#yes I watched moon knight how did you guess
zeevoidlight · 4 months
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Why didn't he protected them
Is actually difficult for me to discern because Vegeta and Bulma went from getting close to each other and starting to trust each other enough to be intimate, even if it was just for the sex, to Vegeta not caring if she and baby Trunks died at all, and Bulma being very distant from Vegeta while still being in a relationship. And I don't believe the thing some say that he didn't actually cared for her or didn't actually noticed her in a deeper way until much later (basically the idea that Vegeta was just Trunks sperm donor and only was with Bulma for the sex), nah. diss's moch complcated, i swear (nah not really, I just want an excuse to talk more about my obsession). (Note that I watched the latin version so my interpretation of the characters and context might be different from the English version).
I'll talk about these event and about saiyan culture regarding babies, Vegeta and Bulma's relationship during the Cell saga, and how Vegeta might have felt towards Baby Trunks and Future Trunks.
Saiyans, family and culture
The popular idea is that yes, he was a major jerk by letting Bulma and Baby Trunks almost die at the start of the Android saga, and yeah, he actually was. But one thing that people often forget is that he is not human, he is a saiyan, and that kind of behavior wasn't that abnormal for his culture/species. Is actually expected.
I mean, Saiyan's used to send their babies (the weak ones) in capsules to other planets to pop out of the ship, project an artificial moon into the sky and start making havoc for months until everyone was dead. If the baby survives they will later go to the planet for him eventually to claim the planet and sell it, and I guess later reintegrate the little saiyan into their society again. Like a rite of passage just to acquire the right to live, otherwise they just die unceremoniously.
Even Bardock was like that (pre retcon because i will use the saiyan lore of the era to explain something of the same time period of it's creation). While the others were like "hey! You got a baby kid! Aren't you going to go to planet Vegeta to check on him? How about a celebration or something", and Bardock is like "NO. Who would want to visit a low class soldier like that, I'm not r-[redacted]" (man... DBZ Bardock was a different animal entirely, i freaking loved him). (I have the theory that Raditz was actually in the lower end of high class soldiers. maybe will talk about it in another post).
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Anyway, yeah, that's basically the way of thinking of saiyans. A little bit like Piccolo's tough love type of survival training with Gohan but even more savage and detached because if they died and it was their kid it was gonna suck really bad and hurt a lot their pride but what had to happen happened since they cannot get involved in those first years and cannot go save them, end of story, make another baby, maybe the next one will be stronger. They just had babies to send them off, and they have a blood relation with each other but they didn't had the concept of a family, not exactly, like humans would have, usually though, because once again the royal family did had those kinds of bonds to precisely preserve their lineage and secure their babies would born powerful above everyone else.
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Of course we all know Bardock was still worried about Kakarott and he wanted to appear tougher with his teammates, he was worried the same way every other saiyan does it in a very distant manner to not get their feelings get in the way of their job as warriors (I mean, he did passed by the nursery in his hurry and stopped to check on Goku while he was there after all). Much like King Vegeta himself who said that he didn't care about what happened to his son, Vegeta, after some saiyan royal adviser (or knight, idk) asks him if it's true that he will have to give his son to Frieza because Vegeta was going to be real in danger if he did in the flashback in the Frieza saga. He wasn't going to say "yes i do feel terrible for my son and it hurts me deeply" even if he was absolutely devastated, he says that he doesn't care because he cannot appear weak, and because it was also true what he said about being more angered by how Frieza had them under his thumb, in that moment he was decided to confront Frieza so he couldn't let himself feel.
And later Vegeta himself said he didn't cared about his race or his father to Dodoria when he was revealing the truth about their planet's destruction while at the same time is true that he was angered about being lied to and about being kept in their control since childhood . The thing is Vegeta doesn't care about the actual people of his race but more about what they represent and are supposed to be, only those who are saiyan in blood and meaning are worthy of calling themselves saiyan, that's why he doesn't revive them but he does care deeply and is proud of it, just in another level. And regarding his father we know he was lying because every time he remembers him in the series he does it fondly and with a lot of pride, like when he's outright telling Goku to avenge their parents, or when remembering him to give himself confidence that he will be able to become Ssj. Is not like they don't "care", but they have to be intelligent about what to reveal so it cannot be taken against them later and to a degree convince themselves on getting detached from many things to keep their fighting instincts up front and take decisions with their heads cold whatever had to happen. Just like we hear him say all terrified in Namek when Krillin got impaled by Frieza "What an idot!...That's what happened to him for paying attention to that Namekuseijin! (Dende)", and then after Gohan looses his mind and knocks Frieza down momentarily Vegeta tells Gohan "Don't loose your time worrying about him! [Krillin]. Do you think Frieza was going to die with that?!". Is what they don't say and try to hide (as we see explicitly with Vegeta when confronting Frieza he purposefully hid the existence of Goku from him and lied, making Frieza believe that Vegeta himself was the only saiyan survivor left but in his thoughts we hear him say "and Kakarott...").
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Vegeta's priorities
Same can be said of Vegeta with baby Trunks, i would believe. Their children are their legacy in a way after all, and like an extension of themselves and their own ego. But what made Vegeta forget the feelings and pride he might have had with Bulma and Trunks to not even being a thing that was important is literally everything else going on around him at the same time in those years. It was a very conflicting era for him in several fronts, specially related to his place in the world, his newfound freedom from Frieza's hand since he was a child, him getting used to a new life in another culture, another planet, other type of people, his love relationship, his place as a saiyan in relation to the other few of his species, his title as prince among the low class saiyans that had surpassed him by this point and not by little, his twice stolen destiny to be the the legendary super saiyan that now that he became one as well he had to demonstrate he was the better Ssj among them, the news of him getting killed in the near future in another timeline by just some rando earthling androids that somehow were stronger than Frieza and that the android he defeated (19) alongside the other one (Gero) weren't the right ones, he was really pissed about it and starting to get worried, they couldn't sense the androids by their chi (ki), it was becoming a mess, and he absolutely HAD to be the one that would kill all the androids all on his own to go back to his rightful place in the power scale. Is quite the heavy burden.
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So, family? his son? Bulma? ultimately they were at the end of the list of his priorities. And that is very clear thorough this entire first part, even when he was officially in his relationship with Bulma.
That's partially why Bulma was attracted to him in the first place though, because he was extremely determined in his ambitions, she respects that, and saw how deeply it was hurting him when he had that training accident and was subconsciously talking in his sleep. She was going to carry that responsibility for him so he could focus on himself. That's why she doesn't reclaim him anything or judges him on things related to that other than jokingly. She knew what she was getting into and has always known. Unfortunately she isn't that responsible of a person herself though. That's why she herself puts her own life and Baby Trunks life in danger, because she is just as determined and obstinate, and Vegeta knows that as well, that's why he doesn't "care", because he respects her decisions as well (and ultimately can't do much about it either). If she wants to put their own lives in danger because she thinks she's up to their game is her responsibility then, not his, and he cannot get involved because he has a job to do regarding himself and his own battles, he had to be detached. Also he was annoyed and fed up with Bulma's stubbornness since he already told her not to be a stupid and do stupid things like put herself in danger way before when Frieza went to Earth, and now she's doing it again (the first time he thought it was hot though (it was so funny that he looks back at her and then talks to himself all thoughtful like "Not only she's vulgar but she's aggressive/daring too", translation -> 'I might like this chick'), but this time is a not cute at all). I don't think it was something personal, not even the "[..] foolish woman and her blasted child" thing, like he says in the english dub, he had more important things he had to worry about. What he says to Trunks in the latin dub is "What stupidities are you saying. I don't care in the slightest, you idiot" (i wish I could have found the japanese one but it is what it is and is the closest I have to it) so he doesn't say mean things to Bulma or Trunks specifically. The interesting part here is to think if Vegeta was saying "I don't care" because he actually didn't care, or "I don't care" not because he didn't but because he couldn't. Vegeta is terrified of feeling and has always been. And yes, I say he was absolutely right because what saiyans try to avoid by giving too information and care is exactly what happened and Gero used her as a distraction, blasted the place and with it Bulma's ship and escaped thinking that they were going to be too busy saving her to notice where he ran to. Still a dick move but I cannot blame him too much. So yeah, it is very much in the tone of if Bulma thinks she can be in the middle of the battle field then so be it, if they survive they'll prove themselves not to be to useless after all, if they die it will suck but it had to be for being idiots.
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Being a warrior
Vegeta is a warrior first and foremost. And him being a warrior is why later he is excited to see Cell's perfect form, just like Goku (being a pure blooded saiyan) he cannot contain himself from seeing what immense power looks like, and dares Future Trunks to attack him if Trunks had the balls to do it in order to stop him. Like "bro, are you really gonna to go against your pops? prove it. That's why Future Trunks cannot comprehend him, because Trunks is part earthling and cannot fathom someone getting excited about fighting for the sake of fighting itself and proving one's self where power is the only thing that matters. And why Vegeta cannot stand Future Trunks either, because F Trunks fights for justice and peace.
Baby Trunks
About Baby Trunks, we can only speculate of course but I would assume baby Trunks was conceived right after Vegeta became super saiyan (?) because later in the Buu saga kid Trunks was able to become Ssj without any effort just like Goten (who was definitely conceived during that week Goku was in Ssj the whole time), while present/future Gohan and Future Trunks had to get the transformation the OG hard way like their fathers. I guess future Trunks did accidentally change the time where he would be conceived in the present timeline by just a bit since we do see that Vegeta becomes Ssj in future timeline, probably after Goku dies (he was present with the others in Goku's house when he died and Bulma already had Baby Future Trunks with her) and before the androids appear in the future timeline as we see him transformed to fight, though that's still my speculation.
I think even though Trunks was still a baby maybe there was a way for Vegeta to sense his initial power level (? I'm just assuming some things here). And I don't remember exactly when did saiyan babies were packed and sent to planets to conquer them (maybe a few months old and expected to destroy the people in the planet in around 6 months from arrival having Goku and Earth as an example in the Bardock special) but Baby Trunks definitely doesn't look powerful or very strong regardless, not compared to Vegeta himself as a baby. And Vegeta knew that the mix between saiyans with earthlings produced a stronger breed but just look at this little guy, he looks more earthling than saiyan without much promises, might as well not have much saiyan blood in him, he didn't had his black/dark hair, he wasn't even born with a tail. And also was being treated... well like a baby but an earthling one.
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He probably was conflicted about the whole baby thing, specially by how he was taught on his saiyan side despite being from the royal family (since the royal family is one of the few that can actually have familial ties similar to humans), and how being now on Earth his perfectly normal for a saiyan actions were taken from an earthling perspective as not being adequate, but he couldn't entertain the thought for too long since the androids were gonna kill everyone if the warning was true anyways.
Vegeta didn't really considered Baby Trunks to be someone he should put any attention to. Although deep down he cared to a degree as in being an extension of his pride and how Trunks was ultimately "representing him" as his son. How that affected his relationship with Bulma too in this time period is important. Like, he seems angry that Bulma tells him that his presence made Trunks cry after his fight 19, and that is quite mean for her to say that to him, but he can't reply anything to her and just tch's and looks away all annoyed but doesn't say anything or fights her on it, so i can imagine he was feeling conflicted about how to act or respond on top of everything that he had to think about.
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Pride on Future Trunks and school of hard knocks
Only when he discovered that the mysterious badass warrior from the future was his own son, the one that he was dismissing, then he started to quietly and secretly take pride on who he would become and started to pay attention to both F Trunks (in his own saiyan way) and much later to Baby Trunks because babies are not viewed as important in saiyan culture, still focusing on the battle first. Much like Bardock when he started to have his visions of Goku right at the very end of his life he started to view grown up F Trunks as more of an equal rather than competition, and seeing him grown up made it easier for him to bond. And so Vegs is like ".... Fuck yeah".
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"Look at my son, Cell. He's not as cool as me but he's damn close" lol
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He of course was also very prideful and wouldn't bother with any family related stuff the way Bulma (and F Trunks) were pressuring him to be, and she kinda was ridiculing him about it (jokingly though, never seriously) just to evidence him and kinda "hit him over the head" for his behavior. And his natural reaction is of course to appear tough in front of everyone else, like Bardock, like King Vegeta, and like his usual self, and throw all that family nonsense out the window. He still was very prideful and had to keep a face, but that is what would come bite him in the ass hard later on.
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Trunks took the wrong way Vegeta's actions. He wasn't purposefully ignoring him, he didn't had time to bond or make him understand his methods, or teach him spelling everything out for him, at least the way he knew how to do it which is by the saiyan way, which was never going to work the way he remembered it because Trunks is half earthling, and that's something Goku also partially fumbled up with Gohan and his Rage form, but Vegeta was actually trying to teach Trunks the hard way. Vegeta was trying to actually come up with strategies, occupied on bringing solutions to the table that Trunks couldn't come up with for years in just the few days they had. Goku definitely knew it. Trunks is all "my dad has been on that rock for 3 days and he doesn't even look at me or train me" and Goku is like "shit! Vegeta is a Genius! He's trying to find a way to surpass the super saiyan", and Trunks can't understand what's happening while the two pure blood adult saiyans are talking. Like, remember the scene where F Trunks attacked Vegeta? Vegeta was actually trying to parent as a saiyan there, and feeling proud of Trunks before and after Trunks attacked him because he actually did it. He called him stupid and all but it was always accompanied with a lesson he wanted Trunks to learn, even if it was only to make him learn respect Vegeta's place as his father (and Trunks eventually came to respect him despite his shortcomings).
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Vegeta and Bulma
Anyway... regarding Vegeta and Bulma though, I love how Vegeta talks to Bulma with such familiarity during the Cell saga (i just wished... the time skips didn't happen so quickly because it would have been excellent for character development outside of battle with small everyday stuff and hijinks...), and it does feel like he recognizes Bulma's intelligence and respects that aspect of her, he calls her by her name (which after 3 years I would hope he does but last time we just hear him call her "woman" so it was nice to hear him call her by her name), but then when Bulma starts to spit toxicity towards him or starts to act like she has her ego through the roof (which funnily enough is very similar to Vegeta himself when he feels confident and with his ego higher than the sky), he just looks like he's thinking "well you just can't find the off button, do you" (lol, it reminds me of home).
It actually reminds me a little bit of how Bulma and Yamcha's relationship was, on and off of Bulma being angry and with Yamcha and re-conciliating again, just this time is with Vegeta, but in Yamcha's relationship he was the one that just got all the (maybe undeserved) anger from Bulma and he didn't really had the balls to confront her because he's Yamcha and he's a nice guy but he doesn't have spice (like he used to as a bandit), while on the other hand with Vegeta is a constant battle for power in the relationship. They both act mean with each other, and even if it's not actually meant to seriously cause harm they can get get hurt and often do simply by the nature of how they relate to each other and communicate, with insults, sarcasm, back handed comments, ironic remarks, double meaning, either is to twist the knife where it hurts or even to be playful and flirt in a friendly manner, is almost never straight forward and i really can't picture them, specially Vegeta, saying that they love each other directly and explicitly but they don't have to. That's just how they are, is their game, because neither of them is willing to back out, they are both asses, though Vegeta is the one that normally does back out in the end in favor of keeping peace because he is the one that has more to loose even if it's by convenience and to keep his access to Capsule Corp and all the commodities at this point, and because he respects and admires Bulma too, he does love her in his own saiyan way and doesn't want to loose that bond he's made with her as the only other person he managed to trust and be open with (the other being Goku). (this scene is priceless and i just wanted to put it here. Is filler but i just don't care, it officially exists and is part of the collective that is DB and is good).
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Bulma was ok with Vegeta not being present in their lives and only focusing on her baby, encouraging little Trunks in small ways to start developing some strength. She's always been her own woman after all, independent, confident, intelligent all on her own, always being in the middle of the conflicts since time immemorial to be part of the team too against whatever is menacing Earth. While at the same time is clear that Bulma is proud that her baby is Vegeta's because is a symbol of their deeper connection (and love if you will at this point), aaaaand because of the potential he has as a fighter and the status he gives her among the ones that know who Vegeta is (bragging rights, lol), and also brag about his perfect very cool and handsome son's genes. She was like "yeah Yayirobe, drop the child if you want, but be ware that that child is Vegeta's". (I swear that sometimes I wonder if Vegeta is the one in an abusive relationship full of toxicity, lol, the answer is they both are but flawed as it was it's what they both needed and what worked for them). (and i love this bit where Trunks falls to the ground trying to learn to walk and Bulma looks at him like "i'm not gonna do anything about it, get up on your own". Some of Vegeta is rubbing off on her, hehe).
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Trunks was an accident?
About the baby, in a way Bulma and Vegeta, ever since they decided to engage sexually, were aware of the possibility of a child being born from both of them but had already accepted whatever outcome destiny had in it's plans regarding a possible offspring (when before Vegeta was very clearly against it for the fear of having a child that could be stronger than him to usurp his title and place). And to that i want to add that Trunks wasn't really planned by Vegeta in particular (I'm more sure that Bulma might have desired a baby from him after a certain point because she always fantasized with Goku once she saw him all grown up but "lost her chance" as she puts it, and now Vegeta represented another chance to have a badass baby), but that doesn't mean Trunks wasn't expected like many people believe (that Trunks was an accident). Vegeta had agreed with the consequences long before he knew they were pregnant, so no, i don't believe he was an accident as if they didn't thought having a baby wasn't going to eventually happen simply because they were having sex and a baby is to be an expected high chance result, but neither planned exactly. He just naturally happened and that was ok.
They are fine (Trunks is not fine)
Like, both Vegeta and Bulma seem actually pretty ok with the whole thing of being kinda distant kinda separate and on their own at that point while still being together as an official couple. Vegeta concentrating on his own things and not letting anything get in his way, being very saiyan about not letting himself feel (because otherwise his obvious parental instincts when Trunks gets killed and him later accepting his love for Bulma wouldn't make much sense if he actually didn't ultimately cared). Bulma seems pretty ok with putting herself and her child in danger while knowing she still has a job to do to help save the Earth just like Vegeta was doing in a way. Like, during the saga they are actually both working together, Vegeta asking her info on Dr Gero and her looking into her investigation about him in her memory, him asking if she brought the armors he requested for the z fighters and Bulma actually did made them and brought them with her. They are actually working together when it comes to the war against the androds and Vegeta is 100% concentratd on that and his issues while Bulma is enduring and helping as well, growing up from the brat she was into someone more mature but both still with things they need to work on.
The only one that cannot comprehend the dynamic here is Future Trunks. No one else feels it out of place or out of logic because it's Vegeta and it's Bulma. But like, Future Trunks gives too much credit to Vegeta for putting his Baby Trunks self in danger when it's very much Bulma's fault in this particular case. But that is because F Trunks made some high assumptions and probably fantasized with who his father might have been and was hit with the reality that he was not the way he imagined him, so he's putting a lot of expectations on Vegeta that when not met he gets angry but Vegeta is just like "dude i don't have time for this bs". And on the other hand Trunks also didn't knew how his mother was before she had to grow into someone more careful and responsible, so he cannot see his mother's faults because his love for her is blinding him from her wrong doings. (funny thing is that when she had the plane accident no one went to save Bulma either, lol). He has to learn to know his parents because he doesn't know them. Poor Trunks though XD.
Ultimately Vegeta changes his attitude during the end of the saga for the sake of both of them, and after having been smacked full force in the face with the realization that he did messed up in multiple ways during the saga after all, with the androids, with Cell, with Trunks too because of his cultural baggage. At the end he's much closer to Bulma and Baby Trunks, having accepted his role as father, not only the type of father Vegeta wanted to be but the father Trunks needed him to be, which still had a lot of room for improvement but it was a start, and he did changed quite a lot. Even caving in with some earthling behaviors for the better. Unnggh! is so beautiful!
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28 notes · View notes
angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
A Rose Under The Moon
Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None really
A/N: Gods you guys I am so sorry it's taken so long, life just keeps getting on track and derailing into some crazy bs for me lately (and of course the wonderful problems of depression and problematic mental health are an issue) but I'm hoping I churn out a bit more writing because I miss it and Lord it drives me bonkers when I wanna write, but can't think of where to start. So this is one of the shorter chapters, filler mostly. But have some Hippo Mama-focused stuff for a bit!
Taglist: @bad4amficideas @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @shirukitsune @lokisremainingsanity @mundivagantsoul @furblrwurblr @zoleea-exultant @latenightcravingz @daygirl26 @thelastemzy @leahnicole1219 @crazyunsexycool
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Chapter 7:
Cats and Cradles
You were certainly a peculiar creature. Odd dietary habits, an awkward sleeping schedule...
But all this could be tied to your soulmate, surely. Or well... Soulmates, as it were. It had to have been.
"It must be so difficult for you, poor little thing." Taweret sighed as she watched you eat your breakfast for the day. Some simple grain-based cereal with granola and dehydrated fruit mixed in, with some sweetened oat-milk poured in, a nice piping cup of tea steaming next to you.
You idly ate spoonful after spoonful while you read an old journal of some sorts. Mass produced of course, but the pages were yellowed and torn at the edges, the spine well-creased.
Taweret leaned over to see what was in the book. Inside were detailed sketches of relics from various Egyptian tombs.
The goddess chuckled as she looked down at you, and looked at your wrist. The bottom right Moon was full today. Given your choice of breakfast and reading material for the morning...
Taweret had to guess Steven was in control of the body. Already, you and the boys were so in tune with one another you didn't even notice when your habits would change depending on who was in control.
Like the day you put whiskey in Jake's coffee. You were intending to do the same for yourself. In fact, you did.
You were sipping at your tea when a slight scratching could be heard at the door that led to the stairs that descended into the alley behind your shop.
Taweret's little ears flicked about as she watched you curiously as you stand, and go over to the door. Once it opens, there, patiently sitting with big, beautiful green eyes, was a silky-soft black cat.
The cat raised its paw at you a few times, meowing.
You chuckle and step aside, "C'mon, Puck. Yes, I got your treats for you." You say to the little creature as she--yes, Taweret was positive the cat was female--sauntered into your flat as though she owned the place.
The cat, apparently named by you as "Puck" sat at two empty little dishes on the floor, pink with little fish pictures printed on.
"How quaint!" Taweret giggled. Of course, she knew you couldn't see or hear her, but she was curious about you. And if that blasted old pigeon was nosing about you, Taweret wanted to know more about you as well. And gosh, did she find you positively endearing! Especially with how you were baby-talking to your little furry friend!
"C'mon, Puck." You giggle, pulling out a small container of goat milk. Taweret watches, absolutely besotted with the scene in front of her as you pour some of the milk into one of the pink bowls, and a handful of kibble in the other.
You scritch the cat's ear as she happily laps up her milk, before she switches and munches on her food.
"I wish I knew what you got up to when you're not around. I haven't seen you for two weeks!" You sigh, sitting on your haunches with your cheeks in your palms as you watched the creature eat.
Taweret carefully maneuvers herself out of the way as you get up to grab your cereal, finishing it off as you talk in between bites to your furry companion, ranting about some controversial fact or another you've read about, or perhaps it was a particularly rude woman in the local super market, you never ran out of things to rant about to the cat.
The hippo woman giggles again as she clasps her hands in front of her and the one-sided conversation you were having. When she looked back down, she noticed Puck was staring right up at her.
Oh, right. Animals can see her.
Ah well... It's not like Puck could talk, so she couldn't exactly tell you there was a 9 foot hippo woman standing in the middle of your flat.
"You're such a good girl, Puck." You coo, scooping up the fluffy critter. The cat allows you to hold her in a way reminiscent of a mother holding her baby, and she purred as you rubbed her belly, licking her chops clean of the food and milk she still had on her.
"Such a messy girl, too." You grin, leaning down to boop your nose to Puck's.
'This cat is the calmest I've ever seen.' Taweret thought amusingly. 'So well-behaved and sweet. A perfect little friend for this darling girl.'
Already Taweret was feeling things for you, she was already starting to dote on you (even though you didn't know it) in a similar way she did with Layla.
The past few weeks, when she wasn't conversing with Layla or the boys, she was with you, milling about in your shop, watching you bake. (Watching someone bake muffins without eggs and other animal products was fascinating! Steven usually made meals, not sweets!)
Sometimes she would sit on the floor, curiously watching whatever it was you had on the TV in the background. (Heavens, there was some dreadful stuff there. She learned to tune out your serial killer documentaries...) However, Taweret was certainly partial to the sci-fi movies you watched.
Particularly the old ones, like that one... Oh, what was it? That strong young woman with the orange cat? Ah! Alien. She very much liked that franchise, it was nice seeing such a strong young woman. "Ripley" reminded her so much of Layla. She even had curly hair! And her darling cat, Jonesy; she had a soft spot for ginger tabbies; they tended to be so silly!
As you went about your morning routine, Taweret noticed that Puck would watch her everywhere she went. It wasn't uncommon, again, for animals to react to her presence. Dogs and birds would make a fuss, but cats were always content to just watch. Sometimes she would lean down and give the little animals a good stroke to their fur.
Taweret continued to watch, the invisible spectator to your routine as you did your dishes and began baking your morning muffins and cakes for your shop.
The day was rather droll, the grimy chilly weather outside meant you would have few customers. So, you'd taken it up on yourself to start organizing and dusting shelves of the books that hardly got touched, Puck staying your loyal little shadow.
She was a big hit with those that did come in, especially older folks. They would lean down, stroke or scratch her and go "oh, such a sweet cat" and "such a good girl!" And of course, Puck seemed to eat it all up, purring loudly and sitting snugly in a folded up sweater you set on the checkout counter.
However, you noticed that Puck, somewhere around mid-afternoon, began walking about the shelves, sitting at the end, and staring.
It was unlike her, when she would spend time with you. She almost always snuggled in your old wool sweater and waited for pets from customers.
But right now, Puck was sitting in the section that held your stock of fantasy and sci-fi novels. Her eyes large, and unblinking as she looked at what appeared to simply be dead air. You noticed she did this in your flat this morning... but paid no mind to it. After all, who could possibly claim to know the inner workings of a feline mind? Perhaps a speck of dust wafting about caught her eye and she was fixated upon it? Who knows?
You left Puck to do her silly kitty routine and continued cleaning and organizing.
Taweret got a little anxious when the cat persistently followed her about. For some reason, this cat was wholly invested in Taweret's appearance after she awoke from her nap on the counter.
Perhaps it was because Taweret was an alien presence that the cat had never seen before? Perhaps she could sense Taweret's divinity? Cats were often capable of sensing supernatural things, or even venturing into a kind of spirit world, and capable of bringing good luck and good fortune to those that housed and loved them.
And you seemed to care and love Puck whenever she would come back to see you from her "adventures" as you put them.
But right now, Pick was still just... staring.
"Oh, dear... Shoo, little one! I'd hate for your friend to catch on!" Taweret said, her fingers wiggling anxiously, ears flicking about.
The cat merely stared, giving Taweret a long, slow blink in response.
"Whatcha gawking at, Puck?" You say, clicking your tongue as you kneel next to the cat, rubbing her head with your fingers.
Puck's tail merely flicked about behind her a few times, and she gave another slow blink, but not at you.
Your eyes track where Puck was staring, and for a moment, Taweret was worried you could see her...
But instead you chuckle and scritch the cat again.
"Is my bookshop haunted, Puck? If so, tell your ghost buddies not to knock stuff off my shelves, okay? I do not have poltergeist insurance."
Taweret sighed, her body sagging in relief as you walked off, paying no further mind to Puck and her odd behavior.
"Goodness me, you certainly are an odd one!" Taweret told the cat, reaching down to stroke her sweetly.
A young woman with bright green hair and possibly the most piercings you'd ever seen in a person had walked into your store, striking up a conversation with you.
She was from Turkey, originally, and was looking into books about any local history, and oddly enough, nursery rhymes.
The young woman told you her name was Anya, and that her parents met when her mother was on some job that required her to travel. She only recently moved to England (her mother's birthplace) after her father passed away.
That's when Anya told you she wanted to go into childcare, hence the books on nursery rhymes.
"Yeah, there's a local daycare that says they need more books cause the kids love em to pieces." She snorted, shoving her hands in her pockets. "Literally."
"Oh, no I can imagine." You chuckle, placing the colorful books in one of your reusable bags.
Anya reached out and patted Puck's haunches, and Puck stretched, making a "mrrp?" noise as she did. Stretching over Anya's torso (that was visible beneath her over-sized shirt that hung off one of her shoulders) was a mark that looked almost like flames. You were absolutely transfixed by it.
"'S not ink, if that's what you're wondering." She winked at you.
Your face flushed, and you rubbed the back of your neck, embarrassed that you were caught staring. "Oh, I just... It's just so..."
"Eye-catchin'? Yeah, I know." She grinned. "I've had it since I was like, six."
"Oh! It's your mark?" You gasped.
"Yep! I like it, honestly. Rather cool and adds to my whole aesthetic." Anya laughed. "You can imagine my mum's reaction when she woke me up for school one day and I have a freakin' big arse mark that looks like some sorta phoenix. You should've seen the look on my teacher! Oh, man. She about died!"
Anya petted Puck again. "You've got a really sweet cat, here. She's really calm."
"Oh, Puck? She's actually not my pet, if you can believe that!" You chuckle, watching as Puck soaked up the attention like a little fluffy sponge.
"She's not?" Anya blinked on reply. "Then whose is she?"
"I'm not sure," You answer truthfully. "She just comes around, disappears for a while, and comes back. I love her company, though. She's a real sweetie."
"Man, I've always wanted a cat. I wonder if I can talk my mum into getting a cat?" She mused.
"Oh, I recommend it. My dad always had cats growing up." You chuckle. "He'd feed the strays on our property, would get them vaccinated, build little hutches for the winter... We also had one or two in the house as our pets. Always had a black one, like Puck here."
You sigh wistfully, playfully poking Puck's belly as she rolled over and showed the pudge to Anya, who cooed at her cute behavior.
"So I guess I have a soft spot for little voids, they remind me of my dad."
"Oh, man, void cats are the best. I love watching videos of them online! They just look like giant polka dots with eyes!" The young woman giggled with glee, happily rubbing Puck's belly.
You'd finished ringing her up and she gladly paid, saying as she left, "I'll have to come back and get more of these for the kids. Thanks!"
"Anytime, sweets!" You say to her as she happily walked out into the dreary weather.
You looked at Puck, your chin in your palm as you snorted at her. She turned her head and stretched, moseying over to you and headbutting your chin, before pulling back and giving you a slow blink.
"Maybe I should get you some of those talking buttons, eh, Puck? I'd sure love to hear what you're thinking!" You sigh at her. Puck merely purred in response.
You were still blissfully unaware of the goddess still inhabiting the space of your shop, watching you with a fond smile.
Chapter 8: Link
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asherloki · 1 year
The prompt is "You never asked me anything in return, you just showered love on me, and all I gave you was doubt, unfaithfulness and mistreatment." :)
Just honesty
Marc Spector x reader
Word count:- 1288
Warnings:- quite angsty actually!
A/n:- I didn't actually thought I could use this prompt for a moon boy, it was fun writing honestly, hope you like it.
Dialogue prompt list here!
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You were shocked when after a year of dating marc Spector you found out he has DID. All you ever ask for is honesty, you rather preferred him telling you right away than finding it out after a year out of nowhere.
"you could tell me marc, I would've understood" you said almost crying out of dishonesty, disappointment and sadness.
"I thought it'd freak you out, I thought you'd leave me" marc had his own reasoning too, you couldn't deny whatever his reason was to hide such thing from you was acceptable, you may have still stayed after hearing his mental illness but anyone else would've left him then and there, and anyway how was he to know. You forgave him, because why not, this man would do anything for you, anything to keep you happy. You knew one thing for sure, Marc Spector was the man who'd risk his life for you. Everything between you two went back to normal, until one day you found out another thing about him. Something that's unbelievable, Your boyfriend is an ex mercenary, yes ex but still, mercenary, he never said that. You being someone who'd prefer honesty had to deal with someone like Marc, who hid two very important things of his life from you. The one thing he never hid was him being moon knight, a superhero.
But this time it was enough for you, when you recieved the phone of his, the call from Bushman and heard all the things about his past you froze,
"I'm living with a... a.. freaking mercenary? no no no... it can't be... he's so sweet to me, nice to me he can't just..." your train of thoughts went on until a voice from behind interrupted.
"everything alright?" Marc, it was marc.
'the one I should confront' a voice in your head said. you slowly turned to face the liar, the one that was actually a liar in your eyes, your eyes were red out of crying, yet you didn't exactly cried. After the phone call you froze and tears streamed down your cheeks.
"baby, you're crying is everything..." he trailed off as he saw his phone in your hand " my phone". His heart gave a tug, that was enough for him to understand, the one secret that was left to discover was no longer a secret.
"Bushman " you said in your shakey voice, crying or rather shedding tears nonstop.
"he called? so I guess you know that..." before he could finish you said,
"mercenary". your face, the expression terrified the man thaf stood infront of you, it reminded him of his mother, when she blamed him for his dead brother.
"it's..." he couldn't say anything, what could he? what was there to say? everything is infront of you now.
"freaking mercenary" hurt, fear and disappointment was clear in your voice. Marc just stood there watching you, years of being blamed prepared him to not to cry, he didn't cry he just stood there.
"such a LIAR" you yelled at the word 'liar'.
"I didn't lie" Marc muttered under his breath.
"no, but you kept it hidden from me, and about your DID, what else now? what are you?"
he knew there wasn't anything left to discover but he still just stood there watching you. You stood there looking at the man you love, the image you had of him changing. Marc noticed the window behind you, the sky was cloudy, you always feared the thurders so he silently went passed you and closed the window so you don't be scared. You watched everything and laughed mocking his actions,
"oh my dear! oh Mr Marc Spector thinks he'd win me over again".
"I'm doing what I've always done, you fear the lightning so I... I'm sorry but I'm not a mercenary now" he said, ofcourse he wasn't anymore. but you could hardly let go off it, even though a voice in your head kept telling you 'please, you know he's the nicest guy to you, he's never hurt you, for a whole year as long as you've been together all he did is give you love and support, did you do the same?' the memories of him showering unconditional love on you played infront of you but then the scene infront of you was true too. You just wanted to run away, not caring about the weather,
"you know what?" you said looking at Marc "it's enough now, I'm... I'm going" that's all and you run. Marc could barely say anything but run after you, you ran down the stairs and landed on the road. The clouds, it terrified you, but better to run under it than being caught by Marc. So you thought and so you did. Following you marc landed on the road too, he didn't has it in him to utter a simple 'stop' to you. He knew how much his secrets hurted you and all he wanted was to hold in his arms and apologize.
You on the other hand ran, aimlessly, making all the few people outside stare until the Bright, flashing lightning lit up the sky like fireworks; banging, crashing thunder roaring furiously, sizzling, electrifying lightning zipping across the sky. It was a nightmare for you, all of these are nightmare for you anyway. but that was alot too handle, you fell on your knees, covering both your ears with your hands. Marc was terrified for you, he knew he'd freak you out but he had to, he held you in his arms as he too sat on the pavement. The sounds were terrifying, the flashing light reminded you of your life without these arms wrapped around you. Lonely, sad, scared. How can you smile without the man who did his best to keep you smiling? You let yourself fall into his arms and Marc tightened his grip around you. that's it, that's good, that's home. You allowed yourself to cry now, in his arms. After a minute or two you both stood up, that's when you saw Marc crying too, silently, like he always did when you doubted him, when you flirted with other men, when you took him for granted. Yet his hands reached to wipe your tears with a sad smile on his lips,
"I won't force you to stay, but I'd like if you forgive me, don't go like that please". he said with such pain that you could feel his heart was heavy,
"why do yoh care so much about me?" you enquired,
"because you know, I love you, you don't have to believe it but I do", he answered your question. You watched him, rather observed him. He lied or hid alot from you but one truth is that he genuinely loved you.
"You never asked me anything in return, you just showered love on me, and all I gave you was doubt, unfaithfulness and mistreatment." you said, tears still flowing down your eyes.
Marc's hand cupped your face as he said, " what can I do? one truth of my life is I love you" he then let go off you and turned around. He walked to his house knowing you'd sure leave him at this point. Until he heard footsteps and then saw your figure walking beside him to his house, he was confused ofcourse,
" you ... do you wanna come inside."
you looked at him with the expression of an annoyed girlfriend, the one he enjoyed extremely, " ofcourse, I need to get to my home, and these walls and rooms aren't my home, you are Marc, you are."
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
Mafia au
Moon knight x reader
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(Mafia au, seperate bodies)
"So, why am I looking at a bruised girl in my bed." Marc grumbled as Jake sighed.
"I killed her father, I couldn't just leave her there. Look how cute she is." Jake said running his hand through your hair.
"She looks at least 19 I'm sure she would've been fine. Look I know I work for you and we do some sketchy shit but kidnapping a teenager is off the job list." Marc grumbled as Jake chuckled.
"Oh, mi amigo. Don't you remember you don't have a say?" Jake said with amusement making Marc look away and grumble.
"You're new job is taking care of her." Jake whispered as Marc glared at him.
"Since you've had so much to say lately, my dear Marc. I think it's the best time for you to stay here, out of the field and take care of my new girl." He growled, coming close to Marc.
Jake reached forward and gripped Marc's chin.
"Do you understand?" Jake whispered, smirking at Marc.
"Yes, sir." Marc replied before Jake chuckled.
"There's a good boy." Jake said before leaving Marc alone with you.
Maybe Marc felt a little sorry for you.
He sat beside you and sighed.
"Where the fuck is this going to take me?"
Marc was bored reading a book while he waited for you to wake up.
He heard you make a small sound and quickly put his book down.
"Father." You whispered as your face twisted with pain.
"Easy now." He whispered, realising Jake hadn't even told him your name.
Your eyes opened as you looked around and your eyes fell onto Marc's face.
"Where am I?" You whispered as he looked at your bruised face.
"Well, um." He muttered trying to find the right way to explain all of this.
"You're at...a Mafia base." He said as you groaned a little.
"So, he finally did it, huh?" You said as he looked at you in confusion.
"What?" He questioned before you looked back at him.
"Did my father sell me to your boss?" You asked as he looked at you in shock, maybe he didn't feel bad that Jake had killed your father.
"No, actually. My boss, kind of killed your father and didn't want to kill you." He said as you nodded a little.
"He's dead." You whispered as Marc watched you, he wasn't sure if you were going to cry or maybe cheer with glee.
"I don't know how to feel. What...what's my purpose for your boss? Am I a..." You stuttered out as you began to shake in fear.
"I don't know what he has planned for you, but Jake is gay so you don't need to worry about being what I think you're thinking of." Marc said as you sighed in relief and nodded.
"I'm sorry, I just don't know what to think. I'm scared." You whispered as you covered your face.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. I may be a killer but I still have morals, I won't let you get hurt okay?" He said as you looked through your fingers at Marc.
"Why would you protect a random kid?" You whispered as he offered you a soft smile.
"Well, I guess I just wish I had someone to protect me when I was a kid. I can see a lot of fear in your eyes, the same fear that's been in my eyes." He replied as you felt tears in your eyes.
"I've never had anyone protect me." You whispered as you began to cry, Marc looked at you sadly and cautiously reached forward to place his hand on your shoulder.
"I know, and I know it'll take a while to trust me. I promise I'll make it as easy as I can." He said making you smile.
"Thank you. Wait, what's your name?" You asked making him chuckle.
"I'm Marc." He said as you nodded and held out your hand for him to shake.
(Let me know if you want this continued :))
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hollowtones · 1 year
i can't find the vods for the rest of your endwalker playthrough (if you even did stream the rest) so i was wondering, what were your opinions on 6.0? (also what were your reactions to That urianger scene)
I think I only did like one or two streams of it. It ran kinda bad when I streamed it, people didn't want to watch it, and I wasn't getting much out of streaming it compared to just playing it on my own time. That and I think I had a really severe depressive episode at the time (for unrelated reasons).
IDK if anyone's still trying to avoid spoilers but I'll throw it under a read-more.
It's been a while since I last played so my memory's kind of spotty. I liked it, though. It felt like a satisfying conclusion to what they've been getting at since 2.0 MSQ, and a nice little dialogue on despair and exhaustion and depression and hope, and finding ways to carry on and keep living and keep loving and keep trying. I feel like that's when the game's overall writing and theming tends to be at its strongest (yes I liked the Dark Knight questlines haha).
I remember having mixed feelings about how they pulled off the Garlemald segment & the "Alphinaud and Alisaie's shit head dad" plotline but I don't remember enough of the specifics to really elaborate on that.
Alisaie has lesbian college admirers and I thought that was funny.
I came out of 5.5 MSQ expecting White Woman Jumpscare Hydaelyn to be a little trite but I ended up really liking Venat. I felt kinda whatever about Emet-Selch coming back, but I didn't hate what they did with him I guess, and his earless-Viera boy toy was fun. Fandaniel felt like The Joker but he still felt like a fine first-act villain. The way they write him (& Meteion) in the later chunk of the game felt more interesting to me, & felt like a fun play on "Shadowbringers"-era Emet-Selch's whole "AMAUROT, BABY! GREATEST CITY IN DA WORLD, BABY! SLIMES ALL OVER DA STREET, BABY!" nostalgia. It was funny when he was The Joker, though.
Final area was thematically and visually really interesting. I'm excited we got more stuff related to Omega & I'm glad we got more "btw the dragons are aliens" stuff. I've seen a lot of people forget about that, for whatever reason. That one area right by the end that was completely desolate, with no people & no indication of who lived there, was a really good setpiece. The Namazu canonically suffer in all possible dimensions and all possible worlds and you cannot help but laugh out loud.
I kind of rolled my eyes at Zenos coming back. "By the way he's a Reaper now" felt like it amounted to nothing, but admittedly I never did the Reaper questline or the post-6.0 stuff. Getting to punch him in the face at the end was fun.
Music was good, I liked the way they played with different motifs & I really like how that comes to a head in the final boss fight.
I was expecting moon rabbits to be grating and insufferable but I liked them. I fucking love that none of this planet's moons are normal. Why are they both orbital prison-ships. I love it.
Zodiark's design owned and Hydaelyn's design was okay. Very Yoshitaka Amano design, which makes sense given how he did that one boxart for "A Realm Reborn" & she looks a lot like she does there, but I kinda wish she got to look more monstrous and weird. She kept talking up becoming a monster to do what she felt was right!!! I wish that had informed her design a little more.
Hamburgers exist & I do like that the animators got to livingly render G'raha Tia going to town on one like those weird clips of anime girls where it looks like they've never eaten in their lives.
I don't remember what you mean by "the Urianger scene". LOL
You didn't ask, but the crafting/gathering questlines were a lot of fun. I feel like they (& the guildleves) added some fun extra context to everything going on while I was going through the MSQ.
I liked it overall. I don't think it's the highest point of the game's writing, but I had a good time and felt very satisfied by the time it came to a close.
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bucketsofmonsters · 10 months
To Kill the King - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
find the full book here
If Everand had to hear one more story he swore to the heavens his knight wouldn’t live to see another morning. Not that that would be any great loss. Mornings on the road were as close to hell as Everand could imagine. Animals had run away with most of their food while Leo was meant to be keeping watch, keeping warm was near impossible, and he was only half sure that they hadn’t gotten lost. His travelling partner wasn’t helping matters.
“Are you listening Everand?” Leo called from atop his horse.
“Yes sir, of course sir.” He was going to strangle him. Everand didn’t even attempt to feign a smile, but of course the knight didn’t turn to look. He rode quietly, trailing behind and barely even trying to focus on what was being said to him.
Leo cleared his throat after Everand’s reassurance. “As I was saying, I have a good feeling about this one. When the world closes a door it opens a window and this is our window. Who needed that door anyways when this window is clearly superior?”
“I would have liked to have the door.” Everand grumbled, pulling back on Lilypad’s reins to ensure he wouldn’t have to ride side by side with Leo. She slowed in perfect synchronization with his request and he gave her a soft pat. 
“What was that lad?”
“Nothing sir, nothing at all.”
“Yes, right. Well, I’ve heard wonderful things about King Richard, better things than I ever heard about that bastard Edgar anyways. So even if this whole banishing situation was something that transpired because of someone, well even then, it isn’t really a negative. In fact, if anything, we should be crediting the party that created this opportunity.”
Everand could not have this conversation again. At this point even the horses must have it memorized. Diverting it hadn’t worked, his new tactic was to try and get him to skip chunks of this discussion so it could be over sooner. “I’ve even heard they have a princess they want to marry off, isn’t that right sir?”
“We’re heading to a better kingdom, one where I can command the respect that I deserve! A kingdom that will properly utilize all of my strengths, one that will allow me to reach new heights. The king even has a daughter. I’ve heard he’s having trouble marrying her off. They say she is as beautiful as… as the springtime, as the moon. There’s rumors that she’s cursed but if she’s as beautiful as they say, perhaps a noble knight could find a way to break it. Things are turning around for me now, Everand, I can feel it.”
So that hadn’t worked. The squire cursed under his breath. He’d have to try a new tactic the next time around. He made a noise that he hoped would be interpreted as vague agreement and returned to ignoring the man. 
As much as Leo had been trying to convince him otherwise with his little speech, they were both in a waking nightmare and it was aggressively Leo’s fault. But of course Everand got pulled into it, that’s how it always worked. Leo did whatever he wanted and Everand suffered the consequences. It had never happened to quite this extent before, but he was anything but surprised. He probably should have guessed that this was where they were headed years ago. Not this new kingdom to which they were travelling blindly, but this level of disaster. 
Leo was probably still talking. He never really stopped, but Everand never found it hard to ignore. Especially out riding like this. Even when he tried to focus it was hard to not get wrapped up in the other noises, the wind blowing through the grass, the buzzing of insects around them, the stamping of the horses’ hooves. Lilypad always stepped more carefully. Her hooves sounded softer and they had more intention behind them. Destrier, on the other hand, was always as loud in his steps as was possible. Not that it was his fault, Leo wouldn’t stop enforcing that behavior in the poor creature. The sounds of the world were far more interesting and pressing than whatever made-up adventure Leo was trying to convince Everand that he went on that Everand had somehow mysteriously missed. 
Everand pulled back on the reins for half a heartbeat, sensing that something had changed. He quickly ushered Lilypad to start again, not wanting him to appear suspicious in case something malicious was watching. And then, all at once, Everand realized that the ambiance of the path around him had shifted. The squire put all of his focus into trying to discern the source of the shift in noise. As they continued onwards, it became increasingly evident that they were approaching a town. He allowed himself to untense and felt a wave of relief run through him. Not only would he soon be free of all the alone time he was getting with Leo, but they would also be able to resupply. He could survive on shortened rations, but the horses wouldn’t understand why they were being fed significantly less and he’d rather not put them through that. 
There were a few more minutes of listening to the bustle of civilization getting closer before Leo broke Everand’s concentration by shouting “Stop!” at the top of his lungs whilst yanking on Destrier’s reins. Everand brought Lilypad to a halt, waiting to see what invaluable advice the knight had to share this time. 
“Do you see that, my lad? Over that next hill? I believe it’s the town surrounding our new king’s distinguished home.”
“I think you might be right. Good eye, sir.”
They rode right by the town, barely a breath from the nearest structure. Everand trusted Lilypad to follow in Destrier’s footsteps, staring for longer than he should have at the buildings as they passed. He didn’t particularly want to go there, he had no great love for civilization in any form. However, it was certainly better than the towering silhouette of stone walls that they were riding towards. They had no plan to get in, no plan if they got turned away, and Everand had no plan for what he was going to do whether or not they were let into the castle. He’d figure it out when they got there. God, he sounded like Leo.
He was jolted back to reality as he realized that they were at the gates of the castle. Leo was already talking to one of the guards stationed at the doors. Everand hoped he hadn’t missed anything too vital and did his best to appear squirely. 
“We seek an audience with the king.”
The guard seemed very confused which wasn’t a great sign. “Who are you two?”
“I am Sir Leo and this is my squire.”
“So you’re a knight of where exactly?”
Uh oh. 
“Well, of here hopefully.”
Everand appreciated the apparent attempt to confuse the guard into letting them see the most important man in the kingdom. Somehow, this did not seem to convince him. Everand figured he’d give it a shot. “Hello, sir, we’ve been sent by King Edgar to serve King Richard, as a sign of peace between the two lands. Sir Leo here was one of his finest knights.”
He prayed that it didn’t contradict anything Leo had already said. It wasn’t the cleanest lie but it was certainly better than whatever his knight was attempting to peddle. The man seemed to be considering it when the guard on the other side of the door decided to join in on the conversation. “I’ve heard tales of Sir Leo, are you really he?”
Leo’s face lit up. “Aye, I am. See, everything is in order.”
The guard they’d been speaking to seemed unsure. “Do you swear it is you, Sir Leo?”
“I do, on my mother’s grave.”
“Well, this is on your head, not mine. You shall have your meeting.” 
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jokeringcutio · 2 years
His - DR. Harrow x Reader / Mature Ficlet
Fandom: Moon Knight (Series 2022)
Pairing: Dr. (Arthur) Harrow x (fem identifying) Reader, Slight Jake Lockley x Reader
Rating: Mature
Warnings:  Amnesia, unexpected husband, dub-con, betrayal, mature descriptions, 18+ content.
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Summary: Reader had amnesia and forgot dr. Harrow was her husband before, dark twist. Written especially for @nicktremblaywayfu
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The beeping of machinery was the first thing your mind registered as you were slowly pulled out of deep darkness. You blinked your eyes open to find whiteness surrounding you. Your first thought was that you had passed into the afterlife. But then you realized you could see lines on the walls, and that you were in a chamber. You couldn’t remember your own bedroom being this bright. Then again, you couldn’t remember much of anything.
“You’re awake,” a male voice sounded, near to you, and you did your best to turn your head – which was hard to do. It felt as if you’d bumped it and moving it made you all dizzy. Your neck felt stiff, as did your spine. But you managed. “I’m glad.”
Your eyes found the shape of a man, only several feet away from the side of your bed. When he saw your eyes had opened and were lain upon him, he took a careful step closer. The corner of his lips trembled as if emotions pulled at the smile he held. Why? You should have wondered. Why did he seem so shaken by seeing you awake?
“You’re a doctor,” you stated, seeing the white clothes he was wearing. The typical doctor’s uniform. There was a slight mustache on his lips and silver-rimmed spectacles on the tip of his nose. His greying hair was pulled back. Somehow, it made him look all the more distinguished. He must be outstanding in his field, you thought. Though you had absolutely no idea if he was – or even what his field of work was. You presumed it had to do with one of your injuries. Perhaps even all of them. He was a doctor, he’d be able to mend most of them, right?
“I am,” the man calmly confirmed. You realized for the first time now that he used a cane as he walked, but only because he placed the cane in between his legs to stabilize himself, holding onto it with both of his hands now as he watched you. He was standing awfully close, you thought. 
“Are you my doctor?” you asked. A frown slid on your face when you heard how your voice lolled. It sounded like you were drunk. Must be the medicines, you thought. Perhaps they’d given you something against the pain. You knew those types of drugs could make your mind hazy.
“I am your doctor,” he paused and seemed to think about what to say next, then merely nodded in confirmation. “Yes.”
A small smile played on his lips and there was a glint in his eyes, hidden behind the glasses. What was that emotion you had spotted? Relief? Because you were awake? Or was it something more? You found it hard to tell.
“You seem a bit,” you tried to tilt your head to the side but found it hard to move. Your neck felt all stiff. “Odd,” you finally concluded.
“Odd?” he asked in turn. You thought he was remarkably professional, the way he stood next to the bed, hands upon his walking cane, expression one of calmness.
You wanted to nod but found it hard. Instead, you ran your tongue past your teeth before you spoke again. “Cute though,” you admitted.
At this point, it did not surprise you that those words came out on their own accord. Under any normal circumstances, you would have blushed madly at such a confession. But it was as if the filter had been removed from your brain. As if any words you thought came tumbling out with no way to stop them.
The man chuckled and shook his head. He looked friendly enough, you thought. A friendly, professional, and skilled doctor. And he was all yours. Guess it is my lucky day.
“Why are you smiling?” you asked, seeing how the man tried to hide his smile from you.
“It’s because,” he hesitated, then shook his head again. His eyes, which had been cast to the floor, slowly slid up to meet yours.
“Allow me to let you in on a little secret,” his words were whispered and sent a warm tingle down your spine, all the way between your legs. Such an effect this man had on you. This stranger. This doctor.
You watched with eyes wide as he leaned over the bed, the cane was placed to rest against the bedside, his hands were now free. What was he doing? You felt how he brought one hand to your shoulder, fingertips grasping you firmly yet gently, while the other was used to support himself on the bed as he bend over you.
And then his lips descended upon yours. Softly, like the touch of a feather. Lightly begging for entrance. Shocked by this sudden descent, your lips parted on their own accord, allowing him to dip in and roam his tongue past yours.
He tasted funny but nice. Warmth tingled down your spine and ignited your core. You felt yourself grow wet under his touch. And then, all of a sudden, he was gone.
You were panting rapidly, staring up at him as he sat on the edge of the bed. Not even that far away, but still the distance felt as if it were too great. You wanted him near again, wanted to feel his warmth seep through your hospital gown.
“So,” you gasped, still catching your breath. “What is your little secret, doctor?”
The man’s lips curled upwards into a smile. “You might not remember it due to the amnesia, little one,” and here you frowned because this was the first time you heard what was wrong with you. Amnesia, eh? Forgetfulness? But for how long? You frowned and looked him in the eyes.
He leaned a little closer again. Forget the professionality, you thought when he brought his right hand up to your cheek. You felt the coldness of a ring when he pressed his palm against you. His finger traced your skin gently, sending more warmth to gather in your core. “There’s something really important you need to know,” he whispered, thumb gently brushing past your lips as he looked at you with longing. As if he wished to kiss you again.
“You are my wife.”
“Doctor Harrow,” the nurse said while she folded the clean linen and put it in the cupboard ahead of you. “Of course, he is one of our finest doctors.”
You pursed your lips while you thought about this. She hadn’t been the first nurse you had asked about your forgotten husband. Apparently, he wasn’t the doctor treating you. That was a lady, in fact. And she had been very nice. She’d explained to you that you had suffered trauma to the head and that it had made you forget a lot of your memories. To your idea, most of them were still there, you had just forgotten some of the more recent days.
But that could not be right, because how could you have forgotten your own husband?
It must be more than days. Weeks or months perhaps even?
You vaguely remembered Doctor Harrow’s face from somewhere before all of this. Or Arthur, as you found out he was called. He seemed to be a very respected man in the hospital, a psychologist working in a different department than where you were. But most nurses and medical staff seemed to know him and they always smiled and praised him when you asked about him. You hadn’t mentioned that you were married to the man yet. Though you knew the nurses at least were aware. Arthur had been visiting you many times during the day. He’d made sure to come by on his lunch breaks, and he had rescheduled certain appointments just so he could be with you during the day.
All the scattered moments together had made you grow more and more fond of him. He always spoke in a gentle voice and was kind and polite to the nurses and other doctors. He brought you books and sweets and made sure there were fresh flowers at the head of your bed. The stranger you had married had slowly become a friend.
You also had overheard him discuss his schedule with one of the nurses. He was trying to arrange for someone to replace him for a couple of days when you were discharged, just so he could take full-time care of you at home.
You loved the thought of that. He was your doctor all right. Your loving husband.
Your eyes fell upon the ring you now wore. Arthur had brought it for you on the second day of your stay at the hospital. He said it had been taken off because you had been through the MRI scan, which sounded logical. The ring fit perfectly and had both your own as well as Harrow’s initials in it.
To take away your doubt, he had even shown the inside of his own ring – which came off with much more ease. And though his ring was one with a big nub, much clumpier than yours, it bore the very same initials on the inside. Wedding rings, all right. There was not a doubt left on your mind.
His kisses began soft, but grew more and more demanding as the day of your discharge grew nearer. You knew Arthur used some of the authority he had in the hospital to get you discharged faster, eager to have you home again.
And when that day came, he was the one who pushed your wheelchair to the car. He was the one who drove you to an unfamiliar house he claimed was your home. And he was the one who lay you upon the blankets of an unknown bed, kissing you as if the world could come to an end any day soon now.
You trembled slightly in his hold, shy to reveal yourself to your husband, though you did not know why. Surely he must have seen it all before? He pried your hands away from your chest, admired you once he saw you in all of your glory, and the gaze in his eyes took the last of your fear away.
This man adored you, you could tell. By all the tiny gestures, by the way his eyes softened when he looked at you, by the way he claimed your lips in a kiss. This man worshipped you, you could tell. Because his fingertips placed featherlight touches upon your skin and all was done with such reverence, it felt as if you were a goddess and he was the high priest, bringing you the ultimate sacrifice.
His hips fitted snugly against your own, his pubescent hair tickling your skin. The sharp gasp that escaped you had him frown in concern, and he paused to ask if you were all right. Such a considerate lover. “It’s been a while,” he explained. “I will have to be gentle with you.”
He started a gentle pace, and soon he had you arch your back and moan his name. Your hands traced past his shoulders and chest. Wet sounds echoed through the bedroom. He became too eager to hold back and apologized for this as he started to slam into you harder. You did not mind though, it felt good to have him in you. And when he came, not much later, he kissed your neck, mustache tickling your skin. He whispered sweet little nothings in your ear and promised that next time, you would be orgasming together.
The blood on the bed made him groan, and as you stared at it in surprise – it wasn’t much but still – he quickly turned to you again and explained that he must have been too rough. “We’ve been days without, after all,” he said, a hand nervously running through his hair.
He made true of his promise that same evening and brought you to your own climax, along with his. The joined orgasm was unlike anything you had ever experienced, and it left you love him even more. This was your husband. The kind and gentle man who poured you your drink and brought it over to you. The one who would sit next to you on the couch and cuddle with you under the blanket, while snacks were at your side, provided for you both, and a video was playing on the touch-screen laptop he said was your own.
Your new life seemed perfect.
Until it wasn’t.
From the start, you noticed little things that seemed odd. The moment you arrived at the house – your house, which you could not remember – you noticed that it was glaringly empty. Arthur did not own many items, as he had been at his work most of the time. But he had his closet with clothes, his golf gear, a computer he used for personal stuff, and a game console he claimed to use mostly to stay fit. It had worked for his fingers, you thought amused. Because damn, he knew how to use them.
And then there were the gardening tools, as apparently he loved to be outdoors taking care of his plants. And there was a whole lot of cooking equipment in the kitchen, because your doctor appeared to be something of a homemade cook. Though his recipes weren’t showing spectacular skill, you knew he cooked with love and delight, and you were all too happy to be pampered by your husband.
But then, there was your shared room. Part of the closet contained your clothes. And you had noticed rather quickly that you did not seem to recognize any of them. They all looked new, mint-conditioned items, and you wondered if you had ever worn them before. Some of the items didn’t fit as nicely, like a bra that was the wrong size. But Arthur had assured you he would get you a new bra the right size. And he had. But still, it made you suspicious.
You had a laptop that was worryingly empty. Not even a browser history could be found, everything dated back to the day Arthur had brought you home.
There were some plushies that he claimed were yours, but they too brought forth no memories. And the makeup in the bathroom included items you knew you would never use. Just like the bottles of perfume, which you singlehandedly dumped in the bin the very same day you found them. Arthur had merely smiled when he found them there, and said you didn’t need them either way. Your own scent was alluring enough. The comment had made you blush.
Apart from the lack of personal belongings that related to things like hobbies, there were other tiny things that roused your suspicion that something wasn’t quite right. When Arthur had to go to work again, you had filled the day by playing games on the game console. When you told him which ones you had enjoyed, he replied that they were yours. Bought specifically for you. He never mentioned this in advance, only after you claimed to like them.
There was an array of hygienic products that you did not recognize in one of the cupboards. The wrong kind of hygienic pads, for instance. You’d bought those to try them and didn’t bother to throw them away. He had said that. But upon inspecting you noticed the packaging had never been opened.
There were books you did not like that were swapped for ones you did enjoy. New items popped up around the house as if Arthur had forgotten where they were until he found them again. This usually happened after you had a conversation in which you revealed some of your interests to him. It was as if he was slowly learning to know you.
But that could not be, could it? You were his wife. The rings proved it. The nurses at the hospital knew this.
Then why, why did you not remember your life with him as days turned into weeks, and weeks slowly turned into months?
You looked at the screen in horror. “Does she need to know, sir?”
“No one needs to know.”
Arthur was visible from the side. Unmistakable. It was him. Donned in different clothes, hair loose instead of kept tidy at the back. His mustache was gone, but you recognized him.
The man in front of you looked up at you expectantly. His hand hovered over the now ejected videotape. Brown eyes that pierced into yours. The man’s chest was rising and falling rapidly and sweat covered his brow.
One of the asylum patients. You would have tried to avoid him like Arthur had told you to – these patients could be violent and suffer from delusions that could turn them into dangerous men. Especially this one. This Jake.
Your hand automatically flew to your belly, protectively laying upon it. Jake’s eyes didn’t follow the movement. He didn’t have to. He already knew you were carrying Arthur’s child.
“How did you get that?” you asked, mouth suddenly dry.
“I’ll tell you something else,” Jake said, sitting up again. He raised his hands and for a moment you feared he was going to get out a weapon, like a gun or a knife. Instead, he removed a ring he had been wearing on his finger, turned it around in the air, and showed it to you.
Your eyes widened at the initials inside.
“No,” you gasped. Surely, they could not be yours?
But a pang of clarity shot through you. You’d recognized Jake the first moment you’d seen him. His face was familiar to you, even if you had difficulty telling why.
“An engagement ring. I suppose they took away yours,” Jake sounded sad. You glanced at it, studying it for authenticity “We were to be married,” Jake said, voice harsh through gritted teeth. “Then that bastard took you away from me. Took you as his own.” 
Jake clenched his jaw, eyes averted, as if looking at you hurt too much. He tried his best to get his breathing under control. The anger seeped out of each and every one of his pores.
“I remember,” you softly whispered. “I remember now.”
Jake, your friend. Jake, the man you promised to marry.
And suddenly, everything became clear. The items that suddenly appeared in the house and the way that Arthur seemed to want to pamper you, coaxing out more and more about your interests. It explained the blood on the bed that first time. You had been a virgin, saving yourself for the marriage night, for Jake. This explained why every friend of Arthur that you met had to be introduced. It wasn’t due to your amnesia. It was because you had never seen them before.
Arthur Harrow had lied to you. You had been promised to another.
“We fought him,” you said as memories started to flash in front of your eyes. “We fought Arthur. And we lost.”
“No,” Jake reached for your hands and took them in his own. His eyes were wild, the darkness in them glistened with anger and despair and love. “No, we did not lose, you hear me.” He was desperate to undo what had been done, to be together with you again.
“I might have lost you, but I will get you back. Harrow used your amnesia to make you believe you are his wife. I’m not sure why he did that, but it must have been to hurt me,” Jake gritted his teeth, and then you saw realization dawn on his face. “To hurt me, and because of you.” His voice softened. One of his hands slipped free to cup your cheek gently. “Look at you, my beautiful butterfly. What man could resist you?”
You had to suppress a wry laugh. What man indeed? You never thought you were something special, but to Jake, you had been. You still were. Perhaps it was the same for Arthur. Perhaps this was more than just a pitiful plan for revenge.
“But first, I need to get out of here. Harrow has me locked up under false charges. He has me pinned down like a madman. Once I get out, we can get back at him. I can defeat him, I am sure. And you will be free again.”
For the first time, his eyes slid to your belly, and you saw he swallowed hard. “I will take responsibility. After all, it was because I could not protect you that night, that he could lay his stake.” His hand hovered over your tummy, not quite touching, while his eyes searched yours for permission.
With a careful nod from you, he slowly lowered his hand until his palm rested warm upon the baby bump, and you closed your eyes and imagined it was his. That life had gone the way you two had planned it. That you had managed to defeat the villain who now claimed to be your husband, and who was the actual father or your child.
“I will love the kid,” Jake whispered, slowly pulling you in for a hug. “I will love the kid because it is yours.”
You reluctantly pulled away, knowing that time was sparse. Arthur could come out of work any moment now. He must not find you in the concierge’s office, not with the man he had set out to destroy and not with the tape that showed the evidence of his betrayal. A recording of the conversation the day when you had been brought into the hospital, and he decided to lay claim on you. No one needed to know. Well, you did know now.
There was no going back.
“How long have you known?” Arthur stood in front of you. His spectacles balanced on the point of his nose, his eyes upon you. He looked like an angry teacher in front of the classroom.
Your shoulders sagged. Nevertheless, you cradled the baby in your arms closer to your chest. He certainly wanted to punish you, you thought. Perhaps take away your child. You could admit defeat, but you would not lose your child. Not like this.
“A while,” you answered. Your eyes pricked with unshed tears. The child seemed to feel your distress and started to cry. Even as a baby, the little fellow looked like his dad. Upsetting, really. You wondered if Jake could ever have kept his promise to you. You thought it impossible with how much the boy resembled his biological dad.
“Will you kill him?” you asked.
Something dark flashed in Arthur’s eyes, but it was gone just as quickly. He pushed his glasses back on his nose with his thumb, then sat himself on the edge of his desk while he watched you carefully rock your child. You were trying to calm the baby down. It worked a little.
“Jake is taken care of,” he said, and you assumed he was forever gone. The man you helped escape, the man you had once promised your heart to, had been murdered by the man in whose house you now lived. And whose child you were now holding.  
You did not know that Jake had escaped Arthur’s clutches. And if Arthur had his way, you would never find out. He deliberately let you assume the worst. He did not need to lie to you. Your mind provided you with false answers that would only bring you closer to him again. He was certain of it.
Tears started to fall down your cheeks and Arthur tutted. He held out his arms, ready to collect you in an embrace. And having grown used to his touch and affection, you slowly stumbled over to his awaiting arms. The baby calmed down once he felt he was held by both his parents. And Arthur was smiling down at him, happy to hold you both.
“It is good to cry,” he murmured, lips against your hair while you cried against his shoulder. “Let out the tears, let out all the fear and tension. It’ll bring you relief.” You felt how he placed a gentle kiss on top of your head and how his embrace gently tightened.
He let you cry until the tears faded and held you through it all. His voice remained a gentle whisper, his touch light, despite the betrayal on your behalf. You had let Jake escape, and you knew that Arthur knew this now. Yet he did not grow angry.
There was only his smile. Gentle and soft. A glint of victory in his eyes.
“Sweetheart,” he murmured against your temple, lips brushing gently past your skin. “I forgive you.”
To you, it meant the world. To him, it was easy. He knew that Jake had lost and he had won. Jake hadn’t stolen you from him, despite having tried his hardest. And even if Jake wasn’t defeated, he would have a hard time getting his hands on Arthur’s little family. Because that day, when you had been knocked out and brought to the hospital, and he had looked upon your unconscious form, he had decided that Jake would never get his hands on your pretty form ever again.
And that decision, to claim you as his own, had been the best decision he had ever made.
You might have stolen his heart, but he had stolen you instead.  
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AN: Hope you enjoyed this twisted little villain x reader tale <3 Love myself a bit more Dr. Harrow content, so hit me up if you have suggestions or prompts.
For a sweeter version of Amnestic reader x Arthur Harrow : [ click here ]
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across-violet-skies · 7 months
Febuwhump day 19: "please don't"
Whumpee: Sky
Whump Rating: 4/10
TWs: nightmares, discussion of loss/fear of losing loved ones
Time hummed quietly to himself, glancing up at the moon every so often.
He was on second watch. Monsters rarely struck during a second watch, but nightmares did, especially with all the trauma this group had dealt with.
So when Time heard a soft whimper from the bedrolls, he wasn't too surprised.
He stood up, knee cracking as he did. His eye scanned over the usual suspects– Legend, Wild, and Warriors– but they all seemed to be sleeping peacefully.
“...Please don't,” Sky whispered, a note of terror held in his voice. The knight was still asleep, but he was twitching and mumbling with deeply furrowed brows. “No… please don’t hurt her…”
Time knelt down beside Sky, roughly shaking his shoulder. The Skyloftian woke with a gasp, immediately reaching for the Master Sword. Realization dawned on him quickly, however, and his arm slumped as he let out a relieved breath.
Time raised an eyebrow, tilting his head to tell Sky to follow. He led them both back to the small campfire, having Sky sit to calm down from his nightmare.
“Nightmare?” Time questioned, despite already knowing the answer.
Sky sighed, running a tired hand down his face. Like this, the knight looked much older than he actually was, purple eye bags exaggerated by the dim, flickering light of the campfire. “Yeah,” he finally murmured, nodding.
Time offered a grim smile, nodding at the Skyloftian. “Would you like to talk about it?”
“...It was about my adventure,” Sky began, frowning as he stared at the campfire. “Zelda– Sun– went missing. She… she was taken away, and I didn’t-” his voice broke. “-I didn’t know where she was, or if she was safe, or if she was even-” Sky cut himself off with a choked sob, clenching and unclenching his fists.
Time nodded solemnly. He despised that his boys had all gone through so much… and he knew more went unsaid. There were some things too difficult to talk about.
“I…” Sky sighed, hanging his head as he clasped his hands together. “I was so scared for her. Losing Sun… well, I don’t know what I would do. How could I live without her?”
Time hummed, glancing up at the moon briefly. “It would be difficult,” he agreed, turning his eye onto Sky. “But you would figure it out with time.”
Sky wrinkled his nose, shaking his head helplessly. “No, I… I could never move on without her. I love Sun.”
“Moving on and learning how to deal with it are two different things,” Time mused, lips pressed into a thin smile. “It would hurt, yes. But you can’t base your existence on another.”
Sky sighed, finally tilting his head up enough to make eye contact with Time. “...I guess. But it scares me.” He shook his head, frown deepening. “What if she disappears again? What if… what if I’m not fast enough?”
“Do you think it’ll happen again?”
The knight faltered, hesitating. “...No. I don’t. I think… at least for now, it’s over,” he spoke slowly. “But that fear… it just won’t go away.” He glanced away before returning eye contact. “How do you deal with it? Being away from her… not knowing what’s going on in her life… all of it.”
Time took a deep breath, resting his palms on his knees. “It gets easier,” he murmured. “The love doesn’t fade, but… you learn how to live separately.” He twisted the smooth wedding band, smiling fondly down at the piece of metal. “It makes the reunion all the more joyous.”
For the first time since waking up, Sky smiled. “You really love her.” He sighed, reaching around to hold his sailcloth. “You’re right. I just wish it wasn’t so hard for me to be away from her.”
Time chuckled. “You’re both young. It takes time.” He smiled knowingly. “Why don’t you write her a letter? It might help if you’re missing her.”
“I think I will,” Sky decided, standing up with a yawn and a stretch of his arms. “Tomorrow. I’m going back to bed.”
“Sleep well,” Time offered, nodding.
Sky smiled. “Thanks. And… thank you for talking to me about this.”
“Don’t mention it,” Time insisted, waving a hand. “We all look out for each other, stuff like this included. You can always talk to me.”
“I might take you up on that sometime,” Sky mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Goodnight, Old Man.”
“Goodnight, Sky.”
–> support me on ao3!
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"I need more training than anyone else…I'm not a strong knight by any means…"
"……Are you having fun with me? Why are you laughing….That was a serious question….You're an odd one…"
"I can't forget the vase I saw the other day. The shape, color, and texture….Everything about it was supreme."
"I can't think of anything to talk about…Can you pick a topic?"
"There are still things to protect."
"I have to become stronger."
"Your dedication and support of the Meisters is heartwarming to see. I am so glad that you were the one who landed the job as guild keeper."
"You make me feel strangely empowered…I want to protect everything with this power…I want to protect you too…"
"I do not wish to fight needlessly, however, I will continue to wield my sword if it is to protect you and my comrades."
"You have courage and a strong heart. As a fellow member of the Order, I look forward to working with you again in the future."
"I'm afraid my presence here will put a damper on the festive atmosphere. But, I will do my duty to the best of my ability."
"I want to protect your carefree smile."
"Watch your step when you get out of the carriage."
"Nobody is ever going to hurt you."
"Gather round, guardians of the moon. My friends will not be harmed."
"….No. I'm not angry. This is how I always am."
"If it's convenient for you, invite me again."
"I just finished my mission. I think I can take it easy for a little while."
"Are you not interested in hearing about my missions?"
"If that's not what you want to hear it's fine. I don't know what else to talk about."
"…..Why are you staring at me?"
"When I'm being watched, I feel uneasy…"
"Is there something you want me to do? I'm sorry, I'm not very good at guessing."
"You keep staring at my face, is there something funny about it?"
"When we were little, Emilio and I used to have staring contests. …I miss doing that."
"What's up? Did you just call for me?"
"No, I wasn't ignoring you…I was just waiting for you to tell me your request."
"You don't have to call me that many times. I heard you the first time."
"…Sorry. I don't know what you're looking for…"
"If you want someone to talk to, you should find someone else."
"I usually walk alone. It feels strange to walk with someone else like this."
"You're having a good time with me? How strange…"
"It's nice to spend time like this with you once in a while."
"After taking a break I always train twice as hard."
"How do I spend my time off? I read a lot of novels."
"When I have time off I try to keep up with my training. I'm still a work in progress."
"Hm…When I have time off I clean my room and polish my vases."
"Why are you asking me what I like to do with my free time? No, I'm not offended…I was just genuinely curious."
"You want to know more about me? ……..What an odd one."
"If you don't mind, I'd like to know what you do with your free time."
"Vases are great. You can see the life of the person who owned it, or the time period, just by looking at their shape and color."
"Vases…!? Yes, I like them a lot. They don't have to be expensive. I can spend all day looking at them…"
"You're talking about vases? You're interested in them too? That's…Nice to hear for a change."
"I'm sorry…I talked about vases for a long time…Was it boring?"
"You want to hear more…? Are you sure…?"
"Okay, then let's talk. I am particularly fond of this vase. It is hundreds of years old…"
"You want me to teach you self-defense? I feel like there's someone else who would be more qualified."
"If you encounter a dangerous situation, you should first consider running away."
"I'll play the role of the thug, you deal with me."
"When your arm is grabbed, you can easily escape by twisting your elbow like this."
"Okay, how would you react if someone grabbed you from behind like this? ….Why is your face getting red…?"
"Emma…? Why are you suddenly so quiet…?"
"I see you're working late…Don't work too hard, okay?"
"Are you having conversations with Emilio like this…? No, I'm not upset, I'm just curious."
"How many times have we gone out like this…?"
"Give me your hand, Emma. If we hold them together like this, I'm sure we won't lose each other."
"I really don't want to go home, but I probably should…"
"Spending time with you is so peaceful…I think I'm gonna let this time get the better of me."
"Why are you holding my hand…? No, it's not that I don't like it, I was simply surprised."
"Your hands are so small…They're likely to break if I apply too much pressure, so I'll be careful."
"I'm a little worried about hurting your hand."
"All I want is to protect you and my friends."
"It's strange…When you're next to me, I feel so peaceful."
"Do I look tired? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I'll be fine."
"Even when I don't speak, you seem to understand me."
"I want to protect you from all dangers."
"Rely on me whenever you are in pain."
"Are you cold? I can lend you my jacket."
"…You haven't let go of me this whole time. No…I don't mind."
"I feel like I'm keeping you to myself…It makes me feel a little guilty."
"I'm not good at talking, but when I'm with you I can't seem to keep my mouth shut."
"This sword was given to me by my father. It's called the Demon Sword, it cuts through all things."
"I want to use it to protect, not to hurt."
"Aren't you afraid of my sword? Everyone around here is afraid of it, but not you. You're an odd one.
"If I were Emilio I would be able to escort you effortlessly…But…"
"Your eyes look straight through me and never fear me…"
"You got me a gift for my birthday? It's a great honor."
(gift like) "This is my favorite…I'll accept it gratefully."
(gift normal) "The real pleasure of gift giving is that you get something you wouldn't choose for yourself."
(gift dislike) "I…Don't know what to do with something like this…But you gave it to me…So, thanks…"
"I was on a mission the other day and came across a shop and found this. Thought you might like it."
EMILIO : Cyrus, with me as the Sun Knight and you as the Moon Knight, let's make sure to fulfill our missions. CYRUS : Yes…I'll keep training so I can catch up to you, brother.
EMILIO : I'll pave the way! CYRUS : Emilio…Don't do anything rash
EMILIO : Cyrus, thanks for your help. CYRUS : Oh, uh….You too…
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Give Kaito essay (for the character meme)
Oh god, I’ll read more this because it’s gonna be a journey and that's also why it took so long gjdaslgk-
And the standard zexal and arc v spoilers warning message-
1. how long have i known about them A LONG time though it didn’t get to like he’s my whole world status until pandemic era-- MalindaChan did her cosplay for him back when I was still a certified Yugiboomer who entertained GX and 5DS because "lol abridged series jokes" and that’s when I first remember seeing his design? I tried watching Zexal briefly when it was actively airing but just couldn’t get far bc Boomer Brain ™, but I remember him being cool but the "Kaiba-likeness but not being Kaiba" Yugiboomer wall couldn't be overcome right away, I had to train my skills Then 2020 happened, I watched Vrains to understand Link Summoning, got SUCKED into it, and was like wow past me was dumb, ALL of the spinoffs are GREAT Zexal reached a hand back out to me when I was kinda struggling with the Vrains community and I'd decided to start writing more spinoff muses with some mutual friends and that's also when I realized I’d be subconsciously collecting Galaxy and Photon monsters since they’re pretty + space themed but also because they were inside of ALL of the Kaiba support sets(because DUH) so it was like,,, well, let’s try that again
Now I’m In Hell And It’s All His Fault Do you think I ENJOY playing Photon competitively? Well yes, but also NO. It means learning new decks is HARD because I can't look at dragons and knights in SPACE.
2. whether or not they’ve ever made me cry Moon duel? W,, what Moon duel,,, I don’t,,, remember any space dueling, ahaha, isn’t that another yugioh, the rush of the go,,,,,,, In all serious though, yes lmao The duel against Zexal when he tells you his reasoning for why he’s the Number Hunter and he looks so broken, that got a solid few tears The flashback of him trying to break Haruto out of the city got some tears  The duel with Chris is also really good show of his character at the root, the thing that gets him back to his feet is the moment Chris even considers Haruto as part of his suffering, g o d The moon duel of course. That’s. That one was brutal. Yeah. 
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
There’s a wall scroll behind my work desk that sneaks into my Zoom calls, there’s a canvas print he’s on that sits at my work desk, my ita bag has a handful of charms, pins, and buttons for him(still hunting for artists who draw him with merch wink wink)
I guess my Photon tcg deck counts? The tcg is just one big merch machine if you squint enough-
My Book of Moon themed binder is literally just all of my collector Photon and Galaxy/references to Kaito cards + a small page for Miza since Tachyon is a Galaxy Eyes
Do cosplays count? Because I’ve got all but his space suit basically done + his duel disk 
4. what about their personality i like How seriously he takes himself despite literally everything else about his character 
He’s often off to the side with his arms crossed, pouting or frowning, having the cool guy edge lord behavior But also he’s screaming in the rain, jumping through a window on a kite glider he made himself that also doubles as his robo-butler, flying to the whole ass moon because a rock told him to, and beefing 14 yr olds, he’s just a legend 
I also love that he's like... very clear about himself and on how you should treat him. He straight up says he's going to hell for what he's done and just continues to be there because that's how he'll atone because atonement isn't forgiveness, like he's not ours to forgive. Love him so much.
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional Honestly, most of it
Watching Kaito slowly lose his autonomy (his brother whose been his responsibility for what could be read as since birth, his father just becoming a figure head in his life versus an actual parent, Chris walking out on him with no closure until they duel, being watched by and trained under brutal conditions by the government, failed escape attempts, getting lied to and used, etc) and then knowing one of the people who he attributes half of that loss and suffering to is someone he never gets closure against is very hard to watch
Even in Arc V, he loses his entire family in a way that makes him cut ties with every single person left in a desolate city and hunt his enemies down one by one to pay them back for his suffering, and it happened before we finally actually get to see him or hear of him for the first time so god knows the details
He really just gets put through it time and time again, yugioh be nice to that onion challenge
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest there was no duel on the moon in yugioh zexal
But actually, Kaito dying is tragic for a few reasons
He was... ok with it happening-
He was killed off before the final duel and before he could reunite with Yuma and Ryouga again, and even though he came back as a spirit, it felt like a such a cop out
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest The pure look of joy on his face reuniting with his brother after they defeat Vector the first time, it’s so good The first time Prime Photon is summoned, goated, perfect, all boss monsters should be willed into existence like that But also Arc V, Kaito watching Dennis duel Yuya after everything with Zarc and clapping for him is so sweet omg
8. something about them that made me laugh HIS ONE LINERS, yugioh really gives the rivals the best solo lines I swear to god
Ok listen, dub and sun debate aside, I watched both because I’m a mess and need as much Kaito as I can get, but the dub has some heaters and Kaito’s got a few good ones, ESPECIALLY when he's talking to Mizael
The one to Shark, “You’re quite the romanticist”, who the fuck says that out loud to another person Kaito talking to Dennis is also a fever dream, the dub especially is so jarring, I love them
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs White coat with the gazer tattoo, you can never go wrong with the Photon coat Numeral Hunter is also based, I know that's not like HIS look in any show, but... I HC that would be his Vrains Avatar, he could go to Vrains very easily, Solflare is an exploitable card in his deck
10. my favorite moment with them in canon UUUUGGHHHH CHOOSING ONE IS HARD
Uhhh, episode wise Shark Hunter is prooobably my favorite(for obvious reason but besides those LOL) because it’s such a tone setter for who Kaito is and also I could listen to these two bicker all day long, we really didn’t get nearly enough of their side rivalry as opposed to like Kaiba and Joey or Takeru and Ryoken
And then the Moon Duel is like my second favorite duel in the whole franchise, only outclassed by Soba and Revo in Vrains, you really get to see just how strong he is because he's half blind, still actively dying by dueling, and gets his helmet cracked in the vacuum of space, and he's still able to win
Character moment, the duel against Chris comes to mind again because it shows a lot of Kaito to his core, but also Kaito hauling ASS to get Yuma to Astral world to reunite with Astral is iconic, Kaito's always ready to take the plunge when everyone else says not to because he just KNOWS he's right
11. my favorite relationship they have with another character sweats profusely, I said it above somewhere I think- removing shipping from the equation entirely, I REALLY like all of the bff / rival dynamics across all of the shows, I love how well done they are and I fully find them more interesting than the standard protag/rival ones, even with KaiRyo having like the least amount of time dedicated to theirs comparatively. Ryouga and Kaito being treated so similarly by the hands dealt to them to where they'd understand the other one like looking in a mirror and yet they cannot stand each other, I eat that shit up. But also knowing the other person so well that they don't even have to talk and also realizing that person is their one of their only option to success? Give me MORE of that I also really love the foil between Mizael and Kaito a lot, I REALLY wish it got the time it was rumored to get, guess I gotta do everything myself In Arc V, Kaito and Shun's dynamic is really good for the little bit we're allowed the time to see it, Shun being one of the only characters who actually goes back for him after leaving so abruptly between Arc V and Zexal... tugs on the heart strings I also love that Kaito took ONE look at Edo in the safe house and decided to speed run the enemies part of the enemies to lovers arc they were going to have, I wish they could have spoken in canon more, hell GX Edo and Zexal Kaito would also be such an interesting dymamic
12. what i like about the way the fandom portrays them Everyone drawing him like >:D all of the time, keep doing that The white lab coat look too? Like not the Photon one, like a standard white lab coat? Perfect, DO NOT change that
nsfw next but also just how everyone knows he's a bottom no matter which ship it is lmao
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them that no one talks about him except in “WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE RIVAL” polls fndhxjshxbs
I’m going insane in my thoughts alone over here, I need to convert everyone to watch Zexal
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them Ok here we can get heated for a bit because I’ve seen an argument somewhere that Kaito didn’t develop at all from season 1 to 2 of Zexal but he 100000% did and I honestly like how it's done
Season 1 Kaito was purposefully talking to the air Astral could be in to avoid even looking at Yuma because he thought so little of him despite how much clawing to get on the same level as him Yuma did
Season 2 Kaito is jumping in to keep Mizael from killing Yuma without a second thought, he's going to the arctic despite ALL of the protests to build the bridge to Astral
His development is subtle, but it's very there, not to mention he can now stomach being in the same room as Faker, gave Chris a second chance, his dying words to Yuma are all the more apparent how important Yuma became to him Like the ONLY person we should have seen an actual conversation touching on Kaito's actions with WAS Ryouga but... be honest, Ryouga's not accepting that from Kaito, they're both very much people of action and they established their bond through the snark and bickering, that's how they communicate Plus Kaito's also outward about not being a good person, telling Yuma he sold his soul to the devil, telling the gang in the first episodes of Zexal II he's already going to hell because that's what his guilty soul deserves Ryoken and Kaito would be SUCH an interesting duo, I'm just saying
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them Oh boy now here we go LOL
The duel against Mr Heartland. - This one's unbelievably bad for so many reasons, mostly because there’s no universe where Kaito struggles against Heartland of all people in a duel, but also this is the person who’s been THE symbol for most of his trauma and trials up until that point. There is no chance in hell he struggles, gets crippled by him, and has to have Yuma take over. That was and always should have been his duel to win, but Yugioh has the unfortunate "this is a story through the protag's eyes" shonen protag bug at its core (Yuma sweetie you’re lovely and wonderful, it’s literally not your fault) 
Arc V giving him literally no time for their version of Kaito to have a more satisfactory character arc because of how long and bad the Synchro Dimension/Friendship Cup arc was. Just another victim of the Synchro Arc, sighs. The dub also puts this weird and bad attempted joking line about how Kaito doesn't do family and like have you literally watched any of Zexal, you're the whole ass studio Kaito just doesn't feel very Kaito the same way in Arc V, it's very sad, lots of shit you know og Kaito wouldn't let fly that just goes by in Arc V, but different versions, dimensions, stories, etc etc, it's just such a whiplash coming from Zexal where he's just so much more
OCG Structures was a coward and didn’t want to play with dimensional physics because Kaito 110% could find a way into that timeline I haven't read the Zexal manga in full just yet because I wanna collect them all physically so that'll be later- And a little bit for the games since Konami wanted at least one of those to be canon thanks to Vrains world-
Cross Duel literally had you consider killing kids for him but honestly this one is more funny than infuriating, everyone's a worst version of themselves in Cross Duel agjdaslkgj Duel Links is usually pretty good, but since Kaito’s first launch event where he's hunting you down, he’s been very much more like an NPC for the Zexal world events, just seems weird to me, I'm sure that'll get thrown out once Chris' unlock event actually happens coming up here and when Miza gets added... then that digital world won't know WHAT to do
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adwiral · 2 years
The Gladiator
"Ascar..? Do you always look at me like that?" ━━━━━━ ❤ ━━━━━━
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━━━━━━ ❤ ━━━━━━ Oracle Of War Campaign Memories Events of a PC backstory in D&D, The men caught each others eyes; for a moment the two sat in silence after the blonde elves words. The taller man beside him looked shocked as he quickly coughed out -
"Forgive me Griffin, I guess I do sometimes on accident."
The long black haired former gladiator spoke to his friend; a man he saw as something of a little brother in some ways - but often found himself thinking of him in a way a little more. They had a bond that was unable to be broken, in some ways Ascar loved every moment. Griffin laughed, "Honestly, you're such a weirdo.." The Blonde leaned back against the grass beneath them and put his arms behind his head to use as a pillow as he stared up at the moon. "I know, but deep down I know that you enjoy my weirdness otherwise you wouldn't agree to join me every time I invite you out somewhere." Ascar laughed along with Griffin - "It's pretty huh?" He finally mentioned the sky as he leaned back against the grass beside Griffin. Griffin was a little shocked, turning onto his side to look at Ascar and smiled. "I do enjoy it, but yes, it's pretty." He explained before pausing to reach over and brush his hand along the 3 scratches across Ascar's face like he'd been struck by a beast. The scar long healed, and yet covered his face. "How did you get this?" Ascar shut his eyes to allow his friend to run his fingers along the scar across his face - "When I was still a gladiator, I fought an owlbear. It striked me across the face with it's claws." Griffin frowned as he watched the man's eyes reopen before him; "Did you win?" "Of course! I was a Gladiator, have you ever lost?" Ascar asked Griffin with a laugh. "No, but I've never fought an owlbear yet.. maybe one day, and maybe - with friends." Griffin smiled, "One of these days, I want to make friends that are more than men I fight in an arena that is based on competition." ━━━━━━ ❤ ━━━━━━
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"I hope you find those people." Ascar spoke as he got up and grabs Griffin's hand and lifts the elf from his back and held his hand as Ascar led the man through the forest nearby. Griffin groaned and stood up to follow, "Ascar..! Where are we going? Also, I expect you to be there when I fight it." Griffin laughed. Ascar continued walking; taking Griffin with him to a clearing in the forest. "To my favorite spot, come on." Ascar explained as they stopped there and Ascar moved to press his free hand to Griffin's head and pets his head like a loving man to another. "I hope to be there too, Griff.. Thank you." Griffin smiled, although pouting a bit and letting his head be petted. "Stop it... I'm not a child....." He paused, before looking away as red covered his cheeks and tips of his long tipped elf ears. "But.. you're welcome."
━━━━━━ ❤ ━━━━━━
Thanks for reading! These two are based on, my Fighter Elf, Eldrich Knight; Griffin and his totally not boyfriend Ascar; who is basically his best friend and who got him and gave him help into getting into being a Gladiator in the Oracle Of War Campaign I'm in.
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samingtonwilson · 2 years
Oh my god taal did you watch moon knight?? Thoughts??
Also I guess I only ever talk to you when I’m yelling or excited about stuff because my auto correct keeps changing your name to all caps lmfao
omg yes angel! i'd binged the first 5 episodes the weekend before episode 6 came out and i think i've made 3 separate people watch it so i've rewatched it each time with them lol
it's definitely my favorite mcu series (tied with wandavision if not edging it out a little). y'all know how i've always felt about oscar and how i feel about things based in grief and love. but kevin feige will catch me in the streets if there's no season 2.
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topknotstrunk · 9 months
Review Everything 39 - Blue Beetle
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Okay so I have very mixed feelings over this movie.
Let me just get the negatives out of the way. I am a George Lopez "hater". He's just one of those actors that I find to be really distracting because it seems like he never plays a character, he just plays himself in the world the movie takes place in. When he first showed up, with his mullet and his weird beard I said aloud to my Partner, "He's gonna be a distraction the whole movie." And while I was wrong on that, I still never really thought he disappeared into his role. Sorry Jaime, what was your uncle's name again? Pretty sure it was George Lopez?
On the plus side, he was balanced out by how silly the rest of the family is. So, at least in that aspect, he did blend into the rest of the movie well.
My second complaint is one that's a little more difficult to articulate.
At this point we, the American audience, are FLOODED with Super Hero media. If we only look at the stuff that's have come out since the MCU started and super hero media exploded onto the pop culture scene, we have like 33 movies from the MCU, 17 movies from DC, plus the what, 17 MCU shows, 50 animated DC movies, 10 DC cartoons, and 49 various animated things from shows to animated movies from Marvel. That's 167 super hero stories on the screen. Damn.
Most people who like super heroes, even if they only watch movies, or only watch cartoons, know how origin stories work. We've seen them over and over and over again. At this point, if you're going to introduce a new character you need their origin story to be really interesting. Two examples of this being done well, I think, are Spider-Verse and Moon Knight. Moon Knight has lots of room to stretch out the origin of its titular hero, and turn it into a sort of mystery based around how his powers affect his brain, very cool. Spider-Verse plays with the "yes we all know how Spider-Man works, we've had at lease five movies about this", giving us the story of how Migel's powers came to be and using that as a contrast to the story we all think we know. Then with each additional Spider-Person we may get a clifnotes version to how they came to be, or they may actively bat away the notion of bothering, because we know the basics. I fell like both of these approaches worked well for me, a super hero lover who is for sure experiencing the fatigue of being bombarded with super hero media for 15 fucking years.
I, personally, feel like, at this point in Super Hero movies, you either need to do something unique and interesting with how a character gets their powers or you need to speed through that part and get on to telling more interesting components of the stories. Unfortunately Blue Beetle failed to do either. They leaned really hard on what my SO called the Equal Opposites trope, or what I think of as the You But Evil Trope. It's actually called Evil Counterpart, but it's tired no matter what you call it.
Now all that being said, I want to get onto the good stuff. This movie lays good groundwork! We're introduced to the fact there there are other scarabs in the first few seconds of the movie and some cool color grading in the movie hints at who at least one of them might be. Like yes, the end of the movie just slaps a fuckin' Scarlet Scarab cameo in there, hinting at, "Hang on, a cool bad guy who doesn't look like a toaster's heating element gone evil is coming!" But the intro had what looked like more than the 3 or 4 there are in Young Justice. They also did a good job of endearing us not just to Jaime, but to his family and even to Jenny Kord, who I admit, I was disappointed wasn't a power suit lesbian. And man am I excited to see where the previous BB having a backup? Copy? Of his brain in his computer will go. Assuming we get a second movie, since DC isn't great about that.
The movie is really... Pretty, I guess is the word for it. It's very colorful, without the "gritty realism" filter on almost any of it. Absent are the muted tones I've come to expect from this genre, instead various scenes are spooky and purple colored for sneaky bad guys, lit in glorious bisexual lighting for scenes with conflicting emotions, sour raspberry blue dominates the... Beetle Cave? The movie is full of bright colors which makes it really stand out against most other live action movies from its genre! Also, having a main character played by a star who's already familiar with playing a character who's experienced with martial arts made for fewer cuts in fight scenes and more engaging combat. There was also lots of flowey, artsy, interesting camera work, with the camera often zooming around, through pipes, accessing odd places as if mounted on a drone. Again, dynamic, interesting.
Also, I was shocked at the pretty frank acknowledgement of things like racism and fascism in the move. I've seen other stuff in the genre make fascist bad guys, but for a character to yell about how their fascist government is, ya know, a fascist government? Refreshing! From what I've seen online plenty of folks fell well represented by Jaime, his family, and his culture, which is good to see.
I'm going to give this movie what feels like a fairly low rating considering the good parts of it, but please check out how my scoring system works to better understand the number score. Though this movie did a lot right in terms of visuals, and got a pass from me on a lot for getting a character I'm really fond of on the big screen at last, it was a fairly boring movie, mostly because it didn't do much new. Which, 15 years into an onslaught of getting pelted with super hero media, it did need to do to be a truly good movie. In Summary: Yay, a Blue Beetle movie that's colorful, keeps most of the fights engaging, lays out groundwork for expanding in the sequel, and does the character decent justice! Boo, casting big name actors who are a distraction, and not doing anything new or interesting with an origin story.
Overall: 6/10
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sungbeam · 1 year
To start off, phew, that pintrest post had me going DELULUUUUUUUU like jeez miss Molly Burford you def had some INSANE ideas/pos cause I read that whole thing like it was a small Changmin fic in and of itself and it just goes to show how strong literature can really be and how much emotion you can convey with just the smallest bit of writing like- *sobs*
Onto watch Hawkeye tho 😼🤭
I still go back to just watch the teaser cause it’s genuinely so cool to me and I just wished they did more with the concept cause it was such an interesting storyline BUT THE BE AWAKE/BE AWARE STORYLINE WAS ALSO PRETTY INTERESTING AND I CAN DO A FULL DISSERTATION ON IT I SWEAR LIKE, IN THIS ESSAY I WILL- 🤓☝️
But yeah I basically just started with tbz yet I somehow managed to get almost all the maverick album photocards so lowkey proud of myself, thanks mercari 🤭
And yeah with GOTG3 Floor was actually a bunny rabbit 😭 the way she moved like a spider freaked me TF out tho 💀 but yesss they were so cute and it just felt bad seeing them cause being experimented on was basically all that they knew and they were so happy to escape but then… yeah 😭
And LORDDDDD right when they were escaping and Floor started freaking tf out and kept repeating the same sentence was when I started sobbing RFYUTFJBJ FELT A LIL GOOFY DOING IT IN THE THEATRE BUT OH WELL
AND YES (omfg take a shot every time I say ‘and’ 💀) YOU’RE SO RIGHT ABT YOUR WRITING STYLE like I thought it was only me that thought your writing is almost cinematic?? Not bc of the scene or act titles or anything tho like I can’t really pinpoint how it feels cinematic but it does and I’m SO obsessed with it cause I usually imagine fics to play out as if I’m watching a movie [it’s smth I do with books too like I’ve always just had an insane imagination that I’m v v proud of (like thank you brain for giving me smth useful for once 🙄☝️/j)]
But yeah (take a shot every time I say ‘yeah’ 💀) your writing style just makes it way more easier for me to digest bc of my overactive imagination HEBUHDBRH
YAS I DO LOVE TXT AND BEOMGYU IS MY BIAS HEHEHE 🤭 Tae and Kai have been wrecking me fr tho PHEW but AHHH a lot of superhero aus typically don’t have the reader as a superhero so that’ll be super refreshing to see! :o
KEEP THE SUPERHERO AUS COMING THO CAUSE I *DO* LIVE FOR THEM unfortunately I haven’t seen moon knight, ms marvel, OR shangchi BUT THEY WILL BE ADDED TO THE LIST TRUST and phew superhero Kev with his white hair ARGH MAIN CHARACTER FR 😵‍💫
OH NAURRR THE CHANGMIN FIC TOO GOSH SOMEONE TAKE CHANGMIN AWAY FROM YOU CAUSE YOU *WILL* END UP DESTROYING MY HEART(/jk jk) but I can see it right now not even gonna lie like I’m kind of envisioning the almost nostalgic vibe of a late 90s-early 00’s anime (idk if the link will work cause I’m on mobile but kind of like this scene from Mysterious Girlfriend X https://images.app.goo.gl/Huz8NDfpAajF7iC37) like I always get that warm nostalgic vibe WHENIGND SORRY IF THAT’S NOT WHAT YOU WERE TALKING ABT AT A L L 💀
Also, confession time, I was also a CHRONIC ghost reader that would just like (mostly cause I didn’t know that reblogs actually mattered as much as likes-) but I have seen so so many amazing blogs disappear or go inactive due to the lack of reblogs, likes, feedback, or basically ANY interaction :( I’ve changed my ways now even though I’m still not sure if I’m doing my reblogs properly but I guess I didn’t realize how much feedback or reblogs actually matter to people until I saw how my OWN motivation improved when I receive feedback or praise. Especially when I’m struggling with my mental health, someone telling me that I did something right makes me feel SOOOOO much happier than a singular like does. So now I prefer sending anon asks to authors just so I can communicate how much I appreciate their work cause honestly if I was a writer then I’d love to hear what people would have to say abt my fics, no matter if the feedback is negative (as long as it’s constructive and not mean-) or positive, it’s still better than nothing. So I completely get you bro and I genuinely hope that more people come to the same realization that I did 😭🫶 like I promise guys, a little feedback goes a long way and helps more than you think it can!
- Love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow, 🌷 anon
plsss IKR kdnskdnkd ykw that's just what these men do to me 😔😌 make me so utterly irrevocably irredeemably delusional 🤩🤸‍♀️ i too JUST got into the boyz so ur not alone haha :')) i go into them just a couple months before roar era !! so like the standstill in btwn but yeah, the be awake concepts were SO FIRE 😩🤘🏻 i was so so so excited for it to come out and WE WERE NOT DISAPPOINTED IN THE SLIGHTEST !! (like we were w quantumania 😬) WAIT HELLO U HAVE ALL THE MAVERICK CARDS ALREADY???(@;@*@((@9@*#; WHAT SORCERY WKFJEKDM i didn't buy anything from maverick era but i did buy like a mystery pack of pcs someone was selling off instagram and got a couple pcs to start my section of them 😔😔 but i think after buying be awake im trying to not buy anymore of that stuff :'))))
NO CUZ THE WHOLE ROCKET BG STORYLINE WAS SO SAD SKXNSKDN I DIDNT EXPECT THAT I LITERALLY HATE THAT ITS SO SAD AND DARK LIKE??? im so glad my man rocket was SOLIDIFIED as an absolute genius now tho, that's so cool for him even tho it was bc of that wicked fkn high evolutionary trash 😭😭 floor's voice and actions and appearance combined were so scary PLS 💀 she's an absolute sweetheart but my goodness gracious, she will be someone's sleep paralysis demon—
OMG 🥺🥺🥺 BESTIE UR FEEDING INTO MY EGO SKCNKEMD i sometimes do write like im directing a scene instead of writing a fic/novel (´Д⊂ヽit's like a really bad habit cuz it doesn't allow me to flesh it out, but if u remember from the changmin fic otr, in the scene right after they confessed, changmin calls chanhee and it cuts right to yn's actions, and i was literally just imagining it as like a very abrupt scene break 2kfnskfjkdkd AND in that same fic and wavelength, in the cherry blossom quad scene at the end where changmin says "we never did get to finish that duet", i just imagine the scene ending with them looking at each other with the quad in the bg and the screen fades to black and he says the line OR it ends with like a close-up of how close their hands r to touching or smth— im telling u,,,, i literally think abt EVERYTHING as a movie sequence 😭😭😭 i could prob tell u what angle the proverbial camera is in for each scene 💀
i too used to be a chronic ghost reader 😭😭😭 i had an old account where i tried writing, but i never really interacted with ANYONE and i thought that reblogs were just for people who went above and beyond 😭😔 but then when i started gaining more traction on this new acct, i realized how much reblogs really did matter and how tumblr apparently does run on them 🤧🤧 but yeah, i do appreciate u coming into my ask box all the time !!! this and/or reblogging,,, i appreciate both VERY DEEPLY :'))
TULIP, U HAVE A WAY W WORDS (´Д⊂ヽ if that's a quote from somewhere else, we can pretend u came up w it 🤩🤸‍♀️ love u lots 💖 more than 3000
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cosplayingwitch · 2 years
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I posted 657 times in 2022
76 posts created (12%)
581 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 139 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 23 posts
#fan fiction - 16 posts
#loki x reader - 6 posts
#tag game - 5 posts
#loki - 4 posts
#tagged - 4 posts
#uquiz - 4 posts
#quiz - 4 posts
#reader insert - 3 posts
#reccomended - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#as in i met a couple people for lunch once or twice in a date like scenario but without it officially called a date
My Top Posts in 2022:
Not-really spoilers for Obi-Wan Kenobi ahead!
I love tiny Leia. She is as full of chaos and sass as grown Leia is. Well done, creators of Obi-Wan, well done. I think Carrie Fisher would be happy with this representation.
5 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
I kinda doubt it, but I have an idea if anyone wants a random writing prompt. I call it the "leftover valentine's candy challenge". I still have a box of smarties conversation heart things, so I could give you a prompt of a random candy or two drawn from the box.
So if you want to participate (which I doubt anyone will), let me know and I'll send you a picture of however many random candy quotes as you want. Obviously, you'd have to tag me in your finished story.
(I suspect this would be excellent for writing fluff.)
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6 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
What am I doing with my Saturday night? With a migraine and having had quite a bit of my energy taken up in helping my mom with her class reunion, I'll be catching up on Bridgerton.
(Yes, I am only tonight beginning season 2.)
Plus, because I do love period dramas, I will be going to see the new Downton Abbey movie in the morning.
6 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Anyone else watch Moon Knight and find themselves just enamored by Oscar Issac with an accent? Like, I knew I was attracted to him as Poe Dameron, but add a fucking accent and I'm head over fucking heels over here.
The show itself is cool, but I'll admit, this was one of the two reasons I even tried the show. (The other one being "it's marvel".)
13 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Three Drinks, Two Texts, and a Phone Number
Here we go! My first new fic since December! This is for @make-me-imagine 's 5th Anniversary Challenge
Pairing: Malcolm Bright x gn!reader (I reread it to double check, but if you spot any runaway pronouns please let me know)
Prompt: “Meet up for a blind date and getting along very well, only to realize halfway through you met up with the wrong person on accident.”
Length: just over 1200 words
Warnings: the reader does do a bit of drinking in this, and maybe mild language warning?
A/N: This is my first time writing in this fandom! I've wanted to write for this for awhile, but haven't gotten around to it. I also messed up with the prompt a bit, so that probably disqualifies me. But I wrote it anyway!
Three Drinks, Two Texts, and a Phone Number
You’d just gotten off work when your best friend called with an usual question.
“You’re single, right? Please tell me you are.”
“Ummm, yeah?” They’d been by your side after your most recent, and rather painful, breakup, so they had to have known this.
“And you still owe me for getting you an advance copy of that book?” You couldn’t lie, having a friend with a job at a bookstore had its perks.
“You’ve held that over my head since you did. Let me guess, you finally figured out how you want to cash in that favor?”
God, you hope it’s not something bad. Or illegal.
“You’re going on a date tomorrow night. Consider it a gift.”
“What?” You’re a little taken aback. “No.”
“You owe me. I’m not saying you have to marry the man, just go out with him. One date won’t kill you. Look at it this way, you’re getting a free meal out of this too.”
“If I do go, which is a big if, can I ask who I’m going on this date with?” You question, still a little hesitant.
“That would ruin the surprise, it’s called a blind date for a reason. And you are going, even if it means I have to drag you to the restaurant myself.” You knew she was being sarcastic, but something also told you that there was a bit of truth in that.
Eh, what the hell. Why not.
As you straighten your shirt, you can’t help but wonder if you’re overdressed for this.
“That’s nonsense. You’re still used to the work-from-home sweatpants. This is absolutely perfect for a date at a fancy restaurant.” Your best friend continued to babble over the video call, but nothing really stuck. You were busy being stuck in your own head.
The sound of your phone jolted you back into reality.
“Okay. I sent you the address of the restaurant. Remember, 6 PM. No later.”
You arrive at the restaurant a little early, choosing to wait in the lobby than take up a table before whoever your date was showed up.
But that was exactly the problem. He never seemed to show up. You waited until 7 before giving up and asking the hostess if there were any seats available at the bar. Sitting down, you checked your phone in case your friend texted you that something happened to your date.
No text. You managed to get stood up by a blind date. 
“Date gone bad?” The man to your left asked.
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46 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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rauchendesgnu · 2 years
Ok but consider this modern AU:
Jaskier wakes up one morning at a place he doesn‘t recognize without any recollection of how he came to be there. He‘s a little freaked out but maybe everything‘s fine, his cousin Ferrant is known to sleepwalk, so if he locks the front door and hides the key he should be fine. He goes about his day and then evening, and the next morning he‘s in his bed and his door is locked and everything is fine. It goes fine for a week.
Jaskier comes to his senses in the restrooms of a gas station with a fucking hole in his stomach and his body black and blue. He‘s kind of freaking out and blacks out again. The next time he wakes up, he‘s back in his room and his wounds are bandaged. There‘s seven missed calls on an unfamiliar phone on his night table which is ringing, waking him.
„You should take that call,“ a person sitting in a chair in the corner of a room.
The person on the other end calls him a Geralt, whatever the hell that is. Jaskier stammers something about the wrong number and hangs up. The person in the corner is gone.
He‘s got an awful couple of days, keeps falling asleep at work because he‘s afraid of going to bed at night. Essi and Valdo are worried (it‘s really bad when you know that Valdo is worried) but Jaskier doesn‘t know how to explain what‘s been happening to him without sounding like he‘s nuts..
And then he wakes up standing in a dark alley, covered in blood, dead bodies around him. And there‘s a voice in his head going Move. Now.
So Jaskier discovers that there‘s a ghost living in his head, taking over his body sometimes. He doesn‘t want to give up his body even though Geralt (that‘s the ghost‘s name) insists because what the fuck is this Geralt even doing when Jaskier is forced into a tiny little corner of his own mind?
So they bicker and they fight and Jaskier explains the underground and cars and electricity to Geralt and Geralt comments and complains about everything Jaskier does. Sometimes Geralt will try to get Jaskier to submit his body to him and then Jaskier will not speak with him for a day and Geralt will apologize and they move on. Jaskier tries not to sound like a lunatic when he‘s talking to the voice only he can hear (he almost loses it when Geralt looks at Valdo and calls him a witless, croaking, peacocking bastard).
And then Geralt gets the hang of television and starts watching the news. He calls it checking the notice board whatever that means and then he‘s trying to possess Jaskier‘s body again. And Jaskier fucking lets him when he explains what he‘s been doing (turns out Geralt is not the ghost of a serial killer, he‘s hunting monsters. Actual fucking monsters) under one condition.
„You‘re not going to put me where I‘ve been the other times. I‘m going to observe.“
No way.
„My body, my rules.“
Jaskier, I‘m trying to protect you.
„Take it or leave it, I don‘t care. If you want to hunt that… that bruxa or whatever, then you have to let me watch.“
And they go and Jaskier‘s body gets hurt and Geralt doesn‘t acknowledge Jaskier at all, despite how he patches the wounds up and drives them to the hospital. Jaskier apologizes but Geralt stays quiet.
After a week Jaskier fears that Geralt has left him. He tries not to think too much about how sad that thought makes him. He starts to feel lonely in his own mind.
He‘s watching a rerun of Frozen on TV when Geralt talks to him again.
There‘s someone you need to visit for me.
And that‘s how Jaskier meets Yennefer of Vengerberg who looks not older than 25, is apparently over 500 years old. Huh.
Jaskier keeps mediating between Yen and Geralt who very definitely had something going on that was interrupted by Geralt‘s untimely demise until they reach an understanding.
(Basically, Jaskier softening Geralt‘s barbs when Yen riles him up which results in Geralt becoming even angrier. But Jaskier knows the voice in his head well, so he translates and can come to the reason they‘re actually at Yennefer‘s.)
So, Yennefer is a sorceress and she can work on a way to extract Geralt‘s conscience from Jaskier‘s body. Jaskier pretends he isn‘t hurt by the fact that Geralt doesn‘t enjoy his company but Geralt‘s a grown man-ghost whatever, so he can make decisions on his own. So Jaskier lets Yennefer work on him and when he wakes up he feels strangely empty.
He thanks Yennefer and leaves, suddenly aware of how quiet everything is. He realizes that Geralt kept dark thoughts at bay, that he was a reassurance. Even if Jaskier was shit at throwing a punch, Geralt wasn‘t.
It takes another week before he realizes Yen didn‘t tell him what happens to Geralt when he doesn‘t have a host to possess. I‘m not sad, he tells his friends. He drinks a lot to get over a man he never even knew.
There‘s a knock on his door. It‘s in the middle of the night and Jaskier doesn‘t expect guests so he‘s surprised. He does open the door to find a man standing there, wringing his hands. He‘s got long white hair and yellow eyes. He looks mildly uncomfortable.
Neither speaks.
„I came here with a bus,“ the man says. „I still don‘t get why everyone uses them. What happened to horses?“
And Jaskier understands.
„Geralt,“ he whispers, „You came back.“
And finally, finally they hug and Jaskier buries his face in Geralt‘s shoulder and he listens to Geralt‘s breathing and the murmured words, „Of course I came back, Jask. You‘re my home.“
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