#yeah that’s the tag I’m using for any future rambles
0verseer-o9 · 5 months
Opinion on the beta Crisp sprite remnants?
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Hi Pyre!! I’m glad you brought this up I need to ramble abt this.
I think it’s cool that we got to see part of his beta design but I wish we got to see more about the design processes of the party members, along w/ scrapped ideas like Fardy becoming a joy mutant. I love the final design of Crisp more tho.
Something I theorized was that Crisp wasn’t meant to be in the game but when the pink robe guy was changed to be an NPC Dingaling was like “hmm maybe removing the only black party member from this game would be problematic” so he made Crisp.
A related theory to this is that Crisp was not originally black but was changed to be after the pink robe guy thing.
Another ANOTHER theory is that Dingaling thought “hm, let’s make him gay” and took Crisp’s beta (male /j) sprite and made Toby. I don’t believe this theory but it’s fun to think abt.
Another x3 theory is that beta Crisp had jaundice /j
Some stuff I noticed!!
• Crisp is 75% headless (had to save his robux ig /j)
• He has no facial hair (his goatee and a place where his mustache would show doesn’t show it)
• Crisp’s shawl was shaded and tbh I’m glad Dingaling changed it
• Instead of cyan glove things he has white ones
• He has four swords instead of six
• The middle of his chest is closer to the left by one pixel
• The swords are less shaded
• There’s more shading on the right arm
• There’s less shading on the torso
I think the white glove things on his hand are and it would be cool if Crisp still had bandages
TLDR: I think it’s cool we got to see this and I have many thoughts abt it
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catboybiologist · 1 year
Hi! I’m CatboyBiologist.
Formerly a femboy, now a trans woman just starting HRT, and a PhD student in molecular biology. I started using this online persona as a fun, shitposty way to explore gender a few years ago. I post selfies (generally sfw, but somewhat sexy, so minors and ppl who don’t like that have been warned), rambles about science, tutorials and advice from the stuff I’ve learned by being a femboy in the past, nature pictures, stuff about the ocean, my adorable grumpy little tortoise, and unsolicited opinions on random nerdy topics. Any pronouns are fine. I don’t plan to socially transition for a while, and still present as a man most of the time, so I’m used to whatever you wanna use for me (for now, I’ll update this if that changes). Please send me pictures of your pets or other cute animals in your life!
As a scientist, I’m also documenting my transition! This google sheet will be updated at least monthly. I also have additional metrics I’m keeping to myself, and pictures that go with this, but I’m not sharing them publicly yet. Keep in mind that this is just one person’s experience with HRT, and may not represent universal trends!
Adding a little something here, bc I think it was an interesting bit a writing: if you want to see me respond to a transphobe about what "biologically female" means, here's a thing I wrote about it. CW for transphobia and discussion, obviously.
Also, if any of my measurements look weird, its entirely possible I fucked up. Let me know if anything looks off!
Here’s some of my favorite pre-HRT pictures:
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If you want to see more of my pre-HRT selfies, browse the “femboy” tag on my blog!
And as of this writing, I’m only 2 days after the start of HRT, so here’s a picture with my tortoise that’s technically post-HRT (but with 0 time for actual changes):
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If you want to see my future post-HRT selfies, browse the “trans selfie” tag on my blog!
Also here's another really cute picture and fanart of my tortoise by @whalesharkcat:
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I have affectionately given my tortoise the title of The Grumpus.
I also wrote a couple of tutorials and general vibes about being a femboy before I started HRT:
Sometimes I make shitposts of myself, I don’t take myself too seriously:
This includes the way I came out on tumblr:
And here’s an overly serious, long ramble about trans thoughts and things that I wrote shortly afterwards:
Later addition: Someone asked how I take selfies, so I wrote a quick and dirty guide with some tips on how I do so in response to their ask:
Oh yeah and apparently I was a 196 microcelebrity? I never to thought I was popular enough for that but apparently some people do 🤷‍♀️. So uh, hi 196 tags, I'm abusing you for my pinned post LOL
As for terminology, I personally do think of myself as a “man who is becoming a woman” as opposed to having always been a woman. If that doesn’t resonate with your experience, I totally get that! But that’s why I freely call pre-HRT me a femboy, while still calling post-HRT me a trans woman. I’m also keeping the blog name as CatboyBiologist for the forseeable future, because at this point, Catboy just seems like a gender neutral term to me.
I’m also trying to put together a script for a podcast regarding how studying biology influenced my perspective on sex and gender- lmk if there’s any interest in that! It’s probably gonna be way too long and indulgent but oh well.
So uh. Yeah. I don’t end these types of things well. Byeeeeee
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ilovecupcakesandtea · 6 months
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Chapter two My master list
Title: Chapter one
Word Count: 1356
Archive Warnings: Smut in future chapters. Slight angst. Alcohol misuse.
Rating: E
Pairing(s): Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Benny, Uncle Wayne & The Party
Tags: Smut. Angst. Steddie. Buckingham. Steve Harrington. Eddie Munson. Robin Buckley. Chrissy Cunningham. Band AU. TW Alcohol use.
Summary (optional): Two different styles of music, two boys that really don't like each other. What could possibly go wrong?
Beta Reader: Thank you so much to my beautiful beta readers @slippy-slip @ladydarklord & @dontwasteyourchances
Art link and credit: Art is by the wonderfully talented @pink-luna-moth (as is the banner)
Fic link and credit: Ao3 Link
AN: First off thank you to Alex for the art and being just amazing to work alongside. Thank you to Slip for dragging me back from the edge so many times over this. I really am so excited to have this out here!!
I wrote this for the @strangerthingsreversebigbang event and had a lot of fun doing so!!
Divider links: reblog and music notes
The scent of gardenia flooding her senses was the first indication that someone was sitting next to her. If she had been more awake she would have realised it was a scent familiar to her – not in a creepy way, as she has to point out to Steve on a regular basis. The smell of gardenia and other floral scents was something that Robin associated with one person, and one person only. Chrissy Cunningham. Robin's long-term crush, the first person she ever really noticed she had a crush on, Chrissy Cunningham, who was actually talking to Robin, who was probably just sitting staring at her.
“Hi, sorry, I didn’t catch anything you said” Robin apologised, holding up her headphones to show why.
“I just asked if I could sit here” Chrissy giggled, pointing at the seat next to Robin. 
“Yeah, yeah, sure, I mean I’m not saving it for anyone obviously, and I can’t stop you from sitting where you want, so yeah the seat’s yours if you want to sit there” Robin rambled, ending with an audible snap of her teeth as she stopped herself from rambling any further. 
“Thanks, I’m a good seat mate, I have snacks” Chrissy grinned, pulling some pretzels and some red vines out of her bag. 
“What are you listening to?” Chrissy asked, nodding towards Robin's headphones. 
“Oh errmm, it's The Clash” Robin smiled sheepishly. 
“I love them! Stumbled across them ages ago and really enjoyed them” Chrissy declared. 
“No way!” Robin exclaimed in reply.
This couldn't be happening. Robin didn't need any more reason to have a crush on this girl. Now she had good taste in music too! 
“Yeah! Not the normal kind of thing I listen to, but there's something about them” Chrissy giggled. 
“Want to listen with me?” Robin asked, offering an earbud towards the other girl. 
All kinds of things ran through her head. Was Chrissy this chatty with everyone? Was she staring at the cheerleader? Did everyone else think it was weird them being sat together? 
“So what else do you listen to?” Chrissy questioned, breaking Robin out of her spiralling thoughts. 
“Oh, I listen to a lot of Ramones, Misfits, The Damned, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, Agnostic Front, The Vandals, Pennywise. Punk mostly, I mean you could probably tell that from the bands” she blushed. “What about you?” 
“A lot of Metallica, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, some Ozzy, Children of Bodom, System of a Down, and Evanescence. Metal mostly, if you couldn't tell” Chrissy winked and then giggled. 
The rest of the journey to the game consisted of eating the pretzels and red vines, Chrissy insisting if Robin didn't eat them with her then she would be sick as she was cheering, and sharing music suggestions via 2 iPods and a shared set of headphones. 
The game was in full swing and Robin knew she should be paying a lot more attention than she was but she couldn't. She was certain Chrissy kept looking back at her, every time Robin caught her eye she got a shy smile back and then Chrissy would look away. 
On the way back home Chrissy sat next to Robin without asking and the girls fell back into their previous conversation regarding music and different genres and any overlaps they have in them. 
“I had fun, we should do it again sometime” Chrissy blushed as they both stepped off the bus back at Hawkins High. 
“Yeah, yeah, me too. Definitely, like I definitely had fun and we should definitely do it again” Robin rambled. 
“Maybe at the movies after school on Monday?” Chrissy asked, clearly nervous. 
“Yes. Absolutely” Robin squeaked. 
“Come along Buckley, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to be!” The sound of Steve Harrington, her best friend and ride home, came from across the parking lot. 
“I'd better go,” Robin laughed. “Bye,” she waved, walking backward before turning round and heading towards Steve, luckily without falling on her ass.
“We don't have to discuss it tonight but I 100% just saved you from a Robin ramble. Everything ok?” Steve asked as soon as Robin was in the car. 
“Yeah, it's ok, thanks for saving me,” Robin smiled.
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The next morning, after a long night overthinking everything that Chrissy and Robin herself had said, Robin spoke up.
“So I sat next to Chrissy Cunningham on the way to the game yesterday and we talked about music all the way there. Then she actually chose to sit next to me on the way back and we talked all the way back as well. And then when we got off the bus she said we should do it again sometime. What does that even mean Steve?! Did she have a good time talking to me and so really wants to do it again or was it more of a being polite thing? Plus I think she kept looking at me during the game so yeah, what does it mean?! Oh yeah, and I may have agreed to go to the movies with her after school tomorrow” Robin rambled at a mile a minute to Steve who just stood there with his coffee to his lips waiting for her to finish. 
Taking a sip Steve contemplated his next words. He couldn't give Robin false hope but he had heard rumours about Chrissy and a couple of girls from the cheer squad so maybe Chrissy did want to take Robin on a date. 
“So, Chrissy Cunningham, who's a well-known metalhead, listened to your punk, asked you to the movies and you still don't know if she wants to take you on a date or not,” Steve asked, cocking an eyebrow. 
“Maybe she was just being nice!” Robin exclaimed, throwing her hands up. 
“I’ll talk to her at school tomorrow, ok?” Steve ushered Robin out of the kitchen and they both got ready for the day they had planned.
It wasn’t until between 3rd and 4th period the following day that Steve managed to speak to Chrissy. He caught her pretending to put things in her locker and trying to take sneaky glances at Robin.
“She’s really pretty isn't she?” Steve whispered, sliding up beside Chrissy and pretending to check his bag for something. 
“Yeah, she is” Chrissy replied softly before blushing and looking at Steve wide-eyed, “I didn't mean it like that, just that she’s objectively pretty, nothing else.”  
“Secrets safe with a fellow friend Cunningham” Steve chuckles “Have fun at the movies later,” he said before winking and walking away. 
“I’m telling you now, it's a date. She wants to date you. Sit in those back seats and ignore the movie” Steve laughed as he dodged a soggy chip thrown at him by Robin, as he told her about the interaction he’d had with Chrissy earlier in the day. 
“You know it’s not that simple Stevie, it’s not safe. As far as we know she’s straight and as far as she thinks I’m straight too. I can’t just tell her I'm not. What if it gets out? My parents don’t even know Steve.” Robin sighed. 
“Birdie she was literally looking at you and agreed when I said you’re pretty. I’ve heard the stories about her and the cheer squad as well. Either way, she’s a safe person to tell, I’m certain of it.” Steve reassured, squeezing her arm lovingly. 
“Maybe” Robin responded, smiling at him sadly. 
Steve knew it wasn't as easy as he made out to her. He was destined to explore his sexuality in dark corners and dingy bathrooms, maybe a cheap hotel if he was lucky. But the chances are he would settle down with a wife and a kid or two, maybe he'd tell his wife he too liked men or maybe he wouldn't. But he was certain he would do anything to help his soulmate find her girl. 
“Anyway, what's this about the cheer squad?” Robin asked suddenly, as though her brain had finally caught up to what he'd said. 
“Oh Robin, see if Chrissy will tell you” He smirked back at her before he continued to eat his salad.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 6 months
Find the word
Thanks to @sleepywriter00 for the tag here! Sorry this is a little late I got behind on these!
My words: spoon, energy, study, listen
Your words: future, slice, deserve, access
Tagging @jezifster @little-peril-stories @mysticstarlightduck @blind-the-winds @herrmannhalsteadproduction @cowboybrunch @i-can-even-burn-salad @aziz-reads @memoriethereaderandwriter-blog @mk-writes-stuff @buffythevampirelover @mantabanter @chauceryfairytales @eccaiia @pb-dot @frostedlemonwriter or anyone who wants to hop on!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @fairy-tales-of-yesterday - y'all can also hop on if you want
Keep reading for:
Talk about planners and Gabriel's nickname
Short passage of pseudoscience babble
Telepathy world building! Will this change? Who knows!?
Maddie helps Kelsey calm down <3
Spoon (twice!) - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Lexi POV)
“Oh, shoot, I forgot my planner.” I turned to see it still lying on the floor. I flicked my wrist slightly to teleport it in my hand. “You brought a planner to breakfast?” Tyler asked as he drank his orange juice. “It’s just how I manage my life,” I said. I opened it up on the table to show them the January schedule. “Wow, that’s really pretty,” said Carla. “I don’t need a planner, given my powers.” “Aw, yeah, I wish I could just stop time at my leisure,” I said as I closed the planner again. “I have a planner,” said Tyler. “It’s called here.” He pointed to his head. “Medina has one like yours, but it’s a little boring.” “One, you need to write things down in case you forget,” said Gabriel, pointing at Tyler with his spoon. “Two, I don’t see why a planner needs color.” “To organize different activities,” I answered. “Hm. Well, I guess mine is just schoolwork and my job.” “You have a job?” I asked, leaning forward. Gabriel nodded. “Construction job—perfect for terrakinetics. After school on the weekdays, I walk about fifteen minutes to a site—” “Wait, you live here full time?” I asked. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” “You’re fine, I don’t care. Yes, I live here full time.” I chose not to inquire any further, even though Gabriel didn’t seem that bothered by it. “After school, I do the homework that I need to get done, then I help the docs out.” “What do they need help with?” “Various things. Um, right now we’re sorting through the multiverse database to see if we can find Rosalinda.” “Oh, yes, that’s right.” “G,” Carla whispered. “I’m fine, Carla,” I said. “But thanks. It’s actually really cool that Gills is helping.” “Gills?” Gabriel sighed then continued eating. “You really have been spending way too much time with Stafford.” “When are you gonna accept it’s an actual genius nickname?” Tyler asked. “Then why don’t you use it?” “It’s too silly for you.” “Do you not like the nickname?” I asked. “We can stop using it.” “Unfortunately, Nakashima is right,” Gabriel muttered, spinning his cereal around with his spoon. “It’s a pretty clever nickname. It’s so stupid, it almost works.”
It's Gills because his initials are GLZ (surname not included)
Energy - from The Secret Portal Part One
William put down his tablet and rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses. He’d been working so late that it was now early. It was so quiet he could hear the snakefly behind him violently flapping its wings. He sighed, then reread the last paragraph he’d written: Replicating the negative energy density found in a chronokinetic’s rifts is no easy task. The level needed to connect one time to another is far greater than a Level-7 teleporter, but nowhere near the level in the portal that connects our reality to Ceteri, nor even a dimensiokinetic. If chronokinetics were less seldom born, perhaps this task would be accessible. William glanced at the chemicals bubbling in the flask on the table before him. As there hadn’t been a documented chronokinetic in a century, it was nearly impossible to replicate their powers considering the amount of negative pressure needed. He would have to work with what he had: a Level-7 teleporter’s DNA—not common, but much more so than a chronokinetic. Jumping through space required significantly less negative energy density than time jumping, so trying to get it up to what he desired was no easy feat.
Study - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
I'm probably gonna change the "in a century" thing. Not sure what I'm gonna do but it feels wrong.
“Telepathy is an exception to the classification of powers. It and shapeshifting are the only two recorded to not have their sub-powers build off each other, but rather have them separate.” “Why are there so few sub-powers?” I prodded. “The mind doesn’t have a limit, therefore telepathy shouldn’t, either, right?” Carla waved her hand side-to-side as if to say eh, kinda. Aloud, she answered, “It’s been said that there have been cases of telepaths with more advanced powers, but there has only been one recorded case. Though some conspiracy theorists say there were more, but weren’t recorded, and that they went into hiding, locked themselves away, or maybe went insane.” “Insane?” I repeated. Carla fiddled with the ring hanging from the chain around her neck. “The mind can only stretch so far. If advanced telepaths did—or even do—exist, there would be no way they could function. Their minds aren’t able to communicate the information that they can comprehend. They end up lost in their own thoughts, unable to reach out to another being.” I fell silent. “Carla’s in an online holographic course in Telepathic Theory,” George said, breaking the silence. “All of that is just theory. Scientists who study the telepathic mind made a list of potential powers.” “Can powers develop?” I asked. “Of course,” said Carla. “Most Alii, in general, start at a lower Level, usually a Level-1, and most become more powerful. It depends on the person.” “So, you’re saying I have the potential to be a powerful telepath?” Carla laughed. “No, the odds are you’ll be able to read minds and that’s it. Maybe one sub-power.” “Oh.” My shoulders dropped. “Okay.”
Listen - from The Secret Portal Part One (Kelsey POV)
“Kelsey!” I heard a faint voice say. “Kelsey!” I opened my eyes, lifting my head against the strong wind. A small figure walked toward me, kneeling down beside me. “Kelsey, look at me,” Maddie said, grabbing my hands. Her long hair whipped around her body, out to me. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I clasped her hand. My neck was ticking uncontrollably, preventing me from meeting her eyes. “It’s gonna be okay,” she said, pulling me forward into a hug. I embraced her, shaking, twitching, sobbing. “Kelsey, listen. Remember yesterday when this happened? You made the mansion toxic. Remember?” I nodded. “I don’t want that in my house. But you need to get rid of this… weird darkness stuff instead of just making it explode. Can you do that?” I shook my head. “Just focus on me, ‘kay? Now, can you breathe? Slowly?” I did, inhaling and exhaling. “I think you can make this black smoke go away if you imagine sucking it all up. Or maybe it just needs to disappear. Can you do that? Imagine it. Maybe it’ll work.” I closed my eyes, imagining the darkness fading away until it disappeared. I imagined the air in the room was still at breathable levels. That the smoke nor wind didn’t affect anything around it. The wind stopped. The darkness went away. Still in Maddie’s arms, I opened my eyes. The room looked untouched.
Pretty sure I've shared that last excerpt before but I like it
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jaimemes · 4 months
Bienvenidos a todos!
For the sake of readability, I’m using proper grammar and a more professional tone for this post, but normally I’m not too uptight about it (unless it’s for the newspaper, of course!).
Anyways, hello! My name is Jaime, I’m a second-year student at Naranja-Uva Academy, as well as the head of the academy’s Journalism Club. I’m currently studying under the Humanities track, with focus on Literature, History, Archeology, and Anthropology! Yeah, I hang out in Sra. Raifort’s class a lot…
I have a few Pokemon, whom are listed below:
-> Estrella - Espathra | Female -> Momoto - Cyclizar | Female -> Vela - Sigilyph | Sigilyph -> Jorge - Indeedee | Male -> Slugger - Croagunk | Male
I also have a sister. I may bring her up on occasion. And sometimes a friend of mine will pop up occasionally on my blog. I can't stop her sooo. eh.
I’m always open to interacting with people on here, so don’t be afraid to shoot me a message!
[OOC: More info under the cut!]
[Likes and follows come from @turtblurts-pkmnirl-hub]
For those of you who knew Jaime prior to the reboot, be aware that the lore may shift or be slightly different than his previous iteration. We’ll see how this goes! However, this does mean that anything prior is no longer canon and we’re ignoring it.
Blog Guidelines:
Though the mun is an adult, the character is still a minor, so please be mindful of how you interact! NO NSFW! The occasional dick joke is fine, but keep it PG-13.
Pelipper Mail/Malice: OFF
Musharna Mail/Malice:OFF
Magic Anons: OFF ➥ These may be turned on in the future, but for now they will be remaining off to allow this to have more of an actual blog feel.
ANY kind of PKMN IRL blog can interact! Eeby Deebies, sapient/sentient pkmn, evil teams, canon characters, etc. ➥ Curious man that he is, don’t be surprised if Jaime asks a lot of questions about your character and their universe!
IN CHARACTER anon hate is fine! Keep in mind that I reserve the right to not answer all anon hate asks though! Especially if they are something I don't feel comfortable answering!
Jaime has a little sister named Victoria, who he may vague about occasionally. Her blog is @victoria-vd
Also! Every so often, Jaime’s friend who goes by Z may hijack the blog and use it as her own for a bit. Just cuz she can. Don’t worry about it <3 For ease of differentiation between the two, her text will be colored green and she will tag her posts with #USERZ and #reblogz
Story Arcs
Unforseen Consequences (Finished) -> After Jaime’s sister Victoria (@victoria-vd) gets into a heated argument with Esper ( @espers-n-espurrs ) online, she suddenly slips into a comatose state in the middle of a discussion with Jaime. She wakes up the next day but is furious to realize that her coma had been psychically induced, and she begins hunting for the psychic that caused it.
Multiversal Discovery (Finished) -> Maple (@yveltalreal) tries to create a second account for the bit, but realizes that she cannot see anyone on Rotomblr through that new account. The rest of the gang are quick to try this supposed glitch out for themselves only to obtain the same result. They all turn to Z, their resident tech whiz, for an explanation and discover the truth about the multiversal properties of Rotomblr.
Laid to Rest (Ongoing primarily on @victoria-vd) -> ???
General Tags
#jai posts -> Posts made by Jaime
#USERZ -> Posts made by Z
#sister tag -> Posts that mention or include Victoria
#jaime's ramblings -> really long informational posts written by Jaime
#jai rbs -> Jaime reblogging something
#reblogz -> Z reblogging something
#the mailbox -> Ask responses
Important Tags
#future sight-> Posts to pay attention to! These might provide clues or foreshadowing!!
#zecrets -> Z revealing secrets about her friends on the blog, prompted by anons. ➥ Access the ZECRET-LOG
#miracle eye -> Offscreen posts
#los horrores -> general high stakes tag
#blind spot -> blind spot signifies that this post is completely invisible to certain blogs linked to this one ( @aspens-dragons @espers-n-espurrs @yveltalreal @vulgrados-best @rock-n-rolycoly). ➥ If its tagged with a specific character, then only that one cannot see it. the rest would be able to. for example if another blog tagged “#blind spot: jaime” then Jaime specifically cannot see that post. Blind spot posts are completely free for anyone else, anonymous or otherwise, to engage with.
anyways. woe. jaime (and victoria!) be upon ye
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baeglbites · 27 days
Would you mind sharing your thoughts on Kaiju no 8? (I feel like I might highly agree with you lol)
Oo, I’m assuming you read my tags hahah, yeah I’ll try to expand! 
(Be warned, I didn’t reread or rewatch the series, so I’m just going off my impression. It’s going to be rambly haha)
I started with watching the anime, and the first season was anime solid! Animation, art, and soundtrack, all enjoyed (although RIP Gen’s debut lolol, I’m sure he’ll get an upgrade next season lol)
The premise was interesting, a 32 year old protagonist who essentially switches career, said protagonist also becomes the very “monster” that the Kaiju Defense Force eliminates 
Bullet point of Thoughts
what happens in the aftermath of battles (esp after shounen fights)? Who deals with that, so in this world there is a specialized cleanup crew disposing big ass several story monster with toxic innards -> yay world building! Cool! 
Kafka isn’t “strong” like a typical recruit (without his Kaiju form), but the way he helps is his knowledge from his previous jobs. I’m like ooo that’s neat!
I thought about people with prior job experience switching career, a lot of their soft skills and also previous experience carries over which is a unique advantage
But he doesn’t really fight like that anymore… 
Female characters are cooler than I initially thought! (Kikoru grew on me haha)
Scratching my head and I’m like huh thoughts: 
Many people’s motivation to joining is to protect the people for the future of the people (a little vague and almost nationalistic?)
Defense force seems to be a difficult job, seems you die early in that kind of career, but it seemed to be glorify… 
I’m wondering if there’s anyone who’s like "that’s messed up man"
characters: clearly people care about each other alot, maybe too much. But I love most of them (except for director…side eyeing him….) 
I thought that the series was going to expand on the elements and themes in the beginning of the series…but now it’s more like hey there’s a dangerous Kaiju and we need to defeat them for the sake of countries safety…punch punch smack
Also, we don’t even know where Kaiju comes from, like barely any hints or maybe there are crumbs and I missed it?? Like what’s their motivation? Why are they attacking people? Kaiju’s seemed to exist back then too? 
Also like are Kaiju creatures? Like do they eat? Do they poop?? Do they have babies?? Do they sleep anywhere?? 
Also it looks like there’s a whole industry of Kaiju weapon and armor production, like I’d like more details pls...like who thought of the idea of using the skin of a toxic,dangerous creature?
Are there any drawbacks (besides the limitation of using the suit to its fullest potential). 
Also with special Kaiju suits, implies that the Kaiju’s memories and consciousness is vaguely imprinted in the suits, and I’m like interesting, please expand, but it’s not expanded (yet?)
Anyways! I just think there’s potential, but so far…I see alot of missed opportunity of ideas and themes
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sentfromwolves · 5 months
✨—« OC IN FIFTEEN » tag game
thank you so much for the tag, @willtheweaver !! I've never done this one before and I'm actually really excited to hehe >:3 I'm going to be doing this for Nemesis from HBABL. NO CONTEXT, HERE WE GO! ( •̀ ω •́ )y
✨—«rules» Include 15 or less lines of dialogue from an OC that describes their essence—you may include context, but the less the better.
“Fuck you! You deserved it, you absolute bitch. I hope it hurt like hell!”
2. “First of all, I haven’t agreed to help you with anything. Second of all, are you stupid?”
3. “Don’t put that in your mouth actually, witch magic’ll make you sick as shit."
4. “Eating babies?”
5. “If it’s about the demon, he’s stuck with me and you can’t have him.”
6. “Yeah, well, I’m not like other girls.”
7. “Make me.”
8. “What? Like it’s hard?”
9. “Don’t change your opinion on me so fast. I’m still about to do something incredibly stupid.”
10. “My mother fed monsters my liver every day for a month once. You’ll have to do better than this to frighten me.”
11. “Full offense, but I don’t trust you not to double cross me because you got bored while I was away.”
12. “I can’t tell you it’s going to be alright. I can’t tell you this isn’t a bad place, or what we find here won’t fuck us all up for sure. I can’t—I can’t do any of that. But I know a little about what it’s like to be scared—of your past, your future. You.”
13. “But I know who I am, and if I die, I’ll die knowing I was me right up until the end. My mother’s curse might kill me, but it can’t take that from me. Nothing can.”
14. “Listen to me, I’m not leaving this place without you. I don’t care if you couldn’t save me—but I am saving you.”
15. “Don’t think I regret it, I’d do it all over again, just to save you, yeah? So don’t think I regret how I went out. Not once. Not ever.”
HEHEHEHE (I'm so emo about Nemesis right now)
Tagging: @awritingcaitlin @tananaphone @juls-writes @lorenfinch @maddstermind @k-v-briarwood @saintedseraph @asablehart @wintherlywords @ryns-ramblings @littleladymab @night9uake @ladywithalamp @trixies-show
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redfurrycat · 11 months
Hey! Have you made a master list of Ice being Jake’s dad? (I absolutely love, appreciate and frequently use your master lists)
Just as I’m writing the Ron is Jake’s dad au I’ve been trying to read all the Ice is Jake’s dad and I’m sure I’m missing some??
Hey Mac! 😊
This is slightly different than how I usually do rec lists. In this case, I searched through the Top Gun (Movies) fics tagged as Tom "Iceman" Kazansky & Jake "Hangman" Seresin and then proceeded with the collecting of all fics mentioning any paternal-filial bond between the two, regardless of the pairings.
Meaning I don't think I know most of them, but I hope you can find stuff to read nonetheless.
(I'll probably -absolutely- do a Hangster & Icepops-Hangson recs list though, at some point in the future! 😊)
I invite anyone to add fics fitting the request if you have more! 💖
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The Hangman's Guide to Winning Over Your Disapproving Admiral-In-Law – Part 1 – 2 – 3 (@amostexcellentblog)
Also see these:
nonbinary-jakeseresin post
weewoobrainrot post
whohasthecards post
AO3 Fics
(All have Jake as Ice's biological or adopted son, unless mentioned otherwise.)
See You Again by sleeping_maple {T}
Just when Hangman thinks that the day can't get any worse, he finds out that his father died. His father, Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kazansky. And he doesn't take it well. Luckily, Sarah Kazansky and Maverick are there to help.
Mini Man by SpringPetunia {T}
Hangman is Iceman's son. He never tells anyone anymore because of how they always react. But his dad is coming for a visit
Golden Boy by Earthangel_44 {E}
“Say it.” Jake says smiling. His face is so close to Bradley’s that Bradley has to duck his chin to look at him. “You’re a bird, Jake.” Bradley replies and Jake beams. “I already have the wings.” Jake says happily as he presses short quick kisses to Bradley’s lips. Bradley smiles and Jake kisses that too. “Now say you’re a bird.” Bradley laughs and he smiles until his eyes crinkle. “Well if you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” A Notebook AU because Glen Powell ships Hangster
Touch Starved by LeonDesdichard {M}
(Ice acting like a dad)
Jake shows up at Ice and Mav's house and he's completely out of it because he's sick and Maverick and Bradley are out of the house so it ends up being Ice who is the one that is taking care of Jake. Jake is completely out of it because he's feverish and he's really touch starved which has Ice angry for a ton of different reasons.
Military Amalgamate by rem_png {G}
(Icemav’s son)
Back in the 80s, the government wanted to make a new generation of super pilots. So, they turned to science and mixed the DNA of their best fighter pilots. None of the pilots knew about this project. Fast forward to 2020 and the truth comes out, rattling many families.
Take me home by Target_rich_environment {G}
Jake takes Bob home after the bird strike
IcePops and HangSon Series by UFOxMulder {T}{E}
Hangman snippets Series by Fantasy2739 {T}
Even worse idea! by LemonsAndSugarMakeLemonade {T}
(Ice acting like a dad)
“Bradley, Ice just texted me to come to “hang out”, is this a threat?” “Jake you’ve known him for almost five years now, it is definitely just Ice wanting you to do some work around the house.” “Okay but-” “Baby, this exact conversation happened last week, you know Ice is so different at home than he is at work.” “But is he?” “Jake, please,” “Okay yeah, I’ll go over.”
Midnight Hour Mixtape by Bubblegumchaos {T}
Hangman runs; he always been much too good at that sort of thing. Jake would give anything to find his father except his clues are half a dozen letters in a shoebox and his late mother's drunken rambles of a man who wasn't her husband.
I don't know how to change a tyre by blazingstar29 {G}
(Son-Fatherly Feels)
Jake gives his first father's day at 30.
Top Gun: Kazansky Twins by Tazlady691 {T}
A cannon divergence AU: The story of a pair of twins and their life up to 2023
The Mitchell-Kazanskys Series by WhisperingNights {T}{M}
Flowers for my grave by TheReadingWriter {T}
When a study on the genetics of Hanahaki disease brings forth the revelation that Jake "Hangman" Seresin is in fact Tom "Iceman" Kazansky's son, their lives take a dramatic turn, as they for the first time in their lives have someone to other than the ones who cursed them to live for. Their times are both running out, but they will be damned if they will let the other die without at least trying to save them. When the mission of a lifetime arrives, one thing is certain: It will either mean happiness for the rest of their lives, or certain death before the year has passed. How far will they go to protect the secret they know will kill them?
A Choice by Ren_Anders {_}
(Son-Fatherly Feels)
After everything, when everything is suppose to be smooth sailing, Jake gets a call. His dad has just died. But it doesn’t matter, right? He was an asshole and he refuses to give him his grief. OR Ice and Jake have a heart to heart about shitty dads and how to overcome their deaths
Family Ties by CryoCait {_}
Jake knows what policies there are in place to avoid familial conflict of interest, he's lived it for years. He knows how sacred those policies are to keeping his family sane. So logically it follows that he understands how dangerous this mission must be for the Navy to look aside and allow the entire Mitchell-Kazansky family to be a part of it. Now he just needed to make sure they all made it home in one piece. Or Jake is a Kazansky just as much as Bradley is a Mitchell, and Mav never pulled Bradley's papers. Now, the close-knit but under the radar family all must work together for the first time during the Uranium Plant mission and keep their relationships to each other under wraps while trying to make sure everyone survives this suicide mission.
Bikes and Bruises by WhisperingNights {M}
(Icemav’s son)
"You aren’t taking one of my bikes to the HR Drag Strip, Jacob, end of story,” Mav responded, crossing his arms over his chest. “I won’t be racing, it's just a show,” Jake protested. Mav snorted “Yeah, right.” “I won’t! The show starts at 9-” “How many times are you going to make me say no, son?” Mav asked.
Heartbeats & Bird Nests Series by SamHeartfilia {T}{E}
Two Men and a Baby by multifangirl11 {_}
(Mav’s son & Icemav)
Jake is Pete's son, Tom is a good friend who hopes to become more.
Keeping Dreams Alive, 1999 Hero's (I Ain't Worried Right Now) by Luxu1230 {_}
(Icemav’s son)
Jake "Hangman" Seresin is the biological son of Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and Tom "Iceman" Kazasky but was kidnapped not that long after being born all he has of them is a small f-14 Tomcat silver necklace which he keeps hidden. He knows his "parents" are his real "Parents" though they don't exactly know that but when he overhears a certain conversation between three people he starts suspecting of who his true parents maybe and from the sounds of it they definitely didn't abandon him.
Been searching for a(n Ice)man by crowstakeflight {G}
Jake did not really look like either of his parents. Sure, he could see some of his mom in his features when he looked in the mirror, but the majority of them are from someone he’s never seen before. It didn’t take much to bring the question up to his parents and they answered honestly. Or, Jake's biological father is Iceman and this is what happens after he finds out.
Living after midnight, loving 'til the morning, then I'm gone. by WaffleToaster {E}
Nobody thought their actions back in the winter of '85 and beyond would end up having these consequences. A story woven from past mistakes, indecisions and loss that eventually helped shape his world and upbringing. But despite all the hardships one thing was for certain, Jake Seresin was destined to fly and he knew the Navy was where he belonged. A slightly altered kind of retelling that includes Jake 'Hangman' Seresin being Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky’s lost son, a story about revelations, love, loss, friendship and most importantly family. Where two rivals find out they may not be so different from one another and their journey to understanding, unity, serenity and eventually love. First by hating, then by loving and finally understanding and helping one another find a place they both deserve. Just not in the same order.
A Kazansky Redemption by WhisperingNights {E}
This is a Kazansky love story. Can one win back the love of their life? Can the other find love in a storm of hate? **** “Sarah, that’s been over for 26 years, besides your my wife, remember? It wouldn’t be good to go tell a man I love him now would it?” Ice grinning playfully at her. She gave a small laugh that quickly turned into a cough, causing him to lean toward her in concern. “I’m alright, I’m alright, sit down,” she rasped, waving him off, then she looked at him “I love you Tom, but we both know our love was foraged in partnership nothing else. We did what was necessary for the safety of ourselves and your career. But it’s 2017, it's easier now. Sexuality rights are better, people are more open. I’ll never get to have a wife, but you Tom, you deserve to have a husband.” ***** Jake’s eyes landed on a figure in an awful Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses. His irritation instantly grew, the universe really must hate him.
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pluppsauthor · 3 months
Incorrect Quotes Tag
Rules: Use this site to generate some incorrect quotes :)
I was going to wait to do a bunch of tags in a few days, but I went to the website and... these are WAY too funny not to do now. Thanks to @illarian-rambling for the tag. ❤
Np tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks, @mk-writes-stuff, @diabolical-blue,
@nixwithapen, @somethingclevermahogony, @paeliae-occasionally, and the ever present open tag!
I tagged a few peeps I don't think I have before, sorry if this isn't what you normally do, much love to all of you! ❤
Quotes Below:
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Dusk: I woke up and chose VIOLENCE. I WILL COMMIT ARSON AND BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND!!! I AM ANGRY- Zenith: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~ Dusk: Wh-What? nO, yOURE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME! TREMBLE BEFORE MY WRATH- Kyr, recording: This is so cute.
Dusk: Yeah, I’m a false prophet, but you believed me, so whose fault is it really that we’re in this mess?
Yun: You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. Yun: It's me.
David, holding an antique bottle: Is this whiskey or perfume? Vis: *grabs and chugs the entire bottle* Vis: ... Vis: It's perfume.
Kai (Hellfire): You made enough pasta that you could take it to lunch tomorrow. Put it in a container. Akita: Shovel the pasta into your face. Do it. Put it in your face. The future is meaningless but the pasta is now.
Kasi: Truth or dare? Rain: Truth. Kasi: How many hours have you slept this week? Rain: ... Rain: Dare. Kasi: Go to sleep. Rain: I don't like this game.
Dusk: You know, you were right. Dawn: About what specifically? Because I’m right about a lot of things.
Kyr, about a fight between Dusk and Dawn: It scares me how many knives were involved. Ino: There… weren’t any knives involved though? Kyr: That’s what scares me.
Dusk: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Reven: Killed without hesitation.
David: I’m telling you, my team is competent. Kai (Hellfire) rushing in: David! Akita tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
Kyr: Why would you think any of this was a good idea? Dusk: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence. Kyr: ... Dusk: I don’t know how you keep forgetting this.
- - - - - - -
That's all for now, this was a lot of fun. There were a lot I sorted through that were hilarious but I just didn't have any character with the right vibes y'know?
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jenanigans1207 · 8 months
any advice for imposter syndrome while writing fic? i know i’m writing for myself at the end of the day, and i do love the idea of posting on ao3 but i feel like nothing i write will ever be good enough to post 😭
So, I'll be honest here in saying that imposter syndrome is a bitch and also doesn't listen a lot to reason.
That being said, for me, I usually try to spend a lot of time reasoning with it and then I force myself to do it anyways. I know that people love reading multiple fics with the same trope, so I shouldn't feel bad about writing a common idea. I know that different writing styles are what bring life to a fic and set it apart from every other fic. I know that I love reading different writing styles, different takes on characters. So why wouldn't other people feel the same? I know that there's always room for improvement, and I can't beat myself up for realizing that I may write this fic differently if I were to sit with the idea and write it some time in the future.
It's a lot of knowing and that knowing comes from a lot of experience on being on the other side of the fic-- being the reader. Like I said, I love seeing different takes on the same characters, seeing people place different reasoning behind the same actions, or give different repercussions to something. It's interesting, it keeps me invested, i love to see it. I love certain tropes (mutual pining, anyone?) to the point that I will read damn near anything with those tropes/tags so I'm thrilled beyond belief when someone new provides me with another fic that I know I'll enjoy. I don't sit there and go "another one?" I get excited for more content that I love.
It's also a lot of knowing that comes from experience as the writer. I will die on the hill that is the fact that we will always be harsher on our own work than anyone else. And that we can't really appreciate how our work will come across to others because we're so close to it. It's hard to see it as something other than a compilation of sentences that you had to struggle through. It's hard to read a sentence that has a word you're not quite satisfied with and think of the impact of the sentence instead of what the fuck is the word I'm trying to remember? I've written enough in my life to know that those things don't ever go away, as much as I'd love to tell you they do. But it does mean that other people won't think of my writing as negatively as I do because they have fresh eyes and no previous association to what they're reading. We don't have that luxury, so it's hard for us to see.
But no matter how much I know these things, no matter how much i experience them from both sides of the fic-- I still have to hype myself up sometimes to post, too. And yeah, sometimes I go "what's the worst that could happen?" and that's enough to give me the guts. Sometimes I remind myself that people haven't liked my writing before and I've survived, so I'd survive if it happened again.
But I will tell you this-- there is nothing more rewarding that someone leaving you a comment about how much something you wrote touched them. While I am a firm believer that we write for ourselves, there is no denying the connection that is made between writer and reader, and there's no denying the impact on the author when a reader is touched by their work. It's this sort of breathtaking feeling, knowing that you poured some of your heart into something and someone found value in that.
I have read many fics that have pulled me out of dark places in my life and given me a reason to get up every new day. And the knowledge that something I wrote might be that for someone else is often enough for me. Even if one person finds joy in what I wrote, it's worth putting it out there. We write for ourselves, sure, but we share it for other people.
And I don't really know if this is helpful at all or just a lot of rambling. But I guess if I had to summarize, I'd say this: imposter syndrome sucks and doesn't listen to reason. Try to reason with it anyways. Remind it that people want this. Hell, talk to your friends about what you're writing so they can want it first! Having someone close to you, someone trusted share your enthusiasm goes a long way. I've only scraped to the end of projects because of my friends many times in the past. So reason with it. Remind it that people want this, that people will enjoy it. Let people in your life tell you that they want it and enjoy it. Remind yourself the benefit that fic has had in your life and then tell yourself that you'll be giving that same benefit to someone else's life. Think of the rewarding feeling of people loving what you write. Remind yourself that the internet is kinder to you than you are to yourself (hard to believe, I know).
And if all of that fails, say that it's perfectly fine to be scared and just choose to do it scared. In my experience, the first time is always the hardest. So close your eyes and press post and know that it gets easier from there, every single time you do it. And allow the world to help you fight that imposter syndrome.
Your work will improve your fandom. It will provide happiness. It will fulfill people, get people to talk about it, share it, reread it when they're having a bad day. This isn't speculation. I am absolutely certain of it. No fandom gets worse with more content made lovingly. So write it for yourself, and then post it for other people and know that it get easier and that it's worth it.
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caracuuw · 2 years
OKAY I finally finished watching through all of the Fixxiverse so far as well as Fix’s Dominion POV and.
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Hey. Um. Hey.
Anyways have some disorganized rambles about it that are in no way chronological and I just wrote them down as I thought about them because. I have emotions. About it all. And nobody in particular to share them with. Spoilers ahead!
Hhhhh okay. Where to start? Alright, okay, well, first off. I lost my mind at Sausage’s cameo. I was not at all expecting it and so it hit me like a train and it was so funny. I just. God. That was so good.
Like. Damn. Sausage and Bubbles are canon to the Fixxiverse O_o
I really love that the zombie apocalypse episode was the first in the series, I felt like it was such a great start that made everything else really feel like a very natural progression of the series, what with starting with an unnamed protagonist and then starting to make more and more characters as fit, you know?
Speaking of the unnamed protagonist of the zombie apocalypse. I miss him and I home we see more of him in the future.
The slow realization of, not only everything being connected in some way, but also just how connected it all is- it’s just. It really shows the love and care put into the series. No stone is left unturned there.
Fixxiverse!Grady D:
Seriously though I loooovvveee fv!Grady so much hearts floating around my head around his head hearts come into my vision whenever he’s on screen lying on my stomach kicking my legs in the air etc etc he’s sooooooo
Just. Cal. You know.
I already said it in some tags a bit back lol but Cal is to me what Grumbot is to some Hermitcraft fans
I can’t really choose a favorite character because I would just end up listing all of them but if I had to name a few that really stood out to me in terms of how excited I got any time I heard them speak, I really loved fv!Grady, Captain Dohan, The Oracle, and Fred
Okay listen. I watched Dominion in this order: Legundo, Viking, Nuke, and then Fix. When I first saw The Oracle in Nuke’s perspective, I was like ‘oh, this is a neat and mysterious character, I wonder where they take this’ (and also like SCOTT SMAJOR????), so when The Oracle showed up in Fix’s POV, then when I pivoted to Fixxiverse and he showed up there (and I learned who he was more), and THEN when he showed back up again in the rest of Fix’s Dominion POV. Listen. I just. I have grown to love The Oracle a lot.
Also I wonder; is Dominion directly tied to the Fixxiverse? Is anything with Fix in it tied to the Fixxiverse? Or is The Oracle a bit more like a being that could show up anywhere? Is it a bit more like the Hermatrix, where literally all Minecraft worlds are in the same multiverse? (Could Legundo’s Hardcore Multiverse be tied to it all as well? I doubt it, but I don’t have the brainpower to pull that apart right now…)
I’m genuinely impressed with how well Fix pulls of having a fairly large cast of different characters in the Fixxiverse, which is primarily a single player series, and he played most of said character at some point. That is not an easy task to pull off.
Fix’s Dominion musical episode was soooooo. I just. God.
Welsknight cameo FUCK YEAH :D
Fix’s megabase on Dominion s1. Jfc dude. It’s so amazing, seriously. If nothing else, you should watch his POV just to see it.
Both of his main bases, actually. They are both so god damn impressive.
Also, all of Fix’s builds in the Fixxiverse, but especially in the main hardcore (and now survival) one are so gorgeous. I am actually in love with his building style, it’s so pretty, and the scale of it all is amazing.
His custom textures too! I know they’re such a small thing, but I love them so much. I love the creativity that goes into some of them, changing the textures to use them in ways that just. It changes the vibe completely from if it were the vanilla textures, but they all still fit. In fact, they arguably fit better because of the texture changes.
I loved his ‘confession room’ bit on Dominion, especially in his final episode of s1 with Sneve. That was really funny.
Dominion!Fix is a super interesting character to me. I feel like he’s just so well played, but I can’t quite put into words all my thoughts about him. He’s like. He’s a thief. He’s a trickster. He runs from the consequences of his actions. He’s just a little guy c’mon he’s just a little guy. He wants so badly to be a good person. He has no moral backbone. He cares deeply about other people’s wellbeing. He’s The Oracle’s favorite little fella, and god he really wants to be a good person but god dammit old habits die hard and no matter how hard he tries he just keeps on falling back down, even when he knows, he knows that if he does, he will release something beyond anything any of them are remotely prepared to handle, and he knew, he was warned, he was warned, but it still didn’t matter, because he cannot escape the person he believes, he knows he is deep down, and that will always be his downfall- he’s just some little bug dude.
I also adore whenever Fix talks about his family in his videos. Like, genuinely, it’s so sweet and makes me feel all warm inside every time he does
I need you all to know how happy it makes my silly little autistic brain every time he talks about music I loooovvve it when people talk about music :)))))
I definitely have more that I’ll probably remember later but honestly, I don’t want to spend any more time on this post so this is what you get lol
TLDR; Watch Fixxiverse and Fixxitt’s Dominion SMP POV :D
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hawkstincan · 2 years
for the ship bingo - Coldflash, Coldwave, and/or Coldflashwave
Sorry it took me quite some time. My head is a mess and I hope my rambling make sense.
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Coldflash suddenly walked into my life one day and just… never left. 
I heard that Arrowverse's shows were piles of burning shit, “never watch any of them”, “arrow started good but”, “the flash is soo dumb”. And I just shrugged and proceeded with my life. Until I stumbled on coldflash. I think it was a fic? Maybe a crossover because I rarely read unfamiliar fandoms. 
The next thing I remember was binge watching Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends. One can’t just watch one show, okay? I watched it all, cried for Len’s unfair ending and went to go through the whole ship tag xD (which I did. i may have started before i finished my catch up with the shows but who cares?)
Aside from my fixation, coldflash just works magic for me. It has everything I love about pairings. Chemistry? Check. Ability to work together? Check. Banter? Check. Same core values? Check. Age gap? Check. Sunshine and emotionally constipated? Check. “Leave him for his own good” vibes? Check. 
Coldflash suddenly became not just a ship. It became the ship. It became OTP. I was multishipper for most of my life and it was a strange new feeling. I tried to read other ships with Barry and my brain just went NOPE. Same with Len.
Now I’m more open to other ships with Barry but I can’t read fics with Len if he has no relationships with Barry. There must be something. There is always something. 
I don’t think I can voice better than this quote tbh:
"Barry and I are… complicated. As Cold and Flash, we're enemies. We don't pull our punches. Our battles are very real. We have caused one another some serious injuries in the past, and will likely do so again in the future. It’s part of the lives we lead and we both accept that. As Snart and Allen, we've teamed up a couple of times when there's a threat too big for either one of us alone." Snart hesitated a moment, slipping his hands into his pockets. "But as Len and Barry? There's no one I trust more to have my back. Not even Mick or Lisa. I'm the one he runs to when everything gets too much. He’s the one I go to when I need to not be me. We're more than friends, but we’ll never be lovers. I'd take a bullet for him. He'd kill for me. We're soulmates. Platonic soulmates, that is."
A Shot At Something Good by canthelpmyselves
Platonic coldflash is always in the back of my mind. I can’t help it. I don’t think I want to. 
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It’s interesting, I see how and why it’s working. But… I’m not into it. I love both Len and Mick and I like their partnership. I like how Len looks after Mick. That they have history together. But my stupid brain is like “oh, Len’s here, Mick’s here, where is Barry? Barry should come in right about now”. So yeah. I love it though when coldwave acts like a parental figures for Barry. I saw it once, I think? I would like to read more fics with this dynamic. 
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Won’t lie it took me some time to see how wonderful this ship can be. How much I can love their collective dynamic. How silly and joyful they can be written together. I’m always hesitant about reading ot3. I hate love triangles. And was afraid that ot3 will be about a love triangle until they resolve all their issues and meet on the same page. Yada yada. Surely there are fics like that out there, but I found much more great stories about ot3s just navigating their own relationships, learning how to communicate and being together without envy and jealousy among them. So coldflashwave is like a blessing to my stupid messy heart. It gives so much joy! And I still have a ship tag to go through 👀
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queen-of-obsessing · 2 years
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I posted 1,596 times in 2022
That's 714 more posts than 2021!
79 posts created (5%)
1,517 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,472 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things - 296 posts
#steddie - 275 posts
#the rings of power - 223 posts
#steve harrington - 202 posts
#eddie munson - 193 posts
#isildur - 79 posts
#the lord of the rings - 59 posts
#elendil - 58 posts
#maxim baldry - 44 posts
#world cup 2022 - 42 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#ive had so many imagines of steve trying to drown himself in the pool or at least swim in it to clear his head
My Top Posts in 2022:
On the road rn but I was thinking about steve, nancy, robin and dustin being forced to testify at the police station because of their associations with Eddie (while eddie is still unconscious in the hospital!!) and steve is just sitting in that chair, hooked up to a lie detector, with death in his eyes staring at the police officers, because he's sad and traumatized and everyone thinks his future boyfriend is a criminal...imagine that look of pure HATE
93 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
I like to imagine that after steve and eddie have been dating for a while, Steve gets them matching wedding rings. Obviously they can't get officially married cause that was illegal in 1989, but they still exchange matching rings anyway. It's a symbol of their love and once it goes on it never comes off 😌 I also feel like eddie would constantly admire his and take any opportunity to show it off, while steve would just get used to it super fast but be super uncomfortable whenever he's not wearing it. One time he puts it down to do the dishes and then freaks out when he can't find it after, then after that he never takes it off.
106 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
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107 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
Wayne is making dinner one evening when a young fourteen year old Eddie runs home from school, bursts in and announces, “I just saw the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen in my life!” 
The next day, he comes home dejectedly. “It’s Steve Harrington.” Wayne laughs out loud. “A Harrington? Good luck kid.” “I had to like the most popular boy...” “I’m sure there are other nice boys at school to like. What about Jonathan?” “EW NO! He’s my friend!” 
Next day, comes home even more dejected. “I have a huge crush on Steve. This sucks.” “Oh no, what happened?” Long silence. “He smiled at me.” “BOY-” 
The next day, Eddie is at his locker with Jonathan, in the middle of a long ramble. “I just don’t understand how someone can look that perfect. His hair? Perfect. His abs? Perfect. Even his ass is perfect! How can someone’s ass look that great?” He makes a grabbing gesture with his hands. “I just wanna...squeeze.” 
Jonathan groans. “Dude. Can you just...not.” His face falls when he sees Steve standing behind Eddie, a bewildered look on his face.
“No, no, I'm just saying,” Eddie continues, oblivious. “Not a tight squeeze, just a light one-” 
Jonathan smacks his arm. “Eddie-Eddie, stop talking!”  
“-just to see what it feels like. Hey, can’t you see I’m trying to have a moment with my imagination! What do you want?” Jonathan points and Eddie turns around, coming face to face with Steve himself...and screams. He stands there, horrified, and panickily blurts out, “I was talking about...boobs.”  
Steve’s brow furrows and he shrugs. “Okay, whatever.” 
“What do you want?” Jonathan asks. 
Steve ignores him, focused on Eddie. “Look, apparently my parents think I need a math tutor, so our teacher told me to go talk to you.” (Yes, Eddie is a little math whiz. At least he was in tenth grade.)
Realization dawns on Eddie. “Ah, you’re the one I’m tutoring in math.” 
“Yeah, so if you want to go get this over with.” 
“You want to study? With me? Now?” 
“Well, yeah, we could study...” Steve begins, in that annoying voice he always uses when he wants to be persuasive. “Or...” Eddie’s eyebrows raise, brain running through all the possible things he could suggest, most of them unrealistic but very fun to imagine. “I could pay you $50 to do my math homework for me.” He grinned like it was the best deal in the world, but Eddie’s face quickly darkened. Here he was, in love with Steve and Steve just wants to use him for math homework. He was ready to tell him to shove his money up his ass, but then he thought of all the things he could buy with $50. Most notably - the beautiful guitar he saw in the music store window. 
He turned back to Steve, glaring at him. “Fine,” he bit out, snatching the bill from his hand. 
Eddie did do the math homework, and did it well as he always did, but hated every second of it. He considered doing all the questions wrong, but ultimately decided to just do them right and get it over with. For the guitar. 
He walks up to Steve at his locker, where he is laughing with Tommy and Carol. “Hey,” he demands. 
Steve turns around, looking at him like he’s wondering why he’s talking to him. “What?” 
Eddie holds up the binder. “Here’s your math homework.” He drops it in Steve’s waiting hands. “You disgust me.” He double flips him off before walking away. 
Later in math class, as the teacher hands Steve’s homework back to him and tells him “He’s really improving!”, and Steve turns to grin impudently at Eddie like he did all the work, Eddie flips him off once more. His crush on Steve Harrington is officially over. He is in his anti era now.
But he did buy the guitar, and he mounts it on his wall. A guitar...that was destined for an alternate dimension. A guitar for drawing away demobats, paid for by Steve, in a moment of sleaziness. (And yes, Eddie did tell Corroded Coffin that Steve was their biggest financier.) 
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katsukidynam1ght · 2 years
about me/info post! (long)
intro: hi! first things first: call me kats. that's not my real name (obviously), but my actual identity is none of your business, so that's a suitable alternative and one i rather enjoy. and no, i'm not putting my age in my bio. that's also not your business, but suffice it to say i'm an adult.
any pronouns work, so don't feel like you have to ask about that because i genuinely could not care less. what you refer to me as does not change anything about my identity, so hey! no misgendering possible, you don't get to dictate who i am so there's no use trying.
current project: Incipient/Combat Fatigue (a bakugou-centric, angst-with-a-happy-ending, krbkdk fic! no link yet but there will be soon!)
request info:
i take requests and will write most things! if i’m not willing to write it i will let you know, so don’t be afraid to request something (even if it’s anonymous!) for fear of judgment. i’m open-minded and have no fav ships, so just because you’ve seen me do kiribaku or shinkami already does not mean that’s the only thing i write. (rambles about poly class a at length and forever)
in terms of content limits it’s hard to say what’s a firm line for me and what i may write depending on circumstances, so i’m not going to list that here. it’ll just be a case-by-case basis.
however! one thing i am not capable of writing is any character x reader content. i know a lot of people like that, but if that’s what you want, i’m not your guy. i prefer to stick to canon, and i refuse to read any x reader myself, so if that’s your request, just know i can’t compromise on that. (this also goes for self-insert or y/n type stuff. you do you but that makes me gag.)
my current project will always take priority over any requests i receive, but that does not mean that i won't ever get to requests! just means that if i'm in the middle of a project, i won't drop it to write you a fic (unless you're going to pay me. /hj i might negotiate that.)
i feel the need to state that while i do not currently have any (as far as i can remember??) nsfw content on my blog, it may not stay that way. i will tag things appropriately and add necessary disclaimers, but if you want to strictly avoid any potential nsfw stuff, just be a little wary. knowing myself it’s far more likely that if i Do write anything nsfw, it’ll be on my ao3, but i think this is an important disclaimer to add just in case.
remember that i am a writer but i am doing this in my spare time while working for an education, so unless you're willing to fund that, you don't get to decide how i run my blog.
tag info:
i don't know how tumblr works. that's my disclaimer right here because this shit makes no sense to me. but tagging is important (?) so i have a few tags that i use a lot (when i remember), so here's info on those:
"kats asks" - these are posts that involve my ask box!
"kats rambles" - me, rambling. that's really it. this counts as one because it's long and mostly me going on and on about things.
"kats rants" - me, ranting. this is for the rambles that are angry. (if you start a fight with me on these i'll fight back. fair warning.)
“kats updates” - updates on me personally. so if you care about me beyond the screen, check this tag. if not then uh. ow /j
“kats writing list” - the list of posts i want to write later. would save to my drafts but i’ve saved a shit ton of spoiler posts that i want to read after i’m caught up, so uh. yeah
pretty self-explanatory. if i add more tags in the future i'll (hopefully) update this. (and please for the love of fuck if you know how to use tumblr and anything about all of this. tell me. i'm begging)
extra (probably important):
tone is a little funky online so i use tone tags (/j, /s, /gen, all that stuff) when i feel it's necessary (and please feel free to use them back at me because holy hell). if you're unfamiliar with them just ask, i'm not shy. i got the brain weird so i do what i've gotta do to not sound like an asshole all the time.
that said: i am sometimes an asshole. not in the bigoted sense, just in the "if you disagree with me about [fandom topic] i will rant at you about it and you opened that can of worms so you can lie in it" type sense. feel me?
gist is, if you tell me you don't want confrontation, we're chill! i am a nice person most of the time and am always willing to have a civil discussion. but i get dopamine and adrenaline from arguing so sometimes a little discourse is fun, and if you come at me sounding like you want a fight, i reserve the right to fight back for as long as it pleases me and then tap out when i get bored.
i don't really do the whole "DNI if" thing (see above). it's like this: anyone can interact with me, but if you interact with me, you're saying i can interact back, and if you don't like it, that's not my problem. i realize this may make me sound unsympathetic or like a dick (oops) but hey! c'est la vie. you're responsible for your own online experience; it's not my job to police you and if you don't like my content that's not my problem.
basically just tell me if you're coming at me from an angle of "hey i want to be mutuals and discuss things in a polite and open-minded way" or from an angle of "hey i think your takes are fucking stupid, you wanna go?"
also, if you insult me, chances are i will not understand the insult (i'm stupid /j), so it's best not to bother. but i can't stop you and hate is funny so i'll probably just make fun of you back. (if you're gonna throw hands you better be prepared to catch 'em ykwim)
but at the end of the day this is just a series and has no real life impact on me so y'know. i won't take it too seriously if you don't and we can walk away without being offended or hurt.
other info: if you want to know more about me or want something included here, feel free to leave a message in my inbox!
i've got a couple ask games on my blog here and here, and i'll try to remember to update this if i add more.
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idk-my-aesthetic · 2 months
I know you meant well on that post about fandom racism, but white people should just reblog posts about racism without adding their opinion as a white person bc there is nothing you can add as a white person that a POC hasn't already said (and the fact you're coddling and centering racists over POC who are harmed by racism in your addition and making a slogan about real police brutality that kill's people about fandom is not helpful) and you look like your actual concern is wanting to be seen as a good white person instead of just listening and boosting POC.
Hey! Thank you for the ask and I appreciate the criticism. I do see your point but I also think there’s a few elements of nuance that weren’t in my original addition that might clarify some stuff
First is something that i don’t expect you to know from just glancing at my blog bc i don’t really talk about it, but I run a small tik tok page where Im mostly known for talking about antisemitism in different forms of media, including social media. (Well that’s what I did do for about two years, from October last year to late winter this year I was mostly talking about the genocide in Gaza before I pivoted mostly to just signal boosting fundraisers in the last few months, so if you want to see any of that content you have to scroll wayyy back) (its @ bluepluto on tik tok if you want to like. Fact check or something lol)
Anyway i bring that up because i specifically have been the target of a great deal of harassment for calling out antisemitism in media, so when I give that advice I’m not coming from a place of someone who’s never been negatively impacted by this sort of thing, I’m speaking as someone who has been directly affected and directed targeted by that sort of harassment, both in online spaces and actually in real life. (Long story short in middle school was bullied by half my school for wanting to send the principal an email requesting that they no longer use a deeply antisemitic book as a Holocaust learning material.)
My intention in that post was mostly to give actual actionable advice to hopefully prevent that sort of harassment in the future. I didn’t think it was necessary to bring my personal experience into the matter because trying to talk about it is very rambling and unnecessary in my opinion, and I’m already a very long winded person as you can see
I also get uncomfortable bringing up antisemitism when it hasn’t previously been mentioned because there is alot of nuance when discussing the jewish experience in the western world and how it relates to racism (like really deeply nuanced even trying to say “there’s nuance” in a way that can’t be misinterpreted in five bad ways is giving me a headache)
Anyway i don’t expect anyone to know that because i very literally didn’t say it, I just wanted to express where I was coming from.
I’m not comfortable deleting the post unless the OP asks me to, which they can do for any reason. Even if they just think like “@idk-my-aesthetic is a dumbass and I don’t want their words on my post” I’d be happy to delete it lol. (That’s an exaggeration for the sake of humor I’m not actually accusing op of thinking anything like that. Excuse me as I over-clarify because of my anxiety.)
(A bit off topic but it’s kinda ridiculous that tumblr doesn’t have any ability for the OP of a post to remove or at least hide unwanted reblogs, I’ve never considered before how much easier a system like that would be.)
Anyway uhh yeah! If you read all that I applaud you cus I talk way too much. If you have any issues with anything i said here I encourage and welcome any more criticism. If you think I’m completely off base I’d genuinely like to hear why because I do try my best to make an effort to listen when possible. (I mention that because I don’t want people to think I’m acting above them or anything).
I am going to check my notes real quick to make sure op didn’t ask me to delete that reblog bc I did explicitly put in my tags that if they wanted me to delete it I would, but then I’m probably gonna straight up pass out because it’s 4:48 and I’m very barely holding on to consciousness. Have a good day/night!
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elendsessor · 1 year
hi welcome back to me talking about megaten demon designs and if you follow me or have went through the megaten tags you probably noticed i’ve been on a dsrk kick, specifically with the lone marebito since i unintentionally gave it a reread. i’m sorry if you’ve seen nothing but that shit from me i swear i’m almost done rambling about it.
first time i read it was before i finished dsrk2 so i held off on talking about different designs of reappearing demons since i thought maybe they’d appear in 2 but. nah they didn’t.
a lot of these designs are really cool, redesigns or otherwise.
i’m gonna toss out a spoiler warning since it’s not likely many people in the megaten community has given the lone marebito a read. there’s an english fan translation here if you’re interested!
quick shoutout to @/eirikrjs since they and @/yamayuandadu made a couple of posts a few years back about the origins of jatou ouhanshin aka this badass motherfucker.
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i love giant reptiles in any media and goddamn i love this and yes i want ouhanshin to be included in a future megaten game :D
of course there’s likely some demons i missed/forgot to include so don’t expect every instance.
first up are some redesigns since they mostly appear at the beginning.
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now with gremlins! they’re definitely a lot different than any of the previous variations, being a lot more goblin-like + a fat fuck one for good measure. it does more closely represent the pre-soul hackers gremlin design (which is a lot better in my opinion). as silly goofy as they are they do much better fit the general idea of what a gremlin is. this was likely a choice based on the overall tone of the manga, which gets really fucking depressing and a bit more body horror-y/gory than most megaten material, but the smaller gremlins should’ve been the silly goofy with the big boi being the gross monstrosity. idk gremlins are popular enough that having such a vast deviation used in this way doesn’t work.
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i think the manticore is actually a complete upgrade from the og designs and is a prime example of the more horror part of tlm improving the original.
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idk man i really do not like the og manticore designs. given how the beast itself’s name means man-eater and the fact that it has the body of a lion, the thinner body doesn’t really give that same fear (and the sickly green kinda worsens it). nor does the head??? yeah it’s supposed to be ugly but it looks like a last minute decision and not part of the beast itself. the second one is a bit better but neither of them look that good or scary. (i think they’re more heavily based around a certain latin bestiary depiction but that one sucks too sorry 13th century latin guy.)
even if the manga manticore’s body wasn’t buffer the face is fucking amazing. first it has an actual mane like a couple other depictions do, but turning the normally “ugly” face into a skull is sick as hell. oh and the teeth help it a lot. fantastic demon design all around.
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this one is less of a total redesign since it’s character specific. there have been minor alterations made to demons throughout the devil summoner franchise especially with dsrk in order to fit that imperial japan vibe, such as high pixie basically being a pixie wearing a kimono. shiragiku’s design is more based in the soul hackers nekomata design though without being a calico. i wanted to give her a bit of attention on the design part for at least one thing because it’s pretty interesting to me and that’s having a normal cat form. yes because of shiragiku’s backstory it makes sense that she regained her pre-furryfication body. however, when it comes to looking at it from a folklore angle it’s pretty interesting.
all nekomata start off as bakeneko, aka monster cats. they can shape-shift to look either more house cat-like, human-like, and everything in-between. they can also mimic voices. nekomata are basically just stronger bakeneko, symbolized by the split tail (which is how they get their name). in megaten, we don’t really see that often, some of which is understandable. what i find so interesting is that it’s kinda defied in some ways? as in, normal bakeneko are glossed over, unless morgana counts since he pretty much is one. the most commonly used nekomata design in smt is the one from nocturne who only has one tail despite being in a non normal cat state. i’m guessing for the sake of simplicity both bakeneko and nekomata are one in the same due to the heavy similarities. idk it’s pretty confusing but basically this was all an excuse to include cat girls and shiragiku is the closest we’re getting to a truly accurate nekomata.
what if i told you though that behemoth is technically original.
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gonna be quick about this since basically aside from devil children behemoth has no original design. it’s mostly just recolors of other demons, mainly elephant/hippo/rhino-like ones. in fairness, behemoth is a warped shouten but it’s so different it’s basically its own demon that goes bye bye before getting any real action. still looks cool af but i’m sorry behemoth.
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here’s a weird one. despite maintaining the horn, yato no kami is completely different from the game counterpart and is another much better design (wasted on a character that was pretty underutilized despite the potential). in actual japanese folklore, yato no kami are snake deities (and also some hot anime dude from a game i never heard of thanks google). pointing that out because, while cool on its own, yeah looks too much like a parasite and not what it’s supposed to be.
now for a side note on a couple more demons exclusive to the manga
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clarion is interesting to me for one reason and one reason only: it heavily resembles the great will aka the universal will aka existence itself.
this one’s a bit of a stretch but i still find it interesting.
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this guy was only in last bible, specifically the game gear version, but is referenced and named dropped a ton. every yhvh avatar is something this thing popped into existence. an equivalent exists in the 4 duology aka the axiom but since both games were a bit of a soft reboot of the traditional mainline style plus is pretty much the exact same thing this counts the axiom. it’s important to note that, as it’s technically a concept and not a physical being, it relies on avatars to get shit done. aside from that, there’s not much info on the great will but it’s considered either equal to or potentially the creator of yhvh.
most of the big time avatars that relate to the great will and yhvh, including yhvh himself, are either a big human face or a circle. while it’s stated in the manga that clarion is a goddamn alien the fact that it keeps so many of the design motifs of the great will, yhvh, and all their ocs, i honestly think it just might be another avatar. i mean it also knows shit like god’s wrath so that has to count for something. it’s just so fucking interesting i love it.
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on a final, simpler note, touda is cool. i’m 99% sure it just morphs into ouhanshin but still i love snakes. there are so many serpents n noodly things in tlm it’s cool they’re attached to badass imagery even if they’ll likely never show up in any other official material ever again.
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