#yeah some of the humour is just cringey
enha-doodles · 22 days
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Pairing : (all members) x reader
Note : ksksksk writing something for enhypen after sooo long , felt good . The nostalgia is real but then i remember my cringey writing - so grateful I improved . I wanna write a yandere one next so plz send requests guys !!!
Warnings : not proofread , lame humour
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Heeseung pouts dramatically as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, feeling a surge of jealousy bubbling up inside him. "What about me?" he whines, his voice taking on an adorable whiny tone, complete with puppy-dog eyes that could melt even the coldest heart. With shiny sparkling eyes, he attempts to rotate your attention back to him, pulling you into a tight hug and peppering your face with playful kisses, all in a bid to reclaim his status as your number one fan.
Jay can't help but feel a twinge of annoyance as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, but he's determined to keep it lighthearted. Hugging you tightly, he rolls his eyes with exaggerated flair, muttering under his breath about the celebrity's questionable talent. "He's not even that good," he grumbles, though his playful smirk betrays his true feelings. "But he kinda looks like me, right?" With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he pulls you closer, stealing a quick kiss before diving into his own hilarious imitation of the celebrity's signature moves.
Jake grins from ear to ear as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, thrilled to have found a fellow fan in you. "Oh yeah, you have that album? Well, too bad I have the signed one!" he boasts, flashing you a cheeky grin. With an air of playful competition, he launches into a spirited debate about who the bigger fan is, all in good fun. "You may have met him once, but I once waited in line for six hours just to catch a glimpse of him from afar!" he declares proudly, earning a playful eye-roll from you in response.
Sunghoon can't resist teasing you mercilessly as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, reveling in your adorable excitement. "Looks like there's competition for me," he quips with a smug grin, though there's a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. With exaggerated arrogance, he strikes a series of ridiculous poses, parodying the celebrity's trademark moves in a bid to steal back your attention. "Who needs him when you've got me, right?" he says with a playful wink, pulling you into a goofy dance that leaves you both doubled over with laughter.
Sunoo adopts a sassy demeanor as he observes your fangirling, determined not to let the celebrity steal your attention away from him. "Okay, but have you seen how cute I am?" he jokes, his eyes sparkling with mischief. With a playful toss of his hair, he launches into a hilarious impression of the celebrity, complete with exaggerated gestures and an over-the-top accent that leaves you giggling uncontrollably. "I may not have millions of followers, but I've got charm for days!" he declares proudly, flashing you a dazzling smile that melts your heart on the spot.
Jungwon laughs good-naturedly at your fangirling, though he can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy deep down. "Looks like you've found a new crush," he chuckles, though there's a hint of wistfulness in his tone. With a playful wink, he pulls you into a tight hug, planting a sweet kiss on your cheek saying "but it'll always be me right?" to remind you that he's the only celebrity you need in your life.
Ni-Ki's jealousy reaches peak levels as he watches you fangirl over the celebrity, his playful demeanor giving way to a hilarious mix of envy and frustration. "Ugh, he's so smug. I hate him," he mutters under his breath, his annoyance palpable. "Why are you even looking at him? Have you seen his hairstyle? That was me back in my school days." (as if bro ever went to school💀💀) With an exaggerated eye-roll, he launches into a comedic rant about the celebrity's questionable fashion choices, determined to prove once and for all that he's the only one worthy of your admiration.
。    ✧    ⁺     。
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What are some of your favorite romance tropes?
Hmmmm great question!
One of my absolute favourites is academic rivals.
Closely followed by enemies (based on P&P type misinformation and prejudice) to friends (yeah not just friends but the obliviousness of friends who don’t realise they are more) to lovers.
Preferably both of the first two points together? 😎
Oblivious idiots (if that’s a trope?!)
Friends to lovers is good too tbh
Nerdy girl cute guy? (I’m just sick of nerdy guy beautiful girl tropes in romcoms directed by unattractive men)
I love starcrossed lovers (eg both from sworn enemies in a Romeo & Juliet way without the annoying parts, like ideally happy ending!)
Always more banter, lots of “ooooh slaaaay” moments, you know?
Something with guys not being afraid of successful women if it’s a hetero film?
The couple’s best friends trying to set them up, even better if they are a couple already?
Humour.. we are talking When Harry Met Sally type humour or Crossing Delancey stuff, not cringey shit! Or the even more ancient Hollywood stuff like Bringing Up Baby which strongly features in my 1930s murder mystery fic A Little Risk ? I think being able to write romance that also makes you laugh has got to be one of the best things ever?
Ex-lovers who meet again except that the reason the broke up is actually based on a lie (bonus Sneep type character’s fault) and eventually they fall in love regardless and then realise it was a lie?
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access--granted · 8 months
Speaking of Damnation, I'd LOVE your opinion on Leon in each CGI piece, but I know that's a pain in the ass level of ask, so no worries if you don't wanna type that whole thing out lmao.
For the record, Degeneration is an amazing one, purely because it's like watching one giant shitpost. He genuinely looks, acts and talks as if he's entirely AI generated. Like wtf am I looking at?! He's a total weirdo. The run at the end and the creeping on Angela in the dark had me CACKLING.
Hated Damnation, because like RE6, I feel that they tried to mold his character into something he just isn't. He's not supposed to be a generic Tom Cruise copy. Idk if that makes any sense, but yeah. His writing just absolutely sucked.
Vendetta ... *chefs kiss*. That's it.
ID, he's a little confusing, but I enjoyed it more or less. I mean... he was fine given the quality of the whole story, which wasn't fantastic. It's okay. He's okay. The "Shen May incident", as I call it, gave me the ick, lmfao. I 100% see why she passed, he was just so cringey about it, idk, but it's endlessly fun to laugh at honestly.
DI was pretty solid. Man's TIRED, but they way his panic and jaded nature was portrayed was surprisingly really well done. I adore DI though, it's my favourite CGI of them all, it's just really fun to have all of the mains together *shrug*.
- 🖤
(I'm so sorry this took a couple of days to answer, I had so many thoughts, and they weren't all coming at once 😂).
But oh, yeah...
I have a lot of thoughts about the CGI movies and Leon's portrayal in them. We've already established he's completely chaotic in Damnation, so I won't go there again, or I'll end up rambling, lmao.
Degeneration was my favourite thing for an extended period of time, but that's because I was 12 years old when it was released, and I was even more obsessed with the RE franchise then than I am now.
...But then, I watched it again as an adult, and damn, there are some things wrong. Leon is so... robotic. Even when he's getting all passionate or emotional in a scene, it sounds like he's constipated. And that whole bit with Angela, where they land in the water, and he immediately goes a plants his lips on hers (for air or whatever), totally threw me off.
Vendetta Leon... *dreamy sigh* honestly, here's when I really started falling for Leon as a character. He was already a fave, but this really movie really sold me on him. His personal struggles and mental turmoil with everything he'd been through were so believable.
ID Leon has me cackling. He's such a cheesy mess. His storyline was subpar in this show, but that's just my opinion. I didn't like the whole kneeling for the government feelings I got. I get that he literally works for the President/Government, but it was just such a wild contrast to his usual attitude of wanting to expose the truth. The more I rewatch, the more I just don't get the Leon vibes I'm used to. The Shen May incident, goodness gracious. The first time I watched ID, that part honestly went over my head because I was mostly hyped over more RE content. When I sought out that specific scene after seeing talk about it online, though. I was watching like 💀 like damn, my guy out here willingly putting himself out there as a low-key homewrecker when Shen May tells him she has a boyfriend.
DI... my beloved DI Leon. I loved him in this movie. His jaded attitude and beloved (by me anyway) silly humour and one-liners were so great. I was worried about what they'd do to him in this movie because Capcom writers have done so many wild things with this man. But it was pulled off really well. And as both a Jill stan and a Leon stan, I loved their dynamic together.
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bells-of-black-sunday · 11 months
F, H, K, N, O, Q, X (soo normal) - Danny
Spicy ABCs | Accepting
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F ─ First time. How was their first time together ?  Was any of them nervous ?  Did it live up to their expectations ?
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Probably Danny being a lot nicer than he usually is with Robin. Petting his hair and letting him go at his own pace until he wants him to take over. Calling him all sorts of pet names and telling him how pretty he is, that kind of thing. Robin was probably a lot more nervous than Danny ever was.
Though Danny's first time in general was a very awkward fling with a baseball player in highschool that was quick and not at all satisfying for him and he doesn't look at it as anything other than teenage hormones being teenage hormones.
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H ─ Humour. Are they the kind to share a laugh during sex ?  Has something funny already happened to them ( breaking the bed, one of them falling off the couch, funny noises, etc… ) ?
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Oh absolutely, it's so hard for Danny to really take a lot of the scenario's that get Robin going seriously at all. He'll often break down in fits of giggles after saying something particularly cringey over the phone or in person, but he's into it because Robin is. I'm sure Robin also has to laugh sometimes and tells him to shut up-
I can also absolutely see Danny tripping and falling while getting to bed. He would and then he'd have to lay there bruised ego and hearing Robibi laughing after he sees that he's alright.
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K ─ Kissing. How important are kisses in their relationship ?  Any favourite kind of kisses ?  Do they have any rituals involving kissing ( never leaving for work without kissing the other, always sharing a kiss goodnight, etc… ) ?
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Very important. Danny's already a very physically affectionate person and kisses are just a part of that. I feel like Danny prefers the tired ones where he's just waking up or leaving for work the most and Robin prefers the long ones where they're out of breath.
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N ─ Nudes. Do they send them to each other ?  Do they save them on their phones ?  Do they keep them to themselves, or do they show them to their friends ?  Have they ever sent one to a wrong number ?  
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Oh absolutely. Danny sends them when he's bored 0 warning with his big boy camera and good lighting. He'd never be caught dead taking a bad picture. I feel like Robin probably saves them just because of the effort Danny puts into them and also looks at them on slow days or when they're having phone sex. Danny would share the nudes he gets from Robin with Haru or Aita if Robin let him, but I severely doubt he would.
And Danny's absolutely sent nudes to the wrong number.
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O ─ O’clock. What time do they usually have sex  ( mornings, late at night, during lunch break, etc… ) ?  Are they usually in a rush, or do they take their time ? How about on weekends / holidays ?  
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At night and during lunch breaks mostly. They're hardly ever in a rush unless it's in a particularly risky place. Especially in modern where they really don't have to worry about law enforcement, because of Eve's control it's just whatever. League verse I feel like they rush a lot more unless they're in Zaun just because of how tight Piltover security is. And monster they've literally had sex at the nymph gatherings where it's pretty normal and yeah some people look, but it's never disrespectful.
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Q ─ Questions. Is there anything they’d like to ask their partner, but never had the courage to ?  Any questions they’d rather avoid ?  Do they discuss everything as a couple, or are there any taboo themes ?
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Nothing sex related and it's something that's being explored in a very normal not at all angsty thread we have. :)
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X ─ X-rated. Do they watch any x-rated movies ( porn ) ?  Together or alone ?  Do they have a favourite type ?  Do they try to reenact them afterwards ?
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I feel like Danny's probably recorded Robin and him at some point, really lazily nothing fancy, but they've probably watched it on his phone before. Though I don't imagine they watch normal porn together unless it's a part of a hard edging scene or something, but even then that'd probably be like one maybe two times if ever?
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kafkaguy · 1 year
9, 11, 19, 21 :))
HI RYAN sorry thisbgot long but. :3
9. what’s a series or franchise you secretly or not so secretly think you’d be, like, a REALLY good writers for if they’d stop being cowards and hire you already?
okay the obvious answer is supernatural. i haven't had intense spn thoughts in months which is a good thing and a sign of healing but I know in my heart that I could fix that show I would treat it so well id be so good to it. Uhmm anyway. i also believe i would be an asset to the stranger things writing team because i loved it back in season 1 but now I have a very VERY mixed relationship with it (mostly including hatred and regret) but I could fix it i could fix them. Anyway.
11. if you currently write fanfiction or have ever written fanfiction, please tell us about the plot of the first fic you ever wrote
this is a difficult question because i genuinely don't know what the first fic i ever wrote was.... it was either marvel or harry potter sorry everyone. they were both when I was around 8 years old i just dont know which STARTED first. the harry potter one was basically just me making a bunch of ocs and putting them into the world with a new original villain. it was pretty good, considering, like 8 Yr old me did some in depth character development and I still have the notebook I used to outline chapters and write down songs that made me think of certain characters or stuff like that. and tge marvel thing was something I wrote with my cousin where we made a bunch of our own superheroes and villains that teamed up with the avengers and it was basically (comics universe) infinity war but to the left. notable heroes included Vortex who wore a suit that looks like the guys from Daft Punk and can create mini black holes out of thin air, and Jaguar who was basically my mini wolverine but she was also an acrobat. so yeah. My cousin had a guy called Dr Emoji who drove the emojibile and created little minions modeled after emoji faces and they basically fought for him. Me and my cousin are both autistic btw
19. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
UHHMMMM i don't know i can't remember nothing comes to mind. i know things. I learn things. but I can't tell u something i learned specifically while researching for a writing project. I'm most likely to remember at a random moment when it isn't important or relevant sorry ry :') um and I've never written anything that required a ton of research, but i do it for everything I write, even for small things, and not always on a huge scale. does this make sense. research is important but i don't regard it as SUPER important . Depending on what ur writing.
21. BIG ask: what do you think is the most important component of a good story?
gay sex . no im kidding. its hard to pick just 1 thing but if i must say there are 2 components that are important to ME personally:
1) complex characters that are memorable, whether they are loved or hated, characters that make you feel things and even if you aren't rooting for them you still care to see what happens to them
2) funny stuff like genuinely intelligent comedy even if it's a super duper serious and dark story if there aren't tiny moments of light and humour then. Well then I don't like it that much lol. im not saying cringey worthless one liners or even full on jokes because those are often out of place and weird, but something that's enough to make you smile or exhale through your nose, that helps you connect to the story more
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sunsage · 1 year
1, 2, 7, 8, 21
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canon questionare. | accepting
1. What made you pick up this character?
I think I answered this the last time I did the meme, but basically... I just like him. He's fun, he's confident, he's traumatized, he's got dad vibes and he's even a little animal. There's a lot you can explore with Sun Wukong as a character in general (as is obvious by the sheer amount of media about him) but also this specific version of him in particular.
And I just like to take interesting characters and dissect them to see what makes them tick. Somewhere in an ideal universe I write character analysis essays for a living.
2. How did you get into this franchise/fandom?
I was into Rise of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (well, I still am actually), which was animated by the same studio, so when it ended I had an itch for something with a similar vibe. And then I stumbled onto this AMV and was like 'oh yeah, that exists and it looks like it slaps, I should check it out it's not like Lego to cancel shows prematurely so I won't get burned again probably' and then a week later I had this blog and three different versions of JTTW in my library.
7. What’s the best thing about the canon you are writing?
Last time I answered this with 'animation' and that is still true but for variety's sake I am going to say that I also like the protag's arc so far! Without going too into spoilers, the basic gist of it is "What if this young adult with self-esteem issues and anxiety was suddenly given power that is impossible for him to comprehend or fully control, and then it went downhill from there?"
What can I say, I am a sucker for drama, and for all the humour this show does drama pretty well.
MK in general is a very interesting protagonist cause yes, he's a sunshine boy who is hopeful and never gives up on anything- or anyone - but he started the show in a better place than he is in right now and he fully thinks it's his fault. The only reason he hasn't completely broken down yet is because he has a great support system (can I get a 'hell yea' for found family).
8. What’s the worst thing about the canon you are writing?
Every episode is about 10 minutes long and every season has about 10 episodes, so they don't really get to explore as much of the setting and characters as I wish they could. Some character arcs and details don't get as much time as the writers clearly want to give them and as a result some of the things end up feeling a little rushed. Just the limitations of the media, I suppose.
21. Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?
Oh man I always hate these kinds of questions cause I immediately forget every song I ever listened to and then the songs I do remember feel too cringey for me to share. Ask me again in like a week, maybe I'll find something that suits him by then.
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22degreehalo · 1 month
Sooo once again recently I have been browsing various queer-centric merchandise on etsy and the like, and (as always) been disappointed at the quantity/quality of aspec-focused stuff. Which also ties in to an overall (IMO) egregious lack of aspec... memey stuff?? and general place in, like, actual community everyday conversation, outside of painfully repetitive and boring identity glossaries.
And. It's difficult. It really feels so difficult, sometimes. To talk about being aspec without
a) being sex-negative in really gross, harmful ways (that just as often harm other aspecs btw)
b) being like... super self-deprecating in a way that I feel also harms aspecs and reinforces the idea of us as losers and failures in a kind of 'are they laughing at us or with us' kind of way.
One way is to lean into the silly quirky 'food is better than sex' kind of thing, and also puns. The puns I like but a really shitty and awful part of myself deep down sometimes finds the food stuff actually kind of. cringey...? Which is stupid and I hate it but once again I feel myself being made fun of by allos and also it's just. kind of shallow and a one-note joke that has been overdone at this point (due to lack of other options) for me personally
The other big way I've seen is to lean into the whole confident rejection schtick. Big 'Nope' word art and the like. And that's fine but it often feels a bit too... misanthropic? for me. I like people!!!!! Or it's very female-focused and feeds too much into that whole ideals of 'women who let men touch them are Tainted' and/or 'women deserve better than men' which I. hate.
so I've been wondering a lot if what I'm wanting - memey/funny aspec-focused stuff that actually feels authentic and at least some tiny amount of original - is even possible?
So far my ideas are. a) make it casual/nonclinical by going so fucking dorky that it wraps around in the other direction. like idk a shirt that says 'Asexuality: the lack of sexual attraction to people of all genders. Hope that helps guys!!! Subscribe for more cool asexuality facts :)' I think if I saw that shirt I'd slightly suspect I was being made fun of but would vibe so hard I'd still like it unironically lmfao
Softening the rejection stuff also could be fun. Like 'I love every person in the world!! (as a friend <3)' or something. more eloquent lol
And just, in general non-sequiturs. It bugs me so inordinately when I see those kinds of posts or whatever that are like 'I'm tired, I'm gay, and I don't pay taxes' (theoretical example) and like, you could just as well have put 'ace' or 'aro' in there!!!!!! But nobody ever things to do that with us :( as always my plan is to make really cool things but only for ace and aro so we can get to be the ones with things for once hahaha but unfortunately I do not know how to make cool things. Anyway the whole idea here is to write things that make people on reddit go 'uhh, why did you feel the need to mention that you don't date, here...?'
And to cap this off I guess I should affirm that yeah, the self-deprecatory stuff CAN be done well... with a very very VERY precise hand. By which I mean that I was permanently psychologically online-ified by ace discourse and have the sensitivity of an earthquake detector to non-obvious slights against aspecs' importance or worth as human beings. But self-deprecating humour is just kind of our generation's style, so. There's some level of 'yeah I like anime and don't date B)' that is JUST the right balance of 'this is not at all what society says you should be proud of' and 'but fuck it society sucks lmfao I love freaks'.
IN CONCLUSION more aspecs should have my exact same sense of humour but actually good at art. or writing text posts. Or literally anything other than complaining on unpopular tumblrs. no actually we need them too so I can follow you and feel faintly not alone occasionally when our opinions happen to line up. Your honour I rest my case.
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ed-teach · 6 months
I just found funny that my way back into the fandom was sort of similar to yours. Like 13-16 were my beatles obsession era too, picked it up earlier this year because of some mclennon tiktoks and I was like, I know that tumblr will have more information on them. I wasn't disappointed.
And yeah the tumblr beatles fandom was kinda cringey/mean back then right? I also remember that, I'm glad that tumblr is now more filled with adults than with 13yo kids.
YEAH FOR SURE the fandom is So much better these days. I think the culture around rpf and shit also evolved and changed in the last couple years so now everyone has kinda reached that level of meme thats imo v similar to the beatles sense of humour where its just like Anybody Else have the Urge to rip John Lennon apart at the seams and hand feed him to Paul McCartney like he's a starving kitten or something and it's all much more relaxed.
And also I'm now at an age where .. they were The Beatles at my age. I get. The stupid drama and the childishness. They were so young. And i just get a whole different level of fondness than when i was a young teenager who is Sooo idolising them. I'm still going insane now but in a much more gay and funny and reflected and also in a sadder way.
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writing-for-life · 2 years
I recently went through some of my ancient drafts and stumbled across my very first attempts at writing steamy romance.
Holy TROPES, Batman!
My gawd, the sex scenes!
The cringe-factor of writing the very first one and not having a clue how to bring what I saw before my mind’s eye to the page (it's always hotter when you imagine it, ya know?). But also enjoying it and just keeping on going. I like to inject humour and make things a bit more human, because apart from hot, sex is also messy, funny and all sorts of weird in my view. Sometimes, humour worked. Sometimes, it was… extremely questionable?
So I just thought I’d share one of these first…erm… marvels and let everyone who’s struggling with writing sex scenes know:
It does get better. It does get easier. You will stop worrying if it sounds right, if it’s “hot enough” or “too hot”. You will stop worrying whether using C-words will catapult you into a different category (I don't do "magic wands" and "joysticks" or anything to do with "meat", but if that floats your boat, all good).
At some point, you just write (I certainly came a long way since then - the one I’m posting here is actually quite tame, but at the time, I thought it wasn't). If you like it yourself, there will be other people out there who will, too. That’s whom you write for - forget about the rest.
This scene is taken from a romance fic I abandoned after 90,000 words (yeah, you read that right) because it wasn't going anywhere. The story is so tropey and cringey that no amount of editing was going to fix it. The bedroom antics got better with time though (this is actually the first), so I guess it was worth it in terms of "copulation practice", bwahaha.
Buckle up for the cringe-fest and meet Julian and Rebecca...
NSFW, 18+ only
M/F safe sex/penetration
~2000 words to describe one fuck
When we arrived at the hotel, Julian led me through the lobby towards the elevator, past the reception. He made sure that we weren’t holding hands or looked in any way too close. My mind began to race. What if anyone had noticed? Nothing, actors probably brought hookers and escorts into their suites all the time, and it wouldn’t have surprised me if the hotel staff had been paid off. For a second, it made me feel cheap, but I banished the thought quickly.
We stepped into the elevator, and he pressed the button to the top floor. He looked at me from the corner of his eye, then turned towards me. We were standing really close, but we didn’t touch. His breathing was shallow, and my heart was racing. Once again, we got lost in each other’s eyes completely.
“Jesus…” His voice was nothing more than a whisper.
He didn’t answer. He also still didn’t touch me, although I desperately wanted him to.
The elevator had arrived at the top floor, and the doors pinged open.
He just grabbed my arm and basically dragged me through the hallway. When we arrived in front of his suite, he nervously searched his pockets for his keycard. He pulled it through once, twice — nothing, the light stayed red.
“Fucking hell, seriously?” His hands were shaking, and I thought to myself how sweet it was to see him so nervous and out of his depth.
I gently took the card out of his hand and tried it. The light turned green, and I opened the door with a smile. Julian looked at me for a second, still holding my arm, and then pulled me in. He turned around in an instant and pushed the door shut, both of his hands resting right next to my head, keeping me trapped between his body and the door.
We were standing like this for what seemed like an eternity, just looking at each other, breathing heavily. He moved even closer, and his body was now touching mine. I really felt like I was going to combust any second.
And then he kissed me.
Gently at first. He had moved his hands away from the door, one resting on my shoulder, the other cupping my face. His lips were soft, and he seemed cautious, as if he wasn’t too sure if he really had my permission. To reassure him, I ran my hands up his chest and opened my mouth slightly. The kiss became deeper, and his hands moved lower and pulled me in closer. I arched my back, and our hips touched. Before I knew, he had lifted me up and pushed me against the door. I wrapped my legs around him, and our kiss turned more desperate and breathless.
The street-lamps were the only source of light, and when Julian carried me, he bumped into a chair. We both started to chuckle. It only lasted for a moment though, and he kissed me again, stumbling towards the bed, before we finally fell on top of it.
We were both still wearing our heavy coats and winter jackets, and I made some fumbling attempts to open the zip on his. He stopped kissing me.
“Wait,” he whispered breathlessly, sat up and opened his jacket, only to toss it on the floor carelessly. I unbuttoned my coat, and he helped me to get out of it.
Julian ran his hands down my flanks, quickly lifted my top and pulled it over my head. He paused and just looked at me, running his fingers through my hair, before he kissed me again. I so desperately wanted to feel him and ran my hands underneath his shirt.
He drew in a sharp breath and laughed quietly. “Your hands are freezing!”
“Sorry. I’m very nervous.”
“Me, too.”
I moved back my head and looked at him. “Really?”
He just nodded, and I could feel that he was trembling slightly.
“You’re shaking. Is it my hands?”
“Yes.” He closed his eyes for a second, breathed in deeply, and then opened them to look at me again. “It’s actually all of you.”
I took off his shirt and kissed his chest. When Julian took off my bra, I felt self-conscious all of a sudden, despite the dark room. He gently put his hands on my shoulders.
“Please let me look at you.”
I didn’t know why, but I involuntarily crossed my arms in front of my chest, feeling an embarrassed smile creep up my face.
He took my hands, shook his head and whispered: “Don’t hide from me.” Then he carefully pushed my arms aside.
He moved slightly to the side, and the outside lights hit me softly. His lips parted, releasing a gentle breath. It was all I needed to reassure me. No one had ever looked at me like this, and it completely floored me.
Julian kissed me again, gently but very deeply, and pulled me on top of him. I ran my hands down his body until I could feel the button of his jeans. I unfastened it and let my hand slide inside. He held his breath for a second when I touched him, and then just surrendered to my probing fingers.
After a while, Julian looked at me, breathing heavily. “God, I wanted to do this all day!”
I stared at him, wide-eyed. “You did?”
He chuckled. “You bloody well know I did!”
Within an instant, he turned me on my back and kissed me before he jumped up to kick off his shoes and take off his jeans. He knelt beside me again, ran his fingers down my legs and took my boots off, one after the other. His hands ran up the insides of my thighs, and he touched me between my legs almost casually. I inhaled very audibly. He smiled, let his hands glide higher and started to unbutton my jeans. When he had taken them off, a thought ran through my mind, and I knew I had to ask. I didn’t even have to because the very same moment, he started to swear.
“Shit, I don’t have condoms!” He just fell over backwards, put one elbow over his face and laughed quietly.
“What’s so funny about that?” I asked.
“I don’t know.” He turned to face me. The whole situation was absurd, and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
I turned towards him and propped myself up on my arm. “I’m sort of glad you don’t have any.”
“Well, I would have probably found it more unsettling if a married man had a pack of condoms on him when he’s not with his wife.”
He turned serious in an instant. “Do you think that’s what I’m like?”
I hesitated for a second. “No.” And I really believed it, as stupid as it might have been.
We were lying on our sides, facing each other, and I gently caressed his face. “Are we making a mistake here?”
“I’m beyond caring…”
He pulled me closer and kissed me again. I still wanted him so desperately, and the fire was lit again within an instant.
“Wait…” I gently wrestled myself out of his embrace, started tiptoeing towards the entrance and ran into the chair again. “Shit!”
“Are you okay?”
“Do you want me to switch on the lights?”
“No, just give me a second.”
I tried to find my bag, and once I had spotted it on the floor right next to the door, I started rummaging through it.
“What are you doing?”
I came back, fell on the bed and held the condom up in front of Julian’s face.
“Oh no, you don’t!” He faked being offended.
“Well, I’m single. Better safe than sorry.” I had to suppress a grin. “Disappointed?”
He laughed. “I’ll think about that later.” Then he turned serious again. “No, I’m actually very, very glad…”
We kissed, but the gentleness was gone. We were both desperate and impatient. I ran my fingers inside his boxers and started to pull them down until I had to move aside to take them off. I started to fumble at the condom wrapper and looked at Julian sheepishly.
“Can I help?” he asked, half mockingly, half seriously.
“I think I’m okay.”
He grabbed my briefs and took them off rather unceremoniously, over-stretching the elastic in the process, which turned them into a shapeless mess. I looked at him with fake indignation, mouth open.
“Sorry,” he whispered with a chuckle, but it was obvious he didn’t mean it.
I lay down on my back and smilingly reached out to take his hand, pulling him on top. For a moment, he just looked at me, gently rocking his pelvis against mine. Did he have second thoughts?
I ran my fingers through his hair. “Are you still sure? We can stop, and no one will ever know…”
“If you can stop now, you’ve got superhuman self-control!” He smiled, but it only lasted for a second, and he turned really serious. “You only have to say stop, I hope you know that?”
I knew he’d never understand why, but his saying this was one of the very reasons I wanted him, more than anyone could ever imagine.
“I don’t want you to stop.” I tilted my pelvis slightly and directed him where I needed him to be.
Julian gently slipped inside me, still looking into my eyes. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”
He kissed me again and started to move very slowly. It was so overwhelming, and it didn’t take long until I began to lose control.
“Wait!” I whispered breathlessly.
“What?” He stopped and looked concerned.
I tried to catch my breath. “I’ve been single for some time, and despite my carrying around condoms, I actually haven’t done this for a while.” I laughed, and it made him smile in return. “I’m really struggling to pace myself. We’ll need to take it slow, or…” I could feel myself blushing at the complete and utter embarrassment of admitting that I really couldn’t control myself.
“You’re very sweet,” he started to move again, “but I really don’t want you to hold back.”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to if we go on like this.” I felt myself involuntarily grinding against him, torn between trying to slow myself down and letting go, and I started to breathe heavily again. In a feeble attempt to set the pace, I wrapped my legs around him, but I knew I was fighting a losing battle.
“Just let go. It really turns me on, don’t worry about me.”
He was still moving rather slowly, but the feeling was so intense and deep that I simply couldn't fight it. I started to tremble and everything tightened. Trying to suppress a moan just seemed to make me louder. And then it was over, but it also felt as if it weren’t.
Julian watched me closely, still moving inside me, a small frown appearing between his brows.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered.
“If you only knew how hot it is to see you get off like that, you wouldn't apologise.”
He had found his own rhythm, deep and strong, and we both broke out in a sweat when he picked up pace. I pulled his head towards my face to kiss him. His breathing was hard and fast, and I felt it inside me like I felt him inside me. His body began to tense up, and he came quietly, shaking slightly, his hands buried in my hair.
He kissed me again and again, softer and more gently. His breathing slowed down, and his body began to relax...
0 notes
alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
211 of 2022
How do you dress when you’re not at work?
Hoodies and wide trousers, just as usual.
What is your favorite thing about yourself?
My sense of humour.
Tell me about the shirt you’re wearing?
I’m wearing a hoodie, you failed miserably with this question.
What was the first thing you thought this morning?
Something blurry. My brain is like cotton balls sometimes.
Who did you last say I love you to?
My husband.
Are you wearing shorts?
No, I’m wearing long trousers.
Ever had a boy best friend?
90% of my friends are guys. I get along better with men.
Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
No, it’s cringey.
Do your parents actually knock on your door before entering your room?
My dad does, but I don’t even live with my parents.
Do you think sweat bands look hot on guys?
To each their own.
Have you ever thought a man over 40 was attractive?
Yeah, my husband is 50 after all. And my only *celebrity crush* ever is 40 years old now.
Would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter, or the same height as you?
I have no preference. I don’t date people for their looks and, honestly, I struggle with understanding how some people do.
Can you honestly say you’re okay right now?
No, not much. I haven’t slept well again and I have a headache.
Is there a song that every time you hear it, you think of someone?
Yes, Walk the Moon - Shut Up And Dance.
What can’t you wait for?
My tattoo appointment. It’s scheduled on January next year.
Are you ticklish?
Very much so. Even in atypical places.
Do you have a bad temper?
Quite much so.
What brand of digital camera do you own?
Have you ever seen a Broadway show in New York?
Never been to New York. Neither to the US at all.
Do you get drunk every weekend?
No, not anymore. Only on occasion.
What did you do today?
Basically nothing, besides waking up, showering and putting on clothes. I’m half-conscious.
Are you listening to music right now?
Yep. Lange Frans & Baas B - Represent (Beatkidz Remix). I’ve had a massive *crush* on Baas B since I was... 15, maybe? I don’t remember, but it’s been many years. I’ve always wanted to look like him, too.
Your last ex died today, how would you feel?
Devastated. He’s one of my best friends.
Do you like maxi dresses?
I don’t wear dresses, so at this point, this question is not relevant.
Do you worry about guys thinking you’re hot?
No, I worry about girls finding me hot. I’m not attracted to women in any way, besides platonic.
Are you healthy?
I have MFS and epilepsy, ask me later.
Do you like the idea of promise rings in relationships?
I do, very much so.
Did you wear sunglasses today?
I don’t wear sunglasses at all. I should, though, because my eyes are really sensitive to the light.
If you straighten your hair, how long does it take?
I don’t straighten my hair.
Can anyone in your immediate family play the guitar?
Yes, my uncle. He’s my dad’s brother.
Why were you last frustrated?
With myself, because I cannot express my feelings properly.
Would you date someone 8 years older than you?
My husband is 18 years older than me, do your math.
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Yes, about three.
Do you have a friend of the same sex you can talk to?
Of course. More than three.
What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex?
I’m a gay dude, no need to explain that the opposite sex doesn’t interest me. But girls seem to like me for some reason anyway. I don’t even know why. Most of them say I’m lovely.
What do you want to get accomplished today/tonight?
Better sleep, omg.
You’re single, right?
Married 4+ years, anything else to add?
Do you like the snow?
I hate snow. Thankfully it doesn’t sow here anymore.
When was the last time you were told you were cute?
Last evening or so.
Would you ever smile at a stranger?
I do, all the time. Almost all Belgians do, though, and I’m no exception.
Do you need to go shopping for anything?
Not necessarily these days.
How much have you changed in the last year or so?
I’ve grown up. I’ve been growing up gradually, but last year’s incidents only have made it stronger.
Do you have a favourite name? What is it?
Joris, for boys. It was my grandpa’s name and I kind of got my name from him, as both his name and my name are the Dutch variants of George.
Do you wrap up warm in the cold weather?
Sure. Hoodies AND blankets are a must.
If you could live anywhere, where would you choose? Why?
The Netherlands so I could smoke all their weed and hang out with handsome guys. Plus, we speak the same language, even though Dutch people make fun of Belgians for their pronunciation.
Do you have any habits you’d like to break? Which?
Self-hatred, most certainly.
Have you ever wished to be an internet celebrity? How about a ‘real’ one?
No and no. Fame doesn’t interest me, and lack of private life isa terrifying concept.
Have you kept any birthday cards from when you were younger?
Quite a few.
Have you ever been kayaking?
Once, I hated it.
Do you care overly about other people?
I don’t care what strangers think of me, but I do care about people I love or like, as in for their wellbeing.
If you could have any animal as a pet, which would you choose?
Always a cat. Optionally any shepherd dog.
What is your favourite piece of furniture you own?
My bed.
Do you still live with your parents?
No, I’ve been on my own for many years.
Have you ever been told your aspirations are unrealistic?
Yes, but I didn’t give up and I did it right.
When were you last jealous? Are you a jealous person?
No, I’m not a jealous person. The only thing I’d be ever slightly jealous of is good health.
Do you ever think about embarrassing moments and cringe?
I do and better, I usually torture myself with overthinking and overanalysing them.
Do you believe you will never get over someone?
My ex, in a way. Not like I’m planning to cheat on my husband, lol.
Do you watch scary movies on your own?
I don’t watch movies at all. Movies are boring.
What is your favourite family tradition?
Christmas dinners.
0 notes
edwardprendick1896 · 2 years
My review of The Gentlemen (2019) taken from my letterboxd
I wish I could have liked this film more, because it seemed to have been trying really hard, but unfortunately I didn't.
To get my opinion out of the way, where are all the WOMEN!? I need women in a film to enjoy it, alright. Michelle Dockery (Rosalind) was brilliant, and was the highlight of every scene she was in. Given how long the run time was, I wish the film had more female characters like this.
Now for the quality of the film itself. It would have probably reached 3 stars for me if 1) the run time was cut down by about 20 minutes and 2) the bad taste humour was more carefully done, so as to not be cruel to particular audience members.
To explain the last point, the "bad taste"/offensive humour is done in a light hearted funny way throughout most of the film, in a way that the audience can clearly see that the film intends to mock prejudice, not endorse it. However, the antisemitism in my opinion was taken to the point that it upset me (someone who isn't Jewish) and therefore I believe the film could be insulting to some Jewish viewers.
MINOR SPOILERS (Reference to a scene)
For those who have seen the film, I'm referencing the "pound of flesh" scene here. The film seems to encourage the audience to laugh or take joy from a Jewish character being treated in a sadistic fashion that specifically references centuries-old antisemitic tropes. I personally believe the character could have had his comeuppance in a way that wouldn't have been as cruelly disrespectful and insensitive to audience members. Before I get any one telling me "I'm missing the point", I get the point, I just think the point went too far in this instance.
I've slept on it, and I've decided that the writing of this film is just poor. The whole "oOOOOooOOOOooooooh you gotta be like a lion yEaH king of the jUnGLe" stuff is extremely cringey, it sounds like something that would be posted on by a billionaire fellating self-improvement (potential) bot account on Instagram. The film might be intending to portray this in an ironic fashion, but it's hard to tell when the man spouting it comes out victorious.
An entire concept for one scene is 1) ripped off of black mirror and 2) incredibly inane and beyond belief. The stupidity of the scene ruined the immersive effect of the film's mystery and drama. No drug can make you sexually attracted to an animal. It would have been far more realistic if the man in question had been pressured to do that with violence. Then again, realistic writing doesn't seem to be the goal here. The film's portrayal of drugs and drug users seems to be inspired by other cheesy media portrayals, rather than first-hand knowledge. The same can be said of the film's portrayal of gay people and homosexual behaviour. It could have been more offensive, but it still felt hurtful and condescending.
Finally, there are some scenes where one character lectures another (e.g. the scene where colin farrell tells a black man what he should and should not find racist), and due to how uneccessary and out-of-the-blue said lectures are, it very much feels like the writer(s) are trying to find an excuse to lecture the audience. Again, this ruined the immersion of the film and caused me to lose respect for the writers.
I could go on. But I'm not going to.
Seen as the only content related to this film on tumblr seems to be written porn, I don't think I should get too much hate for this review.
2/5 ⭐️
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nothinggold13 · 2 years
Look, I totally get that the show isn’t for everybody, but I just can’t get over the fact that, at its heart, The Office is a love story. And I don’t mean Jim & Pam, (though I love them,) or Dwight & Angela, (though I love them as well,) or really any of the romantic couples at all; I mean the things they say and reveal at the end of the finale, about how something that should have been so ordinary became beautiful. I mean the way they could have all merely been co-workers, but instead they became friends who laughed together and supported one another and celebrated with each other. I mean the way they sing together on bus trips, and work together on jokes, and dance together whenever they have the chance. I mean the way Pam follows Michael when he starts his own business, and the way Nellie goes to Erin for advice when she’s writing the letter for the adoption agency, and the way they can’t let Darryl leave without saying goodbye. 
I just. They love each other. It’s a love story.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 2 years
Tommy dipping his toes into live shows/ the stand-up comedy world is the most curious thing. I know he’s talked about wanting to try doing stand-up before as like a potential career goal and I definitely think he has the ability. I just really hope its able to manifest. 
As it stands right now, he’s already got the audience - his show’s already sold most of the tickets. (And yeah, doing a one-off show to test the waters is a sensible idea.) I imagine he’ll quickly get used to speaking in front of a live audience. He’s very used to interacting with fans and he’s good at entertaining an audience over live-streams and he’s pretty confident once he’s in his persona. I’m sure its still pretty different but I expect he’ll quickly shed his nerves, especially given he’s gonna be in front of an audience of fans plus he’ll have some of his friends supporting him. 
What I’m uncertain about would be the content. What I’d be really into is if he prepared anecdotes  - retelling a story like his apartment woes and the coffee shop girl story would be great. They’re funny and he’s good at playing up the drama and making it very compelling to listen to. Not sure how long the show would be, but if its around an hour then you’d want several strong anecdotes like that. (And yeah, some old stories that are sure laughs and some brand new stories so it’s not all the same would be great.) Honestly Tommy’s recent streams all have recently showcased his skill at telling compelling anecdotes really well and it makes me wonder if it’s been deliberate to prepare for something like stand-up rather than his standard improv comedy. 
My worry would be if he tried to go more in his vlog humour direction and antics like you laugh you lose. Those are workable in an edited video but it’d feel really cringey in actual concert hall. The fact that he’s doing it with friends means it might be more like that but maybe they’ll just help them to bounce off each other and have fun and Tommy will do at least a little on his own where it’s his job to keep the audience enraptured. 
Overall anyway, if it’s a planned out routine it should be great. I don’t think it’d be the space for too much improv, especially as Tommy will likely feel the pressure to be funny which would make it less natural. 
We feel like livestreaming is a different world but I’m confident there’s a lot of transferrable skills and I know Tommy is naturally entertaining. I’d honestly love it if he got advice from an established comedian just so it’s not all his friends who are also only experienced with livestreaming. I think this has the potential to bring out a great side Tommy and I just really hope it goes great.
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missnight0wl · 2 years
I can’t believe JC doesn’t understand how creepy these romance SQs actually are. This latest one has the option to say the entire time that MC knew who they were taking with them and yet, we had to sit with every single option, all of them together, while they shamelessly nearly begged to be picked. And if you’ve done all the romance SQs, our friends have lowkey harassed us to be with them several times over the years. It’s really not that hard to write a romance SQ that is different than the last 3 or 4 right? I wonder if a bot is doing most of their writing at this point
*sigh* Well, I keep saying that Jam City was never prepared or qualified to introduce dating to this game… Then again, the “First Date” TLSQ proved that things can be done differently. So, what gives, right?
You know, I suppose that a part of the problem here is that JC never had a clear idea what exactly they want to do about dating, therefore there’s a lot of improvisation in it now. On top of that, we have the problem with writing in general which has simply become worse lately. And this is where I actually want to mention the “First Date” TLSQ again because I’ve played it just recently. Admittedly, I've done it the second time as I completed it a long time ago on my replay account, but never mind that. The point is that I pretty quickly could tell that it’s an old quest, and not only because Rowan was there. It felt old because – even though it’s romance-related and my MC is not romantically interested in any character – I have to say… I honestly enjoyed this quest.
I talked in the past already that it’s a good example of the dating quest because datable characters don’t openly confess their feelings for MC unless we decide to choose them – and that’s absolutely great, in my opinion. But even that aside, it’s actually a pretty well-written story. Sure, there are some more silly elements, and MC’s note at the beginning which started it all is both a little stupid and cringey… But there are also some really fun moments. One thing that stood up to me in particular is humour. And this in turn made me realise that it’s been a while since I thought of any quest as “funny”. It’s not even that they became serious instead or something. They're just… meh.
So yeah. Personally, I doubt that dating quests can become much better. Which is a shame because JC clearly invests a lot in them when it comes to animation etc. Too bad they don’t invest as much in the writers, though.
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bibislut · 3 years
The Feels
Inspired by the song The Feels by Twice!
Listen to it on tumblr here
Did someone ask for dancing and singing loki? And some cringey, tooth-rotting fluff? Well, here you are, hun!
Words: 548
Read on Ao3
You hummed along to the music, shaking your hips as you collected up the dirty dishes from around your apartment. The speakers blared the disco-type pop around the space as you sang along: “...got me frozen, I get so shy it’s obvious-” You did a small twirl, smiling to yourself. “...if I say what’s on my mind-” your voice lilted higher in pitch in time to the music, “...would I hit bullseye? I’m ready aim and fireeeee…” You danced your way over to the sink, emptying your pile into the soapy water.
You washed the dishes as you continued your movements, excited for this evening. Loki would be back from mission today, and you hadn’t seen him in weeks. Dinner was in the oven, and your dish collection had been the last bit of tidying you needed to do. You giggled to yourself as you thought about finally seeing him, your love, and continued to sing: “You have stolen my heart, oh yeah! Never let it go oh oh, no never-” You let out a small yelp as you caught sight of a figure in the kitchen window’s reflection, spinning around quickly.
Loki’s smiling face fell to shock as the soap suds on your hands splattered him across the cheek, and your racing heart began to calm as you laughed at his expression. “You scared me!” You giggled, the pop continuing to blare as Loki narrowed his eyes at you. He reached for you and you laughed as he picked you up and put you on the counter.
He waved his hand at the speaker and the volume dropped as he spoke. “I was quite content watching your dancing, my love, and this is how you treat me?” He pointed at his sudsy cheek, his eyes dancing with humour.
“Oh, absolutely.” You smiled wickedly, reaching for a handful of bubbles. He caught your hand easily before it could hit its target, but you just laughed, lifting your other hand, still wet, to his face and smushing it over his cheek.
Loki growled, using his strength to push your bubble-covered hand towards you as you squealed, unable to stop him from covering your own face in suds. He chuckled, pleased with his work, as he picked you up once again. You held on tightly, wrapping your legs around his waist, and began to sing to him. “Cuz I can feel a real connection…”
Loki rolled his eyes, joining in. “...a supernatural attraction…” he sang, putting your down in the middle of the living room as the music magically got louder once more.
“I got the feels for you, yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” You both sang, half cringing as you grinned at each other. You put your arms around his neck as he put his hands on your waist, and you moved brightly to the music. Your heart swelled, unbelievably happy to have this chance to be with him, knowing how lucky you were to have him back each time he went away to risk his life. You danced together, smiling and laughing, singing the odd cheesy lyric to each other.
When the song finally ended, Loki leant down to kiss your cheek, and you leant your head on his chest. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too, my love.”
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0606-hyuck · 3 years
♡ before the relationship
♡ becoming comfortable/humour
♡ relationships with other members
♡ jealousy/pda/flirting
♡ disagreements
♡ dates/texting/social media
♡ languages/"i love you"
wc: 2.4k (i may have gone a bit overboard with this, you can tell yangyang is my bias lol)
Tumblr media
♡ before the relationship ♡
imagine a best friends to lovers concept with yangyang 🥺
you'd been close friends with him since high school
and you spent the majority of your time with him
tbh you were bound to fall for each other
you'd watched yangyang grow from a cringey little thirteen year old into the yangyang we all know and love today
likewise, yangyang had a crush on you for yearssss
but he was always too scared to tell you how he felt because he didn't want to ruin the friendship
it would take lots and lots of convincing from the wayv members to actually tell you how he feels
he's so nervous before he tells you that he chickens out
and when ten and kun find out he didn't tell you they literally scream at yangyang
finally, FINALLY yangyang just spits it out and tells you he likes you
you don't even hear what he says at first because he's speaking way too fast and mumbling at the same time
and he refuses to say it again
but when you finally realise what he said you laugh
because you've had a crush on him for ages too!
and yangyang is really shocked
and annoyed that he spent so much time worrying about your response when you actually felt the same way
lowkey annoyed that you didn't tell him first but it's okay, he gets over it quickly when you decide to become a couple
♡ becoming comfortable/humour♡
i think the way yangyang acts around you would change after you start dating
because he's never had a serious relationship before and the kid doesn't really know how to act
so he's really nervous and lowkey awkward at first
like "since we're dating we hold hands now?"
"i want to but what if my hands are sweaty or y/n doesn't want to"
and you're like "just hold my hand, dummy"
eventually he gets used to being affectionate towards you
and when he does, he's so adorable!
lots and lots of cuddles
yangyang is kind of clingy with you
imagine him pestering you to give him attention while you're trying to work lol
laying his head on your shoulder and tickling you to distract you
once he fully reprises his role as your boyfriend, he turns into the loud, teasing yangyang we all know and love
you know he's totally comfortable with you when he walks into your house singing at the top of his lungs, not caring who is home with you
i love yangyang but he totally gives off dumb bitch energy
like it's so endearing but he can be so so stupid sometimes
even he's said that he doesn't think before speaking most of the time
so half the conversations you guys have are very weird and/or questionable
but very entertaining and make you love him even more
an example would be when he likes to talk about the future he's imagined with you
like he's talking about the type of wedding he wants with you and what he wants to name your kids (eleven because they're gonna be better than ten lol)
and you've never really thought that far ahead in the future
but it's really cute that he's imagined a future with you
and it just makes you love him even more
yangyang has pretty good banter with you
he likes to joke around with you and tease!! the!! shit!! out!! of!! you!!
"i found a picture of you when you were ten years old! you look like you're wearing a potato sack!"
"i can't believe i'm dating someone with no style"
"yangyang i was ten"
"clearly nothing has changed"
"no don't hit me i'm kidding!"
but it's all in good fun
i really like yangyang's humour and find it super funny when he teases the older members of wayv
and just because you're dating him, don't expect him to go easy on you lol
i feel like yangyang needs a lot of love
so you better be having lots and lots of cuddle sessions with him
ones where he's the big spoon are always nice because he feels like he is protecting you
but occasionally he will let you be the big spoon
not very often though because he gets babied enough as it is by ten and kun
imagine watching a movie with yangyang while you're curled up under a blanket in his arms
and he's making quiet comments about the movie
and you have to tell him to stop commenting on every single thing but it's secretly making you really sleepy
and you can feel his heart racing through his sweater omg
♡ relationship with other members ♡
wayv were so happy when you and yangyang finally got together
they always had a feeling you'd end up dating
because you'd been close friends for so long and they could always see it happening, you know?
they are kind of devastated because it means their son is growing up :'(
and ten likes to remind yangyang that even though he's in a relationship he will always be ten's baby
wayv are scared of you and yangyang when you're together though
because you feed off of each others humour really well
so wayv know they're in for massive roasting sessions every time you come over to the dorm
because you ignite this spark in yangyang that makes him want to tease his geges mercilessly, even more than usual
but it's okay because in a rare show of solidarity they can all band together to tease you
so it's literally you and yangyang versus kun, ten, winwin, lucas, xiaojun, and hendery
but in the end wayv really like you and love how well you treat yangyang
they're not worried about him because they know you'll be a positive and supportive part of his life
♡ jealousy/pda/flirting ♡
i think, simply because yangyang is young and hasn't had relationships before, he would get jealous quite easily
he's not possessive per se, but he would prefer that you pay attention to him rather than someone else
even when you're paying too much attention to one of the other members of wayv he starts to feel jealous
and he feels really guilty because he knows you're just being friendly
but he can't help feeling left out
so while you're talking to the other member he'll come over and wrap you in a silent hug or something
just to remind you that he's your boyfriend and he deserves your attention too
if a random person was flirting with you, i think he would just watch on silently
like he would be getting more annoyed as seconds passed, but he also wouldn't do anything to put a stop to it
he'd want to see how you dealt with it yourself
and if you were acting as what he perceives to be a little too friendly he'd probably give you the silent treatment for awhile
but it wouldn't last long because he struggles to not pay you attention
because he really likes you hehe ;)
yangyang's not very keen on pda
he prefers to steal sneaky kisses when nobody's looking
like if you're watching a movie at wayv's dorm he'll kiss you when he thinks the others are distracted
for him it's the excitement of knowing someone could see you being all cute together
and knowing the others could tease him about it if they saw
but seeing how far he can take it before they realise you're basically making out on the couch lol
i also think yangyang is part of the wayv shameless flirter line along with hendery, ten, and lucas
but he's more lowkey about it
he says some really cheesy line and has a shit eating grin on his face
and then a second later he's like "ew why did i say that, that's so cringey omg"
he's not super romantic sorry guys
so in that sense he doesn't flirt often
but when he does it's really bad lol
but your favourite thing to do is flirt with yangyang
because he gets all shy and doesn't know what to say
and he tries to respond but ends up burying his quickly reddening face in his hands
it's even funnier when you do it in front of the rest of wayv
can you imagine a blushing, embarrassed yangyang trying not to show the rest of his members how affected by your flirting he is?
they would eat that shit up
since yangyang is usually so cocky and the one teasing them, they love to tease him when he's all shy and blushing
wayv literally cheer you when you flirt with yangyang in front of them LOL
♡ disagreements? ♡
i think you and yangyang would have small disagreements fairly often
just because he's kind of stubborn?
it would never lead to an argument or anything serious
just irks you a bit
the only think you've really had an argument about is one time when you felt he was being too immature
you'd said something like "i feel like i'm dating a child, can you act serious for a single second?"
and it's lowkey a pet peeve of yangyang's to be compared to a child because it's a little emasculating for him
so you really hurt his feelings by saying you felt like you were dating a child
because that's just his personality, he's not trying to act immature, but he's so used to being the maknae of wayv that that's just him
and so you didn't talk for a few days
but eventually you realised you'd been insensitive and apologised
yangyang accepted your apology and you've made sure to love him for how he is rather than point out things you don't like
and let's be honest, there's nothing more fun that spending an afternoon fooling around with yangyang, forgetting all your responsibilities and stresses
♡ dates/texting/social media ♡
sorry everyone but i think yangyang is kind of lazy when it comes to dates
like i said before he's definitely not the most romantic member (not when kun and xiaojun are in the same group lol)
so he prefers to spend time with you around the dorm
like having movie dates or he might take you to do something fun like go to a fair
or even takes you down to a court to play basketball lol
but you're just happy you get to spend time with your boyfriend
he used to put in a lot of effort
but one time he tried to cook you dinner despite not knowing how to cook and i'm not kidding when i say he nearly burned down the dorm
and since then kun banned him from cooking so yangyang sticks to more relaxed, low effort dates lol
because yangyang's a clingy boyfriend he misses you heaps when he goes away
so expect heaps of texts from him asking you how you're going
but also lots of random ones about things he's doing
literally a minute by minute rundown of his day, as it's happening
"omg ten accidentally put shampoo in his hair instead of gel"
"i switched the shampoo and gel around, don't tell him"
"okay somehow ten found out"
"he's attacking me now"
"this is child abuse, call cps"
"okay i survived"
also he doesn't really like calling, he prefers texting you
and he doesn't mind not hearing your voice because he's gonna see you in twenty minutes anyway
he doesn't send good morning/good night texts
instead he sends selfies
like, selfies every few hours
selfies of him, selfies with other members
also selfies with his pets bella, louis, and leon
you don't know why he sends them but you're not complaining at all because your boyfriend is very attractive and he knows it
around 40% of his instagram posts are you/selfies with you
don't get me wrong, yangyang loves you and thinks you're instagram-worthy
but manz is feeling himself over on his insta and would just naturally post more pictures of himself than you
when you go through his feed there's actually heaps of pictures with you
but they're surrounded by lots of himself so it makes it look like he doesn't post you
solely comments emojis like "🧍‍♂️🚗💨" "👩🤏🧑‍🦲" and "🕳👨‍🦽" on your selfies because that's his humour
he doesn't want to be that boyfriend that's like "😍😍" on every post
but will hype you up in private text messages like "WHO ALLOWED YOU TO LOOK THAT GOOD" "OMG"
♡ languages/"i love you" ♡
yangyang prefers to speak to you in english or chinese (mandarin)
he also wouldn't mind german
his german isn't perfect but he knows he needs to keep speaking it to retain the language
if you spoke another language, he'd put in effort to learn it but i don't think he'd get very far
so he'd just end up speaking to you in a mixed mess of english and chinese
yangyang likes to teach you things though
like basketball, video games etc
it boosts his ego and makes him feel all mushy that he's teaching his partner stuff
so i think he would rather help you learn english/mandarin/german rather than learn a language himself
(partly because he's lazy and partly because he speaks so many already)
i think yangyang would be the first one to say "i love you"
he's been wanting to say it for ages but he's too nervous
he knows you like him back but he worries that saying "i love you" might scare you off
even though he literally talks about your future kids #yangyanglogic
you were laying with him on his bed in the wayv dorm
and he was like "do you wanna know a secret"
thinking, "what sort of bullshit is yangyang gonna say now lol" you said sure
and he was like "i think i love you"
"you THINK?"
and yangyang panics and is like "no i do love you, i just didn't want to make the mood weird"
you just laugh at the absurdity of his statement and cuddle closer to him
"you're funny yangyang, i love you too"
AHHHHHHHH i'm gonna go cry myself to sleep because this is so cute
lol just kidding but seriously i love yangyang so much
can you imagine him being your boyfriend?
he's so inexperienced and feels like he's making heaps of mistakes but he's really cute
🥺 anyways
stan wayv please hoes
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other members: kun | ten | winwin | lucas | xiaojun | hendery
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