idea of physical validation but this I believe goes deeper. 
It’s a hectic thing to be aware of, but I simply feel like a child in a play centre, where everything is so exciting, there’s so much fun to choose from and you want to have a turn of it all! then when another child has a turn, you immediately HAVE to have what they have. Or that toy is so high up you need someone else’s help to get it down! But when you get it , you realise its just like the other toy you had just been enjoying. It’s  that exciting sensation of the unknown per se. its intense, and uncontrollable. Its overwhelming, consuming and keeps you distracted. But it isn’t healthy. 
This isn’t to say men are toys. Or people for that matter. They are not. Peoples feelings are real and vulnerable. And to have someone show you who they are and feel completely comfortable in your energy, is really special and rare. Real connection is not a game and a person who is meant for you, will never feel like they’re toying with you or make you feel like you’re on a shelf waiting to be picked. But if im being completely real, this is how I have felt in the past.
Its hard to be apart of a world where everyone compares every situation, when they are all so different. We all have different life experiences that bring us here. We’ve had partners that have destroyed our confidence and trust in other people and relationships that have been results of unhealthy addiction or obsession that just proves to be nothing positive. The way we each view the world will always be inherently different because WE are. My understanding of me is going to be different to the next persons, ill never see what you do about me, and you’ll never know all of me. Its funny how that works?
L, xox.
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perictione00 · 1 year
Oops!...I Did It Again
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Ch 1: It's Complicated
Pairing: Nanami Kento x reader
Warnings: Suicidal thoughts/behaviour (please do not read if things like this are triggering for you).
Synopsis: When life was throwing you uncountable curveballs, an unexpected reunion with your high school friend helped you dodge every single one of them. Coping mechanisms leave you both in a complicated situationship. So what happens when one of you ends up catching feelings? The cliche or the unexpected?
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
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You wonder what your life would've been like if your parents were still alive. Maybe you would have stayed a child for a little longer, enjoyed your life a little longer, without execrating every bitter incident that landed on your lap, and maybe you wouldn't be standing on the edge of a rooftop, drunk, contemplating your next move. It could be so easy to just stop everything and not feel anything any longer. You could be free from all the burden that you've been carrying; you won't have to worry about the deadlines, the debt, the rent, or your sister's school fee. Oh yeah, there it is—the reason you question your decisions whenever you find yourself on the rooftop. You really do love her; you act brave for her sake, and she's your motivation, yet sometimes it all feels so worthless. It doesn't matter when nobody acknowledges your hard work, but it hurts like hell when she doesn't. You try to understand that she's in her rebellious phase and that she's still young; however, you envy her for having the audacity to even disregard you in the first place because you expect her of all people to recognize the effort you put in. Why do you have to grow up and she gets to stay a child, a brat?
"What are you waiting for?", you almost lost your balance as you heard his voice. You slowly turned, only to see a blonde-haired guy with an obviously expensive-looking formal suit. "So you're drunk this time?", he continued as he walked in your direction.
"Heyaaaa, Mr. Richie Rich, what took you sooo loooooong, I missed you shhoooo muuchhh", you weren't sober enough to know how drunk you sounded, but Nanami was. He took your hand with caution as you climbed down the edge. The dark circles under your eyes gave away the reason for your current state. It was evident that you had been overworking yourself for the past few days. You barely had time for yourself, and you had requested Nanami to pick up your sister from her tennis classes twice this week. He was actually shocked to find you a bit too early at the office today as well, and although he wanted to question it, he knew better. There were already way too many rumors about you circulating in the office; he didn't want to add one more by holding a conversation with you.
"Let's go, I'll make dinner", he said as he collected the files and your heels that decorated the rooftop floor.
Nanami closed the door of his apartment as you staggered your way to the very comfortable-looking couch. He knew that you would fall asleep on the couch and that it would be such a pain to wake you up, but the peacefulness on your face changed his mind. This was basically the story of every other weekend, and it was painfully obvious how you both lacked a social life. However, he would rather spend his weekends with you than hold conversations with the people in his company; they were all...tiring and he felt at ease with you, maybe because you both attended the same high school and were part of the same circle. So here he was, almost done heating the leftover miso soup, searing chicken, and preparing parsley sauce to go with it.
Now comes the hard part: waking you up. He remembers that one time, when you had asked him to choose a pokemon that came to his mind when he thought of you, he also remembers how he had immediately answered Snorlax and how, surprisingly, you weren't even offended and instead tried to justify its life style. Of course you didn't need to know that he found Snorlax the cutest of all pokemon.
After 10 minutes of diligence, you were finally awake, cranky but awake at last. He led you to the dining table and served you the miso soup which tasted like heaven. The tofu literally melted in your mouth and the brothy texture was to die for, you could feel yourself sobering. While you were enamored with the taste of the food, Nanami was secretly anticipating your unusual way of appreciating his food, which you did.
"Oh I could just marry you right now", you announced as you pecked his lips, catching him off guard.
To say that Nanami was flustered would be an understatement. The tips of his ears were as red as an apple, and his serious guy exterior was on the verge of breaking. He knew that for you, it wasn't anything unusual because of the peculiar relationship you shared with him; however, actions and words like these never failed to ignite his heart with a hopeful fire. But he couldn't allow himself to give into this fantasy, so he maintained his calm appearance and continued savoring the tender chicken, glancing your way with every bite.
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2 years ago
Resigning from a company that contributed to a major part of your income was a big decision, but after working overtime for almost a month and not getting a penny for it, that was your limit. You tried complaining only to find out that some legal document under the company's contract deprived you of many rights that were meant for your protection against exploitation. You seriously should've read it all instead of jumping on the opportunity. And with that, you were left with a series of unpaid bills and your unemployed ass. It was hard to find a great job in a short time period, so you went on for various job interviews and took on multiple part-time jobs that paid enough to keep you going for 4 months. It was during this time that you regretted giving up on your previous job, as the list of redirected emails to inform you that your interest was appreciated but another candidate was chosen for the job was taking a toll on you.
In all honesty, your confidence had hit rock bottom. You really thought you were something, that you stood a chance, only to discover how ignorant you were. It was scary—the prices of basic amenities, the rent, your sister's education, and her growing demands. Falling into a cycle of self-hatred, you slowly forgot about yourself, your needs, and your health; life became all about work. If you wanted to exist in the world, you had to be stable economically; money's everything, and you felt utterly useless. What were you even doing? What were you doing with your life? Did you not have any aspirations? Were you nothing but a fucking coward who gave up the moment things got hard? At the young age of 24, you were having an existential crisis. You were comparing yourself to every person your age who had accomplished more than you ever could, and there was no end to it. Though the vicious cycle did come to an end the day you came across a former classmate Nanami Kento while on a grocery run.
"Oh, I think you dropped th-,", Nanami stopped mid-sentence as he stood astonished, looking at the woman who had dropped her cereal box.
"Nanami! Is that you?", you asked in shock.
Let's just say that the grocery run took way longer than it should have as you both dropped by a cafe to catch up. It was refreshing talking about random things to someone your age, someone you knew. You had to admit that Nanami had changed, not only looking more approachable, but it seemed like he finally had no issue talking to people, you were happy for him, and since you wanted to keep it that way, you kept yourself from inquiring about his job. After a good two hours, you exchanged numbers and bid each other farewell. It turned out to be a great day, as that very day, you were offered a job at a MNC with phenomenal pay, but here's the catch: as you went through the documentation process, you learned that the position of secretary was offered to you. That was shocking, as your credentials and experience were suited more for the marketing department, and you were concerned about the legitimacy of the offer because no one pays that much to a secretary; however, beggars can't be choosers, so you accepted the offer right away.
On your joining day, the morning routine started earlier than usual, as you wanted everything to be perfect, from your fit to your timing. After having breakfast with your sister, you left for work, reaching ahead of time to leave a good impression. The building seemed fancy, with a sweet receptionist who directed you to your new boss, warning you not to enter his office until he called for you. That was weird, but maybe it was because your boss was busy. And it turned out that he was actually busy...fucking a woman, who came out of his office with disheveled hair. It was after you waited for a long time that he called you inside.
He was on his cellphone when you entered the office, wearing a tasteful tuxedo with a matching watch that went well with his blonde hair, leaning back on his chair, ignoring your presence. As you were about to introduce yourself, he raised his index finger to his lips, saying, "Shhh...you must be the new one. I'm Naoya Zenin, head of the consulting department and you must call me Sir."
Ch 2
Series Masterlist
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0nemorestranger · 1 year
chrissy wanting the two guys she loves most to be friends so she uses her powers of deception tricks them into going to a concert together. at first jason doesn't say anything when they pull into the trailer park -- chris has always been better with making friends outside of their social circle -- but when he sees eddie munson bounding down the steps and heading for his car, he nearly blows a gasket.
eddie opens the passenger door and looks at chrissy, ignoring jason entirely. "you're out of your mind if you think i'm spending an evening with him." (finally, something they can agree on.)
but chrissy stands her ground, as she always does. "it's just a concert. you guys won't even need to talk to each other."
he gives jason the once-over and grimaces. "at least come in and make yourself presentable. you stick out like a sore thumb."
"told you so," chrissy mumbles as they all walk up the trailer steps together. and what the hell? he thought an all-black ensemble would've been fine. they're an up-and-coming metal band, sure, but they're a christian metal band. it's not like he was gonna roll up to the place covered in spikes and pentagrams -- even if they didn't read the word.
eddie throws him a pair of ripped up acid-wash jeans. "put those on, for starters." he disappears deeper into the closet so jason can change in peace, thank god, and a few seconds later shirts come flying out one by one. he picks up the hellfire shirt and slips it on for shits and giggles. when he asks how he looks, eddie turns around and doesn't give an immediate response.
at least, not a verbal one.
but his look says a lot. maybe even too much.
"ridiculous." he shoves a shirt into jason's chest: a black tee featuring what looks like album art for a band called Stryper. he's heard of these guys -- christians too, chris says -- but he hasn't gone out of his way to listen to them yet. eddie turns around so he can change.
"didn't know you were into this side of the scene," he says.
"i may not dig on organized religion, but good music is good music." he turns around and looks jason up and down, quicker this time. "it'll do. let's go."
it's a quick drive to the venue. well, venue might be generous; it's only a big bigger than a walk-in closet. he could spit from where he's standing and hit the stage, then turn his head at a right angle and probably drool onto the merch table. "where's the pit gonna be?"
eddie smiles at him with half-lidded eyes: amused and a little smug. "hang up the gloves for two hours, balboa." then he steers them to the bar and orders: two beers, two shots of tequila, and a rum and coke for the lady -- those are his exact words and it makes jason wish there was room for a pit after all. but he flashes his fake ID along with theirs and plays nice. then they make their way toward the stage. people are still filing in, so they have no problem getting to the front.
"how long have you guys been coming here?" he has to scream to be heard over the pre-concert mixtape, something that is decidedly unchristian and headache inducing besides.
"since spring break. she remembered my band from middle school." (jason remembers, too. he hated them.) "i told her to come and see us when she got the chance. didn't think she actually would."
"and one thing led to another?"
"pretty much."
"yeah. and you got her hooked on devil music, so thanks for that."
"you're here too, aren't you?"
the rest of the evening happens in a series of snapshots: losing chrissy, then finding her swirling her straw around in her plastic cup and chatting up the bartender; eddie recommending him some non-metal music and jason noncommittally saying he'll check it out; jumping around when the band actually takes the stage; throwing an arm around eddie not because he needs help standing -- though he lost count after four beers -- but because, damn, this guy's not all bad. it makes jason want to hate him even more, but what he ends up feeling is actually something just short of fondness.
chrissy hates the idea of being drunk, so her single drink before the show was all she had. someone needs to be the DD, anyway.
"y' wan' stay the night?" it's slurred and giggly, but one look at eddie's glassy eyes and jason can tell that it's sincere, too. he makes for the bedroom, thinking himself rude only after he flops down on the mattress and is too beat to pick himself back up.
another body flops down beside him. "chrissy took th' couch. i c'n sleep on the floor, if y'want."
his head is buried in the pillow, but he tries to shake it anyway. "'s cool."
"really? i'da thought you wouldn' wan' me around, after..."
"yeah, well." he turns on his other side to get a better look at the guy. "it's flattering, y'know? always nice to get a compliment. and..." he waves his hand in the air. "sometimes people c'n surprise you."
"you're tellin' me." he chuckles and punches jason in the arm. "g'night, my man." then he turns over, and his breathing evens out almost immediately.
they wake up the next morning at almost the same time, facing each other. not a word is said, but the whole situation is so unbearably, inexplicably funny that they both bust up immediately, snorting and wiping their eyes and leaning into each other for support.
the racous laughter is what wakes chrissy up. if she were in a bitchy mood, she'd snap at them to shut the hell up and go to sleep. instead, she laughs, too. this whole thing went exactly as planned.
i wanted this to be a "real fic" for over a week now, but i couldn't get the words to come out right. so for the time being i'm posting this unpolished, unedited, bare-bones piece, and maybe if enough people like it i'll try to actually do something with it.
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pedgito · 2 years
Could you do a love triangle between reader, Steve and Eddie? Like she can't decide who she's more attracted too and spin the bottle goes south really quick. Because they're jealous when someone dares the reader to kiss the other or someone else.
author's note: uh, yeah...i got carried away. this took on a life of it's own. i also got halfway through and tumblr deleted it and i had retype all of it, so if it seems a little disjointed, i'm sorry. hopefully it isn't too noticeable
cw: 18+ (to be safe), background!ronance, lots of making out and some suggestive touching, but nothing too crazy. there's not any interaction outside of the reader between steve & eddie, other than talking, ect, but i tried leaving the ending a little ambiguous for a reason :p
word count: 3.6k
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You weren’t entirely too sure how you ended up in this situation—scratch that—you were definitely aware of how, but why was the real issue. A small group of teenagers huddled around a fire during of those infamous senior year parties, drinking until you couldn’t see straight and making far too many irrational decisions—which is the how on you ending up here, staring directly at the two boys you couldn’t stop thinking about, sans the few other kids who didn’t really matter—not to you, anyways. You hadn’t spoke to half these kids the entire school year, but spin the bottle was harmless, practically child’s play. What was the worst thing that could happen?
“So, how are we doing this?” Steve asks after a long silence. Everyone shares a glance around the circle, not a single word spoken. “Come on, at least one of you has to have some idea of how to play.”
You sigh, taking the bait. “Let’s do—spinner chooses the person to kiss for whoever it lands on. Fair enough?” There’s a collective shrug from everyone in response. “Great—I’ll go first.” No one argues against it.
It lands on Nancy first, who takes a small sip of her beer—liquid courage, maybe? Though, she already looked like she been through a few by the slight flush in her face. You glance over at your quirky, fast talking friend and an idea strikes you.
“Robin.” You grin, staring Nancy down. Part of you expects Nancy to back out, but she crosses the path to Robin, who sitting beside you. It’s a quick kiss—close mouthed and simple. Nancy offered a comforting smile to her friend before turning on her heels and returning to her seat—and if it weren’t for the four beers Robin had consumed in the time you had been here, she’d be shaking in her converse after being kissed—and by Nancy Wheeler, of all people. You nudge her shoulder comfortingly, watching the blush creep up her neck toward her face. “Alright, who’s next?” Robin asks, desperately hoping to avert the attention away from her.
A young blonde girl who’s name you couldn’t remember spun the bottle, landing on Jason, and to no surprise—she picked herself. You’ve never been more happy that Chrissy wasn’t much of a partier, she didn’t deserve this—Jason really didn’t deserve her. You couldn’t be bothered to watch, eyes averting to Eddie who was just as equally uncomfortable, but it didn’t seem like it was for the same reason. He rarely ever took part in group stuff or socialized outside of his D&D club—but he had you, Nancy, Robin, and Steve to thank for finally helping him branch out—even if it was against his own will most of the time.
Jason took the next turn, spinning the bottle. It spun and spun, lasting for what felt like hours until it stopped on you. You looked at Jason, bracing for whatever stupid choice he was about to.
“Harrington.” He says smugly, smirk covering his annoying face. “You get to kiss Harrington.”
Steve eyes you wearily, immediately feeling uncomfortable with all eyes on him. Luckily, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Had he been the Steve of two years ago, he would’ve had no shame, kissing you square on the mouth in front of the entire school if he needed to, just to prove a point. But this Steve, he was hesitant. You had been through a lot, together and apart.
“Lucky me.” You joke, flashing a sweet smile in Steve’s direction. You chug the rest of the beer, throwing the bottle off toward the other growing pile of empty bottles. You contemplate whether a simple kiss was enough, but the way Jason was staring you down—you just had to stick it to him, shove it right in his face.
Steve’s leg spread slightly as you moved forward, allowing you the space you needed to take a careful seat on his leg, one arm hung loosely around his back. “You can hate me later.” You whisper, hand coming up to cradle the side of his face before leaning in, pressing you lips against his own with all the confidence in the world.
You really don’t expect the pressure the Steve returns, parting your lips slightly. But, he seems to catch on to why you were putting on such a show—he would play along either way. And even if you did have the teensiest of crushes on Steve, you would never find the courage to act on it alone. Steve spent all of his time talking about girls that there was no reason for you to be anywhere on his radar. He sighs quietly, bring you in closer, hand gripping onto your waist gently.
Jason clears his throat awkwardly, “If you two want to get a room that’s fine.” Of course the jerk couldn’t take what he wanted to dish out. You pull away slowly, eyes immediately connecting with his.
“Sorry. Who’s next?” You ask simply, standing to smooth out your shirt where it had ridden up from Steve’s hand. “Robin?”
“Me?” She asks, voice shaken. Robin was always so inherently nervous, but it was part of her charm. "I, uh--Okay."
You could hear a pin drop as soon as it landed on Eddie, the entire group snapping their attention in his direction. He was fiddling with the neck of the bottle, not realizing everyone was staring at him until Steve nudges him.
He laughs lightly, not even the slightest bit uncomfortable. You would never understand how easily he brushed everything off. "Choose wisely, Robin." He teases, pointing a tantalizing finger her direction. Robin forces a laugh, eyes wandering around the group slowly, categorizing every person.
Not Jason, not Nancy, not to mention all the other kids who were vehemently making an effort to avoid Robin's gaze. She stops on Steve for half a second, considering--before she snaps to you. She mumbles a sheepish, "Sorry--I love you, please don't hate me."
But, there wasn't any reason to hate her. It was a game--a silly, stupid little game, right? You shrug, throwing your arms up in the air. "Rules are rules." You assure her, "Pucker up, Munson."
Much similar to your approach to Steve, Eddie widens his legs. But, he's perched higher, allowing his head to be level with you while he sat. "It's an honor, sweetheart." His voice dripping with honey, warm and entirely too welcoming--and now you really can't ignore the shiver that runs down your spine. It wasn't the alcohol this time, not even in the slightest.
He yanks you toward him gently, fingers carding their way through the hair at nape of your neck, pulling you in for a slow, searing kiss. You yelp quietly at the action, caught off guard by the way Eddie manhandled you into place--not that you were complaining.
The kiss quickly turns into something else, a mess of tongues and not much else. It was probably time to cut off the alcohol. Robin whistles loudly from behind you, the rest of the teenagers joining in quickly, pulling you both out of whatever trance you had both entered. You quickly stepped back from Eddie, pointedly avoiding his eyes--unfortunately, locking right onto Steve's. Except he's not looking back, he's staring directly at Eddie. And it's then, in the midst of all your drunkenness, that your existential crisis hits you.
Steve was jealous and Eddie wanted to make Steve jealous. It had worked perfectly, assuming by the look on Steve's face. But, what doesn't make sense, is why Steve couldn't bare to look at you now. Eddie coughs softly, causing you to separate further. "Sorry, sweetheart. Kinda got ahead of myself." You wanted to blame it on the alcohol, but it couldn't have been more obvious--the problem was literally staring you directly in the face.
They were both jealous. They couldn't even share a glance with each other anymore, after an entire night of pointless chatting, it was like they couldn't be on further points of the universe, all over a harmless game.
"Well, I think that's enough for one night." Nancy finally says, breaking the tension that had been created between the three of you. "Robin?" She asks, making an effort to hope she would catch on.
"Yep!" She claps, standing up from her spot and immediately snatching Nancy away from the group. "God, please fill me in on whatever is going on with those two." Robin whispers into your ear before she finally flees, following Nancy toward the drink table, against her better judgement.
After a few minutes of silence and stolen glances between each other, no one speaks. You sigh loudly, hands thrown out to your side. "I'm not dealing with you two. I'm not--I'm just gonna go find somewhere to sober up." You weren't sure what had brought out the behavior from Steve--well, Eddie had--but, you hadn't done a single thing to him. And Eddie, he couldn't even be bothered to look Steve's way.
You turn, stomping off into the deep brush of forest, desperate to escape the chaos of the party and calm your nerves. "Wait!" You hear Steve call out, but you don't stop. To no one's surprise, Steve trails closely behind--a quiet Eddie sticking behind, staring at the dirty, scuffed white sneakers he wore.
"Wait, please," Steve's voice is softer this time, but louder, void of all the loud music and chatter. He's staring at you with his soft, brown eyes--the type of look that would make any girl melt. But not you, not now, "stuff got weird back there, I'm sorry."
"Stuff got weird? Is that the excuse you're using?" You ask, entirely unconvinced by what he was telling you. "So, you staring down Eddie like you wanted to murder him isn't important? I shouldn't be worried about that?"
Steve looks away, jaw clenching. "I didn't think it would feel weird. But, I couldn't help it." He replies lamely, still not looking your way.
"Couldn't help what?" You ask, arms crossing over your chest, "Acting like a complete douche? It was a game, Steve." But, you were far past the point of it just being a game--you knew it was more to Steve, maybe not before, but definitely now.
"Just a game? So when you had your tongue shoved down Eddie's throat, that was just a game?" Steve turns toward you, eyes narrowing. You set yourself, brows furrowing in anger.
"So, you are jealous." Steve shakes his head in frustration, back turned toward you. "You're jealous that I kissed Eddie? Steve, I kissed you too, how does that make any sense?" He didn't even have the courage to look at you now, even after being so confrontational. "Steve, seriously?"
"Fuck this." He snaps, turning on his heels and stalking toward you, legs hitting the back of the worn out picnic table, sending you stumbling back, arm extended out in an effort to catch yourself, but Steve's hands are around you before you can even think, pulling you into him.
You hesitate for a split second, seeing his eyes scan over the expanse of your face, silently checking if you were okay--you were furious, but you couldn't help but want to lean in further, the tingle of alcohol filling your body. You sigh into Steve's mouth the moment it touches yours, immediately wrapping your arms around the expanse of his neck, allowing his hands to slip under your thighs and force you to be fully seated on the table now, wrapping your legs around his hips.
His tongue traces a line against your top lip, idle hand squeezing at the soft flesh of your waist, before delving into your mouth like he was a man dying of thirst, ready to bleed you dry. You fight back, lips pressing against his in an effort to gain an upper hand, fingers gently pulling at his hair. Steve moans outwardly, a filthy laugh slipping from his lips at the effort you were giving. "I guess I had a reason to be jealous, yeah?" He asks teasingly, his voice low and soft, only for your ears.
"Shut up." You bite back, pulling him back in for another kiss, leaving you practically breathless.
"Well, seems you two had a couple issues to work through." A voice bleeds through the trees, the familiar crackle of leaves coming closer and closer until..."Didn't think you had it in you, Harrington."
"Eddie." It's a warning. He knows it.
Eddie throws his hands up in defeat before resting them behind his back, slowly stepping closer. Steve was still pressed between your legs, but both of you were glued on Eddie and that stupid smirk he had.
"Don't act so innocent, sweetheart." He chides, his voice soft but condescending in it's tone. "You knew exactly what you were doing."
A step closer, than another, until he's practically kneeling on the bench beside you both, only a few inches away. "Steve's definitely got it out for you--problem is, I do too."
It couldn't have been more obvious, but the reality of hearing it fall from Eddie's mouth has your heart skipping a beat. Two of you bestfriends, two people you loved--it should feel wrong.
Eddie lets out a short chuckle, eyes dark, not soft like they usually are. He wasn't mad, you've known him long enough to understand what that looks like, but this--it was something else entirely. He leans in slowly, lips brushing the shell of your ear.
You were too hyperaware of your position now--Steve crowded over you, Eddie pushed in beside you. Steve hadn't even bothered to move, to enraptured by the show Eddie was putting on, almost like he was amused by it. You glance over at Steve, his mouth hung open slightly, still caught up in all the emotion of the moment, his grip never faltering.
"You think Harrington likes to watch? Or maybe he'll join in?" Eddie asks teasingly, eyes glancing toward Steve. Steve's eyes flit toward Eddie quickly, before returning to your own, eyes glossing over slightly. "He does get a little feisty when he drinks, doesn't he?"
"Eddie, just get to the point." You beg tiredly, glancing up toward him now. Eddie smiles, but it's slight, barely noticeable at all. He's thinking, contemplating. But, it doesn't take long before Eddie's leaning forward, chin grasped between his fingers in an effort to maneuver your face toward him. It's surprisingly gentle, despite how aggressive it would look to anyone passing by, luckily you three were completely alone.
"Just couldn't resist another taste, sweetheart." Eddie flirted entirely to well, it was one of his more annoying traits. He flirted with everyone, anything, it wasn't something you ever put much thought into. But, this--this was dirty, this was real. "I'll let myself regret it in the morning."
But, it's you who closes that gap, hand reaching up to graze the side of Eddie's face, fingers catching in one of his curls. Steve's grip on your waist tightens, but he doesn't move, doesn't let go. He hasn't even made a sound. Eddie licks into your mouth, desperate for more of you, teeth grazing against your bottom lip, nipping gently. Eddie was messy with passion in the way that Steve was slightly more coordinated--and the idea that you were even comparing the two was insane, but that was a thought for a later time. There were more pressing issues at hand--like, Eddie pulling away to suck at a particular spot on your neck, allowing you to finally lock eyes with Steve again.
"Can I kiss you?" His voice was rough, eyes drawn to where Eddie was sucking along your neck. You couldn't even be bothered to answer, nodding quickly in response. He pulls you in carefully, the hand that wasn't holding your waist a featherlight touch against your thigh, pulling your leg higher up his hip. He didn't seem to mind that Eddie wanted to join in, but he wanted to make sure his presence was still known. Not like you could forget it--this would be burned into your mind forever.
You sigh, desperate for more and more touch, from either of them. It was driving you wild, the way Eddie was whispering in your ear, taking the time to claim up your skin with his own mouth, all while being devoured by Steve’s, his tongue breaching past your lips, desperate to pull any little sound he could out of you. Words were pointless, you couldn’t even form one. It wasn’t like you were drunk enough to the point where you couldn’t make a rational decision, not that anything was making sense right now, but you were definitely aware.
“Switch me, Harrington.” Eddie sighs out, hand reaching around to grip at the thigh that Steve wasn’t occupying, squeezing at the sensitive flesh. You whine softly, the cold sting of his rings a very prominent reminder. This was Eddie, your best friend, and Steve—also your best friend—how were you going to recover from this?
Steve doesn’t put up a fight, surprisingly, switching with Eddie quickly, hand wandering up your chest, slipping under the thin material of your shirt. “This okay?” He asks into crown of your head, mouth buried into your hair, squeezing at your breast, over the flimsy bralette that covered them.
“So okay. So much better than okay.” You confess, pleasure having taken over your rational thinking completely. You catch the glance that Eddie sends Steve's way, watching his hand disappear under your shirt. And for a split second, Steve locks eyes with him. They could've buried you six feet under at this point, not even feeling like you were in control of yourself anymore. But, the feeling of Eddie's lips brushing against your own has you jolting back to reality, your hand coming up to push his hair out of his face, delving into his mouth, a sloppy mess of tongue and spit, just like before.
It was a stark contrast, the way Eddie was ready to devour you whole, compared to Steve, who was sure of himself, but never taking a step too far without checking in with you. It had you reeling, two of the boys you care about most, drawing sounds out of you that you had no idea existed. You had to stop this at some point, before you three woke up the next morning, unable to look at each other.
You sighed, reaching back to rub tenderly at Steve's arm, pulling his attention away from where his face was buried in your neck, barely grazing Eddie's, but it's enough to interrupt him. He pulls back, eyes softer now.
"We have to stop." You say, regretfully. As much as you wanted to let the alcohol think for you, some things just couldn't get out of control, not this. "We can't do this."
They both pull back slowly, slightly dejected. "Sorry." Steve says softly, attempting to subtly adjust the front of his pants, but he fails.
"Damn, Harrington." Eddie laughs, finally pulling back, fishing his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. "You just keep surprising me."
"Shut up." Steve shoots back, but there's no real emotion behind it. He almost laughs at the absurdity of the situation, not having fully processed everything either.
"I need to get back before Robin comes looking for me." You tell them both, the flick of Eddie's lighter louder in the silence that had settled.
"Eh, I don't know about that." Eddie gives you a playful look, taking a long drag from the cigarette. "She might be a little busy."
"With?" You ask, eyeing him carefully.
"Let's just say, Wheeler was pretty eager to run off with her earlier," He glances over at Steve, then back at you, "and I definitely didn't catch them making out over by the parking lot."
"Damn, I didn't think Robin had it in her." Steve comments offhandedly, seemingly proud of his friend.
"God," You sigh, rubbing your hands over your face tiredly, "this is the last party I'm ever tagging along on."
"Probably a good idea," Eddie says, smiling down at you, "you might end up falling in love with us." It's a lame attempt at a joke, but the way your heart flutters scares you.
"Yeah." You force a laugh, pushing yourself off the table and attempting to walk back toward the wild group of drunk teenagers. The boys trail closely behind, exchanging glances between each other unbeknownst you. Steve shakes his head in disbelief.
"Hey!" You hear Robin yells, jogging toward you. Nancy was close behind her, an obvious pep in her step. You gave Robin a suspicious look, eyeing her up and down. "So, these two ever stop acting so grumpy?"
"Yeah." You say slowly, glancing over at Nancy, who was forcing herself to hide the obvious smile on her face. "They'll be okay, we talked it out."
"Good, at least they finally figured their shit out." Robin whispers to you, glancing up at the two boys who were both wearing the same pair of shit-eating grins on their face at the sight of their other two friends.
"I could say the same for you."
The look on Robin's face is priceless, sending you running in the direction of Steve's car at the startled yell of your name. "She's gonna kill you for that." Eddie comments, gasping for breath when you finally come to a stop, arm draped over your shoulder gently.
"I told you, she just needed a nudge." Steve smirks, jingling the keys to his car in front of you. "Need a ride?"
It didn't matter if you three ended up in the back of Steve's car that night, somehow in the same situation as earlier, you could regret it in the morning. But truthfully, that wasn't the last time—and none of you ever regretted it.
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