#yes I rewrote this post because I wanted to say it better
10 years ago, TV shows that were cancelled after 2, 12-to-23-episode seasons due to poor writing/production/audience reception.
Now they're cancelled despite raking in awards (from multiple organizations) for writing/production/acting/representation, have large & devoted fanbases (that are doing most of the promotion of the show), are the highest-viewed show on a network/streaming platform, only air for 6 or 8 episodes per season. And they're cancelled more than once, if not also wiped from the face of the earth.
Make it make sense.
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crowcravesmore · 2 months
When I Get My Hands On You. (Soldier Boy Fic).
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Soldier Boy/Ben x F!Reader 18+
Summary: Slight AU + 'Still Awake'. After everything, Vought decides it's better to keep Soldier Boy out of the way instead of putting him back under. Out of the way is a McMansion out of the city, a plot of land, a mountain and all the time in the world. He's got everything he needs, and yet there's still something missing. He figures out what it is very quickly when you show up. What a lucky man he is.
Song This Fic is Based On: Superbad Mantra - JAWNY, Christian Blue.
A/n: I'm so excited to post this fic, it was so much fun to write, and my first time writing for SB. I wrote, and rewrote this fic a couple of times, and this plot + ending just feels right. Let me know what you think. -Kash
Word Count: 3.5k
Tags & Warnings: 18+ Only, Cursing, Ben wanting you BAD, smut, drinking.
Never in a million fucking years would Ben admit to being tired of it all. The fighting, the anger, the planning, the business of it. But he is. Ben’s tired of fighting. He never wanted to be mixed in with Vought new affairs. So he’s almost ecstatic when they decide to just keep him hidden in the woods instead of putting him under again. He’s their Golden God, (well he used to be) so their version of hiding him is a red brick Mcmansion 40 minutes outside the city. When he sees it for the first time he gets a wave of –I don't know– peace? Ecstasy maybe at the sight of it. 
Let me paint the picture of Ben’s newfound paradise. It’s on about 15 acres of land, surrounded by woods with a little creek tucked inside. When you come down the driveway there are rows of pine trees shading the pathway. To the east there’s a mountain, about a 40 minute hike to get to the base of it and an hour to get to the top. To the west there’s a river, a quarter mile wide and too long for Ben to guess. Big enough for him to fuck off on it for hours and still not see anyone. He gets a dock, a pontoon, plus a couple of trails all to himself. 
 All on the promise that he stays hidden, & out of the fray. 
If we’re being honest right now, even with all of this, Ben told them to fuck off. He isn’t a pet to lock away when he’s not needed, he has–had a life. He deserves a life. 
“We can’t guarantee you a life outside of what we’re offering you now, Ben,” Jeremy, Vought's coordinating agent for Soldier Boy says. He’s a weasley looking man, short with neatly parted black hair & wire-framed glasses. They’re standing on the back deck of the house, looking out to the river as the sun starts to set. His suit’s a little too tight, and not at all fitting for the summer heat. He keeps pulling at his tie, and dabbing his forehead with his pocket hankie. “All we’re asking is that you remain here for now, and once we’re able to settle our affairs and guarantee you a position without ..” He trails off. 
Ben already knows. “Yeah,” He’s annoyed. “ Once you can get my sperm mutant under control, I get it.” He nods, and mulls over the thought for a moment, taking a good look at the property. It’s honestly, truly, not a bad deal. He’s just pissy because—“I’m not stayin’ here without getting high, Johnny.” he says matter of factly. 
Jeremy doesn’t even miss a beat, he’s nodding immediately. “Understood, Vought is very aware of your extracurricular activities and we’ve already supplied you with a month’s worth of—” 
“I’m gonna need more.”  Jesus let him finish.
“Yes, sir,” Jeremy wipes the sweat from the back of his neck, and pulls a phone out of his pocket. “We have a delivery guy coming once a week with groceries, as well as anything else you may need. Just text this number with your list and we’ll send him over asap.” He hands Ben the phone and motions out to the water. “This is a great offer, Ben. No other Superhero is getting a set up like this, unlimited food, wifi, a boat—” 
“It’s a pontoon.” 
He ignores him. “And enough weed, coke, and whateverthehell else to kill all of Manhattan if you want it.” He locks eyes with Ben, smiles, & It’s quite frankly almost eerie. “Just stay here and let us handle the rest.” 
He sits on it for about 10 seconds, before nodding and turning the phone over in his hands. 
“How long?”
And that’s just the least of it. 
About a month into it, Ben starts to get a little….restless. Yeah, sure, that’s the word for it. He’s content with the land, and the food, and the drugs, and has even started a little garden. It’s not huge, but he’s already gotten a few sprouts from his potatoes, so that’s something. 
However, he’s still Ben. Still Soldier Boy. Still a man of needs, and cravings like he’s always been. Only now it’s panged with something like loneliness. Maybe that’s all it is. Maybe it’s the memories of his old life, and how everyone he loved turned against him. He was a son of a bitch, so maybe he deserved it. Whatever, anyways—
It’s a tuesday night when he finally hits fuck it territory. He’s been watching porn for three hours, and is–honest to God–tired of his hand & a screen. He swipes out of PornHub, and looks up the nearest Gentleman's club outside of the city. Because that’s what he is, a gentleman. 
He gets dressed and walks two hours into a small town and makes a beeline for ‘Synn’. It’s a ‘not too shabby’, but shabby, looking gentlemans club on the east side of town, right off the highway. It’s a one story concrete building with tinted windows, & nondescript except for the giant neon purple sign outside. ‘Synn Gentlemen's Club’ it reads, with the silhouette of a woman next to it. The inside does it a little more justice. It’s got dark purple walls, and an honestly very well stocked bar all on a landing, plus a few tables and chairs. The floor is scattered with stains, and the walls have a faint smell of cigarettes. The rest of the club is almost like one giant conversation pit, with stairs leading down to the main floor, & two main stages right in the middle of the room. Both stages have mirrors at the back of them, so wherever you are in the club you can get a view. God does he love the view. 
Ben loves women. I don’t know if you know that, actually I know you don’t know that, but he does. The way women talk, the way they walk, move their hips, their lips, their touch, their smell, their taste. Fuck, he loves the taste. He’s a bit more partial to older women, but lately he’s bent his own rules. Twenty-four is the youngest he’ll go, and even then it’s…iffy. Maturity is a big thing for him. 
Here he’s happy to bend his rule to accommodate. He sits in a darker corner, his hat pulled low, and just enjoys the show. An hour, and nine beers in, & He’s gained just enough confidence to catch eyes with one of the girls in the club. She’s pretty, not exactly his type, but pretty. Long blonde hair, and a tiny sparkly pink one piece that barely hides anything. 
Believe it or not he’s shy. Tonight Ben’s shy. Only because he’s sure he’s toeing the line right now being here, but he's feeling more hands on, so when she asks if he wants a dance, he immediately says yes. It lasts all of two minutes. He wants more, but not with her, and he can’t even put his finger on why he stops her from asking if he wants to go to the VIP room, but he does. He pays her and immediately leaves. 
Back to his hand. Back to missing….something.
A week later, right as he’s snorting enough coke to down two bull elephants off of his coffee table, the doorbell rings. He quick sniffs, and wipes whatever’s left on his nose onto his gums before standing up. “Shit,” he half groans as he wobbles. Everythings a little too turnt at the moment, so he immediately sits back down and puts his head in his hands. “Oooooh, shit.”
He’s about 40 seconds deep into an almost meditative state when the doorbell rings again plus five knocks. This time he hears a “Hellooo?” And a softer, “Fuck, it’s hot please hurry up.” from the other side of the door. He knows you don’t mean for him to hear it, he can’t help it. He wishes he didn’t. Everything is too bright, and too loud, and his jaw is starting to grind from all the coke so no, hearing you or seeing you for that matter is not on his list. 
Regardless, when you start knocking again he’s up. In three seconds he’s around the couch, and swinging open the front door. The heat hits him immediately and so does the sight of you. Oh God she's gorgeous. He’s gotta lean on the doorframe a bit to keep steady, and get a good look at you. 
You’re standing in the doorway with two arms full of groceries. He’d completely forgotten about …Matt? Max? The guy Vought hired to buy him groceries, toiletries, and drugs. The other day he let himself in when Ben didn’t answer the door fast enough. Ben was shitting, and didn’t hear the doorbell. Or the door open for that matter. He scared Ben when he walked into the kitchen, & Ben threw a chair at him. He–thankfully–only shattered his collarbone. Needless to say the poor bastard quit while being loaded in the ambulance. The important part of that story is you. Standing here now instead of Mr. Irrelevant. 
Ben smiles at you and silently thanks God for the summer heat. Your gray T-shirt is just tight enough around your chest that he can see the outline of your nipples. I promise he’s trying not to stare, so he’s gotta work a little harder not to let his eyes drag down body. 
“Excuse me,” He’s not doing a good job.You’re just so pretty, baby. Even when you frown like that. “I’m y/n,” You say it slowly and a little sarcastically. You caught him staring, he knows he deserves it. He honestly likes it. “Jeremy sent me to drop off your groceries since Jackson–” That’s his name! “–quit. I’d shake your hand, but,” You hold up the bags, & Ben immediately reaches to grab them out of your hands. You look too good to work at Vault. Long lashes, pretty lips, and the way your hips curve in those shorts. He’s gotta ignore how much he wants to-
“Let me help with those,” He cuts his own thoughts off. “Are there any more in the car?” 
You nod. “Yeah there’s a lot more, let me help you at least.” You turn to walk back down the pathway. 
He takes a few steps out, and too eagerly says “No, Ma’am. Let me get em’.” Ma’am.
You don’t even stop walking. You just wave him off and say “It’s alright, I want to help. Honestly if you want to relax I can get these unloa–” He’s not listening. He’s coked out & kind of dazed, but he’s still a gentleman. Sort of. He can’t help but to watch your ass as you walk away. Your shorts look perfect on you, and everytime you step your ass jiggles a little. 
He just met you and he can tell you don’t like him. He stares too hard, his hair is a mess, he’s wearing stained sweatpants and a stained tank top to match (Had he realized you were coming he would’ve gotten dressed), and boy does he like you. He already knows he’d devour you if you give him the chance. Give em’ the chance. 
It takes about six minutes to unload everything out of your truck, Vought’s truck as you tell him. They gave you something big enough to haul all of his things in. A shitload of food, clothes, toiletries, fishing equipment, new hiking boots, and a black duffle bag you weren’t allowed to look in. Ben helps as much as he can which helps speed the process along. Now, however, he’s just sitting at the kitchen island bouncing between small talk, and admiring you put his groceries away.
“So,” He puts his forearms on the countertop and leans in. “Are you from here or..” Ladies and gentlemen, Soldier Boy! Jeez, try a little harder.
“No actually,” You say, pulling a couple of cases of strawberries out of bags, before putting them in the fridge. “I moved to the city about a year ago when I got hired at Vought.” 
“And is this all you do?” You’re doing amazing, Ben. He cringes a little at himself for saying it like that. ‘All you do’ , it’s a little condescending. 
You don’t even let it phase you. “No, actually, I’m Jeremy’s assistant and team lead.” You say before dropping down to a squat to load a few cases of beer onto the bottom shelf of the fridge. “I’m just here because I haven’t had time to hire a new personal shopper for you. I’ll have one for you by next week though, I promise.” 
Oh, please don’t promise that.
He tries so hard not to watch you, but Jesus he can’t help it. He’s got his eyes locked on you. The muscles in your back move every time you pick another case up, & your ass is sitting so prettily as you sit on your haunches to balance yourself. You stand back up, languid and smooth and your legs are so fucking-
“Okay,” You say, turning back around. He’s looking straight at you, and praying you didn’t catch him staring again. Part of him hopes you did. “That’s about everything, I don’t think you need help putting your personal items away, do you?” 
He fights the urge to say yes. “No, I-I’m good, but are you busy?” What is he doing? 
You pause and your eyebrows raise. “Uh, well today’s my day off, but-” 
“Stay for a bit,” It’s a statement he says more like a half-question.  “If you’d like. I have a-uh pontoon, and I’ve wanted to take someone out on the river since I got here. It’s my thanks for you using your day off to come here.” He smiles, and tries not to be too obvious about how much he wants you to say yes. 
“That’s kind of you,” You say smiling back before walking around the island towards your keys on the table. “but I have to go, I have a few errands to run.”
He’s good at hiding disappointment. He shrugs a bit, and keeps a warm smile. He can’t help but like the sound of your voice, even when it’s letting him down easily. “Okay, well can I ask you for a favor?” 
You put your hands on your hips and look up at him. “Sure, what can I do for you?” 
Sweetheart, so much. What he actually says is, “If you have time, would you mind coming again next week instead of someone else?” Oh he’s bold about it. “I just-” He shrugs. “I like our conversation. More than mine & Jacobs.” 
You laugh, and it makes him wanna be good to you. “His name is Jackson, and I’ll see.” You look him up and down, and Ben swears you bite your lip a bit. “Let me see your phone, I’ll give you my number so you can let me know if you need anything else.” You hold your hand out, and he’s immediately passing his phone to you. 
Oh he needs a lot. “Oh I need a lot.” He says before he even realizes it. Fuck. 
You just chuckle and keep putting your number in. You’re cool, you’re so fucking cool, you know that? When you finish you hand it back to him, and his hand grazes yours. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t really like that.
“So if I text you tonight and say I need something, you comin’?” He says, saving your number.
“Nope,” You say matter of factly, walking to the front door. “But give me a week, if I can’t find someone for you, you’ll see me here again.” 
He follows right behind you, eyes burning a hole into the back of your head. He does a little jog to grab the door before you do, and opens it for you. “Don’t look too hard then, that pontoon is just waiting for a chance at you.” And so am I. You give him a look at that statement, but say nothing.
He leans against the door as you walk out, and follows you all the way to the truck. “Can I only text you for things I need?” He says before reaching to open your car door too. Again, Ben is a gentleman through and through. 
You sit in the driver's seat and ask. “Is there another reason to text me?” 
He’s standing between you and the door now, and if we’re being real honest, he likes looking at you like this. The SUV is high enough that you’re eye to eye now, and he’s got a helluva’ view. He steps in a little & you’re even prettier up close. Nice cheekbones, pretty lashes, full lips. He puts one hand on the truck and keeps the other on the door, and leans into you a bit. His heart, Jesus, jumps a little when you don’t lean away from him. His breath deepens when you start looking him up and down too. Fuck, this is a moment. 
Sweetheart, you’re givin’ him all sorts of ideas to hold on to, you know that? 
“Absolutely, I needa’ get to know you a little better. Seeing as you know where I live and all.” He’s all eyes on you. His voice is kind of low now, and he can’t even help licking his lips. “You sure you don’t wanna stay a little bit longer? Let me cook you somethin’, show you how much I appreciate you, Y/n.” He’s practically drooling it out. 
He’s–okay–he’s not even trying to hold back how much he wants you. His voice is too low, he’s too close, and looking you up and down too much for it not to be obvious. You clock it, immediately, and–against your better judgment–lean into him. So close that your noses almost touch, and you reach your hand behind him. 
“I appreciate the offer but,” You say, grabbing the door. “I’m a little busy tonight.” 
He wants you so bad it hurts, and he just met you. He can’t help it, he’s leaning into you, eyes closing, and–
“Ah,” You almost whisper, smiling and pulling back. This is so funny to you. “I’m not the one for that, but I appreciate the thought. Excuse me.” you look behind him to the door and he doesn't move at first. 
Instead he just eyes you. He’s never had a woman play with him like that, and he’s torn between wanting more and none of it at all. You are the one for that, you’re just not there yet. You will be. He steps back, and you close the door, starting the car before rolling the window down. 
“You have my number, Ben,” The way you say his name makes him want to howl. “Call me if you need me.” 
“I promise I will, Y/n.” He says as you back up, turn, and pull down the driveway. He doesn’t go inside until your suv is out of his sight. 
“Fuck, Y/n,” He moans, sitting back in his bed & jerking himself off to the thought of you. “Yes, baby, keep ridin’ it.” 
He’s panting, eyes closed, imagining you on top of him. Fucking him like your life depends on it. He’s never heard you moan, but he's imagining something sweet, and addicting coming out of you. He starts bucking up into his hand, and imagines you whining at how deep he’s going. 
‘Be-e-en,’ You’d moan, mouth open and drooling from how good he’s hitting it. You would grip his hair and bounce on him the way you know he likes it. ‘Ben, please baby, harder!’
He starts fucking himself harder at your imaginary requests. He’d do any–and everything you told him to, and quickly at that. “Fu-uck, y/n, you know I like that. You know I like that, baby.” He moans to no one, but the thought of you. 
He imagines you swirling your hips on him, looking him in his eyes while you say, ‘Fuck baby I’m gonna cum. Ben, please,’ & he can’t hold it anymore. You are, even in his imagination, just too much. He cums all over his hand and stomach, and moans your name a couple of times for good measure. 
And for a while he just lays there. Panting, eyes closed, mind full of you. Fuck ‘Synn Gentlemens Club’, you’re what he’s been missing. That thought really wakes him up. He just met you, and compared to the hundred other women he’s slept with in his lifetime, you knock him back a little. The way you talk, the way you walk, how you laugh, and even how you tell him no. You’re not taken aback by him, you don’t fear him, you toy with him a little bit and what’s worst of all is he likes it. He really likes it.  He likes it so much that he wipes his hand off on his stomach and grabs his phone. Immediately finding your name and texting you a simple ‘Hello’.
A/n: Thank you for reading <3 If you want to be tagged in the next chapter you can DM me or reply to this post!
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celestiall0tus · 11 months
Redemption is a noble idea, but...
not everyone is capable of redemption. It is a sad, but honest truth. I'm not saying this to be a negative nancy, but I work with people who are down on their luck, at odds with the law, and I see this. I see people given a chance to better themselves, to get a fresh start on life, but they don't always take those chances and opportunities. Some are just genuinely in denial while you have those that know they have a problem but can't find the strength to stand back up again. After all, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Now, I know in media we get an escape and something we wouldn't normally in life. A fulfillment that can only be found there because of how shit life is. However, not everyone is worthy of redemption, especially a fast redemption.
I'm going to rip this old bandaid off. The Diamonds didn't deserve a redemption. Yes, Diamonds. Yellow, Blue, and White (I'll get to Pink in a whole different post as her story wasn't about redemption) The Diamonds were evil tyrant dictators that committed atrocities across the universe in their conquest. Immediately, Yellow and White aren't exactly deserving of a redemption. Now, Blue had redeeming qualities. She cared more for Pink than the others, mourned her, kept her memory alive, and actively sided with Steven first, but there's one big thing that really taints it for me. The gaslighting and abuse that Blue participated in towards Pink. I don't care what your opinion of Pink is, but the fact is that she was a victim of abuse. She was locked away, told she was "loved" and constantly treated as less than a Diamond. I have no doubt that Blue truly loved Pink, but the way she participated in the abuse and how it was quickly wrapped up will never sit right with me. Especially in the end when Pink is damned while the other Diamonds are redeemed.
To my Miraculous fans, we recently saw this. Gabriel, the worst of the worst, given redemption. This one is a little... muddy. So, he was granted redemption, but he granted it to himself. Mari tried, but was stabbed in the back. That I appreciate. He was able to use the wish to get what he wanted. He didn't need Mari to keep a promise or anything like that when Gimmi gave him exactly what he wanted, at the cost of himself. So, it's really muddy. No, he didn't deserve a redemption, but he won. He got what he wanted in the end. If he lost, but was offered redemption, that would be one thing. However, he actually won. He got his wish and rewrote reality to what he wanted. Again, it is extremely muddy and unclear. I do hope that in season 6 we get some answers. However, even I know that is too much to wish for.
On top of that for my Miraculous fans, I'll briefly touch on the big ones being Felix and Chloe. One who was given a redemption while the other who was started to give redemption, but then given a damnation.
Felix is a mixed bag. He definitely was a little shit at the start and it was genuinely jarring to see him again in Emotion wanting to help Adrien when he actively tormented Adrien. He was a good candidate for redemption, however, it needed time. As it stands, Felix's redemption was so jarring and quick. And, this could be just me, but is a little tied to Kagami. He really changed when Kagami was introduced into his life, and it's cute. But I'm so tired of this. I'm so tired of a romantic interest being the reason a person changes. I get love can change people, but I'm so fucking sick of it. I do wish we could have seen more of Felix's shift rather than drops of vague intrigue.
Now the sore spot: Chloe. Allow me to say this, I will be using the correct terminology for this when addressing her arc. It is my duty as a writer to address this as professionally as possible. If any of my phrasing or terms upset you, grow a pair.
Chloe, like Felix, was a perfect candidate for redemption. What made her redemption far more compelling is that we had time to digest it. It wasn't just dropped on our heads like Felix. We got to see the horrible mother that Audrey was (bitch was straight savage), the trauma that she endured because of Audrey's abandonment. It doesn't justify what she did, but it gives context. On top of that, you can buy her actions as a coping mechanism as she tries to act just like her mother. This does lead her to doing horrible things, that which is pretty bad, but it doesn't make her completely irredeemable. What ultimately led her to a damnation arc was Ladybug. I'll just say it, Ladybug was hypocrite. She told Chloe no more Queen Bee, but then acted rashly and gave Kagami the dragon again, despite Kagami revealing herself. It is no wonder that Chloe would turn to Hawkmoth in her most vulnerable moment.
Speaking of, there is a reason villains attack during a person's weakest. Chloe was a die hard Ladybug fan. She was utterly devoted because Ladybug was her hero. However, her hero tore her down and destroyed her, much like her own mother. This brings her to a vulnerable point. It's a lot like the original Disney's Ariel when Ursula goes after her. It is directly after Triton destroys the grotto and Ariel is shattered. The moment that they are at their weakest. And yet, both Ariel and Chloe are blamed for their actions without analyzing the events that lead them to it. Ariel had everything she loved destroyed by someone she loved dearly. Chloe had her devotion and hope shattered by a person she idolized. And yet people wonder why they did the things they did.
Chloe was someone that was on the right track to redemption, but was damned by her idol. I honestly think it is poetic, but wished there was acknowledgement. The damnation could have worked more if Ladybug acknowledged her own faults and tried to actively right them to put Chloe back on track for redemption. You want them to be seen as grown up by season 5, Astruc, add these moments. Ladybug blaming Chloe was not right by any means. Ladybug is at fault. She was the final straw that destroyed Chloe's redemption arc and pushed her towards damnation.
That is all for this post. I have one more to address a little later, but first need to collect my thoughts on. Stayed tuned for that one
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agust28 · 5 months
love in the grocery store 2
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pairing jaehyun x reader WC ? tags fluff Notes Sorry for the parts I didn't want to but Tumblr had a limit :( Also I literally rewrote the plot like 5 times and have at least 7 drafts In my notes. I wasn’t sure how to link part 2 on the part 1 post sorry again :(
Not even 2 weeks later you find yourself going back. Okay, to be fair, prices were getting outrageously high! You couldn’t keep convincing yourself that splurging on the groceries was better than going back to the forbidden store. Your mind constantly being reminded of the cute employee might have also played a part in the decision, but you’ll never admit that. You had to prep yourself in the car for about 20 minutes before actually entering the store. It sadly didn’t work because as soon as you walk in you wanted to walk out. Think about the prices, think about the prices, think about— “Excuse me,” an annoyed customer shoves you aside. “Sorry,” you squeak out, already embarrassing yourself, and you haven’t walked 5 feet into the store! You exhale before grabbing a cart, which did not fight this time, and head in. You look around trying to spot the cute employee from last time but no luck. You don’t know whether to be disappointed or relieved. Shaking your head, you remember why you’re here, and that’s to get groceries and head out. No detours! Most of your list has been crossed off except for the milk. It was a bit difficult to navigate since you were so used to your old grocery store. You're about to turn the aisle when you accidentally bump into someone. “Sorry! I—” you look up, and it’s like déjà vu. Before your mind can melt into a puddle, he speaks. “Oh hey! You’re the girl who fell into the carts!” His face of surprise morphs into concern. “Are you okay now? You didn’t look too good last time.” Speak, woman, speak! “Yes! I’m okay!” You say a bit loudly, startling him from your enthusiasm. Please universe, just let me shop in peace! “Ah, that’s good! You ran out before I could get a good look.” You look away from embarrassment, hoping this interaction would just end. “Yeah, uh, sorry, it was kind of embarrassing.” He smiles, watching your cheeks blush. “No worries, I totally understand! Well, I’ll let you get back to shopping.” He turns to walk away when you suddenly remember that you still need milk. “Wait! Where can I find the milk?” He turns around and tells you which aisle it’s in. “Or I could just show you? If you’d like.” He rushes the last sentence as if he expects you to turn him down. You nod your head yes, and he smiles widely at that. “Ok, follow me!” You follow next to him as he leads you both to the dairy section. You’re walking side by side when he takes a look into your cart. “You’ve got a cat? I love cats!” You smile brightly at that. Cute and an animal lover? You could melt. “Yeah, one cat and one dog,” you say, pointing to the dog shirt that’s also in your cart. You both continue to share your love for animals before he stops. “Well, this is the milk,” he points towards the wall of milk. You thank him and grab a gallon. From the corner of your eye, you still see the cute clerk standing near you, looking as if he has something to say. As you contemplate whether you should ask if something was wrong, he taps you on your shoulder. “Hi, I probably shouldn’t be doing this but um—” he stops to look around a little uneasy “sorry, I thought I saw my manager.” He breathes out and continues, “I was just wondering if I could have your number?” You’re taken aback because this is the last thing you imagined coming out of his mouth. He takes your surprise as disgust and immediately starts to backtrack. “Sorry! I just thought you were cute! And wanted to have your number to check up on you!” Now you're laughing. “Check up on me?” He sees your smile and visibly relaxes. “Yeah, you know that fall looked really hard. It'd be good to have my number just in case.” You smirk. “In case of what? I fall on your very dangerous carts again?” “Exactly!” He pulls out his phone and hands it over to you, hoping you'd agree to exchanging numbers. And of course, you do! You'd be crazy not to. The two of you exchange numbers and names and bid farewell. You step out with groceries that will no longer cost a leg and a new contact that you'll hopefully keep in touch with.
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starkfish · 16 days
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @meduseld! Because while I haven't written in awhile, I sure do love *talking* about writing :D Under the cut
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
A nice round 50.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 337,459
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Nowadays not really any, lmao, but BACK IN THE DAY I was obviously primarily an ASOIAF writer, but I've also written for Harry Potter, Law and Order SVU, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Taken, and American Horror Story. And I loooooove talking about those fandoms that I write less frequently about so feel free if anyone had any questions, I would lap that shit right up.
4. Top five fics by kudos:
we're men of snow (we melt one day)
Rivers and Roads
this house no longer feels like home
And Maybe Someday Love
to stand outside your virtue (this one is probably the biggest surprise in the top 5 for me)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I was/am good at responding when a fic is newly posted but I'm not very good at it now, which is a shame on me because I still read and love every comment and I think people who take the time to leave comments on fics that are years old are super super rad. Usually I see it and get all giddy and then forget to respond and then feel weird responding much later, which is silly of me. I don't get a ton of comments anymore but I'm going to try and be better about answering because I do appreciate them!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Measures, that one is just an angst fest in general. Or hmm, A Myth of Devotion is a close second.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Aahahaha this is just making me realize how death is involved in like...all of my fics? So maybe Rivers and Roads since Ned and Cat get to be together at the end, despite the DEATH AND WAR around them? Or maybe that my lips would build a castle which finds Jon and Sansa together in Winterfell despite all the DEATH AND WAR THAT WAS AROUND THEM. Or maybe Wedding Bell Blues which is a fun modern AU despite the fact that Lyanna is unhappy in it. What can I say, I enjoy my angst.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not a lot, although I did just recently get someone angry that I tagged Ned/Ashara in 'Wedding Bell Blues', and honestly they weren't completely wrong but they were so obnoxious about it that the tag is staying there out of spite. And of course I used to get the requisite Catelyn hate but even that was pretty few and far between. My stuff is usually what it says on the tin and AO3 is a little bit more self selecting than other sites of the past.
9. Do you write smut?
Awwwww yis especially SMUT WITH FEELINGS.
10. Craziest crossover:
I'm not really a crossover babe, alas.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, someone took 'Measures' and basically rewrote it word-for-word as a Downton Abbey fic and someone recognized it as my work (...actually was it you, @meduseld??) and brought it to my attention. Lmao also back when I was on a Desperate Housewives livejournal (BACK IN THE DAYS) I had a couple of ESL writers take parts of my fics and use them in theirs and the mod of the LJ community got SO MAD at me when I was like "...hey please don't do that!" But the incident with 'Measures' was definitely the most blatant.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, and I think it's very cool! I would never attempt to translate it back though lol. But it is very touching to me that someone would like my work enough to want to take the time to translate it so others can enjoy it. I'm always fine with it as long as proper credit is given. I have also had a podfic done on a Lyanna comment fic and that was also extremely cool! The person who did that had a lovely reading voice. =)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not a published fic but I've done roleplay-y writing with a few friends before which was always fun!
14. All time favorite ship?
I don't know if I've penned more words, thought more thoughts, spent more time for any other ship more than Ned/Cat. <3 A close second to Elliot/Olivia in Law and Order SVU for goddamn longevity though. Still dragging me along, twenty years later.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sadly I doubt I'll ever finish 'these are hard times for dreamers' because back in 2019 I only had the vaguest idea of where I wanted to go next and that has only gotten worse with time. I have also had a Lynesse fic half-written on my computer for probably like...five years at this point, BUT I think that's more likely to get finished at SOME point just because it is already around 4k words. But who knows WHEN.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character work, especially internal thoughts, setting a mood/scene, etc.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes, getting from point A to point B to point C, especially concisely versus needing ten thousand words. I also think my dialogue is hit or miss, especially in a longer back-and-forth conversation.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'll reference it if need be but usually try and avoid because I don't speak any other language fluently and don't want to make any foolish mistakes.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Lmao SAILOR MOON (Geocities 5ever) and also I wrote some Pokemon stuff. I'm not even a little sorry.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I think it's 'we're men of snow (we melt one day)' which makes it especially gratifying that it is my most popular. There are still bits I would clean up if I were rewriting it but on the whole I'm so pleased with how it turned out and it was also really nice that it was a gift for a friend for FandomAid (@catelyngrant) who gave me pretty free reign to do whatever I wanted. So I'm glad I was able to deliver something that I'm very happy with because she deserves it! I am also very partial to my Lysa Heroine Big Bang fic, 'The Girl in the Mirror'. I love writing Lysa and this was the most complete thing I ever wrote about her, and I loved getting to flesh out her backstory. Much as it is super fun to play in the AU sandbox, it is also a ton of fun to examine a part of canon that is left uncovered in the source material. Tagging @catelyngrant, @apprenticemockingbird, and anyone else who may be interested!
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What's this? Another Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow post?? But it's 2024! Surely, there's nothing new to uncover with regards to this seminal work of sequential storytelling...right?!?!?
Well...kinda. XD
BEHOLD! Another Tom King podcast interview, wherein he discusses Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, and mostly confirms stuff we already knew, but! BUT! He does drop some new bits of info!
Right then. LET'S GO!
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My usual disclaimer applies, recommend listening to the interview firsthand to get a more objective perspective.
(And when I say 'biased summary' what I mean is that I will be including the bits that make me want to run a victory lap because my readings were SPOT HECKIN' ON, ALL YE NAYSAYERS!*)
Ahem. Anyways.
So I'm going to start off with some new-ish info (at least, it's new-ish to me. XD) The interviewers had asked about the title, specifically in regards to Zor-El's dialogue in issue six (I believe it's the portion where Zor is explaining to Kara why he's going to save her, and says something like, "tomorrow will come soon enough...and you will be a woman looking back on the many decades of your life..." hence 'Woman of Tomorrow') and whether that was planned from the outset, or if that part came about organically as he was writing it.
King said he'd originally written a completely different script for issue six (which we did know) but FUN NEW FACTOID TIME: Zor-El/Kara's origin (initially) weren't included in issue six like, at all. It therefore would not have come up at any point within the mini-series, had they gone with that first script.
But editorial hated it (King agreed with their conclusion, and another fun fact, we'll get to see said script in the backmatter for the new deluxe edition, YAY) and when King asked if there was anything in it that they liked, they said the tiny flashback to Kara's time on Argo was good.
SO. King then decided to expand that/incorporate her origin, because that would be 'easy', and this was back during his crazy COVID writing schedule.
(Folks will perhaps recall that he wrote issue seven in like...a day. What we did not know was that he rewrote issue six in that same week.)
And then it ended up being everyone's favorite issue so yaaaaay for editors! Unsung heroes of comics!
They are also comics' greatest villains but that's a discussion for another day!
Evely's art was mentioned at this point and King was like, 'I had to go back and make the writing more beautiful/esoteric to match what she was putting out.'
Also we stan a comic writer who lets his artists take as long as they need on art. (Though as he's mentioned before, Evely was able to turn in the art quickly on this book, which is heckin' WILD to me, have you SEEN that woman's pencils and inkwork??!??!?!??!?!)
They touched on the True Grit comparisons, only relevant/new bits there are that King feels it's the perfect novel (agree) and that the John Wayne version is terrible (also correct) and the Cohen Brothers' version is great (right again.)
Another bit we already knew: It was an editor who was responsible for the suggestion that Kara should be Rooster, not Mattie. (I think in the past he credited this to Jamie Rich, but this time he said he couldn't remember if it was Rich or Brittany Holzherr, and said they could fight over the credit if they want. XD)
Either way, THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE, b/c the alternative pitch, with Kara as Mattie and Lobo as Rooster, sounded awful.
Instead King went with, 'Kara will learn from the young naïf, and teach the young naïf.'
(Much better.)
King said they had the first issue completely drawn, colored, and lettered--basically ready to go, and DC said, 'we can't publish this because Supergirl doesn't drink.'
King called Jim Lee, trying to make his case, that she was twenty-one, it was legal, it was a totally normal/human thing to do, and Lee was like, 'but we can't.'
King: Could I do it with Superman? Lee: Yeah.
Essentially it was a lot of tiptoeing around stuff like, 'girls can't get drunk and whatnot' coupled with 'Supergirl can't do that because she's perfect and pure.'
But! Lee ultimately was like, 'okay, you can leave the scene in, but you can't say she's drunk.'
So if you go back and read the actual dialogue/narration, there's no explicit language confirming that kara is three sheets to the wind.
(Which is so, so ridiculous to me because the art makes it very, very clear that she is. XD LOOPHOLES!)
King and the interviewers pointed out that this real world editorial incident ironically tied into one of the metanarratives of the character, that being the pressure placed on Kara, which Clark doesn't have to deal with.
Art imitating life etc. etc. XD
Feel like I've heard this bit in other interviews but it's sweet so it bears repeating: the green sun planet's name is based on King's nickname for his daughter, and she was the one who came up with the idea of a 'green sun planet' during a discussion at dinner one night.
So shifting gears a bit, the rest of the podcast focused specifically on various plot points that the interviewers wanted to discuss/had questions about; it's basically King offering his insights as the writer. And I really, really appreciate this, for reasons I'll get to further down. Now then, more summarizing!
One of the interviewers brought up a sticking point he had with the book: the execution of the Brigand in issue four. Ruthye says to Supergirl that she thought she would save him. To which Supergirl replies: Did you?
King explained that Ruthye and Kara are on opposite journeys in this book. In issue one, Kara is on the side of 'I don't kill, heroes never kill' and Ruthye is on the opposite side, 'Krem killed my father, I have to kill him.' At the end of the book, they are once again on opposite sides, but they've switched.
(I love the way King described it, that Ruthye becomes Supergirl, and saves Supergirl. More on this later.)
But specifically that part in issue four, where Kara doesn't step in, King confirmed that she's on that journey, she's going through that transition, but she hasn't crossed the line of, 'I'll kill him myself.' Rather, she's allowing the system to do what it will.
King also mentioned that this theme isn't especially new and has been examined in comics time and time again, of superheroes asserting their morality over governments, and how that spirals into fascism. He cited Kingdom Come, etc.
Further comments from King on Kara's character: she's conflicted, unlike Clark. Clark's soul and ideals are aligned one to one; Kara wants that. She loves those ideals and wants to uphold them, but she's not fully aligned like that because of what she's been through (read: She's Seen Some Things)
Loved this bit from King: "Supergirl's a little more human than Clark, in spite of being more alien."
King said DC probably would've let him have Supergirl kill Krem in the end, BUT (and it's a good 'but' tying into that earlier bit about Ruthye becoming Supergirl) he said that the theme of this book was 'what makes Supergirl awesome' (he admits this is kind of a dumb theme, but hard disagree, sir) and he liked that Kara's lessons to Ruthye are ultimately what saves her. Kara saves herself.
King once again stated, for the record, that Krem does not die in the end!
The two interviewers had differing interpretations, hence King needing to confirm. XD He even pulled out his script for issue eight, and the description does indeed say that Krem is unconscious, not dead.
And, AND, Evely even made this clearer in the art; the script didn't have Krem moving after Ruthye hit him, but Evely added Krem placing his hand on his head.
Another point the interviewers wanted to discuss: Ruthye writing that Supergirl had killed Krem.
King confirmed that this was to prevent the Brigands from retaliating against Ruthye, and instead focus on going after Supergirl.
In King's mind, Kara feels immense guilt that her father saved her over literally anyone else, so she spends her life taking on other people's pain, to make up for what she sees as taking someone else's spot on that ship.
The scene in issue seven, where Kara's falling through the atmosphere and pushes through in order to preserve the memories that she carries with her was inspired by events from King's life; his mother died unexpectedly, and when going through her things, realized that he was one of the only people who carried certain memories of his mother and grandparents; he described it as a kind of burden.
Last question from the interviewers: Why make Ruthye and unreliable narrator? Do we believe anything in this book, now?
King started off his answer by noting that he fought against using captions in his books for his entire career; by the time he started writing comics, caption boxes had sort of lost their vitality and had become the equivalent of thought balloons, which had long since fallen out of style.
But when he returned to them with Supergirl, he said, (and I have the full quote below)
King: "What I love about [captions] is that you can write things that contrast what's in the pictures, so that the captions can tell you a little bit of a different story than what you're seeing, and thereby enhance it--it's that idea of Ruthye being, she's narrating the story but we're seeing pictures of what's actually happening, creates an excellent sort of tension I think." (Bold mine)
And so, some THOUGHTS!
As always, I love learning new things about this comic. I wish this comic had a commentary track, with King (and Evely, Lopes, and Cowles!) talking about the creation/processes behind the book.
Next best thing is podcasts, I guess! XD
But IN ADDITION to fun, new information, as I mentioned at the outset, King has basically confirmed a bunch of stuff I mentioned in my deep dive posts.
To quote one of the interviews: "I was validated by Tom King!"
This also debunks like. Every bad-faith criticism lobbed at the book. It's almost like a checklist of the month-to-month stuff I was seeing from those aforementioned naysayers, complaining on twitter that King had ruined Kara beyond repair.
They'll likely never listen to this podcast, but I wish they would! I think it would make them feel better. XD Like, hearing the insights on Kara/Ruthye/etc has just reminded me once again how good this book is, and how emotionally moving.
Like, again, I love the way King sums up how Kara and Ruthye work together in this book to shine a spotlight on Supergirl; Kara teaches Ruthye lessons, Ruthye becomes Supergirl thanks to those lessons, Ruthye then saves Kara, thus Kara saves herself.
(Which hey, I touched on in my issue eight post, way back when.)
(I'm also beyond thrilled that my assumption that the art is the true account while the narration boxes are Ruthye's recounting was CORRECT.)
(Which isn't to suggest this is a terribly deep, difficult to decipher text. I mean. It's a monthly comic book intended for mass consumption, starring popular IP--the writing isn't inaccessible by any means. XD But I just remember seeing SO MANY PEOPLE deliberately misreading these specific points as a way to Stay Mad, so I'm relieved that my glass half full interpretations wasn't just the result of desperate Evely Stan goggles, you know? XD)
TL;DR: I cannot heckin' WAIT for that big, beautiful hardcover coming out in July (IDK if I've posted about it here yet but Lopes said he recolored some stuff so you BETTER BELIEVE I'll be back on my Woman of Tomorrow nonsense this summer) and I'm also thrilled that this entire creative team has returned with a new creator owned title (EXPECT A POST ON THAT...AT SOME POINT???)
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destinygoldenstar · 10 months
Ninjago: Crystalized Redemption (Calling All Artists)
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You guys asked for it.
Yes, I have officially started the work of a full on season rewrite of the final season of Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitsu.
I say 'final' because Dragons Rising is a sequel show. Kind of like the Star Wars sequel trilogy. That doesn't count.
I think we can all agree that an 11 year story we've all grown up with deserves a better conclusion that ties everything together into a grand finale that's entertaining, action packed, heartfelt, and maybe a tear jerker?? (We'll have to see)
I swear there's more cartoons that's endings crash and burn than ones that actually work. (Star Vs, Steven Universe, blah blah other stuff) What is up with that?
In actuality, and this may come as a shock, I don't hate this season as much as everyone else seems to, though I do agree with pretty much all the complaints. I think Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu is a worse season personally. But Crystalized has a lot more requirements to fulfill than that, and is even more disappointing as a result.
And I do have experience with rewrites, as I also rewrote Total Drama Action, which you guys seemed to really like that. So thanks for the confidence.
However, this has far higher stakes than that... my luck.
Anyway, I am currently working on the outline of the rewrite as we speak. It is still going to be 30 episodes, 11 minutes each. However, some episodes will not have the same titles as canon, because from my structure so far, it's not the same as the show.
The rewrite will be posted here, and we will be going episodic once we feel the rewrite is good and ready, so stay tuned.
And here's the purpose of this post:
You know in my TDA rewrite posts where I had some of those bad quality images showcasing a scene?
I'm going to allow fan artists to get a moment to shine and shed some love to the show with this.
And also help with criticisms towards my outlines and drafts of the rewrite, to make this work. Or if you have any crazy ideas for the story you want to suggest.
On a discord, I have a server for artists and potential writing editors.
This is where I'll be posting my outlines for episodes when I get them done, and on that server, artists can draw out the scenes. (Any scene, from the show or a completely new scene I add)
If I think the artwork is good, I'll add it to the post of the episode where viewers can get a great visual of the rewrite, and you will get a shoutout for your Tumblr blog.
This is also a place for said artists to suggest ideas for the narrative or scenes, so I can get a perspective on what people want to see. Criticize my outline or drafts so I can fix that before I officially post the episode, or otherwise.
Any art style will be allowed. You can replicate the show's style, or do your own, I will allow that. I do have some rules with that and it will be said on the discord too: Age appropriate. This is still a kids media. (Very high chance your work won't be on the post if you break that rule) In terms of non-lego artstyles, in the discord we will agree on a certain look for certain characters so that the story is consistent. We're not gonna have one image with massive bulky Cole and another where he's the same side as the others, that's what I'm getting at. We'll decide collectively what works, and I'll have some people make specific character designs as a board for other artists to use.
Also, this is unpaid. This gonna be for fan artists who love the show and want to help me give Ninjago the ending it deserved. And if they just want to get recognized and credited for their work.
What's on the discord stays on the discord and should not be posted on any other platform, unless you go to me first and get permission. We'll see what happens ninja artists.
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filmbyjy · 2 years
JAM OUT - twenty! yn is drunk [pictures + written]
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translation of 3rd pic: ‘stupid’ | ‘i hate you’ | ‘why did I fell in love (with) you’ | ‘fuck you’ | ‘i hate how much I miss your body’
note: I also realised that in chapter 18, I was supposed to introduce haerin but because I rewrote it and forgot how the original post went, I never put haerin in so I added her here!
(and now the story)
masterlist | previous | next
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heeseung was just strumming his guitar, trying to come up the next hit for your band. the company wanted to create a new album for you guys but none of you had the strength or thought to create a song.
not when everything is happening right now.
he hears a ping coming from his phone. a new message had arrived. of course, it’s the drunken text you had sent him. he attempts to decipher it but clearly it took too long since you had already started banging on his bedroom door, demanding him to come out and face you.
there were other things you said in the process but by far, this was my favourite one you muttered.
it was all that took for heeseung to open the door and lean on his door frame. he folds his arms.
your face contorts, trying to really get into character. “you’re an asshole.”
heeseung hums.
“I know.”
“jake has a bigger dick than you.”
“he doesn’t and you fully know that.”
“hmm.” you hummed and nod, “but sunghoon has a bigger one than you and jake combined.”
heeseung tilts his head, “(name)? how do you know-”
“you hurt me.”
“I know.”
“but why do I always go back to you? you hurt me so many times and yet I always go back to you.” you point fingers onto his chest. heeseung sighs.
“(name). I know I fucked up-” you walked past him and went to lay on his bed. heeseung sighs. he goes over to you and taps on you.
“5 mins, mom.” you slurred out.
heeseung removes the hair covering your eyes. he unconsciously smiles and when he does, he wipes it off quickly. his heart racing as he watches you lightly snore. you were cute.
“god, heeseung what is wrong with you.” he mumbles under his breath.
yet, he seemingly knew the answer.
was he falling for you?
no, its impossible. not when he hurt you way too far.
he cant love you. you deserve someone better, someone who isn’t him.
so heeseung sighs and carefully lifts you off his bed. he makes his way over to your bedroom with you in his arms and tucks you into bed.
he contemplates on leaving a small peck on your forehead but he knows he shouldn’t.
“I’ll get out of your hair from now on.” heeseung whispers. “im sorry, I hurt you. I dont deserve you. you deserve someone better.”
he stops just outside of your door and turns to look at you.
“im sincerely sorry. I hope you’ll forgive me.” heeseung says before he smiles weakly and turns off your bedroom light. he closes your bedroom door.
his plan right now: move out and possibly get together with haerin.
ah right, haerin. the girl heeseung surprisingly thought was a good candidate to actually date. she helped him through a decent amount of troubles. they hooked up a couple of times and heeseung thought she was pretty so he decided why not.
he was finally going to stop his fuckboy antics once and for all.
and its because of you
taglist[open]: @junnniiieee07 @lhsdiary @woniesbakery @cyuuupid @qimmylol @lhsng @beans-and-jeanes @starggukies @maybee-may @gu8ki @taetaemylovie @thealatte @nyfwyeonjun @sakunasrealgf @diestheticu @mingyuswrld @iloveoceaneyes @viagumi @mymeloem19 @enhasengene @lalalalawon @te44sng @ahnneyong @ii4enha-jwn @allthegirlsmialoved @artstaeh @msxflower @monkeybabyzz @raimbows4u @hoteldelluna @allsunshinenosugar @kwnshi @luvrseung
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brightsstar · 1 year
Before reading this, i highly recommend watching the new SAMS video before doing so
This post talks about some pretty dark stuff.
Okay.. this is something to do with the original concept i had for Rising Eclipse. The fact that the video today itself shows i've known this for a long while; I'm still wrapping my head around that.
For context, i came up with the original au back in october. Shortly before Eclipse's death. October 25th. It was a very simple au at the time. Eclipse regretting his actions and trying to befriend Lunar, Sun, and Moon. Then his death came, which i knew, at the time something like that was going to happen. That helped expand the grounds for the au. I was also heavily inspired by "Karma's Bitter but So Am I" at the time.
What i'm saying here is Rising Eclipse, as a story was originally going to have a darker tone to it. Eclipse, in the original story concept didn't care all that much what happened to himself. Because his one purpose was to get rid of Blood Moon no matter the cost. After that he had nothing. He had no purpose following Blood Moon's death. He had a vague idea of maybe trying to make amends, but he felt like that was too far fetched of a hope, which did stick around, but changed a little bit. He even felt like things could probably be better if he was gone too. This bit was removed entirely, and changed. He considered himself a nobody. He had no family, friends, or anybody he could rely on. He's alone because of his own actions, and he knows that. This is also something that stuck around, but the nobody feeling bit was entirely changed, and he had more of a sense of self preservation. Believe it or not, the story itself evolved chapter by chapter. Not too much, but minor changes were made in the midst of it. Including a couple major ones in the middle of writing. Yes, i had deleted whole chunks of chapters in progress before and rewrote them differently, but i did it in a way that doesn't make it too obvious so it still blended in well. "A Night of Hell" was the chapter that underwent these major changes. In two different places. "Sunset" was even entirely rewritten. I had 995 words that made up the original version in progress, and i rewrote all of that differently. Similar events, of course, but with some changes.
Back onto the topic though, yes, Eclipse originally considered himself a nobody. This was throughout the original story concept. He still reflected on and regretted his past actions, but his only focus was to end Blood Moon, even fully knowing he would very likely die again as a result of that too. This was changed, but the rest of the story isn't changed. I would've brought all of this up after the story was done initially, but that episode today.. seeing i was right from the start of me making this story, it honestly hurt. All the way back from early December, i knew this. I feel so bad for Eclipse. Regretful Eclipse, or at least the original version of him related to canon Eclipse from the get go in this sense which is probably why it hurt, and it hurts worse the more i think about it. R! Eclipse wasn't changed by too much, but i changed this about him because i felt like it was too dark. The newer version is a lot better, and i am a lot happier with it.
The story will have a good ending. I want to make that clear now. It always was intended that way.
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Questions (sorry if I type alot):
1. how far removed do you like to take the family tree when it comes to cousins and other relations? Like is there a point where it doesn’t matter like third and fourth cousins? (I say this since you mentioned Dove and Tiger would share a same great grandma/great great grandma, making them second/third cousins respectively which on it’s own isn’t really that bad genetic wise but I’m not sure how you categorize it in the rewrite)
2. If Tigerheart isn’t Tawny’s son, why did Rowan name him Tiger-?
3. How far back do the cat track their family lines? Do they call themselves by a specific family name?
Oh hi, don't worry i type alot too, sorry for the long response, but answering your questions:
1 - Well, i prefer to totally remove that they are related by blood if they are a couple, for more genetic diversity, and for new blood in the clan(as inviting loners and kittypets into the clan), one example i can think of is Heathertail and Breezecloud, since i totally rewrote that Onewhisker and Ashfoot are siblings, so now only Ashfoot and Morningflower are siblings from another pairing, while Onewhisker is the solo kit of Wrenflight and Stagleap.
But Breezecloud and Heathertail would be still tecnically related, IF Heathertail was Ruby's kit together with Darktail, but since she is not, they are not related.
However, i'm still thinking about the Tawnyclaw being the mother of Tigerheart thing, since i don't know if i should keep it or not, but i like the idea of Rowanclaw's kits being not related to Tigerclaw, so we have more diversity in Shadowclan, but i think i wouldn't mind making Tawny their mother in all honesty, as you said, it's not that horrible compared to other canon pairings(*cof* *cof* Ivypool and Fernsong *cof* *cof*);
2 - Honestly, i didn't thought of that when i made the Fireheart's family tree, so maybe i will make Rowanclaw rename him, since i was thinking of adding that Tigerclaw could manipulate Shadowclan before trying to murder Star Bluefur, as a fail safe if he couldn't murder her and that Shadowclan was weak at that time, so it was easier, so maybe Rowanpaw was one of the cats that were mostly manipulated by Tigerclaw, and created a admiration for him, but after Shadowclan discovers that they were tricked, so Tigerclaw can have his revenge on Thunderclan, maybe Rowanclaw wanted to name his kit after Tigerclaw as a "Firestar named Brambleclaw that way, so the clan could move on from the past" way, which i really don't like it.
But i'm thinking that i will rename Tigerheart as Talonheart, for Rowanclaw's apprentice that was hated crimed by kittypets(yes, that happened in canon), since i think he would really want to honour his apprentice, i don't know, i want some opinions here.
I hope i answered you questions^^
3- I think i already said in one of my posts, but i track 'till Mapleshade's Vengeance if possible, since if i'm not wrong, this is the most far back the clans was ever written that was still fairly close to the modern clans, and another reason is the impact that this era made on Thunderclan, since i think i didn't mention it yet(which is a crime), but Thunderclan after the Mapleshade's incident revoked all queen's rights, and the queen's rights would only return in Star Bluefur's reign, this brought so many problems in Thunderclan, since she-cats and toms that have kits outside the clan, would HAVE to name the other parent before the kit is born, so i think it made sense in the rewrite sense, as this era was very important to the clans, so why not start by it? Note: Only Thunderclan made this, the other three still had and have queen's right.
I forgot to answer the family name when i answered this, but adding it later better than never: No, while yes that some cat families have a famous, relevant or antagonistic against the clans's cat, and cats in universe can recall it, with some cats having a prejudice against them because of a family member(Brambleflower), or have some expectation on them from being related to some important clan figure(Silverstream or Whitestorm), but the family itself doesn't really have a name, it's more a way that i can organize myself.
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1ischai · 2 years
so i rewrote high guardian spice (at least kinda? like mainly the characters and the first episode for now) and i have no idea where to post it so i am doing so here, yes the hype had died down but idc it's been a passion project of mine because i've consumed too much high guardian spice content.
so let's start.
the characters:
i have not changed their names, only because i couldn't find any appropriate spice names for them, if you have any ideas feel free to comment.
i do want to establish that all of the main four and the rest of the students are 15 years old.
rosemary - she's slightly clumsy, not as much as in the original, she is though way more responsible with her mother's sword and she isn't very loud. her reason for wanting to become a guardian is to save her mother and let me tell you why
she didn't disappear all of a sudden, she was taken (which i think makes the turning evil part make more sense)
sage - sage is a very smart girl, she would always follow the rules and do what her mom tells her to. in my rewrite her mother isn't very strict. from the very short scene where we saw her, she didn't seem very much like how sage described her in later episodes so i decided to make her mother a little more understanding, letting her daughter use new magic if so she desires.
thyme - she is reserved but she does open up later and stops being a total jerk to everyone and everything once she learns not everyone is against her or has ill intent. she follows the rules to some extent, the only time she would break them is if anyone she deeply cares about gets in trouble. her conflict with the rot and her dad is slightly different, she is the only one who knows about the rot, everyone is oblivious to it because it doesn't affect them as much as it affects the rest until she brings everyone's attention to it and people start to realize something is wrong.
parsley - she doesn't want to follow in her family footsteps. instead she wants to create her own path and learn something new which is why she takes all the courses (kinda like luz from the owl house) to find what she likes to do because she doesn't like being told what to do.
snapdragon - i generally wanted to keep him as is because i liked his story and his journey to discovering himself and what he likes but i do want to change the bully plot because it was stupid and unnecessary.
amaryllis - i am keeping her as is, i liked that she cursed a lot and i think it suited her character they just didn't execute it very well so i tried making it better and i did tone down her bitchyness because most of the time it felt forced because she is supposed to be the main bully.
now to the episodes
the first episode starts a few years back when rose was around 12 years old
and that time she met sage and they became good friends, they would hang out a lot.
ever since day one, rose has never told sage about her mother, so she just assumed that she died and didn't ask rose about it to avoid any awkwardness.
after a montage of scenes featuring sage and rose getting closer, the big day comes when sage and rose decide to leave their town and become guardians, after being told many stories about adventures the guardians went through which sparked their interest, having an emotional moment with their families, saying goodbye they go down the path that leads to the train station, if they don't get in time they won't be able to get to the capital.
sage does not have her broomstick with her for this mainly because there needs to be some conflict
i am removing all the unnecessary traveling and getting right into the train scene
when the ogre(?) fell through the bridge
instead of flying on her broomstick (which she doesn't have) rose and sage help the ogre get up, struggling since they're only 15, by doing so they miss the train and start to panic
so sage decides to create a portal with old magic since it's the only kind of magic she knows how to use
seeing old magic in action for the first time
sage cuts a lock from her hair placing it on the ground while she draws the appropriate spell on the ground
as she haven't used that spell much it gets a little tricky but at the end she manages to open the portal and they go through it, finding themselves in the middle of a street
(while anise and aloe wait for them in the station unaware of the circumstances)
sage and rose start exploring a little, seeing the capital for the first time when they stumble upon a large building
high guradian academy.
and that's it i think? i am not too sure i just tried to have fun with it
i hope you somewhat enjoyed this
i don't know if this is any better than the original but like i think anything is better than the original at this point
so yeah
have a nice day, and don't forget to stay hydrated, eat and sleep
and no neglecting responsibilities.
nah i am kidding i am not trying to control your life
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eiflawriting · 2 years
3, 6, and 25. I also have one i want to ask myself.
When writing something when you're not liking how it's turning out, or it just doesn't feel right but you're in too deep to completely start over what do you do?
Cause I just posted something I'm not that happy with but I'm not sure if I'm overthinking it or if it's just ass. I'm not really happy with the dialogue in it.
thank you for asking me these fun questions for writers. 💚
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need?
hmm, i think when i start writing my mafia fic, im going to be that way. i know what i want to incorporate, its just how i wanna write to make sure it's clear to readers. the goal is to expect the unexpecting. so i need to come up with scenarios, describe the action scenes well, etc. like i want this to be one of those fics for me. but yeah, i think i answered this question correctly? lolol.
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
nanami. yes i am biased. but also i don't have much fics out yet, but i really enjoy how i right. in no matter what story he's in. though, i did wanna point out the little i did of satoru, i've been told i write his friendship with nanami well, so kudos to me i guess lol. i'm going to write a satoru fic soon anyways. it'll be a ooc with hints of his canon traits.
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
i would say coming up with plots then planning out the story. that's how i start my fics. like i be talking to myself out loud about what i wanna do, and somehow i remember everything i say. i be like "ouuuuh, yeah this gon have y'all in shambles." lmfaoooo. the planning process is always the most fun to me, especially when i know how i want the story to end already. that's how i feel about ten years .
extra questions -- if i absolutely don't like how i write something, first i won't post it. that's how i was with ten years. i posted chapter one back in may and it took me over a month to post chapter two because i rewrote it like fifty damn times. i still even have extra shit i didn't use in a document about it just in case lol.
now, if it doesn't feel write to me but i like what i have, i'll just reread it a few times or maybe even have someone else beta read it just to make sure i wasn't tripping. hence why i took down the next chapter of mafia. i really love how i wrote that chapter, but something about ain't feel right. like i know i can do better.
so if you ever feel that way, just be kind to yourself about. don't feel pressure in having to post it right away, that's how i felt because i wanted to quickly post a new chapter before it fades away. but if people really support your work, they will understand and appreciate you wanting to post nothing but quality. just take your time and make any revisions that are needed. 💚 
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beck-a-leck · 9 months
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
Thanks for playing along with the Ask Box Game, Nonny!
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
Hmmm... this one's tricky because the answer is both Yes and No.
In general, I never post something unless I'm happy with it, so everything I have up on AO3 I was and often am still satisfied with. So if there were to be any re-dos on my pieces, at most they would just be to do some minor edits that I didn't catch the first time through, or fix an awkward wording here and there. Nothing major.
Even my really old stuff from back when I was still a new writer, I don't think I would go back and rework. At the time they were the best writing I could do, and while perhaps on a Technical side I could possibly do a better job with the stories, I don't think I could redo the stories in a way that felt right. Yes, I've certainly changed as a writer, but as a person I've also changed, and teenage-me was having thoughts and feelings and approaching topics in a way that current-me, half a lifetime removed and grown, couldn't hope to meet (both in good ways and bad).
That's not to say I haven't been tempted to do a complete rewrite in the past. I know back when I was new, I went back and rewrote my first fic in a way that satisfied me more. And there was something I posted around 2012? 2013? that I wrote in a fury over like 3 days and posted it almost immediately after, and it only took about a month for me to go "eehhhh i wanna try that again" and I got about 6 chapters into the rewrite and lost steam. Fortunately I never started posting it, so I wasn't leaving anybody handing in eternal WIP hell.
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mysticalmayhem1930 · 1 year
A Tale of Two Weddings: Midgardian Mayhem
A Loki x Eva (OC) story
Part Three of Loki’s Dragon
>>Part Twenty Seven<<
A/N I don’t own any of the Marvel characters. Just my own creations. This was originally posted in Wattpad. But I rewrote the parts as I transferred them, so there are some differences.
Summary: Loki and Eva meet to have a first look at the other, and exchange their life changing gifts to each other.
Pairing: I originally wrote this as Loki x Eva but it can be read as Loki x Reader if you desire.
Link to previous chapter
Link to next chapter
Link to Masterlist
Credit to artist
Overall Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Adult Language
>>>18+ ONLY<<
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Her eyes were filled with the dark blue cape that hug from Loki's shoulders. The photographers got shots of her walking up to Loki, with the cloak wrapped protectively around her. Tentatively she reached out to his shoulder, when he registered the touch he let a breath go that he didn't realize he was holding as he slowly turned around. He lifted her in his arms and kissed her, then went to put her back down and noticed she was floating without the wings.
"Still trying to keep it a secret?" Loki growled with a smile.
"No, they wanted to come with, and who am I to argue with an ancient relic?" She laughed as the cloak brought her back to the ground and did a flashy reveal.
"I.. I... wow... just.." Loki stammered.
"Thank you my Prince. Now it's your turn, let me see."
With an equal flourish he flipped the cape back and it was her turn to stammer. She took in the jacket with the weaving of the fabric on the sleeves to the button down shirt that resembled his tunic. Eva's fingers slid down the fabric from the jacket lapels to the shirt. "I can't wait to get you out of this tonight." She murmured.
"I'm having the same thought,  it we are limited on time, shall we exchange our gifts? I would like to go first if that's ok with my Princess."
"Yes that is fine."
She took the letter and opened it reading his words to him in a shaky voice
My Dearest Eva,
I am overjoyed to be marrying you in front of our friends who are now as close as family. I say our friends because if not for you helping me become the man I am today, for your acceptance of me, flaws and all, helped shape me into a better person. Someone who can show his emotions with out fear  of recourse. Someone who is not afraid of what may never be, and someone who understands that my 'Glorious Purpose' was not to rule people, but to be accepted as I am, no need for glamour, no need to be in charge.  These people we now surround ourselves with are true friends, ones who have accepted us, and care for us as family. The knowledge that you will be forever by my side as My Princess makes me the happiest person in the nine realms. And it is always proper for a Princess to have her own steed. Just as Merida had Angus, Mulan had Kahn, and Rapunzel had Maximus, I wish to gift to you your own Noble Steed. I had a lot of help from some of our friends. I am always with you and will love you until my last dying breath.
Loki handed the box to her. She removed the paper and was faced with a plain white box. She carefully removed the lid her eyes are filled with a classic Mustang emblem keychain, with two keys one square and one oval key attached. Lifting the ring from the box she looks questioningly at him. "Loki, is this what I think it is? It must be because there's a trunk key and an ignition key. What year my love?"
"1968, Tony and Clint called it a barn find they helped me locate in North Carolina."
"Loki it's perfect, you must show me the shell tomorrow. I love you and yes, it is the perfect noble steed for me."
The group was looking at Tony "what did he give her?"
"Clint and I found him a 68 'Stang barn find in North Carolina. It was Loki's idea he just needed help finding it."
"Is that what's covered in the corner of the garage?" Pepper asked
"Thank God, I was peeking around and saw it, so long as it's not yours." Pepper hugged and kissed Tony.
"So I guess it's my turn... Loki no matter what know that I love you with all of my heart." She handed him the letter. He began reading it to her.
My Dearest Lokabrenna,
I can hardly believe what this past year has brought me.. the most important being the fact that you love me the way I have always loved you. Allow me to first tell you how happy you make me each and every time I see you. Your smile can light a thousand candles. Your heart could not possibly hold more love. And your hands can not hold me or reassure me enough. I want you to know I thought long and hard about what to get you. Heck I even asked a few people and none of them were remotely helpful. When I asked Wanda she said ' how about Mjolnir?' Super helpful. Tony suggested 'how about a throne.' I told him you had found your glorious purpose. And Nat was super helpful she said 'Stormbreaker, has anyone given that idea?'
I mean I was stumped... what does one get the god and Prince she is marrying as a gift. A new pair of daggers seemed cliché. So after lots of contemplation, I decided to get help from the one who knows you best, me. I look forward to many years together, I hope we never go to bed unhappy. I hope that you know I will never pass judgment on you without knowing the facts. Most important know that we are always a safe space, no matter what the emotion is. Never hide it from me, please don't push it down. Know that I will always love you and that my home is wherever you are, and I will always find you as you are the shining star that gives me purpose.
Love you more, Always.
The cloak handed her the box. She placed the rectangular box in his hands. The group inside pressed closer to the glass, and the photographer got into a better position to get Loki's reaction. He unwrapped it carefully, removing the lid he was confused for a minute as she pointed out the little window and asked him to read it. It was one word that would change his whole life for the better. "Pregnant."
She smiled at him, nodding.
He looked at her "Darling what does th... Dear gods... are you??? Wait that means I'm going to be a... wait, how are you so calm?" His tears were flowing and he was smiling he felt his knees grow weak, thankfully Thor was right there to catch him.
Eva just smiled at him the rest of the group coming out to congratulate them.
"One minute," Loki called out "I just need to hear you say it, so I know it's true."
"Loki, We are pregnant. And just for the record I don't care if it's Aesir, Mortal, Jotun or Mutant, boy or girl, or any combination of, I just want it to be happy and healthy."
Thor helped him up so he could hold her close and kiss her neck he cried tears of joy, and the photographer got all of the shots. Tony and Clint stood in place mouth's agape.
"Did Elvira just say Green Day and her are pregnant?" Asked Tony.
"Yes, I think those were the words they used." Mumbled Clint.
Loki asked "how long have you known?"
"Well Laufey came clean with me before we left Jotunheim. He told me he remembered this." She indicated her Jotun skin. "Happened once before, but not to this extent..."
"My mother?"
"So when we got back I got some at home pregnancy tests and took them with the girls. 3 positive and two negative. So Wanda and I went to visit Stephen and he was able to locate an OBGYN who would work with mutants. We went to see her and she was able to confirm the positive tests. Loki WE are going to be parents. I just can't believe it's true."
"Eva, I'm not sure what to say, except I can't wait to meet our child. May I accompany you to your next appointment?"
"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. I think that I should get back and finish getting ready."
"It gets better? I find that hard to believe, very well Princess, I love you and am always with you."
"Love you more." She took Tony's arm and he walked back to the room with the girls.
"Pips, I'm going to be an emotional mess, I can't believe you're pregnant. Now I know why Stephen told me to keep you off missions until after the wedding. I'm so happy for both of you. You both are going to be awesome with the child. Pepper, I'll see you out there, love you." Pepper hurried to him and held him while he gathered himself.  Eva was having the last of her makeup applied.
"Pepper tell me he's ok... did I break him… maybe I should have done this last night???"
"He's fine, I don't think he's ever had all of these emotions at once." She laughed.
There was a knock at the door a little while later, Thor, Stephen and a collected Tony all entered the room "Pips, you ready?"
"As I'll ever be." She said getting up she took a few minutes to take in the mens suits as she didn't notice Thor or Stephen earlier. "You guys look amazing!"
Thor put his hand on her shoulder, " Sister, would you like me to place your crown and sword belt?"
"I would be honored, Prince of Asgard." She replied. Thor set to wrapping the belt around her and securing it.
"Stephen, as the one who’s known her longest, would you do the honors of placing the crown?" Asked Thor.
"Thank you Thor I'd love to." Placing the crown on her head she turned to Tony who was still wiping tears from his cheeks.
"Pips.. you are perfect, god I think I'm gonna miss you and Loki around the tower when you move out." Pepper put her arm around his waist and pulled him closer. "Ok so I think I'm ready, is everyone else?" They all practically screamed. Yes!!!
They began the walk to the elevator in the silent halls. Tony pushed the button for the floor above the one they were using for the ceremony, they all planned to walk down the ornate staircase and into the room, except for Eva and her entourage.
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verobatto · 4 years
Unrequited Destiel...
The Legend of The Sun and The Moon
I just wanted to explain in a few words to those that are asking why Dean didn't reply to Cas or why is Jensen talking about angelical way to feel things.
I know they're a lot of post saying WE TOLD YOU THIS AND THAT, and is true. Because if you read my Destiel Chronicles from the beginning, you will see I ALWAYS CALLED THE UNREQUITED LOVE FROM CAS AND DEAN'S POV.
Some of you disbelieves this idea, but is the only way to intepretate why Destiel is the slowest slow burn ever.
No more intro, let's suffer together...
Once Dean was pulled out from Hell, Castiel wanted to talk with him. He didn't wait a second. Things blew and it was messy, and even Bobby was scared that that thing would hurt his idjit. But it was just Cas, trying to speak with Dean, desperately trying to reach him in his true form. Why? Because he wanted to talk with him. He had to explain Dean's mission but also, he felt fascinated. And even more after their first meeting face to face when he was finally able to find a vessel.
And Dean just it took him just a little of his time to feel the same fascination. The almighty angel, that could see right through his soul.
But also the angel that said things like...
And we have the handprint too, such an intimate sign between these two.
Castiel showing him, honestly showing him with words and actions, his special interest on him:
"My superiors begun to question my sympathies. I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You."
How would Dean take this here? The poor guy just decided to check out the angel, and speechless as he was at that moment, couldn't reply to it. "Is he flirting with me? Does he know how gay this sounds?"
Then Cas rebel against Heaven for Dean. Dean pushed him, the whole he pushed Cas to help him. If you rewatch season 4 Dean is constantly asking Cas to help him. Because he already know Cas was different. Because he felt Cas was his friend, his ally, and something else it was growing up in his chest.
While Cas pushed him against the wall, cut his forearm and drew the sigil, Dean's face is full of awe. He can't believe this soldier powerful angel is doing this for him.
And then... "We're making it up as we go."
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Gif credit @cyxnrose
The beginning of season 5 is a very busy Cas searching for God, but also, the flirtation begins. Dean is like a cute boy flirting with his crush. The second meaning jokes, trying to figure out if Cas catch it is hilarious. But he will understand 'Cas doesn't understand that reference.'
From Dean's POV in these two season, we coul under he thinks angels are junk less.
Season 6: The profound Bond and the Longing
The romantic feeling from both sides began to flow even more when Castiel goes into the black side, and the first Destiel break up appears infron of our eyes in the middle of a very romantic scenes.
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Gif credit @inacatastrophicmind
The last gif is out of discussion, bot men looking at each other with sad eyes, longing and as if their conversation isn't over. Dean being disappointed at Cas and Cas trying to make him see his point. Everything he does, he does it for Dean.
And now we know why it is.
Season 7: Mourning Dean and the Jealousy
Even with Showrunner Sera Gamble trying to focus Dean's morning into a Wincest subtext, we had put king Ben Edlund came to the rescue in episode 7x09.
Putting things in order, we were faced with Dean's source of depression: Castiel's death.
So, after that, when Cas really comes back, the reunion is another romantic movie. The MEMORY LOST trope.
And then... Castiel's pseudo wife...
The trope is getting better with the spicy Jealousy in Dean's eyes.
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So he can't completely enjoy Cas is back because:
1) He doesn't remember him: so, how can be mad or anything else if Cas doesn't remember any details of their break up?
2)The guy has a wife! Okay, so, he has a wife, he easily got a wife from... Nowhere?
And then Meg comes and he is Jealous all over again!
Dean is a really mess of feelings, but in the end, when Cas recalls everything, and when I say everything, i mean Dean, because the majority of his memories was him, Dean just pulls out from his car Castiel's bloody trenchcoat and gives it him back!
So, if there was any doubts about why was Dean mourning and depressed for, we have the confirmation!
Then, let's turn the page, because now is Cas the mess... Depressed and suffering, because he almost destroy heaven, but, do you know what cares the most to Cas and when he cheers up? Yes...
When Dean says... "I RATHER JAVE YOU, CURSED OR NOT" Castiel immediately changed his face, he smiles, and kept staring at Dean with heart eyes. He was happy because Dean was forgiving him. Because since he recovered his memories, the biggest cause of it was Dean's rejection. Dean not being able to forgive him. That was the main cause of his sadness. That's why he avoided reality, he didn't have a cause, because his cause was Dean and Dean was mad at him. But now? Cas is happy again. That's why he decides to come back to battle. "I'll go with you."
Season 8 Purgatory of love and Pining!Dean
Okay, is in this season, Carver era, when Dean's POV has a turning point about Castiel and his true feelings for him and is in this season, when Dean starts pining strongly for the angel, and feeling his love is unrequited.
The cause of it, is Purgatory. The Purity about Purgatory resided in the capacity of that place to resides in abolish every human necessity to let the mind to focused in what really matters. In this case for Dean was SURVIVE AND CAS.
So we can say that what remained pure in Dean's heart was TO FIND CASTIEL.
That's why he prayed to him every night, and that's why in the moment Cas CONFESS he ran away to protect him, something in Dean changes forever.
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If you pay attention to Dean's face reaction here, is the expression of the man that realizes in that precisely moment his feelings for Castiel. Even Cas stares to a side, because there was Benny watching them, and the thing he was about to say it was too intimate. I did it to protect you.
Dean, the Big Protector, is being protected by Castiel. So, in Purgatory, Dean Winchester find out his not platonic love for his best friend.
Then we had the entire season with pining!Dean and deception.
Dean's mind invented one excuse for Castiel running away from him because thinking his best friend abbandoned him, was just too painful. He does this again when Cas pushed him inside the gate and he stays in Purgatory. Dean just rewrote in his mind the whole sequence. Imagining that Cas was defeated. But the reality was, Castiel wanted to stay. And when Cas reveals this truth to the hunter, Dean's face is a mix of deep sadness and deception. He felt really rejected by his friend. He felt his unrequited romantic love for him. But he will feel it more stronger in the crypt scene, with the brainwashing and how Castiel's love for Dean broke th connection. But he left. That was a real rejection the hunter barely could handled.
Season 9: Pinning!Castiel and Human!Cas
When Cas became Human, he has to face all the intensity of human's feelings. In this season, is time for our angel to realize his romantic love for the hunter.
Castiel will mirroring Dean's pining in season 8, and he will also feel rejected by him.
Just like Dean in season 8, Castiel will feel his romantic love is unrequited, after Dean kicked him out from the bunker, being this the parallel to the crypt scene.
But then Cain's mark comes, and everything gets worst.
Season 10: Castiel is Dean's Colette
The whole Cain's mark was the visual sign of the Destiel handprint (profound bond) attempt of break.
With Cain and Dean going through a perfect parallelism in which Crowley was placed in the friend's spot, Sam in the brother's spot and Castiel in Colette's spot. Blatant and canon exposure of what Cas means for Dean.
But now, is time for Dean, after came back for being a demon, to feel unrequited again. And this is a detail that could be not seen, but it caught my attention.
CASTIEL: At least temporarily. It’s a long story. Crowley, stolen grace. There’s a female outside in the car.
This is what Castiel says when he goes into Dean's room and after Dean praises him...
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Dean had been with Crowley when he was a demon this whole time, so Cas was heartbroken. Even this season opens with a very depressed Castiel in the bed just let himself die because Dean was gone. So, that's why Cas says this.
So you went with Crowley, i have a female in my car. See? I don't need you.
He was Jealous, and now Dean gets Jealous, but he also gets the sensation again of his love for Castiel is unrequited.
The episode that followed this one, Dean goes into a blind date with random chick he took from a date app (very ooc, but he did it because he had his heart broken and because he thought CAS had cheated on him while he was gone as a demon.)
Season 11: Dean resist a forced bond with Amara because he's bonded with Castiel
Season 11 is a blatant exposure of Dean's feelings for Castiel. There a lot of hints throughout the season telling us Dean is in love, just like in season 9 there was hints of this with Castiel. (Again, mirroring each other).
Dean resisted Amara because of his love for Castiel. But Cas is oblivious about this.
When Castiel is possesed by Lucifer, Dean switch's into desperate mode. If he was worried about his attraction for Amara, now the only thing he cares was Castiel, exposing again WHO DEAN IS IN LOVE WITH.
But when Dean wanted to rescue Castiel, and Cas didn't want to come back to him, it hurt him worst. Again, just like in season 8, Dean can't handle Cas doesn't want to come back with him (first from Purgatory and now from being possesed). Again Dean feels rejected and unrequited. That's why when Cas is back and the end of the world is close... Dean says these words...
"You're our brother, Cas. I want you to know that."
And Cas' face...
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Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
That's a man with the heart broken, mostly because we know now he was in love with Dean CANON FACT! (sobbing louder).
Season 12 and the confusing I LOVE YOU
This season was full of married couple situations, but mostly, we had Castiel's I Love You in the barn, before "dying".
At first Dean thinks the angel was saying this as goodbye, expressing into words his feelings for the Winchesters. Because as and angel, maybe Cas was feeling he has to protect them all. But then he says this singular I Love You to Dean, and the guy doesn't know how to take it. It was a platonic ILY? A non platonic ILY? Does angels feel the same like us? Does he sees me as a brother? Dean was truly a mess, so he decides to respond to that with a Mixtape.
But, when Castiel disappears for days, he sinks again into that sensation of unrequited romantic love.
Then Cas comes back, and then he goes away again, and then he dies.
Season 13: The reunion and the meaning of Castiel coming back
Dean's mourning for Cas can't be interpreted otherwise than LOSING THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE.
And the longing for his angel plus some Nougat powers, brought him back.
The thing is, Dean didn't expr as his feeling for Castiel and when the angel asked him that he needed to believed that he came back for a reason, Dean goes...
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This sound like if he was recruiting Cas for war. And Cas' took it as that. So he came back to soldier angel mode. Because, okay, if Dean and Sam needed him to fight, he will fight.
Unrequited Love again.
Season 14 Healing Dean and the prelude of the break up
Post-possesed Dean is a follow up of self knowledge and self growing. He was healing the whole season.
But in episode 14x04 we heard Dean being Jealous or hurt because Castiel didn't go to rescue him and then because he goes into hunts with Jack. Unrequited love again.
Did Cas miss me as I missed him?
Is the first time Dean will actually name the word LOVE talking with the kid.
And then Mary dies and everything is a mess.
Dean yells YOU ARE DEAD TO ME, and how sad that sounds now that the angel had died again. Saving his life.
Dark clouda over our ship...
Season 15: And Maybe is not too late...
In season 15 we lived the angst of the Destiel break up, but then their reunion in Purgatory was beautiful.
Again, facing the fact that he could lost Cas one more time, Dean went down on his knees and prayed to him, and because he was in Purgatory, his heart and mind were released from any distraction, and he was plenty focused in the love he feels for his angel.
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He cried, and begged for him to come back.
And he found him, following his heart, the profound bond he has with Castiel.
But, when he was about to say something that he hadn't said in the prayer, Castiel cut him off. So... Again the hunter had to swallow his words and the unrequited love punch him again.
Then... Castiel's romantic love confession took Dean by surprise, because, now that you read all the clues i gave you and i convinced you that Dean and Cas thought their love were unrequited, you will understand Dean's reaction.
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Gif credit @spnsmile
Dean didn't can't believe Cas had loved him the way he does this whole time and now, he will lose him again. Is too much pain he can't handle.
For a lot of reasons we had analyzed so many times (Dean's arc has to have a closure expressing his ILY to the angel, the Empty plot is not ended, Etc) Is logical to think Cas will come back in the last episode, and this slow burn story will end with them being together, finally.
To Conclude:
The legend of the Sun and the Moon talks about two lovers that can't be reunited but they love each other deeply.
Is accurate with Destiel, because these two men had always being pining for each other but never be able to be together as they wish.
Castiel always thinking Dean doesn't reciprocate his romantic feeling for him and Dean thinking because Cas is an angel, he doesn't love him back romantically.
The Sacred Oath always playing in Castiel's POV as an impediment too and Dean's love clocked in shame too.
The deal with the Empty had been settled as we suspected in season 14, as a romantic plot. So, it has to have a closure.
These thoughts are based on the volumes from my assay "The Destiel Chronicles", currently in it's 87th volume.
See you soon! Have faith!
Destiel Is Forever!
Tagging @gneisscastiel @emblue-sparks @magnificent-winged-beast @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @maleansu @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @mybonsai1976 @anarchiana @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @feathered-cas @bre95611 @zoerayne2426 @justmeand-myinsight @that-one-fandom-chick @proccastinate @studio-hatter @pepevons @poorreputation @mrsaquaman187 @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @dwstiel @ladygon @shippsblog @la-random-fangirl @lets-try-this-again-please @mychemicalobsession514 @destiel-shipper-11
@asphodelesauvage @2musiclover2
Buenos Aires November 17th 2020 8:33 PM
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mewmewchann · 3 years
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Danganronpa tier listttttt
Idk if people know how I feel about these characters, so here ya go! This is my opinion, please don’t attack me for this (also I only did this for the mainline games and Komaru + the Warriors of Hope)
...Also I wanted to go into detail on some of these so yeah Warning: it does get pretty rambly
S tier
...I don’t really feel like I need to explain any of these. MOVING ON
A tier
Chiaki Nanami Please don’t kill me for not putting her in S. I can explain, I promise Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore her and love her relationship with Hajime, but I didn’t really get as attached to her as I did with other characters. I still love her though
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu He has one of the best character arcs in the series, only JUST being outranked by Shuichi. Seriously, best SDR2 survivor, hands DOWN.
Ultimate Imposter Yep. Fake Togami outranks actual Togami by miles. YEAH I SAID IT! Idk, I found them a lot more interesting and likeable than Togami and it was a real shame they got killed off so early. They were pretty fun.
Ryoma Hoshi ...Do I even need to explain why he ranked so high? Like, come ON! He’s one of the most underrated characters in the franchise!
Hajime Hinata 3rd best protag for me (yes I’m counting Kaede shut up), but I still love his arc. 
Kiyotaka Ishimaru He was my fave from the first game for a while, but the Kiyondo stuff kinda brought him down for me. And ngl, at times it feels like people only judge him based on his friendship with Mondo. I still love him though.
Mondo Owada Chapter 2. Need I say more. He’s a pretty cool character outside of that, too.
Komaru Naegi Just copy-paste my reason for Ryoma, it’s practically the same.
Nagisa Shingetsu Best Warrior of Hope. Hands down. I will die on this hill.
Kotoko Utsugi Despite being beaten out by Nagisa, I still adore her. She deserves the best.
B tier
Maki Harukawa Okay don’t get me wrong, I like her as a character, but the main problem I had was that her crush on Kaito kinda came out of left field for me. Like, she was a stoic unfeeling assassin and she suddenly fell head over heels for some astronaut that knocked on her door a few times. It feels pretty rushed (though knowing Tsumugi it probably was) and kinda brings her down a few pegs for me.
Korekiyo Shinguji “Why is he ranked so high!? He’s the freaky incest guy-” SHUT UP. Yes, his character was absolutely obliterated by the incest twist, but outside of that he is actually a pretty compelling character. (also if you look into his writing it’s pretty heavily implied that his sister used and abused him so judging him based on the incest thing alone is kinda odd ngl)
Ibuki Mioda She’s pretty fun. I’m not as head-over-heels for her as other people, but she’s pretty fun.
Celestia Ludenberg See, Ouma stans? THIS is how you do a compelling liar character!
Peko Pekoyama Please don’t kill me. It’s just that outside of Fuyuhiko she kinda felt......Eh? Like don’t get me wrong, I like her, but something always felt missing for me.
Nagito Komaeda My favourite antag didn’t even make A tier whoops- Yeah, Nagito is the best rival for me, but I’m not as head-over-heels for him as the rest of the fandom is.
Kiibo The “that’s robophobic!” joke kinda got old after the billionth time, but other than that he’s fun.
Aoi Asahina Her development is cool, but I don’t really have much to say on her honestly.
Sonia Nevermind Same reason as Aoi, but her relationship with Gundham is pretty cute.
Jataro Kemuri This kid deserves better and needs protection. ...I don’t have much other than that, though.
Monaca Towa This is gonna be controversial, but Monaca is the best villain of the franchise for me. Sure, she’s far from being one of my favourite characters, but she’s menacing and enough of a threat to be a great antagonist.
C tier
Kyoko Kirigiri Please don’t kill me. Like...She’s okay, but for a while I found her kinda......Dull? Idk what to say here.
Makoto Naegi He’s alright, but he’s the weakest protagonist for me.
Tsumugi Shirogane I think people are gonna agree with me the most on this. She’s a decent villain, but the "plainy plainy plain” stuff got REALLY old. (which is partially why I rewrote her entirely in DFTH oops) She’s better than Junko by a long shot, so at least she has that.
Kirumi Tojo She was okay until the nonsensical prime minister twist. Seriously, I detest that twist.
Angie Yonaga ...I don’t really have much to say on her. Like the Atua stuff got pretty old and I found her kinda annoying, but she has enough to put her above the characters I don’t like.
Mahiru Koizumi She kinda felt like a better Tenko, but...Uh...
Teruteru Hanamura Yeah, I don’t outright dislike Teruteru. Shocking, I know. His backstory and the stuff with his mom is charming enough, but the perverted stuff still kinda icks me out. It’s not as bad as Miu’s, though.
Genocider Syo She’s more interesting than Toko, but still not really that much there other than “serial killer that somehow got accepted into this academy but don’t think about that look how quirky she is!!”
Tenko Chabashira Similar to Angie. But the way she drooled over and chased after Himiko was kinda eeeh for me. Not as bad as Souda though, thank god
D tier
Byakuya Togami God, he’s such an asshole. Sure his development and the stuff he does is interesting, but GOD HE’S SUCH AN ASSHOLE.
Akane Owari She’s the most “why the hell are you still here” out of the survivors for me. Like, I don’t outright hate her, but a lot of the time it kinda feels to me like she’s only there for fanservice. (seriously, in one of her sprites she’s literally flashing you. Do I need to say anything else?)
Himiko Yumeno Yeah, she’s also pretty weak for me. Her development post chapter 3 was okay I guess, but it kinda felt too little too late.
Toko Fukawa Ugh. Sure, I don’t really like Togami, but the way she drools over him is gross. Sure she’s somewhat redeemed by her development in UDG, but other than that she doesn’t really offer much.
Yasuhiro Hagakure Didn’t really felt like he offered much other than “blatant comic relief who’s probably a stoner”.
Masaru Daimon The weakest out of the Warriors of Hope by a long shot. Sure, his backstory’s pretty sad, but his personality kinda grated on me, ngl.
Kokichi Ouma PLEASE DON’T KILL ME. Like, everyone hails him as the best written character of the series, but if you look closer into his writing it’s actually pretty bad. Not to mention the stans constantly excusing his actions because “uwu liar boy who’s gay for Shuichi” REALLY brings him down.
E tier
Kazuichi Souda He’s literally all the things people hate about Teruteru, but the fandom barely calls him out for it! Hooray!
Miu Iruma She’s basically just there for NSFW jokes. Need I say more. Also, why is no-one else talking about how problematic the maintenance scene was?
Nekomaru Nidai He’s basically just there for shit jokes. And that really got old for me.
Sayaka Maizono OKAY PLEASE PUT YOUR PITCHFORKS DOWN AND HEAR ME OUT! Look, I’m not gonna deny she was kinda cute, but what she pulled in chapter 1 was honestly really fucking snakey. “But she didn’t know about the class trial stuff!” So what? She was willing to use practically the only person in the academy she was close to as a fall guy so she could get away with murder and didn’t even bat an eye! Even if the trial stuff didn’t happen and she DID get away with killing Leon, did she really think everyone would be okay with it? Hell, did she even CONSIDER how Makoto felt!? Sayaka is a fucking snake! She literally USED Makoto!!! WHY IS NO-ONE CALLING HER OUT!?!?
F tier
Junko Enoshima ...Do I even need to explain this.
Mikan Tsumiki I really didn’t like her, even BEFORE chapter 3. Yeah, I said it. She kinda got on my nerves and the fact that they were playing her up for fanservice despite her backstory was really gross, and chapter 3 just made everything so much worse. Like, her getting her memories back and killing someone could’ve worked, JUST MAKE HER PLAN MAKE SENSE!
Hiyoko Saionji She’s just a fucking bully. Do I really need to elaborate?
Hifumi Yamada ...Again. Do I REALLY NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS!?
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