#yellowjackets fluff
shaunashoochiebae · 21 hours
Last Resort
Word count: 803
Warnings: none!
a/n: swear to god i posted this already. i’m going insane but it’s okay. also was a request x (tagging @imsososolesbian because he agreed this masterpiece should bless yall once again)
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Sitting in front of the fire in the quaint cabin did nothing for your stress. Sure, it helped with the cold but not your stress. You just felt anxious and hot which is much worse than anxious and cold. It was winter now, months after the plane crashed and everyone was losing hope. Well, everyone except one.
Taking slow, deep breaths you shut your eyes, imagining life back home. Family and friends still hoping and praying you’d be rescued soon.
The cabin was quiet, how it normally is. Natalie and Travis were out hunting. Misty was being herself, licking Coach’s ass. Their relationship bothered you- fuck, it bothered everyone. Everyone could see how uncomfortable it made Coach, but what could you do? You have to cope somehow, you thought.
The door to the cabin swung open and in came the Messiah. Lottie. You opened your eyes and looked back towards the door. She looked worn out, which wasn’t really unusual at that point. Her eyes met yours and she came to the fire and sat down opposite you.
“Hey, Lott.” You greeted her, a small smile playing on your lips. She gave a nod back, her eyes too focused on the fire. You cleared your throat and looked at her expectantly. She snapped out of her trance and looked back at you, “Hm?” “I’m just really stressed,” you started to explain. “I know I don’t believe in all of your.. magic powers or whatever, but I dunno, maybe you could help me?”
Lottie gave a nod, “Do you want to try meditation? That usually helps me.” You agreed, of course. Not much of a last resort, but damn it was close. “Give me your hands,” Lottie told you, putting her hands out for you to take. You abided, taking her hands in yours. You exhaled deeply, and closed your eyes.
“Just relax.” She whispered as she closed her eyes herself. You nodded and let go of your muscles. Unexpectedly, a strange noise came out of her, “Ommmmmmm….. Ommmmmmm…. Ommmm..,” she continued. You slowly opened an eye and looked at her, pure focus on her face. “Uh, Lott?” “Hush, you mustn’t speak,” she responded, eyes still shut. “What are you doing exactly?” You asked her. “I’m focusing, please don’t talk.”
“Now, breathe with me.. Ommmmmmm….” She started again. You sighed loudly but shut your eyes again and chanted along with her, “Ommmmmm… Ommmm….” After a good minute or two, you started giggling to yourself. Lottie opened her eyes and stared at you, “What’s funny?” You shook your head, still giggling, “Nothing, it’s nothing.”
“This is supposed to help with stress, so stop laughing,” Lottie stated, closing her eyes once again. “Okay, sorry,” you answered, taking another deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. “Can I ask you something?” You asked in a whisper. “Mhmm..” “So, where exactly did you learn this.. method of meditation?” You asked her, egging her on. “I’m not sure. It’s just, like, a natural instinct.” Lottie replied, truly believing you were interested.
“Did it come to you in a dream, Lott?” You questioned her, slowly opening your eyes. “I guess you might say that. It’s a natural instinct, like I said. Ommmmmmm….. Ommmmmm….”
“Our guidance counsellor used the same methods when I was stressed about my college applications.” You stated, just above a whisper. Lotties eyes opened quickly and she stared at you, “What?” You shrugged, “Or at least something similar to it.” Lottie groaned, “What, you don’t believe these methods work? Fine, c’mere.” She patted the floor in front of her. “Sit there.”
You scooted over to her with an eyebrow raised, “You gonna hit me?” you asked her. She rolled her eyes in annoyance, “No, I’m not. Turn around.” You turned around so your back was facing her. Lottie placed her hands on your shoulders and squeezed hard, “Ow?” “Sorry, it’s supposed to help,” Lottie replied, sounding a bit guilty. “Is it actually gonna help or are you just gonna give me sore shoulders?” Lottie shook her head, “No, it really will help.”
Relaxing into her grip you gave a sigh of acceptance. “That’s it, just breathe,” Lottie encouraged you. She slowly rubbed your back, whispering to you, “Breathe in.. and out. In.. and out.”
The cabin door swung open and in came Natalie and Travis, a deer held on their shoulders. You opened your eyes, quickly looking at the pair, “Game?” “No, it’s not game. We actually carved it out of wood. Yes, it’s game,” Natalie answered you sarcastically. You stood up from the floor and walked over to the dead deer, “It’s a good size. Should feed us for a day or two,” you stated. Lottie came up behind you and nodded.
Lottie squeezed your shoulders as she stood behind you, “I’ll help you later, okay?”
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ultrone · 9 months
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─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ rebel!reader who was failing yet another one of their classes, and their parents forced them to get tutoring, threatening to send them away for the summer if they didn't comply. after class, you approached your teacher to discuss the possibility of extra tutoring. unfortunately, her schedule didn't align with yours. as a last resort, she arranged for laura lee to assist you. laura had recently started volunteering after school to help students excel in subjects she excelled in, one of which happened to be the class you were struggling with.
you both agreed to meet three times a week, much to your dismay. you clearly couldn't care less about that particular class, and the fact that you now had to attend not only the class but also endure hour-and-a-half tutoring sessions three times a week made you want to end it all. and to make matters worse, the two of you weren't even friends, which added to your lack of enthusiasm. most of your free time was spent with your best friends, lottie, van, and tai. you occasionally hung out with nat too, but usually separately or with lottie. laura, on the other hand, was in a completely different league when it came to friendships. it wasn't that you mocked her; in fact, you’ve always thought she’s a very sweet person. it was just that she had always been too uptight for your taste, which left you completely disinterested in forming any type of bond with her. 
or so you thought until your tutoring sessions began. initially, it was dull, the same old routine of reviewing confusing topics. but as the minutes dragged on and boredom set in, you found yourself inexplicably staring at her face. her neatly combed blonde hair, so soft-looking, her smooth skin, rosy cheeks, and the way her pink lips moved while explaining topics with ease and enthusiasm—all of it made you realize just how pretty she was, something you'd never noticed before. you didn't say anything about it, though; you simply admired her from a distance.
what truly captivated you, however, was simply her. she was not only the sweetest person you had ever met but also far more interesting than you'd ever imagined, and her patience in explaining the same things to you over and over again without a hint of irritation made your cheeks flush each time. whenever stress got the best of you, she would gently rub your forearm, wearing a small smile on her face, and suggest that you take a break. she'd then open her backpack and share some of her snacks with you while you talked about random things. her unwavering faith was admirable too. even though you respected it, you had always thought she was a bit too religious, attending church every weekend, saying prayers before meals, and before bedtime. this, coupled with her prudishness—never uttering a single curse word, abstaining from parties or social events, and avoiding alcohol, essentially steering clear of the typical teenage activities most students indulged in—was something you always found quite weird, or uncommon. although, you had to admit that her dedication in upholding her beliefs was impressive. what truly struck you, though, was the genuine peace and satisfaction that radiated from her whenever she engaged in these activities. she seemed whole, and you yearned for that same feeling.
it didn't take long for you to realize you wanted to feel that completeness too, but by her side. so, you did what you did best: you flirted. you were careful not to make her uncomfortable, keeping your advances subtle, at least initially. you'd drop compliments about how pretty she looked that day, how smart she was, and you even gifted her a beautiful rosary necklace she had been wearing ever since. the best part was catching her shy smile and the way her cheeks reddened at your words, looking away while opening her textbook to continue with the lessons.
eventually, you mustered the courage to ask her out. to be honest, you were a bit nervous. you weren't usually the timid type, but despite the prolonged flirting with her, which she seemed to enjoy, you didn't actually know if she was into you or if she even liked girls, which worried you the most. as the days passed, you grew closer, and you feared that her beliefs might cause her to react negatively and jeopardize your friendship. however, you knew it was worth it, she was worth it, so you took the plunge. during one of your sessions, before you both headed home, you asked her out.
initially, she innocently interpreted your invitation as going out as friends, causing you to chuckle. you then clarified that you meant going out on a romantic date. she blushed and stammered a bit, clearly not expecting that, but to your surprise, she said yes.
─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ some hcs
literally not a single one of your friends believed you when you told them laura lee and you had just started dating 😭 it wasn’t until they saw you walking to practice hand by hand that they realized you were being serious.
“laura lee, y/n? are you serious?” “isn’t she like a pilgrim tho? how’d you even manage to hit? wth”
you convinced her to come to one of jeff’s parties once, and she vowed never to go again. long story short, she drenched shauna in holy water and tossed her pocket bible at her face because she was vomiting and mumbling things in spanish while being really drunk. “i know what a drunk person looks like and believe me when i tell you she was not drunk.” “people vibrate in lower frequencies when they’re drunk and attract demons more easily.” ☠️☠️
studying got a lot more fun since you started dating. she promised that if you get all the answers right, you’ll both watch a movie and cuddle all night. but even when you get them all wrong, you always manage to convince her to do the same anyway 🤭
you began attending church with her every sunday. waking up early in the morning is a hassle, but you understand how much it means to her, and you just want to see her happy. so, if that's what it takes, then so be it.
you were low key surprised her playlists weren’t just gospel songs LMFAOO (much to her parents dismay 😭😭)
whenever you fuck up and do something wrong, she always goes “it’s okay, baby, you’re beautiful in the eyes of our lord.”
once, van, tai, and you offered her $10 in exchange for saying a curse word. you begged her relentlessly, and she felt so pressured that she finally said one. but as soon as the word left her mouth, she burst into tears because she felt awful and guilty 😭 you felt terrible about it so u went to church with her that same day and asked for forgiveness in front of her LMFAOO
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sawyerconfort · 9 months
the yellowjackets when you wear their shirts would include...
Hi, I promised I would come back and I just disappeared, I'm really sorry! As I mentioned before, my computer has been having huge problems, and I've tried to fix it before, but it looks like I'm going to have to format it after all.
In the meantime, I've got a laptop abandoned at home and I'm trying to write on it. Half the delay was because I was trying to adjust to the new method and the other half because I really had no idea for these requests and giving you shitty stuff would not be fair at all.
Ok, so here we go, probably for a wave of headcannons with other fandoms (AHS fans, I promise I'll answer all of your asks, don't worry!
Requests will be a little closed for a while just until I get my act together! Sorry for the delay and closing!
If you can also let me know in the replies if you want more prompts and headcannons with the yellowjackets, I would appreciate it! And let me know if you want me to include Travis or\and Coach Ben on it too...
Jackie Taylor
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I don't think Jackie would make a fuzz about it. Alright, she would probably be surprised on the first day. But because she's supposedly the most popular girl in school, she's even happy that you're being influenced by her style, after all, that's what popular girls are for, right?
It will also depend a lot on your relationship. If you are friends, for example, Jackie will insist on letting you take some clothes that no longer fit her. And if you're dating, she'll make sure to tease you as much as she can until you express the reaction that pleases her the most.
"You look beautiful, (Y\N), my style really suits you, like I always said."
Shauna Shipman
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Shauna wouldn't mind too much about you wearing her clothes either, but unlike Jackie, I think she'd be pretty insecure about commenting on it, kind of afraid that it would make you stop wearing it, and also, of course, due to her internal issues with herself.
But Shauna would find it incredibly adorable, though, and would give you some signs that she liked the offbeat idea, her way. This includes not-so-subtle glances while you're wearing the fabric, or some clothes, which are her favorites as well, laid out on the bed when you come to visit… Little details that let you know that Shauna isn't bothered at all therefore.
I mean, unless it's her flannels, these inseparable fucking flannels… Those no one can take, not even a significant other.
"Uh… You look cute, (Y\N), in my outfit… I like it."
Natalie Scatorccio
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I don't think Natalie would mind you wearing her clothes. In fact, I think it would be a good opportunity for her to take advantage of this and tease you as much as she can. She will do anything to make you self-conscious and blush, but not in a bad way. Like, that's just her love language.
And, let's face it, Natalie is needy enough not to let her scent wash off her clothes when you take them off. On nights when she needs to sleep alone, if you're dating, she'll purposefully grab one of her pieces of clothing and smell in the scent to keep you close.
"Hey, sweetie, lookin' pretty, huh? Is this outfit mine by any chance?"
Taissa Turner
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I'm a hundred percent sure that Tai would be one of those people who abominate clichés, unless she's doing it herself. So, at first, this idea of sharing clothes with her significant other is something she would find completely silly. The first time, she would just kindly tell you to stop it, in a way that doesn't hurt your feelings (I love a soft-hearted Tai, don't judge me!).
But then, as time goes on, I'm also one hundred percent sure that Tai would buy clothes in her style that exclusively fit you. It's kind of her guilty pleasure, since spoiling you is one of her most practiced love languages. And well, considering the tantrum she threw the first few times, how much you've evolved is impressive.
"Okay honey, which one do you want to wear today?"
Lottie Matthews
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Okay, get ready for the biggest love bomb you've ever received in your life. Lottie would be completely adorable about your wearing her clothes, and not only would she not mind at all, she would make a point of convincing you that you are one of the lost paintings by one of the famous artists of past centuries, or something like that.
In fact, it's kind of a headcannon on my part that Lottie doesn't have her own style and that she's always looking for something that makes her belong somewhere (some clothes in her teens she wore because of her mother's influence, just because it would please her, you know? )
So, seeing you wearing the dresses that she finds extremely over the top, or the blouses that have too much detail and too little simplicity, is like one of the greatest achievements of her life, if not the greatest. I don't think Lottie ever liked that flashy style more than when you started stealing it from her.
"Wow, wow, wait a minute! Wow, (Y\N), I think you wearing this made me a hundred times more in love with you! Wear it more, babe. You can wear my clothes as much as you like."
Van Palmer
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(Okay, since Liv identifies as they\them, I'm going to change the pronouns for this one, hope you don't mind!)
Van and Natalie would have the same approach when it comes to stealing their clothes. But, I think, as an honest opinion, Van would turn this more into a flirting game than anything else. They are simply obsessed (it reads turned on) when you wear something of theirs.
And of course, this opens the door for some good teasing that will inevitably end in making out. Like, how would you handle it, with Van looking you up and down and smirking with that smile you're completely drawn to every time? It's almost impossible for nothing to happen.
I'm also pretty sure that if you were dating, they wouldn't let you have only your clothes in your closet or in your bags. There would always have to be three or more pieces of them that you could use as much or as little as you wanted.
"Wow! Watch out, everyone! There's an extremely hot living being crossing the room, and look what a coincidence, they're wearing my clothes!"
Misty Quigley
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Misty would probably have the best reaction ever. Then she, who was always ridiculed for her attitudes and style, having someone who was able to wear her clothes as if they were completely ordinary. Are you kidding? You'll practically make her day if you do something like that!
Obviously, she would be embarrassed and reluctant to ask you the first time why you were doing it, but Misty Quigley has two sides to the coin, and one of them being the impulsive side, I think that would be the one that would beat her to the courage. And your response of the type "because I love your style" would simply keep her up all night.
By the next morning, her entire circle of potential friends would have known about it…
"OH MY GOD! Are these… are these my clothes? Okay, now you really need to let me do your makeup, (Y\N)!"
Laura Lee
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(Same thing as Liv\Van, but I don't really know if Laura Lee would use neutral pronuns... It's all because of Jane Widdop, our baby!)
Laura Lee would be pretty surprised if you showed up wearing their clothes, and honestly, I don't think there would be any malice on their part when you did. More than a possible sign that they could be more than friends to you, this would mean that you could, above all, be friends.
They would find it extremely sweet, actually, the effort and dedication you put into choosing an item of clothing that they loved, but was also comfortable for you. In short, Laura Lee would just adore you even more, if that were even possible!
"Oh! Oh! I can't believe it! You look beautiful wearing this, (Y\N). In God's eyes and mine mostly."
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mayasaurusss · 2 months
haii I can request modern lottie headcanos ?
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Warnings: Jock (but also nerdy?) Lottie, Lottie is a loser-virgin, use of every single cliche in the book, for the sake of the story let's pretend they have this instant chemistry moment, fluff fic, humorous writing, not proof read, the author regrets begin born.
A/N: hey anon, remeber when I said I had an idea and wanted to make this a oneshot instead of a headcanon? Well, I completley forgot my idea and this brewed in my head last minute, so I tried to put this thing thogeter. This story isn't very good but I hope you will like it!
Lottie is one of the most popular girls in school. She is on the soccer team, she is rich and she is beautiful, men and women alike fall to their feets for her attention. She simply has to get to the top of everything, whether it is school or soccer, making the ones around her jealous of her or to be her. Lottie is tough, both in body and spirit: during practice she manages to get going for hours, even when her teammates are tired. During exams, she remembers almost everything she studied and only a few times she has failed, due to laziness and too much faith in her abilities. She has told herself to never slack off ever again and so she continues practicing after school in her backyard, no matter if it's freezing or raining or just a bad day, she pushes her body to the limit almost every day. She studies hours on hours on hours, just after her endless practice, till midnight; sometimes she consumes her dinner while studying for her next exam. Lottie has virtually no time for herself anymore, but she knows it's her fault. She knows that she does this to appease her father's wishes for her life and that she will never make him proud. She tells herself that she's ok, that she can continue doing this without repercussions.
She is on fire today, she has just passed one of the most difficult tests of the year without breaking a sweat attracting to herself the envy of various people -and Natalie's-, had successfully exposed a presentation in class -"How cults can change people psyche", by Lottie Matthews-, and now is practicing, having just scored a goal after being chased by Taissa and making her repeatedly taking her to the ground. Lottie is triumphant, sweat coating her skin and a smile gracing her lips, the same smile that made people develop crushes for her. "Ok team, I want you to try and score a goal, Lottie, Taissa and Van, you guys try to stop them, ok?" Coach Ben says.
Lottie moves to her place near Taissa, ignoring the looks the girl gives her, Van behind the, waiting for the ball. When the coach blows the whistle, the teams move: Shauna passes the ball to Mari, in a fake attempted attack from right, trying to get past Taissa, the ball is passed to Laura Lee who has already run across the field enough to not be worried about Taissa. The only obstacles left between her and the goal are Lottie and Van. The latter won't be a problem, when Laura will kick the ball from the underside angle, sending it to the far corner of the net; the real problem is Lottie. The girl is tall and strong enough to turn the situation to her favor and virtually leave Laura's and the rest of the team empty handed. And, to top it all off, she's on fire today. So, Laura Lee devises a plan: as soon as Lottie will corner her, she will fall back and kick the ball as high as she can, attempting to send it through the net. Lottie will not budge, she thinks, -"She is too smart to fall for this..."- but she will at least attempt to try.
Lottie has stayed still until now, determined to be the one to stop her teammates. Her muscles tighten, ready to strike, until her attention is on someone else, someone on the seats.
There are quite a few people here besides you and your friends. They had invited you to watch the Yellowjackets practice, more in particular to watch the Yellowjackets practice. You have sat in the nearest line to the field, wanting to crawl out of your seat whenever one of your friends made a loud remark about one of the girls. "Like, oh my God look at Natalie '' Hayley sighs dreamily, "I want to make sexy pottery with her '' Jessica scoffs at her "Say what you want about Natalie. Have you looked at coach Ben? He is so hot!" she says while twirling a strand of her hair. "I think he's gay Jessica..." she gasps "How would you know? The other day I saw him handing to Travis a bunch of condoms, he must like girls!", "That's not how it works Jessica..." you argue with her "Shut up," she scoffs at you. You turn your head away from her to avoid her anger, looking towards the field as you see number seven -Lottie, that must be her name- moving in position to defend the net. "...and how would you know? Your life is so boring, you never even had a relationship yet!"eyes scanning her face up and down, you look at Jessica ``I haven't but at least I don't drool for every human beginning in school" you remark at her, earning a glare that could kill.
"Shut up! Stupid asshole..." your eyes return to the soccer field, now focused back on the players: you see Lottie staring at you, her eyes never leaving yours even for a split second, you and your friends must've been loud for her attention to be on anything else other than practice. Neither you or her break eye contact, both in an almost hypnotic state, so, neither you or her notice Laura Lee screaming out for her teammate.
The second Lottie refocuses back on the game, the ball hits her face at full speed; Lottie stumbles back holding her nose, blood flowing freely from it, she loses her footing and falls on the ground. "Fuuuck!'' The team rushes to their friend, Laura Lee is profusely apologizing while trying to hold her best friend who isn't in the right mood to be manhandled. Coach Ben kneels next to Lottie and inspects her face: on the bridge of the nose, right where the ball has hit her, Lottie has a small red bump and her nose seems to be slightly pushed to the left side. "We need to take the infirmary..." he states and helps Lottie up, before Misty can get her hands on her classmate's face and cause more damage. She walks back with Ben with shame, and when she looks back to see you worried over her, she can't bring herself to look at you.
At the infirmary, she gets a pack of cold ice and after one hour, the nurse, a middle aged old woman who looks like she's done with life, walks over to her and takes away the ice pack. Her hands move and test around Lottie's nose, manhandling her -she looks like a small scared child-. "Take a deep breath with your mouth...", she's confused as hell but does so, feeling the nurse's hands move again on her nose, "...and don't panic". -What?- the nurse's fingers block her nose and push strongly to the right side, readjusting the bone. Lottie lets out a banshee-like scream "Fuck me!" and she hold her face, muffling her scream in her hands, "Don't move too much or you could crook it again". Her fingers move across the nose skin, it definitely hurts but now she can breathe again: the nose still has a small red bump at the middle of its length. "Yeah, that's not going away", the nurse says while arranging some things in a box, "What?".
Her father had wanted to sue both the nurse and Laura Lee's family as soon as he saw how his daughter's nose looked, but with some convincing, Lottie had managed to make his anger drop. Today, some time after the whole fiasco, Shauna has come to pick her up for school, usually she would use her father's limo but today she felt like beginning with a friend -and exploiting her a bit- than with the old decrepit driver her father hired. As soon as she enter Shauna's car, the other girl lets out a small pained hiss at Lottie's nose. "...Is it that noticeable...?", Shauna let's out a small hum and moves uncomfortably under Lottie's dark gaze. "I mean... I see it because I was there, but it's not tha-" Shauna is interrupted by Lottie's frustrated sigh and cries. "God! This is just what I needed..." she mutters into her hand, Shauna drops her hand on her friend's shoulder "Come on...It's not that bad, no one will notice". Lottie moves to look at Shauna, her eyes are tearful, "That's literally the first thing you noticed about me today". A gulp travels down Shauna's throat "Uhm..." the taller girl looks her dead in the eyes "This is the part where you, as a friend, would comfort me". The car engine starts, Shauna lets out a embarassed cough while she starts to move the car "...Let's go".
"Ouch..." Taissa says to her while munching her sandwich, the whole soccer team is in the cafeteria for lunch, Lottie had been the last one to join the team 'cause her classes ended later, of course that would involve her not-so-glorious entrance in the room, where everyone had looked at her weird or with pity. "Laura Lee hasn't come today...She's feeling pretty guilty for what she's done. I think this will stay inside her little fanatic brain for a while" Taissa laughs while exchanging a kiss with Van, "And she's right. If I were you, Lottie, I would have punched her in the face ages ago" Natalie barges in the conversation. "Changing topic, tonight there's a party. At Randy's' ' the blonde girl mutters while focused on rolling something that Lottie is pretty sure isn't a normal cig, "I don't know if I'll be there... I don't feel really good". Natalie lets out a scoff, momentarily messing up her rolling before continuing again, "Come on Lottie, It's only a party. Besides, your 'little incident' is not that visible ''. Taissa stares at Natalie with a look that says 'Really?' , "Geez, how about some fucking decency Natalie?" she spats out receiving a roll of eyes from the other girl "The point is, going to a party won't be that big of a deal". Everyone seems to turn to Lottie, waiting for her response, "...Ok".
Night has come, and with it, Lottie's uneasiness. The party had proved to be a lot more crowded than she imagined, it was packed with people who were beginning to drink by the time the Yellowjackets had come. Jackie had placed her hand on Lottie's shoulder, stroking it reassuringly "Don't worry Lottie, we won't go anywhere" and for a split second, Lottie had believed her and smiled reproaching the smile, before she had looked away -for one fucking second-, and all of her team had left to so their things: Taissa and Van had two red cups in their hands and were flirting to one angle of the room, Jackie had blindedly followed Jeff somewhere with Shauna trailing behind her and Natalie was gone to God knows where, probably doing drugs with those toxics of her friends. So, as she had been sure all this time, Lottie was alone. A sigh escaped her lips, her brows furrowing in annoyance and creating a small wrinkle between them, and worry showing in her eyes. She makes a bee line to the kitchen, finding it almost empty except for a drunk couple in one of the dark corners; on the table amidst all the discarded red cups and leftover foods, sits a clear glass bowl of red-blood punch with some ice and a slice of orange floating in. Lottie takes one of the clean cups and fills it to the brim with alcohol. She drinks her worries away feeling the liquid heat her from within, before she knows she has gulped down half of it. Her hands search for her cigarettes in her jeans pocket, finding only a few left: taking one she holds it between her lips but realizes she has forgotten her lighter at home, "As if this night couldn't be any worse...".
When you walk into the kitchen, you see the same girl who yesterday almost got half of her face blown off -Lottie, you remind yourself-.
She's dressed in high waisted dark gray jeans, a long sleeved black shirt and a pair of glasses which made her look far more nerdy than she might have intended. "Oh, hi!" she turns around so quickly that some of the liquid spills out of the cup and pours on her fingers, but she doesn't seem to care all that much, all her attention is on you. "H-Hi...!". Walking over to her, you smile "You are Lottie right? You got pretty hurt some time ago, huh?", gulping down dryly her eyes focused on your lips resting on the cup ridge "Uhhhh, uh, ehm, yes yeas, yeah that's me...". Eyes hazy and unfocused, she doesn't hear you calling out for her "...ttie. Lottie? Earth calls to Lottie, are you there?" she jolts up a second, straighten her spine and avoids to look you in the eye. "Uh, yeah I'm here, just a little distracted" her throat clears and she lets out a small laugh. You look at her, you notice the way she seems to be around you: gone is the confident jock from the soccer team, all that's left of her is a girl who's too shy to talk without stuttering every few seconds. "Say, would you like to get to know each other?" her throat clears before she nods her head slightly with a little smile. "So, what do you like to do, you know, besides soccer?" you lean on the table while sipping on the punch, "Well, I like partying, usually, and -you know- soccer is all my life. I play the guitar sometimes..." your gasp interrupts her, "You'll have to let me hear something one day!". Lottie tells you more about her life: she tells you about her father and mother, about how she's always alone in that big cold house of hers, about how she likes the soccer team a lot -except Jackie sometimes- and of her love for teen dramas, especially Dawson's Creek.
The alcohol starts to make your body heat, she looks so good under dimmed lights; you sip down the last drops of the alcohol and throw the empty cup on the table, slightly scaring Lottie. "Would you like to dance?" her eyes move to yours and shakes her head in approval "Of course!" you take her cup and set it on the table, placing your hand on hers and leading her to the living room.
The room is lit by red light, the music is so loud it makes her heart jump in her chest, but Lottie can barely hear it over the loud beating of her heart in her ears. You get close to her body and feel its heat, how her skin shivers when you touch her a little too long and how she can't even place her shaky hands on you. Everything is slow, heated, the red lights paint Lottie in a way you haven't seen before; you lock eyes with her and for a moment, you feel the need to kiss her, even if you have known her only for a few hours. You get closer to her, so much so that you can feel the raspiness of her breath when you eye her lips. It isn't surprising then when, in the euphoria you're both experiencing, you don't hear the heavy steps of someone getting closer to you.
You get yanked from Lottie's grip, someone spins you around until you've met with his face again. "What the fuck are you doing?!" he snaps at you, his brows are furrowed and he looks even more of a rabid dog than when you left him. "Hello Brandon..." he grips your arms tighter, bruising your skin underneath; his breath is on your face,reeking of alcohol. "Hello'? What the fuck are you doing with this bitch?!" he starts to tug you around, all the while continuing to spit in your face insults.
As soon as he lets go of you Lottie reaches out and manhandles you behind her; a stern look appears on her face. "Hey, what's your problem?" she looks him up and down, studying him "My problem is you, and people like you" he spats out. "Like me?" she can feel her blood pressure rising, his implication not missed by Lottie.
Brandon's friends are near him, some giggle but others are trying to hold him down from exploding further. "Yeah, people like you and this bitch over here" he gestures at you with a nod, he seems to get even more red than he was before, almost looking rabid, "What the fuck are you talking about?".
Brandon seems to have been pushed over the edge, a wild look in his eyes, he sweats and screams on Lottie's face "You fucking faggots! You gross shit! Scum like you shouldn't even exist!" people are gathering now near, the music seems to almost have gone silent, flashes and giggles surround you. Lottie grips your hand tight, so tight that it hurts, "Lottie..." she turns around, her other hand placed on your hip and starts to lead you out of the party.
"Let's go" her voice wavering: for a split second, she saw her father spilling insults at her after she had told what she really was. "Yeah you better go! We don't want disgusting shits like you around here" Brandon is held back by his friends when he attempts to chase after you.
Through her clouded mind, Lottie doesn't miss Brandon's next words "You aren't even that good at soccer, I bet your father is really proud of his shitty disgusting lizzie daughter". Lottie feels her knuckles crush bone beneath them, and regains her consciousness, realizing she had punched Brandon right on the nose, in the exact same way she was hit the day's priors. He falls on his ass in the middle of his friend group, spurting insults and imprecations at you and Lottie. Before you can look at him, you're tugged out of the party. You run with Lottie, both with the fear that he might get out of his friend's grapes and follow you; you run across the small patch of woods just outside of Randy's house.
The night is lit by countless stars in the sky, wind blows through the trees and inside of your heart an euphoric feeling blooms. When you end up at the other side of the trees, in a clearance, you start to laugh at your heart's content; your laugh is so contagious that it starts to affect Lottie too -who previously was looking at you like you were mad- making her let out chuckles of her own.
You hold on to her, much like you did when you were at the party, she hides her face into your neck while still giggling: you start to notice the position you're in, her breath hitches when she notices how close you are and -more importantly- where her face is. Dark eyes reflect the night sky, she looks at you with something akin to adoration for a second, before she composes herself and let go of you, clearing her throat. "So ummm... who was that guy?" you rethink about the events of the night and -trying not to think- about how good Lottie looks right now. "He was my ex-boyfriend. He has been going a bit crazy since I broke up with him. I told him I... liked girls and he has been bothering me ever since I left him" Lottie let's out a small 'oh' of approval, taking in all that you said. "So... you like girls" she hums in thought; you inadvertently let out a laugh "Of course! I thought it was pretty obvious from how I was looking at you". Her face becomes beet red -'Shit, I looked so stupid! Why did I asked that?!'-, she scratches the back of her head while averting your gaze. Her hand is held by yours, she follows your movement and when she turns around, she's met with your lips on hers. She can't move the lips back, too stunned by your action to reciprocate the kiss but just when you thought of pulling away -'maybe she doesn't like me'- you feel her hands cupping your cheeks and deepening the kiss. -'Whoa... sparks...'- she thinks while deepening the kiss even more, it feels like millions of little light sparks shine on you and her. She's so close you can barely breathe, the air itself feels intoxicating, this is just too good to be true. When you pull away, both of you are blushing and messy, she looks amazing under the moonlight: hair messy, glasses slightly sliding to the side, skin so red and eyes watery. "Wow... this feels very... romantic..." she sighs into your neck, holding your chest to hers "We should do this more often..." you kiss her again, giddy, holding onto her neck "We definitely should!".
Something moves in the bushes rapidly, making both of you jolt up in fear that your ex might've catched up, Lottie is already ready to throw another punch, just when from the darkness between the trees, the Yellowjackets appear, all of them. "G-God!" an echo of 'oooh's' rise up from the group, Van begins the lead of them "Oh so that's what you were doing Lottie! We feared you got into a fight!". Van gets closer to you two, throwing her arm around Lottie's shoulders "Are you gonna introduce your 'friend' to us?", the taller girl puffs out a breath in annoyance "Oh fuck off!".
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satellitespinner · 4 months
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“no return, no return, no reason..”
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braidlottie · 5 months
rockstar!reader x lottie matthews 🎸☆⋆𖦹°★
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there’s only one transmasc implied reader headcanon but you can picture this as any reader you want!!
↯ your band has been together for a while now, having three albums out,, but your fourth album was focused on lottie :33
↯ lottie thinks it’s adorable how you shield her from the public eye. you’re always scared to post her on social media because people would try to send her threats or try to attack her in public. but you were glad there was a positive side to it. when you told fans you were seeing someone, they were super supportive.
↯ but lottie wants your fans to see her and she knows it’ll make you so happy :((
↯ she comes to your shows whenever she’s free, and you make sure she’s set up in the vip booth instead of being in the pit/nosebleeds. plus she has a better view of u :3
↯ she even goes on tour with you! she surprises you right before you’re about to leave with her suitcases packed and ready :(( your band loves her so much (i feel like your drummer called her mom once) cuddling in those tight little bunks at night in the tour bus with her :(((
↯ staring at her the whole time while you play one of her favorite songs you wrote about her >_< and your fans have a fucking field day with it on twitter 😭😭 your ship name is trending and you’re getting tagged in videos of her staring back at you heh :3
↯ doing press/interviews for your new album and saying that lottie was the inspiration behind it :((
↯ lottie eventually gets social media and likes fan edits of you and her and the band :] and even interacting with fans sometimes :3
↯ your band does the puppy interview and lottie is taking you so many pictures of you behind the camera :3333 but when you do the thirst tweets interview, she gets sooo Jealous otuhfj;
↯ you’re literally drenched in sweat after a concert and lottie has those “fuck me eyes” :3
↯ lottie will literally sit on your lap while you’re writing songs. you’re so focused, scribbling away in your notepad with your guitar nearby, and she’ll just take a seat, wrapping her arms around your neck and playing with your hair >_<
↯ if you were big enough your band would get individual funko pops and she would keep yours at her desk in her office :((( her own mini bf 😊
↯ covering her from paparazzi because they’re very aggressive and always want pictures of her :/ a tabloid goes around where you pushed a pap down only because he touched her shoulder 😭😭
↯ SHE HAS SO MUCH MERCH. too much, it actually scares you sometimes. from beanie and stickers and hoodies, even socks,,,, she’s literally your biggest fan :}
↯ doing tiktoks with her for the band’s account :3 even on her own account, she uses your new single for her tiktoks about the wellness center 😭😭😭
↯ for your anniversary one year, you sing her the entire album that you wrote about her acoustically, and she had heart eye the entire time :( she even ends up crying halfway through:(((
↯ going to guitar center and watching you spend 4k on 3 guitars and a new amp 😭
↯ she doesn’t even have to pay for a signed cd/vinyl, she just brings it to you with a sharpie and a big smile :3
↯ a video went around of your trailer rocking from side to side and people immediately thought you were fucking (the two of you denied it but you actually were 😁😁)
taglist: @antlerbf @deerlottie @theyellowjacketschewtoy @girltwinklater @kessellluvr
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richiekirschs · 1 year
SHE’S MY BABY — Spider-Man!Lottie Matthews
spider-boy, king of thieves…
warnings— no use of y/n, fem implied reader (referred to as “unsuspecting girl”), lottie is vaguely hurt
[part 2]
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The Yellowjackets had been spreading their theories about Spider-Man since he was first spotted in New York, just across the river.
It was surprisingly Misty who came up with the theory that he was actually from Jersey City, after how many times he’d been spotted on the ferry that takes you across the Hudson from Midtown. Nat had disagreed, stating that he was probably in Jersey City so often because of the amount of freaks patrolling the streets.
Most of your teammates think it’s stupid—with Jackie saying it’s just some asshole trying to get on Subway Creatures, and Tai saying the guy in the suit just wants to piss off J. Jonah Jameson. Laura Lee thinks he’s devilish. Nat indulges in the fantasies after having witnessed one of Spider-Man’s fights firsthand (and also because she likes to piss off Jackie.)
The girls are all over at your apartment tonight for the regularly scheduled movie night. Everyone takes turns— last time it was Tai, and now it was you.
You’re in the bathroom washing your hands when there’s a THUD! from the fire escape outside the bathroom window.
You frown, wondering if you should check. Is it your neighbors, smoking a blunt? Or is there maybe a cat that needs help?
You yank up the blinds to check, deciding it’s better to know than risk it distracting you the rest of the night.
It’s not your neighbors, and it’s definitely not a stray cat.
It’s Spider-Man.
You can’t do much but freeze and mumble, “You’re shitting me.”
He stares back at you with comically wide, unblinking eyes. He points at the windowsill and mimes pushing it up before silently pleading with his hands.
You sigh. Of course this would happen. All you can do as you unlock the window is pray that it’s actually Spider-Man, and not some douche in a costume looking to take advantage of an unsuspecting girl.
You push the window up and he tumbles to the ground of the bathroom, somehow remaining inhumanly quiet.
In the process, though, he aggressively knocks a (glass) bottle of perfume off of the counter.
“Shit!” you hiss.
“Are you okay?” someone calls. Maybe Nat? It definitely could’ve been Van.
“Yeah!” you call before turning back to the masked vigilante. “You have 30 seconds to explain yourself.”
Spider-Man holds up a finger, chest heaving, before reaching up under his mask and yanking it off.
It’s not a man at all. It’s Lottie, your best friend who was conveniently missing from tonight’s get-together.
Your jaw drops. “What the f—?”
You don’t get the chance to finish your exclamation as she bolts up to clamp a hand over your mouth. “Shh!”
You frown back at her, trying to convey your emotion with your eyes.
“I’ll explain, I promise,” she assures you. “But I’m hurt. I just got my ass kicked. I need you to help me, but you can’t tell the others.”
You don’t respond. Her hand is still over your mouth.
“Promise me!” she hisses, begging.
You nod frantically, and she slowly removes her hand. “I can’t believe you’re a girl. I was betting major money with Nat that Spider-Man was Jeff Sadecki.”
She narrows her eyes at you. “Jesus Christ. Are you going to help me or not?”
“I can’t do that if you don’t tell me where you’re hurt!”
She swallows, unable to meet your eyes. “Under my suit.”
You sigh at her. “Can you stand?”
“I think so.” She manages to stumble to her feet, and you help her unzip the suit, both of you flushed bright red.
“Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed, Lot,” you tease as she collapses onto the closed toilet. “We’ve changed in front of each other a billion times.”
“These aren’t ideal circumstances,” she groans.
Her wound isn’t too bad, but it probably hurts like a bitch. Sliced across her leg, the cut slowly oozes blood. Her knuckles are scraped up, too. There’s already green-yellow bruises forming around both wounds.
“It’s not awful,” you assure her. “They just need to be cleaned and get bandaged.”
You dig out isopropyl alcohol and a rag before a apologizing for the pain you’re about to cause her.
She whimpers as you clean the gash on her leg and wrap gauze around it, and you have to pray that she doesn’t see the way your face burns.
Someone rattles the door handle. “Are you still in there?”
Laura Lee. With a start, you realize you didn’t lock the door.
You and Lottie lock wide eyes with each other before you’re yanking her up and shoving her into the shower. She shoots a web to seal the curtain to the wall, tucking herself behind it.
The door swings open, and Laura Lee peers around from behind it. “Hey, we were thinking about ordering pizza—is that your blood?”
You look down at your hands, but it’s not yours. It’s Lottie’s, from where you had wiped it from her leg. You need to think of a lie, and quick.
“Oh,” you shrug in a hopefully nonchalant manner. “My nose started bleeding, and I put my hand over it while I got the rag.”
Laura Lee, of course, steps in to investigate. “Did it stop? We should say a prayer.”
You gently swat her prodding hands away. “Yeah, I’m fine. It stopped. I just didn’t get the chance to wash my hands.”
“Really,” Laura Lee insists. “We should say a prayer. This could be a sign of something.”
“Yeah,” you mumble, “of a ruptured blood vessel.”
You indulge in Laura Lee’s plead anyway, and pray that Lottie can resist her urges to laugh during Laura Lee’s prayer like she always does.
Lottie knows she doesn’t have much time.
She carefully slides the suit back on before slipping out of the very window she’d come through. From there, she makes a Pink Panther-esque getaway a few feet away from that window to the one that leads to your bedroom.
She carefully slides the bedroom window shut before flinging open a dresser drawer in hopes for some clean clothes. She digs out a Kean University pullover and plaid pajama pants. It’ll have to do.
She stashes the suit in the spot that she’d swiped the clothes from, and just as she shuts the drawer, she freezes. Someone’s coming.
There’s nowhere to hide. Your bed sits atop a wooden bed frame, meaning she won’t—can’t—fit underneath. Your closet isn’t big enough either. That only leaves…
When Nat swings the door open, she completely expects to find someone in a striped shirt with a sack of money over their shoulder. Something is being very noisy in your room, and she’s intrigued to know what could possibly be causing such a ruckus.
Instead, she finds… nothing.
She checks under your bed, even though nobody besides a small child could fit between the planks of your bed frame. She checks your closet. Hell, she checks the fire escape.
“Hm,” she decides, but there’s something… not right. There’s an itch under her skin that won’t go away.
When Nat leaves, Lottie can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.
She carefully lets herself down from the ceiling with a breath of, “Holy shit,” and a hand pressed to her chest.
There’s still work left to be done, though.
Quietly this time, she swings back out onto the fire escape.
There’s a knock on your front door, and you frown. Everybody’s here, and Misty didn’t say that they had already ordered the pizza, just that they were thinking about it.
You quickly rinse your hands of Lottie’s red blood before following Misty to the door.
Low and behold, the new guest is Lottie fucking Matthews.
You feign surprise at the sight of her. “Hey, I thought you weren’t coming!”
She walks over to you, arms open wide, limping ever so slightly as she engulfs you in a hug. “It’s a long story.”
Through a faux grin, you growl, “Tomorrow, we’re going to get coffee, and you’re going to explain everything.”
KITTY MEOWS! I kept seeing Spider!Lottie edits on TikTok and there was an itch in my bones that could only be satisfied by writing this…
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danisbrainrot · 2 months
lottie x sick!reader bc i was sick last week 🤒🤒
lottie matthews x reader
giggling and kicking my feet while writing this! hope you feel better pookie <3
bundled up in your covers, you felt lottie's warm hands wrap around your forehead as she tried to check your temperature. you moan, trying to bite her finger—she pulls away quickly, giggling at your reaction. "did you just try to bite me?"
you shrug, reaching up and grabbing for her. "hugs?" you ask sniffly. she shook her head, pulling the covers off you causing you to whine. "cold!"
"you're burning up, baby," she replies, placing a cool wet towel in your forehead. it feels nice despite how cold the rest of your body feels. she kisses your nose, causing you to scrunch it up and giggle. "your nose is just the right temperature," she strokes it, looking down at you lovingly. even while sickness ravaged your body, she was amazed by how enchanting you were.
"lottie, I'm gonna die," you murmur, your nose so stuffed you could barely get the sentence out. she couldn't help but laugh at you, peppering your face with kisses. "it's not funny," you sob; lottie bites her lip, trying to hide her laughter and instead shoot you a sympathetic look. you huff, turning away from her. she removes the covers even more, readjusting her position so she could lie next to you.
lottie snuggles into your side, wrapping you in her arms and resting her face in the back of your head. "I'll look after you, I swear," she murmured into your hair, pressing a delicate kiss there. you turn back around and bury your head into her chest. the sound of her heart beat was calming, allowing you to relax into the hug.
soon enough, you began to snooze against lottie's chest. she ran her fingers through your hair, smiling as she noticed how your temperature was finally dropping.
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shaunashipmansgf · 8 months
— 𝘥𝘪𝘻𝘻𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦!
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saturday with your girlfriend. (wc: 612)
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it was a peaceful saturday, the rays of sunlight peeking through the blinds covering your bedroom window, seeping onto the blankets that adorned your bed. your parents were out of the house, creating the perfect opportunity to have your girlfriend over.
“nat, i swear to god if you try and steal 𝘰𝘯𝘦 more fry–” you were cut off by the bleached blonde doing exactly that, smirking at you smugly as she popped the fry in her mouth. “you were saying?” she couldn’t help the snicker that left her lips as you gently swatted her arm. “you already finished yours! leave mine alone!” you pouted at her, making her roll her eyes.
“fine, fine. we can share this instead,” she leaned over to grab her bag, unzipping it to pull a joint out, along with a lighter. narrowing your eyes at her you crossed your arms. “we weren’t sharing my fries, and you know it.”
“just take a hit, would you?” nat handed you the joint after lighting it and taking the first two puffs. you obliged, and passed the blunt back and forth as you watched youtube videos.
a couple of hours had passed at this point, with you laying on your back, your head hanging off the edge of the bed, and natalie’s head resting on your stomach. the two of you were giggling as you chatted about everything and nothing, when suddenly, an idea popped into your head. “i bet i could beat you at gang beasts,” you smirked as she sat up, looking down at you. “in your dreams, babe. you’re on.” she stood up to turn on your xbox, grabbing two controllers and handing one to you as you rolled over onto your stomach, sitting up now.
you took the controller and started up the game, as nat came to sit down next to you. the first few rounds, nat was winning, but you were determined to beat her. the next six rounds you had won, ultimately beating your girlfriend. “yes!” you cheered, throwing your arms up with a grin on your face. the blonde looked at you, rolling her eyes at your enthusiasm. but she couldn’t help the smile peeking through her lips. “you’re just lucky you’re cute.” she went to poke your side, and a small yelp left your lips before you could stop it.
natalie’s eyes instantly lit up as she moved to straddle you, laying you down on the bed now. “nat, wh–what are you doing?” you asked, feeling your face grow warm. nat just smirked, and without warning her hands shot to your sides, starting to tickle you. it caused you to squeal as you squirmed underneath her, giggling uncontrollably. “n–nat! sto– stop it!” you tried to flip her over, but it was no use. “it’s payback!” she teased, her fingers finding your stomach and tickling there now. “i-i won! fair and square!” you managed to speak through your laughter, tears in your eyes at this point. they were happy tears, of course. you absolutely loved this playful side of natalie, and would gladly endure some tickling torture if it meant you got see more of that.
after a few more seconds she let up, rolling off of you. it gave you the chance to catch your breath, before shifting onto your side to snuggle into your girlfriend, resting your head on her chest. kissing your forehead, she began running her fingers through your hair, looking down at you. “go to sleep, baby, i’ll be here.” she reassured you, noticing how your eyelids were drooping closed. so you nodded, cuddling in closer to her as you dozed off, feeling safe in her arms.
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shipmanisms · 1 month
Day in the life of being lotties controversially young gf?
being lotties controversially younger gf 🪽
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lottie would spoil you so much. she'd buy you everything you want, you could stare at a pair of jeans you thought was cute and she'd immediately just buy em for you without you even asking. travelling everywhere with her by your side, going to the best rated hotels and restaurants, getting the most expensive gifts for your family and friends back home. loves you to pieces and shows it all the time by taking you with her to the wellness center and making you sit next to her, a pretty purple butterfly necklace on your neck to match with her and everyone else. people might give stares because they usually confuse her as your mother, but do you really care? no, you don't think so. not when you're living the life basically.
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ultrone · 9 months
coach’s sister !
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shauna shipman and coach ben’s little sister falling in love ҂ fluff; brief making out sesh, both are eighteen years old; this was supposed to be hcs but i got a bit too inspired lmaoo, also imagine the arm is shauna’s. . .﹙2.7k wc﹚
shauna and you met one day when your parents couldn't pick you up from school as per usual. you didn't want to take the bus, so your last resort was waiting until your brother was free after practice to drive you home. it didn't bother you though, because you used the time to work on some of your assignments.
you thought soccer practice was over at 6:00 pm, so you packed your stuff and headed to the field to look for your brother. it wasn't until you got there and saw everyone mid-game that you remembered practice was actually over at 6:30 pm. since you were already there, you decided to go sit at the benches and wait.
as you entered the bench area, you realized you weren't alone. shauna shipman was also there, holding an ice pack against her visibly swollen ankle.
you had never spoken to her before, but you knew well who she was, just as she knew who you were. you had noticed shauna during soccer matches that your brother forced you to watch; she was number six. you weren't sure what it was about her, but she always caught your eye. it might have been her great footwork, incredible speed, big brown eyes, or adorable smile, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from her whenever she was running across the field.
and well, pretty much everyone on the soccer team knew who you were, as coach ben had a picture with you in his office, and they sometimes saw you leaving with him after games or practice. mari would joke about coach ben liking girls ten years younger than him until misty, who somehow knows everything, mentioned that you're his younger sister.
"hey," she said, interrupting your thoughts. "you're coach ben's sister, aren't you? y/n," she asked, curiosity in her gaze. you never imagined her voice would be so raspy—you found it very attractive.
"that's me," you assured with a smile. "just waiting for him to give me a ride home," you explained, and she nodded in understanding. "what happened to your ankle?" you asked, eyebrows furrowed.
and that's all it took for the two of you to dive into an endless conversation. you chatted away for what felt like an eternity, though it was only 30 minutes. you discovered you had more in common than you had ever imagined. so much so that she ended up asking for your phone number—of course, without coach ben noticing. she definitely didn't want to get her ass beaten during the next practice.
not even 10 minutes had passed since you left when she already texted you, and the two of you texted all night.
a week of non-stop texting and exchanging greetings between classes went by until you both agreed to meet again. initially, these were just regular hangouts, like watching movies at her place or going out to eat. but then, she started offering you a ride home every day, but only if you were willing to wait for her until practice ended. of course, you did—how could you not? you had the biggest crush on her.
and strangely enough, your academic performance improved, as you would spend two hours every day waiting for her at the library, working on your homework. afterwards, she would drive you home, always ensuring to park a few houses away so that your brother wouldn’t spot you coming out of her car.
one day, much like any other, shauna drove you home. she parked two houses down the street, and the two of you were engaged in a random conversation.
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“shit, ben's texting me, i’ve gotta go before he gets suspicious,” you said hurriedly.
i mean, obviously, he was already suspicious—neither your parents nor he was driving you home from school, and he knew you hated taking the bus. you had attempted to use the "doing homework" excuse, but it didn’t cut it. he had a hunch that you were hiding something.
you locked your phone and began gathering your belongings, which were placed between your feet. just as you opened the car door and started to step out, shauna swiftly grabbed your arm, pulling you back inside. she cupped your chin with her other hand, drawing your lips together in a sudden kiss.
"shit—sorry, i don't know what came over me," she said, breaking the kiss abruptly and avoiding eye contact. instead of responding, you pulled her into another passionate kiss. as your lips grasped her lower lip, her tongue slipped inside your mouth, while her hand slid to your waist, gripping it tightly. you were so lost in the moment that you didn't notice the car's lights had turned on due to the door being left ajar.
as luck would have it, your brother suddenly emerged for his jog and started sprinting in your direction. it didn't take him long to spot shauna's car, and the well-lit interior made it easy for him to get a clear view. a clear view of the two of you devouring each other's mouths.
“y/n?” your brother's voice penetrated your ears, causing your heart to plummet into your chest. you swiftly separated from shauna and turned around, only to find your brother standing with his hand on the car door, opening it wide.
you couldn't discern whether he was angry or not; his expression remained deadpan and serious. you and shauna were left speechless, simply staring back at him. you both felt incredibly embarrassed, not only because ben caught you making out but also because he could see your swollen lips and shauna’s dishevelled hair.
"get out of the car," he ordered, shifting slightly to make room for you to step out. as you complied and stood beside him, he leaned down and said to shauna, "we'll talk about this tomorrow before practice. get there early." then he closed the door and started walking toward your house. you gave a nervous but gentle smile to shauna through the window before following your brother.
as you heard shauna's car starting and leaving, you silently followed your brother all the way into your house and into the living room. dropping your belongings onto the floor next to the couch, you took a seat. ben stood right in front of you, hands on his waist, facing the other way.
"so, this is why you've been coming home late every day," he began, turning around to face you. "why didn't you tell me?" he asked with a frown.
"there was nothing to say," you replied. "we're just friends, i guess," you said, sounding a bit confused. you and shauna weren't "just friends," and you knew it damn well. even though you had never discussed it directly, you spent almost every day together, and it was pretty obvious that the two of you were in love by the way you treated and talked to each other. all those lingering doubts and insecurities you had about it were dispelled by the kiss you had shared a few minutes ago.
"just friends? really?" he said incredulously, alluding to the fact that he had clearly seen both of you making out.
"yeah... sorry you had to see that," you said with an awkward chuckle while rubbing the back of your neck, referring to the kiss. "but i'm being honest with you. shauna and i are just friends. we met one day when i was waiting for you at the benches, and we hit it off right away. we started hanging out very frequently, and, well... now we're here," you explained, your tone becoming a bit shyer toward the end.
he sighed and relaxed his arms, letting them fall to his sides as he pursed his lips. then, he walked toward you and sat right next to you.
"you really like her, don't you?" he asked, turning to look at you.
you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment as you rested your elbows on your knees. "mhm," you mumbled as you nodded in agreement, not wanting to meet his gaze. the memory of your kiss with shauna kept replaying in your head, and the last thing you wanted right now was a pep talk from your older brother.
“look at me,” he said but you ignored him. "y/n," he repeated in a more stern tone, so you complied. "i'm not mad at you, okay?" he began, placing his hand on your knee for reassurance and softening his voice. "i wish you had told me about it, but i also understand why you didn't," he said. "i just want you to be happy, you know that, right? i mean... i'd prefer you were happy with someone who wasn't on my soccer team," he chuckled. "but shauna's a good girl. a bit grumpy at times," he quipped, earning a laugh from you. "but i know she's a good student and a nice person too, so i know you're in good hands," he said.
"yeah, she's amazing," you began. "did i tell you i got a B+ on my last biology test?" you said excitedly. "she helped me study for it," you added, a smile lingering on your face as you recalled shauna's adorable focused expression while working on a cheat sheet for you to review.
ben couldn't help but smile too, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer while gently rubbing your arm. "i'm glad she's making you happy and helping you excel in school," he said genuinely. "and i hate to be that person, but if she ever hurts you, she'll go through hell at practice. i'll have a one-vs-all scrimmage session ready for her just in case," he said, sounding protective.
"you better not," you shot back, moving away slightly to look at him through narrowed eyes. "if anything, i want to see you giving her special treatment."
"hah," he chuckled. "yeah, yeah... that won't happen," he said before standing up from the couch. "that reminds me, i need to talk to her before practice tomorrow," he said, his expression turning serious as he tried to intimidate you.
"you'll go easy on her, right?" you asked. you weren't overly worried since you knew your brother wasn't mean, but you couldn't help feeling a bit nervous for shauna, especially since she didn't know him as well as you did, and he was just her coach, after all. she must be really nervous right now.
"we'll see," he said, walking out of the house to resume his jog before you could muster a reply.
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you sat impatiently in the library, your leg shaking as you waited for the clock to strike 6:30 pm in the afternoon. you hadn't spoken much with shauna since yesterday's events. you didn't share any classes today, and she hadn't responded to your texts during lunch. she had checked in on you last night, expressing concern about what ben had told you. however, you assured her that everything had gone well and agreed to meet up today at your usual time, which is why you felt so nervous.
suddenly, a hand rested on your shoulder, snapping you out of your thoughts. you looked up and found yourself locking eyes with a pair of big brown eyes.
"hey," shauna said, placing her backpack and gym bag on the floor before taking a seat in the chair next to yours. she seemed a bit nervous but not sad or worried, which eased your concerns about her conversation with ben not being as awkward or strange as you had feared.
"what are you doing here?" you asked curiously, offering a soft smile. "it's still pretty early."
"coach ben let us go early today; he had a meeting with the other coaches," she explained. "shouldn't you be studying for our english midterm?" she teased, raising an eyebrow while glancing at the paused tv show on your computer screen.
"i was just ten minutes ago; i needed a quick breather," you tried to convince her, though the truth was that you had given up on your studies an hour ago.
"sure..." she said, unconvinced, wearing a sly smile. she made a mental note to help you study later.
the two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, both of you contemplating yesterday's events, unsure of where or how to begin. you were about to ask if ben had spoken to her, but she started talking before you could muster the courage to open your mouth.
"so," she began, looking down at her hands and fidgeting with the rings on her fingers. "i'm sorry about yesterday, for kissing you like that," she said nervously. "i should've asked first."
you gazed at her, tilting your head slightly, and gave her a soft smile. "don't worry about it. i kissed you back, after all," you reminded her. "and i liked it," you confessed, feeling your cheeks grow warm.
"you did?" she asked, meeting your gaze as her shoulders relaxed a bit, her eyebrows raising slightly in a hopeful manner.
"i did," you confirmed. the two of you sat in silence for a few more seconds, but this time, you broke it.
"i like you, shauna," you said, your gaze shifting to the table in front of you in embarrassment. you were very nervous, and the only thing that gave you the courage to confess your feelings was the fact that she had initiated the kiss yesterday night.
shauna couldn't help but smile at your words, her cheeks flushed. "i like you too, y/n," she confessed. "a lot."
she put her hand on your thigh in an attempt to make you meet her gaze once more. and once you did, she asked, “can i kiss you?”
you smiled softly at her, “you don’t have to ask,” you whispered, slowly leaning closer.
just as your lips were about to meet, you heard a phone camera shutter sound from the table directly behind yours. you frowned and turned to locate the source of the sound, finding yourself locking eyes with a pair of green ones you instantly recognized.
"jackie!" shauna hissed, her face a mix of embarrassment and surprise. "what are you doing?"
"i'm sorry! you two looked so adorable; i had to capture this memorable moment," she explained. "i told you she liked you back," she added excitedly, raising her eyebrows suggestively and grinning widely.
"jackie, stop it," shauna scolded, her annoyance evident. finally, the blonde girl seemed to get the memo.
"okay, okay! i'm leaving now. see you later, guys," she said, skipping toward the entrance where jeff was waiting for her.
shauna sighed in embarrassment. "i'm sorry, that was so embarrassing."
"it's okay," you reassured her with a laugh. "at least we have a cute picture now."
"true," she admitted, a soft smile returning to her lips.
"by the way, did ben talk to you?" you asked intrigued.
"yeah, he did," she confirmed. "he gave me a 20-minute pep talk about how important you are to him and threatened to make me run 50 laps around the entire school if i ever hurt you," she chuckled.
"well, you better not then," you said, leaning closer to her once more, trying to hide your smile by biting on your lower lip.
"how could i? he showed me that one picture of you wearing a full-body star costume from your kindergarten christmas recital. i could never hurt that little thing," she teased, making a playful pout with her lips.
"he did not show you that picture," you said, covering your face in embarrassment.
"oh, yes, he did," she countered, retrieving her phone from her pocket and pressing the power button, revealing that the picture was now her lock screen.
"if you don't take that picture off your lock screen right now, shipman…" you playfully threatened, attempting to grab her phone from her hands, but she was quicker, “i’m gonna kill you.”
with her phone secure, she leaned back slightly, prompting you to lean in. seizing the opportunity, she deftly held your forearm in place and leaned in herself, planting a sweet kiss on your lips. without hesitation, you reciprocated, both of you wearing sheepish smiles on your faces.
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saberlight1 · 6 months
— masterlist
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my requests are normally open, if you like to send one in, the link to who i write for is here. there are more fics coming soon! much love <33
— the hunger games
promises & melodies — coriolanus snow
~ part 2: oaths & songbirds — coriolanus snow
~ part 3: lost signals & tunes — coriolanus snow
let the light in — lucy gray baird
exit music (for a film) — coriolanus snow
can’t help fallin’ in love — coriolanus snow
my love, mine all mine — lucy gray baird
— marvel
pretty boy — matt murdock
the red means i love you — frank castle
— yellowjackets
dazed love — natalie scatorccio
— billy the kid
lovefool — billy bonney
nurturing — billy bonney
exes and oh’s — billy bonney
fiery aces — billy bonney
— shameless
i love you — carl gallagher
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leahsgf · 10 months
hey!! i love your writing omg, could you please try write some relationship headcanons for jackie x reader? thanks <3
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dating jackie taylor headcanons
pairings. jackie taylor x reader
finally writing for my favourite character!! to say i got carried away with this is an understatement…i’m apologising now! thank you so much for this request!
for the entirety of her life jackie had been battling with almost two versions of herself, who she truly is and who people perceive her as. it was drilled into her, the need and ‘importance’ to have an uphold a reputation, to be a leader, an example.
but she also has a huge heart and wanted nothing more than to give in to her deepest desires, and unlearn the way of thinking that her parents had pretty much birthed her with.
this would definitely be something that complicated and blurred the lines in her relationships in both platonic and romantic form. she fought off her feelings for you for the longest time, instead allowing herself to settle for any boy that looked in her direction - convinced that it was what was ‘normal’ and that nobody truly loved their boyfriends, they just put up with them. she distanced herself from you massively, which strained your once close bond and had a huge impact on everyone around you, including the dynamic of the team and the way you played.
the tension between the pair of you bubbled up to the point that it was uncomfortable to even be in the proximity of one another, and the team decided to take matters into their own hands, confronting you both and refusing to play until you smoothed out whatever feelings you both were experiencing.
which is what led to the confessions from both sides and the beginning of your relationship.
when you first started dating, jackie was still very much reserved and preferred to keep the fact you were dating private, and only have the team know at first.
(who’s only issue with it was that they now all owed each-other considerable lumps of money after way too many bets)
if you were on the team too, there would literally be a ban on you guys from being within eachother’s eyeline in practices because i mean there’s only so many times you can take a soccer ball to the face and brush it off as anything other than you were too busy staring at jackie to be paying attention to anything else.
jackie would also be incredibly protective over you on the field, in both practice and in games.
if you weren’t on the team, you may as well be. you’ll be sat in the stands for everything, even if it’s just them running over drills. you sit in the same place every time - jackie somehow had an exact seat reserved for you year round, you were almost too scared to ask exactly how - so every time she needed a little hope, or silent reassurance, she’d look your way, and you’d be there.
“my little good luck charm”
one thing about jackie is that she is quite literally the most loving being on the planet. and she will not hesitate to show you it. she loves to be held by you, clinging to you almost like a koala. to hold your hand as you drive together, and playing with your rings as you talk about anything and everything.
jackie loves to take pictures of you, and a lot of them at that. no matter how long you’ve been together, best believe she’ll be pointing her finger at you, insisting you stand still because “you look so pretty” and grinning behind the flash of the camera at any given moment. she’d always been that way, for as long as you’d known her. you guys literally had a physical documentation of practically your entire lives together, from the first day in daycare when you had paint smeared across your face and four year old jackie was half laughing, half trying to eat a crayon on the stool next to you, to each of your date nights when she would stop a passer by and ask them to snap your picture, whilst the pair of you posed, completely and utterly wrapped up in each other’s love.
one day, she would gift you a huge photo album, full to the brim with every single picture you’d ever taken together, and her little annotations of what she was thinking about you in them.
alongside her love for the physical, she loved to do lots of little things to show her love for you like this, whether that be picking up your favourite food whenever you were feeling down, or slipping little notes and doodles through the gaps of your locker for you to read in between classes.
simply being around jackie lifts your mood. she knows exactly how to make you smile and is incredibly sweet and affectionate. she knows you completely inside and out and is your biggest comfort without even realising it.
jackie would say she loves to share your clothes, you would say she loves to steal them. there are endless items of your wardrobe that you’re convinced are gone forever until she walks into the room wearing them randomly. you don’t mind it though, they look cuter on her.
she always buys you more to make up for it.
she also loves to match with you in any way possible, whether it be through matching necklaces, or even just the same sock colour.
she is the one who says ‘i love you’ for the first time. she blushed furiously and actually cried whilst doing so, even more when you said it back, and she still blushes like crazy every time you say it to her.
you heal and bring out a huge part of jackie that she had always repressed without even realising, and are literally ‘her missing piece’ as she calls you. you complete eachother, and balance each other out in ways that are completely indescribable. you also help her see what love is supposed to feel like, and what it has been all along.
over time, you slowly stop hiding your relationship, waiting until she was ready even though everyone could already tell you guys were together.
she’d wait for you after every class, and walk you to each one, her hand in yours.
she’d help you choose outfits for parties, and loved to show you off at any given opportunity.
jackie has your entire future planned out. she always has done, from your college dorm to your future apartment together. she could ramble for days about it and would even make boards if she could.
you wake up with her sprawled out flat on top of you every single morning without fail, no matter what position you fall asleep in. she is also an incredibly light sleeper, specifically when it comes to you touching her. you have to go to the bathroom or get water in the middle of the night so slightly shift her arms off of you? she will absolutely be sat wide awake waiting for you when you return, her eyes somehow even wider and an almost pout across her face.
her favourite thing in the world was to kiss you. to coat your face in her cherry flavoured lipgloss as she planted a trail of kisses from your forehead, down your cheeks to your jaw, leaving a couple on your neck before making her way back up again, pressing one final peck to the tip of your nose before eventually reaching your lips, as if it were a routine. which it was, she did the exact same every single time. one time, you thought it would be funny to turn away from the last kiss for just a second.
she sulked with you for WEEKS. you spent a stupid amount of money on ridiculously extravagant flower bouquets to make up for it.
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mochidolls · 1 month
jackie who dates a skater!reader and gets into alot of incidents :3 kind of want harsh jackie too....>_<
n : firstly i would like to sincerely apologise for how long it took to me to finish this (embarrassing really) and secondly i hope this meets your expectations nonnie! 🤍
click for palestine / how you can help palestine
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jackie was all too familiar with your love for skateboarding but that did not mean she didn’t get pissed off at your injuries when she gave you very clear and concise instructions on not to do something. no doubt she had a lot of love for you but god did you exercise her patience from time to time.
today was no different from your usual afternoons. a simple chill skate session with a couple of your friends. you weren’t trying to do anything serious, that was until peer pressure struck. your beautiful young dumb mind falling victim to the constant cheers from your friends encouraging you to do a trick you had no business trying, because quite frankly it was one you had never done before which meant you were highly likely to either,
one. fall flat on your ass
two. face plant right on the pavement.
and yet jackie warned you about it with her usual arms crossed over her chest and deadpan expression.
“can you not be dumb for once? this is stupid.”
and to which you reply with your usual go to response. “relax babe, i got this.” as if you weren’t going to completely obliterate your ankle in next following seconds (but that might just be an exaggeration who knows?)
you get onto your board, the adrenaline and confidence spurring you to the insane gazelle flip you were tasked with.
it was smooth failing as you began, but as you were to do the flip, by some god given miracle, a rock caught itself by one of your front wheels and down you went, obliterating your ankle in the process.
everyone came to your side, constant “you okay? you good?” flurried in as they saw your pained expression as your clutched onto your ankle.
you were dragged assisted over to a bench to which jackie had been seated on, glaring at you with unamused expression as you silently grimaced in pain hoping to draw to some sort of sympathy from your girlfriend but to no avail, your attempts were fruitless.
“you’re seriously a fucking—“
“dumbass i know, but right now i’m in need my sweet caring girlfriend.” you finished with a huff, grimacing again as you gently placed your hand over your ankle.
shooting the best puppy dog eyes to your girlfriend hoping to melt off some of the ice you’d been met with.
finally, jackie crumbled, rolling her eyes, mumbling incoherent words under her breath, like something alongside the lines of “you’re lucky i love you”
you didn’t pry or ask her to repeat as you knew the icy and harsh side would return in a heartbeat.
she ends up helping treating your ankle, half-assedly placing a kiss on the bandage after you begging her to do so (you’d argue otherwise but the truth would prevail!)
when you two are alone though, she’ll start doting on you and checking up on you constantly, because at the end of the day you matter a lot to her <3 (even if you make dumb decisions)
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scatorcciogf · 3 months
let the light in
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¬ summary: spider!lottie saves you from a criminal. established relationship but reader doesn't know she's spidey yet :) ¬ warnings: cursing, gun mentions (nothing happens), slight violence + injury. gn!reader ¬ word count: 2.5k.... i swear this was supposed to be a drabble
it’s a quiet night tonight. 
well. as quiet as it can get in the city that never sleeps. but you’re not necessarily in the city — you’re on the outskirts, waiting for a bus back home — so it's way calmer. you were visiting a friend, got a little carried away (see: watching three bad horror movies instead of just one), and now you're definitely gonna have to wait a while until you can catch a ride to the city. 
you sigh, sitting down on the bench. you wish you had lottie there to keep you company, but she had to stay behind and study for an upcoming biochem test. you curse her for being such a responsible student and you curse nyu for existing, and then you take out your phone because you should probably shoot her a text.
at the bus stop now :) see u soon, you write. 
you don’t expect her to reply quickly, considering that she usually leaves her phone in the other room when she wants to focus on something. you’re surprised to see her read it immediately, type for a few seconds, then disappear again. you’re about to ask her about it when she calls you instead.
“hard at work, i see.” you say in lieu of a greeting, and you can almost hear her eyes roll.
“i’m taking a break. don’t be a brat.”
“why’d you call?”
“i wanted to hear your voice. i miss you.” 
you chuckle. “it’s been, like, six hours. you’re ridiculous.” 
despite your teasing, you think it’s cute — and she knows that. she knows how easily you melt at her sweet words and soft smiles.
“well, i also wanted to talk with you while you wait. you know, make sure you’re safe. i don’t like the idea of you being out alone so late at night.” she argues.
“and that’s very sweet of you,” you say, smiling. “but there’s literally nobody here. you don’t have to worry about me, you should go study.”
she groans. “but this lesson is so boring. and i’m only revising now, anyway. it’s not that important.”
“fine… but if you get kidnapped, don’t blame me.”
“as if you could do anything about it all the way from our apartment!”
“i would think of something.”
and you open your mouth to tell her to just go already, but your words die in your throat as you feel something hard and cold pressed against your back. the next voice you hear comes from behind you, not from the phone, and it's much deeper and rougher than your girlfriend's. 
“hang up. right now.”
fuck. did you accidentally manifest getting kidnapped? you're frozen in both fear and indecision, bar your shaking hand. was that a gun or a knife? you want to tell lottie to call the police, but you're also afraid of what the man would do to you if you did. what if he kills you anyway? fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“baby?” you hear her confused voice at the same time as he shouts: “i said now!”
you want to tell her you love her before you end the call, fearing that you might never get another chance, but you find yourself too paralyzed to speak. instead, you press the button and drop the phone, hearing it shatter as it hits the ground. you know she knows anyway. 
the man speaks again, and you realize his voice is muffled by what must be a ski mask. “give me all your money. come on.”
you shake your head, eyes welling up. “i don't have anything on me, i swear.” 
“don't make me hurt you. just give me your fucking wallet.” 
“please,” you somehow manage to say as you show him your pockets are empty. “i already told you, i don't have my wallet with me.”
“and i don't believe you. what about your bag?”
you feel your heart rate picking up as he gets more aggressive in both his tone and actions — you're going to have a bruise with how strongly he's pressing his gun to you. if he doesn't actually pull the trigger, that is.
you slowly reach for your bag. you really don't have anything valuable in there, besides headphones and a water bottle. maybe he'll be satisfied with just that if he's particularly thirsty. 
you open it up and shift it vaguely towards where he's standing. “see? no money. please just—”
you're interrupted by a sudden thwip sound behind you. weird sound for a gun to make, you think, before you realize it's not the gun that you heard, but rather what grabbed it. a thin, but seemingly firm, spiderweb-like fluid, swiftly tugging it towards—
spider-woman. holy shit. 
“have you ever considered getting a job? it's this thing where you contribute to society and get paid, instead of mugging innocent people at night.” she says, tossing the gun aside. 
your mind is still racing, but you have the common sense to step away from the guy. it's only when you turn to look at him for the first time that you realize he doesn't need a weapon to be able to hurt you — he's massive. and now, it seems, pretty angry too. 
“not you again,” he growls. “mind your fucking business.”
she jumps down from the tree she was in, elegantly landing a few feet away from you. her gaze doesn't leave him, however. 
“the safety of people who live here is my business.”
he scoffs. “what are you gonna do, then? arrest me?”
“something like that.”
he lunges towards her before she can make the first move, looking ready to strangle her. she's too quick for someone like him, though, and she dodges every punch he tries to throw her way. you assumed she'd immobilize him with the web or something, but then again, what do you know. maybe she's just too busy trying not to get beat up. 
they spar for a minute or two, the guy holding up better than you thought he would. you should probably run away or call the police (scratch that, she just stepped on your phone and you swear you heard a crack! in between all the grunts and hits), but you're so captivated by the whole situation that you can't look away. it's not every day you get to see spider-woman up close. 
she kicks his side and manages to shoot the web into his eyes while he's catching his breath. he winces and swears loudly, stumbling back. he's scratching at it, and you can tell it's very tough to get it off. 
“oh, fuck this!” he exclaims before she can do anything else. 
still functionally blind, he starts running away, slamming against you in the process. he's clearly not impacted by it because he just continues running off, but you are. it was too forceful for you to stay on your feet, and in a flash, you're on the ground, dull pain in your head from hitting the bench. 
“ow…” you mumble, reaching to touch the back of your head. 
you feel blood under your fingers. great. you think about telling spider-woman to call the ambulance before she goes to catch the bad guy, but she's hurrying towards you before you even have to ask. you can't see her face, but you can tell by her voice that she's worried. 
“are you okay?” she asks. “oh, god, is that blood?”
you hum in response, starting to feel a little dizzy. your eyelids suddenly feel heavier, too. 
“no, no, don't pass out. talk to me. what do you feel?” 
you blink a few times, trying to stay awake. “i don't know… i feel dizzy. and in shock. and it hurts.”
she sighs. “i know, but you can't fall asleep, okay? please. you'll be okay, i just have to get you to a hospital.”
“aren't you going to run after him?”
“that guy? no, i'll just find him later,” she turns to look at your bag. “do you have any tissues or something? we should apply pressure to— you know.”
“no,” you shake your head. “it's fine, i'll just…”
you try to get up, but you soon realize you didn't just hurt your head. you feel sharp pain in your ankle, too. you're not entirely sure you could stand up if you tried. 
spider-woman notices, and she seems even more concerned. “it's not fine. i'll carry you.”
“you can't exactly swing around if your hands are occupied.”
“then i'll walk,” she retorts, inching closer so she can look at your head. “are you sure you don't have anything we can use for that?”
she looks back into your eyes. “you're bleeding a lot.”
she's still for a few seconds. you wonder if she's finally considering the logistical nightmare that would be carrying you to a hospital. you wonder if she's just going to give up leave you there, bleeding and unable to move. 
then, she takes a deep breath and removes her mask, pressing it firmly to your wound, and you wonder if you've gone insane, because the eyes you make contact with are lottie's, and there's no way that isn't a hallucination, right? 
you don't get the privilege of processing this information, though, because the pressure is painful and makes you feel lightheaded again, and soon enough, you pass out. 
— 🕷 —
your eyes sting when you finally open them. it's too bright in the room, both because of the sunlight and because of how… white and clean everything is. 
so she did get you to a hospital. 
you sit up, beginning to register the dull pain that's still present in the back of your head. you look around, and there she is — curled up on a chair beside your bed, blissfully asleep. you smile at how cute she looks, but then you remember last night, and your smile is replaced by a tight feeling in your chest. 
she can't actually be spider-woman… right? 
you clear your throat, not really willing to wait to find out. you hope the conversation you're about to have will be less confusing than the thoughts floating around in your head. 
“lottie?” you call out. 
her eyes immediately snap open, then widen when she realizes you're up. she shifts in the chair, clearly nervous. 
“oh my god, you're awake. how are you feeling?”
“i'm fine.” you pause. “how are you feeling?”
she seems to stiffen. she just looks at you, as if she's trying to think of what to say. 
“you know, since that guy got in quite a few punches.” you add. 
she sighs, looking away. “i thought you were already passed out when i… when i took off the mask. your eyes were already closing.”
it's a confirmation, and you're almost surprised that she didn't try to act confused or change the subject. but it's lottie, and she's never been good at lying to you. 
(despite the fact that she hid her superhero identity from you for the whole duration of your relationship. although, in hindsight, there were a couple of times where it was your own fault you didn't connect the dots.) 
you shake your head. “no, i saw you.”
you can’t really read her; the look on her face — is it shame or relief? maybe it’d be easier to tell if she just looked at you, or said something. anything but the uncomfortable silence filling the room right now.
“i’m also fine,” she says after a few moments, “knuckles were a little bruised but i heal pretty quickly.”
you nod, relieved to hear that, ignoring how surreal everything about this is. you’re not sure which is harder to process — the fact that you had a gun to your back or the fact that the person who saved you from getting shot was spider-woman, who is actually your girlfriend. your chest feels heavy again. she finally looks at you, and you open your mouth to ask her something, but you both speak at the same time. 
“how did—”
“i’m sorry for—”
“you can go first.” you say, offering a small smile.
“i’m sorry i never told you. i wanted to, but it’s just… difficult to get the words out. i didn’t want you to worry, either, that’s the main reason. you already have enough on your plate.” a beat. “but now that you know… it’s fine if you want to break up. i lied to you, and i know it’d be stressful knowing this, so.”
your eyes widen. “what? lottie, i’m not gonna break up with you.”
and, well, you’re pretty sure the look on her face is relief now. 
“no?” she asks quietly, and your heart breaks a little as you realize she fully believed what she said.
“no, of course not. oh my god. come here.”
you shift a little to the side so she can sit next to you, and she does, albeit a little hesitantly. you pull her closer, enjoying the warmth as her body presses into yours. you slide an arm around her waist and pull her in for a gentle kiss, before putting your head on her shoulder.
“are you sure you’re not mad?” she asks.
“i guess i’m more in shock than anything else.”
she tenses a little. “i can’t believe this happened to you. i’m so sorry, i should have stopped him, i…”
“lottie.” you look up at her. “you did what you could. which, speaking of, how did you get there so quickly?”
she grins. “i have my ways.”
you roll your eyes, then close them again, burying your face in her shoulder. a few moments pass where you’re just holding each other in silence, and if you hadn’t just woken up from a coma, you would fall asleep on the spot. as it is, though, you just sit there, breathing in her perfume. 
“does anyone else know?” you ask after a while.
“not really, no. i didn’t want anyone to get wrapped up in this.”
“really? i figured you’d have laura lee as your sidekick or something. you know, have her pray for you every time you go out to do your thing.”
she laughs. “i didn’t think of that. it’s not an entirely bad idea.”
you weakly slap her on the arm. “hey, no. i’m helping you now. i won’t tolerate competition.”
“helping me? you don’t plan on getting a costume of your own, do you?”
“mmm, i was thinking more along the lines of patching you up when you get home. i like seeing you shirtless.”
she grins and pulls you in for another kiss, a little less gentle this time. she slides her arms down to your waist and you let her press your bodies together as tightly as physics allow, melting into her. you still have a lot of questions — both about the life she’s been leading behind your back and the life you two are going to have from now on — but they can wait. for now, you’re content with just getting to kiss her senseless until a nurse comes for a check up.
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braidlottie · 5 months
more lottieshauna thoughts bc i can’t Stop
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nsfw below the cut :3
* serenading them with a guitar (or whatever instrument you play!)
* if you sleep with a stuffed animal, they would get sooo jealous over it :(( shauna waking up to use the bathroom and she sees you curled up beside lottie with it and she just scowls
* yapping for 30 minutes about your new hyperfixes to them
* them calling you because they miss you even when you’re at the grocery store
* packing in the shower together like sardines (they love to wash your hair :3)
* you and shauna visit lottie’s compound and you make such good friends with bruce :(( you’re sad when you have to leave him but lottie makes sure you don’t go too long without seeing him again :(
* having a nightmare and they’re so quick to hold you and calm you down, letting you have some water and some kisses 🙁🙁
* a mommy!lottieshauna one,,, trying to use siri to call your actual mom but siri says “calling mommy” and calls lottie/shauna instead 😭😭
* taking you to the arcade and watching you in awe as you score so many tickets
nsfw Time,, ! >_<
* shauna and lottie making you masturbate in front of them because they are literally fiends for how shy you get when you make eye contact
* shauna teaching you how to dom lottie oughygih,,,,
* using their mommy kink against you and they tease you sooo bad :(((
* soft!mommy!lottie + mean!mommy!shauna = :3
* eeeee shauna loves seeing you cry, and you know it so you exaggerate your sobs and moans for her >_<
* slowly undressing you, their hands delicately touching your body making you arch your back for more but they pull away immediately.. 😵‍💫😵‍💫
* saying things like “you gonna cum for your mommies?” AIFITUEBSL
* going into a sex toy store with them and coming out a flustered mess because of how loud they were pointing out different toys in front of the workers 🤭
* teasing you while you sit on lottie’s/shauna’s lap playing video games $:$;?3&3& and you’re whining and squirming against her touch, but she stops whenever you pause the game :((
* “please, mommy.” “shhh. be good for mommy and play your game, honey. mommy’s gotta play too, y’know.”
* okay im dhgueksvwkvm
tag list: @antlerbf @deerlottie @theyellowjacketschewtoy @girltwinklater still editing this!!!
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