#yeah the quality is garbage but i had do didn't i
andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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Bts of TWD 5x10
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seat-safety-switch · 27 days
Did I tell you about my YouTube channel? Yeah, I wanted to get in on the whole "dirtbag car Hollywood" thing. Film some of my work, maybe get a couple B-plots going that keep the audience hooked. The usual kind of stuff. I even hired an intern from the film school and told her to hold the camera still, no matter what happened to me. Unfortunately, I had to fire her when I got a little zapped by an ignition coil and she put the camera down to call 911. I had specific orders, Suzie. That was quality will-he-survive film that you wasted on your weak human pity!
I digress. YouTube didn't really work out for me. It's not for the usual reasons – not being popular, having shitty content, or being stalked by a deranged fan who keeps throwing hatchets at my house. No, I didn't get in because of The Algorithm. I know, I know, that's what everyone says. It's some kind of ancient computerized monster that they dug out of the permafrost up north, controls the world's access to information, keeps sending you down insane right-wing rabbit holes. All of that pales in comparison to what it did to me.
Go check YouTube right now. Hey! No! Come back. Okay, while you were there, did you see a lot of thumbnails with people making stupid-ass faces next to the thing they were working on? Yeah. It turns out that the algorithm likes those. It loves to look at human faces. Sure, Google says it's because "people like to click on faces," but how often do you click on a face for fun? No, you're looking at other parts of the body. The machine has decided it likes to look at human faces. It likes to gaze into the eyes of its enemies.
Of course, being a (some would say tiresome) contrarian, I didn't subscribe to this kind of folk wisdom. No, I posted my thumbnails entirely containing the thing I was working on. Sometimes I got lucky and Suzie grabbed a frame or two of a radiator exploding. Algorithm didn't like that. Sometimes, it would show up in the comments at 3am, demanding to let it see my face. "Face reveal," it bucked at me through a thousand sockpuppet accounts covered in rage spittle, themselves ironically faceless, or drawn through a nightmare mirror by a hallucinating machine-mind. I didn't listen to this, mostly because my phone had gotten dropped on the highway when I was trying to use it as a flashlight to re-clock my distributor at 150km/h. And so, I was banned.
It's okay, though. I decided that I didn't need to be internet famous after all. Instead, I developed a healthier relationship with popularity: appearing on several garbage podcasts in order to ask them if they'd be willing to sell me their cars at a discount. Believe me, it's very fun to watch these talentless greaseballs oscillate between the urge to shut the show down and throw me out, or the need to continue to generate Content for the Content Machine. They won't kick me out no wonder how shitty my lowball offer is. Does anyone want to buy this $1000 Ferrari I got off that poker guy? I was going to fix it up for a video, but now I don't really need it anymore.
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physalian · 3 months
There’s this unskippable Google AI ad on YouTube where this girl consults the robot about how to cancel dinner plans with the people across the table in the most annoying voice (likely because I have seen this ad now and had to listen to her asinine questions 20 times at least) and this ad, right here, speaks to my frustration around AI:
It disincentivizes critical thinking.
I know the ad is a joke and meant to be lighthearted and I’m only this annoyed because it’s unskippable and irritating af, but every time I see it all I can think is “if you can’t manage enough creativity and critical thinking to come up with your own excuse to cancel on your friends, maybe you shouldn’t have those friends.”
I have a relative who is firmly in the ChatGPT camp and, for example, yesterday I was trying to figure out how to compress a video file and was venting to them about it. They sent me back something I didn’t read from ChatGPT. Meanwhile, I looked up a YouTube video and figured out how to do the rest on my own, and getting the file compressed was immensely satisfying. Far more than mindlessly and thoughtlessly consulting the robot.
“It’s just like a YouTube video!” They’d told me.
No, a real person put time and effort into that video. That robot stole their content without their consent, didn’t credit them, and spat it back out. I used to patronizingly refer to ChatGPT as "the magic conch" and now I can barely do that anymore because that metaphor is becoming all-too real.
While I can understand the barriers it lowers—like if you struggle with writing the robot does it for you, or if you need a piece of art and are too poor, you can generate it for free. Mindless, repetitive tasks that eat up creative juices that can just be automated by a robot, too (even though everyone can tell when a response is canned and artificial and no one appreciates talking to a machine).
If you keep consulting ChatGPT for how to articulate what you want to say, or just straight-up having it do the hard work for you, you’re never going to learn. Yes it’s taken me 8 years to reach the quality and skill of writing I have but as another Tumblr post out there said: The time will pass anyway.
I can’t draw to the skill level that I’d like to. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep practicing until I get there. I thrive off that sense of accomplishment. There’s no little hit of dopamine from typing in a prompt and clicking a button and I certainly don’t appreciate the final product scalped without consequence from real artists.
Or, like when I had to fire a beta reader for flagrant abuse of AI in her work: I can copy-paste my manuscript into ChatGPT, too. I’d paid her for a human response, not garbage feedback that couldn’t understand what I was writing beyond that there were words on the page. I wanted so badly to ask her why she does a job in a creative field if she's just going to have a robot do all the fun parts? I beta read at a great loss of profit because I enjoy beta reading and it's a fiercely competetive market. Surely if she wanted to scam people, she could have done so in so many other ways. You don't need to know how to pen complex prose in your every day life, but by god, you do need to know how to effectively communicate, contextualize, and argue your perspective and this ridiculous ad joking about cancelling dinner plans sure is funny, until it isn't.
And I know the people who made AI probably did so with the best of intentions but people can be lazy and cheap and we love taking shortcuts to save money and I stand by this: "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
So. Yeah. This is a writing advice blog and this post has almost nothing to do with it, but that ad annoys me to no end and I had to say something somewhere about it. Bottom line: Robots were supposed to make the hard jobs, the monotonous jobs, the overcomplicated jobs, the belittling jobs easier, not make us all into pudding-boned Wall-E people. If you want to write, learning is absolutely free - write on the back of your grocery receipts for all I care. If you want to draw, pick up a notebook and pack of pencils from the local dollar store and start drawing.
What you made will always mean more to you than something that didn't cost you time, effort, brain power, or even money to obtain.
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dolliebabydoll15 · 9 months
Floyd x Boom fanfic!
this is my first oneshot, i hope you enjoy! 🫶
It was the end of a brodacious reunion concert at Vacay Island, for the crowd had gone their separate ways, as well as Viva and Poppy to spend much-needed quality time with their father. That left only BroZone, who had gone backstage to collect their things before leaving.
"We did it brothers! I knew we could do it!" said an enthusiastic John Dory.
"Finally, some praise." joked Bruce.
"Hey, can't you see I'm trying here?" snickered JD.
The brothers laughed, and suddenly, they saw Branch's buddies, Hype, Ablaze, Trickee, and Boom, who had performed with them. They were also there to clear backstage of their belongings. JD, Bruce, Clay, and Floyd were still just as amazed as they were when their little bro first introduced them.
"Branch...you wouldn't mind it if we offically met them, would you?" asked Clay.
Branch chuckled. "Sure, I have to go pick up the clue board anyway. Gonna take me a rough 15 minutes or something..."
The brothers smiled, and scampered off to get to know the boy band phenomenon known as Kismet.
Floyd suddenly noticed Boom, the rainbow-haired glitter troll whom he had seen before the concert.
"Hi," greeted Floyd.
"H-hi," Boom replied.
"You did great out there." said Floyd.
"Thanks, took me about 3 weeks to learn the choreo," said Boom. "I kept stepping on Hype's feet," he uttered embarrassingly.
Floyd giggled. "So, how did you meet Branch anyway?" he asked.
"Oh, we're childhood buds, we performed with him a lot after...you and your brothers left him." Boom responded melancholicly. Floyd saddened, remembering that woeful night.
"So...what's your story?" inquired Boom.
"Mine?" Floyd asked, surprised.
Boom nodded. Normally, Floyd was the one asking when it came to talking about emotional stories.
"Well, when I left BroZone to follow my heart and pursue a solo career, it got cut short when I was captured by a phony pair of popstars, Velvet and Veneer, for my talent. Every time they sucked up a piece of my talent, I lost a little bit of my life. This went on for 2 months, but I later noticed that Veneer, one of the phonies, wasn't as bad as I thought he was. He was really trying to make his sister happy, despite Velvet not caring about him at all. I told him that he shouldn't be around people who treat him like garbage, and no one should try to change him, but he didn't get the message until my brothers banded together with my little bro's girlfriend and her sister to form a family harmony to set me free. Unfortunately, since I gave the last of my talent to pitch in, I almost died."
Boom looked as if he were on the verge of tears.
"Don't worry, my brothers revived me with family love. Then, Veneer confessed to the crimes he and Velvet had done. He had a change of heart, but had to go the big house to serve his time. I hope he finds people who treat him with kindness. Afterwards, I forgave my older brothers and rebanded. So yeah, that's my story."
"Wow...I'm sorry all of that happened to you."
"It's okay, I only have the present to focus on now," Floyd responded with a smile, and looked at his brothers, cheerfully socializing with the other members of Kismet.
"Hey guys! We should go now," called Branch. Poppy's definitely gonna go looking for me if we don't leave now," he muttered under his breath.
"Bye, it was nice meeting you!" Floyd said as he got up to leave.
Boom suddenly realized he forgot the most important thing to say when you meet someone. "Wait! I...never got your name."
"OH MY GOSH, THAT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NAME I'VE EVER HEARD!" Boom exclaimed in enchantment. Just then, he realized he replied in a way that was a tad extreme.
Floyd blushed in a shade of rosy pink. "Thank you," he replied with a grin. "What's yours?"
"Nice name," replied Floyd.
They shared a smile and locked eyes. They were so into the moment that they couldn't hear Kismet's mischievous laughs or see BroZone's knowing smiles.
"Floyd! Let's go!" shouted Branch.
As the two groups dispersed, John Dory put his arm around Floyd.
"Well brother, I think this is the start..."
"...of a beautiful friendship!" Trickee chimed. Boom nodded agreeably.
note: sooo, i've had this idea in my head since last night. if you want to give me ideas on how i could do better, tell me in the replies. should I write more in the future?
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arrowheadedbitch · 6 months
You know when you order a food from a place that isn't known for that food so it ends up being really bad?
Yeah, well, I just had the exact OPPOSITE of that problem, haha SUCK IT, LOSER! Loser loser loser loser. I just ordered chicken wings from Checkers/Rallys which is only known for good fries and okay burgers but OH MY GID THEY WERE SO GOOD???? I mean, like really good. I ate them like a raccoon in a garbage can except I was a person and I was at a fountain not a garbage can. My paper bag did fly away like a dinosaur never to be seen again halfway through the meal tho, which, rude. That was rude as hell. Also I have no idea where it went so sorry campus. And i had to eat the whole thing facing an awkward directikn because the wind is a bitch. Also they didn't give me any napkins even though it was fucking chicken wings so I had to lick my hand clean and hope the building with the bathroom was.still open because it's not like I could check the time!!! So I wobbled to the bathroom weilding building pretty sure it was open but not entirely sure and luckily it was open and since it's 8 o'clock at night not many people saw my barbecue covered goblin face which was good. And then I had to walk to the bathroom, wash my hands, use the bathroom, then wash my hands again because I am not about to get barbecue cause in my hooter, no THANK YOU and then I had to wipe down my face twice and it's still sticky which gross but I apparently had a cut on my finger which is now fused with the barbecue, oops, and then wait what was this post about again????
Checkers? Eating food from places that don't usually serve that food?
Oh yeah, um, so moral of.the story is don't order food that a place isn't known for unless that place is Checkers or Rallys and you are ordering chicken wings. But also be wary because I went to a Checkers right next to a big college so maybe mine is better quality than yours.
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chongmiz · 4 months
it's interesting what the ICDIWABH anon said cos yeah i think I've seen pretty much every type of swiftie say 'shes doing badly :/' at some point over the tour
that's including ones who worship whichever garbage man shes dating
so idk where taylor gets this 'fooled you I'm struggling' thing from cos I think everyone knew?
and the crowd saying 'more' thing- didn't she say near the start of the tour she needed touring / the fans to be happy? so it seems weird to be like 'kinda sucks they wanted more' when she had explicitly said she NEEDED to perform
like with a lot of things her messaging is inconsistent and that wouldnt be an issue if she didnt frame her songs as so truthful and autobiographical
(re: this ask)
i remember back when the JA news broke and people said she cried almost every night, especially doing the acoustic sets, but this continuing through the MH episode? damn. the autobiography framing is the main thing shooting her in the foot, which is why however thin the conceit of folklore and evermore's fiction was, it went a long way for their reception. yet another inconsistency is her describing ttpd as "female rage: the musical" in paris, because that makes it sound like she's playing a character; same as the plain inaccuracy of calling midnights a concept album
this "needing" to tour bit Plus her saying she "needed" to write ttpd and she's never needed songwriting more feel related. another line of ICDIWABH, "i cry a lot but i'm so productive" makes me think of the more tepid reviews of ttpd that say the songs feel like first drafts, that 31 songs very much prove she went for quantity, not quality. there is real value to taking time to heal and work in private, and killing your darlings!! throwing away songs we'll never hear!! which is what her three year ~cancellation~ between 1989 and rep And early COVID lockdown did for her. when i return to being a sincere fan, i want her to disappear for like, more than five years and return with something truly new, for her own good and the good of her art
a part of me hopes ICDIWABH is written to someone in her circle who suggested she could take a break, but i suspect she surrounds herself with yes men or she reacts to genuine concern as "coming for her job" or doubting her abilities, which is a subtler tell about her relationship to mental health than the stylized ECT: connecting self-worth to productivity and performance, like a capitalist
💌 talk to me, a 2007 swiftie who likes nuance
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kyliafanfiction · 5 months
I know this may seem rich coming from me, since at least 50% of this blog is complaints and bitching by volume, but enjoying something is a choice. You can choose to enjoy a thing, warts and all, or you can let the warts consume your enjoyment.
Nothing will be perfect. No perfect book, no perfect game, no perfect show. I'm not saying 'settle' or 'never criticize' - again, this blog is at least 50% complaints by volume - but ultimately, you have to decide:
Are you going to enjoy the thing, while also admitting flaws, or just let your hate for those flaws consume your entire perception of the thing.
Or of course, you can set it aside, but this is about the things we can't set aside. The books or shows or games or w/e that just won't leave our brains no matter what.
And if you can't just set it aside and move on, like a rational, sane person would (or so I hear, haven't meant many of those in my time here in fandom and on tumblr), or you can choose to... just hate. Just bitch. Just refuse to like it, and stew. Just... stew.
And the thing is, I don't actually do that. I don't stew. With the exception of my endless rage at Captain America, who continues to squat rent free in a corner of my brain, I actually don't spend much time in my real life focusing on what I don't like about the things I love, or enjoy, or otherwise consume my life and brain. I have things I don't like about my favorite book serieses (What is the plural of series?), or my favorite shows, or my favorite games. Things that bug me, things that annoy me, things that make me wanna pull my hair out.
And when I bitch about them here on tumblr, it's 'I had the thought, I bitch, I move on'. When I have a whole string of them, it's because I'm consuming the thing actively, and I'm venting about whatever annoys me. But if I genuinely hate or can't stand the thing... 99.99% of the time, I just stop. I stop reading, I stop watching, I stop playing. If there's nothing or not enough drawing me in... I quit. Boom. Done.
Because, at the end of the day, I choose to enjoy. That game that I love to pieces and that so many people make snarky videos about how much it sucks compared to the earlier 'good' part of the series? Or about how the game's developers suck because... other game developer did 'basically the same game' better? (When, 75% it's entirely different and not comparable, or actually didn't do the thing better, just different in a way that appealed to the other person's idiosyncratic tastes) Or that book that's trash that sooooo many people insist X or Y or Z did a better version of? That show that 'became garbage' because of a choice you're still butthurt over five seasons later?
I can give you chapter and verse about what's wrong with them. The little things, the big things, the minor annoyances, the quality of life changes, the big picture sweeping reworks I wish we'd had. The stuff that has left me up mad at night when I really can't control myself. The things that I understand why the creator(s) did the way they did, even if I don't agree, and the things that, to this day, I still don't grasp the motivation behind.
And yeah, sometimes those things bubble up to the front of my mind, and sit there for a while, despite my best efforts.
But frankly? I refuse to let that shit stick with me forever (again, Cappy-Fucker excepted, and for the record, I don't like that my hate for him is so deep-seated). I have shit to do. Books to read (again). Games to play (again). Shows to watch (again).
I'm not going to let my hate or annoyance run the show.
I'm going to choose to enjoy it, god fucking damnit.
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seventeendeer · 2 years
I'll admit that Chris Pratt as Mario was the one part of the trailer that didn't work for me, but everything else really did have quality to it. Jack Black had the perfect balance of threatening Bowser and campy Bowser, the animation was exactly what I'd hope a Mario movie would look like, and it's clear there's a lot of passion in the project, to the point where they even incorporated Mario creatures that aren't as well-known and mainstream. I don't think it deserves being entirely ragged on just thanks to one lackluster part.
I’m afraid I have to disagree! Chris Pratt Mario is easy to rag on because it’s exactly as awful as predicted and ties into an existing awful trend in current animated movies (also Chris Pratt sucks as a person), but I also think it's just ... the most obvious symptom of an issue strewn all throughout the trailer.
It lacks soul. Sure, the character models are up to the industry standard and the color work is very good and there’s nothing immediately artistically offensive about it, but it’s just so lackluster. The characters’ lines and body language are completely to-the-point, have no individuality or spunk, no flavor. There’s no word play, no slang (made up or real), no distinct speech patterns. All the characters’ lines sound like they came directly out of 11 other movies from the last decade. The body language accomplishes getting across some very basic emotions, but again, everyone moves the same, there’s no sauce on there, it’s just “character is scared,” “character is excited,” “character is surprised.” Bowser’s character acting while talking is also very awkward and janky (reminder that Hotel Transylvania, a similarly badly written but EXTREMELY well-animated CGI movie came out TEN YEARS AGO).
On the subject of Bowser, I also think Jack Black was a very poor choice for him. Yeah, he can do the voice rumble, but it has no depth, no reverberation. It’s generic.
It’s not just Chris Pratt Mario that sounds flat and lifeless, even though he is definitely the worst offender - everyone, from Toad to Luigi to the penguin guys at the beginning, all literally just sound like Some Guy.
Which becomes a problem when “tiny cute cartoon animal sounds like a grown human being” was supposed to be a joke at the beginning! The joke doesn’t land when every other character sounds like that and it’s not meant to be funny!
This being another problem. It’s not funny or has an interesting plot teased? They tried to crack some jokes, but they were regurgitating common cartoon gags that were done to death a decade ago. It was some Ice Age 4 style comedy. And with the generic plot threads introduced, the trailer really had nothing going for it except “please come look at our movie, it has some nice special effects!”
As for using lesser-known Mario characters ... I’m sorry to say, but that’s a really common marketing tactic for this era of big franchise movies. A really basic, generic plot front and center so newcomers to the franchise can keep up with the plot, with these little nuggets of “remember this obscure guy or thing?!” for longtime fans to point at and go “oh yes I remember that guy or thing!!” It isn’t evidence of passion, it’s evidence of the creators knowing how nerd fandom operates and taking advantage of people’s sincere affection for their favorite stories.
I love bad movies and I don’t fault anyone for being excited about the Mario movie, but it’s disheartening to see people hyping up these soulless cash grabs just because franchise movie creators have caught onto which levers to pull to make fans swallow their garbage without complaining too much.
It was the same thing with the Sonic movies. They have basically nothing to do with the Sonic franchise, even the main character is completely divorced from the thematic context he was born out of, but tons of people love it just because it’s superficially “heartwarming” and more or less manages to dodge some of the obvious problems of other family films in the same genre.
Again, I’m not saying no one’s allowed to like these movies. But how anyone can look at the Mario trailer or the Sonic movies and call them good adaptions ... is beyond me.
The Mario and Sonic games’ stories aren’t good because there’s a guy named Mario in overalls and a blue hedgehog named Sonic who save the day in each their silly little way, they’re good because of their unique themes and ideas. Mario’s story is appealing because it’s quirky, energized, full of weird places and weird people that are nothing like any big blockbuster movie. Sonic’s story is all about environmentalism and anti-capitalism! Sonic stands for a green future! These traits are the heart and soul of the franchises these movies are trying to adapt, it’s what makes them good, but mainstream movie producers don’t care about any of that. They just put the funny-looking guy on the screen, try not to piss off any parents or long-time fans too much, then wait for money to start rolling in.
Besides, Mario’s only two defining character traits are “Italian” and “plumber,” and I do think it says a lot that even getting those two things right was too much effort for Illumination. The sheer balls it takes to look at a massive franchise like Mario and decide to change 50% of the most recognizable traits of its main character are astounding. Maybe it would be stupid to trash the movie over a single miscast voice ... but when it’s the main character? When said miscasting takes away one of his two character traits? That’s not nitpicking, that’s identifying an underlying problem with the production process, that is, a lack of interest in the very franchise they’re trying to adapt.
Nintendo has more money than god. They should be able to get a hold of an animation studio that can do more than just make pretty special effects and look up obscure characters on a fan wiki.
I don’t want a Mario movie that’s more or less non-offensive, I want a Mario movie that’s good. I want a Mario movie that understands the property it’s adapting. We have got to stop patting big blockbuster movies on the back for doing the bare minimum.
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beyondblue2 · 1 year
To the Dragon Ball Super Haters
So I still to this day see people making the same complaints about Dragon Ball Super, so let me just say this: I don't believe you can dislike Super for the vast majority of complaints made about it and still enjoy DBZ. Allow me to elaborate.
Most criticisms of Super, like inconsistent animation, or power of friendship shenanigans, or half-cooked plot, or powerups that have very little buildup, or hell, even powerups that really only change the user's hair color... are all present in DBZ. I think most people don't want to argue that DBZ doesn't deserve its legendary status because you'd be fighting alone against a horde. But it's much easier to proclaim your hatred of something new and cite a decline in quality.
These people either A) don't like DBZ either and therefore shouldn't be so entrenched in the franchise, B) don't dislike Super for the reasons they give but want to sound like they have good taste, or just dislike it for stupid reasons, or C) were tricked by people who come from points A or B into believing things are worse than they are, because they have the media literacy of a toddler.
It's like this. Say you run into someone while you're talking about how much you love Reese's Cups. And they tell you Reese's are a garbage treat and you're an idiot for liking it. And you get upset, obviously. And eventually you go "okay, explain it to me. Why do you hate them?" And they tell you that peanut butter is objectively terrible. Which, first off, it's not, that's your extremely subjective opinion. But second, didn't I see you eating a PB&J sandwich in the break room earlier? And they're like "yeah, PB&J is delicious, it's the best sandwich ever, nobody's disputing that." And you're just like... it has peanut butter though. And they're like "okay but you're taking it out of context." WHAT CONTEXT, BRO!? Either you think peanut butter is nasty or you don't! So you're either lying about hating Reese's to sound edgy and cool, or you're lying about loving PB&J because you don't want to be ostracized for being a freak.
That's basically what it boils down to. If you don't like Super, I'm not saying you're not valid. But be real. You probably don't like it because you were a kid when DBZ came out and your tastes have changed since then. I'm not going to sit here and act like Super isn't flawed, but let's not pretend that those same flaws didn't exist in Z, either. And don't give me that "Goku should be heroic" shit either, that was something the American dubbing crew did on their own. The same dub where Goku and Chichi had a weird offscreen kiss sound effect also told us Bardock was a brilliant scientist who invented the fake moon. Goku does heroic things from time to time, but he always does it with a kind of selfish basis of reasoning. He loves his friends, but he'll let Vegeta go to get a better fight later. He'll give Frieza some energy, but one more betrayal of trust and Goku will obliterate him.
You're either down with the main character being a flawed and interesting character and therefore will enjoy the Dragon Ball franchise, or you're not. In which case, stop clogging up the Tumblr tags and YouTube comments with your bitching and complaining. You don't see me infiltrating the Attack on Titan community to talk about how much it sucks. You know why? Because I fucking hate that series and I don't WANT to talk about it all the time. So if you watched some essayist trying to recreate the Nostalgia Critic or whatever and he told you Super sucks and you just parrot what he said without a sparking synapse in that smooth soap bar of a brain in your skull, then please, just shut the fuck up. For your own sake as well as mine.
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honeysuckle-venom · 10 months
Sometimes I'm really frustrated that I didn't get certain types of testing and therapy when I was much younger. My brother was in occupational and physical therapy by the time he was three years old. Granted, some of his difficulties were more obvious than mine. And it was a decade later; there was more awareness. But also some of it is that my parents just weren't very responsible with me!
Something that is always just kind of told as a funny family story is the fact that in preschool, at parent teacher meetings, my parents were told that I "failed scissors." Yeah, that's cute. But it also meant something! My teachers brought up the fact that I wasn't meeting a developmental milestone; that's something to take note of! I was dyspraxic. There was a reason I couldn't use scissors until I was much older, a reason I didn't learn to tie laces until I was nine, that I couldn't do buttons or zippers, that I didn't hold pencils or forks properly and made messes when I ate, that I couldn't catch things or tell left from right until way later than my peers! And I was having sensory meltdowns multiple times a week in preschool, I would cry when garbage trucks went by because they were so loud, my first sentence was "tag hurt" about the tag in my shirt. Like, someone should have maybe noticed some of these things and gotten me checked out! If I had ever had occupational therapy it would have been honestly lifechanging for me.
And like, it's fine. I did okay without it; that's why I never got it. I did well in school, and as I got older my physical coordination problems were less important as emphasis was placed on academics instead of fine motor skills. I learned to mostly cope with my sensory issues and hide them in public. The fact that math was much harder for me than other subjects and that I had trouble with visual information was certainly never investigated, because I still did well in all of my classes, and it wasn't until I was sixteen that I found out I had also had a visual learning disability the whole time. That one I blame my parents less for, as the signs were much more subtle. But it still sucks that it took so long to figure out; when I finally was diagnosed with a learning disability the tester included all sorts of recommendations for accommodations that would have been incredibly helpful in school. Even simple things like larger fonts and less visual stimuli on worksheets would have helped a lot.
Idk, it's just frustrating sometimes, because I really think early interventions for some of this stuff would have made a really big difference in my quality of life as a kid. Especially occupational therapy for my sensory issues, because that was causing the most distress, and has continued to cause significant distress to this day. My parents didn't know anything about anything, so there was never any kind of intervention like OT or a sensory diet or anything like that, but gosh it would have been huge for me. Heck, even owning a weighted blanket would have been helpful as a kid (I have one now). I know there wasn't nearly as much awareness of things like that 20 years ago, but some of my problems were a) being pointed out by teachers and b) just generally very obvious, and a little bit of research would have gone a long way. Instead I was just written off as a sensitive kid, which like, yeah, true! But there were reasons for that! Sigh.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Hey Huey zoomer, I had to get my meds. About the mess that is my generation
Tbh well…look how late Gen x and millenials in media act like? Hello the society of magic negroes?
“The most dangerous animal on the planet is white people!”- well does the Jews run the world too?
And not a funny joke, especially since the movie said that a black guy wanting to get with a white girl is going to destroy their magic
Isn’t that what the term, ESPECIALLY racist?
Also the Velma show, Mindeyyyy, yes there a lot of rich annoying white boys. We can check wiki and found out that you are from a white collar family
Also your ass is handling one of the most famous kids cartoon in history
That privilege right there
But back to “royal zoomers” i remember a screenshot pointing out that a lot of people were tolerated and not raised. They were thrown in front of the tv
And this happens to my generation, for some goddamn reason a lot of Gen x decided to throw the tablets at their kids to shut them up and not raised
And who they got their personalities from? Toxic millennials and Gen x who think white men are the root of all evil and such.
So when you have zoomers thinking that millennials and Gen x who still have unresolved parental issues into their goddamn late 20’s-40’s controlling media
Yeah my generation need to be held responsible for their actions…but they are told by Gen x and millennials who treated fictional characters like real people and real people like shit. That their shitty behavior is a okay
I’m an autistic abuser survivor that was abused by my white stepmom. And even at 13 I knew racism against white people was bad.
Oh right right that bitch is a millennial too…let just a whole bunch of late gen z and alpha gen are going to point out that current society enable their late gen x and millennials female relatives toxic af behaviors
Especially boys, like holy FUCK don’t be surprised how many men in the upcoming decades are weary af around women
Sorry for this essay, make sense?
Glad you got your meds, that's good news right there.
Magical Negros movie thing kinda dropped off the map from what I could see, which is good because it's not something we need out and about right now.
Looks like it's coming out to wide release in March so discourse will likely resume, sad.
As for Velma I think mindy kaling figured out it was garbage while she was making it but also realized it's a carer killer to admit that out loud so the shift to 'call them racist' happened and then quality is irrelevant so she just kept going.
Wild how we went from promoting tolerance to forcing people to adhere to specific dogmas.
Don't like the show, you don't watch it since it's made for people who will enjoy it, live and let live, and now we're here with opinion pieces telling us not liking it is a terrible thing somehow.
So when you have zoomers thinking that millennials and Gen x who still have unresolved parental issues into their goddamn late 20’s-40’s controlling media
I think it's still boomers at the top making the big decisions, but the crossover is happening, people on screen ya it's gonna be gen x and millennials.
Gen-X doesn't really have the parental issues though we're fairly self reliant, call it a positive or negative of the 'latchkey kid' life however you like, 2 income families were a newer thing and they didn't know what to do with us so we worked it out on our own.
Uber boomer sounding rant I'll put under a cut that actually is fairly accurate.
Still funny, not sure what the point of doing that particular movie was but if it was to showcase strong black women, yes it did that but it also forced a reckoning for people that have been dismissing any accountability for the various African kingdoms that captured, catalouged, and sold the slaves
related tangent, was waiting for one of these asks of yours to pop in because I've got a nice link for you that I've been holding on to for ya.
Great African Kingdoms
This collection presents a small sampling of the many great African kingdoms that rose and fell from the ancient period when Punt traded with Egypt up through the common era. Each kingdom developed a distinct culture and corresponding art and religious belief that continues to influence people around the world in the present day.
Went through a few of the articles linked in there, interesting stuff and it's not just different kingdoms either despite the title of the page.
Carrying on
Yeah my generation need to be held responsible for their actions…but they are told by Gen x and millennials who treated fictional characters like real people and real people like shit. That their shitty behavior is a okay
I blame a lot of that one the early gen-x who birthed the early millennials, tail end boomers early gen-x gave us the participation trophy.
I’m an autistic abuser survivor that was abused by my white stepmom. And even at 13 I knew racism against white people was bad.
Puts you leagues ahead of loads of people who have trouble with that concept. Very positive knowledge to have.
Especially boys, like holy FUCK don’t be surprised how many men in the upcoming decades are weary af around women
We're there already, it's looking like it may get worse though, sadly. The ideological divide between men and women is getting weird too I didn't expect the left right thing to go the way it has, it's a push back on the various abuses of the system that have happened though I'd guess.
Sorry for this essay, make sense?
little jankey but I got it fine since that's how my brain do too.
Again, glad you got your meds and are taking them that's a very good thing, another Gen-X thing we still have the stigma associated with "Prozac Nation" sitting in the backs of our heads no matter what we try to bash in to the normal bit.
Hope you enjoy the African Kingdom links and now it's a boomerish Gen-X rant under the cut time.
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that last line is cringe, lol
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edgepunk · 10 months
Yeah, honestly, while I admit I don't know much about the other games, I found I wasn't really disappointed or surprised that Insomniac Spider-Man 2 didn't win GOTY like I remember it was hyped up to do before it was released bc while I still mostly like it, the released game felt underdeveloped in the end, mostly in that last third, and if anything, I just wish they had taken as long as needed to develop the best possible version of the game, first and foremost for the sake of the workers and their well-being; like, long enough after release, no one remembers how long or hard the wait was, but now we're stuck with a game that came so close to being truly great if they had worked on it longer and treated workers better, and a lot of the problems in the last third and elsewhere can't be fixed with updates and patches bc they're fundamental storytelling issues.
I mean, it's still a good game given it's a game based on an established IP, which usually don't have a good track record (anyone remember the early-mid 2000s when every movie was getting a really shitty tie-in game?). But it certainly doesn't compare to the other AAA games that came out this year. In terms on the superhero genre, it's a really good game. It's just not Rockstar Games-level of quality like some people thought it would be.
It also isn't an "affront to God" or the "worst thing that ever happened to gaming" as I've seen some people say. You want a shit game? Just go through the worst rated games on Steam, then you'll know what actual garbage is. I get not liking the game, because it's nigh impossible to please every single group of people, but acting like it's the worst thing that's happened to gaming or Spider-Man is just silly. Go outside. Take a breather. There are worse things to be upset about.
This isn't directed at you, of course, it's just that the vitriol surrounding this game is getting annoying, and gets exaggerated. There are things to be criticized but pissing your little boy pants that the game isn't catering to every power fantasy you have, doesn't mean it's bad. The Spider-Man fandom is just as bad as the Star Wars fandom, full of piss babies that don't haven an ounce of critical thought and see everything in black and white.
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greta-van-chaos · 2 years
Fell in Love With a Girl
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First kiss with Danny headcannon
Warnings: none
It was getting really late and fast. The night whisked by while you and the boys all sang around the fire, you might've also snuck a couple beers but as far as Karen and Kelly knew, it wasn't you.
All night you couldn't help but focus on Danny. The way the sunset melted away to the night sky behind him and how the fire illuminated his concentrated face as he strummed an old acoustic. He was absolutely a vision.
"You're gonna fall over if you keep staring at him like that." Jake nudged you in the ribs. He may have be teasing but he's right, you'd leaned so far forward with your elbow barely planted on the arm of the chair to that if you kept sitting the way you were, you'd fall straight forward onto your face.
You'd become so relaxed watching him. Danny has that quality, he's so comforting to be around, his energy is so soft and sweet.
"Would you shut up." You elbowed Jake back, halfheartedly. "I'm not staring."
"And Josh isn't plastered." He countered, stone faced as he gestured to his twin who was gesticulating wildly talking to Sammy.
"Go to hell." You laughed, sitting back in your chair and completely averting your gaze from Danny.
Jake had to lean in for you to hear him over the din of the others around you but what he said puts a hesitant smile on your face, "You should just tell him already, he likes you back, y/n."
You turned to look him in the eyes, "How do you know?"
"I just do, trust me." Standing, Jake stretched his arms above his head and yawned animatedly. "Alright, I'm gonna head in, you guys coming?"
Both Josh and Sam stood with their brother and followed him inside. Danny lagged a bit behind, putting away his guitar and pouring some water and half full beer cans over the fire.
"Hey, Danny." You took a step towards him as he gathered some more cans and garbage off the ground. Immediately he looked up and smiled at you. So warm and beautiful.
"Y/n! what's up?"
"I just--"
Danny stood up fully which stole any coherent thought from your mind. The way he looked down at you, a complete tower in comparison to you made you flush bright red.
"Is everything okay?"
Recovering you shook your head and huffed out a breath "Yeah, yeah, fine, I just uhm... I need to tell you something."
His expression turned a shade more concerned then before and he opted to put down all that was in his hands to he could reach for your shoulders to comfort you. "Are you sure everything's okay? What's wrong?"
"I--" You looked down, unable to make eye contact as you spilled your well kept secret, "I really really like you."
When he didn't respond for a beat but also didn't let go of your shoulders you finally peeked at his face. He looked shocked but also pleased.
As if snapping back to reality he let go of you and rubbed the back of his neck. "I-- I really like you too y/n."
Relief flooded you and without thinking you threw your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his. He kissed you back sweetly and when you pulled away he placed his forehead against yours gently. Fireworks felt like the were going off inside you at every point of contact you had with him. All of your dreams were coming true.
"I've been wanting to do that for so damn long." You whisper.
"So have I."
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
i'm finally up to the hawaii trip and i gotta ask: when Ryuuji's going on about the locals talking about the phantom thieves, does he put a little. i hate that i'm speaking mcelroyese here but does he put a little stank on it to make it clear that he's making fun of how they pronounce it
there is a thing in my next letter to you about how i suspect Mishima is a racist, but i think Ryuuji might be one too, from how he talks about the locals and An. like, neither of them are a level of racist that's socially unacceptable in japan, they're just a level of racist that pisses me off because i have to smile placidly and Be Tolerant at people who say this stuff ALL THE TIME
also, i KNOW i'm projecting but i am SUPER irritated that everyone who was a jerk to An is sucking up to her now that they need her english skills!
(You sent this to my side blog so I hope it's okay to publish, if not lemme know and I'll nuke. I'm gonna make it non-rebloggable just in case anyway.)
sup bro, sorry you reached the worst part of the game. Hawaii, esp if you don't have a romance locked, is horrendous. utterly miserable.
listen, sometimes we gotta use the McElroy-ese because its useful vernacular.
Flipping through my screencaps (which I have still not deleted for some fucking reason) of that awful sequence, I feel like Ryuji was at his most disrespectful and shitty. But some of that probably got lost in translation due to how the localization team had to bend so far to, like.... delineate between Japanese Characters Speaking "Japanese" and Americans Speaking English. It's hilarious, the two women who Ryuji fails to get it off with are speaking in THICK psuedo-Texan accents to make SURE the player understands.
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So for me, I didn't get the racist vibes but I don't think I would have picked out vibes since Ryuji and Mishima treat literally everyone so fucking reprehensibly that.... pal, I wouldn't have fucking noticed unless they dropped a slur. They treat everyone like garbage or like someone they might potentially fuck. That's it.
That all said, Ryuji is so happy to thoughtlessly dehumanize people around him and sulks when he's called out about it, so I wouldn't be surprised. It's frankly kind of stunning how he just.... has no redeeming qualities that stand out against all his copious fucking flaws.
For Mishima, MAN. MAAAAAAN. When I think about the scenes in his SLink and that really fucking weird one with Futaba in her SLink, I don't even fucking KNOW. Am eager to see what you pull out of this shit because it's Yikes with and without cultural context imo. I heard he's vaguely based on a right wing weirdo but idk. I find it interesting that the game never seems to outright say Mishima is a good person and often gives the player chances to call him out.
The weirdness around Ann is a constant though, yeah. She herself is such a fucking ray of light, it's always.... interesting how everyone around her (except the player character) treats her like an aberrant of some kind. Given the treatise of the game, I assume part of the point is to show the difficulties of Ann's position and the attitudes towards her and the exoticization? But since they don't.... ultimately do anything about it (and circle backward with the whole Nude Painting arc) and her SLink doesn't say anything about it.... it's just another missed shot, imo.
Honestly, if you can hang on 'til the Royal bonus semester, the only Actually Great writing of the game is there. That's the only place.
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agent-green-ultra · 1 year
"God, did you get schedule with that shithead?"
"Yeah, nurse already got burn paste or whatever, it is going to be a pain in the ass"
"Danm Kohaku bastard, couldn't he take a leave literally any other day when that gremlin isn't around."
"I heard is something with his spouse."
"Idiot, should have dodged that bullet."
"Hey, that isn't always the case you know."
"O yeah absolutely because you still has eyes for-."
"Shut up!!"
Kurorgiri wanted to sigh, but he doubted the spyware didn't have a two way access and accidentally set the two morons about a breach, and then he wouldn't hear the end of it from Tomura.
But his attention was snapped back into the conversation with the sharp crack of the rage in his heart.
"I bet the Shimura kid would be so much better-."
"O my god-."
"I'm serious! he-."
"Just because a kid 'presumaly' matches well with your quirk.-"
"It would and you know it! And our tag team always get to them sometime."
"It is unfortunate that i have to agree with you."
"You would liked to see what we could do with such powerful quirk, jujst admit it."
"I plead the fifth."
"That's a american thing and you know it."
"Fuckin' shut it you dumbass."
"I think they would go with something like Agent Ash Dusk."
"As if the superiors have any poetic taste to come with that."
"Suggestions are open the last time i saw."
"Not like, 12 years ago tho."
"I bet we could still make him an agent today tho-."
It is with every fiber os self restrain that Kurogiri doesn't imediatelly shut the transmissor with a slam of his hand, instead, he got to the simple task of filing the real names and quirks of the agents still chattering in his ears that he was trying to not even listen, but he could hear his grip on the pen make the plastic creak dangerously.
Finally, he could shut it off.
Yasu Hikaru, Quirk: Sanding. Shiori Katsumi, Quirk: Good Neighboor. transformation and mutation, doctor would like the former and Sensei would definetly enjoy the latter, and their bodies would be sure candidates for more trials of the vessel project.
Kurogiri forwards those to both Doctor, who is sure to inform Sensei, and their usual harvesters of their new target, and now with a turned off computer, Kurogiri exits the room.
The Bar was quiet, Tomura may enjoy violent games with all sorts of visuals of violently doing things, but there is agreement betwen the two that the sounds and "music" most of those port are too grading to any ear.
It is with strides that Kurogiri get's behind the bar counter, he knew like the back of his hand where every beverage and items were, so it was effortless to pick one of the low names in one of the shelfs, it was some sort of beer like one, more to sweet fruit than the everyday can.
Kurogiri slammed it down the sink, not shattering it at first, but opening and closing of a portal pair soon made the somehow soothing clinking sound to the enraged mind, and with the tap water running, he nailed the coffin shut by turning up the garbage disposal, their industrial grade quality soon giving an end to any shards into fine dust and down the drain with the beverage it cointained.
"So, who's dying tonight?" The snapping attitude imediatelly left Kurogiri, turning to look to his ward inputting a series of rapid commands, Kurogiri breathed easy.
They could do nothing to him, they couldn't twist Tomura like Eraser had, and if they tried, Oboro Kurogiri wouldn't save qualms to revert the act and make sure they payed double over it.
"None of your concern, Young master."
"Tsch, fine, keep to yourself, i don't care."
Kurogiri wouldn't dare to laugh at the tension now presenting from his ward shoulders, but he did find comedy in it.
"Could I suggest you go over your studies one more time instead of stressing over this level?"
"Shut it, i got everything and we both know it."
Kurogiri did chuckle at the petulant cute tone of hiw ward.
"Then perhaps you would find okay to invite those two, hot and red ones."
Tomura hissed, but Kurogiri atributed it to the game over screen he just gained then his offer.
"Do whatever, i'll stay here."
Kurogiri nodded, satisfied with the answer and the knowledge that he would stay there, and no one would make him otherwise.
Well, there is always Sensei, but Kurogiri trusts his judgement.
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The dark body darted behind the crates, no sound came from their steps as the took their way around any wandering eyes, just a bit more until she reached the desk, ignoring the papers on top, the figure took to the bin next to it, swinddling four crumpled papers.
The figure rested a hand on the top of the desk, filling their quirk do it's ways and much information away, it was just two minutes they stayed station, but she didn't want to test luck, and soon made their way in the warehouse until a door to exit was meet, She would count victorious to not being caught, if the door didn't open itself to show a burly man walking inside.
He hesitated in the sight, She didn't.
Darting bellow the leg pair, she took sprint, making sure to be near any wall, they pivoted turn and turn almost to not hearing the screams of those working in that place.
It was with a welp and hearing the majorly distant shouting that the figure tripped forward, not stopping down, with hand and knees she pushed until they were safely hidden behind a dump, and so she held her breath in 5 seconds, slowly realeasing through her not visible mouth.
The was the suspense for several minutes, but the was no thumping feet or shouting anymore, so she could finally relax and close their only eye.
Northern breathed safe, and let their quirk eat away the information at the paper she held, and discard it too in the dump when standing up and slowly making her through the streets, exchanging the dark shirt for long red sleeves and downing a skirt over their pants.
Some blocks away and finally they started to look over the information gotten, and hoped it wasn't just tax balances that she was almost killed over, because that moving company was a cover for fitting ring with perhaps some mercenary deals, and they would be the first to know-.
Northern exhaled relieved, it was an order for sure of elimination, there was no receipient but the pay was already given, and their targets were workers in the wrecked facility, but why-
A Fae like quirk??
Nothern fastened their step, wishing they did buy that discount retractable cane, this didn't sound good if the other leads were pointing.
It is one thing a nobody have that overpowered thing.
Another to have the king of underground crime to have it.
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mangoisms · 11 months
WAITTT, I just saw ur reply to my previous comment. I didn't like Tim too (lmao). The debates between Tim and Damian fans can (and do) get so annoying that I just started disliking his character (not the greatest). Reading Red Robin on a whim was when I started to warm up to his character, he was just some weird dude. The sentiment about him being a chew toy...so real, and perfectly captures how I feel about him. He is so cringe-fail to me.
To touch upon Red Robin relationships...I wish I could peek into the writers' brains and conduct experiments to begin to understand what they were trying to accomplish...Tam, then Lynx II? Rekindling moments with Steph, and I always forget the last girl's name... I just never understood why they thought giving him so many love interests was necessary for the plot (he is quite literally spiraling, absolute rock bottom, can not go any lower, and yet forced so many women into his life; were they expecting me not to feel bad for them?). On top of that whole mess, the last few issues were like a fever dream, I can not properly summarize them for the life of me if asked.
On a side note, Circle K has also inspired me to pick back up my reading on Steph. I started in the summer, and the summer session (I completely forgot I signed up for classes?) completely ruined that for me...
Very random but, what are your thoughts on WFA? Everyone on Twitter is fairly convinced it's absolute garbage. I never read it myself, but I see complaints about characterization all the time. It also seems to be a lot of people's introduction to Batman-associated characters and content, so I can understand why people are upset if it truly is inconsistent with canon writing.
Young Justice anon (as always, hope you're doing fine and that school is manageable and well!!)
it’s so interesting that red robin 2009 is what softened you up to him because that run still remains a sour point for me HAHA like he is compelling but he is sooo annoying </3 getting into his origins in a lonely place of dying and then robin 1993 was what slowly got me, though he still actively annoyed me for a lot of it… it’s Weird i know i like him in a silly weird way where he annoys me but. yeah. he is my chew toy ❤️‍🩹
oh absolutely it makes NO sense that he had so many love interests and. Ok rant incoming let me also put this under the cut because this got LONG
the thing that bothers me is that none of it was EVER addressed. for sure it was a questionable decision on the writers’ part but none of them had the thought to maybe address the fact that he was flip-flopping so badly? i consider tam to be the strongest out of all of them (as in the one with the most chances to have been with him) and even tim acknowledges that at some points and YET. he kept having those weird moments with lynx. like obviously he and tam weren’t necessarily in a relationship but There Was Something There and of course while tam remains ‘loyal’ to him, tim just gets to mess around with other people… and then when he needs something he relies on tam’s affection to help him out… and then of course the way their falling out was set up was sooooo obvious and i don’t think certain plot decisions are necessarily Bad when they’re obvious but they were clearly gunning for the usual ‘superhero withholds important information from the civilian love interest and they break up’ and i just feel like There were so many OTHER things they could’ve had a falling out over 😭😭😭😭 like Come on…
okay that got longer than i wanted sorry for the impromptu rant 😭😭😭😭 i just. argh. most of my grievances with it is the treatment of the female characters LOL but it’s honestly par the course for tim, he has a long string of love interests and those relationships have been. interesting. quality aside my favorites are probably tam and ariana, if only because they had So Much Potential. anyway!!!!
STEPHANIE MY BELOVED <3333 once you find the time (and i hope you do so you can rest! good luck with your classes <3) i would HIGHLY recommend batgirl vol 3, it’s her batgirl run and it makes up for all the shit that went on in war games (which i didn’t actually read, well i did read some of it, mostly steph’s parts, which i wouldn’t recommend because it is… heartwrenching) and it’s just SOOOOO good i have SOOO many thoughts on it. one of my favorite runs i’ve ever read!!!
umm i’m kind of in the middle on wfa. i read it when it initially came out and it was pretty neat! i liked the art for one. but i’ve stopped keeping up since then. as an elseworlds comic with no bearing on current canon, it can be fun! and it has some things i would like in canon (like them keeping babs as oracle, when current canon refuses to do so), but thats hmmm probably it? and honestly it’s not totally my taste, if only because characterization can be a bit iffy (there was one moment with jason early on that kind of turned me off a bit because. i’m sorry. He would not say that. but in fairness to wfa we have a lot of that going on around now in current comics! wrt him, dick, tim, etc) and well. i like drama HAHA. i have also seen that it is the ‘easy way’ to get into the bats and yeah, there’s nothing wrong exactly with that being someone’s introduction, but it should be kept in mind that it’s not canon and things aren’t like that at all in current canon at all! but yeah not everyone does that and it does admittedly get kind of annoying 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
it is kind of funny in that initially wfa wasn’t a true representation of the ‘batfam’ (at the time it was coming out. i think anyway) and more of an ideal glossy one that, well, ignores a lot to get it to that point. but now we seem to be having that go on in current comics, at least with their attempts to try and absolve bruce of his abuse (which i think they are doing in a dumb way that does absolve him of responsibility and agency and thus makes it. well. redundant. because he isn’t owning up to it and it ignores years of him doing it) so it is kind of. equally bad. except that wfa is elseworlds so it honesty can get away with it but uhhh. current comics don’t have an excuse and that’s. well. Hngh. kind of creates double the bad effect but ANYWHO!!!!!!
SO. YEAH. those are my thoughts. many thoughts. so sorry about that i just got carried away 😭 anyway!! good luck with your classes!!! thank you sm i am doing better too ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 i hope you’re doing well, take care of yourself!!!!
(also i am gonna go ahead and make a tag for you ^_^ under yj anon … if u have any emoji preferences lmk i was trying to think of something yj-relevant but not sure…)
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