#yep here's the big list lol
deegeemin · 9 months
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I'd love to talk about some neato things I got to draw in the comic! Spoiler warning for some contents below! If you haven't read anything yet, come back after reading the comic!
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Let's start off with the cover thumbnails! I was more inclined to do A since it wouldn't spoil the big surprise Orbot and Cubot had in store! Otherwise I probably would've gone with B or D! It has that bombastic party sort of feel that I think would've been super fitting!
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Here, Eggman is temporarily staying at one of his many bases throughout the world after the collapse of his Eggperial city! This base is inspired by Industria from Future Boy Conan and a bit of Eggmanland!
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He also sure loves his chicken and fries!
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A little beachside balcony in Green hill! I felt like we generally don't get structures there as much so I thought it'd be a nice addition!
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The design on the floor is the stage from the JP Sonic X intro! It gets covered up by snow after but still neat to include!
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Look at this magnificent cast of characters! I wanted to use the poses that each pair had when they were first seen together! I'd considered giving Big his winning animation pose from SA1 but alas no space haha!
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Cubot's taped on eye brow gag was one I suggested and it's a reference to the same gag from FLCL!
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Lil sonic team logo Iasmin asked for! Sonic sure knows to appreciate himself! Good on him.
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And here's a sonic 3 wreath and the SA2 lock on reticle from the mechs!
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Amy and cream's spread of delicious looking food beautifully rendered by the coloring god Reggie! I wanted to include all their items from the Official Sonic the Hedgehog Cookbook! So if you want to make them yourself, YOU CAN! (except for uhh the experiment on another panel. you guys can figure out what's in that yourselves haha)
Also made sure to list all the pages you can find the recipes!
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This is one of my fav gags that Iasmin wrote in!! Can you all guess what this is meant to vaguely resemble?
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Quick round of character refs from Eggman's screen going in order from left to right! [Conductor's wife and Conductor, Barry and Gadget, Early Conductor design, Early Barry design (his outside eye markings are white tho), My uh Sonicsona lol]
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Mecha Sonic mark 3? Yep Iasmin wanted him to be there and so there he shall be!! Hopefully we get to see him again!
I remember seeing the story Iasmin made and it really felt like it could be something you'd see in a sonic anime episode if it were made nowadays. I drew the comic with some influence from Sonic X because of that. I think the most telling detail fans might notice is the constant 3 spines for Sonic.
but YEAH another absolutely wonderful comic I got to work on! See ya'll on another issue!
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nikibogwater · 4 months
Everybody sit down and strap in, 'cause I have a doozy of a tale to share.
I've had anxiety for literally as long as I can remember. I've had periods of my life where it was so intense it became legitimately life-threatening (don't worry I promise this is going somewhere funny). And this was really bizarre because I have zero childhood trauma. Like, my family life is so idyllic it's almost comical. Therapists would do abuse screenings on me and look utterly baffled when I told them everything was fine at home. They'd interrogate my parents just to make sure I wasn't lying. I have one friend who I'm fairly sure believed I was just severely gaslighting myself when I said my family was great, school wasn't too stressful, and I've never lived in a dangerous neighborhood or experienced poverty.
Anyways, despite no one being able to figure out where my disorder was coming from, my doctors were able to help me manage the symptoms so that I would like, not die, and actually be able to finish high school. Which was awesome. Now fast forward to late 2021. My big sister (who has also had intense anxiety her whole life which no one could figure out why) is finishing up her doctorate and getting her physical therapist's license. Somehow, during all her studying and schooling, she finds out about this thing called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which explains literally everything that was going on with us. EDS is a connective tissue disorder that kinda fudges up your body in a whole bunch of little ways, including dysautonomia (episodes of very fast heart-rate that kick your body into fight-or-flight mode), and hypermobility (unusual flexibility). It's a spectrum disorder, so the severity of symptoms vary from person to person, but we definitely checked almost every box on the diagnostic list. My sister went to see a specialist, and yep, she was diagnosed EDS positive. She immediately calls my mom and goes "I know what's wrong with Niki" (thanks, sis, that's real encouraging lol). Initially we're like "okay Katie, that's nice" because honestly this kind of sounds like jumping at shadows, but I go in to see the specialist anyways just to make sure.
One consultation and diagnosis later, and suddenly my entire life makes perfect sense.
Now we get to the funny part. See, the diagnosis stuff happened in early 2022. So by the time late 2023 comes around and we're looking for a new dog (I promise this is relevant), we've been riding that chronic illness diagnosis for a while. Once again, my sister, ever the proactive one, decides she's going to help us get a new dog. She scours the adoption website, sends us photos of the cutest dogs available, and helps us make a decision. This is how we got Beverly, who has been an unstoppable force of chaos in our lives ever since we signed the papers (but she's also really cute so she can get away with it). Now on top of being a very excitable and anxious pupper, Beverly's got a weird little gimp in her hindquarters, which makes her sit all splayed-out and funny-looking, and while it doesn't seem to be causing her pain, we take her to a vet to get it checked out. Vet finds absolutely nothing. X-rays are taken and examined. Still nothing. At this point, they go "well, we could try a CT scan of her brain, which would run about $5,000, and maybe we could find something--" but my parents are already packing this dog into the car like "well that is a HARD nope." So we decide, look, Beverly seems happy and healthy, and those gimpy legs don't seem to bother her, so we'll just leave it be until it becomes clearer what's wrong with her because we do NOT have a cool $5,000 to throw around here.
Readers more astute than my family and I will likely have already figured out where this is going.
This morning, my mom is looking at Beverly sitting in her funny sprawled-out way, and something in her brain goes "wait...weird physical symptoms with no tracible cause that vets can see..." She does a bit of googling. Can dogs have EDS/Hypermobility? Yes. Yes they can. And the listed symptoms describe Beverly to a T.
So not only is my sister the one to finally figure out what's wrong with me, she also unknowingly got us a dog who has the exact same chronic condition as us. Meanwhile my poor dad, who is the only Normal Person in our house, is coming to terms with the fact that he is apparently just fated to always love chronically ill people and animals, and there's absolutely nothing he can do about it.
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hamiltonaf · 1 year
bestfriends to lovers lewis?🥹
Wingman | Lewis Hamilton
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x BF ! Female Reader
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Slow burn
A/N: Hello loves ! Sorry for the delay, I believe I re-wrote this like 5 times because I had so many different scenarios in mind. I was so overwhelmed and finally settled on this. Nonetheless, I hope you babes enjoy. Requests are still open .xx
(Y/N/N) - Your Nickname
Nothing is harder than trying to hide your true feelings from your best friend. Well, theirs nothing to really hide considering how our relationship is, definitely not the same as my other guy friends. I’m fully convinced that everyone cracked that I have feelings for Lewis, except Lewis himself. Whoever said that guys and girls can be friends…they LIED.
Our friendship started about 2 years ago when Miles had introduced Lewis and I at Coachella. Miles and I go back a long way through our parents, we’ve been close ever since but just friends, nothing more. Miles knew about my love for F1 from early days and especially being a big fan of Lewis, he made sure that we’d meet some day since that’s his best friend after all.
I distinctly remember what felt like yesterday, we had the best weekend at Coachella and I was quite surprised how quickly Lewis and I grew on each other. Unfortunately, I rarely saw him since I had studying and work to do at the time, however that didn’t stop us from texting and video calling almost every day. That all changed earlier this year when I was done studying and I had a remote job so I had a lot more free time on my hands. I actually shared the news with Lewis first when I got my new job, he was so thrilled that he insisted that I now have no excuse not to attend more races.
What started off as friendly banter turned into flirting and teasing from time to time, if a total stranger saw us together they’d assume we’re a couple. Lol I wish. I have no clue what I’m doing wrong for him not to take a hint, unless he’s not interested in being in a relationship or worse case scenario… he has his eyes on someone else, but surely he’d tell me right ? I mean we’re best friends… or are we ?
That brings us to the present moment. It’s the Monaco GP weekend and you can imagine that almost every A list celebrity is here. Besides my love for F1, I’m a football fan as well - you can only imagine what would happen to my heart if I spot footballers in the paddock. Friday and Saturday are always quiet of course until Sunday strikes and the paddock is packed.
I was staying over at Lewis’ place for the weekend - no joke when I say we had a full on argument about me staying at a hotel when I can literally walk to the paddock since Monaco is so small. Of course he won the argument. Get my point when I say that people would think we’re a couple ?
It’s race morning, Lewis and I were getting ready not knowing what was going to occur the minute we’re about to leave. “(Y/N/N) are you ready ?” He called from the lounge. “Yep ! Just give me a sec” I yelled as I grabbed my phone and bag. I stopped in my track the second I saw that we were both wearing purple. “Are you kidding me ?” I said to myself. “You stole my look” he accused. “Excuse me ? I literally didn’t see what you’re wearing until now” I said defensively. “I’m just playing. You look beautiful and it’s cute that we besties are matching” he smiled. “Aww thanks Lew, but I have to change because everyone is going to think that we planned this” I said as I rushed back into the room to search for something else.
“Just forget about it, I’m changing as soon as I get to the garage in my team shirt and besides that we’re running late” he said as he grabbed me by my hand and pulled me along with him out the door to the elevator. “But Lew” I whined. He cupped my cheeks as he said, “Stop worrying about other people, focus on the positive..you got me and I’ll always have your back no matter what.” He gave me a quick wink and dropped his hands when we reached the ground floor. Not gonna lie that I had literal butterflies for those few seconds.
We drove to the paddock which didn’t take that long. I don’t know why I suddenly felt nervous, my hands started to feel clammy and I could already feel my body temperature rise. “Soo..you go ahead, I’ll meet you at the garage as per usual” I said as i stepped out of the car. “I was thinking we just go together” he smiled as he held his hand out for assistance out of the car. “Uhm are you sure ? People can be quick to assume things and start rumours..” Why can’t I shut up ?
“So what ? I don’t care, as long as you’re by my side” he shrugged. Aww. “Someone is being particularly nice today” I raised a brow at him as we walked towards the paddock entrance. “Pft..I’m always nice” he laughed. “On a normal day you test my patience to the limit with your banter, looks like someone is in a good mood. Don’t worry I won’t spoil it, I’ll make the most out of it” I smirked. As soon as we entered the paddock, we’re flocked by photographers and some fans taking pictures. In the moment I was so overwhelmed, luckily I had my sunglasses on the entire time so I actually ended up walking ahead of Lewis just to get to the garage faster.
I greeted a few mechanics, as well as Bono and Toto. We were lost in conversation that I actually forgot about Lewis coming back. Our conversation came to an end when all of our heads turned to Lewis greeting Neymar and Kylian. Oh my god. I was fangirling internally.
“No frikken way” I lowly said to myself. I started day dreaming and didn’t even realise that Lewis was next to me until he shut my mouth closed. “You’ll catch fly’s love” he half laughed. “Oh my god I can’t believe Neymar and Kylian are here !” I squealed. “You’re into football ?” He furrowed his brows. “Don’t pretend like you didn’t know - you weren’t the only athlete I kept tabs on” I lightly hit his chest. “That hurt my heart” he pouted. “Mine too considering you didn’t introduce me” I scoffed.
“No biggie, we’re meeting them later tonight” he said casually. “Say what now ? You’re lying” I rolled my eyes. Ain’t no way. “I swear” he said in all seriousness as he held out his pinky. “I’ll take your word for it” I linked my pinky with his. “In that case, do you think you could be my wingman ? I wanna know what the hype is about being a football wag” I teasingly suggested. “Uhhh..no” he straightforwardly said. “And why not ?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Because then I’ll have no best friend” he lied as he walked ahead. “Don’t worry, if you be my wingman then I’ll be your wingwoman. I’ll find you a new best friend or better yet, a girlfriend !” I enthusiastically suggested.
“I don’t trust your taste” he said as he entered his drivers room. “Okay then let’s forget about me being your wingwoman. Put in a good word for me” I winked as I took a seat on the couch. “Yeah sure” he sarcastically said as he shook his head.
The day went by so quickly after that, before we knew it the anthem was over and Lewis was already heading out to line up on the grid. Just before he could leave he was talking to Toto for a while, then finally turned to me. “As per usual, I hope you have a safe race. Best of luck bestie” I said first. “And as always..thank you for your support. I really appreciate you coming to races (Y/N/N)” he smiled before pulling me in for a hug. “You could thank me by being my wingman” I played along. “Not this again” he said annoyed as he broke away from our hug. “Don’t let it distract you from racing” I joked. He rolled his eyes at me with a serious look before breaking into a smile, “Bye (Y/N/N) !” He trailed.
The race went by so quickly, pun intended. Lewis finished at P4, we’ll take it as a win considering the performance of the car this year.
Didn’t see much of Lewis after the race since he had media duties. Once he was done, we spoke about the race in general on our way back to his place. “Soo what are our plans for the evening ?” I asked as I laid on the couch. “Are you forgetting the part when I told you earlier that we’re meeting Kylian and Neymar ?” He raised a brow. Realisation hit me in the face. “Oh my god I need to find something good to wear” I squealed as I rushed over to my bag.
“It’s in a nightclub, they’re not going to see you” he laughed. “They will when you play wingman and I’m leaving with one of them. Mainly Kylian, Neymar is off limits because he has a girlfriend” I said as I continued searching through my bag. “How are you so sure about leaving with Kylian” he laughed. “Well obviously that will happen after you put in a good word for me about my love for football” I said in an obvious tone. “Hmm okay” he said with a smirk.
As Lewis got ready, I decided to do the same, I had a shower and sat in my robe as I did my makeup, and hair. Once I was done, I slipped into my dress and heels. “(Y/N/N) you ready ?” He called for me. “I’m just putting on my heels” I said whilst holding onto the bathroom counter top for support. “Wow” I heard him say from behind me. “You look- wow.. gorgeous” he said softly. “Aww really ? Thank you Lew” I pouted as I looked at him through the mirror. “Your rizz is literally showing through your outfit” I said as I turned around to face him. “I guess I should take that as a compliment ?” He asked with furrowed brows. “Of course it’s a compliment, I basically said you look so fine that you could pull anyone you wanted tonight” I admitted. I mentally slapped myself for telling him he looked fine out loud.
“If I heard correctly, almost sounded like you were hitting on me ?” He raised a brow. “In your dreams babe, let’s go” I said as I tapped his chest and walked past him.
When we arrived at the club, Lewis handed the keys over to the valet, that’s when we spotted Daniel or otherwise known as Spinz. We greeted each other as we all walked over to the doors of the club. “I won’t remind you again what the plans are for tonight” I mentioned to Lewis. “Don’t worry, I didn’t forget” he said with a grin. He’s acting sus.
As soon as we entered the club, we were escorted to the VIP area and that’s when I spotted Neymar, and Kylian. Oh my word.. unreal. Both of them spotted Lewis and walked over to us to greet him. I stood behind Lewis with Daniel, eagerly waiting to hear what Lewis has to say.
Lewis shook their hands and made some small talk before moving aside to pull me forward by my waist. It’s hard to hear over the loud music, but i oddly enough heard clearly every word Lewis said. “Boys, this is (Y/N), my girlfriend” he smiled. Sir, I beg your pardon. Girlfriend ? I knew he was acting sus. “Hey ! So nice to meet you both, I’m a big fan” I yelled over the music as I hugged them both.
“Great to meet you too. Lewis is a lucky guy” Kylian smiled. “Aha well, I’m a lucky girl” I joked. All of the build up to annoy him just died down. I really pictured having a full on conversation with both Kylian and Neymar but that also went out the window when I started to get frustrated yelling over the music.. I was actually starting to lose my voice. Besides that, I was itching to leave this place so I can have a talk with Lewis. Quite a relief that Daniel was with us so i had someone else to talk to in the mean time.
After about a whole hour, I started to get a headache and just felt the need to leave. I was seated in the VIP area with Daniel whilst Lewis was catching up with Kylian and Neymar not so far away. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder, “I wanna leave” I yelled. “What ?” He asked as he leaned in closer. “Can we please go ?” I yelled once again. He nodded his head in reply. He briefly greeted them goodbye as I I did the same.
We walked in silence to the car until the car doors slammed. “Uhm care to enlighten me on what happened back there, boyfriend ?” I emphasised his new title as he then sped off. He stifled a laugh, “Well I got a bit- cough”. “What was that ?” I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. “Can we just talk about this when we get back home ?” He asked as he looked over to me for a second. I didn’t answer back, just looked out the window. When we got back to his place, I jumped out the car and walked ahead of him to the elevator. “Can you stop giving me the silent treatment ?” He said as he stood across me.
I remained silent until we were in his apartment. I sat on the couch and crossed my legs over, “Was that really necessary ?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Well I thought it would be funny” he smiled. I took a deep breath, “I- do you want me to be single and lonely for the rest of my life ?” I faked a smile. “Oh my days (Y/N)…can you not take a hint ?” He said annoyed. I stood up from where I was seated, “I assumed you were just trying to annoy me like you always do and tonight you did exactly that, but worse.” I walked past him as he then caught a hold of my wrist. He pulled me back and twirled me to face him.
“(Y/N), if it isn’t obvious enough..I love you.” I was left speechless. “I’ve fallen for you since we first met at Coachella. You caught my eye and I knew then that I always wanted you by my side. You made my day when you shared the news with me that you were finally able to come to more races, I thought it’s now or never. I thought I was pretty obvious about how I felt about you, even Miles knows this” he softly smiled. “That idiot knew all this time and didn’t tell me even after I told him how I felt about you. Anyway, never mind him. Why didn’t you say anything earlier after I told you to be my wingman for tonight ?” I furrowed my brows.
“Because I wanted to wipe that smirk off your face” he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer against his chest. “To me it just sounds like you were jealous” I pursed my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I wasn’t jealous” he scoffed. “So then why did you call me your girlfriend ?” I raised a brow. “Okay fine, you win that, but… will you be mine ?” He asked nervously. “I thought you’d never ask” I said as I closed the gap between us, placing my lips on his.
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knickynoo · 5 months
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s02ep013 "Verne Hatches an Egg"
✨Last episode of the series!✨
Previous episodes linked here.
In this episode: Verne gains a cute little buddy, creepy Mr. Wisdom returns, and a jarring final moment with Real Doc
Well, friends, we've reached the end of our journey into the world of the animated series. It was almost exactly one year ago today that I posted my review of the first episode, and it's been a super fun project to work on. I'm kind of sad to be done with it.
Let's see what this last episode has in store for us, shall we?
We start in the lab, where Doc is making adjustments to his latest invention, the "ELB Pediatric Policer."
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It's basically a lie detector designed to be worn by children, lol. When a child does something they know is wrong, or if they lie about something, it flashes with lights and blares a siren. He plans to present it at the Annual Convention of the Home Inventors of Mad Geniuses.
Gonna be real with you, Doc—not sure how I feel about this invention. Sounds like a good way to raise very anxious, paranoid children.
Anyway, this reminds Doc of something that happened to Verne when he was doing show and tell one day.
The cartoon begins with someone attempting the steal the DeLorean. They're shrouded in shadows, but it's pretty clear that it's Verne. He's got a pretty high track record for DeLorean thievery. Doc's security system catches him, though, locking him into the car, setting off an alarm, and taking a picture, which is sent directly to Doc's room.
Quick little sidenote, but I don't think I've mentioned that Doc regularly calls Clara "Clarabelle" over the course of the series. When he's woken up by the alarm system, it's the name he uses to call to her, and I was like, "huh. why have I never written about this in my posts?" I looked it up, and Clarabelle (the spelling according to the subtitles on the DVD) is a variant of the more official spelling, which is Claribel. It means "bright and beautiful" but seems to be a pretty obscure name, as it's only listed at .009% usage at the height of its popularity in 1893.
So, I'm left wondering: Is the animated series implying that it's perhaps her "real" name, with Clara being her nickname? Or is this just an affectionate nickname Doc uses for Clara? And if it's a nickname, is it something Doc simply thought had a nice ring to it, or is it because he's secretly a big fan of the Disney character Clarabelle Cow??
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That's Clarabelle with her boyfriend Horace Horsecollar, btw. If you even care.
Verne tells Doc that he was only taking the DeLorean so he could go looking for something cool to bring to show and tell. Doc decides to help him out by letting him borrow an arrowhead he has. Verne is psyched, but before he can even reach the school building, Biff Jr. intercepts him and demands his lunch money. He steals the arrowhead from Verne.
Verne's teacher isn't happy that he had nothing to show or tell about, and she tells him that if he doesn't bring in something the next day, she's going to make him play Prince Charming in the upcoming school play. Which is a really weird threat if you ask me!! How does one force a child into a lead role of a play he doesn't want to be in just because he didn't have show and tell? What kind of school is this?
Verne is horrified by this news on account of he'd have to kiss some girl named Beatrice. He says he'd rather be, "dead like a dinosaur" which gives him a sudden idea. I sense a bad decision coming! And I bet Marty is going to be in on it because he always enables Varne in these types of shenanigans.
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Yep. I knew it.
The boys take a quick trip to prehistoric times, where Verne swipes a dino egg for show and tell.
Shortly after arriving home, the egg hatches, and Verne finds himself caretaker to the world's cutest dinosaur.
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Look at that guy. (Verne faints when he sees it)
Within the hour, the dinosaur has already grown significantly, and it escapes outside to the yard, where Verne begs Jules to help in hiding him. Just then, they hear Doc approaching and quickly work to form a ridiculous story in which the dino is their friend who painted himself green because they're playing a game involving aliens.
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They're able to get away with it on account of Einstein is so afraid of the dinosaur that he launches himself at Doc's face and refuses to move.
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Doc decides to take Einie to the vet, leaving his sons and their "friend" to continue their game. Jules insists Verne return the dino, but Verne wants to keep him as a pet. He names him Tiny.
It doesn't take long for Tiny to go missing in town. He ends up at the Tannen home, where Biff Jr. is watching Mr. Wisdom (who you may remember from an episode earlier in the season). If you don't, you just need to know that Mr. Wisdom is an evil children's TV show host who also happens to be one of Doc's old college roommates.
Mr. Wisdom announces that he's offering $50,000 to any viewer who can capture and send in an alien, bigfoot, or dinosaur. Very unfortunate timing, huh? Biff captures Tiny and sends him into the Mr. Wisdom show. After airing a special episode featuring Tiny, Mr. Wisdom plans to kill him and sell pieces of him to research labs for money.
Thankfully, Verne comes clean to his parents, and they work together to form a plan and sneak onto the set to free Tiny.
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When Mr. Wisdom starts his show and reveals the "dinosaur," it's really just Marty and Jules on stilts.
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Jules looks just like the monkey in that one meme.
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The family gets home and prepares to bring Tiny back where he belongs. Before he goes, he spits out a baby tooth, which Verne is excited to be able to take to show and tell.
With that story wrapped up, we go back to Real Doc, who teaches us a little about eggs using a raw one. While he's talking, he takes out the lunch he'd packed, of which one of the items is a hard-boiled egg. Can you guess what happens? Yeah, he mixes up the two eggs. After some time to think about it, he feels pretty confident that he's figured out which one is the hard-boiled one and. And he just BITES into the egg, shell and all, like an absolute lunatic. And he's wrong about it being the hard-boiled one.
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Who does this? Who on EARTH eats a hard-boiled egg in this manner? Are you telling me that Doc regularly leaves the shells on his eggs and bites into them like an apple?? He eats the shells? Is that what I'm supposed to take away from this??
We're ending the animated series with the revelation that this is how our beloved scientist finds it acceptable to eat a hard-boiled egg?? What am I supposed to do with this now? How will I make peace with this information?
Join me next time for nothing. The animated series is over, folks. Doctor Emmett Brown eats eggshells.
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pendragon-writes · 2 years
𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓅𝓅𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓈𝓀𝒾𝑒𝓈
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Batman x Teen!Son!Reader
Requested: Yes
Note: I decided to go with just the two of them doing 'normal' family stuff (Let's be honest tho anyone related or is a part of his family doesn't have normal lol) This turned into more of the whole family than just Batman but I hope you like it anon.
"Hey Bruce do you have the list?" you asked him as you pushed the cart. Today was Alfred's day off and as a result, someone had to go shopping with him since the others would've caused chaos Bruce entrusted you to help him out. "Yep," he responded, pulling his cap more down.
As much as you enjoyed non-vigilante tasks you hated the fact that you had to hide your faces just so that paparazzi wouldn't charge at you in any public spaces or the fact even though you were a teen people felt the right to try and harass you even more than they did with your older siblings.
“Great, what do we have first on the list?” Once he told you the list the both of you continued shopping for stuff, and while everything was going smoothly something just had to ruin it.
“Oh my god is that who I think it is?” A civilian said pointing with her daughter at the both of you, this caused you to freeze up for a second before continuing what you were doing. Bruce noticed this but didn’t comment anything since he didn’t want to bring any more attention to the both of you. Before the lady could try to walk up to the both of you Bruce quickly moved you both in another direction resulting in her losing you both.
Once you finished both the shopping and putting the groceries in the car you sat in the shotgun, just as you were about to put some music on your headphones he stopped you. "How about you play some of those songs you like on here?" He asked. "Um, sure. Do you have anything in mind?" "Not at all, just whatever you want" he replied. You hummed in response and started playing I'll never smile again, this seemed to be of his liking because he nodded in approval and continued driving.
"Hey, Bruce?" "Yeah?" "Can we go to batburger?" "Sure, make sure to call the others and see what they want and let Alfred know as well". You grinned at this and texted the group chat.
[This Chaotic Family]
Me: Hey what do you guys want? Me and B-man are at BatBurger
Get me the Cheesy Bat Combo with a coke! :D :Blue-Bird
In that case, I'll just get my regular :Bucket Head
1 Sweet tea and a Bat Pounder thanks (N/n)! :Computer Legend
I don't mind whatever you get for me will do just fine Master (Y/N)
:Alfred The Wise
Whatever is good as long as it's vegan. :Lil Robin
A coffee and Big bat with fries :Wanna-be Detective
Me: Tim unless you've forgotten you've been banned from coffee for this week...
Fine no coffee just get me a sprite then :Wanna-be Detective
Me: Got it
Dr. Pepper and Bat Burger plz :Cass
Get me a Bat-LT with curly fries :D Oh and Duke wants the same!
:Purple Lady
As you both finished ordering and dropping off the food you both got ready to go on patrol together, as you put on your mask you turned to Bruce who finished putting on his cowl. He nodded towards the Bat-mobile and you entered the passenger seat.
You jumped from building to building using your grappling hook to get to the farther ones, Bruce was nearby but was doing his own patrol just like you. You finally landed next to him and waited for Oracle or someone to let one of you know of anything going down. While you'd normally get a bunch of people and places you needed to help it seemed tonight was less busy, and that was true for most of the patrol before you heard Batman himself talking to someone. You turned to him, leaned on the wall, and waited. After a little while, he responded. "On my way. Let's go"
"You needed me, Gordon?" Batman asked. Gordon hadn't seen you yet and you wanted to see just how long it'd take. "Ah yes, thank you, Batman. We have a case that neither my detectives nor me myself can solve." He showed him a file that read as classified. "Arnold Wesker? what does he want?" You asked from behind. "AH! Oh, it's you, hey kid" Gordon responded. "And yeah it's him, says he wanted to speak to Batman himself, no idea why but he won't tell us". You sighed at this, as nice of a guy as he was his puppet was extremely annoying to deal with, even if they've been separated again they somehow always manage to get back together.
While Batman was talking with Wesker you waited outside of the room and started tossing a coin left to right, the loud clinking noise caught some of the guards' attention. At first, they didn't say anything but after a while, one of them asked to try it and you tossed them it. Most of the guards failed but it seemed to brighten up their day slightly getting to try something new out. When the Bat himself returned he saw one of the guards attempt to pass the coin to the other side and fail miserably. When the guard noticed they slowly went to pick it up and apologized quietly.
Once that whole ordeal was done and the patrol was over you both got back to the manor and started getting ready for movie night. A common tradition in the manor and a welcomed one after Alfred suggested it as a way for all of you to spend quality time.
"So what are we watching?" Damian asked as he petted Alfred, the cat. "I don't know isn't it Dicks turn to pick?" You responded, sitting next to Cass and passing her the popcorn, to which she smiled in gratitude. "Today, my children we are watching Master Chief!" Dick answered in a mock British accent. "Dude your accent sucks!" Jason laughed. Laughter and giggles filled the room with even Bruce himself laughing a bit at the accent.
After a few episodes all of them were fast asleep, some on top of the others and others laying on their back, you laying your head on Bruce's shoulder. Alfred walked into the sight and smiled. He saw all of you as one of his own and seeing all of you relaxed and getting some rest brought him some joy. He covered each of you in blankets and took a picture of you all together.
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cadybear420 · 6 months
Performance for fluffember🤍
The Voice of an Angel
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Fandom: High School Story (Original Trilogy)
Pairings: Aiden Zhou x Evie Ayana (female HSS MC), maybe with a small side of Ajay Bhandari x Cher Lee (female HSS:CA MC)
Characters: Aiden Zhou, Evie Ayana (female HSS MC)
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Additional Tags: Fluff, Singing, Performance, Dancing
Word Count: 2,128
Summary: On Evie’s 18th birthday, Aiden and the jazz band whip up a little surprise for her. Takes place approximately between HSS:CA 2 and HSS:CA 3 (though my memory of the HSS:CA timeline is a little more fuzzy).
A/N: First of all: to the anon who sent the prompt, major apologies for sleeping on it for so long. Coming up with writing ideas is a bitch, but it is something I want to do more often. And there was also that one time when Tumblr turned off editing for answers to asks, which carried over to the draft post for this for a while. Second of all, I’m fucking obsessed with this song from Doctor Who (“My Angel Put the Devil in Me”, from the Series 3 soundtrack) and I think Evie and Aiden would be as well. Third of all, yes this is a belated birthday fic for Evie, but I’m glad to get it out before the end of Evie’s birthday month at least. Also haha both Evie’s birthday this year and in the setting of the fic were on a Friday. Fourth of all, arghrghrargh my first time writing a fic where one character sings to another AND does a choreographed dance to it too. It’s a lot more difficult than I imagined lol. 
(Also, the outfit I imagine for the other jazz band kids)
Prompt: Performance
Source for prompts here. Even though it's long past November, I'll still accept prompt suggestions from this list year-round.
Tags: @inlocusmads @aces-and-angels @aria-ashryver @lover-also-fighter-also @jerzwriter @choicesmc @3rdstreetfrank @dutifullynuttywitch @lovealexhunt @lilyoffandoms @peonierose (as this is the complete version of this WIP and this challenge bit), and @choicesficwriterscreations
Friday, March 8, 2019. The day of Evie’s 18th birthday. She’d been planning to host a birthday party at one of her favorite restaurants in the city, starting in the early evening after school. Almost everyone she knew from school was invited. 
It was late in the afternoon now. Evie took one last look at herself in her new outfit– a navy blue suit with a purple floral necktie– and grinned, before dashing to the living room. There, her dad was checking his phone. 
“Alright, I’m ready to go!” she said. 
He turned to her. “Actually… we can’t leave just yet…”
She pouted. “What??? But Daaaad, the party starts at 5 PM and it’s already 4:45!”
“The people doing the decorations are… taking a bit longer than expected.”
“It’s a bit awkward to go to a party when they’re still putting decorations up, isn’t it?”
“That’s true,” her face softened. “Do the other guests know?”
“...yep! I’ve just told them, in fact.”
“Okay… but how long do we have to wait?”
“Shouldn’t be more than… ten to twenty minutes?”
Evie pouted again. 
“It’s not that long…”
“Okay, fiiiiine, I’ll be patient…”
“And I’ll be doctor!”
Evie winced. “Dad, NO…”
About twenty minutes passed, and then finally, her dad said it was okay to start driving to the restaurant. After a fifteen minute drive, they arrived, and Evie wasted no time going in. 
The room was alive with upbeat music, purple decorative lights and flowers, and many of Evie’s friends. It seemed like just about everyone she’d invited had shown up– her main friend group, her teammates, her friends from the other cliques and Hearst, Cher and her friends from theatre, the seniors from last year who hadn’t gone away for college… 
And all of them greeted her with a big “Happy birthday, Evie!!!”, in unison. 
Evie inhaled, beaming at her friends. Many of them ran over to hug her, a few others cheered for her. 
Then she saw Emma and Cher push their way through the crowd and grab her by her arms. 
“Evie! There’s a special surprise for you, right now!” said Cher. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah!” said Emma. “Just come with us…” 
The crowd parted, making way for Emma and Cher to pull Evie to the opposite side of the room. As they did, the party music slowly faded out and the lights began to dim. 
“What the–” Evie started. 
“Shhhh. You’ll see soon enough!” Emma replied. 
When they made it to the opposite end of the room, a warm spotlight turned on over her, and there she saw it. The jazz band, all set up with their instruments and dressed in matching snazzy black-and-red suits and… devil horns? Yes, devil horns. 
And at the front of it all… was none other than her beautiful boyfriend Aiden, all dressed up and holding a microphone. 
Evie just about stopped in her tracks as she took in his outfit– a snug, ivory-colored flapper dress that had silver beads sewn into intricate patterns, and hung just barely above his knees. Along with that, he also wore a couple of matching long pearl necklaces, a fluffy white halo accessory over his head, and winged eyeliner.
“Wow…” Evie felt her breath catch. “Aiden, you look–”
Just then, Aiden signaled to the band… and they started to play. 
Evie grinned broadly, her eyes immediately lighting up at the familiar upbeat jazzy tune, and watched intently as her boyfriend danced towards her, in steps that were careful and rhythmic, yet lively. 
Then the tempo slowed, and he held the microphone to his mouth and began to sing. 
“I'm a country girl, I ain't seen a lot… But you came along, and my heart went pop! You took a little streetcar to my heart… And an apple of love fell off my apple cart~”
Evie’s cheeks flustered at his melodious voice. This wasn’t the first time she’d heard him sing– he’s sung to her plenty of times, and they’d practically been doing Evie-Aiden duets since the day they met. But this… this was different. Aiden had never done a solo singing performance for her before, let alone one that involved a bit of dance as well. 
“You looked at me, my heart began to pound… You weren't the sort of guy I thought would stick around… Hey, but it don't have to be eternally… My bad, bad Angel put the Devil in me~”
And his singing voice was all the more different this time around too. Even later into their relationship, as Aiden had become more confident about his singing, there was always still a hint of nervousness in his voice when they sang their duets. But this time, he sang loud and clear. Like he was owning the stage. 
Aiden performed a small twirl before stopping, his eyes meeting hers as he began slowly walking up to her, making her heart jump a little.
“You lured me in with your cold grey eyes… Your simple smile, your bewitching lies…”
As he sang that verse, he reached out and grabbed onto her bright purple tie, making Evie’s face heat up as he began tugging on it gently and pulling her closer to him. 
“One and one and one is three… My bad, bad Angel… the Devil in me~!”
The tempo picked up again. Aiden let go of her tie and took her hand in his as he broke out into energetic dance movements while still singing the lyrics to the song, the skirt of his dress swishing about as he swayed gracefully to the instrumental music. 
Evie squeezed his hand and matched his movements, her pulse racing now.  All the while, the crowd watched with excitement. When they came face-to-face again, she was giving him an almost drunken smile.
Soon enough, Aiden broke from her hold and turned around, sashaying slightly as he started stepping away from her… before looking over his shoulder, catching her gaze once again. 
“My bad, bad Angel~ you put the Devil in me~”
Aiden shook his butt side-to-side to the beat, giving Evie a knowing look that made her cheeks brighten. The music slowed, and he turned around to face her again. 
“So, now my dear, I ain't the girl you knew… 'Cause the Angel's got Heaven, but I get you…”
He sauntered back up to her.
“And the tree of life grows tall, you see… My bad, bad Angel… you put the Devil in me~!”
The beat slowed to a more gentle, relaxed tune as Aiden placed his arm over Evie’s shoulder. 
“Oh… You put the Devil in me~”
Aiden gestured towards Evie’s arm, and she placed her arms around him, taking hold of his waist as they began to rock together. 
“You put the Devil in me…”
Gently and smoothly, Aiden broke out of her hold and took her hand again. Lifting her hand, he twirled himself under her arm, then placed himself backwards against her body– all without missing a beat. 
As Aiden continued to sing, Evie wrapped both of her arms around his middle, embracing him from behind. Aiden pressed back against her and placed his free arm over hers, almost as if to hold her arms in place, as they began to sway side-to-side together again. Evie practically melted into him, his body warm against hers. 
“You put the Devil in me…”
Then, the song picked up again. 
“You put the Devil in… me~!”
He swiftly yet carefully broke from her hold again, and danced in a circle around her as he sang the last few verses of the song. She turned to follow him, their eyes locked onto each other yet again, as he gave her an almost sultry gaze. 
“My bad, bad Angel, you put the Devil in me!”
At the final note, the lights slowly faded back on. Aiden stood in front of the now cheering crowd and took a huge bow, grinning proudly. 
Once he straightened back up, Evie finally let out a high pitched “EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”, bouncing up and down before leaping onto Aiden, sweeping him up into her arms, and spinning him around. Aiden gasped, dropping his microphone with a loud *thunk*– but then quickly held her face in his hand and pulled her in for a passionate kiss, prompting the crowd to cheer louder. 
After a moment, Aiden broke the kiss. “Happy eighteenth birthday, Darling~”
Evie squeezed him tighter. “Aiden, that was…” She took a deep breath, a starstruck look in her eyes. “Your singing is amazing… I mean, I’ve heard you sing before, obviously, but…”
A slight but visible rosy tint grew on his cheeks. 
“But I’ve never done a singing performance for you, I know. I figured it was about time I did.”
“And you were fucking amazing. I’ve never heard you sing like that before… like, you were already good, but I didn’t know you were this good…”
“I mean… practice makes perfect, after all…”
“That’s true…”
He planted a small kiss onto her lips, making her whole body warm up. 
“And what made you choose that song from Doctor Who for your first performance? I mean, obviously I love the song–”
“That’s just it. I know how much you love the song, and the episodes it came from.” He chuckled softly. “And, I mean… I don’t blame you. It is a fantastic song.”
Evie’s smile grew wider. “God, Aiden… I fucking love you.”
“I love you too, Evie.” 
They pulled each other in for one more kiss, holding each other tightly, before she set him down. 
“And I love your outfit too… you look absolutely gorgeous, as always~”
Even as Aiden beamed at her so brightly, his cheeks turned as red as the other band members’ devil costumes, prompting Evie to giggle.
“Well… I have been having a lot of fun trying on new outfits…” he said, softly. 
At that moment, Ajay and Cher popped up beside them. 
“Hey… if Aiden likes singing, dancing, and dressing up in fancy outfits now… you think we could convince him to join the upcoming spring musical?” Ajay said. “His talent would just be unmatched…”
Evie and Aiden turned towards them. 
“The next play’s gonna be a musical?” Evie said. “I’ve been wanting to act in a play, but, uh… I don’t think I’m ready for one that involves singing…”
Aiden raised an eyebrow at her. “But we’ve literally been doing duets ever since–”
“That’s different. I can sing alright when it’s more casual, but in a professional musical performance? I’m not that good.”
“You should still consider it!” Cher chirped. “If not an acting role, you can always still be an assistant director or a techie…”
“That sounds much more my speed.”
Cher turned to Aiden. “You should definitely consider trying out for a singing role, though!”
Aiden put his hand on his chin thoughtfully. “It could be fun… I know Evie doesn’t want to sing in a musical, but imagine if we got lead roles together…”
“Oh, perhaps I could be convinced now…” Evie said, before smirking playfully. “But, let’s be real. Put Aiden in the musical, and he’ll probably just upstage all the other singers with how good he is. He’ll make everyone else look like chumps.”
“Hey!” Cher exclaimed, her face scrunching up into a pout. “Are you saying I sing like a chump?”
“What– no, I–” Evie’s face fell. 
Cher dropped her pout and grinned again. “Kidding! You probably have a point… I do sing every now and then, but it could use a little more work. Especially since I’m planning to go for an acting role in the musical, of course.”
“Well, if we can’t get Aiden in a singing role for the musical, perhaps he can be a musical director and help coach the actors who are a little more inexperienced?” Ajay suggested. 
“Actually… that’s a great idea!” Aiden said, his face lighting up. “I’d love to do that!”
Ajay beamed. “Oh, perfect! We’ll talk to Mr. Olson on Monday.”
“I’ll need some time to think about it… but I’ll let you know if I do decide to accept.”
“Sounds good to me!” Ajay reached his hand out, and he and Aiden shook hands. “Anyways, great job on your performance, Aiden! And happy birthday, Evie!”
“Yeah! Happy birthday, Evie!!!” cheered Cher. 
“Aww, thank you both so much!” 
Evie gave each of them a warm hug before they walked off. Aiden placed his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek, and she turned back to him.
“Thank you so much, Aiden. For being the best boyfriend ever, and for giving me this awesome birthday.” 
“It’s my pleasure~” Aiden hugged her tighter. “But… there’s still more, of course. Ready to enjoy the rest of your birthday party?”
“Oh yes!”
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ineffablegods616 · 4 months
I want Dolly Parton to be an Admiral in
Star Trek Janeway.
I don't care necessarily what happens, but I want Dolly Parton and Kathryn Janeway to be together.
They are both smol and I want short, fiery Admirals verbally destroying so many ppl....
Admiral Nychev(sp?) is also smol....
Oh shit!
Imma need
Janeway busting into a conference room with smol big hair blonde Admirals on either side of her.
They gon Saber Rattling Diplomacy so many mfkers.
Midwestern Tornado
Southern Fire
Russian Thunder
The Natural Disaster Special Forces of Admirals.
Yass. Yep. I'm in. Let's fuckin GOOOOOO!
Janeway comes in when other diplomats fail to get shit done.
She always travels with 2 other ships, each with their own Admiral.
They always give the other guy one last shot at whoever before
Janeway struts thru the door, and places her rifle on the table. Or if we wanna be massive lil shits about it, an ornamental saber, like Naval officers. And sits down. Dolly and Alynna flank her.
"I have for you a list of your options, here are our concessions (pulls up holo-display), these are their concessions. (Pointing out each list)
Now. I'm here to help you choose and get on with this agreement. Rather than this purgatory of petty whims. Does anyone have an issue with that?"
Pick a tall aggressive ppl...idk Klingon kinda feels old hat for this...Stands up and walks up on Dolly at Janeway's right side.
"And what are three small frail human females going to do if we do?"
Dolly smirks at him crooks a finger at him. He leans down to her level...
And that's all I got....
Someone better at writing write this lol
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suprababka · 2 days
Hi I really love your work! I just had a question does the masterlist also list things your working on and haven’t posted yet or am I missing links?? ( I have to ask cause the tumblr app sucks sometimes so lol)
Hiii!👋 Aw, thank you! It's nice to hear it!🥰🫶 You're totally correct. There are scenarios that I'm planning to do and links to the already published posts in my masterlist. (yep, I have big plans😅) *I also answered a question quite similar to yours earlier. Here is a link just in case😉 ... I hope it works😅
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blueorange123 · 3 months
Reaction Post to Skittle Steve's Creation And First Time Meeting People
https://youtu.be/bdGhIEXW03E?si=U9IXw3PMlbmH0cuK (I know the whole story of The Steve Saga, but haven't even gotten close to seeing all of Origins, so I'm gonna watch this in timeline order.)
This reaction post format is inspired by @illusion-reality-steve, go read Stress's posts if you like The Steve Saga.
Hm, so Rainbow Steve is basically a last resort. Maybe even an act of desperation. Interesting.
So, Rainbow was created in this place, I don't see any hoppers or anything. Doesn't really look like a machine.
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This part looks like a meeting room, and for some reason Rainbow Steve's "storage tank" leads right into it? Odd.
He apparently doesn't know what a table is? I mean I guess he has an excuse, having just obtained consciousness, but he knows what paintings are though?
He really does not like thunder, to be fair though, it is an indication of power here, so I guess that makes sense.
"Wait a second, who am I?", wasn't expecting that, he must have so many questions. "Why don't I remember anything? [...] I don't even know my name." Yep, here comes the emotional damage.
Interesting that Rainbow Steve expects someone else to be there, perhaps this ties into memories of the Elders that created him. Could he hold their memories, deep, deep down?
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So, like, do steves... bleed or is this redstone? We see so little of this place it's hard to tell.
Rainbow Steve is out here avoiding that hallway and his problems like Neo from The Matrix. Also, yep, no redstone up here, how in the world did the Elders create this steve?
Not even RBS knows what the stuff on the floor is.
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Okay, no, seriously, what is is this place? It's just on the side of a mountain.
Welp, guess he's RIPbow Steve now. (Also, he had so much time to avoid that.)
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Wow, sure is convenient that Green was casually strolling through the area.
Rainbow Steve just casually starts catastrophizing, lol.
Ha, he tries to be intimidating, scares Green and immediately goes back on that idea. He's too nice /pos.
Rainbow seemed to have forgotten that he's only been one other place when he said he didn't recognize Green's house.
Nature rectangle man lives in a big ol' tree. That's genuinely pretty cool.
Ah, a Tree of Life, just like the Rainbow Tree of Life, but seemingly much smaller and made of actual wood. Wonder if we'll learn more about these.
That moment when Rainbow Steve is born knowing what chimneys are, but not tables.
Is "The Steve Realm" implying there's realms for other beings or is it just the overworld and then places like the Spirit Realm are the only others? I mean Sabre went through multiple servers before reaching the main one with Rainbow Steve.
And Rainbow Steve gets his name, ironically with the same thought process Sabre went through.
Rainbow Steve listed a bunch of possible steves, let's see what he got right:
Red Steve, yep
Blue Steve, yep, both part of the big 3.
Brown Steve, nope, would've been cool though.
Yellow Steve, yep
Purple Steve, yep
Orange Steve, not until the reboot buddy.
Red Steves just out here getting casually generalized as being aggressive.
The immediate realization Rainbow Steve has when saying Green can be a tree person is glorious.
He is here, if I hadn't already seen the first 4 episodes of this, I'd guess who "he" was (maybe I'd even think he was Reverse or Shadow), but since I have seen these first 4, I'll conclude the post here.
Have a nice day!
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whumblr · 1 year
Since Jay's and Zayne's relationship has grown since the warehouse and the visitation at prison. Maybe we could see a reunion? Maybe intimate? Since Jay couldn't handle the thought of cuddles even after being straddled multiple times, lol spicy intimate? Jay's nerves still wrecked, but he likes it? Idk lol
They don't have much reunions, only in court and prison. So this is the most intimate they'll get :D
Jay felt a tiny twinge of guilt as he noticed Zayne lit up when he was sat at his table in the visitor's room. He hadn't visited in a while. But of course, as soon as the guy opened his mouth, that guilt melted away.
"Good to see you!" Zayne started enthusiastically. "I've missed you, you know. It's been so long since we had our bouts, I've been itching to drag you over and slam you down on this table."
Besides rolling his eyes, Jay didn't repond; he wasn't impressed nor intimidated.
"If it's violence you're after, I'm sure there's plenty people here willing to scratch that itch." Getting his ass beat for once might get him to simmer down for a bit. "What about that big guy over there? He seems like he'd appreciate you picking a fight with him."
"I tried, he didn't. He's a genuinely nice guy and anti-violence."
Jay swallowed the urge to ask what the hell he was in here for then. But yeah, of course he fucking tried.
"Now that little weasel guy, over there," Zayne rested a fist under his chin and discreetly pointed a single finger, "he was more than willing."
"Do the guards here even serve a purpose? How many fights did you pick?"
"You find the quiet spots. But I prefer fighting with you. It's more fun."
"Because you know you can win."
"No, because you fight in your own unique way."
"Instigating violence in the visitation room would be a unique way to show you've completely lost it."
Zayne pondered that with a smile. "You think?"
"Positive. I'm untouchable here."
"You just said the guards are useless here yet you feel safe." Zayne leaned forward, twinkle in his eye and a mischievous grin. "Untouchable huh? I disagree."
And Jay completely stiffened up when he felt the toes of Zayne's canvas shoes slide up along the inside of his shin.
Zayne burst out laughing and Jay assumed he went red.
"That's it. That's the itch." He slid his foot down again and caught Jay's ankle in-between both shoes, still leering at Jay with hooded eyes.
"Will you stop it," Jay hissed, trying to pull free. "I'm actually here to discuss something serious."
"I know, that's why I'm changing the subject."
"I scratched your itch now you scratch mine."
Zayne sighed and, after a beat, sat back, releasing Jay's ankle. "I saw your face, during the trial," he said, looking away now and his tone more serious. "Knew you were gonna hassle me about it."
"Yep. So tell." Jay swung his feet back, safely under his chair.
After a long silence, Zayne finally said: "Remember when you asked me about my bruised hands?"
Tag list: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @hurtmebeautifully @rougenoirofthepurpleterror @susiequaz12 @whump-me-all-night-long @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @im-just-here-for-the-whump @restrainthenmaime @freefallingup13 @whatwasmyprevioususername @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @firewheeesky @redstainedsocks @hold-back-on-the-comfort @whumpawink @break-so-beautifully @approach-me-and-ill-cry @painsandconfusion @afabulousmrtake @wormwriting @soopytime @whumpedydump @pickleking8 @itsmyworld98
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salternateunreality2 · 5 months
Here is my very thought out list of "could you trust your drink with them" featuring the SOLDIER's (and Cloud).
Genesis: Yes! He might poke at you for your drink choice because he's a bit of a snob, but it will be safe.
Sephiroth: Would not likely be at a place where people are drinking for fun, but on the rare occasion he is? Yes! He does not need to cover it. He will stare at anyone who gets within a 2 feet radius of him and that seems to do the trick.
Zack: Yes, but at a completely unrelated risk. He will protect it with his life! But may also forget that the drink he's holding is not his and will drink it on reflex. He's very apologetic and will get you a new one.
Kunsel: Hell yeah. That's it, that's the verdict. Hell yeah.
Cloud: Will snarl at anyone that gets close while he's holding it so... Yes! Someone might loose a finger though.
I wish you could send gifs on anon, but I cannot. Please imagine a little kitty dancing right here. Thank you.
Lol yep! Accurate! I like this, so let me add a few! ❤️❤️❤️
Angeal: Very Safe. No one is approaching his intimidating figure, and if they try anything, they will not like the outcome.
Lazard: if you aren't related to him, hurting his boys, or in his way, you're safe. Otherwise you're getting poisoned by his own hand.
Roche: You should be most worried about him forgetting it's in his hand and gesticulating wildly, thus spilling it. But as far as allowing anyone near it? You're Gucci.
Never trust a Turk. But if you ARE a Turk, and you need any of the other Turks to watch your drink, you're good. They're a big, dysfunctional, loving family.
Science: are you doing ok? Do you need to talk to someone? NEVER, even if you're a scientist, ESPECIALLY if you're a scientist, let a scientist hold your drink. Or your baby. Or your pregnant belly. Or...
The board: Reeve is good, no one else gives a crap, and if they do, they'll poison you themselves.
Salty: I can hold Hojo's drink. Just fine. Not to worry, I'll make sure no one else tries to poison him. I'll do it myself or make sure they succeed.
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Short replies today! A couple of follow-ups and miscellaneous ones, and quite a lot of Crewel/Deuce related replies~ A bit unhinged at times.
Anonymous asked:
anon that wanted more info in Edmund here, can confirm nebula college is going on my patiently-waiting-to-be-fed list
Hehehe YESSS Thank you so much, Anon!! I can’t express how happy I am that you are interested in it. And since, once again, Katsu does the majority of the heavy lifting when it comes to anything Nebula-related, I’m right here with you waiting to be fed >:3
Anonymous asked:
I wanna see a spin off called Mobile bs the World, where Mobile has to fight Wallace’s Yandere evil ex Todd to date him.
Omg Anon, please have mercy, Todd isn’t surviving this. This isn’t going to be much of a fight… I feel like Mobile is a much more powerful psychic than Todd, he also has the power of intelligence and Wallace’s love 😔
That being said, I can picture this battle ending unexpectedly and quickly not because of Mobile’s psychic powers, but because Wallace would be confused about why Todd thinks he is an ex – he isn’t, they weren’t dating after all. After hearing that Todd is just going to disintegrate…
I ship them so much. 💪😔
Anonymous asked:
on april fools we are going to get our lovable robot dog in the global version of twisted wonderland. I feel like this means something
“Oh you thought it was a Disney Otome game? Jokes on you: this is a cyborg dog BL VN, and Ortho is the main character, and he is out to get everyone” 😔 Definitely.
Anonymous asked:
I hate how im now wondering if now duece is going to be imagining teacher x student stuff now, with him being the student. Lol
I think we got this one before posting yesterday’s Crewel/Deuce piece, so uhhh congratulations, Anon, you saw right through us lol
The idea definitely never occurred to him before, I feel like Deuce is the type to get surprised by the fact that his teachers in fact do have their private lives and even have sex… such a big and wild idea for his silly pretty head. But he won’t judge!!
Anonymous asked:
by any chance could that new deuce and crewel art have anything to do with deuce seeing him buy a shit ton of condoms? *Don't mind me and my horny fantasies*
Yep~ This is pretty much a follow-up, although I’m not sure how these pieces are tied story-wise. Maybe they aren’t, but both are teasing the same thing – Deuce would look hot when dominated by Crewel.
I think our conclusion is that this bad boy is being punished for being oh so nosy and falling on the floor in front of his professor… he seemed like he really craved his attention, and he got it <3
(fully ignoring the fact that it was Ace who pushed poor Deucey)
furubatsu asked:
Why do I imagine that last Crewel and Deuce pic just being poor Deucy's dream (or nightmare, depending on how panicked he would be waking up) for the next week after that encounter? Poor boy's squirming every homeroom and potions class for ages until Crewl has to sit him down and talk about it.
Yeah, a couple of people mentioned that it looks like Deuce is having a dream/nightmare, and honestly the concept is very hot lol Especially if this is like you described. i.e. the thought/scenario is haunting Deuce and leaves him extremely flustered, confused, unfocused and freaked out.
He could live in this anguish a little bit before this dream becomes reality… just as he convinces himself that stuff of that sort wouldn’t happen to him.
Anonymous asked:
Looks like deuce is getting some extra credit either that or punishment for failing a test or an assignment
Once again, also an option lol Out of all the student characters, I feel like Deuce fits this “punishment for failing a test/getting extra credit” scenario the most, maybe it’s because of how hard he tries to get better and how prone he is to doubting himself. He is also pretty gullible, so an easy target for Crewel, but not so easy that Crewel wouldn’t even get interested in him.
Anonymous asked:
I rise once again from the dead for one reason. Actually, many, your art is absolutely delicious still.
Anyways, thank you for the Crewel content. Have a funny little storytime from earlier this day.
It's has become an inside joke now because we sent it to one of us who dyed his hair dark slate and cut it short recently. It started with the comic where we noticed he lowkey looked like Deuce. So the next day, when we saw the follow-up, we got his ass while he was on a coffee date with his current fling. I facetimed him like it was an emergency and then immediately showed the picture to ask for clarification for where he was last night. Got a chuckle out of his date[he's a vibe], but our friend is mad at us now
- 🐩 anon
Good to hear from you again, 🐩 anon, I’m glad you’re enjoying our stuff~ And your friends too I guess LOL
Oh god, your poor friend. Being outed like that by some rando’s drawing from the internet, I am so sorry 😔 I’m glad his date found it funny though!
Anonymous asked:
do you have any more twst teacher x student ships?👀
Hmm, I don’t think so? Nothing major that I can think of, at least. But we do think of some boys with Crewel here and there: Epel could fulfill a similar role to Deuce because he also has to work extra hard for good grades + a bit gullible; Idia is our favourite boy and could also technically be used for shipping purposes here because of his unique circumstances (i.e. he doesn’t always go to classes, but has to be present during some lab work, so Crewel has extra reasons to pay attention). We’ve talked about Crewel and Vil before but it doesn’t quite give us the sparkles we need, even though we have nothing against it; and we’ve talked about potential Trein ships (or lack thereof) in this post.
I also have a huge beef with Vargas because I can’t figure out why he just doesn’t click with us. Maybe it’s his design? Maybe it’s his attitude? Which is bullshit, because I can imagine someone similar to him working wonderfully, but with Vargas it’s crickets, unfortunately. Which is SUCH A SHAME, because this man CANONICALLY RUINED Idia’s thighs and physically completely exhausted him MULTIPLE TIMES, and this is SUCH OUR THEME TO PLAY WITH, but somehow it just doesn’t work. 😔  
Anonymous asked:
Is is it bad that part of me can see Crewel having one of his dogs (likely a Dalmatian) fucking Deuce as punishment while Deuce is begging for Crewels cock
Anon, yes. Yes, this is very bad, and we agree with you and support you. You’re saying things that people are afraid of saying out-loud. Pups should play with pups...
Anonymous asked:
Soooo…I saw the don’t look at him art of Idia on Bluesky and….Idia…Baby…I’m sorry but you’re way too pretty not to look at. Or stare at. Or…do other things to. Apologies for the unrestrained thirst…
Ohh, that’s an old one! I’m glad you liked it <3
Idia needs to get over himself and accept the fact that he is going to be looked at. Stared at, event <3 Such a pretty pink thing.
Anonymous asked:
I mean…Idia COULD conceivably cosplay as Hatsune Miku without any issues. Plus, he’d look super cute in pigtails. You could occasionally give one a good tug.
Sounds absolutely wonderful, but I feel like if anyone proposed the idea to Idia, he would reply with the biggest “no way” in return. Not only it attracts attention to his hair, everyone’s going to laugh at him for going for a cute anime girl cosplay! This isn’t fun, this is public humiliation! Yada yada lol
I feel like nothing is going to convince him that cosplaying as Hatsune Miku is a good idea… well, maybe Ortho’s puppy eyes could bully him into considering it.
Anonymous asked:
Dare I ask who was doing Idia while he was a maid?
Hmm,  maybe I’m just shit at remembering my own art, but the only maid-related Idia drawing that I can think of is Lilidia one… and Idia wasn’t a maid on this one either, it was Lilia who banged him while looking all pretty uwu
Anonymous asked:
The day I forget to go anonymous is the day I cry. anyways more Adeuce PLEASE those two idiots are my comfort ship aghhhh they are so cute I will crush them with my bare hands
Thank you so much, Anon! We love ADeuce a lot, and I hope we’ll have more stuff with them in the future. We do have some sketches, but who knows when we’ll get to finishing them :(
Also no worries about being anon; if you ever accidentally forget about it, just shoot me another ask or a DM about it, and I’ll post your ask anonymously. I’m not replying to them directly anyways, so it’s all good.
Anonymous asked:
the way you draw violet is so... delicious. *Eats your art and leaves no crumbs*
Thank you so much~ He is our beloved depressed artistic kitten <3 bon appétit.
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heinzpilsner · 6 months
Tadadada! Here's the epilogue to my 'Overanalyzing beach Maiko' series.
Firstly, let's list some main conclusion theses:
1) Mai became interested in Zuko's problems after he directly mentioned his scar and his relationship with Ozai for the first time, so her final change of attitude does make some sense.
2) The basis for Zuko's irrational jealousy was Mai's annoyed facial expression after he criticized Ruon-Jian.
3) The context of Zuko's jealousy rampage actually leaves a loophole for not-possessive interpretation (yay).
4) Despite how badly Zuko screwed up, Mai somehow managed to screw up even more (yep, still sounds contr-intuitive).
5) Mai actually expresses herself all the time and her "childhood trauma" is a big bullshit.
6) Apart from his inner crisis, Zuko has to fix many problematic attitudes and personality settings before he'll become a decent romantic partner for anyone.
7) So does Mai.
Something like this.
And now, a bit of old good boring and inaccurate psychology lecture mistake correction.
I think that I misinterpreted Zuko's side of "bring me food" scene, actually. You see, I saw it as conscious submission in order to avoid conflict with Mai, but...
It actually looks more like Zuko genuinely didn't realize that Mai's demand was not okay. He wasn't exactly eager to please her*, but he also didn't see her attitude towards him as problematic.
(*Not catching Mai's "I'm hungry" initial hint is kind of an indicator of Zuko's cool-off towards her. I mean, acts of service is his typical way of showing affection, which makes his sudden cluelesness pretty notable.)
Basically, Mai and Zuko in this scene demonstrate opposite facets of locus of control problem. Simply put, they both believe that Zuko is responsible for something he really isn't - in this case, satisfying Mai's hunger.
Later, though, it's Zuko who believes Mai owes him something - namely, to give him affection and meet his emotional needs. In his head, he gives responsibility for his emotional well-being to Mai and scolds her when she "ignores her duty" by not being "passionate" enough.
(But while Mai doesn't owe Zuko anything formally, she made a mistake of severely underestimating Zuko's contribution into relationship and his real value for her. This resulted in her coldness and lack of gratitude in response to his affection, which is quite a big relationship screw-up.)
Okaaay, and with that part out of the way, it's time for my final personal reflections.
In general, I have no doubts I made lots of other mistakes during my analysis. I tried my best, but to dissect relationship conflicts correctly, you need to have good feeling of personal boundaries and empathy of your own. And... Well. It's not exactly my forte.
I compensate for some things with theoretical knowledge, but my mind is a mess, so... Yep.
I feel like I have to go and read more psychological theory after this.
Also, I kinda tried to do an entertainment out of this, and roasting format doesn't exactly mix good with being objective. So, yep. It seems I got some kind of useless Frankenstein monster in the end, lol.
And finally... Perhaps I had to make it clear much earlier, but...
I have nothing against Maiko shippers or Mai fans. Ta-da!
I'm sure they have a lot against me now though, pffft.
I realize what I wasn't exactly restrained in my roasting, so it's natural for you to dislike me. But my goal wasn't to tell you what your preferences are inadequate or something. I mean, I myself ship much more toxic problematic shit (and have a weak spot for all sorts of flawed characters). It isn't supposed to be about being rational. You like it, I don't, it's ok.
Dunno, maybe someone needed to hear this.
That's all, I guess. If you were reading this series - thanks for your attention. Despite everything, it was a rather interesting experience for me, and I hope you found something useful for yourself too.
I wonder what I should analyse next >:D
I ignore all notifications, but maybe I'll make an exception soon. Ta-da! What a cliffhanger.
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ransewarrior · 4 months
Here with a question for Hisaki!
You have two brothers? What is your relationship with them like? Do you get along?
(the blue font is my notes lol)
Hisaki: Yep! i has two Brothers. Here's them if you are curious!
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Hisaki: The one in the Right is my Big Bro, Tsukiyo! he has a Strict, but Caring personality! and also he likes to tell stories about legends and history. Also a fun fact, my favourite of his stories are About the Four Heroes!
And the One in the Left is my Beloved little Bro, Nisshou! he's Shy and Introvert. he is a good boy, listening to Tsuki's Strict rules! he is also quite great at singing, not much peoples knew about that anyways-
relationships under the cut!
Hisaki: I sometimes Listen to Tsuki's stories, he told me Many stories, (she already said that by the way lmao) Like The Sealing of Void, The Rabbits of the Moon, The Shinigami from the Distant Shore, and Many more!
he also frequently scolds me because uhhh many things
Hisaki: I has to say, Being with Nisshou is fun! Sometimes i sing with him, Sometimes i play music, and he will sing!
And that's it for my siblings!
(notes: the stories told by Tsukiyo are either inspired by legends of the real world, or CANON FOR THE SERIES!
List of stories he told:
The Sealing of Void: The Canon four heroes story, nothing more.
The Rabbits of the Moon: inspired by a japanese folklore featuring the Rabbits in the Moon
The Shinigami from the Distant Shore: Aight, this is quite long. This is about a Shinigami (some kind of japanese youkai serving as a equivalent of a reaper) from The shore of a Distand land, known as Higan.)
(uh also on unrelated note higan is originally known in japan as a holiday to respect their deceased ancestors, but i decided to make it a place, conparable to touhou's higan. also higan means "Distant Shore".)
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 2 months
What kind of parents do you think PolyMercs would be? Any specific domestic headcanons?
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I'll start off with listing the Mercs' HCs I have for this off individually starting with the kind of parent they are
After that will be HCs on how all eight of them are when it comes to parenting as a group
Here we go, it's gonna be a long one!
(Yep, Gonna Need a ReadMore for This Bitch)
The Really Loud and Super Fun Military Dad that LOVES to play wrestle with his kids and will let the kids be around his Raccoon Squad (dw the kids are the only people the Raccoons seem to actually like for whatever reason)
Parental Title for Him is Dad
Was the One (Alongside Medic) that had the honor of cutting Leon's umbilical cord when he was born
Had taught/influenced Leon to be the Daddy's Little Helper that ALWAYS loved to help his Dads with any and everything they needed throughout his entire childhood
When Leon was an infant and had started to crawl, he would do it in a way that looked like an Army Crawl. Soldier would LITERALLY scream and smile like an idiot in sheer joy of his Little Soldier, everyone had to see it
Thanks to Soldier, LuluBelle EXCEEDED and loved Social Studies Class, esp when she was younger
The One Parent, Though They May Not Say Much and Are Quiet, They're One of The Best Shoulders to Lean On and Almost Never Fails to Comfort Their Kids When the Time Calls for It.
They Also are a Child at Heart so They're VERY Fun and Will Love to Go to Disneyland with Their Family!
Parental Title for Them is Either Padre (Latino!Pyro Lives Here!) or Nopa
Absolutely LOVES Theme Parks, Circuses, Carnivals, Pretty Much Anything You Can Take a Child to Since Pyro Has a Draw to Childish Things/Activities
Helped A Lot with Teaching LuluBelle How to Draw and A Lot of the Techniques She Uses for Her Art She Had Learned From Pyro
Watching Fireworks (Esp During 4th of July) is One of Pyro's Favorite Ways to Bond with Their Kiddos
The Kids (LuluBelle and Leon) Have Been the Only Two People That Has Seen Pyro Unmasked on a Regular Basis (Pyro Only Unmasks with the Other Mercs on Very Spare Occasions) and The Kids Understand Them Perfectly When Masked
The Other Super Loud and Fun (Alcoholic) Dad, Except This Time, He's Very Much a Snuggler with His Kids and LOVES to Make Up Stupid Games for Them to Play (Or Just Simply Set Fireworks Off Inside Alongside Soldier).
He Also Has a Very Strong Protective Streak for His Kids as Well
Parental Title for Him is Da/DaDa
Along with a Few Other Mercs, He's Very Openly Affectionate with His Kids, Often Giving Them Smooches on Their Cheeks, Holding Their Hands or Just Hugging on Them When Watching TV or Sitting Outside
Loved to Tell Stories or Sing Folk Songs from His Homeland as A Way To Put the Kids to Sleep (esp as babies, toddlers and very young)
If He Ever Sees Merasmus Even Try to Lay his Hands on his Children, He's Going to Just Shove a Sword into his Chest, No Warning
Was UNGODLY Nervous When He First Introduced LuluBelle to his Mom, Thankfully for Demo, She Took to LuluBelle Very Quickly and She (Along with Leon) are the only two people she ever acts warm towards (everyone else gets an old crotchety blind lady lol)
The Certified Papa Bear. Big, Loving, Super (Sometimes Over) Protective of His Children.
He Also is the Worrywart that Tends to Overthink Social Situations and Sometimes Overcompensates for How He Grew Up
Is the Most Paternal Alongside Sniper and Spy
Parental Title for Him is Paposhka
Is the One That Checks If His Children Have Ate Enough Food and If Not, He'll Be Sure to Have Them Be Fed Good, Yummy, and Filling Meals
Was The One The Kids Went to If Either of Them Felt Like They Needed Someone "Big and Strong" to Protect Them from What Scared Them (for example, booming thunder and lighting music from a vinyl record)
His Mom and Sister Absolutely ADORE the Kids, Heavy's Mom loves to spoil them with sweets and fun stuff a Russian Grandma Would Get Up to with her Grandchildren, Heavy's Sister Just Take the Kids Under Their Wings as They're All Basically the Cool Fun Aunts You Wish You Had
Is Lowkey Not Ready for When Both Kids Find Their Special Someones (None of Them Are, But Heavy the Most) and Goes to Have Their Own Lives (and Even Get Married and Have Their Own Families). He's an Absolute Mess Whenever the Subject Comes Up, He'll Be in a More Messier State When It Actually Happens
The Coolheaded, Calm, and Collected Dad That Just Tend Either to Lounge Around While Playing Their Guitar and/or Sipping a Beer or In his Workshop Building Sentries and Other Machinery.
One of the Mercs Whose the Sweetest and Has a Beautiful Way with Words (esp for verbal affection for his children). The Most Maternal Alongside Medic
His Parental Title is Either Paw, Pops, or Papa
Due to Being the One that Has Helped with Medic the Most with his Pregnancy (Being a Study Buddy for the Whole Thing) and LuluBelle's Birth, When Engie Gotten Pregnant with Leon it was Actually a Fairly Smooth and, Dare I Say, Easy Pregnancy Since He was Very Prepared for It. Being around Livestock and Farmlife in His Early Years Also Helps with That
One of the First Sounds that LuluBelle Had Heard in Her Life was the soft and melodic strums of Engineer's guitar, and She Loved It Almost Instantly. He Also Played His Guitar in Intervals During His Labor with Leon. Now Both Kids LOVE When He Plays Guitar and Think He's One of the Greatest
Leon LOVES helping Engineer with his projects and sentries, he even tries to tinker with his own little projects just to try his best to imitate his Paw. Everyone Thinks It's the Most Precious Thing in the World
He's a Big Reason Why LuluBelle Also Got into Music/Singing (Alongside Spy and Medic)
The Eccentric Maverick Who Has a Very Deep, Burning and Carnal Love and Maternal Possessiveness Over His Children (Especially LuluBelle Since First Baby and He Carried Her). With the Exception of The Mercs, Scout, and Pauling, He Does Not Trust Anyone But Himself with His Children and Feels He Knows Them the Best Inside and Out.
Is the Most Maternal of the Mercs Alongside Engineer
His Parental Title is Either Vati or Daddy
Despite his Quirks, He is the Most Affectionate (Physically and Verbally) out of All the Mercs (All of Them Are, but Most Esp Medic). He's Almost Always Seen Giving Some Sort of Loving Fatherly Gesture to Either of His Children
Medic Absolutely LOVED Being Pregnant with LuluBelle, Especially Since He Got to Study His Own Body, It's Changes and How His Baby Grew in Him. He Calls It One of His Most Interactive Study He's Conducted, Plus Having Engie as a Study Buddy Made It Even More Fun for Him (Even with the Symptoms that Sucked Ass)
Does Not Trust Other Doctors with his Children Besides Himself Since He Feels His Medical Skills Help Enough (and He's Not a Fan of Strange People Putting Their Hands on His Kids). The Most He Allows are Yearly Check Ups and Emergencies
Medic's Pigeons (Esp Archimedes) are Strangely VERY Loving and Protective Towards the Kids (Esp LuluBelle). If Anyone/Anything Ever Tries Anything Harmful with Them, the pigeons will turn on that danger like a Murder of Crows
The Quiet and Stoic Hunting Dad, It May Not Seem Like He Shows A Lot of His Love Outwardly (With Words), But He Doesn't Hesitate to Show Small Ways of Affection like a Side Hug, Watching TV/Going Outside Together, A Small Peck on the Cheek/Forehead/Hand, and Holding Hands.
He's Very Animal Like in the Ways He'll Be Willing to Tear and Gut Apart Anything that Attempts to Hurt his Children and Likes to Huddle Close to His Kids Like an Animal as Well. Is the Most Paternal Alongside Spy and Heavy
His Parental Title is Dad or Daddy
He's the Reason and Catalyst to LuluBelle's Deep Love and Passion for Animals, since He Would Talk to Her About Them and Read Books About Them with Her
He Also LOVES it when Leon tries to help him with pretty much ANYTHING that the little fella could think of
The Kids LOVE Driving in Their Dad's Camper Van, and They Always Get Hyped Up and Excited Whenever They Go Camping in it
The Kids Also Love Visiting their Grandparents in Australia since they both love the animals and landscape there and their grandparents always spoil the hell outta them every visit (Constant Black Current Candies from Nana and Sneaking Off to Local Hangouts at Night with Grandpa) (Sniper Gets Pissed Every Time He Finds Out About Grandpa's Adventures with the Grandkids lolol)
The Dad That's Doing Everything In His Power to Do the Opposite of What He Did When He First Had Scout. He Overcompensates for Basically Everything Involving his Relationship with Scout. He Spoils Them in Every Way Possible, While Still Being Strict and Intending his Children to Be Good Additions to Society.
He is VERY proud of his children and their achievements and makes sure they're celebrated to their fullest extent, also Funding Most Trips and Most, if Not All the Kids' Extracurriculars (LuluBelle with His Art and Singing and Leon with his Snowboarding and Rock Music), Also loves to boast about his children in general
Is the Most Parental Alongside Sniper and Heavy
Parental Title for Him is Either Dad or Papa
Was the One That Jumpstarted and Encouraged LuluBelle to Perdue and Reign in Her Talents For Singing! Without Spy, LuluBelle Wouldn't Be Passionate in Singing Like She is Now
Was the One that Had the Honor of Cutting LuluBelle's Umbilical Cord After a Quick Toss Up of Who Wanted to Do So, His Butterfly Knife Skill Made the Process Go Lighting Fast and Easy. He Still Brags About Giving LuluBelle "The Perfect Belly Button"
LuluBelle and Leon are the ONLY ones who are allowed to be in Spy's Lounge Room for prolonged periods of time (It Slowly Stopped Being a Smoking Room After LuluBelle was Born). He Loves Having It as a Place to Have Quality Time with Just Him and the Children. He now even has a small version of the Super Soft Luxury Rug He has in front of his Fireplace that LuluBelle Loves to Lay Down on Ever Since She was Little (Being Autistic, Soft Surfaces Make Good Stim Spot)
He and Sniper Are the Main Two that Taught The Kids Manners and Politeness (Their Own Versions of It At Least). Strangely Enough, it's Worked Out Perfectly.... It Scares Them A Little
General Parenting/Polycule Headcanons for the Mercs
The Closest Thing to Describe Their Dynamic As A Polycule/Group Would Be Hollyhock's Dads from Bojack Horseman, Except Much More Chaotic and Explosive
Just Like in the Games, Every Merc Has a Goofy/Silly/Childish Side That They Happily and Openly Show to Their Kids, Which Just Makes The Kids Feel Even Closer to Them
They are All Vehemently Against Physical Punishment for the Kids, Especially Since a Decent Number of the Mercs Have Trauma Around Physical Violence Growing Up (examples being Soldier, Heavy, Medic, Sniper, Demo, and Engineer)
The Mercs are All Now Very Affectionate with Each Other in Various Degrees and Intensities since the Kids Being Around Has Oddly Brought The Team Much More Closer Than They Ever Were Before (I Mean, Polycule and All That)
They All Have Given LuluBelle the Nickname of the Mosaic Child/Girl, Since She Harbors Every Piece of Her Dad in Some Way, Shape, or Form (Even More than Just DNA)
I really, really hope this was well worth the wait since this took me FOREVER to write this all down! I also really hope that you'll be able to actually read through this Borderline Novella and give your feedback on it!
I would appreciate it so much with all the time I spent on this!
Please come by the inbox again soon and have a fantastic evening!!
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knickynoo · 1 year
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s01ep12 “Retired”
Previous episodes linked HERE.
In this episode: Jules and Verne's April Fool's jokes nearly destroy not only their family but also the entire town.
Quick update on the pic/gif situation. If you've been keeping up with these, you know my pics and gifs aren't being formatted correctly when viewed through a desktop computer. Instead of being in a row, they get enlarged and stacked vertically. Tumblr support has informed me that this is a bug they're working on. So, while it still bothers me and ruins the "flow" of my posts, I'm at least not losing my mind over it anymore. That is all.
Our visit with Real Doc begins with him hyping us up to see his latest experiment. He explains that it's taken months of research and hard work, but he's finally able to reveal...
He's finally able to reveal....!
Yep, Doc can't remember what it is. He goes totally blank, having completely forgotten what experiment he was going to show us. He's put hours upon hours of painstaking work into something and cannot for the life of him remember what it is. Doc panics as he tries unsuccessfully to figure it out. This is basically what happens.
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He briefly ends the broadcast, then returns a moment later to make his second attempt at announcing his latest invention. Unfortunately, he still can't remember anything regarding what he was so excited to show us. "It can't be," he says. "Not my brain power."
This leads Doc into the story of another time he feared he was losing his mind, which all started with a prank on April Fool's Day.
The cartoon begins, and we watch as Jules and Verne put the final touches on all their planned hijinks for the holiday. Some of the things on their list of pranks include: salt in the sugar bowl, chocolate sauce in the shower nozzle, and pouring sparkling water on Doc's brainwave analyzer (which is less of a prank and more of just. breaking something lol).
One by one, the pranks play out, with Doc being completely unaware that he's being tricked. When his "automated jogging shorts" (which have been filled with banana peels) malfunction, he's confused but generally unalarmed. When Clara goes to shower and gets covered in chocolate sauce, he ends up thinking it was a skin-moisturizing feature he purposely built in and somehow forgot about. And when he tries to use the brainwave analyzer, which the boys had poured water on, it tells Doc that he's only got 0.01% of his brainpower left.
Doc tells Marty, who has stopped by for a visit, that he must immediately give up science in order to preserve the tiny bit of his brain that he's got left. He also says that he can't even risk conversing with Marty anymore.
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Doc then runs straight through the wall of the garage and toward the house in an absolute panic.
Marty, meanwhile, is very bummed at the timing of this whole crisis. He's got a big upcoming gig with The Pinheads, and Doc had promised to help create some cool special effects for the show. But special effects require brainpower, which Doc refuses to use. Left on his own in the garage, Marty takes it upon himself to "borrow" a weather simulator machine Doc had invented. He thinks it'll make the perfect special effects for his concert and has no idea that Jules and Verne have also messed with this device.
We do a little time-jump then, where we see Doc sitting on the couch in his robe, watching mindless television. He's determined to not do anything that requires thought, and Clara is fed up with the whole thing. She tells him he's got to find something else useful to do if he isn't going to do science anymore. They have this funny exchange.
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Unable to convince him to get up and do literally anything, Clara announces that she's getting Marty (who she feels is the only one able to talk some sense into her husband). When she returns with him, they find a note from Doc telling them he feels like a burden and has decided to run away. Yes, Doc has ABANDONED his wife and two small sons.
Also, yes, this is a silly cartoon for kids, but I also feel like there's a lot to examine here. Doc thinking he's used up almost all of his brain and deciding his family would be better off without him sort of says a lot about how his sense of self-worth is dependent on his perceived level of intelligence. The guy really thinks he has nothing to offer his family anymore and has decided to jump ship because he evidently can't see any remaining valuable qualities in himself.
Who did this to him? Doc, who damaged you like this? Was it Erhardt? Can we assume Erhardt is somehow responsible?
Meanwhile, Doc is wandering the streets, desperately trying not to think. And honestly? He should've brought Marty along, because Marty is well-versed in the skill of Not Thinking. He could've been a big help.
After a brief scene of Marty and Clara failing to get the police to take them seriously regarding Doc's disappearance—they think it's an April Fool's prank—we return to Doc, who has taken a job playing piano at a Hawaiian Luau-themed lounge. The patrons are less than thrilled with his rendition of "If I Only Had a Brain" from The Wizard of Oz.
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Also, I'm no expert, but I'd say playing an instrument uses a significant portion of your brain, Doc. If you're trying to preserve that 0.01% that you've got left, you're not doing a very good job.
As a side note, I like that Doc can play piano. Unfortunately, he swiftly gets fired from the job for putting everyone to sleep.
We go back to Clara, who has resorted to wearing a sandwich board in order to bring awareness to her plight.
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After his failed job at the lounge, we follow Doc on a montage of several more failures as he tries being a gardener, a parking attendant, and a pizza maker.
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Things are not going well for him.
Apparently, the whole situation thus far has all taken place in the span of a few hours (I thought it had been days, lol) because Marty and Clara go to pick up the boys from school and inform them that their father is missing.
We go again to Doc then, who has decided to use the DeLorean to travel back to a time "when things were simple." As he flies off into the sky, we see a brief shot of a movie theater where Back to the Future is playing.
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He ends up traveling to the Cro-Magnon period, where he attempts to teach the people there how to make fire. And I say again: Doc is doing a very poor job of not using his brain. He should've stayed on the couch watching mind-numbing TV if he was really serious about all of this.
After concluding that the temptation to invent things is still too strong, he seeks out a place where "no thinking is required."
Back in present day Hill Valley, Marty is preparing for his concert with The Pinheads. Wow, there's a lot of scene-jumping in this episode! We're all over the place here, bouncing between Doc and everyone else.
Marty is convinced that the best way to find Doc is to do his show because, "Doc told me he was coming, and he hasn't broken a promise to me yet." Awwwww. Very sweet. And he ends up being right about Doc showing up because we soon see him sleeping under some newspapers.
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Turns out a rock concert is the perfect place to go when you don't want to experience a single thought.
Clara and the boys catch up to him and try to explain that the brain wave analyzer had been sabotaged, but Doc isn't buying it. The show begins, and Marty uses the weather simulator he had taken for his special effects earlier in the episode. Since Jules and Verne had also tampered with that device, it starts going haywire and creates a massive, dangerous storm. Marty is struck by lightning (he's fine), Doc is struck by lightning (he's also fine), and the sky turns into a swirling vortex of doom. There's a simultaneous thunderstorm, massive flooding, and snow. Clara and the boys beg Doc to use his brain to come up with a plan to save the town before it's too late. Btw, this is the current situation...
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And I'm sorry but. I don't think Hill Valley can be saved at this point. Everything is completely underwater. The clock tower is almost entirely submerged. This is hundreds of millions of dollars in damage, and people are probably dead. It's incomprehensible destruction all caused by Jules and Verne's April Fool's Day prank. They should be brought up on criminal charges.
After being convinced to finally use his brain, Doc is able to turn off the machine and undo all the chaotic weather. The end result is only a slightly soggy Hill Valley. I guess no major damage was done by the 50-foot-deep floodwaters. Somehow.
We go to the Browns' kitchen table, where Doc falls victim to one final prank the boys had set up: salt in the sugar bowl. After choking on his salt-filled cup of coffee, we end on a freeze frame of Doc scowling at his children.
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I also must address the fact that Doc's eye color was off again in this episode. If you've been keeping up with these posts, you've seen me mention this inconsistency before. There have been many instances of a character's eyes changing for a few seconds mid-scene (a Tannen relative's eyes going from black to blue, then back to black briefly, as well as Doc's changing to blue for a few moments) but this was like. The whole episode. They went from being black in all previous episodes to being green.
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Left is how they should look (taken from a previous episode). Right is what they were like for this whole episode.
I'd really love to know why this show struggles so much with eye color consistency. What a weird little problem to have.
Real Doc closes out the episode with an experiment involving condensation and "creating clouds" but it isn't all that interesting, so I don't have much to say about it. The end!
This episode was kind of fun, even though Doc was super out of character. That guy would not ditch his family like that. It also made no sense how he was spent the whole time going, "I must not think!" while taking on jobs that all required significant amount of thought. The rapid-fire scene-jumping gave me whiplash, too. Fifteen seconds with Doc, then a thirty second Marty and Clara scene, then back to Doc for like a minute before we go back to Marty and Clara...I'm tired.
Why are Doc's eyes green now?
Join me next week for our final episode of season 1, in which Clara's mother falls in love with Marty.
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