#it will not be replaced with the prioritization of romantic relationships as a whole
seductivejellyfish · 2 years
gonna take a bit of a swing at a hornets nest here but: whenever you have in mind to write a post about, or you read a post about, "amatonormativity," I really suggest stepping back and asking "how would this post change if I replaced 'amatonormativity' with 'heteronormativity'/'compulsive heterosexuality'? Are the societal pressures or privileges described actually applied to homosexual relationships at all, or in a way resembling how they are applied to heterosexual relationships?"
A lot of us live in relatively wonderful pockets of the world where it can be easy to feel like gay relationships are thought about in a way that is close to equivalent to straight ones, but the fact is I have never once seen any discussion of 'amatonormativity' that was not a discussion of heteronormativity. It is true that there are immense societal pressures that seem to enforce 'romantic' relationships, but in reality they enforce heterosexual relationships of a particular sort, and we flatted our ability for meaningful critique when we act like the forces at work are a societal prioritization of romantic love, and not the patriarchal structure of compulsory heterosexuality and all its implications for maintenance of the patriarchy.
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klonnieshippersclub · 10 months
If anyone was to object a KB wedding would that be Damon?
I answered a similar question here. To make this simple, almost everyone has a reason to object. However, you mentioned Damon specifically and I'd love to discuss his reaction to Klonnie's wedding as a whole.
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I ship Bamon romantically and was super disappointed to see all their chemistry go to waste. The show established that Bamon is platonic but continued to do things to press their boundaries. Damon inserted himself into the relationship Bonnie had with Enzo. It had nothing to do with Enzo and everything to do with Damon's relationship with Bonnie. He's very childish with his possession of Bonnie. That's his best friend and he doesn't really want to share. He certainly wouldn't want to share Bonnie with Klaus. Damon and Klaus are similar character types. I can picture Damon feeling like Klaus was replacing him. Klaus already stole his brother Stefan in the 1920s. Stealing Bonnie is going too far. Whether you ship Bamon or not, Bonnie is special to Damon and he would not be a fan of her joining the Mikaelson family. Does Damon object? Oh he wants to. He fantasizes about it. He wants nothing more than to kidnap Bonnie and drive her as far away from the wedding as possible. What stops him? Elena (she's smart enough to know when he is plotting something), his fear of Bonnie's wrath (she would kick his ass so hard) or Damon prioritizing Bonnie's happiness (he does love her like crazy and he still hates that Klaus makes her happy).
Also, a friend of mine is very interested in starting a Bamon-centric account similar to this one. Does that sound interesting to anyone? Bamon is kinda foundational to Bonnie's fandom and it's kinda sad seeing the lack of activity on here for them.
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ticklepinions · 1 year
Welcome to another episode of am I an asshole or just aroace.
Recently I've been in a situation where I've contemplated my sexuality a lot. My best friend has been telling me all about their dating escapades and honestly I'm a bit over it. Obviously as a friend I want to support someone I care about, but I just get into this mood I can't really explain??? I get so disinterested and even feel a bit hurt in a way. So ofc I do some reflecting and I think I found an answer.
A lot of my friendships with people ususlly looked different when they were romantically involved with someone. They would obviously need to prioritize their romantic partner, but sometimes I felt discarded. And i feel like we don't talk about that enough. I mentioned it a bit in my other post but to be pretty much replaced by someone you only know for a short amount of time feels some typa way. And I get it- I won't be priority #1 and I'm okay with that. But I feel like sometimes, men especially, have this toxic idea that their partners become their everything. And in turn, (in my case at least), pay less attention to their friends since their partner is now their sole support system.
So I think there's this small voice in my head telling me that when my friend(s) do find a partner, I'm just gonna be cast aside. I would be absolutely elated if my friend did find someone though, i just know for myself it would be an adjustment.
I feel like loneliness for an aroace person hits a bit different. Especially as I'm getting older, and seeing all of the people I know get into relationships, get married, and/or having kids. My family always asks when I'm going to get a partner (I haven't and probably couldn't come out to them safely). So many times I've been told I haven't found the "right person" or my aroace identity is "just a phase". And it's just gotten so old and bothersome at this point.
I can't even discern what thoughts are my own or the internalized aro/acephobia thats been deeply entrenched in my mind. I feel like I'm trapped in a state of just not knowing. And i get it, I have time, I can discover a different identity that makes more sense for me. But I don't want it!? I feel the most myself being asexual and aromantic (i think!). It's just that having to explain why or justify my existence is getting so exhausting. The way platonic love is just automatically pegged to be the least of all the other loves is just so sad to me.
I know about qprs and honestly they sound pretty dope but idk I might just end up with this loneliness eating away at me. The relationship I'd want with a person just seems so niche and unrealistic. I'm just real tired of living up to others expectations in every sense possible. Tired of not being enough. Tired of being stuck in this in-between of caring so much but not at all.
and I shouldn't have to feel like I have to be in a relationship of any kind to be whole 😩. But I think for myself I'd want it? But not the way society has envisioned it y'know?
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akatsuki-shin · 9 months
Can I ask a few questions about Gojo/Getou?
1.) What songs that came to your mind when you think of them (SatoSugu)?
2.) Do you think SatoSugu are queerbaiting?
3.) In Role Reversal AU, do you think Getou can kill Gojo for the greater good (like what Gojo did)?
4.) So is he (Gojo) really not feel anything with Amanai and Haibara's death?
5.) How can Gojo not realizing Geto's depression (is it because he always sent on solo missions)?
6.) (This last one is kinda a joke) Are you a GoGe or GeGo shipper?
1). "Wherever You are" by ONE OK ROCK because this fan video made for their 24-Dec death anniversary last year absolutely destroyed me, and you guys should be destroyed by it, too.
2). No, because as far as I'm concerned, that kind of best friend, bromance, soulmate-like relationship between male characters are common in practically every shounen out there for so many years, and they can be considered as fan service at most (after all, the spending power of otaku girls in Japan are already a force to be recognized in the anime industry). Besides, you don't have to necessarily view them as being romantic-coded or something. There are times when you just found that one person with whom you both totally understand each other, care about each other, feel you are equal, have the exact same vibe, that you two end up being inseparable.
3). Strength-wise, I don't think Geto is stronger than Gojo, so first of all, it would depend on whether Gojo is willing to be killed by him or if Gojo was so severely weakened that he couldn't fight back normally.
Emotion-wise, yes, I think Geto is the kind of person who is willing to make a huge sacrifice for the greater good, even if it will cost him his own life. That said, if he does end up killing Gojo, it will give a significant impact and change to his personality from thereafter.
4). Gojo is different from Geto when it comes to the way he thinks and express feelings/emotions. Geto cares too much about everyone else but himself. Gojo cares about those close to him and he won't unnecessarily hurt strangers either, but if situation calls for it, he is willing to make sacrifices. Like in Shibuya Arc, people like Geto (or Yuji) would probably prioritize saving the civilians, but Gojo prioritized exorcising the Special Grade curses.
First of all, in Riko's case, he was literally high after just being awakened to his true power so he was incapable of feeling anything else. But it isn't as if he's not angry at all; had Geto said "ok" when they met there, he would've massacred the entire cult right then and there because he knows they are the real cause of Riko's death.
There is too little information about Gojo's reaction about Haibara's death but I'm guessing that rather than losing Haibara, the thing that angers him the most would be the way the conservative higher-ups are running things that ends up in his junior's death. Because literally the reason why Haibara died is because the higher-ups's blunder in detecting the curse's level for their mission.
Satoru is born in the Gojo clan; from his childhood, he must've known all the ugliness of the bureaucracy brought about by the conservatives old people. Honestly, if it were up to him, he would've straight up killed those higher-ups (he said this in canon in his anger after Yuji's first death). But in his youth, he was using Geto as a moral compass, so he didn't do it (and he might yet to care that much about it at that time) . As an adult, he already realized that killing them wouldn't solve anything, so he must replace them by a whole new generation who wouldn't commit the same mistake they did — a resolution he found after his "breakup" with Geto, after realizing that he could not save his best friend, no matter how strong he is.
Despite how he looks, Gojo is actually quite farsighted. He doesn't want to just solve emerging problems, he wants to pull them out from the roots. That's why he doesn't look like he's too affected by his comrades' death. He does feel things, but he suppresses them well enough because he knows acting on impulse won't solve the actual problem.
5). The answer to this question may relate somewhat to Gojo's personality and thoughts that I wrote for the previous question (No. 4), but there are indeed other factors.
I personally think it's more because of Geto himself than Gojo.
Geto is the kind of person who cares more about others than himself. He cares a lot about his peers, but it means he is too mindful of others for his own good, and he doesn't want to trouble them as much as he can. Everytime he has a problem, he will say he's alright and hide it behind a smile, just like when Gojo asked him if he's alright because he's gotten thinner, but Geto only laughed it off and said the summer heat's getting to him when he's been losing sleep and appetite over his trauma and dilemma.
He is literally the epitome of someone who won't seek help for his mental health problems because he doesn't want to trouble other people and ends up exploding from it in the end after his mind and heart could no longer hold it in. You can see that after he decided to become a villain, he doesn't even bother explaining to Gojo and Shoko despite those two being his closest friends, and he doesn't demand them to understand him either.
6). I'm in the "GoGe" team because Geto is way too mom and waifu material to me lmao
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The past couple of weeks I've been reading a bunch of Django Wexler books, and the thing that caught me by surprise was how many of his main characters came across as fairly nuanced aspec rep, and I'm not entirely sure whether it was on purpose or not.
The first book I noticed this in was Ashes of the Sun. It and its sequels are queernorm, and textually acknowledge asexuality and aromanticism as things that are known and accepted within the setting. There are two protagonists, Maya and Gyre, and Gyre's experience of sexual and romantic attraction is deeply interesting in its absence. He has sex on multiple occasions, and seems to enjoy it somewhat, but nothing about his narration ever indicates that he has any interest in seeking it out. He never expresses a specific sexual attraction to either of his partners (or anyone else for that matter), never initiates sex, and never even seems to be thinking about sex as a possibility until someone else points it out to him. His feelings for his partners don't necessarily read as romantic, either. That part is more complicated and more open to interpretation - one of his partners is a fling, and the other deliberately avoids defining their relationship beyond "we are friends and sometimes sleep together", but he clearly feels awkward about the possibility of getting involved with other people in any capacity in spite of their explicit lack of exclusivity. However, his primary partner doesn't receive emotional priority in his narration. He treats her and thinks of her like all of his other close friends, without prioritizing her either higher or lower than anyone else.
However, neither his narration nor anyone else comments on this apparent lack of sexual or romantic interest, which is what makes the authorial intent seem ambiguous to me. In a queernorm setting where aspec people are textually a known and unremarkable part of society, it feels odd that neither Gyre nor anyone else describes himself in those terms. Given that his only partners are women, I'd normally be inclined to say that the author intended for him to allo and straight and just didn't really focus on writing sex and romance if not for our other viewpoint character, Maya. Maya's narration is chock full of visceral romantic and sexual attraction. The force of her attraction regularly hits her like a punch to the gut. At first she has to psych herself up to look her crush in the eye because every time she does her brain functions are replaced with "hnnnnnng girl pretty😳😳😳". It's such a dramatic contrast that it feels like it almost has to be deliberate. It's also worth noting that Maya's eventual partner, Beq, describes herself as having never been interested in someone before and that she hadn't ever expected to be, and as being kind of overwhelmed by the whole experience, which certainly sounds like it could be a description of demisexuality. She doesn't get a pov, though, so that's about as far as that exploration goes.
Demisexuality does come up in a different Wexler series, though. The Shadow Campaigns series is not queernorm - misogyny is dealt with extensively, and homophobia peripherally. One of the pov characters, Raesinia, spends the first half of the series utterly uninterested in romance or sex. She's not dismissive of them, or without opportunities to explore either - she simply doesn't feel either kind of attraction to anyone and never has, and is unbothered by that fact, except for when it puts her in the situation of needing to let one of her friends down gently. However, over the course of two books and about a year and a half in universe time, she develops a friendship and mutual respect with one of the other pov characters, Markus. In spite of a few comments from some of their other friends, Raesinia's feelings for him are pretty unambiguously platonic, with the most she'll concede to her friends' teasing being that he seems and looks nice enough, I guess. However, eventually her feelings for him begin to shift, until eventually she expresses a romantic interest in him. Again, this is not a queernorm series. One of the pov characters and several other main and supporting characters are unambiguously queer, but there's no in-universe cultural awareness of aspec identities, and no one remarks on them as a possibility. Again, here is where I would normally assume that the author intended to write a slowburn between a two allo heterosexual characters, except. There is a specific point in the story, years since they first met and months after they became romantically involved, where Raesinia specifically and dramatically experiences sexual attraction for the first time. And the degree to which that is emphasized by the text makes me think that her demisexuality might have been purposeful.
Ultimately I'm not really concerned with authorial intent; the text is the text, and both series feature characters who read as aspec to me. But it's not often that I'm so uncertain about what the authorial intent was. In any case, it makes for compelling reading.
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Beyond the Heart-Shaped Balloons: Navigating Valentine's Day with Love & Self-Care
Date Debacles & Discoveries
Valentine's Day: a day painted in hues of rose, red, and...sometimes, a tinge of bittersweet blue. Whether you're basking in the glow of a new love or navigating the single life, this day can trigger a rollercoaster of emotions. But amidst societal expectations and commercial hype, remember one thing: your healing journey is uniquely yours.
Don't get swept away by the pressure to conform. Take a deep breath and acknowledge your feelings, whether it's the joy of budding romance or the pang of past heartbreak. Healing isn't linear; it's a winding path with unexpected detours and moments of vulnerability. Embrace them all.
Some days, the lovey-dovey atmosphere might feel like a punch to the gut. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. But remember, love is a potent force that transcends romantic relationships. It exists in the laughter shared with friends, the warmth of family support, and even the quiet moments of self-discovery.
A remarkable woman once told me: "Find someone who loves you for you." True love embraces your flaws and quirks, not despite them, but because they make you, you. Don't settle for anything less.
Being Single is a Gift, Not a Curse:
Society might pressure you to couple up, but being single isn't a waiting room for a relationship; it's an exciting opportunity for self-discovery and growth. Ditch the self-deprecating jokes and embrace your independence. Unleash your inner explorer, reignite old hobbies, or finally take that pottery class you've been eyeing. Remember, you are whole and complete just as you are. This is your time to shine, discover, and define yourself on your own terms.
Self-Love: The Ultimate Power Move:
Amidst the external connections, don't forget the most crucial one: the one with yourself. Surround yourself with love, but prioritize self-love. Delve into your values, desires, and dreams. Self-love isn't a luxury; it's the fuel that propels you towards a fulfilling life.
Wishing Your Ex Well (Even if it Hurts):
Letting go is never easy, but holding onto resentment only hinders your own healing. Wish your ex well on their journey, even if it's just a silent thought. Forgiveness is a necessary step for growth it isn't about condoning their actions; it's about freeing yourself from the emotional burden.
Love Will Find You (When It's Ready):
Don't force it. True love thrives when you least expect it, and it definitely doesn't need a Hallmark holiday as a catalyst. Focus on building a fulfilling life you love, and the right connections will naturally blossom. Love is real, and it awaits you when the time is right, not as a replacement, but as a beautiful new chapter.
So, this Valentine's Day, ditch the dating apps, don't call your fuck buddy, fight the ex-texting temptations, and silence your inner critic. Instead, create a personalized celebration of YOU. Treat yourself to a self-care ritual, indulge in a guilty pleasure, or connect with loved ones who truly see you.
Recite these affirmations like a mantra:
I am worthy of love and respect.
My happiness is in my own hands.
I am strong, resilient, and evolving.
Love abounds in unexpected places, and I am open to it.
Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Embrace the love around you, nurture the love within, and know that you are loved, cherished, and deserving of all the happiness this world has to offer. Happy Valentine's Day, to you and the incredible being you are!
/ Winging it, but still making it.
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A Guide to Sober Dating
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In today's modern era, the dating scene can be challenging, with a strong emphasis on online interactions and seeking validation through social media. Finding someone who truly understands you is not always easy, and when you add the aspect of recovery into the mix, it adds a whole new layer of complexity. When venturing into the world of dating during your recovery journey, it's important to proceed with caution. If you're interested in pursuing romantic relationships after overcoming addiction, here are some valuable tips to consider.
Tips for Dating After Overcoming Addiction
Dating while in recovery doesn't have to be overwhelming or uncomfortable. With confidence and honesty, you can enjoy getting to know someone new. If you're ready to establish a deeper connection with someone after overcoming drug or alcohol addiction, here are some helpful tips for sober dating that you can try.
Take Your Time
Experts strongly advise against dating during the early stages of recovery or immediately after completing a rehabilitation program. The widely accepted guideline among addiction specialists is to avoid dating for at least a year after rehab. Engaging in dating when you're newly sober or before reaching a year of sobriety can hinder your recovery progress by replacing one addiction, like substance abuse, with another, such as an intense focus on romantic relationships.
Furthermore, the adjustment to a sober lifestyle after rehab can be challenging on its own, and introducing relationship complications like arguments, miscommunication, or even infidelity can be triggering and counterproductive. Instead, it's recommended to follow the remaining tips below after dedicating at least a year to establishing and maintaining your sobriety.
Be Transparent
Finding the right balance between sharing too much on the first date and revealing your recovery journey too late in the relationship is crucial. While it's unnecessary to delve into all the difficult details of your past struggles during your initial outings, it's important to be honest about your sobriety relatively early in the dating process.
You can start by mentioning that you don't drink or that you're in recovery, gradually sharing more information as you become more comfortable with the person you're dating. Not only will this alleviate the burden of secrecy, but it will also help filter out individuals who are not accepting of your situation before the relationship progresses too far.
Maintain Your Treatment
Completing a residential treatment program doesn't signify the end of your recovery journey. Dating can make you vulnerable and expose you to new situations that might tempt you to revert to drinking or substance use. While continued therapy, participation in support groups, or engaging in aftercare treatment is generally recommended, it becomes even more crucial during the initial phase of dating in recovery. These measures can help you overcome temptations and maintain your progress.
Choose Your Partners Wisely
Particularly during the early stages of recovery, be cautious about the people you decide to pursue romantic relationships with. You're still in a vulnerable state and susceptible to relapse triggers, so it's advisable to avoid individuals who may lead you astray from your recovery path. Focus on finding someone who aligns well with the sober lifestyle you're building for yourself.
Discover Sober-Friendly Activities
One of the challenges of sober dating is learning to have enjoyable experiences without relying on drugs or alcohol. Instead of going to bars or clubs, consider sober-friendly date ideas such as hiking, visiting museums, or trying out new restaurants that don't serve alcohol. Additionally, research and attend sober events in your area to expand your options.
Emphasize Emotional Connection
Avoid rushing into physical intimacy or committing too soon. Prioritize getting to know the other person deeply and building a strong emotional bond based on honesty and open communication. Take things one day at a time. If the person is the right match for you, they will be patient and understanding.
Explore Dating within the Sober Community
If temptation or being around individuals who drink is something you'd rather avoid, consider dating someone who is also in recovery. There are numerous sober dating apps, websites, and support groups available that can help you meet and connect with others on a similar recovery journey. By building relationships with fellow sober individuals, you can provide mutual support and understanding.
Make Your Sobriety a Priority
If dating while in recovery becomes overwhelming and starts to jeopardize your progress, it's essential to step back and reassess the situation. This is especially true if you have experienced a relapse. It might be beneficial to engage in an outpatient addiction program or seek additional treatment options. While having a relationship can be fulfilling, maintaining control over your life and securing a bright future should take precedence. Your sobriety must remain your number one priority, and if dating compromises that, it's best to pause and focus on building confidence in your sobriety before considering dating again.
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siamusotima-aranea · 2 years
God my life is in fucking shambles. I hate my job, I hate that despite being better than my last job it's somehow worse?? I hate the fact that I didn't get the other job I wanted despite having the qualifications and that interview probably being the best I've ever done. I hate that I don't have any real friends. I hate that that the one real friend I thought I had agreed to be roommates to get me away from my shitty crazy sister, then dicked me around for months, changed our rent budget without asking me despite KNOWING my money and health troubles, insisted on walk in closets and gated communities, and then called the whole thing off because she wants to get MARRIED AND START A FUCKING FAMILY. I hate that I'm so pissed about it! I hate that she just didn't say no in the first place!
I hate that I told her I wouldn't be mad if she backed out but I am I am SO FUCKING MAD and I don't think I'll ever see us as actually friends again, and it hurts and it sucks! And fuck it, I HATE BEING AROACE! I hate how much harder it makes my life! I hate how it's not my FUCKING CHOICE!! I've tried.i hate how no one gets how hard it is, and how fucking lonely it is, and how no one seems to have room in there lives for ME! Im too different! The world wasn't built for me to be in it. I hate that I can't afford to live somewhere nice or SAFE because I lost my potential roommates and didn't get the good job, and I hate that I can't even make work friends at my current job like I could at the last one! I hate that even if she would have been my roommate it was always going to be temporary, because I was always going to be a FAR lower priority than her partner. Not that I even want her to choose him over me, I like her partner! I wanted us all to be friend! I wanted to spoil the some day kid! I hate that no one can ever even imagine a space for me, a roll for me, I'm just in the way of their NORMAL lives. I don't want to change anyone's lives or replace anyone in them, I just want to be somewhere in there TOO. I hate that my sister prioritized her partner over everyone and everything else and that that seriously contributed to her kids neglect and why we can't FUCKING stand each other anymore! I hate that she told me that I was getting in the way of her living her life! I hate that I'm trying SO HARD to get out of her way but I just can't FUCKING afford to! I hate all the FUCKING Valentines day shit around! I hate how impossible it feels to have a future. I hate that time and time again I test it and I'm sure I don't want a romantic partnership, but no one seems to feel platonic love as strongly as I do, so the feeling is never mutual, never compatible. I hate my fucking ex. I hate that the relationship meant so much to me, but didn't even count as a relationship to him in the end. I hate how he said he was so happy to be in a relationship again before he bothered to call things off with me, and after starting a relationship with that other fucker! I hate how I couldn't even tell that it wasn't a romantic partnership when we were together. I hate that I wanted to build a future with him. I hate that the whole thing still hurts so many years later. I don't know what to do. And my god I have less and less energy to try and figure that out. No one around me has any guidance, because no one around me is LIKE ME. I'm tired. I don't know what to do.
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neecxle · 4 years
Not So Berry Extended
I finished the Not So Berry Challenge but wanted to continue for a few more generations because I adore my family. So I’ve written up my own version of things I want to do and accomplish per generation. Now this is a small extension most likely 3 generations that will be updated as I play. Rules may be subject to change whether that be adding or removing things, bc I am playtesting all of this currently.
If you want to follow and watch my playthrough of my Not So Berry Extended, you can do so HERE. ♥
Hope you enjoy and have fun with it! 
Generation 11: White 
From a young age you grew a fascination with acting, the idea of being able to step away from reality and take on a role of someone else excited you. So with the supportive parents you had, they enrolled you in drama club for the entirety of your school life. You begin to strive for something more, becoming a global superstar actor! With focusing so much on your career, keeping serious romantic relationships is difficult because you always prioritize work over love. You eat, breathe, sleep acting and you were happy keeping it that way. But with a one night stand gone wrong... you find out you are now left with an unplanned child. 
Traits: Self-Absorbed // Music Lover // Non-Committal
Aspiration: Master Actor
Career: Actor
enroll in drama club as a child and teen + get promoted to junior artiste (lvl.4)
master acting skill
reach level 5 in singing, dancing and an instrument of your choice
master the actor career and master actor aspiration
become a 5 star celebrity
have at least 1 celebrity best friend
never get married
have a one night stand and “accidentally” get pregnant/impregnate the sim* - this will be your only child
* if you choose to impregnate a sim, once the sim gives birth they give you the child to take care of 
side note: if you don’t have access to custom content feel free to use silver hair in replacement for white and dress them in white if you please
Generation 12: Brown
Growing up in the shadows of your parents spotlight was a little hard on you. Although you knew how much they loved you and tried their best to spend every free moment with you, you still felt...alone. Thankfully being a part of the scouts club gave you a sense of family, which you deeply cherished. Scouts club also made you truly fall in love with the outdoors. Being out in nature didn’t make you feel like you were so alone anymore, which is why camping became something you loved to do. There were tales that in the Deep Woods of Granite Falls a hermit resides away from everyone, so naturally the curious bean you were you had to find out for yourself. Forever alone felt like a motto you started to live by and thought you’d never get married like your parent, but someone finally came along and you were really happy with the way life was heading. Unfortunately down the road things didn’t end up working out. You’ve always secretly had this crazy idea of making a robot best friend since you were a kid. The thought of having a robot who was there for you every waking moment felt like something you needed in your life, so it was time to make a crazy idea… a reality!
Traits:  Loves the Outdoors // Loner // Erratic
Aspiration:  Outdoor Enthusiast
Career:  Gardener
join scouts club as a child and teen + get promoted to llamacorn scout (lvl.5)
master outdoor enthusiast aspiration (i give you permission to cheat sleep 5 nights in a tent - it’s quite annoying)
master gardening career (floral designer branch)
master gardening and flower arranging skill
complete the insect collection
have a pet cowplant
master herbalism skill (craft each recipe at least once - 13 recipes total)
master robotics skill and create your robot best friend
have 1 failed marriage and have at least 1 child w/ them
go into the deep woods > meet and befriend the hermit
Generation 13: Black
Ahh books… you love em! You always enjoyed a good read that could take you on a journey in a whole new fantasy world. So naturally starting a book club at school to share your love for reading was the thing to do. Thanks to the club it brought you your best friend, who you later fall in love with and get engaged to. Instead of going off to university like everyone else you got convinced to join the military, but that didn’t last long so you quit and went off to study psychology. Whilst away at uni you discovered the Encyclopedia Vampirica, and got extremely curious about vampires to the point you took a trip over to Forgotten Hollow to find out if they were real. You end up meeting a vampire who you become completely mesmerized with and fall in love so quick as if you were put under a spell. This is where you decide to ask “could I be turned into one?” Without hesitation their teeth sink into your neck and the process of you turning has begun. You decide to drop out of university and call off the engagement because you have fallen for another and want to live out your new vampire life. Becoming a Simlish online teacher was your only option after dropping out of uni, and with working from home you had more time to yourself so you started writing your own books. Unfortunately your job started to feel mundane, so you have the bright idea of running your own business! Not being able to have children has always upset you, but with your new powers creating your own vampire family is only one step away...
Traits:  Bookworm // Cheerful // Insider
Aspiration:  Master Vampire
Career:  Military/ Education/ Business Owner
start a book club as a child and meet with them at least once a week
get engaged to your best friend shortly after aging up into a young adult
join the military career reach lvl 5, then quit
go off to university and study psychology - drop out after first semester
fall in love with a vampire and ask them to turn you
break off the engagement after you drop out of university
master bowling, vampire lore, and pipe organ skill
join the education career reach lvl 4, then quit (only work from home)
write and publish at least 5 books
complete the master vampire aspiration
don’t have kids or adopt - instead create a vampire family of sims you turn (at least 2)
run your own business
(optional if you want to end the legacy) burn to death from being exposed to sunlight
If you have decided to end your legacy here, congratulations on completing my not so berry extended! I hope you enjoyed the challenge, if you did, thank you for taking the time to give this a go! 
- Much love, Nicole ♥
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whentheynameyoujoy · 4 years
Yup, Sure Was a Finale
I had an epiphany. The reason why I never re-watched the final two parts of Sozin’s Comet even though I’ve popped in episodes at random many times over the years isn’t that I can’t bear the sadness of seeing one of the best, most engaging narratives out there come to an end.
It’s simply that the finale isn’t all that good.
Some honorable mentions of what was enjoyable.
(+) This
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Just this.
(+) The Church of Zutara has another convert
“Are you sure they don’t get together?” Hubster, 2020
(+) The tragedy of Azula
And the fact that it’s acknowledged as such. I hope Zuko will do his best to get her help and have a relationship with her…
(+) Sokka being a big bro
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And the whole airship sequence in general. It’s wonderfully paced and plotted, with moments of humor, real stakes, Toph being both badass and a scared crying kid, Sokka strategizing and protecting, Suki saving the day, and non-benders being instrumental in thwarting the bad guy firebender’s plans. Would be shame if Bryke never portrayed them this capable ever again…
And now for the main course.
(-) Blink and its over
The wrap-up feels too quick (hashtag Needs More ROtK-style False Endings). A part of this is due to how fast the story goes from the thick of the action to hastily tying up a bunch of loose ends, but the larger issue is how Book 3’s uneven pacing comes home to roost. After spending half a season on filler episodes that at best subtly flesh out established characters while dancing around a huge lionturtle-shaped hole, and at worst contradict the theme of “no one is born bad” with “you’re a hot mess because your great-grandfathers didn’t get along too well”, the frantic “go go go” rush of the second half screeches to a halt with “they won and everyone was happy because now the right people have power and it will be all good from now on yup nothing more to deal with baiiiii”.
Yes, I know, it’s a kids’ show. But goddamn, this particular kids’ show has proven so many times it can do better than the expected tropiness. Showing the characters in their roles as builders of a new world was the least that could have been done.
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Oh well!
(-) Ursa
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We’ll never know. There will never be a story that delves into this. Yup. Shall forever remain but an intriguing mystery. Is good, though. Mystery is better than a story where Ursa shares her son’s penchant for forgetfulness. Imagine how embarrassing that would be. Speaking of which…
(-) What does Mai see in this jerkbender?
Look, I like to harp a lot on the mess of inconsistent writing that’s Mai but let’s unpack this scene from her perspective, shall we?
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Zuko forgot about her! It totally slipped his mind that the one person who prioritized the safety of his dumb ass was rotting in the worst prison in the Fire Nation—because of him! And she was rotting there long enough after the final Agni Kai for the news of Zuko’s upcoming coronation to spread and her uncle to feel sufficiently secure to release her. But then the coronation scene is attended by every single member of Gaang & Friends that was imprisoned?
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So what this tells me is that either a) the invasion force had the ability to break themselves out the whole time and for some reason decided not to exercise it until after the war was over, b) Zuko forgot about them as well and no one thought to remind him there were prisons full of POWs until Mai arrived, or, and that’s even better, c) Zuko took care to free every single resistance fighter while making sure Mai would be the one to stay behind bars.
Never thought I’d say this but Mai? Honey? You deserve so much better.
(-) “What does Katara want?”
Asked no one in the writers’ room ever, apparently.
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This is not so much anti Cataang as anti romance stories that pay attention to the needs, opinions, and wants of only one partner in general. Over the previous 60 episodes, Katara actively expressed romantic interest in Aang exactly, wait for it,
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And it got retconned out of relevance by the following two interactions where the possibility of a romantic relationship came up, making the Headband dance pretty easy to reclassify as just one of those examples where Aang “teaches” Katara to have fun (as if one of the main obstacles to her having fun wasn’t him constantly fooling around and offloading his duties). And because the writers not only didn’t succeed in portraying Katara’s internal state of mind, but also failed to root her reluctance to pursue a relationship in outside circumstances that could change, her sudden state of unconfused once Aang steps into the spotlight has a single canonical explanation that as much as approaches coherency.
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The fact is, though, that trying to interpret canon Cataang from a Watsonian perspective is an exercise in foolishness. Because there is no Watsonian justification for the ship and never has been. Bryke simply conceived of Katara as nothing but a tropey prize for Aang, never saw her as anything beyond that, and were perfectly happy to go on and immortalize her as a passive broodmare for the rest of her life.
And I fully intend to die mad about it.
(-) Iroh dips
OK, it’s been long apparent that the show doesn’t intend to do anything about Iroh’s complicity in AzulOzai’s regime in any meaningful way, and that his sole motivation for doing anything whatsoever is Zuko whom he views as a replacement son which is supposed to be good for some reason. But the finale has him abandon even that, and instead turns him full-on YOLO, idgaf anymore. It really throws Iroh’s supposed love for Zuko into doubt when his last act in the entire show is to take a half-educated 16-year old with no political savvy or an heir to secure a dynastic continuity and plomp him on the throne of a war-mongering imperialist regime where the entirety of the militarist and ruling class is guaranteed to fight him tooth and nail for power.
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(I sure hope Mai’s ready to start popping out babies by tea-time otherwise the whole country is fukd in about a week)
Christ, how hard would it be to have Iroh keep the throne warm for a few years while Zuko is getting ready to succeed him? Not only would it make the whole FN reformation bit quite likelier to occur, it would require Iroh’s hedonistic ass to actually sacrifice something for once. And not having Zuko ascend to power, instead spending some time bettering and educating himself first, would be a wonderful message that no matter what you endured and overcame, you never stop growing. A kids’ show, remember?
(-) The conquering of Ba Sing Se
Gee, I feel so blessed to have my attention diverted from battlefields which actually matter to an old dude vanity project I would have been perfectly happy to assume resolved itself off-screen.
The White Lotus in general just bugs me. I was fine with the individual characters and their overall passivity when they were portrayed as lone dissenters living under circumstances where it wasn’t really possible for any single person to mount a meaningful resistance. But as members of a far-reaching shadowy organization that’s left the real fight to a bunch of kids for 59 episodes straight and didn’t turn up until a perfect opportunity presented itself to take control of the largest city in the world and bask in the spotlight?
Yeah, no.
Similarly to the lionturtle-ex-machina, the White Lotus represents a huge missed opportunity for a season-long storytelling. Here’s just a brief list of what they could have been doing throughout Book 3:
orchestrating a Fire Nation uprising;
gathering those directly persecuted by AzulOzai’s regime to help Zuko keep his hold on power once he’s crowned;
establishing themselves as a viable alternative to Ozai;
sabotaging Fire Nation’s war efforts from the inside;
countering Fire Nation propaganda (Asha Greyjoy’s pinecones, anyone?);
running a supply network to alleviate the suffering of Earth Kingdom citizens.
Instead, they sit on their asses until the time comes to claim personal glory.
You know what, good on Bryke for making me conclude that in comparison, the Freedom Fighters were perfectly unproblematic, actually.
(-) Fire Lord Dead-by-Dawn
Yes, a kids’ show, I know! But ffs, this is the same kids’ show that came up with Long Feng and portrayed courtly intrigue, kingly puppets, secret police, spy networks, and information wars. Was it really too much of me to expect something other than “enlightened despot solves everything”? Especially if said enlightened despot has persisting anger issues, no personal support system, no base of followers, and no political experience whatsoever?
If Zuko’s actually serious about regaining the Fire Nation’s honor (i.e. by dismantling the country’s military machine, decolonizing the Earth Kingdom, paying reparations to everyone and their lemur, and funding any and all cultural restoration projects Aang and the SWT come up with), then there is no way, no way in the universe that he doesn’t face a civil war, deposing, and execution within a month.
One reason why his future as a Fire Lord seems rather bleak is that little’s been shown about the actual subjects of AzulOzai’s regime. While we get a vague reassurance that “no Toph, they’re not born bad” (le shockings), they largely remain a voiceless uniform mass of brainwashed clapping seals. What is their view on the Fire Nation’s crimes? Do they associate their condition with their country’s war-mongering? How will they react when Zuko starts dismantling the country piece by piece to rebuild it, bringing it to economic ruin? What will they do when noble Ozai loyalists come out of the woodwork and begin rounding them up under the banner of “Make the Fire Nation Great Again?”
I have no idea, and Zuko doesn’t either because he’s unironically more qualified to rule the Earth Kingdom than his own people.
You know what would have been better? Fire Lord Iroh, White Lotus pulling the strings to maintain the regime, and Crown Prince/People’s Champion Zuko travelling the Fire Nation with Aang and an army of tutors to promote the new boss, only to realize that absolute monarchy is kinda crap for the people he’s one day supposed to rule and gaining their support by ceding some power to them.
I’d laser holes into my TV due to how much I’d enjoy watching that.
(-) All hail Avatar Rock
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Literally and metaphorically. Aang doesn’t sacrifice anything, gets everything, and the clever solution of going about getting said everything is handed to him on a silver platter, requiring no active participation on his part whatsoever.
He doesn’t work to unblock his chakras, spiritually or physically.
He only speaks to his past lives to get a pat on the back and a bow-tied solution he could mindlessly follow.
Energy-bending doesn’t require any sacrifice from him, leaves no lasting marks, and only serves for the narrative to praise him as the rare individual that’s unbendable and thus so very very special.
The most infuriating thing is, however, that Aang is clearly shown as being able to beat Ozai without either the Avatar state, or energy-bending.
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And he chooses not to. From this moment on, Aang no longer fights to save the world. He fights to preserve his beliefs, going directly against the instructions of his past lives and effectively reneging on his duties as the Avatar.
It’s not like you can’t portray Aang’s faithfulness to his spiritual beliefs as the key to beating Ozai and saving the world. But that’s not what the show did. There is no link between Aang sparing Ozai and securing a better future, quite to the contrary—Ozai’s survival ends up being a massive problem for the continuation of Zuko’s rule, and consequently a threat to the world at large. His survival benefits Aang and no one else.
Aang’s spiritual purity and his status as a savior of the world are allowed to coexist only due to a deliberate stroke of a writer’s pen.
And I hate it.
Welp, nothing to do about it now except to bury myself up to my tits in fix-it fics I guess.
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shoichee · 4 years
hiii tysm for keeping this fandom alive... i was wondering if i could request hugging hcs for Moriyama, Kasamatsu, and Hayakawa? like what kind of hugs do they give, when, etc.?
Moriyama Yoshitaka
this guy is literally the definition of touch-starved LOL
once he finds his special someone, they’re gonna need to prepare themselves for TONS of verbal affection… even if they don’t get his convoluted words half the time
that being said, he wouldn’t be awkward with hugs, but it’s his misinterpretations and poor executions of the hugs that make things awkward
in his MIND, he THINKS he’s being mega suave and totally seducing you with his mannerisms, and you’re just here like, “umm… you know you can just… ask for a hug if you wanted one.”
“According to my research though, it’s better to approach this more poetically in order to be seen in a more profound light with the person you like.”
“Huh? Are you actually trusting the internet more than me about what I want—”
“Sorry, sorry, here,” he would mumble in defeat and immediately bring you to nestle your head against his chest
this type of interaction would be very frequent in the early stages of your shared relationship, where Moriyama would try to salvage his poor social skills by hugging you against body, and him putting his hand to cradle your head while the other is around your waist
of course, even if you were exasperated with him, you can’t help but eventually hug him back and snuggle closer
canon: he’d have unique scents on him every once in a while, because he’s someone to use scented deodorant sprays (like citrus, in the Replace novel)
he’d actually be unintentionally charismatic with his actions? like, if he doesn’t open his mouth and wordlessly hugs you, his body just knows how to accommodate you:
sad? happy? clingy? affectionate? lazy? when he sees your current mood, he just somehow knows what type of hugs to give you…
he thinks the internet advice is working, but in reality, he’s just inherently very in-tuned with people’s emotions; for example, he’s one of the few people who can see straight through Kasamatsu and his inner struggles, and he’s always the first person to suggest roundabout ways to make him relax
so because of this, sometimes he’d make the most confusing statements and random trivias he found from his “research” just to try to look for an opportunity to sneak up and glomp on you “tactfully” (never works, and you end up sighing that *sigh* before letting yourself be open on purpose for Moriyama to sneak in with a hug)
this dude is the type of guy who’d find every opportunity to hug you in front of his teammates to subtly show off how “experienced” he was in dating LOL and then he’d probably say something like, “If you follow the signs I told you guys about, you’ll all be able to have cute dates too, you know…” all while giving that little comical pout and index finger point at them… maybe flipping his bang to the side with that finger too…
but again, he’s touch-starved, so deep inside, he really, REALLY likes hugging you and wants to touch you every moment he gets
whenever he hugs you, he’s at his most “normal,” where he drops the whole “fate, elements, advice” talk and just has normal conversations and genuine muses… although a random corny line might slip out of habit
he hugs you before school, during school, after school, but rarely during practice or games or anything like that… which is surprisingly odd
he’ll hug you in front of his teammates during school no problem, but if it’s right before a practice or a game, he usually doesn’t, mostly because he’s usually very concentrated on the upcoming challenge… and not to mention, he’s a 3rd-year, so he does want to set a good example for the underclassmen in prioritizing the team first
he has no problem scouting for your face on the stands before a game starts though, and of course, he’d pester his team about how cute you looked in the stands
once games end, if you allowed him, he’d usually jog straight to you and would try to give you a quick hug before he’d go back to his teammates to the lockers
Kasamatsu Yukio
touch-starved guy #2, but is also afraid of physical contact
not because he doesn’t like it, but the concept of someone hugging him or him hugging someone for ROMANTIC reasons is so foreign
it’s the fact that he knows he’ll get super sweaty, clammy, and stiff and he KNOWS he’d focus on everything but also on nothing, and at that point he’ll just shut down—
so touch-starved that when he gets a hug from you, he’d be hyper-fixated on EVERYTHING about you and where you’re touching, and his brain would just overload
so the result is the same old Yukio being frozen and stammery and red
in other words, YOU have to initiate the hugs
whenever you hug him, he’s gonna first flinch and then respond by stiffly holding his arms out to support your weight against his body… and then after a few seconds of contact, he would awkwardly pat his two hands on your back in this loose hug he’s doing LOL
all while being red, of course
but how much he hugs depends on how much you go up to him for hugs; as much as he grumbles and stammers and lamely complains, he’d never reject any of your hugs, even with the hesitant reciprocation
if you two are alone, he’s much quicker to hug you back… if you hug him in public or in front of his teammates, he’s more likely to be frozen stiff and slower to pat your arms in a shy hug
however, the times when Kasamatsu would be at his lowest and most emotional are when Kasamatsu initiates the hugs first, often out of nowhere with fierce, tight holds while nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck/top of your shoulder
once he reveals his most vulnerable side like this to you in hugging you, it’d be huge milestone in which he would be more inclined to initiate physical contact without being in a flustered state
all in all, give the poor captain some time… eventually when you’ll reach a certain part of your relationship (see bullet points above), he’ll be comfortable enough to hug you without being a mess
so when he finally gets to this point, he will always ask you for consent (or at least give you a heads up) before he hugs you or physically touches you with, “May I…?” or “Do you mind…?”
and most of the time, or near always, you’d reply, “Of course, Yukio.”
“Th-That’s good…”
he’s still a reserved individual with a captain’s duty to uphold, so he’s not going to be handsy on his end in front of people; he’d literally DIE of embarrassment
expect “loose” hugs from him, he’s not gonna smush your face into his chest or give those extremely tight hugs, generally speaking
so what should you expect from his hugs? assuming that you hugged him first, his hands will always pat your back or rub soothing patterns of circles and swirls, almost in an unconscious effort to try to show you that he does love these hugs from you, even if it’s hard for him to show and express that sometimes
or if he has those shy moments, he’d try to half-heartedly pry you off in a grumbling fluster, but after grasping your arms around his waist, he’d immediately give in and just rub those familiar patterns on your upper arms while trying to convince you to wait until you’re alone with him to do these things
if he senses some sketchy people nearby or if you’re in a crowd full of strangers, expect a hand around your shoulder as he ushers you slightly closer to his side with a serious glint in his eyes, analyzing your surroundings (again, this will only happen once your relationship reaches at a later stage)
it’s only when the “danger” passes by and with his hand still on you that he realizes what he did and starts getting embarrassed again
key phrase with the Kaijō captain is: “There’s a time and place for everything.”
Hayakawa Mitsuhiro
touch-starved guy #3, but he’s not afraid to pounce on you for the hugs
ever since he miraculously got into a relationship with you (according to his teammates, anyways), slapping his own cheeks to get himself in the mood for rebounding wasn’t as appealing anymore
not when he has you to hug and accidentally squeeze the life out of you
“Oh!! A(l)e you he(l)e to chee(l) me on, (y/n)-san?!”
“M-Mitsu… I can’t… breathe—”
“O-Oh! So(l)(l)y…! I [will learn] to be mo(l)e ca(l)efu(r) next time!”
“Mitsuhiro, please don’t worry about me! Go back to your teammates… they’re waiting for you. Good luck on the game, okay?”
Hayakawa treats hugging like he does with basketball, putting 100% of his effort and enthusiasm into it… and oftentimes, his hugs can be too… explosive? they can be quite abrupt and intense
his energy alone would normally scare away everyone—hell, a lot of times, his teammates can’t tolerate it… so everyone always wonders how you never seem bothered by his tendencies
but to you, his bear hugs make you feel very, very secure and loved, since he never has qualms about hugging in public because he’s always focused on you or the courts
initially though, his hugs definitely crushed your figure into smithereens, mostly because he’s never had to keep his strength in check
and he’s never had anything close to an intimate relationship, so he’d probably need a lot of time and positive encouragement/advice for him to learn how to be more delicate (or rather, tactful) when initiating hugs
he’s SO earnest that he’d totally treat your words/encouragement as a serious lesson and would try to “practice” hugging and ask:
“Is this okay, (y/n)-san?!”
if you’re not around, he’d totally hug his teammates out of nowhere and definitely receive a few punches or kicks out of retaliation
“I am p(l)acticing [how to] hug, Kasamatsu-senpai!”
“Don’t do that! People will get the wrong idea!!”
“Why? Don’t we a(r)ways p(l)actice togethe(l) as a team, captain?!”
“That’s completely different!!”
he has no tact, so whenever he sees you, expect a fierce hug as a greeting every time… unless you tell him that you’re not a fan of the constant hugging or want to save it for private moments, he’s gonna keep doing it
just as your hugs hype him up for anything upcoming, when you hug him a certain way, they also have a calming effect on this excitable boy too
Kasamatsu literally reveres you because you’re the only one who can keep him in check
it’s when you do your calming hugs (that gentle squeeze around his torso as you slowly nuzzle against him) that his heartbeat slightly slows down and his breath exhales out steadily to let out the pent-up steam
those types of hugs from your end would allow you to see a “less-energetic” side of him, where his voice might still be loud, but at least it’s still relatively indoor voice
still, a lot of his sentences are either incomprehensible mumbles or butchered exclaims, no in-between
“Sometimes, it’s good for your body and mind to stop and relax, y’know?”
“I-Is that so…! You a(l)e very knowled[geable] about these things! I [think] that is ve(l)y coo(r)…”
“You say that, but you’re one of the best offensive rebound players in the nation. That’s so much cooler, Mitsuhiro.”
“If I was coo(r) (r)ike you say, I wonde(l) why peop(r)e (l)un away [when I try] to ta(r)k? Mo(l)iyama-senpai says [it is because] I ‘have no cha(l)m’… I must wo(l)k ha(l)der [if that is the case]!”
“Well, I think your attitude and energy can be very refreshing. Everytime I see you, I can’t help but be motivated to work hard and accomplish like you do.”
“I am ve(l)y touched, (y/n)-san…!”
all in all, he will hug you every chance he gets (except when Kasamatsu roundhouse kicks him to curb him) and accepts all hugs from you (while being red and a little shy, but still enthusiastic)
prepare your waist/torso to be constantly crushed embraced, because that’s where his arms will always be around
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ankkalinna · 4 years
What your thoughts on the lgbt representation in dt17. As a straight person that support the lgbt I think they did alright but they were restricted by Disney. Like violet parents really didn’t have personality and just appeared in one episode. Penny should have ended with della since della is the only duck from the original trio that didn’t have a on screen kiss like Scrooge and Donald. Della have good relationship with penny. When entertainment weekly said magica going to be a lgbt icon they really didn’t do much with it except when she didn’t like it when Gladstone hold her. I don’t blame the crew since they work with Disney. Just what to hear your thoughts.
what LGBT representation nghgng This got long so
Okay so. I don’t go to a Disney show expecting to be represented I just do not trust Disney. Even when they said Violet had two dads I wasn’t sure if I should expect them to even be shown on screen.
But still, times are different from when I was a kid and there have been great leaps when it comes to representing gay and even trans experience in media and even kids’s shows
And when it comes to how DT17 handled it it’s not impressive in the year 2021 nghgn it would have maybe been acceptable ten years ago
Like I said I didn’t go in expecting anything (def not them doing anything with established characters) but I am also not going praise this piss-poor attempt and I think it’s frustrating Disney got attention for including Violet’s dads who were not characters! They didn’t even have lines!!!
Penny being a lesbian barely counts her line about not wanting to date Launchpad was so weird it wasn’t even the usual ‘I am not into men’ which fictional lesbians are allowed to say to sort of imply they are gay without using the spoopy L word. Penny and Della don’t have much of a relationship (which is a problem a lot in this show tbf) and none of it is romantically coded
Magica in the comics is much more queer than she is in the show, she is allowed to be more weird with gender lot of the time (like taking on a male form with magic tho I could say a lot overall about the representation of gender in DT17 vs the comics.... an another post perhaps) and there are even some hints at least in some comics she is into women... In the show she is made to represent homophobic family which I am :/ about but I’d be fine with it if they at least were way more explicit about the actual queer storyline in the show!!!
IMO, Lena is the best queer character in the show and she is not allowed to be explicitly so. But there is enough there that I am sure at least some people in the creative team were actively writing Lena/Webby as romantic and saw Lena’s journey as a queer narrative.
Magica is Lena’s abusive ‘biological’ parent who has a clear image of what Lena should be and tries to mold her into this image, but Lena rebels and finds a new family, she is adopted by an explicitly gay couple and loved by her friends, especially Webby. Webby/Lena is extremely easy to read as them being baby lesbians and the scene in the Night on Killmotor Hill where Webby saves Lena with her tears is the scene that made me go ‘okay this is definitely not all me reading gay into things at least some people who are making this are intending this as romantic’ because of how Webby’s tears fall on Lena’s ‘lips’ and this is the thing that saves her from Magica’s evil magic. The implication of it being a magical fairytale kiss is not an accident, animating it like that was a conscious decision someone made.
It’s very possible it wasn’t originally intended to be gay and I kinda suspect the decision was made to not write romance for any of the kid characters but it did become a thing to some extent (and was then dialed back and the finale made sure to go ‘SISTERS!!!’)
If they actually wanted to give rep and make Webby memorable, make Weblena canon tbh. You don’t even need to ship them as kids just have the same thing happen that already did happen in DT87 but replace Doofus with Lena;
they travel to the future or have a vision of future and Lena and Webby are married. There.
But of course they would have not done this. They never even had Lena’s plotline really in the show when it comes to the whole ‘becoming a part of Violet’s family’ bit. They had some references to it apparently but they were cut and Violet’s dads were not characters. I am not going to speculate on guilt and how much the creative team (or specific creators) tried to put in representation and it was all Disney stomping all over it, but COME ON. You’re telling me they managed to put Violet’s two dads in but it was totally impossible to have them speak? Have them hug their daughter and give them a few seconds of dialogue where they and their relationship to at least their daughter is characterized at all?? Maybe have them hug Violet and Lena stands there kinda awkward and they take her into the family hug and reassure her she is part of the Sabrewing family???
This show had issues with fitting everything they wanted in overall but what scenes and relationships were prioritized was a choice.
They sure had time to put in a scene in S2 where LP hits on Penny. That sure was a choice :)
I know some people expected Drakepad to be canon idk why... LP’s bisexuality is... I would not call it canon. There is one jokey implication in the show I would have been impressed by in the 90′s lmao
TLDR: I did not expect anything so I am not disappointed, not going to praise this piss-poor attempt tho
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datsrightbby · 4 years
The Lost Boys - David
An in depth characterisation 
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David gives me ambivert vibes (for those of you who may not know what that is, it’s a balance of both introvert and extrovert features in their personality). The reason I say this is because he strikes me as the type to not struggle conversing with others, but has a social battery that runs out. Like, he’s not shy or reserved when talking to anyone, but he does appreciate having down time from having to do so. However, he is the leader of the group, and takes the role seriously, so I think he’d prioritize that over anything. Even his own feelings.
He’s a patient person and that’s shown throughout the movie: when Michael punches him and he doesn’t retaliate, on the bridge he lets all the boys go before him and doesn’t force Michael too just coaxes him into it, also during the end fight scene when he doesn’t immediately start fighting and instead taunts Michael first. It seems as though he can pick and choose when to use his patience though, as the scene at the boardwalk with Star implies when it comes to possessiveness his patience dissipates. 
Speaking of possessiveness, David appears to be the type of person who is possessive of most everyone, and thing, in his life. It probably correlates to his emotions, anything he finds himself caring about is immediately something he is possessive over. To me, he’s got borderline abandonment issues so anyone he finds himself attached too will cause him to become protective. Star for instance, he shows a lot of possessiveness over her, romantic relationship or not. He cries when Marko dies, and still tries to get Michael to join them while they’re fighting to literal death, and he’s never without his boys. Not once throughout the entire movie is he without them by his side and I think that says a lot about him, because they don’t have to sleep in the same space, they don’t have to spend every waking moment together. But, they do and that’s most probably by David’s orders that they’ve all just adapted too. He gets extremely emotionally attached to people once he lets them in his life and it’s hard for him to give that up. This may be the reason he is manipulative, as he uses manipulation to get his way with things sometimes. David’s very charming and probably uses his charm as a manipulation tactic.
So I’ve mentioned the other boys clothing and the ways in which it may reflect their personalities, and the same goes for David. It’s obvious that he is the most covered up out of all the boys, even his hands are covered up as he’s wearing gloves, and he’s wearing multiple layers too. In my mind I view this as him being closed off from the world, as though he struggles to be himself and open up. I think David puts on a front as being this confident, hardass leader, and while he is those things, there is a lot more to himself then what he lets on. Also, I read somewhere that him covering up may be a sign of insecurity and I thought that was really interesting too and could definitely play into it. 
There’s a reason he’s the leader of the group. The role comes to him very naturally, he likes being in control, and doesn’t like being vulnerable. They all listen to David, and this is shown a lot in his relationship with Marko. As David often turns to Marko first with most things (i.e when he turned to Marko and said “Marko, what’s going on..” and then again when they were jumping off the bridge, he asked Marko to get the food, and also asked him to get the bottle of...blood.) Maybe he favors Marko a bit ?? Or maybe it’s just that he knows Marko will do it no questions asked ?? I’m not entirely sure which way to go with it cause’ it could be both. Although he did cry when Marko was killed, and David doesn’t strike me as a crier, it seemed to hit him deep, and I do think his relationship with Marko was one of importance to him. As is all the boys, but possibly Marko’s in particular. 
Another thing about David is that he’s playful and doesn’t like authority. I don’t know if there’s a reason they don’t live with Max (I mean, he does consider him his sons and wanted a family atmosphere so surely that would have come along with living together?) but I gather this to be David being rebellious, he chooses for him and the boys to not live with max, he chooses to be a leader in replacement of max, and even does things in order to piss Max off. Like, when they didn’t stay away from the video store, and then he basically laughed at Max when he saw him, kinda, flirting with Lucy. David makes a point to go against him. As for his playfulness it’s shown often throughout the film, he jumps off a bridge with the boys, he teases Michael a hell of a lot, there was the whole mind trick situation, and, as before mentioned, he basically laughs at Max when he’s tryna be authoritative with them.
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solomonish · 3 years
Hey! If you're up for it how about The Fool, The Hierophant, and The Tower for Solomon. And The Moon as a bonus for any character that strikes your fancy!
hell YES i am up for it! i would do the entire thing for Solomon in one go if asked (please don’t ask......let me pace myself lol)
major arcana headcanon requests!
The Fool -  what are your muse’s thoughts on new beginnings? does it frighten them or excite them?
Well, I think Solomon has a different opinion on new beginnings for himself than he does others, first of all. Considering all he’s seen and been through and what role he has in the universe now, it makes sense that he’d hold himself to a different standard. 
I think for him, he doesn’t necessarily think there’s even the option? Like, he has stagnated. His power and knowledge grows, sure, but in terms of personal development he’s kind of stuck. (At least, that’s how I think he defaults to seeing himself. Can’t keep the realms under control if you’re distracted by trying to be a better person, you know?) He just has to move forward without any thought to “starting over.” Maybe there’s too many layers to get through to start from the top again. Maybe he can never have a new beginning because he cannot end. Maybe he just forgets to take a personal day and do some self reflection because he’s busy, haha. But I can kind of see him not really...thinking that’s an option for himself. The concept seems like wishful thinking, but if ever given the opportunity he’d definitely have some reservations about whether or not he could make it through the transition. Not scared per se, but...wary.
For others, though, I think Solomon definitely thinks it’s possible, especially for humans. Angels and demons have such a stiff role they have to fulfill, but humans? They can kinda do whatever they want. Even if he feels a bit detached from humanity, he still cares deeply for it (them? us?) and the ability to just decide you’re unhappy and completely reinvent yourself, especially with the little time we have, probably just adds to our charm, you know? It’s probably one of the things he’s jealous of or misses, if he thinks about it
The Hierophant -  what are your muse’s morals / ethics? do they follow their moral code strictly?
oh boy, solomon and ethics....
Solomon’s ethics are better off described rather than labeled. If you labeled them, you’d start with “gray” and then you’d get nowhere else. I definitely don’t think he’s amoral, and I don’t think he’s immoral either. It’s very easy to determine a person void of morals or ethics when judging them based on a life where there aren’t many choices that would be “immoral” but necessary. Like, in the average life, the most immoral thing is easy to not do. But considering he’s got, ahem, large responsibilities on his shoulders, there’s probably quite a few times where the best course of action would be horrifying for someone to hear of him doing.
Overall, he prioritizes humanity above all else, along with its longevity and preservation. He definitely has a different internal attitude (at least) when interacting with angels and demons as opposed to humans, a combination of not really feeling as directly responsible for them and also knowing that if he ever is, he would have few to no qualms about giving them the short end of the stick in a situation that would benefit “his team,” if he could manage to pass it by Diavolo or Michael. 
I don’t think his internal values change, things like autonomy and equality for all, free pursuit of knowledge, y’know, all the good stuff everybody wants. And in his day-to-day life, he doesn’t seem the type to pass quick judgement or have some inherent unwillingness to compromise. “Morals” and “ethics” seems to imply a more grand scenario, and as the “keeper of humanity” or however he sees himself, he wouldn’t exactly be hesitant or emotionally torn apart by having to hurt somebody if it meant he could protect and support humanity as a whole.
I feel like I spent however many paragraphs being extremely vague and I’m not sure if this makes sense or even says anything of importance, haha...
The Tower -  what event drastically changed your muse’s life? do they resent that event or are they glad of it?
Well, I mean, there’s a few obvious answers here. You have his fall from the graces of the heavens, the exchange program, any number of biblical events, his discovery of magic and the path he took to immortality, the fallout with his apprentice....and to be honest, with the exception of the exchange program, i think he is resentful but also glad? He’s the type to see the good and the bad outcomes of the situation. He’s probably made peace with the sentiment that “oh it made me who i am today” but he does have days where he grapples with all he’s lost and must now deal with for practically eternity. 
Though, and these aren’t drastic events that shatter him forever (but i think they can be mentioned here), I do think that he takes little pieces of the people he meets and cares about until he becomes a sort of mosiac of the people he loves. Not necessarily romantic love, either. He met a witch who he was close friends with who couldn’t put down cheesy teen romance novels from a specific author, so you can find a few copies of her favorites sandwiched between spellbooks and old archival texts in his room. He isn’t big on self care, but Asmo did teach him a quick and efficient way to wash his face and keep his skin clear. Simeon and Luke gave him an appreciation for finely crafted tea sets. Again, the event i guess would be “making a friend” (which for him very well may be a once in a lifetime kind of deal lol) and isn’t what the question meant, but idk. I think it was worth mentioning here because long-term, it does incorporate into him as a person.
LUCIFER (my other fave <3)
The Moon -  what does your muse long for? is it a realistic desire?
Not to be surface-level and cheesy, but I think he longs for him and his brothers to feel like a family. Not that they don’t already, but I think he longs for the way they used to be in the Celestial Realm, how complete they used to feel. In that way, it’s probably the most unrealistic desire. The hole in their family isn’t one that can or even should be filled, and your addition is just that - an addition, not a replacement.
Something that could give him (kind of) what he craves is if he and his brothers could heal. They’re already on the right path, but they’re still all kind of dysfunctional. The complicated part of this is that a lot of their strife is due to the nature of demons, and the wholesome unity is a brand that has never really been found in he Devildom. That’s not to say it’s impossible - the brothers still love each other, they still are loyal to each other, but Lucifer can feel that there is some sort of rift between them that has not yet been fixed that he yearns to solve.
(If you ask me, the “rift” is probably something caused by trying to heal in an environment that will never offer mercy or forgiveness. If the brothers can find solace in each other, maybe that’ll get them a step closer. But sometimes their interactions still feel like walking on eggshells, and...I don’t know. I really do think Lucifer longs for the type of relationship they had when they were angels, and he’s trying to deal with the realization that maybe that type of relationship just isn’t in the cards for a demon.)
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xmanicpanicx · 4 years
Romanticized Things That Aren't Actually Romantic
1) The "shut up" kiss
It happens in more movies, TV shows, and novels than I can even count. One half of the couple (usually a woman or girl) will be talking, and the other person (usually a guy) will suddenly lay an ol’ sloppy one on her mouth. Often times, she’s rambling about her insecurities, so some people think it’s cute when he kisses her, symbolically laying her worries to rest. Don’t worry, hon! There’s nothing to be insecure about! He likes you! There are two big problems with this. The first is that when someone is speaking, you shouldn’t cut them off; best case scenario, it’s rude. Of course, people cut each other off all the time in conversation, so that’s different. But when a character interrupts another character’s speech to kiss them, they are essentially prioritizing their sexual desires over the other person’s need to express themselves. It’s an action that has an agenda. Everyone wants to be truly listened to when they speak. So if, for example, we have a female character babbling about her insecurities, the male character should hear her out, and then respond to what she says. There is plenty of romantic potential in words — even more than in kisses, in my opinion. His response could still be a kiss after she’s finished speaking (as long as it’s not a rattlesnake-strike type of kiss that doesn’t give her a choice). However, we still have another problem: the female character’s self-confidence shouldn’t be contingent upon the male character’s opinion of her. In other words, a kiss from a guy, no matter how much she loves him, will not and should not heal her negative perception of herself. Not healthy. Real people and characters should accept themselves on their own terms rather than on the approval of others.
Sometimes, the sudden kiss will come in the middle of a female character’s angry rant. The male character thinks she’s cute or sexy when she’s angry, which can be frustrating and patronizing for anyone who voices their anger because they want to be listened to and taken seriously. But regardless of why the character is talking, the other character should stop kissin’ and start listenin’.
2) Female double standards
Women and girls often feel really uncomfortable when men objectify them and make comments on their bodies, so they call these men out — and rightfully so. They also call male authors out for only describing women in terms of their bodies and giving them very little, if any, personality. Once again, rightfully so. Unfortunately, in real life and in literature, there is a double standard here. It’s one thing to write an erotic novel in which bodies of every gender are described in explicit detail and with an express purpose. But I’ve read novels without any sexual content that go into so much detail about guys’ looks. And these male characters are often not well-developed, either (think of the stereotypical jock with a hot bod and no brain). Authors — especially female authors, who are usually the ones perpetuating this — need to do better than this. If it's not okay to do that to girls, it's not okay to do that to guys, either. Also, what is up with that scene from The Notebook? The one where Rachel McAdams repeatedly slaps Ryan Gosling because he’s breaking up with her. How on Earth is that okay? The Notebook is widely considered to be a super-romantic movie, but there is nothing romantic about that scene, and it should be a deal-breaker for their relationship. If the tables were turned and Ryan Gosling slapped Rachel McAdams for breaking up with him, the entire plot of the movie would be different. It would be a thriller, a story about a woman trying to escape a scary ex. We would never root for the two of them to get back together.
3) Overly-metaphorical sex scenes
Cheese, cheese, and more cheese. Would you like some crust and tomato sauce with all that cheese? So many novels shy away from the anatomical details and favor metaphors for how the sex makes the characters (or just the narrating character) feel. In theory, there is nothing wrong with this, but I personally tend to roll my eyes more often than not at the actual execution. The narrator will say something too dramatic, like “our bodies became one and the universe opened up before me.” Or “and then we were flying, soaring with and through one another.” Or something else that is just… not sexy. As far as being poetic, there isn’t anything special about those phrases, either. There is nothing wrong with describing sex as it really is. I realize that novels featuring sex that are aimed at young adults probably cannot describe things too explicitly, but there’s no need to replace dirty details with flowery language. Go for whatever sincerity you can in the situation. There are plenty of different emotions to mine and sensual details leading up to the actual sex that read more thrillingly than the sex scene itself. 
4)  Instalove
It's simply not as much fun to see characters fall for each other right away. And how could they possibly fall for each other right away, anyhow? Is it all about looks? If so, both characters are instantly less likable because they're shallow. And that's not real love, either. You need to actually know someone in order to feel a such a deep emotion for them.
It's also important to note that making the characters "love" each other at the outset of the story does not heighten the emotional stakes. It actually cheapens them. Because how can we take this so-called love seriously when we don't get to know, don't get to care about, the characters as individual people before they fall for each other?
Now, if we get to know each character and watch them get to know each other, and slowly fall for each other, that's much more rewarding.  It's character growth, and it's a whole process that we, as readers, get to experience vicariously though them.
This may just be a personal preference, but I think it's best to even avoid phrases like “my heartbeat skipped” or “my skin tingled when our hands brushed” in the beginning stages of the story. Even though the declarations of love and outright displays off affection may come later on, statements like these reveal instant attraction, which still isn't as rewarding as attraction that grows over time and through events.
5) Love interests being obsessed with each other
From approximately 2005-2015, YA literature saw a horde of books featuring teenage girls and boys who are everything to each other. I almost mean that literally. The first really popular book like this was Twilight, but it had a huge influence on everything in YA that came after, especially YA fantasy. How romantic, some people think, that hero lives for the heroine! And vice versa! Perfect! Meant to be! Everyone wishes they could have that one, true, perfect love! 
Listen. Go back to Britney Spears’s first album and play the song “Born to Make You Happy”: ”I don’t know how to live without your love, I was born to make you happy.” Solid 90s bubblegum pop, but with unhealthy lyrics. An unhealthy mentality. Most of us are familiar with that heady, all-consuming feeling of falling in love, how it feels like that’s the best and happiest part of life as it’s happening. There’s nothing wrong with portraying that. It’s relatable. The glorification of it beyond all else is the problem. The hero and heroine have scares throughout the story during which they almost lose each other, and that brings to light just how strongly they feel each other, to the extreme that nothing matters except each other. Then, of course, they ultimately end up together, happily ever after, never having to part again. But in real life, people break up, or sometimes even die. People have no choice but to be apart from the person they loved so much from then on. And it’s devastating, but it’s not the end, even if it sometimes feels like it. That’s why it’s so important for books to give some indicator that there are other things that matter besides (and dare I say even more than) the one person the hero/heroine is in love with. The characters have to have some sense of self-love or resilience. They have to have other people they care about, or at least values/principles and goals. They have to be an actual person, not just a vessel filled to the brim with love for just one other person. Romanticizing a co-dependent relationship can be hope-crushing message, especially for teenagers who haven’t had enough time to grow, to weather the storm of life and toughen up and become wiser and more self-aware and self-confident. 
7) The super dominant male love interest 
Okay, I’m not trying to kink-shame anyone because I know there are people who absolutely love this trope. I want to say it’s fine, as long as it remains in Tropeland. But even if women want to keep these love interests solely within their fantasies, I do worry about the message it sends to men, if it makes them think that they can be abusive douchebags because women are into that. I already know of far too many men who think that women are only into assholes. 
Personally, I’ll never understand the appeal of a man, fictional or otherwise, who dictates what a woman should wear, her food choices, where they go and what they do for dates ALL THE TIME. And jealousy! Sure, jealousy indicates that someone cares, and it’s a normal human emotion, but I’ll never understand the appeal of a guy who gets so jealous, he won’t allow his girlfriend any freedom. I’ll never understand how cruel, disparaging words could ever be on the same sexiness level as dirty talk. And I really, really will never understand how a man physically harming a woman could be considered sexy. It’s weak and cowardly, hurting someone who doesn’t stand a chance of fighting back because they’re nowhere near as strong.
I get the appeal of a guy who sees a woman as his equal and isn’t afraid to spar with her, challenge her, and maybe even be a little bit rough with her, knowing that she can handle it. I see the appeal of a confident man who isn’t afraid to tell a woman what he wants. When his presence becomes legitimately threatening and completely selfish, that’s when I personally see a problem. But hey, to each their own.
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sinnhelmingr · 3 years
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7. Have you ever regretted a ship, romantic or otherwise? // @untamedtempest​
lights up a cigarillo dissolves into my couch
christ haven’t i.
earliest instance of this i can name is during the old cod fandom predator uproar when i had two ship partners lose their god damn heads. the first decided to side with the pedo. that was the end of one ooc friendship and all ic interaction bc she prioritized the friendship with the creep over the safety of minors, despite trying to present herself as a cool woke ally to victims. the other ship partner who took a turn is more the one i regret bc she seemed more reasonable and had already largely broken her friendship with the freak in question. we stayed mutuals for a short while, largely driven by ships we had developed between muses.
then she started stealing bits and bobs of other people’s characters. not like coincidental things, either, i’m talking whole swathes of characterization and backstory. she had one oc basically replace a friend’s canon in his relationship with the main villain, then her oc aligned with the same faction started becoming more and more a pastiche of my own oc. i played a romani take on a canonical sniper, how coincidental she retcons her own already established sebastian stan-as-a-sniper oc to be romani. i will give you all a moment to process that. she then proceeded to start playing the canonical sniper, claiming she wanted a more ‘canon’ and ‘accessible’ take on him in what was a miniscule fandom. the main differences between mine and hers besides fcs was that hers happened to be white and heterosexual to mine being poc and bisexual. 
(there’s a lot more examples than these but these are the primary things involving my characters. she did the same with a lot of my friends and their muses, too, to the point the skype chat to discuss the fandom creep soon turned to reassuring one another that yes, this person’s latest headcanon or reworking of her character sounded a lot like something already said about an established blog in our little corner of the internet.)
it was a nightmare of her trying to bully the entire fandom about how what she was doing was ok and the plots she was pushing onto us were going to be written, that we were all still going to interact with her despite just blatantly stealing or reworking characters out from under us. she eventually decided to stop pushing her luck and moved her frankenstein monstrosities to a fandomless ‘original lore’ multimuse, where i can safely say the saddest statement i have ever conceived: somewhere out there, someone is ripping off call of fuckin’ duty and claiming it as an original work. i don’t think you can get less creative than that. i regret every moment i poured into interacting with this woman, let alone letting her try to say good dick or receiving love from one of her ocs would heal the many deep and sexually-based traumas my own oc had been struggling with for two decades.
that was all in the early-mid 2010s, however. i have not had contact with these people in as long, thank fuck, though i have seen the asshole that sided with the creep was still active as of 2020 and was still going strong with her absolute shitshow of a stereotyped native oc and yes, is still trying to present herself as a 100% woke ally who is better than anyone who criticizes her shockingly stereotyped and sexualized diverse casting and characterization uwu. and yes, she is white.
more recently, i had a former partner who got obsessed with several of my muses in other fandoms. like, very uncomfortably involved with them. to the point they started trying to define them for me, or at least the narrative around them. their defining relationship better be with this person’s character, and if i tried to talk about ships these characters had with other partners or even canon characters -- not even romantic, necessarily, if i so much as talked about other dynamics within a fic i was writing about an oc this happened too -- then i got guilt tripped or the other ship got talked down to build up what we had between our muses. their favorite ship in particular, from hindsight, was very obsessive and abusive, all of it being framed as romantic by my partner. it’s all honestly very fresh and some other stuff i realized about my relationship with this person is very upsetting to me, so i’d prefer not to dwell on it except to say it was genuinely problematic material presented in such a way that i didn’t recognize it at first and i feel manipulated by the whole situation. 
i’m trying not to give a lot of details in case the person checks my page, but i think i regret this more than the situation above. that was just silly character stealing form someone my followers might giggle about as they read. this is where i’ve felt a little violated realizing i was used to write concepts and themes that personally trigger me.
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